{"text":"On cessation of the injections, the retrocorneal membrane grew rapidly to involve the entire posterior cornea.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Median patient age was 52 years.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A whole brain irradiation was performed for 37.5Gy with a fraction size of 2.5Gy and gefitinib was replaced with erlotinib on the 5th day after radiation therapy commenced for disease progressing.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Complex biochemical syndrome of hypocalcemia and hypoparathyroidism during cytotoxic treatment of an infant with leukemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The fastidious organism grew only on buffered charcoal yeast extract agar and was confirmed as L. micdadei by gene sequence analysis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A patient who developed necrotizing pancreatitis after transcatheter arterial chemoembolization (TACE) for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is presented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Evidence of neurological improvement and rehabilitation potential after severe myelopathy due to intrathecal injection of doxorubicin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Diagnosis is often difficult and is typically only made in patients without another explanation for deteriorating renal function, and is often based solely on improvement after drug withdrawal.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An associated finding included a 2+ positive antinuclear antibody test with a titer of 1:320.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patients in the intensive care unit seldom have mechanical small-bowel obstruction, and obstruction due to medication bezoars is even less common.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: This observation suggests that IFN in combination with ribavirin may offer an effective therapeutic option for liver transplant patients with severe recurrent hepatitis C.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"NCSE has not previously been reported in LBD.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A less frequent side effect that is becoming more recognized is neurologic toxicity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The catheter had no blood return from either lumen for >1 month.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Our cases constitute the most severe cases of benzarone hepatotoxicity reported so far, and comprise the first cases of (sub)fulminant hepatitis and cirrhosis related to benzarone.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Cough has been encountered commonly after the administration of ACE inhibitors.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We discuss the limitations of conventional drug therapy and the lack of a sustained response to plasmapheresis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There was also an improvement of the mesenteric arterial flow patterns on Doppler studies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Especially in small prostates, care should be taken to avoid this condition.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe two patients who developed hypophosphatemia as a consequence of this form of therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A patient with disseminated herpes zoster developed a syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone and profound hyponatremia secondary to the administration of adenine arabinoside.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Both patients had received brief courses of spironolactone before arginine treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Dermatologic exam demonstrated a severe reduction of fat tissue.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Vitamin D toxicity complicating the treatment of senile, postmenopausal, and glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ulcerative proctitis in juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus after ibuprofen treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 27-year-old man who had a history of bronchial asthma, eosinophilic enteritis, and eosinophilic pneumonia presented with fever, skin eruptions, cervical lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, atypical lymphocytosis, and eosinophilia two weeks after receiving trimethoprim (TMP)-sulfamethoxazole (SMX) treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report the case of a patient who developed polyserositis (pericardial effusion, pleural effusion, and pericarditis) after being started on clozapine, and whose symptoms remitted upon discontinuation of clozapine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Traditional risk factor analysis and screening were performed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a 13 year-old male who developed life-threatening anaphylaxis early in the course of Increlex therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 14-year-old female developed systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)-like symptoms, rash, fever, leukopenia and positive anti-nuclear antibody (ANA) two weeks after administration of carbamazepine (CBZ; Tegretol) used against benign Rolandic epilepsy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"At the age of 12, a prematurely born boy with an otherwise unremarkable past medical history developed bilateral optic neuritis associated with transverse myelopathy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The case of a young woman suffering from multiple autoimmune-dysreactive disorders (including thyreoiditis, myasthenia gravis, thymectomy, Crohn's disease, and erythema nodosum), while undergoing steroideal therapy, was complicated by a severe infectious disorder (severe upper urinary tract infection).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Here, we present a case of sirolimus-associated interstitial pneumonitis in a cardiac transplant recipient that resolved completely with withdrawal of the drug and treatment with corticosteroids.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Three patients achieved undetectable HIV loads with enfuvirtide salvage regimens.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Extraskeletal tumoral calcifications (TC) may occur in patients with end-stage renal disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Periosteal infusion of bupivacaine\/morphine post sternal fracture: a new analgesic technique.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case culture-negative interface abscess following LASIK that was successfully treated with antibiotics and povidone iodine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Mycobacterium fortuitum bacteremia with granulomatous hepatitis complicating home cyclic parenteral nutrition through an indwelling Broviac catheter occurred in a 41-year-old woman.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Radiotherapy enhances the toxicity of aminoglutethimide.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Single case study.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ocular examination of both eyes revealed anterior subcapsular opacities of both lenses with the right eye being more severe than the left.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"To avoid hyperuricemia and an acute attack of gout after RFA therapy for HCC, early identification of patients at risk is warranted, such as those with a large tumor, rapid tumor growth, and renal insufficiency, and preventative measures should be considered.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Therapy was continued for 8 months or longer in 6 patients, none of whom developed life-threatening infections.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"If cancer and AAA coincide and curative chemotherapy is possible, a potential impact of chemotherapy on AAA expansion should be considered.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Antibiotic-associated colitis (pseudomembranous colitis) developed in four patients with spinal cord injury and taking oral trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"However, thereafter he suffered from serious infectious complications associated with immunosuppression and finally died 11 months after APOLT.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It carries a well-known risk of neutropenia and agranulocytosis, which necessitates the immediate discontinuation of clozapine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: There is very little published information regarding ofloxacin-induced toxic epidermal necrolysis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"However, two children responded to the series of injections of hydrocortisone but not to single doses of methylprednisolone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Severe hepatotoxicity related to benzarone: a report of three cases with two fatalities.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Excessive level of parathyroid hormone may induce the reduction of recombinant human erythropoietin effect on renal anemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Torsade de pointes represents a potential complication of chronic amiodarone therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"started having backache, fever and became operatively.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Black cohosh is one of the most popular herbal therapies for premenstrual discomfort, hot flushes and other climacteric and menopausal symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A dapsone hypersensitivity syndrome, consisting of fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, lymphadenopathy, hepatitis, hemolysis, leukopenia, and mononucleosis, has been described in patients treated with the drug for leprosy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a case of Stevens-Johnson syndrome\/toxic epidermal necrolysis (SJS\/TEN) secondary to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-Sx) therapy for presumed community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA) infection.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Healthcare providers and members of the public should be aware of the potential adverse effects of these remedies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Physicians should suspect pulmonary toxicity in patients with respiratory distress after gemcitabine chemotherapy, mainly in elderly patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Risperidone-induced psychosis and depression in a child with a mitochondrial disorder.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Toxic streptococcal syndrome is characterized by fever, shock, multiorgan system failure and a desquamating scarlatiniform rash.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Furthermore, inadequate control of hypertension may have been another cause of hemorrhage.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient developed infectious complications and died on hospital day 32.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Quinine and its isomer quinidine are well-known causes of iatrogenic hypoglycaemia, due to excessive insulin secretion.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Severe rhabdomyolysis developed within 5 hours after the injection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Therefore we recommend the less invasive approach first--urokinase therapy--to be followed by surgical intervention if thrombolysis is unsuccessful.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An uncommon manifestation of phototoxicity, photo-onycholysis results in the separation of the distal nail from the nail bed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Amphotericin B (AmB) is effective, but its use is limited by toxicity: renal impairment, anaemia, fever, malaise, and hypokalaemia are common.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Because of serious side effects of an increase in the QT interval causing torsades de pointes, dofetilide must be initiated with close monitoring of the QT interval in an inpatient setting.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 35-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital with the following complaints, headache, sweating, anxiety, dizziness, nausea, vomiting and severe hypertension.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three weeks later, diffusion abnormalities resolved, and T2-weighted studies showed increased signal intensity of prolonged T2 changes in areas of prior restricted diffusion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Antiphospholipid syndrome is an autoimmune disease that is characterised by tendency to thrombosis, obstetrical and hematological complications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Safety of nab-paclitaxel plus sunitinib: analysis of three cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Reduction of methylprednisolone dosage rather than insulin therapy resulted in better control of glycemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Symptoms resolved when systemic corticosteroids were administered.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Neurologic symptoms resolved after stopping CAP for 4 weeks in Patient A, with no recurrence after reinitiating CAP alone at 2000 mg\/m2.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To describe a series of patients with clinically significant lead poisoning.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Coronary thrombolysis is contraindicated in patients with transient cerebral ischemia and stroke, arterial hypertension, cerebral trauma, cerebral aneurysms, and arteriovenous malformations, because of the risk of cerebral hemorrhage.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He had received treatment with 400 mg of imatinib per day for 77 days, followed by dasatinib for 133 days.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Antimonial derivatives induced a rapid remission.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatment with sodium bicarbonate readily corrected a potentially life-threatening cardiac arrhythmia and is therefore suggested to be imperative in the treatment of these cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Total scaphoidectomy and appropriate antibiotic therapy eradicated the infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient was hospitalized and treated with a bolus as well as continuous infusion of intravenous magnesium sulfate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Despite significant improvement, extended plastic surgery was necessary for facial reconstruction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two years later, his treatment was switched to olanzapine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hyperosmolar hyperglycemic nonketotic coma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: The intravitreal application of triamcinolone acetonide as treatment of long-standing, therapy-resistant cystoid macular edema after penetrating keratoplasty is reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We conclude that while thrombocytopenia and schistocytosis can be seen in quinine-associated TTP\/HUS, the pathophysiology seems to be distinct from that seen in most cases of idiopathic TTP (i.e., severely decreased ADAMTS13 with an inhibitor).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The clinical course as well as the biochemical pattern and the investigation of liver biopsy specimens enabled us to establish the diagnoses of drug-induced canalicular and hepatocanalicular cholestasis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Importantly, this was the first time that information became available about the effects of tamoxifen in healthy women, that is, women who did not already have breast cancer.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 42-year-old male underwent a total hip arthroplasty under subarachnoid anaesthesia with intrathecal bupivacaine and diamorphine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Surgery to remove the remaining tumor was performed 19 days later.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Gastric mucosa hyperplasia is a rare cause of upper gastrointestinal obstruction in the neonatal period.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 69-year-old man with ulcerative colitis (UC) developed sensorimotor polyneuropathy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Subacromial impingement syndrome as a consequence of botulinum therapy to the upper trapezii: a case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient's pain was well controlled with 10 mg continuous release morphine p.o. three times daily, and 10 mg immediate release morphine p.o. for breakthrough pain as required.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He had been taking trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole for approximately eight days when he revisited his family physician, complaining of headaches, dizziness, difficulty with speech, weakness, and itching on the trunk of his body and legs, where a maculopapular rash was noted.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report the first case of acute renal failure with hyperkalemia associated with the recently marketed direct renin inhibitor aliskiren.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The possibility can be raised that M-CSF accelerated the underlying renal disease in this case through enhancing macrophage accumulation into the glomerulus, leading to the development of nephrotic syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Thus, olanzapine dose reduction may permit treatment continuation where this is clinically indicated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intravenous verapamil therapy in babies may cause apnea, hypotension, and bradycardia; continued episodes of atrial flutter in a child may cause sudden death; quinidine may be related to the death; children with \"familial seizure disorders\" may in fact have the long QT interval syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The neurotoxicity was associated with oculomotor disturbances expressed primarily as weakness of convergence and divergence.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case describes the complications and successful treatment of high-dose intrathecal morphine overdose.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The pupils were pinpoint.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hemostatic physiology involves a complex interlinking of blood and endothelial factors.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of torsade de pointes following a single oral dose of amiodarone (1400 mg or 30 mg kg-1) administered after short intravenous loading for prevention of paroxysmal atrial flutter.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Management of Graves' ophthalmopathy includes high-dose glucocorticoids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Bronchoscopic, cytologic, histopathologic, and virologic studies confirmed that necrotizing and exudative tracheobronchitis was due to herpes simplex virus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The blindness may have been a consequence of an immune reactivation inflammatory syndrome caused by this treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hepatic hyperechogenicity on ultrasonography and slight elevation of serum transaminases might erroneously lead to a diagnosis of hepatic steatosis without liver histology.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"SETTING: Gimbel Eye Centre, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After identification of the index patient, additional inquiry revealed that the patient's mother was hospitalized previously for overwhelming sepsis associated with metamizole use.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Cultures of the anterior chamber were positive for Candida glabrata.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pharmacokinetically induced benzodiazepine withdrawal.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The clinical manifestations of an anaphylactoid reaction are identical to true anaphylaxis; however, a previous exposure to the offending agent is not needed to manifest these symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Early ICP was elevated, >50 mm Hg, and continuous EEG monitoring showed isoelectric readings.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is suggested that high dosage corticosteroids may damage the posterior blood-ocular barrier.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Mexiletine hydrochloride was useful in preventing recurrences of torsades de pointes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It may or may not be accompanied by other features of toxicity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DATA EXTRACTION: Data from pertinent published sources were reviewed and abstracted.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An acute ischaemic event associated with the use of venlafaxine: a case report and proposed pathophysiological mechanisms.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: In these 3 cases, the unique positive ocular finding was corneal endothelial deposits, which may be related to the use of rifabutin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"All-trans-retinoic acid (ATRA) is considered the recommended induction treatment for acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"While the introduction of carmustine wafers (Gliadel wafers) into the tumor resection cavity has been shown to be a beneficial therapy for malignant glioma, it is recognized that clinically significant cerebral edema is a potential adverse effect.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient responded to aluminum chloride applied topically.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In addition to the therapeutic benefits, prospective monitoring of free SDC in two of the patients also may have resulted in cost savings secondary to reduced hospital stay or less use of Fab.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Antiretroviral-induced hepatic steatosis and lactic acidosis: case report and review of the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although few reports of side effects have been published complications such as priapism and fibrosis of the spongy tissue are of concern.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Progressive outer retinal necrosis presenting with isolated optic neuropathy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 14-year-old girl with newly diagnosed SLE developed a pruritic bullous eruption while on prednisone.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"To our knowledge, neither the association of SINS and ankylosing spondylitis nor vertical diplopia as its presenting complaint has been described.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These reports suggest the possibility that the risk of developing hyperglycemia and diabetic coma with this combination may be greater than when taking diuretics alone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"At 8 years 8 months of age, desensitization was attempted because of refractoriness of seizures to drugs other than phenytoin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rapid diagnosis may avert unnecessary changes in therapy to treat conditions which clinically mimic NEH.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of Stevens-Johnson syndrome\/toxic epidermal necrolysis (SJS\/TEN) secondary to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-Sx) therapy for presumed community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA) infection.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"It was possible to reproduce the disease by the intradermal injection of killed Group A streptococcal organisms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We administered SKT for a patient with thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) complaining of several resting symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Administration of excessive insulin induced hypoglycemia within 4 to 8 hours, followed by rebound hyperglycemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Rapid formation of Aspergillus mycetoma in a patient receiving corticosteroid treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hypoglycemia can be a serious side effect of etanercept in patients already on antidiabetic medications known to cause hypoglycemia, such as sulfonylureas, meglitinides, and insulin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Recent reports have shown that Decadron (dexamethasone; Merck Sharp & Dohme, West Point, Pa) has a significant antiemetic effect on cisplatin-induced vomiting.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Dystonia is a common manifestation in Wilson's disease (WD).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Iatrogenic vasculitis should be suspected when a patient with idiopathic vasculitis with one type of ANCA develops the other type of ANCA.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Nodular scleritis following alendronate therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"After 1 week of nefazodone therapy the patient experienced headache, confusion, and \"gray areas\" in her vision, without abnormal ophthalmologic findings.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"However, long-term PUVA therapy may cause several adverse effects including skin cancer, especially squamous cell carcinoma (SCC).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Bilateral Acanthamoeba keratitis in Synergeyes contact lens wear: clinical and confocal microscopy findings.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Atrial fibrillation after vardenafil therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Pentavalent antimonial drugs used for the treatment of leishmaniasis have been associated with sudden deaths, probably due to the development of ventricular tachyarrhythmias.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatment with r-HuEPO does improve the quality of life and ability to work of uremic patients and does not adversely affect their transplant potential.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Accutane a teratogenic prescription drug licensed to treat severe, recalcitrant nodular acne.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A mechanism for the efficacy of this treatment is discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Bupropion, a novel antidepressant, has been reported to produce fewer adverse effects than the tricyclic antidepressants.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The first patient showed a good response to olanzapine, but the RLS symptoms associated with olanzapine resulted in poor long-term compliance, eventually leading to frequent relapse of psychotic symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The present report examines the case of a patient with longstanding Crohn's disease who had never been treated with corticosteroids and who developed osteonecrosis of the talus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Optometrists should be familiar with this condition, its signs, symptoms and correct treatment protocol.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Specifically, after initiation of 500 mg MMF twice a day given in conjunction with the long-standing use of prednisone, which had been tapered to a dose of 10 mg daily, the patient's red blood cell count dropped by 17% over 7 weeks.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, 19 days after starting amiodarone, serum testing indicated a hypothyroid status that was not recognized clinically.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There is growing evidence that various organic solvents give rise to a parkinsonism syndrome with pyramidal features in susceptible individuals.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Systemic capillary leak syndrome after granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We present a patient with multiple intraoral ulcerations of the right buccal and alveolar mucosa that had previously been treated with nerve ablation therapy for trigeminal neuralgia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"To ensure safety and effectiveness, and to meet the requirements of accreditation agencies, hospitals should develop prescribing guidelines for IV opioid range orders and clear protocols for their implementation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Flurbiprofen-associated acute tubulointerstitial nephritis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient received only the ophthalmic sulfonamide, and it was used for one day, but he developed Stevens-Johnson syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"While the 2 patients without re-exposure to etanercept did not have further CD flares, the third patient flared 6 months after re-institution of etanercept in combination with azathioprine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In this brief report, we present case of successful cisplatin administration following two unsuccessful carboplatin desensitization attempts, and without the need for pre-treatment steroids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Initial measurements showed the patient was able to walk for one minute and 34 seconds on a treadmill (2 mph, 10% grade) before stopping because of claudication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After 4 months, the pain had almost entirely disappeared.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A diffuse intrahepatic metastasis of a carcinoid was treated with a loco-regional intraarterial chemotherapy via a catheter system implanted in the gastroduodenal artery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This report describes a male college student who experienced akinesia lasting almost 3 weeks following withdrawal from relatively brief, low-dose neuroleptic treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute abdomen due to endometriosis in a premenopausal woman taking tamoxifen.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to assess the efficacy of beta-blockade on clinically significant left ventricular outflow tract obstruction in premature infants treated with dexamethasone because of bronchopulmonary dysplasia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After mirtazapine therapy was discontinued, serum sodium concentrations normalized.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two patients with bipolar affective disorder and a history of bronchospastic phenomena experienced tremor during lithium carbonate therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Histopathology showed an increase in melanocyte numbers and melanogenesis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors also determined that their case of myositis developing in the rectus abdominus muscle of a patient with pancreatic adenocarcinoma was the manifestation of radiation recall, thereby bringing the number of patients who developed radiation recall to gemcitabine and were discussed in the current study to 13.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report the first case of fulminant adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) associated with pegylated interferon alpha-2a (pegIFNalpha-2a) and ribavirin use for hepatitis C, complicated by subsequent and ultimately fatal sepsis and multiorgan failure.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Since 1979, over 30 published case reports have documented the relationship between phenylpropanolamine and stroke.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Testicular teratoma with a unique mode of spread and spontaneous maturation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: A 56-year-old man with normal cardiac function received treatment with interferon alpha-2b for malignant melanoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patch testing to individual components revealed positive reactions to all ingredients except aloe.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is concluded that selective 5-HT4 agonists could be potentially useful to improve bladder emptying in micturition disorders associated with detrusor hypocontractility.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Definitive diagnosis was obtained after a mean period of 4.5 weeks (range, 12 days-8 weeks) from onset.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Central nervous system effects secondary to ciprofloxacin treatment are uncommon and usually consist only of minor dizziness or mild headache, although rare occurrences of seizures and hallucinations have been reported.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 55-yr-old man developed prolonged jaundice and sicca complex after a course of thiabendazole therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Mycobacterium bovis dissemination (BCG strain) among immunodeficient Brazilian infants.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a woman with relapsed cutaneous follicular centre B-cell lymphoma and secondary lymph-node involvement treated with rituximab alone, which induced a complete remission.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clonidine-induced bradycardia in patients with spinal cord injury.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 7-year-old with congenital toxoplasmosis who took pyrimethamine and sulfadiazine for reactivated chorioretinitis developed fever, severe cutaneous involvement, swelling, abdominal pain and transaminitis, persisting weeks after withholding medicines.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Environmental agents have long been thought to be linked to the development of malignancies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, recently we were confronted with two cases within 1 month.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CLINICAL FEATURES: A 34-yr-old man with long-standing insulin dependent diabetes mellitus underwent a total proctocolectomy for inflammatory bowel disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In more than half of the cases there was evidence of prolonged elimination t1\/2 or rebound of a serum concentration during the elimination phase corresponding to either an additional compartment or enterohepatic circulation of 6MP.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Since this reaction was not present on the original aspiration cytology slides, the chemotherapy treatment must have induced this reaction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There have been conflicting reports as to whether clozapine, an atypical antipsychotic, will suppress symptoms of tardive dyskinesia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Drug induced acute parotitis is a very uncommon complication reported with a few drugs only.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Severe tardive dystonia: treatment with continuous intrathecal baclofen administration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We conclude that, though rare, E. avium can be pathogenic in humans and that E. avium bacteremia is associated with gastrointestinal abnormalities.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two hours after a documented overdosage of more than 100 tablets oxcarbazepine, the serum level of the parent compound was 10-fold higher than the therapeutic dosage (31.6 mg l(-1)).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In addition to PIA1 platelet antibodies, this patient had an associated anamnestic recall of multispecific red cell and lymphocytotoxic antibodies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The severity of the haemorrhagic diathesis prompted us to describe the case in order to draw the attention of medical personnel to the dangerous potentiation effects of different drugs administered with vitamin K antagonists.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Approximately 1 year after symptom onset he developed mild seropositive oculobulbar myasthenia gravis, which spontaneously remitted after 5 months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura during penicillamine therapy in rheumatoid arthritis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This potentially fatal complication is difficult to treat and should be widely known.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Early-onset pentamidine-associated second-degree heart block and sinus bradycardia: case report and review of the literature.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The clinical picture was identical to that of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine maculopathy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"She had, in July 1977, severe claudication of the lower extremities.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Suppression of endogenous cortisol production and replacement with more physiologic concentrations of glucocorticoid were associated with clinical improvement and appeared to contribute to her recovery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She developed a wide complex dysrhythmia which responded to sodium bicarbonate therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A senile patient showed a dramatic recovery from medication-resistant depression after non-convulsive electroshock therapy (nc-EST), with a lasting change in response to trazodone, which mainly acts as a serotonin re-uptake inhibitor.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Verapamil, a class IV anti-arrhythmic drug that blocks voltage-dependent calcium channels in cardiac and smooth muscle, also has effects on presynaptic and postsynaptic voltage-dependent calcium channels at the neuromuscular junction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thyroid dysfunction has been reported in patients with malignant disease treated with recombinant alpha interferon.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Extensive noncardiogenic pulmonary edema.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We review the literature on previously reported cases of cutaneous necrosis after injection of standard interferon alfa or pegylated interferon alfa-2b and discuss the different pathophysiologic mechanisms that might be involved.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Hepatic reactions to cyclofenil.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Bilateral subthalamic nucleus stimulation results in reversal of alopecia in Parkinson's disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These in vitro findings and clinical course suggest that TRAb\/TBII without thyroid-stimulating activity may develop in patients with amiodarone-induced destructive thyroiditis, as reported in patients with destructive thyroiditis, such as subacute and silent thyroiditis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report the first case of an acute flare of eosinophilic cystitis in a 51-year-old woman after bladder instillation with dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) for presumed interstitial cystitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We describe such a case who responded to chemotherapy and not to low doses of corticosteroids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This \"fibroelastic form\" would represent the acute or subacute phase of constriction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Disseminated toxoplasmosis with pulmonary involvement after heart transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The findings were judged to be consistent with soft-tissue injury associated with intravenous administration of phenytoin, also termed purple glove syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Color Doppler imaging of the thyroid gland in a fetus with congenital goiter: a case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The infiltrates did not affect the refractive outcome of the surgery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the outcomes of two pregnancies with first trimester disulfiram exposure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Seven months after undergoing a syngeneic PBSC transplant for AML, our patient presented with fever without localizing signs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In conclusion that immunocompromised patients with impaired cellular and humoral immunity are at risk for the development of opportunistic infections and hematologic abnormalities.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report three patients with transformed migraine, previously refractory to a wide variety of traditional preventive pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic interventions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Multiple cytotoxic drug administration is the generally accepted treatment of patients with a high-risk stage of choriocarcinoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of senna-induced cholestatic hepatitis which was not diagnosed at presentation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"However, we cannot exclude a primitive effect of erythropoietin on the endothelium or on the platelets.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"No flares were observed either in clinical symptoms or in laboratory examinations during pregnancy or after delivery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) targets rapidly dividing cancer cell populations.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Tetracycline and benign intracranial hypertension: report of five cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He recovered completely after lamivudine therapy was started, but this severe adverse event could have been prevented if screening for HBV and pre-emptive therapy with lamivudine would have been started prior to infliximab.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Provocation of non-convulsive status epilepticus by tiagabine in three adolescent patients.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We describe a heart transplant patient who presented with a large right-sided chest wall mass as a manifestation of disseminated histoplasmosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Five of 157 (3.2%) patients with small cell carcinoma were clinically diagnosed as having the ectopic ACTH syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Six days after starting acyclovir she exhibited signs of lithium toxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Two of the five patients who worsened motorically also developed encephalopathy during risperidone treatment; the encephalopathy resolved when the patients were switched to clozapine treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We present a case of a sustained monomorphic ventricular tachycardia following adenosine infusion.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The signs and symptoms were similar to those seen with systemic use of the drug for other ailments.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pleural and broncheoalveolar fluid analyses (BAL) showed eosinophils.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We identified NAT2*6\/*7 in one patient, and NAT2*6\/*5 in the other, suggesting that both were slow acetylator phenotypes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBSERVATIONS: In both patients, at the time of the visual disturbances, macular edema was clearly observed by OCT.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The association between choroidal neovascularization (CNV) and retinal vein occlusive disease is uncommon.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This is not a controlled study but an anecdotal experience that resulted in improved outcomes in a patient with multiple allergies, including iron dextran.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Physicians should be aware of the risk of severe AIHA in CLL patients with a history of AIHA or positivation of the DAT during previous fludarabine administration, or in case of secondary fixation of complement to the red cell membrane occurring during fludarabine treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a 34-year-old man with a history of nodular lymphocyte-predominant Hodgkin lymphoma (NLPHL), treated with different chemotherapy regimens, including anthracyclines and Rituximab.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The areas under the curve for theophylline alone and theophylline with zafirlukast were 29.3 and 197 (mg x h)\/L, respectively.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All patients except two had new recurrences within the observation time.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Corticosteroids were found to worsen and prolong the course of disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On hospital day 47 (day 45 of nesiritide therapy), the patient received an 18-fold overdose of nesiritide, with no hemodynamic, cardiac, or renal sequelae.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Resting motor threshold (RMT), active motor threshold (AMT), MEP size, intracortical inhibition (ICI) and intracortical facilitation (ICF) were tested during and after suspension of hormonal therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODOLOGY: A case series of nine patients with lead poisoning who required inpatient management, identified through a Clinical Toxicology Service.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"INTRODUCTION: Although gefitinib used for the treatment of non-small-cell lung cancer is a well-known cause of interstitial lung disease (ILD), few case reports on erlotinib-induced ILD have been issued.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Fulminant hepatitis and lymphocyte sensitization due to propylthiouracil.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Paradoxical pulmonary vasoconstriction induced by nitroglycerin in idiopathic pulmonary hypertension.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Thirty-four thousand one hundred eighty-one patients with computerized ECGs were screened for QTc prolongation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: A 54-year-old healthy male underwent uneventful bilateral LASIK for the correction of myopia and astigmatism (-5.75 -3.00 x 20 degrees right eye, -5.50 -3.00 x 170 degrees left eye).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a 73-year-old woman who developed serious systemic vasculitis with associated thrombocytopenia in the course of treatment with cladribine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Adult patients with transfusional hemosiderosis were given ascorbic acid and treated with the iron chelator, desferrioxamine B.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A recent consensus suggested that endoscopic injection of tissue glue for gastric variceal obliteration (GVO) should be the first choice for treatment of acute gastric variceal bleeding.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Within the past 10 years, 47 cases of BC infection have been published.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Peripheral neuropathy associated with capecitabine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Vincristine induced cranial polyneuropathy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The more common grade 3 or 4 adverse effects of sunitinib include hypertension, fatigue, hand-foot syndrome, elevated lipase and lymphopenia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: We report two cases of lost seizure control associated with the generic substitution of carbamazepine, review pertinent literature, and discuss the impact of this substitution on patient care.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe three patients who had been exposed to various solvents for more than 20 years (25, 34, and 46 years).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Diclofenac and increasing doses of opioids did not give adequate pain relief and led to opioid toxicity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report here a 34-year-old woman with complicated severe opportunistic pulmonary infection, who was treated with the newly developed antibiotics quinupristin\/dalfopristin (QPR\/DPR) and voriconazole.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a patient with recurrent, increasingly severe episodes of PPE, ultimately complicated by a severe bullous eruption, following successive cycles of high-dose cytarabine for the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"After the moxifloxacin was stopped, the corrected QT interval normalized and a permanent cardiac pacemaker was implanted.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An effective schema for the treatment of tardive dyskinesia includes avoiding antiparkinsonian medication and prescribing deanol, an acetylcholine precursor, while continuing or increasing phenothiazine dosages.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Bacteriological culture of the removed graft identified Escherichia coli and Peptostreptococcus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He underwent liver biopsy and biochemical screening to evaluate whether he would benefit from interferon (IFN) treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 7-year-old boy developed a severe unilateral grand mal seizure at the age of 5 years (phenobarbitone therapy); 1.5 years later valproate (2-propylpentanoic acid, VPA) was added to the therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The challenge case showed eosinophilia with 1.2 10(9)\/l (z = 1.79, p = 0.04) being followed by normalization despite clozapine continuation, whereas the maximum value reached 2.1 10(9)\/l in the single episode case, with consecutive normalization and uninterrupted treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Despite a response of the meningeal tumor the patient developed in the third week of MTX treatment a progressive visual loss and loss of consciousness which worsened during subsequent Ara-C treatment and led to death within 3 weeks.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"However, peripheral and cerebral embolism occurred.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"To the best of our knowledge, this is the first reported patient with captopril-induced pemphigus in whom no new lesions developed after subsequent treatment with enalapril.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Further research and better communication among health care professionals are needed to determine if prophylaxis can reduce adverse ocular events.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Chronic fentanyl application induces adrenocortical insufficiency.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Clinical and histological information on three additional patients seen at two institutions (Rochester Methodist Hospital, Rochester, MN, and Fairview-University Medical Center, Minneapolis, MN) by the authors were also compiled.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"EBV-associated post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder (PTLD) is a well-recognized complication following solid organ transplantation and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) using bone marrow or peripheral blood as stem cell sources, but rarely reported in umbilical cord blood transplantation (UCBT).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The tyrosine kinase activity and its effects represent a potential pharmacologic target of tyrosine kinase inhibitors, such as imatinib.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: A retrospective case series and chart review of all patients treated in our tertiary care private practice for late-onset interface inflammation associated with elevated intraocular pressure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"As a result of this and other evidence, the investigation of the adoptive parents was terminated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 57-year-old male, known admitted for below knee amputation, with infection and gangrene of the left foot.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An 18-year-old male patient was under treatment with infliximab at a dose of 5 mg\/kg at Weeks 0, 2 and 6 for refractory Crohn's disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Dental management for head and neck cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy: comprehensive patient based planning--a case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This is our first well-documented observation of persistent cutaneous anesthesia caused by a spider bite.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of a 65-year-old man suffering from a dilatative cardiomyopathy and concomitant MRSA infection who received a biventricular assist device.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Antipsychotic medications have been associated with significant cardiovascular adverse effects and instances of sudden cardiac death.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 54-year-old female was admitted to our hospital for gingival bleeding and was diagnosed as acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"MI related to the use of activated and non-activated PCCs predominantly affects young patients who often have no preceding history of, or risk factors for, MI and tends to be associated with large cumulative doses of concentrate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Differential diagnosis and theories regarding the development of these neuroleptic-induced disorders are reviewed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Atypical haemolytic uraemic syndrome as a complication of induction chemotherapy for acute lymphoblastic leukaemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient improved with vancomycin and high-dose ampicillin therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Following recovery, the parathyroid glands were shown to respond normally to a phosphate load.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Current dosing guidelines for intravenous azithromycin can result in much higher serum concentrations than is seen with oral administration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In rare cases mitomycin C (MMC) may induce cancer-associated hemolytic uremic syndrome, which is characterized by hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia and progressive renal failure.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Toxicity is usually limited to anticholinergic symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute and transient ST segment elevation during bacterial shock in seven patients without apparent heart disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An unusual complication of immunosuppression in myasthenia gravis: progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Both patients experienced problems due to side effects from the anti-MAC regimen and from an immune-reconstitution syndrome related to HAART.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One year subsequently, he developed a nasal septal perforation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After 39 hours on argatroban, the infusion was stopped when minor bleeding was observed with a concurrent activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) of 100 seconds.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The valid risk factor for developing retinopathy is hypertension.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient's disease involved the palate, nose and sinuses, and had been unresponsive to conventional therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Anxiety dreams and night terrors have been reported as complications of single-dose bedtime administration of both tricyclic antidepressants and neuroleptics.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Exclusion of other causes strengthened this conclusion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Like other atypical neuroleptics olanzapine is considered to show a reduced prevalence of extrapyramidal side effects when compared to classical neuroleptic drugs.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Herbal products have been associated with a wide spectrum of hepatic toxicities.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intravenous hydration with normal saline was initiated as the patient had normal kidney function, and urinary output was monitored.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report here a case of TEN after administration of ciprofloxacin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"With a follow-up duration of 3-4 months, we observed no toxicities outside of well-known side effects including some degree of myelosuppression and fluid retention.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fluorescein angiography demonstrated multiple leakage points; indocyanine green angiography disclosed large hyperfluorescent patches in the choroid and OCT demonstrated retinal detachment with dense subretinal deposits.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intra-articular glucocorticoid injection: an unusual cause of transient hypophosphataemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: The rapid resolution of this patient's symptoms after discontinuing propafenone therapy and the absence of recurrence lend credence to the probability of this effect.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of a male infertility patient with asthenozoospermia during long-term treatment with anti-epileptic drugs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Since propylthiouracil is an equally effective antithyroid agent and has not been associated with ACC, it is the preferred thioamide for hyperthyroidism during pregnancy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Approximately 2 weeks after surgery, the patient was referred to Stanford University, with 20\/400 visual acuity in the left eye and a stromal infiltrate posterior to the flap.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Vancomycin was changed to teicoplanin and the agranulocytosis resolved 4 days later.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of Graves' hyperthyroidism induced by long-term interferon (IFN) therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Treatment of cerebrospinal fluid and syringosubarachnoid shunt infection with systemic and intrathecal antibiotics.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present a series of cases of phenytoin toxicity where the diagnosis was initially missed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two case reports and data from literature on the subject are used by the authors to describe characteristics of pathogenetic importance of neuroleptic induced stupor (NIS).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DISCUSSION: Drug hypersensitivity reactions are the most common cause of AIN.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After a six-week course of low-dose cyclosporine A, she developed a severe but reversible loss of glomerular filtration rate and effective renal plasma flow despite of low cyclosporine A plasma levels.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A second opinion concurred.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She died of fungal pneumonia 30 days later.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two children, 1 with idiopathic nephrotic syndrome and 1 with endo-extracapillary glomerulonephritis, presented an episode of seizures and transient blindness at different times after i.v. pulse methylprednisolone (IVPMP) treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 74-year-old hypercholestrerolaemic woman taking cerivastatin (0.15 mg\/day) for 22 days complained of general muscle weakness and muscle pain.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DISCUSSION: To our knowledge this is the first reported case of tuberculous uveitis following treatment with etanercept.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a case of interstitial pulmonary disease that occurred together with lymphocytic colitis during treatment with ticlopidine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The response to intravenous corticosteroids was dramatic, but lesions recurred after their withdrawal.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Such agents include anthracyclines, taxanes and capecitabine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, there are few reports in the literature of ampicillin as a cause of acute interstitial nephritis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Pathogenic mechanisms for the development of pseudomembranous colitis and the epidemiology of this condition in patients with AIDS are discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Early symptoms included fever, malaise, and vague gastrointestinal symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Postoperative analgesia was withheld secondary to intermittent oxygen desaturation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute myeloid leukaemia was diagnosed 4 and 5 years after G-CSF mobilisation in two donors who underwent peripheral blood stem cell donation for sibling allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Symptoms and pathologic changes of colitis are associated with exposure to rofecoxib.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Ten months after discontinuing tamoxifen, she underwent exploratory laparotomy for a right adnexal mass suspected as ovarian malignancy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 10-year-old boy with osteosarcoma and normal renal function manifested laboratory evidence of impending renal toxicity and extreme elevation of aspartate aminotrasferase and alanine aminotransferase within 2 hours after the completion of a 4-hour infusion of high-dose methotrexate (MTX) (12 g\/m2), and went on to develop acute renal failure with life-threatening hyperkalemia 29 hours later.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Piloerection induced by replacing fluvoxamine with milnacipran.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Though hypotension, dry mouth, and constipation are well-documented possible adverse effects, the possibility of clonidine-induced bradycardia is less well recognized and is rare.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Three patients, in whom tumour overkill by cytotoxic treatment, including high dose methotrexate with folinic acid rescue, resulted in the 'phosphate shower syndrome' (hyper-uricaemia, hyperkalaemia and hyperphosphataemia with hypocalcaemia and tetany, with metabolic acidosis and acute renal impairment) are described.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"All patients received infliximab.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A patient with psoriasis is described who had an abnormal response to the glucose tolerance test without other evidence of diabetes and then developed postprandial hyperglycemia and glycosuria during a period of topical administration of a corticosteroid cream, halcinonide cream 0.1%, under occlusion.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient's lymphocytes showed no proliferative response to zomepirac.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"MATERIALS AND METHODS: The clinical stage according to the Japanese Classification of Esophageal Cancer 7th ed. was stage III in 2 cases and stage IVa in 1.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In the Perugia Consensus Conference it was decided that the recommended antiemetic regimen in the prevention of acute emesis induced by a single high, low and repeated doses of cisplatin is a serotonin receptor antagonist plus dexamethasone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In this paper, we report a case of 3 years-old boy who developed acute onset tetraparesia following a viral respiratory infecction and hepatitis B vaccination.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Discontinuation of linezolid and a short course of prednisone led to rapid improvement of renal function.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Mutation analyses were performed by the John F.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"STUDY DESIGN: Case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Central pontine myelinolysis manifested by temporary blindness: a possible complication of lithium toxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"WE is usually associated with alcoholism and malnutrition.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Henna (Lawsonia inermis Linn.) induced haemolytic anaemia in siblings.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The profound hyperkalemia that occurred in these two patients is thought to be the result of an inability to metabolize the administered arginine and excrete the excess extracellular potassium.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An infant girl with choanal atresia, athelia, minor anomalies, and mild to moderate mental retardation was born to a woman treated for hyperthyroidism throughout pregnancy with methimazole and propranolol.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The day after clozapine was stopped, while he was still receiving clomipramine 150 mg\/d, he began behaving oddly, started sweating profusely, shivering, and became tremulous, agitated, and confused.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The withdrawal of MMI and early treatment with 5 microg\/kg per day recombinant human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) for 9 days, allowed a favorable recovery of peripheral blood cell count.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These two cases highlight the importance of considering lopinavir\/ritonavir induced arrhythmias when dealing with HIV-positive individuals.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Clinical and morphological features of gold neuropathy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Rituximab, a humanized monoclonal antibody approved for malignant lymphoma, is being increasingly, effectively, and safely used for immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) and other humoral autoimmune disorders.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Mercury is considered a weak sensitiser and contact with mercury salts such as chloride or ammonium chloride may cause hypersensitivity leading to contact dermatitis or Coomb's Type IV hypersensitivity reactions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In this case report we describe the occurrence of oral lichen planus-like lesions as the first manifestation of chronic GVHD (c-GVHD) and the subsequent management of this disease with topical tacrolimus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Iron was absent.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pseudomonas spp. are of increasing importance in human immunodeficiency virus-infected children causing significant morbidity and increased hospitalization.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Nocardial brain abscess is a rare but severe complication in patients with malignancy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The liver abscess had resolved almost completely on ultrasonography after 2 weeks of therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On this regimen, four of the five patients studied were able to excrete significant amounts of iron (greater than 35 mg\/da) when receiving a daily desferrioxamine dose of 1.5 to 2.2 g.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Liver function continued to deteriorate, and the patient underwent liver transplantation 17 days after admission.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Granulocytopenia and agranulocytosis are considered among the most dangerous adverse effects of clozapine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"DISCUSSION: This case shows that a clinically significant interaction between bosentan and warfarin may exist.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 62-year-old woman treated with pranlukast for 2 months developed interstitial pneumonitis with a high fever.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"METHOD: The authors followed a patient with chronic HCV who received interferon and ribavirin and who developed hallucinations ultimately requiring psychiatric hospitalization.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The association of malignant mesothelioma with lymphoma is rare, and the possibility of asbestos exposure as a common etiology is discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Neuroleptic malignant syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In 3 of the 5 patients (60%) at 12 months after treatment, plasma cell dyscrasias could not be detected.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Atrioventricular block complicating amiodarone-induced hypothyroidism in a patient with pre-excitation and rate-dependent bilateral bundle branch block.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"3. Multiple myeloma and Hodgkin's disease, both of which commonly have good responses to chemotherapy, predominate as the underlying diseases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In contrast to chronic or subacute thyroiditis, Graves' disease rarely complicates IFN-alpha therapy for chronic viral C hepatitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"(or=36 is pathogenic).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Report of four cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"While most physicians are aware of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia and skin necrosis, the association of heparin and hyperkalemia is less well recognized.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Her laboratory findings were as follows: platelet count 1000\/ mm3 hematocrit 39%, WBC 7300\/mm3 and RBC 466 x 10(4)\/mm3.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"From 1996 to 2002 several medications were changed due to their adverse effects: indinavir (renal colic and fever), nelfinavir (cutaneous rash), and efavirenz (nausea and temporary memory loss).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Both infants initially responded well to medical therapy for narcotic withdrawal, but at 7-14 days of age, withdrawal symptoms intensified, requiring an increase in the dosages of Paregoric (UDL Laboratories, Rockford, IL) and opium tincture in both infants and the addition of phenobarbital therapy in one infant.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Imidazoline intoxication due to overdose or accidental ingestion but also after normal therapeutic usage is frequent in children.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The mechanism of this unusual early and extreme rise of fibrinogen levels is unclear but it probably played a role in the pathogenesis of the cerebrovascular accident.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Standard pretransfusion testing was uncomplicated; however, after infusion, the serum was no longer compatible with the transfused units and a strong (4+) panreactive IgG antibody was detected.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A dapsone hypersensitivity syndrome, consisting of fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, lymphadenopathy, hepatitis, hemolysis, leukopenia, and mononucleosis, has been described in patients treated with the drug for leprosy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Lithium for irritability in post-traumatic stress disorder.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hypernatraemia induced by sodium polystyrene sulphonate (Kayexalate) in two extremely low birth weight newborns.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Recurrent hyponatremia associated with citalopram and mirtazapine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Drug-induced antisynthetase syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Serial hemograms were characterized by persistent thrombocytosis (platelet count, 577,000 to 1,200,000\/microl) with abnormal platelet morphology.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A complication associated with central line removal in the pediatric population: retained fixed catheter fragments.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatment of lithium tremor with metoprolol.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patients were treated with quetiapine as relapse prevention and we followed them up in our outpatient clinic.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hypercalcemia in an AIDS patient treated with growth hormone.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Generalized seizures were observed, and the patient lapsed into status epilepticus followed by cardiac arrest and subsequently expired.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Magnesium tocolysis as the cause of urinary calculus during pregnancy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"FINDINGS: Histological examination of two cases revealed meningothelial meningioma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The NZ Pharmacovigilance Centre has received 7 additional reports of severe infections in patients with RA taking leflunomide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Growth failure is a recognised feature of Gitelman syndrome, although it is not as frequent as in Bartter syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Confocal and specular microscopy confirmed permanent endothelial cell loss with morphologic alteration after intracorneal penetration of ushaar latex.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The clinical presentation was highly suggestive of malignancy and the patient underwent diagnostic mediastinoscopy with biopsy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, he developed acute renal failure, hyperkalemia, and hyperuricemia 30 d after receiving the sorafenib treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"When pilsicainide is prescribed in patients with coronary artery disease or renal dysfunction, close attention must be paid to avoid life-threatening arrhythmias due to high plasma concentrations of the drug.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The higher the number of Japanese who go abroad becomes (the total number in 1994 was 13,578,934: Records of Statistical Division of the Ministry of Justice), the greater is the risk of their contracting malaria.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) has been shown to improve the outcome in patients with acute promyelocytic leukemia compared with chemotherapy alone, but it is associated with adverse effects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These cases prompted an investigation of metamizole use in an urban pediatric clinic, which revealed that 35% of Spanish-speaking Latino families had used metamizole; 25% of these families had purchased the medication in the United States.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Carbamazepine toxicity following Oxybutynin and Dantrolene administration: a case report.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 16-year-old boy developed fever, generalized rigidity, leukocytosis, and increased serum transaminase and creatine kinase levels while receiving treatment with olanzapine and lithium.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"He later recovered normal visual acuity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: This rare case of PTU-induced ANCA-associated vasculitis manifested with ototoxicity in combination with systemic involvement.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We propose a mechanism of vancomycin-induced mast cell degranulation and subsequent release of eosinophil chemotactic factor as a cause of CSFE.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"All patients showed marked aphasia and other cognitive deficits.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Therefore doses were adapted on the 3rd day of the course.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"IMPLICATIONS:We discuss the successful management of gangrene of the upper and lower limbs after ergot-induced abortion by unlicensed medical charlatans in a developing country.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In one infant the hemorrhage was accompanied by communicating hydrocephalus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thrombosis of the left main coronary artery complicating percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty has, to our knowledge, not previously been reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe the infectious toxicities experienced by the first two patients in our institution treated with dexamethasone (10 mg\/m(2)\/day for 4 weeks with gradual tapering) during induction according to the dexamethasone arm of BFM 2000 and review the relevant literature that suggests an increased risk of infectious complications with dexamethasone.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"However, follow-up revealed that gestational diabetes when associated with norethisterone had a lesser risk of emerging diabetes mellitus and impaired glucose tolerance.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Two anaphylactic deaths after chemonucleolysis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The implants occurred at the site of insertion of laparoscopy trocars.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Eleven surviving patients were also studied by analysis of serum aminoterminal propeptide of type III procollagen (PIIINP), which is an indicator of fibrogenesis, which is especially suitable for follow-up of fibrotic liver disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intravenous administration of levodopa ameliorated a refractory akathisia case induced by interferon-alpha.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The management of non-muscle invasive bladder cancer has become more complex with regard to initial investigation, treatment and follow-up.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thirty-four children with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) in relapse or resistant to initial induction received combination chemotherapy with prednisolone, vincristine, l-asparaginase, and daunorubicin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present a case of respiratory failure occurring in a woman at 16 weeks' gestation who was being treated with nitrofurantoin for a urinary tract infection.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Pyoderma gangrenosum related to a new granulocyte colony-stimulating factor.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Diffuse lamellar keratitis after corneal crosslinking in a patient with post-laser in situ keratomileusis corneal ectasia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There are eight reported cases in the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It occasionally accompanies the heparin-associated thrombocytopenia and thrombosis syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Patients may also experience delirium as part of their underlying medical conditions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The side-effects and unusual pharmacokinetics of phenytoin are discussed, as well as the array of potential drug interactions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These were caused by simultaneous administration of vitamin K antagonists and anti-inflammatory drugs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We believe this practice is inappropriate because of the inability of ACE inhibitors to lower blood pressure in patients with low renin levels.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Her physical appearance, elevated and relatively nonsuppressible plasma cortisol levels, and radiologic study supported a tentative diagnosis of Cushing's syndrome in a critically ill patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The reaction, documented by rechallenge during hospitalization, was characterized by marked hypotension, fever, rigors, conjunctivitis, meningitis, nausea, arthralgias, and leukopenia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The effects of lorcainide, a new antiarrhythmic drug, on serum electrolytes and osmolality are described in a series of 33 patients with organic heart disease and complex ventricular arrhythmias treated with lorcainide.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We plan to do a Holter study during the period of bradycardia in subsequent patients and this may throw more light on the issue.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Successful treatment of mucormycosis after kidney transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinicians should be alert to the possibility of these adverse effects in children treated with these drugs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Successful treatment of Staphylococcus aureus bacterial endocarditis in a renal transplant recipient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute asymptomatic hepatitis in a healthy normal volunteer exposed to 2 oral doses of amodiaquine and artesunate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Abdominal wall ulceration and mucinosis secondary to recombinant human interferon-beta-1b.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Although the disorder is not thought to have a genetic background, there are some familial case reports in the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Other agents known for such association are serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) and beta-adrenergic blockers.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intra-neural ceroid-like pigment following the treatment of lepromatous leprosy with clofazimine (B663; Lamprene).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Three patients are reported without a history of angina pectoris who had clinical and electrocardiographic evidence of myocardial ischemia during and immediately after BCNU infusion.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a case of stutter priapism successfully treated with an oral antiandrogen.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Both were managed conservatively.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"I report the case of a patient who developed tuberculosis after a Billroth II subtotal gastrectomy, malabsorbed his antibiotics, and subsequently manifested infection with a drug-resistant strain of M tuberculosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Horner's syndrome and demyelinating peripheral neuropathy caused by high-dose cytosine arabinoside.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Acute renal failure most likely was secondary to the nephrotoxic effect of captopril on chronically hypoperfused kidneys.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"ADH hypersecretion in relation to plasma osmolality was reversed by mizoribin withdrawal, suggesting that bredinin might adversely induce SIADH.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Human anti-endoplasmic reticulum autoantibodies produced in aromatic anticonvulsant hypersensitivity reactions recognise rodent CYP3A proteins and a similarly regulated human P450 enzyme(s)","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present four cases that illustrate that HL may be seen in non-HIV and nonimmunocompromised patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intra-neural ceroid-like pigment following the treatment of lepromatous leprosy with clofazimine (B663; Lamprene).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient was treated with intraparotid injections of botulinum toxin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"No severe local side effects were observed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thromboembolic phenomenon is rare but serious consequence of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) and in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Endarteritis by inflammation of the leptomeninges is known to be its cause.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Interferon-alpha-induced focal segmental glomerulosclerosis in chronic myelogenous leukemia: a case report and review of the literature.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The clinical symptoms of both may be similar, and their clinical courses may be monophasic or multiphasic, mild but also very aggressive.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe 2 children with cerebral palsy who suffered significant morbidity immediately after treatment with hyperbaric oxygen.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CLINICAL FEATURES: A 74-yr-old, 51-kg woman with a history of hypertension controlled with 5 mg.day-1 enalapril and 50 mg.day-1 atenolol was admitted for evaluation of low back pain, loss of appetite, and weight loss.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The \"holiday heart\" syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After treatment with cimetidine, there was a rapid deterioration with decreased oxygen saturation and arterial PO2 values.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Myoclonus and seizures disappeared after discontinuation of L-dopa and the introduction of valproate sodium (VPA).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The known side effects of sibutramine, ie, hypertension and tachycardia, depend on its adrenergic and serotoninergic effects.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Disseminated Ureaplasma urealyticum infection in a hypo-gammaglobulinaemic renal transplant patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Renal injury due to anastrozole has not been published in the English literature.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A prerenal component could have contributed to renal failure because of a transient hypotension, due to an increasing ascitis, occurring just before anuria.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Additionally, irregularities in the cone photoreceptor density and mosaic were seen in areas with normal HVF 10-2 and SD-OCT findings.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 5-year-old girl was diagnosed preB cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a case of hyperchloraemic metabolic acidosis with hypoaldosteronism in a 4-year-old boy with nephrotic syndrome who was receiving ACE inhibitors.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The main clinical features of this 58-year-old female patient were laboratory evidence of leucopenia and cholestasis, and biopsy features of fatty liver parenchyma degeneration with granulocytic portal infiltration and bile stasis, demonstrated 20 days after the initiation of antithyroid therapy with 20 mg methimazole daily.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"An aqueous humor tap was performed and sent for polymerase chain reaction analyses of Herpes simplex, Herpes zoster, and Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MT).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Clarithromycin may be a cause of fulminant liver failure either alone or by inhibiting the metabolism of other drugs.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"As this relapse coincided with development of a strong delayed-type hypersensitivity response to tuberculin and improved after treatment with the anti-inflammatory agent oxpentifylline, it was probably caused by restoration of pathogen-specific cellular immunity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The reason for occurrence of cutaneous reactions in interferon treated patients is unknown.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The preoperative single-drug therapy did not affect the histological diagnosis or prevent the presence of an effective degree of tumor sensitivity to the drug.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Eight were treated with MB at a dose of 6 x 50 mg day(-1) intravenously (i.v.).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Granulocytopenia and agranulocytosis are considered among the most dangerous adverse effects of clozapine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The study population included the affected patient (proband), nine of her blood relatives, and seven healthy volunteers.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"No renal or cardiac toxicity was observed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There was a clear relationship between restarting the Accutane and recurrence of the transient myopia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Focal glomerulonephritis and interstitial nephritis in methicillin-treated, heroin-related infective endocarditis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Although a direct causal relationship between immunosuppression and lymphomatoid granulomatosis is lacking, the association of the two has been described.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Bilateral blindness after starting highly active antiretroviral treatment in a patient with HIV infection and cryptococcal meningitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After a latent period of 4 months, he developed a progressive, severe and ultimately fatal radiation myelopathy, which we suggest was due to a synergistic interaction between the high-dose chemotherapy and the radiotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Multibacillary, lepromatous or borderline leprosy patients may present two types of vasculonecrotic reactions: Lucio phenomenon and that associated with erythema nodosum leprosum.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, id injection with monomeric Lex had no effect.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Naproxen, the most common offender, has been associated with a dimorphic clinical pattern: a PCT-like presentation and one simulating erythropoietic protoporphyria in the pediatric population.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"METHODS: Retrospective review of a clinical case.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In patients with a known access to INH, seizures should be considered to be caused by INH toxicity unless proved otherwise.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"METHODS AND RESULTS: At 6 weeks after renal transplantation, a 57-year-old woman presented with TMA.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After 82 days' treatment her arm appeared normal and has remained so over seven months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"De novo hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection after orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) always progresses to chronic hepatitis because of the patients' immunocompromised status, and only a few then acquire hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) seroconversion even with efficient antiviral therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The other author believes tympanoplasty should be performed prior to reconstruction (Dr.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Vancomycin is widely used against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections, but it is associated with many adverse effects such as nephrotoxicity, ototoxicity, gastrointestinal disturbances, blood disorders, and two types of hypersensitivity reactions - an anaphylactoid reaction known as \"red man syndrome\" and anaphylaxis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Knowledge of the clinical picture is important for correct diagnosis and treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Nineteen cases of allergic contact dermatitis to compound tincture of benzoin are described.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The principal types of renal disorders associated with chronic HCV infection are cryoglobulinemia or noncryoglobulinemic membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (MPGN).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DISCUSSION: This preliminary clinical experience suggests that the addition of caspofungin to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, which is active against trophic forms, may provide a synergistic activity against P. jiroveci by fully inhibiting the organism life cycle.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ovarian endometrioid carcinoma and endometriosis developing in a postmenopausal breast cancer patient during tamoxifen therapy: a case report and review of the literature.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Since the depressive symptoms returned sertraline medication was initiated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The absence of an obvious pelvic infection or nongynecologic etiology of the abscess made the case particularly unusual.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Six patients developed peripheral neuropathy and five patients bone marrow depression, blood transfusions were given to three patients and in all five patients bone marrow function normalized after cessation of linezolid.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Acute lymphoblastic leukemia as a second malignancy following the treatment of medulloblastoma is a very rare condition.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In this report, we present a case of hypoglycaemic coma associated with SP, an adverse reaction that is likely to be underreported and expected to occur with greater frequency as the use of SP increases.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Candida-induced denture stomatitis usually does not reflect any deep-seated, systemic abnormality, the dentures being the primary predisposing condition.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed bilateral ischemic lesions of the globus pallidus, suggesting a generalized cerebral hypoxia during the comatose state as pathogenic mechanism.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Renal biopsy examination showed typical features of MN in all patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The infection did not recur.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He underwent the desensitization without incident on repeated infusions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thus, azithromycin was more effective but equally safe than ceftibuten in the initial therapy of pediatric CARTI.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The median interval from initiation of therapy to the development of leukemia is shortened from 54.2 to 41.1 months if radiation therapy is used in addition to chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"EEG abnormalities were observed in two of the nine children during chlorambucil therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"On rare occasions, severe complications such as respiratory failure, metabolic acidosis, renal failure, coma, and death have been reported in both adults and children.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The potential arrhythmogenic effects of alcohol have recently been studied electrophysiologically.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Myoclonus and seizures in a patient with parkinsonism: induction by levodopa and its confirmation on SEPs.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This is probably the first report of drug-induced ego-dystonic, mood incongruent suicidal ideas appearing in a fully conscious, healthy individual.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Evaluation of hypothermia with psychiatric patients should include primary accidental hypothermia, central nervous system disorders, metabolic disorders, infections, and medications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The taxonomical, pharmacological, and clinical aspects of angel's trumpet-induced disorders are discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It has been reported that these atrophic areas remain unchanged and localized lipoatrophy may be preceded by a subcutaneous panniculitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Priapism is a rare disorder defined as a persistent penile erection that continues hours beyond, or is unrelated to, sexual stimulation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Corneal edema resolves if sufficient endothelial cell viability is still present after resolution of ushaar keratitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors report the first case involving trapped epidural air in the spine that mimicked a mass lesion and caused neurological symptoms after epidural corticosteroid injection in the lumbar region.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Venous access devices (VAD) have become an important tool in the management of patients with cancer.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two patients became culture-negative for S. oslo on treatment with this combination.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A response to rhEPO was defined as an increase in hematocrit of 4 percentage points or more over baseline, or the elimination of all transfusions with the hematocrit stable at the baseline level.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Diagnosis had been delayed secondary to sampling of the other uterine horn.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Oseltamivir appears to play an important role in the outcome of INFVA infection as well in URTI as in severe LRTI in patients receiving BMT.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Results at 3 months an open-prospectus study of 30 cases and review of the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: The safety of topical epinephrine (1:1000 concentration) has recently been called into question.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On day 23 of varenicline therapy, he received and filled a new prescription for amphetamine-dextroamphetamine and resumed his prescribed dosage (30 mg twice\/day).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Secondary leukemia in a child with neuroblastoma while on oral etoposide: what is the cause?","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Skin rash involved regions of the face, lower abdomen, back, buttocks and both upper thighs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Seven years after the transplantation, cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, cholangitis and subsequently secondary chronic biliary sclerosis were detected.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The overall symptomatology of these patients as rated on the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) decreased significantly from a mean of 57.0 +\/- 10.4 to a mean of 37.8 +\/- 7.7 (t = 7.03, df = 14, P = .001).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Teicoplanin-induced agranulocytosis that followed vancomycin-induced agranulocytosis suggests a possible cross-reactivity between the 2 drugs.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Intracameral injection of tPA seems to be a safe and effective method for the treatment of unresolved total hyphema.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"L-asparaginase, an enzyme with established antileukemic activity, increases the induction rate and duration of remission of acute lymphoblastic leukemia when added to vincristine and prednisone for induction therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In India, traditional therapy with herbal preparation (Ayurvedic medicine) is not uncommon.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Poison oak and related hypersensitivity dermatitides are age-old problems that have historically been treated with herbal medicines before the availability of corticosteroids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The vitreous body of an eviscerated eye was occupied by the non-specific granulomatous tissue, composed of fibroblast, plasma cells, and Sudan black staining positive foamy cells, including melaniferous phagocytes, identified as CD 68 positive macrophage.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An antinociceptive effect of sumatriptan can be observed in SAH patients in good clinical condition, which suggests a specific craniovascular antinociceptive action.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Failure to recognize it and discontinue the offending agents may result in unnecessary morbidity and occasionally, irreversible renal failure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Investigations revealed AT deficiency, thrombocytopenia and renal infarction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Amebic abscess of the spleen complicated by metronidazole-induced neurotoxicity: case report.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In situ hybridization identified Epstein-Barr virus latency-associated RNA expression in these cells.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There was no enhancement of the cyst wall and no pericystic oedema.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The anesthetic area conformed to the distribution of a specific nerve, the transverse cervical cutaneous nerve.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cardiac transplantation is a well defined therapy for end stage heart failure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinically, this condition presents with the classic triad of fever, rash, and lymphadenopathy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She was found at delivery to have developed oligohydramnion, esophagitis, and a bleeding peptic ulcer.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Skin-prick tests were performed for the antibiotics he received earlier in the day and the cyclosporine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Bone marrow transplantation (BMT) is a common treatment used for deficiencies of host marrow or in the control of blood malignancies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Dural sinus thrombosis developed in two children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia during induction treatment with vincristine sulfate, prednisone, and asparaginase.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Seventeen days earlier, she had received a prescription for topical econazole lotion 1% to be applied 3 times daily for 1 month to treat a dermatitis affecting 12% of the body surface.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We have seen a case of terminal malignant melanoma in which clinical manifestations, indicative of anterior spinal artery syndrome, developed following the injection of 0.3 ml of 10% phenol-glycerine into the cervical subarachnoid space at the C4--C5 level for the control of severe right arm pain.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"On the other hand, 13 patients had no histologically verified liver cirrhosis in their latest biopsy, and PIIINP was within the normal range in all 11 patients investigated, this in spite of total cumulative MTX doses from 1,120 to 18,645 mg (mean 7,171 mg).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After a total of 11 applications the patient developed a port thrombosis resistant to lysis with urokinase.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, the child vomited when a cumulative dose of 315 mg was reached.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All patients had abnormal counts.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Circulatory arrest ensued.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It was concluded that mitoxantrone-cyclophosphamide is an effective chemotherapeutic combination with minimal toxicity and should be further studied in larger controlled trials.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Successful challenge with clozapine in a history of eosinophilia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The mutations on the phenylalanine hydroxylase gene indicated that she might be responsive to tetrahydrobiopterin therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"SETTING: A university-affiliated teaching hospital.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: All admission records and operative reports, as well as available office notes, on patients with blebitis or bleb-associated endophthalmitis admitted to a large referral eye center from 1985 to 1995 were reviewed retrospectively.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"P. carinii pneumonia (PCP) is usually a late complication in patients receiving TMP\/SMX prophylaxis, with most cases occurring later than 2 months post-transplant.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The development of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) after 38 months of therapy with recombinant human interferon gamma (rIFN-gamma) was observed in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In the 1st patient, clinical improvement occurred despite continuation of therapy, and in the 2nd the treatment was stopped with remission and rechallenge resulting in recurrence.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"UL97 genotyping was carried out on peripheral blood samples, using a nested in-house PCR, which amplified the full-length UL97 gene.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Bone marrow transplant nephropathy (BMTN) classically presents more than 100 days after transplantation as an acute nephritis with hypertension, azotaemia and anemia that usually results in end stage renal failure (ESRF).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the resolution of all the features of PHS with systemic corticosteroids and recurrence on withdrawal, and further remission on reinstitution of systemic corticosteroids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three patients, in whom tumour overkill by cytotoxic treatment, including high dose methotrexate with folinic acid rescue, resulted in the 'phosphate shower syndrome' (hyper-uricaemia, hyperkalaemia and hyperphosphataemia with hypocalcaemia and tetany, with metabolic acidosis and acute renal impairment) are described.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report the first case of a 54-year-old Turkish woman who presented with ceftriaxone-induced FDE.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We review the published data as well as the current treatment recommendations.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"With itraconazole, hepatotoxic reactions have only very rarely been reported, and histologic data are lacking.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: Significant ocular complications such as an irreversible decrease of visual acuity may develop in patients treated with pegylated interferon.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"An angiogram was performed, which demonstrated that the mass was fed by the branches from the right external carotid artery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case report of fulminant ADEM treated successfully with early high-dose intravenous methylprednisolone, although uncontrolled, suggests that this agent should be studied in other cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intravitreal sustained-release ganciclovir implants for severe bilateral cytomegalovirus retinitis after stem cell transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Histological changes were consistent with IgA-nephropathy and focal segmental glomerulosclerosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There was no clinical or laboratory evidence for an immunologic or toxic insult, although in 1 patient we found a transient leukocyturia and mild proteinuria.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pyridoxine for neonatal seizures: an unexpected danger.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The two final patients suffered from typical forms of primary NH, one associated with migraine without aura, the other with chronic tension-type headache.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hyperkalaemia is a life-threatening electrolyte disorder that can occur in the first week of life in almost 50% of preterm infants with a birth weight less than 1000 g [extremely low birth weight (ELBW)].","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"They are also underdiagnosed and undertreated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Coagulation disorders can cause intracerebral bleeding that may be difficult to detect since subsequent aberrant clot formation may mask early detection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of interstitial pneumonitis induced by bicalutamide and\/or leuprorelin acetate given as therapy for prostate cancer, in which the pneumonitis was successfully managed by steroid treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Nitrofurantoin-induced lung disease: two cases demonstrating resolution of apparently irreversible CT abnormalities.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CASE REPORT: A 37-year-old white female patient admitted with epigastric pain and heartburn symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These effects were maintained for the remainder of the patient's chemotherapy protocol.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thirty minutes after an anti-drug administration through the chest drainage tube, he lost consciousness shortly after coughing.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 36-year-old man being treated with cisplatinum, vinblastine, and bleomycin for testicular carcinoma developed a dense left homonymous hemianopsia, encephalopathy, and a partial nondominant parietal lobe syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Broncho-pulmonary infection in a 50-year-old male with acute, hypertensive, intracerebral bleeding, necessitated therapy with cefpirome (2 g\/day, 6 days), ciprofloxacin (800 mg\/d, 11 days) and tazobactam\/piperacillin (9 g\/day, 11 days).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present a brief review of the mechanism of action of TNF-alpha antagonists and their ability to predispose to various infections including viral pneumonia by interfering with the immune response.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"They conclude that the vascular surgeon should be aware of this possibility and that oral anticoagulants should be used very carefully in the \"medical\" management of cholesterol embolization.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The occurrence of neuromuscular blockade and the resulting potentiation of muscle relaxants during magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) administration is well known.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"At 8 months after surgery, hair again covered his entire head.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Spontaneous coronary artery dissection is an unusual cause of acute myocardial ischemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In both cases there was a progressive increase during treatment, in peripheral blood lymphocyte counts, skin reactions and in vitro cellular responses to PPD, and a sudden rise in ESR at the time of their deterioration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Tiny black granules were most numerous in the basal laminae of vessels in electron microscopic observation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An infant girl with choanal atresia, athelia, minor anomalies, and mild to moderate mental retardation was born to a woman treated for hyperthyroidism throughout pregnancy with methimazole and propranolol.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Levofloxacin induced polymorphic ventricular tachycardia with normal QT interval.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Drug-induced agranulocytosis during treatment with infliximab in enteropathic spondyloarthropathy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Dental and gingival pain as side effects of niacin therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Cultures from the site of corneal abscess and vitreous grew coagulase-negative Staphylococcus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute asymptomatic hepatitis in a healthy normal volunteer exposed to 2 oral doses of amodiaquine and artesunate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Complications of encephalitis of unknown origin were successfully treated with steroid therapy and the patient has been in CR for 16 months after BMT.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In one patient after three tablets of Mexase a clioquinol concentration of 12 microgram\/ml in plasma was found 24 hours after the specified dose, which is an unexpectedly high concentration compared to those reported as late as 24 hours after a single equal dose of Mexase or any other clioquinol-containing preparation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Adverse effects of propafenone after long-term therapy with the addition of citalopram.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Torsades de pointes was diagnosed in the Emergency Department (ED).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the case of a young HIV seropositive patient with severe hemophilia A who presented rapid liver failure related to his chronic C hepatitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute dystonia with thalamic and brainstem lesions after initial penicillamine treatment in Wilson's disease.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Following 7 days of tigecycline she developed severe abdominal pain and elevated pancreatic enzymes suggesting acute pancreatitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Seizures and transient blindness following intravenous pulse methylprednisolone in children with primary glomerulonephritis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Subsequently, he developed hyperglycemia (fasting blood glucose 138 mg\/dL) that resolved when olanzapine was stopped and recurred (fasting blood glucose 150 mg\/dL) after 2 days of rechallenge with olanzapine 2.5 mg twice daily.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Severe symptomatic hyponatremia during sibutramine therapy: a case report.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"There are a few case reports of other fluoroquinolones that have been associated with toxic epidermal necrolysis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Mycobacterial keratitis is a potentially vision-threatening complication after LASIK, characterized by a long latent period, delayed diagnosis, and a protracted course even under intensive specific antibiotic therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A positive rechallenge occurred in seven cases (20%).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Furthermore, the concomitant use of fluoxetine and clozapine is discouraged, with citalopram suggested as a suitable antidepressant in those depressed patients receiving clozapine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Based on these properties, GIRK activators have been suggested as candidates for antiepileptic drug development.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One twin had clinically appreciable hypoparathyroidism and had received calcitriol since early infancy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Obidoxime was reinstituted after the 9 d interruption and muscle strength improved with the first dose.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 65-year-old woman with bipolar disorder and complicated cardiovascular disease who was on maintenance lithium therapy developed a movement disorder following high doses of trazodone for treatment of an acute depression.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Early-onset acute transverse myelitis following hepatitis B vaccination and respiratory infection: case report.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Corticosteroid management of airway hemangiomas: long-term follow-up.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We have reported the first case of successful treatment of disseminated histoplasmosis in a renal allograft recipient using a short course (14 days) of amphotericin B in combination with prolonged therapy (161 days) with ketoconazole.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two children, one with renal manifestations of systemic lupus erythematosus and the other with idiopathic nephrotic syndrome, were treated with methylprednisolone pulses.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 64-year-old woman with blepharospasm, sustained clenching of the jaw, antecollis, and a strained, high-pitched phonation continued chronic trihexyphenidyl therapy despite the lack of any obvious benefit.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He developed hyperpyrexia with oligohidrosis and central neurological symptoms, including, chorea-like involuntary movements, resting tremor, and cogwheel rigidity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Phenytoin toxicity and thyroid dysfunction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Even though the pathogenic mechanism of acute leukemia after cytotoxic treatment is not known, the possibility must be considered that the incidence of this malignant disease is increased after cytotoxic treatment for nonmalignant diseases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Seven months after treatment onset, a combination of nortriptyline, clonazepam, and relaxation procedures has successfully controlled the patient's facial pain symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"False positive results due to cross-reactive compounds in drug assays may lead to misdiagnosis and mismanagement, especially when child abuse is suspected.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The intensive care unit (ICU) represents a dynamic interaction between patient factors and interventional factors.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A patient is presented with typical hyperthyroidism, who developed a severe proximal muscle weakness and a raised creatine phosphokinase after treatment for hyperthyroidism with propylthiouracil (100 mg orally, three times a day).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This report describes our experience with four adult patients who suffered anthracycline extravasation and were treated with a regimen of ice, local glucocorticoid injection, and dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) 55%-99% applied topically every 2-4 h after extravasation for a minimum of 3 days.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thiazolidinedione drugs are in widespread use for the treatment of type 2 diabetes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Bimatoprost was discontinued and diclofenac initiated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He recovered after administration of anti-histamines and steroids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"With many HIV-infected patients surviving alkylator and topoisomerase inhibitor-based treatment and radiation therapy for AIDS-defining cancers and NADCs, long-term follow-up for therapy-related complications assumes greater importance.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Diagnosis of lipoid pneumonia was made by diagnostic bronchoscopy with bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Terlipressin was discontinued, and the patient's QTc interval subsequently returned to baseline.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The chemotherapeutics, including vincristine, actinomycin D, and epirubicin in case 1 and vincristine and actinomycin D in case 2, were given before the hepatotoxicity developed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The evidence for this mechanism is not convincing.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Four months later, she continued to exhibit decreased fluency and dysarthria with ataxia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The time course of events suggested that amphotericin B was the cause of the seizures in this AIDS patient.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a case of symphysitis causing hospitalization and severe pain and discomfort of the patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The uncontrolled case report: a double-edged sword.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"At five years of age elevated serum and urinary androgen levels unsuppressible with dexamethasone were noted.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The mechanism by which sunitinib induces gynaecomastia is thought to be associated with an unknown direct action on breast hormonal receptors.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This case and others indicate that caution should be exercised in administering IFN because low doses can be correlated with myasthenia gravis in patients without malignancies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Primary ovarian large B-cell lymphoma in patient with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis treated with low dose Methotrexate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Her serum creatinine was elevated to 2.2 mg\/dl (baseline 1.5 mg\/dl), and trough tacrolimus level was markedly elevated (> 30 ng\/ml).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 67 year old man presented to his local dentist for restorative treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Finally a renal biopsy was performed and it showed a pauci-immunologic glomerulonephritis and the bronchioloalveolar lavage confirmed the diffuse alveolar hemorrhage.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Liver biopsy showed bridging hepatocellular necrosis as well as canalicular cholestasis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patients typically have surgical rhinoplasty to correct unsightly noses resulting from trauma, surgery, or heredity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"With the immunocompromised patient it is important to seek early ophthalmologic consultation when even minor ocular symptoms develop.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Antipsychotic-induced RLS and PLMS are not well-recognized side effects of antipsychotics, with the symptoms often misdiagnosed as psychotic agitation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Because of the presence of severe ascites and massive ovarian enlargement, it was elected to treat this patient with methotrexate therapy rather than surgery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The diagnosis of destructive thyroiditis was confirmed by anti-TSH receptor antibody (TSHRAb) negativity and the absence of radionuclide ((123)I or (99)Tc) uptake on thyroid scintiscans.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The second patient, a 39-year-old man, showed endophthalmitis of the right eye.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Baclofen withdrawal syndrome resulting from underdosing of oral baclofen should be considered as a potential source of prolonged fever in the intensive care unit.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To report a case of Carbamazepine toxicity following the administration of Oxybutynin and Dantrolene.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVES: Successful excision of the mass and identification of the causative agent by histologic and microbiologic studies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole-induced hypersensitivity syndrome associated with reactivation of human herpesvirus-6.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 17-year-old boy with refractory psoriatic arthritis and alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency who developed a syringotropic hypersensitivity reaction after 9 months of therapy with infliximab and leflunomide is described.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Methamphetamine's extensive physiologic effects, inconsistent street purity, and multiple routes of administration offer many possibilities for injury to the cornea.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 66 year old HIV infected male heavy smoker presented with arthralgia, myalgia, and weight loss which was originally ascribed to nucleoside induced mitochondrial toxicity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The optimal management of anthracycline extravasation remains unclear.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a 66-year-old woman with chronic paranoid schizophrenia who was prescribed olanzapine along with several other psychiatric drugs and an antihypertensive drug.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Our report highlights the importance of taking a detailed occupational history and considering lead poisoning in the differential diagnosis of acute abdominal colic of unclear cause.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient recovered well after surgical drainage and antimicrobial therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hypotension and sinus arrest with nifedipine in pulmonary hypertension.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report an example of ACC and review the relevant literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The lactic acidosis occurred in the absence of mitochondrial myopathy, hepatomegaly, or liver failure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This article demonstrates that POS may be a useful drug in mucormycosis in children.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"STUDY DESIGN: Case report of a 31-year-old woman who presented with toxic myelopathy due to intrathecal administration of doxorubicin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"To increase the drug concentration at the infection site, we irrigated the capsular bag with antibiotics.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To describe and discuss the use of continuous intravenous infusions of haloperidol to treat severe delirium and agitation in 3 intensive care unit (ICU) patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To describe a case of exacerbated mania potentially related to an interaction between lopinavir\/ritonavir and valproic acid (VPA) and propose a mechanism of action for this interaction.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Emphasis is placed on the significance of the possible relationship and similarity between NIS and catatonic stupor, and on the theoretical possibilities which this offers.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Scleral buckling and pars plana vitrectomy reattached the retina.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Post-PCI fatal bleeding in aspirin and clopidogrel hyper responder: shifting from antiplatelet resistance to bleeding risk assessment?","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Of the 33 cases of bleb-associated endophthalmitis, there were 6 cases of early endophthalmitis (before postoperative week 6) and 27 cases of late endophthalmitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Nocardia asteroides peritonitis during continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Calciphylaxis is a rare and life-threatening condition of progressive cutaneous necrosis secondary to small and medium-sized vessel calcification that is seen almost exclusively in patients with end-stage renal disease and hyperparathyroidism.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Aminoglycoside renal mineral wasting has not previously been described in a child.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Response rate did not appear to be influenced by age, sex, etiology, initial blood count, interval prior to ATG therapy, or dose of ATG employed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: A 30-year-old woman with polycystic ovary syndrome developed bilateral anterior uveitis during ovulation induction therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This pattern is suggestive of renal toxicity due to tobramycin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A review of causes of thrombocytoses in humans and animals is presented, and the criteria for diagnosis of essential thrombocythemia are examined.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This report describes two patients who developed acute myelocytic leukemia only after exposure to cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, and 5-fluorouracil adjuvant therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report the occurrence of renal failure due to cholesterol crystal embolization following thrombolytic therapy with intravenous recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Suicide associated with corticosteroid use during chemotherapy: case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Life-threatening hyponatremia caused by vinblastine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Clinicians should be aware of the possibility of psychotic symptoms with the use of this agent.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient received the interferon for four months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Five of the six patients experienced intolerable exacerbation of parkinsonism.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Central nervous system effects that parallel amnesia have been reported in 10-15% of the patients, including dizziness, ataxia, drowsiness, fatigue, confusion, and paranoia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: This is the first report of a possible interaction between propafenone and citalopram, which caused propafenone adverse effects (eg, dizziness, falls) and mimicked coronary artery disease.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Fatal pulmonary fibrosis following 1,3-bis(2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea (BCNU) therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Blood level monitoring helps to determine the therapeutic and toxic ranges for anticonvulsants and antidepressants.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Orbital cellulitis after faden operation on the medial rectus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case report and review of the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present an AIDS patient with severe and prolonged lactic acidosis on stavudine and lamivudine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Her past history suggested a congenital bleeding disorder.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These 4 cases are the first to be recorded in infancy, and with histopathological proof of fat embolism.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This syndrome has been associated with the use of aromatic ring-containing agents such as phenytoin, carbamazepine, or phenobarbitone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Successful use of levosimendan in a patient during cardiopulmonary bypass.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Alprazolam withdrawal delirium unresponsive to diazepam: case report.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Bone Marrow Transplantation (2000) 25, 213-215.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Caution is, therefore, needed to prevent undesired accumulation of TCA that may lead to protracted Cushing's syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Researchers and clinicians have made numerous suggestions for managing the various side effects, although there is currently no research to guide evidence-based practice.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case illustrates that serious sight-threatening complications may occur after LASEK due to abuse of topical anesthetic agents.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Computed tomography revealed two lesions located in the occipital and left temporal area of the brain.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Colonic carcinoma after chemotherapy of Hodgkin's disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Zanamivir, a neuraminidase inhibitor, has shown promise as a drug to control influenza.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Our case suggests that the peripheral venous access was probably the portal of entry of the fungus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Much of the existing data comes from the neurology literature regarding epilepsy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two patients with rheumatoid arthritis developed evidence of hepatotoxicity while receiving D-penicillamine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Six months after the diagnosis of sarcoidosis, the patient was asymptomatic and a complete sustained response to hepatitis C was achieved.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Inflammatory myopathy has been associated with systemic inflammatory processes, endocrinopathies, malignancies and infections.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Early noninvasive neurovascular and neurometabolic imaging is very helpful in choosing candidates for this type of therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although gabapentin withdrawal has been previously reported and usually consists of anxiety, diaphoresis, and palpitations, this is the first reported patient with generalized seizures and status epilepticus secondary to gabapentin withdrawal.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"All patients in group 1 had positive serum antinuclear antibody titers, but none had positive serum anti-smooth muscle antibody titers.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"FINDINGS: Six children with growth retardation noted after treatment with high-dose fluticasone propionate were found to have adrenal suppression.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Parkinsonism, pyramidal signs, polyneuropathy, and cognitive decline after long-term occupational solvent exposure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A review of the literature suggests that leukoencephalopathy may be prevented by high doses of leucovorin and can be treated by high doses, if lower doses were used initially.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Infection of total hip prosthesis by Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium chelonae in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Bull's-eye maculopathy associated with quinacrine therapy for malaria.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Practicing gastroenterologists and intensivists alike need to be aware of the potential for serious pulmonary sequelae with the use of combination therapy for chronic hepatitis C viral (CHCV) infections.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"With careful sequential clinical and laboratory monitoring, even this type of cerebrospinal fluid shunt infection can be eradicated without catheter removal and replacement.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Perforated appendicitis was a coincidental event following IVF and embryo transfer.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Indomethacin and acetyl salicylate, which inhibit prostaglandin synthesis, had no significant effects on either the immediate or the LAR.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Life-threatening adrenal suppression, requiring hydrocortisone supplementation and intensive therapy, was observed and successfully treated in a newborn, whose mother had received high-dose methylprednisolone in late pregnancy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Complete remission was achieved, however, severe neutropenia, documented infection, stomatitis, and diarrhea were observed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pulmonary eosinophilia or granulomas, classically seen in previously reported cases of methotrexate pneumonitis, were not observed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The combined use of central nervous system depressant drugs, together with her problematic sleep apnea, and snoring (both contraindications for GHB use) were determined to have caused this subject's death.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A young woman developed galactorrhea during treatment with a new dibenzoxazepine antidepressant, amoxapine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Lymphomatoid granulomatosis developed in a patient with pemphigus vulgaris who had been undergoing immunosuppressive therapy for three years.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Combined thrombolytic therapy or therapy with a single agent with a long half-life and a prolonged infusion time is suggested as an emergent treatment option for prosthetic mitral valve thrombosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Decreased plasma cortisol level during alprazolam treatment of panic disorder: a case report.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 36-year-old man being treated with cisplatinum, vinblastine, and bleomycin for testicular carcinoma developed a dense left homonymous hemianopsia, encephalopathy, and a partial nondominant parietal lobe syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Carbamazepine interference with an immune assay for tricyclic antidepressants in plasma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Tegaserod-associated ischemic colitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In 20 percent of affected individuals (9 percent of the total), sensory symptoms preceded the onset of the movement disorder, causing difficulty in diagnosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 73-year-old woman on topical pilocarpine and adrenaline for chronic simple glaucoma for three years presented with a mass in the medial canthus of the right eye.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The trunk was twisted just after the appearance of the abdominal myoclonus associated with myoclonic jerks spreading from the rostral to caudal paraspinal muscles.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors suggest that these pharmacologic agents should be used cautiously in treating patients with possible movement disorders (tics) and conclude that their findings lend support to the catecholamine hypothesis of the etiology of Gilles de la Tourette's disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Symptomatic hypocalcaemia and renal impairment associated with bisphosphonate treatment in patients with multiple myeloma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Palmoplantar pustular psoriasis (PPP) is an uncommon form of chronic psoriasis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DISCUSSION: The main adverse effects of leflunomide consist of diarrhea, nausea, liver enzyme elevation, hypertension, alopecia, and allergic skin reactions.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report an unusual case of massive fluoxetine ingestion resulting in neurological and cardiovascular toxicity resulting in death.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Defects noted include tooth and root agenesis, root thinning and shortening, and localized enamel defects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 33-year-old male presented with brown discolouration of the fingernails following the application of 4% hydroquinone in sorbolene cream and 0.1% tretinoin cream to the face intermittently for 9 months.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Atrial fibrillation was induced by diltiazem in two patients and verapamil induced syncope in one patient.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Once again, severe dyspnea, cough, and wheezing developed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We conclude that cephalosporins of the first generation or ciprofloxacin may be good alternatives to penicillin G in the treatment of C. hominis infection in patients known to be hypersensitive to penicillin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Urinary iodine excretion was extremely elevated up to 18 mg\/day while serum concentrations of total thyroxine were below the euthyroid range and thyrotropin levels were elevated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We evaluated both healthy ferrets and animals in which we first induced tracheal inflammation with bacterial endotoxin (a lipopolysaccharide [LPS]).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Bone marrow biopsy showed selectively inhibited erythropoiesis with giant pronormoblasts.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"QPR\/DPR and voriconazole are considered effective for patients with life-threatening opportunistic pulmonary infections who have previously been treated with intensive regimens including radiotherapies to the lung.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although many of the patients have underlying heart disease, there are reports of patients with no evident heart disease where acute alcohol injestion has caused arrhythmias.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This is the first report of a middle-aged man with multiple coronary lesions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinicians should consider placing a periosteal catheter when pain associated with sternal fracture cannot be adequately controlled with conventional methods.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Many organ systems may be affected.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient was treated with intraventricular and intravenous vancomycin, intravenous teicoplanin and oral rifampicin, followed by oral chloramphenicol and rifampicin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In the present paper the authors describe 2 female patients who developed incontinence secondary to the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors paroxetine and sertraline, as well as a third who developed this side effect on venlafaxine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Despite percutaneous abscess drainage and antifungal therapy, general status deteriorated with persistent fever, severe pancytopenia and liver dysfunction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present a case of a diabetic patient taking glyburide who was prescribed ciprofloxacin and developed prolonged hypoglycemia, which persisted for over 24 hours.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: This interference has significant clinical implications, and can be avoided on urine testing using a specific chromatographic assay such as high-performance liquid chromatography.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intensified chemotherapy is one of the strategies currently used in the treatment of children with metastatic Ewing sarcoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinical report of three cases of acute radiation sickness from a (60)Co radiation accident in Henan Province in China.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In addition, growth failure was documented beginning at approximately 8 years; bone age was delayed and stimulated GH peaks after clonidine and arginine were 2.2 and 9.2 microg\/l, respectively.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The rash was confluent over the radiation ports, both anteriorly and posteriorly.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Oxaliplatin is a platinum derivative, which is used in the treatment of colorectal cancer.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Phenytoin toxicity: an easily missed cause of cerebellar syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"It represents one of the few documented cases of delayed clearance of echovirus in the cerebrospinal fluid in a patient with normal serum immunoglobulins.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patient 2 presented an acute left hemiballismus when consciousness was restored with naloxone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The condition responded to treatment with topical diluted steroids and antibiotics.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE SUMMARY: A 22-year-old male with cystic fibrosis had been nonadherent to treatment for 4 years; when he returned to the clinic with symptoms, his forced expiratory volume in 1 second dropped from 84% predicted to 43% predicted.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, there are some recent reports on serious adverse events, probably associated with this complementary and alternative herbal medicine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVES: To report a safe and reliable method for evaluating catheter dysfunction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Papillary necrosis associated with the HIV protease inhibitor indinavir.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Two cases are presented with complicated FMF.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Alprazolam-induced mania: two clinical cases.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Bilateral simultaneous Achilles tendon ruptures are rare, with only ten cases reported in the English literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is unclear if this effect is directly related to the administration of antileukotrienes or a consequence of the corticosteroid-sparing effect of antileukotrienes unmasking a Churg-Strauss syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DISCUSSION: Two patients with hypothyroidism had remained euthyroid and stable while receiving 1 levothyroxine product, but became symptomatic with dramatically increased serum TSH concentrations while receiving what were thought to be comparable dosages of another levothyroxine product.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although dyspnea associated with verapamil administration has been reported, this is the first report of an elderly asymptomatic asthmatic patient with hypertension who developed an acute asthma attack following sustained-release verapamil administration.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report the case of a young healthy woman who presented an early overanticoagulation when receiving acenocoumarol for a first thromboembolic episode.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Pisa syndrome in a Chinese patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 75-year-old man on anticoagulant therapy suddenly experienced an excruciating back pain and subsequently developed a paraplegia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Before treatment with polyacrylamide gel injection this complication should be disclosed to the patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of IVC filter thrombosis with associated vena caval obstruction successfully treated with catheter-directed thrombolysis and adjunctive mechanical thrombectomy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Seizures are uncommon symptoms, and are always caused by cerebrovascular events.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 73-year-old woman with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma had two episodes of severe, bilateral, sensori-neural hearing loss after vincristine therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"As a result of the inadequate levels of antihepatitis B antibodies, less than 10 IU\/l in May 1998, in a high-risk patient who was frequently exposed to blood and its products, an additional booster dose was performed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Basilar invagination and mid-line skeletal abnormalities due to in utero exposure to phenytoin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"After admission, albumin-dominant proteinuria persisted despite the discontinuation of interferon therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Strongyloides infection and meningitis in an immunocompromised host.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Over the next two days, the purpura began to resolve.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Deep tendon reflexes (DTR) were absent in all extremities.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ten days following adrenalectomy, watery diarrhea appeared.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After developing two additional lesions that began to ulcerate despite treatment with imipenem, vancomycin, clindamycin, rifampin, and gentamicin, the patient consented to a skin biopsy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Herein we present our case and a review of the literature about the systemic toxicity of PI.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (NDI) is a well-documented complication of lithium use.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Photo-onycholysis associated with drugs is an uncommon disorder.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute nitrite toxicity results from industrial exposure, accidental ingestion (e.g., abuse of organic nitrites as an aphrodisiac, especially in the male homosexual population), and suicidal ingestion.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The mycobacterial disease was eventually cured with clofazimine and the photosensitisation was managed by regulating sunlight exposure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fever and chills occurred on seven occasions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patient-initiated rapid atrial pacing to manage supraventricular tachycardia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute radial artery ischemia following therapeutic steroid injection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pregnancy-induced hypertension laboratory values were normal, and relief of the postdural headache and visual disturbances was obtained after placement of an epidural blood patch.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Management of liver failure in a haemophilic patient co-infected with human immunodeficiency and hepatitis C viruses.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Manifestations included pleurisy in five of six patients, rashes in three, nephritis in two, and neurologic disturbances in two; lupus erythematosus cells were found in five patients, antinuclear antibodies in all six, antideoxyribonucleic acid in three, positive Coombs' test results for three patients, and low C4 complement in five of the six.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All patients receiving chronic corticosteroids should have an ophthalmologic examination early in the course of treatment and periodically thereafter.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Malignant lymphoma developed in the dorsum of the hand in a patient with a long-standing postmastectomy lymphedema.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Listeria brain abscess, Pneumocystis pneumonia and Kaposi's sarcoma after temozolomide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"METHODS: The clinical suspicion of chickenpox was rapidly confirmed in both cases by a Tzanck smear preparation, by viral cultures of the vesicle, serology, and skin biopsy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A successful vascular procedure was achieved with full heparinization without subsequent thrombocytopenia or thrombotic or hemorrhagic complications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Consistent and supportive psychotherapy for such patients is recommended for maintaining compliance, for pharmacotherapy, and an optimal level of personal, occupational, and interpersonal functioning.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Despite their therapeutic utility, children may experience emotional and behavioral side effects from steroids during treatment for leukemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This patient did not have any predisposing factors for the development of an aortic thrombus before the chemotherapy was initiated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Until then, clinicians need to be aware of this possible complication associated with zonisamide.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After treatment with prednisolone a complete resolution of the dyspnea was observed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Angiosarcoma arising after radiation is described in breast cancer but occurs elsewhere.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case illustrates a potential risk associated with drug eluting stent and alerts clinicians to the life threatening risk of spasm when stenting multiple vessels with drug eluting stent (especially the Taxus stent).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Symptoms were rapidly controlled after a therapeutic dose was attained, and no adverse effects were reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The bite site included hand (52%), foot (36%), leg (7%), and arm (5%).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hypocalcemia is a frequent finding during the correction phase of the HPTH-II with calcimimetics.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Infections are a major adverse effect during the treatment with anti-TNF-alpha.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"FDG PET, performed after the size and number of the lesions had increased, showed no intensely increased glucose metabolism, a high-grade recurrent tumor was therefore very unlikely.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He presented the following day with uncorrected visual acuity (UCVA) in the affected eye of 3\/200 and organic foreign body deposits underneath the flap.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Taste and smell changes (TSCs) are known side effects of chemotherapy, but smell changes (SCs) in the absence of taste changes are understudied.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the use of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) in a renal transplant recipient in whom neutropenia developed following a presumed viral infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Zoledronic acid-induced severe hypocalcaemia in a prostate cancer patient with extensive osteoblastic bone metastases.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Antithyroid treatment with propylthiouracil (PTU) resulted in elevated hepatic enzymes and after the 12th week of pregnancy treatment was changed to carbimazole (CBZ).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This is a rare case of ARDS associated with lithium intoxication.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Immediate but gradual improvement followed withdrawal of amiodarone and treatment with prednisolone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Sensorineural hearing loss due to quinine therapy for malaria has frequently been mentioned in the literature but has not been a subject of research during the last decades.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Uncertainty in medical decision making techniques occurs in the specification of both decision tree probabilities and utilities.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There is a great deal of interest in the long-term effects of chemotherapy in these patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A general physical examination revealed a boy with stable vital signs and without fever.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ileus after administration of cold remedy in an elderly diabetic patient treated with acarbose.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There were no other known risk factors for vascular disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hypersensitivity to carboplatin is a rare but real complication of therapy and should be considered in patients presenting with hyperacute changes on ECG whilst receiving carboplatin therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This paper reports a patient with degenerative rupture of the plantar fascia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To report the occurrence of anaphylactoid reactions to intraperitoneal cisplatin in 3 patients.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"They presented with parkinsonism, pyramidal signs, mild cognitive decline, and unresponsiveness to levodopa.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Introduction of etanercept was also clinically effective but followed by development of severe heart failure.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of drug-induced lung disease involving a leukotriene.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: Alendronate led to nodular scleritis and rechallenge caused recurrence of scleritis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Some chemicals can cause burning in the mucosa of cheeks, lips, tongue, and palate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He developed a metastatic carcinoma of unknown origin during TKI therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: The patient underwent ocular examination.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case demonstrates the value of DWI in evaluation and diagnosis of sub-acute toxic leukoencephalopathy in patients being treated with methotrexate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A historical review of the adverse reactions to neuroleptic agents--extrapyramidal side effects--is presented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Aspergillus cholangitis: A late complication after Kasai portoenterostomy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The topographic distribution of these changes was typical of WE.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient had recurrence of urticaria and angioedema a year and a half later, at which point the NPH was stopped and she was desensitized to regular insulin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"At the time when the leukemia appeared seven of the patients were in complete, and one in partial, remission as regards the ovarian carcinoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The scant literature available on nonpigmenting fixed drug eruptions is reviewed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Mean sleep latency with L-dopa was 7 minutes, in contrast to a normal value of 19 minutes, 25 seconds with placebo.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two case reports of bilateral granulomatous anterior uveitis are described in patients with open angle glaucoma treated with metripranolol 0.6% eye drops.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a 58-year-old otherwise healthy woman with unilateral endophytic optic disc hemangioma and associated serous retinal detachment and exudation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hypoxemia improved during continuous tolazoline infusion, but gastrointestinal bleeding occurred.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Focal nodular hyperplasia associated with the use of a synthetic anabolic androgen.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hypoglycemia can be a serious side effect of etanercept in patients already on antidiabetic medications known to cause hypoglycemia, such as sulfonylureas, meglitinides, and insulin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Other treatment modalities included high dose corticosteroids, plasmapheresis, lithium and perchlorate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The criteria proposed by Earnest et al. should be implemented for each seizure case that requires a decision on the urgent need for therapeutic anticonvulsant levels, whether by mechanical infusion, manual intravenous push, or oral loading.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"When the skin lesions had improved, phlebitis was found at the injection site of the peripheral vein catheter.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The physician should be aware of this complication before in initiating treatment with this drug.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Micrococcus luteus pneumonia: a case report and review of the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"More recently, however, thalidomide treatment has been reintroduced to adult and paediatric practice for a variety of dermatologic, immunologic, rheumatologic and neoplastic disorders.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"AmBisome treatment of fungal sinusitis in severe immunocompromised patient with acute lymphoblastic leukemia relapsed after autologous peripheral blood transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is said that leprosy reaction should be properly classified for therapeutic reasons, since it is well known that in Lucio phenomenon there is not a good response to thalidomide.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Primary cutaneous coccidioidomycosis and subsequent drug eruption to itraconazole in a dog.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"He had been taking finasteride (Propecia; Merck, Sharp and Dohme) at 1 mg\/day for 3 years to treat early stage of androgenic alopecia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Massive vulvar edema complicating tocolysis in a patient with twins.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Following the first episode, he was eucalcemic for nine weeks without therapy, attesting to the prolonged biological effects of calcitriol when used in the treatment of hypoparathyroidism.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We advise careful monitoring of water-electrolytic balance during sibutramine therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Medical therapy for thrombosed valve in pregnancy has become an acceptable alternative to surgery, especially in hemodynamically compromised patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It seems that the favorable outcome of the potentially fatal pneumonia observed in this patient might be related to early diagnosis, and prompt administration of ganciclovir and standard high-dose immunoglobulins.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Corticosteroids were stopped, and systemic trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole and topical tobramycin, colistin, chloramphenicol and sulfisoxazole were given.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Eleven patients developed infection requiring hospitalization while taking leflunomide including: lower respiratory tract infections (3), cellulitis (2), disseminated herpes zoster (2), probable TB liver (1), abdominal sepsis (1), mycotic aneurysm (1) and gastroenteritis (1).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 27-year-old man who had a history of bronchial asthma, eosinophilic enteritis, and eosinophilic pneumonia presented with fever, skin eruptions, cervical lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, atypical lymphocytosis, and eosinophilia two weeks after receiving trimethoprim (TMP)-sulfamethoxazole (SMX) treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"These microorganisms are recognized as the cause of devastating soft tissue infections, such as cellulitis, myositis, and gas gangrene.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Benign intracranial hypertension should be sought in any young woman complaining of headache during treatment with tetracycline.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Complete regression of iatrogenic Kaposi's sarcoma due to corticosteroid treatment in a patient with tubercular pericarditis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Myoglobinuria and acute renal failure were observed in two patients with vasopressin-treated gastrointestinal hemorrhage.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Following overdose either agent can affect the central nervous and cardiovascular systems, inducing arrhythmias, conduction disturbances and hypotension.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Because of the potential severity of this interaction, close monitoring of INR and warfarin dosage adjustment is recommended in patients receiving warfarin along with levamisole and 5-FU.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report two cases that developed acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) during tamoxifen therapy for breast cancer.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Massive CBZ OD may produce a reversible encephalopathy that includes cortical hyperexcitability, a profound burst-suppression EEG pattern, and cranial nerve areflexia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We found that patients with serotonin syndrome most often (74.3%) presented within 24 hours of medication initiation, overdose, or change in dosage.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One type of SMON is associated with acrodermatitis enteropathica which has a very high frequency of occurrence in association with administration of clioquinol.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This case underscores problems in clinical management with sulfadiazine hypersensitivity, potential immunosuppression from corticosteroids and selection of medications for recurrences of toxoplasmic chorioretinitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"STUDY DESIGN: Case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The strong position taken against narcotic use in Cope's Early Diagnosis of the Acute Abdomen is probably the reason for the perpetuation of the myth of avoiding narcotics for pain relief in patients with undiagnosed acute abdominal conditions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Their use in women who are pregnant is not without risk to the fetus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Seven patients presented with refractory bleeding and 1 was diagnosed with severe coagulopathy unresponsive to the conventional treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Soon after introduction of insulin therapy, she developed severe anasarca, including marked peripheral oedema, ascites and pleural effusion.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"ACE-inhibitors-induced metabolic acidosis in a child with nephrotic syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a novel approach to this rare and complicated problem and provide a review of the literature on the subject.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Video game epilepsy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, in 1993, a clinical study involving 400 patients on the Thai-Burmese border revealed cardiac effects of antimalarial treatment with halofantrine, including one sudden death after the treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"While not life threatening, it can have a severe disruptive effect on the quality of life.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case suggests that disopyramide should be used with caution in patients with bifascicular block patterns on ECG.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DISCUSSION: These findings suggest that paramyxovirus infection had contributed to the development of DIHS in this patient and that there is a need to seek evidence of other viral infections in some cases of DIHS, especially those without herpes virus reactivation\/infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"When additional indicators of treatment outcome are considered, such as cognitive and occupational and social functioning, it is clear that the overall outcome for schizophrenia is far from satisfactory.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DESIGN: Interventional case reports.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Development of hairy cell leukemia in a patient after cardiac transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Described here are 2 patients who developed thrombotic microangiopathy of the kidneys after receiving high cumulative doses of the new anticancer drug gemcitabine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In addition, the response to a corticotropin stimulation test was abnormal, an indication of suppression of the adrenal glands.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE SUMMARY: A 65-year-old patient chronically treated with the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) citalopram developed confusion, agitation, tachycardia, tremors, myoclonic jerks and unsteady gait, consistent with serotonin syndrome, following initiation of fentanyl, and all symptoms and signs resolved following discontinuation of fentanyl.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Eye movement disorders in bone marrow transplant patients on cyclosporin and ganciclovir.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In the third child, the tics ceased after CBZ discontinuation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Pentazocine-induced fibrous myopathy and localized neuropathy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Cotton-wool spots were found in six patients, retinal hemorrhages in four, and branch retinal vein occlusion in one (one eye).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fatty diarrhea occurred after chemotherapy, probably owing to gland destruction by lymphomatous infiltration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In November of 2000, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requested a voluntary recall of the product from all manufacturers.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An objective causality assessment suggests that the JHR in our patient was probably related to penicillin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The present report suggests that clarithromycin coadministration induces increased plasma carbamazepine concentrations, which may result in carbamazepine toxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"She was treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy and developed an accelerated SSc syndrome with pericarditis and cardiac tamponade, with lethal results.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Panic attacks occurred for the first time in a patient suffering from delusional depression during treatment with a combination of an antidepressant and a neuroleptic.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The kidney function returned to normal within 1 week.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a 53-year-old-man who developed rippling muscle disease (RMD) 2 months after starting simvastatin therapy for hypercholesterolemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Epidural steroid therapy is a commonly applied \"conservative\" therapy, but it is not inherently benign.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The abscess aspirate grew mixed organisms including Kluyvera cryocrescens.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Seizures associated with ofloxacin therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This patient developed sequential symptoms including alternative hemiparesis, dysarthria and altered consciousness 5 days after the second course of HD-MTX (8 gm\/m2 by 6 h continuous infusion) with leucovorin rescue.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Purple glove syndrome, named for its distinctive purple discoloration and swelling of the hands in the distribution of a glove, is an uncommon complication of intravenous phenytoin administration through small dorsal veins of the hands.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Infectious complications of this therapeutic regime in severe UC are known but to our knowledge a recurrent sepsis complicating this therapy even after cessation of CyA has not been reported in the literature so far.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Complications occurring after manual pumping of the reservoir are rare.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The possible inter-relationship of the cholestatis, central retinal vein thrombosis and immunosuppression are discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The use of cyclosporin has been associated with the development of cholelithiasis in transplant recipients.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Patients with severe disease and taking combination MTX and corticosteroids are at greatest risk.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 78-year-old man with a long history of major depression responded well to a course of ECT but relapsed before maintenance treatments could be started.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Recently, problems have arisen regarding infection with P. aeruginosa, which produces metallo-beta-lactamase (MBL) and is resistant to virtually all beta-lactams.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An 8-year-old boy was found to be hypertensive on routine exam (144\/88).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"NCSE, an epileptic disorder in which typical convulsive activity is absent, has previously been reported in only 4 patients receiving ifosfamide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"When SASP was changed to 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA), his skin eruptions were resolved, however, he developed weakness and atrophy in his right arm as well as progressive worsening of the dysesthesia in his legs and gait disturbance.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Seizures in patients receiving concomitant antimuscarinics and acetylcholinesterase inhibitor.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The renovascular hypertension in this patient was treated successfully by renal autotransplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pain was reduced in severity by day 29 and completely resolved once tacrolimus was discontinued on day 42.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This report describes iatrogenic left main thrombosis treated by operative thrombectomy and coronary artery bypass grafting.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"As it was so effective in these eyes with resistant CMO, a larger study is warranted to evaluate this form of therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The case demonstrates features of leukostasis which are peculiar to the 'retinoic acid syndrome'.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Flecainide-associated pneumonitis with acute respiratory failure in a patient with the LEOPARD syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We have reported six cases of metoclopramide-induced parkinsonism seen in consultation over a two-year period.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Plasma concentrations of carbamazepine and carbamazepine-10,11-epoxide were measured using high-performance liquid chromatography.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intravenous verapamil therapy in babies may cause apnea, hypotension, and bradycardia; continued episodes of atrial flutter in a child may cause sudden death; quinidine may be related to the death; children with \"familial seizure disorders\" may in fact have the long QT interval syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The clinical setting and diagnostic evaluation suggest multiple mechanisms for the hypersensitivity response.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Etanercept is being tried in patients with congestive heart failure, where TNF-a seems to be increased.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"HDR in young children should be restricted to controlled clinical trials until long-term morbidity and efficacy results are obtained from pilot studies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient was taking oral corticosteroids for underlying systemic lupus symptoms, and had classic signs and symptoms of peritonitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The diagnosis was based on the rapid onset of renal failure, presence of eosinophilia, skin rash, and characteristic renal biopsy finding, following the administration of ampicillin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Magnetocardiography and M-mode fetal echocardiography are non-invasive techniques capable of identifying fetal arrhythmias.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Renal biopsy demonstrated minimal glomerular changes with fusion of podocytes, tubular necrosis with regeneration of tubular epithelial cells, interstitial edema with focal interstitial fibrosis, and interstitial infiltration with neutrophils, eosinophils, plasma cells and mononuclear cells.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thiotepa and its main metabolite tepa, ultrafilterable platinum, cyclophosphamide and its activated metabolite 4-hydroxycyclophosphamide were determined.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We postulate that pulmonary GVHD and pulmonary infection including aspergillosis played an important role in the occurrence of both PVOD and HUS in our patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The infant improved clinically under intravenous hydration therapy, nevertheless lithium serum levels increased again and we did not know for certain if our clinical instinct or the actual figures were correct.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The possibility can be raised that M-CSF accelerated the underlying renal disease in this case through enhancing macrophage accumulation into the glomerulus, leading to the development of nephrotic syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The cases, as compared with the controls, less frequently showed lipodystrophy (4.4 vs. 65.2%, P<0.001) and hypertriglyceridemia (8.8 vs. 56.5%, P<0.005), whereas the prevalence of subjects with hypercholesterolemia was similar in the two groups (30 and 39.1%, respectively).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acquired methemoglobinemia: a rare but serious complication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: Long-term treatment with rifabutin may have a reversible and previously undescribed side-effect on retinal function.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a case of amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis of protracted duration, unresponsive to conventional thionamide therapy, with therapy limited by severe adverse drug reactions.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"She had been taking nabumetone for 6 months, but had discontinued the agent 2 weeks before admission due to progressive edema.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient was then treated with gemcitabine and irinotecan.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Indinavir-associated nephrolithiasis and chronic interstitial nephritis were the only possible causes identified in this patient.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We describe a case that involves fracture of a stent deployed to nominal pressure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Calcimimetics are a new class of drugs approved in the European Community and the United States by the Food and Drug Administration that were designed to suppress parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels with a simultaneous reduction in serum calcium and phosphorus levels, and calcium phosphorus product (Ca x P).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatment of amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis (AIT) with thionamide, lithium or radioactive iodine is ineffective.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"It has a significant effect in relieving motor and vocal tics and in mood and behavior disturbances of children, adolescents, and adults with TS.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three patients, in whom tumour overkill by cytotoxic treatment, including high dose methotrexate with folinic acid rescue, resulted in the 'phosphate shower syndrome' (hyper-uricaemia, hyperkalaemia and hyperphosphataemia with hypocalcaemia and tetany, with metabolic acidosis and acute renal impairment) are described.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In two patients, apomorphine remained effective in the morning, but increased the intensity of the dyskinesias in the afternoon.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Further treatment with intravenous ACV led to VZV DNA becoming undetectable in whole blood, a result not achieved with oral valacyclovir.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: In patients presenting with pelvic masses and a history of IUD placement, actinomycotic infection should be considered and diagnosis attempted by imaging guided needle biopsy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Seizures in the neonatal period generally respond well to anticonvulsant therapy, but exposure to anticonvulsant medication during the first few months of life may have a detrimental influence on growth and development.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although porphyria cutanea tarda may be familial, it is more often sporadic in occurrence, and has been associated with excess alcohol ingestion, estrogen administration, iron overload, and several environmental hepatotoxins.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"None of these patients met the DSM-IV criteria for a major depressive disorder.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient had been experiencing frequent headaches and tenderness at the site of the lump for about a month before being seen by the neurosurgeon.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Here we report a 75-year-old woman with acute left middle cerebral artery occlusion who developed right internal carotid artery occlusion during the last minutes of recombinant tissue plasminogen activator infusion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Computed Tomography was used to demonstrate the increased retro-orbital fat.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatment, mainly steroids and ciclosporin, should be aimed at the control of acute manifestations of cGVHD.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Delayed bowel injury is an infrequently observed complication of chromic phosphate administration.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Treatment of intractable arterial hemorrhage during stereotactic brain biopsy with thrombin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Possible mechanisms underlying her response to this form of treatment are discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia due to corticosteroids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Vancomycin is widely used against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections, but it is associated with many adverse effects such as nephrotoxicity, ototoxicity, gastrointestinal disturbances, blood disorders, and two types of hypersensitivity reactions - an anaphylactoid reaction known as \"red man syndrome\" and anaphylaxis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Cultures grew Staphylococcus epidermidis, only in liquid (broth) media, in 3 cases; the other 5 showed no growth.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Primary cutaneous coccidioidomycosis was diagnosed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The present report describes giant atrial thrombi that were treated with thrombolysis in a community hospital.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Lithium neurotoxicity should be considered in Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease differential diagnosis, serial electroencephalograms being the most valuable.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of the use of sodium thiosulfate to treat calciphylaxis in a patient with normal renal function.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Conversion of precursor cholecalciferol to the active form of hormone, 1,25-DHCC, requires intermediate hydroxylation by the liver.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Sulprostone, a synthetic prostaglandin with potent uterotonic action, has been shown to have a low complication rate in a large series.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Type I second-degree AV block (Mobitz type I, Wenckebach AV block) during ritodrine therapy for preterm labor.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Severe steroid-induced glaucoma following intravitreal injection of triamcinolone acetonide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Furthermore, patients receiving combined therapy with an ACE inhibitor and a diuretic and patients who experience a cyst hemorrhage while receiving ACE inhibitor therapy are also at risk for reversible renal dysfunction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rheumatoid arthritis after 9 years of human immunodeficiency virus infection: possible contribution of tritherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors report the case of a 32-year-old man who had been treated for anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder and had received 800 mg methylphenobarbital (MPB).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Disseminated Scedosporium\/Pseudallescheria infection after double-lung transplantation in patients with cystic fibrosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ticlopidine treatment was stopped, and a prolonged course of prednisone was necessary to treat the pulmonary and intestinal symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The additional finding of extensive resorption of the outer cortical surface and bone formation at the inner surface suggested a reversible phase after discontinuation of treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On the next day, she complained of gingival bleeding and purpura again, and her platelet count was 5000\/mm3.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Augmentation of aripiprazole with low-dose clozapine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cutaneous alternariosis: role of corticosteroid-induced cutaneous fragility.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Death ensued 3 days after the onset of the rash.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two had positive antihistone antibodies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Herein we report the successful treatment of invasive aspergillosis with the liposomal amphotericin B (AMB) formulation, Amphotericin B Lipid Complex (ABLC).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Spasm of the sphincter of Oddi is a well-recognized effect of the narcotic class of drugs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We review the current English language literature on this entity and discuss its clinical features, histology, ultrastructure, etiology, and pathophysiology.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Graves' hyperthyroidism following transient thyrotoxicosis during interferon therapy for chronic hepatitis type C.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: Anterior spinal artery syndrome can occur following retroperitoneal surgery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The clinical usefulness and possible mechanisms of action of these agents in treating sleep disorder are discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The median latent period was 9.5 hours (range 4 to 24 hours) with a delay to medical consultation of 36 hours (range 6 to 48 hours), and a median serum methanol concentration of 1.4 g\/L (range 0.19 to 3.62 g\/L).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Analysis of his cerebrospinal fluid showed a decrease in loosely-bound (catalytic) iron and increase in loosely-bound (catalytic) copper, total iron and products of lipid peroxidation, with values approaching normal as the symptoms resolved.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a severe case of hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH), secondary to a candida glabrata retroperitoneal abscess in a 41-year-old simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplantation (SPKT) recipient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Signs of illness in those that died were vomiting, diarrhea, neutropenia, anorexia, and fever, usually within 3 days of the start of chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A subsequent pathological analysis revealed a mass of hyphae with acute-angle branching, features consistent with Aspergillus, within the cavitary lesion, and she was diagnosed with pulmonary aspergillosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cholestatic liver disease with ductopenia (vanishing bile duct syndrome) after administration of clindamycin and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"After administration of Oxybutynin concomitantly with an increase in the dose of Dantrolene, she presented the clinical symptoms and laboratory finding of Carbamazepine intoxication.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Because the patient had declined surgery, RFA was chosen for therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Can propofol precipitate pancreatitis in patients with Cushing's syndrome?","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Severe loss of vision after removal of cataract caused by intravitreal triamcinolone in combination with photodynamic therapy for exudative age-related macular degeneration.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Hypersensitivity to aspirin can be manifested as acute asthma, urticaria and\/or angioedema, or a systemic anaphylactoid reaction.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Further findings included bilateral four-finger hands with hypoplastic thumbs and absent radii.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient complained of intolerable lumbago and numbness in her buttocks.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These findings suggest that the arterial vasoconstriction decreased the integrity of the intestinal mucosal barrier and permitted the transmural migration of enteric organisms from the lumen of the bowel into the ascites-filled peritoneal cavity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a patient with AIDS and intestinal microsporidiosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The evidence suggests that these deaths were the result of causes other than use of the drug.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Relapse-free survival of the responding patients was 24 and 20 months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a patient who developed NEH on three separate occasions provoked by two different chemotherapeutic agents--cytarabine and mitoxantrone.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A drug lymphocyte stimulation test for salazoslufapyridine was positive, but the patch test was negative.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A review of the literature also reveals that MMF is a safe medication that appears to have a more favorable side effect profile than azathioprine, although it is more expensive than azathioprine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We believe this to be a previously unreported complication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Liver biopsy showed extensive ground-glass hepatocytes and extension of thin septum-like fibers from portal tract to the lobule.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case is remarkable since 1) ECM developed after subcutaneous and not after intramuscular injection, 2) the injection was given by the patient himself, and 3) glatiramer acetate can induce skin necrosis as a side effect.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Neuropathic pain syndrome as an occult manifestation of injury of the spinal cord after surgical repair of aortic coarctation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Removal of a well-fixed metal-metal hip resurfacing acetabular component.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors suggest that alprazolam may have enhanced specificity for a subpopulation of benzodiazepine receptors.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patient B continued at 80% of standard dose (2000 mg\/m2) and symptoms resolved without further intervention.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The abnormalities in her liver function tests included a progressive rise in bilirubin level over five weeks.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Prolonged echoviral meningitis in a cancer patient with normal serum immunoglobulins.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case study highlights the strategy of appropriate and timely surgical management.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Stopping the topical steroids with concurrent lowering of the IOP resulted in improvement in the uncorrected and best corrected visual acuities and was associated with resolution of the corneal findings.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Of 371 patients treated with 8MOP, three (0.8%) developed an acute dermatitis in the PUVA-treated areas.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Skin tests with methotrexate were not performed because their diagnostic value is controversial.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Information on medical history was obtained from their carers and hospital records.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All 5 patients were also taking -corticosteroids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Clinicians should be aware that Crohn's disease is a potential novel adverse drug effect of Copaxone.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We present the management of agranulocytosis and neutropenic sepsis secondary to carbimazole with recombinant human granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"These two cases demonstrate the importance of early treatment including dantrolene.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thalidomide as elective treatment in persistent erythema multiforme; report of two cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Anterior chamber shallowing was noted in both patients at presentation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There is likely to be increasing pressure on pediatricians and other health professionals to prescribe HBO(2).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It has shown efficacy in patients with B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma and also in CD20-positive Hodgkin lymphoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors discuss the implications of these findings.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These findings suggest that there may be a place for intravenous CyA therapy in patients with severe Crohn's disease who do not respond to conventional therapy or to oral treatment with CyA.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We introduce a case of a sixty years old woman with several previous episodes of rhinitis, conjunctivitis and perspiration immediately after the administration of salmon calcitonin with nasal spray or intramuscular administration (Calsynar).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"However, such a drug-induced mixed pattern of lichen planus pemphigoides with pemphigus-like features has never been reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fludarabine induced lung toxicity must be considered in all patients who develop unexplained lung disease while receiving fludarabine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This occurred after the first cycle of cisplatin and then again after the second cycle.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An 11-year-old boy who was treated with a relatively high dose of methotrimeprazine meleate (Levemepromazine) a phenothiazine antipsychotic drug, was admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit suffering from respiratory distress syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"After disulfiram therapy was discontinued, symptoms subsided and results of liver function tests returned to normal.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Aripiprazole-induced hiccups: a case report.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report the case of a 59-year-old man who was treated with intraarterial chemotherapy for metastatic colonic adenocarcinoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This appears to be the first such report in the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Laboratory studies were notable for hypothyroidism.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Streptomycin caused vertigo and had to be stopped.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The association with prolonged unopposed estrogen-like stimulation with tamoxifen as a possible factor in the development of ovarian endometrioid carcinoma is discussed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The mechanism remains unclear.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULT: Additional investigation revealed duodenal villous atrophy and positivity for anti-endomysium and anti-gliadin antibodies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The development of an IgG lambda-type monoclonal gammopathy and subsequent multiple myeloma in an epilepsy patient on diphenylhydantoin (DILANTIN) therapy for 20 years is reported.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A punch biopsy showed the presence of KS, whereas a polymerase chain reaction assay documented the presence of human herpes virus type 8 (HHV8) DNA in the skin lesion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although it has been reported that emboli from atherosclerotic disease may be more frequent than commonly appreciated, hepatic infarction caused by an arterial embolus is an unusual but serious complication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fifty-two mental hospital cases of acute and chronic schizophrenia and gross behaviour disorders were investigated and observed for 6-12 months during treatment with clozapine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Transient neurological disturbances induced by the chemotherapy of high-dose methotrexate for osteogenic sarcoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Myoclonic movements were noted when the patient arrived at the outpatient infusion center to begin his intermittent dobutamine infusion, and he was sent to the emergency department, where he was treated with calcium gluconate, regular insulin, and lorazepam and was instructed to stop his potassium supplements; he then received his dobutamine infusion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Because the combination of bleomycin and vinca alkaloids is commonly used for the treatment of AIDS-related Kaposi's sarcoma, clinicians should be aware of the risk of provoking acral necrosis in patients who develop Raynaud's phenomenon under chemotherapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Early discontinuation of anticonvulsants after neonatal seizures: a preliminary report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"To our knowledge, this is the second such case reported, as Merkel cell carcinoma most commonly occurs after kidney and heart transplants.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This report describes the management of repetitive paroxysms of supraventricular tachyarrhythmias triggered by catheter manipulation during interventional procedures in two children.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: The purpose of the study is to investigate the relationship between inhaled or intranasal adrenergic agonists and corticosteroids and the development of central serous chorioretinopathy (CSC).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We thus concluded that an excessive dose of AZ had probably destroyed the gastric mucosal barrier or thrombocytopenia due to bone marrow disorder and thus eventually led to the development of hemorrhagic gastritis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The American Society for Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine has specific guidelines for treatment of these patients when they undergo neuraxial anesthetic procedures.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"True allergy to mercury is rare but is more common in females.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This delivery system, however, carries with it an intrinsic morbidity warranting attention in the often prolonged chemotherapy regimens demanded by cancer patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Extensive visual loss with topical facial steroids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In addition, IVIG may effectively modulate the overreactive immune system in AHS.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She admitted that she often induced the episode herself and derived pleasure out of it.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The first therapeutic schedule included rifampicin, isoniazid and ethambutol; no uniform treatment could be used for these patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It was not accompanied by clinical hallmarks of hypersensitivity, which is suggestive for metabolic rather than for immunoallergic idiosyncrasy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All patients had taken phenytoin for variable time periods (range 16-80 days; mean: 40) and were on the medication when the skin lesions first appeared.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Both analyses confirmed that the isolated material is calcium carbonate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Parenterally administered biperiden proved to be highly effective in the control of the symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We conclude that the use of hemopoietic colony stimulating factors might be a suitable means to achieve the correction of severe thionamide-induced hematologic adverse reactions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient also developed red cell alloantibodies that produced a delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction (DHTR) and broad HLA antibodies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: Each patient received a 10 unit\/m2 dose of bleomycin administered intravenously at 1 to 1.5 units\/minute.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Monocytic leukemoid reaction, glucocorticoid therapy, and myelodysplastic syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 44-year-old woman is described in whom amiodarone, disopyramide, and quinidine, administered alone separately, induced atypical ventricular tachycardia (AVT, torsade de pointes).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Rifampin (RFP) increases hepatic microsomal enzyme activity, and there are case reports of RFP-induced hypothyroidism, all associated with Hashimoto's thyroiditis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Rapamycin\/sirolimus (SR), trade named Rapammune (Wyeth-Ayerst, Sydney, Australia), is a potent immunosuppressive drug associated with myelosuppression, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and infection.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"More recently, extrapyramidal side effects have gained importance because they are significant factors in both the patient's acceptance of the particular drug and his or her social adjustment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Tacrolimus (FK506), an immunosuppressant, has been associated with mutism in adults after liver transplant.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The striking temporal relationship between commencing dalteparin on day 1 and subsequent development of effusion on day 4, following 3 doses of LMWH, led us to believe that the bleed occurred as a result of the therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"ENT surgeons, general physicians, and infertility experts should consider this in the differential diagnosis of neck swellings, particularly after OHSS and IVF treatment, and in this case report, we emphasis the need for an urgent ultrasound of the neck in such patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Zonisamide is a broad-spectrum antiepileptic drug used to treat various types of seizures.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Discontinuation of the Osmolite resulted in a prompt prolongation of the prothrombin time.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Additional history disclosed that the patient had been given metamizole for pain before onset of his illness.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Liver biopsy showed cholestasis with both cytological and architectural alterations of interlobular bile ducts.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE: We present an 11-year old male with Budd-Chiari syndrome who experienced profound worsening of chronic aphthous ulcers after immunosuppressive therapy was changed from tacrolimus to sirolimus.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Reversal of post-reperfusion coagulopathy by protamine sulphate in orthotopic liver transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"INTRODUCTION: We describe the neurointensive care (NIC) management of a patient with severe cerebral swelling and raised intracranial pressure (ICP) after severe sodium valproic acid (VPA) intoxication.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Quetiapine and obsessive-compulsive symptoms (OCS): case report and review of atypical antipsychotic-induced OCS.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Thiabendazole is a relatively safe and effective agent with a wide range of activity against nematodes infesting the gastrointestinal tract.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This is an unusual association, and to date only seven cases have been reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVES: The authors described a case of Hashimoto's disease during interferon-alpha (IFN-alpha) treatment for chronic viral C hepatitis in a patient with the specific genetic susceptibility associated with the thyroid disease.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Cidofovir is an antiviral agent that demonstrates in vitro activity against murine polyomavirus and has been proposed for treatment of BKVN in renal allograft recipients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pulmonary sarcoidosis following interferon therapy for advanced renal cell carcinoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Amphojeloma: antacid impaction in a critically ill patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Most of these cases have been associated with the administration of chemotherapy or radiotherapy for CLL, suggesting that the former may be a secondary leukemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Therefore, although garenoxacin reportedly causes fewer adverse reactions for cardiac rhythms than third-generation quinolone antibiotics, one must be cautious of the interference of other drugs during hypokalemia in order to prevent TdP.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This case reminds physicians of the importance of drug reactions, their severity, techniques for diagnosis and methods of management.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 45-year-old man presented with deep vein thrombosis of the right leg and bilateral pulmonary embolism.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Lansoprazole was discontinued, and the platelet count returned to normal.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cerebral air embolism after intrathoracic anti-cancer drug administration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Zolpidem (Ambien), a relatively new nonbenzodiazepine sedative-hypnotic, was involved in the death of a 39-year-old obese male who was being treated for depression and insomnia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Successful treatment of aortic thrombosis after umbilical catheterization with tissue plasminogen activator.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Initial treatment including removal of the catheter and antibiotic therapy was unsuccessful and both patients had persistent fever and bacteremia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Death ensued after three days due to cerebral edema with herniation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: We review the literature of reported cases of primary osteogenic sarcomas of the skull to discuss the common clinical presentation, evaluation methods, and recommended treatment plans.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In the present study, our cases suggested that patients receiving a high dose of co-trimoxazole should be evaluated for these potential complications during a course of treatment, particularly in elderly patients with preexisting renal dysfunction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These cases were compared with those attributed to anthracyclines and taxanes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient presented unfavorable evolution with progressive worsening of respiratory function, hypotension, and renal failure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Some patients received antilymphocyte globulin (OKT3), when acute rejection was imminent.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The aim of our paper was to describe hepatotoxicity of sirolimus (SRL) in a kidney graft recipient.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"6. The wide variety of drugs associated with this complication suggests that any cytotoxic agent may be leukemogenic.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An acute viral illness or reactivation of systemic lupus erythematosus were the suspected diagnoses.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient's second acceleration occurred 22 months after the CML diagnosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A female patient with HER2 positive, metastatic breast cancer presented with pulmonary infiltrates, and a plural effusion dyspnoea after several months of trastuzumab treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Acute chest pain is a common presentation in emergency.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Differences in interpretation by patients and healthcare professionals may cause the observed disparities in seriousness and outcome of reported ADRs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Topical imiquimod 5% cream seems to be a useful treatment for eyelid nodular basal cell carcinoma in selected cases, but further long-term studies are needed to assess the efficacy and safety of this approach.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient received hyperbaric oxygen therapy for 1 week.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The most commonly cited cause of drug-induced IHA has been receipt of second and third generation cephalosporin antibiotics.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Syncytial giant cell hepatitis recurred after transplantation and was efficiently treated with ribavirin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Antibiotic-associated colitis (pseudomembranous colitis) developed in four patients with spinal cord injury and taking oral trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"It has been shown to possess beneficial effects in reducing the relapse rate in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Blood, urine, and sputum cultures were positive for Trichosporon.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Valproate embryopathy in three sets of siblings: further proof of hereditary susceptibility.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Acute pancreatitis in a child with idiopathic ulcerative colitis on long-term 5-aminosalicylic acid therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"METHODS: An extensive review of the English medical literature through the National Library of Medicine (PUBMED) was performed to identify patients who had received or continued to receive radiation therapy while on phenytoin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A variety of movement disorders are known to occur in association with carbamazepine (CBZ) therapy in adults and children, but development of tics has been described infrequently and only in patients with underlying Tourette's syndrome or other movement disorders.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Among 12 thyrotoxic patients, a patient with arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia, who had been taking amiodarone for 4 years, developed thyrotoxicosis with subacute onset, accompanied by transiently positive thyrotropin (TSH) receptor antibody (TRAb), or thyrotropin-binding inhibiting immunoglobulin (TBII).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We describe a 28-year-old man who was brought to the emergency department with a new-onset seizure and clinical signs and symptoms consistent with advanced delirium tremens.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A T9-10 epidural catheter was placed prior to induction of general anaesthesia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Calciphylaxis (calcific uremic arteriolopathy) is a severe complication of hemodialysis characterized by subcutaneous calcification of the small arteries and tissue necrosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Investigations did not reveal associated infection or an underlying immunological disorder; however, the patient admitted to excessive use of topical anesthetic eyedrops in the post-LASEK period.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In one patient, disease was confined to the colon, while three patients had disease involving the terminal ileum and colon.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Visual loss after a single small dose of vincristine has never been reported.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Four cats had a history of difficulty in regulating the diabetic state.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Motor cortex excitability was studied by single and paired TMS and MEPs were recorded from FDI.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After intravitreal injection of triamcinolone acetonide, cataract may rapidly develop in eyes that have been intensively treated, topically and systemically, by corticosteroids for several years.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The reported cases of in utero exposure to cyclosposphamide shared the following manifestations with our patient: growth deficiency, developmental delay, craniosynostosis, blepharophimosis, flat nasal bridge, abnormal ears, and distal limb defects including hypoplastic thumbs and oligodactyly.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Survival of patients with AL amyloidosis is no more than 1 to 2 years from the time of diagnosis with current management approaches.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although immunosuppressive medications were rapidly tapered, neither patient could receive potentially curative therapy with unmanipulated donor-derived lymphocyte infusions (DLI) because of the substantial risk of severe GVHD.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In this article, four patient reports of a specific interaction--the serotonin syndrome--are presented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These patients may develop systemic sepsis through bacterial or fungal translocation across the intestinal wall.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We examined and treated six patients with acanthamoeba keratitis associated with contact lens wear from 1981 to 1988.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Heparin was given for 15 hours after stenting, and aspirin and ticlopidine medication were continued.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is mainly adolescents who are experimenting with these plants.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Isotretinoin, a drug used for the treatment of acne, has been shown to have teratogenic effects.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Physical examination showed proximal muscle weakness in his arms and legs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE SUMMARY: A 57-year-old female suffered from osteomyelitis of the left humerus, with a white blood cell (WBC) count of 2.8 x 10(3)\/mm3 and absolute neutrophil count (ANC) of 0.28 x 10(3)\/mm3, occurring after 24 days of vancomycin therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Following administration of 0.1 mmol\/kg of gadodiamide to a patient with end-stage renal disease, the serum clearance of this contrast agent by automated PD was examined.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: A retrospective study in an institutional practice.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Brain computed tomography disclosed bilateral temporal hypodensity with edema.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To discuss the various diagnostic and treatment options that should be considered when managing parotid duct injuries that result from skin cancer extirpation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Studies of porphyrin metabolism in patients treated with cyclophosphamide may help to elucidate this possibility.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The resultant renal failure and fluid overload necessitated peritoneal dialysis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Unexplained menorrhagia and hematuria: a case report of Munchausen's syndrome by proxy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Examination of bone marrow at the last clinical follow up demonstrated both acute myeloid leukemia and residual metastatic Ewing sarcoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Alteration in carbohydrate metabolism, such as transient glucose intolerance at the start of therapy in non-diabetic acromegalic patients, and increased sensitivity to insulin or oral hypoglycemic agents in diabetic acromegalic patients, is common.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rapid improvement of delusional depression following drug-induced seizures: case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These findings did not correlate with changes in serum IgG, IgA, IgM, IgD, IgE or alpha 2-macroglobulin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rapid onset of muscle weakness (rhabdomyolysis) associated with the combined use of simvastatin and colchicine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: The case of a patient who developed aseptic meningitis, hemolytic anemia, hepatitis, and orthostatic hypotension simultaneously during treatment with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole is described.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: We measured the highest acyclovir serum levels reported so far (229.9 mumol\/L = 51.8 mg\/L).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"His fever resolved and clearance of the nodule was documented on a CT scan 2 months after diagnosis and initiation of treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Transient cardiac arrhythmias related to lopinavir\/ritonavir in two patients with HIV infection.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"When fentanyl was subsequently administered to treat her pain, the stridor resolved.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Scouting biopsies demonstrated multiple comedones and ruptured epidermoid cysts.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The number of melanosomes, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum and dendrites were increased.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Sudden sensorineural hearing loss has rarely been reported as a result of NSAID use.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a patient in whom this interaction caused a series of dangerous clinical events.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In two cases acute renal failure also occurred.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Here we report our experience with three of these patients, who experienced progressive disease after a variety of previous therapies, including prior immunotherapies, and who achieved good outcomes with ipilimumab.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Gold nephropathy due to auranofin obscured by tolmetin pseudoproteinuria.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Autoimmune hemolytic anemia associated with postirradiation malignant stromal tumor (leiomyosarcoma) of the jejunum.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three (10%) eyes had an epithelial defect, nine (31%) had iridocyclitis, and seven (24%) had associated secondary glaucoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two underwent shunt revision for proximal obstruction, with an intact distal system.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 32 year old man with chronic severe asthma, requiring maintenance oral corticosteroids, was started on a weekly dose of methotrexate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In contrast, the LMW heparinoid Org 10172 (Organon, Oss, The Netherlands) did not cause platelet activation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, a Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction occurring in a patient receiving treatment for ocular syphilis can be serious, resulting in the rapid loss of vision.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This report describes the development of multiple-site, biopsy-proven osteonecrosis in a patient with small-cell bronchogenic carcinoma who had received chemotherapy and short-term administration of corticosteroid.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pathological features such as large amounts of lipid droplets and lysosome-melanosome complexes were also found within the melanocytes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Prompt diagnosis and surgery offer excellent chances of surviving this fatal condition.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She received an accidental 450-mg bolus injection of morphine intrathecally and developed hypertension, status epilepticus, intracerebral hemorrhage, and respiratory failure.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The prevalence of TD was 3.96% (4\/101).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The withdrawal of PI was followed by a complete improvement of renal function.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This report emphasises the clinicopathological features and the diagnostic peculiarities of the acute tumour lysis syndrome, which occurs uncommonly in dogs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy with dysproteinemia (AILD) is a primary lymphoproliferative T-cell disorder, currently classified as a peripheral T-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This appears to cause immediate regression of the neovascular frond and allows time for the laser, which is applied subsequently to have its effect.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute renal failure during lisinopril and losartan therapy for proteinuria.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"An increase in exercise capacity was reported by 78% of patients; objective measurements showed that the mean value of VO2max in a subgroup of 11 patients increased by 50% after treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Symptoms correlated with an increase in alkaline phosphatase and with bone scintigraphy findings.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"INH, which is a leading cause of drug eruptions in the above group of drugs was withdrawn.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Growth hormone deficiency (GHD) results in salt and water depletion and studies confirm that replacement leads to sodium and vasopressin-mediated water retention in patients with intact posterior pituitary function.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A biopsy specimen showed pleural and parenchymal fibrosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Magnetic resonance imaging showed several areas of abnormally high signal on T2-weighted images in the brainstem, thalamus, and mamillary bodies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Drug-induced mammary hyperplasias have been reported as rare complications of D-penicillamine and Neothetazone.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Both 6-MP and AZA are widely used and are known to cause hepatotoxicity in a proportion of patients.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Patients with metastatic breast adenocarcinoma showed complete responses in both treated nodules after ECT.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He developed a late secondary infection in some sites treated with imiquimod.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Foscarnet resistance and cidofovir resistance have also been described, but no previous reports have suggested treatment regimens for patients with CMV refractory to all three of these drugs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, it is still produced and marketed in several countries in Central and South America as well as in Europe, Asia, and Africa.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thereafter, the patient's renal function slowly worsened and she started chronic hemodialysis 5 years later.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Physical findings and urine output were normal, except for increasing blood urea nitrogen (BUN), serum creatinine and mild proteinuria.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Our observation would confirm this statement.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Our second patient had a 2-year history of asthma prior to the onset of rippling muscles which preceded the myasthenic symptoms by 4-8 weeks.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient suffered no side effects, and use of G-CSF represents an important addition to the management of a life-threatening drug reaction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Anaphylaxis from isoniazid is a possible side effect to this commonly prescribed antibiotic.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"If a strong clinical likelihood of local disseminated intravascular coagulation exists, then In-111 platelets may be valuable in localizing the focus of platelet consumption.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, spontaneous degenerative rupture of the plantar fascia is not well documented in the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Phantom limb pain as a manifestation of paclitaxel neurotoxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Knowledge regarding potential adverse effects of CAP is paramount and dose modification is indicated with development of neurotoxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"One patient has a resistance-related mutation (M460I); the major risk factor for emergence of resistance in this patient was the presence of early and persistent antigenaemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The nephrotic syndrome was treated successfully with prednisolone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"New therapeutic approaches should be explored.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is suggested that special precautionary measures should be taken regarding the dose and the route while administering epinephrine to avoid mishaps.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"L. monocytogenes infection should therefore be considered in CAPD patients with gram-positive rod peritonitis, even if immunocompetence is presumed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Occult quinine-induced thrombocytopenia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The importance of high-tone audiometry in monitoring for ototoxicity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In rare cases mitomycin C (MMC) may induce cancer-associated hemolytic uremic syndrome, which is characterized by hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia and progressive renal failure.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Given that discontinuation of nitrofurantoin and introduction of methylprednisolon therapy significantly lowered liver enzyme levels, restoring most of them to normal, we concluded that this was probably the case of toxic liver damage caused by nitrofurantoin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We describe a 51-year-old woman with sacroiliitis following a fall.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fluorescent in situ hybridization confirmed donor cells at sites of peribronchiolar inflammation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Lymph node biopsy showed almost complete effacement of the nodal architecture with diffuse proliferation of small vessels forming an arborizing network, surrounded by atypical lymphocytes, usually CD3+ CD4+ and occasionally CD3+ CD8+.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a protocol in which anticonvulsant agents are discontinued before discharge from our neonatal unit.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Successful treatment of refractory immune hemolysis following unrelated cord blood transplant with Campath-1H.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 59-year-old female was admitted to Tsukuba University Hospital and diagnosed as IgA-lambda multiple myeloma (stage IIIA).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Coincident with the preeclampsia was a postdural puncture headache complicating the diagnosis of late postpartum preeclampsia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To propose a new hypothesis regarding the possible role of glucocorticoid excess in patients with an extended acute illness, based on a patient's presentation and therapy in a critical care situation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Prazosin-induced first-dose phenomenon possibly associated with hemorrhagic stroke: a report of three cases.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Moreover, applying the Cockcroft-Gault equation to obese patients leads to an overprediction of creatinine clearance and, when used in the Calvert equation, consequently to a carboplatin dose that is too high.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Therapy with IFN-alpha may be associated with a number of neuropsychiatric symptoms, such as Parkinsonism, akathisia, seizure, and depressive disorders.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient has received follow-up treatment for three years and five months without local or systemic effects observed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All 3 had documented CBZ blood levels in the therapeutic range at the time, and none had other symptoms or signs of clinical intoxication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Drug-induced hypersensitivity syndrome associated with a marked increase in anti-paramyxovirus antibody titers in a scleroderma patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Early overanticoagulation with acenocoumarol due to a genetic polymorphism of cytochrome P450 CYP2C9.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Although the development of posterior subcapsular cataracts is a known complication of systemic steroid therapy, it usually occurs after several years of chronic administration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Here we present the case of a generalized lichen nitidus with involvement of the palms in a patient with hepatitis C after systemic treatment with interferon alpha and ribavirin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"He developed fever, nausea, diarrhea, and malaise and stopped taking on the third day after commencing Pentasa.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The use of adenosine has been suggested as a diagnostic tool in the evaluation of wide ORS complex tachycardia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE SUMMARY: A 72-year-old white woman was treated with sertraline for depression for 18 months and was then admitted to the hospital with a fractured tibia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three of the patients had the carcinoid syndrome and one a renal carcinoma, and all were treated with interferon-alpha 2b or 2a (IFN-alpha 2b, 2a) with doses ranging from 1.5 x 10(6) U daily to 18 x 10(6) U three times weekly.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus and renal tubular acidosis secondary to foscarnet therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"On day 4, following 3 doses of dalteparin, the patient developed acute respiratory distress attributable to a massive right hemothorax confirmed by computed tomography pulmonary angiography (CTPA) and intercostal drainage of 1500 mL of frank blood.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"An extensive MEDLINE search located 22 other reports of patients who developed HDAs, sometimes associated with thrombosis, but whose platelet counts did not decrease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A liver biopsy revealed chronic hepatitis with bridging fibrosis and piecemeal necrosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One of the patients presented hyperprolactinemia and a raised estrogen\/androgen ratio but the hormone levels were not raised in the other.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On the first occasion she experienced arterial fibrillation secondary to a severe episode of hypotension following local anaesthesia, while on a course of beta-blockers.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These organisms have occasionally been reported as a cause of serious infections in man but have not been reported as a cause of shunt infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three prepubertal children who suffered severe, incapacitating anxiety disorders with panic-like symptoms were treated successfully with clonazepam.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder (PTLD) is a life-threatening complication after lung transplantation, for which several risk factors including pretransplant seronegativity for Epstein-Barr virus are known.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present this report to alert physicians and pharmacists about the potential risk of the first-dose phenomenon even at the recommended initial doses of prazosin in hypertensive patients who have suffered a recent stroke.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A review of the literature disclosed 8 cases of this association with a fatal fulminant outcome in 5 cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Expandable metallic stents have been used effectively to treat multiple nonsurgical esophageal conditions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In this case report, we present clinical and laboratory findings of a case with chronic hepatitis B that developed acute dystonia soon after the first dose of pegylated interferon alpha.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"It should be recognized that ibuprofen may be associated with salt and water retention in the same fashion as previously described with phenylbutazone and indomethacin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Therefore, we concluded that this patient's pulmonary disease was caused by calcium stearate, an additive for an antihistaminic drug.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In conclusion, RSDS is a relevant osteoarticular complication in patients receiving either anticalcineurinic drug (CyA or tacrolimus), even under monotherapy or with a low steroid dose.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"One patient presented twice with seizures.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: This is a case of angiosarcoma developing 5 years after curative therapy for T3N0 squamous cell carcinoma of the supraglottic larynx.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Electroencephalography (EEG) with polygraphic recording revealed tonic status epilepticus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Management with intravenous magnesium sulfate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fluoxetine is a relatively new antidepressant, reported to have minimal side-effects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although the symptom complex of disseminated cysticercosis has been well recognized for over half a century, it is not clearly included in recent disease classifications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Exuberant molluscum contagiosum as a manifestation of the immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The infants were treated with oral propranolol.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The clinical manifestations, characteristic radiologic images, treatment outcome, and possible mechanisms of this late complication are presented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"As the treatment of calciphylaxis is mainly empirical and controversial, we decided to administer cinacalcet with paricalcitol for the control of hyperparathyroidism and sodium thiosulfate to improve the calcification of the arterioles.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After the dose of methylprednisolone was reduced from 40 mg to 20 mg i.v. q6h and shifted to other anti-asthma treatment by procaterol metered dose inhaler via spacer, the psychotic reaction disappeared a few hours later.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Psoralen-ultra violet A (PUVA) photochemotherapy can be effective, but frequent maintenance therapy may be required to prevent relapse of symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The child, at present 15 months old, has had to undergo two operations for fronto-orbital advancement because of insufficient growth of the mid-face, nasal airway hypoplasia and increased intracranial pressure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A full vasculitis screen was negative.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Obtaining appropriate cultures can be critical in making the diagnosis and directing treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Seizure activity is a known complication associated with multiple sclerosis; however, it may also result from side effects of the treatments for the disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient developed flares of vasculitis symptoms associated with rises in either type of ANCA.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Specific antiinfectious therapy together with cyclosporine and dexamethasone may be a therapeutic approach.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Dermatologists need to be aware of this potential serious reaction to this phenobarbital-containing therapy for hot flashes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A hemogram indicated an inflammatory leukogram and a regenerative anemia with spherocytosis and thrombocytosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Bulbar and pseudobulbar palsy complicating therapy with high-dose cytosine arabinoside in children with leukemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Sodium valproate and carbamazepine, antiepileptic drugs that are associated with a relatively low rate of adverse cutaneous reactions, should be added to the growing list of drugs that produce psoriasiform eruptions.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Histologic examination of biopsies from two regressing tumor nodes showed necrotic tumor cells and infiltration with CD8 positive cells.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Herein, in addition to a comprehensive literature review of this entity, three additional patients are presented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Monitoring blood concentrations of tacrolimus is vital, and appropriate dosage adjustments are required when the two drugs are administered concurrently to avoid serious interactions such as nephrotoxicity and neurotoxicity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Consequently, this is a likely, although rare, possible adverse effect with propafenone for which patients should be monitored.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Psychotic disorder associated with isoniazid.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"She developed neurotoxicity with an adjustment dosage of valacyclovir for a cutaneous zoster infection.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Acute pulmonary reactions to nitrofurantoin are an uncommon side effect of therapy and can cause minor or life-threatening pulmonary dysfunction.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Serial computed tomographic scans of the brain disclosed this uncommon phenomenon.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Extensive forearm deep venous thrombosis following a severe infliximab infusion reaction.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Effectiveness of spray application of ACNU in the local control of malignant gliomas: report of two cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Recurrent portopulmonary hypertension after liver transplantation: management with epoprostenol and resolution after retransplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The diagnosis of C. difficile was confirmed by a stool-cytotoxin test and endoscopic examination.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The availability of atypical antipsychotic agents represents a significant step forward for those patients who are nonresponsive to conventional antipsychotics, offering proven efficacy, a lower risk of extrapyramidal symptoms, and improved clinical outcomes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Infliximab therapy may cause a lupus-like syndrome that is reversible upon discontinuing this agent.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Initial visual acuity was <20\/800 (finger counting at 1-2 feet) with retinal edema on fundoscopy, arterial pH 7.19, methanol 97 mg\/dL (30 mmol\/L), formate 14.3 mmol\/L, and ethanol undetectable.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Our experience reveals that patients who do not have heart failure or do not use insulin also can develop moderate-to-severe edema that necessitates discontinuation of the thiazolidinedione.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Consequently, it is most appropriate to explain the possible side effects from misuse of lindane to each patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: This is the first report of a possible interaction between propafenone and citalopram, which caused propafenone adverse effects (eg, dizziness, falls) and mimicked coronary artery disease.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In two cases of chronic schizophrenia complicated by diabetes mellitus, the concomitant use of the neuroleptica and oral antidiabetics was attended by the appearance of symptoms simulative of syndrome malin, i.e. hyperpyrexia, tachycardia, blood pressure instability, disturbances of consciousness, muscle rigidity, tremor, dysphagia, salivation and urinary incontinence.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"During application, the patient complained of burning sensation of vagina and vulva.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Only two case reports of adults with allergic contact dermatitis to this chemical exist in the literature, and we describe three more cases of children with recalcitrant atopic dermatitis found to have potential allergic contact dermatitis to bisabolol- a component of the Aquaphor emollient they were using to treat their atopic dermatitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Conversely, when rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is seen in association with HIV infection, remission of RA has been observed in some cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Falsely raised TSH levels due to human anti-mouse antibody interfering with thyrotropin assay.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Removal of the deposit ended the corneal erosion and returned visual acuity to normal.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Presented is a case of acute renal failure induced by acetazolamide therapy for glaucoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Heparin-associated thrombocytopenia and thrombosis is a severe complication of systemic heparin therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a case of successful surgical management of arterial thrombosis after percutaneous thrombin injection of a femoral artery pseudoaneurysm in a 69-year-old woman.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"To replace or not to replace? - Partial coning and a sixth nerve palsy secondary due to displacement of a tunnelled intrathecal catheter for pain control.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Resolution of symptoms, physical signs and radiographic changes followed drug withdrawal and steroid therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"MCC seems to be common in transplant recipients and 52 cases have been reported in the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pilocarpine has been used as an ophthalmologic agent for decades; however, toxicity rarely has been reported in the medical literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Posterior leukoencephalopathy following cisplatin, bleomycin and vinblastine therapy for germ cell tumor of the ovary.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"These features have not been previously associated with infliximab or leflunomide therapy and represent a unique cutaneous hypersensitivity reaction that does not fit any known description of an immune-mediated hypersensitivity reaction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Common manifestations of toxicity, like confusion and ataxia, are well known.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Improved awareness of and further investigation into the neurotoxic effects of ofloxacin may enhance its safe use.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A recommendation to add corticosteroids to serotonin receptor antagonists only after demonstrated nausea in chemotherapy regimes with low-dose cisplatin (20 mg\/m2) for five days seems justified.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In contrast, our observation suggests that these substances may also display unexpected proconvulsant effects in vivo.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She was diagnosed to have pulmonary sarcoidosis at stage II, and the combination treatment was discontinued.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The endoscopic and histological features were consistent with the diagnosis of ischaemic colitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although it is related to numerous risk factors, its etiology remains unclear.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: One injection of intravitreal triamcinolone was an effective short-term treatment for resistant CMO in uveitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Since fondaparinux use in patients undergoing PCI has been associated with an increased risk for catheter-related thrombosis, the use of fondaparinux in PCI patients should be limited.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DATA SOURCES: Published scientific papers, review articles, book chapters, and clinical experiences.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A breast cancer patient with pelvic and gastric malignancy after adjuvant tamoxifen treatment for breast cancer.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A notable improvement in cancer symptoms and reduction in tumor size were seen in all three patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Flecainide overdose can rapidly result in profound cardiovascular collapse, and is associated with a relatively high mortality.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This article reports the case of an otherwise healthy patient who experienced permanent sensorineural hearing loss after a brief course of naproxen and reviews the literature on NSAID-related permanent sensorineural hearing loss.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Parkinsonian features were progressive, even after the patients had stopped work.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case is reported of a metastatic gestational choriocarcinoma in a 25-year old woman.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Anterior ischemic optic neuropathy secondary to interferon alfa.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"When the disease recurred conventional amphotericin B was used again, but had to be stopped because of severe side effects.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The author describes six cases in which gabapentin treatment reduced the frequency of hot flashes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is essential that perioperative physicians, especially anesthesiologists, understand the risk factors, clinical scenario, and treatment of SS.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A group of six patients, three with malignant melanoma, two with basal cell carcinoma, and one with metastatic adenocarcinoma, were enrolled in the study.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Vancomycin is widely used against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections, but it is associated with many adverse effects such as nephrotoxicity, ototoxicity, gastrointestinal disturbances, blood disorders, and two types of hypersensitivity reactions - an anaphylactoid reaction known as \"red man syndrome\" and anaphylaxis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The serum concentration of cerivastatin showed that the half-life of cerivastatin in this patient was 22.4 h, compared with 2.4 h for normal controls.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Complex drug-induced cutaneous reactions have been previously reported with other drugs, especially with D-penicillamine, which bears chemical similarities with captopril.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Leishmaniasis is an emerging disease in HIV-infected persons; visceral leishmaniasis is an AIDS-defining opportunistic infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The mother had received carbamazepine therapy for epilepsy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Continuing studies are required, particularly to clarify the possibility of long-term developmental defects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Nerve biopsies confirmed the presence of Mycobacterium leprae in both endoneurial and perineurial areas, mainly in foamy macrophages (Virchow cells), but there were also large accumulations of an amorphous, acid-fast and alcohol-fast material which was not obviously of bacterial origin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cholestyramine was utilized to interrupt the enterohepatic recycling of warfarin and for its antidiarrheal effects to prevent gastrointestinal vitamin K wasting.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He and his wife had been examined and treated as an infertile couple for 3 years.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Six days after discontinuation of the drug, central nervous system symptoms had resolved, and, 4 days later, renal function returned to pretreatment values.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"His atrial fibrillation subsequently had converted to normal sinus rhythm while he received propafenone without adverse effects prior to this episode.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Another trial of slower desensitization was done using Pancrease MT 16 (1 capsule: 16 000 U of lipase, 48 000 U of amylase, and 48 000 U of protease), starting with 1\/4 capsule per day, with increments of 1\/4 capsule every 3 days, until an entire capsule was reached by day 10, then increased by approximately 1\/2 capsule every 4 days until reaching the therapeutic dose of 1 capsule with each meal by day 25.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We conclude that a combination of cytokines may be useful in treating relapsed leukemia after BMT.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The course of delirium due to lithium intoxication.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Propranolol-induced hypertension in treatment of cocaine intoxication.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A patient with ocular syphilis is presented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Continuous supplecation of calcium and vitamin D, provoked dehydration and the mechanism of the milk-alkali syndrome also contributed to this extremely high calcium level.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Oncologists supervising future clinical trials for lung cancer should be alert to the fact that sorafenib can potentially induce serious interstitial lung disease, although this might depend on racial differences.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Delayed hypersensitivity to flurbiprofen.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The source of these L. monocytogenes infections was not found.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient recovered motor, sensory, and bowel and bladder function over the next 48 h.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The oligohidrosis caused by zonisamide was reversible in that the patient regained the ability to sweat within 2 weeks of the cessation of drug administration.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The clinical aspect closely resembled classical transient global amnesia but the episode after clioquinol lasted longer (24 hours to three days) and a more or less extensive retrograde amnesia persisted permanently.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Higher MK-0457 dose levels were associated with clinical responses and down-regulation of CrkL phosphorylation in leukemia cells.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Visual system side effects caused by parasympathetic dysfunction after botulinum toxin type B injections.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient underwent coronary stenting without any immediate signs of complications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 63-year-old man with a T1c adenocarcinoma of the prostate, Gleason score of 7 (4+3), and a pretreatment prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level of 9.5 ng\/mL was treated with external-beam radiation therapy (45 Gy) and 2 magnetic resonance imaging-guided high-dose rate brachytherapy boosts (10 Gy each.) The patient also received neoadjuvant, concurrent, and adjuvant hormonal treatment with leuprolide for 7 months total.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Complications of tumour overkill when associated with high dose methotrexate therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Temporal sequence of his signs and symptoms after each administration of tobramycin (similar to re-challenge testing), and his improvement after discontinuation of the drug strongly suggest an adverse drug reaction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: Oral mucositis is a frequent and potentially severe complication of cancer chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These adverse reactions were recognized early and the appropriate treatment of agranulocytosis resulted in complete recovery in both cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A dapsone hypersensitivity syndrome, consisting of fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, lymphadenopathy, hepatitis, hemolysis, leukopenia, and mononucleosis, has been described in patients treated with the drug for leprosy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Benign thymic hyperplasia after chemotherapy for acute myeloid leukemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatment of silastic catheter-induced central vein septic thrombophlebitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Scleroderma-like reaction induced by uracil-tegafur (UFT), a second-generation anticancer agent.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This report presents a patient with membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (MPGN) who developed KS following treatment with long-term medium dose glucocorticoid and short-term additional immunosuppressives.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Recent technical advances in infusion systems in the form of the infusaid pump has allowed delivery of chemotherapeutic agents to the liver with great reliability.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although adverse effects are mainly mild, more serious infrequent adverse effects including leucopenia are mentioned.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One and a half years later, she is still alive and well, on interferon for persisting myeloma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Capecitabine and 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) are known vasospasm inducers.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The first case had cytogenetic changes in the bone marrow suggestive of therapy-associated leukemia, and the second developed myelodysplastic syndrome on therapy which was likely chemotherapy-induced and led to acute leukemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A second possibility is an interaction between clarithromycin and isradipine, potentially increasing the hepatic toxicity of isradipine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"One patient had MRI T2 abnormalities compatible with cyclosporin neurotoxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis induced by nimesulide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Several patients successfully treated with halofantrine without any treatment failure have also been documented in Japan.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three of these patients had convulsions attributed to imipenem\/cilastatin; 3.6% of the patients had seizure, or 2% of imipenem\/cilastatin administrations was followed by a seizure attack.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This patient did not initially receive surgical debridement and systemic antibiotics, the standard treatment for necrotizing fasciitis of bacterial origin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The diagnosis was confirmed by immunofluorescent studies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He received systemic chemotherapy twice and in both instances developed disseminated intravascular coagulopathy (DIC), accompanied by acute decrements of the peripheral platelet count and plasma fibrinogen, an increment of the fibrin degradation products (FDP), and bleeding tendency with the appearance of skin purpura.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These symptoms resolved but recurred rapidly (within 24 h) and were more debilitating following a second exposure to the same antibiotics at the same doses 8 months later when the patient was readmitted for treatment of another cystic fibrosis-related pulmonary exacerbation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Incomplete posterior hyaloid detachment after intravitreal pegaptanib injection in diabetic macular edema.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The conglomerate of plastic threads, entrapped food material and other debris, formed a huge mass occupying the whole stomach.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Bronchoscopy revealed diffuse erythema without bleeding.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs can cause oral ulcers.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The case of a patient with apparent cocaine toxicity and drug-mediated hypertension and tachycardia is presented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"As a possible mechanism, a competitive inhibition at the receptor site of female hormones involved in water regulation is suspected.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The male patient was treated with 225-mg\/day clozapine and the time to the diagnosis of agranulocytosis was 6 weeks.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Vortex keratopathy associated with atovaquone.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"After several unrevealing medical work-ups, he was found to have a high blood lead level (122 microg\/dL); he has a history of scraping and sanding lead paint without adequate protective measures.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A case of systemic lupus erythematosus complicated by pure red cell aplasia and idiopathic portal hypertension after thymectomy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"No subjective discomfort was reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ultrasound-guided block may improve patient safety by avoiding the soft tissue structures in the needle path that can't be readily seen by fluoroscopy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rhabdomyolysis following clarithromycin monotherapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Rifampin (RFP) increases hepatic microsomal enzyme activity, and there are case reports of RFP-induced hypothyroidism, all associated with Hashimoto's thyroiditis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Without other causes for the hyponatremia, she was diagnosed with the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone, presumably caused by desmopressin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Immunohistological studies showed that these cells were positive for CD30 and CD79a, but not for CD15 or CD20.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hypertension was found to be the most significant risk factor for developing retinopathy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Both patients were then treated with a carboplatin alternative to cisplatin in the following courses, which resulted in neither a relapse of the colitis nor a recurrence of the malignancies up to this time.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In conclusion, this case strongly suggests that gliclazide can induce acute icteric liver necro-inflammation which may be misdiagnosed clinically as acute viral hepatitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time colchicine intoxication in this age group has been described in the English literature.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Choline magnesium trisalicylate was discontinued after eight days and the patient's LFT quickly returned to normal.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Neuroleptic malignant syndrome and lithium carbonate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two weeks later the patient presented with acute oliguric renal failure, symptomatic hyperkalemia and metabolic acidosis, necessitating emergency dialytic treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two anephric patients in the course of one year erythropoietin therapy improved their anemic status without changes in Mean Arterial Blood Pressure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Localized dyskeratotic plaque with milia associated with sorafenib.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"5-fluorouracil (5-FU)-associated peripheral neuropathy is an uncommon event.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Bradycardia and congestive heart failure associated with ocular timolol maleate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CASE REPORT: A 29-year-old black man, HIV-infected since 1996, began highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) with zidovudine, lamivudine, and indinavir.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: One day and three days after an uneventful intravitreal injection both patients experienced structured hallucinations including trees, faces, and water for approximately 15 to 30 minutes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Gelatinous transformation of bone marrow following chemotherapy for myeloma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Serious maternal bradycardia and asystole in laboring parturients after combined spinal-epidural labor analgesia are rare.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Low-dose methotrexate was added to their treatment regimens and led to significant improvement or clearing with a favorable side-effect profile.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Because etoposide-induced pulmonary toxicity is an uncommon but serious adverse event, clinicians must be vigilant about the possibility of it, so that the optimal treatment can start as soon as possible.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A preclinical study in rats treated with TKI showed a statistically significant increase in benign and malignant renal tumours.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient presented with a decrease in visual acuity and pain 2 days after the procedure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In each case, renal dysfunction and BK viral load progressed despite reduced immunosuppression, and persistent BK virus infection was documented in serial renal allograft biopsy specimens.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cannulation of the radial artery can result in complications ranging from arterial thrombosis, arterial aneurysm, compartment syndrome, infection, nerve injury and skin necrosis to possible thumb or even hand necrosis if not recognized and treated early.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This is a clinical presentation of a 14-year-old female who had weight loss and vomiting following spinal fusion surgery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On day 3 he was admitted and his electrocardiogram demonstrated sinus arrest with junctional escape rhythm with a rate of 42 min(-1).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The day after methotrexate administration, the patient complained of severe back pain and urinary retention.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a case of recurrent torsades de pointes following treatment with pentavalent antimonial drugs and amiodarone.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Epoprostenol (prostacyclin) is currently approved for treatment of primary pulmonary hypertension; however, it is being evaluated in other forms of pulmonary hypertension, particularly scleroderma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Spontaneous splenic infarction associated with sumatriptan use.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Unexplained menorrhagia and hematuria occurred in a 13-year-old female with a mild inherited platelet disorder who had never experienced prior bleeding as a result of this disorder.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Progressive anemia following combination therapy with interferon-alpha and interleukin-2 in a patient with metastatic renal cell carcinoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Coronary artery spasm usually responds to sublingual nitroglycerin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present the case of a female with DDST, who responded to aripiprazole-mirtazapine combination, a finding that is in accordance with the initial approach of this disorder as a part of the schizophrenic spectrum, but also supports the hypothesis of serotonin dysfunction in DDST.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The postoperative histological diagnosis was endometrioid adenocarcinoma in an endometriotic cyst with a gradual transition of the degree of cellular atypia noted from typical endometriotic epithelium, to atypical endometriosis, and finally to adenocarcinoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two patients with osteomyelitis who developed reversible cholestatic jaundice during treatment with oxacillin derivatives are described.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The possibility that the underlying disease or other chemotherapeutic agents may increase the risk of pulmonary toxicity can, however, be discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Total excision of the lesions with concomitant four-combined antituberculous therapy proved successful.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The daily carboplatin dose was calculated based on the Calvert formula, using a target area under the plasma concentration-time curve (AUC) value of 3.25 mg.min\/ml and applying the Cockcroft-Gault equation to estimate the glomerular filtration rate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"To the best of our knowledge, this patient is the youngest, and only the fourth person in the English-language literature to develop colonic carcinoma after combination chemotherapy of Hodgkin's disease without radiation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Probabilistic analysis of decision trees using symbolic algebra.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Advantages of treatment of hypertension with Minoxidil.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: We reported the association of multiple sclerosis and intracranial meningioma and observed the progression of the meningiomas during interferon treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: Platinum-based therapy is the cornerstone of ovarian cancer treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fever, pulmonary infiltrates, and pleural effusion following acyclovir therapy for herpes zoster ophthalmicus.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In reviewing the literature, the authors discuss the currently available therapies for such infections of the spine, and highlight the growing incidence these and other formerly rare infections.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Eosinophilic peritonitis responding to treatment with glycyrrhizin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thus, the patient's clinical course and workup strongly support a diagnosis of lenalidomide-induced hypersensitivity pneumonitis-like syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report two new cases of sarcoidosis in two patients with hepatitis C virus infection treated with interferon alfa and ribavirin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The mechanism of the reaction and guidelines for subsequent use of cyclosporine are not well defined.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Further studies are needed to evaluate the pathogenesis of cystoid macular edema and determine whether vascular endothelial growth factor blockade should be included in treatment modalities for this condition.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Monoclonal gammopathy and subsequent multiple myeloma in a patient on chronic diphenylhydantoin therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Therefore, we believe that screening for HBsAg is insufficient for detecting latent HBV carriers, and that investigation for hepatitis B core antibody (HBcAb) is essential.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The probable proarrhythmic action of amiodarone, although rare, is reviewed along with a discussion of the novel use of intravenous magnesium sulfate therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"All three patients had clinical courses characteristic of RS and two had supportive histologic findings on liver biopsy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Diagnosis of transfusion-associated graft-versus-host disease by polymerase chain reaction in fludarabine-treated B-chronic lymphocytic leukaemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The possibility of phenytoin hypersensitivity reactions should be considered when patients receiving phenytoin have unusual symptoms, particularly fever, rash, and lymphadenopathy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Fatal fluoxetine ingestion with postmortem blood concentrations.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"To eradicate the infection, we performed two vitrectomies and treated the patient with numerous intravitreal antibiotic injections.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Because the maximum tolerated dose and pharmacokinetics of intravenous iron preparations are not known, their use in both adults and children should still be undertaken with caution.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The baseline population risk of malformations is 3-5%, but it increases to almost 30% in women exposed to isotretinoin during the first trimester of pregnancy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Psoas abscess following ileo-anal pouch surgery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This unprecedented phenomenon may be due to antiretroviral therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The renal biopsy showed focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, which has only been previously reported in two cases of CML treated with IFNalpha.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"An objective causality assessment revealed that the adverse drug event was probable.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The development of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) after 38 months of therapy with recombinant human interferon gamma (rIFN-gamma) was observed in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"All children showed a major clinical improvement within three months despite concomitant reduction of the prednisone dose.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Nine days later, severe abdominal pain developed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In each case, the decline in free SDC was temporally related to the resolution of digoxin toxicity; in one case, digoxin intoxication recurred and was associated with a rebound increase in free SDC.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The long-acting somatostatin analogue octreotide (LAR, 30 mg\/month, i.m.), was started, and after 2 weeks diarrhea decreased and gradually disappeared.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: The new quinolone derivatives (levofloxacin, sparfloxacin, grepafloxacin, trovafloxacin, gatifloxacin and moxifloxacin), also called gyrase inhibitors, are known for their potential to cause central nervous system-related adverse effects, including headache, dizziness and insomnia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"It emphasizes the need for close surveillance of renal function and blood pressure during such therapy even in patients with relative preservation of renal function.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After positioning of a 0.035 inch guidewire proximal to the biliary stricture, the preloaded catheter was advanced over the guidewire by using the monorail technique.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Careful donor evaluation before transplantation, unusually early presentation of mycosis leading to anastomotic renal artery disruption, the histopathologic findings of the grafts, and the absence of Candida infection in the liver and heart recipients make us believe that exogenous contamination of the grafts occurred during donor procedure, kidney processing, or at transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three patients never had intubation during hospitalization.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient developed abdominal pain and high fever on Day 21 after the initiation of chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This is the first described case of acute gouty arthritis after RFA for a HCC lesion in a patient with underlying chronic renal insufficiency.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The elicitation of a movement disorder by trazodone: case report.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Intrathecal chemotherapy with methotrexate or cytosine arabinoside is the standard approach to prophylaxis and treatment of central nervous system leukemia in children.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The spectrum of antimicrobial activity of albendazole and its efficacy in the treatment of intestinal microsporidiosis are reviewed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: Patients receiving inhaled morphine should be closely monitored and resuscitation equipment should be readily available.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"When the patient was treated again with fludarabine nine months later, the DAT became positive with anti-IgG and anti-C3d antiglobulins after the second course of treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"All biopsies were studied by the same pathologist.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The isotretinoin, a 13-cis-retinoic acid, has revolutionized the management of severe treatment-resistant acne and it has been widely used for a range of dermatological conditions, in 90% of the time in young women between 13 and 45 years of age.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In three patients, occasional transient episodes of atrial flutter or atrial fibrillation preceded a spontaneous return to normal sinus rhythm.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hyperammonemia has been described as a complication of valproic acid therapy but may often be overlooked as a cause of lethargy in the postictal patient who presents to the emergency department.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Dyspnea, hypoxemia, and pleuritic chest pain occurred within 24 hours of rituximab administration, and there was no other apparent explanation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Cisplatin administration following carboplatin desensitization failure in primary peritoneal cancer: a brief report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The increasing number of doses administered worldwide has revealed rare but important adverse effects that had not occurred during clinical trials.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present a case of acute epinephrine toxicity resulting in acute myocardial ischemia in a young boy with combined variable immunodeficiency syndrome who developed severe allergic reaction to intravenous immunoglobulin, and was subsequently given epinephrine by mistake intravenously rather than subcutaneously.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CASE SUMMARY: A 65-year-old patient chronically treated with the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) citalopram developed confusion, agitation, tachycardia, tremors, myoclonic jerks and unsteady gait, consistent with serotonin syndrome, following initiation of fentanyl, and all symptoms and signs resolved following discontinuation of fentanyl.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We encountered two cases of acute pancreatitis in patients with Cushing's disease following transnasal transsphenoidal hypophysectomy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In contrast to two other reported cases, our patient was not overtly immunosuppressed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to report the concomitant occurrence of multiple squamous cell carcinomas and diffuse nail hyperpigmentation associated with hydroxyurea treatment, and to describe a successful therapeutic approach using imiquimod 5%.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Infiltrative ophthalmopathy and primary hypothyroidism: a rare clinical manifestation of a common disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This side effect appears to be a universal property of effective antidepressants, including this new, purely serotonergic agent.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatment of acute necrotizing pancreatitis (ANP) after TACE is the same as the accepted approach to ANP due to other causes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Dysphagia, though uncommon, can be quite debilitating and can mimic a paraneoplastic syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Overdose of magnesium sulfate in combination with renal insufficiency, hypocalcemia, or compromise of intestinal integrity may predispose horses to magnesium toxicosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Biopsy specimens showed atypical lymphoid cell infiltration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Propylthiouracil-induced sensorineural hearing loss associated with antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Standard PSG recording and scoring methods were employed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An unusual complication of a Hickman catheter.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The reaction was thought to be triggered by the combination of radiation and epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors, which may be responsible for hypersensitizing the radiation response in normal tissue in the unique individual.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Antimycobacterial treatment, which led to a dramatic improvement within two months, was protracted for 18 months until the complete return to normal of both clinical and laboratory findings.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The possible causal relationship between prolonged estrogen administration and breast cancer in males is in contrast to available epidemiologic data.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We here report on 3 patients with essential tremor, otherwise unresponsive to pharmacological treatment, who greatly benefited from low doses of topiramate (50 mg\/d).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He was subsequently followed on a regular basis with repeated measurement of lead levels in blood and bone (using a K-x-ray fluorescence instrument) as well as clinical parameters.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Despite treatment with corticosteroids, she had rapid deterioration and died of respiratory failure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Profound muscle weakness of lower extremities with inability to stand up and\/or walk was present.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Because corticosteroids may induce several psychiatric symptoms, psychotropic drugs are required to treat these symptoms in some cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Azathioprine withdrawal resulted after 7 weeks in the resolution of clinical and biochemical abnormalities.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All the lesions showed high attenuation relative to muscle on the precontrast CT and showed positive findings on PET\/CT.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He was initially diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and treated with six cycles of fludarabine, cyclophosphamide, and rituximab chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rapid onset of muscle weakness (rhabdomyolysis) associated with the combined use of simvastatin and colchicine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy associated with tumor necrosis factor-alpha antagonists.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Amphotericin B-induced cutaneous leucocytoclastic vasculitis: case report.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Prophylactic administration of thiabendazole is probably preventive.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Necrotizing leukoencephalopathy and treated multiple myeloma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Liposomes have been proposed as an effective way to target drugs at macrophages, which are the cells infected in visceral leishmaniasis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case of polymyositis with dilated cardiomyopathy associated with interferon alpha treatment for hepatitis B.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We treated her hyperthyroidism with amiodarone (average daily dose, 200 mg) for 3 weeks, achieving rapid and persistent euthyroidism, (triiodothyronine [T(3)] levels ranged between 64 and 109 ng\/dL) without side effects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hepatic damage after danazol treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We describe a 57-year-old woman with acute lymphoblastic leukemia who had a cavitary lesion develop in the right upper lobe caused by Cunninghamella bertholletiae, a zygomycete.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It was highly suspected that finasteride was associated with the anterior subcapsular opacity on the lens, and the patient therefore discontinued use of finasteride.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report two cases of uncommon pathological reactions, one resembling a hypersensitivity pneumonitis and the other mimicking a giant cell interstitial pneumonia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The mechanisms are not clear, and peripheral (case 1) and also central pathways (case 2) could be involved.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"For all recipients with neurologic complications, we reviewed clinical findings, imaging and electrophysiologic test results, and perioperative laboratory data.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fatal exacerbation of paraneoplastic systemic sclerosis after neoadjuvant chemotherapy in a breast cancer patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of pancytopenia in a 23-year-old man with Crohn's disease who was treated with 5-aminosalicylic acid (Pentasa; Nisshin, Tokyo, Japan) 3.0 g\/day.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Near fatal acute colchicine intoxication in a child.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Prevention, early recognition of the clinical presentation, identification and removal of the offending agents, supportive care, and specific pharmacologic therapy are all important to the successful management of serotonin syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a case of an NHL patient who received rituximab and developed symptomatic, biopsy-proven multinodular bronchiolitis obliterans with organizing pneumonia (BOOP).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The possible effects of tamoxifen upon the uterus are discussed in this article, in view of reports of tamoxifen associated with endometrial carcinoma and endometriosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"During clarithromycin coadministration, four out of the seven patients developed moderate-to-severe toxic symptoms of carbamazepine, such as drowsiness, dizziness, and ataxia, which resolved within 5 days after clarithromycin discontinuation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"All patients underwent radiological investigation for tumour staging and comparison with the following study in accordance with the protocol in place at our Department of Oncology and Division of Diagnostic Imaging.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Histopathological features were also consistent with the disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a patient who presented with autoimmune hemolytic anemia and small bowel obstruction secondary to a malignant stromal tumor (leiomyosarcoma) of the jejunum, 25 years postchemotherapy and radiation treatment for stage IIA Hodgkin's disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Opioid analgesics were the most common therapy (81%).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A fatal case of theophylline intoxication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Reports on such manifestations in relation to hepatitis B vaccination are scarce, however.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Iatrogenic hypercalcemia due to vitamin D3 ointment (1,24(OH)2D3) combined with thiazide diuretics in a case of psoriasis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Although follow-up is short, radiotherapy alone appears to provide excellent disease-free survival.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These cases and a review of the literature suggested that hepatotoxicity, though rare, should be added to the list of adverse reactions to D-penicillamine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A few limited literatures about this disease strongly recommends steroid therapy for treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Abdominal pain and obstructive symptoms concomitant with weight loss are the common presenting complaints.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"First trimester disulfiram exposure: report of two cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rapamycin\/sirolimus-induced pneumonitis has been described previously in renal transplant recipients, and this report describes a stable heart-lung transplant recipient who developed a pulmonary infiltrate that reversed after ceasing SR therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In studies addressing this issue, there appears to be no real problem with increased severe episodes of hypoglycemia in patients on beta-blockers or increased hypoglycemic unawareness.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: All seven children are alive and without evidence of tumor with a median follow-up of 30 months (range, 18-35 months) from diagnosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Liver abscess caused by ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunt is very rare.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rechallenge with a different beta-lactam antibiotic has not been shown to consistently cause recurrent leukopenia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three case studies are the basis for a discussion of the criminalization hypothesis as it may apply to psychiatric probationers and parolees in the criminal justice system.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The absence of eosinophils does not exclude the possibility of a minocycline cause.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In all five patients, sodium loading was associated with improved renal function, which permitted amphotericin B therapy to be continued in fully effective doses to the completion of elective courses of treatment without evidence of residual impaired renal function.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"TREATMENT AND OUTCOME: The mare was treated with gabapentin (2.5 mg\/kg [1.1 mg\/lb], PO, q 12 h).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rechallenge with varenicline while the patient continued to receive amphetamine-dextroamphetamine yielded similar results.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Case studies in heparin-induced thrombocytopenia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Rapamycin\/sirolimus-induced pneumonitis has been described previously in renal transplant recipients, and this report describes a stable heart-lung transplant recipient who developed a pulmonary infiltrate that reversed after ceasing SR therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Patients were monitored for adverse treatment effects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One patient required nursing home placement and a feeding gastrostomy as a result of the worsening parkinsonism during risperidone treatment, but was able to return home and have the gastrostomy removed after switching from risperidone to clozapine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Patients receiving these agents are at risk of acute or subacute pulmonary damage.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Antimicrobial treatment was changed to tigecycline and continued for suspected pleural space infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute myeloid leukemia evolving from essential thrombocythemia in two patients treated with hydroxyurea.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"All-trans retinoic acid and short-time, high-dose cytarabine in two children with acute promyelocytic leukemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Tardive seizure and antibiotics: case reports and review of the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Reduction of postoperative pain is an important goal in the perioperative management of tonsillectomy patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Liver disease was diagnosed 12 +\/- 4 years (range, 8-18) after initiation of antiretroviral therapy (ART).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Reactivated herpetic keratitis following laser in situ keratomileusis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Furosemide, spironolactone, allopurinol, and hydroxyurea were considered possible causes of the reaction and were discontinued.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DISCUSSION: Cutaneous IL-2 adverse effects are frequent, but generally mild and reversible.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the case of a man, treated with mesalazine for Crohn's disease who developed drug-induced pericarditis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We conclude, this novel mode of intra-operative local chemotherapy by spray application of fibrin glue containing antineoplastic agent is effective in the control of residual tumor progression and may also prevent local recurrence and hence suggests its possible role as an adjuvant therapy in the management of malignant gliomas.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Follow-up HRCT scans after withdrawal of the drug showed resolution of this supposedly irreversible pattern.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Asthma and dental erosion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cimetidine, an H2 blocker, may partially abolish the effect of tolazoline.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We postulate that the patient's hearing loss was the result of ketoralac's direct and indirect ototoxic effects that were potentiated as a result of her underlying illness and medications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although gabapentin withdrawal has been previously reported and usually consists of anxiety, diaphoresis, and palpitations, this is the first reported patient with generalized seizures and status epilepticus secondary to gabapentin withdrawal.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Osteonecrosis of the maxilla as a complication to chemotherapy: a case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Resistance to combined ganciclovir and foscarnet therapy in a liver transplant recipient with possible dual-strain cytomegalovirus coinfection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fatal lung fibrosis caused by paclitaxel toxicity has not been reported In this report, we describe the case of a 62-year-old woman who received six cycles of paclitaxel and carboplatin as combination chemotherapy for advanced ovarian cancer.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Lamotrigine toxicity secondary to sertraline.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Percutaneous drainage of the liver abscess and externalization of the VP shunt were performed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"When SASP was changed to 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA), his skin eruptions were resolved, however, he developed weakness and atrophy in his right arm as well as progressive worsening of the dysesthesia in his legs and gait disturbance.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Radiation recall resolved spontaneously with withdrawal of gemcitabine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Her response to a postural challenge test, without medication, was normal.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Neutropenia is an uncommon but potentially serious complication of drug therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After stopping indapamide, glucose tolerance impairing may be reversed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Discontinuation of the ACE inhibitor results in rapid alleviation of the cough, although this is not always necessary, as most patients may experience a cessation or decrease in cough.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A healthy 62-year-old woman was referred to our dermatology department with a 1-month history of a pruritic axillary eruption.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Subsequent in vivo\/vitro studies clearly demonstrated that the neurological effects were due to a synergistic action of desferrioxamine and prochlorperazine, probably resulting in exceptional fluxes of intra\/extra cellular iron\/copper disturbing noradrenergic and serotonergic systems.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Long-term, controlled studies are required to specifically address this issue.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After 3 h of hemodialysis, her post-dialysis acyclovir level was 1.9 micrograms\/ml.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Severe hypo-alpha-lipoproteinemia during treatment with rosiglitazone.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Four cycles of this protocol yielded a dramatic response on re-staging CT scan.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Her acyclovir level was later found to have been 3.4 micrograms\/ml (normal peak range 0.4-2 micrograms\/ml) prior to dialysis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In vivo confocal micrographs showed the double-walled structure of the Acanthamoeba cyst and associated radial keratoneuritis (perineuritis).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Amiodarone hydrochloride, a new antiarrhythmic agent, has been associated with pulmonary toxicity characterized by cough, dyspnea and diffuse pulmonary infiltrates.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Therefore, the possibility of an association by chance cannot be ruled out.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This ubiquitous inhabitant of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles can cause acne vulgaris.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The coexistence of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and CLL in the same patient has been occasionally reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE SUMMARY: An 85-year-old white man presented with an upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage from a gastric ulcer.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although leukemia after liver transplantation is generally thought of as a rare complication, increases in survival rate following liver transplantation is likely to lead to more such cases, and documentation of these cases is therefore of importance.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: Zidovudine is well a known cause of anaemia and thus should be used with caution in the initiation of antiretroviral therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"INTERVENTIONS: Patients were treated with 4 to 8mg of cyproheptadine by mouth every 6 to 8 hours, 5 to 10mg of diazepam by mouth every 6 to 12 hours, 10 to 20mg of baclofen by mouth every 6 hours, and ITB boluses in some cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"STUDY DESIGN: Case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Crumley).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The biochemistry of paracetamol hepatotoxicity is outlined and the increased susceptibility of alcoholic patients to the hepatotoxic effects of paracetamol is remarked upon.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We consider asterixis to be an easily overlooked sign of neurotoxicity, which may occur even at low or moderate dosage levels, if certain drugs as lithium or clozapine are used in combination with CBZ.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Both premortem and postmortem bone marrow sampling revealed almost complete replacement of the marrow space by sheets of histiocytes demonstrating metachromatic cytoplasmic granules.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This is the first report to describe this extremely rare occurrence.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In general, it is good medical practice to avoid concomitant administration with centrally acting anticholinergic agents.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of fatal fulminant hepatitis caused by the use of disulfiram in a man with previously normal hepatocellular function.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Both of the previous patients had therapy-related leukemias after exposure to topoisomerase II inhibitors, whereas our patient had received cytotoxic therapy that did not include a topoisomerase II inhibitor.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Type 1 diabetes mellitus provoked by peginterferon alpha-2b plus ribavirin treatment for chronic hepatitis C.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Treatment requires management of both the liver abscess and the infected shunt.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ten hours later, the patient developed myoclonus of his upper extremities and face.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Five of nine cases developed in patients with significant gastrointestinal illnesses.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 40-year-old Hispanic man with acute lymphoblastic leukemia was treated with a single dose of intrathecal methotrexate 12 mg for prophylaxis against leptomeningeal spread of tumor.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Shortly after mitral valve replacement she developed a severe hypercalcemia (serum calcium 5.95 mmol\/l) during a febrile illness.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hepatotoxicity associated with choline magnesium trisalicylate: case report and review of salicylate-induced hepatotoxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Alopecia is an adverse effect in those patients taking aromatic anti-convulsant drugs but is rarely reported after discontinuing such medications in the convalescent status of anti-convulsant hypersensitivity syndrome (AHS).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She had taken no drug except for the IFN-beta-1b.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Several cases of lithium-induced Creutzfeldt-Jakob syndrome have been reported to date; all of them were elderly patients and a half had \"therapeutic\" lithium serum levels.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Pathology evaluation of a specimen revealed a high-grade osteoblastic osteosarcoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We also describe a case of timolol-induced ocular pemphigoid.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Although it has been reported previously in patients being treated for lymphoma, it occurred in this case in a man under treatment for glomerulonephritis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Another explanation for the decreased drug levels might be an increased volume of distribution.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although guidelines for management have been developed, they may be predicated on data from a single institution or depend on diagnostic procedures and laboratory support that are not necessarily available to physicians in all locations.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present foreign body granulomas induced by activated charcoal from intraperitoneal chemotherapy and mimicked peritoneal metastases in the patients with gastric cancer.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case of superior sagittal sinus thrombosis associated with Evans' syndrome of immune haemolytic anaemia is reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Drug-induced thrombocytopenia was also considered, and he was told to stop all of his medicines.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case report describes a non-cigarette smoking elderly woman who developed bronchial anthracostenosis and mediastinal fibrosis after long-term exposure to wood smoke.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Case 2, a 29-year-old woman, developed bilateral optic neuritis combined with numbness of the lower extremities as well as bowel and bladder dysfunction after a 22-month use of recombinant interferon alpha-2b for chronic myelogenous leukemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Copaxone is a drug approved for the treatment of MS, and one that is very well tolerated with a high safety profile and relatively few side effects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Over 12 months, the patient received six rather than 12 CY treatments, half the cumulative dose that might have been administered.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pulmonary impairment in the HUS is rarely reported in the literature, and no reports of pulmonary hemorrhage, as a clinical feature of the HUS, have been documented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: We describe a patient with MG and a steroid-induced major depressive episode with psychotic features treated with ECT.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case report represents the successful usage of LS for weaning from cardiopulmonary bypass circulation after coronary artery bypass surgery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Severe abdominal colic because of lead poisoning is an uncommon condition in adults.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A toxic encephalopathy characterized by depressed level of consciousness, marked irritability, and ataxia developed in seven children, 5 years of age and younger, following administration of an antiemetic combination of pentobarbital and pyrilamine maleate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"She recovered with shock therapy and intravenous administration of diphenhydramine and hydrocortisone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In patients with GI GVHD clinicians need to be aware of the potential for oral absorption and, in select cases, monitoring of levels may be appropriate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Six eyes had occult subfoveal CNV, and one eye had recurrent classic subfoveal CNV.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Evidence is shown in this report that adenosine was associated with dangerous worsening of arrhythmia in patients with atrial flutter.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"There was no evidence of renal failure, diabetes, acidosis, increased potassium intake, or significant tissue trauma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Actinomycin D associated hepatic veno-occlusive disease--a report of 2 cases.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In deciding if tamoxifen therapy is warranted, all potentially life-threatening adverse events associated with tamoxifen should be considered, including endometrial adenocarcinoma or uterine sarcoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"To our knowledge, AVP following therapy with TNF-alpha antagonists has not been reported in English literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After 48 hours, improvement in the patient's respiratory symptoms allowed transfer to the ear, nose, and throat unit, where daily endoscopic examination was performed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Serum triglyceride levels of four patients with psychotic disorders were decreased after switching therapy from clozapine to risperidone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 55-year-old woman who had been receiving treatment with amiodarone for recurrent supraventricular tachyarrhythmias became thyrotoxic after 30 months of treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After 5 days of treatment with IL-2, the patient developed a hemorrhagic lesion that progressed to toxic epidermal necrolysis, as well as grade 4 pancytopenia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The episodes of ocular dystonia were associated with other dystonic movements and a number of psychiatric symptoms, with obsessional thoughts and hallucinations being the outstanding features in one patient each.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There are few reports in the literature related to sulfonylurea-induced hepatotoxicity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The clinical monitoring was based on the serial registration of respiratory rate, cardiac rate, SaO2 and body temperature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Until this time, she was without any antidepressive medication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He developed fever, nausea, diarrhea, and malaise and stopped taking on the third day after commencing Pentasa.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: This case describes the original development of a desensitization protocol to high-dose MTX.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"At least three of these patients developed acute myelogenous leukemia (AML).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 24-year-old woman with ALL developed severe epigastric pain 168 days after CBSCT, followed by blistering eruptions 2 days later.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Use of St.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hypercoagulopathy induced by chemotherapy in a patient with lung cancer.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Concurrent acute megaloblastic anaemia and pneumonitis: a severe side-effect of low-dose methotrexate therapy during rheumatoid arthritis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"It is thought that the clinico-pathological features and chronology of this case bore the hallmarks of the so-called \"3-week sulphasalazine syndrome\", a rare, but often fatal, immunoallergic reaction to sulphasalazine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Their use on the face in severe atopic eczema is relatively common.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Gemcitabine-induced rectus abdominus radiation recall.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Incidence of seizures in pediatric cancer patients treated with imipenem\/cilastatin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The case of a myasthenia-like syndrome induced by cardiovascular drugs is reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In one patient the vasculitis resolved after termination of the ciprofloxacin therapy; in the other patient the ciprofloxacin-induced hemorrhagic vasculitis was superimposed on a severe forefoot infection, leading to progressive gangrene and a below-knee amputation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We describe a patient with respiratory failure due to Wegener's granulomatosis (WG) who obtained a dramatic and sustained response to pulse intravenous methylprednisolone and cyclophosphamide.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cluster headache (CH) is a well characterized primary headache disorder.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We propose a classification of cutaneous minocycline pigmentation based on clinico-pathological criteria.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Range orders should, for example, take into consideration the patient's age, pain intensity, and comorbidities; avoid frequency ranges; and prescribe a maximum dose that is at least two times but no more than four times the minimum dose in the range.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He had been taking trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole for approximately eight days when he revisited his family physician, complaining of headaches, dizziness, difficulty with speech, weakness, and itching on the trunk of his body and legs, where a maculopapular rash was noted.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia complicated with massive thrombosis of the inferior vena cava after filter placement.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Tamoxifen treatment is a proven therapy for breast cancer that produces a survival advantage when used as an adjuvant, and reduces the incidence of recurrences and controlateral tumor evolution.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 25-year-old man with a history of mid-borderline (BB) Hansen's disease developing a reversal reaction after starting dapsone and rifampin therapy is presented.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"If troglitazone is used, frequent monitoring of serum aminotransferases and symptoms is mandatory.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Vasopressors were required to support blood pressure for approximately five hours.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"While our patient's second malignancy may have been a chance association, his and other cases of pancreatic carcinoma in young survivors of hematologic neoplasia suggest that the cytotoxic treatment may have had a role in the pathogenesis of the pancreatic carcinoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Primary Hodgkin's disease of the CNS in an immunocompetent patient: a case study and review of the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is rewarding to have the option to offer a medication that improves patients' status and enhances outcomes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient was resuscitated, and subsequent serial cardiac enzymes indicated myocardial infarction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Reversible nonthrombocytopenic palpable purpura associated with metoclopramide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Increased awareness of this rapidly progressive and potentially fatal disease leads to accurate diagnosis and the prompt treatment that can decrease morbidity and mortality.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Complete clinical response was obtained in both patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Aplastic anemia and agranulocytosis in patients using methazolamide for glaucoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"She was discharged with oral levofloxacin to complete an additional 3 days of treatment as an outpatient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Electroconvulsive therapy and antibiotics: a case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She had Crohn's disease since age 9 years and was on chronic TPN.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In the absence of mucositis or diarrhea, severe dermatologic toxicity following a single low dose of the drug suggests an 'allergic' or acute hypersensitivity reaction to MTX in this patient.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Other explanations for an exaggerated and delayed response to opioids include co-administration of other respiratory depressant drugs such as magnesium sulphate, co-morbidity such as renal impairment and genetic variability in the metabolism of morphine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rapamycin\/sirolimus (SR), trade named Rapammune (Wyeth-Ayerst, Sydney, Australia), is a potent immunosuppressive drug associated with myelosuppression, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and infection.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"These studies indicate that gastrointestinal absorption of aluminum can lead to aluminum intoxication in children with azotemia, and that infants may be particularly susceptible to this complication of therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging of the brain showed acute infarctions bilaterally in the cerebellum.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient developed cardiac arrhythmias, acute renal failure, and anemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Blastoschizomyces capitatus infection in acute leukemia patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DCF appears valuable as a second-line treatment in non-Hodgkin's lymphomas and as initial treatment in T-cell chronic lymphocytic leukaemia and mycosis fungoides.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Drug-induced psychosis is a serious late complication of Parkinson's disease (PD) that requires aggressive treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After treatment with steroids there was gradual clinical improvement and disappearance of infiltrates.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of type III left anterior descending artery (LAD) perforation which was managed successfully with cyanoacrylate glue.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We described the occurrence of L-dopa-induced myoclonus and seizures in a case of parkinsonism with its SEPs findings.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Fatal acute tubular necrosis occurred in 1 patient in whom intravesical formalin was used to control massive persistent hemorrhage from radiation cystitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We present a depressive patient who developed mild parkinsonian signs and camptocormia after the introduction of olanzapine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A recently recognized entity associated with the treatment of acute promyelocytic leukemia: the retinoic acid syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe our modified technique for custom-made articulating spacers.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: This was a prospective, open-label study.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A MEDLINE search did not identify any citation describing the possibility of an interaction between the drugs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Therapy-related acute myeloid leukemia with 11q23 abnormality coexisting with refractory metastatic Ewing sarcoma: report of a case and review of the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Severe complications following thrombolytic therapy of an acute thrombosis of a prosthetic mitral valve.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Leukaemoid monocytosis in M4 AML following chemotherapy and G-CSF.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This rare adverse reaction to TMP-SMX has been reported in adults; however, to our knowledge, it has been reported in only five other children.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Encephalopathy and seizures induced by intravesical alum irrigations.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: The use of HDR radiation in these patients eliminated radiation exposure to care-givers and permitted constant nursing care and interaction among the parents, nursing personnel, and child.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Physicians should be aware of the potential for developing a gemcitabine-induced radiation recall reaction resulting in hemodynamically significant pericardial effusion.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: TEN is a rare disorder that can be fatal in up to 30% of patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The vancomycin concentration was decreased from 101 mg\/l to 16.59 mg\/l at the end of the procedure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The pharmacology and toxicology of chloral hydrate are discussed with particular reference to the cardiac arrhythmias that are seen with overdosage.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A wide variety of clinical outcomes have been described after acute valproate ingestion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In the latter cases, it is commonly attributed to azathioprine and\/or tacrolimus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This infection was successfully eradicated after neutrophil recovery by prolonged systemic administration of amphotericin B as well as aggressive local therapy including enucleation of the affected eye.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"To our knowledge, this is the first report of an angio-oedema associated with VRC.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVES: The authors examined the efficacy of highly selective CDT in late salvage of free-flaps with vascular compromise.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Recently, results of three open clinical trials on mycophenolate mofetil in myasthenia gravis have been reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These features were initially ascribed to the veno-occlusive disease caused by pyrrolizidine alkaloids, radiotherapy and some therapeutic drugs but have not been described in detail as a complication of AMD therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pulmonary thromboembolism after spinal instrumentation surgery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An upper gastrointestinal endoscopy revealed reflux esophagitis and the patient was given 20 mg b.i.d. omeprazole.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a 10-year-old boy with ulcerative colitis who developed acute pancreatitis while on long-term treatment with 5-aminosalicylic acid.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the present status of surviving patients 10 years later, together with the latest clinical and histological data on patients who had died.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pellagra encephalopathy among tuberculous patients: its relation to isoniazid therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"These cases emphasize the need for a high index of suspicion for tickborne illness in oncology patients, and the importance of a low threshold for starting empiric treatment before confirming the diagnosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Bleomycin and cyclophosphamide toxicity simulating metastatic nodules to the lungs in childhood cancer.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A case of colchicine-induced rhabdomyolysis is reported.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"INTRODUCTION: Fever of unknown origin is a complex problem in dialysis patients with recently rejected renal allografts, due to the contribution of the newly withheld immunosuppressive agents to the immunosuppression of uremia, resulting in an atypical presentation of infections, a main cause of fever in these cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Six preterm and 2 term patients were included in the study.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The possible pathophysiologic mechanisms for the adverse reactions include a single-drug effect, a pharmacodynamic interaction, and a pharmacokinetic interaction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These cases demonstrate that CBZ can induce simple motor tics in children.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"There has been relatively good organ growth and function during this short follow-up period.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the case of a lung cancer patient with bronquiloalveolar carcinoma (BAC) presenting with BOOP after chemotherapy with docetaxel and gemcitabine producing severe respiratory insufficiency, and simulating a progression of the tumor.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A diagnosis of lead poisoning was made and a course of chelating treatment started.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient recovered completely with oral prednisolone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clofazimine enteropathy in a pediatric bone marrow transplant recipient.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In most patients with catheter-related Rhodotorula fungemia, the condition has been treated with broadspectrum antibiotics.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Significant systemic manifestations are rare.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He recovered and could be discharged home after 36 days of hospitalization with normal blood counts and without severe sequelae.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Our cases of monophasic, multiphasic and recurrent DEM, invoking possible causative triggers, point to the conclusion that DEM has to be regarded as a separate disease; its similarities with NMO raise the expectations that other specific autoantibodies will be identified to explain DEM and its variations.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After seven months' continuous treatment for suspected tuberculosis with rifampicin and ethambutol a nine-year-old boy developed polyarthritis, rash and hepatitis in association with anti-native DNA antibodies and positive antinuclear factor.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Recovery was complete in two of three children.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This theory was supported by disturbances in serine and glycine excretion found in all patients during psychotic episodes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"INTRODUCTION: Tuberculosis is a rare but serious complication after transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This observation highlights the need for hemodynamic monitoring when potent vasodilators are used in this disorder.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The vasodilating action of calcium-channel blockers decreases the systemic pressure and in turn, may increase the pressure gradient and the left ventricular end-diastolic pressure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Donepezil may be a valuable alternative to psychostimulants in the treatment of opioid-induced sedation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 27-year-old man who had a history of bronchial asthma, eosinophilic enteritis, and eosinophilic pneumonia presented with fever, skin eruptions, cervical lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, atypical lymphocytosis, and eosinophilia two weeks after receiving trimethoprim (TMP)-sulfamethoxazole (SMX) treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report that perospirone may have had positive effects on the obesity of three patients with schizophrenia and on the fasting blood sugar (FBS) and HbA1C of two of them who had type 2 diabetes mellitus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The efficacy and safety of fluticasone has been established at recommended doses of 200 micrograms\/day, but not at higher doses that are often used.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A possible association between arterial dissection and ergotamine abuse is discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This phenomenon appears to be related to bilateral simultaneous retinal ischemia delaying regeneration of visual pigments in the pigment epithelial layer.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This report describes a case of bilateral ptosis induced by chloroquine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Dealing with drug-induced thrombocytopenia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the first case of fulminant adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) associated with pegylated interferon alpha-2a (pegIFNalpha-2a) and ribavirin use for hepatitis C, complicated by subsequent and ultimately fatal sepsis and multiorgan failure.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Various incidences of hemorrhagic complications have been cited in patients given anticoagulants after stroke or transient cerebral ischemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In this paper, we report a patient with primary anti-phospholipid syndrome treated by corticosteroid, who developed disseminated nocardiosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Pemphigus vulgaris (PV) is a rare but potentially fatal autoimmune bullous disorder which frequently affects the oral mucosa.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The incidence of primary osteogenic sarcomas of the skull is about 1 to 2% of all skull tumors.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Environmental interventions are preferred for mild symptoms; medications are the treatment of choice for severe manifestations.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Laboratory results indicated hypomagnesemia, hypocalcemia, hypokalemia, and hypophosphatemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 10-year-old boy with osteosarcoma and normal renal function manifested laboratory evidence of impending renal toxicity and extreme elevation of aspartate aminotrasferase and alanine aminotransferase within 2 hours after the completion of a 4-hour infusion of high-dose methotrexate (MTX) (12 g\/m2), and went on to develop acute renal failure with life-threatening hyperkalemia 29 hours later.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Four months after cessation of treatment, a severe acne with comedones, papules, pustules, and small cystic elements broke out.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Isoniazid was stopped and patient was continued on R & E till completion of the treatment up to nine months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The left eye healed with central corneal scarring.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"INTERVENTION: Escalating dose of tissue plasminogen activator infusion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Niacin causes a reversible toxic cystoid maculopathy that occurs in approximately 0.67% of patients taking high doses of the drug.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"However, endocrine and clinical responses to chronic treatment have been less consistent.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Neurological examination revealed atrophy of small hand muscles, especially in the left dorsal interossei.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient whose case is reviewed had migraine headaches and received methysergide maleate for 13 years.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This has most commonly been a bone complication with little if any soft tissue involvement.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Here we report on a patient with severe aplastic anemia who developed PRCA after HLA-identical but major ABO-mismatched peripheral blood stem cell transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The drug was used topically, by installation and irrigation, in this case and administered orally in doses of up to 1 200 mg daily, for 6 months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Four perfusions were performed on patients in stage III, that is those with distant metastases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: A high level of suspicion, prompt antituberculosis treatment and close follow-up are essential in management of post-transplant tuberculosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This report describes a patient who developed spasticity following a traumatic spinal cord injury.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient is alive and free of disease 4 years after the treatment of this second malignant neoplasm (SMN).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Embolism into the right leg made an embolectomy with a Fogarty catheter necessary.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Tamoxifen is suggested to be carcinogenic both through direct genotoxic and epigenetic mechanisms.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Treatment of carbimazole-induced agranulocytosis and sepsis with granulocyte colony stimulating factor.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"However, continued low-dose MTX led, in spite of normal liver tests, 8 years after the last biopsy to liver failure and death in 1 of our patients.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"(3) In 7 of the patients who were treated with EPO before PTX, anemia was improved after PTX despite discontinuation of EPO therapy in 2, a reduced dose of EPO in 3 and the same dose of EPO in 2.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: Administration of high-dose intravenous immunoglobulins can be associated with hyperviscosity syndrome manifested by central retinal vein occlusion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Affected patients may demonstrate a pattern of self-escalation of dopaminergic medication dosing which may lead to a state of dependency.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After a second dose of metoclopramide, these symptoms recurred and were associated with confusion, agitation, fever, diaphoresis, tachypnea, tachycardia, and hypertension.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This case is reported to remind clinicians of the frequent presence of psychiatric symptoms in Sydenham's chorea.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Complete recovery occurred in all but two patients typically within 1-8 weeks of discontinuation of phenytoin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Since the bronchospasm was relieved with discontinuation of propranolol and supportive bronchodilator therapy, the bronchospasm was believed to be caused by propranolol.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Cranial magnetic resonance imaging showed widespread, abnormally high signal intensity in the deep white matter in both patients, though one patient had normal cranial computed tomographic scan.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Celiac disease onset after pegylated interferon and ribavirin treatment of chronic hepatitis C.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Evans syndrome in a patient with chromosome 22q11.2 deletion syndrome: a case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three patients had a complete remission, five had a partial remission, and four showed no improvements.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Misdiagnosis in all three patients led to inappropriate topical corticosteroid use.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 70-year-old man was admitted to our hospital because of dyspnea after taking an antihistaminic agent (homochlorcyclizine hydrochloride) for itching.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"These symptoms were reproduced after a second administration of brimonidine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Opioid use in HIV patients with neurological changes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Both the temporal association and pathologic findings suggest that the hyperbaric treatment is likely to have been responsible for the resulting complications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: A total of 861 patients with ischemic stroke were admitted to Calgary hospitals during the study period.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A literature review of the relationship between bulimia and affective disorder showed that the evidence from empirical research and case report studies suggests that a sizeable subgroup of bulimics suffer from bipolar disorder as well as bulimia and may benefit from antimanic medications such as lithium.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: Physicians should recognise CS-treated patients as a population likely to be immune-suppressed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Anterior uveitis and secondary glaucoma resulting from intraocular ointment has not been reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Repeat neuropsychological testing 7 weeks after discontinuation of the drug revealed dramatic improvement in IQ, memory, naming, and other tasks commensurate with clinical recovery in his intellectual capacity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It was concluded that ANCA is closely related to the pathogenesis of crescentic glomerulonephritis and that treatment with PTU appeared to induce ANCA.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Adjustments in his drug regimen led to the discovery of pseudoparkinsonism and other extrapyramidal symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Toxoplasmosis retinochoroiditis after photodynamic therapy and intravitreal triamcinolone for a supposed choroidal neovascularization: a case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rifampin-associated thrombocytopenia secondary to poor compliance.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Epstein-Barr virus-associated lymphoma in a child undergoing an autologous stem cell rescue.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This is the first time that the combination of PTX and vit-E has had a significant antifibrotic effect by completely reversing deep RIF as shown by CT scan normalization.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 60-year old woman with medullary breast cancer stage IIIB underwent neoadjuvant chemotherapy with TAC (doxetaxele 100 mg\/m2, doxorubicin 50 mg\/m2 and cyclophosphamide 600 mg\/m2).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"His PSA nadir was <0.2 ng\/mL and rose slowly over several months to 4.2 ng\/mL, resolved, and then rose 2.3 ng\/mL before again slowly resolving.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present 2 patients with demonstrated IgE-mediated allergy to cloxacillin and tolerance to amoxicillin and cefuroxime.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In addition, dermal intravascular thrombi resolved.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Spontaneous compartment syndrome in a patient with diabetes insipidus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Alleged medical abandonment in chronic opioid analgesic therapy: case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Herpes simplex following intra-articular sacroiliac corticosteroid injection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patients with lymphoblastic lymphoma who had treatment with L-asparaginase and steroid are predisposed to the development of cortical venous thrombosis and may have this syndrome in addition to a dural puncture headache.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Dexamethasone elevated markedly the levels of an immunoreactive mouse protein(s) which exhibited a Mr (53 kDa) and inducibility consistent with the major Cyp3a product.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: To describe the treatment of cytomegalovirus (CMV) retinitis with intravitreal sustain-release ganciclovir devices in a 16-year-old patient in third remission of acute lymphoblastic leukemia after stem cell transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hypoxia is a predisposing factor for premature ductal closure and often occurs after maternal indomethacin therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Intravenous followed by intra-arterial therapy is a promising approach to the treatment of severe acute ischemic stroke.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case is the eleventh to report this condition.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One case of ameobic abscess of the liver and one case of amoebic dysentery are described in two patients who were prescribed corticosteroids as part of the intreatment for tuberculous pleural effusion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The knowledge concerning VGB-associated visual dysfunction in pediatric patients, particularly in those who have been exposed to VGB in utero is limited.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A case is described, believed to be the first reported, of a newborn in whom severe hyperreninemic hypertension developed after pyeloplasty of a hydronephrotic kidney.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Aseptic meningitis, hemolytic anemia, hepatitis, and orthostatic hypotension in a patient treated with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Two patients with ovarian cancer who had received multiple courses of cisplatin without complications experienced hypersensitivity reactions to cisplatin: one, involving intrahepatic artery infusion, manifested general erythema, dyspnea, and hypotension; the other, involving intravenous infusion, manifested abdominal pain, general erythema, and fever.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Specimens of thyroid tissue from two cases with Hashimoto's thyroiditis were immunohistochemically examined for expression of SSTR2A.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The imaging studies have shown that both hydrocephalus and leukoencephalopathy have improved significantly after ventriculoperitoneal shunt insertion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Salicylate-induced hepatotoxicity is reviewed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The development of methods to prevent or decrease peritoneal sclerosis will allow for greater application of this innovative therapeutic approach.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Following 7 days of tigecycline she developed severe abdominal pain and elevated pancreatic enzymes suggesting acute pancreatitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Here we describe a patient with Crohn's disease who developed a severe infliximab infusion reaction (IIR), complicated 1 day later by severe swelling of the forearm and hand ipsilateral to the site of infliximab infusion.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"There was no relation between functional improvement and increased sexuality.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three years later, treatment with ampicillin caused another episode of cholestatic hepatitis with cholestasis and duct paucity on rebiopsy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CASE: We report a case of a woman with severe human insulin-induced lipoatrophy who has been treated exclusively with recombinant DNA human insulin since the onset of IDDM.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Two weeks before angioedema, the patient had started a new topical treatment with a gel containing 10% BP for acne.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A common thread is that they all make some pathophysiologic sense.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of generalized cutaneous sclerosis associated with muscle and oesophageal involvement in a patient exposed to herbicides containing bromocil, diuron and aminotriazole.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The methemoglobinemia was readily reversed with the administration of methylene blue.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Diagnosis was established by microscopic examination (Gram and Kinyoun) and culture of centrifuged dialysis fluid and the patient was treated with Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole by intraperitoneal route.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Liver histology showed marked portal inflammation with lymphocytes, monocytes and eosinophils, associated with lobular inflammation (indicative of a histological pattern consistent with drug-induced hepatitis).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Corneal endothelial deposits associated with rifabutin use.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 14-year-old female developed systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)-like symptoms, rash, fever, leukopenia and positive anti-nuclear antibody (ANA) two weeks after administration of carbamazepine (CBZ; Tegretol) used against benign Rolandic epilepsy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Paclitaxel is a chemotherapeutic agent with activity directed against several malignancies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A single site of oozing was injected with epinephrine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The regimen was based on conditioning experiments with animals who had lupuslike autoimmune disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) is a rare complication following solid organ transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Therefore, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors would appear to be appropriate therapy for hypertension in such patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cyproterone acetate (CPA) is a widely used drug in the treatment of advanced prostatic carcinoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"By searching for the key words AHS, alopecia areata (AA, punctuate absence of terminal scalp hair), AA totalis (complete absence of terminal scalp hair), and AA universalis (total loss of terminal scalp and body hair) using PubMed, only 2 cases, to date, developed alopecia in the convalescent status of phenobarbital-induced AHS.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Physicians should be aware of this possible association because the signs and symptoms of Sweet's syndrome are easily mistaken as being due to infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two patients with ovarian carcinoma developed acute erythroleukemia following prolonged chemotherapy with an alkylating agent.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Overall, the prevalence of patients lacking both lipodystrophy and serum lipid abnormalities was markedly higher for the cases than for the controls (69.5 vs. 13%, P<0.001).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We conclude that the currently available data do not indicate that thrombolysis contributes to a significant increase in bleeding complications when administered during CPR.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The second patient developed similar symptoms on day 3 of treatment with 2500 mg\/m2.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Skin biopsy revealed multiple superficial thrombosed vessels with focal epidermal necrosis as well as prominent interstitial mucinosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In the third patient akathisia was sufficiently controlled by dose reduction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia during treatment with cisplatin and etoposide combination.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Although her seizures stopped, her blood pressure fluctuated between 90\/60 mm Hg and 60\/30 mm Hg over the next several hours, requiring treatment with intravenous fluids and pressor therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In both, metoprolol produced objective and subjective improvement of the tremor without producing bronchospasm.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Discontinuation of simvastatin and cyclosporine resulted in resolution of rhabdomyolysis and normalization of renal function.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Isonicotinic acid hydrazide induced anagen effluvium and associated lichenoid eruption.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The nystagmus resolved as the serum phenytoin level fell, as demonstrated by electronystagmography.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The manufacturer began a Pregnancy Prevention Program (PPP) in 1988; however, exposed pregnancies continue to occur.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Complications appear to result from depletion of plasma proteins involved in coagulation and fibrinolysis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Serum samples from the first and second days contained 3.6 and 1.9 mg\/l carbachol, respectively.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We discuss about the hypothesis that GHD may be related to chemotherapy and we report a review of previous published cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"IFN-alpha therapy (5 million U\/day) was administered for 6 months longer.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient's WBC count recovered within 4 days after the change in therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One of the postulated mechanisms of action is the release of endogenous opioids and\/or the stimulation of opioid receptors in the central nervous system (CNS).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of carcinoma following 42 years of chronic empyema in a patient who underwent surgery for a hydatid cyst at the age of 3.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 32-year-old male schizophrenic patient on ziprasidone treatment was admitted to the hospital following a seizure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE REPORT: A 52-year-old woman presented with an extensive flare of psoriasis associated with joint pain, especially in her knees and elbows.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A symmetric elevation of diaphragms was shown on radiography and fluoroscopy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of reversible DKA and new-onset DM that developed in a demented patient who was treated with quetiapine for 14 days.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Chemotherapy may be reserved for patients with positive cerebrospinal fluid, extracranial disease, or subsequent relapse.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"To our knowledge, t(4;11)(p12;q23) has been reported in two previous patients, and MLL and FRYL rearrangement was demonstrated in one of them.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome should be considered in the differential diagnosis of unexplained vulval ulceration that arises after starting HAART.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These symptoms worsened within a few days of an increase in the dose of fluvoxamine to 50 mg twice daily.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors report the case of a 61-year-old man with CML treated with imatinib with a good response, and they switched to dasatinib after grade 4 hepatic toxicity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is the most prescribed antineoplastic drug in the world, with approximately 10 million women-use-years of experience.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hyperthyroidism may exacerbate asthma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These findings are consistent with a model suggesting that both platelet and megakaryocyte mass contribute to a receptor-dependent consumption process regulating the endogenous TPO level.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"High dose methotrexate would appear contra-indicated in situations where massive tumour lysis is possible.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Anaphylaxis to cisplatin is an infrequent life-threatening complication which may occur even in patients who have received prior treatment with cisplatin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Calciphylaxis in a patient with end-stage renal disease secondary to systemic lupus erythematosus associated with acral gangrene and mesenteric ischemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Videopolysomnographic and pharmacokinetic studies with monitoring of plasma levodopa levels demonstrated marked motor hyperactivity during augmentation, with anarchic discharges of motor unit potentials, tonic grouped discharges and flexor spasms, associated with painful dysesthesia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"MR images revealed extensive cortical and subcortical white matter brain edema.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) therapy in Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) causes increased basal metabolic rate and oxygen consumption, and hence increased ventilatory load.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In addition to its known effect on gallbladder stasis, octreotide alters bile acid composition and may thus hasten intrahepatic sludge and stone formation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This is the second case of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in a myasthenic patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Its occurrence in diabetic children has not been previously reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The mechanism of this effect is not entirely clear, but 5-azacytidine produces hypomethylation of the gamma gene at certain sites, and gene expression and DNA hypomethylation are related phenomena in many other systems.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report two cases of tenofovir (TDF)-associated nephrotoxicity in perinatally HIV-infected adolescents.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Amikacin-induced type 5 Bartter-like syndrome with severe hypocalcemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In an elderly patient with unresolving acute bronchospasm, herpesvirus infection of the lower respiratory tract should be considered in the differential diagnosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The adequacy of corticosteroid replacement therapy may best be assessed by monitoring the levels of ACTH.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Within four weeks after initiation of chemotherapy, the International Normalization Ratio (INR) increased from 3.04 to 39.56.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient's visual acuity was 6\/20 (non-corrected) in the right eye and 6\/10 (-1.75\/-1.00 x 91) in the left.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: The optimal anticoagulant for use in a patient with HIT and concurrent hepatic and renal failure is unclear.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In summary, because infected grafts can lead to serious complications, besides careful donor screening, it is important to achieve early recognition of contaminated organs by culturing the perfusate to start specific antibiotic or antifungal therapy after transplantation if necessary and avoid the rare but, in this case, fatal consequences of these infections.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Severe respiratory syncytial virus pulmonary infection in a patient treated with fludarabine for chronic lymphocytic leukemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Plasma cryofibrinogen was measured before and during treatment with stanozolol.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Four months later reversible camptocormia was manifested again concomitantly with about the same plasma valproate levels as above.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient had removed the hair from her axillae with wax 3 weeks before the development of the eruption.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Since its release in the United States market in 1996, few cases of fatal acute intoxication have been reported in the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pediatric clonidine intoxications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cyanoacrylate glue for type iii lad perforation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This article describes two cases of aplastic anemia, at least one of which was almost certainly induced by the use of methazolamide, and one case of agranulocytosis related to the use of methazolamide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The management of this clinical challenge is reviewed, in the absence of a clinical guideline, with particular reference to the judicious tailoring of anti-platelet therapy, the role of therapeutic endoscopy and the utility of blood transfusion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Successful treatment of postoperative pyoderma gangrenosum with cyclosporin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Moreover, in the appropriate clinical setting, even in the absence of pulmonary signs or symptoms, diffuse pulmonary uptake of labeled leukocytes should alert the physician to the possibility of drug-induced pneumonitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinicians should consider early diagnostic amniocentesis in patients in preterm labor with a history of prior amniocentesis, and the routine Gram stain and culture of amniotic fluid.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"White, flocculent material was observed in the anterior chamber and 24 hours later this settled on the iris surface.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Preoperative chemotherapy with carboplatin alone in high risk medulloblastoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Drug-induced gingival enlargement has been reported in patients treated with various types of anticonvulsant drugs, and is generally associated with the presence of plaque, gingival inflammation, and a genetic predisposition.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although it is generally well tolerated, 30 to 45% of patients may experience adverse cardiac effects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This fourth type of cutaneous minocycline hyperpigmentation may be a variant of Type I, but based on clinical, pathological and microanalytical differences, appears to be a new entity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A case report and review of the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Renal function returned to normal eventually, but she continued to have relapses of exfoliative dermatitis up to a year later.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two years later myasthenia gravis appeared.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient achieving a partial response experienced no side effects while receiving ipilimumab.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Once the diagnosis was made, he was treated with adrenaline and made a full recovery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a patient in whom the anti-depressant trazodone hydrochloride (Molipaxin, Roussel), a serotonin antagonist, provoked generalized pustular psoriasis (GPP).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Laboratory studies revealed a white blood cell count of 4900 mm(-3) with 67% neutrophils and 27% lymphocytes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Abdominal CT showed diffuse swelling of the pancreas, with two distinct masses in the corpus and the tail.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Bilateral inguinal scrofuloderma during steroid therapy in a patient with bullous pemphigoid.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In some patients, clinical vigilance for antidepressant-induced dysphoria may be warranted for extended periods of time.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Malignant lymphoma of skin associated with postmastectomy lymphedema.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On the basis of the clinico-radiologic presentation, a pulmonary hemorrhage was likely to occur; so to clarify the origin of this process, a complete serologic examination was performed but all the antibodies were negative.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The most commonly reported side effects include dry mouth and dysphagia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A patient developed papilloedema and hepatic dysfunction while being treated with perhexiline maleate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"As a result, the Flexiflo Inverta percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tubes with externally removable internal bumpers were found useful in the treatment of buried bumper syndrome, and the buried bumper was easily removed by external traction without any endoscopic or surgical methods.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Methylephedrine is generally harmless and is contained in many cough and cold preparations.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"During clarithromycin coadministration, four out of the seven patients developed moderate-to-severe toxic symptoms of carbamazepine, such as drowsiness, dizziness, and ataxia, which resolved within 5 days after clarithromycin discontinuation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Also, concomitant therapy with antianxiety medications that may mask the symptoms of electrolyte disorders should be undertaken with caution.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Review of the literature leads us to propose the following hypotheses: (1) that considerably increased stress-induced cortisol concentrations in critically ill patients may contribute to adverse outcomes and (2) that therapeutic suppression of the persistent and substantially elevated glucocorticoid levels in selected cases may be a beneficial therapeutic option.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient survives with severe sequela which confirms slow progression as typical in nonAIDS cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DISCUSSION: The main adverse effects of leflunomide consist of diarrhea, nausea, liver enzyme elevation, hypertension, alopecia, and allergic skin reactions.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Later, she began treatment with mirtazapine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient did not achieve remission despite intensive chemotherapy, and subsequently underwent UCBT with a standard conditioning regimen.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Nephrotic patients in endemic areas of Strongyloides infection should have the differential white cell count checked.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a 58-year-old female patient with end-stage renal disease who 7 years after the onset of dialysis presented with pain and movement restriction of various joints.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On December 5, 1995, he began therapy with recombinant IFN-alpha at a dose of 3 MIU three times a week.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hepatotoxicity after high-dose methylprednisolone for demyelinating disease.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This report describes two patients who developed acute myelocytic leukemia only after exposure to cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, and 5-fluorouracil adjuvant therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Once ARF is established, repair processes set in which appear to depend on growth factors such as epidermal growth factor and insulin-like growth factor 1, of which there is a relative shortage in established ARF.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We also discuss the possible role of protein S deficiency as a contributing factor.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case in which ARB was given to the mother from the first trimester until 26 weeks' gestation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 66-year-old Japanese woman with severe scleroderma developed anemia and thrombocytopenia due to D-penicillamine (D-Pen) treatment, although the leukopenia was not markedly severe.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Inferior oblique paresis, mydriasis, and accommodative palsy as temporary complications of sinus surgery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Nine children with airway obstructing hemangiomas were managed with corticosteroid therapy for durations of 6 weeks to 17 months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thus, measures must be taken to prevent and treat PVOD after BMT.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, given the clinically significant result to the interaction between tolazoline and cimetidine we report, the use of cimetidine in tolazoline induced upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage should deserve more attention.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) is a rare, but potentially lethal complication of antipsychotic medication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Methylprednisolone pulse therapy was very effective for the treatment of the HPS.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Comparable adverse effects, such as disorientation and temporary amnesia, have been reported in patients in the analogous agent, propranolol.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Physicians prescribing these drugs should be aware of this side effect, which, if not recognized and treated appropriately, is potentially devastating.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A complete clinical and laboratory recovery took place following withdrawal of drugs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: Cyproheptadine may be a useful adjunct to baclofen and benzodiazepines in the management of acute ITB withdrawal syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 72-year-old patient was submitted to an elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy, and a tubular adenocarcinoma in the gallbladder was incidentally diagnosed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In addition, preprandial subcutaneous regular insulin was switched to lispro insulin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Aromatic antiepileptic agents, such as phenytoin, carbamazepine, and phenobarbital are the most frequent causes of this syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The evidence of high plasmatic levels of CBZ and the absence of other aetiologic factors lead the authors to conclude that the overdose of CBZ could have represented the precipitating of the episode of acute pancreatitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Several hypersensitivity reactions to cloxacillin have been reported, although IgE-mediated allergic reactions to the drug are rare and there is little information about possible tolerance to other semisynthetic penicillins or cephalosporins in patients with cloxacillin allergy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Crosslinking for post-LASIK corneal ectasia may induce DLK.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hemodiafiltration for vancomycin overdose in a patient with end-stage renal failure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) is a disorder in which a sustained release of antidiuretic hormone occurs because of certain diseases, pharmacological agents, or trauma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: A clinical diagnosis of fixed drug eruption owing to use of the PDE5 inhibitor tadalafil (Cialis) was made.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: The coexistence of a common prothrombotic risk factor and haemophilia may cause severe complications, in particular if the bleeding disorder has to be corrected temporarily by administration of the concerning deficient agent.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 53-year-old woman, who had shad a VP shunt implanted 3 months previously for hydrocephalus due to intracranial hemorrhage, presented with fever off and on, drowsiness and seizure attacks for 1 week.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Early recognition of WE may be more difficult in children, because the classic triad of symptoms may not develop fully.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present two children with acute lymphocytic leukemia who developed leukoencephalopathy following administration of a combination of intravenous ara = C and methotrexate during the consolidation phase of chemotherapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"EEG changes were diffuse spike and wave complexes and disappeared after discontinuation of therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis in a pancreas-kidney transplant recipient: response to dexamethasone and cyclosporine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Long-term neuroleptic therapy in chronic anorexia nervosa complicated by tardive dyskinesia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Posttransplant lymphoproliferative disorder (PTLD) is a serious complication of organ transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A potential role for renal and hepatic impairment in the observed protracted course of amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis is suggested.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Topical vaginal oestrogen cream used for treatment of burn injury of vaginal mucosa after misapplication of 100% acetic acid in a perimenopausal woman: a case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After initiation of topical vitamin D3 ointment (20 micro g\/g of tacalcitol) 10 g\/day for the skin lesions, both the serum level of calcium and urinary excretion of calcium increased gradually.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The syndrome may be difficult to detect because it can mimic several other entities.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Both 6-MP and AZA are widely used and are known to cause hepatotoxicity in a proportion of patients.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Fulminant autoimmune hepatitis after successful interferon treatment in an HIV-HCV co-infected patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Chemoradiation therapy: effect on dental development.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It generally is characterized by fever, altered mental status, rigidity, and autonomic dysfunction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Significance of subclinical entrapment of nerves in lead neuropathy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The physiology and pharmacology of erection are reviewed, and pharmacologic treatment options and surgical treatments are reviewed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A clinically atypical, neuropathologically verified case of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease is described in a 32-year-old New Zealand woman with idiopathic hypopituitarism who had been treated in late adolescence (1970 to 1973) with human growth hormone processed from pooled cadaveric pituitary glands.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Recently, her serum theophylline levels had increased to the toxic range (133.2 micromol\/L [24 microg\/mL]) shortly after the addition of zafirlukast (Accolate, Zeneca Pharmaceuticals, Wilmington, Del) to her regimen.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Aluminum intoxication, along with other factors, was considered to be the cause of TC development.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Reversible corneal keratinization following trabeculectomy and treatment with 5-fluorouracil.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Acute renal failure during lisinopril and losartan therapy for proteinuria.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"MR detected brain abnormalities in four patients, three of whom had concomitant neurologic dysfunction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 9-month-old boy with progressive hepatosplenomegaly and neurodevelopmental delay was studied.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case should increase awareness of the risk of invasive disease caused by penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae in the early postoperative period after splenectomy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, the spectrum of hosts and clinical presentations of invasive aspergillosis are increasing, due in part to better medical treatments that prolong the survival of patients with cancer, severe infections, and organ failure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Aggressive endometrial carcinoma in a breast cancer patient treated with tamoxifen with normal transvaginal ultrasonography.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Rapid destruction and lysis of lung nodules by chemotherapy seem to be the main mechanism of pneumothorax development.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Five percent solution of ethanolamine oleate(EO) has been used as sclerosing agent.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two patients with non-miliary pulmonary tuberculosis developed a syndrome resembling adult respiratory distress following initiation of drug treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Donepezil, an oral acetylcholinesterase inhibitor approved for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease, was given to 6 cancer pain patients having sedation related to the analgesic use of opioids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Itch and skin rash from chocolate during fluoxetine and sertraline treatment: case report.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In addition, the development of tardive dyskinesia and its subsequent amelioration with a depot form of a high-potency neuroleptic are discussed in relation to these disorders.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Eye care professionals must take care to avoid potential misdiagnosis of Herpes simplex keratitis, avoid topical corticosteroids in contact lens wearers with an unknown keratitis, and pay special attention to the fellow eye for potential bilateral infection when Acanthamoeba has been diagnosed in one eye.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Elements in the patient's history that may be risk factors are discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The first patient was a 61-year-old man with a 30-year history of fistulizing CD in whom B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma was diagnosed 9 months after treatment with infliximab.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Shortly before admission to our hospital, the patient had discontinued his hydrocortisone medication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe the side effects of 5-FU in a colon cancer patient who suffered severe mucositis, desquamating dermatitis, prolonged myelosuppression, and neurologic toxicity that required admission to the intensive care unit.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Acute aluminum toxicity after continuous intravesical alum irrigation for hemorrhagic cystitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The precise timing of each step of the surgical procedure remains difficult to codify.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Nasopharyngeal carcinoma is a rare cancer in Western society, however there is a higher incidence in Asian.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: During the study periods, 1998 cases of endoscopic sinus surgery were identified where topical 1:1000 epinephrine was used.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (NDI) is a well-documented complication of lithium use.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We examined the in vitro inhibition of the clonogenic capacity of bone marrow hematopoietic progenitor cells of this patient by D-Pen, and found strong inhibition in burst-forming unit-erythroid and colony-forming unit-megakaryocyte assays, but not in colony-forming unit-granulocyte\/macrophage assays.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a 50-year-old male patient with a 15-year history of psoriasis including mutilating psoriatic arthritis, in whom the withdrawal of cyclosporin A induced a generalised pustular exacerbation and a aggravation of the joint condition.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Toxic shock syndrome associated with the use of the vacuum-assisted closure device.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All patients had typical radiological, magnetic resonance imaging or pathological changes of osteonecrosis involving the femoral heads, while two also had superimposed avascular necrosis involving the humeral heads.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Marrow proliferation as a cause of hearing loss in beta-thalassaemia major.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: The patient required insulin desensitization for severe urticaria, angioedema, and occasional wheezing resulting from her insulin dose.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Morphea after bromocriptine therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Nine azotemic patients who developed a coagulopathy associated with the use of either cephalosporin or moxalactam antibiotics are reported.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Sulfasalazine-induced hypersensitivity syndrome and hemophagocytic syndrome associated with reactivation of Epstein-Barr virus.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Intravenous verapamil therapy in babies may cause apnea, hypotension, and bradycardia; continued episodes of atrial flutter in a child may cause sudden death; quinidine may be related to the death; children with \"familial seizure disorders\" may in fact have the long QT interval syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Camptocormia induced by atypical antipsychotics and resolved by electroconvulsive therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A model that may potentially assist in the clarification of androgen-mediated effects on mood is the study of cryptorchid men who may grow up with varying degrees of testosterone deficiency depending on the time in their life when cryptorchism is corrected.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This outbreak demonstrates the ability of drug-resistant Salmonella to spread from the animal to the human reservoir and, in a suitable host, produce a fatal infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Extensive immunological investigations were performed in a patient with definite seronegative rheumatoid arthritis who developed hypogammaglobulinemia in the course of gold therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Perhexiline maleate is an agent currently under investigation in Canada that is used for angina unresponsive to other treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It was concluded that potassium loss occurred by a non-renal (intestinal) route in phosphate-induced hypokalemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"At the University of California at San Diego (UCSD) Cancer Center, 115 patients with advanced intra-abdominal malignant conditions have been treated with several intraperitoneal chemotherapy programs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case study is included to illustrate the dangers of inappropriate naloxone use.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The case histories are presented of two patients who developed lung disease associated with the use of nitrofurantoin with histological features of bronchiolitis obliterans organising pneumonia (BOOP), a rare but recognised form of drug induced injury.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Full visual electrophysiology, including flash electroretinography (ERG), pattern electroretinography, multifocal ERG using the VERIS system, electro-oculography, and flash and pattern visual evoked potentials, was undertaken.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, engraftment was not achieved.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In our study, we recorded glucose dynamics by a continuous glucose monitor system over 2 to 3 days before and during acarbose treatment, while the patient was on a well-controlled diet.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A significant inverse correlation was observed between the increase in the longitudinal diameter of the liver and the decline in albumin levels, and between the increase in the longitudinal diameter of the liver and the drop in platelet count.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Clinicians should be aware of a risk of serotonin syndrome with serious extrapyramidal reactions in patients receiving sertraline or venlafaxine when metoclopramide is coadministered even in a single, conventional dose.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a case of inoperable esophagogastric junction tumor with hiccupping after esophageal stent that could only be treated with baclofen.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Warfarin-induced skin necrosis and heparin-induced thrombocytopenia following mitral valve replacement for marantic endocarditis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Gynaecomastia is a rarely reported adverse drug reaction due to isoniazid therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The administration of \"sweet spirits of nitre\" (4% ethyl nitrite CH3CH2ONO in 70% ethyl alcohol) was followed by acute methemoglobinemia and severe anoxic metabolic acidosis in infant twins, Methylene blue administration reversed methemoglobinemia in both, but one twin died from the consequences of hypoxemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Six patients with no previous signs or symptoms suggestive of coronary artery disease developed acute coronary ischemia\/infarction shortly after cis-diamine-dichloroplatinum II (cisplatin) -based chemotherapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Recurrent, bilateral, and severe conjunctival hemorrhages mandate the search for an underlying etiology, such as a blood dyscrasia, blood clotting disorder, or recurrent increased intrathoracic pressure caused by repetitive vomiting or coughing spells.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Careful clinical and biochemical monitoring seems necessary in children with primary glomerulonephritis, other than those transplanted, after IVPMP, and factors predisposing to neurologic sequelae should be further defined.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One must be cautious in extrapolating from a case report, but these findings strongly suggest a direct effect of carbamazepine on spermatic function.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The other ten were given Adriamycin without this compression.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Reflexes, tone, and myoclonus also decreased.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The development of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) after 38 months of therapy with recombinant human interferon gamma (rIFN-gamma) was observed in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Calciphylaxis in a patient with normal renal function: response to treatment with sodium thiosulfate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cortisol concentrations became detectable 2 days after initiation of mifepristone treatment and persisted, being detectable for a period of at least a week after cessation of the drug.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There are major side effects of anastrozole including decrease in both lumbar spine and total hip bone mineral density, increase in the incidence of all bone fractures (especially fractures of spine, hip and wrist), joint disorders and increase in the cholesterol level.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Within 6 months of pranlukast withdrawal, anemia resolved and urinary sediment and renal function normalized.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Acute erythroleukemia complicating prolonged chemotherapy for ovarian carcinoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report 2 cases of patients receiving sunitinib for metastatic renal cell carcinoma while undergoing dialysis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"8. The leukemogenic potential in man of prolonged cytotoxic agents therapy, especially with alkylating agents, seems to be well established.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Six months after the onset of type 1 diabetes mellitus, the patient continues to receive 40 units of insulin daily.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient experienced hallucinations, agitation, vomiting, tachycardia and seizures after ingestion of 1050 (48 mg\/kg) of extended-release bupropion.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"She made remarkable improvement and remains transfusion independent afterwards.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After a second dose of metoclopramide, these symptoms recurred and were associated with confusion, agitation, fever, diaphoresis, tachypnea, tachycardia, and hypertension.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The case demonstrates that hypersensitivity reaction to pranlukast and resultant ATIN is possible, and that periodic urine testing in patients receiving pranlukast should be considered.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The recent cloning of the FMF gene on the short arm of chromosome 16p, and the subsequent finding that its tissue expression is limited to granulocytes, has helped to explain the dramatic accumulation of neutrophils at the symptomatic serosal sites; the wild-type gene likely acts as an upregulator of an anti-inflammatory molecule or as a downregulator of a pro-inflammatory molecule.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three cases of unintentional overdose with simple analgesics are presented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although this patient had multiple risk factors implicated in the development of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis, the infectious potential of inhaled marijuana must be recognized.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An adolescent male developed acute pancreatitis and pseudocyst of the pancreas 16 weeks after cessation of intramuscular L-asparaginase.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The association of CLL and acute leukemia is a rare event described in < 1% of CLL, the type of acute leukemia being either from the lymphoid or more often from the myeloid lineage.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Awareness of this condition is important, because early recognition can prevent morbidity and lead to safe and effective treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After switching, 11 got better, 29 remained stable whereas seven got worse, according to the Global Improvement.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Duodenal ulceration: a complication of tolazoline therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Its mode of anti-inflammatory actions in rheumatoid arthritis is not clearly understood, but modulation of neutrophil activity or inhibition of neutrophil inflammatory product formation or release appear to play a role.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All but one patient were receiving tacrolimus monotherapy, excluding other drugs that might have been involved to cause the syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Can magnesium sulfate therapy impact lactogenesis?","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient was successfully treated with intravenous pamidronate on his first admission and with hydrocortisone on the second.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In March 1999, a 35-year-old woman had uneventful laser in situ keratomileusis in both eyes on the same day.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The safety and tolerability profile of rFVIIa in bleeding neonates was also evaluated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hepatopathy subsided after the cessation of carbamazepine and lynestrenol.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Although the mechanism of this paradoxical phenomenon is not well understood, a defective local tissue immune response with gradually increasing maturity of the lesions during antituberculous therapy, which results in poor penetration of these drugs into the lesions, might be a possible explanation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A high percentage experienced good to excellent results.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Moreover, the safety and efficacy of intracranial vertebral stenting should be further reevaluated by large-scale randomized trials.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This study provides a review of the medical literature and presents the intralesional injection technique of 0.1% bleomycin into the wart tissue itself.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Renal hypophosphatemia in this patient was caused by the erroneous intake of 1 g doxycycline.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Although the movement disorder could not with certainty be attributed to trazodone alone, the drug at least acted as an eliciting agent.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Benefit from this was limited and a course of intra-arterial urokinase was instituted.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The prevention and treatment of de novo HBV infection after OLT is discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe an exceptional case of Candida tropicalis sepsis in a patient submitted to allogeneic BMT; the diagnosis was made on a peripheral blood smear, when the pt was neutropenic and only mildly febrile.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After 12 months of treatment, molecular biology showed an important reduction in the peripheral blood of the fusion oncoprotein bcr-abl p210-b3a2.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: Small-cell esophageal carcinoma (SCEC) is a rare disease for which standard therapy has not yet been established.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She has been admitted with non-productive cough, dyspnoea and fever 11 months after the initiation of combination therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In 1996, the manufacturer began a direct-to-consumer advertising campaign, raising concerns of more exposed pregnancies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Histological studies confirmed the diagnosis of KS and documented its complete regression.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Myoclonus was induced and enhanced by L-dopa, developing into generalized seizures.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Although high-dose methotrexate has been shown to be useful in the treatment of primary osteogenic sarcoma, the tumoricidal effects of therapy appear to have caused a fatal rise in intracranial pressure.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Improvement in prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time, and fibrinogen after rFVIIa administration was statistically significant, as compared with that observed after conventional treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We suspect that isotretinoin may complete for normal retinol binding sites on cell surfaces or transport molecules.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She experienced cardiac arrest and died 72 hours after receiving chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Extrahepatic cholestasis, viral hepatitis and autoimmune liver disorders were excluded.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The results of these studies could also lead to significant modifications in recommendations for long-term maintenance therapy with cytotoxic agents.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe the development of ischemic colitis in a woman who was treated with tegaserod and review the relationship among ischemic colitis, tegaserod use, and irritable bowel syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Many new serotonergic antidepressants have been introduced over the past decade.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This is a case report of fatal cryptococcal meningitis in a child with systemic lupus erythematosus being treated with prednisolone and azathioprine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"PTLD appears to be different in its pathogenesis from that of PCNSL which occurs anew in the brain of these patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ten days after itraconazole was started, he developed paralytic ileus, neurogenic bladder, mild left ptosis, and absence of deep reflexes, with severe paralysis of the lower extremities and mild weakness of the upper extremities.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Oxygen potentiation of bleomycin-induced pulmonary toxicity is discussed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Furthermore, therapy with dantrolene has been demonstrated to be beneficial in the treatment of MH associated with diabetic coma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An intensive search revealed that this patient was receiving coumadin that was given by the mother.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She was treated with fluid resuscitation, wound dressing, and antibiotics.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Inhibition of cytochrome P450 seems to be an important mechanism.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ampicillin trihydrate aggravated the symptoms of two myasthenic patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Calcium-channel blockers are useful for the treatment of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), but, their adverse effects, especially, those of diltiazem, have not been of much concern.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Best-corrected visual acuity was 20\/50 O.D. and 20\/60 O.S.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"At surgery, the diagnosis of focal nodular hyperplasia was established.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe four patients with episodic bilateral vision impairment related exclusively to light exposure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, two previous descriptions of interstitial nephritis related to treatment with TKIs, combined with this current report suggest that TKI therapy could be associated with this rare but life-threatening complication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two patients developed acute cholangitis and 2 patients experienced skin phototoxicity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: RPE tear is a complication that may occur following PDT in particular when the PDT is applied to an occult subfoveal CNV.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Atypical necrotizing scleritis after strabismus surgery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She also had low-grade fever, intermittent chronic abdominal pain, weight loss, polyarthralgia, and conjunctivitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The observation of cutaneous vasculitis during administration of propylthiouracil suggested that clinical awareness of this complication should be of considerable importance.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Putaminal infarct in methanol intoxication: case report and role of brain imaging studies.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We used telmisartan to manage high blood pressure values in an HIV-positive patient with insulin-dependent diabetes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: To investigate the concentration-side effect relationship in a patient with severe acyclovir-induced neurotoxicity and to summarize the information available in the literature about central nervous system side effects due to acyclovir.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Photosensitisation induced by clofazimine in a cat.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, the occurrence and management of akathisia induced by fluvoxamine have not been described.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Theoretical basal ganglia toxicologic mechanisms of methanol poisoning are reviewed, and the role of brain imaging studies will regard to diagnosis, prognosis and impact on management is discussed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report the first case of fulminant adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) associated with pegylated interferon alpha-2a (pegIFNalpha-2a) and ribavirin use for hepatitis C, complicated by subsequent and ultimately fatal sepsis and multiorgan failure.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The temporal sequence suggests that the drug infusion initiated the lung injury.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinical suspicion of ASPPC upon observation of these characteristic features is crucial for early diagnosis and treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Besides hysterectomy, the treatment options for adenomyosis have been limited.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatment with high-dose intravenous IgG (HDIgG; a first-generation preparation) was ineffective, but a course of steroids resulted in a rapid increase in the the platelet count.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Laparascopy proved useful in making the initial diagnosis, but may have contributed to the pathogenesis of the pulmonary process.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Potential mechanisms involved in the occurrence of ischemic colitis in patients receiving tegaserod are also discussed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"She refused surgery to remove the eye and orbital contents (exenteration), and was referred to palliative care.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"When clonazepam was reduced and discontinued, these behaviors significantly decreased from 3.1% of intervals (95% confidence band = 1.6% to 4.6%) to 0.1% of intervals (95% confidence band = 0% to 0.1%).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Practical aspects of 3,4-diaminopyridine treatment of the Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A pulmonary restrictive defect with a prominent decline of forced vital capacity (FVC) when the patient was on supine position was recorded.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ticlopidine-induced aplastic anemia (TIAA) is considered very uncommon.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Prolongation of the prothrombin time owing to a transient reduction in factor VII activity is described in a 14-month-old child with organophosphate poisoning.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Primary CNS lymphoma complicating treatment of myasthenia gravis with mycophenolate mofetil.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"All patients developed esophageal varices, 5 patients presented at least one bleeding episode and 2 required TIPS.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To describe a newly recognized adverse effect of imiquimod.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Because treatment has focused mainly on supportive care and generally unsuccessful immunosuppression, children with BO experience significant morbidity and mortality.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Exacerbated radiodermatitis and bilateral subdural hemorrhage after whole brain irradiation combined with epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors for brain metastases in lung cancer.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Akathisia appeared to be a common side effect of fluoxetine and generally responded well to treatment with the beta-adrenergic antagonist propranolol, dose reduction, or both.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Transthoracic echocardiogram showed global hypokinesis with an ejection fraction (EF) of 5-10% prior to cardiac arrest, compared to baseline and following EF's of approximately 35%.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatment of periodontal disease in a patient with Turner's syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Systemic and topical antibiotics were administered and urgent surgical debridement and replacement of the LASIK flap was performed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Five personal observations of an acute amnestic episode in younger individuals after intake of clioquinol are described together with three observations from the medical literature.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Toxic epidermal necrolysis associated with interleukin-2.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Massive subfascial hematoma after alteplase therapy for acute myocardial infarction.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"It is postulated that renal tubular damage secondary to the cumulative effects of repeated courses of aminoglycosides resulted in hypomagnesaemia, and we suggest screening for this problem by monitoring serum magnesium regularly in all patients with CF receiving multiple courses of aminoglycosides.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Chlorambucil-induced chromosome damage to human lymphocytes is dose-dependent and cumulative.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The pharmacokinetic parameters for ifosfamide using model-independent methods were calculated: Vd = 0.23 l\/kg, t1\/2 = 4.8 h, and ClT = 3.30 l\/h per m2.