Should O students O be O taught O to O compete O or O to O cooperate? O It O is O always O said O that O competition O can O effectively O promote O the O development O of O economy O . O In O order O to O survive O in O the O competition, O companies O continue O to O improve O their O products O and O service, O and O as O a O result, O the O whole O society O prospers O . O However, O when O we O discuss O the O issue O of O competition O or O cooperation, O what O we O are O concerned O about O is O not O the O whole O society, O but O the O development O of O an O individual's O whole O life O . O From O this O point O of O view, O I O firmly O believe O that O we Arg_B should Arg_I attach Arg_I more Arg_I importance Arg_I to Arg_I cooperation Arg_I during Arg_I primary Arg_I education Arg_I . O First O of O all, O through Arg_B cooperation, Arg_I children Arg_I can Arg_I learn Arg_I about Arg_I interpersonal Arg_I skills Arg_I which Arg_I are Arg_I significant Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I future Arg_I life Arg_I of Arg_I all Arg_I students Arg_I . O What Arg_B we Arg_I acquired Arg_I from Arg_I team Arg_I work Arg_I is Arg_I not Arg_I only Arg_I how Arg_I to Arg_I achieve Arg_I the Arg_I same Arg_I goal Arg_I with Arg_I others Arg_I but Arg_I more Arg_I importantly, Arg_I how Arg_I to Arg_I get Arg_I along Arg_I with Arg_I others Arg_I . O During Arg_B the Arg_I process Arg_I of Arg_I cooperation, Arg_I children Arg_I can Arg_I learn Arg_I about Arg_I how Arg_I to Arg_I listen Arg_I to Arg_I opinions Arg_I of Arg_I others, Arg_I how Arg_I to Arg_I communicate Arg_I with Arg_I others, Arg_I how Arg_I to Arg_I think Arg_I comprehensively, Arg_I and Arg_I even Arg_I how Arg_I to Arg_I compromise Arg_I with Arg_I other Arg_I team Arg_I members Arg_I when Arg_I conflicts Arg_I occurred Arg_I . O All Arg_B of Arg_I these Arg_I skills Arg_I help Arg_I them Arg_I to Arg_I get Arg_I on Arg_I well Arg_I with Arg_I other Arg_I people Arg_I and Arg_I will Arg_I benefit Arg_I them Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I whole Arg_I life Arg_I . O On O the O other O hand, O the Arg_B significance Arg_I of Arg_I competition Arg_I is Arg_I that Arg_I how Arg_I to Arg_I become Arg_I more Arg_I excellence Arg_I to Arg_I gain Arg_I the Arg_I victory Arg_I . O Hence O it O is O always O said O that O competition Arg_B makes Arg_I the Arg_I society Arg_I more Arg_I effective Arg_I . O However, O when Arg_B we Arg_I consider Arg_I about Arg_I the Arg_I question Arg_I that Arg_I how Arg_I to Arg_I win Arg_I the Arg_I game, Arg_I we Arg_I always Arg_I find Arg_I that Arg_I we Arg_I need Arg_I the Arg_I cooperation Arg_I . O The O greater O our O goal O is, O the O more O competition O we O need O . O Take Arg_B Olympic Arg_I games Arg_I which Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I form Arg_I of Arg_I competition Arg_I for Arg_I instance, Arg_I it Arg_I is Arg_I hard Arg_I to Arg_I imagine Arg_I how Arg_I an Arg_I athlete Arg_I could Arg_I win Arg_I the Arg_I game Arg_I without Arg_I the Arg_I training Arg_I of Arg_I his Arg_I or Arg_I her Arg_I coach, Arg_I and Arg_I the Arg_I help Arg_I of Arg_I other Arg_I professional Arg_I staffs Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I the Arg_I people Arg_I who Arg_I take Arg_I care Arg_I of Arg_I his Arg_I diet, Arg_I and Arg_I those Arg_I who Arg_I are Arg_I in Arg_I charge Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I medical Arg_I care Arg_I . O The O winner O is O the O athlete O but O the O success O belongs O to O the O whole O team O . O Therefore O without Arg_B the Arg_I cooperation, Arg_I there Arg_I would Arg_I be Arg_I no Arg_I victory Arg_I of Arg_I competition Arg_I . O Consequently, O no O matter O from O the O view O of O individual O development O or O the O relationship O between O competition O and O cooperation O we O can O receive O the O same O conclusion O that O a Arg_B more Arg_I cooperative Arg_I attitudes Arg_I towards Arg_I life Arg_I is Arg_I more Arg_I profitable Arg_I in Arg_I one's Arg_I success Arg_I . O More O people O are O migrating O to O other O countries O than O ever O before O The O last O 50 O years O have O seen O an O increasing O number O of O immigrants O to O other O countries O . O People O moved O due O to O a O number O of O reasons, O namely O better O educations O or O higher O salary O jobs O . O Some O people O thought O that O they O should O follow O the O local O customs O in O order O to O integrate O into O their O adopted O countries’ O cultures O . O However O I O strongly O believe O that O they Arg_B are Arg_I able Arg_I to Arg_I sustain Arg_I their Arg_I cultural Arg_I identities Arg_I and Arg_I doing Arg_I so Arg_I help Arg_I they Arg_I keep Arg_I their Arg_I origin Arg_I values Arg_I . O Firstly, O maintaining Arg_B one’s Arg_I cultural Arg_I identity Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I key Arg_I important Arg_I rule Arg_I to Arg_I help Arg_I individuals Arg_I emerge Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I new Arg_I multicultural Arg_I environments Arg_I . O Take Arg_B Australia Arg_I for Arg_I example, Arg_I immigrants Arg_I from Arg_I varieties Arg_I of Arg_I nations Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I day Arg_I called Arg_I multicultural Arg_I day Arg_I where Arg_I people Arg_I from Arg_I each Arg_I country Arg_I prepare Arg_I their Arg_I food Arg_I and Arg_I traditional Arg_I activities Arg_I for Arg_I displaying Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I public Arg_I venues Arg_I . O Many Arg_B Australians Arg_I come Arg_I this Arg_I day Arg_I to Arg_I enjoy Arg_I the Arg_I shows, Arg_I learn Arg_I about Arg_I the Arg_I cultures Arg_I and Arg_I admire Arg_I the Arg_I diverse Arg_I values Arg_I . O These Arg_B feedbacks, Arg_I in Arg_I turn, Arg_I help Arg_I raise Arg_I one’s Arg_I pride Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I cultures Arg_I and Arg_I help Arg_I people Arg_I understand Arg_I each Arg_I other Arg_I more Arg_I . O Thus O this O makes O it O clear O that O sustaining Arg_B the Arg_I cultural Arg_I values Arg_I of Arg_I immigrants Arg_I is Arg_I paramount Arg_I essential Arg_I . O Secondly, O it Arg_B is Arg_I crucial Arg_I to Arg_I keep Arg_I one’s Arg_I identity Arg_I for O they Arg_B need Arg_I a Arg_I connection Arg_I back Arg_I to Arg_I their Arg_I country Arg_I as Arg_I well Arg_I as Arg_I teach Arg_I their Arg_I children Arg_I their Arg_I value Arg_I of Arg_I origin Arg_I . O For O instance, O children Arg_B immigrated Arg_I to Arg_I a Arg_I new Arg_I country Arg_I will Arg_I face Arg_I social Arg_I troubles Arg_I in Arg_I school Arg_I with Arg_I new Arg_I friends Arg_I . O In Arg_B this Arg_I new Arg_I environment, Arg_I parent Arg_I should Arg_I find Arg_I friends Arg_I coming Arg_I from Arg_I their Arg_I same Arg_I country Arg_I so Arg_I that Arg_I they Arg_I can Arg_I socialize Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I very Arg_I familiar Arg_I manner Arg_I as Arg_I feeling Arg_I being Arg_I home Arg_I . O Fail Arg_B to Arg_I create Arg_I this Arg_I familiarity Arg_I makes Arg_I them Arg_I felt Arg_I isolated, Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I extreme Arg_I can Arg_I lead Arg_I to Arg_I social Arg_I disorder Arg_I like Arg_I autism Arg_I . O Hence, O it O is O clear O that O keeping Arg_B the Arg_I cultural Arg_I traditions Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I destination Arg_I countries Arg_I is Arg_I tremendous Arg_I important Arg_I . O To O conclude, O although O there Arg_B are Arg_I opposing Arg_I ideas Arg_I of Arg_I neglecting Arg_I one’s Arg_I cultural Arg_I values Arg_I to Arg_I adapt Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I new Arg_I cultures Arg_I . O As O far O as O I O am O concerned, O sustaining Arg_B the Arg_I traditions Arg_I will Arg_I make Arg_I the Arg_I immigrated Arg_I people Arg_I keep Arg_I their Arg_I cultural Arg_I identity Arg_I and Arg_I give Arg_I them Arg_I confident Arg_I among Arg_I the Arg_I many Arg_I culture Arg_I society Arg_I . O International O tourism O is O now O more O common O than O ever O before O The O last O decade O has O seen O an O increasing O number O of O tourists O traveling O to O visit O natural O wonder O sights, O ancient O heritages O and O different O cultures O around O the O world O . O While O some O people O might O think O that O this O international O tourism O has O negative O effects O on O the O destination O countries, O I O would O contend O that O it Arg_B has Arg_I contributed Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I economic Arg_I development Arg_I as Arg_I well Arg_I as Arg_I preserved Arg_I the Arg_I culture Arg_I and Arg_I environment Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I tourist Arg_I destinations Arg_I . O Firstly, O international Arg_B tourism Arg_I promotes Arg_I many Arg_I aspects Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I destination Arg_I country’s Arg_I economy Arg_I in Arg_I order Arg_I to Arg_I serve Arg_I various Arg_I demands Arg_I of Arg_I tourists Arg_I . O Take Arg_B Cambodia Arg_I for Arg_I example, Arg_I a Arg_I large Arg_I number Arg_I of Arg_I visitors Arg_I coming Arg_I to Arg_I visit Arg_I the Arg_I Angkowat Arg_I ancient Arg_I temple Arg_I need Arg_I services Arg_I like Arg_I restaurants, Arg_I hotels, Arg_I souvenir Arg_I shops Arg_I and Arg_I other Arg_I stores Arg_I . O These Arg_B demands Arg_I trigger Arg_I related Arg_I business Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I surrounding Arg_I settings Arg_I which Arg_I in Arg_I turn Arg_I create Arg_I many Arg_I jobs Arg_I for Arg_I local Arg_I people Arg_I improve Arg_I infrastructure Arg_I and Arg_I living Arg_I standard Arg_I . O Therefore O tourism Arg_B has Arg_I clearly Arg_I improved Arg_I lives Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I tourist Arg_I country Arg_I . O Secondly, O through Arg_B tourism Arg_I industry, Arg_I many Arg_I cultural Arg_I values Arg_I have Arg_I been Arg_I preserved Arg_I and Arg_I natural Arg_I environments Arg_I have Arg_I been Arg_I protected Arg_I . O For O instance, O in Arg_B Vietnam, Arg_I many Arg_I cultural Arg_I costumes Arg_I and Arg_I natural Arg_I scenes, Arg_I namely Arg_I ‘Trong Arg_I Dong’ Arg_I drum Arg_I performance Arg_I and Arg_I ‘Ha Arg_I Long’ Arg_I bay, Arg_I are Arg_I being Arg_I encouraged Arg_I to Arg_I preserve Arg_I and Arg_I funded Arg_I by Arg_I the Arg_I tourism Arg_I ministry Arg_I . O Without Arg_B this Arg_I support Arg_I and Arg_I profit Arg_I from Arg_I tourism, Arg_I many Arg_I traditional Arg_I cultures Arg_I would Arg_I disappear Arg_I due Arg_I to Arg_I its Arg_I low Arg_I income Arg_I works Arg_I . O Thus, O tourism Arg_B has Arg_I survived Arg_I many Arg_I non-tangible Arg_I cultural Arg_I values Arg_I and Arg_I beauty Arg_I scenes Arg_I . O To O conclude, O as O far O as O I O am O concerned, O international Arg_B tourism Arg_I has Arg_I both Arg_I triggered Arg_I economic Arg_I development Arg_I and Arg_I maintained Arg_I cultural Arg_I and Arg_I environment Arg_I values Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I tourist Arg_I countries Arg_I . O In O addition, O the O authorities O should O adequately O support O these O sustainable O developments O . O Will O newspapers O become O a O thing O of O the O past? O The O internet O has O been O more O and O more O popular O for O recent O years, O providing O people O with O a O huge O source O of O information O . O As O a O result O of O this, O print O media O such O as O newspapers O have O experienced O a O dramatic O decline O in O the O number O of O readers O . O Some O people, O however, O still O believe O that O they O can O exist O for O long O time; O others O disagree, O arguing O that O newspapers Arg_B have Arg_I lost Arg_I their Arg_I competitive Arg_I advantage Arg_I to Arg_I sustain Arg_I their Arg_I prolonged Arg_I existence Arg_I . O Personally, O I O am O inclined O to O agree O with O the O latter O view O for O following O reasons O . O First O of O all, O to Arg_B obtain Arg_I information, Arg_I using Arg_I the Arg_I internet Arg_I is Arg_I quicker Arg_I and Arg_I more Arg_I convenient Arg_I than Arg_I reading Arg_I newspapers Arg_I . O Contrary Arg_B to Arg_I the Arg_I past Arg_I when Arg_I people Arg_I had Arg_I to Arg_I wait Arg_I long Arg_I hours Arg_I to Arg_I take Arg_I a Arg_I daily Arg_I newspaper, Arg_I nowadays, Arg_I they Arg_I can Arg_I acquire Arg_I latest Arg_I news Arg_I updated Arg_I every Arg_I second Arg_I through Arg_I their Arg_I mobile Arg_I phones Arg_I or Arg_I computers Arg_I connected Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I internet, Arg_I everywhere Arg_I and Arg_I at Arg_I anytime Arg_I . O As Arg_B can Arg_I be Arg_I seen, Arg_I these Arg_I devices Arg_I and Arg_I machines Arg_I are Arg_I very Arg_I common Arg_I in Arg_I all Arg_I parts Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I world, Arg_I making Arg_I it Arg_I easier Arg_I for Arg_I people Arg_I to Arg_I read Arg_I a Arg_I number Arg_I of Arg_I things Arg_I that Arg_I newspapers Arg_I can Arg_I not Arg_I provide Arg_I in Arg_I only Arg_I some Arg_I pages Arg_I . O Hence, O the Arg_B print Arg_I media Arg_I has Arg_I failed Arg_I to Arg_I keep Arg_I its Arg_I important Arg_I role Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I provision Arg_I of Arg_I information Arg_I . O Another O point O is O that, O from Arg_B the Arg_I economic Arg_I aspect, Arg_I buying Arg_I newspapers Arg_I appears Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I a Arg_I waste Arg_I of Arg_I money Arg_I when Arg_I the Arg_I internet Arg_I becomes Arg_I available Arg_I for Arg_I every Arg_I one Arg_I . O It O is O clear O to O recognize O that O the Arg_B internet Arg_I service Arg_I is Arg_I being Arg_I provided Arg_I at Arg_I a Arg_I low Arg_I cost Arg_I or Arg_I even Arg_I free Arg_I in Arg_I many Arg_I countries Arg_I . O The O question O arises O as O to O whether O or O not O a O person O spends O an O extra O money O buying O newspapers O to O receive O the O same, O even O usually O less O information O than O those O he O can O have O with O the O internet? O The Arg_B answer, Arg_I perhaps, Arg_I is Arg_I that Arg_I hardly Arg_I would Arg_I rational Arg_I people Arg_I do Arg_I so Arg_I . O For O this O reason, O the Arg_B number Arg_I of Arg_I people Arg_I reading Arg_I newspapers Arg_I may Arg_I continue Arg_I falling Arg_I sharply, Arg_I possibly Arg_I leading Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I close-downs Arg_I of Arg_I many Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I coming Arg_I time Arg_I . O Last, O but O not O least, O when Arg_B taking Arg_I environment Arg_I into Arg_I consideration, Arg_I people Arg_I must Arg_I conceive Arg_I that Arg_I the Arg_I more Arg_I newspapers Arg_I are Arg_I published, Arg_I the Arg_I more Arg_I trees Arg_I are Arg_I cut Arg_I down Arg_I . O This Arg_B is Arg_I simply Arg_I the Arg_I contributor Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I deforestation Arg_I which Arg_I is Arg_I happening Arg_I all Arg_I over Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I today Arg_I . O At O this O point, O newspapers' Arg_B production Arg_I will Arg_I have Arg_I to Arg_I face Arg_I environmentalists Arg_I on Arg_I its Arg_I way Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I alive Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O it O might O be O unpleasant O for O some O advocating O newspapers O to O witness O the O extinction O of O the O type O of O media O . O However, O this, O if O occurring, O should O be O seen O as O a O result O of O the O ever-increasing O innovations O in O media O technology O and O in O our O modern O life O as O a O whole O . O Government O budget O focus, O young O children O or O university? O "Education O is O the O investment O in O our O future", O as O Senator O Bernie O Sanders O once O pointed O out, O education, O which O fosters O a O civilized O society, O plays O a O significant O role O in O a O country's O long-lasting O prosperity O . O It O is O no O wonder O that O governments O throughout O the O world O lay O special O emphasis O on O education O development O . O As O for O the O two O integral O components O within O the O system, O elementary O and O advanced O education, O there's O no O doubt O that O a Arg_B government Arg_I is Arg_I supposed Arg_I to Arg_I offer Arg_I sufficient Arg_I financial Arg_I support Arg_I for Arg_I both Arg_I . O Concerning O that O elementary O education, O like O the O base O of O a O architecture, O is O the O fundamental O requirement O to O be O a O qualified O citizen O in O today's O society, O government Arg_B should Arg_I guarantee Arg_I that Arg_I all Arg_I people Arg_I have Arg_I equal Arg_I and Arg_I convenient Arg_I access Arg_I to Arg_I it Arg_I . O So O a Arg_B lack Arg_I of Arg_I well-established Arg_I primary Arg_I education Arg_I goes Arg_I hand Arg_I in Arg_I hand Arg_I with Arg_I a Arg_I high Arg_I rate Arg_I of Arg_I illiteracy, Arg_I and Arg_I this Arg_I interplay Arg_I seriously Arg_I compromises Arg_I a Arg_I country's Arg_I future Arg_I development Arg_I . O In O other O words, O if Arg_B countries, Arg_I especially Arg_I the Arg_I developing Arg_I countries, Arg_I are Arg_I determined Arg_I to Arg_I take Arg_I off, Arg_I one Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I key Arg_I points Arg_I governments Arg_I should Arg_I set Arg_I on Arg_I agenda Arg_I is Arg_I to Arg_I educate Arg_I more Arg_I qualified Arg_I future Arg_I citizens Arg_I through Arg_I elementary Arg_I education Arg_I . O That's O not O enough, O for Arg_B higher Arg_I education, Arg_I which Arg_I represent Arg_I the Arg_I cutting Arg_I edge Arg_I of Arg_I a Arg_I country's Arg_I academic Arg_I achievements, Arg_I act Arg_I as Arg_I the Arg_I vanguard Arg_I in Arg_I economic Arg_I and Arg_I social Arg_I advance Arg_I . O The Arg_B high Arg_I technology Arg_I and Arg_I new Arg_I ideas Arg_I applied Arg_I into Arg_I practice Arg_I may Arg_I not Arg_I only Arg_I lead Arg_I a Arg_I country Arg_I to Arg_I flourish Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I elevate Arg_I its Arg_I status Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I international Arg_I community Arg_I . O Some O may O argue O that O universities O can O support O themselve O well O by O donation O or O invention, O but O this Arg_B argument Arg_I is Arg_I invalid Arg_I . O Researches O into O humanities O and O art O still O need O large O amount O of O money, O what's O more, O government's Arg_B big Arg_I budget Arg_I on Arg_I universities Arg_I may Arg_I attract Arg_I more Arg_I excellent Arg_I intellectuals Arg_I and Arg_I researchers Arg_I into Arg_I the Arg_I country Arg_I and Arg_I enjoy Arg_I a Arg_I higher Arg_I reputation Arg_I worldwide Arg_I . O From O reasons O listed O above, O we O can O safely O draw O the O conclusion O that, O a O government O should O spare O effort O on O young O children O education O as O well O as O universities, O both Arg_B are Arg_I crucial Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I way Arg_I to Arg_I a Arg_I brighter Arg_I future Arg_I . O Roommates O quality O and O their O importance O Much O has O been O said O about O the O importance O about O good O roommates O and O how O roommates O will O affect O our O life O in O school O . O Research O showed O that O friends O that O we O made O in O university O are O more O likely O to O be O life O time O friends O and O this O especially O applicable O to O roommate O . O In O my O personal O opinion, O the Arg_B most Arg_I important Arg_I quality Arg_I of Arg_I roommates Arg_I is Arg_I being Arg_I considered Arg_I . O In O the O meantime, O communication Arg_B is Arg_I also Arg_I another Arg_I essential Arg_I particularity Arg_I of Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I roommate Arg_I . O Consideration Arg_B is Arg_I always Arg_I important Arg_I in Arg_I relationship Arg_I . O For O example, O roommate Arg_B turns Arg_I down Arg_I the Arg_I music Arg_I or Arg_I television Arg_I volume Arg_I at Arg_I night Arg_I time Arg_I . O Sometimes Arg_B we Arg_I will Arg_I not Arg_I know Arg_I what Arg_I we Arg_I have Arg_I done Arg_I until Arg_I we Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I taste Arg_I of Arg_I our Arg_I own Arg_I medicine Arg_I . O At Arg_B all Arg_I times, Arg_I think Arg_I about Arg_I the Arg_I other's Arg_I feeling Arg_I before Arg_I doing Arg_I any Arg_I self-centered Arg_I action Arg_I would Arg_I help Arg_I to Arg_I improve Arg_I the Arg_I roommate Arg_I relationship Arg_I tremendously Arg_I . O Therefore, O having Arg_B a Arg_I considered Arg_I roommate Arg_I is Arg_I significantly Arg_I imperative Arg_I to Arg_I our Arg_I school Arg_I life Arg_I . O It Arg_B will Arg_I not Arg_I only Arg_I prevent Arg_I conflicts Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I to Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I friend Arg_I or Arg_I even Arg_I a Arg_I family Arg_I member Arg_I . O Moreover, O communication Arg_B is Arg_I as Arg_I well Arg_I making Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I roommate Arg_I . O People Arg_B have Arg_I different Arg_I habit Arg_I in Arg_I daily Arg_I life, Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I tidy Arg_I the Arg_I blanket Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I morning Arg_I . O One Arg_B might Arg_I think Arg_I this Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I piece Arg_I of Arg_I cake Arg_I while Arg_I other Arg_I would Arg_I consider Arg_I it Arg_I as Arg_I immense Arg_I project Arg_I . O If Arg_B one Arg_I requested Arg_I to Arg_I move Arg_I out Arg_I just Arg_I because Arg_I his Arg_I roommate Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I tidy Arg_I up Arg_I the Arg_I blanket Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I morning Arg_I might Arg_I be Arg_I crying Arg_I over Arg_I split Arg_I milk Arg_I . O Therefore, O communication Arg_B is Arg_I very Arg_I important Arg_I as O it Arg_B would Arg_I clear Arg_I up Arg_I the Arg_I misinterpretation Arg_I . O Through Arg_B communication, Arg_I bonded Arg_I are Arg_I build Arg_I and Arg_I we Arg_I could Arg_I have Arg_I better Arg_I understanding Arg_I of Arg_I each Arg_I others Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O there O are O many O valuable O factors O about O roommate O that O are O important O . O Consideration Arg_B and Arg_I communication, Arg_I in Arg_I my Arg_I personal Arg_I opinion, Arg_I are Arg_I the Arg_I most Arg_I important Arg_I quality Arg_I . O However, O people O might O not O get O what O they O want O all O the O time O . O The O sky O is O the O limit; O there O are O all O kinds O of O personality O out O there O . O We O need O to O be O flexible O to O be O account O into O society O . O Should O governments O spend O more O money O on O improving O roads O and O highways O Nowadays O transportation O has O attracted O much O social O concern O . O Whether O governments O should O invest O more O money O in O traffic O infrastructure O or O focus O more O on O developing O public O transportation O has O erupted O endless O controversy O . O It O does O not O seem O unreasonable O to O suggest O that O governments Arg_B spend Arg_I more Arg_I money Arg_I on Arg_I buses, Arg_I trains, Arg_I and Arg_I subways Arg_I investment Arg_I . O Such Arg_B public Arg_I vehicles Arg_I are Arg_I used Arg_I to Arg_I serve Arg_I a Arg_I large Arg_I number Arg_I of Arg_I people Arg_I in Arg_I society Arg_I therefore O they Arg_B help Arg_I alleviate Arg_I traffic Arg_I congestion Arg_I and Arg_I decrease Arg_I the Arg_I amount Arg_I of Arg_I carbon Arg_I released Arg_I into Arg_I the Arg_I air Arg_I . O Both O these O two O things O are O important O . O First O and O foremost, O carbon Arg_B emission Arg_I cut Arg_I is Arg_I significantly Arg_I essential Arg_I for Arg_I protecting Arg_I the Arg_I atmosphere Arg_I . O The O fact O is O that O the Arg_B more Arg_I cars Arg_I and Arg_I motorbikes Arg_I are Arg_I on Arg_I roads, Arg_I the Arg_I more Arg_I seriously Arg_I the Arg_I ozone Arg_I layer Arg_I is Arg_I damaged Arg_I . O If Arg_B governments Arg_I use Arg_I more Arg_I money Arg_I to Arg_I improve Arg_I roads, Arg_I there Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I strong Arg_I likelihood Arg_I that Arg_I more Arg_I people Arg_I drive Arg_I their Arg_I private Arg_I cars Arg_I work Arg_I . O This Arg_B is Arg_I sure Arg_I to Arg_I lead Arg_I to Arg_I more Arg_I carbon Arg_I emitted Arg_I into Arg_I the Arg_I atmosphere, Arg_I which Arg_I can Arg_I cause Arg_I skin Arg_I cancer Arg_I and Arg_I destroy Arg_I the Arg_I natural Arg_I environment Arg_I . O Whereas, O if Arg_B there Arg_I are Arg_I more Arg_I good Arg_I buses, Arg_I trains, Arg_I or Arg_I subways, Arg_I people Arg_I are Arg_I inclined Arg_I to Arg_I use Arg_I less Arg_I private Arg_I vehicles, Arg_I which Arg_I decreases Arg_I the Arg_I amount Arg_I of Arg_I carbon Arg_I released Arg_I . O Obviously, O the Arg_B policy Arg_I that Arg_I concentrates Arg_I money Arg_I on Arg_I developing Arg_I public Arg_I transportation Arg_I brings Arg_I an Arg_I advantageous Arg_I impact Arg_I on Arg_I earth Arg_I . O In O addition, O the Arg_B policy Arg_I would Arg_I play Arg_I a Arg_I pivotal Arg_I part Arg_I in Arg_I relieving Arg_I traffic Arg_I jam Arg_I . O It Arg_B is Arg_I quiet Arg_I clear Arg_I that Arg_I traffic Arg_I congestion Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I serious Arg_I problem Arg_I in Arg_I many Arg_I big Arg_I cities Arg_I . O The O main O reason O for O this O issue O is O that O there Arg_B are Arg_I a Arg_I great Arg_I number Arg_I of Arg_I vehicles Arg_I flowing Arg_I on Arg_I roads Arg_I . O In O order O to O tackle O the O problem, O governments Arg_B have Arg_I to Arg_I turn Arg_I people' Arg_I attention Arg_I on Arg_I public Arg_I vehicles Arg_I to Arg_I reduce Arg_I cars Arg_I and Arg_I motorbikes Arg_I . O There Arg_B is Arg_I the Arg_I possibility Arg_I that Arg_I improving Arg_I roads Arg_I and Arg_I highways Arg_I does Arg_I not Arg_I seem Arg_I to Arg_I reach Arg_I the Arg_I major Arg_I cause Arg_I of Arg_I traffic Arg_I congestion Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O I O would O concede O that O high-quality Arg_B roads Arg_I and Arg_I highways Arg_I make Arg_I it Arg_I easier Arg_I to Arg_I move Arg_I around Arg_I . O Nevertheless, O public Arg_B transportation Arg_I systems Arg_I even Arg_I have Arg_I more Arg_I important Arg_I advantages Arg_I . O They Arg_B not Arg_I only Arg_I ease Arg_I traffic Arg_I jam Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I protect Arg_I the Arg_I atmosphere Arg_I . O That O is O why O many O governments O around O the O world O invest O more O money O on O developing O public O transportation O facilities O . O Physical O exercise O Although O some O people O think O that O the O major O part O of O school O schedule O should O be O entirely O devoted O to O academics, O I O truly O believe O that O the Arg_B physical Arg_I education Arg_I part Arg_I should Arg_I not Arg_I be Arg_I outweighed Arg_I . O Physical Arg_B exercises Arg_I help Arg_I to Arg_I create Arg_I healthy Arg_I nation, Arg_I assist Arg_I to Arg_I learning Arg_I through Arg_I direct Arg_I observation Arg_I and Arg_I finally Arg_I aid Arg_I to Arg_I financial Arg_I development Arg_I of Arg_I a Arg_I country Arg_I . O First O of O all, O the O ancient O Latin O proverb O says: O "Anima O sana O in O corpore O sano", O which O means O that O healthy Arg_B body Arg_I is Arg_I basis Arg_I for Arg_I healthy Arg_I soul Arg_I . O There Arg_B is Arg_I a Arg_I direct Arg_I linkage Arg_I between Arg_I people's Arg_I health Arg_I and Arg_I the Arg_I frequency Arg_I of Arg_I doing Arg_I physical Arg_I exercises Arg_I . O The Arg_B more Arg_I we Arg_I practice, Arg_I the Arg_I better Arg_I we Arg_I feel Arg_I . O Additionally, O there Arg_B is Arg_I a Arg_I fact Arg_I that Arg_I one Arg_I can Arg_I improve Arg_I health Arg_I conditions Arg_I with Arg_I everyday Arg_I physical Arg_I activity: Arg_I gradually, Arg_I step Arg_I by Arg_I step Arg_I we Arg_I change Arg_I physical Arg_I condition Arg_I to Arg_I better Arg_I . O So, O if Arg_B the Arg_I entire Arg_I nation, Arg_I from Arg_I their Arg_I school Arg_I ages Arg_I begin Arg_I going Arg_I for Arg_I sports Arg_I and Arg_I try Arg_I doing Arg_I that Arg_I everyday, Arg_I eventually Arg_I it Arg_I may Arg_I help Arg_I to Arg_I build Arg_I healthy Arg_I nation Arg_I . O Besides, O when Arg_B we Arg_I practice Arg_I outdoors Arg_I and Arg_I indoors Arg_I sports, Arg_I many Arg_I aspects Arg_I are Arg_I getting Arg_I clearer Arg_I . O For O example, O when Arg_B a Arg_I person Arg_I goes Arg_I jogging Arg_I everyday, Arg_I eventually Arg_I he Arg_I can Arg_I understand Arg_I his Arg_I own Arg_I body Arg_I through Arg_I direct Arg_I observation Arg_I . O Alike, O the Arg_B school Arg_I basketball Arg_I team Arg_I gains Arg_I more Arg_I knowledge Arg_I on Arg_I how Arg_I to Arg_I succeed Arg_I in Arg_I some Arg_I particular Arg_I kind Arg_I of Arg_I throwing Arg_I the Arg_I ball Arg_I into Arg_I hoot Arg_I practicing Arg_I rather Arg_I than Arg_I learning Arg_I theoretically Arg_I . O Furthermore, O almost Arg_B all Arg_I natural Arg_I science Arg_I discoveries Arg_I were Arg_I made Arg_I by Arg_I direct Arg_I observation, Arg_I which Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I part Arg_I of Arg_I physical Arg_I education Arg_I . O Last, O but O not O least, O financial Arg_B sustainability Arg_I of Arg_I a Arg_I region Arg_I mostly Arg_I depends Arg_I on Arg_I how Arg_I healthy Arg_I the Arg_I population Arg_I is Arg_I . O For O instance, O the O money O invested O into O physical O education O program O can O save O allocations O into O healthcare, O since O the Arg_B nation Arg_I is Arg_I comparatively Arg_I healthy Arg_I . O Along O with O that, O physically Arg_B healthy Arg_I people Arg_I can Arg_I contribute Arg_I more Arg_I both Arg_I into Arg_I economical Arg_I and Arg_I social Arg_I development Arg_I . O As O a O matter O of O fact, O the Arg_B better Arg_I a Arg_I person Arg_I feels, Arg_I the Arg_I better Arg_I his Arg_I brain Arg_I works Arg_I . O Therefore, O putting Arg_B physical Arg_I activities Arg_I in Arg_I early Arg_I steps Arg_I of Arg_I human Arg_I development Arg_I would Arg_I finally Arg_I lead Arg_I to Arg_I mentally Arg_I healthy Arg_I society Arg_I . O As O hence O it Arg_B ends Arg_I up Arg_I with Arg_I financially Arg_I competitive Arg_I country Arg_I . O In O the O conclusion, O I O would O like O to O say O that O the Arg_B more Arg_I attention Arg_I is Arg_I withdrawn Arg_I to Arg_I a Arg_I problem Arg_I of Arg_I physical Arg_I education, Arg_I the Arg_I more Arg_I influence Arg_I we Arg_I can Arg_I get Arg_I on Arg_I academic Arg_I success Arg_I of Arg_I students Arg_I . O Advance O in O transportation O and O communication O like O the O airplane O and O the O phone O Nowadays, O everyone O can O see O the O effect O of O technology O on O their O life, O especially O on O the O way O of O transportations O and O communications O such O as O the O airplane O and O the O telephone O . O There O are O lots O of O other O effects O of O growing O technology O on O transportations O and O communications, O which O are O mentioned O as O follows O . O First O and O foremost, O email Arg_B can Arg_I be Arg_I count Arg_I as Arg_I one Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I most Arg_I beneficial Arg_I results Arg_I of Arg_I modern Arg_I technology Arg_I . O Many Arg_B years Arg_I ago, Arg_I peoples Arg_I had Arg_I to Arg_I pay Arg_I a Arg_I great Arg_I deal Arg_I of Arg_I money Arg_I to Arg_I post Arg_I their Arg_I letters, Arg_I and Arg_I their Arg_I payements Arg_I were Arg_I related Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I weight Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I letters Arg_I or Arg_I boxes, Arg_I and Arg_I many Arg_I accidents Arg_I may Arg_I cause Arg_I problem Arg_I that Arg_I the Arg_I post Arg_I could Arg_I not Arg_I be Arg_I delivered Arg_I . O But O nowadays, Arg_B all Arg_I people Arg_I can Arg_I take Arg_I advantage Arg_I of Arg_I internet Arg_I to Arg_I have Arg_I their Arg_I own Arg_I email Arg_I free, Arg_I and Arg_I send Arg_I their Arg_I emails Arg_I to Arg_I everyone Arg_I in Arg_I no Arg_I time, Arg_I besides Arg_I they Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I sure Arg_I if Arg_I their Arg_I emails Arg_I have Arg_I been Arg_I delivered Arg_I or Arg_I not Arg_I . O Another Arg_B important Arg_I aspect Arg_I on Arg_I technology Arg_I is Arg_I transferring Arg_I money Arg_I . O Today, Arg_B students Arg_I can Arg_I apply Arg_I for Arg_I foreign Arg_I universities Arg_I much Arg_I easier Arg_I than Arg_I before Arg_I . O Not Arg_B only Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I help Arg_I of Arg_I sending Arg_I email, Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I using Arg_I credit Arg_I cards Arg_I to Arg_I pay Arg_I all Arg_I necessary Arg_I fees Arg_I online Arg_I . O Therefore, O with Arg_B the Arg_I advent Arg_I of Arg_I internet Arg_I and Arg_I online Arg_I paying Arg_I systems, Arg_I you Arg_I can Arg_I do Arg_I many Arg_I thing Arg_I at Arg_I your Arg_I home Arg_I easily Arg_I . O Another Arg_B technological Arg_I innovations Arg_I which Arg_I help Arg_I people Arg_I around Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I is Arg_I related Arg_I to Arg_I medical Arg_I equipments Arg_I . O Biomedical Arg_B engineers Arg_I could Arg_I make Arg_I a Arg_I significant Arg_I effect Arg_I on Arg_I increasing Arg_I life Arg_I expectancy Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I . O For O example, O one Arg_B of Arg_I their Arg_I inventions Arg_I was Arg_I related Arg_I to Arg_I artificial Arg_I heart Arg_I valves Arg_I which Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I count Arg_I as Arg_I a Arg_I turning Arg_I point Arg_I in Arg_I heart Arg_I surgeries Arg_I . O In Arg_B the Arg_I past Arg_I time Arg_I doctors Arg_I used Arg_I pig Arg_I heart's Arg_I valve Arg_I to Arg_I implant, Arg_I but Arg_I the Arg_I patient Arg_I could Arg_I not Arg_I be Arg_I alive Arg_I more Arg_I than Arg_I 3 Arg_I years Arg_I after Arg_I the Arg_I replacement Arg_I . O But Arg_B now, Arg_I biomedical Arg_I engineers Arg_I can Arg_I make Arg_I artificial Arg_I heart Arg_I valves Arg_I which Arg_I works Arg_I well Arg_I and Arg_I doctors Arg_I can Arg_I implant Arg_I them Arg_I easily Arg_I . O To O sum O up, O technology Arg_B has Arg_I helped Arg_I us Arg_I to Arg_I have Arg_I more Arg_I comfortable Arg_I life Arg_I . O You Arg_B can Arg_I see Arg_I its Arg_I effects Arg_I on Arg_I transportation, Arg_I communication, Arg_I medicine Arg_I and Arg_I so Arg_I forth Arg_I . O Technology O inspires O children's O creativity O instead O of O weakening O it O Technology O accelerates O human's O evolving O pace O . O With O advanced O technology, O many O things O that O seemed O impossible O in O the O past, O have O become O realities O . O For O example, O people O in O the O past O never O dreamed O of O talking O to O anyone O whenever O they O wanted O or O see O someone O overseas O on O a O computer O screen, O both O of O these O can O be O achieved O with O cellphone O and O internet O . O However, O some O people O point O that O technology O has O made O children O less O creative O . O I O don't O deny O that O technology O may O have O some O negative O effects O on O children, O but O I O think O technology Arg_B makes Arg_I children Arg_I even Arg_I more Arg_I creative Arg_I . O First, O technology Arg_B inspires Arg_I children Arg_I to Arg_I create Arg_I new Arg_I things Arg_I . O Children O are O curious O about O everything O around O them, O so O when Arg_B they Arg_I come Arg_I across Arg_I a Arg_I high-tech Arg_I product Arg_I like Arg_I a Arg_I cellphone, Arg_I they Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I obsessed Arg_I with Arg_I its Arg_I mysterious Arg_I functions Arg_I and Arg_I eager Arg_I to Arg_I know Arg_I how Arg_I it Arg_I works Arg_I . O For O example, O Bill Arg_B Gates Arg_I was Arg_I attracted Arg_I by Arg_I the Arg_I original Arg_I huge Arg_I computer, Arg_I then Arg_I he Arg_I did Arg_I everything Arg_I he Arg_I could Arg_I to Arg_I understand Arg_I how Arg_I it Arg_I worked Arg_I . O After Arg_B he Arg_I had Arg_I figured Arg_I out Arg_I all Arg_I the Arg_I stuff, Arg_I he Arg_I then Arg_I began Arg_I to Arg_I promote Arg_I the Arg_I computer Arg_I . O In Arg_B the Arg_I end, Arg_I he Arg_I successfully Arg_I invented Arg_I a Arg_I computer Arg_I that Arg_I was Arg_I easy Arg_I to Arg_I use Arg_I and Arg_I lightweight Arg_I . O Therefore, O instead Arg_B of Arg_I interfering Arg_I children's Arg_I creativity, Arg_I technology Arg_I actually Arg_I encourages Arg_I children Arg_I to Arg_I learn Arg_I and Arg_I to Arg_I create Arg_I . O Second, O technology Arg_B widen Arg_I children's Arg_I knowledge Arg_I . O In Arg_B the Arg_I past, Arg_I children Arg_I were Arg_I only Arg_I able Arg_I to Arg_I see Arg_I things Arg_I from Arg_I one Arg_I perspective Arg_I . O However, O with Arg_B highly Arg_I advanced Arg_I technology, Arg_I children Arg_I are Arg_I able Arg_I to Arg_I get Arg_I information Arg_I from Arg_I foreign Arg_I countries Arg_I and Arg_I even Arg_I communicate Arg_I with Arg_I foreign Arg_I friends Arg_I . O Therefore, O they Arg_B will Arg_I be Arg_I able Arg_I to Arg_I learn Arg_I about Arg_I different Arg_I cultures Arg_I and Arg_I different Arg_I ways Arg_I of Arg_I thinking Arg_I . O Knowledge Arg_B is Arg_I the Arg_I base Arg_I of Arg_I creativity Arg_I . O The Arg_B diverse Arg_I knowledge Arg_I that Arg_I children Arg_I gained Arg_I from Arg_I different Arg_I parts Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I world, Arg_I inspires Arg_I children Arg_I and Arg_I encourage Arg_I them Arg_I to Arg_I create Arg_I new Arg_I things Arg_I . O Admittedly, O technology Arg_B may Arg_I have Arg_I negative Arg_I effects Arg_I on Arg_I children Arg_I . O Technology Arg_B has Arg_I made Arg_I life Arg_I too Arg_I easy Arg_I for Arg_I most Arg_I children Arg_I . O In Arg_B comfortable Arg_I conditions, Arg_I children Arg_I may Arg_I be Arg_I satisfied Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I around Arg_I them Arg_I and Arg_I refuse Arg_I to Arg_I make Arg_I a Arg_I change Arg_I . O Nonetheless, O with Arg_B the Arg_I development Arg_I of Arg_I technology, Arg_I increasingly Arg_I more Arg_I young Arg_I people Arg_I become Arg_I obsessed Arg_I with Arg_I high-tech Arg_I products Arg_I . O They Arg_B kept Arg_I researching Arg_I new Arg_I technology Arg_I and Arg_I became Arg_I successful Arg_I at Arg_I a Arg_I very Arg_I young Arg_I age Arg_I . O Lessons O with O teachers O versus O others O sources O Over O the O last O half O century O the O change O in O the O life O of O human O beings O has O increased O beyond O our O wildest O expectations O . O There O are O countless O new O technological O equipments O flooding O into O our O lives, O such O as O the O Internet, O television O and O cell O phone O . O They O all O enrich O our O daily O lives O . O Now, O many O students O learn O from O Internet O after O class O and O they O find O it O quite O helpful O . O Many O people O find O that O students Arg_B at Arg_I schools Arg_I and Arg_I universities Arg_I still Arg_I learn Arg_I much Arg_I more Arg_I from Arg_I lessons Arg_I with Arg_I teachers Arg_I . O They O argue O that O teachers Arg_B teach Arg_I students Arg_I how Arg_I to Arg_I write, Arg_I read Arg_I and Arg_I calculate Arg_I since Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I in Arg_I kindergarten Arg_I . O And Arg_B when Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I in Arg_I primary Arg_I school, Arg_I teachers Arg_I teach Arg_I them Arg_I more Arg_I further Arg_I knowledge, Arg_I like Arg_I writing Arg_I skills Arg_I and Arg_I using Arg_I computers Arg_I . O It Arg_B is Arg_I teachers Arg_I that Arg_I help Arg_I them Arg_I with Arg_I obstacles Arg_I in Arg_I schooling Arg_I . O On O the O other O hand, O students Arg_B gain Arg_I most Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I knowledge Arg_I through Arg_I teachers Arg_I and Arg_I learn Arg_I what Arg_I is Arg_I right Arg_I and Arg_I wrong Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I assistance Arg_I of Arg_I teachers Arg_I . O Those O who O feel O that O students O learn O far O more O from O other O sources, O such O as O the O Internet O and O television, O firmly O believe O that O within Arg_B this Arg_I sources Arg_I students Arg_I learn Arg_I lots Arg_I of Arg_I things Arg_I which Arg_I they Arg_I can't Arg_I learn Arg_I in Arg_I classes Arg_I . O They Arg_B can Arg_I only Arg_I input Arg_I some Arg_I key Arg_I words Arg_I and Arg_I google Arg_I it, Arg_I and Arg_I then Arg_I there Arg_I are Arg_I numberless Arg_I articles Arg_I and Arg_I websites Arg_I related Arg_I to Arg_I it Arg_I . O In O this O case, O students Arg_B learn Arg_I things Arg_I easily Arg_I . O Moreover, O they Arg_B contend Arg_I that Arg_I good Arg_I television Arg_I programs Arg_I do Arg_I teach Arg_I students Arg_I . O For O instance, O Discovery Arg_B Channel Arg_I has Arg_I many Arg_I instructive Arg_I episodes Arg_I . O Students Arg_B have Arg_I knowledge Arg_I of Arg_I others Arg_I cultures, Arg_I outer Arg_I space Arg_I etc Arg_I . O Personally, O I O think O that O students Arg_B learn Arg_I far Arg_I more Arg_I from Arg_I their Arg_I teachers Arg_I than Arg_I from Arg_I other Arg_I source Arg_I . O Because O not O only O do O teachers Arg_B teach Arg_I us Arg_I knowledge Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I the Arg_I skills Arg_I to Arg_I tell Arg_I right Arg_I from Arg_I wrong Arg_I . O Just O imagine: O if O a O student O can't O even O make O out O whether O the O source O is O reasonable O or O not, O then O how O can O he O get O the O right O information O to O help O him O to O learn? O Email O and O text O messaging O threats O written O language O The O introduction O of O email O and O text O messaging O has O brought O about O considerable O changes O in O communication O . O With O this O situation, O some O people O believe O that O they Arg_B may Arg_I be Arg_I factors Arg_I decreasing Arg_I the Arg_I position Arg_I of Arg_I written Arg_I language Arg_I . O I O am O in O favor O of O that O idea O because O of O their O advantages O and O the O fact O we O can O see O today O about O the O use O of O these O new O means O . O First O of O all, O it Arg_B is Arg_I easy Arg_I to Arg_I point Arg_I out Arg_I many Arg_I benefits Arg_I users Arg_I can Arg_I get Arg_I from Arg_I email Arg_I and Arg_I text Arg_I messaging, Arg_I which Arg_I answers Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I question Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I great Arg_I popularity Arg_I . O Before Arg_B email Arg_I and Arg_I mobile Arg_I phone, Arg_I human Arg_I beings Arg_I communicated Arg_I by Arg_I meeting Arg_I directly, Arg_I sending Arg_I letters Arg_I or Arg_I later, Arg_I calling Arg_I from Arg_I home Arg_I phones Arg_I . O Such Arg_B ways Arg_I usually Arg_I made Arg_I people Arg_I have Arg_I troubles Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I expensiveness, Arg_I difficulties Arg_I in Arg_I far Arg_I communication Arg_I or Arg_I emergency Arg_I and Arg_I the Arg_I loss Arg_I of Arg_I information Arg_I . O However, O email Arg_B and Arg_I cell Arg_I phones Arg_I have Arg_I improved Arg_I the Arg_I obstacles Arg_I above Arg_I . O People Arg_B can Arg_I send Arg_I or Arg_I receive Arg_I electronic Arg_I letters Arg_I anywhere Arg_I and Arg_I anytime Arg_I they Arg_I want Arg_I . O Especially, O thanks Arg_B to Arg_I the Arg_I function Arg_I provided Arg_I by Arg_I email Arg_I and Arg_I text Arg_I messaging Arg_I (SMS), Arg_I it Arg_I is Arg_I cheaper Arg_I and Arg_I faster Arg_I to Arg_I transfer Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I information, Arg_I even Arg_I to Arg_I many Arg_I people Arg_I at Arg_I the Arg_I same Arg_I time Arg_I . O They Arg_B are Arg_I so Arg_I convenient Arg_I that Arg_I the Arg_I majority Arg_I of Arg_I population Arg_I prefer Arg_I to Arg_I use Arg_I them Arg_I instead Arg_I of Arg_I some Arg_I traditional Arg_I ways Arg_I . O The Arg_B popularity Arg_I of Arg_I email Arg_I and Arg_I text Arg_I messaging, Arg_I as Arg_I a Arg_I result, Arg_I leads Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I losing Arg_I of Arg_I written Arg_I language's Arg_I position Arg_I . O People Arg_B tend Arg_I to Arg_I use Arg_I slangs Arg_I and Arg_I abbreviated Arg_I words Arg_I to Arg_I shorten Arg_I their Arg_I writing Arg_I and Arg_I save Arg_I more Arg_I time Arg_I in Arg_I communicating Arg_I for Arg_I other Arg_I activities Arg_I . O The O outcome O is O that O language Arg_B in Arg_I writing Arg_I is Arg_I not Arg_I in Arg_I its Arg_I original Arg_I form Arg_I . O Even O in O some O cases, O people Arg_B compose Arg_I a Arg_I message Arg_I with Arg_I only Arg_I emoticons Arg_I (the Arg_I expressions Arg_I by Arg_I face Arg_I created Arg_I by Arg_I service Arg_I providers), Arg_I which Arg_I means Arg_I there Arg_I is Arg_I no Arg_I room