--- task_categories: - object-detection language: - en tags: - computer vision - code - python - traffic - singapore - roadway pretty_name: Traffic Images for Object Detection size_categories: - 10K Sample image from the data Sample image from the data ## Use Cases The resulting dataset will facilitate easy integration into various use cases including: ### Object Detection Utilize the dataset for training object detection models to identify and analyze vehicles, pedestrians, and other objects in the traffic images. ### Traffic Trend Analysis Leverage time-series analysis to identify and analyze traffic trends over specific periods. This can provide valuable insights into peak traffic times, congestion patterns, and potential areas for infrastructure improvement. ### Road Safety Assessment Implement computer vision algorithms to assess road safety by analyzing traffic images for potential hazards, unusual road conditions, or non-compliance with traffic rules. This use case aims to enhance road safety monitoring and contribute to the development of intelligent transportation systems. ## Dataset Details The dataset will comprise the following columns: - **Timestamp**: Date and time of the image acquisition from LTA's Datamall. - **Camera_ID**: Unique identifier assigned by LTA to each traffic camera. - **Latitude**: Geographic coordinate of the camera's location (latitude). - **Longitude**: Geographic coordinate of the camera's location (longitude). - **Image_URL**: The traffic image fetched from the Image_URL provided by the API. - **Image_Metadata**: Metadata of the image file including height, width, and MD5 hash. ## Limitations of my Dataset The Dataset due to limited computational capability has data of only one month and 1 hour for each day. Fetching large data (such as a year) would help in analysing the macro trends and significant patterns. ## API Documentation For more details on accessing the traffic camera images, visit the [API Documentation](https://beta.data.gov.sg/collections/354). ## Use Case Refer to the attached traffic_object_detection.py file to see how I used a pretrained YOLO model to detech cars and trucks. Further I generated traffic insights using the streamlit dashboard (code not on HuggingFace). Below is a sample output of the YOLO model Sample image from the data Here are the snippets of my Dashboard:
Sample image from the data Sample image from the data
Version 2.0 of Data Analytics coming soon!