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He received blood transfusion and recombinant human granulocyte colong-stimulating factor (filgrastim).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Initial cardiopulmonary resuscitation and immediate treatment with adrenaline (epinephrine), atropine and furosemide was successful.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Quetiapine was associated with leucopenia in two patients and clinically apparent agranulocytosis in one patient.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Fifteen patients with active disease and three whose disease was inactive received increased doses of corticosteroids, and four active cases and one inactive one stayed on the same doses.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The successful outcome of the present cases suggests that the timely addition of levothyroxine treatment alone or in combination with steroids is useful and effective in the management of hypothyroid Graves' ophthalmopathy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Neurotoxicity of intrathecal methotrexate: MR imaging findings.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Extensive hormonal evaluation was performed in a girl with adrenal carcinoma during the primary tumor stage, following adrenalectomy, during the period when metastases were evident and while on treatment with o,p'-DDD.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatment with continuous intravenous naloxone infusion, lumbar catheter drainage of cerebrospinal fluid, and control of hypertension and status epilepticus resulted in an excellent outcome with return to neurological baseline.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A patient with chronic myeloid leukaemia treated with busulphan for 4-5 years, developed signs of busulphan toxicity and portal hypertension with ascites, oesophageal varices and jaundice.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This case report examines the possible causative factors in the development of post-surgical herpes zoster.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"INTRODUCTION: Anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (AION) describes a defect of the optic nerve leading to irreversible loss of vision in most cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"To our knowledge, this is the first case of stroke occurring in a pregnant woman following vasopressor therapy for spinal anesthesia-induced hypotension.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 15-year-old boy with previously normal thyroid function is described who developed hypothyroid goiter within six weeks following bipedal lymphography.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Nevertheless, symptomatic CH has been reported in association with various underlying diseases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome (RSDS), which probably has a multifactorial etiology, may appear after kidney transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patients were vaccinated with BCG (Moreau strain) between 17 days and 4 months of age.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Little information is available concerning the occurrence and outcome of this syndrome after administration of more recent chemotherapeutic agents.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Inhibition of cytochrome P450 could be one of the potential causative mechanisms of myopathy in our case.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"INTRODUCTION-The aim of this case report is to present a 15-year follow-up of a patient with phenytoin (PHT) intoxication with unilateral gingival hyperplasia (GH).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The risk of developing sAML is estimated to be between 1% and 5%, 2-20 years after exposure to etoposide but may also be related to cumulative drug doses, treatment schedules, host factors and co-administration of other antineoplastic agents.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"It is concluded that EBV-LPD should be included in the differential diagnosis in patients in whom lymphadenopathy develops after autologous stem cell rescue.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 62-year-old woman treated with pranlukast for 2 months developed interstitial pneumonitis with a high fever.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Somatostatin analogues are potent inhibitors of growth hormone (GH) and glucagon secretion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute hyperphosphatemia caused by sodium phosphate enema in a patient with liver dysfunction and chronic renal failure.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a case of graft versus host disease after liver transplantation in which the diagnosis was made by short tandem repeat analysis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"46-year-old woman developed painful ulcers over her lower abdomen in the form of reticulate erythema after injecting interferon beta-1b subcutaneously for multiple sclerosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Rosiglitazone was immediately discontinued and 11 days later the man's weight stabilized to 79 kg and remained between 79 and 80 kg 2 and 3 months after discharge.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Monitoring and predicting ototoxic damage using distortion-product otoacoustic emissions: pediatric case study.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DISCUSSION: The patient was given chloroquine by his captain in a dosage regimen appropriate for quinine (2 tablets 3 times daily for 7 d).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Effective treatment of coprophagia in a patient with schizophrenia with the novel atypical antipsychotic drug perospirone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Nineteen children with rheumatic diseases refractory to standard treatment were given repeated large \"pulses\" of corticosteroid therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, there is no literature that describes the complications that occur at the time of removal of these lines.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Putaminal infarct in methanol intoxication: case report and role of brain imaging studies.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Virological tests showed significant increases of antibody titers against mumps virus and parainfluenza virus type 2, which strongly suggested that paramyxovirus infection occurred during the clinical course of DIHS.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is important to accurately identify these infections, and polymerase chain reaction assay using universal fungal primers offers a rapid and precise diagnostic approach.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A further two cases of ocular hypertension secondary to topical facial steroids are also described.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 31-year-old female developed multiple episodes of grand mal seizures after combination chemotherapy with cisplatin, vinblastine and bleomycin for germ cell ovarian cancer stage Ic.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Minoxidil was found to be highly effective, free from commonly encountered side effects and capable of achieving excellent control of blood pressure when given once daily.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"His clinical course was uncomplicated until postoperative day 10, when he became hemodynamically compromised despite inotropic therapy (BP 88\/53 mm Hg, mean HR 80 beats\/min) secondary to stage IIIa rejection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"To our knowledge, their occurrence in the same patient has not hitherto been described.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A patient is described with the characteristic features of phenytoin hypersensitivity syndrome (PHS) including fever, erythroderma, tibial and facial oedema, pinhead-sized facial pustules and abnormal liver function tests.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"FDE from cephalosporins has been rarely reported, and to the best of our knowledge there is no published report of ceftriaxone-induced FDE in the literature.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This behavior consisted of an apparent infatuation with a ward nurse, which ceased after medication was discontinued.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is concluded that simultaneous administration of ciprofloxacin and tazobactam\/piperacillin may cause marked thrombocytosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In four patients, thrombosis occurred 2-45 days after severe hepatic veno-occlusive disease (HVOD) secondary to intensive chemotherapy containing busulfan.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Neutrophilic eccrine hidradenitis (NEH) is a neutrophilic dermatosis primarily affecting the eccrine glands, and most commonly seen in patients undergoing chemotherapy for treatment of a malignancy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Olanzapine-associated neuroleptic malignant syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To report a case of severe apnea in an infant exposed to lamotrigine through breast-feeding.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"On the other hand, aspirin may have promoted the enlargement of spontaneous hemorrhage from meningioma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Forty-two hospitalized patients with HI disease had computerized ECG during the same 6-month period.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On day 7 of linezolid treatment, the patient developed severe pruritus, macular rash, facial edema, eosinophilia, marked increase in serum creatinine level, and mild hepatitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Antitumour necrosis factor alpha (TNFalpha) antibodies have recently been used in order to treat Crohn's disease, but their effect on cholestasis in humans has not been previously described.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present a fatal case of subacute methanol toxicity with associated diffuse brain involvement, including bilateral putaminal necrosis and cerebral edema with ventricular compression.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 14-year-old female developed systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)-like symptoms, rash, fever, leukopenia and positive anti-nuclear antibody (ANA) two weeks after administration of carbamazepine (CBZ; Tegretol) used against benign Rolandic epilepsy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Cytomegalovirus ventriculoencephalitis after unrelated double cord blood stem cell transplantation with an alemtuzumab-containing preparative regimen for Philadelphia-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A mutation in the neuraminidase active site (152 Arg-->Lys) led to a 1000-fold reduction in the enzyme sensitivity to zanamivir.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thirteen consecutive stage II breast cancer patients were treated with long-term adjuvant chemotherapy using chlorambucil.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To report a case of neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) associated with fluphenazine in a schizophrenic patient and review the literature related to this condition.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Polyvinylpyrrolidone-iodine (PI) is a widely used antiseptic agent, safe and effective, in the treatment and prophylaxis of wound sepsis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Within a week after surgery, the patient developed septic shock secondary to multidrug-resistant Escherichia coli bacteremia and died.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In case no. 2, the pathogenic mechanism seemed to be persistent light reaction preceded by systemic photoallergy, as he had taken mequitazine for 6 months, and there were strong positive photopatch test results with immediate erythema reaction, cross-reaction to promethazine, decreased MED to both UVA and UVB, and persistence of the photosensitivity over a 3-year follow-up period after discontinuation of the mequitazine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Skin prick testing several weeks later identified diamorphine as the likely causative agent, a drug overlooked initially as a potential cause.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In 1997 he began calcium supplementation and a high-calcium diet; his blood pressure declined markedly, allowing him to taper off of two of his four antihypertensive medications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cutaneous reactions to propylthiouracil and methimazole occur in 3%-5% of adults.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In our cases, haematological side-effects were satisfactorily controlled by dose reduction without allowing the reemergence of psychiatric symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"At autopsy, a disseminated fungal infection was found.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Reactivation histoplasmosis after treatment with anti-tumor necrosis factor alpha in a patient from a nonendemic area.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rinsing of the CSF after intensive antimicrobial treatment resulted in a cure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She had been on a combined treatment of steroid and lobenzarit disodium for the first 3 years, and then continued with a combined treatment of steroid and bucillamine for the following years until she was found to have pulmonary tuberculosis, at which time the steroid was suspended 10 months before she visited the authors' clinic.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The aerosol administration allows high concentrations of tobramycin to be delivered to the site of infection with limited systemic absorption.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patients at increased risk were those with severe disease and taking concomitant MTX and corticosteroids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"High-dose cytarabine (HDARAC) therapy is an effective regimen in treating refractory leukemias.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The association of central diabetes insipidus (CDI) with lithium use is rare.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 24- to 48-h course of large-dose glucocorticoid therapy is often used in the acute management of spinal cord injury.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Nonsurgical diseases such as acute colitis or enteritis can appear similar to such true surgical emergencies as abscess, perforation, or mesenteric ischemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case of polymyositis with dilated cardiomyopathy associated with interferon alpha treatment for hepatitis B.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"All patients smoked herbal cannabis for therapeutic reasons (median duration of use six years, range two weeks to 37 years).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Gingival hemorrhage is recognized as a symptom of MDS, a rare group of potentially fatal hematological disorders, but it has not previously been documented as a presenting sign.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Seizures associated with fluoxetine therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"All the patients in this case series had undergone tooth extraction for recurrent dental abscesses while taking bisphosphonates.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The use of such chemotherapy regimens in Ewing's tumours should be carefully considered, particularly when radiotherapy encompassing the spinal cord is an essential component of management.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Despite progress to apparently complete remission, all manifested pulmonary nodules on computed tomography during or at the end of treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The thrill of reckless driving in patients with Parkinson's disease: an additional behavioural phenomenon in dopamine dysregulation syndrome?","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We have cared for three children in whom four episodes of dystonia proceeding to opisthotonus occurred in association with carbamazepine use.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Reduced TH-1 cytokine release in an adult patient with chronic relapsing Mycobacterium malmoense infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An infant girl with choanal atresia, athelia, minor anomalies, and mild to moderate mental retardation was born to a woman treated for hyperthyroidism throughout pregnancy with methimazole and propranolol.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Both patients responded to intravenous meropenem and subsequently had uneventful marrow engraftment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patients treated at our institution have experienced significant side effects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 52-year-old, white female developed low-grade fever, cough, and dyspnea after 8 weeks treatment with sodium aurothiomalate for rheumatoid arthritis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Here we report on a patient with occult HBV infection, who developed HBV exacerbation after chemotherapy for diffuse large B-cell lymphoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This suggests that monitoring of this drug in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia may be helpful.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On the basis of this experience, the authors point out that in the course of acute respiratory failure in leukemic children, the combination of a negative chest X-ray and a positive pulmonary perfusional scintigraphy (compared whenever possible with ventilatory scintigraphy) in the presence of a negative CT scan could be a reliable diagnostic tool for PTE.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A single course of cladribine has been used commonly over the past decade to treat hairy cell leukaemia, with an impressive rate of complete remission and few serious adverse effects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Bilateral vocal cord paralysis was seen on laryngoscopy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Physicians should be cognizant of this potential complication in patients receiving thalidomide or thalidomide-like drugs who present with fever and pulmonary infiltrates and fail to improve despite treatment with broad-spectrum antibiotics.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient completed a 10-month follow-up, maintaining a complete resolution of the treated skin lesions; however, the development of a painful hand ulcer, possibly associated with the hydroxyurea, and new skin cancers were observed at the last follow-up visit.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A case of fluoxetine induced seizures, in a person with Down syndrome, is described.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Sympathetically mediated chest pain is a rare presentation, as it is similar to that of secondary hyperalgesia in the intact skin surrounding an injury site.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: When performing posterior cervical decompression, surgeons must be aware of the potential for loss of normal lordosis and anterior displacement of paraspinal muscles against the spinal cord, especially in muscular patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cultures demonstrated Aspergillus fumigatus sensitive to voriconazole.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Based on a Naranjo score of 7, this episode was probably related to an interaction between acenocoumarol and econazole.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although a single case, this report questions the safety of using an intraoperative application of mitomycin C for preventing a recurrence of pterygium.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To report the use of oral terbutaline for chronotropic support in a patient who had undergone heart transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The remaining 12 received three or more courses of treatment, and three of these patients achieved a complete response.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It may represent a uveitic immune phenomenon.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone associated with vinorelbine therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CASE REPORTS: We report 3 patients with chronic schizophrenia who had previously stopped clozapine due to hematologic side effects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinicians should be aware of this potential life-threatening adverse reaction and monitor kidney function while patients are using linezolid.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Daptomycin for eradication of a systemic infection with a methicillin-resistant-Staphylococcus aureus in a biventricular assist device recipient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A possible mechanism for this alarming outcome is discussed, and it is suggested that resuscitation facilities should be quickly available during such trials.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hyperkalaemia with renal tubular dysfunction by sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim for Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in patients with lymphoid malignancy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Plasmapheresis was discontinued, and intravenous ganciclovir was initiated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ezetimibe-induced acute pancreatitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The authors describe a case of the catatonia syndrome associated with disulfiram therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient recovered and the vagina mucosa healed within two weeks.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case report and review of the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three of the patients had received no prior alkylating agents.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Prednimustine is an ester of chlorambucil and prednisone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Severe leukopenia associated with mild hepatotoxicity in an HIV carrier treated with nevirapine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Recently, a number of prospective, randomized, double-blind trials have shown their success in the management of rheumatoid arthritis, with dapsone being superior to placebo and comparable to chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The acronym SILENT (Syndrome of Irreversible Lithium-Effectuated Neurotoxicity) has been coined recently to denote these sequelae.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case suggests the importance of careful observation for extramedullary relapse in patients who are treated with ATRA.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"DATA SYNTHESIS: Genetic deficiencies in DPD, the rate-limiting enzyme responsible for 5-FU catabolism, may occur in 3% or more of patients with cancer putting them at increased risk for unusually severe adverse reactions (e.g., diarrhea, stomatitis, mucositis, myelosuppression, neurotoxicity) to standard doses of 5-FU.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Despite aggressive intensive care management, the patient died 17 days from the onset of symptoms due to multiple organ failure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The tympanic membrane perforation would be treated with antibiotic\/steroid drops.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We hypothesize that early glutamine supplemented tube feedings in children receiving intensive chemotherapy alone or in combination with bone marrow transplantation will result in improved nutrition with fewer infections and lower cost than TPN-supplemented patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The Naranjo probability scale indicated a probable relationship between apnea and exposure to lamotrigine through breast-feeding in this infant.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"On colonoscopy, inflammatory lesions highly compatible with CD were found endoscopically and histologically in all patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Eight to eleven months after starting treatment, TSHRAb positivity and intense scintigraphic uptake confirmed the appearance of Graves' disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ritonavir acted as a CYP3A4 inhibitor, diminishing carbamazepine metabolism and provoking an increase in serum levels and clinical toxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a series of three patients with HCC and platelet count < 60,000\/mm(3) who were successfully treated with sorafenib with no complications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These HRCT findings were atypical compared with those of former bronchiolitis obliterans (BO) after bone marrow transplant (BMT).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All were over 45 years of age, and premorbid kidney abnormalities may have enhanced susceptibility to toxic effects of the drug.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In the present paper the authors describe 2 female patients who developed incontinence secondary to the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors paroxetine and sertraline, as well as a third who developed this side effect on venlafaxine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This case report emphasizes the importance of routine vitamin D supplementation in all patients on long term cholestyramine therapy, and indicates that even in patients with small intestinal disease or resection, oral preparations of vitamin D or its metabolities and analogues may be effective.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case demonstrates the association of selective IgA deficiency with remission in rheumatoid arthritis induced by fenclofenac as well as aurothiomalate and sulphasalazine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Pegylated recombinant human megakaryocyte growth and development factor (PEG-rHuMGDF) and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) promote haematopoietic progenitor cell maturation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clofibrate-induced myopathy in patients with diabetes insipidus.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 4 year old boy with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia developed a pure red cell aplasia 13 months after entering remission and while on maintenance chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The successful treatment of autoimmune hepatitis with 6-mercaptopurine after failure with azathioprine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The optimal treatment of IVC thrombosis has not been established to date.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Development of bilateral herpes zoster following thoracoscopic splanchnicectomy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The cases are important in documenting that drug-induced dystonias do occur in patients with dementia, that risperidone appears to have contributed to dystonia among elderly patients, and that the categorization of dystonic reactions needs further clarification.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Seizures and transient blindness following intravenous pulse methylprednisolone in children with primary glomerulonephritis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Electroporation is a process that causes a transient increase in the permeability of cell membranes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Deaths occurring during clinical studies of topical minoxidil.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Methimazole-induced aplastic anemia in third exposure: successful treatment with recombinant human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The neurological symptoms and signs were headaches, right quadrant hemianopia, dyslexia without agraphia, motor aphasia, numbness in and weakness of the right upper extremity, papilloedema and coma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 14-year-old female developed systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)-like symptoms, rash, fever, leukopenia and positive anti-nuclear antibody (ANA) two weeks after administration of carbamazepine (CBZ; Tegretol) used against benign Rolandic epilepsy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Interferon-alpha-induced hyperthyroidism: a three-stage evolution from silent thyroiditis towards Graves' disease.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Systemic and local factors influence growth of Candida in the stomach.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two days after the drug was discontinued, the duration of the QRS complex was normalized.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Intravenous alteplase for acute ischemic stroke is least efficacious for patients with proximal large-artery occlusions and clinically severe strokes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Histologic evaluation was also performed before treatment and in selected patients during treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case report revealing two previously unreported adverse side effects of meprobamate and tridihexethyl chloride (Milpath) drug therapy for a spastic colon is presented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Delusional disorder, somatic type treated with aripiprazole--mirtazapine combination.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Several cases have been described in the United Kingdom and recently in the United States.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Alternating sinus rhythm and intermittent sinoatrial block induced by propranolol.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The disorders were characterized by hyperandrogenism and polycystic ovaries in all cases, and were associated with weight gain and menstrual disorders in 2 of the 3 women.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Growth and adrenal suppression in asthmatic children treated with high-dose fluticasone propionate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Several hypotheses are advanced to explain the failure of bone erosions to heal.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A patient with a large hydatid cyst of the left lobe of the liver developed metabolic acidosis following rather liberal use of cetrimide-chlorhexidine solution as a scolicidal agent.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Hepatotoxicity associated with choline magnesium trisalicylate: case report and review of salicylate-induced hepatotoxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The authors suggest that in patients with corneal ulcers refractory to conventional treatment who are receiving colchicine, cessation of colchicine therapy should be considered.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Cardiac arrest after esmolol administration: a review of acute beta-blocker toxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"According to the Naranjo et al. adverse-reaction probability scale, enoxaparin was the probable cause of hepatotoxicity in this patient.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient then developed profound bradycardia that progressed to ventricular fibrillation and asystole.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Response to rhEPO was not significantly related to age, gender, type of MDS, time since diagnosis, time since initiation of transfusion therapy, or baseline serum EPO.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Somatostatin analogues are safe and generally well tolerated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The reactivity of these antibodies, the regulation of the rodent antigens and the identity of the human autoantigen have been investigated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DISCUSSION: The main adverse effects of leflunomide consist of diarrhea, nausea, liver enzyme elevation, hypertension, alopecia, and allergic skin reactions.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Ritonavir acted as a CYP3A4 inhibitor, diminishing carbamazepine metabolism and provoking an increase in serum levels and clinical toxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: A scleral abscess should be suspected in a patient with endophthalmitis or microbial keratitis or both after a scleral-tunnel incision for cataract surgery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Accordingly, careful monitoring of liver function parameters should be performed both during and after treatment when onychomycosis requires prolonged itraconazole administration, even in asymptomatic patients lacking apparent risk factors of hepatic injury.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This species is susceptible to many antibiotics in vitro and clinically.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, one patient exhibited no effect of PSL and died from acute oliguric renal failure in spite of aggressive measures including hemodialysis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Candida shunt infection appears to occur by either contamination at the time of shunt placement or by hematogenous dissemination.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There is not enough evidence to prove the involvement of either olanzapine or hydrochlorothiazide or the interaction between them in this patient's myelodysplasia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatment modalities have been unsuccessful and the majority of patients reported have died.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We propose that drug-induced ocular pemphigoid represents a spectrum of diseases ranging from a self-limiting, toxic form to a progressive, immunologic form.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"None of the patients has clinical or radiologic findings suggestive of central pontine myelinolysis or akinetic mutism.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Renal biopsy demonstrated changes classic for acute allergic tubulointerstitial nephritis (ATIN), with mixed interstitial inflammatory infiltrate including eosinophils.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thirty days after the 2nd booster dose, several pruritic, polygonal, purple, papules appeared on the volar aspect of the patient's wrists.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After left salpingo-oophorectomy had been performed, the patient chose to terminate the pregnancy before the initiation of combination chemotherapy with bleomycin, etoposide, and cisplatin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The contribution of aging, hypothyroidism and stroke to the etiology of this woman's disorder is discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe this syndrome, which occurred in one of our patients and was successfully treated by the administration of dexamethasone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The electrocardiogram (ECG), which was read as normal prior to ritodrine infusion, demonstrated a type I second-degree AV block which disappeared upon discontinuation of ritodrine therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"With the increasing use of immunosuppressive agents, including TNF alpha inhibitors, it is likely that there will be an increase in the number of mycobacterial infections complicating arthroplasties.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a patient who experienced a lichenoid eruption after the initiation of salsalate for relief of arthritic pain.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Three other patients with clinically determined ULD showed a variable response and some notable side effects during treatment with NAC.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This report encourages the institution of HAART once the liver graft regains normal function.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We believe that this represents an unusual case of moderate-dose MTX-induced neurotoxicity in a patient with gastric cancer, which has not previously been reported.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Only 2 of them developed P. aeruginosa septicemia and the prognosis was relatively good (7.5% mortality rate).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient rejected surgical procedures.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Even in typical cases PPG is often misdiagnosed and therefore wrongly treated; the unknown aetiology makes treatment difficult.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Indirect immunofluorescence demonstrated dermal binding IgA antibodies, and Western blotting of serum showed reactivity with a 250 kDa dermal antigen corresponding to collagen VII of anchoring fibrils.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One patient died suddenly during an exchange with FFP; the cause of death appeared related to microemboli of unknown nature found in the lungs at autopsy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Diffuse, reversible arterial irregularities consistent with vasospasm were present on MRA during the acute illness.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Akathisia should be considered in all cases of apparent nonresponse to atypical antipsychotics.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This report demonstrates that PET scintigraphy might be a helpful tool in the early diagnosis of drug-induced pulmonary toxicity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Here we describe a patient with Crohn's disease who developed a severe infliximab infusion reaction (IIR), complicated 1 day later by severe swelling of the forearm and hand ipsilateral to the site of infliximab infusion.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A patient developed papilloedema and hepatic dysfunction while being treated with perhexiline maleate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A case of halothane induced hepatitis is reported in a middle aged woman who underwent gastric surgery for morbid obesity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Three patients receiving gold salt treatment for rheumatoid arthritis developed severe aplastic anemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Both tacrolimus and nefazodone are metabolized by the cytochrome P450 (CYP) 3A4 system.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Dapsone, a synthetic sulfone with chemical similarities to sulfapyridine, has been used for a number of years to treat leprosy and dermatitis herpetiformis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Statin-associated myasthenia gravis: report of 4 cases and review of the literature.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Deposits of plasma proteins in the skin during treatment with carbamazepine and diphenylhydantoin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To report the case of a young woman with Graves' disease in whom ototoxicity developed because of propylthiouracil (PTU)-induced antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA)-associated vasculitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The chemotherapeutics, including vincristine, actinomycin D, and epirubicin in case 1 and vincristine and actinomycin D in case 2, were given before the hepatotoxicity developed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Acyclovir produces neurologic symptoms that resemble extension of viral infection into the central nervous system.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"She had been treated with AZ, 500 mg per every day for eleven days for the treatment of glaucoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient was treated with surgery and combined cytotoxic chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Radiation recall pneumonitis describes a very rare reaction in a previously irradiated area of pulmonary tissue after application of pharmacological agents.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is harder to evaluate the benefit of a new technology in the face of noncomparable previous technologies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"With serious cases, however, conventional treatment may not allow sufficient time at depth for the complete resolution of manifestations because of the need to avoid pulmonary oxygen toxicity which is associated with a prolonged period of breathing compressed air.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He is well at 9 months follow-up.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: A 55-year-old woman became stuporous after overdose with lamotrigine (LTG) and valproic acid (VPA) tablets.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 16-year-old boy developed fever, generalized rigidity, leukocytosis, and increased serum transaminase and creatine kinase levels while receiving treatment with olanzapine and lithium.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"No systemic antibiotics would be given.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The PSG reports of four other adult groups were also reviewed: periodic limb movement (PLM) disorder (n = 28); sleep terror\/sleepwalking (ST\/SW) (n = 54); rapid eye movement (REM) sleep behavior disorder (RBD) (n = 70); patients with clinically unremarkable sleep during two consecutive PSG studies (n = 30).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The liver biopsy showed extensive ground-glass hepatocytes and thin septum-like fibrosis that formed portal-to-portal linkage.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We recommend that clinicians monitor patients for signs and symptoms of pancreatitis, including abdominal pain, during treatment with tigecycline.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CASE: We present here the case of a patient with protein S deficiency, who has used COCs together with anticoagulatory therapy (Phenprocoumon) after suffering from deep venous thromboses for 4 years.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Jaundice was the presenting symptom in all three.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Bosentan may significantly decrease the anticoagulant properties of warfarin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ziprasidone is an atypical antipsychotic drug that is believed to have a low propensity for inducing extrapyramidal symptoms, including tardive dyskinesia (TD).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Of those 18 patients who completed a full course of therapy, seven (39%) experienced a relapse; five of these were cured of their infection with a second course of antimicrobial therapy, which usually included higher doses of intravenous penicillin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Theophylline intoxication following viloxazine induced decrease in clearance.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Pre-diabetic immune markers were repeatedly negative, and no diabetes has developed after four years of follow-up.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In clinical practice, serum level monitoring of anticonvulsant drugs is usually adequate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Many surgeons are reluctant to use these devices because of the costs and the potential risks of inserting metallic or plastic elements into a septic joint.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Despite the patient's abnormal baseline kidney function, the very high doses of lifoAmB were well tolerated and did not result in additional renal toxicity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The evolution is fairly stereotypical and is marked by a regression of the lesions following a dose reduction or curtailment of interferon.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Herein we report a severe adverse reaction to adalimumab in a 25-year-old female patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, in some patients, pericardial inflammation resolves without progressing to chronic constrictive pericarditis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thus, the effect of antidiabetic agents on cardiovascular health and safety must be considered when selecting the most appropriate therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"At time of writing, there was no evidence of any increase in CK, myoglobin, or other markers of rhabdomyolysis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Exacerbations of the heart failure were temporally related to the administration of the antitumor antibiotics actinomycin-D (NSC-3053) and mithramycin (NSC-24559).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Caution with use of cimetidine in tolazoline induced upper gastrointestinal bleeding.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Drug-induced hypersensitivity syndrome (DIHS) is characterized by a severe multiorgan hypersensitivity reaction that usually appears after prolonged exposure to certain drugs and may be related to reactivation of herpes viruses.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Atrial fibrillation was induced by diltiazem in two patients and verapamil induced syncope in one patient.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The case reports are followed by a brief review of the literature on differential diagnoses, risk factors, early signs and treatment data.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE SUMMARY: A 65-year-old patient chronically treated with the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) citalopram developed confusion, agitation, tachycardia, tremors, myoclonic jerks and unsteady gait, consistent with serotonin syndrome, following initiation of fentanyl, and all symptoms and signs resolved following discontinuation of fentanyl.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report the use of pamidronate for acute, severe hypercalcemia secondary to iatrogenic vitamin D poisoning.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Over a 36-hour period, insulin was progressively decreased and finally stopped because of the rapid fall and normalization of blood glucose concentration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report an additional case of isotretinoin teratogenicity in which the patient had agenesis of the cerebellar vermis, multiple leptomeningeal neuroglial heterotopias, hydrocephalus, and abnormalities of the corticospinal tracts.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The case is reported of a 45-year-old woman who was being treated for chronic back and right leg pain with intrathecal morphine administered via a subcutaneous continuous-infusion device.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 7-year-old with congenital toxoplasmosis who took pyrimethamine and sulfadiazine for reactivated chorioretinitis developed fever, severe cutaneous involvement, swelling, abdominal pain and transaminitis, persisting weeks after withholding medicines.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Glaucoma secondary to epithelial downgrowth and 5-fluorouracil.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report five cases of carboplatin (CBDCA) hypersensitivity after weekly low-dose paclitaxel (60 mg\/m2)\/CBDCA (area under the concentration curve = 2) therapy in patients with recurrent ovarian cancer receiving multiple platinum-based chemotherapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 57-year-old woman developed pulmonary sarcoidosis during therapy with interferon beta for advanced renal cell carcinoma metastatic to mediastinal lymph nodes.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The effect of the methylprednisolone (MP) pulse therapy on renal function was examined in 15 patients with renal or collagen disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe two patients with profound hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis suppression resulting from the unregulated use of super potent topical corticosteroids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Development of Peyronie's disease during long-term colchicine treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Hepatic infarction caused by an embolus from an atherosclerotic lesion--a case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a patient with psoriasis and HCL who was treated for 1 week with continuous intravenous infusion of 2-CdA for recurring HCL.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"2. Prior to the advent of chemotherapy, this complication was not observed in large series of patients with lymphoproliferative disorders and multiple myeloma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Early diagnosis and medical treatment alone can result in resolution of corneal infiltrates due to acanthamoebae.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There were no other neurological abnormalities and more particularly, no seizures or myocloni were observed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After 14 days of therapy, he was taken to the emergency department with a 3-day history of fever, headache, and neck pain.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a 64-year-old man with diabetes, chronic kidney disease, and anemia who was treated consecutively with epoetin alfa and darbepoetin alfa and experienced a temporal reduction in A1C level to a nadir of 4.4%.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A patient in our hospital had ventriculitis caused by coagulase-negative staphylococci, and under neuroendoscopy we obtained clear findings of granular ependymitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVES: The primary aim of this article is to critically review the clinical features and comorbidities, epidemiology, pathophysiology, and treatment of impulse control disorder (ICD) associated with Parkinson disease (PD).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She was uncommunicative and unable to follow commands.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The treatment improved the childrens' clinical condition prior to surgery and facilitated tumor removal, resulting in partial regression of the tumor.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Tissue distribution of olanzapine in a postmortem case.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After the second infliximab infusion, he was found to have a severe transient neutropenia (0.5 x 10(9)\/L).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A case report of the hypersensitivity syndrome occurring in a patient being treated with dapsone for a brown recluse spider bite is presented.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"All cases presented within the first 10 postoperative days and improved with 1 month of cessation of cyclosporin (CyA), although halting, monotonous speech was evident to some degree in all five for up to 1 year.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe herein the first two cases of Plesiomonas shigelloides continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis-related peritonitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Long-term prophylaxis with TMP\/SMX is necessary to prevent the relapse of nocardia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Suddenly, the infant presented inconsolable crying, and then she appeared pale, hypothermic, and irritable.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Guidelines for the safe use of hexoprenaline in preterm labour are suggested.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The immediate and short-term TKI side effects are well known, but the long-term side effects have not yet been clearly identified.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In ten cases (4.3%), radiology showed damage to the alveolar interstitium typical of inflammatory forms, whereas in the remaining three (1.3%) it depicted nodular opacities, which required differentiation between lung metastases and septic emboli.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"John's wort, in addition to several prescription medications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Severe histological osteomalacia developed in a woman with Crohn's disease 2 years after ileal resection and the start of cholestyramine therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Sustained hypothyroidism induced by recombinant alpha interferon in patients with chronic hepatitis C.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Coadministration of antidepressant agents such as nefazodone, or any other drug that inhibits the CYP3A4 isoenzyme subfamily, should be anticipated to interfere with tacrolimus metabolism.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Median platelet nadir counts for all patients was 14.5 x 10(9))\/L (range 1-24).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The thrombolytic therapy, together with heparin prophylaxis, was successfully administered in the hematology ward without the need for intensive care support (i.e. mechanical ventilation).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hepatitis with bridging fibrosis and reversible hepatic insufficiency in a woman with rheumatoid arthritis taking methotrexate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"METHODS AND RESULTS: Skin prick tests were positive to cloxacillin in case 1 and negative in case 2.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 17-year-old boy with refractory psoriatic arthritis and alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency who developed a syringotropic hypersensitivity reaction after 9 months of therapy with infliximab and leflunomide is described.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The nature of the process was not recognized initially, and the patient was treated with intravenous antibiotics.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The clinical, biochemical, and pathological picture was similar to Reye's syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of biopsy-proven BO after bone marrow transplantation in a child who, after failed corticosteroid therapy, was treated with infliximab, a monoclonal antibody with binding specificity for human tumor necrosis factor-alpha.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 65-year-old female patient presented with jaundice followed 2 days later by severe dyspnea and tachypnea which worsened when patient was lying flat, 1 week after the fourth dose of adalimumab.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Failure to thrive is also a frequent side effect of treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Other cases have been reported in the literature, in one of which assisted ventilation was required.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He had a permanent pacemaker inserted 4 years previously for Mobitz type II AV block detected on stress electrocardiogram, which developed 1 month after initiation of lopinavir\/ritonavir.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, cyclosporine dependency is associated with the risk of nephrotoxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Pathognomonic signs of CIN were present.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: Our data suggest an association between cGVHD and post-HSCT MN.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 34-year-old lady developed a constellation of dermatitis, fever, lymphadenopathy and hepatitis, beginning on the 17th day of a course of oral sulphasalazine for sero-negative rheumatoid arthritis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"DESIGN: Retrospective case review.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Alertness returned over the 24 hr following by the discontinuation of BH-AC and intravenous administration of diphenylhydantoin, although she complained of intermittent headaches and visual disturbance.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Repeated relapse occurred despite a variety of treatments until the institution of high-dose neuroleptic therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Of note, change from tacrolimus to cyclosporine together with dexamethasone produced rapid response with status improvement.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The present case report depicts the management of a patient with persistent idiopathic facial pain following the placement of 2 dental implants in the mandibular anterior alveolar ridge.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"SETTING: The Spinal Rehabilitation Department, Loewenstein Hospital, Raanana, Israel.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: All cases developed corneal endothelial deposits after previous use of rifabutin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Although corticosteroids are frequently used to prevent vomiting induced by chemotherapeutic agent, their mental effects have received little attention in oncology settings.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cerebrovascular complications of L-asparaginase therapy in children with leukemia: aphasia and other neuropsychological deficits.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Early ritonavir-induced maculopapular eruption.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"DISCUSSION: Fifty percent of VPA is metabolized by glucuronidation, 40% undergoes mitochondrial beta-oxidation, and less than 10% is eliminated by the cytochrome P450 isoenzymes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Dumping syndrome is a sequel of gastric surgery in adults and Nissen fundoplication in children.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We suggest the use of esmolol for treatment of dysrhythmias secondary to caffeine toxicity; to the best of our knowledge, the use of esmolol has not been reported for this purpose.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case of noncardiogenic pulmonary edema by ethanolamine oleate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Neutropenia due to parvovirus B19 infections in patients with paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This is probably due to the presence of a common ingredient, styrax gum.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A diagnosis of trastuzumab-induced pneumonitis was made.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Tubulointerstitial nephritis induced by the leukotriene receptor antagonist pranlukast.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"All 4 patients developed steroid-induced glaucoma and failed traditional immunosuppressant therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DISCUSSION: Capecitabine is not intrinsically cytotoxic, but is converted to fluorouracil in tumor tissues via a 3-step enzymatic pathway.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PTX (800 mg d-1) and vit-E (1000 U d-1), orally administered daily for 18 months, were well tolerated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE\/OBJECTIVES: To describe the pharmacogenetic syndrome of dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DPD) deficiency, which predisposes patients with cancer to potentially lethal adverse reactions following 5-fluorouracil (5-FU)-based chemotherapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The case report of a patient with metastatic osteogenic sarcoma of the right ventricle who had had an interscapulothoracic amputation in October, 1970, and a left lower lobectomy in June, 1973, for pulmonary metastasis is presented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To report 2 cases of serotonin syndrome with serious extrapyramidal movement disorders occurring when metoclopramide was coadministered with sertraline or venlafaxine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Typhlitis during second-line chemotherapy with pemetrexed in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC): A case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A colonoscopic examination revealed a sigmoid colonic ulcer and stenosis; the patient was treated conservatively.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although the elimination of normeperidine is decreased as well in these patients, the ratio of normeperidine to meperidine is generally low, and the narcotic effects of meperidine usually predominate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pneumocystis pneumonia should be considered in asthmatic patients taking methotrexate who present with fever, pulmonary infiltrates, and hypoxia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Medical and ophthalmic management is discussed in a case of subconjunctival and external hemorrhage from the eye secondary to prolonged prothrombin time in oral anticoagulation therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"At the end of his fifth cycle of sunitinib therapy, the patient complained of the development of abnormally large mammary glands associated with pain and peri-areolar erythema.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The standard of care for treating schizophrenia is to first use monotherapy of adequate dosage and duration, including a trial of clozapine before adding a second agent.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Visual acuity recovered almost completely or completely (mental debilitation in one patient made accurate assessment uncertain).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The crystalline lens was clear.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although dipyridamole perfusion imaging has a good safety record, serious side-effects may rarely occur.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He developed rhabdomyolysis with hemoglobinuria after 2 weeks of treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"With increasing administration of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors for patients with Alzheimer's disease, practitioners should be aware of the potential for drug-drug interactions and other complications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Based on the history and clinical features, a diagnosis of insulin-induced lipohypertrophy was made.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Childhood dermatomyositis and polymyositis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Syncope in a 65-year-old woman after nitrate ingestion.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"OVERVIEW: Diagnosis of diabetes mellitus (DM) type 1 results in medical disqualification for all military aviation duties all over the world.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In animal models, cesium chloride has induced cardiac arrhythmias, including torsade de pointes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cyclophosphamide can rarely cause interstitial pneumonitis and fibrosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Children seem to be unusually sensitive to the depressant effects of clonidine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Abdominal wall metastases from ovarian cancer after laparoscopy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, the extremely rare occurrence of complications related to perforation of the bladder can be detrimental.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Because of its unusual appearance, the name serpentine supravenous fluorouracil hyperpigmentation is suggested for this entity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In addition to resuming her opioid therapy, she was treated supportively with bilevel positive airway pressure, diuretic therapy, morphine, aspirin, metoprolol, enalaprilat, intravenous heparin, nitroglycerin infusion, and dopamine infusion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All patients were successfully treated with intravenous acyclovir.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors report two cases of acute dystonic reactions (ADRs) as a side effect of lamivudine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Pathogenesis of methotrexate-induced papular eruption in psoriasis may involve immune mechanisms other than those of methotrexate-induced cutaneous vasculitis in collagen vascular disease.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The acute renal failure patients had neoplastic disorders and were considered to be septic at the time that multiple antibiotics were administered.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An immunocompromised patient, 6 weeks after bone marrow transplantation, developed extensive skin infection due to Trichophyton rubrum.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Atenolol-induced pseudolymphoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient received neoadjuvant chemotherapy for osteosarcoma and a left femur resection with endoprosthesis replacement.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Multiple superficial basal cell carcinomata--topical imiquimod versus curette and cryotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We regard the association recorded in this case to be a coincidence despite the known association between the drug and the development of immunosuppression and lymphoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thrombotic microangiopathy with renal failure in two patients undergoing gemcitabine chemotherapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In both cases, streptococcal pharyngitis was ruled out.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The considerable improvement remained for the 36 weeks studied.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"His symptoms included bradycardia, hypotension, hypothermia, pallor, cyanosis, and impaired consciousness.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Enalaprilat induced acute parotitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Clinical features compatible with mixed hepatocellular and cholestatic liver disease including jaundice, white stools and dark urine, manifested in all three cases whereas encephalopathy and ascites were present in two of the patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PET scintigraphy of etoposide-induced pulmonary toxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Disseminated histoplasmosis manifesting as a soft-tissue chest wall mass in a heart transplant recipient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Early CAD recurrences may have been underestimated previously, because asymptomatic recurrences seem to be more frequent than symptomatic ones.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two cases of continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis-associated peritonitis due to Plesiomonas shigelloides.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She was transferred to our hospital after she developed pancytopenia, fever, and ileus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Mitomycin-C induced hemolytic uremic syndrome: a case report.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This is the first report on the histopathological findings of thyroid tissue from a patient with amiodarone-induced hypothyroidism.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"He was treated with imatinib 400 mg\/d, which improved his general condition with few adverse effects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present a case of a 20-year-old woman who ingested 900 mg of glyburide causing refractory hypoglycemia resistant to treatment with intravenous dextrose, glucagon, and diazoxide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Her body mass index (BMI) was 26.5.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Adult respiratory distress syndrome after treatment with pegylated interferon alpha-2a and ribavirin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CASE SUMMARY: A 65-year-old patient chronically treated with the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) citalopram developed confusion, agitation, tachycardia, tremors, myoclonic jerks and unsteady gait, consistent with serotonin syndrome, following initiation of fentanyl, and all symptoms and signs resolved following discontinuation of fentanyl.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"An infant presented 10 days after removal of a high umbilical arterial catheter with total occlusion of the distal abdominal aorta.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report on three patients who developed acute liver damage during therapy with itraconazole, and in whom liver biopsy specimens were obtained.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The pathophysiology, risk factors, diagnosis, and treatment options for this complication are discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A major limitation in the use of amphotericin B is its potential to cause nephrotoxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Pulmonary symptoms include cough, wheezing, sputum production, dyspnea, hemoptysis, tachypneas, and pleuritic pain.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This finding was repeatedly documented both clinically as well as during electrophysiologic testing.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinicians should be aware of this potential severe adverse drug reaction and therefore frequent control of hepatic enzymes is mandatory during treatment with pegvisomant.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She was transfused with four (4) units of packed cells and Zidovudine was replaced with Stavudine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Histopathological studies from specimens taken by transbronchial biopsy showed bronchiolitis obliterans with fibrosing alveolitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Warfarin-induced skin necrosis and heparin-induced thrombocytopenia following mitral valve replacement for marantic endocarditis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Moreover, treatment with immunosuppressive drugs such as cyclosporine, cisplatin, tacrolimus, and interferon-alpha can induce a condition resembling RPLS.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"He suffered from serious bleeding episodes requiring prolonged hospitalization and the disarticulation of the left knee joint.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Autopsy revealed that cortical and subcortical structures were normal without neuronal necrosis or eosinophilia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fatal hypoglycemia after cytotoxic chemotherapy: a report of two cases and a review of the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 47-year-old woman presented to our clinic 1 day after an intervention for a tibial shaft fracture because of sudden onset of chest pain and palpitations.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However this is only the second case reported in the literature, and the first in English.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Sympathomimetics have long been associated with intracerebral hemorrhage.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rapid onset of muscle weakness (rhabdomyolysis) associated with the combined use of simvastatin and colchicine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Acute pancreatitis is a rare but known complication of inflammatory bowel disease in adults.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Traditionally, children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia receive prednisone, as part of multiagent remission-induction chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 49-year-old man with Crohn's disease treated with prednisone and mesalamine (5-ASA) developed worsening respiratory distress and fever.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Examination revealed a very ill looking pale patient with abdominal distension, tenderness and rectal bleeding and easy bruisability.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: In nine eyes (eight patients) with visually significant pigmented cellular membranes on their Allergan Medical Optics (Irvine, California) silicone intraocular lenses (model SI18NGB or SI26NB), eight underwent combined phacoemulsification, intraocular lens implantation, and trabeculectomy; one underwent phacoemulsification and lens implantation only.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Symptoms improved after discontinuation of mesalamine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Colitis as a manifestation of infliximab-associated disseminated cryptococcosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The clinical symptoms were associated with pronounced (CD4) lymphopenia and a marked increase in serum immunoglobulin A levels.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The first patient is undergoing hemodialysis and, though responding to sunitinib, is having significant fatigue and hypertension.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"It is suggested that the fatal stroke may have resulted from arterial spasm caused by ergotamine overdosage and possibly complicated by thrombosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In turn, it may cause inflammation in such rapidly dividing tissues as the corneal epithelium, conjunctiva, and tear duct.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute pleuropericarditis after coronary stenting: a case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient presented with a painful eye and increasing vertical diplopia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This is an endocrine emergency that can lead to respiratory failure, dysrhythmia, and death.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Optic neuropathy in ethambutol-treated renal tuberculosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This is a report of a case of a 53-year-old woman undergoing treatment with Xyrem for narcolepsy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The abscess was surgically drained, the IUD removed, and a prolonged course of amoxycillin\/clavulanic acid given.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Knowledge of the stage of dental development at the time of oncology treatment and the type of therapy allows the clinician to predict dental effects of the chemoradiation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Aspirin was substituted for acenocoumarol, and the patient returned home after 10 days without sequelae.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Skin necrosis after extravasation of low-dose vasopressin administered for septic shock.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Cardiac decompensation following verapamil therapy in infants with supraventricular tachycardia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Asterixis induced by carbamazepine therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"An unusual case of psoas abscess complicating one of the earliest performed ileo-anal pouch anastomoses is reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinical trials are warranted to test these effects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Myotonia associated with sarcoidosis is rare.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fungal-related ICD infections have rarely been reported, and little is known about the presentation, prevalence, and treatment options for these morbid infections.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Alternatives to neurosurgery, such as pharmacotherapy, include systemic corticosteroids and antidepressants.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report five cases of carboplatin (CBDCA) hypersensitivity after weekly low-dose paclitaxel (60 mg\/m2)\/CBDCA (area under the concentration curve = 2) therapy in patients with recurrent ovarian cancer receiving multiple platinum-based chemotherapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The diagnosis of bromide intoxication is often aided by the detection of a low or negative anion gap due to the laboratory detection of bromide as chloride.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"No safety data in patients with < 60,000\/mm(3) of platelets are present.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In two of the infants, the rhythm was converted to sinus, but the third infant required direct current cardioversion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"No other anti-infective therapy was given.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This is the first report on the use of charcoal haemoperfusion for acute poisoning in Australia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Anterior chamber paracentesis for aerobic and anaerobic cultures may be an appropriate initial diagnostic step in suspected cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This is a unique autopsy case of hepatocellular carcinoma closely related to diethylstilbestrol (DES) therapy for prostatic cancer.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Raynaud's phenomenon is a common vascular side effect of chemotherapy drug regimens.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We treated a patient with lung cancer in whom a hypercoagulopathy was induced acutely by chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These 14 pregnancies resulted in four live infants who had no apparent birth defects, one live-born infant with multiple defects, four spontaneous abortions, and five induced abortions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHOD: We describe a successful rescue of a 46-year-old man with recurrent hepatitis C (HCV genotype 1b) using long-term interferon (IFN) and ribavirin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinical activity of mTOR inhibition with sirolimus in malignant perivascular epithelioid cell tumors: targeting the pathogenic activation of mTORC1 in tumors.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Review of this and previously reported cases indicates the need for early diagnosis of amiodarone pneumonitis, immediate withdrawal of amiodarone, and prompt but continued steroid therapy to ensure full recovery.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"However, one patient exhibited severe hypersensitivity reactions including cardiac arrest and apnea, and another four patients developed eruptions, hypotension, and tachycardia soon after administration of CBDCA.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Two patients are described who developed sensory neuropathy after the ingestion of 30.6 and 114 g metronidazole respectively.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In the present paper the authors describe 2 female patients who developed incontinence secondary to the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors paroxetine and sertraline, as well as a third who developed this side effect on venlafaxine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: It is possible that pseudophakic eyes that develop intense conjunctival hyperemia associated with ocular hypotensive lipids might be at higher risk for developing cystoid macula edema.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient experienced hallucinations, agitation, vomiting, tachycardia and seizures after ingestion of 1050 (48 mg\/kg) of extended-release bupropion.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: A 39-year-old male with multiple myeloma was admitted for treatment with melphalan and autologous stem cell reinfusion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Rasburicase appears to be well tolerated and effective in lowering serum urate concentrations in the treatment of therapy-related TLS in neonates.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE: A perimenopausal woman was treated with acetic acid for abnormal Pap smear report (cervical intraepithelial neoplasia 1).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"INTRODUCTION: We describe the neurointensive care (NIC) management of a patient with severe cerebral swelling and raised intracranial pressure (ICP) after severe sodium valproic acid (VPA) intoxication.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Easily reversible hypoxemia and hypotension induced by nimodipine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Treatment with calcitriol.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fulminant hepatic failure is a rare complication of disulfiram treatment for alcoholism.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Extramedullary disease is rare in APL.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report here a patient with carcinoma of the cervix with recurrent abdominal and thoracic disease who was previously treated with concurrent cisplatin and radiation for local control of pelvic disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"His anxiety proneness along with a dysphoric response to the neuroleptic were deemed responsible for these attacks.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Garlic burns.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Enterococcus avium, formerly \"group Q streptococcus,\" has rarely been reported as a pathogen in humans.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This is the first use of G-CSF in a paediatric renal transplant recipient, and its use should be considered for the immunosuppressed child with persistent neutropenia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Conventional angiography and magnetic resonance angiography showed transient stenosis of the left vertebral artery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The mechanism of this cholestasis is not clear at present.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These observations, although based on a single case, provide strong evidence that testosterone may exert powerful antidepressant action in the absence of concomitant antidepressant agents.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thoracoscopic biopsy to confirm metastasis revealed instead fibrotic lesions apparently attributable to bleomycin or cyclophosphamide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Dasatanib, which has been approved for rescue therapy for patients with imatinib-resistant chronic myelogenous leukemia and Philadelphia chromosome positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia, is a novel, orally available multitargeted kinase inhibitor of BCR-ABL and SRC family kinases (Quintas-Cardama et al, J Clin Oncol 2007;25:3908-14).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two months before his death, severe varicella developed complicated by pneumonia, jaundice, and prolonged fever; all of which resolved during a five-week hospitalization.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Report of a case.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Serum hormone concentrations in these patients did not change during therapy, neither did the edema factor C1-esterase inhibitor.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatment is also presented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Small-bowel obstruction during enzymatic treatment of gastric bezoar.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The results of the histological study and chemical tests are reported, and the etiology and the pathogenesis are discussed on the basis of the pertinent literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The rate and length of administration, as well as the dose, should be carefully monitored to avoid these complications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Subsequent cardiac arrest and prolonged cardiogenic shock required aggressive pharmacologic support, intraaortic balloon pump insertion, and mechanical ventilation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A right subhepatic abscess complicated a case of cesarean delivery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinical diagnosis was made on the confirmation of soft palate movements synchronous with an audible clicking noise.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Carboplatin hypersensitivity induced by low-dose paclitaxel\/carboplatin in multiple platinum-treated patients with recurrent ovarian cancer.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Early replacement therapy is recommended when proximal renal tubular abnormalities are detected to help prevent and control the severe metabolic bone disease associated with the Fanconi syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The evidence of high plasmatic levels of CBZ and the absence of other aetiologic factors lead the authors to conclude that the overdose of CBZ could have represented the precipitating of the episode of acute pancreatitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The improvements were more marked at 6 months and 1 year.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Coagulation activation and fluid retention associated with the use of black cohosh: a case study.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatment consisted of shunt removal and intravenous Amphotericin B in all cases and intraventricular Amphotericin B in 4 cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Currently available antiviral agents have been unsuccessful in halting its progression.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He had been admitted because of necrotizing enterocolitis, at the age of 26 days.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Olfactory changes among patients receiving chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"L-asparaginase-induced pancreatitis has been reported during or closely following administration of the drug.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Intracranial haemorrhage from a meningioma in a patient receiving aspirin prophylaxis: a case report.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Most cases are associated with phenylpropanolamine use.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of liver abscess caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), which developed as a complication of an infected VP shunt.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In addition, this case highlights the use of botulinum toxin as a guide for the potential successful management of compensatory hyperhidrosis prior to definitive extension of a sympathectomy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Calcification and ossification of the spinal arachnoid after intrathecal administration of Depo-Medrol.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 63-year-old African-American woman was admitted to the hospital with urosepsis and altered mental status.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 71-year-old woman with a prosthetic heart valve, stabilized with warfarin, had international normalized ratios (INRs) maintained between 2.5 and 3.5.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Mental nerve neuropathy as a result of hepatitis B vaccination.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Cyclosporin side effects included hirsutism, hypertension, increased blood levels of urea and creatinine, and abnormalities in liver function tests.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In addition, the patient experienced a delayed but accelerated puberty without any adverse events.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three of the patients had been reluctant to reveal this to their psychiatrist, believing the doctor had no interest in alternative medicine or would disapprove.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The pulmonary toxicity is probably induced by piritrexim.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Tests for hypercoagulable disorders revealed antithrombin deficiency (antithrombin-heparin co-factor level = 30% [normal pooled plasma activity 70%-140%]), suggesting that it played an outstanding role in the LA thrombosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This observation suggests that endogenous estradiol may play a beneficial role in male patients with chronic hepatitis C.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Progressive disseminated aspergillosis in a bone marrow transplant recipient: response with a high-dose lipid formulation of amphotericin B.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"I report a case of a previously healthy parturient who developed pneumocephalus and severe headache following the use of the loss of resistance to air (LORA) technique to identify the epidural space.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In all four cases, pain and erythema resolved within 2 days; in no case did tissue necrosis or skin ulceration occur.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Acanthamoeba keratitis can occur in association with SynergEyes contact lens wear.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Subsequently, the patient presented with a lower eyelid mass, which on excision was demonstrated to be a chalazion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A fractured hip during electro-convulsive therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Stuttering priapism complicating warfarin therapy in a patient with protein C deficiency.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This entity should be kept in mind when evaluating the acute abdomen in the HIV-positive patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Zidovudine induced pure red cell aplasia: a case report.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The causal relationship between hepatotoxicity and methylprednisolone treatment was deemed probable in both cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One explanation for the noted increase in the theophylline level is that metabolism occurs mainly by cytochrome P450 (CYP 1A2), an enzyme that is known to be inhibited with high concentrations of zafirlukast.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In cases such as these, initial vigorous therapy, including PEEP for hypoxia, corticosteroids for possible aspiration and volume replacement for hypotension, is recommended.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The association of hepatitis B virus infection and vasculitis or other immune-mediated manifestations is well documented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 27-year-old man who had a history of bronchial asthma, eosinophilic enteritis, and eosinophilic pneumonia presented with fever, skin eruptions, cervical lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, atypical lymphocytosis, and eosinophilia two weeks after receiving trimethoprim (TMP)-sulfamethoxazole (SMX) treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorders (PTLDs) are well-recognized complications of bone marrow and solid organ transplantation, comprising a heterogenous group of lymphoproliferations with a spectrum of morphologic, phenotypic and molecular features.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A patient with recurrent fungal endocarditis on prosthetic mitral valve is presented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Metabolic acidosis induced by cetrimide-chlorhexidine solution in hydatid cyst surgery.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Recently, her serum theophylline levels had increased to the toxic range (133.2 micromol\/L [24 microg\/mL]) shortly after the addition of zafirlukast (Accolate, Zeneca Pharmaceuticals, Wilmington, Del) to her regimen.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"These data indicated that infliximab possibly triggered production of granulocyte and neutrophil autoantibodies with resultant autoimmune agranulocytosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"She had been diagnosed as having myotonic dystrophy by electromyographic investigations and abnormal serum creatinine phosphokinase (CPK) levels.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report five cases of restless legs syndrome (RLS) and periodic limb movements during sleep (PLMS) that were probably associated with olanzapine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Although RA has been shown to confer a significant survival advantage in this disease, animal studies and a previous case report have suggested it could increase the toxic effects of chemotherapy and renal irradiation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Routine intraoperative culture of the hip site grew Brucella sp.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pulmonary hemorrhage should be considered in the differential diagnosis of patients who receive thrombolytic therapy in whom new roentgenographic pulmonary infiltrates present accompanied by decreases in hematocrit value.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ketoralac is an injectable nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID) widely used in both out-patient and in-patient settings.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Vincristine overdose: experience with 3 patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVES: The objectives of this medicolegal case report were the following: 1) present details of a chronic pain patient (CPP) on chronic opioid analgesic therapy (COAT), who diverted her opioids and was terminated from treatment, and subsequently committed suicide; 2) present both the plaintiff's and defendant's (the COAT prescriber) expert witnesses' opinions as to the allegation of medical abandonment of this patient and other allegations; and 3) based on these opinions, to develop some recommendations as to how pain physicians can minimize their medicolegal risk when termination of the physician-patient relationship is warranted.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The diagnosis of tuberculosis was made by PCR from an open lung biopsy, while a bacterial culture was negative.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pulmonary toxicity associated with erlotinib.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Ophthalmologists should be aware of the ocular side effects of IFN therapy and carefully monitor patients for the possible occurrence of hypoalbuminemia and thrombocytopenia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"When both drugs were discontinued, his fever and rigidity subsided and biochemical irregularities spontaneously returned to normal, without any complications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The frequencies and cytokine-producing phenotypes of phenytoin-specific T cells were examined simultaneously by using a carboxyfluorescein succinimidyl ester (CFSE) dilution assay.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One year later, he was readmitted to our clinic because of nonfunctioning tube and peristomal cellulites.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The objective of this paper is to provide data regarding early and suspected cases as well as offer guidelines for managing this condition.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After phakoemulsification, visual acuity improved to 20\/50.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patients were diagnosed with AL amyloidosis by tissue biopsy and categorized by performance status and organ involvement.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The use of methylphenidate and imipramine in Gilles de la Tourette's disease in children.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report 4 patients, 2 on methylphenidate and 2 on dextroamphetamine who presented with acral cyanosis, livedo reticularis, or Raynaud phenomenon.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Disseminated muscular cysticercosis with myositis induced by praziquantel therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In this article, we describe another case of subcutaneous changes following repeated glatiramer acetate injection, presented as localized panniculitis in the area around the injection sites, in a 46-year-old female patient who was treated with glatiramer acetate for 18 months.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Ascending bacterial cholangitis can be a recurring complication in older children and adolescents who have undergone successful surgery for biliary atresia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 69-year-old male was diagnosed in February 2004 with stage IV extranodal marginal zone B cell lymphoma involving the mediastinal nodes, lung parenchyma and bone marrow with high LDH.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The second was an 82-year-old man receiving ticlopidine for 2 years when, during a febrile episode, he was found neutropenic with marrow aplasia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: These data demonstrate that rupture of the ventricular free wall can occur early after thrombolytic therapy and may have a subacute course.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The reported risk for developing acute leukemia after treatment of ovarian cancer ranges from 21 to 175 times that of the general population with a prevalence range in treated patients of 0.8 to 2.7%.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The lesions in the other two dogs resolved within 3 weeks to 3 months following discontinuation of the antibiotic.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clozapine-induced eosinophilia and switch to quetiapine in a patient with chronic schizophrenia with suicidal tendencies.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Four days after intravenous Zoledronic acid, the patient presented to emergency room with complaints of carpopedal spasm and bronchospasm.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The case illustrates the interaction of multiple viruses with accelerated progression to end stage liver disease and ultimately death.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Six patients with rheumatoid arthritis developed a syndrome resembling lupus erythematosus while being treated with penicillamine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient in this case report was mentally impaired and had severe drug-induced gingival enlargement.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ophthalmologists should be aware of the ocular side effects of IFN therapy and carefully monitor patients for the possible occurrence of hypoalbuminemia and thrombocytopenia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A case report is presented concerning the administration of ketanserin in the treatment of pulmonary vasoconstriction and right ventricular failure following the infusion of protamine in a patient undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery and mitral valve replacement.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"During the first days of arsenic trioxide treatment a rapid decrease in the D-dimers was seen (normal values reached until day 7), together with a slight decrease in peripheral blood leukocytes.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The literature is also reviewed for ARF associated with mannitol infusion in patients who received dialysis and those who did not receive dialysis; and the possible mechanism(s) of mannitol nephrotoxicity are discussed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a case of mixed Aspergillus fumigatus and coagulase-negative Staphylococcus stromal keratitis in a 43-year-old man who developed discomfort and swelling in his right eye 20 days after uneventful bilateral laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The neurological changes that are common in the HIV population may complicate the use of analgesics, particularly opioids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case illustrates the role of the *3 polymorphism of the cytochrome P450 CYP2C9 as an independent risk factor modulating the sensitivity of patients to the anticoagulant effect of acenocoumarol.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Amyloidosis is the most severe complication of the disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Sodium thiosulfate, an inorganic salt that has been claimed to inhibit the formation and to favor the solubility and the mobilization of calcified masses, was administered to the patient, and after a long period of treatment considerable radiological regression of the TC with concurrent clinical recovery was noticed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"k bipolar manic-depressive patient, developed while on lithium prophylaxis, akathisia at therapeutic serum lithium levels and subsequently bucco-linguo-masticatory dyskinesia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Documentation of cisplatin-related vascular events is important in view of the growing number of patients who undergo cisplatin-based chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Airway obstruction due to spontaneous retropharyngeal hemorrhage.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Vinblastine was excluded from the new regimen.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Four patients in whom pulmonary oedema developed during tocolysis with hexoprenaline are described and the aetiological factors and pathogenesis of this potentially lethal complication discussed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"There has been no further recurrence in the long-term follow-up.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It was concluded that ANCA is closely related to the pathogenesis of crescentic glomerulonephritis and that treatment with PTU appeared to induce ANCA.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: External beam radiation therapy often is avoided in the treatment of rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) in young children because of the long-term sequelae.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: At our institution, no children appeared with acute INH neurotoxicity in the period 1985 through 1990, whereas seven patients were treated from 1991 through 1993.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The reversal of heparin by protamine may cause severe hemodynamic deterioration, characterized by systemic hypotension, pulmonary hypertension, and bronchoconstriction.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: In our reported case, a local hyperproduction of TNF-alpha from macrophages that was induced by the injected insulin could explain the dedifferentiation of the adipocytes of the subcutaneous tissue and the reversion that was induced by the local injection of dexamethasone.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"After removing the methotrexate, administering intramuscular iron and undertaking a gluten-free diet, the histological and analytical alterations progressively resolved.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cancer patients who are receiving 5-FU treatment and are DPD deficient can develop severe side effects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Basic drugs were screened for by liquid-liquid extraction followed by gas chromatography-nitrogen-phosphorus (GC-NPD) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry-electron impact detection utilizing both in-house and commercial search libraries.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of Stevens-Johnson syndrome\/toxic epidermal necrolysis (SJS\/TEN) secondary to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-Sx) therapy for presumed community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA) infection.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Acetazolamide-accelerated anticonvulsant osteomalacia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"After delivery, clearance rapidly returns to preconception levels, enhancing the risk of adverse reactions in both mothers and breast-fed infants if the dose is not sufficiently reduced.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Case 1 presented after 25 months of myelosuppressive therapy a deletion of chromosome no. 12, del (12) (p11), in 60% of the diploid cells.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These cases highlight that nitritoid reactions can be severe and may be heralded by milder symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient responded successfully to withdrawal of the drug and treatment with antihistamines.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To report the case of a young woman with Graves' disease in whom ototoxicity developed because of propylthiouracil (PTU)-induced antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA)-associated vasculitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: The increasing prevalence of Type 2 diabetes and its treatment with metformin might result in more cases of lactic acidosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We suggested that the development of hyperlipidemia was related to the carnitine deficiency.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinical signs included central nervous system symptoms (69%), gastrointestinal complaints (87%), visual disturbances (69%) and metabolic acidosis (94%).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"SETTING: Medical intensive care unit at the University of Chicago, Chicago, IL.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Some cases run a chronic severe course and fail to respond to local and systemic therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hepatic angiosarcoma associated with androgenic-anabolic steroids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Results: Four of the aviators continued on active duty for years.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Over a two month period, these patients presented to the accident and emergency (A&E) department with acute dental pain, outside normal working hours, having been unable to access emergency dental care.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although dyspnea associated with verapamil administration has been reported, this is the first report of an elderly asymptomatic asthmatic patient with hypertension who developed an acute asthma attack following sustained-release verapamil administration.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 24-year-old woman with type 1 neurofibromatosis receiving long-term baclofen therapy was admitted with presumed pneumonia which was successfully treated with antibiotics.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although weight gain often coincides with hyperglycemia in patients taking atypical antipsychotics, it does not seem to be a necessary causal factor.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All patients had varying degrees of evidenced high tumor burden, including lymphocytosis, elevated lactate dehydrogenase values, bulky tumor masses, and bone marrow involvement by lymphoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Therefore, data from large randomised, multicentre studies are needed to definitely answer the question of the relationship between safety and efficacy of this promising treatment option.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After discontinuing the drug, his edema resolved.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This article presents a technique for removal of a porous resurfacing acetabular component with minimal bone loss.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: The minimum effective dose of im gold is not known.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) is a rare clinical and biological entity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Regional lipiodolized chemotherapy for cholangiocarcinoma associated with oral contraceptives.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intrahepatic cholestasis and sicca complex after thiabendazole.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging showed a lesion in the posterior inferior cerebellar artery territory.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: During and after IFN therapy, OCT is a useful examination technique for revealing macular edema in patients who have decreased vision.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Corneal edema recurred when the administration of amantadine was resumed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Pulmonary arterial blood pressure and wedge pressure were significantly elevated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report two cases of central venous catheter-related Rhodotorula rubra fungemia that occurred in patients with acute myeloblastic leukemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Endometrial \"sarcomas\" complicating ovarian thecoma, polycystic ovarian disease and estrogen therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cyanamide-induced liver dysfunction after abstinence in alcoholics: a long-term follow-up study on four cases.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Clostridial orthopedic infections: case reports and review of the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"When questioned, he denied taking any other drugs including other alternative medicine approaches or vitamin supplements, particularly retinoids, well known for causing severe nail dystrophy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rofecoxib, used for dysmenorrhea, caused a herpetiform fixed drug eruption predominantly involving the lips with classic clinical and histological findings in a red-brown lesion on the dorsal hand.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The isolated organism was Acanthamoeba.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Little is known regarding etiologic risk factors, optimal management, and prognosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This article describes three cases that illustrate possible rationales for combination antidepressant therapy: reduced side effects, synergistic treatment effects, reduced treatment response time, prescriber familiarity, and clinical experience.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Reported are three children who developed progressive paraparesis after intrathecal methotrexate administration followed by complete or partial recovery.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 31-year-old Black male with a history of hypertension, partial seizures, and schizophrenia developed acute rigidity closely followed by severe hyperpyrexia (temperature 102 degree F), tachypnea, and tachycardia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The other patient is also in remission and on maintenance treatment for leukemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"M. marinum was cultured from the lesions and also identified by PCR on formalin-fixed tissue.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Prosthetic valve thrombosis is associated with high mortality.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Leishmania infantum leishmaniasis in corticosteroid--treated patients.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Based on these observations and data in the literature, they discuss a possible relationship.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Danazol and multiple hepatic adenomas: peculiar clinical findings in an acromegalic patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Genotyping of CYP2B6 and therapeutic drug monitoring in an HIV-infected patient with high efavirenz plasma concentrations and severe CNS side-effects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient had flowing ossification along thoracic spine resembling diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH), but there was no ligament calcification in the lumbar spine or pelvis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Para-aminosalicylic acid-induced hypoglycaemia in a patient with diabetic nephropathy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE SUMMARY: A 75-year-old white man received 23.6 grams of ofloxacin over a 51-day period for epididymitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Azathioprine-induced myelosuppression due to thiopurine methyltransferase deficiency in a patient with autoimmune hepatitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"I also describe agents that are used to treat common problems in PD patients, including hallucinations, orthostasis, nausea, erectile dysfunction, depression, and memory loss.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This profile should trigger a \"red flag\" as to the possibility of phenobarbital behavioral side effects or exacerbation of preexisting maladaptive behaviors.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"After several days of heparin therapy, the dialyzer circuit thrombosed and the platelet count decreased to 82 x 10(3)\/mm(3).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Oculomotor disturbances associated with 5-fluorouracil chemotherapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Chemoradiation therapy used on pediatric oncology patients often causes dental developmental anomalies that affect future dental care.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"N. asteroides sepsis subsequently developed, leading to his death.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A patient with Hodgkin's disease developed acute radiation pneumonia four months after completion of mantle radiotherapy and during cyclical adjuvant chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This new approach may represent improved therapy and prevent the hazards of catheter exchange and systemic antibiotic therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An adolescent male developed acute pancreatitis and pseudocyst of the pancreas 16 weeks after cessation of intramuscular L-asparaginase.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The benefit of antithymocyte globulin in severe aplastic anemia in the pediatric age group was assessed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Elevation of the blood lactate concentration by alkali therapy without requiring additional lactic acid accumulation: theoretical considerations.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"To date, there have been no recorded cases of lichenoid drug eruptions (LDEs) caused by clinical use of the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug salsalate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The data substantiate previous findings in brain tissue from a patient with pyridoxine-dependent seizures.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A heightened awareness of this possibility may therefore lead to recognition of more cases and further understanding of this entity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There are a few case reports on hair loss associated with tricyclic antidepressants and serotonin selective reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), but none deal specifically with paroxetine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient remained hospitalized for 3 months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The case of a pregnant woman with a breast mass that proved to be a granulocytic sarcoma is presented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We conclude peripheral neuropathy with 5-FU is rare.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"INTRODUCTION: We describe the neurointensive care (NIC) management of a patient with severe cerebral swelling and raised intracranial pressure (ICP) after severe sodium valproic acid (VPA) intoxication.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Both patients responded to intravenous administration of diazepam 10 mg and were given levetiracetam as maintenance therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Life-threatening hyperkalemia induced by arginine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Interaction between tacrolimus and nefazodone in a stable renal transplant recipient.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Polyarthritis, hepatitis and anti-native DNA antibodies after treatment with ethambutol and rifampicin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"He developed recurrent skin rash, fever, hypereosinophilia, and acute renal failure after rechallenge with chlorambucil.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The goals of treatment are mainly preventative, i.e., cessation of steroids as soon as possible and protective bracing of the remaining intact Achilles tendon.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These findings suggest that the corneal and retinal changes are the result of a toxic effect of tamoxifen when used in the doses and duration described.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: The present findings suggest that: (i) amantadine probably exerts its anti-dyskinetic effect by acting on the \"indirect\" pathway; (ii) the pathophysiological mechanisms of subthalamotomy induced dyskinesias may differ from those involved in L-dopa induced dyskinesias; (iii) dyskinesias induced by STN surgery resolve spontaneously as compensatory mechanisms develop.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This treatment has the potential to cause severe vision loss as a result of intractable corticosteroid-induced glaucoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Drug-induced pericarditis mimicking Brugada syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"ADAMTS13 was normal in four patients and mildly decreased in two patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 67-year-old patient, with primary polymyositis and without previous evidence of liver disease, developed clinical and biochemical features of severe cholestasis 3 months after initiation of azathioprine therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Electroencephalography showed abnormalities of the type associated with metabolic disturbance.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CLINICAL PRESENTATION: We report two cases with multiple sclerosis, who developed meningioma four and twenty years after the diagnosis of MS was made.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The hyperglycemia once again resolved with discontinuation of the drug.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The T4 (helper)\/T8 (suppressor) ratio decreased (1.0 and 1.2) on two different days, although above the normal limit.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In addition to the recognized arrhythmic complications, the authors emphasize myocardial necrosis as a possible further manifestation of amsacrine-related cardiotoxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Clinical course of macular edema in two cases of interferon-associated retinopathy observed by optical coherence tomography.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: 1) To describe a patient with rheumatoid arthritis receiving adalimumab who developed fever, pancytopenia, splenomegaly, and extreme hyperferritinemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Analgesia was not compromised by the use of donepezil, and in some cases it appeared improved.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Amoxapine-induced cognitive impairment in two patients.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Amphotericin B overdose can be fatal in children and infants.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"PCR analysis showed CMV-DNA in the failed graft.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DISCUSSION: The causal association between anticoagulant therapy and spontaneous hemothorax remains relatively uncommon.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although they had only a few nodules at diagnosis, the nodules increased in number and size 3 to 4 months after the start of methotrexate therapy in both patients.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Sweet's syndrome is an acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis that is a known complication of the administration of filgrastim, a drug that causes increased neutrophil proliferation and differentiation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This hypofluorescence line enlarged over the time.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Protease inhibitors (ritonavir and saquinavir) were added to the treatment and the patient developed progressive ataxia related to carbamazepine toxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"G-CSF also enhanced expression of the transferrin receptor (CD71) on blast cells in vitro.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: To describe the clinical and electrophysiological findings in a young boy with decreased vision possibly due to retinal damage by rifabutin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In the oncology patient, chemotherapy, corticosteroids and bone marrow transplantation (with associated preparation therapy) have all been implicated as possible causes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Because there have been no reports of endoscopic observations of bacterial ventriculitis, we were unable to be certain about the origin or significance of the microgranulations.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We recently dealt with a case of severe OHS presenting features of liver dysfunction; such a case has not been reported on before.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although a rechallenge was not tried, this case appears to demonstrate a temporal relationship between the initiation and discontinuation of metoclopramide and the onset and resolution of symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On day 7 of linezolid treatment, the patient developed severe pruritus, macular rash, facial edema, eosinophilia, marked increase in serum creatinine level, and mild hepatitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We describe a case of a woman with subarachnoid haemorrhage who developed hypocalcaemia and decreased serum parathyroid hormone levels due to hypermagnesemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A lupus-like syndrome associated with infliximab therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"He was asymptomatic at presentation and physical examination was unremarkable.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cryptococcal infections are seen mainly in immunocompromised hosts.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Three patients (one woman, two men) with a mean age of 76.3 years developed neovascularization at the L-CRA site and underwent treatment as described with a mean follow-up time of 7 months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: To report 4 cases of Toxoplasma gondii retinochoroiditis in patients having recently undergone cardiac transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A reticular pattern on high resolution CT (HRCT) invariably represents significant lung pathology and is the dominant feature of irreversible fibrosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One child did not achieve detectable concentrations on 2 different study days and was switched to a different protocol.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Postdural puncture cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) leak most often manifests as a postdural puncture headache (PDPH).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Alcohol withdrawal syndrome (AWS) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the acute care setting.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Severe deterioration in cognitive function and personality in five patients with long-standing diabetes: a complication of diabetes or a consequence of treatment?","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Over the next several months, she continued to require supplemental calcium, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Familial, dexamethasone-suppressible, normokalemic hyperaldosteronism.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Postmortem examination showed leukemia infiltration of the liver and spleen.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Combined central retinal artery and central retinal vein occlusion following pars plana vitrectomy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient developed unusually severe hematological toxicity to chemotherapy as compared to nonsmall cell lung cancer patients without the GD defect.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHOD: The Hospital case note of a 27 year old widow with HIV infection and anaemia, who has been on HAART (Zidovudine, Lamivudine and Nevirapine) for one year, was reviewed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This is the first report of a possible association between an acute cardiovascular event and venlafaxine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report the case histories of two patients with histologically confirmed adenocarcinoma of the prostate, both of whom had been treated with steroidal anti-androgen therapy in the form of cyproterone acetate prior to radical or palliative pelvic irradiation, and who subsequently developed femoral head avascular necrosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Our case shows that clinical symptoms of polymyositis improved with steroid and immunoglobulin treatment without deterioration of the hepatitis B.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Drug induced liver injury secondary to interferon-beta (IFN-beta) in multiple sclerosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"When tuberculosis patients on isoniazid eat certain varieties of fish they may develop a histamine reaction.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Myasthenic patients receiving ampicillin should be closely monitored for possible acute exacerbations.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The latter case was diagnosed by needle aspiration of the cyst.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"MTX-induced hepatic injury and liver enzyme elevations have been demonstrated after treatment of leukemia, gestational disease and during treatment of psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Following are two clinical case reports demonstrating profound cerebral edema associated with implantation of Gliadel wafers.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This methodology provides the decision analyst with a procedure to evaluate the outcome of specification uncertainty, in many decision problems, without resorting to Monte Carlo analysis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient suffered from progressive anemia with the lowest hemoglobin level of 21 g\/L.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Steroid-dependent SNHL was confirmed on audiological evaluation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: In a 22-year-old Thai woman with Graves' disease, tinnitus, hearing impairment in the left ear (with progression to the right ear), and vertigo developed after 3 years of therapy with PTU.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A maintenance dosage of only 100 mg\/day has resulted in significant improvement of depression and panic attacks, with discontinuation of psychotropic medication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The second case depicts acute CNS toxicity with known fatal potential.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: This experience indicates that cetuximab can be continued in patients who experience infusion reactions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 44-year-old woman is described in whom amiodarone, disopyramide, and quinidine, administered alone separately, induced atypical ventricular tachycardia (AVT, torsade de pointes).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"'Bail-out' bivalirudin use in patients with thrombotic complications unresponsive to conventional treatment during percutaneous coronary intervention.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The lesion was successfully resected using cardiopulmonary bypass, and the diagnosis of metastatic osteogenic sarcoma was confirmed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Unrecognized pre-existing renal insufficiency (CKD Stage 2 - 3) and the continuation of spironolactone were identified as predisposing risk factors.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There are major side effects of anastrozole including decrease in both lumbar spine and total hip bone mineral density, increase in the incidence of all bone fractures (especially fractures of spine, hip and wrist), joint disorders and increase in the cholesterol level.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We further used immunohistochemistry (IHC) to examine the relative role of platelet-derived growth factor-B (PDGF-B), insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I), transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-beta1) and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) in the pathogenesis of BCNU-related pulmonary fibrosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"DHP often reduces the number of platelets, also DHP needs a lot of heparin, therefore, we should have performed HD alone instead of DHP.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), treated with L-asparaginase are at risk for cerebral thrombosis or hemorrhage because of coagulation protein deficiencies.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Massive pulmonary embolism due to late-onset heparin-induced thrombocytopenia following coronary artery bypass graft surgery: successful treatment with lepirudin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: In patients with coronary artery disease, or in situations where cardiovascular stability is desired, glycopyrrolate is an effective means of relieving intraoperative penile erections.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Computed tomography re-evaluation demonstrated a new liver lesion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Five patients required short-term dialysis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinical measures and outcomes were recorded prospectively.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: This observation of \"on-off\" risperidone treatment suggests that risperidone may have worsened both psychiatric and physical manifestations of the mitochondrial disorder in this adolescent.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Use of portable blood analyser in prehospital care should be considered in case of suspected massive poisoning by ethylene glycol.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Endotracheal intubation eventually was performed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of intentional self-poisoning with tiagabine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Biopsies taken at the time revealed a dense inflammatory infiltrate consistent with an abscess.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"When glucocorticoids are used for longer than brief periods, even in moderate dosages, they can produce a variety of adverse effects, including steroid diabetes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In this paper we present the first doxorubicin extravasation through a central catheter in adults and review the only ten cases found in the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Nonconvulsive status epilepticus: the role of morphine and its antagonist.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"When headache recurred and meningeal signs appeared, SAH was diagnosed by computed tomography in all three cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Early neurovascular and\/or neurometabolic imaging identified the location of occlusion and tissue-at-risk (DWI-PWI mismatch) in all 8 patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two patients had clots in the pump.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 54-year-old male presented to our hospital for evaluation of peripheral lymphocytosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In this case report, we describe a child with biliary atresia who underwent a living LDLT and developed severe coagulopathy after reperfusion of the graft.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Therapy with pyrimethamine, sulfadiazine and folinic acid resulted in total lesion healing although central vision was lost.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acromegaly increases the overall risk of neoplasms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Mooren's ulcer is a rare disease of presumed autoimmune aetiology.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DESIGN: Interventional case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: We present 2 patients allergic to cloxacillin with normal tolerance to other betalactam antibiotics, confirming that cross-reactivity among these antibiotics seems to be uncommon.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is also available as a therapeutic agent (Xyrem) used for the treatment of daytime sleepiness or cataplexy associated with narcolepsy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a case of poisoning with 3,4-methylenedioxymet-amphetamine Ecstasy that presented with all the features suggestive of a fatal outcome, including a creatinine phosphokinase level markedly higher than any previously reported.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Cholesterol microembolization and stable renal function with continued anticoagulation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although they are rare, they may be life-threatening and should therefore be immediately recognized.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Tuberculous uveitis after treatment with etanercept.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Only after early oral and maxillofacial review and taking a thorough family history was C1 esterase-inhibitor deficiency diagnosed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The man died from complications related to toxic epidermal necrolysis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ganciclovir resistance was suspected to be caused by both A594V of UL97 and Q578H of UL54, whereas foscarnet resistance was due mainly to Q578H of UL54.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DISCUSSION: Renal elimination is not a significant pathway of elimination for anastrozole, clearance of anastrozole is unchanged even in severe renal impairment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors report a case of Balint syndrome with irreversible posterior leukoencephalopathy on MRI following intrathecal methotrexate and cytarabine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The increasing prevalence of methamphetamine abuse and the severity of the associated ulcers should alert ophthalmologists to the problem of methamphetamine-related keratitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Apart from direct invasion into nearly every organ in systemic infection, evidence suggests that immunological reaction also plays a role in the pathogenesis of the disease, including both uncomplicated and disseminated infections.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Liver function tests showed alanine aminotransferase 3330 U\/L, aspartate aminotransferase 3250 U\/L, and bilirubin 21 mg\/dL.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hormone replacement therapy and late-life mania.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Anticoagulant therapy is appropriate for embolic cerebral infarction due to valvular heart disease or cardiac dysrhythmia, as well as for stroke-in-evolution.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An association of granulocytopenia, eosinophilia, skin reaction and hepatitis during propylthiouracil (PTU) therapy for thyrotoxicosis in a 47 year old black female is reported.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"While an elevated incidence of lung cancer has been observed in patients with RA or psoriasis, there has been no report of psoriatic arthritis associated with lung cancer.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two boys were treated with methylprednisolone due to acute exacerbations of Crohn disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although controlled clinical trial data support use of clozapine in treatment-refractory schizophrenia, some patients cannot tolerate this agent or it may increase the risk of physical problems for some patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present a 46-year-old African-American man with AIDS who was admitted on two different occasions within three weeks for signs and symptoms of meningitis after using trimethoprim\/sulfamethoxazole (TMP\/SMX).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Muscle biopsy revealed variation in muscle fiber size and few vacuolated fibers which were features of colchicine-induced myopathy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"As far as we know, this is the first case report of acute hemorrhagic gastritis associated with AZ intoxication.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient had recurrence of urticaria and angioedema a year and a half later, at which point the NPH was stopped and she was desensitized to regular insulin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Naproxen is a commonly used nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) whose side effects include tinnitus and transient hearing loss.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Herein we report four patients who underwent liver transplantation and developed neutropenia while receiving MMF.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Two young male patients with severe erythrodermic psoriasis and pustular episodes have both been successfully treated with a combination of methotrexate and etretinate for a period of 21\/2 years.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute myopathy with selective degeneration of myosin filaments following status asthmaticus treated with methylprednisolone and vecuronium.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"At follow-up, none of the residual lines were associated with thrombus formation, and none showed any evidence of migration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The definitive role of antiviral therapy is yet to be clarified.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Case report: mannitol nephrotoxicity syndrome: role of hemodialysis and postulate of mechanisms.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient was enrolled in a weight-loss clinic, and his diabetes medications were adjusted.Subsequently, olanzapine was discontinued because of weight gain and uncontrolled diabetes.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Drug related crisis in myasthenia gravis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case study highlights the different pharmacological agents for treating tachyarrhythmias in a patient with WPW syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A typical case of dextran-40 associated acute renal failure is presented.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"After two weeks of drug treatment, the patient exhibited symptoms similar to those seen in the manic phase of bipolar affective disorder.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"2) To perform a review of the published cases of visceral leishmaniasis and anti-TNF-alpha therapy, and cases of coexisting leishmaniasis and macrophagic activation syndrome by search in PubMed (period 1991-2008).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case report illustrates how pharmacodynamic properties of drugs can complicate the treatment of neurologic disorders.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Vital signs, blood chemistries and a head CT scan were normal.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Prominent positive U waves appearing with high-dose intravenous phenylephrine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The cumulative dose of prostaglandin E1 was higher in the neonates with antral hyperplasia (2982 +\/- 1392 micrograms per kilogram of body weight) than in the normal neonates (279 +\/- 270 micrograms per kilogram, P less than 0.001) or the neonates with signs of gastric obstruction (528 +\/- 306 micrograms per kilogram, P less than 0.01).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHOD: The authors present a three-case series in which risperidone was used to treat delusions of infestation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a 16-year-old girl with metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma who experienced cesium-induced QT-interval prolongation after the start of a cesium chloride-based alternative treatment regimen.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A review of the literature found 11 children and 2 adults in whom intranasal desmopressin was associated with hyponatremia, all of whom experienced seizures or altered mental status.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Mycotic aneurysm of the suprarenal abdominal aorta.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This is the first report of the characteristic phenotypes of the teeth and craniofacial morphology of a patient with leprechaunism treated with IGF-I.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE REPORT: We report a case of acute severe hepatitis resulting from erlotinib monotherapy in a patient with locally advanced pancreatic cancer.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This report highlights the fact that using amantadine and pramipexole may be fatal in patients with uremia even undergoing hemodialysis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Transient trazodone-induced hypomanic symptoms occurred in three depressed patients.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Two patients required emergent surgical procedures.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Methylphenidate (Ritalin)-associated cataract and glaucoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Radiological imaging revealed diffuse cortical necrosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ten-17 days after receiving chemotherapy, five patients (4 males and 1 female) with acute lymphoblastic leukemia developed incapacitating myalgias in neck, thighs and arms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case demonstrates the potential adverse effects of exogenous estrogen therapy, which are strain-specific in the rat.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Autopsy revealed scarring contraction and dilatation of the trachea and bronchi, acquired bronchiectasis, lobular pneumonia, bleeding, hyperaemia and oedema of the lungs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In two patients, adenosine precipitated acceleration of ventricular response, in one case necessitating emergent cardioversion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Administration of a large nesiritide bolus dose in a pediatric patient: case report and review of nesiritide use in pediatrics.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Specifically, the data from our American series are insufficient to evaluate the hypothesis that the M694V\/M694V genotype confers a more severe phenotype, or increases the risk of amyloidosis; but both our data and the recent literature (160) indicate that amyloidosis can occur in FMF patients with only 1 copy, or no copies, of the M694V mutation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The child did not require dialysis therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In such situations, clinicians may want to consider prescribing a different antipsychotic or adding another antipsychotic and decreasing the dosage of clozapine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All patients received prednisolone and azathioprine during the incubation period.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"As a child, he had suffered a traumatic injury to his liver requiring the surgical repair of a laceration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 40-year-old man who developed acute myelomonoblastic leukemia (M4) after 7 years of treatment for multiple myeloma with the alkylating agent melphalan and steroids is presented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: Case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Clinicians should be aware of a risk of serotonin syndrome with serious extrapyramidal reactions in patients receiving sertraline or venlafaxine when metoclopramide is coadministered even in a single, conventional dose.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Rapid heart rates with QRS complexes that are different from the sinus complexes are likely to be ventricular tachycardia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, both the exacerbation of inflammatory bowel disease and de novo inflammatory bowel disease after orthotopic liver transplant (despite sufficient allograft immunosuppressive therapy) have been described.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Multiple retinal infiltrates, placoid subretinal lesions, and ground-glass opacity of the retina with hyperemic optic discs were observed in both patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Delayed-onset multifocal polymicrobial keratitis after laser in situ keratomileusis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A woman, aged 39 years, presented with a localized, painful, pustular eruption of the neck, scalp, and finger of five years' duration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Flucytosine-associated diarrhea has been previously described in 6%-10% of patients receiving the drug.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Renal biopsy showed acute interstitial nephritis with eosinophilic cells.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The day after clozapine was stopped, while he was still receiving clomipramine 150 mg\/d, he began behaving oddly, started sweating profusely, shivering, and became tremulous, agitated, and confused.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Chromosomal analysis showed some abnormalities.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Procarbazine is a chemotherapy methylating agent that has been used in combination with other drugs, perhaps most successfully in the treatment of Hodgkin's disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Interventional pain physicians have considerable interest in identifying techniques which avoid these complications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After 2 months, she developed a severe depressive syndrome which lead to suicidal ideation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Our case report highlights the need to remain alert for unusual manifestations of syphilis in immunosuppressed patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The association of phenothiazine overdose and respiratory distress syndrome merits consideration.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Bisphosphonates, cancer, and osteonecrosis--a single practice experience.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"When she came to the emergency room her sodium concentration was 127 mmol\/L.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Cytomegalovirus (CMV) associated with thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA) in transplant patients has not been extensively described.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It carries a well-known risk of neutropenia and agranulocytosis, which necessitates the immediate discontinuation of clozapine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"However, its specific role in our patient remains uncertain.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Adalimumab may be effective for the treatment of PPP.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Bronchospasm induced by cardiopulmonary bypass.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Because of their self-limiting nature, the importance of avoiding unnecessary and potentially deleterious antithyroid treatment is emphasised.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It also illustrates the need for continued clinical evaluation of patients with metastatic prostate cancer, even in the face of PSA response.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To report a case of a diffuse papular eruption following treatment of psoriasis with methotrexate injections.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In the case of SSTIs, alternative treatment of these infections should be considered, especially when the bacterial pathogen is unknown.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Frequent blood monitoring in search for any pronounced or sustained drop in red, white or platelet count, even within normal range could serve as a warning sign for myelotoxicity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The cases described suggest the need for caution when considering tricyclic pharmacotherapy in juveniles with severe depressive disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) detected CMV-DNA in the aqueous humor in his affected eye, and we started administration of ganciclovir.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A pharmacokinetic interaction between the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor citalopram and a tricyclic antidepressant, clomipramine, was noted in a patient treated for major depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two other patients who did not receive prochlorperazine, developed retinal problems which later improved, one after only 15 g of desferrioxamine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Probable loop diuretic-induced pancreatitis in a sulfonamide-allergic patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report what is to the best of our knowledge the first case of multifocal osteomyelitis following disseminated infection in a patient after haematopoietic stem cell transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Efficacy and safety of Etanercept, high-dose intravenous gammaglobulin and plasmapheresis combined therapy for lupus diffuse proliferative nephritis complicating pregnancy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report three patients, all of whom had preexisting diabetic dyslipidemia, who showed a profound reduction in plasma HDL cholesterol and apolipoprotein AI levels soon after the initiation of rosiglitazone therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Mucopurulent conjunctivitis and exposure keratitis developed in several patients and spontaneous corneal perforation developed in one.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatment with naloxone resulted in rapid reversal of signs without sequelae.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"With the increased use of neoadjuvant chemotherapy, it is important to recognize previously undescribed mammographic findings secondary to this therapeutic approach.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Trigeminal trophic syndrome with features of oral CMV disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He was initially treated with intravenous fluids and opiate analgesia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Culture was positive for Staphylococcus haemolyticus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In this report, one patient who developed gangrene after bleomycin and vincristine\/vinblastine chemotherapy for AIDS-related Kaposi's sarcoma and another HIV-infected patient who exhibited symptoms of severe Raynaud's phenomenon related to the same regimen are presented.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CASE REPORT: A 64-year-old man was evaluated for chronic low-back pain after multiple spine surgeries.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"During that time,weight issues and diabetes status were not addressed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Vancomycin is widely used against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections, but it is associated with many adverse effects such as nephrotoxicity, ototoxicity, gastrointestinal disturbances, blood disorders, and two types of hypersensitivity reactions - an anaphylactoid reaction known as \"red man syndrome\" and anaphylaxis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Systemic venous thrombosis after recombinant factor VIIa in the control of bleeding after cardiac surgery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Verapamil is widely used for the termination of paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (PSVT) with little proarrhythmic effect.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Ezetimibe is a lipid-lowering agent that inhibits the intestinal absorption of cholesterol and other related phytosterols.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An unusual case of Lafora body disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The most likely cause of such hyponatremic episode is vinblastine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Nephrotic syndrome associated with interferon-beta-1b therapy for multiple sclerosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Leuconostoc bacteremia after liver transplantation: another cause of vancomycin resistant gram-positive infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The underlying mechanism as well as the treatment of hypokalaemia and hyperchloraemic metabolic acidosis after ureterosigmoidostomy are briefly discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The first patient, a 9-year-old girl, had severe panuveitis complicated by traction retinal detachment, eventually requiring vitrectomy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The 5 patients had severe renovascular disease which might thus represent a significant risk factor in the development of captopril-induced acute renal failure.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A less well known phenomenon is paradoxical seizures.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Inhaled tobramycin solution-associated recurrent eosinophilia and severe persistent bronchospasm in a patient with cystic fibrosis: a case report.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Rarely, liver synthetic function is sufficiently severe to warrant liver transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three patients with life-threatening manifestations of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), unresponsive to conventional high-dose corticosteroid and\/or immunosuppressive therapy were treated with intravenous polyspecific IgG (IVIG).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Trichiasis associated with prostaglandin analog use.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Patients were assessed weekly during CAP-XRT and q 3 weeks during CAP alone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The 2 cases were remarkably similar in terms of the offending substance, quantity consumed, and subsequent reaction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Recombinant Factor VIIa (FVIIa) can be used to reverse coagulopathy in patients on coumadin who sustain a traumatic injury.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Propranolol-related bronchospasm in patients without history of asthma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Culture of a CT guided needle aspiration revealed Francisella tularensis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The diagnosis of multiple myeloma was made in two white men, aged 55 and 59 years.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: A patient who developed dramatic, permanent vision loss after a 9-month course of treatment with ethambutol and isoniazid for pulmonary tuberculosis is presented.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"L-asparaginase-induced pancreatitis is an uncommon but potential lethal complication of the treatment of leukemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Management of a large organized intraatrial catheter-tip thrombus in a child with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome using escalating tissue plasminogen activator infusions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient's INR had been stable and within therapeutic range (goal 2.0-3.0) for the previous 3 months with warfarin 27.5 mg\/wk, but became subtherapeutic after 10 days of bosentan therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although it is very rare, careful monitoring and readiness for the occurrence of such a potentially lethal situation with necessary medications may prevent a fatal outcome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Several days were required for the aPTT to decrease after stopping the argatroban infusion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy syndrome (RPLS) is a syndrome manifested by headache, nausea, vomiting, seizures, cortical blindness, and visual disturbances.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In the absence of mucositis or diarrhea, severe dermatologic toxicity following a single low dose of the drug suggests an 'allergic' or acute hypersensitivity reaction to MTX in this patient.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The remaining deaths were non-MTX related, but all 5 autopsies showed some degree of cirrhosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The pulmonary symptoms recurred after discontinuing corticosteroids, five months after amiodarone was stopped, and were associated with a persistent amiodarone level.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 26-year-old Japanese man, who had been receiving medical attention for ulcerative colitis for one year, presented with diffuse erythema and pustules on his face and trunk, malaise, and fever up to 39 degrees C one day after the administration of salazosulfapyridine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Subsequent use of pamidronate was associated with milder inflammation in the same eye that eventually resolved with continued monthly infusions, indicating the possibility of immunologic tolerance.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The symptoms returned and worsened over the next 4 days, and she returned to the emergency room stuporous.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: Psychiatric illness should not rule out the possibility of interferon-based therapy, but it calls for close integration of psychiatric and medical care and individualized decision-making based on the biological and psychosocial circumstances of each case.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After the patient discontinued the use of the glucocorticoid eyedrops, his cushingoid features gradually faded, and his blood pressure and serum glucose levels normalized.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ten days after itraconazole was started, he developed paralytic ileus, neurogenic bladder, mild left ptosis, and absence of deep reflexes, with severe paralysis of the lower extremities and mild weakness of the upper extremities.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Fifteen days later, blood tests showed CK 1327 IU\/L and myoglobin 324 U\/L; therefore, the drug was discontinued.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Actinic prurigo and solar urticaria are uncommon chronic idiopathic photodermatoses in the United Kingdom.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case illustrates the need for close ECG monitoring during ritodrine treatment when clinical symptoms arise.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Chemotherapy schedules including alkylating agents were administered for 1 year, resulting in subsequent remission of the lymphoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There has been no literature which reports a case of interstitial lung disease associated with sorafenib.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Hepatitis C (HCV) infection is a major cause of liver disease, cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two of our patients developed septic shock and deteriorated whereas one patient improved and recovered completely.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patients who develop these reactions whilst receiving GSTM can be successfully changed to aurothioglucose.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hypoglycemia can be a serious side effect of etanercept in patients already on antidiabetic medications known to cause hypoglycemia, such as sulfonylureas, meglitinides, and insulin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment with intensive topical corticosteroids is essential to successfully manage this post-crosslinking complication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rituximab (chimeric anti-CD20 IgG1 monoclonal antibody) is effective in the treatment of relapsed\/refractory low-grade lymphomas of B-cell origin as well as in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, the use of lithium should be avoided with any patient who is purging, since it may exacerbate the loss of intracellular potassium, thereby increasing the risk of cardiac toxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Risk factors include previous episodes, dehydration, agitation, polypharmacy, and the rate and route of neuroleptic administration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report 3 cases in whom aspirin was indicated for secondary prophylaxis of myocardial infarction but in whom a remote history of an untoward reaction to it prevented its initial use.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Peritonitis remains a significant cause of morbidity in ESRD patients undergoing continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The possible role of both chemotherapy and the immunodeficiency associated to angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy in the pathogenesis of the leukemia is discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Its major side effect of anaemia limits its use in some patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient began her prescribed radiation therapy and 5-fluorouracil radio-sensitizing chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This therapeutic strategy resulted in normalization of the elevated EBV-DNA titers and disappearance of the monoclonal B cell populations.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Spectral domain optical coherence tomography and angiographic findings in central serous chorioretinopathy complicated by bilateral nonrhegmatogenous retinal detachment associated with systemic corticosteroids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A literature search conducted to determine the mechanism behind the antagonism of this overdose showed that promethazine interacts with receptors in the central nervous system.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A toxic encephalopathy characterized by depressed level of consciousness, marked irritability, and ataxia developed in seven children, 5 years of age and younger, following administration of an antiemetic combination of pentobarbital and pyrilamine maleate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Delayed pancreatic pseudocyst formations.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Central serous chorioretinopathy developed in 2 cases of retrobulbar neuritis during systemic treatment with corticosteroids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patients should be informed about the risk of osteonecrosis when taking dexamethasone as an antiemetic drug.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The authors describe a case of combined lithium and haloperidol toxicity characterized by hyperpyrexia, severe rigidity, mutism, and development of irreversible tardive dyskinesia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CASE SUMMARY: A 21-year-old African American male with schizophrenia came to our medical intensive care unit from the crisis intervention unit (CIU).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One other case of tocolysis-induced vulvar edema has been reported, as have five cases of postpartum vulvar edema, associated with an 80% maternal mortality rate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The tacalcitol treatment was terminated, seven days later, the serum calcium level had returned to the reference range without any specific treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Therefore, patients on long-term therapy with atypical antipsychotic drugs should be screened periodically for TD.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The latter dialysate was prepared by adding sodium phosphate salts to the \"base concentrate\" of a dual-concentrate, bicarbonate-based dialysate delivery system.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a 16-year-old male who developed nephrotic syndrome related to membranous glomerulopathy with clinical and serological evidence of systemic lupus erythematosus after treatment with griseofulvin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Recently, the use of octreotide has been described as an alternative treatment in these patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Heparin sodium is routinely used in the prophylaxis against deep venous thrombosis in medical and surgical patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Eosinophil infiltration is a characteristic feature of nasal polyps associated with AIA.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Based on the clinical status of the patient, it was suspected that several conditions contributed to the abnormal hypersensitivity to warfarin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Venlafaxine-induced urinary incontinence resolved after switching to sertraline.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The degree of clinical recovery related to maximal disability.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute septic arthritis in chronic osteonecrosis of the hip.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He received the full course chemotherapy but without a significant regression.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three of the four patients also had bilateral ptosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rechallenge resulted in the same drug rash.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Infiltrates, hemorrhages and macular edema present preoperatively dissolved over a period of six months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cardial and respiratory function was compromised and intubation was necessary.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"During her hospital stay, her sodium level and serum osmolality increased and her urine osmolality decreased, whereas her lithium levels remained within normal limits.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 27-year-old man who had a history of bronchial asthma, eosinophilic enteritis, and eosinophilic pneumonia presented with fever, skin eruptions, cervical lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, atypical lymphocytosis, and eosinophilia two weeks after receiving trimethoprim (TMP)-sulfamethoxazole (SMX) treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We describe two women who developed HUS after MMC therapy and presented massive pulmonary bleeding.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"After bilateral implantation of an angle-supported anterior chamber intraocular lens (AC IOL) in an allergic patient, the haptic tips were exposed through the limbus in the left eye.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although gabapentin withdrawal has been previously reported and usually consists of anxiety, diaphoresis, and palpitations, this is the first reported patient with generalized seizures and status epilepticus secondary to gabapentin withdrawal.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Prolongation of the QT interval and ventricular tachyarrhymias have been described in patients on amiodarone therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Patients who present to the Emergency Department after ingestion of excessive amounts of suflonylurea medications often have hypoglycemia refractory to dextrose administration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a patient with a liver abscess due to Entamoeba histolytica, in whom metronidazole therapy (total dose, 21 g over 14 days) was complicated by reversible deafness, tinnitus, and ataxia and who relapsed 5 months later with a splenic abscess.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Endovascular treatment of renal artery thrombosis caused by umbilical artery catheterization.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE PRESENTATION: We report a patient with CF who developed recurrent eosinophilia and severe persistent bronchospasm following repeated administration of preservative-free tobramycin by inhalation, beginning at 16 months of age.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We present the case of a postictal patient with lethargy, hyperammonemia, otherwise normal liver function tests, and a therapeutic valproic acid level.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In this case of CPM, blindness was encountered and was thought to be \"hysterical.\" The blindness went away after four months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"As an insoluble steroid aerosol, beclomethasone diproprionate was recently made available in the United States.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Power spectrum analysis studies revealed that heart rate had significantly improved and that power spectrum cardiovascular parameters had returned to normal.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The present study describes a patient who had unusual weight fluctuation under corticosteroid and psychotropic treatment such as mianserin and aripiprazole.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Recognition of amifostine as the cause of this adverse event may prevent the cost and inconvenience of a hospital admission.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report here the case of a 10-year-old male child with primary steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome who was non-responsive to steroids and cyclophosphamide.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Merkel cell carcinoma after liver transplantation: a case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We discuss a variety of bronchopulmonary complications of IBD and their association with sulfasalazine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"All of the studies were carried out at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Department of Pathology, Neuropathology Division.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Published data on the use of vitamin D for prophylaxis or treatment of any form of osteoporosis fail to document benefits superior to those of calcium alone or calcium with estrogens and fluoride.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After discontinuation of the drug, plasmapheresis and steroid therapy led to a sustained remission.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Nicotinic acid-induced fulminant hepatic failure.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Additional typical findings were the high excretion of adipic acid, suberic acid, and 4-octen-1,8-dicarboxylic acid demonstrating the enhanced capacity of omega-oxidation in fatty acid oxidation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Switching patients from olanzapine SOT to olanzapine ODT treatment resulted in significant weight loss that was maintained during 12 months in both case reports.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cardiac glycosides are thought to prevent doxorubicin cardiomyopathy by competitively inhibiting doxorubicin at its receptor sites, but ouabain has a much shorter half life than doxorubicin and its metabolites and so is less effective than digoxin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Screening for CMV infection in pregnant women receiving immunosuppressive drugs is recommended.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The aetiology in this case is uncertain but it may have resulted from treatment with L-asparaginase or vincristine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The other patient had no hematoma and his course was dominated by esophageal rupture.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The knee pain and swelling responded promptly to the institution of empirical broad-spectrum antibiotics.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Management included successful treatment with a prolonged course of antibiotics, including ciprofloxacin, neurosurgical drainage and long-term immunoglobulin supplements.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of an association between sunitinib and gynaecomastia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Primary cutaneous T-cell lymphoma following organ transplantation in a 16-year-old boy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It also appears to be effective in other conditions such as psoriasis and ankylosing spondylitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"As physicians begin to treat chronic hepatitis C more often and more aggressively, this potential problem with occur more frequently.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient' condition improved after rapid tapering of her epoprostenol and administration of corticosteroids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The typical fluoxetine-induced symptoms of restlessness, constant pacing, purposeless movements of the feet and legs, and marked anxiety were indistinguishable from those of neuroleptic-induced akathisia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The most common side effects associated with amifostine are nausea, vomiting, hypotension, hypocalcemia and allergic reactions.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A case of congestive heart failure in a child with Wilms' tumor treated Adriamycin is presented and discussed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: To date, 13 patients with chronic hepatitis B infection treated with TNF-alpha inhibitors have been reported: 11 with infliximab and 2 with etanercept.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He presented symptoms of hemiparesis 3 days after the operation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Microangiopathic cytokines released in response to the GVHD and infection may damage the intima of microvessels that were previously injured by the two BMT.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Serotonin syndrome in the perioperative period.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Eight patients developed a total of 12 episodes of sudden, massive vitritis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Its aetiology is variable and it remains difficult to treat.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hyperinfection, an augmentation of the normal skin-lung-intestine life cycle, occurs in roughly two-thirds of infected transplant recipients, with dissemination in the remainder.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To report a case of ciprofloxacin-induced psychosis and to discuss occurrence rates, risk factors, possible etiologies, preventive measures, and treatment courses for this adverse reaction.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"All nine eyes had recurrence of the membranes after treatment terminated and required a maintenance regimen of corticosteroid eyedrops.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We consider asterixis to be an easily overlooked sign of neurotoxicity, which may occur even at low or moderate dosage levels, if certain drugs as lithium or clozapine are used in combination with CBZ.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"No adverse reaction was observed from the intra-articular injections.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Full recovery to pre-episode status of a quiet eye with clear vitreous was seen in all patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Seizures were controlled by the anticonvulsive agent Dilantin (Pfizer, Khet Klongtoey, Bangkok) and she returned home without any permanent neurologic deficits.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We observed 3 diabetic patients with intolerable dizziness followed by nausea and vomiting immediately after an initial administration of the alpha-glucosidase inhibitor, voglibose.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Similar to reports in patients receiving gefitinib, those with pathologic findings of UIP on resected lung specimens or known pulmonary fibrosis may be at particular risk for erlotinib pulmonary toxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Similarities to dinitrochlorobenzene (DNCB) are pointed out.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Mecamylamine at 2.5-6.25 mgm\/day has no significant peripheral parasympathetic activity and may be safely taken long term (up to 550 days in this study).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report two cases of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) prosthetic hip infections successfully treated with a long course of linezolid.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In deciding if tamoxifen therapy is warranted, all potentially life-threatening adverse events associated with tamoxifen should be considered, including endometrial adenocarcinoma or uterine sarcoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Although there is one case report of cholesterol crystal embolization following t-PA therapy with only extrarenal manifestations (N Engl J Med 321:1270, 1989), this is the first reported case of atheroembolic acute renal failure following t-PA therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Accidental ingestion and aspiration of hydrocarbons in children are common.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A higher frequency than expected of HLA A 11 in three patients and B 15 in five patients was seen.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient was given 14 mg of etomidate and 100 mg of succinylcholine intravenously.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Progressive interstitial lung disease from prolonged methotrexate therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Optic neuropathy developed in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis who had been receiving D-penicillamine for about 1 year.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Coexistence of chronic myelogenous leukemia and chronic lymphocytic leukemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A careful and complete medication history can help avoid unnecessary discontinuation of clinically important medications and inadvertent rechallenge with the causative agent.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: To report two cases of acute endophthalmitis following intravitreal bevacizumab injection.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"After receiving 3 doses of ifosfamide\/mesna, she was found to be unresponsive.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Embolization of a fragmented thrombus or\/and attenuation of the lytic state leading to fresh embolization is\/are the possible mechanism(s).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe 2 patients with cutaneous lupus erythematosus who developed severe dapsone reaction after low dose therapy, with a fatal outcome in one.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: Utilization of lead-contaminated opium may lead to severe motor neuron impairment and quadriplegia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patients at increased risk could be identified.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In two cases, death was believed to be a direct consequence of HUS.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Sulfasalazine has been associated with bronchopulmonary complications of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in adults.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"An almost total breast reduction was performed; 5 kg of right breast tissue and 7 kg of left breast tissue were excised.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"ILP is an effective treatment in recurrence situations or where resection threatens loss of function; it, however, requires administration in specialized centers, progress in standardization and close monitoring to avoid locoregional toxicity, the mechanisms of which merit further investigation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An objective causality assessment revealed that the interaction was probable.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"As in our patient's case, curative treatment for LDE requires discontinuation of the drug.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Systemic administration of corticosteroids was only transiently beneficial in reducing the increased airway resistance.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Her autoantibodies except fluorescent anti-nuclear antibodies were negative.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On April 2, escitalopram was started.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One patient had severe temporary weakness after an ampicillin sodium challenge.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In four patients the levels were > or = 18 times the upper limit of normal.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three weeks after traveling to Arizona, a 13-month-old, female Labrador retriever developed draining tracts in the right hind limb.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CD4 T-lymphocyte depletion, myelosuppression, and subsequent severe infections are the major side effects of fludarabine phosphate therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report the case of a 21-year-old female patient with dapsone hypersensitivity syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Muscle biopsy revealed variation in muscle fiber size and few vacuolated fibers which were features of colchicine-induced myopathy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Cytomegalovirus retinitis treated with ganciclovir in a renal transplant recipient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the case of an 11-month-old female infant with a depressed level of consciousness after ingestion of ibuprofen whose mental status markedly improved with administration of naloxone.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We describe a case of delayed onset HIT with resulting massive pulmonary embolism postcardiac surgery that was successfully managed with lepirudin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, 50 days after the second UCBT, the patient presented with high fever and developed pneumonia despite antibiotic and antifungal treatments.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Large dose of methylphenidate may cause cataract and glaucoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"AML\/MDS occurred in 3\/1374 CLL patients seen at a single institution between 1972 and 1992.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A leukocytoclastic vasculitis was found in both the acute phase and in the amputated fingertips.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An adverse drug reaction (ADR) induced by fluoxetine was suspected and fluoxetine treatment was discontinued.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) is a mucocutaneous disease that can be lethal.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It allows safe administration of a different platinum agent in patients who seem to benefit from platinum-based therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The main side-effects of Lp-TAE combined with HT were low-grade fever, localized pain, myelo-suppression and liver dysfunction, but these were transient and eventually disappeared.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (PVT) is a form of ventricular tachycardia characterized by QRS complexes that seem to change direction during the tachycardia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Myoglobinuria in boys with Duchenne muscular dystrophy on corticosteroid therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The available data suggest that there is a possibility of risk of major malformations with the anticonvulsants.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Improvement in cholestasis associated with total parenteral nutrition after treatment with an antibody against tumour necrosis factor alpha.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Itraconazole is a widely prescribed triazole antifungal drug, often given for long periods.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Estrogen therapy in a male patient with chronic hepatitis C and irradiation-induced testicular dysfunction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acyclovir-induced neurotoxicity: concentration-side effect relationship in acyclovir overdose.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: To report a case of severe corticosteroid-induced glaucoma after intravitreal injection of triamcinolone acetate in a 34-year-old man without a history of glaucoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Praziquantel was ineffective and hazardous, causing some known and some previously unreported responses and reactions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Portal vein thrombosis responded to thrombolytic infusion into the superior mesenteric artery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The most common findings are fever, malaise, headache, and exacerbation of cutaneous lesions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Within hours of the intravenous thiamine, her hypotension resolved.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We confirmed varicella zoster virus using a direct fluorescent antibody test.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Six patients with chronically recurrent oculogyric crises (OGC) are reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Severe hyperphosphatemia associated with tumor lysis in a patient with T-cell leukemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He had a convex facial profile with a remarkably steep mandibular plane angle and large gonial angle.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Blocking cytotoxic T lymphocyte-associated antigen-4 (CTLA-4) has recently been proposed as a strategy to enhance cell-mediated immune responses to cancer, and clinical trials have demonstrated that anti-CTLA-4 therapy can produce durable outcomes with different response patterns than cytotoxic chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Altered drug pharmacokinetics should be considered as an important metabolic consequence of subtotal gastrectomy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The infant was monitored by imaging studies followed by ultrasonography.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"No viruses (including cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, human herpes-virus-6, parvovirus B19, and adenovirus B11) were detected in serum or urine by polymerase chain reaction amplification.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 3-year-old boy developed alopecia areata (AA) universalis in the convalescent status of phenobarbital-induced AHS, compatible to the evidences of increased lymphocyte proliferation and increased dead cells percentages while his peripheral blood mononuclear cells were incubated with phenobarbital.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinical and histological findings were suggestive of pulmonary veno-occlusive disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cutaneous warts, commonly seen in children and the immunosuppressed are socially distressing and are often resistant to traditional treatments.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two cases were associated with the development of acute renal failure, whereas the third patient had pre-existing renal impairment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Blood for varicella-zoster virus (VZV) DNA polymerase chain reaction was positive.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 54-year-old woman had seizures and a focal neurologic deficit associated with hyponatremia induced by a thiazide diuretic.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"During dose-finding studies for intravenous proton pump inhibitors omeprazole and pantoprazole, three of six young female volunteers receiving omeprazole and two young female volunteers receiving pantoprazole developed peripheral edema within 8 hr when high doses of the proton pump inhibitors were applied by continuous infusion together with large volumes of fluid.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Neisseria sicca, previously classified as a \"nonpathogenic\" organism, has now been recognized as a cause of many infections, including endocarditis and meningitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Severe hemolytic uremic syndrome in an advanced ovarian cancer patient treated with carboplatin and gemcitabine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Stage II lactogenesis was delayed until the tenth postpartum day at which point the patient's breasts became fully engorged.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pedunculopontine nucleus stimulation induces monocular oscillopsia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Calcipotriol (Daivonex R; Leo Pharmaceuticals, Zurich, Switzerland) may cause irritation of the skin, whereas allergic reactions are less common.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a rare case in which triamcinolone acetonide particles gathered on posterior lens capsule after injection of intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Conversion of ischemic to hemorrhagic infarction by anticoagulant administration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case demonstrates that a symptomatic HBV infection can occur in an immunocompromised patient who had originally been anti-HBs-positive.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After the second HSCT at the age of 6.7 years, the child received cyclosporine (target trough whole blood cyclosporine concentration range 150-200 microg\/L), starting on day -3, and mycophenolate mofetil for aGVHD prophylaxis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, adrenal suppression has only rarely been documented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Both cases were initially treated with cisplatin (CDDP), etoposide (ETP) and concurrent thoracic irradiation, however they had recurrent disease within a year.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After forty-eight hours, he developed jaundice and transaminasemia, which subsided by the eighth day.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rituximab is a chimeric, anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody initially approved for relapsed, refractory indolent B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL), and is being applied in an increasing variety of clinical scenarios.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Post-radiation sarcomas following treatment of central nervous system malignancies is discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULT: She presented with severe anaemia (PCV of 0.05), White cell and platelet counts were within normal limits and reticulocyte count of 0.001%.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This is a report of a case of anuric ARF after high-dose mannitol infusion for treatment of narrow-angle glaucoma that readily responded to acute hemodialysis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A comorbid diagnosis of Parkinson's disease in schizophrenia was confirmed in this way.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient experienced muscle twitches, tremulousness, and anxiety on day 17 of foscarnet therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We suggest that colonoscopy and biopsy should always be performed if other causes of diarrhea have been excluded.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a patient with transitional cell carcinoma of the renal pelvis who developed respiratory dysfunction and an abnormal chest x-ray with diffuse interstitial opacities while on chemotherapy with piritrexim, a methotrexate analog.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Both patients had relatively low serum concentrations of immunoreactive EPO.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A healthy, young adolescent girl developed primary pneumococcal peritonitis, an infection rarely reported in this age group in North America.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In this phase I study 37 patients received 97 courses of KW-2149 administered as an i.v. bolus injection every 21 days at sequential dose levels: 5, 10, 17, 25, 35, 47, 60, 75, 90 and 100 mg\/m2.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The association between heparin and priapism is often recognized; abnormal platelet aggregation could play a role in the pathogenesis of this side effect.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"He received neoadjuvant chemotherapy and later underwent a right above the knee amputation without complication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Methanol toxicity can cause severe central nervous system insult in which a characteristic pattern of bilateral putaminal injury is noted on brain imaging studies.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Prompt acyclovir therapy can be effective, provided an adequate dose is given.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"When the infusion was transiently discontinued, recurrences of polymorphous ventricular tachycardia were noted.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two weeks after the intervention she developed a symptomatic hypercalcemia of 3.57 mmol\/L which was resistant to several measures including lowering the calcium concentration in the dialysate, withdrawing all vitamin D and calcium supplementation and the administration of calcitonin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Oral administration of the beta-blocker propranolol resulted in clinical and echocardiographic improvement of the left ventricular outflow tract obstruction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Immunosuppression elicited by the extensive administration of prednisolone was suspected for the initiation of the generalized mite infestation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Gentamicin-associated acute renal failure.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for cerebral palsy: two complications of treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"His inhibitor titres ranged from 10 to 3450 Bethesda units (BU).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"(1) Before PTX, 13 of these patients were not treated with erythropoietin (EPO) while the remaining 7 patients received EPO therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: Topical thiotepa appeared to be an effective treatment for recurrent corneal haze following myopic PRK.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 42 year old male with gram negative pneumonia complicated by deep venous thrombosis was followed throughout his hospital stay and for two weeks following discharge.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Dobutamine 5 micrograms.kg-1.min-1 and sodium nitroprusside 1 microgram.kg-1.min-1 were used to increase cardiac output.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Herpetic tracheobronchitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case agrees with the evidence that cisapride potentiates the release of acetylcholine from postganglionic cholinergic nerves in the human isolated detrusor by activating 5-HT4 receptors, i.e. through the same mechanism responsible for its gastrointestinal prokinetic action.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"His AFP was initially 9828 microg\/L and rapidly dropped to 5597 microg\/L in ten days after oral sorafenib treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The case of a 39-year-old woman who was referred for weight gain and amenorrhoea is reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Patient ranged in age from 25 to 53 years.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient's medications before admission included quinidine, isosorbide dinitrate, dipyridamole, aspirin, pilocarpine eyedrops 4%, timolol eyedrops 0.5%, and nitroglycerin ointment and sublingual tablets.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"AP-ROP in an infant with minimal oxygen exposure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The infant's fractional excretion of sodium was very low (0.5%) pointing for a severe vasoconstrictive mechanism involved.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To describe onset of syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) associated with vinorelbine therapy for advanced breast cancer.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The overall case fatality rate was 72%; those patients with ARDS had a 95% mortality rate, while 50% of those without ARDS survived.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Support ranged from 35.5 to 65.75 hr, and VAD flows ranged from 1.0-5.5 L\/min.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Computed tomography guided core needle biopsy diagnosis of pelvic actinomycosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Antacid and sucralfate-induced hypophosphatemic osteomalacia: a case report and review of the literature.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Carbamazepine-related hyponatremia following cardiopulmonary bypass.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Rapid graft dysfunction caused by hepatitis C virus (HCV) reinfection, although uncommon, is a disastrous complication in liver transplant patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The symptoms of UC disappeared immediately, but he developed skin eruptions and dysesthesia in his lower limbs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The edema disappeared within 24 hr after stopping the infusion therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Colonoscopy revealed a Dukes Stage B colonic adenocarcinoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Potential viral etiologies should therefore be considered in cancer patients with pneumonia receiving non-transplantation chemotherapy-regimens, particularly if steroids are a component of their therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The evidence that 5-azacytidine stimulates the production of Hb F and F cells in baboon and man is reviewed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Moreover, the etiology of t-AML and mechanism of leukemogenesis are likely to be multifactorial and complex.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"First, a review of the literature produced 41 anecdotic cases of neutropenia or agranulocytosis during treatment with olanzapine (Zyprexa) reported in a total of 24 publications.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"No aggravation of OCD symptoms was noted during mianserin administration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Effective intravenous cyclosporin therapy in a patient with severe Crohn's disease on parenteral nutrition.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Methotrexate (MTX) may induce liver damage, which in some psoriatics will lead to fibrosis or cirrhosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Terbutaline, therefore, may represent a useful alternative for chronotropic support in the setting of heart transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Botulinum toxin type B (BTX-B) has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of cervical dystonia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Previous studies have demonstrated the interaction of MTX and a variety of non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) with various clinical manifestations including acute renal failure, pancytopenia, vomiting, diarrhea, elevated liver transaminases, jaundice, mucosal ulcerations, and pyrexia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"No patients in group 1 had marked bridging fibrosis or cirrhosis, compared with 4 of 10 patients in group 2.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Elderly patients for whom nitrate has been prescribed should be warned of the occurrence of hypotension, leading to unconsciousness.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A patient suffering from heparin-associated thrombocytopenia (HAT), recurrent arteriothromboses, and acute renal failure after treatment with standard heparin is described.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"To characterize the relationship between TPO levels and platelet counts in this setting we serially measured both parameters over the entire treatment period of patients receiving multicycle polychemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hypokalemia after normal doses of neubulized albuterol (salbutamol).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Recurrence of Acanthamoeba keratitis after penetrating keratoplasty a chaud may occur even several months after the operation and the manifestation may be atypical.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Long-term continuous SMS 201-995 treatment has achieved useful symptomatic improvement in diarrhoea in 4 patients with metastatic VIPomas who had relapsed following previous treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Neostigmine appears to be useful in reversing ileus caused by anticholinergic drug overdose.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This technique has the advantage of being simple, economical and nonallergic.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two days after administration of Kalimate enema, he had profuse hematochezia, and a sigmoidoscopy showed diffuse colonic mucosal necrosis in the rectum and sigmoid colon.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Skin manifestations of a case of phenylbutazone-induced serum sickness-like reactions.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Reviewing the literature, another eight cases of acute leukemia after cytotoxic treatment for nonmalignant disease in childhood have been reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The condition improved slowly after stopping medication and systemic steroids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Surgery and anaesthesia were uneventful and she gained good symptomatic relief.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Oxygen potentiation of bleomycin-induced pulmonary toxicity is discussed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This drug should be studied further for its effectiveness in the treatment of chronic pain.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Successful treatment of patients with respiratory failure due to fungal infection after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Recovery was achieved with lamivudine (100 mg\/d) and plasma exchange.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The disease is primarily treated with systemic corticosteroids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The case is unique in that it is the first reported ingestion of oral pilocarpine tablets and the first dosing error reported for this indication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: A 76-year-old woman with microbial keratitis and recurrent endophthalmitis after cataract surgery was referred to a tertiary care center for further management.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Multiple complications of propylthiouracil treatment: granulocytopenia, eosinophilia, skin reaction and hepatitis with lymphocyte sensitization.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a patient in whom the anti-depressant trazodone hydrochloride (Molipaxin, Roussel), a serotonin antagonist, provoked generalized pustular psoriasis (GPP).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"On further examination, acute extensive hemorrhagic gastritis was also found by gastroscopy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"With o,p'-DDD treatment, serum dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DS) and urinary 17-ketosteroid (17-KS) excretion fell rapidly while there was a delay in the fall of free androgens.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Close monitoring of INR is recommended, and warfarin dosage adjustment may be necessary.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The first patient developed mild nitritoid symptoms and pain in a band-like distribution, corresponding to T10-T12 dermatomes, shortly after gold sodium thiomalate (GSTM) injection.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Mechanisms and triggering factors of hypoglycaemia induced by mefloquine and some other anti-malarial quinine analogues are discussed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"As far as we know, this is the first case report of acute hemorrhagic gastritis associated with AZ intoxication.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Intermittent, continuous outpatient dobutamine infusion in the management of congestive heart failure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pulmonary hemorrhage is an uncommon feature in the HUS, and seems to appear especially in the HUS associated with MMC therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This use for vancomycin, however, has not been studied in the laboratory to evaluate possible toxicities and side effects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Mycotic aneurysms of the thoracic aorta: repair with use of endovascular stent-grafts.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors describe a woman with chronic schizophrenia who experienced delirium, grand mal seizure, and photosensitivity after the addition of propranolol to her neuroleptic regimen.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"However, positive emission tomographic scanning revealed disease progression.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We conjectured that the side effects of insulin, such as anti-natriuresis and increased vascular permeability, might be pronounced in the presence of the hepatic dysfunction that accompanies insulin insensitivity, hyperinsulinaemia and hypoalbuminaemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Cerebral dysfunction predated the development of minimal diabetic complications and had been apparent for between 1 and 17 years.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: A 79-year-old woman being treated with imiquimod 5 days per week for a nodular basal cell developed a verrucous plaque over the treatment area after 7 weeks of therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"He has elected to have future SBCCs managed with C&C.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHOD: Case analysis of a poly-drug overdose (venlafaxine, topiramate, divalproex sodium, risperidone, and carbamazepine) presenting with mixed SS\/NMS features and whose clinical management suggests a practical algorithm for treatment of undifferentiated SS\/NMS in critical care settings.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report the case of a patient with multiple myeloma who developed acute life-threatening water intoxication following treatment with oral indomethacin and low dose intravenous cyclophosphamide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: To describe spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) and adaptive optics (AO) imaging in hydroxychloroquine retinal toxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Intradiscal injection of triamcinolone hexacetonide for acute, subacute, and chronic sciatica.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Television set or computer screen is the commonest precipitants.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Kidney biopsy revealed ischemic glomeruli and focal segmental glomerulosclerosis lesion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A variety of medications have been associated with hypoglycemia, but the list of these medications is expanding.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two patients with paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) and parvovirus B19 (PVB19) infection are reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Generally, patients in treatment with isotretinoin avoid eventual pregnancy during assumption and, after its stopping, fertility and foetal development are normal once circulating isotretinoin levels return to normal.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fungal infection of implantable cardioverter-defibrillators: case series of five patients managed over 22 years.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case represents the third example of erythroid aplasia associated with an anti-inflammatory agent and the first instance due to fenoprofen.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"If these patients are nonimmune, they would be candidates for varicella-zoster immune globulin on exposure, and for acyclovir therapy should varicella dissemination occur.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The common risk factor of both of these two drug-induced ILDs is idiopathic interstitial pneumonia, but ILD in a patient with radiation fibrosis has not been previously reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After 56 months, she was free of disease and treatment-related toxicities.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Its use led to simpler drug regimens, improved compliance and significant reduction in the length, or even need, of admission to hospital.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fatal eosinophilia myalgia syndrome in a marrow transplant patient attributed to total parenteral nutrition with a solution containing tryptophan.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient had Hodgkin's disease and responded to chemotherapy and amphotericin B.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Natamycin 5% and amphotericin 0.1% were started and continued for 8 weeks with resolution of the infiltrate and return of the best corrected visual acuity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He did not have pneumonia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is thought that the clinico-pathological features and chronology of this case bore the hallmarks of the so-called \"3-week sulphasalazine syndrome\", a rare, but often fatal, immunoallergic reaction to sulphasalazine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Signs of ischemia, including mottling of skin and painful extremities, preceded the development of the characteristic electrolyte abnormalities and cardiac arrhythmias.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We stress the potential of benzarone to cause hepatotoxicity, which usually resembles severe chronic active hepatitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor fetopathy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Proctoscopic examination revealed a spotty mucous exudate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Turner's syndrome and its treatment are discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We concluded that the brief quiescent phase (second biopsy specimen) was characterized by retention of immunoglobulin to produce Russell bodies, and that the active phases of the disease were marked by migration of mast cells into the epithelium and by the presence of eosinophils and basophils in the substantia propria.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Involution of endophytic optic disc hemangioma with a single session of photodynamic treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Despite the low dosage of warfarin, international normalized ratio (INR) was markedly elevated from 1.15 to 11.28 for only 4 days, and bleeding symptoms concurrently developed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The reversal of heparin by protamine may cause severe hemodynamic deterioration, characterized by systemic hypotension, pulmonary hypertension, and bronchoconstriction.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: We report an unusual paradoxical effect of brimonidine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This case also extends the clinical spectrum of cerebral sinus thrombosis to include recurrent transient ischemic attacks alternating with seizures.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"No complications resulting from secondary infection occurred.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Severe bronchospasm during cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) is an unusual event.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is also known that fibric acid derivatives (fibrates) have several beneficial actions in addition to their lipid-lowering capacity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The two cases described in this paper are the only known deaths due to anaphylaxis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Elevated intraocular pressure was noted on average 28 days after presentation (range, 8-69).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE DESCRIPTION: A 24-year-old 732-kg (1,610-lb) pregnant Belgian draft horse mare developed neuropathy and signs of intractable pain following colic surgery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The diagnostic validity of the case is discussed, and some possible explanations of the favourable response to lithium are mentioned briefly.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Both syndromes are mostly related with drugs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although combinations of belladonna, ergotamine, and phenobarbital have been used for medical treatment of menopausal symptoms since the 1960s, this is the first known case report of its association with anticonvulsant hypersensitivity syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Mecamylamine in Tourette's syndrome: a two-year retrospective case study.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case of pheochromocytoma with renal artery stenosis and post-surgical watery diarrhea.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Peripheral nerve dysfunction is a potentially serious complication of high-dose cytosine arabinoside.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In random trials of id injection, observation under clinical and laboratory conditions showed improvement in 63% (17\/27) of the patients treated for 6 months with appropriate doses of di-Lex (III3FucnLc4), and in 72% (31\/43) of those treated with an identical protocol for TCA.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Response of a promethazine-induced coma to flumazenil.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Flucloxacillin-induced aplastic anaemia and liver failure.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Three days after receiving intravitreal injection of bevacizumab (1.25 mg in 0.1 ml), he developed acute vision loss and change of consciousness.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The pulmonary toxicity of gold salts is an uncommon cause of life-threatening respiratory failure.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Mucormycosis is a very rare opportunistic mycotic infection of diabetic children.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Endophthalmitis due to exposure of anterior chamber intraocular lens haptic tip.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of simultaneous brain tuberculomas and scrofuloderma occurring in the same patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rofecoxib, used for dysmenorrhea, caused a herpetiform fixed drug eruption predominantly involving the lips with classic clinical and histological findings in a red-brown lesion on the dorsal hand.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The safety of and indications for combination therapy with methotrexate and etretinate are discussed, and the recent reports in the literature of experience with this combination regimen are considered.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, these other potential causes of seizure were ruled out.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"No side effects or drug interactions were observed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A complication of transesophageal atrial pacing in an infant with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome (WPW) is reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A follow-up MRI obtained immediately after his cerebral infarction demonstrated notable decrease in the size of the cysts and more prominent enhancement around the peripheral margins of the cysts and the major vessels in comparison with the initial MRI.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The drug acted through: (a) an already known inappropriate release of ADH, and (b) a hitherto unreported tubular lesion, which impaired the reabsorption of sodium and other coupled solutes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The HIV protease inhibitor indinavir may cause nephrolithiasis and interstitial nephritis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The technique of serum free level measurement and illustrative examples of specific cases are provided to document the usefulness of this invaluable laboratory test.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The cough is considered to be a class-related adverse effect with cross-reactions between ACE inhibitors routinely reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intraocular pressure may not always return to normal upon cessation of the drug.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Due to discomfort, diplopia and lagophthalmos, the haematoma necessitated suspension of warfarin therapy and a surgical evacuation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Possible recurrence of amiodarone pulmonary toxicity following corticosteroid therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"On the fifth day after administration of a high dose of ARA-C (2 g\/m2 intravenously every 12 hours), she developed bullous lesions on the hands and soles that disseminated, evolving to necrosis, sepsis, and death on the 22nd day.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This case report confirms highly efficient inhibition of alcohol dehydrogenase by fomepizole, as well as demonstrate the safety of fomepizole in a patient already exhibiting end-organ retinal toxicity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Respiratory symptoms disappeared within a mean of 60 h (48-96 h) of treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 15-year-old boy developed nephrotic syndrome and acute renal failure 4 years after allogenic bone marrow transplantation (BMT) for lymphoid crisis of chronic myelocytic leukemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Massive gastrointestinal hemorrhage in an immunosuppressed man due to gastric Kaposi's sarcoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In the following months, the clinical picture stabilized.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Report of two cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The former is thought to be related to central nervous system dopaminergic hyperactivity, while the latter is known to be related to dopamine deficiency.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Copaxone suppresses the production of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, a key mediator of inflammation in MS as well as in other pathologies, such as colitis of interstitial bowel disease (IBD).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In: Camus P, Rosenow E, editors.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient underwent immediate and delayed hypersensitivity tests.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After a second dose of metoclopramide, these symptoms recurred and were associated with confusion, agitation, fever, diaphoresis, tachypnea, tachycardia, and hypertension.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: This case report is part of a new and growing body of literature that demonstrates the potential risk of transforaminal injection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Drug withdrawal and cortisone administration led to resolution of the disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"When measured, the serum lithium level had increased 4-fold during acyclovir therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Second, we report a case of neutropenia, which proved to be fatal in a schizophrenia patient receiving olanzapine and thiazide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To report a case of spontaneous hemothorax following anticoagulation with low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH) for the management of suspected pulmonary embolism.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Steroid hormone deprivation potentially contributed to neovascularization and bowel involvement.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Nurses can be influential in monitoring, assessing, and preventing aluminum overload.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In case no. 2, the pathogenic mechanism seemed to be persistent light reaction preceded by systemic photoallergy, as he had taken mequitazine for 6 months, and there were strong positive photopatch test results with immediate erythema reaction, cross-reaction to promethazine, decreased MED to both UVA and UVB, and persistence of the photosensitivity over a 3-year follow-up period after discontinuation of the mequitazine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Using a computer-based algebraic approach, methods for modeling this uncertainty have been formulated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thalidomide induces immunomodulator, anti-inflammatory, and anti-angiogenic effects, and may be considered as the elective treatment of this rare variety of erythema multiforme.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rhabdomyolysis developed with acute renal failure from the probable interaction between these drugs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case is presented in which amiodarone was administered to suppress paroxysmal atrial fibrillation in a patient with an idiopathic cardiomyopathy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The optic neuropathy subsided only when both drugs were discontinued, suggesting an additive toxic effect.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Delayed recognition of intrathecal methotrexate overdose.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE SUMMARY: Two children with attention deficit disorder treated with methylphenidate as a simple drug developed fixed drug eruption of the scrotum.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"High-grade endometrial stromal sarcoma after tamoxifen therapy for breast cancer.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The first patient developed mild nitritoid symptoms and pain in a band-like distribution, corresponding to T10-T12 dermatomes, shortly after gold sodium thiomalate (GSTM) injection.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"METHODS AND RESULTS: patch testing was performed with captopril, other ACE (enalapril, lisinopril ramipril), and European standard series.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intraventricular nafcillin-induced seizures in a neonate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Six patients with no previous signs or symptoms suggestive of coronary artery disease developed acute coronary ischemia\/infarction shortly after cis-diamine-dichloroplatinum II (cisplatin) -based chemotherapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Presently, treatment of acute ibuprofen intoxication with complications requires supportive therapy until the symptoms resolve over 24 to 48 hours.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This was followed by eight 99 microsecond pulses at an amplitude of 1.3 kV\/cm administered directly to the tumors 5 to 15 minutes after the bleomycin was completely infused.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Similar precursor stages, usually not recognised by clinical laboratory tests and consisting of areas of hyperplasia of hepatocytes and sinusoidal cells and sinusoidal dilatation, lead potentially to hepatic adenoma, carcinoma, peliosis, and angiosarcoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although treatment for this syndrome remains controversial and relies heavily on anecdotal evidence, the progression of hepatic injury may be prevented by the addition of N-AC.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clozapine induced polyserositis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Data are presented to show a significant absorption of lidocaine through diseased skin when lidocaine cream is used as a local anesthetic.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 59-year-old white man developed keratoacanthoma of the nose immediately following one course of MOPP polychemotherapy for clinical state IV B mixed cellularity Hodgkin's disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: DWI findings in this cohort seem to reflect cytotoxic edema within cerebral white matter suggesting a reversible metabolic derangement, rather than ischemia, as the basis for this syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Lack of recognition that the lungs too may be a site of spontaneous hemorrhage during thrombolytic therapy may lead to a considerable diagnostic and therapeutic delay.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Isoniazid and vitamin B6 were co-administered with adalimumab.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In addition, a subjective improvement in quality of life and restoration of functioning including a decrease in missed workdays was noted.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"As with steroids given by other routes, raised intraocular pressure and cataract may occur.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 73 year-old patient with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome and paroxysmic supraventricular tachycardia developed an acute reversible encephalopathy within 15 days of initiation of flecainide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Prolonged used of hydroxyurea in patients with ET may lead to therapy-associated acute leukemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"It is characterized as a long-acting prostacyclin analog that can be delivered by intravenous or subcutaneous continuous infusions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Bone marrow aspirations showed hypocellular-normocellular bone marrow, 98% of plasma cells.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: We report the clinical outcome of a case of TiACG that was associated with an extreme intraocular pressure elevation of >60 mm Hg that was treated with the combination of systemic mannitol and methylprednisolone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Stent fracture is uncommon but may have consequences including restenosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case of heterotopic pregnancy, an unusual condition in itself, complicated by pulmonary embolus is presented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Massive prolapse of the urethral mucosa following periurethral injection of calcium hydroxylapatite for stress urinary incontinence.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Favorable outcome of de novo hepatitis B infection after liver transplantation with lamivudine and adefovir therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Long-term follow-up demonstrated complete flap salvage with no soft tissue loss.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These observations are consistent with the hypothesis that intrarenal regulatory mechanisms contribute to changes in renal function due to amphotericin B therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of reversible encephalopathy syndrome in a 16-year-old girl with acute myelogenous leukemia (AML), who is undergoing during consolidation chemotherapy composed of BH-AC (N4-behenoyl-1-beta-D-arabinofuranosyl cytosine) and idarubicin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This process was not reversed by lamivudine therapy, hemodialysis, and the use of a Molecular Adsorbent Recirculating System.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Long-term steroid therapy has many well documented complications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Docetaxel induced Meibomian duct inflammation and blockage is the likely cause of this presentation in a patient with no history of eyelid masses in the past.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The reports of this tragic event in the media horrified a mother in another province.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In cases of chronic corneal disturbance, we recommend the elimination of phosphate-buffered medications to prevent corneal calcification.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The clinical course was favorable and the patient achieved full hepatic recovery 3 months after the hepatic failure was detected.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two patients are presented illustrating some differences between enteral and parenteral feedings in children receiving intensive chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There are major side effects of anastrozole including decrease in both lumbar spine and total hip bone mineral density, increase in the incidence of all bone fractures (especially fractures of spine, hip and wrist), joint disorders and increase in the cholesterol level.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"All 8 patients survived and had their hemorrhage or coagulopathy controlled within 4 hours after transfusion of the last dose of rFVIIa.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The literature describing occurrence of DSP on immunosuppression is reviewed and possible pathogenetic mechanisms are discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Vincristine overdose (7.5 mg\/m2) was accidentally administered to 3 children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report five cases of restless legs syndrome (RLS) and periodic limb movements during sleep (PLMS) that were probably associated with olanzapine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Neutrophilic eccrine hidradenitis (NEH) is an unusual self-limited skin disorder characterized by an inflammatory cell infiltrate in the deep dermis involving the eccrine sweat glands, commonly presenting as painful cutaneous nodules.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thirty-six patients with AL received, in a three-month period, 51 cycles of combined chemotherapy which included, in all of them, cytosine arabinoside (ARA-C); among them, along with myelosuppression, five experienced fever, infectious complications, gastrointestinal tract symptoms and severe myalgias.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Dermatitis herpetiformis is associated with a gluten-sensitive enteropathy in >85% of cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After therapy with parenteral amiodarone (2300 mg in 3 days) and other measures, signs of congestive heart failure disappeared; subsequently the patient developed jaundice, marked increase in serum transaminase levels and fall in prothrombin time, and histologic changes of severe centrilobular necrosis were observed in hepatic biopsy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Flare of Kaposi's sarcoma (KS) is well described in immunosuppressed patients treated with corticosteroids and rituximab, but has not yet been reported during treatment with imatinib.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Adrenaline dacryolith: detection by ultrasound examination of the nasolacrimal duct.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"SRL was changed to mycophenolate mofetil, which was followed by quick normalization of serum aminotransferase levels.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The second patient underwent peritoneal dialysis and also had significant problems with hypertension.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The treatment course is divided into five treatment periods, each with accompanying commentary.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The human clinical use of 1% lindane formulations has become somewhat controversial during the past five years.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BOOP is considered as a nonspecific response to many types of lung injury, including drugs, radiation, an underlying hematologic malignant neoplasm, autoimmune diseases, bacterial or virus infection, or an underlying lung disease, or occurs idiopathically.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The optimal diagnostic and therapeutic approach to this entity has not yet been clearly defined.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She died and autopsy revealed extensive hemorrhagic myocardial infarction and a free-wall rupture.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All three achieved complete remission, although one patient relapsed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Carmustine is the preferred nitrosourea compound for topical therapy of mycosis fungoides.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Bromides appeared to be approximately as effective as diphenylhydantoin for seizure control in this patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report 4 patients who developed symptoms of myasthenia gravis within 2 weeks of starting treatment with a statin drug.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Sixteen of 33 patients developed significant hyponatremia and hypoosmolality during oral treatment with lorcainide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Acute myocardial ischemia following accidental intravenous administration of epinephrine in high concentration.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This case report describes the classic presentation of the syndrome, emphasizing the oral manifestations.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The dose of cefoxitin should be reduced in patients with renal functional impairment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, recurrent staphylococcus aureus sepsis developed during CyA therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"These groups had similar mean ages (31.5-45.4 years) and gender distributions (50.0-60.7% male), apart from RBD.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer to the liver has been a significant problem for clinicians in the past.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: As the elderly population and the incidence of heart disease increase in the United States, more people will probably be using heart drug therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatment-related myelodysplastic syndrome after temozolomide for recurrent high-grade glioma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Prick tests were negative in both the antineoplastic agents.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Both PAN and methotrexate have been independently demonstrated to cause sensorineural hearing loss.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Treatment of refractory BK virus-associated nephropathy with cidofovir.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It can be postulated that increased excitability of anterior horn cells at a certain segment might make a spino-bulbo-spinal reflex manifest at the corresponding segment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient had previously received PKP several times.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present a pediatric patient who developed cutaneous T-cell lymphoma with mycosis fungoides histology after liver transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two patients with ovarian cancer who had received multiple courses of cisplatin without complications experienced hypersensitivity reactions to cisplatin: one, involving intrahepatic artery infusion, manifested general erythema, dyspnea, and hypotension; the other, involving intravenous infusion, manifested abdominal pain, general erythema, and fever.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"An adolescent with stunted growth was treated for 6 months with a synthetic anabolic androgen.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On the fifth day after administration of a high dose of ARA-C (2 g\/m2 intravenously every 12 hours), she developed bullous lesions on the hands and soles that disseminated, evolving to necrosis, sepsis, and death on the 22nd day.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Methemoglobinemia secondary to cleaning solution ingestion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Eleven consecutive JW adult patients with acute leukaemia, all of whom had been denied care in other institutions, were treated at the European Institute of Oncology (EIO) in Milan, Italy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Symptoms resolved spontaneously and completely after 48 h.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In most cases the cause is unknown, but a minority of cases has been drug induced.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The intention of this case report is to raise awareness for anyone prescribing ciprofloxacin as treatment for infected diabetic and ischemic ulcers.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of contact dermatitis due to sodium bisulfite in Tathion eye drops.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient had no history of seizures in the past and no gross neurologic deficits.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pediatric and cardiovascular surgeons recommended open-heart surgery as the safest option for catheter removal to avoid the risk of superior vena cava occlusion, vascular rupture, or embolization.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"As the use of stimulant medications has ballooned in the past decade, so too has awareness of the cardiovascular complications of these drugs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 61-year-old patient who had been treated with lisinopril in the past without any problems was commenced on ramipril for left ventricular dysfunction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Some of the clots were firmly adherent, whereas others dislodged easily after being rinsed with saline.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report on a 6-year-old boy with X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy who developed severe delayed alloimmune hemolytic anemia associated with immune-mediated neutropenia and thrombocytopenia following major ABO incompatible unrelated cord blood transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Prevalence rates and an evaluation of reported risk factors for osteonecrosis (avascular necrosis) in Crohn's disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The clinical presentation and course was consistent with acute tubulointerstitial nephritis due to these agents.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Until recently, actinomycin D (AMD), a cytotoxic antibiotic, was considered to cause little or no liver damage.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a case of prolonged terbinafine-induced cholestatic liver disease.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"PATIENTS: Two women, ages 49 and 34 years, with endometrial hyperplasia without squamous metaplasia who were treated with progestin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In this report, we describe a patient receiving lenalidomide in whom dyspnea, fever, hypoxia, and diffuse pulmonary infiltrates developed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Mianserin 30 mg\/day, etizolam 1 mg\/day and flunitrazepam 1 mg\/day were administered.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A suggestion is made to monitor blood formic acid levels and institute prompt dialysis whenever these exceed 80 mg. per 100 ml. to avert such a catastrophe.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fresh frozen plasma had no apparent effect on aPTT values.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cisplatin was substituted and the patient achieved a complete response to therapy without further hypersensitivity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cysticercosis, the infestation with the encysted larval stage of Taenia solium, is increasingly recognized as a major problem in most countries in Latin America, Asia, and Africa, involving mainly the central nervous system.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Musculoskeletal complaints were the presenting symptoms in four of 44 children (9%) treated for relapsed Wilms' tumors with ifosfamide, a derivative of cyclophosphamide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The disease-modifying drugs he was taking, cyclosporin and methotrexate, were stopped, and the lymphoma resolved spontaneously without the use of chemotherapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"It can be induced by CSA and is totally reversible when the drug is rapidly withdrawn.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 68-year-old female patient with advanced ovarian carcinoma collapsed whilst receiving a carboplatin and cyclophosphamide infusion.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Four days after the initial injection of 3.6 mg of goserelin acetate, severe dyspnea developed due to worsening pleuritis carcinomatosa, which was considered as a flare-up.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Intrathecal application of chemotherapeutics has been the mainstay of central nervous system prophylaxis in acute lymphoblastic leukemia treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Within 3 weeks of beginning continuous daily isoniazid and rifampin therapy for pulmonary tuberculosis, a patient developed acute renal failure.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The role of somatostatin analogues in the management of obstructive ileus in advanced cancer is discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The ability of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha inhibitors to impair pivotal pro-inflammatory host defenses may facilitate the development of disseminated cryptococcosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two cases of therapeutic failure associated with levothyroxine brand interchange.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hepatotoxic effects in a child receiving valproate and carnitine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Cerebral Embolism Study Group.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An elderly man with procainamide hydrochloride-induced lupus syndrome had a circulating anticoagulant against factor XI and a biologic false-positive (BFP) test result for syphilis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Only 3 cases of imatinib-induced tumor lysis syndrome have been reported.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Central nervous system manifestations of an ibuprofen overdose reversed by naloxone.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Discontinuation of chlormadinone acetate resulted in decline of the serum PSA level.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intrathecal rituximab treatment for pediatric post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder of the central nervous system.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An 11-day-old infant became lethargic and apneic after a single drop of brimonidine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"It is believed to be the first case of cryptococcal meningitis recorded in a child in Saudi Arabia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Tiagabine overdose causes an unusual array of neurological symptoms, many similar to reported adverse effects during therapeutic use.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Docetaxel-induced Meibomian duct inflammation and blockage leading to chalazion formation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Sulfonamides have been reported to augment the hypoglycemic effects of chlorpropamide, glyburide, and tolbutamide.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of intrathecal methotrexate neurotoxicity manifesting as left arm weakness and aphasia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"An internal work-up remained negative.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Continuous EEG monitoring is helpful in managing seizures that occur as a complication of CBZ OD, after the course of recovery or worsening, and in providing assistance with prognosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report here a rare case of ritodrine-hydrochloride-induced rhabdomyolysis in a pregnant patient with myotonic dystrophy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"By using the preloaded biliary catheter, adequate positioning of the laser fiber was achieved in all patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"According to current knowledge, avoiding unnecessary resection unless it is inevitable is an acceptable option for the management of eosinophilic jejunitis disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He was treated with antibiotics and his fever went down.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"London: Hodder Arnold; 2009).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"4. More than half of the patients developing ANLL have received chemotherapy alone without radiotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The adverse effects of oral contraceptives on the structure and function of hepatic tissue are reviewed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Continuous EEG recordings showed a burst-suppression pattern with bursts containing only generalized spikes accompanying myoclonic activity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pathologically only a subpopulation of malignant cells responded to the chemotherapy, demonstrating viability of the majority of the tumor, with cell death only in the subpopulation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) followed by restriction fragment length polymorphism analyses and long PCR were performed to detect CYP2D6 genotype.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"HSOS following standard chemotherapy has been reported in patients receiving vincristine, actinomycin D, and cyclophosphamide for the treatment of Wilms tumor and more rarely rhabdomyosarcoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Malignant myelosclerosis (acute myelofibrosis): report of two cases following cytotoxic chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Somatostatin analog (octreotide) in management of neonatal postoperative chylothorax: is it safe?","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Over 2 months she had been drinking high doses of natural grapefruit juice which, combined with long-term colchicine therapy and a viral upper respiratory tract infection, increased her susceptibility to the drug.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient recovered from oligoanuria to almost normal renal function, and heart, brain, and musculoskeletal injury was reversible.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BAL demonstrated a significant lymphocytic alveolitis typical for hypersensitivity pneumonitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The range of previously administered total CBDCA was 2582-9589 mg, and the CBDCA area under the concentration curve of the first treatment exhibited appropriate intensity (mean, 1.92 +\/- 0.10; range, 1.76-2.10) in all patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In both cases, liver histology showed hepatocellular damage with inflammatory infiltration and microvesicular steatosis without fibrosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"To our knowledge this is the first report of pancytopenia due to MMI, where the usual hypoplasia found is replaced by massive plasmocytosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Common ocular findings include comeal micro-deposits and lens opacities.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Radiographic calcification in muscles was not seen.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a further case with pathological and endocrine details together with a review of the seven cases previously reported and possible mechanisms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She was a long-term user of an intra-uterine device (IUD) and, although asymptomatic, had radiological evidence of pelvic infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Report of three patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Severe clinical bleeding secondary to clotting dysfunction has not been previously reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Vapreotide was found to reduce nausea and vomiting considerably, by inhibiting the release and action of gastrointestinal hormones and the secretory and motor functions of stomach and intestines.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hypervitaminosis D developed in four patients with osteoporosis or osteomalacia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Chest x-ray and thorax computed tomography revealed bilateral hilar masses and nodular infiltrations in the lung parenchyma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A repeated low dose of the drug induced hyperkalaemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intra-arterial corticosteroid injection at the wrist can have devastating consequences.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This report describes the utility of monitoring free SDC following Fab administration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Efficacy of caspofungin addition to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole treatment for severe pneumocystis pneumonia in solid organ transplant recipients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"ARDS is rarely associated with rituximab infusion for lympho-proliferative disorders, but it should be considered by those administering rituximab, especially when a patient develops severe pulmonary symptoms soon after infusion.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The findings may indicate the spectral nature of the reaction phenomena in leprosy and emphasize the importance of the clinic-pathological correlation for proper classification.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The histopathologic features of fully developed lesions have been reported; however, early-stage findings have not been previously described, and the histogenesis of this lesion is controversial.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The bleeding resolved on discontinuation of APV.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"She may have administered doses as high as 8 mg clonidine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report on a patient who developed the clinical findings of pulmonary eosinophilia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This clinically asymptomatic case of skeletal fluorosis was discovered, as in the 2 previously reported cases, by the examination of bone X-ray (performed as part of the routine work-up for rheumatoid arthritis) which showed evident osteosclerosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of ischemic cholangitis that occurred after transcatheter hepatic arterial chemoembolization (TAE).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hypertension was not present.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Evaluation of the literature provides substantial evidence for the use of hydrocortisone in prevention of cardiac arrhythmias.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute pancreatitis and amiodarone: a case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: We report a case of primary CMV gastritis in a renal transplant recipient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Brompheniramine and dextromethorphan were 0.40 mg\/L and 0.50 mg\/L, respectively, in the blood sample and 0.16 mg\/kg and 0.57 mg\/kg in the liver sample.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient responded to atovaquone plus proguanil followed by primaquine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A primary irritant dermatitis occurred in about one half of the patients and telangiectasia in two.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Moreover, decreased levels of the C4 and C3 complement fractions were documented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: A 68-year-old man developed intense conjunctival hyperemia and cystoid macula edema after switching from latanoprost to bimatoprost 9 months after cataract surgery in an eye at low-risk for this cystoid macular edema.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Three years later, multinodular goiter began to develop, and 5 years after that, the patient became hypothyroid.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ritonavir is a potent inhibitor of hepatic cytochrome P450, mainly the CYP3A4 isoform.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 9.5-year-old girl after Fontan procedure for hypoplastic left heart syndrome had recurrent protein-losing enteropathy (PLE) develop 2 months after partial catheter closure of the Fontan fenestration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: This case provides support for the practice of obtaining routine fungal cultures of donor rims at the time of corneal transplantation and for the implementation of prophylactic antifungal therapy in culture-positive cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Malpractice actions against pediatricians treating patients with arrhythmias have been recurrent in four general areas.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinical, histological, direct immunofluorescence and ultrastructural features were consistent with the diagnosis of lichen planus pemphigoides.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This selective closure of the ductus arteriosus suggests that the affected twin was predisposed to hypoxia and thus was more susceptible to ductal closure in response to indomethacin exposure.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Manifestations of ocular blastomycosis can range from keratitis to panophthalmitis, and it is often difficult to diagnose ocular blastomycosis early.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Report of a case and review of the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinicians should be aware of this entity, as Nocardia Asteroides may need more than 5 days of culture to be isolated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The buried bumper syndrome: the usefulness of retrieval PEG tubes in its management.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Naratriptan 2.5 mg given each morning, with a second tablet allowed for breakthrough headache, at least 4 hours later, demonstrated a remarkable reduction in frequency and intensity of daily headache.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A total of 161 doses of L-AmpB were administered.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Serotonin syndrome caused by interaction between citalopram and fentanyl.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To report a case of colchicine-induced myopathy in a teenager with familial Mediterranean fever (FMF).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: Topiramate-induced angle-closure glaucoma (TiACG) is believed to be related to its sulfonamide moiety.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Development of sarcoidosis during interferon alpha 2b and ribavirin combination therapy for chronic hepatitis C--a case report and review of the literature.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A case of pelvic actinomycosis presenting as cutaneous fistula.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One patient required a tracheotomy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"During the terminal stage, a considerable decrease in the size of the liver was observed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clonidine is an antihypertensive agent with central and peripheral alpha-2 adrenergic effects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rapamycin\/sirolimus (SR), trade named Rapammune (Wyeth-Ayerst, Sydney, Australia), is a potent immunosuppressive drug associated with myelosuppression, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and infection.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Prosthetic valve endocarditis (PVE) caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a rare but life-threatening complication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The condition should be suspected in patients who develop unexplained abdominal pain or collapse following vasopressin treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Mucositis should be added to the list of conditions in which succinylcholine is contraindicated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pemphigus herpetiformis, a rare variant of pemphigus, is characterized by erythematous, vesicular, bullous, or papular lesions in a herpetiform pattern, often associated with pruritus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The use of intrauterine Monsel's solution in severe hemorrhage after evacuation of retained products of conception: a case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"None of the transfusion-dependent patients benefited.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The use of acyclovir when necessary in renal failure patients is discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present a case of chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy occurring subsequent to influenza vaccination in a 74-year-old gentleman with no previous neurological history.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The medication error was noticed after she had received 2 doses of amphotericin B deoxycholate, and it was then discontinued.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In the other patient, who was admitted with an inferior infarction and underwent PTCA after i.c. lysis, no infarct extension was observed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Quetiapine and obsessive-compulsive symptoms (OCS): case report and review of atypical antipsychotic-induced OCS.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a case of Stevens-Johnson syndrome\/toxic epidermal necrolysis (SJS\/TEN) secondary to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-Sx) therapy for presumed community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA) infection.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Finally, irinotecan therapy was initiated and led to dramatic clinical improvement.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An acute psychotic illness in a young woman was initially thought to be secondary to prolonged and pathological grief.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Postoperative bacteriological cultures were negative, and microscopic analysis confirmed the diagnosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All three showed improved motor performance in response to the introduction of corticosteroids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hyperuricaemia is commonly encountered in patients with essential hypertension and is considered as a risk factor for morbidity and mortality associated with hypertension.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The transmethylation reaction is essential to DNA synthesis and to the maintenance of the myelin sheath by the methylation of myelin basic protein.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case of liver damage following treatment with Danazol for fibrocystic breast disease is reported.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This case demonstrates the maxim that the correct dose of hypertonic sodium bicarbonate is 'enough'.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient was treated with glycyrrhizin, and his EP resolved.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Recurrent erythema multiforme is a rare disorder, clinically characterized by symmetrically distributed, erythematous, and bullous skin and mucous lesions, mainly precipitated by a preceding herpes simplex infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To study therapy with indapamide impairing carbohydrate metabolism in essential hypertension patients and achieve earlier prevention, diagnoses and treatment of diabetes induced by indapamide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The mechanism accounting for this observation is unknown but the rapid improvement following abortion suggests that increased bronchomotor tone predominated inflammatory changes in causing flow limitation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thus, tacrolimus-induced HUS is a rare cause of ARF in nephrotic syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Glatiramer acetate is administered by subcutaneous injection once daily.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The clinical course is usually aggressive.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Failure of blood pressure to increase following erythropoietin therapy in the renoprival status.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Iatrogenic hypercalcemia due to vitamin D3 ointment (1,24(OH)2D3) combined with thiazide diuretics in a case of psoriasis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Daptomycin is a new cyclic lipopeptide antibiotic, useful in gram-positive organisms resistant to standard treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia is a rare and serious complication of anticoagulation therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Administration of intravenous gammaglobulin (25 g monthly) allowed discontinuation of steroids without further ophthalmic or neurologic disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Worsening of neurologic syndrome in patients with Wilson's disease with initial penicillamine therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"These movements were dose-related and completely abated on reducing the dose.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Chromosomes were apparently normal.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In phase I clinical trials, hepatitis weas the dose-limiting toxic effect and a dose of 60-70 mg\/m2\/day for 5 days was reported as the maximum-tolerated dose.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"At that time, the viral load was of 4.84 Log and the CD4 count was more than 250 cells\/mm(3).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Anaphylactoid shock, disseminated intravascular coagulation, and anuric renal failure requiring dialysis occurred in a patient receiving zomepirac sodium for toothache.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Her systemic therapy was initiated at a time when her tumor burden was possibly relatively low and a good response to the aggressive combination chemotherapy including Daunomycin was obtained.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Hypersensitivity reactions to cyclosporine are due to Cremophor EL.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In addition, 13 other adults treated for chronic myeloid leukemia with various doses of CCNU were reviewed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Well-known signs of methotrexate toxicity include bone marrow suppression and oral and gastrointestinal ulceration.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Correlated with the lesions evaluated in computed tomography, right hemiplegia and complete aphasia was observed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case emphasizes the importance ot considering neoplastic disease as a potential hazard associated with the use of immunosuppressive drugs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The first organism is exceptionally rare following laparoscopic cholecystectomy and is presumed to be a result of inadvertent gallstone spillage.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the occurrence of a cerebral hemorrhage related to cerebral amyloid angiopathy in a patient who underwent thrombolysis and treatment with heparin for acute myocardial infarction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: An infusion of prostaglandin E1 is widely used to maintain patency of the ductus arteriosus in neonates with congenital heart disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Persistent ashen-gray maculae 5-7 mm in diameter and freckles developed after prolonged PUVA therapy of psoriasis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although haloperidol was discontinued, no further hallucinations or delusions occurred.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In a follow-up of 14 months, acarbose was well tolerated and the frequency of dumping symptoms was remarkably reduced.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Celecoxib, a cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 inhibitor, was administered for pain management and for potential antineoplastic activity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In our view, GM-CSF should be given as early as possible with enough dosage for promoting early hematological reconstruction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Medication-induced dystonias in nine patients with dementia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Retinal artery embolization during carotid angioplasty and carotid artery stenting: case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a new case of mitral valve endocarditis after stent implantation to a saphenous vein graft.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Its potential usefulness in reversing adverse effects encountered during therapeutic dosing with beta-blockers has not been well characterized.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DIAGNOSIS: Interferon alpha-2b-induced cardiomyopathy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient was admitted to the hospital and treated for SIADH.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Severe hypopharyngeal dysphagia in a patient on chronic steroid treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE SUMMARY: A 30-year-old man with bipolar disorder and HIV initiated treatment with lopinavir\/ritonavir, zidovudine, and lamivudine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We suggest that the cause of this distressing syndrome, and ways to mitigate or circumvent it, must be discovered.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Grade IV leucopenia and thrombocytopenia were observed in one of three patients at the 100 mg\/m2 dose level.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In this paper we present a patient with the diagnosis of nephrotic syndrome and a known history of hepatitis C who received IFNalpha therapy for newly diagnosed CML.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report here two cases of dyserythropoietic anaemia associated with long-term linezolid use that share striking similarities to chloramphenicol-associated myelotoxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Early deaths with thrombolytic therapy for acute myocardial infarction in corticosteroid-dependent rheumatoid arthritis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Changing treatment from efavirenz to a protease inhibitor was accompanied by improvements in the desired urinary Histoplasma antigen level and plasma itraconazole concentration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Appropriate stains indicated that this had many characteristics of lipofuscin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Oseltamivir was well tolerated outside vomiting during the first three days of treatment in one patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The histopathology of the subretinal fibrotic tissue confirmed the diagnosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It would be advisable to measure thiopurine methyltransferase activity before patients with autoimmune hepatitis are exposed to azathioprine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Unaccountable severe hypercalcemia in a patient treated for hypoparathyroidism with dihydrotachysterol.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Outcome is probably more dependent on the clinical condition of the patient and the reversibility of the drug toxicity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: A male and a female patient with spasticity treated with intrathecal baclofen were recognized to have sexual dysfunction side effects from treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The tumor necrosis factor-alpha antagonist (TNF-alpha) etanercept has been approved for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and psoriasis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The infiltrate disappeared within 6 weeks.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hospital drug therapy included enoxaparin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This report demonstrates the increased risk of complicated varicella associated with the use of corticosteroids, even for a short period of time.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One of these patients showed pyramidal features and subsequently developed an optic neuropathy and pigmentary retinopathy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Before recognition of pregnancy, the latter had been treated for acute myelocytic leukaemia receiving cytarabine, daunorubicin and doxorubicin at conception and cytarabine and thioguanine at about 35-37 days post conception.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A full-term newborn developed oliguric renal failure at 24 hr of life, which persisted for several days.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Polymyositis masquerading as mitochondrial toxicity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He had been taking trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole for approximately eight days when he revisited his family physician, complaining of headaches, dizziness, difficulty with speech, weakness, and itching on the trunk of his body and legs, where a maculopapular rash was noted.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In the first patient, two episodes of ventricular tachycardia requiring cardioversion occurred in close temporal sequence with administering bretylium.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This case demonstrates that there is no cross reactivity between glyburide and chlorpropamide in producing hemolytic anemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The pathogenic mechanisms involved in the development of adriamycin cardiomyopathy are reviewed, and the possible synergistic effect of other antitumor antibiotics is discussed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Punctate keratitis with keratinization of the cornea led to complete loss of vision.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She was placed on adjuvant Adriamycin (doxorubicin) chemotherapy, but 6 months later died of Adriamycin toxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A young woman developed galactorrhea during treatment with a new dibenzoxazepine antidepressant, amoxapine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Increasing clinical experience with the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and tricyclic antidepressants make combination antidepressant therapy at times a reasonable alternative to single-agent therapy in primary care patients with depression.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ehrlichiosis, a tickborne illness transmitted by tick vectors Amblyomma americanum and Ixodes scapularis, can be acquired in endemic areas.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 60-year-old white man with chronic bronchitis was noted to develop acute respiratory failure and metabolic acidosis four days after being started on methazolamide (Neptazane) for an ophthalmologic problem.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Transient acute myopia resulting from isotretinoin (accutane) therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Interstitial pneumonitis, induced by hormone treatment given for prostate cancer, is a reversible condition and a quick diagnosis followed by prompt, proper treatment is important to ensure a successful recovery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It usually occurs in otherwise healthy young adults, often in association with a severe soft tissue infection and has a 30% mortality rate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a case of 73-year-old patient who has been operated in emergency on triple coronary artery bypass graft (CABG), which was complicated with respiratory insufficiency and devastating mediastinitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Interaction between antiepileptic and antiretroviral agents is an emergent problem caused by the increasing association of the two therapies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia (BOOP) is a clinicopathologic syndrome with characteristic features.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An exaggerated hypertensive response to glycopyrrolate therapy for bradycardia associated with high-dose dexmedetomidine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case consequent to a surgical operation for cataract.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Application of the Naranjo probability scale categorized this adverse reaction as being probably due to LMWH.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It responds well to conventional treatment along with the discontinuance of rifabutin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Migraine prevention.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patch testing for ethylenediamine was positive.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cases illustrating the following concepts are presented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We discuss 2 recent cases seen at our institution and 39 cases described in the English-language literature since 1995.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Fluticasone propionate was introduced in 1993 in the UK as a potentially safer inhaled corticosteroid than those already in use.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In fact, this error has taken place a number of times in North America in the preceding decade.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The diagnosis of disseminated Zygomycosis was made four days after onset of clinical symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Protamine sulphate 50 mg was given i.v., resulting in cessation of bleeding and normalization of the thrombelastogram and KCT.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Throughout hospitalization the patient underwent aggressive diuresis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Avascular necrosis of bone: the hidden risk of glucocorticoids used as antiemetics in cancer chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The intramuscular challenge test with 25 UI of Miacalcic was positive with an immediate anaphylactic reaction.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A selective association between fluoxetine and extensive, prominent eye movements in nonrapid eye movement (NREM) sleep was detected, utilizing Fisher's exact one-tailed statistic (p less than 0.00001 for each comparison).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"HNCPs with malignant disease require judicious dental treatment planning prior to radiation therapy (RT) and\/or chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These lesions were attributed to treatment and recurred soon after a rechallenge with omeprazole.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: A retrospective review of 136 central line (Broviacs [B], Port-A- Caths [PC] and Hickmans [HC]) removals during the last 5 years was undertaken.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Portal vein thrombosis in a patient with severe haemophilia A and F V G1691A mutation during continuous infusion of F VIII after intramural jejunal bleeding--successful thrombolysis under heparin therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To study therapy with indapamide impairing carbohydrate metabolism in essential hypertension patients and achieve earlier prevention, diagnoses and treatment of diabetes induced by indapamide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To demonstrate the potential value of obtaining routine fungal cultures of donor rims at the time of corneal transplantation and instituting prophylactic therapy in culture-positive cases, even in the absence of clinical evidence of established microbial keratitis or endophthalmitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The liver also showed peliosis hepatis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After 20 months of therapy on etanercept, his plaque psoriasis markedly improved, whereas both his fasting blood sugars and glycosylated hemoglobin A(1c) decreased.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Seven of the twelve were treated with beta blockers; 3 of whom suffered cardiac arrest.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All received tissue plasminogen activator.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The scleritis completely resolved after initiation of systemic corticosteroids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All patients received base-line immunosuppressive therapy with one or more of the following drugs: cyclosporine, corticosteroids and azathioprine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The induction of hypoglycaemia with PAS in this patient suggests a potential role for PAS in the treatment of diabetes mellitus.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Despite continued improvements in mortality associated with a spinal-cord injury, until recently little progress had been made in improving neurologic function.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Case 3: A 29-year-old female alcoholic complained of general fatigue and a slight fever after 1.5 years of abstinence with cyanamide treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Sensory neuropathy revealing necrotizing vasculitis during infliximab therapy for rheumatoid arthritis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: The findings in these two patients suggest that colchicine may delay corneal wound healing.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"During her third cycle, she again received cisplatin 100 mg\/m2 over 30 minutes and developed palmar pruritus, urticaria, and edema.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Symptoms of major depression: acute effect of withdrawing antidepressants.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ampicillin-induced interstitial nephritis with generalised exfoliative dermatitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Uveitis during treatment of disseminated Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare complex infection with the combination of rifabutin, clarithromycin and ethambutol.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Hepatitis with bridging fibrosis and reversible hepatic insufficiency in a woman with rheumatoid arthritis taking methotrexate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We present the course of illness of a 56 year-old patient with acute gastrointestinal bleeding after penetration of an aneurysm of the hepatic artery in the duodenal bulb.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe the clinical course of an EBV seronegative 11-yr-old boy who underwent double lung transplantation and subsequently developed PTLD in the graft.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Dissolution of pancreatic stones by oral trimethadione in patients with chronic calcific pancreatitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Enalapril-induced anemia in two kidney transplant recipients.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"All 24 of them received mecamylamine in 2.5-6.25 mgm\/day dose, at varying starting dates during the years June 1997 to June 1999.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cutaneous bacterial infections, most commonly caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, have been clearly linked to use of hot tubs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 37-year-old male ingested 12 gm of fluoxetine approximately 2 hours prior to arrival at an emergency department.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Posterior tibial tendon rupture in a world class runner.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Early diagnosis of WE is important, because if it is treated with thiamine in the acute stages, the neurologic and cardiovascular abnormalities can be reversed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The catheter was removed after 14 days because a local infection developed that resolved uneventfully with antibiotic therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Despite a response of the meningeal tumor the patient developed in the third week of MTX treatment a progressive visual loss and loss of consciousness which worsened during subsequent Ara-C treatment and led to death within 3 weeks.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Chemotherapy was held.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Diagnosis may be confirmed by CT-scanning of the orbits.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, the implication of TMP\/SMX inducing aseptic meningitis has been underreported to FDA\/MEDWATCH program.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient had a history of four resections since the age of 19 years.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The institution of lithium treatment in 1964 caused a dramatic improvement in the patient's condition.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thirteen parkinsonian patients drawn from two large parkinsonism clinics experienced hypersexuality as a consequence of anti-parkinsonian therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, glucose-phosphate dehydrogenase was normal in the present case, suggesting that it is not a predisposing condition to the lung injury.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinicians have been aware of lithium toxicity for many years and traditionally have administered thiazide diuretics for lithium-induced polyuria and nephrogenic diabetes insipidus.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CASE REPORTS: Serial clinical examination of three patients was performed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Chryseobacterium indologenes is a non-fermentative Gram-negative bacillus that is a rare pathogen in humans.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Encephalopathy and death may occur.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In this report, two patients with advanced rheumatoid arthritis, who were safely and effectively treated with dapsone after failure with other second-line agents, are described and the literature is reviewed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"People who become dependent on these mixtures commonly do not present for medical assistance until the problem is severe.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of myoclonus induced by quetiapine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Long-term clinical and pharmacokinetic studies will be required to determine whether or not niflumic acid can be employed in the prevention or treatment of both of apparently idiopathic osteoporosis or corticosteroid-induced osteoporosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute renal failure should be recognized as a potential complication of suramin treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Epoprostenol is a vasodilator that is produced by vascular endothelial cells and is currently the \"gold standard\" therapy for patients with severe primary pulmonary hypertension or pulmonary hypertension secondary to collagen vascular disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed superior sagittal sinus (SSS) thrombosis and meningeal enhancement.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This study covers 3 years of experience with patient reporting in daily practice.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: A 54 year-old male was treated with alendronate sodium 70 mg orally once per week.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Spectral-domain optical coherence tomography and adaptive optics may detect hydroxychloroquine retinal toxicity before symptomatic vision loss.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"She was treated with intravenous fluids and discharged.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DNA-based analysis of amniotic fluid (AF) from at-risk pregnancies has been suggested as an adjunct\/substitute for traditional culture.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pharmacogenetics of antidepressants: clinical aspects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Esophageal candidiasis was diagnosed at endoscopy in two patients receiving omeprazole therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Lipoatrophy although rare can still occur even with the use of technologically advanced insulin preparations.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Complications occurred after transplantation and a rejection crisis worsened the clinical picture until the patient died about 4 months later.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Subsequent relaxation training inhibited vomiting after two sessions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Used injudiciously, naloxone can lead to withdrawal syndrome, return of severe pain, and other adverse effects.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"INTRODUCTION: Chronic constipation is a common symptom in pediatrics, and physicians often use mineral oil to treat chronic constipation in children.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We suggest the use of trihexyphenidyl in combination with isoprinosine in patients with subacute sclerosing panencephalitis with myoclonic seizures refractory to valproic acid.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two of the patients were infected with human immunodeficiency virus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULT: This clinical entity is usually encountered between the third and fifth decades.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hepatic Sinusoidal Obstruction Syndrome (HSOS), the new name given to veno-occlusive disease (VOD) of the liver, is a well-known complication of high-dose chemotherapy employed with hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, but it has rarely been observed in children who receive conventional chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Transfusion haemosiderosis inspite of regular use of desferrioxamine: case report.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Concurrent acute megaloblastic anaemia and pneumonitis: a severe side-effect of low-dose methotrexate therapy during rheumatoid arthritis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"All 4 patients survived and left the hospital on postoperative days 10, 11, 11, and 82, respectively.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 47-year-old woman began treatment with cloxacillin due to acute cellulitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A second possibility is an interaction between clarithromycin and isradipine, potentially increasing the hepatic toxicity of isradipine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Blurred vision, left bundle-branch block and cardiac failure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient presented with focal seizures which led to epilepsia partialis continua and then progressive obtundation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In conclusion, although APOLT showed clinical and laboratory improvement for some period in this patient, the final fatal outcome suggests that liver transplantation should be cautiously applied to patients with HUS associated with FH deficiency.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cytogenetic analysis of the bone marrow cells at the time of diagnosis of t-MDS revealed a clonal abnormality; 46,XX,add(7)(p13), der(17)t(3;17)(p11;p13).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The present report describes the first case of acute pancreatitis associated with danazol treatment of endometriosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The purpose of this study was to examine the incidence and cause of Clostridium difficile colitis occurring after cisplatin-based combination chemotherapy in ovarian cancer patients.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: There are only a few confirmed cases of gemcitabine-associated HUS despite the widespread use of the drug.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"If aggressive surgical therapy is not an option, the prevention of secondary complications such as infection becomes the goal of treatment until the necrotic process stops and healing begins.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Here, we report the successful treatment of a colonic ulcer that had penetrated the urinary bladder.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Our case indicates that clearance of PVB19 by IVIG in transplant recipients might be delayed after recovery of anemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Reversal of pathologic cardiac parameters after transition from clozapine to olanzapine treatment: a case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"If antiarrhythmics are administered that are contraindicated in patients with WPW syndrome, then there is potential for deleterious effects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We document the rare occurrence of primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) and polymyositis in a 68-year-old woman.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although many cases are reported to recover with colony-stimulating factors and corticosteroids, others are unresponsive or partially responsive.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Gastrointestinal ulcers occur frequently and are mainly caused by H. pylori infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Chronic use of ergot alkaloids has been recognized as a rare cause of lower extremity ischemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two children were judged to be treatment failures.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This study shows that PID patients are susceptible to BCG dissemination and demonstrates the importance of an early diagnosis for their prognosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case of lithium-associated CDI and NDI presenting concurrently.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Phenytoin desensitization monitored by antigen specific T cell response using carboxyfluorescein succinimidyl ester dilution assay.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: The patient presented with recent-onset delusional ideation associated with cognitive decline.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Our patient is doing well and is continuing life-long anticoagulant therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case of phenobarbital exacerbation of a preexisting maladaptive behavior partially suppressed by chlorpromazine and misinterpreted as chlorpromazine efficacy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Recognition of a potential drug-induced Fanconi syndrome is important when managing pediatric oncology patients previously treated with ifosfamide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Thalidomide was withdrawn from world markets in 1961 following recognition of its teratogenic effects.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"METHODS: An in vitro model was used to determine the extraction ratio of ifosfamide by dialysis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The toxic effects of methotrexate included elevated liver transaminases (3\/4), nausea (2\/4), abdominal pain (2\/4), bone pain (2\/4), mild neutropenia (1\/4), and mild pruritus (1\/4).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"METHOD: Case analysis of a poly-drug overdose (venlafaxine, topiramate, divalproex sodium, risperidone, and carbamazepine) presenting with mixed SS\/NMS features and whose clinical management suggests a practical algorithm for treatment of undifferentiated SS\/NMS in critical care settings.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Sudden cardiac death due to hypersensitivity myocarditis during clozapine treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This case illustrates the clinical benefit of thrombolytic therapy in the setting of acute stroke associated with cardiac catheterization.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Perhaps more importantly, this study suggests that DPOAEs may have the potential to predict the earliest stages of progressive hearing loss before such changes are seen in audiometric thresholds.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"At completion, examination revealed mild induration of the neck with near-complete resolution of the mass.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Stevens-Johnson syndrome in a boy with nephrotic syndrome during prednisolone therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"After a second dose of metoclopramide, these symptoms recurred and were associated with confusion, agitation, fever, diaphoresis, tachypnea, tachycardia, and hypertension.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Despite administration of phenytoin and lorazepam, the seizures persisted and occurred only during amphotercin B administration.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) is a potent, safe immunosuppressive agent for rescue therapy of acute and chronic rejection in orthotopic liver transplant recipients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Only after 3 months of treatment with two investigational topical products, which are now available to the public, was the dermatitis resolved and complete healing achieved.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This is the first histologically confirmed case of NASH that was aggravated by raloxifene.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Hemolytic uremic syndrome appeared, while no evidence of residual tumor was found.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Bowel perforation associated with intraperitoneal chromic phosphate instillation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"It is concluded that SIADH is an important side effect of lorcainide therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"An 8-year-old child with familial Mediterranean fever exhibited signs of colchicine intoxication while receiving prophylactic doses of the drug.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Unique to these three cases was profound granulocytopenia and the culturing of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in both the blood and necrotic perineal-scrotal tissue.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A second possibility is an interaction between clarithromycin and isradipine, potentially increasing the hepatic toxicity of isradipine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Acyclovir, an antiviral nucleoside analogue, is a widely used agent highly specific for herpes simplex and varicella-zoster viruses.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The endometrium showed patterns of glandular cystic hyperplasia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The cases demonstrate that ECT has significant but short-lived antipsychotic effects when used alone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Varicella-zoster virus vaccine has diminished the consequences of chicken pox in terms of health and economical burden.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Histologically, the heart presented diffuse eosinophilic infiltrates located around perivascular structures and focal myocyte necrosis with numerous interstitial eosinophils admixed with histiocytes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude that: 1) 2-CdA can induce durable complete remission in MCD patients but unfortunately it cannot cure the disease; 2) the possibility that 2-CdA may accelerate the transformation of MCD to NHL cannot be ruled out.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Bladder contracture: review for intravesical bacillus Calmette-Guerin complication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Transient global amnesia after clioquinol: five personal observations from outside Japan.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"These patients developed cutaneous sarcoidosis about 3 months after the beginning of the combination therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In a fifth case a 14-year-old boy developed papilloedema after taking a short course of tetracycline for bronchitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In 15 to 20% of patients, adverse effects may involve other organ systems.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Since amiodarone was first marketed in 1992 in Japan, the incidence of amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis (AIT) has been increasing.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The correlation between the haematologic and pneumologic toxicity is discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Observations in our patient suggest that the leukoencephalopathy that developed in previously reported patients who received 5-fluorouracil and levamisole may have been caused at least partly by levamisole.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a case of NEH masquerading as cutaneous vasculitis in a woman receiving cyclophosphamide for lupus nephritis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 14-year-old female developed systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)-like symptoms, rash, fever, leukopenia and positive anti-nuclear antibody (ANA) two weeks after administration of carbamazepine (CBZ; Tegretol) used against benign Rolandic epilepsy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The hemodiafiltration procedure with a polysulfone membrane was performed 3 times.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We here report the first case of psoriatic arthritis which developed lung cancer.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Currently, patients who suffer from this do not need mechanical ventilation, and the toxicity can be difficult to diagnose when it occurs in patient with an illness producing pulmonary manifestations.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cessation of sulfasalazine and administration of steroids led to dramatic improvement.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The most serious dental side effect of bisphosphonate treatment (particularly when it is administered intravenously) is, paradoxically, osteonecrosis of the mandible or the maxilla represented by exposed nonhealing bone.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The posttransplant course was complicated by several infection episodes and one episode of acute cellular rejection grade 2.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The fifth patient exhibited paraesthesia and agitation caused by olanzapine that was misdiagnosed as psychotic agitation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CK and myoglobin levels normalized a week later.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Possible serotonin syndrome associated with clomipramine after withdrawal of clozapine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Thus, lithium intoxication is a frequent complication of chronic lithium therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Perforated gastric ulcer in an asthmatic treated with theophylline and steroids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Prosthetic valve endocarditis caused by metallo-beta-lactamase-producing Pseudomonas aeruginosa.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In this case, interferon alpha induced polymyositis and cardiomyopathy is diagnosed in a 33-yr-old male patient with history of chronic hepatitis B.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"There was no recurrence the following year.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Steroid rosacea in children.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Establishing causality in pediatric adverse drug reactions: use of the Naranjo probability scale.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In case 2, a 25 mg reduction in the total daily dose of sertraline resulted in halving of the lamotrigine blood level even though the lamotrigine dosage was increased by 33%.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Secondary hyperparathyroidism in certain patients with lithium nephrotoxicity is also possible.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Implantation of ventriculoperitoneal shunts in the precoronal position is generally accomplished using a retroauricular incision for subcutaneous tunneling.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 27-year-old man who had a history of bronchial asthma, eosinophilic enteritis, and eosinophilic pneumonia presented with fever, skin eruptions, cervical lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, atypical lymphocytosis, and eosinophilia two weeks after receiving trimethoprim (TMP)-sulfamethoxazole (SMX) treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Supravenous hyperpigmentation in association with CHOP chemotherapy of a CD30 (Ki-1)-positive anaplastic large-cell lymphoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"These 4 patients tolerated the drug well.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"No hemodynamic instability or cardiac or renal sequelae were associated with the large, inadvertent bolus in our patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute liver dysfunction complicated with uncontrollable glycemia due to insulin antibody: successful treatment with glucocorticoid and lispro insulin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Some days after the administration of a third bolus of ABVD (adriamycin, bleomycin, vinblastine, dacarbazine) a patient affected by immunoblastic lymphoma underwent a neurotoxic crisis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Gastrointestinal disturbances were reported in six patients, and hypotension in six.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Physiologic data were analyzed with an analysis of variance, with the Kruskal-Wallis test used for nonparametric data.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present the case of a postictal patient with lethargy, hyperammonemia, otherwise normal liver function tests, and a therapeutic valproic acid level.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Chronic pain was assessed clinically by means of a visual analog scale (VAS) before and 12 weeks after the start of the milnacipran treatment or at the time the drug was stopped.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cardiomyopathy after widely separated courses of adriamycin exacerbated by actinomycin-D and mithramycin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We describe a patient with rheumatoid arthritis treated with gold salts, who developed bilateral interstitial pulmonary abnormalities and showed a dramatic response on corticosteroid therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Two renal transplant patients developed anemia during treatment of hypertension with enalapril medication.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We discuss a patient who developed severe renal tubular dysfunction secondary to short-term therapy with Amikacin, resulting in refractory hypokalemia, hypocalcemia, hypomagnesemia, metabolic alkalosis, and polyuria.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The results of histopathologic examination of the colonic mucosa suggested ulcerative colitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Immediate surgical management became necessary.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The differential diagnosis, risk factors, potential contributing factors, and the successful management of the complications with our positive patient outcome are discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Little hematologic and no gastrointestinal or central nervous system toxicity was experienced.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A number of studies have shown that hyperuricaemia is associated with an increased incidence of coronary heart disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We conclude that immunological dysfunction resulting from the thymectomy contributed significantly to the subsequent development of PRCA, SLE, and IPH in this patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Similar peripheral nerve histology was seen in a parallel animal study in which the severity of the neuropathy was dose-related.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Five months after the patient's erythropoietin therapy was discontinued, his A1C value increased to 8.8%, leading us to conclude that management of the insulin dose may have been different without the falsely lowered A1C levels.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We believe that this is the first description of acute hepatitis caused by an idiosyncratic adverse reaction to gliclazide or to one of its metabolites.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"To put this into perspective, total aplasia of red blood cells for 40 days would result in a drop of 30-33% in the red blood cell count.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is concluded that the aforementioned pathological manifestations were due to chemotherapy and included a pulmonary adverse reaction, a feature never previously associated with oxaliplatinum and 5-fluorouracil regimens.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Coronary artery perforation especially type III is a rare and catastrophic complication of percutaneous coronary intervention.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cyproheptadine for intrathecal baclofen withdrawal.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Case report of withdrawal dyskinesia associated with amoxapine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This report describes an individual with mental retardation who experienced behavioral exacerbation associated with clonazepam prescribed at 2 mg\/day (0.02 mg\/kg\/day) to treat aggression, self-injurious behavior, property destruction, and screaming, which was measured with a 15-minute partial interval recording measurement method.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Paclitaxel was an effective therapy in this setting.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Corneal interface abscess after excimer laser in situ keratomileusis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DATA SYNTHESIS: Genetic deficiencies in DPD, the rate-limiting enzyme responsible for 5-FU catabolism, may occur in 3% or more of patients with cancer putting them at increased risk for unusually severe adverse reactions (e.g., diarrhea, stomatitis, mucositis, myelosuppression, neurotoxicity) to standard doses of 5-FU.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Amoxapine, a new antidepressant, appears in human milk.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Over the next 15 h she developed progressive hemolysis and methemoglobinemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Primary thrombocytosis and secondary causes were excluded.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: Since these drugs are used widely in the pediatric transplantation population, this report serves to heighten awareness of this debilitating phenomenon, and to stress the importance of exercising caution when sirolimus and tacrolimus are administered in combination to pediatric patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"His symptoms resolved within 10 minutes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 22-year-old black man developed fever, chills, fatigue, night sweats, tender lymphadenopathy, and a generalized, pruritic, macular eruption 3 weeks after starting minocycline therapy for acne.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Hemorrhage from a falx meningioma after internal use of low-dose aspirin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"There were no differences in reported nausea between SC and TSC groups, but nausea was more common in the SC group than in those without TSCs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Reactivation of hepatitis B virus infection with persistently negative HBsAg on three HBsAg assays in a lymphoma patient undergoing chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This strategy resulted in a disappearance of clinical symptoms and a negative positron emission tomogram.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Her serum potassium level was 13.1 mEq\/L and HCO3- was 16 mEq\/L.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Because psoralens sensitize skin to ultraviolet A light, phototoxic reactions are the most frequent adverse effect of this treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a 45-year-old Chinese man with CML and chronic hepatitis B virus infection, on imatinib treatment, presenting with herpetic rash and acute liver failure.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Another important concept behind some medical myths is the overreliance on case reports or authoritative text.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case indicates that the potential for beta-blocker-induced hyperkalemia exists even with topical appreciation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a 5-year-old girl showed recovery of vincristine induced cranial polyneuropathy with pyridoxine and pyridostigmine treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A retrospective study was conducted of 40 loperamide poisoning cases recorded at the Centre National d'Informations Toxicologiques Veterinaires.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Eight out of nine patients were abstinent under quetiapine over a period of 2-7 months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The development of an IgG lambda-type monoclonal gammopathy and subsequent multiple myeloma in an epilepsy patient on diphenylhydantoin (DILANTIN) therapy for 20 years is reported.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML), hepatitis C, and interferon alpha (IFNalpha) have all been associated with renal dysfunction.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A diagnosis of pustular psoriasis was made clinically and histologically.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Regression of invasive conjunctival squamous carcinoma in an HIV-positive patient on antiretroviral therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The pathogenesis of tardive dyskinesia is distinct from and may be functionally opposite to that of parkinsonism.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: Interventional case report and literature review.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"L-Thyroxine-induced leukopenia in a patient with Hashimoto's disease: involvement of suppressor-cytotoxic T cells.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Blood and urine samples were collected over a 98 h period for monitoring the efficacy and adequacy of FAB treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) licensed Rh(o)(D) immune globulin intravenous (anti-D IGIV) on March 24, 1995, for treatment of immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Disopyramide (Norpace)-induced hypoglycemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Sural nerve biopsy revealed mild demyelination and many inclusion bodies in the axoplasm and in Schwann cell cytoplasm.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Chryseobacterium indologenes was isolated from the blood cultures of an oncological patient with a totally implantable device.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Disturbances of the IAN and mental nerve will predominantly give sensitivity symptoms in the soft tissue of the lower lip and chin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These observations suggest that caution should be exercised when considering administration of CSFs to patients with HS and similar metabolic storage diseases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"During the course of therapy, the patient showed rapid onset of oliguria, dizziness, edema, and a pre-shock state.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient presented with fulminant microangiopathic hemolytic anemia and thrombocytopenia within 48 hr of initiating therapy with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Radiation recall pneumonitis induced by gemcitabine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"She was found to have diffuse pulmonary infiltrates on chest radiograph and a marked peripheral eosinophilia without leukocytosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report an unusual case of simultaneous transitional cell carcinoma of the renal pelvis and distal ureter without transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder occurring after chronic cyclophosphamide therapy for nonHodgkin's lymphoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In both patients the rippling phenomena worsened with pyridostigmine treatment but markedly improved after immunosuppression with azathioprine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The mass had secured an additional vascular supply from the transverse colon and omentum.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hydroxyurea (HU) and sodium phenylbutyrate (SPB) have been shown to increase fetal hemoglobin (Hb F) levels in patients with thalassemia intermedia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A patient developed cholestatic hepatitis while being treated with nitrofurantoin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report such a case in a morbidly obese laboring parturient after receiving combined spinal-epidural labor analgesia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Most primary HC infections are subclinical or self-limited.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The Keyes technique and self-inflicted injuries.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report two cases in unrelated UCBT setting and added the following new information to the literature: (i) EBV-related PTLD can be presented late in recipients of unrelated UCBT; (ii) in contrast to reported literatures that PTLD is a serious complication with unfavorable outcome, especially in monomorphic form, our cases showed that the clinical course may be relatively benign if treatment is initiated promptly.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Herein we present a case of adenomyosis in the broad ligament with unusual gross features.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There was no recurrence of thrombosis or bleeding events during therapy with danaparoid.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Careful pretreatment screening and rigorous monitoring patients are recommended to help prevent this life-threatening event.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 27-year-old man who had a history of bronchial asthma, eosinophilic enteritis, and eosinophilic pneumonia presented with fever, skin eruptions, cervical lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, atypical lymphocytosis, and eosinophilia two weeks after receiving trimethoprim (TMP)-sulfamethoxazole (SMX) treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A variety of movement disorders are known to occur in association with carbamazepine (CBZ) therapy in adults and children, but development of tics has been described infrequently and only in patients with underlying Tourette's syndrome or other movement disorders.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: We report a case of the use of pamidronate for significant hypercalcemia secondary to acute vitamin D poisoning.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Complications of chemotherapy for a synovial sarcoma in an eight-year old boy included cisplatinum nephrotoxicity and adriamycin cardiotoxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Painful neutrophilic skin lesions were observed in two children receiving granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) for treatment of idiopathic neutropenia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Does the use of insulin in a patient with liver dysfunction increase water retention in the body, i.e. cause insulin oedema?","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The immunoglobulin G (IgG) obtained from the TRAb-positive serum of the patient elicited no thyroid hormone-releasing activity in cultured human thyroid follicles, whereas all IgGs obtained from untreated Graves' disease elicited positive results.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 66-year-old man with four indwelling ventriculoperitoneal shunts for multiloculated hydrocephalus from a complicated case of meningitis a year before developed shunt infection based on a syndrome of fever, drowsiness, and cerebrospinal fluid neutrophil pleocytosis in the background of repeated surgical manipulation to relieve successive shunt blockages.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"To our knowledge this is the first report of pancytopenia due to MMI, where the usual hypoplasia found is replaced by massive plasmocytosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"DESIGN: Case series.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Drug-induced pleural disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Physical examination and laboratory data revealed no significant changes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: High-contrast round bodies suggestive of Acanthamoeba cysts, as previously described, and irregular forms suggestive of Acanthamoeba trophozoites were found by tandem scanning confocal microscopy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"At delivery, there were severe brachycephaly, hypoplasia of the anterior cranial base and the midface as well as synostoses of both coronal and metopic sutures.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This report described a case of scrofuloderma that developed in the bilateral inguinal regions during treatment of bullous pemphigoid with systemic corticosteroid.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The case reports demonstrate that significant and potentially dangerous side effects from timolol maleate occur as a result of inadvertent overdosing.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Derivatives of Imidazoline usually act to stimulate peripheral alpha2 receptors causing vasoconstriction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The effect was retained with a purified IgG fraction and almost eliminated with IgG-depleted serum.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The utilization of abdominal or pelvic radiation has been extended, and the incidence of radiation enteritis appears to be increasing.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Marked hyperkalemia was observed during and immediately after an infusion of arginine monohydrochloride in two patients with severe hepatic disease and moderate renal insufficiency.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Being in remission with his UC the patient died 14 months later of staphylococcus aureus sepsis despite intense antibiotic treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Continuous bladder irrigation of a 1% alum solution is a simple and generally safe method of chemical cautery to treat the bleeding urothelium.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"They suffered from severe (one case) or moderate (two cases) hemopoietic form of acute radiation sickness (ARS).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fortunately, no lower back pain has recurred.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The T315I BCR-ABL mutation mediates resistance to imatinib, nilotinib, and dasatinib.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The constellation of chronic cough, dyspnea, and hemoptysis can include a broad range of differential diagnoses.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Crumley).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After discontinuation of citalopram therapy, serum sodium concentrations normalized.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Serotyping revealed that the two episodes of bacteraemia were caused by different strains.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although it is unclear which of several possible contributing factors was responsible for the ventricular fibrillation, recommendations are appropriate to minimize the risk in infants with WPW.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"For patients who suffer from osteogenic sarcoma and have anaphylactic reactions to MTX, this desensitization protocol will allow these patients to continue with needed therapeutic or palliative chemotherapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"As suggested by the three clustered cases, this heretofore undescribed association between sudden unexpected cardiac death and thrombolytic therapy for AMI in patients with seropositive, corticosteroid-dependent RA suggests that further study and observation are needed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A proliferation test and an evaluation of TNF-alpha and interleukin (IL)-6 production from PBMC in presence of insulin were studied.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This patient's wound care regimen began with silver sulfadiazine and wet-to-dry dressings, modified to initial cleansing with a zinc-saline solution, followed with application of a zinc-saline wet dressing, impregnated with an aluminum hydroxide ointment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Strongyloidiasis and aseptic meningitis occurred in a renal transplant recipient who was receiving immunosuppressive drugs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient displayed several characteristics of NMS during therapy with olanzapine, including fever, elevated creatine kinase level, leukocytosis, and mild muscle rigidity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Despite several doses of intravenous rasburicase (2 doses of 0.1 mg\/kg and 4 doses of 0.2 mg\/kg), as well as aggressive supportive therapy, the infant died of complications arising from uncontrolled TLS.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: LTG overdose may result in a severe but reversible encephalopathy, a previously undescribed phenomenon.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Aminocaproic acid treatment of recurrent postoperative hyphemas.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Additional predisposing factors were the patient's age and difficulty in urination due to benign prostatic hypertrophy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of dermal alternariosis occurring in a woman treated with corticosteroids for dermatomyositis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Case management of the anemic patient epoetin alfa: focus on aluminum management.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Successful treatment of florid cutaneous warts with intravenous cidofovir in an 11-year-old girl.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"To our knowledge, this is the first clear report of reactivation of \"latent\" Histoplasmosis after anti-TNF-alpha therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"First, a review of the literature produced 41 anecdotic cases of neutropenia or agranulocytosis during treatment with olanzapine (Zyprexa) reported in a total of 24 publications.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The histological findings were a benign colonic ulcer with the infiltration of inflammatory cells, mainly lymphocytes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The multifocal electroretinogram returned to normal after the full-field electroretinogram had done so.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"His serum calcium was found to be 18 mg\/dl.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The symptoms occurred with a delay of 3-4 h after the treatment x2 daily.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Immunoglobulins were not found in the patient's serum and the red cells were coated with C3 only, suggesting an \"innocent bystander\" reaction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Carboplatin is a chemotherapeutic agent approved in the first-line setting of numerous malignancies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The aim of this current paper is to address this knowledge gap via four brief case examples and a review of the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The reported cases of in utero exposure to cyclosposphamide shared the following manifestations with our patient: growth deficiency, developmental delay, craniosynostosis, blepharophimosis, flat nasal bridge, abnormal ears, and distal limb defects including hypoplastic thumbs and oligodactyly.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Unexpected and prolonged akinesia: a case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fever and neutrophilic alveolitis caused by a vanadium based catalyst.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatment included drug discontinuation, steroids, fresh frozen plasma, hemodialysis, absorption chromatography, plasmapheresis, and various combinations thereof.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Paraplegia following prophylactic intrathecal cytosine arabinoside (Ara-C) is described in a patient with acute myelogenous leukemia in remission who received doses of 100 mg\/m2\/d for 5 consecutive days.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Recurrent palmar-plantar erythrodysaesthesia following high-dose cytarabine treatment for acute lymphoblastic leukemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Renal artery rupture secondary to pretransplantation Candida contamination of the graft in two different recipients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After 6 weeks of oral Sildenafil treatment, her serum albumin and the fecal alpha-1-antitrypsin levels normalized, and her exercise tolerance had increased.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatment included double-volume exchange transfusion, phenobarbital administered prophylactically, and folinic acid rescue 18 mg every 3 hours for 16 doses.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"WE from thiamine deficiency can occur as a result of cessation of MVI in the TPN infusion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Caution is therefore recommended in using ACE inhibitors to treat hypertension in patients with ADPKD who are at high risk because of compromised renal function and massive cystic involvement.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe two ELBW infants affected by hyperkalaemia, treated with Kayexalate, who developed serious hypernatraemia, that has never been reported before in preterm infants.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Woman interrupted gestation, by labour induction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We reviewed the findings for healthy volunteers\/donors who developed haematological malignancies following PEG-rHuMGDF or G-CSF administration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She was admitted to the authors' department with a deep corneal ulcer in the right eye for which she had been treated for 3 weeks with local antibiotics without any improvement.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There are two types of priapism; ischemic low-flow type or non-ischemic high flow, with differing etiologies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Physicians should be aware that PLP can occur after initiation of paclitaxel.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"After rapid correction of severe hyponatremia, a 36-year-old man developed osmotic demyelination syndrome (ODS), manifested neurologically by impaired cognition, extremity weakness, bilateral third cranial nerve palsies, and gaze-evoked upbeat and rotary nystagmus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Inefficacy of high-dose transdermal fentanyl in a patient with neuropathic pain, a case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Impairment of salivary secretion as a further effect upon cholinergic autonomic innervation was detectable for months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ventricular tachycardia after ingestion of ayurveda herbal antidiarrheal medication containing aconitum.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case illustrates two points concerning preoperative chemotherapy for locally advanced breast cancer: (1) The role of FNA v. tissue biopsy is examined.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: A 50-year-old woman with diabetes and obesity who underwent vertical banded gastroplasty had postoperative complications, including refractory gastrostomy leakage, peritoneal and abdominal wall infections, and multiorganism sepsis despite intensive antibiotic therapy and surgical drainage procedures.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: How to best treat psychotic patients who have had past clozapine-induced agranulocytosis or granulocytopenia remains a problem.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"When it occurs, trichosporonosis usually is associated with hematological malignancies and, to the best of our knowledge, has not been previously reported in a liver transplant recipient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It also emphasizes how minor changes in electrocardiogram can be overlooked on standard electrocardiograms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Disseminated encephalomyelitis (DEM) is an inflammatory demyelinating disease that is common in children, but also appears in adults.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The potential role of serotonin in the development of this serious complication is discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After the patient died, enteroviral RNA was also detected in his lungs, liver, and spleen, indicating a generalized infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These data suggest that cidofovir may be useful as adjuvant therapy for BKVN.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Here we describe a patient with Crohn's disease who developed a severe infliximab infusion reaction (IIR), complicated 1 day later by severe swelling of the forearm and hand ipsilateral to the site of infliximab infusion.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Because of the immunosuppressive drugs used after organ transplantation, there is an increased rate of certain infections and malignancies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This report presents a case of acute lung injury developing within hours after administration of mefloquine for a low-level Plasmodium falciparum malaria, which was persistent despite halofantrine therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A postmortem liver biopsy revealed adenocarcinoma undergoing necrosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A patient with pemphigus vulgaris and serious side effects of steroid therapy was treated by exchange plasmapheresis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This report aims to highlight the fact that single-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation may provoke a seizure even in the absence of gross neurologic abnormality.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although it is chronic, it is commonly associated with exacerbations and short periods of remission.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"To our knowledge, this is the first case involving M. genavense infection in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus associated with danazol.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In the second case, a woman suffering from a cholangiocellular carcinoma, end-stage renal disease was irreversible.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: SD-OCT and AO detected abnormalities that correlate topographically with visual field loss from hydroxychloroquine toxicity as demonstrated by HVF 10-2 and may be useful in the detection of subclinical abnormalities that precede symptoms or objective visual field loss.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Abuse of salbutamol inhalers in young people.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"At explant, all four systems had clots adherent to the surface of the tubing and connectors on the pump outflow side of the circuit.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A second episode of jaundice followed the intravaginal administration of a mixture of furazolidone and nifuroxime.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This case demonstrates that the rapid effect of intravenous dantrolene can be life saving in fulminant neuroleptic malignant syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This resulted in clinical improvement and controlled the progression of hemolysis and methemoglobinemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Based on these data, authors have previously exposure is confirmed despite a lack of any pattern to the defects reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although HCV-RNA reappeared in the serum at 3 months, the patient had continued ALT normalization and histological improvement with follow-up of over 26 months to date after the initiation of the combination therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, marked pruritic infiltration developed within 24 h, progressing to coalescing eczematous lesions over the following 2 days.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thirty-six patients with AL received, in a three-month period, 51 cycles of combined chemotherapy which included, in all of them, cytosine arabinoside (ARA-C); among them, along with myelosuppression, five experienced fever, infectious complications, gastrointestinal tract symptoms and severe myalgias.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A patient is presented with typical hyperthyroidism, who developed a severe proximal muscle weakness and a raised creatine phosphokinase after treatment for hyperthyroidism with propylthiouracil (100 mg orally, three times a day).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In adverse reactions with shock, tripled tryptase values can support a diagnosis of anaphylaxis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The first patient developed mild nitritoid symptoms and pain in a band-like distribution, corresponding to T10-T12 dermatomes, shortly after gold sodium thiomalate (GSTM) injection.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"All but one patient presented with afebrile seizures.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A TDM consultant discusses the case in the context of toxicokinetic analysis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Recalcitrant osteomyelitis following tooth extraction in a case of malignant osteopetrosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Three to five per cent acetic acid is commonly used in the field of gynaecology for colposcopic examinations of the cervix.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Four Chinese female patients who suffered from manic-depressive disorder and underlying autoimmune thyroiditis developed transient episodes of thyrotoxicosis during maintenance lithium therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A unique patient with adrenal insufficiency is reported who received corticosteroids intravenously and then had multiple lesions develop that were similar to focal lipoatrophy as known to occur secondary to faulty intradermal injections of corticosteroids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Amphotericin B (AmB) is effective, but its use is limited by toxicity: renal impairment, anaemia, fever, malaise, and hypokalaemia are common.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Consequently, inadvertent placement of the needle into the vertebral artery, thyroid, neural tissues, or esophagus can occur with the fluoroscopic or blind approach.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Based on this principle a 27-year old woman, classified as being in the high-risk group (Goldstein and Berkowitz score: 11), was treated with multiple cytotoxic drugs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: A 37-year-old African- American man with G6PD deficiency developed hemolytic anemia, hepatitis, orthostatic hypotension, and aseptic meningitis simultaneously after using trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"SETTING: Adult intensive care unit (ICU) at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Dyskinesias are a transient but severe complication of subthalamotomy in some patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These remained the only agents for the next 50 years.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Subsequently, he developed symptoms typical of GHD and, after biochemical confirmation, GH replacement was commenced.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Organ transplant recipients are generally considered to be at greater risk for developing malignant disorders because of prolonged immunosuppression for organ grafting, but acute leukemia is a rare complication after organ transplantation (0.2 -2.5%).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Conversion of ischemic to hemorrhagic infarction has been shown to occur experimentally.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Despite intensive supportive measures and specific therapeutic attempts, all three patients eventually died of septic shock.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To report a case of toxin-positive Clostridium difficile-induced colitis (CDIC) after use of clindamycin phosphate vaginal cream.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Acrodermatitis enteropathica with SMON almost always has a high occurrence of visual impairment, but other sensory disturbances are slight or absent, while common adult SMON is just the opposite.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thrombolytic therapy in acute cerebral infarction complicating diagnostic cardiac catheterization.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pancytopenia is a rare complication of the thionamide therapy reported secondary to aplastic anemia, the bone marrow being invariably hypocellular.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Microscopic examination of smears revealed Acanthamoeba cysts and non-nutrient agar showed a significant growth of Acanthamoeba.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Attempts were made to stop and then restart the theophylline therapy at progressively lower doses; however, with each attempt, the patient's reaction to the drug became more toxic, with serum theophylline levels ranging between 99.9 and 149.9 micromol\/L (18 and 27 microg\/mL).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient then received combined cataract and glaucoma surgery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Successful treatment of tardive and spontaneous dyskinesias with corticosteroids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The pacing system was removed in one patient 13 months postoperatively because of persistent pericarditis; one patient died of an unrelated cerebral hemorrhage 13 months postoperatively.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, whether or not the microgranulations were bacterial colonies, infection did not recur during a 2-year follow-up period.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Its etiology has still not yet been fully resolved.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The tolerance of sunitinib in the setting of dialysis can be challenging as these interventions can have synergistic side effects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Since the thrombocyte count started to increase immediately after initiation and dropped immediately after discontinuation of ciprofloxacin and tazobactam\/piperacillin and all other drugs were discontinued already before or were started after the nadir of the thrombocyte count, these two antibiotics were regarded causative.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"While still receiving the drug or shortly thereafter, two patients were found to have abnormal dark-adaptation curves, with elevations of either cone or rod thresholds, or both.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report 2 cases of severe, persistent erythema multiforme, treated with thalidomide, with complete disease suppression in both cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Of the 16 patients, including the 1 reported here, only 3 displayed significant shortening of the agranulocytic period after treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He was successfully transplanted.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present the case of a patient who had undergone cholecystectomy previously, but in whom morphine given in the Emergency Department precipitated pain consistent with biliary colic; the pain resolved promptly after administration of naloxone.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: The treatment regimen resulted in two complete regressions, five partial responses, and one mixed response, and two patients did not respond to the treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Bronchiolitis obliterans with organizing pneumonia after rituximab therapy for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Sirolimus-associated hepatotoxicity in the kidney graft recipient.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To report a case of HIV-related lipodystrophy with a rapid onset of symptoms from epidural lipomatosis in the wake of protease inhibitor and steroid treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Timolol side effects and inadvertent overdosing.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Reactivation of sarcoidosis during interferon therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 15-month-old girl with rhinopharyngitis was treated with a nasal solution containing the imidazoline derivative naphazoline.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We also provide a literature review regarding thionamide-induced ANCA-associated vasculitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present a 16 month-old previously healthy boy with refractory hypercalcemia due to an overdose of an over-the-counter vitamin supplement.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A transient tonic pupillary response, denervation supersensitivity, and abnormal visual-evoked potentials in quinine toxicity, to our knowledge, have not been previously reported.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The pathogenesis of chemotherapy-associated thrombotic microangiopathy (C-TMA) has not been established.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This report describes 2 generations of a family with symptoms of sensory overstimulation that exhibit a potassium sensitivity similar to that seen in hypokalemic periodic paralysis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fungal arthritis and osteomyelitis are rare and documented mainly in immunocompromised or neutropenic patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE REPORT: A case history of unanticipated radiation-induced bilateral optic neuropathy, 18 months after induction chemotherapy and radiation therapy for a locally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma, is presented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Based on our findings, it is thus concluded that cisplatin may cause C. difficile colitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"After recovery, the children tolerated continued chemotherapy without any decrease in the doses of drugs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Triad of severe abdominal pain, inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion, and disseminated varicella-zoster virus infection preceding cutaneous manifestations after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: utility of PCR for early recognition and therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PATIENTS: Two infants and three children inpatients receiving amphotericin B.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Anaphylaxis to calcitonin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The possibility of phenytoin hypersensitivity reactions should be considered when patients receiving phenytoin have unusual symptoms, particularly fever, rash, and lymphadenopathy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Use of somatostatin for complications occurring after liver transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: All three patients responded to risperidone and experienced no extrapyramidal side effects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Anterior ischemic optic neuropathy: a complication after extracorporal circulation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The proliferating cells were of T lineage and further typing demonstrated that they bore the OKT8 antigen.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The second patient was a 4-day-old neonate with congenital precursor-B cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia who presented with spontaneous TLS complicated by renal dysfunction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An 18-year-old female with alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency underwent living donor liver transplantation and presented 6 months later with a liver abscess.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Platinum agents and secondary myeloid leukaemia: two cases treated only with platinum-based drugs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Close monitoring for the development of a deep thrombosis of the popliteal vein is required.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"During the three years of follow-up, both pulmonary sarcoidosis and hepatitis C have not recurred.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Neurotoxicity of intrathecal administration of amphotericin B.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Electrical stability was achieved and the patient was discharged on propranolol 400 mg\/day.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The case histories are presented of two patients who developed lung disease associated with the use of nitrofurantoin with histological features of bronchiolitis obliterans organising pneumonia (BOOP), a rare but recognised form of drug induced injury.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Therefore, we recommend that regular examination for TD using the activation procedure should be performed in patients who use clozapine on a long-term basis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Finally, reserpine toxicity, in particular central nervous system (CNS) disturbances, was reported more frequently in patients also receiving barbiturates, suggesting additive CNS effects.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Clinical trials of patients treated de novo, in first relapse, and with resistant disease have achieved a high rate of complete remission (CR).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A review of the literature revealed that Paecilomyces species are an infrequent cause of disease in transplant patients, with skin and soft tissue infections being the most common presentation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient appeared to be homozygous for the dibucaine resistant gene, having only 15% of normal activity in his serum.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Sulfasalazine-induced lung disorder is an extremely rare entity which must be considered in all ulcerative colitis patients while on sulfasalazine therapy, despite the absence of pulmonary symptomatology.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In the second patient, a mild augmentation of liver enzymes occurred, followed by normalization in a few days.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The leukemic blasts were examined by morphological, immunohistochemical, cytogenetic, and molecular genetic analyses.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The neurologic toxicity can vary from being mild to severe and prolonged.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One patient who received clindamycin had liver biopsy findings of marked cholestasis, portal inflammation, bile duct injury and bile duct paucity (ductopenia).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The optimal treatment is not well defined.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A significant feature of this group is its resistance to almost all presently available antibiotics including penicillin, the cephalosporins, and the aminoglycosides.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The targeted therapy gefitinib was prescribed 2 years after diagnosis, producing a very good partial response.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Transplant physicians should be aware of this unusual pathogen and the potential for both persistent line-related sepsis and possible septic arthritis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Atypical antipsychotic induced hypothermia is a rare adverse effect that may present with mild to severe symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Leiomyosarcoma in urinary bladder after cyclophosphamide therapy for retinoblastoma and review of bladder sarcomas.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of a patient with pulmonary hypertension and undifferentiated connective tissue disease who, after 2 months of treatment with epoprostenol, presented with rapidly progressive erythema, scaling, nausea and vomiting, and fever.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"1. Changes in the plasma cortisol level were reported in a male patient with panic disorder during the period of low-dose alprazolam treatment (mean 0.62 +\/- 0.15 mg\/day) compared with during the period of high-dose period (mean 1.08 +\/- 0.28 mg\/day).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Patients whose trigeminal branches have been subjected to repeated surgical procedures and who have relentless unilateral face-jaw pain should be classified as having chronic traumatic trigeminal neuralgia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A percutaneous liver biopsy obtained from one of the patients showed ultrastructural abnormalities consistent with a toxic hepatitis and hepatic congestion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Nasogastric glutamine-supplemented tube feedings were well tolerated both in the hospital and at home.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Furthermore, 8-hydroxy-deoxyguanosine (8-OH-dG) was prominently increased in mitochondrial and nuclear DNA.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient died 5 months after MAHA was diagnosed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The presentation in humans appears similar to that in dogs where cardiac arrhythmias occurred at doses of 5-15 mg\/kg.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Attention should be directed towards prevention by the identification and immunisation of at risk patients prior to transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In patients with cirrhosis, the metabolism of meperidine is decreased, leading to accumulation of the parent drug and possible CNS depressive effects similar to hepatic encephalopathy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The common systemic diseases that may give rise to gynecomastia were excluded.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Extrapulmonary disseminated tuberculosis also involving bone and liver was eventually diagnosed and proven by means of specific polymerase chain reaction assay.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report two patients with infectious mononucleosis-like syndrome induced by salazosulfapyridine (SASP).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The Patient conceived 2 years after completing therapy and gave birth at term to a normal infant.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This therapy was curtailed after three cycles because of nausea, asthenia, and neuropsychological deterioration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Over the course of 2 months, the wound healed with systemic antibiotics.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In all cases, ACE-inhibitor therapy either predisposed the patient to or precipitated the acute event.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A Meckel diverticulum is an embryonic remnant of the vitellointestinal duct.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Recently, some studies have also reported association between patients with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA) treated with Methotrexate (MTX) and malignant lymphoma developing.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Syncope induced by propranolol in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Further studies are necessary to evaluate whether the study of HLA antigens may be a very useful tool to detect the patients with a predisposition to develop autoimmune thyroiditis, in order to make a early diagnosis of thyroid disorders during the IFN-alpha treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The effects of proton pump inhibitors on the pharmacokinetics of atazanavir and amprenavir (administered as fosamprenavir) were rigorously evaluated in healthy volunteers in two studies, but formal studies in persons infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) are lacking.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: The administration of prostaglandin E1 to neonates can cause gastric-outlet obstruction due to antral hyperplasia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Neuroleptic malignant syndrome due to atypical neuroleptics: three episodes in one patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although gabapentin withdrawal has been previously reported and usually consists of anxiety, diaphoresis, and palpitations, this is the first reported patient with generalized seizures and status epilepticus secondary to gabapentin withdrawal.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"After discontinuing those drugs, the ST segment elevation in leads V(1) and V(2) became reduced.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Joint infections by mycobacteria are clinically indistinguishable from those caused by more common bacterial pathogens and, therefore, diagnosis is often delayed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the first case of polymorphic ventricular tachycardia with normal QT interval associated with the oral use of levofloxacin in the absence of other etiologies known to cause these arrhythmias.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a case of MALA in which acute renal failure resulting from dehydration secondary to diarrhea and poor oral intake likely caused MALA.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The day after clozapine was stopped, while he was still receiving clomipramine 150 mg\/d, he began behaving oddly, started sweating profusely, shivering, and became tremulous, agitated, and confused.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that, in patients who are susceptible, the periocular or systemic absorption of inhaled corticosteroids may be sufficient to produce CSC in humans, supporting previous hypotheses regarding the pathogenesis of the disorder.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: 1) To describe a patient with rheumatoid arthritis receiving adalimumab who developed fever, pancytopenia, splenomegaly, and extreme hyperferritinemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a bacterial corneal ulcer that occurred in a patient who had worn extended-wear rigid gas-permeable contact lenses on a 1-week cycle for 9 months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of a previously healthy, postmenopausal woman who developed anticonvulsant hypersensitivity syndrome while taking Bellamine S (belladonna alkaloids; ergotamine; phenobarbital) for hot flashes.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"He was treated with penicillin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of intrathecal methotrexate neurotoxicity manifesting as left arm weakness and aphasia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Although other nitrites induce methemoglobinemia, exposure to methyl nitrite during phenylpropanolamine production appears to be a new cause of occupational methemoglobinemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Glucagon is considered the drug of choice for treating bradycardia and hypotension encountered during beta-blocker poisoning.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Erythromycin is a macrolide antibiotic that may increase the risk of lovastatin-induced rhabdomyolysis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The findings were judged to be consistent with soft-tissue injury associated with intravenous administration of phenytoin, also termed purple glove syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"On two occasions, within 48 hours of treatment, the patient developed acute leukopenia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: Fungal infection of ICDs is a rare but serious complication of device implantation that must be treated aggressively with complete hardware explantation and prolonged antifungal therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Electroconvulsive therapy in myasthenia gravis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient was discharged from hospital after 120 days with normal liver function and recovered bone marrow.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors report five cases of tremor related to itraconazole therapy, which occurred within 1-12 months of initiating treatment and resolved gradually following itraconazole withdrawal.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We describe a case of clozapine-induced seizures in a patient with treatment-resistant schizophrenia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Internists will need to be increasingly aware of and prepared for this pharmacologic complication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The temporal and dose-response relationships suggested a possible association between the depressive symptoms and corticosteroid.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Recently, the patient has exhibited signs of tardive dyskinesia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"New strategies must include the development of completely fibrin-specific thrombolytics and drugs that may rapidly reverse the systemic and local clotting disorder.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Prednisone doses of 1 mg\/kg\/d have been suggested.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A patient with an allergy to a macrolide antibiotic was given tacrolimus and developed a sudden cutaneous reaction.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Methotrexate (MTX) is a folic acid antagonist used in high doses as adjuvant chemotherapy for osteosarcoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A drug addict with staphylococcal endocarditis treated with methicillin, who developed massive proteinuria and acute nephritic syndrome is described.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"After initial stabilization, the patient was discharged with warfarin (target INR = 2.5-3.5) together with beta-blockers, statins and metformin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, several case reports have suggested that clozapine could also cause TD.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Sequencing studies revealed the presence of mutations in viral isolates obtained after clinical resistance was observed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"TSH levels were normalised with the addition of mouse serum to the patient's sample, confirming the presence of human anti-mouse antibodies as the interfering substance in the TSH assay.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thus, even after a long hiatus, it may not be safe to exceed the recommended maximum cumulative dose level of adriamycin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Lithium was withdrawn in each case.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Skin manifestations of a case of phenylbutazone-induced serum sickness-like reactions.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The 69-year-old patients recovered rapidly after oral administration of fluids and sodium bicarbonate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A second patient with a similar glucose tolerance test result showed postprandial hyperglycemia when treated similarly with betamethasone valerate cream 0.1%.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The complete recovery from anagen effluvium is difficult to explain, but it could have been because of the early initiation of corticosteroid.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Both patients with NMS had been treated with neuroleptics, including CYP2D6 substrates.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, this aggressive chemotherapy has not offered any advantage because of an unacceptably high treatment-related morbidity and mortality (17%).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Adjuvant corticosteroid sparing therapy can also be associated with significant morbidity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Six days after taking erlotinib, a chest radiograph showed rapid progression of reticular infiltration in both lung fields.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Nasal septal perforation in a patient with allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis and rhinitis on long term corticosteroids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report five paediatric cases of portal vein thrombosis (PVT) occurring during chemotherapy, observed in two institutions over an 8-year time period.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Little attention has been paid to infertility in men with epilepsy and little information exists about the mechanisms by which anti-epileptic drugs affect spermatogenesis or sperm function.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present a case of a 58-year-old female patient with Graves' disease who developed AA in the third exposure to methimazole (MMI).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Acetazolamide (Diamox) is a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor commonly used in patients with glaucoma in order to reduce intraocular pressure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Even after a strict warning, he took another quinine tablet that evening, which triggered his fifth episode of severe thrombocytopenia, and confirmed the etiology of quinine-induced thrombocytopenia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In conclusion, the diagnosis of aflatoxicosis takes cognisance of geographical location, past events, staple diet and clinical features to exclude other infections.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Lichen planus and acne provoked by gold.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Follow-up ranged from 3 to to15 months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE REPORT: A 67-year-old female presented with acquired long QT interval syndrome with a refractory ventricular arrhythmia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a male patient with advanced AIDS who developed hypercalcemia 2 weeks after institution of rhGH therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Herein, we report the case of a 73-year-old woman who underwent major coronary surgery and developed fatal systemic venous thrombosis after recombinant factor VIIa was used in an attempt to control her severe postoperative bleeding.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Diagnostic imaging showed restricted diffusion and fluid-attenuated inversion recovery imaging findings were normal at presentation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute renal failure is a rare complication following the administration of intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Donepezil in the treatment of opioid-induced sedation: report of six cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although studies have shown a relationship between abnormal scapular motion and subacromial impingement, it has been unclear whether the altered scapular biomechanics represent a cause, or consequence, of impingement.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Elevated levels of ammonemia, gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase, alkaline phosphatase and IgA were detected.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Despite these measures he appeared to have progressive lymphoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This report describes a unique path of spread of testicular cancer which also appears to spontaneously mature at the metastatic site.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Managing ergot-induced gangrene: the anesthesiologist as a key player.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Since early symptoms of the toxic effects of theophylline can mimic peptic ulcer disease, cimetidine might be prescribed for the gastrointestinal symptoms with subsequent worsening of theophylline poisoning.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Mequitazine seemed to play a part similar to chlorpromazine, and absence of mequitazine-induced photosensitivity may be due to a relatively low dosage of the drug.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient could be disconnected from the ventilator and within <24 h was extubated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Metformin-associated lactic acidosis (MALA) is a serious metabolic complication that occurs because of metformin accumulation in patients who become dehydrated or developed acute renal failure.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a case with chronic hepatitis C (CHC) who developed sarcoidosis after the treatment by interferon alpha and ribavirin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Sonographically guided percutaneous thrombin injection is a minimally invasive and highly successful treatment of arterial pseudoaneurysms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The aim was to determine the source of the recurrent lesion based on its morphology and the patient's verbal history.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Coexistence of hereditary angioedema and Turner's syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After the addition of citalopram, a desmethylclomipramine plasma level increase and an 8-hydroacy-desmethylclomipramine plasma level decrease were observed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Intracranial hemorrhage and focal seizures secondary to use of L-asparaginase during induction therapy of acute lymphocytic leukemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"He was taken to surgery 8 days after cefazolin was discontinued and received perioperative prophylaxis with cefoxitin (total dose 3 g).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: The case of a patient who developed aseptic meningitis, hemolytic anemia, hepatitis, and orthostatic hypotension simultaneously during treatment with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole is described.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"When managing TLS in infancy, clinicians must consider the relative degree of renal immaturity and its predisposition toward metabolic derangements.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient had been receiving factor VIII:C clotting factor concentrates (mean 60,000 U\/year) since 1975.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient developed occipital infarcts and was found to have extremely elevated levels of PPA in his blood and dialysis fluid.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This is a report of a renal transplant patient with Pneumocystis pneumonia who developed chemical cellulitis and ulceration following the extravasation of intravenous pentamidine into the soft tissues of the left hand and forearm.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Depigmentation has been described with local steroid injections for other dermatologic conditions, but has not been reported previously with treatment of infantile ocular adnexal hemangiomas.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She was placed on adjuvant Adriamycin (doxorubicin) chemotherapy, but 6 months later died of Adriamycin toxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient expired 13 d after admission.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He presented with multiple masses in the right lobe of the liver and a metastasis in the left adrenal gland.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In addition, ethambutol rarely causes visual loss during the early period or when given at lower doses.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Polymerase chain reaction analysis of the serum showed dramatic decreases in the viral DNA copy number and revealed large viral concentrations prior to the skin manifestations.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: The material from inside the lumen of the catheter was analyzed using x-ray spectroscopy and a scanning electron microscopy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pulmonary function test showed a mild restriction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a myeloma patient who developed severe paralytic ileus during bortezomib therapy, which presented in the context of progressive constipation without other known causes and which regressed promptly with medical management after drug cessation, suggesting a direct causal relationship.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The purpose of this review is to increase awareness among physicians and other health care professionals that DIC may be a rare but potentially severe complication of anti-D IGIV treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Therapy with IFN-alpha may be associated with a number of neuropsychiatric symptoms, such as Parkinsonism, akathisia, seizure, and depressive disorders.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a case of a patient with mild chronic renal insufficiency who had been taking simvastatin for over a year and developed acute weakness within 3 weeks after the start of treatment with colchicine for acute gouty bursitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Seven patients with rheumatoid disease were given the iron-chelating drug desferrioxamine (DFX) to evaluate its possible anti-inflammatory effects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We postulate that the bolus of sulprostone resulted in possible coronary spasm that resulted in cardiac arrest.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Its diagnosis is critical to avoid future exposure to aromatic anticonvulsants.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Five months later, he presented with watery diarrhea and abdominal distention.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In a review of the literature no report of a similar case was found.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three of 50 patients treated with isotretinoin (1 mg\/kg\/day) for cystic acne complained of poor night vision and\/or excessive glare sensitivity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This represents the first reported case of syphilitic meningitis in a lupus patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinicians should be aware of this potential adverse effect of tigecycline.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Follow-up brain MRI of these 2 patients revealed that the lesions in the thalamus and brainstem disappeared or resolved almost completely.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cephalexin rash in infectious mononucleosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In both patients seizures were associated with discontinuation of short-term agents with high antimuscarinic properties.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The exact mechanism of IVIG-associated acute renal failure remains unclear.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We concluded that irregularities on the surface of the lens, such as a manufacturer's trademark, provide a focus for synechiae.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Transient bilateral blindness and posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome: a rare complication of enuresis treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To test the efficacy and safety of a nicotinic, acetylcholine antagonist, mecamylamine, in the treatment of Tourette's syndrome (TS).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of reversible encephalopathy syndrome in a 16-year-old girl with acute myelogenous leukemia (AML), who is undergoing during consolidation chemotherapy composed of BH-AC (N4-behenoyl-1-beta-D-arabinofuranosyl cytosine) and idarubicin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Halothane hepatitis and prompt resolution with methionine therapy: case report.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The medical examiner's report indicated death caused by fluoxetine toxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This drug is a semisynthetic ergot alkaloid, one of a class of drugs that is associated with fibrotic disorders.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Radiation enteritis: a rare complication of the transverse colon in uterine cancer.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the case of a 2-year-old boy with seizures who developed hepatic failure shortly after commencing sodium valproate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Lithium may help correct a chemical imbalance in the brain; however, it has a comparatively narrow therapeutic index.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Herein we document the unusual association of focal nodular hyperplasia with use of a synthetic anabolic androgen.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The pharmacokinetic synergism of this combination may be hazardous for some patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Theophylline intoxication following viloxazine induced decrease in clearance.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Two dogs with systemic nocardiosis are presented and the pathobiology, diagnosis, and treatment of nocardial infections are discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An investigation was carried out to try to find the source of malaria infection, which is believed to be the blood or blood products that he received during his initial acute illness.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Recently, we started to evaluate cardiac parameters in medicated patients with schizophrenia using power spectrum analysis of heart rate variability.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The concentrations of quetiapine in these cases are 6-16 times greater than the upper reported therapeutic range (0.1-1.0 mg\/L).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"IFNalpha-induced recurrence of Graves' disease ten years after thyroidectomy in chronic viral hepatitis C.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CASE REPORT: A 44-year-old white man with a 23-year history of undifferentiated schizophrenia and obsessive-compulsive behavior had been treated with clozapine and clomipramine for several years.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There are no known deleterious effects on male fertility and on long-term teratogenic effect of isotretinoin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Transient left homonymous hemianopsia and encephalopathy following treatment of testicular carcinoma with cisplatinum, vinblastine, and bleomycin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Here, we report a case of angio-oedema associated with VRC therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Detection of cytomegalovirus DNA from cytomegalovirus corneal endotheliitis after penetrating keratoplasty.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Giant blastoconidia of Candida albicans.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fluoroquinolones have rarely been implicated in cases of toxic epidermal necrolysis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cornea transplantation was required in two of six eyes for dense central corneal scarring.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Though the relationship between asbestos exposure and malignant mesothelioma is firmly established, the relationship between asbestos exposure and lymphoma remains to be investigated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Am J Med 1994: 96: 200-209) with multiple positive blood cultures for S. aureus and a mitral valve vegetation on transesophageal echocardiogram.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The striking chemical abnormality was an elevation of serum glutamic oxalacetic transaminase (SGOT) [aspartate aminotransferase (AST)].","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Due to the severity of the rash, temozolomide was permanently discontinued.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Milk:plasma ratios were less than 1, although a higher ratio would be predicted.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thiopurine methyltransferase deficiency occurs at a frequency of one in 300 and is associated with profound myelosuppression after a short course of azathioprine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The literature is reviewed and the case is discussed with special focus upon the duration of extrapyramidal side effects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Serology showed that maternal CMV infection had been acquired at least four months before pregnancy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To report a case of severe chloroquine toxicity in the presence of high-grade chloroquine-resistant Plasmodium vivax.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Anticonvulsant hypersensitivity syndrome (AHS) is a rare, potentially fatal, idiosyncratic drug reaction characterized by fever, morbilliform rash, lymphadenopathy, hepatitis, and hematologic abnormalities.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Case report: life-threatening hypoglycaemia associated with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine, a commonly used antimalarial drug.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Hashimoto's disease during interferon-alpha therapy in a patient with pre-treatment negative anti-thyroid autoantibodies and with the specific genetic susceptibility to the thyroid disease.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The foreign body of a glue plug offers an ideal surface for bacterial colonization which becomes a reservoir for continuous bacterial dissemination.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Reye syndrome and juvenile rheumatoid arthritis in Michigan.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Poisoning with potassium cyanide is usually fatal because of the inhibition of cytochrome oxidase.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A month later this patient developed a fibula osteomyelitis due to the same germs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The treatment was continued for 6 months without recurrence of the symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Her carbamazepine concentration decreased from 11.8 to 8.5 micrograms\/mL; she also became pregnant at that time.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The problem of lindane.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Marked elevation of serum creatine kinase associated with olanzapine therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"It is important to consider possible cross-sensitivity of chemically related compounds even when they are administered by different routes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The definition of standard of care varies amongst jurisdictions, but is generally defined as either that care which a reasonably well-trained physician in that specialty would provide under similar circumstances or as what would constitute reasonable medical care under the circumstances presented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Portions of the UL97 and UL54 genes were amplified and compared to the AD169 wild-type strain.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case report describes a 38-year-old male in whom SIADH was strongly suspected secondary to Tegretol therapy to control a seizure disorder.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Three weeks later he developed severe respiratory distress.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case of sinus arrest caused by opening the mouth under general anesthesia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Biopsy findings showed an interstitial and air space lymphohistiocytic infiltrate with non-necrotizing granulomas, in the setting of negative cultures and special stains for microorganisms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On indirect laryngoscopy, hyperadduction of the vocal folds was not the cause of the upper airway obstruction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Despite the dramatic response of Hodgkin's disease to intensive chemotherapy, the skin lesion was rapidly transformed into squamous cell carcinoma in 10 weeks.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Myotonia associated with sarcoidosis: marked exacerbation with pravastatin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Nephropathy, eosinophilia and fever were observed in an 18-year-old man being treated for staphylococcal septicemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Granulocytopenia was ascertained in seven, whereas agranulocytosis was diagnosed in two patients of this population.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Differences between the plaintiff's and defendant's experts' opinions are presented by utilizing the COAT literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"HAART consisted of Lamivudine, Stavudine, Lopinavir and Ritonavir.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 77-year-old man with previous myocardial infarction was admitted with chronic left heart failure and atrial tachycardia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report five cases of restless legs syndrome (RLS) and periodic limb movements during sleep (PLMS) that were probably associated with olanzapine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"One case with proved amyloidosis and the second patient with ascites.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All patients recovered without sequels 3 to 6 months afterward.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a 44-year-old woman with t-MDS (refractory anemia with excess blasts) following treatment of recurrent anaplastic astrocytoma with temozolomide (TMZ).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 62-year-old woman who was being treated for squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck developed a chemotherapy-related hemolytic-uremic syndrome during the second cycle of neoadjuvant chemotherapy consisting of cisplatin, bleomycin, and methotrexate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The effect of varying concentrations of dextrose on the histamine content of the blood of normal, allergic, non-diabetic and diabetic, and non-allergic patients was studied.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient received two cycles of HDARAC over the course of a ten-week period.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Milnacipran is a novel serotonin noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There was rapid spontaneous and complete regression of the eruptions, which was probably an expression of transient lymphomatoid papulosis in connection with MF.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors describe a case of combined lithium and haloperidol toxicity characterized by hyperpyrexia, severe rigidity, mutism, and development of irreversible tardive dyskinesia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Neutropenic enterocolitis in breast cancer patient after taxane-containing chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: No per- or postoperative complications were noted.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although there are reports in the literature of a combined occlusion of the central retinal artery and vein, its occurrence following pars plana vitrectomy has not been described.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A pediatric case study of treprostinil overdose.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A patient suffering from heparin-associated thrombocytopenia (HAT), recurrent arteriothromboses, and acute renal failure after treatment with standard heparin is described.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Hiccupping caused by gastric distention, spicy foods, and neural dysfunction often resolves itself without any treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Our case is the second one in which hemorrhage from a meningioma may have been induced by aspirin prophylaxis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient presented to the emergency department 1 day after discharge from the hospital following total knee arthroplasty revision with acute-onset dyspnea and mild chest pain.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DIAGNOSIS: Severe temozolomide-induced immunosuppression, exacerbated by corticosteroids, with profound T-cell lymphocytopenia and simultaneous opportunistic infections with Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia, brain abscess with Listeria monocytogenes, and cutaneous Kaposi's sarcoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"For the second patient, hypophosphatemia was corrected, during hemodiafiltration, with the use of a phosphorus-enriched dialysate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thrombosis of mechanical valve prosthesis: thrombolysis vs surgical treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Quantitative histologic study of iliac crest biopsy revealed marked increase in trabecular bone volume and osteoid volume, suggestive of fluorosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Interstitial pneumonia probably associated with sorafenib treatment: An alert of an adverse event.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"PCNSL is a disease of the elderly, with the majority of patients being diagnosed in the 7th to 8th decade of life.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pancreatitis has been noted to be a complication in 2-16% of patients undergoing treatment with L-asparaginase for a variety of pediatric neoplasms.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Inhalation provocation test with DSCG aerosol, 4 months after stopping DSCG treatment, showed an immediate-type 1 response and urticaria.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Spontaneous coronary artery dissection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hepatotoxicity resolved once erlotinib was discontinued and serum transaminases returned to baseline normal values.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We carried out a retrospective study of changes in the serological markers of HBV in this patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Marked QT prolongation and torsades de pointes secondary to acute ischemia in an elderly man taking dofetilide for atrial fibrillation: a cautionary tale.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The authors found that the course and treatment of narcotic withdrawal in two neonates was complicated by prenatal exposure to high doses of diazepam, or Valium (Roche Laboratories, Nutley, NJ).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: CBDCA and VP-16 in combination with radiotherapy should be considered an important treatment option for SCEC.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The case of an adolescent with PWS who experienced respiratory deterioration with an increase in rhGH and improvement with cessation of therapy is reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In rare cases mitomycin C (MMC) may induce cancer-associated hemolytic uremic syndrome, which is characterized by hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia and progressive renal failure.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Clinicians have been aware of lithium toxicity for many years and traditionally have administered thiazide diuretics for lithium-induced polyuria and nephrogenic diabetes insipidus.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Laboratory test results revealed elevated liver function test values.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Delayed onset diffuse lamellar keratitis following enhancement LASIK surgery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHOD: Structured review of copperhead exposures reported to a regional poison center from 1997-2000.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On a compassionate basis, she then received oral posaconazole, 800 mg\/d, in divided doses for 6 months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He had underlying left carotid artery stenosis combined with bilateral preproliferative diabetic retinopathy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After discontinuation of treatment with levamisole and a short course of corticosteroid therapy, the patient's condition dramatically improved.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a patient with progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) after autologous stem cell transplantation (SCT) for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"When phenytoin was discontinued, valproate levels increased, and he progressively improved.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hypertension was treated with acepromazine maleate (0.001 to 0.005 mg\/kg of body weight) i.v., decreasing arterial pressures to reference values.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"F VIII dosage was gradually reduced with advanced resorption of the haematoma and thereafter switched to prophylaxis (40 IU\/kg bw 3 times weekly).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Symptoms subsided and pulses returned within a day of cessation of therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In five patients, the eye that developed the tear was the second eye, whereas the first eye had a disciform scar.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although the effects of hypomagnesemia have been frequently reported, little has been written to suggest a clinically important role for hypermagnesemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Eosinophilic gastroenteritis (EGE) is a rare condition of unknown etiology characterized by eosinophilic infiltration of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He developed an inferior corneal epithelial defect and, later, a well-demarcated area of inferior corneal keratinization.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 55-year-old woman with systemic lupus erythematosus was admitted with fever of unknown origin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The hypercalcemia responded to discontinuation of rhGH and a single dose of intravenous pamidronate disodium and has not recurred in 8 months of follow-up.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"She subsequently developed severe post-herpetic neuralgia requiring the recommencement of gabapentin and amitriptyline.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: Patients with chronic pain who voluntarily indicated that they used cannabis therapeutically completed a questionnaire about the type of cannabis used, the mode of administration, the amount used and the frequency of use, and their perception of the effectiveness of cannabis on a set of pain-associated symptoms and side effects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Of these, 14 patients underwent castration (two patients) or received LH-RH analogue (12 patients) plus chlormadinone acetate for combined androgen blockade.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute renal failure in a patient receiving treatment with suramin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment followed peribulbar injection in a patient with preexisting sympathetic ophthalmia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This patient was started on aminoglutethimide 6 days prior to radiation therapy, for painful bone metastasis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Tumor lysis syndrome was suspected and intensive hemodialysis was performed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"About three weeks into the therapy regimen, he complained of severe retrosternal chest oppression.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Viral antigen was not detected at the end of or during 3 of the 5 treatment courses and decreased to a low level following the 2 other courses.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"When not to use what.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The therapies used for pyoderma gangrenosum include systemic corticosteroids, azathioprine, dapsone, mercaptopurine, sulphasalazine, sulphapyridine, thalidomide, cyclophosphamide, clofazimine, isotretinoin, immunoglobulins and cyclosporin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The present report describes the typical profile of SILENT (persisting cerebellar dysfunction) and suggests measures to decrease the incidence of this potentially serious condition, for which no definitive treatment is available.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two developed milder encephalopathy; one had no CNS depression at all.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Follow-up MRI at six months demonstrated no neuroradiological evidence of tumor recurrence in the site of operation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"ANCA was detected on admission; renal biopsy showed crescentic glomerulonephritis with focal necrotizing glomerulonephritis but no immune deposits.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This clinical course suggests that the sensorimotor polyneuropathy may have been caused by 5-ASA.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Ticlopidine is an oral antiplatelet agent frequently utilized in the treatment of cerebrovascular disease and is rarely associated with severe bone marrow suppression, typically aplastic anemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Report of two cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Abdominal computed tomography revealed the bumper to be buried in the abdominal wall.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After six weeks of additional anticoagulation, assessment by computed tomographic scan showed complete resolution of all thrombi.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Course of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome in 19 intact twin pregnancies after assisted reproduction techniques, with a case report of severe thromboembolism.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A lethal complication of peripheral vein vasopressin infusion.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"He became completely premorbid 2 weeks after administration of levodopa.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In this report we described a case of juvenile idiopathic arthritis patient who developed thymic enlargement (true thymic hyperplasia), mediastinal lymphadenopathy and pleurisy associated with systemic symptoms under Etanercept treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Nine months later, she remains asymptomatic and shows no evidence of pulmonary decompensation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Detailed investigations first revealed a low renin level without hypokalemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We consider asterixis to be an easily overlooked sign of neurotoxicity, which may occur even at low or moderate dosage levels, if certain drugs as lithium or clozapine are used in combination with CBZ.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"She had been receiving oral quinine intermittently for muscle cramps.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Radiation therapy was not given.