Arg_I for Arg_I writing Arg_I or Arg_I typing Arg_I texts Arg_I . O Moreover, O it Arg_B is Arg_I more Arg_I dangerous Arg_I that Arg_I youngsters Arg_I sometimes Arg_I use Arg_I such Arg_I new Arg_I languages Arg_I in Arg_I their Arg_I studying, Arg_I writing Arg_I assignments Arg_I . O If Arg_B that Arg_I tendency Arg_I continues Arg_I at Arg_I a Arg_I rapid Arg_I pace, Arg_I written Arg_I language Arg_I may Arg_I face Arg_I up Arg_I to Arg_I a Arg_I real Arg_I problem Arg_I about Arg_I its Arg_I stand Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O we Arg_B cannot Arg_I deny Arg_I the Arg_I threat Arg_I from Arg_I email Arg_I and Arg_I text Arg_I messaging Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I status Arg_I of Arg_I written Arg_I language Arg_I because Arg_I their Arg_I obvious Arg_I popularity Arg_I . O Nevertheless, O educators O and O individuals O themselves, O especially O the O youths O should O pay O ore O attention O to O this O matter O so O that O we O can O take O advantages O of O the O new O language O along O with O preserving O the O traditional O one O . O Using O animals O for O the O benefit O of O the O human O beings O With O the O rapid O development O of O the O standard O of O people's O life, O increasing O numbers O of O animal O experiments O are O done, O new O medicines O and O foods, O for O instance O . O Some O opponents O says O that O it O is O cruel O to O animals O and O nature, O however, O I O believe O that O no O sensible O person O will O deny O that O it Arg_B is Arg_I a Arg_I dramatically Arg_I cruel Arg_I activity Arg_I to Arg_I humanity Arg_I if Arg_I the Arg_I latest Arg_I foods Arg_I or Arg_I medicines Arg_I are Arg_I allowed Arg_I to Arg_I sold Arg_I without Arg_I testing Arg_I on Arg_I animals Arg_I . O In O my O essay, O I O will O discuss O this O issue O from O twofold O aspects O . O First O of O all, O as O we O all O know, O animals O are O friendly O and O vital O for O people, O because O if Arg_B there Arg_I are Arg_I no Arg_I animals Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I world, Arg_I the Arg_I balance Arg_I of Arg_I nature Arg_I will Arg_I broke Arg_I down, Arg_I and Arg_I we, Arg_I human, Arg_I will Arg_I die Arg_I out Arg_I as Arg_I well Arg_I . O The Arg_B animal Arg_I experiments Arg_I accelerate Arg_I the Arg_I vanishing Arg_I of Arg_I some Arg_I categories Arg_I of Arg_I animals Arg_I . O In O other O words, O doing Arg_B this Arg_I various Arg_I testing Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I hazard Arg_I of Arg_I human's Arg_I future Arg_I and Arg_I next Arg_I generation Arg_I . O Though O animal O experiments O have O negative O impact O on O the O natural O balance, O it Arg_B is Arg_I necessary Arg_I to Arg_I make Arg_I sure Arg_I that Arg_I people Arg_I can Arg_I live Arg_I a Arg_I long Arg_I life Arg_I . O To O begin O with, O it Arg_B is Arg_I indisputable Arg_I that Arg_I every Arg_I new Arg_I kind Arg_I food Arg_I or Arg_I pill Arg_I may Arg_I be Arg_I noxious, Arg_I and Arg_I scientists Arg_I must Arg_I do Arg_I something Arg_I to Arg_I insure Arg_I that Arg_I the Arg_I new Arg_I invention Arg_I benefits Arg_I people Arg_I instead Arg_I of Arg_I making Arg_I people Arg_I ill Arg_I or Arg_I even Arg_I dying Arg_I . O The Arg_B new Arg_I foods Arg_I or Arg_I medicines Arg_I are Arg_I invented Arg_I to Arg_I promote Arg_I the Arg_I quantity Arg_I of Arg_I human's Arg_I life Arg_I . O Thus O even Arg_B if Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I volunteers; Arg_I they Arg_I cannot Arg_I take Arg_I the Arg_I place Arg_I of Arg_I animals Arg_I to Arg_I test Arg_I the Arg_I new Arg_I foods Arg_I or Arg_I medicines Arg_I . O Furthermore, O it Arg_B also Arg_I have Arg_I potentially Arg_I harm Arg_I for Arg_I human's Arg_I health Arg_I without Arg_I any Arg_I testing Arg_I . O To O sum O up, O I O reaffirm O that O although O there O is O some O disadvantages O of O animals' O profits, O the Arg_B merits Arg_I of Arg_I animal Arg_I experiments Arg_I still Arg_I outweigh Arg_I the Arg_I demerits Arg_I . O Television O is O the O culprit O for O destroying O communication O between O friends O & O family O It O is O very O hard O to O find O a O home O that O does O not O have O a O television O . O Nowadays, O number O of O television O channels O and O programs O are O increasing O everyday O . O Unfortunately, O most Arg_B of Arg_I people Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I plan Arg_I for Arg_I make Arg_I a Arg_I limitation Arg_I or Arg_I schedule Arg_I for Arg_I watching Arg_I television Arg_I . O I O agree O with O that O idea O that O television Arg_B devastate Arg_I families Arg_I ties Arg_I . O In Arg_B spite Arg_I of Arg_I enjoying Arg_I watching Arg_I television Arg_I shows, Arg_I it Arg_I is Arg_I really Arg_I time Arg_I consuming Arg_I task Arg_I . O Emergence Arg_B of Arg_I new Arg_I television Arg_I channels Arg_I or Arg_I shows Arg_I are Arg_I not Arg_I surprising Arg_I . O We Arg_B kill Arg_I time Arg_I by Arg_I tracking Arg_I these Arg_I channels Arg_I so Arg_I at Arg_I the Arg_I end Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I day Arg_I we Arg_I understand Arg_I it Arg_I is Arg_I late Arg_I for Arg_I doing Arg_I any Arg_I other Arg_I activities Arg_I . O This Arg_B is Arg_I a Arg_I problem Arg_I that Arg_I suffers Arg_I all Arg_I of Arg_I us Arg_I everyday Arg_I . O At O the O end, O there Arg_B is Arg_I no Arg_I time Arg_I for Arg_I call Arg_I to Arg_I our Arg_I parents Arg_I or Arg_I friends Arg_I . O Second, O I O think O watching Arg_B television Arg_I programs Arg_I makes Arg_I us Arg_I lazy Arg_I . O We Arg_B usually Arg_I spend Arg_I our Arg_I times Arg_I in Arg_I front Arg_I of Arg_I television Arg_I for Arg_I at Arg_I least Arg_I three Arg_I ours Arg_I a Arg_I day Arg_I when Arg_I we Arg_I come Arg_I back Arg_I home Arg_I after Arg_I eight-hour Arg_I working Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I office Arg_I . O Hence, O we Arg_B do Arg_I not Arg_I have Arg_I time Arg_I to Arg_I spend Arg_I for Arg_I healthy Arg_I activity Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I going Arg_I to Arg_I a Arg_I gym Arg_I or Arg_I doing Arg_I other Arg_I sports Arg_I . O This Arg_B makes Arg_I us Arg_I a Arg_I lazy Arg_I person Arg_I who Arg_I prefers Arg_I to Arg_I do Arg_I sedentary Arg_I activities Arg_I like Arg_I watching Arg_I television Arg_I shows Arg_I rather Arg_I than Arg_I be Arg_I active Arg_I and Arg_I sociable Arg_I . O Last O but O not O least, O some Arg_B television Arg_I programs Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I negative Arg_I effect Arg_I on Arg_I viewers Arg_I . O Some Arg_B thriller Arg_I or Arg_I action Arg_I movies Arg_I advertise Arg_I negative Arg_I activities Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I doing Arg_I criminal Arg_I activity Arg_I . O These Arg_B genre Arg_I of Arg_I programs Arg_I has Arg_I more Arg_I negative Arg_I effects Arg_I on Arg_I our Arg_I teenagers Arg_I . O They Arg_B usually Arg_I try Arg_I to Arg_I mimic Arg_I what Arg_I they Arg_I see Arg_I on Arg_I movies Arg_I in Arg_I their Arg_I daily Arg_I behaviors Arg_I . O To O sum O up, O killing Arg_B our Arg_I time, Arg_I making Arg_I us Arg_I lazy, Arg_I and Arg_I advertising Arg_I negative Arg_I behaviors Arg_I are Arg_I just Arg_I only Arg_I few Arg_I reasons Arg_I to Arg_I show Arg_I how Arg_I television Arg_I is Arg_I destructive Arg_I . O I O think O it Arg_B is Arg_I a Arg_I global Arg_I problem Arg_I to Arg_I solve Arg_I this Arg_I problem Arg_I and Arg_I it Arg_I is Arg_I need Arg_I global Arg_I contribution Arg_I to Arg_I find Arg_I a Arg_I solution Arg_I . O Gender O Equality O at O university O admission O Nowadays O men O and O women O are O equally O participating O in O every O field O . O Contrastingly, O in O the O past O time, O women O worked O at O home O and O performed O sophisticated O work O . O This O factor O is O still O affecting O thinking O of O many O people O . O They O still O believe O that O in O present O time O women O must O do O such O type O of O work O only O . O This O tendency O enforces O universities O to O accept O student O according O to O the O gender O . O Universities Arg_B should Arg_I accept Arg_I equal Arg_I numbers Arg_I of Arg_I students Arg_I of Arg_I both Arg_I genders Arg_I . O Initially, O if O we O look O into O the O fact, O women Arg_B have Arg_I proved Arg_I themselves Arg_I in Arg_I every Arg_I field Arg_I whether Arg_I it Arg_I is Arg_I indoor Arg_I or Arg_I outdoor Arg_I . O For O example, O nowadays Arg_B women Arg_I are Arg_I working Arg_I in Arg_I home Arg_I as Arg_I well Arg_I as Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I sky Arg_I . O They Arg_B are Arg_I acting Arg_I as Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I housewife Arg_I and Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I flying Arg_I planes Arg_I also Arg_I . O Furthermore, O university Arg_B authority Arg_I must Arg_I not Arg_I be Arg_I biased Arg_I on Arg_I ground Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I gender Arg_I discrimination Arg_I . O They Arg_B must Arg_I consider Arg_I the Arg_I academic Arg_I record Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I student Arg_I as Arg_I main Arg_I criteria Arg_I of Arg_I admission Arg_I . O However, O the Arg_B current Arg_I job Arg_I market Arg_I affects Arg_I the Arg_I decision Arg_I of Arg_I universities Arg_I . O Every Arg_B university Arg_I designs Arg_I its Arg_I courses Arg_I according Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I need Arg_I of Arg_I employers Arg_I . O The Arg_B job Arg_I selection Arg_I criteria Arg_I are Arg_I pre Arg_I decided Arg_I . O For O instance O employers Arg_B need Arg_I male Arg_I candidates Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I heavy Arg_I work Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I repairing Arg_I and Arg_I installation Arg_I of Arg_I heavy Arg_I machine Arg_I . O They Arg_B prefer Arg_I male Arg_I staff Arg_I for Arg_I night Arg_I shifts Arg_I . O They Arg_B want Arg_I female Arg_I candidates Arg_I for Arg_I soft Arg_I natured Arg_I work Arg_I like Arg_I counseling, Arg_I teaching, Arg_I designing Arg_I etc Arg_I . O Therefore, O universities Arg_B follow Arg_I the Arg_I requirement Arg_I of Arg_I job Arg_I providers Arg_I and Arg_I decide Arg_I subject Arg_I suitable Arg_I for Arg_I particular Arg_I gender Arg_I . O To O conclude, O I O strongly O believe O that O universities Arg_B must Arg_I open Arg_I choice Arg_I for Arg_I everyone Arg_I to Arg_I select Arg_I his Arg_I subject Arg_I . O Our Arg_B youth Arg_I has Arg_I become Arg_I very Arg_I confident Arg_I towards Arg_I his Arg_I career Arg_I . O They Arg_B are Arg_I not Arg_I ready Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I bound Arg_I in Arg_I certain Arg_I limitations Arg_I . O Female Arg_B candidates Arg_I also Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I care Arg_I about Arg_I any Arg_I restriction Arg_I posed Arg_I by Arg_I the Arg_I society Arg_I and Arg_I the Arg_I employer Arg_I . O So O we Arg_B must Arg_I give Arg_I them Arg_I opportunity Arg_I to Arg_I achieve Arg_I their Arg_I goal Arg_I . O Some O young O adults O want O independence O from O their O parents O quickly O Many O young O adults O want O to O get O away O from O their O parent's O houses O as O soon O as O possible O in O order O to O have O no O limits, O to O be O independent O . O But O these O young O people O do O not O take O into O account O that O their Arg_B lives Arg_I are Arg_I going Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I more Arg_I difficult, Arg_I when Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I away Arg_I from Arg_I home Arg_I . O They O will O have O to O pay O a O lot O of O bills, O because O they Arg_B will Arg_I have Arg_I to Arg_I find Arg_I a Arg_I lodging Arg_I or Arg_I at Arg_I least Arg_I a Arg_I place Arg_I where Arg_I to Arg_I live Arg_I and Arg_I in Arg_I order Arg_I to Arg_I have Arg_I less Arg_I expenses Arg_I they Arg_I will Arg_I have Arg_I to Arg_I find Arg_I a Arg_I co-tenant, Arg_I who Arg_I they Arg_I may Arg_I not Arg_I like Arg_I . O Living Arg_B in Arg_I their Arg_I own Arg_I houses Arg_I will Arg_I save Arg_I the Arg_I young Arg_I adults Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I money Arg_I . O If Arg_B they Arg_I live Arg_I separate Arg_I from Arg_I their Arg_I parents Arg_I they Arg_I will Arg_I have Arg_I to Arg_I pay Arg_I for Arg_I a Arg_I loan, Arg_I electricity, Arg_I water Arg_I or Arg_I even Arg_I for Arg_I a Arg_I meal Arg_I . O If O the O young O adults O still O study O they O will O have O to O combine O studying O with O working, O because O they Arg_B will Arg_I not Arg_I have Arg_I money Arg_I to Arg_I pay Arg_I for Arg_I everything Arg_I . O There O will O not O be O such O worries O when O young O adults O live O in O their O own O home, O because O parents Arg_B will Arg_I take Arg_I care Arg_I for Arg_I them Arg_I . O Moreover, O parents Arg_B will Arg_I give Arg_I their Arg_I children Arg_I money Arg_I in Arg_I order Arg_I they Arg_I to Arg_I focus Arg_I only Arg_I on Arg_I studying Arg_I . O Another Arg_B problem Arg_I that Arg_I the Arg_I young Arg_I adults Arg_I may Arg_I encounter Arg_I is Arg_I to Arg_I find Arg_I a Arg_I co-tenant, Arg_I who Arg_I they Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I like Arg_I . O His Arg_B habits Arg_I may Arg_I be Arg_I totally Arg_I different Arg_I from Arg_I theirs, Arg_I his Arg_I behavior Arg_I may Arg_I be Arg_I inappropriate, Arg_I but Arg_I they Arg_I will Arg_I have Arg_I to Arg_I live Arg_I with Arg_I him Arg_I or Arg_I even Arg_I share Arg_I a Arg_I room, Arg_I in Arg_I order Arg_I to Arg_I have Arg_I less Arg_I expenses Arg_I . O Living Arg_B with Arg_I such Arg_I a Arg_I person Arg_I may Arg_I be Arg_I a Arg_I huge Arg_I problem Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I young Arg_I adults Arg_I . O When Arg_B the Arg_I co-tenant Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I share Arg_I their Arg_I interests Arg_I and Arg_I points Arg_I of Arg_I view, Arg_I they Arg_I will Arg_I not Arg_I be Arg_I able Arg_I to Arg_I ask Arg_I him Arg_I for Arg_I advice Arg_I . O Furthermore, O they Arg_B are Arg_I most Arg_I likely Arg_I to Arg_I quarrel Arg_I every Arg_I day, Arg_I instead Arg_I of Arg_I to Arg_I help Arg_I each Arg_I other Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O I O reckon O that O for O the O young O adults O it O will O be O better O to O live O with O their O parents, O because O of O the O benefits O they O will O have O . O They Arg_B will Arg_I not Arg_I need Arg_I to Arg_I worry Arg_I about Arg_I financial Arg_I problems Arg_I or Arg_I if Arg_I they Arg_I will Arg_I get Arg_I on Arg_I well Arg_I with Arg_I their Arg_I roommate Arg_I . O Air O pollution O Air O pollution O is O an O issue O threatening O the O environment O in O many O different O ways O such O as O causing O holes O in O the O ozone O and O affecting O global O heating O in O the O negative O way O . O I O believe O that O more Arg_B responsibilities Arg_I should Arg_I put Arg_I on Arg_I private Arg_I individuals Arg_I and Arg_I companies Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I paying Arg_I to Arg_I clean Arg_I up Arg_I air Arg_I pollution Arg_I . O First, O in Arg_B most Arg_I industrialized Arg_I countries, Arg_I there Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I number Arg_I of Arg_I companies Arg_I that Arg_I holds Arg_I heavy Arg_I factories Arg_I in Arg_I their Arg_I constitutions Arg_I . O The Arg_B waste Arg_I products Arg_I and Arg_I harmful Arg_I gases Arg_I produced Arg_I by Arg_I these Arg_I factories Arg_I cause Arg_I a Arg_I significant Arg_I amount Arg_I of Arg_I air Arg_I pollution Arg_I . O While Arg_B these Arg_I companies Arg_I make Arg_I a Arg_I huge Arg_I amount Arg_I of Arg_I money Arg_I from Arg_I their Arg_I businesses, Arg_I most Arg_I of Arg_I them Arg_I are Arg_I not Arg_I considering Arg_I to Arg_I take Arg_I precautions Arg_I to Arg_I reduce Arg_I the Arg_I amount Arg_I of Arg_I air Arg_I pollution Arg_I . O If Arg_B these Arg_I companies Arg_I were Arg_I obliged Arg_I to Arg_I pay Arg_I to Arg_I clean Arg_I up Arg_I the Arg_I air Arg_I pollution, Arg_I they Arg_I would Arg_I at Arg_I least Arg_I make Arg_I an Arg_I effort Arg_I to Arg_I reduce Arg_I the Arg_I amount Arg_I of Arg_I air Arg_I pollution Arg_I they Arg_I cause Arg_I . O Second, O private Arg_B individuals Arg_I cause Arg_I air Arg_I pollution Arg_I in Arg_I several Arg_I ways Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I inessential Arg_I use Arg_I of Arg_I cars Arg_I and Arg_I house Arg_I heating Arg_I . O As Arg_B house Arg_I heating Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I major Arg_I need Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I winter Arg_I time, Arg_I some Arg_I households Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I consider Arg_I to Arg_I use Arg_I filters Arg_I to Arg_I reduce Arg_I the Arg_I amount Arg_I of Arg_I pollution Arg_I that Arg_I the Arg_I heating Arg_I causes Arg_I . O Instead O of O this, O some Arg_B expensive Arg_I vehicles Arg_I cause Arg_I a Arg_I huge Arg_I amount Arg_I of Arg_I pollution Arg_I . O In O my O opinion, O by Arg_B charging Arg_I private Arg_I individuals Arg_I for Arg_I causing Arg_I air Arg_I pollution, Arg_I that Arg_I will Arg_I at Arg_I least Arg_I contribute Arg_I to Arg_I reduce Arg_I the Arg_I amount Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I pollution Arg_I . O On O the O other O hand, O I O believe O that O governments Arg_B should Arg_I restrict Arg_I the Arg_I use Arg_I of Arg_I products Arg_I that Arg_I cause Arg_I air Arg_I pollution Arg_I for Arg_I both Arg_I individuals Arg_I and Arg_I companies Arg_I . O Governments Arg_B also Arg_I should Arg_I use Arg_I an Arg_I amount Arg_I of Arg_I money Arg_I from Arg_I their Arg_I budgets Arg_I to Arg_I clean Arg_I up Arg_I the Arg_I air, Arg_I instead Arg_I of Arg_I putting Arg_I all Arg_I the Arg_I responsibility Arg_I to Arg_I companies Arg_I and Arg_I private Arg_I individuals Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O due O to O the O fact O that O governments O are O responsible O to O provide O a O healthy O environment O for O their O inhabitants O and O they O should O be O responsible O from O cleaning O up O the O air O pollution, O both Arg_B companies Arg_I and Arg_I private Arg_I individuals Arg_I should Arg_I take Arg_I the Arg_I main Arg_I part Arg_I to Arg_I clean Arg_I up Arg_I the Arg_I air Arg_I pollution Arg_I . O Young O people O should O go O to O university O or O not O Persistent O deliberation O is O happening O as O to O whether O it O is O desirable O for O the O youth O to O go O to O university O . O In O regard O to O the O development O of O the O country, O some O people O believe O that O it O is O essential O for O young O students O to O get O high O quality O of O education O in O universities, O while O others O think O that O it O is O only O one O of O causes O to O increase O the O rate O of O unemployment O . O In O this O essay, O I O will O analyze O both O views O first O in O order O to O come O up O with O a O fool-proof O decision O . O To O begin O with, O those O who O advocate O the O impracticability O of O university O have O several O reasons O . O From O their O point O of O view, O the O fact O is O that O there O are O numerous O job O opportunities O for O those O who O do O not O have O the O certification O of O university O graduation, O such O as O mechanics, O sales O persons, O or O engineers, O and, O furthermore, O labors Arg_B for Arg_I graduates Arg_I are Arg_I in Arg_I short Arg_I supply Arg_I . O What O is O worse, O the Arg_B labor Arg_I market Arg_I for Arg_I highly Arg_I educated Arg_I students Arg_I is Arg_I now Arg_I too Arg_I competitive Arg_I to Arg_I get Arg_I a Arg_I job Arg_I after Arg_I finishing Arg_I their Arg_I studying Arg_I . O In O this O regard O it Arg_B is Arg_I a Arg_I loss Arg_I of Arg_I national Arg_I productivity Arg_I that Arg_I young Arg_I people Arg_I spend Arg_I much Arg_I time Arg_I on Arg_I searching Arg_I for Arg_I high Arg_I salary Arg_I jobs, Arg_I even Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I a Arg_I sheer Arg_I time-consuming Arg_I . O However, O on O the O other O side O of O the O coin O are O voices O in O the O opposition, O saying O that O universities Arg_B provide Arg_I not Arg_I only Arg_I skills Arg_I for Arg_I careers, Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I academic Arg_I knowledge Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I human Arg_I race, Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I bio Arg_I science, Arg_I politics, Arg_I and Arg_I medicine Arg_I . O These Arg_B academic Arg_I values Arg_I are Arg_I necessary Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I progress Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I . O More O importantly, O many Arg_B researches Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I ivory-tower Arg_I have Arg_I created Arg_I ingenious Arg_I discoveries Arg_I and Arg_I achievements Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I development Arg_I of Arg_I modern Arg_I society Arg_I . O Another O significant O factor O of O universities O is O that O diverse Arg_B experiences Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I campus Arg_I life Arg_I can Arg_I make Arg_I the Arg_I young Arg_I generation Arg_I more Arg_I competently Arg_I because O there Arg_B are Arg_I a Arg_I number Arg_I of Arg_I chances Arg_I through Arg_I internships, Arg_I deeper Arg_I discussion, Arg_I independent Arg_I life, Arg_I and Arg_I exchange Arg_I scholarships Arg_I . O To O sum O up O both O contentions O about O the O necessity O of O universities' O education O have O reasonable O justifications; O however, O I O agree O with O the O latter O view O . O Although O higher O education O does O not O guarantee O young O students' O success, O the Arg_B benefits Arg_I of Arg_I learning Arg_I in Arg_I universities Arg_I are Arg_I the Arg_I vital Arg_I factor Arg_I in Arg_I creating Arg_I more Arg_I possibilities Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I development Arg_I of Arg_I society Arg_I through Arg_I advancing Arg_I academic Arg_I fulfillment Arg_I and Arg_I the Arg_I young Arg_I generation Arg_I who Arg_I have Arg_I experiences Arg_I and Arg_I challenges Arg_I . O Effects O of O mobile O phones O Nowadays, O the O popularity O of O mobile O phones O has O brought O about O a O lot O of O convenience O but O at O the O meanwhile O a O variety O of O problems O as O well, O such O as O social, O medical O and O technical O problems O . O However, O I Arg_B do Arg_I not Arg_I think Arg_I these Arg_I disadvantages Arg_I will Arg_I outweigh Arg_I the Arg_I advantages Arg_I brought Arg_I by Arg_I cell Arg_I phones Arg_I . O In O this O essay, O I O would O like O to O analyze O these O three O issues O in O order O to O support O my O viewpoint O . O First O of O all, O almost Arg_B everything Arg_I that Arg_I changed Arg_I our Arg_I lifestyle Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I will Arg_I also Arg_I cause Arg_I some Arg_I social Arg_I problems Arg_I . O Mobile O phones O are O not O out O of O expectation O . O Speaking Arg_B loudly Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I phone Arg_I in Arg_I public Arg_I areas, Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I schools, Arg_I libraries Arg_I and Arg_I hospitals Arg_I appears Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I very Arg_I impolite Arg_I and Arg_I offensive Arg_I . O What O is O worse, O some Arg_B students Arg_I utilize Arg_I their Arg_I cell Arg_I phones Arg_I as Arg_I an Arg_I effective Arg_I cheating Arg_I tools Arg_I in Arg_I examinations Arg_I in Arg_I which Arg_I they Arg_I can Arg_I send Arg_I and Arg_I receive Arg_I answers Arg_I by Arg_I texting Arg_I each Arg_I other Arg_I . O Nevertheless, O it Arg_B is Arg_I not Arg_I impossible Arg_I to Arg_I solve Arg_I these Arg_I problems, Arg_I as Arg_I long Arg_I as Arg_I some Arg_I regulations Arg_I and Arg_I rules Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I effectively Arg_I implemented Arg_I . O It O is O also O worth O mentioning O that O some Arg_B harmful Arg_I effects Arg_I on Arg_I our Arg_I health Arg_I are Arg_I lethal Arg_I . O It Arg_B has Arg_I been Arg_I proved Arg_I that Arg_I overusing Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I electronic Arg_I devices Arg_I including Arg_I mobile Arg_I phones Arg_I could Arg_I lead Arg_I to Arg_I higher Arg_I possibility Arg_I of Arg_I suffering Arg_I hearing Arg_I loss Arg_I and Arg_I even Arg_I cancers, Arg_I although Arg_I the Arg_I further Arg_I investigation Arg_I are Arg_I needed Arg_I . O Another O debatable O problem O is O about O techniques O . O There Arg_B is Arg_I panic Arg_I among Arg_I people Arg_I that Arg_I their Arg_I conversation Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I intercepted Arg_I by Arg_I the Arg_I third Arg_I party Arg_I . O This Arg_B possibility Arg_I exists Arg_I all Arg_I the Arg_I time Arg_I . O But O a Arg_B more Arg_I efficient Arg_I and Arg_I reliable Arg_I system Arg_I can Arg_I also Arg_I be Arg_I invented Arg_I to Arg_I guarantee Arg_I the Arg_I private Arg_I information Arg_I of Arg_I users Arg_I . O Moreover, O the Arg_B mobile Arg_I phone Arg_I has Arg_I become Arg_I a Arg_I dispensable Arg_I multifunctional Arg_I tools Arg_I in Arg_I people's Arg_I daily Arg_I life Arg_I . O Not Arg_B only Arg_I used Arg_I for Arg_I communication, Arg_I but Arg_I it Arg_I also Arg_I functions Arg_I as Arg_I an Arg_I Internet Arg_I browser, Arg_I a Arg_I music Arg_I player, Arg_I a Arg_I personal Arg_I organizer Arg_I and Arg_I so Arg_I forth Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O nothing O can O be O overused O without O side O effects O . O The O contribution O of O the O mobile O phone O to O our O modern O society O is O prominent O and O people's O dependence O on O it O is O irreversible, O although O it Arg_B has Arg_I a Arg_I number Arg_I of Arg_I problems Arg_I that Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I well Arg_I handled Arg_I . O Computer O has O negative O effects O to O children O Nowadays, O thanks O to O the O development O of O technology, O computer O is O now O indispensable O to O life O . O Some O people O think O that O computer O is O good O for O children O and O it O should O be O used O daily O by O children O but O some O others O think O differently O . O In O my O opinion, O the O latter O opinion O is O true O . O First, O using Arg_B computer Arg_I constantly Arg_I has Arg_I bad Arg_I influence Arg_I on Arg_I children's Arg_I eyes Arg_I . O When Arg_B they Arg_I concentrate Arg_I on Arg_I computer Arg_I for Arg_I too Arg_I long, Arg_I their Arg_I eyes Arg_I will Arg_I get Arg_I tired, Arg_I which Arg_I is Arg_I the Arg_I main Arg_I reason Arg_I for Arg_I some Arg_I eyes Arg_I problems, Arg_I typically Arg_I shortsighted Arg_I . O Moreover, O children O who O play O games O too O much O on O computer O can O seriously O lack O communicating O skills, O they Arg_B will Arg_I know Arg_I little Arg_I about Arg_I the Arg_I outside Arg_I life Arg_I . O It O is O a O well-known O fact O that O people Arg_B who Arg_I are Arg_I addicted Arg_I to Arg_I games, Arg_I especially Arg_I online Arg_I games, Arg_I can Arg_I eventually Arg_I bear Arg_I dangerous Arg_I consequences Arg_I . O For O instance, O several O teenagers O play O games O without O rest, O which O leads O to O health O depression, O a Arg_B typical Arg_I example Arg_I is Arg_I the Arg_I death Arg_I of Arg_I Korean Arg_I gamer, Arg_I who Arg_I had Arg_I a Arg_I non-stop Arg_I playing Arg_I for Arg_I 3 Arg_I days Arg_I . O Finally, O even Arg_B people Arg_I who Arg_I are Arg_I not Arg_I interested Arg_I in Arg_I online Arg_I game Arg_I can Arg_I still Arg_I be Arg_I negatively Arg_I affected Arg_I by Arg_I using Arg_I computer Arg_I too Arg_I much Arg_I . O Some O social O surveys O have O shown O that O a O few O children O use O computer O for O studying O purpose, O most O of O them O are O attracted O by O facebook, O blog, O etc O . O instead O . O Due O to O this O neglect, O they Arg_B will Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I bad Arg_I result Arg_I in Arg_I school Arg_I because O when Arg_B they Arg_I can Arg_I not Arg_I live Arg_I without Arg_I internet, Arg_I they Arg_I will Arg_I have Arg_I no Arg_I time Arg_I for Arg_I their Arg_I studying Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O although O it O is O undeniable O that O computer O is O a O crucial O part O of O human O life, O it Arg_B still Arg_I has Arg_I its Arg_I bad Arg_I side, Arg_I especially Arg_I for Arg_I children Arg_I . O People O should O learn O how O to O use O it O properly O to O make O it O an O effective O tool O because O computer O should O be O used O not O only O for O entertaining O but O also O for O working O and O studying O purpose O . O Influence O of O large O factories O Nowadays, O whether O to O establish O large O factories O nearby O housing O areas O has O become O a O controversial O issue O in O our O society O . O Out O of O the O case O of O economic O development, O industrial O buildings O are O a O necessary O part O of O modern O society O . O However O a O vast O number O of O people O are O against O building O a O factory O near O their O community O because O of O pollution O . O From O my O point O of O view, O the Arg_B advantages Arg_I of Arg_I building Arg_I a Arg_I factory Arg_I will Arg_I outweigh Arg_I its Arg_I disadvantages, Arg_I if Arg_I we Arg_I tackle Arg_I the Arg_I environmental Arg_I problems Arg_I brought Arg_I by Arg_I factories Arg_I . O First O of O all, O a Arg_B large Arg_I factory Arg_I can Arg_I stimulate Arg_I local Arg_I economic Arg_I growth Arg_I and Arg_I reduce Arg_I the Arg_I unemployment Arg_I rate Arg_I . O To Arg_B manufacture Arg_I goods, Arg_I there Arg_I must Arg_I be Arg_I the Arg_I demand Arg_I of Arg_I laborers, Arg_I from Arg_I which Arg_I the Arg_I local Arg_I residents Arg_I can Arg_I benefit Arg_I . O What O is O more, O the Arg_B factory Arg_I is Arg_I not Arg_I isolated, Arg_I other Arg_I industries Arg_I and Arg_I business Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I quickly Arg_I established, Arg_I resulting Arg_I in Arg_I economic Arg_I growth Arg_I of Arg_I local Arg_I area Arg_I . O For O example, O the Arg_B estate Arg_I industry Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I boosted Arg_I in Arg_I order Arg_I to Arg_I satisfy Arg_I the Arg_I workers' Arg_I accommodation Arg_I need Arg_I . O The Arg_B main Arg_I disadvantage Arg_I is Arg_I contamination Arg_I . O It Arg_B is Arg_I true Arg_I that Arg_I some Arg_I area Arg_I are Arg_I suffering Arg_I the Arg_I dire Arg_I consequences Arg_I caused Arg_I by Arg_I overdeveloping Arg_I the Arg_I industry, Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I water Arg_I pollution, Arg_I overcrowded Arg_I traffic Arg_I and Arg_I medical Arg_I problems Arg_I . O For O instance, O in Arg_B some Arg_I industrial Arg_I cities, Arg_I a Arg_I large Arg_I proportion Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I workers Arg_I are Arg_I suffering Arg_I various Arg_I breathing Arg_I problems, Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I asthma Arg_I which Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I caused Arg_I by Arg_I waste Arg_I ashes Arg_I and Arg_I certain Arg_I chemical Arg_I substances Arg_I . O However, O it Arg_B is Arg_I inevitable Arg_I that Arg_I there Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I more Arg_I factories Arg_I built Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I development Arg_I of Arg_I our Arg_I society Arg_I . O Therefore, O how Arg_B to Arg_I improve Arg_I the Arg_I disadvantages Arg_I of Arg_I building Arg_I a Arg_I factory Arg_I would Arg_I be Arg_I more Arg_I important Arg_I than Arg_I whether Arg_I to Arg_I build Arg_I it Arg_I . O In O fact O most Arg_B problems Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I avoidable Arg_I if Arg_I the Arg_I factories Arg_I put Arg_I in Arg_I real Arg_I and Arg_I great Arg_I effort Arg_I to Arg_I manage Arg_I their Arg_I waste Arg_I well Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O installation O of O manufacturing O plant O is O a O trend O of O industrialization O for O many O countries O . O Its O advantages O will O outweigh O disadvantages O as O long O as O the O factories O dispose O their O waste O and O pollution O in O the O correct O way O . O Prepared O Food O Nowadays, O more O and O more O people O begin O to O select O prepared O food O as O their O daily O meals, O since O it Arg_B can Arg_I effectively Arg_I save Arg_I time Arg_I which Arg_I is Arg_I considered Arg_I as Arg_I money Arg_I in Arg_I our Arg_I modern Arg_I society Arg_I . O However O it Arg_B is Arg_I obvious Arg_I that Arg_I prepared Arg_I food Arg_I can Arg_I bring Arg_I about Arg_I some Arg_I negative Arg_I influence Arg_I result Arg_I from Arg_I utilizing Arg_I the Arg_I artificial Arg_I ingredients, Arg_I ignoring Arg_I the Arg_I nutrition Arg_I of Arg_I food Arg_I and Arg_I modifying Arg_I people's Arg_I eating Arg_I habits Arg_I . O In O this O essay, O I O would O like O to O explain O why O this O is O not O a O good O thing O based O on O the O three O reasons O above O . O First O of O all, O to Arg_B make Arg_I their Arg_I food Arg_I easier Arg_I to Arg_I prepare Arg_I and Arg_I taste Arg_I delicious, Arg_I almost Arg_I every Arg_I producer Arg_I adds Arg_I a Arg_I wide Arg_I range Arg_I of Arg_I artificial Arg_I ingredients Arg_I in Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I food Arg_I that Arg_I is Arg_I now Arg_I purchased Arg_I by Arg_I most Arg_I people Arg_I . O Some O ingredients Arg_B being Arg_I added Arg_I have Arg_I caused Arg_I dire Arg_I consequences Arg_I . O For O instance, O there Arg_B are Arg_I usually Arg_I some Arg_I articles Arg_I in Arg_I newspapers Arg_I and Arg_I magazines Arg_I which Arg_I report Arg_I the Arg_I relationship Arg_I between Arg_I certain Arg_I chemical Arg_I components Arg_I in Arg_I some Arg_I food Arg_I and Arg_I diseases Arg_I . O Thus, O easy-to-cook Arg_B foods Arg_I sometimes Arg_I could Arg_I be Arg_I dangerous Arg_I for Arg_I human's Arg_I health Arg_I . O Not Arg_B cooking Arg_I fresh Arg_I food Arg_I will Arg_I also Arg_I lead Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I lack Arg_I of Arg_I nutrition Arg_I . O It O is O true O that O cooking O prepared O food O needs O much O less O time O in O comparison O with O the O fresh O food O . O Whereas Arg_B some Arg_I research Arg_I has Arg_I apparently Arg_I demonstrated Arg_I that Arg_I prepared Arg_I food Arg_I is Arg_I unable Arg_I to Arg_I support Arg_I enough Arg_I nutrients Arg_I we Arg_I need, Arg_I especially Arg_I for Arg_I children Arg_I who Arg_I are Arg_I growing Arg_I up Arg_I . O In O addition, O cooking O is O one O of O arts O humans O create O . O The Arg_B more Arg_I prepared Arg_I food Arg_I we Arg_I eat Arg_I the Arg_I more Arg_I cooking Arg_I skills Arg_I we Arg_I lose Arg_I . O At Arg_B the Arg_I increasing Arg_I living Arg_I pace, Arg_I the Arg_I majority Arg_I of Arg_I people Arg_I tend Arg_I to Arg_I choose Arg_I microwave Arg_I as Arg_I their Arg_I unique Arg_I cooker Arg_I that Arg_I help Arg_I them Arg_I prepare Arg_I a Arg_I dish Arg_I in Arg_I five Arg_I minutes Arg_I . O But O rare Arg_B people Arg_I have Arg_I been Arg_I aware Arg_I that Arg_I this Arg_I has Arg_I contributed Arg_I to Arg_I a Arg_I modification Arg_I of Arg_I cooking Arg_I habits, Arg_I which Arg_I may Arg_I cause Arg_I the Arg_I loss Arg_I of Arg_I our Arg_I custom Arg_I and Arg_I culture Arg_I about Arg_I cooking Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O although O the O invention O of O prepared O foods O definitely O satisfies O the O demand O of O some O people O who O are O busy O in O their O work, O it Arg_B is Arg_I not Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I thing Arg_I . O Cooking O is O not O a O waste O of O time, O contrarily, O it O is O crucial O for O our O health O and O culture O . O Financial O aid O to O develop O countries O As O is O commonly O understood, O there O is O an O increasingly O gap O between O developed O countries O and O developing O countries O . O It O can O be O seen O that O some O developed O countries O and O organization O are O proving O financial O assistance O to O the O impoverished O countries O . O However, O it Arg_B is Arg_I disagreed Arg_I that Arg_I this Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I the Arg_I best Arg_I and Arg_I only Arg_I way Arg_I to Arg_I assist Arg_I developing Arg_I countries Arg_I . O This O will O be O proven O by O analyzing O the O necessity O of O developing O their O education O and O the O real O objective O of O supporters O . O Firstly, O education Arg_B is Arg_I an Arg_I essential Arg_I part Arg_I in Arg_I development Arg_I . O For O instance, O most Arg_B developing Arg_I countries Arg_I are Arg_I lack Arg_I of Arg_I educational Arg_I resources, Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I experienced Arg_I teachers, Arg_I evaluation Arg_I systems Arg_I and Arg_I teaching Arg_I facilities, Arg_I which Arg_I is Arg_I usually Arg_I neglected Arg_I by Arg_I local Arg_I authorities Arg_I . O From O this O example, O it O is O obvious O that O if Arg_B the Arg_I developed Arg_I countries Arg_I are Arg_I unwilling Arg_I to Arg_I share Arg_I their Arg_I successful Arg_I experience Arg_I in Arg_I education, Arg_I the Arg_I developing Arg_I countries Arg_I will Arg_I remain Arg_I undeveloped, Arg_I even Arg_I though Arg_I they Arg_I gain Arg_I a Arg_I great Arg_I deal Arg_I of Arg_I economic Arg_I support Arg_I . O Thus, O the Arg_B critical Arg_I method Arg_I to Arg_I improve Arg_I the Arg_I condition Arg_I of Arg_I poor Arg_I countries Arg_I is Arg_I to Arg_I help Arg_I them Arg_I build Arg_I up Arg_I a Arg_I complete Arg_I educational Arg_I system Arg_I instead Arg_I of Arg_I financial Arg_I aid Arg_I . O In O addition, O it O is O well O acknowledged O that O there O is O no O free O lunch O in O the O world O . O This O means O some Arg_B powerful Arg_I countries Arg_I provide Arg_I financial Arg_I support Arg_I in Arg_I order Arg_I to Arg_I acquire Arg_I the Arg_I right Arg_I to Arg_I exploit Arg_I the Arg_I local Arg_I resources Arg_I and Arg_I target Arg_I the Arg_I local Arg_I labour Arg_I market Arg_I . O Indeed, O they Arg_B rarely Arg_I provide Arg_I local Arg_I residents Arg_I with Arg_I any Arg_I technological Arg_I aid Arg_I and Arg_I even Arg_I cause Arg_I contamination Arg_I in Arg_I some Arg_I areas Arg_I . O Therefore, O developing Arg_B countries Arg_I should Arg_I not Arg_I totally Arg_I depend Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I financial Arg_I support Arg_I from Arg_I powerful Arg_I countries Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O financial Arg_B aid Arg_I is Arg_I not Arg_I the Arg_I only Arg_I way Arg_I to Arg_I assist Arg_I poor Arg_I countries Arg_I . O And O it Arg_B has Arg_I been Arg_I proven Arg_I that Arg_I developing Arg_I education Arg_I and Arg_I improving Arg_I national Arg_I technology Arg_I and Arg_I science Arg_I level Arg_I are Arg_I the Arg_I path Arg_I they Arg_I have Arg_I to Arg_I undergo Arg_I if Arg_I they Arg_I really Arg_I want Arg_I to Arg_I alter Arg_I current Arg_I situation Arg_I . O Society O should O ban O all O forms O of O the O advertising O It O is O no O secret O that O advertising O become O inseparable O part O of O our O modern O life O . O We O come O across O with O ads O almost O everywhere O and O everyday O . O Some O people O argue O that O companies O by O advertising O their O goods O or O services O spend O their O money O for O nothing O . O Other O critics O say O that O ads O have O no O purpose, O they O only O cause O damages O to O society O and O all O forms O of O advertising O should O be O banned O . O On O my O part O I O would O like O to O solve O this O issue O on O a O different O way O . O Society Arg_B does Arg_I need Arg_I an Arg_I advertising Arg_I but Arg_I it Arg_I is Arg_I our Arg_I responsibility Arg_I to Arg_I control Arg_I the Arg_I content Arg_I and Arg_I what Arg_I kind Arg_I of Arg_I goods Arg_I and Arg_I services Arg_I we Arg_I would Arg_I like Arg_I to Arg_I offer Arg_I to Arg_I our Arg_I customers Arg_I . O First O of O all, O I O do O support O the O idea O that O advertising Arg_B alcohol, Arg_I cigarettes, Arg_I goods Arg_I and Arg_I services Arg_I with Arg_I adult Arg_I content Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I prohibited Arg_I because O these Arg_B kind Arg_I of Arg_I ads Arg_I will Arg_I have Arg_I negative Arg_I effect Arg_I to Arg_I our Arg_I children Arg_I . O Youngsters Arg_B might Arg_I be Arg_I tempted Arg_I to Arg_I buy Arg_I cigarettes Arg_I or Arg_I alcohol Arg_I and Arg_I later Arg_I to Arg_I start Arg_I consume Arg_I it Arg_I on Arg_I a Arg_I daily Arg_I basis Arg_I . O Fortunately, O some Arg_B countries Arg_I take Arg_I this Arg_I issue Arg_I seriously Arg_I and Arg_I advertising Arg_I alcohol, Arg_I cigarettes Arg_I and Arg_I materials Arg_I with Arg_I adult Arg_I content Arg_I is Arg_I banned Arg_I on Arg_I those Arg_I countries Arg_I . O On O the O other O hand O by Arg_B advertising Arg_I companies, Arg_I businesses, Arg_I firms Arg_I and Arg_I individuals Arg_I promote Arg_I their Arg_I goods Arg_I and Arg_I services Arg_I . O Thanks Arg_B to Arg_I ads Arg_I we Arg_I learn Arg_I about Arg_I new Arg_I products, Arg_I we Arg_I can Arg_I compare Arg_I them Arg_I and Arg_I choose Arg_I what’s Arg_I the Arg_I best Arg_I for Arg_I us Arg_I . O These Arg_B days, Arg_I not Arg_I only Arg_I many Arg_I businesses, Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I governments Arg_I have Arg_I to Arg_I rely Arg_I on Arg_I advertising Arg_I . O For O example, O tourism Arg_B makes Arg_I up Arg_I one-third Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I Czech Arg_I Republic's Arg_I economy Arg_I . O In Arg_B order Arg_I to Arg_I promote Arg_I the Arg_I country's Arg_I attractions, Arg_I the Arg_I Czech Arg_I government Arg_I has Arg_I to Arg_I advertise Arg_I and Arg_I sell Arg_I its Arg_I services Arg_I to Arg_I foreign Arg_I consumers Arg_I . O Only Arg_B well Arg_I planned Arg_I and Arg_I well Arg_I targeted Arg_I advertising Arg_I will Arg_I bring Arg_I more Arg_I foreign Arg_I tourists Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I country Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O I O think O that O modern Arg_B society Arg_I needs Arg_I advertising Arg_I . O Ads O will O keep O us O well O informed O about O new O products O and O services, O but O we O should O also O bear O in O mind O that O advertising Arg_B cigarettes Arg_I and Arg_I alcohol Arg_I will Arg_I definitely Arg_I affect Arg_I our Arg_I children Arg_I in Arg_I negative Arg_I way Arg_I . O Do O married O women O usually O work? O Why O and O why O not? O Personally, O I O believe O that O married Arg_B women Arg_I nowadays Arg_I have Arg_I right Arg_I to Arg_I take Arg_I up Arg_I jobs Arg_I like Arg_I men Arg_I when Arg_I employment Arg_I discrimination Arg_I based Arg_I on Arg_I gender Arg_I have Arg_I been Arg_I erased Arg_I significantly Arg_I . O Working Arg_B outside Arg_I home Arg_I will Arg_I bring Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I benefits Arg_I to Arg_I both Arg_I married Arg_I woman Arg_I and Arg_I their Arg_I household Arg_I . O I O will O mention O some O basic O reasons O as O following O . O Firstly, O extra Arg_B income Arg_I that Arg_I women Arg_I earn Arg_I will Arg_I contribute Arg_I to Arg_I their Arg_I family's Arg_I expenses Arg_I . O By Arg_B taking Arg_I up Arg_I a Arg_I job, Arg_I a Arg_I wife Arg_I can Arg_I earn Arg_I more Arg_I money Arg_I to Arg_I support Arg_I her Arg_I family Arg_I life Arg_I . O This Arg_B is Arg_I really Arg_I necessary Arg_I in Arg_I cases Arg_I of Arg_I her Arg_I husband's Arg_I low Arg_I salary Arg_I and Arg_I the Arg_I difficulty Arg_I of Arg_I getting Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I job Arg_I at Arg_I the Arg_I present Arg_I . O So, O it Arg_B is Arg_I a Arg_I normal Arg_I practice Arg_I for Arg_I women Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I helpmates Arg_I in Arg_I earning Arg_I money Arg_I . O Secondly, O working Arg_B outside Arg_I the Arg_I house Arg_I creates Arg_I opportunities Arg_I for Arg_I married Arg_I women Arg_I to Arg_I contact Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I outer Arg_I world, Arg_I strengthen Arg_I their Arg_I character Arg_I and Arg_I show Arg_I their Arg_I capacity Arg_I . O These Arg_B things Arg_I in Arg_I turn Arg_I will Arg_I make Arg_I them Arg_I more Arg_I confident, Arg_I independent Arg_I . O These Arg_B women Arg_I will Arg_I set Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I example Arg_I for Arg_I their Arg_I children Arg_I . O Therefore, O it Arg_B is Arg_I no Arg_I doubt Arg_I that Arg_I they Arg_I play Arg_I roles Arg_I as Arg_I a Arg_I mother Arg_I and Arg_I as Arg_I a Arg_I wife Arg_I better