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the management of two such patients by use of antiplatelet drugs for a vascular procedure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is thought that the clinico-pathological features and chronology of this case bore the hallmarks of the so-called \"3-week sulphasalazine syndrome\", a rare, but often fatal, immunoallergic reaction to sulphasalazine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 62-year-old woman who was being treated for squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck developed a chemotherapy-related hemolytic-uremic syndrome during the second cycle of neoadjuvant chemotherapy consisting of cisplatin, bleomycin, and methotrexate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Three patients, in whom tumour overkill by cytotoxic treatment, including high dose methotrexate with folinic acid rescue, resulted in the 'phosphate shower syndrome' (hyper-uricaemia, hyperkalaemia and hyperphosphataemia with hypocalcaemia and tetany, with metabolic acidosis and acute renal impairment) are described.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This is the fourth published report of adverse hepatic reaction to cyproterone acetate and it substantiates other evidence that cyproterone acetate is potentially hepatotoxic.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present a fatal case of subacute methanol toxicity with associated diffuse brain involvement, including bilateral putaminal necrosis and cerebral edema with ventricular compression.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Most patients (75%) developed the syndrome 6 to 12 months after starting chemotherapy, and 60% were in remission.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Effects of the two forms of pulse appear similar.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pediatric heparin-induced thrombocytopenia: management with Danaparoid (orgaran).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Cutaneous rashes and eruptions can be caused by many medications, including carbamazepine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A novel approach to central venous catheter thrombosis in a patient with cystic fibrosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Transdermal scopolamine delivery system (TRANSDERM-V) and acute angle-closure glaucoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 7-year-old boy developed a severe unilateral grand mal seizure at the age of 5 years (phenobarbitone therapy); 1.5 years later valproate (2-propylpentanoic acid, VPA) was added to the therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient's blood pressure decreased from a baseline of 130\/80 mm Hg to 70\/55 mm Hg, 39 minutes into the infusion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Opioid drugs markedly delayed clearance of Tc-IDA from the common bile duct, simulating common bile duct obstruction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Possible causes of this phenomenon are proposed keeping in mind that a hypotensive drug can cause intra ocular pressure rise.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In 98 patients in whom complex ventricular ectopy was controlled, there were 6 sudden deaths, that is, an annual mortality of 2.3 percent.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On the 16th day of therapy, however, relative eosinophilia developed, and 2 days later a pruritic maculopapular rash appeared.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The clinical, biochemical, and, finally, genetic evaluation confirmed Wilson's disease diagnosis in this patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Codeine intoxication in the neonate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This case report illustrates that bronchiectasis may greatly improve after treatment with azithromycin and no longer needs to be considered an endstage finding in patients with severe BOS.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute cardiogenic pulmonary edema and other causes of respiratory distress were ruled out; diagnosis of Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) was made.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These findings are related to those reported previously.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the case of a patient who developed polyserositis (pericardial effusion, pleural effusion, and pericarditis) after being started on clozapine, and whose symptoms remitted upon discontinuation of clozapine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Adenosine-induced ventricular fibrillation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital of the 4 study patients were reviewed and compared with those of 41 patients from a group of 537 patients concurrently admitted with a diagnosis of myocardial infarction (MI).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of cough following the administration of quinapril, with complete resolution after changing to the alternative ACE inhibitor fosinopril in a patient with essential hypertension.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: Alendronate led to nodular scleritis and rechallenge caused recurrence of scleritis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"BK virus-associated nephropathy (BKVN) has become recognized as an important cause of allograft dysfunction among transplant recipients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinical, laboratory (absence of others markers of hepatic disease), and histological findings seem to rule out common causes of hepatic disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Sodium valproate and carbamazepine, antiepileptic drugs that are associated with a relatively low rate of adverse cutaneous reactions, should be added to the growing list of drugs that produce psoriasiform eruptions.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Concomitant administration of lithium with olanzapine may place patients at risk for NMS.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Anaphylaxis to intrathecal diamorphine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"It is well known that intravascular injection of oleic acid induces acute respiratory failure in animal models.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DISCUSSION: Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors are associated with a relatively high incidence of angioedema.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Monitoring of the prothrombin time for cephalosporins or the bleeding time for moxalactam is the most reliable way to prevent what may be rapid emergence of clinical bleeding in patients with renal failure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Neuroleptic malignant syndrome in an adolescent receiving olanzapine-lithium combination therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In addition, there is a report on prolonged ECT seizure related to ciprofloxacin, which has an epileptogenic property with a similar action to beta-lactam antibiotics.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This phenotype is reminiscent of the Baller-Gerold syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In one patient the vasculitis resolved after termination of the ciprofloxacin therapy; in the other patient the ciprofloxacin-induced hemorrhagic vasculitis was superimposed on a severe forefoot infection, leading to progressive gangrene and a below-knee amputation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"She had received cumulative doses of cyclophosphamide 6000 mg, doxorubicin 420 mg, and vincristine 12 mg.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On day 7 of linezolid treatment, the patient developed severe pruritus, macular rash, facial edema, eosinophilia, marked increase in serum creatinine level, and mild hepatitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"With this in mind, the authors present the case of a 32-year-old chronically institutionalized schizophrenic who showed a remarkable improvement in both tardive dyskinesia and psychotic symptoms following an open trial of clozapine, 900 mg daily.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Traumatic late flap dehiscence and Enterobacter keratitis following LASIK.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In infants with sudded death or onset of cyanosis, appropriate toxicological and historical information should be obtained.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Topical capsaicin cream has been a beneficial adjuvant medication in the treatment of some painful conditions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"At the same time, this immune cell reaction triggers a greater granulomatous reaction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She was patch tested to European Standard Series, including BP 1% in white petrolatum, and to the 10% BP-containing gel previously used by herself, showing positivity on day 2 to BP 1% and to the 10% BP-containing gel.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Methemoglobinemia is another common finding among patients receiving dapsone therapy, but rarely does it result in prominent symptoms other than transient pallor.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"An appointment was made for the patient but he did not attend.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors present three patients with traumatic upper limb amputations where topical capsaicin cream was of benefit in the treatment of neurogenic residual limb pain.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinical, spectroscopic, and imaging abnormalities resolved with discontinuation of metronidazole.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"After terminating the Partusisten medication, there was no effect on the fetal arrhythmia and flecainide therapy was initiated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Imiquimod is a new and novel treatment option for cutaneous malignancies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CYP2C19, which catalyses the metabolism of, for example, citalopram, clomipramine and moclobemide.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the first successful desensitization protocol to high-dose MTX.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Successful treatment of pacemaker related endocarditis with acute embolic stroke without device removal.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Mixed mania associated with tricyclic antidepressant therapy in prepubertal delusional depression: three cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The data obtained suggest the presence of acquired maturation abnormalities in the B cell compartment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a fatal case of toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) resulting from a high dose of cytosine arabinoside (ARA-C).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Priapism associated with thrombophilia is a well-recognized entity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"About 44% of the patients had gastric adenocarcinoma, and 82% had received mitomycin C.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Histologic examination of tubular bones showed hyperostosis presumably due to prostaglandin-induced rapid formation of primitive bone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors present an elderly patient with mixed dementia who developed TD at multiple sites, (including respiratory dyskinesia [RD], limb dyskinesia, and orofacial dyskinesia) following abrupt withdrawal of risperidone therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Multiple pancreatic abscesses due to Candida albicans following ERCP.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Open-lung biopsy revealed grade 2 lymphocytic bronchiolitis, the pathologic and immunologic correlate of acute pulmonary GVHD.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"If these patients are switched to alternative levothyroxine products, it is recommended that thyroid function tests be repeated after equilibration to the new product.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Interferon (IFN)-associated retinopathy is typically characterized by retinal hemorrhages and cotton wool spots at the posterior fundus, but visual function is usually maintained.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"It is a potentially serious reaction which is little influenced by which drug is injected.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The effect of potassium is reminiscent of its effect in the channelopathies underlying hypokalemic periodic paralysis, and the resistance to lidocaine applied peripherally suggests a peripheral sensory localization to the abnormality.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One of the most troublesome side effects of perfusion is peripheral nerve damage, which has been reported at a rate of between 1 and 48% of perfused patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Four weeks earlier she had developed hepatopathy during a regimen of carbamazepine, lynestrenol and sodium valproate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To report the clinical course of a woman with cryptococcal meningitis and no previous cardiac disease who developed a fatal cardiac arrhythmia after an acute overdose of amphotericin B and to review its toxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"PATIENT AND METHOD: A 34-year-old woman with chronic hepatitis C, genotype 3, receiving pegylated interferon alpha-2a and ribavirin for 6 months, developed progressive malaise and anemia 6 months after the end of treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, involving cerebral veins, superior sagittal sinus and straight sinus, was diagnosed by cerebral angiography.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case represented the acute tumor lysis syndrome that occurred after chemotherapy of breast carcinoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Spontaneous pneumothorax following chemotherapy for metastatic germ cell tumor: a case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the first biopsy confirmed occurrence of acute interstitial nephritis in a patient receiving treatment with Sunitinib for metastatic renal cell cancer.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The low frequency HAR wave persisted for the subsequent 3 months until a tingling sensation returned to the left leg.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Oral warfarin is the standard of care for patients requiring long-term anticoagulation due to venous thromboembolic disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Patient was found to have inferonasal nodular scleritis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The third patient had been suffering from serious akathisia while on risperidone, and was cured after switching to olanzapine, but thereafter the patient suffered from RLS at nighttime.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Gynecomastia developed in two epileptic patients some months after the addition of oral fluoresone 750 mg daily to the phenobarbital and phenytoin already being administered.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"MRI also indicated improvement.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Abnormalities of the pupil and visual-evoked potential in quinine amblyopia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Reperfusion was achieved by coronary thrombolytic therapy with urokinase.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: A literature search of publication between 1999 and October 2008 retrieved 34 cases of hepatitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Transient hemiparesis caused by phenytoin toxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Antibody therapy is capable of permanently abolishing the signs of symptoms of digitalis poisoning after a matter of hours.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A characteristic speech disorder, which may be described as cortical dysarthria or speech apraxia, occurs in approximately 1% of adults undergoing OLT.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Removal of gadolinium by peritoneal dialysis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After 2 months, visual acuity and ocular hyperemia returned to baseline levels.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case suggests that highly angiogenic tumours such as angiosarcoma may be effectively palliated using agents usually reserved for refractory Wilms' tumour, and supports the view that adult Wilms' tumour is more sensitive to such agents.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The most common side effects associated with amifostine are nausea, vomiting, hypotension, hypocalcemia and allergic reactions.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Our observations suggest a new model for metabolic encephalopathy studies and provide insight into the mechanisms of pigmentary retinopathy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These cases suggest that marked acid reduction may predispose to esophageal candidial infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Effects of highly overdosed indomethacin in a preterm infant with symptomatic patent ductus arteriosus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This study is based on the neuropathological and systemic findings among 225 liver, 101 heart, 40 lung, 28 heart-lung, 74 kidney and 32 bone marrow transplants.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Epstein-Barr virus-associated lymphoproliferative disorder in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis on methotrexate and rofecoxib: idiosyncratic reaction or pharmacogenetics?","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"During the first day of infusion, she began having severe shortness of breath.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An apparent breed susceptibility of Collie dogs was observed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One patient received a total of four injections in the right eye and three injections in the left eye.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Transient anuria following administration of angiotensin I-converting enzyme inhibitor (SQ 14225) in a patient with renal artery stenosis of the solitary kidney successfully treated with renal autotransplantation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: It is important to elucidate the precise nature of new onset hearing loss in patients receiving iron chelation therapy, in order to avoid unnecessary cessation of much needed medication, on the assumption of ototoxicity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Prospective, controlled trials are warranted to further define the optimal dose, toxicity and potential role of cidofovir in renal transplant recipients with BK virus nephropathy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rifampin can be associated with severe adverse effects such as hepatitis, acute renal failure, hemolytic anemia, and thrombocytopenia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 49-year-old man with Crohn's disease treated with prednisone and mesalamine (5-ASA) developed worsening respiratory distress and fever.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This finding suggests that fluvoxamine can precipitate Schneiderian first-rank symptoms in some susceptible patients.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a case of interstitial pneumonitis induced by bicalutamide and\/or leuprorelin acetate given as therapy for prostate cancer, in which the pneumonitis was successfully managed by steroid treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient presented with severe bladder pain, fever, and eosinophilia several hours after instillation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Liver disease induced by perhexiline maleate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"An 80-year-old man with bilateral basal ganglia bleeding was unable to swallow safely and required tube feeding.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"IOP control had been poor prior to the laser-treatment, and did not appear to be more following treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patients were reviewed at intervals of 2-4 weeks for 12 months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two months later repeat colonoscopy with biopsies showed no evidence of collagenous colitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The serum concentration of AZ was elevated to a maximum of 76.5 mg\/ml.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Those side effects that occurred, predominantly iron deficiencies, hypertension, and hyperkalemia, were controlled by appropriate clinical management.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Trichosporonosis appears to be an emerging fungal infection among immunocompromised individuals (including both hematological and solid organ transplant recipients).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The pregnancy was terminated, and she delivered at 27 weeks' gestation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The use of outpatient dobutamine infusions by a small, portable infusion pump in 3 patients with intractable congestive heart failure (CHF) is described.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Painful neutrophilic skin lesions were observed in two children receiving granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) for treatment of idiopathic neutropenia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"After the addition of citalopram, a desmethylclomipramine plasma level increase and an 8-hydroacy-desmethylclomipramine plasma level decrease were observed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Type I second-degree AV block (Mobitz type I, Wenckebach AV block) during ritodrine therapy for preterm labor.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"INTRODUCTION: Although gefitinib used for the treatment of non-small-cell lung cancer is a well-known cause of interstitial lung disease (ILD), few case reports on erlotinib-induced ILD have been issued.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"OBSERVATIONS: We observed aggravation and spreading of a psoriatic plaque when treated topically with the toll-like receptor (TLR) 7 agonist imiquimod.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We present a case of disseminated histoplasmosis, complicated by retroperitoneal bleeding and leading to death, in a patient who was receiving systemic immunosuppressive therapy for rheumatoid arthritis and who was enrolled in a gene-therapy trial.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Use of midodrine (Gutron) to treat permanent hypotension in a chronic hemodialysis patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 36-year-old man being treated with cisplatinum, vinblastine, and bleomycin for testicular carcinoma developed a dense left homonymous hemianopsia, encephalopathy, and a partial nondominant parietal lobe syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Behavioral side effects associated with clonazepam may include agitation, aggression, hyperactivity, irritability, property destruction, and temper tantrums.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This supports the well-reported potential of bleomycin to trigger acral vascular toxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Careful clinical and hematological monitoring should be performed, especially for the first 3 months, in patients beginning treatment with Pentasa.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Leflunomide was stopped.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Comedication included N-acetylcysteine, atenolol, and isradipine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Sirolimus has been widely used in renal transplantation, and its use in heart transplantation is increasing.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In two patients clozapine was reinstated after risperidone was discontinued; serum triglyceride levels increased.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a rare case of patient with dermatomyositis (DM) who developed spontaneous pneumomediastinum (PnM) and subcutaneous emphysema.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Before ICU admission, the patient had suffered from painful mucositis causing severe dysphagia and bleeding, which was thought to be the result of chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An 86-year-old African-American man presented with tonic-clonic seizures.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Endocrinologically speaking, three of them had \"Hashitoxicosis\", while the other had silent lymphocytic thyroiditis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 58-year old man was admitted to the hospital because of melena.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The observed alterations of the thyroid gland were caused by a long lasting Wolff-Chaikoff effect with a delayed adaptation to high iodide concentrations.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE SUMMARIES: While conducting a protocol evaluating the efficacy of intraperitoneal cisplatin and hyperthermia in the treatment of recurrent ovarian cancer, 3 patients were noted to exhibit anaphylactoid reactions.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report of a 42-year-old man, in whom pyomyositis developed while he was receiving the standard chemotherapy for T-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"When the acute manic state is characterized by marked psychotic symptoms and intense anxiety, it may be associated with increased vulnerability to the development of severe lithium neurotoxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This report describes a case of flucytosine-associated ulcerating enteritis in which the small bowel x-ray demonstrated severe luminal narrowing, ulceration, and marked separation of loops of bowel.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"These results emphasise the difficulty of stimulating this mesencephalic region.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 71-year-old man, who had a history of a previous bullous drug reaction to a sulfonamide, began receiving an ophthalmic preparation that contained sulfacetamide sodium.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Clevudine myopathy in patients with chronic hepatitis B.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient has since returned to his routines of daily living and has reported no fatigue or other lingering adverse symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although thiazide-induced photosensitivity is a well-documented phenomenon, there have been no histologically proven cases of a lichenoid eruption in light exposed areas in the recent literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Accidental overdose of multiple chemotherapeutic agents.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: Meningiomas are known to enlarge in response to female sex hormones.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinicians should be aware of fasting hypoglycemia as an unusual but potentially serious complication of disopyramide therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient was treated with mesalamine and prednisolone, and a repeat colonoscopy revealed an improvement in his bowel disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We concluded that the colonic ulcer and the sigmoidovesical fistula had been caused by the administration of calcium polystyrene sulfonate and sorbitol.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This report suggests that, like immunoblastic sarcoma, lymphomatoid granulomatosis may develop under conditions of diminished immunologic surveillance, whether iatrogenic or naturally occurring.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient's symptoms resolved with oral vancomycin and his stool C. difficile toxin became negative.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These findings are consistent with the assumption that long-term corticosteroid administration potentially induces not only myopathy but also motor neuron involvement as in mitochondrial diseases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In contrast, other common agents for the most part trigger cutaneous inflammation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Multiple syncopal episodes started to occur during thalidomide treatment, and a Holter electrocardiogram showed multiple abnormalities, with an episode of sustained ventricular tachycardia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Since the drug's approval, the manufacturer has received infrequent although serious reports of diarrhea and ischemic colitis in patients taking the drug.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It may be advisable to consider thromboprophylaxis in head and neck surgery in patients with clinically suspected pulmonary thromboembolism, if no contraindication exists.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although there have been reports of this occurrence, there have been no reports of this overlap syndrome treated with immunomodulators.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"While both amiodarone and digoxin can cause permanent visual changes, the ocular effects are often reversible.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: Despite adequate measures to prevent infection, orbital cellulitis may complicate strabismus surgery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Her platelet count increased to 130,000\/ mm3.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Emergency management of upper airway angio-oedema after routine dental extraction in a patient with C1 esterase deficiency.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient was normotensive and afebrile.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fever, lymphadenopathy, eosinophilia, lymphocytosis, hepatitis, and dermatitis: a severe adverse reaction to minocycline.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Case failure analysis and a review of the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Stable renal function followed the initiation of high-dose subcutaneous heparin therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These defects were apparently reversible upon the discontinuation of tiagabine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Restless legs syndrome and periodic limb movements during sleep probably associated with olanzapine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) is an uncommon disease with a high fatality rate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We studied the effect of ramipril on urinary protein excretion and arterial pressure in a 27-year-old patient with GSD Ia and heavy proteinuria (2-3 g \/24 h).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In case no. 2, the pathogenic mechanism seemed to be persistent light reaction preceded by systemic photoallergy, as he had taken mequitazine for 6 months, and there were strong positive photopatch test results with immediate erythema reaction, cross-reaction to promethazine, decreased MED to both UVA and UVB, and persistence of the photosensitivity over a 3-year follow-up period after discontinuation of the mequitazine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Results of coronary investigations were negative.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Trichosporon mucoides fungemia in a liver transplant recipient: case report and review.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although the association between KS and renal transplant has been well documented, there are a few KS cases in the literature associated with membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis or other glomerular diseases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"High-grade atrioventricular block during dipyridamole stress testing.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a 43-year-old woman who developed sore throat, swelling of the lips and oral cavity and dysphagia, 2 weeks after the use of budesonide spray (Budefat) for treatment of bronchial asthma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Their medical treatment regimens included the use of topical 1% clotrimazole.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Flecainide-associated pneumonitis with acute respiratory failure in a patient with the LEOPARD syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"He was of unusual personality and had bizarre ideas on self-regulation of his diabetes, resulting in wide variations of insulin dosage.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This report describes a method of applying photodynamic therapy in the biliary tract by using accessories available in the United States.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Blood glucose levels, which were normal before treatment, dropped to 2.3 mmol\/l within a few hours and were corrected by i.v. glucose infusion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The central retinal vein occlusions resolved when the immunoglobulins were withheld and serum hyperviscosity decreased.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 14-year-old female developed systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)-like symptoms, rash, fever, leukopenia and positive anti-nuclear antibody (ANA) two weeks after administration of carbamazepine (CBZ; Tegretol) used against benign Rolandic epilepsy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"At this writing, few cases of nondurally based intradural meningioma have been reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Remission of clinical signs in early Duchenne muscular dystrophy on intermittent low-dosage prednisolone therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: To describe a case of progressive outer retinal necrosis in a human immunodeficiency virus-negative immunosuppressed patient undergoing treatment for graft-versus-host disease after bone marrow transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Case vignettes are described.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Post-transplant, the patient received single donor leucocyte transfusions, which resulted in a dramatic increase in neutrophil count.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: The patient, a 27-year-old married Japanese woman with borderline personality disorder, developed an increased libido with the administration of fluvoxamine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CASE REPORTS: Case 1: A 53-year-old male alcoholic received cyanamide treatment for 4.5 months and completely abstained without cyanamide treatment for 6 years.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This parasite lives in soil contaminated with human feces.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Drug rash with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms after chlorambucil treatment in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Persistent corneal erosion secondary to tarsal adrenochrome deposit.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This form of ARF is characteristically anuric and follows a distinctive clinical course.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although a potential interaction between propafenone and SSRIs has been noted, a MEDLINE search revealed no published reports of an interaction between propafenone and citalopram.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Serum PRL values rose normally after TRH administration, and evaluation of other pituitary hormones was normal.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Motor neuron involvement in a patient with long-term corticosteroid administration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Case study: complications associated with anticoagulant therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Caudal epidural blood patch for treating intractable vomiting in a child after placement of a permanent intrathecal catheter.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of a child with neurodevelopmental delay with chronic constipation and a history of chronic mineral oil ingestion presenting as asymptomatic exogenous lipoid pneumonia (ELP).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Heparin cessation is a vital first step in treatment; however, alternative anticoagulant therapy is essential.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ciliary beat frequency (CBF) was measured using video microscopy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This report suggests that patients taking bone metabolism regulators may not be able to respond appropriately to hypocalcemic stressors.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Chest radiographs and computed tomographic findings showed a mass in the right upper lobe and effusion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Vardenafil is a new oral phosphodiesterase inhibitor used for erectile dysfunction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In this review, we summarize the available evidence regarding the safety and efficacy of using the anticonvulsants carbamazepine and valproic acid during pregnancy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although evidence of congestive heart failure was evident, dialysis was avoided without significant sequelae.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This eruption emerged after 1 month of therapy with salsalate, persisted for as long as salsalate was administered, and cleared within 3 weeks of discontinuing the medication.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CASE SUMMARY: We report the case of an 81-year-old white man (weight, 82 kg; height, 173 cm; photodamaged type II skin) affected with cirrhosis of the liver, chronic idiopathic myelofibrosis, and a 3-year history of longitudinal melanonychia and periungual hyperpigmentation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Risperidone-induced obsessive-compulsive symptoms in two children.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Glycopyrrolate successfully treated intraoperative penile erection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Diarrhoea, T-CD4+ lymphopenia and bilateral patchy pulmonary infiltrates developed in a male 60 yrs of age, who was treated with oxaliplatinum and 5-fluorouracil for unresectable rectum carcinoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We conclude that while thrombocytopenia and schistocytosis can be seen in quinine-associated TTP\/HUS, the pathophysiology seems to be distinct from that seen in most cases of idiopathic TTP (i.e., severely decreased ADAMTS13 with an inhibitor).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"METHODS: This study is a case report description.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The 1-, 2- and 3-year survival rates were 100, 28.9 and 9.6% in all, and 100, 33.3 and 0% in six patients with portal vein tumor thrombosis (PVTT).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rifampin-induced hypothyroidism without underlying thyroid disease.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Retinoic acid may increase the risk of bone marrow transplant nephropathy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Acute interstitial nephritis due to pantoprazole.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The aim of this article is to report weight loss in patients with schizophrenia after switching from olanzapine standard oral tablet (SOT) to olanzapine orally disintegrating tablets (ODT).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"To demonstrate that the 2-yr clinical follow-up of our patient strongly suggests that long-term therapy with posaconazole (POS) is safe and beneficial in treatment and prevention of relapses of, otherwise fatal, central nervous system mucormycosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Both neonates were normal at birth and have shown subsequent normal development.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Severe rhabdomyolysis following massive ingestion of oolong tea: caffeine intoxication with coexisting hyponatremia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Nabumetone-associated interstitial nephritis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Despite supportive care, the dog's neurologic status deteriorated progressively until parenteral treatment with clindamycin was instituted.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"To our knowledge, drug-induced fever has not been reported with the use of diltiazem hydrochloride, a commonly prescribed calcium channel blocker.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"On admission the patient showed signs of incipient cardiogenic shock.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Escape atrial complexes, which occurred following junctional premature complexes, failed to initiate tachycardia in the control state but tachycardia was always reinitiated by an identical escape sequence after procainamide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The authors note that catatonia is a clinical syndrome associated with multiple medical conditions as well as psychiatric disorders.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The temporal sequence of the respiratory insufficiency and the histopathology, when compared to the previous examples in the literature, suggest that cyclophosphamide was aetiologically responsible for the lung disease.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"After having received gemcitabine on day 1 of the second course, the patient developed dry cough, subfebrile temperatures and dyspnea within 48 h.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"At this time (1994), esophagogram and esophagogastroscopy evidenced varicosities in the lower esophageal section (stage F1).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The prognosis of AILD is generally poor, with a median survival of less than 20 months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: On the basis of two cases, the clinical picture is described in relation to the available literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thymic hyperplasia following successful chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Chemical and traumatic alopecia from thioglycolate in a black woman: a case report with unusual clinical and histologic findings.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present findings from three patients who experienced a psoriasiform eruption apparently due to the antiepileptic agents sodium valproate and carbamazepine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Hypoglycemia can be a serious side effect of etanercept in patients already on antidiabetic medications known to cause hypoglycemia, such as sulfonylureas, meglitinides, and insulin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report on a patient with renal artery stenosis who had only 1 kidney and in whom acute renal impairment developed with transient anuria after the administration of captopril.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient experienced a relapse in his bipolar disorder,and olanzapine was restarted at 20 to 40 mg per day.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ten of these 12 patients also developed severe pulmonary edema.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Using repeated computed tomographic and magnetic resonance imaging scans, we examined 8 patients with acute lymphocytic leukemia during remission induction therapy between 1988 and 1989.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is a multifactorial disease affecting the developing retinal vasculature and remains an important cause of blindness in very preterm infants.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Myoclonus has been reported as a side effect of antidepressants, and the serotonin hypothesis has been advanced to include this syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clozapine is the first choice antipsychotic medication for treatment-refractory schizophrenia; however, there are some disadvantages in using clozapine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In two patients, no myocardial infarction occurred, as shown by a normal postoperative left ventricular angiogram.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In CAPD patients with candida peritonitis, fluconazole seems to offer several advantages over other antifungal drugs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: Four consecutive patients underwent high-risk penetrating keratoplasty (4 grafts) with a prior diagnosis of corneal scar secondary to herpetic keratitis, keratoconus, acanthamoeba keratitis, and Fuchs endothelial dystrophy, respectively.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The hemodynamic changes, underlying mechanisms and therapeutic strategies are discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Such atypical cases may support either a spectrum concept of NMS or the theory that NMS secondary to atypical antipsychotics differs from that caused by conventional neuroleptics.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Azathioprine can cause severe myelosuppression.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In a few cases, toxicity related to concomitant medications could also be involved.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Complete remission of nephrotic syndrome (NS) occurred in two patients, partial remission in one patient, while treatment was inefficacious in one (data not available for one patient).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: Four solid organ transplant patients with severe hypoxemic P. jiroveci pneumonia were treated with the combination of trimethoprim-sulfametoxazole and caspofungin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"By day 8 the patient was comatose, with minimal signs of brain activity and little hope for recovery; on day 12 he died.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although risk factors for MTX-induced pulmonary toxicity are poorly understood, the presence in 3 out of 5 of our patients of pre-existing lung disease, represented by diffuse interstitial changes on chest X-ray, and mild bronchial asthma in two RA patients and by pulmonary silicosis in the patient with PsA may account for a predisposition to the development of MTX pneumonitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: After a single PDT treatment, visual acuity increased from 20\/50 to 20\/20.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Malignant lymphoma involving the penis following malignant pleural mesothelioma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute adrenal insufficiency after large-dose glucocorticoids for spinal cord injury.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The cervical sympathetic chain is composed of superior, middle, intermediate, and inferior cervical ganglia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CT showed deep RIF extending from the vocal cords to the carina, with laryngotracheal compression but without cancer recurrence.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The first FAB infusion (320 mg) was started 11 h after drug ingestion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An epidural blood patch was performed and enoxaparin was prescribed for 6 months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Vicks VapoRub (VVR) [Proctor and Gamble; Cincinnati, OH] is often used to relieve symptoms of chest congestion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This is probably the first case report of motile Enterococcus infection of the central nervous system.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Uses and safety of acyclovir in pregnancy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There remains a paucity of information pertaining to alternative anticoagulation strategies for use during cardiopulmonary bypass concomitant with heparin-induced thrombocytopenia, especially in children.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report of a 32-year-old man who showed dystonic symptoms within few days after liver transplantation (LT).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The second patient developed both autoimmune thyroid disease and a refractory pre-patellar bursitis after 50 months of IFN-beta therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Four years after achieving CR, she developed complicated life-threatening pulmonary infections with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis and Aspergillus niger during outpatient care.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A patient with Parkinson's disease, initially treated with bromocriptine and subsequently with cabergoline, developed progressive pleuropulmonary abnormalities during the latter therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Drug-induced lymphocyte transformation test before desensitization was negative with a stimulation index of 130%.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There are few published reports that discuss oral burns in children.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A paradoxical ocular effect of brimonidine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Small cell carcinoma of the lung is the tumor most commonly associated with ectopic ACTH production and hypercortisolism.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case of toxic hepatitis caused by combination therapy with methotrexate and etretinate in the treatment of severe psoriasis is presented in a 47-year-old woman.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To report the first five cases of amphotericin B overdose with secondary cardiac complications in a pediatric population.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Pseudoephedrine-induced hemorrhage associated with a cerebral vascular malformation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"WE is attributable to thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This is of concern, particularly in a context of increasing use of immunosuppressive drugs in UC.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A diagnosis of acute transverse myelitis was made and the patient was treated with IV methylprednisolone and IV immunoglobulin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A thorough examination at the hospital gave no evidence of underlying diseases that could explain the reaction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 7 year-old Turkish boy presented with a euthyroid goiter, which was noted during evaluation of familial Mediterranean fever.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Familiarity with these hair practices will aid in the accurate diagnosis, prevention, and proper management of this problem.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Up to now, however, its healing effect on bronchiectasis has never been demonstrated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"HCV RNA was positive in serum, and chronic HCV infection was detected by liver biopsy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although major hazards of treatment of hypophosphatemic osteomalacia with phosphate and calcitriol are secondary hyperparathyroidism and vitamin D intoxication, potassium loss also should be kept in mind.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Confidence and conditional confidence levels for the preferred decision are derived from gaussian theory, and the mutual information index that identifies probabilistically important tree variables is provided.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Idiosyncratic factors involving vasopressin receptor affinity and distribution, vasopressin-associated vasodilation in some vascular beds, and the effect of vasopressin on the renin-angiotensin system may further contribute to impaired tissue perfusion.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"During IFN therapy, he had normal aminotransferase levels and no detectable HCV RNA, a condition that persists to the present.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ileal ulcers and cytomegalovirus infection in a case of Churg-Strauss syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In the other 2 patients, hyperintense lesions in the periventricular white matter were transient and no neurologic sequelae ensued.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It may cause a severe adverse drug reaction with multiorgan involvement known as dapsone hypersensitivity syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient's isolate was susceptible in vitro.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute INH neurotoxicity was not suspected on the first admission; however, when readmitted 4 weeks later with another seizure, the diagnosis of acute INH neurotoxicity was made.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: With anti-tuberculous treatment, renal functions and visual disturbances were improved in a patient with miliary tuberculosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"His dibucaine number was 21, and the Michaelis constant was 5.5 times that of normal sera.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hemorrhagic cystitis is a significant toxic effect of cyclophosphamide therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report two cases of tenofovir (TDF)-associated nephrotoxicity in perinatally HIV-infected adolescents.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"There were no complications of persistent bacteremia despite placement of the stent-graft device at the site of primary infection, reinfection, delayed rupture, paraplegia, distal emboli, or surgical conversion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"According to the Naranjo adverse drug reaction probability scale, tigecycline was the probable cause of her acute pancreatitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"She did not experience any reactions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatment with heparin may be of help in situations where there is a delay in elimination of the underlying cause.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We document the abrupt development of an extensive choroidal detachment after initiation of dorzolamide therapy in a surgically untreated eye with primary open-angle glaucoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We describe nine patients with cardioembolic stroke who experienced clinical deterioration associated with computed tomography-documented hemorrhagic transformation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Aggressive suppletion with intravenous potassium and bicarbonate combined with potassium-sparing diuretics and ACE inhibitors resulted in complete restoration of the serum potassium and resolution of the neurological symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There was resolution of the inflammation; however, bullous keratopathy was subsequently noted in the cornea.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After the most recent surgery, he suffered transient cauda equina symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Aphthous stomatitis, a common mucocutaneous disorder, is a well accepted complication of sirolimus therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Statistical significant risk factors for the developing of visual disturbances were found to be the ingested quantity of methanol, the latent period, acidosis and serum methanol concentration on admission.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report 2 patients who developed polyarteritis nodosa following vaccination against hepatitis B.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A review of the literature showed no previous description of this pattern in benzodiazepine coma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We conjectured that the side effects of insulin, such as anti-natriuresis and increased vascular permeability, might be pronounced in the presence of the hepatic dysfunction that accompanies insulin insensitivity, hyperinsulinaemia and hypoalbuminaemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Upon review of the literature, this appears to be the first documented case of drug-induced photosensitisation in the cat.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Metformin is described as a glucose-lowering agent for treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus and as antiobesity drug, though results achieved with this last indication are not conclusive.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although this G-CSF-driven leucocytosis was alarming it did not appear to have adversely affected the patient's prognosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We discuss a patient with a history of a positive tuberculin skin test, who presented with severe, recalcitrant palmoplantar pustular psoriasis with psoriatic arthritis whose symptoms did not resolve with monotherapy of etanercept (Enbrel) or efalizumab (Raptiva) alone, but did respond to a combination of both biologics.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Each was analyzed to determine a mechanism of the hypersensitivity reaction and subsequent management outcomes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The lesions were lichenoid in appearance and this was confirmed histologically.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Apparently, the subacromial injection penetrated the anterior half of the supraspinatus tendon, causing a transient effect and signal change.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: We describe the ophthalmic features and clinical course of two cases of acute syphilitic posterior placoid chorioretinitis (ASPPC) that developed after intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide (IVTA) injection.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"However, a method to differentiate the neuromuscular block induced by magnesium from that induced by curariform nondepolarizing muscle relaxant in the clinical setting has never been reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We recommend that bisphosphonates be used with caution in patients with myeloma and renal impairment, that vitamin D deficiency be corrected prior to treatment (to reduce the risk of hypocalcaemia) and that serum calcium and renal function be monitored during treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Bone marrow aspiration revealed cell maturation arrest.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Here, we present an angiosarcoma of the neck occurring after curative chemoradiation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Circadian rhythm of white blood cells during clozapine treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We conclude that neurosurgeons and neurologists should be aware of calcium antagonist--related ileus in patients treated with nimodipine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: This case describes the clinically significant increase of INR in an elderly patient after adding a chemotherapy regimen of levamisole and 5-FU to a previous regimen of warfarin alone.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient was not obese.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is usually a consequence of direct extension from an underlying bony lesion, in the setting of multiple myeloma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Neurologic disturbances (ataxia and prostration) were significant clinical findings.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report three cases of ophthalmic problems that were treated with a short course of oral corticosteroids and which resulted in the development of hyperosmolar hyperglycemic nonketotic coma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An unusual patient with post-transfusion purpura is described who had a rapidly rising platelet count with high dose steroid treatment in the presence of an increasing anti-PlA1 antibody titre.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three patients with major depression superimposed on chronic dysthymia were treated with phenelzine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Interventional pain management is an evolving field, with a primary focus on the safety of the patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE SUMMARY: A 65-year-old patient chronically treated with the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) citalopram developed confusion, agitation, tachycardia, tremors, myoclonic jerks and unsteady gait, consistent with serotonin syndrome, following initiation of fentanyl, and all symptoms and signs resolved following discontinuation of fentanyl.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The authors report the first case of bucillamine-induced giant mammary hyperplasia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The respiratory rate improved within 5 to 10 minutes of methylene blue administration and continued over a period of 2 hours.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The fourth patient showed RLS symptoms that were initially caused by a 20-mg daily olanzapine dosage and were later mitigated when olanzapine was reduced and ropinirole was administered.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We experienced a case of chronic renal failure in a patient suffering from acute hemorrhagic gastritis associated with AZ intoxication.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient recovered clinically and, in less than 4 weeks, her serum bilirubin and aminotransferases returned to normal levels.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A report on two cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case highlights the importance of muscle biopsy in HIV infected patients whose myopathy persists despite withdrawal of antiretroviral therapy and the need for thorough investigation of non-specific symptoms in HIV infected patients who are receiving antiretroviral therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient attained a final height of 160.8 cm, which was appropriate for her target height.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PATIENTS: Three patients developed a reproductive endocrine disorder during treatment with valproate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 50-year-old woman with migraine was admitted to hospital shortly after having abruptly developed hemiparesis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"At 29 months of age, she developed diarrhea with bulky stools and weight loss.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We conjectured that the side effects of insulin, such as anti-natriuresis and increased vascular permeability, might be pronounced in the presence of the hepatic dysfunction that accompanies insulin insensitivity, hyperinsulinaemia and hypoalbuminaemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Acute pulmonary reactions to nitrofurantoin are an uncommon side effect of therapy and can cause minor or life-threatening pulmonary dysfunction.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Effect of a GnRH analogue (leuprolide) on benign prostatic hypertrophy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Anaphylaxis to intravenous cyclosporine and tolerance to oral cyclosporine: case report and review.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"One male patient with bilateral DME was treated by intravitreal pegaptanib in his right eye every 6 weeks for 6 months (five injections) and followed for 42 months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case describes a 52-year-old white woman who developed a spontaneous nasal septal perforation after given the antiangiogenic drug, bevacizumab, for metastatic ovarian cancer treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The relative etiologic significance of the stress of status asthmaticus, administration of theophylline, or corticosteroids is open to question.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Close follow-up during the first month of life is warranted for infants exposed to diazepam prenatally.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Long lasting respiratory depression induced by morphine-6-glucuronide?","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Because nephrotic syndrome may be induced by IFN therapy, the IFN was stopped.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Twenty-seven patients with inoperable or recurrent primary malignant brain tumors after previous resection and\/or radiotherapy, were treated with corticosteroids and a combination chemotherapy consisting of VM 26 and CCNU.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In HIV-infected patients with metabolic disorders, as in the general population, there is evidence of hypertension requiring pharmacological treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Creatinine 8 days earlier was 0.9 mg\/dL (79.6 micromol\/L).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 51-year-old male with a huge chondrosarcoma received subarachnoid dorsal root blocks with 10% phenol in glycerine to treat severe pain along the left leg.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"As anti-myeloperoxidase anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (MPO-ANCA) were positive, she was diagnosed with ANCA-associated vasculitis and treated with corticosteroids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors report the case of an 87 year old woman who first developed this disorder at age 82 and was successfully treated with valproate and L-thyroxine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"St Jude's Total XIII protocol was started.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of sustained hypotension after administration of parenteral verapamil.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"It is suggested that the hypermagnesemia directly suppressed PTH secretion, resulting in symptomatic hypocalcemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These symptoms resolved over a period of five days.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Termination of pregnancy resulted in dramatic improvement in airflow.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"I suggest that prior to giving amphotericin B to patients with resistant kala-azar their electrolyte imbalance should be corrected.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A patient is described who developed a poorly differentiated sarcoma after cyclophosphamide was used to treat his rheumatoid arthritis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Erythropoietin is beneficial in mitomycin-induced hemolytic-uremic syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a 60-year old, male patient of Pulmonary Tuberculosis who was started on antituberculous treatment (ATT) with rifampicin (R), isoniazid (H), ethambutol (E) and pyrazinamide (Z) together for initial two months and R, H & E thereon.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 52-year-old Black woman on phenytoin therapy for post-traumatic epilepsy developed transient hemiparesis contralateral to the injury.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Phenylpropanolamine (PPA) recently has been publicly implicated as a cause of stroke and other neurologic events.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"He became unconscious and inhaled noxious substances from the smoke.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rush oral desensitization with Viokase solution was attempted, starting with 5 mg, and the dose was doubled every 20 minutes, aiming to reach a cumulative dose of 700 mg.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Five patients underwent botulinum toxin injection into the insertion of the levator and tensor veli palatini muscles.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"SMS treatment arrested progression of tumor growth only in patients in whom there was a reduction in gastrin and gastric acid secretion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Extrapyramidal symptoms are well-documented complications of therapy with haloperidol, even when small doses are used.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This resulted in loss of seizure control and a decrease in his serum carbamazepine concentration from 12.4 to 6.7 micrograms\/mL.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The persistence of free steroid secretion with decreased formation of DS suggests that the o,p'-DDD may have altered sulfatase activity before causing tumor necrosis and total decrease in steroidogenesis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"His akathisia symptoms worsened thereafter.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ten weeks after infliximab infusion, neutrophil count and GBA and anti-NA assay returned spontaneously within normal range and we observed the same progress after every successive infliximab infusion we performed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The third patient, who was elderly, survived because of early detection and initiation of therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Laser-Doppler flowmetry on the toe of the left foot disclosed an increased blood flow and an abnormal fluctuation of the cutaneous capillary blood flow, i.e. a high amplitude rhythmic (HAR) wave with 2.5 to 3 cycles.min-1.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The harlequin color change and association with prostaglandin E1.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In-111 platelets accumulated markedly over the abdominal aortic graft with a shortened platelet survival time and reflected changes in hematologic studies, which showed low platelet counts and a high concentration of fibrinogen degradation products in the plasma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A dermatologist diagnosed this as Sweet's syndrome caused by G-CSF; consequently G-CSF administration was stopped.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Erythema multiforme associated with phenytoin and cranial radiation therapy: a report of three patients and review of the literature.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Issues relevant to child and adolescent psychopharmacology arising from this case are discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He was followed exclusively by the psychiatry service for more than a year.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cardiac hypersensitivity and myopericarditis have been reported during long-term treatment with mesalazine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Pathogenesis of acute renal failure: new aspects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Abnormalities resolve with drug withdrawal.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Depression was not improved and she complained of fatigue, lack of energy and drowsiness.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fat embolism in infancy after intravenous fat infusions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The dosage, side-effects and precautions are discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Reactions to Aquaphor: is bisabolol the culprit?","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All patients who developed diarrhea after undergoing the cancer chemotherapy were examined to determine whether or not they were complicated by C difficile colitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This paper reports a case of peritonitis by Nocardia asteroides during continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis in a man who had systemic lupus erythematous and chronic renal failure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 71-year-old man with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation who had a previous anterior myocardial infarction exhibited granulocytopenia 8 days following the administration of oral sustained-release procainamide (750 mg\/day).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Thrombotic stroke associated with the use of porcine factor VIII in a patient with acquired haemophilia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"To the authors' knowledge, there is a paucity of published accounts of management of radiation-induced optic neuropathy (RION) by optic nerve sheath fenestration (ONSF) in the conventional medical literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present a case of steroid- and cyclophosphamide-resistant nephrotic syndrome complicated by disseminated strongyloidiasis which responded to anthelmintic agents.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of AILD in an 80-year-old male who presented with a generalized pruritic maculopapular eruption and fever following doxycycline administration.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"He was treated with topical steroids with healing of the lesions, leaving only post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It was hypothesized that valproic acid may interfere with glucuronidation of lamotrigine, leading to increased serum lamotrigine levels, or perhaps alter the drug's metabolism, resulting in accumulation of a toxic intermediate metabolite.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Cutaneous biopsy showed hyphae and round inclusions stained with PAS and Gomori-Grocott within a polymorphous granuloma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In addition, testosterone supplementation is frequently recommended for adult men with reduced libido or impotence and decreased serum levels of testosterone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of penile fibrosis after intracavernous self-injection of a combination of phentolamine and papaverine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: This rare therapy-related second malignancy developed after curative larynx-preserving treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Her mother ingested therapeutic doses of nimesulide, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (cyclo-oxygenase-2 inhibitor) drug, during the last 2 weeks of pregnancy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Case 4: A 61-year-old male alcoholic who remained completely abstinent while taking cyanamide for 3 years showed slight elevation of serum transaminases.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"However, one patient exhibited severe hypersensitivity reactions including cardiac arrest and apnea, and another four patients developed eruptions, hypotension, and tachycardia soon after administration of CBDCA.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Ocular involvement in benign botulism B.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fatal agranulocytosis: the use of olanzapine in a patient with schizophrenia and myelodysplasia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"While excisional surgery remains the benchmark management for nonmelanoma skin cancer, topical imiquimod and C&C are important options for treating SBCCs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Localized panniculitis and subsequent lipoatrophy with subcutaneous glatiramer acetate (Copaxone) injection for the treatment of multiple sclerosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Neuroleptic malignant syndrome and neuroleptic-induced catatonia: differential diagnosis and treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"With the use of optical coherence tomography (OCT), two patients with IFN-associated retinopathy who had developed macular edema and reduced visual acuity during the clinical course of IFN therapy were observed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CASE REPORT: The safety of combination therapy with nab-paclitaxel, an albumin-bound paclitaxel, and sunitinib, a tyrosine kinase receptor inhibitor, was evaluated retrospectively in three patients with advanced, previously treated metastatic esophageal cancer, non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), and small cell lung cancer (SCLC), respectively.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Further studies are warranted into the pathogenesis of this unique phenomenon.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Peripheral neuropathy and cerebellar syndrome associated with amiodarone therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We discuss the implications for current diagnosis and management of HIV-associated pulmonary diseases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, special attention must be paid to patients developing early active HCMV infection under prophylaxis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors report a case of acute renal failure caused by fungal bezoar in the renal pelvis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Use of the Naranjo probability scale indicated a highly probable relationship between the observed cardiac toxicity and amphotericin B deoxycholate therapy in this patient.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: To review the current literature on suspected green tea-related hepatic reactions and to describe two new cases reported within the framework of the Italian surveillance system of natural health products.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Before therapy 14 of the patients were unemployed; after therapy only two did not work.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On postoperative day 30, the patient developed primary CMV disease that responded to ganciclovir.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Biomicroscopy was performed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We conjectured that the side effects of insulin, such as anti-natriuresis and increased vascular permeability, might be pronounced in the presence of the hepatic dysfunction that accompanies insulin insensitivity, hyperinsulinaemia and hypoalbuminaemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Neutropenic enterocolitis: is there a right timing for surgery? Assessment of a clinical case.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"SSRIs and fentanyl are commonly co-administered, especially in the setting of chronic or malignant pain, as underlying depression may contribute to the pathogenesis of pain.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Few of these historical therapies have been rigorously investigated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In contrast to chronic or subacute thyroiditis, Graves' disease rarely complicates IFN-alpha therapy for chronic viral C hepatitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Serum tryptase rose to three times the normal value.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Average time interval between surgery and thrombus formation is 26 months (max 204, min 1 month).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We therefore intended to verify whether a standard (tailored) chemotherapy, without the use of prophylactic blood product transfusions, could be applied during treatment of acute leukaemia under such circumstances.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Improvement of anemia by recombinant erythropoietin in patients with myelodysplastic syndromes and aplastic anemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One patient developed late peripheral embolization most probably due to late mobilisation of a thrombotic fragment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It was restarted 6 weeks later, and 10 weeks after that, the patient presented with fulminant hepatic failure, which resolved rapidly after cessation of nicotinic acid therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Risperidone versus clozapine in the treatment of psychosis in six patients with Parkinson's disease and other akinetic-rigid syndromes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Multifocal electroretinography (mfERG) disclosed markedly low-amplitude responses at fixation and in the regions corresponding to the visual field defects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DISCUSSION: Itraconazole pulse therapy for onychomycosis appears to be at least as effective as and safer than a continuous treatment regimen, particularly from the perspective of potential liver damage.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Especially in old patients, intensivists should consider intoxications (with cholinergics) as a cause of acute cardiovascular failure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Tacalcitol is a synthetic vitamin D3 analogue developed for topical treatment of inflammatory skin diseases such as psoriasis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Prompt recognition of a chlorambucil drug reaction is essential in patients receiving chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The pharmacological management of rapid cycling bipolar disorder in the elderly is also reviewed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Our cases include a 35-year-old woman with (sub)fulminant hepatitis, a 67-year-old woman with macronodular cirrhosis, and a 68-year-old man with severe chronic active hepatitis and cirrhosis, with positivity of anti-smooth muscle antibodies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DESIGN: The medical records of three patients with CSC who were found to use inhaled adrenergic agents or corticosteroids or both were identified prospectively.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The median age was 73 years (range 41-81).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The eye developed a necrotizing scleritis secondary to O. sulphureo-ochraceum.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Successful treatment of massive pulmonary embolism with prolonged catheter-directed thrombolysis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The clinical effect and safety of Lp-TAE alone and combined with radiofrequency (RF) capacitive hyperthermia (HT) were evaluated in 20 patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) associated with cirrhosis of the liver.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The effect of regional perfusion treatment on recurrent melanoma of the extremities.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In both cases, hypoglycemia due to oral antidiabetics was not seen.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present a case of ethylenediamine-induced delayed hypersensitivity reaction in a 46-year-old woman who received parenteral aminophylline for an acute asthma exacerbation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Herpes simplex esophagitis in a renal transplant patient treated with cyclosporine A: a case report.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (NMS) is a rare but potentially lethal form of drug-induced hyperthermia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We also review other patients with paradoxical seizure exacerbation by benzodiazepines.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: To describe 2 cases of sterile corneal ulcers that persisted after several weeks of therapy with topical moxifloxacin 0.5% but that resolved when antibiotic therapy was changed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two patients are described who developed testicular swelling and pain during treatment with desipramine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Slight elevation of serum transaminases and hepatic hyperechogenicity were observed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Allergic side effects of AZA are rare, and reported allergic skin eruptions from AZA are very limited in Japan.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient's stool sample was found to be positive for the C. difficile toxin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The resurgence of HBV DNA preceded the elevation of liver enzymes for 20 weeks.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pneumonitis, bilateral pleural effusions, echocardiographic evidence of cardiac tamponade, and positive autoantibodies developed in a 43-year-old man, who was receiving long-term sulfasalazine therapy for chronic ulcerative colitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This was associated with polyuria but no significant hyponatraemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Further testing at 28 months revealed a serum T4 value of 7.8 micrograms\/dl and a serum T3 value of 141 ng\/dl.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The occurrence of torsades de pointe is often associated with the use of drugs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Here we describe a patient with Crohn's disease who developed a severe infliximab infusion reaction (IIR), complicated 1 day later by severe swelling of the forearm and hand ipsilateral to the site of infliximab infusion.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Even after its discontinuation, the patient experienced the rash on a long-term basis, with periodic exacerbations.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Recovery was observed with supportive therapy after 2 and 1 weeks, respectively.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"During the epidemic period, 43% of the S typhimurium isolates submitted to the Arizona Department of Health Services were resistant to chloramphenicol, and 80% of these possessed the same plasmid resistance.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These include injections of botulinum toxins to correct the shape of the nasal tip and the use of various fillers to correct contour and profile defects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He developed fever, nausea, diarrhea, and malaise and stopped taking on the third day after commencing Pentasa.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The salmon calcitonin is used in some osteomuscular diseases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinical signs of hypermagnesemia are an uncommon complication following oral administration of magnesium sulfate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Drug induced liver injury secondary to interferon-beta (IFN-beta) in multiple sclerosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"She had also been submitted to radiotherapy for a subcutaneous plasmacytoma, detected some months before, at the same site of the cutaneous lesions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"No virus particles were detected by electron microscope.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report here the case of a patient with peritoneal metastases of GIST involving the pelvis treated by imatinib.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Interstitial lung disease has been reported in association with numerous alkylating agents and other chemotherapeutic drugs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present the case of an adult Crohn's disease patient with a parvovirus B19 infection and leukopenia during long-term AZA therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Spontaneous hemothorax following anticoagulation with low-molecular-weight heparin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"When patients with PNH are infected by PVB19, they may show severe neutropenia and mild thrombocytopenia in addition to severe reticulocytopenia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Neurointensive care management of raised intracranial pressure caused by severe valproic acid intoxication.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The urinary concentrations of the main tubular enzymes (gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase, N-acetyl-glucosaminidase, alpha-glucosidase) proved very high and successively decreased slowly.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The results of a histopathological examination of the renal biopsy specimen were unremarkable.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case of successful treatment of antibiotic-associated pseudomembranous colitis with oral metronidazole is reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Their diagnoses were: chemotaxis defect, cellular immunodeficiency, combined immunodeficiency and chronic granulomatous disease (CGD).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Epstein-Barr virus-associated lymphoproliferative disorder (EBV-LPD) is an uncommon but potentially fatal complication of allogeneic stem cell transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In this patient, the recurrence of the disease, the presence of filamentous strands on electron microscopy during both bouts of hepatitis and the efficacy of ribavirin on post-transplantation hepatitis suggest that the disease was caused by an original virus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Other related complications include decreased bone healing and inhibition of orthodontic tooth movement.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Reversal of neuroleptic-induced stupor by procyclidin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Retinopathy in hepatitis C patients due to combination therapy with pegylated interferon and ribavirin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"When a subsequent allergic reaction occurs, the ethylenediamine component of aminophylline is usually not suspected as the etiologic agent.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The combination of maintenance ECT and lithium may be safe and effective in selected cases of refractory depression.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors also determined that their case of myositis developing in the rectus abdominus muscle of a patient with pancreatic adenocarcinoma was the manifestation of radiation recall, thereby bringing the number of patients who developed radiation recall to gemcitabine and were discussed in the current study to 13.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Each dog developed arterial hypertension, with systolic, diastolic, and mean arterial pressures ranging from 170 to 205, 90 to 112, and 123 to 148 mm of Hg, respectively.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient was also found to have Hashimoto's thyroiditis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute dystonia during pegylated interferon alpha therapy in a case with chronic hepatitis B infection.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Careful review of the literature suggests that corticosteroid-induced liver damage may be more frequent than commonly believed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Nineteen immunocompromised patients with extensive skin lesions caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa with or without P. aeruginosa bacteremia were analysed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the occurrence of renal failure due to cholesterol crystal embolization following thrombolytic therapy with intravenous recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Transvaginal intratubal insemination, ectopic pregnancy and treatment by single-dose parenteral methotrexate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Therefore, thrombin should be used only as a last resort, short of craniotomy, to control intractable arterial hemorrhage during stereotactic brain biopsy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although it would be expected that, like other type IA toxicities, diphenhydramine-induced cardiotoxicity could be responsive to hypertonic sodium bicarbonate, this finding is largely unappreciated.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The authors report a case of laryngeal necrosis after combination therapy for a patient with cervical lymph node metastases of nasopharyngeal carcinoma and review the literature on late laryngeal necrosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ticlopidine-induced marrow aplasia treated with cyclosporine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"After the start of insulin therapy, there was a remission period for about 3 years but insulin-dependency recurred thereafter.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A retrospective epidemiological study of deaths from hepatic angiosarcoma (HAS) in the U.S. showed that during 1964--74 there were 168 such cases, of which 37 (22%) were associated with previously known causes (vinyl chloride, 'Thorotrast', and inorganic arsenic) and 4 (3.1%) of the remaining 131 cases with the use of androgenic-anabolic steroids.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Time periods from onset to diagnosis and from diagnosis to clinical resolution, and the final visual acuity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatment was initiated with intravenous tobramycin 560 mg daily and piperacillin\/tazobactam 4.5 g infused every 6 hours.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The investigators studied a patient with a nortriptyline HCI level of 1,205 ng\/mL who had four generalized grand mal seizures, each lasting between 60 and 90 seconds that were immediately followed by hypotension requiring norepinephrine support.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patients had experienced loss of employment and the carers described a reduction in the patients' social interactions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Olanzapine was detected and quantitated by basic liquid-liquid extraction followed by dual-column gas chromatographic analysis with nitrogen phosphorus detection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE REPORT: Soon after initiation of amiodarone HCl (200 mg\/day), a 76-year-old man came to us with symptoms of visual \"shining,\" glare, color vision anomalies, and gradually decreased vision.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a patient with post-transplant lymphoma who was treated by renal allograft nephrectomy, discontinuation of immuno-suppressive therapy, and initiation of acyclovir administration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case supports the view that in gold-induced pneumonitis a prolonged treatment with corticosteroids may be necessary, as lung function continued to improve.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Myelodysplasia terminating in acute myeloid leukemia in a hairy cell leukemia patient treated with 2-deoxycoformycin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A previous study of patients with \"quinine-associated TTP\/HUS\" found that ADAMTS13 activities were not abnormal in 12\/12 patients.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The principle treatment for DPD-deficient patients with severe acute 5-FU reactions is supportive care; however, the administration of thymidine potentially may reverse severe 5-FU-induced neurologic symptoms such as encephalopathy and coma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Reiter's syndrome, immunodepression and strongyloidiasis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In addition, the in vivo immunological study also revealed an intercellular fluorescence, similar to that seen in pemphigus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: The new quinolone derivatives (levofloxacin, sparfloxacin, grepafloxacin, trovafloxacin, gatifloxacin and moxifloxacin), also called gyrase inhibitors, are known for their potential to cause central nervous system-related adverse effects, including headache, dizziness and insomnia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Tardive and chronically recurrent oculogyric crises.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Physicians should be aware of the presence of corticosteroids in over-the-counter products, that are not mentioned on the instruction leaflet.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hydroxyurea associated with concomitant occurrence of diffuse longitudinal melanonychia and multiple squamous cell carcinomas in an elderly subject.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Three patients, in whom tumour overkill by cytotoxic treatment, including high dose methotrexate with folinic acid rescue, resulted in the 'phosphate shower syndrome' (hyper-uricaemia, hyperkalaemia and hyperphosphataemia with hypocalcaemia and tetany, with metabolic acidosis and acute renal impairment) are described.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report the first case of Leuconostoc infection in a solid organ transplant recipient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A leukemoid reaction is a complex and poorly understood response by the bone marrow to a variety of stresses; although any peripheral blood cell line may be involved, it is rarely a purely monocytic event.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In addition, they should continue to reserve its use for moderate-to-severe Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia for which trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole is ineffective or contraindicated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"For those patients with a history of NMS, or even of isolated serum CK elevation during antipsychotic therapy, follow-up should be stricter.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One initially received diethylstilbene followed by estradiol, 80 mg monthly, and finally estramustin, 140 mg twice daily.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The HIPA assay provides a simple and sensitive laboratory method for the choice of an innocuous heparin or heparinoid for continued parenteral anticoagulation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient's medical history was significant for heart transplantation due to ischemic heart failure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two patients who received granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) before or during radiotherapy are reviewed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The ocular effects of intracarotid bromodeoxyuridine and radiation therapy in the treatment of malignant glioma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The source of fever was never identified, although infection with cytomegalovirus was considered the most likely cause.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: Endoscopic retrograde cholangiography was performed to define the proximal and distal extent of intraductal tumor.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatment was started with heparin and vasodilators.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Seven of 10 patients experienced serious adverse events, which led to withdrawal of linezolid in all seven.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"AILD is characterized by generalized lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, immunological abnormalities, polyclonal hypergammaglobulinemia and anemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Chest radiography showed central bilateral opacities and pleural effusion as confirmed by the high-resolution computed tomography that demonstrated diffuse ground-glass and interlobular septal thickening as well.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, in the mid-to-late 1980s, a series of letters to the editor and case reports announced an association between tamoxifen therapy in women with breast cancer and the development of endometrial carcinoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CASE DESCRIPTION: We have observed severe infusion reactions accompanied by a loss of consciousness in two patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hypo-oestrogenic and anabolic\/androgenic side-effects of danazol are well known by the gynaecologist and some of them are present in > 50% of patients being treated for endometriosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The entity is likely more common than the paucity of reports in the world literature suggests, and all physicians should recognize its graphic appearance to avoid unnecessary exposure to agents in an effort to treat it.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Brain abscess following insertion of skull traction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After receiving 3 doses of ifosfamide\/mesna, she was found to be unresponsive.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We have found that higher doses, up to 1,500 micrograms per day, which have generally been free of side effects, are sometimes required to normalize growth hormone secretion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Renal tubular acidosis was complicated by probable nephrogenic diabetes insipidus and acute renal failure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case should alert clinical oncologists to pay attention to mental symptoms after prescribing a corticosteroid.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the case of an 87-year-old white woman with myasthenia gravis who presented with nausea, shortness of breath, azotemia, and hyperkalemia shortly after completing a course of intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Careful blood cell monitoring showed a pronounced diurnal variation of WBC (2.9-4.2x10(9)\/l in the morning and 3.6-7.1x10(9)\/l in the afternoon) and granulocytes (0.8-1.4x10(9)\/l and 2.9-5.5x10(9)\/l, respectively).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatment with diazepam led to resolution of symptoms within 6 hours, and there was no recurrence at 6 weeks' follow-up.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PSL was commonly effective in inducing remission in very elderly patients (7 of 9 patients; 78%).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS:Haze, uncorrected visual acuity (UCVA), and BCVA improved in all patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Interventions aimed at reducing pain associated with CIPS may include the initiation of calcium-channel blocker therapy and conversion to an alternative calcineurin inhibitor.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Adalimumab, a fully human, immunoglobulin G1 monoclonal antibody that binds to tumor necrosis factor, has been approved for the treatment of moderate-to-severe psoriasis, in the U.S., Europe and elsewhere.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe 2 patients with severe erosive rheumatoid arthritis and rheumatoid vasculitis, respectively, in whom infliximab therapy was associated with peripheral neuropathy due to necrotizing vasculitis in one patient and to progression of preexisting mononeuritis multiplex in the other.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Bilateral percutaneous nephrostomy catheters were placed in the renal pelvises, and local irrigation with amphotericin B was performed for 3 weeks.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This is a unique autopsy case of hepatocellular carcinoma closely related to diethylstilbestrol (DES) therapy for prostatic cancer.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"As an apparent result of their immune modulating activity, there has been an observed association between the use of these agents and the development of a wide range of infections, most notably Mycobacterium tuberculosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Extended-release tolterodine 4 mg\/day was then prescribed to manage overactive bladder.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Five and one-half years after the diagnosis of myeloma, while in remission on cyclophosphamide therapy, the patient experienced severe abdominal right lower quadrant pain due to a large cecal lymphoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"METHOD: Case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CT-scan disclosed right ethmoid sinusitis that spread to the orbit after surgery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Drug-induced mammary hyperplasias have been reported as rare complications of D-penicillamine and Neothetazone.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Following this occurrence of respiratory depression nebulised morphine was discontinued and no further events occurred.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Therefore long-term suppressive antibiotic treatment was not indicated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Previous successful treatment with one ACE inhibitor does not rule out the vasculitis caused by the drug from the same group.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: We sought to describe the clinical course after copperhead bites.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The hearing impairment and tinnitus were gradually reduced after PTU withdrawal and corticosteroid and azathioprine treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"One of the subjects who was using extemporaneous topical minoxidil had hypertension and arteriosclerotic disease and the other died of a myocardial infarction.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"As a result of the advances in acute rheumatology and improved emergency services, an increasing number of patients survive episodes of severe disease and complications of immunosuppressive therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We believe this is the first report of myocardial infarction due to coronary spasm, demonstrated by angiography associated with L-thyroxine therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"To avoid menstruation by the female patient just in the critical stage, we modified her menstruation cycle by testosterone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He is being followed with repeated imaging studies for a small abdominal aneurysm.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Administration of intravenous nitroglycerin in a patient with idiopathic pulmonary hypertension resulted in an increase in pulmonary artery pressure associated with a decrease in blood flow that is best explained by an increase in pulmonary vascular resistance.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The safety profile of this treatment in critically ill patients has not been fully evaluated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of fulminant neuroleptic malignant syndrome in a man aged 70 developing within 12 hours of starting six-hourly intravenous metoclopramide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We suggest that in patients treated with olanzapine, CK concentrations should be checked on initiation of therapy, within the first 48 hours, and weekly thereafter for at least one month.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To describe two cases of rhabdomyolysis in patients taking lovastatin that were precipitated by the use of the newer macrolide antibiotics clarithromycin and azithromycin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Thus cabergoline may cause similar pleuropulmonary abnormalities to bromocriptine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 60-year-old white man with chronic bronchitis was noted to develop acute respiratory failure and metabolic acidosis four days after being started on methazolamide (Neptazane) for an ophthalmologic problem.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Since tamoxifen therapy can induce endometrial disorders, surveillance schemes of women taking tamoxifen have been recommended.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Laboratory evaluations disclosed normal electrolytes, hemograms and non-toxic serum MTX levels at the onset of the symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Severe adenovirus pneumonia (AVP) following infliximab infusion for the treatment of Crohn's disease.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Our patient developed Crohn's disease while on Copaxone treatment as a consequence of long-term immunosuppression.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Perforation of the bladder seems to be iatrogenic (primary) or drug-induced (secondary).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A patient with a primary malignant brain tumor on chronic corticosteroids presented with a clinical picture of cord compression and was diagnosed with SEDL.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A severe lidocaine intoxication by cutaneous absorption is described.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a patient in whom the anti-depressant trazodone hydrochloride (Molipaxin, Roussel), a serotonin antagonist, provoked generalized pustular psoriasis (GPP).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This was characterized by inflammatory arthritis and an urticarial and papulosquamous rash and was accompanied by high titers of antinuclear, double-stranded DNA, glomerular-binding, and histone antibodies and by reduced levels of the C4 component of complement.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 55-year-old Caucasian man was admitted to hospital with triple vessel disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 28 year old white schizophrenic male has been under risperidone monotherapy for about one year when he developed dyskinetic movements.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In patients with swallowing dysfunction and pneumonia, a history of mineral oil use should be obtained and a diagnosis of ELP should be considered in the differential diagnoses if mineral oil use has occurred.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Physicians and patients must use more caution with teratogenic prescription drugs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The interaction between phenytoin, thyroid function, and thyroid replacement therapy is discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Generalised pustular psoriasis induced by cyclosporin a withdrawal responding to the tumour necrosis factor alpha inhibitor etanercept.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Salmon calcitonin in the treatment of post herpetic neuralgia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Mental status, vital signs, and all laboratory parameters including thyroid function tests, normalized.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rarely, pleural effusion and\/or pulmonary hemorrhage may occur.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Syndrome of inappropriate secretion of ADH (SIADH) following cisplatin administration in a pulmonary adenocarcinoma patient with a malignant pleural effusion.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Close observation of the response status both clinically and with beta-hCG values may indicate whether and when more agressive combination chemotherapy should be started.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She was suffering from an unspecified interstitial lung disease, papillary thyroid carcinoma which had been treated, hypoparathyroidism after thyroidectomy for which she was receiving dihydrotachysterol and calcium, and atrial fibrillation and congestive heart failure as a result of mitral stenosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ten of them were given the agent while the femoral arteries were compressed, to prevent loss of the agent into the external iliac arteries.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: Ten consecutive patients with culture proven MDR-TB were treated with the novel antibiotic drug linezolid in combination regimens for 6-40 (median 17) weeks and followed up 11-50 (median 24) months after end of treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two other patients were treated with clotrimazole as well as propamidine isethionate and neomycin sulfate-polymyxin B sulfate-gramicidin from the outset, and had an excellent response to medical therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The three index patients underwent: (1) left stellate ganglion block; (2) beta-blocker challenge; and (3) electrocardiographic stress testing.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In one case the recognition of anterior vitreous face contact to the cornea was delayed by the severity of the corneal edema.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report four cases of severe corneal ulceration in methamphetamine abusers.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient's beta-blocker therapy may have masked additional signs of NMS.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVES: This article focuses on those patients where particular agents should not be used: i.e. 'when not to use what'.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Amphotericin B overdose in pediatric patients with associated cardiac arrest.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Temozolomide-induced desquamative skin rash in a patient with metastatic melanoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Antibiotic-associated neutropenia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The most common complications of the use of central venous catheters include infection and venous thrombosis whereas pulmonary septic emboli are rare.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: Pancreatic enzyme intolerance, although rare, would be a major problem in the management of patients with CF.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Successful rescue of severe recurrent hepatitis C with interferon and ribavirin in a liver transplant patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Her clinical symptoms improved with discontinuation of pranlukast and administration of systemic corticosteroid.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 34-year-old lady developed a constellation of dermatitis, fever, lymphadenopathy and hepatitis, beginning on the 17th day of a course of oral sulphasalazine for sero-negative rheumatoid arthritis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Skin rash and splinter hemorrhages from ganciclovir.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Oligohydramnios and pulmonary hypoplasia: a case in which involvement of an angiotensin II receptor antagonist was suspected.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The potential for progressive brain injury and subsequent disability related to intraventricular IL-2 therapy is discussed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Prompt diagnosis of WE is important because it is potentially fatal and readily treatable with thiamine supplementation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Despite normal coagulation parameters, the cerebral hematoma enlarged over 36 hours, as documented by sequential computed tomographic scans, to produce significant mass effect, which prompted surgical evacuation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An 8-year-old girl with pauciarticular disease, antinuclear antibody, and uncontrollable iridocyclitis underwent 16 plasma exchanges with 5% albumin solution as replacement; despite removal of antinuclear antibody, her eye disease and arthritis were not helped.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It has a significant adverse effect profile, with 30-45% of patients reporting cardiac adverse effects and 15-20% experiencing noncardiac events.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a 5-year-old girl with Ph(+) CML who received a cord blood transplant in a second accelerated phase after a very early lymphoid blast crisis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present an exceptional case in which full-thickness eyelid necrosis ensued following intralesional injection of corticosteroids in a capillary hemangioma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a case of severe aplastic anemia (AA) that was probably induced by lenalidomide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Muscle involvement is also common, although it usually remains asymptomatic.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: We have introduced a case of anaphylaxis by calcitonin that suggest an IgE mediated hypersensitivity reaction.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Seventeen months after recovery, the patient was rechallenged with ART without recurrence of lactic acidosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Antibodies to native or ultraviolet-irradiated DNA were not demonstrated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Laboratory investigations for uveitis were negative and the patient required systemic and intensive topical steroids with cycloplegics to control the inflammation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Mycophenolate mofetil-induced neutropenia in liver transplantation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Perilymphatic atrophy can be a complication of intralesional corticosteroid injections given for the treatment of conditions such as psoriasis, alopecia areata, and keloids, and intraarticular corticosteroid injections given in diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This is believed to be the third case of bacteraemia outside of Asia due to C. indologenes and the first in a diabetic child not otherwise immunocompromised.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"IL-2 was part of the regimen.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thus, our report suggests that SKT could be a first-line agent for the conservative treatment of TOS.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He subsequently had a resolution of all signs and symptoms, suggesting that these alarming events were a toxic but reversible side effect of the chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A small number of oxaliplatin-related hemolytic and\/or thrombocytopenic reactions have been reported.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To present a previously unreported cause of neurologic compromise after cervical spine surgery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A clinical study was initiated to determine if this mode of treatment would be effective against certain primary and metastatic cutaneous malignancies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"School-based methylphenidate placebo protocols: methodological and practical issues.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This is the second report of acute lung injury and diffuse alveolar damage caused by mefloquine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"6-Thioguanine (6-TG) is a thiopurine analogue that is closely related to 6-mercaptopurine (6-MP) and azathioprine (AZA).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: The normal host response to a cosmetic filler is a weak granulomatous reaction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two patients with severe dialysis osteomalacia, whose fractures and deformities had become progressively worse over 3 years, were treated with desferrioxamine (DFO).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"As is known, tamoxifen therapy is related to endometrial proliferation, hyperplasia, polyp formation, invasive carcinoma and uterine sarcoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Contraindications for mannitol in aphakic glaucoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Drug withdrawal resulted in a slow and progressive reduction in bilirubin levels and liver enzymes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Agitated dysphoria after late-onset loss of response to antidepressants: a case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"2 months later symptoms had resolved with a control CT of the thorax showing complete regression of the pulmonary changes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"With the increased use of indwelling central venous catheters, increasing numbers of cases of Rhodotorula fungemia have been observed in patients with neoplasia and neutropenia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After several months, neither patient required antidiabetic treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case may be made for the discontinuation of the usage of chloral hydrate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It also highlights a current major etiologic question, that is, whether and to what degree lead exposure contributes to the development of hypertension, and raises the issue of whether lead-induced hypertension constitutes a subset of hypertension that is especially amenable to therapy with dietary calcium.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Eventually she showed apneic spells and hyperglycemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Our purpose is to alert surgeons and therapists to a rare but potentially devastating complication and to provide our experience in treating it.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although useful in the management of chronic alcoholism, disulfiram is being increasingly associated with a wide spectrum of side effects and untoward medical sequelae, which now include catatonia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"As NBD-Cl has not been reported as an allergen before, the characteristics of this chemical and its use as an analytical reagent are briefly surveyed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Immunoprecipitation analysis revealed a band with the molecular weight of the Band 3 anion channel only in the presence of the patient's serum and oxaliplatin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Five patients were treated with topical neomycin-polymyxin B-gramicidin (Neosporin) and propamidine isethionate (Brolene) drops.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Protein in vitamin K absence (PIVKA) is the prothrombin precursor found in plasma when carboxylation to prothrombin is impaired.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Mitral valve endocarditis resulting from coagulase-negative Staphylococcus after stent implantation in a saphenous vein graft.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case is the first report in which RLS augmentation is shown to be characterized by motor hyperkinesias paralleling levodopa plasma pharmacokinetic profile.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura occurring as an allergic response to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole therapy (Bactrim, Septra) in a Jehovah's Witness patient.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"During the following years, the patient was retested regularly.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These enzymes may be associated with toxic reactions of differing frequency and severity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Less common adverse events to dapsone include the idiosyncratic reactions of leukopenia and agranulocytosis, cutaneous eruptions, peripheral neuropathy, psychosis, toxic hepatitis, cholestatic jaundice, nephrotic syndrome, renal papillary necrosis, severe hypoalbuminemia without proteinuria, an infectious mononucleosis-like syndrome, and minor neurological and gastrointestinal complaints.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CASE REPORT: We hereby report a case of radiation recall dermatitis and myositis occurring on gemcitabine monotherapy, five months after completing chemoradiation for locally advanced pancreatic cancer.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The role of antiemetics is invaluable in allowing cancer patients to complete, otherwise possibly intolerable, chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The catheter had been in place for 28 months for administration of a 27 month course of intravenous cefotaxime for an unsubstantiated diagnosis of chronic Lyme disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patient 2 underwent two attempted operative anastamotic revisions with thrombectomies and local thrombolysis prior to CDT.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Subsequently, five episodes of Wenckebach (Mobitz type 1) heart block with a ventricular rate of 28 beats\/minute were observed on continuous cardiac telemetry.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Electron microscopy revealed selective loss of myosin filaments in many fibers.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She subsequently developed similar symptoms after multiple rechallenges with various loop diuretics including furosemide, bumetanide, and torsemide.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is of value in treating temper states in epilepsy and has the advantage of not causing extrapyramidal symptoms and side-effects are slight after the first week.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors calculated that the blood lactate concentration could rise by 50% without requiring net lactic acid accumulation when the severe acidemia was corrected by alkali therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Before FAB therapy was started, the total serum DGTX concentration was 535 nmol\/l.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In some patients, this pH shift may be quite transient and temporary; whereas, in some patients with other maladies, the acidosis may be much more serious.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinical consequences are discussed and disturbances of the blood brain barrier system as a speculative cause are hypothesized taking previous studies, animal studies and an additional reported clinical case into account.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In the course of modifying her anticonvulsant regimen, the authors examined the 6beta-hydroxycortisol\/cortisol ratio (6beta-OHF\/F) in her urine, which can be the index of hepatic CYP3A4 activity, with electrospray ionization\/mass spectrometry\/mass spectrometry (ESI\/MS\/MS).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hemostasis was difficult to achieve, as the divided or disrupted amyloid-laden cortical vessels failed to vasoconstrict, their contractile elements replaced by amyloid beta protein.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The clinical and histologic presentation of this side effect and possible biochemical mechanisms of pathogenesis are discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 16-year-old poorly compliant, steroid-dependent subject with asthma received two courses of high-dose intravenous methylprednisolone during a 3-week period, followed by a tapering schedule of oral prednisone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Citalopram: an interaction study with clomipramine in a patient heterozygous for CYP2D6 genotype.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present a case report where switching from clozapine to quetiapine maintained the improvement in clinical status, after remittance of eosinophilia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Development of tics in a thirteen-year-old male following atomoxetine use.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 37-year-old female patient was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis 8 months ago and medical treatment with oral azathioprine, low-dose corticosteroids and 5-ASA was started.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Severe apnea in an infant exposed to lamotrigine in breast milk.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Despite vigorous therapy for the hyperthermia, he rapidly developed significant hypoxia requiring mechanical ventilation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These results suggest that the slowed clearance of cerivastatin in this patient might have been compounded by cytochrome P450, 2C8 dysfunction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Nitrofurantoin is commonly used to treat urinary tract infections during pregnancy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After 14 months of follow-up, the patient is well and free of disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The postoperative course was uneventful and topical steroids were combined with neomycin and propamidine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Medicolegal problems in the management of cardiac arrhythmias in children.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hematological toxicity was moderate even at the 100 mg\/m2 dose level.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case of severe acute hepatitis caused by cyproterone acetate in a 71 year old man with prostatic carcinoma is reported with a review of the literature on hepatic reactions to this drug.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Coagulase-negative staphylococci were detected in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), and the infection persisted even with intrathecal administration of gentamycin, and intravenous administration of vancomycin and arbekacin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Parameters of potassium, sodium, calcium, and phosphate metabolism as well as specific renal functions have been studied in the basal state and during administration of graded doses of phosphate (500-6000 mg).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: Visually significant, pigmented cellular membranes may form on intraocular lenses after implantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Interstitial pneumopathy and low-dosage amiodarone.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Bisphosphonates in oral or intravenous forms are used to treat various diseases such as certain cancers, bone- and calcium-related disorders, osteoporosis, and osteopenia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The dog underwent multiple operations involving internal fixation of the fractured scapula with wire and a plate, followed by extensive chemotherapy with antibiotics and prednisolone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On visual field testing, a progressive evolution to a total and absolute central scotoma in the RE (central 10 degrees ) and an annular scotoma in the LE became apparent.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Both patients recovered immediately without any signs of adverse effects and the two shunt systems have now been working properly for more than 36 and 21 months, respectively.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case of transient bullous dermolysis of the newborn associated with Wilms' tumor is reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Asthmatic patients receive multiple drugs as part of their treatment program.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Multiple stones and tumor cells infiltration were demonstrated in both kidney.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a patient with transitional cell carcinoma of the renal pelvis who developed respiratory dysfunction and an abnormal chest x-ray with diffuse interstitial opacities while on chemotherapy with piritrexim, a methotrexate analog.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Development of neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) following discontinuation of high-dose and high-potency neuroleptic agents is described.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Barbiturates offer a mechanism of action that is different from that of benzodiazepines.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Prolonged prostate-specific antigen response in flutamide withdrawal syndrome despite disease progression.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Hydroxyurea (HU) and sodium phenylbutyrate (SPB) have been shown to increase fetal hemoglobin (Hb F) levels in patients with thalassemia intermedia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To report on the possible development of serotonin syndrome in a patient receiving clomipramine after clozapine was withdrawn from the treatment regimen.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a case of biopsy-proven acute tubulointerstitial nephritis associated with a second course of flurbiprofen, a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug of the propionic acid class.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Untreated tumors displayed continued growth.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report an unusually short lived and asymptomatic episode of severe cisplatin-induced renal tubular salt wasting in a fit 41-year-old patient with malignant teratoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We described a patient who developed heart failure and pericarditis after bone marrow transplantation for a hematologic malignancy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: Single case report of failure of Baclofen pump investigated by radioisotope injection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Exposure to the individual compounds was determined by calculating the AUC.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Transient decreases in hematocrit, complement components, and immunoglobulin concentrations occurred.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Endoscopic injection of sclerosing agents is a strategy for control of esophageal varix bleeding.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Significant clinical improvement of the porphyria followed withdrawal of the diphenylhydantoin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The progressive regression was remarkable.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He underwent removal of the allograft and implantation of another liver.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Sleep improvement in an insomniac patient with global pituitary insufficiency after change from triple to quadruple cortisol replacement therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"His immune system at this time was almost completely depleted.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Polyarthritis, hepatitis and anti-native DNA antibodies after treatment with ethambutol and rifampicin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Bortezomib is the first anticancer proteasome inhibitor introduced into clinical practice.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Recurrent ischemic stroke involving an initially unaffected arterial territory during the course of thrombolysis has been reported but remains exceptionally rare.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Genotyping prior to medication may be useful in evaluating patients with a high risk of severe systemic reaction to SASP.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In this report, we suppose the possibility to develop a foetal malformations after a long-term wash out from isotretinoin therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hydroxyurea and sodium phenylbutyrate therapy in thalassemia intermedia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A patient with a 30% scald burn was treated with topical silver sulfadiazine (Silvadene).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: There is no reliable and effective treatment of anterior ischemic optic neuropathy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Primary osteogenic sarcoma of the skull.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: A well-documented case report involving tap (draft) beer consumed while on an MAOI supports an earlier study, which recommended that all tap beers be restricted on MAOI diets.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Reactivation of human herpesvirus-6 (HHV-6) is frequently observed, although the cause of DIHS is still unknown.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Histologic examination showed in both cases epithelioid granulomas in close relation with scattered pigment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She developed a pre-engraftment immune reaction, which responded well to prednisolone, and engraftment was documented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Tc-99m labelled Anti CD 66 monoclonal antibody imaging is a useful, noninvasive approach to the assessment of bone marrow reserve under such circumstances.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In addition to antimicrobial therapy, treatment usually involves craniotomy and excision of the abscess.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Positive CSF PCR of JC virus confirmed the diagnosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DISCUSSION: Amphotericin B deoxycholate has been reported to produce significant cardiac toxicity, with ventricular arrhythmias and bradycardia reported in overdoses in children and in adults with preexisting cardiac disease, even when administered in conventional dosages and infusion rates.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Our literature review revealed an additional six cases of onset of inflammatory arthritis in MS patients receiving IFN-beta.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Rare instances of autoimmune conditions have been observed in association with its use.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The drug was identified and quantitated in plasma and urine using an HPLC technique with diode-array detection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On discontinuation of the drug, serum CK concentrations returned to normal within eight days.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hycanthone is an antischistosomal drug with promising antitumor activity against experimental animal tumors.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The multiple drug schema consisted of: Etoposide 16.213, Methotrexate, Cyclophosphamide, Actomycin-D, and Cisplatin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Over 20 years, 877 patients with Crohn's disease, 492 women (56.1%) and 385 men (43.9%), were evaluated with patient follow-up data available for a mean of 7.8 years.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"History revealed that the patient had taken a combination phenolphthalein\/docusate sodium (Correctol) over-the-counter laxative 1 day prior to admission.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Six of 13 outpatients with schizophrenia who participated in a ten-week open trial of risperidone had an initial good response to the medication followed by development of intolerable affect, including feelings of agitation and depression and periods of crying and insomnia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Severe systemic hypersensitivity reaction to ibuprofen occurring after prolonged therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Unexpectedly, liver function returned to normal on stopping the drug.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Paraspinal muscle impingement causing acute Brown-Sequard syndrome after posterior cervical decompression.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Administration of low-dose cidofovir was associated with clearance of BK virus DNA from blood and allograft, and stabilization of renal function in both patients, without significant toxicity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After rechallenge with monotherapy pegvisomant, however, the hepatic enzyme disturbances reappeared within a few weeks, indicating that most likely pegvisomant alone and not the long-acting somatostatin analog or the combination of these two drugs was responsible for this case of drug-induced hepatitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Nephrotic range proteinuria gradually regressed after stoppage of local injection of IFN-beta without glucocorticoid treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two cases of candidiasis occured in the stomach.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Initial treatment for MN consisted in corticosteroids and immunosuppressors (ciclosporin, mycophenolate mofetil, rituximab, chlorambucil) in all patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Findings of electrophysiologic study and cardiac magnetic resonance imaging were within normal limits, pointing to the ingestion of Aconitum as the most likely source of his arrhythmia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two complications were identified (0.1%), one at each institution.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors have encountered this entity in two patients who were deemed disease-free following combination chemotherapy for malignant disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Molluscum contagiosum is a common viral skin infection in children with atopic diathesis and not rare in HIV patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An encephalopathy and cardiomyopathy developed in a seventeen-year-old girl with chemotherapy-induced renal failure while receiving an intravesical aluminum infusion for hemorrhagic cystitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In each case, 25-100 micrograms of intracoronary nitroglycerin promptly (30-45 seconds) resulted in reopacification of the vessel involved in spasm and resolution of evidence for ischemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To report a case of serotonin syndrome associated with interaction between fentanyl and citalopram, as evidenced by medication history, clinical features and reversal following discontinuation of fentanyl.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"No relationship was identified between the extent and the severity of the skin lesions with the phenytoin and radiation dosages and with the histologic type and origin of the intracranial malignancy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient expired after seven cycles of treatment had been completed because of pulmonary fibrosis and the drug toxicity of bleomycin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Treatment strategies involved use of antimicrobials and supporting the damaged multi-organs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Many types of skin disorders concomitantly occur with hepatitis C virus infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After 8 months of administration of human insulin by a jet injector, there were no more new lesions of lipoatrophy and those affected areas were substantially ameliorated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Stenotrophomonas maltophilia (previously named Xanthomonas maltophilia) is an aerobic, nonfermentive, Gram-negative bacillus that is widespread in the environment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"With the recent Women's Health Initiative Study demonstrating increased risk of breast cancer and cardiovascular events associated with hormone therapy, many women may resort to herbal remedies for persistent menopause symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Macrophage activation syndrome in systemic juvenile rheumatoid arthritis successfully treated with cyclosporine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A forty-two year old female with known alcoholic liver disease was given intravenous lorazepam and diazepam for delirium tremens.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These patients often experience acute intradialytic manifestations while non-pharmacologic interventions as pharmacologic agents are sometimes insufficient to improve symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is recommended that daily leukocyte counts be done in burn patients being treated with silver sulfadiazine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of a young woman with SLE and thrombocytopenia, who developed severe perspiration, headache, and seizure after receiving cyclosporine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report the first case of doxycycline-induced hypoglycemia in a young nondiabetic man.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Complete relief of pain was noted in 73% of patients during the treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: This case and the results of the analyses are in accordance with the described problems and results published earlier.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pancreatitis has been associated with the tetracycline class of antibiotics and concerns about tigecycline-induced acute pancreatitis have recently been raised.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Pemphigus is an autoimmune blistering disease of the skin and mucous membranes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All three patients had rheumatoid arthritis and had received chloroquine for between 12 and 18 months with a maximum dose of 250 mg\/daily.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After cessation of the sulfasalazine and completion of a six-week course of corticosteroids, these problems resolved over a period of four to six months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Retrospectively, bucillamine was believed to be the cause of the giant hypertrophy because of its structural similarity to D-penicillamine, which was the subject of an abundance of reports of mammary hyperplasia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Case Report: We report a case of methanol poisoning exhibiting complete recovery from severe visual impairment following treatment with ethanol, fomepizole, and hemodialysis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Viscoelastic material as an adjunct to dissections and to treat microperforations during nonpenetrating filtering surgery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The characteristics of the small subgroup of chronic anorexics, in whom the risk\/benefit ratio may justify such a regime, are tentatively outlined.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In addition, 1 of these biopsy specimens also had scattered single eosinophils, unlike autoimmune hepatitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This article focuses on the methodological issues involved in choosing instruments to monitor behavior, once a comprehensive evaluation has suggested trials on Ritalin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Sustained ventricular tachycardia in a thalidomide-treated patient with primary plasma-cell leukemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In a postural challenge test after administration of isosorbide dinitrate (5 mg), blood pressure decreased from 120\/67 to 65\/35 mmHg, followed by syncope with a sudden decrease in pulse rate from 85 to 60 beats\/min.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report marked QT prolongation and torsades de pointes in a setting of flash pulmonary edema resulting from acute myocardial ischemia in a patient who was being treated with dofetilide for atrial fibrillation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We believe that immunosuppression-induced pneumonitis in a lung allograft is a serious dilemma for lung transplant physicians","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Echocardiogram showed normal left ventricular systolic function with mild mitral and tricuspid regurgitation and trace aortic insufficiency.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Bone marrow aplasia and severe skin rash after a single low dose of methotrexate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The infant was given indomethacin to induce constriction of sPDA.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The deletion results in decreased CYP2D6 activity, possibly leading to drug accumulation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: This is the first communication of a fatal spontaneous spinal epidural hematoma following thrombolysis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Concentrated topical epinephrine is safe in endoscopic sinus surgery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case of necrotizing fasciitis of the vulva arising in a leukemic patient during a chemotherapy nadir is presented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The third patient had been suffering from serious akathisia while on risperidone, and was cured after switching to olanzapine, but thereafter the patient suffered from RLS at nighttime.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Tics and Tourette syndrome are common comorbidities of patients diagnosed with attention-deficit\/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Laboratory determinations were used to directly evaluate therapeutic anticoagulant effects, and dosage regimens were adjusted to achieve desired anticoagulant levels.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The pathogenetic mechanism of these symptoms might possibly be explained as potentiation of the action of the neuroleptica by oral antidiabetics.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Life-threatening interstitial lung disease associated with trastuzumab: case report.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Potential causes of methamphetamine-related keratitis can be divided into four categories resulting from (a) direct pharmacologic and physical effects of methamphetamine; (b) the toxic effects of diluting or \"cutting\" agents such as lidocaine and quinine; (c) effects related to the route of drug administration (intravenous, inhalation, smoking); and (d) manufacture-related effects of exposure to unintentional caustic contaminants in the final product.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The association of venlafaxine treatment with ischaemic events could be explained by its unique pharmacological and haemodynamic properties.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 56-year-old Caucasian man who received concomitant chemotherapy and radiation for head and neck cancer developed fever concurrent with the administration of amifostine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Radiologic recognition of adriamycin cardiotoxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The lesions resolved after treatment with topical steroids and also oral allopurinol in one of the cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The variation among different diagnostic criteria makes this syndrome a challenging diagnosis at times, in particular when atypical antipsychotics are suspected as the causative agent.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Therefore, wide spectrum antibiotics were continued.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Monitoring of liver function tests should be mandatory in patients receiving high doses of cyproterone acetate; the drug should be withdrawn immediately if abnormal liver function tests are found.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The cause of hiccups should be expressly stated for treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) developed in a patient with seropositive rheumatoid arthritis (RA) after 2 1\/2 months of treatment with penicillamine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Spinal cord infarction during use of zolmitriptan: a case report.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Few studies have been carried out regarding preoperative chemotherapy utilized in the treatment of primitive neuroectodermal tumors\/medulloblastomas (PNET\/MB).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Multifocal osteomyelitis caused by Candida dubliniensis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe the clinical course of these patients and their management aimed at maximizing the effectiveness of gold therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Early onset of hemophagocytic syndrome following allogeneic bone marrow transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The development of perianal fistulas in 2 patients, granuloma on biopsy in 1 patient and perianal skin tag in 1 patient, led to a diagnosis change of CD.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Aminoglycoside-associated hypomagnesaemia in children with cystic fibrosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Localized purpura associated with lamotrigine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"All symptoms disappeared soon after stopping the drugs, though in two cases the papilloedema persisted for many months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The mean histologic activity index scores for patients in groups 1 and 2, respectively, were 6.7 and 5.4.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Several cases of lithium-induced Creutzfeldt-Jakob syndrome have been reported to date; all of them were elderly patients and a half had \"therapeutic\" lithium serum levels.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The absence of borderline mutations in the normal population, and the co-segregation of the expanded allele with neurological signs in one kindred suggest that SCA2 mutations may be responsible for a subset of familial parkinsonism.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Laboratory evaluation ruled out the most common causes of fulminant hepatitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Transient leucopenia and thrombocytopenia associated with sodium nitroprusside infusion.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Voriconazole (VRC) has not previously been reported to cause angio-oedema.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The risk is probably higher with valproic acid than carbamazepine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although uncommon, exogenous lipoid pneumonia (ELP) should be considered when patients present with this symptom complex.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Drug-induced interstitial nephritis in a child with idiopathic nephrotic syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The reported effects of these agents in increasing total Hb, however, have been inconsistent and there have been no studies on the combination of these medications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"They had not been transfusion-dependent prior to treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The occurrence of neuromuscular blockade and the resulting potentiation of muscle relaxants during magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) administration is well known.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient had required two surgical decompressions of the right orbit to relieve pressure, which occurred secondary to progression of the exophthalmos, and was scheduled for further surgery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intravenous epoprostenol was administered perioperatively to control the pulmonary hypertension in both instances.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Dermatomyositis, complicated with pneumomediastinum, successfully treated with cyclosporine A: a case report and review of literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Repeated blood transfusions were associated with rapidly evolving renal failure coupled with anemia and thrombocytopenia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"How safe is our blood transfusion?","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The pathogenesis of autoimmune hepatitis entails complex interactions between triggering factors, autoantigens, genetic predisposition, and immunoregulatory networks.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Dose-intensive melphalan with blood stem cell support for the treatment of AL amyloidosis: one-year follow-up in five patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the case of a patient who developed polyserositis (pericardial effusion, pleural effusion, and pericarditis) after being started on clozapine, and whose symptoms remitted upon discontinuation of clozapine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This case and other published evidence should alert physicians to the possibility of fatal erlotinib-induced ILD.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Acute hemorrhagic gastritis associated with acetazolamide intoxication in a patient with chronic renal failure.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Two patients received corticosteroids as well as parenteral nutrition during the course of their disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Seizures and extrapyramidal symptoms in a patient with Tourette's syndrome, Asperger's syndrome, and multiple sclerosis treated with interferon beta-1a and clomipramine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"However, five patients showed delayed 30-Hz flicker b waves, and seven patients showed delayed oscillatory potentials.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatment with oral 25-hydroxyvitamin D3, 50 microgram daily, produced marked biochemical, radiological, and histological improvement after 6 months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Early postsplenectomy arthritis caused by penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He had a history of treatment-resistant chronic schizophrenia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 55-year-old woman received 2 cycles of therapy with cisplatin 100 mg\/m2 without difficulty.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"If this patient would have died suddenly without the laboratory investigations that lead to the diagnosis of myeloblastic leukemia, the cause would have been probably and wrongfully allotted to treatment with olanzapine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Both patients had laboratory-proven subtherapeutic anticonvulsant serum levels.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient was transferred to a rehabilitation center.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"10 and 15 exchanges of PD using an automated cycler were respectively performed during the first and second 24-hour periods after gadolinium exposure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She received no other concomitant medications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case report with emphasis on medication and management.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The first patient's KI67 level was 2.5% and was positive for the progesterone and estrogen receptor.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Their hair grew back after 2-3 months steroid therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Infection and thromboembolic events are relatively frequent complications, but aneurysm formation is rare.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Sciatic nerve compression very rarely occurs bilaterally.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Instead of diverse antiretroviral therapies, the viral load was increased.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All three patients likely experienced electromechanical dissociation (EMD).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE SUMMARY: A 65-year-old patient chronically treated with the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) citalopram developed confusion, agitation, tachycardia, tremors, myoclonic jerks and unsteady gait, consistent with serotonin syndrome, following initiation of fentanyl, and all symptoms and signs resolved following discontinuation of fentanyl.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"D-penicillamine induced crescentic glomerulonephritis: report and review of the literature.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"An 18-year-old man with attention-deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) was prescribed varenicline for smoking cessation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura induced by trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole in a Jehovah's Witness.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Recently, some studies have also reported association between patients with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA) treated with Methotrexate (MTX) and malignant lymphoma developing.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"METHODS: Between 1990 and 2003, 218 patients underwent an all-polymethylmethacrylate, collar button-shaped KPro surgery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patients with a history of previous coronary artery disease or risk factors for coronary artery disease should be observed closely for signs of myocardial ischemia, particularly during the initial infusion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Possible causal mechanisms are discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Nine patients were cured, one patient with poor adherence to treatment and advanced AIDS died.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Serious lead poisoning in childhood: still a problem after a century.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Colchicine has a known adverse effect on wound healing through its inhibitory effect on tubulin-dependent cell functions and through collagenase activation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"No dose-rate effect has been reported, however.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Other toxicities were generally mild.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The aim of this study was to determine the usefulness of skin tests in ruling out cross-reaction to cisplatin to continue platinum-based chemotherapy in patients who are responsive to these agents.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One month later the patient remained symptom-free.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Histochemistry identified a calcium containing melanin-like substance.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Corynebacterium striatum has rarely been reported to be a pathogen, causing pleuropulmonary infections and bacteremia in only immunocompromised or anatomically altered patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, all Brown Norway rats that received estradiol treatment developed pyometra, whereas none the Sprague Dawley or control Brown Norway rats did.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Necrotizing fasciitis secondary to bisphosphonate-induced osteonecrosis of the jaw.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"While more studies are needed to better understand the mechanism of action after suspending HAART, the complete resolution of the signs and symptoms was observed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Seven psychiatric inpatients receiving carbamazepine 600 mg\/day were coadministered clarithromycin 400 mg\/day for 5 days to treat atypical pneumonia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A mosaic karyotype with XY and XO was found on chromosomal analysis and gonadectomy was performed in view of the high risk of gonadoblastoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Super potent topical corticosteroid use associated with adrenal suppression: clinical considerations.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On hospital day 2 his platelet count dropped to 47,000\/microl and bottomed out at 36,000\/microl by day 3 with other blood cell counts remaining within normal limits.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We consider asterixis to be an easily overlooked sign of neurotoxicity, which may occur even at low or moderate dosage levels, if certain drugs as lithium or clozapine are used in combination with CBZ.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Chronic postoperative bacterial endophthalmitis has recently assumed a prominent role in differential diagnosis of inflammation following extracapsular cataract extraction with posterior chamber intraocular lens implantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: A 68-year-old man developed intense conjunctival hyperemia and cystoid macula edema after switching from latanoprost to bimatoprost 9 months after cataract surgery in an eye at low-risk for this cystoid macular edema.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Additionally, ceftriaxone may cause problems in either adults or children with preexisting disease, who may not be well-nourished, or who may be dehydrated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Severe heparin associated thrombocytopenia is a rare complication of heparin therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"C1-inhibitor deficiency, or hereditary angioedema, is a genetic disorder characterized by recurrent circumscribed, nonpruritic, nonpitting subepithelial edema.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A severe form of exophthalmos resulting from lithium therapy has not been described in the literature.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Ampicillin-associated seizures.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Differentiation between recurrent tumor and radiation necrosis in a child with anaplastic ependymoma after chemotherapy and radiation therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Analysis of the pharmacokinetic data suggests that haemodialysis or haemofiltration would be more efficacious for removal of the drug, and these treatments should be performed if available.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two inactive patients received no corticosteroids before or after the diagnosis of pancreatitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Even with the low dose of neuraxial drugs commonly administered in combined spinal-epidural labor analgesia, this case underscores the importance of vigilance, frequent monitoring, proper positioning, and rapid resuscitation with escalating doses of ephedrine, atropine, and epinephrine, all of which are essential in the presence of bradycardia or asystole in these patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The case report of the corticosteroid complication in an eight-year-old girl with immune thrombocytopenic purpura is presented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 17-year-old boy with acute lymphoblastic leukemia developed acute renal failure within 48 h of an intravenous high-dose methotrexate (5 g\/m2) infusion.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"After a seizure-free period of 3 months the patient died from hepatic failure resembling Reye syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intranasal desmopressin provides symptomatic relief with few serious complications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The cost of care for the enterally supported child was less than one third of the TPN-supported child.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We believe that this is the first report of secretory carcinoma of the endometrium associated with tamoxifen use.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: TNF-alpha inhibitors in general should be used cautiously in chronic hepatitis B viral infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient was treated with radiofrequency cautery and is now asymptomatic.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A patient developed transient, acute myopia while on isotretinoin (Accutane) therapy for acne.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Combination of sodium thiosulphate, cinacalcet, and paricalcitol in the treatment of calciphylaxis with hyperparathyroidism.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pure red cell aplasia due to parvovirus B19 infection after liver transplantation: a case report and review of the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"As a result, there have been several reports of children and adults on TPN who have developed WE as a result of thiamine deficiency.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A mentally retarded 23-year-old woman with myoclonic astatic epilepsy developed an abnormal posture of extreme forward flexion, called camptocormia, during valproate monotherapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The liver had zolpidem present at a concentration of 4.74 microg\/g, and the gastric contents had a total of 172 mg zolpidem.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One patient died with myeloid leukemia at 43.5 months after initial treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It also produces weak beta- and calcium-channel blockade.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Disseminated superficial porokeratosis and immunosuppression.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 61-year-old man with early diffuse cutaneous scleroderma with myositis and progressive interstitial pneumonia developed generalized erythema with high fever 3 weeks after taking sulfamethoxazole\/trimethoprim.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Suramin has demonstrated modest activity against prostate cancer and is being investigated in clinical trials.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A MEDLINE search identified all the reported cases of hypersensitivity reactions to cyclosporine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Symptomatic hypoglycemia secondary to a glipizide-trimethoprim\/sulfamethoxazole drug interaction.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"However, he developed acute renal failure, hyperkalemia, and hyperuricemia 30 d after receiving the sorafenib treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This case and a review of the literature show the severe and unpredictable nature of ethambutol toxicity and its potential for irreversible vision loss despite careful ophthalmologic monitoring.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"All-trans retinoic acid-induced focal myositis, synovitis, and mononeuritis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We describe children and adolescents with chronic hematologic and oncologic diseases who exhibited drug-seeking behavior or anticholinergic symptoms with the use of diphenhydramine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Findings on discontinuation and rechallenge supported the assumption that the hair loss was a side effect of the paroxetine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Cutaneous alternariosis is an opportunistic infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 72-year-old woman was treated daily with two solutions including Tathion eye drops for senile cataract for two years and three months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Six of 13 outpatients with schizophrenia who participated in a ten-week open trial of risperidone had an initial good response to the medication followed by development of intolerable affect, including feelings of agitation and depression and periods of crying and insomnia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Therapeutic effect of intradermal injections with difucosyl lactosamine (dimeric Lex) on patients with rheumatoid arthritis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ultrasound study revealed enlarged kidneys with increased echogenity and loss of corticomedullary differentiation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The development of erythroid leukemia plus carcinoma in these two men suggests mutagenic change secondary to cyclophosphamide therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Common adverse reactions of immunosuppressive treatment are infections, hematologic and liver function abnormalities, but neurologic complications may also be seen.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The first patient developed mild nitritoid symptoms and pain in a band-like distribution, corresponding to T10-T12 dermatomes, shortly after gold sodium thiomalate (GSTM) injection.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Incidence of seizures in pediatric cancer patients treated with imipenem\/cilastatin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"To keep the artery patent, i.c. streptokinase had to be continued until emergency bypass surgery was performed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: A retrospective review of patients originally diagnosed with ulcerative colitis, status post colectomy and IPAA, who developed findings compatible with Crohn's disease was undertaken.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although conventional MRI correlates have been described for this stroke-like syndrome, DWI data are largely unavailable.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rituximab is a chimeric anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Amphotericin B-induced seizures in a patient with AIDS.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between March 1997 and December 2001 at our Department of Musculoskeletal Oncology, 231 patients with peripheral osteosarcoma received a central venous catheter to allow infusion therapy and blood sampling.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Juvenile absence epilepsy exacerbated by valproic acid.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Therefore, beta-adrenergic agents should be used with great care, especially for patients with myotonic dystrophy, because of these agents' tendency to aggravate or precipitate myotonia and to induce rhabdomyolysis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Inclusion of specific culture media and staining protocols for mycobacteria, along with aggressive treatment on diagnosis, including lifting or amputating the LASIK flap, culturing, topical fortified clarithromycin and amikacin, while avoiding corticosteroids, may significantly improve resolution of the infection and potentially improve the visual outcome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Compensatory hyperhidrosis: a consequence of truncal sympathectomy treated by video assisted application of botulinum toxin and reoperation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is unknown whether the vitamin K content or malabsorption of warfarin is the mechanism of resistance.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three of the seven patients were given a dosage of medication and exceeding the manufacture's recommendation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Decreased clearance of the compound has been observed in patients with renal insufficiency, and this has been associated with an increase in the ratio of morphine-6-glucuronide to morphine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This usually occurs in patients taking other ototoxic medications, with poor renal function, or with autoimmune disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Iatrogenic epidural spinal abscess.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Six months later she was again prescribed sustained-release verapamil 240 mg in another clinic where the physician was unaware of her previous reaction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient denied any previous medication sensitivities, and was taking oral methotrexate and prednisone at the time of emergency department admission.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DESIGN: Case series.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Most often, it is tolerated well.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The remaining lesions were treated with curette and cryotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Of 23 patients with reported outcome, 11 died within a few weeks.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Alternating sinus rhythm and intermittent sinoatrial block induced by propranolol.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We emphasise the need to be vigilant for this important but relatively rare complication, which has significant associated morbidity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case report presents a typical case of Sturge Weber Syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Good correlation existed between peak concentrations and AUC (r = 0.866; P less than 0.001).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Following the improvement of the symptoms of SJS, he received alternate-day oral prednisolone without any cutaneous eruption.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Animal studies have shown that some human monoclonal antibodies promote myelin repair in models of demyelinating disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An association of granulocytopenia, eosinophilia, skin reaction and hepatitis during propylthiouracil (PTU) therapy for thyrotoxicosis in a 47 year old black female is reported.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Edema associated with ibuprofen therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Rate of mitral thrombosis is 3.9% and aortic 0.25%.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute respiratory distress syndrome after rituximab infusion.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 30-year-old pharmacist suffered from acute allergic contact dermatitis due to 4-chloro-7-nitrobenzofurazan (NBD-Cl).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Most cases of pancreatitis associated with L-asparaginase toxicity are self-limiting and respond favorably to nasogastric decompression and intravenous hyperalimentation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a case of rhino-orbital zygomycosis caused by Rhizopus oryzae that developed in a 41-year-old male renal transplant recipient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After only the third dose of pentamidine, it was noted that the patient's heart rate had decreased to 48 beats\/minute.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We hypothesize that sibutramine, through its effect on neurotransmitters, may induce antidiuretic hormone secretion and lead to a syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"New therapies for MDR-TB have not been introduced since the fluoroquinolones in the 1970s.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The adverse pulmonary effects of erlotinib are less well known.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the development of squamous-cell carcinoma within a basal-cell epithelioma that was treated with intralesional injections of 5-FU.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: The patient developed bilateral central retinal vein occlusions in association with high-dose intravenous immunoglobulins.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The primary tumor sites included the tongue, buccal mucosa, chest wall, vagina, and clitoris.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This responded promptly to Dantrolene and Bromocriptene.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DISCUSSION: A literature search showed no reports of an interaction between warfarin and levamisole.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The longitudinal follow up DWI findings suggest reversible metabolic derangement rather than ischemia as the cause of these findings.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Five days after discontinuation of this medication his mental status returned to normal.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In contrast to infection secondary to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), CMV colitis has not previously been described in this context.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All drugs were stopped, and the patient was transferred to another hospital for liver transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Flavimonas oryzihabitans (CDC group Ve-2) bacteraemia associated with Hickman catheters.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Unfortunately, symptoms and therefore treatment are often delayed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hepatocellular damage following therapeutic intravenous iron sucrose infusion in a child.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We present here the case histories of two patients who developed very severe cardiac failure at cumulative doses well below 500 mg\/m2 but who survived their initial cardiac illness due to aggressive intervention.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Carbamazepine-induced tics.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The medication history is an integral part in the evaluation of a patient with hypoglycemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After more than 18 years after cessation of the drug, most tests showed a further deterioration, including best-corrected visual acuity (RE: 0.1; LE: 0.7).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Neither dosage nor serum levels of CBZ were in a higher range.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors describe a woman with chronic schizophrenia who experienced delirium, grand mal seizure, and photosensitivity after the addition of propranolol to her neuroleptic regimen.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a rare case of Acanthamoeba keratitis related to cosmetic contact lenses in both eyes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A patient is described who developed a systolic murmur soon after she was administered intravenous thrombolytic therapy for acute myocardial infarction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cutaneous metastatic plasmacytomas with tropism for a previously injured limb.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pramipexole: augmentation in the treatment of depressive symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three diabetic cases of acute dizziness due to initial administration of voglibose.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Three children presented with adrenal crises, manifested by vomiting and hypoglycaemia, after protracted courses of high-dose inhaled corticosteroids for asthma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"FINDINGS: Six children with growth retardation noted after treatment with high-dose fluticasone propionate were found to have adrenal suppression.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"There were 5 outpatients who suffered chronic pain for at least 3 months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The major limiting side effect is hemolytic anemia, which may be mitigated through careful patient selection, conservative drug dosing, close monitoring, and possibly, concurrent administration of antioxidants or cytochrome P450 inhibitors.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Vomiting occurred even with small doses of enzymes disguised in food.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Twelve days later symptoms worsened, with pulmonary edema on chest radiograph, continued weight gain, and +4 pitting edema resistant to oral diuretics.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In the second case, five cardiac arrests due to ventricular tachycardia and fibrillation occurred during several hours after beginning a trial of bretylium maintenance therapy for complex ventricular ectopy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Immunotherapy with imiquimod 5% cream for eyelid nodular basal cell carcinoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patients with sustained and nonsustained ventricular tachycardia may present the clinician with difficult management problems in the assessment of risk, decision for long-term treatment, and selection of appropriate therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Administration of pyridoxine to an infant after a long period of convulsions was followed by acute hypotonia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The same error had led to the death of her child five years earlier.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The CD4 lymphocyte count in 1991 was normal and ultrasonographic scan showed normal liver morphology.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This communication describes a patient who developed Schneiderian first-rank symptoms in the course of treatment with fluvoxamine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Didanosine also has a potential for inducing seizures.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient's overall course with thiamine replacement therapy led to a complete recovery within 5 days and no sequelae were noted after 12 months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patients were monitored at months 1 and 3.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Four occurred in combination with MTX, one with adalimumab.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These cases suggest the possibility that, in some patients, leukopenia or agranulocytosis during olanzapine treatment might be dose-related.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Moreover, treatment with immunosuppressive drugs such as cyclosporine, cisplatin, tacrolimus, and interferon-alpha can induce a condition resembling RPLS.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Magnetic resonance imaging may be useful in these cases to confirm the diagnosis of WE.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This avoids the need for bronchoscopic examination or transfer of the patient for computed tomography.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This was later confirmed by the patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Detection of activated eosinophils in nasal polyps of an aspirin-induced asthma patient.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"AIM: To report three cases of extensive skin necrosis in cirrhotic patients treated with the vasoconstrictor agent terlipressin (Glypressin).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Easily reversible hypoxemia and hypotension induced by nimodipine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"One major concern with the use of intraperitoneal therapy is the risk of inducing peritoneal sclerosis and extensive adhesion formation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The medical examiner's report indicated death caused by fluoxetine toxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Other symptoms of drug hypersensitivity included nausea, vomiting, urticarial rash, and leukopenia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fulminant hepatitis with severe lactate acidosis in HIV-infected patients on didanosine therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The use of clonidine alone and in combination to treat a variety of problems has increased in child and adolescent patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Flaccid quadriparesis was noted after discontinuation of vecuronium.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Although these medications are used in other conditions, we are not aware of other reports of PG exclusive to treatment for idiopathic PD.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One patient died during induction probably due to haemorrhage.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: To report a case of bilateral anterior uveitis associated with ovulation induction therapy using clomiphene citrate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Because his supply of amphetamine-dextroamphetamine was diminishing, he took only half (30 mg every morning) of his prescribed dosage from days 4-12 of varenicline therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The ECG normalized in a few days after mesalazine withdrawal and the follow-up was uneventful.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The carcinomas developed after a total UVA dose of 2,042 and 1,296 joules\/sq cm, respectively.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient remained in a depressed level of consciousness for 2 months but gradually recovered, showing a good recovery with minor subjective cognitive deficits by 6 months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: A 76-year-old woman developed X maltophilia endophthalmitis after cataract extraction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thrombolytic therapy is being used with increasing frequency to treat acute myocardial infarction (MI).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Sulfadiazine crystalluria revisited.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Disodium cromoglycate is regarded as the possible aetiological agent.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Sequential appearance of immunoblastic lymphoma and acute nonlymphocytic leukemia in a patient with angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Allele-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based methods are now available for genotyping using leukocyte DNA.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: To present a case of recurrent postoperative endophthalmitis with a scleral-tunnel abscess and adjacent microbial keratitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It occasionally accompanies the heparin-associated thrombocytopenia and thrombosis syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Cerebral edema associated with Gliadel wafers: two case studies.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Such abuse (possibly linked to the rewarding effect of dopamine) has been recently monitored in the context of Parkinson's disease (PD) (the \"dopamine dysregulation syndrome\").","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Restless legs syndrome due to interferon-alpha.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"For one patient, thrombocytopenia due to autoantibodies to PEG-rHuMGDF developed shortly after PEG-rHuMGDF administration and persisted until chemotherapy was administered.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Diverse complications have been reported in association with the growth and medical treatment of uterine leiomyomata.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Repeat PTCA was performed 10 days postdischarge due to intraluminal stent occlusion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient had several acute sinusitis and septic episodes during his acute course.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, a cross-correlation analysis indicated that TPO responses preceded platelet responses by approximately one day in all patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Severe hypertension in newborn after pyeloplasty of hydronephrotic kidney.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The following day the vulvar edema had increased and spread to the sacrum.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Equine-derived antivenin was given in 14 cases (range 2-30 vials).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Case report and review of the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After 46 days of treatment, radiography showed cortical hyperostosis of the long bones.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three patients, in whom tumour overkill by cytotoxic treatment, including high dose methotrexate with folinic acid rescue, resulted in the 'phosphate shower syndrome' (hyper-uricaemia, hyperkalaemia and hyperphosphataemia with hypocalcaemia and tetany, with metabolic acidosis and acute renal impairment) are described.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Nitrendipine-induced gingival hyperplasia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Classic neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) was diagnosed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In addition to our reported cases, 5 cases of nephrotic syndrome in similar patients reported elsewhere are analyzed together with our cohort.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cardiorespiratory toxicity due to miconazole.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Heparin therapy for mistaken cardiac diagnosis in Boerhaave's syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The sub-conjunctival haematoma in a patient receiving warfarin can pose a significant management challenge.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Platelet recovery and clinical improvement coincided with administration of rituximab.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although the efficacy of recombinant factor VIIa has been shown in many patients, concerns have arisen about the risk of thrombotic adverse events.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The usefulness of CYP2C9 genotyping before starting coumarinic treatments is discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The immunoglobulin serum levels and inflammatory markers were unchanged.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinical features were those of a cicatricial pemphigoid, with prominent mucosal involvement leading to conjunctival and nasal scarring.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This is in contrast to similar symptoms reported by only 8 percent of a control population.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe the implications of these cases for the use of immunomodulatory therapy in CD and the questionable association between CD and lymphoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"During two courses of cytostatic drug administration peak and trough plasma levels of phenytoin, carbamazepine, and valproate sodium were measured.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A moderate vitreous hemorrhage occurred four days after PDT.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHOD: Case analysis of a poly-drug overdose (venlafaxine, topiramate, divalproex sodium, risperidone, and carbamazepine) presenting with mixed SS\/NMS features and whose clinical management suggests a practical algorithm for treatment of undifferentiated SS\/NMS in critical care settings.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This case suggests that chemotherapy with its attendant immunosuppression is a predisposing factor in the development of necrotizing fasciitis and warrants a high index of suspicion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In a randomized trial, we compared the efficacy and toxicity of azithromycin and ceftibuten once daily in the initial (empiric) therapy of proven or suspected community-acquired respiratory tract infections (CARTI) in 163 pediatric patients: 95.5% of those treated with azithromycin and 83.6% of those treated with ceftibuten were cured or improved.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Limited documentation of this adverse effect exists in the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatment was continued with amphotericin B colloidal dispersion, followed by fluconazole for 8 months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although both drugs have been reported to preserve endogenous insulin secretion and to interrupt the diabetogenic process they may be responsible for diabetes and exocrine pancreatic insufficiency in our patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ankylosing spondylitis was present in two patients, but no other extraintestinal manifestations developed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present a case of an elderly patient with systemic lupus erythematosus diagnosed more than 40 years ago, who suffered from recurrent fractures and attendant complications despite a bone mineral density (BMD) score in the osteopenic range and treatment with bisphosphonates.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It remains to be seen whether the hepatotoxicity associated with troglitazone is a drug-class effect or specific to troglitazone.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Following steroid withdrawal and institution of gammaglobulin, the patient grew 6 inches within 2 years, regaining his vision, retrieving his stature, and normalizing his psychosocial development.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors describe a relation between the in vivo localized consumption of In-111 platelets and results of laboratory tests in a 82-year-old man with an aortic graft prosthesis who had chronic disseminated intravascular coagulation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ordinarily occurring as a commensal, Kluyvera have been reported to cause serious infections in immunosuppressed and immunocompetent hosts, causing diarrhea, urinary infections, peritonitis, and cholecystitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Improvements in sexual function (62%), socializing (70%), sleep (68%), and skin color (51%) were also noted.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The second organism has not previously been reported in a subphrenic abscess.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Similar symptoms developed after each challenge and resolved after discontinuing this preparation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, in the rare case of postoperative patch leakage, a relapse of a pseudoaneurysm may occur.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pulmonary toxicity with mefloquine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Acute myocardial infarction associated with systemic lupus erythematosus documented by coronary arteriograms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Six days after she received a prescription for a 5-day course of azithromycin, her INR was 15.16.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Exacerbations of the heart failure were temporally related to the administration of the antitumor antibiotics actinomycin-D (NSC-3053) and mithramycin (NSC-24559).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"He had a history of hypertension and uremia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pulmonary fibrosis associated with nabumetone.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: After 4- to 14-month period of therapy with the combination of indapamide (2.5 mg\/day) and fosinopril (10 mg\/day) in three patients and 6-month period of monotherapy with indapamide (2.5 mg\/day) in one patient, glucose levels of all patients increased and achieve criteria of diabetes diagnoses.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Immunosuppression related to HIV infection, immunosuppressive treatment, organ transplantation, and neoplastic diseases increases the risk for Leishmania-infected people to develop visceral illness.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Contact dermatitis, an inflammatory response of the skin to an irritant or an allergen, can affect hospital staff.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Donepezil for behavioural disorders associated with Lewy bodies: a case series.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A left L1 transforaminal approach was successful, and 1 mL of iopamidol (Isovue) contrast was injected, followed by 5 mL of a solution of 0.125% bupivacaine and 40 mg of triamcinolone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There is no information to support the possibility of increase risk of late pregnancy complications or change in the natural course of the disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Moreover, because the patterns of response to ipilimumab differ from chemotherapy, we need to understand how and when patients may respond to treatment so that appropriate clinical decisions can be made.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two cases of lepromatous leprosy with erythema nodosum leprosum who were on high doses of clofazimine, showed discoloration of nail plate, subungual hyperkeratosis and onycholysis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"There was no clinical evidence of immunosuppression or any obstructive lesion in the esophagus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The lesions resolved completely approximately 30 min after removal of the hands from water.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The carbonic anhydrase inhibitors that are used most frequently in ophthalmic practice are acetazolamide and methazolamide.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"\"St. Anthony's fire\" may be due to stimulation of alpha-adrenergic receptors in the peripheral vasculature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Digoxin serum levels and toxicity risks increase with the addition of amiodarone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Awareness of this route of intoxication might be important in patients in whom neurologic or psychiatric symptoms develop while large amounts of lidocaine cream are being used.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In the brain, the following distribution of olanzapine was determined (mg\/kg): negative (cerebellum), 0.22 (hippocampus), 0.86 (midbrain), 0.16 (amygdala), 0.39 (caudate\/putamen), 0.17 (left frontal cortex), and 0.37 (right frontal cortex).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a rare case of recurrent (stuttering) priapism in a patient with protein C deficiency while maintained on Warfarin therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Pathologic findings demonstrated on MR were (1) chronic brain edema, demonstrable over a period of 3-14 months (proved by autopsy in one patient); (2) multifocal white matter necrosis; and (3) deep brain atrophy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Usefulness and sensitivity of the neuro-otological examination in the field of dysequilibrium of central disorder as well as peripheral vestibular disorder is emphasized.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An unusual course of infection with Mycobacterium malmoense is described in a patient receiving chronic but mild immunosuppressive therapy for rheumatoid arthritis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Puberty started at 11.2 years and menarche occurred at 12.7 years.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acarbose treatment of infant dumping syndrome: extensive study of glucose dynamics and long-term follow-up.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The occurrence of this entity is linked to the presence of circulating leukoagglutinins.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report on a child with fatal valproate-related hepatotoxic effects despite this supplementation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Recommendations are made for the prophylaxis and treatment of sulfadiazine-related renal toxic reaction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report on a patient with subarachnoid haemorrhage who developed an acute life-threatening pseudo-obstruction of the colon, a variant of adynamic ileus, while being treated with intravenous nimodipine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"SUMMARY: A 26-year-old man with bipolar disorder, seizures, and mild mental retardation secondary to a traumatic brain injury began treatment with carbamazepine for aggression and seizure control.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case showed sequential manifestation from transient thyrotoxicosis to the appearance of TSH-receptor autoantibodies, and then the occurrence of Graves' hyperthyroidism during IFN therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Patients receiving intravitreal injections of bevacizumab should be evaluated for potential systemic risk factors such as carotid insufficiency, coagulopathy and poorly controlled diabetes mellitus.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The prosthesis acts as a porous membrane which allows two opposite flows: the passage of blood from graft to bowel and germ migration from naturally septic bowel to blood.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a premature infant who developed seizures associated with intraventricular administration of nafcillin and discuss the need for electroencephalographic monitoring of patients receiving intraventricular antibiotics.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"It has been suggested that quinolones may produce an epileptogenic effect by inhibiting the binding of gamma-aminobutyric acid to its receptor sites in the brain.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Theophylline intoxication mimicking diabetic ketoacidosis in a child.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a patient receiving chronic lithium therapy who presented with a transient CDI occurring in the setting of underlying chronic NDI.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"As with our patient, many of these case reports described clinicians who overlooked thrombosis due to HDAs because the patients did not have HIT.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Low doses of topiramate are effective in essential tremor: a report of three cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In our case, renal biopsy revealed diffuse proliferative glomerulonephritis with findings of active cellular immunity, and aggressive treatment resulted in attenuation of these findings.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Diffuse alveolar hemorrhage after leflunomide therapy in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a case of hyponatremia associated with a grand mal seizure in a 28 month-old child after intra-nasal desmopressin administration for high fluid intake with nocturnal enuresis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"However, alkylating agents overwhelmingly predominate as the class of compounds which are most often associated with terminal ANLL.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a cae of paranoid psychosis following use of a decongestant containing PPA and summarize the case report literature of psychiatric adverse effects to PPA in which doses were known and stated to be within recommended guidelines.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Bipolar disorders as well as recurrent major depressive episodes can be most effectively treated with electroconvulsive therapy (ECT).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Desipramine and testicular swelling in two patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This is the first report of an adverse effect of fetal renal circulation by maternal ingestion of nimesulide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Propylthiouracil-induced cutaneous vasculitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Pneumocystis pneumonia should be considered in asthmatic patients taking methotrexate who present with fever, pulmonary infiltrates, and hypoxia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: The value of multihormonal therapy in breast carcinoma is not established, and the addition of progestogens to tamoxifen may not reduce of developing endometrial lesions, including carcinoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"One other patient on digoxin stopped taking it and developed cardiomyopathy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The clinical, radiological and EEG findings during and post event are presented and are in keeping with a diagnosis of RPLES.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Other causes of liver failure, such as viral hepatitis, autoimmune hepatitis, toxins, and heart failure, were excluded by appropriate diagnostic means.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case shows that strong in vivo and in vitro cross-reactivity between standard heparin and LMW heparins may occur, but can be avoided by the use of a novel heparinoid, Org 10172.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CD4 T-lymphocyte depletion, myelosuppression, and subsequent severe infections are the major side effects of fludarabine phosphate therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Gastric-outlet obstruction induced by prostaglandin therapy in neonates.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Asthmatic patients receiving antileukotrienes may develop hypereosinophilia as a part of a Churg-Strauss syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A reversible toxic liver damage was observed in a non-alcoholic woman treated with disulfiram.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"An adverse reaction to IFN was strongly suspected as the cause of CHF.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Culture and cytology of lavage fluid were negative.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We are unaware of previous reports of P. avidum hip arthritis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All 3 patients underwent allogeneic bone marrow transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It has multiple adverse effects including neurotoxicity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors present the first reported case of toxic shock syndrome associated with its use.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 31-year-old female developed multiple episodes of grand mal seizures after combination chemotherapy with cisplatin, vinblastine and bleomycin for germ cell ovarian cancer stage Ic.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Furthermore, rechallenge with sertraline caused CK and myoglobin to again increase, which was reversed following a discontinuation of sertraline.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The etiopathogenesis and management of this condition are presented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 41-year-old black female with psoriasis developed photosensitivity and a Koebner reaction while receiving phototherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report quadriparesis as a result of severe hypokalaemia and acidosis in a 50-year-old man who had undergone ureterosigmoidostomy for bladder extrophy 48 years earlier.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: Small case series.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"When the acute manic state is characterized by marked psychotic symptoms and intense anxiety, it may be associated with increased vulnerability to the development of severe lithium neurotoxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Infant twins sustained severe circumoral and pharyngeal burns from a concentrated solution of benzalkonium (Zephiran) chloride prescribed for treatment of candidiasis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a t(4;11)(p12;q23) with rearrangement of MLL and FRYL (also known as AF4p12), a human homolog to the furry gene of Drosophila, in an adult patient with therapy-related AML after fludarabine and rituximab therapy for small lymphocytic lymphoma and radiation therapy for breast carcinoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although priapism has been associated with other serotonergic antidepressants, no published reports have correlated restoration of sexual potency with use of fluoxetine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The following risk factors were determined: History of glaucoma or other ophthalmological problems, prolonged cardiopulmonary bypass-time and myocardial ischemia, general oedema during cardiopulmonary bypass, excessive hemodilution with low hemoglobin and hematocrit, hypo- or hypertension, systemic hypothermia, need for vasoactive medication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This complication occurred 14 days after the commencement of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) for advanced HIV infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: A 33-year-old man with extensive ophthalmologic complaints and procedures, who had used glucocorticoid ocular drops for an extended period, was referred to the endocrinologist for new onset of type 2 diabetes mellitus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Remission was achieved without hospitalisation in over 60% of patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cesium-induced QT-interval prolongation in an adolescent.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION: The case presented shows the rare occurrence of the congenital absence of an IVC with pelvic thrombosis in a young female with a history of menorrhagia and new onset of pelvic pain.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The analysed carbachol concentration exceeded the supposed serum level resulting from a therapeutic dose by a factor of 130 to 260.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DISCUSSION: The main adverse effects of leflunomide consist of diarrhea, nausea, liver enzyme elevation, hypertension, alopecia, and allergic skin reactions.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We describe a patient who became hypothyroid while taking ferrous sulfate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Neuralgic amyotrophy is a rare condition of unknown etiology that has never before been associated with administration of these antibiotics, individually or in combination.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute intravascular hemolysis developed when a diabetic patient, previously treated with glyburide, was started on another oral sulfonylurea drug, chlorpropamide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"It is suggested therefore that methotrexate be added to the list of agents capable of inducing diffuse interstitial pulmonary fibrosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In these four patients, plasma carbamazepine concentrations after clarithromycin coadministration were approximately twice as high as those after its discontinuation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In a series of 104 cases of intentional or inadvertent use of zidovudine at differing gestations in pregnancy, there were eight spontaneous first trimester abortions, eight therapeutic terminations, and eight cases of fetal abnormality occurring among a total of 88 cases where the pregnancy progressed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report the case of a 60-year-old woman who developed erythema and erosions in the axilla and groin while on PLD for breast cancer.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Preoperative diagnoses were multiple graft failures, chemical burn, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, or ocular cicatricial pemphigoid.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"During intravenous treatment with terlipressin for recurrent gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding, a 50-year-old male with no history of heart disease developed a newly prolonged QT interval and torsade de pointes.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Mycological examination confirmed the presence of fungus, Trichophyton rubrum, and the diagnosis of Majocchi's granuloma of the face was made.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatment with volume expansion, hypertonic sodium bicarbonate, inotropic support with norepinephrine and insertion of an intra-aortic balloon pump led to complete recovery after 72 hours.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The corresponding urine concentrations amounted to 374 and 554 mg\/l.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ritonavir acted as a CYP3A4 inhibitor, diminishing carbamazepine metabolism and provoking an increase in serum levels and clinical toxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CBF was decreased by 35% (p < 0.05) in the VVR group.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A conventional 300-mg clopidogrel loading dose needs to be administered at least six hours before PCI to achieve an adequate antiplatelet effect.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Attenuation of asparaginase-induced hyperglycemia after substitution of the Erwinia carotovora for the Escherichia coli enzyme preparation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a patient who initially presented with localized Ewing sarcoma and later developed metastatic disease that required dose-intensified chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe the use of the Naranjo adverse drug reaction probability scale to establish causality in three cases of suspected anticonvulsant hypersensitivity syndrome with the aim of introducing clinicians to this effective tool.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Our findings may contribute to the understanding of leprosy reactions pathogenesis, broaden the knowledge about their outcome with standard treatment, and provide the scientific background to design better therapeutic strategies for these complications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Toxoplasma gondii encephalitis is an important opportunistic infection in the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, estimated to occur in 20,000 to 40,000 patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in the United States by 1991.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A child in whom a phenobarbital hypersensitivity drug reaction developed which consisted of fever, a pruritic desquamating erythrodermic rash, alopecia, icterus, protein-losing enteropathy, myositis, and nephritis, is described.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Although other nitrites induce methemoglobinemia, exposure to methyl nitrite during phenylpropanolamine production appears to be a new cause of occupational methemoglobinemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The partial lesion of the cord at T7 predominantly involved the spinothalamic pathways on the left side.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 17-yr-old boy with Crohn's disease and growth retardation developed an acute abdominal crisis while receiving total parenteral nutritional support.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"SETTING: Spinal cord rehabilitation center, University Hospital.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Interstitial nephritis is a rare but serious adverse effect of many drugs and usually is diagnosed by clinical signs and symptoms of hematuria, proteinuria, eosinophilia, fever, azotemia, and rash.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We experienced a male patient with psoriasis and hypertension whose conditions were treated with tacalcitol ointment and thiazide, respectively, resulting in hypercalciuria and hypercalcemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The improvement in sexual response was seemingly unrelated to abatement of depression or obsessive compulsive disorder, and there was no description of priapism by any of the patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"According to American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), 200,924 people had rhinoplasties in 2005.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy with retinitis and drug related exacerbations: a clinicopathological case study.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of Graves' hyperthyroidism induced by long-term interferon (IFN) therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We describe a life threatening side effect of acute epoprostenol infusion (pulmonary edema) in a patient with pulmonary hypertension associated with limited scleroderma and discuss its management and potential etiology.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A liver biopsy obtained 10 days after the initial presentation revealed centroacinar necrosis and beginning fibrous reorganization, compatible with recent centroacinar damage.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Vasculonecrotic reactions in leprosy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The long-term effect on corneal endothelium has to be studied further.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The evolution was favourable without treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intrathecal administration of amphotericin B is the best method of eradicating intracranial fungal infections.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"To the best of our knowledge, this has not been reported previously in the emergency medicine literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hence, measures to avoid ischemic optic neuropathy have priority.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe the first documented case of azathioprine-induced severe myelosuppression due to thiopurine methyltransferase deficiency in autoimmune liver disease.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Prevalence of antiprotamine immunoglobulin E antibody.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two cases are reported of patients who developed a hematologic malignancy several years after intravesical chemotherapy of superficial bladder cancer with etoglucid, doxorubicin, and mitomycin C.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"On this regimen, relative clearing of the psoriatic lesions has been achieved with no significant side effects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"From 1996 to 2002 several medications were changed due to their adverse effects: indinavir (renal colic and fever), nelfinavir (cutaneous rash), and efavirenz (nausea and temporary memory loss).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"One case of priapism occurred during heparin therapy for a previous surgical operation to the knee is reported.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"She was administered metoclopramide because of nausea and, within 2 hours, developed agitation, dysarthria, diaphoresis, and a movement disorder.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The histological study of the duodenal biopsies showed villus atrophy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DISCUSSION: Carboplatin is an important chemotherapeutic agent in the treatment of a variety of pediatric brain tumors.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This report describes four patients with variant angina and one patient with rest angina who had coronary spasm that was refractory to sublingual or i.v. nitroglycerin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Factors relating to her case have been reviewed in the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 66-year-old female with chronic renal failure was referred to our hospital because of drowsiness and an acute deterioration of renal function.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: This case report outlines a significant type of morbidity due to continued use of gabapentin during an episode of acute renal failure.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The authors report one case of incomplete posterior hyaloid detachment (PHD) following intravitreal pegaptanib to treat DME.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"One wk later, after injection in the right arm, skin lesions and pruritus were seen.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Trazodone-induced transient hypomanic symptoms and their management.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To present a single case of zuclopenthixol-induced priapism and a literature review.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Blood glucose levels returned to normal after cessation of therapy, but dropped again following rechallenge with the drug.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Imatinib, a tyrosine kinase inhibitor, is currently the therapy of choice for gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHOD: Case analysis of a poly-drug overdose (venlafaxine, topiramate, divalproex sodium, risperidone, and carbamazepine) presenting with mixed SS\/NMS features and whose clinical management suggests a practical algorithm for treatment of undifferentiated SS\/NMS in critical care settings.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Lipodystrophy and serum lipid abnormalities in HIV-positive sub-Saharan population on ART.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cutaneous reaction to drugs used for erectile dysfunction: case report and review of the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 15-kg weight gain developed in a patient during the third week of ibuprofen therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Patients were scored using the dyskinesia scale and started treatment with 400 mg amantadine (po) for 4 days within the first postoperative week with no effect on dyskinesia score or its phenomenology.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This report describes the case of a 58-year-old female patient with treatment-refractory schizophrenia who was successfully switched from clozapine 300 mg\/day to aripiprazole 20 mg\/day because of changes in consciousness.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The remaining pregnancy, delivery and follow-up period were uneventful for the mother and her offspring.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: To assess the nature, incidence, and risk factors of retinopathy associated with pegylated interferon and ribavirin combination therapy in chronic hepatitis C patients.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We describe a case of a man treated with an EGFR-inhibitor (erlotinib) for a cell lung cancer who developed skin manifestations localized in an uncommon area and with an atypical evolution.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Pyomyositis is a rare disease, encountered mainly in tropical climates.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 13-year-old boy was diagnosed as acute lymphoblastic leukemia following radiotherapy and chemotherapy for treatment of medulloblastoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Representative cases illustrate the clinical manifestations of chemoradiation on the developing dentition.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of a 32-year-old man who showed paradoxical enlargement of pathologically verified intracranial tuberculomas during a course of adequate antituberculous chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She died 10 days after treatment was begun.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thus, tardive seizures in our cases are thought to be related to piperacillin and cefotiam.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"These observations have been reflected in postmarketing clinical experience, leading to recommendations that novel antipsychotics, such as sertindole, should be prescribed to first-episode patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There are few reported findings of sexual dysfunction in men and none in women.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Despite subsequent investigations, including analysis of urinary metabolites of organic and amino acids, measurement of serum carnitine and a muscle biopsy, we could not clarify the primary metabolic abnormalities in this girl.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Unfortunately, the patient went to another hospital located in the small city where she lived, and all remaining doses of the total course of treatment were administered over the next 5 consecutive days, with no interruption in therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Range orders for the delivery of IV opioids give nurses the flexibility needed to treat patients' pain in a timely manner while allowing for differences in patient response to pain and to analgesia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Benzalkonium chloride poisoning in infant twins.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Soon afterwards he developed cholestatic hepatitis and visual disturbance.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"To our knowledge, this is the only reported case of tularemia occurring in the post-transplant setting.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After the withdrawal of TMP-SMX and the administration of high-dose steroid, these systemic symptoms gradually resolved.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Epidural abscess and meningitis, a complication of spinal anesthesia in a bacteraemic patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Disseminated cysticercosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Less common adverse events to dapsone include the idiosyncratic reactions of leukopenia and agranulocytosis, cutaneous eruptions, peripheral neuropathy, psychosis, toxic hepatitis, cholestatic jaundice, nephrotic syndrome, renal papillary necrosis, severe hypoalbuminemia without proteinuria, an infectious mononucleosis-like syndrome, and minor neurological and gastrointestinal complaints.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Complete physical recovery occurred after several days of supportive treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Differential diagnosis and treatment of this condition are discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The diagnosis of sepsis and submandibular phlegmon was confirmed by a positive blood culture for serotype III group B Streptococcus agalactiae.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient experienced muscle twitches, tremulousness, and anxiety on day 17 of foscarnet therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"After the institution of the combined therapy with corticosteroid, anticoagulant, and dipyridamole, urinary protein excretion was attenuated to less than 1.0 g\/day.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE SUMMARY: A 75-year-old man developed agitation, confusion, incoordination, and gait disturbance because of progressive rigidity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report for the first time on a patient who had isolated aspergillosis of the small bowel after autologous stem cell transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Sulfasalazine-induced lung disorder is an extremely rare entity which must be considered in all ulcerative colitis patients while on sulfasalazine therapy, despite the absence of pulmonary symptomatology.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Case 2, a 29-year-old woman, developed bilateral optic neuritis combined with numbness of the lower extremities as well as bowel and bladder dysfunction after a 22-month use of recombinant interferon alpha-2b for chronic myelogenous leukemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A dapsone hypersensitivity syndrome, consisting of fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, lymphadenopathy, hepatitis, hemolysis, leukopenia, and mononucleosis, has been described in patients treated with the drug for leprosy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Among these are an increased incidence of both gram-positive and gram-negative infections and an increased incidence of gastrointestinal symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinical course of macular edema in two cases of interferon-associated retinopathy observed by optical coherence tomography.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 63-year-old woman with seropositive rheumatoid arthritis was successfully treated with auranofin for 12 months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patients may not mention it among their medicines, since it is so commonly used and they regulate it themselves.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Visual changes, headache, and elevated blood pressures were present on arrival to the emergency department.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinicians should monitor patients closely for a decreased VPA effect when these medications are given concomitantly.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is important that nurses understand potential side effects of these agents, know of possible interventions, and participate in research to identify effective interventions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In this report the case of a 58-year-old female with neuropathic pain using increasing transdermal (TTS) fentanyl dosages to a maximum dose of 3400 microg\/h resulting in fentanyl plasma levels of 173 ng\/ml is described.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The main objective of this report is to compare and contrast the type and frequency of neuropathological findings following liver, heart, lung, heart-lung, kidney and bone marrow transplantation and to provide an overview of the major systemic complications in patients that received allografts.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is suggested this relationship is causal rather than coincidental and mediated through cerebral arterial vasodilatation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Early recognition of this condition and initiation of effective treatment can improve outcome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Side effects associated with this medication are usually minor; serious complications are most often due to the delivery system required for continuous infusion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Visual loss was mild and generally nonprogressive.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Here we report a patient with newly diagnosed acute promyelocytic leukemia who developed acute focal myositis, synovitis, and possible vasculitis, after receiving all-trans retinoic acid therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Drug induced polymyositis secondary to leuprolide acetate (Lupron) therapy for prostate carcinoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The cystic larval forms (coenuri) are found in hares, rabbits, squirrels, and, rarely, in humans.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"2-Chloro-deoxyadenosine induces durable complete remission in Castleman's disease but may accelerate its transformation to non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In our patient, symptoms were most acute during the infusion, when whole blood cyclosporine concentrations were likely to be the highest.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One patient developed large intramural esophageal hematoma as a complication of heparin therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In patients with inflammatory bowel disease cytomegalovirus infection has been described in both immunocompetent and immunocompromised individuals.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The main clinical features of this 58-year-old female patient were laboratory evidence of leucopenia and cholestasis, and biopsy features of fatty liver parenchyma degeneration with granulocytic portal infiltration and bile stasis, demonstrated 20 days after the initiation of antithyroid therapy with 20 mg methimazole daily.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Potential interaction between azithromycin and warfarin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Colchicine-induced rhabdomyolysis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Pulmonary lymphohistiocytic reactions temporally related to etanercept therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: To determine the cause of spontaneous choroidal hemorrhage in a 67-year-old man after a myocardial infarction and administration of tissue plasminogen activator.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A well-recognized complication of ethambutol use is optic neuropathy, but the potential ocular toxicity of isoniazid is often overlooked.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In particular, this adverse effect has never been described with mefloquine (Lariam).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DESIGN: Morphologic, immunophenotypic, and cytogenetic analyses were performed on the 3 patients at the time of initial diagnosis, during imatinib therapy, and at blast crisis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Upon admission, all drugs were continued except metoclopramide.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Features of both de novo AML [FAB M2 morphology, t(8;21), and \"secondary leukemia\" (additional cytogenetic changes, resistance to chemotherapy) were present.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 57-year-old man developed morphea while taking bromocriptine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Gold nephropathy due to auranofin obscured by tolmetin pseudoproteinuria.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The possible causes of this previously unreported early complication are discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"No hematologic or blood chemistry abnormalities related to L-AmpB treatment were observed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A macrophage activation syndrome, possibly related to methotrexate toxicity, developed in a boy with systemic juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In one patient, APL developed 21 months after liver transplantation for ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Other related symptoms presented by our patient were mood fluctuation and increased writing activity suggestive of punding.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The case illustrates the classic features of the syndrome and its dramatic response to corticosteroid treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 36-year-old man being treated with cisplatinum, vinblastine, and bleomycin for testicular carcinoma developed a dense left homonymous hemianopsia, encephalopathy, and a partial nondominant parietal lobe syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The condition should be suspected in patients who develop unexplained abdominal pain or collapse following vasopressin treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Parathyroid hormone, parathyroid hormone-related peptide and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D levels were suppressed, suggesting that hypercalcemia was mediated through alternative mechanisms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the case of a young man, affected by rheumatoid arthritis who developed a rapid-onset short-of-breath, hemoptysis, and severe weakness, about 2 weeks after the administration of leflunomide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Fournier's gangrene is a fulminant necrotizing fasciitis of the scrotum and penis, often with an infectious etiology.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A new sodium homoeostasis was established with a higher dose of DDAVP.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Photochemotherapy with psoralens and UVA (PUVA) is widely used in the treatment of psoriasis and many other skin conditions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 33-year-old man with a history of recreational benztropine abuse presented to the emergency department with confusion, abdominal pain, and distention.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"High-density lipoprotein levels increased in both patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the case of an elderly patient who developed this unusual occurrence following an uneventful pars plana vitrectomy for a posteriorly dislocated IOL.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A cytogenetic study showed del (3)(q11.1).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The cyst can rupture and with the pre-existing steroid induced immune-suppression, the calf abscess will be hard to control.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The other patient was treated with amphotericin B and discharged, with a central venous catheter, after recovery from neutropenia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 67-year-old man on long-term carbamazepine therapy underwent elective coronary artery bypass grafting.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Semiselective intra-arterial chemotherapy with compression of the femoral arteries at the time of injection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CT scan of the brain was unremarkable.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Most often the myeloblastic form of acute leukemia was diagnosed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Subsequently he had severe hyperphosphatemia (29.3 and 14.1 mg\/dl; 9.46 and 4.55 mmol\/L), hypocalcemia, hyperuricemia, hyperkalemia, and azotemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Our results suggest that rituximab and possibly irradiated DLI played an important role in controlling early EBV-LPD in these two patients and may be an effective alternative therapeutic strategy for patients who develop EBV-LPD post transplant and are unable to receive unmanipulated DLI.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intraocular infection due to Blastomyces dermatitidis is rare, and only 10 cases have previously been reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Repeat courses may be needed to eradicate infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case of acute pleuropericarditis, which occurred after apparently successful percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) for chronic total occlusion of the right coronary artery, is reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Chronic, low-grade endophthalmitis after cataract surgery with intraocular lens (IOL) implantation is often unresponsive to antibiotic therapy, probably because of low drug penetration into the capsular bag.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Lithium-induced Creutzfeldt-Jakob syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Complications of extensive adhesion formation after intraperitoneal chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Tigecycline-induced acute pancreatitis: case report and literature review.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient, a paraplegic, was treated with dantrolene and made a full recovery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Furthermore, the dystonia may resolve following the disappearance of the brainstem and thalamic lesions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Amiodarone was approved to treat recurrent ventricular fibrillation or sustained ventricular tachyarrhythmia that has been resistant to other medications since 1986.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Injury of the inferior alveolar nerve after overfilling of the root canal with endodontic cement: a case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acyclovir was discontinued.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient was hospitalized in October, 1974, with signs and symptoms of right ventricular outflow obstruction and arrhythmia, and cardiac workup established the presence of a right ventricular tumor.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"As part of the comprehensive treatment, strict reverse isolation and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) therapy were applied.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The clinical course suggested that recombinant alpha-2b peginterferon plus ribavirin provoked type 1 diabetes mellitus, therefore, in patients who are candidates for interferon therapy the presence of pancreatic autoantibodies and the fasting plasma glucose level should be investigated before and during treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Six months before cessation of therapy discrete radiological signs of apical fibrosis appeared.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The case resembles two previously reported cases of optic neuropathy which occurred in patients with Wilson's disease who were receiving penicillamine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Hyperammonemia after high-dose chemotherapy and stem cell transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She had begun taking amisulpride 50 mg\/day and diazepam 2 mg at bedtime 6 months prior to the psychiatrist appointment, with poor relief of her depressed mood.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of hypoglycaemia after mefloquine therapy (1,500 mg over two days) for severe gastrointestinal cryptosporidiasis in a cachectic AIDS patient with protracted diarrhoea.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The median age of these patients at the time of AML diagnosis was 39 years (range, 33-59 years), the median time from the treatment of lymphoma to AML was 18 months (range, 11-48 months), and the median survival following induction chemotherapy was 4 weeks (range, 2-16 weeks).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We diagnosed BP by histopathological and immunofluorescence studies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Potential causes of methamphetamine-related keratitis can be divided into four categories resulting from (a) direct pharmacologic and physical effects of methamphetamine; (b) the toxic effects of diluting or \"cutting\" agents such as lidocaine and quinine; (c) effects related to the route of drug administration (intravenous, inhalation, smoking); and (d) manufacture-related effects of exposure to unintentional caustic contaminants in the final product.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Several cases of nephrotic syndrome occurring after BMT have already been reported, but most cases had membranous nephropathy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, he had an acute onset of chest pain with fever which happened 4 h after PCI.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Spontaneous regression of the lesions was noted after discontinuation of the treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In addition, we review recent data to indicate how concurrent use of antifolates may place these children at particular risk for adverse psychological reactions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Inflammatory cells were quantitated and compared with inflammatory cells in normal upper tarsal conjunctivae.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Possible relationships between the white matter lesions and extrinsic toxic agents are discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fetal goiter is a rare disorder, usually associated with maternal thyroid disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Remission of lymphoma after drug withdrawal in rheumatoid arthritis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To report a case of multiple episodes of seizure activity in an AIDS patent following amphotericin B infusion.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Myelodysplasia terminating in acute myeloid leukemia in a hairy cell leukemia patient treated with 2-deoxycoformycin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We recommend careful use of ifosfamide in patients pretreated with nephrotoxic chemotherapy and inadequate renal perfusion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Raynaud's phenomenon and acral necrosis after chemotherapy for AIDS-related Kaposi's sarcoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The changes were those of nodular hyperplasia, sclerosis of terminal hepatic venules with associated zone 3 hemorrhagic necrosis, and sinusoidal fibrosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"When folinic acid was ceased on the day of methotrexate in these patients their psoriasis improved.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intraocular use of rituximab.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Oral vancomycin is often considered the drug of choice for severe Clostridium difficile-associated disease due to both its efficacy and pharmacokinetics.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Long QTc and torsades de pointes in human immunodeficiency virus disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: After 4- to 14-month period of therapy with the combination of indapamide (2.5 mg\/day) and fosinopril (10 mg\/day) in three patients and 6-month period of monotherapy with indapamide (2.5 mg\/day) in one patient, glucose levels of all patients increased and achieve criteria of diabetes diagnoses.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Conservative treatment with oxygen was administered and both respiratory and liver disorder resolved 4 weeks following admission.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The hematologic response parameters and clinical outcomes to each of the therapies given are described.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Only experienced clinicians should administer chemotherapy, and thorough records must be kept to document the chemotherapy administered, dosages, dates of administration, the procedure used, and the schedule of cycles administered.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"At autopsy, the liver was found to be small, shrunken, and scarred; histological sections demonstrated postnecrotic cirrhosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"While a lower systemic steroid dosage may have been the provoking factor, we feel that an adverse reaction to oleic acid, a dispersing agent in the aerosol freon vehicle, is a strong possibility.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intrahepatic cholestasis and cutaneous bullae associated with glibenclamide therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We describe three infants exposed in utero to ACE inhibitors who had adverse outcomes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Analysis of the case which went to trial indicates that there is not one prescribed protocol which must be followed; the definition of standard of care is broader than that.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Percutaneous renal biopsy revealed that she had minimal change nephrotic syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This result suggests that a change in the serotonin reuptake mechanism may be involved in the effect of nc-EST on depression.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case suggests a role for IgE in the hypersensitivity reaction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient was treated with polyhexamethylene biguanide and chlorhexidine for 3 months, and recovered with normal visual acuity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"G-banding analyses of bone marrow cells had repeatedly demonstrated normal male karyotype before this event, but t(9;22)(q34;q11) was demonstrated after the event.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In one of these patients olanzapine was well tolerated when reintroduced in combination with lorazepam after complete remission of akathisia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The reduced retinal edema and realignment of the photoreceptors may promote the release phenomenon and trigger hallucinatory episodes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In addition to treating the otorrhea with ear drops, one physician would add oral antibiotics (Dr.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE DESCRIPTION: A 59-year-old man with known neurocysticercosis developed a large cerebral infarction during praziquantel therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient underwent craniotomy, with resection of two lesions in close proximity within the parenchyma of the temporoparietal lobe.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Grade 3 hepatotoxicity (AST and ALT > 5 to 20 upper limit normal) or higher has been observed in as many as 1.4% of MS patients on IFN beta.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Prosthetic joint infection is an infrequent but serious complication of total joint arthroplasty.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Plasma samples of our patients were initially considered positive for tricyclic antidepressants because the cross-reaction of carbamazepine gave tricyclic antidepressant concentrations as imipramine equivalent sufficiently above the assay cut-off point (20 ng\/mL).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Essential thrombocythemia in a dog: case report and literature review.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: Due to the lack of efficacy of subsequent treatment of conventional and other atypical neuroleptics, treatment with clozapine was restarted after discontinuation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Upon withdrawal of ibopamine but continuation of all other drugs, the patient recovered from the blood dyscrasia within 5 days and showed resolution of symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Renal biopsy showed diffuse proliferative glomerulonephritis with cellular crescents.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Urine toxicology screening was negative.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The VAS decrease for this patient was 14.3%.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: To report a case of traumatic flap dehiscence and Enterobacter keratitis 34 months after LASIK.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This case report describes a rare combination of facial dermatologic toxicity and ectropion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A variety of movement disorders are known to occur in association with carbamazepine (CBZ) therapy in adults and children, but development of tics has been described infrequently and only in patients with underlying Tourette's syndrome or other movement disorders.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The dermatitis did not resolve with 15 months of traditional treatments.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The results and the importance of serial neuropsychological examinations after such complications in three children with ALL are presented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The development of cutaneous ecchymosis associated with a sudden fall in hemoglobin after the administration of alteplase should strongly suggest the possibility of diffuse subfascial hematoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Hypoxia is a predisposing factor for premature ductal closure and often occurs after maternal indomethacin therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In both cases, the diagnosis of PTE was based on clinical assessment of sudden acute respiratory failure with positive pulmonary perfusional scintigraphy in spite of a negative chest X-ray.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Mitral valve prolapse and thromboembolic disease in pregnancy: a case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Proposed mechanisms for phenytoin hypersensitivity include antigen-antibody reactions, alteration of lymphocyte function, and an enzyme abnormality causing the production of toxic metabolites.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two cases of complications of the thrombolysis of right heart free-floating thrombi with pulmonary embolism: important role of echocardiographically based management.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rippling muscle disease is a rare autosomal dominant disorder that may occur sporadically.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"To the best of our knowledge there have been no previous reports of AGEP induced by the ingestion of nimesulide in the medical literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe two patients in whom painful erosions of their psoriasis developed as the presenting sign of methotrexate toxicity and review the literature, emphasizing the risk factors associated with this manifestation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"One month later recurrence appeared in the right eye, as a central corneal infiltrate in the graft.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"SETTING: Tertiary pediatric cardiac center.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Unopposed endogenous and exogenous estrogenic stimulation has been considered by most investigators to have a role in the pathogenesis of carcinoma of the endometrium.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One of the occult blood cards showed a positive result, and colonoscopy revealed a 5-cm lesion, identified as Dukes' A adenocarcinoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Infections with multi-resistant organisms such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in ventricular assist device recipients are often difficult to treat and present a high mortality rate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three patients received respectively 190 mg, 175 mg, and 196 mg of methotrexate and developed bilateral pulmonary infiltrates without evidence of peripheral blood eosinophilia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Comparable adverse effects, such as disorientation and temporary amnesia, have been reported in patients in the analogous agent, propranolol.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Phenytoin toxicity due to concomitant antituberculosis therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To report the occurrence of acute cytolytic hepatitis in a patient exposed to pulse itraconazole therapy for 24 weeks and provide a concise review of the literature on cases of itraconazole-induced hepatitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Naproxen-associated sudden sensorineural hearing loss.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Within two months, the ophthalmic abnormalities had resolved.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Their charts were evaluated in depth, and the literature was reviewed in regard to possible etiopathologic mechanisms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Best known are urticaria, erythema, and pruritus; sometimes pseudoallergic anaphylactoid reactions, and blisters are reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Due to the difficulty in identifying and verifying exposures to such agents, only a few chemical compounds are clearly linked to malignancies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Uncontrolled bleeding during endodontic treatment as the first symptoms for diagnosing von Willebrand's disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Eight of the 10 eyes were receiving topical steroids at the time of presentation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Compared to the normal study protocol side-effects such as renal failure were not observed probably due to sufficient fluid intake and good clinical condition prior to treatment and to the rapid and persistent ductal closure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CD20-negative T-cell-rich B-cell lymphoma as a progression of a nodular lymphocyte-predominant Hodgkin's lymphoma treated with rituximab: a molecular analysis using laser capture microdissection.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Lidocaine therapy was started, and the patient was transferred to a cardiac intensive care unit at our hospital.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Soon after starting subcutaneous erythropoietin, the velocity of progression of renal failure slowed whilst no more blood transfusions were required and haptoglobin levels returned to normal.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Immunoblastic lymphoma developed in a patient diagnosed as having angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy 5 years earlier.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Repeat catheter and peripheral culturing occurred 72 hours after the 5-day period.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report two children with HC pneumonitis and pneumatoceles as a reversible complication after ingestion and aspiration of lamp oil with very low viscosity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Anaphylactoid reactions with intraperitoneal cisplatin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"These three men had no known history of familial or personal thyroid disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Its main mechanism of action is regarded as a switch of the immune reaction from a T helper (Th)1 to a Th2 cell type.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Postoperatively, the first two patients treated with 1 to 2 cc of thrombin were slow to awaken; one had evidence of vasospasm by transcranial Doppler ultrasound studies and multiple infarcts on cranial computerized tomography, while the other had a moderate-sized frontal hematoma with intracranial hypertension.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report sporotrichoid spread of Mycobacterium marinum in a 37-year-old woman with Crohn's disease, who had been receiving infliximab infusions for 2 years.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient subsequently responded well to intravenous antibiotics, intravenous corticosteroids, and local wound care.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Therapeutic efficacy of ipilimumab, an anti-CTLA-4 monoclonal antibody, in patients with metastatic melanoma unresponsive to prior systemic treatments: clinical and immunological evidence from three patient cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We compared patient reports with reports from healthcare professionals.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report three cases of severe hepatotoxicity related to benzarone, a benzofuran derivative.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Although its overall safety profile is good, a few cases of toxic epidermal necrolysis have been reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 23-year-old woman with metastatic Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor was treated with cisplatin, vinblastine, and bleomycin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case describes fulminant hepatic failure in a patient taking disulfiram with no previous liver disease and report of being compliant with alcohol abstinence.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Lithium (Eskalith) is commonly used in the treatment of depressive and bipolar affective disorders, in a population at relatively high risk for overdose.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"INTRODUCTION: Visual loss is a rare complication of tuberculosis; it can be related to anti-tuberculous drugs or to the infection itself.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Palpable purpuric skin lesions on the anterior surface of both legs appeared on the 55th day of amphotericin B treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Urine glucose and single afternoon blood glucose determinations were inadequate and potentially misleading in monitoring diabetic cats receiving excessive amounts of insulin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Surveillance in the intensive care unit is mandatory during readministration of the drug.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case report of a patient with probable cisplatin and bleomycin-induced TMA is presented.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient presented with headache, left facial and orbital pain, nasal discharge, and elevation of serum creatinine 18 months after kidney transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Our purpose is to highlight the dangerous means adopted by unlicensed medical charlatans to induce abortion as well as to emphasize the key role played by anesthesiologists in the management of such cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, peripheral neuropathy and bone marrow depression led to linezolid withdrawal in seven patients, and neuropathy may not be fully reversible in all patients.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Hepatic Sinusoidal Obstruction Syndrome in a child after chemotherapy for medulloblastoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient was then dialyzed for presumed acyclovir toxicity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We observed 3 diabetic patients with intolerable dizziness followed by nausea and vomiting immediately after an initial administration of the alpha-glucosidase inhibitor, voglibose.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Complete clinical-electroencephalographic recovery was achieved after lithium therapy was discontinued.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Currently the use of zidovudine is one of the few specific measures available, and as a potentially teratogenic and fetotoxic agent, any decision for its use requires evaluation of the potential for fetal damage.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"High-dose intravenous mannitol infusion in various clinical settings may result in acute renal failure (ARF).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: To investigate the concentration-side effect relationship in a patient with severe acyclovir-induced neurotoxicity and to summarize the information available in the literature about central nervous system side effects due to acyclovir.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Effect on levels of intercellular antibodies in pemphigus vulgaris.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: A 68-year-old man diagnosed with primary plasma-cell leukemia was given thalidomide maintenance treatment for his disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Visceral leishmaniasis is a protozoan infection usually asymptomatic, but can progress to fatal disease in immunocompromised hosts, especially in HIV patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Liver abscess in patients with a VP shunt should be considered a possible abdominal complication of the VP shunt, and may be caused by unusual pathogens.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report 2 cases of maculopapular eruption and fever in patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) on the 2nd day of first administration of ritonavir, a protease inhibitor.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Bone injury while undergoing electro-convulsive therapy is thought to be rare.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Metastatic osteomyelitis following BCG vaccination.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Symptomatic hypoglycemia secondary to a glipizide-trimethoprim\/sulfamethoxazole drug interaction.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a patient with a recurrent supratentorial pilocytic astrocytoma who had an untoward interaction between high-dose tamoxifen therapy and phenytoin (PHT), drugs that share a common enzyme for metabolism, therefore emphasizing the need to monitor concomitant antiepileptic drug (AED) levels when high-dose tamoxifen therapy is instituted.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Laboratory abnormalities included a prothrombin time < 10%, an international normalized ratio exceeding the laboratory limits, and an activated partial thromboplastin time >120 seconds.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We explored ophthalmic and neurologic findings in two children who have been exposed prenatally to VGB.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Captopril is known to be associated with dermatologic, hematologic, and pulmonary adverse effects.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a 45-year-old psoriasis patient who developed eruptive mollusca contagiosa during an antipsoriatic treatment with efalizumab.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"An intertrigo-like eruption from pegylated liposomal doxorubicin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"MK-0457, a novel kinase inhibitor, is active in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia or acute lymphocytic leukemia with the T315I BCR-ABL mutation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a patient who presented with bloody diarrhoea after 15 mg meloxicam daily for 10 days for osteoarthritis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"She was administered metoclopramide because of nausea and, within 2 hours, developed agitation, dysarthria, diaphoresis, and a movement disorder.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Histological examination of liver biopsies showed diffuse microvesicular steatosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Camptocormia, a new side effect of sodium valproate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"An interaction between cytostatic and anticonvulsant drugs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case report describes the use of a Q-switched neodymium:YAG laser to puncture miotic cysts.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This is the first report of non-convulsive status epilepticus provoked by tiagabine in adolescent patients.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In contrast, none of 27 nondiabetic healthy normal controls or 10 diabetics who had never received protamine or protamine-containing insulin had levels of antiprotamine immunoglobulin E over background.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In the present study, we present three cases in which patients with resistant schizophrenia and comorbid alcohol use disorder were given lamotrigine to augment clozapine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The aim of this report is to describe the clinical and electroencephalographic findings seen in an elderly woman without previous history of seizures who developed a nonconvulsive generalized status epilepticus following acute withdrawal of lorazepam.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Resolution of protein-losing enteropathy and normalization of mesenteric Doppler flow with sildenafil after Fontan.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The tryptase sera level was 109 mg\/L one hour after the reaction had subsided, while the basal values were normal.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors describe a patient with hemiparesis who developed the syndrome of irreversible lithium-effectuated neurotoxicity (SILENT) while being treated with lithium for a manic episode.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Burn of the auricle.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Liver biopsy showed intralobular inflammatory infiltrates, confluent necrosis and apoptosis, compatible with drug-induced liver disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"His medical history included ischemic cardiomyopathy, pacemaker placement, ESRD, carotid artery disease, and type 2 diabetes mellitus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Furthermore, beneficial or harmful effects of steroids in eosinophilic jejunitis and its treatment details are discussed and reviewed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cytomegalovirus pneumonia in a patient with breast cancer on chemotherapy: case report and review of the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Large part of these nodules were suspected to be well differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma with high level of serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) up to 3,400 ng\/ml, but a part of them was evaluated to be a borderline between hepatocellular carcinoma and adenoma with mild cellular atypism.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Various medical treatments had been tried with meager results.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 66-year-old woman had a sudden onset of small-bowel obstruction during enzymatic treatment for gastric persimmon bezoar.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: After a prolonged postoperative course, including administration of topical ofloxacin, tobramycin, chloramphenicol, and dexamethasone, UCVA returned to 20\/20.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatment of chronic hepatitis C with interferon alpha (IFN-alpha) is relatively contraindicated in patients with psychiatric disorders because of possible severe psychiatric side effects.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A fatal pancytopenia occurred in a patient with an history of depression with hypomanic rebounds, admitted for a manic episode and treated with levomepromazine, diazepam and lithium carbonate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Acute myopathy with selective degeneration of myosin filaments following status asthmaticus treated with methylprednisolone and vecuronium.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Valproate, hyperandrogenism, and polycystic ovaries: a report of 3 cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 45-year-old woman with steroid-dependent Crohn's colitis, successfully managed with maintenance infliximab infusions and methotrexate, developed a lupus-like syndrome eight months after her initial infusion.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Here we present the case of a generalized lichen nitidus with involvement of the palms in a patient with hepatitis C after systemic treatment with interferon alpha and ribavirin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Findings and course were typical for the recently described progressive outer retinal necrosis syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In addition to the recognized arrhythmic complications, the authors emphasize myocardial necrosis as a possible further manifestation of amsacrine-related cardiotoxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Its use, together with other techniques, such as mycologic, cytologic and histological examinations, allowed us to identify Candida albicans as aetiological agent in this particular case.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DATA SYNTHESIS: Genetic deficiencies in DPD, the rate-limiting enzyme responsible for 5-FU catabolism, may occur in 3% or more of patients with cancer putting them at increased risk for unusually severe adverse reactions (e.g., diarrhea, stomatitis, mucositis, myelosuppression, neurotoxicity) to standard doses of 5-FU.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A variety of movement disorders are known to occur in association with carbamazepine (CBZ) therapy in adults and children, but development of tics has been described infrequently and only in patients with underlying Tourette's syndrome or other movement disorders.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction in ocular syphilis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Camptocormia occurred concomitantly with an increase of the plasma valproate level from about 330 mumol\/l up to 530 mumol\/l.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After three weeks of carbamazepine therapy, the patient arrived at the emergency department (ED) with severe agitation and aggressive behavior.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"He underwent five sessions of plasmapheresis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Serum aluminum levels were significantly (P less than 0.001) higher in these 3 infants and in 1 other, all of whom received more than 100 mg of elemental aluminum per kilogram of body weight per day (mean +\/- S.D., 371.0 +\/- 178.9 ng per milliliter [13.75 +\/- 6.6 mumol per liter] ) than they were in 8 older children with azotemia who were not undergoing dialysis and who received less than 100 mg of elemental aluminum per kilogram per day (27.0 +\/- 18.6 ng per milliliter [1.0 +\/- 0.68 mumol per liter] ), 7 such children who did not receive aluminum hydroxide (20.28 +\/- 9.2 ng per milliliter [0.75 +\/- 0.34 mumol per liter] ), and 16 children with normal renal function (21.04 +\/- 4.9 ng per milliliter [0.78 +\/- 0.18 mumol per liter] ).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The first case of keratitis caused by Nocardia exalbida.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"With the first cyclosporine dose, the patient complained of leg pain that was most severe during the cyclosporine infusion.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Rapamycin\/sirolimus (SR), trade named Rapammune (Wyeth-Ayerst, Sydney, Australia), is a potent immunosuppressive drug associated with myelosuppression, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and infection.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 57-year-old woman with right bundle branch block +LPH and ventricular premature contractions developed complete heart block (CHB) following administration of disopyramide phosphate (Norpace).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"METHODS: We present the clinical findings, pertinent laboratory data, and follow-up course of a patient with Graves' disease and bilateral sensorineural hearing loss.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Precursor prothrombin status in two mother-infant pairs following gestational anticonvulsant therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Serum samples were collected throughout the infectious process for viral DNA analysis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"His electrocardiogram revealed minor abnormalities, including a prolonged QT interval.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This agent has severe teratogenic effects, as serious craniofacial, cardiovascular, thymic and central nervous system malformations.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"TSH remained persistently raised and the patient became thyrotoxic.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE REPORT: We report a case of intracerebral hemorrhage occurring in a middle-aged man who suffered from chronic sinusitis and had been ingesting pseudoephedrine daily for one year.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient's defects may be due to methimazole teratogenicity or could represent a previously undescribed syndrome affecting ectodermal structures.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Early detection of these cases has practical importance since the identification and elimination of the causative drug is essential for therapy success.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatment of chronic hepatitis C with interferon alpha (IFN-alpha) is relatively contraindicated in patients with psychiatric disorders because of possible severe psychiatric side effects.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Endoscopic management of a new entity-plastobezoar: a case report and review of literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cardiac arrest associated with sulprostone use during caesarean section.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Two patients died.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Dopamine dysregulation syndrome in a patient with restless legs syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case may start a debate on the susceptibility of central nervous system tumors following chemotherapy in patients with ITO.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ultrasonography showed ciliochoroidal effusion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report on a 64 year old patient with a severe flare-up of UC who responded well to intravenous CyA after a standard therapy with high dose corticosteroids alone had been ineffective.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The case of a 4-year-old girl with valproate-induced stupor and electroencephalographic pattern of increased fast activity is reported.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Two female patients presented nodular erythematous lesions overlying a permanent tattooed eyebrow and lip, respectively.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Transoesophageal echocardiography (TEE) was performed which showed a multilobulated liquid-filled mass (3.6 x 3.7 cm), adherent to the septal, anterior and posterolateral LA most consistent with thrombosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Reproductive endocrine disorders characterized by menstrual disorders, polycystic ovaries, and hyperandrogenism seem to be common among women treated with sodium valproate for epilepsy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To describe a case of exacerbated mania potentially related to an interaction between lopinavir\/ritonavir and valproic acid (VPA) and propose a mechanism of action for this interaction.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Before retreatment, the best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) ranged from 20\/40 to 20\/200.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Daily measurements of pulse, blood pressure, temperature and various laboratory examinations were carried out.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case of bullous pemphigoid in a patient on hemodialysis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In the early postoperative period, pulmonary thromboembolism was suspected and confirmed by lung perfusion scintigraphy which showed bilateral segmental and subsegmental perfusion defects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Delirium after cessation of glucocorticoid therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In a patient without evidence of hypersensitivity (the lymphocytes did not react to the drug in vitro) fever was the sole manifestation of an adverse reaction to cimetidine that was confirmed by challenge with the drug.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After a 8-year follow-up since transplantation, the patient is free from dyspnea, angina, and adverse cardiovascular events.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Gemcitabine has mild renal toxicity, but cases of gemcitabine-associated hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS) have been reported.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Other features of this adverse drug reaction were unremitting fever, leukocytosis with eosinophilia and atypical lymphocytosis, and proteinuria.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Post resuscitation there was no myocardial infarction and she had complete neurological recovery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient presented with fulminant microangiopathic hemolytic anemia and thrombocytopenia within 48 hr of initiating therapy with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Vitamin D toxicity is associated with enhanced resorption of bone in some patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Syndrome of inappropriate secretion of ADH (SIADH) following cisplatin administration in a pulmonary adenocarcinoma patient with a malignant pleural effusion.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Five hours after arrival, the patient reported a recurrence of severe chest pain.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors report a case of acute pancreatitis (AP) occurring in a patient under treatment with carbamazepine (CBZ) for post-traumatic petit mal epilepsy, and review the current literature of drug-induced AP.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The progressive appearance of squamous epitheliomas and other cutaneous adverse events, such as the ulcer, suggests that alternative chemotherapies should be considered for the treatment of myeloproliferative diseases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Initial plasma concentration of pyrimethamine was 6.22 micrograms\/mL.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case illustrates the diagnostic challenges in the management of such a patient, as well as the need for greater vigilance in the monitoring of liver function tests for patients treated with imatinib.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Finally, the patient had improvement in symptoms and oxygenation after withdrawing lenalidomide and recurrence of symptoms when the drug was restarted.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report an HIV-infected woman who developed mild leukopenia as the first sign of a nevirapine-related adverse event, which was followed by skin and hepatic toxicity associated with a more severe leukopenia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 32 year-old healthy nullipara pregnant woman, with an uneventful past gynaecological history, was admitted in Hospital, with a severe depressive syndrome in a 18 weeks malformed pregnancy for thoraco-omphalopagus conjoined twins.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A combination of methotrexate suspension, folinic acid and corticosteroids led to recovery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Measurement of serum acyclovir levels substantiated the diagnosis in only a subset of patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: Review of two patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Final maintenance dose was 2 mg every 4 weeks in 1 patient, 2 mg weekly in 1, 3 mg weekly in 3, 5 mg monthly in 1, 10 mg every 3 weeks in 2, 10 mg every 4 weeks in 2, 10 mg every 6 weeks in 1, and 5 mg weekly in 2 patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We observed 2 cases of hepatotoxicity after a high-dose methylprednisolone treatment of a demyelinating disease and evaluated the potential relationship in the light of available evidence.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Vigabatrin-induced visual field defects are at present the most important safety issue in the use of the drug.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The clinical course and results of renal biopsy studies suggest multiple causes of the renal lesions in this patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Herein, we describe 2 patients who developed unusual CD8+ cutaneous lymphoproliferative disorders after treatment with efalizumab and infliximab.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Within the first 4 weeks after the injection, dense cataract developed necessitating cataract surgery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a 67-year-old man with Parkinson's disease for 9 years who developed compulsive use of levodopa.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The main clinical features of this 58-year-old female patient were laboratory evidence of leucopenia and cholestasis, and biopsy features of fatty liver parenchyma degeneration with granulocytic portal infiltration and bile stasis, demonstrated 20 days after the initiation of antithyroid therapy with 20 mg methimazole daily.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The skin lesions healed over the next month.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Drug eruption was diagnosed in a 4-year-old German Shepherd Dog being treated with sulfonamides for vertebral osteomyelitis due to infection with Nocardia spp.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A double-blind challenge with nadolol and captopril decreased FEV1 by 3 and 12%, respectively.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Major surgery for a gastric cancer in a haemophilic with high inhibitor titre successfully performed by the use of recombinant FVIIa.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Phase I\/II trial for the treatment of cutaneous and subcutaneous tumors using electrochemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Reversible renal failure associated with angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors in polycystic kidney disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Antibiotic irrigation of the capsular bag can resolve chronic, low-grade endophthalmitis in culture-positive patients unresponsive to the same drugs administered by other routes, including conventional intraocular injection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These symptoms abated 1 week after fluvoxamine treatment was discontinued and haloperidol was started.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Severe complications are rarely seen.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hormonal, ultrasonographic, radioiodine scanning and fine needle aspiration findings were consistent with the diagnosis of Hashimoto's thyroiditis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: To present a case of respiratory depression following the administration of nebulised morphine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Sarcoma complicating therapy with cyclophosphamide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Intradermal testing with a wide range of steroid preparations gave positive results to prednisone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"At the time of this writing (2 y), the patient has had no symptoms and has continued on the chemotherapy protocol as planned.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of long lasting respiratory depression after intravenous administration of morphine to a 7 year old girl with haemolytic uraemic syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The medical and ophthalmic literature was reviewed for current use of these medications as well as for the reported incidence of visual side effects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of a patient with ciprofloxacin-induced SJS and acute onset of VBDS, and reviewed the related literature.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"De novo inflammatory bowel disease after pediatric orthotopic liver transplant: a case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thrombocytopenia is one of the most frequent challenges faced in patients with chronic liver diseases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Occurrence in an immunosuppressed patient with chronic active hepatitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Tardive dyskinesia in young adults.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rickets in low birth weight infants receiving total parenteral nutrition.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This finding suggests that eosinophil infiltration may be associated with nasal polyp formation in AIA, and that activation of eosinophils plays an important role in accumulation of eosinophils and polyp formation beginning with the initial stage.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Propafenone-induced ataxia: report of three cases.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"One patient suffered coronary artery vasospasm, attributed to the use of topical 1:1000 epinephrine during surgery.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Ten years of behavioral data are presented to support the hypothesis that phenobarbital was exacerbating maladaptive behaviors.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Increased lash length, thickness, and pigmentation are well-documented side effects of prostaglandin analog glaucoma drops.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"However, a common source for these infections could not be demonstrated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Serum and salivary IgA were absent with high IgE serum total.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Intracranial malignancies (primary and metastatic) are often complicated by seizure activity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is concluded that the aforementioned pathological manifestations were due to chemotherapy and included a pulmonary adverse reaction, a feature never previously associated with oxaliplatinum and 5-fluorouracil regimens.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This case shows a combined mechanism of DME resolution by anti VEGF and PHD.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: Prospective interventional case series of three patients with nonischaemic CRVO who were treated with L-CRA.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The case emphasises that immune reconstitution can be an extremely aggressive complication of HAART.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Seven cases of successfully treated Candida albicans cerebrospinal fluid shunt infections are reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Attempts were made to stop and then restart the theophylline therapy at progressively lower doses; however, with each attempt, the patient's reaction to the drug became more toxic, with serum theophylline levels ranging between 99.9 and 149.9 micromol\/L (18 and 27 microg\/mL).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Two days later, on hospital day 27, the patient spontaneously delivered two healthy, male infants.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Poor bone vascularisation and reduced local defences prolong the defensive response.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This lead to the hypothesis of a partially dialysable toxic metabolite of muzolimine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE SUMMARY: A 65-year-old patient chronically treated with the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) citalopram developed confusion, agitation, tachycardia, tremors, myoclonic jerks and unsteady gait, consistent with serotonin syndrome, following initiation of fentanyl, and all symptoms and signs resolved following discontinuation of fentanyl.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Less common adverse events to dapsone include the idiosyncratic reactions of leukopenia and agranulocytosis, cutaneous eruptions, peripheral neuropathy, psychosis, toxic hepatitis, cholestatic jaundice, nephrotic syndrome, renal papillary necrosis, severe hypoalbuminemia without proteinuria, an infectious mononucleosis-like syndrome, and minor neurological and gastrointestinal complaints.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Topical brimonidine may be associated with central nervous system depression in infants.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: A two-year-old boy was surgically treated for residual esotropia after two botulinum toxin A injections.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These observations suggest that CPH82 has glucocorticoid receptor agonistic effects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Graft versus host disease after orthotopic liver transplantation documented by analysis of short tandem repeat polymorphisms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Such a clinical association has not been previously described in the literature and might be due to the persistent expression of gp91phox at a very low level.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Both cases presented here describe corneal ulcers that persisted and showed signs of worsening during weeks of frequent topical dosing with moxifloxacin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Aortic perforation complicating carcinoma of the oesophagus is extremely uncommon.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Previous studies have demonstrated the interaction of MTX and a variety of non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) with various clinical manifestations including acute renal failure, pancytopenia, vomiting, diarrhea, elevated liver transaminases, jaundice, mucosal ulcerations, and pyrexia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient had no history of trauma, lymphatic obstruction, venous obstruction or infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two days after completing this regimen, the patient developed a rash with blistering.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Baseline and follow-up examinations should include: Snellen acuity, Farnsworth D-15 color testing, automated threshold perimetry and optic nerve head photography.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Autopsy findings were consistent with bleomycin and oxygen-induced pulmonary damage.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"One was infected by PVB19-contaminated blood transfusion, whereas the other had become infected naturally.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three patients with niacin-induced visual symptoms had cystoid maculopathy without leakage on fluorescein angiography, and a fourth patient with no fundus abnormality experienced cessation of visual symptoms upon discontinuation of niacin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Majocchi's granuloma is a condition with chronic erythematous and indurated plaques that is a result of the rupture of a dermatophyte-infected infundibulum as a result of trauma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A review of the relevant literature follows the case reports.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Among 12 thyrotoxic patients, a patient with arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia, who had been taking amiodarone for 4 years, developed thyrotoxicosis with subacute onset, accompanied by transiently positive thyrotropin (TSH) receptor antibody (TRAb), or thyrotropin-binding inhibiting immunoglobulin (TBII).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The effective valve area was 0.41 cm2.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Caution should be exercised when using ciprofloxacin in the treatment of patients with personality abnormalities or symptoms of psychosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Because the AKBR changes in relation to electron transport in liver mitochondria, it seems to be a logical parameter for evaluating the effect of potassium cyanide poisoning on electron transport.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case report describes a patient who ingested magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) for approximately four days as a treatment for pregnancy-induced hypertension.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The treatment approach is described and the literature on the subject is reviewed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The resulting pneumonitis may be severe and irreversible.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"To our knowledge, we describe the first reported case of isolated paresthesia and peripheral neuropathy, without systemic involvement, secondary to sulindac administration.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Early recognition of renal toxicity of high-dose methotrexate therapy: a case report.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Brain metastasis was detected in one patient at 7 months after initial therapy and was treated with stereotactic radiotherapy combined with whole brain irradiation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cell culture was performed on samples collected from a corneal scraping, the contact lenses and the storage cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In case no. 2, the pathogenic mechanism seemed to be persistent light reaction preceded by systemic photoallergy, as he had taken mequitazine for 6 months, and there were strong positive photopatch test results with immediate erythema reaction, cross-reaction to promethazine, decreased MED to both UVA and UVB, and persistence of the photosensitivity over a 3-year follow-up period after discontinuation of the mequitazine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"MTX-induced hepatic injury and liver enzyme elevations have been demonstrated after treatment of leukemia, gestational disease and during treatment of psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"METHODS: The patient required insulin desensitization for severe urticaria, angioedema, and occasional wheezing resulting from her insulin dose.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Here, a rare case of a patient with Type I GD who developed adenocarcinoma of the lung that was treated with chemotherapy, radiotherapy and biological agents inhibiting receptor tyrosine kinases is presented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Overall, they are the single largest cost to the healthcare system.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Serological studies were carried out using flow cytometry (FCM).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"ARA-C is frequently associated with dermatologic toxicity, but this is only the second case of toxic epidermal necrolysis described in connection with this drug.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Although opiates can provide patients with relief from pain and the discomfort of cough, the routine prescription of these drugs for infants demands caution and concern.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The ratio of M-23 to M-1 in her serum was much lower than that of control persons (0.64 vs. 2.08).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Affected persons usually are on chronic steroid treatment and in the fifth to seventh decades of life.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The main side-effects of Lp-TAE combined with HT were low-grade fever, localized pain, myelo-suppression and liver dysfunction, but these were transient and eventually disappeared.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Histological analysis of a lung biopsy showed a diffuse infiltration with pigmented macrophages without granulomas, which particularly involved the pulmonary arterial and venular walls.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Cyanamide, an aversive agent widely used in Japan, is known to induce various degrees of hepatic lesion with ground-glass inclusion bodies.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In a dose titration study we tested the efficacy and tolerance of recombinant human erythropoietin (rhEPO) in 10 patients with myelodysplasia (MDS) and 2 patients with idiopathic myelofibrosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Vitiligo associated with alpha-interferon in a patient with chronic active hepatitis C.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"To our knowledge, our report is one of the first on shock and angio-oedema from irbesartan.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Nine azotemic patients who developed a coagulopathy associated with the use of either cephalosporin or moxalactam antibiotics are reported.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A patient suffering from heparin-associated thrombocytopenia (HAT), recurrent arteriothromboses, and acute renal failure after treatment with standard heparin is described.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors used in the treatment of glaucoma, seizure disorders, and hypertension are rarely associated with blood dyscrasias.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatment of carbimazole-induced agranulocytosis and sepsis with granulocyte colony stimulating factor.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A case is described in which non-convulsive status epilepticus (NCSE) prompted further investigation leading to the diagnosis of Lafora body disease (LBD).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It has also been seen in people with gastrointestinal diseases with malabsorption.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"No life-threatening situations occurred and the patient fully recovered.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case and a review of the literature show the severe and unpredictable nature of ethambutol toxicity and its potential for irreversible vision loss despite careful ophthalmologic monitoring.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Other measures including attention to factors that contribute to falls should also be considered, necessitating a multi-disciplinary approach.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Physicians should be aware of the possible association between the use of alteplase and the development of subfascial hemorrhage.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"He developed necrotizing pancreatitis, possibly due to regurgitation of the chemotherapeutic agents to the pancreas.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Disseminated Trichosporon infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Epsilon-aminocaproic acid and renal complications: case report and review of the literature.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Homozygous loss of TSC1 was identified in one PEComa.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In vitro studies using 3H-thymidine uptake and dual parameter flow-cytometric analysis of DNA and proliferating cell nuclear antigen showed that leukemic blast cells in S phase were increased after incubation with G-CSF.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The female patient received clozapine in a daily dose of 400 mg, which induced agranulocytosis after 2 months.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A patient that received methadone for cancer-associated pain developed myoclonus as a side effect.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Although trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazol (TMP\/SMX) prophylaxis has been shown to prevent almost all P. carinii infections, 1%-2% of patients may still experience this complication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Phenytoin was discontinued after admission; however, phenytoin 1 g i.v. was given for a tonic-clonic seizure two days after admission, after which swelling of the face and legs and pruritus developed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The generalized dystonia improved in the following 3 months and 3 years respectively in 2 patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Disseminated histoplasmosis has not been described previously as a complication of bone marrow transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intravenous verapamil therapy in babies may cause apnea, hypotension, and bradycardia; continued episodes of atrial flutter in a child may cause sudden death; quinidine may be related to the death; children with \"familial seizure disorders\" may in fact have the long QT interval syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Normal endometrial cells in the Pap smear test were the only signs associated with this cancer.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Elimination rates for Staphylococcus aureus and Haemophilus influenzae were similar; adverse reactions did not differ in both arms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Neither patient has developed evidence of hepatotoxicity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient's condition improved after halothane was administered; treatment with this inhalational anaesthetic lasted 7 h, and the beneficial effect was obtained by employing concentrations between 0.5 and 2%.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The role of antiemetics is invaluable in allowing cancer patients to complete otherwise potentially intolerable chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two illustrative cases are reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There may be a synergistic effect when corticosteroids are used in combination with chemotherapy and radiation treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We conclude that low-dose HU therapy in patients with thalassemia intermedia may increase total Hb levels sufficiently to eliminate the need for transfusions.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The objective of this study was to retrospectively evaluate the clinical outcome of newborns treated with recombinant activated factor VII for intractable bleeding or severe coagulation disturbances, resistant to conventional hemostatic therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Polyacrylamide gel may have favorable properties for facial tissue augmentation, but a severe granulomatous inflammatory response induced by injection of polyacrylamide gel may occur.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Relevant reports to the national Pharmacovigilance Centre were also examined.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Follicular cell carcinoma (FCC) of the thyroid is rarely found during childhood.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Postoperative assessment of intraocular pressure is essential in patients presenting with flap inflammation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In this paper we report a case of nimodipine overdosage resulting in prolonged hypotension and hypoxemia, which was successfully treated with calcium gluconate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Lacosamide intoxication in attempted suicide.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Chronic vulval ulceration--another immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome?","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The other 2 eyes experienced regression of the myopia and astigmatism and had a BCVA of 20\/25(-1) or better.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"INVESTIGATIONS: Blood tests, peripheral blood smear, bone-marrow biopsy and aspirate, Holter electrocardiogram.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"During this same time period, 537 patients were admitted with MI, 41 of whom died; the study's 4 patients were compared with these 41.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Indinavir-associated nephrolithiasis and chronic interstitial nephritis were the only possible causes identified in this patient.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"DIAGNOSIS: Severe temozolomide-induced immunosuppression, exacerbated by corticosteroids, with profound T-cell lymphocytopenia and simultaneous opportunistic infections with Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia, brain abscess with Listeria monocytogenes, and cutaneous Kaposi's sarcoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"An 83-year-old man receiving glipizide 10 mg bid developed symptomatic hypoglycemia within three days of adding trimethoprim\/sulfamethoxazole (TMP\/SMX) to his regimen.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Development of malignant breast microcalcifications after neoadjuvant chemotherapy in advanced breast cancer.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"With either discontinuation or decreased dosage of the drug the symptoms disappeared and did not recur.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The safety of concurrent use has also to be balanced when lithium treatment is started within an ECT course.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient had MRSA sepsis develop resistant to conventional therapy, which was successfully treated with daptomycin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present a case report of endodontic overfilling involving the mandibular canal.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"With rapid recognition and treatment of the syndrome, the patient fully recovered.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Familial Mediterranean fever at the millennium.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The vacuum-assisted wound closure technique and device (the V.A.C.) has become a widely accepted technique in the management of chronic and difficult wounds.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Our present study demonstrates the utility of monitoring auditory function at frequencies higher than conventionally tested in patients receiving cis-platinum.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One of the subjects who was using extemporaneous topical minoxidil had hypertension and arteriosclerotic disease and the other died of a myocardial infarction.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Capecitabine-induced multifocal leukoencephalopathy: a report of five cases.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A rare case of lumbosacral meningioma: nondural attachment and possible enlargement by orally administered sex steroid.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Case examples illustrate problems of teacher compliance in filling out measures, supplying adequate placebos, and obtaining physician cooperation, and with the practical issue of providing adequate data without overwhelming the time and resources of participants.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"His current medication regimen was hydroxyurea (500 mg BID), iron (525 mg QD), and folic acid (15 mg QD) for the myeloproliferative disease and the associated anemia; spironolactone (25 mg BID) and furosemide (20 mg BID) for the complications of cirrhosis; allopurinol (100 mg QD) to treat gout; and theophylline (250 mg QD) for chronic bronchitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The majority of radiation recall reactions attributed to gemcitabine are reported to affect internal tissue or organs.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A trial of dexamethasone therapy normalized blood pressure, and plasma and urinary aldosterone decreased to low levels and renin levels increased.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The occurrence of treatment-related hematologic malignancies after adjuvant therapy with alkylating agents for gastrointestinal cancers, ovarian carcinoma, and breast cancer and after treatment for Hodgkin's disease, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, germ-cell tumors, and multiple myeloma has been well documented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case is reported of theophylline intoxication due to a dramatic decrease in theophylline clearance following concomitant administration of viloxazine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Early detection of ototoxicity is of vital importance in cases in which ototoxic drugs are administered.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Laboratory investigations confirmed a metabolic acidosis (pH 7.15) and hyperchloremia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"SCE analysis may provide a method for detecting patients at risk from oncogenic effects of cytotoxic drugs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To report a case of neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) associated with fluphenazine in a schizophrenic patient and review the literature related to this condition.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 21-year-old woman with pars planitis was treated with a subtenon's depot corticosteroid injection that was complicated by the appearance of the corticosteroid suspension within the choroidal vasculature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The signs and symptoms of intracranial pathology in patients with dural puncture headache, in addition to their postural headache, are discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The second case occurred in a patient who developed renal failure while on daily therapy in the hospital.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In none of these reports has radiologic or pathologic data been presented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These side effects may be inadvertently confused with other behavioral or psychiatric conditions, especially if exacerbation of existing challenging behavior occurs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy is a safe and easy method and carries a low mortality and complication rate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ganciclovir-resistant cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection is an emerging problem in transplant recipients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Neurologic examination revealed right foot drop in Patient A and was unremarkable in Patient B.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHOD: Case analysis of a poly-drug overdose (venlafaxine, topiramate, divalproex sodium, risperidone, and carbamazepine) presenting with mixed SS\/NMS features and whose clinical management suggests a practical algorithm for treatment of undifferentiated SS\/NMS in critical care settings.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Milnacipran was administered at 50 to 150 mg\/day, and the dose at 12 weeks or at the time the drug was stopped was 85.0 +\/- 31.3 mg\/day.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: For this patient, clopidogrel (Plavix) therapy was the only risk factor related to SSEH.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Vincristine (VCR) is commonly included in combinational chemotherapy regimens because of its synergy with a variety of other active agents, as well as its sparing of the hematopoietic system.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Sensation of all modalities was intact.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Seventeen had deposits of plasma proteins at the dermoepidermal junction, 16 had deposits in the vessel walls, and one had autofluorescence of the nuclei in the epidermis and vessel walls.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Platelet count was within normal limits on admission and the patient developed no serious consequences because of the purpura.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present the management of agranulocytosis and neutropenic sepsis secondary to carbimazole with recombinant human granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Recombinant growth factors appear not to help in shortening the neutropenic period.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"E. coli was isolated from urine, blood cultures and later from bone biopsy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The administration of amyl nitrite and sodium thiosulfate led to a rapid improvement: the parameters reflecting oxygen metabolism improved and the plasma level of cyanide decreased.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Here we present the case of a woman who received high doses of methylprednisolone (1 g iv daily) for active Graves' ophthalmopathy, and developed severe hypertension followed by myocardial infarction on the fifth day of treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Despite a preferential action on cerebral vessels, there is clinical and experimental evidence of effects on systemic vascular and intestinal smooth muscle cells.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Prompt treatment with intravenous antibiotics usually leads to full recovery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"New serologic tests show promise.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Dural sinus thrombosis developed in two children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia during induction treatment with vincristine sulfate, prednisone, and asparaginase.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a case of acute popliteal artery occlusion after arthroscopic posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Lower extremity arterial insufficiency after long-term methysergide maleate therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Giant cell lichenoid dermatitis in a patient with baboon syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two patients with ovarian cancer who had received multiple courses of cisplatin without complications experienced hypersensitivity reactions to cisplatin: one, involving intrahepatic artery infusion, manifested general erythema, dyspnea, and hypotension; the other, involving intravenous infusion, manifested abdominal pain, general erythema, and fever.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A chorio-retinal shunt was demonstrated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient was treated with triple tuberculostatic drug therapy, followed by two-drug therapy, while receiving maintenance chemotherapy for AML, including thioguanine and cytarabine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CT scan revealed infarction in the territory of the right middle cerebral artery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHOD: We identified 101 patients at Yanbian Socio-Mental Hospital and Yanbian Brain Hospital in China who had received clozapine as a primary antipsychotic drug since their first episode of illness and evaluated the prevalence rate, type, and severity of TD using the Extrapyramidal Symptoms Rating Scale (ESRS).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Specimens were evaluated by light and electron microscopy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Itraconazole withdrawal was followed by rapid improvement, with neurologic examination returning to normal within 6 weeks.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Common hair care practices are a frequent cause of alopecia in black women.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 78-year-old man with a transvenous cardioverter defibrillator system developed frequent shocks during oral procainamide therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"An aggressive dose escalation (0.15, 0.2, 0.25 mg\/kg\/hr for 6 hrs) was done over the next 5 days in an attempt to avoid open-heart surgery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Five of 70 patients who had begun leflunomide therapy had significant weight loss that could not be linked to other identifiable etiologies.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The premature infant liver may be deficient in its ability to carry out this step of metabolism, and in normal intrauterine existence the fetus may receive 1,25-DHCC, the active metabolite, from the mother.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"To our knowledge, this report describes the first cases of C. striatum causing infection of exist sites of central venous catheters, thrombophlebitis associated with central venous catheters, conjunctivitis, and chorioamnionitis as well as a possible pathogen contributing to peritonitis and pyogenic granuloma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Our review of 194 RA patients and 38 PsA patients receiving MTX has identified four RA patients and one PsA patient with MTX-induced pneumonitis, giving a prevalence of 2.1% and 0.03%, respectively.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The successful development and implementation of this protocol will have impact on patients who have anaphylactic reactions to MTX but require this medication for specific diseases.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report two patients with acne vulgaris with a fourth type of minocycline-induced cutaneous pigmentation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Spinal meningiomas predominantly arise in the fourth to sixth decades of life and are more common in women.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After 2 weeks, visual acuity was better and improvement was evident on topography, pachymetry, and slitlamp photography.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The pupil dilated more widely following this procedure, resulting in an improvement in the patient's visual field.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Although 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA) preparations used to treat inflammatory bowel disease are reported to have fewer side effects than sulphasalazine, increased clinical use of these compounds has resulted in increased reports of significant side effects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cholestyramine enabled the use of very low doses of sc vitamin K1 (2 mg total) with subsequent attainment of a therapeutic International Normalized Ratio in 39 h.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"During chemotherapy suggested pathogenetic factors were monitored without observing any significant abnormality.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Magnetic resonance imaging and angiography showed right internal carotid artery stenosis with ulceration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Therapy-related myelodysplastic syndrome (t-MDS) was suspected approximately 2 years later; in addition, complex karyotypic abnormalities including 5q deletion, monosomy 7, and der(17)t(12;17)(q13;p13) were found repeatedly in the patient's chromosome studies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report 3 patients with severe hepatocellular damage due to CPA therapy, 2 with fatal fulminant hepatitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"She subsequently developed microbial keratitis at 1 o'clock adjacent to the limbus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In December 1983, symptoms of Parkinson disease developed in a 55-year-old man with no history of pulmonary disease, smoking, or asbestos exposure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: Retrospective chart review was performed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Low dosages of quinacrine used for malaria prophylaxis can be associated with a delayed, severe maculopathy indistinguishable from chloroquine maculopathy in certain patients.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Biopsies revealed an interface dermatitis with epidermal dysmaturation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The level of ferritin in serum was elevated to 1192 ng\/mL.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Eight patients had elevated alkaline phosphatase, 4 elevated IgG and one elevated IgA.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acetylcholine receptor and anti-skeletal muscle antibody titers were positive in both patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Another aqueous humor sample was taken and sent for microscopic examination of sputum for acid-fast bacilli and culture, both of which were positive for MT.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pamidronate therapy should be considered in patients with hypercalcemia secondary to acute vitamin D poisoning.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Rapid manifestation of cervical vertebral osteomyelitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We introduce a case of a sixty years old woman with several previous episodes of rhinitis, conjunctivitis and perspiration immediately after the administration of salmon calcitonin with nasal spray or intramuscular administration (Calsynar).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion after high dose vinblastine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Clearance and adverse effects of efavirenz are associated with CYP2B6-G516T polymorphism.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present and exemplify our routine test protocol for monitoring drug introduction and treatment regimen of cholinergic drugs in LEMS.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The total amount received was 27 gm.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report an HIV-infected woman who developed mild leukopenia as the first sign of a nevirapine-related adverse event, which was followed by skin and hepatic toxicity associated with a more severe leukopenia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONTEXT: Acute drug induced hepatitis has not been commonly associated with epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) inhibitors.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In-vitro rechallenge of the patient's lymphocytes with cytochrome P-450 generated metabolites of phenobarbital showed extensive cytotoxicity compared to control.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"His recovery was uneventful.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Presence of hypertriglyceridemia, very high serum levels of ferritin and hemophagocytosis in a bone-marrow aspirate gave the diagnosis of HLH.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After reviewing the literature we suggest the CPM was a complication of lithium toxicity which affected the lateral geniculate nucleus which produced blindness.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The pharmacist counseled the patient on the potential hazards of using herbal products with prescription medications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Spironolactone was continued, as serum creatinine and potassium levels were initially normal.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Further research should be done to define the role of combination antidepressant therapy in the treatment of primary care patients with depression.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DISCUSSION: Haloperidol is often used in the ICU for control of severe agitation, even in patients without a psychiatric history.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She purchased cosmetic contact lenses via the Internet, and followed a contact lens care system irregularly, occasionally using tap water.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Adrenal insufficiency should be suspected in all dialysis patients presenting with fever and atypical symptoms, but only after other potential causes are eliminated; since steroid administration may normalize fever regardless of the etiology, it may mask the signs and symptoms and delay the treatment of other (if any) underlying disorder(s).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intradermal tests with carboplatin were positive in all three patients and negative with cisplatin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatment is supportive; phenobarbital and carbamazepine may be used with caution as alternate anticonvulsant therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient treated with DBS developed severe dyskinesia a few days after discharge and began self medication with amantadine but showed no improvement.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"As patients survive longer, long-term therapy-related complications take on greater importance.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Severe overdosage with the antiepileptic drug oxcarbazepine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Anxiety disorders are currently one of the most common health concerns in the United States.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Drug discontinuation was followed by a complete resolution of the skin eruption.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Colitis as a manifestation of infliximab-associated disseminated cryptococcosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Platinum-based therapies are vital to the treatment of primary peritoneal and ovarian carcinoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Enterovirus was detected by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in two samples of pleural fluid that were obtained 21 days apart while he was alive.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Most patients can be successfully managed when patient and physician expectations are realistic and aligned, the selection of preventive medications is individualised, and the initiation and titration strategy is appropriate and carefully followed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors present an elderly patient with mixed dementia who developed TD at multiple sites, (including respiratory dyskinesia [RD], limb dyskinesia, and orofacial dyskinesia) following abrupt withdrawal of risperidone therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We also found a severe decrease in her serum total carnitine level of 22 micromol\/l (normal range 45-91 micromol\/l) before changing the diet, suggesting secondary carnitine deficiency.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Despite this experience, the patient continued to deny that quinine was the cause of his problem and that he had failed in his obligations to advise the dentist of his drug history.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present a case of methanol poisoning in a child in whom the use of fomepizole averted intravenous ethanol infusion and the attendant side effects of this therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Obstructive prosthetic atrioventricular valve thrombosis in a woman with congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries during estrogen replacement therapy for pituitary dysfunction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Topical INF alpha 2-beta is a valid choice for the treatment of CIN in patients for whom surgery is not possible.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Terbutaline therapy did not appear to be associated with any significant adverse effects and warrants further application and study in this setting.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He became febrile and developed a productive cough and pulmonary infiltrates on postoperative day 4.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although risk factors for MTX-induced pulmonary toxicity are poorly understood, the presence in 3 out of 5 of our patients of pre-existing lung disease, represented by diffuse interstitial changes on chest X-ray, and mild bronchial asthma in two RA patients and by pulmonary silicosis in the patient with PsA may account for a predisposition to the development of MTX pneumonitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Second cancers including various types of hematological malignancy have been reported in patients with hairy cell leukemia treated with chemotherapy or interferon alfa.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"DISCUSSION: Opioid dependence is generally considered synonymous with heroin dependence or dependence on prescribed opioid analgesics.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Results of this study show milnacipran to be beneficial in patients with chronic pain.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 51-yr-old nonsmoking male patient without any history of previous allergies, asthma, hay fever, or urticaria developed attacks of asthma when captopril was added to the nadolol and dyazide treatment for his high blood pressure.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Adjuvant chemotherapy was not indicated and anastrozole hormonotherapy was started.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Diagnosis of invasive aspergillosis of the gut was based on abdominal pain, galactomannan antigenemia and isolation of Aspergillus fumigatus from the stool and was later confirmed by pathohistologic examination.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Large cerebral infarction is a rare complication of neurocysticercosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two cases of long lasting bacteremia due to Mycobacterium avium complex despite new macrolides-containing regimens in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two cases are reported of patients who developed a hematologic malignancy several years after intravesical chemotherapy of superficial bladder cancer with etoglucid, doxorubicin, and mitomycin C.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This may be particularly useful in patients unable to tolerate an alternative class of antihypertensive agents.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: Diagnostic aids included routine histology and direct immunofluorescence studies to rule out immunobullous diseases and to confirm the c-GVHD.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Diagnosis was assessed according to the international AIH scoring system, including liver biopsy and confirmed by positive response to steroid challenge.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All patients were treated with ICD system explantation and antifungal therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two patients were treated with bretylium tosylate for malignant ventricular arrhythmias after inadequate response to conventional agents.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"For one patient, the half-saturation constant was elevated 0.7 log units, suggesting reduction of retinal sensitivity, perhaps from decrease in retinal photopigment concentration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ego-alien, suicidal ideas are an extremely rare form of adverse drug reaction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She also had been treated with oral conjugated equine estrogen (Premarin) because of congenital pituitary dysfunction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Bisphosphonate induced osteochemonecrosis of the jaw mimicking a tumour.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Continuous EEG monitoring in a patient with massive carbamazepine overdose.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A retrospective review of 4405 patients' charts identified 214 patients who initiated antimalarial therapy between January 1987 and April 1993 for different rheumatic disorders (mean duration of therapy of 17 months).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This report suggests that anemia can occur due to MMF, in particular when it is given with prednisone, a side effect well documented in the transplantation literature when the triple combination of MMF, cyclosporine and prednisone is used.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) protease inhibitors are associated with several metabolic abnormalities including hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Succinylcholine-induced hyperkalemia in a patient with mucositis secondary to chemotherapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Serotonin syndrome (SS) and neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) are medical emergencies associated with psychotropic administration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Gastro-intestinal side-effects, however, have not been reported in clinical studies dealing with treatment of vasospasm following subarachnoid haemorrhage.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Computed brain tomography was normal.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A patient with chronic myelomonocytic leukemia developed drug-induced pulmonary toxicity after using low dose oral etoposide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Acute vision loss after intravitreal injection of bevacizumab (avastin) associated with ocular ischemic syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis showed the presence of several metals not seen in normal bone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"During surgery the left internal jugular vein was found to be thrombosed and, therefore, ligated and resected.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Dramatic clinical improvement followed prednisone therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After therapy for diabetic coma with insulin (containing the preservative cresol) and electrolyte solutions was started, the patient complained of increasing myalgia, developed a high fever and respiratory and metabolic acidosis and lost consciousness.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient tolerated amoxicillin and cefazolin, suggesting that the sensitizing portion was not the beta-lactam ring.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 32-year-old woman with lazy bladder was treated with cisapride (10 mg q.i.d.) for three weeks, obtaining a progressive improvement of the symptomatology and urodynamic parameters, and the return to pretreatment conditions after drug withdrawal.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Recombinant human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor in combination with continuous infusion of cytosine arabinoside for the treatment of refractory acute myelogenous leukemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Superficial basal cell carcinoma can be successfully managed by means other than surgical excision.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Later, confirmatory urine testing of both patients using high-performance liquid chromatography was negative for tricyclic antidepressants.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Development of essential thrombocythemia in a patient treated with interferon alfa and pentostatin for hairy cell leukemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Patients with cancer are especially vulnerable to the development of hyper- and hypocalcemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 7-year-old boy with asthma was receiving the leukotriene receptor antagonist pranlukast (Ultair; SmithKline Beecham; Pittsburgh) as part of an open-label clinical trial.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: The need for prophylactic anticonvulsant therapy especially utilizing phenytoin in patients undergoing cranial radiation therapy should be assessed on a case by case basis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Another patient had a brief relapse two years after the first episode, after a single therapeutic dose of another clioquinol preparation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Her course, history and outcome are presented and the pharmacokinetics, the mechanism of action, signs and symptoms and treatment of strychnine poisoning are reviewed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, the left ventricular ejection fraction was severely decreased (26%), and new regional wall motion abnormalities typical of broken heart syndrome were noted.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We observed an unexpectedly rapid rise in platelet counts with complete haematological recovery after a BEAM regimen, in a patient who could not be rescued by autologous transplant but who received filgrastim, epoetin alfa, and ancestim.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On postburn day 31, he developed a temperature of 108.4 degrees F (42.4 degrees C).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Preventive medications reduce migraine frequency and severity, and improve migraine-specific quality of life.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: This case identifies another potential etiological factor in the development of TMA after renal transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: Hypersensitivity reaction should be considered in patients who develop recurrent eosinophilia and deterioration of pulmonary function following the use of tobramycin by inhalation or by intravenous administration.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"When patients are prescribed tolterodine and warfarin concurrently, clinicians should monitor INR carefully, and a reduction in warfarin dosage may be required.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The cumulative severity of thrombocytopenia observed over successive cycles was accompanied by an increasing TPO response which tended to grow overproportionally in relation to the degree of peripheral thrombocytopenia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Our analysis of the published case reports suggests a causal association between green tea and liver damage.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Though proteinuria and nephrotic syndrome is a rare adverse effect of IFN-beta-1b therapy, physicians treating MS patients with this agent should pay careful attention to new clinical symptoms and laboratory findings.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The AUC was between 0 and 6 X 10 ng X min\/ml, and AUC normalized to 1 mg\/m2 of 6MP was between 0 and 815 ng X min\/ml.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Interferon (IFN)-associated retinopathy is typically characterized by retinal hemorrhages and cotton wool spots at the posterior fundus, but visual function is usually maintained.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Does acyclovir increase serum lithium levels?","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: Our case shows a fatal side effect of erlotinib.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) inhibitors, such as infliximab, decrease the body's inflammatory response and thus the body's reaction to infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Bacterial contamination of platelet (PLT) components is an important cause of transfusion reactions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She underwent a general ophthalmological investigation, perimetry and electroretinographic examination with multifocal (m-ERG) and flash-electroretinogram (flash-ERG).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Adenomyosis in the broad ligament and tamoxifen: report of a case.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We propose that, in addition to hyperperfusion, captopril alters renal function by an additional intrarenal hemodynamic effect.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After therapy for diabetic coma with insulin (containing the preservative cresol) and electrolyte solutions was started, the patient complained of increasing myalgia, developed a high fever and respiratory and metabolic acidosis and lost consciousness.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Agranulocytosis resolved 4 days following withdrawal of teicoplanin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case illustrates the broad clinical spectrum of angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy with dysproteinemia and suggests that aggressive treatment is necessary in selected patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Simultaneously, systemic dexamethasone and calcium folinic acid were given.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Topiramate may be associated with ciliochoroidal effusion with forward displacement of the lens-iris diaphragm and anterior chamber shallowing, resulting in acute myopia and angle-closure glaucoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Suspected inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone in a male with mental retardation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present two cases of nitrofurantoin-induced pulmonary toxicity in which the initial HRCT showed a widespread reticular pattern and associated distortion of the lung parenchyma, thought to represent established fibrosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Quetiapine (Seroquel) is an atypical antipsychotic drug belonging to a new chemical class, the benzothiazepine derivatives.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The fetal valproate syndrome (FVS) is characterized by distinctive facial appearance, major and minor malformations, and developmental delay.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"She received 3.8 mg cumulative dose of vincristin before development of ptosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Reproductive endocrine disorders characterized by menstrual disorders, polycystic ovaries, and hyperandrogenism seem to be common among women treated with sodium valproate for epilepsy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient is currently under treatment with prednisone 20 mg\/day for systemic lupus erythematosus and with oral mesalazine 2.4 mg\/day for Crohn's disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pheripheral edema was observed in five female patients after taking proton pump inhibitors omeprazole, lansoprazole, or pantoprazole for 7-15 days for peptic acid diseases in recommended standard doses.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: To describe bilateral optic neuritis that occurred as an adverse effect of recombinant and natural interferon alpha administration.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We indicate that initial and early treatment of the patients with DM and PnM with CsA enabled rapid tapering of the dose of glucocorticoid and improved the disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Successful use of Shakuyaku-kanzo-to, a traditional herbal medicine, for intractable symptoms of thoracic outlet syndrome: a case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A small dose of protamine sulphate was then administered, which promptly restored hemostasis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Nocardia exalbida brain abscess in a patient with follicular lymphoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient was advised to stop administration of the mineral oil and was treated empirically with antibiotics during a 3-month period.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One week after the initial-dose of adalimumab (160 mg), which was initiated due to an acute exacerbation of Crohn's disease, the patient developed a fulminant cardiomyopathy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In this case, it was suspected that a combination of cigarette smoking, pulmonary fibrosis, and low-dose methotrexate therapy might have promoted the development of lung cancer.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"He was later skin tested to confirm allergy to MTX.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Baclofen withdrawal: a cause of prolonged fever in the intensive care unit.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The authors report two cases of acute dystonic reactions (ADRs) as a side effect of lamivudine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: One case of recurrent primary peritoneal carcinoma previously treated with a carboplatin-based regimen, developed a platinum hypersensitivity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Recently, a controversy has arisen as to whether air or saline should be recommended for the correct localization of the epidural space with the loss of resistance technique.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This is a rare complication of bypass surgery and may be a cause of recurrent angina postoperatively due to coronary artery steal.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In all except two patients, serum Na+ returned to normal values within 3 to 12 months of continued lorcainide therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The symptomatology of 18 other paediatric cases of naphthylimidazoline exposure reported to the Belgian National Poison Centre, is also discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The lesions were morphologically distinct and differed in their anatomical distribution during each episode.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Use of perospirone for obesity and diabetes mellitus in patients with schizophrenia: three case reports.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Both experts would obtain an audiogram after the acute problems are treated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Livedo reticularis associated with interferon alpha therapy in two melanoma patients.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A case is reported in which severe hypocalcemia, with a low plasma parathyroid hormone (PTH) concentration, resulted from the therapeutic use of magnesium sulfate for toxemia of pregnancy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Ayurveda is an East Indian tradition involving the treatment of medical ailments through the use of herbal medications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We investigated the patient's serum for all frequent polymorphisms in cytochrome P450 2D6, assuming him to be a poor neuroleptic metabolizer.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He had complex partial seizures refractory to several antiepileptic drugs since 4 years of age.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The addition of certain substrates such as glutamine, arginine and omega-3 fatty acids may improve the body's immune response as well.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Goiter and hypothyroidism during re-treatment with amiodarone in a patient who previously experienced amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"These findings are significant not only in monitoring amiodarone effects during chronic prophylactic drug therapy but also in providing further insight into the complex interrelation between the action of the drug and the thyroid hormones on cardiac muscle.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Persistent loss of tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactivity in the substantia nigra after neuroleptic withdrawal.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, medications containing PPA still can be found in many homes of those unaware of the voluntary recall.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Neither veno-occlusive disease nor thrombotic microangiopathy was documented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The current study investigated the visual fields and visual electrophysiology of eight patients with known vigabatrin-attributed visual field loss, three of whom were reported previously.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"For both the second and third patients, symptomatology failed to resolve until the intraperitoneal cisplatin solution was withdrawn.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patient responded dramatically to Stellate ganglion block and returned to work within two weeks time.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thus, the possible in vivo effects of insulin on adipocytes were clearly observed in this case of insulin-induced lipohypertrophy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Clinicians should be aware that an erythematous and exfoliative rash may be induced by temozolomide, and be familiar with the pharmacologic and supportive measures necessary for its treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We describe 2 patients with severe erosive rheumatoid arthritis and rheumatoid vasculitis, respectively, in whom infliximab therapy was associated with peripheral neuropathy due to necrotizing vasculitis in one patient and to progression of preexisting mononeuritis multiplex in the other.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Benign pneumatosis intestinalis in a child with cavopulmonary shunt and immune thrombocytopenic purpura.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Disseminated varicella infection in a child receiving short-term steroids for asthma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After prolonged recovery periods, only mild neurological deficits persisted in both patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The mainstay of therapy has been potassium replacement, however, recent evidence suggests propranolol is a more effective therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"As expected, we identified few successful cases of switches from clozapine in our search of the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We suggest, however, that the case against the drugs alone has yet to be proved.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There was a prompt response to the ritodrine hydrochloride.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"INTERPRETATION: When high doses of fluticasone propionate are used, growth may be retarded and adrenal suppression may occur.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Other reports are needed to establish whether such placental findings are common lesions after such therapy and to determine their impact on pregnancy outcome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The depressive symptoms were evaluated using the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors report a woman who took a massive overdose (OD) of carbamazepine (CBZ).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Benzocaine-induced methemoglobinemia has been reported in man, dogs, and cats.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Overall gains and no change in bodyweight were observed in 83% of patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An uncommon cause of delayed postpartum hemorrhage is a pseudoaneurysm of the uterine artery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pneumonitis with pleural and pericardial effusion and neuropathy during amiodarone therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Induction of rapid mood cycling during L-dopa treatment in a bipolar patient.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CLINICAL FINDINGS: Following recovery from colic surgery to treat compression of the small and large intestines because of a large fetus, the mare was noticed to have signs of femoral neuropathy involving the left hind limb.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Blebitis, early endophthalmitis, and late endophthalmitis after glaucoma-filtering surgery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Diagnosis by PCR-REA.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Disseminated intravascular coagulation in pregnancy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Plasma exchange should be done only in an intensive care setting and as a research procedure for children with JRA.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report here a case of thymic hyperplasia after chemotherapy for acute myeloid leukemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Follow-up ECG showed improvement in ST-segment elevation and eventual resolution to pre-event tracing; cardiac enzymes showed slight elevations.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case of heatstroke is reported in a 32-year-old man diagnosed with schizophrenia and on clozapine monotherapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Methylphenidate hydrochloride (Ritalin) is the drug of choice for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Methemoglobinemia is a rare cause of cyanosis in pediatric patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A pale ginger cat was treated with clofazimine for feline leprosy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ten days after withdrawal of Pentasa, he was admitted to hospital because of worsening symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Reduction in the number of cataplectic episodes per week after 20 weeks of treatment constituted the basis for efficacy determination.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In 20 healthy volunteers we found no slow acetylator genotypes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"L-asparaginase was given subcutaneously on alternate days for four weeks and was well tolerated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ten days after itraconazole was started, he developed paralytic ileus, neurogenic bladder, mild left ptosis, and absence of deep reflexes, with severe paralysis of the lower extremities and mild weakness of the upper extremities.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Complications were minimal and included minor urticarial reactions and intermittent fever.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In the interim, the patient had been transitioned to warfarin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a 12 1\/2-year-old girl with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, who developed rapidly growing FCC of the thyroid, 3 years after bone marrow transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Primary Hodgkin's disease limited to the CNS is exceedingly rare.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The case history and toxicological findings of an infant fatality involving pseudoephedrine, brompheniramine, and dextromethorphan are presented.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The administration of \"sweet spirits of nitre\" (4% ethyl nitrite CH3CH2ONO in 70% ethyl alcohol) was followed by acute methemoglobinemia and severe anoxic metabolic acidosis in infant twins, Methylene blue administration reversed methemoglobinemia in both, but one twin died from the consequences of hypoxemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"On admission, serum calcium and albumin was 3.5 mg\/dl and 3.7 g\/dl respectively.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two patients treated with alprazolam had histories suggestive of a bipolar disorder and developed lithium-responsive manic episodes.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a case of seizure associated with L-asparaginase therapy but no evidence of hemorrhagic or thrombotic cerebrovascular events.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Ticlopidine-induced interstitial pulmonary disease: a case report.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"These results show that i.c. streptokinase rapidly opens an acute coronary artery occlusion complicating PTCA, preventing myocardial infarction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Measures to minimize transfusion related malaria are discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Dexamethasone treatment of amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis (AIT) with or without persistent administration of the drug.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Taxane-induced glaucoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"After a second course of hemodialysis the next day the patient's mental status improved, and she was discharged 5 d later.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Oxcarbazepine-induced Drug Reaction with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms (DRESS).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Results of his mycologic examination and cultures came back negative.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Tardive oculogyric crisis during treatment with clozapine: report of three cases.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Improvement and deterioration in systolic function on echocardiogram and serum B-natriuretic peptide levels were seen while receiving ATRA 1 week on and 1 week off, respectively, during the maintenance phase of therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Right subhepatic abscess after cesarean section.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Successful treatment of acute dapsone intoxication using charcoal hemoperfusion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A child in whom a phenobarbital hypersensitivity drug reaction developed which consisted of fever, a pruritic desquamating erythrodermic rash, alopecia, icterus, protein-losing enteropathy, myositis, and nephritis, is described.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Skin lesions were located at the site of entry of bacteria (apocrine areas in 12 patients).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Various treatment modalities, such as an epidural blood patch, use of glue, removal of catheter, and surgical closure of dura and subdural blood patch, have been reported previously.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Early recognition of this rare syndrome, supportive management and withdrawal of the offending agent appear to result in a reversal of the manifestations described.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE SUMMARY: A 61-year-old white male patient (weight, 90 kg) was diagnosed with CML in March 2006 at the Division of Hematology, University of Rome \"Tor Vergata,\" Rome, Italy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three and a half years after cessation of any medical treatment he developed anemia, thrombocytopenia and a diagnosis of acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) was made.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A pelvic form of the disease, associated with the use of Intra-uterine Devices (IUD), can severely damage pelvic organs and even can lead to death.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Antiretrovirals from three drug classes, nucleoside analogs, nonnucleoside analogs, and protease inhibitors, can be combined to achieve viral suppression.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 7-year-old girl developed diabetes mellitus and exocrine pancreatic insufficiency after 3.5 years of almost continuous treatment with azathioprine and\/or prednisone for idiopathic auto-immune haemolytic anaemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The child was referred to the Hippokration General Hospital, Thessaloniki, Greece hospital with steroid-resistant NS; renal biopsy was performed, which did not show any remarkable findings and cyclosporine was administered in addition to steroid therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Five patients receiving fluoxetine for the treatment of obsessive compulsive disorder or major depression developed akathisia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Most symptoms resolved within several days, but tongue thrust continued until 6 months of age.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report on a 56-year-old female who exhibited drug refractory paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, in which marked prolongation of the QT interval and T wave inversion on electrocardiogram was demonstrated reproducibly shortly after the administration of oral pirmenol therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Due to BC's resistance to currently used antifungal agents, this infection represents a therapeutic challenge and serious complication in the treatment of hematology malignancies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Disulfiram is used commonly as reinforcement in the treatment of chronic alcoholism.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Limits to the \"benefits\" from our oncologic interventions: a case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hormone therapy in men and risk of cardiac allograft rejection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"At discharge she had no symptoms of heart failure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These cases highlight the occurrence of livedo reticularis as an uncommon side-effect of interferon alpha treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Bacteremia due to Enterococcus avium.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Despite a long-time antibiotic therapy two further episodes of staphylococcus aureus sepsis occurred after discontinuation of CyA treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Generalized cryptococcosis with CNS involvement was diagnosed in a 3-year-old spayed German Shorthaired Pointer.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"T-cell receptor rearrangement analysis identified a monoclonal T-cell infiltrate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We recommend the use of benzodiazepin as a premedication drug to reduce stress during dental treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Disseminated histoplasmosis complicating bone marrow transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hemolytic uremic syndrome following Campath-1H induction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ischaemic colitis in a patient taking meloxicam.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Seizures and extrapyramidal symptoms in a patient with Tourette's syndrome, Asperger's syndrome, and multiple sclerosis treated with interferon beta-1a and clomipramine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Coincidental with this treatment, the immunopathology of the glomerulonephritis improved dramatically, dramatically, renal function returned almost to normal, and both antinuclear antibody and LE cell preparation became negative.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is a myeloproliferative disorder primarily characterized by the presence of the Philadelphia chromosome resulting from a reciprocal translocation between the long arms of chromosomes 9 and 22.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Lithium neurotoxicity should be considered in Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease differential diagnosis, serial electroencephalograms being the most valuable.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We describe a patient with Wilson's disease who presented with neurologic disease, was treated with D-penicillamine, and suffered sudden neurologic deterioration coincident with therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES) induced by cyclosporine use in a patient with collapsing focal glomeruloesclerosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Previous studies have demonstrated the interaction of MTX and a variety of non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) with various clinical manifestations including acute renal failure, pancytopenia, vomiting, diarrhea, elevated liver transaminases, jaundice, mucosal ulcerations, and pyrexia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"She had precordial ST-segment elevation characteristic of acute myocardial infarction and elevated cardiac biomarkers.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Candida sepsis developed during central total parenteral nutrition, at the age of 76 days.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present a series of 9 MM patients who developed ONJ after treatment with bisphosphonates and chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Serum potassium was almost always normal.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: The patient required insulin desensitization for severe urticaria, angioedema, and occasional wheezing resulting from her insulin dose.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"On hospital day 5, as no additional arrhythmias had occurred, lidocaine was discontinued.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There have been more than 20 observations of the appearance or aggravation of this granulomatosis with interferon alfa and more recently with the combination of interferon alfa plus ribavirin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Semiquantitative measurements of cytokine mRNA in his bronchoalveolar lavage cells prior to therapy with IFN-alpha revealed high levels of IL-4 and IL-10 mRNA, which decreased significantly with treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient was discharged five days after admission and referred to a hematology clinic for follow-up.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Continuous infusions of thrombolytic agents were used in both patients for approximately 24 h.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Overall, this indicated a reduced intracortical inhibition during hormonal therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The possibility of severe rhabdomyolysis should be considered in a patient with water intoxication due to massive ingestion of caffeine-containing beverages.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Severe 5-fluorouracil toxicity secondary to dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase deficiency.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Large dose of methylphenidate may cause cataract and glaucoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Although praziquantel administration may have been effective in killing the parasite in both patients, we are concerned about the production of marked inflammation as a result of treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"An investigation of clozapine in the treatment of acute and chronic schizophrenia and gross behaviour disorders.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient's condition progressively improved to full recovery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The Center for Disease Control has received numerous reports of an eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome related to products containing L-tryptophan.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Successful management of infusion reaction accompanying the start of cetuximab therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This represents the first report of nonconvulsive status epilepticus induced by ifosfamide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 9-year-old boy developed acute renal failure following intravenous acyclovir (30 mg\/kg per day) administered for 6 days to treat herpetic encephalitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A small initial dose of prazosin ranging from 0.5 to 1 mg has been recommended to avoid the first-dose phenomenon characterized by a sudden and severe drop in blood pressure after the administration of the first dose of prazosin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Is eczema herpeticum associated with the use of hot tubs?","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Though they are generally considered safe, there have been a few reports of myocardial infarction and stroke associated with triptan use.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Bone marrow examination showed a generalized hypocellular picture, suggestive of drug-induced bone marrow suppression.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Six patients had bacterial pneumonia, one had acute cholecystitis, and none had a previous history of heart disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cisplatin-induced syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) in a patient with neuroendocrine tumor of the cervix: a case report and review of the literature.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In the same period, healthcare professionals submitted 10 635 reports, concerning 16 722 ADRs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case of priapism associated with trazodone is described.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This is the first reported case of giant cell lichenoid dermatitis in a patient with baboon syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Gliclazide-induced acute hepatitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Psycho-pharmacotherapy for anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder: the issue of prolonged barbiturate retention.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He had been found to have pathologic findings of usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP) on the resected lung cancer specimen prior to receiving erlotinib.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Copaxone (glatiramer acetate) is a synthetic copolymer mimicking a portion of myelin basic protein, one of several putative autoantigens in multiple sclerosis (MS).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Back pain and opioid seeking behaviour.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three eyes had a UCVA of 20\/20(-2) or better and a BCVA of 20\/20(-1) or better.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This is the first report of evaluating the urinary 6beta-hydroxycortisol\/cortisol ratio in a case of porphyria.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"As the patient's pulse rate increased, the symptoms of congestive heart failure disappeared.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rare side effects of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs are recognized with increasing frequency.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"They no longer need red cell transfusions and have had a normal Hb concentration and normal ferrokinetics.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Chemotherapy induced myocardial fibrosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: The study was carried out to increase awareness about the etiology and characteristic features of pseudoporphyria.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Further refinements for customization of articulating spacers have been attempted (Rand 1993, Goldman et al. 1996).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBSERVATIONS: A 48-year-old woman presented with disfiguring facial edema 10 weeks after she began antiviral therapy with peginterferon alfa-2a and ribavirin for chronic hepatitis C infection.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"One of the subjects who was using extemporaneous topical minoxidil had hypertension and arteriosclerotic disease and the other died of a myocardial infarction.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Case report: persistent cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection after haploidentical hematopoietic stem cell transplantation using in vivo alemtuzumab: emergence of resistant CMV due to mutations in the UL97 and UL54 genes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Atenolol induced memory impairment: a case report.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This report centers on a patient who developed a disrupted catheter secondary to a high pressure side port injection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of myasthenia gravis in which the calcium channel blocker-nifedipine caused the worsening of the symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe two patients with aspergillus arthritis of the knee joint following fludarabine-based non-myeloablative stem cell transplantation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The cause of his bleeding was a severe thrombocytopoaenia, induced by chronic ingestion of quinine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The subject developed fever and peripheral blood neutrophilia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case report describes a patient who was previously prescribed alendronate (Fosamax) and presented with postoperative hypophosphatemia and hypocalcemic tetany after bowel preparation with Fleet Phospho-Soda.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Ultimately, diabetes was controlled by dietary therapy alone despite reintroduction of risperidone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"IMPLICATIONS: Oral Ketamine, an NMDA receptor antagonist, can be used to treat restless legs syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinical awareness, timely detection and discontinuation of gemcitabine are mandatory to prevent this rare but disastrous complication of gemcitabine therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although PTLDs are usually Epstein-Barr virus-driven B-cell lymphoproliferations, T\/natural killer-cell lymphoproliferations, multiple myeloma, and Hodgkin's lymphoma are also recognized as part of the PTLD spectrum.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The potential for severe toxicity in the setting of pediatric overdose should be recognized.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pancreatic stones in 30 patients not treated with trimethadione neither disappeared nor diminished spontaneously.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fracture of the femoral neck occurred in one patient during PSL therapy, although the relationship between the fracture and PSL therapy was uncertain.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 43-year-old patient with preexisting mitral valve prolapse and Cardiobacterium hominis endocarditis with partial destruction of the posterior mitral valve leaflet is described.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a case of a female who developed haemosiderosis, in the course of treatment for very severe unstable aplastic anaemia for fourteen years.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"His platelet count was normal on admission.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Slight involution of the goiter within seven months may be attributed either to colchicine therapy or to treatment with levothyroxine and iodide.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Four children received ten alternate-day courses of ATG (horse antihuman thymocyte globulin) as well as antihistamines and corticosteroids to minimize allergic reactions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hyponatremia in patients treated with lorcainide, a new antiarrhythmic drug.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Vicks VapoRub induces mucin secretion, decreases ciliary beat frequency, and increases tracheal mucus transport in the ferret trachea.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute severe intoxication with carbamazepine is associated with seizures, coma and respiratory depression.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Rhodococcus equi is a bacterial pathogen of domestic animals that can infect immunocompromised patients, especially those with impaired cellular immunity, such as transplant recipients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Desensitization to hydroxychloroquine--experience of 4 patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cholestatic liver disease with ductopenia (vanishing bile duct syndrome) after administration of clindamycin and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"On admission at the Emergency Department, a microhematuria and a severe anemia were also documented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ultrasound-guided stellate ganglion block successfully prevented esophageal puncture.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"SETTING: Private retina practice.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To report a case of Carbamazepine toxicity following the administration of Oxybutynin and Dantrolene.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Osteonecrosis has been well-documented in the past.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the case of a young man, affected by rheumatoid arthritis who developed a rapid-onset short-of-breath, hemoptysis, and severe weakness, about 2 weeks after the administration of leflunomide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Quetiapine-induced leucopenia and thrombocytopenia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 62-year-old man had received perhexiline maleate for 18 months before death.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Contributory factors probably included pharmacokinetic interactions with co-administrated drugs, vitamin K deficiency caused by decreased dietary intake, reduced gut bacterial production, impaired intestinal absorption and hepatic synthetic capacity, and increased consumption of clotting factors.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Its overall toxicity is considerably less compared to standard induction chemotherapy; however, it is associated with a high incidence of a potentially fatal symptom complex referred to as \"retinoic acid syndrome.\" This report describes a patient with APL who developed the syndrome a few weeks after initiating induction therapy with ATRA despite being treated for hyperleukocytosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To highlight ciclosporin as a therapeutic option in the treatment of steroid-responsive sudden SNHL.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This incidence was significantly lower (P less than 0.01) than that for 3CPs (four of 10 patients) or that for TMA (six of 17 patients).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Grade 3 and 4 toxicities were mainly hematological and manageable.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Symptomatic air trapped in the spine after lumbar epidural corticosteroid injection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, the possibility of cancer-associated MAHA could not be excluded.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Videopolysomnographic and pharmacokinetic studies with monitoring of plasma levodopa levels demonstrated marked motor hyperactivity during augmentation, with anarchic discharges of motor unit potentials, tonic grouped discharges and flexor spasms, associated with painful dysesthesia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Vancomycin is widely used against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections, but it is associated with many adverse effects such as nephrotoxicity, ototoxicity, gastrointestinal disturbances, blood disorders, and two types of hypersensitivity reactions - an anaphylactoid reaction known as \"red man syndrome\" and anaphylaxis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Risperidone for control of agitation in dementia patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The more common grade 3 or 4 adverse effects of sunitinib include hypertension, fatigue, hand-foot syndrome, elevated lipase and lymphopenia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A recent article has reviewed complications associated with interventional procedures and concluded that the complications were due to deviation from a specific prescribed protocol.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Placement of a central venous catheter for infusion therapy, chemotherapy and blood sampling has improved the quality of life of cancer patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"With current donor evaluation protocols, the risk of transmitting infections by exogenous contaminated grafts seems to be more frequent than true donor-transmitted infections.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 7-year-old castrated male Whippet developed deep ulcerative skin lesions whilst receiving immunosuppressive doses of prednisolone and cyclosporine for the treatment of immune-mediated haemolytic anaemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although with current ulcer therapy (H-2 blockers, omeprazole, and sucralfate), the frequency of milk-alkali syndrome has decreased significantly, the classic triad of hypercalcemia, alkalosis, and renal impairment remains the hallmark of the syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After 2 weeks' off therapy, a partial reduction in mammary gland enlargement, local pain and erythema was observed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"With continuing fall in PSA, the patient had unequivocal progression of disease seen on bone scan.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Herein, we describe a patient with AIDS who presented to medical attention with pancytopenia 48 months postchemotherapy with etoposide, prednisone, vincristine, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, and rituximab (R-EPOCH) for diffuse large B-cell lymphoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Based on the findings, a high-grade endometrial stromal sarcoma was diagnosed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The cutaneous reaction remitted after withdrawal of captopril therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Eighteen tablets (72 mg) of her tiagabine prescription were missing.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present a patient who had undergone renal transplantation referred for recurrent sinusitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Infections demonstrated RE blockade and failure of TSAT to reach target range.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute asthma associated with sustained-release verapamil.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) has been associated with important behavioural disturbances, such as psychotic symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Allergic side effects of AZA are rare, and reported allergic skin eruptions from AZA are very limited in Japan.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CASE REPORT: A patient who underwent renal transplantation because of end-stage renal disease of unknown origin was shown to have a nocardial brain abscess while she was taking immunosuppressive drugs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Reversible valproic acid-induced dementia: a case report.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Nocardia is an important opportunistic infectious agent in immunocompromised hosts, i.e. in patients taking corticosteroids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The hemangioma regressed markedly 6 weeks after the procedure and serous retinal detachment showed marked resolution.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Vocal cord paralysis as a consequence of peritonsillar infiltration with bupivacaine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"AO images showed disruption of the cone photoreceptor mosaic in areas corresponding to HVF 10-2 defects and SD-OCT IS\/OS junction abnormalities.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"No problems have been observed during desensitization.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After calling the salon and consulting Poisindex, the substance was found to be Mar-V-cide, containing 20% Hyamine 3500, 50% cationic detergents, 20% isopropyl alcohol, and 1% sodium nitrite, which caused the methemoglobinemia in this case.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There was complete recovery of hair loss and the regrowth started after 12 weeks of alopecia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Despite discontinuation of the local anaesthetics, the symptoms persisted.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: Five patients with recurrent haze after myopic PRK were retreated with phototherapeutic keratectomy and topical thiotepa.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The allergological work-up was negative, except for intradermal test with gelatine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After 6 weeks of therapy, the patient developed an unexplained fever.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"FSGS induced by Adriamycin (Pharmacia & Upjohn, Columbus, OH) has been observed experimentally in rats.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Gemcitabine-related radiation recall in a patient with pancreatic cancer.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Progressive improvement was also seen in all the parameters on Pentacam scans, including the pachymetry, keratometry readings, and elevation on the anterior float.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in patients with diabetes mellitus and represents a persistent risk that is inextricably linked to the diabetic disease state.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the results of treatment with MACOP-B in 11 young patients with low grade lymphoma (LGL).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The clinical course suggests that the interstitial pneumonitis was induced by hydroxyurea.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"All lesions resolved with proven histologic clearance.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The first two cases received ASCT for MM, one with a CD34-selected autograft and the other with an unmanipulated autograft.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: The medical records of 8 neonates treated with rFVIIa (100 micro g\/kg) were retrospectively reviewed for the course of hemorrhage and the hemostatic interventions performed before and up to 24 hours after the administration rFVIIa.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient described in this paper was a 78-year-old diabetic man who developed oral lesions of PV following institution of glibenclamide therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Both epidural fat deposition and vertebral compression fractures are among such complications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The newborn manifested a four day course of lethargy with unexplained high lithium levels in the adult toxic range.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Animal studies that predated clinical trials using rhesus monkeys did not predict the ophthalmologic complications seen in human subjects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: We report two cases of pseudoporphyria caused by naproxen and oxaprozin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"To our knowledge, this is the first report of M. marinum occurring in a patient receiving infliximab.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Urine collections and serum samples yielded normal levels of uro- and coproporphyrins.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, there remain questions concerning whether these drugs, especially methimazole (MMI), may be associated with aplasia cutis congenita (ACC) and how best to avoid impairment of fetal thyroid function during their use.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Eleven days after TAE, he developed suppurative cholangitis and multiple organ failure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case report and review of the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"When they do occur they are rarely a clinical problem.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After the surgery a Pet scan was positive for a hot-spot in the left colon.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Because sumatriptan can cause coronary artery vasospasm, patients with significant risk factors for coronary artery disease should be carefully evaluated for cardiovascular disease prior to the use of sumatriptan.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 30-year-old pharmacist suffered from acute allergic contact dermatitis due to 4-chloro-7-nitrobenzofurazan (NBD-Cl).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Ballistic movements ceased after administration of haloperidol; both patients remained without abnormal movements thereafter.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The first case of early-onset postsplenectomy arthritis due to intermediately penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae is reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a 31-year-old women with recurrent Hodgkin's lymphoma and unrecognized HMSN-1 who developed severe motor neuropathy 3 weeks after the first cycle of treatment including 2 mg of vincristine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"After a short course of low-concentration miotic therapy, the adhesions were broken.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 7-year-old boy developed a severe unilateral grand mal seizure at the age of 5 years (phenobarbitone therapy); 1.5 years later valproate (2-propylpentanoic acid, VPA) was added to the therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"PFGE for typing of C. dubliniensis was developed and the necessity of long-term antifungal therapy is discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There are no human data regarding the safety of very high dosages of lacosamide.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The type of lung toxicity was similar to the one observed with other antitumor antibiotics.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hepatolithiasis is uncommon in western countries but is quite prevalent in East Asia and is often associated with a predisposing condition that causes intrahepatic bile stasis (eg. bile duct stricture).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"SETTING: Outpatient pain clinic associated with a university hospital.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The spectrum of renal lesions occurring during antituberculous therapy, particularly in association with rifampin, may be wider than previously suspected.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Amiodarone was discontinued after discussion with the cardiologist.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Successful recovery from interstitial pneumonitis, induced by bicalutamide and leuprorelin acetate given as treatment for prostate cancer.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Cerebral infarction due to an embolism after cervical pedicle screw fixation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Imatinib-induced tumor lysis syndrome: report of a case and review of the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A young diamond dealer developed visual impairment attributed to bilateral posterior subcapsular cataracts following only four courses of intermittent Decadron used as part of a five-drug antiemetic regimen for cisplatin-associated nausea.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Although molecular mechanisms have not been fully elucidated, Epstein-Barr virus appears to play a significant role in its etiopathogenesis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: We report a typical symptoms of Charles-Bonnet syndrome (CBS) in patients with severe AMD after intravitreal Avastin-injections.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient recovered without sequelae with conservative therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An attempt also was made through case analysis to examine the association between dynamic aspects of personality and adverse drug effect.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although his renal function recovered completely with high-dose leucovorin, hemodialysis, charcoal hemoperfusion, and carboxypeptidase G2, we present this case to emphasize that signs of renal toxicity may be present as early as 2 hours after the completion of a 4-hour MTX infusion, and to suggest that monitoring for MTX toxicity should perhaps begin within a few hours after the completion of 4-hour MTX infusion.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Corticosteroids and azathioprine are considered standard treatment for autoimmune hepatitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He had skin and bone involvement and some of the leukaemic blasts showed haemophagocytosis, characteristic features seen in t(8;16) AML.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The absence of hyperplasia in the progestin-treated endometrium suggests that the squamous metaplasia does not represent persistence or progression of the original hyperplastic lesion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: For all patients with vancomycin-induced neutropenia, possible cross-reactivity of teicoplanin should be monitored.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A case of isolated Nocardia asteroides brain abscess in a kidney transplant recipient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This deterioration started 3 months post-treatment and worsened over the ensuing 4 years.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Here is a case report on acute myelogenous leukemia, which developed after 63 months following the completion of treatment with surgery and platinum-based chemoradiation in a patient of carcinoma cervix IB.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Breast-feeding was terminated, and the infant fully recovered.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Neither blood culture samples nor computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging of the chest and abdomen nor a trans-esophageal echocardiography revealed positive results.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Serotonin syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: The risk of drug-induced rhabdomyolysis due to the potential interaction between lovastatin and azithromycin or clarithromycin should be considered before the concomitant use of these agents.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"MATERIALS AND METHODS: In a retrospective analysis during a 5-year period, 112 patients underwent stent-graft placement for thoracic aortic aneurysms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An infant girl with choanal atresia, athelia, minor anomalies, and mild to moderate mental retardation was born to a woman treated for hyperthyroidism throughout pregnancy with methimazole and propranolol.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Two patients with refractory seizures failed to respond to anticonvulsants, and their seizures were controlled only after parenteral pyridoxine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE REPORT: We report a patient who developed a DAT-positive hemolytic episode after a red cell (RBC) transfusion was delivered during the infusion of her 17th cycle of oxaliplatin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient failed to respond to intravitreous, subconjunctival, and systemic amphotericin B, and the eye was enucleated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Obstruction from such a cause may be prevented by including non-constipating antacids, stool softeners or sorbitol.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One patient was a 21-day-old infant who received 2 days of induction chemotherapy for the treatment of congenital Stage IV-S neuroblastoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: Several different causes of postoperative neurologic deficit have been reported in the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The increased interest in the use of neoadjuvant chemotherapy for patients with locally advanced or large tumors at initial presentation necessitates the recognition of sequelae of this therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient remained asymptomatic up to the diagnosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hyperglycemia and diabetic coma: possible relationship to diuretic-propranolol therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 10-year-old boy with osteosarcoma and normal renal function manifested laboratory evidence of impending renal toxicity and extreme elevation of aspartate aminotrasferase and alanine aminotransferase within 2 hours after the completion of a 4-hour infusion of high-dose methotrexate (MTX) (12 g\/m2), and went on to develop acute renal failure with life-threatening hyperkalemia 29 hours later.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Although several adverse effects are associated with this drug, it has only rarely been known to exacerbate seizures.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The precise role of testosterone in regulating mood, especially in alleviating depression, remains unclear although converging evidence indicates that androgens may exert antidepressant action.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: Posterior hyaloid adherences play a role in the pathogenesis of diabetic macular edema (DME).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although there are very few prospective data on the efficacy of treatment of drug-induced AIN, corticosteroids may have a role in recovery of renal function.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy syndrome in systemic lupus erythematosus with thrombocytopenia treated with cyclosporine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Case 2: A 43-year-old male alcoholic remained completely abstinent with cyanamide treatment for 5 years and complained of general fatigue.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a patient who presented with a left proximal deep vein thrombosis at 25 + 5 weeks gestation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The administration of \"sweet spirits of nitre\" (4% ethyl nitrite CH3CH2ONO in 70% ethyl alcohol) was followed by acute methemoglobinemia and severe anoxic metabolic acidosis in infant twins, Methylene blue administration reversed methemoglobinemia in both, but one twin died from the consequences of hypoxemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The development of internal tissue inflammation is reportedly correlated with a shorter interval from the time of completion of radiation therapy to the initiation of chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"When camptocormia was diagnosed, olanzapine was withdrawn and levodopa was introduced.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although PTLD is uncommon in the general community, the incidence has continued to increase as more patients undergo transplants and clinical presentations of PTLD should be familiar to the otolaryngologist.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease associated with altered immunoregulation and resulting in a deforming polyarthritis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: This case report showed that the clinical appearance of Hashimoto's disease after IFN-alpha therapy for chronic C hepatitis in our patient was associated with a specific genetic predisposition (DR5) for this pathology.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"It may be confused with intracranial tumors and requires long-term combined antibiotic therapy after drainage.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rifampicin and ethambutol were stopped.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Late lethal hepatitis B virus reactivation after rituximab treatment of low-grade cutaneous B-cell lymphoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 16-year-old girl with pulmonary stenosis who underwent reconstruction of the right ventricle outflow tract experienced severe bronchospasm following CPB.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We should take dental treatment into account one of predisposing causes of tricuspid endocarditis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of demyelinating disease occurring in a patient treated for psoriasis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fever, lymphadenopathy, eosinophilia, lymphocytosis, hepatitis, and dermatitis: a severe adverse reaction to minocycline.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The effects on different biophysiological parameters and subjective impressions were studied in a patient with breast cancer who was not previously given any therapy before receiving Ukrain.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Because of the clinical state of acute pain associated with lack of or inadequate care to relieve the symptoms, some patients use self-medication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In all cases, drugs in addition to quetiapine were detected, but in cases #1 and #2, the cause of death was considered to be a quetiapine overdose and the other drugs were not considered to be contributory.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This finding suggests a dopaminergic mechanism specifically in changing the frequency of cycling between depression and mania.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A young diamond dealer developed visual impairment attributed to bilateral posterior subcapsular cataracts following only four courses of intermittent Decadron used as part of a five-drug antiemetic regimen for cisplatin-associated nausea.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient improved within 10 d with reduced ocular swelling and pain, and 6 months after therapy stop, she is in good health and cultures are sterile.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We administered five cycles of IV Cidofovir with a 1-week interval between the first and second treatment, followed by 2-week intervals thereafter.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thus, in many cases, the possible benefit of thrombolysis during CPR seems to outweigh the potential risks.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The purpose of this article is to present the first case-series of posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES) associated with L-asparaginase treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"These cases demonstrate that therapy for disseminated MAC infection is sometimes difficult even with HAART and macrolides-containing regimens.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although there were few cases in which psychotropic medication was effective against coprophagia, we encountered a patient with schizophrenia in whom coprophagia rapidly disappeared after treatment with perospirone, a novel atypical antipsychotic drug of the serotonin-dopamine antagonist (SDA) type.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Here, we report the first case of successful redo aortic valve replacement using a Prima Plus stentless valve (Edwards Lifesciences, Irvine, CA, USA) followed by a 6-week course of ciprofloxacin and gentamicin for early PVE caused by MBL-producing P. aeruginosa.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Bone marrow aspiration day +4 still showed hypo-normocellular marrow, with remaining 6% plasma cells.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 72-year-old woman suffered obtundation, intractable pulmonary edema, acidemia, and irreversible renal insufficiency despite vigorous hemodialysis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Comparing his coronary angiograms with those obtained before surgery indicated a severely spastic left coronary artery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Thirteen patients had died; 1 of these died of liver failure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, it is controversial whether progressive hepatic lesions develop in complete abstainers as a result of long-term cyanamide treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Her course continued to be complicated until consistent follow-up with a nutritionist was established.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The clinicoradiologic features in this patient were consistent with posterior leukoencephalopathy, which is a rare complication of chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Lack of experience with patient reporting in real life was one of the main drawbacks in this debate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Gastric tumor, endometrial carcinoma and cervical adenocarcinoma in situ were detected after treatment with tamoxifen for breast cancer.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The results thus far are very encouraging and the study is being continued.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Carboplatin desensitization can be successfully performed on an outpatient basis with close observation and cardiorespiratory monitoring.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two patients with ovarian cancer who had received multiple courses of cisplatin without complications experienced hypersensitivity reactions to cisplatin: one, involving intrahepatic artery infusion, manifested general erythema, dyspnea, and hypotension; the other, involving intravenous infusion, manifested abdominal pain, general erythema, and fever.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Four patients were treated with acyclovir, but three were given suboptimal doses.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thus, troglitazone should be prescribed with caution and should not be used as a first-line agent in the treatment of type II DM when potentially less toxic alternatives are available.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The leukoencephalopathy, documented clinically and by CT and EEG, cleared after 2350 mg of leucovorin (citrovorum factor, folinic acid) was given in addition to the 135 mg given as part of the therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Carbamazepine toxicity following Oxybutynin and Dantrolene administration: a case report.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVES: The improvement of pre-existing inflammatory bowel disease after orthotopic liver transplant might be anticipated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To report a case of calcineurin-induced pain syndrome (CIPS) in a child undergoing his second hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Von Willebrand's disease has been established as the most common hereditary hemorrhagic disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"To date, eight cases of TEN and one of SJS related to lamotrigine administration have been reported in the literature.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We hypothesize that during interferon therapy, melanocytes may produce more melanin pigment in the presence of alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone and sufficient amounts of tyrosine, leading to melanin deposits and clinical hyperpigmentation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy with dysproteinemia following doxycycline administration.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We describe a patient with the antiphospholipid syndrome who had skin necrosis develop from low-molecular weight heparin therapy at sites distant from injection sites.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Impairment of consciousness developed with a remarkable temporal delay of 24 to 48 hours after occurrence of peak serum concentrations and resolved with a comparable delay after reaching the therapeutic range (anticlockwise hysteresis).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We introduce a case of a sixty years old woman with several previous episodes of rhinitis, conjunctivitis and perspiration immediately after the administration of salmon calcitonin with nasal spray or intramuscular administration (Calsynar).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Recent studies show that patients with other injury patterns do not appear to have significant differences post trauma, although the data about such outcomes is sparse.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Minimal change nephrotic syndrome after allogenic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We calculated the changes in alpha(1)-adrenoceptor occupancy by endogenous norepinephrine during treatment with the usual doses of milnacipran, fluvoxamine and imipramine by using pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic parameters obtained from the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The neuropathologic findings in these cases, although similar, varied in severity and distribution.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"High-dose tamoxifen in treatment of brain tumors: interaction with antiepileptic drugs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is suggested that the patient had sulfasalazine-induced lupus, which manifested with serositis and pulmonary parenchymal involvement in the absence of joint symptoms.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To report a case of significant hepatic and renal failure with the use of argatroban in a patient with heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) requiring continuous veno-veno hemodialysis (CVVHD).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Patient ages ranged from 19 to 36 years at the time of diagnosis of their Crohn's disease, and all were white.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The children were symptom-free at follow-up, which ranged from 5 months to 3 years.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Possible mechanisms for damage to the urothelium by ketamine are suggested.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Crumley).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Interferon-alpha (IFN-alpha) may precipitate or exacerbate the occurrence of MPGN.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The authors describe valproate-induced hyperammonemia and mental status changes in an 88-year-old man, the first known reported case in an elderly patient.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Care should be taken in prescribing antipsychotic drugs to patients who are prone to cardiovascular side effects, and alternatives to antipsychotics with prominent anticholinergic profile, in particular, should be sought.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three patients were treated with aminocaproic acid for medically uncontrolled hyphemas that developed after cataract extractions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although some reports suggest that treatment with recombinant erythropoietin may affect A1C values in patients undergoing hemodialysis, we know of no evidence to support this interaction in patients with chronic renal insufficiency who are not undergoing hemodialysis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The remainder of the procedure was uneventful.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Priapism as a complication of heparin therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Phenytoin and carbamazepine were necessary to control the seizures.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pyogenic portal vein thrombosis as a reservoir of persistent septicemia after cyanoacrylate injection for bleeding gastric varices.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Severe granulomatous inflammatory response induced by injection of polyacrylamide gel into the facial tissue.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The diagnosis was based on the rapid onset of renal failure, presence of eosinophilia, skin rash, and characteristic renal biopsy finding, following the administration of ampicillin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Therapy with IFN-beta has rarely been associated with the development of autoimmune disorders.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Although combinations of belladonna, ergotamine, and phenobarbital have been used for medical treatment of menopausal symptoms since the 1960s, this is the first known case report of its association with anticonvulsant hypersensitivity syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"After 1 week of nefazodone therapy the patient experienced headache, confusion, and \"gray areas\" in her vision, without abnormal ophthalmologic findings.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We reviewed all cases of RS reported to the Michigan Department of Public Health during 1982 and 1983.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, increasing the indometacin dose to 4 mg\/kg\/day improved their growth significantly, without changing their symptoms or biochemistry.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"For nearly half a century, FMF was thought to cluster primarily in non-Ashkenazi Jews, Arabs, Armenians, and Turks, although the screening of the 8 known mutations in an American cohort has identified substantial numbers of people from the Ashkenazi Jewish and Italian populations in the United States who also have this disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Familial Mediterranean Fever (FMF) is an inherited disease, closely following the pattern of autosomal recessive inheritance.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: To report a case with concentric retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) atrophy after a single photodynamic therapy (PDT).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present the case of a 75-year-old man with ankylosing spondylitis who developed surgically induced necrotizing scleritis (SINS) more than 3 years after uneventful extracapsular cataract extraction and posterior chamber intraocular lens implantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The day after clozapine was stopped, while he was still receiving clomipramine 150 mg\/d, he began behaving oddly, started sweating profusely, shivering, and became tremulous, agitated, and confused.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Most antidepressants and also antipsychotics are metabolized by the polymorphic debrisoquine\/sparteine hydroxylase, i.e., cytochrome P450 (CYP)2D6.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Through November 30, 2004, the FDA received 6 reports of DIC associated with \"acute hemolysis\" (or similar terms), 5 of which involved fatalities.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe four patients who had seizures while receiving ofloxacin; no other causes were evident.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Loiasis, caused by the filarial parasite Loa loa, is endemic in West and Central Africa.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cardioembolic stroke, early anticoagulation, and brain hemorrhage.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors report 2 cases of renal damage associated with lithium carbonate treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 22 year old female was admitted to hospital two hours after ingesting 4 g of dapsone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors describe a case of combined lithium and haloperidol toxicity characterized by hyperpyrexia, severe rigidity, mutism, and development of irreversible tardive dyskinesia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Using insulin's ability to promote fat and protein synthesis is a simple and effective way of treating atrophied scars.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Adverse effects of amiodarone including pulmonary toxicity, hepatotoxicity, aggravation of arrhythmia, and thyroid diseases are well understood.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Thiazide-induced hyponatremia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two patients treated for chronic myeloid leukemia with high doses of CCNU (1100 mg\/m2 and 1240 mg\/m2, respectively) developed a fatal pulmonary fibrosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: A clinical diagnosis of fixed drug eruption owing to use of the PDE5 inhibitor tadalafil (Cialis) was made.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In view of the potential hazards of tissue plasminogen activator, close pediatric ICU monitoring is indicated with the use of high-dose tissue plasminogen activator infusions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Histopathologic examination and direct immunofluorescence test were consistent with IgA bullous dermatosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Within 6 weeks, endophthalmitis resolved in three consecutive patients with positive aqueous cultures.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present a case of interstitial pneumonitis and diffuse alveolar hemorrhage, which represents the second such case reported in the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The first patient was supported by the use of a paracorporeal air-driven left ventricular assist device of the NCVC type, and had a moderate degree of renal and hepatic dysfunction at the time of transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"When cyanamide-treated alcoholics relapse into drinking, more severe inflammation develops in the liver.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"All patients had inadequate ACT measurements, despite conventional heparin dosage and ongoing clopidogrel treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute INH toxicity should be suspected in children presenting with seizures with or without fever.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Prenatal cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection associated with severe brain damage was detected in an infant whose mother had been treated with prednisolone and azathioprine for systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 36-y-o patient with schizophrenia, who had consumed gradually increasing quantities of oolong tea that eventually reached 15 L each day, became delirious and was admitted to a psychiatric hospital.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"About 7% of Caucasians are poor metabolizers (PM), and such patients might develop adverse drug reactions when treated with recommended doses of, for example, tricyclic antidepressants.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Uterine malignant mixed mesodermal tumor is a rare variant of uterine cancer.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Twenty-five (86%) patients had initial visual acuity of less than 20\/60.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Analysis of a phenotyped human liver bank revealed that the antibodies recognised a 52.5 kDa microsomal protein which exhibited marked heterogeneity in its expression and appeared to be regulated co-ordinately with human CYP2C8 and 3A3\/4.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report four patients, three of whom first developed psoriasis and one who had an aggravation of the condition during treatment with interferon-alpha.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The infant developed repeated tongue thrust, abnormal hand posturing, and tremor of all extremities.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Meperidine-associated central nervous system (CNS) excitatory toxicities are believed to be caused by accumulation of the active metabolite normeperidine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We reported 3 patients who developed acute generalized dystonia and akinetic rigid syndrome following an initial therapy with d-penicillamine 125-500 mg daily.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Intradermal tests to intravenous cyclosporine formulation (1 mg\/mL) were positive in the patient and negative in two controls.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatment of iron overload in adults with continuous parenteral desferrioxamine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Four patients who manifested symptoms of the antiepileptic drug (AED) hypersensitivity syndrome during therapy with carbamazepine are reported.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 5-month-old infant became lethargic and poorly responsive after receiving 1 drop of brimonidine in each eye.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We then review case reports, expert opinion, and manufacturer recommendations regarding hepatitis B viral infection, TNF-alpha, and TNF-alpha inhibitors.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A total of 311 patients (35.5%) had at least one small intestinal resection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Case report and literature review.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE SUMMARY: An 84-year-old woman presented to the emergency department with a bilateral cervical hematoma and symptoms of upper-airway obstruction that had been increasing for 72 hours, with dyspnea and difficulty speaking developing in the previous 24 hours.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"During clarithromycin coadministration, four out of the seven patients developed moderate-to-severe toxic symptoms of carbamazepine, such as drowsiness, dizziness, and ataxia, which resolved within 5 days after clarithromycin discontinuation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Pathological examination of both resected femoral heads showed no intravascular thrombosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case report of treatment with intra-arterial urokinase and review.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He was administered insulin immediately, however, his fasting plasma glucose level remained unstable despite the insulin treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Once regarded as fatal not many series of patients with ITO have been reported with the long follow up as in the present case.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CT scan of the abdomen disclosed a huge abscess in the right lobe of the liver.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case of immunosuppressive measles (rubeola) encephalitis in a 12-year-old boy in remission from acute lymphoblastic leukemia is described.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We suggest that dapsone is an effective second-line agent in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Final evaluation was made 12 weeks after the competed dose consolidation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The administration of \"sweet spirits of nitre\" (4% ethyl nitrite CH3CH2ONO in 70% ethyl alcohol) was followed by acute methemoglobinemia and severe anoxic metabolic acidosis in infant twins, Methylene blue administration reversed methemoglobinemia in both, but one twin died from the consequences of hypoxemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Treatment of dialysis osteomalacia with desferrioxamine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Flucloxacillin is a commonly prescribed semisynthetic penicillinase-resistant penicillin primarily used for the treatment of cutaneous staphylococcal infections.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Transtubular potassium gradient (TTKG) also decreased and an inverse correlation was found between TTKG and doses of phosphate (r = -0.37; p < 0.02; N = 38).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Eczematous eruptions may be produced through topical contact with mercury and by systemic absorption in mercury sensitive individuals.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Twenty patients with myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) entered a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind trial designed to evaluate the efficacy and toxicity of high doses of recombinant human erythropoietin (rhEPO).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 68-year-old woman with parkinsonism showed cortical myoclonus and seizures under antiparkinsonian medication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The 3 others developed clinical pericardial tamponade before surgery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Severe heroin-induced pulmonary edema occurred in three previously healthy young men.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Brain imaging was normal in all.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Mucosal pigmentation after oral lichen planus treatment with topical tacrolimus.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A chest radiograph demonstrated right pleural effusion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She also had nephrotic range proteinuria.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: This is a retrospective, open-label study of 24 patients; 18 of whom were not responding to accepted medication for treatment of their TS and six of whom were receiving no medication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A patient developed optic neuropathy while being treated with isoniazid and ethambutol.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Nine adult patients from three community teaching hospitals had bronchospasm unresponsive to standard therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although myelosuppression is mild, immunosuppression and superinfection are potential hazards of treatment with DCF.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Hemodialysis removal of acyclovir.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Based upon the observed fall of the filtration fraction, the rise in the relative clearance of 99Tc-dimercaptosuccinic acid and the increase in proteinuria, we suggest that in this case the tubules and\/or interstitium are the main targets for cyclosporine A nephrotoxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The current literature regarding the role of antibiotic prophylaxis in dermatological procedures is discussed along with the issues surrounding this patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"SETTING: University hospital with a comprehensive in- and outpatient rehabilitation center.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Transient cardiac arrhythmias related to lopinavir\/ritonavir in two patients with HIV infection.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Blood chemistries revealed severely depleted sodium and potassium concentrations from a normal baseline within a 7-day period.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Niflumic acid-induced skeletal fluorosis: iatrogenic disease or therapeutic perspective for osteoporosis?","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Results Radiographic responses to sirolimus were observed in all patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Triazolam-induced nocturnal bingeing with amnesia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We thus concluded that an excessive dose of AZ had probably destroyed the gastric mucosal barrier or thrombocytopenia due to bone marrow disorder and thus eventually led to the development of hemorrhagic gastritis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"It is suggested that charcoal haemoperfusion as well as cysteamine has a role in the management of severe overdosage with paracetamol.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is noteworthy that the superior sagittal sinus thrombosis occurred during a haematological recovery period, with rapid responses to treatment with 6-mercaptopurine and high doses of adrenocorticosteroids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient subsequently developed polyuria with a low urine osmolality, hypernatremia and, finally, acute renal failure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The clinical polysomnographic (PSG) reports of 2,650 consecutive adults studied during 41 months were reviewed retrospectively to identify all patients treated with fluoxetine or tricyclic antidepressants.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thirty-six patients with AL received, in a three-month period, 51 cycles of combined chemotherapy which included, in all of them, cytosine arabinoside (ARA-C); among them, along with myelosuppression, five experienced fever, infectious complications, gastrointestinal tract symptoms and severe myalgias.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The drugs concomitantly used were digoxin, isosorbide dinitrate, frusemide, urapidil and chlorthalidone in conjunction with oral potassium substitution.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Apart from some minor discomfort at the site of operation, no side effects were noted.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We labeled this new entity as a \"plastobezoar\".","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clozapine is an atypical antipsychotic drug, and there have been case reports that clozapine may be an effective treatment for tardive dystonia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It gives an 'acetowhite' effect that may assist clinicians in identifying neoplastic areas.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Angioedema, a rare side effect of carbamazepine, involves vascular leakage in dermis and subcutis mediated by immunoglobulin E and\/or bradykinins.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"As reported by us, a new myeloid cell population with an oncofetal membrane marker, dimeric Lex (di-Lex; III3FucV3 FucnLc6), was found in the epiphyseal bone marrow adjacent to the involved joints of patients with severe rheumatoid arthritis (RA).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All patients had bleeding complications before and after VAD placement, necessitating multiple blood product transfusions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"ATT had to be stopped because of this adverse drug reaction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report successful treatment of a cryptococcal ventriculoatrial shunt infection with antifungal therapy without shunt removal.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A further case of anaphylactoid reaction to methylprednisolone is reported.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"To our knowledge, these movements have not been reported previously as an adverse effect of quetiapine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We examined a left-handed 25-year-old man engaged for 2 years at a vinyl chloride resin factory where he had been exposed to lead stearate, a stabilizer of resin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A patient receiving vancomycin for a serious staphylococcal infection had a lupus-like syndrome characterized by a malar rash, pain and erythema of the cartilage of both ears, and tender erythematous and hemorrhagic lesions of the finger tips.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"METHODS: A case is presented of a 45-year-old woman on prolonged gemcitabine treatment for ovarian cancer who developed HUS and recovered after drug discontinuation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient was successfully treated by single-dose methotrexate (MTX) (77 mg or 50 mg\/m2 given intramuscularly).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHOD: Single case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Monozygotic male twins with DiGeorge's syndrome had facial dysmorphism, cardiovascular abnormalities, hypocalcemia, and immunodeficiency; however, they showed differences in several aspects of this developmental complex.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This approach could be discussed in a multidisciplinary setting in similar cases, especially due to the described negligible recurrence rate after successful initial thrombosis after treating femoral pseudoaneurysms, pseudoaneurysms of the pancreatic artery, or even endoleaks after stenting of aneurysms of the aorta.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present the first case of a patient with priapism after oral intake of the phenothiazine prothipendylhydrochloride.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Torsades de Pointes induced by a combination of garenoxacin and disopyramide and other cytochrome P450, family 3, subfamily A polypeptide-4-influencing drugs during hypokalemia due to licorice.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 63-year-old man with decreased vision due to postsurgical chronic cystoid macular edema that was recalcitrant to topical nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drops had resolution of cystoid macular edema after intravitreal triamcinolone injection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Effectiveness of octreotide in a case of refractory sulfonylurea-induced hypoglycemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Inferior vena cava (IVC) filter thrombosis has been reported to occur in up to 30% of cases and is associated with significant morbidity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Urgent surgical decompression was performed, showing an epidural hematoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a 28-year-old woman of normal intellect, who had three late-onset seizures with unusual ictal features and secondary generalization during prolonged and vigorous tooth brushing.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: This case report suggests that there may be individuals that are very sensitive to increases in serotonin concentrations.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The most common side effects associated with amifostine are nausea, vomiting, hypotension, hypocalcemia and allergic reactions.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"METHODS: A 44-year-old patient showed therapy-resistant cystoid macular edema for 2 years after repeated penetrating keratoplasty was performed as treatment of keratoconus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He developed pronounced eosinophilia and a vasculitic skin rash, myalgias of the abdomen, upper trunk, and neck, and died of respiratory distress with no evidence of an infectious etiology.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case of mixed adult Wilms' tumour and angiosarcoma responsive to carboplatin, etoposide and vincristine (CEO).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All three patients had been taking an atypical antipsychotic.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Linezolid is a recent addition to the antibiotic armamentarium against Gram-positive bacteria, including multiresistant staphylococci and enterococci.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Currently the use of zidovudine is one of the few specific measures available, and as a potentially teratogenic and fetotoxic agent, any decision for its use requires evaluation of the potential for fetal damage.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"His counterpart would not order a CT but would check a baseline chest x-ray if there were any sign of pulmonary compromise (Dr.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In patients receiving erythropoietin, therapeutic decisions should be based on A1C and glucose levels, as well as patient symptoms suggestive of hypo- or hyperglycemia, to avoid therapy changes that could complicate disease management.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The diagnosis is confirmed by cytology, tissue studies, and viral cultures.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Sudan IV staining indicated many lipid droplets in follicular cells.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Generalized pustular psoriasis precipitated by trazodone in the treatment of depression.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Further observations and reports will help clarify this adverse effect.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pulmonary toxicity was dose limiting, with grade III toxicity occurring in all three patients treated at a dose of 100 mg\/m2.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A nonfatal case of accidental prolonged overdosage of pyrimethamine (10 times the usual dose for 10 days) in a seven-week-old infant treated for congenital toxoplasmosis is presented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"For 9 years the patient remained totally asymptomatic.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In summary, we report herein the first case of SIADH believed to be an adverse effect of mizoribin, which may therefore needed to be added to the list of drugs which can induce SIADH.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 44-year-old woman is described in whom amiodarone, disopyramide, and quinidine, administered alone separately, induced atypical ventricular tachycardia (AVT, torsade de pointes).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Two 65-year-old white men with coronary heart disease, given niacin therapy for dyslipidemia for 5 months, developed intense dental and gingival pain that was associated with increases in dose and that was relieved with discontinuance of niacin treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Two patients with adrenal carcinoma treated with 2,2-bis (2-chlorophenyl-4-chlorophenyl)-1,1-dichloroethane (o,p'-DDD) as adjuvant therapy were studied.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatment included isoprenaline for 28 hours.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Bicalutamide is a new, nonsteroidal antiandrogen with a favorable toxicity profile.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This extremely rare combination of haematomas may have been caused either by rupture of a small vessel in the arachnoid membrane or by rupture of the arachnoid membrane itself, secondary to a massive haemorrhage in the subarachnoid space.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In this report, we discuss the care of patients with aplastic anaemia in the peritransplant setting.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Histopathology examination of the excised flap demonstrated numerous Acanthamoeba cysts in tissue sections.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although a continuous intravenous infusion of dobutamine was maintained, therapy with oral terbutaline 2.5 mg every 6 hours was initiated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Paraplegia following prophylactic intrathecal cytosine arabinoside (Ara-C) is described in a patient with acute myelogenous leukemia in remission who received doses of 100 mg\/m2\/d for 5 consecutive days.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) cultures for bacteria, viruses, and fungi were negative, but testing for ova and parasites from BAL fluid revealed Strongyloides stercoralis larvae on day 16 post transplant.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DFO appears to be an effective treatment for severe dialysis osteomalacia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Case report and review of the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patients with a haemoglobin level < 100 g\/l were treated as out-patients for 12 weeks with daily doses ranging from 30 U\/kg body weight (BW) up to 240 U\/kg BW in non-responders.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ocular and systemic complications such as eyelid necrosis, central retinal artery occlusion, and adrenal suppression have been reported rarely after corticosteroid injection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The use of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D (1,25-OH2 D) plus calcium may be superior to the use of calcium alone in some forms of osteoporosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Our findings suggest that clozapine plus lamotrigine may be helpful in reducing alcohol consumption and craving among patients with schizophrenia and comorbid alcohol dependence.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cardiopulmonary compromise after use of topical and submucosal alpha-agonists: possible added complication by the use of beta-blocker therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A patient with a large hydatid cyst of the left lobe of the liver developed metabolic acidosis following rather liberal use of cetrimide-chlorhexidine solution as a scolicidal agent.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To describe a case of severe skin necrosis resulting from peripheral intravenous administration of low-dose vasopressin in a patient with catecholamine-resistant septic shock.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Extensive workup for other causes, including infections, was negative.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In case 1, a total daily dose of 25 mg sertraline, with nondetectable sertraline and desmethylsertraline blood levels, resulted in a doubling of the lamotrigine blood level with symptoms of toxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Ischaemic complications of Glypressin in liver disease: a case series.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Strongyloides infection should be ruled out in patients with eosinophilia before immunosuppressants are initiated to prevent the complication of disseminated strongyloidiasis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We review the medical literature and discuss the risks of using recombinant factor VIIa to control severe bleeding after cardiac surgery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE SUMMARY: A 58-year-old white woman developed fulminant liver failure while being treated with the macrolide antibiotic clarithromycin for pneumonia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The incidence of this adverse effect in children and young adults who have cystic fibrosis is unknown.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Charcoal hemoperfusion led to rapid clearing of dapsone from the circulation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The report is followed by a brief review of anticonvulsant hypersensitivity syndrome and DRESS.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, as illustrated by these and other cases reported to date, the onset of troglitazone-induced liver injury is insidious and temporally variable.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We present two cases of nitrofurantoin-induced pulmonary toxicity in which the initial HRCT showed a widespread reticular pattern and associated distortion of the lung parenchyma, thought to represent established fibrosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Acute myocardial infarction due to coronary spasm associated with L-thyroxine therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Spontaneous pulmonary hemorrhage following coronary thrombolysis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The median age of patients was 61 years.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In six cases CT scans did not return to their original state after ACTH therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Both patients had Campylobacter jejuni enteritis, and one case was complicated by bacteraemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 42-year-old woman presented to our institution with a 2-week history of bone pain in the lower extremities.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The present patient was a 66-year-old Japanese woman who developed a cardiac arrhythmia and was given amiodarone as an anti-arrhythmic agent for approximately 3 months, until the day before her death.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Since November 1996, there has been a shortage of multivitamin infusion (MVI).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe two cases that illustrate the use of lithium in the treatment of veterans with PTSD who complained of serious problems with irritability or angry outbursts.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Follicular cell carcinoma of the thyroid in a child after bone marrow transplantation for acute lymphoblastic leukemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Serum concentration of cerivastatin at 6 h after taking the last dose (0.15 mg) was 8062.5 ng\/L, which was almost 5.7 times higher than that of normal persons.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 45-year-old woman with thyrotoxicosis developed agranulocytosis after treatment with propylthiouracil.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Initial clinical experience with centrifugal pumps coated with the Carmeda process.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: A 23-year-old contact lens wearer was treated for bilateral Acanthamoeba keratitis and underwent penetrating keratoplasty in the right eye for descemetocele with impending risk of perforation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Bilateral corneal infiltrates after excimer laser photorefractive keratectomy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Others as well may see a similar rise based on local trends in TB infection and disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In severe cardiogenic shock, the patient required an extracorporeal membrane-oxygenation system for 8 days until cardiac recovery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient was discharged on the 8th postoperative week in good conditions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A previously unreported complication of the use of prostaglandin analog medications for glaucoma therapy is described.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Stevens-Johnson syndrome caused by the antiretroviral drug nevirapine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Self induced photosensitive epilepsy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The theophylline level was 9.89 micrograms\/ml at the moment of psychotic reaction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Therefore, black cohosh-induced fluid retention and coagulation activation should be considered in differential diagnosis, especially if thrombosis has been excluded.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Recent efforts have focused on heightened surveillance to detect contamination before transfusion to limit recipient morbidity and mortality.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the case of a child with metastatic osteosarcoma, who experienced an anaphylactic\/anaphylactoid reaction to methotrexate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Phenol is a neurolytic agent that is widely used by percutaneous retrogasserian injection in the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"[2] Neither LPS nor VVR increased lung water, but LPS decreased MCTV in both normal airways (31%) and VVR-exposed airways (30%; p = 0.03), and VVR increased MCTV by 34% in LPS-inflamed airways (p = 0.002).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The treatment of amputee residual limb pain can at times be a challenge for the physician.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the impact on the patient management of two liver biopsies, which diagnosed an initial drug induced hepatitis and subsequently an atypical HCV related hepatitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She delivered a healthy child vaginally under epidural anaesthesia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After the episode, 1 patient continued to receive d-penicillamine therapy and 2 changed to zinc sulfate treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 27-year-old man who had a history of bronchial asthma, eosinophilic enteritis, and eosinophilic pneumonia presented with fever, skin eruptions, cervical lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, atypical lymphocytosis, and eosinophilia two weeks after receiving trimethoprim (TMP)-sulfamethoxazole (SMX) treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"By a combination of appropriate selection of medications and an awareness of delirium as a side effect, the patient in the ICU may be treated in a manner to minimize the clouding of consciousness.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Darifenacin is a muscarinic antagonist which was FDA approved for the treatment of overactive bladder in December 2004.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"As linezolid has been shown to have hematologic side effects, blood count monitoring is recommended in patients receiving this drug for long-term therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"After this period, liposomal amphotericin B (3 mg kg(-1) day(-1)) was given with the diagnosis of probable fungal infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Nonetheless, the results of therapy with many of the treatment programs described are encouraging, as exemplified by the report from Graboys and coworkers.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is uncommon in this patient population, and Philadelphia chromosome positive (Ph+) ALL in particular, is rare.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Here, we report a giant cell lichenoid dermatitis in a 41-year-old male patient who developed, 3 days after intravenous treatment with amoxicillin-clavulanic acid for erysipelas of the left leg, a clinical picture suggesting a baboon syndrome characterized by an erythematous and pruritic eruption on the axillary, inguinal and popliteal areas and the anterior side of elbows.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that clozapine may cause TD; however, the prevalence is low and the severity is relatively mild, with no or mild self-reported discomfort.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The most striking and severe symptom was burning of the trunk and proximal extremities, occurring in 11 patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Oxcarbazepine, a carbamazepine analog, was approved for use as an antiepileptic agent in the United States in 2000.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors describe two cases of Fournier's gangrene complicating aggressive therapy for hematologic malignancies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient recovered completely from his liver injury, but the sicca complex persisted 1 yr after the drug was given.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The drug was tolerated without evident toxicity, though an unpleasant taste and nausea at high doses were limiting.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: A 20-year-old woman developed pain, redness, decreased vision, and corneal infiltrate in the right eye 15 days after bilateral LASIK.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Herein is reported an unusual case of coexistent warfarin-induced skin necrosis and heparin-induced thrombocytopenia following mitral valve replacement for thromboembolic phenomena associated with marantic endocarditis and bronchial adenocarcinoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This case report describes the diagnostic workup in a child with anaplastic ependymoma and inconclusive MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) and PET (positron emission tomography) findings.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Spacers have evolved from simple monoblock designs made of acrylic cement alone to articulated, modular, complex and expensive designs with different grades of constriction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A patient suffering from heparin-associated thrombocytopenia (HAT), recurrent arteriothromboses, and acute renal failure after treatment with standard heparin is described.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Leflunomide was started.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although preemptive therapy with ganciclovir prevented successfully severe CMV diseases and CMV-related mortality, a patient developed persistent positive CMV antigenemia for more than 1 year after transplantation and CMV disease, despite the use of ganciclovir and foscarnet.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intralesional injection of 5-fluorouracil has recently been reported as a possible method of treatment for an assortment of benign and malignant cutaneous neoplasms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case of Lactobacillus casei endocarditis that occurred on a Carpentier-Edwards porcine valve is reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"To date, this is the first reported case of what appears to be isolated thrombocytopenia associated with lansoprazole.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patients required admission for assessment of the severity of the overdose in addition to advice about appropriate use of analgesics and advice on access to dental care.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Electron microscopy demonstrated electron-dense granules, free and membrane-bound, within macrophages and fibroblast-like cells.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A patient bleeding from oesophageal varices in whom injection sclerotherapy failed to control bleeding required peripheral vein vasopressin infusion for a total of five days.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe two patients in whom painful erosions of their psoriasis developed as the presenting sign of methotrexate toxicity and review the literature, emphasizing the risk factors associated with this manifestation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Her drug therapy also included nicergoline 30 mg\/day, amlodipine 5 mg\/day, aspirin 100 mg\/day, candesartan 16 mg\/day, and atenolol 25 mg\/day.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This paper discusses the importance of critical care and emergency nurses having an understanding of why pre-existing cardiac disorders can influence antiarrhythmic treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Through a literature search, we were able to identify 4 additional cases of therapy-related AML in AIDS patients following chemotherapy for lymphomas.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two pediatric oncology patients with Ewing's sarcoma and one with mixed germ cell tumor were treated with drug regimens that included bleomycin or cyclophosphamide.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ibuprofen-induced meningitis: detection of intrathecal IgG synthesis and immune complexes.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Despite significantly reduced plasma insulin concentrations, glucose tolerance did not deteriorate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The parasite may remain in the host for over 25 years before immunosuppression causes either dissemination or hyperinfection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This paralleled the rise in the number of children with tuberculous infection and disease seen at our institution, from an average 96 per year to 213 per year during these two time periods.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient presented with loss of consciousness and died after 5 days of antifungal therapy with liposomal amphotericin B.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case of SIADH induced by mizoribin administration.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The association of central diabetes insipidus (CDI) with lithium use is rare.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Within 8 hours after initiation of therapy the patient died with a clinical picture resembling massive pulmonary obstruction due to choriocarcinomic tissue plugs, probably originating from the uterus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The clinical course of a 9-year-old diagnosed with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and Tourette's disorder and treated with a combination of methylphenidate, clonidine, and fluoxetine is described.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The microbiologic diagnosis was established after valvectomy, which was necessitated by failure of empiric antibiotics to eradicate the infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To report a case of chronic, nonproductive cough secondary to the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor quinapril, with complete resolution after switching to another ACE inhibitor, fosinopril.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"An 11-year-old, 25-kg girl with congenital myelomeningocele was scheduled for posterior spinal fusion because of progressive scoliosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Sustained monomorphic ventricular tachycardia after adenosine infusion.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Either primary headaches show a higher susceptibility to this idiosyncratic reaction or a drug-induced primary headache evolves in intensity and duration, becoming uncontrolled until the complete discontinuation of the drug in consideration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hospitalized patients with HIV disease (n = 42) during this same period, demonstrated an increased prevalence of QT, prolongation (28.6%, P = 0.002).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a patient with acute myeloblastic leukemia (AML) who developed nephrotic syndrome after receiving several courses of chemotherapy, including macrophage-colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"These lesions developed within the port site during the radiation treatments (11 cases) or soon after (nine cases) its completion (mean: 16 days; range: 2-35).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cytomegalovirus colitis after autologous transplantation for multiple myeloma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After intensive treatment with topical corticosteroids, the DLK resolved during the following 2 weeks.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 7-year-old with congenital toxoplasmosis who took pyrimethamine and sulfadiazine for reactivated chorioretinitis developed fever, severe cutaneous involvement, swelling, abdominal pain and transaminitis, persisting weeks after withholding medicines.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Pediatricians rarely use a systematic approach to establish the cause of drug reactions in the clinical setting.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Infection of central nervous system by motile Enterococcus: first case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Complement factor H (FH) deficiency is one of the causes of atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The case of a 86-year-old woman with obstructive ileus due to advanced pancreatic cancer is presented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a patient with M4 AML treated with standard chemotherapy followed by G-CSF who developed marked monocytosis on day 8 of G-CSF therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"T. mucoides is a rare cause of systemic infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We experienced a male patient with psoriasis and hypertension whose conditions were treated with tacalcitol ointment and thiazide, respectively, resulting in hypercalciuria and hypercalcemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In addition, patients should be closely monitored for a possible delayed interaction that may occur with each repeated cycle of 5-fluorouracil chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"At the same time, physicians cannot yet rely solely on a genetic diagnosis because we have not yet identified a sufficient spectrum of mutations, and it is not currently feasible to examine every patient's full DNA sequence for the entire gene; screening an ethnically consistent and clinically positive patient for the 8 known mutations frequently identifies a mutation on only 1 chromosome, and genetic analysis of other classic cases will often reveal none of the 8 mutations.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Association of zomepirac administration with renal cortical necrosis is not known to have been previously demonstrated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The gastrointestinal arterial bleeding from the penetrating aneurysm presented a life-threatening situation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: The patient required insulin desensitization for severe urticaria, angioedema, and occasional wheezing resulting from her insulin dose.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Reversal reaction to Hansen's disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Four months after receiving an orthotopic liver transplant, a 51-year-old man was admitted for progressive liver failure and severe hepatocellular necrosis thought to be due to tacrolimus.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Cannabis for chronic pain: case series and implications for clinicians.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Gastrointestinal haemorrhage necessitated the use of misoprostol.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Total parenteral nutrition was continued without the fat emulsion and symptoms and signs disappeared.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Sputum in the three cases failed to reveal acid-fast bacilli, pathogenic fungi, or opportunistic organisms by cultures and appropriate stains.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of secondary glaucoma caused by epithelial downgrowth in which filtration surgery was performed with adjunctive use of subconjunctival 5-fluorouracil.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"One day later, the INR was found to have decreased, and bleeding was also improved.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Chryseobacterium indologenes bacteraemia in a diabetic child.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is used alone or in combination with other lipid-lowering agents in the treatment of various forms of hypercholesterolemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two cases of long term dopamine D2 receptor blockade after depot neuroleptics.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The syndrome of irreversible lithium-effectuated neurotoxicity (SILENT).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Successful treatment of poison oak dermatitis treated with Grindelia spp. (Gumweed).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Serratia Marcescens corneal ulcer as a complication of orthokeratology.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Due to the severity of the disease it was necessary to treat this patient with corticosteroids and immunosuppressors.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Peak serum concentrations exceeded 4 mcg\/ml.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Embolia cutis medicamentosa (ECM) is a rare side effect observed primarily after intramuscular injections.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This suggests the possibility that ACE inhibitors may uncover an asthmatic tendency in patients with pre-existing bronchial hyperreactivity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"L-asparaginase-induced posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome during acute lymphoblastic leukemia treatment in children.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Carboplatin was substituted for cisplatin, and there were no further episodes of SIADH.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE SUMMARY: A 65-year-old patient chronically treated with the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) citalopram developed confusion, agitation, tachycardia, tremors, myoclonic jerks and unsteady gait, consistent with serotonin syndrome, following initiation of fentanyl, and all symptoms and signs resolved following discontinuation of fentanyl.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Calcium hopantenate is a pantothenic acid antagonist.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These data suggest that clots can form on surfaces coated with the Carmeda process, even if a low dosage of heparin is used.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Our case is compared with other cases previously reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Sodium thiosulfate in the treatment of tumoral calcifications in a hemodialysis patient without hyperparathyroidism.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute dystonic reaction with low-dose pimozide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Adverse reactions to systemic corticosteroids rarely occur and the etiology is unclear in most cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Despite an extensive evaluation, which included a gallium scan, a technetium bone scan, and abdominal ultrasound, a source could not be found.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Trying to adjust the treatment to the patient's requirements, Carbamazepine together with Oxybutynin and Dantrolene was readministrated in lower doses.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We believe that a pharmacodynamic interaction is most likely.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Data derives from a qualitative interview study and a cross-sectional survey of 518 patients, with all patients receiving out-patient cancer chemotherapy in Sweden.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: Two patients underwent highly selective CDT after delayed presentation (>5 days) of flap compromise.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Methotrexate-induced hepatic necrosis requiring liver transplantation in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In addition, severe oedema of the right upper eyelid was observed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Culture from the bone abscess gave growth of mycobacteria which could not be distinguished from BCG.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Substitution of olanzapine with aripiprazole further exacerbated the problem.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Propoxyphene-induced wide complex dysrhythmia responsive to sodium bicarbonate therapy has not been previously reported in the literature.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"To the best of our knowledge only two previous cases of AML have been linked to treatment of HCL with purine analogs, both with 2-chlorodeoxyadenosine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Investigations showed peripheral blood eosinophilia with thoracocentesis revealing eosinophilic exudative pleural effusion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A patient with alcoholic cerebellar degeneration had periodic alternating nystagmus during a period of phenytoin intoxication.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Renal biopsy demonstrated lesions characteristic of rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis with minor interstitial changes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A complex pattern of melanonychia and onycholysis after treatment with pemetrexed for lung cancer.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Haemodialysis patients are likely to develop bacteriaemia due to S. aureus, probably because they are often carriers of S. aureus and also frequently have intravascular catheters.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Gold nephropathy due to auranofin obscured by tolmetin pseudoproteinuria.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Therefore, care should be given to prescribing clarithromycin for patients receiving carbamazepine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The first known report of quetiapine exacerbating OCS in a 43-year-old man with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), trichotillomania, delusional disorder and bipolar II disorder is presented.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This is a report of prolonged meningitis caused by echovirus type 20 in a patient with rhabdomyosarcoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The ocular toxicity of DCF, previously described as conjunctivitis, appears to be a keratitis of moderate severity which requires further study.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Dystonia associated with carbamazepine administration: experience in brain-damaged children.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Fungal septicaemia in patients with cystic fibrosis associated with totally implantable venous access device system.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Itraconazole-related increased vincristine neurotoxicity: case report and review of literature.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The newer generation of antifungal agents such as itraconazole and terbinafine are more effective than the older therapies, griseofulvin and ketoconazole, in the treatment of dermatophyte pedal onychomycosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a patient who had a systemic allergic contact dermatitis to 8-MOP develop during her second course of PUVA treatment for psoriasis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The resultant warfarin dose required to maintain a therapeutic INR was 45 mg\/wk, a 63.6% dosage increase after the initiation of bosentan.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The case also highlights the increased cardiovascular morbidity in testicular cancer survivors and evokes the possibility of mechanisms of myocardial ischemia other than atherosclerotic disease in these young patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A causal relationship between the administration of halothane and clinical improvement is suggested.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Mitomycin C (MMC) is an alkylating agent that has been recently associated with the hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We describe a 5-month-old infant who had fever of unknown origin leading to an exhaustive evaluation during a 7-week period.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Strict neurological supervision of patients treated with chlorambucil is recommended.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient was positive for antibody against complexes of heparin and platelet factor 4, and was diagnosed as heparin-induced thrombocytopenia with thrombosis syndrome (HITTS).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Physicians should be aware of the potential for developing a gemcitabine-induced radiation recall reaction resulting in hemodynamically significant pericardial effusion.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Acute interstitial pneumonia induced by ONO-1078 (pranlukast), a leukotriene receptor antagonist.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Hepatobiliary scans using Tc-IDA are reliable in making the diagnosis of acute cholecystitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The toxicity and plasma concentrations of ifosfamide, chloroacetaldehyde, and 4-hydroxyifosfamide were then determined over 24 h after a single 1.6 g\/m2 dose of ifosfamide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"De novo hypertension after liver transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One week later, the patient was again extubated and 3 days later was transferred to a peripheral ward.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A medical-legal review regarding the standard of care for epidural injections, with particular reference to a closed case.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case report describes a patient who was previously prescribed alendronate (Fosamax) and presented with postoperative hypophosphatemia and hypocalcemic tetany after bowel preparation with Fleet Phospho-Soda.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Electro-oculography, electroretinography, visual evoked potentials, and multifocal electroretinography in patients with vigabatrin-attributed visual field constriction.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Both phenotypic and genotypic virologic analysis was performed on sequential CMV isolates.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of papillary necrosis in a patient treated with indinavir.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"There was a striking temporal relationship between the administration of antibiotics or allopurinol and exacerbations of the disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Immobilization, while Paget's bone disease was present, and perhaps enhanced activation of dihydrotachysterol by rifampicin, could have led to increased calcium-release into the circulation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: The average time of presentation was 9 days, with the average time to CDT being 9.5 days.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patients were genotyped for the UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT) 1A9 gene (which encodes the main COMT inhibitor-metabolizing enzyme), and found to carry mutations leading to defective glucuronidation activity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case demonstrates the association of selective IgA deficiency with remission in rheumatoid arthritis induced by fenclofenac as well as aurothiomalate and sulphasalazine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The mortality rate associated with respiratory failure due to invasive fungal infections after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) is exceedingly high.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"None of the side effects observed resisted treatment or was severe enough to warrant discontinuation of therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Spontaneous improvement of tardive dystonia during mania.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One hundred forty-eight (59%) of 251 patients with spinal cord injury who were evaluated had received this drug.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Leukemia relapse occurred 82 days later.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Four case reports and a critical commentary on the use of vitamin D in these disorders.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Protease inhibitors (ritonavir and saquinavir) were added to the treatment and the patient developed progressive ataxia related to carbamazepine toxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A pattern of possible risk factors emerges from these reports.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One should pay attention to the abdominal wall around the needle track in interpreting CT or MR images of patients with previous PEI.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a patient with severe Crohn's disease and the short bowel syndrome on parenteral feeding who was not responding to conventional therapy and underwent treatment with cyclosporin (CyA) given initially intravenously and subsequently orally in each of two courses.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In two patients this was the sole chemotherapeutic agent used.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These findings lend further evidence for anticonvulsant teratogenicity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Adrenal crisis was assumed and during therapy with hydrocortisone infusion, the patient recovered.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Establishment of diuresis with fluids and IV administration of calcium may provide successful treatment of magnesium toxicosis in horses.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Although serologic tests for Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) indicated a previous infection, EBV deoxyribonucleic acid was detected in her serum by polymerase chain reaction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Periodic alternating nystagmus in phenytoin intoxication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This report supports the findings of others regarding the potential toxicity of topical ester-type local anesthetics.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In both patients the carcinoma developed on areas not usually exposed to sunlight.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In the instances that it does occur, previous liver disease or failure to be abstinent from alcohol are thought to be causative.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, the patient continued to deteriorate and developed CMV pneumonitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patients with metastatic breast carcinoma and similar presentations should be considered for prophylactic therapy with allopurinol and hydration before chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Possible pathophysiological mechanisms which may have been operative in this case include: a direct central nervous system (CNS) toxic effect of valproic acid; a paradoxical epileptogenic effect secondary to the drug; and an indirect CNS toxic effect mediated through valproic acid-induced hyperammonemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Serum electrolyte and creatinine levels remained within normal limits.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fourteen months after the second stenting, a new elective angiogram was performed without evidence of in-stent restenosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE SUMMARY: A 65-year-old patient chronically treated with the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) citalopram developed confusion, agitation, tachycardia, tremors, myoclonic jerks and unsteady gait, consistent with serotonin syndrome, following initiation of fentanyl, and all symptoms and signs resolved following discontinuation of fentanyl.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"To the best of our knowledge no comparable case and no discussion of possible complications of aspirin prophylaxis in patients with brain tumours have been published.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After discontinuing the HCQ, the QT interval was shorter and the patient recovered after treatment with lidocaine and isoproterenol.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Methysergide-induced retroperitoneal fibrosis: successful outcome and two new laboratory features.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Cystoid macular edema responds to intravitreal triamcinolone and rebounds after intravitreal bevacizumab.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a 7 year old boy, who developed clinical and echocardiographical findings of pericardial constriction 5 weeks after a cardiac surgery, which resolved with steroid therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report four cases of hemodynamically significant pericardial effusion in patients with refractory lymphoma who were receiving gemcitabine, all of whom had a history of mediastinal radiation without subcarinal blocking.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Chronic photosensitivity associated with hydrochlorothiazide ingestion occurred in four patients.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Botulinum toxin for palliative treatment of epiphora in a patient with canalicular obstruction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Administration of intravenous nitroglycerin in a patient with idiopathic pulmonary hypertension resulted in an increase in pulmonary artery pressure associated with a decrease in blood flow that is best explained by an increase in pulmonary vascular resistance.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"By means of the in vitro heparin-induced platelet activation (HIPA) assay it was shown that standard heparin and the LMW heparins Fragmin and Fraxiparin (Sanofi Labaz, Munich, FRG), as well as the enoxaparine Clexane (Nattermann, Cologne, FRG), all induced platelet activation with the patient's serum.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Further injections were followed by similar symptoms in addition to paraesthesiae and altered pin-prick sensation of anterior thigh and legs with no residual deficit.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"High-dose corticosteroids were given with a return to baseline pulmonary function.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of a 35-year old female who developed new onset type II diabetes mellitus with hyperosmolar hyperglycaemic coma and acute renal failure following treatment with a SGA for a first manic episode.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The two middle aged women presented with respiratory symptoms after prolonged treatment with nitrofurantoin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"MANAGEMENT: Potassium supplementation, sodium bicarbonate therapy, intravenous fluid therapy and dialysis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The pharmaceutical company producing Halfan has reported 8 cardiac arrests, leading to 6 deaths, when a higher dose than recommended was used, there was recent or concomitant treatment with mefloquine, there was pre-existing prolongation of the QT interval or the patient had a thiamine deficiency.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Although there is a presumed drug-drug interaction between itraconazole and nonnucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitors, the medical literature lacks such documentation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Analysis and correlation of antenatal data and drug therapy with individual cases failed to show any specific abnormality that could reasonably be attributed to zidovudine therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: A 68-year-old man developed intense conjunctival hyperemia and cystoid macula edema after switching from latanoprost to bimatoprost 9 months after cataract surgery in an eye at low-risk for this cystoid macular edema.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Synergistic effect of carbapenem-teicoplanin combination during severe Rhodococcus equi pneumonia in a kidney transplant recipient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The considerable exposure to chemicals, time course and unusual pattern of organ involvement suggested a diagnosis of occupational scleroderma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"When prescribing mannitol to decrease intraocular pressure, the physician must be alert to potential complications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These symptoms did not recur after discontinuation of the drug.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Once the diagnosis of acute cerebral infarction is confirmed, thrombolytic therapy should be administrated within the time window of 3 hours.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"They have lipid levels drawn annually and are seen by both an endocrinologist and a flight surgeon for general medical examinations.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE SUMMARY: A 66-year-old man with a background history of breast carcinoma was admitted with pleuritic chest pain.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Neuroleptic malignant syndrome in an adolescent receiving olanzapine-lithium combination therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Fifteen patients presented between January 1986 and January 1991 with deterioration in renal function coincident with the introduction of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"While both amiodarone and digoxin can cause permanent visual changes, the ocular effects are often reversible.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Iatrogenic hypercalcemia due to vitamin D3 ointment (1,24(OH)2D3) combined with thiazide diuretics in a case of psoriasis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: The antimycotic synthetic azole compounds are known to lead to toxic liver injury.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Gadolinium enhancement of anterior lumbosacral spinal nerve roots was demonstrated in all three patients, and an elevation of cerebrospinal fluid immunoglobulin G synthesis was evident in two patients with more severe symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pulmonary leukostasis secondary to all-trans retinoic acid in the treatment of acute promyelocytic leukemia in first relapse.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A wide range of autoimmune disorders have been described in DiGeorge syndrome and velocardiofacial syndrome, including one prior report of autoimmune hemolytic anemia and immune thrombocytopenia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Steroid therapy improved the airways of the other 8 patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Better appetite was subjectively noted by 81% of patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Concurrent use of reteplase and lepirudin in the treatment of acute anterior wall myocardial infarction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, brain metastasis was diagnosed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient presented to the emergency department with a few weeks' history of irritability, constipation and intermittent vomiting.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In patients with occult hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection, acute exacerbation may occur when they become immunocompromised.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Aliskiren-associated acute renal failure with hyperkalemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We discuss the potential mechanisms associated to OXC and status migrainosus, drug-induced headaches and uncontrolled headaches.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Laryngeal dyspnea in relation to an interaction between acenocoumarol and topical econazole lotion.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report the first case of fulminant adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) associated with pegylated interferon alpha-2a (pegIFNalpha-2a) and ribavirin use for hepatitis C, complicated by subsequent and ultimately fatal sepsis and multiorgan failure.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Both recovered after 10 days of intraperitoneal administration of cefazolin and tobramycin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Five days after discharge (day 1), she developed bilateral lower extremity arterial thrombi and underwent heparinization and successful lower extremity thrombectomies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Infliximab and its serious adverse effects are discussed, and other cases of osteomyelitis with infliximab use are also reviewed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Treatment with ketamine met with moderate success, and then large doses of lorazepam and midazalam were used.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Abemayor).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the simple medication regimen, all psychotropics were given at night for patients with chronic schizophrenia, who had been taking them at least twice a day for more than 12 weeks before the entry.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe the clinical course, renal function, and blood viral measurement in 6 renal transplant recipients with BKVN who were treated with low doses of cidofovir.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Imaging findings were compatible with left maxillary, ethmoidal, and sphenoidal sinusitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is not certain to what extent drug therapy, physiological and metabolic changes consequent on prolonged seizures, hitherto undiscovered infective agents, or a combination of any of these may play in such a process.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Before desensitization, the proportion of CFSElow CD4+ cells in whole CD4+ was 3.09%; 13.6% of CFSElow CD4+ cells were stained with anti-interferon gamma antibody.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 56-year-old white woman with a diagnosis of reactive depression developed severe UI after a 30 days' treatment with venlafaxine 75 mg\/day.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In this report, a patient who had undergone a renal transplantation as a result of malignant hypertension, and who was on immunosuppressive therapy consisting of cyclosporin, prednisone and azathioprine, developed thrombosis of the central retinal vein 5 years following the transplantation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To document a case of serotonin syndrome (SS) associated with mirtazapine monotherapy, review the previously reported cases of SS associated with this tetracyclic antidepressant, and discuss the possible pathogenic mechanisms leading to this serious adverse drug reaction.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We demonstrate linezolid's high CSF penetration and its CSF bacteriostatic activity against E. faecalis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 47-year-old male with bipolar I disorder\/hallucinations presented to the Veterans Affairs Medical Center (VAMC) with suicidal ideations.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors describe a woman with chronic schizophrenia who experienced delirium, grand mal seizure, and photosensitivity after the addition of propranolol to her neuroleptic regimen.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"They are usually localized reactions such as ecchymoses, erythematous plaques, and nodules.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The nasal challenge test with a calcitonin nasal spray, up to 150 UI, was negative.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present a case of hemolytic-uremic syndrome that developed during the 4th cycle of combination chemotherapy with oxaliplatin, 5-fluorouracil and leucovorin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Diagnosis of DPD deficiency must be confirmed by specialized laboratory tests.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Her best-corrected visual acuity was 0.9 in the right (RE) and 1.0 in the left eye (LE).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cytogenetic studies of the bone marrow performed after the development of acute leukemia showed chromosome abnormalities in all five patients examined, with hypodiploidy and loss of B and C group chromosomes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Diagnosis of toxoplasmosis was confirmed by muscle biopsy and seroconversion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two patients with imminent gangrene of the extremities caused by ergot-induced arteriospasm underwent mechanical dilatation of the arteries when conventional measures such as anticoagulation, vasodilation, and sympathetic blockade produced no improvement.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"METHOD: In an effort to refine MAOI dietary recommendations, we report a case of hypertensive crisis following the consumption of a modest amount of tap beer.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The use of methotrexate (MTX) has been contraindicated for treatment of severe psoriasis in HIV infection on the basis of six previously reported cases in which MTX appeared to potentiate opportunistic infections and accelerate HIV disease.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Two separate blood cultures yielded C. indologenes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fungal peritonitis in patients on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) has been associated with high mortality and high CAPD-discontinuation rates.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: This is the second case report that describes gemcitabine-induced radiation recall in rectus abdominus muscles after gemcitabine-based radiation therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Hypoxia was documented in one case and probably present in the other.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy and percutaneous abscess drainage under the guidance of computed tomography resulted in a satisfactory resolution of the abscess.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This potential long-term risk has medicolegal implications for informed consent and for the potential use of both permanent fillers and interferon.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On the third day, zafirlukast (20 mg twice daily) was reintroduced to the regimen, and the theophylline therapy was continued.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The overall toxicity is substantially less than standard induction chemotherapy, with the notable exception of deaths attributed to the development of pulmonary leukostasis coinciding with a rapid increase in the number of mature neutrophils.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is of interest that all of his teeth were extremely large and subsequently showed severe crowding in the dental arches.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: We present the clinical and laboratory findings and describe the clinical course of our patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The reversal of symptoms and radiographic demonstration of relief of obstruction after oral steroid therapy are discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although the possibility of this interaction has been noted, no previously documented occurrence of this interaction has been identified.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The chimeric anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody, rituximab, is a promising treatment for cutaneous B-cell lymphomas.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Review of the current literature confirms the importance of 3D dose planning in avoiding this complication and high-lights the role of MRI in establishing the diagnosis of radiation-induced optic neuropathy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinicians have been aware of lithium toxicity for many years and traditionally have administered thiazide diuretics for lithium-induced polyuria and nephrogenic diabetes insipidus.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"METHODS: No reports describing alcohol neurolysis of the superior cluneal nerve exist in the relevant literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: To our knowledge, this is the first case report of delayed onset of cerebral infarction caused by an embolism after CPS fixation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"INTRODUCTION: Significant decreases in tumour recurrence rates of up to 50% are reported after one immediate postoperative instillation of chemotherapeutic drugs, such as epirubicin or mitomycin C.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thiazolidinedione-induced edema.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Biopsy taken from the site did not reveal any granulomatous or atrophic changes and cultures of the biopsy did not yield any organism.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Post-transfusion purpura as the main manifestation of a trilineal transfusion reaction, responsive to steroids: flow-cytometric investigation of granulocyte and platelet antibodies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After the remission of the hypoalbuminemia and thrombocytopenia, the macular edema observed by OCT disappeared and visual acuity returned to normal.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cerebral angiography disclosed occlusions and narrowing of both internal carotid arteries at the supraclinoid portions, where multiple cysts were found on the MRI.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Behavioral side effects associated with clonazepam may include agitation, aggression, hyperactivity, irritability, property destruction, and temper tantrums.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Additional drugs present included hydrocodone and morphine (nonconjugated) at 0.16 and 0.04 microg\/mL, respectively.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Possible interactions between the putatively hyperactive dopaminergic system and corticosteroids are discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This is the third report of reversible hepatic decompensation associated with prolonged MTX therapy in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Ethambutol, and to a lesser extent isoniazid, are both implicated in the development of visually related side effects.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 40-year-old man had undergone instrumented posterior lumbar interbody fusion at the L5\/S1 level approximately 1 year previously.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Careful consideration must be made of the choice of environment in which intravenous loading is done (e.g., emergency department, intensive care unit), as dictated by patient parameters, nursing staff levels, and planned disposition.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report one case each of CAPD-related peritonitis caused by Aspergillus terreus and Mucor sp., which have previously been described in the literature once and twice, respectively.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two heroin addicts, aged 34 and 19 years, developed ballistic movements after intravenous heroin overdose.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"If it is used for diagnostic purposes, resuscitative equipment should be readily available.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In these patients, long-acting octreotide may trigger serious hypoglycemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Therapeutic options to treat this dangerous imbalance comprise calcium gluconate, insulin plus glucose, albuterol\/salbutamol inhalation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"5-Azacytidine and fetal hemoglobin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In our patient, an objective causality scale showed that therapeutic doses of colchicine for FMF were the definite cause of myopathy, even though his renal and hepatic function were normal.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"AIM: To report a patient with diabetic rubeosis who suffered from acute retinal ischemic change and stroke after intravitreal injection of bevacizumab.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Possible risk of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis with marijuana use during chemotherapy for small cell lung cancer.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Examination of the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid revealed an increased eosinophil count.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hepatitis C virus RNA was negative after 12 mo of treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Subsequent radiologic examination revealed rachitic bone and joint changes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clearly, more effective therapies are needed for this rapidly lethal disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The mechanism behind this observation may be similar to that of previously reported protease inhibitor-associated fat redistribution, but instead involving the adipose tissue of discrete uncommon benign tumors.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We here report on two patients who received imatinib in the presence of increased bilirubin and\/or cholestasis parameters.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We suspect a possible cause-and-effect relationship, which has not previously been reported in the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient had received methotrexate alone for more than 10 years without any signs of severe liver damage.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The VPA concentration following this dose escalation was 392 micromol\/L, and the patient improved clinically.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The first patient developed a histologically documented acute hepatitis and recovered after 3 weeks.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"During clarithromycin coadministration, four out of the seven patients developed moderate-to-severe toxic symptoms of carbamazepine, such as drowsiness, dizziness, and ataxia, which resolved within 5 days after clarithromycin discontinuation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 17-year-old anuric female patient with end-stage renal failure received a massive overdose of vancomycin and was treated with high-flux hemodiafiltration, as described in this report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Aminoglycoside-induced renal toxicity is well known and may manifest with nonoliguric renal failure or renal tubular dysfunction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 74-year-old man with well-compensated systolic dysfunction and longstanding type 2 diabetes mellitus treated with glyburide began therapy with rosiglitazone 4 mg\/day, which was increased to 8 mg\/day after 1 month.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He was admitted to the hospital for treatment after failing to improve on oral ciprofloxacin and inhaled tobramycin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 57-year-old woman with end-stage renal disease presumed secondary to chronic glomerulonephritis underwent a living related renal allograft transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Aortic transgraft hemorrhage is an unusual complication following thrombolytic therapy that can occur months to years after aortic surgery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A sixty-year-old woman with advanced breast cancer, previously treated with cisplatin, developed an irreversible lethal renal failure with anuria, the day after 5 g\/m2 bolus ifosfamide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The clinical picture was characterized by visual hallucinations, agitation, anxiety, but no disorientation, and a severe cerebello-myoclonic syndrome with total inability to stand up and walk, which was fully reversible on discontinuing the medication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"As emergency surgical intervention of thrombotic prosthetic cardiac valves is correlated with high mortality, fibrinolytic therapy has been recently recommended as a therapy with high efficacy and no severe side effects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Candida dubliniensis is an emerging fungal pathogen, especially in immunodeficient patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Vancomycin administration led to a good outcome for this patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In this case series, the course of mild to severe OHSS was evaluated in 19 intact twin pregnancies after IVF\/ICSI.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present a case of an abscess in this site which was a complication of chemotherapy and was the result of haematogenous spread.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He underwent uneventful cataract extraction surgery and intraocular lens implantation of the right eye.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Platinum-based chemotherapy agents have been associated with potentially fatal acute immune-mediated hemolytic anemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pregabalin-induced cortical negative myoclonus in a patient with neuropathic pain.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Two patients with RAS responded with a rise in haemoglobin concentration to > 130 g\/l.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Immunophenotyping these lesions revealed a dense LCA+, CD2+, CD3+, CD4+, CD5+, CD7+, CD45+, CD45RO+ T-cell infiltrate admixed with many factor XIIIa+ dendrocytes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He required intensive treatment and support for 13 days.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present a case of a newly acquired herpetic infection in the graft after penetrating keratoplasty.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Review of the literature relating to methicillin-induced nephropathy suggests a hypersensitivity origin for this disorder, but immunologic and ultrastructural investigation to date has failed to elucidate pathogenesis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In order to develop optimal schedules for exogenous TPO administration it might be important to consider endogenous TPO response characteristics.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intravenous haloperidol is generally well tolerated, but multiform ventricular tachycardia has been reported.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A rare case of advanced ovarian carcinoma who developed difficulty walking 25 days after treatment with weekly paclitaxel.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Cerebral sinus thrombosis associated with acquired free protein S deficiency is very rare.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Therapy was discontinued at a cumulative dose of adriamycin of 600 mg\/m2.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He underwent hospital admission, early intubation, intensive care for nine days and hospitalization for six weeks.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Behavioral side effects associated with clonazepam may include agitation, aggression, hyperactivity, irritability, property destruction, and temper tantrums.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Proposed mechanisms include von Willebrand Factor abnormalities, decreased prostacyclin production, and immune complex formation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: A patient recovering from acute respiratory distress syndrome developed septic shock from Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteremia while in the medical intensive care unit.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Onset of symptoms of infection occurred after a mean of 20 days (range, 11 days-6 weeks) after LASIK or an enhancement procedure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The third patient had been suffering from serious akathisia while on risperidone, and was cured after switching to olanzapine, but thereafter the patient suffered from RLS at nighttime.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Clozapine was approved by the U.S.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A striking feature of the neoplasms was cholestasis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Magnetic resonance spectra provided a noninvasive means of monitoring CNS response.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The most-common ocular symptom is colored rings around lights.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intractable severe bleeding from his oral mucositis necessitated treatment with a continuous infusion of 8-ornithine-vasopressin for 8 days.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Teamwork and skillful airway management prevented this patient's demise.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She was treated with methylprednisolone (40 mg i.v. q6h), aminophylline (loading with 5 mg\/kg and maintained with 0.6 mg\/kg\/hr i.v. drip), nebulized terbutaline sulphate (5 mg q6h), oral procaterol 12.5 micrograms bid, along with oxygen therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Tolerance of sunitinib in dialyzed patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Disseminated fusariosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Also, he developed similar signs and symptoms when he was administered tobramycin intravenously on one occasion at 5 1\/2 years.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This report suggests that anemia can occur due to MMF, in particular when it is given with prednisone, a side effect well documented in the transplantation literature when the triple combination of MMF, cyclosporine and prednisone is used.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Two of three melanoma patients had objective responses.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These measurements (720 before and 832 on therapy) suggested that both early and late dumping symptoms are causally related to the rate of glucose elevation and decline, rather than to glucose peak and nadir, respectively.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: To illustrate the multiple causes of hypoxemia to be considered following cardiopulmonary bypass and how therapy given to improve oxygen delivery may have contributed to a decrease in arterial oxygen saturation to life-threatening levels.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Case histories, including medication lists, liver biopsy and laboratory data were reviewed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This report describes a case of fatal haemolytic uraemic syndrome (HUS) developing in a child with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) during induction chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Gastric stump lymphoma after distal gastrectomy for benign peptic ulcer: Report of a case.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clonidine: a practical guide for usage in children.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"MR detected brain abnormalities in four patients, three of whom had concomitant neurologic dysfunction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient developed occipital infarcts and was found to have extremely elevated levels of PPA in his blood and dialysis fluid.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CASE SUMMARIES: In each case, the patients were treated over 5 years with lovastatin and developed rhabdomyolysis that coincided with the completion of a prescribed regimen of a newer macrolide antibiotic.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Interaction between methotrexate and ciprofloxacin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In 6 dogs with multicentric lymphosarcoma, salmonellosis developed shortly after the start of anticancer chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After ruling out a hydrotelluric source of fluorine, the patient's fluorosis was linked to chronic use of niflumic acid, following the publication in 1978 of the 2 previously reported cases affected by this drug.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Although visual hallucinations have not been reported as an adverse effect of this agent, we describe three patients who experienced complex visual hallucinations and altered mental status after zonisamide treatment was begun or its dosage increased.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Bilateral ear infections, central nervous system lymphoma and infection, or other drug-induced neuropathies were excluded as possible etiologies for the deafness.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He was kept for observation, recovered well, and was discharged with prescriptions for prednisone and diphenhydramine hydrochloride.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatment consisted of catecholamines and repetitive infusions of Ringer lactate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Again, the pneumonitis was fully reversible.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It was concluded that potassium loss occurred by a non-renal (intestinal) route in phosphate-induced hypokalemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Rhabdomyolysis caused by tocolysis with oral ritodrine hydrochloride in a pregnant patient with myotonic dystrophy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"It's much better now and I have more energy.\" Such comments justify our efforts on our patients' behalf.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It has also been advocated as an intervention for diagnostic use to assess uncommon types of tachycardia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although renal function showed gradual improvement after seven days of anuria, the recovery was slow and incomplete.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Liposomal amphotericin B in drug-resistant visceral leishmaniasis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"For the treatment of secondary hyperparathyroidism (HPTH-II) in dialysis patients and hypercalcemia in patients with parathyroid carcinoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"As a clinical entity atrioventricular (AV) block due to hypothyroidism is rare.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Exceptionally long status and stupor increase the risk of medical complications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, its clinical utility in CMV treatment has not been described previously.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: The patients sought treatment ten to 20 weeks (mean, 15 weeks) postoperatively.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Given that psychiatric symptoms are not included in the manufacturer's lists of adverse drug reactions, the incidence may be significantly higher.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 33-year-old male presented with brown discolouration of the fingernails following the application of 4% hydroquinone in sorbolene cream and 0.1% tretinoin cream to the face intermittently for 9 months.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Irinotecan is metabolized by carboxylesterase to form an active SN-38, which is further conjugated and detoxified by UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT) to yield its beta-glucuronide.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In such cases, conservative, nonsurgical measures, such as treatment with botulinum toxin, will provide excellent results.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After a second dose of metoclopramide, these symptoms recurred and were associated with confusion, agitation, fever, diaphoresis, tachypnea, tachycardia, and hypertension.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This helped us to find a proper therapeutic strategy for our patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"To our knowledge, its drug-related occurrence has not been previously reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After treatment with a beta-sympathomimetic drug (Partusisten) one fetus developed supraventricular tachycardia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"parvovirus B19 was assumed to induce the leukopenia by restraining myeloid proliferation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Autopsy findings are discussed of a 23-month-old child exposed in utero to anticonvulsant therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Here we report our experience with BC infection in four patients with acute leukemia or related disorders.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The infiltrate slowly resolved with topical antibiotics, and the best corrected visual acuity improved to 20\/20.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Therefore, appropriate management of these behaviors seems necessary.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Verrucae plantaris--effective treatment with bleomycin: review of the literature and case presentations.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors describe the many disease and treatment-related causes for pain in patients with HIV disease, as well as common neurologic conditions that alter cognition and complicate the use of opioids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of ST elevation in right precordial leads compatible with type 1 Brugada syndrome following administration of propafenone in a patient with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome who was receiving lithium at concentrations within therapeutic levels.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The mean duration of clozapine treatment was 12.10+\/-6.26 years.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"If epidural analgesia is used, opioids may be preferred over local anaesthetics in the immediate postoperative period to prevent masking of an anterior spinal artery syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After 2 months, antibiotic therapy was continued with one drug.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This treatment has the potential to cause severe vision loss as a result of intractable corticosteroid-induced glaucoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The management of this patient (aggressive surgical debridement and prolonged wound care) is reviewed as well as the review of the underlying processes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In this report, we review the pathophysiology of PLP and treatment options.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pisa syndrome in a cohort of Alzheimer's disease patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"During clarithromycin coadministration, four out of the seven patients developed moderate-to-severe toxic symptoms of carbamazepine, such as drowsiness, dizziness, and ataxia, which resolved within 5 days after clarithromycin discontinuation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a case of ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) in a patient receiving chemotherapy for pancreatic cancer.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Heavy pre- and post-transplant immunosuppression is a major risk factor for invasive fungal infection, which can involve remote organs and manifest in an indolent and atypical manner.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 29-year-old man had continued treatment with anti-epileptic drugs under the diagnosis of epilepsy for 13 years.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Proteinuria level decreased to 2.80 g per day two weeks after temsirolimus withdrawal.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: Marked visual field constriction appears to be associated with vigabatrin therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Thereafter, the FK506 concentration in whole blood gradually decreased, and the hyperkalaemia and metabolic acidosis following RTA improved.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Sulindac (Clinoril), a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agent, has few reported neurologic toxic effects, all of which have been associated with systemic disease.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Auto-intoxication with flecainide and quinapril: ECG-changes, symptoms and treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"General anesthesia was induced.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Factors that suggested an association between the severe angioedematous reaction and BP topical application include the strong reaction to BP in the patch-test, the temporal relationship, the complete resolution of symptoms after the drug was withdrawn and the absence of other identified explanations.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Patients were followed up every 2 weeks after the laser treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The gynecomastia regressed when the theophylline was discontinued.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Probable early acute hepatitis with parenteral amiodarone.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"DISCUSSION: Several different agents are currently available to provide effective anticoagulation in patients who have immune- mediated HIT.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Tamoxifen side effects, age-related macular degeneration (AMD) or cancer associated retinopathy (CAR)?","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Recurrent septicemia with lethal outcome during and after cyclosporine therapy in severe ulcerative colitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A patient experienced methadone withdrawal symptoms when combining these agents.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There are, however, case studies describing patients experiencing recurrences of tics following treatment with atomoxetine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Approximately 75%-85% of patients with bladder cancer present with disease confined to the mucosa (stage Ta-CIS) or submucosa (stage T1).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 14-year-old female developed systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)-like symptoms, rash, fever, leukopenia and positive anti-nuclear antibody (ANA) two weeks after administration of carbamazepine (CBZ; Tegretol) used against benign Rolandic epilepsy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Although gabapentin withdrawal has been previously reported and usually consists of anxiety, diaphoresis, and palpitations, this is the first reported patient with generalized seizures and status epilepticus secondary to gabapentin withdrawal.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The second case, a 16-year-old African-American male with an absolute CD4+ cell count of 895 cells\/mm3, presented with rickets and hypophosphatemia while receiving TDF-based HAART.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Due to relatively well preserved cellular immunity until 2003, no antiretroviral therapy (HAART) needed to be instituted.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A greater than 50% decrease in red cell transfusion requirement was observed in one patient with RA and one patient with AA.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Vaccination scar with soft-tissue atrophy restored by local insulin treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: This is the first report of a possible interaction between propafenone and citalopram, which caused propafenone adverse effects (eg, dizziness, falls) and mimicked coronary artery disease.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The mechanism of anaphylactoid reaction to zomepirac in this case, therefore, remains unclear.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Report of two cases, personal experience and review of the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"When co-trimoxazole was stopped the red cell aplasia resolved.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"He remained on a steady dose of 8000 mg\/day for 9 months, almost doubled what is considered therapeutic.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Tc-99m labelled anti CD 66 antigranulocyte antibody imaging for assessment of bone marrow reserve.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In contrast, ultrarapid metabolizers with multiple CYP2D6 genes might require high doses of such drugs for optimal therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Tumor-volume increase at beginning of primary treatment with topical interferon alpha 2-beta in a case of conjunctiva-cornea intraepithelial neoplasia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Immunopathology detected in situ bound and circulating immunoglobulin G (IgG) autoantibodies to epithelial cell surfaces and circulating IgG autoantibodies against desmoglein 1.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Starting dosages were 134 and 201 mg\/day, and were increased to 268 mg\/day in both patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cyclophosphamide can rarely cause interstitial pneumonitis and fibrosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"These findings should lead to further study of the role of lithium in the treatment of this symptom complex in patients with PTSD.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A patient is described with the characteristic features of phenytoin hypersensitivity syndrome (PHS) including fever, erythroderma, tibial and facial oedema, pinhead-sized facial pustules and abnormal liver function tests.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The our case of patient with von Willebrand's disease type I indicates that this drug is very effective in bleeding after teeth extractions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The mother, applied hot compresses for 16 hours, starting 6.5 hours after the injection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Disabling errors of skin keratinization.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Cefazolin was a probable cause of this patient's leukopenia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This is a case report of the successful combination therapy of tissue plasminogen activator and urokinase for an isolated thrombosed prosthetic mitral valve in a postpartum patient in whom operation was thought to carry an unacceptable risk.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVES: To discuss the mechanism by which epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)-targeted agents work, the resulting cutaneous toxicities, the pathophysiology of the unique rash associated with these agents, and the management of these skin problems.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Reversal of gold-induced neutropenia with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"During the past 10 y, 25 children with a mean age of 2 y were admitted for clonidine intoxication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although transient increases in ectopy after bretylium therapy have been described, presumably due to catecholamine release, the occurrence of life-threatening ventricular arrhythmia leading to cardiac arrest has not previously been emphasized.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The authors report five additional cases of capecitabine-induced multifocal leukoencephalopathy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"No neurological deficits occurred during the further course of the disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Its duration of action is brief and serious adverse effects have not been reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Oesophageal ulceration due to emepronium bromide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Clinical examination revealed no evidence of vasculitis nor coagulopathy and initial neuroimaging (i.e., computed tomography, angiography, magnetic resonance imaging) demonstrated no features consistent with aneurysm, arteriovenous malformation (AVM), cavernoma, nor cerebral metastases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In 1995 his blood pressure became difficult to control despite a sequential increase in his antihypertensive medication dosages and the addition of new medications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Four patients receiving high-dose tamoxifen for greater than 1 year have demonstrated similar retinal changes.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This is the first report of a fluoxetine-related death in a child with a confirmed genetic polymorphism of the CYP2D6 gene that results in impaired drug metabolism.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a case of penile fibrosis after intracavernous self-injection of a combination of phentolamine and papaverine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This might be due to the fact that it has also been used to treat bacterial meningitis from organisms like Listeria monocytogenes, which is a common pathogen in the elderly and in infants.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The final visual acuity was 1.0 in both eyes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Both cases had classical symptoms of Youssef's syndrome, i.e. cyclic hematuria, absence of vaginal bleeding and complete urinary continence.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 22-year-old man with a synovial cell sarcoma attained an excellent response to therapy with adriamycin (NSC-123127) and dimethyltriazeno imidazole carboxamide (NSC-45388).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Data suggest that addition of amphetamine to varenicline may negate the partial agonism of varenicline, resulting in elimination of the smoking-cessation aid's benefits.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A rechallenge 3 months later caused similar pulmonary symptoms, confirming the association between the drug and the respiratory system.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: The patient was seen on the eighth postoperative day with endophthalmitis that responded to medical treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Methanol metabolism was effectively blocked by fomepizole even after ethanol had been eliminated, and the patient recovered 20\/20 vision by day 14 with normal fundoscopy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It should be emphasized that this syndrome may occur after irradiation and chemotherapy in patients with nasopharyngeal cancer.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy of the administration of insulin by a jet-injector device in stopping and reversing severe human insulin-induced lipoatrophy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 12-year-old, spayed female keeshond presenting with lethargy, anorexia, weight loss, and vomiting was diagnosed with multicentric lymphoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is suggested that dopaminergic imbalance, as opposed to excessive dopaminergic blockade, may also play a role in the precipitation of NMS.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: The contraction-associated hypofluorescence line, namely marginal crack line, indicates the early damage of retinal pigment epithelium and seems to lead to expanding macular chorioretinal atrophy typically seen in mCNV.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The muscle rigidity and hyperpyrexia were unresponsive to intravenous benztropine but resolved within one hour of intravenous dantrolene 2 mg\/kg.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cardiovascular, pulmonary, and neurologic complications also occur frequently.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Malignant hyperthermia (MH) in humans is usually triggered by volatile anaesthetics and depolarizing muscle relaxants.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Discontinuation of etanercept led to control of heart function.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two patients who developed cholestatic liver disease after exposure to antibiotics are described.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Simple-blind oral challenge tests with amoxicillin (1 g) and cefuroxime (500 mg) were well-tolerated by both patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Not your typical pneumonia: a case of exogenous lipoid pneumonia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This women was assessed yearly by ultrasonography and Pap smear.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Discontinuation of the statin improved his symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An adult male presented with central blindness after ingesting methanol.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Atrial fibrillation occurring in a patient taking etanercept plus methotrexate for rheumatoid arthritis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"There had been one episode of chest discomfort in her past history.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Case 3: A 29-year-old female alcoholic complained of general fatigue and a slight fever after 1.5 years of abstinence with cyanamide treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 16-year-old boy developed fever, generalized rigidity, leukocytosis, and increased serum transaminase and creatine kinase levels while receiving treatment with olanzapine and lithium.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Intravenous thrombolytic therapy has become standard treatment for acute myocardial infarction (AMI).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In a second man the symptoms of prostatism diminished but in the third urinary frequency and nocturia persisted in spite of a reduction in prostatic size, presumably because his symptoms were due to renal insufficiency.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Beginning the second day of therapy, the patient complained of nausea and associated vomiting.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We concluded that HLH, a rare but often fatal condition characterized by excessive activation of lymphocytes and macrophages, is a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge in solid-organ transplanted patients and must be suspected in the presence of fever, blood cytopenia and liver dysfunction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Tocolysis was initiated with oral ritodrine hydrochloride (15 mg\/day) alone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 70-yr-old woman presented with a 9 cm left upper outer quadrant breast mass associated with overlying skin redness and a 2.5 cm left axillary mass.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Brain MRI revealed lesions in the thalamus and the brainstem, particularly the tegmentum, and the basis pontis in addition to the basal ganglion lesions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acquired internal mammary artery to pulmonary artery fistula following bypass surgery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Bacterial and fungal contaminants have been identified in marijuana samples and thus are a potential risk factor in the immunocompromised patient using it as an antiemetic.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report on successful liver transplantation in a patient with CSD who suffered from chronic hepatitis C.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Severe sulfadiazine hypersensitivity in a child with reactivated congenital toxoplasmic chorioretinitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The incidence of seizures related to primary brain tumors is 20-80%.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In both cases, the timing and dose of disulfiram was known.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In one case the central serous chorioretinopathy recurred 3 times during 3 separate courses of treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a relapsed HIV-related high-grade NHL which was treated successfully with ESHAP chemotherapy followed by high-dose chemotherapy and autologous bone marrow transplantation (ABMT).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Case report: dapsone hypersensitivity syndrome associated with treatment of the bite of a brown recluse spider.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Brugada type electrocardiographic changes induced by concomitant use of lithium and propafenone in patient with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Gynaecomastia, however, persisted even after three months of cessation of therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Some patients received antiviral therapy for hepatitis B (specifically lamivudine) before, during, or after TNF-alpha inhibitors were started.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We postulate that an immune-mediated disruption of caveolar function was exacerbated by statin exposure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: There is currently no consensus regarding the optimal therapeutic approach to Merkel cell carcinoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient was successfully treated by discontinuation of cyclosporine and mycophenolate mofetil, initiation of systemic amphotericin B, and aggressive surgical debridement.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report 3 cases of children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia who developed seizures and altered sensorium after L-asparaginase therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 10-year-old boy with osteosarcoma and normal renal function manifested laboratory evidence of impending renal toxicity and extreme elevation of aspartate aminotrasferase and alanine aminotransferase within 2 hours after the completion of a 4-hour infusion of high-dose methotrexate (MTX) (12 g\/m2), and went on to develop acute renal failure with life-threatening hyperkalemia 29 hours later.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Thus in spite of the failure to demonstrate a platelet autoantibody, the rapid response to steroids in association with a reduced platelet survival is compatible with an autoimmune platelet destructive process.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He quit smoking after 1 week of therapy and remained smoke free for the next 17 days.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Nat Rev Cancer 2002;2:124-132).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The present report suggests that clarithromycin coadministration induces increased plasma carbamazepine concentrations, which may result in carbamazepine toxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In two neonates with antral hyperplasia, the cessation of therapy lessened the gastric-outlet obstruction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The case study reports were linked to and discussed in relation to possible explanatory models for increased olfactory sensitivity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: We believe that risperidone is not a substitute for clozapine in treating psychosis in parkinsonian patients and should be used with caution.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"At retest visits respectively 18, 19 and 20 years after cessation of hydroxychloroquine, a multifocal electroretinogram was performed in combination with colour vision tests and contrast sensitivity measurements.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Despite prolonged external biliary drainage and systemic amphotericin B therapy, the fungus was not eliminated from her biliary system.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A dose of 100 micrograms\/day improved muscle tone, head control, posture, and walking distance; electromyography showed a marked decrease of dystonic muscle activity with fully preserved voluntary muscle activity, and the patient reported substantial reduction of pain.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Of particular interest in this patient is the fluctuation of the QT interval at a stable dose of methadone, suggesting that a single normal electrocardiogram (ECG) does not guarantee that the patient is not at risk of ventricular arrhythmias.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The authors report a case of a patient who received alteplase for acute myocardial infarction and developed spontaneous subfascial hematoma without any evidence of direct trauma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"After eyelid reconstruction the patient's visual axis has remained unobstructed, and amblyopia has been thus far averted.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Tuberculosis post-liver transplantation: a rare but complicated disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Since the bronchospasm was relieved with discontinuation of propranolol and supportive bronchodilator therapy, the bronchospasm was believed to be caused by propranolol.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Both patients developed granulocytopenia after multi-agent chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Subsequent disease evolution to EM major occurred in all cases (Stevens-Johnsons syndrome developed in 73% of patients).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Isoniazid and ethambutol as a cause of optic neuropathy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 40-year-old man with a long standing history of rheumatoid arthritis was treated with MTX over a 6 month period and developed an overwhelming hepatic necrosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Graft versus host-like illness in a child with phenobarbital hypersensitivity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient developed bilateral shoulder pain followed by decreased function of his upper extremities 2 days later.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case report of Cheyletiella infestation on a Whippet dog in Korea.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs), a sensitive measure of chromosome damage, were counted in peripheral-blood lymphocytes from 10 patients with Behcet's syndrome receiving chlorambucil.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The tissutal typing of the patient showed the presence of Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) DRB1*11 gene (corresponding to DR5 antigen).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"New lesions gradually spread to the arms and trunk (Fig. 1).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although there have been numerous reports of effusions, none have provided complete pleural fluid analysis; therefore, we report 2 patients with dasatinib-induced pleural effusion with complete pleural fluid analysis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We present a fatal case of subacute methanol toxicity with associated diffuse brain involvement, including bilateral putaminal necrosis and cerebral edema with ventricular compression.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The surgical resection and chemotherapy of metastatic osteogenic sarcoma of the right ventricle.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Age at diagnosis was 43 +\/- 3 years (range, 37-47).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Symptoms include fever, chills, cough, pleuritic chest pain, dyspnea.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ten days after itraconazole was started, he developed paralytic ileus, neurogenic bladder, mild left ptosis, and absence of deep reflexes, with severe paralysis of the lower extremities and mild weakness of the upper extremities.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A study following large patient groups on theophylline and a combination of theophylline and steroids might clarify the risk of ulcer formation in patients being treated with these medications for asthma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Increasing the olanzapine dosage severely aggravated the symptoms of RLS.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Successful treatment of a colonic ulcer penetrating the urinary bladder caused by the administration of calcium polystyrene sulfonate and sorbitol.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Since epithelial downgrowth involves an actively proliferating intraocular tissue, it is possible that the antimetabolite 5-fluorouracil may inhibit it.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A survey of members of the Retina, Macula, and Vitreous societies and the National Registry of Drug-Induced Ocular Side Effects identified three additional cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Anesthetic care of a patient with an intracranial hemorrhage after thrombolytic therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is associated with several extrahepatic syndromes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The history of a 4-week-old infant with meningitis and multiple cerebral abscesses caused by Salmonella enteritidis is reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of immune reconstitution syndrome in response to antiretroviral therapy in a HIV-positive patient on antituberculosis therapy for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: A single patient who developed uveitis while taking clomiphene citrate is described.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A young woman with epilepsy had tonic-clonic seizures during antineoplastic therapy with adriamycin and cisplatin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Ten months later, he had again pyrexia and suffered from congestive heart failure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia during treatment with cisplatin and etoposide combination.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 51-year-old-woman presented with chronic eosinophilia, a diffuse interstitial lung pattern on CT and splenomegaly with hypodense lesions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Recombinant activated factor VII (rFVIIa), originally developed for the treatment of life-threatening bleeding in hemophilic patients with inhibitors to factors VIII or IX, has been increasingly used to control hemorrhage unresponsive to conventional treatment, in the absence of a defined coagulopathy or thrombocytopathy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis induced by intraarterial vasopressin therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"DISCUSSION: beta-Lactam-induced leukopenia is a rare but well-described adverse drug reaction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"To our knowledge, petit mal status lasting longer than 2-3 days has been documented only once [1].","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two patients who developed decreased visual acuity after several months of ethambutol treatment for Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare infection had bitemporal visual field defects that suggested optic chiasm damage.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"the treatment was administered in a two-step process.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinical signs of peripheral neuropathy developed 2 weeks and 12 months after the initiation of TNF-alpha antagonists.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The purpose of this review is to highlight the toxicity of chloral hydrate and to review the management of overdoses with chloral hydrate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Neither had previous evidence of underlying cardiac disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We stress the potential of benzarone to cause hepatotoxicity, which usually resembles severe chronic active hepatitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"MANAGEMENT: Thalidomide withdrawal, dexamethasone maintenance therapy, monthly oral courses of combined melphalan and prednisone, salvage therapy with bortezomib.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, just after dilation, the patient complained of ocular pain and blurred vision on the right, which was subsequently diagnosed as retinal artery embolization.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hypersensitivity reaction is an unexpected drug adverse effect which sometimes can lead to fatal condition.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cytomegalovirus retinitis is an opportunistic and vision-threatening disease in immunosuppressed patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Nevertheless, the coagulopathy seemed to be most closely associated with the administration of the cephalosporin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To describe the pathology and the rehabilitation of an uncommon complication of intrathecal drug administration during the oncologic treatment of acute lymphoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Much has been learned about heparin-induced disease, but complex issues remain.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Unlike most stent fractures reported that involve stent struts only our case demonstrated circumferential disruption with complete separation of the stent segments.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An 83-year-old man receiving glipizide 10 mg bid developed symptomatic hypoglycemia within three days of adding trimethoprim\/sulfamethoxazole (TMP\/SMX) to his regimen.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Cerebral and ocular toxicity induced by desferrioxamine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Clinical manifestations and therapy of Lactobacillus endocarditis: report of a case and review of the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In followup, 18 patients reported limb dysfunction ranging from 5-365 days.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A third patient experienced disabling neurotoxicity in the extremity of a prior ulnar nerve and tendon transposition after receiving paclitaxel.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Arteriography demonstrated extensive pruning of the distal arterial tree along with bilateral external iliac artery dissections - a finding that is not often associated with young, normotensive patients with chronic ergot toxicity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The effect of trimethadione treatment on dissolution of stones was not closely related to the aetiology of the disease, distribution and size of stones, previous history of surgical interventions, or the degree of pancreatic dysfunctions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The allograft function remained stable.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Different pathologies have been described as caused by henna.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two patients developed diabetic coma when taking a combination of a thiazide diuretic and propranolol.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Subsequent to diagnosis the patient was heparinised with unfractionated heparin (UFH 300-450 IU\/kg\/d i.v.).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the case of a 77 year old with Staphylococcus lugdunensis endocarditis following cardiac catheterisation via a femoral approach.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A positive dechallenge was reported in 29 cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present in this article the clinical features and autopsy findings of a steroid-dependent subject with asthma who died of acute, disseminated varicella.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: The piloerection observed after the replacement of fluvoxamine with milnacipran in this patient appears to have been due to an increase in the alpha(1)-adrenoceptor occupancy by endogenous norepinephrine induced by milnacipran.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient was treated by chemotherapy only, without surgery, which seems to be most appropriate for the early stages of this disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Remissions following total body surface treatment varied from two weeks to at least four months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two patients with extrapyramidal side effects after the use of fluphenazine decanoate were evaluated by means of IBZM-SPECT.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Acute myopathy with selective degeneration of myosin filaments following status asthmaticus treated with methylprednisolone and vecuronium.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Treatment is unsatisfactory, although steroids and plasmapheresis may prolong survival.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Options for avoiding allegations of abandonment are proposed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DISCUSSION: No published clinical studies in patients receiving clindamycin vaginal cream for bacterial vaginosis have documented C. difficile toxin in stool samples of patients with diarrhea.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Before the treatment of co-trixomazole, their serum levels of creatinine showed upper limits of normal ranges.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 61-year-old man developed clinical lupus syndrome with positive antinuclear antibody, positive lupus erythematosus (LE) cell preparation, and diffuse proliferative glomerulonephritis following 26 months of procainamide therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"One of these patients relapsed after he stopped taking the preparation at his own initiative after 10 weeks.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fatal interstitial lung disease after erlotinib administration in a patient with radiation fibrosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The possible mechanisms of photo-onycholysis development by modern atypical antipsychotics, modulating dopamine receptors, are discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Persistent light reactivity from systemic quinine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In case 1, a total daily dose of 25 mg sertraline, with nondetectable sertraline and desmethylsertraline blood levels, resulted in a doubling of the lamotrigine blood level with symptoms of toxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The two children who had severe myelotoxicity achieved the largest AUC values per milligram per square meter of 6MP.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patients should be informed of the risk of septic arthritis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: To describe the use of topical thiotepa in the treatment of recurrent haze after photorefractive keratectomy (PRK).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fatal chickenpox in a patient with nephrotic syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report an unusual case of thrombocytopenia associated with neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The methimazole was stopped and treatment with subcutaneous granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) was initiated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patient 1 is a 59-year-old woman who underwent delayed breast reconstruction with a free TRAM flap and presented with arterial thrombosis 12 days postoperatively.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two patients did not receive corticosteroids or parenteral nutrition.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Six month follow up showed maintained antiparkinsonian benefit, without need for levodopa treatment and complete absence of dyskinesia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Coagulation and complete blood count values were within the normal range.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One patient was an 80-year-old woman who was admitted for Staphylococcus aureus knee arthritis after several intraarticular injections of sodium hyaluronate and corticosteroids.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Implantation of a sustained-release ganciclovir device was performed in both eyes when retinitis progressed in spite of aggressive antiviral intravenous treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Complications concerning a primary perforation of the bladder and instillation of chemotherapeutic drugs can be easily avoided by recognising the perforation intraoperatively.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A review of the medical literature indicates that the optimal treatment for acute beta-blocker toxicity is intravenous glucagon.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It can also be used to treat hematuria through its action on decreasing urinary fibrinolysis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A patient with ulcerative colitis developed skin pigmentation and diffuse pulmonary shadowing without respiratory symptomatology, while taking sulfasalazine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Case study: This middle aged Malaysian man presented complaining of painful gums for a few months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Symptomatic cluster headache related to ocular pathologies have been rarely described.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 44-year-old man presented to the emergency room with sudden onset of fevers and rigors 7 weeks after renal transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Serotonin syndrome caused by selective serotonin reuptake-inhibitors-metoclopramide interaction.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Ectropion secondary to bolus injection of 5-fluorouracil.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The diagnosis can be made after the exclusion of other causes of rheumatoid lung when the patient's poor respiratory status precludes invasive exploration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Polymyoclonus seizure resulting from accidental injection of tranexamic acid in spinal anesthesia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"No severe adverse event occurred during clinical trials.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"High-dose steroid therapy offers improvement in spinal cord injuries.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Aminoglycosides have been reported to cause tetany by inducing renal wasting of magnesium and secondary hypocalcemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three case reports.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Diffuse lamellar keratitis (DLK) is a relatively uncommon complication of the refractive procedure, laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE REPORT: An East-European prostitute in Amsterdam robbed several victims, after having sedated them with clonidine solution (available as plastic ampoules of eyedrops) added to her victims' drinks.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Osteonecrosis appears to render the hip more susceptible to hematogenously derived bacterial infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report 4 patients, 2 on methylphenidate and 2 on dextroamphetamine who presented with acral cyanosis, livedo reticularis, or Raynaud phenomenon.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We describe two women who developed HUS after MMC therapy and presented massive pulmonary bleeding.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report 5 cases of acute reversible renal failure coinciding with the onset of treatment with captopril in patients with severe drug-resistant hypertension.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"There was no evidence of another cause of colonic ischaemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This study describes the inheritance of a defect in pyrimidine catabolism and its association with drug-induced toxicity in a patient receiving 5-fluorouracil (FUra) as adjuvant chemotherapy for breast carcinoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE REPORT: A woman of 80 years, on long-term warfarin therapy presented with an acute dissecting thoracic aortic aneurysm; on investigation the only precipitating factor found was an international normalised ratio of 4.8.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Patients whose lesions originated in the skin were in the majority (14 patients).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Atomoxetine has been explored as an alternative treatment as one of the few non-stimulants available to treat ADHD.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Prominent EPS developed soon after initiation of an atypical neuroleptic agent.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Lithium is known to cause acute renal failure and tubulo-interstitial disease, but the recently described association with proteinuria or nephrotic syndrome is little recognized.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"EGFR-targeted therapy and related skin toxicity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ten days after itraconazole was started, he developed paralytic ileus, neurogenic bladder, mild left ptosis, and absence of deep reflexes, with severe paralysis of the lower extremities and mild weakness of the upper extremities.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"After therapy with parenteral amiodarone (2300 mg in 3 days) and other measures, signs of congestive heart failure disappeared; subsequently the patient developed jaundice, marked increase in serum transaminase levels and fall in prothrombin time, and histologic changes of severe centrilobular necrosis were observed in hepatic biopsy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This paper describes a possible side effect previously unreported--papilledema not associated with peripheral neuropathy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There are few reports of salvage chemotherapy for HIV-related non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DISCUSSION: The main adverse effects of leflunomide consist of diarrhea, nausea, liver enzyme elevation, hypertension, alopecia, and allergic skin reactions.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We review in clinical detail the fifth case reported from North America, involving a child with extensive central nervous system involvement.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A smear for acid-fast bacilli or a culture was positive in 73% of cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This paper reports on a 6.9-year-old autistic male who developed repeated episodes of acute dystonic reactions associated with pimozide administration at the doses of 0.096 mg\/kg\/day and 0.032 mg\/kg\/day and 32 hours following pimozide withdrawal, as well as during subsequent thioridazine administration.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Reye syndrome associated with subclinical varicella zoster virus and influenza A infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Because the patient remained bradycardic on postoperative day 11 (HR 64 beats\/min; mean 75), terbutaline was titrated to a dosage of 5 mg every 8 hours.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There are isolated case reports of stroke secondary to the use of triptans, however, this is the first case of spinal cord infarction reported following the use of this group of drugs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a patient who developed adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) secondary to Mycobacterium tuberculosis as an immune reconstitution disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The typical fluoxetine-induced symptoms of restlessness, constant pacing, purposeless movements of the feet and legs, and marked anxiety were indistinguishable from those of neuroleptic-induced akathisia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"He was started on digoxin, 0.25 mg daily, because of echocardiographically demonstrated left ventricular dilatation and functional impairment; he died of ventricular fibrillation 15 days later.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This report describes two patients who developed acute myelocytic leukemia only after exposure to cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, and 5-fluorouracil adjuvant therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"He had a history of occupational exposure to asbestos as a construction worker.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Localized panniculitis and subsequent lipoatrophy with subcutaneous glatiramer acetate (Copaxone) injection for the treatment of multiple sclerosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The exogenous origin of the lipid in the BAL fluid was confirmed by gas chromatography\/mass spectrometry.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The bilateral ptosis markedly improved after 7 days of pyridoxine and pyridostigmine treatment and completely resolved after two weeks.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"With the weekly schedule, new types of toxicity have been described and we report four patients who have developed a severe sensory-motor neuropathy with the chemotherapy which appears to be drug-related.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In both cases the presenting symptoms were indistinguishable from hospital-acquired pre-engraftment diarrhoea, which is commonly caused by Clostridium difficile.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pirmenol hydrochloride is a new orally effective, long-acting antiarrhythmic agent currently used in patients with supraventricular and ventricular tachyarrhythmias.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intravenous verapamil therapy in babies may cause apnea, hypotension, and bradycardia; continued episodes of atrial flutter in a child may cause sudden death; quinidine may be related to the death; children with \"familial seizure disorders\" may in fact have the long QT interval syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We describe a patient who developed acute cerebellar syndrome after prophylactic intrathecal methotrexate administration and recovered spontaneously.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Both grafts were successful and remained clear.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: We present a case report on the use of an indium (111) diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) flow study in the evaluation of a lumbar swelling in a 16-year-old girl with spastic cerebral palsy, treated with continuous intrathecal baclofen (CITB).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 40-year-old man with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (MS) developed primary central nervous system lymphoma (PCNSL) after having received 21 doses of natalizumab monotherapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a patient who developed acute pancreatitis during amiodarone therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A literature review revealed 83 other reported cases of rifampicin-induced renal insufficiency.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report six cases of endometrial sarcomas complicating ovarian thecomas, polycystic ovarian disease, or prolonged estrogen therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Topiramate may be a treatment option in CPH.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An increase in tumor volume of 25% was observable 15 days after the beginning of therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The decrease in p(a)CO(2)induced by halothane may be explained by the diminished dead space that results from the drop in peak airway pressure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In three patients who stopped this medication of their own accord, pancreatic stones re-increased or reappeared about 6 months later.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On the other hand, MTX-induced pneumonitis seems to be very rare in psoriatic arthritis (PsA).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A case of acute cardiomyopathy and pericarditis associated with methylphenidate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Influenced by a variety of factors, pathophysiological microvascular changes provoke anterior ischemic neuropathy with sudden painless loss of vision, irreversible in most cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She subsequently developed a classic varicella rash, sever back pain, rapidly progressive hepatic failure, pneumonitis, and encephalopathy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report on a patient who developed hypersensitivity pneumonitis during treatment with the beta-blocker, celiprolol.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This event rendered a family grief-stricken and numerous health care providers forever changed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ultrastructurally the follicular cells contained large residual bodies composed of abundant electron-lucent lipid droplets of variable size.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Traditionally, patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) have increased risk of nodal and extranodal lymphoid malignancies such as non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Eighteen patients were transfusion dependent; 10 had refractory anemia (RA), and 10 had refractory anemia with ringed sideroblasts (RARS).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patients were all women aged 21-55 years.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She was administered metoclopramide because of nausea and, within 2 hours, developed agitation, dysarthria, diaphoresis, and a movement disorder.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a typical case of post-transfusion purpura (PTP) due to anti-PlA1 in a 65-year-old woman.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Various features are often seen during the course of the disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a rare case of recurrent (stuttering) priapism in a patient with protein C deficiency while maintained on Warfarin therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Growth hormone deficiency (GHD) related to standard dose chemotherapy has rarely been described.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The vagina was saline-irrigated after realising that the acetic acid had not been diluted.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Normal urinary Na excretion without hypotension or hemoconcentration negated the possibility of dehydration resulting from urinary Na loss.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Caution in longterm usage and early recognition of pentazocine toxicity as a neuromuscular complication are important in order to prevent irreversible drug-induced fibrous myopathy and localized neuropathy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Late infection was suspected from his symptoms and laboratory findings, and a wide spectrum antibiotic was administered.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We suspect that a similar immunological pathway played a role in the pathogenesis of AGEP appearing in psoriasis and ulcerative colitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 61-year-old male with a history of severe heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) type II after aorto-femoral bypass surgery presented to the emergency department within 8 hours of development of substernal chest pain radiating to the left arm.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of a previously healthy, postmenopausal woman who developed anticonvulsant hypersensitivity syndrome while taking Bellamine S (belladonna alkaloids; ergotamine; phenobarbital) for hot flashes.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Esophagogastroduodenoscopy and colonoscopy were negative for bleeding.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Zolpidem was present at concentrations of 2.91, 1.40, and 2.13 microg\/mL in the heart blood, peripheral blood, and urine, respectively.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Historically, coagulation screening has not been routinely recommended after organophosphate intoxications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: In the 1940s and '50s the first oral hypoglycaemic agents (the sulphonylureas and metformin) became available.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Meglumine antimoniate, amiodarone and torsades de pointes: a case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Neutropenia and agranulocytosis are risks known to occur with phenothiazines and clozapine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In this report, one patient who developed gangrene after bleomycin and vincristine\/vinblastine chemotherapy for AIDS-related Kaposi's sarcoma and another HIV-infected patient who exhibited symptoms of severe Raynaud's phenomenon related to the same regimen are presented.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report the case of a 77-year-old male who developed a florid photosensitive eruption while taking thiazide diuretics for heart failure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of a bullous lichenoid eruption due to the intake of captopril.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Premature closure of the ductus arteriosus: variable response among monozygotic twins after in utero exposure to indomethacin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The manifestations of delirium tremens persisted with titration of a lorazepam infusion in excess of 40 mg\/hour.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ultrasonography revealed hepatic hyperechogenicity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case is reported in which a several-fold increase in transaminases and gamma-GT was detected in an elderly male patient with fatty liver.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatment is symptomatic.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The mechanism is probably multifactorial.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Terbinafine-induced cholestatic liver disease.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"They seemed to involve multiple aetiological factors, such as autoimmune thyroid disease, the toxic and immunomodulatory roles of lithium and perhaps genetic and dietary factors.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Outcomes are compared on the basis of remission, survival time, and treatment-related toxicity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CT scan and ultrasound before the surgery did not show any tumor.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Diarrhoea, T-CD4+ lymphopenia and bilateral patchy pulmonary infiltrates developed in a male 60 yrs of age, who was treated with oxaliplatinum and 5-fluorouracil for unresectable rectum carcinoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A CT scan shows diminution in the size of the tumor.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Chemotherapy is frequently used to treat adenocarcinoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On the seventh day of therapy, he experienced fever, with temperatures as high as 38.8 degrees C.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acquired long QT develops most commonly because of drugs that prolong ventricular repolarization.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This constellation of biochemical abnormalities mimic Type 5 Bartter's syndrome, where there is activating mutation of the calcium sensing receptor in the thick ascending loop of Henle and the distal tubule.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Biopsy and direct immunofluorescence study of the skin showed changes consistent with the diagnosis of lupus erythematosus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The case reported here is of a child given a large dose of intravenous iron sucrose (16 mg\/kg) over 3 hours, who subsequently developed features of systemic iron toxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Hyperammonemia secondary to valproic acid as a cause of lethargy in a postictal patient.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A case of sideroblastic anemia is presented in a patient with a left ventricular assist device drive-line infection who was receiving linezolid, an antibiotic used for serious infections with gram-positive organisms.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Neutropenic colitis during standard dose combination chemotherapy with nedaplatin and irinotecan for testicular cancer.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report 3 patients with autoimmune hepatitis who either could not tolerate or failed to improve on azathioprine but responded well to 6-mercaptopurine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Direct biopsy of this mass revealed a large B-cell lymphoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There were no complications as a result of naloxone therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There is documentation of ocular toxicity with ethambutol when administered at dosages generally pronounced as being safe.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Neutropenic colitis during standard dose combination chemotherapy with nedaplatin and irinotecan for testicular cancer.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In conclusion, RSDS is a relevant osteoarticular complication in patients receiving either anticalcineurinic drug (CyA or tacrolimus), even under monotherapy or with a low steroid dose.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 17-year-old female patient who had been taking oral minocycline (50 mg twice daily) for 3 weeks for acne developed an eruption that progressed to an exfoliative dermatitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 23-year-old black woman with a two-month history of seizure disorder was admitted to a hospital with nausea, vomiting, fever, lymphadenopathy, diffuse maculopapular rash, left-upper-quadrant tenderness, and hepatomegaly.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Between 1988 and 1993, 525 adults underwent OLT.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Her symptoms regressed after inhaler steroid treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Therefore, we diagnosed her eruption as contact dermatitis due to sodium bisulfite.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Both are alive without evidence of leukemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Sixteen of 33 patients developed significant hyponatremia and hypoosmolality during oral treatment with lorcainide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Drug induced renal failure is a serious, potentially, fatal illness that is preventable.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is likely that her inability to excrete absorbed aluminum contributed to her death.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Several also reported improved sleep at night.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cardiac arrest following use of sumatriptan.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This case is reported in support of the dopamine hypothesis for the etiology of schizophrenia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a 46-yr-old woman with ovarian carcinoma who developed porphyria cutanea tarda while undergoing treatment with cisplatin and cyclophosphamide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Therefore, physicians and dentists alike must understand how to identify and prevent these adverse effects in order to further improve HIV patient treatments.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cyclophosphamide pneumonitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Additionally, their Global Assessment Scale (GAS) score increased significantly from a mean of 30.8 +\/- 4.7 to a mean of 43.1 +\/- 8.6 (t = 5.19, df = 14, P = .001).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He relapsed a month later with Enterococcus gallinarum shunt infection, which responded to high-dose ampicillin and gentamicin therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Eighteen hours after chemotherapy she was noted to have hyperuricemia, hyperkalemia, hyperphosphatemia, hypocalcemia, and acute renal failure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Twenty-four to seventy-two hours following the switch, all patients developed intractable headache, despite the use of different symptomatic drugs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is suggested that the patient had sulfasalazine-induced lupus, which manifested with serositis and pulmonary parenchymal involvement in the absence of joint symptoms.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"During tacrolimus treatment, there were no further episodes of graft rejection and no incidents of herpes simplex virus infection or reactivation, with the longest follow-up being 4 years.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Following, we performed a double-blind oral challenge test with drugs who results was negative.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient described here has had to data 12 years without any oncopathological symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Best-corrected visual acuity measurements were performed at every visit.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The melanocytes were strongly stimulated at the site of the freckles.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"At follow-up examination the patient continued to be asymptomatic, with the radiologic persistence of the infiltrate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The failure of parenteral copper therapy in Menkes Kinky Hair syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE REPORT: A 64-year-old female patient with metastasized esophageal carcinoma received simultaneous chemoradiotherapy of the upper mediastinum with 50.4 Gy and cisplatin\/5-fluorouracil.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Neurologic toxicity associated with hepatic artery infusion HAI of FUdR.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: We conclude that NIC may be an important treatment option in cases of severe intoxication causing cerebral swelling.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Following IVIG infusion, lupus encephalitis in the first patient quickly resolved and the impressive improvement of the clinical status was associated with a transient increase in C1q-binding activity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a 28-year-old woman who developed stridor, orofacial swelling, and drooling several hours after a routine dental extraction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A patient receiving vancomycin for a serious staphylococcal infection had a lupus-like syndrome characterized by a malar rash, pain and erythema of the cartilage of both ears, and tender erythematous and hemorrhagic lesions of the finger tips.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"After an intravenous course with acyclovir, the child made a full recovery with no neurologic sequelae.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a renal transplant recipient maintained on cyclosporine and prednisone developing Nocardia Asteroides brain abscess.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: SD-OCT and AO detected abnormalities that correlate topographically with visual field loss from hydroxychloroquine toxicity as demonstrated by HVF 10-2 and may be useful in the detection of subclinical abnormalities that precede symptoms or objective visual field loss.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Hepatic and peritoneal metastases are the most frequent metastatic lesions in patients with gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST), and may result in intra- or extrahepatic cholestasis and altered drug metabolism.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, clozapine must be used cautiously due to its side effect profile.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One patient died of an arrhythmia that deteriorated into asystole, and 2 patients recovered and underwent coronary angiography.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We reviewed the literature in an attempt to characterize the pattern and predictors of TMP\/SMX-induced aseptic meningitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Approximately 15 min after the first administration of nebulised morphine the patient became markedly bradypneic (respiratory rate: 4-5 bpm), hypotensive (BP 70\/40 mmHg), and responded only partially to command.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Use of fenofibrate in the management of protease inhibitor-associated lipid abnormalities.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The operation was performed by the standard technique (Lower-Shumway) in the first patient and by the bicaval anastomosis technique in the second patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Streptococcus pneumoniae was more frequently eradicated in the azithromycin than in the ceftibuten group, whereas gram-negative bacilli were more susceptible to ceftibuten.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Our experience of this case led us to conclude that: patients with pulmonary metastases may develop bilateral and\/or recurrent pneumothoraces following chemotherapy; computed tomography scan is essential for defining the cause of SSP; and closed chest tube drainage remains the therapy of choice, while chemical pleurodesis may also be used to prevent recidivant SSP.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Both reactions occurred late in the course of treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Piloerection induced by replacing fluvoxamine with milnacipran.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Interestingly, the use of carboplatin (CBDCA) and VDS in the subsequent treatment course was well tolerated indicating that the SIADH was most likely to have been induced by administration of CDDP.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We present a case of mucormycosis primarily affecting the paranasal sinuses in a 51-year-old man with a kidney allograft.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An early asymptomatic recurrence was observed in three patients 49 to 53 days after the initial diagnosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In young children, however, they can also stimulate alpha2receptors in the cardiovascular and central nervous systems, possibly causing cardiovascular, neurological, and respiratory depression.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 42-y old woman swallowed 60 ml of 50% malathion in a suicide attempt.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Neutropenic enterocolitis, or typhlitis, is an unusual acute complication of chemotherapy-induced neutropenia, characterized by inflammatory process involving colon and\/or small bowel that may progress to necrosis, haemorrhage, perforation and septicaemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinicians should, therefore, consider AI in patients with spinal cord injury receiving glucocorticoids, a population in whom it may otherwise go undiagnosed and untreated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The objective of this report is to describe a case of fixed drug eruption that occurred during omeprazole treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: This case discusses a rare but devastating complication of transforaminal epidural injection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In our experience, once established, infections may rapidly progress in patients with RA taking leflunomide, and early cholestyramine washout is strongly recommended.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She was receiving high dose corticosteroids, azathioprine 200mg daily and high dose intravenous immunoglobulin during relapses.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These episodes had some atypical features that will be discussed with regard to the pathophysiological mechanisms leading to NMS.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Severe adenovirus pneumonia (AVP) following infliximab infusion for the treatment of Crohn's disease.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Treatment consisted of topical application of 0.1% tacrolimus ointment three times a day.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: X maltophilia is a potential intraocular pathogen in an immunocompetent host.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 16-year-old girl with refractory AML received unmanipulated BMT from an unrelated donor.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"To our knowledge, this is the first report of insulin-induced lipohypertrophy with detailed histological examinations.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Her symptoms soon alleviated and serum lipase level declined.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Because many glaucoma patients are elderly and vision is frequently impaired, overdosing may be the mechanism of side effects in many patients especially the elderly.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Chlorambucil (CHL) was used in combination with prednisolone in the treatment of nine children with frequently relapsing nephrotic syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In conclusion, a case of prednisone sensitivity in a patient with SLE is presented here.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, the treatment can be associated with significant morbidity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cerebrospinal fluid examination prior to the last dosage of cytosine arabinoside revealed a mononuclear pleocytosis and increased protein.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, in instances of spontaneous TLS complicated by the normally low glomerular filtration rate in the newborn infant, the use of rasburicase and other supportive care measures may still be inadequate, warranting further study.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 77-year-old woman with no history of epilepsy presented a probable nonconvulsive status epilepticus while receiving continuous intravenous morphine for back pain relating to vertebral metastasis of a malignant lymphoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We suspect that extrapyramidal signs in this case could be a result of acute brain injury because of the massive copper release from liver to the circulation just before and during LT.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Neurophysiological mechanisms which aid in elucidating the role of disulfiram in the etiology of catatonia are discussed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The literature of vincristine optic nerve toxicity is reviewed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 56-year-old woman with scleroderma developed rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis with epithelial crescents associated with hemoptysis after 27 months of D-penicillamine therapy and a cumulative dose of 1,200 g.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Bladder biopsies demonstrated massive eosinophilic infiltration of the bladder, confirming the diagnosis of eosinophilic cystitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In both patients therapy with high dose acyclovir, 10 mg\/kg q8h, intravenously, was instituted based on clinical presentation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This 4-year-6-month-old girl had a history of moderate developmental delay and had received HOPA administration when first admitted at 2 years 6 months of age with hypoglycemia, hyperammonemia, lactic and pyruvic acidemia, and non-ketotic dicarboxylic aciduria.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: To report cerebral venous thrombosis as a complication of intravenous corticosteroid treatment in a patient with multiple sclerosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Use of baclofen in the treatment of esophageal stent-related hiccups.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Continuous subcutaneously administered desferrioxamine may prove to be adaptable for long-term outpatient therapy, allowing patients with ongoing transfusion requirements to go into negative iron balance.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: A 37-year-old African- American man with G6PD deficiency developed hemolytic anemia, hepatitis, orthostatic hypotension, and aseptic meningitis simultaneously after using trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Histopathology of the lesions was compatible with pemphigus foliaceus, although apoptotic cells suggestive of erythema multiforme were seen in two cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although the precise etiology is unknown, the Epstein-Barr virus and immunosuppressive agents appear to he risk factors.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This report suggests that the poor prognosis previously given to fetuses exposed to disulfiram in the first trimester may not be warranted.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This report describes a case of perforated appendicitis and ectopic pregnancy following in-vitro fertilization (IVF) and embryo transfer.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She only assumed isotretinoin, at dose of 1 mg\/kg a day, for a severe and scarring acne for 7 months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Most current guidelines for the management of anaphylaxis list only epinephrine as a vasopressor to use in the event of cardiovascular collapse.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Complete rupture of the posterior tibial tendon occurs infrequently.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cerebrospinal fluid examination showed albuminocytologic dissociation (total protein concentration 118 mg\/dl and 152 mg\/dl, respectively).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There was a progressive increment in corneal thickness and consequent improvement in corneal transparency, curvature, and regularity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In conclusion, TVUS can fail to detect cancers if the endometrial lining is not enlarged.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Little inflammatory change was noted in either the epithelial or stromal layers of the failed graft.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The case was a 17-year-old schoolboy presenting with vomiting, features of infection and gastrointestinal tract symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Spinal nerve block by intrathecal phenol-glycerine infusion is commonly employed for relief of severe pain in terminal carcinomatosis and, frequently, a dramatic regional anesthetic effect is achieved.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In addition, we know of no evidence specific to the treatment effect of epoetin alfa and\/or darbepoetin alfa on A1C.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This complication may have been due to shrinking of the tumor as well as thrombocytopenia following chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Oestrogen cream can be used in an attempt to minimise the adverse reaction and speed the healing process.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cytostatic extravasation via central catheter is an uncommon complication in clinical practice.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In addition, HD alone should be used to remove any excessive amounts of AZ from the blood.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Based on 2 case presentations - acute renal failure (ARF) due to myeloma kidney and due to angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor administration in the presence of transplant artery stenosis - new aspects in the pathogenesis of ARF are presented and discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"SIRT is a palliative treatment for unresectable liver tumours.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient had previously reacted similarly to ampicillin infusion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Further genetic testing of autopsy tissue revealed the presence of a gene defect at the cytochrome P450 CYP2D locus, which results in poor metabolism of fluoxetine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Long use of cyclosporine improved the proteinuria and hypoalbuminemia within 12 months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case of high-grade endometrial stromal sarcoma, confined into an intrauterine polypoid growth, in a woman with a history of breast cancer who was treated with adjuvant tamoxifen.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A case is reported of an elderly woman who developed febrile agranulocytosis several weeks after commencing ticlopidine but who had a favorable outcome after cessation of that drug and treatment with filgastrim.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Prospective randomized combination trials similar to the Intergroup Rhabdomyosarcoma Study in the pediatric population are necessary to better understand and manage these potentially curable sarcomas.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These are the first reported patients to show mfERG abnormalities that correspond to bitemporal visual field defects and add to the growing evidence that ethambutol damages the retina.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"On December 18, 2007, she was admitted to the cardiology unit to undergo a pacemaker replacement.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patients not treated with hemodialysis have increased morbidity and significant prolongation of their hospital course.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Therapy with IFN-alpha may be associated with a number of neuropsychiatric symptoms, such as Parkinsonism, akathisia, seizure, and depressive disorders.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Methyldopa was discontinued, but after exhibiting transient clinical improvement, the patient's condition progressively deteriorated until she died of hepatic failure, in spite of therapy with massive doses of corticosteroids and other nonspecific measures.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Monsel's solution impregnated into a uterine pack was used to secure hemostasis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"As EGFR inhibitors are now incorporated with chemotherapy in advanced pancreatic cancers, clinicians should be aware of this potential complication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Recently, amiloride, a potassium-sparing diuretic, has been reported as a successful treatment for nephrogenic diabetes insipidus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The ulcers slowly healed with local therapy, but two patients required dose modification of the pegylated interferon alfa-2b and one patient required treatment withdrawal.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Neither corticosteroids, osmotic diuretics, hemodilution nor surgical decompression of the optic nerve have proved successful.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Agranulocytosis and granulocytopenia associated with quetiapine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Although major hazards of treatment of hypophosphatemic osteomalacia with phosphate and calcitriol are secondary hyperparathyroidism and vitamin D intoxication, potassium loss also should be kept in mind.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The lamellar inflammation was refractory to topical steroids and only resolved when pressure was controlled.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Danaparoid was restarted 3 h post delivery and the patient anticoagulated with warfarin in the post-partum period.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three of these patients had convulsions attributed to imipenem\/cilastatin; 3.6% of the patients had seizure, or 2% of imipenem\/cilastatin administrations was followed by a seizure attack.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In contrast, eosinophil infiltration was rare in polyps obtained immediately after steroid treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 27-year-old man who had a history of bronchial asthma, eosinophilic enteritis, and eosinophilic pneumonia presented with fever, skin eruptions, cervical lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, atypical lymphocytosis, and eosinophilia two weeks after receiving trimethoprim (TMP)-sulfamethoxazole (SMX) treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 64 year old man with recurrent metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck developed severe skin rash and bone marrow aplasia 4 and 7 days, respectively, following a single dose of 40 mg\/m2 methotrexate (MTX).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a case of interstitial pulmonary disease that occurred together with lymphocytic colitis during treatment with ticlopidine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a case of fatal pulmonary toxicity in a patient with advanced non-small cell lung cancer who received erlotinib.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Anterior lumbosacral radiculopathy after intrathecal methotrexate treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"These findings were consistent with the posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She was treated with Pancrease MT 16, but had consistent vomiting 1 to 2 hours after administration of enzymes.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"She was diagnosed with porphyria after the fifth hospitalization.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Our observation suggests that corticosteroid therapy may be beneficial in some patients with CE.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The syndrome of \"painful legs and moving toes\" is characterised by spontaneous causalgic pain in the lower extremities associated with peculiar involuntary movements of the toes and feet.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Adjuvant chemotherapy is frequently used for the treatment of early stage breast cancer, and to date there has been no increase in the incidence of secondary myelodysplastic syndromes or acute leukemia after cyclophosphamide-based regimens when compared with surgical controls.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A patient taking excessive amounts of an ergot alkaloid for the treatment of migraine headaches developed cool, painful, swollen lower extremities with intermittent claudication and sensory changes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The possible relationship between transplant-induced immune dysfunction and the occurrence of this rare infection is discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A Flexiflo Inverta percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube was successfully inserted by pull technique.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Overall, five of the seven patients were rated at least minimally improved in behavioural symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patients with huge tumor mass and multiple liver metastases have increased risk of tumor-induced hypoglycemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All patients having INFVA respiratory infection were treated by oral oseltamivir 60 mg\/day, begun more than 48 h after symptom onset.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fluorouracil for allergic reactions to capecitabine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The mother also falsified the laboratory data to erase from her daughter's file a laboratory result documenting warfarin in the blood.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Less common adverse events to dapsone include the idiosyncratic reactions of leukopenia and agranulocytosis, cutaneous eruptions, peripheral neuropathy, psychosis, toxic hepatitis, cholestatic jaundice, nephrotic syndrome, renal papillary necrosis, severe hypoalbuminemia without proteinuria, an infectious mononucleosis-like syndrome, and minor neurological and gastrointestinal complaints.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In one recording a short period of regular sinus rhythm with intermittent 2\/1 S-A block was observed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In the meantime the patient developed acute respiratory distress, was intubated on clinical grounds and was transferred to the intensive care unit.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Calcium intake in these infants was far below that achieved by fetuses of comparable age in utero, even though in excess of that provided by usual premature infant oral formulas.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The onset and duration of symptoms correlated directly to drug ingestion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This report describes a 13-year-old female with a right frontal high-grade glioma and complex partial seizures who developed localized purpura after 23 months of lamotrigine monotherapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"While undergoing treatment with albendazole, he developed worsening diarrhea with abdominal pain and fever.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Five of the patients received no radiotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After discontinuation she developed adrenal insufficiency, for which she needed substitution of steroids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors describe a case of neuroleptic malignant syndrome that occurred in a patient on amitriptyline and lithium carbonate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The CYP2D6 phenotype, determined when the patient received the antidepressant comedication, characterized a poor metabolizer status (dextromethorphan metabolic ratio >0.3), despite a heterozygous genotype containing a wild-type allele with extensive metabolic capacity and a mutant non-functional allele (CYP2D6*1A\/CYP2D6*4A).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A kidney transplantation recipient 1983 to 1995, she was diagnosed with Charcot-Marie Tooth disease in 1991.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"IMPLICATIONS: Dexmedetomidine, an alpha(2)-adrenoceptor agonist, is indicated for sedating patients on mechanical ventilation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Urethral syndrome patients have irritative bladder symptoms in the absence of any objective urological findings.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Our patient developed Crohn's disease while on Copaxone treatment as a consequence of long-term immunosuppression.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A review of the literature indicates that even when given at much higher doses than are needed for treating heroin or alcohol abusers, there is no evidence that NTX causes clinically significant liver disease or exacerbates, even at high doses, serious pre-existing liver disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This paper reports on a 6.9-year-old autistic male who developed repeated episodes of acute dystonic reactions associated with pimozide administration at the doses of 0.096 mg\/kg\/day and 0.032 mg\/kg\/day and 32 hours following pimozide withdrawal, as well as during subsequent thioridazine administration.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Four patients with severe lactic acidosis associated with septic shock were treated with sodium dichloroacetate (DCA) (50 mg\/kg body wt), an activator of pyruvate dehydrogenase.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is suggested that an allergic background may play an important role in the development of EP in patients on CAPD.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The high rate of retinopathy in patients with hypertension suggests that patients should be carefully monitored.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe the clinical, radiological and pathologic findings of a case of epithelioid angiosarcoma of the lung presenting with persistent haemoptysis who had undergone remote lung collapse therapy with Lucite plombage.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinicians should be aware of this risk and ask about it during routine clinic follow-up for spasticity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Following three courses of chemotherapy with cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, and 5-fluorouracil (CMF), the patient had a dramatic clinical reduction of tumor, reduction of serum CA 15-3 from 161 to 64 U\/ml, and underwent a modified radical mastectomy and axillary dissection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 73-year-old man was admitted for treatment of pleural dissemination that was a recurrence after right lower bilectomy for advanced lung cancer.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although interferon gamma has been implicated in the pathogenesis of sarcoidosis, only a few cases of sarcoidosis associated with interferon alpha therapy have been reported.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Concomitant irradiation apparently enhanced the skin toxicity of aminoglutethimide or possibly aminoglutethimide had a radiosensitizing role in this patient.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Ectopic adrenocorticotrophic (ACTH) syndrome and small cell carcinoma of the lung-assessment of clinical implications in patients on combination chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Major points illustrated are, (1) occurrence of HIT with any dose or form of heparin; (2) misperceptions on the diagnostic criteria; (3) correct (thrombin inhibitors) and incorrect (platelet transfusions and warfarin) management; (4) influence of management strategy on clinical outcomes; (5) severity of the syndrome; and (6) potential for both anamnestic response to heparin and disappearance of HIT antibodies over time.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A patient who had been treated with large doses of thyroid hormone for several years developed features of secondary hypothyroidism after thyroid hormone withdrawal.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Faultless aseptic technique is essential when administering hyaluronate viscosupplementation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In vitro lymphocyte transformation studies confirmed cross-reactivity to one or more aromatic AEDs in 3 patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"When platinum-containing agents are administered, patients should be closely monitored for hypersensitivity reactions, even in previously uncomplicated cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: This report indicates clindamycin phosphate vaginal cream as the most probable cause of CDIC due to the temporal relationship between the occurrence of diarrhea and clindamycin administration, lack of concomitant medications, and documentation of C. difficile toxin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Symptoms are usually considered nonspecific, and gastroscopy with biopsy is usually performed to establish the diagnosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Captopril-induced acute reversible renal failure.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Both these cases of PTLD achieved a complete response following treatment with IVIG, gancyclovir, solumedrol and interferon (IFN).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: The value of multihormonal therapy in breast carcinoma is not established, and the addition of progestogens to tamoxifen may not reduce of developing endometrial lesions, including carcinoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Intrathecal methotrexate-induced acute cerebellar syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Neonatal mydriasis: intravenous lidocaine adverse reaction.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Phenolphthalein-induced toxic epidermal necrolysis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"MRI with gadolinium enhancement demonstrated prominent multifocal enhancing white matter lesions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Mycophenolate mofetil may be considered as a useful alternative in the treatment of severe myasthenia gravis when standard therapeutic regimens fail.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The results of the ultrasound examination combined with clinical anamnesis allowed diagnosis of gastric mucosa foveolar hyperplasia due to prolonged PGE1 therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"During the course of chemotherapy, HBsAg gradually became positive, but no liver dysfunction was apparent until after completion of the chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After two months of hospitalization, a pruritic dermatitis near the left scapula developed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A Chinese female with 10 years' history of a special form of tardive dystonia (Pisa syndrome) is described.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It has minimal side effects in transplant recipients and appears to be an effective initial treatment for this severe infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Sclerodermatous syndrome after occupational exposure to herbicides--response to systemic steroids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe the development of ischemic colitis in a woman who was treated with tegaserod and review the relationship among ischemic colitis, tegaserod use, and irritable bowel syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Severely elevated serum lithium levels were found.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a renal transplant recipient maintained on cyclosporine and prednisone developing Nocardia Asteroides brain abscess.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Drug rash with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS), also known as drug-induced hypersensitivity syndrome (DIHS), is a severe adverse drug reaction affecting multiple organs caused by drug treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: We report a case of the use of pamidronate for significant hypercalcemia secondary to acute vitamin D poisoning.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Marked QT prolongation and torsades de pointes secondary to acute ischemia in an elderly man taking dofetilide for atrial fibrillation: a cautionary tale.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The most remarkable feature was the presence of diamond-shaped Russell bodies in 20% of the plasma cells of the second biopsy specimen.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Occasionally missed doses may lead to pervasive non-adherence with relapse a likely outcome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In each case, control was achieved rapidly after initiation and titration of a continuous haloperidol infusion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatment was discontinued; the patient was managed with monitored IV hydration and loop diuretics, high dose corticosteroids and fresh frozen plasma infusions and recovered completely.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hairy cell leukemia, a low-grade B-cell lymphoproliferation, has not been recognized as part of the PTLD spectrum.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We reviewed the literature for similar cases of aortoiliac thrombosis in newborns; some were managed by medical means, others by operation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Drug-drug interaction between itraconazole and efavirenz in a patient with AIDS and disseminated histoplasmosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Six (25%) of 24 patients died of this infection; however, only one (5%) of 19 who were treated with adequate antimicrobial therapy died.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The literature concerning formalin therapy is reviewed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Eyelid necrosis following intralesional corticosteroid injection for capillary hemangioma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: In one patient the rifampin-impregnated shunt system was implanted after external drainage to prevent further infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An extensive literature search revealed few previous reports of herbal drug induced EM and SJS.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHOD: Case report and review of the current literature concerning radiation-induced, secondary, space-occupying lesions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cefoxitin should either be used with great caution or not prescribed in combination with aminoglycoside antibiotics.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE SUMMARY: We report the case of a 31-year-old patient hospitalized due to behavioral alterations and treated with oral zuclopenthixol, an antipsychotic from the thioxanthene family, who developed an acute, painful erection.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Glomerulonephritis in procainamide induced lupus erythematosus: report of a case and review of the literature.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Childhood methanol ingestion treated with fomepizole and hemodialysis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two electrophysiological methods were performed for objective evaluation of retinal function, namely full-field electroretinography and multifocal electroretinography.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A review of the literature found 11 children and 2 adults in whom intranasal desmopressin was associated with hyponatremia, all of whom experienced seizures or altered mental status.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Focal glomerulonephritis and interstitial nephritis in methicillin-treated, heroin-related infective endocarditis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Successful treatment with dantrolene does not, however, preclude a recurrence of MH, and thus subsequent doses of dantrolene should be given.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In 1 patient, pericardial effusion associated with a pseudoaneurysm was discovered in the operating room.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A diagnosis of visceral varicella-zoster disease was made, and early intravenous ACV therapy successfully alleviated the epigastric pain and skin lesions within 2 weeks.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"To our knowledge, these cases are the first published reports of lovastatin-induced rhabdomyolysis associated with azithromycin and clarithromycin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The major side effect of infliximab is infection.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"One patient was treated symptomatically for the first 6 h until she was given dantrolene.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A patient presented with dilated cardiomyopathy after many years of overusing an adrenaline inhaler.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"For example, the potent CYP2D6 inhibitor fluoxetine increases the plasma concentrations of tricyclic antidepressants.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Discontinuation of ergot-containing products and cessation of tobacco and caffeine use is the cornerstone of therapy in chronic ergot toxicity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case demonstrates the importance of screening electrocardiograms, even in healthy young patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of baclofen withdrawal syndrome resulting from oral baclofen underdosing.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The latter form (Macrodantin) is reported to engender less gastrointestinal intolerance but it can produce the same adverse effects as the conventional form--liver damage, acute and chronic pulmonary reactions, peripheral neuropathy, blood dyscrasias and allergic reactions--and does so just as rapidly and floridly; one such case is reported here.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Moreover special caution with treatment of leishmaniasis must be taken in renal transplant because of possible interactions between antimony compounds and ciclosporin metabolites.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Lithium-associated transient thyrotoxicosis in 4 Chinese women with autoimmune thyroiditis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CASE SUMMARY: A 77-year-old white woman presented to the hospital with elevated serum creatinine, oliguria for the past 24 hours, arthralgia, fatigue, fever, and bilateral flank pain.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Lovastatin-induced rhabdomyolysis possibly associated with clarithromycin and azithromycin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In both cases, spontaneous resolution occurred over several weeks following withdrawal of the drug.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pseudoephedrine-induced hemorrhage associated with a cerebral vascular malformation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Lymphotropic herpesviruses such as human herpesvirus type 6 (HHV-6) have enhanced pathogenicity in some immunocompromised hosts, such as transplant recipients and HIV-infected patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"During admission she was found to be profoundly hypothyroid despite being on adequate thyroid replacement therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Four recovered fully within 24 h, two recovered partially after 24 h and completely after 48 h while two recovered only after 72 h.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"To our knowledge, this is the first case of griseofulvin-exacerbated lupus in which nephrotic syndrome has been observed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: To describe the occurrence of ocular hypertension in four patients following injection of ranibizumab intravitreally.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Other thiazolidinediones currently in clinical trials may be able to provide the therapeutic benefits of troglitazone without significant hepatotoxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Pneumonitis is emerging as one of the most unpredictable and potentially serious, adverse effects of treatment with MTX.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"With aggressive supportive therapy, including hypertonic saline administration and hemodialysis, the patient fully recovered without detectable sequelae.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A unilateral fixed and dilated pupil was noted.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hepatotoxicity induced by cyproterone acetate: a report of three cases.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Acute spontaneous tumor lysis syndrome in a patient with Crohn's disease taking immunosuppressants.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She was receiving several anti-tubercular drugs, including rifampicin, isonicotinic acid hydrazide (INH), pyrazinamide, and ethambutol, for abdominal tuberculosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Central nervous system imaging was negative.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The timolol was discontinued, and the patient's heart rate increased.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ampicillin increased the preexisting electrical decrement in three rabbits with experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis while the drug had no deleterious effects in less affected or normal animals.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Similar to previous findings of drug-induced vortex keratopathy, atovaquone vortex keratopathy is presumably caused by its lipophilic properties.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"There was no reaction associated with thioridazine and\/or haloperidol.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We believe that this impairment in driving performance, due to deliberate overuse of dopaminergic medication, should be included as a new behavioural phenomenon in dopamine dysregulation syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patients underwent standardized MRI within 48 h of symptom onset; MRI included DWI and apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) maps.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Four cases of adverse experiences with clonidine are described.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 10-year-old female with atopic eczema developed eczema herpeticum after hot tub use with a friend who had \"fever blisters\"; herpes simplex virus was recovered from cutaneous vesicles.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A combination of behavioural and cognitive adverse effects is illustrated in this case report of a recurrent triazolam-induced eating disorder.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A review of the literature indicates that, with one possible exception, this complication has not occurred in a CS-dependent subject with asthma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To report a case of serotonin syndrome associated with interaction between fentanyl and citalopram, as evidenced by medication history, clinical features and reversal following discontinuation of fentanyl.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This observation illustrates that the pharmacological activation of the parathyroid CaR and other putative CaR on bone cells by calcimimetics did not protect against the occurrence of hypercalcemia of immobilization favored by a severe HPTH-II in a hemodialysis patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These questions are considered in the context of currently available literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An autopsy case without intrathecal chemotherapy or irradiation of the brain.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Complete remission was obtained in 4 (57%) and partial remission in 3 (42.8%) of 7 evaluable patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Diphenylhydantoin apparently adversely affected both the clinical and biochemical parameters of the acute intermittent porphyria.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The second patient developed both autoimmune thyroid disease and a refractory pre-patellar bursitis after 50 months of IFN-beta therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"METHODS: An open-label unmasked prospective nonrandomized pilot study of six patients with idiopathic uveitis and visually significant macular oedema, resistant to periocular and\/or systemic corticosteroid treatment, was carried out.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Five patients (ages 23-52; UNOS status 3-4) exhibited a characteristic pattern of stuttering dysarthria, leading to complete loss of speech production, occasionally with elements of aphasia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She had been treated without complications with six courses of docetaxel and trastuzumab in combination with dexamethasone with partial remission of disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The evidence linking disorders of anger and impulse control to a dysregulation in neurotransmitter regulation, particularly in serotonergic pathways, supports a psychopharmacologic approach to treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To report a patient developing fulminant liver failure while being treated with clarithromycin for pneumonia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Typically, regional sympathetic blockade or sympathectomy is employed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She was treated with LAM, and her serum HBV DNA turned undetectable 2 weeks later.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Moreover, the in vitro culture of bone marrow from a second HS patient showed a GM-CSF dose-related increase in colony formation up to a dose of 250 units\/ml.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Disseminated tuberculous lesions post intravesical BCG therapy are rare but need to be identified and treated quickly.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Contact allergy to corticosteroids has recently gained increased attention.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Deterioration in renal function associated with angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor therapy is not always reversible.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide for persisting cystoid macular edema after penetrating keratoplasty.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors conclude that among patients taking high doses of oral niacin only those who experience visual symptoms need to be ophthalmologically evaluated.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Immediate postoperative cystogram and pelvic computed tomogram (CT) after the development of seizures demonstrated a fluid collection from the suprapubic catheter site into the anterior abdominal wall.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A skin biopsy showed hydropic degeneration of keratinocytes and lymphocytic infiltrate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A detailed study has been made of the five hypertensive patients who received Minoxidil in Dumfries; four have been observed for over a year.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two children, 1 with idiopathic nephrotic syndrome and 1 with endo-extracapillary glomerulonephritis, presented an episode of seizures and transient blindness at different times after i.v. pulse methylprednisolone (IVPMP) treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Emergency compartmental pressure measurement may indicate fasciotomy, can be of great interest.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Destructive thyrotoxicosis appeared 4-6 months after starting IFN-alpha, followed by Graves' hyperthyroidism within 8 to 11 months.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The successful use of streptokinase therapy in a child with chronic thrombosis of a prosthetic valve (Carbomedics) in the tricuspid position is presented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One of the etiologic factors of this disorder is prolonged prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) therapy of neonates with congenital cyanotic heart diseases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Serum creatine kinase (CK), liver function tests and a light microscopy muscle biopsy were performed on all of them.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Such anagen effluvium with lichenoid eruption following INH therapy has not been observed previously.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Further controlled clinical investigations are necessary to evaluate change in weight during treatment with olanzapine ODT, and to improve our understanding of this change.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Anaesthesiologists and physicians dealing with the management of Cushing's disease need to be aware of this possibility.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The liver damage was probably related to metabolic idiosyncrasy, and was reversible in all patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Drug poisoning was suspected on the basis of persistent tachycardia in the absence of other signs of dehydration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Phenylpropanolamine (PPA) recently has been publicly implicated as a cause of stroke and other neurologic events.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Future studies should address whether FSGS represents a glomerular response to anthracycline-induced injury in susceptible black persons.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Dipyrone, also known as metamizole, is an analgesic and antipyretic drug that was banned by the United States Food and Drug Administration because of its association with agranulocytosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The clinical course of this case indicates that IFN therapy precedes IDDM.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Atrioventricular block complicating amiodarone-induced hypothyroidism in a patient with pre-excitation and rate-dependent bilateral bundle branch block.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In June 2002, the patient was admitted to the Outpatient Clinic of the Rheumatology Unit for arthralgia affecting the small joints, non-pruritic crops of purple skin lesions and malar rash in the face.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Limb dysfunction can be prolonged.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The third was a 16-year-old male who developed a profound peripheral and central neuropathy after chemotherapy treatment for T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Atypical ventricular tachycardia (torsade de pointes) induced by amiodarone: arrhythmia previously induced by quinidine and disopyramide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We describe the first case of a man who developed acute graft-versus-host disease (GVHD), isolated to the lung, after an orthotopic liver transplant from a female donor.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The alternative use of endovascular stent-grafts was evaluated for management of infected aneurysms of the thoracic aorta.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"To optimize future management of this problem we studied 2 poorly recognized factors in the pathogenesis and prognosis of genitourinary malacoplakia in transplant recipients: 1) the probable role of azathioprine as the specific immunosuppressive agent responsible for the pathogenesis of malacoplakia, and 2) the importance of the localization of the disease and its impact on the ultimate prognosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Procainamide-induced incessant supraventricular tachycardia in the Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Functional neuroendocrine tumors are often low-grade malignant neoplasms that can be cured by surgery if detected early, and such detection may in turn be accelerated by the recognition of neuropeptide hypersecretion syndromes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The colonic lesion was conveniently removed and the histology evaluation confirmed the diagnosis of adenocarcinoma tubular.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although we hope the discovery of the FMF gene will allow the diagnosis of FMF to become genetically accurate, the reality is that both clinical and genetic tools must still be used together unless mutations are identified on both of a patient's chromosomes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rapamycin\/sirolimus (SR), trade named Rapammune (Wyeth-Ayerst, Sydney, Australia), is a potent immunosuppressive drug associated with myelosuppression, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and infection.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"He was then scheduled to receive adjuvant chemotherapy with high-dose MTX, 12 g\/m2 body surface area, followed by leucovorin rescue and ifosfamide.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Five patients were treated with dose-intensive melphalan and blood stem cell support and followed for a period of 1 year.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pulmonary edema occurred 24 hours after intravenous ritodrine therapy and 10 hours after subcutaneous terbutaline therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Fatal agranulocytosis in an Indian male receiving 100mg of dapsone daily, hospitalized for mid-borderline leprosy in type I reaction with triple nerve paralysis is reported.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Massive CBZ OD may produce a reversible encephalopathy that includes cortical hyperexcitability, a profound burst-suppression EEG pattern, and cranial nerve areflexia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 60-year-old white man with chronic bronchitis was noted to develop acute respiratory failure and metabolic acidosis four days after being started on methazolamide (Neptazane) for an ophthalmologic problem.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"All patients had normal levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone and no other gastrointestinal complaints; evaluation revealed no other cause for the weight loss.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The day after clozapine was stopped, while he was still receiving clomipramine 150 mg\/d, he began behaving oddly, started sweating profusely, shivering, and became tremulous, agitated, and confused.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"METHODS: Three patients with apparent itraconazole-induced liver injury were studied.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"For effective treatment of bacterial osteomyelitis a bone biopsy is sometimes unavoidable and indicated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"During monitoring, visual hallucinations did not correlate with EEG readings, nor did video recording capture any of the described events.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"To develop information on the relative rarity or frequency of neurologic worsening with the initiation of penicillamine therapy, we conducted a retrospective survey of 25 additional patients with Wilson's disease who met the criteria of presenting with neurologic disease and having been treated with penicillamine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"No patients died.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Imatinib has remarkably improved the prognosis of patients with CML.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The importance of early recognition of postsplenectomy sepsis (PSS) is emphasised since the survival rate is poor and the risk of visual loss high.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Osteomyelitis occurring during infliximab treatment of severe psoriasis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Supportive management was the mainstay of therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Their age range was 44 to 66 years.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 52-year-old woman developed symmetric sensorimotor polyneuropathy and cerebellar syndrome after 24 months of amiodarone treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We describe a patient with CREST syndrome (calcinosis, Raynaud's phenomenon, esophageal dysfunction, sclerodactyly, and telangiectasia) who paradoxically experienced worsening of Raynaud's phenomenon when using yohimbine for ED.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report on a 14-year-old boy with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (lymphoma-leukemia) who had two episodes of acute tumor lysis syndrome during induction of remission with oral prednisolone alone and oral prednisolone, intravenous vincristine, and doxorubicin, respectively.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient was readmitted with symptoms of rhinorrhea, poor feeding, and decreased activity level.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Antihistamines did not inhibit the LAR but totally or partially inhibited the immediate response.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 57-year-old woman was hospitalized because of gait disturbance and dysuria.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A review of four previously reported cases revealed that treatment with systemic glucocorticoid and CsA was effective for the DM and PnM.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: SD-OCT images demonstrated loss of photoreceptor inner segment\/outer segment (IS\/OS) junction and a downward \"sink-hole\" displacement of inner retinal structures in areas of hydroxychloroquine toxicity corresponding to HVF 10-2 defects and ophthalmoscopic clinical examination findings.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He had been taking trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole for approximately eight days when he revisited his family physician, complaining of headaches, dizziness, difficulty with speech, weakness, and itching on the trunk of his body and legs, where a maculopapular rash was noted.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In contrast, newer North American guidelines have focused on the severity of illness of community-acquired pneumonia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Despite a very low complication rate, several severe arterial thrombotic events have been reported following thrombin injection of pseudoaneurysms.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"It is now recognized that magnesium plays an important role in calcium homeostasis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Transient panhypogammaglobulinaemia and B-lymphocyte deficiency in a patient with neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus after immunosuppressive therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, EO-induced noncardiogenic pulmonary edema has not been reported in human.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"After unsuccessful fluid resuscitation with crystalloid fluid, the patient's condition improved rapidly with human albumin boluses.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Inappropriate antidiuretic hormone following adenine arabinoside administration.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Capecitabine reaches peak blood concentrations in about 1.5 hours, with peak fluorouracil concentrations occurring at 2 hours.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient was brought to an intensive care unit 10 hours after intake of 1200 mg mirtazapine and 20 mg lorazepam and laying outside at outdoor temperatures below 0 degree C.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Using a medical emergency team to manage anaphylactic shock.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Damage was related to both daily dose and duration of therapy and was occurring at a greater rate than its repair.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Recommended treatment duration is 6 to 12 months with frequent imaging.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Toxic hepatitis due to combination therapy with methotrexate and etretinate in psoriasis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We discuss a patient who developed severe renal tubular dysfunction secondary to short-term therapy with Amikacin, resulting in refractory hypokalemia, hypocalcemia, hypomagnesemia, metabolic alkalosis, and polyuria.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Both the clinical picture of the patient as well as laboratory, imaging and histopathological findings may help in the diagnosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All of these have been able to reduce oral prednisone doses.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Both infiltrates initially improved on topical antibiotic therapy, but over the next 18 days, 1 infiltrate worsened and repeat cultures were performed, which demonstrated A fumigatus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the case of a 14-year-old female with acute promyelocytic leukemia who developed symptomatic cardiomyopathy only 4 months into treatment with a combination of daunomycin and all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"One victim was hospitalized.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune disorder where antibodies against the nicotinic Ach receptor resulting in impaired transmission at the NM junction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hydrocortisone may decrease the incidence of mortality associated with cardiac arrhythmias in children receiving amphotericin B overdoses.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"It may also appear in complete remission after chemotherapy (chemotherapy-related).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report three cases of ehrlichiosis in pediatric oncology patients, one of whom was a stem cell transplant recipient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Bone marrow needle aspirate showed a normal trilineage differentiation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although fluoxetine-induced headache occurred in one patient, the other five reported no side effects at the doses used.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The probability of developing acute leukemia in this study was not significantly correlated to the total cumulative dosage of Treosulfan.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"All of them had the obstructive type of HCM (HOCM).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Electromyogram and nerve conduction studies showed sensorimotor peripheral neuropathy in both patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Appropriate treatment for neurosyphilis was instituted.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient's clinical presentation, histologic features on liver biopsy and favorable course after stopping the drug suggest that barbiturates can be added to the list of agents which can cause submassive hepatic necrosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Complete resolution of the diarrhea occurred shortly thereafter.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Mesenteric desmoid tumors are a recognized sequela of colectomy for polyposis coli of Gardner's type.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute enlargement and subsequent rupture of an abdominal aortic aneurysm in a patient receiving chemotherapy for pancreatic carcinoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Granulocytic sarcoma: local presentation of a systemic disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS AND RESULTS: A case of high grade superficial bladder caner treated with intravesical BCG which has successfully cleared her bladder cancer nevertheless has lead to bladder contracture for which case she may need bladder reconstruction\/augmentation surgery if she remained disease free added to her psychological and social effects on her life.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fibrosis of corpus cavernosum after intracavernous injection of phentolamine\/papaverine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient had been receiving bisphosphonate therapy prior to admission and this may have contributed to the severity of the problem.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In addition to its known effect on gallbladder stasis, octreotide alters bile acid composition and may thus hasten intrahepatic sludge and stone formation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The potential risk of carcinogenicity has delayed more extensive clinical trials.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Efforts to reduce the glucose levels and long-term complications increase the frequency of hypoglycemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There was no evidence of disease progression.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Twenty-seven consecutive patients admitted for an acute CAD were investigated using a standardized imaging protocol.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"No guidelines exist for calculating doses by either actual or ideal weight, and the calculated doses may vary by as much as 25%.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present two cases of neonates with gastric mucosa and submucosa hyperplasia revealed during ultrasound examination.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Routine ophthalmic observation for the development of optic neuropathy is strongly recommended for patients with significant risk factors that could increase the chance of side effects and those on longer treatment courses.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The TC usually develop in the presence of secondary hyperparathyroidism or a high calcium x phosphate product, while other factors have been also occasionally implicated in their development.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatment with amiodarone was continued; however, therapy with L-thyroxin was initiated, followed by a complete regression of the goiter.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Aggressive use of H2-antagonists to prevent gastrointestinal bleeding in septic patients will reduce the need for orally administered antacids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A week before the onset of hepatitis, the patient complained of upper gastrointestinal symptoms and was treated for gastritis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Neuroleptic malignant syndrome during abrupt reduction of neuroleptic treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It appears that this secondary malignancy was due to his prolonged chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: To report that acute lamotrigine poisoning may result in severe encephalopathy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"After 1 month of follow-up the patient underwent TEE which showed a dramatic reduction of the left atrial thrombosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After first and second line chemotherapy we started third line chemotherapy consisting of calcium folinate (1,000 mg) and 5-FU (4,000 mg) mixed together in a total volume of 240 ml in an ambulatory pump and administered over a period of 24 h.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We hypothesize that chronic inflammation of the pleura, caused by decades of empyema, associated with the presence of heterotopic squamous epithelium due to a long-standing esophago-pleural fistula, led to neoplastic transformation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Forty-five days after therapy, the patient returned with a severe necrotizing uveitis in the posterior pole and vitritis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An intertriginous eruption with histological features of epidermal dysmaturation and an interface dermatitis has been previously reported in the dermatopathology literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Eleven patients developed infection requiring hospitalization while taking leflunomide including: lower respiratory tract infections (3), cellulitis (2), disseminated herpes zoster (2), probable TB liver (1), abdominal sepsis (1), mycotic aneurysm (1) and gastroenteritis (1).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"She had received this same dose in the past without incident.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Amlodipine was given for the treatment of hypertension.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The former had a slowly progressive course, did not respond to amphotericin B (AB), and died; the latter improved after a prolonged course of liposomal-AB.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The expanded allele segregated with neurological signs in one kindred.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: This study shows that psoriasis can be driven by the innate immune system through TLR ligation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 65-year-old woman with angina pectoris presented with syncope after sublingual ingestion of isosorbide dinitrate (5 mg).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"That time the only effective treatment was ventricular pacing.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"For the treatment of the latter, early peritoneal dialysis is recommended for in utero exposure to captopril and enalapril, although the outcome is poor.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient had a favorable outcome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Persistent CSF leak may also be present without PDPH.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Following therapy with AmBisome his symptoms abated and significantly improved scan picture was seen.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Our case illustrates the importance of continuing adequate opiate therapy perioperatively in the increasing number of opioid-dependent patients to prevent potentially life-threatening complications such as broken heart syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The usual treatment includes quick relief bronchodilator medications of the sympathomimetic class and controller medications that may include the long-acting inhaled bronchodilator salmeterol.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In recent years there has been an increase in the use of ACE inhibitors in the paediatric population.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The present case suggests that acute exacerbation of hepatitis can occur with steroid-free regimen.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"To date, eight cases of TEN and one of SJS related to lamotrigine administration have been reported in the literature.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Neuropsychologic evaluation revealed global cognitive deficits; he was found to be a carrier of a PS-1 point mutation at position G206A.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient survived pulmonary leukostasis, resumed therapy, and achieved a CR.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient's hematocrit eventually stabilized and was 30% at discharge.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Individual risk\/benefit assessment is important, and close monitoring of both mother and child is advisable, especially during the first 3 weeks postpartum.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There are insufficient data about the use of immunosuppressive agents in the treatment of FMF attacks; however, we now successfully control the attacks with colchicine 0.5 mg\/d and azathioprine 2 mg\/kg\/d.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Plasma concentrations were also measured before and after ten dialysis sessions during four courses of ifosfamide therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"First, a review of the literature produced 41 anecdotic cases of neutropenia or agranulocytosis during treatment with olanzapine (Zyprexa) reported in a total of 24 publications.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"However, the impact of cytomegalovirus on PTLD remains to be determined.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Microscopic examination of a skin scraping revealed a heavy infestation of cheyletiella yasguri, as identified by the presence of hoks of the palpi and the heart-shaped sensory organ on genu I.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis induced by salazosulfapyridine in a patient with ulcerative colitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 57-year-old woman was scheduled to receive recombinant interferon-alpha retreatment for chronic active hepatitis C.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report 4 patients, 2 on methylphenidate and 2 on dextroamphetamine who presented with acral cyanosis, livedo reticularis, or Raynaud phenomenon.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a case of severe hypotension associated with intravenous valproate used to treat status epilepticus in an 11-year-old girl.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: The final interpretation of the lesions was multiple focal radiation necrosis based on perfusion abnormalities after chemotherapy and conformal hyperfractionated radiotherapy, probably due to an individually enhanced vulnerability of the cerebral vessels.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case suggests that sarcoidosis and pravastatin, two entities not frequently associated with myotonia, may interact in a synergistic manner to produce severe clinical myotonia in humans.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"However, little has been reported about conditions surrounding the change in QT interval after the steady state is achieved that may have implications in the safety and efficacy of the drug.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Subsequently, the patient again became severely leukopenic (WBC count 2.4 x 10(3)\/microL).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Amebic keratitis was diagnosed following corneal biopsy and cultures which grew Acanthamoeba of a species similar to, but not identical with, Acanthamoeba polyphaga.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Recurrent fractures in an elderly patient with systemic lupus erythematosus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The diagnosis, pathogenesis and issues relevant to the treatment of this condition are discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Drugs metabolized by the same enzyme may interact with each other.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Neuroleptic malignant syndrome in a patient with succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase deficiency.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two months later, a second arrhythmia cluster occurred that was controlled by the addition of amiodarone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"While acute toxicity is not infrequently reported, a recent experience in an adult who received five consecutive daily doses of VCR (1.0 mg\/m2) in conjunction with two other drugs led to a sequence of life-threatening toxicities which were not obviously ameliorated by folinic acid rescue as has been recently advocated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: A case of probable enoxaparin-induced hepatotoxicity is described.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: This article discusses the management of an insulin dependent diabetic man aged 52 years presenting with 17 torso basal cell carcinomas (BCCs); mostly superficial BCCs (SBCCs).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After therapy with parenteral amiodarone (2300 mg in 3 days) and other measures, signs of congestive heart failure disappeared; subsequently the patient developed jaundice, marked increase in serum transaminase levels and fall in prothrombin time, and histologic changes of severe centrilobular necrosis were observed in hepatic biopsy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient died in 1995 March at the age of 29 years of sudden septic shock related to Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: The differentiating characteristics in blebitis and early and late endophthalmitis after glaucoma filtration surgery are reviewed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Sildenafil should be considered in the treatment of PLE after the Fontan procedure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Gastrointestinal hemorrhage due to duodenal erosion by a biliary wallstent.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although radiation-induced laryngeal necrosis has become a rare complication, the combination of chemotherapy and radiation therapy may increase its incidence.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This association should be considered in the period after vasopressin-treated gastrointestinal hemorrhage.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It cannot be assumed that the development of a mediastinal mass or its persistence following chemotherapy is due to recurrent or residual disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These are the first reported patients to show mfERG abnormalities that correspond to bitemporal visual field defects and add to the growing evidence that ethambutol damages the retina.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Both reactions were categorized as probable according to the Naranjo probability scale.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Neurotoxicity is a common complication during cancer chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is reversible with discontinuation of drug and administration of corticosteroids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A single-pass tunneling technique for CSF shunting procedures.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These changes were associated temporally with cyproheptadine dosing.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Capillary leak syndrome (CLS) commonly occurs in the intensive care setting.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hyperinfection with strongyloides following treatment with systemic steroids explains the presence of eosinophilia and splenic involvement.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Knowledge of this interaction and adjustment of the dose of phenytoin should enable clinicians to avoid this adverse drug interaction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is important for clinicians to recognize beta-lactam-induced leukopenia and maybe recommend use of a drug from a different antibiotic class if continued treatment is indicated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"De novo absence status is a specific epileptic condition that should be suspected in all elderly subjects on chronic treatment with psychotropic drugs presenting in a confusional state.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intravenous mitozantrone was given for 2 years and she is asymptomatic, with computed tomographic evidence of tumour response, 27 months after diagnosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The main clinical features of this 58-year-old female patient were laboratory evidence of leucopenia and cholestasis, and biopsy features of fatty liver parenchyma degeneration with granulocytic portal infiltration and bile stasis, demonstrated 20 days after the initiation of antithyroid therapy with 20 mg methimazole daily.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Discussion includes a review of the literature with respect to the relative merits of daily oral cyclophosphamide versus pulse intravenous cyclophosphamide in WG and other vasculitides.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This pediatric case report describes a massive overdose without significant side effects, thus suggesting a beneficial therapeutic index in pediatric patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Syringotropic hypersensitivity reaction associated with infliximab and leflunomide combination therapy in a child with psoriatic arthritis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Although major hazards of treatment of hypophosphatemic osteomalacia with phosphate and calcitriol are secondary hyperparathyroidism and vitamin D intoxication, potassium loss also should be kept in mind.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Complete thrombosis of the mycotic aneurysms was achieved in all patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Experimental therapeutic approaches focus on the restitution of microcirculation (endothelin receptor antagonists, atriopeptins), interference with cast formation (integrin receptor blockers), and the promotion of recovery by growth factors.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"GVHD occurs when immunologically active T lymphocytes are transplanted into an immunosuppressed recipient who is genetically disparate from the donor.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Robust guidelines and highlighting patients with risk factors are required to prevent this complication from recurring.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These features are similar to those observed previously in persistent light reactors to topical photosensitizers.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"To avoid that toxicity, a new weekly schedule has been adopted in several Phase II studies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Concomitant use of statins and cyclosporine should be avoided.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In this paper, we report a case of severe hypercalcemia of immobilization in a 40-year-old hemodialyzed woman treated by cinacalcet HCl for a severe HPTH-II (PTH>1,000 pg\/mL).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The unmedicated eye remains asymptomatic to date.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Though physicians treating large populations of patients with HIV are well aware of this complication, only one other report of nevirapine-associated SJS has been documented in the dermatology literature.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"When there was no laboratory confirmation of the arteritis, an iatrogenic etiology (ergotism) was suspected.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hyperosmolar hyperglycemic nonketotic coma is a serious and often lethal clinical biochemical syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The mean +\/- SD decrease in VAS at this time was 61.2 +\/- 15.5%.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Neurologic manifestations of HIV infection are quite diverse and can develop into seizures.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After treatment for five months on this therapy, he presented with new-onset atrial fibrillation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Bortezomib-induced paralytic ileus is a potential gastrointestinal side effect of this first-in-class anticancer proteasome inhibitor.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Painful erosion of psoriatic plaques is a less common sign of methotrexate toxicity that may precede evidence of bone marrow suppression.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This case may be an example of cryptogenic form of reflex epilepsy with seizures induced exclusively by tooth brushing.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, serum HBV DNA turned detectable again after 9 months of LAM therapy and a YMDD mutation was detected.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"His wound cultures continued to be negative.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Successful use of oral ganciclovir for the treatment of intrauterine cytomegalovirus infection in a renal allograft recipient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"As far as we know, this is the first report in English literature indicating such an adverse effect of pegylated interferon alpha.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After 582 allogeneic bone marrow transplants, we have encountered four patients (0.7%) who developed transient unilateral or bilateral sixth nerve palsies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Photopatch tests to 1% mequitazine with 5 J\/cm2 of UVA in 30 normal subjects were all negative, which means that 1% concentration may be appropriate for the photopatch test.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Seven patients, five male and two female (mean age 75.3+\/-4.7 years, range 68-81), diagnosed with DLB were treated with the acetylcholinesterase inhibitor donepezil (5-10 mg once daily) to determine its effect on treating behavioural disorders.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: Traditional monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) continue to play an important role in the management of a wide variety of clinical conditions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A patient receiving allogeneic bone marrow transplant for treatment of acute myelomonocytic leukemia died on the 78th post-transplant day with clinically unrecognized disseminated histoplasmosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Four previously reported cases with the same sequence of events are reviewed as well as cases of chronic myelogenous leukemia following chemotherapy alone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Air conditioning and proper ventilation of the operating room, the use of coolant sprays, good suction and proper handling of amalgam waste is recommended.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"When high dose leucovorin was not used, residual neurological damage is not unusual.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In case no. 2, the pathogenic mechanism seemed to be persistent light reaction preceded by systemic photoallergy, as he had taken mequitazine for 6 months, and there were strong positive photopatch test results with immediate erythema reaction, cross-reaction to promethazine, decreased MED to both UVA and UVB, and persistence of the photosensitivity over a 3-year follow-up period after discontinuation of the mequitazine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"It was confirmed histologically.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"MR of the brain was performed in eight patients (mean age, 14.9 years) with osteogenic sarcoma during or after IV treatment with high-dose methotrexate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Malignant neoplasm after immunosuppressive therapy is a well-known entity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A rechallenge, performed in both patients, confirmed the diagnosis of mesalamine-induced pancreatitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CASE SUMMARY: A 65-year-old patient chronically treated with the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) citalopram developed confusion, agitation, tachycardia, tremors, myoclonic jerks and unsteady gait, consistent with serotonin syndrome, following initiation of fentanyl, and all symptoms and signs resolved following discontinuation of fentanyl.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: Healthcare professionals should be aware of the possible development of serotonin syndrome as a complication of initiation of fentanyl and other phenylpiperidine opioids in patients treated with SSRIs.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This case documents the first report in the otolaryngology literature describing this new etiology for nasal septal perforations.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three were not assessable.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Porcine factor VIII (pFVIII), which is used to control bleeding in patients with congenital or acquired haemophilia who have high-titre neutralizing antibodies to human FVIII, is not known to increase the risk of arterial or venous thrombosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two months later, hyponatremia was diagnosed, most likely syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"As the disfiguring lesions had a marked adverse effect on her quality of life, a trial of IV Cidofovir was instituted.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Desquamative interstitial pneumonitis complicating inflammatory bowel disease of childhood.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Caution in the use of boldo in herbal laxatives: a case of hepatotoxicity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This is the first reported case of hepatolithiasis during octreotide therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Report of a case and review of the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report three cases of IFN beta induced hepatitis in MS and discuss the pathology findings and possible mechanisms of drug-induced liver injury.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In renal transplant patients living in endemic countries, visceral leishmaniasis should be kept in mind as a potential cause of unexplained long-standing fever and considered as an opportunistic infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These findings are consistent with an immune-complex form of glomerulopathy in which gold is neither the antigen nor a hapten in the glomerular deposits, and they suggest the hypothesis that antibodies to tubular epithelial antigens induced by gold therapy may be a causative factor in the renal disease associated with gold therapy in rheumatoid arthritis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"His clinical course and laboratory studies are discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"At this time most of the DGTX in serum was FAB-bound.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Mammographically the malignant microcalcifications appeared only in the region of the breast where the primary tumor was found.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One patient also manifested marked disinhibited and disruptive sexual behavior.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two of the three cases had received blood transfusions, and attention is drawn to the possibility that mitomycin C may sensitise the kidneys to minor mismatches.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Combined intoxication with a tricyclic antidepressive agent and a neuroleptic.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatment was modified, symptoms resolved in 1 to 2 weeks, and the white-matter changes resolved over 6 to 12 months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Based on newly published data we have applied an infusion of both compounds, 5-FU and calcium folinate, mixed together in an ambulatory pump.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient's platelet count dropped rapidly to a level of 1000\/mm3 after receiving a single 600 mg dose of rifampin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Catecholamine treatment for hypotension is common practice in neonatal intensive care units.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Contact dermatitis treated with new topical products: a case study.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Six patients with no previous signs or symptoms suggestive of coronary artery disease developed acute coronary ischemia\/infarction shortly after cis-diamine-dichloroplatinum II (cisplatin) -based chemotherapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Infant twins sustained severe circumoral and pharyngeal burns from a concentrated solution of benzalkonium (Zephiran) chloride prescribed for treatment of candidiasis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"He had been taking trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole for approximately eight days when he revisited his family physician, complaining of headaches, dizziness, difficulty with speech, weakness, and itching on the trunk of his body and legs, where a maculopapular rash was noted.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The benefit of apomorphine on sexual function in some patients suggests a possible role in the treatment of impotence in PD.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cultures of the cornea tissue and contact lens storage solution both grew Serratia Marcescens, which was sensitive to ciprofloxacin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case report raises one more time the question about the safety of the LORA technique for labor analgesia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Ovarian cancer arising from an endometriotic cyst in a postmenopausal woman under tamoxifen therapy is rare.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Despite minimal short-term side effects and apparent efficacy, chronic treatment of MG with MM may be associated with increased risk of lymphoproliferative disorders.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Adenomyosis confined to the broad ligament is extremely rare.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Based on these survival data the administration of concomitant cisplatin and radiotherapy has become standard of care for nasopharyngeal carcinoma in the USA.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: To assess the nature, incidence, and risk factors of retinopathy associated with pegylated interferon and ribavirin combination therapy in chronic hepatitis C patients.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Metabolic imbalance appears as the leading aetiology, among several other hypotheses.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The relationship between chronic inflammatory conditions and malignancy is complex.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A new alkaline propanolamine derivative, enciprazine, was tested in an early phase-II semi double-blind placebo-controlled A-B-A design to verify the hypothesis that the substance may have tranquilizing properties.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A complex pattern of melanonychia and onycholysis after treatment with pemetrexed for lung cancer.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CASE SUMMARY: A 35-year-old African American woman with a history of primary pulmonary hypertension managed with warfarin, diltiazem, and hydrochlorothiazide was initiated on bosentan therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After intravenous antibiotic treatment, the infection resolved with full restoration of visual acuity and ocular motility.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Neuroleptic-induced panic attacks in a patient with delusional depression.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Our patient had headache, mild fever, nausea, vomiting, rash, and eosinophilia after 3 weeks of disulfiram therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The area healed slowly over 7 weeks, but there was a residual loss of cutaneous sensation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The use of an indium111 DTPA flow study in the evaluation of a lumbar swelling in a girl with a baclofen pump.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One of the cases involved a 72-year-old woman who died with Salmonella enteritis and sepsis that had not responded to treatment with chloramphenicol.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of coagulation activation, fluid retention and transient autoimmune hepatitis most likely triggered by the use of black cohosh.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A patient receiving vancomycin for a serious staphylococcal infection had a lupus-like syndrome characterized by a malar rash, pain and erythema of the cartilage of both ears, and tender erythematous and hemorrhagic lesions of the finger tips.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Respiratory distress, severe VOD and grade II acute gastrointestinal GVHD complicated the post-transplant period.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: A case report of a patient with ovarian cancer extensively treated with platinum-based chemotherapy and aggressive surgery is presented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Unlike other macrolide antibiotics, it is not hepatically metabolized and did not produce an interaction with warfarin in a single-dose study.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two patients with ovarian cancer who had received multiple courses of cisplatin without complications experienced hypersensitivity reactions to cisplatin: one, involving intrahepatic artery infusion, manifested general erythema, dyspnea, and hypotension; the other, involving intravenous infusion, manifested abdominal pain, general erythema, and fever.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Histiocytic lymphoma of the ileocecal region after chemotherapy for multiple myeloma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report on a patient with acromegaly who developed severe drug-induced hepatitis during combined treatment with the long-acting somatostatin-analog octreotide and the GH receptor antagonist pegvisomant.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CASE REPORT: This 36-year-old woman had rheumatoid arthritis that proved refractory to sulfasalazine and methotrexate, which were used successively in combination with symptomatic drugs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Primary central nervous system lymphoma in a patient treated with natalizumab.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A patient with a second-degree burn of the forehead, induced by topical application of crushed garlic is reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The HIV protease inhibitor indinavir may cause nephrolithiasis and interstitial nephritis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This side effect has never been reported for this nitrosourea but only for BCNU and methyl-CCNU.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"TD was relatively mild, with a mean score of 4.75, and tended to accentuate with an activation procedure of rapid pronation and supination of the hands.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The development of cutaneous ecchymosis associated with a sudden fall in hemoglobin after the administration of alteplase should strongly suggest the possibility of diffuse subfascial hematoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Systemic allergic contact dermatitis to 8-methoxypsoralen (8-MOP).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Current therapy with oral baclofen and benzodiazepines is useful but has variable success, particularly in severe cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In case of relapse the clinically important question of discontinuation of lithium versus the concurrent use of ECT and lithium may arise.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We wish to alert other anaesthetists that the use of epidural anaesthesia in this setting may mask the symptoms and delay the diagnosis of this rare complication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report four cases of encephalopathy coincident with elevated aluminum levels as well as one patient who developed seizures while receiving continuous bladder irrigations with alum.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We describe a case of extensive thromboembolism associated with antithrombin (AT) deficiency complicated by thrombocytopenia which resolved when low-molecular-weight heparin was instituted.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Protease inhibitors (ritonavir and saquinavir) were added to the treatment and the patient developed progressive ataxia related to carbamazepine toxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Diffuse proliferative glomerulonephritis after bone marrow transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although both the spontaneous occurrence of SLE and the psychosis as a sign of CNS involvement of SLE cannot be excluded, SLE could be considered as an adverse effect of carbamazepine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We described the occurrence of L-dopa-induced myoclonus and seizures in a case of parkinsonism with its SEPs findings.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Glycopeptide-induced neutropenia: cross-reactivity between vancomycin and teicoplanin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia simulating progression in bronchioloalveolar carcinoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 68-year-old male was admitted for interstitial pneumonia associated with scleroderma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatment of neutropenia in a renal transplant recipient with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ibuprofen rarely causes lower gastrointestinal adverse reactions but has been implicated in systemic and local side effects in patients with lupus.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: 1) To describe a patient with rheumatoid arthritis receiving adalimumab who developed fever, pancytopenia, splenomegaly, and extreme hyperferritinemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Several years after the original diagnosis, he was found to be ACTH deficient and following commencement of hydrocortisone replacement therapy became hypernatraemic.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Drug-induced hepatitis in an acromegalic patient during combined treatment with pegvisomant and octreotide long-acting repeatable attributed to the use of pegvisomant.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Within hours of leaving the operating room, he began to develop postoperative neurologic deficits in his extremities, which progressed to a classic Brown-Sequard syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cluster-like headache after surgical crystalline removal and intraocular lens implant: a case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Drug-induced rhabdomyolysis is an established but rare adverse effect of high doses of cholesterol-lowering agents (statins) or interactions between drugs (eg, statins and fibrates).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Methemoglobinemia after axillary block with bupivacaine and additional injection of lidocaine in the operative field.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy type 1 (HMSN-1) is an autosomal dominant disorder, which is usually not associated with neoplastic diseases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient described feeling cold with worsening headache and chills approximately one hour after infusion of the first dose of penicillin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We also interviewed a series of 14 women in California who had recent Accutane-exposed pregnancies to identify opportunities for prevention.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Physicians who use sulfasalazine to treat patients with inflammatory bowel disease should be aware of the signs of sulfasalazine-induced lupus syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A case is presented where combined intravitreal triamcinolone and photodynamic therapy stopped the progression of the exudative macular degeneration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The both agents were given for 3 weeks and were well tolerated without any side effects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The only adverse effect was atrioventricular block in two children, which was completely reversible.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After 3 weeks of CI a thrombus formation in the portal vein was detected by ultrasound and confirmed by duplex ultrasound.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Tolerance to dobutamine was obviated by giving infusions twice weekly.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These perfusions gave a moderate or good temporary palliation as regards to tumor growths on the extremity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Aircrews are tested every 3 mo for HbA1c levels.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DESIGN AND METHODS: A specimen of resected TSHoma tissue from our case was immunohistochemically examined for expression of somatostatin receptor 2A (SSTR2A) and PPAR gamma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We experienced 2 cases of mequitazine-induced photosensitivity reaction in patients who took mequitazine for their dermatologic problems.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"He presented symptoms of fever, skin lesions consisting of multiple vesiculopapular rashes, pruritic maculae and bullae, and mucosal involvement of the eyes, lips, oral cavity, and anorectal junction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The mother had used lamotrigine in increasing doses throughout pregnancy, and at the time of the apneic episodes, she used 850 mg\/day.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Clinicians treating elderly patients with olanzapine should be aware of the potential for rapidly developing hyperglycemia and monitor such patients accordingly.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Cutaneous seeding after ultrasound-guided percutaneous ethanol injection for treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We present a case of acute epinephrine toxicity resulting in acute myocardial ischemia in a young boy with combined variable immunodeficiency syndrome who developed severe allergic reaction to intravenous immunoglobulin, and was subsequently given epinephrine by mistake intravenously rather than subcutaneously.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The drug was prescribed for transient ischemic cerebrovascular accidents.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a patient with a malignancy and upper gastrointestinal bleeding who underwent a gastric lavage followed by an endoscopy as part of her investigations.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Nineteen cases of unusual enhanced vincristine neurotoxicity related to itraconazole have been reported in children.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The chemotherapy regimen consisted of cis-platinum, etoposide, actinomycin-D, and intrathecal methotrexate (PEA-M).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We propose a prophylactic and curative approach to decrease morbidity related to CMV infection in active UC.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In addition, not enough controlled clinical trials have yet been conducted.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The use of therapeutic drugs forms one of the important causes of hiccups.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Paranoid psychosis may result from intoxication with, or withdrawal from amphetamines.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"8 months later she was scheduled for salvage chemotherapy with gemcitabine (1,000 mg\/m(2) days 1 and 8) and docetaxel (75 mg\/m(2) day 8) due to locally progressive disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: The suggested algorithm includes: 1) Supportive care and withdrawal of all potentially offending agents; 2) Laboratory evaluation with prompt initiation of treatment for both disorders--cyproheptadine for SS and dantrolene for NMS; 3) Do not use bromocriptine (contraindicated in SS) or chlorpromazine (contraindicated in NMS) initially; 4) Add bromocriptine when clinical presentation becomes consistent with NMS (SS can be prolonged if serotonergic agent has long half-life).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We suggest that familiar TGA could be caused by the mechanism of vasospasm rather than venous congestion and that the abnormal cerebral vasomotor control could be the hereditary substrate in this condition.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Steroid diabetes experienced by the reported cases may be a marker for the onset of diabetes in their adulthood.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The process worsened during the two weeks following steroid cessation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Speech arrest, agitation, tremor, ataxia, and downward gaze deviation in a 5-year-old female 13 days after orthotopic liver transplant are reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Still, our data suggest that ethnic background is an important predictor of finding 1 of the presently known mutations, and the knowledge of ancestries atypical for FMF can suggest the diagnosis of other hereditary periodic fever syndromes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"During repeat transesophageal atrial pacing for recurrent SVT, ventricular fibrillation occurred.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We have confirmed in 5 patients that continuous administration of folinic acid with weekly oral methotrexate prevents improvement of psoriasis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Prompt correction of hyponatremia by administration of hypertonic saline solution was followed by resolution of all neurologic defects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Choanal atresia and athelia: methimazole teratogenicity or a new syndrome?","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We suggest that meloxicam might have intestinal toxic effects when taken in high doses, because of reduced COX-2 selectivity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Quinine and its isomer quinidine are well-known causes of iatrogenic hypoglycaemia, due to excessive insulin secretion.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) is a serious and potentially life-threatening disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hospital records were reviewed when available.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DESIGN: Descriptive case series.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a patient with acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) who was treated with high-dose intravenous methylprednisolone 2 days after onset of neurologic symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Isoniazid inhibits the metabolism of phenytoin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To report a case of fatal hyperkalemia owing to succinylcholine administration in a patient with mucositis secondary to chemotherapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This 41-year-old woman had been on tamoxifen therapy for 3 years due to breast cancer.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Bisabolol is a sesquiterpene alcohol compound derived from the German chamomile plant, a member of the Compositae family.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The only two studies addressing this issue showed no problems with diagnosis caused by providing narcotic pain relief.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We now present four cases of RSDS in kidney transplant recipients treated with tacrolimus.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Intentional overdose with tiagabine: an unusual clinical presentation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of an 11-year-old boy who experienced an anaphylactic reaction after administration of bacitracin ointment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Radiotherapy has been the predominant treatment in the past, but more recently multi-modality treatments have been utilised.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"More than 15,000 cases have been treated by chemonucleolysis world-wide.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This syndrome is not well known but is associated with a high mortality rate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rapid warfarin reversal with factor VIIa in an elderly trauma patient with retroperitoneal hematoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Foscarnet-induced severe hypomagnesemia and other electrolyte disorders.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Power spectrum analysis of heart rate variability demonstrated marked abnormalities in autonomic nervous system activity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Lichen planus and acne provoked by gold.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Although this is an intriguing hypothesis, any causative role of etanercept remains unproven at this stage.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It binds to both active and inactive conformations of the ABL gene and is 325 times more potent than imatinib in inhibiting the growth of BCR\/ABL cells in vitro (Morelock and Sahn, Chest 1999;116:212-21; Huggins and Sahn, Clin Chest Med 2004;25:141-53).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"To treat hepatitis B, interferon alpha was administered until the proximal muscle weakness developed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This case suggests that coronary arterial involvement in systemic lupus erythematosus may be related to coronary arterial spasm.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A patient is described with the characteristic features of phenytoin hypersensitivity syndrome (PHS) including fever, erythroderma, tibial and facial oedema, pinhead-sized facial pustules and abnormal liver function tests.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Intravitreal triamcinolone may have had an influence on the exacerbation of retinochoroiditis in the posterior pole of the patient.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The infant died despite intensive resuscitative efforts, including the use of digoxin-specific Fab antibodies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cranial MRI showed large asymmetric T2 and FLAIR hyperintense lesions in cortical and subcortical structures.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHOD: Case analysis of a poly-drug overdose (venlafaxine, topiramate, divalproex sodium, risperidone, and carbamazepine) presenting with mixed SS\/NMS features and whose clinical management suggests a practical algorithm for treatment of undifferentiated SS\/NMS in critical care settings.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Priapism associated with trazodone therapy: case report.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This was later recognised to be a spurious effect due to the introduction of tolmetin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A euthyroid woman with ophthalmic Graves disease developed endogenous hyperthyroidism coincident with T3 suppression test.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This strategy may be considered in the case of life-threatening VAD associated thrombosis to avoid the need for intracardiac drug delivery or VAD replacement.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, because diphenhydramine also exhibits type IA sodium channel blockade, cardiac toxicity is also possible.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Methadone is recommended as being free of some of the neuropsychological side effects noticed with morphine, which are attributed to active metabolites.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Vision declined after treatment with methylprednisolone, after which fundus examination became consistent with progressive outer retinal necrosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Chemotherapies with QPR\/DPR for S. epidermidis pneumonia and voriconazole for chronic necrotizing pulmonary aspergillosis (CNPA) improved her symptoms rapidly without any major complications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although chronic arterial hypertension is the leading cause of intracranial hemorrhage, an abrupt rise in systemic arterial pressure in normotensive people may sometimes induce a hemorrhagic stroke.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Silvadene cream and Sulfamylon make up the treatment regimen for one contributor (Dr.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The capacity of zuclopenthixol to induce priapism is thought to be due to its antagonist activity on alpha-adrenergic receptors.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The treatment remains the removal of the offending stimulus along with drug therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Preeclampsia developed in this patient 4 days' postpartum.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Vitreous touch after phacoemulsification.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Sertraline-induced rhabdomyolysis in an elderly patient with dementia and comorbidities.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Mostly, reactivation occurs during first 3 months after transplant, especially when risk factors are present.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After administration of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF), multiple infiltrative erythema was identified on the face, thigh, and lower leg.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"To our knowledge, this case report is the first documentation of a second PSA bump in a patient treated with external-beam radiation therapy and high-dose rate boost therapy and provides context to address concerns and therapeutic decisions confronting physicians and patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Carboplatin and etoposide combined with radiotherapy for limited-stage small-cell esophageal carcinoma: three cases and review of the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: In this study, the hemostatic agent rFVIIa was well-tolerated and behaved in a safe and efficacious manner in all infants treated for life-threatening bleeding and coagulation disorders.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Autopsy examination revealed obstruction of the small pulmonary veins with edematous thickening of the intima.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Mean time between HSCT and diagnosis of MN was 24.4 months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient had been treated with many commonly used medications, including 13-cis-retinoic acid, a relatively new drug with apparent therapeutic benefit in hyperkeratotic dermatoses.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In three other patients, adenosine was associated with prolonged bradyasystole and hypotension.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patients who have breast cancer (or any other solid tumor malignancy) are at risk to develop a second malignancy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The implications of this observation for the management of depression, particularly in patients with coexisting dementing illnesses, are discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Five days postoperatively, slitlamp biomicroscopy of the left eye showed an appearance similar to haze after photorefractive keratectomy, with greater density at the center and striae convergent toward the infiltrate (stage 4 diffuse lamellar keratitis [DLK]).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Frequent measurement of prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time, fibrinogen, and thrombin time was used to guide fibrinolytic therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After discontinuing captopril and starting systemic steroids, her symptomatology rapidly improved, and her eosinophilia and radiographic abnormalities both resolved.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Although it is usually clinically silent, such spasm occasionally causes debilitating pain that may be mistaken for more serious disorders.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ten weeks later, severe congestive heart failure developed which ultimately caused the patient's death.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We experienced a male patient with psoriasis and hypertension whose conditions were treated with tacalcitol ointment and thiazide, respectively, resulting in hypercalciuria and hypercalcemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The current case should alert clinicians to investigate pulmonary GVHD as a potential cause of postoperative dyspnea in liver transplant recipients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although identifying the cause of contamination is most often viewed in the context of recipient safety, this case illustrates the importance of a thorough evaluation on donor safety.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We observed a patient who developed a maculopapular rash 48 h after beginning oral therapy with this drug, and 2 days later, angioedema and hypotension.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In cases with or without small perforations, the technique minimizes or decreases fluid flow so that the surgeon has a clearer view of these tissues and can perform more thorough and accurate stripping of deeper layers of tissue.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 47-year-old male patient developed sepsis and monoarticular arthritis following autologous stem cell transplantation for recurrent Hodgkin's disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The etiology of Transient Global Amnesia (TGA) is not yet clear.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute popliteal artery occlusion after arthroscopic posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The use of real-time ultrasonography enabled us to image this infant's aortoiliac thrombosis in an accurate, noninvasive manner and monitor the effectiveness of thrombolytic therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a case of fibrosing alveolitis, diagnosed by lung biopsy, in a patient receiving amiodarone which responded to corticosteroid therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Tigecycline is a broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent structurally related to minocycline.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A patient with seropositive rheumatoid arthritis developed ascites while taking weekly doses of methotrexate (MTX).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Aside from the direct ocular manifestations of tuberculosis, significant vision loss can occur during treatment with agents that have potential ocular toxicities.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cyclophosphamide (CP) is an alkylating agent widely used in treating cancer and autoimmune disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Magnetic resonance of the brain showed a small cortical hemorrhagic infarct.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: A 55-year-old man with glioblastoma multiforme was treated with continuous, dose-dense temozolomide.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Both patients treated with bilateral subthalamotomy developed unilateral choreoballistic movements immediately after surgery, despite not taking levodopa (L-dopa).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A patient developed restless legs symptoms paralleling the course of interferon-alpha (IFN alpha) therapy for chronic hepatitis C.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report the development of scrotal ulcer in a patient with acute promyleocytic leukemia (APL) within 10 days of treatment with ATRA at a dose of 40 mg orally twice daily.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Fomepizole (4-methylpyrazole; Antizol) is used increasingly in the treatment of methanol toxicity in adults.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Enteral nutrition is less costly than TPN and maintains the structural and functional integrity of the intestinal mucosa.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: We describe a patient with chronic hepatitis B viral infection and RA treated with etanercept.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors compare the case with the 8 other published cases of postinjection epidural hematomas in patients with coagulopathy, and the specific risk factors that may have contributed to the hemorrhagic complication in this patient is analyzed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A patient is described with a 25-year history of disabling, and at times life-threatening, anorexia nervosa alternating with major depression associated with suicidal ideation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A patient with adenocarcinoma of the prostate with bone metastases experienced dyspnea possibly related to the ingestion of these tablets.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hypersensitivity to zonisamide was confirmed by the skin patch test.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"On postoperative day 114, however, he was diagnosed with recurrent CMV infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The case report illustrates the need for flexible individualized dosage schedules, similar to other neuroleptics.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The remaining four neonates had clinical signs of gastric obstruction, but no radiologic or pathological examinations were performed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The aim of this paper is to report the case of rosaceiform eruption induced by erlotinib in an 81-year-old-man and to discuss the pathogenetic role of Demodex folliculorum mites, found in the present patient, using skin scraping.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: When generic substitution of carbamazepine is required, serum concentrations should be carefully monitored.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient was initially treated with hydration and furosemide but developed congestive heart failure.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Fenclofenac-induced selective IgA deficiency in rheumatoid arthritis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Intraocular blastomycosis: case report and review.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two cases, one of leukemia and one of a trophoblastic testicular teratoma, are described in which hypoglycemia occurred as a terminal event.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The clinical findings, radiological features, and results of pulmonary function tests may be enough to diagnose gold-related pneumopathy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"That feature underscores the heterogeneity of the FAD clinical phenotype.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There have also been some spontaneous reports of serious ventricular dysrythmiasis with prolongation of the QT intervals, rarely associated with death.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Salicylate hepato toxicity in rheumatic fever.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In the second patient, acute renal failure necessitated hemodialysis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Severe hyperlipidemia was reversed by changing the carnitine deficient diet (Ensureliquid) to a carnitine-containing diet.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of generalized cutaneous sclerosis associated with muscle and oesophageal involvement in a patient exposed to herbicides containing bromocil, diuron and aminotriazole.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"After corticosteroid withdrawal, a tuberculin skin test became strongly positive and pericardial effusion was considered to be of tubercular origin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Our findings suggest that hyperkalemia can develop with the use of low-dose heparin, within seven days of initiating heparin therapy, and that patients with diabetes mellitus or chronic renal insufficiency are especially predisposed to this complication.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Just over 1 year following completion of his treatment, falling platelet and white cell counts were associated with the development of dysplastic features in his bone marrow and a rising blast cell count, culminating in the development of acute myeloid leukemia (AML).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This study seems to indicate that anti-retroviral-induced lipodystrophy and hypertriglyceridemia may be associated to some racial factor.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In both cases routine stool examinations prior to steroid therapy were negative for cysts or trophozoites of E. histolytica.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"No recurrence was seen during the follow-up period (3 and 4.5 years).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Possible mechanisms by which clonidine decreases spasticity are described, probable mechanisms of induced bradycardia are reviewed, and specific treatment recommendations for the use of clonidine in spinal cord injured patients are presented.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This case, which afforded a unique opportunity to follow the consequences of weakening scapular stabilizers over time, provides evidence for the etiologic role of scapular dyskinesis in SIS and shows that SIS is a potential complication of botulinum therapy for myofascial pain involving the scapular stabilizers.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) is a rare complication after ABO-incompatible allogeneic stem cell transplantation, but its mechanism is still unknown.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The first patient is undergoing hemodialysis and, though responding to sunitinib, is having significant fatigue and hypertension.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Relapse occurred 13 1\/2 months later, and therapy with adriamycin was restarted.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After administration of Oxybutynin concomitantly with an increase in the dose of Dantrolene, she presented the clinical symptoms and laboratory finding of Carbamazepine intoxication.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"After 20 months, the patient presented clinical features of primary hypothyroidism.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An apparent link is described between the use of MMF with prednisone to treat pemphigus vulgaris and the development of red blood cell anemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"At 10.5 years rhGH therapy was started and height gain of 26 cm was observed after 2.7 years of treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The reflex myoclonus had a 150-ms refractory period.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We highlight the importance of physiological hormonal modification and hormonal therapies on the course of MA.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two patients on long-term lithium therapy developed the nephrotic syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Carboplatin hypersensitivity induced by low-dose paclitaxel\/carboplatin in multiple platinum-treated patients with recurrent ovarian cancer.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"An episode of subacute encephalopathy after the infusion of a moderate dose of methotrexate (1500 mg\/m2) (MTX) is reported in a young adult with metastastic gastric cancer.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Toxic hepatitis due to combination therapy with methotrexate and etretinate in psoriasis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Earlier reports on the use of etanercept or infliximab in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, or juvenile rheumatoid arthritis suggested an increased risk of demyelinating disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 17-year-old epileptic was admitted to the hospital in a confused state.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Carmustine (BCNU), a nitrosourea derivative, is an antineoplastic agent used recently for the treatment of human solid tumors and lymphomas in high doses with autologous bone marrow transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He developed postural headache and severe nausea and vomiting after a diagnostic lumbar puncture.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Reproductive endocrine disorders characterized by menstrual disorders, polycystic ovaries, and hyperandrogenism seem to be common among women treated with sodium valproate for epilepsy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Even in a patient undergoing posterior lumbar interbody fusion using a metal cage, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) might be able to diagnose epidural abscesses and diskitis when titanium alloy implants are used.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After 6 months of treatment, systemic lupus erythematosus-related symptoms disappeared and anti-double-stranded DNA returned to normal.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Postoperatively, he was started on sulindac (Clinoril) 100 mg twice a day.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Trans-catheter hepatic arterial injection of lipiodol soluble anti-cancer agent SMANCS and ADR suspension in lipiodol combined with arterial embolization and local hyperthermia for treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Gangrene of the fingertips after bleomycin and methotrexate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"(1) Acute rehabilitation of a 63-year-old woman with rheumatoid arthritis after replacement of both preexisting knee endoprostheses in one session and removal of the left hip endoprosthesis due to infection and sepsis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Aripiprazole in treatment-refractory schizophrenia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Early histopathologic changes in purple glove syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thus cabergoline may cause similar pleuropulmonary abnormalities to bromocriptine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The renal consequences of indinavir-associated nephrotoxicity are uncertain.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Inhaled drugs must be used regularly.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient presented with fulminant microangiopathic hemolytic anemia and thrombocytopenia within 48 hr of initiating therapy with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Nasal reconstruction using 20 mg\/ml cross-linked hyaluronic acid.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Phenytoin (Dilantin) is typically employed as prophylactic anticonvulsant in this setting.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a 46-yr-old woman with ovarian carcinoma who developed porphyria cutanea tarda while undergoing treatment with cisplatin and cyclophosphamide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Standard care includes the administration of dextrose, glucagon, and diazoxide.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Chemotherapy-induced Raynaud's phenomenon leading to acral gangrene has rarely been reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"At autopsy, blood, brain, and other tissue concentrations of fluoxetine and norfluoxetine were several-fold higher than expected based on literature reports for overdose situations.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Severe autoimmune hemolytic anemia following rituximab therapy in a patient with a lymphoproliferative disorder.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Clinicians should be alert to these potential problems in the geriatric population.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This observation adds another dimension to the previously reported renal complications of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents, especially zomepirac.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is known that the intramuscular injection of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) lowers the threshold for motor evoked responses (MEPs) in the first dorsal interosseous (FDI) muscle to transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) in humans.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In this report, we describe a rare case of bilateral cryptorchism that did not come to the attention of the physician to implement effective substitution with testosterone until much later in adult life.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to report the concomitant occurrence of multiple squamous cell carcinomas and diffuse nail hyperpigmentation associated with hydroxyurea treatment, and to describe a successful therapeutic approach using imiquimod 5%.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"At the time of admission, he was not receiving any drugs and denied any previous exposure to a hepatotoxic agent.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Even if the single and total dosage of antiestrogens given to the patient is sufficient to cause tamoxifen retinopathy, this diagnosis can be excluded because, in tamoxifen retinopathy unlike in the case presented here, the deposits are not distributed in all retinal layers.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Mitral valve prolapse is usually a benign condition, however, serious complications have been reported to be associated with it.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Arsenic trioxide has recently been introduced as a promising new agent to treat refractory acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Liver biopsies taken while symptomatic showed portal fibrosis progressing to cirrhosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Other drugs used simultaneously were ruled out by patch and challenge tests.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He was treated with broad spectrum antibiotics, red cell and single donor platelet transfusions and strict parenteral nutrition.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"During cytotoxic treatment of a child with leukemia we describe the longitudinal course of ionized calcium in a complex syndrome of hypocalcemia and hypoparathyroidism.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On the 4th day after the infusion, VWF antigen and VWF ristocetin cofactor increased to 40 and 78% of the control, respectively, and dental extractions were performed successfully.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Endoscopic examination revealed a tumor resembling advanced gastric cancer.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"First case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Despite effective thrombolysis, the plasma fibrinogen level rose during streptokinase administration and reached extremely high values 72 hours later.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The visual acuity and the RPE atrophy remained stable over the follow-up period of 3 years.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Gemcitabine therapy has been associated with radiation recall reactions when used in the treatment of carcinoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 16-year-old white male with acute biphenotypic leukemia developed evidence of the eosinophilia myalgia syndrome associated with total parenteral nutritional support with solutions containing tryptophan, which were given during his initial induction chemotherapy and also after autologous marrow transplantation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"All symptoms disappeared within 24 h.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The evaluation, causes, and differential diagnosis of alopecia in a black woman are discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Aseptic meningitis, hemolytic anemia, hepatitis, and orthostatic hypotension in a patient treated with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Then, she again started taking theophylline (75 mg twice daily), and over 2 days reached a steady state serum theophylline level of 12.8 to 14.4 micromol\/L (2.3-2.6 microg\/mL).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a 43-year-old woman who developed sore throat, swelling of the lips and oral cavity and dysphagia, 2 weeks after the use of budesonide spray (Budefat) for treatment of bronchial asthma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Initial vitreous cultures were negative.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The identification and quantitation procedures of zolpidem in postmortem tissues included dual-column gas chromatography (GC) with nitrogen-phosphorus detection and GC-mass spectrometry.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report three cases of abdominal wall metastases from ovarian cancer after laparoscopy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fever caused by the use of furosemide was proved; the fever resolved after discontinuation of this medication and recurred after its reintroduction.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In two of the patients there appeared to be a correlation between the severity of the psoriasis and the dosage of interferon.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE PRESENTATION: Three cases of Leishmania infantum leishmaniasis in corticosteroid (CS)-treated patients are reported: an isolated lingual leishmaniasis in a farmer treated with CS for asthma, a severe visceral leishmaniasis associated with cutaneous lesions in a woman with myasthenia gravis, and a visceral involvement after cutaneous leishmaniasis in a man receiving CS.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"However, adenosine shortens the antegrade refractoriness of accessory atrioventricular connections and may cause acceleration of the ventricular rate during atrial fibrillation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We present a patient who had a superior sagittal sinus thrombosis in addition to his PDPH.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Report of a case.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A partial empty sella was found on a computed tomography scan of the hypothalamic-pituitary region.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Beginning ductopenia was present in two, suggesting that itraconazole might be responsible for the occurrence of prolonged drug-induced cholangiopathy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Clonazepam, thioridazine, beta-blockers, anticholinergics, and bromocriptine did not ameliorate his akathisia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These results indicate that lithium may cause biochemical hyperparathyroidism.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Treatment was completed without further complication by using amphotericin B and ketoconazole concurrently.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The association between the use of cyproterone acetate and liver abnormalities is poorly documented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PATIENT: An 8-yr-old with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome with a large organized intraatrial thrombus at the tip of an indwelling central venous catheter placed for total parenteral nutrition 2 months before presentation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He had priapism following the use of olanzapine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Three infants with supraventricular tachycardia and congestive cardiac failure were given verapamil intravenously.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Radiation recall related to gemcitabine has been reported in lung and breast cancer.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The authors report a case of focal myocardial necrosis, presenting clinically as an acute myocardial infarction during the administration of the antineoplastic drug, amsacrine, in a patient without coronary artery disease.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"By contrast, PDCs were present at very low levels in atopic dermatitis and not detected in normal human skin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of bacterial keratitis that occurred after laser-assisted subepithelial keratectomy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The adverse hematologic effects are usually transitory and pancytopenia is not frequent.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She experienced intense pain in the first postoperative week and obtained topical oxybuprocaine for pain relief.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Aluminum intoxication developed in three infants with azotemia who were not undergoing dialysis and who had been treated with aluminum hydroxide from the first month of life.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Development and course of subjective and objective phenomena seem to be typical for patients in whom Ukrain could induce long-term complete remission.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA) is a serious toxicity associated with a small number of antineoplastic agents.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Most importantly, it occurs only after high doses of mannitol (> 200 g\/day or cumulative dose of > 400 g in 48 hours), but not at lower doses.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Induction of systemic lupus erythematosus by interferon-gamma in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Meningitis can be caused in experimental performing a lumbar puncture (LP) after bacteraemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Of the 74 neonates evaluated, 65 had no signs of gastric obstruction and were considered normal; 5 had clinical and radiologic or pathological evidence of gastric obstruction consistent with the presence of antral mucosal hyperplasia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two cases of sirolimus-associated pneumonitis have been reported after cardiac transplantation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We present herein the case of a 56-year-old woman in whom bilateral and recurrent SSP was caused by the rupture of pulmonary lacunae induced by chemotherapy, given for bilateral lung metastases secondary to breast carcinoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Its safety, even in these extreme conditions, is particularly reassuring.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, the similarities between patient reports and reports from healthcare professionals in most frequently reported ADRs and most frequently reported drugs are striking.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the case of a patient who developed polyserositis (pericardial effusion, pleural effusion, and pericarditis) after being started on clozapine, and whose symptoms remitted upon discontinuation of clozapine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A patient with coccidioidal meningitis was treated with intrathecally administered amphotericin B, and an acute toxic delirium with EEG abnormalities developed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a 43-year-old woman who developed sore throat, swelling of the lips and oral cavity and dysphagia, 2 weeks after the use of budesonide spray (Budefat) for treatment of bronchial asthma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"As bilateral subthalamic nucleus (STN) stimulation produced improvement in his motor symptoms, his drug dosages were reduced postoperatively.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An investigation of malaria in a US patient without recent travel established Plasmodium falciparum molecular genotype identity in 2 patients who shared a hospital room.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The exophthalmos improved dramatically within 72 hours of the withdrawal of lithium.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"By contrast, the appearance of a hypercalcemia has yet to be described.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She had been treated by Carbamazepine 1000 mg\/day for neuropathic pain for 2 years without clinical or laboratory signs of toxicity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Anaphylactic reaction to recombinant insulin-like growth factor-I.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Although a causative association between trastuzumab and this patient's pulmonary syndrome was not proven, the potential for this toxicity should be considered.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patients with large pelvic tumor loads are, according to existing classifications, at high risk to die and to develop drug resistance.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Eleven patients developed infection requiring hospitalization while taking leflunomide including: lower respiratory tract infections (3), cellulitis (2), disseminated herpes zoster (2), probable TB liver (1), abdominal sepsis (1), mycotic aneurysm (1) and gastroenteritis (1).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Bone marrow biopsy revealed no evidence of neoplasia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These medications do not require medical prescriptions, so often parents use them, bypassing paediatricians.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Physicians should be aware of the risk of severe AIHA in CLL patients with a history of AIHA or positivation of the DAT during previous fludarabine administration, or in case of secondary fixation of complement to the red cell membrane occurring during fludarabine treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Growth hormone and respiratory compromise in Prader-Willi Syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In both instances, reversion of intraventricular conduction to normal occurred within 72 hours, coinciding with clearance of carbamazepine from the blood stream.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A liver biopsy shortly after abstinence showed extensive pericellular fibrosis, but a biopsy after 6 years showed very mild fibrosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Resin hemoperfusion for chloramphenicol intoxication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All patients underwent classic therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, the toxicity profile of leflunomide in patients with underlying GVHD remains to be defined.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To describe a case of cefazolin-induced leukopenia in a critically ill patient who developed this adverse reaction upon rechallenge with cefoxitin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A lumbar epidural catheter was placed preoperatively for pain management.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The potential development of SJS\/TEN, a severe life-threatening illness, emphasizes the need for judicious use of TMP-Sx and close monitoring and follow-up for patients who were given TMP-Sx for SSTIs.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A three-year old female Whippet was hospitalized due to a multiple fracture and displacement of the left scapula caused by a recent car accident.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Successful treatment of oral lichen planus-like chronic graft-versus-host disease with topical tacrolimus: a case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Minimal change nephrotic syndrome developing during postoperative interferon-beta therapy for malignant melanoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Neutropenic enterocolitis and cecal perforation in acute lymphatic leukemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The delirium was not affected by administration of alprazolam.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In one case the patient's reason for attendance was to obtain further supplies of analgesics.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 59-y-old with a history of chronic renal failure on hemodialysis was diagnosed with herpes zoster and begun on 800 mg acyclovir 5 times daily.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case of a female with advanced squamous carcinoma of the vagina is presented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This investigational compound was employed in a 50-year-old patient with acute myelomonocytic leukemia complicated by prolonged, treatment-induced granulocytopenia and documented Aspergillus flavus sinusitis with signs of disseminated aspergillosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Here we report ramipril-induced cutaneous vasculitis in a patient who required steroid therapy to control it.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Sedation improved at least moderately in 5 of the patients and mildly in 1 after they began taking donepezil.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patients receiving amifostine who develop only fever should be evaluated for an adverse drug reaction, as well as for sepsis and fevers of neutropenia, and it may be necessary to discontinue the drug.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The latent period of therapy-related MDS (t-MDS) from the time of diagnosis of ATL was approximately 35 months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute acoustic nerve palsy associated with vincristine therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A study of nineteen immunocompromised patients with extensive skin lesions caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa with and without bacteremia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"As levodopa abuse has only been described in patients with PD, it was suspected to be promoted by central dopamine depletion (with consequent sensitization of dopamine receptors).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although taxol has shown significant activity in advanced ovarian cancer, peripheral neuropathy is likely to become the major dose-limiting toxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Physicians should therefore be aware of its occurrence and carefully monitor serum levels of CPK, GOT and GPT during the treatment of diabetes insipidus with clofibrate, especially in patients with associated hypothyroidism, latent or overt, which possibly favors the development of myopathy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Recurrent hypotension immediately after seizures in nortriptyline overdose.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Fungal septicaemia is a serious and potentially fatal condition.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An MRI showed T2 signal change in the conus medullaris gray matter at T11-12, consistent with an acute vascular infarct.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Drug-resistant tuberculosis after gastrectomy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Sirolimus-eluting stent thrombosis several years after clopidogrel discontinuation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In some cases, removal of the necrotic tissue may be necessary to cure the infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"To our knowledge, this is the first case of polymyositis associated with dilated cardiomyopathy after the administration of interferon in a patient with hepatitis B.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These cases illustrate a previously unrecognized and potentially causal relationship between tumor necrosis factor-alpha inhibition and reactivation of latent melanoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE HISTORY: A 6-year-old white boy with a history of developmental delay was found to have an infiltrate in his right upper lobe on a chest radiograph obtained during evaluation for thoracic scoliosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Amphotericin B nephrotoxicity in humans decreased by salt repletion.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The masses were soft, painless, and located around her insulin injection sites.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This report describes the analytical techniques and significance of the zolpidem findings.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pulmonary fibrosis is a severe complication associated with bis-chloronitrosourea (BCNU) therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"No concrete predisposing factor was found to be associated with the occurrence of the lesions on the face.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: The new quinolone derivatives (levofloxacin, sparfloxacin, grepafloxacin, trovafloxacin, gatifloxacin and moxifloxacin), also called gyrase inhibitors, are known for their potential to cause central nervous system-related adverse effects, including headache, dizziness and insomnia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"METHOD: A case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute graft-versus-host disease of the lung after liver transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The lung had become too stiff for the anesthetic circuit bag to be squeezed by hand.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Aromatic anticonvulsants, sulphamides, minocycline and more rarely carbamazepine are the principal responsible drugs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This agent is, however, associated with a rare but serious risk of lactic acidosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Anaphylactic reaction to oral prednisone: a case report and review of the literature.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Medical evaluations included computerized tomography, lumbar puncture, complete blood counts, serum chemistries, and serologies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Neonates who receive prostaglandin E1 at recommended doses for more than 120 hours should be closely monitored for evidence of antral hyperplasia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 26-year-old Japanese man, who had been receiving medical attention for ulcerative colitis for one year, presented with diffuse erythema and pustules on his face and trunk, malaise, and fever up to 39 degrees C one day after the administration of salazosulfapyridine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Amphotericin B (AmB) is effective, but its use is limited by toxicity: renal impairment, anaemia, fever, malaise, and hypokalaemia are common.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This case of linezolid-associated acute interstitial nephritis within the context of a drug rash with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS) syndrome in a patient treated with linezolid raises concerns about the presumed renal safety of this drug.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Although visual hallucinations have not been reported as an adverse effect of this agent, we describe three patients who experienced complex visual hallucinations and altered mental status after zonisamide treatment was begun or its dosage increased.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Multiple complications of propylthiouracil treatment: granulocytopenia, eosinophilia, skin reaction and hepatitis with lymphocyte sensitization.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 72-year-old woman with a history of thyrotoxicosis presented with sore throat and fever two weeks after starting carbimazole.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: With the pharmacokinetic advantages of intraperitoneal chemotherapy delivery and the increased popularity of immunotherapy and gene therapy, intraperitoneal catheters have moved to the forefront as a delivery system in cancer treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Immunohistochemistry confirmed some pigment-containing cells to be macrophages.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report here the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of an accidental triamcinolone acetonide (TCA) overdose.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The conditions may develop months or possibly years after cessation of intake of the drug and further cases may occur, although practolol has been withdrawn from use.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It was not detected either on FA or ICGA with the conventional camera.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Atypical ventricular tachycardia (torsade de pointes) induced by amiodarone: arrhythmia previously induced by quinidine and disopyramide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To report a case of phenolphthalein-induced toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) in a patient maintained on several other medications more commonly known to be associated with TEN.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The authors suggest that in the absence of any proven benefit of itraconazole prophylaxis, and given the interaction of this drug with vincristine leading to severe and even potentially fatal toxicities, the combination use of these drugs should be avoided.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Erosion of an intraperitoneal chemotherapy catheter resulting in an enterovaginal fistula.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On examination, multiple erythematous and brownish hyperkeratotic papules were seen in both axillae.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The median age was 31 yr (range 2-93).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A urinalysis was significant for protein 3061 mg\/dl, ketones 15 mg\/dl, blood 2+, leukocytes 26-50\/high-power field, and a protein:creatinine ratio 24.9.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE REPORT: We report a 20-year-old female patient with Crohn's disease who developed WE as a result of thiamine deficiency.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: The piloerection observed after the replacement of fluvoxamine with milnacipran in this patient appears to have been due to an increase in the alpha(1)-adrenoceptor occupancy by endogenous norepinephrine induced by milnacipran.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: beta-blockade treatment was well tolerated and may be beneficial in relieving symptomatic steroid-induced left ventricular outflow tract obstruction in premature infants.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Progressive outer retinal necrosis is a necrotizing herpetic retinopathy usually seen in immunocompromised patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In both cases, high fever, skin rash, liver dysfunction and atypical lymphocytosis developed 3 weeks after initiating treatment with SASP.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient had been free of interstitial pneumonitis for 14 months, but died of pneumothorax.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Many women are diagnosed with early stage breast cancer each year who are potential candidates for adjuvant therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"AIM: To report a patient with diabetic rubeosis who suffered from acute retinal ischemic change and stroke after intravitreal injection of bevacizumab.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Herein, we describe a patient with AIDS who presented to medical attention with pancytopenia 48 months postchemotherapy with etoposide, prednisone, vincristine, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, and rituximab (R-EPOCH) for diffuse large B-cell lymphoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The problem of differential diagnosis and treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Diagnosis of hypothyroidism during treatment can be difficult because of the common side effects of alpha interferon.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Analysis of the HLA system revealed the positivity of locus DR5, associated with classical KS.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Lymphoma developing in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis taking methotrexate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report the case of an 87-year-old white woman with myasthenia gravis who presented with nausea, shortness of breath, azotemia, and hyperkalemia shortly after completing a course of intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"After an uneventful tonsillectomy and extubation, stridor and respiratory distress developed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"If untreated, or misdiagnosed and treated incorrectly, there may be loss of visual acuity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Spinal shock protocol with high-dose methylprednisolone was begun without change.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We believe that the infection was due to asymptomatic ethmoid sinusitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DISCUSSION: The occurrence of priapism in our patient was related to zuclopenthixol.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"After discontinuation of danazol the diabetes completely resolved.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Pulmonary eosinophilia or granulomas, classically seen in previously reported cases of methotrexate pneumonitis, were not observed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In the other case, a 62-year-old woman, almost all the symptoms subsided after 14 days, and oral dyskinesia persisted for only one additional month.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In conclusion, patients older than 60 years should have baseline electrolyte measurements before starting therapy with an antidepressant, and these should be monitored not only in the first weeks of treatment, but throughout the full course.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Recurrent spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage in a congenitally afibrinogenemic patient: diagnostic pitfalls and therapeutic options.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Physicians should be cognizant of this potential complication in patients receiving thalidomide or thalidomide-like drugs who present with fever and pulmonary infiltrates and fail to improve despite treatment with broad-spectrum antibiotics.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"During attempted conversion from aripiprazole to clozapine, the patient experienced a significant reduction in psychiatric features.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Paradoxical enlargement of intracranial tuberculomas during treatment of tuberculous meningitis: report of a case.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although this combination agent has been associated with a hypersensitivity syndrome involving cutaneous skin eruptions, pediatric cases of TMP-SMX-induced hepatotoxicity are rare.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Tracheobronchial obstruction was ruled out by investigation with a fiberoptic bronchoscope.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinicians frequently encounter patients who present with borderline personality disorder (BPD) and prolonged and\/or pronounced psychotic symptoms of an atypical nature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Detailed pathological study of a case.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Haptic repositioning was performed in the right eye.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Central pontine myelinolysis (CPM) is removal of myelin material from neural elements in a way that is not clearly known as yet.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Early treatment of Niemann-Pick type C patients with cholesterol-lowering agents appeared to have short-term beneficial effects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Gynecomastia developed in two epileptic patients some months after the addition of oral fluoresone 750 mg daily to the phenobarbital and phenytoin already being administered.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Late development of diabetes mellitus after interferon-alfa and ribavirin therapy for chronic hepatitis C: a case report.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The second is a 29-year-old man with CD in whom nodular sclerosing Hodgkin's lymphoma was diagnosed 3 weeks after infusion with infliximab.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Systemic chemotherapy induced complete regression of the soft tissue lesion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Compared with standard interferon alfa injections, this preparation has a longer half-life allowing for once-weekly injections and superior antiviral efficacy in the treatment of hepatitis C when used in combination with ribavirin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In all cases, response to corticosteroids was unsatisfactory and three of these patients ultimately died from complications that ensued from prolonged immunosuppressive therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: The number of reports received, age and sex of the reporters, characteristics of the most frequently reported drugs and characteristics of the ADRs (most frequently reported ADRs, seriousness, outcome) in a 3-year period (April 2004-April 2007) were compared between patient reports and reports from healthcare professionals.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Inflammatory mononuclear cells and granulocytes typically seen in patients with diffuse lamellar keratitis (DLK) were absent.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"With the use of optical coherence tomography (OCT), two patients with IFN-associated retinopathy who had developed macular edema and reduced visual acuity during the clinical course of IFN therapy were observed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient considered C&C caused him less discomfort and disruption.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Late onset subgaleal hemorrhage infection with Streptococcus pneumoniae?","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The responsibility of CCNU in the pathogenesis of pulmonary fibrosis seems very likely.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Hepatic veno-occlusive disease (VOD) with complete occlusion of liver venules after tandem autologous stem cell transplantation-- successful treatment with high-dose methylprednisolone and defibrotide.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Current trends toward intensive insulin therapy for rapid near-normalization of blood glucose levels will increase the recognition of this entity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 79-year-old man with ischemic heart disease, chronic atrial fibrillation, chronic renal failure, hypothyroidism, and gout arthritis was hospitalized because of fatigue, myalgia, and leg weakness, shortly after starting treatment with colchicine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Case report: role of granulocyte colony stimulating factor in radiotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"No adverse effects of joint toxicity were detected.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"For this reason, olanzapine was considered strongly associated with this patient's apparent NMS episode.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient underwent treatment with corticosteroids, and after 2 months, the clinical examination revealed an improved clinical situation with a disappearance of the hypoesthesia but with a persistence of the pain.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Interstrain differences in the development of pyometra after estrogen treatment of rats.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Administration of hydrocortisone reversed the mental status changes seen in this patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors describe a 6-year-old boy who developed pulmonary tuberculosis during intensive chemotherapy for acute myeloblastic leukemia (AML).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thyroid function remained normal when treatment was discontinued after five months although iodine excretion was still 50 times higher (2.5 mg\/day) than in normal age matched children.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Further studies should be encouraged to evaluate the usefulness of CITB for other patients with severe and otherwise untreatable tardive dystonia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PATIENT AND METHOD: A 34-year-old woman with chronic hepatitis C, genotype 3, receiving pegylated interferon alpha-2a and ribavirin for 6 months, developed progressive malaise and anemia 6 months after the end of treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Mitomycin C is a powerful antineoplastic agent.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Further histologic documentation in other cases is necessary to strengthen our current findings.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Alopecia areata universalis after phenobarbital-induced anti-convulsant hypersensitivity syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"When the therapy was discontinued, the frequency and amplitude of the myoclonus increased, and synchronous and weak myoclonus also was observed in the left abdomen.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fatal digoxin poisoning: an unsuccessful resuscitation with use of digoxin-immune Fab.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"No side effects were observed and improvement was sustained during a mean of 7 months (range 3-12 months) follow up.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thirteen bacteremias and 25 nonbacteremic infections caused by Pseudomonas spp. occurred in 22 of 236 children with human immunodeficiency virus infection with a rate of infection of 0.098 (bacteremia, 0.030) per patient year.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Essential thrombocythemia (ET) is an uncommon myeloproliferative disorder, which is thought to develop from a multipotent stem cell.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Physicians should be aware that indinavir nephrolithiasis may cause papillary necrosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The occurrence of this reaction in a mother and daughter on ingestion of tuna fish is reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Interstitial pneumonitis and alveolar hemorrhage complicating use of rituximab: case report and review of the literature.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The principle treatment for DPD-deficient patients with severe acute 5-FU reactions is supportive care; however, the administration of thymidine potentially may reverse severe 5-FU-induced neurologic symptoms such as encephalopathy and coma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"18 perfusions were performed on 15 patients with stage II disease, that is with tumor growth restricted to an extremity including possible regional node metastases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Met-Hgb should be suspected in patients with cyanosis that does not respond to administration of oxygen and who have a discrepancy in oxygen saturation measured by pulse oximetry compared with the arterial partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2) determined by blood gas analysis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PATIENT AND METHOD: A 34-year-old woman with chronic hepatitis C, genotype 3, receiving pegylated interferon alpha-2a and ribavirin for 6 months, developed progressive malaise and anemia 6 months after the end of treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Intrauterine contraceptive device-associated pelvic actinomycosis caused by Actinomyces urogenitalis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The first patient, who received gemcitabine for treatment of a carcinoma of the pancreas, required hemodialysis for 6 months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A transdermal scopolamine patch is an effective medication for relieving motion sickness, treating nausea and vomiting from chemotherapy and decreasing withdrawal side-effects from wearing off opioids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After low-molecular-weight heparin was substituted for unfractionated heparin, the thrombocytopenia resolved and although the pregnancy was lost, the patient made a full recovery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These findings mean that the effect of the MP pulse therapy on renal function depends on the clinical state of the patient and that renal deterioration after the pulse therapy may be more marked in patients who are more nephrotic and more impaired in renal function and suggest that increasing sodium and water retention during an MP therapy and the associated renal interstitial edema, proposed as one of the mechanisms of acute renal failure occurring in patients with minimal-change nephrotic syndrome, may be responsible for the MP-induced transient renal failure.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Stage 4 diffuse lamellar keratitis after laser in situ keratomileusis Clinical, topographical, and pachymetry resolution 5 years later.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Both colchicine and statin therapy may be associated with myopathy, which usually occurs after several months of therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We describe a patient with extranodal non-Hodgkin lymphoma who developed systemic candidiasis after treatment with a cyclophosphamide-based chemotherapy regimen.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We conclude that after an accidental overdose in this patient, body TCA disappearance was strongly prolonged due to a very slow (absorption) half-life of the drug in comparison to a therapeutic dose.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This toxic effect was attributed to lomustine and was not seen in patients treated with carmustine alone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Chloroquine-induced bilateral ptosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Heparin therapy, adjusted according to the patient's clinical status and the results of coagulation studies, rapidly controlled the manifestations of DIC.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Because of its unique mechanism of action and safety profile, imiquimod, a topical immune response modifier, is used for many benign and malignant dermatologic conditions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In this study, we report the development of severe autologous GVHD in five patients who underwent HPCT for multiple myeloma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Abnormal retinal function associated with isotretinoin therapy for acne.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Nitric oxide, a potent smooth muscle relaxant, has been shown to be involved in the initiation and maintenance of erections; future research involving specific inhibitors of this chemical is indicated for the possible treatment of intraoperative penile erections.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"'Spontaneous' hypertensive episodes with monoamine oxidase inhibitors.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a patient with acute leukemia who developed Horner's syndrome and a severe demyelinating peripheral neuropathy leading to death after receiving high-dose cytosine arabinoside.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Fulminant hepatic failure associated with bicalutamide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"She received chemotherapy according to the previously described modified St.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A trial of combination chemotherapy using mitoxantrone-cyclophosphamide was started in 1983.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Our report discusses the possible contribution of antihistamines and antiallergenic drugs to the Brugada type ST-segment changes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A patient, while on intravenous ritodrine therapy for preterm labor, experienced an episode of acute chest pain.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient recovered completely following withdrawal of antacids and sucralfate and short-term treatment with phosphate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This report describes a case of paradoxical, intravenous valproic acid-induced seizure exacerbation in a child with juvenile absence epilepsy, documented by video-electroencephalography.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This article discusses the reasons why this case may represent serotonin syndrome rather than clozapine withdrawal and the possible pharmacologic mechanisms involved.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Adverse reactions to reserpine were studied in 231 hospitalized medical patients who received the drug.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"To our knowledge this is the third article presented in the literature so far.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Bone marrow cytogenetic study confirmed the deletion of the long arm of chromosome 11, as reported in myeloid leukemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Five hours later he developed a dramatic hypersensitivity reaction including high fever, pulmonary edema, cyanosis, and convulsions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The marked thrombocytosis was nonresponsive to hydroxyurea therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Salicylate intoxication was excluded, and theophylline was finally incriminated.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We present a case report of a cytomegalovirus (CMV)-seronegative, 58-year-old male who received a CMV-seropositive donor liver transplant without CMV prophylaxis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Triazolam-induced nocturnal bingeing with amnesia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"GVHD is a recognized complication of autologous hematopoietic progenitor cell transplantation (HPCT), but has typically been reported to respond well to primary therapy with corticosteroids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Failure of plasmapheresis, corticosteroids and thionamides to ameliorate a case of protracted amiodarone-induced thyroiditis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The possibility of severe rhabdomyolysis should be considered in a patient with water intoxication due to massive ingestion of caffeine-containing beverages.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Mean duration of therapy was 5.5 yrs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An unusual cause of hypocalcaemia: magnesium induced inhibition of parathyroid hormone secretion in a patient with subarachnoid haemorrhage.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of glaucoma induced by doxetaxel therapy for metastatic breast cancer.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Thus, the risk appears to be confined to women over 50 because, in contrast, in women under 50 there was no statistically significant increase in the risk of endometrial carcinoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Gemcitabine, a nucleotide analog, recently was implicated in several cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Lithium treatment was terminated in 1975 because of lithium intoxication with a diabetes insipidus-like syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Based on these findings, the patient was diagnosed with DRESS\/DIHS caused by zonisamide.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Autoimmune thyroid disease is a common side-effect of interferon-alpha (IFN-alpha) treatment of viral hepatitis C.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Both patients were in a state of neutropenia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report four cases of sensorimotor axonal neuropathy in children aged 10-15 years, treated with thalidomide for myxopapillary ependymoma, Crohn's disease and recurrent giant aphthous ulceration.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Dystonic symptoms began two to three weeks after introduction of therapy and subsided within three weeks after discontinuation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Endoscopic rinsing was performed, and multiple small yellowish microgranulations, less than 1 mm in diameter, were observed in the lateral ventricles and the third ventricle.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Soon after, the SvO2 decreased progressively from 55 to 39%.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All four patients in this study were treated with alcohol neurolysis of the superior cluneal nerves.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Diffusion-weighted MRI correlates of subacute methotrexate-related neurotoxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Due to the increasing use of TMP-SMX in children, clinicians should be aware of this potentially life-threatening, immunemediated hypersensitivity reaction.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Early detection of this rare adverse reaction may prevent acute renal insufficiency.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Antibiotic-associated colitis (pseudomembranous colitis) developed in four patients with spinal cord injury and taking oral trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In both, skin biopsy showed a cell-poor subepidermal vesicle with festooning of the dermal papillae.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intravenous verapamil therapy in babies may cause apnea, hypotension, and bradycardia; continued episodes of atrial flutter in a child may cause sudden death; quinidine may be related to the death; children with \"familial seizure disorders\" may in fact have the long QT interval syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Four months after receiving an orthotopic liver transplant, a 51-year-old man was admitted for progressive liver failure and severe hepatocellular necrosis thought to be due to tacrolimus.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This case report shows an unusual complication of mandibular second premolar root canal overfilling.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We have described three patients with hepatitis C for whom IFN-alpha and ribavirin were prescribed and who developed two successive phases of silent thyroiditis followed by hyperthryroidism relapse due to Graves' disease.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The pharmacokinetics of antineoplastic drugs in obese patients are poorly understood and are not sufficient to create standards for rational dosing.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In addition, there were findings suggesting a possibly immunologically mediated mechanism.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The plasma concentrations of noradrenaline, adrenaline, and dopamine increased to 26.4, 1.8, and 36.2 micrograms\/l, respectively.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"They recovered within three and four weeks, respectively, with complete remission of the radiologic abnormalities and had an uneventful follow-up after discharge.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case report with comment on the toxicity of mebendazole.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Antiepileptic drug hypersensitivity syndrome: in vitro and clinical observations.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a 59-year-old patient with chronic myeloid leukemia, who developed severe interstitial lung fibrosis after short term and sequential treatment with melphalan and busulfan.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Chemotherapy for the malignant lymphoma was done after withdrawal of cyclosporine A and mizoribine, and thyroidectomy was performed for thyroid carcinoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Goiter and hypothyroidism during re-treatment with amiodarone in a patient who previously experienced amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"One not so well documented consequence of this treatment is avascular necrosis or osteonecrosis of the underlying bone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Development of rickets in association with parenteral nutrition is described in four premature infants having gestational ages of 26-31 wk.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Examination showed severe dyspnea with severe mitral regurgitation associated with tricuspid regurgitation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Both of the mothers were on methadone maintenance for narcotic dependency prior to the diagnosis of pregnancy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute isoniazid neurotoxicity in an urban hospital.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Heparin-induced hyperkalemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In patients with methotrexate-induced anaphylaxis, discontinuation of treatment may increase the risk of death due to cancer progression.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Thus, we confirm that desensitization may be a safe procedure in patients with cancer who experience methotrexate-induced anaphylaxis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A case of severe hyperlipidemia caused by long-term tube feedings.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the first case of chlorambucil-induced DRESS syndrome in a 70-year-old man recently diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Many clinicians appear to be concerned about the potential hepatotoxicity of the opiate antagonist naltrexone (NTX) and this may be one reason why it is not used more widely in treating both heroin and alcohol abusers.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"DATA: A 16-year-old girl was treated with risperidone for mood lability and impulsivity at a community hospital.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A scan of fetal neck region is recommended in patients with current or previous history of thyroid disease, or if neck extension is noted on routine examination of fetal spine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors describe a 65-year-old man who, after 7 years of complete remission from lung cancer, was found on routine oncologic follow imaging to have lesions on several vertebral bodies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinical manifestations range from asymptomatic to fulminant in nature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Liver abscess caused by an infected ventriculoperitoneal shunt.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although free of disease, the patient has a subcortical dementia and is unable to work.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Adverse effects of amiodarone including pulmonary toxicity, hepatotoxicity, aggravation of arrhythmia, and thyroid diseases are well understood.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A conjunctival biopsy revealed invasive squamous cell carcinoma, with orbital invasion on computed tomography scan.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Several clinical parameters indicate a remarkable improvement in the clinical courses of those patients in recent years: weaning time, extubation rate, and improvement of additional organ failures were all significantly better in patients treated after the emergence of new antimycotic agents, resulting in prolonged overall survival.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Erosion of psoriatic plaques: an early sign of methotrexate toxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Interstitial lung disease (ILD) related to therapy with the drug gefitinib has been well reported.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"When the treatment was completed, her depression substantially improved and her posture became completely upright.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Diagnostic procedures did not reveal any liver, kidney, splenic, or pancreatic abnormalities.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Possible causes and difficulties in diagnosis were reviewed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: To describe a patient with iatrogenically induced central retinal vein occlusions secondary to serum hyperviscosity from intravenous immunoglobulin administration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Although budesonide may be beneficial because of its anti-inflammatory effects, clinicians should be alert to its potential for causing contact dermatitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Venous thrombosis and congenital absence of inferior vena cava in a patient with menorrhagia and pelvic pain.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He had been taking trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole for approximately eight days when he revisited his family physician, complaining of headaches, dizziness, difficulty with speech, weakness, and itching on the trunk of his body and legs, where a maculopapular rash was noted.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a patient with type 2 diabetes mellitus who, while treated with the antitumor necrosis factor-alpha blocking agent etanercept for severe plaque psoriasis, experienced persistent hypoglycemia requiring the lowering and eventual elimination of his previous insulin regimen.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Long lasting recurrent familiar transient global amnesia after betablocker treatment withdrawal: case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The case demonstrates that hypersensitivity reaction to pranlukast and resultant ATIN is possible, and that periodic urine testing in patients receiving pranlukast should be considered.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Only one prior case has been reported in a patient receiving aggressive chemotherapy for a hematologic malignancy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE: In reviewing the literature of intraperitoneal catheter complications, there is no other cited case of a peritoneal catheter erosion into intestine presenting as an enterovaginal fistula.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All her symptoms gradually subsided over the next few hours.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Magnetic resonance imaging revealed focal abnormalities, predominantly in the cortex, that on light and electron microscopic examination were demonstrated to be highly localized areas of neuronal loss, gliosis, and secondary Wallerian degeneration with paramyxovirus inclusions in the oligodendrocytes and surviving neurons.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He was initially managed as a suspected case of pulmonary embolism.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although cortisol has a distinct circadian rhythm, patients with adrenal insufficiency usually receive diurnal hydrocortisone replacement therapy (HRT), disregarding possible consequences for sleep quality.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Epidural spinal lipomatosis with acute onset of paraplegia in an HIV-positive patient treated with corticosteroids and protease inhibitor: case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Reinstitution of the chemotherapeutic regimen once again led to an increase in INR.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The following is a case report of a 32-year-old man who experienced refractory bronchospasm upon emergence from general anesthesia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All the patients recovered after an appropriate treatment for 83 days.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clozapine has proven effective in reducing morbidity and suicidality in chronic non-remitting patients with schizophrenia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: Pancreatic enzyme is essential in the treatment of cystic fibrosis (CF), but intolerance to it occasionally occurs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Aspergillus terreus was isolated from her biliary fluid obtained at percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Education of employees and physicians should result in the prevention of unnecessary tissue destruction and pain for those inadvertently exposed to hydrofluoric acid.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rebound hyperglycemia was observed with both intermediate (neutral protamine hagedorn) and long-acting (protamine zinc iletin) insulins, and the range of insulin doses at which the disorder developed overlapped previously determined therapeutic doses for these insulins in the cat.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Myalgias were self-limited and lasted 4-10 days.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patients with PS-1 AD may be at substantially increased risk of neuroleptic-induced EPS.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This rise was halved over the next 8 days.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This can occur with combinations such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), phenytoin (Dilantin), carbamazepine (Tegretol), and valproic acid (Depakene) or when the albumin level is low.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is usually given in an outpatient setting.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After rechallenge with monotherapy pegvisomant, however, the hepatic enzyme disturbances reappeared within a few weeks, indicating that most likely pegvisomant alone and not the long-acting somatostatin analog or the combination of these two drugs was responsible for this case of drug-induced hepatitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Blastoschizomyces capitatus (BC), a filamentous fungus of genus Trichosporum, is as an important opportunistic pathogen in the compromised host.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It can be used to increase the intracellular concentration of chemotherapeutic agents in tumor cells (electrochemotherapy; ECT).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: Patients with insulin allergy may not have complete resolution of their symptoms after standard desensitization, particularly those patients with concomitant protamine allergy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Multiple sclerosis-like disease secondary to alpha interferon.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Staphylococcal pyomyositis in a patient with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"None of these patients were operated on.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Conversion to another immunosuppressant seems to be an appropriate procedure in this condition.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Retrospectively, bucillamine was believed to be the cause of the giant hypertrophy because of its structural similarity to D-penicillamine, which was the subject of an abundance of reports of mammary hyperplasia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"They improved rapidly and over 6 months were able to stop taking analgesics and return to normal activities.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ichthyosiform erythrodermas and the 'half-baby syndrome' treated with an aromatic retinoid.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Recently, we have employed fibrin glue as a vehicle for the sustained release of ACNU (nimustine hydrochloride) by spray application following subtotal tumor removal in two patients with recurrent malignant gliomas.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Flutamide withdrawal syndrome is characterized by a decrease in prostate-specific antigen (PSA) after flutamide withdrawal in a subset of patients with progressing metastatic carcinoma of the prostate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: The 3 cases presented here illustrate the development of reproductive endocrine disorders after the initiation of valproate therapy in women with epilepsy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"To our knowledge, this is the first granulomatous reaction described after calcium hydroxylapatite injection.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Successful elective lumbar spine surgery was performed 4 days post-myocardial infarction during perioperative beta-blockade, after cardiology evaluation recommended surgery without further evaluation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of severe infections in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) prescribed leflunomide in North Canterbury, New Zealand.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case indicates that large and presumably organised thrombi may be treated with anticoagulant therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Most cases of pseudoporphyria are drug-induced.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Furthermore in our patient we could show a strong lesional expression of MxA, a protein specifically induced by type I interferon.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is suggested that, when drug induced pneumonitis is noted, careful screening of left ventricular function should be performed in order to diagnose myocardial fibrosis and subsequent cardiac failure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Type 1 diabetes mellitus provoked by peginterferon alpha-2b plus ribavirin treatment for chronic hepatitis C.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Minimal evidence supports treatment with multiple antipsychotics, even when the agents have different mechanisms of action.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Abnormalities of the pupil and visual-evoked potential in quinine amblyopia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Allergic and irritant contact dermatitis to calcipotriol.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Thrombotic microangiopathy in association with cytomegalovirus infection in a renal transplant patient: a new treatment strategy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Five operations were performed in four patients: a nephrectomy for massive subcapsular hemorrhage with a prothrombin time that exceeded 100 seconds; arteriovenous graft complicated by post-operative bleeding associated with prolongation of the prothrombin time; elective femoral-popliteal bypass complicated by a prolonged prothrombin time, bleeding into the graft site, hypotension, and a subendocardial myocardial infarction; elective cholecystectomy complicated by a two unit bleed associated with a slightly prolonged prothrombin time, followed by elective femoral-popliteal bypass complicated by a fatal intercerebral bleed associated with a more than twice normal prothrombin time.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fever and maculopapular rashes appeared at 10 days after phenytoin initiation, and then the drug was discontinued.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Two years after transplantation, nefazodone 50 mg twice\/day orally was prescribed due to depression.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient was regularly taking a mixture of herbal products, used as a laxative, for a number of years, with no alteration of blood chemistry until 6 months before the present observation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of a scleroderma-like reaction induced by long-term administration of UFT.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To report teicoplanin-related neutropenia that developed after an episode of neutropenia induced by vancomycin therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Herbal remedies generate more than 1.8 billion dollars in annual sales in the United States.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The infection was arrested but not cured.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He was successfully treated with albendazole and ivermectin, and immunosuppression was reduced.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DESIGN: We reviewed the medical records of four patients, who were seen by us between July 2000 and February 2004 for sudden onset of a central neurological syndrome within days of intrathecal MTX.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"He was started on intravenous Zoledronic acid for reduction of bone pain and prevention of skeletal complication from multiple bone metastases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The results of modeling studies have suggested and clinical investigations have confirmed a major pharmacokinetic advantage for exposure of the peritoneal cavity to certain chemotherapeutic agents compared with exposure of the systemic circulation when these drugs are delivered through the intraperitoneal route.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The ECG showed atrial fibrillation with a rapid ventricular rate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors describe a case of combined lithium and haloperidol toxicity characterized by hyperpyrexia, severe rigidity, mutism, and development of irreversible tardive dyskinesia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A fatal outcome has been described in all reported cases of Fusarium infection occurring after bone marrow transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Symptoms and laboratory findings improved after zafirlukast was removed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two patients are described in whom subtle cognitive impairments are associated with therapeutic doses of amoxapine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Six received intra-arterial alteplase and 1 underwent intracranial angioplasty; in a final patient, technical aspects prevented intra-arterial therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Chemotherapy induced reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This is the first reported case of BOOP associated with single-agent rituximab, and along with two other patients we describe, as well as two prior reports of BOOP in NHL patients receiving rituximab-based combinations, strengthens the possibility of a causal relationship.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A child in whom a phenobarbital hypersensitivity drug reaction developed which consisted of fever, a pruritic desquamating erythrodermic rash, alopecia, icterus, protein-losing enteropathy, myositis, and nephritis, is described.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Pancreatic carcinoma in a ten-year survivor of acute myeloblastic leukemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An antibiotic lock technique was created using a flush solution of vancomycin 1 mg\/ml with 100 unit heparin\/ml.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Propecia-associated bilateral cataract.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A case of presumed anaphylactic shock highlights early detection and review, rapid mobilization of the effector arm, and identification of implications for quality improvement.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient experienced muscle twitches, tremulousness, and anxiety on day 17 of foscarnet therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Acute hepatic failure is a rare and potentially lethal complication of propylthiouracil (PTU) use for hyperthyroidism.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"At three years progression free survival was 24% for the radiotherapy arm and 69% for the chemoradiotherapy group (P < 0.001), and three-year survival was 47% for the radiotherapy arm compared with 78% for the combined arm (P = 0.005).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We identified high numbers of PDCs in psoriatic skin lesions (up to 16% of the total dermal infiltrate) based on their coexpression of BDCA2 and CD123.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Autopsy evidence of herpesvirus infection was found in visceral organs of four leukemic patients who had received large doses of cytarabine (cytosine arabinoside; Ara-C) shortly before their death.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Preoperative chemotherapy for locally advanced breast carcinoma (stage IIIA,B) is increasingly utilized demonstrating a 70 to 95% objective response and 15 to 35% complete response.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although lung specimens were lacking from these three patients, it is suggested that the pulmonary toxicity of CCNU may be dose-related.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"No standard treatment has been established, but therapy must be prolonged, as relapses are common and can occur at the initial site or distant locations.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Massive subchorionic hematomas following thrombolytic therapy in pregnancy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Symphysitis following transrectal biopsy of the prostate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy after stem cell transplantation, unsuccessfully treated with cidofovir.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: We queried 35 rheumatologists at the Robert Breck Brigham Arthritis Center to determine if weight loss had occurred as an adverse event in patients treated with leflunomide between November 1998 and January 2000.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Ethambutol is commonly used for the treatment of tuberculous and atypical mycobacterial infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is suggested that the fatal stroke may have resulted from arterial spasm caused by ergotamine overdosage and possibly complicated by thrombosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This report describes SIADH that developed in an elderly woman with single dermatomal herpes varicella zoster ophthalmicus without evidence of varicella zoster encephalitis or dissemination.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A pure osteogenic sarcoma of endometrial stromal origin developed in a 28-year-old woman with gonadal dysgenesis (Turner's syndrome) who had received estrogens for 18 years.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Malignant osteopetrosis generally begins in utero and often results in stillbirth.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All-trans-retinoic acid is an effective induction treatment for acute promyelocytic leukemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Her hearing gradually, then completely returned 2-3 months after the vincristine therapy was discontinued.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Investigations disclosed severe deficiency of all four vitamin K-dependent factors and a functional defect of platelets.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The cases raise a number of issues, including the need for clinicians to routinely ask patients about alternative medicine use, to learn more about these treatments, and to discuss these approaches objectively with patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Heparin was administered on the initial one and a half days.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DISCUSSION: Patients with 5-FU-induced ectropion experience tender, red, scaled lids, making contact lens wear difficult.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The neurological status of the patient has only slightly improved to the present.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Itraconazole can be administered as continuous dosing, 200 mg per day for 3 months, or in the form of pulse therapy, 200 mg twice a day for 1 week per month for 3 consecutive months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case of metoclopramide-induced oculogyric crisis in a 16-year-old girl with cystic fibrosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The exacerbation of a co-existing autoimmune disease is often a concern for physicians who use immunomodulating agents for the treatment of a concomitant process.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Both were suffering from acute and chronic GVHD and treated with heavy immunosuppression including steroids and cyclosporine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The treatment continued with follow-ups every 15 days.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This patient's anemia resolved after discontinuation of the drug; he subsequently underwent an uncomplicated orthotopic heart transplant with no recurrence of anemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Theophylline plasma concentration should be determined whenever drugs affecting theophylline clearance are administered simultaneously.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This adverse effect has not been previously described for this agent.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Extensive necrosis of normal tissues was a prominent feature and it is suggested that the action of radiation in combination with cytostatic therapy on normal tissues need further investigation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Bone scan showed multiple areas of increased uptake consistent with osteomalacia and microfractures.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A brief discussion of thyroid myopathy, thionamide drug reactions, and polymyositis is included.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cardiovascular deterioration after seizures in tricyclic overdose has long been suspected.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: To describe retinal pigment epithelial tear following photodynamic therapy (PDT) for subfoveal choroidal neovascularization (CNV) secondary to age-related macular degeneration (AMD).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a patient who developed intractable chronic vulval ulceration that we believe was related to immune reconstitution following treatment of HIV infection with highly active antiretroviral treatment (HAART).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a case of catheter-associated aortoiliac thrombosis in a newborn who was successfully treated by urokinase infusion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is critical to differentiate this from other potential causes of hemorrhage, such as an acute bleed from an anastomotic false aneurysm which is a surgical emergency.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 2-day-old newborn was treated with tolazoline for persistent pulmonary hypertension due to meconium aspiration syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Further control studies assessing the efficacy and safety of antiandrogen agents are recommended.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A patient with torsade de pointes risk factors (female sex, advanced age, extreme bradycardia and renal failure) who developed the condition on the fourth day of 400 mg\/day of oral moxifloxacin treatment is presented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In the seven patients, the mean plasma concentration of carbamazepine, but not of carbamazepine-10,11-epoxide, after clarithromycin coadministration was significantly (p < 0.01) higher than those at 1 and 4 weeks after its discontinuation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis associated with thyrotropin receptor antibody.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Hyperglycemia and diabetic coma: possible relationship to diuretic-propranolol therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Biperiden was transiently effective in the acute akathisia, while the more persistent akathisia was alleviated by mianserin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Histopathologic examination revealed adenomyosis with cyst formation and an unusual thick capsule.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"To date, with a total of 1,103 patient-months of follow-up study, seven episodes of small intestinal obstruction have developed of which two were definitely and five possibly related to chemotherapy induced adhesion formation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In lieu of an effective regimen, interleukin-2 (IL-2) and interferon alfa are considered drugs of choice to treat this cancer.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The cornea showed diffuse edema and a stromal ring infiltrate (disciform in appearance).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Despite antibiotic therapy, his pulmonary function deteriorated and 100 percent oxygen was required to maintain adequate oxygenation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Since ethambutol is actively excreted via the renal system, compromise of renal function such as due to renal tuberculosis may lead to serum concentration elevations of ethambutol sufficient to produce optic neuropathy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In-hospital management of adults who have community-acquired pneumonia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She was otherwise healthy and did not complain of hyperhidrosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Role of Stellate ganglion block in post CABG sympathetically mediated chest pain.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The nephrotic syndrome cleared without steroid therapy and has not recurred 18 months later in one patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Here we describe two cases in postpneumonectomy patients in which expandable esophageal stent placement resulted in respiratory compromise requiring reintervention due to airway compression.