Arg_I . O Last O but O not O least, O nowadays, O there Arg_B are Arg_I many Arg_I supporting Arg_I conditions Arg_I that Arg_I help Arg_I women Arg_I balance Arg_I housework Arg_I and Arg_I work Arg_I . O Besides Arg_B the Arg_I gorvernment's Arg_I policies Arg_I on Arg_I limited Arg_I families Arg_I and Arg_I their Arg_I husbands' Arg_I sharing Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I housework, Arg_I many Arg_I employers Arg_I are Arg_I willing Arg_I to Arg_I offer Arg_I part-time Arg_I jobs Arg_I for Arg_I women Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O a Arg_B well-organized Arg_I home Arg_I does Arg_I not Arg_I need Arg_I the Arg_I housewife's Arg_I presence Arg_I the Arg_I whole Arg_I day Arg_I long Arg_I and O married Arg_B women Arg_I could Arg_I go Arg_I to Arg_I work Arg_I in Arg_I order Arg_I to Arg_I enjoy Arg_I the Arg_I working Arg_I life Arg_I outside Arg_I the Arg_I home Arg_I . O Government O and O education O Primary O and O secondary O education O provide O a O basic O knowledge O and O skills O to O the O people O in O this O world O . O I O completely O agree O that O government Arg_B should Arg_I provide Arg_I those Arg_I education Arg_I to Arg_I their Arg_I people; Arg_I however, Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I more Arg_I higher Arg_I education Arg_I like Arg_I university, Arg_I the Arg_I students Arg_I or Arg_I their Arg_I parents Arg_I should Arg_I pay Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I fees Arg_I . O Some Arg_B parents Arg_I might Arg_I not Arg_I have Arg_I enough Arg_I money Arg_I to Arg_I pay Arg_I for Arg_I their Arg_I children Arg_I university Arg_I fees Arg_I . O In O the O other O hand, O I Arg_B don't Arg_I think Arg_I it Arg_I is Arg_I also Arg_I fair Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I government Arg_I as Arg_I the Arg_I government Arg_I has Arg_I been Arg_I paying Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I money Arg_I for Arg_I their Arg_I students' Arg_I primary Arg_I and Arg_I secondary Arg_I education Arg_I . O It Arg_B is Arg_I better Arg_I for Arg_I them Arg_I to Arg_I use Arg_I the Arg_I money Arg_I to Arg_I pay Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I other Arg_I students' Arg_I education Arg_I so Arg_I that Arg_I all Arg_I people Arg_I in Arg_I their Arg_I country Arg_I could Arg_I receive Arg_I the Arg_I same Arg_I education Arg_I . O Moreover, O students Arg_B that Arg_I already Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I basic Arg_I knowledge Arg_I and Arg_I education Arg_I can Arg_I get Arg_I a Arg_I part-time Arg_I job Arg_I and Arg_I they Arg_I can Arg_I pay Arg_I for Arg_I their Arg_I own Arg_I studies Arg_I when Arg_I their Arg_I parent Arg_I could Arg_I not Arg_I afford Arg_I to Arg_I pay Arg_I it Arg_I . O They Arg_B will Arg_I be Arg_I more Arg_I responsible Arg_I with Arg_I their Arg_I studies Arg_I when Arg_I they Arg_I pay Arg_I the Arg_I fees Arg_I themselves Arg_I . O In O addition O to O that, O the Arg_B students Arg_I will Arg_I become Arg_I more Arg_I independent Arg_I and Arg_I it Arg_I will Arg_I build Arg_I their Arg_I characters Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I marketplace Arg_I as Arg_I well Arg_I . O Furthermore, O this Arg_B will Arg_I encourage Arg_I all Arg_I the Arg_I parents Arg_I to Arg_I think Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I way Arg_I to Arg_I help Arg_I their Arg_I children Arg_I to Arg_I achieve Arg_I more Arg_I in Arg_I their Arg_I lives Arg_I as O they Arg_B need Arg_I to Arg_I make Arg_I some Arg_I contribution Arg_I too Arg_I for Arg_I their Arg_I children Arg_I future Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O I O completely O agree O that O government Arg_B should Arg_I not Arg_I pay Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I university Arg_I fees Arg_I because O this Arg_B will Arg_I make Arg_I both Arg_I the Arg_I parents Arg_I and Arg_I students Arg_I in Arg_I charge Arg_I for Arg_I their Arg_I future Arg_I themselves Arg_I not Arg_I just Arg_I depend Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I government Arg_I to Arg_I do Arg_I all Arg_I their Arg_I responsibilities Arg_I for Arg_I them Arg_I . O Alternative O forms O of O transport O to O alleviate O traffic O congestion O Recently, O a O great O deal O of O attention O has O been O paid O to O means O of O transportation O . O Some O state O that O automobile O is O the O most O convenient O transportation, O while O others O assert O that O alternative O forms O of O transport O should O be O considered O in O view O of O environmental O pollution O . O In O my O opinion, O I O strongly O agree O that O alternative Arg_B means Arg_I of Arg_I transportation Arg_I and Arg_I international Arg_I laws Arg_I in Arg_I controlling Arg_I automobiles Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I introduced Arg_I . O In O this O essay, O several O reasons O will O be O described O carefully O in O the O following O passages O . O Firstly, O an Arg_B increase Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I number Arg_I of Arg_I automobiles Arg_I brings Arg_I about Arg_I environmental Arg_I pollution Arg_I . O Since O automobile O exhaust O and O carbon O dioxides O emission O have O bad O impacts O on O the O air, O the Arg_B air Arg_I gets Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I polluted Arg_I and Arg_I it Arg_I causes Arg_I respiratory Arg_I disease Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I local Arg_I inhabitants Arg_I . O Therefore, O it Arg_B is Arg_I crucial Arg_I to Arg_I alter Arg_I automobiles Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I other Arg_I means Arg_I of Arg_I transportation Arg_I and Arg_I to Arg_I legislate Arg_I to Arg_I control Arg_I automobiles Arg_I . O Secondly, O an Arg_B increase Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I number Arg_I of Arg_I automobiles Arg_I causes Arg_I terrible Arg_I traffic Arg_I congestion Arg_I . O Once Arg_B we Arg_I get Arg_I into Arg_I the Arg_I traffic Arg_I jam, Arg_I it Arg_I forces Arg_I us Arg_I to Arg_I waste Arg_I our Arg_I time Arg_I for Arg_I a Arg_I while Arg_I . O What O is O worse, O traffic Arg_B congestion Arg_I irritates Arg_I drivers Arg_I and Arg_I as Arg_I a Arg_I result, Arg_I it Arg_I leads Arg_I to Arg_I an Arg_I increase Arg_I of Arg_I traffic Arg_I accidents Arg_I . O Thus, O the Arg_B methods Arg_I to Arg_I reduce Arg_I the Arg_I number Arg_I of Arg_I automobiles Arg_I and Arg_I to Arg_I control Arg_I car Arg_I ownership Arg_I and Arg_I use Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I immediately Arg_I planned Arg_I and Arg_I implemented Arg_I . O In O order O to O solve O these O problems, O alternative Arg_B forms Arg_I of Arg_I transportation Arg_I and Arg_I international Arg_I laws Arg_I to Arg_I control Arg_I automobiles Arg_I ownership Arg_I and Arg_I use Arg_I can Arg_I work Arg_I effectively Arg_I . O With O regard O to O the O former, O alternative Arg_B forms Arg_I which Arg_I emit Arg_I less Arg_I carbon Arg_I dioxides Arg_I and Arg_I gasses Arg_I than Arg_I automobiles Arg_I are Arg_I ideal Arg_I . O For O example, O rental Arg_B bicycle Arg_I system Arg_I has Arg_I been Arg_I introduced Arg_I in Arg_I several Arg_I European Arg_I countries Arg_I . O This Arg_B system Arg_I is Arg_I that Arg_I at Arg_I the Arg_I corner Arg_I of Arg_I each Arg_I district, Arg_I the Arg_I rental Arg_I bicycles Arg_I are Arg_I placed Arg_I and Arg_I the Arg_I people Arg_I can Arg_I ride Arg_I it Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I other Arg_I districts Arg_I with Arg_I a Arg_I small Arg_I fee Arg_I . O Since O bicycle O expels O neither O carbon O dioxides O nor O harmful O gasses, O it Arg_B is Arg_I a Arg_I better Arg_I form Arg_I to Arg_I protect Arg_I environment Arg_I than Arg_I automobile Arg_I . O As O for O the O latter O point, O the Arg_B introduction Arg_I of Arg_I international Arg_I laws Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I also Arg_I effective Arg_I . O For O instance, O there Arg_B are Arg_I some Arg_I regulations Arg_I to Arg_I limit Arg_I the Arg_I use Arg_I of Arg_I automobiles Arg_I by Arg_I time Arg_I and Arg_I to Arg_I allow Arg_I the Arg_I people Arg_I possess Arg_I one Arg_I car Arg_I only Arg_I . O Thus, O these Arg_B attempts Arg_I to Arg_I reduce Arg_I automobiles Arg_I can Arg_I ease Arg_I traffic Arg_I congestion Arg_I and Arg_I environmental Arg_I pollution Arg_I . O In O summary, O even O though O some O people O claim O the O convenience O of O automobile, O I O would O state O that O alternative Arg_B forms Arg_I of Arg_I transport Arg_I and Arg_I international Arg_I laws Arg_I on Arg_I controlling Arg_I automobiles Arg_I are Arg_I necessary Arg_I due Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I environmental Arg_I protection Arg_I and Arg_I the Arg_I alleviation Arg_I of Arg_I traffic Arg_I congestion Arg_I . O Giving O aid O to O poorer O countries O has O more O negative O effects O than O positive O effect O In O this O world, O there O is O no O one O who O does O not O know O this O world O 'globalization', O which O means O the O world O are O more O closer, O and O every O single O countries O affects O each O other O more O than O before O in O many O ways O . O That O is O why O governmental O and O non-governmental O organizations O have O been O focus O on O being O harmony O and O contribute O to O aid O to O poor O countries O . O It O is O true O that O just Arg_B giving Arg_I aid Arg_I to Arg_I impoverished Arg_I countries Arg_I could Arg_I be Arg_I manipulated Arg_I by Arg_I big Arg_I power Arg_I countries Arg_I . O In O addition, O a Arg_B great Arg_I amount Arg_I of Arg_I materials Arg_I and Arg_I money Arg_I have Arg_I poor Arg_I countries Arg_I being Arg_I corrupted Arg_I and Arg_I politically Arg_I dependent Arg_I on Arg_I other Arg_I countries Arg_I . O However, O I O agree O that O aiding Arg_B poor Arg_I countries Arg_I has Arg_I positive Arg_I effects, Arg_I overweighing Arg_I its Arg_I side-effects Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I several Arg_I reasons Arg_I . O First O of O all, O poor Arg_B counties Arg_I suffer Arg_I from Arg_I shortage Arg_I of Arg_I basic Arg_I materials Arg_I and Arg_I facilities Arg_I to Arg_I start Arg_I businesses Arg_I and Arg_I make Arg_I it Arg_I richer Arg_I . O To Arg_B be Arg_I out Arg_I of Arg_I poverty, Arg_I it Arg_I is Arg_I fundamental Arg_I to Arg_I support Arg_I basic Arg_I industry Arg_I related Arg_I factors Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I light, Arg_I electricity, Arg_I load, Arg_I highways, Arg_I natural Arg_I resources, Arg_I technology Arg_I and Arg_I buildings Arg_I for Arg_I companies Arg_I . O Aiding Arg_B help Arg_I poor Arg_I countries Arg_I in Arg_I this Arg_I situation Arg_I solve Arg_I their Arg_I economical Arg_I problems Arg_I and Arg_I run Arg_I their Arg_I own Arg_I business Arg_I . O In O actual, O republic Arg_B of Arg_I Korea Arg_I used Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I the Arg_I poorest Arg_I country Arg_I even Arg_I compared Arg_I to Arg_I others Arg_I in Arg_I Africa Arg_I in Arg_I 1960's Arg_I . O Now Arg_B that Arg_I it Arg_I has Arg_I became Arg_I strong Arg_I economy Arg_I country Arg_I aiding Arg_I poor Arg_I countries Arg_I after Arg_I 10 Arg_I years Arg_I of Arg_I aid Arg_I from Arg_I other Arg_I counties Arg_I . O Secondly, O aiding Arg_B campaign Arg_I gives Arg_I a Arg_I chance Arg_I to Arg_I considerate Arg_I about Arg_I poor Arg_I people Arg_I . O If Arg_B people Arg_I in Arg_I rich Arg_I countries Arg_I ponder Arg_I poor Arg_I people Arg_I suffering Arg_I from Arg_I poverty Arg_I and Arg_I diseases, Arg_I they Arg_I would Arg_I never Arg_I take Arg_I their Arg_I abundance Arg_I for Arg_I granted Arg_I . O It Arg_B not Arg_I only Arg_I raises Arg_I the Arg_I notice Arg_I the Arg_I meaning Arg_I of Arg_I harmony Arg_I and Arg_I love, Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I be Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I chance Arg_I to Arg_I learn Arg_I humane Arg_I doctrine Arg_I of Arg_I globalization Arg_I . O Third, O the Arg_B campaigns Arg_I might Arg_I include Arg_I practical Arg_I benefits Arg_I . O In Arg_B globalized Arg_I world, Arg_I the Arg_I economies Arg_I of Arg_I several Arg_I countries Arg_I are Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I big Arg_I network Arg_I and Arg_I must Arg_I influence Arg_I on Arg_I each Arg_I others Arg_I . O When Arg_B America Arg_I mortgage Arg_I loan Arg_I system Arg_I went Arg_I bad, Arg_I several Arg_I economies Arg_I of Arg_I European Arg_I and Arg_I Asian Arg_I countries Arg_I fluctuated, Arg_I even Arg_I any Arg_I countries Arg_I had Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I gotten Arg_I international Arg_I supports Arg_I to Arg_I block Arg_I its Arg_I bankrupt Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O there Arg_B are Arg_I abovementioned Arg_I three Arg_I key Arg_I points Arg_I of Arg_I positive Arg_I effects Arg_I of Arg_I aid; Arg_I supporting Arg_I poor Arg_I countries Arg_I to Arg_I make Arg_I its Arg_I economy Arg_I strong Arg_I and Arg_I building Arg_I humane Arg_I concepts Arg_I to Arg_I people, Arg_I keeping Arg_I strong Arg_I global Arg_I economy Arg_I . O I O strongly O believe O that O being Arg_B a Arg_I global Arg_I neighbor Arg_I by Arg_I aiding Arg_I poor Arg_I countries Arg_I would Arg_I be Arg_I continues Arg_I by Arg_I many Arg_I organizations Arg_I and Arg_I volunteers, Arg_I and Arg_I it Arg_I will Arg_I make Arg_I the Arg_I earth Arg_I a Arg_I better Arg_I place Arg_I to Arg_I live Arg_I . O Effects O of O globalization O During O the O history O of O the O world, O every O change O has O its O own O positive O and O negative O sides O . O Globalization O as O a O gradual O change O affecting O all O over O the O world O is O not O an O exception O . O Although O it O has O undeniable O effects O on O the O economics O of O the O world; O it O has O side O effects O which O make O it O a O controversial O issue O . O Some Arg_B people Arg_I prefer Arg_I to Arg_I recognize Arg_I globalization Arg_I as Arg_I a Arg_I threat Arg_I to Arg_I ethnic Arg_I and Arg_I religious Arg_I values Arg_I of Arg_I people Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I country Arg_I . O They O think O that O the Arg_B idea Arg_I of Arg_I globalization Arg_I put Arg_I their Arg_I inherited Arg_I culture Arg_I in Arg_I danger Arg_I of Arg_I uncontrolled Arg_I change Arg_I and Arg_I make Arg_I them Arg_I vulnerable Arg_I against Arg_I the Arg_I attack Arg_I of Arg_I imperialistic Arg_I governments Arg_I . O Those O who O disagree, O believe O that O globalization Arg_B contribute Arg_I effectively Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I global Arg_I improvement Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I in Arg_I many Arg_I aspects Arg_I . O Developing Arg_B globalization, Arg_I people Arg_I can Arg_I have Arg_I more Arg_I access Arg_I to Arg_I many Arg_I natural Arg_I resources Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I and Arg_I it Arg_I leads Arg_I to Arg_I increasing Arg_I the Arg_I pace Arg_I of Arg_I scientific Arg_I and Arg_I economic Arg_I promotions Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I entire Arg_I world Arg_I . O In O addition, O they Arg_B admit Arg_I that Arg_I globalization Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I considered Arg_I a Arg_I chance Arg_I for Arg_I people Arg_I of Arg_I each Arg_I country Arg_I to Arg_I promote Arg_I their Arg_I lifestyle Arg_I through Arg_I the Arg_I stuffs Arg_I and Arg_I services Arg_I imported Arg_I from Arg_I other Arg_I countries Arg_I . O Moreover, O the O proponents O of O globalization O idea O point O out O globalization Arg_B results Arg_I in Arg_I considerable Arg_I decrease Arg_I in Arg_I global Arg_I tension Arg_I due O to O convergence Arg_B of Arg_I benefits Arg_I of Arg_I people Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I which Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I natural Arg_I consequence Arg_I of Arg_I globalization Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O I Arg_B would Arg_I rather Arg_I classify Arg_I myself Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I proponents Arg_I of Arg_I globalization Arg_I as Arg_I a Arg_I speeding Arg_I factor Arg_I of Arg_I global Arg_I progress Arg_I . O I O think O it O is O more O likely O to O solve O the O problems O of O the O world O rather O than O intensifying O them O . O Study O at O school O or O get O a O job? O Many O people O believe O that O children O should O study O at O school O to O have O more O knowledge O that O prepare O better O for O their O future O . O Others, O however, O think O that O these O children O may O disrupt O their O school O work O and O should O be O allowed O to O leave O school O early O to O find O a O job O . O Personally, O I O tend O to O agree O with O the O point O of O view O that O student Arg_B have Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I forced Arg_I to Arg_I study Arg_I at Arg_I school Arg_I . O First O of O all, O schools Arg_B offer Arg_I to Arg_I students Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I environment Arg_I with Arg_I experienced Arg_I professors Arg_I and Arg_I high Arg_I quality Arg_I programs Arg_I for Arg_I studying Arg_I . O It Arg_B creates Arg_I the Arg_I best Arg_I conditions Arg_I for Arg_I students Arg_I education Arg_I and Arg_I can Arg_I force Arg_I them Arg_I to Arg_I focus Arg_I on Arg_I their Arg_I school Arg_I work Arg_I instead Arg_I of Arg_I wasting Arg_I their Arg_I time Arg_I to Arg_I do Arg_I useless Arg_I things Arg_I . O Second O of O all, O schools Arg_B provide Arg_I lots Arg_I of Arg_I academic Arg_I knowledge Arg_I to Arg_I students Arg_I . O Students Arg_B may Arg_I learn Arg_I professional Arg_I skills, Arg_I expand Arg_I their Arg_I understandings Arg_I and Arg_I gain Arg_I experiences Arg_I . O Therefore, O they Arg_B have Arg_I more Arg_I opprotunities Arg_I to Arg_I find Arg_I a Arg_I job Arg_I and Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I successful Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I future Arg_I . O For O example, O as O we O know, O employer Arg_B always Arg_I prefer Arg_I to Arg_I hire Arg_I an Arg_I employee Arg_I of Arg_I high Arg_I degree Arg_I who Arg_I have Arg_I professional Arg_I skills Arg_I . O Nevertheless, O it O is O not O unreasonable O that O some O people O think O that O children Arg_B should Arg_I interrupt Arg_I their Arg_I school Arg_I work Arg_I and Arg_I get Arg_I a Arg_I job Arg_I . O Whether O children O can O learn O a O lot O at O school, O there Arg_B are Arg_I many Arg_I subjects Arg_I that Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I of Arg_I little Arg_I value Arg_I to Arg_I them Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I future Arg_I . O Furthermore, O children Arg_B can Arg_I learn Arg_I social Arg_I skills Arg_I when Arg_I they Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I job Arg_I . O They Arg_B can Arg_I get Arg_I more Arg_I experiences Arg_I that Arg_I can Arg_I not Arg_I be Arg_I obtained Arg_I at Arg_I school Arg_I . O Working Arg_B helps Arg_I children Arg_I be Arg_I more Arg_I independent Arg_I and Arg_I teach Arg_I them Arg_I to Arg_I esteem Arg_I and Arg_I manage Arg_I the Arg_I money Arg_I that Arg_I they've Arg_I earned Arg_I . O Overall, O I O believe O that O students Arg_B should Arg_I study Arg_I at Arg_I school Arg_I . O Even O though O there O are O some O advantages O of O leaving O school O to O find O a O job, O studying Arg_B at Arg_I school Arg_I is Arg_I always Arg_I the Arg_I best Arg_I choice Arg_I for Arg_I children's Arg_I future Arg_I . O There Arg_B are Arg_I many Arg_I ways Arg_I that Arg_I can Arg_I train Arg_I children Arg_I to Arg_I learn Arg_I independent Arg_I and Arg_I social Arg_I skills Arg_I instead Arg_I of Arg_I getting Arg_I a Arg_I job Arg_I . O High O sales O reflect O power O of O advertising O and O not O the O real O need O Nowadays, O we O can O see O advertisements O everywhere, O from O television O set O to O posters O on O the O streets O . O Some O people O believe O that O these Arg_B various Arg_I advertisements Arg_I get Arg_I people Arg_I to Arg_I buy Arg_I products Arg_I that Arg_I are Arg_I unnecessary Arg_I and Arg_I only Arg_I look Arg_I good Arg_I on Arg_I television Arg_I . O I O tend O to O agree O with O this O view O . O To Arg_B boost Arg_I their Arg_I sales Arg_I and Arg_I win Arg_I over Arg_I customers, Arg_I companies Arg_I pour Arg_I a Arg_I great Arg_I amount Arg_I of Arg_I money Arg_I into Arg_I advertising Arg_I . O Most O of O the O time, O it Arg_B is Arg_I not Arg_I about Arg_I the Arg_I function Arg_I or Arg_I quality Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I commodities Arg_I themselves Arg_I but Arg_I really Arg_I the Arg_I promotion Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I good Arg_I feeling Arg_I of Arg_I possessing Arg_I the Arg_I product Arg_I . O By O which O I O mean, O huge Arg_B cooperation Arg_I hire Arg_I celebrities Arg_I as Arg_I the Arg_I face Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I product Arg_I . O By Arg_B casting Arg_I famous Arg_I singers Arg_I in Arg_I their Arg_I television Arg_I advertisement, Arg_I motorcycles Arg_I or Arg_I clothes Arg_I for Arg_I example, Arg_I sales Arg_I increase Arg_I significantly Arg_I since O youngsters, Arg_B as Arg_I the Arg_I target Arg_I consumers, Arg_I love Arg_I celebrities Arg_I . O Since O having O these O products O shows O their O status, O the Arg_B quality Arg_I obviously Arg_I is Arg_I not Arg_I relatively Arg_I important Arg_I . O However, O despite O the O fact O that O advertisements O can O be O falseful O and O exaggerated, O it O is O also O true O that O it Arg_B plays Arg_I and Arg_I important Arg_I role Arg_I economically Arg_I . O They O introduce O new O products, O and O provide O various O choices, O not O to O mention O they O are O often O visually O enjoyable, O since O they Arg_B aim Arg_I to Arg_I grab Arg_I your Arg_I attention Arg_I . O Advertising Arg_B also Arg_I helps Arg_I to Arg_I keep Arg_I prices Arg_I at Arg_I reasonable Arg_I levels, Arg_I creates Arg_I a Arg_I fair Arg_I environment Arg_I for Arg_I commercial Arg_I competition Arg_I . O Otherwise Arg_B the Arg_I market Arg_I may Arg_I be Arg_I monopolistic, Arg_I and Arg_I the Arg_I price Arg_I as Arg_I well Arg_I as Arg_I the Arg_I choice Arg_I will Arg_I not Arg_I be Arg_I so Arg_I selective Arg_I . O The Arg_B power Arg_I of Arg_I advertising Arg_I maybe Arg_I over-rated, Arg_I we Arg_I can Arg_I not Arg_I deny Arg_I that Arg_I the Arg_I final Arg_I decision Arg_I is Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I hands Arg_I of Arg_I us Arg_I consumers Arg_I . O No O matter O how O appealing O the O advertisements O are, O we O should O be O able O to O make O the O decision O on O our O own O . O Gun O control O Gun O is O definitely O not O a O kind O of O normal O good O in O our O society, O which O is O strictly O controlled O in O most O countries O . O However, O gun O control O in O some O countries O is O relatively O loose O than O others O . O Therefore, O this O is O still O a O controversial O topic O around O the O world O . O From O my O point O of O view, O it Arg_B is Arg_I sensible Arg_I to Arg_I enforce Arg_I the Arg_I gun Arg_I control Arg_I . O The O first O factor O considered O is O the O risk O of O accidents O with O guns O . O The Arg_B accidents Arg_I cannot Arg_I be Arg_I completely Arg_I avoided Arg_I although Arg_I only Arg_I those Arg_I who Arg_I have Arg_I gun Arg_I licenses Arg_I can Arg_I purchase Arg_I guns Arg_I . O For O example, O we Arg_B hear Arg_I some Arg_I news Arg_I from Arg_I time Arg_I to Arg_I time Arg_I that Arg_I someone Arg_I was Arg_I hurt Arg_I by Arg_I accident Arg_I during Arg_I the Arg_I hunting Arg_I . O So O the Arg_B fewer Arg_I guns Arg_I possessed, Arg_I the Arg_I fewer Arg_I accidents Arg_I would Arg_I happened, Arg_I our Arg_I surroundings Arg_I would Arg_I be Arg_I safer Arg_I with Arg_I lower Arg_I accident Arg_I rates Arg_I . O Secondly, O most Arg_B violent Arg_I crimes Arg_I are Arg_I related Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I abuse Arg_I of Arg_I guns, Arg_I especially Arg_I in Arg_I some Arg_I countries Arg_I where Arg_I guns Arg_I are Arg_I available Arg_I for Arg_I people Arg_I . O Eventually, O guns Arg_B will Arg_I create Arg_I a Arg_I violent Arg_I society Arg_I if Arg_I the Arg_I trend Arg_I continues Arg_I . O Take O an O example, O in Arg_B American, Arg_I young Arg_I adults Arg_I and Arg_I even Arg_I juveniles Arg_I can Arg_I get Arg_I access Arg_I to Arg_I guns, Arg_I which Arg_I leads Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I tragedies Arg_I of Arg_I school Arg_I gun Arg_I shooting Arg_I . O What O is O worse, O some Arg_B terrorists Arg_I are Arg_I able Arg_I to Arg_I possess Arg_I more Arg_I advanced Arg_I weapons Arg_I than Arg_I the Arg_I police, Arg_I which Arg_I makes Arg_I citizens Arg_I always Arg_I live Arg_I in Arg_I danger Arg_I . O Thirdly, O the Arg_B possession Arg_I of Arg_I guns Arg_I can Arg_I also Arg_I raise Arg_I the Arg_I rates Arg_I of Arg_I suicide Arg_I . O In Arg_B the Arg_I US, Arg_I firearms Arg_I remain Arg_I the Arg_I most Arg_I common Arg_I method Arg_I of Arg_I suicide, Arg_I accounting Arg_I for Arg_I about Arg_I 50 Arg_I per Arg_I cent Arg_I . O Unfortunately, O there Arg_B is Arg_I an Arg_I increasing Arg_I trend Arg_I of Arg_I adolescent Arg_I suicides Arg_I and Arg_I suicides Arg_I among Arg_I those Arg_I age Arg_I 75 Arg_I and Arg_I over Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O considering O the O rise O in O accident O rates, O violent O crime O rates O and O suicide O rates, O I O support O that O the Arg_B guns Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I strictly Arg_I limited Arg_I and Arg_I the Arg_I government Arg_I should Arg_I enforce Arg_I a Arg_I series Arg_I of Arg_I laws Arg_I to Arg_I prevent Arg_I our Arg_I societies Arg_I from Arg_I violence Arg_I . O International O sporting O occasions O help O to O ease O international O tensions O International O sporting O events O are O a O good O change O to O create O a O multi-nation O community O of O fans O having O the O same O passion O . O It O will O help O people O around O the O world O understand O each O other O more O . O Since, O international Arg_B sporting Arg_I occasions Arg_I are Arg_I essential Arg_I in Arg_I easing Arg_I international Arg_I tensions Arg_I and Arg_I releasing Arg_I patriotic Arg_I emotions Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I safe Arg_I way Arg_I . O An Arg_B international Arg_I sporting Arg_I event Arg_I is Arg_I normal Arg_I held Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I country Arg_I with Arg_I huge Arg_I interest Arg_I from Arg_I fans Arg_I all Arg_I over Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I . O For Arg_B the Arg_I time Arg_I of Arg_I occasions, Arg_I people Arg_I regardless Arg_I of Arg_I nationality, Arg_I origin Arg_I and Arg_I religion Arg_I will Arg_I live Arg_I together Arg_I . O People O can O understand O more O about O a O country, O it Arg_B is Arg_I useful Arg_I to Arg_I ease Arg_I tensions Arg_I between Arg_I nations Arg_I . O For O example O in Arg_B FIFA Arg_I World Arg_I Cup Arg_I 2010, Arg_I the Arg_I relation Arg_I between Arg_I North Arg_I Korea Arg_I and Arg_I South Arg_I Korea Arg_I is Arg_I dangerous Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I warship Arg_I sinking Arg_I . O The Arg_B world Arg_I suspected Arg_I North Arg_I Korea Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I aggressive Arg_I action Arg_I . O However, O due Arg_B to Arg_I this Arg_I event Arg_I North Arg_I Korea Arg_I showed Arg_I a Arg_I friendship Arg_I and Arg_I enthuasism Arg_I . O It Arg_B is Arg_I rare Arg_I times Arg_I when Arg_I people Arg_I can Arg_I learn Arg_I about Arg_I this Arg_I country Arg_I . O It Arg_B really Arg_I help Arg_I to Arg_I alleviate Arg_I the Arg_I tension Arg_I . O Besides O easing O tensions, O an Arg_B international Arg_I sporting Arg_I event Arg_I also Arg_I helps Arg_I fans Arg_I release Arg_I patriotic Arg_I emotions Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I safe Arg_I way Arg_I . O When Arg_B they Arg_I garther Arg_I together Arg_I to Arg_I encourage Arg_I their Arg_I team, Arg_I they Arg_I will Arg_I show Arg_I their Arg_I patriotic Arg_I emotions Arg_I . O Regardless Arg_B of Arg_I the Arg_I competition Arg_I between Arg_I teams, Arg_I their Arg_I emotions Arg_I are Arg_I always Arg_I released Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I safe Arg_I way Arg_I due Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I sole Arg_I passion Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I sport Arg_I . O Moreover, O all Arg_B fans Arg_I know Arg_I that Arg_I a Arg_I sport Arg_I event Arg_I will Arg_I attract Arg_I the Arg_I attention Arg_I of Arg_I whole Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I and Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I public Arg_I media Arg_I . O They Arg_B will Arg_I try Arg_I to Arg_I create Arg_I a Arg_I beautiful Arg_I image Arg_I about Arg_I their Arg_I land Arg_I and Arg_I people Arg_I . O In Arg_B Olympic Arg_I Beijing Arg_I 2008, Arg_I Chinese Arg_I tried Arg_I thier Arg_I best Arg_I to Arg_I bring Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I a Arg_I spectacular Arg_I image Arg_I about Arg_I their Arg_I country Arg_I . O First O of O all, O foreigners Arg_B came Arg_I here Arg_I always Arg_I received Arg_I the Arg_I support Arg_I of Arg_I friendly Arg_I volunteers Arg_I who Arg_I were Arg_I young Arg_I students Arg_I . O They Arg_B were Arg_I welcomed Arg_I by Arg_I each Arg_I Chinese Arg_I hospitality, Arg_I beauty Arg_I in Arg_I each Arg_I cities Arg_I . O Everythings Arg_B is Arg_I created Arg_I by Arg_I patriotic Arg_I emotions Arg_I of Arg_I Chinese Arg_I who Arg_I wanted Arg_I to Arg_I bring Arg_I a Arg_I beautiful Arg_I China Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O International Arg_B sporting Arg_I events Arg_I will Arg_I draw Arg_I the Arg_I international Arg_I concern Arg_I . O It Arg_B will Arg_I make Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I more Arg_I peaceful Arg_I by Arg_I easing Arg_I internation Arg_I tensions Arg_I and Arg_I releasing Arg_I patriotic Arg_I emotions Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I safe Arg_I way Arg_I . O Technology O that O widen O the O gap O between O rich O and O poor? O Technology, O in O the O past O two O hundred O years, O has O taken O a O dramatic O progress O in O many O fields O of O our O society, O such O as O telecommunications, O manufacturing O and O buildings, O etc O . O Certainly, O technologies O have O also O contributed O to O the O great O change O of O our O daily O lives O . O However, O today O some O people O consider O that O the O range O of O technology O regarding O of O public O has O a O negative O effect O on O increasing O the O gap O between O rich O and O poor O . O Personally, O I O find O it O hard O for O me O to O agree O with O this O opinion O by O the O following O reasons O . O In O the O first O instance, O the Arg_B progress Arg_I of Arg_I material Arg_I technology Arg_I leads Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I sharp Arg_I fall Arg_I of Arg_I price Arg_I of Arg_I a Arg_I great Arg_I number Arg_I of Arg_I products Arg_I . O About Arg_B ten Arg_I years Arg_I ago, Arg_I mobile Arg_I phones Arg_I ware Arg_I very Arg_I expensive Arg_I for Arg_I most Arg_I members Arg_I of Arg_I my Arg_I country, Arg_I only Arg_I a Arg_I few Arg_I of Arg_I rich Arg_I individuals Arg_I have Arg_I enough Arg_I money Arg_I to Arg_I buy Arg_I one Arg_I . O Today, Arg_B mobile Arg_I phones Arg_I become Arg_I a Arg_I common Arg_I one Arg_I of Arg_I household Arg_I items, Arg_I which Arg_I due Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I cheaper Arg_I materials Arg_I and Arg_I better Arg_I producing Arg_I technologies Arg_I . O Thus, O most Arg_B members Arg_I of Arg_I our Arg_I society Arg_I can Arg_I benefit Arg_I from Arg_I the Arg_I consequences Arg_I of Arg_I technical Arg_I advancements, Arg_I especially Arg_I the Arg_I poor Arg_I people Arg_I . O Secondly, O technical Arg_B developments Arg_I improve Arg_I productivity, Arg_I which Arg_I help Arg_I people Arg_I to Arg_I escape Arg_I from Arg_I daily Arg_I chores, Arg_I and Arg_I invest Arg_I more Arg_I time Arg_I and Arg_I energy Arg_I in Arg_I studying Arg_I and Arg_I living Arg_I a Arg_I more Arg_I meaningful Arg_I life Arg_I . O With Arg_B the Arg_I development Arg_I of Arg_I Internet, Arg_I we Arg_I can Arg_I enjoy Arg_I the Arg_I pleasure Arg_I and Arg_I conveniences Arg_I which Arg_I it Arg_I brings Arg_I about Arg_I for Arg_I us Arg_I every Arg_I day Arg_I . O In O the O past O time, O we Arg_B had Arg_I to Arg_I spend Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I time Arg_I searching Arg_I information Arg_I and Arg_I waiting Arg_I for Arg_I letters Arg_I of Arg_I our Arg_I friends Arg_I who Arg_I lived Arg_I far Arg_I away Arg_I from Arg_I us Arg_I . O Nowadays, O we Arg_B can Arg_I talk Arg_I with Arg_I our Arg_I friends Arg_I online, Arg_I no Arg_I matter Arg_I where Arg_I we Arg_I are Arg_I and Arg_I how Arg_I far Arg_I between Arg_I us Arg_I . O In O addition, O the O Internet O gives O everyone O access O to O the O same O information, O this Arg_B therefore Arg_I leads Arg_I to Arg_I greater Arg_I equality Arg_I between Arg_I individuals Arg_I . O Undoubtedly, O everything O has O two O sides O and O technology O is O not O an O exception O . O To O some O extent, O the O gap O between O rich O people O and O poor O is O widen O by O technology, O because O only Arg_B the Arg_I rich Arg_I people Arg_I have Arg_I ability Arg_I to Arg_I afford Arg_I the Arg_I expensive Arg_I high-tech Arg_I products, Arg_I and Arg_I these Arg_I products Arg_I can Arg_I help Arg_I them Arg_I to Arg_I earn Arg_I more Arg_I in Arg_I return Arg_I . O Nevertheless, O I O think O it Arg_B is Arg_I a Arg_I limp Arg_I opposition Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I remarkable Arg_I advantages Arg_I of Arg_I technology, Arg_I and Arg_I technology Arg_I is Arg_I not Arg_I the Arg_I root Arg_I cause Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I gap Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O the Arg_B good Arg_I technology Arg_I bringing Arg_I to Arg_I us Arg_I is Arg_I undeniable Arg_I . O Under Arg_B proper Arg_I use Arg_I of Arg_I technology, Arg_I the Arg_I human Arg_I being Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I benefit Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I and Arg_I perpetually Arg_I from Arg_I the Arg_I advancement Arg_I of Arg_I it Arg_I . O Why O should O human O beings O travel O to O outer O space? O For O many O centuries, O outer O space O has O been O one O of O the O most O favourable O realms O of O study O . O Space O expeditions O have O been O launched O and O many O have O been O successful O . O However, O a O lot O of O people O still O consider O space O exploration O as O an O act O of O wasting O money, O to O illustrate, O astronauts O only O brought O useless O rocks O back O to O planet O earth O despite O the O large O sum O of O money O spent O on O their O equipment O . O On O the O other O hand, O there Arg_B are Arg_I some Arg_I reasons Arg_I for Arg_I human Arg_I beings Arg_I to Arg_I travel Arg_I to Arg_I outer Arg_I space Arg_I . O Firstly, O many Arg_B facts Arg_I about Arg_I solar Arg_I system Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I discovered Arg_I . O For O instance, O a Arg_B picture Arg_I of Arg_I planet Arg_I earth Arg_I proved Arg_I that Arg_I the Arg_I earth Arg_I is Arg_I round, Arg_I not Arg_I flat Arg_I . O Another O example O is O that O it Arg_B is Arg_I the Arg_I earth Arg_I which Arg_I goes Arg_I around Arg_I the Arg_I sun, Arg_I not Arg_I vice Arg_I versa Arg_I . O If Arg_B it Arg_I was Arg_I not Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I space Arg_I exploration, Arg_I we Arg_I would Arg_I never Arg_I know Arg_I these Arg_I facts Arg_I . O Secondly, O people Arg_B can Arg_I know Arg_I more Arg_I about Arg_I the Arg_I planet Arg_I earth Arg_I itself Arg_I . O By Arg_B observing Arg_I planet Arg_I earth Arg_I from Arg_I outer Arg_I space, Arg_I people Arg_I can Arg_I find Arg_I out Arg_I ample Arg_I things Arg_I for Arg_I example Arg_I about Arg_I the Arg_I atmosphere Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I planet Arg_I earth Arg_I . O With Arg_B this Arg_I knowledge, Arg_I people Arg_I can Arg_I work Arg_I on Arg_I something Arg_I to Arg_I prevent Arg_I earth Arg_I hazards Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I global Arg_I warming Arg_I . O Finally, O a Arg_B great Arg_I deal Arg_I of Arg_I sophisticated Arg_I technology Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I invented Arg_I . O As Arg_B astronauts Arg_I need Arg_I to Arg_I travel Arg_I to Arg_I outer Arg_I space Arg_I which Arg_I does Arg_I not Arg_I have Arg_I any Arg_I oxygen Arg_I to Arg_I breathe Arg_I in, Arg_I scientists Arg_I are Arg_I compelled Arg_I to Arg_I do Arg_I research Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I oxygen Arg_I tanks Arg_I . O Oxygen Arg_B tanks, Arg_I for Arg_I instance, Arg_I are Arg_I proved Arg_I useful Arg_I not Arg_I only Arg_I in Arg_I outer Arg_I space Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I underwater Arg_I . O Moreover, O spaceships, Arg_B communication Arg_I satellites Arg_I and Arg_I space Arg_I pens Arg_I also Arg_I contribute Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I society Arg_I . O As O a O conclusion, O I O personally O think O that O human Arg_B beings Arg_I should Arg_I travel Arg_I to Arg_I outer Arg_I space Arg_I . O In O spite O of O costing O a O fortune, O space O exploration O has O given O aforementioned O benefits O . O Benefits O of O students O doing O extra O jobs O In O present O day O and O age, O students O are O normally O exposed O to O extra O jobs O as O early O as O they O start O their O university O . O This O phenomenon, O although O in O some O extents, O are O proved O to O have O negative O effects, O I O feel O strongly O that O the O disadvantages O are O far O outweighed O by O the O advantages O . O In O this O essay, O some O of O the O benefits O surrounding O this O matter O will O be O carefully O explained O . O It Arg_B is Arg_I undoubtedly Arg_I certain Arg_I that Arg_I students Arg_I can Arg_I gain Arg_I their Arg_I practical Arg_I experience Arg_I by Arg_I getting Arg_I involved Arg_I extra Arg_I jobs Arg_I . O Part-time Arg_B jobs Arg_I furnish Arg_I them Arg_I with Arg_I precious Arg_I chance Arg_I to Arg_I practice Arg_I what Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I learning Arg_I at Arg_I their Arg_I universities Arg_I . O In O addition, O that Arg_B seems Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I more Arg_I essential Arg_I the Arg_I present Arg_I shortage Arg_I of Arg_I sufficiently Arg_I practical Arg_I conditions Arg_I supplied Arg_I in Arg_I universities Arg_I . O As O a O result, O students Arg_B who Arg_I get Arg_I part Arg_I time Arg_I jobs Arg_I have Arg_I not Arg_I only Arg_I academic Arg_I knowledge Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I hands-on Arg_I experience Arg_I . O Moreover, O having Arg_B experienced Arg_I in Arg_I working Arg_I environment Arg_I during Arg_I student Arg_I time Arg_I offers Arg_I a Arg_I distinct Arg_I advantage Arg_I when Arg_I they Arg_I apply Arg_I for Arg_I jobs Arg_I after Arg_I their Arg_I graduation Arg_I . O Secondly, O students Arg_B who Arg_I take Arg_I on Arg_I a Arg_I part Arg_I time Arg_I job Arg_I are Arg_I often Arg_I more Arg_I confident Arg_I and Arg_I independent Arg_I than Arg_I other Arg_I ones Arg_I . O By Arg_B constant Arg_I communicating Arg_I with Arg_I other Arg_I colleagues Arg_I daily Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I company Arg_I environment Arg_I where Arg_I their Arg_I new Arg_I ideas Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I raised Arg_I without Arg_I hesitation, Arg_I then Arg_I students' Arg_I confidence Arg_I could Arg_I be Arg_I significantly Arg_I gained Arg_I . O Also, O working Arg_B conditions Arg_I require Arg_I students Arg_I the Arg_I independency Arg_I in Arg_I thinking, Arg_I working, Arg_I and Arg_I solving Arg_I problems, Arg_I which Arg_I is Arg_I greatly Arg_I helpful Arg_I when Arg_I the Arg_I characteristic Arg_I is Arg_I applied Arg_I to Arg_I tackle Arg_I subjects Arg_I in Arg_I their Arg_I universities Arg_I . O Lastly, O doing Arg_B extra Arg_I jobs Arg_I helps Arg_I student Arg_I with Arg_I money Arg_I for Arg_I their Arg_I accommodation Arg_I . O Indeed, O high Arg_B studying Arg_I tuition, Arg_I added Arg_I with Arg_I raising Arg_I accommodation Arg_I expenses Arg_I are Arg_I becoming Arg_I a Arg_I huge Arg_I burden Arg_I to Arg_I students Arg_I . O With Arg_B the Arg_I money Arg_I they Arg_I earn Arg_I from Arg_I extra Arg_I jobs, Arg_I which Arg_I normally Arg_I is Arg_I not Arg_I much, Arg_I those Arg_I difficulties Arg_I could Arg_I be Arg_I partially Arg_I solved Arg_I . O Moreover, O that Arg_B helps Arg_I students Arg_I from Arg_I being Arg_I reliant Arg_I on Arg_I their Arg_I families Arg_I as Arg_I well Arg_I as Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I well-prepared Arg_I condition Arg_I for Arg_I their Arg_I independent Arg_I later Arg_I life Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O I O feel O certain O that O having Arg_B a Arg_I part Arg_I time Arg_I job Arg_I during Arg_I your Arg_I student Arg_I time Arg_I will Arg_I offer Arg_I students Arg_I many Arg_I clear Arg_I benefits Arg_I . O By Arg_B taking Arg_I on Arg_I an Arg_I extra Arg_I job, Arg_I students Arg_I can Arg_I partly Arg_I alleviate Arg_I some Arg_I their Arg_I problematic Arg_I matters Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I working Arg_I experience, Arg_I confidence Arg_I and Arg_I accommodation Arg_I . O It O is O my O belief O the O tendency O of O getting O extra O jobs O will O increase O more O in O the O future O . O Benefits O of O students' O unpaid O work O The O purpose O of O this O essay O is O to O discuss O what O can O students O and O the O organizations O benefit O from O the O activity O that O the O students O sent O by O their O schools O to O work O for O companies O without O salaries O . O In O this O essay, O I O would O start O by O analyzing O the O advantages O for O doing O this O for O both O students O and O companies, O and O then O I O would O draw O a O conclusion O at O the O end O . O To O begin O with, O students Arg_B can Arg_I learn Arg_I invaluable Arg_I experiences Arg_I through Arg_I the Arg_I period Arg_I of Arg_I time Arg_I working Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I institutions Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I assigned Arg_I to Arg_I . O In Arg_B most Arg_I school Arg_I curriculums, Arg_I the Arg_I courses Arg_I are Arg_I theoretical Arg_I and Arg_I often Arg_I by Arg_I instructors Arg_I speaking Arg_I to Arg_I students Arg_I sitting Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I classroom Arg_I . O As O a O result, O students Arg_B might Arg_I have Arg_I little Arg_I idea Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I real Arg_I challenges Arg_I or Arg_I the Arg_I true Arg_I situation Arg_I when Arg_I they Arg_I enter Arg_I the Arg_I workforce Arg_I after Arg_I graduation Arg_I . O For O this O reason, O the Arg_B internship, Arg_I although Arg_I without Arg_I pay, Arg_I can Arg_I give Arg_I them Arg_I the Arg_I experiences Arg_I that Arg_I money Arg_I cannot Arg_I buy Arg_I . O As Arg_B for Arg_I the Arg_I companies, Arg_I the Arg_I unpaid Arg_I interns Arg_I can Arg_I no Arg_I doubt Arg_I save Arg_I some Arg_I money Arg_I . O In O addition, O the Arg_B younger Arg_I generations Arg_I can Arg_I help Arg_I them Arg_I generate Arg_I new Arg_I ideas Arg_I as Arg_I the Arg_I students Arg_I are Arg_I not Arg_I bound Arg_I to Arg_I restricted Arg_I workload Arg_I and Arg_I they Arg_I tend Arg_I to Arg_I have Arg_I greater Arg_I imagination, Arg_I which Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I essentially Arg_I helpful Arg_I when Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I making Arg_I a Arg_I new Arg_I advertisement Arg_I or Arg_I slogan Arg_I . O Moreover O they Arg_B can Arg_I start Arg_I looking Arg_I for Arg_I potential Arg_I employees Arg_I and Arg_I begin Arg_I the Arg_I training Arg_I . O Therefore, O companies Arg_B save Arg_I time Arg_I and Arg_I resources Arg_I for Arg_I searching Arg_I new Arg_I staffs Arg_I and Arg_I organizing Arg_I an Arg_I orientation Arg_I . O To O sum O up, O students Arg_B can Arg_I learn Arg_I outside Arg_I the Arg_I textbook Arg_I and Arg_I classroom Arg_I with Arg_I a Arg_I real Arg_I working Arg_I experiences Arg_I that Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I a Arg_I great Arg_I opportunity Arg_I for Arg_I future Arg_I job Arg_I consideration Arg_I whereas Arg_I organizations Arg_I earn Arg_I