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient was already on sodium valproate, and levetiracetam was given as add on therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Renal sonogram showed hyperechogenic medullary papillae, which resolved during convalescence.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A toxic encephalopathy characterized by depressed level of consciousness, marked irritability, and ataxia developed in seven children, 5 years of age and younger, following administration of an antiemetic combination of pentobarbital and pyrilamine maleate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Nitrofurantoin-induced acute liver damage in pregnancy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"DISCUSSION: To our knowledge, this is the first case report illustrating neuralgic amyotrophy triggered by exposure to the antibiotics vancomycin, tobramycin, and piperacillin\/tazobactam.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Lithium and ECT--concurrent use still demands attention: three case reports.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Amisulpride and sertraline were discontinued.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Superior sagittal sinus thrombosis associated with Evans' syndrome of haemolytic anaemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hemolytic uremic syndrome following the infusion of oxaliplatin: case report.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Afterwards the thrombocyte count continuously decreased to normal values.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In the other patient, APL was diagnosed 46 months after liver transplantation for congenital biliary atresia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Baseline laboratory studies to evaluate infertility had revealed normal hormonal levels.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"L-asparaginase-provoked seizures as singular expression of central nervous toxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Also, it appears that these patients may be more susceptible to complications with future disulfiram usage and should be strongly counseled to seek alternative therapies for their alcohol problems in the future.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatment with diuretics and catecholamine products showed almost complete recovery from CHF in 3 weeks.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report on a patient with renal artery stenosis who had only 1 kidney and in whom acute renal impairment developed with transient anuria after the administration of captopril.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"However, given the clinically significant result to the interaction between tolazoline and cimetidine we report, the use of cimetidine in tolazoline induced upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage should deserve more attention.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Tests for thyroid autoantibodies, as well as inhibitory and stimulatory antibodies, were negative, and fine needle aspiration biopsy revealed an adenomatous goiter.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Morphine, an opium alkaloid, frequently causes side effects such as hyperhidrosis and facial flushing, but serious cutaneous adverse drug reactions are seldom observed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"On day 12, the patient complained of dyspnea and cough.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The toxicity and plasma concentrations of ifosfamide, chloroacetaldehyde, and 4-hydroxyifosfamide were then determined over 24 h after a single 1.6 g\/m2 dose of ifosfamide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"IFN-alpha was continued in only one patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 52-year-old man with neither congenital heart disease nor history of drug abuse had a spiking fever after dental treatment and was diagnosed with pneumonia at a local clinic.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"INFVA is an important cause of pulmonary infections in patients receiving BMT, and is associated with considerable morbidity and mortality for a readily preventable and treatable infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"TREATMENT AND OUTCOME: Exploratory surgery of the coelomic cavity was performed and the neoplasm was excised.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The acyclovir levels measured by radioimmunoassay were related to the level of consciousness.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Radiation was continued without chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These observations support the view of an increase in both the severity and incidence of PCP in patients without human immunodeficiency virus infection and question the need for a primary prophylaxis in patients with connective tissue diseases receiving high-dose corticosteroid therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"At laparotomy, the mass was located in the right broad ligament with a fibrous stalk connecting to the uterus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In addition to disease refractoriness, rare instances of disease progression from chronic phase to blast crisis during imatinib therapy have recently been anecdotally reported.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We analyze a case of neutropenic enterocolitis which occurred in a patient with acute myeloid leukemia during chemotherapy and we suggest that, as well as intestinal wall thickness, hemodynamic worsening should be considered an indication for surgery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We observed ventricular fibrillation in 2 patients who presented to the emergency department with pre-excited atrial fibrillation and were given 12 mg of adenosine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"FDE from cephalosporins has been rarely reported, and to the best of our knowledge there is no published report of ceftriaxone-induced FDE in the literature.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Mycophenolate mofetil is a non-nephrotoxic alternative which should be considered to rescue cyclosporine-dependent, severe myasthenia gravis sufferers with renal impairment from progression to end-stage renal failure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"rEpo was administered by i.v. injection three times a week for at least four weeks.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The principle treatment for DPD-deficient patients with severe acute 5-FU reactions is supportive care; however, the administration of thymidine potentially may reverse severe 5-FU-induced neurologic symptoms such as encephalopathy and coma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In addition, aggressive supportive measures to manage renal failure (hemodialysis) and labile hypertension, allowed this patient to have an extended survival as a result of successful therapy for this complication despite an underlying rapidly fatal malignancy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Such might not be the case with newer technologies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"\"Retinoic acid syndrome\" was prevented with short-time treatment of high dose (4 x 1.5 g\/m2) cytarabine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To describe what is believed, as of November 4, 2003, to be the first case published in the literature of acute interstitial nephritis (AIN) due to pantoprazole.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Children receiving zonisamide should be monitored for oligohidrosis and the development of neurological symptoms associated with an elevation of body temperature.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Fatal interstitial pneumonitis associated with docetaxel administration in a patient with hormone-refractory prostate cancer.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A water deprivation test demonstrated a nephrogenic diabetes insipidus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fever recurred 30 days after his initial presentation, and blood smear-positive vivax malaria was diagnosed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Increasingly, the cytotoxic agent amifostine is being used prior to radiotherapy in an attempt to decrease associated morbidities.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although the data indicate an immune-complex cause for gold-salt nephropathy, the incident antigen (or antigens) and mechanism of action remain unidentified.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The possibility of phenytoin hypersensitivity reactions should be considered when patients receiving phenytoin have unusual symptoms, particularly fever, rash, and lymphadenopathy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Hepatopathy subsided after the cessation of carbamazepine and lynestrenol.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Such reactions have been described in patients receiving certain drugs such as 5-nitroimidazoles, nitrofurans, sulfonylureas and certain newer cephalosporins with a methyltetrazolethiol side chain.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In May 1996, as part of his routine antihepatitis B (hepB) vaccination plan, a 28-year-old HbsAg-negative man, hospital worker, received his first dose (20 microg) of a recombinant vaccine (EngerixB-B, Smith Kline and Beecham, Belgium), administered via deltoid injection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One type of SMON is associated with acrodermatitis enteropathica which has a very high frequency of occurrence in association with administration of clioquinol.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Post-influenza vaccine chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Diagnosis was made by serial blood glucose determinations during a 20- to 24-hour period after insulin administration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: The patient underwent anticoagulation therapy without removal of screw.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present the first case of osteomyelitis in a patient receiving infliximab therapy for severe psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He recovered without complications with imipenem-cilastatin prophylaxis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Stupor from lamotrigine toxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Acyclovir neurotoxicity: clinical experience and review of the literature.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The reversal of heparin by protamine may cause severe hemodynamic deterioration, characterized by systemic hypotension, pulmonary hypertension, and bronchoconstriction.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 47-year-old woman received an allogeneic bone marrow infusion because of chronic myeloid leukemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The case history and toxicological findings of an infant fatality involving pseudoephedrine, brompheniramine, and dextromethorphan are presented.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In previous reports, three of four patients with TSHoma displayed Graves' disease after tumor resection, and TSH is also known to play a major role in regulating immunomodulatory gene expression in thyrocytes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After five and six weeks of continuous oral administration of methylprednisolone, the boys developed steroid diabetes.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Severe chronic active Epstein-Barr virus infection is a rare, debilitating, nonneoplastic, inflammatory disorder for which there is no definitive treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Evaluation revealed CMV viremia with a high viral load and CMV gastritis was confirmed using gastroscopy and histopathologic examination.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 40-year-old woman presented with an unusual form of corneal herpetic reactivation 5 weeks after laser in situ keratomileusis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There is no consensus on the treatment of ticlopidine-induced marrow aplasia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The activity of the circulating anticoagulant and the BFP disappeared within days following discontinuation of procainamide and the administration of corticosteroids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The long P-P intervals ranged between 1.04-1.12 s and the short P-P intervals between 0.80-0.84 s, respectively.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Orthostatic hypotension and vertigo are not consistent with the patients' histories.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Nonsurgical management of ectopic pregnancy associated with severe hyperstimulation syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ciprofloxacin-induced hemorrhagic vasculitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Pemphigus vulgaris is a rare auto-immune blistering disease that can also be life-threatening.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Subcutaneous IL-2 is safe and well tolerated, with a mortality rate <3%.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Clinical presentation spreads from almost asymptomatic patients to critically ill patients with pulmonary oedema or frank cardiogenic shock.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All-trans retinoic acid-induced focal myositis, synovitis, and mononeuritis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Prenatal cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection associated with severe brain damage was detected in an infant whose mother had been treated with prednisolone and azathioprine for systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In some cases this seems to happen because spironolactone causes diarrhoea.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Kaposi's sarcoma (KS) is an unusual tumor principally affecting the skin of the lower extremities.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, prolongation of 5-FU half-life and an increase in INR have been reported with the concurrent use of 5-FU and warfarin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient had a history of environmental allergies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Optimal medical management may not be widely recognized.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The TC occurred in the absence of hyperparathyroidism or a high calcium x phosphate product as evidenced by hormonal and biochemical examination as well as by a bone biopsy specimen that revealed an adynamic bone disease with significant aluminum staining.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 2-year-old mentally retarded boy with frontal lobe epilepsy presented with an episode that resembled heat stroke during the administration of zonisamide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In a prospective study, we found that 10 of 19 diabetic patients (53%) who had received insulin containing insulin also had high levels of antiprotamine immunoglobulin E.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present a report summarizing our experience and problems with six patients who had a clinical picture of NE and offer a short review of the current literature on the subject.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Diphenhydramine, a common ingredient in over-the-counter medications, is often taken in overdose.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 36-year-old white man had both acute intermittent porphyria and long-standing idiopathic grand mal seizures.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Female renal allograft recipients who develop CMV infection during pregnancy are at risk for both graft dysfunction and fetal morbidity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Twenty-four-hour ambulatory pH monitoring demonstrated decreased acid reflux 8 weeks after withdrawal of nifedipine, with coincidental symptomatic and endoscopic improvement.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of exfoliative dermatitis clearly linked to intravenous and intraperitoneal administration of tobramycin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"By the 10th ICU day, the patient's respiratory and mental status improved and the patient was successfully extubated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Investigations confirmed a leucopenia and neutropenia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Serologic evaluations on presentation ruled out infectious diseases or other etiological factors.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: The use of IL-2 in bedridden patients with performance status >2 must be given on an individualized basis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: When central nervous system findings are observed in renal transplant recipients, nocardial brain abscess must be considered in the differential diagnosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Depending upon the severity of the exacerbation and the type of organ involvement, reactivation of sarcoidosis may require discontinuation of the interferon therapy, with or without the use of additional steroids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Class effect of erythropoietin therapy on hemoglobin A(1c) in a patient with diabetes mellitus and chronic kidney disease not undergoing hemodialysis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pathologic specimens obtained by open lung biopsy showed thickening of the wall from the distal bronchioli to the alveolar ducts due to submucosal and intraepithelial infiltration of lymphocytes, histiocytes and foamy macrophages, which was not accompanied by organizing changes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hepatitis B virus reactivation in a patient undergoing steroid-free chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"To our knowledge, these cases represent the first reports of TDF-associated irreversible renal failure and rickets in pediatric patients.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The children who received appropriate therapy had a favorable outcome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Bone marrow or stem cell transplantation is an established therapy for haematological malignancies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a possible drug interaction between these two drugs and recommend that they should only be used together with caution.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Despite appropriate therapy, the microangiopathic process was irreversible and the patient died.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report on three patients with acute schizophrenia, who developed severe akathisia during treatment with olanzapine (20-25 mg\/d).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Experience in the current case suggests that preventive measures for tumor lysis syndrome, including allopurinol and hydration, should be taken for patients with high leukemia burden who receive imatinib therapy, and parameters of tumor lysis should be monitored in the early phase of therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"With the use of the newer antidepressants beyond the traditional tricyclics and monoamine oxidase inhibitors, newer options in headache prophylaxis are provided as well as the potential for undesirable and even potentially life-threatening interactions between medications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Diagnosis was confirmed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) detection of donor DNA in the patient, by amplification of Y-chromosome sequence and analysis of minisatellite polymorphisms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Although most patients receiving insulin produce insulin-specific IgE, significant allergic symptoms develop in very few of them.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Observations in our patient suggest that the leukoencephalopathy that developed in previously reported patients who received 5-fluorouracil and levamisole may have been caused at least partly by levamisole.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The implications for the long-term effects of phenelzine treatment are considered.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Nimesulide should be added to the list of agents associated with this serious adverse drug reaction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 19-year-old woman was admitted with acute severe asthma in her eleventh week of pregnancy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The case demonstrates that hypersensitivity reaction to pranlukast and resultant ATIN is possible, and that periodic urine testing in patients receiving pranlukast should be considered.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"MCD was steroid-resistant type.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cancer patients with decreased DPD activity are at increased risk for severe toxicity including diarrhea, stomatitis, mucositis, myelosuppression, neurotoxicity, and, in some cases, death.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient had a history of alcohol abuse; alcohol intake as well as withdrawal can also cause seizures.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The results in this case suggest that cyclosporin is an effective agent in patients with severe sight threatening Mooren's ulcer.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Weakness of the right arm, focal seizures, lethargy and confusion appeared on day 10.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An indirect immunofluorescence test for ANCA was positive.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case of a 21-year-old woman who had developed mild hepatotoxicity while receiving choline magnesium trisalicylate therapy is described.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 600-mg loading dose appears to shorten the time to achieve an adequate antiplatelet effect to about two hours.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, the thrombocytosis did not resolve.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Amiodarone hydrochloride, a new antiarrhythmic agent, has been associated with pulmonary toxicity characterized by cough, dyspnea and diffuse pulmonary infiltrates.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: The 3 patients were men, aged 39, 42, and 43 years.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Biopsy specimens from the oral mucosa and forearm revealed small brown-black granules scattered in the dermis and basal lamina of eccrine sweat glands, blood vessels, and hair follicles under the light microscope.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hypersexuality with antiparkinsonian therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He was transferred when he developed pancytopenia, fever, severe mucositis, ileus and peripheral neuropathy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Perilesional linear atrophic streaks associated with intralesional corticosteroid injections in a psoriatic plaque.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: This report indicates clindamycin phosphate vaginal cream as the most probable cause of CDIC due to the temporal relationship between the occurrence of diarrhea and clindamycin administration, lack of concomitant medications, and documentation of C. difficile toxin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The dermatology literature heretofore has not noted that anemia is a side effect of patients taking MMF to treat pemphigus.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Consequently, the treatment was immediately stopped.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A causal relationship between high doses of thyroid hormone and the presumptive impairment of endogenous TRH reserve is suggested.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The paper discusses the imputability of benfluorex, a drug used as an adjuvant in hypercholesterolemia, structurally related to amphetamines.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe the clinical response, as determined by increases in total Hb and decreased transfusion needs, in five patients with thalassemia intermedia treated with HU alone or in combination with SPB.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Three patients (five eyes) with intraocular lymphoma were also treated with a 1 mg injection of rituximab.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present a case of the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) secondary to cisplatin therapy in a patient with advanced-stage large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma of the cervix.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Positive reaction were obtained to captopril at 4 days and the others test being negative.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Some patients develop hypersensitivity rash in response to HCQ.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Polyarthritis, hepatitis and anti-native DNA antibodies after treatment with ethambutol and rifampicin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Two patients with ovarian cancer who had received multiple courses of cisplatin without complications experienced hypersensitivity reactions to cisplatin: one, involving intrahepatic artery infusion, manifested general erythema, dyspnea, and hypotension; the other, involving intravenous infusion, manifested abdominal pain, general erythema, and fever.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Following 7 days of tigecycline she developed severe abdominal pain and elevated pancreatic enzymes suggesting acute pancreatitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 32-year-old white woman with major depression was treated with venlafaxine for 3 years.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Anesthesiologists and surgeons should be aware of this uncommon complication than can occur with the use of peritonsillar bupivacaine infiltration for pain control in tonsil surgery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The degree of emanating clinical events also conforms to status of the aflatoxicosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"To our knowledge, this case report represents only the third description of laxative-induced TEN.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"KW-2149 is a new, semisynthetic, C-7-N-substituted, mitomycin C (MMC) analog showing equal or superior antitumor activity in both in vitro and in vivo assays.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe 2 patients with severe erosive rheumatoid arthritis and rheumatoid vasculitis, respectively, in whom infliximab therapy was associated with peripheral neuropathy due to necrotizing vasculitis in one patient and to progression of preexisting mononeuritis multiplex in the other.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Long-acting somatostatin analogues such as SMS 201-995 (Sandoz) are being evaluated in a wide range of clinical indications, including gut neuroendocrine tumours and acrogemaly.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Real-time ultrasound imaging prevented inadvertent injury to the esophagus as well as the thyroid gland and vessels.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Four of the six experienced renal failure requiring dialysis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He developed recurrent skin rash, fever, hypereosinophilia, and acute renal failure after rechallenge with chlorambucil.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Patients who developed this syndrome did not differ from other patients in baseline ratings on the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) and the Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symptoms, except that patients who developed the syndrome had a significantly higher mean baseline rating on the BPRS anxiety subscale.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Diabetic symptoms dominated the clinical presentation but there was no tendency towards diabetic ketoacidosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Mineral oil, a hydrocarbon, may not elicit a normal protective cough reflex and may impair mucociliary transport.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Chlorpropamide-induced hemolytic anemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Well-fixed metal-metal hip resurfacing components are removed for infection, instability, or hypersensitivity reactions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In patients with swallowing dysfunction and pneumonia, a history of mineral oil use should be obtained and a diagnosis of ELP should be considered in the differential diagnoses if mineral oil use has occurred.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Caution in longterm usage and early recognition of pentazocine toxicity as a neuromuscular complication are important in order to prevent irreversible drug-induced fibrous myopathy and localized neuropathy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: Our investigations indicated that oxaliplatin interacted with both an IgG antibody and a RBC membrane epitope probably located on the Band 3 anion channel.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The mechanism, causes, and significance of disulfiram-like reactions are discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The increasing number of Latinos in the United States and the extensive cross-border transfer of medicines raise concerns that metamizole use and associated complications may become more frequent.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors describe a case of valvular heart disease in a 48-year-old woman receiving benfluorex (150 mg t.i.d. for 8 years) and leading to surgical mitral valve replacement.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We consider that the MAHA in this patient is chemotherapy-related.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A woman who had a deep scar on her left arm as a result of an influenza vaccination was treated with insulin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Neither a complication nor clinical or radiological sequelae occurred in this patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although heparin-dependent antibodies (HDAs) typically manifest with thrombocytopenia as in heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT), they may also manifest with preserved platelet counts.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This finding suggests that conversion of ischemic to hemorrhagic infarction may occur even with appropriate and carefully administered anticoagulation therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 77-year-old man developed ankle, hand, and facial swelling 2 weeks after starting rosiglitazone.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A search of the United States Food and Drug Administration's Adverse Event Reporting System identified nine cases of oxcarbazepine-associated angioedema in pediatric patients aged 16 years and younger.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Fluconazole in the treatment of candida peritonitis in continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis: report of a case.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"By the time of treatment stabilization, the patient had not experienced any further fits.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Disopyramide-induced heart block.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"These finding indicate the possibility that the ileus was triggered by drugs with anticholinergic properties in this elderly diabetic patient treated with alpha-glucosidase inhibitors.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute erythroid leukemia after cyclophosphamide therapy for multiple myeloma: report of two cases.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The 5 neonates with antral hyperplasia had received prostaglandin E1 for longer periods (mean [+\/- SD] duration, 569 +\/- 341 hours) than the 65 normal neonates (54 +\/- 58 hours, P less than 0.001) or the 4 neonates with clinical signs of gastric obstruction (119 +\/- 60 hours, P less than 0.05).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In this case, discontinuing piroxicam, a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, and starting a palliative treatment plan helped resolve a patient's ulcers.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Allergy to cloxacillin with normal tolerance to amoxicillin and cefuroxime.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Median performance status (SWOG) was 2 (1 to 3), and clinical presentations included nephrotic syndrome (n = 1), symptomatic cardiomyopathy (n = 1), gastrointestinal involvement with polyneuropathy (n = 2), and hepatomegaly (n = 1).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pentacam analysis may serve as a useful adjunct in following the progression of herpetic reactivation cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intra-arterial adriamycin chemotherapy for bladder cancer.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To report 2 cases of serotonin syndrome with serious extrapyramidal movement disorders occurring when metoclopramide was coadministered with sertraline or venlafaxine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Neuroleptic malignant syndrome is easily confused with other health problems; distinctions between it and malignant hyperthermia, heatstroke, and lethal catatonia are made.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There was only a short term exposure to classic antipsychotics prior to risperidone administration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The seizures started when he was 2 months old.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PATIENT AND METHOD: A 34-year-old woman with chronic hepatitis C, genotype 3, receiving pegylated interferon alpha-2a and ribavirin for 6 months, developed progressive malaise and anemia 6 months after the end of treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In patients with metastatic disease who had high levels of gastrin, SMS treatment for 5 to 24 months did not inhibit tumor growth or decrease gastrin levels.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The incidence of cerebral amyloid angiopathy increases with advancing age.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"More than 4 years later, the patient continues to be troubled by persistent paraparesis and chronic pain.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Selective catheterization of the tumor vessels is the established standard in TACE.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pulmonary infiltrates and skin pigmentation associated with sulfasalazine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVES: To present a very rare case of orally ingested sex hormone pills inducing nondurally attached meningioma in the lumbosacral region.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The first patient developed mild nitritoid symptoms and pain in a band-like distribution, corresponding to T10-T12 dermatomes, shortly after gold sodium thiomalate (GSTM) injection.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"One of the antimalarials which has been highlighted for its effectiveness is halofantrine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Shortly after chemotherapy and an injection of pegfilgrastim, the patient developed poorly defined, rapidly progressive erythema, edema, and pain in his right forearm.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A patient developed restless legs symptoms paralleling the course of interferon-alpha (IFN alpha) therapy for chronic hepatitis C.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The authors describe a case of interstitial granulomatous dermatitis associated with darifenacin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Despite the lowest plasma osmolality, detectable levels of circulating ADH were present.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two patients with ovarian cancer who had received multiple courses of cisplatin without complications experienced hypersensitivity reactions to cisplatin: one, involving intrahepatic artery infusion, manifested general erythema, dyspnea, and hypotension; the other, involving intravenous infusion, manifested abdominal pain, general erythema, and fever.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report the case of a 40-year-old woman who developed fulminant hepatic failure and aplastic anaemia following a course of oral flucloxacillin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Patients treated with L-asparaginase may present with hemorrhagic and thrombotic cerebrovascular events.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient then suffered from sudden left chest pain and dyspnea.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Medical or surgical therapy is variably successful in these men.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The group mean Karnofsky score increased from 76 before to 86.6 after therapy, indicating that with r-HuEPO treatment subjects were able to exert themselves to perform ordinary activities.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinical effects from accumulation of morphine-6-glucuronide have not been described with the exception of case reports in which patients with renal failure were noted to develop opioid toxicity with high plasma levels of the metabolite and low levels of the parent drug.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case suggests that acute pancreatitis was due to intolerance of high-concentration lipid emulsion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"White clot syndrome and continuous arteriovenous haemofiltration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Shortly after mizoribin withdrawal, his serum Na increased significantly from 128 to 139 mEq\/l and plasma osmolality from 265 to 287 mosm\/kg.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Four patients experienced ventricular free wall rupture after having a MI between November 17, 1993, and July 28, 1995.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The application of PCR-Restriction Enzyme Analysis (REA) method on cutaneous specimens in veterinary medicine is an extremely interesting diagnostic tool.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We hypothesize that decreased renal elimination of MTX induced by the COX-2 inhibitor resulted in enhanced hematopoietic toxicity and immunosuppression causing the EBV-associated lymphoproliferative disease.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"And the importance of instituting prompt diagnosis and proper treatment should also be stressed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE REPORT: 1.5 years after resection, hyperfractionated radiotherapy and chemotherapy of an anaplastic ependymoma in the right parietal region, the cranial MRI of an 11-year-old girl showed multiple small contrast-enhanced lesions in the frontal cortex.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Previous reports of warfarin resistance implicated older enteral feeding products with a much higher vitamin K content.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BAL fluid also grew Mycobacterium kansasii, for which he received combination anti-mycobacterial therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient was otherwise healthy and taking no medication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: Although BCG is considered a very effective treatment; consensus exists that not every patient with superficial bladder cancer should be treated with BCG due to its increased risk of toxicity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"10 months later all studied cells in the marrow contained this deletion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: We conclude that stanozolol is a safe and effective treatment of the cutaneous manifestations of cryofibrinogenemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report an additional case of isotretinoin teratogenicity in which the patient had agenesis of the cerebellar vermis, multiple leptomeningeal neuroglial heterotopias, hydrocephalus, and abnormalities of the corticospinal tracts.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"With a single 0.2 mg\/kg dose of rasburicase, the serum urate level normalized and the infant completed therapy without incident.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: This is the first report of occurrence of scleromyxedema in a patient with MS.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinical improvement has outlasted suppression of VIP secretion (suggesting an additional direct antisecretory action of SMS 201-995) and has occurred despite expansion of hepatic metastases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Gynecomastia developed in two epileptic patients some months after the addition of oral fluoresone 750 mg daily to the phenobarbital and phenytoin already being administered.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 44-year-old woman is described in whom amiodarone, disopyramide, and quinidine, administered alone separately, induced atypical ventricular tachycardia (AVT, torsade de pointes).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Eight cases of pellagra, diagnosed on the grounds of neuropathological findings and retrospective study of clinical data, were found among 106 necropsy cases of tuberculosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of reversible DKA and new-onset DM that developed in a demented patient who was treated with quetiapine for 14 days.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We present a unique case of extensive BRONJ involving the maxilla, sinuses, and skull base, complicated by sinusitis and an intracranial abscess.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This is the first case of HBV reactivation occurring during the year following rituximab monotherapy in the absence of any other immunosuppressive factor.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Disconnection or damage of the catheter leading to leakage of baclofen into the lumbar swelling could be ruled out by the use of an indium (111) DTPA flow study.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The probable additive toxicity of both agents on the pulmonary tissue is discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hence, desensitization would be essential and may be accomplished successfully using the protocol described in this report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In many cases neutropenic enterocolitis is confined to the cecum, but the entire colon is sometimes involved.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Recurrent Listeria monocytogenes bacteraemia in a liver transplant patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE: A multipara with a twin gestation presented with premature labor at 31 weeks.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Recommendations that may help prevent these adverse systemic effects in premature infants include: (1) avoidance of excess subconjunctival anesthetic doses, (2) preoperative administration of systemic atropine to minimize the oculocardiac reflex, (3) consideration of an analgesic agent to decrease the pain and exhaustion, and (4) cardiorespiratory monitoring in a hospital setting, with an intravenous line in place, at the time of treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Potential predisposing factors.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The potential occurrence of EMD in all three patients raises the possibility of accelerated myocardial rupture, as EMD is one of the clinical hallmarks of this condition.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In this report we present four patients treated with a combination of different psychotropic drugs, in whom asterixis was triggered either by adding carbamazepine (CBZ) to a treatment regimen, or by increasing its dosage.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The clinical course suggests that caffeine, which is present in oolong tea, was mainly responsible for the rhabdomyolysis as well as the delirium, although severe hyponatremia has been reported to cause rhabdomyolysis on rare occasions.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Finding an effective therapy for this subgroup of patients with severe recurrent HCV is a priority.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: The combination of FSGS with leukemia poses a management challenge to the clinician in terms of further treatment with potentially nephrotoxic drugs, complications of nephrotic syndrome (including infections), and timing of renal transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 27-year-old man who had a history of bronchial asthma, eosinophilic enteritis, and eosinophilic pneumonia presented with fever, skin eruptions, cervical lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, atypical lymphocytosis, and eosinophilia two weeks after receiving trimethoprim (TMP)-sulfamethoxazole (SMX) treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"When vague symptoms develop during desmopressin therapy, hyponatremia must be considered as part of the differential diagnosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Itraconazole-related increased vincristine neurotoxicity: case report and review of literature.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Imatinib mesylate (Gleevec) is widely-used in the treatment of chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) and gastrointestinal stromal tumour.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Nimodipine: evidence for clinically significant gastrointestinal side-effects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Craniotomy was performed in one of these patients to control the hemorrhage; in the other three, 0.5 to 2 cc of thrombin (5000 U\/cc) was slowly injected via the biopsy cannula, resulting in immediate control of bleeding in all three cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patients must be instructed to recognize early symptoms of this severe infection and call the surgeon immediately.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Bronchoscopy with BAL can be successful in establishing the diagnosis of ELP by demonstration of a high lipid-laden macrophage index.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patient 1 had an arterial thrombosis, whereas Patient 2 had a venous thrombosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"With this initial therapy we have had no treatment failures.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A significant number of Asians reside in Australia, and consequently patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma are an increasing clinical problem.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The case of a 65-year-old male migraine patient with spontaneous internal carotid artery dissection is presented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Topical capsaicin as an adjuvant analgesic for the treatment of traumatic amputee neurogenic residual limb pain.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The ECG at the onset of CHB suggested block to have occurred in the trifascicular conduction system.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is present in approximately 2% of the population and is estimated to cause symptoms<5% of the time.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case report describes two patients with acute obstetric disseminated intravascular coagulation in whom the use of heparin resulted in marked clinical improvement.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Both patients developed cardiogenic shock and were treated unsuccessfully with thrombolysis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Neonates present with an immature physiology and biochemistry with respect to drug metabolism.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A maculopapular rash and a fever developed 2 weeks later.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Only few reports exist on iodine-induced hypothyroidism after a single injection of the iodized radiopaque dye Lipiodol.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"At 8 years 1 month of age, phenytoin was first administered.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Because conservative therapy was not helpful for spinal stenosis and neuroclaudication, a left L2 transforaminal epidural injection was attempted, but a posterolateral fusion mass made this procedure impossible.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Other case reports of second malignant neoplasms (SMN) following acute leukemia are cited; available data suggest that the overall risk of SMN in AML may be in the range of 6%.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One plausible explanation is HSV reactivation secondary to localized immunosuppression from corticosteroid injection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The allopurinol hypersensitivity syndrome is a rare adverse drug reaction.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Our search of the literature found no published pediatric pharmacokinetic data.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: It is critical that oncologists remember that the theoretical benefits of available anti-neoplastic interventions must be carefully and constantly weighted against the potential harm they may cause.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Except hypothyroidism after radioiodine treatment (euthyroid under substitutional therapy), she suffered from no other diseases.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The induced hyperglycaemia could not be controlled sufficiently, despite a high dose of insulin (> 110 units\/day), suggesting the existence of insulin insensitivity and hyperinsulinaemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"According to the Naranjo adverse drug reaction probability scale, the likelihood that temozolomide was responsible for the adverse drug reaction of fever was probable (score of 6).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The infiltrate was treated with a combination of topical polyhexamethylene biguanide, chlorhexidine, atropine sulfate, and oral itraconazole and resolved within 2 months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two cases of toxic reaction to lithium carbonate are reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 51-yr-old nonsmoking male patient without any history of previous allergies, asthma, hay fever, or urticaria developed attacks of asthma when captopril was added to the nadolol and dyazide treatment for his high blood pressure.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"While this report is anecdotal, any new drug warrants intense monitoring for unexpected toxicities in the post-marketing period.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Botulinum therapy was discontinued and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication markedly reduced the new symptoms, which completely resolved within 3 months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Twenty-four hours after the administration of gemcitabine, a symmetric, bullous, herpetiform eruption appeared on his trunk and upper limbs.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The day after clozapine was stopped, while he was still receiving clomipramine 150 mg\/d, he began behaving oddly, started sweating profusely, shivering, and became tremulous, agitated, and confused.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A case of toxic hepatitis caused by combination therapy with methotrexate and etretinate in the treatment of severe psoriasis is presented in a 47-year-old woman.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Methanol toxicity can cause severe central nervous system insult in which a characteristic pattern of bilateral putaminal injury is noted on brain imaging studies.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Simvastatin-induced rhabdomyolysis following cyclosporine treatment for uveitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The clinical and allergologic features of this case strongly suggest type IV hypersensitivity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This fatal complication occurred despite a careful selection of the patient and the presence of a lytic state.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: This case study provides practical information for general practitioners in the detection, assessment and management of patients with cough mixture opioid dependence.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We suggest that irinotecan offers an effective treatment option for children with recurrent brain stem glioma and other genetic variants except UGT1A1 may be a risk factor for irinotecan-induced toxicity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three patients, in whom tumour overkill by cytotoxic treatment, including high dose methotrexate with folinic acid rescue, resulted in the 'phosphate shower syndrome' (hyper-uricaemia, hyperkalaemia and hyperphosphataemia with hypocalcaemia and tetany, with metabolic acidosis and acute renal impairment) are described.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Concurrent use of warfarin and 5-fluorouracil has resulted in elevated international normalized ratios (INRs).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The nephrotic syndrome developed in a patient receiving therapy with gold for rheumatoid arthritis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Induction of glycosuria and hyperglycemia by topical corticosteroid therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Excluding other causes, Pentasa-associated pancytopenia was considered.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Familiarity with and critical appraisal of the literature on pulmonary infiltration in immunocompromised patients can contribute to a clear diagnostic and management plan.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Adverse effects are typically limited to treatment site erythema and erosion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She subsequently survived despite the development of convulsions, severe lactic acidosis (pH 6.86), hyperthermia (Temp 40.5 degrees C) and rhabdomyolysis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Recombinant human interferon-alpha has been used in the treatment of several cancers, but there have been several reports that it may exacerbate psoriasis or trigger off its onset.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This case report describes a patient who was previously prescribed alendronate (Fosamax) and presented with postoperative hypophosphatemia and hypocalcemic tetany after bowel preparation with Fleet Phospho-Soda.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In all three cases, an alleviation of headache intensity from severe to moderate was observed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Aggressive management of doxorubicin-induced cardiomyopathy associated with 'low' doses of doxorubicin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"After 3 months of pharmacological wash out, patient become pregnant and manifested this severe malformation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute leukopenia associated with silver sulfadiazine therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Blood findings during blast transformation were heterogeneous, including normal blood morphologic findings in 1 patient, leukocytosis with circulating blasts and basophilia in 1, and marked pancytopenia in 1.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On the fifth day of tocolysis with magnesium sulfate, nifedipine, terbutaline and betamethasone, edema developed in both labia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"One patient required urgent liver transplantation for fulminant hepatic failure after the brief use of black cohosh.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the spectrum of ocular toxicity following accidental inoculation of latex of Calotropis procera (Sodom apple) in 29 eyes between January 2003 and December 2006.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Arterial hypertension associated with topical ocular use of phenylephrine in dogs.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We diagnosed this case as danazol induced thrombocytopenia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: To report a case of traumatic flap dehiscence and Enterobacter keratitis 34 months after LASIK.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Despite surgery and combination therapy with voriconazole, caspofungin, and terbinafine, the patient died 8 months after transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rush disease, or aggressive posterior ROP (AP-ROP), progresses rapidly to stage 5 disease without exhibiting the classical course that includes stages 1-3.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clofazimine induced nail changes.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This case illustrates the potential decoupling of PSA response from disease status in flutamide withdrawal.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Failure of intravenous ribavirin in the treatment of invasive adenovirus infection following allogeneic bone marrow transplantation: a case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE SUMMARY: A 65-year-old patient chronically treated with the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) citalopram developed confusion, agitation, tachycardia, tremors, myoclonic jerks and unsteady gait, consistent with serotonin syndrome, following initiation of fentanyl, and all symptoms and signs resolved following discontinuation of fentanyl.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"New onset diabetes mellitus (DM) and diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) among patients using atypical antipsychotics is of clinical importance [1,2,5,7-10].","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Capecitabine 1500 mg taken by mouth twice daily was prescribed as the salvage chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, one patient exhibited severe hypersensitivity reactions including cardiac arrest and apnea, and another four patients developed eruptions, hypotension, and tachycardia soon after administration of CBDCA.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Thus, tardive seizures in our cases are thought to be related to piperacillin and cefotiam.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Catheterization revealed 90% midstenosis of the left anterior descending artery, which was successfully treated with percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) and stent placement.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although myelosuppression is mild, immunosuppression and superinfection are potential hazards of treatment with DCF.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This was treated immediately with oral acyclovir.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Intravitreal injection of triamcinolone is a commonly performed treatment for many retinal conditions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In addition, the deletion of chromosome no. 20, described as characteristic for PV, was found in 3 cells.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The polycystic changes disappeared from the ovaries in 2 of the women after valproate therapy was discontinued, and the 2 women who had gained weight and developed amenorrhea while being treated with valproate lost weight and resumed menstruating after the change in medication.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Chymopapain is a useful drug when used properly for lumbar disc disease and has the potential of eliminating three-fourths of lumbar disc surgery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hypoglycemia induced by long-acting somatostatin analogues in a patient with nonfunctional neuroendocrine tumor.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Fever, pulmonary infiltrates, and pleural effusion following acyclovir therapy for herpes zoster ophthalmicus.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The association with etanercept therapy and granulomatous reactions is discussed along with the differential diagnosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The rebound phenomenon in which HBV proliferates abruptly has not been experienced after withdrawal of lamivudine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report an 82-year-old man who developed ventricular tachycardia and Torsades de Pointes (TdP) after oral administration of garenoxacin, a novel quinolone antibiotic agent that differs from the third-generation quinolones, for pneumonia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Rebound headache after withdrawal of ergot alkaloids may lead to self-medication and overdosage, with subsequent risk of ergotism.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After the patient underwent conservative treatment, the new symptoms resolved, and follow-up MR imaging and computed tomography demonstrated resorption of the epidural air in the lumbar region.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hormone therapy with leuprolide acetate (Lupron) is frequently used to treat prostate cancer, a common malignancy expected to be diagnosed in >180,000 men in the United States this year.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Low serum Na+ and hypoosmolality in the absence of volume depletion, clinically manifest edema, and unaltered renal, adrenal, cardiac, or thyroid function suggest that this antiarrhythmic drug produced the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute colonic diverticular perforation presenting as left ear pain and facial swelling due to cervical subcutaneous emphysema in a patient administered corticosteroids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patients completing the trial were eligible to receive rhEPO as part of an open-label study.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The test, using peritoneal dialysis fluid, was positive for Streptococcus epidermidis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Biopsied muscle pathology indicated the presence of neurogenic muscular atrophy in combination with corticosteroid myopathy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Mechanisms, including 5-HT2A and 5-HT2C antagonism, serotonergic regulation of dopamine systems and putative dopaminergic subtypes of OCS and OCD, are discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Squamous cell carcinoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Parenteral pyridoxine, the specific antidote for INH-induced refractory seizures, should be readily available in every emergency department in the areas similarly experiencing increasing trends of TB.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Instead, she referred an improvement with gonadotropin releasing hormone agonist (GnRH-a) for the treatment of endometriosis and then with tamoxifen as hormonal therapy after mastectomy and chemotherapy for breast cancer.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the first case of IHA associated with cefuroxime administration.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The child had a history of heart disease treated with digoxin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The management of genitourinary malacoplakia in renal transplant recipients has been unsatisfactory previously, as evidenced by an unacceptably high rate of graft loss and mortality.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She received an alcohol-containing tylenol elixir while receiving the drug on two occasions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Reversible valproate hepatotoxicity due to mutations in mitochondrial DNA polymerase gamma (POLG1).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 58-year-old woman with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) developed fever, skin eruptions, leukocytopenia, and thrombocytopenia, 3 weeks after treatment with sulfasalazine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Valproate-induced hyperammonemia as a cause of altered mental status.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The thyrotropin (TSH) level was normal before IFN-alpha was started.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two cases illustrate how analeptic abuse can contribute to the development of paranoid psychosis in narcolepsy and greatly complicate treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We postulate that cyclosporin, possibly together with ganciclovir, can produce transient brain stem or neuromuscular dysfunction with eye movement abnormality in occasional patients.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A case of skeletal fluorosis induced by prolonged treatment with niflumic acid, a fast-acting non-steroid antiinflammatory agent, is reported in a 35-year-old woman suffering from rheumatoid arthritis and treated, in addition, with corticosteroids.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"To our knowledge, we describe the first reported case of isolated paresthesia and peripheral neuropathy, without systemic involvement, secondary to sulindac administration.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Infectious toxicity of dexamethasone during all remission-induction chemotherapy: report of two cases and literature review.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Radiotherapy is the mainstay of treatment for early nasopharyngeal cancer, but combination chemoradiotherapy is becoming more common for patients with advanced disease since the Intergroup trial 0099 demonstrated improved progression-free survival and overall survival for chemoradiotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pharmacotherapy with tricyclic antidepressants, anticonvulsants, tramadol and traditional analgesics had failed, primarily due to adverse drug effects, particularly sedation, dizziness and nausea.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The ectopic pregnancy was completely resolved with two doses of methotrexate administration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Radiation recall refers to inflammatory reactions triggered by chemotherapeutic agents and develops cutaneously in the previously irradiated areas.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute rehabilitation was complicated by a large defect of the abdominal wall and significant critical illness polyneuropathy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The major features of akinetic-rigid syndromes are bradykinesia (small, slow movements), rigidity and tremor, often summarised as \"parkinsonism\".","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"To our knowledge, our report is one of the first on shock and angio-oedema from irbesartan.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Treatment of caffeine toxicity with esmolol.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On the second occasion she developed a very severe episode of hypotension followed by the outbreak of a generalised rash during general anaesthesia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hyperammonemia has been described as a complication of valproic acid therapy but may often be overlooked as a cause of lethargy in the postictal patient who presents to the emergency department.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Up to four percent of patients treated with imatinib may develop hepatotoxicity, which usually resolves with discontinuation of the drug.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The central nervous system (CNS) is the major organ system affected, although the renal, gastrointestinal (GI), endocrine, and cardiovascular (CV) systems also may be involved.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The conditions of three children with dermatomyositis and one child with polymyositis were treated for nine to 31 months with combined prednisone and intravenous methotrexate (1 mg\/kg\/wk) when prednisone alone was ineffective in controlling the disease or when there were substantial steroid-related toxic effects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This may indicate that the anticonvulsive drug affected the vermis and flocculonodular lobe much more than the hemisphere of cerebellum, or that the cerebellar system sign in verminal and flocculonodular lobe lesion and its connection is detected more easily than the hemispheric lesion with the aid of a neuro-otological examination.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fulminant hepatic failure developed in a 24-year-old black woman who had been treated with propylthiouracil and propranolol for hyperthyroidism.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Herbal medicine causing likely strychnine poisoning.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A manual pumping test is commonly used to verify the patency of a ventriculoperitoneal (V-P) shunt.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The clinical findings and laboratory studies suggested an autoimmune cell-mediated hypersensitivity reaction triggered by phenobarbital.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report marked QT prolongation and torsades de pointes in a setting of flash pulmonary edema resulting from acute myocardial ischemia in a patient who was being treated with dofetilide for atrial fibrillation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We have cared for three children in whom four episodes of dystonia proceeding to opisthotonus occurred in association with carbamazepine use.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The temporal sequence of the respiratory insufficiency and the histopathology, when compared to the previous examples in the literature, suggest that cyclophosphamide was aetiologically responsible for the lung disease.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In the case of foul drainage, burn reconstruction would be delayed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hepatotoxicity associated with use of D-penicillamine in rheumatoid arthritis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A drug interaction between zafirlukast and theophylline.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In 1993, a case of PI with nephrotic syndrome following steroid treatment was reported in Japan.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Successful treatment with multiple intra-articular injections of infliximab in a patient with psoriatic arthritis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Similar phenomena have also been observed with other antibiotics.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To report a case of angioedema associated with losartan administration.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Both patients deteriorated during treatment with propranolol, and became asymptomatic during treatment with verapamil with normal graded exercise tests.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: The observation that neurotoxicity developed with a delay of 24 to 48 hours after acyclovir peak serum concentrations could explain the wide range of acyclovir levels reported in similar cases.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Acute non-lymphocytic leukemia occurred in eight women following long-term treatment with Treosulfan (= dihydroxybusulfan) for ovarian carcinoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In half of the above cases, symptoms resolved without the use of antipsychotics.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A medical evaluation for an alternative etiology of his seizures was negative.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In patients with recurrent malignant glioma, treatment-related myelodysplastic syndrome (t-MDS) and acute leukemia are rare adverse effects because the median survival after relapse is limited.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The pathophysiological mechanisms remain unknown, although the drug could act through massive cytokines liberation after destruction of CD20 positive cells by rituximab.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"There have been few reports, however, which have investigated a challenge with clozapine in patients previously showing eosinophilia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After clinically evident necrosis developed, prompt surgical debridement was carried out.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: To report new indocyanine green angiographic (ICGA) findings after intravitreal bevacizumab (IVB) for myopic choroidal neovascularization (mCNV).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"TMP\/SMX is primarily used for the treatment of pneumocystis carinii pneumonia prophylaxis in AIDS patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: The panuveitis and retinal periphlebitis began to resolve within one week; however, ten days after the last corticosteroid dose, the patient was hospitalized with the diagnosis of cerebral venous thrombosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cerebral demyelinating disease developed in a patient during adjuvant therapy with levamisole for malignant melanoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Rhabdomyolysis associated with the use of intravenous vasopressin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"These may not always be reported in the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Proton MRS examination demonstrated a persistent lactate elevation during metronidazole treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: We report a case of cutaneous KS lesions in a patient affected by CML treated with imatinib.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Despite anti-tuberculous treatment, she died on day 85.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Disulfiram has been used effectively to deter alcohol consumption in patients with a history of alcohol abuse.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Postoperative hypocalcemic tetany caused by fleet phospho-soda preparation in a patient taking alendronate sodium: report of a case.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In patients with swallowing dysfunction and pneumonia, a history of mineral oil use should be obtained and a diagnosis of ELP should be considered in the differential diagnoses if mineral oil use has occurred.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Delay of corneal wound healing in patients treated with colchicine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"20% of the reported cases of t(8;16)(p11;p13) AML are therapy-related and this case further supports the possible role of the ionizing radiation in the development of this disorder.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient's status as a probationer or parolee played a pivotal role in strategies for ensuring treatment through the criminal justice system as opposed to the mental health system or civil commitment process.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 57-year-old woman with right bundle branch block +LPH and ventricular premature contractions developed complete heart block (CHB) following administration of disopyramide phosphate (Norpace).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A pulmonary embolus and hepatic and renal infarcts were then found.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"When venlafaxine treatment was begun, their ocular pressure was steadily around 17-18 mmHg.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We also discuss the possible contribution of altered cerebrospinal fluid dynamics in the development of leukoencephalopathy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This would suggest that botulinum toxin is a safe and effective first line treatment for palatal tremor.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dystrophy (APECED) is an inherited disease which may comprise many endocrine and non-endocrine components.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The diagnosis of BOOP requires the presence of a combination of pathological, clinical, and radiological features.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is not possible to ascribe these improvements specifically to plasmapheresis since the patient was concurrently receiving low doses of prednisone and intermittent treatment with cyclophosphamide.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There was neither a rise in haemoglobin nor a reduction in transfusion dependence in any of the other patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Epidural steroid injection resulting in epidural hematoma in a patient despite strict adherence to anticoagulation guidelines.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinical cases documenting the development of pemphigus in patients with a history of psoriasis have been reported in the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Whether the drug is unmasking latent autoimmune hepatitis is unclear.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Nevertheless the patient lapsed into a hypotonic coma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Moreover, little information on the management of this easily recurring disease is available at present.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The dog developed generalized lower motor neuron paralysis, with generalized hyperesthesia, myoglobinuria, and high serum muscle enzyme activities.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The development of lymphoma in the gastric stump is rare.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Subjective complaints decreased, and best-corrected Snellen visual acuity improved with topical corticosteroid therapy alone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The above-mentioned second malignancy is one of the late sequelae of platinum-based chemoradiation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The victim was released from hospital the next day.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These patients showed slightly low serum calcium, normal or low serum phosphate, and normal parathyroid hormone concentrations.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He was treated with oral ibuprofen 600 mg every 6 h and oral cyclobenzaprine 5 mg daily, which improved his pain, but the shoulder stiffness remained throughout his hospital stay and persisted for 2 months following discharge.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Initial low plasma thiamine levels confirmed the diagnosis of thiamine deficiency.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: To describe transient structured visual hallucinations in a patient with vascular age-related macular degeneration (AMD), following an intravitreal Avastin-injection.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"At operation a black dacryolith was found, of the diameter predicted by ultrasound.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, patients who do not respond to clozapine monotherapy can be given adjunctive treatment with ECT.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Squamous cell carcinoma with MAHA, on the other hand, has not often been reported in the English literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Postoperative recovery was complicated by the development on day four of bilateral herpes zoster at the T8 dermatome level.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"If RD is suspected, assessment should include spirography combined with fibroscopy for examination of irregularities in the rate, rhythm, and depth of respiration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The pharmacokinetics of oral 6-mercaptopurine (6MP) was assessed in 20 children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia during maintenance therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A patient suffering from a rare enzyme deficiency developed a malignant neuroleptic syndrome after having been treated with one single dose of haloperidol.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Case report: colonic stricture and fibrosis associated with high-strength pancreatic enzymes in a child with cystic fibrosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the displacement of a tunnelled intrathecal catheter causing significant cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak, resulting in partial coning and a sixth nerve palsy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A fatal case of pancytopenia due to levomepromazine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Thereafter the maintenance dose can be small and fluctuations in the illness do not seem to occur.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ten days after itraconazole was started, he developed paralytic ileus, neurogenic bladder, mild left ptosis, and absence of deep reflexes, with severe paralysis of the lower extremities and mild weakness of the upper extremities.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 53-year-old male, without any prior history of psychosis, developed schizophrenia 4 days after starting low-dose bromocriptine therapy for a macroprolactinoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Recent chickenpox contact should initiate VZV serologic studies in Reye syndrome patients, regardless of the chickenpox history or evidence of infection with other viruses.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patients reported dramatic reduction in itching after cyproheptadine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ulcer became worse after tobramycin and gentamycin treatment for 2 days.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A new therapeutic regimen is suggested, which includes long-term antibiotics combined with an immediate modification of azathioprine therapy and early graft nephrectomy in selected cases with renal parenchymal involvement.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We encountered two cases of macular infarction that occurred after vitrectomy performed for mild endophthalmitis, which, on culture, yielded Staphylococcus epidermidis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Severe hyperphosphatemia following acute tumor lysis syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Four hemodialyses with charcoal hemoperfusion were performed over 72 h.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three cycles of chemotherapy had been administered without complications when, at the beginning of the fourth cycle, the patient developed clinical and laboratory abnormalities consistent with the development of the hemolytic-uremic syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In high-risk patients with NSTE ACS for whom an early invasive strategy is planned, enoxaparin and UFH are the agents with the highest level of evidence (evidence level A).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On followup, the patient reported disappearance of symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a fatal case of acute interstitial pneumonitis in a patient treated with carmustine (BCNU) for a brain tumor.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: This patient's neurological deficits were not due to the epidural analgesia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient responded to gluten restriction, as shown by resolution of jejunal abnormalities and skin lesions and subsequently by recurrence of jejunal abnormalities and skin lesions with reinstitution of a gluten-containing diet.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Despite the risk of needle-track seeding, PEI remains useful in the treatment of HCC.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is unclear whether this case, similar to other cases of low-grade B-cell lymphoproliferations reported after transplantation, is related to immunosuppression and therefore part of the spectrum of PTLDs, or merely represents coincidental event occurring in an immunocompromised patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Amoebic disease precipitated by corticosteroids prescribed for tuberculous pleural effusions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although this type of hyperpigmentation has been previously seen in patients with cancer who are receiving bleomycin, this is, to our knowledge, the first reported case of bleomycin-induced hyperpigmentation in an AIDS patient and should be added to the growing list of cutaneous eruptions seen in these patients.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Both patients were heavy imbibers of alcohol and both had swallowed less paracetamol that that generally regarded as a lethal dose.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Histology of a cutaneous lesion showed spongiosis and infiltration of the epidermis by atypical lymphocytes with large hyperchromatic nuclei, perivascular dermal lymphocytic infiltrate (CD3+) mixed with plasma cells and occasional large immunoblasts (CD20+).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All the alternative medications for rheumatological patients are significantly more toxic than HCQ.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Chickenpox in adult renal transplant recipients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Microscopic examination showed nests of mature adipocytes expanding toward the dermal reticular layer.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One of the 3 patients was reexposed to etanercept later on.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rapamycin\/sirolimus (SR), trade named Rapammune (Wyeth-Ayerst, Sydney, Australia), is a potent immunosuppressive drug associated with myelosuppression, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and infection.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Prior sexual profile included from no sexual outlet to hypersexuality.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CE was confirmed either by renal biopsy (case 1) or skin biopsy (case 2).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE SUMMARY: A 25-year-old postpartum white woman developed multiple watery stools and abdominal cramping on day 6 of therapy with clindamycin vaginal cream for bacterial vaginosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"DISCUSSION: On four separate occasions the patient was challenged advertently or inadvertently, with sustained-release verapamil.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Herpes simplex keratitis in renal transplant recipients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Choanal atresia and athelia: methimazole teratogenicity or a new syndrome?","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Possible induction of diabetes by treatment of hypertension with indapamide (with four case reports).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"His renal function returned to baseline 14 days later with supportive care, folinic acid rescue, and urinary alkalinization.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Another four patients went into partial remission, amounting to an overall response rate of 58%.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report two cases of neutropenia following captopril use in cardiac patients with trisomy 21.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Preliminary evidence for inhibitory effect of glycyrrhizin on HIV replication in patients with AIDS.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Prothrombin complex concentrates (PCCs) and, more recently, activated prothrombin complex concentrates (APCCs), are widely used for the treatment of active bleeding in haemophiliacs with inhibitors.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A new type of minocycline-induced cutaneous hyperpigmentation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"It has been associated with phenytoin, cyclosporine, and calcium channel blocking agents.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An 83-year-old man receiving glipizide 10 mg bid developed symptomatic hypoglycemia within three days of adding trimethoprim\/sulfamethoxazole (TMP\/SMX) to his regimen.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Colchicine-induced myopathy should be excluded in patients with FMF who present with generalized muscle weakness.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient was treated surgically by foramen magnum decompression and occipito-cervical fusion, and by transoral resection of the clivus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He had also developed elevated serum ammonia levels while on valproic acid.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Moreover, as the pathophysiology of this disorder becomes less of a hypothesis and more of an understood entity, it is likely that treatment options will broaden beyond the use of daily prophylactic colchicine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The course of this case may be useful in the understanding of the pathogenesis of autoimmune hyperthyroidism.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"More recent case reports have concentrated on the use of cardiopulmonary bypass.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Twelve patients reported improvement in pain and mood, while 11 reported improvement in sleep.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of tularemia presenting as a solitary pulmonary nodule following syngeneic PBSC transplant.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Various combinations of antibiotics have been successful in achieving cure; however, at present, high-dose penicillin (greater than 25 million units\/day) in combination with an aminoglycoside for a period of six weeks appears to be the optimum therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Neurological evaluation of children with ALL at diagnosis and during treatment is of value in order to diagnose neurological complications early so that appropriate intervention can be adopted.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, a surgical approach consisting of resection of the colon may sometimes be necessary, even in patients with complete aplasia and a high risk of complications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Dosing adjustment in patients with renal dysfunction is not necessary for anastrozole.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All the data suggested that the antibiotic was responsible for the deterioration in renal function.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These included advanced age, chronic lung disease, liver disease, and administration of cimetidine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case report describes the unanticipated development of pyometra in Brown Norway rats after treatment with estrogen.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Three patients who developed symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) during rofecoxib exposure are described along with pathology findings.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 7-year-old girl developed diabetes mellitus and exocrine pancreatic insufficiency after 3.5 years of almost continuous treatment with azathioprine and\/or prednisone for idiopathic auto-immune haemolytic anaemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Aminoglutethimide was discontinued until completion of radiotherapy, and the rash resolved.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Magnetic resonance imaging was more useful than computed tomography in the early diagnosis and management of these acute lymphocytic leukemia patients with leukoencephalopathy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Computed tomography of the brain was normal but electroencephalography showed focal theta and delta slow waves over the right temporal-parietal-occipital area.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"To our knowledge, this case is the first published report of levofloxacin-induced TEN.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This is the second report to describe such findings, which are attributed to damage of the inferior division of the third cranial nerve secondary to manipulation of adjacent ethmoid tissues.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After 15 minutes, amiodarone infusion (25 microg\/kg\/min) eliminated further paroxysms in both patients, allowing both interventions to be completed safely and effectively.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Serum potassium values higher than 7 mmol x l-1 are associated with cardiac arrhythmias and an increased incidence of intraventricular haemorrhage and periventricular leucomalacia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe longitudinal diffusion-weighted MRI findings of sub-acute leukoencephalopathy following methotrexate therapy in a 24-year-old man diagnosed with pre-B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), presenting with right-sided paralysis and aphasia after second consolidation with intrathecal triple-drug therapy given intrathecally.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Adhesions to manufacturer's trademark on the surface of a posterior chamber lens.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute coronary vasospasm during thoracic spine surgery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This article describes a safe and highly effective augmentation technique in patients suffering from some of the most serious and debilitating forms of anxiety disorders, namely obsessive-compulsive disorder and panic disorder.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The possible causes included underlying artherosclerosis, the use of pneumatic tourniquet, surgical manipulation, and arterial spasm.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Total blindness with a transient tonic pupillary response, denervation supersensitivity, and abnormal visual-evoked potentials developed in a 54-year-old man after the use of quinine sulfate for leg cramps.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"She had taken feedings through a nasogastric tube with 1000 ml (1000 kcal) of Ensureliquid daily since 1993 because of the muscle weakness after rhabdomyolysis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Interventional pain management is an evolving field and the standard of care is broadly defined.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Therefore, contact lens wear should be discontinued to prevent further complications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Myoclonus and seizures disappeared after discontinuation of L-dopa and the introduction of valproate sodium (VPA).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography demonstrated normal biliary tree and pancreatic ducts.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Bleomycin induced hyperpigmentation with yolk sac tumor.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"These malignancies may represent either a new clonal disorder or a complication of drug treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Choline magnesium trisalicylate was then administered in an effort to control her fever, and was successful.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This issue is important, given the increasing use of chemotherapy in combination with radiotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Adverse reaction to prednisone in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Plasma exchange with either fresh-frozen plasma or 5% albumin solution as replacement fluid was performed in four selected patients with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis unresponsive to standard therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Angio-oedema as an unusual tolerable side effect of voriconazole therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The fetal valproate syndrome (FVS) is characterized by distinctive facial appearance, major and minor malformations, and developmental delay.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Association of fluoxetine and return of sexual potency in three elderly men.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Myocardial ischemia associated with high-dose carmustine infusion.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Best corrected visual acuity before injection was 6\/60 in the left eye.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"New observations, including CT scan findings and experience with treatment by praziquantel.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Further doses were required as the respiratory depression recurred.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: We report the association of postoperative chylothorax treated with somatostatin analog (octreotide) and necrotizing enterocolitis in an infant following aortic coarctation repair.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The brain and spinal cord were examined routinely, and histological sections were taken for evaluation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Anti-TNFalpha antibodies appeared in this case to improve TPN-related cholestasis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Charcoal haemoperfusion and cysteamine therapy led to the rapid removal of the paracetamol from the body and consequently prevented the development of severe hepatic necrosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"It should be emphasized that the recurrence of nephrotic syndrome was observed after the following chemotherapy, including M-CSF, whereas the bone marrow still remained completely remitted.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The use of monoamine oxidase inhibitors in the treatment of elderly, depressed patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fatal hepatic failure caused by chemotherapy-induced reactivation of hepatitis B virus in a patient with hematologic malignancy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"ECG showed marked ST elevations consistent with acute myocardial infarction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Subsequent liver biopsy showed low-grade lobular hepatitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"They both required treatment with insulin, one in very high dosage, but their insulin requirements fell progressively after the atypical antipsychotic was withdrawn.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Other possible differential diagnoses were magnesium overdose or a post-ictal state.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The drug combination resulted in persistently elevated urinary Histoplasma antigen levels and subtherapeutic plasma itraconazole concentrations.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Laparotomy revealed it to be unresectable.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Emergency coronary angiography revealed no major coronary atherosclerosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Adverse effects of amiodarone including pulmonary toxicity, hepatotoxicity, aggravation of arrhythmia, and thyroid diseases are well understood.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), treated with L-asparaginase are at risk for cerebral thrombosis or hemorrhage because of coagulation protein deficiencies.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Although pathologic confirmation of the cause was not possible, the potential for this alarming complication should be recognized by physicians prescribing epidural steroid therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We suggest that itraconazole should be added to the list of drugs that may be responsible for a drug-induced vanishing bile duct syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: Treatment of hypotension with beta-agonists in VLBW infants with left ventricular hypertrophy can lead to hypercontractility and left ventricular obliteration with paradoxical hypotension.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In one patient, it was demonstrated that the discontinuation of enalapril was followed by a decrease in renal blood flow and a significant increase in the plasma erythropoietin levels that preceded the rise in hemoglobin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One should use caution in the interpretation of magnetic resonance imaging scans of the shoulder soon after the injection of corticosteroids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two cases of vesicouterine fistula, caused by lower-segment cesarean section, are presented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Tamoxifen, a widely used drug in adjuvant therapy of breast carcinoma, is now being tested for its effectiveness in chemoprevention.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thus, t(4;11)(p12;q23) with MLL and FRYL involvement represents a new recurring 11q23 translocation, to date seen only in therapy-related acute leukemias.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"While the patient had evidence of underlying kidney disease, the timing of his renal failure indicates that TDF played a central role.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although the intended length of treatment was a minimum of 8 weeks, only three patients completed 8 weeks of therapy, one patient completed 6 weeks, two patients completed 4 weeks and one patient was discontinued after 5 days.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of primary non-Hodgkin gastric stump lymphoma, found in a 78-year-old man 30 years after a distal gastrectomy for a benign peptic ulcer.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He had an immediate hypersensitivity reaction during the initiation of the MTX infusion with diffuse urticaria, facial swelling, cough, and chest tightness.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Only nondepolarizing muscle relaxants should be used in patients who are at risk for mucositis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ultimately, the choice of treatment will depend upon the patient's risk of recurrence and progression.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Mercury sensitisation: review, relevance and a clinical report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She gradually recovered from these symptoms during subsequent 7 days.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patients from endemic areas referred to transplant centers may be at high risk for disseminated histoplasmosis when treated with long-term prednisone for graft-versus-host disease.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Seizures were treated with diazepam.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Histologically, the fungal organisms demonstrated markedly enlarged blastoconidia with a variety of morphologic forms, mimicking other mycotic organisms, such as Cryptococcus neoformans, Blastomyces dermatitidis, and Paracoccidioides brasiliensis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Loss of speech after orthotopic liver transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Taken together with other evidence that fluoroquinolones lower seizure threshold, this report suggests fluoroquinolones should be avoided in patients receiving ECT.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Sodium bicarbonate should be given early in the resuscitation, and re-administered as frequently as required, targeting an alkaline pH and improved cardiac output, while accepting hypernatraemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intrahepatic cholestasis and sicca complex after thiabendazole.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A multicentric retrospective pilot study was undertaken to detect GCV-resistance through mutations within the UL97 gene in renal transplant recipients who experienced active HCMV infection and received valacyclovir prophylaxis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three of these patients had convulsions attributed to imipenem\/cilastatin; 3.6% of the patients had seizure, or 2% of imipenem\/cilastatin administrations was followed by a seizure attack.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Subsequent reversal was by intravenous administration of calcium chloride.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One case of tacrolimus-induced hepatic VOD developing after lung transplantation (LT) has been recently reported.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In this study a case of BP which was difficult to control with systemic steroids was successfully treated with mycophenolate mofetil as adjuvant therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"New criteria for the diagnosis of infective endocarditis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of intracardiac thrombus in a patient supported by the Jarvik 2000 Flowmaker successfully treated with a single dose of peripherally administered TNK-tissue plasminogen activator (Tenecteplase, Metalyse, Boehringer Ingelheim).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The dog remains healthy despite the marked increase in the number of circulating platelets.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There is direct and indirect evidence for various immunologic and nonimmunologic pathways precipitating the reaction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Our experience supports its efficacy in this setting, and to the best of our knowledge this is the first report of successful treatment of cutaneous warts with IV Cidofovir in a pediatric case.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In vivo confocal microscopic findings of interlamellar stromal keratopathy induced by elevated intraocular pressure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe rupture of a cerebral arterial aneurysm in a 32 year old hypertensive woman following the introduction of nifedipine treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Serum tryptase levels drawn during the infusions were low, signifying controlled mast cell degranulation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 7-year-old with congenital toxoplasmosis who took pyrimethamine and sulfadiazine for reactivated chorioretinitis developed fever, severe cutaneous involvement, swelling, abdominal pain and transaminitis, persisting weeks after withholding medicines.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A hemagglutinin mutation (198 Thr-->Ile) reduced the virus affinity for receptors found on susceptible human cells.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 76-year-old woman was admitted to our department for evaluation of left facial pain, confusion and disorientation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Mucormycosis peritonitis: more than 2 years of disease-free follow-up after posaconazole salvage therapy after failure of liposomal amphotericin B.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"9. More accurate assessment of risk: benefit ratios awaits the results of prospective controlled studies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The Ensure Plus was continued and adequate prothrombin times were achieved on 7.5 to 10 mg of warfarin daily.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Infections secondary to Leuconostoc are uncommon, and usually affect patients with underlying diseases, prior use of vancomycin and those with central lines.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Occurrence in mycosis fungoides treated with psoralens plus long-wave ultraviolet radiation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After the initial resuscitation and the subsequent treatment of shock and vitamin K deficiency, acute peritoneal dialysis was instituted to correct the severe lactic acidosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Currently available research on the use of risperidone to manage agitation in patients with dementia is discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hypercalcemia has not been previously reported during treatment with topical tacalcitol.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A child in whom a phenobarbital hypersensitivity drug reaction developed which consisted of fever, a pruritic desquamating erythrodermic rash, alopecia, icterus, protein-losing enteropathy, myositis, and nephritis, is described.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"While the association of psoriasis and lupus may have been fortuitous, the temporal relationships suggest that PUVA treatment in this case may have been of pathogenetic importance in the development of the connective tissue disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A periodic examination of the nasal septum should be undertaken in patients with ABPA and rhinitis on long term inhaled oral and intranasal corticosteroids along with oral corticosteroids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Quetiapine in relapse prevention in alcoholics suffering from craving and affective symptoms: a case series.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Laboratory investigation disclosed a high anti-Toxoplasma IgG titer.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The excessive accumulation of copper in many tissues illustrates the potential danger of parenteral copper therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Moreover, the disease invariably recurs in the graft kidney and causes graft failure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Apomorphine-induced erections in PD are probably more common than previously thought.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Severe aphthous stomatitis associated with oral calcineurin and mTOR inhibitors.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Alternative medicine is becoming increasingly popular, especially with terminally ill patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Oral ketamine: a promising treatment for restless legs syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The results were judged to be good in 36.6% of the cases, moderate in 36.6% and poor in 26.7% of the cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All developed mucocutaneous side effects within 20 weeks of beginning im gold therapy, at a time when RA had improved markedly compared to pretreatment status.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma using arterial chemoembolization with degradable starch microspheres and continuous arterial infusion of 5-fluorouracil.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Optical coherent tomography and fluorescein angiography showed an almost complete resolution of cystoid macular edema.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"No recurrence was seen in the 12 to 19 month follow-up.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the case of an adult patient with acute lymphoblastic leukemia who presented with repeated transient ischemic attacks followed by a seizure during consolidation treatment with L-asparaginase.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Transient leucopenia and thrombocytopenia associated with sodium nitroprusside infusion.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Protein C, protein S, and antithrombin III were normal, and factor V Leiden and prothrombin gene mutations were absent.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The diabetes improved when the treatment was discontinued and worsened on re-introduction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The IgA was normalized after phenytoin withdrawal, but IgE determination increased progressively without any atopic symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intravenous cimetidine administered q8h offers a safe and cost-effective approach to H2-receptor blockade and reduction of gastric acid secretion in patients who are temporarily unable to take oral medication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thrombocytopenia has traditionally been associated with intermittent therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Renal failure is a rare complication associated with the use of rifampicin for the treatment of tuberculosis, usually occurring well into the course of therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The ophthalmological examination was normal, except for extensive bilateral maculopathy with shining crystalline deposits, central and peripheral visual field defects, slightly affected scotopic and photopic potentials in the flash-ERG, and an abnormal m-ERG.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Antibiotic therapy consisting of Amoxicillin and Gentamycin was given for seven days.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Steroid therapy predisposes to early dissemination and a potentially fatal outcome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One of the patients had had earlier exposure to typical antipsychotic drugs, but no other predisposing factors for TD were noted.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Common adverse events (frequency 10%) of lacosamide doses up to 600 mg\/day include nonspecific central nervous system effects (e.g., dizziness, ataxia, diplopia, and somnolence).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The literature on thiabendazole-induced cholestasis and its association with sicca complex is reviewed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Ten to 15% of patients treated with ifosfamide develop an encephalopathy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"DISCUSSION: Serotonin syndrome is a potentially lethal pharmacodynamic interaction between medications that increase serotonergic transmission at the synaptic junction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Management of suspected neuroleptic malignant syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Low dosages of quinacrine used for malaria prophylaxis can be associated with a delayed, severe maculopathy indistinguishable from chloroquine maculopathy in certain patients.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The day after clozapine was stopped, while he was still receiving clomipramine 150 mg\/d, he began behaving oddly, started sweating profusely, shivering, and became tremulous, agitated, and confused.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Gabapentin appeared to be a safe, effective, and economical treatment for neuropathic pain in this horse.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Metoclopramide may cause reversible nonthrombocytopenic vascular-type palpable purpura.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Moreover, the IgG subclasses in glomerular deposits and the presence of chimeric renal cells were studied.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Treatment with this topical fluorinated corticosteroid produced a measurable reduction in the size of the hemangiomas, which permitted clearing of the visual axis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DATA SOURCES: Case studies, abstracts, and research publications identified in MEDLINE and bibliographic review.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Retinal pigment epithelial tear following photodynamic therapy for choroidal neovascularization secondary to AMD.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The pacing system consists of an implanted receiver-lead system and an external patient-activated transmitter.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Genitourinary malacoplakia in renal transplant recipients: pathogenic, prognostic and therapeutic considerations.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two patients with imminent gangrene of the extremities caused by ergot-induced arteriospasm underwent mechanical dilatation of the arteries when conventional measures such as anticoagulation, vasodilation, and sympathetic blockade produced no improvement.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Three days later, he presented with evidence of massive deep haemorrhage to the point of airway compromise.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Since herpesvirus has been shown to survive in the hot tub environment, herpes simplex should be considered as another potential cause of disease in the spa setting.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the case of a 43-year-old man with ITP refractory to steroids and intravenous immunoglobulin who developed acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) after a single infusion of rituximab.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"After a subacromial injection with betamethasone and lidocaine, the patient noted 3 weeks of near complete pain relief, followed by a return of her symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The purpose is to report a complication after photodynamic therapy (PDT) and intravitreal triamcinolone for a presumed choroidal neovascularization in age-related macular degeneration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Descemet folds and an atypically large amount of stromal edema were present in both cases, and there appeared to be possible endothelial dysfunction as well.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She had been on Copaxone 20 mg\/day treatment for 2 years when she first exhibited gastrointestinal symptoms.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We believe that ritonavir-mediated induction of VPA glucuronidation resulted in a decrease in VPA concentrations and efficacy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intravesical formalin instillation has been performed in a patient with massive bladder hemorrhage secondary to radiation cystitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Psychosis associated with oral contraceptive-induced chorea.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In 25 patients in whom ectopy persisted despite drug therapy, there were 17 sudden deaths.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Naratriptan in the prophylaxis of transformed migraine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Specific inhibitors of 5-HT reuptake are reported to have lower proconvulsive activity than other antidepressants.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Annual tests of serum ferritin showed progressive increase.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Since imiquimod induces large amounts of type I interferon production from TLR7-expressing plasmacytoid dendritic cell precursors (PDCs), the natural interferon-producing cells of the peripheral blood, we asked whether PDCs are present in psoriatic skin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Case study on drug-related adverse effects of hepatitis C therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: VVR stimulates mucin secretion and MCTV in the LPS-inflamed ferret airway.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To report a case of Cushing's syndrome in an adult patient caused by prolonged and unsupervised use of glucocorticoid ocular drops.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Occurrence of IDDM during interferon therapy for chronic viral hepatitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Thrombocytosis under ciprofloxacin and tazobactam\/piperacillin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The autofluorescence technique was used to predict the risk of CNV in the fellow eye.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acne fulminans and 13-cis-retinoic acid.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Severe vulvar edema is an extremely rare complication of pregnancy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a renal transplant recipient infected with Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP) who developed hypercalcemia, elevated 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D, and suppressed parathyroid hormone levels.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thus catheter-related cutaneous aspergillosis could lead to a severe deep-seated infection in HIV-positive patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors report on two patients with corneal ulcers refractory to conventional treatment while the patients were undergoing oral colchicine therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report the successful treatment of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia and subsequent hemorrhagic complications postoperatively in a 2-year-old child with Danaparoid (orgaran).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The authors suggest that in the absence of any proven benefit of itraconazole prophylaxis, and given the interaction of this drug with vincristine leading to severe and even potentially fatal toxicities, the combination use of these drugs should be avoided.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Prosthetic valve endocarditis (PVE) due to Legionella micdadei was diagnosed in a man a year after valve replacement with a bovine xenograft.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"If the infection takes a persistent course, persistent topical and intravitreal antibiotic treatment and possibly vitrectomy are needed to eradicate the infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Prolonged suppression of circulating serum cortisol concentrations and cortisol responses to the Synacthen stimulation test were noted in 3 cases, and marked failure to thrive was noted in all 4 cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Histoplasma capsulatum (HC) is a thermally dimorphic ascomycete that is a significant cause of respiratory infections (>80%) in endemic areas (Midwest and southeast USA), but infections are rare in non-endemic areas.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In this report two patients presenting with rippling muscles followed by myasthenia gravis are described.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Histology showed pigment within dendritic cells, and extracellularly throughout the dermis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Despite a response of the meningeal tumor the patient developed in the third week of MTX treatment a progressive visual loss and loss of consciousness which worsened during subsequent Ara-C treatment and led to death within 3 weeks.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"INTERVENTIONS: None.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The phenytoin only modified the IgA levels.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Results of laboratory studies were normal and the patient was treated with topical therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 1-month-old infant suffered cardiac arrest shortly after presentation to the emergency department.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a 25-year-old, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)--negative man, who was started on antituberculosis treatment (ATT) with isoniazid (H), rifampicin (R), pyrazinamide (Z) and ethambutol (E) in the combination RHZE for the first two months and RH there on.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: We describe the ophthalmic features and clinical course of two cases of acute syphilitic posterior placoid chorioretinitis (ASPPC) that developed after intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide (IVTA) injection.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"He had previously failed induction therapy with cyclophosphamide, vincristine, adriamycin, and dexamethasone, but achieved complete remission after melphalan therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The WBC count should be determined and the patient's circulatory status evaluated to rule out hypovolemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Porphyria cutanea tarda, a metabolic disorder of heme biosynthesis, is characterized by cutaneous hyperpigmentation, facial hypertrichosis, dark urine, and a distinctive pattern of excess porphyrin production.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ferrous sulfate-induced increase in requirement for thyroxine in a patient with primary hypothyroidism.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatment of leukemia relapse after bone marrow transplantation with interferon-alpha and interleukin 2.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient reported immediate and sustained improvement in his post herpetic neuralgia for over two months, without adverse effects from the calcitonin therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Two patients with ocular inflammation of unknown origin developed severe chorioretinitis after IVTA injection.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Other potential mechanisms for the drug interaction may also exist.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Eighty-two patients with various malignancies who received imipenem\/cilastatin 143 times for neutropenic fever between March 1994 and October 1999 in Department of Pediatric Oncology, Gazi University, were identified.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Chest X-ray revealed a solitary pulmonary nodule.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This circular area corresponded to the 3500 microm diameter of the laser spot used in the PDT treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Successful treatment of cryptococcal ventriculoatrial shunt infection with systemic therapy alone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Organ transplant recipients on immunosuppressant therapy are at risk of developing lymphoproliferative disorders.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The ATL proved refractory to chemotherapy, and he underwent BMT conditioned with CY\/TBI.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It can occur in association with altered immunological conditions and the administration of various drugs, including corticosteroids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However in some patients requiring emergency cardiac or vascular surgery, reexposure to heparin may be unavoidable.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This may be due to a change in the type of metabolites excreted.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The response to chemotherapy was not satisfactory.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Major abnormalities were confined to the heart and brain.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present a case of a diabetic patient taking glyburide who was prescribed ciprofloxacin and developed prolonged hypoglycemia, which persisted for over 24 hours.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"After three weeks of carbamazepine therapy, the patient arrived at the emergency department (ED) with severe agitation and aggressive behavior.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 43-year-old white man developed a shallow erosion of a psoriatic plaque after chronic administration of methotrexate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: A 37-year-old African- American man with G6PD deficiency developed hemolytic anemia, hepatitis, orthostatic hypotension, and aseptic meningitis simultaneously after using trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A rebound in levels of intercellular antibodies usually followed their depletion but could be minimized or completely suppressed by administration of cyclophosphamide.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: For severe cases of TiACG that are associated with very high intraocular pressures, the combination of mannitol and methylprednisolone can induce a rapid improvement.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Heparin-associated thrombocytopenia and thrombosis is a severe complication of systemic heparin therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Pericardial hemorrhage due to acetylsalicylic acid in a patient with essential thrombocythemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Amiodarone hydrochloride, a new antiarrhythmic agent, has been associated with pulmonary toxicity characterized by cough, dyspnea and diffuse pulmonary infiltrates.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Steroid-induced acute psychosis in a child with asthma: report of one case.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The pathogenesis and management of this process are reviewed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There have been many reports of probable lithium-induced organic brain syndromes occurring when serum lithium levels are within or close to the therapeutic range.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Interestingly, continuation of the interferon therapy in the presence of a mild-to-moderate exacerbation of sarcoidosis may be safe in a minority of patients with noncritical organ involvement.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The addition of ADV was efficient to treat LAM-resistant HBV.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"At autopsy, microscopy showed that most of the thyroid follicles were enlarged with dense colloid substance and lined by flattened follicular cells (involuted follicles).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Jaundice induced by streptokinase.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The postoperative course was complicated by slight override of the graft associated with an associated epithelial defect, but there was no evidence of microbial keratitis or significant anterior chamber inflammation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Diffusion-weighted MRI (DWI) may help to distinguish between ischemic stroke and chemotherapy-related leukoencephalopathy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She had previously been treated unsuccessfully with a number of atypical antipsychotic medications, before she was eventually started on clozapine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present a case of interaction between ritonavir and carbamazepine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Neurological examination revealed bilateral ptosis, and complete external opthalmoplegia with normal pupillary and corneal reflexes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The pathogenesis of the porphyria is not clear; however, cyclophosphamide is a substrate for cytochrome P450, and may produce metabolites that destroy this protein.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"As a result, we identified total 11 patients with nocturia and three of those completed the 12-week study of switching dopamine agonist from bromocriptine to pergolide.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Visual fields and tiagabine: a quandary.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Unexpected severe reversible cyclosporine A-induced nephrotoxicity in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus and tubulointerstitial renal disease.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 2-year-old boy with type I diabetes mellitus was admitted due to a coma caused by cerebral oedema and was successfully treated for his neurological condition but presented on the tenth day after admission with fever of 40 degrees C, agitation, restlessness, lack of appetite, somnolence and fatigue.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There was serological evidence of a recent Group A streptococcal infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intra-neural ceroid-like pigment following the treatment of lepromatous leprosy with clofazimine (B663; Lamprene).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"These findings suggested vasospasm or dissection, presumably related to hypertension and\/or angiitis or vasoconstriction of large cerebral arteries leading to local thrombosis as a result of stasis and sympathomimetic-induced platelet activation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Concomitant administration of estradiol resulted in a reduction in serum alanine aminotransferase and ferritin levels and hepatic iron concentration and staining after 2 years of estrogen therapy, although interferon therapy was withdrawn because of adverse effects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Physical examination findings were consistent with congestive heart failure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The observed serum ceruloplasmin response after parenteral copper administration is suggestive of an impairment in the incorporation of copper into this metalloprotein.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These novel findings may offer specific therapeutic targets in the treatment of BCNU-associated pulmonary fibrosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: The chronic use of HCQ for rheumatic diseases, or as an anti-malarial drug, should be balanced against the risk of developing potentially lethal cardiac arrhythmias.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In four patients, spasm occurred spontaneous and in one patient after 0.05 mg of ergonovine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient suffered a life-threatening anaphylactoid reaction to amifostine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The manner of death was determined to be accidental.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE: A 58-year-old Caucasian woman was referred to our hospital for chronic unilateral granulomatous panuveitis of the right eye (RE).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: The increase in Accutane use observed among females may be exacerbated by advertising.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A pulmonary artery catheter with the capacity to measure cardiac output and mixed venous oxygen saturation (SvO2) continuously was used.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a 24-year-old man who developed minimal change nephrotic syndrome after allogenic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The goal of this study is to describe three patients diagnosed with migraine and epilepsy (both under control) who evolved into status migrainosus after the introduction of oxcarbazepine (OXC), as part of a switch off from carbamazepine (CBZ).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Two cases of widespread cutaneous vasculitis are described in association with diltiazem, a recently introduced calcium antagonist.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This deleterious association, if verified, has important implications for the treatment of AMI in patients who have RA and are corticosteroid dependent.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Generalized maculopapular and papular purpuric eruptions are perhaps the most common thionamide-induced reactions.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Toxicity was mainly hematological and of acceptable degree.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In addition, the optimized use of new technologies designed to augment spontaneous breathing efforts by patients, mechanical ventilation, as well as the advantages of early tracheotomy will contribute to better outcomes in the treatment of respiratory failure due to pulmonary mycoses following allogeneic HSCT.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The twelve-lead ECG exhibited a coved type ST-segment elevation in leads V(1) and V(2), and their enhancement was induced by pilsicainide.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"UFT has been used in Japan, other Asian countries, South America, and Russia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Severe neurotoxicity with methyl G: CALGB experience.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Iodine-induced hypothyroidism and goiter following lipiodolTM lymphography.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Biologic therapy with tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha antagonists for rheumatoid arthritis has been well established.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, these drugs contain side effects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Severe autologous GVHD occurred only in patients transplanted for multiple myeloma and was observed at a much higher frequency in patients undergoing their second HPCT.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Our review also indicates that impairment of neonatal thyroid function may be minimized by using a thioamide dose that is just sufficient to maintain the maternal serum free thyroxine concentration in the high normal or slightly thyrotoxic range.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"STUDY DESIGN: Harvesting of autologous bone graft from the posterior iliac crest for lumbar spinal fusions is a frequently performed procedure in orthopedic surgery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He had a similar urticarial rash 1.5 years earlier with this product and was instructed not to use it.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two patients were found not to be sensitive and started on aspirin, the other had a classic asthmatic reaction to the drug and was successfully desensitized to aspirin allowing for its use.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Tolazoline Hydrochloride is a pulmonary vasodilator that is used for the treatment of pulmonary hypertension of the newborn.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The abnormal rhythm disappeared with the withdrawal of propranolol and when the drug was restarted a 2\/1 S-A block was seen.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Although this combination agent has been associated with a hypersensitivity syndrome involving cutaneous skin eruptions, pediatric cases of TMP-SMX-induced hepatotoxicity are rare.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Pulmonary embolism associated with protein C deficiency and abuse of anabolic-androgen steroids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatment included radiation to the whole brain with a boost to the tumor bed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Controversy exists over the appropriateness of administering haematopoietic growth factors to healthy individuals.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In both cases propofol was used in bolus doses, and is thought to be the probable factor for its development.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In this report, two newborns with congenital heart anomalies demonstrated the harlequin color change, one whose skin findings showed a course related to the dose of systemic prostaglandin E1, suggesting a possible association.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"After 2 months, her mental status and neurologic status had recovered completely.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Eleven patients presented with congenital hydrocephalus (including 5 with myelomeningocele and 3 with posthemorrhagic hydrocephalus) and 4 with hydrocephalus secondary to central nervous system (CNS) tumors.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The congenital ichthyosiform erythrodermas have become readily treatable with an aromatic retinoid.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Isoniazid inhibits the conversion of tryptophan to niacin and may induce pellagra, particularly in poorly nourished patients.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Fixed drug rash induced by methylphenidate is a possible but rare phenomenon.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Coronary angiography showed dissection of the left anterior descending artery (LAD).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, the amount of prednisone required to maintain normotension resulted in Cushingoid features and has been discontinued.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Aspergillus fumigatus keratitis is a rare but serious complication of LASIK surgery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient was found comatose and experienced repeated generalized tonic-clonic seizures, aspiration with subsequent pneumonia, hypotension, and an increase in PR interval.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 73-year-old woman with rheumatoid arthritis had been treated with weekly low-dose methotrexate (MTX) for 5 years.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"While for ribavirin antidepressant effects are not known, we suppose that antidepressants may prevent changes in serotonergic or noradrenergic neurotransmission caused by IFN-alpha.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This case raises important questions about non-ketotic, hyperosmolar diabetic coma with antipsychotics, the possible association between hyperglycaemia and hyperthermia, and the direction of causality in this, the recognition of either syndrome when they co-exist and management issues in such patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thirty-six patients with AL received, in a three-month period, 51 cycles of combined chemotherapy which included, in all of them, cytosine arabinoside (ARA-C); among them, along with myelosuppression, five experienced fever, infectious complications, gastrointestinal tract symptoms and severe myalgias.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"During the management of intracranial hemorrhage, hyperkalemia developed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There appears to be no reason to advise women receiving propranolol to avoid breast feeding.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient was admitted to our hospital due to diabetic ketoacidosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This report details a case of bilateral avascular necrosis of the femoral heads in a patient receiving 'standard' doses of dexamethasone as part of the antiemetic regimen used in cisplatin-based combination chemotherapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a case admitted with a first-detected, symptomatic paroxysmal atrial fibrillation in a healthy patient after self-medication with vardenafil.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Management of heparin allergy during pregnancy with danaparoid.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Conventional and diffusion-weighted MRI findings of methotrexate related sub-acute neurotoxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Doctors should be aware of the possible ocular side effects of methylphenidate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"ECM can be easily differentiated from the latter by its typical clinical features.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The present observation suggests, that a batch of different testing doses, including lower testing doses may help to differentiate between an allergic type of contact dermatitis and an irritant type of reaction after treatment with calcipotriol.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Mycophenolate mofetil (MM), an immunosuppressant used after organ transplantation, is also used for treatment of autoimmune myasthenia gravis (MG).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"From 1996 to 2002 several medications were changed due to their adverse effects: indinavir (renal colic and fever), nelfinavir (cutaneous rash), and efavirenz (nausea and temporary memory loss).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: While thrombosis has been reported with GnRH-a therapy in men with prostate cancer, its association with treatment in this benign case may have been a consequence of the massive tumor size.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 34-year-old woman with a left ovarian cyst (clinically diagnosed as endometrial cyst) was treated with 400 mg of danazol per day.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"At that time the area would be debrided and the postauricular skin used for external coverage (Dr.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Atomic absorption analysis showed no significant change in the aluminium content of bone with treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Adverse effects of combined propranolol and chlorpromazine therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Successful treatment with tocainide of recessive generalized congenital myotonia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Optic disc swelling was resolved on high doses of intravenous steroids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two patients who were receiving Tolazoline by infusion developed duodenal ulceration and subsequent intestinal perforation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report Kluyvera infections in 2 solid organ transplant recipients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Sulfasalazine-induced hypersensitivity syndrome and hemophagocytic syndrome associated with reactivation of Epstein-Barr virus.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Over a period of 3 weeks, the patient became progressively confused and ataxic.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The purpose of this report is to document a new case of in utero CP exposure with multiple congenital anomalies and to establish an apparent CP embryopathy phenotype.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"While benign pneumatosis intestinails is a well-known clinical entity, the alarming radiographic findings set off a cascade of clinical angst among many providers.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We conclude that one should be cautious when treating patients with systemic lupus erythematosus and pre-existing renal disease with cyclosporine A especially when tubulointerstitial abnormalities are present and\/or other nephrotoxic drugs are used.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intraventricular vancomycin-induced cerebrospinal fluid eosinophilia: report of two patients.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Methylene blue was administered (2 mg\/kg intravenously), and the patient rapidly improved.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Lithium carbonate was a useful alternative to neuroleptics in managing the adolescent's disturbed behavior.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In my opinion this reaction is not so uncommon as thought.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The high-intra-articular fluid pressures can force the pyogenic fluid into a pre-existing Baker's cyst.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Due to the costs and risks of standard therapy, we decided to manage the patient supportively.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, it would be emphasized that the side-effects of the drugs could be considered as one of the etiologica factors causing the glial abnormality.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Salmonella oslo.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This patient, who also had an abdominal aortic aneurysm, survived, on discontinuation of her anticoagulant therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The syndrome is characterized by various gastrointestinal symptoms as well as irritability, diaphoresis and lethargy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Anaphylaxis is an uncommon but serious complication of anaesthesia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Measured 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25-OH D) levels were elevated in three patients; levels were not determined in a fourth patient who became normocalcemic when vitamin D therapy was discontinued.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pre-treatment bone biopsy samples contained extensive osteoid covering trabecular surfaces.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Interaction between tacrolimus and nefazodone in a stable renal transplant recipient.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Of note, the patient had been on carbamazepine therapy one year earlier and had experienced the same adverse event.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hyperpigmentation during interferon-alpha therapy for chronic hepatitis C virus infection.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Rupture of a cerebral aneurysm associated with nifedipine treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Extrapyramidal side effects induced by some selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), i.e. fluoxetine and sertraline, have been previously reported in patients with depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Lower extremity arterial thrombosis following sonographically guided thrombin injection of a femoral pseudoaneurysm.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"During the final episode, open lung biopsy was performed and demonstrated typical changes of drug-induced pneumonitis, with interstitial infiltrates and fibrosis and proliferation of type II alveolar lining cells.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Torsemide appears to also be a part of a long list of agents that can cause pancreatitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We recommend that physicians specifically inquire about patients' use of decongestants and diet aids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Paraneoplastic systemic sclerosis (SSc) occurs in about 3%-7% of individuals with SSc.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Alternatively, certain viral infections could induce leukopenia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This reaction is most commonly explained as an adverse effect of numerous medications, such as dopamine receptor blocking agents or neuroleptic medications and traditional antipsychotic or antiemetic drugs, such as prochlorperazine or metoclopramide.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hence, immunosuppression treatment should be carefully planned in glomerulonephritis treatment and avoided if they are not essentially necessary.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Eleven patients developed infection requiring hospitalization while taking leflunomide including: lower respiratory tract infections (3), cellulitis (2), disseminated herpes zoster (2), probable TB liver (1), abdominal sepsis (1), mycotic aneurysm (1) and gastroenteritis (1).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This patient has shown that immunosuppression due to splenectomy, NHL, and chemotherapy, especially when using steroids, could be risk factors for pyomyositis in nontropical or semitropical countries.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Elevation of serum creatine kinase during treatment with antithyroid drugs in patients with hyperthyroidism due to Graves disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: The ratios of alpha(1)-adrenoceptor occupancy by endogenous norepinephrine during the treatment with milnacipran, fluvoxamine and imipramine to that without drug were estimated to be 7.13, 1.00 and 4.12, respectively.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 10-year-old girl was diagnosed with astrocytoma grade 2.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After immediate administration of antihistamines, the pruritus and papules remitted.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Because the patient did not mention the cosmetic intervention, the diagnosis of polyacrylamide gel-induced granuloma was complicated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Photodynamic therapy for cholangiocarcinoma is safe and technically feasible with a preloaded biliary catheter and a monorail technique for catheter positioning.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intravitreal triamcinolone has been suggested as an adjunctive to photodynamic therapy in the treatment of exudative macular degeneration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute interstitial pneumonia induced by ONO-1078 (pranlukast), a leukotriene receptor antagonist.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Acute INH neurotoxicity was not suspected on the first admission; however, when readmitted 4 weeks later with another seizure, the diagnosis of acute INH neurotoxicity was made.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"He was first treated with intravenous fluids, furosemide and glucocorticoids without significant improvement, but became eucalcemic within 24 hours after receiving a single dose of pamidronate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The microorganism was identified with a molecular diagnostic method as Schizophyllum commune, which had not been reported in English literature as a pathogen inducing pulmonary nodules after transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BTX-B has also been shown to be a safe and effective alternative for patients who are resistant to BTX-A.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The anticonvulsant hypersensitivity syndrome (AHS) is an idiosyncratic immunologic reaction to certain anticonvulsant medications, in which internal organ involvement may lead to fatal multisystemic failure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Trigeminal trophic syndrome (TTS) is an exceedingly rare complication following injury to the trigeminal ganglion, characterized by painless ulcerations, which has only rarely been reported with intraoral features.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient was diagnosed and treated for Drug Reaction with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms (DRESS), a syndrome of fever, rash, and internal organ involvement secondary to medication administration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A healthy 42 yr-old woman presented with a left keratitis which she had had for 3 months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intralesional injection of corticosteroid is widely regarded as the treatment of choice for hemangiomas which induce strabismus or significant refractive error, or occlude the visual axis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Complete allergy study, including an oral challenge test, should be considered in these patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An embolic mechanism of stroke was suspected in this patient, considering the normal results of blood analysis, echocardiogram and cerebral arteriograms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Five of these patients had an Ahmed shunt implant, 3 had anterior vitrectomy during surgery, and 4 had a soft contact lens in place.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"INTERVENTION: Volume resuscitation, vasopressors, high PEEP mechanical ventilation, paralysis, nitric oxide, steroids, rapid albumin infusion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The catheter was safely removed surgically; pathology examination showed no residual thrombus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This therapeutic complication has been termed 'fat overloading syndrome' but bears a clinical similarity to post-traumatic fat embolism.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, side effects and nonresponders to these approaches are not uncommon.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: Report of a case.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Oral anticoagulant therapy: a precipitating factor in the pathogenesis of cholesterol embolization?","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Zolpidem tissue concentrations in a multiple drug related death involving Ambien.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In one patient, karyotypic abnormalities (-5, 7q-) typical of a therapy induced malignancy were associated with rapid progression of a refractory anemia with excess blasts in transformation to an acute non-lymphocytic leukemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"During the last 15-year period, this atypical antipsychotic agent has been administered to 750 patients managed at the Emergency Psychiatry Services and Clinical Pharmacology Unit of the National Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology (NIPandN; Budapest, Hungary).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Delivery was at term by caesarean section 2 days after spontaneous rupture of membranes and failure to progress in labour.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A computed tomographic (CT) scan confirmed a massive renal tumour associated with extensive retroperitoneal lymph node involvement, bony metastases and a right hip fracture.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On the third post-procedural day, the laboratory results showed increases in his uric acid and potassium levels, which were compatible with a tumor lysis syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Patients most commonly affected by ICD, such as pathologic gambling and hypersexuality, are males who develop PD at a younger age, and those with a previous history of mood disorder, alcohol abuse, or obsessive-compulsive disorder.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report here a case of delirium that occurred after discontinuation of glucocorticoid therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The origin of NIS is outlined briefly and some fundamental clinical and experimental facts are presented, all of which stress the importance of the acute blockade of postsynaptic DA-ergic receptors.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pregnancy limits the therapeutic options for managing thrombocytopenia which occurs in 5% of patients on heparin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hemodialysis was performed in eleven patients (69%) because of visual disturbances and\/or metabolic acidosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Candida parapsilosis was the causative agent.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: Cases were identified by using a questionnaire sent to nephrologists and pathologists in French university and general hospitals.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This series of articles facilitated by the Australian Cochrane Musculoskeletal Group (CMSG), aims to place the findings of recent Cochrane musculoskeletal reviews in a context immediately relevant to general practitioners.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: This phenomenon of sudden vitritis after KPro, with few other symptoms and with complete recovery, would be uncharacteristic of a bacterial endophthalmitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient was successfully treated by anticoagulant therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A high dose of cotrimoxazole induced hyperkalaemia with the elevation of serum creatinine and blood urea, and increased urinary N-acetyl glucosaminase after several days of the drug administration in these patients; one patient became unconscious.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We describe a 49-year-old woman who presented in 2002 with pure red cell aplasia (PRCA), systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), and idiopathic portal hypertension (IPH) that developed following a thymectomy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Complications were mild and only one child was removed from therapy because of a complication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hypoglycaemia did not recur despite continued treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Tacrolimus (FK506)-induced mutism after liver transplant.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Several hypersensitivity reactions to cloxacillin have been reported, although IgE-mediated allergic reactions to the drug are rare and there is little information about possible tolerance to other semisynthetic penicillins or cephalosporins in patients with cloxacillin allergy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report the case of intoxication of a 41-year-old female patient suffering from major depression with mirtazapine complicated by severe hypothermia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The authors report a case of severe lactic acidosis in a 3-year-old boy, after 20 days of total parenteral nutrition without vitamin supplementation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is associated with localized, sometimes extensive necrosis of the skin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A fracture of the diffuser tip occurred during 1 of the treatments.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present a case of carbamazepine intoxication, successfully treated with three hours of high-flux haemodialysis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Nummular headache: a series with symptomatic and primary cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Water-suppressed proton magnetic resonance spectra from a supraventricular volume of central white and gray matter revealed an abnormal lipid signal.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In healthy persons, Candida-induced denture stomatitis is not serious; however, it should be considered a possible spearhead of systemic yeast infections in seriously ill patients, especially in those subjected to prolonged treatment with antibiotics, corticosteroids, or immunosuppressive drugs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Even though only a few cases of this adverse event have been reported in the literature, severe docetaxel-induced pulmonary toxicity needs to be considered in the differential diagnosis when such patients present with respiratory symptoms.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Effects of pergolide on nocturia in Parkinson's disease: three female cases selected from over 400 patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The final diagnosis in each of these patients was drug-induced pneumonitis, which responded to treatment with corticosteroids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Chlormadinone acetate withdrawal syndrome under combined androgen blockade for advanced prostate cancer.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Ramipril-induced cutaneous vasculitis is particularly rare and our case was atypical because the patient had tolerated lisinopril before.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Their past histories were remarkable in that all three had recently undergone chemotherapy for malignancy (2 lymphoma, 1 malignant thymoma).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present a case of PG arising in the context of DA use for restless legs syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DESIGN: Observational case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE SUMMARY: A 45-year-old white man with a history of hypertension and gout was treated with losartan\/hydrochlorothiazide, allopurinol, and colchicine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Both patients were followed carefully for more than a year without the appearance of the resistant virus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Verapamil may thus improve an inadequate vasodilatatory response of the coronary vascular bed to effort.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Symptoms resolved without consequence 48 hours after discontinuation of venlafaxine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It helps to reduce the serious toxic side effects of calcineurin inhibitors (CNIs).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 67-year-old man was admitted for management of a diabetic foot ulcer.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Extensive laboratory investigations failed to yield any diagnosis and allograft nephrectomy was performed in one patient, with a probable diagnosis of inflammation of the allograft, which resulted in no improvement.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Possible drug interaction between warfarin and combination of levamisole and fluorouracil.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is proposed that neuroleptic-induced dysphoric responses may be responsible for therapeutic failure in some cases of psychotic depression.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Therapy-related CD7+ acute myeloid leukemia with trisomy 8 following acute monocytic leukemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"90% of the gadolinium was removed from the circulation in 2 days with a regimen of 10-15 exchanges per day of PD.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Significant bleeding from retroperitoneal hematomas is more often associated with major pelvic fractures from high energy blunt force mechanisms, and the blood loss may be tamponaded by the retroperitoneal structures if natural clotting mechanisms are intact.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On histological examination, reddish-purple crystals were identified at frozen section but not in the paraffin sections.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Because recombinant human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) has been reported to increase the sensitivity of acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) blast cells to cytosine arabinoside (Ara-C) in vitro, we treated a patient with refractory AML with an Ara-C-based regimen in combination with G-CSF (G-CSF\/Ara-C therapy).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Sudden cardiac death due to hypersensitivity myocarditis during clozapine treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Observations in our patient suggest that the leukoencephalopathy that developed in previously reported patients who received 5-fluorouracil and levamisole may have been caused at least partly by levamisole.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Propylthiouracil-induced sensorineural hearing loss associated with antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Urinary incontinence is an important medical condition with clinical and social implications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This myoclonus is considered to be a new form of spinal reflex myoclonus, because the abdominal myoclonic jerk seems to trigger another myoclonic jerk involving the paraspinal muscles.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Colchicine-induced myopathy in renal failure.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This is the first reported case to our knowledge of successful use of maternal ganciclovir to treat intrauterine CMV infection in a pregnant renal transplant recipient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In both cases, healing began a few days after moxifloxacin was discontinued, and topical gatifloxacin and corticosteroids were initiated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Severe allergic reactions, although uncommon, have been reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rapamycin\/sirolimus (SR), trade named Rapammune (Wyeth-Ayerst, Sydney, Australia), is a potent immunosuppressive drug associated with myelosuppression, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and infection.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We propose that the arrhythmias were a complication of steroid pulse therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report from Japan about contact dermatitis caused by this medication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHOD: Clinical and radiological observations during a rehabilitation program.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Myoclonus is a well-known side effect of anticonvulsant drugs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"No other side-effects were detected.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Sulfasalazine-induced lupus erythematosus.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Postoperative necrotizing scleritis is a rare complication that occurs at the site of previous ocular surgery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cushing's syndrome persisted more than 6 months while TCA concentrations remained detectable for at least 80 days.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"With continued ganciclovir treatment, the graft remained clear and no recurrence or rejection occurred until 12 months after the last PKP.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In addition to glomerulonephritis and a butterfly rash, previously negative tests for antinuclear, anti-dsDNA and anti-Sm antibodies became positive.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Withdrawal of the medication was associated with return of the patient's normal mental status.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In high-grade tumors, BCG therapy has proven to be superior to intravesical chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To report a case of linear immunoglobulin (Ig) A bullous dermatosis (LABD) induced by gemcitabine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"As a direct result of leukocyte imaging, all three underwent fiberoptic bronchoscopy and transbronchial biopsy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In case no. 2, the pathogenic mechanism seemed to be persistent light reaction preceded by systemic photoallergy, as he had taken mequitazine for 6 months, and there were strong positive photopatch test results with immediate erythema reaction, cross-reaction to promethazine, decreased MED to both UVA and UVB, and persistence of the photosensitivity over a 3-year follow-up period after discontinuation of the mequitazine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The incidence of pulmonary nodules after cardiac transplantation is not uncommon, and prompt diagnostic procedures are necessary to minimize disease-related morbidity and mortality.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The use of brimonidine is not recommended in these patients until further data are available.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Her history was remarkable for duodenal ulcer and long-term treatment with a magnesium-aluminum hydroxide antacid (Maalox) and sucralfate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In five of seven cases, there was a significant visual deterioration following the RPE tear.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Idiosyncratic factors involving vasopressin receptor affinity and distribution, vasopressin-associated vasodilation in some vascular beds, and the effect of vasopressin on the renin-angiotensin system may further contribute to impaired tissue perfusion.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: MMF is a potent immunosuppressive agent in liver transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: To report a case of Xanthomonas maltophilia endophthalmitis and to increase awareness of its potential as an intraocular pathogen.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In view of our experience in the present case, it should be stressed that close monitoring of coagulation capacity is necessary in critically ill patients in order to avoid fatal haemorrhage after initiating warfarin therapy regardless of the dosage.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Hypersensitivity reaction following chloramphenicol administration in a patient with typhoid fever.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Immunoglobulin G subclass 2 and 3 deficiencies were the only serologically detectable abnormalities.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Dose and dose intervals should be individualized for optimal benefits and tolerability.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pelvic dyskinesia with an outstanding response to tetrabenazine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The possible effects of tamoxifen upon the uterus are discussed in this article, in view of reports of tamoxifen associated with endometrial carcinoma and endometriosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"At that time, MMI was discontinued and the patient was started on broad-spectrum antibiotics, dexamethasone, and G-CSF.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fibrin sheath formation around venous access devices (VADs) frequently leads to persistent withdrawal occlusion (PWO).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thus, an immunological mechanism might be involved in the mechanism of pirmenol-induced QT prolongation and T wave inversion on the electrocardiogram.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 57-year-old woman with right bundle branch block +LPH and ventricular premature contractions developed complete heart block (CHB) following administration of disopyramide phosphate (Norpace).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"To our knowledge, this is the first report of significant hypotension associated with intravenous valproate in the treatment of status epilepticus in the pediatric population.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Because of her religious faith, the patient was supported without plasma therapy with use of intravenous immunoglobulin, steroids, rituximab, and erythropoietin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The presumed third case of CAPD-associated peritonitis caused by Listeria monocytogenes is also described.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Follow-up of these infants has shown no recurrence of seizures.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The cases of CBZ-induced SLE reported in the literature were reviewed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Apart from dose-dependent reversible hemolytic anemia in 1 patient, no severe side effects occurred.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Its evaluation with Doppler ultrasonic velocity detector.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These age-related differences in the pharmacokinetic profile of daptomycin have significant dosing implications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Lupus erythematosus (LE) and antinuclear antibody (ANA) tests were negative.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Plasma concentrations and response to antidepressants vary considerably between patients treated with similar dosages.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Calcipotriol (Daivonex R; Leo Pharmaceuticals, Zurich, Switzerland) may cause irritation of the skin, whereas allergic reactions are less common.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Catheter-related cutaneous aspergillosis complicated by fungemia and fatal pulmonary infection in an HIV-positive patient with acute lymphocytic leukemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In both cases, high fever, skin rash, liver dysfunction and atypical lymphocytosis developed 3 weeks after initiating treatment with SASP.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"These studies indicate that rhEPO can be administered safely in very high doses to patients with MDS and that 24% of these patients will respond with increased erythropoiesis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The recognition of the characteristic features of the syndrome is vital since early aggressive therapy is indicated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Post mortem examination showed the cause of death to be intestinal infarction resulting from superior mesenteric and portal vein thrombosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To report the case of a young woman with Graves' disease in whom ototoxicity developed because of propylthiouracil (PTU)-induced antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA)-associated vasculitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The latex of Calotropis procera causes significant ocular morbidity which may be preventable by simple health education.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This syndrome resolved after cessation of pergolide therapy and a switch to pramipexole dihydrochloride.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After surgical resection and extrabeam radiation therapy the patient is alive without evidence of recurrence five years after PEI.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One explanation for the noted increase in the theophylline level is that metabolism occurs mainly by cytochrome P450 (CYP 1A2), an enzyme that is known to be inhibited with high concentrations of zafirlukast.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Our results indicate that pharmacokinetic variability may contribute to either severe myelotoxicity or therapeutic failures.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 14-year-old female developed systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)-like symptoms, rash, fever, leukopenia and positive anti-nuclear antibody (ANA) two weeks after administration of carbamazepine (CBZ; Tegretol) used against benign Rolandic epilepsy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"METHODS: Imiquimod 5% cream was applied topically once daily, 3 days a week for 8 to 12 weeks, in two patients affected by eyelid nodular basal cell carcinoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The introduction of para-aminosalicylic acid (PAS) led to hypoglycaemic coma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Ocular toxicity by latex of Calotropis procera (Sodom apple).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CCBs should be considered in the treatment of 5-FU or capecitabine-induced headaches.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The authors describe three patients who developed a blue toe syndrome after initiation of oral anticoagulant therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Severe cardiomyopathy following treatment with the tumour necrosis factor-alpha inhibitor adalimumab for Crohn's disease.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Paralysis after transforaminal epidural injection and previous spinal surgery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Dopamine D2 receptor occupancy 1.5 months after withdrawal still amounted to 83% and 50%.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PATIENTS AND METHODS: Here, we describe the application of this device in two patients with a complicated course of shunt infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three patients showed marked improvement (decrease in VAS, >75%).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: We are unable to explain the exact mechanism of the observed RPE changes; however, they did not lead to loss of visual acuity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Tardive dyskinesia induced by sulpiride.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Within 24 h of pulse therapy, they complained of palpitations and developed atrial fibrillation which reversed spontaneously or after anti-arrhythmic therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Leflunomide-associated infections in rheumatoid arthritis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We also review relevant literature regarding incidence and management.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This report is intended to alert others to the possible development of this serious complication following short-term Decadron therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Lower plasma levels of carbamazepine and valproate sodium were observed after 2 days of antineoplastic therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The treatment of patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and hemophilia involves unique challenges that may be addressed with novel antiretroviral classes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"As the use of this drug for off-label indications and in pediatric populations increases, it is important for clinicians to better understand the drug's pharmacokinetic profile in these patient populations.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Mitomycin C (MMC) is an alkylating agent that has been recently associated with the hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient required nitroprusside for control of elevated blood pressure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Purine analogs are effective in the treatment of several chronic lymphoproliferative disorders (CLPD) including hairy cell leukemia (HCL).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient was treated with methylprednisolone pulse therapy (1 g\/day, for 3 days) followed by oral prednisolone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"INTERPRETATION: Our study highlights clearly that valuable differences between ADR reports from patients and reports from healthcare professionals exist.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: Case report RESULTS: A patient presented after two weeks of unsuccessful treatment of a corneal ulcer in her right eye.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is essential to recognize individual susceptibility to neuroleptic-induced side effects for treatment guidelines.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Stricture formation at the level of the calyceal infundibula occurred, as well as retroperitoneal and ureteric fibrosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute intravenous--intra-arterial revascularization therapy for severe ischemic stroke.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Recurrences of hiccups have responded to increases in baclofen dosage.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In this article, we present the case of a vitiligo patient who was admitted to our facility with an intense burn after the topical use of 8-methoxypsoralen solution as a suntanning agent.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"At the same time the elevated plasma oncotic pressure was reduced to normal values.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"\"Syndrome malin\"-like symptoms probably due to interaction between neuroleptica and oral antidiabetic agents.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Small doses of smoked cannabis may improve pain, mood and sleep in some patients with chronic pain.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"During intensive care, including steroid-pulse therapy, the patient developed rapidly progressive anemia caused by active bleeding from his small intestine, resulting in resection of 20 cm of ileum.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Retrospective analysis of two cases from 9235 accessioned endometrial biopsies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The lymphoma presented with pleural effusions, mediastinal and cervical adenopathy, and no gastrointestinal lesion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a case of a 27-year-old patient whose irritative bladder symptoms showed response to alpha-adrenergic blocking agents on two separate occasions during the course of her treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: A 44-year-old man taking naproxen for chronic low back pain and a 20-year-old woman on oxaprozin for rheumatoid arthritis presented with tense bullae and cutaneous fragility on the face and the back of the hands.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This paper contributed to the identification of possible reactions in the oral cavity due to antiretroviral medication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patient 1, a 21-month-old boy, started to cough and developed tachypnea, sternal retractions and mild cyanosis immediately after aspiration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Discontinuation of simvastatin and cyclosporine resulted in resolution of rhabdomyolysis and normalization of renal function.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The symptoms are mainly caused by the space-occupying effect of the large number of cysticerci rather than by adjacent tissue swelling such as is seen in the presence of dying parasites.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient recovered without persisting somatic impairment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: To evaluate the effects of steroid injections for periocular capillary hemangioma on adrenal function and body composition.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: The patient skin prick test with commercial calcitonin (Miacalcic. 50 UI\/ml) was positive and negative in controls.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatment of chromoblastomycosis due to Fonsecaea pedrosoi with low-dose terbinafine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 59-year-old woman with myasthenia gravis who received a large dose of pyridostigmine bromide developed postoperative psychosis and was diagnosed as having bromide intoxication.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Papilloedema and hepatic dysfunction apparently induced by perhexiline maleate (Pexid).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"An apparently appropriate dose of intravenous phenytoin was initiated in each case, and the patients were monitored appropriately and given supplemental oxygen.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"SETTING: A six-bed pediatric intensive care unit (ICU) at a university hospital.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pulmonary manifestations of interferon (IFN) use are a rare but well known complication seen with both standard and pegylated interferon alpha-2b (pegIFNalpha-2b) forms of the agent.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Though proteinuria and nephrotic syndrome is a rare adverse effect of IFN-beta-1b therapy, physicians treating MS patients with this agent should pay careful attention to new clinical symptoms and laboratory findings.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The case history confirms that gold treatment, even in the same patient, can give rise to a wide range of skin disturbances, which in many cases do not break out until long after the drug has been withdrawn.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"She was subsequently treated with various hormones to aid in conception and in sustaining pregnancy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"His hospital course was complicated by a non-Q-wave myocardial infarction, for which diltiazem was prescribed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All patients only required one intravitreal bevacizumab injection to control the neovascularization.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Earlier recognition and treatment may lead to improved outcome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors describe two cases of tardive dyskinesia in which severe axial dystonia and intense facial grimacing produced marked discomfort as well as social and physical disability.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 15-year follow-up of phenytoin-induced unilateral gingival hyperplasia: a case report.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Fever dropped at least 1.5 degrees C, and heart rate dropped from rates of 120 to 140 to less than 100bpm.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fatal overdoses associated with quetiapine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Anti-hypertensive therapy with propranolol during pregnancy and lactation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Calcium antagonists are drugs commonly prescribed for the treatment of hypertension, angina pectoris, cardiac arrhythmias and other disorders because of their efficacy and tolerability.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Presentation of three palliative care patients who were given ketamine as an analgesic and subsequently developed significant and debilitating urological symptoms.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Transarterial embolization given for hepatoma in a patient with Budd-Chiari syndrome resulted in hepatic infarction and inferior vena cava thrombosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Contact allergy towards this reagent and 2 of its reaction products was proven by patch tests.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Subsequently, a diagnosis of anticholinergic poisoning was made, based on tachycardia, delirium, dry mucosa, and reduced bowel sounds.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three patients (mean age, 68.6; range, 64-70 years) had mycotic thoracic aneurysms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Desensitization to pancreatic enzyme intolerance in a child with cystic fibrosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Osteonecrosis in a patient with Crohn's disease unrelated to corticosteroid use.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is frequently seen on the anterior aspect of the legs of women.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In those patients in whom a reduction in the blood flow to liver tumors was shown angiographically, there was a progressive improvement in hormone secretion and in tumor size in the ensuing year of treatment, suggesting that a major target of SMS is that vascular supply of the tumors.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Due to the potentially life-threatening complications of this condition and the increasing use of anticonvulsants in the treatment of mood disorders, psychiatrists must be aware of the diagnosis and treatment of this condition.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three cases of angel's trumpet tea-induced psychosis in adolescent substance abusers.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present a neonate with a seizure disorder who acutely developed pupillary mydriasis secondary to lidocaine overdose.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"On the next day, after a total dose of only 600 mg of danazol, gingival bleeding and purpura occurred.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A stage Va B-cell multicentric lymphoma was diagnosed on clinical, cytological (lymph node, bone marrow), histological-immunohistochemical (lymph node excision) and imaging grounds.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Leukopenia due to parvovirus B19 in a Crohn's disease patient using azathioprine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We present three patients with paradoxical seizures; their serum phenytoin levels were 43.5 mcg\/mL, 46.5 mcg\/mL and 38.3 mcg\/mL.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Early diagnosis of leukoencephalopathy of acute lymphocytic leukemia by MRI.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Chest drainage was required to save his life.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"When SASP was changed to 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA), his skin eruptions were resolved, however, he developed weakness and atrophy in his right arm as well as progressive worsening of the dysesthesia in his legs and gait disturbance.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Tacrolimus-induced HUS: an unusual cause of acute renal failure in nephrotic syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In 3 patients, leukoencephalopathy was diagnosed by T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Scleromyxedema is a dermatologic disorder associated with a monoclonal gammopathy and neurologic manifestations.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After infliximab treatment, additional sleep studies revealed an increase in the number of apneic events and SaO2 dips suggesting that TNFalpha plays an important role in the pathophysiology of sleep apnea.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: Identification of bacteria in blood components should trigger a comprehensive donor evaluation, particularly if donor bacteremia is suspected.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present the first case of ovarian endometrioid carcinoma and endometriosis in a postmenopausal patient who was treated with tamoxifen for breast cancer.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Liver biopsy showed chronic aggressive hepatitis with subacute hepatic necrosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: This report describes a case of a probable interaction between topical econazole lotion 1% and acenocoumarol that resulted in overanticoagulation and a life-threatening laryngeal hematoma in this elderly patient.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A report of three cases and a review of the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE SUMMARY: A 15-year-old boy of Turkish origin, diagnosed as having FMF at the age of 14 years, was treated with colchicine 1.5 mg\/d.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The safety and efficacy of enfuvirtide therapy for HIV infection in patients with hemophilia: a case series.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Four years after the beginning of IFN therapy, he acutely developed moderate hyperglycemia and severe ketonuria with positive islet cell antibody, and then 28 units\/day of insulin injection was started.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Fever, lymphadenopathy, eosinophilia, lymphocytosis, hepatitis, and dermatitis: a severe adverse reaction to minocycline.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: The combination of the two systemic medications resulted in the resolution of the attack with a much more rapid time course than is seen typically for extreme cases of TiACG.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On both occasions the symptoms resolved after treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This process needed cooperation with other lymphoid cells and was abrogated by dexamethasone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A girl with cystic fibrosis and cyclic neutropenia developed an erythematous papular eruption without fever or neutrophilia 7 months after commencing therapy with G-CSF.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Psoriatic arthritis is an inflammatory arthritis associated with psoriasis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatment with ceftriaxone was started before the culture results were obtained, and was continued after susceptibility test results were obtained.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatment of cerebrospinal fluid shunt infections commonly involves a combination of intravenous and intraventricular antibiotics.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Diagnosis is made primarily by examination of the stool or intestinal secretions for ova and parasites.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The INR remained subtherapeutic for 5 weeks despite weekly warfarin dose increases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of pregnancy in a woman exposed to ATRA during the first trimester.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Coenurosis is a zoonotic disease of humans caused by the larval stage of Taenia (Multiceps) species.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinical improvement followed and the wound healed well.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"At 12 months there was no evidence of recurrence though new nodular BCCs and SBCCs had developed elsewhere on his upper torso.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This observation illustrates that a coved ST-segment elevation in the right precordial leads should not be, systematically, regarded as a marker of a specific syndrome, but may also reflect a common electrical manifestation of abnormalities in the right ventricle or pericardium.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors report a case of Balint syndrome with irreversible posterior leukoencephalopathy on MRI following intrathecal methotrexate and cytarabine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"It is quite possible that vancomycin was the only culprit, but impossible to ensure with the available evidence.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinicians have been aware of lithium toxicity for many years and traditionally have administered thiazide diuretics for lithium-induced polyuria and nephrogenic diabetes insipidus.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Acute non-lymphocytic leukemia in patients with ovarian carcinoma following long-term treatment with Treosulfan (= dihydroxybusulfan).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: A 34-year-old man acquired visual field defects and severe vision loss in both eyes after intravitreal injection of triamcinolone for diabetic macular edema.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Eight plasmaphereses were performed over six weeks.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Volatiles were assayed by gas chromatography-flame-ionization detection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The clinical and pharmacological histories of these patients suggest a relation between cholinesterase inhibitors and the pleurothotonus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Abdominal examination and laboratory studies were not clinically remarkable.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The principle treatment for DPD-deficient patients with severe acute 5-FU reactions is supportive care; however, the administration of thymidine potentially may reverse severe 5-FU-induced neurologic symptoms such as encephalopathy and coma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Respiratory insufficiency was further worsened by Proteus mirabilis infection and severe bronchoconstriction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Previous studies have demonstrated the interaction of MTX and a variety of non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) with various clinical manifestations including acute renal failure, pancytopenia, vomiting, diarrhea, elevated liver transaminases, jaundice, mucosal ulcerations, and pyrexia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The known side effects of sibutramine, ie, hypertension and tachycardia, depend on its adrenergic and serotoninergic effects.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Exacerbations of the heart failure were temporally related to the administration of the antitumor antibiotics actinomycin-D (NSC-3053) and mithramycin (NSC-24559).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Cutaneous side effects caused by interferon are well known.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three days after stopping the medication he reverted to normal sinus rhythm.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Comparing baseline CGI with that obtained on the date of last evaluation for each patient, a significant improvement in clinical assessment of severity of illness was obtained for the total group (Wilcoxon signed rank test, p < 0.0001).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The purpose of this case report and review is to enhance anesthesiologists' understanding of this phenomenon so that they may better formulate a logical treatment scheme in such an event.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: The patient received a stem cell transplant from an unrelated bone marrow donor after which he contracted a serious CMV infection manifested in the lungs and retinae.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 17-year-old girl with a history of wearing cosmetic contact lenses presented with keratitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Daptomycin is a lipopeptide antibiotic active against multidrug-resistant gram-positive organisms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A neuroprotective and neuroregenerative treatment attempt with pyridoxine and pyridostigmine was initiated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patients who are treated for short-term palliation may be more safely given doses based on ideal body weight.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Necrotizing fasciitis of the vulva during chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"His seizures were controlled by 150mg\/day of phenytoin in combination with primidone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"High-dose phosphate treatment leads to hypokalemia in hypophosphatemic osteomalacia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In addition to its known effect on gallbladder stasis, octreotide alters bile acid composition and may thus hasten intrahepatic sludge and stone formation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We suggest that it may be more appropriate and economical to advise patients to report promptly any suspected side effects than to perform regular LFTs, which may be misleading.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The onset of disease was noted up to 2 months after the last gemcitabine infusion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This report deals with a 54-year-old man with loss of memory.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intracranial pathological changes can occur as a result of impaired craniocervical venous return.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Tacrolimus (FK506), an immunosuppressant, has been associated with mutism in adults after liver transplant.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Possible heart failure exacerbation associated with rosiglitazone: case report and literature review.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The diagnosis was confirmed following a single-blind, placebo-controlled provocation test with phenylbutazone and a biopsy of the affected skin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The immune tolerance in a 12-year-old haemophilia A patient was carried out at the Faculty of Medicine, Ramathibodi Hospital, Bangkok in 1998.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"During intravenous treatment with terlipressin for recurrent gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding, a 50-year-old male with no history of heart disease developed a newly prolonged QT interval and torsade de pointes.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Hypomagnesaemia in children with cystic fibrosis (CF) is under-recognized.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Role of ciclosporin in steroid-responsive sudden sensorineural hearing loss.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An unusual case of Candida tropicalis sepsis in a patient submitted to allogeneic bone marrow transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This experience supports the hypothesis that heparin can be readministered early to patients with heparin-associated thrombocytopenia and thrombosis, provided antiplatelet therapy is given.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A review of possible pathogenetic factors is given.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Recurrent endophthalmitis after cataract surgery with a scleral-tunnel incision.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The wide use of phenytoin during the recent tuberculosis epidemic makes it imperative to suspect this drug interaction in patients exhibiting clinical features that might be related to phenytoin toxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This adverse reaction is reported for the first time in a patient not concomitantly treated with other drugs associated with the appearance of priapism.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Recurring periods of prolonged erections in patients with sickle cell disease (stutter priapism) are uncommon, yet troubling sequelae of hemoglobinopathies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe two cases of drug-induced myopathy during long-term treatment of chronic hepatitis B with clevudine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Multifocal electroretinographic abnormalities in ethambutol-induced visual loss.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Such a low incidence suggests a hypersensitivity type of reaction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A patient with HIV infection was successfully treated for pulmonary tuberculosis, but pulmonary inflammation and lymphadenitis worsened dramatically after subsequent combination antiretroviral therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The renal insufficiency of three patients and the timing of the seizures implicate accumulation of ofloxacin as a contributing factor.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"An 83-year-old man receiving glipizide 10 mg bid developed symptomatic hypoglycemia within three days of adding trimethoprim\/sulfamethoxazole (TMP\/SMX) to his regimen.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"One patient had wrists drop and weakness of the fingers extensors.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The cases include only those whose sexual behavior on treatment became a concern to the patient's family or a social agency.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fludarabine induced lung toxicity must be considered in all patients who develop unexplained lung disease while receiving fludarabine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Dasatinib-induced pleural effusions: a lymphatic network disorder?","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Noncirrhotic portal hypertension (NCPH) represents a relatively infrequent group of conditions that causes portal hypertension in the absence of cirrhosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Computed tomography angiography of her chest revealed multiple bilateral pulmonary emboli with a moderate clot burden, which resulted in her hospitalization.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Neutropenic enterocolitis is a severe and potentially life-threatening complication that may affect patients undergoing chemotherapy for acute leukemia or lymphoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This concerns 2 male patients who experienced incontinence while taking venlafaxine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In our experience it is better than single agent chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Tumor lysis syndrome (TLS) is rare in the treatment of solid tumors, but it may occur in myelolymphoproliferative diseases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Similar phenomenon associated with gemcitabine, the only FDA-approved drug for pancreatic cancer, is rarely reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These resistances were mediated by a 105-megadalton R plasmid.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Computed tomography of the head performed immediately after recognition of the symptoms showed a hyperdense middle cerebral artery (MCA) sign.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Immunosuppressant as well as antistreptococcal therapy in the form of cyclophosphamide and clindamycin was of help.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These are generally of modest intensity and reversible.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Tardive seizure is a serious adverse reaction of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report on a young adolescent with benign intracranial hypertension which we attribute to the use of minocycline for acne.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Hypertension develops in most patients after transplantation when immunosuppression is based on cyclosporine and prednisone.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Total immunoglobulin E and skin prick tests were normal, however.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although the drug is generally considered safe, there are reports of side effects including psychosis and hepatitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A symptom-triggered intensive care unit treatment protocol consisting of a benzodiazepine and antiadrenergic agents was started.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After 15 months of unsuccessful diagnosis and management, the patient was seen at the Orofacial Pain Unit of the Oral Surgery and Implantology master's degree program of the University of Barcelona.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He also achieved a complete response but only after rituximab was added to IVIG, gancyclovir, solumedrol and IFN.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He tolerated both agents together well, with the exception of experiencing chronic constipation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Subsequent serial electro- and echocardiograms were normal.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The purpose of this article is to present the first case-series of posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES) associated with L-asparaginase treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan showed a large mass arising from the posterolateral aspect that was 90% extracranial and 10% intracranial on the right side of the skull.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is also interesting that one of our cases develop RSDS long after transplantation when immunosuppressive treatment was changed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In the absence of specific limb electrophysiological abnormalities, acute bilateral symmetric phrenic neuropathy was diagnosed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present a case report of a patient who developed a prolonged QT while being treated with oral methadone for a chronic pain syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: To report a side effect of quinacrine therapy for malaria.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A serum chloroquine concentration at this time (91 micro g\/L) was above that considered effective for chloroquine-sensitive P. vivax (>15 micro g\/L).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute vision loss after intravitreal injection of bevacizumab (avastin) associated with ocular ischemic syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Adjuvant therapy of bullous pemphigoid with mycophenolate mofetil: old drug, new use.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Is the use of rFVIIa safe and effective in bleeding neonates? A retrospective series of 8 cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Patients receiving intravitreal injections of bevacizumab should be evaluated for potential systemic risk factors such as carotid insufficiency, coagulopathy and poorly controlled diabetes mellitus.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We present the cases of two female patients diagnosed with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) who developed inflammatory musculoskeletal manifestations, following IFN-beta therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient received OLT because of end-stage primary biliary cirrhosis and was found to have de novo HBV infection 3 months later.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The noted increase in the theophylline level after zafirlukast administration is in contrast to the original reports by the manufacturer.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Diagnosis was made based on pathologic findings and detection of typical fungal hyphea in the infected tissues.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This complication has not previously been reported during treatment with sargramostim, a hematopoietic cytokine with activity that overlaps filgrastim.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Serotonin can also cause pruritus when injected into the skin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Evidence obtained indicated that the Reye-like syndrome might be caused by calcium hopantenate possibly due to the induction of pantothenic acid deficiency.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Treatment with interferon-alpha (IFN-alpha), however, led to dramatic clinical, radiographic, and histologic improvement.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After 1 week, HPA axis function was markedly improved.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The panoramic radiograph showed radiopaque material in the inferior alveolar canal region, with an extension from the left canine to the second premolar.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: It is probable that foscarnet contributed to the electrolyte disorders and symptomatology in this patient.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A search of the literature yielded 15 instances of severe antithyroid-drug-induced granulocytopenia (ATDIA) (granulocyte count of less than 0.1 x 10(9)\/L) treated with G-CSF.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: Growth retardation was observed in six severely asthmatic children after introduction of high-dose fluticasone propionate treatment (dry powder).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Benzoyl peroxide (BP) is commonly used for topical acne treatment and has long been known to be a weak allergen and a strong irritant.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The intramuscular route of administration is associated with cutaneous side effects such as dermal necrosis, sterile abscesses and ulcer formation at the injection site, while urticaria may develop near the site of intravenous drug infusion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Effective management of the transplant recipient depends on preventing excessive vasoconstriction, usually with calcium channel blocking agents.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Worsening of obstructive sleep apnoeas in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis treated with anti-tumor necrosis factor.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DATA SYNTHESIS: Genetic deficiencies in DPD, the rate-limiting enzyme responsible for 5-FU catabolism, may occur in 3% or more of patients with cancer putting them at increased risk for unusually severe adverse reactions (e.g., diarrhea, stomatitis, mucositis, myelosuppression, neurotoxicity) to standard doses of 5-FU.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The authors suggest that risperidone may increase affect in patients with schizophrenia and that some patients, especially those with anxiety, may have difficulty managing the increase.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"It would seem that some travelling roots of the sympathetic nerve were preserved from the chemical neurolysis and the remaining efferent and afferent nerve fibers were responsible for the persisting low frequency HAR wave and pain in the left leg.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The clinical picture and efficacy of mirtazapine will be discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This is the second report of lactic acidosis in a patient on stavudine and lamivudine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report an unusual case of a leiomyosarcoma of the urinary bladder after chemotherapy for retinoblastoma and the results of a review of the published reports of bladder sarcomas.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: In our reported case, a local hyperproduction of TNF-alpha from macrophages that was induced by the injected insulin could explain the dedifferentiation of the adipocytes of the subcutaneous tissue and the reversion that was induced by the local injection of dexamethasone.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Veno-occlusive disease (VOD) is a life-threatening complication following allogeneic or autologous stem cell transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hypoalbuminemia and thrombocytopenia were observed at this time also.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D-mediated hypercalcemia caused by PCP in a renal transplant recipient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On day 7 of radiation therapy, she developed an extensive erythematous maculopapular rash over her face, trunk, and extremities.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASES REPORT: Three eyes of three patients with mCNV were examined with fluorescein angiography (FA) and ICGA using Heidelberg Retinal Angiograph 2 and the conventional fundus camera before and after IVB.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After therapy for diabetic coma with insulin (containing the preservative cresol) and electrolyte solutions was started, the patient complained of increasing myalgia, developed a high fever and respiratory and metabolic acidosis and lost consciousness.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"When a 34-year-old woman had dyspnea and chylothorax 8 months postpartum, lymphangiomyomatosis was diagnosed by open-lung biopsy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Glycyrrhizin (GL) at a dose of 400-1600 mg\/day (7.2-30.8 mg\/kg\/day) was administered intravenously for a period of more than a month, on 6 separate occasions, to 3 hemophiliacs with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These findings were low serum T4 (3.8 micrograms\/dl), T3 (23 ng\/dl), and a failure of serum TSH to rise after TRH injection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE: A 33-year-old female, gravida 1, para 1, was treated with gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist (GnRH-a) for three months prior to laparotomy and removal of a solitary, 5,190-g, pedunculated myoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cutaneous fragility induced by hypercorticism is an important cofactor permitting direct inoculation from the environment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: The use of fluorouracil treatment with careful monitoring can be considered in a patient with mild allergic reactions to capecitabine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A patient suffering from heparin-associated thrombocytopenia (HAT), recurrent arteriothromboses, and acute renal failure after treatment with standard heparin is described.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Ampicillin-induced interstitial nephritis with generalised exfoliative dermatitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Furosemide-associated fever.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Adenosine has become the preferred treatment for common types of supraventricular tachycardia because it is extremely effective and rarely associated with with serious side effects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"No adverse effects were noted from either vancomycin or hemodiafiltration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE PRESENTATION: We report a patient with CF who developed recurrent eosinophilia and severe persistent bronchospasm following repeated administration of preservative-free tobramycin by inhalation, beginning at 16 months of age.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Development of Crohn's disease in a patient with multiple sclerosis treated with copaxone.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"So far, few cases of pulmonary side effects caused by ticlopidine have been reported.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Desensitization was started at 1mg daily, and then the dose was doubled every week.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Furthermore, radial keratoneuritis was demonstrated, consisting of an irregularly swollen nerve fiber with probable amoebic infiltration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In this case, unlike those previously reported, hyponatremia recurred 5 months after switching from citalopram to mirtazapine, which is believed to be a safe antidepressant.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CASE REPORT: We report the case of a 58 year old patient who, after 2 days of treatment with roxithromycin and betamethasone, manifested acute pancreatitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Studies in the father suggest that the aldosterone production by his adrenals is hyperresponsive to adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Monitoring of liver enzymes was not performed during the treatment period.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The hyperpigmentation was diffuse scattered, flagellate like and linear streaking which was thought to be mainly related to the skin toxicity of bleomycin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Optic neuropathy associated with penicillamine therapy in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The remaining two patients were alive and well at median follow-up of 24 months (range, 4-25 months).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He was fed by mouth and had occasional episodes of coughing and choking during feeding.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: All primary eye care clinicians should be aware of this new and unique clinical presentation and be prepared to recognize it quickly and treat it appropriately.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the first case of tuberculous uveitis due to etanercept.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"All the cases reported so far, including the current case, have involved tumor located in the lumbosacral region.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The mother had systemic lupus erythematosus and cyclophosphamide exposure in the first trimester.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These were gradually lysed after two successive administrations of streptokinase (1.5 x 10(6) units over 24 h), and one session of recombinant tissue type plasminogen inhibitor (100 mg over 6 h).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Risperidone in the treatment of delusions of infestation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Erosive gastroduodenitis with marked epithelial atypia after hepatic arterial infusion chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"When children wheeze Would no one please provide their medicine blindly: for this might ease their young demise and that would be unkindly.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In one patient the vasculitis resolved after termination of the ciprofloxacin therapy; in the other patient the ciprofloxacin-induced hemorrhagic vasculitis was superimposed on a severe forefoot infection, leading to progressive gangrene and a below-knee amputation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A skin biopsy examined by light and electron microscopy showed no morphological abnormality in the sweat glands.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After ingesting 500 mg of the drug, she experience generalized maculopapular eruption and facial angioedema.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patients who were treated with Lp-TAE combined with HT had a tendency to have better survival rates than those of the Lp-TAE group (p less than 0.099).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the case of an 11-year-old female treated for mediastinal T-cell lymphoma who presented renal failure following the second cycle of high-dose methotrexate (HDMTX).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: A potential interaction exists between VPA and all ritonavir-boosted antiretroviral regimens.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One patient required nursing home placement and a feeding gastrostomy as a result of the worsening parkinsonism during risperidone treatment, but was able to return home and have the gastrostomy removed after switching from risperidone to clozapine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The fact that this phenomenon was not seen in >1,400 patients studied in clinical trials indicates that it is likely to be rare and idiosyncratic.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three had low values of IgA, and all had normal values of IgM, IgD and IgE, and blood cells.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Successful treatment with partial resection of the posterior mitral valve leaflet and antibiotic therapy with cefazolin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Possible mechanisms of action are discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Alopecia and hair loss are rare side effects of psychotropic drugs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DIAGNOSIS: Severe temozolomide-induced immunosuppression, exacerbated by corticosteroids, with profound T-cell lymphocytopenia and simultaneous opportunistic infections with Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia, brain abscess with Listeria monocytogenes, and cutaneous Kaposi's sarcoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The myoclonic symptoms continued until March 18, when they subsided.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Development of an extensive skin rash following a single dose of MTX may be an early warning sign for life-threatening bone marrow aplasia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 25-year-old woman with mild hyperphenylalaninemia developed disabling depression and panic attacks.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Upon discharge from ICU all laboratory tests were normal and blood lead level was reduced, but he was quadriplegic.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Additional PKP was performed with perioperative intravenous administration of ganciclovir.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case raises concern about the possible adverse consequences of hormonal manipulation in treating infertility.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One of the side-effects of intravitreal triamcinolone is the development of cataract, and it is known that cataract extraction can exacerbate macular degeneration.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Successful treatment of hyperthyroidism with amiodarone in a patient with propylthiouracil-induced acute hepatic failure.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 74-year-old man who had been diagnosed with malignant mesothelioma developed malignant lymphoma of B-cell origin involving the penis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Resolution occurred in spite of continuous tocolytic therapy, which was stopped at 35 weeks.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Controlled clinical trials are indicated to determine if this finding is indicative of a class effect for all GABAergic antiepileptic drugs (AEDs), as already noted with vigabatrin, or if this case represents an incidental finding with tiagabine (41 references).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Valvular endocarditis after percutaneous coronary intervention is unusual.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All seven patients recovered without sequelae.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The drug was discontinued, and the fever resolved within 2 days.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: Tamoxifen may cause malignant transformation of endometriosis through atypical endometriosis even in the postmenopausal state.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Therefore, these patients might have to be treated with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor to be able to recover from severe neutropenia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We cared for a patient with progressive renal impairment who presented with blurred vision, QRS broadening and cardiac failure due to chronic cibenzoline intoxication.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Dapsone in rheumatoid arthritis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Shortly after chemotherapy and an injection of pegfilgrastim, the patient developed poorly defined, rapidly progressive erythema, edema, and pain in his right forearm.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The use of pamidronate for hypercalcemia secondary to acute vitamin D intoxication.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We experienced a case of chronic renal failure in a patient suffering from acute hemorrhagic gastritis associated with AZ intoxication.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: To evaluate the long-term efficacy and side effects of off-label topical tacrolimus 0.03% ointment (Protopic; Fujisawa Health, Deerfield, IL) as a sole second-line immunosuppressive agent in the management of high-risk corneal grafts.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The two patients were successfully treated with pharmacological thrombolysis with no recurrence.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Primary sensory symptoms in parkinsonism.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, continued low-dose MTX led, in spite of normal liver tests, 8 years after the last biopsy to liver failure and death in 1 of our patients.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Seven patients with congestive heart failure receiving long-term diuretic treatment (more than three years) experienced idionodal tachycardia in the presence of apparently normal serum digoxin levels.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The great majority of patients have no problems with their prescribed hypoglycaemic medication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hepatitis with bridging fibrosis and reversible hepatic insufficiency in a woman with rheumatoid arthritis taking methotrexate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Two cases of hypothyroidism in patients with chronic hepatitis C treated with recombinant alpha interferon are reported.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The causative relationship was proven by challenge.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of peritonitis in a patient on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis caused by Listeria monocytogenes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The unusual severity and rapid spread of the infection, despite normal neutrophil count and prompt antifungal therapy, suggest that HIV-related immunocompromise might play a role in the impairment of host defences against Aspergillus infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the cases of two patients who developed acute hepatitis after taking riluzole at the recommended dose (100 mg daily) for 7 and 4 weeks, respectively.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"PTLD systemically was seen in 6% of the liver, 7% of the heart, 5% of the lung, 11% of the heart-lung and 4% of the kidney allografts.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Akathisia is a relatively rare side effect with the newer atypical antipsychotic agents, particularly clozapine, and is easily misdiagnosed in children.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"He had miliary tuberculosis, renal failure requiring dialysis and visual disturbances.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: Our case sheds new light on glucocorticoid pancreatotoxicity and confirms the role of macrolides as potential pancreatotoxic drugs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe two cases that illustrate the use of lithium in the treatment of veterans with PTSD who complained of serious problems with irritability or angry outbursts.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In clinical trials, venlafaxine was found safe and effective in most patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute renal failure following intravenous immunoglobulin therapy in a HIV-infected patient.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: The risk\/benefit ratio of warfarin therapy changes in the over 75s, when haemorrhagic side-effects become more common.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Definitive therapy by subtotal thyroidectomy was subsequently performed and yielded good results.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present the 30-month follow-up of a 12-yr-old girl affected by diabetic ketoacidotic coma, complicated by rhinocerebral mucormycosis and successfully treated with POS at the initial daily dose of 5 mg\/kg t.i.d. with fatty food for 3 wk, followed by a daily dose of 10 mg\/kg in four doses for 2 months and then 20 mg\/kg\/d in four doses for 16 months and in two doses for further 5 months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is a necrotizing inflammation of the cecum, colon, and the terminal part of the ileum.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DISCUSSION: It is not uncommon to confuse drug allergy with JHR.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Further study is needed to determine the incidence of subclinical membranous nephropathy in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, and the effect of drugs in triggering clinical manifestations of this condition.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Here we report on a 10-month-old boy with an anaplastic astrocytoma, who acquired an HHV-6 variant B infection during chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"With treatment, the serum CBZ concentration declined, and the EEG became more continuous and rhythmic without epileptiform discharges.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"I just thought that was my quality of life on dialysis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Self-limited edema is a well-recognized complication of insulin therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The case histories are presented of two patients who developed lung disease associated with the use of nitrofurantoin with histological features of bronchiolitis obliterans organising pneumonia (BOOP), a rare but recognised form of drug induced injury.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"It is the first reported case of TMA being cured with treatment of CMV.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report on a patient with an embryonal teratocarcinoma of the testicle who had the syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone after receiving a high dose of vinblastine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Corticosteroid-induced glaucoma is a well-recognized phenomenon in adults, but not children.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Possible interaction between lopinavir\/ritonavir and valproic Acid exacerbates bipolar disorder.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Examination revealed severe anterior uveitis with fibrinous exudates in the anterior chamber, flap edema and epithelial bullae.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report two cases of late recurrence of eruptive locoregional metastatic melanoma occurring 6 and 9 years after definitive surgical treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Use of the Naranjo adverse drug reaction probability scale indicated a probable relationship (score of 5) between the patient's development of hepatotoxicity and the TMP-SMX therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The right palm also showed similar changes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Glycerol and urokinase produced rapid resolution of the symptoms and warfarin prevented further recurrence of pseudotumor cerebri for one year.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: We performed a retrospective review of ICD procedures performed at a single academic center and identified all ICD-related infections managed between 1983 and 2005.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE SUMMARY: A 72-year-old white man was admitted for worsening palpable purpura over a two-day period.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A range of adverse effects have been reported, including neuropsychiatric reactions in patients known to be taking recommended doses.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rifampicin-induced adrenal insufficiency in the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome: difficulties in diagnosis and treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Nausea, vomiting and acute pancreatitis were also observed in one patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of Stevens-Johnson syndrome\/toxic epidermal necrolysis (SJS\/TEN) secondary to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-Sx) therapy for presumed community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA) infection.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Cyclosporin side effects included hirsutism, hypertension, increased blood levels of urea and creatinine, and abnormalities in liver function tests.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Alternating sinus rhythm and intermittent sinoatrial (S-A) block was observed in a 57-year-old woman, under treatment for angina with 80 mg propranolol daily.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Both the TMA and the CMV resolved after initiation of the ganciclovir.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intestinal pseudo-obstruction was a prominent feature in the patient in this study.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Severe hypomagnesemia occurred in this patient and published literature is highlighted.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Minimal change disease in a patient receiving IFN-alpha therapy for chronic hepatitis C virus infection.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Three of these patients had convulsions attributed to imipenem\/cilastatin; 3.6% of the patients had seizure, or 2% of imipenem\/cilastatin administrations was followed by a seizure attack.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Liver transplantation for fulminant hepatitis related to nevirapine therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"There have been numerous case reports of hyperglycemia with olanzapine in the literature, but none reported hyperglycemia within days of initiation of the medication.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This was complicated by a persistent cerebrospinal fluid leak that was successfully managed by purse-string sutures over the dura around the catheter, without removing the intrathecal implant.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Early high-dose intravenous methylprednisolone in acute disseminated encephalomyelitis: a successful recovery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Protamine allergy as a complication of insulin hypersensitivity: A case report.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Secretory endometrial adenocarcinoma in a patient on tamoxifen for breast cancer: a report of a case.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Further exacerbations of the rheumatic condition may be induced by treatment of the cancer.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Immunoblots conducted with hepatic microsomes from control and induced rats and purified rat P450s confirmed that these antibodies also recognised constitutive (3A2) and inducible (3A1) rat CYP3A products.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Anti-tuberculous drugs, including ethambutol, were initiated at our clinic because the period between the ethambutol therapy and visual loss was too short and the dose of ethambutol was not very high.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hypercoagulability studies were negative.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Upon presenting to the primary care service a year and a half later, the patient was taking 40 mg per day of olanzapine and had gained 62 pounds, a 30% increase in body weight; glycosylated hemoglobin (A1c) was 11.1%.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Urologists should bear in mind this clinical entity, particularly when DMSO is administered to patients with multiple drug allergies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An 11-year-old boy who was treated with a relatively high dose of methotrimeprazine meleate (Levemepromazine) a phenothiazine antipsychotic drug, was admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit suffering from respiratory distress syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Leuconostoc sp. are gram-positive bacteria intrinsically resistant to vancomycin, which can be confused with streptococci based on routine microbiological-characteristics.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Spontaneous resolution of the thrombus such as is reported in this case is exceptional.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Repetitive paroxysms of supraventricular tachyarrhythmias triggered during pediatric cardiac interventions: suppression after short infusion of amiodarone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ovarian endometrioid carcinoma and endometriosis developing in a postmenopausal breast cancer patient during tamoxifen therapy: a case report and review of the literature.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"He presented to the emergency room, was evaluated by the orthopedics service, and taken to the operating room for debridement of suspected necrotizing fasciitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"To the authors' knowledge, this is the first case report of the successful treatment of disseminated cutaneous phaeohyphomycosis in a dog.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The necessity of placing such grafts behind the ureters is reiterated and the routine performance of preoperative and postoperative excretory urography is suggested.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHOD: The case histories of three geriatric patients treated with fluoxetine for depression or obsessive compulsive disorder are presented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present the case of a 17-year-old male who ruptured his Meckel diverticulum 23 days after the beginning of induction chemotherapy for high-risk acute lymphoblastic leukemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a patient who developed disseminated Fusarium infection with a secondary fungal endophthalmitis after an autologous bone marrow transplant for acute myeloid leukemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Subsequently, an improvement in the hemodynamic profile (BP 140\/78 mm Hg, mean HR 91 beats\/min) was noted.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the results of three cases of limited-stage SCEC treated with combination therapy using carboplatin (CBDCA) and etoposide (VP-16) and radiotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Given the current debate about the risks of hormonal replacement therapy, more women are seeking alternative therapies for menopausal symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This syndrome is potentially life-threatening: the 5 untreated patients died, whereas 5 patients given immunosuppressive therapy are alive.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Within 36 hours after recovery, the mare developed signs of severe pain that were unresponsive to conventional treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Severe oligohydramnios was noted.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The goal of this study is to describe three patients diagnosed with migraine and epilepsy (both under control) who evolved into status migrainosus after the introduction of oxcarbazepine (OXC), as part of a switch off from carbamazepine (CBZ).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Pre-treatment evaluation for the presence of arterial shunts to neighbouring organs should be determined in order to avoid complications of SIRT.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors report a case of a Hickman catheter perforating the wall of the superior vena cava into the pericardium, resulting in accidental intrapericardial infusion of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The urine revealed inappropriately high levels of magnesium and potassium despite critically low serum levels, with an appropriately low urine calcium level.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient was treated with octreotide 20 mg, at monthly interval.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Total white cell count and neutrophil count returned to normal and she made an uneventful recovery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Atypical mycobacterial infections of the musculoskeletal system are very rare and are generally associated with predisposing factors, such as trauma, use of corticosteroids, or an immunocompromised state.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Lithium is known to cause acute renal failure and tubulo-interstitial disease, but the recently described association with proteinuria or nephrotic syndrome is little recognized.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"False-positive proteinuria by acid precipitation testing in tolmetin-treated patients has been noted on routine urinalysis screening.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Eruptive epidermoid cysts resulting from treatment with imiquimod.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction is a response to the treatment of syphilis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A possible case of carbamazepine induced pancreatitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"One patient required a second separate stent-graft placement procedure because of migration of the initial device; the second patient underwent surgical repair of a ruptured mycotic abdominal aortic aneurysm followed immediately by stent-graft placement for a chronic mycotic thoracic aneurysm; a third patient underwent repair of two infected false aneurysms secondary to complete rupture of a surgical interposition graft.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"MANAGEMENT: Discontinuation of temozolomide, discontinuation of radiotherapy, antibiotic treatment with amoxicillin and gentamicin, and administration of atovaquone and pentamidine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVES: The authors described a case of Hashimoto's disease during interferon-alpha (IFN-alpha) treatment for chronic viral C hepatitis in a patient with the specific genetic susceptibility associated with the thyroid disease.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The literature review revealed that many cases typically present with chronic cough with or without dyspnea.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This is largely a result of the low levels of compliance.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"SKT has several pharmacological effects including analgesic and antiinflammatory effects, vasodilation, and muscle relaxation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The infection persisted despite more than 8 weeks of treatment with liposomal amphotericin B.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present a case of HUS in an advanced ovarian cancer patient treated with carboplatin and gemcitabine, and described its favorable outcome after chemotherapy interruption and supportive care with a 1 year follow-up.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We describe various measures to reduce severe anxiety that interfered with much-needed maintenance electroconvulsive therapy in a 32-year-old man.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"No side effect was seen.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present a case of a patient with long-standing schizophrenia who was treated with clozapine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Pseudoporphyria is a photosensitive bullous skin disease that is distinguished from porphyria cutanea tarda (PCT) by its normal porphyrin profile.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatment of antithyroid drug-induced agranulocytosis by granulocyte colony-stimulating factor: a case of primum non nocere.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Reinstitution of intravenous anticholinergic medication provided relatively prompt relief.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Fluoxetine, a highly specific serotonin reuptake inhibitor, has been reported to cause sexual dysfunction in a minority of patients.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CASE PRESENTATION: The patient is a 22-year-old male with the evaluation of osteosarcoma, T1Gr2NxM0.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All of the patients and three of the carers recorded scores suggestive of psychiatric morbidity on the General Health Questionnaire.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hyperkalaemia with renal tubular dysfunction by oral therapy of sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim (co-trimoxazole) is described in 2 elderly Japanese patients with lymphoid malignancy, who developed Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia and improved.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Acute syphilitic posterior placoid chorioretinitis following intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide injection.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Late-onset donor-to-host transmission of Candida glabrata following corneal transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intensive organ supportive measures and intravenous antibiotic therapy led to his gradual recovery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the case of a patient with multiple myeloma who developed acute life-threatening water intoxication following treatment with oral indomethacin and low dose intravenous cyclophosphamide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: The findings are expected with age-related macular degeneration with crystalline drusen, but also with CAR.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A bone marrow aspiration demonstrated an increased number of macrophages with hemophagocytosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The exceeding of the solubility product of Ca(2+) and PO(4) (-) results in the precipitation of calcium phosphates.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a case of disseminated muscular cysticercosis followed by myositis (fever, diffuse myalgia, weakness of the lower limbs, and inflammatory reaction around dying cysticerci) induced by praziquantel therapy, an event not described previously.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Within 60 min after start of treatment the effective valve area increased (1.41 cm2), and the pulmonary capillary wedge pressure decreased.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors report five cases of tremor related to itraconazole therapy, which occurred within 1-12 months of initiating treatment and resolved gradually following itraconazole withdrawal.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The goal of this study is to describe three patients diagnosed with migraine and epilepsy (both under control) who evolved into status migrainosus after the introduction of oxcarbazepine (OXC), as part of a switch off from carbamazepine (CBZ).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Although HAART is very important in the treatment of HIV, its side effects are responsible for patients' non-adherence to medications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DISCUSSION: According to the literature, reversible nonthrombocytopenic palpable purpura has not been previously reported with metoclopramide.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Reactivation of cytomegalovirus probably followed the treatment of Wegener's granulomatosis with corticosteroids and azathioprine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Relentless growth and recurrence carry a poor prognosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient was treated with IFN-alpha in another medical center for 6 months because his liver biopsy showed chronic active hepatitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"More recent literature suggests that probably all antidepressants can appear in human milk.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although arachnoiditis, infection, and meningitis have been reported, acute paraplegia has not been reported as a complication of either caudal or spinal epidural steroid injection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Because the combination of bleomycin and vinca alkaloids is commonly used for the treatment of AIDS-related Kaposi's sarcoma, clinicians should be aware of the risk of provoking acral necrosis in patients who develop Raynaud's phenomenon under chemotherapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Zidovudine, a Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor (NRTI) is one of the earliest antiretroviral agents used as a combination in the Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) for the treatment of HIV infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patient-controlled rapid atrial pacing was used to manage 12 cases of recurrent supraventricular tachycardia refractory to drug therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case of basilar invagination which is thought to have arisen from the patient's intrauterine exposure to phenytoin is presented.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The response to tetrahydrobiopterin therapy was impressive at an oral dose of 50 mg twice a day.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hospital admissions at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital between 1982 and 2002 that carried the dual diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus and pancreatitis were identified, and demographic data, clinical interventions and parameters of clinical progression of their disease were identified.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"During a subsequent course of radiotherapy, the patient developed fever, headaches, and cutaneous lesions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Tamoxifen inhibits protein kinase C (PKC) in vitro and thus may regulate glioma cell growth by modulating intracellular signal transduction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Neurologic symptoms resolved after stopping CAP for 4 weeks in Patient A, with no recurrence after reinitiating CAP alone at 2000 mg\/m2.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 21-year-old patient developed rhabdomyolysis during his nineteenth week of treatment with clozapine for drug-resistant schizophrenia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We describe the clinical and histologic features of this chemical and traumatic alopecia as well as that of frontotemporal chronic traction alopecia resulting from use of sponge rollers.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Unlike Corynebacterium jeikeium, which is highly resistant to beta-lactam agents, aminoglycosides, and quinolones, all strains of C. striatum isolated from the patients described in this report were susceptible to vancomycin and aminoglycosides, and all strains except one were susceptible to penicillin G, imipenem, and ciprofloxacin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient was diagnosed with carbamazepine toxicity related to the introduction of ritonavir.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We review the literature concerning an increasingly reported and interesting adverse effect, atypical antipsychotic-induced obsessive-compulsive symptoms (OCS).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, physicians must keep in mind the significant risks of using this medication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On fundoscopy and fluorescein angiography, the first signs of a bilateral bull's eye maculopathy were detected.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the case of a 17-year-old male who developed chest pain, elevated cardiac biomarkers, and acute left ventricular dysfunction following a single dose of methylphenidate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Clinical and electrodiagnostic findings are discussed in detail and a brief review of the literature is presented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"New neurological symptoms developed immediately after injection, and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging demonstrated trapped air displacing the dural sac.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"At dosages 22.5-30 mg\/day (0.45-0.57 mg\/kg\/day) longstanding non-convulsive status epilepticus was noted in all three patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Theoretically, it may be useful in reversing anticholinergic ileus resulting from acute drug overdose, allowing or enhancing decontamination, but the safety and potential efficacy of neostigmine in this scenario have not been established.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This advantage must be weighed against the risks (immunologic reactions, loss of the therapeutic effect of the cardiac glycoside if an overdose of antibody is given).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rapamycin\/sirolimus-induced pneumonitis has been described previously in renal transplant recipients, and this report describes a stable heart-lung transplant recipient who developed a pulmonary infiltrate that reversed after ceasing SR therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Seizure with hyponatremia in a child prescribed desmopressin for nocturnal enuresis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Although uncommon, an intact anterior vetreous face against the corneal endothelium is possible when a wide opening has been made in the posterior capsule and the underlying vitreous face remains intact.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In the following months, these lesions increased in number and size and neurologic symptoms developed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Drug-induced pemphigoid.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In patients with swallowing dysfunction and pneumonia, a history of mineral oil use should be obtained and a diagnosis of ELP should be considered in the differential diagnoses if mineral oil use has occurred.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Myocardial infarction in a parturient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Irritative skin reactions were observed only at higher testings doses, in contrast to the allergic type of reaction, which occurred at a lower testing dose.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The initial in-hospital management of adult patients with community-acquired pneumonia can be divided into five major steps: an early recognition of the patient with presumptive pneumonia, assessment of the severity of illness, establishment of an etiologic diagnosis, supportive therapy, and decision regarding initiation of empirical therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three of these patients had convulsions attributed to imipenem\/cilastatin; 3.6% of the patients had seizure, or 2% of imipenem\/cilastatin administrations was followed by a seizure attack.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"It may also be prudent to screen for electrolyte abnormalities in patients taking this agent to prevent serious iatrogenic complications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pregnancy and neonatal outcome were uneventful in both.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"As judged from the clinical course of this major surgery, recombinant FVIIa appears to be highly efficacious and safe and should be used as first line treatment in high titre inhibitor patients with cross-reactivity to porcine factor VIII, undergoing surgery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rapamycin\/sirolimus-induced pneumonitis has been described previously in renal transplant recipients, and this report describes a stable heart-lung transplant recipient who developed a pulmonary infiltrate that reversed after ceasing SR therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Treatment of acromegaly with octreotide, followed by successful selective pituitary adenomectomy, stabilized the number and the size of the liver tumors.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The difficulty in absorbing vitamin B12 when intrinsic factor is not available does not make oral replacement impossible; the dose just needs to be higher.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although thrombolysis per se can cause severe and potentially fatal haemorrhage, there is no evidence that severe bleeding events occur more often when thrombolysis is combined with cardiocompressions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He did not respond to treatment with oral iron not a proton pump inhibitor and an upper endoscopy was performed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Did we learn evidence-based medicine in medical school? Some common medical mythology.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Phenobarbital treatment in a patient with resistant alcohol withdrawal syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Six patients with no previous signs or symptoms suggestive of coronary artery disease developed acute coronary ischemia\/infarction shortly after cis-diamine-dichloroplatinum II (cisplatin) -based chemotherapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We present a 60-year-old woman with anal cancer and liver metastasis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Linear IgA bullous dermatosis (LABD) is an immunobullous disorder in which IgA antibodies are deposited within the basement membrane zone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pseudomonas aeruginosa was cultured not only from the corneal ulcer but also from the contact lens solutions, suggesting that the patient had been noncompliant with care procedures.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"As a consequence, the use of a broader initial antibiotic coverage, including extended-spectrum cephalosporins and combinations, seems to be more common in North America than in Europe.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The vomiting occurred on switching to different pancreatic enzymes preparations, ie, Creon 10, Viokase, and Pancrease MT 16.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The main side-effects of Lp-TAE combined with HT were low-grade fever, localized pain, myelo-suppression and liver dysfunction, but these were transient and eventually disappeared.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Postoperatively, the patient developed bilateral lower extremity weakness, which was at first attributed to epidural administration of local anaesthetics.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Progressive outer retinal necrosis after bone marrow transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present a report of B. henselae infection transmitted by the same kitten to 4 different individuals, each with different clinical characteristics, treatment, and evolution.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A rapidly progressive, fatal recrudescence of pulmonary Kaposi sarcoma developed in an HIV-infected man who was receiving corticosteroids for treatment of an immune reconstitution syndrome secondary to Mycobacterium avium complex pulmonary infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Her medical history was remarkable for long-term opiold dependence associated with the treatment of multi-Joint degenerative osteoarthritis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: Celiac disease must be ruled out in patients with malabsorption complaints in or after interferon (or pegylated interferon) therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Diethyl carbamazine citrate, an inhibitor of release of SRS-A, seemed to shorten the duration of the LAR, although it has no effect on the immediate response and\/or on the severity of the LAR.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Less common adverse events to dapsone include the idiosyncratic reactions of leukopenia and agranulocytosis, cutaneous eruptions, peripheral neuropathy, psychosis, toxic hepatitis, cholestatic jaundice, nephrotic syndrome, renal papillary necrosis, severe hypoalbuminemia without proteinuria, an infectious mononucleosis-like syndrome, and minor neurological and gastrointestinal complaints.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report here such a case with bilateral Mooren's ulcer that failed to respond to local therapy with topical corticosteroids, silver nitrate, and conjunctival resection, as well as systemic immunosuppression with corticosteroids, cyclophosphamide, and azathioprine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pregnancy complicated by endodermal sinus tumor of the ovary is extremely rare.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case supports the assessment that MH and diabetes are associated diseases and that cresol could possibly trigger MH.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"It is increasingly recognized that dose adjustment of oral valacyclovir in renal failure is necessary to avoid neurotoxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This review provides an evidence and experience-based approach to the preventive treatment of migraine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Successful treatment of bronchiolitis obliterans in a bone marrow transplant patient with tumor necrosis factor-alpha blockade.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There are reports of accelerated SSc syndromes associated in particular with breast cancer.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case report highlights a need for awareness of increased bleeding as a potentially serious complication associated with the use of all currently licensed PIs in individuals with hemophilia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The second was a 36-year-old male who developed mental status changes, ataxia and dysarthria following treatment for lymphoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient developed severe and suicidal depression which responded solely to testosterone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She developed a generalized rash and itching, sore throat, and dizziness approximately 4 hours after the first dose of capecitabine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Minimally invasive repair of a left ventricular pseudoaneurysm after surgical patch reconstruction of an infarct-related free posterior wall rupture: CT-guided intervention.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The four other North American cases are reviewed, and the epidemiology of the infection in animals is discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The initial manifestations of the disease on admission included cough, dyspnea, hemoptysis, pulmonary infiltrate, and renal failure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute respiratory depression as a complication of nebulised morphine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Without other causes for the hyponatremia, she was diagnosed with the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone, presumably caused by desmopressin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Thirty patients with hepatic reactions to cyclofenil, a non-steroidal drug with a stimulating effect on ovulation, are reviewed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In uncontrolled digestive haemorrhage, a short course of somatostatin therapy can be of great help in controlling the acute bleeding and to avoid emergency laparotomy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Dermatomyositis is associated with malignancy in approximately 20-25% of cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Permanent complete relief or pronounced improvement of the dyskinesias was observed at a dosage of 5 mg prednisolone\/day.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The Ommaya reservoir provides an easy and practical method for fungicidal medication administration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Care must be taken in the management of lumbosacral intradural tumors because tumors resembling neurilemmoma may in fact represent meningioma, some subtypes of which possess a high rate of recurrence.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors treated two children with Gilles de la Tourette's disease and one child with a probable combination of Gilles de la Tourette's disease and minimal brain dysfunction with methylphenidate, which resulted in exacerbation of symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinically apparent reactivation of hepatitis B virus typically occurred 1 month after the 3rd dose of infliximab.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors describe the clinical and pharmacologic management of a patient who developed an organic affective syndrome during a simulated deep-diving experiment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Veno-occlusive disease-like hepatotoxicity in two children receiving chemotherapy for Wilms' tumor and clear cell sarcoma of kidney.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The rash was treated with moisturizing cream along with intravenous and topical corticosteroids and antibiotics.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a 50-year-old woman with rheumatoid arthritis in whom a severe postinjection vasomotor reaction was associated with a cerebral vascular accident.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The most common symptoms were mental status disorder and involuntary movements.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A detailed description of the cardiac event is provided for one patient who was on a cardiac monitor during the adverse reaction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rifampin-impregnated silicone catheters: a potential tool for prevention and treatment of CSF shunt infections.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Approximately 5-6% of intravaginal clindamycin is absorbed in the bloodstream, making systemic effects possible.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The present study retrospectively investigated the utility of a novel combination chemotherapy regimen for treating multifocal HCC resistant to TAE.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: JHR should be an anticipated reaction to early doses of antibiotic treatment for treponemal diseases, such as syphilis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Therefore patients with bronchial asthma should receive special prophylactic attention.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The previous amphotericin B, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, hyperbaric oxygen and nasal and left maxillary sinus surgical debridement therapy was ineffective in stopping the progression of the infection to the brain.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In this report, we present a case of hypoglycaemic coma associated with SP, an adverse reaction that is likely to be underreported and expected to occur with greater frequency as the use of SP increases.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Postmortem examination revealed only minimal neoplastic infiltration of the meninges.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We believe this is the first report of myocardial infarction due to coronary spasm, demonstrated by angiography associated with L-thyroxine therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND\/OBJECTIVE: Intrathecal baclofen is considered standard treatment for severe spasticity of spinal cord and cerebral origin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These evolutional changes in both proteinuria and glomerular histology suggest a close linkage between the M-CSF treatment and macrophage-related glomerular injury.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Pantoprazole therapy was promptly discontinued, and prednisone 40 mg\/d was initiated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Bilateral loss of vision in bright light.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present a patient with documented pacemaker related left-sided endocarditis associated with an acute embolic stroke who was treated with antibiotics with complete recovery and its two-year follow up.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Peculiar nail-changes in a 70-year-old woman with rheumatoid arthritis occurring after approximately 1 year of penicillamine treatment are described.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Characteristic muscarinic, nicotinic and central manifestations of OP poisoning appeared: atropine and 250 mg obidoxime i.v., resulted in marked improvement.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Erosion of psoriatic plaques after chronic methotrexate administration.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"These patients would then not experience EPS and would be more likely to continue with their medication in the long term and thus avoid relapse.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient herein reported had chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and had had a nephrectomy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Milk-alkali syndrome can present serious and occasionally life-threatening illness unless diagnosed and treated appropriately.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors postulate that two types of combined lithium-neuroleptic toxicity occur: a neuroleptic malignant extrapyramidal syndrome and a lithium toxicity that occurs in combination with phenothiazines, primarily thioridazine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Physical examination revealed hypotension (84\/47 mmHg) and heme-positive stool on rectal examination.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Their positive, negative, and general symptoms as rated by the BPRS also decreased significantly.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Toxic manifestation includes myoclonus, ataxia, confusion and sudden death.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Severe rash, including the Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS), is the major toxicity of nevirapine and is described in the package labeling with a prominent, boxed warning.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Two patients are alive at 16.4 and 22.5 months after initial treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This is the third patient with severe FUra toxicity secondary to an alteration in pyrimidine catabolism and the second from our clinic population suggesting that the frequency of this genetic defect may be greater than previously thought.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patients whose glucose control is dependent on counter-regulatory hormones should be monitored for the possibility of hypoglycemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Methemoglobinemia: an occupational hazard of phenylpropanolamine production.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"After aprotinin infusion (loading dose of 2 x 10(6) kIU followed by a continuous infusion of 5 x 10(5) kIU\/h) combined with heparin, bleeding vanished until the end of bypass.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These experiments have confirmed clinical observations that alcohol in modest doses has the potential of producing atrial or ventricular arrhythmias.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Symptoms of CIPS were not observed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She had been treated for pulmonary tuberculosis seven years prior to admission.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Approximately 80% of akinetic-rigid syndromes are due to Parkinson's disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient died of recurrent myocardial ischemia 3 days postoperatively.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The half-life of survival of those who ultimately died was 2 months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Extrapyramidal side effects: a historical perspective.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The disease started to heal after treatment with topical clobetasol propionate 0.05% and sun exposure during the following summer.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Because lupus patients are susceptible to infections associated with disease exacerbation or immunosuppressive treatment, recurrent infections might be expected during the disease course without need for further evaluation of the immunodeficiency.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors describe valproate-induced hyperammonemia and mental status changes in an 88-year-old man, the first known reported case in an elderly patient.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Cutaneous eruptions occur in 3% of individuals administered carbamazepine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"They discuss related literature reports of mania or rapid cycling after adjunctive estrogen administration for refractory depression.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rat islets of Langerhans exposed to mefloquine in vitro (10(-8) mol\/l to 10(-3) mol\/l) secreted significantly more insulin than control islets (up to 980 +\/- 180 microU\/ml\/5 islets incubated with mefloquine 10(-3) mol\/l, vs 20 +\/- 4 microU\/ml\/5 untreated islets).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Forty patients with HCM were treated with calcium-channel blockers such as nifedipine, diltiazem, and verapamil.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Sputum cultures were positive for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, and intravenous vancomycin 1 g every 8 hours was added to the treatment regimen on hospital day 7.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two other cases of shunt infection during the same time period were treated for only 2 days with intraventricular vancomycin and did not manifest CSFE.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One patient was found to possess *5\/*10; the other had a *1\/*5 genotype.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a 56-year-old woman who was found to have bilateral pulmonary nodules four months after cardiac transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She had a stormy course despite adequate antimicrobial therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Physicians utilizing rituximab should be aware of this association given the difficulty of differentiating between presentations of BOOP and neoplastic pulmonary processes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although there is one case report of cholesterol crystal embolization following t-PA therapy with only extrarenal manifestations (N Engl J Med 321:1270, 1989), this is the first reported case of atheroembolic acute renal failure following t-PA therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"These skin lesions may be induced or worsened during antiviral therapy with interferon-alpha (IFN).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We propose that cyclophosphamide be added to the list of exposures potentially associated with hepatic angiosarcoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CASE: Because of menorrhagia, the patient had begun an oral contraceptive pill (OCP) 1(1\/2) months prior to presentation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The toxic effects of imatinib treatment are usually mild, and serious adverse events are rare.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Both authors discuss a method of creating a postauricular pocket, burying the ear pedicle, and using costal cartilage for an inlay helical graft.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The histological findings of marked cholestasis without evidence of extrahepatic biliary obstruction or acute hepatitis were compatible with the diagnosis of drug-induced liver disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Spindle coma in benzodiazepine toxicity: case report.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a case of a previously healthy, postmenopausal woman who developed anticonvulsant hypersensitivity syndrome while taking Bellamine S (belladonna alkaloids; ergotamine; phenobarbital) for hot flashes.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"She had been receiving oral colchicine therapy for mixed connective tissue disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case of the Rett syndrome with acute encephalopathy induced during calcium hopantenate treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"D-penicillamine was withdrawn and glucocorticoids combined with azathioprine were given with good recovery of renal function.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After five months of initiation of treatment, while receiving RHE, he developed painful bilateral gynaecomastia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a patient with pulmonary adenocarcinoma complicated by the syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) following systemic chemotherapy with cisplatin (CDDP) and vindesine (VDS).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The present case is a young adult who had severe almost continuous hiccups for 3 years after placement of a feeding gastrostomy and Nissen fundoplication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To report the occurrence of anterior ischemic optic neuropathy as a complication of treatment with interferon alfa and to consider the possible underlying mechanisms for this association.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This likely explains the noted response to a calcium channel blocker (CCB), namely diltiazem.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A bone marrow aspiration showed slight hypoplasia with normocellular marrow.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Tegaserod, a potent partial agonist of the serotonin 5-HT4 receptor, is used to treat women with constipation-predominant irritable bowel syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The carers assessed the pre-morbid and present behaviour and personality of the patients using standard questionnaires.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In addition, cardiac adverse effects usually develop after at least 6 days of therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"As in this case, infection may be systemic and not confined to the intestine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This combination was shown to be synergistic.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Most patients showed some element of dose dependency between antiparkinsonian drugs and the hypersexual behavior.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Accelerated nodulosis during methotrexate therapy for juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Biochemical parameters of liver cell damage returned to normal levels 6 months later.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: COCs can be used in patients with thrombogenic mutations and anticoagulatory therapy in individual cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Audiograms showed bilateral sensorineural hearing loss with cochlear lesions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute spontaneous spinal epidural hematoma: an important differential diagnosis in patients under clopidogrel therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An association of granulocytopenia, eosinophilia, skin reaction and hepatitis during propylthiouracil (PTU) therapy for thyrotoxicosis in a 47 year old black female is reported.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The induced hyperglycaemia could not be controlled sufficiently, despite a high dose of insulin (> 110 units\/day), suggesting the existence of insulin insensitivity and hyperinsulinaemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Prior reports have emphasized the tubular and interstitial lesions associated with intermittent or discontinuous rifampin therapy for tuberculosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Bronchiolitis obliterans (BO) in children is a rare, inflammatory\/fibrosing process involving the small airways that often results in progressive, irreversible obstructive pulmonary disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the differential diagnosis of pulmonary nodules by conventional radiography and computed tomography (CT) in osteosarcoma patients with central venous catheter.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present a case of cutaneous leucocytoclastic vasculitis in which amphotericin B might presumably be the aetiological factor.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Three men and 2 women aged 38 to 53 years were treated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The pitfalls of potassium replacement in thyrotoxic periodic paralysis: a case report and review of the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He was treated with phenytoin from the age of 2 years and 7 months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In a postural challenge test after administration of isosorbide dinitrate (5 mg), blood pressure decreased from 120\/67 to 65\/35 mmHg, followed by syncope with a sudden decrease in pulse rate from 85 to 60 beats\/min.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Administration of cidofovir was associated with clearance of BK virus DNA from blood and stabilization of renal function in 5 cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Methemoglobinemia associated with dermal application of benzocaine cream in a cat.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Over several weeks, all neurologic and imaging deficits resolved.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Continued study of the specific mechanisms leading to ventricular tachycardia and sudden death are needed in order to control this increasingly prevalent clinical problem.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Most new drug therapies require randomized data to show effects before widespread use and acceptance occur.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Twenty patients with bladder cancer were treated by semiselective intra-arterial chemotherapy with Adriamycin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of a 26-year-old woman, who presented with an itchy erythematous reaction and strong oedema localized to the face.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Since continuation\/maintenance ECT is not well established, prophylactic therapy in recurrent illnesses is more commonly carried out using antidepressive medication alone or more often in combination with lithium.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There is almost always a hypopyon present, and the uveitis progresses aggressively.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The second patient, a 60-year-old woman, was hospitalized because of a corneal ulcer in her left eye.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Histological examination of a skin biopsy was consistent with leucocytoclastic vasculitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Other pharmacologic interventions, based on the physiology of erections, are presented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Initial pulse oximetry on room air was 72% and improved minimally with supplemented oxygen.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The multidisciplinary team's successful decision to trial SFG in a medically complex patient allowed profound iron deficiency to be treated safely and effectively, which was not possible prior to the availability of an alternate iron preparation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE REPORT: We hereby report a case of radiation recall dermatitis and myositis occurring on gemcitabine monotherapy, five months after completing chemoradiation for locally advanced pancreatic cancer.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Specifically, for children with a family history of gallbladder, biliary tract, liver or pancreas dysfunction, ceftriaxone may not be the drug of choice since the likelihood of complications is increased in this population.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A teenage girl with crescentic glomerulonephritis had antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA) detected after she had received propylthiouracil (PTU) for hyperthyroidism without cutaneous vasculitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A retrospective epidemiological study of deaths from hepatic angiosarcoma (HAS) in the U.S. showed that during 1964--74 there were 168 such cases, of which 37 (22%) were associated with previously known causes (vinyl chloride, 'Thorotrast', and inorganic arsenic) and 4 (3.1%) of the remaining 131 cases with the use of androgenic-anabolic steroids.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"At autopsy adenovirus was identified in her bladder, kidneys and lungs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report here three patients with hematologic malignancies and one patient with metastatic carcinoma with chemotherapy-induced leukoencephalopathy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although isradipine has been associated with hepatocellular injury, there are no reports of fulminant liver failure with this agent, and our patient had been treated for >2 years without signs of toxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Acute leukemia after cytotoxic treatment for nonmalignant disease in childhood.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present the first case (to our knowledge) of a potentially serious drug-drug interaction between zafirlukast and theophylline.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report on three observations of parkinsonian patients with levo-dopa-induced diphasic dyskinesias, who received subcutaneous apomorphine to reduce the duration of abnormal movements.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Until the frequency of this adverse reaction is clearer, it would seem advisable to ensure that plasma HDL cholesterol is documented before and rechecked after commencement of thiazolidinedione therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Lithium medication during pregnancy is uncommon and the problems of a neonate who has been exposed to lithium represents a rare situation in neonatology.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Early recognition and treatment of postpartum preeclampsia may decrease patient mortality and morbidity by preventing late postpartum eclampsia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A ten year old boy who died of the consequences of an infrequent gastrointestinal complication, whilst on induction chemotherapy for acute lymphatic leukemia, is being reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Despite the large number of cases with mediastinitis described in the literature, the chest closure with only an omental flap without closure of subcutaneous tissue and skin is rare.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The optic nerve appeared healthy, with no visible swelling in each eye.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The dental surgeon can play an important role in the diagnosis and treatment of such patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"At follow-up 1 week later, the patient denied any episodes of hematochezia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Unlike fusarial infection in patients with hematologic malignancies or bone marrow transplants, fusarial infection in SOT recipients tends to be localized, occurs later in the posttransplantation period, and has a better outcome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Brimonidine was observed to cause IOP elevation, confirmed on rechallenge, scoring 8 (strong probability) on an adverse drug reaction probability score.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A desensitization regimen was administered, and she has tolerated all subsequent courses of carboplatin therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patients had a history of several hospitalizations and one or two unnecessary laparotomies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The difference in DGTX concentration between the unprocessed and dialysed samples was the amount of DGTX bound to plasma proteins and the small fraction of unbound DGTX being relevant for the therapeutic and toxic effects of the drug.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"No anti-Xa activity was demonstrated in breast milk.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Here we report two cases with HBV carrier status and with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma who were successfully treated with high-dose chemotherapy followed by autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation with the administration of lamivudine to prevent HBV flare-up.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, because serious hematologic toxicity has been reported, we recommend caution in administration and careful monitoring of blood levels.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case is particularly important as the condition will become more and more prevalent and therefore it is imperative that GDPs in primary care are aware of it.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The period of recovery was consistent with an acute but brief compressive injury and inconsistent with an anesthetic effect.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: The new quinolone derivatives (levofloxacin, sparfloxacin, grepafloxacin, trovafloxacin, gatifloxacin and moxifloxacin), also called gyrase inhibitors, are known for their potential to cause central nervous system-related adverse effects, including headache, dizziness and insomnia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient did well until developing a rapidly progressive lesion of the left neck.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Onset of male gynaecomastia in a patient treated with sunitinib for metastatic renal cell carcinoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Prolongation of the prothrombin time after organophosphate poisoning.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatment of cavitary pulmonary zygomycosis with surgical resection and posaconazole.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The infusion was terminated and his symptoms abated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A high dose of cotrimoxazole induced hyperkalaemia with the elevation of serum creatinine and blood urea, and increased urinary N-acetyl glucosaminase after several days of the drug administration in these patients; one patient became unconscious.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Reviewing our experience with 19 cases of male breast cancer, we found two patients with a 12-year history of estrogen therapy for prostatic carcinoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We have concluded that opioid drugs cause bile duct obstruction in healthy persons.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Increased libido in a woman treated with fluvoxamine: a case report.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 66-year old woman with acute pancreatitis was admitted to our hospital with the complaint of epigastralgia radiating to both flanks for two months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Administration of rituximab during the first trimester of pregnancy without consequences for the newborn.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute ocular ischemic change may be associated with intravitreal injection of bevacizumab in patients with vascular compromised diabetic retinopathy and\/or underlying stenosis of the carotid artery.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"At the age of 14 months a diagnosis of congenital adrenal hyperplasia was made and treatment with dexamethasone (0.125 to 0.25 mg\/day) resulted in a fall-off in growth rate, normal advancement in bone age, decrease in virilization and suppression of 17- ketosteroid excretion which continued until 4 3\/12 years of age when virilization increased.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Her serum transaminase and albumin levels were normal.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Disopyramide (Norpace)-induced hypoglycemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: This case study provides general practitioners with a practical approach to seeing patients with chronic pain whom they suspect of opioid dependence and describes a framework for managing chronic pain and dependence within the general practice setting.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Lovastatin-induced rhabdomyolysis possibly associated with clarithromycin and azithromycin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"On examination, she was slightly confused, mildly dehydrated, had a grade II systolic ejection murmur along the upper left sternal border, had bilateral and symmetric mild weakness of the upper and lower extremities, and exhibited mild edema of the lower extremities.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a patient in whom noncardiogenic pulmonary edema developed during intrabiliary infusion of monooctanoin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Starting with the 8th hospital day, the thrombocyte count steadily increased from 410000\/microl to a maximum of 1132000\/microl on hospital day 16.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Despite spontaneous revascularization of many of the lesions, subchrondral collapse caused symptomatic secondary degenerative arthritis in many joints.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of fatal C. neoformans fungemia in a neutropenic patient with a history of chronic lymphocytic leukemia treated with alemtuzumab.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The means whereby this agent might injure oseophageal mucosa are discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although the patient had no symptoms 10 hours after intrathecal treatment, to prevent the possible neurotoxic effects of methotrexate, a cerebrospinal fluid exchange was performed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two attempts at carboplatin desensitization were unsuccessful.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The use of high potency topical steroids for the treatment of oral vesiculoerosive diseases seems to have been a contributing factor in two of these cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinical use of oral contraceptives administered vaginally: a case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Neutrophilic dermatoses in two children with idiopathic neutropenia: association with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Pneumatosis intestinalis associated with immune-suppressive agents in a case of minimal change disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration for 24-h use.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two fatal cases of poisoning by paracetamol are described.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 2-month course of sucralfate and cimetidine was used and successfully produced symptomatic relief as well as complete normalization of the dysplastic changes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All seven patients who were given an oral formulation of cyclosporine tolerated it well after a reaction to the intravenous infusion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hypokalemic sensory overstimulation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This article presents a case of an atypical localized cutaneous eruption with an unusual course and protracted resolution time associated with sorafenib therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"These findings are consistent with recent in vitro literature, which implicate a series of neuroleptic medications with mitochondrial dysfunction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One month after cataract surgery in the right eye, the best-corrected visual acuity was right 6\/6 (-1.25) and left 6\/10 (-2.00\/-0.50 x 100).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Six weeks after admission, abscess material was grown on Mycoplasma culture medium yielding U. urealyticum in high titres.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 35-year-old woman presented with neurotoxicity correlated to an i.v. regimen of 5-fluorouracil as episodes of acute confusional state and abnormalities of symmetrically restricted diffusion in the periventricular white matter and corpus callosum.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Granular parakeratosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CNS angiitis in graft vs host disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Such cases could prove an interesting locus for the investigation of both affective disorders and tardive dyskinesias.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patients with metastatic disease to the bone marrow are at risk of significant hematologic toxicity, if they undergo myelotoxic chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two patients received no further anticoagulation, and two received continuous heparin within 24 hr of implant to maintain activated clotting times of 140-150 sec.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In this case report, we have described a patient with Crohn's disease who developed subfulminant hepatitis B after the fourth infusion of infliximab due to an unrecognized HBs-antigen carrier state.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Monocomponent porcine insulin was injected into each quadrant of the pit.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although they had complex medical problems, the high serum concentrations of ampicillin at the time of seizures without their recurrence after discontinuing the antibiotic suggest that the seizures were related to the ampicillin therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In this complicated patient, who was resistant to oral warfarin and unable to receive subcutaneous low-molecular-weight heparin, therapeutic anticoagulation was achieved with intravenous warfarin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Danazol induced thrombocytopenia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In the present paper, we report four very elderly patients (80 years of age or older) with primary nephrotic syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"With the increasing use of Cyclosporine A in transplant patients, the incidence of herpes esophagitis may increase.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Potential causes of methamphetamine-related keratitis can be divided into four categories resulting from (a) direct pharmacologic and physical effects of methamphetamine; (b) the toxic effects of diluting or \"cutting\" agents such as lidocaine and quinine; (c) effects related to the route of drug administration (intravenous, inhalation, smoking); and (d) manufacture-related effects of exposure to unintentional caustic contaminants in the final product.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Amiodarone, a class III antiarrhythmic drug, is one of the most effective drugs used in the treatment of ventricular and paroxysmal supraventricular tachyarrhythmia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clozapine is speculated to cause rhabdomyolysis in patients with defective calcium-activated K+ channels.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Azathioprine (AZA) is an immunosuppressant commonly used for organ transplantation and autoimmune diseases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This article is a guide to its usage in children and includes discussion of its indications, contraindications, pre-treatment laboratory studies, dosing and drug interactions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The more common grade 3 or 4 adverse effects of sunitinib include hypertension, fatigue, hand-foot syndrome, elevated lipase and lymphopenia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A patient with acute esophageal variceal bleeding developed fatal rhabdomyolysis during treatment with a continuous intravenous infusion of vasopressin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Dissemination occurred under voriconazole.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A second case involves a 21-year-old woman who substituted generic carbamazepine because of financial problems.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These side effects include agranulocytosis, seizures, and cardiorespiratory symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although lymphomas are known to emerge in the setting of immunosuppressive therapy, it has not been well described or established for the newer biologic immune response modifiers.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Intravenous therapy with the anti-CD20 antibody rituximab is a nontoxic and effective treatment for patients with primary cutaneous B-cell lymphoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She achieved complete remission, but one year later had a relapse in her external auditory canal without leukemic cell in the bone marrow.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In four patients, thrombosis occurred 2-45 days after severe hepatic veno-occlusive disease (HVOD) secondary to intensive chemotherapy containing busulfan.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Despite an elevated \"endogenous\" Epo level, a greater than 1.5 g\/dl increase in hemoglobin (Hb) concentration was observed in one patient with refractory anemia (RA), one patient with refractory anemia with excess of blasts (RAEB), and one patient with AA.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Auditory damage may be reduced by changes in dose, drugs or methods of treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Vanishing bile duct and Stevens-Johnson syndrome associated with ciprofloxacin treated with tacrolimus.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Although systemic nocardial infections traditionally have had a grave prognosis, through early diagnosis, surgical intervention, and the use of newer, safer and synergistically acting antimicrobials, the prognosis has improved.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Biopsies of the iliac crest demonstrated the presence of severe osteomalacia and massive deposition of aluminum in the bone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After processing to reduce its toxicity, 'maqianzi' was used as a herbal remedy for rheumatism, musculoskeletal injuries and limb paralysis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Progressive pulmonary fibrosis complicating cyclophosphamide therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A magnetic resonance imaging scan obtained 7 weeks after the injection showed a full-thickness tear of the supraspinatus tendon.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report here a rare case of pleuropericarditis due to methotrexate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"An additional feature peculiar to these 2 cases was the presence of unexplained extramedullary hematopoiesis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Also, we have reviewed selected features in eight patients who took overdoses of chloral hydrate who were admitted to an intensive care unit between 1981 and 1988.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Six amino acid mutations were located in the 'a' determinant, including P120T, K122R, M133T, F134L, D144A and G145A.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Light microscopy of a renal needle biopsy specimen showed interstitial lymphoid cell infiltration, but no marked changes of the glomeruli and no staining for immunoglobulin or complement.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Marked improvement of psoriasis or arthropathy occurred in each case without side effects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It causes transient atrioventricular nodal block and thus ends paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardias that involve the atrioventricular node.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Neurologic examination and brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were normal, but interictal EEG showed left frontal epileptiform activity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Immediate diagnosis and treatment of the perforated appendicitis saved the life of the patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Masculinization of a female fetus occurred in 5 of 39 (12.8%) exposed to norethisterone; all were cases of clitoral hypertrophy not requiring surgical treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We suggest that the sagittal sinus thrombosis in this patient was caused by acquired, transient free protein S deficiency.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cerebral toxoplasmosis - a late complication of allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ifosfamide-associated neurotoxicity was noted within hours of drug administration and improved rapidly following hemodialysis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Blood sugar and A1c were finally stabilized one month after discontinuation of olanzapine (A1c,6.9%).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute renal failure due to crystal deposition in the urinary tract was well described 30 to 40 years ago and is likely to resurface as a clinical entity if appropriate prophylactic measures are not taken.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Its use in reproductive age women has become increasingly common in recent years, intensifying the risk of fetal exposure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Clinical signs and symptoms of ITB withdrawal of varying severity were assessed by vital signs (temperature, heart rate), physical examination (reflexes, tone, clonus), and patient report of symptoms (itching, nausea, headache, malaise).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Review of the literature revealed 34 patients received chemotherapy and radiotherapy, 32 patients received chemotherapy alone, 1 patient had only surgery, and the radiation status of the remaining patient is unclear.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: A woman receiving enoxaparin every 12 hours developed signs and symptoms of hepatotoxicity after the second dose.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"These cases underscore the importance of careful examination of the retinal periphery before management of any presumed optic neuropathy with steroids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, the proteinuria apparently became worse.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The onset of symptoms after fluorescence in both cases is highly suggestive, although the pathogenetic mechanism is not clear.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Risperidone is a frequently used member of a new class of atypical antipsychotics-the serotonin-dopamine antagonists (SDAs)-due to its comparatively high efficacy and low D2\/5HT2 binding ratio, which results in a low incidence of extrapyramidal side effects including tardive dyskinesia (TD).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Choanal atresia and athelia: methimazole teratogenicity or a new syndrome?","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We describe a case of PRES in a patient with collapsing focal glomeruloesclerosis (collapsing FGS) with complete recovery after withdrawal of cyclosporine (CSA).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"However, during the treatment, he developed a pulmonary embolism.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Close monitoring for toxicity and dosage manipulations might be required if such therapy is attempted.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"No other recognized causes of rhabdomyolysis were identified on retrospective review of the hospital course.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The isolation of Kluyvera as a pathogen in transplant patients emphasizes that this commensal organism may be virulent in this patient population.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"As this was not seen in patients without Down's syndrome, we postulate that patients with trisomy 21 have bone marrow which is \"at risk\" for suppression, and, thus warrant close evaluation while on such medications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Report of four cases and comparison with autoimmune hepatitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Chronic irritation of the gastric antral mucosa led to ulceration and formation of hyperplastic polyps.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: WE and thiamine deficiency should be considered in all patients with malabsorption, malnutrition, and malignancies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although great advances have been made in the pharmacotherapy of schizophrenia, many patients are still not taking full advantage of the beneficial effects of antipsychotic drugs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One half hour following the ingestion of a possibly tainted antibiotic capsule, a 14 year-old female experienced acute onset of stiffness and weakness in her lower extremities.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The extra care required may negate the financial advantages of the substitution.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, cough mixtures are a readily available source of opioids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Polyarthritis, hepatitis and anti-native DNA antibodies after treatment with ethambutol and rifampicin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"To our knowledge, this paper is the first to describe long-term experiences with patient reporting as part of a spontaneous reporting system.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The failed graft obtained during the additional PKP was subjected to PCR analysis and histopathological examination.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinicians and patients should be made aware of this possible complication of topical bimatoprost therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Future investigations evaluating the efficacy of adjunctive antibiotics for purulent SSTIs and monitoring the incidence of SJS\/TEN in the era of CA-MRSA are necessary to reduce unnecessary use of sulfonamide drugs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Gynecomastia associated with theophylline.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We describe the development of ischemic colitis in a woman who was treated with tegaserod and review the relationship among ischemic colitis, tegaserod use, and irritable bowel syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Secondary acute myeloid leukemia after etoposide therapy for haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Topiramate was discontinued.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Risk factors for neurotoxicity include renal insufficiency, underlying central nervous system (CNS) disease and increased CNS penetration of drug.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the first case of herpes esophagitis in a renal transplant patient treated with Cyclosporine A while on chronic steroid therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The dog responded well to conservative therapy for immune-mediated hemolytic anemia (IMHA).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 55-yr-old man developed prolonged jaundice and sicca complex after a course of thiabendazole therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The median survival was 17 months in patients who had received no prior treatment, and 5 months in those who had received prior chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On the fifth day after administration of a high dose of ARA-C (2 g\/m2 intravenously every 12 hours), she developed bullous lesions on the hands and soles that disseminated, evolving to necrosis, sepsis, and death on the 22nd day.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 42-year-old man with ankylosing spondylitis that was refractory to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs as well as various disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs was subjected to anti-TNF compounds.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rapid development of keratoacanthoma and accelerated transformation into squamous cell carcinoma of the skin: a mutagenic effect of polychemotherapy in a patient with Hodgkin's disease?","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Multiple white dandruff-like flakes were seen on the hair coat, especially over the dorsal spine and neck, and the dog expressed increased pruritus by frequently licking and scratching the affected areas.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In the first 2 cases, injections were perilesional and in the other 2, intralesional.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present the case of a patient who had undergone cholecystectomy previously, but in whom morphine given in the Emergency Department precipitated pain consistent with biliary colic; the pain resolved promptly after administration of naloxone.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"INTRODUCTION: In resource limited settings patients on antiretroviral treatment who develop stavudine induced hyperlactatemia are often switched to zidovudine on the basis of published studies that demonstrate that this agent can be a safe alternative.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Successful recovery from interstitial pneumonitis, induced by bicalutamide and leuprorelin acetate given as treatment for prostate cancer.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Paraplegia following intrathecal cytosine arabinoside.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Recurrent agranulocytosis induced by two different antithyroid agents.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In this report, a case is described of C. indologenes bacteraemia possibly associated with the use of a peripheral venous catheter.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The fact that oxcarbazepine is a prodrug and that the formation of the active MHD metabolite is a rate-limiting process may contribute to the relative low toxicity of the drug in overdose.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Drug-drug interactions are an important concern, as they may increase drug toxicity and, in the case of anticoagulant therapies, increase the risk of hemorrhage.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder (PTLD) is associated with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and characterized by fever, lymphadenopathy, and graft dysfunction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Jpn J Ophthalmol 2005;49:231-234 (c) Japanese Ophthalmological Society 2005.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Her urine output improved gradually and the serum creatinine normalized one month after the initial episode.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thus any case of severe neutropenia occurring in a patient receiving olanzapine is alarming to clinicians.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The case described here suggests an immune-related mechanism for the development of leukopenia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Other reports show increases with the atypical antipsychotics, olanzapine and quetiapine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 42-year-old woman had uneventful bilateral laser-assisted subepithelial keratectomy (LASEK) to correct myopia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 69-year-old man presented with a rare case of retinal artery embolization, which occurred as a complication of carotid angioplasty and carotid artery stenting performed for recurrent cerebral infarction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DISCUSSION: AIDS and cryptococcal meningitis, both of which the patient had, can potentially cause seizures.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The reported cases of in utero exposure to cyclosposphamide shared the following manifestations with our patient: growth deficiency, developmental delay, craniosynostosis, blepharophimosis, flat nasal bridge, abnormal ears, and distal limb defects including hypoplastic thumbs and oligodactyly.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: This treatment modality appears to provide an additional alternative for managing superficial periocular hemangiomas which threaten vision.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinical and pathological responses of tumor and the side-effects were examined in these two groups.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of a patient with ciprofloxacin-induced SJS and acute onset of VBDS, and reviewed the related literature.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Fertility was preserved because 7 months later the woman became pregnant and had an uncomplicated pregnancy and delivery at term.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All 3 patients died.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An 81-year-old female presented to her local emergency department (ED) with symptoms of bronchitis and was treated with nebulized bronchodilators.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"During clarithromycin coadministration, four out of the seven patients developed moderate-to-severe toxic symptoms of carbamazepine, such as drowsiness, dizziness, and ataxia, which resolved within 5 days after clarithromycin discontinuation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Magnetic resonance imaging showed reversible cortical and subcortical changes consisting of high-intensity lesions on T2-weighted and fluid-attenuated inversion recovery sequences with postgadolinium enhancement, low signal intensity on diffusion-weighted imaging and increased apparent diffusion coefficient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Macrolide antibiotics inhibit the metabolism of hydroxymethylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase inhibitors (statins) that may result in myopathy and rhabdomyolysis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case report describes the development of asymptomatic visual field defects (VFDs) in a psychiatric patient with bipolar disorder receiving adjunctive tiagabine treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A potentially fatal complication of these anesthetics is methemoglobinemia (Met-Hgb).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In the first two infants there was a documented deficiency of vitamin D, but in the second two adequate supplementation was achieved.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pharmacokinetic interactions between medications can have clinically significant effects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: The new quinolone derivatives (levofloxacin, sparfloxacin, grepafloxacin, trovafloxacin, gatifloxacin and moxifloxacin), also called gyrase inhibitors, are known for their potential to cause central nervous system-related adverse effects, including headache, dizziness and insomnia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Further interrogation of the patient revealed a history of chronic senna intake to treat a chronic constipation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case in which hemorrhage occurred in an asymptomatic falx meningioma known beforehand, after the internal use of low-dose aspirin for 16 months.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CMV disease involving central nervous system is an unusual presentation in the setting of SCT.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Morphine sulfate in controlled-release tablet form is a relatively new oral preparation being used for the relief of chronic severe pain, such as that related to cancer.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Presented here is the successful treatment of adenomyosis in a woman presenting with menorrhagia, dysmenorrhea, and an enlarging uterus, for whom conservative therapy initiated with mefenamic acid was unsatisfactory.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We believe that the acute renal failure in our patient was associated with anastrozole.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The rapid onset of osteomyelitis was impressive.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Systemic vasculitis complicating hairy cell leukaemia treatment with cladribine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient had advanced malignant mesothelioma and all other methods of pain control had been unsuccessful.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinicians need to maintain a high index of suspicion to diagnose and treat this life-threatening adverse event.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One-half of the women interviewed reported seeing an advertisement for prescription acne treatment before taking Accutane.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report two patients with infectious mononucleosis-like syndrome induced by salazosulfapyridine (SASP).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Colonic mucosal necrosis following administration of calcium polystryrene sulfonate (Kalimate) in a uremic patient.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"It follows that in any case of hymenoptera envenomation a standard ECG is advisable even when a clearly defined allergic reaction is not present.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: The risk of drug-induced rhabdomyolysis due to the potential interaction between lovastatin and azithromycin or clarithromycin should be considered before the concomitant use of these agents.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Therapy with IFN-alpha may be associated with a number of neuropsychiatric symptoms, such as Parkinsonism, akathisia, seizure, and depressive disorders.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a case of cytomegalovirus retinitis which occurred 6 months after renal transplantation and was successfully treated with an investigational drug, ganciclovir (DHPG [Dihydroxy propoxymethyl guanine], Cytovene, BW-B759U), via intravenous administration, with resolution of active retinal lesions and the cessation of cytomegalovirus shedding in the urine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"At the end of his fifth cycle of sunitinib therapy, the patient complained of the development of abnormally large mammary glands associated with pain and peri-areolar erythema.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The highest intraoperative oxygen concentration was 33 percent, but 40 percent oxygen was administered for four days postoperatively.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The epivodes of NMS occured under treatment with clozapine, risperidone, and amisulpride.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Sulindac (Clinoril), a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agent, has few reported neurologic toxic effects, all of which have been associated with systemic disease.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"It is thought that the clinico-pathological features and chronology of this case bore the hallmarks of the so-called \"3-week sulphasalazine syndrome\", a rare, but often fatal, immunoallergic reaction to sulphasalazine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Digoxin is a cardiac glycoside used to treat cardiac arrhythmias and heart failure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: We reviewed the records of two patients with a clinical diagnosis of Acanthamoeba keratitis, one with culture-proven Acanthamoeba and the other with a suspected Acanthamoeba infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This was associated with opening the mouth and was thought to be caused by a trigeminovagal reflex.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"(It is no longer contained in Correctol.)","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We believe this case represents a rare complication of anticholinergic therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Mycophenolate mofetil is a novel immunosuppressive drug already established in transplantation medicine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cisplatin and acute tubular necrosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BCG therapy prevents, or at least delays, tumor progression.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CT scans assessed the local extent of the tumor and ruled out metastatic disease prior to initiating therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three patients, 2 with tardive dyskinesia and 1 with senile chorea, were successfully treated with corticosteroids during an observation period of up to 5 months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DESIGN: Observational case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The changes were quantitatively and qualitatively similar to those seen in systemic lupud erythematosus induced by these drugs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She was successfully carried through pregnancy and delivered a normal child despite combination chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Our diagnosis was tuberculosis-related visual loss, which could be due to neuroretinitis, intraocular tuberculosis or chiasmal tuberculoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 61-year-old man developed clinical lupus syndrome with positive antinuclear antibody, positive lupus erythematosus (LE) cell preparation, and diffuse proliferative glomerulonephritis following 26 months of procainamide therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Initial laboratory studies showed severe hypophosphatemia and elevated alkaline phosphatase and serum 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D levels.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a patient who experienced LABD shortly after starting carbamazepine therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"After three days of salicylate therapy her LFT values began to rise.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Endophthalmitis developed in the eye and was treated by pars plana vitrectomy, IOL extraction, and intravitreal antibiotic injection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"AIMS: To investigate the combination of raltitrexed and mitomycin-C as first-line chemotherapy treatment in patients with advanced colorectal cancer.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Protease inhibitor-induced carbamazepine toxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"It also highlights a current major etiologic question, that is, whether and to what degree lead exposure contributes to the development of hypertension, and raises the issue of whether lead-induced hypertension constitutes a subset of hypertension that is especially amenable to therapy with dietary calcium.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The second patient, who developed cholestasis after receiving trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, had marked duct paucity in the liver biopsy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We observed a case of withdrawal after abrupt discontinuation of mianserin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The ocular and myopic changes cleared up completely on discontinuation of the causative agent.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Severe C. difficile colitis occurred in 2 patients (6.1%) after receiving cisplatin-based combination chemotherapy for ovarian malignancies.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Transrectal ultrasonography of the prostate demonstrated an average decrease in prostatic volume of 58% at 6 months, with the greatest rate of decrease occurring during the 2nd to 5th months of treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We concluded that the colonic ulcer and the sigmoidovesical fistula had been caused by the administration of calcium polystyrene sulfonate and sorbitol.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Post-radiation necrosis of the larynx is a major complication after irradiation and has become rare.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The post-therapy biopsies also showed progestin-related alterations but no evidence of active hyperplasia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Proposed mechanisms for leukemogenesis are presented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acanthamoeba keratitis after LASIK.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two months later, he was admitted to hospital with ORTHOPNEA, worsening dyspnea and cough.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe 3 cases of diphenhydramine-induced cardiac toxicity that were responsive to bicarbonate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient was brought back to a normal sinus rhythm after a single 300-J counter-shock.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We suggest discontinuing gemcitabine if radiation recall is observed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Thirty-three patients with primary ovarian malignancy were treated with cisplatin-based combination chemotherapy ranging from 1 to 12 (mean 4.6) cycles.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"To date, there have been few reports of visual disturbances associated with BTX-B use.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Histological examination of the liver revealed inflammatory reactions, cholestasis, occasional steatosis, and necrosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: TLS is an uncommon, but potentially life-threatening, complication in melanoma and other solid tumors.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The role of anticoagulation with heparin is controversial in the absence of any controlled studies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This report describes a probable case of infliximab-induced membranous nephropathy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a 5-year-old boy with CF who had a stricture of the hepatic flexure region with associated narrowing due to submucosal fibrosis of the transverse colon, secondary to high-lipase pancreatin therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia (MAHA) is a late but fatal complication in advanced cancers (cancer-associated).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: Hypersensitivity reaction should be considered in patients who develop recurrent eosinophilia and deterioration of pulmonary function following the use of tobramycin by inhalation or by intravenous administration.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The microbiology culture was negative.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Laboratory tests revealed creatine kinase (CK) 7952 IU\/L, lactate dehydrogenase 1021 IU\/L, myoglobin 2322 U\/L, and aspartate aminotransferase 362 IU\/L, resulting in a diagnosis of iatrogenic rhabdomyolysis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Some much-quoted early studies noted abnormalities in liver function tests (LFTs) in very obese patients taking high doses, although there was no evidence of clinically significant liver dysfunction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Medical consultation is imperative for these patients before administering a fluid challenge during general anesthesia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fever, pulmonary infiltrates, and pleural effusion following acyclovir therapy for herpes zoster ophthalmicus.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Metabolic acidosis induced by acetazolamide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Motor neuropathy, anemia and all gastrointestinal symptoms disappeared.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Tricyclic antidepressant toxicity treated with massive sodium bicarbonate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"SUMMARY: Unfortunately, the clinical features of the oral adverse effect from NVP are not well known.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Histopathological findings included signs of orthokeratotic hyperkeratosis, moderate follicular keratosis and light epidermic acanthosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Serum creatinine remained above pre-treatment values in seven patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a patient who developed early onset PCP after allogeneic peripheral blood stem cell transplantation (PBSCT) from an HLA-identical sibling donor.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus and impaired renal function probably mainly due to tubulointerstitial disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Right atrial thrombus and recurrent pulmonary emboli secondary to permanent cardiac pacing--a case report and short review of literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient did well after the operation and returned to normal activity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Additionally, a baby bottle allegedly administered to the infant was collected as evidence and sent to the Medical Examiner's Office for evaluation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Asthenozoospermia: possible association with long-term exposure to an anti-epileptic drug of carbamazepine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report on a case of an adult patient treated for rheumatoid arthritis with infliximab, a chimerical monoclonal antibody to TNFalpha.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Anasarca eventually subsided within 4 weeks with the use of a diuretic agent.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Single and multiple verrucous plantaris lesions are well known for their resistance to conservative methods of treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He developed a painful symmetrical purpuric eruption over both feet after three days.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patient 2 is a 53-year-old man who underwent fibular osteocutaneous free-flap reconstruction of a floor of mouth defect who developed venous thrombosis 6 days postoperatively.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clear guidelines and access to support are often lacking.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Platelet count less than SHARP: what does a case series reveal?","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Anaphylactic reaction to bacitracin ointment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"An abdominal radiograph revealed gross fecal loading.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Consequently, intravenous salmon calcitonin was administered, based on evidence of efficacy in the treatment of other neuropathic pain syndromes and its relatively benign side-effects profile.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To describe a case of sertraline-induced rhabdomyolysis in an elderly patient with dementia and comorbidities.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The paper outlines the correct treatment and discusses the deleterious effects of incorrect administration of drugs in WPW syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There are many challenges associated with treating invasive aspergillosis, particularly that due to A. terreus, and the early use of caspofungin should be considered.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 29-year-old woman who underwent laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) for myopic astigmatism in both eyes presented with severe pain, photophobia and decreased visual acuity in the left eye eight days after surgery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Myoclonus was induced and enhanced by L-dopa, developing into generalized seizures.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"All patients showed marked improvement clinically, endoscopically, and histologically.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DISCUSSION: Anaphylactoid reactions have been described previously with cisplatin administration.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Symptomatic hypoglycemia secondary to a glipizide-trimethoprim\/sulfamethoxazole drug interaction.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Four cases of oesophageal damage associated with ingestion of the urinary anti-spasmodic agent emepronium bromide are described.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Photo-onycholysis caused by olanzapine and aripiprazole.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The authors report a case of a 12-year-old girl who had rare self induced photosensitive epilepsy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is likely that RA contributed to the deterioration in renal function in these patients.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The cessation of angiographic leakage on FA was achieved in all eyes (100%) after IVB, however the hypofluorescent line delineating the margin of the neovascular tissue appeared in ICGA seemingly according to the contraction of mCNV.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Systemic lupus erythematosus and IPH were diagnosed 6 years later.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The results of the comparative study led us to the conclusion that the compression technique is a simple and valuable means of decreasing the side-effects of Adriamycin and increasing tumor response.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In the second case, mild atypical change by presence of nuclear enlargement and rare mitotic figures were noted and PCNA, KI67 levels were less than 2%.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"INVESTIGATIONS: Physical examination, blood and urine analyses, kidney biopsy and tonicity balance.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We assumed this to be related to the advancing central nervous system aspergillosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although tandem scanning confocal microscopy of Acanthamoeba has been described in previous reports, Acanthamoeba keratitis has not been fully characterized with this instrument.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To report the late development of immune-mediated diabetes mellitus after completion of alfa-interferon therapy for hepatitis C in an Asian patient.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Blood transfusion and natural infection cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Bland emollients and reduction in the dose of PLD resulted in resolution of the eruption.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Morbidity included extended hospitalization, dialysis, and chronic renal failure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The neurotoxicity seen with HDARAC is dose-related and has occurred in up to 60 percent of treated patients.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Serum lithium levels fell rapidly, but the cognitive impairment associated with the delirium typically persisted for another week or two.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Warfarin-associated bleeding complication saved life.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Exacerbation of schizophrenia associated with amantadine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Myasthenia-like syndrome induced by cardiovascular agents.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Postoperatively, a continuous epidural infusion of fentanyl\/bupivacaine was used for postoperative pain management.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Six cases of subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (1 stage I, 3 stage II, 2 stage III) were diagnosed at our institution in the last 10 years.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cimetidine is a rare cause of drug-induced fever.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Initially, DSCG had helped to control his asthmatic attacks, and steroid therapy could be discontinued.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Case presentation, management, and etiology are discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She developed a severe urticarial rash 3 weeks following initiation of therapy with Enoxaparin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Treatment with infliximab is known to produce an increase of autoantibodies (antinuclear antibodies, anti-double-stranded DNA), but not clinical disease.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Esophageal spasm following propranolol overdose relieved by glucagon.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Acute occlusion of the popliteal artery, a limb-threatening complication, was reported after total knee arthroplasty.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Steroid utilization in eosinophilic jejunitis: beneficial or harmful?","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Probable propafenone-induced transient global amnesia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Clonally rearranged immunoglobulin heavy chain JH gene was not detected by Southern blot analysis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The more common grade 3 or 4 adverse effects of sunitinib include hypertension, fatigue, hand-foot syndrome, elevated lipase and lymphopenia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Personality factors and drug effects in a controlled study of cyclazocine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"No patient died of INFVA.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An additional 15 asymptomatic patients who were receiving high doses of oral niacin (1.0-6.0 g daily) for the treatment of hypercholesterolemia were evaluated for evidence of subclinical macular disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present a case of chronic postoperative Propionibacterium acnes endophthalmitis in which the diagnosis was made by anterior chamber paracentesis, and topical, periocular, and systemic antibiotic therapy resolved the inflammation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"No other common disease known to affect mitral valves nor intake of other drugs (ergot derivatives or appetite suppressant drugs) was found.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Our experience with donepezil in this group of patients shows promise.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Skin biopsy specimens of lesional areas showed a bullous eruption consistent with erythema multiforme.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The 38-year-old patient with no previous cardiac or smoking history developed complete heart block, ventricular fibrillation and subsequent asystole.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Edema is an adverse event associated with thiazolidinedione therapy The potential for mild-to-moderate peripheral edema with thiazolidinedione is known, especially in patients who have heart failure or use insulin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A patient with coccidioidal meningitis was treated with intrathecally administered amphotericin B, and an acute toxic delirium with EEG abnormalities developed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report an additional case of isotretinoin teratogenicity in which the patient had agenesis of the cerebellar vermis, multiple leptomeningeal neuroglial heterotopias, hydrocephalus, and abnormalities of the corticospinal tracts.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The present authors report the case of an adult with chronic granulomatous disease who developed an unusual lung fibrosis associated with severe pulmonary hypertension.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DPD activity was normal in both patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Postoperative pyoderma gangrenosum (PPG), also known as postoperative progressive gangrene of Cullen, is a rare and rapidly evolving complication of surgical procedures.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although, a systemic steroid taper was employed in 10 out of the 14 patients before the development of the skin lesions, the subsequent progression of the skin lesions was not influenced by the use of systemic steroid therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors present a case report of a granulomatous reaction leading to urethral prolapse, 3 months after the transurethral injection of calcium hydroxylapatite.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The alveolar form of hydatid disease, caused by the larval stage of the cestode Echinococcus multilocularis, is virtually confined geographically to the northern hemisphere.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These symptoms were transient and fully reversible.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Both patients developed massive subchorionic hematomas, which persisted in 1 patient who underwent cesarean delivery at 34 weeks of gestation for cardiac indications (Apgar scores 9 and 10 at 1 minute and 5 minutes, respectively).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It was postulated that the allergic reaction was most likely caused by capecitabine or the intermediate metabolites based on the immediate reappearance of symptoms from the rechallenge, pharmacokinetic data, and well-tolerance of fluorouracil.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: During and after IFN therapy, OCT is a useful examination technique for revealing macular edema in patients who have decreased vision.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We found TPO and platelet responses to be generally antagonistic through all cycles.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RTA is one type of nephrotoxicity induced by FK506, and it is reversible in mild cases when appropriately treated.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Deposits of plasma proteins in the skin during treatment with carbamazepine and diphenylhydantoin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient's asthma improved, and he remained asymptomatic; but routine study evaluations 9 to 12 months into therapy showed microhematuria, proteinuria, glucosuria, anemia, and renal insufficiency.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"At that time, the present researchers began to explore the development of a school-based, methodologically sound, and inexpensive method of assessing the efficacy of stimulant medications, which would ensure reasonable compliance by teachers, parents, and students in monitoring the effects of medications and placebos.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: The fundus picture shown in these cases may be typical of ASPPC after IVTA injection.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Herpetic reactivation may occur in many forms after excimer laser ablation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Multiple foci of axonal degeneration and demyelination were found in the optic nerves and chiasm, the superficial layers of the brainstem, and spinal cord and to some extent in other cranial nerves and spinal nerve roots.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two days after the start of administration of SKT, her severe pain was markedly improved.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Microsomal enzyme induction and clinical aggravation of porphyria: the evaluation of human urinary 6beta-hydroxycortisol\/cortisol ratio as the index of hepatic CYP3A4 activity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case is reported of myoclonus induced by an antidepressant purported to have no effect on serotonin activity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 23-year-old Caucasian man diagnosed with stage IVB Hodgkin's disease was referred to a university oncology section after completing 1.5 cycles of chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case shows that radioinduced SMN can occurr with relatively low doses of RT (<50 Gy) and that it may occur very late.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An urgent brain computed tomographic scan showed hemorrhage in the right cerebellum and subarachnoid region.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three patients who had experienced neuroleptic-induced akathisia in the past reported that the symptoms of fluoxetine-induced akathisia were identical, although somewhat milder.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Administration of the drug for 8 days did not effectively shorten the recovery period compared with the average reported in the literature without the drug, and may have triggered additional iatrogenic complications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Late-developing but self-limiting neuropsychiatric complications occurred in four patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 74-year-old man received oral administration of pilsicainide, a pure sodium channel blocker with slow recovery kinetics, to convert paroxysmal atrial fibrillation to sinus rhythm and developed loss of consciousness two days later.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Leflunomide, an immunosuppressive drug used in rheumatoid arthritis and in rejection in solid-organ transplantation, has been reported to have novel anti-CMV activity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Restless legs syndrome may thus be an adverse effect of IFN alpha treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Obstructive ileus is not common, but is a very distressing syndrome in a palliative care unit.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The most likely cause of liver failure in this patient was, therefore, clarithromycin, which undergoes hepatic metabolism and has been reported to cause fulminant hepatic failure.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 61-year-old Japanese man with chronic myelogenous leukemia developed pityriasis lichenoides-like eruptions during chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Within 48 hours after discontinuation of the medication, she had complete resolution of psychotic symptoms, fatigue, and psychomotor retardation, and her depression improved.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Physicians must be aware that the public is still ingesting the drug and remain rigorous in including its toxicity in the differential diagnosis of acute neurologic events.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clearance rates of cerivastatin metabolites in a patient with cerivastatin-induced rhabdomyolysis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The possible mechanism is thought to be an allergic reaction to the drug.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Eighty-four percent of patients reported an increase in their sense of well-being.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We found that positive biopsies are usual only if the duration of symptoms have been allowed to persist for more than 6 months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Red blood cell anemia in a patient with pemphigus vulgaris induced by the use of mycophenolate mofetil and prednisone.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CASE REPORT: A 68-year-old woman experienced a severe febrile reaction after a plateletpheresis transfusion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Visceral leishmaniasis and macrophagic activation syndrome in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis under treatment with adalimumab.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"MR findings in methotrexate-induced CNS abnormalities.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Many patients receiving long-term total parenteral nutrition (TPN) develop liver disease; cholestasis is common and may be severe.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The fingernails were more affected than the toenails and clinically the changes consisted of absence of lunulae, longitudinal ridging, transverse or longitudinal defects of the nailplate and a tendency of onychoschizia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report that these tumors frequently express the CD-20 antigen, and immunotherapy directed at this antigen may be a well-tolerated and effective treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After receiving conventional chemotherapy, they underwent multicyclic DI-CT consisting of CDDP, ETP and ifosfamide supported by G-CSF and ABPCT.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Combined data reveal that 12 of 23 have had a complete or partial response with residual thrombocytopenia and a probability of 48% survival one year from the start of ATG therapy as projected by life table analysis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Amantadine can cause reversible corneal edema but can irreversibly reduce the density of endothelial cells.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Herpes simplex epithelial keratitis developed in four renal transplant recipients while they were receiving high-dose systemic corticosteroid and immunosuppressive therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The most common hematologic SMNs are myelodysplasia (MDS) and acute myelogenous leukemia (AML).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Further surveillance and caution are suggested in patients with known coronary artery disease or atrial dysrhythmia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She was receiving chronic therapeutic doses of HCQ for the treatment of lupus erythematosus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Five patients experienced increased intraocular pressure to 30 mmHg or greater which required treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Drug-induced hepatitis in an acromegalic patient during combined treatment with pegvisomant and octreotide long-acting repeatable attributed to the use of pegvisomant.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"With the increasing use of chemotherapy for many different primary malignancies, secondary or therapy-related acute myeloid leukaemias (AML) and myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) are becoming more common.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Dosage varied widely, but as little as 0.1 mg caused significant signs and symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Alcohol neurolysis for persistent pain caused by superior cluneal nerves injury after iliac crest bone graft harvesting in orthopedic surgery: report of four cases and review of the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This report addresses the issue of whether linear IgA bullous dermatosis can be associated with gluten-sensitive enteropathy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient became cyanotic with a PaO2 of 39 mmHg.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These preliminary results indicate the possible advantage of adding an alkylating agent (prednimustine) to estramustine in advanced prostatic carcinoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinicians should be aware to this complication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cholelithiasis and thrombosis of the central retinal vein in a renal transplant recipient treated with cyclosporin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Blood cultures were negative.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The case report discussed is, to our knowledge, the third of its kind regarding bone fluorosis resulting from use of this nicotinic derivative.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) is a serious complication of assisted reproduction techniques using in vitro fertilization and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (IVF\/ICSI).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Nitrofurantoin, one of the antimicrobial agents which should be chosen for the prophylactic treatment of recurrent urinary tract infection, may be prescribed in the conventional form or, alternatively, as macrocrystals.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The risk of infections and growth suppression is minimized by using small maintenance dosage and alternate day therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient had also been taking concomitant allopurinol and captopril for more than 4 years with no complications, and valproic acid 3 months before the cutaneous event.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient who survived had been taking the lowest dose of azathioprine and was given the recommended dose of acyclovir.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The clinical course suggests that caffeine, which is present in oolong tea, was mainly responsible for the rhabdomyolysis as well as the delirium, although severe hyponatremia has been reported to cause rhabdomyolysis on rare occasions.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Opioid drugs cause biliary sphincter spasm.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Attention must be paid to this complication because the outcome and functional prognosis are better when pulmonary involvement is gold related: in our case steroid therapy was life-saving and induced complete recovery of the lung damage.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A lymphocyte stimulation test was reactive to pranlukast.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the case of a 17-year-old male who developed chest pain, elevated cardiac biomarkers, and acute left ventricular dysfunction following a single dose of methylphenidate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Although the incidence of antimalarial psychosis is unclear and perhaps small, we recommend close observation of patients for behavioral changes suggesting the development of antimalarial psychosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The most common side effects associated with amifostine are nausea, vomiting, hypotension, hypocalcemia and allergic reactions.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"There are several side effects that it is commonly associated with; however, it has only rarely been reported to cause lung injury.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In general, angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors should be discontinued in pregnancy, as they can induce an ACE fetopathy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the first case of fulminant hepatic failure associated with its use.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On 26 April 1999, three persons were accidentally exposed by high dose (60)Co irradiation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is generally hypothesized to be due to a point mutation in the androgen receptor that allows the antiandrogen to function as an agonist, leading to a dramatic and rapid PSA response.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He rapidly recovered by intravenous hydrocortisone followed by oral prednisone administrations and percutaneous catheter pericardial drainage.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Combination chemotherapy for bone marrow relapse in childhood lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Because new drug therapies have been developed, it is important to know the interactions between antiretroviral and antiepileptic agents.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Basilar invagination and mid-line skeletal abnormalities due to in utero exposure to phenytoin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Hyperkalemia as a late side effect of prolonged adrenocorticotropic hormone therapy for infantile spasms.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The authors present a case report of a pregnant woman with persistent left adnexal mass and subsequently found to have a primary endodermal sinus tumor of the ovary that was diagnosed at 19 weeks of gestation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rapamycin\/sirolimus (SR), trade named Rapammune (Wyeth-Ayerst, Sydney, Australia), is a potent immunosuppressive drug associated with myelosuppression, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and infection.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The implications are stressed in relation to the differential diagnosis of patients with gastroenterological disorders who develop peripheral neuropathy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, deterioration of his clinical state indicated LT.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report three cases of amiodarone-induced torsades de pointe.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A report of two cases and review of the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It generally results in painless bleeding or abdominal pain.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She was treated with high dosage corticosteroids and incurred severe side effects, including bone marrow depression, renal magnesium stones, osteoporosis, depression of affect, convulsions with cerebral damage and adrenal suppression.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The clinical picture was identical to that of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine maculopathy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Gold-salt therapy may result in damage to proximal tubules that leak renal tubular antigens, which in turn complex with autoantibody and produce an autoimmune membranous nephropathy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Protamine is used widely to reverse the anticoagulant effects of heparin and to delay the absorption of insulin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute psychosis associated with levetiracetam.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Difficulty with anticoagulation may still be experienced with the newer formulations.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pituitary tumor made symptomatic during hormone therapy and induced pregnancy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Five weeks after the diagnosis of systemic candidiasis, sudden anuria developed, and ultrasonography showed echogenic material in both renal pelvises.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We review the existing literature on AHS pathogenesis and illustrate a case complicated by liver dysfunction where the use of N-acetylcysteine (N-AC) and intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) may have altered the course of the disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The clinical course and histological findings are presented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In two of these cases, it was sufficiently marked for the course of treatment to be curtailed and occurred at a relatively low cumulative dose of the drug.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, an increasing number of case reports and clinical studies on thrombolysis during and after CPR highlight an increased frequency of the return of spontaneous circulation and a better neurological outcome of surviving patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"According to our case report and to the literature, the onset of acute dyspnea after chemotherapy for lung metastatic germ cell tumor should alert to the possibility of spontaneous pneumothorax.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On January 22, laboratory tests showed normal values of CK, CK-MB, and myoglobin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient subsequently underwent surgery for embolization of the right occipital and superficial temporal arteries and removal of the mass.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to discuss the potential implications of prolonged and aggressive treatment of long-term survivors of ovarian cancer.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Improved awareness and rapid treatment of the second patient had a favorable outcome with no sequelae.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: In a 22-year-old Thai woman with Graves' disease, tinnitus, hearing impairment in the left ear (with progression to the right ear), and vertigo developed after 3 years of therapy with PTU.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Fatal acute encephalomyelitis after a single dose of intrathecal methotrexate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report three representative cases of sequential prostate specific antigen (PSA) elevation following initial response to this combined androgen blockade.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She was thus diagnosed as having AZ intoxication.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis caused by morphine, confirmed by positive patch test and lymphocyte transformation test.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Hairy leukoplakia was first described in association with HIV infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Resorption of the haematoma was proven by abdominal ultrasonic follow-ups.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Frequently it is also used to treat chronic pain syndromes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Amphotericin B (AmB) is effective, but its use is limited by toxicity: renal impairment, anaemia, fever, malaise, and hypokalaemia are common.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"However, the use of lithium should be avoided with any patient who is purging, since it may exacerbate the loss of intracellular potassium, thereby increasing the risk of cardiac toxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The tendency to develop AV block in a patient who is euthyroid was reduced by bypass tract conduction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of recurrent, long-lasting familiar amnesia occurring after betablocker treatment withdrawal in a migrainous patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An objective causality assessment suggested that the increased mania was probably related to the decrease in VPA concentration and that a possible interaction exists between lopinavir\/ritonavir and VPA.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Only one patient reported transient side effects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy (AILD) may respond to thalidomide treatment: two case reports.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Sixteen hours after the first administration of IFN, IFN was suspended by the symptoms of congestive heart failure (CHF).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"These in vitro findings and clinical course suggest that TRAb\/TBII without thyroid-stimulating activity may develop in patients with amiodarone-induced destructive thyroiditis, as reported in patients with destructive thyroiditis, such as subacute and silent thyroiditis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Two hours after ingestion of the drug, the plasma concentration of paracetamol was 3040 mumol\/l.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: Fixed drug eruption is associated with many drugs but this is the first such report with omeprazole.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Six patients with CSC were found to be chronic users of corticosteroid (four patients) or both beta adrenergic agonist and corticosteroid (two patients) metered dose inhalers or nasal sprays.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The development of an IgG lambda-type monoclonal gammopathy and subsequent multiple myeloma in an epilepsy patient on diphenylhydantoin (DILANTIN) therapy for 20 years is reported.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Transthoracic or better transoesophageal echo-cardiography and Doppler are by far the most accurate diagnostic tools that can entirely replace angiographic assessment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Topiramate and metabolic acidosis: a case series and review of the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The polymorphic UGT isoenzyme, UGT1A1 has genetic variants which decrease in SN-38 glucuronidating capacity and could help predict irinotecan-associated toxicity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Despite reduction in the dose of immunosuppression and localized radiotherapy, the tumor had rapidly progressed to involve the soft tissue of the right hand.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 10-year-old boy with osteosarcoma and normal renal function manifested laboratory evidence of impending renal toxicity and extreme elevation of aspartate aminotrasferase and alanine aminotransferase within 2 hours after the completion of a 4-hour infusion of high-dose methotrexate (MTX) (12 g\/m2), and went on to develop acute renal failure with life-threatening hyperkalemia 29 hours later.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"She developed marked liver dysfunction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DESIGN: Observational case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Failure to properly address parotid duct injuries that result from Mohs micrographic surgery exposes the patient to a variety of adverse sequelae.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The toxicity and plasma concentrations of ifosfamide, chloroacetaldehyde, and 4-hydroxyifosfamide were then determined over 24 h after a single 1.6 g\/m2 dose of ifosfamide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Late postpartum eclampsia coincident with postdural puncture headache: a case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A patient developed optic neuropathy while being treated with isoniazid and ethambutol.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In the hospital, she continued to receive TPN without MVI, but continued taking an oral multivitamin preparation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In this report a renal transplant recipient is described, who developed disseminated Nocardia asteroides infection with lung, eye, and brain involvement, in addition to coinfection with Trichophyton rubrum.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"No major safety issues were observed during the study.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Transfusion-transmitted malaria in a kidney transplant recipient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Effect of ramipril in a patient with glycogen storage disease type I and nephrotic-range proteinuria.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 44-year-old woman is described in whom amiodarone, disopyramide, and quinidine, administered alone separately, induced atypical ventricular tachycardia (AVT, torsade de pointes).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We are reporting on a \"very-very\" late stent thrombosis that occurred 43 months post-implantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The failure of therapy with disopyramide and mexiletine to reproduce this observation suggests either a previously unreported electrophysiologic effect of, or idiosyncratic response to, procainamide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"No cardiovascular disorder with the exception of minor ischemic changes in ECG was revealed before treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fenofibrate is a new lipid-lowering agent for adults with very high triglyceride levels that was administered to two HIV-positive patients who were taking protease inhibitors and developed hypertriglyceridemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 5-year-old, spayed female German Shepherd dog was admitted to hospital with marked generalised lymphadenomegaly and splenomegaly.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although gemcitabine-based regimens have clear efficacy in refractory lymphoma, prior mediastinal radiation without subcarinal blocking may be a relative contraindication, especially in the presence of pericardial abnormalities on echocardiography.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pellagra should be suspected whenever tuberculous patients under treatment with isoniazid develop mental, neurological or gastrointestinal symptoms, even in the absence of typical pellagra dermatitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The recipient cases were 46- and 25-year-old male patients who suffered from end-stage dilated cardiomyopathy and had been listed for cardiac transplantation in the Japan Organ Transplantation Network as status I candidates.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He presented with blurred vision.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Antenatal diagnosis of fetal goiter is crucial for the immediate postpartum management of these neonates.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, we recently saw two patients with renal tuberculosis treated with ethambutol in whom visual loss from toxic optic neuropathies was severe and irreversible despite careful ophthalmological monitoring and prompt discontinuation of the agent at the first sign of impaired visual function.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The vomiting occurred on switching to different pancreatic enzymes preparations, ie, Creon 10, Viokase, and Pancrease MT 16.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Increased lens thickness contributes only minimally (9%-16%) to anterior chamber shallowing.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The risk of developing NMS under atypical neuroleptics seems lower than under typical neuroleptics.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two of our patients developed TD after 23 months and 34 months of ziprasidone monotherapy, respectively.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"These adverse reactions probably depend on the dose, metabolism and excretion of the drug.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute unilateral total visual loss after retrogasserian phenol injection for the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia: a case report.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The etiology of the chorioretinitis was confirmed by serology to be syphilis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Youssef's syndrome: an appraisal of hormonal treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cerbral angiography revealed evidence of an arteritis with bilateral high grade carotid stenosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Nondural attachment intradural meningiomas are quite uncommon.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This is the second report of lactic acidosis in a patient on stavudine and lamivudine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We present case reports of three different types of eye burns and later therapy resulting in corneal calcification.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On the second day of hospitalization, it was noted that the patient's dyspnea and sinus bradycardia could be related to a recent increase in his timolol dosage.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Ivermectin has been shown to be an effective treatment of loiasis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We encountered a late pulmonary complication after umbilical cord blood transplantation (UCBT) that has not been previously reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Before discharge, at the age of 23 days of life, she started to be breast-fed from the mother.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pyogenic liver abscess in Taiwan is most commonly due to Klebsiella pneumoniae infection in diabetic patients, and less frequently due to biliary tract infections.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The development of an IgG lambda-type monoclonal gammopathy and subsequent multiple myeloma in an epilepsy patient on diphenylhydantoin (DILANTIN) therapy for 20 years is reported.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Analysis of cerebrospinal fluid showed significant pleocytosis and hypoglycorrhachia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fever, lymphadenopathy, eosinophilia, lymphocytosis, hepatitis, and dermatitis: a severe adverse reaction to minocycline.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report the case of an 87-year-old white woman with myasthenia gravis who presented with nausea, shortness of breath, azotemia, and hyperkalemia shortly after completing a course of intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In deciding if tamoxifen therapy is warranted, all potentially life-threatening adverse events associated with tamoxifen should be considered, including endometrial adenocarcinoma or uterine sarcoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"At 8 weeks' gestation, she was started on candesartan cilexetil (an ARB).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Evidence regarding the remyelinating nature of human monoclonal antibodies raises interest in the potential therapeutic role these antibodies may have.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Corticosteroids have an established place in the prevention and treatment of nausea and vomiting due to emetogenic cytotoxic agents.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is often misdiagnosed as multiple sclerosis (MS) from which it differs in its clinical presentation, course of disease and prognosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Vanishing bile duct and Stevens-Johnson syndrome associated with ciprofloxacin treated with tacrolimus.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: A 44-year-old man taking naproxen for chronic low back pain and a 20-year-old woman on oxaprozin for rheumatoid arthritis presented with tense bullae and cutaneous fragility on the face and the back of the hands.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"METHOD: Case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Kluver-Bucy syndrome: report of a case with nasopharyngeal cancer after irradiation and chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute promyelocytic leukemia after living donor partial orthotopic liver transplantation in two Japanese girls.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Here we describe the case of a 69-year-old patient who achieved a second complete remission with this association without additional toxicity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This article reports the cases of two patients in whom a widespread dermatophyte infection mimicked the cutaneous lesions of their underlying collagen vascular disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This patient, who had a history of osteoarthritis, had severe hepatitis 5 weeks after being started on diclofenac for increasing pain in the joints.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 64-year-old man with open-angle glaucoma had used topically applied epinephrine for 13 years.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Neuroleptic malignant syndrome and serotonin syndrome in the critical care setting: case analysis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: We present a case in a 71-year-old man who underwent an operation for CPS fixation and laminoplasty for cervical spondylomyelopathy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This report demonstrates that linear IgA bullous dermatosis can respond to gluten restriction if an underlying gluten-sensitive enteropathy is present.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a case of SCC in vitiligo lesion after long-term PUVA therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We concluded that the colonic ulcer and the sigmoidovesical fistula had been caused by the administration of calcium polystyrene sulfonate and sorbitol.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Young children undergoing cisplatin chemotherapy are known to be at risk for progressive sensorineural hearing loss.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"She had not been envenomated by a rattlesnake previously or received any horse-derived antivenins in the past.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of unintentional overdose of oral pilocarpine tablets that resulted in bradycardia, mild hypotension, and muscarinic symptoms in a patient with Sjogren's syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Any psychotropics of little clinical significance were then cautiously minimized.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: We report a rare case of delayed onset of cerebral infarction caused by an embolism after cervical pedicle screw (CPS) fixation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We propose that our observations reflect an improved management of these patients, mainly because of the use of new antimycotics with alternative mechanisms of action and decreased toxicity, allowing for earlier, more aggressive, and more effective antifungal treatment approaches.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A second transient prostate-specific antigen elevation after external-beam radiation therapy and fractionated magnetic resonance imaging-guided high-dose rate brachytherapy boost.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In the absence of a congenital long QT syndrome, torsades is seen with certain drugs such as antiarrhythmic agents (Class IA, IC, III), psychotropic medications, antidepressants, antihistamines, and electrolyte disturbances.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After an initial excellent response, each patient relapsed and developed a severe chronic depression that was refractory to other treatments.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The first patient was treated with an intravenous phosphorus infusion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Each treatment lasted 2-5 minutes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A careful risk-benefit analysis is mandatory in patients with abnormal collateral vessels.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The ability of clozapine to suppress tardive dyskinesia symptoms raises the possibility that clozapine, at least at the doses used in this report, might also induce the disorder.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The average time of presentation was 17 days after LASIK (range, 7-34).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In one instance a systemic hypoglycemic reaction resulting in head trauma and confusion ended in an emegency hospital admission following the substitution of acetohexamide for acetazolamide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Cryptococcosis is a disseminated fungal disease typically associated with immunosuppression and characterized by high mortality rates.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinical and radiological improvements were achieved after treatment with corticosteroid and tamoxifen.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In case no. 2, the pathogenic mechanism seemed to be persistent light reaction preceded by systemic photoallergy, as he had taken mequitazine for 6 months, and there were strong positive photopatch test results with immediate erythema reaction, cross-reaction to promethazine, decreased MED to both UVA and UVB, and persistence of the photosensitivity over a 3-year follow-up period after discontinuation of the mequitazine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: This review identifies a specific problem that can occur with central line removal.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PDT was performed twice, but after the second cycle, patient developed choroidal ischemia and the visual outcomes were poor.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Reproductive endocrine disorders characterized by menstrual disorders, polycystic ovaries, and hyperandrogenism seem to be common among women treated with sodium valproate for epilepsy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Fondaparinux and bivalirudin can also be used, but they have a lower level of evidence (evidence level B).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"While a causal relationship with haematological malignancies cannot be demonstrated, long-term follow-up among healthy individuals who receive haematopoietic growth factors is needed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He developed pneumonitis, pleural and pericardial effusions, and a predominantly proximal motor neuropathy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Secondary hematologic neoplasm after intravesical chemotherapy for superficial bladder carcinoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Chemotherapy followed by peripheral blood cell autotransplantation led to complete disappearance of the pancreatic and mediastinal masses.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The present report suggests that clarithromycin coadministration induces increased plasma carbamazepine concentrations, which may result in carbamazepine toxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Modulation of both dopamine and histamine systems together appears to be important in the treatment of AHC and further investigation of such pharmacotherapies is suggested.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The improvement in initiative and social capacity was striking and appeared to be due to improved awareness of the environment and the acquisition and handling of useful knowledge.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Psoriasiform eruption induced by anticonvulsants.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"When the patient discontinued taking the drugs by herself because of subsiding of these symptoms, severe panic anxiety appeared.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of vitiligo that occurred during the second month of interferon alpha 2a therapy for chronic active hepatitis C.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis (EDXA) confirmed that many of the granules contained silver.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ovarian torsion: a complication of GIFT.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In the absence of palpable cysticerci, the clinical diagnosis can be missed, although no other disease in its full form presents in this manner.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although the immediate postoperative course was uncomplicated, delayed onset of abdominal pain and fever lead to the diagnosis of superior mesenteric and portal vein thrombosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a child with yolk sac tumor who developed localized pigmentation after the first course of chemotherapy regimen that included cisplatin, etoposide and bleomycin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Severe heparin associated thrombocytopenia is a rare complication of heparin therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Lethal anuria complicating high dose ifosfamide chemotherapy in a breast cancer patient with an impaired renal function.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Spinal cord tolerance is currently accepted as about 50 Gy in 1.8-2 Gy fractions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Few have been described after liver transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Psoriasis, razoxane and a cutaneous B-cell lymphoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present a report of MRI and proton MR spectroscopy (MRS) findings in an adolescent patient with Down syndrome and Crohn disease treated with metronidazole.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Maternal immunosuppression and cytomegalovirus infection of the fetus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The results of this pilot study demonstrate that fluoxetine safely and effectively suppresses cataplexy and reduces the need for other, less desirable, anticataplectic agents.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Due to discomfort, diplopia and lagophthalmos, the haematoma necessitated suspension of warfarin therapy and a surgical evacuation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: The authors described a case of interferon-induced psychosis as a framework to review the literature and discuss the decision to pursue antiviral treatment in psychiatrically ill patients with hepatitis C.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Diagnostic and interventional percutaneous coronary catheterization is associated with stroke.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A low initial dosage that is gradually adjusted upward is recommended.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Infections and immunosuppression as specific problems in a HIV + patient transplanted for end-stage alcoholic cirrhosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Our experience with surgical management is reported (39 mitral and 5 aortic prosthetic thrombosis from 1982 to 1999 among 89 patients with prosthetic malfunction).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rhomboidal, dark violet Kayexalate crystals were observed on microscope examination in the submucosa in both the first and second colonic biopsy specimens.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After gastric-outlet obstruction was recognized in several infants who received prostaglandin E1, we studied the association between the drug and this complication.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Her daily dose was 600 mg (or 12 mg\/kg of body weight\/day) of hydroxychloroquine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The temporal course of CNV, the presence of a chorio-retinal shunt, and the autofluorescence pattern in the fellow eye let us to speculate that the CNV was related to the vascular occlusive process.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although Helicobacter pylori is thought to be a predisposing factor, we found no histological evidence of this infection in our patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"At post-mortem there was minimal leukaemic infiltration but there were alterations in the liver architecture sufficient to explain the portal hypertension.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although drug-induced allergic nephritis (DIAN) is one of the most common problems seen by nephrologists, its true frequency is probably underestimated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: There are many reports on the complications that occur at the time of insertion and during the life of central venous indwelling catheters.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This may be related to the dose and duration of therapy with these agents.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Use of these combinations should be closely monitored.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The clinical course suggests that caffeine, which is present in oolong tea, was mainly responsible for the rhabdomyolysis as well as the delirium, although severe hyponatremia has been reported to cause rhabdomyolysis on rare occasions.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"His symptoms of brain stem compression were alleviated and the role of phenytoin in the production of his craniocervical abnormality is discussed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The use of methotrexate (MTX) has been contraindicated for treatment of severe psoriasis in HIV infection on the basis of six previously reported cases in which MTX appeared to potentiate opportunistic infections and accelerate HIV disease.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"These instances have led to a recent warning letter to physicians and a change in the prescription labeling of tegaserod.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Successful application of permanent rapid atrial pacing requires (1) prescreening of patients with temporary external rapid atrial pacing to verify susceptibility to conversion of supraventricular tachycardia and absence of anomalous conduction pathways that may permit conduction of rapid pacing rates to the ventricles, and (2) assessment of the patient's ability to use the transmitter properly.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This prompted the patient to discontinue all herbal supplements with the subsequent resolution of his lightheadedness and orthostasis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Aminophylline hypersensitivity apparently due to ethylenediamine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In this report, one patient who developed gangrene after bleomycin and vincristine\/vinblastine chemotherapy for AIDS-related Kaposi's sarcoma and another HIV-infected patient who exhibited symptoms of severe Raynaud's phenomenon related to the same regimen are presented.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CASE SUMMARY: A 25-year-old postpartum white woman developed multiple watery stools and abdominal cramping on day 6 of therapy with clindamycin vaginal cream for bacterial vaginosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Repeated exposure and rechallenge of the subject to sulindac was deemed too dangerous, and precludes exact method to establish mechanisms to explain this transient, reproducible, idiosyncratic, adverse drug reaction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatment with protease inhibitors in some persons infected with HIV-1 is associated with a syndrome of lipodystrophy manifesting as peripheral lipoatrophy, relative central adiposity, insulin resistance, and serum lipid abnormalities.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatment with CPH 82, a mixture of two benzylidated podophyllotoxin glycosides, has been shown to improve inflammatory activity in patients with RA.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Papilledema without peripheral neuropathy in a patient taking perhexiline maleate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Poorly controlled hypertension in a painter with chronic lead toxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"After oral L-thyroxine treatment the goiter disappeared.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Mechanism of topiramate-induced acute-onset myopia and angle closure glaucoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Despite a response of the meningeal tumor the patient developed in the third week of MTX treatment a progressive visual loss and loss of consciousness which worsened during subsequent Ara-C treatment and led to death within 3 weeks.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"IFN-alpha therapy was suspended and a treatment with l-T4 started.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In one patient, treatment with DCA was associated with a decrease in blood lactate levels from 11.2 mM before treatment to 0.8 mM 16 h later.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Lately these episodes were followed by brief spell of unconsciousness.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DISCUSSION: No published clinical studies in patients receiving clindamycin vaginal cream for bacterial vaginosis have documented C. difficile toxin in stool samples of patients with diarrhea.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Four cases suggesting that a reduction in the daily dose or withdrawal of an antidepressant may produce symptoms of major depression within hours to days are presented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There are several known or suspected predisposing factors.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Steroid induced avascular necrosis of bones in eighteen sites: a case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 37-year-old Japanese woman received an anticancer drug for 5 years following resection of mammary cancer and then developed widespread mollusca contagiosa, which we considered to be caused by immunosuppression induced by the chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Several case reports of aplastic anemia with use of acetazolamide, and two cases with use of methazolamide, have appeared in the literature.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"However, a recent post-marketing survey in Japan revealed that interstitial pneumonia occurred in 4 among approximately 2 000 Japanese patients treated with sorafenib.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We present a fatal case of subacute methanol toxicity with associated diffuse brain involvement, including bilateral putaminal necrosis and cerebral edema with ventricular compression.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"It is activated by cytochrome P450 to form reactive metabolites that bind covalently to DNA to create adducts.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Upbeating nystagmus resulting from anticonvulsant intoxication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Following several of these courses of therapy, respiratory distress occurred 9 to 12 days after the chlorambucil was given.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Both had impaired lung function and abnormal computed tomographic scans, and their condition improved when nitrofurantoin was withdrawn and corticosteroid treatment commenced.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Thrombocytosis under ciprofloxacin and tazobactam\/piperacillin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In the second patient an early diagnosis was made and treatment promptly instituted.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: The results of this self-selected case series must be interpreted with caution.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A patient receiving vancomycin for a serious staphylococcal infection had a lupus-like syndrome characterized by a malar rash, pain and erythema of the cartilage of both ears, and tender erythematous and hemorrhagic lesions of the finger tips.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Similar cases were previously described associated with captopril treatment, but not with enalapril.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The observations made in these three patients may give support to the hypothesis that cholinergic activity has pathogenic significance in depressive syndromes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Enoxaparin therapy was discontinued, and the patient was maintained on oral warfarin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A toxic encephalopathy characterized by depressed level of consciousness, marked irritability, and ataxia developed in seven children, 5 years of age and younger, following administration of an antiemetic combination of pentobarbital and pyrilamine maleate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Several plasma and urine samples from the final stage before and during peritoneal dialysis were analyzed by GC\/MS.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hepatotoxicity associated with 6-thioguanine therapy for Crohn's disease.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Prompt resolution of her jaundice followed the initiation of methionine therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Mucin-producing adenocarcinoma has been extensively studied in relation to this phenomenon.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Despite of the administration of intensive therapies, she died of disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) and septic shock due to bone marrow depression 6 days after admission.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hyperammonemia secondary to valproic acid as a cause of lethargy in a postictal patient.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"INTERVENTIONS: Treatment with aspirin and prednisone in one patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The experience obtained from the medical management of these patients is valuable for the treatment of such patients in the future.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The same test were negative in five control patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: In total, 22 patients were treated with a combination of raltitrexed 3 mg\/m2 every 3 weeks and mitomycin-C 7 mg\/m2 every 6 weeks for up to 24 weeks.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Successful treatment of influenza A virus by oseltamivir in bone marrow transplant recipients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"To our knowledge, these cases are the first published reports of lovastatin-induced rhabdomyolysis associated with azithromycin and clarithromycin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Early peritoneal dialysis has not previously been reported for lisinopril induced multiorgan failure.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: This paper reviews five newly diagnosed cases of DM type 1 in Israeli Air Force aviators that presented over the last 15 yr.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She also took nifedipine, atenolol, clonidine, prednisone, aspirin, and potassium chloride throughout pregnancy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of intrauterine contraceptive device (IUD) associated pelvic actinomycosis due to Actinomyces urogenitalis in a previously healthy young adult woman.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All patients had symptomatic hypocalcaemia, including a tonic-clonic seizure and tachyarrhythmia in one case.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RMT and AMT were lower, MEP size was larger, ICI was decreased while ICF was slightly diminished during treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection is a common cause of morbidity and mortality among patients receiving chronic maintenance immunosuppression and is often considered the most important infection in renal transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hypersensitivity to this agent appears to develop after frequent exposure such as with the once-weekly regimens often used to treat brain tumors in pediatric patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a case of endocarditis due to Lactococcus cremoris associated with cheese consumption, that caused multiple mycotic aneurysms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The third patient had been suffering from serious akathisia while on risperidone, and was cured after switching to olanzapine, but thereafter the patient suffered from RLS at nighttime.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Six patients presented with clinical, biochemical and histological evidence of severe hepatitis after taking herbal remedies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe an 82-year-old woman treated with the fluoroquinolone, moxifloxacin, during a course of ECT.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: A 9-year-old male who underwent orthokeratology treatment for 6 months suffered from a corneal ulcer.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The use of beclomethasone diproprionate inhaler complicated by the development of an eosinophilic pneumonia reaction.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The use of felbamate in patients with periodic lateralized epileptiform discharges (PLEDs).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She was treated with acyclovir and subsequently developed VZV antigen-positive zoster.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This brief period of patient education is time well spent--it will help maintain proper compliance and allay the upset that many of your patients may have if they encounter negative opinions about lindane in the lay and medical press or from other health professionals.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DESIGN: Case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She had been on an immunosuppressive regimen for the past 8 years including steroids and Azathioprine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Large cerebral infarction during praziquantel therapy in neurocysticercosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Data obtained from animal studies support the established hypothesis that lactate is distributed like other weak organic acids at steady-state; hence, alkalemia should favor a shift of lactate from the intracellular fluid (ICF) to the extracellular fluid (ECF).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, significant changes in vital signs (hyper- and hypotension) and cardiac conduction abnormalities were observed in a few patients, notably in elderly patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Her serum total cholesterol was 515 mg\/dl and triglyceride was 3378 mg\/dl despite administration of 10 mg of simvastatin daily.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case demonstrates that itraconazole may be effective treatment for dermatophytosis, even in immunocompromised hosts, and that there is no cross-reactivity between ketoconazole and itraconazole.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ciprofloxacin is among the standard treatments for infected ischemic ulcers; in the rare case of ciprofloxacin-induced hemorrhagic vasculitis, it might be interpreted as progression of infection, instead of a complication of the treatment, thus leading to faulty diagnosis and treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We evaluated fluoxetine in six patients with poorly controlled cataplexy by beginning patients on a single 20 mg dose without any change in their current medications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thirty-six patients with AL received, in a three-month period, 51 cycles of combined chemotherapy which included, in all of them, cytosine arabinoside (ARA-C); among them, along with myelosuppression, five experienced fever, infectious complications, gastrointestinal tract symptoms and severe myalgias.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Acute myocardial necrosis during administration of amsacrine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Although both patients recovered from the colitis after the administration of vancomycin, the first case demonstrated a relapse of the colitis after receiving a subsequent course of the same chemotherapy with cisplatin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The etiology of acute liver dysfunction was unknown, however, we believe that the combination of oral glucocorticoid and lispro insulin was suitable and useful for preventing recurrent liver dysfunction in this patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"High-resolution CT (HRCT) findings of this disease were compared with the pathology.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Gallstones and bile sludge are common side effects of octreotide therapy but rarely become symptomatic or require treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Oxcarbazepine-induced Drug Reaction with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms (DRESS).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Transurethral resection of the mass revealed a leiomyosarcoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE SUMMARY: We report a case of scleroderma with DIHS associated with paramyxovirus infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These results indicate that rEpo may benefit some patients with MDS and AA who are dependent on red cell transfusions while further studies will be necessary to elucidate the mechanism by which rEpo stimulates erythropoiesis and improves anemia in patients with these diseases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the confocal microscopic findings in a case of interlamellar stromal keratopathy induced by elevated intraocular pressure (IOP) after laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thus, the value of close monitoring and when, if ever, it is safe to stop such monitoring are currently unclear.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The diagnosis of acute myocarditis with an eosinophilic infiltrate was established as the cause of death.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: [1] Trachea specimens excised from 15 healthy ferrets were incubated in culture plates lined with 200 mg of VVR, and the mucin secretion was compared to those from controls without VVR.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Both had impaired lung function and abnormal computed tomographic scans, and their condition improved when nitrofurantoin was withdrawn and corticosteroid treatment commenced.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Upon admission, the patient's vital signs were found to be within normal limits, as were his liver profile results, complete blood count, thyroid-stimulating-hormone level, and serum chemistry panel.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We suggest that a combination of anti-TNF-alpha, plasmapheresis and high-dose intravenous gammaglobulin may be a safe and effective therapy for pregnant patients suffering severe lupus nephritis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Here we report the case of a 43-year-old Japanese woman with acute myelogenous leukemia who underwent 2 unrelated cord blood transplantations (UCBT), terminating in fatal disseminated tuberculosis (TB).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In rats, prophylactic lithium administration inhibits reserpine-induced dopamine depletion in the brain.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All of the patients manifested an increase in serum CK levels 1 to 3 months after the administration of antithyroid drugs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"No benefit has been shown from adding bivalirudin to a GP IIb\/ IIIa inhibitor.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: Catheter failure is a common cause of intrathecal drug delivery problems and may be difficult to diagnose.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A patient presented with a painful, oedematous, cyanosed hand having injected a solution of diamorphine and methylphenidate into his radial artery.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Drug-induced fever should be considered in patients who have unexplained high temperatures during diltiazem therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Possible mechanisms of esophageal spasm and its relief with glucagon are discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Iatrogenic ergotism is the primary source of ergot intoxication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Gemcitabine has mild renal toxicity, but cases of gemcitabine-associated hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS) have been reported.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A mentally retarded 23-year-old woman with myoclonic astatic epilepsy developed an abnormal posture of extreme forward flexion, called camptocormia, during valproate monotherapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Cutaneous ulceration: an unusual complication of intravenous pentamidine therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Food and Drug Administration in 1989 for treatment of severely ill schizophrenic patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Our patient was a 32-year-old man who tested positive for HCV in July 1997.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient was placed on ethacrynic acid until she was desensitized to furosemide.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The anterior mediastinum was closed with an omental flap that was allowed to epithelize spontaneously.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"7. The vast majority of patients reported in the literature with ANLL complicating underlying malignancies have received cytotoxic drugs for prolonged periods (median 3 1\/2 years) and leukemia developed most commonly 3 to 5 years after the diagnosis of the underlying disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case of recurrent impetigo herpetiformis with a positive family history.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Both renal allografts had to be removed because of renal artery rupture secondary to Candida albicans infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ethambutol is frequently used in the treatment of tuberculosis, and, although optic neuropathies have been reported with the use of ethambutol, this adverse side effect has been considered to be rare and generally reversible with discontinuation of the medication.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The combined occurrence of bronchial anthracostenosis and mediastinal fibrosis in association with wood-smoke exposure has not been previously reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cryptococcus neoformans has been reported to be isolated from blood cultures in around 20% of patients with cryptococcosis, and cryptococcemia has been correlated with poor prognosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The present patient was diagnosed with congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries (cc-TGA) and underwent systemic atrioventricular valve replacement for severe insufficiency at 23 years of age.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In this article the possibility of using the Minirin (desmopressin) in maxillofacial surgery in person with hemostatic disorders has been described.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Angioedema and maculopapular eruptions associated with carbamazepine administration.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"PEComas demonstrated loss of TSC2 protein expression and evidence of baseline mTORC1 activation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One patient had partial responses in both treated tumors.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 15-year-old boy had temporary hypertropia, supraduction deficit, ipsilateral mydriasis, and accommodative paresis after bilateral endoscopic ethmoidectomy, bilateral partial inferior turbinectomy, septoplasty, and Caldwell-Luc procedures for chronic sinusitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The increased libido disappeared after fluvoxamine was discontinued.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Four patients did not receive MB and all recovered only after 48 h.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This is the first series of cases to be reported demonstrating the potentially blinding complications of topical facial steroids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Between March and May 1996, the patient was admitted several times to a neurology clinic, where myasthenia gravis was diagnosed and treatment with pyridostigmine and cyclosporine was initiated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Carbamazepine-induced Diabetes mellitus.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Widespread cutaneous vasculitis associated with diltiazem.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"After stopping isoniazid, his breast swelling subsided to some extent and became non-tender.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Indium-111-labeled-leukocyte scintigraphy was performed on three febrile patients, two of whom had no signs or symptoms referable to the respiratory tract.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In this report, one patient who developed gangrene after bleomycin and vincristine\/vinblastine chemotherapy for AIDS-related Kaposi's sarcoma and another HIV-infected patient who exhibited symptoms of severe Raynaud's phenomenon related to the same regimen are presented.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"METHOD: Demonstration of the occurrence of agitated dysphoria after loss of response to an antidepressant following continuous administration through 7 years of euthymia; with a worsening on dose increase; and recurrence of agitation on re-exposure 1 year later; in a patient whose previous dysthymia and recurrent depressions had no recognizable manic or hypomanic features.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cerebral vasospasm on MR angiography (MRA) has been noted in cases due to eclampsia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fifteen shots of 0.06 mJ were needed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The total number of nucleated cells infused was 0.8 x 108\/kg, with CD34+ cells 1.8 x 106\/kg and CFU-GM 1 x 104\/kg.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cyclosporine is a potent inhibitor of simvastatin metabolism, and may therefore facilitate simvastatin-induced rhabdomyolysis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"METHODS: Case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Aquagenic syringeal acrokeratoderma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: A woman with a >15-year history of ovarian cancer experienced severe neurotoxicity (peripheral neuropathy, hearing loss), underwent aggressive resection of asymptomatic and long-standing metastatic disease in the liver (with tumor recurrence <1 year after surgery), and subsequently died of secondary acute leukemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, he developed significant bradycardia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"When thrombosis develops during heparin treatment, it is important to suspect HITTs and to assay for the associated antibodies, regardless of the actual platelet count.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The calculated median cumulative dose of gemcitabine was 20,000 mg\/m(2) (range, 2,450 to 48,000 mg\/m(2), or a total of 70,000 mg).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A drug lymphocyte stimulation test was positive only for calcium stearate, an additive contained in the homochlorcyclizine hydrochloride tablet.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Oculogyric crisis is a neurologic reaction characterized by bilateral dystonic elevation of visual gaze as well as hyperextension of the neck.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To report a fatal case of toxic epidermal necrolysis in a man who was treated with oral ofloxacin for epididymitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: A 44-year-old man taking naproxen for chronic low back pain and a 20-year-old woman on oxaprozin for rheumatoid arthritis presented with tense bullae and cutaneous fragility on the face and the back of the hands.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Immunosuppression could disseminate tuberculous focuses, resulting in extracervical involvement of SD connected with the underlying extrapulmonary tuberculous lesions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DISCUSSION: Amphotericin B deoxycholate has been reported to produce significant cardiac toxicity, with ventricular arrhythmias and bradycardia reported in overdoses in children and in adults with preexisting cardiac disease, even when administered in conventional dosages and infusion rates.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a case of a 60-year-old woman affected by squamous lung carcinoma, who developed paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia during cisplatin and etoposide combination chemotherapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Immunosuppressive treatment of rippling muscles in patients with myasthenia gravis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Usually, these patients develop hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) seroreversion during the flare.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 52-year-old, white female developed low-grade fever, cough, and dyspnea after 8 weeks treatment with sodium aurothiomalate for rheumatoid arthritis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder following cytomegalovirus reactivation in a lung recipient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The subjects were confined to female patients to exclude patients with potential prostate hypertrophy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Splenic hemorrhage: a complication of tissue plasminogen activator treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Ruptured Meckel diverticulum mimicking mucositis in a patient receiving induction therapy for high-risk acute lymphoblastic leukemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Neuroleptic-induced \"painful legs and moving toes\" syndrome: successful treatment with clonazepam and baclofen.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The present case is the first report of hypercalcemia induced by vitamin D3 ointment and thiazide simultaneously.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report two pediatric cases who developed veno-occlusive disease-like hepatotoxicity while receiving chemotherapy for Wilms' tumor and clear cell sarcoma of kidney.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The catheter was removed and the abscess was drained.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 48-year-old woman with known epilepsy presented to the Emergency Department with a 1-day history of decreasing coordination, impaired speech, and recurrent falls.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The clinical symptoms of gastric mucosa foveolar hyperplasia due to long-term PGE1 therapy simulate hypertrophic pyloric stenosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We describe two dark-skinned patients who developed hyperpigmented skin and tongue lesions during combination therapy with IFN and ribavirin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Although not typical, this result was suspicious of tumor seeding, the more since the lesions appeared in gray matter areas outside the high-dose-rate irradiation field.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Clinicians should be aware of the possible association of thrombocytopenia with lansoprazole and discontinue the drug if thrombocytopenia becomes apparent.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Smoke inhalation injury from newer synthetic building materials--a patient who survived 205 days.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patients were followed with sequential ocular examinations for a maximum of 36 weeks.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three days after intravitreal injection of bevacizumab, acute ocular ischemic syndrome occurred.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"RSV was the only infectious agent that could be isolated, and treatment with aerosolized ribavirin lead to prompt improvement of all symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After cessation of chemotherapy, the pulmonary lesions resolved and all three patients sustained their remissions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Alopecia is a rare but important side effect of anti-parkinsonian medications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe the case of a man with dermatomyositis and stage IV nasopharyngeal cancer treated with chemoradiotherapy and s.c. amifostine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Skin rash began after 2 weeks of treatment, and signs of hepatocellular failure developed 3 weeks after phenobarbital had been started.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"To our knowledge, this is the second report of HSOS after standard dose chemotherapy for brain tumor in childhood.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fournier's gangrene complicating aggressive therapy for hematologic malignancy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Postmortem examination revealed white matter vacuolation in the brain stem tegmentum and cerebellar hemispheres similar to that seen in toxicity from hexachlorophene, to which our patient was not exposed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Polymicrobial sepsis is sometimes seen due to enteric organisms adhering to the parasite.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A treatment, possibly radiation-associated tumor cell alteration resulting in a different catecholamine production, is discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinical manifestations resolved after surgical drainage of the thyroid abscess, prolonged antibiotherapy and diminution of immunosuppressive regimen.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, many patients who should receive or be offered preventive treatment are not.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Adalimumab belongs to the group of tumour necrosis factor-alpha inhibitors and has been approved for the treatment Crohn's Disease since 2007.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Management of pericatheter cerebrospinal fluid leak after intrathecal implantation of a drug delivery system.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Common adverse events (frequency 10%) of lacosamide doses up to 600 mg\/day include nonspecific central nervous system effects (e.g., dizziness, ataxia, diplopia, and somnolence).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We present a case of typhlitis in a patient with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) who received pemetrexed, as second-line chemotherapy treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although rare, this complication may not be disregarded in the cases that require intraocular corticosteroids for treatment of several conditions, especially in patients who had previously suffered from toxoplasmosis infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"TEN is a disease of both children and adults, but TEN in early infancy is a rare event; only two well-documented cases in infants less than 6 months of age have been reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All three cases demonstrate that hyperosmolar hyperglycemic nonketotic coma is a serious potential complication of systemic steroidal therapy, even in a short course of treatment such as is often used in ophthalmology.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On admission she had 2-3+ pitting edema.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 64 year old man with recurrent metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck developed severe skin rash and bone marrow aplasia 4 and 7 days, respectively, following a single dose of 40 mg\/m2 methotrexate (MTX).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Thiazide diuretic therapy and chronic photosensitivity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The presence of lichen ruber planus and GH insufficiency probably secondary to empty sella are two unusual findings in patients with APECED.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Sunburn may sometimes be a major injury in psoralen users because high doses or inappropriate use of the drug may render the skin extremely sensitive.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Glatiramer acetate (copolymer 1, Copaxone) is a mixture of synthetic polypeptides and is used for the treatment of multiple sclerosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Bleomycin pneumonitis potentiated by oxygen administration.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Eye movement disorders in bone marrow transplant patients on cyclosporin and ganciclovir.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"An evaluation of ovarian structure and function should be considered in women of reproductive age being treated with valproate for epilepsy, especially if they develop menstrual cycle disturbances during treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This is the first reported use of high-dose-rate remote brachytherapy (HDR) to treat RMS in young children.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The risk of new-onset diabetic ketoacidosis in patients with diabetic risk factors who are taking perospirone hydrochloride or other atypical antipsychotics should be kept in mind.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Cerebrovascular complications were the most frequent and were seen in 51% of the liver, 59% of the heart, 58% of the lung, 50% of the heart-lung, 49% of the kidney and 44% of the bone marrow allografts.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After recovery CT scan follow-up showed marked cerebral atrophy which did not exist prior to the state of coma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He was given adriamycin 50 mg\/m2 and cyclophosphamide 350 mg\/m2 for 6 days followed by 4 days of vincristine 1 mg\/m2 and bleomycin 10 mg\/m2.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We review similar reported cases and discuss the direct actions of glucocorticoids on the brain.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The current report describes a man who was prescribed zonisamide for epilepsy and subsequently developed widespread skin rash, acute kidney injury, high-grade fever, eosinophilia, liver dysfunction, lymphadenopathy and an increase in antihuman herpesvirus-6 immunoglobulin G titer.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Mutations were detected in the precore region (nt1896) of HBV.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE SUMMARY: A febrile 36-year-old seaman from Mumbai (Bombay) was prescribed >5 times the usual dose of chloroquine for malaria diagnosed empirically onboard ship.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Even though AZ tends to strongly bind to plasma protein and its clearance is generally poor by hemodialysis (HD), in our patient, HD was observed to be rather effective since the clearance of AZ was 45.8 ml\/min on HD and 66 ml\/min on direct hemoperfusion (DHP).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Other causes of acute hepatocellular necrosis were excluded.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This is a case report of fatal cryptococcal meningitis in a child with systemic lupus erythematosus being treated with prednisolone and azathioprine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A retrospective review of TTP patients with quinine-associated thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA) for whom ADAMTS13 was measured before plasma exchange was performed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patients were followed up for an average of 32 months (range 16-75 months).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This paper presents 3 sisters with Gitelman syndrome who could not tolerate magnesium supplements, and whose hypotension and polyuria were eliminated by taking 2 mg\/kg\/day indometacin, but who grew poorly.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Putative drug-related pemphigus foliaceus in four dogs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Use of recombinant human hemopoietic colony-stimulating factor was reported to be of benefit in patients who developed agranulocytosis, although there is still some doubt regarding the efficacy in AA.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She had been treated before with other antipsychotic drugs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) has been used successfully in inducing remission in patients with acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The skin lesions disappeared almost completely within three months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This is the first reported case of CNS excitatory toxicities in a patient with alcoholic hepatitis and cirrhosis, and normal renal function.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The mechanism of the interaction is probably inhibition of glipizide metabolism rather than protein-binding displacement.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Severe slowly resolving heroin-induced pulmonary edema.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 60 year-old woman with chronic renal failure developed acute proximal muscle weakness after receiving a regular dosage of colchicine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Brain biopsy in all three disclosed PML and marked perivascular lymphoplasmacytic infiltration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Successful treatment of invasive aspergillosis complicating prolonged treatment-related neutropenia in acute myelogenous leukemia with amphotericin B lipid complex.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: Switching of agents took place in two ways: converting only antipsychotic medications followed by other psychotropics, and changing all psychotropics simultaneously.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: The new quinolone derivatives (levofloxacin, sparfloxacin, grepafloxacin, trovafloxacin, gatifloxacin and moxifloxacin), also called gyrase inhibitors, are known for their potential to cause central nervous system-related adverse effects, including headache, dizziness and insomnia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"An oral glucose tolerance test showed impaired glucose tolerance with marked insulin resistance.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An alternative preparation, Mastisol, was successfully used without primarily inducing allergy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pancreatic autoantibody tests were negative before the start of therapy, but a significant increase in glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) antibody titer was seen after 24 weeks of treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The subsequent clinical course was unremarkable until postoperative day 146, when a deep stromal infiltrate was present at the graft-host junction, associated with a dense endothelial plaque.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Magnetic resonance imaging brain showed features of posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome, a recognised but rare complication of hypertension in children.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Risks and benefits should be seriously considered before starting treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"EEG was abnormal and somatosensory-evoked potentials (SEPs) showed giant SEPs, transcortical reflex (C reflex) and jerk locked potentials.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One patient died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"During these episodes she was lost in herself.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A clinical case of Cheyletiella infestation on a dog born and raised in Korea is reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A patient with severe cholestatic jaundice induced by captopril is presented.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Steroids are used extensively in modern medicine and dentistry for their anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive properties.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"ARDS has been associated with the administration of other monoclonal antibodies, such as infliximab, gemtuzumab ozogamicin, and OKT3 and is believed to be directly mediated by release of proinflammatory cytokines.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Continuous PGE1 administration ensures patency of the ductus arteriosus, which is essential for stabilizing the general condition until cardiac surgery can be performed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, both patients had abnormally large epidural fat deposits as an underlying and contributing condition.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Serum sickness consists of a systemic reaction resulting from the formation of soluble circulating immunocomplexes after the introduction of a foreign substance into the body We studied a 38-year-old woman diagnosed with anxiety, depression and right sacroileitis who was treated with phenylbutazone, ranitidine, clomipramine and levomepromazine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Six of 13 outpatients with schizophrenia who participated in a ten-week open trial of risperidone had an initial good response to the medication followed by development of intolerable affect, including feelings of agitation and depression and periods of crying and insomnia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We describe three HIV-infected patients who were given MTX for severe psoriatic arthritis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"His muscle symptoms were involved in four limbs and tongue, and deep tendon reflexes were exaggerated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In order to investigate the mechanism of late asthmatic response (LAR), inhibitory effects of various drugs for LAR were examined in two wheat flour-sensitive asthmatic subjects who showed immediate and late responses in the allergen provocation test and skin test.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After reviewing the literature we suggest the CPM was a complication of lithium toxicity which affected the lateral geniculate nucleus which produced blindness.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We describe a case of pneumonitis following local administration of methotrexate for nonsurgical termination of an ectopic pregnancy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"During 6 weeks of monitoring, arrhythmia did not recur.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Radiation recall refers to inflammatory reactions triggered by cytotoxic agents and develops in previously irradiated areas.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Regarded as the most common and best understood of the hereditary periodic fever syndromes, familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) is a recessively inherited disease of episodic fever with some combination of severe abdominal pain, pleurisy, arthritis, and a characteristic ankle rash.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"To our knowledge no severe persistent neurological deficits following thrombolytic therapy have been reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cerebrospinal fluid analysis was consistent with syphilitic meningitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two weeks later, he died of fungal septicemia and multiorgan failure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The following is a case report analysis intended to draw attention to the need for better care coordination by describing the observed relationship of olanzapine to metabolic changes manifested as uncontrolled diabetes mellitus and weight gain.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Furthermore, each patient was subsequently treated with other antihypertensive medications which, like propranolol, contain the stabilizer additive tartrazine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient became afebrile after 48 h, and his general condition improved within 36 h.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is strongly recommended that heparin be substituted with another anticoagulant in such cases until the presence of HDAs can be definitively ruled out.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, it is possible that the previous antipsychotic exposure could have created a sensitising or priming effect on the striatum.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case is described in which viscoelastic material was used in the anterior chamber to minimize or prevent fluid flow through the area of the trabecular meshwork and Schlemm's canal during nonpenetrating filtering surgery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To report 2 cases of nonconvulsive status epilepticus (NCSE) following infusion of ifosfamide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This report may aid in the decision of imatinib being given under close surveillance to this kind of patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fluctuating QTc interval in an asymptomatic patient treated with methadone for chronic pain.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In May 1999, the patient came to our polyclinic with edema of the feet and legs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The multifactorial pathogenesis of ARF includes (a) a disturbance of glomerular microcirculation (afferent and perhaps mesangial constriction, inadequate efferent dilatation); (b) a disturbance of medullary microcirculation (medullary capillary congestion) attributed to a combination of endothelial damage and tubular dilatation; (c) tubular cell damage which, though rarely in humans justifying the term 'acute tubular necrosis', promotes both backleak of glomerular filtrate and shedding of brush border vesicles; (d) the latter promotes tubular obstruction by casts which consist of Tamm-Horsfall protein and brush border components.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"They both are weak systemic diuretics and lower intraocular pressure ultimately by decreasing aqueous production.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After 18 months, the patient was in good health.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Yohimbine is a selective alpha-2 adrenergic antagonist that has been used in the pharmacologic management of erectile dysfunction (ED).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Totally implantable venous device (TIVD) are widely used for the treatment of patients requiring long-term chemotherapy, total parenteral nutrition and fluid replacement.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There is currently no consensus on the best treatment for unresectable hyaline-vascular variant or for multicentric Castleman's disease (MCD), because none of the reported regimens have consistently produced complete response or durable remission in the majority of patients In the present study, we report on the use of 2-CdA (2-chloro-deoxyadenosine) in three patients, two of them with MCD and one with unresectable hyaline-vascular type disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We conclude that prolonged l-asparaginase therapy in combination with an anthracycline might well be used in initial or consolidation therapy for childhood ALL.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This report describes a forty-seven-year-old female patient with a complex medical history.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE SUMMARIES: Two patients with stable hypothyroidism experienced symptoms of hypothyroidism with increased serum thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) concentrations after switching from 1 levothyroxine product to another.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In two cases, tiagabine was withdrawn, whereas it was continued at a lower dosage in one case.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In each instance the ST segment returned to the isoelectric line within 24 hours, and subsequent development of Q waves or changes in the QRS was not observed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"High-dose intravenous mannitol infusion in various clinical settings may result in acute renal failure (ARF).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 55-year-old man is reported who initially developed chronic lymphocytic leukemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A macrophage activation syndrome, possibly related to methotrexate toxicity, developed in a boy with systemic juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Plasmapheresis and immunosuppressive therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This pathology should be treated promptly and with specific therapy to avoid progression to a severe, massive PTE.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two and a half hours after intravenous infusion of the antibody fragments, the signs of intoxication passed off, and atrial fibrillation with a normal ventricular rate was reinstated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thrombosis of central venous access catheters was demonstrated in two neonates born at 38 and 27 weeks' gestation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Also, it may uncover underlying atrial arrhythmias by slowing the ventricular response.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three PC lines broke at the time of removal resulting in a length of line remaining in the central venous system (the superior vena cava, innominate vein, and bracheo-cephalic subclavian junction).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All patients improved rapidly after discontinuation of 5-ASA compounds.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In this patient a single plasma exchange was successful in considerably lowering the plasma dextran concentration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The mortality rate has been estimated at about 10%.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report on a case of secondary myelodysplasia with basophilia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The occurrence of severe AIHA in CLL patients treated with fludarabine has been reported by several authors.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Endogenous thrombopoietin serum levels during multicycle chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case showed a remarkable granulomatous reaction in association with tumor elimination.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient recovered completely clinically and radiologically after discontinuing cyclosporine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a 41 yr old leprosy patient treated for 10 yrs with clofazimine who underwent laparotomy for severe abdominal pain.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"It is concluded that treatment with hCG\/LH may favour seizure onset in the presence of potentially epileptogenic lesions such as an intracranial dermoid cyst.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Effect of beta-blockade on symptomatic dexamethasone-induced hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy in premature infants: three case reports and literature review.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The use of combined therapy with an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor and an angiotensin II receptor blocker (ARB) for treatment of proteinuria has been gaining support.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This finding suggests that cytomegalovirus infection may be one of the causes or exacerbating factors for ileal ulcers in Churg-Strauss syndrome, although ulcers of the intestine have usually been considered to be caused by ischemia resulting from angiitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 35-year-old female with borderline lepromatous (BL) leprosy who suffered from dapsone-induced erythroderma is reported.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"All other factors, including laboratory data, dietary intake, activity level, and concurrent use of other medications, were stable and noncontributory.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This demonstrates that, despite the normal coagulation profiles previously described, mothers on chronic anticonvulsant therapy may have a subclinical carboxylation defect, while their infants are at risk for hemorrhagic disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Of the five patients, two had a marked response in total Hb in excess of 3 g\/dl, two responded modestly with an increase in total Hb of 1-2 g\/dl, and one did not respond.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Heparin was discontinued, and an argatroban infusion was initiated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Complications of chemotherapy for a synovial sarcoma in an eight-year old boy included cisplatinum nephrotoxicity and adriamycin cardiotoxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Second malignancy is one of the late complications of long-term cancer survivors, treated with radiation or chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a 65-year-old man with HIV who underwent a 12-hour intensive pharmacokinetic study while receiving esomeprazole with atazanavir-ritonavir and subsequently, an 8-hour study while receiving esomeprazole with fosamprenavir-ritonavir.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This is the first reported case of the use of Monsel's solution to arrest excessive uterine bleeding after the evacuation of retained products of conception after a miscarriage.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report on a case associated with atenolol.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Despite a complete molecular response, it is currently recommended to continue these targeted therapies to avoid relapse.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three weeks later, he developed an abrupt elevation of blood pressure (210\/120 mmHg), with headaches, mental confusion, and generalized seizures.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Our patient presents one copy of the most common mutation (CYP2C19*2) affecting the activity of the isoenzyme and probably another rare or private mutation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: This case started with a media report in a popular newspaper, initiated by published, peer-reviewed research on herbals, and involved human failure in a case history, medical examination and clinical treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This unusual pattern of low-grade endometrial carcinoma adds to the spectrum of uterine neoplasia associated with tamoxifen therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A primigravid woman presented at 11 weeks gestation with bilateral femoral occlusive thrombi extending above the renal veins.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The field defects and some electrophysiological abnormalities persist when vigabatrin therapy is withdrawn.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In addition to reporting this case, we review the literature regarding enteroviral infections after transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Drug interactions and neutralizations as well as dietary factors contributed to a complicated course.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Exceptionally long absence status: multifactorial etiology, drug interactions and complications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Apomorphine-induced penile erections in Parkinson's disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A retrospective analysis was performed to determine the incidence and clinical features of acute myelogenous leukemia\/myelodysplastic syndrome (AML\/MDS) developing in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Each patient was taking more than 200 mg of oral morphine equivalents per day, and several were receiving complex analgesic regimens consisting of multiple adjuvant medications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"INVESTIGATIONS: Echocardiogram, electrocardiogram, serum chemistries, coronary angiography, right-heart and left-heart catheterization and endomyocardial biopsy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Four patients with an intermittent psychosis closely resembling hallucinogenic drug-induced states were suspected of having a porphyric disease and were investigated for a possible relation between the metabolic dysfunctions of porphyria and the psychotic syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This particular form of hyperthyroidism is long-lasting because of the slow elimination of amiodarone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The most common complaint was headache.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Those findings are indicators of colitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"While both amiodarone and digoxin can cause permanent visual changes, the ocular effects are often reversible.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"More attention should be focused on long term effects of neuroleptics.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"If unrecognized, the neurologic deterioration becomes irreversible and may result in death.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"To our knowledge, the syndrome of fever, pulmonary infiltrates, and pleural effusion following use of acyclovir has not been previously reported.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient was urged to discontinue her use of deodorants.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This is the first report of acute kidney injury due to zonisamide-induced DRESS\/DIHS.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Asthma and urticaria during disodium cromoglycate treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Combination therapy with i.a. urokinase, i.a. prostaglandines and i.v. anticoagulation resulted in re-opening of the obstructed distal artery and complete cessation of symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Occasionally, despite good therapeutic response, clozapine must be stopped due to dangerous side effects such as agranulocytosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"5: Movement disorders I: parkinsonism and the akinetic-rigid syndromes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CLS is seen in conditions such as septic shock or may result from conditions such as multitrauma and pancreatitis, which result in the systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, a direct association between corticosteroid use and osteonecrosis has never been proven.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"S-1 is an oral 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) anticancer agent and has shown promising effects in the treatment of a wide range of carcinomas, including head and neck cancer.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Warfarin-associated thoracic aortic dissection in an elderly woman.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient was discharged after 110 days.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We suggest that lamivudine is indicated both in the treatment of HBV viremia and in the prevention of proliferation of HBV in patients with HBV carrier status undergoing high-dose myeloablative chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE REPORT: Soon after initiation of amiodarone HCl (200 mg\/day), a 76-year-old man came to us with symptoms of visual \"shining,\" glare, color vision anomalies, and gradually decreased vision.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) is routinely performed in patients with non-ST elevation acute coronary syndromes after pretreatment with clopidogrel and periprocedural administration of unfractionated heparin on a weight-adjusted basis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A patient is described with the characteristic features of phenytoin hypersensitivity syndrome (PHS) including fever, erythroderma, tibial and facial oedema, pinhead-sized facial pustules and abnormal liver function tests.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Surveillance strategies and significance of endometrial cells on the Pap smear are reviewed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Monitoring of the long-term safety profile of TKIs is essential due to the prolonged survival of these patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Maintenance dosages controlled the condition thereafter.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Therefore, an alternative therapy is necessary, especially for patients who need to continue permanent administration of the drug.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One patient died of cardiac arrest at 25 months; there were no perioperative deaths (< or = 30 days).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In one case the growth rate and cortisol response returned to normal 9 months after the fluticasone dose was reduced to 500 micrograms\/day.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Catheterization of the right side of the heart (Swan-Ganz catheter) was a technology that became widely used before any outcome studies became available.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ciprofloxacin-induced renal insufficiency in cystic fibrosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Aggressive antibiotic management and attainment of complete remission of his leukemia resulted in a successful outcome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hypercalcemia in a renal transplant recipient suffering with Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A successful cord blood transplant in a child with second accelerated phase chronic myeloid leukemia following lymphoid blast crisis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: There may be an association between raloxifene and the development of malignant mixed mesodermal tumor.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"After a follow-up of more than 2 1\/2 years no significant recovery was seen in these cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cholestatic liver disease with ductopenia (vanishing bile duct syndrome) after administration of clindamycin and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Renal failure appeared 8 to 17 days after beginning gentamicin therapy and was characterized by creatinine clearances 4 to 10 ml\/min, urine to plasma creatinine ratios less than 20, urinary sodium concentrations 16 to 60 mEq\/liter, proteinuria, and cylindruria.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In this report, we demonstrate the fluoroquinolone class of antibiotics can be associated with prolonged electroconvulsive seizure duration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The day after clozapine was stopped, while he was still receiving clomipramine 150 mg\/d, he began behaving oddly, started sweating profusely, shivering, and became tremulous, agitated, and confused.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Paradoxical precipitation of tonic seizures by lorazepam in a child with atypical absence seizures.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The nodules regressed after withdrawal of methotrexate therapy in one patient and were arrested with the addition of hydroxychloroquine in the other.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Odontogenic cell sensitivity is dependent upon the position on the cell cycle and the mitotic activity at the time of chemoradiation therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In addition, his overall medical status worsened, as he developed concurrent acute renal failure and became more confused and lethargic.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pneumocystis pneumonia should be considered in asthmatic patients taking methotrexate who present with fever, pulmonary infiltrates, and hypoxia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Role of a long-acting somatostatin analogue (SMS 201-995) in the treatment of acromegaly.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pregnancy and complicated familial Mediterranean fever.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Griseofulvin may be associated with an increased incidence of adverse cutaneous reactions in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"TREATMENT\/OUTCOME: Standard anti-tuberculosis therapy was administered but was complicated by interaction with cyclosporine and drug-induced cholestasis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Thioamide therapy has improved the outcome of pregnancies complicated by maternal hyperthyroidism, without long-term effects on cognitive and somatic development.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rapid resolution of topiramate-induced angle-closure glaucoma with methylprednisolone and mannitol.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This report highlights a case of drug-induced dysphagia in a patient receiving haloperidol for obsessive nocturnal thoughts and auditory disturbances.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Neutropenic enterocolitis (NE) is a severe gastrointestinal complication in patients who undergo aggressive chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thirty-six patients with AL received, in a three-month period, 51 cycles of combined chemotherapy which included, in all of them, cytosine arabinoside (ARA-C); among them, along with myelosuppression, five experienced fever, infectious complications, gastrointestinal tract symptoms and severe myalgias.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Multifocal disseminated lesions of circumscribed lipoatrophy have not been described as an adverse reaction of intravenously applied drugs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After the patient discontinued rifampicin, the skin lesions cleared completely within 5 weeks without any systemic medication.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"At operation a subarachnoid and a subdural haematoma were found, extending between the levels of the vertebrae T3 and L2.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Maternal values were 2.4 and 4%, and infant values 20.0 and 18% in cases 1 and 2, respectively.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The case of a 46-year-old woman with chronic hepatitis C who was prescribed subcutaneous pegylated interferon once a week and oral ribavirin once a day is presented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This form of treatment is easily administered, is repeatable and free from serious complications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This series includes a case of bilateral thrombosis of the internal and external jugular veins in the 7th gestational week in a twin pregnancy after OHSS and ICSI, with termination of the pregnancy in the 9th gestational week due to progressive thrombosis during anticoagulation therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thrombotic microangiopathy associated with chemotherapy: case report and review of the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We suspect that nefazodone inhibits metabolism of tacrolimus.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Several different criteria for diagnosis exist, and each differs from the others slightly.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cryptococcal meningitis is a life-threatening complication of this disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is generally known that excessive blood levels of AZ inhibit not only the gastric juices but also prostaglandin levels and HCO3- excretion in the gastric mucosal barrier.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This undesirable side effect of Tolazoline may be prevented by the concomitant use of antacids to maintain gastric pH greater than 5.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Terbutaline is a beta2-adrenergic agonist that may mediate its effects via direct beta2-receptor stimulation, baroreceptor-mediated increases in sympathetic tone, or via presynaptic beta2-stimulation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Seizure control was not reestablished.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Sixth day after TAC chemotherapy, she had abdominal pain and vomiting.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Transient left homonymous hemianopsia and encephalopathy following treatment of testicular carcinoma with cisplatinum, vinblastine, and bleomycin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Examination by MRI during the clinical course clarified the presence and disappearance of an epidural abscess and diskitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Examination revealed a combined restrictive and obstructive defect in pulmonary mechanics and severe compromise of gas transfer across the pulmonary alveolar-capillary membrane.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"They should be recognized as a possible side effect of GBP treatment in adults.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The eye eventually became blind and painful and was enucleated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of a patient with mild chronic renal insufficiency who had been taking simvastatin for over a year and developed acute weakness within 3 weeks after the start of treatment with colchicine for acute gouty bursitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The detection rates were fluoxetine, 48.8% (20\/41); tricyclics, 5.8% (3\/52); RBD, 4.3% (3\/70); objectively normal sleepers, 3.3% (1\/30); PLM, ST\/SW, 0% (0\/82).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Carotid angioplasty and carotid artery stenting were performed using the distal protection system with the PercuSurge GuardWire.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He died 1 month later in spite of methylprednisolone pulse therapy, large spectrum antimicrobial therapy, and full support of respiratory, hemodynamic and renal systems.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Further biopsy revealed a more severe glomerular lesion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, nerve block by this procedure may in very rare instances give rise to serious complications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Engraftment occurred on day +35.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Limited data are available regarding use of direct thrombin inhibitors in patients who have severe hepatic impairment with concurrent renal failure requiring CVVHD.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He developed a low grade fever, cough and nasal discharge, and was given a compound \"cold\" remedy with anticholenergic properties.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE REPORT: A 76-year-old man came to us in October 1998 with symptoms of foreign body sensation, epiphora, and difficulty removing his contact lenses.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The donor was asymptomatic and had a negative review of systems, a normal physical exam, normal laboratory values, and negative blood and urine cultures.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The clinical syndrome was a self-limiting proteinuria with normal renal function.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Reversible leukopenia was documented in an 81-year-old woman treated with adjunctive ibopamine 100 mg t.i.d. for chronic congestive heart failure.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We describe our initial experience of HCQ slow oral desensitization.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There may be an interval of one or more months after discontinuation of cyclophosphamide therapy before clinical or radiological improvement occurs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Diagnosis and management of such infections in the immunosuppressed host are difficult.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 44-year-old Caucasian male who had been on long-term steroid treatment for an unspecified collagen disease was referred to our Unit because of fever, severe hypopharyngeal dysphagia, night sweats and evidence of marked superior vena cava compression.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The stenosis developed in the area of previously noted tracheal ulceration and responded satisfactorily to carbon dioxide laser therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Haemolytic-uraemic syndrome complicating long-term mitomycin C and 5-fluorouracil therapy for gastric carcinoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Oral hairy leukoplakia in nonimmunosuppressed patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"When SASP was changed to 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA), his skin eruptions were resolved, however, he developed weakness and atrophy in his right arm as well as progressive worsening of the dysesthesia in his legs and gait disturbance.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"At further evaluation, HBsAg was positive but serological work up was compatible with a healthy-carrier status.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Magnesium toxicosis in two horses.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Thrombocytopenia with or without microangiopathy following quinine is often referred to as quinine \"hypersensitivity.\" When schistocytes are present it is frequently termed \"quinine-associated TTP\/HUS.\" A severe deficiency of the vWF-cleaving protease, ADAMTS13, is associated with idiopathic TTP.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This experience supports the hypothesis that heparin can be readministered early to patients with heparin-associated thrombocytopenia and thrombosis, provided antiplatelet therapy is given.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In a single practice during the 21 years 1971-1991, the incidence of gestational diabetes in pregnancies in which norethisterone was prescribed was 32.4% (22 of 69) in comparison with 7.1% in pregnancies in which the women did not take norethisterone (137 of 1,684) (p < 0.001).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Symptomatology resolved with diphenhydramine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"MR appears to be valuable in the detection of abnormalities induced by treatment with high-dose methotrexate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Magnesium sulfate and digitalis-toxic arrhythmias.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Near fatal acute colchicine intoxication in a child.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Of 165 consecutive patients undergoing computerized tomography- or magnetic resonance imaging-guided stereotactic brain biopsies at the Cleveland Clinic between June, 1987, and November, 1989, four patients (2.4%) developed arterial hemorrhage refractory to conventional efforts to secure hemostasis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Numerous studies suggest that ganciclovir has clinical efficacy against cytomegalovirus disease, as well as an in vivo antiviral effect, and that this agent reduces morbidity of serious cytomegalovirus infections in immunocompromised patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"AIM: Report of a case of a woman patient who developed celiac disease after pegylated interferon alpha-2a and ribavirin use for chronic hepatitis C.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"His home medications at the time of presentation included propanolol 10 mg tid, haloperidol 10 mg bid, sodium valproate 500 mg bid, benztropine 1 mg bid, and haloperidol decanoate 100 mg i.m. every 3 weeks, from another psychiatric facility.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Severe neutropenia and thrombocytopenia were encountered but they were reversible and no life-threatening complications were experienced.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Epsilon-aminocaproic acid (EACA) is a potent anti-fibrinolytic agent that is used in the treatment of excessive bleeding resulting from a systemic fibrinolytic state.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This report documents that duct paucity may occur within 10 days of onset of jaundice and appears to be confined to ducts less than 0.03 mm in diameter.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Seven patients only smoked at night-time (median dose eight puffs, range two to eight puffs), and eight patients used cannabis mainly during the day (median dose three puffs, range two to eight puffs); the median frequency of use was four times per day (range one to 16 times per day).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Nocardiosis should be considered a potential pathogen in this immunocompromised setting.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cerebrospinal fluid smear showed the ie, Streptococcus agalactiae that grew on blood wound culture, sent at the time of admission.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The situation is less clear regarding other anti-malarial quinine analogues.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 59-year-old woman with myasthenia gravis who received a large dose of pyridostigmine bromide developed postoperative psychosis and was diagnosed as having bromide intoxication.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Elevated serum triglycerides with clozapine resolved with risperidone in four patients.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Aspergillus sp. infection was the most common of all CNS infections followed by viral, bacterial and protozoal.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: The case of a patient who developed aseptic meningitis, hemolytic anemia, hepatitis, and orthostatic hypotension simultaneously during treatment with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole is described.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Asthma and urticaria during disodium cromoglycate treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"After prostate irradiation, many patients experience a transient rise in serum PSA levels and a subsequent decline without any treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The sixth woman, with an empty sella turcica after radiation therapy of a pituitary adenoma, had an endometrial mullerian adenosarcoma at the age of 40 years after 16 years of estrogen therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Metronidazole was initiated at a dose of 500 mg orally three times daily and continued for 10 days.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hydroxyurea-induced acute interstitial pneumonitis in a patient with essential thrombocythemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Cloxacillin is a semisynthetic penicillin widely used in nonmethicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To report a case of reversible nonthrombocytopenic palpable purpura associated with metoclopramide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Central nervous system effects secondary to ciprofloxacin treatment are uncommon and usually consist only of minor dizziness or mild headache, although rare occurrences of seizures and hallucinations have been reported.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report an unusual case of verrucal alopecia occurring on the vertex scalp of a black woman, which was presumed to be secondary to use of a thioglycolate permanent wave preparation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The past medical and occupational history was negative.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Current literature related to the presented case and the ongoing debate regarding repeated prescriptions are considered in this study.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The good results reported in previous series were only found in this study when the indications were restricted to certain favourable prognostic factors: duration of sciatica less than 6 months and CAT-scan appearance of discal hernia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two patients have been successfully tapered off tacrolimus, and 2 patients are currently on once-daily dosing.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Methadone has two roles in human immunodeficiency viral infection: pain management and treatment of opioid abuse.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Diabetes associated with atypical antipsychotic treatment may be severe but reversible: case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinical improvement occurred with cessation of the benzodiazepines and the EEG showed a return to normal patterns.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present a 46-year-old African-American man with AIDS who was admitted on two different occasions within three weeks for signs and symptoms of meningitis after using trimethoprim\/sulfamethoxazole (TMP\/SMX).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Neither patient had a history of meningioma initially and both were being treated interferon when the meningioma was progressed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This, together with the primitive venous bed developing in the periventricular region, was associated with the spontaneous hemorrhage in the region of the foramen of Monro.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Outcome of pregnancy in women treated with all-trans retinoic acid; a case report and review of literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The induced pustules, as well as those appearing clinically, were intraepidermal and indistinguishable from the Kogoj spongiform abscess, and on serial sectioning showed a distinctive localization to the acryosyringium.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient--a 51-year-old man who was a victim of nasopharyngeal cancer--developed a complex behavioral disturbance consisting of visual agnosia, alteration of sexual behavior, strong oral tendency, placidity, memory deficit and speech disturbance one year after two courses of irradiation and chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Posttransplant primary cutaneous Ki-1 (CD30)+\/CD56+ anaplastic large cell lymphoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Antimicrobial susceptibility results determined by a modified proportion method using a 3-day incubation were the same as those determined by the standard 3-week assay.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This patient and other indigent patients who may be poor compliers because they are unable to buy the necessary medication may be at a higher risk for adverse reactions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE PRESENTATION: Three cases of Leishmania infantum leishmaniasis in corticosteroid (CS)-treated patients are reported: an isolated lingual leishmaniasis in a farmer treated with CS for asthma, a severe visceral leishmaniasis associated with cutaneous lesions in a woman with myasthenia gravis, and a visceral involvement after cutaneous leishmaniasis in a man receiving CS.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In each case, the leukopenia was dose-dependent.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Quinine induced coagulopathy--a near fatal experience.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We describe a detailed case of fulminant hepatitis induced by nevirapine (Viramune) and treated by liver transplantation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Infections are common comorbid conditions in hospitalized patients, including those receiving electroconvulsive therapy (ECT).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Due to an error in drug dilution the patient received a 100-fold overdose of indomethacin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This increase was mirrored by an improvement in seizures, but not in myoclonus or ataxia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 77-year-old woman with type II diabetes mellitus was admitted to our hospital in August\/ 1995 with severe hyperlipidemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A possible explanation of these data is that erythropoietin permitted the termination of blood transfusions which both triggered and perpetuated the syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"If anticonvulsants are employed, then they must be administered with caution, and all cutaneous reactions developing subsequently within the radiation site must be promptly evaluated with a high index of suspicion for erythema multiforme.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ticlopidine is an oral antiplatelet agent frequently utilized in the treatment of cerebrovascular disease and is rarely associated with severe bone marrow suppression, typically aplastic anemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient reported in this case differs significantly from the two cases reported in the literature because he had normal renal function, no previous exposure to ACE inhibitors, the reaction was of late onset, and the symptoms recurred.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Only the third patient showed elevated levels of MMF.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Conventional explanations of the decline in renal function with ACE inhibition do not account for irreversible decrements in renal function.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In cases with opportunistic infections, discontinuation of TNF-alpha inhibitors is a common practice, however rapid rebound of inflammatory responses may incur the risk of immune reconstitution syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We investigated initial drug-drug interactions between lamotrigine and sertraline.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS AND RESULTS: The authors describe a 62-year-old man with a malignant thymoma that was clinically responsive to oral prednisone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute rehabilitation refers to the multidisciplinary rehabilitative treatment of patients in continuing need of integrated acute and rehabilitative longterm care.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report on a patient who developed acute rhabdomyolysis after taking cerivastatin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The interrelationship between the immunosuppressive effects of neoplasia and chemotherapy with the resultant thymic overgrowth remains to be clarified.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the case of a 17-year-old male who developed chest pain, elevated cardiac biomarkers, and acute left ventricular dysfunction following a single dose of methylphenidate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Anatomic arterial variation of the hand can lead to atypical presentation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute renal failure (ARF) is a rare but severe complication of active idiopathic nephrotic syndrome (INS) in children.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She rapidly recovered with omission of dapsone and therapy with systemic corticosteroids and a topical emollient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Surgery can relieve refractory tremor and dyskinesias, but does not alter disease progression or need for drug therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A depressed woman with no history of bipolar illness developed a manic episode during treatment with fluoxetine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Considerable improvement of myasthenic symptoms was seen in all patients within 3-6 months after the initiation of this therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"At autopsy, typical angiodestructive and angiocentric lesions with large lymphoid cells (immunoblasts) were found in the lungs and mediastinal nodes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The success rate of the two approaches appeared to be approximately equal.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The challenge test for Stevens-Johnson syndrome type drug allergy is very risky.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Levosimendan (LS) is a novel calcium sensitizer drug that enhances cardiac contractility without increasing myocardial oxygen consumption, and induces vasodilatation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The histopathological findings in pemphigus patients with a history of psoriasis may resemble Munro's microabscesses of psoriasis and should therefore alert pathologists and clinicians in considering additional diagnostic methods such as direct and indirect immunofluorescence.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Voriconazole (VRC) has not previously been reported to cause angio-oedema.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"She received an accidental 450-mg bolus injection of morphine intrathecally and developed hypertension, status epilepticus, intracerebral hemorrhage, and respiratory failure.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Therapy-related acute myeloid leukemia following HIV-associated lymphoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The tumor initially had responded well to chemotherapy; however, while the tumor mass decreased, plasma and urine catecholamines and the blood pressure increased.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We feel that these results may be attributed to this specific growth factor combination, including ancestim, a cytokine known to act on primitive stem cells.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The duodenum was stitched up and separated from the aorta by omentoplasty.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus and renal tubular acidosis secondary to foscarnet therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Tumor response was determined by computed tomography scans obtained at the clinical discretion of the treating physicians.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"They are generally well tolerated and have not been significantly implicated in renal toxicity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a case of PRES in a patient with collapsing focal glomeruloesclerosis (collapsing FGS) with complete recovery after withdrawal of cyclosporine (CSA).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"She also developed hypotension that was thought to be caused by beriberi.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Studies for disseminated intravascular coagulation remained stable, and no clinical bleeding was seen.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: The mean age and duration of illness of the patients were 38.93+\/-8.36 and 12.88+\/-6.90 years, respectively.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The cause of death was determined to be acute intoxication by olanzapine, and the manner of death was accidental.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"It was hypothesized that valproic acid may interfere with glucuronidation of lamotrigine, leading to increased serum lamotrigine levels, or perhaps alter the drug's metabolism, resulting in accumulation of a toxic intermediate metabolite.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"SLE receded after withdrawal of carbamazepine and treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Risk factors are discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"His condition improved without complications following the discontinuation of oral prednisolone and replacement with intravenous methylprednisolone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In four of the patients, there was evidence of sodium depletion due to low sodium intake, diuretic administration, or vomiting.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, the procedure was associated with a high incidence of cytomegalovirus (CMV) reactivation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rifampin (RFP) increases hepatic microsomal enzyme activity, and there are case reports of RFP-induced hypothyroidism, all associated with Hashimoto's thyroiditis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"DATA SYNTHESIS: Genetic deficiencies in DPD, the rate-limiting enzyme responsible for 5-FU catabolism, may occur in 3% or more of patients with cancer putting them at increased risk for unusually severe adverse reactions (e.g., diarrhea, stomatitis, mucositis, myelosuppression, neurotoxicity) to standard doses of 5-FU.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Although urinary incontinence is listed as one side effect of these drugs in their package inserts there is only one report in the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) is best known as a recreational depressant drug, whose use has also been implicated in drug facilitated sexual assault cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fluorescein angiography confirmed leakage surrounded by central serous detachment of the retina.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Total ischemic time was 3 h 34 min and 3 h 35 min, respectively.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Successful treatment of visceral leishmaniasis with allopurinol plus ketoconazole in an infant who developed pancreatitis caused by meglumine antimoniate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Weaning from the cardiopulmonary bypass was easy and uneventful in each patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Our findings suggest that it may also be used as a prophylactic agent.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ibuprofen overdose is usually characterized by GI upset, dizziness, and mild sedation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Management of hypertension and dyslipidaemia in patients presenting with hyperuricaemia: case histories.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Serology excluded an active infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Macrophage migration-inhibiting factor (MIF) assay with methylphenidate was positive.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Liposomal amphotericin B for the treatment of systemic fungal infections in patients with cancer: a preliminary study.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"No known causal factors for pancreatitis such as biliary tract stone, hypertriglyceridemia and alcohol consumption could be identified.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hyperthermic isolated limb perfusion (ILP) (2 mg, TNF-alpha and 100mg, melphalan) was performed for an irresectable right thigh desmoid tumor with calf extension in a 49-year-old man.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 53-year-old man developed NMS without rigidity while taking olanzapine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Adverse cutaneous reactions to low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) are uncommon in the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Nephropathy caused by methicillin therapy for staphylococcal septicemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Recurrent hypotension immediately after seizures in nortriptyline overdose.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Ritonavir should be added to the list of drugs that can induce adverse cutaneous reactions in HIV patients.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Mild adverse cardiac and central nervous system effects are common with these medications, requiring modifications in dose or occasionally switching to a different medication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This review presents the first case series of DIC associated with acute hemoglobinemia or hemoglobinuria following anti-D IGIV administration for ITP.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This epileptic activity was continuous and unmodified by sensory stimulation and eyes opening and closing.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PATIENTS AND METHODS Patients with advanced PEComa were treated with sirolimus and consented to retrospective collection of data from their medical records and analysis of archival tumor specimens.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Because of secondary left ventricular dysfunction, digoxin was administered.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An uncommon cause of gastro-duodenal ulceration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Withdrawal of Depakote resulted in resolution of the effusion.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The anatomy of the radial artery, the diagnosis of injury, and a treatment algorithm are presented so that potential devastating hand complications can be avoided.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thus, intracoronary nitroglycerin can reverse coronary artery spasm that does not respond to systemic nitroglycerin administration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatment consists of discontinuation of the offending drug and often high dose corticosteroids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The cause of the intracranial disease was attributable to the retrograde cerebral venous congestion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Myoclonus associated with continuous dobutamine infusion in a patient with end-stage renal disease.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A high lamotrigine concentration was detected in the breast milk, and the neonatal lamotrigine serum concentration was in the upper therapeutic range.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Indirect immunoelectron microscopy showed antibody labelling in the lamina densa and sublamina densa zone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Disulfiram encephalopathy as a cause of the catatonia syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a case of disseminated nocardiosis revealed by suppurative thyroiditis in a liver-kidney transplant recipient with poor nutritional status at the time of infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"His fetishistic behavior was treated successfully using mirtazapine 15 mg\/day.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Familial occurrence of cat-scratch disease, with varying clinical expression.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We now describe a case in which local catheter directed thrombolysis, via a peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC), was used to treat a large thrombus surrounding the tip of an indwelling central venous line that was causing superior vena cava obstruction (SVCO), in a patient with cystic fibrosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Since the first description by Cullen in 1924 (Surg Gynecol Obstet 1924; 38: 579-582) various case reports have been published.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To our knowledge, this is the first published case report of an adolescent girl with a mitochondrial disorder and depression who displayed both new-onset psychotic and increased mood symptoms during treatment with risperidone.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a case of fulminant hepatic failure associated with didanosine and masquerading as a surgical abdomen and compare the clinical, biologic, histologic, and ultrastructural findings with reports described previously.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Skin necrosis is a rare complication of subcutaneous heparin therapy that usually occurs at injection sites.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Anaphylactoid reaction to methylprednisolone pulsed therapy for multiple sclerosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We describe two dark-skinned patients who developed hyperpigmented skin and tongue lesions during combination therapy with IFN and ribavirin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This is, to the best of our knowledge, the first report of a case in which agranulocytosis followed treatment with both propylthiouracil and methimazole in the same patient.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: To report a case of permanent endothelial cell injury after intracorneal penetration of milky latex from Calotropis procera (ushaar).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Effects of aprotinin on hemorrhagic complications in ARDS patients during prolonged extracorporeal CO2 removal.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe two cases of late postpartum hemorrhage following Cesarean section, attributed to pelvic arterial pseudoaneurysm, that were successfully treated by direct thrombin injection under ultrasound guidance.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He was self-medicating with this to relieve muscular cramps.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"While both amiodarone and digoxin can cause permanent visual changes, the ocular effects are often reversible.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Methotrexate-induced papular eruption following treatment of psoriasis has not been previously reported.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This article presents a simple and effective alternative using hyaluronic acid for some patients requiring nasal recontouring.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Nimesulide is a new nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) drug with antipyretic and analgesic properties.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Such a rapid and relentless progression of methyldopa-induced liver injury is undoubtedly rare, but it may be prevented by careful supervision of patients who exhibit liver function abnormalities early in the course of therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To report a case of cutaneous and hematologic toxicity in a patient treated with IL-2.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In case #2, the concentrations of quetiapine found were 16 mg\/L in blood (42 micromol\/L), 120 mg\/kg (310 micromol\/kg) in liver, and 1.8 mg\/L (4.6 micromol\/L) in vitreous fluid.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This report will, hopefully, save other clinicians from encountering similar complications in any of their patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"EPS resolved completely after discontinuing the neuroleptic agent and coincided with improved motor speed, set initiation, and verbal fluency.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Aggressive skin cancers on the cheeks may involve the parotid duct.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Oliguria was not observed and this feature may impair recognition of kidney damage.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is indicated in many inflammatory skin conditions characterized by polymorphonuclear cell infiltration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Gastro-oesophageal reflux associated with nifedipine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The case histories and comments on the diagnosis and management of pulmonary nodules are reviewed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Evidence from previous studies of neuroleptic side effects suggests that acute dystonic reactions are rare in elderly patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Moreover, chronic GVHD-related liver injury was noted at the time of this episode.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"New onset of Crohn's disease during treatment of active ankylosing spondylitis with etanercept.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This report suggests the feasibility of a strategy of bivalirudin use in patients who have some degree of heparin 'resistance' in the setting of complicated PCI.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Different reasons for the RPE atrophy such as collateral damage of the choriocapillaris with a subsequent secondary RPE atrophy, a direct photochemical effect due to the early localization of the photosensitizer in the RPE, or a depigmentation or photobleaching of the RPE, which led to a window defect in the fluorescein angiogram without loss of the major functional properties of the RPE, are possible mechanisms involved in the development of the documented lesion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Most reports have been in adult patients, with rare reports in the pediatric population.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These data suggest that a primary immunoregulatory abnormality may be present in drug induced IgA deficiency.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We review these reports with comparison to our two cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In addition, a shorter hospital stay and improved quality of life are anticipated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three-quarters of the acute cases recovered with full occupation capacity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: These cases suggest that moxifloxacin may interfere with the healing of corneal ulcers.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In lead intoxication, nerves may incur mechanical damage.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A biopsy, performed 6 months later when the clinical appearance worsened, showed no tumor tissue.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On the 3rd day after a cesarean section, because of pre-eclampsia, blood pressure was still high, oral labetalol 100 mg with an 8-hour interval was given, followed by 50 mg i.v. administered over 10 min, twice with a 5-hour interval.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report two patients with anhedonic ejaculation (ejaculation without orgasm) associated with initiation of treatment with desipramine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Extrapyramidal signs (EPS) typically are a late-presenting feature of sporadic Alzheimer disease (AD), but relatively little data are available regarding EPS in FAD.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Despite optimal response of the cutaneous lesions to treatment, the disease progressed and the patient died from infectious complications eight months after the appearance of the tumors.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although she was born after vacuum delivery and a scalp swelling was noticed from the third day of life, this swelling disappeared completely at the age of 3 months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Corneal scrapings were taken for microscopic examination and culture.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient developed classic signs of TLS within 24 h of chemotherapy, including acute renal failure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Prominent neuroleptic sensitivity in a case of early-onset Alzheimer disease due to presenilin-1 G206A mutation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Disseminated intravascular coagulation in acute monoblastic leukemia: response to heparin therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In the first case report, the patient was switched to olanzapine ODT in daily dosage of 20 mg, while in the second case report, the patient was switched to olanzapine ODT in daily dosage of 15 mg, and weight loss was similar (14 kg vs. 15 kg).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute severe intoxication with carbamazepine is associated with seizures, coma and respiratory depression.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In conclusion, NCPH should be included in the differential diagnosis of HIV-individuals presenting with clinical manifestations of portal hypertension and well preserved liver synthetic function.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In a patient suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, we report the first simultaneous occurrence of two side effects of low-dose methotrexate: an acute megaloblastic anaemia and a pneumonitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"However, he developed acute renal failure, hyperkalemia, and hyperuricemia 30 d after receiving the sorafenib treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Methylglyoxal bis-dihydrochloride is a drug that has been available for use in cancer chemotherapy since 1955.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PARTICIPANTS: Four patients (3 with spinal cord injury, 1 with cerebral palsy) with implanted ITB infusion pumps for treatment of severe spasticity, who had ITB withdrawal syndrome because of interruption of ITB infusion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thrombophilic screening revealed no abnormalities except heterozygous F V G1691A.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After delivery, she had diastolic hypertension and proteinuria and was prescribed magnesium sulphate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Brucella infection in total hip replacement: case report and review of the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a girl with the Rett syndrome who had acute encephalopathy probably induced by calcium hopantenate (HOPA).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A brain magnetic resonance image showed multiple high signal intensities on T2-weighted images predominantly located at the parietooccipital lobe.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The white matter was affected by severe myelin pallor, edema, and a prominent macrophage infiltrate in each of the cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 62-year-old woman who was being treated for squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck developed a chemotherapy-related hemolytic-uremic syndrome during the second cycle of neoadjuvant chemotherapy consisting of cisplatin, bleomycin, and methotrexate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We suggest that intraocular lens manufacturers refrain from providing such identification on their products.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He developed immune-mediated diabetes mellitus with low C-peptide and positive antiglutamic acid decarboxylase antibody after completion of therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Bilateral computerized tomography showed no progression in radiographic changes during the treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The clinical features included fever, severe myalgia, documented fungemia with F. solani, an ecthyma gangrenosum-like lesion next to a peripheral venous catheter, and disseminated pustules.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Heparin-associated thrombocytopenia: successful therapy with the heparinoid Org 10172 in a patient showing cross-reaction to LMW heparins.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report the pharmacological treatment of a case of alternating hemiplegia of childhood (AHC) in a 14-year-old female with an established diagnosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A diagnosis of extrahepatic cholestasis was first suspected, due to the observation of a duodenal diverticulum and dilated proximal choledocus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE SUMMARY: A 67-year-old woman received radiotherapy and immunotherapy for cancer that had metastasized to the bone and lungs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Frequency of cough is variable and although this complication has been described as a class effect, patients with a persistent, severe ACE inhibitor-induced cough may benefit from a trial of fosinopril therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The 125I-insulin binding rate was high (54%).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Methotrexate-induced pneumonitis in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis: report of five cases and review of the literature.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient had severe hypoxemia associated with bilateral pulmonary infiltrates.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Markedly elevated blood pyruvate and alanine levels also decreased to normal.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It appears that the leukoencephalopathy of the present case developed on the more complicated etiopathogenesis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Our cases constitute the most severe cases of benzarone hepatotoxicity reported so far, and comprise the first cases of (sub)fulminant hepatitis and cirrhosis related to benzarone.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CASE PRESENTATION: Three cases of Leishmania infantum leishmaniasis in corticosteroid (CS)-treated patients are reported: an isolated lingual leishmaniasis in a farmer treated with CS for asthma, a severe visceral leishmaniasis associated with cutaneous lesions in a woman with myasthenia gravis, and a visceral involvement after cutaneous leishmaniasis in a man receiving CS.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Hydroxyurea associated with concomitant occurrence of diffuse longitudinal melanonychia and multiple squamous cell carcinomas in an elderly subject.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Because of a hypersensitivity reaction, initial therapy with penicillin G and gentamicin was stopped and substituted with cefazolin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Patients receiving intravitreal injections of bevacizumab should be evaluated for potential systemic risk factors such as carotid insufficiency, coagulopathy and poorly controlled diabetes mellitus.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Kennedy Institute in Glostrup, Denmark.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Monitoring serum digoxin concentrations during digoxin immune Fab therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Adriamycin-induced cardiomyopathy aggravated by cis-platinum nephrotoxicity requiring dialysis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The possible role of interferon beta in the pathogenesis of sarcoidosis in this patient is discussed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: After treatment, seven of the eight patients had healing of their ulcers, prompt reduction in their pain, and improvement in livedo reticularis and purpura.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The pro-arrhythmic effects of procainamide may be explained on the basis of both its vagolytic action on the atrioventricular node as well as by prolongation of refractoriness in the accessory pathway.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We have described three patients with hepatitis C for whom IFN-alpha and ribavirin were prescribed and who developed two successive phases of silent thyroiditis followed by hyperthryroidism relapse due to Graves' disease.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"He had no organic disease likely to cause SIADH.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: The aim of this report was to highlight the fact that hearing loss in thalassaemia patients can be related to marrow expansion affecting the ossicles, resulting in a conductive loss.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case study is presented of a licensed practical nurse who developed persistent contact dermatitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute renal failure in a child associated with acyclovir.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The massively obese patients had an increased risk of cancer and complications from therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Toxic epidermal necrolysis resulted after 19 days of treatment with 5-fluorocytosine and amphotericin B.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Rapamycin\/sirolimus-induced pneumonitis has been described previously in renal transplant recipients, and this report describes a stable heart-lung transplant recipient who developed a pulmonary infiltrate that reversed after ceasing SR therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Temsirolimus-induced glomerulopathy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report the first case of fulminant adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) associated with pegylated interferon alpha-2a (pegIFNalpha-2a) and ribavirin use for hepatitis C, complicated by subsequent and ultimately fatal sepsis and multiorgan failure.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We treated 21 patients with stage D prostatic adenocarcinoma who had had unsuccessful hormonal therapy with a combination of 600 mg. per M.2 per day estramustine phosphate (Estracyt) and 15 mg. per M.2 per day prednimustine (Stereocyt, Leo 1031) in daily oral doses.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Primary spontaneous coronary artery dissection is a rare condition but one that must be considered when young people, especially post partum women, present an acute ischaemic syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Here we describe another case of VOD occurring after LT, but in which the causative role was played by azathioprine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Severe methotrexate toxicity occurred in two of these patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A patient with disseminated herpes zoster developed a syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone and profound hyponatremia secondary to the administration of adenine arabinoside.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Fourteen days after discontinuation of G-CSF therapy his monocyte counts returned to normal levels and a marrow aspirate showed a reduction in blast cells.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fatal intracerebral hemorrhage during dental treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The clinical and hemodynamic characteristics of the patients were as follows.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Drug induced myopia associated with treatment for gynecological problems.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Psychosis was stable with flupentixol monotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Interferon beta has become standard therapy for reducing relapse frequency in relapsing\/remitting Multiple Sclerosis (RRMS).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Further work-up led to the diagnosis of anterior spinal artery syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An objective causality assessment indicated a probable relationship between clotting abnormality and warfarin administration, although the degree of elevation of the INR was unusual in the light of the daily warfarin dose and duration of its exposure.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"During a period of 4 years, the boy was examined six times with electroretinography.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Because of its favorable tolerability profile it appears to be a preferred alternative, especially in NSAID-sensitive patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The main outcome measured was intraocular pressure (IOP) in mm Hg.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It seems that trigeminal manipulation during dental treatment as well as increased serum levels of induced epinephrine mainly by stress and pain, and the small amounts absorbed from the site of local anesthesia might produce abrupt elevation of blood pressure, subsequent increase in cerebral blood flow and severe, even fatal intracerebral hemorrhage.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Philadelphia chromosome-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia secondary to chemoradiotherapy for Ewing sarcoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She was induced into CR by ALL-directed chemotherapy and then maintained with IFN-alpha2b together with weekly rotational chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Its overall toxicity is considerably less compared to standard induction chemotherapy; however, it is associated with a high incidence of a potentially fatal symptom complex referred to as \"retinoic acid syndrome.\" This report describes a patient with APL who developed the syndrome a few weeks after initiating induction therapy with ATRA despite being treated for hyperleukocytosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"However, 4 days later the ocular pressure of the first patient increased to 22 mmHg, which led to suspension of the drug.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Inhibitory effects of various drugs on dual asthmatic responses in wheat flour-sensitive subjects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hemorrhagic stroke following elective cesarean delivery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CD4 T-lymphocyte depletion, myelosuppression, and subsequent severe infections are the major side effects of fludarabine phosphate therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The in vitro susceptibility assay showed that the clinical isolate was resistant to foscarnet, moderately resistant to ganciclovir, but sensitive to cidofovir.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Bromocriptine-induced schizophrenia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A case is reported in which posterior synechiae to the manufacturer's trademark on the surface of a Shearing intraocular lens were noted ten days after the implantation of the lens.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Methotrexate (MTX) may induce liver damage, which in some psoriatics will lead to fibrosis or cirrhosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Autopsy revealed no pathologic findings in the heart or in the extra- or intracranial arteries.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"No change in thrombus size was seen on a followup echocardiogram after 4 days.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Chronic viral infection relapsed after the suspension of the IFN-alpha therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The second had acute cystitis and was treated by sulphonamide and the third developed myopia coincident with metronidazole treatment for trichomonas vaginalis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The interaction of these factors are analyzed in this report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The boy is now 14 months off tuberculostatic treatment and 8 months off AML therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These re-calculations revealed unexpectedly high doses in the range 79 to 82 Gy (cumulative external and brachytherapy dose) at the level of the optic nerves, which explained the observed radiation injury.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Normalisation of phenytoin levels was associated with return of euthyroidism.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the use of pamidronate for acute, severe hypercalcemia secondary to iatrogenic vitamin D poisoning.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Additionally, clinically effective doses of conventional antipsychotics can actually aggravate negative symptoms through the development of extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patients treated with L-asparaginase may present with hemorrhagic and thrombotic cerebrovascular events.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Their attenuation density values were appreciably less than that of calcium and they enhanced slightly with contrast.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report two adults who received gabapentin (GBP) and subsequently developed behavioural side effects.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The pharmaceutical company producing Halfan has reported 8 cardiac arrests, leading to 6 deaths, when a higher dose than recommended was used, there was recent or concomitant treatment with mefloquine, there was pre-existing prolongation of the QT interval or the patient had a thiamine deficiency.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: All doctors need to be aware of the need to review the indications for gabapentin use during periods of acute illness, especially with regard to renal impairment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The case is presented of a 72-year-old man with hormone-refractory prostate cancer and weekly administration of 30 mg\/m2 docetaxel who developed subacute interstitial pneumonitis-related pulmonary fibrosis after seven doses and died despite mechanical ventilation and high-dose corticosteroid treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We conclude that vincristine and actinomycin D were the cause of this rare from of hepatotoxicity and that chemotherapy for the underlying malignant disease could be given safely after clinical recovery.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A case of cataract development in a patient with atopic dermatitis is presented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"(3) A 61-year-old woman with active refractory Wegener's granulomatosis who developed respiratory insufficiency due to aspergillus and pseudomonas pneumonia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"To our knowledge, this is the first such description of this phenomenon in the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case is presented, in which the extrapyramidal side effects of depot pipotiazine lasted well over 6 months, and possibly the therapeutic effect for almost 12 months following the last injection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This patient may have been at increased risk for this interaction secondary to his age and history of alcohol abuse.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Decompression sickness and arterial air embolism which follow exposure to raised environmental pressures of compressed air are usually adequately treated by accepted recompression procedures of relatively short durations.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although this can be coincidental, it can also suggest that the basis of a thrombus may dissolve first with any, including oral, anticoagulation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In four patients, thrombosis occurred 2-45 days after severe hepatic veno-occlusive disease (HVOD) secondary to intensive chemotherapy containing busulfan.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"All abnormalities were transient, with recovery a few days after foscarnet withdrawal.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient's headache resolved with diltiazem therapy and she was able to complete capecitabine and radiation therapy without further adverse events.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Maximum improvement may not be reached before 8 weeks.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The affected interlobular artery included concentric intimal thickening and thrombosis in the lumen.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Development of essential thrombocythemia in a patient treated with interferon alfa and pentostatin for hairy cell leukemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CASE REPORT: We describe here a case of a 60 year old female that experienced a relapse of symptomatic hyperlactatemia after being switched from stavudine to zidovudine and how the case was managed at the Infectious Diseases Institute, Kampala, Uganda.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Death occurred 4 to 16 weeks later.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DISCUSSION: Phenolphthalein is the active ingredient in several over-the-counter laxative preparations and has only rarely been reported to cause TEN.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"There was no reaction to the antibiotics.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These mutations were not present in samples obtained during the primary CMV infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Macrodantin: a cautionary tale.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe the effect of multiple cycles of 5-fluorouracil administration in a patient receiving warfarin therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three children completely recovered; one patient relapsed and died.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case suggests that BH-AC, a derivative of cytosine arabinoside (1-beta-D-arabinofuranosylcytosine) could be a cause of reversible encephalopathy syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 21-year-old woman presented with a 1-month history of whitish bubbling of the palms after brief exposure to water.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Many past cases of SMON have occurred in Japan but since 1975 no new cases have been reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case of phenytoin-induced hepatitis with mononucleosis is reported, and syndromes associated with phenytoin hypersensitivity reactions are discussed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"An emergency tracheostomy was life saving.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 36-year-old man being treated with cisplatinum, vinblastine, and bleomycin for testicular carcinoma developed a dense left homonymous hemianopsia, encephalopathy, and a partial nondominant parietal lobe syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Report of a case.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The mare subsequently delivered a healthy foal.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Parents were thoroughly questioned but we could not find out a new traumatic head event.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinic records were reviewed to extract clinical and laboratory data.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 35-year-old woman presented with neurotoxicity correlated to an i.v. regimen of 5-fluorouracil as episodes of acute confusional state and abnormalities of symmetrically restricted diffusion in the periventricular white matter and corpus callosum.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Metabolic acidosis induced by cetrimide-chlorhexidine solution in hydatid cyst surgery.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Hypertonic sodium bicarbonate is recognized as effective therapy for hypotension and arrhythmias.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Over the last five years three new classes have been released.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Based on this report and previous case reports, caution is advised when concurrent warfarin and 5-fluorouracil are prescribed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two patients with Parkinson's disease with pedunculopontine nucleus (PPN) stimulation for gait impairments reported \"trembling vision\" during the setting of the electrical parameters, although there was no clinically observable abnormal eye movement.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Efficacy, cost, toxicity, and duration of treatment determine a treatment protocol.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All patients were in a group with an expected mortality rate of 90-100%, based on previous studies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three patients (APML = 1 and ALL = 2) are still alive and disease-free.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Anti-platelet therapy with clopidogrel has been shown to reduce both acute and chronic events in patients with NSTE ACS, including patients undergoing PCI.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Uveitis associated with rifabutin therapy: a clinical alert.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Herein, we report a patient treated preoperatively with multiple psychiatric medications who developed serotonin syndrome (SS) during the perioperative period.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The average length of clinical follow-up was 6 months (range 1-13 months).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In this group, four men were seen with osteonecrosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pseudomembranous colitis readily occurs in at least certain population groups receiving trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Mitomycin C-related hemolytic uremic syndrome in cancer patients.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We suggest that nicotinic acid was the cause of his liver disease, that this case is of particular note because of the rather short period of therapy before the onset of liver injury and the severity of the hepatic failure, and that the probable increased use of nicotinic acid for serum cholesterol control makes it especially important for physicians and their patients to be alert to the signs of hepatotoxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Side effects such as acute renal failure, hyperkalemia, gastritis, gastrointestinal bleeding, and asthmatic exacerbation, although rare, have been previously reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Laboratory data showed hypernatremia with increased plasma osmolality and metabolic hyperchloremic acidosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hypersensitivity reactions involving the kidneys can occur with any of the penicillin groups.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE SUMMARY: A 65-year-old patient chronically treated with the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) citalopram developed confusion, agitation, tachycardia, tremors, myoclonic jerks and unsteady gait, consistent with serotonin syndrome, following initiation of fentanyl, and all symptoms and signs resolved following discontinuation of fentanyl.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"However, viral tests had remained positive for 8-39 days.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There are very few reports about asterixis as a side effect of treatment with psychopharmacologic agents.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case extends the spectrum of fludarabine pulmonary toxicity to include pulmonary nodules.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A total of 24 patients were identified and clinical information of varying detail was available in all cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Successful treatment of disseminated Fusarium infection after autologous bone marrow transplantation for acute myeloid leukemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatment with oral prednisolone resulted in some improvement in the cutaneous signs, particularly over the face, trunk and proximal limbs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After an extensive review of the literature, we believe that this is the first communication of the successful use of amiodarone to control hyperthyroidism in a patient with PTU-induced fulminant hepatitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Aspergillus fumigatus keratitis following laser in situ keratomileusis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The fever abated promptly following discontinuation of acyclovir, and radiographic abnormalities resolved over ten days.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We observed a decrease in nocturia frequency in all three patients, a decrease in irritative urinary symptoms in two and an improvement of sleep QOL in two.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Histologically confirmed lymphoma with evidence of active EBV proliferation developed within cervical lymph nodes 3 weeks after his first autologous stem cell rescue.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Toxicities included fever, skin rash, somnolence and a generalized seizure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An apparent link is described between the use of MMF with prednisone to treat pemphigus vulgaris and the development of red blood cell anemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Reports in the literature of isolated agranulocytosis are few, although they may be associated with significant morbidity and mortality.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Our series of 3 patients supports a causal connection between bleomycin and scleroderma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A seven-year-old boy with acute lymphoblastic leukemia received vincristine sulphate 1 mg, 1 ml intramuscularly, into his glutea, inadvertently, in the local hospital.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Continuous infusion of local anesthetic and opioid to a sternal fracture site using a periosteally positioned catheter led to successful analgesia and hence improved respiratory function.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING PRACTICE: With any new treatment option, it is imperative that nurses understand how agents work to enrich their own knowledge base, as well as have a strong foundation for patient education.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"According to the Naranjo probability scale, this reaction was probable.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Esmolol, an ultrashort-acting beta 1-selective antagonist, controlled her multiple dysrhythmias and symptoms of sympathetic nervous system hyperstimulation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She was successfully treated with oral prednisolone and cyclosporine A (CsA).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A good partial remission was attained.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The beta-lactam antibiotics are reported to induce convulsions caused by the suppression of inhibitory GABAergic functions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatment with topical and intracameral amphotericin B and systemic fluconazole, along with topical corticosteroids and intracameral t-PA, was successful in eradicating the corneal infiltrate and resolving intraocular inflammation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, follow-up revealed that gestational diabetes when associated with norethisterone had a lesser risk of emerging diabetes mellitus and impaired glucose tolerance.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Infants, particularly neonates, are not merely small adults requiring smaller dosages, but rather uniquely different patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 31 year old woman presented with a chest wall abscess due to Actinomyces israellii and Porphyromonas asaccharolytica (previously Bacteroides asaccharolyticus).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Our institution has also adopted a similar combined therapy protocol for patients with stage III and IV nasopharyngeal cancer and good performance status.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One month after surgery both patients were free of involuntary movements with an improvement of about 60% in the \"off\" state UPDRS motor score.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Quetiapine was associated with leucopenia in two patients and clinically apparent agranulocytosis in one patient.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A rare case of upbeating nystagmus, which occurred under the condition of a loss of visual fixation, due to anticonvulsant intoxication is reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Extensive pelvic, pulmonary and brain metastases were associated with clinically manifest thyrotoxicosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient had recurrence of urticaria and angioedema a year and a half later, at which point the NPH was stopped and she was desensitized to regular insulin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A renal biopsy showed diffuse mesangial proliferation with marked glomerular infiltration of macrophages and massive subendothelial and mesangial deposits.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The long-term therapy necessary to eradicate the Mycobacterium tuberculosis organism makes economic considerations important.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Etanercept and demyelinating disease in a patient with psoriasis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: Quetiapine is a novel antipsychotic, which is efficacious in the treatment of positive and negative symptoms in schizophrenia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ramipril therapy resulted in an important reduction of proteinuria (0.3-0.5 g\/24 h): no changes were observed in arterial pressure and renal function during the 12-month follow-up.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Electrophysiologic data obtained before and during thyroxine replacement therapy showed that hypothyroidism lengthens the effective refractory period of the atria, AV node, bypass tract and His-Purkinje system (that in the ventricle not being measured); this lengthening resembles the effects of long-term administration of amiodarone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A patient presented with a painful, oedematous, cyanosed hand having injected a solution of diamorphine and methylphenidate into his radial artery.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Any areas of obvious third-degree burns would be debrided and grafted.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient developed a raised purple area of discoloration around the intravenous insertion site within 2 h and edema and vesiculobullous lesions of the distal forearm, hands, and fingers within 8 h.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient's autoimmune thyroiditis may also contribute to the predisposition for pemphigus development.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Twenty-four months after patient's discharge, her clinical condition, CBC, and bone marrow remained normal.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Calotropis procera (ushaar) keratitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 32-year-old man with a family history of type 2 diabetes mellitus presented with circulatory collapse and deep coma after 9 days of treatment with perospirone hydrochloride, a recently developed atypical antipsychotic agent available only in Japan.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The use of a plant fungicide, the imidazole imazalil, in the therapy of human alternariosis is described.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two of our patients had failed treatment with haloperidol and another had failed treatment with pimozide.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"No clinical side-effects or evidence of systemic activation of coagulation occurred during the treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to describe the efficacy and safety of risperidone, in the treatment of delusions of infestation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In contrast to that in other nephropathies, the role of renin-angiotensin blockade in kidney transplantation is less well defined, and its anti-proteinuric effect is markedly reduced in the presence of segmental glomerulosclerosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, the sphincterotomy did not improve cholestasis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These data indicate that the current methods for monitoring resistant mutants are potentially flawed because no tissue culture system adequately reflects the receptor specificity of human respiratory tract epithelium.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intracameral tPA injection resulted in complete resolution of hyphema in all 3 eyes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Arterial occlusion due to intraplaque hemorrhage and de novo thrombosis caused by thrombin-mediated platelet aggregation are also discussed as potential mechanisms of arterial occlusion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A review of the literature reveals this as a unique case.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 64 year old woman with previous history of coronary stenting five days before was admitted in our institution for intracranial bleeding while receiving aspirin and clopidogrel.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Myeloma screen was negative; ANC >1,000 at day +7, platelets >50,000 at day +24.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, the use of atypical neuroleptics in modern psychopharmacotherapy is increasing, so the incidence of NMS under these drugs may also increase.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Histologic examination of skin biopsy specimens from the patients' UV-B and UV-A test sites and lesional skin revealed an acute eczematous dermatitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Administration of steroid and decreasing the dose of PTU produced a good clinical response and the ANCA disappeared.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The diagnosis of pseudomembranous colitis was made by flexible sigmoidoscopy and a positive stool specimen for Clostridium difficile toxin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Quetiapine-induced leucopenia and thrombocytopenia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"However, since maternal death has occurred with postpartum vulvar edema, the patient with vulvar edema merits special attention.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Because pain perception involves both serotonergic and noradrenergic mechanisms, venlafaxine also may be useful in neuropathic pain therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case is unique in that interstitial lung disease evolved in parallel with colitis and caused severe hypoxemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intracavernous self-injection with vasoactive drugs is a new treatment for impotence.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: The patient's serum from 10 days after the episode, only when therapeutic concentrations of oxaliplatin were added, reacted with all RBCs tested using the indirect antiglobulin test (IAT) (3+).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The attending or consulting physicians assessed that acute hemolysis or DIC caused or contributed to each death.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The ocular motor disturbances are probably an expression of regional 5-FU neurotoxicity primarily affecting the brain stem.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"From the literature, 72 references were reviewed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fifty days after the first UCBT, the patient underwent a second UCBT with a reduced-intensity conditioning regimen.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A patient with biventricular thrombus formation in dilated cardiomyopathy suffered massive combined systemic and pulmonary embolization shortly after oral anticoagulation was started.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An unusual case of Ecstasy poisoning.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Potential advantages and disadvantages of using epinephrine in this setting, the role of alpha-agonists and some potential mechanisms accounting for their role in successful management are reviewed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patients finally rated their subjective impression on this intervention.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinical responses were noted within 3 to 7 days of initiation of treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Respiratory failure in Wegener's granulomatosis: response to pulse intravenous methylprednisolone and cyclophosphamide.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This complication was dose related and argues for caution when initiating intrathecal therapy with amphotericin B at doses greater than 0.025 mg.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe 2 patients with prior amputation who experienced phantom limb pain (PLP) after receiving paclitaxel therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The case history and toxicological findings of an infant fatality involving pseudoephedrine, brompheniramine, and dextromethorphan are presented.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Thoracoscopic biopsy to confirm metastasis revealed instead fibrotic lesions apparently attributable to bleomycin or cyclophosphamide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The distinctive histopathological findings led to the correct diagnosis despite sparse clinical information.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This is an important pitfall because, when diagnosed early, bleeding in these patients is treatable.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two patients underwent penetrating keratoplasty at 22 and 26 months after the onset of symptoms and have maintained clear grafts with no evidence of recurrence.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The literature, except for anecdotal reports, does not support a significant increase of ulcers in asthmatic patients on either theophylline or steroids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hypertensive reactions occurred without obvious cause in two patients receiving monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) while being monitored in a hospital.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: This case highlights the importance of timely application of aggressive measures even in patients with known diagnosis of a fatal malignancy as these interventions can prolong life and be of palliative benefit.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of AILD in an 80-year-old male who presented with a generalized pruritic maculopapular eruption and fever following doxycycline administration.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The sulfonamides are the best verified drug-trigger for erythema multiforme and Stevens-Johnson syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A case of cicatricial pemphigoid with circulating IgA and IgG antibodies directed against 280 kD, 165 kD and 120-130 kD epidermal antigens.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 7-year-old with congenital toxoplasmosis who took pyrimethamine and sulfadiazine for reactivated chorioretinitis developed fever, severe cutaneous involvement, swelling, abdominal pain and transaminitis, persisting weeks after withholding medicines.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"No published reports, however, exist of exfoliative disease after treatment with levofloxacin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHOD: The authors followed a patient with chronic HCV who received interferon and ribavirin and who developed hallucinations ultimately requiring psychiatric hospitalization.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Striking regression of radiation-induced fibrosis by a combination of pentoxifylline and tocopherol.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ovadendron sulphureo-ochraceum endophthalmitis after cataract surgery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The persistent effects of methotrimeprazine meleate on various organs are typical of the prolonged biological action of the phenothiazine metabolites.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: We believe this case to be the first report of this type of reaction owing to tadalafil.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 27-year-old man who had a history of bronchial asthma, eosinophilic enteritis, and eosinophilic pneumonia presented with fever, skin eruptions, cervical lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, atypical lymphocytosis, and eosinophilia two weeks after receiving trimethoprim (TMP)-sulfamethoxazole (SMX) treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 14-year-old female developed systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)-like symptoms, rash, fever, leukopenia and positive anti-nuclear antibody (ANA) two weeks after administration of carbamazepine (CBZ; Tegretol) used against benign Rolandic epilepsy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Interaction of the criminal justice system and psychiatric professionals in which civil commitment standards are prohibitive.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Gangrene of the fingertips after bleomycin and methotrexate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Special attention should be paid when attempting to sample the endometrium in patients with mullerian abnormalities.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We believe the temporal association of the abnormal liver enzymes in this patient, in the absence of other offending agents, argues strongly in favor of 6-TG as a cause of liver enzyme abnormalities.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A case of a 36-year-old man who presented with monomorphic ventricular tachycardia 12 years following a myocardial infarction that occurred during his last course of bleomycin-etoposide-cisplatin therapy for testicular cancer is reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinical recovery followed discontinuation of therapy and paralleled EEG resolution.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Propranolol had to be given for eight months after surgery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thereafter, sixteen cycles of immunoglobulin treatment (400 mg\/kg) along with corticosteroids were instituted and led to an improvement in subjective symptoms with decreases in level of CPK and LDH.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We suggest that LS enhances cardiac performance during and after cardiopulmonary bypass, and can be useful for patients who are unable to be weaned from cardiopulmonary bypass.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Elevation of muscle enzymes and electromyography were compatible with myopathy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patients receiving therapeutic immunosuppression for organ transplants have also reported to suffer from aspergillus osteoarthritis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These cases illustrate that the assumption that this drugs is without significant adverse effects may be unwarranted, especially for children and adolescents with chronic diseases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Improvements in quality of life following treatment with r-HuEPO in anemic hemodialysis patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ganciclovir and standard high-dose immunoglobulins for the treatment of cytomegalovirus interstitial pneumonia in a bone marrow recipient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"46-year-old woman developed painful ulcers over her lower abdomen in the form of reticulate erythema after injecting interferon beta-1b subcutaneously for multiple sclerosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Serious allergic reactions related to Increlex therapy have not been reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Endoscopic examination demonstrated severe erosive gastritis and duodenitis, and histological examination of the antral tissue showed severe atypia and histological appearances suggestive of in situ carcinoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The features of neuroleptic malignant syndrome are reviewed with a differential diagnosis of myoglobin renal casts.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Herein, we present a patient with severe and prolonged hypoglycemia after long-acting octreotide treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Superior mesenteric vein thrombosis persisted, with evidence of early vascular recanalization.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Resection and use of a cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor for treatment of pancreatic adenocarcinoma in a cockatiel.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Postural epigastric pain as a sign of cytomegalovirus gastritis in renal transplant recipients: a case-based review.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Much of this tone reflects abnormal vascular function, characterized by impaired prostacyclin and EDRF effects, in conjunction with increased vasoconstriction due to endothelin and possibly other factors.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: A 13-year-old boy with cryptogenic liver cirrhosis received an orthotopic liver transplant from a deceased donor.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Aggressive chemotherapy, organ-preserving surgery, and high-dose-rate remote brachytherapy in the treatment of rhabdomyosarcoma in infants and young children.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a rare case of colonic mucosal necrosis following Kalimate (calcium polystryrene sulfonate), an analogue of Kayexalate without sorbitol in a 34-yr-old man.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Docetaxel-induced Meibomian duct inflammation and blockage leading to chalazion formation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: Although a definite association has not been proven, clinicians should be aware of the possibility of agranulocytosis while using quetiapine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Only rarely has involvement of the left-heart been documented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"University teaching hospital.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He developed fever, nausea, diarrhea, and malaise and stopped taking on the third day after commencing Pentasa.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We present findings from three patients who experienced a psoriasiform eruption apparently due to the antiepileptic agents sodium valproate and carbamazepine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Other possible causes of hepatotoxicity were excluded.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Combined ketoconazole and amphotericin B treatment of acute disseminated histoplasmosis in a renal allograft recipient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These later regressed when the drug was withdrawn.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patients taking these drugs, therefore, often felt that the treatment was making them worse instead of better, and were reluctant to continue with it.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinical guidelines for the use of clonidine in particular and the use of polypharmacy in general are presented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Disulfiram encephalopathy as a cause of the catatonia syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This report suggests that anemia can occur due to MMF, in particular when it is given with prednisone, a side effect well documented in the transplantation literature when the triple combination of MMF, cyclosporine and prednisone is used.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The mean age of these patients was 16 years (range 4-63), and 90 were aged 15 years or younger.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"None of the patients had experienced visual hallucinations before this event.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There is growing interest in the use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO(2)) for children with cerebral palsy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 34-year-old woman presented to the out-patient clinic with angioedema and type II hereditary angioedema was confirmed immunologically.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Tenofovir-associated nephrotoxicity in two HIV-infected adolescent males.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"During hospitalization the patient developed hemolytic anemia (Coombs positive) and lung metastases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient was treated with cholesterol-lowering agents (i.e., cholestyramine, lovastatin).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fortunately, a hypersensitivity reaction to one formulation of cyclosporine does not preclude use of a different formulation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Valvular heart disease in a patient taking benfluorex.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A patient developed DIHS during treatment with diaminodiphenylsulphone for pemphigus foliaceus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Increased neurotoxicity was not observed in any child.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The clinical improvement and decreasing in muscle enzyme level occurred after colchicine withdrawal.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The infection was successfully managed with liposomal amphotericin B and functional endoscopic sinus surgery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The possibility of phenytoin hypersensitivity reactions should be considered when patients receiving phenytoin have unusual symptoms, particularly fever, rash, and lymphadenopathy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Although patients have the opportunity to report ADRs in several countries, little is published in the literature about the contribution that patient reports have in practice.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"With higher doses of radiation being given by using conformal techniques, more radiation-induced optic neuritis and neuropathy will be identified.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The development of new pharmacological agents with varied properties and actions has increased the risk of serotonin syndrome as a clinical diagnosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This study reports Mycobacterium bovis (BCG strain) dissemination in four primary immunodeficient (PID) patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The psychotic reaction was thought to be due to steroid therapy since no other causes could explain the psychotic reaction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intrathecal administration of rituximab may be a feasible approach in children with PTLD in the CNS.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He had a history of subtotal gastrectomy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient recovered from renal failure and no other side effects were observed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On arrival in the hospital 1 hour later, she complained of muscle pain and tiredness.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Occasionally, parasites are noted in the sputum.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We will also discuss other potential mechanisms inducing this disturbance and its differential diagnoses.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Jude Medical mitral valve prosthesis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"No complications of the intravitreal injections were noted.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We think that our case was a new late pulmonary complication after UCBT.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Effects on heart rate and blood pressure as well as tachyarrhythmias have been well described.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cutaneous lesions resolved two weeks after the drug was withdrawn and topical steroid treatment was instituted.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fluphenazine-induced neuroleptic malignant syndrome in a schizophrenic patient.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Baseline examination and investigations were performed, including fundus fluorescein angiography, and the patients were given a single intravitreal injection of triamcinolone (4 mg\/0.1 mL).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatment of JHR is largely supportive, such as administering antipyretic and antiinflammatory agents.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Severe maternal bradycardia and asystole after combined spinal-epidural labor analgesia in a morbidly obese parturient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The possible development of a drug-induced vasculitis or lupus-like syndrome should be added to the list of rare toxic effects of vancomycin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"METHODS: A fully alert 83-year-old woman with disciform scar right eye (OD) and occult choroidal neovascularization (CNV) left eye (OS) experienced a progressive visual loss to 20\/800 OD and 20\/400 OS.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Massive pulmonary embolism complicating streptokinase treatment for deep vein thrombosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Three patients, in whom tumour overkill by cytotoxic treatment, including high dose methotrexate with folinic acid rescue, resulted in the 'phosphate shower syndrome' (hyper-uricaemia, hyperkalaemia and hyperphosphataemia with hypocalcaemia and tetany, with metabolic acidosis and acute renal impairment) are described.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Fatal toxic epidermal necrolysis related to lamotrigine administration.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Pemphigus foliaceus was seen in a patient with pulmonary tuberculosis during rifampicin therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Post-steroid septic arthritis can be treated with irrigation pump assisted arthroscopic synovectomy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"While 40 mg\/day of prednisolone improved hepatic dysfunction dramatically, her diabetic milieu deteriorated seriously.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"To date, little evidence exists that these drugs are oncogenic.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A fatal pancytopenia occurred in a patient with an history of depression with hypomanic rebounds, admitted for a manic episode and treated with levomepromazine, diazepam and lithium carbonate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In all cases lithium levels were between .75 and 1.7 mEq\/liter.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Six of 13 outpatients with schizophrenia who participated in a ten-week open trial of risperidone had an initial good response to the medication followed by development of intolerable affect, including feelings of agitation and depression and periods of crying and insomnia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Pulses have been given for periods up to three years without evident toxicity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Myoglobinuria and acute renal failure associated with intravenous vasopressin infusion.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The second episode ended when lamivudine dosage was reduced.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The electrocardiogram (ECG), which was read as normal prior to ritodrine infusion, demonstrated a type I second-degree AV block which disappeared upon discontinuation of ritodrine therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A case of severe aplastic anemia secondary to treatment with lenalidomide for multiple myeloma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The authors hypothesize that inhibition of glucuronidation is responsible.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"With the use of optical coherence tomography (OCT), two patients with IFN-associated retinopathy who had developed macular edema and reduced visual acuity during the clinical course of IFN therapy were observed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Hemodialysis was also shown to reverse ifosfamide-related neurotoxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"BOOP is mainly treated with corticosteroids, which induce a rapid clinical improvement.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A woman developed delusional parasitosis when taking phenelzine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We describe a 15-year-old female patient diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia presenting with status epilepticus after receiving intrathecal methotrexate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report the clinical and pathological findings of an unusual invasive fungal infection in a 13-year-old girl with T-NHL.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 57-year-old man with nodular rheumatoid arthritis was started on a combination of etanercept and methotrexate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Native arterial thrombosis, though recognized as a severe complication of thrombin injection, has not been well described in the literature.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Despite the significant weight loss, 4 of the 5 patients continued to take the drug due to its efficacy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Immune tolerance in a haemophilia A patient with high inhibitor using locally prepared lyophilized cryoprecipitate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although the blood pressure remained normotensive, renal biopsy showed thrombosis of the polar arterioles and glomerular capillaries.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: There has been discussion about the acceptance of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) reported by patients to spontaneous reporting systems.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient required high dose opioid to control the shoulder pain.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In view of her cachexia and cytopaenia, emergency chemotherapy was initiated using a modified regimen of carboplatin, etoposide and vincristine (CEO) in preference to the more traditional but less well-tolerated VAC (vincristine, actinomycin D, cyclophosphamide).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The preclinical activity profile combined with the hematological toxicity data in rodents and the water solubility of the compound compare favorably with MMC.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Once her blood pressure stabilized, the patient improved clinically.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: The patient was treated with aggressive hydration, allopurinol, and repeated hemodialysis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"They discuss this underrecognized complication of valproate use and the implications for treating elderly patients, in whom valproate use is increasing.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cholesterol microembolization as a sequela of oral anticoagulant therapy has been reported to cause infarction of virtually any organ, often resulting in death.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A ventilation-perfusion lung scan showed no defects; roentgenograms showed bilateral infiltrates and a left-sided pleural effusion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Approximately 4% of his body surface area was involved, and he was diagnosed with PPP after skin biopsy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors describe a case of acute coronary vasospasm in a young patient undergoing thoracic laminectomy with biopsy of intramedullary tumor.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There is evidence that corneal calcifications are correlated with chronically administered phosphate-buffered eye drops (P<0.005).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Diagnosis and treatment of chronic postoperative bacterial endophthalmitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We review the 14 previous cases published in the literature and describe two additional patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Flavimonas oryzihabitans is a potential pathogen that may infect patients who have major medical illnesses, especially those who are undergoing surgery or have indwelling venous catheters in situ.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although the cumulative probability of acute non-lymphocytic leukemia among surviving patients at five years using life-table statistics was 7.6%, the survival curve for the 553 patients with ovarian carcinoma was only slightly affected by death from leukemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 57-year-old man developed chronic, watery diarrhea four weeks after Helicobacter pylori eradication therapy including lansoprazole followed by lansoprazole monotherapy for gastroesophageal reflux disease.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A patient receiving intradermal injections of vaccine directed towards carcinoembryonic antigen-bearing metastases from colorectal cancer showed uptake of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose in local draining lymph nodes during the course of treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patients with endophthalmitis fared more poorly than those with blebitis in terms of visual outcome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The IM route of administration was associated with higher mean daily doses (1.28 +\/- 0.14 mg\/day) than was oral administration (0.37 +\/- 0.02 mg\/day).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Albeit rare among Western patients, such lithium-associated thyroid dysfunctions appeared to be more likely to occur in Hong Kong Chinese.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Phenylpropanolamine (PPA) recently has been publicly implicated as a cause of stroke and other neurologic events.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: The purpose of this report is to describe the management and outcome of an unusual complication of a commonly used chemotherapeutic agent.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, with increased experience in applying BCG, the side effects now appear to be less prominent and few.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To report a case of decreased international normalized ratio (INR) in a patient receiving warfarin and bosentan.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case highlights the possible development of acute coronary syndrome as a side effect of Capecitabine therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Gigantomastia induced by bucillamine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Continuous irregular rhythmic generalized 2.0-2.5 Hz sharp-and-slow wave complexes intermixed with spikes and polyspikes more prominent over the frontocentral areas were seen on the EEG.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although certain subgroups of patients have been shown to benefit from adjuvant therapy, continued efforts must be directed at identifying responders so that others will not be exposed to the additional risks of chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Our experience indicates that safely flying with newly diagnosed DM type 1 is possible.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient developed tonic-clonic seizures, which resolved with diazepam and midazolam therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This paper reports an autopsy case of a 78-year-old male with multiple nodules in the liver developed after long-termed administration of phosphate diethylstilbestrol (PDES) for prostatic cancer.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We recommend the cautious use of ketorolac in patients with underlying illnesses where NSAID-induced ototoxicity could result in adverse otologic consequences.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Orthostatic hypotension was also noted at that visit, with a standing blood pressure measurement of 95\/80 mm Hg.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present three cases of women who developed acute transient myopia caused by drugs for gynecological problems.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two days later, the patient's QTc interval had decreased to 546 msec, and she was discharged home.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Therapy with spironolactone and prednisone also normalized blood pressure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Data on the use of 25-OH D show no greater benefit than for vitamin D.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The latter form (Macrodantin) is reported to engender less gastrointestinal intolerance but it can produce the same adverse effects as the conventional form--liver damage, acute and chronic pulmonary reactions, peripheral neuropathy, blood dyscrasias and allergic reactions--and does so just as rapidly and floridly; one such case is reported here.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Infliximab and nephrotic syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Only two of the six reported patients without heparinization survived.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Apparent central nervous system depression in infants after the use of topical brimonidine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A search of MEDLINE (1966 to November 1998) and International Pharmaceutical Abstracts (1970 to November 1998) did not reveal a similar case.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, these patients may be admitted to an intensive care unit (ICU) with complications of Wolff Parkinson White (WPW) syndrome; for example post cardiopulmonary arrest or WPW as a co-morbidity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We have safely used recombinant factor VIIa to treat bleeding in the immediate and long-term period following PCC-related MI.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The potential role of propranolol in inducing central nervous system disturbances is emphasized, and the literature on the subject is reviewed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Local administration of corticosteroids for rheumatic diseases have had a long history of effective and well-tolerated use.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a 73-year-old woman who developed serious systemic vasculitis with associated thrombocytopenia in the course of treatment with cladribine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In 6 patients with tumours secreting gastrin and\/or glucagon, secretion of these peptides was acutely inhibited by SMS 201-995.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Kaposi's sarcoma, a neoplasm that occurs in immunocompromised patients and people of Mediterranean origin, usually presents with skin lesions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Commonly reported adverse effects of the drug include nausea and vomiting, constipation, headache, and fatigue, as well as myelosuppression, which may be dose limiting.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Moreover, these findings suggest that the incidence of BOOP following rituximab therapy may be higher than has been previously appreciated.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Common peroneal nerve palsy following TNF-based isolated limb perfusion for irresectable extremity desmoid tumor.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The latter revealed sensitization to PTU during the acute phase of the disease, which was greatly reduced 5 weeks after discontinuation of the drug and was completely absent after 5 months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Persistent hypoglycemia in a patient with diabetes taking etanercept for the treatment of psoriasis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Although case reports exist concerning the positive impact of lamotrigine addition on clozapine treatment in resistant schizophrenia, a review of the literature fails to document any evidence regarding a combination of the two in the treatment of patients with schizophrenia and comorbid alcohol dependence.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"With the use of optical coherence tomography (OCT), two patients with IFN-associated retinopathy who had developed macular edema and reduced visual acuity during the clinical course of IFN therapy were observed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Successful treatment of stutter priapism with an antiandrogen.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In unusual conditions surgical removal of thrombi in dilated cardiomyopathy may be a safer alternative.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"With protein loss in the dialysate and a decreased serum albumin level, the patient developed ankle edema.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Median haemoglobin nadir for patients with ALL and AML was 4.5 g\/dL (range 1.3-6.9) and 5.1 g\/dL (range 2.6-6.8), respectively.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Most studies report incidence rates ranging from 1.5 to 3%.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case of hepatocellular carcinoma in a young female is presented in which the apparent etiology was the use of oral contraceptives for 5 1\/2 years.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The incidence of angioedema secondary to losartan, an angiotensin II receptor antagonist, is unknown.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"He was treated with prednisolone, cyclophosphamide, cytosine-arabinoside and chlorambucil for the following three and a half years.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Seven patients with hematologic malignancies who were treated with miconazole for either suspected or proven fungal infections developed eight episodes of major adverse cardiorespiratory and anaphylactic reactions.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We describe a case of soft tissue infection caused by Fusarium species in a heart-liver transplant recipient, and review the cases of fusarial infection reported among solid-organ transplant (SOT) recipients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is a cumulative dose-dependent phenomenon reported to occur most often after 2 weeks of therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We therefore concluded that acute pancreatitis is a rare manifestation of systemic lupus erythematosus, and corticosteroids do not appear to be the etiological agent.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors review the literature on this aspect and highlight the dangers of starting lithium treatment in patients with neurologic impairment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Postural epigastric pain as a sign of CMV gastritis is fairly rare in renal transplant recipients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Vasopressin (0.04 units\/min) was administered through a peripheral venous catheter for hypotension unresponsive to exogenous catecholamines.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Recently clinicians have begun to employ it in several oft label usages in children, especially behavioral syndromes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 5-month-old infant became lethargic and poorly responsive after receiving 1 drop of brimonidine in each eye.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Replicate brain magnetic resonance imaging examinations after six weeks and 11 months of penicillamine therapy documented the development of new brain lesions during this period, while liver biopsy specimen data disclosed that excellent hepatic decoppering had occurred.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Pulse therapy may be equally as effective and may lessen the frequency of serious side effects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report two cases of fulminant hepatic failure in HIV-1-infected patients treated with didanosine (ddI).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A complication of the implantable constant infusion chemotherapy pump.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"With the increasing use of tacrolimus in steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome, the treating physicians need to be aware of this rare, but potentially life-threatening side effect.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A focal outbreak in a hospital.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Larvae can penetrate the skin, are carried hematogenously to the lungs, migrate up the bronchial tree, and then can be passed to the upper small intestine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Even though steroids are well known to be effective on managing AIA and its nasal polyps, histochemical examinations after steroid therapy and at recurrence, involving eosinophil infiltration of nasal polyps, have been less studied.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rasburicase for the management of tumor lysis syndrome in neonates.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Coexistence of bulimia nervosa and mania: a literature review and case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Simultaneously with the clomipramine dosage increase, clozapine was tapered and stopped ever a period of 19 days.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Diagnosis: practolol induced sclerosing peritonitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The epigastric pain completely resolved after treatment with ganciclovir.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Carbamazepine-induced systemic lupus erythematosus-like disease.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Acute leukemia following combination chemotherapy for cancer of the lung.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The maculopapular rash progressed to formation of confluent nodules, plaques and finally erythroderma with lymphadenopathy and hepatosplenomegaly.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHS) is one of the potential complications associated with the use of human menopausal gonadotropin therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Prolonged responses were achieved with low doses of HU (3-10 mg\/kg\/day) and higher doses were associated with mild reversible hematologic or hepatic toxicity and no further increases in Hb.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) is a life-threatening bullous dermatosis characterized by the sudden onset of full-thickness epidermal necrosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The most progressive neurological deficits like severe tetraspastic paresis, were seen only in the nondialytic renal insufficient group (3 patients), while the others had a more benign course of the disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Taxanes are widely used chemotherapeutic agents with the potential to induce pulmonary injury through a variety of mechanisms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After discontinuation of the 5-fluorocytosine and amphotericin B and treatment with cephradine and ketoconazole, the toxic epidermal necrolysis resolved.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The anemia continued because of bloody stool caused by Crohn's disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Minocycline-induced autoimmune hepatitis is usually identical to sporadic autoimmune hepatitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Common adverse events (frequency 10%) of lacosamide doses up to 600 mg\/day include nonspecific central nervous system effects (e.g., dizziness, ataxia, diplopia, and somnolence).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Fatal stroke in migraine: a case report with autopsy findings.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Gold nephropathy: tissue analysis by X-ray fluorescent spectroscopy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"It can cause severe CNS depression, especially in very young children.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"High plasma levels of N-desmethyl-clobazam (N-CLB), the major metabolite of CLB were detected.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On the basis of the encouraging results of the initial series, this technique should be considered as an interesting therapeutic alternative in sciatica.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a case of ulcerative proctitis after ibuprofen treatment in a girl with juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 27-year-old man who had a history of bronchial asthma, eosinophilic enteritis, and eosinophilic pneumonia presented with fever, skin eruptions, cervical lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, atypical lymphocytosis, and eosinophilia two weeks after receiving trimethoprim (TMP)-sulfamethoxazole (SMX) treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Their decreases in VAS scores were 86.5%, 85.7%, and 77.6%.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatment with oral contraceptive (OC) for endometriosis and later with cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, fluorouracil (CMF) for breast cancer produced a higher number of attacks.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case emphasizes the importance of the evaluation of lithium-associated polyuria with a direct measurement of plasma vasopressin, interpreted with simultaneous plasma and urine osmolality to secure the correct diagnosis and ensure appropriate therapeutic management.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"From 2947 admissions with systemic lupus erythematosus 25 (0.85%) were diagnosed as having acute pancreatitis; 76% of cases had active systemic lupus erythematosus on presentation, with an average of 4.4 organ involvement, and a clustering of renal disease (56%), pleural effusion (48%) and arthritis (44%) in these patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There is a paucity of literature etiologically inculpating other ephedra alkaloids in the causation of intracerebral hemorrhage.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DESIGN: Description of the clinical findings in two patients with this condition.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In a patient with severe renovascular hypertension, nonoliguric acute renal failure developed after she received captopril treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Mannitol-induced ARF responds promptly to hemodialysis with rapid resolution of anuria and recovery of renal failure.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Local findings included swelling (94%), fang marks (93%), ecchymosis (53%), erythema (37%), bullae (13%), and tissue necrosis (8%).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She died within six weeks of developing congestive heart failure coupled with liver failure due to haemosiderosis despite regular use of desferrioxamine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Surgical re-siting of the intrathecal catheter produced good pain relief for many months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ciprofloxacin-induced psychosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: To report a case of Acanthamoeba infection following LASIK.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Patients with PDPH have classic postural headache.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: The inflammatory mass was excised successfully, and several specimens were examined for bacteriologic presence.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Temozolomide was restarted 2 months later; the patient again developed a fever.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A patient with low-grade patch stage MF progressively developed MF plaques restricted to his arms, and a tumour on his right thigh.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Conspicuous endoscopic appearance of ventriculitis caused by coagulase-negative staphylococci.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The day after clozapine was stopped, while he was still receiving clomipramine 150 mg\/d, he began behaving oddly, started sweating profusely, shivering, and became tremulous, agitated, and confused.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Etoposide-related myocardial infarction.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: The new quinolone derivatives (levofloxacin, sparfloxacin, grepafloxacin, trovafloxacin, gatifloxacin and moxifloxacin), also called gyrase inhibitors, are known for their potential to cause central nervous system-related adverse effects, including headache, dizziness and insomnia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"With continued clearing of consciousness, the patient was successfully discharged.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Recently, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have been used to halt the growth of these tumors, presumably by interfering with prostaglandin metabolism.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three patients, in whom tumour overkill by cytotoxic treatment, including high dose methotrexate with folinic acid rescue, resulted in the 'phosphate shower syndrome' (hyper-uricaemia, hyperkalaemia and hyperphosphataemia with hypocalcaemia and tetany, with metabolic acidosis and acute renal impairment) are described.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Many aspects of this syndrome suggest close similarities between DIHS\/DRESS and graft-versus-host disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Diagnostic procedures aimed to explain lower leg edema are not uncommon in the age group of women suffering from climacteric and menopausal symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although the drug is relatively safe, a growing body of literature has noted movement disorders after its administration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors describe a case of combined lithium and haloperidol toxicity characterized by hyperpyrexia, severe rigidity, mutism, and development of irreversible tardive dyskinesia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Controversy as to what constitutes a safe and effective dose of these medications still exists.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Recombinant human erythropoietin in patients with myelodysplastic syndrome and myelofibrosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Mechanism of topiramate-induced acute-onset myopia and angle closure glaucoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"After substitution of a standard diet starting August 21, we found significant decreases of total cholesterol from 725 mg\/dl to 194 mg\/dl and triglyceride from 4680 mg\/dl to 550 mg\/dl within 37 days.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: The delayed treatment of lead poisoning may lead to irreversible motor neuron defect.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The electrocardiogram showed alternation of long and short P-P intervals and occasional pauses.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"During clarithromycin coadministration, four out of the seven patients developed moderate-to-severe toxic symptoms of carbamazepine, such as drowsiness, dizziness, and ataxia, which resolved within 5 days after clarithromycin discontinuation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Given the evolving role of second autologous transplantations in the therapeutic armamentarium for multiple myeloma, consideration of this potential toxicity may be appropriate when considering treatment options for these patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patients receiving neutral protamine Hagedorn (NPH) insulin are at increased risk for the development of protamine hypersensitivity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Long-term clinical experience with many of these agents has revealed nonglycemic effects on lipid levels, inflammation, and cardiovascular function.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Bronchospasm is an anesthetic emergency that can lead to disastrous outcomes if treatment is irresolvable.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) inhibitors have emerged as a potent treatment for rheumatoid arthritis (RA), but not without significant risks.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Blood cultures were positive for Agrobacterium yellow group.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"To our knowledge, the syndrome of fever, pulmonary infiltrates, and pleural effusion following use of acyclovir has not been previously reported.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Specifically, the complication of enzyme-induced hyperglycemia may be seen more frequently after exposure to the E. coli product.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a drug-drug interaction between itraconazole and efavirenz in a patient with disseminated histoplasmosis and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Objective responses were observed in both basal cell carcinoma (BCC) patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Danaparoid was withheld during this time.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cutaneous mycobacterial infection post intravesical BCG installation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 28-year-old man underwent pterygium excision with a single intraoperative application of mitomycin C (0.02%) for 3 minutes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a 66 year-old man with well-documented, idiopathic generalized epilepsy who developed petit mal status lasting 6 weeks.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We conclude that the presence of this metabolic defect combined with topical 5-FU (a drug demonstrating a narrow therapeutic index) results in the unusual presentation of life-threatening toxicity after treatment with a topical drug.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The pulmonary emboli were thought to be associated with her oral contraceptive, which was discontinued at hospital admission.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It mandates emergency open heart surgery if hemostasis is not achieved promptly.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ophthalmologists should undertake the above treatment in consultation with a pediatric endocrinologist.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Suicidal digoxin poisoning: conventional treatment and antibody therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three patients received prophylaxis with MB at a dose of 4 x 50 mg day(-1) i.v. for the subsequent chemotherapy cycles.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case report stresses the need for control of the rheumatic condition prior to the initiation of antineoplastic therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Metronidazole neuropathy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We discuss a patient who developed severe renal tubular dysfunction secondary to short-term therapy with Amikacin, resulting in refractory hypokalemia, hypocalcemia, hypomagnesemia, metabolic alkalosis, and polyuria.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The reactive process included an infiltrative superficial dermatitis and a mural folliculitis with prevalent participation of macrophages and lymphocytes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Five patients are described in whom only gentamicin sulfate appeared responsible for acute renal failure.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Clinical spectrum, ancient mutations, and a survey of 100 American referrals to the National Institutes of Health.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These patients developed a debilitating photosensitivity that persisted for months to years even after they stopped taking the diuretic.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Because most infections are late complications and have indolent onsets, a high level of clinical suspicion is required for early diagnosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Controversy concerning the nephrotoxicity of lithium is discussed, and recommendations for the evaluation of renal failure during lithium therapy are provided.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient's initial serum calcium concentration was 5.25 mmol\/L (21 mg\/dL).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the case of a 17 years old female with a Ewing's sarcoma of the left femur treated with limb sparing surgery followed by local radiotherapy of 45 Gy and adjuvant chemotherapy with vincristine, doxorubicine, cyclophosphamide, actinomycin D.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, increased dyspnoea and bronchospasm necessitated reintubation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two additional patients with midly abnormal responses to glucose tolerance tests showed no evidence of altered glucose metabolism when treated with halcinonide cream in a similar manner.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In this article lithium is not discussed, although there are a number of concerns about lithium's potential teratogenicity, and it has been implicated in Epstein's anomaly, a congenital heart defect among infants born to women taking lithium; as with other medications, however, the data have specific limitations.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Physicians should be aware that drug-induced AIN can be associated with proton-pump inhibitors.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Beneficial effects of telmisartan in an HIV+ diabetic insulin-dependent patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This patient had previously been sensitized to protamine during cardiac catheterization and had high levels of protamine-specific immunoglobulin E in the serum.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although inhibition of the angiotensin-converting enzyme is considered to be efficient treatment for hypertension associated with chronic renal failure, care should be taken when captopril is administered initially to a patient with decreased renal function, under the conditions of sodium and water depletion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The use of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) in MG raises certain challenges.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Interstitial lung disease (ILD) related to therapy with the drug gefitinib has been well reported.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This is the first report of pulmonary hypertension in an adult patient during lithium therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A prospective study is currently underway to determine if a clinically measurable adverse effect on retinal function is seen with greater frequency.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These symptoms were unresponsive to conventional analgesic and antibiotic treatments.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Painful neutrophilic skin lesions were observed in two children receiving granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) for treatment of idiopathic neutropenia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 32-year-old woman experienced ischemic stroke attributed to concomitant administration of a cough and cold preparation containing methylephedrine and a supplement containing Chinese herbal drugs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a patient with a liver abscess due to Entamoeba histolytica, in whom metronidazole therapy (total dose, 21 g over 14 days) was complicated by reversible deafness, tinnitus, and ataxia and who relapsed 5 months later with a splenic abscess.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We recommend following daily cell counts and vancomycin peak and trough levels to calculate the amount and frequency of intraventricular vancomycin required to maintain safe and effective concentrations and to monitor for CSFE.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A previously asymptomatic 62-year-old man with a history of hypertension and stable coronary artery disease developed paresthesias and fascicular and ventricular tachycardia after ingestion of an Ayurveda bowel regimen containing substrates from the Aconitum species, which is a known neurotoxin and cardiotoxin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The ECG remained normal.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Albuterol-induced hypokalemia and its potential cardiac toxicity are discussed briefly.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"All three patients had microcytic microchromic anemia with basophilic stippling of the erythrocytes, lead lines in X-ray of the knee joint and high blood lead levels.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: LTG was withheld, and the patient experienced a complete recovery in conjunction with reduced serum levels.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The use of protease Inhibitors (PI) has been associated with many adverse effects including increased tendency to bleed, which is particularly problematic in individuals with congenital coagulation disorders.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Lichen planus induced by hepatitis B vaccination: a new case and review of the literature.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Within 24 h after the first injection to her left arm, the patient developed pruritus and erythematous papules at the injection site and painful papules on her hands.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Abemayor).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Use of alpha-agonists for management of anaphylaxis occurring under anaesthesia: case studies and review.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This article describes the interval appearance of malignant, linear-branching, microcalcifications during neoadjuvant chemotherapy for locally advanced breast cancer.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of a women in whom a malignant mixed mesodermal tumor was diagnosed while she was taking raloxifene, which is also a selective estrogen receptor modulator.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To describe a patient with asymptomatic bronchial asthma and hypertension who developed an acute asthma attack after receiving sustained-release verapamil.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Gallstones and bile sludge are common side effects of octreotide therapy but rarely become symptomatic or require treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"PARTICIPANTS: Five eyes in four patients who underwent LASIK in different locations around the world and had culture-positive mycobacterium keratitis develop.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After discontinuing captopril and starting systemic steroids, her symptomatology rapidly improved, and her eosinophilia and radiographic abnormalities both resolved.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Oral antiviral and topical steroids in tapered dosages were administered.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Particular attention should be paid to tiny skull lesions and to key events preceding the pain.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Electrodiagnostic studies at variable points during the disease course showed signs of acquired demyelination consistent with CIDP.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Our case re-emphasizes the need for investigation of factors precipitating ARF in children with idiopathic NS.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Eight days after the end of interferon treatment, he showed signs of inability to sit still for ten seconds and walked around constantly.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A possible role for a factor with thrombosis-inducing activity (TIA).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 43-year-old woman with multiple sclerosis (MS) had nephrotic syndrome 21 months after starting treatment with interferon (IFN)-beta-1b (subcutaneous administration).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report one case of pregnancy-onset severe diffuse proliferative nephritis in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), who was successfully treated with a combination of anti-tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, plasmapheresis and high-dose intravenous gammaglobulin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The reported cases of in utero exposure to cyclosposphamide shared the following manifestations with our patient: growth deficiency, developmental delay, craniosynostosis, blepharophimosis, flat nasal bridge, abnormal ears, and distal limb defects including hypoplastic thumbs and oligodactyly.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The intense stimulation of B lymphocytes and decreased T lymphocyte activity in asbestos-exposed populations may result in development of B-cell malignancies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three additional cases have also been observed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Subclinical entrapment may thus be an important factor leading to vulnerability of nerves in lead neuropathy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Reduction in the dose of olanzapine was followed by normalization of the white blood count which allowed continuation of the medication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cidofovir is an antiviral agent that has been proposed for treatment of BKVN.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Markedly increased pigmementation of skin immediately overlying veins used for multiple 5-fluorouracil infusions was noted.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Two patients treated with 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) for disseminated adenocarcinoma of the colon developed cerebellar dysfunction typical of 5-FU neurotoxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The safety of cyclo-oxygenase 2 (COX-2) preferential inhibitors such as meloxicam is debated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Effective treatment is available provided surgical manipulations cease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Therapy consisted of 4 cycles of paclitaxel chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We concluded that the colonic ulcer and the sigmoidovesical fistula had been caused by the administration of calcium polystyrene sulfonate and sorbitol.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Treatment of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma with the CHOP regimen consists of intravenous cyclophosphamide 750 mg\/m2 (day 1), intravenous doxorubicin 50 mg\/m2 (day 1), intravenous vincristine 1.4 mg\/m2 (day 1), and oral prednisone 100 mg (days 1-5).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient died approximately 6 months later of persistent and progressive retinoblastoma without any clinical evidence of lymphoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This is the first reported case of BOOP associated with single-agent rituximab, and along with two other patients we describe, as well as two prior reports of BOOP in NHL patients receiving rituximab-based combinations, strengthens the possibility of a causal relationship.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The toxic effects of methotrexate included elevated liver transaminases (3\/4), nausea (2\/4), abdominal pain (2\/4), bone pain (2\/4), mild neutropenia (1\/4), and mild pruritus (1\/4).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 55-year-old woman presented an episode of acute urticaria and labial angioedema 60 minutes after ingesting 500 mg of cloxacillin for a skin abscess.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We describe a case of spontaneous muscle necrosis of the anterior tibial compartment occurring in a patient who had a hypophysectomy for a craniopharyngioma five years previously.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Uncommonly, erythema multiforme (EM) can develop in such patients at the port site during or soon after cranial radiation and can rapidly progress to EM major.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One patient also developed bilateral angle closure glaucoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He stopped this therapy in February 1996 because of asthenia, diplopia, headache, and anxiety.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All patients experienced severe anaemia after induction chemotherapy despite erythropoietin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Differential diagnosis is very important and anti-tuberculous drugs must be continued if the diagnosis is tuberculosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is our experience that a good outcome is dependent on early and specific treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the case of a 23-year-old woman with diffuse large-cell lymphoma who received an accidental overdose of this chemotherapeutic regimen.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These findings, together with increased urinary copper excretion and the absence of clinical improvement, are compatible with a generalized defect in copper metabolism, transport or storage.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Autopsy findings were consistent with bleomycin and oxygen-induced pulmonary damage.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: There was an immediate clinical improvement (increased alertness, improved concentration) but severe hypernatraemia developed (peak 169 mmol\/l) necessitating revision of his desmopressin and fluid intake regimen.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The complete treatment schedule required the administration of a total of 708 mg of recombinant FVIIa.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of baclofen withdrawal syndrome resulting from oral baclofen underdosing.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In this respect, we present two patients with hypertension and dyslipidaemia together with elevated serum uric acid levels.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Eyes from two individuals examined at autopsy showed significant changes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Metabolic balance studies and rechallenge with hydrochlorothiazide were undertaken to investigate the mechanism of the thiazide-induced hyponatremia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Renal failure associated with the use of dextran-40.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We should also bear in mind that BMD scores alone are not indicative of fracture risk, and other tools such as the WHO-FRAX (Fracture risk assessment tool), serum vitamin D3 levels and bone turnover markers should be used where appropriate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Histological examination revealed hyphae and arthrospores in the hair follicles and in the dermis with a diffuse dermal infiltrate consisting of lymphoplasmacytic cells, and focal collections of epithelioid cells, neutrophils and mild interstitial edema.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Common causes of residual limb pain and the pharmacology of capsaicin cream are discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: We report this case of the concomitant appearance of multiple skin cancers and nail changes associated with hydroxyurea use.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Reversible sirolimus-associated pneumonitis after heart transplantation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a patient who developed spontaneous splenic infarction after the use of sumatriptan for the treatment of migraine headache.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"While undergoing treatment with albendazole, he developed worsening diarrhea with abdominal pain and fever.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CASE SUMMARY: An 89-year-old man was admitted for dementia with behavioral disturbance and psychosis and was started on olanzapine 2.5 mg twice daily.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The mean CYP2D6 activity is lower in Oriental than in Caucasian populations, because of a frequent mutation causing decreased enzyme activity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The ninth patient stopped taking the preparation immediately because of swollen nasal mucosae.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe an infant with minimal exposure to oxygen who developed AP-ROP that led to bilateral retinal detachments and a poor visual outcome, despite following current recommended screening guidelines.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a 30-year-old African-American woman with a contiguous diagnosis of breast cancer and paraneoplastic SSc.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors describe pericardial hemorrhage, which is related to the use of low-dose acetylsalicylic acid in a patient with essential thrombocythemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Three patients who developed symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) during rofecoxib exposure are described along with pathology findings.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Antidepressants can sometimes cause agitation, particularly in patients with bipolar disorder, but concern about such effects is generally limited to the first weeks and months of treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report its successful use in the treatment of a nodular basal cell carcinoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Adverse reactions to reserpine were reported in 26 patients (11.3 per cent), but only three of these reactions were considered life-threatening and no deaths were attributed to the drug.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Systemic allergic contact dermatitis to 8-methoxypsoralen (8-MOP).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The remaining clinical scenarios included intravenous catheter sepsis and factitious disorders.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Superior sagittal sinus thrombosis was demonstrated by cerebral angiogram.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The use of fresh frozen plasma and\/or danazol before treatment prevents angioedema attacks.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The aim of this study was to describe the occurrence of acute coronary syndromes in 3 cases of rituximab infusions.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"However, because ADPKD is a bilateral disorder, ACE-inhibitor therapy may worsen renal function, as occurs in patients with bilateral renal artery stenosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The reported cases of in utero exposure to cyclosposphamide shared the following manifestations with our patient: growth deficiency, developmental delay, craniosynostosis, blepharophimosis, flat nasal bridge, abnormal ears, and distal limb defects including hypoplastic thumbs and oligodactyly.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: All three patients developed a biochemical-histologic pattern of cholestatic liver injury with damage to the interlobular bile ducts.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pulmonary thromboembolism was diagnosed, based on: (1) blood gas analysis findings of hypoxemia and (2) defective images in both of the upper lobes on urgent pulmonary blood flow scintigram.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thus, tacrolimus-induced HUS is a rare cause of ARF in nephrotic syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Foreign body granuloma of activated charcoal.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"MAC infection persisted despite treatment, however, no anti-MAC drug-resistant isolates emerged throughout the clinical course in either case.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We conclude that myocardial infarction may develop in patients treated with high-dose glucocorticoids for Graves' ophthalmopathy, and increased blood pressure may herald this complication.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"At our institution, high-dose i.v. dexmedetomidine is used to provide sedation for pediatric patients undergoing nonpainful radiological imaging studies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The presented patient was treated with 200 mg TCA and developed Cushing's syndrome 6 weeks later (cortisol and ACTH concentrations were below limits of detection, TCA concentrations were > 3 micrograms\/l).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Mild photophobia was the most common side effect, but could be easily overcome by wearing sunglasses.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 48-year-old woman who was treated for thyrotoxicosis with methimazole developed agranulocytosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report an allogeneic bone marrow transplant recipient who developed CMV infection refractory to sequential therapy with ganciclovir, foscarnet, and cidofovir.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This analytic procedure allows an exact calculation of the statistical variance at the final decision node using automated symbolic manipulation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present the case of a 20-year-old patient with Hodgkin's disease developing BOOP after chemotherapy (COPP\/ABVD) and irradiation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Chronic nausea and morphine-6-glucuronide.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ultimately, this may possibly predispose a patient to increased dermatologic reactions, including TEN.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: To describe the use of intravitreal bevacizumab followed by sectorial retinal photocoagulation to treat the neovascular complications of laser-induced chorioretinal anastomosis (L-CRA) for nonischaemic central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These patients appear to have experienced \"spontaneous\" hypertensive episodes temporally related to the ingestion of the MAOIs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Assuming that maintenance therapy is necessary for optimal efficacy, the issue of BCG toxicity becomes more relevant.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Spontaneous nasal septal perforation with antiangiogenic bevacizumab therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report the case of a lung cancer patient with bronquiloalveolar carcinoma (BAC) presenting with BOOP after chemotherapy with docetaxel and gemcitabine producing severe respiratory insufficiency, and simulating a progression of the tumor.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Torsade de pointes during loading with amiodarone.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The authors report on the effects of acute confusional states and deliria (pharmacogenic confusional syndromes - PCS), occurring under the influence of psychotropic drugs on the depressive syndrome of three patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Emergence of cotrimoxazole- and quinolone-resistant Campylobacter infections in bone marrow transplant recipients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Its clinical manifestations include severe periarticular pain with inflammatory signs, especially in knees and ankles, causing functional disability.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Another enzyme catalyzing the metabolism of antidepressants is the polymorphic S-mephenytoin hydroxylase.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the occurrence of renal failure due to cholesterol crystal embolization following thrombolytic therapy with intravenous recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"He had experienced only 2 mild peritonitis attacks with fever within 1 year.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatment with local antibiotics was initiated but the condition of the eye worsened, ultimately resulting in corneal perforation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One patient was treated with disothiazide for premenstrual edema.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Deepening of lid sulcus from topical bimatoprost therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Serologic responses were highly suggestive of T. gondii as the etiology in all cases; other causes (CMV retinitis and syphilis) were actively sought and were not found.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The beta-oxidation pathway of VPA was shown to be suppressed (lack of 3-keto-VPA), whereas metabolites from the omega-oxidation pathway could still be measured (urinary 5-OH-VPA plus 2-propylglutaric acid ca. 1.6%, controls more than 10%).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One previous study of four transplant patients whose immediate post-transplantation immunosuppression utilized corticosteroids, cyclosporine, MMF, and anti-T-lymphocyte globulin noted anemia in 13% of them.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fine-needle aspiration cytology in locally advanced breast adenocarcinoma: a case with complete response to preoperative chemotherapy in association with granulomatous inflammatory reaction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A specific autoimmune disease was not identified.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In court, the female offender confessed and was sentenced to prison for 3 1\/2 years.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case demonstrates an occupational activity (construction) that has now become the dominant source of lead exposure for U.S. adults, the importance of a good occupational history to suspecting and making a diagnosis, the possible outcomes of chronic lead toxicity, and the importance of preventing further exposure and using proper methods to treat acute toxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 34-year-old man presented 4 months after renal transplantation with a 1-week history of epigastric pain that decreased in supine position, increased while sitting, and further increased when standing or walking.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 65-year-old man with advanced prostate cancer was treated with a luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LH-RH) analogue.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Squamous cell carcinoma in vitiligo lesion after long-term PUVA therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On the second day of hospitalization, it was noted that the patient's dyspnea and sinus bradycardia could be related to a recent increase in his timolol dosage.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This study presents the case of rapidly progressing pulmonary aspergillosis in a 47-year-old woman who had healed cavitations of pulmonary tuberculosis in the right upper lobe.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The drug, widely used in gastroenterological and gynaecological practice, has not hitherto been considered neurotoxic.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE SUMMARY: A 65-year-old patient chronically treated with the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) citalopram developed confusion, agitation, tachycardia, tremors, myoclonic jerks and unsteady gait, consistent with serotonin syndrome, following initiation of fentanyl, and all symptoms and signs resolved following discontinuation of fentanyl.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Postoperative imaging did not disclose any intra-orbital abnormalities.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE SUMMARY: A 45-year-old HIV-positive man (CD4+ count 450 cells\/mm(3) and history of AIDS-defining illness) presented with JHR after an initial intravenous dose of penicillin G for presumed neurosyphilis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"OBSERVATIONS: A 48-year-old woman presented with disfiguring facial edema 10 weeks after she began antiviral therapy with peginterferon alfa-2a and ribavirin for chronic hepatitis C infection.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"It has been recently approved for the treatment of multiple myeloma, an incurable plasma cell tumour that accounts for 10-15% of all haematologic malignancies and for approximately 20% of deaths.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the successful treatment of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia and subsequent hemorrhagic complications postoperatively in a 2-year-old child with Danaparoid (orgaran).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A patient is described with the characteristic features of phenytoin hypersensitivity syndrome (PHS) including fever, erythroderma, tibial and facial oedema, pinhead-sized facial pustules and abnormal liver function tests.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Multiple myeloma complicated by congestive heart failure following first administration of recombinant alpha-interferon.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) is a potentially life-threatening adverse effect of antipsychotic agents.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A study protocol to manage these patients within a multidisciplinary team including also specialists in infectious diseases and virologists is mandatory.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She had no other causes of immunosuppression.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"By X-ray fluorescent spectroscopic examination, gold was seen to be present within the proximal convoluted tubular cells but was not identified in the glomerular subepithelial deposits.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All-trans retinoic acid-induced focal myositis, synovitis, and mononeuritis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Methylphenidate and dextroamphetamine-induced peripheral vasculopathy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Prolonged exposure to ART, specially ddl, can play a pathogenic role.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pulmonary infiltrates and skin pigmentation associated with sulfasalazine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Nitrofurantoin therapy was discontinued.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We hypothesize that capecitabine-induced headache is vascular in nature.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Desmopressin is a commonly used, well-tolerated agent for the treatment of primary nocturnal enuresis and central diabetes insipidus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The combination of sulfadiazine and pyrimethamine is regarded as the treatment of choice.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The progress and management of this complication are described in the patient is being reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Lamivudine is the most widely prescribed drug of choice for chronic hepatitis B infection, which is a common health problem in China.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: The population consisted of 11 female and 2 male patients with RA.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Further studies are needed to confirm this association and to determine whether inhaled adrenergic agents also contribute to the development of this disorder.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The psychotic behavior resolved completely soon after the discontinuation of levetiracetam.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The episode appeared to have been precipitated by toxicity due to ingestion of a large amount of phenytoin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Severe acidosis from acetazolamide in a diabetic patient.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Seventy-four per cent of patients with epileptogenic disorders seen at the Emergency Unit at Groote Schuur Hospital were on phenytoin and 11.6% of these had blood levels in the toxic range.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) carries the risk of infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All parameters returned to normal after the herbal preparation was discontinued.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cyproterone acetate (CPA) is a steroidal synthetic progestagen and anti-androgenic compound widely administered in prostate cancer which has been evidentially correlated with a severe hepatotoxic potency.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the case of a 14-year-old female with acute promyelocytic leukemia who developed symptomatic cardiomyopathy only 4 months into treatment with a combination of daunomycin and all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Our findings suggest that hyperkalemia can develop with the use of low-dose heparin, within seven days of initiating heparin therapy, and that patients with diabetes mellitus or chronic renal insufficiency are especially predisposed to this complication.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Here we describe a patient with Crohn's disease who developed a severe infliximab infusion reaction (IIR), complicated 1 day later by severe swelling of the forearm and hand ipsilateral to the site of infliximab infusion.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"These results suggested that the visual dysfunction might be entirely attributable to retinal rather than optic nerve toxicity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There are no previous reports in the literature about the emergence of CML during treatment with hydroxyurea.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"They provided conflicting testimony as to alleged violations of the standard of care.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to introduce a useful diagnostic method to evaluate baclofen pump system-related complications without disturbing the continuous delivery of intrathecal baclofen.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 4-year-old boy presented with fever, septic arthritis, and persistent neutropenia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The most likely cause of liver failure in this patient was, therefore, clarithromycin, which undergoes hepatic metabolism and has been reported to cause fulminant hepatic failure.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Rapamycin\/sirolimus (SR), trade named Rapammune (Wyeth-Ayerst, Sydney, Australia), is a potent immunosuppressive drug associated with myelosuppression, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and infection.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The granulomatous hepatitis occurred in the apparent absence of mycobacteria from the liver.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Methadone withdrawal when starting an antiretroviral regimen including nevirapine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cisapride enhances detrusor contractility and improves micturition in a woman with lazy bladder.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 51-year old physically fit woman experienced angio-oedema and hypotensive shock after irbesartan ingestion requiring noradrenaline infusion.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Soon after introduction of insulin therapy, she developed severe anasarca, including marked peripheral oedema, ascites and pleural effusion.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patients typically exhibit a brief preleukemic phase and poor survival with death occurring 3 to 5 months after diagnosis of leukemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Amino acid PET, performed when the lesions were still small, showed multiple small areas of mild uptake in close correlation to the MRI lesions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"So this potential drug-drug interaction could be investigated, the patient stopped taking both drugs for 1 week.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pharmacokinetic modeling suggested that the patient's initial over-treatment was as reported and that the predicted maximum serum concentration of chloroquine (902 micro g\/L) was within the range seen in fatal chloroquine overdose.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In the present paper, we discuss the first Japanese vivax malaria patient whose QT interval was prolonged after treatment with halofantrine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Additive pulmonary toxicity with melphalan and busulfan therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Nevertheless, osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ) has been reported in some patients being treated with bisphosphonates.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"GH insufficiency has not been recognised as a classical manifestation of this syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Wolff Parkinson White (WPW) syndrome: what the critical care nurse needs to consider when administering antiarrhythmics.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: The case of a patient who developed aseptic meningitis, hemolytic anemia, hepatitis, and orthostatic hypotension simultaneously during treatment with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole is described.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Clinical aspects and electrophysiological data such as polygraphic studies, electroencephalography, and measurement of somatosensory evoked potentials support the cortical origin of negative myoclonus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report 3 cases of children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia who developed seizures and altered sensorium after L-asparaginase therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Rituximab-CHOP induced interstitial pneumonitis in patients with disseminated extranodal marginal zone B cell lymphoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A case of pyridoxine-dependent seizures is reported.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Close monitoring for QT prolongation or rhythm disturbances is mandatory.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Symptoms develop during the first 3 months after transplantation and usually disappear 3 to 6 months later without sequelae.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Conversely, similarities between patient reports and reports from healthcare professionals were found in age, sex, most frequently reported ADRs and most frequently reported drugs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE: A 48-year-old male patient with a history of tuberculosis and visual loss during anti-tuberculous drug therapy was admitted to our hospital.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors report two cases of delayed elimination of methotrexate in patients receiving ciprofloxacin, with severe toxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Gestational diabetes was no less severe (degree of hyperglycaemia, need for insulin therapy) when associated with norethisterone.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Little is known about the prevalence of genotypes and implications for screening in children.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On subsequent follow-up one patient is taking no insulin and has been maintained on hydrochlorothiazide; the other patient required insulin on two occasions when challenged with a propranolol-thiazide combination, but not when the thiazide was discontinued or replaced with furosemide.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The interval between initiating treatment with interferon alfa and onset of anterior ischemic optic neuropathy was similar to that of interferon-associated vascular retinopathy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A kidney biopsy revealed that he had focal segmental glomerulosclerosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All the patients presented with severe retrosternal pain worsened by swallowing food and drink, and in every case fibre-optic endoscopy revealed ulceration of the midoesophagus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We studied a series of patients to determine the onset, visual significance, treatment, and recurrent nature of these pigmented membranes in patients who underwent surgery with silicone lens implantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Those reporting SCs significantly more often reported weight gain than those reporting TSCs, with oral problems and appetite loss significantly less common in the SC group.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe two cases of PSVT that changed to non-sustained polymorphic ventricular tachycardia after administration of verapamil.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient denied taking other drugs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Telescoped digits of the hands and feet developed in a 69-year-old male with severe chronic tophaceous gout during allopurinol treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In 2 cats, rebound hyperglycemia was diagnosed on routine serial blood glucose determinations.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a 5-year-old boy with CF who had a stricture of the hepatic flexure region with associated narrowing due to submucosal fibrosis of the transverse colon, secondary to high-lipase pancreatin therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"First, a review of the literature produced 41 anecdotic cases of neutropenia or agranulocytosis during treatment with olanzapine (Zyprexa) reported in a total of 24 publications.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Prompt recognition of this syndrome and temporary cessation of CyA therapy may favorable affect the course.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cure followed therapy with antibiotic administration for 3 days combined with oral thiabendazole, suggesting parasitic infection as the most likely cause of meningitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Outside the initial associated URTI and LRTI, no further viral pneumonia occurred.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He experienced a severe skin reaction diagnosed as toxic epidermal necrolysis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 58-year old patient is reported who developed an ischaemic cerebrovascular accident 22 hours after successful thrombolysis with streptokinase for life-threatening pulmonary emboli.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Diarrhoea, T-CD4+ lymphopenia and bilateral patchy pulmonary infiltrates developed in a male 60 yrs of age, who was treated with oxaliplatinum and 5-fluorouracil for unresectable rectum carcinoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Although they had only a few nodules at diagnosis, the nodules increased in number and size 3 to 4 months after the start of methotrexate therapy in both patients.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"There was no previous history of seizure disorder and he was on no other medications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Alopecia, nausea, and vomiting were attributed to the cyclophosphamide component of the therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A potentially more common pharmacogenetic syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Likewise, Chinese herbal drugs are considered to be effective and to have few side effects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All were females (age range: 43 to 73, mean = 61.7 years) and had taken quinine for leg cramps.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case of linezolid-associated acute interstitial nephritis within the context of a drug rash with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS) syndrome in a patient treated with linezolid raises concerns about the presumed renal safety of this drug.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The authors describe a clinical case of cutaneous candidiasis in a dog with dermatological lesions, characterized by persistent alopecia, crusts, ulcers and scales.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a case of disseminated muscular cysticercosis followed by myositis (fever, diffuse myalgia, weakness of the lower limbs, and inflammatory reaction around dying cysticerci) induced by praziquantel therapy, an event not described previously.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Transtentorial herniation caused by an intracranial mass lesion following high-dose methotrexate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Cholestatic liver disease with ductopenia (vanishing bile duct syndrome) after administration of clindamycin and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Apomorphine and diphasic dyskinesia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We experienced two cases of CE in patients with severe atherosclerosis whose renal function deteriorated within a few months after invasive arterial maneuvers.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Other associated changes included koilonychia, dystrophy, and friability of nail plates.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Based on these findings, the patient was diagnosed with diabetes insipidus secondary to lithium therapy and was treated successfully with amiloride.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Loss of vision and renal function in a patient with miliary tuberculosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Early onset Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia after allogeneic peripheral blood stem cell transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the case of a 51-year-old man in whom IFN-alpha treatment was followed by recurrence of Graves' disease 10 years after thyroidectomy was performed and the patient was declared cured.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We recommended debridement as treatment; however, he refused further surgical intervention by reason of symptomatic remission.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"(2) Rehabilitation of a 29-year-old man with a 7-year history of ankylosing spondylitis who lived in an adjustable easy chair for 2 years due to severe pain prior to admission.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Infliximab-induced lupus in Crohn's disease: a case report.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Classically used in combination with a multiagent-chemotherapy regimen, it can sometimes give excellent results alone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There was neither intrathecal chemotherapy nor brain irradiation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In view of the known leukemogenic effect of cytotoxic drugs, we presume that chemotherapy played a role in the pathogenesis of malignant myelosclerosis in these two patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although this type of hyperpigmentation has been previously seen in patients with cancer who are receiving bleomycin, this is, to our knowledge, the first reported case of bleomycin-induced hyperpigmentation in an AIDS patient and should be added to the growing list of cutaneous eruptions seen in these patients.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Allopurinol-associated hand and foot deformities in chronic tophaceous gout.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"After diagnosis by transesophageal echocardiography, the patient was treated with recombinant tissue plasminogen activator through a central venous catheter advanced into the right atrium.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Analysis of a urine sample was 2+ positive for hemoglobin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fixed drug eruption (FDE) is an unusual type of cutaneous adverse drug reaction that is characterized by recurrent site-specific lesions each time the drug responsible is taken.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Occasionally, traditional analgesic medication regimens cannot be used or are ineffective in relieving the pain.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Herpes simplex esophagitis is a rare disease occurring mostly in immunocompromised and cancer patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pathological gambling associated with dopamine agonist use in restless legs syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a cytomegalovirus (CMV) IgG +ve 56-year-old patient who underwent autologous rescue with CD34(+) selected peripheral blood stem cells as part of consolidation therapy for multiple myeloma and subsequently developed CMV colitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This effect of cisapride is presumably related to its serotonin3 antagonistic property.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Serum levels of interferon-gamma, soluble interleukin-2 receptor, interleukin-6, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, and macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) were elevated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Serotonin syndrome induced by transitioning from phenelzine to venlafaxine: four patient reports.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"However, epidural infusion of local anaesthetic caused a delay in recognising a potential neurological complication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case demonstrates that patients with idiopathic ANCA-positive vasculitis may quickly develop a superimposed drug-associated ANCA-positive vasculitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Panuveitis associated with multiple sclerosis complicated by cerebral venous thrombosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Growth dynamics of meningiomas in patients with multiple sclerosis treated with interferon: report of two cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report two male patients with Parkinson's disease who developed compulsive risk-seeking driving behaviour as a result of self-administering high doses of L-dopa despite an adequate therapeutic response at lower doses.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe the exceptional development of AML and lung cancer in a patient with previously diagnosed CLL in minimal residual disease status after fludarabine treatment followed by autologous peripheral blood stem-cell transplantation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 51-year old physically fit woman experienced angio-oedema and hypotensive shock after irbesartan ingestion requiring noradrenaline infusion.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"It should be recognized that ibuprofen may be associated with salt and water retention in the same fashion as previously described with phenylbutazone and indomethacin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a 43-year-old woman who developed sore throat, swelling of the lips and oral cavity and dysphagia, 2 weeks after the use of budesonide spray (Budefat) for treatment of bronchial asthma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Our findings suggest that chronic GVHD may be complicated with diffuse proliferative glomerulonephritis through unknown cellular immune mechanism.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Avascular necrosis of bone is a recognised complication of glucocorticoid treatment--the risk of this increasing with higher doses and longer duration of use.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient had no previous history of psychiatric problems.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"So far nine patients on digoxin have received between 550 and 1000 mg\/m2 of doxorubicin without ill effect.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient improved clinically, and 5 years later continues to do well.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It inhibits delayed rectifier potassium channels in the myocardium, causing delayed repolarization and QT-interval prolongation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"INTERPRETATION: When high doses of fluticasone propionate are used, growth may be retarded and adrenal suppression may occur.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Coronary angiogram showed a severe stenosis in the proximal segment of the LMCA; we performed stenting with a paclitaxel-eluting stent (PES).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Histological studies showed scattered perivascular infiltrates without vasculitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report on a child with fatal valproate-related hepatotoxic effects despite this supplementation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Intravenous phenobarbital was administered in escalating doses of 65 mg followed by 130 mg 15 minutes later, resulting in control of severe agitation in the face of benzodiazepine resistance.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Use of rituximab and irradiated donor-derived lymphocytes to control Epstein-Barr virus-associated lymphoproliferation in patients undergoing related haplo-identical stem cell transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, he developed acute exacerbation of hepatitis due to HBV reactivation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Report of three cases and review of literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 57-year-old woman received 400 mL (62.4 mg) of a cisplatin solution concentrated to deliver cisplatin 100 mg\/m2 during her first attempted therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Capecitabine, a new member of the fluoropyrimidine family, is an orally administered drug that delivers fluorouracil (5-FU) selectively to the tumour.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"L-Carnitine supplementation has been recommended to prevent the fatal hepatotoxic effects associated with valproic acid.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We describe 5 patients with severe pompholyx who did not respond to conventional therapy or who had debilitating side effects from corticosteroids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One patient developed irreversible bilateral blindness and another unilateral blindness secondary to optic neuropathy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: An 81-year-old man with a history of neoplasies of the colon and prostate and anticoagulant treatment was referred for treatment of an ocular surface neoplasia on his left eye.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Positive cytology must be conclusive since, as in this case, no viable carcinoma may be present after therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a patient who developed NEH on three separate occasions provoked by two different chemotherapeutic agents--cytarabine and mitoxantrone.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The use of sunitinib in dialysis patients is poorly described but is of clinical importance.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We conclude that there is insufficient evidence either to establish or eliminate a direct causal relationship between ACC and MMI use.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A CT scan of the brain showed numerous small discrete lesions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DISCUSSION: The severity and presentation of central nervous system toxicity due to ifosfamide varies greatly and involves a spectrum ranging from subclinical electroencephalogram changes to coma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three patients, in whom tumour overkill by cytotoxic treatment, including high dose methotrexate with folinic acid rescue, resulted in the 'phosphate shower syndrome' (hyper-uricaemia, hyperkalaemia and hyperphosphataemia with hypocalcaemia and tetany, with metabolic acidosis and acute renal impairment) are described.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a case of a patient with squamous cell carcinoma of the throat above the larynx (supraglottic), who did not adhere to dental treatment recommendations for both pre- and post radiation dental management.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"When vague symptoms develop during desmopressin therapy, hyponatremia must be considered as part of the differential diagnosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: Ushaar latex is capable of penetrating the corneal stroma and inducing permanent loss of endothelial cells.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It occurs in approximately 0.07-2.2% of patients treated with neuroleptics.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe two patients with rheumatoid arthritis who developed chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) during their course of therapy with TNF-alpha antagonists.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although after 4 weeks of treatment with corticosteroids the chest X-ray and lung function were still abnormal, bronchoalveolar lavage showed a normal cell distribution.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A painful gum.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cardiac evaluation revealed acute congestive heart failure with a cardiac ejection fraction of 19%.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Carbamazepine-induced systemic lupus erythematosus.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"After nine previous uncomplicated cycles she developed severe anaphylaxis to cisplatin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Two case reports.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Now, malaria should first be presumed if a patient complains of a higher fever after a visit to a tropical country.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The desaturation of mixed venous blood amplified the effect of these shunts in decreasing arterial oxygen saturation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DISCUSSION: Reactions associated with arylamine sulfonamide-containing antibiotics have been commonly reported; however, cross-reactions with non-arylamine sulfonamide-containing medications have been rare.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"ARDS has been associated with the administration of other monoclonal antibodies, such as infliximab, gemtuzumab ozogamicin, and OKT3 and is believed to be directly mediated by release of proinflammatory cytokines.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a case and discuss its presentation and management.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Repeat studies performed 7 months later indicated some improvements in this indirect assessment of endogenous TRH reserve capacity but a continued exaggerated TSH response to exogenous TRH administration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hematochezia subsided with conservative treatment after a discontinuance of Kalimate administration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Aseptic meningitis, hemolytic anemia, hepatitis, and orthostatic hypotension in a patient treated with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Following these basic sinus cycles, alternating rhythm started with the longer P-P interval.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Inadvertent discogram during epidural steroid injection: a case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The potential for absorption is not well described in patients with impaired gastrointestinal (GI) mucosa.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Only one death has been recorded in the responding group.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three patients, in whom tumour overkill by cytotoxic treatment, including high dose methotrexate with folinic acid rescue, resulted in the 'phosphate shower syndrome' (hyper-uricaemia, hyperkalaemia and hyperphosphataemia with hypocalcaemia and tetany, with metabolic acidosis and acute renal impairment) are described.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Methotrexate serum concentrations must be monitored because of the possible toxicity of drug elimination delay.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Physicians should be aware that indinavir nephrolithiasis may cause papillary necrosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"All three patients (and possibly a fourth) who developed AML were postmenopausal, received continuous chlorambucil for greater than or equal to 4 years, had acute red cell anemia at the time of treatment, and had a wbc count in the range of 2700-7700\/mm3.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Whole blood histamine release studies were negative.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two 65-year-old white men with coronary heart disease, given niacin therapy for dyslipidemia for 5 months, developed intense dental and gingival pain that was associated with increases in dose and that was relieved with discontinuance of niacin treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Two patients were obese and developed extensive abdominal wall skin necrosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PLD also has a different cutaneous side effect profile than doxorubicin, and its cutaneous toxicity can be dose limiting.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The major problems affecting compliance with pharmacotherapy for schizophrenia are outlined here showing, by means of case histories, how sertindole has benefited schizophrenic patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Transient visual anomalies associated with drug treatment for spastic colon.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"No oligodendroglias with intranuclear inclusions were found.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This article reviews current human and veterinary literature regarding the microbiology, pathogenesis, and treatment of nocardiosis and reports on the successful treatment of systemic nocardiosis in two dogs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Withdrawal emergent syndrome (WES) is a subtype of tardive dyskinesia that has been reported in children who were taken off antipsychotic therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present the case of a 19-year-old male athlete with protein C deficiency who developed proximal deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism while abusing anabolic-androgenic steroids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In conclusion, intradermal skin tests can be a useful tool for detecting a potential cross-reaction between platinum salts.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Beriberi is the systemic counterpart of thiamine deficiency and often manifests in cardiovascular collapse.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"HRCT obtained on inspiration showed dilated thick-walled bronchioli, and innumerable centrilobular linear and branching structures in the bilateral middle and lower lobes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One patient who received clindamycin had liver biopsy findings of marked cholestasis, portal inflammation, bile duct injury and bile duct paucity (ductopenia).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"To our knowledge, these cases represent the first reports of TDF-associated irreversible renal failure and rickets in pediatric patients.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Average length of stay postCDT was 7 days with no perioperative complications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Zolpidem (Ambien), a relatively new nonbenzodiazepine sedative-hypnotic, was involved in the death of a 39-year-old obese male who was being treated for depression and insomnia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report 5 patients (3 patients with chronic hepatitis C treated with pegylated interferon alfa-2b in association with oral ribavirin and two patients with chronic myelocytic leukemia) who developed local cutaneous reactions at sites of injection after the administration of weekly subcutaneous injections of pegylated interferon alfa-2b at different doses.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"She developed congestive heart failure, and hemodialysis was initiated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Following discontinuation of clozapine, she was rechallenged and again was observed to have seizures.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Cerebrovascular complications of L-asparaginase therapy in children with leukemia: aphasia and other neuropsychological deficits.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Both were alcoholic, malnourished and presented with radiologically widespread, smear-positive disease and lymphocytopenia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The global spreading of chloroquine-resistant falciparum malaria brings about an increasing use of quinine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In contrast, after the last course of chemotherapy, which did not include M-CSF, urinary protein excretion was not enhanced.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe the side effects of 5-FU in a colon cancer patient who suffered severe mucositis, desquamating dermatitis, prolonged myelosuppression, and neurologic toxicity that required admission to the intensive care unit.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Experience with the use of cytotoxic drugs in the first trimester of pregnancy is limited.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient died suddenly, and the autopsy revealed pulmonary embolism originating from the deep vein thrombosis caused by the compression of common iliac vein by the tumor.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In early-recognized, subacute cases a surgical intervention using patches can be lifesaving.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Naratriptan was extremely well tolerated, with no cardiovascular adverse events reported or observed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinicians should be cognizant of this possibility and consider a diagnosis of HDAs in patients with ongoing thrombosis who are receiving heparin therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Serial radiographic observation over two months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Safety and efficacy of S-1 chemotherapy in recurrent\/metastatic head and neck cancer.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On this regime, together with supportive psychotherapy, she experienced a sense of emotional well-being, exhibited a good level of functioning and maintained a safe body weight.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Colonic necrosis is known as a rare complication following the administration of Kayexalate (sodium polystryrene sulfonate) in sorbitol.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 50-year-old woman with a history of migraine without aura, predominantly occurring around her menstrual periods, developed a spinal cord lesion following the use of zolmitriptan.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"She was subsequently admitted to hospital and was diagnosed as having nephrotic syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present a surprising case of a woman schizophrenic patient treated with clozapine suffering from EPS.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"However, the patient became steroid-dependent and experienced recurrent optic neuritis during multiple attempts at tapering the steroids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A platelet autoantibody could not be detected by a radioactive platelet antiglobulin test, but autologous platelet survival data indicated a compensated thrombolytic state in the recovery period.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a Caucasian child who initially presented with clinical and histopathologic features consistent with inflammatory bowel disease, for whom additional investigations led to the diagnosis of severe chronic active Epstein-Barr virus infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These cases were chosen for study because they were all deaths as a result of suicidal ingestion of drugs in which quetiapine was considered a significant factor.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Despite the widespread use of beta-sympathomimetic agents for preterm labour there appears to be a limited appreciation of the need for cardiovascular monitoring in the mother.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Four weeks later, a coronary arteriogram showed only minimal luminal irregularities at the original site of occlusion, where significant reduction in diameter could be induced by ergonovine maleate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient was admitted to the emergency department of a local hospital within two days due to ongoing headache, elevated temperature, and nuchal rigidity, symptoms suggestive of meningitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The diagnosis was made on the basis of inflammatory changes in the cerebral spinal fluid and localization of the abscess by means of computer and magnetic resonance tomography.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Combined thrombolytic therapy for prosthetic mitral valve thrombosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The principle treatment for DPD-deficient patients with severe acute 5-FU reactions is supportive care; however, the administration of thymidine potentially may reverse severe 5-FU-induced neurologic symptoms such as encephalopathy and coma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: This side effect, apparently unique to bupropion among antidepressants, may be mediated through dopaminergic effects in the basal ganglia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Atypical antipsychotics have reduced liability for inducing tardive dystonia and show antidystonic properties in patients with pre-existing tardive dystonia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A difference in chemical structure between these two drugs, particularly of a sulfur moiety, may help explain why the drug-induced disease did not recur.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Nonopioid analgesics did not relieve her pain, and she was unable to walk without the aid of a walker.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Posttransplant lymphoproliferative disorder of the nasopharynx.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There is no known effective therapy for PEComa, and the molecular pathophysiology of aberrant mTOR signaling provided us with a scientific rationale to target this pathway therapeutically.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Possible explanations of this ocular effect are offered: pharmacokinetic interference on the drugs used in glaucoma treatment, in vivo action on the muscarinic receptor, indirect effect via dopaminergic receptors, or direct effect on the ocular sympathetic postganglionic neurones.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Both patients completely recovered after transient pancytopenia, but showed severe and intermediate neutropenia (0.216 and 0.768 x 10(9)\/l, respectively) at the nadirs of aplastic crises.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Twenty-one days of magnesium sulfate tocolysis were performed on a 28-year-old woman because of preterm labor at 31 weeks gestation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cardiac function and symptoms recovered completely.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Glucocorticoids in early rheumatoid arthritis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is concluded that simultaneous administration of ciprofloxacin and tazobactam\/piperacillin may cause marked thrombocytosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Direct immunofluorescence revealed staining at the dermal-epidermal junction and around blood vessels with IgG in the first case and with IgG, IgA, and fibrin in the second case.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Graft-versus-host disease was seen only in 41% of the bone marrow recipients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A physical and\/or chemical in vitro compatibility of 5-FU and calcium folinic acid, without validated clinical data is not sufficient to use this mixture in routine clinical practice.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CLINICAL FEATURES: The patient was a 22-yr-old obese man with metastatic testicular carcinoma who underwent a left-sided thoracoabdominal retroperitoneal tumour resection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two cases of polymorphic ventricular tachycardia induced by the administration of verapamil against paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CASE: We herein report the case of a 67-year-old woman with a history of breast cancer, taking tamoxifen citrate 20 mg\/day for 4 years, who underwent an operation for left ovarian tumor.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The symptoms started when the immune status reached normal CD4 T cell levels, in response to antiviral tritherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Imaging confirmed this excellent response.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 65-year-old female patient presented with jaundice followed 2 days later by severe dyspnea and tachypnea which worsened when patient was lying flat, 1 week after the fourth dose of adalimumab.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Chemotherapy was stopped and systemic application of prednisolone was initiated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hepatotoxicity seen with erlotinib, a small molecule tyrosine kinase inhibitor to EGFR, is usually transient with mild elevation of transaminases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In each case, brief periods (5 to 20 seconds) of rapid atrial pacing were effective in terminating the supraventricular tachycardia and resulted in a return to normal sinus rhythm.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This encouraging result suggests that BMT from an unrelated donor should be considered for ATL even if the disease is refractory to chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinicians are advised to observe for symptoms of toxicity and to do serial blood levels to monitor this interaction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This is known as a PSA \"bounce\" or \"bump.\" Some patients experience a second transient rise in PSA levels after irradiation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She rapidly developed profound CNS depression with stupor, hypothermia, hypoventilation and bradycardia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On her next anticoagulation clinic visit, the patient's INR had increased, although the dosage of warfarin had been reduced when the tolterodine had been prescribed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We conclude that autoimmune hemolytic anemia may be an unusual presentation for postirradiation sarcoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 7-year-old girl developed diabetes mellitus and exocrine pancreatic insufficiency after 3.5 years of almost continuous treatment with azathioprine and\/or prednisone for idiopathic auto-immune haemolytic anaemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Rapid cycling in manic-depressives induced by tricyclic antidepressants.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A bone marrow aspiration test on day 16 showed a markedly increased number of activated macrophages showing massive hemophagocytosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Little is known about the behaviour of endogenous thrombopoietin (TPO) serum levels during rapid sequences of dose-intensified chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE SUMMARY: A 50-year-old white woman with a history of advanced breast cancer refractory to other treatment modalities was receiving vinorelbine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Infected graft transplantation is an unwelcome complication that may lead to serious consequences in the immunosuppressed host.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"MH was treated immediately with dantrolene; the patient recovered within 14 days.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He was discharged on March 15; myoclonic muscle spasms began that afternoon.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The case suggests that mechanical valve replacement may not prevent gastrointestinal bleeding in Heyde syndrome and that octreotide treatment should be considered in these cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The diagnosis can be accurately made with axial computed tomography (CT) of the involved spinal segment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The clinical features and management of this combined intoxication are discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatment with topical antibiotic agents did not improve the symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This is the first report of successful utilization of the prepuce as a skin graft to reconstruct a full thickness skin necrosis due to a phenobarbital extravasation to the forefoot of a newborn.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pseudomonas corneal ulcer after use of extended-wear rigid gas-permeable contact lens.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The skin lesions were eczematoid patches, flaccid bullae and crusted plaques on the trunk and extremities, histologically showing a high epidermal blister with acantholysis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present a 20-year-old woman with Basedow-Graves' disease who developed PTU-induced fulminant hepatitis, which progressed to acute hepatic failure with grade III hepatic encephalopathy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"However, the electroretinogram was abnormal on several occasions during therapy with rifabutin, but returned to normal 3 months after withdrawal of the medication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We have described three patients with hepatitis C for whom IFN-alpha and ribavirin were prescribed and who developed two successive phases of silent thyroiditis followed by hyperthryroidism relapse due to Graves' disease.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: There was a temporal relationship between the onset of nonconvulsive status epilepticus and initiation of ifosfamide infusion.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Photosensitive reflex epilepsy is provoked by environmental flicker stimuli.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Objective causality assessment revealed that the adverse event was probably drug induced.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case demonstrates that severe anterior uveitis may develop after LASIK and needs prompt and vigorous management for resolution.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A review of the literature on the prognosis and treatment of aortoarteritis with particular reference to the management of recurrent valvular dehiscence is discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We consider asterixis to be an easily overlooked sign of neurotoxicity, which may occur even at low or moderate dosage levels, if certain drugs as lithium or clozapine are used in combination with CBZ.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Infections after tooth extraction and fracture of the sclerotic bone following mild trauma are serious complications, as these ordinarily common problems are very difficult to treat in such patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Infarction and necrosis may be common and incite complications from parasitic vascular attachment, pain and thrombosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One week after the termination of IFN therapy, TSH-receptor antibodies became positive and subsequently she showed Graves' hyperthyroidism.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In the two years following treatment there has been no recurrence while oral corticosteroid treatment has been continued.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Severe neutropenia due to chemotherapy was the most relevant risk factor.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We emphasize the need for long term follow up of patients treated with purine analogs and suggest that even those who are apparently cured be monitored periodically.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There was no residual corneal scarring.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors report a case of mania occurring in a woman in late life who had begun receiving hormone replacement therapy for osteoporosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Subglottic stenosis in Wegener's granulomatosis: development during cyclophosphamide treatment with response to carbon dioxide laser therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Antihistone antibodies, lupus anticoagulant and anticardiolipin antibodies were negative.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Haematological malignancies developing in previously healthy individuals who received haematopoietic growth factors: report from the Research on Adverse Drug Events and Reports (RADAR) project.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute hepatic failure is a rare and potentially lethal complication of propylthiouracil (PTU) use for hyperthyroidism.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Less common adverse events to dapsone include the idiosyncratic reactions of leukopenia and agranulocytosis, cutaneous eruptions, peripheral neuropathy, psychosis, toxic hepatitis, cholestatic jaundice, nephrotic syndrome, renal papillary necrosis, severe hypoalbuminemia without proteinuria, an infectious mononucleosis-like syndrome, and minor neurological and gastrointestinal complaints.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Four weeks later the patient was admitted to our hospital.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors describe a case of oral-facial dyskinesia that occurred after discontinuation of amoxapine, and antidepressant which may also have neuroleptic effects.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"However, a large case-control study included three cases of either Stevens-Johnson syndrome or toxic epidermal necrolysis associated with ofloxacin use, but no details of the cases were given.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Ceftriaxone was approved in 1997 for the treatment of otitis media despite previous studies that documented an association of ceftriaxone with elevated hepato-biliary enzymes and transient biliary stasis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The vitritis episodes resolved after 2 to 9 weeks.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE REPORT: Soon after initiation of amiodarone HCl (200 mg\/day), a 76-year-old man came to us with symptoms of visual \"shining,\" glare, color vision anomalies, and gradually decreased vision.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Evidence obtained indicated that the Reye-like syndrome might be caused by calcium hopantenate possibly due to the induction of pantothenic acid deficiency.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"She was unresponsive to standard therapies, including racemic epinephrine and albuterol nebulizers.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An association of granulocytopenia, eosinophilia, skin reaction and hepatitis during propylthiouracil (PTU) therapy for thyrotoxicosis in a 47 year old black female is reported.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This communication describes the profile of two children with unexpected, acute fatal neurologic toxicity during induction chemotherapy for ALL.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pneumonitis, bilateral pleural effusions, echocardiographic evidence of cardiac tamponade, and positive autoantibodies developed in a 43-year-old man, who was receiving long-term sulfasalazine therapy for chronic ulcerative colitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Serious adverse events experienced by patients with chronic heart failure taking spironolactone.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: The skin contains a system for producing serotonin as well as serotonin receptors.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After three months, 17 (74%) out of 23 eyes showed a significant low endothelial cell count compared to the normal fellow eye ( P 0.001).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thrombotic microangiopathy with renal failure in two patients undergoing gemcitabine chemotherapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Topical application of glucocorticoids and dimethisone is helpful.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: To report a case of nodular scleritis following alendronate sodium.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This observation also suggests that early administration of ribavirin in patients affected by acute syncytia; giant cell hepatitis of unknown origin could avoid liver transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"G-CSF was used as an adjunctive therapy with discontinuation of carbimazole, barrier nursing and a broad-spectrum antibiotic regimen to treat her neutropenic sepsis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three of the four patients had a significant decrease in visual acuity as the result of a retinopathy, primarily affecting the region about the macula accompanied by macular edema.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These medications have been associated with cerebral arteritis, renal necrotizing vasculitis, and systemic and pulmonary hypertension.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A relatively uncommon but unique and life threatening iatrogenic condition is described.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A study of in vitro reactivity to L-T4, as assessed by peripheral blood lymphocyte transformation, was carried out in a patient with Hashimoto's disease who developed leukopenia during treatment with L-T4.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Widespread dermatophyte infections that mimic collagen vascular disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: We examined an 82-year-old woman with delayed-onset endophthalmitis caused by an opportunistic pathogen, Ovadendron sulphureo-ochraceum.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Possible mechanisms by which clonidine decreases spasticity are described, probable mechanisms of induced bradycardia are reviewed, and specific treatment recommendations for the use of clonidine in spinal cord injured patients are presented.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"On the fifth day of tocolysis with magnesium sulfate, nifedipine, terbutaline and betamethasone, edema developed in both labia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Suppression by propranolol and amiodarone of an electrical storm refractory to metoprolol and amiodarone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The bronchospasm was severe in all three and in one patient resulted in respiratory arrest.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It most commonly occurs in association with hematologic malignancies and appears a few hours to a few days after initiation of specific chemotherapy, as the result from the release of intracellular components into the bloodstream due to abrupt malignant cell death.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cerebellar hemorrhage after multiple manual pumping tests of a ventriculoperitoneal shunt: a case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Opioid-related narcosis is the most likely diagnosis in this case.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Neutropenic enterocolitis: a serious complication during the treatment of acute leukemias.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipient developed abdominal pain, pneumatosis intestinalis, hepatitis, pancreatitis, and inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The purpose of this study is to investigate the efficacy of tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) in the treatment of total hyphema following ocular trauma or intraocular surgery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Primary herpes virus keratitis after penetrating keratoplasty.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Stomach and small intestine are the most affected organs; however, it can affect any part of the gastrointestinal system.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Our aim is to raise awareness of this drug, which is commonly used outside the United States, and to call attention to its well-known and potentially lethal side effect.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Furthermore, this case suggested that correct nonsurgical diagnosis of pelvic actinomycosis followed by prolonged antibiotic therapy might eliminate the need for extensive extirpative surgery and assist in maintaining future fertility.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Detection of PVB19-DNA in serum with quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) revealed a high level of viral load.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ziprasidone as an augmenting agent in the treatment of anxiety-spectrum disorders.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Soft-tissue masses are rarely associated with Histoplasma capsulatum infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He was treated with the immunosuppressive agents tacrolimus (0.15 mg\/kg\/d) and mycophenolate mofetil (20 mg\/kg\/d).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"None had previously recognized acquired causes of QT, prolongation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Case 2.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This is the first case of PML after SCT treated with cidofovir, and the fifth case treated with this drug in a patient without human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: Optometrists, particularly those actively participating in the shared care of refractive surgery patients, must be familiar with diffuse lamellar keratitis so that diagnosis is not delayed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The former diagnosis was supported by a subsequent in-vitro HEPTEM.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The number of patients with chronic hepatitis C requiring interferon retreatment is increasing rapidly.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The use of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) antagonists such as cyproheptadine, however, has become more common and might reduce the duration of symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although the t-AML developed following oral etoposide therapy, the child had previously received high-dose, multiagent chemotherapy, and rearrangement of the MLL gene was not demonstrated.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Chemotherapy-induced toxic leukoencephalopathy causes a wide range of symptoms: a series of four autopsies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE: We report a case of a woman with severe human insulin-induced lipoatrophy who has been treated exclusively with recombinant DNA human insulin since the onset of IDDM.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We describe the first case of de novo asthma following treatment with the angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor captopril.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Four patients experienced persistent portal hypertension, which resulted in death in one.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Finally, leukocyte and platelet counts increased and remained within normal range following IgG therapy in the third patient having SLE-associated leuko- and thrombocytopenia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Based on the Naranjo algorithm, the adverse reaction observed was probably related to the hydroxyurea treatment (score = 6); however, the hydroxyurea chemotherapy could not be discontinued because of the myeloproliferative disorder.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Potential role for topical clotrimazole in combination chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute intravascular hemolysis developed when a diabetic patient, previously treated with glyburide, was started on another oral sulfonylurea drug, chlorpropamide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Following intensive chemotherapy, one died from acute leukaemia and the second is in complete remission.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Immunodeficiency, iatrogenic immunosuppression, and some autoimmune diseases are known as predisposing conditions, and in these patients PCNSL peaks in the 4th decade.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Therefore, we recommend that physicians evaluate serum theophylline levels closely when prescribing the 2 drugs in combination.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Simplifying psychotropic medication regimen into a single night dosage and reducing the dose for patients with chronic schizophrenia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This misleading laboratory result and alternative methods of testing for proteinuria in tolmetin-treated patients are discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Disseminated varicella infection is a potentially life-threatening complication of chronic high-dose corticosteroid (CS) or immunosuppressive therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In addition, the possible association between these features and long-term IGF-I treatment is discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Use of clonidine for chemical submission.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Therefore we recommend close follow up for patients that are switched from stavudine to zidovudine and, in case lactate measurement is not possible, free programs should provide safer drugs such as abacavir and tenofovir for patients that develop hyperlactatemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A toxic encephalopathy characterized by depressed level of consciousness, marked irritability, and ataxia developed in seven children, 5 years of age and younger, following administration of an antiemetic combination of pentobarbital and pyrilamine maleate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The images obtained were compared with images from patients without corneal disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatment of acute leukaemia in adult Jehovah's Witnesses (JW) is challenging because of 'a priori' refusal of most physicians to apply diagnostic and therapeutic procedures to haematological abnormalities resembling acute leukaemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This error occurred early in the institution's experience with concentrated topical epinephrine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In those patients treated with beta blockers, decreased contractility and inability to increase heart rate further compromised cardiopulmonary function.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thalidomide neuropathy is often associated with proximal weakness and may progress even after discontinuation of treatment, in the phenomenon of 'coasting'.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In this series, risk of osteonecrosis could not be attributed to corticosteroid use, parenteral nutrition or both forms of therapy administered together.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To report on the possible development of serotonin syndrome in a patient receiving clomipramine after clozapine was withdrawn from the treatment regimen.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Low-dosage intravenous immunoglobulin in the management of a patient with acquired von Willebrand syndrome associated with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In the light of a brief review of literature, a prospective study of akathisia and tardive dyskinesia seems justified.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An 84-year-old woman was admitted to the hospital for progressive edema and decreased urine output.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All other laboratory values were within normal range.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Administration of intrathecal Ara-C in the same dose over longer intervals within 3-5 days between consecutive doses resulted in mild, transient neurological symptoms (paresthesias) in only one of 30 patients so treated.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Successful long-term control with lamivudine against reactivated hepatitis B infection following intensive chemotherapy and autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: experience of 2 cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Four weeks after the end of the chemotherapy she developed interstitial pneumonitis and irreversible lung fibrosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: Wernicke encephalopathy (WE) is an acute neurologic disorder characterized by a triad of ophthalmoplegia, ataxia, and mental confusion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Strongyloides infections in transplant recipients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Since the introduction of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) antagonists, various microbiologic agents have been reported to cause pneumonia following their administration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE SUMMARY: A 61-year-old woman with no apparent risk factors for liver injury developed acute hepatitis one week after the final dose of a long-term course of pulse itraconazole therapy (200 mg orally twice daily, 1 wk on, 3 wk off, for 24 wk) for onychomycosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We suggest ways to minimize this risk.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There have been more than 20 observations of the appearance or aggravation of this granulomatosis with interferon alfa and more recently with the combination of interferon alfa plus ribavirin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"One patient showed mild improvement (42.0% decrease in VAS).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"MATERIALS AND METHODS: We present a case of ulcerative colitis in a pediatric liver transplant recipient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Administration of cisplatin in three patients with carboplatin hypersensitivity: is skin testing useful?","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: If a parotid duct injury is diagnosed at the time of tumor extirpation, then surgical repair of the duct should be attempted, but if surgical repair is not possible or if an injury remains unrecognized until well after tumor extirpation, then surgery is not necessary.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient's cytopenias were refractory to treatment with corticosteroids, cyclosporine, intravenous immune globulin, rituximab, and pentostatin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Additional application of FAB (2 x 80 mg) resulted in the immediate disappearance of arrhythmia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Paradoxical ventricular tachycardia and fibrillation after intravenous bretylium therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A closer look at septic shock.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Oral hypoglycaemics.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Poor hygiene and insufficient disinfection may be major risk factors for Acanthameoba keratitis in cosmetic contact lens wearers.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Embolia cutis medicamentosa following subcutaneous injection of glatiramer acetate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The occurrence of neuromuscular blockade and the resulting potentiation of muscle relaxants during magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) administration is well known.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"EEGs and Spect scan results were consistent with dysfunction in the left frontotemporoparietal regions of the brain.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Myoclonus and seizures in a patient with parkinsonism: induction by levodopa and its confirmation on SEPs.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Interferon (IFN)-associated retinopathy is typically characterized by retinal hemorrhages and cotton wool spots at the posterior fundus, but visual function is usually maintained.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Ten patients with palatal tremor have presented to this department over the last three years.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Life-threatening cranial dystonia following trihexyphenidyl withdrawal.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In the end, secondary forms of NH might coexist with classical primary NH.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"No significant effects were observed in B-cell counts or the immune status of the newborn.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Subacute vincristine toxicity following five consecutive daily doses.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On chronic pain assessment he was having hyperalgesia to light touch in addition to the spontaneous chest pain.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cryptococcus neoformans fatal sepsis in a chronic lymphocytic leukemia patient treated with alemtuzumab: case report and review of the literature.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Pheripheral edema was observed in five female patients after taking proton pump inhibitors omeprazole, lansoprazole, or pantoprazole for 7-15 days for peptic acid diseases in recommended standard doses.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"However, given the clinically significant result to the interaction between tolazoline and cimetidine we report, the use of cimetidine in tolazoline induced upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage should deserve more attention.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Nine of the 11 patients were also taking corticosteroids or corticosteroids with MTX.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"New drugs have been introduced to manage the cardinal motor symptoms of PD, and other agents have been borrowed to treat the nonmotor manifestations of the illness.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The possibility of HUS during induction chemotherapy for ALL should be considered early on in the treatment regimen, if clinical signs and symptoms suggest this diagnosis, so that appropriate treatment can be instituted.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Eight patients with myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) and four patients with aplastic anemia (AA) were treated with recombinant erythropoietin (rEpo) to investigate its effect on the anemia of these patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"High-dose intravenous melphalan for plasma-cell leukaemia and myeloma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The fourth was a 49-year-old female patient who was treated with multiple chemotherapeutics for Stage II breast carcinoma and subsequently developed visual acuity and field defects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"During clarithromycin coadministration, four out of the seven patients developed moderate-to-severe toxic symptoms of carbamazepine, such as drowsiness, dizziness, and ataxia, which resolved within 5 days after clarithromycin discontinuation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We describe the case of a 17-year-old boy with a right apical paraspinal Ewing's tumour in the neck treated with induction chemotherapy, high-dose chemotherapy (busulfan and melphalan) with peripheral stem-cell rescue and, 4 months later, radiotherapy to the primary tumour site (cervical cord received 50 Gy in 30 fractions).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: We employed an A-B-A-B single-subject research design that included clinical history, clinical findings, photographic images, and specular microscopic findings of ocular changes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Blood samples were taken after clarithromycin coadministration and at 1 and 4 weeks after its discontinuation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The effect of o,p'-DDD on adrenal steroid replacement therapy requirements.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A fatal case of theophylline intoxication is presented in which a number of factors leading to a decrease in theophylline clearance and the patient's death were possibly operative.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Including our own patient, a total of 26 cases of gemcitabine-associated HUS were identified.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In case 1, a total daily dose of 25 mg sertraline, with nondetectable sertraline and desmethylsertraline blood levels, resulted in a doubling of the lamotrigine blood level with symptoms of toxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"No connection could be demonstrated between the eruption and other drugs or chemicals.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In 1991 the patient were found to be seropositive for HCV antibodies as detected by the ELISA method and confirmed by the RIBA method.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The development of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) after 38 months of therapy with recombinant human interferon gamma (rIFN-gamma) was observed in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report the case of a 27-year-old woman with hyperthyroidism during pregnancy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Administration of intravenous nitroglycerin in a patient with idiopathic pulmonary hypertension resulted in an increase in pulmonary artery pressure associated with a decrease in blood flow that is best explained by an increase in pulmonary vascular resistance.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Nine delirious patients suffering from lithium intoxication were examined with the Mini-Mental State Exam (MMS) to describe the clinical course of the disorder.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"It is generally well tolerated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Arthritis and bursitis in multiple sclerosis patients treated with interferon-beta.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The case reported here concerns the resolution of severe insomnia in a patient with global hypopituitary insufficiency upon adjustment of triple HRT to quadruple HRT.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Reactivation of herpes zoster in this case could have been coincidental, or secondary to LASIK and the subsequent use of topical corticosteroids following LASIK.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Reaccumulation of hemothorax occurred over the 48 hours following drain removal, necessitating insertion of a second drain, which removed 1400 mL of blood-stained fluid.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Our data support the continued use of liver biopsies in the surveillance of MTX-treated psoriatics.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: The observation that neurotoxicity developed with a delay of 24 to 48 hours after acyclovir peak serum concentrations could explain the wide range of acyclovir levels reported in similar cases.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Chromosome abnormalities after chlorambucil therapy of polycythaemia vera.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Lansoprazole-induced thrombocytopenia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report the clinical course of a patient with bitemporal epilepsy who ingested 12 g of lacosamide, 56 g of gabapentin, 2g of topiramate, and 2.8 g of zonisamide during a suicide attempt.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Churg-Strauss syndrome, or allergic granulomatous angiitis, is an uncommon vasculitic syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Common factors among all patients included advanced age and use of a high-dose regimen.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ventricular fibrillation during transesophageal atrial pacing in an infant with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rapid onset of quetiapine-induced diabetic ketoacidosis in an elderly patient: a case report.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Aspirin is one of the world's most commonly used medications and its use benefits many diverse conditions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Prolonged enteroviral infection in a patient who developed pericarditis and heart failure after bone marrow transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen concentrations were 2.7 mg\/dl and 70 mg\/dl, respectively.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"2-CdA typically causes a long-lasting state of immunodeficiency and the profound influence of this drug on the immune system has raised questions concerning the emergence of secondary neoplasms after its use.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Both had low levels of serum sodium, potassium and calcium.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The rate of infection in patients who require ventricular assist devices is estimated at more than 35%.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The increased use of serotonergic agents (alone and in combination) across multiple medical disciplines presents the possibility that the prevalence and clinical significance of this condition will rise in the future.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 51-year-old male patient with living, unrelated kidney transplantation in Iran in June 2001, developed Plasmodium falciparum P. falciparum infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ziprasidone is an atypical antipsychotic drug that is believed to have a low propensity for inducing extrapyramidal symptoms, including tardive dyskinesia (TD).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A newborn infant born with fetal hydrops had recurrent supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) that required repeated successful conversion by transesophageal atrial pacing.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The dark-adaptation curves were normal for one patient several months after isotretinoin therapy was discontinued.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Changed Michaelis-Menten parameters suggest that cisplatin increases the metabolic rate of phenytoin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intravitreal bevacizumab was administered and optical coherence tomography revealed worsening of the cystoid macular edema 1 month after the injection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intra-arterial therapy has the theoretical advantage of establishing a neurovascular diagnosis and high symptomatic artery patency rate but the disadvantage of requiring extra time and technical expertise.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To report a case of possible foscarnet-induced severe hypomagnesemia and other electrolyte disorders.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: A healthy 37-year-old African- American man was receiving treatment with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole double strength.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Starting with high-dose methylprednisolone treatment followed by defibrotide maintenance therapy the patient showed dramatic complete response of VOD, resulting in a normal sonography of the liver and normalization of laboratory values.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One month later, when the patient was free of symptoms, the follow-up free protein S antigen level was restored to the normal range.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pramipexole is a Food and Drug Administration-approved antiparkinsonian agent, which, when used to augment antidepressants, would be considered an off-label use and should be discussed with the patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The course of this patient's renal disease contrasts sharply with diffuse proliferative glomerulonephritis of idiopathic systemic lupus, and suggests that this rare complication of procainamide therapy may have a favorable course.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case in which the duration of action of 1 mg of vecuronium lasted 4 hours in a patient with severe preeclampsia whose serum magnesium level was in the therapeutic range.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Visual acuity remained unchanged in both eyes during follow-up.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Dermatitis to captopril.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Six months later, amiodarone treatment was reinstated due to life-threatening tachyarrhythmia; however, the patient remained euthyroid.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Sweet's syndrome associated with sargramostim (granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor) treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This sequence of events, i.e., cause and effect, has been referred to as the \"holiday heart\" syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report AZA-induced drug eruption that developed in two cases of systemic scleroderma with polymyositis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This report is of the successful treatment of a patient with multiply drug-resistant visceral leishmaniasis with a commercially prepared formulation of liposomal amphotericin B (L-AmB) ('AmBisome', Vestar, San Dimas, California, USA).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"John's Wort while under psychiatric care are described.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"His oral medications included topiramate, carbamazepine, olanzapine, quetiapine, guanfacine, and desmopressin acetate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thiabendazole given for 3 to 7 days is the treatment of choice for organ transplant recipients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the first histopathologically documented case of oral mucosa pigmentation after OLP treatment with topical tacrolimus.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Predisposing factors such as the use of corticosteroids, the concomitan presence of an autoimmune disease (pemphigus foliaceus) and an infection of ehrlichiosis caused by Ehrlichia canis were observed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A study following large patient groups on theophylline and a combination of theophylline and steroids might clarify the risk of ulcer formation in patients being treated with these medications for asthma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A complete immunohistochemical study was performed on heart specimens.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Gastric variceal bleeding is a serious complication of liver cirrhosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One-year follow-up showed no recurrence.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The flares typically last for up to 3 days at a time, and most patients are completely asymptomatic between attacks; if untreated with prophylactic colchicine, some patients later develop amyloidosis and renal failure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"None of the patients required treatment for the overdose.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"No risk factors for rhabdomyolysis were found, but the calcium-dependent potassium efflux, normally responsible for membrane hyperpolarization and muscle refractoriness, was severely decreased in the patient's red blood cells.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Preoperative risk factors, operative data, cardiopulmonary-bypass, postoperative complications and clinical symptoms are discussed together with ophthalmologic findings in order to elucidate the pathophysiology of this process.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 54-year-old woman with recurrent adenocarcinoma of the uterus was treated with new third-generation cephalosporin, cefmenoxime, for a urinary tract infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case of tuberculosis in a patient on Efalizumab and Etanercept for treatment of refractory palmopustular psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"His INR was 1.69 despite the increased warfarin dosage.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Herein we present a woman with bilateral lower extremity rest pain and a history of chronic ergot use for migraine headaches.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"For pain relief an epidural infusion at the level T1-2 with bupivacaine was started.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"P. falciparum can be transmitted in a hospital environment from patient to patient by blood inoculum if standard precautions are breached.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Colchicine-induced rhabdomyolysis is a rare complication, and the postulated mechanisms and risk factors for this severe complication are discussed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Methemoglobinemia may occur in a number of drug or chemical ingestions, but a comprehensive review of the literature failed to identify a similar reported case.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present a 46-year-old African-American man with AIDS who was admitted on two different occasions within three weeks for signs and symptoms of meningitis after using trimethoprim\/sulfamethoxazole (TMP\/SMX).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The possible underlying pharmacological mechanisms of this clinical reaction lend support to the cholinergic-adrenergic balance hypothesis of affective disorders.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Is akathisia a forerunner of tardive dyskinesia? A clinical report with brief review of literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Penile erections were regularly induced by intermittent subcutaneous injections of apomorphine in five patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) complicated by motor fluctuations.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Propafenone is an effective antiarrhythmic drug used widely for the treatment of supraventricular and ventricular arrhythmias.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: The mechanism by which loop diuretics induce pancreatitis appears to be via an immunologic pathway.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Severe hyperkalemia occurred in a patient with radiation pneumonitis and glaucoma shortly after beginning prednisone therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"As ototoxicity appears to be most pronounced in the higher frequencies of sound, any changes can be assessed at an earlier stage by using high-frequency audiometry to test patients at frequencies from 8 to 20 kHz.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The rotator cuff tendons were noted to be intact and normal in appearance.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 31-year-old woman developed pain, decreased vision, and a corneal flap infiltrate 4 days following laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient tolerated the rechallenge with fluorouracil without complications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A literature review has identified only 9 additional cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: We report this case of the concomitant appearance of multiple skin cancers and nail changes associated with hydroxyurea use.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Due to large chorioretinal scars the visual recovery was poor.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Adverse effects of atrial fibrillation and syncope induced by calcium-channel blockers in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Tests for hepatitis A, B, and C were negative.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Our patient had headache, mild fever, nausea, vomiting, rash, and eosinophilia after 3 weeks of disulfiram therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Since tamoxifen therapy can induce endometrial disorders, surveillance schemes of women taking tamoxifen have been recommended.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We believe this represents the most delayed reported thrombosis post-sirolimus-eluting stent implantation, which might not have been preventable using even the latest FDA recommendations.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"When his carbamazepine concentration returned to previous levels, seizure control was not reestablished.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Of note is that the renal histology at autopsy showed a remarkable improvement of mesangial hypercellularity with concomitant reduction in the number of glomerular macrophages.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report on a patient who presented an invalidating progressive pelvic dyskinesia while receiving different kinds of neuroleptic drugs for a psychiatric disorder.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The histological morphology of AILD-type T-cell lymphoma shows proliferation of small, arborizing high endothelial venules.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Adding morphine (5 mg\/60 mL levobupivicaine) permitted a reduction in infusion rate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Dapsone (4-4-diaminodiphenyl-sulfone) is a member of the sulfone group of antibiotics used in the treatment of leprosy and various dermatitidies and more recently employed in the management of local reactions to the bite of the brown recluse spider, Loxosceles reclusa.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Severe hepatocellular dysfunction following cyproterone acetate therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Within 4 days of discontinuing the pentamidine, the patient's heart rate stabilized at 80 beats\/minute without further intervention.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This is, to the best of our knowledge, the first report of a case in which agranulocytosis followed treatment with both propylthiouracil and methimazole in the same patient.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Efficacy and safety of linezolid in multidrug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB)--a report of ten cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although a definitive causal relationship between the steroids and AI was not established, their temporal association and the exclusion of other possible etiologies led us to postulate that AI was a complication of the steroid protocol.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two months into his second-line chemotherapy, he developed multiple, concomitant, transverse and longitudinal black lines in all of his fingernails and toenails.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Methylphenidate is a potent central nervous system stimulant that exerts its effects by increasing synaptic levels of dopamine and norepinephrine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Toxic hepatitis induced by disulfiram in a non-alcoholic.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"DISCUSSION: Drug-induced LABD is a variant of classic or idiopathic LABD.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Anaphylaxis after the injection of chymopapain occurs in about 1% of such cases.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The relevant literature is reviewed; a case history is presented; and implications for nursing care (e.g., early detection) are discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Ovulation induction therapy with clomiphene citrate may precipitate uveitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: We report the first case of orbital cellulitis following Faden operation on the medial rectus muscle.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Gold nephropathy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This study underscores the risks of routinely administering protamine to susceptible individuals and the need for alternative therapies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Methimazole-associated cholestatic liver injury: case report and brief literature review.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The duration of each infusion should be minimised and blood volume should be carefully monitored throughout.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: Symptomatic spinal epidural lipomatosis is considered to be a rare condition usually presenting with slowly progressive cord or nerve root compression.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Once clonidine was discontinued, the resting heart rate returned to normal.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After successful treatment, she was given demeclocycline prophylactically and rechallenged with vinorelbine without recurrence of the syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Herein we reported a case of reactivation of sarcoidosis occurring during the treatment of chronic hepatitis C, and we present a literature review of other centers' experiences with this problem.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Behavioral side effects associated with clonazepam may include agitation, aggression, hyperactivity, irritability, property destruction, and temper tantrums.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Rhino-orbital zygomycosis is usually an aggressive, fulminant and, at times, fatal disease that requires urgent medical and surgical treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Report of two cases with evidence from serial computed tomographic brain scans.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Histopathological findings include focal vacuolar alteration of the basal layer with cytoid bodies, dermal and intraepidermal multinucleated giant cells and a mixed chronic inflammatory infiltrate with a lichenoid pattern consisting of lymphocytes, histiocytes, eosinophils and plasma cells.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Jet-injection devices might constitute a helpful method to treat those patients affected by severe human insulin-induced lipoatrophy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Patients were followed up clinically with slit-lamp examination for evidence of tumor disappearance or recurrence, and local and systemic side effects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Renal pathologic findings were consistent with minimal change nephrotic syndrome (MCNS) showing extensive foot process effacement of visceral glomerular epithelial cells (podocyte).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Good visual outcome after early debridement and appropriate antibiotics was achieved.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Sodium phenylbutyrate was added to treatment with HU in two patients, but failed to produce an increase in total Hb despite increasing Hb F levels.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Actinomyces-like organisms were seen on cervico-vaginal smears.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient underwent a dorsal laminectomy, and arachnoidal calcification and ossification was find, but the removal of the bone plaques was ineffectual in order to the subsequent course of the neurological troubles.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These two cases of acute leukemia, which developed 3 years after diagnosis of breast cancer and initiation of chemotherapy, were characterized by trilineage dysplasia and pancytopenia, and had abnormalities of chromosomes 5 and 7: characteristics consistent with treatment-related leukemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pulmonary resection was finally performed because of acute progressive respiratory failure due to massive recurrent hemoptysis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Further studies on the precise association with different therapies are thus needed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Other causes of the disease were ruled out.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After completion of chemotherapy the patient remained in a complete remission and free of new thromboembolic events.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Most cases are managed by oral surgeons with only a handful of reports appearing in the otolaryngology literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In conclusion, the locally prepared LC was able to control the bleeding episodes in a haemophilia A patient with high inhibitor.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report 4 patients, 2 on methylphenidate and 2 on dextroamphetamine who presented with acral cyanosis, livedo reticularis, or Raynaud phenomenon.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A patient is described who developed a rapid onset of pulmonary fibrosis following treatment with a new non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, nabumetone.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Aminophylline hypersensitivity apparently due to ethylenediamine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The observation is consistent with reports linking psychomotor abnormalities and psychosis in severely depressed juveniles to an increased propensity for manic switching, as well as adult studies that report a greater risk of antidepressant-induced cycling in bipolar compared with unipolar affective illness.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the first case of hairy cell leukemia occurring after cardiac transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"2-CdA induces lymphocytopenia, which may explain the improvement in this patient's psoriasis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: In these four patients, the use of caspofungin as an additional drug to the standard trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole regimen led to a rapid improvement and a complete cure of pneumonia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case of nephrotic syndrome treated with associated cyclophosphamide and corticosteroids came to our attention after over 2 years of self-administered immunosuppressive therapy which remained unchanged and uncontrolled during this period.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cognitive and speech functions were specifically tested during the evaluation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Diltiazem therapy was discontinued, leading to resolution of fever within 48 hours.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patients had received anthracyclines and methotrexate, a known nephrotoxic chemotherapeutic agent.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In conclusion, the in vitro susceptibility assay as well as nucleotide sequence of clinical isolate is important to choose appropriate antiviral agents for patients who have persistent CMV reactivation after stem cell transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"If neovascularization occurred at the site of the anastomosis, intravitreal bevacizumab (1.25 mg) was injected followed by laser photocoagulation to areas of retinal ischaemia and the area of retina anterior to the L-CRA 1 week later.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Mycobacterium tuberculosis was isolated in a culture of peritoneal fluid, and the patient responded promptly to antituberculous therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Eosinophilic pleural effusion is defined as an effusion in which eosinophils constitute more than 10% of white blood cells.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Five months after initiating mirtazapine therapy, she developed symptomatic hyponatremia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report on the clinical phenotype and infantile development of a girl born to a 36-year-old mother.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute renal failure in a patient treated by continuous povidone-iodine mediastinal irrigation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The other patient had one of four primary BCCs respond completely, and the remaining three respond partially.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, there remain questions concerning whether these drugs, especially methimazole (MMI), may be associated with aplasia cutis congenita (ACC) and how best to avoid impairment of fetal thyroid function during their use.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Theoretically, insulin-sensitizing thiazolidinediones (TZDs) should be beneficial in this patient population.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One of the mainstay pharmacologic therapies for ADHD has been stimulants.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Gastric tumor, endometrial carcinoma and cervical adenocarcinoma in situ were detected after treatment with tamoxifen for breast cancer.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 42-year old woman with neck pain was prescribed 15 g of 'maqianzi' to be taken in two doses at 7 hours apart, although the recommended dose was 0.3-0.6 g.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is generally thought that doses below 500-550 mg\/m2 are safe but, when objective measures of cardiac function are used, it becomes apparent that degrees of cardiac failure occur at doses below this.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The 2 cases direct our attention to at least 3 important points regarding safe administration of ECT shortly after the occurrence of PE, that is, careful evaluation of cardiac function and residual deep vein thrombosis before the start of an ECT course, adjustment of anticoagulants, and prevention of recurrent deep vein thrombosis and PE by methods in addition to anticoagulant therapy (fluid infusion, use of support hose, and timely ECT).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Subsequently, the patient developed pulmonary emboli documented by angiography.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This report suggests the importance of searching for the presence of C. difficile and its toxin in patients with diarrhea after undergoing cancer chemotherapy since C. difficile may cause severe colitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Severe steroid-induced glaucoma following intravitreal injection of triamcinolone acetonide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Herpes zoster ophthalmicus and syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"With drug rechallenge two days later, ventricular tachycardia recurred within minutes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Use of the Naranjo probability scale showed the relationship of itraconazole therapy and the occurrence of acute hepatitis as probable.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These results provided consistent evidence that the selective absence of VWFMs with large to medium molecular masses in this patient is caused by the heightened clearance of a complex of IgG inhibitor and VWFMs from the circulation, presumably through IgG binding to the Fc receptor of macrophages.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Autoinfection occurs in the setting of immunosuppression when invasive larvae penetrate the gut wall and cause disseminated infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Failure of coagulation was confirmed by thrombelastography and in both cases routine coagulation tests revealed a prolonged kaolin cephalin clotting time (KCT).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Development of obsessive-compulsive behaviour following cortisone treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Since January 2002, 171 patients with RA have commenced taking leflunomide.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"At ophthalmic review, the tumour had apparently completely regressed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS\/RESULTS: This paper presents a new case of rifabutin uveitis and a review of the various published reports to date.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"It is concluded that cyclophosphamide and thiotepa in obese patients should not be dosed on the basis of BSA incorporating TBW since the patient will be overexposed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient had tolerated both general and local anaesthesia on several previous occasions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Record et al. have recommended oral loading in selected patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two weekly injections of 25 mg of the tumour necrosis factor alpha inhibitor etanercept led to a rapid improvement of his psoriatic arthritis, as well as regression of the pustular eruption, while residual erythema was still present.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: Gemcitabine-induced recall pneumonitis is a rarely reported phenomenon and should be taken into account even after extended time interval to the previous radiotherapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Clinicians should be vigilant when monitoring for cardiotoxicity in patients receiving pentamidine throughout the duration of therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The level of aspartate aminotransferase (AST) was 44 U\/L, and that of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) was 69 U\/L.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She experienced two separate episodes of observed fits whilst on an initial daily dose of 125 mg and, subsequently, on a daily dose of 237.5 mg.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CLINICAL PRESENTATION AND INTERVENTION: A 50-year-old male with chronic hepatitis C received treatment with alfa-interferon and ribavirin for 52 weeks.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Her antecedent medical history included stable, mild renal function impairment, mitral regurgitation, atrial fibrillation, recurrent transient ischaemic attacks and cholelithiasis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Following the widespread use of GVO, more severe complications such as needle cementation, fistula formation, embolic sequels, recurrent septicemia, etc., have been reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"His symptoms resolved within 2 weeks of discontinuing the isoniazid.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cutaneous seeding is a rare complication of interventional ultrasound procedures.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The concomitant use, however, of colchicine and statin has been associated with the rapid onset of muscle weakness.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Only one patient, the youngest, did well on risperidone therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In case 1, a total daily dose of 25 mg sertraline, with nondetectable sertraline and desmethylsertraline blood levels, resulted in a doubling of the lamotrigine blood level with symptoms of toxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"One year later, she experienced a fatal hepatitis B virus (HBV) reactivation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The thrombus occupied almost half the right atrial cavity and hit the tricuspid valve with each heartbeat without obstruction of tricuspid inflow.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Bisphosphonates inhibit bone turnover and result in increased bone-mineral density.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although various other cardiac events have been reported in literature, a series of patients having transient asymptomatic bradycardia has not been reported in the literature as yet.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"As children are often unable to describe their symptoms verbally, their akathisia can be misdiagnosed as worsening of their psychosis, prompting an unnecessary increase in their neuroleptic dose.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 41-year-old woman was treated according to a diagnosis of depression, which was her 6th episode.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 14-year-old female developed systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)-like symptoms, rash, fever, leukopenia and positive anti-nuclear antibody (ANA) two weeks after administration of carbamazepine (CBZ; Tegretol) used against benign Rolandic epilepsy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Fundus examination revealed resolution of cystoid macula edema.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Amiodarone hydrochloride, a new antiarrhythmic agent, has been associated with pulmonary toxicity characterized by cough, dyspnea and diffuse pulmonary infiltrates.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"On admission rhabdomyolysis had begun to improve despite a worsening of the hyponatremia (113 mEq\/L).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two brief periods of analgesia were achieved with deep subcutaneous infiltration of bupivacaine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Chronic ischemic changes in the white matter may have been an additional factor in the causation and, most likely, in the duration of his status.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The cases of two asthmatic patients who became hypokalemic after inhalation of normal doses of albuterol are presented.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The failure of high doses steroids to alter the course of illness and to completely suppress the thyroidal inflammatory process is highlighted.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report marked QT prolongation and torsades de pointes in a setting of flash pulmonary edema resulting from acute myocardial ischemia in a patient who was being treated with dofetilide for atrial fibrillation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Although it is difficult to be certain of the direct link of amiodarone on the basis of a single case, it is reasonable to presume that this histopathology is associated with amiodarone-induced hypothyroidism and that involution changes represent the hypofunctional status of this drug-induced disorder.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A patient with the Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome presented with incessant orthodromic atrioventricular tachycardia following initiation of procainamide therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The resuscitation attempt was unsuccessful, and the patient was pronounced dead.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In these cases, the pregnancy can be protected through anticoagulation treatment, but there may be exceptions to this.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although transient increases in ectopy after bretylium therapy have been described, presumably due to catecholamine release, the occurrence of life-threatening ventricular arrhythmia leading to cardiac arrest has not previously been emphasized.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Since complete surgical excision was not feasible, she was treated with repeated multiple local injections of triamcinolone acetonide.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Antibiotic irrigation of the capsular bag to resolve low-grade endophthalmitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Our case is that of a 44-year-old woman, along with a review of the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: To report patients who presented to the oculoplastics department for repair of cicatrical entropion after topical use of dipivefrin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We can speculate that the overexpression of VEGF induced by local ischemia and inflammation can make these patients more likely to have CNV.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, 9 months later, while still asymptomatic, routine physical examination revealed a recurrent right lower quadrant tumor.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although the patient's symptoms are consistent with those of the condition, she did not respond to treatment with haloperidol, flunarizine, or propranolol.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"I saw two patients with kala-azar resistant to sodium stibogluconate who developed cardiac arrest after amphotericin infusion (in spite of tolerating a test dose).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Nocardia asteroides is an opportunistic infection caused by an aerobic actinomycete, which, in the immunocompromised host, can be associated with severe invasive disease with a predilection for the brain.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These drugs, phosphodiesterase 5 (PDE5) inhibitors, help men with ED obtain and sustain an erection, improving both sexual function and sexual performance satisfaction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pursuing a diagnosis in a Caribbean man.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ibuprofen overdose is usually characterized by GI upset, dizziness, and mild sedation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Clinicians should be aware of this adverse reaction when facing similar complex neurologic symptoms in patients who are receiving the antibiotic treatment described here, especially vancomycin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Clinical evaluation of SMS 201-995.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Neurosurgeons will be faced with another devastating complication of thrombolytic therapy, as long as the available drugs are being used.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A child in whom a phenobarbital hypersensitivity drug reaction developed which consisted of fever, a pruritic desquamating erythrodermic rash, alopecia, icterus, protein-losing enteropathy, myositis, and nephritis, is described.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) secretion is a common consequence of neurologic and pulmonary infections as well as drug intake and many other clinical situations.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Use of lamotrigine to augment clozapine in patients with resistant schizophrenia and comorbid alcohol dependence: a potent anti-craving effect?","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"High-dose methotrexate is used in malignant hemopathies and solid tumors in children.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The latter form (Macrodantin) is reported to engender less gastrointestinal intolerance but it can produce the same adverse effects as the conventional form--liver damage, acute and chronic pulmonary reactions, peripheral neuropathy, blood dyscrasias and allergic reactions--and does so just as rapidly and floridly; one such case is reported here.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Olanzapine-induced hyperglycaemic coma and neuroleptic malignant syndrome: case report and review of literature.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The episodes became more frequent in the following months, causing several falls and requiring visits to the emergency department, but no acute coronary event was diagnosed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, an association of Ritalin with glaucoma has been reported.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Methamphetamine abuse has been increasing in California and may exceed cocaine abuse in some regions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Malignant mixed mullerian tumor of the uterus in a patient taking raloxifene.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The diagnosis was based on the rapid onset of renal failure, presence of eosinophilia, skin rash, and characteristic renal biopsy finding, following the administration of ampicillin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Venous thrombembolism, thrombophilic defects, combined oral contraception and anticoagulation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is estimated that the real incidence if TIAA is higher, and many cases, initially presented as agranulocytosis +\/- thrombocytopenia, might be true aplastic anemias, not proven by marrow aspiration or trephine biopsy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 56-year-old woman with scleroderma developed rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis with epithelial crescents associated with hemoptysis after 27 months of D-penicillamine therapy and a cumulative dose of 1,200 g.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"An electrophysiologic study revealed an intermittent advanced (His-Purkinje) block within the atrioventricular conduction system.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although the great majority of these events occur at sites of vascular interruption, major gastrointestinal, retroperitoneal, genitourinary, and central nervous system hemorrhage are known to occur.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Central nervous system toxicity associated with meperidine use in hepatic disease.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to determine whether desensitization to NPH insulin, as well as standard insulin desensitization, could control allergic symptoms in a patient allergic to both NPH and regular insulin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The relationship between tardive OGC and clozapine is still unknown.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: With the increasing use of implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICDs), device complications are becoming more common.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient experienced pain relief after the first application.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She experienced deterioration in vision following the commencement of treatment due to a Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Valproate 960 mg (30 mg\/kg) was infused over 1 hour.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"At final follow-up, the patient complained of a grade 4\/5 hemiparesis, facial nerve palsy, and hearing loss in his left ear.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This is a diagnosis that should be considered in patients with prostate cancer who present with hip pain in the absence of biochemical evidence of disease progression.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We cared for a toddler in whom severe respiratory distress developed after VVR was applied directly under her nose.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"As a result, one of these individuals had premature death.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Steroid therapy is an effective method of protecting the airway in some patients with hemangiomas.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This compound, used by adults in the child's home, had caused accidental theophylline poisoning, mimicking diabetic ketoacidosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Discontinuation of dalteparin on day 4 led to resolution of symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Anastrozole-associated sclerosing glomerulonephritis in a patient with breast cancer.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"She suffered from epigastric discomfort.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In each case, a surgical opinion was required.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This led to a rapid unfavorable progression of hepatitis B, which was recently acquired and subsequently evolved into a severe cholestatic and fibrosing chronic hepatitis, causing multiple end-organ failure, and ultimately, death.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Severe rhabdomyolysis following massive ingestion of oolong tea: caffeine intoxication with coexisting hyponatremia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Clofazimine enteropathy caused by crystal deposition can be life-threatening.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient's previous rash and the temporal relation of this event and the ingestion of phenolphthalein, as well as the similarity of this case to other reports, point to phenolphthalein as the cause of TEN in this patient.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The authors postulate that two types of combined lithium-neuroleptic toxicity occur: a neuroleptic malignant extrapyramidal syndrome and a lithium toxicity that occurs in combination with phenothiazines, primarily thioridazine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Glucocorticoids were administered at dosages that provided 1\/3 to 1\/2 of her expected maximal daily cortisol secretion during her complicated hospital course.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Agenesis of the inferior vena cava (IVC) is an uncommon congenital vascular malformation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The literature is also reviewed for ARF associated with mannitol infusion in patients who received dialysis and those who did not receive dialysis; and the possible mechanism(s) of mannitol nephrotoxicity are discussed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Histiocytic lymphoma of the ileocecal region developed in a patient with multiple myeloma following successful long-term alkylating agent therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Because of his chronic diarrhea, this patient underwent colonoscopy, which revealed diffuse erythematous mucosa, multiple ulcers, exudate, and pseudopolyps with a diffuse loss of vascularity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: To report a case of Serratia Marcescens corneal ulcer as a complication of orthokeratology treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Laparoscopic surgery is inappropriate in patients with malignant ascites or when preoperative or intraoperative findings are suggestive of ovarian cancer.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Four patients remained dialysis-dependent and died within 4 weeks of presentation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"High signal intensity in periventricular white matter was observed on T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Multicyclic dose-intensive chemotherapy supported by autologous blood progenitor cell transplantation for relapsed small cell lung cancer.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage was diagnosed, despite an initial negative CT scan.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"By means of the in vitro heparin-induced platelet activation (HIPA) assay it was shown that standard heparin and the LMW heparins Fragmin and Fraxiparin (Sanofi Labaz, Munich, FRG), as well as the enoxaparine Clexane (Nattermann, Cologne, FRG), all induced platelet activation with the patient's serum.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Visual acuity, color vision, Goldmann perimetry testing, and fundus photography.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Recombinant human alpha-interferon (IFN) at a dose of 3 million units combined with melphalan and prednisolone was administrated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"AIMS: The aim of this study was to report on the effectiveness and tumor side effects of topical interferon (INF) alpha 2-beta in a case of conjunctiva-cornea intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) of a patient that rejected any surgical procedure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Five weeks later, the patient underwent arthroscopic evaluation of the shoulder and subacromial decompression.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The occurrence of additional signs and symptoms should alert the clinician to the presence of intracranial pathology.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A nerve conduction study showed conduction block at the elbow, indicating possible cubital tunnel syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An immediate hemolytic reaction induced by repeated administration of oxaliplatin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Neuroleptic malignant syndrome in a burn patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The first was a 56-year-old male treated with multiple chemotherapeutics for multiple myeloma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Radiation therapy is a powerful method for the control of cancer.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Anaphylaxis to cisplatin following nine previous uncomplicated cycles.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The reported case represents an unusual association between medication with the proton pump inhibitor lansoprazole and the development of collagenous colitis suggesting the importance of evaluation of drug use in patients with microscopic colitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"At delivery the umbilical cord plasma concentration was similar to that in the maternal venous plasma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Repeated open application tests with amcinonide and triamcinolone acetonide cream on the ventral aspect of the upper arm were negative.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After reviewing the current literature, we suggest that there is no dose of methadone that may be considered to be completely safe.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This is the first description, to our knowledge, of ductopenia apparently caused by clindamycin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient was treated with corticosteroid therapy and surgical resection of the jejunal tumor.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In our experience, the correct diagnosis and effective treatment at an early stage proved to be helpful to the patients in pulling out from the critical stage of acute radiation sickness.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Despite the extraordinary course in this patient, complete recovery took place, confirming the benign nature of even such a prolonged episode.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The nocturia was defined as having more than two episodes of urination during sleep per night on average.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Heart Vessels 2006;21:124?6].","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 27-year-old man presented with corneal ectasia in his left eye 4 years after myopic laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) and was treated with riboflavin-ultraviolet-A (crosslinking).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient underwent an elective termination of an intrauterine pregnancy and subsequently was diagnosed with a pulmonary embolus, which delayed the diagnosis of her ruptured ectopic pregnancy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Neurotoxicity occurs most often with intermittent high dose 5-FU as bolus injection or 24- to 48-h infusions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Methanol toxicity can cause severe central nervous system insult in which a characteristic pattern of bilateral putaminal injury is noted on brain imaging studies.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Indications for GBP treatment were newly diagnosed epilepsy in one and painful paraesthesiae in the other.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Up to now, all investigations have failed to show a relapse of her adenocarcinoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute neutrophilic dermatosis induced by all-trans-retinoic acid treatment for acute promyelocytic leukemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Reversible treatment-related leukoencephalopathy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Palliative radiation therapy was given.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the case of a 20-year-old woman originally from Cameroon who was infected by the L. loa parasite and developed severe hepatitis, identified 1 month after a single dose of ivermectin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Multifocal osteonecrosis following chemotherapy and short-term corticosteroid therapy in a patient with small-cell bronchogenic carcinoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CLINICAL FEATURES: A 61 yr old man with severe mitral regurgitation and chronic obstructive lung disease underwent surgery for mitral valve repair.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All patients who died developed disseminated intravascular coagulation, and at postmortem examination were found to have had cerebral haemorrhage.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Valacyclovir is an effective oral agent for the treatment of herpes virus infection, however, the pharmacokinetics of the drug are altered in renal failure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: The hemolytic-uremic syndrome may be a rare complication of oxaliplatin-based chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The introduction of para-aminosalicylic acid (PAS) led to hypoglycaemic coma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report our conventional magnetic resonance and diffusion-weighted imaging findings and briefly discuss the pathophysiology of the syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In one child, a second course of carbamazepine resulted in a return of the dystonia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The clinical manifestations, differential diagnosis, and treatment of the neuroleptic malignant syndrome and neuroleptic-induced catatonia are discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Bone formation induced in an infant by systemic prostaglandin-E2 administration.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In all three cases, autopsy revealed gross and microscopic features indistinguishable from those seen in the Hamman-Rich syndrome, and methotrexate hepatotoxicity was present in one.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient had recurrence of urticaria and angioedema a year and a half later, at which point the NPH was stopped and she was desensitized to regular insulin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"She tolerated the surgery well and was discharged on postoperative day 5.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Primary cutaneous coccidioidomycosis and subsequent drug eruption to itraconazole in a dog.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CASE REPORT: We present a case of a 28-yr-old male who developed a severe case of nephrotic syndrome while being treated for relapsing\/remitting Multiple Sclerosis (RRMS) with weekly injections of interferon beta 1a.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"However, the other antitubercular drugs were continued along with 40 mg of prednisolone in a single daily morning dose.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patients received CAP 1200-1600 mg\/m2 in two divided doses with XRT (total 5040-5400 Gy) x 6 weeks, followed by 4 weeks rest, then 6 cycles of CAP 2000-2500 mg\/m2 in two divided doses x 14 days every (q) 3 weeks.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Progressive hypokalemia developed during phosphate treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Total blindness with a transient tonic pupillary response, denervation supersensitivity, and abnormal visual-evoked potentials developed in a 54-year-old man after the use of quinine sulfate for leg cramps.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Some kindreds with familial parkinsonism exhibit genetic anticipation, suggesting possible involvement of trinucleotide repeat expansion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Non-lithium-induced renal failure with secondary lithium toxicity: case reports.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These cases, combined with other reports in the literature, suggest strongly that these drugs are fetotoxic.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Neutropenia is an infrequent complication following administration of the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor, captopril.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In both cases, high fever, skin rash, liver dysfunction and atypical lymphocytosis developed 3 weeks after initiating treatment with SASP.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Cervical and inguinal lymph node biopsies showed the features of severe necrotising lymphadenitis, associated with erythrophagocytosis and prominent eosinophilic infiltrates, without viral inclusion bodies, suggestive of an adverse drug reaction.A week later, fulminant drug-induced hepatitis, associated with the presence of anti-nuclear autoantibodies (but not with other markers of autoimmunity), and accompanied by multi-organ failure and sepsis, supervened.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In case 1, a total daily dose of 25 mg sertraline, with nondetectable sertraline and desmethylsertraline blood levels, resulted in a doubling of the lamotrigine blood level with symptoms of toxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Adrenal suppression was discontinued, and she was reevaluated for hypercortisolism.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The effects of aprotinin, a broad-based proteinase inhibitor, in the management of hemorrhagic complications during prolonged venovenous extracorporeal CO2 removal in patients with adult respiratory distress syndrome are not evaluated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors present an elderly patient with mixed dementia who developed TD at multiple sites, (including respiratory dyskinesia [RD], limb dyskinesia, and orofacial dyskinesia) following abrupt withdrawal of risperidone therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a case of shunt infection subsequent to insertion of a ventriculoatrial shunt for obstructive hydrocephalus caused by a cerebellar hematoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Medical records and kidney biopsy specimens were reviewed and relevant data were collected.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Meperidine-associated central nervous system (CNS) excitatory toxicities are believed to be caused by accumulation of the active metabolite normeperidine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Clomipramine was tapered and reduced to 50 mg over a period of 10 days.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The most common associated cancers are ovarian, lung, pancreatic, stomach, colon and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This condition rapidly diminished after administration of intravenous antihistaminics and did not necessitate cessation of VRC treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Heavy proteinuria then developed and the drug was stopped.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We believe these cases highlight important and potentially irreversible side effects of this agent and emphasize the need for further studies of the renal safety of TDF in pediatric patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Trihexyphenidyl and isoprinosine in the treatment of subacute sclerosing panencephalitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report two patients with anhedonic ejaculation (ejaculation without orgasm) associated with initiation of treatment with desipramine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"There was no evidence of recurrent myeloma after the initial remission on cyclophosphamide therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Development of hypertension in neuroblastoma during therapy: a case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Tolazoline induces a dilatation of the pulmonary vascular system by stimulating H2 receptors.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Inflammatory changes were observed in four out of nine patients on HAART and in one out of 19 patients not on HAART.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Despite they can be distinguished through clinical and histological characteristics; both are often used as synonyms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All patients experienced an increase in hematocrit level.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pulmonary nodules caused by Schizophyllum commune after cardiac transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Prolonged severe 5-fluorouracil-associated neurotoxicity in a patient with dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase deficiency.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 47 year-old woman who had a 4-year history of intramuscular pentazocine injections in the lower extremities, developed gradual stiffness and weakness of the lower extremities.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Initially, National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale score was 21, and 24 hours later it improved to 9.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hepatic artery aneurysm associated with upper gastrointestinal bleeding after intrahepatic artery chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case, although rare and atypical, should alert clinicians to consider the possibility of NMS as a complication of abrupt neuroleptic drug withdrawal.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Physicians should be careful not to rule out the diagnosis in patients of high-risk ethnic backgrounds just because of atypical clinical features, as our data indicate that MEFV mutations are sometimes demonstrable in such patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Transfusion-associated graft-versus-host disease (TA-GVHD), has rarely been reported associated with B-chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (B-CLL).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pharmacologic and psychotherapeutic issues in coexistent paranoid schizophrenia and narcolepsy: case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Linezolid-associated acute interstitial nephritis and drug rash with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS) syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In order to prevent GVHD, CsA alone was administered, 3 mg\/kg i.v. per day for a total of 40 days.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These observations indicate that submassive hepatic necrosis may result from treatment with propylthiouracil and are consistent with the notion that sensitization mechanisms may be responsible for the hepatic injury induced by this drug.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The mechanism of leukopenia is thought to be secondary to either an immune-mediated response or direct bone marrow toxicity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Reports of corticosteroid anaphylactic reactions are rare in the medical literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is suggested that the patient had sulfasalazine-induced lupus, which manifested with serositis and pulmonary parenchymal involvement in the absence of joint symptoms.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 51-yr-old nonsmoking male patient without any history of previous allergies, asthma, hay fever, or urticaria developed attacks of asthma when captopril was added to the nadolol and dyazide treatment for his high blood pressure.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Ophthalmologic and neurologic findings in two children exposed to vigabatrin in utero.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Fixed drug eruption in hands caused by omeprazole.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 14-year-old boy with chronic granulomatous disease and severe infection was admitted to the hospital because of left shoulder aspergillus' infection and pain.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pertinent literature was reviewed to provide supporting evidence for the mechanism and clinical implications of the drug interaction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe two dark-skinned patients who developed hyperpigmented skin and tongue lesions during combination therapy with IFN and ribavirin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This case study describes an atypical case of refractory, sodium warfarin-induced necrotizing fasciitis and myonecrosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: The patient with the primary perforation was managed conservatively, while the second was subjected to immediate surgical exploration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He now realised that he had eaten a chocolate cake before this episode and remembered that before the first episode he had had a chocolate mousse dessert.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All of the patients responded with increased levels of Hb F, but the responses in total Hb varied.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PATIENT AND METHODS: We report on a patient suffering from metastatic rectal cancer.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Debris was probably flushed into the external carotid artery, and passed through an anastomosis into the ophthalmic artery, resulting in retinal artery embolization.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Animal studies suggest central D2-type dopamine receptor stimulation and oxytocin release from the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus mediate the effect.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"At 1 year of age cardiovascular and renal function is normal, but there is developmental delay.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of Stevens-Johnson syndrome\/toxic epidermal necrolysis (SJS\/TEN) secondary to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-Sx) therapy for presumed community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA) infection.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"After the second course he developed persistent symptoms of nausea, vomiting, and pain.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report an unusual pattern of supravenous hyperpigmentation occurring after CHOP chemotherapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Pneumonitis with pleural and pericardial effusion and neuropathy during amiodarone therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This suggests that trial chlormadinone acetate withdrawal in patients showing increasing levels of PSA during combined androgen blockade should be considered before initiation of alternative treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The first day after biopsy, the child developed gross hematuria and abdominal pain and an antibiotic was added to her treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Adverse reactions, however, are relatively common as well.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Mechanisms for creating this effective host response need further investigation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He wore a retainer lens, rigid gas permeable lens, overnight for 2 months before the corneal ulcer occurred.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The aim of this study is to draw attention to the adverse effects of henna, applied over the whole body, observed in glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) enzyme deficient siblings.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An esophago-gastro-duodenal examination was performed which showed antritis and duodenitis consistent with radiation therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Divalproex sodium-induced eosinophilic pleural effusion.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In 1 patient, leukoencephalopathy was progressive and irreversible brain damage and mental retardation persisted.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intravenous diazepam exacerbated the seizures.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The possible mechanisms for this complication in out patient are discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Recurrent life-threatening episodes of ventricular tachycardia persisted despite maximal antiarrhythmic theraphy with amiodarone, metoprolol and mexiletine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Asthma is one of the most common chronic medical conditions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The recombinant human IgG1 monoclonal antibody specific for human TNF-a adalimumab (Humira) has been recently introduced for the treatment of moderate\/severe psoriasis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"His pulse rate was 90 min(-1) and his respiratory rate was 20 min(-1).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Reflex vasospasm induced by the injection trauma may be etiologically involved.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The principle treatment for DPD-deficient patients with severe acute 5-FU reactions is supportive care; however, the administration of thymidine potentially may reverse severe 5-FU-induced neurologic symptoms such as encephalopathy and coma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Trazodone therapy was continued or reinstated shortly after the hypomanic episode without further evidence of hypomania.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Complete resolution of symptoms within 1-4 days was accompanied by normalization of ADC abnormalities.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Drug discontinuation resulted in complete resolution of the clinical and radiographic picture.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Secondary pancreatic involvement by diffuse large B-cell lymphoma presenting as acute pancreatitis: treatment and outcome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patients reported a decrease in episodes of spontaneous sleeping during the day, fewer myoclonic twitches, improved daily function and greater social interaction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present a patient who developed extensive Molluscum Contagiosum (MC) lesions shortly after being started on HAART.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The total amount of vitamin K received from the enteral feedings ranged from 50 to 115 micrograms\/day, which is less than the normal daily intake of 300 to 500 micrograms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute sensorineural hearing loss following intravenous ketoralac administration.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Less common adverse events to dapsone include the idiosyncratic reactions of leukopenia and agranulocytosis, cutaneous eruptions, peripheral neuropathy, psychosis, toxic hepatitis, cholestatic jaundice, nephrotic syndrome, renal papillary necrosis, severe hypoalbuminemia without proteinuria, an infectious mononucleosis-like syndrome, and minor neurological and gastrointestinal complaints.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: We report herein the fifth case of visceral leishmaniasis in a patient under TNF-alpha therapy, and the first one, to our knowledge, presenting a consequent secondary macrophagic activation syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a patient with a liver abscess due to Entamoeba histolytica, in whom metronidazole therapy (total dose, 21 g over 14 days) was complicated by reversible deafness, tinnitus, and ataxia and who relapsed 5 months later with a splenic abscess.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 39-year-old female presented for elective bilateral thoracoscopic splanchnicectomy for chronic severe visceral pain.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, there remain questions concerning whether these drugs, especially methimazole (MMI), may be associated with aplasia cutis congenita (ACC) and how best to avoid impairment of fetal thyroid function during their use.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The mirtazapine plasma-level was 368 ng\/ml still after 41 hours.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"the disease has been described mainly in patients treated with systemic corticosteroids (39 cases out of the 71 reported cases) or local corticosteroids (3\/71) and in patients suffering from Cushing's syndrome (7\/71) but rarely in HIV-infected patients (3\/71).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In this paper we report a case of nimodipine overdosage resulting in prolonged hypotension and hypoxemia, which was successfully treated with calcium gluconate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a case of autoimmune hepatitis likely triggered by the use of black cohosh (Actaea racemosa), an agent marketed to treat menopause symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Despite effective treatment with high-dose trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole and steroids, morbidity is often severe and lethality remains high.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute aflatoxicosis: case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The third patient had dyspnea on exertion, unchanged over two months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rapid liver failure related to chronic C hepatitis in an HIV seropositive hemophilic patient with severe immunodepression.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Tetany in a child with AIDS receiving intravenous tobramycin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Before the introduction of anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) drugs, photodynamic therapy (PDT) was used, with conflicting functional results.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A biopsy taken from the lesional skin revealed dilatation of intraepidermal eccrine ducts and a spongy appearance in the corneal layer (Fig. 3).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Symptoms and endoscopic lesions quickly regressed within 1 week of meloxicam withdrawal.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Carbamazepine-induced hyperammonemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In immunodeficiency conditions, unusual forms of leishmaniasis can develop and foster the risk of a diagnostic delay and of poor response to therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe the safety and efficacy of enfuvirtide therapy in 4 patients with severe hemophilia A.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Terlipressin-induced ventricular arrhythmia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Acute lung injury associated with 5-fluorouracil and oxaliplatinum combined chemotherapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 3-year-old boy diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia received induction chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The maximum tolerated single dose of intravenous iron infusion and iron pharmacokinetics are not known in children and not clear in adults.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a heart-lung transplant patient who developed chronic rejection (BOS stage 3) with the appearance of gross bronchiectasis on a spiral computed tomography (CT) chest scan.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A careful monitoring of the white blood count is obviously recommended.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Blood analysis revealed an elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate and polyclonal hypergammaglobulinemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She was on etanercept and methotrexate for rheumatoid arthritis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He had been receiving dobutamine 3 mug\/kg\/min by intermittent i.v. infusion over four hours once weekly as an outpatient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 57-year-old woman with end-stage kidney disease secondary to autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease developed peritoneal dialysis-related Mucor peritonitis after her pet cockatoo bit through her transfer set.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cultures became negative 10-37 days after the introduction of the drug.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although, not included in the incidence calculation, four patients with CLL were referred at the time of development of AML\/MDS.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors report a case of Balint syndrome with irreversible posterior leukoencephalopathy on MRI following intrathecal methotrexate and cytarabine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The main possible diagnoses, especially in the elderly, are age-related macular degeneration, tamoxifen and cancer-associated retinopathy (CAR).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"First case of ivermectin-induced severe hepatitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The reported cases of in utero exposure to cyclosposphamide shared the following manifestations with our patient: growth deficiency, developmental delay, craniosynostosis, blepharophimosis, flat nasal bridge, abnormal ears, and distal limb defects including hypoplastic thumbs and oligodactyly.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Intravenous and subsequent long-term oral penicillin therapy was constituted and resulted in a significant decrease in the size of the pelvic mass.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Several case reports of aplastic anemia with use of acetazolamide, and two cases with use of methazolamide, have appeared in the literature.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Aspergillus cholangitis can occur in the portoenterostomy patient and may be highly resistant to conventional therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Asthmatic individuals are one of the higher risk groups suffering from dental erosion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a 35-year-old woman who developed severe thrombotic complications due to heparinization and unrecognized HDAs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This confirmed the history of captopril-related asthma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Septicemia and septic shock are a leading cause of morbidity and mortality among hospitalized patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Keratitis resolved within 8.4 weeks (range, 1-18 weeks) of treatment with fortified clarithromycin and amikacin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The entire bezoar could be removed endoscopically.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two months following LASIK, an epithelial dendritic lesion appeared in the lower third of the corneal flap of the left eye with vesiculoulcerative lesions of the lateral side of the tip of the nose.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: We report a case of a patient who developed a postoperative anterior spinal artery syndrome that was masked by the use of epidural analgesia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After 5 days of treatment with IL-2, the patient developed a hemorrhagic lesion that progressed to toxic epidermal necrolysis, as well as grade 4 pancytopenia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 64-year-old man presented with proteinuria during postoperative interferon (IFN)-beta therapy against malignant melanoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Nocardia keratitis was diagnosed from her culture results, and the species Nocardia exalbida was determined by phylogenetic studies using gene sequence analysis of 16S RNA.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"To the best of our knowledge, although various abnormalities of bone due to retinoids have been described before, reversible sclerotic changes have not been reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Etanercept was not associated with a similar reactivation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Stellate ganglion block is utilized in the diagnosis and management of various vascular disorders and sympathetically mediated pain in the upper extremity, head and neck.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present a patient who developed spontaneous pulmonary hemorrhage during thrombolytic therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Primary CNS lymphoma regressed on withdrawal of MM.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This study aims to explore SCs occurring without taste changes during chemotherapy, to better understand the characteristics of such changes, and how these experiences affect patients in their daily lives.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"His physical examination, 2 weeks after the injection and during his follow-up revealed no abnormality.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"As angiotensin-converting enzyme seems to play a role in the genesis and metabolism of bronchomotor mediators, this rare form of drug-induced asthma is important for both clinicians and airways pharmacologists.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Itraconazole-induced liver injury presents with a cholestatic pattern of injury with damage to the interlobular bile ducts, possibly leading to ductopenia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"METHODS: We identified three patients who developed skin necrosis and determined any factors, which put them at an increased risk of doing so.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cerebral dural sinus thrombosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Less common adverse events to dapsone include the idiosyncratic reactions of leukopenia and agranulocytosis, cutaneous eruptions, peripheral neuropathy, psychosis, toxic hepatitis, cholestatic jaundice, nephrotic syndrome, renal papillary necrosis, severe hypoalbuminemia without proteinuria, an infectious mononucleosis-like syndrome, and minor neurological and gastrointestinal complaints.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a patient with a colonic adenocarcinoma who developed hemolytic uremic syndrome after receiving 85 mg\/m2 of the drug.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We detected proteinuria, serum cholesterol of 269 mg\/dl, AST of 50 U\/L, ALT of 41 U\/L, serum total protein of 3.4 g\/dl, serum albumin of 1.2 g\/dl, positive cryoglobulin, and urine protein of 9.84 g\/day.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There were several procedures suggested for the reconstruction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease accompanied by microangiopathic hemolytic anemia 1 year after a second bone marrow transplantation for acute lymphoblastic leukemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Morphine-6-glucuronide is an active metabolite of morphine that has analgesic properties and is measurable in the plasma and cerebrospinal fluid of patients treated with this opioid.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Previous studies have demonstrated the interaction of MTX and a variety of non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) with various clinical manifestations including acute renal failure, pancytopenia, vomiting, diarrhea, elevated liver transaminases, jaundice, mucosal ulcerations, and pyrexia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The second had acute cystitis and was treated by sulphonamide and the third developed myopia coincident with metronidazole treatment for trichomonas vaginalis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Although the outcome of this case was fortunate, this conservative treatment is unusual, and is not recommended as standard treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Our patient developed both nephrogenic diabetes insipidus and renal tubular acidosis with a temporal pattern that demonstrated a link between foscarnet therapy and these abnormalities.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In the following days, fever, vomiting, hypertension and ARF occurred.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pulmonary toxicity secondary to procarbazine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Fatal acute tumor lysis syndrome with metastatic breast carcinoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Since amiodarone was first marketed in 1992 in Japan, the incidence of amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis (AIT) has been increasing.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The management of unresectable metastatic melanoma is a major clinical challenge because of the lack of reliably effective systemic therapies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"At the time of diagnosis, an esophageal fistula was observed and treated with cyanoacrylate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"5. At least half of the patients developing ANLL experienced long periods of significant cytopenia during therapy, often with documentation of bone marrow dysplasia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DESIGN: Interventional case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In rare cases mitomycin C (MMC) may induce cancer-associated hemolytic uremic syndrome, which is characterized by hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia and progressive renal failure.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This time the fever was accompanied by a diffuse erythematous skin rash that progressed to an extensive, full-body, desquamative skin rash.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case of renal artery thrombosis attributable to umbilical artery catheterization, resulting in malignant renovascular hypertension, in a 15-day-old neonate, treated by catheter-directed thrombolysis through the involuting umbilical artery, was studied.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"By x-ray microanalysis, gold that was complexed with sulfur was present in proximal tubular cytoplasmic vacuoles and nuclei.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Both cytoplasmic features of adaptation and nuclear alterations were noted in hepatocytes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Whether valaciclovir (VCV) prophylaxis could be responsible for ganciclovir (GCV)-resistance of Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) in transplantation has never been documented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Several studies commented on the unanticipated symptom of increased sweating associated with hypoglycemia in diabetic patients who are taking beta-blockers.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One patient had a partial response ongoing at 17+ months on ipilimumab despite failure with four prior therapies, and the other two patients showed durable stable disease, both still ongoing at 17+ and 20+ months, respectively.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Inadvertent intramuscular administration of vincristine: lack of untoward effects without any treatment except administration of hot compresses.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Over the following months, he developed unusual symptoms involving the legs and genitourinary tract which, only after extensive investigations, were attributed to ischemic damage to the spinal cord related to the surgery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The markedly increased expression of fibrogenic factors PDGF-B and IGF-1 on hyperplastic alveolar macrophages and hyperplastic type II pneumocytes may play an important role in the fibrogenesis of this disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Approximately 1 to 2 minutes after injection, the patient described discomfort in the lower abdomen, and 1 minute later, he was unable to move his lower extremities.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Majocchi's granuloma of the face in an immunocompetent patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Our findings suggest the presence of coinfection with at least 2 different strains of CMV rather than induction of mutations after ganciclovir therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In the absence of controlled studies regarding management of such cases, many recommend complete removal of the pacing system along with intravenous antibiotics.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: A 37-year-old African- American man with G6PD deficiency developed hemolytic anemia, hepatitis, orthostatic hypotension, and aseptic meningitis simultaneously after using trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Preexisting hyperparathyroidism is the most common cause of post-transplantation hypercalcemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A frequent problem is relapse of disease when corticosteroid dosage is tapered off.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The case of a 31-year-old woman with headache, vomiting, generalized tonic-clonic seizure, and subsequent dense hemiplegia is presented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Therefore, cidofovir was administered.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Linezolid is relatively well tolerated and is not believed to be nephrotoxic.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Characterized by sterile, intra-epidermal pustules located on the palms and soles, it is highly resistant to treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two patients, aged 44 and 68 years, presented with generalized seizures either witnessed or highly suspected.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cerebrospinal fluid penetration and bacteriostatic activity of linezolid against Enterococcus faecalis in a child with a ventriculoperitoneal shunt infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The plasma concentration of pilsicainide, although not measured, must have been very high, since his renal function was impaired.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This report describes the case of fungal sinusitis in severely immunocompromised 32-year-old male with common-type acute lymphoblastic leukemia who relapsed after autologous peripheral blood transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Quinine is universally used for the very common symptom of night leg cramps.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Steroid induced exophthalmos.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Purple glove syndrome, named for its distinctive purple discoloration and swelling of the hands in the distribution of a glove, is an uncommon complication of intravenous phenytoin administration through small dorsal veins of the hands.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Cerebrovascular complications of L-asparaginase therapy in children with leukemia: aphasia and other neuropsychological deficits.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The anaphylactic reaction was managed successfully with corticosteroids, nebulization with beta(2) agonists, and isotonic fluid support.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On day 8 after alloBMT, the patient suddenly manifested high-grade fever, transfusion-resistant severe anemia, and thrombocytopenia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Eight of the 12 events were subjected to vitreous tap and injection of antibiotics and steroids on the day of presentation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 43-year-old woman received cisplatin 60 mg\/m2 in 15 minutes during her sixth cycle of therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Streptokinase is the mainstream therapy for acute myocardial infarction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On discontinuing the medication, the areas of severely restricted diffusion had entirely resolved, with minimal residual T2 signal abnormality.