much Arg_I more Arg_I as Arg_I they Arg_I can Arg_I not Arg_I only Arg_I save Arg_I time Arg_I and Arg_I money Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I be Arg_I enlightened Arg_I by Arg_I what Arg_I young Arg_I people Arg_I have Arg_I to Arg_I say Arg_I . O Sporting O events O easing O international O tensions, O releasing O patriotic O feelings O For O most O folks O on O Earth, O the O need O to O gather O in O one O place, O and O enjoy O competition O with O other O talented O people O from O different O cultures O through O popular O games O has O always O been O a O strong O motivation O . O This O trend O is O so O deeply O engraved O in O people's O mind O that O the O organisation O of O such O events O continue O to O be O planned, O even O when O some O participants O are O facing O grievous O social O problems O . O It O is O agreed O that O large Arg_B scale Arg_I sports Arg_I games Arg_I make Arg_I people Arg_I focus Arg_I on Arg_I attractive Arg_I contests Arg_I instead Arg_I of Arg_I international Arg_I disputes, Arg_I and Arg_I help Arg_I them Arg_I being Arg_I proud Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I nation Arg_I . O This O will O be O proved O by O analysing O how O sports O events O may O be O an O important O link O to O the O peace, O and O by O how O they O encourage O people O to O display O their O national O symbols O . O Firstly, O during Arg_B times Arg_I of Arg_I war, Arg_I people Arg_I living Arg_I in Arg_I badly Arg_I affected Arg_I countries Arg_I can Arg_I forget Arg_I about Arg_I the Arg_I gloomy Arg_I environment Arg_I and Arg_I maintain Arg_I a Arg_I link Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I rest Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I by Arg_I listening Arg_I to Arg_I international Arg_I sports Arg_I event Arg_I . O For O example, O when Arg_B Irak Arg_I was Arg_I hardly Arg_I struck Arg_I by Arg_I the Arg_I Second Arg_I Gulf Arg_I War, Arg_I its Arg_I citizens Arg_I tried Arg_I to Arg_I catch Arg_I any Arg_I incoming Arg_I news Arg_I about Arg_I the Arg_I FootballWorld Arg_I Cup Arg_I through Arg_I their Arg_I portable Arg_I receivers Arg_I . O This O clearly O shows O that O international Arg_B sports Arg_I competitions Arg_I encourage Arg_I people Arg_I and Arg_I put Arg_I pressure Arg_I on Arg_I them Arg_I to Arg_I come Arg_I back, Arg_I sooner Arg_I or Arg_I later, Arg_I to Arg_I a Arg_I relative Arg_I peaceful Arg_I normality Arg_I . O Thus, O world Arg_B sports Arg_I events Arg_I strongly Arg_I participate Arg_I in Arg_I eventually Arg_I pulling Arg_I back Arg_I people Arg_I towards Arg_I friendship Arg_I and Arg_I peace Arg_I . O Secondly, O these Arg_B sporting Arg_I occasions Arg_I are Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I opportunity Arg_I for Arg_I people Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I proud Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I country Arg_I . O For O instance, O when Arg_B the Arg_I Football Arg_I World Arg_I Cup Arg_I was Arg_I organised Arg_I in Arg_I South Arg_I Africa, Arg_I its Arg_I citizens Arg_I filled Arg_I up Arg_I the Arg_I stadiums, Arg_I cheered Arg_I and Arg_I waved Arg_I national Arg_I flags Arg_I to Arg_I support Arg_I their Arg_I national Arg_I team Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I field Arg_I . O South Arg_B African Arg_I national Arg_I and Arg_I traditional Arg_I songs Arg_I were Arg_I played Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I streets Arg_I throughout Arg_I the Arg_I night Arg_I . O This Arg_B example Arg_I demonstrates Arg_I how Arg_I people Arg_I might Arg_I take Arg_I numerous Arg_I elements Arg_I from Arg_I their Arg_I roots Arg_I and Arg_I history Arg_I to Arg_I proudly Arg_I display Arg_I them Arg_I while Arg_I supporting Arg_I their Arg_I team Arg_I . O As O a O result, O it Arg_B is Arg_I clear Arg_I that Arg_I people Arg_I can Arg_I freely Arg_I express Arg_I their Arg_I patriotic Arg_I feelings Arg_I during Arg_I international Arg_I sports Arg_I events Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O after O analysing O the O effects O of O world O games O both O for O countries O at O war O and O for O organising O countries, O it Arg_B is Arg_I clear Arg_I that Arg_I they Arg_I not Arg_I only Arg_I constitute Arg_I a Arg_I tremendous Arg_I appeal Arg_I towards Arg_I a Arg_I peaceful Arg_I society, Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I guide Arg_I the Arg_I public Arg_I demonstrations Arg_I of Arg_I national Arg_I proudness Arg_I . O This Arg_B has Arg_I been Arg_I true Arg_I for Arg_I centuries Arg_I and Arg_I will Arg_I certainly Arg_I not Arg_I change Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I foreseeable Arg_I future Arg_I . O Government O should O make O more O effort O to O promote O alternative O sources O of O energy O The O increasing O population O and O the O technological O advancements O demand O more O energy O than O in O the O past O . O It O is O believed O that O there O are O various O other O resources O such O as O the O nuclear O and O solar O which O are O abundant O and O eco-friendly O . O I O will O analyze O these O areas O in O the O essay O . O Firstly, O the Arg_B major Arg_I source Arg_I of Arg_I energy Arg_I today Arg_I is Arg_I water Arg_I . O Although O there Arg_B is Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I water Arg_I shortage Arg_I to Arg_I generate Arg_I electricity Arg_I many Arg_I countries Arg_I still Arg_I rely Arg_I only Arg_I on Arg_I this Arg_I source Arg_I . O To Arg_B generate Arg_I such Arg_I a Arg_I vast Arg_I energy Arg_I the Arg_I fundamental Arg_I resources Arg_I are Arg_I falling Arg_I short Arg_I . O Thus, O during Arg_B summer Arg_I there Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I power Arg_I cut Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I developing Arg_I countries Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I India Arg_I . O If Arg_B the Arg_I government Arg_I encourage Arg_I the Arg_I use Arg_I of Arg_I nuclear, Arg_I solar Arg_I or Arg_I wind Arg_I energy Arg_I there Arg_I might Arg_I not Arg_I be Arg_I any Arg_I problem Arg_I in Arg_I distributing Arg_I the Arg_I required Arg_I amount Arg_I electricity Arg_I . O Therefore, O it Arg_B would Arg_I be Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I implication Arg_I by Arg_I the Arg_I government Arg_I to Arg_I generate Arg_I electricity Arg_I from Arg_I other Arg_I available Arg_I sources Arg_I . O Secondly, O the Arg_B sources Arg_I most Arg_I widely Arg_I used Arg_I currently Arg_I to Arg_I generate Arg_I power Arg_I releases Arg_I extensive Arg_I amount Arg_I of Arg_I gases Arg_I into Arg_I the Arg_I atmosphere Arg_I which Arg_I increases Arg_I global Arg_I warming Arg_I . O For O example, O the Arg_B use Arg_I of Arg_I a Arg_I solar Arg_I cooker Arg_I instead Arg_I of Arg_I an Arg_I electric Arg_I cooker Arg_I would Arg_I certainly Arg_I reduce Arg_I the Arg_I global Arg_I warming Arg_I . O In O the O same O way, O the Arg_B use Arg_I of Arg_I nuclear Arg_I energy Arg_I as Arg_I an Arg_I alternative Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I hydro-kinetic Arg_I energy Arg_I causes Arg_I less Arg_I atmospheric Arg_I pollution Arg_I . O To O conclude, O it Arg_B would Arg_I be Arg_I a Arg_I better Arg_I implication Arg_I by Arg_I the Arg_I government Arg_I to Arg_I promote Arg_I other Arg_I sources Arg_I of Arg_I energy Arg_I . O This Arg_B can Arg_I make Arg_I use Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I available Arg_I natural Arg_I resources Arg_I which Arg_I in Arg_I turn Arg_I would Arg_I reduce Arg_I the Arg_I global Arg_I warming Arg_I . O Further, O government O should O motivate O and O encourage O the O people O to O use O alternative O sources O such O as O the O solar O and O the O nuclear O energy O . O Should O governments O be O responsible O to O help O the O unemployed O and O homeless O Unemployment O is O clearly O a O global O problem, O be O it O in O developed O countries O or O developing O ones O . O However, O I O tend O to O believe O it Arg_B is Arg_I the Arg_I responsibility Arg_I of Arg_I these Arg_I disadvantaged Arg_I citizens, Arg_I rather Arg_I than Arg_I the Arg_I government, Arg_I to Arg_I help Arg_I them Arg_I out Arg_I . O Government Arg_B money Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I spent Arg_I on Arg_I publicly Arg_I beneficial Arg_I programs Arg_I only Arg_I . O Tax Arg_B revenue Arg_I is Arg_I collected Arg_I from Arg_I those Arg_I who Arg_I works Arg_I . O Spending Arg_B them Arg_I on Arg_I helping Arg_I those Arg_I not Arg_I make Arg_I contribution Arg_I to Arg_I society Arg_I would Arg_I not Arg_I sound Arg_I fair Arg_I to Arg_I tax Arg_I payers Arg_I . O Besides, O there O are O other O pressing O demands O on O the O government O expenditure, O such O as O health O care O service O and O education, O so O addressing Arg_B unemployment Arg_I should Arg_I have Arg_I low Arg_I priority Arg_I . O Also, O it O is O obvious O that, O to Arg_B survive Arg_I in Arg_I this Arg_I competitive Arg_I world, Arg_I one Arg_I has Arg_I to Arg_I work Arg_I hard Arg_I and Arg_I equip Arg_I themselves Arg_I well Arg_I . O If Arg_B they Arg_I could Arg_I get Arg_I free Arg_I financial Arg_I help Arg_I from Arg_I the Arg_I government, Arg_I they Arg_I might Arg_I end Arg_I up Arg_I with Arg_I out Arg_I any Arg_I motivation Arg_I to Arg_I work Arg_I at Arg_I all Arg_I . O Of O course, O this Arg_B does Arg_I not Arg_I mean Arg_I we Arg_I should Arg_I leave Arg_I alone Arg_I those Arg_I who Arg_I do Arg_I need Arg_I assistance Arg_I . O They Arg_B are Arg_I already Arg_I in Arg_I reverse Arg_I circumstances Arg_I and Arg_I it Arg_I would Arg_I be Arg_I rather Arg_I difficult Arg_I for Arg_I them Arg_I to Arg_I overcome Arg_I the Arg_I difficulties Arg_I without Arg_I external Arg_I support Arg_I . O In O this O case, O the Arg_B government Arg_I ought Arg_I to Arg_I set Arg_I up Arg_I free Arg_I vocational Arg_I trainings Arg_I or Arg_I to Arg_I provide Arg_I interest-free Arg_I bank Arg_I loans Arg_I for Arg_I them, Arg_I so Arg_I that Arg_I they Arg_I can Arg_I have Arg_I the Arg_I chance Arg_I to Arg_I get Arg_I back Arg_I to Arg_I work Arg_I . O After O all, O it Arg_B is Arg_I beneficial Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I society Arg_I as Arg_I a Arg_I whole Arg_I when Arg_I the Arg_I jobless Arg_I can Arg_I make Arg_I contribution Arg_I again Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O my O point O of O view O is O that, O although O the O government O should O provide O help O for O the O disadvantaged O people, O direct Arg_B financial Arg_I support Arg_I may Arg_I not Arg_I be Arg_I a Arg_I wise Arg_I option Arg_I and Arg_I people Arg_I should Arg_I rely Arg_I on Arg_I themselves Arg_I to Arg_I get Arg_I out Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I adversity Arg_I . O True O function O of O a O university O Universities O have O quickly O become O the O places O to O go O when O people O seek O to O further O develop O their O expertise O . O Whether O this O really O suits O the O needs O of O their O potential O employers O is O highly O unlikely O as O universities O nowadays O have O evolved O as O a O domain O of O experts: O where O more O and O more O is O known O about O less O and O less O . O Nevertheless, O among O the O vast O range O of O choices O offered O there O are O often O some O training O courses O that O have O direct O implications O on O job-seeking O and O other O aspects O in O everyday O life O . O However, O although O I O respect O the O universities' O aim O of O providing O such O courses O to O develop O skills O required O for O work O and O support O their O cause, O I O do O not O believe O it O is O the O main O or O best O function O of O a O university O . O A Arg_B university, Arg_I in Arg_I common Arg_I sense, Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I medium Arg_I for Arg_I conveying Arg_I or Arg_I providing Arg_I access Arg_I to Arg_I knowledge Arg_I . O What O is O meant O by O this O is O that O students O are O the O ones O universities O should O really O cater O for, O not O the O employers, O as O students Arg_B are Arg_I the Arg_I ones Arg_I here Arg_I to Arg_I seek Arg_I knowledge Arg_I . O High Arg_B school Arg_I graduates Arg_I choose Arg_I to Arg_I further Arg_I educate Arg_I themselves Arg_I in Arg_I universities Arg_I because Arg_I of Arg_I all Arg_I different Arg_I reasons: Arg_I a Arg_I degree Arg_I that's Arg_I more Arg_I widely Arg_I accepted, Arg_I gain Arg_I knowledge Arg_I and Arg_I insight Arg_I into Arg_I an Arg_I industry, Arg_I or Arg_I simply Arg_I deepen Arg_I their Arg_I research Arg_I interests Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I certain Arg_I field Arg_I . O On O the O other O hand, O universities Arg_B are Arg_I regarded Arg_I as Arg_I institutions Arg_I where Arg_I abundant Arg_I educational Arg_I resources Arg_I gather Arg_I . O It Arg_B is, Arg_I therefore, Arg_I not Arg_I necessary Arg_I for Arg_I a Arg_I certain Arg_I course Arg_I or Arg_I type Arg_I of Arg_I training Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I offered Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I students Arg_I by Arg_I a Arg_I university, Arg_I but Arg_I instead, Arg_I these Arg_I must Arg_I be Arg_I made Arg_I available Arg_I when Arg_I needed Arg_I . O So O the O truth O lies O somewhere O closer O to O the O fact O that O a Arg_B university Arg_I should Arg_I provide Arg_I access Arg_I to Arg_I information, Arg_I rather Arg_I than Arg_I offer Arg_I selected Arg_I courses Arg_I that Arg_I are Arg_I suitable Arg_I for Arg_I employers' Arg_I taste Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O the Arg_B main Arg_I function Arg_I of Arg_I a Arg_I university Arg_I remains Arg_I as Arg_I the Arg_I provision Arg_I of Arg_I knowledge Arg_I and Arg_I access Arg_I to Arg_I resources Arg_I . O It O would O be O helpful, O however, O if O certain O courses O concerning O workplace O skills O can O also O be O made O available O to O students O to O help O shape O their O futures O . O Zoos O should O be O built O to O protect O rural O animals O Preserving O wild O animals O in O zoos O is O an O issue O which O frequently O generates O a O great O deal O of O heated O debate, O with O supporters O maintaining O that O wild O life O would O be O taken O good O care O from O professionals, O while O opponents O claim O that O the O animals O are O deprived O of O freedom O as O a O result O of O staying O in O zoos O . O From O my O perspective, O animals Arg_B should Arg_I live Arg_I in Arg_I natural Arg_I habitats Arg_I instead Arg_I of Arg_I zoos Arg_I . O To O begin O with, O it Arg_B is Arg_I the Arg_I right Arg_I of Arg_I wild Arg_I species Arg_I to Arg_I live Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I environment Arg_I away Arg_I from Arg_I human Arg_I beings Arg_I . O Given O the O fact O that O human O beings O are O responsible O for O the O heavy O pollution O and O severe O damage O to O the O natural O habitats O of O many O wild O animals, O it Arg_B is Arg_I our Arg_I responsibility Arg_I to Arg_I create Arg_I a Arg_I natural Arg_I and Arg_I safe Arg_I environment Arg_I for Arg_I animals Arg_I to Arg_I live Arg_I in Arg_I . O Apparently, O the Arg_B limited Arg_I space Arg_I and Arg_I the Arg_I artificial Arg_I trees Arg_I and Arg_I lakes Arg_I can Arg_I not Arg_I fully Arg_I compensate Arg_I the Arg_I animals Arg_I for Arg_I their Arg_I loss Arg_I . O Moreover, O if Arg_B rural Arg_I animals Arg_I are Arg_I captured Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I zoo Arg_I for Arg_I a Arg_I long Arg_I period, Arg_I it Arg_I would Arg_I have Arg_I negative Arg_I influences Arg_I on Arg_I both Arg_I the Arg_I physical Arg_I and Arg_I psychological Arg_I status Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I creatures Arg_I . O As O a O result, O the Arg_B wild Arg_I species Arg_I would Arg_I suffer Arg_I from Arg_I isolation Arg_I and Arg_I depression Arg_I . O It O seems O that O zoos Arg_B are Arg_I more Arg_I likely Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I a Arg_I killer Arg_I rather Arg_I than Arg_I a Arg_I protector Arg_I in Arg_I protecting Arg_I wild Arg_I lives Arg_I . O Nevertheless, O supporters O would O argue O that O zoos, Arg_B which Arg_I are Arg_I equipped Arg_I with Arg_I modern Arg_I facilities Arg_I and Arg_I professionals, Arg_I would Arg_I provide Arg_I better Arg_I care Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I animals Arg_I inside Arg_I . O They O further O point O out O that O the Arg_B endangered Arg_I species Arg_I preserved Arg_I in Arg_I zoos Arg_I would Arg_I never Arg_I die Arg_I of Arg_I illegal Arg_I hunting Arg_I . O However, O I O would O contend O that O the Arg_B strict Arg_I laws Arg_I prohibiting Arg_I poaching Arg_I would Arg_I provide Arg_I a Arg_I shelter Arg_I for Arg_I various Arg_I kinds Arg_I of Arg_I animals Arg_I in Arg_I natural Arg_I habitat Arg_I . O It O seems O that O the Arg_B growing Arg_I number Arg_I of Arg_I natural Arg_I habitat Arg_I would Arg_I be Arg_I the Arg_I ultimate Arg_I solution Arg_I of Arg_I saving Arg_I wild Arg_I animals Arg_I worldwide Arg_I . O By O way O of O conclusion, O it O is O my O belief O that O wild Arg_B animals Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I set Arg_I free Arg_I from Arg_I zoos Arg_I not O only O because O they Arg_B have Arg_I the Arg_I right Arg_I to Arg_I enjoy Arg_I freedom Arg_I but Arg_I they Arg_I also Arg_I escape Arg_I from Arg_I isolation Arg_I and Arg_I depression Arg_I . O Distance-learning O vs O . O attending O school O in O person O A O matter O of O considerable O controversy O at O present O is O the O issue O of O whether O distance-learning O should O be O promoted O as O much O as O possible, O or O rather O attending O lectures O in O person O should O be O allowed O to O take O a O predominant O place O in O universities O because O this O way O of O learning O is O superior O than O online O degrees O . O From O my O perspective, O online-teaching Arg_B should Arg_I be Arg_I widely Arg_I used Arg_I among Arg_I colleges Arg_I and Arg_I universities Arg_I in Arg_I terms Arg_I of Arg_I convenience Arg_I and Arg_I optimizing Arg_I cost Arg_I for Arg_I educational Arg_I institutions Arg_I . O To O begin O with, O distance-learning Arg_B brings Arg_I significant Arg_I convenience Arg_I for Arg_I students Arg_I in Arg_I every Arg_I corner Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I . O In Arg_B earlier Arg_I times, Arg_I students Arg_I who Arg_I were Arg_I tired Arg_I of Arg_I commuting Arg_I had Arg_I to Arg_I attend Arg_I schools Arg_I nearby, Arg_I regardless Arg_I of Arg_I any Arg_I differences Arg_I in Arg_I teaching Arg_I facilities, Arg_I teacher's Arg_I qualifications Arg_I or Arg_I the Arg_I school Arg_I reputation Arg_I . O Now, Arg_B however, Arg_I students Arg_I are Arg_I able Arg_I to Arg_I apply Arg_I for Arg_I online-courses Arg_I provided Arg_I by Arg_I top-of-the-range Arg_I universities Arg_I and Arg_I colleges Arg_I worldwide Arg_I . O Furthermore, O the Arg_B presence Arg_I of Arg_I video Arg_I conferencing Arg_I allows Arg_I a Arg_I teacher Arg_I to Arg_I teach Arg_I a Arg_I greater Arg_I number Arg_I of Arg_I students Arg_I . O Consequently, O educational Arg_B institutions Arg_I are Arg_I able Arg_I to Arg_I optimize Arg_I costs Arg_I by Arg_I increasing Arg_I teacher-student Arg_I ratios Arg_I . O Thanks Arg_B to Arg_I the Arg_I economical Arg_I online-teaching, Arg_I universities Arg_I and Arg_I colleges Arg_I are Arg_I able Arg_I to Arg_I offer Arg_I grants Arg_I for Arg_I students Arg_I who Arg_I have Arg_I outstanding Arg_I academic Arg_I achievements Arg_I but Arg_I are Arg_I unable Arg_I to Arg_I attend Arg_I schools Arg_I because Arg_I of Arg_I financial Arg_I constrains Arg_I . O Nevertheless, O opponents O of O online-degrees O would O argue O that O attending Arg_B lectures Arg_I in Arg_I person Arg_I provides Arg_I students Arg_I an Arg_I opportunity Arg_I to Arg_I communicate Arg_I with Arg_I teachers Arg_I and Arg_I other Arg_I classmates Arg_I . O They Arg_B further Arg_I point Arg_I out Arg_I that Arg_I traditional Arg_I teaching Arg_I approaches Arg_I involving Arg_I discussion Arg_I and Arg_I cooperation Arg_I among Arg_I students Arg_I play Arg_I a Arg_I significant Arg_I role Arg_I in Arg_I campus Arg_I life Arg_I . O It Arg_B is Arg_I the Arg_I real Arg_I interactions Arg_I and Arg_I communications Arg_I in Arg_I class Arg_I make Arg_I education Arg_I much Arg_I more Arg_I attractive Arg_I . O By O way O of O conclusion, O it O is O my O belief O that O distance-learning Arg_B will Arg_I become Arg_I increasingly Arg_I important Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I future Arg_I as Arg_I the Arg_I pace Arg_I of Arg_I life Arg_I increases Arg_I . O However, O discussions O and O interactions O should O be O held O via O video O conferencing O frequently O so O that O the O joy O of O learning O would O not O be O diminished O . O Do O modern O communication O technologies O benefit O all O people O Modern O communication O technologies O such O as O mobile O phones, O e-mails O and O internet O chat O programs O like O the O MSN O Messenger O have O brought O significant O changes O to O our O lives O in O recent O years O . O Yet, O there O remains O some O disagreement O as O to O whether O the O overall O effect O of O this O innovation O has O been O positive O or O negative O . O Although O there O are O valid O arguments O to O the O contrary, O it O is O my O belief O that O the Arg_B majority Arg_I of Arg_I people Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I globe Arg_I have Arg_I benefited Arg_I greatly Arg_I from Arg_I these Arg_I powerful Arg_I and Arg_I effective Arg_I means Arg_I of Arg_I modern Arg_I communication Arg_I . O To O begin O with, O mobile Arg_B phones Arg_I and Arg_I other Arg_I tools Arg_I of Arg_I modern Arg_I communication Arg_I facilitate Arg_I not Arg_I only Arg_I contact Arg_I with Arg_I friends Arg_I and Arg_I relatives Arg_I in Arg_I faraway Arg_I places Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I global Arg_I business Arg_I . O With Arg_B the Arg_I click Arg_I of Arg_I a Arg_I button, Arg_I the Arg_I vast Arg_I amount Arg_I of Arg_I information Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I transmitted Arg_I from Arg_I America Arg_I to Arg_I China Arg_I in Arg_I just Arg_I a Arg_I few Arg_I seconds Arg_I . O Furthermore, O it Arg_B is Arg_I generally Arg_I felt Arg_I that Arg_I the Arg_I access Arg_I to Arg_I these Arg_I tools Arg_I of Arg_I communication Arg_I is Arg_I available Arg_I in Arg_I every Arg_I corner Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I . O With Arg_B a Arg_I mobile Arg_I phone Arg_I or Arg_I a Arg_I laptop, Arg_I a Arg_I person Arg_I can Arg_I talk Arg_I or Arg_I send Arg_I messages Arg_I online Arg_I at Arg_I a Arg_I bus Arg_I stop, Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I corner Arg_I shop Arg_I or Arg_I anywhere Arg_I they Arg_I could Arg_I imagine Arg_I . O Therefore, O it O seems O that O these Arg_B new Arg_I forms Arg_I of Arg_I communication Arg_I do Arg_I bring Arg_I a Arg_I great Arg_I deal Arg_I of Arg_I convenience Arg_I to Arg_I humankind Arg_I . O Nevertheless, O opponents O of O modern O communications O claim O that O only O the Arg_B more Arg_I privileged Arg_I are Arg_I able Arg_I to Arg_I enjoy Arg_I the Arg_I benefits Arg_I . O They O further O point O out O that O the Arg_B wide Arg_I spread Arg_I use Arg_I of Arg_I these Arg_I efficient Arg_I and Arg_I effective Arg_I ways Arg_I of Arg_I communication Arg_I costs Arg_I a Arg_I considerable Arg_I amount Arg_I of Arg_I money Arg_I . O Anyone Arg_B who Arg_I aims Arg_I to Arg_I use Arg_I these Arg_I innovations Arg_I have Arg_I to Arg_I not Arg_I only Arg_I pay Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I appliances Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I a Arg_I mobile Arg_I phone Arg_I or Arg_I a Arg_I computer Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I cover Arg_I up Arg_I costs Arg_I for Arg_I communication Arg_I services Arg_I . O Consequently, O people Arg_B who Arg_I live Arg_I in Arg_I poverty Arg_I are Arg_I less Arg_I likely Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I benefited Arg_I from Arg_I modern Arg_I communication Arg_I technologies Arg_I . O By O way O of O conclusion, O I O believe O that O modern O communication O technologies O will O benefit O more O people O in O the O future O as O the O pace O of O life O increases; O however, O the O have-nots O cannot O be O ignored O simply O because O they O couldn't O afford O it O . O Should O high O school O make O music O lessons O compulsory O Most O people O claim O that O in O high O school O music O must O be O taught O as O a O main O subject, O while O others O say O that O this O is O an O unnecessary O subject O and O should O at O least O be O optional O . O In O this O essay O I O will O give O my O opinion O for O both O sides O . O It Arg_B is Arg_I obvious Arg_I that Arg_I music Arg_I has Arg_I a Arg_I great Arg_I power Arg_I which Arg_I can Arg_I positively Arg_I influence Arg_I on Arg_I human Arg_I being Arg_I and Arg_I its Arg_I psychology Arg_I . O Therefore, O many Arg_B university Arg_I authorities Arg_I provide Arg_I music Arg_I lessons Arg_I for Arg_I their Arg_I students Arg_I so O that O they Arg_B live Arg_I and Arg_I study Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I harmony Arg_I with Arg_I music Arg_I . O I O have O an O impression O that O students, Arg_B who Arg_I spend Arg_I a Arg_I great Arg_I deal Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I time Arg_I studying Arg_I different Arg_I academic Arg_I subjects Arg_I should Arg_I have Arg_I an Arg_I opportunity Arg_I to Arg_I cope Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I stress Arg_I gained Arg_I during Arg_I school Arg_I time Arg_I . O In O this O case, O music Arg_B can Arg_I be Arg_I a Arg_I useful Arg_I and Arg_I interesting Arg_I solution Arg_I . O Moreover, O if Arg_B musical Arg_I activity Arg_I involves Arg_I many Arg_I participants, Arg_I there Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I co-operation Arg_I and Arg_I developed Arg_I team Arg_I work Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I group, Arg_I which Arg_I is, Arg_I of Arg_I course, Arg_I beneficial Arg_I in Arg_I their Arg_I future Arg_I life Arg_I . O In O fact, O students Arg_B with Arg_I a Arg_I quite Arg_I poor Arg_I academic Arg_I background Arg_I can Arg_I show Arg_I themselves Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I music Arg_I . O Consequently, O the Arg_B calm Arg_I atmosphere Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I class Arg_I might Arg_I be Arg_I created Arg_I . O By O contrast, O it Arg_B is Arg_I clear Arg_I that Arg_I music Arg_I can Arg_I have Arg_I many Arg_I mentally Arg_I enhancing Arg_I effects Arg_I on Arg_I students Arg_I . O In O our O hectic O life, O however, O demand Arg_B is Arg_I not Arg_I for Arg_I musically Arg_I orientated Arg_I students, Arg_I but Arg_I for Arg_I academically Arg_I developed Arg_I employees Arg_I . O Hence, O I O agree O with O the O majority, O because O music Arg_B is Arg_I the Arg_I art Arg_I which Arg_I requires Arg_I special Arg_I attitude Arg_I towards Arg_I it Arg_I . O Increasingly O however, O students Arg_B can Arg_I not Arg_I obtain Arg_I supposed Arg_I impacts, Arg_I unless Arg_I they Arg_I get Arg_I interested Arg_I in Arg_I it Arg_I more Arg_I seriously Arg_I . O Therefore, O music Arg_B and Arg_I other Arg_I entertaining Arg_I subjects Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I optional Arg_I . O Nowadays, Arg_B time Arg_I is Arg_I the Arg_I most Arg_I valuable Arg_I thing Arg_I in Arg_I life Arg_I with Arg_I increased Arg_I pace Arg_I . O To O my O mind, O students Arg_B are Arg_I to Arg_I develop Arg_I their Arg_I professional Arg_I skills Arg_I by Arg_I learning Arg_I occupation-related Arg_I subjects, Arg_I rather Arg_I than Arg_I playing Arg_I on Arg_I guitar Arg_I or Arg_I singing Arg_I a Arg_I song Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O I O think O that O in O order O to O be O a O competitive O worker, O students O must O know O their O field O in O an O advanced O level O . O On O the O other O hand, O music Arg_B can Arg_I help Arg_I an Arg_I individual Arg_I to Arg_I shape Arg_I its Arg_I character Arg_I . O An Arg_B integration Arg_I of Arg_I music Arg_I into Arg_I learning Arg_I process Arg_I bound Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I successful Arg_I when Arg_I it Arg_I is Arg_I not Arg_I compulsory Arg_I . O Universities O should O give O money O to O sport O activities O or O libraries O Libraries O and O sports O activities O play O important O roles O in O universities O success O . O Most O university O rankings O pay O attention O to O quality O of O these O two O activities O . O In O my O opinion O universities Arg_B should Arg_I invest Arg_I in Arg_I libraries Arg_I more Arg_I than Arg_I anywhere Arg_I else Arg_I . O First, O I O think O a Arg_B library Arg_I is Arg_I vital Arg_I and Arg_I strategical Arg_I part Arg_I of Arg_I a Arg_I university Arg_I . O All Arg_B professors Arg_I and Arg_I students Arg_I need Arg_I to Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I modern Arg_I and Arg_I well-equipped Arg_I library Arg_I because, O after Arg_B internet, Arg_I library Arg_I plays Arg_I an Arg_I important Arg_I role Arg_I in Arg_I research Arg_I . O Although O sport O is O important, O it Arg_B does Arg_I not Arg_I have Arg_I the Arg_I same Arg_I priority Arg_I of Arg_I library Arg_I has Arg_I . O In O addition O only Arg_B small Arg_I part Arg_I of Arg_I students Arg_I attend Arg_I sport Arg_I activities Arg_I . O For O example, O in Arg_B my Arg_I university Arg_I number Arg_I of Arg_I students Arg_I who Arg_I use Arg_I the Arg_I library Arg_I is Arg_I much Arg_I more Arg_I than Arg_I students Arg_I do Arg_I sports Arg_I activities Arg_I . O Second, O usually Arg_B libraries Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I have Arg_I income Arg_I . O Most Arg_B libraries Arg_I are Arg_I free Arg_I not Arg_I for Arg_I students Arg_I also Arg_I for Arg_I public Arg_I . O Hence, O universities Arg_B support Arg_I is Arg_I vital Arg_I for Arg_I libraries Arg_I . O But O sport Arg_B activities Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I income Arg_I because O every Arg_B sport Arg_I has Arg_I different Arg_I matches Arg_I and Arg_I for Arg_I each Arg_I match Arg_I they Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I sponsors Arg_I . O Also, O they Arg_B have Arg_I this Arg_I chance Arg_I to Arg_I sell Arg_I their Arg_I important Arg_I matches Arg_I tickets Arg_I . O To O conclude, O there Arg_B are Arg_I good Arg_I ways Arg_I for Arg_I sports Arg_I activities Arg_I to Arg_I compensate Arg_I their Arg_I expenses, Arg_I but Arg_I it Arg_I is Arg_I very Arg_I hard Arg_I for Arg_I libraries Arg_I to Arg_I find Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I way Arg_I for Arg_I have Arg_I an Arg_I income Arg_I . O Last O but O not O least, O investing Arg_B in Arg_I libraries Arg_I has Arg_I a Arg_I long-time Arg_I result Arg_I . O For O example, O a Arg_B library Arg_I can Arg_I buy Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I new Arg_I books Arg_I or Arg_I they Arg_I can Arg_I buy Arg_I more Arg_I computers Arg_I . O Most Arg_B of Arg_I the Arg_I library Arg_I facilities Arg_I are Arg_I stable Arg_I and Arg_I you Arg_I can Arg_I use Arg_I them Arg_I for Arg_I a Arg_I long Arg_I time Arg_I . O Besides, O in Arg_B the Arg_I far Arg_I future, Arg_I they Arg_I become Arg_I more Arg_I valuable Arg_I . O On O the O other O side, O most Arg_B sports Arg_I facilities Arg_I except Arg_I buildings Arg_I are Arg_I usually Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I used Arg_I in Arg_I short-time Arg_I and Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I not Arg_I persistent Arg_I for Arg_I a Arg_I long-time Arg_I . O In O spite O of O the O importance O of O sports O activities, O libraries Arg_B are Arg_I more Arg_I important Arg_I . O They Arg_B are Arg_I critical Arg_I part Arg_I of Arg_I universities Arg_I and Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I university Arg_I has Arg_I to Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I modern Arg_I library Arg_I . O Humans O should O be O able O to O use O animals O for O their O own O benefit? O Man O has O dominated O all O his O fellow O beings O on O earth O because O of O his O superior O brain O . O He O has O domesticated O a O large O number O of O animals O and O birds O and O makes O use O of O them O to O make O life O easier O and O convenient O for O himself O . O Many O people O encourage O the O use O of O animals O for O their O personal O needs, O while O others O are O concerned O that O animals O should O not O be O misused O . O This O essay O will O discuss O some O arguments O for O and O against O animal O domestication O . O Human Arg_B being Arg_I has Arg_I driven Arg_I many Arg_I animals Arg_I for Arg_I their Arg_I personal Arg_I use Arg_I such Arg_I as, Arg_I cows Arg_I and Arg_I other Arg_I milch Arg_I animals Arg_I for Arg_I yielding Arg_I milk Arg_I from Arg_I them Arg_I . O Likewise, Arg_B other Arg_I animals Arg_I such Arg_I as, Arg_I horses, Arg_I cattles Arg_I and Arg_I donkeys Arg_I for Arg_I farming, Arg_I agriculture Arg_I and Arg_I as Arg_I a Arg_I mode Arg_I of Arg_I transportation Arg_I . O Many Arg_B people Arg_I keep Arg_I pets Arg_I like Arg_I dogs Arg_I and Arg_I cats, Arg_I trained Arg_I them Arg_I as Arg_I service Arg_I dogs Arg_I and Arg_I snuffing Arg_I dogs Arg_I which Arg_I are Arg_I very Arg_I helpful Arg_I to Arg_I police Arg_I force Arg_I and Arg_I even Arg_I to Arg_I some Arg_I blind Arg_I peoples Arg_I . O They Arg_B are Arg_I kept Arg_I for Arg_I security Arg_I purposes Arg_I in Arg_I houses Arg_I . O On O the O other O hand, O many Arg_B farmers Arg_I and Arg_I owners Arg_I exploit Arg_I animals Arg_I beyond Arg_I their Arg_I limits Arg_I . O For O instance, O cows Arg_B are Arg_I often Arg_I injected Arg_I by Arg_I Oxytocin, Arg_I a Arg_I hormone Arg_I which Arg_I is Arg_I used Arg_I to Arg_I forcibly Arg_I increase Arg_I lactation Arg_I . O This Arg_B in Arg_I turn, Arg_I causes Arg_I lots Arg_I of Arg_I discomfort Arg_I and Arg_I pain Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I cattle Arg_I . O Furthermore, O thousand Arg_B of Arg_I animals Arg_I undergo Arg_I painful Arg_I suffering Arg_I or Arg_I death Arg_I as Arg_I a Arg_I result Arg_I of Arg_I scientific Arg_I research Arg_I of Arg_I drugs Arg_I and Arg_I various Arg_I products Arg_I . O Another Arg_B example Arg_I of Arg_I this Arg_I is Arg_I cage Arg_I farming Arg_I which Arg_I is Arg_I against Arg_I animal Arg_I rights Arg_I . O Many Arg_B other Arg_I practices Arg_I like, Arg_I equestrian Arg_I sport Arg_I where Arg_I horses Arg_I run Arg_I miles Arg_I and Arg_I miles Arg_I and Arg_I beaten Arg_I up Arg_I by Arg_I jockeys Arg_I to Arg_I make Arg_I them Arg_I run Arg_I more Arg_I faster Arg_I . O And Arg_B above Arg_I all Arg_I pleasure Arg_I hunting Arg_I of Arg_I defenseless Arg_I animals Arg_I . O From O my O prospective, O human Arg_B being Arg_I should Arg_I behave Arg_I as Arg_I a Arg_I guardian Arg_I to Arg_I animals Arg_I rather Arg_I than Arg_I as Arg_I their Arg_I lord Arg_I or Arg_I masters Arg_I . O Animal Arg_B rights Arg_I are Arg_I meant Arg_I to Arg_I set Arg_I limits Arg_I on Arg_I human Arg_I behavior Arg_I and O manipulation O of O them O should O be O punished O as O a O serious O crime O . O Museums O and O art O galleries O will O disappear O soon? O It O is O quite O common O that O more O and O more O people O can O watch O exhibitions O through O television O or O internet O at O home O due O to O modern O technology; O therefore, O some O people O think O museums O and O art O galleries O will O disappear O soon O . O Although O modern O technology O make O it O possible, O I O still O believe O some Arg_B museums Arg_I and Arg_I art Arg_I galleries Arg_I will Arg_I not Arg_I disappear Arg_I . O On O the O one O hand, O technology Arg_B indeed Arg_I simplifies Arg_I people's Arg_I life Arg_I all Arg_I the Arg_I time Arg_I . O Obviously, O people Arg_B who Arg_I watch Arg_I exhibitions Arg_I on Arg_I TV Arg_I or Arg_I internet Arg_I at Arg_I home, Arg_I save Arg_I the Arg_I time Arg_I and Arg_I money Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I road, Arg_I which Arg_I is Arg_I increasingly Arg_I significant Arg_I particularly Arg_I to Arg_I people Arg_I in Arg_I modern Arg_I society Arg_I . O However, O in Arg_B accordance Arg_I with Arg_I recent Arg_I research, Arg_I experts Arg_I suggest Arg_I the Arg_I lifestyle Arg_I of Arg_I individuals Arg_I in Arg_I modern Arg_I society Arg_I is Arg_I unhealthy Arg_I because O they Arg_B lack Arg_I of Arg_I physical Arg_I exercise Arg_I and Arg_I face-to-face Arg_I communication Arg_I . O On O the O other O hand, O the Arg_B importance Arg_I of Arg_I museums Arg_I and Arg_I art Arg_I galleries Arg_I is Arg_I plain Arg_I in Arg_I terms Arg_I of Arg_I education Arg_I and Arg_I culture Arg_I . O First O of O all, O authentic Arg_B exhibits Arg_I cannot Arg_I be Arg_I completely Arg_I displayed Arg_I only Arg_I by Arg_I images Arg_I and Arg_I videos Arg_I . O It Arg_B is Arg_I like Arg_I travelling Arg_I to Arg_I a Arg_I place Arg_I is Arg_I much Arg_I better Arg_I than Arg_I viewing Arg_I the Arg_I landscape Arg_I of Arg_I that Arg_I place Arg_I on Arg_I TV Arg_I or Arg_I photos, Arg_I so Arg_I the Arg_I best Arg_I method Arg_I to Arg_I learn Arg_I one Arg_I thing Arg_I is Arg_I to Arg_I experience Arg_I it Arg_I . O Furthermore, O museums O and O art O galleries O preserve O some O culture O heritages; O therefore, O these Arg_B buildings Arg_I will Arg_I not Arg_I disappear Arg_I unless Arg_I people Arg_I abandon Arg_I their Arg_I culture Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O I O admit O that O modern O technology O has O provided O a O more O convenient O and O comfortable O manner O for O people O to O watch O exhibitions, O but O museums Arg_B and Arg_I art Arg_I galleries Arg_I are Arg_I necessary Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I preserved Arg_I for Arg_I its Arg_I importance Arg_I of Arg_I education Arg_I and Arg_I culture Arg_I . O Should O teenagers O learn O all O school O subjects/focus O on O one O subject O Presently, O it O is O commonly O accepted O that O students O have O to O learn O over O eight O subjects O in O school O . O Public O retain O differing O views O on O whether O to O teach O students O all O subjects O or O just O focus O on O one O subject O . O Some O parents O are O satisfied O with O the O full O class O schedule O of O their O children O . O While, O others O claim O that O studying O only O one O subject O is O more O effective O . O Before O rendering O my O own O opinion, O I O will O explore O sides O of O this O topic O . O The Arg_B benefits Arg_I of Arg_I teaching Arg_I students Arg_I different Arg_I units Arg_I are Arg_I easily Arg_I recognized Arg_I . O In O the O first O place, O with Arg_B some Arg_I basic Arg_I knowledge Arg_I of Arg_I diverse Arg_I fields, Arg_I students Arg_I have Arg_I more Arg_I options Arg_I in Arg_I choosing Arg_I specialized Arg_I areas Arg_I or Arg_I jobs Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I future Arg_I . O Teenagers Arg_B are Arg_I still Arg_I too Arg_I young Arg_I and Arg_I immature Arg_I to Arg_I decide Arg_I what Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I going Arg_I to Arg_I dedicate Arg_I . O In Arg_B students' Arg_I point Arg_I of Arg_I view, Arg_I the Arg_I combination Arg_I of Arg_I difficult Arg_I and Arg_I easy Arg_I subjects Arg_I balances Arg_I their Arg_I schoolwork Arg_I stress Arg_I and Arg_I fosters Arg_I their Arg_I enthusiasm Arg_I on Arg_I classes Arg_I . O However, O still Arg_B many Arg_I teenagers Arg_I cannot Arg_I enjoy Arg_I the Arg_I variation Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I curriculum, Arg_I instead, Arg_I they Arg_I feel Arg_I more Arg_I stressful Arg_I with Arg_I so Arg_I much Arg_I homework Arg_I and Arg_I exams Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I done Arg_I . O Besides, O most Arg_B students Arg_I regard Arg_I the Arg_I extra Arg_I knowledge Arg_I useless Arg_I and Arg_I impractical Arg_I for Arg_I their Arg_I future Arg_I jobs Arg_I . O Those O who O advocate O focusing O on O one O subject O believe O that O this Arg_B education Arg_I model Arg_I can Arg_I cultivate Arg_I more Arg_I talents Arg_I who Arg_I specialized Arg_I in Arg_I different Arg_I areas Arg_I and Arg_I increase Arg_I studying Arg_I effectiveness Arg_I . O This O is O probably O because O students Arg_B can Arg_I devote Arg_I more Arg_I time Arg_I and Arg_I efforts Arg_I in Arg_I one Arg_I subject Arg_I and Arg_I reduce Arg_I pressure Arg_I from Arg_I other Arg_I subjects Arg_I . O However, O the O drawbacks O of O this O teaching O method O cannot O be O neglected O . O Most O importantly, O under Arg_B such Arg_I target-oriented Arg_I education Arg_I environment, Arg_I teenagers Arg_I may Arg_I be Arg_I hard Arg_I to Arg_I regret Arg_I their Arg_I original Arg_I choice Arg_I and Arg_I change Arg_I their Arg_I specialized Arg_I field Arg_I in Arg_I their Arg_I further Arg_I study Arg_I . O Moreover, O the Arg_B dullness Arg_I of Arg_I course Arg_I may Arg_I deeply Arg_I influence Arg_I their Arg_I passion Arg_I on Arg_I study Arg_I . O It O is O undeniable O that O concentrating Arg_B on Arg_I one Arg_I subject Arg_I can Arg_I reduce Arg_I students' Arg_I pressure Arg_I and Arg_I foster Arg_I the Arg_I effectiveness Arg_I in Arg_I training Arg_I talents, Arg_I while Arg_I its Arg_I shortfalls Arg_I are Arg_I so Arg_I vital Arg_I to Arg_I students' Arg_I future Arg_I . O Therefore, O I Arg_B do Arg_I support Arg_I the Arg_I view Arg_I of Arg_I learning Arg_I all Arg_I school Arg_I subjects Arg_I . O Influence O of O English O - O advantages O outweigh O the O disadvantages O In O the O present O age, O it O is O a O matter O of O fact O that O increasing O minority O languages O have O diminished O from O the O world O due O to O the O proliferation O of O English O . O Some O people O claim O it's Arg_B a Arg_I reasonable Arg_I loss Arg_I in Arg_I globalization Arg_I while O others O argue O the O demerits O exceed O the O merits O . O Personally, O I O agree O with O the O former O opinion O . O No Arg_B one Arg_I can Arg_I deny Arg_I the Arg_I huge Arg_I benefits Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I trend Arg_I that Arg_I English Arg_I is Arg_I being Arg_I accepted Arg_I universally Arg_I . O To O begin O with, O communication Arg_B between Arg_I countries Arg_I and Arg_I cultures Arg_I become Arg_I convenient Arg_I . O In Arg_B my Arg_I country, Arg_I English Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I required Arg_I course Arg_I from Arg_I elementary Arg_I school Arg_I . O Thus, O studying Arg_B abroad Arg_I is Arg_I easy Arg_I and Arg_I becomes Arg_I hot Arg_I among Arg_I youngsters Arg_I . O For O them, O language Arg_B obstacle Arg_I is Arg_I no Arg_I longer Arg_I a Arg_I problem, Arg_I which Arg_I results Arg_I in Arg_I mutual Arg_I understanding Arg_I and Arg_I trust Arg_I between Arg_I their Arg_I mother Arg_I land Arg_I and Arg_I the Arg_I host Arg_I country Arg_I . O This, O in O turn, O enhances Arg_B relationship Arg_I and Arg_I promotes Arg_I international Arg_I business Arg_I . O Furthermore, O researchers, Arg_B especially Arg_I those Arg_I who Arg_I work Arg_I on Arg_I high-tech, Arg_I would Arg_I have Arg_I wider Arg_I range Arg_I of Arg_I references Arg_I if Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I good Arg_I at Arg_I English Arg_I . O Taking Arg_B IT Arg_I industry Arg_I for Arg_I an Arg_I example, Arg_I top Arg_I technical Arg_I science Arg_I is Arg_I published Arg_I in Arg_I English Arg_I . O It's Arg_B neither Arg_I to Arg_I get Arg_I a Arg_I translated Arg_I version Arg_I of Arg_I these Arg_I articles, Arg_I nor Arg_I to Arg_I always Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I translator Arg_I besides Arg_I . O As O a O result, O they Arg_B have Arg_I no Arg_I choice Arg_I but Arg_I choosing Arg_I English Arg_I as Arg_I a Arg_I second Arg_I language Arg_I . O Admittedly, O opponents O may O blame O that O English Arg_B is Arg_I making Arg_I lesser-known Arg_I languages Arg_I disappear Arg_I ever Arg_I year Arg_I . O Hence, O the Arg_B culture Arg_I heritage Arg_I and Arg_I nation Arg_I identity Arg_I vanish Arg_I . O However, O this Arg_B is Arg_I really Arg_I short-sighted, Arg_I ignoring Arg_I the Arg_I rapid Arg_I development Arg_I of Arg_I native Arg_I economy Arg_I and Arg_I society Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O in O spite O of O some O negative O effects, O I'm Arg_B totally Arg_I convinced Arg_I that Arg_I the Arg_I prevalent Arg_I usage Arg_I of Arg_I English Arg_I brings Arg_I benefits Arg_I to Arg_I people Arg_I and Arg_I countries Arg_I all Arg_I around Arg_I . O I O suggest O all O youths O should O learn O English O owing O to O its O key O role O in O globalization O . O But O at O the O same O time, O actions, O like O recording, O can O be O taken O to O protect O native O languages O and O cultures O . O Creativity O - O should O it O be O given O freedom O or O restrictions O Creativity O is O the O ability O to O think O beyond O the O obvious O . O Many O governments O restrict O the O artistic O works O of O the O creative O minds O . O Creativity Arg_B originates Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I free Arg_I mind Arg_I . O Hence, O creative Arg_B artists Arg_I must Arg_I be Arg_I given Arg_I the Arg_I freedom Arg_I to Arg_I express Arg_I their Arg_I ideas Arg_I without Arg_I any Arg_I restrictions Arg_I . O Time O and O again, O creative O artists O like O Michaelangelo, O Picasso, O Salman O Rushdie, O Shakespeare O etc O . O have O made O artistic O works O which O gave O a O social O message O . O Right Arg_B from Arg_I sculptures Arg_I to Arg_I paintings, Arg_I books Arg_I to Arg_I drama Arg_I and Arg_I movies, Arg_I all Arg_I these Arg_I artistic Arg_I works Arg_I have Arg_I reflected Arg_I the Arg_I contemporary Arg_I social Arg_I issues Arg_I of Arg_I different Arg_I eras Arg_I . O Creative Arg_B works Arg_I help Arg_I to Arg_I create Arg_I social Arg_I awareness Arg_I by Arg_I giving Arg_I a Arg_I social Arg_I message Arg_I . O Nonetheless, O innovative Arg_B works Arg_I makes Arg_I people Arg_I realize Arg_I things Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I peaceful Arg_I way Arg_I and Arg_I peep Arg_I into Arg_I their Arg_I own Arg_I conscience Arg_I . O It Arg_B helps Arg_I to Arg_I raise Arg_I issues Arg_I and Arg_I criticize Arg_I the Arg_I wrong Arg_I doings Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I governments Arg_I . O For O instance, O Bangladeshi Arg_B writer Arg_I Taslima Arg_I Nasrin Arg_I was Arg_I accused Arg_I of Arg_I acting Arg_I against Arg_I the Arg_I government, Arg_I just Arg_I because Arg_I she Arg_I raised Arg_I a Arg_I social Arg_I issue Arg_I . O This Arg_B type Arg_I of Arg_I approach Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I hurdle Arg_I in Arg_I promoting Arg_I creative Arg_I minds Arg_I . O In O addition, O creativity Arg_B also Arg_I gives Arg_I aesthetic Arg_I charm Arg_I . O Unfortunately, O many O governments O restrict O the O artists O . O Frank Arg_B Zappa Arg_I once Arg_I said, Arg_I "Mind Arg_I is Arg_I like Arg_I a Arg_I parachute, Arg_I it Arg_I doesn't Arg_I work Arg_I if Arg_I its Arg_I not Arg_I open“ Arg_I . O Restrictions Arg_B would Arg_I just Arg_I curb Arg_I the Arg_I innovative Arg_I ideas Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I artists Arg_I and Arg_I would Arg_I limit Arg_I their Arg_I brains Arg_I . O Like Arg_B the Arg_I media, Arg_I artists Arg_I should Arg_I also Arg_I be Arg_I given Arg_I the Arg_I freedom Arg_I to Arg_I express Arg_I their Arg_I ideas Arg_I freely Arg_I . O However, O artists Arg_B should Arg_I also Arg_I know Arg_I not Arg_I to Arg_I hurt Arg_I the Arg_I sentiments Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I people Arg_I . O Many Arg_B artists Arg_I have Arg_I been Arg_I involved Arg_I in Arg_I controversies Arg_I because Arg_I of Arg_I hurting Arg_I the Arg_I religious Arg_I or Arg_I social Arg_I beliefs Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I common Arg_I people Arg_I . O Artists Arg_B should Arg_I have Arg_I self-awareness Arg_I not Arg_I to Arg_I create Arg_I vulgar, Arg_I hurtful Arg_I or Arg_I useless Arg_I works Arg_I which Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I serve Arg_I any Arg_I purpose Arg_I . O I O firmly O believe O that O artists Arg_B should Arg_I be Arg_I given Arg_I the Arg_I freedom Arg_I of Arg_I expression Arg_I . O Mind Arg_B can Arg_I not Arg_I work Arg_I when Arg_I it Arg_I is Arg_I chained Arg_I in Arg_I boundaries Arg_I . O Imagination Arg_B is Arg_I at Arg_I its Arg_I best Arg_I when Arg_I the Arg_I mind Arg_I is Arg_I relaxed Arg_I and Arg_I free Arg_I from Arg_I the Arg_I fear Arg_I of Arg_I government Arg_I or Arg_I any Arg_I restrictive Arg_I laws Arg_I . O Competition O or O co-operation-which O is O better O The O modern O society O is O full O of O cut-throat O competition O . O Some O people O think O that O inculcating O co-operative O approach O in O a O child O is O essential O while O some O think O that O competing O is O the O best O way O to O succeed O . O However, O co-operative O approach O always O helps O a O child O to O become O a O responsible O adult O with O good O moral O values O and O a O friendly O social O circle O . O Co-operation Arg_B is Arg_I essential Arg_I for Arg_I teamwork Arg_I . O Educational Arg_B systems Arg_I emphasize Arg_I on Arg_I encouraging Arg_I co-operative Arg_I approach Arg_I in Arg_I children Arg_I . O We Arg_B live Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I social Arg_I setup Arg_I and Arg_I mutual Arg_I help Arg_I and Arg_I sharing Arg_I only Arg_I leads Arg_I to Arg_I success Arg_I . O A Arg_B person Arg_I can Arg_I not Arg_I learn Arg_I or Arg_I achieve Arg_I everything Arg_I by Arg_I oneself Arg_I . O For O instance, O lions Arg_B hunt Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I team Arg_I . O It Arg_B is Arg_I only Arg_I due Arg_I to Arg_I their Arg_I teamwork Arg_I that Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I able Arg_I to Arg_I catch Arg_I a Arg_I prey Arg_I and Arg_I make Arg_I task Arg_I easy Arg_I . O In O the O same O way, O co-operative Arg_B approach Arg_I will Arg_I save Arg_I time, Arg_I energy Arg_I and Arg_I will Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I higher Arg_I success Arg_I rate Arg_I . O Nevertheless, O co-operation Arg_B helps Arg_I to Arg_I understand Arg_I other's Arg_I perspective Arg_I and Arg_I learn Arg_I by Arg_I their Arg_I mistakes Arg_I . O It Arg_B helps Arg_I to Arg_I identify Arg_I one's Arg_I strengths Arg_I and Arg_I weaknesses Arg_I as Arg_I compared Arg_I to Arg_I others Arg_I . O A Arg_B co-operative Arg_I approach Arg_I can Arg_I create Arg_I inspirational Arg_I and Arg_I motivational Arg_I feeling Arg_I seeing Arg_I other Arg_I people's Arg_I achievements Arg_I . O However, O competition Arg_B is Arg_I also Arg_I as Arg_I important Arg_I as Arg_I co-operation Arg_I . O Unfortunately, O the O meaning O of O competiton O has O been O modified O in O a O wrong O direction O . O An Arg_B individual Arg_I must Arg_I compete Arg_I with Arg_I oneself Arg_I only, Arg_I instead Arg_I of Arg_I trying Arg_I to Arg_I beat Arg_I others Arg_I . O Competition Arg_B has Arg_I helped Arg_I the Arg_I development Arg_I of Arg_I science Arg_I and Arg_I technology Arg_I . O Competition Arg_B helps Arg_I in Arg_I improvement Arg_I and Arg_I evolution Arg_I . O For O example, O every Arg_B other Arg_I day, Arg_I new Arg_I cars Arg_I are Arg_I developed Arg_I by Arg_I companies Arg_I which Arg_I are Arg_I more Arg_I efficient Arg_I than Arg_I others Arg_I . O This Arg_B kind Arg_I of Arg_I competition Arg_I gives Arg_I customers Arg_I more Arg_I options Arg_I . O However, O blind Arg_B and Arg_I selfish Arg_I competition Arg_I is Arg_I detrimental Arg_I . O 'Your Arg_B loss, Arg_I my Arg_I gain' Arg_I kind Arg_I of Arg_I competition Arg_I can Arg_I never Arg_I be Arg_I fruitful Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I long Arg_I run Arg_I . O Competition Arg_B should Arg_I be Arg_I always Arg_I based Arg_I on Arg_I self-improvement Arg_I rule Arg_I . O A Arg_B healthy Arg_I competition Arg_I which Arg_I involves Arg_I raising Arg_I one's Arg_I own Arg_I level Arg_I above Arg_I others Arg_I is Arg_I the Arg_I best Arg_I approach Arg_I . O Thus, O competition O and O co-operation O go O hand O in O hand O . O These O are O two O sides O of O the O same O coin O which O can't O be O separated O . O I O firmly O believe O that O children Arg_B should Arg_I be Arg_I taught Arg_I co-operation Arg_I complimented Arg_I with Arg_I a Arg_I healthy Arg_I competition Arg_I . O They O must O be O made O aware O of O the O demerits O of O selfish O competition O . O When O co-operation O and O healthy O competition O is O followed O together, O success, O achievements, O recognition O and O any O goal O becomes O easier O . O Capital O punishment O - O necessary O or O not O Crime O is O always O punishable O . O Retribution O is O the O method O for O countering O criminals O . O Some O countries O have O stringent O rules, O like O capital O punishment, O while O other O have O a O lot O of O flexibility O in O the O judicial O system O . O However, O strict Arg_B laws, Arg_I like Arg_I capital Arg_I punishment, Arg_I are Arg_I essential Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I society Arg_I . O Capital Arg_B punishment Arg_I is Arg_I given Arg_I only Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I "rarest Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I rare" Arg_I cases Arg_I . O Its Arg_B first Arg_I and Arg_I foremost Arg_I objective Arg_I is Arg_I safety Arg_I of Arg_I other Arg_I human Arg_I beings Arg_I . O When Arg_B a Arg_I criminal Arg_I becomes Arg_I a Arg_I threat Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I society, Arg_I such Arg_I that Arg_I they Arg_I can Arg_I commit Arg_I heinous Arg_I crimes, Arg_I then Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I given Arg_I capital Arg_I punishment Arg_I . O Thus, O capital Arg_B punishment Arg_I protects Arg_I the Arg_I society Arg_I from Arg_I hardcore Arg_I criminals Arg_I . O Moreover, O capital Arg_B punishment Arg_I curbs Arg_I the Arg_I inspiration Arg_I and Arg_I prospects Arg_I of Arg_I other Arg_I hateful Arg_I crimes Arg_I . O When Arg_B a Arg_I criminal Arg_I mind Arg_I knows Arg_I the Arg_I quantum Arg_I of Arg_I punishment, Arg_I they Arg_I will Arg_I fear Arg_I and Arg_I not Arg_I commit Arg_I such Arg_I crimes Arg_I . O Thus, O the Arg_B rate Arg_I of Arg_I crime Arg_I and Arg_I violence Arg_I is Arg_I effectively Arg_I decreased Arg_I . O Importantly, O capital Arg_B punishment Arg_I saves Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I government Arg_I funding Arg_I which Arg_I is Arg_I wasted Arg_I in Arg_I maintenance Arg_I of Arg_I these Arg_I hardcore Arg_I criminals Arg_I . O Criminals Arg_B who Arg_I don't Arg_I have Arg_I any Arg_I chance Arg_I of Arg_I improvement Arg_I or Arg_I who Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I past Arg_I record Arg_I of Arg_I such Arg_I crimes Arg_I are, Arg_I therefore, Arg_I given Arg_I capital Arg_I punishment Arg_I . O However, O the Arg_B jury Arg_I giving Arg_I the Arg_I verdict Arg_I are Arg_I also Arg_I humans Arg_I . O They Arg_B have Arg_I the Arg_I life Arg_I of Arg_I a Arg_I person Arg_I at Arg_I their Arg_I discretion Arg_I . O They Arg_B can Arg_I make Arg_I mistakes Arg_I which Arg_I can Arg_I sometimes Arg_I affect Arg_I an Arg_I innocent, Arg_I circumstantially Arg_I marred Arg_I criminals Arg_I . O The Arg_B jury Arg_I must Arg_I therefore, Arg_I take Arg_I into Arg_I account Arg_I the Arg_I circumstances Arg_I of Arg_I committing Arg_I a Arg_I crime Arg_I . O For O example, O if Arg_B an Arg_I individual Arg_I murders Arg_I someone Arg_I for Arg_I self-defense, Arg_I then Arg_I such Arg_I a Arg_I crime Arg_I is Arg_I not Arg_I heinous Arg_I . O Only Arg_B deserving Arg_I criminals, Arg_I who Arg_I commit Arg_I such Arg_I hateful Arg_I crimes Arg_I in Arg_I their Arg_I proper Arg_I senses Arg_I are Arg_I subjected Arg_I to Arg_I capital Arg_I punishment Arg_I . O Capital Arg_B punishment Arg_I is Arg_I essential Arg_I to Arg_I control Arg_I violence Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I society Arg_I . O I O firmly O believe O that O psychopaths, Arg_B terrorists Arg_I or Arg_I any Arg_I other Arg_I criminal Arg_I who Arg_I lacks Arg_I empathy Arg_I for Arg_I other Arg_I human Arg_I lives Arg_I deserve Arg_I capital Arg_I punishment Arg_I . O Capital Arg_B punishment Arg_I helps Arg_I to Arg_I safeguard Arg_I human Arg_I rights Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I strict Arg_I and Arg_I effective Arg_I manner Arg_I . O However, O it O should O be O considered O as O the O last O option O by O the O jury O and O all O circumstances O must O be O taken O into O account O before O pronouncing O the O final O verdict O . O Is O a O break O good O or O bad O after O high O school O for O students O Studies O are O an O essential O part O of O life O . O Some O countries O permit O students O to O take O a O break O from O studies O between O high O school O and O university O studies, O while O in O some O countries, O it O is O considered O as O waste O of O time O . O However, O a Arg_B break Arg_I of Arg_I one Arg_I year Arg_I is Arg_I good Arg_I for Arg_I young Arg_I people Arg_I after Arg_I finishing Arg_I their Arg_I high Arg_I school Arg_I . O In O most O education O systems, O a O child O studies O continuously O from O the O age O of O 5 O till O 16 O years O of O age O . O A Arg_B relaxation Arg_I of Arg_I one Arg_I year Arg_I to Arg_I young Arg_I minds Arg_I will Arg_I give Arg_I them Arg_I a Arg_I quintessential Arg_I change Arg_I . O A Arg_B continuous Arg_I study Arg_I pressure Arg_I for Arg_I over Arg_I 10 Arg_I years Arg_I makes Arg_I the Arg_I mind Arg_I saturated Arg_I and Arg_I like Arg_I a Arg_I robot, Arg_I to Arg_I follow Arg_I instructions Arg_I . O Personally, O a Arg_B break Arg_I will Arg_I give Arg_I students Arg_I some Arg_I time Arg_I to Arg_I refresh Arg_I their Arg_I systems, Arg_I by Arg_I traveling Arg_I or Arg_I following Arg_I their Arg_I hobbies Arg_I . O Importantly, O when Arg_B students Arg_I start Arg_I their Arg_I university Arg_I studies Arg_I after Arg_I a Arg_I break, Arg_I they Arg_I will Arg_I feel Arg_I fresh Arg_I and Arg_I full Arg_I of Arg_I energy Arg_I to Arg_I take Arg_I the Arg_I new Arg_I challenge Arg_I . O Nevertheless, O during O high O school, O many O students O face O a O dilemma O to O decide O which O stream O should O they O major O in O . O Working Arg_B or Arg_I traveling Arg_I for Arg_I some Arg_I time, Arg_I after Arg_I high Arg_I school, Arg_I can Arg_I help Arg_I them Arg_I to Arg_I find Arg_I their Arg_I field Arg_I of Arg_I interest Arg_I . O It Arg_B will Arg_I also Arg_I help Arg_I them Arg_I to Arg_I learn Arg_I professional Arg_I setup Arg_I by Arg_I working Arg_I . O Financially, Arg_B students Arg_I can Arg_I save Arg_I a Arg_I little Arg_I money Arg_I to Arg_I support Arg_I their Arg_I university Arg_I education Arg_I by Arg_I doing Arg_I a Arg_I job Arg_I . O Some Arg_B students Arg_I even Arg_I utilize Arg_I this Arg_I time Arg_I for Arg_I preparation Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I desired Arg_I university Arg_I course Arg_I . O However, O there O are O also O disadvantages O . O A Arg_B break Arg_I can Arg_I disturb Arg_I the Arg_I focus Arg_I of Arg_I students Arg_I and Arg_I prove Arg_I detrimental Arg_I . O When Arg_B students Arg_I work Arg_I during Arg_I these Arg_I breaks, Arg_I the Arg_I feel Arg_I of Arg_I money Arg_I gives Arg_I them Arg_I an Arg_I illusion Arg_I that Arg_I such Arg_I salary Arg_I is Arg_I enough Arg_I for Arg_I them Arg_I and Arg_I they Arg_I go Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I utopia Arg_I . O For O instance, O my Arg_B cousin Arg_I started Arg_I working Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I customer Arg_I care Arg_I centre Arg_I after Arg_I high Arg_I school Arg_I and Arg_I got Arg_I distracted Arg_I . O When Arg_B he Arg_I started Arg_I his Arg_I university Arg_I studies, Arg_I he Arg_I failed Arg_I miserably Arg_I . O Students Arg_B can Arg_I also Arg_I indulge Arg_I in Arg_I smoking Arg_I or Arg_I drinking Arg_I during Arg_I this Arg_I time Arg_I . O But, O the O break O should O be O an O optional O thing O . O It Arg_B varies Arg_I from Arg_I individual Arg_I to Arg_I individual, Arg_I how Arg_I they Arg_I utilize Arg_I that Arg_I period Arg_I . O A Arg_B break Arg_I gives Arg_I students Arg_I more Arg_I benefits Arg_I than Arg_I harms Arg_I . O Importantly, O the Arg_B sole Arg_I purpose Arg_I of Arg_I education Arg_I is Arg_I to Arg_I nurture Arg_I a Arg_I young Arg_I mind Arg_I and Arg_I not Arg_I thrust Arg_I studies Arg_I on Arg_I them Arg_I . O Thus, O a Arg_B break Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I necessarily Arg_I allowed Arg_I to Arg_I young Arg_I minds Arg_I between Arg_I their Arg_I high Arg_I school Arg_I and Arg_I university Arg_I studies Arg_I . O Countries, O like O India, O where O such O a O break O is O considered O a O blot, O should O understand O that O young O minds O are O delicate O and O they O face O a O cut-throat O competition O . O One O year O break O can O help O young O people O to O prepare O for O the O challenges O of O life O . O Should O universities O accept O equal O number O of O males/females O or O not O Education O is O important O for O the O development O of O the O world O . O Its O a O debatable O issue O whether O universities O should O accept O equal O number O of O males O and O females O in O a O course O or O not O . O However, O since O both O genders O are O equally O important, O both O must O be O given O equal O opportunities O . O Universities Arg_B must Arg_I admit Arg_I both Arg_I in Arg_I equal Arg_I numbers, Arg_I depending Arg_I on Arg_I their Arg_I choices Arg_I . O Right Arg_B to Arg_I education Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I basic Arg_I human Arg_I right Arg_I of Arg_I both, Arg_I males Arg_I and Arg_I females Arg_I . O The O whole O world O aims O for O women O empowerment, O and O to O achieve O this, O females Arg_B should Arg_I be Arg_I given Arg_I equal Arg_I opportunities Arg_I as Arg_I males Arg_I . O When Arg_B universities Arg_I will Arg_I accept Arg_I them Arg_I in Arg_I equal Arg_I number, Arg_I both Arg_I genders Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I able Arg_I to Arg_I nurture Arg_I their Arg_I talent Arg_I and Arg_I a Arg_I healthy Arg_I competitive Arg_I environment Arg_I will Arg_I develop Arg_I . O Co-education Arg_B helps Arg_I both Arg_I genders Arg_I to Arg_I gel Arg_I well Arg_I with Arg_I each Arg_I other Arg_I . O It Arg_B helps Arg_I them Arg_I how Arg_I to Arg_I behave Arg_I and Arg_I cooperate Arg_I and Arg_I work Arg_I together Arg_I . O For O example, O students Arg_B studying Arg_I in Arg_I boy's Arg_I colleges Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I generally Arg_I know Arg_I how Arg_I to Arg_I talk Arg_I to Arg_I a Arg_I female Arg_I or Arg_I behave Arg_I in Arg_I front Arg_I of Arg_I them Arg_I . O On O the O other O hand, O females Arg_B studying Arg_I in Arg_I girl's Arg_I colleges Arg_I are Arg_I too Arg_I shy Arg_I to Arg_I face Arg_I boys Arg_I . O Co-education Arg_B will Arg_I help Arg_I to Arg_I eradicate Arg_I this Arg_I kind Arg_I of Arg_I demerit Arg_I in Arg_I both Arg_I . O Universities Arg_B giving Arg_I both Arg_I genders Arg_I equal Arg_I opportunities, Arg_I will Arg_I prepare Arg_I them Arg_I for Arg_I future Arg_I challenges Arg_I and Arg_I will Arg_I help Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I long Arg_I run Arg_I . O Unfortunately, O some Arg_B male Arg_I chauvinists Arg_I think Arg_I that Arg_I women Arg_I are Arg_I incapable Arg_I in Arg_I particular Arg_I fields, Arg_I like Arg_I maths, Arg_I mechanical Arg_I engineering, Arg_I defense Arg_I etc Arg_I . O This Arg_B kind Arg_I of Arg_I gender Arg_I biased Arg_I approach Arg_I is Arg_I detrimental Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I development Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I society Arg_I . O Time O and O again, O women Arg_B have Arg_I proved Arg_I their Arg_I mettle Arg_I in Arg_I every Arg_I field Arg_I . O Women O like O Margaret O Thatcher, O Indira O Gandhi, O Mari O Curie O etc O ., O are O symbols O of O women's O intelligence O and O skills O . O Thus, O I O firmly O believe O that O both Arg_B genders Arg_I have Arg_I equal Arg_I rights Arg_I and Arg_I universities Arg_I should Arg_I accept Arg_I them Arg_I in Arg_I equal Arg_I numbers Arg_I . O Equality Arg_B in Arg_I education Arg_I will Arg_I help Arg_I in Arg_I development Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I society Arg_I . O Both Arg_B genders Arg_I are Arg_I the Arg_I fulcrum Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I society Arg_I and Arg_I none Arg_I of Arg_I them Arg_I is Arg_I superior Arg_I or Arg_I inferior Arg_I . O Choice O of O course O should O be O the O discretion O of O the O student O and O their O merit, O irrespective O of O the O gender O . O Educational O rights O must O be O given O to O both O genders O . O People O will O spend O less O time O on O cooking O food O Perhaps, O no O issue O in O this O world O is O as O significant O to O people O as O cooking O food, O because O it O affects O everybody O in O their O daily O lives O . O Some O people O hold O the O opinion O that O people O should O spend O much O time O on O food O . O However, O I O do O think O that O people Arg_B are Arg_I likely Arg_I to Arg_I spend Arg_I less Arg_I time Arg_I in Arg_I cooking Arg_I food Arg_I . O There O are O various O reasons O why O I O maintain O this O viewpoint, O and O among O those O reasons O are O two O important O ones O . O The O first O and O foremost O reason O is O that O with Arg_B the Arg_I development Arg_I of Arg_I science Arg_I and Arg_I technology, Arg_I more Arg_I advanced Arg_I kitchen Arg_I facilities, Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I the Arg_I modern Arg_I microwaves Arg_I or Arg_I the Arg_I advanced Arg_I pressure Arg_I cookers, Arg_I have Arg_I been Arg_I created Arg_I and Arg_I invented Arg_I to Arg_I help Arg_I people Arg_I prepare Arg_I and Arg_I cook Arg_I food Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I very Arg_I short Arg_I time Arg_I . O As O a O result, O people Arg_B nowadays Arg_I just Arg_I spend Arg_I one Arg_I hour Arg_I to Arg_I prepare Arg_I a Arg_I meal Arg_I instead Arg_I of Arg_I two, Arg_I even Arg_I three Arg_I hours Arg_I like Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I last Arg_I 10 Arg_I years Arg_I . O Actually, O in Arg_B recent Arg_I years, Arg_I there Arg_I was Arg_I a Arg_I significant Arg_I increase Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I number Arg_I of Arg_I people Arg_I from Arg_I all Arg_I walks Arg_I of Arg_I life Arg_I realizing Arg_I this Arg_I valuable Arg_I benefit Arg_I of Arg_I those Arg_I technologies Arg_I in Arg_I doing Arg_I their Arg_I housework Arg_I . O And Arg_B this Arg_I figure Arg_I still Arg_I continuously Arg_I go Arg_I up Arg_I along Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I improvement Arg_I of Arg_I science Arg_I and Arg_I technology Arg_I . O Thus, O it Arg_B is Arg_I certain Arg_I that Arg_I spending Arg_I less Arg_I time Arg_I on Arg_I cooking Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I the Arg_I main Arg_I trend Arg_I in Arg_I near Arg_I future Arg_I . O Another O reason O is O that O most Arg_B of Arg_I young Arg_I people Arg_I prefer Arg_I to Arg_I have Arg_I meals Arg_I at Arg_I restaurants Arg_I because O they Arg_B want Arg_I to Arg_I invest Arg_I more Arg_I time Arg_I in Arg_I their Arg_I work Arg_I or Arg_I study Arg_I to Arg_I improve Arg_I themselves Arg_I . O According O to O a O recent O survey, O 89% Arg_B of Arg_I people Arg_I have Arg_I come Arg_I to Arg_I think Arg_I that, Arg_I since Arg_I they Arg_I have Arg_I been Arg_I put Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I situation Arg_I which Arg_I is Arg_I filled Arg_I with Arg_I competitions Arg_I and Arg_I pressures, Arg_I they Arg_I have Arg_I to Arg_I use Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I time Arg_I to Arg_I work Arg_I hard, Arg_I to Arg_I update Arg_I themselves, Arg_I to Arg_I acquire Arg_I all Arg_I kinds Arg_I of Arg_I skills Arg_I and Arg_I so Arg_I on Arg_I . O Thus, O they Arg_B find Arg_I hard Arg_I to Arg_I have Arg_I time Arg_I to Arg_I prepare Arg_I and Arg_I cook Arg_I a Arg_I meal Arg_I . O Even Arg_B they Arg_I have Arg_I some Arg_I spare Arg_I time, Arg_I they Arg_I prefer Arg_I to Arg_I go Arg_I out Arg_I with Arg_I friends Arg_I to Arg_I relax Arg_I and Arg_I relieve Arg_I the Arg_I pressure Arg_I from Arg_I work Arg_I and Arg_I study Arg_I . O Some O people O may O argue O that O investing Arg_B much Arg_I time Arg_I in Arg_I cooking Arg_I food Arg_I will Arg_I guarantee Arg_I nutrition Arg_I as Arg_I well Arg_I as Arg_I quality Arg_I of Arg_I food Arg_I for Arg_I their Arg_I family Arg_I . O To O some O extent, O it O is O true O . O However, O as Arg_B a Arg_I matter Arg_I of Arg_I fact, Arg_I using Arg_I technology Arg_I or Arg_I advanced Arg_I facilities Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I make Arg_I food Arg_I lose Arg_I its Arg_I nutrition Arg_I and Arg_I quality Arg_I . O Even, O with O the O help O of O ozone O machines, O bacterias, O mold O spores, O or O pesticide O in O vegetables, O fruits O and O foods O will O be O killed O and O removed, O thus O health Arg_B and Arg_I life Arg_I of Arg_I eaters Arg_I is Arg_I assured Arg_I . O Besides, O along Arg_B with Arg_I the Arg_I high Arg_I living Arg_I standard, Arg_I requirements Arg_I of Arg_I quality Arg_I products Arg_I in Arg_I almost Arg_I restaurants, Arg_I nowadays, Arg_I are Arg_I under Arg_I severe Arg_I control Arg_I and Arg_I supervision Arg_I by Arg_I appropriate Arg_I authorities Arg_I . O Consequently, O it Arg_B is Arg_I quite Arg_I easy Arg_I to Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I nutritious Arg_I meal Arg_I with Arg_I guaranteed Arg_I quality, Arg_I but Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I waste Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I time Arg_I . O To O sum O up, O if O all O those O factors O are O contemplated, O it O is O obviously O found O that O there O are O many O solid O reasons O to O support O my O viewpoint O . O So, O from O what O have O been O discussed O above, O I O strongly O affirm O the O conclusion O that O people Arg_B will Arg_I spend Arg_I less Arg_I time Arg_I in Arg_I cooking Arg_I food Arg_I . O Traditional O games O or O modern O games O in O developing O children's O skills O Games O have O played O a O key O role O in O children's O growth, O especially O in O terms O of O their O abilities O . O With O technological O advances, O children O have O more O access O to O modern O games O currently O . O In O such O case, O the O relative O importance O of O traditional O games O and O modern O games O in O children's O developments O of O skills O has O become O a O frequent O topic O of O discussion O . O For O me, O I O believe O parents Arg_B and Arg_I educators Arg_I should Arg_I attach Arg_I more Arg_I importance Arg_I to Arg_I traditional Arg_I games Arg_I . O It O is O true O that O modern Arg_B games Arg_I may Arg_I be, Arg_I to Arg_I some Arg_I extent, Arg_I beneficial Arg_I for Arg_I children Arg_I to Arg_I foster Arg_I some Arg_I skills, Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I computer Arg_I skills Arg_I or Arg_I the Arg_I capacity Arg_I to Arg_I keep Arg_I up Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I latest Arg_I trend Arg_I . O This O is O because O children Arg_B have Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I proficient Arg_I at Arg_I computers Arg_I and Arg_I the Arg_I Internet Arg_I if Arg_I they Arg_I want Arg_I to Arg_I join Arg_I online Arg_I games, Arg_I which, Arg_I in Arg_I fact, Arg_I helps Arg_I children Arg_I acquire Arg_I a Arg_I particularly Arg_I powerful Arg_I skill Arg_I at Arg_I work Arg_I in Arg_I future Arg_I . O At O the O same O time, O children Arg_B have Arg_I the Arg_I chance Arg_I to Arg_I experience Arg_I the Arg_I state-of-the-art Arg_I technology, Arg_I raising Arg_I their Arg_I awareness Arg_I of Arg_I innovation Arg_I rather Arg_I than Arg_I stay Arg_I conservative Arg_I . O However, O I O think O traditional Arg_B games Arg_I are Arg_I still Arg_I indispensible Arg_I in Arg_I children's Arg_I learning Arg_I process, Arg_I even Arg_I much Arg_I more Arg_I essential Arg_I than Arg_I modern Arg_I games, Arg_I especially Arg_I in Arg_I modern Arg_I society Arg_I . O One Arg_B primary Arg_I merit Arg_I of Arg_I traditional Arg_I games Arg_I is Arg_I that Arg_I they Arg_I foster Arg_I children's Arg_I communication Arg_I skills Arg_I . O Unlike Arg_B most Arg_I modern Arg_I games Arg_I which Arg_I focus Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I interactions Arg_I between Arg_I children Arg_I and Arg_I machines, Arg_I traditional Arg_I games Arg_I provide Arg_I a Arg_I relaxing Arg_I and Arg_I enjoyable Arg_I atmosphere Arg_I where Arg_I children Arg_I can Arg_I chat, Arg_I laugh Arg_I and Arg_I cooperate Arg_I face Arg_I to Arg_I face Arg_I . O As O a O result, O communicating Arg_B with Arg_I a Arg_I variety Arg_I of Arg_I people Arg_I will Arg_I not Arg_I be Arg_I an Arg_I issue Arg_I for Arg_I these Arg_I children Arg_I any Arg_I more Arg_I . O Furthermore, O it Arg_B is Arg_I the Arg_I educational Arg_I functions Arg_I traditional Arg_I games Arg_I hold Arg_I that Arg_I keep Arg_I them Arg_I alive Arg_I today Arg_I . O In O fact, O these Arg_B traditional Arg_I games Arg_I were Arg_I elaborately Arg_I devised Arg_I by Arg_I educators Arg_I and Arg_I have Arg_I been Arg_I proven Arg_I effective Arg_I in Arg_I improving Arg_I children's Arg_I skills Arg_I on Arg_I different Arg_I aspects Arg_I in Arg_I previous Arg_I teaching Arg_I practices Arg_I . O By O contrast, O modern Arg_B games Arg_I are Arg_I developed Arg_I by Arg_I game Arg_I companies Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I purpose Arg_I of Arg_I profits Arg_I . O Therefore, O there Arg_B is Arg_I a Arg_I risk Arg_I that Arg_I children Arg_I may Arg_I be Arg_I exposed Arg_I to Arg_I unhealthy Arg_I contents, Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I violence Arg_I or Arg_I pornography, Arg_I arranged Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I games Arg_I by Arg_I such Arg_I companies Arg_I to Arg_I secure Arg_I financial Arg_I survival Arg_I . O Thus, O I O would O conclude O that O traditional Arg_B games Arg_I should Arg_I be, Arg_I by Arg_I no Arg_I means, Arg_I ignored Arg_I by Arg_I parents Arg_I and Arg_I teachers Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I advent Arg_I of Arg_I modern Arg_I games Arg_I . O Only Arg_B through Arg_I traditional Arg_I games Arg_I can Arg_I children Arg_I be Arg_I ensured Arg_I a Arg_I positive Arg_I and Arg_I healthy Arg_I skills Arg_I learning Arg_I process Arg_I . O Government O shouldn't O put O money O on O building O theaters O or O sports O stadiums O How O to O allocate O governmental O budget O efficiently O has O always O been O a O hot O topic O of O discussion O among O the O public O . O Recently, O some O people O argue O that O government Arg_B should Arg_I invest Arg_I more Arg_I on Arg_I medical Arg_I care Arg_I and Arg_I education Arg_I rather Arg_I than Arg_I on Arg_I entertaining Arg_I or Arg_I sports Arg_I facilities Arg_I . O As O far O as O I O am O concerned, O this O proposal O is O beneficial O more O to O the O society O . O Taking Arg_B care Arg_I of Arg_I thousands Arg_I of Arg_I citizens Arg_I who Arg_I suffer Arg_I from Arg_I disease Arg_I or Arg_I illiteracy Arg_I is Arg_I more Arg_I urgent Arg_I and Arg_I pragmatic Arg_I than Arg_I building Arg_I theaters Arg_I or Arg_I sports Arg_I stadiums Arg_I . O As O a O matter O of O fact, O an Arg_B uneducated Arg_I person Arg_I may Arg_I barely Arg_I appreciate Arg_I musicals, Arg_I whereas Arg_I a Arg_I physical Arg_I damaged Arg_I person, Arg_I resulting Arg_I from Arg_I the Arg_I lack Arg_I of Arg_I medical Arg_I treatment, Arg_I may Arg_I no Arg_I longer Arg_I participate Arg_I in Arg_I any Arg_I sports Arg_I games Arg_I . O Therefore, O providing Arg_B education Arg_I and Arg_I medical Arg_I care Arg_I is Arg_I more Arg_I essential Arg_I and Arg_I prioritized Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I government Arg_I . O Entertaining Arg_B facilities Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I cinemas, Arg_I theaters Arg_I and Arg_I sports Arg_I stadiums Arg_I are Arg_I mostly Arg_I profit-oriented Arg_I . O Their Arg_B existences Arg_I are Arg_I based Arg_I on Arg_I their Arg_I marketing Arg_I strategies, Arg_I the Arg_I condition Arg_I of Arg_I facilities Arg_I and Arg_I the Arg_I volume Arg_I of Arg_I audience Arg_I . O The Arg_B competition Arg_I among Arg_I each Arg_I of Arg_I these Arg_I facilities Arg_I is Arg_I an Arg_I inevitable Arg_I part Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I free Arg_I market, Arg_I which Arg_I should Arg_I not Arg_I be Arg_I interfered Arg_I by Arg_I government Arg_I . O Instead, O the Arg_B establishment Arg_I of Arg_I medical Arg_I facilities Arg_I or Arg_I educational Arg_I institutes Arg_I is Arg_I aimed Arg_I to Arg_I improve Arg_I the Arg_I health Arg_I or Arg_I education Arg_I standard Arg_I rather Arg_I than Arg_I earning Arg_I profits, Arg_I which Arg_I deserves Arg_I more Arg_I funds Arg_I from Arg_I government Arg_I . O Furthermore, O putting Arg_B taxpayers' Arg_I money Arg_I on Arg_I building Arg_I theaters Arg_I or Arg_I sports Arg_I stadiums Arg_I is Arg_I unfair Arg_I to Arg_I those Arg_I who Arg_I cannot Arg_I use Arg_I them Arg_I . O For O example, O not Arg_B everyone Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I fan Arg_I of Arg_I watching Arg_I musicals Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I spot Arg_I . O Therefore, O it Arg_B is Arg_I a Arg_I bit Arg_I inappropriate Arg_I to Arg_I use Arg_I the Arg_I majority Arg_I of Arg_I citizens' Arg_I tax Arg_I funds Arg_I to Arg_I meet Arg_I a Arg_I minority Arg_I of Arg_I people's Arg_I needs Arg_I . O That O is O the O reason O why O sectors O such O as O medical O care O and O education O deserve O more O governmental O support, O because O they Arg_B are Arg_I accessed Arg_I by Arg_I every Arg_I individual Arg_I in Arg_I our Arg_I society Arg_I on Arg_I a Arg_I daily Arg_I basis Arg_I . O To O summarize, O I O strongly O agree O that O budgets O should O be O allocated O more O on O medical O care O and O education O rather O than O on O building O entertaining O facilities, O because O the Arg_B former Arg_I is Arg_I more Arg_I essential, Arg_I non-profit Arg_I oriented Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I public Arg_I and Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I accessed Arg_I by Arg_I the Arg_I majority Arg_I of Arg_I citizens Arg_I . O Technology O keeps O traditional O skills O and O ways O of O life O alive O or O not? O Living O in O the O 21st O century, O people O are O firmly O convinced O that O technology O is O the O main O driving O force O behind O productivity O . O Thus, O every O country O has O been O promoting O technological O advances O in O the O recent O years, O regardless O of O any O potential O problems O it O may O bring O about O . O Some O people O are O worried O modern O technological O technology O is O probably O a O hurdle O to O the O preservation O of O traditional O techniques O and O lifestyles O . O However, O I O believe O their O concern O is O groundless O . O Instead, O technology Arg_B plays Arg_I a Arg_I key Arg_I role Arg_I in Arg_I promoting Arg_I traditional Arg_I techniques Arg_I and Arg_I lifestyles Arg_I . O In Arg_B terms Arg_I of Arg_I time Arg_I and Arg_I space, Arg_I technology Arg_I makes Arg_I it Arg_I more Arg_I efficient Arg_I and Arg_I effective Arg_I to Arg_I promote Arg_I the Arg_I traditional Arg_I skills Arg_I and Arg_I ways Arg_I of Arg_I life Arg_I . O In Arg_B the Arg_I past, Arg_I only Arg_I when Arg_I people Arg_I went Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I local Arg_I place Arg_I could Arg_I they Arg_I experience Arg_I the Arg_I specific Arg_I traditional Arg_I lifestyles Arg_I . O This Arg_B means Arg_I individuals Arg_I who Arg_I were Arg_I engaged Arg_I in Arg_I work Arg_I and Arg_I therefore Arg_I could Arg_I not Arg_I spare Arg_I time Arg_I to Arg_I travel Arg_I or Arg_I restricted Arg_I by Arg_I traffic Arg_I conditions Arg_I had Arg_I to Arg_I miss Arg_I the Arg_I chance Arg_I to Arg_I appreciate Arg_I the Arg_I traditional Arg_I skills Arg_I . O However, O with Arg_B the Arg_I access Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I Internet, Arg_I one Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I greatest Arg_I innovations Arg_I in Arg_I modern Arg_I society, Arg_I humankind Arg_I can Arg_I acquire Arg_I the Arg_I traditional Arg_I techniques Arg_I displayed Arg_I online Arg_I anytime, Arg_I anywhere Arg_I . O Additionally, O technology Arg_B enriches Arg_I the Arg_I way Arg_I of Arg_I displaying Arg_I traditional Arg_I cultural Arg_I heritage, Arg_I making Arg_I it Arg_I more Arg_I vivid Arg_I and Arg_I appealing Arg_I . O For O example, O China Arg_B has Arg_I successfully Arg_I promoted Arg_I traditional Arg_I techniques Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I Shanghai Arg_I World Arg_I Expo, Arg_I using Arg_I a Arg_I variety Arg_I of Arg_I state-of-the-art Arg_I technological Arg_I methods, Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I robots Arg_I and Arg_I LED Arg_I screens Arg_I . O In O fact, O many Arg_B tourists Arg_I around Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I marveled Arg_I at Arg_I the Arg_I perfect Arg_I synthesis Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I modern Arg_I technology Arg_I and Arg_I the Arg_I traditional Arg_I culture Arg_I . O On O the O other O hand, O some Arg_B people Arg_I are Arg_I concerned Arg_I that Arg_I technology Arg_I may Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I detrimental Arg_I effect Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I traditional Arg_I lifestyles Arg_I . O They O argue O that O people, O especially Arg_B youngsters, Arg_I are Arg_I crazier Arg_I about Arg_I fresh Arg_I and Arg_I advanced Arg_I things, Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I digital Arg_I products, Arg_I thus Arg_I becoming Arg_I indifferent Arg_I to Arg_I traditional Arg_I techniques Arg_I . O But O I O believe O this O is O not O the O issue O because O people Arg_B tend Arg_I to Arg_I follow Arg_I the Arg_I trend Arg_I back Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I tradition Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I recent Arg_I years Arg_I . O Therefore, O I O will O conclude O that O technology Arg_B indeed Arg_I supports Arg_I the Arg_I preservation Arg_I and Arg_I promotion Arg_I of Arg_I traditional Arg_I techniques Arg_I and Arg_I lifestyles Arg_I . O Only O when O traditional O culture O is O integrated O with O the O modern O technology O can O it O be O developed O in O the O long O run O . O Creative O Artists O Innovative O artists O bring O enjoyment O and O inspiration O to O our O sometimes O tedious O life; O however, O some O people O deem O that O artists O have O been O entrusted O with O too O much O freedom O and O power O and O should O be O restricted O by O the O government O . O It O is O my O personal O belief O that O freedom Arg_B of Arg_I expressing Arg_I thoughts Arg_I and Arg_I ideas Arg_I should Arg_I always Arg_I be Arg_I eulogized Arg_I and Arg_I it's Arg_I rather Arg_I iniquitous Arg_I to Arg_I impose Arg_I a Arg_I shackle Arg_I on Arg_I artists' Arg_I will Arg_I to Arg_I create Arg_I . O One O of O the O major O concerns O against O freeing O artists' O creation O derives O from O the O fear O of O social O misleading O which O would O destabilize O the O society; O however, O I O believe O the Arg_B audiences Arg_I have Arg_I their Arg_I own Arg_I judgement Arg_I and Arg_I are Arg_I not Arg_I likely Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I misled Arg_I or Arg_I influenced Arg_I by Arg_I some Arg_I art Arg_I work Arg_I . O It O is O needless O to O say O that O art Arg_B inevitably Arg_I involves Arg_I imagination, Arg_I exaggeration Arg_I and Arg_I sometimes Arg_I is Arg_I purely Arg_I fabricated; Arg_I regardless Arg_I of Arg_I whether Arg_I the Arg_I work Arg_I of Arg_I art Arg_I is Arg_I based Arg_I on Arg_I truth Arg_I or Arg_I not, Arg_I it Arg_I is Arg_I the Arg_I public's Arg_I authority Arg_I to Arg_I determine Arg_I how Arg_I to Arg_I interpret Arg_I its Arg_I meaning Arg_I . O If O the O art O displays O unreality, O the O public O audiences O certainly O have O the O acumen O to O recognise O its O untruthfulness O and O only O appreciate O its O art O value; O if O the O art O reflects O the O reality, O then O what O would O be O the O intention O to O ban O it O if O it O was O not O for O covering O the O dirty O truth? O Would O it O be O autocratic O if O the O government O clamp O down O the O artists O who O are O telling O the O truth? O In O a O word, O the Arg_B notion Arg_I of Arg_I being Arg_I afraid Arg_I of Arg_I social Arg_I misleading Arg_I is Arg_I unjustified Arg_I . O Let's O then O take O a O look O at O the O impact O that O art O has O posed O on O individuals O . O It O is O undeniable O that O some Arg_B of Arg_I the Arg_I art Arg_I work Arg_I may Arg_I contain Arg_I negative Arg_I implications Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I insanity, Arg_I violence, Arg_I eroticism Arg_I etc Arg_I . O I O absolutely O agree O that O restrictions Arg_B on Arg_I exposure Arg_I to Arg_I adolescents Arg_I should Arg_I apply Arg_I as O adolescents O are O not O mature O enough O to O avoid O being O led O astray O by O these O contents; O however, O in Arg_B the Arg_I case Arg_I of Arg_I adults Arg_I being Arg_I the Arg_I audience, Arg_I there's Arg_I really Arg_I nothing Arg_I to Arg_I hide Arg_I – Arg_I these Arg_I negative Arg_I things Arg_I objectively Arg_I exist Arg_I on Arg_I this Arg_I planet Arg_I and Arg_I it Arg_I is Arg_I impossible Arg_I for Arg_I adults Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I brain-washed Arg_I only Arg_I because Arg_I of Arg_I some Arg_I pieces Arg_I of Arg_I creative Arg_I art Arg_I . O By O way O of O conclusion, O I O do O not O root O for O the O idea O that O restrictions O should O be O put O on O artists O work; O on O the O contrary, O they Arg_B should Arg_I be Arg_I encouraged Arg_I to Arg_I express Arg_I their Arg_I innovative Arg_I ideas Arg_I – O this Arg_B world Arg_I needs Arg_I them Arg_I to Arg_I make Arg_I itself Arg_I colourful Arg_I . O Nowadays O there O are O more O opportunities O for O women O than O there O were O in O the O past O The O modern O times O have O witnessed O profound O changes O in O most O aspects O of O life, O including O the O revolution O of O feminism O . O Women O have O been O opened O up O to O more O chances O than O ever O . O This, Arg_B contrary Arg_I to Arg_I some Arg_I ideas, Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I positive Arg_I progress Arg_I in Arg_I human Arg_I society Arg_I from O my O point O of O view O . O To O start O with, O the Arg_B fairness Arg_I between Arg_I males Arg_I and Arg_I females Arg_I is Arg_I inevitable Arg_I in Arg_I such Arg_I a Arg_I developed Arg_I society Arg_I . O Gone Arg_B are Arg_I the Arg_I days Arg_I when Arg_I women Arg_I could Arg_I do Arg_I nothing Arg_I rather Arg_I than Arg_I stick Arg_I to Arg_I boring Arg_I house Arg_I work Arg_I and Arg_I take Arg_I care Arg_I of Arg_I children Arg_I . O Women Arg_B nowadays Arg_I are Arg_I much Arg_I more Arg_I active, Arg_I they Arg_I may Arg_I be Arg_I successful Arg_I businessmen, Arg_I they Arg_I join Arg_I the Arg_I political Arg_I world, Arg_I they Arg_I become Arg_I scientists Arg_I and Arg_I so Arg_I on Arg_I . O This O is O to O say, O the Arg_B "weaker" Arg_I gender Arg_I as Arg_I often Arg_I be Arg_I thought Arg_I has Arg_I enough Arg_I right Arg_I as Arg_I well Arg_I as Arg_I ability Arg_I to Arg_I contribute Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I development Arg_I of Arg_I human Arg_I beings Arg_I just Arg_I like Arg_I any Arg_I other Arg_I men, Arg_I not Arg_I to Arg_I mention Arg_I they Arg_I even Arg_I perform Arg_I better Arg_I in Arg_I some Arg_I fields Arg_I . O In O the O second O place, O the Arg_B revolution Arg_I in Arg_I females' Arg_I right Arg_I has Arg_I brought Arg_I about Arg_I many Arg_I benefits Arg_I not Arg_I only Arg_I to Arg_I themselves Arg_I but Arg_I society Arg_I as Arg_I well Arg_I . O The Arg_B financial Arg_I burden Arg_I of Arg_I families, Arg_I for Arg_I instance, Arg_I has Arg_I decreased Arg_I significantly Arg_I with Arg_I both Arg_I the Arg_I wives Arg_I and Arg_I the Arg_I husbands Arg_I working Arg_I to Arg_I earn Arg_I money Arg_I . O What O is O more, O women Arg_B have Arg_I the Arg_I outstanding Arg_I instinct Arg_I to Arg_I take Arg_I up Arg_I some Arg_I careers Arg_I like Arg_I healthcare Arg_I or Arg_I human Arg_I resource Arg_I management Arg_I due Arg_I to Arg_I their Arg_I patience Arg_I and Arg_I elaboration Arg_I . O Admittedly, O such Arg_B changes Arg_I do Arg_I lead Arg_I to Arg_I some Arg_I negative Arg_I results Arg_I like Arg_I an Arg_I upward Arg_I trend Arg_I in Arg_I divorce Arg_I rate Arg_I or, O under O many O circumstances, O women Arg_B find Arg_I it Arg_I difficult Arg_I to Arg_I balance Arg_I their Arg_I work Arg_I and Arg_I their Arg_I traditional Arg_I role Arg_I as Arg_I the Arg_I wives Arg_I . O Also, O children Arg_B