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Histopathology revealed classic nodular sclerosing Hodgkin's disease, without evidence of Epstein-Barr viral infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These patients may require protamine\/NPH desensitization, an alternative insulin preparation, or both.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One patient had breast cancer with multiple distant metastasis and received palliative radiotherapy to the spine and hip joint.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After conventional therapy failed, the patient underwent treatment with adalimumab and the majority of his symptoms resolved after 16 weeks of therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, Strongyloides-related glomerulonephritis has not been well documented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: This rare case of PTU-induced ANCA-associated vasculitis manifested with ototoxicity in combination with systemic involvement.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Efficacy was evaluated by the Clinical Global Impression Scale (CGI); safety by adverse events notes during the time mecamylamine was administered.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Somatostatin and its long-acting analogues are effective in symptom control in patients with functional neuroendocrine tumors; they are also able to control tumor growth.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One of them had a high pressure gradient of the left ventricular outflow tract and the others had earlier onset.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pseudomembranous colitis readily occurs in at least certain population groups receiving trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Identification of the BCG strain was performed in many sites, such as bone marrow, ganglionic mass, cerebrospinal fluid and in the site of vaccination.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Our patient also did not completely respond to these medications, but was successfully treated with cyclosporine alone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The STAN-fetal scalp electrode system can record the fetal echocardiogram in labor.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Bradycardia, hypotension, respiratory distress, and, ultimately, cardiopulmonary arrest occurred in both.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An infant girl with choanal atresia, athelia, minor anomalies, and mild to moderate mental retardation was born to a woman treated for hyperthyroidism throughout pregnancy with methimazole and propranolol.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Celecoxib can be administered as palliative treatment to affected birds, but as with any nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, COX-2 inhibitors should be used cautiously because they can adversely affect renal function by decreasing renal prostaglandin synthesis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In three patients, carbamazepine was withdrawn, whereupon the deposits disappeared in two and decreased in the third, who changed to another drug.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hypersensitivity to aspirin can be manifested as acute asthma, urticaria and\/or angioedema, or a systemic anaphylactoid reaction.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Four of the aviators were allowed to continue on active duty with limitations and one was disqualified.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Diffuse pulmonary infiltrates in immunocompromised patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinical findings included Horner's syndrome, generalized lymphadenopathy, temporal muscle atrophy, and chorioretinitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case highlights many key points for treatment of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis with biologics.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Finally, the MDSs are defined, classified and discussed with respect to their relevance to the clinical periodontist, from a diagnostic, therapeutic, and management standpoint.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An 8-year-old boy, treated with a short course of steroids for asthma, developed a fever with abdominal pain and a generalized vesicular rash after contact with varicella-infected classmates.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It should be noted that such an infection can occur in patients treated with conventional chemotherapy against malignant lymphoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case report of fatal dapsone-induced agranulocytosis in an Indian mid-borderline leprosy patient.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Surgery was successfully performed after infusion of 112 microg kg-1 bw of recombinant FVIIa.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Radioisotopic control for baclofen pump catheter failure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To report the loss of therapeutic control in 2 hypothyroid patients and remind clinical pharmacists and other healthcare professionals to remain cognizant of possible product quality differences within or bioequivalency differences between levothyroxine products.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although minor gastrointestinal bleeding is common among patients taking anticoagulants, all patients should be fully evaluated because the source of hemorrhage may be malignant.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute toxic delirium.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We postulate that gastritis caused by dexamethasone, mucositis caused by doxorubicin, and the unique anatomic nature of a Meckel diverticulum may have contributed to this extremely unlikely and previously unreported event.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Venlafaxine was chosen (daily dose 75 mg) because this drug is claimed not to bind on muscarinic cholinergic receptors.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The blood specimens were initially subjected to a thorough qualitative analysis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Newer therapies usually undergo closer scrutiny before being accepted, often including placebo-controlled trials to show the efficacy of a medication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A positive reaction to sodium bisulfite in Tathion eye drops was confirmed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In addition, the tachycardia persisted and was repeatedly spontaneously reinitiated for prolonged periods after procainamide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The serum concentration of mast cell tryptase approximately 1.5h after the onset of the adverse incident confirmed an anaphylactic reaction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"No myeloma cells were found in the nervous system.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Abnormal vasopressin secretion was shown by a plasma vasopressin concentration of 0.5 microU\/ml with a plasma osmolality of 268 mOsm\/kg water after administration of a fluid challenge consisting of 45 ml\/kg body weight.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinicians should be aware that myopathy can occur in patients with FMF who have normal renal and hepatic function.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the case of a 19-year-old woman who developed PVOD accompanied by microangiopathic hemolytic anemia (MAHA) and hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) 1 year after a second BMT for relapsed acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the case of a patient who developed polyserositis (pericardial effusion, pleural effusion, and pericarditis) after being started on clozapine, and whose symptoms remitted upon discontinuation of clozapine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report the case of an adult patient affected by acute syncytial giant cell hepatitis which had a subfulminant course leading to liver transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Tinea incognito describes fungal infections with atypical clinical features and is usually caused by administration of steroids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This review presents the first case series of DIC associated with acute hemoglobinemia or hemoglobinuria following anti-D IGIV administration for ITP.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Chickenpox is not only a childhood illness.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This is the first case report of a Mycobacterium thermoresistibile infection following augmentation mammaplasty and is the fourth human case report of M. thermoresistibile infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Discontinuation of co-trimoxazole normalized serum potassium level and symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the case of a female acromegalic patient in whom multiple hepatic adenomas appeared soon after danazol treatment for uterine fibromatosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Topical tacrolimus appears as an effective and safe treatment of symptomatic OLP.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The evaluation of this case report leads to a comprehensive review in the treatment choice for menorrhagia with the preceding history of a thrombotic event.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Capecitabine was discontinued and the allergic reactions resolved after the woman took diphenhydramine for 1 week.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We present a patient with chromoblastomycosis due to Fonsecaea pedrosoi, who was treated with 8 months of terbinafine 250 mg by mouth daily with histologic and mycologic cure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute ischaemia of the leg following accidental intra-arterial injection of dissolved flunitrazepam tablets.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A case of ovarian endodermal sinus tumor diagnosed during pregnancy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Nine children presented with clinically significant lead poisoning.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 34 year old man with an exacerbation of his colitis was diagnosed as having both cytomegalovirus colitis and hepatitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Sulfasalazine has been associated with bronchopulmonary complications of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in adults.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We describe a 43-year-old man who developed signs and symptoms of bilateral optic neuropathy during treatment with ethambutol.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Acute leukemia following prolonged cytotoxic agent therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The former patient had complained once that his visual acuity had decreased after the termination of IFN therapy, and the latter patient complained twice during IFN therapy that his visual acuity had decreased.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The keywords utilized were prostaglandin analogs, prostaglandins, prostamide, glaucoma, ocular hypertension, intraocular pressure, side effects, adverse effects, bimatoprost, latanoprost, lumigan, and xalatan.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A fatal massive pulmonary embolus developed in a patient treated with streptokinase for acute deep vein thrombosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Tonic seizures occurred immediately and appeared to represent a paradoxical seizure exacerbation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Topical thiotepa treatment for recurrent corneal haze after photorefractive keratectomy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cholestyramine washout and prednisolone (60 mg\/day) were given.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"INTERVENTION: The LASIK flap was lifted or amputated, samples were submitted for Ziehl-Neelsen acid-fast stain and Lowenstein-Jensen's agar cultures for diagnosis; topical treatment with fortified clarithromycin and amikacin was administered until clinical resolution.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fever, lymphadenopathy, eosinophilia, lymphocytosis, hepatitis, and dermatitis: a severe adverse reaction to minocycline.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Fatal pulmonary fibrosis associated with BCNU: the relative role of platelet-derived growth factor-B, insulin-like growth factor I, transforming growth factor-beta1 and cyclooxygenase-2.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Gynecomastia in epileptics treated with phenobarbital, phenytoin and fluoresone: two case reports.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This gave almost total resolution of the injury.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The clinical features and cytogenetic changes of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) developing 10 years after radiotherapy and chemotherapy (for osteosarcoma) are described.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Larger series and double-blind studies, however, are necessary to confirm the initial results.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case report describes the development of asymptomatic visual field defects (VFDs) in a psychiatric patient with bipolar disorder receiving adjunctive tiagabine treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The liver status had been controlled by consecutive liver biopsies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"While a number of psychotropic agents may induce SIADH, only a few reports of tricyclic-antidepressant-induced SIADH exist.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Central pontine myelinolysis manifested by temporary blindness: a possible complication of lithium toxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The risk of cardiomyopathy in the setting of methylphenidate treatment should prompt further study on the safety of this drug, and lead to ways of identifying those at risk of developing these complications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Dopamine dysregulation syndrome in Parkinson's disease: case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Changes in granulocyte or platelet counts were not observed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report an 82-year-old man who developed ventricular tachycardia and Torsades de Pointes (TdP) after oral administration of garenoxacin, a novel quinolone antibiotic agent that differs from the third-generation quinolones, for pneumonia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"An 11-day-old infant became lethargic and apneic after a single drop of brimonidine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Another serious complication associated with OHSS is thromboembolic events.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Our results suggest that patients with CLL in whom AML\/MDS develops have similar prognoses to other patients with AML\/MDS.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"By comparing the length of the recurrence-free period following surgery alone with that following surgery plus perfusion in the same patients it was shown that perfusion treatment gave a significant extension of the recurrence-free time.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The latter two comprised a 42-year-old female with schizoaffective psychosis and a 35-year-old male with paranoid schizophrenia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Neutropenia and agranulocytosis are risks known to occur with phenothiazines and clozapine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"DIAGNOSIS: Fanconi syndrome with proximal (type II) renal tubular acidosis caused by myeloma kidney.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We also review DCL to emphasize the importance of recognizing and treating this evolving disease in the growing population of patients on immunorestorative therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case serves to highlight that rheumatic disease patients on steroids should be screened for GIO, as effective treatment and preventive measures are available.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is well documented that cytotoxic treatment in patients carrying the hepatitis B virus (HBV) enhances the risk of severe hepatic damage.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"As with any new therapy, we suggest waiting for the results of a randomized, controlled trial before recommending this treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The neck ultrasonography revealed the presence of non-vascularized oval mass in the left submandibular area with an irregular sonostructure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On suspicion of an adverse effect of carbamazepine, he was switched to phenytoin monotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"To the authors' knowledge, this is the first report in the English-language literature of spontaneous neonatal intracerebral hemorrhage, due to thrombosis of the superior or inferior vena cava.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Mesenteric desmoid tumor in Gardner's syndrome treated by sulindac.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Generally, the administration of lamivudine has been well tolerated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Here we report a patient with newly diagnosed acute promyelocytic leukemia who developed acute focal myositis, synovitis, and possible vasculitis, after receiving all-trans retinoic acid therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Antibiotic-associated colitis (pseudomembranous colitis) developed in four patients with spinal cord injury and taking oral trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Drug-induced aseptic meningitis (DIAM) is commonly seen with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), antibiotics (with TMP\/SMX being the most frequently implicated), intravenous immunoglobulins and OKT3 antibodies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Well-known signs of methotrexate toxicity include bone marrow suppression and oral and gastrointestinal ulceration.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The child developed a severe and florid form of mucocutaneous oral ulceration, severe ocular manifestations, along with marked constitutional disturbances and dehydration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After clinical assessment undiagnosed chest pain can become a difficult problem.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In this case senna was likely the cause of a subacute cholestatic hepatitis exemplifying again the potential role of herbal related liver injury.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient had complete recovery of neurologic function to his preoperative baseline after the second procedure but required a third procedure in which anterior discectomy and fusion at C4-C5 was performed, which led to improvement of his preoperative symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case of SIADH associated with desipramine treatment in an elderly depressed woman is described.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Cytarabine-induced cerebellar syndrome: case report and literature review.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"For patients on chronic maintenance PD who receive gadolinium, our case suggests that a temporary intensive automated PD regimen, aimed at maximizing clearance of this contrast agent immediately after exposure, could be an effective alternative when institution of HD is problematic.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Systemic cytomegalovirus infection complicating ulcerative colitis: a case report and review of the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 53-year-old black man was diagnosed with poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma of the lung and treated initially with 4 cycles of paclitaxel in combination with carboplatin and external-beam radiation therapy with a good clinicoradiologic response.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case, along with extensive reports in the medical literature, illustrate how treatment with inhibitors of TNF-alpha has the potential to result in a wide range of infectious complications, including rapid growing Mycobacterium.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Serious lead poisoning continues to occur and there appears to be complacency regarding the hazard posed by lead paint in old houses.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The second patient exhibited sudden PLMS following olanzapine injection.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Aluminum intoxication from aluminum-containing phosphate binders in children with azotemia not undergoing dialysis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: Hospital records at St.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After approximately two weeks of sertraline treatment he noted an intense itching sensation in his scalp after eating a piece of chocolate cake.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Among a total of 3,648 ICD-related procedures performed between 1983 and 2005, we identified 47 (1.3%) cases of ICD infections, of which 5 (0.1%) were due to a fungal pathogen.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rectal biopsy analysis was consistent with pseudomembranous colitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Only 114 cases have been reported in the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The fifth patient exhibited paraesthesia and agitation caused by olanzapine that was misdiagnosed as psychotic agitation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The present preliminary report suggests that pharmacokinetic factors cannot be excluded and the CYP2D6 polymorphism is possibly associated with the etiology of NMS.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 44-year-old woman is described in whom amiodarone, disopyramide, and quinidine, administered alone separately, induced atypical ventricular tachycardia (AVT, torsade de pointes).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Comparison of urinary levels of the porphyrin precursors, delta aminolevulinic acid and porphobilinogen, under controlled diet conditions before and after withdrawal of diphenylhydantoin, showed that this drug accounted for approximately one-half of the porphyrin precursor excretion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although several cases of solid tumours have been reported during TKI therapy, the link between cancer and TKIs is not yet clear.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Tacrolimus (FK506)-induced mutism after liver transplant.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Every effort should be made to avoid contact with mercury vapour if possible by using barrier techniques, reducing the temperature of the operating room and of the amalgam restoration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present 2 cases of patients with schizophrenia who manifested a catatonic syndrome and were indicated for ECT, along with antibiotic therapies for infectious diseases with piperacillin and cefotiam, respectively.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DATA SYNTHESIS: Genetic deficiencies in DPD, the rate-limiting enzyme responsible for 5-FU catabolism, may occur in 3% or more of patients with cancer putting them at increased risk for unusually severe adverse reactions (e.g., diarrhea, stomatitis, mucositis, myelosuppression, neurotoxicity) to standard doses of 5-FU.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Preliminary results suggest that the higher concentrations of dextrose induce increased histamine release from blood cells, and that this phenomenon is more marked in diabetic, and particularly diabetic-allergic, individuals.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A teenage girl with crescentic glomerulonephritis had antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA) detected after she had received propylthiouracil (PTU) for hyperthyroidism without cutaneous vasculitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Herein, we describe a patient with AIDS who presented to medical attention with pancytopenia 48 months postchemotherapy with etoposide, prednisone, vincristine, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, and rituximab (R-EPOCH) for diffuse large B-cell lymphoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A patient suffering from heparin-associated thrombocytopenia (HAT), recurrent arteriothromboses, and acute renal failure after treatment with standard heparin is described.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CMV gastritis has been reported in transplant recipients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thrombocytopenia is one of the common manifestations of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The possible underlying neurotransmitter mechanisms, predisposing factors and clinical implications of this rare adverse event are discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In rare cases mitomycin C (MMC) may induce cancer-associated hemolytic uremic syndrome, which is characterized by hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia and progressive renal failure.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Obese patients represent a unique group of patients in which TDM is extremely valuable in optimizing dosing, particularly in high-dose chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: This case illustrates a potential link between dermatologic and ocular 5-FU toxicities.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Integrating drug history, clinical morphology, clinical distribution, and histopathology can aid in the differentiation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A retrospective epidemiological study of deaths from hepatic angiosarcoma (HAS) in the U.S. showed that during 1964--74 there were 168 such cases, of which 37 (22%) were associated with previously known causes (vinyl chloride, 'Thorotrast', and inorganic arsenic) and 4 (3.1%) of the remaining 131 cases with the use of androgenic-anabolic steroids.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"It must be considered as a potential source of cerebral hemorrhage in elderly patients undergoing thrombolysis for cardiac ischemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 58-year-old woman with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) developed fever, skin eruptions, leukocytopenia, and thrombocytopenia, 3 weeks after treatment with sulfasalazine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"There are, however, well-known systemic side effects that may preclude continuation with these immunosuppressive therapies, and small trials of the anti-metabolite mycophenolate mofetil have been reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Coagulase-positive Staphylococcus aureus was cultured in the aspirate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Discussion covers conjunctival carcinoma and behaviour of HIV-related tumours with antiretroviral therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In this report, we describe a fatal gemcitabine-induced pulmonary toxicity in a patient with gallbladder metastatic adenocarcinoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Both were treated successfully with oral potassium.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rifampin can be associated with severe adverse effects such as hepatitis, acute renal failure, hemolytic anemia, and thrombocytopenia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: Eosinophilic jejunitis is a rare disorder of undetermined origin, which is characterized by infiltration of eosinophils in the intestine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After 1 month of treatment, he was diagnosed as having acute renal failure secondary to HUS.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Both patients received prolonged treatment with high doses of intravenous methylprednisolone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One patient was an 80-year-old woman who was admitted for Staphylococcus aureus knee arthritis after several intraarticular injections of sodium hyaluronate and corticosteroids.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 15 Year old female patient with Sturge Weber Syndrome is presented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"If the facial scar is a cosmetic problem 1 year after the injury, triamcinolone injections and local massage should be considered.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Acanthamoeba keratitis was diagnosed in six eyes with a previous misdiagnosis of Herpes simplex keratitis in two patients and a misdiagnosis of corneal graft rejection in the third patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The itch spread to the arms, abdomen and legs and the patient treated himself with clemastine and the itch disappeared.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These findings suggest that elevated intraocular pressure can contribute to interface inflammation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 79-year-old man with ischemic heart disease, chronic atrial fibrillation, chronic renal failure, hypothyroidism, and gout arthritis was hospitalized because of fatigue, myalgia, and leg weakness, shortly after starting treatment with colchicine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"DESIGN: Interventional case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He noticed nausea and headache and serum Na fell as low as 118 mEq\/l.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Caution in longterm usage and early recognition of pentazocine toxicity as a neuromuscular complication are important in order to prevent irreversible drug-induced fibrous myopathy and localized neuropathy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A case of Kluver-Bucy syndrome associated with delayed cerebral necrosis after radiation therapy and chemotherapy is reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In our patient, histology showed aspects of drug-induced skin reaction without vasculitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A second challenge while the patient received all fluids and electrolytes intravenously again resulted in decreased serum sodium concentration (134 to 126 mEq\/L) after urinary loss of only 69 mEq of cation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We thus concluded that an excessive dose of AZ had probably destroyed the gastric mucosal barrier or thrombocytopenia due to bone marrow disorder and thus eventually led to the development of hemorrhagic gastritis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Transient central diabetes insipidus in the setting of underlying chronic nephrogenic diabetes insipidus associated with lithium use.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"However, our patient was later found to have re-activation tuberculosis after long-term treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Unusual pigmentary changes associated with 5-fluorouracil therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Heat stroke-like episode in a child caused by zonisamide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We believe this is the first report of intrathecal diamorphine causing anaphylaxis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This case demonstrates the importance of blood flow from the peribiliary arteries for the survival of the biliary epithelium.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The diagnosis was confirmed by liver biopsy, antimitochondrial antibody, muscle biopsy, and electromyography.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: Differential diagnosis of maculopathies can be difficult but is important if patients also suffer from other diseases such as breast cancer treated with antiestrogens.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"About 30% of patients have an initial remission on steroids alone, but most require some form of cytotoxic chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In the presence of left ventricular hypertrophy, the positive inotropic action of catecholamines with mainly beta-receptor specificity can lead to excessive hypercontractility and paradoxical hypotension.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This report describes a case of paradoxical, intravenous valproic acid-induced seizure exacerbation in a child with juvenile absence epilepsy, documented by video-electroencephalography.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Doctors involved in the use of indwelling intrathecal catheters for pain control must be aware of the risk of significant neurological sequelae but should not dismiss re-establishment of intrathecal therapy in the presence of significant neurological complications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After cessation of treatment there was a gradual resolution with regain of normal nails after 7 months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Myocardial infarction (MI), associated with the use of these concentrates, is a well-recognized, but uncommon, complication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An association of granulocytopenia, eosinophilia, skin reaction and hepatitis during propylthiouracil (PTU) therapy for thyrotoxicosis in a 47 year old black female is reported.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"One case presented with Stevens-Johnson syndrome, and the other had systemic papular erythema.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinical and chemical improvement was observed in the majority of subjects but normal 24-hour serum growth hormone levels were achieved in no more than 35 percent of this group and possibly less.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This translocation determines a fusion gene, bcr-abl, which encodes a constitutively active protein, tyrosine kinase, resulting in decreased apoptosis, defective adhesion, and genomic instability in transformed cells.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient had on the medial aspect of the thigh a fixed solitary, recurrent, indurated, erythematous plaque, which resolved within 2 days.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hypoglycaemic brittle diabetes successfully managed by social worker intervention.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To investigate the mechanisms involved in hypersensitivity reactions to cyclosporine and determine the feasibility of future cyclosporine use.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Anaphylactoid shock, disseminated intravascular coagulation, and anuric renal failure requiring dialysis occurred in a patient receiving zomepirac sodium for toothache.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Retinal abnormalities, including retinal hemorrhage and \"cotton-wool\" spots, often occur within the first 8 weeks in the course of interferon therapy in patients with chronic hepatitis C.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Coronary thrombolysis with streptokinase or tissue plasminogen activator is useful for the treatment of acute myocardial infarction in selected patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Inflammatory reactions in progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy after highly active antiretroviral therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We discuss a patient who developed severe renal tubular dysfunction secondary to short-term therapy with Amikacin, resulting in refractory hypokalemia, hypocalcemia, hypomagnesemia, metabolic alkalosis, and polyuria.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A case is reported in which severe hypocalcemia, with a low plasma parathyroid hormone (PTH) concentration, resulted from the therapeutic use of magnesium sulfate for toxemia of pregnancy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"To our knowledge, the syndrome of fever, pulmonary infiltrates, and pleural effusion following use of acyclovir has not been previously reported.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Treatment with tacrolimus ointment completely resolved the oral lesions after 2 months of therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Gemcitabine-induced pericardial effusion and tamponade after unblocked cardiac irradiation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Metoclopramide hydrochloride (Reglan) is a widely prescribed drug for treatment of upper gastrointestinal symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The first is a case of disseminated candidiasis with stomach wall involvement.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After having been on interferon therapy for three years, she developed skin lesions secondary to scleromyxedema.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hydrofluoric acid burns.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The elimination half-life of both drugs is 0.5-0.7 hours.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Combination antimalarial therapy is being explored to delay development of resistance to falciparum malaria.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The acute reaction to nitrofurantoin is believed to be mediated by an immune mechanism.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She was found to have hyperventilation and weakness of four limbs, with muscle power of grade 5(-)\/5.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Control hysterosalpingograms showed no tubal patency on the involved side.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: reports on delated cutaneous reactions to captopril have been seldom reported.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A cutaneous biopsy for histologic analysis was performed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She died within six weeks of developing congestive heart failure coupled with liver failure due to haemosiderosis despite regular use of desferrioxamine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Ibopamine-induced reversible leukopenia during treatment for congestive heart failure.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Perhaps for this reason, the teeth and craniofacial features of patients with leprechaunism have never been reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Among the various clinical and pathological manifestations of hydrocarbon (HC) poisoning, pneumonitis is the most significant and occurs in up to 40% of children, whereas formation of pneumatoceles is believed to be a rare event.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Later, he had no impulse disorders (no gambling, hypersexuality, excessive shopping), which occur with dopamine agonists, suggesting that levodopa abuse and impulse disorders can result through different mechanisms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient was ultimately discharged to home.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Bone marrow biopsy showed a moderately hypocellular marrow; 51% of the nucleated cells were blasts with myelomonocytic differentiation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Stroke is an infrequent but recognized complication of heroin addiction.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The temporal relationship suggests that the spinal cord infarction may be related to the use of zolmitriptan.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient had no skin reactions for the next 12 mo, with the exception of injection-site papules.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These findings suggest that bicytopenia in this patient was caused by D-Pen and may be due to different sensitivities in the hematopoietic lineage.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"She was treated with an intra-articular injection of 80 mg methylprednisolone into her sacroiliac joint, followed 2 days later by a cluster of herpetiform vesicles adjacent to the injection site.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: Repeated blood samples were drawn in a patient with severe acyclovir overdose who developed coma and nonoliguric renal failure.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"She had been receiving oral furosemide for 5 months at the time of this report, with no complications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report for the first time the development of symptomatic methemoglobinemia after an acute ingestion of divalproex sodium (Depakote), resulting in serum concentrations 10 times greater than the therapeutic range.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a case of Stevens-Johnson syndrome\/toxic epidermal necrolysis (SJS\/TEN) secondary to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-Sx) therapy for presumed community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA) infection.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Discontinuing the oxybutynin leads to complete neurological recovery associated with normalisation of her blood pressure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fever continued postoperatively until therapy with posaconazole was initiated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: There were several systemic complications including coagulopathy, hypocalcemia and pancreatitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Teriparatide is a promising treatment for patients who have failed bisphosphonate treatment or who are at high risk for fracture.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cholesterol crystal embolization-associated renal failure after therapy with recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Over the next 4 months, there was progressive corneal stromal thinning and descemetocele formation in 1 eye, requiring application of cyanoacrylate glue, and stromal edema and scarring in the other eye, which resulted in a visual acuity of counting fingers.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After 36 h the hyponatremic episode improved after the infusion of hypertonic sodium chloride.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This report emphasizes the unnecessary hazard accompanying use of a potentially toxic drug-especially when prepared in error by the pharmacist-when a safer drug (nystatin) is available for treatment of oral candidiasis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The drug has few side effects but some patients have developed clinical features of Cushing's syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In chronic hepatitis B viral infection TNF-alpha is readily produced, and viral clearance is dependent on the amount bioavailable.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"His clinical features included erythematous, edematous plaques and peripheral neuropathy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There are interesting effects of this drug in HIV-positive diabetic patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"At a 1-year follow-up examination, the colonic stenosis was found have worsened; pneumaturia developed in January 2001.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Secondary acute myelocytic leukemia after adjuvant therapy for early-stage breast carcinoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient was successfully treated with bilateral percutaneous nephrostomy drainage.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Reversible heart failure in a patient receiving etanercept for ankylosing spondylitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Acarbose attenuated both postprandial glucose hyperglycemia and reactive hypoglycemia, which subsequently led to a significant reduction in dumping symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"By the findings of Grocott stain on bronchoalveolar lavage fluid obtained on day 14, he was diagnosed as having PCP.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A patient receiving vancomycin for a serious staphylococcal infection had a lupus-like syndrome characterized by a malar rash, pain and erythema of the cartilage of both ears, and tender erythematous and hemorrhagic lesions of the finger tips.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The child was on no other medication and had been previously well.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, infection with C albicans should be recognized as an extremely common complication to the wearing of dentures.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: This is the first report of a possible interaction between propafenone and citalopram, which caused propafenone adverse effects (eg, dizziness, falls) and mimicked coronary artery disease.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Rhabdomyolysis associated with clozapine treatment in a patient with decreased calcium-dependent potassium permeability of cell membranes.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The authors think that although lamivudine is widely used and well tolerated, it can cause ADRs, which are reversible after drug withdrawal.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Is it safe to switch from stavudine to zidovudine after developing symptomatic hyperlactatemia?","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The procedure offers patients the opportunity to avoid the risks and expense associated with surgical correction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The wide use of phenytoin during the recent tuberculosis epidemic makes it imperative to suspect this drug interaction in patients exhibiting clinical features that might be related to phenytoin toxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Systemic immunomodulatory agents have recently been approved for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Prenatal cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection associated with severe brain damage was detected in an infant whose mother had been treated with prednisolone and azathioprine for systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 16-year-old boy developed fever, generalized rigidity, leukocytosis, and increased serum transaminase and creatine kinase levels while receiving treatment with olanzapine and lithium.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"ABMT may later have triggered opportunistic infections in this patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe 3 AS patients treated with etanercept for active AS who developed new onset of CD while AS related symptoms responded well to etanercept.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Disseminated Fusarium is a rare but life-threatening infection of severely immunocompromised patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Caution is recommended when treatment is initiated in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in whom there is any suspicion of abnormalities in the atrioventricular conduction tissues.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Calciferous burning agents and corneal calcification are correlated (P<0.01).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, we have recently had four cases of clofibrate-induced myopathy in patients with diabetes insipidus due to hypothalamic lesions.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: PHD may play an important role in cases where macular thickness is successfully reduced or better acuity is achieved after intravitreal injections.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Serious underlying medical illness, recent antibiotic therapy, indwelling intravascular and\/or Foley catheters, coincident candidiasis and low birth weight prematurity are major risk factors for candida shunt infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The first case, a 16-year-old African American male with an absolute CD4+ cell count of 314 cells\/mm(3), presented with an abrupt rise in serum creatinine leading to irreversible renal failure while on TDF-containing highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Here, we report an 11-year-old girl with bilateral florid verrucous lesions on her hands, feet and chin, which were refractory to a number of standard treatments including cryotherapy, cantharidin preparations, topical salicylic acid, surgical debulking techniques, oral Cimetidine, and topical and intralesional Cidofovir.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patients concurrent medications included didanosine, hydroxyzine, promethazine, hydrocortisone, and prochlorperazine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors report a case of a patient who developed an intracranial hemorrhage following thrombolytic therapy that required emergency surgical intervention.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In Case 2, a combined regimen of oral antidiabetics and neuroleptica was later resumed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Tumour necrosis factor-alpha inhibitors including infliximab are often used to treat a number of recalcitrant medical conditions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is important to recognize the potential for this complication when postoperative epidural analgesia is contemplated, especially following a left-sided surgical dissection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Studies performed 10 years ago on 25 patients with MTX-induced liver cirrhosis indicated that this type of cirrhosis was not of an aggressive nature.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"These effusions can be due to multiple causes with drugs being implicated as one of the etiological agents.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Barbiturate-induced submassive hepatic necrosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Prolongation of the QT interval and ventricular tachyarrhymias have been described in patients on amiodarone therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a case of a patient with pulmonary hypertension and undifferentiated connective tissue disease who, after 2 months of treatment with epoprostenol, presented with rapidly progressive erythema, scaling, nausea and vomiting, and fever.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Our treatment consisted of assisted ventilation with intubation, accompanied by calcium chloride infusion and forced diuresis with mannitol.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After the oily carcinostatic agents were administered by Lp-TAE, HT, at a temperature of greater than 42.5 degrees C, was induced for 40 min, twice a week by an RF of 8 MHz for a total of 10 to 38 times.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Antiandrogen treatment of aggressivity in men suffering from dementia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, as the use of hepatitis B vaccination is growing, adverse side effects, including mental nerve neuropathy, should be observed with an increased frequency.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A rare case of malignant osteopetrosis in a 19-year-old girl, who presented with the complication of osteomyelitis of the mandible following tooth extraction, is presented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This event was caused by an erroneous switch with the 1% lidocaine\/1:100,000 solution.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A patient presented with palmar inflammation and throbbing joint pain in his hands, as well as erythematous, pustular, and micaceous scaling skin on his right foot, legs, elbows and hands.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DISCUSSION: A review of the cases of SS with implication of mirtazapine as the cause was performed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Immediately after application of 80 mg pyridoxine fits stopped and the EEG was without seizure activity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a case of coexisting psoriasis and SCLE initially treated with infliximab, and then alefacept.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Drug-induced psychosis resulted from the administration of quinacrine hydrochloride at a dosage of 100 mg twice daily for the treatment of discoid lupus.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The drug may also accumulate irreversibly on the posterior surface of the cornea and on the anterior surface of the lens.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of severe AVP three weeks following the administration of infliximab for the treatment of Crohn's disease (CD).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Reflex epilepsy is the commonest form of epilepsy in which seizures are provoked by specific external stimulus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Adverse drug reaction reporting by patients in the Netherlands: three years of experience.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The newer atypical antipsychotics are reputedly without adverse hematological effects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"L-asparaginase is a key component of the antileukemic therapy in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"None of them had a history of cardiac disease, and with the possible exception of one case of cardiac arrest, where the patient received doxorubicin, no predisposing factors could be found.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In an infant with typical pyridoxine-dependent seizures, CSF GABA level, was determined before treatment with pyridoxine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe the development of an invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in a patient using illicitly obtained marijuana as an antiemetic during combination antitumor therapy for small cell lung cancer.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cystoscopy revealed erythema and exudate at the bladder walls, along with edema of both ureteral orifices.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Prolonged infusion of tissue plasminogen activator in escalating doses was safe and effective in the management of a large intracardiac catheter-tip thrombus and helped avoid open-heart surgery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DATA SOURCES: Published articles, abstracts, and conference proceedings.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Isolation of Mycobacterium thermoresistibile following augmentation mammaplasty.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although vasculitis has been reported in the course of hairy cell leukaemia, it has only rarely been reported as the consequence of cladribine treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CTPA identified no pulmonary embolus or vascular abnormalities.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patient age, embolic source, and intensity of anticoagulation were not associated with hemorrhagic worsening.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute myelomonoblastic leukemia in a patient with multiple myeloma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She was immediately given C1 esterase-inhibitor concentrate, made a complete recovery and was discharged next day.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Symptoms and signs of acute pancreatitis quickly returned.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Awareness of the various potential gastrointestinal toxic effects of bortezomib is of relevance given the growing number of patients undergoing treatment with this important and effective new cancer drug.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"L-DOPA-induced excessive daytime sleepiness in PD: a placebo-controlled case with MSLT assessment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Three days later a new recurrence of disseminated lichen planus occurred.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There is little likelihood of significant adverse effects attributable to topical minoxidil because of its low systemic absorption.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Dopaminergic drugs, particularly dopamine agonists, play an important role in triggering these nonmotor symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Six months postoperatively, she underwent a new scan that showed a normal supraspinatus tendon.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We herein report this rare case of acute onset of nephrotic syndrome during interferon-alpha retreatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The principle treatment for DPD-deficient patients with severe acute 5-FU reactions is supportive care; however, the administration of thymidine potentially may reverse severe 5-FU-induced neurologic symptoms such as encephalopathy and coma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Perinatal vasoconstrictive renal insufficiency associated with maternal nimesulide use.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Nevertheless, with appropriate safeguards described in this study, its topical use is safe.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, follow-up revealed that gestational diabetes when associated with norethisterone had a lesser risk of emerging diabetes mellitus and impaired glucose tolerance.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"She had no recurrence after 1 year.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although the exact causes for bronchospasm in our case are not clear, CPB factors, such as the release of complements and allergic reactions might have induced the attack under relatively light anesthetic state.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient responded to lamivudine treatment with HBeAg seroconversion and significant regression of fibrosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report on two patients with narrow angle glaucoma affected by chronic pain.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case provides suggestive evidence that morphine-6-glucuronide can produce clinically significant effects in patients with mild renal insufficiency.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She was admitted to the hospital and later experienced monomorphic ventricular tachycardia, which resolved spontaneously.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Routine electrophysiological repetitive nerve stimulation studies recording amplitude of initial compound muscle action potential (CMAP) in thenar muscles correlate excellently with clinical myasthenic muscle power tests in clinically affected muscle groups.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Both asthma and thyroid disease are common disorders that occasionally occur together.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The severity of this syndrome primarily in patients undergoing second HPCTs suggests that repetitive exposure to high-dose therapy may compromise endogenous peripheral regulatory mechanisms and predispose these patients to autoimmunity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"At postmortem examination the cerebral hemispheres had a conspicuous destruction of white matter, consistent with a necrotizing leukoencephalopathy with focal and diffuse demyelination.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is hoped that this case report creates awareness that ofloxacin-induced toxic epidermal necrolysis is possible.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Despite recent meta-analyses showing either similar rates or only slightly increased rates of stent thrombosis in patients with a drug-eluting stent, clinicians remain concerned about the risk of late stent thrombosis in these patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This initial coagulation response was followed by a second phase of hematological response (starting on days 15-20) characterized by leukocytosis, occurrence of myeloid progenitor cells in the peripheral blood, and a decrease in bone marrow blasts (<1% on days 28 and 36).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case of a 53-year-old man who developed acute pneumonitis after bleomycin and moderate oxygen administration is presented.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A decision was made not to remove the implant but the hepatitis resolved completely and uneventfully well within the normal time-scale.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case report of a patient with probable cisplatin and bleomycin-induced TMA is presented.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuresis as a much earlier side-effect of carbamazepine administration in a 29-year Nigerian female patient with generalized tonic-elonic seizures.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The crucial factors contributing to the deterioration of both patients in the two cases presented were the concentration of phenytoin manually infused and the possibility that their high-risk status made them poor candidates for manual intravenous phenytoin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Paclitaxel and CBDCA therapy was indicated as second-line chemotherapy in one patient and as third line in four patients with recurrent disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"For patients receiving hemodialysis (HD) who are exposed to gadolinium, the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) recommends HD to remove this contrast agent in order to minimize the risk of NSF.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fatal outcome of intravesical formalin instillation, with changes mimicking renal tuberculosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The septal defect, repaired surgically by Hazeltine's method healed completely within 6 weeks.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There are now reports of liver failure following treatment of childhood cancers with AMD.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"After standard treatment had failed, we tried to treat the patient by administering rituximab directly into the cerebral ventricle through an Omaya reservoir, in addition to conventional intrathecal and systemic chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING PRACTICE: Nurses must understand the pharmacology, mechanism of action, clinical presentation, potentially lethal risks, and traumatic psychosocial stresses experienced by DPD-deficient patients with cancer receiving 5-FU therapy in order to develop timely interventions and alternative plans of care.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It can also be found in the United States, where illegal sales have been reported in California gift shops, markets, bakeries, and other retail establishments.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Since the thrombocyte count started to increase immediately after initiation and dropped immediately after discontinuation of ciprofloxacin and tazobactam\/piperacillin and all other drugs were discontinued already before or were started after the nadir of the thrombocyte count, these two antibiotics were regarded causative.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Three days after stopping the infusion she collapsed and died.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Adrenal crises in children treated with high-dose inhaled corticosteroids for asthma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We suggested that colchicine should be used with caution in the presence of renal failure especially when other drugs which affect the metabolism of colchicine are also prescribed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"His serum calcium returned to a normal range in three months with Vitamin D and calcium supplement.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Objective improvement of tremor after use of metoprolol was documented by accelerometry.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Findings from biopsy specimens of skin and jejunum suggested a cell-mediated pathogenesis, and lymphoproliferative studies of the patient's mononuclear cells revealed a positive response to phenobarbital.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Uniquely, however, relief of peptic symptoms induced by hypergastrinemia is now available from acid-suppressive drugs such as proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This rare association suggests that oral hormone replacement therapy poses a risk of thrombosis especially in patients with cc-TGA after prosthetic valve replacement.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cyclosporine is a potent inhibitor of simvastatin metabolism, and may therefore facilitate simvastatin-induced rhabdomyolysis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"To the best of our knowledge, corneoscleral melting in the first postoperative week after a single intraoperative application of mitomycin C has not been reported.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This patient recovered after aggressive supportive therapy including intravenous alkali and fluid administration as well as continuous venovenous hemodiafiltration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Streaky pigmentation in a patient with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Liver biopsy was consistent with a drug-induced intrahepatic cholestatic reaction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Urine volume ranged from 1,640 to 2,260 mL\/24 hr, and serum creatinine level rose from 2.3 to 8.3 mg\/dL.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a rare case of colonic mucosal necrosis following Kalimate (calcium polystryrene sulfonate), an analogue of Kayexalate without sorbitol in a 34-yr-old man.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Localized panniculitis and subsequent lipoatrophy with subcutaneous glatiramer acetate (Copaxone) injection for the treatment of multiple sclerosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 69-year-old type 2 diabetic man was admitted due to diabetic gangrane.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Etoposide is an important component of current HLH treatment regimes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The reporting rate for angioedema was calculated to be 9.8 cases per 1,000,000 pediatric patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The epiphyseal myeloid cells were reduced or sometimes eliminated during id injection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Neurotoxicity can occur at any time using high-dose cytosine therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A toxic encephalopathy characterized by depressed level of consciousness, marked irritability, and ataxia developed in seven children, 5 years of age and younger, following administration of an antiemetic combination of pentobarbital and pyrilamine maleate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A patient presented with lactic acidosis and severe acidemia; sodium bicarbonate was administered to titrate the very large hydrogen ion load.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She developed large swellings in both sides of her lower abdomen.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In a series of 104 cases of intentional or inadvertent use of zidovudine at differing gestations in pregnancy, there were eight spontaneous first trimester abortions, eight therapeutic terminations, and eight cases of fetal abnormality occurring among a total of 88 cases where the pregnancy progressed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Screening serologic tests for autoantibodies including antinuclear antibodies, antidouble-stranded DNA, anti-SS-A, anti-SS-B and anti-Sm were all negative.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patients treated with captopril who develop \"atypical cholangitis\" should be suspected of having captopril-associated liver damage.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To report a case of serotonin syndrome associated with interaction between fentanyl and citalopram, as evidenced by medication history, clinical features and reversal following discontinuation of fentanyl.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"If associated with a prolonged QT interval, it is called torsades de pointes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We discuss how these patients management differs from other intensive care unit patients with CLS and how it is important to diagnose this condition early in haematological oncology cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Scleromyxedema in a patient with multiple sclerosis and monoclonal gammopathy on interferon beta-1a.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We describe a detailed case of fulminant hepatitis induced by nevirapine (Viramune) and treated by liver transplantation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Patients receiving amifostine who develop only fever should be evaluated for an adverse drug reaction, as well as for sepsis and fevers of neutropenia, and it may be necessary to discontinue the drug.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Endogenous pneumococcal endophthalmitis after splenectomy: report of two cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One patient was treated with amphotericin B and his central venous catheter was removed, but he died of Klebsiella pneumoniae bacteremia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Any patient undergoing medical treatment for tuberculosis requires proper education concerning potential drug side effects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It was presumed that the upbeating nystagmus in this case was elicited from the lesion of the anterior vermis of the cerebellum and\/or its connections.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two of these patients, who also received the anti-emetic prochlorperazine, lost consciousness for 48-72 h and then fully recovered.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Interstitial granulomatous dermatitis associated with darifenacin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"After using the antibiotic lock technique, the patient maintained his catheter without further infection for an additional 2 months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two animals were injected with balanced salt solution as controls.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The frequency of compensatory hyperhidrosis often reflects the extensiveness of the denervation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In 3 dogs scheduled for surgical removal of cataracts, systemic and topical treatment with antibiotics and topical ocular treatment with prednisolone, atropine, flurbiprofen, and phenylephrine were used to achieve maximal mydriasis, with minimal risk of pupillary constriction in response to surgery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We suggest adding this side effect to the list of untoward effects of lidocaine and to the differential diagnosis of fixed dilated pupils in neonates treated with lidocaine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Tamoxifen has proved efficacious in all settings of breast cancer.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These findings strongly support the hypothesis that pulmonary capillaritis may represent a form of acute humoral rejection in the lung allograft that is less common than, and clinically and histologically distinct from, typical acute cellular rejection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This adverse reaction is more common in children than adults and is rarely symptomatic.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 77-year-old woman was urgently admitted for the treatment of diabetic ketoacidosis and a duodenal ulcer hemorrhage in March 1999.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CD3\/CD4 T-helper lymphocyte count showed a significant decrease immediately after LT which rapidly recovered after initiation of HAART.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An individualized approach must consider local resources, the patient's age and prognosis, type of immunosuppression, opinions of patient and family regarding invasive measures and heroic support, and previous patterns of infection in the institution.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It appears to be selectively protective to salivary glands and kidneys without being tumor protective.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The favourable outcome in these two patients contrasts with the fatal outcome of the two other reported cases of nitrofurantoin induced BOOP.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: The new quinolone derivatives (levofloxacin, sparfloxacin, grepafloxacin, trovafloxacin, gatifloxacin and moxifloxacin), also called gyrase inhibitors, are known for their potential to cause central nervous system-related adverse effects, including headache, dizziness and insomnia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Hypersensitivity to aspirin can be manifested as acute asthma, urticaria and\/or angioedema, or a systemic anaphylactoid reaction.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Growth and spread of malignant cells within the stagnant dilated lymphatics are the likely cause of the characteristic nodular dissemination of the tumor in a lymphedematous extremity, regardless of the type of neoplasm.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Besides those manifestations, the patient also showed mucocutaneous lesions that were both clinically and histologically indistinguishable from those of pustular psoriasis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Doxorubicin cardiotoxicity: possible role of digoxin in its prevention.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Complete seizure control was achieved but the patient developed hallucinations, agitation and self-harming behaviour, as well as poor social contact.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Twenty-nine patients reported spontaneous pain; a variety of other paresthesialike sensations, e.g., tingling, numbness, and formication, occurred in 32 patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An analysis of the literature shows that perfusion, usually combined with excision, seems to give definitely better results than surgical excision alone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This is an image and brief case report of a 13-year-old boy who presented with severe rash and systemic symptoms after starting oxcarbazepine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Ten eyes in 6 patients with late-onset interface inflammation and increased intraocular pressure were identified.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We believe that these skin eruptions belong to a spectrum of neutrophilic dermatoses that can be induced or aggravated by G-CSF therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The nesiritide treatment duration was longer for this patient than the 45 days previously reported in a pediatric patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thoracic CT showed a markedly enlarged mediastinum, with a voluminous mass in the middle mediastinum.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Prior neurologic illness and the syndrome of irreversible lithium-effectuated neurotoxicity (SILENT).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Many pus cells and a few red blood cells were detected in the patient's stool, but the results of a stool culture for bacteria were negative.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Nitrogen-oxygen saturation therapy in serious cases of compressed-air decompression sickness.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These three cases illustrate the diagnostic and therapeutic overlap between childhood and adult anxiety disorders and indicate the need for empirical studies aimed at evaluating diagnostic and treatment issues in childhood anxiety disorders.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Immune-mediated reactions to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are unusual, and true allergy to the drug flurbiprofen has never been documented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"G-CSF (50 micrograms\/m2\/day, subcutaneous injection) was administered simultaneously with a continuous intravenous infusion of Ara-C (70 mg\/m2\/day).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pharmaceutical drugs, industrial compounds, and inhaled particles have been implicated as causative agents.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Using an illustrative case this article examines the prognostic significance of gastrointestinal haemorrhage and the risk of stopping anti-platelet therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although a few case reports link metronidazole with the development of pseudomembranous colitis, albendazole has not been associated with the development of this condition.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The infant had growth retardation and multiple anomalies including microbrachycephaly, coronal craniosynostosis, hypotelorism, shallow orbits, proptosis, blepharophimosis, small, abnormal ears, unilateral preauricular pit, broad, flat nasal bridge, microstomia, high-arched palate, micrognathia, preaxial upper limb and postaxial lower limb defects consisting of hypoplastic thumbs, and bilateral absence of the 4th and 5th toes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An understanding of the proposed pathophysiology of various types of delirium will allow appropriate clinical measures to be taken.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Final treatment plans for the HNCP should include medical assessment of past dental history, oral hygiene, potential compliance, or lack of, to dental care recommendations, the emotional state of the patient, socio-economic status of the patient (lifestyle, cost of care), future quality of life, the medical and\/or life prognosis of the patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After three cycles of chemotherapy over a 10-week period, the patient's dosage requirements returned to her baseline level (before treatment with 5-fluorouracil and leucovorin had started).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Severe abdominal pain in low dosage clofazimine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Five of the patients had D-Dimers levels measured, all were elevated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Bronchial anthracostenosis describes a disease entity consisting of bronchial destruction, deformity and stenosis related to dark pigmentation on bronchoscopy in patients with a history of coal workers' pneumoconiosis or chronic exposure to biomass smoke.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He recovered well and was able to walk by postoperative day 4.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Staphylococcus lugdunensis endocarditis following cardiac catheterisation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Weight loss during therapy with olanzapine orally disintegrating tablets: two case reports.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In the untreated infant with Menkes Kinky Hair Syndrome, copper concentrations in brain and liver are deficient, while excessive copper accumulates in other tissues.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In a postural challenge test after administration of isosorbide dinitrate (5 mg), blood pressure decreased from 120\/67 to 65\/35 mmHg, followed by syncope with a sudden decrease in pulse rate from 85 to 60 beats\/min.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This case, in which continuous morphologic adaptation of the cornea occurred, indicates that observation, rather than intervention, is a valid therapeutic option for stage 4 DLK.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Occurrence of withdrawal dyskinesia indicates that the neuroleptic effects of amoxapine may be clinically significant.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Medical practitioners are also applying recombinant factor VIIa toward the control of bleeding in patients without hemophilia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE SUMMARY: A 10-year-old white girl with bilateral optic glioma developed a hypersensitivity reaction to carboplatin after nine courses.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"When patch test are performed with several drugs of the same family, results seem to indicate an absence of cross-sensitivity, but in several patients, oral provocation test were needed because patch test gave no conclusive information.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We reported 3 patients who developed acute generalized dystonia and akinetic rigid syndrome following an initial therapy with d-penicillamine 125-500 mg daily.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"No changes in respiratory\/hemodynamic status or oxygen saturation were observed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Celiprolol pneumonitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Recovery of the tubular dysfunction took 15 days following cessation of the offending drug, Amikacin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Chest roentgenogram showed multiple pulmonary nodules.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Retroauricular incisions can be associated with complications, including cerebrospinal fluid leak and shunt infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two had been treated with hydroxyurea for 16 and 21 months before imatinib therapy, while 1 was started on a regimen of imatinib following diagnosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Initial treatment with heparin was substituted with thrombolysis, which resulted in clinical improvement and dissolution of right heart thrombus but was followed by fatal intracerebral haemorrhage.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Acutely, SMS decreased acid secretion and restored the BAO\/MAO to normal in eight of eight patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pulmonary aspergillosis masquerading as progressive post-transplant lymphoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) inhibitors, such as infliximab and etanercept, are now frequently used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases including rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and Crohn's disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"But metformin has fibrinolytic features by means of diminished plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 activity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acceleration of ventricular response to atrial flutter after intravenous adenosine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"None of the patients demonstrated the requisite features of the 'Dilantin hypersensitivity syndrome'.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Disseminated eruptive giant mollusca contagiosa in an adult psoriasis patient during efalizumab therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Inadvertent subsequent rechallenge with celiprolol led to recurrence of the pneumonitis, 10 weeks after drug readministration.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Severe diffuse interstitial pneumonitis induced by carmustine (BCNU).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Acute coronary syndromes complicating the first infusion of rituximab.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Since cranial MRI showed only nonspecific findings, CNS vasculitis associated with GVHD after BMT may be underdiagnosed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a child with CF who developed significant hypomagnesaemia following intravenous (i.v.) treatment with aminoglycosides for exacerbations of Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient had been on oral propranolol for the past five years and had taken his last dose of propranolol approximately ten hours before the administration of parenteral verapamil for treatment of a supraventricular tachycardia documented by an electrocardiogram.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of pelvic actinomycosis presenting as cutaneous fistula.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Following 3 months without any symptoms, the patient had total colectomy and ileostomy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE SUMMARY: A 65-year-old patient chronically treated with the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) citalopram developed confusion, agitation, tachycardia, tremors, myoclonic jerks and unsteady gait, consistent with serotonin syndrome, following initiation of fentanyl, and all symptoms and signs resolved following discontinuation of fentanyl.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"L-asparaginase is a critical component in the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The clinical picture fulfilled the criteria of Kluver-Bucy syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thrombocytopenia of Grade III or higher was observed in eight patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present a case of postoperative nausea and vomiting resulting from a presumed lumbar CSF leak in a nonverbal child after surgical placement of a permanent intrathecal catheter.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Painful erosion of psoriatic plaques is a less common sign of methotrexate toxicity that may precede evidence of bone marrow suppression.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) developed in a patient with seropositive rheumatoid arthritis (RA) after 2 1\/2 months of treatment with penicillamine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The basic triad of symptoms that occurs in the TMA syndrome include microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, and renal impairment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In the cornea, it has been shown in animal and in vitro studies to inhibit epithelium mitosis, fibroblast mitosis and migration, as well as to reduce collagen deposition.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"EEG with polygraphic recording may detect clinically inapparent tonic seizures in epileptics with unexplained confusion, and when generalized paroxysmal fast activity occurs during EEG recording.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Detection of antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody in a patient with L-tryptophan induced eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"IV propranolol was used as the initial treatment for his hyperadrenergic state, resulting in a decrease in heart rate but a paroxsymal increase in blood pressure.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A computerised tomography scan and a magnetic resonance imaging excluded a central lesion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Posterior leukoencephalopathy following cisplatin, bleomycin and vinblastine therapy for germ cell tumor of the ovary.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Care providers who refill pump reservoirs with morphine must be knowledgeable about these devices and the life-threatening consequences associated with errors in refilling them.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Severe vancomycin-induced anaphylactic reaction.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Pemphigus vulgaris precipitated by glibenclamide therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In each of these cases, the treating psychiatrist faced the problems of noncompliance with treatment and\/or restrictive civil commitment standards.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The thrombi were treated with successive intravenous fibrinolysis under transesophageal echocardiographic guidance, without complication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cannulation injury of the radial artery: diagnosis and treatment algorithm.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The mechanism of RTA induced by FK506 has not yet been clearly elucidated.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Bleeding is the most serious complication of oral anticoagulant therapy used for the prevention of thromboembolic complications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intravitreal bevacizumab (Avastin) as a treatment of the neovascular complications of laser-induced chorioretinal anastomosis for nonischaemic central retinal vein occlusion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although hepatic veno-occlusive disease (HVOD) is a common complication of allogenic bone marrow transplantation (BMT), pulmonary veno-occlusive disease (PVOD) is very rare.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Drug-induced pemphigus related to angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a child aged 11 years who ingested large amounts of plastic material used for knitting chairs and charpoys.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Gold-induced pneumonitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A patient with angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy with dysproteinemia was followed over a three year period from diagnosis to death.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Septic arthritis of the hip with Propionibacterium avidum bacteremia after intraarticular treatment for hip osteoarthritis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The S typhimurium isolates from this patient, from other ill persons, and from raw milk were resistant to ampicillin, chloramphenicol, kanamycin sulfate, streptomycin, sulfonamide, and tetracycline.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In addition, a 31-year-old man with obsessive-compulsive disorder developed RBD soon after starting fluoxetine therapy, which persisted at PSG study 19 months after fluoxetine discontinuation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In this report, we describe a patient receiving lenalidomide in whom dyspnea, fever, hypoxia, and diffuse pulmonary infiltrates developed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 33-year-old man with advanced testicular cancer underwent high-dose chemotherapy combined with peripheral blood stem cell transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These multiple overlapping factors probably lead to rhabdomyolysis in a minority of patients receiving vasopressin infusion.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Four cases involving men with New York Heart Association functional class III heart failure are presented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Tricuspid valve infectious endocarditis associated with dental treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Apomorphine was effective in reducing the duration of diphasic dyskinesias at doses higher than the threshold doses necessary to induce an \"on\" phase (mean increase: 43%).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In our case, a 77-year-old woman, with stage IIIA IgG lambda multiple myeloma for two years, presented with firm nodular violaceous cutaneous lesions on the left arm without underlying bone osteolytic lesions or subcutaneous tumors; the biopsy was consistent with plasmacytoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intensive care experience with intravenous cimetidine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report an allogeneic bone marrow transplant recipient who developed CMV infection refractory to sequential therapy with ganciclovir, foscarnet, and cidofovir.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Carbamazepine is an anticonvulsant most effective in treating complex partial and generalized tonic-clonic seizures.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We review and summarize all reported cases of patients with ART-associated lactic acidosis reported in the English literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a 74-year-old man with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) who developed syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) 1.5 months after commencement of mizoribin prescription when his arthritis was improved.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A trial of steroid therapy following early detection of such obstruction in lieu of early surgical exploration is discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Methadone, a synthetic opioid that is increasingly used for the management of chronic pain, has recently been implicated in the development of the prolonged QT syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Dipyrone, also known as metamizole, is an analgesic and antipyretic drug that was banned by the United States Food and Drug Administration because of its association with agranulocytosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Thus, ultrasound may prevent inadvertent placement of the needle into these structures as might happen with either the blind technique or fluoroscopic technique.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Capsule endoscopy showed bleeding diffuse angiodysplasia of the small bowel.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Phenytoin levels were reduced to 37% of the original values, although the drug was given intravenously.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: Intravitreal rituximab at a dose of 1 mg does not appear to cause toxicity in rabbit eyes and in the five eyes of three patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Seven patients showed marked visual field constriction with some sparing of the temporal visual field.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Some of these lesions coalesced into plaques, with small areas of sparing, and a background erythematous color was also found in the axillary vaults (Fig.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Flucloxacillin-induced aplastic anaemia and liver failure.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Pathologic findings demonstrated on MR were (1) chronic brain edema, demonstrable over a period of 3-14 months (proved by autopsy in one patient); (2) multifocal white matter necrosis; and (3) deep brain atrophy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Over the next few days he showed rapid clinical improvement with normalization of his blood chemistries and he was discharged home after 5 days of hospitalization in good condition.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cyclosporin side effects included hirsutism, hypertension, increased blood levels of urea and creatinine, and abnormalities in liver function tests.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Herein, we describe a patient with AIDS who presented to medical attention with pancytopenia 48 months postchemotherapy with etoposide, prednisone, vincristine, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, and rituximab (R-EPOCH) for diffuse large B-cell lymphoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Eosinophilia has been encountered from 0.2 to 61.7% in clozapine-treated patients, mostly with a transient course and spontaneous remission.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: Although uncontrolled case observations can only be interpreted with caution quetiapine seems to deserve further investigation and may hold the potential for preventing alcohol relapse in alcoholics suffering from additional above-mentioned symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Laboratory evaluation showed high levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a patient in whom impressive hypoglycemia developed following treatment with this agent.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The present report suggests that clarithromycin coadministration induces increased plasma carbamazepine concentrations, which may result in carbamazepine toxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Four years after transplantation the patient was admitted again due to sudden worsening of New York Heart Association functional class and extreme fatigue.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Relationship of eye burns with calcifications of the cornea?","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a 74-year-old man with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) who developed syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) 1.5 months after commencement of mizoribin prescription when his arthritis was improved.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"However, he experienced a subsequent recurrence of the eruption on inadvertent rechallenge.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, each infant demonstrated hemodynamic decompensation shortly after verapamil administration and required cardiopulmonary resuscitation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: The pathogenesis of methotrexate-induced papular eruption in collagen vascular diseases may suggest cutaneous small-vessel vasculitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Samples with concentrations exceeding the linearity were diluted.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An urgent EEG is essential to confirm the diagnosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: The goal of this article was to describe a potential drug-drug interaction between propafenone and citalopram, which caused symptoms of propafenone adverse effects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: We describe a previously unreported complication of warfarin therapy in a patient over 75 years of age, to add to the cautions in prescribing this drug in patients of this age group.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The development of rickets as a complication of chemotherapy for the treatment of Wilms' tumor.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An additional disorder in the spectrum of thyroid related muscle disease is presented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This treatment is associated with local hemorrhagic complications and age-related cerebral hemorrhage.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: Squamous metaplasia in these cases appears to be a consequence of progestin therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Primary coronary artery dissection occurring 2 months post partum in a 33-year-old woman is described.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Valproate remains the medication of choice for the treatment of petit mal status.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Multiple acquired haemostatic defects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Most alternative remedies have not been adequately studied or proven effective for the diseases for which they are promoted.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The relation between tacrolimus treatment and staining was suggested by the appearance of pigmentation during topical tacrolimus treatment and its clinical disappearance when treatment was stopped.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The hearing impairment and tinnitus were gradually reduced after PTU withdrawal and corticosteroid and azathioprine treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"At the time of transplantation the patient was severely neutropenic.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatment of coccidioidomycosis with amphotericin B may be accomplished via an Ommaya reservoir.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We presented the case of a patient who developed a cutaneous reaction induced by captopril with positive patch test.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Pegylated interferon alfa-2b is a formulation of recombinant human interferon conjugated with polyethylene glycol.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Exacerbation of the inflammatory response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis after antiretroviral therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Development of porphyria cutanea tarda after treatment with cyclophosphamide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In two patients the infection spread per continuum, in the other two patients due to haematogenous dissemination.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Possible interaction between lopinavir\/ritonavir and valproic Acid exacerbates bipolar disorder.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Clinically, our patient showed a vasculitic-like skin rash involving both palms and soles, and histopathological examination revealed a syringotropic lymphocytic infiltrate directed toward the intra-epidermal portion of the eccrine ducts.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Immunosuppressive measles encephalitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A drug addict with staphylococcal endocarditis treated with methicillin, who developed massive proteinuria and acute nephritic syndrome is described.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Of the eight patients in clinical trials, five had cardiovascular abnormalities and two had acquired immunodeficiency syndrome-related pneumonia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Possible interaction between lopinavir\/ritonavir and valproic Acid exacerbates bipolar disorder.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Histologically, we diagnosed this case as having pre-cirrhotic nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The study included three men and one woman aged 52-65 years.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The greater activity of steroid-treated individuals may place their dystrophin-deficient muscles under greater mechanical stress, predisposing to further muscle fibre damage and consequent myoglobinuria.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It usually increases the severity of reactive arthritis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Expect clonidine intoxications to become more common as the market for antihypertensive drugs expands.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In these two patients, five of six treated tumors decreased in size, and three completely responded.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cough induced by quinapril with resolution after changing to fosinopril.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Ishihara color plates showed a marked, acquired color vision defect O.D., O.S.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two of them had acute myeloid leukemia and four had lymphoblastic leukemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Increased awareness of DIC as a diagnostic possibility may enable prompt recognition and medical intervention in affected patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe the clinical and liver biopsy morphologic features for 4 patients with minocycline-induced autoimmune hepatitis (group 1).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Eosinophilia caused by clozapine was observed in challenge, preceded by a faster neutrophil production and consecutive decrease (z = 2.27, p = 0.01).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Successful treatment of post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder in autologous blood stem cell transplant recipients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Early data identifies atomoxetine's influence on Tourette symptomatology to be not merely equivocal but potentially suppressive in the manifestation of tics.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 58-year-old man with advanced renal cell carcinoma developed grade 3 proteinuria (8.5 g\/24 h) without microscopic hematuria or renal insufficiency five days after temsirolimus infusion.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 27-year-old man who had a history of bronchial asthma, eosinophilic enteritis, and eosinophilic pneumonia presented with fever, skin eruptions, cervical lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, atypical lymphocytosis, and eosinophilia two weeks after receiving trimethoprim (TMP)-sulfamethoxazole (SMX) treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"DISCUSSION: Amphotericin B deoxycholate has been reported to produce significant cardiac toxicity, with ventricular arrhythmias and bradycardia reported in overdoses in children and in adults with preexisting cardiac disease, even when administered in conventional dosages and infusion rates.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Pseudoporphyria induced by propionic acid derivatives.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient developed grade 3 capecitabine-induced headache.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Grand mal seizures and acute intermittent porphyria.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE REPORT: A 77-year-old female nursing home resident was inadvertently administered 50,000 units of oral vitamin D daily for 6 days.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cholestyramine induced hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"All the episodes occurred after the first dose was administered, and the seven patients recovered without sequelae after the drug was withdrawn.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Physicians using this \"new\" drug must be aware of the potential danger of sulfonamide-induced injury to the urinary tract.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Between 1989 and 1996, 4 cases of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP) were observed in patients seronegative for the human immunodeficiency virus who were receiving corticosteroid therapy for dermatomyositis in our institution.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"During orthotopic liver transplantation a patient received epsilon-aminocaproic acid and clotting factors.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Lipoatrophy is a thing of the past, or is it?","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Severe ehrlichia infection in pediatric oncology and stem cell transplant patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Contact with hydrofluoric acid may produce extensive tissue necrosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case study describes an atypical case of refractory, sodium warfarin-induced necrotizing fasciitis and myonecrosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Despite the prophylaxis and preemptive strategies using potent antiviral agents, cytomegalovirus (CMV) remains a major infectious cause of morbidity and mortality in allogeneic stem cell transplantation (SCT) recipients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The diagnosis of this entity is difficult, if not misdiagnosed, because of its rarity and its subacute presentation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The ECG monitoring revealed sinus pause with markedly prolonged PQ interval and QRS width.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Diuresis returned within 12 h.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a fatal case of toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) resulting from a high dose of cytosine arabinoside (ARA-C).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"5-Fluorouracil cardiotoxicity complicating treatment of stage IIB cervical cancer--case report.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A case of brain abscess developing 2 weeks after insertion of skull tongs is reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient, with a history of cardiovascular disease and glaucoma, was admitted to the hospital because of complaints of shortness of breath, orthopnea, and reduced exercise tolerance.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case suggests that acyclovir when given intravenously in doses of 10 mg\/kg may result in increased serum lithium concentrations.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Her symptoms and elevation of pancreatic enzymes did not respond to conventional medical treatment of pancreatitis for 18 d.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: The new quinolone derivatives (levofloxacin, sparfloxacin, grepafloxacin, trovafloxacin, gatifloxacin and moxifloxacin), also called gyrase inhibitors, are known for their potential to cause central nervous system-related adverse effects, including headache, dizziness and insomnia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Kaposi's sarcoma in the setting of immunosuppression and the gastrointestinal manifestations of this disease are reviewed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient had a very aggressive type of posttransplantation HCV infection, as judged by biochemical and histologic findings.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Most patients with ergot toxicity present with symptoms of lower extremity claudication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thyrotoxic Periodic Paralysis is an uncommon disorder seen primarily in Asian males and caused by excessive thyroid hormones.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Temozolomide is an oral alkylating agent used in the treatment of metastatic melanoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report 4 patients, 2 on methylphenidate and 2 on dextroamphetamine who presented with acral cyanosis, livedo reticularis, or Raynaud phenomenon.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The observations suggest that testicular swelling and pain are side effects of desipramine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Her left ovarian cyst was extirpated surgically, and the histological diagnosis was endometrial cyst.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE REPORT: Soon after initiation of amiodarone HCl (200 mg\/day), a 76-year-old man came to us with symptoms of visual \"shining,\" glare, color vision anomalies, and gradually decreased vision.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Patch tests with flurbiprofen were positive 48 and 72 h after application.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"NEH must be considered in lupus patients receiving cytotoxic agents to avoid inappropriate use of corticosteroids or antibiotics in this self-limited condition.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Transient asymptomatic bradycardia in patients on infusional 5-fluorouracil.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"QT interval was more than 500 m sec.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Since the thrombocyte count started to increase immediately after initiation and dropped immediately after discontinuation of ciprofloxacin and tazobactam\/piperacillin and all other drugs were discontinued already before or were started after the nadir of the thrombocyte count, these two antibiotics were regarded causative.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Rigorous diagnostic procedures with repeated scintiscans and TSHRAb titering are necessary to avoid a false diagnosis and inappropriate therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The management of leukaemia presenting in pregnancy is discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The possible role of the autonomic nervous system in the causation of acute coronary vasospasm is discussed, and this is highlighted as an unusual cause of myocardial ischemia during thoracic spine surgery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Diffuse pulmonary uptake of labeled leukocytes was observed in all three individuals.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although activated clotting time (ACT) monitoring is encouraged to verify the adequacy of anticoagulation during the procedures, this is not a common practice in many laboratories.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Therapy with phenytoin, phenobarbital, valproic acid, and methylphenidate was unsuccessful.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Doses were gradually reduced in the following days and finally discontinued on day 28 after surgery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute myelogenous leukemia in patients receiving chlorambucil as long-term adjuvant chemotherapy for stage II breast cancer.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Measurement of serum digoxin concentrations (SDCs) is used routinely in the diagnosis of digoxin toxicity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This is despite relatively poor clearance of the drug through peritoneal dialysis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Successful management of supraventricular tachycardia has been maintained in the 10 remaining patients for 15 to 36 months (average 26.4).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: Review of clinical chart and photographs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pulmonary fibrosis is a severe complication associated with bis-chloronitrosourea (BCNU) therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A patient with hematologic malignancy and hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection received chemotherapy containing a glucocorticoid.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He was initiated on oral as well as inhaled corticosteroids along with nasal corticosteroid spray for his nasal complaints.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Myoclonic spasms following intrathecal morphine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Rifampin (RFP) increases hepatic microsomal enzyme activity, and there are case reports of RFP-induced hypothyroidism, all associated with Hashimoto's thyroiditis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Moreover, this case illustrates the usefulness of laser capture microdissection to obtain purified cell populations for molecular studies in lymphomas with relative paucity of tumor cells, as well as the need to analyze different IgH gene regions to decrease the rate of false-negative results in PCR clonality studies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intravenous azithromycin is increasingly administered for treatment of hospitalized patients with community-acquired pneumonia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We suspect that nefazodone inhibits metabolism of tacrolimus.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Seven of the eight cases of acute leukemia occurred in a series of 553 patients treated with Treosulfan for ovarian cancer in the period from 1970 to 1977 and followed closely for a total of 1159 patient-years up to February 1978.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In three cases acetohexamide (Dymelor), an oral hypoglycemic agent, was mistakenly given to patients instead of acetazolamide (Diamox), which had been prescribed for their glaucoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although a few cases of \"sarcomas\" of the endometrium that had developed in an estrogenic setting have been reported, a clear-cut association between estrogenic stimulation and these forms of endometrial cancer has not been established.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"No further problems were encountered over the follow-up period of nine months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Itraconazole is particularly attractive in fungal prophylaxis for cancer patients due to its broad spectrum, including Candida and Aspergillus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The spectrum of nitrofurantoin lung injury continues to widen.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Published 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"3,4-Diaminopyridine (3,4-DAP) given alone or combined with pyridostigmine is the recommended basic therapy in the Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome (LEMS).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Since the patient was immunosuppressed with etanercept and since the uveitis was granulomatous we considered tuberculosis as a possible etiology.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Suspected ciprofloxacin-induced interstitial nephritis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"For treatment of a posttraumatic intramural jejunal haematoma with extension into the mesenterium the patient received continuous infusion (CI) of a high purity F VIII concentrate, starting with an initial bolus injection of 100 IU F VIII\/kg bw and followed by 4-5 IU F VIII\/kg bw\/h i.v.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Blood and bone marrow morphology, and the karyotype were normalised and the patient is in good health 1 yr post-transplant.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Transfusion-related acute lung injury.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It has been described most recently in patients with solid tumors who receive taxane-based therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Optic neuritis in combination with other neurological signs, simulating multiple sclerosis, should be included in the list of adverse effects of recombinant and natural interferon alpha administration.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The intraocular pressure normalized several months following discontinuation of treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We used Hybrizep (a method for detecting the genes of bacteria ingested in phagocytes), to detect the causative bacterium in a 50-year-old woman receiving peritoneal dialysis who was admitted our hospital with bacterial peritonitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The use of systemic corticosteroids in this condition is not established.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Of the five that were treated with toxin, four showed complete resolution of symptoms after a course of treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We address the clinical problems and possible detrimental effects of CSFE in the setting of shunt infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thoracoscopic wedge resection of left upper lung performed 10 days before patient's death showed severe pulmonary fibrosis with prominent hyperplasia of alveolar macrophages and type II pneumocytes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Agrobacterium yellow group: bacteremia and possible septic arthritis following peripheral blood stem cell transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: A 34-year-old man acquired visual field defects and severe vision loss in both eyes after intravitreal injection of triamcinolone for diabetic macular edema.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Naproxen is a commonly used nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) whose side effects include tinnitus and transient hearing loss.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Although rare, massive pulmonary embolus must be considered to be a major risk of thrombolytic therapy for deep venous thrombosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Interference with the cortisol axis by the microtubule antagonist, CPH82.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Blood data did not always reflect marrow status.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Resolution of recalcitrant warts with IV Cidofovir has been reported in a limited number of cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Calcium administration should also be considered.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient did not fulfil criteria for Churg-Strauss syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present a case of significant over-anticoagulation temporally associated with a bout of protracted diarrhea in a patient on warfarin therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"SUMMARY AND BACKGROUND DATA: The subjects of this study were patients with intractable pain in donor area after conventional treatments using a transverse incision, which is parallel to posterior iliac crest.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Are nasal decongestants safer than rhinitis? A case of oxymetazoline-induced syncope.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Most cases are treated relatively easily, but recurrences are frequent and the infection often spreads to other parts of the oral mucosa.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Finally we noticed that our confusion had resulted from test tubes containing lithium heparine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He developed abnormal neurological findings during follicular lymphoma treatment, brain CT revealed ring-enhancing, multiloculated lesions, and N. exalbida was detected by aspiration of the lesion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Comorbidity of parkinsonism and schizophrenia in a patient treated with clozapine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, in approximately 80% of the population, the inferior cervical ganglion is fused with the first thoracic ganglion, forming the stellate ganglion also known as cervicothoracic ganglion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Due to discomfort, diplopia and lagophthalmos, the haematoma necessitated suspension of warfarin therapy and a surgical evacuation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"She was then treated by surgical excision of the infected tissues and by antibiotics: Amoxicillin, Metronidazole and Gentamycin for one month.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Nitrous oxide produces irreversible oxidation to the Co++ and Co forms that renders vitamin B12 inactive.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Allergic reaction to gemfibrozil manifesting as eosinophilic gastroenteritis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We speculate that in addition to the administration of M-CSF, hypercytokinemia during the early phase post-alloBMT might have contributed to the onset of HPS in this patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report two cases with small cell lung cancer (SCLC) receiving multicyclic dose-intensified chemotherapy (DI-CT) supported by autologous blood progenitor cell transplantation (ABPCT).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Electrophysiological study revealed atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia in the first case, and atrioventricular reentrant tachycardia due to a concealed left lateral accessory pathway in the second case.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A noninvasive method in the differential diagnosis of vecuronium-induced and magnesium-induced protracted neuromuscular block in a severely preeclamptic patient.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Nine of the 11 patients with congenital hydrocephalus are currently well without any further medical or surgical intervention.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Gynecomastia in epileptics treated with phenobarbital, phenytoin and fluoresone: two case reports.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We present a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus who presented with nephrotic range pseudoproteinuria using an acid precipitation method of testing.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There are several factors which might promote a peripheral ischemic response to vasopressin in the bleeding cirrhotic patient, including altered resting hemodynamics, increased resting sympathetic tone, impaired vasodilation as a compensatory response to vasopressin, and reduced hepatic drug clearance.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pravastatin is associated with myotonia in animals.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"When isolated from the blood and\/or the CSF of a patient with a CSF shunt who has symptoms and signs compatible with infection, the organism should not be dismissed as a contaminant.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Computed tomography revealed thickening of the terminal ileum wall and paralytic ileus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This selective closure of the ductus arteriosus suggests that the affected twin was predisposed to hypoxia and thus was more susceptible to ductal closure in response to indomethacin exposure.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 34-year-old lady developed a constellation of dermatitis, fever, lymphadenopathy and hepatitis, beginning on the 17th day of a course of oral sulphasalazine for sero-negative rheumatoid arthritis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Haptoglobin was undetectable.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Diclofenac was immediately stopped, leading to a complete restoration of liver functions over the course of the next few months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report two young patients with cystic fibrosis who presented with acute renal insufficiency after 2-3 weeks of oral ciprofloxacin therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The combination of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and tricyclic antidepressants may be useful in treating patients who experience intolerable side effects or who are resistant to therapy with a single antidepressant.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The peritonitis in these patients differed from the typical picture in which a single aerobic organism is responsible, by the presence of multiple organisms, some of which were anaerobic.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We presented a patient with status asthmaticus treated with a combination of theophylline and prednisone who developed a perforated gastric ulcer.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Second-line treatment options are limited in controlling advanced thoracic cancer in patients who have progressed following first-line chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of a recurrent Listeria monocytogenes bacteraemia in a 46 year-old liver transplant patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Reversible methotrexate-associated lymphoproliferative disorder resembling advanced gastric cancer in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We evaluated the response to gluten restriction and normal diet by following the status of the patient's jejunal biopsies and skin lesions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PARTICIPANTS: Four patients with periocular hemangioma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Peripheral administration of low-dose vasopressin for septic shock should be discouraged because of the risk of ischemic skin complications.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A review of the literature revealed two other cases of hepatic angiosarcoma in patients after long-term cyclophosphamide treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 73-year-old woman presented with fever and cough 2 weeks after completing the third cycle of fludarabine for chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Although this condition occurs primarily in severely myelosuppressed and immunosuppressed patients with leukemia, it may also occur in those with other advanced malignancies receiving myelosuppressive chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"When the thyrotoxicosis recurred, accompanied by a severe psychotic reaction, administration of antithyroid medication was recommenced.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Typically, flupirtine exerts membrane stabilizing and hyperpolarizing effects through activation of neuronal G-protein regulated inwardly rectifying potassium channels (GIRK).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Lactic acidosis in the setting of antiretroviral therapy for the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Recent insights in the pathophysiological mechanism of these foreign body infections have elucidated the difficulty of achieving successful treatment without device removal.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two case reports are presented: the first with clozapine challenge after eosinophilia, the second under clozapine treatment and no previous haematological side effects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The rarity of this association with these types of malignancy, together with possible mechanism, is discussed in a brief review of the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Alveolar-interstitial pneumopathy after gold-salts compounds administration, requiring mechanical ventilation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"After seven months' continuous treatment for suspected tuberculosis with rifampicin and ethambutol a nine-year-old boy developed polyarthritis, rash and hepatitis in association with anti-native DNA antibodies and positive antinuclear factor.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Cytomegalovirus infection is a potentially fatal complication of treatment induced immunosuppression in patients with inflammatory bowel disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is suggested that cholestyramine, by reducing vitamin D absorption, precipitated the rapid development of osteomalacia in this patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Tyrosine kinase inhibitors and solid tumours: case report and review of the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Alternating antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody specificity: drug-induced vasculitis in a patient with Wegener's granulomatosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The case is of interest for two reasons: it is very rare for a case of malignant osteopetrosis to survive until adulthood and to be aware of the potential dental and oral complications of the disorder.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thus, haemodialysis using high-flux membranes is a feasible and effective therapeutic option for carbamazepine intoxication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis: consequence of treatment of an emerging pathogen.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Dermal side reactions to SSRI-drugs in these patients may be due to high activity in the serotonergic system at the dermal and epidermo-dermal junctional area rather than a hypersensitivity to the drug molecule itself.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There was some evidence of a delayed-type bone marrow toxicity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 10-year-old asthmatic boy began to suffer from urticarial rash and moderately severe bronchospasm after 8 weeks' treatment with disodium cromoglycate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Many therapeutic modalities are available, and combinations may be required in a comprehensive treatment program.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE REPORTS: The first patient was an 86-year-old woman who had been treated with oral colchicine because of rheumatoid arthritis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Discontinuation of mianserin resulted in recurrence of akathisia, while full amelioration of the symptoms of akathisia was noted when mianserin was reinstituted.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After six weeks of therapy, clinical symptoms had greatly improved and intercellular antibody levels had decreased from a titer of 5,120 to 160.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Chronic ergot toxicity presenting with bilateral external iliac artery dissection and lower extremity rest pain.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report on a patient with subarachnoid haemorrhage who developed an acute life-threatening pseudo-obstruction of the colon, a variant of adynamic ileus, while being treated with intravenous nimodipine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"All patients had experienced multiple episodes of severe hypoglycaemia and had impaired awareness of hypoglycaemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Aquagenic pruritus responding to intermittent photochemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors describe a 19-year-old girl with a history of recurrent late-onset, febrile cholangitis in whom persistent jaundice developed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The diagnosis was confirmed by mycological examination including culture.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: This report describes a case of a probable interaction between topical econazole lotion 1% and acenocoumarol that resulted in overanticoagulation and a life-threatening laryngeal hematoma in this elderly patient.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We recommend that serum Na+ be carefully monitored in patients started on lorcainide therapy, and extreme caution should be exercised in prescribing diuretics to patients with persistent hyponatremia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The use of methotrexate for treatment of psoriasis in patients with HIV infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The radiographic and CT scan show the typical \"tram line\" intracranial calcifications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Dopamine agonists are increasingly used in the treatment of Parkinson disease, but they may cause serious adverse effects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Persistent cerebrospinal fluid leak is a known complication of intrathecal pump system insertion for drug delivery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three cases of severe psychotic pictures with only mild or completely missing vegetative symptoms after ingestion of angel's trumpet tea are reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Human T cell leukemia virus type 1 proviral DNA loads were reduced to undetectable levels in PBMC sampled 12 months after BMT.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Dyspnea, hypoxemia, and pleuritic chest pain occurred within 24 hours of rituximab administration, and there was no other apparent explanation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Emerging school-based methodologies are discussed with recommendations for future efforts.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Serotonergic antidepressants and urinary incontinence.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three hemodialyses were performed in the patient during the oliguric phase of the disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The international literature regarding opportunistic infections after immunosuppressive therapy with alemtuzumab with particular attention on fungal infections has also been reviewed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Successful intraoperative use of recombinant tissue plasminogen activator during liver transplantation complicated by massive intracardiac\/pulmonary thrombosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All seven patients were receiving INH daily for tuberculosis (TB) prophylaxis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DISCUSSION: To our knowledge, this is the first case report illustrating neuralgic amyotrophy triggered by exposure to the antibiotics vancomycin, tobramycin, and piperacillin\/tazobactam.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The reason for this is discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Tacrolimus-induced HUS: an unusual cause of acute renal failure in nephrotic syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This case demonstrates that localized signs of a bowel perforation may be absent in patients administered corticosteroids, that these patients may present with unusual, remote findings, and that bowel perforation can produce cervical subcutaneous emphysema.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The mean age of onset is around puberty and boys suffer more commonly as they are more inclined to play video games.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two weeks later, the patient went to a local emergency department after experiencing two brief syncopal episodes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the case of an adult patient with acute lymphoblastic leukemia who presented with repeated transient ischemic attacks followed by a seizure during consolidation treatment with L-asparaginase.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"However, it failed in 1 case requiring transabdominal transperitoneal closure of the fistula with an interposition of omentum.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On postoperative day 17, she demonstrated hyperkalaemia and metabolic acidosis; she was diagnosed to have hyperkalaemic distal RTA with aldosterone deficiency (type IV).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of drug-induced pemphigus caused by an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor, captopril.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"These observations add to the literature on pro-arrhythmic effects of commonly used antiarrhythmic drugs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case of linezolid-associated acute interstitial nephritis within the context of a drug rash with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS) syndrome in a patient treated with linezolid raises concerns about the presumed renal safety of this drug.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"He suddenly developed a fever (temperature, 38 degrees C) and severe lower back pain without apparent cause.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"That review suggested that patients receiving anti-D IGIV be monitored for those and other potential complications of hemoglobinemia, particularly disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In patients with cirrhosis, the metabolism of meperidine is decreased, leading to accumulation of the parent drug and possible CNS depressive effects similar to hepatic encephalopathy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"After operation they developed arterial hypotension that failed to respond to epinephrine (adrenaline) or dobutamine treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three years later, treatment with ampicillin caused another episode of cholestatic hepatitis with cholestasis and duct paucity on rebiopsy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"DATA SYNTHESIS: Genetic deficiencies in DPD, the rate-limiting enzyme responsible for 5-FU catabolism, may occur in 3% or more of patients with cancer putting them at increased risk for unusually severe adverse reactions (e.g., diarrhea, stomatitis, mucositis, myelosuppression, neurotoxicity) to standard doses of 5-FU.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Marrow aplasia lasted for 4 and 10 days, peripheral neuropathy for 15 and 42 days, gastrointestinal toxicity for 3 and 5 days, and hypertension for 5 and 14 days.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This report suggests that careful monitoring of patients undergoing oral amiodarone loading is necessary.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Methotrexate-associated nephropathy is a rare complication in pediatric oncology, and a review of the literature suggests that exposure to nephrotoxic agents may be a significant but perhaps underrecognized risk factor for its development.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Retinoic acid syndrome in acute promyelocytic leukemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Malignant hyperthermia: clinical course and metabolic changes in two patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Toxic effects were less severe than previously described: this may be attributable to relatively low doses of DCF or to precautions taken to prevent tumour lysis syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This article reviews case reports and clinical studies of thrombolysis during and shortly after CPR in order to estimate the risk of severe bleeding events caused by CPR in association with thrombolysis compared with CPR without thrombolysis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The relationship between this complication and calcium antagonist therapy is discussed and therapeutic strategies are presented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"During her life the patient frequently presented catamenial MA attacks with an increasing frequency during pregnancy in particular in the second and third trimesters, and then during breast-feeding.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In view of limited therapeutic options for her progressive disease, a trial of fluorouracil 300 mg\/m(2)\/d continuous intravenous infusion over 5 days was initiated without any premedications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Our case represents the second reported case that required surgical intervention for cure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DATA SYNTHESIS: A 49-year-old man developed symptoms of severe psychosis concomitant with ciprofloxacin (250 mg bid) treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The authors performed a literature search using PubMed and the search terms \"gemcitabine\" and \"radiation recall\" to find prior cases of radiation recall attributed to gemcitabine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An oral multivitamin tablet was substituted instead.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Eighteen patients were given MMF for the following reasons: renal failure in nine (50%); treatment of acute rejection in three (16.6%); primary prophylaxis of rejection in five (27.7%); and CNI withdrawal in one (5.5%).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case of subepidermal autoimmune blistering disease in an 86-year-old woman is reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"MRI demonstrated an ischemic infarct in the right striatum.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The main side-effects of Lp-TAE combined with HT were low-grade fever, localized pain, myelo-suppression and liver dysfunction, but these were transient and eventually disappeared.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Results of all studies for Cushing's syndrome were normal and remained so 1 year later.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The erythroid defect fully reversed after the drug was discontinued and could not be attributed to the patient's previously treated lung carcinoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case suggests that, when TMP\/SMX is combined with glipizide, patients should be closely monitored, especially those at high risk for hypoglycemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the occurrence of renal failure due to cholesterol crystal embolization following thrombolytic therapy with intravenous recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"An aerobic exercise test demonstrated remarkable serum lactate elevation, which was attenuated by the administration of coenzyme Q10.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Massive pulmonary thromboembolism resulted in circulatory collapse.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"While the true correlation remains unknown, allergic cross-reactivity may occur between sulfonamide antibiotics and non-antibiotics, such as loop diuretics.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatment of lithium-induced diabetes insipidus with amiloride.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Herpetic tracheobronchitis may be a commoner clinical syndrome than generally assumed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The pigment may be a drug metabolite-protein complex chelated with calcium, or an insoluble minocycline-melanin complex.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: This is the first report of keratitis caused by Nocardia exalbida.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Imatinib mesylate-related fatal acute hepatic failure in a patient with chronic myeloid leukaemia and chronic hepatitis B infection.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Patch testing with NSAIDs is useful for confirming clinical diagnoses of delayed hypersensitivity to these drugs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Whether these drugs adversely affect hepatobiliary scans is unknown.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The child was treated with resin hemoperfusion (XAD-4) to reduce her serum chloramphenicol concentration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report on three cases wherein treatment of dexmedetomidine-induced bradycardia with i.v. glycopyrrolate (5.0 microg\/kg) not only resulting in resolution of bradycardia but also resulting in an exaggerated increase of arterial blood pressure.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We suggest that the treatment of hypoglycaemia with 50% solution of dextrose is associated with a significant risk factor in those diabetic individuals who are either allergic or are receiving beta-adrenoreceptor blocking drugs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The identification of the spider as a brown recluse and the location of the bite over the nerve's usual pathway strongly suggest that the venom was responsible for this complication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Physical exam revealed a patient with aphasia, tremor, and an expressionless face, able to make eye contact and move all four extremities.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: Our PCR analysis showed the presence of CMV-DNA within the cornea of the patient with corneal endotheliitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"HMSN is diagnosed in most cases retrospectively, usually suggested by the observation of foot abnormalities or family history.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The clinical aspect of porphyria has been investigated, and it is well known that porphyrinogens such as estrogens and alcohol or other inducers of P450 isoenzymes exacerbate the porphyric state.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These findings are discussed in the context of the few previous reports and are particularly important for future genetic counselling.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatment was continued for 6 days, during which the dosage was progressively decreased, and the mare was discharged.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 32-year-old man with a family history of type 2 diabetes mellitus presented with circulatory collapse and deep coma after 9 days of treatment with perospirone hydrochloride, a recently developed atypical antipsychotic agent available only in Japan.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Severe chronic active Epstein-Barr virus infection mimicking steroid-dependent inflammatory bowel disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"His complete remission was maintained with a nitrosourea, nitrogen mustard and methotrexate for 3 years.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Leishmaniasis: a rare cause of unexplained fever in a renal graft recipient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Epoprostenol may be associated rarely with severe erythroderma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 12 year old patient with atrial flutter is presented, in whom intravenous adenosine was followed by acceleration of the heart rate to a potentially dangerous arrhythmia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: Flecainide is an effective therapy for supraventricular tachycardias in a twin pregnancy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This was initially diagnosed as a spreading dental infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case of Kaposi's sarcoma following treatment of membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis and a review of the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Serotonin syndrome caused by interaction between citalopram and fentanyl.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Moreover, when the deficit is recognized the epidural itself may be falsely blamed for postoperative paraplegia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The need for open-lung biopsy in patients with classic manifestations of LAM is also questioned, especially with the advent of high-resolution CT scanning, the nonspecificity of hormonal receptors with regard to response to therapy, and the possible need for subsequent lung transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three patients were weaned from the VADs, and two survived.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Brain MRI showed restricted diffusion in the rostral midbrain and temporal and parietal lobes but not in the pons.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cessation of MTX therapy led to complete regression of the tumor.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cyclosporin side effects included hirsutism, hypertension, increased blood levels of urea and creatinine, and abnormalities in liver function tests.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This was postulated to be due to the tacrolimus therapy, which was withdrawn.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: The investigation included inhalation challenge with the suspected compound combined with monitoring of lung function tests and post-challenge bronchoalveolar lavage.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 21-year-old woman suffering from bipolar affective disorder developed systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) with characteristic laboratory findings, 18 months after starting carbamazepine maintenance treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Schizophrenia-like psychosis caused by a metabolic disorder.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To report a case of phenolphthalein-induced toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) in a patient maintained on several other medications more commonly known to be associated with TEN.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Sixteen patients with widely metastatic cancer of the breast, including one man, received mitoxantrone, 10 mg\/m2 intravenously (IV) over 30 minutes on day 1, followed by cyclophosphamide, 200 mg\/m2 by mouth (PO) daily in divided doses on days 3 to 6.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Sirolimus-associated pneumonitis has been described in renal transplant patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cardiomyopathy after widely separated courses of adriamycin exacerbated by actinomycin-D and mithramycin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In this article lithium is not discussed, although there are a number of concerns about lithium's potential teratogenicity, and it has been implicated in Epstein's anomaly, a congenital heart defect among infants born to women taking lithium; as with other medications, however, the data have specific limitations.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"DLST is a good diagnostic tool for AZA allergy, especially for severe drug allergy cases.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Fibrosis of corpus cavernosum after intracavernous injection of phentolamine\/papaverine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: It is important to maintain an awareness for the possible association between HIV lipodystrophy and symptomatic epidural lipomatosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"At 37 weeks of gestation, she spontaneously delivered a healthy male baby.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Owing to suspected acute myocardial infarction, the patient was treated with thrombolytic therapy but her condition deteriorated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The findings from transbronchial lung biopsy and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) were consistent with an organizing diffuse alveolar damage pattern.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Herbal medicine induced Stevens-Johnson syndrome: a case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All these resolved on reducing the dosage of cyclosporin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 64 year old man with recurrent metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck developed severe skin rash and bone marrow aplasia 4 and 7 days, respectively, following a single dose of 40 mg\/m2 methotrexate (MTX).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report on a 30-year-old man with metastatic non seminomatous germ cell tumor of the left testicle to the abdomen and the lungs, who suddenly developed a bilateral spontaneous pneumothorax after the first course of salvage chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Serum gadolinium levels were measured 1 hour after the gadolinium administration, then at 24 and 48 hours after PD was initiated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Therefore repetitive clinical muscle power tests, that often are complicated by painful myalgia and activation potentiation, can be replaced by recordings of CMAP in the introduction and clinical follow up of cholinergic drug treatment in LEMS.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Withdrawal of oral colchicine therapy was followed by rapid corneal wound healing in both patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Nonconvulsive status epilepticus due to ifosfamide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Two days prior to admission, metoclopramide 10 mg orally three times per day was started for a gastrointestinal condition.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Lansoprazole-associated collagenous colitis: a case report.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In this communication, six such melanoma cases are reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a technique for 'single-pass' shunt tunneling from frontal to abdominal incisions and our initial results in a consecutive, prospective series of 15 children (age 2 days to 5 years).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Plasma atenolol levels decreased from 7.4 mg\/L to 2.1 mg\/L although significant rebound occurred between dialyses.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE SUMMARY: A 78-year-old white man presented with intractable lower back pain and constipation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The platelet count increased to 355000\/mm3 on the 15th day.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Best-corrected visual acuity was 6\/60 in both eyes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case report is presented concerning the administration of ketanserin in the treatment of pulmonary vasoconstriction and right ventricular failure following the infusion of protamine in a patient undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery and mitral valve replacement.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: This report indicates clindamycin phosphate vaginal cream as the most probable cause of CDIC due to the temporal relationship between the occurrence of diarrhea and clindamycin administration, lack of concomitant medications, and documentation of C. difficile toxin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This observation suggests that transient suppression of both cellular and humoral immunity may trigger viral reactivation, which leads to the development of the second phase of DIHS.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a 61-year-old woman with \"broken heart syndrome\" (Takotsubo-like cardiomyopathy) after abrupt postsurgical withdrawal of OxyContin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient, a 28-year-old man suffering from panic disorder, developed several first-rank symptoms during fluvoxamine administration.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Target Hct\/Hgbs were attained and exceeded, although iron indices were not fully achieved.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient experienced hallucinations, agitation, vomiting, tachycardia and seizures after ingestion of 1050 (48 mg\/kg) of extended-release bupropion.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Percutaneous radiofrequency thermal ablation (RFA) is considered an effective technique for providing local control in the majority of Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Further investigation into the utility and safety of dual therapy with an ACE inhibitor plus an ARB in pediatric patients is warranted.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Successful treatment with carbimazole of a hyperthyroid pregnancy with hepatic impairment after propylthiouracil administration: a case report.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Baclofen for chronic hiccups.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Catecholamine-induced automaticity was one of the possible mechanisms of VT in the first case, but the mechanism is unknown in the second case.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is increasing in numbers worldwide, and no effective systemic treatment existed for advanced HCC until SHARP (Sorafenib in HCC Assessment Randomized Protocol) study proved sorafenib (Nexavar((R)), Bayer Pharmaceuticals, Wayne, NJ, USA) prolonged survival versus placebo.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DISCUSSION: Since no other cause could be identified, liver injury was considered to be drug related.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In order to evaluate whether this rise in lactate could have occurred without requiring additional net lactic acid production, the effect of the hydrogen ion concentration on lactate distribution was evaluated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In one of the patients, the hyperkalemia was associated with a fatal cardiac arrhythmia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fulminant liver failure associated with clarithromycin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Many clinicians appear to be concerned about the potential hepatotoxicity of the opiate antagonist naltrexone (NTX) and this may be one reason why it is not used more widely in treating both heroin and alcohol abusers.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report the case of a 40-year-old woman who developed fulminant hepatic failure and aplastic anaemia following a course of oral flucloxacillin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This is the first report of a disulfiram-like reaction with cefmenoxime.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"METHODS: We evaluated all neonates who received prostaglandin E1 in our hospital between October 1, 1989, and September 30, 1991, for clinical, radiologic, or pathological evidence of acute gastric-outlet obstruction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"AIM: To report three cases of extensive skin necrosis in cirrhotic patients treated with the vasoconstrictor agent terlipressin (Glypressin).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The characteristics of insulin antibody in this patient were similar to the antibodies of IAS patients, therefore we administered oral glucocorticoid against insulin antibody.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Severe hemolytic uremic syndrome in an advanced ovarian cancer patient treated with carboplatin and gemcitabine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"On that occasion, routine laboratory tests, including a complete blood count, blood chemistry and liver function tests, were within normal limits.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"LDEs can clinically and histologically resemble idiopathic or classic lichen planus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Blood counts returned to normal 6 days after institution of granulocyte colony stimulating factor therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The MRI showed marked vascularity and neovascularity of the tumor.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DISCUSSION: Half were treated with topical imiquimod.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Loss of seizure control associated with generic substitution of carbamazepine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She continued taking verapamil for 6 months, then, on her own, stopped all medications including the sustained-release verapamil, and her asthma symptoms disappeared.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The administration of \"sweet spirits of nitre\" (4% ethyl nitrite CH3CH2ONO in 70% ethyl alcohol) was followed by acute methemoglobinemia and severe anoxic metabolic acidosis in infant twins, Methylene blue administration reversed methemoglobinemia in both, but one twin died from the consequences of hypoxemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"During hemoperfusion a mean clearance of chloramphenicol of 27.4 ml\/min was achieved.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Headache induced by acute exposure to a specific drug constitutes an idiosyncratic side effect.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rapamycin\/sirolimus (SR), trade named Rapammune (Wyeth-Ayerst, Sydney, Australia), is a potent immunosuppressive drug associated with myelosuppression, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and infection.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This case illustrated that 'maqianzi' can cause strychnine poisoning even after processing, especially when the recommended dose is greatly exceeded.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The occurrence of a myocardial infarction is reported after chemotherapy containing etoposide, in a man with no risk factors for coronary heart disease.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"An angiogram showed a thrombus cranial to the screw.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Increasing warfarin dosage reductions associated with concurrent warfarin and repeated cycles of 5-Fluorouracil therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Nonoliguric acute renal failure after captopril therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"IFN-beta-1b therapy was then resumed, and the patient is in remission for both nephrotic syndrome and MS.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Our first patient developed rippling muscles about 1 month after infection with Yersinia enterocolitica.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Her course was complicated by pneumonia, barotrauma, and atelectasis accompanying her moribund state.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is comprised by pain, discoloration, and edema in the vicinity of intravenous infusion of phenytoin through dorsal veins of the hand.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Plasma exchange in selected patients with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In early 1983, an outbreak of illness caused by raw milk contaminated with multiple-antimicrobial-resistant Salmonella typhimurium occurred in Arizona.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinical profile of oxcarbazepine-related angioneurotic edema: case report and review.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a fatal case of acute interstitial pneumonitis in a patient treated with carmustine (BCNU) for a brain tumor.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Laboratory studies showed leukocyturia, thrombocytopenia, severe anemia, and tarry stools.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We suspected an opiate-induced suppression of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report 3 patients with severe hepatocellular damage due to CPA therapy, 2 with fatal fulminant hepatitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Neuropathy is a significant side effect of thalidomide therapy, which may limit its clinical use.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"One patient was symptomatic and the other had only electrocardiographic changes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Because nephrotic syndrome may be induced by IFN therapy, the IFN was stopped.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Noncardiogenic pulmonary edema during intrabiliary infusion of mono-octanoin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Several therapeutic and dietary manipulations failed to control these symptoms in previous reports as well as in an infant we have followed after Nissen fundoplication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cimetidine-induced fever.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is an antimalarial agent with immunomodulatory effects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Lithium intoxication: a report of two cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Investigations suggested that the dextrose, rather than any additives, was responsible for the reaction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One patient who received clindamycin had liver biopsy findings of marked cholestasis, portal inflammation, bile duct injury and bile duct paucity (ductopenia).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Successful repair of myocardial free wall rupture after thrombolytic therapy for acute infarction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Coincident with this therapy, the blood lactate concentration rose from 21 to 27 mmole\/L.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The pulmonary infiltration and clinical symptoms subsided after withdrawal of all drugs and initiation of glucocorticoid therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Steroid rosacea is a facial dermatitis clinically resembling acne rosacea.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Histologic evaluation showed massive panlobular necrosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is possible that 5-HT2 antagonism is essential for therapeutic benefit in this condition.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In addition, we suggest that der(17)t(12;17)(q13;p13) should be considered a new recurrent, nonrandom chromosomal abnormality in patients with t-MDS\/AML.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Abrupt, accidental withdrawal of trihexyphenidyl triggered severe exacerbation of the cranial dystonia associated with inspiratory stridor and acute respiratory difficulties, prompting emergency admission.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Interferon-based treatments have the potential to decrease the burden of disease, but are complicated by side effects, including neuropsychiatric symptoms.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Ticlopidine-induced aplastic anemia (TIAA) is considered very uncommon.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Severe osteomalacia was present in two epileptic patients who were under long-term treatment with congeners of phenytoin, phenobarbital, and acetazolamide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"SSRI-drugs increase serotonin concentrations and are known to have pruritus and other dermal side effects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 44-year-old man was admitted for disturbance of consciousness caused by progressive hydrocephalus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors present a case of acute postoperative paralysis after posterior cervical decompression by a mechanism that has not yet been reported in the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Bulbar and pseudobulbar palsy complicating therapy with high-dose cytosine arabinoside in children with leukemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Here, we present illustrative case histories to educate the reader on evaluation and management of this complex syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The platelet count was 221000\/mm3, decreased 42% from the initial level, but remained within the normal range.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present a patient with human immunodeficiency virus infection under treatment with foscarnet for CMV retinitis who complained of thirst and polyuria.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A transient tonic pupillary response, denervation supersensitivity, and abnormal visual-evoked potentials in quinine toxicity, to our knowledge, have not been previously reported.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In most European recommendations, the empirical antibiotic treatment is directed against \"the most likely pathogen,\" based on epidemiological, clinical, and laboratory data, and on the severity of illness.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Reversible MR imaging and MR spectroscopy abnormalities in association with metronidazole therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Administration of clonazepam reduced the frequency and amplitude.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pathological examination on multiple uterine sections showed the absence of residual tumor cells in the uterus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All three children are still disease-free, after a mean follow-up period of 42 months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: The patient tolerated this fairly well and has been on this treatment and regular diet for >1 year, without any adverse reaction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"As these cases revealed, close monitoring of blood chemistry is mandatory after starting spironolactone, and patients should be advised to stop spironolactone immediately if diarrhoea develops.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 5-year-old girl was admitted due to severe asthmatic attack.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Foci of retinochoroiditis were observed unilaterally in three patients and bilaterally in one.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Replacing valproate with lamotrigine resulted in a decrease in serum testosterone concentrations in all 3 women.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Herein, we describe a patient with AIDS who presented to medical attention with pancytopenia 48 months postchemotherapy with etoposide, prednisone, vincristine, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, and rituximab (R-EPOCH) for diffuse large B-cell lymphoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Whitish papules on the palm.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Proconvulsive tendency of imipenem\/cilastatin is one of its well-known side effects.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A case report is presented of an antenatally diagnosed fetal goiter induced by antithyroid medications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Numerous oral complications have been documented as a consequence of chemotherapy for the treatment of cancer.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Addition of over-the-counter medications, herbal products, vitamins, or dietary changes was denied.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intravenous ganciclovir was started and continued for 3 weeks.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"L-T4 stimulated lymphocyte transformation in this patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The presentation can be varied depending on severity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Sequential therapeutic trials with intraarterial 5-fluorouracil, intraarterial adriamycin, and intravenous 1,3 bis[2-chloroethyl]-1-nitrosourea (BCNU) were unsuccesful.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Dural sinus thrombosis developed in two children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia during induction treatment with vincristine sulfate, prednisone, and asparaginase.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This drug has been used for treatment of human malaria since 1984, and to date clinical trials have involved about 3.4 million patients in more than 30 countries (personal communication).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A child in whom a phenobarbital hypersensitivity drug reaction developed which consisted of fever, a pruritic desquamating erythrodermic rash, alopecia, icterus, protein-losing enteropathy, myositis, and nephritis, is described.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The tumor subsequently spread to involve skin of the forearm and arm.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We hypothesize that decreased renal elimination of MTX induced by the COX-2 inhibitor resulted in enhanced hematopoietic toxicity and immunosuppression causing the EBV-associated lymphoproliferative disease.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A drug interaction between zafirlukast and theophylline.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The cause of these previously unreported side effects of niacin therapy is uncertain but may be related to prostaglandin-mediated vasodilatation, hyperalgesia of sensory nerve receptors, and potentiation of inflammation in the gingiva with referral of pain to the teeth.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Emergence of Philadelphia positive chronic myeloid leukaemia during treatment with hydroxyurea for Philadelphia negative essential thrombocythaemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Massive CBZ OD may produce a reversible encephalopathy that includes cortical hyperexcitability, a profound burst-suppression EEG pattern, and cranial nerve areflexia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Photodynamic therapy and intravitreal triamcinolone were used in an 84-year-old man with choroidal neovascularization in the left eye.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Serologic HIV was negative and HHV8 viremia was under the limit of quantitation of the assay.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: These new targeted agents result in unique cutaneous toxicities.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"GCV-resistance during VCV-prophylaxis was rare after renal transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Development of nephrotic syndrome in a patient with acute myeloblastic leukemia after treatment with macrophage-colony-stimulating factor.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Side effects were managed by temporary discontinuation of gold until side effects resolved and resumption of treatment using usually 50% lower dosage.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Type B lactic acidosis, a rare but often fatal disorder, has been reported in 21 AIDS patients on antiretroviral therapy (ART).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The subsequent conditioning regimen included busulfan 16 mg\/kg, Ara-C 12 g\/m2 and melphalan 140 mg\/m2.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Itch and skin rash from chocolate during fluoxetine and sertraline treatment: case report.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Multiple complications of propylthiouracil treatment: granulocytopenia, eosinophilia, skin reaction and hepatitis with lymphocyte sensitization.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This patient's ectropion and facial eczema may have been confounded by ocular rosacea.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We studied this drug in a continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) and immunocompromised patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Diagnosis of sclerosing glomerulonephritis occurred in this patient during anastrozole use, suggesting a newly defined side effect of anastrozole.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient's high CMV-DNA viral load became undetectable on leflunomide and foscarnet, but the patient, who had severe graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) of the liver, expired with progressive liver failure and other complications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The first patient developed mild nitritoid symptoms and pain in a band-like distribution, corresponding to T10-T12 dermatomes, shortly after gold sodium thiomalate (GSTM) injection.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Caution with use of cimetidine in tolazoline induced upper gastrointestinal bleeding.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We do not know why these differences occur.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There are few aids to diagnosis but once it is known that the patient has been on practolol the surgical and pathological findings are pathognomonic.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The morphologic findings of group 1 biopsies were those of autoimmune hepatitis in all 4 patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Atypical facial pain or neuralgia and lower-half headache are confusing terms and should be discarded.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and benzodiazepines appear to be the most common pharmacologic treatment approaches.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"First, he received salazosulphapyridine (SASP) as treatment for the UC.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He was transfused with 3 units of packed red blood cells.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In a phase II study of hycanthone in patients with breast cancer we have recently observed severe hepatotoxicity, even at lower doses, which resulted in two drug-related deaths.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Corneal calcifications are presumably related to longer-lasting phosphate application.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Insulin-induced lipoatrophy in type I diabetes.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"But when corticosteroid eyedrops were added, there was a recurrence of the keratitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case illustrates that distortion-product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAEs) may be an appropriate cross-check measure to supplement and confirm pediatric behavioral data.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Subphrenic abscess secondary to Actinomycosis meyeri and Klebsiella ozaenae following laparoscopic cholecystectomy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Further research into the mechanism of IFN related cutaneous side effects is needed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A patient with complex regional pain syndrome type I of the left upper extremity was scheduled for left stellate ganglion block with the anterior paratracheal approach under fluoroscopy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient had a long history of constipation with daily use of mineral oil.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 62-year-old Indian with diabetic nephropathy controlled with metformin, developed miliary tuberculosis for which he was treated with rifampicin, isoniazid and ethambutol.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Clinical features suggested that the lesion was an ischemic infarct, and this was confirmed by an MRI scan.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patient 2, a 24-month-old girl, was asymptomatic during the first days after the accident; subsequently, she started to cough and developed fever, dyspnea and chest pain.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Multiple syncopal episodes started to occur during thalidomide treatment, and a Holter electrocardiogram showed multiple abnormalities, with an episode of sustained ventricular tachycardia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Posterior leukoencephalopathy syndromes have been reported with hypertension, and immunosuppressive and chemotherapy agents.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CBC revealed pancytopenia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DISCUSSION: Toxic epidermal necrolysis is an infrequent, yet often fatal, severe, systemic, cutaneous disease most often the result of an adverse drug reaction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Herein, we describe a patient with AIDS who presented to medical attention with pancytopenia 48 months postchemotherapy with etoposide, prednisone, vincristine, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, and rituximab (R-EPOCH) for diffuse large B-cell lymphoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Special attention should be paid to symptoms of pulmonary thromboembolism in patients after spinal surgery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Torsades de Pointes induced by a combination of garenoxacin and disopyramide and other cytochrome P450, family 3, subfamily A polypeptide-4-influencing drugs during hypokalemia due to licorice.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"METHODS: 33-year old man with bilateral nonrhegmatogenous retinal detachment, misdiagnosed as uveitis, iatrogenically treated with systemic corticosteroids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute respiratory failure precipitated by a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: This report indicates clindamycin phosphate vaginal cream as the most probable cause of CDIC due to the temporal relationship between the occurrence of diarrhea and clindamycin administration, lack of concomitant medications, and documentation of C. difficile toxin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Traditionally, charcoal haemoperfusion is used to remove the drug.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case of gouty arthritis following percutaneous radiofrequency ablation for hepatocellular carcinoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Recently lamivudine has been reported to be effective in suppressing the replication of HBV under such conditions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Administration of cation-exchange resin such as sodium polystyrene sulphonate (Kayexalate) is effective in lowering plasma potassium, although complications following oral or rectal administration are reported in newborns.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pipotiazine palmitate, a long acting drug, indeed: a case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Miconazole a new antifungal agent was used with dramatic response.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There are few references of allergic reaction to this hormone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient underwent a total hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy with multiple omental biopsies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Methotrexate may rarely provoke serositis, even with low doses and after just a few weeks of therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Lithium treatment was terminated in 1975 because of lithium intoxication with a diabetes insipidus-like syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Although hypophosphatemia induced by aluminum-containing antacids is rare, treatment of peptic ulcer disease with a combination of two aluminum-containing agents may increase the risk of clinically significant hypophosphatemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute gastrointestinal bleeding following aortic valve replacement in a patient with Heyde's sindrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 52-year-old, white female developed low-grade fever, cough, and dyspnea after 8 weeks treatment with sodium aurothiomalate for rheumatoid arthritis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The present report is of a 67-year-old woman presenting with bulky cervicothoracic RIF who, 10 years previously, had received radiochemotherapy for a small cell thyroid carcinoma to a dose of 50 Gy, with severe acute side-effects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Its pharmacological manipulation invariably impacts at multiple molecular sites.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In all cases, seizures were controlled by withdrawal of phenytoin and reduction of drug levels.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The administration of \"sweet spirits of nitre\" (4% ethyl nitrite CH3CH2ONO in 70% ethyl alcohol) was followed by acute methemoglobinemia and severe anoxic metabolic acidosis in infant twins, Methylene blue administration reversed methemoglobinemia in both, but one twin died from the consequences of hypoxemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report an additional case of isotretinoin teratogenicity in which the patient had agenesis of the cerebellar vermis, multiple leptomeningeal neuroglial heterotopias, hydrocephalus, and abnormalities of the corticospinal tracts.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The symptoms disappeared with clemastine and betametasone treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"1 previously untreated patient with plasma-cell leukaemia and 8 patients with myeloma (4 previously untreated) were treated with high-dose melphalan 100-140 mg\/m2 iv.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She was placed on adjuvant Adriamycin (doxorubicin) chemotherapy, but 6 months later died of Adriamycin toxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Emergent operative re-exploration confirmed these findings; large, swollen paraspinal muscles, a functioning drain, and no hematoma were found.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One patient had MRI T2 abnormalities compatible with cyclosporin neurotoxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Paradoxical ventricular tachycardia and fibrillation after intravenous bretylium therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A case of Erythema Multiforme Bullosum in patient of lepromatous leprosy with pulmonary tuberculosis due to Rifampicin is described.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The purpose of this study was to evaluate the neuroprotective effect of MB in these patients and to review the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the case of an 87-year-old white woman with myasthenia gravis who presented with nausea, shortness of breath, azotemia, and hyperkalemia shortly after completing a course of intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Thyrotropin-producing pituitary adenoma associated with Graves' disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Chronic hydroxychloroquine use associated with QT prolongation and refractory ventricular arrhythmia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Nystatin was ineffective.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe two such cases manifesting at different times during the course of primary hypothyroidism.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A mini-review of the literature based on a MEDLINE search follows.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"TMJ symptoms improved after the first bilateral intra-articular infliximab injections but even more so after the second injections.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Drugs are a major cause of this disease, and the list of culprits is continually expanding.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Five days after beginning continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) he developed an eosinophilic peritonitis (EP).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, it has not been reported as a cause of peritonitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A low frequency, high amplitude rhythmic fluctuation of laser-Doppler skin blood flow after subarachnoid phenol block.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Safety and efficacy of intravitreal triamcinolone for cystoid macular oedema in uveitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, if the increment is severe and producing symptoms, withdrawing the probable causative drug is warranted.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Behavioral side effects associated with clonazepam may include agitation, aggression, hyperactivity, irritability, property destruction, and temper tantrums.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Conventional brachytherapy can reduce these problems, but its use is limited in young children because of radiation exposure to parents and care-givers.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 25-year-old woman with mild hyperphenylalaninemia due to a PAH mutation of IVS12nt1g-->a\/E390G has been treated for 1 year with BH4 therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: Report of two cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She had received 18 courses six years earlier without incident.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Heterotopic intrauterine and tubal pregnancy complicated by pulmonary embolism.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DESIGN: Case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Appropriate investigations ruled out any organic cause of the fits and clozapine was successfully restarted, together with sodium valproate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After a three-week interval of remission, relapse occurred.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Primary invasive aspergillosis of the gut is a rare event and is associated with high mortality.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The activity of dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DPD), the initial enzyme of pyrimidine (and FUra) catabolism, in peripheral blood mononuclear cells was measured in each subject by a specific radiometric assay using FUra as the substrate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thrombocytopenia with or without microangiopathy following quinine is often referred to as quinine \"hypersensitivity.\" When schistocytes are present it is frequently termed \"quinine-associated TTP\/HUS.\" A severe deficiency of the vWF-cleaving protease, ADAMTS13, is associated with idiopathic TTP.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Unfortunately, they have a number of important side effects including the potentiation or exacerbation of metabolic acidosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 39 year old white male with a 55% total body surface burn who developed neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) during his acute course is reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After 5-ASA was discontinued, the polyneuropathy symptoms recovered gradually.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Granulocyte macrophage-colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) has shown promise as a means of alleviating leukopenia associated with a wide variety of disorders.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The neurological symptoms resolved completely within 72 h.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient was urged to undergo tooth extractions because of alveolar pyorrhea, and a low-dosage intravenous immunoglobulin (IV-Ig) therapy (0.3 g of IgG\/kg\/day for 3 days) was chosen for him.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Eight months after the initiation of therapy he developed fatigue and dyspnea on exertion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Therefore, we conclude that chronic hepatitis C patients, especially people with darkly pigmented skin, need to be closely monitored for ophthalmologic complications, by periodic check-up of the optic fundi, for a prolonged period, during interferon treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a case of symptomatic hypophosphataemia following an intra-articular glucocorticoid injection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Both patients were successfully treated by chemotherapy including all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA), and after reaching complete remission, they have subsequently been in continuous remission.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of hyponatremia associated with a grand mal seizure in a 28 month-old child after intra-nasal desmopressin administration for high fluid intake with nocturnal enuresis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A diode laser was used as an effective and safe method to remove the patient's overgrown gingival tissue.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She had received repeated chemotherapy, irradiation of the left lung, autologous and allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (BMT), and segmentectomy of the base of the left lung as treatments for Hodgkin's lymphoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report on 7 patients (2 women, 5 men) with chronic renal failure, who developed under a high dosage of the new diuretic muzolimine (range 240 to 1440 mg per day) fatal neuromyeloencephalopathy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"METHODS: A 55-year-old woman became stuporous after overdose with lamotrigine (LTG) and valproic acid (VPA) tablets.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"During clarithromycin coadministration, four out of the seven patients developed moderate-to-severe toxic symptoms of carbamazepine, such as drowsiness, dizziness, and ataxia, which resolved within 5 days after clarithromycin discontinuation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Initially, the mental changes were thought to be related to the operation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It usually is given by bolus intravenous injection, sometimes in high doses (> 5 mg), even though that is not approved by the Food and Drug Administration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In this article, a patient with EBV-lymphoma after autologous stem cell rescue for treatment of a nonhematologic solid tumor is described.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ultrastructural evaluation were also performed in selected cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Early-onset pentamidine-associated second-degree heart block and sinus bradycardia: case report and review of the literature.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Some hours later she became unresponsive with little respiratory effort.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In 3 patients, the syndrome was exacerbated after conversion of therapy to another antiepileptic drug with an aromatic ring chemical structure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It has been proposed that the elevated serum uric acid levels are linked to other risk factors, such as hypertension, dyslipidaemia and diabetes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"INTRODUCTION: The clinical pattern of corneal calcification has been considered to be a part of chronic eye diseases, such as uveitis, severe glaucoma, keratitis and eye burns.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Amiodarone is well recognized as an anti-arrhythmic drug containing a high dose of iodine with considerable potential to cause thyroid dysfunction.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Amphotericin B (AmB) is effective, but its use is limited by toxicity: renal impairment, anaemia, fever, malaise, and hypokalaemia are common.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Motor milestones are slightly retarded--neurodevelopment is otherwise normal.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One hour after she drank the second bowl of herbal decoction, she suddenly developed tonic contractions of all her limb muscles and carpopedal spasm lasting 5 min, difficulty in breathing, chest discomfort and perioral numbness.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: Considerations in selecting antithrombotic and antiplatelet therapy for patients with non-ST-segment elevation (NSTE) acute coronary syndrome (ACS), including patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), are discussed, and case studies are used to illustrate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Drug interactions between Ritonavir and Tacrolimus should be anticipated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Therefore, COX-2 inhibitors should be used with caution in renal transplant recipients and in patients with salt depletion and renal insufficiency.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 13-year-old girl with acute lymphocytic leukemia was treated according to the protocol of the BFM Group (BFM-95, HRG).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute lymphoblastic leukemia in a patient with chronic cyanoacrylate exposure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Both octreotide and the PPAR gamma receptor-activating ligands, thiazolidinediones, may be effective for patients with TSHoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Propafenone, a class IC antiarrhythmic, and citalopram, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), are widely used in older patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present a fatal case of subacute methanol toxicity with associated diffuse brain involvement, including bilateral putaminal necrosis and cerebral edema with ventricular compression.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"MR appears to be valuable in the detection of abnormalities induced by treatment with high-dose methotrexate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Lithium is known to cause acute renal failure and tubulo-interstitial disease, but the recently described association with proteinuria or nephrotic syndrome is little recognized.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Combination disease modifying antirheumatic drug therapy was common, with 82\/171 (48.0%) taking methotrexate (MTX), 15\/171 (8.8%) hydroxy-chloroquine, 11\/171 (6.4%) sulfasalazine, and 8\/171 (4.7%) anti-tumor necrosis factor therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Vanishing bile duct syndrome (VBDS) is a rare cause of progressive cholestasis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Less common adverse events to dapsone include the idiosyncratic reactions of leukopenia and agranulocytosis, cutaneous eruptions, peripheral neuropathy, psychosis, toxic hepatitis, cholestatic jaundice, nephrotic syndrome, renal papillary necrosis, severe hypoalbuminemia without proteinuria, an infectious mononucleosis-like syndrome, and minor neurological and gastrointestinal complaints.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Such an occurrence presents a difficult challenge because cardiac function is compromised, the coagulation profile may be altered, the cerebral hematoma is life threatening, and intracranial hemostasis is difficult to achieve.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Effect of azithromycin on bronchiectasis and pulmonary function in a heart-lung transplant patient with severe chronic allograft dysfunction: a case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 64-year-old male patient developed progressive pancytopenia three weeks into therapy with lenalidomide for his relapsed MM.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To describe the management of tumor lysis syndrome (TLS) with rasburicase in 2 patients who presented with cancer within the first month of life and compare and contrast both cases with respect to their underlying renal physiology, management, and eventual outcome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The case illustrates the prolonged clinical course of echoviral meningitis in a patient receiving cytotoxic drug therapy, and it suggests that factor(s) other than humoral antibodies may be involved in the elimination of echovirus from the central nervous system.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Photo-onycholysis may follow the use of various medications or may occasionally be idiopathic.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: This case describes the clinically significant increase of INR in an elderly patient after adding a chemotherapy regimen of levamisole and 5-FU to a previous regimen of warfarin alone.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"On the 6th post-procedural day, the patient complained of new right knee pain.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe the clinical response, as determined by increases in total Hb and decreased transfusion needs, in five patients with thalassemia intermedia treated with HU alone or in combination with SPB.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Two of the four patients with pseudomembranous colitis did not promptly respond to therapy, and all four suffered significant further immobilization because of the disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three months after starting citalopram, she experienced episodes of chest tightness and dizziness.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The authors report two cases of delayed elimination of methotrexate in patients receiving ciprofloxacin, with severe toxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Pulmonary tuberculosis in a child receiving intensive chemotherapy for acute myeloblastic leukemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) may be used to rule out infectious etiologies, and an increase in BAL fluid eosinophils is suggestive of drug-induced toxicity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Information was reviewed for three of 538 volunteers who received PEG-rHuMGDF in clinical trials and two of 200 donors who underwent G-CSF mobilised stem cell harvesting procedures for sibling stem cell transplants.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Because there is no increased prevalence of PCNSL in MS, and the patient was otherwise not immunocompromised, an association between natalizumab therapy and PCNSL cannot be ruled out.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two patients bled.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe the case of a patient with a clinically silent left-sided nasofrontal dermoid cyst who, while being treated with hCG\/LH for hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, presented with simple partial seizures, ipsilateral to the cyst, with secondary generalization.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Recently, ketorolac was demonstrated to relieve pain in RSD patients when administered by intravenous regional block (IVRB), yet this method has obvious limitations in the outpatient setting.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"L. micdadei PVE successfully treated with levofloxacin\/valve replacement: case report and review of the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intravenous sodium bicarbonate appears to be indicated prophylactically in combating the associated metabolic acidosis due to absorbed formic acid.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To report a case of marked elevation of serum creatine kinase (CK) associated with olanzapine therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Consideration of the use of heliox may provide another option for the treatment of a patient suffering from refractory bronchospasm.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A patient with idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura who was treated with high dosage corticosteroids for ten years, developed 18 separate lesions of avascular necrosis in 12 different bones.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The three reported cases demonstrate that troglitazone is an idiosyncratic hepatotoxin that can lead to irreversible liver injury.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"At surgery, the only significant findings were that the coeliac lymph nodes were enlarged and stained purplish black as were the omentum and the intraperitoneal fat.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Also, adverse effects and other treatment problems from the experience of continuous treatment of 19 LEMS patients with 3,4-DAP for up to 10 years are presented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Surgical treatment included debridement (6), grafting (2), digit amputation (1), digit dermotomy (1), and fasciotomy (1).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of fatal adenovirus infection in a 37-year-old female who underwent allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (BMT) for acute myelogenous leukaemia (AML).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case emphasizes the importance of renal prostagandins in the control of vascular tone and sodium homeostasis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DESIGN: Retrospective interventional case series.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One patient required nursing home placement and a feeding gastrostomy as a result of the worsening parkinsonism during risperidone treatment, but was able to return home and have the gastrostomy removed after switching from risperidone to clozapine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The third patient had lower limb chronic venous insufficiency and developed extensive necrosis of both lower limbs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three patients, in whom tumour overkill by cytotoxic treatment, including high dose methotrexate with folinic acid rescue, resulted in the 'phosphate shower syndrome' (hyper-uricaemia, hyperkalaemia and hyperphosphataemia with hypocalcaemia and tetany, with metabolic acidosis and acute renal impairment) are described.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Abrupt, accidental withdrawal of trihexyphenidyl triggered severe exacerbation of the cranial dystonia associated with inspiratory stridor and acute respiratory difficulties, prompting emergency admission.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This case of linezolid-associated acute interstitial nephritis within the context of a drug rash with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS) syndrome in a patient treated with linezolid raises concerns about the presumed renal safety of this drug.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"When obstruction occurs due to antacid concretions, it may be relieved by passing a long intestinal tube, by giving enemas for colonic obstruction or by operation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Histologic examination also revealed multiple shallow ulcers accompanied by cytomegalovirus infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Prolonged use of large intravenous steroid pulses in the rheumatic diseases of children.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Impaired absorption or accelerated elimination might explain these results.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient in this report had long standing RA treated with MTX and had recently begun taking a cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitor.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Families and physicians need to have an increased awareness of this possibility and of the appropriate management of myoglobinuria.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Diagnosis of Churg-Strauss syndrome was confirmed both by characteristic clinical features and by histology.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An adverse reaction to the acute administration of sublingual nifedipine is reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These 4 cases are the first to be recorded in infancy, and with histopathological proof of fat embolism.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We sought to evaluate the etiology of the long QT syndrome in these patients without previously identified causes for QT, prolongation, and determine the prevalence among patients with HIV infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A worsening of ritualistic behavior was noted, and the clomipramine dosage was increased to 150 mg\/d over 14 days.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A transverse spinal cord syndrome occurred due to a pathological fracture of C5 and C6 and operative decompression was necessary.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The three unilateral cases evolved favorably, but the bilateral case, seen late, showed extensive macular scarring.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Conventional antipsychotics have little efficacy against negative symptoms, and so many patients with schizophrenia are refractory to treatment with these drugs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patients have the right to adequate and safe pain relief in hospitals, but many continue to experience unrelieved pain.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These symptoms recurred following 2 subsequent administrations of metoclopramide.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Antibiotic treatment combined with surgical and radiological interventions resulted in full recovery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"His polymyoclonus was successfully treated with phenytoin, sodium thiopental infusion, sodium valproate and supportive care of the hemodynamic, and respiratory systems.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Persisent ocular hypertension following intravitreal ranibizumab.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The incidence, cause, and mechanism of such a side effect are unknown but should be considered in patients receiving high-dose carmustine infusions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Shortly after hepatic artery clamping the patient developed a massive intracardiac\/intravascular thrombosis that resulted in cardiac arrest.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The delayed encephalopathy developed 9 and 22 months respectively after the first dose of intrathecal methotrexate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: This is the first report of a possible interaction between propafenone and citalopram, which caused propafenone adverse effects (eg, dizziness, falls) and mimicked coronary artery disease.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patients who developed neurotoxicity had markedly higher global ratings of psychotic symptomatology and anxiety in the pretoxic period than did patients who never deveoped neurotoxicity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, all three patients eventually died of refractory acidosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Neutropenic enterocolitis or typhlitis (from the Greek typhlon, meaning caecum) is defined as a necrotizing colitis with inflammation of the cecum and surrounding tissues.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Eighty-two percent of patients had clinical and laboratory improvement on the higher or maintenance dose of corticosteroids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ptosis occurring 24 h after chloroquine therapy, with full recovery 48 h after cessation of chloroquine, has not been described previously.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In these patients, it might be more adequate to start mirtazapine therapy at a lower dose (<15 mg\/d).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Choroidal hemorrhage associated with systemic tissue plasminogen activator.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This is the first case in the literature--to the best of our knowledge--describing a minimally invasive strategy using CT fluoroscopic guidance to perform an injection of thrombin into the perfused pseudoaneurysm to seal a leakage.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Lymphangiomyomatosis: hormonal implications in etiology and therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Huge prosthetic mitral valve thrombus: use of serial transesophageal echocardiography guidance in resolution.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Theoretically the link could be in a disturbance of serine and glycine metabolism.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: The patient required insulin desensitization for severe urticaria, angioedema, and occasional wheezing resulting from her insulin dose.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Silent acute myocardial infarction following a wasp sting.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Coagulation parameters of 3 different time-points were assessed and compared: before administration of any blood product (time-point 1), before administration of the first dose of rFVIIa (time-point 2), and 4 hours after the administration of the last dose of rFVIIa (time-point 3).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of cerebral arterial air embolism that was followed by a brain computed tomographic scan and magnetic resonance imaging during the first week after onset.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In contrast, a partial recovery of the Arden ratio of the EOG to 1.8 in both eyes was seen.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The increase of tumor volume at the beginning of therapy does not require the suspension of treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The polycystic changes disappeared from the ovaries in 2 of the women after valproate therapy was discontinued, and the 2 women who had gained weight and developed amenorrhea while being treated with valproate lost weight and resumed menstruating after the change in medication.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"INTRODUCTION: Cetuximab is a chimeric antibody registered for the therapy of advanced colorectal carcinoma after failure of standard chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three-months after implantation of the intravenous access device, the indwelling central catheter was fractured and embolized to the pulmonary trunk.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although both the spontaneous occurrence of SLE and the psychosis as a sign of CNS involvement of SLE cannot be excluded, SLE could be considered as an adverse effect of carbamazepine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Drug induced polymyositis secondary to leuprolide acetate (Lupron) therapy for prostate carcinoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Severe osteomalacia was present in two epileptic patients who were under long-term treatment with congeners of phenytoin, phenobarbital, and acetazolamide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus developed in a young woman 8 weeks after the initiation of danazol for treatment of pelvic endometriosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"At this psychiatrist visit, sertraline 50 mg\/day was added for her depression, and was continued after a geriatrician visit in October.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This set of findings is similar to the acute inflammatory stimulation observed with exposure to irritants, and may lead to mucus obstruction of small airways and increased nasal resistance.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Her medical history included vascular dementia accompanied by depression, arterial hypertension, and heart failure, as well as cardiac pacemaker implantation several years earlier for severe bradyarrythmia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A woman with a 20-year history of acral pustular psoriasis of Hallopeau and recurrent pustular lesions of the forearms and lower legs, developed a B-cell lymphoma of the lip following 4 1\/2 years of treatment with razoxane.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Intracerebral hemorrhage must be strongly suspected in any patient with a coagulation disorder presenting with matching clinical symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The clinical relevance of HHV-6 infections in cancer patients undergoing conventional cytotoxic therapy is undetermined, however.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Severe loss of vision after removal of cataract caused by intravitreal triamcinolone in combination with photodynamic therapy for exudative age-related macular degeneration.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Endoscopy demonstrated dimpling of the gastric mucosa on the anterior wall of the stomach.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In view of previous reports that SIADH and limbic encephalitis are caused by reactivation of latent herpesviruses after transplantation, both conditions may be secondarily caused by reactivation of latent herpesviruses, which is typically observed in DIHS\/DRESS.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CLINICAL PRESENTATION: Spine pain may precede neurologic deterioration by many hours.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although some of these agents can improve cardiovascular disease risk in patients with diabetes, others may increase the risk and may be prohibited from use in certain populations.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This report may serve to remind EEG'ers and epileptologists that the acute use of this drug may be effective in dealing with PLEDs that are often difficult to eliminate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The chromosomal abnormality der(17)t(12;17)(q13;p13) is very rare in hematologic malignancies, and has been reported in only two patients with therapy-related acute myeloid leukemia (t-AML).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Systemic lupus erythematosus during penicillamine therapy for rheumatoid arthritis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"It is believed that this is the first reported case of reversible azathioprine-induced cholestasis associated with histological evidence of bile duct injury.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Throughout approximately 3 years of treatment with these erythropoietin analogs, the patient's total daily dose of insulin was reduced in response to his decreasing A1C values, despite elevated blood glucose levels and the absence of patient-reported hypoglycemic events.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Early recognition and aggressive treatment are necessary for patient survival.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Albendazole is an antibiotic that is chemically related to metronidazole.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Safety of thrombolysis during cardiopulmonary resuscitation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He was diagnosed with a viral syndrome, acetaminophen was prescribed, and he was sent home.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Gemcitabine is a chemotherapy agent that may cause unpredictable side effects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Four adolescents who used St.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Increased vigilance is always advised when administering drugs not commonly given to pediatric patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She was 37 years old at the time of initial diagnosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The diagnosis of DIHS was made based on the patient's history of using an offending drug, clinical manifestations and laboratory data showing peripheral eosinophilia with the presence of atypical lymphocytes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Extravasation injury is a common event in pediatric intensive-care units.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Disseminated intravascular coagulation associated with acute hemoglobinemia or hemoglobinuria following Rh(0)(D) immune globulin intravenous administration for immune thrombocytopenic purpura.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Combination chemotherapy with VM 26 and CCNU is well tolerated and can be administered on an out-patient basis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 67-year-old man developed diarrhea shortly after a 10-day course of oral ampicillin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Our results suggest that topiramate titration should be performed gradually, so as not to neglect cases responsive to low doses.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He presented with confusion and focal seizures with a rapid progression to coma and decerebrate posturing.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia in a patient with recurrent anal cancer and liver metastasis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, the medical literature now contains at least 125 other detailed reports of ANLL developing after prolonged cytotoxic agent therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Surprisingly, insulin therapy had to be suspended because of hypoglycemic fits and treatment with metformin was started.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatments can be given on an outpatient basis, without requiring prolonged patient sedation or immobilization.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Her management consisted of regular blood transfusions aimed at haemoglobin above 8.5 g\/dl, antimicrobials, oxymetholone, low dose prednisone and folate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Recently, combined chemotherapy and radiation therapy has been introduced for head and neck tumours.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fever, lymphadenopathy, eosinophilia, lymphocytosis, hepatitis, and dermatitis: a severe adverse reaction to minocycline.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The most common presenting findings were somnolence-lethargy (96%), miosis (56%), and respiratory depression (48%), a paradoxical hypertensive response (44%) was more common than expected.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Back pain is a common presentation associated with opioid seeking behaviour.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, in 1993, a clinical study involving 400 patients on the Thai-Burmese border revealed cardiac effects of antimalarial treatment with halofantrine, including one sudden death after the treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Her blood chemistry indicated AST 342 IU\/L, ALT 356 IU\/L, and hyaluronic acid 255 ng\/mL.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Prolonged dexmedetomidine infusion as an adjunct in treating sedation-induced withdrawal.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Autopsy evidence of herpesvirus infection was found in visceral organs of four leukemic patients who had received large doses of cytarabine (cytosine arabinoside; Ara-C) shortly before their death.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 19-year-old man with untreated systemic lupus erythematosus had an acute myocardial infarction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rapid progression to fatal postnecrotic cirrhosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Possible precipitating factors were damage to the subclavian vein, congestive heart failure, paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, and immobilization.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Combined pharmacomechanical thrombectomy for acute inferior vena cava filter thrombosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Preinjection visual acuity measured 20\/80.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"His chemotherapy consisted of doxorubicin HCL, bleomycin, dacarbazine, and vinblastine, with prophylactic administration of a granulocyte colony stimulating factor.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient experienced over a 10-month period, signs and symptoms suggestive of metabolic toxicity marked by bouts of gastrointestinal distress, low-grade fever, incoordination, and disorientation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Coagulopathy associated with the use of cephalosporin or moxalactam antibiotics in acute and chronic renal failure.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Ideally, the ostium is treated by positioning the stent with a slight degree of overhang in the aorta to ensure coverage of the aorto-ostial junction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, its use has recently been limited because of adverse cutaneous and hepatic effects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There have been several reported cases of omeprazole-induced AIN.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Cutaneous malignant melanoma after immunosuppressive therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatment with topical corticosteroids and avoidance of suspect irritants usually resolves the dermatitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Gabapentin toxicity in renal failure: the importance of dose adjustment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The morbidity and lethality of AL amyloidosis is caused by the deposition of lg light chains as fibrillar amyloid protein in vital organs, disrupting their function, and not by the generally low burden of clonal plasma cells that produce the paraproteins.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An outbreak of multiple-drug-resistant Salmonella enteritis from raw milk.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Similar material was located in the major choroidal vessels.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It was confirmed that these dermatitis reactions were due to contact and\/or photocontact allergy to psoralens by several methods that include patch and photopatch tests, photopatch test mapping, determination of the minimal erythema dose (MED) and immunohistochemistry.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient had been treated with four kinds of antihistamines and antiallergenic drugs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On further questioning, the patient admitted to the daily use of mineral oil for constipation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"STUDY DESIGN: A case report is presented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Systemic corticosteroids in the phenytoin hypersensitivity syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The dose was subsequently increased to 200 and 400 mg\/day on alternate days, six days per week, and two months later AVT occurred.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Central nervous system (CNS) disturbances, reported in 12 patients, were the most common unwanted effects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Several biopsies yielded a mold initially phenotypically identified as a Penicillium species, but molecular sequence analysis ultimately determined the identity as Paecilomyces lilacinus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Microdeletions of 22q11.2 are the main etiology for DiGeorge syndrome, a disorder characterized by heart defects, immune deficiencies due to aplasia or hypoplasia of the thymus, and hypocalcemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However our case report demonstrates that early and aggressive treatment with haemofiltration can improve outcomes even in the presence of severe acidosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 27-year-old man who had a history of bronchial asthma, eosinophilic enteritis, and eosinophilic pneumonia presented with fever, skin eruptions, cervical lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, atypical lymphocytosis, and eosinophilia two weeks after receiving trimethoprim (TMP)-sulfamethoxazole (SMX) treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 63-year-old man with hypothyroidism is described.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Subfulminant syncytial giant cell hepatitis: recurrence after liver transplantation treated with ribavirin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The use of bivalirudin alone is as effective and has been associated with less bleeding than the use of UFH or enoxaparin plus a glycoprotein (GP) IIb\/ IIIa inhibitor in patients with NSTE ACS who undergo PCI.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The cat was admitted with acute respiratory distress, vomiting, and collapse, which began 15 to 20 minutes after topical application of the drug.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: After 4- to 14-month period of therapy with the combination of indapamide (2.5 mg\/day) and fosinopril (10 mg\/day) in three patients and 6-month period of monotherapy with indapamide (2.5 mg\/day) in one patient, glucose levels of all patients increased and achieve criteria of diabetes diagnoses.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In 1992, some 90 countries or territories where 42% of the world's population resided were considered malarious and estimation of deaths from malaria worldwide per year were in the order of 1.4 of 2.8 million.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Morphine, an opium alkaloid, frequently causes side effects such as hyperhidrosis and facial flushing, but serious cutaneous adverse drug reactions are seldom observed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Survivors of childhood solid tumors including Ewing sarcoma (ES) have an increased risk of secondary malignant neoplasms (SMNs) as a consequence of exposure to chemotherapy and\/or radiation (see: Bhatia S, Sklar C.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors report two cases of delayed elimination of methotrexate in patients receiving ciprofloxacin, with severe toxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Six isolated reports of prenatally exposed infants with various congenital anomalies exist, but to date no specific phenotype has been delineated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"At hospital discharge, platelet testing showed hyper response to antiplatelet therapy with very low post treatment platelet reactivity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In four patients the maximum ST elevation was greater than or equal to 5 mm.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The cause of these previously unreported side effects of niacin therapy is uncertain but may be related to prostaglandin-mediated vasodilatation, hyperalgesia of sensory nerve receptors, and potentiation of inflammation in the gingiva with referral of pain to the teeth.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patients treated with bromocriptine at 7.5-15 mg\/day adjunctive to l-dopa were selected to replace bromocriptine with pergolide of the equivalent dosage approved in Japan.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Spontaneous hemothorax is a rare phenomenon in conjunction with LMWH but should be considered in cases of acute respiratory distress following commencement of LMWH.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Successful treatment with arsenic trioxide of a patient with ATRA-resistant relapse of acute promyelocytic leukemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After diagnosis of epidural lipomatosis on magnetic resonance imaging, the patient underwent decompressive thoraco-laminectomy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Uveitis during treatment of disseminated Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare complex infection with the combination of rifabutin, clarithromycin and ethambutol.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Stroke-like syndrome after gold sodium thiomalate induced vasomotor reaction.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A broad-spectrum antibiotic regimen included a penicillinase-resistant preparation because of the frequent involvement of Staphylococcus aureus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patients with cell-mediated immune defects are at higher risk for acquiring infections with Salmonella species.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An 11-year-old boy developed a severe enteropathy 2 years after initiation of clofazimine treatment for graft-versus-host disease.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The incidence of RS among children with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is significantly greater than the incidence of RS among children who do not have juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 55-year-old man developed acute myocardial infarction (AMI) related to a large coronary artery aneurysm and a distal coronary stenotic lesion after steroid therapy for systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Reversible sclerotic changes of lumbar spine and femur due to long-term oral isotretinoin therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Based upon the observed fall of the filtration fraction, the rise in the relative clearance of 99Tc-dimercaptosuccinic acid and the increase in proteinuria, we suggest that in this case the tubules and\/or interstitium are the main targets for cyclosporine A nephrotoxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The skin was hard, shiny and hairless.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Corynebacterium striatum: a diphtheroid with pathogenic potential.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of a woman with ectopic pregnancy with fetal cardiac activity after ovulation induction and transvaginal intratubal insemination by tactile sensation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rapid improvement in muscle strength accompanied by prompt resolution of abnormal elevation of muscle enzymes followed cessation of both medications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case illustrates that PCR is a rapid technique for the early diagnosis of TA-GVHD.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Amikacin-induced type 5 Bartter-like syndrome with severe hypocalcemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"As nephrotic-range proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, and general edema were worsening even 2 weeks after cessation of the drug, oral corticosteroid therapy (prednisolone 40 mg\/day) was started.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 53-year-old woman presented with an extensively metastatic and rapidly growing breast adenocarcinoma, markedly elevated lactate dehydrogenase, and mildly elevated blood urea nitrogen.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The potential anticonvulsant effect of these drugs was successfully reversed by the administration of intravenous flumazenil just prior to the treatments.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The events of non-convulsive status epilepticus subsided following reduction in tiagabine dosages.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Postrenal failure was excluded by echography.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Gynaecomastia due to anti-tubercular chemotherapy is a rare side effect.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Differential diagnoses included ocular rosacea with cicatrizing conjunctivitis and 5-FU-induced ectropion.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient developed severe ovarian hyperstimulation and became pregnant with an ectopic gestation after ovulation induction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The use of plasma exchange in quinine-TMA is called into question.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Here, we will describe three episodes of NMS that fulfilled the DSM-IV criteria for NMS (APA, 1994).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Theophylline intoxication following viloxazine induced decrease in clearance.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Ocular motor and imaging abnormalities of midbrain dysfunction in osmotic demyelination syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: Risperidone was an effective and safe treatment in three cases of delusions of infestation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The standard treatment for late infections of knee prostheses is a two-stage reimplantation with a temporary articulating spacer between operations, but there is no universal agreement as to the best type of spacer to be used and surgeons have created modifications according to their technical and economic resources.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Upon analysis of plasma VWF multimers (VWFMs) in this patient, those with large to medium molecular masses more selectively disappeared before the IV-Ig infusion than did those with small molecular masses.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: The case of a patient who developed aseptic meningitis, hemolytic anemia, hepatitis, and orthostatic hypotension simultaneously during treatment with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole is described.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A fibrinolytic therapy with recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator according to the Neuhaus scheme was attempted.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The results of laboratory tests revealed elevated levels of hepatic enzymes, including alanine transaminase (ALT) and aspartate transaminase (AST).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient's medications had been stable for at least six months except for the addition of carbamazepine one month before his arrival at the ED.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We discuss other similar cases so physicians continue to be aware of this rare yet potentially life-threatening reaction to a commonly used medication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DISCUSSION: Neonates may be at particular risk for TLS given their immature renal function and its predisposition toward metabolic derangements.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Moreover, she had changed her antiperspirant 1 week before the onset of the lesions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Here we report on a patient with schizophrenia who suffered from medication-refractory coprophagia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Otolaryngologists should be made aware of a newer cause of nasal septal perforations resulting from the more recent antiangiogenic therapy used to treat malignancies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE SUMMARY: A 59-year-old man was diagnosed with squamous-cell carcinoma of the lung in T4N2M0 stage and treated with cisplatin, vinorelbine, and gemcitabine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Carbamazepine induced right bundle branch block in a Greenlandic patient.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 47-y-old female underwent revision of a left total hip replacement because of loose prosthesis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clozapine-induced akathisia in children with schizophrenia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"From this study and the previously available data, we conclude that this drug is too toxic for human trials at the currently recommended doses.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We also review evidence that the risk of this complication is substantially lower with the newer nonergot dopamine agonists.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Brugada type electrocardiographic changes induced by concomitant use of lithium and propafenone in patient with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"That the drug was directly responsible for the observed complications is suggested by the clinical course and by in vitro lymphocyte transformation studies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A renal tubular abnormality may have allowed the usually self-limiting acidosis of acetazolamide to progress.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case is presented of a patient who experienced benzodiazepine withdrawal symptoms on discontinuation of nefazodone, an antidepressant that inhibits the cytochrome P450 3A4 isoenzyme.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 28-y-old male with end stage renal failure (ESRF) received an overdose of atenolol.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: The new quinolone derivatives (levofloxacin, sparfloxacin, grepafloxacin, trovafloxacin, gatifloxacin and moxifloxacin), also called gyrase inhibitors, are known for their potential to cause central nervous system-related adverse effects, including headache, dizziness and insomnia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Mycophenolate mofetil in a dose of 1.0-2.0 g\/day was given in 2 patients with severe refractory myasthenia gravis and in 1 patient with myasthenia gravis-polymyositis syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He was started on digoxin, 0.25 mg daily, because of echocardiographically demonstrated left ventricular dilatation and functional impairment; he died of ventricular fibrillation 15 days later.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Fourteen days of treatment with ganciclovir led to a prompt improvement in the symptoms of colitis, resolution of the pyrexia, normalisation of the liver function tests, and clearance of the virus, as measured by a negative cytomegalovirus DNA PCR.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Most asthma drugs are inhaled using various forms of inhalers or nebulizers.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A retrospective review of TTP patients with quinine-associated thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA) for whom ADAMTS13 was measured before plasma exchange was performed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Mitomycin C (MMC) is an alkylating agent that has been recently associated with the hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: The injection demonstrated the block in the catheter.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Infants are particularly susceptible to chronic nitrate-induced methemoglobinemia because of their low stomach acid production, large numbers of nitrite-reducing bacteria, and the relatively easy oxidation of fetal hemoglobin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Tacrolimus was substituted for cyclosporine on day 20; on day 21 amlodipine was initiated to manage hypertension.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ceftriaxone was approved in 1997 for the treatment of otitis media despite previous studies that documented an association of ceftriaxone with elevated hepato-biliary enzymes and transient biliary stasis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 66-year-old pseudophakic man with primary open-angle glaucoma and ocular cicatricial pemphigoid underwent trabeculectomy and was given postoperative subconjunctival 5-fluorouracil.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Renal function gradually improved but nephrotic state was persistent.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The toxic effects of methotrexate included elevated liver transaminases (3\/4), nausea (2\/4), abdominal pain (2\/4), bone pain (2\/4), mild neutropenia (1\/4), and mild pruritus (1\/4).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Inhaled tobramycin solution-associated recurrent eosinophilia and severe persistent bronchospasm in a patient with cystic fibrosis: a case report.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Because the efficacy of the prophylactic use of lamivudine has been reported and the steroid enhances curability of malignant lymphoma, the steroid containing regimen with prophylaxis of lamivudine should be evaluated further.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To investigate the mechanisms involved in hypersensitivity reactions to cyclosporine and determine the feasibility of future cyclosporine use.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Thus, perospirone is an agent with possible efficacy for medication-refractory schizophrenia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"His medical history was significant for 5-FU bolus injections for intestinal cancer since May 1998.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These skin lesions may be induced or worsened during antiviral therapy with interferon-alpha (IFN).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Although retinoic acid is well tolerated by the majority of patients with this disease, a potentially fatal complication of this kind of treatment has been reported: \"the retinoic acid syndrome\".","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 36-year-old man being treated with cisplatinum, vinblastine, and bleomycin for testicular carcinoma developed a dense left homonymous hemianopsia, encephalopathy, and a partial nondominant parietal lobe syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Protease inhibitor-associated angiolipomatosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Our case report suggests that posaconazole is an attractive treatment option in patients with peritoneal dialysis-related Mucor peritonitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"During clarithromycin coadministration, four out of the seven patients developed moderate-to-severe toxic symptoms of carbamazepine, such as drowsiness, dizziness, and ataxia, which resolved within 5 days after clarithromycin discontinuation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The two previously unreported adverse effects are a diffuse loss of color discrimination and an increased time course to complete dark adaptation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Presented is a case story of a woman with classical rheumatoid arthritis, who during introduction of sulphasalazine (SASP) therapy developed a severe and lasting psoriasis-like skin reaction.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Anastrozole may be the causative factor in patients with sclerosing glomerulonephritis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The concentration of pseudoephedrine in blood and liver specimens was measured using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and was determined to be 14.4 mg\/L in the blood and 16 mg\/kg in the liver.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although current recommendations state that TZDs should not be administered to patients with New York Heart Association class III or IV disease, practitioners should be aware that these adverse effects also may occur in patients with milder forms heart failure as well as those without heart failure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ramipril was stopped and he required a course of steroids after which the rash improved slowly.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Obsessive-compulsive symptoms suddenly emerged 10 days after starting risperidone and resolved within 3 days of discontinuation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Subfulminant hepatitis B after infliximab in Crohn's disease: need for HBV-screening?","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"PARTICIPANTS: Seven patients (eight patient visits) with an age range of 5 days to 14.9 years.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of hyperpigmentation due to bleomycin treatment in a patient with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We also describe a new, noninvasive method to assess magnesium-induced neuromuscular block when curariform muscle relaxant was given simultaneously.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Resolution of the interface inflammation did not occur until intraocular pressure was controlled.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The discontinuation of heavy caffeine intake appears to have contributed to the outcome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DISCUSSION: Olanzapine, like other atypical antipsychotic drugs, may cause muscle injury with concomitant elevations of serum CK of muscle origin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A postmortem toxicology analysis reported a fluoxetine concentration of 4500 mcg\/L and diazepam of 500 mcg\/L.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A correlation between dose and manifestation was investigated but none was found.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The overall response rate was 20%, and a further 40% achieved stable disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The two patients underwent several courses of pulse corticosteroid therapy, each course consisting of three days of methylprednisolone 1000 mg daily, resulting in visual recovery to some extent.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Neutropenia and agranulocytosis are risks known to occur with phenothiazines and clozapine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Clinical examination revealed 2 distinct corneal infiltrates beneath the LASIK flap.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, electron microscopy disclosed focal mesangial interposition, irregular thickening of the glomerular basement membrane and subendothelial loosening.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This severe illness was likely caused by minocycline, and we speculate that minocycline may have acted as a superantigen, causing lymphocyte over-activation and massive cytokine release.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"These findings support previous studies that showed that the use of aspirin during the antecedent illness may be a risk factor for the development of RS.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Although it is difficult to solely attribute intratumoral hemorrhage to aspirin, we have to be careful when prescribing aspirin for patients who have asymptomatic meningioma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Pulmonary hemorrhage as a clinical manifestation of hemolytic-uremic syndrome associated with mitomycin C therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Perforated appendicitis and ectopic pregnancy following in-vitro fertilization.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"To our knowledge, this is the first such reported thrombotic event.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fenofibrate administration is associated with a uric acid lowering effect.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors describe a case of combined lithium and haloperidol toxicity characterized by hyperpyrexia, severe rigidity, mutism, and development of irreversible tardive dyskinesia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Multiple pulmonary nodules: an unusual presentation of fludarabine pulmonary toxicity: case report and review of literature.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"METHODS: Skin prick test (SPT), nasal and intramuscular challenge test with commercial salmon calcitonin (Miacalcic) were performed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Our case points to the need for increased awareness by the general pediatricians of the potential hazards of mineral oil use for chronic constipation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a case of Zidovudine induced anaemia and bone marrow aplasia in a patient infected with HIV.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Bronchial anthracostenosis with mediastinal fibrosis associated with long-term wood-smoke exposure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Further investigation is needed to determine the scope of this troubling side effect.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Chest computed tomography showed the characteristic findings of septic pulmonary emboli (SPE).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clonazepam for the treatment of lancinating phantom limb pain.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a patient who developed CD7+ therapy-related acute myeloid leukemia (t-AML) with trisomy 8 after chemotherapy for AML.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Both patients completed the planned course of radiotherapy without interruption, after administration of G-CSF.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pemphigus foliaceus induced by rifampicin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"She developed pruritus, edema, and urticaria over both hands.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: The increasing role of radiotherapy in nasopharyngeal carcinoma treatment, together with improved patient survival, is likely to lead to radiation-induced, secondary, space-occupying lesions being encountered more frequently.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Neurological side effects in two patients receiving gold injections for rheumatoid arthritis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Estimation of maternal PIVKA levels may be of value for predicting risk of hemorrhage in the neonate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pulmonary oedema after hexoprenaline administration in preterm labour.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Three months after hospital discharge, the abdominal pain did not recur.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The focus of this case report is to create awareness within the clinician that, in addition to evaluating the patient for the disease related issues that may affect the oral cavity and dentition, a total management plan should include factors beyond the structural oral problems related to the cancer.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After therapy for diabetic coma with insulin (containing the preservative cresol) and electrolyte solutions was started, the patient complained of increasing myalgia, developed a high fever and respiratory and metabolic acidosis and lost consciousness.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A regimen of topical INF alpha 2-beta 4 times daily was administered.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On admission, high levels of arterial hypertension were found.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of radiotherapy-enhanced aminoglutethimide skin toxicity in a patient with metastatic breast cancer.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This regimen is administered in cycles of approximately 3 weeks; a total course of treatment consists of six cycles.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: Thirteen consecutive patients with unresectable multifocal HCC and resistance to TAE were treated with combination chemotherapy consisting of arterial chemoembolization with degradable starch microspheres (DSM) (150-4500 mg on Day 1), mitomycin-C (4-8 mg on Day 1), continuous arterial infusion of 5-fluorouracil (1250 mg\/120 h), cisplatin (25-50 mg\/120 h) and l-leucovorin (125 mg\/120 h) for 10-19 weeks.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After 5 weeks of therapy, she stopped taking pantoprazole due to general malaise.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Severe acidosis in patients taking metformin--rapid reversal and survival despite high APACHE score.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"JHR is a self-limiting condition that warrants the continuation of antibiotic treatment in syphilis patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"To develop information on the relative rarity or frequency of neurologic worsening with the initiation of penicillamine therapy, we conducted a retrospective survey of 25 additional patients with Wilson's disease who met the criteria of presenting with neurologic disease and having been treated with penicillamine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The current report describes a man who was prescribed zonisamide for epilepsy and subsequently developed widespread skin rash, acute kidney injury, high-grade fever, eosinophilia, liver dysfunction, lymphadenopathy and an increase in antihuman herpesvirus-6 immunoglobulin G titer.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Oxime therapy should be considered even late in the course of untreated or partially treated OP intoxications, especially when the etiologic agent is a lipid-soluble compound (ie malathion) that can cause a protracted course of poisoning.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It can progress rapidly to high fever, altered mental status, seizures, profound muscle rigidity, rhabdomyolysis, brain injury, and death.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient developed Leuconostoc bacteremia secondary to peritonitis, 60 d after undergoing liver transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There was no indication that the increase in anaphylactoid reactions was associated with the use of hyperthermia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"a 67-year-old man with bipolar disorder developed a Creutzfeldt-Jakob like syndrome during lithium carbonate treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Although asymptomatic, the biochemical abnormality improved after discontinuation of carbamazepine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Except for generalized cerebral gliosis, the abnormalities in the brain were confined to the cerebellum, where malformation of the dentate nuclei, neuronal heterotopias, and abnormalities of Purkinje's cell dendrites were found.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He gradually improved and his biochemical markers returned to normal.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These in vitro findings and clinical course suggest that TRAb\/TBII without thyroid-stimulating activity may develop in patients with amiodarone-induced destructive thyroiditis, as reported in patients with destructive thyroiditis, such as subacute and silent thyroiditis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The quality of life was assessed in 37 maintenance hemodialysis patients during treatment with recombinant human erythropoietin (r-HuEPO; EPOGEN [epoetin alfa], AMGEN Inc, Thousand Oaks, CA) for correction of anemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We conclude that intoxication with lacosamide, in combination with overdoses of multiple AEDs, can be survived without sequelae, even after ingestion of 12 g lacosamide.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Until additional data are available, if intravenous acyclovir is administered concurrently with lithium, we recommend closely monitoring patients for signs of lithium toxicity and measuring serum lithium levels every second or third day.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Although adverse effects are usually mild, the author reports here a case of leucocytopenia and thrombocytopenia with quetiapine treatment that required its discontinuation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"It is particularly important in the treatment of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) since it reduces new organ involvement and disease flares, and relieves skin and joint symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After unsuccessful therapy with ganciclovir and foscarnet, combined antiviral and anti-inflammatory treatment with cidofovir and prednisolone controlled the HHV-6 infection and enabled resolution of clinical symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A review of the literature, which yielded 23 other reports of endocarditis due to this organism, suggests that Lactobacillus is a rare cause of endocarditis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Stupor and fast activity on electroencephalography in a child treated with valproate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient was successfully treated with heparin and subsequently with warfarin and dipyridamole.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We conclude that while thrombocytopenia and schistocytosis can be seen in quinine-associated TTP\/HUS, the pathophysiology seems to be distinct from that seen in most cases of idiopathic TTP (i.e., severely decreased ADAMTS13 with an inhibitor).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a patient with inoperable pancreatic cancer who developed gastrointestinal bleeding secondary to radiation-recall related to gemcitabine and review literature.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"DESIGN: Case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Before onset of treatment, level of GABA in CSF was highly lowered (16 pmol\/ml), pyridoxine level in serum was within normal range.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE REPORT: We present cases of 10 patients with Type 2 diabetes mellitus who developed acute renal failure and severe lactic acidosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We note that ITB withdrawal is similar to serotonergic syndromes, such as in overdoses of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or the popular drug of abuse 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (Ecstasy).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An immediate cholestatic liver reaction was also provoked by drug rechallenge, with spontaneous amelioration of signs and symptoms after drug discontinuation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Her postoperative course was further complicated by a fungal infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although the literature on the use of risperidone in elderly patients with dementia consists largely of uncontrolled trials, case reports, and chart reviews, it appears that this agent is effective for managing agitation in this population and does so with a low frequency of extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Subsequently, the pedicle screws were removed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Other organisms, including unusual bacteria, fungi, and mycobacteria, comprise 5% or less of cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Inadvertent injection of corticosteroid into the choroidal vasculature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Further study of this potential health risk in needed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two patients with ovarian cancer who had received multiple courses of cisplatin without complications experienced hypersensitivity reactions to cisplatin: one, involving intrahepatic artery infusion, manifested general erythema, dyspnea, and hypotension; the other, involving intravenous infusion, manifested abdominal pain, general erythema, and fever.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"No other identifiable factor contributed to the unresponsiveness.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"LTG toxicity should be considered in patients taking this drug who have depressed mental status.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DESIGN: Noncomparative, interventional case series.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Seven months after continuous antitubercular treatment, the KS nodules regressed spontaneously and finally disappeared.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 60-year-old woman with diabetes mellitus (type 2) developed an acute icteric hepatitis-like illness 6 weeks after the initiation of gliclazide therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: Lipoid pneumonia as a result of mineral oil aspiration still occurs in the pediatric population.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"MATERIALS AND METHODS: A phase II study.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thyrotropin concentrations and cardiac systolic time indexes during the elevation of serum CK concentrations were not consistent with hypothyroidism.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Most of these patients presented with complex symptoms arising from a variety of pathological conditions including ischemic heart disease, myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular accident, pneumonia, and trauma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Fifteen patients (10 male) were interviewed (median age 49.5 years, range 24 to 68 years).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The reported frequency in young children varies (1-4).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cardiopulmonary bypass support can be considered as a salvage therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In this study, we report on three individual patients who received BTX-B and who subsequently developed parasympathetic dysfunction of the visual system after injections of BTX-B at remote sites.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Laboratory studies yielded substantially increased serum procollagen III levels and anticardiolipin antibodies accompanied with anti-beta(2) glycoprotein I, findings not previously described with this disorder.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Peripheral blood count revealed pancytopenia and a bone marrow biopsy was consistent with aplasia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Trough whole blood tacrolimus concentrations ranged from 1.7 to 6.2 microg\/L.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"While the pathogenetic and clinical relationship between the different autoimmune-dysreactive complications is still unclear, and the supporting role of the frequent immunosuppressive treatment may add significantly to these risk factors, clinicians who are engaged in the management of these patients should be aware that multiple, concurrent or subsequent disorders might occur in these subjects, and also that severe infections might be of relevant concern.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"No gastrointestinal tract or muscular abnormalities were found, and the discomfort was attributed to neuropathic pain.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Because the cerebellar toxicity may be worsened by continuation of therapy after initial onset of symptoms, prompt termination of HDARAC is recommended.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, pseudomembranous colitis, and spinal cord injury.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One patient who received clindamycin had liver biopsy findings of marked cholestasis, portal inflammation, bile duct injury and bile duct paucity (ductopenia).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"For neurologists faced with the task of treating PD patients, the available array of medications may be confusing and intimidating.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Serum complement components and immunoglobulin levels were within normal limits, and radioallergosorbent testing gave negative results.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Masculinization of a female fetus occurred in 5 of 39 (12.8%) exposed to norethisterone; all were cases of clitoral hypertrophy not requiring surgical treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We suggest that objective evaluation of retinal function with electrophysiological methods should be performed in patients with visual disturbance during treatment with rifabutin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Acute kidney injury caused by zonisamide-induced hypersensitivity syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Gentamicin alone may be nephrotoxic and should be given with particular caution to the elderly and those with even mild kidney abnormalities.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On day four he was noted to have complete right sided femoral and left sided lateral femoral cutaneous nerve of thigh neuropathies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is generally well tolerated and significant adverse reactions occur rarely.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia (BOOP) is a rare disease, which is histopathologically defined by the presence of granulation tissue in the bronchioles, alveolar ducts and alveoli leading to plugging of the bronchiolar and alveolar lumen.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Gold-induced aplastic anemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report 2 cases of maculopapular eruption and fever in patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) on the 2nd day of first administration of ritonavir, a protease inhibitor.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Graft-vs-host disease (GVHD) is a potentially treatable cause of progressive neurologic decline after bone marrow transplantation (BMT).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The case of a premature intra-uterine growth retardation (IUGR) infant, born from caesarean section to a mother with hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low platelets (HELLP) syndrome, and admitted to NICU for low birth weight is reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three of the seven subjects showed marked improvement in behaviour, with NPI scores dropping significantly over time.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a case of needle-track cutaneous seeding of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) after sonographically guided percutaneous ethanol injection (PEI).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The possibility of phenytoin hypersensitivity reactions should be considered when patients receiving phenytoin have unusual symptoms, particularly fever, rash, and lymphadenopathy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"At 13.25 years rhGH therapy was discontinued owing to frequent hypocalcemic crises; serum IGF-1 levels were persistently low in the following years (between 160 and 180 microg\/l, normal range for age 250-600 microg\/l).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Based upon the observed fall of the filtration fraction, the rise in the relative clearance of 99Tc-dimercaptosuccinic acid and the increase in proteinuria, we suggest that in this case the tubules and\/or interstitium are the main targets for cyclosporine A nephrotoxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Physicians should be aware of the risk of severe AIHA in CLL patients with a history of AIHA or positivation of the DAT during previous fludarabine administration, or in case of secondary fixation of complement to the red cell membrane occurring during fludarabine treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Among CNS toxicities, generalized tonic-clonic seizures have been reported in both children and adults.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present a 49-year-old woman with refractory myofascial pain of many years duration who developed subacromial impingement syndrome (SIS) following a series of botulinum toxin injections to the bilateral upper trapezii.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE SUMMARY: A 65-year-old patient chronically treated with the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) citalopram developed confusion, agitation, tachycardia, tremors, myoclonic jerks and unsteady gait, consistent with serotonin syndrome, following initiation of fentanyl, and all symptoms and signs resolved following discontinuation of fentanyl.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Intravitreal bevacizumab appears to be an effective tool in the immediate control of neovascularization following L-CRA for nonischaemic CRVO.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pneumonitis, bilateral pleural effusions, echocardiographic evidence of cardiac tamponade, and positive autoantibodies developed in a 43-year-old man, who was receiving long-term sulfasalazine therapy for chronic ulcerative colitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Endoscopic application of photodynamic therapy for cholangiocarcinoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinical and biochemical abnormalities disappeared soon after discontinuation of PTU.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Alternaria is a very common and saprophytic fungus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Multicenter randomized study of two once daily regimens in the initial management of community-acquired respiratory tract infections in 163 children: azithromycin versus ceftibuten.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Only a prospective two-arm ALL dexamethasone study at two dose levels (6 and 10 mg\/m(2)\/day) will clarify if indeed the higher dose of dexamethasone during induction is more effective and without unacceptable toxicity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The serum levels of calcium hopantenate were high in coma, and that of pantothenic acid examined in one patient was lowered.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: Transcatheter arterial embolization (TAE) with gelatin sponge particles and iodized oil often yields poor results when used to treat unresectable multifocal hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two patients with ovarian cancer who had received multiple courses of cisplatin without complications experienced hypersensitivity reactions to cisplatin: one, involving intrahepatic artery infusion, manifested general erythema, dyspnea, and hypotension; the other, involving intravenous infusion, manifested abdominal pain, general erythema, and fever.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Previous studies have demonstrated the interaction of MTX and a variety of non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) with various clinical manifestations including acute renal failure, pancytopenia, vomiting, diarrhea, elevated liver transaminases, jaundice, mucosal ulcerations, and pyrexia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This patient was previously well with no known cardiovascular risk factors.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pulmonary hypertension during lithium therapy: clinical case study.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Pulmonary toxicity is believed to be uncommon.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Argatroban is hepatically cleared and may be the preferred direct thrombin inhibitor in the presence of significant renal impairment, but conversely has prolonged effects in hepatic failure.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We present two new cases, and we review 55 additional cases from the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Report of two cases of male breast cancer after prolonged estrogen treatment for prostatic carcinoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The catheter failure was not visualised by plain X-ray nor by filling the pump with radio-opaque solution.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Detection of VZV DNA in blood may be useful for early diagnosis in immunocompromised hosts who present with zoster without skin lesions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: Omeprazole is one of the most widely prescribed gastric antisecretory drugs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Second cancers including various types of hematological malignancy have been reported in patients with hairy cell leukemia treated with chemotherapy or interferon alfa.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: A review of the literature shows that this is a particularly uncommon micro-organism.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An oncological consultation recommended 4 mg nebulised morphine and 4 mg dexamethasone in saline as treatment for the bouts of breathlessness.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An infertile patient with amenorrhea-galactorrhea syndrome lost vision during a pregnancy occurring after Bromocryptine treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Post BMT she developed acute grade II graft-vs.-host disease (aGVHD) requiring high-dose steroids and anti-thymocyte globulin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pacemaker related endocarditis is a rare potentially fatal condition, most commonly acquired during manipulation of the pacemaker system.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After treatment with recombinant tissue plasminogen activator, the patient's hemodynamic status improved, permitting the liver transplant to be completed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a 28-year-old man with stage IV-B Hodgkin's disease who developed an adenocarcinoma of the colon after treatment with combination chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although the enuresis ceased, she developed throbbing headaches, nausea, vomiting, paresthesia, lethargy, fatigue, and altered mental status over the next 7 days.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DISCUSSION: Although there are several reports on extensive passage of lamotrigine into breast milk, this is the first published report of a serious adverse reaction in a breast-fed infant.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In this article, we present a unique case of a 31-year-old woman with severe autoimmune hepatitis apparently abruptly triggered by vaccination.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This patient developed sequential symptoms including alternative hemiparesis, dysarthria and altered consciousness 5 days after the second course of HD-MTX (8 gm\/m2 by 6 h continuous infusion) with leucovorin rescue.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The renal failure in each case was reversed by discontinuation of MP and\/or by forced diuresis using albumin and furosemide.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Open biopsy of the affected thoracic vertebrae and surrounding soft tissue were negative for neoplasia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These patients with limited-stage SCEC were treated at our institution with four cycles of CBDCA and VP-16, either concurrent with radiotherapy for the second two cycles (n = 2) or followed by radiotherapy after the last cycle (n = 1).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"When olanzapine was held, the signs and symptoms improved and then returned with rechallenge of olanzapine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) are mild-to-life-threatening adverse reactions that have been described after exposure to fluoroquinolones.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two weeks later, anemia, thrombocytopenia and progressive increase in BUN, creatinine and LDH were observed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The frequent use of neuroleptic drugs in the treatment of disturbed children and adolescents demands that clinicians be aware of the danger of tardive dyskinesia in this age group.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Diazepam abuse in pregnant women on methadone maintenance.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 60-year-old male patient with ischemic cardiomyopathy experienced an electrical storm 1 month after implantation of an internal cardioverter-defibrillator.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The day after clozapine was stopped, while he was still receiving clomipramine 150 mg\/d, he began behaving oddly, started sweating profusely, shivering, and became tremulous, agitated, and confused.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Amifostine has been found to significantly decrease acute and chronic xerostomia but not mucositis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient developed hypovolemic shock with abdominal pain and distension and further evidence of myocardial necrosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe two cases of sulfadiazine-induced crystalluria and renal failure in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, review the pertinent literature, and discuss the pathogenesis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"He denied aspirin or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug use.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He was successfully treated with trimethoprime-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX) and meropenem without craniotomy or repeat aspirations.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinicians who manage cachectic patients, particularly those with protracted diarrhoea and\/or receiving anti-malarial drugs including mefloquine, should be aware of the risk of severe hypoglycaemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Five other patients with previous sensitivity to methotrexate, forcing cessation of therapy, were given weekly oral methotrexate and folinic acid every day except the day of methotrexate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Management and successful desensitization in methotrexate-induced anaphylaxis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We investigated whether clozapine used as a first-line antipsychotic drug can cause TD.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Management of iatrogenic intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Phenobarbital hepatotoxicity in an 8-month-old infant.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In any case, from a clinical viewpoint, caution should be used when giving venlafaxine to patients with narrow-angle glaucoma, and ocular pressure must be monitored.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One hundred and forty one cases from the literature are reviewed with special reference to patient characteristics, patient treatment, and prognosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE\/OBJECTIVES: To describe the pharmacogenetic syndrome of dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DPD) deficiency, which predisposes patients with cancer to potentially lethal adverse reactions following 5-fluorouracil (5-FU)-based chemotherapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We describe eight episodes of reversible acute renal deterioration in five patients with ADPKD, massive renal involvement, and chronic renal insufficiency.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the occurrence of spontaneous intracranial bleeding in an human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected adolescent with hemophilia A who was receiving amprenavir (APV).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Scalp video-EEG monitoring was obtained using the standard 10\/20 system of electrode placement.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The anticonvulsant drug lacosamide selectively enhances slow inactivation of voltage-gated sodium channels and has been shown to be an effective add-on treatment for partial-onset seizures.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Atrial fibrillation occurring in a patient taking etanercept plus methotrexate for rheumatoid arthritis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Stent-grafts were constructed from Z stents covered with polyester fabric and were delivered remotely through a catheter under fluoroscopic guidance.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Moreover, treatment with immunosuppressive drugs such as cyclosporine, cisplatin, tacrolimus, and interferon-alpha can induce a condition resembling RPLS.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"She received 5-fluorouracil, doxorubicin, and cyclophosphamide.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"B-cell lymphoproliferative disorders are rare but serious complications of solid organ and bone marrow transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Successful treatment of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment secondary to globe perforation during peribulbar injection in a case of sympathetic ophthalmia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She was treated with subcutaneous twice-daily danaparoid (Orgaran) for the remainder of the pregnancy, achieving anti-Xa levels in the therapeutic range 0.5-1.0 IU\/ml.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This article reviews the results of all cases of C-TMA reported to date in the English literature and discusses the theories of pathogenesis, clinical features, treatment, and treatment-related complications of the syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"They require immediate discontinuation of the drug and a washout procedure to hasten drug elimination from the body.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Both patients presented with abdominal pain and turbid dialysis effluent with or without fever.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Early detection of such hearing loss is important for providing management options.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three Alzheimer's disease patients with Pisa syndrome were presented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Drug-induced immune hemolytic anemia (IHA) is rare but is being reported with increasing frequency.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DISCUSSION: Patients with 5-FU-induced ectropion experience tender, red, scaled lids, making contact lens wear difficult.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report 5 patients (3 patients with chronic hepatitis C treated with pegylated interferon alfa-2b in association with oral ribavirin and two patients with chronic myelocytic leukemia) who developed local cutaneous reactions at sites of injection after the administration of weekly subcutaneous injections of pegylated interferon alfa-2b at different doses.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Hydrocortisone prophylaxis and verapamil therapy were the primary therapies used in patient 1 (the only survivor).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"At the time of deterioration all three had reduced HIV viraemia and increased CD4 cell counts.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Toxic epidermal necrolysis resulted after 19 days of treatment with 5-fluorocytosine and amphotericin B.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"An issue under much clinical debate is whether treatment with two antipsychotic agents simultaneously is advantageous for optimizing response in patients whose previous monotherapy with antipsychotic agents has failed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe the development of ischemic colitis in a woman who was treated with tegaserod and review the relationship among ischemic colitis, tegaserod use, and irritable bowel syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Sweet's syndrome is an acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis that is a known complication of the administration of filgrastim, a drug that causes increased neutrophil proliferation and differentiation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"He has not had any further episodes of thrombocytopenia to date.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The fifth patient experienced nausea and discontinued treatment after 4 weeks.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Until recently, discontinuance of anticoagulant therapy has been recommended, as this cessation has been shown to slow or halt further tissue infarction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Used injudiciously, naloxone can lead to withdrawal syndrome, return of severe pain, and other adverse effects.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Anti-thyroid Abs were found positive.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 53-year-old man developed lower leg edema 4 weeks after rosiglitazone was increased from 4 mg once\/day to 4 mg twice\/day.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Intracranial hemorrhage and focal seizures secondary to use of L-asparaginase during induction therapy of acute lymphocytic leukemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Considering the possibility of this diagnosis in patients developing confusion and neurological degradation with respiratory alkalosis after intensive chemotherapy, could allow earlier treatment and perhaps improved survival.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We reported a case of disulfiram-induced hepatitis with unique clinical features and compared our case with others in the literature.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In August 2005, he was admitted to a medical facility in the local community with upper gastrointestinal bleeding, and received several units of blood and blood products.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Radiation recall from gemcitabine is rare, but can potentially arise in any site that has been previously irradiated.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Therapy-related myelodysplastic syndrome with der(17)t(12;17)(q13;p13) as a new recurrent cytogenetic abnormality after treatment for chronic lymphocytic leukemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Her condition stabilized during treatment with intravenous heparin, aspirin, nitrates, beta-blockers, digoxin, ACE inhibitor and anticoagulants.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient made a full neurologic recovery and remains free of disease recurrence 21 months after treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Each procedure reduced the serum level of intercellular antibodies by 50% to 87%.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Eight deaths that occurred during Upjohn-sponsored clinical trials of topical minoxidil and two deaths in subjects who used extemporaneous formulations of the drug are summarized.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These effects can increase the likelihood of its aspiration and subsequent impaired clearance from the respiratory tract.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute tumour lysis syndrome (TLS) is a catastrophic complication of the treatment of certain neoplastic disorders.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Also to be considered in the differential diagnosis are multifocal infection and polysynovitis\/arthritis of other etiology.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The following is a report of 2 cases of rifampicin-induced renal insufficiency.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A patient was admitted to the intensive care unit because of respiratory failure, and warfarin therapy was started at 2 mg\/day for the treatment of pulmonary embolism, together with other medications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There have only been three reports of Mycobacterium chelonae prosthetic infection of which two cases were associated with total hip arthroplasty and one with total knee arthroplasty and no reports of both Mycobacterium tuberculosis and M. chelonae occurring in the same joint.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Transient acute myopia resulting from isotretinoin (accutane) therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Valproate elimination was enhanced by the continuous infusion of activated charcoal.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Local control of tumor with preservation of organ function was achieved.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the case of a 69-year-old patient with metastatic renal clear-cell carcinoma, treated with nephrectomy and three lines of therapy (interleukin-2 plus interferon-alpha2a, vinorelbine plus gemcitabine, and capecitabine), who started a fourth-line therapy with oral sunitinib because of disease progression.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the skull base.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"She was successfully treated with intravenous cefoxitin and removal of the indwelling central catheter.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The daily doses ranged from 0.5 to 3 mg.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Psoriasis triggered by toll-like receptor 7 agonist imiquimod in the presence of dermal plasmacytoid dendritic cell precursors.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient had a favourable outcome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report 4 patients with involvement of 5 hips with septic arthritis in established osteonecrotic joints.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: A total of 97% were removed after completion of chemotherapy, and 3% because of sepsis or malfunction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There are major side effects of anastrozole including decrease in both lumbar spine and total hip bone mineral density, increase in the incidence of all bone fractures (especially fractures of spine, hip and wrist), joint disorders and increase in the cholesterol level.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The first patient developed a monoarthritis 2 weeks after initiation of IFN-beta, which persisted during the 14 months of therapy and resolved with discontinuation of the medication.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Experimental evidence indicates that corticosteroid administration causes a reduction in T lymphocytes mediated by suppression of cytokines.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Indometacin is reported to improve growth in Bartter syndrome, but not in Gitelman syndrome, where magnesium supplements are recommended.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In addition to being used as adjuvant chemotherapy, S-1 is a promising agent for palliative treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, raising the dose increases the likelihood of side effects and may significantly compromise patient compliance.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Awareness of this unusual entity will help to avoid misdiagnosis of malignancy or unnecessary thoracotomy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Controversy exists as to whether making a definitive diagnosis in these patients has an impact on overall outcome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"At its peak the daily protein loss was 35.82 g.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two cases of malignant hyperthermia (MH) are presented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We also review the literature describing the spectrum of clinical findings due to intraocular blastomycosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The clinical presentation was disseminated varicella infection with multiple organ involvement.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"During the first days of arsenic trioxide treatment a rapid decrease in the D-dimers was seen (normal values reached until day 7), together with a slight decrease in peripheral blood leukocytes.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Neutrophilic eccrine hidradenitis mimicking cutaneous vasculitis in a lupus patient: a complication of cyclophosphamide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Arginine has been shown to shift potassium from cells to the extracellular compartment, an effect directly related to its serum concentration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Sibutramine, a serotonin reuptake inhibitor, currently is used in treatment of obesity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Of the four patients who responded to HU with an increase in total Hb, all reported symptomatic improvement and three have not required further transfusions.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Scans were performed without opioid drugs and 30 minutes after intramuscularly administered meperidine, morphine, hydroxyzine, hydroxyzine plus meperidine, butorphanol, and nalbuphine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In addition, patients with blebitis should be observed closely to identify extension into the vitreous cavity so that intravitreous antibiotics can be administered in a timely fashion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The neurological complications may be reduced by earlier recognition and better understanding of their etiopathogenesis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE SUMMARY: A 57-year-old female with cardiomyopathy and \"sulfa\" (trimethoprim\/sulfamethoxazole) allergy documented as pancreatitis presented with symptoms consistent with pancreatitis after use of furosemide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"METHODS: The human leukocyte antigen (HLA) typing of peripheral leukocytes was studied by lymphocytotoxicity technique.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case of acute respiratory failure due to diaphragmatic weakness following adalimumab therapy for psoriasis is described.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CASE SUMMARY: A 39-year-old white Jewish schizophrenic man treated with olanzapine developed an elevated serum CK concentration with a peak concentration of 4000 IU\/L (normal < 230).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Although gabapentin withdrawal has been previously reported and usually consists of anxiety, diaphoresis, and palpitations, this is the first reported patient with generalized seizures and status epilepticus secondary to gabapentin withdrawal.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"METHODS: A patient who developed dramatic, permanent vision loss after a 9-month course of treatment with ethambutol and isoniazid for pulmonary tuberculosis is presented.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"METHOD: A patient with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) with pulmonary Pneumocystis carinii was treated with 750 mg of atovaquone three times a day.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Unfortunately, not all patients respond to these treatments.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A Group IVC AIDS patient experienced repeated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis colonization and infection of his central venous access device.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a patient with metastatic prostate cancer who developed nonoliguric renal failure during treatment with suramin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We postulate that the bolus of sulprostone resulted in possible coronary spasm that resulted in cardiac arrest.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We review the pathophysiology of prophylaxis-related encephalopathy in leukemia patients and summarize its clinical, histological, and radiological characteristics.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although she immediately improved following abortion (within 2 hr, peak airway pressure fell from > 70 to 38 cmH2O, without change in plateau pressure), superimposed morbidities improved more slowly, and the patient made a complete recovery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Since no satisfactory remission was achieved using a multi-drug chemotherapy protocol that included cyclophosphamide, vincristine, cytosine arabinoside, prednisolone, and subsequently supplemented by L-asparaginase, it was replaced by another protocol combining vincristine, L-asparaginase, prednisolone, cyclophosphamide and doxorubicin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although its side effects are few, tamoxifen increases the incidence of proliferative lesions of the endometrium, which theoretically should be preventable with progestational agents.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The individual drug responses vary and no recommended standard doses exist.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The most common symptom was pain (93%).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Analeptic-induced paranoid psychosis occasionally occurs in the treatment of narcolepsy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Complete dissolution was achieved with a combination of i.v. tissue plasminogen activator and heparin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Subsequent observation revealed the presence of choreiform movements.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An unusual case of chronic coronary artery dissection: did cisplatin play a role?","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present a retrospective analysis of 4 HSCT recipients who survived long-term artificial respiration subsequent to pulmonary mycosis, and compare our current findings with historic data.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Discontinuation of MMF was followed by a rapid and spontaneous rise in neutrophils in two patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There is evidence that the angiotensin II receptor antagonist, losartan, increases urate excretion by reducing reabsorption of urate in the renal proximal tubule.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Portal vein thrombosis was diagnosed in 2 patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder (PTLD) involving the brain was seen in 2% of the liver allografts, 3% of the heart, and 7% of the heart-lung recipients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Histopathology of the thyroid in amiodarone-induced hypothyroidism.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Drug-induced hypersensitivity syndrome (DIHS) is one of the most severe drug adverse reactions, with characteristic biphasic symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Our case reminds the clinicians that the adverse and proarrhythmic effects of dofetilide can occur due to changes in the arrhythmic substrate during acute severe ischemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe the case of a premature baby who developed a rapidly expanding aneurysm of the descending thoracic aorta, secondary to a highly placed infected umbilical catheter.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Methotrexate-induced papular eruption following treatment of psoriasis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Hepatic portal sclerosis (HPS) alone was observed in 1 patient, nodular regenerative hyperplasia (NRH) alone in 2 patients and combined HPS\/NRH in 3 patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Bronchoscopy guided transbronchial lung biopsy revealed interstitial thickening and type II pneumocyte activation, compatible with interstitial pneumonitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Despite severe thyrotoxicosis, combined IFN-alpha and ribavirin therapy was continued and radioiodine treatment was considered for Graves' disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A syndrome of microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, renal impairment, and pulmonary edema in chemotherapy-treated patients with adenocarcinoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After discontinuation of the treatment, gradual decline of bone mineral density at lumbar and femoral sites was detected with serial DEXA measurements.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In this report, we assess the possibility that exposure of the angle-supported AC IOL haptics caused the endophthalmitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We conclude that (a) cyclophosphamide is a human teratogen, (b) a distinct phenotype exists, and (c) the safety of CP in pregnancy is in serious question.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Other laboratory studies, including urine pH, anion gap, titratable acidity, and bicarbonate, showed a distal tubular acidification defect.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After switching to a barbiturate-free schedule, his condition continued to be unstable for more than 21 MPB half-lives (approx. 30 days) and did not stabilize until MPB-metabolites dropped below their urinary detection limit.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This happened despite a very short course of therapy in two patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors propose that differential involvement of dopamine systems may account for the transition from akathisia to tardive dyskinesia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, thin conjunctiva is susceptible to mechanical injury and is difficult to repair with suturing, especially when the point of leakage is close to the scleral flap.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After both patients gave informed consent, an uneventful intravitreal injection of 1.25 mg Avastin was performed in the left eyes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pretreatment best-corrected visual acuities ranged from 20\/40 to 20\/400 (mean, 20\/70 using Snellen fractions) and improved two to eight (mean, five) Snellen lines, to a range of 20\/20 to 20\/50 (mean, 20\/25).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Veno-occlusive disease of the liver after lung transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Bilateral acoustic (VIII) nerve palsy in this patient was most likely a manifestation of vincristine neurotoxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A rare case of anterior chest closure only with omental flap after devastating mediastinitis: case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patients stabilized on glyburide who are started on a fluoroquinolone should have their glucose levels monitored closely.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"When retested 3 months later, at which time the serum T4 was 5.5 micrograms\/dl, the patient was somewhat less hypothyroid and there was an exaggerated TSH response to exogenous TRH, indicating recovery of pituitary TSH reserve.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Bilateral acoustic (VIII) nerve palsy in this patient was most likely a manifestation of vincristine neurotoxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Although adverse reactions to protamine are reported infrequently and are usually mild, we recently observed the first fatal case of type I anaphylaxis resulting from protamine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"All target symptoms disappeared in the patients after an average of (mean+\/-S.D.) 24.5+\/-18.1 days.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We believe this to be the first culture-proven case of L. micdadei PVE reported in the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Life threatening laryngeal toxicity following treatment with combined chemoradiotherapy for nasopharyngeal cancer: a case report with review of the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All four patients had pericardial abnormalities on echocardiography prior to receiving gemcitabine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DESIGN: Case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These data indicated that infliximab possibly triggered production of granulocyte and neutrophil autoantibodies with resultant autoimmune agranulocytosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Bortezomib-induced paralytic ileus is a potential gastrointestinal side effect of this first-in-class anticancer proteasome inhibitor.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a case of a patient with pulmonary hypertension and undifferentiated connective tissue disease who, after 2 months of treatment with epoprostenol, presented with rapidly progressive erythema, scaling, nausea and vomiting, and fever.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The temporal course of the porphyrin abnormality suggested that cyclophosphamide was the pathogenic agent, and symptoms regressed after cessation of this drug with continued administration of cisplatin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two patients developed hypersensitivity to nitrosourea compounds.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Aseptic meningitis, hemolytic anemia, hepatitis, and orthostatic hypotension in a patient treated with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In this report, one patient who developed gangrene after bleomycin and vincristine\/vinblastine chemotherapy for AIDS-related Kaposi's sarcoma and another HIV-infected patient who exhibited symptoms of severe Raynaud's phenomenon related to the same regimen are presented.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"There are, however, obligations on the dentist to ensure the accuracy of information the patient gives and to ensure that patients whom they believe are at risk follow their advice.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In patients who show abnormal liver function tests, the immediate discontinuation of gliclazide is recommended.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Comorbid alcohol dependence is common in patients with schizophrenia and is associated with a variety of serious adverse consequences.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The present report illustrates a rare case of refractory akathisia after interferon-alpha treatment and also that levodopa treatment would be theoretically and practically useful in reducing the neurotoxicity associated with interferon-alpha.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This is the first case, to our knowledge, of onset of prolonged infliximab-induced lupus.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient was discharged with a diagnosis of HCV-related active chronic hepatitis, skin porphyria, and type 2 diabetes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thiazide-induced lichenoid photosensitivity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE SUMMARY: A 37-year-old Hispanic man with diabetes mellitus, ethanol abuse, and recent crank use developed a venous thrombosis and possible pulmonary embolism, followed by acute liver and renal failure requiring continuous veno-venous hemofiltration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Because of the presence of hemolysis, the patient underwent testing for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency, for which he tested positive.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: The number of days each patient received mecamylamine varied from 8 days to 550 days; with nine patients more than 200 days, six patients from 100-200 days, five patients for 50-100 days, and four patients 0-50 days.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case of high-grade endometrial stromal sarcoma, confined into an intrauterine polypoid growth, in a woman with a history of breast cancer who was treated with adjuvant tamoxifen.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONTEXT: Acute pancreatitis has been reported in a few cases treated with macrolides or glucocorticoids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The potential for progressive brain injury and subsequent disability related to intraventricular IL-2 therapy is discussed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Three days after administration began, serum CPK levels had become markedly elevated to 10,897 mg\/dl and myoglobinuria was detected (1,800 ng\/dl), suggesting the presence of rhabdomyolysis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Avascular necrosis (or osteonecrosis) is a very rare extraintestinal osseous complication that may occur in Crohn's disease, independent of previously reported risk factors, including corticosteroids or parenteral nutrition with lipid emulsions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Using a ventricular reservoir to instill amphotericin B.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Forty-eight hours later a commercially available cylindrical diffusing laser fiber was inserted into an 8F biliary catheter equipped with a 0.038 inch side-hole at its distal tip.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On March 13 the patient was again admitted for worsening CHF and was started on continuous dobutamine infusion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 36-year-old man being treated with cisplatinum, vinblastine, and bleomycin for testicular carcinoma developed a dense left homonymous hemianopsia, encephalopathy, and a partial nondominant parietal lobe syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Until today, many kinds of complications have been reported in the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinicians should be aware of the signs and symptoms of neurotoxicity during treatment, as well as predisposing factors that put patients receiving methotrexate at risk for neurotoxic effects.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The possibility of a recrudescence of a persisting infection was rejected.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intravenous ribavirin was obtained and administered for 5 days without success; the patient's mental status deteriorated rapidly and she died on day 69 post-transplant.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fatal pulmonary fibrosis following 1,3-bis(2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea (BCNU) therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Tolerance to phenelzine and subsequent refractory depression: three cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We assume that the clinical picture was mainly dictated by flecainide intoxication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Visual acuity was reduced to 1\/50 and 0.3.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Soon after introduction of insulin therapy, she developed severe anasarca, including marked peripheral oedema, ascites and pleural effusion.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"DISCUSSION: SIADH has been reported as a complication of treatment with vinca alkaloids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinical features include an acute, symmetrically progressive polyneuropathy, focal or generalized myokymia and a tendency for initial neurological deterioration followed by improvement, after cessation of chrysotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There was initial clinical deterioration while in vitro data indicating that the organism was sensitive to vancomycin with a minimum inhibitory concentration of 0.5 micrograms\/ml.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"With the extensive use of platinum-based chemotherapy regimens, either alone or in combination with radiation therapy in the management of gynecological malignancies, this uncommon complication should be kept in mind for early detection and successful management.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After returning to a normal level of greater than 100,000\/mm3, the patient's platelets again dropped to 1200\/mm3 with readministration of rifampin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Mitomycin C (MMC) is an alkylating agent that has been recently associated with the hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"With the progression of immunoreconstitution, the lesions healed spontaneously.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, this mechanism may fail under certain circumstances, in particular if D2 dopamine antagonism exceeds a certain threshold.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A third case of acquired phosphate diabetes associated with a syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone (SIADH), related to a pulmonary tuberculosis, is reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This therapeutical regimen was chosen--in accordance with cardiac surgeons, cardiologists, and interventional radiologists--due to the high risk of adverse event after repeated surgery in this particular patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe the first case of a Chinese liver transplant recipient with PVB19-induced PRCA during immunosuppressive therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This hypersensitivity response cannot be explained pathophysiologically by any mechanism.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She died within six weeks of developing congestive heart failure coupled with liver failure due to haemosiderosis despite regular use of desferrioxamine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Active vitamin B12 contains cobalt in its reduced form (Co+).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present the case of a 67-year-old depressed woman who began treatment with citalopram.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hepatic uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase activity is markedly reduced in patients with this disorder.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two of the five patients who worsened motorically also developed encephalopathy during risperidone treatment; the encephalopathy resolved when the patients were switched to clozapine treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A diagnosis of phenytoin toxicity was made and she was treated by withdrawing the medication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patients taking multiple medications may suffer from unpredictable and complex drug-drug interactions resulting in significant morbidity and mortality.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The role of heparin therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The duration of pain was 17.8 +\/- 9.3 months (mean +\/- SD), and the baseline VAS score was 88.2 +\/- 6.3 points.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Wernicke encephalopathy and beriberi during total parenteral nutrition attributable to multivitamin infusion shortage.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"His serum transaminases were slightly elevated and hepatic hyperechogenicity was observed on ultrasonography.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A female patient with HER2 positive, metastatic breast cancer presented with pulmonary infiltrates, and a plural effusion dyspnoea after several months of trastuzumab treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The outcome of 19 other children with severe aplastic anemia who received ATG was also summarized.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In this case, unlike those previously reported, hyponatremia recurred 5 months after switching from citalopram to mirtazapine, which is believed to be a safe antidepressant.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Medical treatment of fungal endocarditis on prosthetic valves can be successful in selected cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Both colchicine and statin therapy may be associated with myopathy, which usually occurs after several months of therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Rituximab-based therapy for gemcitabine-induced hemolytic uremic syndrome in a patient with metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma: a case report.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Open-lung biopsy revealed numerous lipid-laden macrophages and multinucleated foreign-body giant cells.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Before receiving PUVA therapy one patient had been treated with topically applied thiotepa and x-ray irradiation, while in the other patient PUVA was the only treatment received except for topical corticosteroids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although a lot of amiodarone-induced torsades de pointe have been published, a review of all these cases and the underlying risk-factors has never been made.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Isoniazid induced gynaecomastia: a case report.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"It usually occurs in patients with impaired renal function or when allopurinol is prescribed with a thiazide diuretic.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A woman with a prolonged unipolar delusional depressive episode, unresponsive to antidepressant treatment, experienced rapid improvement of depressive and psychotic symptoms following the occurrence of two grand mal seizures.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Another approach involves minimal debridement of the cartilage and letting the wound mature for 6 to 8 months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatment with low-molecular-weight heparin followed by a heparinoid resulted in slow healing of the ulcers but also allowed the subcutaneous interferon injections to be continued.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Sometimes the presentation is with diabetic ketoacidosis, requiring insulin treatment, which can nevertheless be reversible.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 65-year-old man on warfarin therapy with a sudden spontaneous onset of sub-conjunctival haematoma associated with bloody tears was assessed in the clinic following a referral from an optometrist.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Protease inhibitors (ritonavir and saquinavir) were added to the treatment and the patient developed progressive ataxia related to carbamazepine toxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Sustained-release procainamide-induced reversible granulocytopenia after myocardial infarction.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"When he was given an inferior alveolar nerve block, excessive bleeding was noted at the injection site and the dentist advised the patient see an oral and maxillofacial surgeon.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Due to its low volume of distribution (0.6 L\/kg), low protein binding (about 15%) and water solubility, acyclovir is an example of the ideal drug that can be removed by hemodialysis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He was afebrile, tachycardic, and tachypneic and had an oxygen saturation of 94% while breathing room air.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We attribute the clinical and radiographic findings to cytotoxic edema secondary to intrathecal methotrexate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We concluded that the recurrent bacteraemia in this predisposed patient was due to re-infection, and that antibiotic treatment (amoxicillin plus an aminoglycoside) resulted in a complete eradication of the infective microorganism.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Abnormally high urine and bone fluoride confirmed the diagnosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although isoproterenol has been the mainstay of therapy for chronotropic support in this setting, its availability has been an issue in recent years.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"When there is an alteration in the binding of the anticonvulsant drug to the plasma proteins, however, the relationship between the serum concentration and therapeutic efficacy or toxicity becomes difficult to interpret.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Flecainide acetate is a sodium channel blocker and a class Ic antiarrhythmic agent with potential life-threatening proarrhythmic and cardioinhibitory properties when taken in overdose.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ophthalmologists should be aware of the ocular side effects of IFN therapy and carefully monitor patients for the possible occurrence of hypoalbuminemia and thrombocytopenia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVES: To describe the presentation and treatment of acute isoniazid (INH) neurotoxicity appearing at an inner-city municipal hospital.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This idiosynactic adverse reaction has not been previously described.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Vancomycin is widely used against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections, but it is associated with many adverse effects such as nephrotoxicity, ototoxicity, gastrointestinal disturbances, blood disorders, and two types of hypersensitivity reactions - an anaphylactoid reaction known as \"red man syndrome\" and anaphylaxis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: We report a typical symptoms of Charles-Bonnet syndrome (CBS) in patients with severe AMD after intravitreal Avastin-injections.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This increase when clozapine was switched to risperidone and vice versa is consistent with our previous report of elevated serum triglyceride levels in clozapine-treated patients.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The neuropathological changes had features similar to those seen in leukoencephalopathy with intrathecal administration of methotrexate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We tested 136 unrelated patients with familial parkinsonism for SCA2 mutations.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinicians should be aware of factors that affect A1C values, specifically erythrocyte life span.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Exposure to the vanadium containing catalyst for 120 minutes resulted in a sustained decline in forced vital capacity and forced expiratory volume in one second, while the transfer factor for carbon monoxide did not change significantly.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Shewanella spp. are an uncommon cause of human infection, with exposure to water being the commonest source.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present a case of hemorrhagic stroke after cesarean delivery under combined spinal-epidural anesthesia in an 35-year-old Hispanic patient treated with anticoagulants for protein C deficiency.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a patient who experienced chronic nausea and an episode of confusion while treated with a small, stable dose of oral morphine in the setting of mild renal insufficiency.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Concomitant administration of lithium with olanzapine may place patients at risk for NMS.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Acute pancreatitis is a known, although rare, complication of mesalamine treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Propafenone's distribution, clearance, and structural similarity to propranolol contribute to its central nervous system effects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report here the case of rituximab administration during the first trimester of pregnancy in a woman with autoimmune hemolytic anemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clonidine, oral and patch, has been used in adults for the treatment of hypertension and Tourette's Syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DESIGN: Two interventional case reports.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"During her third cycle, she again received cisplatin 100 mg\/m2 over 30 minutes and developed palmar pruritus, urticaria, and edema.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Epinephrine and dobutamine were stopped, and norepinephrine (noradrenaline) was successfully used to control the hypotension.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Identification of the antigenic determinants of FDE-inducing drugs will make predicting safe alternatives in patients with FDE an easier task.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"They were treated with cyclophosphamide for 98 and 44 months respectively.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three weeks later he died of Clostridium septicum sepsis caused by necrotizing enterocolitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We point out this case for its striking clinical picture and well-documented relation to immunoreconstitution to draw attention to this IRIS manifestation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A diagnosis of aquagenic syringeal palmar keratoderma was made on the basis of these clinical and histopathologic findings.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rhodococcus equi has emerged as an opportunistic pathogen usually causing necrotizing pneumonia in immunosuppressed patients but has been found increasingly in extrapulmonary sites.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treating physicians must be aware of this potential toxicity from gemcitabine either given concomitantly or followed by radiation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 50-year-old diabetic and hypertensive male patient is reported who had ticlopidine-induced marrow aplasia partially responsive to colony-stimulating factors and corticosteroids, but experienced complete recovery with cyclosporine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Similar occurrences in outpatients reported in the literature are reviewed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a patient with recurrent, increasingly severe episodes of PPE, ultimately complicated by a severe bullous eruption, following successive cycles of high-dose cytarabine for the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"After 25 months there had been no recurrence of gastrointestinal bleeding.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The likelihood of an acute respiratory reaction during treatment may therefore depend on the bacillary load, the extent of lung disease present, and its severity may be related to the pre-treatment immune status of the patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The striatum, especially the putamen, has been considered to be responsible for dystonia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The clinical diagnosis of lichen planus (LP) was confirmed by histology, which revealed hyperorthokeratosis, hypergranulosis, vacuolar degeneration of the basal layer cells and a dense, band-like lymphocytic infiltrate in the superficial dermis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A life-long antiretroviral treatment of congenital HIV disease, associated with a mixed fat redistribution syndrome and osteopenia already occurred during pre-pubertal age.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"STUDY DESIGN: Case report of Baclofen pump catheter failure investigated by radioisotope injection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Chronic paroxysmal hemicrania (CPH) is a rare primary headache syndrome, which is classified along with cluster headache and short-lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache attacks with conjunctival injection and tearing (SUNCT) as a trigeminal autonomic cephalalgia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We conclude that routine therapeutic application of G-CSF in afebrile severe ATDIG is not justified, and in some cases may generate a cascade of iatrogenic adverse events.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"ITO is a rare but curable tumor of the ovary using combination chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: The first patient required admission to the hospital for medical stabilization.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Monoamine oxidase inhibitors are rarely used in this population, although much evidence and clinical experience would indicate that they can be extremely effective and non-toxic.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Unusual causes of peritonitis in patients undergoing continuous peritoneal dialysis with emphasis on Listeria monocytogenes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The current report describes a man who was prescribed zonisamide for epilepsy and subsequently developed widespread skin rash, acute kidney injury, high-grade fever, eosinophilia, liver dysfunction, lymphadenopathy and an increase in antihuman herpesvirus-6 immunoglobulin G titer.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"At 24 months of age the infant's neurodevelopment was normal.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, the patient later succumbed to her leukaemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These nail changes gradually disappeared when the dose of clofazimine was reduced.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To report the finding of squamous metaplasia within endometrial glands occurring as a result of progestin therapy of hyperplasia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We also discuss the apparent increased thrombotic risk in patients receiving a VAD for chemotherapy induced cardiomyopathy and the implications this may have for the choice of VAD.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This calls for adequate evaluation and monitoring of patients on this drug.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The therapeutic implications of this clinical sequence are discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report an 82-year-old man who developed ventricular tachycardia and Torsades de Pointes (TdP) after oral administration of garenoxacin, a novel quinolone antibiotic agent that differs from the third-generation quinolones, for pneumonia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"AIMS: To present a case of piloerection after replacing fluvoxamine maleate with milnacipran hydrochloride, and to analyse this effect based on receptor occupancy theory.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This small series of adult patients with leukaemia illustrates difficulties in treating patients who are practising JW, yet nevertheless provides a significant argument against the prejudicial decision leading to evasion of treatment in these patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report two cases that developed acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) during tamoxifen therapy for breast cancer.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"New therapeutic approaches are therefore warranted.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intravenous pyelogram performed 20 months later following an episode of left-sided colicky pain showed right-sided papillary necrosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cholestatic liver disease with ductopenia (vanishing bile duct syndrome) after administration of clindamycin and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Diagnosis, treatment, observation and outcome of fetal supraventricular tachycardia in a twin pregnancy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report herein the case of a 69-year-old Japanese man with acquired von Willebrand syndrome associated with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance who developed IgG1-kappa antibodies against von Willebrand factor (VWF).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case report illustrates the neurotoxicity unique to HDARAC.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We describe a continuous infusion regional analgesic technique for pain due to sternal fracture.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The specimen showed no viable tumor in association with an extensive granulomatous response in both the breast and axillary lymph nodes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"As of May 28, 2004, to our knowledge, this is the first reported case of rhabdomyolysis following C. mukul ingestion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: The production of TNF-alpha and IL-6 by the macrophages of the patient in presence of insulin were dramatically increased in comparison with control subjects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The disease predisposes to severe vincristine neurotoxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Following therapy with ABLC her fever abated, her chest X-ray findings improved, and her hepatic function tests improved with eventual resolution.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After electrolyte supplementation and discontinuation of foscarnet, the symptoms resolved and laboratory indices returned to normal.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A total gastrectomy with omentectomy and resection of the distal oesophagus in a 69-year-old haemophilia A patient with high inhibitor of 128 Bethesda units is described.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"With the help of intensive supportive care and symptomatic treatment, the patient recovered and was discharged home after a hospital stay of 25 days.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cefoxitin-associated renal failure.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Musculoskeletal complaints were the presenting symptoms in four of 44 children (9%) treated for relapsed Wilms' tumors with ifosfamide, a derivative of cyclophosphamide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"After seven months' continuous treatment for suspected tuberculosis with rifampicin and ethambutol a nine-year-old boy developed polyarthritis, rash and hepatitis in association with anti-native DNA antibodies and positive antinuclear factor.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Physicians should be aware of this type of reaction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This was the patient's first experience with trimethoprim- sulfamethoxazole, and he was not taking any other medications during the treatment period.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Among reported cases of CAPD-related peritonitis due to molds (22 Aspergillus spp. and seven zygomycetes), previous bacterial peritonitis was a common event, the related mortality associated with Aspergillus and zygomycetes was 27% and 57%, respectively, prompt removal of the Tenckoff catheter was critical for survival, and most patients were not able to resume CAPD.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The second was an 82-year-old man receiving ticlopidine for 2 years when, during a febrile episode, he was found neutropenic with marrow aplasia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Two weeks after admission, she developed signs of WE including diplopia, ophthalmoplegia, nystagmus, and memory disturbance.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: To describe the clinical and electrophysiological findings in a young boy with decreased vision possibly due to retinal damage by rifabutin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"If opioid drugs are administered before a diagnostic hepatobiliary scan, delayed clearance of Tc-IDA from the common bile duct might lead to an erroneous diagnosis and indicate a potentially unnecessary common bile duct exploration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In a MEDLINE search (1966 to present, English language, keywords: amniocentesis, chorioamnionitis), no report of Candida chorioamnionitis after serial reduction amniocentesis exists.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 62-year-old woman with chronic active hepatitis receiving immunosuppressive drugs was initially admitted with sepsis secondary to an intra-abdominal abscess caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The girl is alive 23 months after transplantation with complete donor chimerism; both Ph chromosome and bcr\/abl RNA are negative.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The hepatic enzyme disturbances normalized after discontinuation of pegvisomant.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Hyponatraemia developed after rechallenge with controlled release carbamazepine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A case is reported of theophylline intoxication due to a dramatic decrease in theophylline clearance following concomitant administration of viloxazine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Primary cutaneous B-cell lymphoma (CBCL) is characterized by restriction to the skin, a high incidence of recurrence after various treatment modalities, and a variable but mostly favorable prognosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"SETTING: Hospital-based pathology laboratory processing inpatient and outpatient specimens.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"APOLT restored the plasma FH level, without HUS recurrence, for 7 months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three days after receiving intravitreal injection of bevacizumab (1.25 mg in 0.1 ml), he developed acute vision loss and change of consciousness.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Detection of ganciclovir resistance after valacyclovir-prophylaxis in renal transplant recipients with active cytomegalovirus infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cough mixtures: not always for cough.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Postoperatively, the first two patients treated with 1 to 2 cc of thrombin were slow to awaken; one had evidence of vasospasm by transcranial Doppler ultrasound studies and multiple infarcts on cranial computerized tomography, while the other had a moderate-sized frontal hematoma with intracranial hypertension.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Acute drug induced hepatitis due to erlotinib.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This panic anxiety was not relieved by taking etizolam and flunitrazepam again, but subsided rapidly by the re-administration of mianserin 30 mg\/day, and because of that the depressive symptom also disappeared.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"There were also larger cells (immunoblastic shape) that displayed CD20 positively, some scattered plasma cells, and eosinophils.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: To report a case of bilateral Acanthamoeba keratitis with late, atypical recurrence after penetrating keratoplasty a chaud.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This association has been reported less frequently with tacrolimus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Our report suggested that CBDCA hypersensitivity was correlated with the total dose of previously administered platinum agents and that CBDCA should be excluded in patients who have received multiple platinum-based chemotherapy, even in platinum-sensitive cases, because CBDCA hypersensitivity can occur even with low-dose CBDCA administration.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Selective arterial catheter angiography showed an acute occlusion of the posterior tibial artery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Reduction amniocentesis is used in cases of severe polyhydramnios to decrease maternal discomfort and the risk of preterm labor.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Metoclopramide-induced parkinsonism.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Abrupt, accidental withdrawal of trihexyphenidyl triggered severe exacerbation of the cranial dystonia associated with inspiratory stridor and acute respiratory difficulties, prompting emergency admission.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 40-year-old Caucasian female was first seen 20 years ago for a routine ocular screening in relation to hydroxychloroquine treatment for systemic lupus erythematosus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The location and extent of the central nervous system pathology correlated with the type and severity of clinical symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The site of thrombosis and the chronological relationship with the IIR implicates a hypersensitivity to infliximab in the causation of the venous thrombosis in this case.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis associated with the immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors present histologic confirmation of CNS granulomatous angiitis in a child with chronic GVHD after BMT.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cardiac toxicity related to BCNU has not been described well.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 10-year-old girl who presented to our hospital was diagnosed as having B-precursor cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the case of a 32-year-old man whose monotherapy with various antipsychotic agents failed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PATIENTS: A male infant born by cesarean section with a birth weight of 2.6 kg.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Here, we report a case of RFP-induced hypothyroidism without underlying thyroid disease.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Fatal hepatitis after long-term pulse itraconazole treatment for onychomycosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The primary outcome measure was angiographic resolution of CMO.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case study presents a situation in which a loss-of-resistance technique resulted in an inadvertent discogram.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patient had seizures and developed failure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Symptoms and signs of augmentation were related to low plasma levodopa levels, abating 75 minutes after oral levodopa administration and reappearing after 3 hours, closely mirroring the rapid rise and fall of plasma levodopa concentration.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Lithium is known to cause acute renal failure and tubulo-interstitial disease, but the recently described association with proteinuria or nephrotic syndrome is little recognized.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Postoperative hypocalcemic tetany caused by fleet phospho-soda preparation in a patient taking alendronate sodium: report of a case.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Diagnosis was suggested by clinical history and radiographic findings, but the bronchoalveolar lavage plays an important role both in excluding infectious agents and in providing information for understanding the pathogenesis of lung injury.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pulmonary capillaritis as a manifestation of acute humoral allograft rejection following infant lung transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Reversible pheripheral edema in female patients taking proton pump inhibitors for peptic acid diseases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"SCA2 may present as levodopa-responsive parkinsonism.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Medical treatment of a grossly enlarged adenomyotic uterus with the levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Risperidone may also be useful for treating acute agitation in patients with a high risk of EPS and for long-term treatment of \"sundowning\" (agitation and confusion starting in the late afternoon and worsening at night).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A patient with recessive generalized congenital myotonia and severe, disabling weakness underwent various forms of treatment while being monitored electrophysiologically.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: In a 22-year-old Thai woman with Graves' disease, tinnitus, hearing impairment in the left ear (with progression to the right ear), and vertigo developed after 3 years of therapy with PTU.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CPH is exquisitely responsive to indomethacin so much so that the response is one of the current diagnostic criteria.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Because of the specifics of the clinical history, we were unable to ascertain whether this complication was due to a single antibiotic or to the combination.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DISCUSSION: Methotrexate-induced papular eruption is rarely reported shortly after beginning methotrexate therapy in patients with acute exacerbation of collagen vascular diseases.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A brief literature review is provided to assist in explaining the mechanisms by which clinically significant cerebral edema may develop.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The abscess was treated with aspiration and appropriate antibiotic therapy and its complete resolution was confirmed by CT scan.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 53 year old Greenlandic male was admitted twice over a period of 4 years with a new complete right bundle branch block after ingestion of 10 g and 4 g of carbamazepine respectively.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Neurological problems are a frequent occurrence in patients given this therapy, particularly cerebellar ataxia, but the development of bulbar and pseudobulbar palsy has not been reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This paper investigated the relationship between measurable personality factors and level of effects shown to cyclazocine and placebo in a controlled study.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On day 7 of linezolid treatment, the patient developed severe pruritus, macular rash, facial edema, eosinophilia, marked increase in serum creatinine level, and mild hepatitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This is the first report of acute kidney injury due to zonisamide-induced DRESS\/DIHS.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A thorough hematologic examination revealed von Willebrand's disease, which the patient was not aware of.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"MRI has a high sensitivity and specificity in the diagnosis of osteonecrosis and should be used when this condition is suspected.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In the 27 late cases, Streptococcus species and gram-negative organisms comprised 48% of isolates; of 33 cases of endophthalmitis, 15 (45%) demonstrated no growth on vitreous culture.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Clinicians should be aware of a risk of serotonin syndrome with serious extrapyramidal reactions in patients receiving sertraline or venlafaxine when metoclopramide is coadministered even in a single, conventional dose.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 36-year-old man presented with small-bowel obstruction secondary to a large, diffuse mesenteric desmoid six years following colectomy and ileoproctostomy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This syndrome generally occurs after a few weeks of therapy and may occur after L-asparaginase therapy is completed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rapid identification of speech loss linked to FK506 may be important because reduction or cessation of the drug may be associated with reverse of speech loss.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report on a 56-year-old female who exhibited drug refractory paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, in which marked prolongation of the QT interval and T wave inversion on electrocardiogram was demonstrated reproducibly shortly after the administration of oral pirmenol therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"However, because only a small proportion of the baclofen penetrates into the central nervous system when administered orally, we tested whether it is possible to increase the efficacy of treatment by continuous intrathecal infusion of baclofen (CITB) in a patient with severe tardive axial dystonia unresponsive to conventional therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A pyogenic, ruptured Baker's cyst induced by arthroscopic pressure pump irrigation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pharmacokinetic determinants of 6-mercaptopurine myelotoxicity and therapeutic failure in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Somatostatin can be helpful after liver transplantation in some well-defined indications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Perospirone has a uniquely high affinity for serotonin-1A receptors, and it could be speculated that perospirone, as a serotonin-1A receptor agonist combined with SDA, may have greater efficacy for treatment-refractory symptoms of schizophrenia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Symptoms began during a course of IFN alpha, resolved with its suspension, and recurred on rechallenge.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Herein, we describe 2 patients who developed unusual CD8+ cutaneous lymphoproliferative disorders after treatment with efalizumab and infliximab.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Based on the Naranjo probability scale, serotonin syndrome was a probable adverse reaction associated with co-administration of citalopram and fentanyl.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Findings in our patient strongly suggest that a secondary inflammation reaction caused by the destruction of the cysts might have enhanced the process of endarteritis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Type I, blue-black pigmentation confined to sites of scarring or inflammation on the face; Type II, blue-grey circumscribed pigmentation of normal skin of the lower legs and forearms; and Type III, diffuse muddy brown pigmentation of normal skin accentuated in sun-exposed areas.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Other risk factors for prolonged QT interval such as underlying cardiac abnormalities, electrolyte disturbances, and concurrent medications should be sought, and all patients should be monitored with serial ECGs even when methadone doses remain stable.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A patient with nephrotic syndrome developed pseudotumor cerebri following glucocorticoid therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Albendazole-induced pseudomembranous colitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Oculomotor recordings revealed frequency locked voltage dependent vertical or oblique movements of the eye ipsilateral to the active contact, suggesting current spreading to the mesencephalic oculomotor fibres.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Lithium carbonate did not prevent the tricyclic-induced rapid cycling, although two patients subsequently responded well to lithium carbonate alone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case emphasizes the importance of proper work-up of patients with apparently progressive lymphomas.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"MK-0457 has in vitro activity against cells expressing wild-type or mutated BCR-ABL, including the T315I BCR-ABL mutation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: The results of our study suggest that the pharmacokinetics of parent ifosfamide may not be substantially altered in patients with renal failure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CDT appears to be a useful modality in managing difficult cases of free-flap salvage.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"When L-dopa reduction was feasible, it resulted in cessation of unsafe driving.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a patient with pulmonary adenocarcinoma complicated by the syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) following systemic chemotherapy with cisplatin (CDDP) and vindesine (VDS).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We know of no other reported cases of spontaneous muscle necrosis in association with diabetes insipidus and feel that there should be increased awareness of the association between the two.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) and Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) are severe life-threatening dermatologic conditions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The latter form (Macrodantin) is reported to engender less gastrointestinal intolerance but it can produce the same adverse effects as the conventional form--liver damage, acute and chronic pulmonary reactions, peripheral neuropathy, blood dyscrasias and allergic reactions--and does so just as rapidly and floridly; one such case is reported here.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"She developed a generalized rash and itching, sore throat, and dizziness approximately 4 hours after the first dose of capecitabine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Hypogammaglobulinemia associated with gold therapy: evidence for a partial maturation blockade of B cells.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"None reported seeing all PPP components, and four saw only the information on the pill packet.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Photobiological evaluation revealed a strongly positive photopatch test to quinine sulfate and a marked persistent reduction in the minimal erythema dose to solar-simulated radiation in the uninvolved skin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These findings are consistent with an immune-complex form of glomerulopathy in which gold is neither the antigen nor a hapten in the glomerular deposits, and they suggest the hypothesis that antibodies to tubular epithelial antigens induced by gold therapy may be a causative factor in the renal disease associated with gold therapy in rheumatoid arthritis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Antipsychotic drugs can cause neutropenia, which can progress to life-threatening agranulocytosis if drug therapy is not interrupted.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clindamycin for treatment of Toxoplasma polymyositis in a dog.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We examined the correlations between the individual changes in serum creatinine (Scr), body weight (BW) and urine volume (UV) before and after the pulse therapy and other laboratory data such as Scr, total serum protein and albumin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A small part of TGA has a familiar occurrence.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cultures of cutaneous biopsies grew Alternaria sp.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of acute hyperphosphatemia secondary to rectal administration of sodium phosphate and sodium biphosphate (Fleet enema).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Dosing adjustments need to be considered in these patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Polysomnographic and pharmacokinetic findings in levodopa-induced augmentation of restless legs syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In this case, the dose was slowly reduced after delivery, and the maternal lamotrigine serum concentration more than doubled in the week before the neonatal apneic episodes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In this report we present four patients treated with a combination of different psychotropic drugs, in whom asterixis was triggered either by adding carbamazepine (CBZ) to a treatment regimen, or by increasing its dosage.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Our case observations attempted to evaluate nine alcoholics after withdrawal suffering from persisting craving, sleep disorder, excitement, depressive symptoms or anxiety symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 71-year-old woman who had critical cerebral ischemia secondary to a carotid artery occlusion was receiving high-dose intravenous phenylephrine for a trial of hypertensive therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The most commonly recognized toxic effect of ethambutol is optic neuropathy, which generally is considered uncommon and reversible in medical literature.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"His lung cancer recurred 10 months later, when he was found to have bone metastases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We conjectured that the side effects of insulin, such as anti-natriuresis and increased vascular permeability, might be pronounced in the presence of the hepatic dysfunction that accompanies insulin insensitivity, hyperinsulinaemia and hypoalbuminaemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"At present, the child is growing on by GH replacement therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Goiter and hypothyroidism during re-treatment with amiodarone in a patient who previously experienced amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"S-A conduction through two pathways, the first with 2\/1 block the second having 0.12-0.14 s longer conduction time and with occasional 2\/1 block was proposed for the explanation of the alternating P-P interval and other electrocardiographic features seen.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute Liver Failure Study Group.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Schneiderian first-rank symptoms associated with fluvoxamine treatment: a case report.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The course of this rare case is described and the literature reviewed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We believe that mucositis was a contributing factor to this case of fatal hyperkalemia after administration of succinylcholine, with a mechanism similar to that reported with thermal injury.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We have successfully overcome severe neutropenia in an RA patient treated with gold salts, using granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF), reducing the duration of neutropenia and risk of infection.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In this article, we describe a Japanese patient with severe interstitial pneumonia probably caused by sorafenib treatment for metastatic renal cell carcinoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"To our knowledge, this is the first case report that demonstrates the occurrence of fever with low-dose amifostine therapy without the manifestation of accompanying rash or hypotension.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"DISCUSSION: After exclusion of other causes, the onset of thrombocytopenia after administration of lansoprazole, the resolution of the adverse reaction after discontinuation of the drug, and the fact that no other medicines were introduced during this time frame lead us to believe that this was most likely an idiosyncratic thrombocytopenic response to lansoprazole.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The combination of GM-CSF to accelerate hematological recovery and the possibility of administering large doses of a liposomal form of Amphotericin B were the contributing factors to the resolution of the infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"By continuous irrigation it is frequently used to treat suppurative mediastinitis after median sternotomy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Multidrug-resistant, progressive, invasive diffuse spinal aspergillosis: case report and review of the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Complete disappearance of the primary tumor and involved inguinal lymph nodes was achieved with three courses of the cis-platinum-containing chemotherapy regimen BMP administered prior to radiotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a patient with advanced colonic carcinoma who was treated with concomitant chemoirradiation with oxaliplatin and developed a peculiar dermnatitis in the irradiated field after being exposed to subsequent chemotherapy with oxaliplatin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This patient developed sequential symptoms including alternative hemiparesis, dysarthria and altered consciousness 5 days after the second course of HD-MTX (8 gm\/m2 by 6 h continuous infusion) with leucovorin rescue.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A review of the current literature was undertaken to examine the effects of antidiabetic agents on cardiovascular disease, and with the help of illustrative patient case examples, useful information is provided for clinicians to individualize therapy for patients with type 2 diabetes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute myeloid leukemia and lung cancer occurring in a chronic lymphocytic leukemia patient treated with fludarabine and autologous peripheral blood stem-cell transplantation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Although combinations of belladonna, ergotamine, and phenobarbital have been used for medical treatment of menopausal symptoms since the 1960s, this is the first known case report of its association with anticonvulsant hypersensitivity syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Since both hypothyroidism and iron deficiency anemia may coexist, additional thyroid function testing is recommended in patients treated concurrently with ferrous sulfate and L-thyroxine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"His treatment was initiated with tacrolimus (dose of 0.15 mg\/kg\/day) in two divided doses along with prednisolone 60 mg\/m(2)\/daily.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present a pediatric patient with leukemia and a severe, L-asparaginase-induced necrotizing pancreatitis, treated successfully with percutaneous drainage used to flush the infected necrotic parts.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Administration of excessive insulin induced hypoglycemia within 4 to 8 hours, followed by rebound hyperglycemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Differences were found in the categories of seriousness and outcome of the reported ADRs between patients and healthcare professionals.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pediatric neurosurgeons commonly instill vancomycin into the ventricles to treat shunt infections.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cardiac time intervals of a fetus in labor can be presented, which did not change significantly throughout the first stage of labor.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Five patients showed grade 3 and 4 adverse reactions, all hematological.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The risk factors for this presentation remain undefined.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Twenty-nine patients with gynaecological cancers who received over 400 mg of doxorubicin were monitored electrocardiographically to determine whether cardiac glycosides countered the adverse effects of high total doses of doxorubicin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Children who are treated with topiramate should have a careful history taken preoperatively looking for signs of a metabolic acidosis and baseline blood chemistries should be measured prior to surgery to detect an asymptomatic metabolic acidosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The following data set was acquired: the type of caustic agent, the time of the burns, the delay and type of immediate treatment and the time and type of first aid, the subsequent medication, the clinical grading and the later results.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Leakage from a conjunctival break created during trabeculectomy may cause serious complications such as shallow anterior chamber, hypotony, and a flat bleb in the early postoperative period.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of SJS in a 14-year-old male with nephrotic syndrome, who was treated with oral prednisolone for 6 weeks.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"METHOD: Case analysis of a poly-drug overdose (venlafaxine, topiramate, divalproex sodium, risperidone, and carbamazepine) presenting with mixed SS\/NMS features and whose clinical management suggests a practical algorithm for treatment of undifferentiated SS\/NMS in critical care settings.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Lichenoid drug eruption to salsalate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We present the first case (to our knowledge) of a potentially serious drug-drug interaction between zafirlukast and theophylline.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"However, other factors or drugs (e.g. cresol) are thought to induce MH.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"METHODS: A 40-year-old female with a 3-year history of panic disorder was prescribed fluvoxamine 50 mg day(-1) in addition to clorazepate dipotassium and sulpiride.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The treatment for acidosis and hyperkalaemia should be started as soon as RTA is diagnosed, and the dosage of FK506 should also be reduced if possible.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CASE HISTORY: A 58-year-old male Caucasian developed delayed onset diffuse lamellar keratitis, seemingly in the absence of an epithelial defect, 25 days following an enhancement LASIK procedure to his right eye.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hypernatraemia induced by sodium polystyrene sulphonate (Kayexalate) in two extremely low birth weight newborns.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We present a case of antisynthetase syndrome whose predominant feature was fibrosing alveolitis and which may have been drug-induced.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Despite the withdrawal of ampicillin and aggressive systemic and wound care, the infant died.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, they subsequently were shown to be associated with propranolol.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It has become key to treating attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children and adolescents.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Long-term treatment with high-dose corticosteroids exposes patients to potentially serious adverse effects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The severity of uremia in patient 2 could be one of the conditions that, in association with the abrupt changes obtained with IVPMP, predispose to neurological manifestations.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"HUS has been reported after several anticancer chemotherapies and most often after mitomycin C-based chemotherapy regimens.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The case of a bipolar patient who developed thyrotoxicosis with severe exophthalmos while on lithium therapy is described.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"MR of the brain was performed in eight patients (mean age, 14.9 years) with osteogenic sarcoma during or after IV treatment with high-dose methotrexate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Portopulmonary hypertension recurred when the transplanted liver failed and again resolved after a second liver transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, 1 eye had vitreous hemorrhage after repeated injections of tPA.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 52-year-old woman was seen in our outpatient clinic for pain and numbness in the left lower lip and chin, which developed following an endodontic treatment for her mandibular left second premolar.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ototoxicity as a result of cis-platinum administration is well documented.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The following is a case report analysis intended to draw attention to the need for better care coordination by describing the observed relationship of olanzapine to metabolic changes manifested as uncontrolled diabetes mellitus and weight gain.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"There is a possible association between eosinophilia and myocarditis, a life-threatening condition.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present a unique case of a patient, without any prior history of a movement disorder, who developed tics following a single dose of atomoxetine that did not improve until interventional therapy was initiated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The study was approved by the McGill University Health Centre Research Ethics Board.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three of the four airmen experienced undesirable HbA1c levels.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The use of sodium thiosulfate seemed to be a reasonable nonspecific therapeutic approach for the management of TC in this case.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors present an elderly patient with mixed dementia who developed TD at multiple sites, (including respiratory dyskinesia [RD], limb dyskinesia, and orofacial dyskinesia) following abrupt withdrawal of risperidone therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"On day 13, a 24-hour urine collection had a protein excretion of 3151 mg.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In our case, the seeding might have been related to the type of needle used and the multiple passes required to treat the liver lesion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although numbness of the left arm was not improved, her overall pain score was reduced by 2 on the 7th day after the start of SKT.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We are unaware of any previous cases of statin-mediated unmasking of RMD.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Dalteparin, an LMWH, was started at a maximum dose of 18,000 units subcutaneously once daily, according to British national prescribing guidelines.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Basal and secretin-stimulated gastrin responses were suppressed but not normalized.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE Perivascular epithelioid cell tumors (PEComas) represent a family of mesenchymal neoplasms, mechanistically linked through activation of the mTOR signaling pathway.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Recurrent bacteremia by Chryseobacterium indologenes in an oncology patient with a totally implanted intravascular device.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Just after the initiation of the partial CPB, high inspiratory airway pressure was suddenly recognized.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One suspicious mechanism is the low content of calcium ion stabilizing proteins such as hyaluronate or fetuin in treatments for severe eye burns.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CSA was withdrawn, and a new MRI was normal after 2 months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Development of pemphigus herpetiformis in a patient with psoriasis receiving UV-light treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient was treated with oral prednisolone 70 mg\/day on a tapering schedule.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Effects of esomeprazole on the pharmacokinetics of atazanavir and fosamprenavir in a patient with human immunodeficiency virus infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The connective tissue disease was characterized by an erythematous rash, hair loss, nephritis, splenomegaly, seizures, and coma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There was no evidence of residual basal cell carcinoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Atrial fibrillation following methylprednisolone pulse therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In addition to its known effect on gallbladder stasis, octreotide alters bile acid composition and may thus hasten intrahepatic sludge and stone formation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"These cases suggest the possibility that, in some patients, leukopenia or agranulocytosis during olanzapine treatment might be dose-related.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Although the manifestations are the same as those usually associated with the use of vincristine, in these cases the severity appears remarkable.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe the current data on sorafenib and challenges faced in patients with HCC.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"FK506, which began to be administered 12 days earlier, rose to a level of 44 ng\/mL (normal range, 10-20 ng\/mL) 1 day before neurologic abnormalities began.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Two days after administration of Kalimate enema, he had profuse hematochezia, and a sigmoidoscopy showed diffuse colonic mucosal necrosis in the rectum and sigmoid colon.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Around 1990, psychologists and educators began to notice increasing use of methylphenidate by students.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A small initial dose of prazosin ranging from 0.5 to 1 mg has been recommended to avoid the first-dose phenomenon characterized by a sudden and severe drop in blood pressure after the administration of the first dose of prazosin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Monitoring DPD activity may be important in the management of patients experiencing severe toxicity secondary to FUra chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A patient with chronic myeloid leukaemia treated with busulphan for 4-5 years, developed signs of busulphan toxicity and portal hypertension with ascites, oesophageal varices and jaundice.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"For treatment of this condition he was given androgens and corticosteroids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Furthermore, a chest CT scan in case 1 and an arteriography in case 2 confirmed the PTE-related hypoperfusion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient was started on intravenous calcium gluconate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There were some temporal periods of good tolerance between these episodes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient then became psychotic again and has since experienced periodic phases similar to the previous illness.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The antiviral effect of lamivudine was fair, and no objective side effect was experienced during the transplant procedure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Four weeks earlier she had developed hepatopathy during a regimen of carbamazepine, lynestrenol and sodium valproate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Cutaneous side effects, namely acneiform eruption, xerosis, telangiectasia, hyperpigmentation, fissures, hair and nail changes, are reported in literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A twelve year-old-girl with idiopathic partial epilepsy with secondary generalization, developed acute psychosis 10 days after the administration of levetiracetam.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The multiple comedones and ruptured epidermoid cysts are newly reported adverse effects of imiquimod therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Recently, many cooperative groups use dexamethasone instead of prednisone during induction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Many drugs, especially antibiotics, can produce this untoward effect.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The use of methotrexate (MTX) has been contraindicated for treatment of severe psoriasis in HIV infection on the basis of six previously reported cases in which MTX appeared to potentiate opportunistic infections and accelerate HIV disease.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"All three had been diagnosed earlier with epilepsy, and their electroencephalogram (EEG) findings were abnormal.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One year later, decreased fluency and mild ataxia persists.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient was admitted to the hospital for exacerbation of heart failure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To report four patients with antinuclear antibody-positive migratory arthralgias and acute inflammation unrelated to the underlying inflammatory bowel disease, fulfilling the criteria of a drug-induced lupus-like syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case report demonstrates the lack of adverse events in a pediatric patient administered nesiritide beyond the recommended dosing parameters.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case is unique because of the measurement of olanzapine in brain tissue obtained from seven regions in addition to the commonly collected biologic matrices.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This therapy was also complicated by Warfarin-induced skin necrosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Therapy with ATG should be considered in childhood severe aplastic anemia when bone marrow transplantation is not possible.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Even after a strict warning, he took another quinine tablet that evening, which triggered his fifth episode of severe thrombocytopenia, and confirmed the etiology of quinine-induced thrombocytopenia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient was discharged on oral methylprednisolone and has not had recurrence of the skin lesions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To report two cases of fixed drug eruption induced by methylphenidate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Treatment with methotrexate and prednisone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The relation between tacrolimus treatment and staining was suggested by the appearance of pigmentation during topical tacrolimus treatment and its clinical disappearance when treatment was stopped.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Toxoplasma polymyositis was diagnosed in a dog given repeated injections of glucocorticoids for a skin condition.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She developed a generalized rash and itching, sore throat, and dizziness approximately 4 hours after the first dose of capecitabine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A rare adverse effect is a localized lipoatrophy at the site of injection, which has previously been observed and described in 11 patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fever and maculopapular rashes appeared at 10 days after phenytoin initiation, and then the drug was discontinued.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Severe rash, including the Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS), is the major toxicity of nevirapine and is described in the package labeling with a prominent, boxed warning.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Possible side effects of tPA injection, such as increased intraocular pressure and corneal edema, were not observed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two lines were inserted by a cut-down technique into the external jugular and one line by the percutaneous technique into the subclavian vein.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus osteomyelitis of the scaphoid from a catheter in the radial artery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In case no. 2, the pathogenic mechanism seemed to be persistent light reaction preceded by systemic photoallergy, as he had taken mequitazine for 6 months, and there were strong positive photopatch test results with immediate erythema reaction, cross-reaction to promethazine, decreased MED to both UVA and UVB, and persistence of the photosensitivity over a 3-year follow-up period after discontinuation of the mequitazine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Evaluation at another laboratory showed normal levels of TSH, raising the possibility of interfering substances.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We discuss the possible common immunological basis for these two diseases and the risks and benefits of immunosuppressive therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The symptoms arose within 3-5 min after immersion in water, as a white sponge-like appearance, and resolved after a variable drying period.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cell-mediated immune reactions mediated by OKT8+T cells might have caused the leukopenia, although other mechanisms involving cytotoxic antibodies or antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity cannot be excluded.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Previous studies indicate that photodynamic therapy provides effective relief from biliary obstruction in advanced cholangiocarcinoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All-trans retinoic acid has revolutionized the treatment of acute promyelocytic leukemia, but this therapy is often complicated by the all-trans retinoic acid syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Administration of infliximab and adalimumab gave excellent clinical response but was discontinued due to adverse events.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient's diabetic misconceptions remained, but he appeared to gain sufficient insight to prevent recurrent hypoglycaemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The most common symptoms are fever (78%), abdominal pain (92%), and cloudy dialysate (90%); 76% of cases had a predominance of polymorphonuclear cells in peritoneal fluid.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We believe that total cyclosporine withdrawal is feasible, but strongly recommend overlapping mycophenolate mofetil treatment with cyclosporine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In view of the close time association between the start of chemotherapy and the acute onset of massive embolism other explanations, such as spontaneous necrosis, must be considered less likely.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although clonazepam therapy is not new, it appears to have been omitted from current pain texts and journals as a treatment option for phantom limb pain.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After analysis of the case, ruling out other possibilities and using the Naranjo probability scale, we found that there is a highly probable likelihood that the symptoms presented by our patient were secondary to his drug therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"While she was receiving the maximum dose of 180 mg\/day of cinacalcet HCl and PTH at 443 pg\/mL, she needed to be hospitalized for a right hip prothesis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After taking the first tablet, she developed dyspnea, cough, and wheezing.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PATIENT: A 46-yr-old female with ventilator-dependent, proliferative-phase acute respiratory distress syndrome complicated by Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteremia and sepsis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: We have seen an increased incidence of acute INH neurotoxicity because of the resurgence of TB in New York City.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-positive crescentic glomerulonephritis associated with propylthiouracil therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Moreover, the presented cases serve as a link in a spectrum of hepatic disorders recently recognised to be caused by environmental agents such as vinyl chloride, arsenic, and thorotrast, and by contraceptive and anabolic steroids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"INTERVENTION: A 50-year-old female with bilateral canalicular obstruction secondary to docetaxel therapy received botulinum toxin injections (5 units each) into the lacrimal glands of both eyes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient was positive for antibody against complexes of heparin and platelet factor 4, and was diagnosed as heparin-induced thrombocytopenia with thrombosis syndrome (HITTS).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Serial electrocardiograms revealed a minimally and asymptomatically prolonged QT interval.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Interferon (IFN)-associated retinopathy is typically characterized by retinal hemorrhages and cotton wool spots at the posterior fundus, but visual function is usually maintained.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The development of cutaneous ecchymosis associated with a sudden fall in hemoglobin after the administration of alteplase should strongly suggest the possibility of diffuse subfascial hematoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The case of a bipolar patient who developed thyrotoxicosis with severe exophthalmos while on lithium therapy is described.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Drug provocation test is important in this case to confirm which drug had caused hypersensitivity reaction because anti tuberculosis drugs were the treatment of choice for her illness.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Resolution of the symptoms was observed in both patients when interferon alpha was withdrawn.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rebound hyperglycemia following overdosing of insulin in cats with diabetes mellitus.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report an HIV-infected woman who developed mild leukopenia as the first sign of a nevirapine-related adverse event, which was followed by skin and hepatic toxicity associated with a more severe leukopenia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"An 83-year-old man receiving glipizide 10 mg bid developed symptomatic hypoglycemia within three days of adding trimethoprim\/sulfamethoxazole (TMP\/SMX) to his regimen.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"INTRODUCTION: Despite high success rates with free-tissue transfer, flap loss continues to be a devastating event.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"While the combination of daily oral steroids and daily oral cyclophosphamide dramatically improves the outcome of WG, this therapy is not without serious side effects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Anhedonic ejaculation with desipramine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Cutaneous adverse effects during therapy with an epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) inhibitor.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of an infant with complex congenital heart disease who was placed on captopril for afterload reduction following cardiac surgery and subsequently developed pulmonary infiltrates with eosinophilia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Electrocardiogram (ECG) on arrival and at 3 hours showed no acute changes; cardiac enzymes revealed minimal MB elevation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Most clinicians are routinely exposed to irritants such as latex, detergents, and chemicals.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"None of these patients experienced a relapse of their PTLD with follow-up ranging from 1.5 to 5 years.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a 14-year-old bone marrow transplant recipient who was anti-HBs-positive before the procedure and afterwards developed acute infection with hepatitis B virus (HBV).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Inadvertent substitution of acetohexamide for acetozolamide.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Methylphenidate-associated enuresis in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Caution is advised in administering arginine to patients with renal or hepatic insufficiency, or both.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After recovery, in an attempt to provide adequate calories and to elucidate the inciting agent, he was rechallenged with his original total parenteral nutritional solution which contained 500 ml\/day of a 20% fat emulsion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ideally, a urethral bulking agent should be non-immunogenic and biocompatible, leading to minimal inflammatory and fibrotic response.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rhabdomyolysis in patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: We report a patient who had an anaphylactic reaction during the intravenous infusion of cyclosporine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We describe in detail the first U.S. case report, of a 4(1\/2)-year-old boy who experienced angioedema during treatment with oxcarbazepine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Reports of this phenomenon in animals are reviewed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Adding Dantrolene and Oxybutynin elevated the blood level of Carbamazepine, possibly by inhibition of cytochrome P450.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 63-year-old man presented with an 11-month history of progressive myoclonus in the right abdominal wall.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Epstein-Barr virus-associated lymphoproliferative disorder in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis on methotrexate and rofecoxib: idiosyncratic reaction or pharmacogenetics?","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Surgical management of primary hyperhidrosis by upper dorsal sympathectomy is the treatment of choice for intractable hyperhidrosis, however, paradoxically it may be followed by troublesome compensatory hyperhidrosis in a significant number of patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Elevated muscle enzymes and findings on electromyography were consistent with myopathy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"By repeated testing other causes of diarrhea, e. g., infectious diarrhea including Clostridium difficile colitis were excluded.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute or chronic infections or inflammatory conditions can exacerbate anemia in patients on dialysis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two patients had elevated cone thresholds at least one year later.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Our patient had headache, mild fever, nausea, vomiting, rash, and eosinophilia after 3 weeks of disulfiram therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We describe the side effects of 5-FU in a colon cancer patient who suffered severe mucositis, desquamating dermatitis, prolonged myelosuppression, and neurologic toxicity that required admission to the intensive care unit.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We present a case of progressive disseminated aspergillosis that involved multiple sites in a bone marrow transplant recipient with severe, chronic graft-versus-host disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Nummular headache (NH) is a primary headache adopting the form of local pain in a circumscribed area of < 7 cm in diameter in the tuber parietale, albeit it may also be located in other areas of the head.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The pertinent literature on ergotism is reviewed, and it is emphasized that ergotism may develop in patients on therapeutic doses of the drug.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Less common adverse events to dapsone include the idiosyncratic reactions of leukopenia and agranulocytosis, cutaneous eruptions, peripheral neuropathy, psychosis, toxic hepatitis, cholestatic jaundice, nephrotic syndrome, renal papillary necrosis, severe hypoalbuminemia without proteinuria, an infectious mononucleosis-like syndrome, and minor neurological and gastrointestinal complaints.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Her case was complicated by social and behavioral issues.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Therefore, other immunosuppressive agents have been used to replace glucocorticoids in the long-term treatment of autoimmune hepatitis, including azathioprine, a purine analogue.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Renal toxicities have been reported in less than one percent of the patients receiving ciprofloxacin therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Pathologic gambling has emerged as one of the most prominent ICDs, although hypersexuality, compulsive shopping and other manifestations of obsessive-compulsive disorder may also dominate PD-related behavioral manifestations.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Previous studies have noted the difficulty in performing accurate injections into this area.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The pathogenesis appears to be multifactorial but involves rapidly rising vasoconstrictor tone in renal and systemic vascular beds.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"6-Thioguanine is being increasingly used in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease but has not been reported to cause liver injury in this context.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She developed SIADH 48 hours following chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of ibuprofen-induced meningitis in an otherwise healthy individual.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"PATIENTS AND METHODS: Three patients with Parkinson's disease undergoing bilateral micro-recording guided surgery of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) are described; deep brain stimulation (DBS) was used in one case, and subthalamotomy in the other two.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Leucopenia and thrombocytopenia developed but were resolved by hydroxocobalamin infusion during administration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Most breaches are not considered harmful.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatment has mainly been empirical.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: In an institutional practice setting, two women, aged 25 and 45, developed acute myopia after starting topiramate for epilepsy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"She was stabilized with prednisone, azathioprine, and tacrolimus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient was ultimately treated with a nasal septal button with good symptom relief.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There were no immediate reactions on prick and intracutaneous testing with the commercial product used by the patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although botulinum therapy effectively reduced the patient's refractory myofascial pain, signs and symptoms of SIS developed in association with the upper trapezii weakness after the third set of injections.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Long-term survival was studied in a group of 123 patients with malignant ventricular arrhythmia treated with antiarrhythmic drugs chosen primarily with noninvasive testing methods.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is becoming increasingly evident the population at highest risk for sustaining a complication related to anticoagulation is that group presenting with traumatic brain injury.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 27-year-old woman was admitted because of breathlessness, orthopnea, and hemoptysis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The case also emphasizes the importance of T-cells in transplant associated immune cytopenias.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"At least three other studies do not support these observations, but the tightly controlled conditions in these studies may not have simulated actual clinical practice.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Physicians and pharmacists should be aware of this possibility and must educate patients about the potentially serious adverse effects of such use.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Vancomycin-induced vasculitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The reflex was interrupted by blocking bilaterally the third division of trigeminal nerve.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The use of epidural local anaesthetics immediately after surgery delays the diagnosis of a postoperative neurological deficit.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These patients had robust responses to pramipexole augmentation of their treatment regimen.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present two cases of nitrofurantoin-induced pulmonary toxicity in which the initial HRCT showed a widespread reticular pattern and associated distortion of the lung parenchyma, thought to represent established fibrosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This review is an in-depth report of the efficacy and safety of 1% lindane compared with the agents that have been preferred as alternative.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After therapy with parenteral amiodarone (2300 mg in 3 days) and other measures, signs of congestive heart failure disappeared; subsequently the patient developed jaundice, marked increase in serum transaminase levels and fall in prothrombin time, and histologic changes of severe centrilobular necrosis were observed in hepatic biopsy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"During the first treatment, dysarthria and ataxia were seen after completion of the patient's eighth and final dose of HDARAC.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Hemodialysis should be performed for rapid reversal of mannitol-induced ARF.