might Arg_I enjoy Arg_I less Arg_I care Arg_I from Arg_I parents Arg_I as Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I both Arg_I busy Arg_I with Arg_I their Arg_I work Arg_I . O Yet O everything O has O it O upside O and O downside, O women O should O find O the O best O way O to O overcome O such O challenges O . O All O things O considered, O in Arg_B a Arg_I society Arg_I where Arg_I females Arg_I are Arg_I given Arg_I equal Arg_I opportunities Arg_I compared Arg_I with Arg_I males Arg_I would Arg_I obviously Arg_I enjoy Arg_I lots Arg_I of Arg_I benefits Arg_I far Arg_I outweighing Arg_I its Arg_I obstacles Arg_I . O Growing O traffic O and O pollution O can O be O controlled O by O increasing O petrol O prices O As O we O read O newspapers O or O watch O TV, O we O have O always O been O attracted O by O environmental O problems O such O as O traffic O issues, O air O and O water O pollution O questions O . O Initiatives O should O be O taken O to O address O the O specific O problems O . O As O the O impacts O for O those O pollution O and O traffic O issues O are O extremely O far-reaching, O it O is O insufficient O to O increase O the O petrol O price O only O to O solve O problems, O though O it O is O a O promising O method O discussed O in O the O contemporary O society O . O Specifically, O price O control O institution O has O been O used O in O plenty O of O social O areas, O for O example, O in O the O farming O products O and O in O the O real O estate O area; O however, O whether Arg_B it Arg_I can Arg_I work Arg_I out Arg_I for Arg_I alleviating Arg_I traffic Arg_I and Arg_I pollution Arg_I pressure Arg_I ought Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I evaluated Arg_I . O On O one O hand, O governments Arg_B have Arg_I a Arg_I macro-economic Arg_I perspective Arg_I to Arg_I control Arg_I price Arg_I in Arg_I various Arg_I areas Arg_I according Arg_I to Arg_I social Arg_I demands Arg_I . O Consequently, O it Arg_B seems Arg_I not Arg_I easy Arg_I to Arg_I increase Arg_I petrol Arg_I price Arg_I instantly Arg_I . O On O the O other O hand, O pollutions Arg_B are Arg_I not Arg_I just Arg_I caused Arg_I by Arg_I the Arg_I burning Arg_I of Arg_I oil, Arg_I chemical Arg_I pollutants, Arg_I extra Arg_I lights, Arg_I also Arg_I constitute Arg_I considerable Arg_I amount Arg_I of Arg_I pollution Arg_I . O In O addition, O the Arg_B improvements Arg_I of Arg_I work Arg_I efficiency Arg_I also Arg_I attribute Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I speed-up Arg_I of Arg_I working Arg_I pace, Arg_I resulting Arg_I in Arg_I traffic Arg_I jams Arg_I during Arg_I rush-hours Arg_I . O As O illustrated O before, O several Arg_B other Arg_I solutions Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I introduced Arg_I to Arg_I assist Arg_I in Arg_I reducing Arg_I pollution Arg_I and Arg_I traffic Arg_I problems Arg_I . O Primarily, O authorities Arg_B should Arg_I spare Arg_I no Arg_I efforts Arg_I in Arg_I improving Arg_I public Arg_I transportation Arg_I facilities, Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I constructing Arg_I more Arg_I bus Arg_I lines, Arg_I in Arg_I order Arg_I to Arg_I reducing Arg_I the Arg_I usage Arg_I of Arg_I private Arg_I cars Arg_I . O Furthermore, O temporarily Arg_B targets Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I set, Arg_I with Arg_I regard Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I limitations Arg_I of Arg_I pollutants Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I certain Arg_I period Arg_I of Arg_I time, Arg_I for Arg_I example, Arg_I a Arg_I season Arg_I . O Plus O with Arg_B supervisory Arg_I institutions Arg_I built Arg_I to Arg_I find Arg_I and Arg_I address Arg_I problems Arg_I . O Meanwhile, O cultivating Arg_B a Arg_I sense Arg_I of Arg_I environmental Arg_I protection Arg_I would Arg_I also Arg_I work Arg_I out, Arg_I though Arg_I it Arg_I might Arg_I not Arg_I be Arg_I into Arg_I effect Arg_I immediately, Arg_I but Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I long Arg_I run, Arg_I it Arg_I would Arg_I be Arg_I a Arg_I wise Arg_I choice Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O addressing O pollution O and O traffic O issues O only O by O increasing O oil O price O is O not O adequate, O while O improving O transportation O facilities O and O building O supervisory O institution O would O be O preferable, O plus O with O the O awareness O of O environmental O protection O being O raised O . O Is O image O more O powerful O than O the O written O word? O "A O picture O is O worth O a O thousand O words" O is O a O popular O maxim O that O is O being O used O for O a O very O long O time O . O This O strongly O depicts O the O power O of O images O in O conveying O messages, O ideas, O or O opinions O to O people O . O Nevertheless, O the O importance O of O written O word O can O never O be O denied O as O it O is O also O another O way O of O communication O that O is O commonly O used O . O Hence, O I Arg_B agree Arg_I only Arg_I to Arg_I certain Arg_I degree Arg_I that Arg_I in Arg_I today's Arg_I world, Arg_I image Arg_I serves Arg_I as Arg_I a Arg_I more Arg_I effective Arg_I means Arg_I of Arg_I communication Arg_I . O Firstly, O pictures Arg_B can Arg_I influence Arg_I the Arg_I way Arg_I people Arg_I think Arg_I . O For O example, O nowadays Arg_B horrendous Arg_I images Arg_I are Arg_I displayed Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I cigarette Arg_I boxes Arg_I to Arg_I illustrate Arg_I the Arg_I consequences Arg_I of Arg_I smoking Arg_I . O As O a O result, O statistics Arg_B show Arg_I a Arg_I slight Arg_I reduction Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I number Arg_I of Arg_I smokers, Arg_I indicating Arg_I that Arg_I they Arg_I realize Arg_I the Arg_I effects Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I negative Arg_I habit Arg_I . O Not O only O that, O the Arg_B magnificent Arg_I photograph Arg_I captured Arg_I by Arg_I Kevin Arg_I Carter, Arg_I which Arg_I portrayed Arg_I a Arg_I starving Arg_I Sudanese Arg_I child Arg_I struck Arg_I by Arg_I extreme Arg_I poverty Arg_I has Arg_I successfully Arg_I highlighted Arg_I the Arg_I plight Arg_I faced Arg_I by Arg_I the Arg_I citizens Arg_I in Arg_I Sudan Arg_I . O Apart O from O that, O images Arg_B are Arg_I also Arg_I widely Arg_I used Arg_I in Arg_I newspapers, Arg_I magazines Arg_I and Arg_I advertisements Arg_I . O Thus, O it Arg_B is Arg_I undeniable Arg_I that Arg_I images Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I absence Arg_I of Arg_I words Arg_I can Arg_I obviously Arg_I claim Arg_I the Arg_I attraction Arg_I of Arg_I many Arg_I . O Looking O from O another O perspective, O written Arg_B words Arg_I are Arg_I also Arg_I vital Arg_I in Arg_I order Arg_I to Arg_I spread Arg_I across Arg_I certain Arg_I messages Arg_I . O With Arg_B only Arg_I pictures, Arg_I everyone Arg_I is Arg_I left Arg_I to Arg_I their Arg_I own Arg_I interpretation Arg_I on Arg_I how Arg_I they Arg_I perceive Arg_I the Arg_I images Arg_I . O Nonetheless, O this Arg_B is Arg_I different Arg_I when Arg_I words Arg_I are Arg_I used Arg_I to Arg_I explain Arg_I what Arg_I the Arg_I illustration Arg_I is Arg_I about Arg_I . O Furthermore, O the Arg_B primary Arg_I way Arg_I of Arg_I educating Arg_I students Arg_I is Arg_I also Arg_I by Arg_I this Arg_I way Arg_I . O Academic Arg_B textbooks Arg_I these Arg_I days Arg_I are Arg_I laden Arg_I with Arg_I words Arg_I besides Arg_I pictures Arg_I to Arg_I guide Arg_I the Arg_I readers Arg_I to Arg_I comprehend Arg_I better Arg_I . O To O conclude, O both Arg_B images Arg_I and Arg_I words Arg_I go Arg_I hand Arg_I in Arg_I hand Arg_I and Arg_I one Arg_I cannot Arg_I wholly Arg_I emphasise Arg_I on Arg_I only Arg_I one Arg_I aspect, Arg_I either Arg_I images Arg_I or Arg_I words Arg_I . O Hence, O for O a O more O meaningful O communication, O these O two O elements O have O their O respective O roles O to O play: O image O to O exemplify O and O words O to O describe O a O particular O subject O . O Several O languages O are O in O danger O of O extinction O It O is O certainly O true O that O some O languages O are O disappearing O day O by O day O over O the O world O . O Some O people, O therefore, O harbour O a O view O saying O that O governments O should O preserve O those O by O spending O some O budgets O on O them O . O But O the O others O do O not O believe O it O is O possible O . O In O my O opinion, O this O viewpoint O needs O to O be O examined O thoroughly O and O this O essay O will O discuss O this O issue O . O First O and O foremost, O it Arg_B is Arg_I easy Arg_I to Arg_I realize Arg_I that Arg_I languages, Arg_I especially Arg_I oral Arg_I language, Arg_I are Arg_I a Arg_I quite Arg_I major Arg_I part Arg_I of Arg_I culture Arg_I of Arg_I a Arg_I country Arg_I . O It Arg_B helps Arg_I people Arg_I distinguish Arg_I between Arg_I nations Arg_I and Arg_I even Arg_I regions Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I country Arg_I . O The Arg_B clearance Arg_I of Arg_I minority Arg_I of Arg_I language Arg_I means Arg_I that Arg_I a Arg_I national Arg_I traditional, Arg_I customs Arg_I and Arg_I habitants Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I exist Arg_I . O Governments Arg_B should Arg_I spend Arg_I money Arg_I on Arg_I keeping Arg_I and Arg_I preserving Arg_I these Arg_I things Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I rich Arg_I diversity Arg_I of Arg_I cultures Arg_I which Arg_I make Arg_I our Arg_I world Arg_I more Arg_I interesting Arg_I . O What O is O more, O it Arg_B is Arg_I a Arg_I pride Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I country Arg_I with Arg_I a Arg_I rage Arg_I of Arg_I culture Arg_I which Arg_I is Arg_I easy Arg_I to Arg_I educate Arg_I people Arg_I to Arg_I love Arg_I their Arg_I country Arg_I more Arg_I . O On O the O other O hand, O there Arg_B are Arg_I some Arg_I drawbacks Arg_I from Arg_I saving Arg_I minority Arg_I languages Arg_I . O Although O governments Arg_B invest Arg_I money Arg_I on Arg_I doing Arg_I that, Arg_I it Arg_I is Arg_I hard Arg_I to Arg_I gain Arg_I the Arg_I good Arg_I results Arg_I . O As O evidence O of O this, O there Arg_B are Arg_I a Arg_I few Arg_I people, Arg_I particularly Arg_I the Arg_I youngsters, Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I pay Arg_I attention Arg_I on Arg_I collecting Arg_I and Arg_I studying Arg_I those Arg_I . O These Arg_B kinds Arg_I of Arg_I languages Arg_I are Arg_I usually Arg_I difficult Arg_I and Arg_I unpopular Arg_I . O In O addition, O the Arg_B preservations Arg_I need Arg_I a Arg_I long Arg_I time Arg_I to Arg_I gather, Arg_I restore Arg_I all Arg_I information Arg_I as Arg_I well Arg_I as Arg_I train Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I educational Arg_I centre Arg_I . O If Arg_B they Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I try Arg_I their Arg_I best, Arg_I their Arg_I protection Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I halted Arg_I and Arg_I waste Arg_I of Arg_I money Arg_I . O In O a O nutshell, O I O am O convinced O that O all Arg_B languages Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I preserved Arg_I and Arg_I developed Arg_I as Arg_I much Arg_I as Arg_I possible Arg_I . O All O people O should O give O a O hand O to O do O this O better O and O governments O play O a O vital O role O on O encouraging O and O distributing O those O . O Do O arts O and O music O improve O the O quality O of O life? O My O view O is O that O the O government Arg_B should Arg_I give Arg_I priorities Arg_I to Arg_I invest Arg_I more Arg_I money Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I basic Arg_I social Arg_I welfares Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I education Arg_I and Arg_I housing Arg_I instead Arg_I of Arg_I subsidizing Arg_I arts Arg_I relative Arg_I programs Arg_I . O Art Arg_B is Arg_I not Arg_I the Arg_I key Arg_I determination Arg_I of Arg_I quality Arg_I of Arg_I life, Arg_I but Arg_I education Arg_I is Arg_I . O In Arg_B order Arg_I to Arg_I make Arg_I people Arg_I better Arg_I off, Arg_I it Arg_I is Arg_I more Arg_I urgent Arg_I for Arg_I governments Arg_I to Arg_I commit Arg_I money Arg_I to Arg_I some Arg_I fundamental Arg_I help Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I setting Arg_I more Arg_I scholarships Arg_I in Arg_I education Arg_I section Arg_I for Arg_I all Arg_I citizens Arg_I . O This O is O simply O because O knowledge Arg_B and Arg_I wisdom Arg_I is Arg_I the Arg_I guarantee Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I enhancement Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I quality Arg_I of Arg_I people's Arg_I lives Arg_I for Arg_I a Arg_I well-rounded Arg_I social Arg_I system Arg_I . O Admittedly, O art, O to O some O extent, O serve O a O valuable O function O about O enriching O one's O daily O lives, O for O example, O it Arg_B could Arg_I bring Arg_I release Arg_I one's Arg_I heavy Arg_I burden Arg_I of Arg_I study Arg_I pressure Arg_I and Arg_I refresh Arg_I human Arg_I bodies Arg_I through Arg_I a Arg_I hard Arg_I day Arg_I from Arg_I work Arg_I . O However, O it Arg_B is Arg_I unrealistic Arg_I to Arg_I pursuit Arg_I of Arg_I this Arg_I high Arg_I standard Arg_I of Arg_I life Arg_I in Arg_I many Arg_I developing Arg_I countries, Arg_I in Arg_I which Arg_I the Arg_I basic Arg_I housing Arg_I supply Arg_I has Arg_I still Arg_I been Arg_I a Arg_I huge Arg_I problem Arg_I with Arg_I plenty Arg_I of Arg_I lower Arg_I income Arg_I family Arg_I have Arg_I squeezed Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I small Arg_I tight Arg_I room Arg_I . O By Arg_B comparison Arg_I to Arg_I these Arg_I issues, Arg_I the Arg_I pursuit Arg_I of Arg_I art Arg_I seems Arg_I unimportant Arg_I at Arg_I all Arg_I . O To O conclude, O art O could O play O an O active O role O in O improving O the O quality O of O people's O lives, O but O I O think O that O governments Arg_B should Arg_I attach Arg_I heavier Arg_I weight Arg_I to Arg_I other Arg_I social Arg_I issues Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I education Arg_I and Arg_I housing Arg_I needs Arg_I because O those Arg_B are Arg_I the Arg_I most Arg_I essential Arg_I ways Arg_I enable Arg_I to Arg_I make Arg_I people Arg_I a Arg_I decent Arg_I life Arg_I . O Government O should O be O responsible O for O education O and O health O care O or O not? O Despite O the O development O of O modern O society, O the O health O care O and O education O still O remain O the O basic O rights O of O citizens O . O And O a O much O debated O issue O these O days O is O whether O or O not O the O government O should O be O responsible O for O citizens' O health O care O and O education O . O Some O people O argue O that O it Arg_B is Arg_I the Arg_I government Arg_I that Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I obligated Arg_I to Arg_I fund Arg_I the Arg_I health Arg_I care Arg_I and Arg_I education Arg_I for Arg_I citizens Arg_I . O This O is O because O citizens Arg_B enjoy Arg_I the Arg_I right Arg_I to Arg_I live Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I harmonious Arg_I and Arg_I stable Arg_I environment, Arg_I which Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I enabled Arg_I by Arg_I the Arg_I government, Arg_I the Arg_I leader Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I society Arg_I . O If Arg_B citizens Arg_I had Arg_I no Arg_I access Arg_I to Arg_I health Arg_I care Arg_I and Arg_I education, Arg_I their Arg_I physical Arg_I health Arg_I and Arg_I psychological Arg_I soundness Arg_I would Arg_I be Arg_I at Arg_I risk Arg_I . O As O a O result, O such Arg_B people Arg_I might Arg_I fail Arg_I to Arg_I get Arg_I cured Arg_I in Arg_I time, Arg_I thus Arg_I influencing Arg_I their Arg_I working Arg_I efficiency, Arg_I which Arg_I would Arg_I destabilize Arg_I the Arg_I production Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I industry Arg_I . O Also, O without Arg_B sufficient Arg_I guidance Arg_I of Arg_I teachers, Arg_I these Arg_I citizens Arg_I might Arg_I misbehave Arg_I or Arg_I even Arg_I commit Arg_I crimes, Arg_I posing Arg_I a Arg_I threat Arg_I to Arg_I other Arg_I citizens' Arg_I security Arg_I . O Therefore, O the Arg_B government Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I accountable Arg_I for Arg_I citizens' Arg_I health Arg_I care Arg_I and Arg_I education Arg_I to Arg_I keep Arg_I society Arg_I safe Arg_I and Arg_I stable Arg_I . O On O the O other O hand, O some O people O oppose O the O argument, O saying O it O is O a O waste O of O public O money O for O the O government O to O subsidize O health O care O and O education O of O each O citizen O in O society, O since O a Arg_B great Arg_I number Arg_I of Arg_I people, Arg_I in Arg_I fact, Arg_I have Arg_I had Arg_I the Arg_I capacity Arg_I to Arg_I pay Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I both Arg_I privately Arg_I . O Instead, O the Arg_B government Arg_I should Arg_I give Arg_I priority Arg_I to Arg_I more Arg_I pressing Arg_I problems Arg_I related Arg_I to Arg_I social Arg_I members' Arg_I wellbeing, Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I soaring Arg_I crime Arg_I rate, Arg_I AIDS Arg_I epidemic Arg_I or Arg_I the Arg_I shortage Arg_I of Arg_I infrastructure, Arg_I which Arg_I are Arg_I requiring Arg_I financial Arg_I resources Arg_I from Arg_I the Arg_I government Arg_I to Arg_I address Arg_I . O Personally, O I O think O the Arg_B government Arg_I should Arg_I fund Arg_I the Arg_I deprived Arg_I for Arg_I their Arg_I health Arg_I care Arg_I and Arg_I education, Arg_I who Arg_I are Arg_I the Arg_I group Arg_I in Arg_I real Arg_I need Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I authority's Arg_I help Arg_I . O At O the O same O time, O citizens O available O for O the O both O should O encourage O the O government O to O allocate O money O to O more O urgent O areas O . O After O all, O the O harmonious O society O calls O for O the O joint O efforts O of O the O government O and O citizens O . O Economic O development O vs O environment O Currently, O a O great O number O of O countries O have O pushed O forward O their O economies O by O developing O national O industries O . O However, O some O people O are O worried O that O the O economic O targets O in O industrialized O countries O may O be O attained O at O the O expense O of O the O ecosystems O . O From O my O perspective, O I O think O flourishing Arg_B economies Arg_I can Arg_I go Arg_I hand Arg_I in Arg_I hand Arg_I with Arg_I environmental Arg_I preservation Arg_I . O Admittedly, O some Arg_B countries Arg_I may Arg_I place Arg_I economic Arg_I developments Arg_I ahead Arg_I of Arg_I environmental Arg_I protection, Arg_I thus Arg_I ruining Arg_I the Arg_I local Arg_I environments Arg_I . O As O these O needy O countries O lack O adequate O financial O and O human O resources, O advanced O technologies O and O experience, O they Arg_B have Arg_I to Arg_I rely Arg_I on Arg_I natural Arg_I resources Arg_I to Arg_I maintain Arg_I their Arg_I living Arg_I standards Arg_I . O Besides, O people Arg_B in Arg_I the Arg_I poverty-stricken Arg_I areas Arg_I are Arg_I not Arg_I likely Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I equipped Arg_I with Arg_I knowledge Arg_I to Arg_I preserve Arg_I the Arg_I ecosystems Arg_I . O As O a O result, O unchecked Arg_B and Arg_I reckless Arg_I uses Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I local Arg_I raw Arg_I materials Arg_I may Arg_I happen, Arg_I which Arg_I can Arg_I put Arg_I a Arg_I strain Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I natural Arg_I resources Arg_I . O In O this O view, O the Arg_B economic Arg_I development Arg_I and Arg_I environmental Arg_I protection Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I conflicting Arg_I . O However, O I O believe O the Arg_B booming Arg_I economy Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I closely Arg_I linked Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I preservation Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I environment Arg_I . O With Arg_B people Arg_I raising Arg_I their Arg_I awareness Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I green Arg_I economy, Arg_I the Arg_I products Arg_I free Arg_I of Arg_I pollutants Arg_I are Arg_I increasingly Arg_I prevalent Arg_I among Arg_I clients, Arg_I which Arg_I means Arg_I eco-friendly Arg_I businesses Arg_I can Arg_I make Arg_I a Arg_I favorable Arg_I impression Arg_I on Arg_I customers Arg_I today, Arg_I triggering Arg_I sales Arg_I . O For O example, O electronic Arg_B bicycles Arg_I powered Arg_I by Arg_I clean Arg_I energy Arg_I resources Arg_I have Arg_I been Arg_I well Arg_I received Arg_I among Arg_I people Arg_I in Arg_I recent Arg_I years Arg_I . O Furthermore, O taking Arg_B environmental Arg_I consequences Arg_I seriously Arg_I can Arg_I enhance Arg_I working Arg_I efficiencies Arg_I . O If Arg_B a Arg_I firm Arg_I is Arg_I environmentally Arg_I conscious, Arg_I it Arg_I may Arg_I have Arg_I to Arg_I make Arg_I optimal Arg_I use Arg_I of Arg_I its Arg_I resources Arg_I to Arg_I improve Arg_I its Arg_I production Arg_I lines Arg_I and Arg_I equipment, Arg_I which Arg_I can Arg_I boost Arg_I productivity Arg_I . O Therefore, O it Arg_B may Arg_I spur Arg_I its Arg_I economic Arg_I development Arg_I . O On O the O other O hand, O without Arg_B the Arg_I requirement Arg_I of Arg_I environmental Arg_I preservation, Arg_I the Arg_I firm Arg_I would Arg_I still Arg_I consume Arg_I a Arg_I vast Arg_I amount Arg_I of Arg_I energy Arg_I which Arg_I constitutes Arg_I a Arg_I large Arg_I part Arg_I of Arg_I its Arg_I operational Arg_I costs, Arg_I being Arg_I a Arg_I hurdle Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I economic Arg_I development Arg_I . O Therefore, O I O would O conclude O that O thriving Arg_B economies Arg_I and Arg_I the Arg_I preservation Arg_I of Arg_I ecosystems Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I promoted Arg_I simultaneously Arg_I . O On O the O other O hand, O I O suppose O the O developed O countries O should O support O the O underdeveloped O areas O by O providing O financial O resources, O technologies O and O experience O so O that O the O environmental O problems O can O be O effectively O alleviated O in O these O areas O . O Government O should O spend O money O on O ARTs, O not O only O on O public O services O As O people O have O raised O their O democratic O awareness O in O recent O years, O they O are O caring O more O about O how O the O tax O expenditure O is O distributed O by O the O government O . O As O a O result, O some O people O suggest O that O the O tax O money O should O be O allocated O to O publically O beneficial O services O instead O of O arts O . O However, O from O my O perspective, O I O think O arts Arg_B are Arg_I supposed Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I included Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I government's Arg_I investment Arg_I as Arg_I well Arg_I . O Admittedly, O the Arg_B government Arg_I should Arg_I give Arg_I priority Arg_I to Arg_I public Arg_I services Arg_I and Arg_I facilities Arg_I . O This O is O because O the Arg_B government Arg_I plays Arg_I the Arg_I role Arg_I of Arg_I a Arg_I leader Arg_I among Arg_I citizens, Arg_I which Arg_I should Arg_I discharge Arg_I the Arg_I responsibility Arg_I of Arg_I making Arg_I optimal Arg_I use Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I tax Arg_I money Arg_I to Arg_I keep Arg_I society Arg_I safe Arg_I and Arg_I stable Arg_I . O Simultaneously, O public Arg_B services Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I education Arg_I system Arg_I or Arg_I medical Arg_I care Arg_I can Arg_I meet Arg_I people's Arg_I basic Arg_I demand Arg_I of Arg_I survival, Arg_I security Arg_I and Arg_I knowledge, Arg_I thus Arg_I making Arg_I them Arg_I feel Arg_I comfortable, Arg_I which Arg_I can Arg_I lower Arg_I the Arg_I crime Arg_I rate Arg_I . O Therefore, O public Arg_B services Arg_I and Arg_I facilities Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I given Arg_I adequate Arg_I attention Arg_I by Arg_I the Arg_I authorities Arg_I to Arg_I maintain Arg_I social Arg_I stability Arg_I . O On O the O other O hand, O I O believe O arts Arg_B should Arg_I by Arg_I no Arg_I means Arg_I been Arg_I disregarded Arg_I by Arg_I the Arg_I government Arg_I . O Individually, O arts Arg_B can Arg_I enrich Arg_I people's Arg_I cultural Arg_I lives Arg_I . O Currently, Arg_B people Arg_I are Arg_I increasingly Arg_I occupied Arg_I with Arg_I their Arg_I work Arg_I and Arg_I studies Arg_I due Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I stiff Arg_I competition Arg_I . O Consequently, O they Arg_B require Arg_I various Arg_I entertainment Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I music, Arg_I movies Arg_I or Arg_I books Arg_I to Arg_I them Arg_I ease Arg_I their Arg_I minds Arg_I and Arg_I release Arg_I pressure Arg_I . O Without Arg_B arts, Arg_I people Arg_I would Arg_I be Arg_I at Arg_I risk Arg_I of Arg_I suffering Arg_I psychological Arg_I problems Arg_I . O From O the O point O of O the O local O community, O funding Arg_B arts Arg_I is Arg_I beneficial Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I local Arg_I cultural Arg_I and Arg_I economic Arg_I development Arg_I . O Cultural Arg_B heritage Arg_I constitutes Arg_I an Arg_I essential Arg_I part Arg_I of Arg_I arts Arg_I . O This O means O preserving Arg_B local Arg_I arts Arg_I may Arg_I promote Arg_I the Arg_I preservation Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I local Arg_I cultural Arg_I heritage, Arg_I which Arg_I not Arg_I only Arg_I helps Arg_I the Arg_I local Arg_I people Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I sense Arg_I of Arg_I belonging Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I contributes Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I booming Arg_I local Arg_I tourism Arg_I industry Arg_I . O In O this O view, O arts Arg_B serve Arg_I cultural Arg_I and Arg_I economic Arg_I purposes Arg_I . O With O those O arguments O in O mind, O I O would O conclude O that O public Arg_B services Arg_I and Arg_I facilities Arg_I are Arg_I an Arg_I integral Arg_I part Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I government Arg_I expenditure Arg_I . O At O the O same O time, O the Arg_B authorities Arg_I should Arg_I also Arg_I respect Arg_I the Arg_I value Arg_I of Arg_I arts Arg_I which Arg_I are Arg_I individually Arg_I and Arg_I socially Arg_I advantageous Arg_I . O Keeping O animals O in O zoos O Since O the O time O they O were O introduced O zoos O have O both O been O supported O and O criticized O . O Many O believe O that O zoos O could O be O very O entertaining O and O ecologically O important, O whereas, O others O think O that O keeping O animals O in O captivity O is O totally O wrong O . O Both O sides O will O be O discussed O before O a O reasonable O conclusion O is O drawn O . O First, O critics O of O zoology O argue O that O keeping Arg_B animals Arg_I in Arg_I captivity Arg_I is Arg_I wrong Arg_I because O animals Arg_B should Arg_I be Arg_I considered Arg_I non-human Arg_I persons Arg_I and Arg_I they Arg_I should Arg_I have Arg_I the Arg_I right Arg_I of Arg_I having Arg_I freedom Arg_I . O This Arg_B is Arg_I so Arg_I unfair Arg_I for Arg_I them Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I taken Arg_I out Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I natural Arg_I environment Arg_I and Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I kept Arg_I in Arg_I small Arg_I enclosures Arg_I . O That O is O because, O many Arg_B zoos, Arg_I especially Arg_I the Arg_I ones Arg_I in Arg_I developing Arg_I countries, Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I provide Arg_I care Arg_I and Arg_I attention Arg_I which Arg_I their Arg_I animals Arg_I require Arg_I . O The Arg_B animals Arg_I are Arg_I often Arg_I undernourished Arg_I and Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I have Arg_I sufficient Arg_I quality Arg_I and Arg_I quantity Arg_I of Arg_I medical Arg_I treatment Arg_I . O In O addition, O sometimes Arg_B animals Arg_I from Arg_I hot Arg_I countries Arg_I have Arg_I to Arg_I survive Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I cold Arg_I winter Arg_I of Arg_I somewhere Arg_I in Arg_I Europe Arg_I . O On O the O other O hand, O the O advocators O believe O that O zoos Arg_B provide Arg_I the Arg_I public Arg_I with Arg_I good Arg_I entertainment Arg_I and Arg_I also Arg_I help Arg_I to Arg_I ensure Arg_I the Arg_I balance Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I ecology Arg_I . O Many Arg_B people, Arg_I especially Arg_I young Arg_I children Arg_I enjoy Arg_I going Arg_I to Arg_I zoos Arg_I and Arg_I see Arg_I their Arg_I favorite Arg_I animals, Arg_I cute Arg_I baby-born Arg_I animals Arg_I and Arg_I the Arg_I animals Arg_I that Arg_I are Arg_I from Arg_I the Arg_I different Arg_I corners Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I . O Zoos Arg_B provide Arg_I educational Arg_I information Arg_I about Arg_I the Arg_I lives Arg_I of Arg_I different Arg_I animals Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I public Arg_I . O Also, O zoos Arg_B play Arg_I an Arg_I important Arg_I role Arg_I in Arg_I reserving Arg_I many Arg_I breeds Arg_I of Arg_I animal Arg_I and Arg_I preventing Arg_I them Arg_I from Arg_I being Arg_I missing Arg_I from Arg_I life Arg_I . O This O is O due O to O the O fact O that, O in Arg_B zoos, Arg_I animals Arg_I are Arg_I kept Arg_I in Arg_I enclosures Arg_I which Arg_I simulate Arg_I their Arg_I own Arg_I habitats Arg_I and Arg_I also Arg_I endangered Arg_I animals Arg_I are Arg_I being Arg_I protected Arg_I from Arg_I their Arg_I predators Arg_I or Arg_I hunters Arg_I . O Thus O zoos Arg_B are Arg_I needed Arg_I to Arg_I keep Arg_I the Arg_I nature Arg_I balanced Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O both O of O the O arguments O have O strong O supports, O but O in O my O own O view, O more Arg_B good Arg_I come Arg_I from Arg_I zoos Arg_I than Arg_I bad Arg_I . O However, O it O is O hoped O that O the O standards O of O zoos O should O be O leveled O up O to O ensure O that O the O animals O in O zoos O are O provided O with O good O care O and O attention O . O Artists' O freedom O to O express O ideas O Artists O in O most O countries O are O given O the O freedom O to O express O their O thoughts O in O whatever O they O do O . O Nevertheless, O some O argue O that O there O should O be O government O restrictions O in O order O to O limit O their O opinions O . O I O however, O agree O to O this O only O to O a O certain O extent O and O believe O that O the Arg_B artists Arg_I must Arg_I be Arg_I given Arg_I freedom Arg_I so Arg_I that Arg_I they Arg_I will Arg_I produce Arg_I some Arg_I really Arg_I marvelous Arg_I masterpiece Arg_I . O First O and O foremost, O if Arg_B there Arg_I is Arg_I control Arg_I over Arg_I artists' Arg_I ideas, Arg_I they Arg_I will Arg_I definitely Arg_I lose Arg_I their Arg_I sense Arg_I of Arg_I creativity Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I long Arg_I run Arg_I . O It O is O undeniable O that O when Arg_B they Arg_I are Arg_I given Arg_I the Arg_I opportunity Arg_I to Arg_I express Arg_I themselves, Arg_I most Arg_I artists Arg_I will Arg_I think Arg_I out Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I box Arg_I and Arg_I come Arg_I up Arg_I with Arg_I spectacular Arg_I Arts Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I paintings Arg_I or Arg_I movies Arg_I . O For O example, O paintings Arg_B by Arg_I Da Arg_I Vinci Arg_I and Arg_I Michallengo Arg_I are Arg_I admired Arg_I even Arg_I till Arg_I now Arg_I as Arg_I they Arg_I were Arg_I not Arg_I restricted Arg_I during Arg_I those Arg_I times Arg_I . O In O short, O without Arg_B any Arg_I limitations, Arg_I there Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I more Arg_I awe Arg_I inspiring Arg_I work Arg_I from Arg_I our Arg_I artists Arg_I . O Furthermore, O it Arg_B is Arg_I every Arg_I human's Arg_I right Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I able Arg_I to Arg_I voice Arg_I out Arg_I their Arg_I opinions Arg_I in Arg_I any Arg_I ways Arg_I as Arg_I long Arg_I as Arg_I they Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I cause Arg_I any Arg_I problems Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I nation Arg_I . O Today, Arg_B many Arg_I countries Arg_I make Arg_I numerous Arg_I efforts Arg_I to Arg_I show Arg_I that Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I democratic Arg_I countries Arg_I . O Arts Arg_B is Arg_I one Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I ways Arg_I that Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I used Arg_I to Arg_I criticise Arg_I social Arg_I problems Arg_I and Arg_I government Arg_I policies Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I particular Arg_I country Arg_I . O To O illustrate O this O further, O the Arg_B famous Arg_I movie Arg_I '3 Arg_I Idiots' Arg_I acted Arg_I by Arg_I Amir Arg_I Khan Arg_I criticises Arg_I the Arg_I education Arg_I system Arg_I which Arg_I is Arg_I chiefly Arg_I based Arg_I on Arg_I memorising Arg_I and Arg_I not Arg_I being Arg_I able Arg_I to Arg_I apply Arg_I whatever Arg_I the Arg_I students Arg_I learn Arg_I . O Thus, O human Arg_B rights Arg_I is Arg_I violated Arg_I if Arg_I artists Arg_I are Arg_I not Arg_I allowed Arg_I to Arg_I express Arg_I their Arg_I feelings Arg_I freely Arg_I . O Looking O from O another O perspective, O there O are O certain O drawbacks O if O artists O are O not O restricted O . O They Arg_B might Arg_I go Arg_I deeper Arg_I into Arg_I certain Arg_I aspects Arg_I that Arg_I can Arg_I cause Arg_I controversies Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I country Arg_I . O To O cite O an O example, O Malaysia Arg_B is Arg_I a Arg_I multiracial Arg_I country Arg_I whereby Arg_I all Arg_I the Arg_I citizens Arg_I live Arg_I together Arg_I in Arg_I harmony Arg_I and Arg_I peace Arg_I . O In Arg_B case Arg_I there Arg_I is Arg_I anyone Arg_I who Arg_I brings Arg_I up Arg_I some Arg_I sensitive Arg_I issues Arg_I in Arg_I their Arg_I films Arg_I or Arg_I books Arg_I regarding Arg_I any Arg_I races, Arg_I this Arg_I might Arg_I end Arg_I up Arg_I in Arg_I some Arg_I chaos Arg_I among Arg_I the Arg_I society Arg_I . O Nonetheless, O I O believe O that O artists Arg_B know Arg_I their Arg_I boundaries Arg_I very Arg_I well Arg_I and Arg_I would Arg_I surely Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I want Arg_I their Arg_I names Arg_I tarnished Arg_I just Arg_I because Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I unscrupulous Arg_I acts Arg_I . O To O conclude, O it O is O now O evident O that O there Arg_B should Arg_I not Arg_I be Arg_I any Arg_I restrictions Arg_I on Arg_I artists' Arg_I work Arg_I . O Allowing Arg_B them Arg_I to Arg_I think Arg_I freely Arg_I will Arg_I give Arg_I them Arg_I an Arg_I opportunity Arg_I to Arg_I express Arg_I themselves Arg_I as O ideas Arg_B can Arg_I naturally Arg_I flow Arg_I when Arg_I there Arg_I are Arg_I no Arg_I limitations Arg_I . O Hence, O even O though O freedom O to O express O ideas O can O bring O some O negative O effects, O I O certainly O believe O that O there Arg_B are Arg_I many Arg_I wonderful Arg_I and Arg_I beautiful Arg_I Arts Arg_I due Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I freedom Arg_I to Arg_I express Arg_I ideas Arg_I and O thus, O I O strongly O believe O there Arg_B should Arg_I be Arg_I no Arg_I restrictions Arg_I on Arg_I them Arg_I . O The O nuclear O power O provide O clean O and O cheap O energy O The O topic O of O nuclear O technology O frequently O generates O a O heated O debate O with O proponents O maintaining O that O nuclear O power O provides O a O source O of O efficient O and O economical O energy O while O opponents O argue O that O atomic O technology O is O uncontrollable O and O very O dangerous O to O handle O . O As O far O as O my O opinion O is O concerned, O I Arg_B find Arg_I myself Arg_I aligned Arg_I with Arg_I opponents Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I usages Arg_I of Arg_I nuclear Arg_I power Arg_I . O I O have O several O reasons O to O believe O its O disadvantages O outnumber O the O few O advantages O . O First O and O foremost O reason O is O that O pursuit Arg_B of Arg_I nuclear Arg_I technology Arg_I one Arg_I way Arg_I or Arg_I the Arg_I other Arg_I leads Arg_I towards Arg_I atomic Arg_I weapons Arg_I . O Last Arg_B century Arg_I has Arg_I witnessed Arg_I the Arg_I horrors Arg_I of Arg_I such Arg_I weapons Arg_I . O If Arg_B each Arg_I country Arg_I pursues Arg_I the Arg_I fusion Arg_I and Arg_I fission Arg_I process Arg_I some Arg_I of Arg_I them Arg_I may Arg_I try Arg_I to Arg_I mold Arg_I it Arg_I for Arg_I military Arg_I usage Arg_I . O Another O reason O to O fortify O my O opinion O is O that O even Arg_B civil Arg_I usages Arg_I of Arg_I atomic Arg_I power Arg_I pose Arg_I a Arg_I dire Arg_I threat Arg_I of Arg_I radio Arg_I activity Arg_I . O For O example O recently Arg_B there Arg_I has Arg_I been Arg_I an Arg_I incident Arg_I in Arg_I which Arg_I an Arg_I atomic Arg_I power Arg_I house Arg_I leaked Arg_I tons Arg_I of Arg_I radio Arg_I active Arg_I material Arg_I into Arg_I air Arg_I when Arg_I an Arg_I earthquake Arg_I hit Arg_I the Arg_I surrounding Arg_I area Arg_I . O This Arg_B unfortunate Arg_I event Arg_I proves Arg_I that Arg_I no Arg_I matter Arg_I how Arg_I much Arg_I careful Arg_I we Arg_I are Arg_I such Arg_I accidents Arg_I are Arg_I inevitable Arg_I . O Last O but O not O least, O while Arg_B generating Arg_I energy Arg_I from Arg_I any Arg_I source Arg_I be Arg_I it Arg_I hydro Arg_I power Arg_I or Arg_I oil Arg_I there Arg_I always Arg_I is Arg_I some Arg_I wastage Arg_I and Arg_I so Arg_I is Arg_I the Arg_I case Arg_I with Arg_I nuclear Arg_I power Arg_I . O Safely Arg_B getting Arg_I rid Arg_I of Arg_I nuclear Arg_I waste Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I daunting Arg_I task Arg_I and Arg_I there Arg_I has Arg_I not Arg_I been Arg_I any Arg_I permanent Arg_I solution Arg_I of Arg_I it Arg_I . O This Arg_B waste Arg_I is Arg_I many Arg_I times Arg_I more Arg_I lethal Arg_I to Arg_I our Arg_I environment Arg_I than Arg_I any Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I other Arg_I hazardous Arg_I material Arg_I . O To O sum O it O up, O from O above O mentioned O facts O it O can O easily O be O deduced O that O nuclear Arg_B power Arg_I may Arg_I appear Arg_I silver Arg_I bullet Arg_I for Arg_I energy Arg_I crisis Arg_I but Arg_I its Arg_I disadvantages Arg_I far Arg_I outweigh Arg_I the Arg_I advantages Arg_I . O Thus O I O suggest O that O use O of O nuclear O technology O should O be O discouraged O even O for O civil O purposes O . O Giving O mobile O phones O to O the O unemployed O Today, O the O rate O of O unemployment O is O on O the O rise O and O is O seriously O being O debated O by O many O . O Some O opine O that O the O best O method O to O minimize O this O problem O is O by O providing O the O unemployed O with O hand O phones O that O have O access O to O the O Internet O . O They O also O believe O that O this O solution O is O the O most O appropriate O way O to O utilize O the O public O money O . O Nevertheless, O I O agree O to O this O solution O only O to O a O certain O degree O because O I O feel O that O giving Arg_B those Arg_I with Arg_I no Arg_I work Arg_I a Arg_I mobile Arg_I phone Arg_I each Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I total Arg_I waste Arg_I of Arg_I money Arg_I . O In O a O positive O point O of O view, O when Arg_B people Arg_I without Arg_I jobs Arg_I have Arg_I hand Arg_I phones Arg_I that Arg_I have Arg_I access Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I Internet, Arg_I they Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I able Arg_I to Arg_I browse Arg_I the Arg_I net Arg_I for Arg_I more Arg_I job Arg_I opportunities Arg_I . O For O example, O they Arg_B can Arg_I surf Arg_I the Arg_I The Arg_I Star Arg_I Onlines' Arg_I work Arg_I section Arg_I to Arg_I find Arg_I a Arg_I job Arg_I that Arg_I is Arg_I suitable Arg_I for Arg_I them Arg_I . O With Arg_B the Arg_I help Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I net, Arg_I they Arg_I can Arg_I also Arg_I do Arg_I more Arg_I research Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I work Arg_I that Arg_I they Arg_I have Arg_I found Arg_I apart Arg_I from Arg_I looking Arg_I up Arg_I on Arg_I how Arg_I they Arg_I can Arg_I prepare Arg_I themselves Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I job Arg_I . O Not O only O that, O the Arg_B mobile Arg_I phones Arg_I can Arg_I also Arg_I be Arg_I used Arg_I to Arg_I make Arg_I calls Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I companies Arg_I in Arg_I which Arg_I they Arg_I would Arg_I like Arg_I to Arg_I work Arg_I with Arg_I . O In O short, O if Arg_B the Arg_I government Arg_I provides Arg_I those Arg_I without Arg_I work Arg_I with Arg_I a Arg_I mobile Arg_I phone, Arg_I they Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I able Arg_I to Arg_I find Arg_I themselves Arg_I an Arg_I occupation Arg_I in Arg_I order Arg_I to Arg_I live Arg_I and Arg_I survive Arg_I . O Nonetheless, O looking O from O another O perspective, O supplying Arg_B hand Arg_I phones Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I unemployed Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I waste Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I taxpayers' Arg_I money Arg_I . O This O is O because O the Arg_B money Arg_I instead Arg_I of Arg_I being Arg_I used Arg_I to Arg_I supply Arg_I the Arg_I electronic Arg_I gadget Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I used Arg_I for Arg_I other Arg_I useful Arg_I purposes Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I country Arg_I . O To O illustrate O this O further, O the Arg_B money Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I used Arg_I to Arg_I build Arg_I more Arg_I amenities Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I public Arg_I or Arg_I given Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I poor Arg_I so Arg_I that Arg_I they Arg_I can Arg_I use Arg_I it Arg_I to Arg_I help Arg_I them Arg_I earn Arg_I a Arg_I living Arg_I . O To O conclude, O the Arg_B money Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I used Arg_I for Arg_I other Arg_I intentions Arg_I rather Arg_I than Arg_I giving Arg_I hand Arg_I phones Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I unemployed Arg_I . O Furthermore, O when Arg_B hand Arg_I phones Arg_I are Arg_I provided Arg_I for Arg_I free, Arg_I many Arg_I would Arg_I want Arg_I to Arg_I take Arg_I advantage Arg_I of Arg_I this Arg_I opportunity Arg_I . O It Arg_B will Arg_I not Arg_I be Arg_I surprising Arg_I that Arg_I in Arg_I order Arg_I to Arg_I obtain Arg_I a Arg_I mobile Arg_I phone, Arg_I they Arg_I make Arg_I themselves Arg_I jobless Arg_I . O Some Arg_B might Arg_I even Arg_I go Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I extent Arg_I of Arg_I lying Arg_I that Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I on Arg_I unemployment Arg_I to Arg_I make Arg_I them Arg_I eligible Arg_I to Arg_I get Arg_I the Arg_I phones Arg_I . O In O this O context, O the Arg_B public's Arg_I money Arg_I is Arg_I spent Arg_I worthlessly Arg_I . O On O top O of O that, O till Arg_B now, Arg_I there Arg_I are Arg_I no Arg_I surveys Arg_I or Arg_I evidences Arg_I that Arg_I prove Arg_I this Arg_I method Arg_I in Arg_I effective Arg_I in Arg_I reducing Arg_I the Arg_I rate Arg_I of Arg_I unemployment Arg_I . O To O put O it O in O a O nutshell, O the O suggestion O of O providing Arg_B those Arg_I who Arg_I are Arg_I jobless Arg_I with Arg_I mobile Arg_I phones Arg_I that Arg_I are Arg_I accessible Arg_I to Arg_I internet Arg_I is Arg_I not Arg_I a Arg_I proper Arg_I and Arg_I the Arg_I best Arg_I way Arg_I to Arg_I trim Arg_I down Arg_I the Arg_I rate Arg_I of Arg_I unemployment Arg_I . O I O suggest O the O government O look O into O the O background O of O the O people O in O depth O before O giving O out O hand O phones O to O them O . O I O strongly O believe O that O the O public O money O should O be O utilized O for O the O benefit O of O the O society O and O not O just O for O some O of O them O who O are O not O willing O to O put O in O more O effort O to O find O them O a O proper O work O . O Use O of O CCTV O cameras O Today, O close O circuit O television O (CCTV) O cameras O are O widely O used O in O a O variety O of O circumstances O . O They O are O used O in O schools, O businesses O and O some O other O premises O in O order O to O monitor O the O activities O taking O place O . O It O is O undeniable O that O the O use O of O CCTV O has O plenty O of O benefits O to O offer, O especially O in O reducing O crimes O and O protecting O the O employees O in O a O premise O . O Nevertheless, O some O argue O that O these O cameras O invade O their O privacies O due O to O constantly O being O monitored O . O Even O so, O I O strongly O believe O that O CCTV Arg_B cameras Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I installed Arg_I in Arg_I every Arg_I premise Arg_I to Arg_I combat Arg_I the Arg_I ever Arg_I increasing Arg_I theft Arg_I rate Arg_I and Arg_I to Arg_I protect Arg_I the Arg_I workers Arg_I at Arg_I the Arg_I workplace Arg_I . O Firstly, O by Arg_B having Arg_I CCTV Arg_I cameras Arg_I at Arg_I workplace, Arg_I crimes Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I robbery Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I trimmed Arg_I down Arg_I . O This O is O because O when Arg_B a Arg_I shop Arg_I is Arg_I attacked Arg_I by Arg_I thieves, Arg_I the Arg_I clips Arg_I taken Arg_I by Arg_I these Arg_I cameras Arg_I serve Arg_I as Arg_I a Arg_I source Arg_I of Arg_I evidence Arg_I to Arg_I help Arg_I the Arg_I thieves Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I traced Arg_I . O To O illustrate O this O further, O in Arg_B Malaysia, Arg_I policemen Arg_I used Arg_I the Arg_I videos Arg_I captured Arg_I by Arg_I the Arg_I CCTV Arg_I cameras Arg_I to Arg_I trace Arg_I and Arg_I successfully Arg_I catch Arg_I a Arg_I group Arg_I of Arg_I robbers Arg_I who Arg_I broke Arg_I into Arg_I a Arg_I Seven Arg_I Eleven Arg_I shop Arg_I during Arg_I the Arg_I midnight Arg_I . O Not O only O that, O as Arg_B the Arg_I employees Arg_I know Arg_I that Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I under Arg_I constant Arg_I surveillance, Arg_I they Arg_I will Arg_I less Arg_I likely Arg_I steal Arg_I from Arg_I the Arg_I shops Arg_I . O Thus, O it O is O clear O that O CCTVs Arg_B must Arg_I be Arg_I put Arg_I in Arg_I all Arg_I workplace Arg_I so Arg_I that Arg_I crime Arg_I rates Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I minimized Arg_I . O Furthermore, O at Arg_B some Arg_I offices, Arg_I employees Arg_I are Arg_I often Arg_I required Arg_I to Arg_I handle Arg_I angry Arg_I or Arg_I frustrated Arg_I customers Arg_I . O At O times, O face-to-face Arg_B interactions Arg_I with Arg_I an Arg_I annoyed Arg_I customer Arg_I can Arg_I put Arg_I the Arg_I employee Arg_I in Arg_I physical Arg_I danger Arg_I . O Hence, O the Arg_B installation Arg_I of Arg_I CCTV Arg_I cameras Arg_I may Arg_I help Arg_I the Arg_I employees Arg_I escape Arg_I this Arg_I situation Arg_I because O the Arg_B customers Arg_I know Arg_I very Arg_I well Arg_I that Arg_I their Arg_I conversations Arg_I are Arg_I recorded Arg_I . O In O the O event O of O an O argument, O the Arg_B videotapes Arg_I can Arg_I used Arg_I to Arg_I determine Arg_I what Arg_I actually Arg_I took Arg_I place Arg_I and Arg_I further Arg_I actions Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I then Arg_I taken Arg_I . O In O short, O these Arg_B cameras Arg_I can Arg_I help Arg_I to Arg_I provide Arg_I some Arg_I form Arg_I of Arg_I protection Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I workers Arg_I against Arg_I the Arg_I customers Arg_I . O Looking O from O another O perspective, O the O use O of O CCTV O cameras O does O cause O controversy O . O Those Arg_B opposing Arg_I the Arg_I CCTV Arg_I systems Arg_I feel Arg_I that Arg_I their Arg_I privacies Arg_I are Arg_I invaded Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I constant Arg_I monitoring Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I cameras Arg_I . O However, O one Arg_B must Arg_I realize Arg_I that Arg_I safety Arg_I is Arg_I of Arg_I paramount Arg_I importance Arg_I compared Arg_I to Arg_I privacy Arg_I and Arg_I prevention Arg_I is Arg_I always Arg_I better Arg_I than Arg_I suffering Arg_I from Arg_I the Arg_I consequences Arg_I . O Ergo, O opponents Arg_B of Arg_I this Arg_I system Arg_I should Arg_I try Arg_I to Arg_I comprehend Arg_I the Arg_I situation Arg_I and Arg_I take Arg_I actions Arg_I to Arg_I prevent Arg_I themselves Arg_I from Arg_I being Arg_I victims Arg_I of Arg_I crime Arg_I . O To O conclude, O CCTV Arg_B cameras Arg_I are Arg_I essential Arg_I and Arg_I therefore Arg_I must Arg_I be Arg_I installed Arg_I in Arg_I every Arg_I premise Arg_I . O This Arg_B is Arg_I chiefly Arg_I to Arg_I shield Arg_I oneself Arg_I from Arg_I being Arg_I harmed Arg_I by Arg_I any Arg_I intruders Arg_I or Arg_I robbers Arg_I . O Admittedly, O privacies Arg_B are Arg_I lost Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I use Arg_I of Arg_I these Arg_I cameras Arg_I . O Nonetheless, O safety Arg_B should Arg_I be Arg_I put Arg_I first Arg_I in Arg_I order Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I safe Arg_I . O Some O prefer O to O work O for O a O company, O some O prefer O to O work O for O themselves O There O are O many O kinds O of O jobs O in O society O . O Some O of O them O are O done O by O companies O that O related O to O government, O and O some O of O them O are O done O by O privat O companies O . O Although O both O companies O have O their O advantages O and O disadvantages, O I Arg_B would Arg_I prefer Arg_I to Arg_I work Arg_I for Arg_I myself, Arg_I and Arg_I have Arg_I my Arg_I own Arg_I business Arg_I . O There O are O many O benefits O when O people O work O for O themselves O rather O than O work O for O the O others O . O In O the O first O place, O there Arg_B are Arg_I a Arg_I large Arg_I number Arg_I of Arg_I opportunities Arg_I in Arg_I privat Arg_I works Arg_I that Arg_I you Arg_I cannot Arg_I find Arg_I them Arg_I when Arg_I you Arg_I work Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I others Arg_I . O In Arg_B your Arg_I job Arg_I you Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I boss Arg_I of Arg_I yourself; Arg_I however, Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I other Arg_I jobs Arg_I someone Arg_I else Arg_I are Arg_I your Arg_I boss Arg_I . O You Arg_B always Arg_I have Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I responsible Arg_I for Arg_I your Arg_I task, Arg_I and Arg_I it Arg_I make Arg_I a Arg_I stressful Arg_I situation Arg_I that Arg_I I Arg_I never Arg_I like Arg_I it Arg_I . O What O is O more, O when Arg_B people Arg_I work Arg_I for Arg_I themselves Arg_I they Arg_I make Arg_I more Arg_I profit Arg_I for Arg_I themselves, Arg_I but Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I other Arg_I jobs Arg_I you Arg_I make Arg_I profits Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I other Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I your Arg_I manager Arg_I . O Unfortunately O nowadays Arg_B most Arg_I of Arg_I them Arg_I pick Arg_I up Arg_I this Arg_I profit Arg_I without Arg_I sharing Arg_I a Arg_I small Arg_I sum Arg_I of Arg_I it Arg_I with Arg_I their Arg_I workers, Arg_I and Arg_I from Arg_I my Arg_I point Arg_I of Arg_I view Arg_I it Arg_I is Arg_I unfair Arg_I . O Finally, O there Arg_B are Arg_I some Arg_I authorities Arg_I in Arg_I privat Arg_I jobs Arg_I that Arg_I workers Arg_I are Arg_I always Arg_I looking Arg_I for Arg_I them Arg_I while Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I working Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I others Arg_I . O When Arg_B you Arg_I work Arg_I for Arg_I yourself Arg_I you Arg_I can Arg_I punch Arg_I in Arg_I and Arg_I punch Arg_I out Arg_I whenever Arg_I you Arg_I want Arg_I . O Sometimes Arg_B some Arg_I occasions Arg_I happen Arg_I to Arg_I people Arg_I for Arg_I example Arg_I a Arg_I disease, Arg_I sticking Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I traffic Arg_I jam Arg_I and Arg_I sometime Arg_I going Arg_I on Arg_I a Arg_I vacation Arg_I . O For Arg_B all Arg_I of Arg_I them Arg_I we Arg_I have Arg_I to Arg_I ask Arg_I for Arg_I a Arg_I permission, Arg_I and Arg_I most Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I time Arg_I we Arg_I are Arg_I not Arg_I allowed Arg_I . O There O is O no O doubt O that O working O for O the O other O have O some O advantages, O too, O but O I O imagine O people Arg_B that Arg_I have Arg_I their Arg_I own Arg_I business Arg_I are Arg_I more Arg_I comfortable Arg_I . O They Arg_B have Arg_I more Arg_I opportunities, Arg_I profits, Arg_I and Arg_I authorities Arg_I . O The O expression O "Never, O never O give O up" O means O keep O trying O and O never O stop O working O Many O individuals O throughout O their O life O face O with O at O least O one O failure O in O different O areas O such O as O education, O love O and O economy O . O Some O believe O when O a O person O faces O with O a O failure O the O best O way O is O to O forget O that O and O releases O that; O however, O I O completely O disagree O with O this O idea O . O I O always O believe O that O a Arg_B defeated Arg_I person Arg_I has Arg_I to Arg_I try Arg_I and Arg_I try Arg_I until Arg_I to Arg_I achieve Arg_I her Arg_I or Arg_I his Arg_I goal Arg_I . O First O of O all, O when Arg_B people Arg_I face Arg_I with Arg_I a Arg_I failure Arg_I they Arg_I can Arg_I learn Arg_I a Arg_I large Arg_I number Arg_I of Arg_I things Arg_I from Arg_I that Arg_I failure, Arg_I therefore Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I next Arg_I effort Arg_I they Arg_I try Arg_I to Arg_I avoid Arg_I doing Arg_I and Arg_I repeating Arg_I that Arg_I mistakes Arg_I . O For O instance, O most Arg_B of Arg_I inventors Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I first Arg_I phases Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I job Arg_I face Arg_I with Arg_I some Arg_I problems Arg_I and Arg_I defeats, Arg_I but Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I next Arg_I stages Arg_I they Arg_I learn Arg_I how Arg_I to Arg_I deal Arg_I with Arg_I problems Arg_I . O Second O of O all, O experience Arg_B shows Arg_I while Arg_I people Arg_I doing Arg_I a Arg_I job Arg_I constantly, Arg_I they Arg_I become Arg_I more Arg_I experienced Arg_I in Arg_I that Arg_I subject, Arg_I so Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I final Arg_I effort Arg_I they Arg_I become Arg_I successful Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I high Arg_I percentile Arg_I . O For O example, O scientists Arg_B experiment Arg_I a Arg_I substance Arg_I for Arg_I a Arg_I long Arg_I time, Arg_I after Arg_I they Arg_I gain Arg_I lots Arg_I of Arg_I experience Arg_I and Arg_I knowledge Arg_I about Arg_I that Arg_I subject Arg_I they Arg_I decide Arg_I to Arg_I make Arg_I it Arg_I final Arg_I . O To O sum O up, O I O would O maintain O that O people Arg_B should Arg_I not Arg_I give Arg_I up Arg_I when Arg_I they Arg_I face Arg_I with Arg_I a Arg_I failure Arg_I . O In O opposite, O they Arg_B have Arg_I to Arg_I learn Arg_I new Arg_I points Arg_I from Arg_I that Arg_I failure, Arg_I and Arg_I they Arg_I become Arg_I more Arg_I experienced Arg_I . O Some O people O think O that O human O needs O for O farmland, O housing O and O industry O are O more O Nowadays O there O are O some O issues O which O many O countries O and O nations O are O concern O about O that O . O Two O of O the O most O important O of O them O are O rate O of O increasing O population O and O endangered O plants O and O animals O . O From O my O point O of O view O although O endangered O animals O are O important, O human Arg_B needs Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I considered Arg_I more Arg_I . O Firstly, O day O by O day O population O is O increasing, O so O human Arg_B needs Arg_I for Arg_I food Arg_I is Arg_I increasing Arg_I as Arg_I well Arg_I . O We Arg_B need Arg_I farmland Arg_I to Arg_I grow Arg_I crops Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I wheat Arg_I and Arg_I corn, Arg_I and Arg_I there Arg_I is Arg_I no Arg_I doubt Arg_I that Arg_I without Arg_I food Arg_I people Arg_I cannot Arg_I alive Arg_I for Arg_I more Arg_I than Arg_I some Arg_I weeks Arg_I . O Therefore, O farmlands Arg_B are Arg_I vital Arg_I for Arg_I human Arg_I life Arg_I . O Secondly, O people O need O shelters O to O protect O themselves O from O mother O nature O such O as O wind O and O flood O and O wild O animals, O so O they Arg_B need Arg_I land Arg_I to Arg_I build Arg_I their Arg_I houses Arg_I on Arg_I it Arg_I . O Dwelling Arg_B is Arg_I one Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I most Arg_I important Arg_I human Arg_I needs Arg_I after Arg_I food Arg_I which Arg_I is Arg_I undeniable Arg_I . O Finally, O human Arg_B need Arg_I some Arg_I crucial Arg_I things Arg_I to Arg_I continue Arg_I their Arg_I life, Arg_I and Arg_I most Arg_I of Arg_I them Arg_I are Arg_I industrial Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I medicine Arg_I . O Therefore, O some Arg_B lands Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I assigned Arg_I to Arg_I industry Arg_I . O Todays Arg_B life Arg_I has Arg_I some Arg_I difficulty Arg_I which Arg_I become Arg_I comfortable Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I help Arg_I of Arg_I industry Arg_I . O To O conclude, O the O population O of O endangered O animals O are O less O than O people's O population, O so O they Arg_B do Arg_I not Arg_I need Arg_I so Arg_I much Arg_I land Arg_I that Arg_I people Arg_I need Arg_I . O I O would O maintain O that O nowadays Arg_B humans Arg_I need Arg_I farmland, Arg_I housing Arg_I and Arg_I industry Arg_I because O of O increasing Arg_B population Arg_I are Arg_I more Arg_I important Arg_I than Arg_I saving Arg_I land Arg_I for Arg_I endangered Arg_I animals Arg_I . O Best O way O to O judge O about O people O is O to O be O familiar O with O their O personality O - O not O with O their O look O Individuals O have O two O features, O one O of O them O is O appearance O and O the O other O one O is O personality O . O From O my O point O of O view O although O appearance O is O important, O personality Arg_B is Arg_I the Arg_I most Arg_I important Arg_I . O We Arg_B can Arg_I never Arg_I judge Arg_I about Arg_I a Arg_I person Arg_I with Arg_I his Arg_I or Arg_I her Arg_I appearance Arg_I . O Some O people O believes, O individuals O who O have O black O skin O or O are O frown O are O not O good O person O and O in O opposite O individuals O who O have O pale O or O white O skin O or O always O have O smile O on O their O face O are O good O person O . O I O completely O disagree O with O these O kind O of O judgement O which O someone O makes O . O First O of O all, O there O are O people O who O play O a O role O and O cheat O the O other O individuals O with O their O playing, O therefore O we Arg_B have Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I aware Arg_I to Arg_I never Arg_I judge Arg_I with Arg_I their Arg_I appearance Arg_I . O For O example, O some Arg_B people Arg_I cheat Arg_I their Arg_I fiance Arg_I before Arg_I marriage Arg_I by Arg_I showing Arg_I a Arg_I cheerful Arg_I face Arg_I and Arg_I well Arg_I spoken; Arg_I however, Arg_I after Arg_I getting Arg_I marriage Arg_I they Arg_I show Arg_I their Arg_I real Arg_I personality Arg_I . O Second O of O all, O there Arg_B are Arg_I some Arg_I people Arg_I who Arg_I are Arg_I black Arg_I skin, Arg_I fat Arg_I and Arg_I frown, Arg_I nonetheless Arg_I they Arg_I might Arg_I be Arg_I a Arg_I great Arg_I person Arg_I for Arg_I leaving Arg_I and Arg_I colleague Arg_I . O For O instance, O I Arg_B have Arg_I a Arg_I neighbor Arg_I who Arg_I are Arg_I old, Arg_I black Arg_I skin Arg_I and Arg_I frown Arg_I and Arg_I I Arg_I had Arg_I always Arg_I panicked Arg_I of Arg_I her Arg_I . O One Arg_B day Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I cold Arg_I winter Arg_I while Arg_I I Arg_I was Arg_I getting Arg_I back Arg_I to Arg_I home Arg_I from Arg_I school Arg_I I Arg_I realized Arg_I that Arg_I I Arg_I lost Arg_I my Arg_I keys, Arg_I so Arg_I I Arg_I could Arg_I not Arg_I do Arg_I anything Arg_I before Arg_I my Arg_I parents Arg_I getting Arg_I back Arg_I home Arg_I . O She Arg_B asked Arg_I me Arg_I to Arg_I stay Arg_I with Arg_I her Arg_I till Arg_I my Arg_I parents Arg_I come, Arg_I also Arg_I she Arg_I was Arg_I great Arg_I in Arg_I hospitality Arg_I and Arg_I her Arg_I behavior Arg_I was Arg_I unforgettable Arg_I . O After O that O I O understood, O I Arg_B had Arg_I to Arg_I never Arg_I judge Arg_I with Arg_I people's Arg_I appearance Arg_I . O All O in O all, O the Arg_B best Arg_I way Arg_I to Arg_I judge Arg_I about Arg_I individuals' Arg_I is Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I familiar Arg_I with Arg_I their Arg_I personality Arg_I not Arg_I with Arg_I their Arg_I appearance Arg_I . O Unfortunately, O many O people O play O role O to O cheat O the O others, O and O they O try O to O hide O their O real O personality O with O their O appearance O . O should O one O follow O fashion O trends O rather O than O a O personal O style? O With O increasing O availability O to O the O Internet, O people O can O collect O a O wealth O of O information O about O the O latest O fashion O trends O over O the O world, O such O as O the O most O popular O shoes O style O this O season O or O the O best-liked O clothes O color O this O year O . O However, O some O people O think O that O dressing O in O a O personal O style O should O be O advocated O rather O than O following O fashion O trends O . O From O my O perspective, O fashion Arg_B trends Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I more Arg_I essential Arg_I role Arg_I to Arg_I play Arg_I in Arg_I people's Arg_I lives Arg_I than Arg_I personal Arg_I dressing Arg_I styles Arg_I . O This O is O because O following Arg_B fashion Arg_I trends Arg_I enables Arg_I people Arg_I to Arg_I keep Arg_I up Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I world's Arg_I latest Arg_I transformations, Arg_I which Arg_I is Arg_I of Arg_I vital Arg_I importance Arg_I if Arg_I we Arg_I consider Arg_I the Arg_I fact Arg_I that Arg_I people Arg_I are Arg_I living Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I global Arg_I village Arg_I today Arg_I . O When Arg_B individuals Arg_I keep Arg_I the Arg_I habit Arg_I of Arg_I grasping Arg_I the Arg_I world's Arg_I cutting-edge Arg_I fashion Arg_I information, Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I gradually Arg_I changing Arg_I their Arg_I attitudes Arg_I to Arg_I viewing Arg_I the Arg_I world, Arg_I which Arg_I means Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I more Arg_I open Arg_I to Arg_I accept Arg_I diverse Arg_I voices Arg_I from Arg_I people Arg_I around Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I . O In O contrast, O if Arg_B they Arg_I stuck Arg_I to Arg_I their Arg_I own Arg_I fashion Arg_I styles, Arg_I disregarding Arg_I the Arg_I world's Arg_I top Arg_I fashion Arg_I designers' Arg_I achievements, Arg_I they Arg_I would Arg_I stay Arg_I conservative Arg_I in Arg_I their Arg_I own Arg_I worlds Arg_I . O As O a O result, O they Arg_B might Arg_I fall Arg_I behind Arg_I shortly Arg_I . O Furthermore, O people Arg_B with Arg_I inadequate Arg_I aesthetic Arg_I knowledge Arg_I or Arg_I poor Arg_I originality Arg_I develop Arg_I their Arg_I own Arg_I senses Arg_I of Arg_I fashion Arg_I when Arg_I treasuring Arg_I the Arg_I latest Arg_I fashion Arg_I information Arg_I . O Without Arg_B following Arg_I fashion Arg_I trends, Arg_I such Arg_I people Arg_I would Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I hard Arg_I time Arg_I choosing Arg_I and Arg_I matching Arg_I clothes, Arg_I let Arg_I alone Arg_I forming Arg_I their Arg_I own Arg_I dressing Arg_I styles Arg_I . O Despite O this, O it O is O undeniable O that O following Arg_B fashion Arg_I trends Arg_I constantly Arg_I may Arg_I undermine Arg_I individuals' Arg_I personalities Arg_I . O Individuals Arg_B purchase Arg_I their Arg_I clothes Arg_I according Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I latest Arg_I fashion Arg_I trends, Arg_I which Arg_I may Arg_I result Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I phenomenon Arg_I that Arg_I people Arg_I would Arg_I wear Arg_I the Arg_I same Arg_I style Arg_I of Arg_I clothes Arg_I . O Consequently, O the Arg_B world Arg_I would Arg_I look Arg_I monotonous Arg_I . O With O those O arguments O in O mind, O I O would O conclude O that O people Arg_B should, Arg_I especially Arg_I for Arg_I ones Arg_I lacking Arg_I basic Arg_I aesthetic Arg_I knowledge, Arg_I care Arg_I more Arg_I about Arg_I fashion Arg_I trends Arg_I in Arg_I lives Arg_I as Arg_I they Arg_I can Arg_I keep Arg_I pace Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I world's Arg_I changes Arg_I . O On O the O other O hand, O creative Arg_B design Arg_I talents Arg_I can Arg_I value Arg_I their Arg_I own Arg_I dressing Arg_I ideas, Arg_I developing Arg_I their Arg_I own Arg_I fashion Arg_I styles Arg_I as Arg_I they Arg_I like Arg_I . O Should O wealthy O nations O support O poor O ones? O Whether O wealthy O nations O should O take O responsibilities O to O help O poorer O ones, O by O means O of O providing O infrastructures, O or O remain O bystander O of O the O global O poverty, O is O an O issue O of O controversy O . O Personally O I O think, O as Arg_B the Arg_I privileged Arg_I minority, Arg_I wealthy Arg_I nations Arg_I have Arg_I every Arg_I reason Arg_I to Arg_I share Arg_I their Arg_I fortune Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I poor Arg_I . O In O terms O of O ethics, O it Arg_B is Arg_I inhumane Arg_I to Arg_I watch Arg_I one's Arg_I fellowman Arg_I struggle Arg_I against Arg_I famine Arg_I and Arg_I poverty Arg_I without Arg_I doing Arg_I anything Arg_I to Arg_I help, Arg_I especially Arg_I when Arg_I the Arg_I onlooker Arg_I takes Arg_I no Arg_I effort Arg_I to Arg_I do Arg_I so Arg_I . O Compassion, Arg_B a Arg_I virtue Arg_I preached Arg_I in Arg_I almost Arg_I all Arg_I religions Arg_I from Arg_I Buddhism Arg_I to Arg_I Mohammedanism, Arg_I is Arg_I what Arg_I distinguishes Arg_I us Arg_I human Arg_I beings Arg_I from Arg_I animals Arg_I . O Economically O speaking, O such Arg_B aid Arg_I could Arg_I also Arg_I create Arg_I a Arg_I win-win Arg_I situation Arg_I . O Underdeveloped Arg_B nations Arg_I no Arg_I doubt Arg_I receive Arg_I direct Arg_I benefits Arg_I through Arg_I such Arg_I deeds Arg_I . O For O developed O nations, O new O medical O problems O may O very O well O arise O from O the O work O in O underdeveloped O nations; O thus O related Arg_B research Arg_I is Arg_I conducted Arg_I accordingly Arg_I to Arg_I conquer Arg_I the Arg_I problem, Arg_I promoting Arg_I the Arg_I development Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I pharmaceutical Arg_I industry Arg_I . O The Arg_B potential Arg_I market Arg_I in Arg_I those Arg_I poor Arg_I countries, Arg_I most Arg_I of Arg_I which Arg_I has Arg_I a Arg_I huge Arg_I population, Arg_I is Arg_I also Arg_I a Arg_I thing Arg_I worth Arg_I mentioning Arg_I . O By Arg_B building Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I relationship Arg_I with Arg_I them, Arg_I wealthy Arg_I nations Arg_I can Arg_I not Arg_I only Arg_I broaden Arg_I their Arg_I global Arg_I market, Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I facilitate Arg_I future Arg_I international Arg_I commerce Arg_I . O The Arg_B underdeveloped Arg_I nations, Arg_I in Arg_I return, Arg_I may Arg_I export Arg_I local Arg_I agricultural Arg_I products, Arg_I mineral Arg_I products Arg_I with Arg_I discount Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I former, Arg_I boosting Arg_I each Arg_I other's Arg_I economy Arg_I . O In O summary, O wealthy Arg_B nations' Arg_I offering Arg_I in Arg_I need Arg_I is Arg_I not Arg_I only Arg_I a Arg_I moral Arg_I deed, Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I a Arg_I worthwhile Arg_I one Arg_I which Arg_I will Arg_I one Arg_I day Arg_I pay Arg_I off Arg_I in Arg_I other Arg_I ways Arg_I . O Only Arg_B those Arg_I who Arg_I sympathize Arg_I with Arg_I their Arg_I fellowman Arg_I can Arg_I prosper Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I long Arg_I run Arg_I . O Prevention O is O better O than O cure O It Arg_B is Arg_I a Arg_I completely Arg_I right Arg_I and Arg_I extremely Arg_I wise Arg_I policy Arg_I to Arg_I focus Arg_I on Arg_I health Arg_I education Arg_I and Arg_I preventative Arg_I measures Arg_I rather Arg_I than Arg_I treatment Arg_I . O Once O applied, O it O will O bring O many O benefits O to O both O citizens O and O governments O . O Health Arg_B education Arg_I causes Arg_I long-term Arg_I positive Arg_I effects Arg_I on Arg_I our Arg_I next Arg_I generations Arg_I . O First O of O all, O thank Arg_B to Arg_I a Arg_I full Arg_I health Arg_I education Arg_I from Arg_I their Arg_I childhoods, Arg_I children Arg_I will Arg_I have Arg_I good Arg_I habits Arg_I of Arg_I taking Arg_I care Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I own Arg_I health Arg_I and Arg_I these Arg_I habits Arg_I may Arg_I be Arg_I kept Arg_I in Arg_I their Arg_I adolescences Arg_I . O For O example, O if Arg_B a Arg_I child Arg_I is Arg_I educated Arg_I to Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I hygienic Arg_I lifestyle Arg_I at Arg_I a Arg_I very Arg_I young Arg_I age, Arg_I he Arg_I also Arg_I keeps Arg_I it Arg_I when Arg_I older Arg_I . O Secondly, O health Arg_B education Arg_I will Arg_I prepare Arg_I for Arg_I people Arg_I especially Arg_I children Arg_I necessary Arg_I knowledge Arg_I to Arg_I protect Arg_I themselves Arg_I from Arg_I risks Arg_I of Arg_I diseases Arg_I . O Instead Arg_B of Arg_I afraid Arg_I or Arg_I panic, Arg_I they Arg_I may Arg_I be Arg_I calmer Arg_I if Arg_I unfortunately Arg_I committing Arg_I some Arg_I normal Arg_I diseases Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I allergy Arg_I or Arg_I illness Arg_I in Arg_I seasonal Arg_I changes Arg_I . O Many Arg_B diseases Arg_I which Arg_I may Arg_I be Arg_I cured Arg_I easily Arg_I can Arg_I turn Arg_I to Arg_I serious Arg_I ones Arg_I if Arg_I we Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I have Arg_I right Arg_I treatment Arg_I . O Health Arg_B education Arg_I will Arg_I help Arg_I people Arg_I to Arg_I have Arg_I right Arg_I choices Arg_I of Arg_I treatment Arg_I to Arg_I recover Arg_I more Arg_I quickly Arg_I . O Preventative Arg_B measures Arg_I will Arg_I help Arg_I improve Arg_I general Arg_I health Arg_I state Arg_I of Arg_I all Arg_I citizens Arg_I . O For O example, O vaccines Arg_B will Arg_I guarantee Arg_I that Arg_I pregnant Arg_I women Arg_I and Arg_I their Arg_I babies Arg_I are Arg_I protected Arg_I from Arg_I serious Arg_I infectious Arg_I diseases Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I flu, Arg_I smallpox, Arg_I rubella Arg_I so Arg_I on Arg_I . O When Arg_B huge Arg_I injection Arg_I campaigns Arg_I are Arg_I organized Arg_I throughout Arg_I our Arg_I country, Arg_I the Arg_I community's Arg_I health Arg_I state Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I improved Arg_I remarkably Arg_I . O As O human O resources O play O a O key O role O in O the O development O of O a O country, O investing Arg_B money Arg_I to Arg_I enhance Arg_I the Arg_I general Arg_I health Arg_I state Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I totally Arg_I right Arg_I decision Arg_I . O In O addition, O because O the O cost O of O treatment O is O often O much O higher O than O that O of O prevention, O the Arg_B government Arg_I can Arg_I save Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I money Arg_I for Arg_I our Arg_I country's Arg_I health Arg_I budget Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O I O strongly O agree O that O we Arg_B should Arg_I give Arg_I more Arg_I priority Arg_I to Arg_I health Arg_I education Arg_I and Arg_I preventative Arg_I measures Arg_I than Arg_I to Arg_I treatment Arg_I . O However, O reasonable Arg_B attentions Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I paid Arg_I to Arg_I treatment Arg_I so Arg_I that Arg_I our Arg_I citizens Arg_I are Arg_I always Arg_I looked Arg_I after Arg_I with Arg_I best Arg_I services Arg_I . O The O popularity O of O news O media O Nowadays O news O media O have O become O more O and O more O popular O . O Many O people O consider O that O the O drawbacks O of O this O phenomenon O outweigh O its O merits O . O However, O it O is O possible O that O this O idea O is O not O completely O true O . O It O is O widely O seen O that O news Arg_B media Arg_I not Arg_I only Arg_I brings Arg_I people Arg_I entertainment, Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I polishes Arg_I up Arg_I people' Arg_I knowledge Arg_I . O Therefore, O it O seems O not O unreasonable O to O suggest O that O this O is O a O positive O development O . O First O and O foremost, O today Arg_B entertainment Arg_I is Arg_I easier Arg_I for Arg_I people Arg_I to Arg_I enjoy Arg_I than Arg_I ever Arg_I before Arg_I . O The Arg_B fact Arg_I is Arg_I that Arg_I such Arg_I news Arg_I media Arg_I as Arg_I televisions, Arg_I radios, Arg_I or Arg_I newspapers Arg_I are Arg_I bringing Arg_I many Arg_I news Arg_I on Arg_I entertainment Arg_I sector Arg_I from Arg_I all Arg_I over Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I to Arg_I everybody Arg_I . O People Arg_B can Arg_I sit Arg_I in Arg_I front Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I televisions Arg_I and Arg_I watch Arg_I whatever Arg_I they Arg_I want, Arg_I from Arg_I musical Arg_I concerts Arg_I to Arg_I live Arg_I football Arg_I match Arg_I . O This Arg_B is Arg_I a Arg_I convenient Arg_I way Arg_I of Arg_I relaxation Arg_I after Arg_I hard Arg_I work Arg_I . O Obviously, O the Arg_B popularity Arg_I of Arg_I news Arg_I media Arg_I is Arg_I beneficial Arg_I to Arg_I human Arg_I beings Arg_I . O In O addition O to O this, O news Arg_B media Arg_I help Arg_I people Arg_I broaden Arg_I their Arg_I knowledge Arg_I . O It Arg_B is Arg_I clearly Arg_I seen Arg_I that Arg_I mass Arg_I media Arg_I provide Arg_I people Arg_I with Arg_I a Arg_I variety Arg_I of Arg_I global Arg_I news Arg_I on Arg_I all Arg_I fields, Arg_I including Arg_I political Arg_I situation, Arg_I economic Arg_I change, Arg_I global Arg_I warming, Arg_I and Arg_I so Arg_I forth Arg_I . O Hence, O there Arg_B is Arg_I a Arg_I strong Arg_I likelihood Arg_I that Arg_I today Arg_I people Arg_I are Arg_I able Arg_I to Arg_I know Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I better Arg_I . O This Arg_B is Arg_I particularly Arg_I essential Arg_I when Arg_I the Arg_I globalization Arg_I process Arg_I has Arg_I been Arg_I permeating Arg_I into Arg_I all Arg_I areas Arg_I of Arg_I society Arg_I . O Indeed, O the Arg_B fast Arg_I growth Arg_I of Arg_I news Arg_I media Arg_I is Arg_I helpful Arg_I for Arg_I people Arg_I worldwide Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O the Arg_B development Arg_I of Arg_I news Arg_I media Arg_I has Arg_I been Arg_I making Arg_I great Arg_I inroads Arg_I into Arg_I the Arg_I lives Arg_I of Arg_I all Arg_I people Arg_I . O It Arg_B relaxes Arg_I people Arg_I with Arg_I plentiful Arg_I entertainment Arg_I news Arg_I . O It Arg_B enriches Arg_I people's Arg_I knowledge Arg_I with Arg_I worldwide Arg_I information Arg_I . O It Arg_B also Arg_I positively Arg_I affects Arg_I the Arg_I way Arg_I people Arg_I live Arg_I in Arg_I many Arg_I other Arg_I aspects Arg_I . O Therefore, O the Arg_B progress Arg_I of Arg_I news Arg_I media Arg_I is Arg_I an Arg_I advantageous Arg_I development Arg_I . O Jury O must O have O access O to O criminals' O past O records O It O is O a O well O known O fact O that O a O jury O involved O in O a O case O has O no O information O regarding O the O criminal's O past O illegal O acts O under O the O British O and O Australian O laws O . O There O are O few O of O those O who O are O concerned O think O the O current O practice O should O be O altered O and O that O the Arg_B juries Arg_I should Arg_I at Arg_I least Arg_I know Arg_I something Arg_I about Arg_I the Arg_I criminals Arg_I before Arg_I coming Arg_I to Arg_I a Arg_I conclusion Arg_I . O I, O for O one, O agree O to O this O resolution O whole-heartedly O as O it O poses O advantages O to O various O parties O as O I O shall O discuss O below O . O First O and O foremost, O I O believe O that O it Arg_B would Arg_I be Arg_I easier Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I juries Arg_I to Arg_I make Arg_I a Arg_I decision Arg_I if Arg_I they Arg_I know Arg_I about Arg_I the Arg_I past Arg_I information Arg_I about Arg_I the Arg_I criminal Arg_I . O This O is O because, O knowing Arg_B their Arg_I background Arg_I very Arg_I well Arg_I will Arg_I enable Arg_I the Arg_I juries Arg_I to Arg_I analyze Arg_I the Arg_I crime Arg_I before Arg_I coming Arg_I up Arg_I with Arg_I a Arg_I judgment Arg_I . O For O instance, O take Arg_B a Arg_I person Arg_I who Arg_I has Arg_I not Arg_I murdered Arg_I anyone Arg_I but Arg_I is Arg_I suddenly Arg_I found Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I guilty Arg_I . O The Arg_B juries Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I able Arg_I to Arg_I know Arg_I weather Arg_I the Arg_I individual Arg_I committed Arg_I the Arg_I crime Arg_I intentionally Arg_I or Arg_I due Arg_I to Arg_I circumstances Arg_I by Arg_I knowing Arg_I the Arg_I facts Arg_I about Arg_I the Arg_I person Arg_I . O Then, O punishment Arg_B can Arg_I be Arg_I given Arg_I in Arg_I accordance Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I condition Arg_I . O Apart O from O that, O a Arg_B fair Arg_I trial Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I achieved Arg_I . O As O all O of O us O know, O juries Arg_B are Arg_I a Arg_I group Arg_I of Arg_I people Arg_I who Arg_I have Arg_I no Arg_I or Arg_I less Arg_I knowledge Arg_I regarding Arg_I law Arg_I . O Thus, O exposing Arg_B them Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I past Arg_I records Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I criminal Arg_I can Arg_I give Arg_I them Arg_I more Arg_I room Arg_I to Arg_I think Arg_I rationally Arg_I and Arg_I finally Arg_I put Arg_I the Arg_I pieces Arg_I together Arg_I in Arg_I order Arg_I to Arg_I produce Arg_I a Arg_I more Arg_I meaningful Arg_I decision Arg_I . O By O doing O so, O the Arg_B juries Arg_I will Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I sense Arg_I of Arg_I relief Arg_I that Arg_I they Arg_I have Arg_I come Arg_I up Arg_I with Arg_I better Arg_I conclusion Arg_I based Arg_I on Arg_I plenty Arg_I of Arg_I evidences Arg_I . O Not O only O that, O the Arg_B convicted Arg_I will Arg_I also Arg_I receive Arg_I a Arg_I fair Arg_I action Arg_I . O It O is O undeniable O that O when Arg_B the Arg_I background Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I convicted Arg_I is Arg_I 'dug' Arg_I deeper Arg_I and Arg_I is Arg_I revealed Arg_I to Arg_I mass Arg_I of Arg_I anonymous Arg_I people, Arg_I his Arg_I privacy Arg_I is Arg_I being Arg_I jeopardized Arg_I . O If Arg_B finally Arg_I he Arg_I is Arg_I proven Arg_I innocent, Arg_I he Arg_I may Arg_I feel Arg_I embarrassed Arg_I to Arg_I face Arg_I the Arg_I public Arg_I . O However, O I O am O sure O that O the Arg_B crimes Arg_I done Arg_I by Arg_I criminals Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I brought Arg_I to Arg_I light Arg_I and Arg_I the Arg_I public Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I aware Arg_I of Arg_I it Arg_I so Arg_I that Arg_I they Arg_I will Arg_I not Arg_I become Arg_I a Arg_I victim Arg_I as Arg_I well Arg_I . O To O conclude, O I O definitely O feel O that O the Arg_B current Arg_I way Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I juries Arg_I judging Arg_I the Arg_I case Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I transformed Arg_I and Arg_I they Arg_I should Arg_I know Arg_I the Arg_I facts Arg_I about Arg_I the Arg_I criminals Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I dealing Arg_I with Arg_I . O This O is O of O paramount O importance O so O that O they Arg_B will Arg_I be Arg_I able Arg_I to Arg_I give Arg_I a Arg_I better Arg_I and Arg_I reliable Arg_I as Arg_I well Arg_I as Arg_I a Arg_I fair Arg_I judgment Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I convicted Arg_I . O Beneficial O changes O will O certainly O take O place O if O changes O are O made O because O for O a O change O to O happen, O changes O have O to O be O done O . O Taking O a O break O before O starting O higher O education O is O a O good O idea O Nowadays, O it O is O an O increasingly O common O trend O to O take O a O break O before O starting O university O studies O . O It O is O not O just O becoming O common O among O rich O students O but O also O in O the O poor O students O . O Students O take O a O break O of O year O or O two, O some O students O travel O all O around O the O world O during O this O time, O and O some O choose O to O take O up O a O job O . O Experience Arg_B gained Arg_I through Arg_I traveling Arg_I to Arg_I different Arg_I places, Arg_I meeting Arg_I different Arg_I people Arg_I and Arg_I even Arg_I at Arg_I job Arg_I goes Arg_I long Arg_I way Arg_I . O It Arg_B not Arg_I only Arg_I enhances Arg_I the Arg_I confidence Arg_I of Arg_I a Arg_I student Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I makes Arg_I them Arg_I independent Arg_I . O Student's Arg_B who Arg_I works Arg_I tend Arg_I to Arg_I gather Arg_I better Arg_I financial Arg_I resources Arg_I which Arg_I they Arg_I can Arg_I rely Arg_I on Arg_I during Arg_I their Arg_I university Arg_I studies Arg_I . O This Arg_B experience Arg_I also Arg_I makes Arg_I them Arg_I aware Arg_I of Arg_I what Arg_I they Arg_I would Arg_I like Arg_I to Arg_I make Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I life Arg_I . O They Arg_B develop Arg_I broader Arg_I view Arg_I and Arg_I can Arg_I make Arg_I a Arg_I better Arg_I choice Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I future Arg_I studies Arg_I or Arg_I courses Arg_I . O Taking Arg_B a Arg_I break Arg_I not Arg_I just Arg_I has Arg_I benefits Arg_I but Arg_I it Arg_I also Arg_I comes Arg_I with Arg_I some Arg_I negative Arg_I impacts Arg_I . O Once Arg_B student's Arg_I starts Arg_I earning, Arg_I they Arg_I might Arg_I not Arg_I like Arg_I to Arg_I go Arg_I back Arg_I to Arg_I studies Arg_I where Arg_I they Arg_I would Arg_I lose Arg_I their Arg_I financial Arg_I independence Arg_I . O They Arg_B might Arg_I even Arg_I find Arg_I it Arg_I difficult Arg_I to Arg_I adapt Arg_I to Arg_I education Arg_I environment Arg_I . O There Arg_B is Arg_I also Arg_I a Arg_I risk Arg_I of Arg_I student Arg_I never Arg_I going Arg_I back Arg_I to Arg_I university Arg_I or Arg_I higher Arg_I education Arg_I . O Probably Arg_B some Arg_I might Arg_I take Arg_I some Arg_I short Arg_I term Arg_I courses Arg_I instead Arg_I of Arg_I proper Arg_I and Arg_I complete Arg_I university Arg_I education, Arg_I which Arg_I will Arg_I help Arg_I them Arg_I to Arg_I get Arg_I a Arg_I better Arg_I job Arg_I and Arg_I salaries Arg_I . O This Arg_B might Arg_I only Arg_I help Arg_I them Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I short Arg_I run Arg_I as Arg_I it Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I known Arg_I fact Arg_I that Arg_I to Arg_I make Arg_I a Arg_I reasonable Arg_I career Arg_I in Arg_I longer Arg_I runs, Arg_I one Arg_I needs Arg_I a Arg_I proper Arg_I and Arg_I higher Arg_I qualification Arg_I . O In O my O view O point, O I Arg_B would Arg_I agree Arg_I to Arg_I idea Arg_I of Arg_I taking Arg_I a Arg_I break Arg_I before Arg_I starting Arg_I higher Arg_I education Arg_I . O Students Arg_B who Arg_I take Arg_I break, Arg_I gain Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I benefits Arg_I by Arg_I traveling Arg_I around Arg_I the Arg_I places Arg_I or Arg_I by Arg_I working Arg_I . O They Arg_B tend Arg_I to Arg_I contribute Arg_I more Arg_I due Arg_I to Arg_I their Arg_I real Arg_I world Arg_I experiences Arg_I which Arg_I makes Arg_I them Arg_I more Arg_I mature Arg_I . O University O education O is O needed O for O success O In O today's O modern O and O competitive O society, O it O is O undeniable O that O we O must O equip O ourselves O with O plenty O of O knowledge O and O skills O in O order O to O shine O and O to O be O successful O in O life O . O Many O opine O that O the O aforementioned O aspects O are O mostly O obtained O through O learning O in O academic O institutions O . O I O do O agree O to O that O opinion O to O a O certain O degree O . O Nevertheless, O I O feel O that O one Arg_B can Arg_I also Arg_I shine Arg_I without Arg_I even Arg_I having Arg_I to Arg_I attend Arg_I universities Arg_I . O First O and O foremost, O it Arg_B is Arg_I certainly Arg_I true Arg_I that Arg_I university Arg_I education Arg_I is Arg_I of Arg_I paramount Arg_I importance Arg_I for Arg_I certain Arg_I professions Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I doctor, Arg_I engineer Arg_I and Arg_I lawyer Arg_I . O Without Arg_B proper Arg_I training Arg_I and Arg_I knowledge, Arg_I it Arg_I would Arg_I be Arg_I impossible Arg_I for Arg_I them Arg_I to Arg_I perform Arg_I their Arg_I best Arg_I in Arg_I their Arg_I careers Arg_I . O Not Arg_B only Arg_I that, Arg_I when Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I university, Arg_I they Arg_I will Arg_I have Arg_I the Arg_I opportunity Arg_I to Arg_I share Arg_I their Arg_I knowledge Arg_I as Arg_I well Arg_I as Arg_I to Arg_I network Arg_I for Arg_I business Arg_I associates Arg_I and Arg_I partners Arg_I . O This Arg_B can Arg_I benefit Arg_I them Arg_I in Arg_I future Arg_I when Arg_I they Arg_I intend Arg_I to Arg_I open Arg_I up Arg_I their Arg_I own Arg_I companies Arg_I or Arg_I hospitals Arg_I . O Looking O from O another O perspective, O there Arg_B are Arg_I also Arg_I a Arg_I significant Arg_I number Arg_I of Arg_I people Arg_I who Arg_I are Arg_I very Arg_I successful Arg_I in Arg_I their Arg_I fields Arg_I without Arg_I going Arg_I to Arg_I university Arg_I . O Take Arg_B for Arg_I instance Arg_I those Arg_I who Arg_I start Arg_I their Arg_I own Arg_I business Arg_I . O These Arg_B people Arg_I depend Arg_I solely Arg_I on Arg_I hard Arg_I work Arg_I and Arg_I luck Arg_I . O Interestingly, O for Arg_B some Arg_I of Arg_I them Arg_I it Arg_I proved Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I a Arg_I profitable Arg_I job Arg_I . O To O cite O an O example, O Michael Arg_B Dell Arg_I who Arg_I is Arg_I the Arg_I founder Arg_I and Arg_I the Arg_I CEO Arg_I of Arg_I Dell Arg_I left Arg_I college Arg_I at Arg_I 19 Arg_I . O Initially, O he Arg_B started Arg_I his Arg_I computer Arg_I company Arg_I in Arg_I his Arg_I college Arg_I dorm Arg_I room Arg_I . O Eventually, O he Arg_B used Arg_I his Arg_I earnings Arg_I as Arg_I well Arg_I as Arg_I his Arg_I family's Arg_I loan Arg_I in Arg_I order Arg_I to Arg_I progress Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I who Arg_I he Arg_I is Arg_I now Arg_I . O In O addition, O people Arg_B with Arg_I natural Arg_I talents Arg_I are Arg_I also Arg_I most Arg_I likely Arg_I to Arg_I excel Arg_I in Arg_I their Arg_I life Arg_I . O This Arg_B is Arg_I especially Arg_I true Arg_I in Arg_I sectors Arg_I like Arg_I entertainment Arg_I and Arg_I sports Arg_I . O The Arg_B introduction Arg_I of Arg_I increasing Arg_I number Arg_I of Arg_I reality Arg_I shows Arg_I have Arg_I made Arg_I it Arg_I possible Arg_I for Arg_I all Arg_I those Arg_I lucky Arg_I ones Arg_I to Arg_I triumph Arg_I . O To O illustrate O this O further, O David Arg_B Archuleta Arg_I who Arg_I was Arg_I once Arg_I a Arg_I nobody Arg_I has Arg_I now Arg_I taken Arg_I up Arg_I a Arg_I large Arg_I space Arg_I in Arg_I hearts Arg_I of Arg_I many Arg_I . O Hence, O it O is O evident O that O individuals Arg_B born Arg_I with Arg_I talents Arg_I have Arg_I also Arg_I a Arg_I high Arg_I chance Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I successful Arg_I . O To O wrap O it O all O up, O it Arg_B is Arg_I indeed Arg_I true Arg_I that Arg_I university Arg_I education Arg_I is Arg_I pivotal Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I person's Arg_I life Arg_I in Arg_I order Arg_I for Arg_I one Arg_I to Arg_I prosper Arg_I . O However, O it Arg_B would Arg_I be Arg_I wrong Arg_I to Arg_I say Arg_I that Arg_I one's Arg_I success Arg_I completely Arg_I depends Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I education Arg_I he Arg_I or Arg_I she Arg_I receives Arg_I at Arg_I the Arg_I institutions Arg_I . O Natural O talent O and O hard O work O also O contribute O to O their O progress O . O Should O people O be O forced O to O stop O working? O The O appropriate O age O at O which O a O person O should O stop O working O is O now O a O much O debated O issue O in O the O society O . O Some O opine O that O people O should O be O given O the O option O to O choose O when O they O want O to O call O it O a O day O while O others O oppose O this O notion O . O In O my O personal O point O of O view, O the Arg_B right Arg_I age Arg_I for Arg_I a Arg_I person Arg_I to Arg_I retire Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I around Arg_I 60 Arg_I years Arg_I old Arg_I . O I, O for O one, O strongly Arg_B agree Arg_I that Arg_I age Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I set Arg_I as Arg_I a Arg_I criterion Arg_I for Arg_I people Arg_I to Arg_I retire Arg_I at Arg_I the Arg_I aforementioned Arg_I age Arg_I due O to O several O reasons O that O I O shall O discuss O below O . O First O and O foremost, O if Arg_B senior Arg_I workers Arg_I dominate Arg_I the Arg_I working Arg_I sector, Arg_I there Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I lesser Arg_I job Arg_I opportunities Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I fresh Arg_I graduates Arg_I . O As O a O result, O most Arg_B