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Aorto-oesophageal fistula complicating carcinoma of the oesophagus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DISCUSSION: Two other case reports of nephrotic syndrome have been reported in the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE REPORT: We describe here a case of a 60 year old female that experienced a relapse of symptomatic hyperlactatemia after being switched from stavudine to zidovudine and how the case was managed at the Infectious Diseases Institute, Kampala, Uganda.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Although retinoic acid is well tolerated by the majority of patients with this disease, a potentially fatal complication of this kind of treatment has been reported: \"the retinoic acid syndrome\".","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The hope is that these cases will increase awareness of the potential use of capsaicin cream as an adjuvant analgesic in patients with residual limb pain.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although psoralens are useful components of the psoralen ultraviolet A-range therapy that is mainly used for the treatment of vitiligo, psoriasis, and hypopigmented scars, they have a narrow margin of safety.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She had had her tongue painted with silver nitrate repeatedly 6 years ago for the treatment of oral ulcers.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVES: To describe the presentation and treatment of acute isoniazid (INH) neurotoxicity appearing at an inner-city municipal hospital.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"METHODS: A 55-year-old man had diabetes with unilateral rubeosis and macular edema.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This resulted in a comatose state with depression of some brainstem reflexes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The metabolic acidosis associated with the seizures may have caused hypotension by direct cardiotoxicity, an increase in bioavailability of tricyclic antidepressant because of changes in protein binding, an alteration of the effects of tricyclic antidepressant on cardiac membrane sodium channels, or a combination of these mechanisms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The cutaneous manifestations of infection can include papules, plaques, nodules, vesicles, ulcers, ecchymosis, and, rarely, cellulitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of noncardiogenic pulmonary edema developed after therapeutic trial of EO as sclerosing agent for esophageal varix.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"These cases were all fatal, and it is suggested that the use of clindamycin in leukaemic patients should be reserved for specific indications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It must be distinguished from bilateral occipital lobe ischemia caused by vertebrobasilar system disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This eruption appears to be a distinct cutaneous toxicity of PLD.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We describe a patient with androgen-independent prostate cancer in whom PSA continued to decrease for a period of 15 months after flutamide withdrawal.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Development of persistent late onset asthma following treatment with captopril.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"METHODS: Four cases of essential hypertension patients (1 male and 3 females) were observed through process of therapy with indapamide and laboratory investigations.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cardiopulmonary arrest following intravenous phenytoin loading.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"They are proof of a disturbed GABA metabolism in pyridoxine dependent seizures.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of CMV ventriculoencephalitis after unrelated double cord blood SCT with an alemtuzumab-containing preparative regimen for Philadelphia-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, she developed new pulmonary symptoms and an enlarged cavitary lesion associated with the rapid formation of a fungal, ball-shaped shadow that was serially observed by radiological analysis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Nineteen months after diagnosis, her mother gave birth to an HLA-compatible sibling, whose cord blood was cryopreserved.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Antimalarial psychosis revisited.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Amphotericin B (AmB) is effective, but its use is limited by toxicity: renal impairment, anaemia, fever, malaise, and hypokalaemia are common.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Bisphosphonates (eg, alendronate) are also indicated in the treatment of osteoporosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All patients were maintained on prophylactic topical ofloxacin 0.3% or polymyxin-B\/trimethoprim, as well as prednisolone acetate 1% (in 2 cases, medroxyprogesterone 1%), at least twice daily.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The severity of this frequently irreversible and disabling condition warrants careful consideration in the use of long-term antipsychotic drug treatment in the young psychiatric outpatient population.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We postulate that cyclosporin, possibly together with ganciclovir, can produce transient brain stem or neuromuscular dysfunction with eye movement abnormality in occasional patients.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"These findings suggest that disturbed serine-glycine metabolism may have a key role in certain schizophreniform psychotic syndromes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatment with tacrine reversed the delirium, and a history of repeated benztropine use was obtained.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura occurring as an allergic response to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole therapy (Bactrim, Septra) in a Jehovah's Witness patient.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Toxoplasma gondii retinochoroiditis after cardiac transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pathophysiology of this disease is manifold and has been discussed as a posthemorrhagic complication as well as a neurological complication after operations with cardiopulmonary bypass.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fatal cold medication intoxication in an infant.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All patients improved within 2 months after the drug was stopped.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DATA SOURCES: All relevant articles from January 1985 through February 1993 were identified, primarily through MEDLINE search and review of pertinent articles' bibliographies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatment of pemphigus commonly entails both corticosteroids and steroid-sparing agents.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intravenously administered itraconazole and rectally administered aminoglutethimide were used to suppress endogenous glucocorticoid synthesis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The major adverse reactions of antithyroid drugs are hematologic; aplastic anemia (AA) is one of the rarest and most severe complications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"At this time, changing to another ACE inhibitor or additive therapy with nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs is not recommended.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The azathioprine dose was low (1 mg\/kg) and pancytopenia occurred after 56 days therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We present a case of accidental injection of tranexamic acid instead of bupivacaine during spinal anesthesia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Lymphomatoid granulomatosis after immunosuppression for pemphigus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Plasma levels of alprazolam, a substrate for the 3A4 isozyme, fell rapidly when nefazodone was discontinued, presumably because of renewed 3A4 isoenzyme activity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The third case received ASCT with an unmanipulated autograft for relapsed angioimmunoblastic lymphoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 22-year-old black man developed fever, chills, fatigue, night sweats, tender lymphadenopathy, and a generalized, pruritic, macular eruption 3 weeks after starting minocycline therapy for acne.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We postulate individual hypersensitivity to FUdR or selective concentration of FUdR in brainstem structures to explain the toxicity in this case.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage is a serious complication of aspirin and clopidogrel (dual) anti-platelet therapy with a high morbidity and mortality.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Although there is no rigorous evidence to support this management, private hyperbaric centers have been established throughout the United States and Canada.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three nephrotic patients who had reduced renal function and active renal disease with progressive deterioration of renal function prior to the use of MP developed transient renal failure following an MP pulse therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Cholesterol embolization treated with corticosteroids--two case reports.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One with stable chronic renal failure due to reflux nephropathy underwent a rapid deterioration of renal function which proved fatal.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The case of a 29-year-old man suffering from falciparum malaria disease who got a reversible hearing loss from quinine therapy is presented.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"METHODS: Five cases of contact dermatitis due to budesonide, a nonhalogenated steroid, are described.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Mucin secretion was measured using an enzyme-linked lectin assay, and lung water was measured by wet\/dry weight ratios.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patients immune system and lung function slowly recovered during the same time period.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To describe onset of syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) associated with vinorelbine therapy for advanced breast cancer.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"About 45% of the total body amount can be extracted through a 3-h course of hemodialysis with resultant improvement in symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The diagnosis was confirmed by arteriography.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Crumley).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three patients, in whom tumour overkill by cytotoxic treatment, including high dose methotrexate with folinic acid rescue, resulted in the 'phosphate shower syndrome' (hyper-uricaemia, hyperkalaemia and hyperphosphataemia with hypocalcaemia and tetany, with metabolic acidosis and acute renal impairment) are described.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In addition, one must also question the effects that misplaced corticosteroids could have on the surrounding tissues.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Essential thrombocythemia is a clonal myeloproliferative disorder that causes thrombocytosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 49-year-old man with Crohn's disease treated with prednisone and mesalamine (5-ASA) developed worsening respiratory distress and fever.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Delusional disorder, somatic type (DDST) is a rare psychiatric disorder and the treatment is mostly based on observations, due to the lack of well-organized studies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 25-year-old woman sought medical attention because of iliocaval manifestations of retroperitoneal fibrosis while she was taking methysergide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: Under certain circumstances topical brimonidine can cause paradoxical raised IOP necessitating vigilance in follow-up of patients on topical brimonidine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The hazards of treating such patients with lithium are well known (Lazarus & Gilgor, 1979), but other drugs may also destabilize psoriasis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a 53-year-old-man who developed rippling muscle disease (RMD) 2 months after starting simvastatin therapy for hypercholesterolemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report for the first time the development of symptomatic methemoglobinemia after an acute ingestion of divalproex sodium (Depakote), resulting in serum concentrations 10 times greater than the therapeutic range.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Both the long-term affects of residual catheter within the central venous system and the need to remove the foreign body have yet to be addressed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"During the two weeks following the commencement of this treatment she occasionally complained of shortness of breath.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Four of 5 chronic hemo- or peritoneal dialysis patients also received multiple antibiotics.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute myopathy with selective degeneration of myosin filaments following status asthmaticus treated with methylprednisolone and vecuronium.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The increasing use of this agent is expected, because of the increasing number of patients with inflammatory bowel disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fatal venous thrombembolism complicating imatinib therapy in a patient with metastatic gastrointestinal stromal tumor.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To report the safe use of fluorouracil in a patient with breast cancer who had allergic reactions to capecitabine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient experienced two episodes of angioedema within a 10-hour period.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a patient with acute myeloblastic leukemia (AML) who developed nephrotic syndrome after receiving several courses of chemotherapy, including macrophage-colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The ocular toxicity of DCF, previously described as conjunctivitis, appears to be a keratitis of moderate severity which requires further study.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Thymic enlargement in a patient with juvenile idiopathic arthritis during etanercept therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This case illustrates that the hemophagocytic syndrome associated with reactivation of EBV can occur as part of drug hypersensitivity reactions in RA patients taking sulfasalazine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Intravenous levodopa 25 mg ameliorated his akathisia symptoms drastically.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"With this case report, we bring to attention the association of the MVI shortage and WE.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Toxicity related to chloroquine treatment of resistant vivax malaria.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Several hours after the last dose, clinical manifestations recurred and ventilation was required.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An asthmatic patient with corticosteroid treatment for 45 years presented with slowly progressive limb muscle atrophy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She required vasopressor therapy for intraoperative hypotension and developed severe headache immediately after administration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinical and laboratory signs of liver injury resolved over the next few days, with a return to baseline levels of AST and ALT levels over the subsequent months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Satisfactory initial results over the first few months of treatment were achieved when the new preparation was given to Transvaal patients known to have these disorders and hitherto treated in vain.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The combination of levodopa and peripheral dopadecarboxylase inhibitor is the most efficacious symptomatic treatment for Parkinson's disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Successful treatment of disseminated cutaneous phaeohyphomycosis in a dog.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors report 9 cases of dystonic reactions in patients with dementia following the initiation of antipsychotic medication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Despite a hematologic response in all 3 patients, none of them achieved cytogenetic remission, and all progressed to blast crisis at 7 to 10 months of imatinib therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In case no. 2, the pathogenic mechanism seemed to be persistent light reaction preceded by systemic photoallergy, as he had taken mequitazine for 6 months, and there were strong positive photopatch test results with immediate erythema reaction, cross-reaction to promethazine, decreased MED to both UVA and UVB, and persistence of the photosensitivity over a 3-year follow-up period after discontinuation of the mequitazine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Fatal liver failure following generalized tonic-clonic seizures.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Complications associated with primary and secondary perforation of the bladder following immediate instillations of epirubicin after transurethral resection of superficial urothelial tumours.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Amebic abscess of the spleen complicated by metronidazole-induced neurotoxicity: case report.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"FK506 is an immunosuppressant that is thought to be less nephrotoxic than cyclosporine A.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The infant was fully breast-fed, and the neonatal lamotrigine serum concentration was 4.87 microg\/mL at the time of admission.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, given the clinically significant result to the interaction between tolazoline and cimetidine we report, the use of cimetidine in tolazoline induced upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage should deserve more attention.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This is the 1st case documenting intrathecal IgG synthesis and immune complex formation in this disorder.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Methylphenidate (Ritalin)-associated cataract and glaucoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A patient with acute changes suggesting acute hepatitis after parenteral amiodarone administration is described.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Pancreatic neoplasms are associated with a poor prognosis, regardless of treatment modality.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a 59-year-old patient with chronic myeloid leukemia, who developed severe interstitial lung fibrosis after short term and sequential treatment with melphalan and busulfan.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Life-threatening acute hyponatraemia induced by low dose cyclophosphamide and indomethacin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The subject is a 66-year old woman, with a negative medical history of atopy, food and drug allergy, with arterial hypertension on a course of beta-blockers and with bladder carcinoma requiring surgery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"With the use of optical coherence tomography (OCT), two patients with IFN-associated retinopathy who had developed macular edema and reduced visual acuity during the clinical course of IFN therapy were observed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The corn oil-based soft gelatin capsule appears to be the safest formulation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The extent of disease and subsequent reversal were documented using arteriographic examination.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a 50-year-old male patient with a 15-year history of psoriasis including mutilating psoriatic arthritis, in whom the withdrawal of cyclosporin A induced a generalised pustular exacerbation and a aggravation of the joint condition.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Treatment of total hyphema with relatively low-dose tissue plasminogen activator.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES) is characterized by abnormalities in cerebral white matter and neurologic symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: In any patient under clopidogrel (Plavix): Sanofi-Synthelabo, Bristol-Myers Squibb\/Sanofi Pharmaceuticals) therapy and with a typical clinical presentation, SSEH should be suspected and quickly diagnosed, regardless of hemostatic status or the absence of other major risk factors.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"When catheter disconnection, kink, or dislodgement is not visible on X-ray, radioisotopic control is a safe and reliable method for assessment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Despite close monitoring of therapy, he experienced two episodes of unexpected and prolonged hypercalcemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"STUDY DESIGN: Case reports are presented of three premature infants (mean gestational age 27 weeks) cared for in the intensive care nursery in whom clinically significant septal hypertrophy and left ventricular outflow tract obstruction developed during dexamethasone treatment for bronchopulmonary dysplasia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Fatal radiation myelopathy after high-dose busulfan and melphalan chemotherapy and radiotherapy for Ewing's sarcoma: a review of the literature and implications for practice.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We suggest that sarcoidosis may develop in chronic hepatitis C patients during interferon alpha and\/or ribavirin treatment, and diagnostic tests for this adverse effect should be performed during the follow-ups.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Tardive dyskinesia in an adolescent.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He had been taking trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole for approximately eight days when he revisited his family physician, complaining of headaches, dizziness, difficulty with speech, weakness, and itching on the trunk of his body and legs, where a maculopapular rash was noted.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Treatment of tardive dyskinesia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patient examination 3 months after surgery revealed a large, central, full-thickness corneal infiltrate with multiple satellite lesions in the right eye.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Complete removal of the tumor was performed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Correction after vitamin K administration suggested an organophosphate-related effect on vitamin K-dependent factor VII activity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ocular examinations revealed intraocular pressure (IOP) of 30 mmHg under medication, dense posterior subcapsular opacity of lens, pale disc with advanced cupping, and marked constriction of visual field.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We examined the effect of total parathyroidectomy (PTX) on renal anemia in 20 dialysis patients with secondary hyperparathyroidism.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Very low thiopurine methyltransferase activity represents the TPMTL\/TPMTL genotype, and can be detected before therapy with azathioprine is started.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Eleven of the 32 patients (34.4%) developed retinopathy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In the present study we describe two patients with different types of reaction patterns, one presenting as an allergic, the other as an irritant contact dermatitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This review presents the first case series of DIC associated with acute hemoglobinemia or hemoglobinuria following anti-D IGIV administration for ITP.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Cutaneous lichenoid eruptions can arise as a result of exogenous compound exposures.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of a 69-year-old male patient who came to our attention for macular edema in hemiretinal vein occlusion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Serotonin syndrome induced by transitioning from phenelzine to venlafaxine: four patient reports.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis (GIO) is an important problem that remains undertreated, even by rheumatologists.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The ECG pattern of BS has also been described in patients with myocardial abnormalities.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Amifostine-induced fever: case report and review of the literature.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Amiodarone treatment did not abolish the thyroid radioactive iodine uptake (RAIU), allowing for subsequent treatment with radioactive iodine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Multiple periarticular abnormalities appearing on serial radionuclide bone scanning of the cancer patient, particularly when symmetric and in a distribution not suggestive of osseous metastatic disease, raise the possibility of multifocal osteonecrosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two of 13 patients treated over the entire body suffered temporary bone marrow depression, indluding one with severe pancytopenia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE REPORT: A 45-year-old woman had complicated Crohn's disease with multiple fistulae and only 1 m of residual small bowel.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The syndrome commonly presents with pruritus and increased muscle tone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient was extubated 1 week later.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DESIGN: Observational case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Short cardiopulmonary resuscitation restored spontaneous circulation and the patient recovered completely.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pressure-induced interface keratitis: a late complication following LASIK.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Children treated with thalidomide should undergo regular neurophysiologic studies in order to detect presymptomatic or progressive peripheral neuropathy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This report describes a patient who developed pulmonary leukostasis in the absence of significant leukocytosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Necrotizing pancreatitis after transcatheter arterial chemoembolization for hepatocellular carcinoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Octreotide administration rapidly reversed hypoglycemia allowing patient stabilization and eventual discharge without any significant adverse events.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On reduction of the intrathecal baclofen dose, complete return to baseline sexual function was achieved for both subjects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He had an extensive psychiatric history significant for schizophrenia and multiple past hospital admissions, starting at age 14 years.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In any patient with 'unexplained' muscle spasms or convulsions, strychnine poisoning should be included in the differential diagnosis and they should be asked about the use of herbal medicines.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Since, in some cases of eye burns, we have found corneal calcifications to be related to the initial calciferous caustic agents and to the use of phosphate-buffer-containing fluids, we have reviewed our files of clinical eye burns for the incidence and appearance of corneal calcification.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There were significant correlations between a change in Scr on the one hand and changes in BW and UV, Scr and serum albumin on the other.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Prehospital diagnosis was established by portable blood analyser and an early antidote with 4 MP treatment initiated in out-of-hospital setting.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The apparent low adverse effect profile of the new drug zafirlukast has made it an attractive choice in the treatment of asthma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"No cases of renal acidosis, and only one case of nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, has been previously reported as a complication of foscarnet treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Case study: a modified topical treatment regimen for sodium warfarin-induced necrotizing fasciitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Drug-induced hepatotoxicity is an important cause of hepatocellular injury.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fluorescein angiography was performed to confirm the presence of neovascularization.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On the eleventh day after the surgery, she experienced dyspnea and chest pain during standing and walking exercise.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Reteplase was administered with concomitant lepirudin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: Severe and sustained ocular hypertension may occur after intravitreal ranibizumab.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CASE: A 29-year-old primigravida with a history of four therapeutic amniocenteses for idiopathic polyhydramnios developed preterm labor at 30 and 5\/7 weeks' gestation, rupture of membranes, and Candida albicans chorioamnionitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"While successful treatment may require surgical intervention in some cases, others may respond to antibiotic therapy alone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The reaction was aborted with diphenhydramine and dexamethasone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ocular hypertension occurred 1 month after the second ranibizumab injection in patients 1 and 3, and 1 month after the first ranibizumab in patient 2.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Mycophenolate mofetil substitution for cyclosporine-dependent myasthenia gravis and nephrotoxicity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is important to be aware of these rare complications, which are correlated with the prognosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DISCUSSION: The clinical presentation of ELP is nonspecific and ranges from the totally asymptomatic patient with incidental radiologic finding, like our patient, to the patient with acute or chronic symptoms attributable to pneumonia, pulmonary fibrosis, or cor pulmonale.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A massive digitoxin (DGTX) intoxication in a 36-year-old man (35 mg DGTX) was treated by prolonged and repeated i.v.-infusions of Fab fragments of anti-digitalis antibodies (FAB).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE: A malignant mixed mesodermal tumor was diagnosed in a 64-year-old woman with a bicornuate uterus while she was taking raloxifene for osteoporosis prevention.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In case no. 2, the pathogenic mechanism seemed to be persistent light reaction preceded by systemic photoallergy, as he had taken mequitazine for 6 months, and there were strong positive photopatch test results with immediate erythema reaction, cross-reaction to promethazine, decreased MED to both UVA and UVB, and persistence of the photosensitivity over a 3-year follow-up period after discontinuation of the mequitazine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The objective was to determine the effects of cholesterol-lowering agents on neurologic features and to develop a noninvasive method of monitoring clinical response.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DIAGNOSIS: Severe temozolomide-induced immunosuppression, exacerbated by corticosteroids, with profound T-cell lymphocytopenia and simultaneous opportunistic infections with Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia, brain abscess with Listeria monocytogenes, and cutaneous Kaposi's sarcoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This case study discusses the new products and traditional treatment products used and presents results of irritant specificity testing and a series of photographs documenting resolution and healing.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinical manifestations including vomiting, diarrhoea and dyspnoea were identical in both cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Irinotecan therapy in a 12-year-old girl with recurrent brain stem glioma and without functional polymorphisms in UGT1A1 activity: case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two cases of sacroiliitis due to P. avidum have been reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a patient with pulmonary adenocarcinoma complicated by the syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) following systemic chemotherapy with cisplatin (CDDP) and vindesine (VDS).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The noted increase in the theophylline level after zafirlukast administration is in contrast to the original reports by the manufacturer.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"An infant who developed pancreatitis during meglumine antimoniate treatment for visceral leishmaniasis and who was successfully treated with a combination of allopurinol and ketoconazole is reported.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNA) showed a pleomorphic adenocarcinoma in both the breast and axilla.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This etiology has to be considered in patients taking this drug who present with intraocular inflammation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These may include 1) symptoms or history of mood spectrum disorder, 2) history of psychosis, 3) female sex, 4) family history of psychiatric disorder.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"When the data of the 57 patients are evaluated, a reversible direct cytotoxic effect of ticlopidine on the pluripotent\/bipotent hematopoietic progenitor stem cell is proposed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Methylphenidate and dextroamphetamine-induced peripheral vasculopathy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Coexistence of psoriasis and subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus (SCLE) is unusual.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient experienced hallucinations, agitation, vomiting, tachycardia and seizures after ingestion of 1050 (48 mg\/kg) of extended-release bupropion.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 22-year-old female with renal failure secondary to focal segmental glomerulosclerosis underwent a deceased donor kidney transplant and presented 3 months later with pyelonephritis; the urine culture grew Kluyvera ascorbata.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a case of subcutaneous metastasis along the needle track after percutaneous ethanol injection (PEI) for treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a case of a patient with pulmonary hypertension and undifferentiated connective tissue disease who, after 2 months of treatment with epoprostenol, presented with rapidly progressive erythema, scaling, nausea and vomiting, and fever.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Acne provoked by gold seems not to have been described elsewhere.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Two months after insertion and following a course of chemotherapy the lower end of the stent eroded the mucosa of the second part of the duodenum causing severe gastrointestinal hemorrhage which necessitated laparotomy and trimming of the stent.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Of particular interest in the present case report is the silent presentation and the absence of any pharmacological interference.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In all three patients, the diagnosis of AML was established by pathologists on the basis of bone marrow biopsy, aspirate, and peripheral smears.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Despite this improvement, the patient became resistant to the clozapine titration schedule due to complaints of sedation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acidic and neutral drugs were screened for by liquid-liquid extraction followed by high-performance liquid chromatography-diode-array detection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe the case of a nonatopic 17-year-old girl with bronchial asthma and aspirin intolerance who developed a dramatic anaphylactic reaction to oral prednisone.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Erosion of psoriatic plaques: an early sign of methotrexate toxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Management of immunocompromised patients with diffuse pulmonary infiltrates remains a common and stubbornly difficult problems.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Surgical evacuation of the laryngeal hematoma was not necessary.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two months later she was bedridden.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Their plasma cell dyscrasias were evaluated with immunofixation electrophoresis of serum and urine specimens, quantitative serum lgs, and immunohistochemical staining of bone marrow biopsy specimens.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Microscopic examination of these colonies showed a high percentage of histiocytes identical to those seen in the patient's bone marrow.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fibrinous anterior uveitis following laser in situ keratomileusis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Associated thyreoiditis, myasthenia gravis, thymectomy, Chron's disease, and erythema nodosum: pathogenetic and clinical correlations, immune system involvement, and systemic infectious complications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Further signs were hyperhidrosis, hypersalivation, bronchorrhoea, and severe miosis; the electrocardiographic finding was atrio-ventricular dissociation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DATA SOURCES: Case reports and review articles identified by MEDLINE.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Severe rhabdomyolysis following massive ingestion of oolong tea: caffeine intoxication with coexisting hyponatremia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Hymenoptera sting can lead to an acute myocardial infarction by different pathogenetic mechanisms depending on the presence of preexistent coronary atherosclerosis, the development of shock or the therapeutic use of epinephrine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Peritonitis due to Aspergillus and zygomycetes in patients undergoing peritoneal dialysis: report of 2 cases and review of the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To predict the effectiveness of alcohol neurolysis in the treatment of persistent pain caused by the entrapment of superior cluneal nerves.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Dexamethasone 4 mg orally twice daily was given around the time of chemotherapy administration to prevent the dermatitis associated with the drug.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Recurrences in both eyes were successfully treated with a combination of hexamidine and neomycin, and with polyhexamethylene biguanide respectively.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two patients who developed decreased visual acuity after several months of ethambutol treatment for Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare infection had bitemporal visual field defects that suggested optic chiasm damage.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Arrhythmias and cardiac arrest have been reported during amphotericin B administration but no effective technique has been described to prevent them.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: In patients after treatment for malignant brain tumors, a clear distinction between tumor recurrence and radiation necrosis can be challenging.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Despite the complicated drug regimen with which the patient was treated, tobramycin was implicated by rechallenge with the drug once before its role was understood and again at an outside hospital.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Many patients who were on chronic TPN with MVI ceased to receive the MVI and were converted to an oral form of the multivitamin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After two months of therapy, repeat echocardiography showed complete resolution of the thrombus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An inverse correlation was found between plasma potassium and doses of phosphate (plasma potassium = -0.2 g phosphate + 3.9 r = -0.49; p < 0.05; N = 21).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Seven years later, after chemotherapy with chlorambucil, chronic myelogenous leukemia was diagnosed in addition to the chronic lymphocytic leukemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It has been reported that fluoroquinolone antimicrobials prolong the corrected QT interval but rarely cause torsade de pointes.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Bone marrow chromosomes were studied in 2 patients with polycythaemia vera (PV) at the time of diagnosis and several times subsequently during therapy with chlorambucil.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is used worldwide not only as a cosmetic agent to stain the hair, skin and nails but also is applied to the body on lesions in the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis or fungal infections.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clonazepam was given as needed, and the patient was discharged on February 1 with myoclonus that soon subsided.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acetylsalicylic acid enhances both minor and major bleedings.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Delivery of tobramycin by inhalation to the lungs of patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) who are infected with Pseudomonas aeruginosa has been proven to be effective and safe.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors report a case of focal myocardial necrosis, presenting clinically as an acute myocardial infarction during the administration of the antineoplastic drug, amsacrine, in a patient without coronary artery disease.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"METHOD: The case histories of two geriatric patients treated with bupropion for major depression are presented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The shunt infection of the second patient was treated by replacement of the infected shunt system with a rifampin-impregnated device.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: The authors suggest that conventional treatments be limited to a 2-month period, and that alcohol neurolysis be applied as soon as possible to prevent lengthy pain experiences.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An 8-year-old girl, who had been vaccinated with BCG without subsequent regional reactions, developed osteomyelitis in the left calcaneus 7 months later.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"New onset of CD may be considered as an immune-mediated injury induced by etanercept.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Polymyositis is a rare complication of interferon alpha treatment as a result of immune-modulating role of the drug itself.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Two of these cases concerned relatively young, previously healthy patients and had fatal outcomes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is characterized by severe muscular rigidity, hyperthermia, and autonomic disturbances.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although PWO is often easily managed with small doses of thrombolytic therapy (e.g., urokinase), it could result in a more serious complication, such as chemotherapy extravasation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In conclusion, this case is instructive, because the symptoms which developed after a short period of corticosteroid inhalation suggested a type I allergy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The dose of fluorouracil in the second cycle was increased to 400 mg\/m(2)\/d continuous infusion over 5 days.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase deficiency: a pharmacogenetic defect causing severe adverse reactions to 5-fluorouracil-based chemotherapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"It is generally accepted that corticosteroid therapy may increase weight.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis (DCL) is a rare anergic variant of leishmanial infection with the characteristic presentation of numerous nonulcerating nodules with an abundant parasite load, lack of visceral involvement, negative reaction to the leishmanin skin test, and a chronic course with incomplete response to treatment and frequent relapses.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Sulfasalazine-induced lung disorder is an extremely rare entity which must be considered in all ulcerative colitis patients while on sulfasalazine therapy, despite the absence of pulmonary symptomatology.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Death from inappropriate therapy for Lyme disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Except for the cellular membranes, each eye was without evidence of inflammation or cystoid macular edema.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Combination therapy for psoriasis with methotrexate and etretinate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of hyponatremic seizures in a 7-year old boy with spina bifida following cystoscopy and suprapubic catheter placement.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: Between April 2002 and October 2003, we performed 24 liver transplants in 25 patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Addition of lithium carbonate resulted in a sustained remission with maintenance treatments.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A change in government program policies caused him to receive generic carbamazepine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Severe osteomalacia was present in two epileptic patients who were under long-term treatment with congeners of phenytoin, phenobarbital, and acetazolamide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"During FAB-treatment total DGTX serum concentrations and renal DGTX clearance rose, indicating redistribution of drug from tissue to serum and urinary elimination of FAB-bound DGTX, respectively.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patients with Crohn's disease may have reduced absorption in the small bowel due to loss of effective surface area secondary to chronic inflammation, ulcerative lesions, or resection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors report a case of acute pancreatitis (AP) occurring in a patient under treatment with carbamazepine (CBZ) for post-traumatic petit mal epilepsy, and review the current literature of drug-induced AP.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"On the fifth day of tocolysis with magnesium sulfate, nifedipine, terbutaline and betamethasone, edema developed in both labia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Partial response to antipsychotic treatment: the patient with enduring symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The disease rapidly evolved into acute leukemia within 1 month after the onset of MDS, and the patient died 1 month later during induction chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In addition, a 31-year-old man with obsessive-compulsive disorder developed RBD soon after starting fluoxetine therapy, which persisted at PSG study 19 months after fluoxetine discontinuation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Systemic lupus erythematosus and acute pancreatitis: a case series.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Responsibility for the provision and use of these inhalers in young people is discussed and suggestions made towards their greater control.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient and her parents underwent molecular analysis of the CYP2C19 gene, which may be implicated in the metabolism of this drug.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Circulating anticoagulant in the procainamide-induced lupus syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The possible mechanisms of this leukopenia are discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After two months of mechanical ventilation, the patient was stabilized.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Changes in mood, personality, and social function were examined in a group of five Type 1 diabetic patients, aged 50 to 66 years, with duration of diabetes from 24 to 47 years.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In each of the three reported patients, alteration of eyelid appearance with deepening of the lid sulcus was evident as the result of topical bimatoprost therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"DGTX concentrations were determined after protein precipitation (release of FAB-bound and protein-bound DGTX) in unprocessed serum and urine samples, and after aliquots of these samples had been dialysed in vitro against DGTX-free buffer (elimination of DGTX not bound to FAB).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"REVIEW SUMMARY: In this review, I summarize the newest approved medications for the treatment of PD, including the new dopamine agonists and catechol-O-methyl-transferase inhibitors.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Local dense accumulations of skin debris that became crusty were also observed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Between July 1991 and December 1994 at Tsukuba Gakuen Hospital, we treated 19 consecutive men with advanced adenocarcinoma of the prostate (five at stage C, four at stage D1 and 10 at stage D2).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pleuropulmonary changes during treatment of Parkinson's disease with a long-acting ergot derivative, cabergoline.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Psoriasis induced by interferon-alpha.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Therefore, intraperitoneal catheters should be removed if they are not being used.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"TREATMENT: Emergency surgery is the treatment for this condition, but conditions such as the acute stage of a myocardial infarction or intraoperative bleeding difficulties due to iatrogenic coagulopathy, the degree of preoperative neurologic deficit, and the timing of surgery must be cautiously considered.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient died 7 years after the diagnosis of myeloma with extensive abdominal lymphoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Mefloquine-associated hypoglycaemia in a cachectic AIDS patient.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"After hydrocortisone supplementation and intensive therapy the baby recovered completely.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Macular infarction after endophthalmitis treated with vitrectomy and intravitreal gentamicin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Confusional paranoid psychosis after withdrawal from sympathomimetic amines: two case reports.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Radiographic studies suggest three possible explanations: (a) inadvertent thecal penetration during injection may have produced an atypical anesthetic block; (b) loculation of the injected fluid may have caused a transient compressive lesion; or (c) intrathecal injection may have produced an iatrogenic arachnoid cyst.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"While rasburicase has the potential to provide a rapid reversal of TLS in this patient population, when TLS is complicated by pre-existing acute renal failure, additional interventions and alternative anti-tumor strategies may be necessary for a successful outcome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Topical and local anesthetics are employed during minor invasive procedures to increase patient tolerance and to reduce the need for intravenous sedation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This can potentially complicate further intervention should restenosis occur.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A young patient experienced marked sinus tachycardia while smoking marijuana and receiving therapeutic doses of nortriptyline.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Dipyrone is commonly found in the homes of families who are originally from areas where it is still lawfully marketed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Both patients improved only when their antibiotic coverage was broadened to include Kluyvera.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of an infected subgaleal hematoma caused by an unusual micro-organism in a previously healthy 11-month-old girl.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The dosage of prednisolone was tapered, without a relapse, and then the corticosteroid therapy was stopped.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Postprandial plasma glucose levels were relatively improved by lispro insulin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Immunosuppressive therapy was conducted with OKT-3 induction in the first patient because of the coexisting renal dysfunction and with a triple immunosuppressive regimen for both patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Endovascular or surgical interventions may be considered in patients with ergot toxicity for specific indications or those whose symptoms progress despite conservative management.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The case described here adds to the body of information about the possible causes of thyrotoxic ophthalmopathy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The diagnosis was supported by the temporal course of renal deterioration during exposure to cefuroxime and improvement on its discontinuation; the pattern repeated with rechallenge.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Acarbose, an alpha-glucosidase inhibitor, has been used sporadically in adults after gastric surgery, but only once in children.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The neovascularization developed within 1 month after the laser anastomosis in all three cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE PRESENTATION: Three cases of Leishmania infantum leishmaniasis in corticosteroid (CS)-treated patients are reported: an isolated lingual leishmaniasis in a farmer treated with CS for asthma, a severe visceral leishmaniasis associated with cutaneous lesions in a woman with myasthenia gravis, and a visceral involvement after cutaneous leishmaniasis in a man receiving CS.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"He developed recurrent skin rash, fever, hypereosinophilia, and acute renal failure after rechallenge with chlorambucil.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A noninvasive method in the differential diagnosis of vecuronium-induced and magnesium-induced protracted neuromuscular block in a severely preeclamptic patient.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Ischaemia following selfadministered intra-arterial injection of methylphenidate and diamorphine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"She was placed on adjuvant Adriamycin (doxorubicin) chemotherapy, but 6 months later died of Adriamycin toxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Two patients had abnormal electroretinograms (ERGs).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"(ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00126724.)","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Six months later, a small amount of large to medium-sized VWFMs was still present, but at 7-8 months, the pattern of VWFMs became almost the same as that before infusion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She had a history of schizophrenia and was treated with olanzapine 5 mg\/day and lithium carbonate 300 mg 3 times\/day.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"With the negative viral serologies, the clinical picture was most consistent with an infectious mononucleosis-like syndrome produced by the minocycline ingestion.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Topical DMSO is a safe, inexpensive agent that appears to reduce the risk of anthracycline-induced tissue damage.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"INTRODUCTION: Leflunomide is an immunomodulating agent with proven efficacy in rheumatoid arthritis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: The patient was treated with topical and oral antiviral agents and had complete recovery of the lesions in 10 days.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Multiple attempts to withdraw the medication resulted in relapse.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although the relationship between antipsychotic medication, particularly second-generation antipsychotics (SGAs), and metabolic disturbance is increasingly accepted, there is an important, but little recognised, potential interaction between this and the other important serious adverse effect of neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Namely, that recalcitrant psoriatic skin lesions may have good clearing on one biologic, such as efalizumab, and arthritic symptoms can be well-controlled with etanercept, leading patients to be on two different biologics concurrently to control symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: The incidence of Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) infection is increasing among patients with AIDS.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"No side effects were observed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Both had no past history of psychiatric or behavioural disorder.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There were no abnormal reactions to UVA.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute myocardial infarction during high-dose methylprednisolone therapy for Graves' ophthalmopathy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to determine whether desensitization to NPH insulin, as well as standard insulin desensitization, could control allergic symptoms in a patient allergic to both NPH and regular insulin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 17-year-old female patient who had been taking oral minocycline (50 mg twice daily) for 3 weeks for acne developed an eruption that progressed to an exfoliative dermatitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"With this approach there is minimal surgical trauma and the IOL is retained.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fatal varicella in steroid-dependent asthma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fatal ventricular fibrillation after treatment with digoxin in a 27-year-old man with mitral leaflet prolapse syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: A 37-year-old African- American man with G6PD deficiency developed hemolytic anemia, hepatitis, orthostatic hypotension, and aseptic meningitis simultaneously after using trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Our findings suggested that the antecedent use of high-dose corticosteroids is involved in precipitating normotensive renal crisis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute syphilitic meningitis in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVES: A delayed stroke-like leukoencephalopathy has been observed in patients receiving methotrexate (MTX) for childhood leukemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This report describes the sudden appearance of mixed mania in three children with delusional depression soon after the commencement of tricyclic antidepressant therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The skin lesions spread rapidly to most of the body, and ulcers of the ocular and oral mucosa appeared.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Both dogs had nonspecific respiratory signs and depression.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present a case of hemolytic-uremic syndrome that developed during the 4th cycle of combination chemotherapy with oxaliplatin, 5-fluorouracil and leucovorin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Spinal epidural lipomatosis (SEDL), an abnormal localized or tumor-like accumulation of fat in the epidural space, is an infrequent complication of chronic steroid usage and an uncommon cause of spinal cord compression.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Skin histology revealed peri-follicular, peri-bublar and supra-bublar lymphocyte infiltration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Recent evidence has suggested several available methods to monitor free SDC during Fab therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The cosmetic contact lens user should receive professional advice before accessing the lenses, and this must be communicated to the public.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The cycle of admissions was eventually broken by the intervention of a social worker, who provided structured non-medical support.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thus, an immunological mechanism might be involved in the mechanism of pirmenol-induced QT prolongation and T wave inversion on the electrocardiogram.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Cutaneous rashes and eruptions can be caused by many medications, including carbamazepine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Quantification of circulating varicella-zoster virus DNA for follow-up in a case of visceral varicella-zoster infection ameliorated with intravenous acyclovir.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Irritability is often a problem for patients with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intravenous phenytoin was urgently administered into the dorsum of the right hand.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although rare in the adult population, it is associated even in the nonimmunocompromised host with increased morbidity and mortality.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Renal function was restored after withdrawal of enalapril and initiation of steroid therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: Quetiapine is a recently introduced atypical antipsychotic.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We concluded that leflunomide is a new immunosuppressive agent with anti-CMV activity, which may be useful in the treatment of multiresistant CMV.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Is it quinine TTP\/HUS or quinine TMA? ADAMTS13 levels and implications for therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rofecoxib and inflammatory bowel disease: clinical and pathologic observations.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We reviewed the cases of PnM in patients with DM treated with CsA.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In our patient, DIAN possibly was related to cefuroxime, but the patient did not experience associated allergic symptoms.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Case #3 was considered a mixed drug overdose.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"When the dermatology service consulted the following day, the patient had developed an erythematous, edematous, tender plaque on his chest.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Decrease of TTKG was possibly the result of suppressed K+ secretion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The association between heparin and priapism is often recognized; abnormal platelet aggregation could play a role in the pathogenesis of this side effect.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Serum antinuclear antibodies were present in high titer, and hypocomplementemia developed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Penicillin-induced Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The other woman had rheumatoid arthritis and developed acute tubular necrosis after treatment with gentamicin and cefoxitin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Methotrexate (MTX) is a commonly used second line agent for RA, and there have been several recent reports of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-associated polyclonal B cell lymphoproliferative disorder in MTX-treated RA patients.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Priapism associated with olanzapine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Copperhead envenomations in the Carolinas.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two patients with ovarian cancer who had received multiple courses of cisplatin without complications experienced hypersensitivity reactions to cisplatin: one, involving intrahepatic artery infusion, manifested general erythema, dyspnea, and hypotension; the other, involving intravenous infusion, manifested abdominal pain, general erythema, and fever.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Most cardiac surgical patients have had previous exposure to heparin for diagnostic or therapeutic interventions and hence have an increased susceptibility to developing heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) postoperatively.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Seizures associated with fluoxetine therapy are uncommon.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The mean follow-up was 33 months (range, 26-48 months), and the mean treatment duration was 22.6 months (range, 13-32 months).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case is reported of a subphrenic abscess 12 months post-laparoscopic cholecystectomy in a 72-year-old male with identification of Actinomyces meyeri and the oropharyngeal commensal Klebsiella ozaenae.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In four of 10 patients with PR, the tumor was not observable, although the tumor marker did not completely decline to the normal range.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Botulinum toxin is effective and safe for palatal tremor: a report of five cases and a review of the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This proved to be extensive forearm deep venous thrombosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We compared the serum laboratory values and liver biopsy findings from group 1 with those from 10 patients with sporadic autoimmune hepatitis (group 2).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Eleven patients developed infection requiring hospitalization while taking leflunomide including: lower respiratory tract infections (3), cellulitis (2), disseminated herpes zoster (2), probable TB liver (1), abdominal sepsis (1), mycotic aneurysm (1) and gastroenteritis (1).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Colchicine-induced myopathy in a teenager with familial Mediterranean fever.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Because contact dermatitis due to a topical medication was suspected, patch testing was performed after disappearance of her eruption.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To report a case of neuralgic amyotrophy associated with antibiotic therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In the present case, the patient had been diagnosed with leprechaunism with mutation in the insulin receptor gene and had treatment with recombinant human insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) starting at the age of 1 year 7 months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: Symptomatic visual field constriction thought to be associated with vigabatrin has been reported.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a case of P. avidum arthritis of the hip with severe sepsis that developed in a 78-year-old woman after intraarticular glucocorticoid treatment for hip osteoarthritis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She experienced complete remission and has remained disease free since then, for more than 2 years.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient developed pulmonary aspergillosis with a rapidly fatal outcome despite recovery from neutropenia and improvement of the underlying malignancy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The first cycle of her CHOP regimen was initiated (day 1) in our outpatient unit; she was then discharged home.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This short period of sinus rhythm was interrupted by sudden prolongation of the P-P interval starting the alternative rhythm.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Gabapentin's effects on hot flashes and hypothermia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Transaminases promptly returned to normal after withdrawal of the laxative.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 44-year-old woman is described in whom amiodarone, disopyramide, and quinidine, administered alone separately, induced atypical ventricular tachycardia (AVT, torsade de pointes).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: The procedure may be of value to counteract a recent trend of psychotropic polypharmacy in schizophrenia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Possible mechanisms for these findings are discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A helicoidal CT scan showed diffuse and severe interstitial pneumonitis, and lung biopsy confirmed accelerated usual interstitial pneumonia consistent with drug-induced toxicity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The liver other than the nodules showed liver fibrosis associated with liver cell dysplasia and peliosis hepatis-like change.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Tuberculous peritonitis in patients undergoing continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis: case report and review.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Visual system side effects caused by parasympathetic dysfunction after botulinum toxin type B injections.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Our patient had headache, mild fever, nausea, vomiting, rash, and eosinophilia after 3 weeks of disulfiram therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: The calcitonin is an hormone produced by the thyroid gland C cells.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All patients received heparin for insertion, and in three patients, heparin was reversed with protamine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Risperidone withdrawal-related respiratory dyskinesia: a case diagnosed by spirography and fibroscopy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: We identified a group of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) who were sensitive to both the beneficial and the side effects of intramuscular (im) gold treatment and whose disease was well controlled with doses of gold between 2 mg every 6 weeks and 5 mg weekly.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) alpha inhibitors are effective in the treatment of inflammatory rheumatic diseases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two days prior to admission to the CIU, he had been given 25 mg of fluphenazine decanoate injection intramuscularly in addition to his regular psychotropic regimen of thioridazine and haloperidol after reportedly making several verbal threats and displaying aggressive behavior toward the personnel at the group home where he resided.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The infection was resistant to both high-dose liposomal amphotericin B and voriconazole.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Previous studies have demonstrated the interaction of MTX and a variety of non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) with various clinical manifestations including acute renal failure, pancytopenia, vomiting, diarrhea, elevated liver transaminases, jaundice, mucosal ulcerations, and pyrexia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"As more chemotherapy pumps are implanted, undoubtedly, new and unusual complications will occur.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He also had hypomagnesemia, hypophosphatemia, hypouricemia, proteinuria and glucosuria.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She passed a non-solid stone and continued indinavir treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The mechanisms are not obvious, but it is likely that the rapid decrease of thyroid hormones in tissues may temporarily cause hypothyroid states, resulting in alterations in CK concentrations.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Carbamazepine toxicity induced by clarithromycin coadministration in psychiatric patients.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Coagulopathy associated with the use of cephalosporin or moxalactam antibiotics in acute and chronic renal failure.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report details of two liver transplant procedures in which post-reperfusion coagulopathy was reversed by administration of protamine sulphate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although these hormone therapies are generally considered benign, we describe 3 cases of acute cardiac rejection temporally associated with the use of these drugs in men who have undergone cardiac transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the first case of a tuberculous cutaneous lesion in a patient receiving the above treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Nephrotic syndrome related to systemic lupus erythematosus after griseofulvin therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a 61-year-old woman who suffered from an acute cerebral infarction during diagnostic cardiac catheterization for unstable angina, which manifested as sudden onset of global aphasia, right hemiplegia and gaze preponderance to the left side.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Within twelve hours, his clinical state was stabilized.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Primary intestinal aspergillosis after high-dose chemotherapy and autologous stem cell rescue.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"ARA-C is frequently associated with dermatologic toxicity, but this is only the second case of toxic epidermal necrolysis described in connection with this drug.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Significant deteriorations were demonstrated in cognitive (p = 0.04) and social functions (p = 0.04), compared with assessment of pre-morbid function.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After the first oral dose of propranolol, syncope developed together with atrioventricular block.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The efficacy of corticosteroid therapy in the treatment of eosinophilia has not been clearly established.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The ampicillin rash occurring in cases of infectious mononucleosis is well documented.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"While reviewing the literature, we found few less severe pulmonary injuries after intravenous use of paclitaxel, but none of these cases had a fatal outcome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, the history of prolonged veiling of the face by a cloth by the patient, perhaps contributing to the occurrence of lesions on face, is a point of dubious significance.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, the complications both of the disease and its treatment, (e.g., acute oliguric renal failure, hip fracture) must be carefully monitored.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Off-label use should be discouraged.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Retrospective reanalysis of the radiation therapy technique, with emphasis on the doses received by the optic pathway structures, was performed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of a child with neurodevelopmental delay with chronic constipation and a history of chronic mineral oil ingestion presenting as asymptomatic exogenous lipoid pneumonia (ELP).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Risk factors for Zygomycosis were prolonged neutropenia, corticosteroids, and steroid induced diabetes mellitus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Only one case of a generalized maculopapular rash with enoxaparin has been reported in Europe.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"More flexible diagnostic criteria than currently mandated by the the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Revision, may be warranted.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: To avoid and protect themselves against potential abandonment allegations when termination of the physician-patient relationship is warranted, physicians are advised to consider following the outlined procedures.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A toxic encephalopathy characterized by depressed level of consciousness, marked irritability, and ataxia developed in seven children, 5 years of age and younger, following administration of an antiemetic combination of pentobarbital and pyrilamine maleate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A common pathogenesis to link these agents to fibrosis remains uncertain.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One patient had known atherosclerotic heart disease, and 2 patients had risk factors for coronary artery disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These cases are discussed in the context of evidence that lithium may be useful in other patients with disorders of impulse control.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Resolution of systemic hypertension and partial return of right renal function followed rapid thrombus dissolution.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A patient with intracranial osteosarcoma that arose 16 years after radiation therapy for hereditary retinoblastoma developed fatal cerebral edema and brainstem herniation after she received a single dose of intravenous methotrexate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Chemotherapy usually consisted of alkylating agents often given in high dose and for long durations.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Our case illustrates an unusual presenting symptom of hemoptysis and the need to identify patients who can be at risk of developing this rare condition.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Because OK-432 (penicillin-treated and heat-treated lyophilized powder by a substrain of Streptococcus pyogenes A) was expected to be effective for immunosuppression, we tried its topical injection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A right hemicolectomy was performed with relief of symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Accidental ingestion (five episodes) and suicidal attempts (three episodes) accounted for these visits.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pityriasis lichenoides-like eruption occurring during therapy for myelogenous leukemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"According to the Naranjo adverse drug reaction probability scale, the development of KS in this case was probably associated with the imatinib treatment (score, 5-8).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cerivastatin is catabolized by cytochrome P450, 3A4 and 2C8 to M-1, and by 2C8 to M-23.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Chlorambucil has only rarely been implicated in this complication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Immunoblastic sarcoma is also seen in immunosuppressed patients, and the role of the immunoblast in both of these disorders indicates that they may be related.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We sought to assess the safety and feasibility of this approach.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Catheter fracture and cardiac migration: a rare complication of totally implantable venous devices.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He was diagnosed in the early post transplant period after anti-rejection therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Raised intraocular pressure and glaucoma have rarely been associated with use of periorbital corticosteroids for dermatological conditions such as blepharitis and eczema.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Beginning ductopenia was present in two, suggesting that itraconazole might be responsible for the occurrence of prolonged drug-induced cholangiopathy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: DWI of all patients revealed well-demarcated hyperintense lesions within the subcortical white matter corresponding to areas of restricted proton diffusion on ADC maps.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although monoclonal integration of human T lymphotropic virus type I (HTLV-I) proviral DNA was detected in the peripheral blood lymphocytes at ATL diagnosis, bone marrow cells at t-MDS diagnosis did not show monoclonal integration of HTLV-I.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 53-year-old female who developed myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) after chemotherapy for adult T-cell leukaemia (ATL) is described.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 45-year-old woman and a 49-year-old man, both with a history of rheumatoid arthritis, were treated with etanercept and infliximab, respectively.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinical and microbiological data were collected prospectively from 704 patients who underwent bone marrow transplantation (BMT) during an 11-year period (1991-2001), and the first two cases of Campylobacter infection occurring in BMT recipients in the pre-engraftment period were identified.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present a 46-year-old African-American man with AIDS who was admitted on two different occasions within three weeks for signs and symptoms of meningitis after using trimethoprim\/sulfamethoxazole (TMP\/SMX).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Parents of children taking high doses of inhaled corticosteroids should be alerted to the clinical features of adrenal insufficiency.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Before the infusion he was pretreated with ranitidine, cetirizine, hydroxyzine, montelukast, and prednisone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"According to the literature, chlorambucil central nervous toxicity is found almost exclusively in childhood nephrotic syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Percutaneous coronary interventions of ostial right coronary artery stenoses are associated with increased procedural complications as well as with higher rates of angiographic and clinical restenosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Kidney biopsy demonstrated membranous glomerulonephritis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This report rules out other causes of toxic epidermal necrolysis and implicates ofloxacin in what appears to be an atypical presentation of drug-induced toxic epidermal necrolysis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We present the case of 48-year-old woman suffering from migraine with aura (MA) since menarche.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Measurements of protected isolation and selective intestinal decontamination were taken.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Considering the increasing use of TMZ, which is regarded as a drug with moderate toxicity, careful follow-up with routine blood testing is vital.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A repeat provocation test, under antihistaminic cover , failed to produce similar response.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Severe autoimmune myasthenia gravis is difficult to manage and may require immunosuppression with cyclosporine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All isolates were believed to be clinically significant.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"They also suggest that liver enzymes should be monitored during treatment with riluzole.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Nocardia is a serious opportunistic infection in renal transplant recipients and nocardial brain abscess in these patients has a high mortality.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DESIGN: A small noncomparative interventional case series.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Complete recovery of the headache symptoms occurred only after OXC was discontinued.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Symptoms disappeared rapidly following cessation of emepromium bromide therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Gabapentin-induced mood changes with hypomanic features in adults.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This case illustrates the potential diversity of clinical lesions in a single patient with NEH, and its response to systemically administered corticosteroids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clozapine treatment of borderline patients: a preliminary study.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fatal pulmonary fibrosis induced by paclitaxel: a case report and review of the literature.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Using anti-CD79a as a B-cell marker is mandatory to overcome the difficulties in identifying these tumors.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: The tumor in the reported case may have enlarged in response to orally ingested sex steroid pills.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Neurological manifestations in patient 1 could be due to hypertension secondary to IVPMP, while the pathogenesis of such manifestations remained difficult to clarify in patient 2.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The second author concurs with use of Silvadene cream and would avoid any pressure on the area (Dr.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It seems that being aware of the undesirable affects of tamoxifen treatment during the chemotherapy and post-chemotherapy period is very important.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rapamycin\/sirolimus (SR), trade named Rapammune (Wyeth-Ayerst, Sydney, Australia), is a potent immunosuppressive drug associated with myelosuppression, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and infection.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Neuroleptic malignant syndrome due to risperidone treatment in a child with Joubert syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Albuterol-induced hypokalemia and its potential cardiac toxicity are discussed briefly.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We, therefore, recommend a trial of HU for thalassemia intermedia patients in whom chronic transfusion therapy is being contemplated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thalidomide neuropathy is often associated with proximal weakness and may progress even after discontinuation of treatment, in the phenomenon of 'coasting'.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient's arthritis flared after the second infusion of infliximab, which was discontinued.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This resulted in clearance of the virus from the AF and the delivery of a healthy newborn girl, free of CMV disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Peripheral nervous system disturbances caused by cytosine arabinoside have rarely been reported.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Severe hypernatraemia associated with growth hormone replacement therapy in a patient with septo-optic dysplasia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A proposed management scheme is detailed, including intravenously-administered propranolol as the preferred first-line antiarrhythmic agent.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Chronic hydroxychloroquine use associated with QT prolongation and refractory ventricular arrhythmia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Whether the simultaneous administration of ciprofloxacin or tazobactam\/piperacillin increases the risk of thrombocytosis is unknown.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He was well and his serum creatinine was 1.0 mg\/dl at 22 years of age.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Naloxone administration reversed the symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This phenomenon mimics the extrarenal production of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D by activated alveolar macrophages in granulomatous diseases with hypercalcemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Opioid drugs cause bile duct obstruction during hepatobiliary scans.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient was successfully treated with early surgery and combination antifungal therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"His VPA concentration at admission was 238 micromol\/L, a 48% decrease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A dapsone hypersensitivity syndrome, consisting of fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, lymphadenopathy, hepatitis, hemolysis, leukopenia, and mononucleosis, has been described in patients treated with the drug for leprosy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This paper reports an autopsy case of a 78-year-old male with multiple nodules in the liver developed after long-termed administration of phosphate diethylstilbestrol (PDES) for prostatic cancer.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"It can mimic other diseases because of its nonspecific clinical presentation and radiographic signs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The inherited activity of the enzyme thiopurine methyltransferase has been recently recognised as a major factor in the susceptibility to myelosuppression.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Discontinuation of chemotherapy, desensitization protocols and steroid premedication can be avoided.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We conclude that these agents should be used with great care in patients in whom atherosclerotic vascular disease is likely.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Diclofenac-associated hepatitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"These results suggest that clozapine may be an effective antipsychotic agent for this subset of BPD patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Neuroleptic malignant syndrome is an uncommon and potentially fatal idiosynchratic reaction of antipsychotic drugs, in which the clinical scenario encompass muscular rigidity, hyperthermia, autonomic dysfunction, altered consciousness, high creatinine phosphokinase levels, and leukocytosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: A total of 178 cases were identified.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Renal failure necessitated 5 hemodialysis sessions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Here, we report a case of acute liver dysfunction complicated with uncontrollable glycemia due to insulin antibody.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Concern usually arises when a medication is added to a continuing regimen, though discontinuation of a medication can also have an impact.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Positive immunohistochemistry staining of a biopsy specimen for cytomegalovirus suggested a viral etiology; however, lesions persisted despite antiviral therapy, and immunohistochemistry was negative on follow-up biopsy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PVT was diagnosed on colour Doppler ultrasonography (US).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The changes were progressive regardless of discontinuation of cyclophosphamide and led to severe restrictive ventilatory defect.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"An Asian multiparous woman weighing 47 kg, who suffered from a rare myopathy, congenital fibre type disproportion, was given morphine 10 mg intramuscularly for labour analgesia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Imatinib is a selective tyrosine kinase inhibitor which acts on breakpoint cluster region-Abelson fusion gene (BCR-ABL) positive leukemia including all phases of chronic myeloid leukemia and acute lymphoblastic leukemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In all patients, the administration of cisplatin instead of carboplatin was well tolerated without the need of premedication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, the characteristic ultrasound appearance of both pathologies facilitates determination of the final diagnosis and further treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Proconvulsive tendency of imipenem\/cilastatin is one of its well-known side effects.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Less common adverse events to dapsone include the idiosyncratic reactions of leukopenia and agranulocytosis, cutaneous eruptions, peripheral neuropathy, psychosis, toxic hepatitis, cholestatic jaundice, nephrotic syndrome, renal papillary necrosis, severe hypoalbuminemia without proteinuria, an infectious mononucleosis-like syndrome, and minor neurological and gastrointestinal complaints.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This report describes a case of neuroleptic malignant syndrome due to risperidone in a child with Joubert syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This toxic effect may be added to the list of potential adverse events occurring during ddI therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case of prolonged suxamethonium apnoea successfully terminated by the infusion of a commercial preparation of serumcholinesterase is reported.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In the absence of clinical or morphologic differences, a recent ingestion of minocycline should be excluded before the diagnosis of sporadic autoimmune hepatitis is established.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the case of an 87-year-old white woman with myasthenia gravis who presented with nausea, shortness of breath, azotemia, and hyperkalemia shortly after completing a course of intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"He began smoking again within 48 hours.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In the presented case fluvoxamine-induced akathisia in an OCD patient was partially resistant to the anticholinergic agent biperiden, and was successfully treated with the 5-HT2A\/5-HT2C antagonist mianserin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Complete remission of BOOP was achieved by long-term treatment with low-dose methotrexate (5-20 mg\/week, i.v.).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CK and\/or alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase were increased 5-24 times above the normal range in four of these patients, and the muscle biopsy showed focal RML in all five.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Despite high pretreatment values of serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT; peak value of 901 IU\/L) and HCV-RNA (2.3 x 10(6) copies\/ml), the combination therapy with IFN and ribavirin produced a rapid normalization of the serum ALT values, accompanied by the clearance of serum HCV-RNA.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although the two local anesthetics usually do not cause methemoglobinemia, we suspect that the displacement of lidocaine from protein binding by bupivacaine, in combination with metabolic acidosis and treatment with other oxidants, was the reason for the development of methemoglobinemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In addition, the patient tolerated other neuroleptics that were started in the hospital after the suspected NMS episode.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In these patients, the action of tricyclics can be conceptualized as accelerating rather than counteracting the natural, cyclic course of the illness in all of its phases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Testing proved a severe type IV contact allergy restricted to budesonide (group B), without cross-reactions to major corticosteroids of other groups.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"F VIII concentrate was given concomitantly (50 IU\/kg bw twice daily) during the initial phase of treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Alkylating agents have a well established role in the treatment of malignant disease, with well documented side effects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Dapsone, a potent antiparasitic and anti-inflammatory compound, is mainly used in the treatment of leprosy and a variety of blistering skin diseases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On the first day of the schedule, moderate high doses of Methotrexate, Etoposide and Cyclophosphamide were administered.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The subjects received the urinary sediment test before and during the study for screening urinary tract infection and the study was discontinued when urinary tract infection was found.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE SUMMARY: A 22-year-old male was admitted after a motor vehicle crash.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cushing's syndrome caused by unsupervised use of ocular glucocorticoids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three patients (3 eyes) representing unresolved total hyphema for more than 5 days and uncontrolled high intraocular pressure received intracameral injections of 10 microgram of recombinant tPA.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An ICD implantation was selected for the therapy since ventricular fibrillation was induced.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: To report our experience with late vitritis associated with keratoprosthesis (KPro).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute neuritis can lead to permanent nerve damage and necessitate prompt treatment with prednisone and\/or clofazamine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: We report six cases of psychosis in patients with akinetic-rigid syndromes who were treated with risperidone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Adverse reactions reported during cimetidine therapy were generally mild to moderate in severity and required discontinuance of therapy in only one patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This unusual cutaneous sign may be the first sign of methotrexate toxicity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Chromoblastomycosis, or chromomycosis, is a chronic fungal infection of the skin and subcutaneous tissues caused by a species of dematiaceous fungi.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Due to the escalating rates of community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA) infection, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX) is being used increasingly in the pediatric population for skin and soft tissue infections.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This had been given systemically during the patient's last week of life.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fludarabine phosphate is currently proposed for the treatment of refractory chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Case report: lack of control of diabetes and weight gain in a patient on initiation and rechallenge of therapy with olanzapine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The increasing administration of protocol chemotherapy by practitioners in the community, who may not be especially familiar with the particular agents in a given regimen, suggests such errors may become more common.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present a depressive patient who developed mild parkinsonian signs and camptocormia after the introduction of olanzapine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Comeoscleral perforation after pterygium excision and intraoperative mitomycin C.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a case of MMC-related hemolytic uremic syndrome, and discuss the etiologic parameters, clinical aspects, prognosis and treatment modalities of this severe syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A case is described where a woman with major toxicity and high serum levels was managed without recourse to invasive modalities such as cardiopulmonary bypass or extracorporeal therapies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In summary, adenosine should be recognized as a potentially dangerous intervention in patients with atrial flutter.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This patient adds to the growing literature of a second malignancy occurring after prolonged successful chemotherapy of a primary neoplasm.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It can be caused by a variety of factors, including repeated steroid injections, chronic tenosynovitis, and decreased blood supply to the tendon.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"At 1 month the rabbits were killed and the eyes examined by light microscopy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After an interval of 3 months, he presented a complex pattern of nail hyperpigmentation, from combined dense horizontal and longitudinal streaks in some nails to diffuse black discoloration in others (Figure).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intravesical chemotherapy may be associated with a risk of secondary malignancy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"E. avium bacteremias were polymicrobial in seven cases; in six cases, the coisolates were gastrointestinal organisms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Phenytoin was discontinued after admission; however, phenytoin 1 g i.v. was given for a tonic-clonic seizure two days after admission, after which swelling of the face and legs and pruritus developed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"General aneurysmatosis due to cheese consumption: complications of an endocarditis caused by Lactococcus cremoris.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The risk of massive cerebrospinal fluid overdrainage after repetitive manual pumping of the V-P shunt reservoir, which can contribute to the formation of a cerebellar hemorrhage, warrants special attention and hydrocephalic patients and their caregivers should be informed and educated about this potential complication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DESIGN: interventional case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Reasonable precautions (regular but briefer and less vigorous brushing of her teeth) combined with a moderate dose of carbamazepine effectively prevented seizure recurrence.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Therefore, parenteral amiodarone was implicated as the cause of acute hepatitis in this patient.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Reversible cholestasis with bile duct injury following azathioprine therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: Intraperitoneal catheters have a morbidity that persists after nonuse.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Gemcitabine was not resumed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It also draws attention to the fact that drug-induced OGC may be a multifaceted disorder with disturbances of movement, thought, behavior, and emotion, reminiscent of the OGC described in association with epidemic encephalitis lethargica.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Delirium in the intensive care unit: are we helping the patient?","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A table of all the cases reported in the literature is compiled.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Propionibacterium avidum is a Gram-positive, nonsporulating, facultative anaerobe that has a low level of virulence and is rarely pathogenic.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We suggest that the previous classification of nitrofurantoin induced lung injury into \"acute\" and \"chronic\" injury is an oversimplification in view of the wide variety of pathological entities that have subsequently emerged.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Visual acuity improved and IOP was within normal limits in both eyes postoperatively.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory agents (NSAIDs), especially naproxen and other propionic acid derivatives, appear to be the most common offenders.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Direct immunofluorescence findings were consistent with either cicatricial pemphigoid or linear IgA dermatosis, since both IgG and IgA linear deposits were found at the basal membrane zone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Renal damage associated with long term use of lithium carbonate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A case is presented in which, during regular endodontic treatment, uncontrollable bleeding occurred, suggestive of a generalized bleeding disorder.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 26-year-old Japanese man, who had been receiving medical attention for ulcerative colitis for one year, presented with diffuse erythema and pustules on his face and trunk, malaise, and fever up to 39 degrees C one day after the administration of salazosulfapyridine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In this respect, tricyclics are analogous to several other drugs that are capable of modulating the frequency of oscillatory biological processes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The importance of the need to avoid misdiagnosing heat stroke as neuroleptic malignant syndrome is reviewed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There is evidence to suggest that perfusion treatment is even superior to amputation as regards survival; if so an immunological mechanism might be responsible for this effect.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Estramustine is a combination of estradiol and nitrogen mustard, and alone has shown objective responses in advanced prostatic cancer.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present a case of a patient with two preexisting Silastic syringosubarachnoid shunt catheters who developed Enterobacter meningitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intravenous methotrexate is an effective adjunct to steroid therapy in the treatment of steroid-resistant or life-threatening dermatomyositis-polyositis or dermatomyositis-polymyositis complicated by severe steroid-related effects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the first case, to our knowledge, of rituximab-related autoimmune hemolytic anemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"These observations suggest that E. avium bacteremia most often originated from a gastrointestinal tract source.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, the patient survived thanks to early diagnosis confirmed by polymerase chain reaction on blood and by serological techniques, and early treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Sotalol-induced bradycardia reversed by glucagon.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Arrhythmias and cardiac arrest have been reported during amphotericin B administration but no effective technique has been described to prevent them.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The resulting increased turnover of heme might then result in overproduction of porphyrin precursors, resulting in the clinical syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Bilateral acute angle-closure glaucoma after bronchodilator therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Liver dysfunction in ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Aberrancies in T3 suppression testing in graves disease occur.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Like other myeloproliferative diseases, ET is associated with an increased risk of development of acute leukemia (AL).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"F VIII plasma activity ranged between 47 and 88%.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"His serum potassium level normalized despite continuation of the prednisone therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Disturbance of GABA metabolism in pyridoxine-dependent seizures.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Anabolic-androgenic steroids have been reported to have anticoagulatory and profibrinolytic effects in patients with protein C deficiency.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case of phenytoin-induced hepatitis with mononucleosis is reported, and syndromes associated with phenytoin hypersensitivity reactions are discussed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Development of sarcoidosis during interferon alpha 2b and ribavirin combination therapy for chronic hepatitis C--a case report and review of the literature.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Hysterectomy revealed benign endometrial megapolyps with marked stromal decidualization and edema.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 58-yr-old male patient with essential thrombocythaemia (ET) developed chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) after continuous uneventful treatment with hydroxyurea for 18 yr.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The clinical course of a 69-year-old male with acute myelogenous leukemia is described who, while extremely leukopenic (less than 100 neutrophils\/microliter) from chemotherapy, developed a cavitating pneumonia due to a gram-positive coccus, Micrococcus luteus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Dental and craniofacial characteristics in a patient with leprechaunism treated with insulin-like growth factor-I.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Photo-onycholysis caused by olanzapine and aripiprazole.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Oral intake and acarbose were withheld and the ileus spontaneously resolved after 2 days.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Antitumor activity was observed in four patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 35-year-old woman was treated with intraventricular methotrexate (MTX) with a total dose of 70 mg followed by cytosine arabinoside (Ara-C) with a total dose of 80 mg for meningeal metastasis of breast carcinoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Close patient monitoring is advisable in these types of patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Nephrotoxicity of selective COX-2 inhibitors.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Epithelioid angiosarcoma of the lung: a rare late complication of Lucite plombage.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: We report our experience with two patients with adult onset of chickenpox in the setting of longstanding steroid therapy for nephrotic syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Vigabatrin (VGB) is an important treatment option for infantile spasms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An anesthesia provider must immediately initiate treatment if bronchospasm is suspected in order to avoid negative sequelae.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Panic anxiety after abrupt discontinuation of mianserin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Multiple cultures failed to reveal sepsis and a urinary pH of 4.85 together with tests of renal acidification, excluded renal tubular acidosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 65-year-old woman with bipolar disorder and complicated cardiovascular disease who was on maintenance lithium therapy developed a movement disorder following high doses of trazodone for treatment of an acute depression.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A reduction in immunosuppression and the addition of acyclovir did not result in improvement.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Depressive symptoms disappeared after interferon therapy was stopped.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Bevacizumab is a recently developed monoclonal antibody against vascular endothelial growth factor receptor used to inhibit angiogenesis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intravenous administration of 90 mg commercial serumcholinesterase, the equivalent to 1000 ml fresh human plasma, restored twitch and tetanic responses and the patient could lift his head 15 min after the beginning of the enzyme injection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Prolonged prostate-specific antigen response in flutamide withdrawal syndrome despite disease progression.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: Clozapine causes few extrapyramidal symptoms and is recommended as a treatment drug for severe tardive dyskinesia (TD).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The typical fluoxetine-induced symptoms of restlessness, constant pacing, purposeless movements of the feet and legs, and marked anxiety were indistinguishable from those of neuroleptic-induced akathisia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Possible etiologic factors are traumatic osseous lesions and transport of rectal bacteria to the periosseous region.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Vascular catheters are associated with complications such as infection, thrombosis and stenosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Delusional parasitosis associated with phenelzine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Reperfusion of the transplanted heart was performed retrogradely through the coronary sinus utilizing leukocyte-depleted blood with a gradual increase in temperature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In this case, developmental and functional disturbances of the primary and permanent dentition are seen.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Methylene blue (MB) may be used in the treatment of this encephalopathy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three patients developed proteinuria following gold therapy for rheumatoid arthritis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The reaction is thought to be due to the effects of treponema breakdown products, and it should not be confused with an allergic reaction to the antibiotic employed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The more common grade 3 or 4 adverse effects of sunitinib include hypertension, fatigue, hand-foot syndrome, elevated lipase and lymphopenia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Phenylpropanolamine (PPA) recently has been publicly implicated as a cause of stroke and other neurologic events.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"He was diagnosed with acute pleuropericarditis by blood tests, electrocardiogram, chest X-ray, and echocardiogram.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On investigation no new change was noticed than previous evaluation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: To report the detection of cytomegalovirus (CMV) DNA in the cornea of a CMV endotheliitis patient after penetrating keratoplasty (PKP).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: This is the first report of a possible interaction between propafenone and citalopram, which caused propafenone adverse effects (eg, dizziness, falls) and mimicked coronary artery disease.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Several drugs (e.g., penicillin, probenecid) can alter the elimination of methotrexate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two unusual pathological reactions to nitrofurantoin: case reports.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Drug provocation test in patient with antituberculosis drug allergy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hyperthyroidism complicating asthma treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Steroid-induced alterations of mood and behavior in children during treatment for acute lymphoblastic leukemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It has activity against both the positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia, which has made it an alternative to traditional antipsychotic medications such as haloperidol.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of a 54-year-old female who ingested approximately 100 propoxyphene hydrochloride tablets in a suicide attempt.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Because of tumor progression, therapy was discontinued after a cumulative dose of adriamycin of 120 mg\/m2.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case is reported of a 40 year old woman treated with intraventricular IL-2 for leptomeningeal disease who developed progressive cognitive dysfunction.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"METHODS: Tissue obtained during vitrectomy was cultured and examined by light and electron microscopy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Symptomatic hypocalcaemia and renal impairment associated with bisphosphonate treatment in patients with multiple myeloma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Unique behavioral change with cinepazide in parkinsonism.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The interaction of radiotherapy with oxaliplatin needs to be further studied.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: This report indicates clindamycin phosphate vaginal cream as the most probable cause of CDIC due to the temporal relationship between the occurrence of diarrhea and clindamycin administration, lack of concomitant medications, and documentation of C. difficile toxin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Because the shortage of MVI is expected to be a long-term, there are likely to be more cases of WE in the pediatric population of TPN-dependent children.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Marked QT prolongation and torsades de pointes secondary to acute ischemia in an elderly man taking dofetilide for atrial fibrillation: a cautionary tale.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"DISCUSSION: A comprehensive literature search of Medline using WebMd and MDConsult, was conducted to cross reference known side effects of topical prostaglandin analog treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The cause of death was determined to be multiple drug intoxication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Following the diagnosis of colon cancer (Duke's classification D), a chemotherapy regimen of 5-FU and levamisole was started.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This article presents a case of an asthmatic with dental manifestations and reviews the possible causes and management of the same.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intermittent or interrupted therapy appears to be a significant risk factor for the development of this complication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient's dental development and pharmacological history suggest prednisone as the offending agent.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This is particularly the case for children, who often exhibit resistance to intramuscular or rectal administration of drugs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The case is discussed and the pertinent literature reviewed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pharmacologic doses of recombinant human erythropoietin in the treatment of myelodysplastic syndromes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a case of bullous pemphigoid (BP) in a patient with chronic renal failure maintained on hemodialysis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The results of these studies suggest that immune complex deposition does not involve gold and sulfur acting as haptens.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We conclude that vincristine and actinomycin D were the cause of this rare from of hepatotoxicity and that chemotherapy for the underlying malignant disease could be given safely after clinical recovery.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"RT can result in a multitude of adverse effects, both reversible and irreversible.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case of clozapine-induced tonic-clonic seizures managed with valproate: implications for clinical care.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Kluyvera co-infection in two solid organ transplant recipients: an emerging pathogen or a colonizer bystander?","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Persistent right umbilical vein--case report and review of literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 27-year-old man with acute monoblastic leukemia had clinical and laboratory evidence of disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), which was exacerbated by induction chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Improvement was dose-dependent, and was limited by irritability and action tremor when the patient was taking 1,600 mg per day.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report on case histories of two epileptic patients who were initially on lamotrigine and to whom sertraline was added to control psychiatric features.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 56-yr-old white female administered corticosteroids presented with left ear pain and facial swelling due to cervical subcutaneous emphysema from a diverticular perforation of the sigmoid colon.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After administration of Oxybutynin concomitantly with an increase in the dose of Dantrolene, she presented the clinical symptoms and laboratory finding of Carbamazepine intoxication.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Although the existence of an acute pericarditis or an acute myocarditis as possible causes of the ST elevation cannot be fully ruled out, the sudden onset, prominent magnitude, and brief duration of the ST elevation are perhaps more indicative of an acute ischemic event, possibly related to a transient coronary vasoconstriction induced by the dopamine infusion.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A toxic encephalopathy characterized by depressed level of consciousness, marked irritability, and ataxia developed in seven children, 5 years of age and younger, following administration of an antiemetic combination of pentobarbital and pyrilamine maleate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"At present, both patients are in the NYHA class I state and are ready to return to work.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"INTRODUCTION: We are reporting a case of bladder contracture post intravesical bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) therapy; to our knowledge only two cases were reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Morphological findings on sural nerve biopsies revealed both axonal degeneration and segmental remyelination.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Diagnosis, therapy, and complications of therapy are discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Contrary to previous recommendations, our experience cautions against the further use of high-dose cytarabine in patients who develop PPE, and is a timely reminder of the potential toxicity of this agent, which is now increasingly being used as first-line treatment in the management of haematologic malignancies.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Only 2 cases of spinal lipomatosis in HIV-related lipodystrophy have been reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The critical care provider is faced with deducing the etiology and treatment of delirium in the ICU.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: 1) To describe a patient with rheumatoid arthritis receiving adalimumab who developed fever, pancytopenia, splenomegaly, and extreme hyperferritinemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: Most GHD patients have intact posterior pituitary function.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Epidural steroid injections are relatively safe procedures, although the risk of hemorrhagic complications in patients undergoing long-term anticoagulation therapy is higher.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis (AGEP) induced by salazosulfapyridine in a patient with ulcerative colitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient remains free of both leukemia and fungal disease more than 4 years after transplant.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patients with cancer should be aware that alternative remedies may be harmful and ineffective.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Lithium's effect of parathyroid hormone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In all patients, discontinuation of aromatic AEDs resulted in resolution of symptoms and in 3 patients who required continued AED therapy, valproic acid was well tolerated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thirty-six patients with AL received, in a three-month period, 51 cycles of combined chemotherapy which included, in all of them, cytosine arabinoside (ARA-C); among them, along with myelosuppression, five experienced fever, infectious complications, gastrointestinal tract symptoms and severe myalgias.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 71-year-old man presented with herpes zoster ophthalmicus and ocular involvement.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In some cases they may cause serious complications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although no coagulation study was done and the Meckel's diverticulum is normally associated with bleeding, the particular intensity of the following hemorrhage may have been favored by metformin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Levofloxacin-induced toxic epidermal necrolysis in an elderly patient.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Possible mechanisms and potential therapies are discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 51-year-old man developed type 1 diabetes mellitus following 24 weeks of treatment with recombinant alpha-2b peginterferon plus ribavirin for chronic hepatitis C.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: This report indicates clindamycin phosphate vaginal cream as the most probable cause of CDIC due to the temporal relationship between the occurrence of diarrhea and clindamycin administration, lack of concomitant medications, and documentation of C. difficile toxin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We hypothesize that caffeine toxicity injured the muscle cells, which were fragile due to the potassium depletion induced by the coexisting hyponatremia, to result in unusually severe rhabdomyolysis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Neutrophilic dermatoses in two children with idiopathic neutropenia: association with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: The case of a patient who developed aseptic meningitis, hemolytic anemia, hepatitis, and orthostatic hypotension simultaneously during treatment with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole is described.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"After withdrawal of ibopamine and under continuation of all other concomitant medications her body weight continued to decrease during the following few days, her symptoms were alleviated and she was discharge to a nursing home.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ciprofloxacin is one drug that has been reported to cause interstitial nephritis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In 3 consecutive cases in which a small break in the thin conjunctiva adjacent to the scleral flap was created during trabeculectomy, sodium hyaluronate 2.3% (Healon5) was intraoperatively injected into the bleb.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Over two-thirds of the patients treated with intravenous cimetidine demonstrated a reduction in gastrointestinal symptom severity, and a statistically significant reduction in the mean severity rating for all patients was observed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We discuss the association of immune suppression and melanoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Primary pneumococcal peritonitis complicated by exudative pleural effusion in an adolescent girl.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Unwanted corticosteroid effects in childhood bone marrow failure, renal failure and brain damage: case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A patient with end stage renal disease secondary to systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) ultimately required amputation of the four extremities and developed mesenteric ischemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Venography demonstrated a large atrial thrombus in the superior vena cava and right atrium.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Trimethadione treatment may be a useful tool for chemical dissolution of pancreatic stones.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This is the first case where epoprostenol has been successfully reinstituted.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ileal biopsy revealed an erosive enteritis with mucosal inflammatory infiltrate and disruption of the surface epithelium.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The scant information available in the published literature regarding this phenomenon is reviewed with regard to 5-fluorouracil.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The antibiotic and cyclosporine were stopped and the child was managed with furosemide, nifedipine and steroids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, the pathologic diagnosis was meningioma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An unusual complication of chemotherapy: an abscess in the pterygopalatine fossa.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Within 10 days after cystoscopy causing urosepsis this patient developed persistant neckpain as initial symptom of vertebral osteomyelitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Incidence of myopathy in patients treated with antimalarials.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A wide variety of adverse central nervous system effects have been reported in association with propafenone; dizziness is the most common.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Later, both patients evolved to non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) (diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and peripheral T-cell NHL, respectively).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, severe limiting headaches are rarely experienced in this setting and no known therapy has been described for such a serious side effect.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Histologic examination of the excised specimen showed chronic granulomatous inflammation, and subsequent microbiologic studies cultured an acid- and alcohol-fast bacillus that was later identified as Mycobacterium fortuitum.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Re-administration of a combination of chemotherapy + Gemtuzumab at relapse in CD33+ AML patient allows to second remission and is feasible without extra toxicity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We suspect that similar syndromes reflecting injury to the spinal cord injury may be unrecognized following surgical repair of coarctation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although TPN appears to be beneficial in some patients with cancer, it is expensive and is associated with several significant disadvantages.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A biopsy specimen showed neutrophilic panniculitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Heparin-associated thrombocytopenia and thrombosis is a severe complication of systemic heparin therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Three patients with progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) treated with highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) worsened clinically and radiologically.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Nasopharyngeal cancer is not common in the Caucasian population; however, there is a much higher incidence in Asian patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Visceral leishmaniasis was established by bone marrow aspiration, and although there was no histological confirmation, according to HLH-2004 criteria, a secondary macrophagic activation syndrome was established.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Despite maximal anti-glaucomatous medication, IOP still could not be controlled.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The combination therapy resulted in abrupt alleviation of psychotic symptoms in one of the cases, and maintenance with low-dose clozapine allowed for long-term efficacy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Vapreotide, a new somatostatin analogue in the palliative management of obstructive ileus in advanced cancer.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On comparing the amino acid sequence of the index patient with the consensus sequence, five mutations were found at pre-S1, five at pre-S2 and twenty-three mutations at the S region.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CIDP may occur early or late during the treatment course with TNF-alpha antagonists.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient had been treated successfully in the hospital with intravenous methylprednisolone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a 71-year male with castration-resistant metastatic prostate cancer who was treated with weekly docetaxel for 12 weeks and developed significant eye irritation and dryness during treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We evaluated a patient who developed a psychotic disorder after 4 months of isoniazid prophylaxis for a positive tuberculosis tine test.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CASE DESCRIPTION: A patient with congenital afibrinogenemia presented with recurrent hemiparesis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The attributable mortality rate is 15%, with the most significant factor being treatment delay (mean time from presentation to initiation of treatment, 6.74 weeks).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"ACE inhibitor fetopathy is characterized by fetal hypotension, anuria-oligohydramnios, growth restriction, pulmonary hypoplasia, renal tubular dysplasia, and hypocalvaria.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The use of botulinum toxin in the treatment of a parotid duct injury during Mohs surgery and review of management options.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Serum antinuclear antibodies were positive (1:640 speckled pattern), and anti-double-stranded DNA was positive (1:80); moreover, positivity of anti-extractable nuclear antigen was observed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Animal models showing paradoxical or opposing responses to serotonin-enhancing agents may apply to human sexual functioning as well.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"SASP is known to be mainly metabolized by N-acetyltransferase 2 (NAT2), and acetylation phenotypes (rapid, intermediate and slow acetylator) correlate with NAT2* genotypes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In both cases, CSF pleocytosis was limited to 20 or 60 cells with variable protein and sugar values.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Investigations showed abnormal liver function tests, pancytopenia and elevated serum levels of aflatoxins.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Haemolytic-uraemic syndrome complicating long-term mitomycin C and 5-fluorouracil therapy for gastric carcinoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 35-year-old nephrotic man developed acute renal failure with serum creatinine to 1543 micromol\/l after a month of therapy with enalapril.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Soon after introduction of insulin therapy, she developed severe anasarca, including marked peripheral oedema, ascites and pleural effusion.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The possible mechanisms for this severe elevation of the calcium level are discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She was receiving phenytoin sodium 300 mg\/day; carbamazepine 200 mg four times daily had been discontinued four days before admission because of leukopenia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"From September 5 to November 4, 1991, four consecutive patients placed on centrifugal ventricular assist devices (VADs) for cardiac failure were supported with Biomedicus pumps coated with the Carmeda bioactive surface.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Focal renal cortical necrosis associated with zomepirac.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A patient developed transient, acute myopia while on isotretinoin (Accutane) therapy for acne.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A review of the literature was carried out with special reference to the significance of clinical myopathy with a negative biopsy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It has been observed after a variety of lesions affecting the posterior nerve roots, the spinal ganglia and the peripheral nerves.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: The patient retained excellent visual acuity and the choroidal hemorrhage resolved completely within two months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Sagittal sinus thrombosis associated with transient free protein S deficiency after L-asparaginase treatment: case report and review of the literature.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"He had experienced subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) from a left vertebral dissecting aneurysm, and had subsequently received a ventriculoperitoneal shunt against post-SAH hydrocephalus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Histological improvement with lamivudine therapy for de novo hepatitis B occurring in an anti-HBs-positive child after bone marrow transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Progressive anemia following combination therapy with interferon-alpha and interleukin-2 in a patient with metastatic renal cell carcinoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Allergic contact angioedema to benzoyl peroxide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient tolerated enalapril, and lisinopril without problems.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, the concentration of MHD, which peaked 7 h after intake, was only twofold higher (59.0 mg l(-1)).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Sustained-release verapamil is thought to be the cause of the asthma attack in this patient because she was not taking any other preparations; the symptoms started with the administration of sustained-release verapamil and were relieved after its discontinuation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In animals AmB incorporated into liposomes is highly effective against experimental leishmaniasis, with low toxicity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These data support the hypothesis that a defect in drug detoxification was responsible for the child's susceptibility to this drug hepatotoxicity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The mechanism was proven by ribotyping of the microorganism and postmortem pathology.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The ampules of tranexamic acid (500 mg\/5 mL) and bupivacaine (5 mg\/mL, Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) were similar in appearance.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The literature on these associations is reviewed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PATIENTS: Two patients with phantom limb pain after total hip disarticulation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Combined renal tubular acidosis and diabetes insipidus in hematological disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although enteral nutrition is generally advocated in the care of children with cancer, those patients receiving intensive chemotherapy alone or in combination with bone marrow transplantation often require total parenteral nutrition (TPN).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In these patients, the left atrial overload seemed to be severe.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The response to antimicrobial therapy was better in the more recent cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It can be caused by immunosuppressive drugs or autoimmune diseases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient's visual acuity, eye movements and the pupillary defect did not improve in the affected eye even after mechanical decompression within 30 minutes and medical treatment, neither in the early period nor during the following two months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The net effect of anabolic-androgenic steroids on the haemostatic system may change from antithrombotic to prothrombotic in male abusers of anabolic steroids with protein C deficiency.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the case of a 70-year-old female who experienced a graft enteric erosion (GEE) three years after a right aorto-femoral bypass.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"To date, clinical experience of rFVIIa administration in neonates, especially preterms, is rather limited, because of the lack of controlled studies and based solely on some published case reports and 1 prospective pilot study.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 14-year-old female developed systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)-like symptoms, rash, fever, leukopenia and positive anti-nuclear antibody (ANA) two weeks after administration of carbamazepine (CBZ; Tegretol) used against benign Rolandic epilepsy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Clinical and ethical considerations are discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The discordant time course behaviour of hematocrit and blood pressure points to the importance of residual renal tissue for blood pressure to develop during erythropoietin therapy in the renoprival status.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Combination chemotherapy with VM 26 and CCNU in primary malignant brain tumors.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Over a 5-year period, we observed three patients with a 3-15-year history of migraine, who received sumatriptan for acute headache.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It has been found to cause a nonanion gap metabolic acidosis in some patients, which is related to carbonic anhydrase inhibition.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hyperkalaemia with renal tubular dysfunction by oral therapy of sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim (co-trimoxazole) is described in 2 elderly Japanese patients with lymphoid malignancy, who developed Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia and improved.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We describe a case of Brugada syndrome, in which a coved type ST-segment elevation was enhanced by antihistamines and antiallergenic drugs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two patients are described who developed testicular swelling and pain during treatment with desipramine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The effectiveness of multidrug treatment by bleomycin, methotrexate, and cis-platinum in advanced vaginal carcinoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"k bipolar manic-depressive patient, developed while on lithium prophylaxis, akathisia at therapeutic serum lithium levels and subsequently bucco-linguo-masticatory dyskinesia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This is the first report of a chronic myeloproliferative disorder following successful treatment of hairy cell leukemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Case studies of three patients with SCs and the 8% of survey participants with SCs only are in focus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Though they are generally considered safe, there have been a few reports of myocardial infarction and stroke associated with triptan use.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a case of a patient with rheumatoid arthritis treated with low-dose methotrexate (15 mg\/week) who developed infection with both M. tuberculosis and M. chelonae after the revision of a prosthetic hip.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Physicians should keep in mind that taxanes such as paclitaxel have the potential to cause pneumonitis and lung fibrosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Pirmenol hydrochloride-induced QT prolongation and T wave inversion on electrocardiogram during treatment for symptomatic atrial fibrillation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"After taking cholestyramine II sachets twice daily for two months she presented with lethargy, confusion and drowsiness.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Alternating sinus rhythm and intermittent sinoatrial (S-A) block was observed in a 57-year-old woman, under treatment for angina with 80 mg propranolol daily.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Mycobacterium abscessus infection after use of tumor necrosis factor alpha inhibitor therapy: case report and review of infectious complications associated with tumor necrosis factor alpha inhibitor use.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The pharmaceutical company producing Halfan has reported 8 cardiac arrests, leading to 6 deaths, when a higher dose than recommended was used, there was recent or concomitant treatment with mefloquine, there was pre-existing prolongation of the QT interval or the patient had a thiamine deficiency.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The case of a patient with CPH, who had marked epigastric symptoms with indomethacin treatment and responded well to topiramate 150 mg daily, is reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Recently, CD20-negative tumors have been described after Rituximab therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Her history was significant for coronary artery disease, atrial fibrillation, deep venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, chronic steroid use, and recurrent urinary tract infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This report describes the clinical course of the patient over a period of 4 months after the nerve block and the post-mortem findings along with a brief review of the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, like alcohol, their use can sometimes be a significant part of a dependence problem.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DISCUSSION: There are similarities in symptoms between serotonin syndrome and clozapine withdrawal.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The reduction in the 125I-insulin binding rate and the binding capacity of the high affinity site of insulin antibodies were balanced after oral glucocorticoid therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In this case this activation of the calcium sensing receptor was triggered by amikacin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Adverse reactions also were more common in patients who had not received rauwolfia derivatives prior to admission; however, this group of patients also received IM reserpine more frequently.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Elderly patients for whom nitrate has been prescribed should be warned of the occurrence of hypotension, leading to unconsciousness.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Three months after starting citalopram, she experienced episodes of chest tightness and dizziness.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Massive plasmocytosis due to methimazole-induced bone marrow toxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Reexposure to the drug was reported in three patients but was uncomplicated in only one.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Bronchoalveolar lavage performed 48 hours after the end of challenge exposure showed a marked increase in neutrophils (60% of total cell count).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The addition of catecholamines to local anesthetics should be considered.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The rapid progression under medical therapy prompted us to replace the thoracic aorta with an 8-mm polytetrafluoroethylene graft, using extracorporeal circulation and core cooling.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: Routine implementation of computed tomography for 3D dose planning purposes is therefore advocated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Risperidone-induced tardive dyskinesia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 31-year-old, white man was admitted after sustaining a gunshot wound to the chest and mandible.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The biopsy showed inflammation only, and other microbiological workup was negative.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intradermal and patch tests to liquid prednisone were positive.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The inter-individual variation in the expression of this protein(s) and its potential induction by anticonvulsant therapy together with an inherited deficiency in drug detoxification capacity may explain predisposition to these immunoallergic reactions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We review the existing literature on this rare clinical entity, all-trans retinoic acid-induced myositis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After taking him off all drugs and administering spironolactone supplemented with potassium, his low serum potassium level was ameliorated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Medication comprises of bronchodilators, corticosteroids and anticholinergic drugs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Metipranolol associated granulomatous anterior uveitis: not so uncommon as thought.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient had initiated treatment with oral pantoprazole 40 mg\/d for gastroesophageal reflux 2 months prior to admission.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However here we reported two patients, presenting with PD during high dose colchicine treatment for familiar mediterranean fever (FMF).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Two days after surgery, signs of orbital cellulitis developed in his right orbit.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"For this reason, especially, in the regions where G6PD enzyme deficiency is common, people should be informed about the side-effects of topical henna application and clinicians should be aware of these manifestations.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In the 36th week of gestation, the patient was introduced nitrofurantoin 100 mg a day due to symptoms of dysuria and enterococcus isolated from urine culture.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All responded to treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Five had acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) (one bcr\/abl positive), six had acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) with immunophenotype and\/or cytogenetic intermediate-high risk features, except one patient with acute promyelocytic leukaemia (APML).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Enzyme replacement therapy for Gaucher's disease in patient treated for non-small cell lung cancer.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The medical chart of the patient was reviewed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Retinal abnormalities, including retinal hemorrhage and \"cotton-wool\" spots, often occur within the first 8 weeks in the course of interferon therapy in patients with chronic hepatitis C.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The exacerbation of psoriasis was accompanied by a massive induction of lesional type I interferon activity, detected by MxA expression after imiquimod therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In cases of mild increments of eosinophils and if the patient is asymptomatic, there is no need to make an immediate decision.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The possible role of AK inhibition in these clinical responses requires further investigation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute dystonia with thalamic and brainstem lesions after initial penicillamine treatment in Wilson's disease.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"AIMS: To present a case of piloerection after replacing fluvoxamine maleate with milnacipran hydrochloride, and to analyse this effect based on receptor occupancy theory.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We present here a female patient who developed acute bilateral parotitis within minutes of i.v. enalaprilat injection and recovered within 24 hours of stopping the drug and with symptomatic treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Percutaneous or transvaginal ultrasound-guided direct thrombin injection is a simple procedure that does not require any sophisticated surgical or radiological equipment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe three blood brothers who were involved in pottery glazing and suffered from repeated episodes of severe abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, constipation and anemia due to lead toxicity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case report illustrates the importance of early detection of drug-induced hepatotoxicity and timely drug discontinuation to prevent the need for liver transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Translocation (4;11)(p12;q23) with rearrangement of FRYL and MLL in therapy-related acute myeloid leukemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Painful neutrophilic skin lesions were observed in two children receiving granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) for treatment of idiopathic neutropenia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Allergic contact dermatitis from 4-chloro-7-nitrobenzofurazan.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"She was admitted following a fall and, after being given metoclopramide, developed movement disorder and a period of unresponsiveness.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Clinicians need to be aware of this drug-induced condition and the potential increased risk associated with concurrent use of multiple psychotropics.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Initially, she was started on Pancrease MT 16, which was subsequently discontinued because fecal fat studies were normal and she seemed to do well on Nutramigen and vitamin supplements.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This therapeutic regimen, coupled with further intervention, allowed resolution of the thrombotic complication without bleeding.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Subjects received 1.2 to 2.88 gm over 12 to 18 days.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Zygomycosis in a 13 year old girl with T-NHL.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Herein, we present a case of Majocchi's granuloma of face, a site rarely involved, in an immunocompetent patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is entirely excreted through the renal system so this needs to be considered in any patient becoming acutely ill and developing renal failure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Erection subsided spontaneously after 4 hours, with subsequent potency unimpaired.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hemolytic uremic syndrome in a patient on cis-platinum, vinblastine and bleomycin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This clinical management may offer an alternative to treatment suspension.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Further efforts are required to fully establish the cardiac transplantation program in Japan.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patients should be aware that this is a rare, albeit serious, complication of treatment with rituximab.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"By means of the in vitro heparin-induced platelet activation (HIPA) assay it was shown that standard heparin and the LMW heparins Fragmin and Fraxiparin (Sanofi Labaz, Munich, FRG), as well as the enoxaparine Clexane (Nattermann, Cologne, FRG), all induced platelet activation with the patient's serum.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Because it was not a stocked item in our pediatric emergency cart (as well as at another hospital, necessitating a transfer of a patient with refractory seizures to our hospital), the average delay was 5.8 hours (range, 1.3 to 13 hours) before it was given.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a series of three patients who whilst using topical facial steroids developed advanced glaucoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On-going monitoring of alteplase-treated patients may allow the opportunity to perform rescue intra-arterial therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We here report our preliminary clinical experience with caspofungin as an additional drug to the standard trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole regimen.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Mecasermin [rDNA] (Increlex; Tercica, Inc.) is recombinant insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) that has been approved to treat growth failure in children with severe primary IGF-I deficiency.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Symptoms were slow to resolve after penicillamine treatment was discontinued, and four of the patients needed corticosteroid therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However BUN and serum creatinine continued to increase and peaked on the following day at 8.6 mmol\/l of urea (24 mg\/dl) and 194 mumol\/l (2.2 mg\/ml), respectively.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DATA SYNTHESIS: Genetic deficiencies in DPD, the rate-limiting enzyme responsible for 5-FU catabolism, may occur in 3% or more of patients with cancer putting them at increased risk for unusually severe adverse reactions (e.g., diarrhea, stomatitis, mucositis, myelosuppression, neurotoxicity) to standard doses of 5-FU.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: The results suggest that olanzapine may be useful in treating patients with clozapine-induced granulocytopenia without the risk of recurrence of hematologic side effects.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Administration of amantadine was associated with psychotic decompensations in two schizophrenic patients being maintained on concomitant neuroleptic medication.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The response to surgical drainage and antimicrobial therapy was dramatic in both dogs, but one dog experienced a drug reaction to trimethoprim-potentiated sulfonamide.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Here, we describe a case of Epstein-Barr virus-associated polymorphic PTLD that developed shortly after treatment for cytomegalovirus reactivation in a lung transplant recipient who was preoperatively seropositive for both cytomegalovirus and Epstein-Barr virus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone associated with limbic encephalitis in a patient with drug-induced hypersensitivity syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, at the same time, multiple cutaneous violaceous papular-nodular lesions appeared on his left forearm.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Histopathologically, a degenerative, inflammatory thyroiditis was evident.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Subsequently he responded to the West Berlin Protocol.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"4-en-VPA (2-propyl-4-pentenoic acid) (5%-21% in plasma) and 4,4'-dien-VPA (2(2-propenyl)-4-pentenoic acid) (4%-7%) have been found as abnormal unsaturated metabolites not detectable in controls.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One patient who was weaned and survived had multiple thromboembolic strokes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report two cases in which acute paraplegia occurred following compression fracture without retropulsion of bone fragments or significant narrowing of the spinal canal.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of calciphylaxis in a patient with normal renal function and hypoparathyroidism, who responded to treatment with sodium thiosulfate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CD-20 expression in post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorders: treatment with rituximab.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of intrathecal methotrexate neurotoxicity manifesting as left arm weakness and aphasia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We describe a patient who developed adrenal insufficiency (AI) after this protocol.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We presented a patient with status asthmaticus treated with a combination of theophylline and prednisone who developed a perforated gastric ulcer.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The hepatotoxicity is probably due to (-)-epigallocatechin gallate or its metabolites which, under particular conditions related to the patient's metabolism, can induce oxidative stress in the liver.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The acronym 'EMPACT' is suggested (E: erythema; M: multiforme; associated with P: phenytoin; A: and; C: cranial, radiation; T: therapy) to best describe this disorder.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHOD: Recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) is a newly approved treatment for weight loss and wasting in patients with AIDS.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Gemcitabine-induced pericardial effusion and tamponade after unblocked cardiac irradiation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Eleven patients developed infection requiring hospitalization while taking leflunomide including: lower respiratory tract infections (3), cellulitis (2), disseminated herpes zoster (2), probable TB liver (1), abdominal sepsis (1), mycotic aneurysm (1) and gastroenteritis (1).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We assume that rIFN-gamma induced the de novo development of SLE in our patient.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"She had palpable cervicosternal fibrosis measuring 10 x 8 cm, with local inflammatory signs and functional consequences (cough, restricted cervical movement, dyspnoea and bronchitis) with a SOMA scale for grading the long-term side effects of radiation therapy of 19\/14.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Leflunomide-associated weight loss in rheumatoid arthritis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"These children aged 2.5-15 years were treated for Burkitt's lymphoma, Ewing's tumour, small cell bone tumour or medulloblastoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three nephrotic patients who had reduced renal function and active renal disease with progressive deterioration of renal function prior to the use of MP developed transient renal failure following an MP pulse therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Later, more careful research showed that they are not directly associated with the antipsychotic activity of neuroleptic agents.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A single dose of dichloroacetate (DCA) was associated with a decrease in the serum lactate level by 20%, which persisted for more than 24 h.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe an infant who developed juvenile glaucoma with buphthalmos while receiving systemic steroid treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient described feeling cold with worsening headache and chills approximately one hour after infusion of the first dose of penicillin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"With these measures PaO2 could be maintained of safe levels but PEEP and high inspired oxygen concentrations were needed postoperatively until the trachea could be extubated on the third postoperative day.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"According to the Naranjo probability scale, the papular eruption was probably caused by methotrexate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Although heliox has been used foryears to treat patients with various respiratory complications, it is not currently a common treatment instituted by anesthesia practitioners for the treatment of bronchospasm.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient was treated with full mouth gingivectomy and 2-week recall visits for a period of 2 months consisting of oral physiotherapy instructions, scaling, and topical fluoride application.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Relevant literature data are discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Based upon the success of three refractory cases treated by this procedure, recommendation are made for the conversion of standard compressed-air chambers into an emergency saturation mode for therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Given the paradoxical efficacy of the atypical antipsychotics in pure OCD, the neurobiology and comorbidity of OCD and schizophrenia, as well as the increasing use of atypical antipsychotics, a cautious and rational pharmacotherapeutic treatment approach is recommended.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASES: Two postmenopausal women treated with tamoxifen and progestational agents for breast carcinoma developed uterine enlargement and intermittent spotting.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This condition can manifest as fever, myalgia, arthralgia, and Sweet syndrome, accompanied by distinct magnetic resonance findings involving the lower extremity musculature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The present case indicates that the neutropenic colitis can occur under neutropenic conditions induced by the standard-dose chemotherapy for solid cancer.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Gold-induced pneumonitis is a rare complication of gold salt therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We describe a patient with a liver abscess due to Entamoeba histolytica, in whom metronidazole therapy (total dose, 21 g over 14 days) was complicated by reversible deafness, tinnitus, and ataxia and who relapsed 5 months later with a splenic abscess.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A case is reported of a child with fatal pulmonary fibrosis following BCNU therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Atopic cataracts versus steroid cataracts.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hyperpigmentation is one of the cutaneous side effects of chemotherapautic agents, but it is usually accepted as a cosmetic problem.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: We describe a patient with MS in remission who had not exhibited any signs of IBD in the past.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: After cessation of topical dipivefrin application and successful surgical repair of entropion, no recurrence of signs or symptoms has been reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the case of a 43-year-old man with ITP refractory to steroids and intravenous immunoglobulin who developed acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) after a single infusion of rituximab.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient developed a severe infection of the upper and lower respiratory tract with bilateral pulmonary infiltrates and severe hypoxemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The symptoms of pseudotumor cerebri disappeared within 10 days.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We conclude that MB is an effective treatment for ifosfamide-induced encephalopathy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Diarrhoea, T-CD4+ lymphopenia and bilateral patchy pulmonary infiltrates developed in a male 60 yrs of age, who was treated with oxaliplatinum and 5-fluorouracil for unresectable rectum carcinoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Approximately 70% of the cases manifested as inflammation of internal organs or tissues and 30% manifested as a dermatitis or mucositis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Bilateral recurrent pneumothorax complicating chemotherapy for pulmonary metastatic breast ductal carcinoma: report of a case.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Since its FDA approval in 2002, there are no known citations of ezetimibe-induced pancreatitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The authors report an open study of 30 cases of intradiscal injection of triamcinolone hexacetonide in the treatment of sciatica.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The baby girl was fed with pasteurized maternal milk, and she had a normal growth.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: The profound hypoxemia in this case was likely due to a combination of intra- and extrapulmonary shunt, both augmented by sodium nitroprusside.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DPD) activity was measured by radioisotopic assay using lysates of peripheral blood mononuclear cells.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The criterion for severe infection was inpatient hospitalization.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"HHV-6B infection caused or triggered severe gastrointestinal inflammation with intractable diarrhoea and failure to thrive over several months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Report of a patient with severe transfusion-related acute lung injury after multiple transfusions, resuscitated with albumin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hiccups can arise from idiopathic, psychogenic and organic causes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A spinal haematoma occurring in the subarachnoid as well as in the subdural space in a patient treated with anticoagulants.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To describe the development of valproate-related reproductive endocrine disorders in women with epilepsy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Treatment was given as direct observed therapy (DOT) and sputum cultures, blood chemistry and neurologic examination were undertaken on a regular basis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors caution that treatment with alprazolam may be complicated by the induction of mania.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Lethargy in a newborn: lithium toxicity or lab error?","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Pulmonary thromboembolism following total laryngectomy and neck dissection: a case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Diagnosis requires CT scan and direct aspiration and culture of the liver abscess.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: The new quinolone derivatives (levofloxacin, sparfloxacin, grepafloxacin, trovafloxacin, gatifloxacin and moxifloxacin), also called gyrase inhibitors, are known for their potential to cause central nervous system-related adverse effects, including headache, dizziness and insomnia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The role of chemotherapy in the induction of such secondary tumors after transplantation is discussed, and a proposal for the approach to these patients is suggested.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Here we present a forty-two-year-old Caucasian female with altered mental status, inability to eat, speak or walk properly, with shaking and vomiting for three days.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Shortly after the start of surgery, he suffered an allergic reaction that, at first, was difficult to distinguish from the recognised side-effects of intrathecal diamorphine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Myoclonic twitching in the lower limbs of a patient who received intrathecal narcotics is described.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present a rare case of a thrombus at the aortic arch found 1 month after cisplatin-based chemotherapy in a 50-year-old patient with a diagnosis of small cell lung cancer; there were no symptoms related to the thrombus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We believe this is a remarkable potentiation on record in the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Antithyroid treatment during pregnancy should allow the use not only of PTU but also of CBZ and methimazole.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Since therapeutic trials have failed, prevention of possible causes is the only way to avoid this rare but severe complication of cardiac surgery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Transnasal fiberoptic laryngoscopy revealed a significant laryngeal hematoma, as well as a hematoma on the floor of the mouth and in the tonsil area.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DISCUSSION: Propafenone is a class 1C antiarrhythmic agent that blocks fast sodium channels in heart muscle and Purkinje fibers similar to the action of encainide and flecainide.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In case 1, a total daily dose of 25 mg sertraline, with nondetectable sertraline and desmethylsertraline blood levels, resulted in a doubling of the lamotrigine blood level with symptoms of toxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"METHODS: We present a case of intraoperative erection after the initiation of continuous spinal anesthesia that was treated with intravenous glycopyrrolate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Therapy was adjusted as required on the basis of BCG sensitivity results.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, the clinical role of S-1 in patients with recurrent\/metastatic head and neck cancer is still uncertain.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Dermatological signs are found in 50% of cases, and are often diagnostic.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In May of 1997 a drug inadvertently injected intrathecally caused severe neurological damage and death to a child.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the case of a lung cancer patient with bronquiloalveolar carcinoma (BAC) presenting with BOOP after chemotherapy with docetaxel and gemcitabine producing severe respiratory insufficiency, and simulating a progression of the tumor.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A case of a 53-year-old man who developed acute pneumonitis after bleomycin and moderate oxygen administration is presented.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The novel antipsychotics offer great potential for improving compliance.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Multiple keratoacanthomas after megavoltage radiation therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Leukocyte histamine release test with salmon calcitonin and serum tryptase levels at baseline and after intramuscular challenge test were performed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A number of patients also had acute gastrointestinal hemorrhage.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute renal insufficiency is known to occur in patients who are taking ciprofloxacin, particularly the elderly.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Acetazolamide (AZ) is mostly excreted in the urine, therefore, the blood levels of AZ often tend to increase in patients with chronic renal failure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It produces clinically malignant multivesicular infiltrating lesions most often in the liver, and is quite different from the usual cystic variety caused by E. granulosus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Therapy with the zinc-saline dressings was continued and restoration of all tissues was documented within 225 days.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Recombinant hirudin (lepirudin), a thrombin-specific inhibitor, provides safe and effective anticoagulation in such patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ninety-nine of 171 (57.9%) patients were also prescribed prednisone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Twenty-five patients were recruited in each treatment arm (50 in total).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CD4 count was 326 +\/- 124 cells\/mL (range, 198-467) and all patients presented HIV viral load < 75 copes\/mL.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Gemcitabine-associated hemolytic-uremic syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Cytomegalovirus (CMV) pneumonia in the setting of non-transplantation patients is a rarity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The drug should be withdrawn immediately if there is a suspicion of blood disorders.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Palatal tremor (formerly palatal myoclonus) is an extremely rare, but potentially treatable cause, of objective tinnitus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Methemoglobinemia may occur after the administration of various drugs, including some local anesthetics.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"2). These findings were characteristic of granular parakeratosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although the cornerstone of treatment for AWS remains benzodiazepines, this case highlights the potential utility of phenobarbital in patients with resistant AWS.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Within days, she developed paranoid ideation, profound psychomotor retardation, increased depression, and fatigue.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Here, we describe two patients who developed severe proteinuria after renal transplantation, despite effective blood pressure control with an ACE inhibitor.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After the switch to aripiprazole, the patient's psychotic condition improved.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Here, we report for the first time the induction of a subfulminant autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) after four months of a successful treatment of HCV-1b infection using peg-IFN and ribavirin, in a 48-year-old woman co-infected with HIV.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The most common causes of sudden cardiac arrest are massive pulmonary embolism (PE) and acute myocardial infarction (MI).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This is the first report to document ocular motor abnormalities associated with midbrain dysfunction in ODS.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Videopolysomnographic and pharmacokinetic studies with monitoring of plasma levodopa levels demonstrated marked motor hyperactivity during augmentation, with anarchic discharges of motor unit potentials, tonic grouped discharges and flexor spasms, associated with painful dysesthesia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Three patients presented with myoclonic seizures refractory to valproic acid and the usual antiepileptic therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The parasite that causes this infection is usually transmitted by the sandfly and occasionally by nonsterile needles among intravenous drug users.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pulmonary hemorrhage as a clinical manifestation of hemolytic-uremic syndrome associated with mitomycin C therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Itraconazole-induced liver injury presents with a cholestatic pattern of injury with damage to the interlobular bile ducts, possibly leading to ductopenia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"It may become manifest as perilesional linear, depigmented, atrophic streaks, which are usually most prominent in patients with dark-colored skin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two weeks later he was seen with a 5-kg weight gain, shortness of breath, bibasilar rales, +S3 gallop, and increased jugular venous distention.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Almost all of the suspected adverse drug reactions (ADR) from 1% lindane have involved substantial misuse.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Verapamil in effort-induced angina pectoris in patients with normal coronary arteries.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"PAS was stopped and the patient's blood glucose concentrations became normal.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe the development of severe lipoatrophy in a patient treated with biphasic aspart.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We underline the association between this pathogen and inguinal skin breaks, and discuss the potential diagnostic pitfalls in clinical and laboratory diagnosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We postulate that cyclosporin, possibly together with ganciclovir, can produce transient brain stem or neuromuscular dysfunction with eye movement abnormality in occasional patients.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Endogenous catecholamines in excess are known to cause dilated cardiomyopathy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Slow acetylator genotypes as a possible risk factor for infectious mononucleosis-like syndrome induced by salazosulfapyridine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The overall tolerability was considered to be very good; however, initial sleepiness appeared in four patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An 82-year-old woman with type 2 diabetes had been treated with recombinant human insulin for 16 years.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The hospital course of the acute renal failure is presented with a review of the literature on cases of acute renal failure after IVIG.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"These asymptomatic papules with a tendency to coalesce became more prominent with prolonged exposure (Figs 1 and 2).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The objective of this presentation is to document the salient clinical findings in a case of aflatoxicosis and to review the literature on the same so as to increase the index of suspicion, enhance early diagnosis and improve management.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hyperhidrosis is a debilitating condition characterised by sweating that exceeds the need of normal thermoregulation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Chronic pain is one of the most common reasons for therapeutic cannabis use.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Generalized and partial complex seizures, other neurological signs and symptoms, and laboratory data were improved after modification of her anticonvulsant regimen.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Potential advantages and hazards of transvaginal intratubal insemination and single-dose MTX for ectopic pregnancy are discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Nail staining from hydroquinone cream.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Case report: severe gastrointestinal inflammation and persistent HHV-6B infection in a paediatric cancer patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is concluded that boldo leaf extracts might be hepatotoxic, at least in elderly patients with fatty liver.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Linezolid, the first approved oxazolidinone, appears to be a promising new agent for the treatment of serious Gram-positive infections.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Her serum creatinine phosphokinase level was 19,190 IU\/L.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Very elderly patients with nephrotic syndrome frequently suffer from oliguric renal failure, which has a potentially high mortality.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rapamycin\/sirolimus (SR), trade named Rapammune (Wyeth-Ayerst, Sydney, Australia), is a potent immunosuppressive drug associated with myelosuppression, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and infection.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Laboratory studies demonstrated eosinophilia, elevated serum IgE, and elevated T suppressor\/cytotoxic cells in the peripheral blood.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Arterial hypotension, which improved with inotropic agents, was the only complication that seemed related to the inhaled anaesthetic.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Renal biopsy showed a type I membranous glomerulonephropathy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After the chlorambucil was discontinued, the wbc count began to slowly rise and the patient developed clinical AML.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"He was maintained on cyclosporine A, mycophenolate mofetil, and prednisone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe the case of a 10-year-old girl with two epileptic seizures and subcontinuous spike-waves during sleep, who presented unusual side-effects related to clobazam (CLB) monotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We do not suggest that epidural steroid therapy is the treatment of choice for patients with multiple back operations or that it is efficacious for these patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DPD) is the rate-limiting enzyme in the catabolism of 5-FU.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Neuropathies masquerading as an epidural complication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Her serum calcium level was finally stabilized in the 2.37-2.95 mmol\/L by administration of a single intravenous dose of pamidronate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hematologic toxicity was mainly granulocytopenia, but thrombocytopenia occurred in two patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Complementary examinations and follow-up disclosed a sarcoidosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ifosfamide is an alkylating agent used in the treatment of a variety of solid tumours.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two patients had a predominantly axonal and sensory polyneuropathy of the lower legs with fasciculations in one of them.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case of stage 4 neuroblastoma that developed excessive hypertension on day 120 of chemotherapy is presented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cross-sensitivity reaction between tacrolimus and macrolide antibiotics.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Isoniazid-induced anaphylaxis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The case of a 67-year-old man with acute myocardial infarction with ST-segment elevation after a wasp sting treated with fibrinolysis and without significant coronary atherosclerosis is reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We followed these patients by A scan ultrasonographic ocular measurements, documenting reduction of the anterior chamber depth combined with lens thickening.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Exposures to 4-hydroxycyclophosphamide, the combination of thiotepa\/tepa and carboplatin were 94%, 117% and 71% higher than the median respective exposures in a non-obese population of patients ( n=24) receiving similar doses.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hyperkalaemia with renal tubular dysfunction by sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim for Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in patients with lymphoid malignancy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Hypercalcemia occurs frequently after renal transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient was sent to a rehabilitation hospital and had a partial recovery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case of allopurinol hypersensitivity, possibly the first in a black African, is reported.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We present the case of a nine-year-old boy with hypoplastic left heart syndrome and immune thrombocytopenic purpura who subsequently developed pneumatosis intestinails with a benign clinical examination.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rifampin can be associated with severe adverse effects such as hepatitis, acute renal failure, hemolytic anemia, and thrombocytopenia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Six patients developed peripheral neuropathy and five patients bone marrow depression, blood transfusions were given to three patients and in all five patients bone marrow function normalized after cessation of linezolid.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We describe a patient with idiopathic RLS who developed augmentation after 8 months of levodopa treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Thalidomide neuropathy in childhood.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Administration of multiple doses of meperidine in patients with hepatic disease should be discouraged.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Glucocorticoids may be useful as short-term palliative therapy for acute exacerbations of Crohn disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There were a small number of damaged follicles infiltrated by macrophages, which were immunopositive for HAM56.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Glomerulonephritis in procainamide induced lupus erythematosus: report of a case and review of the literature.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 46-year-old man began taking nicotinic acid, 3 g daily, for hypercholesterolemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The syndrome is characterized by hyperuricemia, hyperphosphatemia, hypocalcemia, hyperkalemia, and acute oliguric or anuric renal failure due to uric acid precipitation within the tubules (acute uric acid nephropathy) and to calcium phosphate deposition in the renal parenchyma and vessels.We report a case of acute spontaneous TLS in a patient with Crohn s disease treated with immunosuppressive drugs, who developed a plasmocytoma, in which serum uric acid concentration attained exceptionally high levels (44 mg\/dL).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In the last years intravenous cyclosporine (CyA) has been reported to be rapidly effective and relatively safe in patients with severe corticosteroid-resistant UC.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case of normotensive scleroderma renal crisis after high-dose methylprednisolone treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CASE SUMMARY: A 65-year-old patient chronically treated with the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) citalopram developed confusion, agitation, tachycardia, tremors, myoclonic jerks and unsteady gait, consistent with serotonin syndrome, following initiation of fentanyl, and all symptoms and signs resolved following discontinuation of fentanyl.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Dapsone syndrome in cutaneous lupus erythematosus.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"For 4.5 months after surgery, the bird had no recurrence of clinical signs; however, dyspnea recurred and during evaluation, the bird died.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Our patient illustrates the importance of early recognition and treatment of hyponatremia before the onset of seizures.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Phytonadione 10 mg was administered subcutaneously, and warfarin was held for 3 days until her INR fell to 2.10.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 10-year-old asthmatic boy began to suffer from urticarial rash and moderately severe bronchospasm after 8 weeks' treatment with disodium cromoglycate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In one case, PVT occurred in the absence of HVOD in a patient with pre-existing periportal lymphomatous infiltration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A novel side effect of antithyroid drugs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although all patients recovered, hemodialysis hastened the rate of recovery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patients with TSHoma-associated autoimmune thyroiditis should undergo careful follow-up for development of Graves' disease after treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two manic-depressive patients are described who presented with acute renal failure and concurrent lithium toxicity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The prognosis is generally poor for patients who experience a cardiac arrest.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A patient with sinuatrial disease and implanted pacemaker was treated with amiodarone (maximum dose 1000 mg, maintenance dose 800 mg daily) for 10 months, for control of supraventricular tachyarrhythmias.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"As the prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection continues to rise the clinician is encountered with a diagnostic challenge.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pleuropulmonary fibrosis after long-term treatment with the dopamine agonist pergolide for Parkinson Disease.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Gabapentin may act directly upon temperature regulatory centers.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the case of a 30-year-old male after kidney transplantation, treated with steroids, cyclosporin A and SRL, with steroid-resistant acute rejection in anamnesis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Periodic alternating nystagmus generally implies structural brainstem disease, especially at the craniocervical junction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The chemotherapeutics, including vincristine, actinomycin D, and epirubicin in case 1 and vincristine and actinomycin D in case 2, were given before the hepatotoxicity developed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We describe two cases of sulfadiazine-induced crystalluria and renal failure in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, review the pertinent literature, and discuss the pathogenesis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This case demonstrates that both epoetin alfa and darbepoetin alfa may artificially lower A1C levels in a patient with diabetes who is not undergoing dialysis, and therefore this finding can be interpreted as a class effect.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Homozygosity for the methylentetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) C677T polymorphism diagnosed by molecular genetic analysis was the only explanation for this toxicity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Six days after starting acyclovir she exhibited signs of lithium toxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Corticosteroids may be useful for therapy of some features of this syndrome, such as thrombocytopenia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Following treatment, that behavior also ceased.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The other evaluable patients showed stable disease with improved symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An adult female with developmental disability was prescribed chlorpromazine for the target behaviors of aggression and self-injurious behavior (SIB), and she was prescribed phenobarbital for seizures.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Polyarthritis, hepatitis and anti-native DNA antibodies after treatment with ethambutol and rifampicin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Adenosine is used as pharmacological treatment of the first choice for the termination of regular small complex tachycardia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Chest roentgenogram showed interstitial congestive failure, and an EKG demonstrated sinus bradycardia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, these drugs have different toxicity profiles and may have clinically relevant differences in immunosuppressive activity in individual patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Respiratory effects of halothane in a patient with refractory status asthmaticus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 48-year-old woman with a diagnosis of breast carcinoma was treated with adjuvant chemotherapy through a central venous catheter with subcutaneous reservoir (Port-A-Cath).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Chronic traumatic trigeminal neuralgia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Bleeding occurred into the gastrointestinal tract in four patients, into the kidney-urinary tract in three patients, into vascular surgical sites in two patients, and one each into the pulmonary-bronchial and cerebral-ventricular systems.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is too early to evaluate four patients at present.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The lesions were determined to be a phaeohyphomycosis, caused by Curvularia lunata.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On the 3rd day, an inferior vena cava (IVC) filter was placed with a heparin flush, after which massive IVC thrombosis developed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Herbal product use in a patient with polypharmacy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Twenty days after cessation, cortisol concentrations were undetectable again.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: Overnight wearing of a rigid contact lens is a risk factor for a corneal ulcer.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"At 4-y follow-up, her condition is good.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Successful treatment of bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia with low-dose methotrexate in a patient with Hodgkin's disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 28 year-old man with chronic hepatitis B was administered interferon-alpha (5 x 10(6) IU) intramuscularly once a day for 28 days.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a patient with acute leukemia who developed Horner's syndrome and a severe demyelinating peripheral neuropathy leading to death after receiving high-dose cytosine arabinoside.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A computed tomography scan revealed a large mass, 12 cm x 7 cm, involving the scalp extending from the right temporal region to the vertex.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient's mental status returned to baseline after treatment with intravenous phenytoin and discontinuation of ifosfamide therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Potential mechanisms regarding the pathophysiology of lithium-associated CDI are discussed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The potential autoimmune complications of this therapeutic agent should be comprehended when monitoring patients receiving such treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In renal transplant recipients it has previously been related to immunosuppressive treatment with cyclosporine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A year later, the patient reported complete disappearance of pain and swelling, although right breast continued to appear larger than the left.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Immunoelectron microscopy of perilesional skin revealed IgA deposits within the lamina lucida and immunoblotting of the patient's serum disclosed IgA and IgG antibodies directed against epidermal antigens of 280, 165 and 120-130 kD.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 27-year-old man who had a history of bronchial asthma, eosinophilic enteritis, and eosinophilic pneumonia presented with fever, skin eruptions, cervical lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, atypical lymphocytosis, and eosinophilia two weeks after receiving trimethoprim (TMP)-sulfamethoxazole (SMX) treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This prompted a study of the effect of an eight week course of haloperidol (HAL) followed by two week withdrawal, on dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra in rats.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three years later, treatment with ampicillin caused another episode of cholestatic hepatitis with cholestasis and duct paucity on rebiopsy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The effect of oral dissolution therapy for pancreatic stones was evaluated in patients with chronic calcific pancreatitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three patients, in whom tumour overkill by cytotoxic treatment, including high dose methotrexate with folinic acid rescue, resulted in the 'phosphate shower syndrome' (hyper-uricaemia, hyperkalaemia and hyperphosphataemia with hypocalcaemia and tetany, with metabolic acidosis and acute renal impairment) are described.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The respiratory effects of morphine and the particular risks posed to the elderly patient are discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This is the earliest onset PCP in the literature after HSCT despite the prophylactic administration of TMP\/SMX before transplant.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe the clinical course, renal function, serial renal histology and urine and blood viral load measurements in two consecutive patients with refractory BKVN who were treated with low-dose cidofovir (0.25 mg\/kg IV).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hepatotoxicity of paracetamol enhanced by ingestion of alcohol: report of two cases.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"However, the pathogenesis of this association is not fully understood.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pneumocystis carinii (P. carinii) is one of the major opportunistic pathogens responsible for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT)-related pneumonias.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In the second block of the consolidation phase, 10 hours after triple intrathecal treatment, we realized that instead of 12 mg, 120 mg of methotrexate had accidentally been given.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient presented with widespread medial calcification involving various small to medium sized arteries, although no noticeable secondary hyperparathyroidism was observed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two patients had a poor outcome, 1 patient suffered a significant groin hematoma, and there were no instances of symptomatic intracerebral hemorrhage.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Reported cases include probable pulmonary TB (1), pneumocystis pneumonia (1), other pulmonary infection (2), and septicemia (3) including a case of infective endocarditis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Lithium interferes with reserpine-induced dopamine depletion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatment with infliximab is known to produce an increase of autoantibodies (antinuclear antibodies, anti-double-stranded DNA), but not clinical disease.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Patients were treated at a healthcare facility in 160 cases, with 79 patients admitted.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Infracardiac total anomalous pulmonary venous connexion and unilateral renal agenesis with ipsilateral phocomelia and unicornuate uterus were associated anomalies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Despite their effectiveness, anti-TNF drugs have some drawbacks such as severe adverse effects including infections and possibly lymphoproliferative disorders.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Phototesting with artificial light sources did not have any effect on the DSP lesions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Polymyositis, however, has never been reported immediately after treatment for active hyperthyroidism.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Recognizing early signs of HMSN, such as areflexia and pes cavus deformity, can prevent severe neurotoxicity of polychemotherapy by avoiding vincristine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This observation suggests that long-term solvent exposure may trigger MF and hasten its progression from the patch stage to the plaque and tumour stages.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The etiology of neurotoxicity in our two patients remains unclear; however, as CAP is rapidly metabolized to 5-FU in patients with normal liver function, it is likely that 5-FU or its active metabolites (fluoro-beta-alanine) were contributing factors.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Regular surveillance of the patient detected a 3.5 cm HCC lesion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: An osteogenic sarcoma of the skull is rare, particularly as a primary tumor.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ganciclovir is a nucleotide-analogue similar to acyclovir, which has an in vitro activity against herpes simplex type 1, herpes simplex type 2 and varicella zoster virus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A review of the literature found 11 children and 2 adults in whom intranasal desmopressin was associated with hyponatremia, all of whom experienced seizures or altered mental status.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"METHODS: A 70-year-old woman with bilateral normal tension glaucoma was treated with topical brimonidine and followed in an outpatient setting.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE REPORT: A 47-year-old woman presented with a spontaneous sternal fracture, precluding effective coughing.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two patients with ovarian cancer who had received multiple courses of cisplatin without complications experienced hypersensitivity reactions to cisplatin: one, involving intrahepatic artery infusion, manifested general erythema, dyspnea, and hypotension; the other, involving intravenous infusion, manifested abdominal pain, general erythema, and fever.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"DISCUSSION: As of February 11, 2004, this is the first case, to our knowledge, to describe the use of oral terbutaline therapy for chronotropic support in the setting of acute rejection after heart transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Neuroleptic malignant syndrome and severe thrombocytopenia: case report and literature review.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The case concerns the sudden death of a 29-year-old male during clozapine therapy started 2 weeks before.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Two infants developed hyperkalemia shortly after cessation of prolonged ACTH therapy for infantile spasms.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"From these findings, we determined his transfusion-resistant cytopenias to be attributable to HPS.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient's hemoglobin decreased from 12.7 to 8.5 g\/dL and he received a 3-unit blood transfusion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ishihara color plates showed normal color vision.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The stimulation indices of the drug-induced lymphocyte stimulation test (DLST) for AZA in these two patients were as high as 2,180% and 430%, respectively, but those of healthy volunteers were under 120% without nonspecific suppression of lymphocyte proliferation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three senile patients developed fatal acute encephalopathy while receiving calcium hopantenate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report the use of pharmacokinetic analysis of daptomycin in a 13-year-old boy with vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium endocarditis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Magnetic resonance spectroscopy in Niemann-Pick disease type C: correlation with diagnosis and clinical response to cholestyramine and lovastatin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Currently the use of zidovudine is one of the few specific measures available, and as a potentially teratogenic and fetotoxic agent, any decision for its use requires evaluation of the potential for fetal damage.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The pathogenesis, through retrograde spread of superficial infection to durocortical veins, is discussed in the light of serial CT scans at different stages of formation and treatment of the abscess.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hyponatraemia during low-dose carbamazepine therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Furosemide, spironolactone, hydroxyurea, allopurinol, and docusate were all reintroduced without reactivation of the lesions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pulmonary capillaritis has been described in adult lung transplant recipients, but has not been previously reported in pediatric recipients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute cervico-facial oedema and loss of consciousness following ingestion of barracuda fish.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The manual intravenous push has a greater possibility of inadvertent overdosage during some small time frame, as well as more local symptoms by some reports.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"First-trimester pregnancy exposure can cause major birth defects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ulcerating enteritis associated with flucytosine therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"MATERIAL AND METHODS: A 39-year-old male with idiopathic sudden SNHL that was responsive to corticosteroids was treated with ciclosporin for 18 months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three years later, she complained of mild visual loss in the right eye.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 58-year-old woman developed unilateral acute angle-closure glaucoma four days after the application of a patch of transdermal scopolamine delivery system (TRANSDERM-V).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Cytogenetic studies revealed an abnormal karyotype with deletion of the long arm of chromosome 11 (11q21) and 2 additional copies of the MLL gene attached to the short arms of chromosome 10 in 80% of the metaphase cells examined.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case demonstrates that TZDs may precipitate weight gain and pulmonary and peripheral edema in patients with stable heart failure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of hip fracture during treatment which was associated with osteoporosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Gemcitabine should be added to the list of drugs known to cause radiation recall.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a case with chronic hepatitis C (CHC) who developed sarcoidosis after the treatment by interferon alpha and ribavirin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Hair loss associated with paroxetine treatment: a case report.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Rapamycin\/sirolimus (SR), trade named Rapammune (Wyeth-Ayerst, Sydney, Australia), is a potent immunosuppressive drug associated with myelosuppression, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and infection.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Diabetes mellitus and exocrine pancreatic insufficiency in a girl with auto-immune haemolysis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cardiac hypersensitivity and myopericarditis have been reported during long-term treatment with mesalazine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"N. sicca should be considered as a possible pathogen in CPD-associated peritonitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Our patient experienced dyspnea, worsening hypoxemia, and a progressive obstructive ventilatory defect 12 days after liver transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An electrocardiogram revealed occasional premature ventricular contractions, a QTc interval of 683 msec (normal range for females 450-460 msec), and R on T phenomenon.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Eleven of 37 patients developed abnormal PT and\/or PTT.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An association between NCPH and patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) has been reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This was suggestive of type I hypersensitivity reaction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Radiographic studies demonstrated a focal, space-occupying lesion in the spinal canal at the level corresponding to the neurologic deficit, which spontaneously resolved over the next 2-3 h.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DATA SYNTHESIS: Genetic deficiencies in DPD, the rate-limiting enzyme responsible for 5-FU catabolism, may occur in 3% or more of patients with cancer putting them at increased risk for unusually severe adverse reactions (e.g., diarrhea, stomatitis, mucositis, myelosuppression, neurotoxicity) to standard doses of 5-FU.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Endoscopy demonstrated oesophagitis and a benign oesophageal stricture.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient locked his catheter with 2.0 ml every evening for a period of 5 days.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Metformin-associated lactic acidosis precipitated by diarrhea.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The authors report a case of Balint syndrome with irreversible posterior leukoencephalopathy on MRI following intrathecal methotrexate and cytarabine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Complications in the use of prochlorperazine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Nephrotic syndrome associated with lithium therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This report describes an unexpected drug-induced hepatitis in a previously healthy young woman exposed to 2 doses of amodiaquine and artesunate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"On admission she was unconscious with absent brainstem reflexes and multifocal stimulus-sensitive myoclonus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Discontinuation of corticotherapy led to anatomic and visual improvement.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a fatal intoxication in a 59-year-old woman who had uremia undergoing hemodialysis, and then took amantadine and pramipexole for Parkinsonian tremor.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We review the literature and discuss its pathogenesis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This may lead to misdiagnosis as migraine and delayed appropriate diagnosis and treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Monsel's solution can be used therefore if other conventional methods were applied unsuccessfully to stop the uterine hemorrhage.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Carbamazepine hypersensitivity syndrome is a rare, life-threatening condition.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"No chimeric glomerular cell was detected.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, progression to overt cardiac failure has only recently been reported in one patient with pre-existing heart disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Safety of electroconvulsive therapy in psychiatric patients shortly after the occurrence of pulmonary embolism.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In the following case report, a patient developed acute interstitial nephritis with renal failure and exfoliative dermatitis following ampicillin therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The number of suspected ADRs remains small, especially when compared with the magnitude of human clinical use of 1% lindane preparations in the United States (50 million ounces during the past five years).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The treatment of choice remains operation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DISCUSSION: Gabapentin is widely used in the management of pain.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Emergent conduit revision with cardiopulmonary bypass was required for a thrombosed systemic-venous to pulmonary-arterial connection (completion modified Fontan procedure).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After taking cholestyramine II sachets twice daily for two months she presented with lethargy, confusion and drowsiness.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: Infectious retinochoroiditis is a potentially blinding complication seen after cardiac transplantation, justifying close clinical and serological surveillance or, in certain cases such as mismatched donors, anti-parasitic prophylaxis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In eight patients, a mean decrease in serum Na+ of 8.25 +\/- 3.2 mEq\/L was observed after a single 200 mg intravenous dose of lorcainide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Multiple reports in the last decade have shown increased mortality and increased utilization of resources in patients who received catheterization of the right side of the heart.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report two cases of septic knee arthritis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: The patient had complete paraplegia develop within 12 hours from admission following a 1-day history of unsteady gait and a 3-day history of leg numbness.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The ROTEM analysis strongly suggested the presence of either a heparin effect or severe deficiency of coagulation factors.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The case reported here illustrates that clinicians should be aware of this potentially fatal drug reaction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Recent trends in the treatment of acute paracetamol poisoning are mentioned.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Tetracycline-induced benign intracranial hypertension.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: The new quinolone derivatives (levofloxacin, sparfloxacin, grepafloxacin, trovafloxacin, gatifloxacin and moxifloxacin), also called gyrase inhibitors, are known for their potential to cause central nervous system-related adverse effects, including headache, dizziness and insomnia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Three months following splenectomy, multiple abscesses occurred in the muscles of both thighs while the patient was receiving the third course of the CHOP regimen.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Central nervous system effects secondary to ciprofloxacin treatment are uncommon and usually consist only of minor dizziness or mild headache, although rare occurrences of seizures and hallucinations have been reported.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"She used to move her right hand over the right eye while simultaneously rubbing the forehead since the age of 8.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, we report the case of an 88-year-old woman who was treated for prosthetic joint infection and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia with vancomycin followed by linezolid therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Eighty-two patients with various malignancies who received imipenem\/cilastatin 143 times for neutropenic fever between March 1994 and October 1999 in Department of Pediatric Oncology, Gazi University, were identified.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In the first case oligo-anuric renal failure occurred on the thirteenth day of treatment, after the patient had taken only 9 doses of medication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We enrolled eight out of 155 patients with advanced melanoma in a multicentre phase II trial that evaluated the activity and tolerability of ipilimumab, a fully human, anti-CTLA-4 monoclonal antibody ( www.clinicaltrials.gov ; NCT00289627; CA184-008).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two cases are presented that illustrate a possible treatment role for ECT.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of ST elevation in right precordial leads compatible with type 1 Brugada syndrome following administration of propafenone in a patient with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome who was receiving lithium at concentrations within therapeutic levels.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Given tardive dyskinesia (TD), clinicians and interdisciplinary teams should remain alert to the following client profile: (1) prescribed phenobarbital (or primidone), (2) prescribed neuroleptics, especially at high dosages, to control maladaptive behaviors, (3) failure of neuroleptic gradual minimal effective dose attempts, and (4) possible presence of behavioral procedures, especially intrusive procedures, to control maladaptive behaviors.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Both patients suddenly became hypotensive after injection of chymopapain into a disk.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"These situations must be recognized as potential problems and must be treated appropriately.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Symptoms mimicking Crohn's disease deteriorated under intensified immunosuppression and surgery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Toxicological analysis of the blood revealed GHB 165.6 mg\/L, and 90.7 mg\/L in the urine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The overall response rate of these 24 refractory lymphomas to gemcitabine-containing regimens was 46%.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, 8 hrs after extubation, she gradually developed severe respiratory distress, requiring reintubation and mechanical ventilation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Chinese and African populations.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two months after the incident, the choroid was normal appearing but the pars planitis was unchanged.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Diagnostic criteria are GI symptoms, eosinophilic infiltration proven by biopsy of the GI tract, and absence of parasitic infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Antiasthmatic medications were prescribed, but the asthma symptoms did not improve.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinical characteristics of the corneal infiltrates resembled staphylococcal-immune infiltrates.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The most common side effects associated with amifostine are nausea, vomiting, hypotension, hypocalcemia and allergic reactions.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The clinical and laboratory findings in two cases of aerobic Corynebacterium Group JK infection of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) shunts are described.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"1. Nine patients in whom acute non-lymphoblastic leukemia (ANLL) developed following prolonged alkylating agent therapy are described.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"But if necessary, when deciding which agent to use, the clinician should consider the mechanism by which the body clears TNF-alpha.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We hypothesize that caffeine toxicity injured the muscle cells, which were fragile due to the potassium depletion induced by the coexisting hyponatremia, to result in unusually severe rhabdomyolysis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Compared to patients without TD, patients with TD had a long duration of illness and clozapine treatment; all had the orolingual type of TD.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rarely, it can rupture, resulting in peritonitis and gram-negative sepsis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Treatment of severe lactic acidosis with dichloroacetate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patient B developed perioral and upper extremity paresthesias during the fourth cycle of CAP alone (2500 mg\/m2).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 6-year-old boy received renal transplantation and was treated with methylprednisolone, cyclosporine A and mizoribine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE REPORT: Two of our patients with history of ingestion of carbamazepine were tested positive on screening with the tricyclic antidepressant immunoassay.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE SUMMARY: A 71-year-old woman with a history of malignant mixed mesodermal tumor involving the uterus, cervix, and vagina was admitted because of local recurrence.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intravenous azithromycin-induced ototoxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The favourable influence of PCS on the depressive syndrome is considered to be largely linked to the anticholinergic effect of the drugs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Exacerbation of 5-FU dermatologic toxicities in patients with preexisting conditions suggests the importance of aggressive ocular prophylaxis, using frequent ocular lubrication and topical steroid preparations with concurrent medical management of pre-existing dermatologic conditions.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 77 year old male was referred with abdominal pain, jaundice and elevated transaminase levels.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In four eyes, the RPE tear developed after one PDT, in one eye the RPE tear developed after the second PDT, and in two eyes the RPE tear developed after the third PDT.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Long-term treatment in gut neuroendocrine tumours, efficacy of oral administration, and possible use in non-tumoural inappropriate TSH hypersecretion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"If there are inconsistencies between levothyroxine products, resultant deleterious effects on the therapeutic stability of patients with hypothyroidism may undermine cost savings that might be incurred by such a change.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These results suggest the feasibility and effectiveness of multicyclic DI-CT and the usefulness of ABPCT as a treatment option for relapsed SCLC.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, as with botulinum toxin type A (BTX-A) it has off-label uses, such as for hyperhidrosis, focal dystonias, spasticity, and facial wrinkles.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There was no family history of similar lesions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Renal failure after high-dose methotrexate in a child homozygous for MTHFR C677T polymorphism.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"At 16th month after transplantation, elevation of serum aminotransfereases was observed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"At the end of his fifth cycle of sunitinib therapy, the patient complained of the development of abnormally large mammary glands associated with pain and peri-areolar erythema.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Histological examination of the dacryolith suggested its derivation from breakdown products of adrenaline.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Thrombocytosis under ciprofloxacin and tazobactam\/piperacillin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Aminoglycoside-induced renal tubular dysfunction could result in diffuse damage or manifest as a Fanconi-like syndrome, Bartter-like syndrome, or distal renal tubular acidosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The risks of sumatriptan administration in patients with unrecognized subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE PRESENTATION: Three cases of Leishmania infantum leishmaniasis in corticosteroid (CS)-treated patients are reported: an isolated lingual leishmaniasis in a farmer treated with CS for asthma, a severe visceral leishmaniasis associated with cutaneous lesions in a woman with myasthenia gravis, and a visceral involvement after cutaneous leishmaniasis in a man receiving CS.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Phenytoin-induced hypersensitivity reactions.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In our case no complications developed from the treatment and the patient's visual loss and renal function improved.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Posterior circulation hyperperfusion syndrome after bilateral vertebral artery intracranial stenting.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Radiation myelopathy is a rare, devastating, late effect of radiotherapy to the spinal cord.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In this article, we describe another case of subcutaneous changes following repeated glatiramer acetate injection, presented as localized panniculitis in the area around the injection sites, in a 46-year-old female patient who was treated with glatiramer acetate for 18 months.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We describe a case of severe aplastic anemia (AA) that was probably induced by lenalidomide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This shows that sertraline has potent interactions with lamotrigine metabolism.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"As of December 1998, only mild ectropion persisted.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One patient received moxalactam as part of the combination therapy for diffuse pulmonary infiltration during renal transplant rejection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These preliminary data suggest that low-dose cidofovir may be tolerated, even among renal transplant recipients with significant renal dysfunction due to BKVN.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intravenous cytarabine and methotrexate appear to act synergistically to enhance the potential for central nervous system toxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Glutathione levels were low before treatment, and increased during treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: The treated rabbit eyes and the control eyes showed no light microscopic evidence of ocular toxicity at 1 month following injection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Oral 25-hydroxyvitain D3 in treatment of osteomalacia associated with ileal resection and cholestyramine therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient was intubated with ventilator support and improved after his metabolic acidosis resolved.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Four years after the beginning of IFN therapy, he acutely developed moderate hyperglycemia and severe ketonuria with positive islet cell antibody, and then 28 units\/day of insulin injection was started.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Chronic cystoid macular edema that does not respond to topical nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drops may resolve with intravitreal triamcinolone but not with bevacizumab.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A possible mechanism for focal neurological deficit in brain-damaged patients on phenytoin therapy is discussed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Pancreatitis is a very rare adverse effect associated with the use of amiodarone, and only four cases of amiodarone-induced pancreatitis have been reported in literature.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Magnesium sulfate, a saline laxative, is often used for treatment of intestinal impactions in horses.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One complication is toxic leukoencephalopathy, which is due to a direct toxic effect of chemotherapeutic agents on the central nervous system white matter.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors present a case study of a mentally healthy man who repeatedly experienced short-lived, obsessional-like suicidal ideas and images after ingestion of the anti-fungal drug ketoconazole.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Screening for celiac disease with detection of anti-endomysium antibodies would be done in susceptible patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute left atrial thrombosis during anticoagulant therapy in a patient with antithrombin deficiency.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Severe flare-up in a prostate cancer patient treated with luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone analogue depot.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Risk of abuse of diphenhydramine in children and adolescents with chronic illnesses.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These findings suggest that clozapine-induced seizures can be successfully treated, that gradual dose titration can reduce the likelihood of further episodes of seizures and that concomitant use of a suitable mood stabilizer\/anti-epileptic medication can improve the outcome of treatment-resistant schizophrenia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Nephrotic syndrome in strongyloidiasis: remission after eradication with anthelmintic agents.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Choroidal detachment can occur in surgically untreated eyes after use of a topical carbonic anhydrase inhibitor.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pathological features and a considerable improvement in myocardial function after withdrawal implicated the exogenous catecholamine excess in the pathogenesis of the cardiomyopathy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Multiple complications of propylthiouracil treatment: granulocytopenia, eosinophilia, skin reaction and hepatitis with lymphocyte sensitization.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Further studies are necessary to evaluate whether the study of HLA antigens may be a very useful tool to detect the patients with a predisposition to develop autoimmune thyroiditis, in order to make a early diagnosis of thyroid disorders during the IFN-alpha treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We propose that the reactions may represent local manifestations of heightened delayed hypersensitivity, mounted by increasing numbers of 'resuscitated' lymphocytes against immunogenic cell wall substances released from dying tubercle bacilli in patients whose level of cellular immunity is being enhanced as a result of chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"MATERIAL AND METHODS-A 50-year-old woman was followed-up for 15 years clinically and paraclinically after a heavy PHT intoxication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This patient, a 29 year old male, suffered from grand mal epilepsy for about 12 years, and he had been treated with anticonvulsive drugs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In the previous four patients treated with cidofovir the outcome was discouraging, as was the case in this patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Recombinant factor VIIa has been licensed in the United Kingdom since 1996 for the control of bleeding in hemophilic patients who are actively bleeding or are about to undergo surgery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ulcer became worse after tobramycin and gentamycin treatment for 2 days.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Despite this, the lesions worsened in severity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Very few cases of rituximab administration during pregnancy have been described.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Reversible cardiomyopathy caused by administration of interferon alpha.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Sudden death in an infant from methemoglobinemia after administration of \"sweet spirits of nitre\".","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Ceftriaxone-induced fixed drug eruption: first report.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 27-year-old man who had a history of bronchial asthma, eosinophilic enteritis, and eosinophilic pneumonia presented with fever, skin eruptions, cervical lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, atypical lymphocytosis, and eosinophilia two weeks after receiving trimethoprim (TMP)-sulfamethoxazole (SMX) treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"One patient with a chromosome 22q11.2 deletion and Evans syndrome is reported in this paper.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These pauses were always preceded by the short P-P intervals and were usually followed by one or two P-P intervals of 0.92-0.95 s representing the basic sinus cycle.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"(4) The acute rehabilitation of a 21-year-old woman with systemic lupus erythematosus and a history of 14 laparotomies due to severe acute pancreatitis and multiple gut perforations.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"At a six-month follow up, her skin lesions improved and there was no recurrence of neurologic symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"During this time, she was exposed to chickenpox.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fatal complication of intravesical formalin during control of intractable hemorrhage from radiation cystitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Our study presents a new aspect of the benefit of STN stimulation with regard to drug-induced non-motor symptoms in patient with PD.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Triglyceride levels decreased from 1450 to 337 mg\/dl (76.8%) and from 1985 to 322 mg\/dl (83.8%), respectively, after 10 months of therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 5-year-old boy presented with abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting of blood.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Narcolepsy, paranoid psychosis, and analeptic abuse.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Constrictive pericarditis has been defined classically as a progressive condition, characterized by pericardial fibrosis, with or without calcification, which results in chronic refractory congestive heart failure and for witch pericardiectomy is often required.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Gastric candidiasis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pneumonitis, bilateral pleural effusions, echocardiographic evidence of cardiac tamponade, and positive autoantibodies developed in a 43-year-old man, who was receiving long-term sulfasalazine therapy for chronic ulcerative colitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This is a report of a renal transplant patient with Pneumocystis pneumonia who developed chemical cellulitis and ulceration following the extravasation of intravenous pentamidine into the soft tissues of the left hand and forearm.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The frequency and relationship of granulocytopenia caused by sustained-release procainamide in patients with tachyarrhythmias are briefly discussed, and prior reported cases are reviewed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The development of nephrotic-range proteinuria after renal transplantation is an unfavourable prognostic factor for graft survival.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She subsequently haemorrhaged into the infarcted area with residual neurological deficits.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Recovery occurred within 2 months with supportive treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: The study patients were observed up to 4 years, and none of them reported any problems.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Computed tomography (CT) of the brain showed only mild right-sided hydrocephalus, and was negative for intracranial hemorrhage and intracranial mass.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, after a few months of treatment, apomorphine was ineffective in stopping abnormal movements, even when doses were increased.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The management of further bleeding in these patients is difficult.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe the development of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus osteomyelitis of the scaphoid in a 49-year-old man from an infection occurring around a catheter in the radial artery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Retinal dysfunction and anterior segment deposits in a patient treated with rifabutin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The restrictive lung disease progressed despite cessation of sulfasalazine and initiation of corticosteroid therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the specifics of 12 cases of severe hypertension after the intraoperative use of topical phenylephrine, submucosal epinephrine, or both.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Pamidronate treatment of hypercalcemia caused by vitamin D toxicity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case illustrates that a small number of subjects with severe asthma receiving high-dose CS need to be considered as a separate, high-risk group for developing disseminated varicella.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: A 37-yr-old female with recently diagnosed acute myelogenous leukemia was admitted to the ICU with mental status changes and progressive dyspnea requiring intubation and mechanical ventilation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Jaw osteonecrosis associated with use of bisphosphonates and chemotherapy: paradoxical complication of treatment of bone lesions in multiple myeloma patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Medical treatment was continued for 6 mth.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A presumptive diagnosis of severe bronchospasm was made, and aggressive bronchodilator therapy was instituted.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Several recent series have suggested that, in most cases, CMV reactivation does not lead to severe complications and resolves spontaneously with the UC flare and discontinuation of immunosuppression.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thrombolytic therapy with tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) for acute myocardial infarction may result in major bleeding complications such as gastrointestinal or intracranial bleeding.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Black cohosh and other herbal remedies associated with acute hepatitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Serum creatinine increased to 6.1 mg\/dL on day 4 of admission from a baseline of 1.0 mg\/dL.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Flutamide withdrawal syndrome is characterized by a decrease in prostate-specific antigen (PSA) after flutamide withdrawal in a subset of patients with progressing metastatic carcinoma of the prostate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Eleven milliliters of clear yellow fluid was collected via abdominocentesis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of fulminant MH associated with a ketoacidotic diabetic coma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"To our knowledge, broken heart syndrome after opioid withdrawal has not been reported previously in an adult.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Some aspects of DEM overlap with neuromyelitis optica (NMO), another demyelination disease of CNS that was for a long time regarded as part of the MS spectrum, until discovery of the aquaporin-4 antibodies, claimed to be specific for NMO.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A diagnosis of masked theophylline poisoning should be considered in similar situations involving a rapid decrease of insulin requirements.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Intravenous injection of diazepam caused a rapid normalization of the EEG with disappearance of the clinical manifestations.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Case report and literature review.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A coronary arteriogram five hours after the onset of symptoms revealed total occlusion of the left anterior descending coronary artery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This patient rapidly progressed from mild neurotoxicity to fatal encephalopathy after one dose of intrathecal methotrexate during his third cycle of chemotherapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Treatment of the chorea led to rapid resolution of her psychiatric symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although rare, there have been reported cases of primary cutaneous T-cell lymphoma occurring in this population.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"At the onset of the ST elevation, all patients were receiving dopamine infusion, which in four of them was inadvertently increased shortly before the ECG changes, the ST elevation was not associated with chest pain, pericardial friction rub, or acute changes in the heart rate, or arterial blood pressure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Within minutes, he experienced an adverse reaction consisting of bilateral pruritus of the feet, which quickly progressed to his head; diaphoresis; nausea; vomiting; facial pallor; and hives.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In case of normal endometrial cells in the Pap smear, a careful evaluation should be performed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The presentation and progression of drug-induced ocular cicatricial pemphigoid can be variable.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Torsade de pointes associated with moxifloxacin: a rare but potentially fatal adverse event.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This patient was using industrial strength glue to reattach a chipped tooth for approximately 1 year, and such use was associated with chronic exposure of his oral mucosa to this glue.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: To report a new adverse effect related to treatment with bimatoprost.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Interferon-induced psychosis as a \"psychiatric contraindication\" to hepatitis C treatment: a review and case-based discussion.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Neurological presentation of Wilson's disease in a patient after liver transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The isolate was resistant to amphotericin B in vitro, and the patient was successfully managed with surgical debridement and the recently licensed antifungal agent caspofungin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: Double-blind, placebo-controlled titrated oral challenges with pancreatic enzymes resulted in definite vomiting within 1 to 1.5 hours after challenges with Viokase and Pancrease MT 16, but not with placebo.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The possible cause could be rebound enlargement after initial atrophy caused by these drugs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Within weeks of initiation of baclofen treatment, the hiccups ceased.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Aluminum infusions should be used with caution in patients with renal failure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Both the longitudinal melanonychia and the multiple skin cancers first appeared after approximately 6 months of hydroxyurea treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Transtentorial herniation caused by an intracranial mass lesion following high-dose methotrexate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"It should be recognized that ibuprofen may be associated with salt and water retention in the same fashion as previously described with phenylbutazone and indomethacin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This report describes a case of flucytosine-associated ulcerating enteritis in which the small bowel x-ray demonstrated severe luminal narrowing, ulceration, and marked separation of loops of bowel.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"When rechallenged with the same drug 6 months later, he developed hypothyroidism.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Antifungal therapy was given but her condition deteriorated and she died.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Its prevalence in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) has been estimated from several retrospective and prospective studies to range from 0.3% to 18%.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Perhaps rashes during infectious mononucleosis in association with other antibiotics are actually more common, but just not recognized.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Serial serum lithium levels were also obtained.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Central venous catheters deliver life-prolonging medications to Group IVC AIDS patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The basis of the temporal dissociation of serum lithium levels from the clinical manifestations of lithium intoxication remains uncertain.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On December 24, serum CK was 839 IU\/L and myoglobin was 91 U\/L and the patient was discharged.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, an intradermal test was positive to cloxacillin (2 mg\/ml) in case 2.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Because thrombolysis of giant thrombi may be ineffective, patients in this situation may require surgery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Tumors shown to produce peptides other than gastrin, for example ACTH, were found to be markedly resistant to the action of SMS and continued to grow in an unbridled manner.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Herbal remedies are commonly used for psychiatric problems, but there is virtually no data about the use of these substances by young persons or by patients in treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The sensory overload is treatable with oral potassium gluconate, with onset of the therapeutic effect in approximately 20 minutes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Autopsy demonstrated extensive necrosis of the tumor mass, as well as necrotizing vascular damage within the neoplasm.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Brugada syndrome whose ST-segment changes were enhanced by antihistamines and antiallergenic drugs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Since the corneal keratinization clinically improved with conservative management, surgical intervention was not required.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To propose clonazepam for use in the empiric treatment of shooting\/shocking phantom limb pain.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Isonicotinic acid hydrazide induced anagen effluvium and associated lichenoid eruption.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Essential thrombocythemia is characterized by increased incidence of thrombosis with arterial event more than venous events and hemorrhagic complications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report (to our knowledge, for the first time in a child) the emergence of psychosis in a 12-year old white girl with an increased efavirenz concentration and heterozygous gene polymorphism of the CYP2B6-G516T.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Celiac disease onset after pegylated interferon and ribavirin treatment of chronic hepatitis C.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Panhypogammaglobulinaemia is a rare complication of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), but its cause and mechanism are unclear.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case report illustrates the use of continuous high-dose intracoronary nitroglycerin infusion through a 6 French coronary guiding catheter in the treatment of a patient with cocaine-induced refractory coronary vasospasm.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 55-year-old woman developed symptoms suggestive of hepatitis 12 weeks after first receiving methyldopa for hypertension.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Toxicity occurred more frequently in those who received IM, and therefore high-dose, reserpine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the case of an iatrogenically immunosuppressed patient who presented with a massive upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage that was caused by Kaposi's sarcoma of the stomach.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a 63 year old woman with a suppurative mediastinitis, treated with continuous PI irrigation who developed an acute oliguric renal failure.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A report on two cases and literature review.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Immediate pain relief was accompanied by short lasting respiratory depression and drowsiness.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cholestatic liver disease with ductopenia (vanishing bile duct syndrome) after administration of clindamycin and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Pheripheral edema was observed in five female patients after taking proton pump inhibitors omeprazole, lansoprazole, or pantoprazole for 7-15 days for peptic acid diseases in recommended standard doses.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The primary goal is to identify and treat the underlying disorder, while minimizing the impact on hemoglobin (Hb) levels.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She presented the same symptoms after oral intake of metamizole.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A fifty-seven-year-old man with acute MI was admitted to the intensive cardiac care unit and received streptokinase and heparin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This was not associated with hemorrhagic problems.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To report a possible drug interaction between the combination of fluorouracil (5-FU), levamisole, and warfarin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In late 2000, pulmonary symptoms developed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three patients (19%) required mechanical ventilation because of deep coma or shock and died within 6 hours.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors report a case of urinary incontinence (UI) that occurred in a woman after administration of venlafaxine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The infection was treated successfully with systemic and intrathecal antibiotics without removal of the catheters.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The effect of SERMs on the endometrium.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The range of diagnostic possibilities is wide, noninvasive diagnostic procedures have little utility, and the drugs available for empirical therapy have toxic effects that are sometimes severe.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Linezolid treatment of prosthetic hip Infections due to methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Despite early complete paraplegia, some neurological and functional recovery was observed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CPSs sometimes breach the transverse foramen without rupture of the VA.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 16-year-old boy developed fever, generalized rigidity, leukocytosis, and increased serum transaminase and creatine kinase levels while receiving treatment with olanzapine and lithium.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a 4-year-old girl who presented with acute bilateral blindness, a focal seizure and hypertension 10 days after commencing oxybutynin to treat enuresis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a 78-year-old man who had acute unilateral total visual loss after retrogasserian phenol injection for the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"On day 15 of cycle 1, he reported progressive worsening of weakness and fatigue, and melena.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After four months, while receiving RH, he developed painful bilateral gynaecomastia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A patient with monocular open-angle glaucoma had trichiasis, a condition associated with the use of a prostaglandin analog.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Bilateral simultaneous achilles tendon ruptures.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Later in the clinical course, the myoclonus became stimulus sensitive and was induced by tendon tap given anywhere on the body, with the latency ranging from 50 to 150 ms irrespective of the sites of tapping.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thiopurines such as azathioprine (AZA) and 6-mercaptopurine are frequently used for the treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Possible serotonin syndrome associated with clomipramine after withdrawal of clozapine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Many months after termination of the chemotherapy and 15 months after placement, she presented with bowel contents per vagina.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Successful bone marrow transplantation from an unrelated donor in a patient with adult T cell leukemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a 69-year-old female who received tigecycline for treatment of a complicated skin and skin-structure infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Phenylephrine dosages for topical use ranged from 50 to 367 times greater than the i.v. dose required to increase arterial pressure by 50% in anesthetized dogs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Continued occurrence of Accutane-exposed pregnancies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 50-year-old male patient was started on erlotinib as a third-line chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The diagnostic pitfalls are discussed with the case, and the need for careful interpretation of laboratory findings in conjunction with clinical signs is emphasized.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"During this time the corneal infiltrate became less prominent but visual acuity remained impaired by both corneal opacity and cataract.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two cases of lepromatous leprosy with erythema nodosum leprosum who were on high doses of clofazimine, showed discoloration of nail plate, subungual hyperkeratosis and onycholysis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Radiation pneumonia complicating adjuvant cytotoxic chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"They suggest that lithium-antidepressant combination can precipitate this syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a patient with M4 AML treated with standard chemotherapy followed by G-CSF who developed marked monocytosis on day 8 of G-CSF therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Its overall toxicity is considerably less compared to standard induction chemotherapy; however, it is associated with a high incidence of a potentially fatal symptom complex referred to as \"retinoic acid syndrome.\" This report describes a patient with APL who developed the syndrome a few weeks after initiating induction therapy with ATRA despite being treated for hyperleukocytosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Late free-flap salvage has been described with poor long-term results.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Despite vigorous therapy, severe hypoventilation and hypoxemia persisted with mechanical ventilation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Mitomycin-C is used widely in the treatment of malignancies and is associated with serious dose related adverse effects including the occurrence of hemolytic uremic syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We therefore strongly argue in favor of extended screening recommendations for infectious diseases including viral infections before considering a therapy with infliximab.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVES: The examination of potential associations between Graves' disease and thyrotropin-producing pituitary adenoma (TSHoma) after treatment using octreotide, and of the expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPAR gamma).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Reye syndrome (RS) is believed to occur infrequently among children receiving long-term aspirin therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In particular, combined oral contraceptives (COCs) are known to enhance the risk for VTE and are therefore contraindicated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Interstitial fibrosis of the lung is a potential complication of methotrexate therapy for psoriasis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Animal studies suggest that incontinence secondary to serotonergic antidepressants could be mediated by the 5HT4 receptors found on the bladder.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In both patients with a SAH caused by an aneurysm, transcranial Doppler sonography demonstrated vasospasm of the basal cerebral arteries.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 54-year-old man developed TEN 4 weeks after beginning lamotrigine for complex partial seizures related to a glioblastoma multiforme brain tumor.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The increased use of cytostatic drugs, which are sometimes used in combination chemotherapy, may result in new and unusual cutaneous side effects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cutaneous sarcoidosis during interferon alfa and ribavirin treatment of hepatitis C virus infection: two cases.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 61 year-old male patient developed gynecomastia after starting theophylline.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a case of visceral leishmaniasis in a 38-year-old renal transplant recipient living in an endemic country.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CLINICAL FINDINGS: On auscultation of the lungs and air sacs, crackles were detected; the abdomen was distended and fluctuant on palpation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"When tested in ferrets, the mutant virus had less virulence than the parent; however, it had a growth preference over the parent in zanamivir-treated animals.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The case of a 32-year-old man with schizophrenia and narcolepsy, two seemingly unrelated disorders, is discussed from the perspective of the diagnostic and therapeutic challenges raised by their coexistence.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: This study confirmed that in most patients MTX-induced liver cirrhosis is not aggressive.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Nocardia Asteroides was isolated from fine-needle aspiration material of the thyroid abscess.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Proteinuria resolved after the initiation of oral prednisolone therapy (1 mg\/kg per day).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"53-year-old woman with a history of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism was receiving warfarin to prevent thromboembolic complications; her international normalized ratio (INR) had been stable for 1 month.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Gynecomastia in epileptics treated with phenobarbital, phenytoin and fluoresone: two case reports.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We present a case of drug-induced acute interstitial nephritis (AIN), complicated with ARF, in a 2(1\/2) -year-old girl with active INS.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the case of a lung cancer patient with bronquiloalveolar carcinoma (BAC) presenting with BOOP after chemotherapy with docetaxel and gemcitabine producing severe respiratory insufficiency, and simulating a progression of the tumor.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Gemcitabine is a known risk factor for hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), which can often have a rapidly fatal clinical course despite intervention with steroids, plasmapheresis and hemodialysis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"1). There was no involvement of other intertriginous sites and there were no associated systemic symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The reversal of heparin by protamine may cause severe hemodynamic deterioration, characterized by systemic hypotension, pulmonary hypertension, and bronchoconstriction.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Successful use of sodium ferric gluconate in sucrose in a patient with multiple drug allergies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 57-year-old white male with unresectable pancreatic cancer received capecitabine in combination with radiation therapy followed by capecitabine alone given over approximately a 3-month time period.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"When the dose of 0.5 mg tid was discontinued, the obsessive-compulsive symptoms resolved with no return over 8 months of follow-up.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the case histories of identical twin brothers who developed concordant acute lymphoblastic leukemia at the age of 4 years and who later developed leukoencephalopathy and hydrocephalus related to central nervous system prophylaxis by, in the first case intrathecally administered methotrexate and, in the second by intrathecally administered methotrexate and cranial irradiation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Tamoxifen retinopathy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We believe the temporal association of the abnormal liver enzymes in this patient, in the absence of other offending agents, argues strongly in favor of 6-TG as a cause of liver enzyme abnormalities.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This report describes a case of acute compromise of renal function associated with hypotension in a 7-year-old boy treated with the ACE inhibitor lisinopril and the ARB losartan.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"All symptoms resolved with drug withdrawal.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patient was given 4 mg of subtenon's triamcinolone acetate in the area of the nodular scleritis and had complete resolution.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Laboratory parameters revealed a markedly elevated C-reactive protein of 189 mg\/l, antinuclear antibodies of 1:2,560, a hemoglobin level of 9.0 g\/dl, and a severe lymphopenia (total lymphocytes 49.4\/microl, CD4(+) cells 2\/microl, CD8(+) cells 7\/microl).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Evidence of disseminated varicella infection was confirmed at autopsy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three patients are presented in whom life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias dominated the clinical presentation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, one patient exhibited severe hypersensitivity reactions including cardiac arrest and apnea, and another four patients developed eruptions, hypotension, and tachycardia soon after administration of CBDCA.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Optimizing antidiabetic treatment options for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular comorbidities.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She developed a febrile illness associated with severe pancytopenia and leukocytoclastic vasculitic rash followed by diffuse adenopathy, with serologic and pathologic evidence of EBV infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: [1] Mucin secretion was increased by 63% over the controls in the VVR in vitro group (p < 0.01).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A multi-drug intoxication fatality involving Xyrem (GHB).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Nephrotic syndrome in a multiple sclerosis patient treated with interferon beta 1a.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This is the first report to illustrate the implementation of an lndium (111) DTPA flow study without interrupting the infusion of CITB.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"over the past 3 years there have been several reports of uveitis associated with rifabutin therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Following an initially uncomplicated recovery, he developed symptomatic hyponatremia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Abdominal wall ulceration and mucinosis secondary to recombinant human interferon-beta-1b.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"After the first year of transplantation, allograft coronary artery disease (ACAD) is the second main cause of death.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 49-year-old man with Crohn's disease treated with prednisone and mesalamine (5-ASA) developed worsening respiratory distress and fever.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Intravitreal corticossteroids have been used for therapeutic purposes in optimum doses and adverse reports have not been described.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Long-term complication of L-asparaginase treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Our report suggested that CBDCA hypersensitivity was correlated with the total dose of previously administered platinum agents and that CBDCA should be excluded in patients who have received multiple platinum-based chemotherapy, even in platinum-sensitive cases, because CBDCA hypersensitivity can occur even with low-dose CBDCA administration.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a case of unintentional overdose of oral pilocarpine tablets that resulted in bradycardia, mild hypotension, and muscarinic symptoms in a patient with Sjogren's syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Adequate arterial PO2 could only be achieved with the use of positive endexpiratory pressure (PEEP).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Lesions exceeded the confines of adjacent vascular territories.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intraarticular sodium hyaluronate injection to treat osteoarthritis is associated with minor side effects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A dapsone hypersensitivity syndrome, consisting of fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, lymphadenopathy, hepatitis, hemolysis, leukopenia, and mononucleosis, has been described in patients treated with the drug for leprosy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Other practolol related side effects are usually present in the patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Based on the limited knowledge of the natural history of herpetic esophagitis and lack of prospective antiviral trials, symptomatic therapy with viscous Xylocaine appears reasonable.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Light microscopic examination of tissue sections, stained with hematoxylin and eosin and in some cases with special stains were made.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Listeria brain abscess, Pneumocystis pneumonia and Kaposi's sarcoma after temozolomide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The cause is unknown, but the eruption may occur in association with certain medications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"As far as we are aware, there are no published reports of early replacement of an intrathecal catheter in patients with neurological sequelae.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although the exact mechanism is unknown, the time course and constellation of symptoms are consistent with a possible inflammatory pathophysiologic condition.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Serial blood determinations suggested re-exposure in four of the patients, and in one of these patients the re-exposure was from a different source of lead.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Routine endomyocardial biopsy showed acute rejection of less than grade Ib, and the patients were discharged on the 65th and 46th postoperative day, respectively.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An obese patient, not diabetic, treated with metformin for some weeks, was referred to us with severe inferior digestive hemorrhage, diagnosed with Meckel's diverticulum.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Fulminant liver failure has not previously been described with concomitant use of atenolol and N-acetylcysteine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The ocular motor disturbances are probably an expression of regional 5-FU neurotoxicity primarily affecting the brain stem.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Corynebacterium Group JK organisms are common contaminants of the normal skin flora.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present a case of hypereosinophilia related to zafirlukast therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"However, to our knowledge, in newborns there have been no reported cases to date of thrombocytosis induced by enoxaparin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"INTRODUCTION: Although the copperhead (Akistrodon contortrix) is responsible for most Crotaline envenomations in the Carolinas, manifestations and treatment are poorly characterized.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"When a GEE is encountered, a rigorous management is required to prevent septic embolism.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Valproate levels remained low because of interactions with phenytoin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Some of these patients exhibit marked bradycardia (more than 20% deviation from the lowest age-adjusted normal values) while maintaining an arterial blood pressure within an acceptable normal range.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Clinicians should be aware of this potential adverse effect of a widely used drug.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He had developed postchemotherapy complications of possible cellulitis and necrotizing fasciitis that required wound debridement.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This can be prevented by prompt recognition and specific treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This severe illness was likely caused by minocycline, and we speculate that minocycline may have acted as a superantigen, causing lymphocyte over-activation and massive cytokine release.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The relationship between infliximab treatment and lymphoma in Crohn's disease.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Diagnostic workup included repeated MRI scans, PET with an (18)F-amino acid and (18)F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG), as well as a brain biopsy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Bacteriology cultures revealed colonies of aspergillus fumigatus in all bone samples.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Resonance Imaging of LS spine showed an and was managed successfully with antibiotics.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Non-fatal mirtazapine overdose.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He had an immediate hypersensitivity reaction during the initiation of the MTX infusion with diffuse urticaria, facial swelling, cough, and chest tightness.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Argatroban for heparin-induced thrombocytopenia in hepato-renal failure and CVVHD.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"No direct thrombin inhibitor has a proven advantage; therefore, selection may depend on clinical factors.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The case cited here highlights the need for continued awareness education for physicians who may use ceftriaxone to treat common illnesses such as acute exudative tonsillitis and otitis media in children.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The second patient recovered spontaneously approximately 2.5 hours after administration of brimonidine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"When DSCG was withdrawn, urticaria vanished and the child remained symptom-free.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In this study, we outline the case of a patient with Stenotrophomonas maltophilia bacteremia after living donor liver transplantation, which showed the clinical signs of severe sepsis and was resistant to almost all antibiotics.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In this article lithium is not discussed, although there are a number of concerns about lithium's potential teratogenicity, and it has been implicated in Epstein's anomaly, a congenital heart defect among infants born to women taking lithium; as with other medications, however, the data have specific limitations.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Can roxithromycin and betamethasone induce acute pancreatitis? A case report.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"L-Asparaginase is commonly used for induction therapy of acute lymphocytic leukemia of childhood.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Posthypoglycemic hyperglycemia (rebound hyperglycemia) after overdosing of insulin was diagnosed in 6 cats with diabetes mellitus.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Aldosterone antagonists are the mainstay of therapy in patients with hypertension due to primary aldosteronism.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Such a rapid or complete response cannot be achieved by any conventional form of treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe the case of a 50-year-old woman with advanced non-small cell lung cancer who developed status epilepticus shortly after receiving cisplatin and gemcitabine chemotherapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"She was discharged without any neurologic sequela.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Placental changes after thrombolytic therapy have rarely been reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia may be a life-threatening opportunistic infection in immunosuppressed solid organ transplant recipients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Among these 3 cases, all had favorable prognosis despite having jaundiced hepatitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Analysis of Naka-Rushton parameters for the ERG scotopic b-wave stimulus-response curves indicated response compression for two patients, as evidenced by a reduction in the maximum response.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a case of infection with Mycobacterium abscessus in a 67-year-old woman receiving infliximab as a component of her therapy for RA.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"He had never had any reaction from eating chocolate before and therefore reported this observation to his doctor.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Radiography (with and without contrast medium) and ultrasonography revealed a soft tissue mass in the caudoventral portion of the coelom.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case of recall pneumonitis induced by gemcitabine is reported.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CASE SUMMARY: A 65-year-old patient chronically treated with the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) citalopram developed confusion, agitation, tachycardia, tremors, myoclonic jerks and unsteady gait, consistent with serotonin syndrome, following initiation of fentanyl, and all symptoms and signs resolved following discontinuation of fentanyl.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We describe a preterm infant with severe idiopathic respiratory distress syndrome (iRDS, hyaline membrane disease) who needed artificial ventilation with high inspiratory pressure, high frequencies, 100% oxygen and developed a symptomatic patent ductus arteriosus (sPDA) in the course of the disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Central serous chorioretinopathy complicating systemic corticosteroid treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Noncardiogenic pulmonary edema after transfusion therapy is an infrequent but hazardous complication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute kidney injury caused by zonisamide-induced hypersensitivity syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"There were four females, 20 males, with 19 patients under the age of 18 years and five over the age of 18.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Oral enzymatic therapy is the most effective method of treatment for large phytobezoars when endoscopic extraction is not possible.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 7-year-old with congenital toxoplasmosis who took pyrimethamine and sulfadiazine for reactivated chorioretinitis developed fever, severe cutaneous involvement, swelling, abdominal pain and transaminitis, persisting weeks after withholding medicines.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The obscure autopsy and neuroleptic malignant syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Adalimumab in the management of palmoplantar psoriasis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, this class of drugs can lead to adverse effects on other organs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cessation of D-Pen and the start of corticosteroid therapy were followed by recovery from bicytopenia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report a case of a 60-year-old woman affected by squamous lung carcinoma, who developed paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia during cisplatin and etoposide combination chemotherapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We describe the development of ischemic colitis in a woman who was treated with tegaserod and review the relationship among ischemic colitis, tegaserod use, and irritable bowel syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report on a 14-year-old boy with severe haemophilia A who developed a portal vein thrombosis during continuous infusion of F VIII.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura induced by trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole in a Jehovah's Witness.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The natural history of spontaneous coronary artery dissection that persists on angiography after the acute event has not been well characterized.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Both patients experienced a previously unreported side effect--falling backward--associated with bupropion use.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Following administration of the antidote, digoxin immune antigen binding fragments (Fab), SDC monitoring is hampered by assay-related problems because of the presence of Fab in the serum.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Botulinum toxin injection of the lacrimal gland is an effective palliative treatment for epiphora secondary to canalicular obstruction from docetaxel therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 14-year-old female developed systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)-like symptoms, rash, fever, leukopenia and positive anti-nuclear antibody (ANA) two weeks after administration of carbamazepine (CBZ; Tegretol) used against benign Rolandic epilepsy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Acute renal failure with severe tubulointerstitial changes in a patient with minimal change nephrotic syndrome treated with enalapril.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Persistence of the proximal portion of the right umbilical vein is described in a premature infant.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PWO is a common problem encountered with VADs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A purulent exudate was aspirated from the abscesses under computed tomographic guidance.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Successful treatment of the fungal infection was achieved using ketoconazole.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Four patients with similar clinical and laboratory characteristics to our patient's after the combined use of colchicine and statins have been described in the literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Characteristic angiitis was found in the ileum with normal-like mucosa, and it was not necessarily associated with ileal ulcers.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Allopurinol may be an effective treatment for granulomatous reactions to foreign body particles.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: A previously healthy 42-year-old woman presented with acute-onset delirium with psychotic features as a consequence of levofloxacin therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report the clinical outcome of liver, heart, and kidney recipients from a single donor.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is always good to ask the question, \"Will this help my patient live better or longer?\" when prescribing a therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two days' administration of levomepromazine 100 mg led him to a coma for 2 days.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On plain X-ray films and CT scans of the abdomen, pancreatic stones began to be dissolved around 8 months of treatment, and diminished in size and number or disappeared in 21 patients (70%) during the mean follow-up period of 32 months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We conclude that metamizole use is common and may be underrecognized in immigrant Latino patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Prior to abdominal closure, he developed copious pulmonary secretions, hypoxemia, and hypotension.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The toxic effects of methotrexate included elevated liver transaminases (3\/4), nausea (2\/4), abdominal pain (2\/4), bone pain (2\/4), mild neutropenia (1\/4), and mild pruritus (1\/4).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"While undergoing treatment with albendazole, he developed worsening diarrhea with abdominal pain and fever.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Nimodipine, now widely used for treatment and prevention of cerebrovascular spasm, is regarded as a safe drug.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Twenty-one days after starting antiretroviral treatment, he became increasingly manic.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Delayed neurotoxicity of intraventricular interleukin-2: a case report.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"It is usually well tolerated and its application is simple.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Lovastatin-induced rhabdomyolysis possibly associated with clarithromycin and azithromycin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Some of these patients may have been previously treated with radiotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"None of these patients had had pelvic radiation therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To report a case of significant hepatic and renal failure with the use of argatroban in a patient with heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) requiring continuous veno-veno hemodialysis (CVVHD).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Foscarnet is used as therapy of cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection in immunosuppressed subjects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He developed significant ischemic changes in standard 12-lead electrocardiogram, transiently raised cardiac enzymes, reduced left ventricular systolic function, pulmonary edema and pulmonary hemorrhage.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient's methemoglobin level was 63%.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Impulse control disorders and pathological gambling in patients with Parkinson disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An unusual cause of burn injury: unsupervised use of drugs that contain psoralens.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Extensive squamous metaplasia was found in endometrial glands following progestin therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Sudden cardiac arrest associated with major spasm of three coronary arteries was observed about 10 hours after Taxus stent insertion in a three vessel lesion and was successfully treated by intracoronary glyceryl trinitrate infusion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Procainamide had no effect upon the defibrillation threshold.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In the three index patients, the QTc failed to shorten with left stellate ganglion blockade, beta-blocker challenge, or stress testing, suggesting an acquired form of the long QT syndrome in these patients with HIV disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A man with systemic lupus erythematosus receiving chronic steroid therapy presented with headache, fever and panophthalmitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Since elevated cortisol levels in Cushing's disease poses a threat for pancreatitis, there is a possibility that patients with Cushing's disease might be more prone to acute pancreatitis following propofol administration.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 22-year-old black man developed fever, chills, fatigue, night sweats, tender lymphadenopathy, and a generalized, pruritic, macular eruption 3 weeks after starting minocycline therapy for acne.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Dose and a hypersensitivity reaction were doubtful factors in these cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"No explanation for this delay was found, other than the possibility that magnesium sulfate treatment impeded lactogenesis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Even though anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic effects of henna have been shown, it may cause severe side-effects in some cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Based on the Naranjo probability scale, serotonin syndrome was a probable adverse reaction associated with co-administration of citalopram and fentanyl.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Intravenous verapamil therapy in babies may cause apnea, hypotension, and bradycardia; continued episodes of atrial flutter in a child may cause sudden death; quinidine may be related to the death; children with \"familial seizure disorders\" may in fact have the long QT interval syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Hepatic failure developed after a routine surgical procedure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patients with low or absent thiopurine S-methyltransferase (TPMT) activity, resulting in high 6-thioguanine nucleotide levels, have an increased risk of developing leukopenia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Temporary suspension of anticoagulant therapy (83% in our study group) to rule out minor surgery, appears to be the most frequent cause of thrombosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In case no. 2, the pathogenic mechanism seemed to be persistent light reaction preceded by systemic photoallergy, as he had taken mequitazine for 6 months, and there were strong positive photopatch test results with immediate erythema reaction, cross-reaction to promethazine, decreased MED to both UVA and UVB, and persistence of the photosensitivity over a 3-year follow-up period after discontinuation of the mequitazine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Adult respiratory distress syndrome after treatment with pegylated interferon alpha-2a and ribavirin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"However, correction of the hemodynamic parameters did not improve renal function.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Protocols that successfully incorporate platinum agents, despite a platinum hypersensitivity, are clinically relevant.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Acute onset of nephrotic syndrome during interferon-alpha retreatment for chronic active hepatitis C.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"When renal function is compromised, careful monitoring of electrolyte levels, daily urine output, and renal function is necessary with mannitol therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two weeks after stopping the adminsitration of tacrolimus, his urine output improved, and the hemoglobin and serum creatinine normalized.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 56-year-old woman with scleroderma developed rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis with epithelial crescents associated with hemoptysis after 27 months of D-penicillamine therapy and a cumulative dose of 1,200 g.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Ventricular free wall rupture remains the most serious complication after acute myocardial infarction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He had been taking trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole for approximately eight days when he revisited his family physician, complaining of headaches, dizziness, difficulty with speech, weakness, and itching on the trunk of his body and legs, where a maculopapular rash was noted.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report the first case of fulminant adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) associated with pegylated interferon alpha-2a (pegIFNalpha-2a) and ribavirin use for hepatitis C, complicated by subsequent and ultimately fatal sepsis and multiorgan failure.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The epivodes of NMS occured under treatment with clozapine, risperidone, and amisulpride.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient had suffered two spontaneous left humeral fractures treated with prosthesis replacement just before the initial diagnosis of multiple myeloma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Four years later, the patient is alive and well with an ejection fraction of 53%.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To describe a case of thrombocytopenia associated with the administration of lansoprazole.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"It may induce rapid apoptosis and subsequent tumor lysis syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The possible relationship with prior and present antiretroviral treatment, and with the most recent literature evidences published in both adults and children with HIV disease are discussed, in order to focus these emerging adverse effects of long-term antiretroviral therapy in the paediatric population, and stimulate further investigation in this field.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The purpose of this study was to heighten awareness of a potentially life-threatening drug interaction in patients with chronic uveitis treated with cyclosporine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Genetic defects of sertraline demethylation and\/or Pglycoprotein binding or concurrent circumstances may explain the onset of rhabdomyolysis in this particular patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Reversal of CNS-prophylaxis-related leukoencephalopathy after CSF shunting: case histories of identical twins.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Leukopenia during thiopurine therapy not explained by TPMT deficiency could be induced by parvovirus B19 infection and compels temporal but not permanent cessation of thiopurine therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Methotrexate (MTX) may induce liver damage, which in some psoriatics will lead to fibrosis or cirrhosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"METHODS AND RESULTS: Clinical signs of adrenal suppression were observed in the newborn 3 h after birth.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There months following surgery, liver metastases were documented associated with elevated levels of serum androgens.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He was diagnosed with possible serotonin syndrome; his symptoms resolved after clomipramine was stopped but before clozapine was restarted eight days later.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 58-yr-old male patient with essential thrombocythaemia (ET) developed chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) after continuous uneventful treatment with hydroxyurea for 18 yr.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Our report suggested that CBDCA hypersensitivity was correlated with the total dose of previously administered platinum agents and that CBDCA should be excluded in patients who have received multiple platinum-based chemotherapy, even in platinum-sensitive cases, because CBDCA hypersensitivity can occur even with low-dose CBDCA administration.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: It is suggested that antibiotic-induced endotoxemia of a patient with septic endogenous endophthalmitis produced endotoxin-induced uveitis under an upregulation of HLA and endotoxin activated macrophages may release cytokines, followed by fibrin formation and subsequent granuloma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case is reported here for documentation because of its rarity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These differences necessitate close monitoring of hypothyroid patients, counseling these patients about the clinical signs of sub- and supratherapeutic levothyroxine dosages, and prudence when switching patients with stable hypothyroidism to alternative levothyroxine products.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It completely remitted following withdrawal of phenelzine combined with a low dose of haloperidol (1 mg\/day) for several days.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Bilateral Acanthamoeba keratitis with late recurrence of the infection in a corneal graft: a case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia complicated with massive thrombosis of the inferior vena cava after filter placement.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In addition, by far the majority of bleeding complications can be treated effectively.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Decreased cellular Mg content with normal serum Mg level predisposes to digitalis-toxic arrhythmias.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The literature is reviewed, and clinical symptoms, pathophysiology, and treatment options are discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A mere hypoperfusion of the kidney does not seem sufficient to account for all 5 observations: in 3 of them changes in blood pressure did not parallel changes in renal function.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"No adverse effects were observed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Patients typically have generalized lymphadenopathy, fever, weight loss, skin rash, polyclonal hypergammaglobulinemia and autoimmune phenomena, and are susceptible to infections.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient has since required a maintenance dose of L-thyroxin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The mechanism by which these eruptions occur is not completely understood, although there are many interesting theories.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: We report an adult case of nasopharyngeal carcinoma treated with radical chemo-radiotherapy, with subsequent development of a histologically proved temporal cavernous haemangioma within the radiation field.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Similar to antiarrhythmic drugs aggravating particular arrhythmias, antiepileptic drugs can paradoxically induce new seizure types or exacerbate existing ones.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thus, we suggest that a hypercoagulable status possibly created by both the malignancy and cisplatin-based chemotherapy may have played a significant role in the development of the aortic thrombus.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After falling and scraping his left elbow, bacitracin ointment was applied to the wound.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient was enrolled in a weight-loss clinic, and his diabetes medications were adjusted.Subsequently, olanzapine was discontinued because of weight gain and uncontrolled diabetes.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient died of heart failure complicated by pneumonia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe two patients in whom this conversion occurred in the absence of hypertension or excessive anticoagulation and was substantiated by serial computed tomographic brain scans.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Antibiotic-induced endotoxemia in a patient with endogenous endophthalmitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient deteriorated to Glasgow Motor Scale score (GMS) 2 and a CT scan showed signs of raised ICP.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The child developed the nephrotic syndrome at the age of 17 months.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Capecitabine is used to treat advanced breast and gastrointestinal malignancies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This method precisely limits the exposure to methotrexate, allowing a therapeutic effect without complication even in those patients who exhibit methotrexate sensitivity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Allopurinol hypersensitivity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Due to discomfort, diplopia and lagophthalmos, the haematoma necessitated suspension of warfarin therapy and a surgical evacuation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Four days after the initial injection of 3.6 mg of goserelin acetate, severe dyspnea developed due to worsening pleuritis carcinomatosa, which was considered as a flare-up.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Detailed postmortem examination of one patient revealed no anatomical abnormalities of the central nervous system.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Osteonecrosis of the jaw is an uncommon consequence of biphosphonate therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Superior sagittal sinus thrombosis in a patient with postdural puncture headache.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Amiodarone induced torsades de pointe.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Development of cavernous haemangioma following radical chemo-radiotherapy for nasopharyngeal carcinoma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DESIGN: Case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intravenous pulse corticosteroid therapy was given for three days.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A second biopsy after clinical improvement showed resolution of cholestasis but persistence of duct paucity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Coexistence of hereditary angioedema and Turner's syndrome has not previously been reported and this case highlights the detrimental C1 inhibitor level lowering effect of oestrogen in hereditary angioedema.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Inhibition of the hepatic metabolism of warfarin by 5-FU and levamisole is the postulated mechanism of this drug interaction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We have used the gastrinoma syndrome to examine the effects of SMS.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 49-year-old man with Crohn's disease treated with prednisone and mesalamine (5-ASA) developed worsening respiratory distress and fever.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The two patients were finally released in good condition.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The factors which may have predisposed to its development are reviewed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient presented with fulminant microangiopathic hemolytic anemia and thrombocytopenia within 48 hr of initiating therapy with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"However, dilated cardiomyopathy has not improved in spite of the cessation of interferon treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) due to parvovirus B19 (PVB19) infection after solid organ transplantation has been rarely reported and most of the cases were renal transplant recipients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After discussion with the patients with regard to the management of this condition and possible complications, five opted for botulinum toxin therapy and five declined further intervention.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He experienced stiffness, myalgias, and classic rippling, which was confirmed on clinical examination.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE SUMMARY: A 55-year-old man was taking an extract of C. mukul 300 mg 3 times daily to lower his cholesterol level.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A mechanism of unopposed alpha stimulation as a result of beta-2 receptor blockade is proposed, and a cautious approach to the use of propranolol in these patients is suggested.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intravenous cytarabine and methotrexate appear to act synergistically to enhance the potential for central nervous system toxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This case emphasizes the importance of making interventions based on individual patient response.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Norethisterone and gestational diabetes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: We studied a case of vortex keratopathy that was associated with the use of atovaquone.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CASE SUMMARY: An 80-year-old white female, followed up at the Memory Clinic for mild cognitive impairment, had been taking propafenone 900 mg\/d for >10 years for paroxysmal atrial fibrillation without adverse effects.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Because steroid-containing regimen may cause reactivation of hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis may progress to be fulminant after its withdrawal, we administered CHO (CPA, DOX and VCR) therapy and the patient obtained complete response.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report here two patients who underwent T cell-depleted mismatched-related stem cell transplantation for hematologic malignancies and required aggressive post-transplant immunosuppression for graft-versus host disease (GVHD).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The purpose of this article was to provide a detailed review of the role of TNF-alpha in controlling hepatitis B viral infection and the clinical impact blockade might have on viral control.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Amiodarone was the third drug to induce AVT in this patient; she received 200 mg\/day six days per week for six months.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"METHODS: A 55-year-old woman became stuporous after overdose with lamotrigine (LTG) and valproic acid (VPA) tablets.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient had successfully completed both induction and consolidation chemotherapy without steroid administration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We retrospectively reviewed 16 patients with recurrent\/metastatic head and neck cancer who received S-1 monotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Gastric outlet obstruction due to an iatrogenic cause in a neonatal period - report of two cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Though prosthetic infection with Brucella spp. is an extremly rare condition (only 1 case each of femur and hip, and 3 cases of knee had been previously reported in the English literature), brucella infection of prosthetic joints should be considered in brucella endemic areas.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient eventually had full resolution of her symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Magnetic resonance imaging findings on day 10 showed periosteal soft tissue changes and mild bone marrow edema of the femora and tibiae.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Nonspecific changes were observed, with probability of drug-induced injury.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Chymopapain--past and present, future?","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Umbilical artery catheterization is known to be associated with aortoiliac thrombosis in approximately 1% of newborns in whom catheters are placed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An epinephrine injection was administered and the boy immediately felt better.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These idiosyncratic reactions may be transient and do not always necessitate drug discontinuation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Initial cases were associated with anticonvulsants, although other drugs have now been implicated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We also showed that the drug was inhibitory to fungi in vitro as a vapor, not requiring contact by diffusion through agar or broth.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The AKBR also reflects the efficacy of treatment for cyanide poisoning.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Without any further intervention the patient had 2 separate and prolonged PSA increases and decreases 12-35 months after therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: Somatostatin and its analogs have recently been introduced in the treatment of chylous effusions in infants and children following surgery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Serum testosterone, dihydrotestosterone and estradiol fell to castration levels 4-6 weeks after the initiation of treatment and remained low throughout the study period.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Two patients with extrinsic asthma and coexistent insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus sustained an anaphylactoid reaction after the intravenous administration of 50% solution of dextrose.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Extrapyramidal side effects induced by some selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), i.e. fluoxetine and sertraline, have been previously reported in patients with depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Clinical recovery required an average of 42 days and was complete in four of five patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Case 2 demonstrated after 40 months on chlorambucil the presence of a balanced translocation, t (1;5) (p36;q31) in 90% of the cells.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Isoniazid associated, painful, bilateral gynaecomastia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Unusual side-effects due to clobazam: a case report with genetic study of CYP2C19.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"New onset of CD may be considered as an immune-mediated injury induced by etanercept.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This finding differs from other common agents, in which 63% of the radiation recall events are reported to manifest as a dermatitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An anovulatory patient was treated with human menopausal gonadotropin and human chorionic gonadotropin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Furthermore, these results also indicated that a low-dosage IV-Ig therapy is effective enough for hemostatic management for programmed surgery.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This report describes the case of a 53-year-old woman with pacemaker pocket infection due to acremonium species.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Mannitol treatment alone did not lower the intraocular pressure after 90 minutes, although improvement was noted four hours after methylprednisolone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The deposits were bilateral, yellow-white colored, stellate, and mainly peripheral.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These cases also suggest that the occurrence of RLS can cause noncompliance with antipsychotics in psychiatric patients, and thus aggravate their psychotic symptoms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"At least some patients with AL amyloidosis achieve complete remission of their plasma cell dyscrasia, improvement in performance status, and clinical remission of organ-specific disease after this form of treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although neurotoxicity is a frequent complication of methotrexate therapy, fatal acute neurotoxicity is extremely uncommon, especially in adults.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In this report, we describe a patient receiving lenalidomide in whom dyspnea, fever, hypoxia, and diffuse pulmonary infiltrates developed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Radiation-induced bilateral optic neuropathy in cancer of the nasopharynx.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Electrolytes must be monitored frequently during foscarnet therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: The purpose of this report is to emphasise the role of the Acute Pain Service in managing local anaesthetic epidural infusions for postoperative pain management, the importance of vigilant monitoring, and to offer some guidelines to using local anaesthetic epidural infusions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASES: A 37-year-old man with chronic hepatitis C and a 59-year-old man with chronic myeloid leukemia, both of whom had received IFN therapy, were referred to our outpatient clinic.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Tocolysis was stopped immediately, and the laboratory data improved gradually.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Correction of serum electrolyte imbalance prevents cardiac arrhythmia during amphotericin B administration.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) is a potentially fatal complication of antipsychotic drugs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After 2 courses of intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) therapy, bone marrow erythropoiesis recovered with his hemoglobin level increased to 123 g\/L.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hepatotoxic effects in a child receiving valproate and carnitine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Eyelid depigmentation following corticosteroid injection for infantile ocular adnexal hemangioma.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"MEASUREMENTS: A large intraatrial catheter-tip thrombus (2.5 x 3 cm) was an incidental finding on an echocardiogram done to assess cardiac function.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Heat stroke in schizophrenia during clozapine treatment: rapid recognition and management.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In all 4 patients lymphopenia was observed before the initiation of corticosteroid treatment and low CD4 and CD8 cell counts were evident at the time of PCP.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Peripheral neuropathy and cerebellar syndrome associated with amiodarone therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 73-year-old woman presented with fever and cough 2 weeks after completing the third cycle of fludarabine for chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A low dose of cisapride (5 mg b.i.d.) produced rapid relief from nausea elicited by the initiation of treatment with a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor in eight patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We reviewed medical records to identify preoperative, operative, and postoperative similarities and differences in care.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In 1984 alanine aminotransferase presented abnormal levels.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pharamcokinetic parameters were found to be significantly different from published adult parameters, such as a faster elimination rate, shorter half-life, and increased clearance.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The mechanisms producing ischaemia following intra-arterial injection of drugs of abuse and possible treatment are discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This is the first report of acute kidney injury due to zonisamide-induced DRESS\/DIHS.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Understanding this array allows the astute clinician to improve the lives of their patients with PD.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSIONS: Chloroquine-resistant vivax malaria is increasingly widespread, and transmission can occur within large tropical population centers.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After therapy for diabetic coma with insulin (containing the preservative cresol) and electrolyte solutions was started, the patient complained of increasing myalgia, developed a high fever and respiratory and metabolic acidosis and lost consciousness.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Tailored therapy of adult acute leukaemia in Jehovah's Witnesses: unjustified reluctance to treat.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Most patients were also taking concomitant valproic acid.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Eruptive latent metastatic melanomas after initiation of antitumor necrosis factor therapies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This complication of insulin therapy was common in the past with the use of animal insulins and became less common with the increasing purification of these and the introduction of recombinant human insulin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This idea should be revised because functional imaging showed that this RLS patient had no dopamine depletion.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PATIENTS: Two patients, ages 40 and 51 years, undergoing treatment with interferon alfa for malignant neoplasms experienced sudden bilateral, sequential visual loss with disc-related field defects and segmental optic disc edema.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Further post-marketing surveys are required.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fulminant hepatitis associated with disulfiram.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"However, a new episode of neutropenia, with a WBC count of 2.8 x 10(3)\/mm3 and ANC of 0.448 x 10(3)\/mm3, occurred 11 days after teicoplanin initiation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Post cardiac surgery diaphragmatic spasm successfully treated with gabapentin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hepatobiliary disorders associated with orally administered terbinafine have rarely been reported.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The neonate weighed 884 g and died 1 h after birth.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Finally, clinicians should not extrapolate the results of the Endophthalmitis Vitrectomy Study to the postfiltration surgery endophthalmitis given the differing pathogenesis and unique spectrum of organisms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The potential for adverse system reactions resulting from topical medications should be considered.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Methotrexate pneumonitis in nonsurgical treatment of ectopic pregnancy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We also discuss whether screening for DPD deficiency is warranted to identify patients at risk for severe toxicities from 5-FU treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A suspected second episode occurred after subsequent chemotherapy and sargramostim treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, we successfully treated the patient with the antibiotics trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP\/SMX) and minocycline hydrochloride (MINO), and performed endotoxin-absorbing therapy using polymyxin B (PMX) to remove the endotoxin from Gram-negative bacillus as well as continuous hemodiafiltration (CHDF) to remove inflammatory cytokines.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"48 h after interrupting treatment, she recovered normal neurological status and 500 mg of valacyclovir every 2 days was effective and well tolerated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 28-year-old female patient complained of intractable pain in the left arm, shoulder, and back and weakness, numbness, and muscular cramp in the left arm.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There was prompt response of oral ketoconazole.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The main clinical features of this 58-year-old female patient were laboratory evidence of leucopenia and cholestasis, and biopsy features of fatty liver parenchyma degeneration with granulocytic portal infiltration and bile stasis, demonstrated 20 days after the initiation of antithyroid therapy with 20 mg methimazole daily.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"It seems likely that these reactions were caused by rifabutin, alone or together with other drugs such as clarithromycin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After rechallenge with monotherapy pegvisomant, however, the hepatic enzyme disturbances reappeared within a few weeks, indicating that most likely pegvisomant alone and not the long-acting somatostatin analog or the combination of these two drugs was responsible for this case of drug-induced hepatitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In addition, a partial recovery of the scotopic b-wave full-field ERG was noted 19 years after cessation of treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a 43-year-old woman who developed sore throat, swelling of the lips and oral cavity and dysphagia, 2 weeks after the use of budesonide spray (Budefat) for treatment of bronchial asthma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"It is important that physicians be alerted to this serious, potentially lethal, complication, as it is readily reversible if the disulfiram is discontinued and appropriate supportive measures are taken.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intravenous valproate has been suggested for the treatment of status epilepticus in part because of its relatively good cardiovascular safety profile.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It draws the clinician's attention to unusual susceptibility to extrapyramidal side effects and suggests that if a child shows this type of susceptibility to one neuroleptic, he\/she may react similarly to other neuroleptics as well.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The ototoxicity of quinine can accurately be studied with ultrahigh frequency audiometry (up to 20 kHz).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Fludarabine monophosphate, a purine analogue is used in the treatment of lymphoid malignancies.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHOD: Report of a case.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ballistic movements due to ischemic infarcts after intravenous heroin overdose: report of two cases.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"His weekly warfarin dose was increased by approximately 5%, and he was given three fecal occult blood cards.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 26-year-old woman with extra-pulmonary Wegener's granulomatosis was treated with cyclophosphamide for 3.25 years, cumulated dose of 91 g.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Agranulocytosis and granulocytopenia associated with quetiapine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"At the onset of nephrotic syndrome, the patient remained in a hematological remission.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"At the time she was taking lithium carbonate 450 mg twice\/day.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Angioedema and dysphagia caused by contact allergy to inhaled budesonide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report the first case of an acute flare of eosinophilic cystitis in a 51-year-old woman after bladder instillation with dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) for presumed interstitial cystitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Abrupt, fatal intravascular hemolysis occurred after the third course.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He was treated with clindamycin, gentamicin and underwent surgical debridement, but succumbed to other complications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Organic affective psychosis associated with the routine use of non-prescription cold preparations.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Proliferation of abnormal bone marrow histiocytes, an undesired effect of granulocyte macrophage-colony-stimulating factor therapy in a patient with Hurler's syndrome undergoing bone marrow transplantation.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Central nervous system (CNS) toxicity other than optic neuropathy is not widely reported.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a first case of keratitis caused by Nocardia exalbida.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Seven days later, she had full-blown, severe hepatitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Our cases constitute the most severe cases of benzarone hepatotoxicity reported so far, and comprise the first cases of (sub)fulminant hepatitis and cirrhosis related to benzarone.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The infants were monitored by serial measurements of basal serum cortisol concentrations, responses to the Synacthen stimulation test, measurement of growth and of weight gain, and, in one case, more detailed anthropometric measures of body composition.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of a patient with mild chronic renal insufficiency who had been taking simvastatin for over a year and developed acute weakness within 3 weeks after the start of treatment with colchicine for acute gouty bursitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Expression of SSTR2A and PPAR gamma was identified in TSHoma cells.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) was used to determine whether the isolated microorganisms were the same.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A patient is presented with typical hyperthyroidism, who developed a severe proximal muscle weakness and a raised creatine phosphokinase after treatment for hyperthyroidism with propylthiouracil (100 mg orally, three times a day).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Thrombolytic therapy with tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) for acute myocardial infarction may result in major bleeding complications such as gastrointestinal or intracranial bleeding.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Steroid creams applied topically to the skin are routinely used in the treatment of many dermatoses.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Antithyroid treatment with propylthiouracil (PTU) resulted in elevated hepatic enzymes and after the 12th week of pregnancy treatment was changed to carbimazole (CBZ).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) has numerous etiologies, including medical illness, stress, and various pharmacologic agents.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We observed transient panhypogammaglobulinaemia in a patient with neuropsychiatric SLE after treatment with prednisolone and cyclophosphamide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 42-year-old Thai man was administered the combination drugs liponavir\/ritonavir and abacavir\/lamivudine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Only 1 case has been described in detail, and this had a fatal outcome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE DESCRIPTION: A 5-year-old sexually intact male cockatiel was examined because of progressive dyspnea of 1 week's duration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, there remain questions concerning whether these drugs, especially methimazole (MMI), may be associated with aplasia cutis congenita (ACC) and how best to avoid impairment of fetal thyroid function during their use.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML), hepatitis C, and interferon alpha (IFNalpha) have all been associated with renal dysfunction.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Five days after discharge he was readmitted for similar symptoms, including an 11.8-kg weight gain.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case of oculogyric crisis induced by metoclopramide is described in this paper.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Abscesses of the pterygopalatine fossa are extremely rare.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Nonsustained polymorphous ventricular tachycardia during amiodarone therapy for atrial fibrillation complicating cardiomyopathy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Management of cryptococcosis and toxic epidermal necrolysis in a dog.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The case presented here provides some insight into the potential efficacy of certain herbs for relieving mild-to-moderate poison ivy dermatitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fatal lung fibrosis caused by paclitaxel toxicity has not been reported In this report, we describe the case of a 62-year-old woman who received six cycles of paclitaxel and carboplatin as combination chemotherapy for advanced ovarian cancer.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Topiramate is a new anticonvulsant drug recommended for treatment of partial and generalized seizures in children and adults.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is therefore one of the most serious long-term complications of current cancer treatment and is likely to increase as longer survival rates for the primary tumour are achieved.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Scleroderma in association with the use of bleomycin: a report of 3 cases.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"After an initial diagnosis of atypical eating disorder, an upper gastrointestinal study revealed superior mesenteric artery syndrome.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After this episode, she showed the rapid destructive stage of the Rett syndrome, i.e., severe psychomotor retardation with loss of speech, peculiar stereotypic hand movements, autistic behavior and seizures.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The effect of repeated exposure to specific chemicals on the initiation or progression of mycosis fungoides (MF) remains unsettled.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We are concerned that the macular lesion was a retinal toxic effect of gentamicin because of the recent description of similar lesions occurring after the inadvertent intraocular injection of massive doses of this drug.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"However, we postulate that a delayed perforation of the bladder might occur due to the cytotoxic effect to the bladder tissue of the instilled drugs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present two cases of anaphylaxis under anaesthesia where return of spontaneous circulation was refractory to epinephrine, but occurred following the administration of the alpha-agonist metaraminol.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Methotrexate (MTX) may induce liver damage, which in some psoriatics will lead to fibrosis or cirrhosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Because of life threatening plasma methotrexate (MTX) levels, carboxypeptidase G2 (CPDG2) was administered resulting in a dramatic decrease within 1 hr.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Here we describe a clinical case in which time to diagnosis from the onset of peptic symptoms was delayed more than 10 years, in part reflecting symptom masking by continuous prescription of the PPI omeprazole.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient suffered excessive toxicity with low-dose irinotecan although no functional polymorphism in UGT1A1 was identified.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a 12-year-old boy who developed desquamative interstitial pneumonitis and hepatic cirrhosis several years following the onset of ulcerative colitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This last test was positive.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This suggests that UGT1A9 poor metabolizer genotype(s) may be a predisposing factor for COMT inhibitor-induced hepatotoxicity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We postulate that gastritis caused by dexamethasone, mucositis caused by doxorubicin, and the unique anatomic nature of a Meckel diverticulum may have contributed to this extremely unlikely and previously unreported event.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report the case of an 87-year-old white woman with myasthenia gravis who presented with nausea, shortness of breath, azotemia, and hyperkalemia shortly after completing a course of intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In all three patients, HDL cholesterol levels returned to normal following drug withdrawal.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a case of 48-year-old woman with seizure disorder on divalproex sodium (Depakote) who presented with dyspnea.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We present three cases of fatal hepatic necrosis in patients with epilepsy taking anticonvulsants, in which the terminal illness presented as an unusually severe generalized tonic-clonic seizure with failure to regain consciousness.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We described a very atypical case of a high stage, high grade endometrial cancer associated with tamoxifen in a 64-year-old woman with a past history of breast cancer.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Eventually, both patients were found to have adrenal insufficiency responsible for the fever, which improved after steroid replacement.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Phone followup was attempted.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Video distraction initially inhibited vomiting but the treatment effects were not maintained.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Successful treatment was achieved with partial resection of the posterior mitral valve leaflet and antibiotic therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a 57-year-old man with acral erythrocyanosis progressing to acute digital ischemia and gangrene that developed after combined chemotherapy (bleomycin and methotrexate) used to treat a metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the hypopharynx.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Newborn infants are most vulnerable to the development of thrombosis because of the developing neonatal hemostatic system, perinatal risk factors and different types of medical conditions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 74-year-old patient with idiopathic Parkinson's disease was evaluated for unintended sleep episodes that occurred after long-term treatment with 400 mg\/day of L-dopa.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Lithium treatment was terminated in 1975 because of lithium intoxication with a diabetes insipidus-like syndrome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Papilloedema and hepatic dysfunction apparently induced by perhexiline maleate (Pexid).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"DISCUSSION: We postulate that the rapid onset of hyperglycemia and the resulting medical sequelae were due to olanzapine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In all three patients carbamazepine was introduced and gradually increased to a maximum dosage of 25 mg\/kg of body weight per day.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report three cases of severe hypocalcaemia associated with i.v. bisphosphonate treatment in patients with multiple myeloma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Life-threatening alterations in heart rate after the use of adenosine in atrial flutter.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The viral DNA copy number in whole blood remained positive, however, but was reduced.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In addition, we emphasize the need for informed consent when facing factors that predispose to bleeding (esophageal varices, coagulopathy and thrombocytopenia), possible band ligation before the start of sorafenib, careful clinical monitoring and discontinuation of sorafenib when major bleeding occurs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although these eight patients had shown various mental, neurological and gastrointestinal symptoms, as well as skin lesions, the diagnosis of pellagra had not been made clinically.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Three patients, in whom tumour overkill by cytotoxic treatment, including high dose methotrexate with folinic acid rescue, resulted in the 'phosphate shower syndrome' (hyper-uricaemia, hyperkalaemia and hyperphosphataemia with hypocalcaemia and tetany, with metabolic acidosis and acute renal impairment) are described.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Pegylated liposomal doxorubicin (PLD) is a chemotherapeutic agent used in the treatment of solid tumors.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He died from acute leukaemia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The toxicity and plasma concentrations of ifosfamide, chloroacetaldehyde, and 4-hydroxyifosfamide were then determined over 24 h after a single 1.6 g\/m2 dose of ifosfamide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: A 37-year-old African- American man with G6PD deficiency developed hemolytic anemia, hepatitis, orthostatic hypotension, and aseptic meningitis simultaneously after using trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Polymyositis was diagnosed on muscle biopsy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: Rituximab (1 mg\/0.1 ml) was injected in the vitreous of one eye of three Dutch-belted rabbits.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Six months after the procedure, the patient had an elective angiogram, where we discovered a new severe occlusion distally to the former stent; a second PES was implanted.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CASE REPORT: A six-year-old boy with transfusion-dependent beta-thalassaemia developed a unilateral hearing loss shortly after commencing desferrioxamine therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Tracheal mucociliary transport velocity (MCTV) was measured by timing the movement of 4 microL of mucus across the trachea.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A minimum peripheral dose of 36 Gy HDR was administered in 12 fractions (twice a day) at 3 Gy per fraction for a period of 3 days.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Blood GHB concentrations in the range 156-260 mg\/L have been reported to induce moderately sound sleep.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We discuss our observations in the cases of two patients with acyclovir neurotoxicity and review the findings of all previous reports in the English language literature.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient is healthy 16 months after discontinuation of fluconazole.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Six months following cessation of therapy, the ERG was still abnormal for one patient, but continued improvement was evident at 25 months; for the second patient, the ERG was normal at one year.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Early blindness and coma during intrathecal chemotherapy for meningeal carcinomatosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After clonidine was initiated, the patient's spasticity improved.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Calculation of this volume from peak and trough levels showed an increase of the volume of distribution during and after chemotherapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient exhibited clinical regression and functional improvement.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Endodontic treatment, when possible, rather than extraction is the treatment of choice in patients suffering from such a disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Disseminated encephalomyelitis in adults.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This article describes the conservative follow-up of a patient with epidural abscess and diskitis following instrumented posterior lumbar interbody fusion using a metal cage without surgical intervention.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These signs resolved 24-48 h after cyclosporin and ganciclovir were discontinued.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 7-year-old with congenital toxoplasmosis who took pyrimethamine and sulfadiazine for reactivated chorioretinitis developed fever, severe cutaneous involvement, swelling, abdominal pain and transaminitis, persisting weeks after withholding medicines.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"An alteration in CNS serotonin activity is hypothesized to be the underlying mechanism for several myoclonic syndromes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Adverse effects of amiodarone including pulmonary toxicity, hepatotoxicity, aggravation of arrhythmia, and thyroid diseases are well understood.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Tumour vaccine associated lymphadenopathy and false positive positron emission tomography scan changes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thrombin is highly effective for stopping intractable arterial hemorrhage during stereotactic brain biopsy; however, it is a vasospastic agent and may have been responsible for the cerebral infarctions in one patient.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Electrocardiographic findings and laboratory data indicated a diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction due to the L-thyroxine therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We describe a patient who developed significant deterioration in her conscious level due to iatrogenic gabapentin overdose.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe 2 cases of SJS related to nevirapine use and review the literature on this newly recognized association.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Their criticisms also differed from a third criticism contained in the article as well as the protocol being advocated in the article, thus contravening the claim that there is one prescribed protocol which must be followed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The disorder recurred during treatment with paclitaxel.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"DISCUSSION: NMS is a rare but potentially fatal reaction associated with neuroleptic drugs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"As with previously reported cases, the condition presents in young women and results in edema of the palms with visibly prominent eccrine ducts after brief exposure to water.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The cause is believed to be either a hypersensitivity reaction or a toxic dose-related suppression of white blood cell precursors.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 45-year-old woman with steroid-dependent Crohn's colitis, successfully managed with maintenance infliximab infusions and methotrexate, developed a lupus-like syndrome eight months after her initial infusion.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Both patients failed to improve after discontinuation of the offending agent, and they responded poorly to corticosteroids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Most of the patients had acute leukemia (AL) or related disorders and had received chemotherapy treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Combined therapy of advanced prostatic carcinoma with estramustine and prednimustine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fulminant metoclopramide induced neuroleptic malignant syndrome rapidly responsive to intravenous dantrolene.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report 3 cases of HIV-1 infected patients who experienced symptomatic angiolipomas shortly after starting antiretroviral therapy including the protease inhibitor indinavir.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Few studies have addressed the impact of the new neuraminidase inhibitors in the prognosis of influenza after BMT.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Intractable hypomagnesemia was also a prominent feature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The possible pathogenic mechanisms leading to this adverse reaction in this patient are also discussed, and pathophysiologic hypotheses are formulated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Only minor complications have been reported previously.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The in vivo occurrence of such giant forms is rare, and when observed histologically may result in an erroneous diagnosis or a diagnosis of multiple mycotic organisms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"With the first cyclosporine dose, the patient complained of leg pain that was most severe during the cyclosporine infusion.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Several genetic polymorphisms increase the risk for venous thrombembolism (VTE).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"It is important to always review the medications the patient is taking and consider them as etiological culprits in any new symptom complex.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The patient's response to the combination of clonazepam and baclofen suggests that the pathophysiology of the \"painful legs and moving toes\" may be linked to impairment of spinal serotonergic and GABA functions.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"New onset rapid cycling bipolar disorder in an 87 year old woman.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"For the treatment of visual loss, differential diagnosis is important between infection and adverse effect of anti-tuberculous drugs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Our patient was a 72-year-old man with advanced Parkinson's disease (PD) who received levodopa and anti-cholinergic drugs and whose head had become almost completely bald.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In addition, an immediate erythematous macule was observed on the photopatch test site of mequitazine directly after UV exposure which was similar to the immediate erythema noted in chlorpromazine photoallergy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"These cases indicate that sulpiride can cause tardive dyskinesia and that this drug should be administered with caution.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: We believe this to be the first reported case of rhGH-induced hypercalcemia in an HIV-infected patient.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"When a CPS perforates the transverse foramen, even if no apparent VA injury occurs during the operation, the surgeon must take care not to risk cerebral infarction because of an embolism.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"He also experienced improvement in his pain control.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"According to clinical impression some patients showed an improved goal orientation and self-control which could be effects worth to be followed up.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Titers for Epstein-Barr virus, hepatitis B, toxoplasmosis; and cytomegalovirus were all negative.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"INTRODUCTION: Pamidronate disodium, a bone resorption inhibitor through osteoclast mediation, has been used to treat chronic hypercalcemia secondary to malignancy and chronic renal failure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We encountered 2 patients with a psychiatric disorder (depression in one and catatonia in one) accompanied by motor inhibition that was complicated by pulmonary embolism (PE).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to report on the possible development of corneal endothelial deposits resulting from the use of rifabutin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Flutamide withdrawal syndrome is characterized by a decrease in prostate-specific antigen (PSA) after flutamide withdrawal in a subset of patients with progressing metastatic carcinoma of the prostate.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Both infants continued on medical therapy until they reached 1 month of age.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A second episode of jaundice followed the intravaginal administration of a mixture of furazolidone and nifuroxime.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Further study to confirm this significant finding and to determine if the long term prognosis of BP can be altered by the drug, is required.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the first case of a patient in a promethazine-induced coma responding to treatment with flumazenil.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 27-year-old man who had a history of bronchial asthma, eosinophilic enteritis, and eosinophilic pneumonia presented with fever, skin eruptions, cervical lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, atypical lymphocytosis, and eosinophilia two weeks after receiving trimethoprim (TMP)-sulfamethoxazole (SMX) treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Clinical and pharmacological aspects of accidental triamcinolone acetonide overdosage: a case study.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We concluded that an adequate dose of steroids can be the first line of therapy for PRCA after ABO-mismatched allogeneic stem cell transplantation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fetal exposure to anticonvulsant drugs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report the case of a young man, affected by rheumatoid arthritis who developed a rapid-onset short-of-breath, hemoptysis, and severe weakness, about 2 weeks after the administration of leflunomide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The combination therapy of interferon alpha and ribavirin was given to a 50-year-old female with CHC who had not responded to a previous treatment by interferon alpha.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"With the increasing use of these antimitotic agents, great vigilance should be exercised with regard to renal function and haemolytic status.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cholelithiasis in turn enhances the effects of cyclosporin on increased platelet aggregation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To report teicoplanin-related neutropenia that developed after an episode of neutropenia induced by vancomycin therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The incidence and clinical features of allergic contact and\/or photocontact dermatitis due to psoralens were examined in 371 patients with psoriasis treated with topical PUVA.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Of note, Compositae dermatitis has been shown to have a higher prevalence in children with atopic dermatitis, so it is important for physicians to be aware of the potential allergens (like bisabolol) in products they are recommending as first line treatments.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"On the next day he died, probably as a result of heart failure.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Cisplatin toxicity on cardiac electrical activity is discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Reversal of intractable acute severe asthma by first-trimester termination of pregnancy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Indeed, the superiority of the combination of interferon alfa and ribavirin in terms of antiviral action is corroborated by the enhancement of a Th1-type immune reaction by this combination.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"While most physicians are aware of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia and skin necrosis, the association of heparin and hyperkalemia is less well recognized.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This is a case report of possible association of methylphenidate and enuresis in an 11-year-old boy with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The fetal valproate syndrome (FVS) is characterized by distinctive facial appearance, major and minor malformations, and developmental delay.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Improvement in the level of arterial blood gases and pulmonary diffusing capacity occurred after discontinuation of methotrexate therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report on two cases in which mother-infant PIVKA concentrations were measured at birth after chronic anticonvulsant therapy during pregnancy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This prompted us to suspect that ddI might be responsible for fulminant hepatitis in all three AIDS patients.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Four months later there were no cells in the anterior chamber and the vitreous was clear.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, delayed presentation of flap compromise is an ominous predictor of flap loss.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There have been more than 20 observations of the appearance or aggravation of this granulomatosis with interferon alfa and more recently with the combination of interferon alfa plus ribavirin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"From these data, acute generalized dystonia with brainstem and thalamic lesions may occur in WD patients after an initial d-penicillamine therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Improvement in her condition was evident 6 months after discontinuing amiodarone.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Toxicity, pharmacokinetics, and in vitro hemodialysis clearance of ifosfamide and metabolites in an anephric pediatric patient with Wilms' tumor.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Discontinuation of acetazolamide produced an immediate threefold drop in the level of urinary calcium excretion and a slight rise in tubular reabsorption of phosphate, with no dectectable change in serum calcium or phosphate concentrations.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pulmonary thromboembolism (PTE) in leukemic children undergoing intensive chemotherapy should be promptly recognized so that specific therapy can be started.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The case of a 19-year-old woman with insulin-dependent diabetes and regular and NPH insulin hypersensitivity is presented.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"She was commenced on antiretroviral therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Another patient died form an overdose due to misunderstanding of the prescribed dosage given elsewhere.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One patient developed severe hyponatremia with serum Na+ of 108 mEq\/L when hydrochlorothiazide was given to control hypertension.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Videopolysomnographic and pharmacokinetic studies with monitoring of plasma levodopa levels demonstrated marked motor hyperactivity during augmentation, with anarchic discharges of motor unit potentials, tonic grouped discharges and flexor spasms, associated with painful dysesthesia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"After having received gemcitabine on day 1 of the second course, the patient developed dry cough, subfebrile temperatures and dyspnea within 48 h.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Clinical presentation in each case included generalized malaise with fever, signs of meningeal inflammation and focal neurological signs at the spinal level.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report on two AIDS cases with long lasting bacteremia due to MAC under this regimen.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hepatitis following cimetidine administration.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Acute pancreatitis is a rarely reported adverse effect.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Mediastinal extravasation of doxorubicin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"To evaluate whether racial factors may be involved in the development of ART-induced lipodystrophy and\/or lipid serum abnormalities, we carried-out a case-control study on all 23 consecutive anti-HIV-positive sub-Saharan black African patients observed from September 20fc01 to December 2001 ('Cases') and 23 Caucasian 'Controls' pair-matched for sex, age (+\/-5 years), number of CD4 cells (+\/-100 cells), clinical stage of HIV infection, overall duration (+\/-3 months) of anti-retroviral treatment and type and duration (+\/-3 months) of the last anti-retroviral regimen.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"ECG and thallium-201 scintigram.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The presence of a lymphocyte alveolitis with a predominance of CD4+ T cells in 3 RA patients and CD8+ T cells with a concomitant increase in neutrophils in another case suggests that immunologically mediated reactions may be one damage mechanism in MTX-induced pneumonitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"MRI showed increased T(2) signal intensity predominant in the posterior regions of the brain suggestive of PRES.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This paper argues for an increased recognition of chronically recurrent and tardive OGC.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After induction of general anesthesia and administration of a standard dose of intravenous esmolol hydrochloride, her cardiac rhythm progressed to asystole.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A computed tomography scan of the abdomen was helpful in elucidating the diagnosis, and surgical splenectomy resulted in a good patient outcome, though the period of hypotension had increased the extent of myocardial necrosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Further study is necessary to ensure that spinal vascular injuries can be kept to an acceptably rare level.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fluoxetine-related death in a child with cytochrome P-450 2D6 genetic deficiency.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Symptoms resolved within 2 days, and she continued venlafaxine with no further adverse effects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe 4 typical cases from the major fields of rheumatology.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Conservative treatment and hydration were carried out.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rosiglitazone was discontinued and the edema resolved.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe the case of a 50-year-old woman with advanced non-small cell lung cancer who developed status epilepticus shortly after receiving cisplatin and gemcitabine chemotherapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Histamine poisoning on ingestion of tuna fish.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Life-threatening anaphylactoid reaction to amifostine used with concurrent chemoradiotherapy for nasopharyngeal cancer in a patient with dermatomyositis: a case report with literature review.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A transient tonic pupillary response, denervation supersensitivity, and abnormal visual-evoked potentials in quinine toxicity, to our knowledge, have not been previously reported.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Mianserin (15 mg\/day at 21.00 h) was discontinued and then reinstituted (off-on-off-on design).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Once extensive microbiological studies proved negative, corticosteroids were given and a complete remission of clinical and radiological abnormalities was achieved.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Renin levels should be determined in all hypertensive children and their hypertensive parents.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"One patient had to discontinue GBP.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In each of the three reported patients, alteration of eyelid appearance with deepening of the lid sulcus was evident as the result of topical bimatoprost therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Cyclosporine-induced pain syndrome in a child undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplant.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We describe a patient with acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) who developed visceral varicella-zoster virus (VZV) infection following cord blood stem cell transplantation (CBSCT) and was successfully treated with intravenous acyclovir (ACV).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To report a case of rapidly occurring hyperglycemia that occurred in a geriatric patient 3 days after treatment with olanzapine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The anterior chamber deposits still remain.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All 43 participants with exclusively SCs reported increased sensitivity to one or several odors, with no participants reporting decreased sensitivity.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Furthermore, our finding that large numbers of PDCs infiltrate psoriatic skin suggests a role of lesional PDCs as type I interferon-producing targets for the TLR7 agonist imiquimod.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"BACKGROUND: Amiodarone is a benzofuran derivative used to treat cardiac arrhythmias.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The parameters of oxygen metabolism in a patient with cyanide poisoning who was admitted in a coma with seizures was monitored.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Paroxysmal hemicrania responding to topiramate.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"There are few reports in the literature of hypoglycemia with concurrent administration of an oral hyperglycemic agent and a fluoroquinolone antibiotic.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Stenotrophomonas maltophilia bacteremia after living donor liver transplantation: Report of a case.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Four cases of pediatric acne rosacea associated with the use of topical fluorinated glucocorticosteroids are described.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The serum creatinine level gradually declined over 2 weeks, and the patient was discharged home with a serum creatinine level of 1.6 mg\/dL.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Further work to define doses, schedules, and optimal drug is needed since this approach to steroid use appears effective and relatively nontoxic.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"For all patients serum calcium concentrations correlated significantly with serum lithium concentrations.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report such a series of patients who had transient asymptomatic bradycardia after being treated with continuous infusion 5-FU.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A more likely cause of the inspiratory obstruction appeared to be forward bending of the neck combined with mouth-clenching spasms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Quinapril is an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACE-inhibitor) and overdose can lead to prolonged hypotension and, less frequently, transient renal impairment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Nocardiosis is a life-threatening infection, particularly among immunocompromised patients, which usually affects lungs, skin and central nervous system.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We describe a 57-year-old man with acral erythrocyanosis progressing to acute digital ischemia and gangrene that developed after combined chemotherapy (bleomycin and methotrexate) used to treat a metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the hypopharynx.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Delayed-onset multifocal keratitis is a rare complication of LASIK.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Guanidine treatment had a beneficial effect, whereas administration of antitoxin in the late and benign form was not effective.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A prolonged and clinically useful delay in the recurrence of hypertension following withdrawal of the drug was also observed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Antiepileptic drug hypersensitivity syndrome consists of fever, rash, and internal organ involvement and usually occurs within the first 2 months of initiation of therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This report describes a case of acute compromise of renal function associated with hypotension in a 7-year-old boy treated with the ACE inhibitor lisinopril and the ARB losartan.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Most patients have involvement of the right heart.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We reevaluated his cardiac parameters.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Serotonin-Dopamine Antagonist (SDA) should be proscribed with care became of this rare yet serious complication, especially in cases with previous history of priapism following the use of psychotropic drugs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Five patients have been weaned from all steroid treatment, and eight have required continued pulses at one- or two-week intervals as outpatients to maintain control.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although an association between exposure to bleomycin and the development of scleroderma has been suspected, few cases are reported.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This child with acute lymphoblastic leukemia underwent a period of severe refractory lactic acidosis (pH between 6.81 and 7.00 and a serum lactate level up to 38 mmol\/liter) leading to cardiac arrest.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Thirty-six patients with AL received, in a three-month period, 51 cycles of combined chemotherapy which included, in all of them, cytosine arabinoside (ARA-C); among them, along with myelosuppression, five experienced fever, infectious complications, gastrointestinal tract symptoms and severe myalgias.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Initiation of posaconazole led to clinical improvement until the patient's demise from bacteremic vancomycin-resistant enterococcal peritonitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In conclusion, telmisartan was effective and well tolerated for the control of hypertension in this case and improved sensitivity to insulin.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Pharmacologic doses of vitamin D cannot be recommended for any form of osteoporosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After other potential causes of liver toxicity were excluded, TMP-SMX was determined to be the cause of his acute liver toxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Rapid detection of causative pathogen of peritonitis using in-situ hybridization in a patient with continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: Copperhead bites typically result in mild to moderate envenomation due to local tissue effects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Therefore, we emphasize the importance of treatment to prevent tumor flare during LH-RH analogue therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Despite reduction in immunosuppression, 30%-40% of recipients progress to allograft loss.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Data are presented to show that atopic cataracts and corticosteroids.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Teratogenic effects in a case of maternal treatment for acute myelocytic leukaemia--neonatal and infantile course.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Supralethal magnesemia with patient survival.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The data show a strong influence of cortisol on total sleep time and slow wave sleep (SWS) as well as rapid eye movement (REM) sleep.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, in rare instances, hemorrhagic pancreatitis or necrosis may occur.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The self-administered therapy resulted in a severe cell-mediated immunodeficiency (as expressed by a nadir CD4 lymphocyte count of 2 cells\/muL).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Within 1-6 h of apparently successful thrombolytic therapy for AMI, these three patients experienced sudden and profound bradycardia and hypotension and could not be resuscitated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Aplastic anemia and agranulocytosis in patients using methazolamide for glaucoma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"General practitioners now have a wider range of effective hypoglycaemic agents from which to choose.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In patient 1 with massive pulmonary thromboembolism, transesophageal ultrasound revealed large right atrial thrombus entrapped in a patent foramen ovale.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Administration of high-dose intrathecal methotrexate may not lead to symptoms, as was the case in our patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Linear IgA bullous dermatosis has a much lower prevalence of histological small bowel abnormalities, and lesions are not known to respond to gluten restriction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"RESULTS: Central macular thickness decreased from 511 to 376 microm at month 4 in the treated eye and remained within 10% of this value during follow-up.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Plasmodium falciparum with a parasitemia of 70% was detected in the peripheral smear.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Visceral herpesvirus infections in leukemic patients receiving cytarabine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"This complication has not previously been described in association with vasopressin infusion into peripheral veins.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: Massive subchorionic hematomas may be observed in patients after thrombolytic therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Because of her severe symptoms, mifepristone was administered for a period of 19 days.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Ifosfamide is a known nephrotoxic drug with demonstrated tubulopathies.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"METHODS: Retrospective case series of six eyes of three patients that developed Acanthamoeba keratitis with Synergeyes hybrid contact lens wear.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Evans syndrome refers to a hematological autoimmune disorder with autoimmune hemolytic anemia accompanied by immune thrombocytopenia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, its efficacy in preventing invasive aspergillosis could not be demonstrated.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Recurrent unilateral, throbbing, frontal headaches should be referred to as facial migraine.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Implications for its drug management are discussed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This implies that TNFalpha may play an important role in the development of this condition.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"To our knowledge, this is the first report of t-MDS associated with ATL.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The nephrotic syndrome responded again to withdrawal of lithium and institution of steroid therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A 10.5-year-old, castrated male shih tzu was presented for evaluation of weakness, pica, and pallor of the mucous membranes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Recent reports have shown trinucleotide repeat expansions in the spinocerebellar ataxia 2 (SCA2) gene in patients with levodopa-responsive parkinsonism.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a cae of paranoid psychosis following use of a decongestant containing PPA and summarize the case report literature of psychiatric adverse effects to PPA in which doses were known and stated to be within recommended guidelines.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"It is important for both the general and cardiac anesthesiologist to understand the effects of thrombolysis on hemostasis and myocardial function, since these patients can present for emergent surgery in the cardiac or general operating theater.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This profile should trigger a \"red flag\" as to the possibility of phenobarbital behavioral side effects or exacerbation of preexisting maladaptive behaviors.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"It is thought that the clinico-pathological features and chronology of this case bore the hallmarks of the so-called \"3-week sulphasalazine syndrome\", a rare, but often fatal, immunoallergic reaction to sulphasalazine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"We report the case of a 33-year-old man who presented with a large B-cell non Hodgkin's lymphoma presenting as acute pancreatitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Follow-up magnetic resonance imaging 2 weeks later showed complete resolution of the abnormalities.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report here a 26-year-old female with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma who died of severe pulmonary fibrosis 81 days after the administration of high-dose BCNU (600 mg\/m2).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"If detected and diagnosed in a timely fashion, it can be treated and should resolve with minimal sequelae.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Sepsis, viral hepatitis, and metabolic liver disease were excluded.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The risk of developing sAML has been estimated to be between 2% and 10%, depending upon the type, duration and dosage of previous therapy (Michels et al, 1985; Shulman, 1993; Robinson & Mertens, 1993; Ballen & Antin, 1993).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hypersensitivity pneumonitis-like syndrome associated with the use of lenalidomide.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A generalized tonic-clonic seizure occurred a few minutes after injection of the morphine antagonist naloxone.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Definite regression of the tumors was observed.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"At that time anti-tuberculous agents were also being administered for presumed tuberculosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The elevated left ventricular end-diastolic pressure causes the left atrial overload which could be at risk of atrial fibrillation in patients with HCM.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Combining methylephedrine and Chinese herbal drugs might carry a risk of stroke.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Serial electroencephalograms were obtained to evaluate CHL central nervous toxicity, before, during and after treatment with this agent.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"They represented a typical picture of NE: two of them died because of septic shock; five patients had subileus with irritation of the peritoneum; and one had hepatosplenic abscesses confirmed 6 months later by post-mortem examination.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The authors describe three families in whom the occurrence of FVS in all the siblings strongly suggests hereditary susceptibility to valproic acid-induced adverse outcome.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Although the role of antipsychotics in this situation is speculative, development of rhabdomyolysis related to hyponatremia and\/or its correction should not be underestimated and should be assessed thoroughly.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After a two-month interruption of interferon administration, natural interferon alpha was given but followed by another episode of the same neurological manifestations.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Mesalamine may cause hypersensitivity pneumonitis in patients with Crohn's disease.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Multiple pulmonary nodules: an unusual presentation of fludarabine pulmonary toxicity: case report and review of literature.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Early asymptomatic recurrence of cervical artery dissection: three cases.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Kaposi's sarcoma in a patient treated with imatinib mesylate for chronic myeloid leukemia.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"At autopsy he was found to have multiple hepatocellular neoplasms.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Facial soft tissue augmentation has been performed using different materials.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Atypical endometriosis may act as a precancerous lesion in the process of tamoxifen-induced malignant transformation of endometriosis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A few reports have appeared concerning switching from clozapine to other antipsychotics for treatment-refractory schizophrenia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"As the list of FMF-associated MEFV mutations is expanded, and\/or new sequencing technologies permit more rapid screening, the value and interpretation of genetic testing for FMF will become more straightforward.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After taking cholestyramine II sachets twice daily for two months she presented with lethargy, confusion and drowsiness.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The rationale of suggesting N-AC and IVIG for the treatment of this syndrome relies on the theoretical synergistic effects of the two agents.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The glial abnormality, the most striking feature in the present case, strongly suggests toxic and metabolic disturbances.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Mean time between initiation of gemcitabine therapy and onset of HUS was 7.4 +\/- 3.5 months, or 21.9 +\/- 10.9 doses of gemcitabine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Reconciling theory and practice.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Captopril-related (and -induced?) asthma.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"IV propranolol was used as the initial treatment for his hyperadrenergic state, resulting in a decrease in heart rate but a paroxsymal increase in blood pressure.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A 75-year-old man developed bilateral lower leg edema 6 months after switching from troglitazone to pioglitazone.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"She received an accidental 450-mg bolus injection of morphine intrathecally and developed hypertension, status epilepticus, intracerebral hemorrhage, and respiratory failure.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Symptoms and signs of augmentation were related to low plasma levodopa levels, abating 75 minutes after oral levodopa administration and reappearing after 3 hours, closely mirroring the rapid rise and fall of plasma levodopa concentration.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Pseudomonas infections in children with human immunodeficiency virus infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Neither infant developed hemorrhage of prematurity as confirmed on cranial ultrasonography.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Physicians should be aware of the risk of severe AIHA in CLL patients with a history of AIHA or positivation of the DAT during previous fludarabine administration, or in case of secondary fixation of complement to the red cell membrane occurring during fludarabine treatment.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The dose-limiting toxicity of KW-2149 is pulmonary toxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Recovery from the side effects was complete 4 months after the last 5-FU treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"However, in order to avoid neuropathic side effects, patients under thalidomide therapy should be monitored every 6 months with nerve conduction studies while taking the drug.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Dilatation by a balloon-tipped catheter produced an immediate and sustained reversal of the arteriospasm, together with a dramatic relief of symptoms and signs.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"During dose-finding studies for intravenous proton pump inhibitors omeprazole and pantoprazole, three of six young female volunteers receiving omeprazole and two young female volunteers receiving pantoprazole developed peripheral edema within 8 hr when high doses of the proton pump inhibitors were applied by continuous infusion together with large volumes of fluid.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The patient was subicteric at the time.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We also strongly draw the attention to the main preventive procedure against invasive fungal infection that is the correct management of antidiabetic therapy that prevents the predisposing temporary neutrophils activity deficit, contributing to a better survival rate of diabetic children.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The concentrations of olanzapine measured in this case were as follows (mg\/L or mg\/kg): 0.40 (heart blood), 0.27 (carotid blood), 0.35 (urine), 0.61 (liver), negative (cerebrospinal fluid), 0.33 mg in 50 ml (gastric contents).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) is an immunosuppressive drug used in renal transplantation, lupus nephritis and pemphigus vulgaris patients.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case demonstrates the association of selective IgA deficiency with remission in rheumatoid arthritis induced by fenclofenac as well as aurothiomalate and sulphasalazine.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The infiltrate resolved in response to topical voriconazole, natamycin, and oral voriconazole.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Sexual dysfunction secondary to antidepressant drugs is an under-recognized clinical problem, and likely an important factor in noncompliance with treatment.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Steroid diabetes in children with Crohn disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hydatid disease: the alveolar variety in Australia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Recurrent septicemia with lethal outcome during and after cyclosporine therapy in severe ulcerative colitis.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Mirtazapine treatment in a subject with autistic disorder and fetishism.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Drug-induced gingival enlargement: biofilm control and surgical therapy with gallium-aluminum-arsenide (GaAlAs) diode laser-A 2-year follow-up.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A case report.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"To our knowledge, this is the first case of griseofulvin-exacerbated lupus in which nephrotic syndrome has been observed.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Dorzolamide-induced choroidal detachment in a surgically untreated eye.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Swab of punctured vesicles demonstrated HSV type II by polymerase chain reaction.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Systemic capillary leak syndrome after granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE: To present a case of neonatal adrenal suppression due to the use of high-dose methylprednisolone in late pregnancy of a woman with Crohn's disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The endemic nature of the finding in such a short period of time is outstanding.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Toxic epidermal necrolysis in early infancy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A cause-effect relationship to capecitabine was suggested due to resolution of headache with capecitabine withdrawal and reappearance with capecitabine rechallenge.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Tacrolimus (FK-506) is an important immunosuppressive agent most often given for maintenance immunosuppression to prevent acute cellular organ rejection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Although dasatinib is a generally well-tolerated drug in the treatment of Philadelphia chromosome positive hematopoetic malignancies, pleural effusions have been frequently noted and have been reported in up to 35% of patients (Sahn SA.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Type I second-degree AV block (Mobitz type I, Wenckebach AV block) during ritodrine therapy for preterm labor.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"She subsequently developed Shewanella spp. bacteraemia without any clinical source of infection.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Magnetic resonance imaging appearance of the shoulder after subacromial injection with corticosteroids can mimic a rotator cuff tear.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"A rare complication of trigeminal nerve stimulation during radiofrequency thermocoagulation: sudden ST segment elevation.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Interferon alfa acts by stimulating the T-helper (Th) 1 immune response.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This case report refers to a patient with PLEDs whose EEGs did not change while on steady levels of phenytoin and phenobarbital, but showed a complete disappearance of these discharges when felbamate was used.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Recurrent neutrophilic eccrine hidradenitis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Adult respiratory distress syndrome as a severe immune reconstitution disease following the commencement of highly active antiretroviral therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"All patients had biopsy findings or cultural evidence of the progression of their fungal infection while being treated with conventional amphotericin B.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Therapy must be installed immediately, before additional investigations, and should be continued even when initial neuroimaging is negative.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Mycophenolate mofetil in the therapy of severe myasthenia gravis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The use of rituximab has been uncommonly associated with delayed pulmonary toxicity.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Very few cases have been described in detail due to the low incidence of this complication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"While the mechanism of dextran-associated renal failure remains unsolved, plasma exchange seems to be effective therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"In four patients corneal infiltrates cleared on topical medication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Successful therapy with intravenous streptokinase.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report our experience with intrathecal administration of rituximab in a 10-year-old kidney allograft recipient with PTLD in the CNS.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"CONCLUSION: Endovascular stent-grafts combined with antibiotic therapy may be an alternative to conventional thoracotomy in managing mycotic aneurysms of the descending thoracic aorta.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay for group B Streptococcus showed the presence of the same serotype in mother's milk.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We present a case of an anaphylactoid reaction in a 62-y-o female following a first-time envenomation by a rattlesnake.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Finally, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced a \"drug alert\" on halofantrine advising a change in recommendations for its use.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"These events resulted from transitioning headache patients from an older antidepressant (phenelzine) to a newer antidepressant (venlafaxine).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Hyperkalaemia with renal tubular dysfunction by oral therapy of sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim (co-trimoxazole) is described in 2 elderly Japanese patients with lymphoid malignancy, who developed Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia and improved.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Acute endophthalmitis following intravitreal bevacizumab (Avastin) injection.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Although local skin reactions were common, neither local nor systemic bleeding worsened.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The study group was composed of four patients who underwent surgery in a 1-year period and experienced chronic pain resulting from superior cluneal nerve injury.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"METHODS: A 58-year-old man with bulky metastatic melanoma of the liver was treated with transcatheter arterial infusion of cisplatin and embolization therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report a 4-year-old girl with a complicated Enterococcus faecalis ventriculoperitoneal shunt infection who failed vancomycin therapy.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The algorithm derived from this case could serve as both a practical guideline and impetus for further investigation in light of increasing psychotropic co-administration.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Notwithstanding these facts our findings suggest that these patients might benefit from relatively mild initial treatment, especially true for patients not previously exposed to this drug.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"An epidural catheter was positioned periosteally, and an infusion of bupivacaine was commenced at 5 mL\/h, achieving long-lasting analgesia.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We discuss a patient who developed severe renal tubular dysfunction secondary to short-term therapy with Amikacin, resulting in refractory hypokalemia, hypocalcemia, hypomagnesemia, metabolic alkalosis, and polyuria.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The response rate was 40% in the 10 cases that were treated with Lp-TAE combined with HT and 20% in the 10 cases that were treated with Lp-TAE.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Rapid resolution of topiramate-induced angle-closure glaucoma with methylprednisolone and mannitol.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Tremor: a newly described adverse event with long-term itraconazole therapy.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"A snoozer.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Adverse effects as observed in these cases have not been reported previously.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Case report: acute renal failure after administering intravenous immunoglobulin.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Heparin is the most common cause; although the fall in platelet count tends to be modest, these cases are particularly dangerous because of associated thrombosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"This suggested a possible lack of response to amantadine for treatment of dyskinesias induced by surgery of the STN.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Mild improvement has occurred after 5 months' treatment with tetrabenazine despite the long duration of dystonia and the presence of secondary structural changes.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"In all cases SMS 201-995 treatment has been well tolerated and has few side-effects.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The diagnosis of thrombotic obstruction of the prosthetic mitral valve was confirmed by transesophageal echocardiography.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Since recent studies have reported no negative interactions with concurrent use, we here report three cases (one case of a prolonged seizure, a serotonin syndrome and a focal seizure) of severe lithium-induced side effects while patients underwent ECT without complications and lithium serum levels were still subtherapeutic.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"The other patient required a further course of treatment with lithium and the nephrotic syndrome returned.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Itch and skin rash from chocolate during fluoxetine and sertraline treatment: case report.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Two case reports and their theoretical implications.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"After obtaining informed consent, locally prepared lyophilized cryoprecipitate (LC), heat treated at 60 degrees C for 25 h, was given in a dose of 13 units kg-1 body weight of factor VIII three times per week.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Normal plasma levels of these drugs were found 2 to 3 days after the last cisplatin dose.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"The toxic effects of methotrexate included elevated liver transaminases (3\/4), nausea (2\/4), abdominal pain (2\/4), bone pain (2\/4), mild neutropenia (1\/4), and mild pruritus (1\/4).","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Several studies have provided evidence suggesting that \"placebo effects\" represent conditioning phenomena and that learning processes influence the response to placebo medication.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"Fungal entities should be considered in the differential diagnosis.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We are reporting a case of a 62 years old man who presented with atypical chest pain four months after coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG).","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We believe this to be the second reported case of L. monocytogenes peritonitis in a CAPD patient.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"PURPOSE: Tandem scanning confocal microscopy was performed on two patients with Acanthamoeba keratitis to provide images detailing characteristic findings of the disease.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We report 3 cases of ureteral obstruction following aortoiliac prosthetic graft surgery owing to secondary retroperitoneal fibrosis around anteriorly positioned ureters.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"} {"text":"We speculate that platelet activation induced by pFVIII may have contributed to thrombosis and suggest that pFVIII be used with caution in elderly patients with pre-existing cardiovascular risk factors.","label":1,"label_text":"Related"} {"text":"Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis in children with acute lymphocytic leukemia: case reports and review of literature.","label":0,"label_text":"Not-Related"}