of Arg_I them Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I forced Arg_I to Arg_I take Arg_I up Arg_I careers Arg_I which Arg_I are Arg_I poles Arg_I apart Arg_I from Arg_I what Arg_I they Arg_I had Arg_I studied Arg_I for Arg_I . O To O illustrate O this O further, O a Arg_B medical Arg_I graduate Arg_I might Arg_I find Arg_I it Arg_I very Arg_I disheartened Arg_I when Arg_I he Arg_I had Arg_I to Arg_I spend Arg_I around Arg_I five Arg_I precious Arg_I years Arg_I studying Arg_I medicine Arg_I and Arg_I at Arg_I the Arg_I end Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I day, Arg_I he Arg_I will Arg_I have Arg_I to Arg_I take Arg_I up Arg_I another Arg_I profession Arg_I rather Arg_I than Arg_I doctor Arg_I due Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I insufficient Arg_I job Arg_I opportunities Arg_I available Arg_I . O On O top O of O that, O due Arg_B to Arg_I the Arg_I lack Arg_I of Arg_I genuine Arg_I passion Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I work Arg_I which Arg_I was Arg_I not Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I option, Arg_I there Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I greater Arg_I possibility Arg_I for Arg_I their Arg_I performance Arg_I standard Arg_I to Arg_I dwindle Arg_I at Arg_I their Arg_I workplace Arg_I . O Apart O from O that, O not Arg_B all Arg_I elderly Arg_I workers Arg_I are Arg_I physically Arg_I well Arg_I . O Beyond Arg_B that Arg_I age, Arg_I a Arg_I large Arg_I proportion Arg_I of Arg_I them Arg_I have Arg_I an Arg_I elevated Arg_I chance Arg_I of Arg_I contracting Arg_I a Arg_I multitude Arg_I of Arg_I health Arg_I problems Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I stress Arg_I related Arg_I diseases Arg_I and Arg_I cardiovascular Arg_I illnesses Arg_I . O To O cite O an O example, O the Arg_B stressful Arg_I life Arg_I that Arg_I an Arg_I aged Arg_I teacher Arg_I goes Arg_I through Arg_I will Arg_I definitely Arg_I take Arg_I a Arg_I toll Arg_I on Arg_I him Arg_I . O Consequently, O they Arg_B will Arg_I not Arg_I be Arg_I able Arg_I to Arg_I give Arg_I their Arg_I best Arg_I in Arg_I whatever Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I doing Arg_I . O Besides, O the Arg_B academic Arg_I institution Arg_I will Arg_I have Arg_I to Arg_I pay Arg_I for Arg_I his Arg_I medical Arg_I bills, Arg_I resulting Arg_I in Arg_I more Arg_I loss Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I institution Arg_I . O Thus, O it Arg_B would Arg_I indeed Arg_I be Arg_I better Arg_I if Arg_I at Arg_I an Arg_I older Arg_I age, Arg_I opportunities Arg_I are Arg_I given Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I younger Arg_I ones Arg_I . O Admittedly, O the Arg_B expertise Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I senior Arg_I workers Arg_I who Arg_I had Arg_I retired Arg_I should Arg_I never Arg_I be Arg_I underestimated Arg_I . O Their Arg_B invaluable Arg_I experiences Arg_I and Arg_I knowledge Arg_I in Arg_I their Arg_I respective Arg_I fields Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I engineering, Arg_I medicine, Arg_I and Arg_I law Arg_I can Arg_I certainly Arg_I be Arg_I beneficial Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I younger Arg_I generation Arg_I . O Hence, O it Arg_B is Arg_I highly Arg_I recommended Arg_I that Arg_I the Arg_I retiree Arg_I come Arg_I over Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I companies Arg_I or Arg_I hospitals Arg_I to Arg_I have Arg_I regular Arg_I sessions Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I present Arg_I staffs Arg_I to Arg_I bridge Arg_I the Arg_I gap Arg_I between Arg_I them Arg_I and Arg_I to Arg_I pass Arg_I on Arg_I their Arg_I knowledge Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O it Arg_B is Arg_I indeed Arg_I evident Arg_I that Arg_I age Arg_I limit Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I set Arg_I for Arg_I retirement Arg_I . O There O will O come O a O certain O time O when O the O older O generation O should O hand O over O the O responsibility O to O the O fresh O comers O who O are O certainly O waiting O to O be O given O a O choice O to O prove O themselves O . O After O all, O retirement O not O only O marks O the O end O of O an O individual, O but O also O gives O him O a O chance O to O make O up O for O what O he O has O lost O throughout O his O working O life O . O Are O museums O necessary? O I O believe O public O museums O and O art O galleries O will O still O be O necessary, O even O though O we Arg_B can Arg_I see Arg_I the Arg_I art Arg_I works Arg_I and Arg_I historical Arg_I objects Arg_I online Arg_I . O Most Arg_B people Arg_I nowadays Arg_I prefer Arg_I to Arg_I use Arg_I the Arg_I Internet Arg_I to Arg_I search Arg_I for Arg_I art Arg_I work Arg_I because O the Arg_B Internet Arg_I really Arg_I brings Arg_I them Arg_I convenience Arg_I . O We Arg_B can Arg_I browse Arg_I the Arg_I art Arg_I work Arg_I from Arg_I all Arg_I over Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I at Arg_I home Arg_I . O However, O people Arg_B may Arg_I not Arg_I get Arg_I a Arg_I spiritual Arg_I experience Arg_I since O pictures Arg_B online Arg_I are Arg_I only Arg_I limited Arg_I to Arg_I a Arg_I screen Arg_I size Arg_I . O By O contrast, O the Arg_B exhibits Arg_I in Arg_I museums Arg_I or Arg_I galleries Arg_I are Arg_I all Arg_I life Arg_I size Arg_I and Arg_I visitors Arg_I can Arg_I get Arg_I a Arg_I more Arg_I direct Arg_I felling Arg_I . O For O example, O only Arg_B when Arg_I we Arg_I see Arg_I the Arg_I real Arg_I mummy, Arg_I can Arg_I we Arg_I experience Arg_I mystique Arg_I . O In Arg_B order Arg_I to Arg_I help Arg_I visitors Arg_I to Arg_I learn Arg_I more Arg_I about Arg_I the Arg_I exhibits, Arg_I museums Arg_I hold Arg_I various Arg_I activities Arg_I which Arg_I make Arg_I visitors Arg_I be Arg_I part Arg_I of Arg_I what Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I seeing Arg_I . O For O example, O at O American O Museum O of O Natural O History, O you O can O make O a O bone-by-bone O reproduction O of O the O museum's O stegosaurus; O at Arg_B Museum Arg_I of Arg_I Art Arg_I in Arg_I New Arg_I York, Arg_I you Arg_I can Arg_I look Arg_I at Arg_I 17th Arg_I century Arg_I instruments Arg_I while Arg_I listening Arg_I to Arg_I their Arg_I music Arg_I . O While Arg_B if Arg_I you Arg_I "visit" Arg_I the Arg_I museum Arg_I online, Arg_I you Arg_I may Arg_I not Arg_I able Arg_I to Arg_I get Arg_I this Arg_I kind Arg_I of Arg_I experience Arg_I . O Seeing Arg_B an Arg_I art Arg_I work Arg_I on Arg_I computer Arg_I screen Arg_I is Arg_I not Arg_I the Arg_I same Arg_I as Arg_I you Arg_I watch Arg_I it Arg_I by Arg_I your Arg_I own Arg_I eyes Arg_I . O For O instance, O you Arg_B can't Arg_I see Arg_I the Arg_I texture Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I artwork Arg_I which Arg_I is Arg_I very Arg_I important Arg_I to Arg_I study Arg_I the Arg_I skills Arg_I used Arg_I by Arg_I the Arg_I artist Arg_I . O What's O more, O not Arg_B all Arg_I the Arg_I details Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I artwork Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I shown Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I computer Arg_I screen Arg_I . O Some Arg_B details Arg_I might Arg_I be Arg_I dim Arg_I since O the Arg_B resolution Arg_I ratio Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I screen Arg_I is Arg_I not Arg_I high Arg_I enough Arg_I . O These Arg_B may Arg_I influence Arg_I the Arg_I comprehension Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I art Arg_I work Arg_I or Arg_I historical Arg_I objects Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O I O believe O we Arg_B still Arg_I need Arg_I museums Arg_I and Arg_I art Arg_I galleries Arg_I but O computers Arg_B can Arg_I be Arg_I introduced Arg_I to Arg_I museums Arg_I and Arg_I galleries Arg_I in Arg_I order Arg_I to Arg_I help Arg_I visitors Arg_I to Arg_I know Arg_I more Arg_I about Arg_I the Arg_I art Arg_I works Arg_I or Arg_I historical Arg_I objects Arg_I . O Should O the O cost O of O medicines O be O reduced? O At O present, O a O large O number O of O patients O in O poor O countries O are O suffering O from O deaths O caused O by O lack O of O medication O rather O than O dangerous O diseases O . O It O is O suggested O that O companies O in O developed O countries O ought O to O reduce O their O price O of O medicines O to O avoid O such O unnecessary O deaths O . O Admittedly, O more Arg_B lives Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I saved Arg_I by Arg_I the Arg_I use Arg_I of Arg_I effective Arg_I medicines Arg_I . O The Arg_B medical Arg_I industry Arg_I in Arg_I developing Arg_I countries Arg_I is Arg_I incapable Arg_I of Arg_I producing Arg_I high-quality Arg_I drugs Arg_I . O With Arg_B advanced Arg_I technology, Arg_I the Arg_I developed Arg_I world Arg_I has Arg_I achieved Arg_I remarkable Arg_I breakthroughs Arg_I in Arg_I making Arg_I medicines, Arg_I which Arg_I can Arg_I cure Arg_I a Arg_I variety Arg_I of Arg_I serious Arg_I illnesses Arg_I . O If Arg_B people Arg_I in Arg_I poorer Arg_I countries Arg_I gain Arg_I access Arg_I to Arg_I these Arg_I drugs, Arg_I their Arg_I health Arg_I situations Arg_I may Arg_I be Arg_I better Arg_I . O The Arg_B reduction Arg_I in Arg_I cost Arg_I of Arg_I medicines Arg_I therefore Arg_I shows Arg_I the Arg_I sign Arg_I of Arg_I humanity Arg_I . O However, O the Arg_B current Arg_I cost Arg_I of Arg_I medicines Arg_I is Arg_I , Arg_I in Arg_I fact, Arg_I reasonable Arg_I and Arg_I based Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I medicines' Arg_I effectiveness Arg_I . O Apparently, O the Arg_B process Arg_I of Arg_I researching, Arg_I testing Arg_I and Arg_I producing Arg_I drugs Arg_I in Arg_I masses Arg_I costs Arg_I a Arg_I substantial Arg_I amount Arg_I of Arg_I money Arg_I . O Moreover, O these Arg_B products Arg_I prove Arg_I to Arg_I ensure Arg_I human Arg_I health Arg_I completely Arg_I . O Suppose Arg_B companies Arg_I were Arg_I forced Arg_I to Arg_I reduce Arg_I the Arg_I cost Arg_I of Arg_I drugs, Arg_I they Arg_I would Arg_I make Arg_I no Arg_I profit, Arg_I even Arg_I running Arg_I up Arg_I debt Arg_I because Arg_I of Arg_I production Arg_I expenditure Arg_I . O Therefore, O the Arg_B measure Arg_I cannot Arg_I be Arg_I adopted, Arg_I otherwise Arg_I those Arg_I companies Arg_I will Arg_I go Arg_I into Arg_I liquidation Arg_I . O In O short, O this O is O not O a O long-term O solution O . O Fortunately, O there Arg_B are Arg_I other Arg_I measures Arg_I to Arg_I improve Arg_I the Arg_I situation Arg_I . O It Arg_B is Arg_I advisable Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I government Arg_I to Arg_I encourage Arg_I medical Arg_I production Arg_I by Arg_I supplying Arg_I land Arg_I for Arg_I building Arg_I factories Arg_I and Arg_I reducing Arg_I part Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I taxes Arg_I . O Additionally, O charitable Arg_B organizations Arg_I can Arg_I buy Arg_I medicines Arg_I from Arg_I developed Arg_I countries Arg_I and Arg_I distribute Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I undeveloped Arg_I world Arg_I for Arg_I free Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O I Arg_B disagree Arg_I with Arg_I reducing Arg_I the Arg_I cost Arg_I of Arg_I medicines, Arg_I which Arg_I may Arg_I exacerbate Arg_I their Arg_I qualities Arg_I . O Instead, O the O government O and O medical O foundations O should O be O responsible O for O the O distribution O of O drugs O to O the O undeveloped O world O at O a O more O reasonable O price O . O Prohibit O public O smoking? O The O awareness O on O harmful O effects O from O smoking O among O the O general O public O has O put O much O pressure O on O the O government O and O private O sectors O . O As O a O result, O some O businesses O prohibit O smoking O in O their O premises O and O even O some O governments O restrict O smoking O in O public O area O . O It O is O agreed O that O the Arg_B move Arg_I will Arg_I do Arg_I more Arg_I good Arg_I by Arg_I looking Arg_I at Arg_I the Arg_I quality Arg_I of Arg_I health Arg_I and Arg_I image Arg_I of Arg_I a Arg_I nation Arg_I in Arg_I long Arg_I run Arg_I . O Firstly, O it Arg_B is Arg_I well Arg_I known Arg_I and Arg_I clinically Arg_I proven Arg_I that Arg_I smoking Arg_I is Arg_I extremely Arg_I hazardous Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I smoker Arg_I and Arg_I others Arg_I who Arg_I have Arg_I been Arg_I exposed Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I fume Arg_I over Arg_I a Arg_I period Arg_I of Arg_I time Arg_I . O Recent Arg_B death Arg_I statistic Arg_I released Arg_I by Arg_I the Arg_I Malaysian Arg_I Ministry Arg_I of Arg_I Health Arg_I shows Arg_I that Arg_I the Arg_I top Arg_I killer Arg_I was Arg_I lung Arg_I related Arg_I diseases Arg_I caused Arg_I by Arg_I smoking Arg_I . O A Arg_B large Arg_I proportion Arg_I of Arg_I death Arg_I involved Arg_I second Arg_I hand Arg_I smoker Arg_I particularly Arg_I young Arg_I children Arg_I and Arg_I pregnant Arg_I women Arg_I who Arg_I were Arg_I vulnerable Arg_I to Arg_I these Arg_I lethal Arg_I diseases Arg_I . O Therefore, O the Arg_B number Arg_I of Arg_I fatality Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I significantly Arg_I reduced Arg_I if Arg_I a Arg_I total Arg_I ban Arg_I on Arg_I public Arg_I smoking Arg_I is Arg_I implemented Arg_I . O Secondly, O the Arg_B image Arg_I of Arg_I a Arg_I healthy Arg_I nation Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I promoted Arg_I when Arg_I government Arg_I restricts Arg_I public Arg_I smoking Arg_I by Arg_I imposing Arg_I stern Arg_I penalty Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I offender Arg_I . O For O instance, O the Arg_B Brunei Arg_I government Arg_I had Arg_I recently Arg_I enforced Arg_I a Arg_I law Arg_I against Arg_I smoking Arg_I in Arg_I public Arg_I areas Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I cafés, Arg_I hospital Arg_I and Arg_I shopping Arg_I street Arg_I . O This Arg_B step Arg_I has Arg_I curbed Arg_I down Arg_I the Arg_I numbers Arg_I of Arg_I smokers Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I country Arg_I and Arg_I as Arg_I a Arg_I result, Arg_I Brunei Arg_I remains Arg_I a Arg_I place Arg_I known Arg_I for Arg_I its Arg_I tranquility Arg_I and Arg_I cleanliness Arg_I . O This Arg_B example Arg_I shows Arg_I the Arg_I benefit Arg_I of Arg_I restricting Arg_I public Arg_I smoking Arg_I to Arg_I a Arg_I country Arg_I as Arg_I a Arg_I whole Arg_I . O To O sum O up, O the Arg_B effort Arg_I to Arg_I prohibit Arg_I people Arg_I from Arg_I smoking Arg_I in Arg_I public Arg_I area Arg_I is Arg_I certainly Arg_I helping Arg_I in Arg_I curtailing Arg_I the Arg_I associated Arg_I health Arg_I risks Arg_I and Arg_I to Arg_I create Arg_I a Arg_I healthy Arg_I nation Arg_I . O It O is O hoped O that O more O businesses O and O governments O will O follow O the O same O initiatives O for O the O interest O of O the O people O and O the O country O . O Human O activities O are O harming O the O Earth O "Save O the O planet O Earth" O is O a O common O line O which O can O be O read O and O heard O all O over O the O world O . O There O has O been O a O lot O of O initiatives O to O protect O the O planet O Earth O from O unbridled O human O developments O . O Although O some O people O argue O these O developments O are O making O our O life O comfortable, O but O concerns Arg_B to Arg_I save Arg_I Earth Arg_I are Arg_I vital Arg_I due O to O various O reasons O . O Firstly, O rapid Arg_B development Arg_I of Arg_I infrastructure Arg_I is Arg_I eating Arg_I most Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I forest Arg_I throughout Arg_I world Arg_I . O The Arg_B so-called Arg_I Concrete Arg_I jungles Arg_I have Arg_I evolved Arg_I endangering Arg_I forests Arg_I and Arg_I wild Arg_I life Arg_I . O As O we O all O know O life Arg_B saving Arg_I oxygen Arg_I is Arg_I produced Arg_I by Arg_I trees Arg_I after Arg_I converting Arg_I harmful Arg_I carbon Arg_I dioxide Arg_I gas Arg_I . O Moreover, O wild Arg_B life Arg_I is Arg_I very Arg_I essential Arg_I to Arg_I maintain Arg_I ecological Arg_I balance Arg_I on Arg_I planet Arg_I Earth Arg_I . O Secondly, O large Arg_B emissions Arg_I of Arg_I carbon Arg_I monoxide Arg_I gas Arg_I from Arg_I refrigerants Arg_I like Arg_I air Arg_I conditioners Arg_I have Arg_I depleted Arg_I ozone Arg_I layer Arg_I . O Importance Arg_B of Arg_I ozone Arg_I layer Arg_I is Arg_I evident Arg_I by Arg_I the Arg_I fact Arg_I as Arg_I it Arg_I protects Arg_I us Arg_I from Arg_I harmful Arg_I ultra Arg_I violet Arg_I rays Arg_I . O To O add O to O it, O excess Arg_B emission Arg_I of Arg_I carbon Arg_I dioxide Arg_I gas Arg_I mainly Arg_I by Arg_I vehicles Arg_I around Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I has Arg_I increased Arg_I the Arg_I average Arg_I temperature Arg_I at Arg_I north Arg_I pole Arg_I which Arg_I in Arg_I turn Arg_I has Arg_I increased Arg_I water Arg_I level Arg_I due Arg_I to Arg_I gradual Arg_I melting Arg_I of Arg_I glaciers Arg_I . O Lastly, O either Arg_B industrial Arg_I waste Arg_I or Arg_I domestic Arg_I waste Arg_I produced Arg_I everyday Arg_I is Arg_I badly Arg_I polluting Arg_I the Arg_I planet Arg_I Earth Arg_I . O For O instance O a Arg_B large Arg_I amount Arg_I of Arg_I unnoticed Arg_I industrial Arg_I waste Arg_I released Arg_I in Arg_I oceans Arg_I effects Arg_I aquatic Arg_I life Arg_I to Arg_I a Arg_I large Arg_I extent Arg_I . O Harmful Arg_B chemicals Arg_I present Arg_I in Arg_I industrial Arg_I waste Arg_I kills Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I sea Arg_I creatures Arg_I in Arg_I oceans Arg_I or Arg_I rivers Arg_I . O To O conclude, O Earth Arg_B is Arg_I our Arg_I home Arg_I and Arg_I it Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I protected Arg_I . O Any O human O activity O causing O harm O to O Earth O should O be O controlled O and O alternate O ways O should O be O devised O to O control O damage O . O Creative O ideas O should O be O encouraged O to O leave O minimum O environmental O footprints O without O compromising O quality O of O life O . O Amount O of O control O on O media O information O Nowadays, O one O of O the O most O controversial O issues O related O to O mass O media O is O the O correct O amount O of O control O posed O on O newspapers, O televisions O and O websites O . O It O is O argued O that O the O government O should O exercise O less O restriction O on O sharing O of O media O information O to O public O . O However, O I O strongly O believe O that O it Arg_B should Arg_I increase Arg_I the Arg_I level Arg_I of Arg_I control Arg_I to Arg_I protect Arg_I the Arg_I public Arg_I against Arg_I inappropriate Arg_I contents Arg_I and Arg_I unsuitable Arg_I foreign Arg_I cultures Arg_I . O One Arg_B of Arg_I the Arg_I strong Arg_I arguments Arg_I in Arg_I favour Arg_I of Arg_I tighter Arg_I media Arg_I control Arg_I is Arg_I to Arg_I limit Arg_I the Arg_I violent Arg_I and Arg_I sexual Arg_I content Arg_I . O They Arg_B have Arg_I a Arg_I serious Arg_I impact Arg_I on Arg_I people Arg_I in Arg_I their Arg_I puberty Arg_I . O For O example, O an Arg_B internet Arg_I cartoon Arg_I comedy Arg_I called Arg_I happy Arg_I tree Arg_I is Arg_I extremely Arg_I brutal, Arg_I where Arg_I the Arg_I characters Arg_I usually Arg_I have Arg_I their Arg_I heads Arg_I or Arg_I limbs Arg_I tear Arg_I off Arg_I . O Another O supporting O reason O is O that O television Arg_B companies Arg_I import Arg_I foreign Arg_I programmes Arg_I from Arg_I time Arg_I to Arg_I time Arg_I and Arg_I audiences Arg_I might Arg_I accept Arg_I their Arg_I ideas Arg_I which Arg_I maybe Arg_I otherwise Arg_I not Arg_I welcomed Arg_I to Arg_I local Arg_I culture Arg_I . O A Arg_B few Arg_I years Arg_I ago Arg_I there Arg_I was Arg_I a Arg_I Japanese Arg_I game Arg_I show Arg_I which Arg_I involved Arg_I throwing Arg_I cream Arg_I cakes Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I loser Arg_I . O This Arg_B is Arg_I actually Arg_I very Arg_I environmentally Arg_I unfriendly Arg_I . O The O major O opposing O argument O is O to O protect O the O safety O of O citizens O . O In O other O words, O the Arg_B government Arg_I should Arg_I disclose Arg_I the Arg_I information Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I media Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I timely Arg_I manner, Arg_I especially Arg_I for Arg_I disasters Arg_I and Arg_I outbreak Arg_I of Arg_I new Arg_I diseases Arg_I . O Taking Arg_B the Arg_I SARS Arg_I in Arg_I 2003 Arg_I as Arg_I an Arg_I example, Arg_I the Arg_I Chinese Arg_I government Arg_I limited Arg_I the Arg_I amount Arg_I of Arg_I information Arg_I for Arg_I public Arg_I access Arg_I which Arg_I therefore Arg_I causes Arg_I numerous Arg_I deaths Arg_I . O Even O so, O another Arg_B perspective Arg_I on Arg_I this Arg_I is Arg_I to Arg_I prevent Arg_I the Arg_I citizen Arg_I from Arg_I unnecessary Arg_I fear Arg_I and Arg_I unrest Arg_I . O Both O sides O of O the O arguments O have O its O merits O . O My O personal O view O is O that O despite O the O emphasis O of O citizen O safety, O the Arg_B government Arg_I should Arg_I regulate Arg_I the Arg_I correct Arg_I amount Arg_I of Arg_I violent Arg_I and Arg_I sexual Arg_I content Arg_I and Arg_I censor Arg_I the Arg_I culturally Arg_I unsuitable Arg_I information Arg_I . O Setting O up O a O council O to O monitor O the O media O information O to O the O public O could O be O a O practical O idea O . O Citizen's O only O responsibility O is O to O pay O taxes O There O is O a O controversial O debate O around O the O world O about O the O duties O of O citizen O . O Some O people O believe O that O paying O tax O is O the O only O responsibility O of O citizens, O while O others O disagree O and O think O that O being O a O person O in O society O involves O more O responsibilities O . O Taxes Arg_B are Arg_I the Arg_I income Arg_I for Arg_I every Arg_I country Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I and Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I extremely Arg_I important Arg_I for Arg_I developing Arg_I countries Arg_I . O If Arg_B people Arg_I are Arg_I paying Arg_I taxes, Arg_I that Arg_I means Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I taking Arg_I part Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I development Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I country Arg_I as Arg_I well Arg_I as Arg_I the Arg_I country's Arg_I economy Arg_I . O Therefore, O they Arg_B have Arg_I fulfilled Arg_I their Arg_I duty Arg_I as Arg_I a Arg_I citizen Arg_I . O Some O people O argue O that O individuals Arg_B of Arg_I a Arg_I country Arg_I are Arg_I responsible Arg_I for Arg_I many Arg_I other Arg_I things Arg_I apart Arg_I from Arg_I paying Arg_I tax Arg_I . O In O fact, O in Arg_B order Arg_I to Arg_I develop Arg_I a Arg_I country, Arg_I citizens Arg_I must Arg_I obey Arg_I laws, Arg_I which Arg_I were Arg_I imposed Arg_I by Arg_I the Arg_I government Arg_I . O In O this O way, O the Arg_B crime Arg_I rate Arg_I is Arg_I reduced Arg_I and Arg_I society Arg_I becomes Arg_I a Arg_I peaceful Arg_I place, Arg_I so Arg_I the Arg_I country Arg_I will Arg_I develop Arg_I at Arg_I a Arg_I rapid Arg_I pace Arg_I . O Furthermore, O being Arg_B a Arg_I citizen Arg_I in Arg_I society Arg_I should Arg_I protect Arg_I the Arg_I country's Arg_I culture Arg_I and Arg_I history Arg_I . O For O instance, O people Arg_B should Arg_I have Arg_I knowledge Arg_I about Arg_I their Arg_I own Arg_I culture Arg_I and Arg_I history Arg_I by Arg_I studying Arg_I at Arg_I school Arg_I with Arg_I full Arg_I concentration Arg_I or Arg_I reading Arg_I them Arg_I from Arg_I books Arg_I . O On O the O other O hand, O a Arg_B person Arg_I has Arg_I to Arg_I unite Arg_I with Arg_I other Arg_I people Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I community Arg_I so Arg_I as Arg_I to Arg_I develop Arg_I their Arg_I nation Arg_I . O Indeed, O if Arg_B people Arg_I in Arg_I society Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I strong Arg_I bond Arg_I with Arg_I each Arg_I other, Arg_I society Arg_I will Arg_I become Arg_I a Arg_I peaceful Arg_I place, Arg_I where Arg_I people Arg_I are Arg_I helping Arg_I and Arg_I sharing Arg_I to Arg_I each Arg_I other Arg_I . O Taking O everything O into O account, O I O strongly O believe O that O being Arg_B a Arg_I citizen Arg_I involves Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I number Arg_I of Arg_I duties, Arg_I other Arg_I than Arg_I paying Arg_I taxes Arg_I . O People Arg_B in Arg_I society Arg_I must Arg_I do Arg_I more Arg_I than Arg_I paying Arg_I taxes Arg_I to Arg_I contribute Arg_I to Arg_I their Arg_I society Arg_I . O Testing O on O animals O and O keeping O them O in O unnatural O conditions O Perhaps O the O most O serious O problem O facing O the O animals' O rights O today O is O animal O experimentation O . O Many O medical O treatments O have O been O discovered O by O animal O testing, O including O cancer O and O HIV O drugs O While O most O scientists O claim O that O this O is O vital O for O improving O human O health, O I O believe O that O primates Arg_B should Arg_I have Arg_I the Arg_I same Arg_I rights Arg_I as Arg_I human Arg_I beings Arg_I . O There Arg_B are Arg_I several Arg_I reasons Arg_I why Arg_I animal Arg_I testing Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I banned Arg_I . O Firstly, O the Arg_B costs Arg_I outweigh Arg_I the Arg_I benefits Arg_I . O Every Arg_B year, Arg_I cosmetic Arg_I companies, Arg_I farms Arg_I or Arg_I medical Arg_I schools Arg_I kill Arg_I millions Arg_I of Arg_I animals Arg_I to Arg_I test Arg_I their Arg_I products, Arg_I without Arg_I any Arg_I beneficial Arg_I result Arg_I . O Animal O testing O costs O an O enormous O amount O of O money, O since O they Arg_B must Arg_I be Arg_I fed, Arg_I cared Arg_I for Arg_I and Arg_I treated Arg_I with Arg_I drugs Arg_I or Arg_I experimental Arg_I substances Arg_I . O Secondly, O animals Arg_B are Arg_I kept Arg_I in Arg_I unnatural Arg_I conditions Arg_I . O Recent Arg_B studies Arg_I point Arg_I out Arg_I that Arg_I animals Arg_I are Arg_I neglected Arg_I and Arg_I treated Arg_I poorly, Arg_I which Arg_I influences Arg_I their Arg_I reactions Arg_I to Arg_I drugs Arg_I . O In Arg_B March Arg_I 2003, Arg_I a Arg_I lab Arg_I technician Arg_I shot Arg_I a Arg_I video Arg_I inside Arg_I a Arg_I lab, Arg_I which Arg_I revealed Arg_I primates Arg_I in Arg_I cages Arg_I without Arg_I pain Arg_I medication, Arg_I for Arg_I instance Arg_I one Arg_I baboon Arg_I with Arg_I a Arg_I metal Arg_I cylinder Arg_I screwed Arg_I into Arg_I its Arg_I head Arg_I . O Consequently, O I O think O that O sacrificing Arg_B animals Arg_I is Arg_I an Arg_I expensive Arg_I and Arg_I painful Arg_I activity Arg_I . O There O is O also O the O argument O that O many O ethical O and O genetic O principles O are O broken O when O testing O on O animals O . O Many O people O agree O that O it O is O not O only O inhumane O and O cruel O to O cause O pain O to O animals, O but O also O misleading, O since O animals Arg_B and Arg_I people's Arg_I response Arg_I to Arg_I a Arg_I drug Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I different Arg_I . O I O personally O believe O that O human Arg_B beings Arg_I have Arg_I no Arg_I moral Arg_I right Arg_I to Arg_I use Arg_I animals Arg_I in Arg_I ways Arg_I that Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I benefit Arg_I the Arg_I individual Arg_I . O For O the O reasons O mentioned O above, O it Arg_B seems Arg_I to Arg_I me Arg_I that Arg_I testing Arg_I on Arg_I animals Arg_I has Arg_I no Arg_I clear Arg_I result Arg_I and O consequently, O it Arg_B should Arg_I be Arg_I made Arg_I illegal Arg_I . O "Pen O and O Paper" O Examination O Examinations O are O one O of O the O most O common O methods O of O measuring O learning O in O education O systems O throughout O the O world O . O At O virtually O every O stage O of O the O learning O process, O exams O are O used O to O verify O that O the O learner O is O ready O to O move O on O to O the O next O stage O . O However, O many O believe O that O the O role O of O examinations O should O be O reconsidered O . O There Arg_B are Arg_I clearly Arg_I advantages Arg_I to Arg_I exams Arg_I . O They Arg_B help Arg_I to Arg_I ensure Arg_I fairness Arg_I by Arg_I imposing Arg_I the Arg_I same Arg_I conditions Arg_I on Arg_I all Arg_I exam Arg_I candidates Arg_I . O They Arg_B are Arg_I also Arg_I relatively Arg_I versatile; Arg_I different Arg_I types Arg_I of Arg_I exam Arg_I questions, Arg_I for Arg_I example, Arg_I multiple-choice Arg_I questions Arg_I and Arg_I essay Arg_I tasks, Arg_I can Arg_I test Arg_I different Arg_I sorts Arg_I of Arg_I reasoning Arg_I ability Arg_I . O However, O exams Arg_B also Arg_I have Arg_I some Arg_I drawbacks Arg_I . O Test-wise Arg_B candidates Arg_I can Arg_I often Arg_I perform Arg_I well Arg_I on Arg_I exams Arg_I without Arg_I having Arg_I good Arg_I underlying Arg_I knowledge Arg_I or Arg_I skills Arg_I . O In O contrast, O some Arg_B test-takers Arg_I perform Arg_I cannot Arg_I achieve Arg_I a Arg_I satisfying Arg_I result Arg_I because Arg_I of Arg_I anxiety Arg_I . O In O this O case, O teachers Arg_B and Arg_I learners Arg_I focus Arg_I only Arg_I on Arg_I theses Arg_I aspects Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I curriculum Arg_I that Arg_I are Arg_I likely Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I tested, Arg_I thus Arg_I narrowing Arg_I the Arg_I educational Arg_I experience Arg_I for Arg_I all Arg_I . O A Arg_B number Arg_I of Arg_I measures Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I taken Arg_I to Arg_I address Arg_I these Arg_I concerns Arg_I . O Wherever O possible, O exams Arg_B should Arg_I match Arg_I the Arg_I content Arg_I and Arg_I activities Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I learning Arg_I environment Arg_I . O Exam Arg_B task Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I varied Arg_I to Arg_I give Arg_I fair Arg_I opportunities Arg_I to Arg_I candidates Arg_I with Arg_I different Arg_I types Arg_I of Arg_I skills Arg_I . O Other Arg_B types Arg_I of Arg_I assessment Arg_I should Arg_I also Arg_I be Arg_I considered, Arg_I assignment Arg_I writing, Arg_I for Arg_I example, Arg_I to Arg_I assess Arg_I independent Arg_I learning Arg_I and Arg_I research Arg_I skills, Arg_I or Arg_I group Arg_I projects, Arg_I to Arg_I measure Arg_I teamwork Arg_I ability Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O it O is O convincing O that O exams Arg_B have Arg_I a Arg_I role Arg_I to Arg_I play Arg_I in Arg_I ensuring Arg_I proper Arg_I and Arg_I objective Arg_I assessment Arg_I of Arg_I achievement Arg_I . O However, O exams Arg_B need Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I carefully Arg_I designed Arg_I and Arg_I supplemented Arg_I with Arg_I other Arg_I forms Arg_I of Arg_I evaluation Arg_I if Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I a Arg_I truly Arg_I useful Arg_I component Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I education Arg_I system Arg_I . O Richer O nations O should O help O poorer O nations O in O health, O education O and O trade O Improvements O in O health, O education O and O trade O are O essential O for O the O development O of O poorer O nations O . O Poorer Arg_B nations Arg_I need Arg_I help Arg_I from Arg_I richer Arg_I nations Arg_I in Arg_I these Arg_I areas Arg_I to Arg_I develop Arg_I their Arg_I countries Arg_I . O Firstly, O in Arg_B the Arg_I area Arg_I of Arg_I health, Arg_I poorer Arg_I nations Arg_I normally Arg_I have Arg_I less Arg_I quantity Arg_I of Arg_I doctors Arg_I and Arg_I nurses Arg_I compared Arg_I to Arg_I richer Arg_I nations Arg_I . O High Arg_B population Arg_I in Arg_I poorer Arg_I countries Arg_I due Arg_I to Arg_I lack Arg_I of Arg_I family Arg_I planning Arg_I caused Arg_I the Arg_I proportion Arg_I of Arg_I doctors Arg_I unbalance Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I quantity Arg_I of Arg_I resident Arg_I . O On O top O of O that, O poorer Arg_B nations Arg_I are Arg_I lack Arg_I of Arg_I hospitals Arg_I to Arg_I fulfill Arg_I the Arg_I demand Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I patients Arg_I . O To O solve O these O issues, O richer Arg_B nations Arg_I can Arg_I contribute Arg_I by Arg_I delegating Arg_I doctors Arg_I and Arg_I nurses Arg_I to Arg_I these Arg_I power Arg_I nations Arg_I as Arg_I well Arg_I as Arg_I donate Arg_I money Arg_I to Arg_I build Arg_I hospitals Arg_I . O Secondly, O in Arg_B the Arg_I area Arg_I of Arg_I education, Arg_I it Arg_I is Arg_I generally Arg_I agreed Arg_I that Arg_I poorer Arg_I countries Arg_I often Arg_I lack Arg_I of Arg_I teachers Arg_I in Arg_I schools Arg_I as Arg_I well Arg_I as Arg_I lecturers Arg_I in Arg_I higher Arg_I education Arg_I institutions Arg_I . O Besides O that, O education Arg_B for Arg_I these Arg_I countries Arg_I normally Arg_I is Arg_I not Arg_I free Arg_I so Arg_I only Arg_I certain Arg_I group Arg_I of Arg_I students Arg_I can Arg_I afford Arg_I it Arg_I . O In O order O to O solve O the O education O manpower O problem, O richer Arg_B countries Arg_I can Arg_I allocate Arg_I experienced Arg_I educators Arg_I to Arg_I train Arg_I more Arg_I teachers Arg_I and Arg_I lecturers Arg_I in Arg_I poorer Arg_I countries Arg_I . O Meanwhile, O for Arg_B the Arg_I issue Arg_I of Arg_I education Arg_I fee, Arg_I richer Arg_I countries Arg_I should Arg_I offer Arg_I scholarships Arg_I and Arg_I loan Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I qualified Arg_I students Arg_I . O Lastly, O in Arg_B the Arg_I area Arg_I of Arg_I trade, Arg_I no Arg_I one Arg_I can Arg_I deny Arg_I that Arg_I poorer Arg_I countries Arg_I are Arg_I lagging Arg_I behind Arg_I richer Arg_I countries Arg_I due Arg_I to Arg_I shortage Arg_I of Arg_I money Arg_I . O Trading Arg_B are Arg_I less Arg_I active Arg_I in Arg_I poorer Arg_I countries Arg_I may Arg_I also Arg_I be Arg_I caused Arg_I by Arg_I incomplete Arg_I transportation Arg_I infrastructure Arg_I . O For O example, O residents Arg_B in Arg_I rural Arg_I areas Arg_I still Arg_I depend Arg_I on Arg_I their Arg_I own Arg_I farm Arg_I for Arg_I food Arg_I production Arg_I . O As O a O token O of O goodwill, O richer Arg_B nations Arg_I can Arg_I provide Arg_I financial Arg_I service Arg_I to Arg_I poorer Arg_I countries Arg_I to Arg_I encourage Arg_I trading Arg_I . O The Arg_B former Arg_I can Arg_I also Arg_I give Arg_I consultation Arg_I on Arg_I setting Arg_I up Arg_I a Arg_I complete Arg_I and Arg_I efficient Arg_I transportation Arg_I infrastructure Arg_I to Arg_I support Arg_I trading Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O richer Arg_B nations Arg_I should Arg_I take Arg_I more Arg_I responsibility Arg_I for Arg_I helping Arg_I the Arg_I poorer Arg_I nations Arg_I in Arg_I all Arg_I health, Arg_I education Arg_I and Arg_I trade Arg_I . O Improvements Arg_B in Arg_I these Arg_I areas Arg_I will Arg_I create Arg_I a Arg_I better Arg_I life Arg_I for Arg_I residents Arg_I in Arg_I poorer Arg_I nations Arg_I which Arg_I they Arg_I can Arg_I use Arg_I to Arg_I grow Arg_I their Arg_I homeland Arg_I . O There O will O be O soon O no O role O for O teachers O in O classrooms O In O recent O years O it O has O become O more O common O for O teachers O to O use O technological O tools O in O the O learning O process O . O However, O I Arg_B do Arg_I not Arg_I agree Arg_I that Arg_I this Arg_I explosion Arg_I in Arg_I technology Arg_I will Arg_I 'innovate' Arg_I the Arg_I education Arg_I system, Arg_I by Arg_I replacing Arg_I teachers Arg_I with Arg_I computers Arg_I . O There O are O several O reasons O why O teachers O will O never O be O replaced O by O computers O . O Firstly, O computers Arg_B need Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I operated Arg_I by Arg_I people Arg_I . O No Arg_B one Arg_I can Arg_I argue Arg_I that Arg_I technological Arg_I tools Arg_I are Arg_I must-haves Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I classroom Arg_I of Arg_I today Arg_I . O For O example, O lessons Arg_B are Arg_I more Arg_I attractive Arg_I and Arg_I easier Arg_I to Arg_I understand Arg_I when Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I put Arg_I on Arg_I a Arg_I Power Arg_I Point Arg_I presentation Arg_I and Arg_I then Arg_I presented Arg_I with Arg_I a Arg_I LCD Arg_I Projector Arg_I . O However, O scientists Arg_B prove Arg_I that Arg_I every Arg_I classroom Arg_I needs Arg_I trained Arg_I staff Arg_I to Arg_I use Arg_I these Arg_I interactive Arg_I and Arg_I innovative Arg_I ways Arg_I of Arg_I teaching Arg_I . O I O agree O that O nowadays O the O learning O process O benefits O greatly O from O computers, O but O they Arg_B are Arg_I just Arg_I tools Arg_I for Arg_I teachers Arg_I and Arg_I they Arg_I cannot Arg_I work Arg_I properly Arg_I without Arg_I human's Arg_I touch Arg_I . O Secondly, O children Arg_B need Arg_I human Arg_I interactions Arg_I . O No Arg_B matter Arg_I how Arg_I advanced Arg_I technology Arg_I will Arg_I be, Arg_I it Arg_I is Arg_I clear Arg_I that Arg_I a Arg_I computer Arg_I will Arg_I never Arg_I be Arg_I able Arg_I to Arg_I communicate Arg_I with Arg_I its Arg_I pupils Arg_I . O As O a O recent O interview O with O Josh O Trumm O – O the O founder O of O the O 'Teachers O Global O Group'- O reveals, O human O interactions O will O never O be O imitated O by O computers: O 'This O verbal O and O non-verbal O communication O between O teachers O and O children O is O the O first O step O towards O a O proper O education O . O Without Arg_B someone Arg_I who Arg_I can Arg_I explain Arg_I and Arg_I understand Arg_I their Arg_I problems, Arg_I pupils Arg_I cannot Arg_I actually Arg_I learn' Arg_I . O I O am O inclined O to O agree O with O this O scientific O view, O because O only Arg_B a Arg_I teacher Arg_I can Arg_I feel Arg_I and Arg_I connect Arg_I with Arg_I pupils, Arg_I be Arg_I a Arg_I friend Arg_I and Arg_I a Arg_I model Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O there Arg_B can Arg_I be Arg_I no Arg_I school Arg_I without Arg_I a Arg_I teacher Arg_I . O I O think O that O computers Arg_B will Arg_I continue Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I used Arg_I by Arg_I teachers Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I learning Arg_I process, Arg_I but Arg_I they Arg_I will Arg_I never Arg_I take Arg_I their Arg_I place Arg_I . O Teachers Arg_B are Arg_I not Arg_I just Arg_I teachers, Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I also Arg_I friends Arg_I and Arg_I conseilieurs Arg_I . O Advanced O fertilizers O and O machine O for O farmers, O good O or O bad? O In O recent O years, O the O discussion O about O the O agriculture O development O has O become O a O controversy O . O While O some O appear O to O believe O that O advanced O plant O foods O incorporate O with O newly O developed O devices O significantly O reduce O the O cost O of O producing O farm O products, O others O argue O that O this O collaboration O exerts O a O series O of O negative O effects O to O people's O health O condition O and O the O society O . O Admittedly, O applying Arg_B the Arg_I advanced Arg_I fertilizers Arg_I in Arg_I combine Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I automatic Arg_I reaping Arg_I resources Arg_I increase Arg_I farmers' Arg_I economic Arg_I profit Arg_I . O This O is O because O artificial Arg_B fertilizers Arg_I catalyze Arg_I the Arg_I capacity Arg_I of Arg_I each Arg_I inch Arg_I of Arg_I farmland Arg_I in Arg_I order Arg_I to Arg_I churn Arg_I out Arg_I the Arg_I crops, Arg_I and Arg_I automatic Arg_I machinery Arg_I enhances Arg_I the Arg_I work Arg_I efficiency Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I harvest Arg_I . O Consequently, O the Arg_B production Arg_I and Arg_I labour Arg_I cost Arg_I of Arg_I each Arg_I kilogram Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I agriculture Arg_I products Arg_I dramatically Arg_I decreased Arg_I . O However, O high-tech Arg_B fertilizers Arg_I pose Arg_I a Arg_I potential Arg_I threat Arg_I to Arg_I individuals' Arg_I health Arg_I well-being Arg_I . O Unlike Arg_B the Arg_I organic Arg_I plant Arg_I foods, Arg_I industrialized Arg_I fertilizers Arg_I are Arg_I made Arg_I of Arg_I unusual Arg_I chemicals, Arg_I which Arg_I are Arg_I not Arg_I only Arg_I varying Arg_I the Arg_I gene Arg_I of Arg_I crops Arg_I into Arg_I those Arg_I unknown Arg_I substances Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I remaining Arg_I inside Arg_I of Arg_I plants Arg_I permanently Arg_I . O In O this O case, O consumers Arg_B who Arg_I intake Arg_I those Arg_I fertilized Arg_I products Arg_I on Arg_I a Arg_I regular Arg_I base Arg_I tend Arg_I to Arg_I suffer Arg_I a Arg_I series Arg_I of Arg_I disease Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I future Arg_I . O Moreover, O excessively Arg_B relying Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I electronic Arg_I equipment Arg_I for Arg_I harvest Arg_I causes Arg_I several Arg_I impacts Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I society Arg_I . O One Arg_B is Arg_I that Arg_I it Arg_I worsens Arg_I the Arg_I air Arg_I pollution Arg_I by Arg_I releasing Arg_I the Arg_I excessive Arg_I exhaust Arg_I emission Arg_I . O In O contrast, O manual Arg_B harvest Arg_I prevents Arg_I severe Arg_I environmental Arg_I damages Arg_I . O For O another, O mechanical O reaper O causes O the O rise O of O the O unemployment O rate O in O the O farming O industry, O possibly O because O high-end Arg_B reaping Arg_I plants Arg_I replace Arg_I a Arg_I large Arg_I number Arg_I of Arg_I workers Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I fields Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O even O though O newly O developed O plant O foods O and O machinery O make O significant O financial O success O for O the O farmers, O it O is O convincing O that O the Arg_B demerits Arg_I of Arg_I applying Arg_I these Arg_I new Arg_I developments Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I agriculture Arg_I industry Arg_I cannot Arg_I be Arg_I overlooked Arg_I . O Funding O artists O Nowadays, O in O order O to O save O as O much O budget O as O possible O and O improve O the O economy O of O the O country, O every O government O around O the O world O is O seeking O for O some O ways O to O spend O wisely O . O Therefore, O there O is O a O suggestion O that O governments O should O not O continue O to O fund O the O artists, O but O they O ought O to O spend O money O on O other O necessary O subjects O such O as O medical O research O and O space O . O In O my O view, O I O firmly O disagree O with O this O recommendation O due O to O several O reasons O . O The O main O reason O why O I O believe O artists O should O be O funded O is O because O art Arg_B helps Arg_I to Arg_I improve Arg_I the Arg_I quality Arg_I of Arg_I our Arg_I lives Arg_I as Arg_I well Arg_I as Arg_I attracting Arg_I tourists Arg_I . O For O example, O monuments Arg_B that Arg_I represent Arg_I each Arg_I city Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I only Arg_I illustrate Arg_I the Arg_I city's Arg_I history Arg_I and Arg_I culture, Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I make Arg_I the Arg_I city Arg_I more Arg_I beautiful Arg_I and Arg_I an Arg_I attractive Arg_I place Arg_I for Arg_I tourists Arg_I . O In O fact, O some O countries O depend O on O tourism O as O their O main O source O of O revenue, O thus, O the Arg_B governments Arg_I should Arg_I help Arg_I arts Arg_I because O their Arg_B work Arg_I crafts Arg_I are Arg_I very Arg_I necessary Arg_I to Arg_I boost Arg_I the Arg_I tourist Arg_I industry Arg_I . O In O addition, O sculptures Arg_B and Arg_I paintings Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I museums Arg_I and Arg_I art Arg_I galleries Arg_I generally Arg_I reflect Arg_I the Arg_I culture Arg_I and Arg_I civilization Arg_I of Arg_I every Arg_I generation Arg_I . O Therefore, O culture Arg_B and Arg_I history Arg_I of Arg_I a Arg_I country Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I reserved Arg_I and Arg_I assured Arg_I by Arg_I art Arg_I . O Young Arg_B people Arg_I are Arg_I also Arg_I able Arg_I to Arg_I get Arg_I more Arg_I knowledge Arg_I about Arg_I their Arg_I country's Arg_I history Arg_I and Arg_I culture Arg_I by Arg_I observing Arg_I various Arg_I work Arg_I crafts Arg_I . O Another O reason O why O artists O should O be O helped O is O because O talent Arg_B in Arg_I art Arg_I is Arg_I extremely Arg_I precious Arg_I and Arg_I should Arg_I not Arg_I be Arg_I wasted Arg_I . O Indeed, O not Arg_B many Arg_I people Arg_I are Arg_I blessed Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I talent Arg_I of Arg_I paintings Arg_I and Arg_I work Arg_I crafts Arg_I . O Hence, O this Arg_B type Arg_I of Arg_I talent Arg_I has Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I valued Arg_I as Arg_I other Arg_I types Arg_I of Arg_I talents Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I talent Arg_I in Arg_I science Arg_I or Arg_I literature Arg_I . O To O sum O up, O art O is O a O very O valuable O object O for O every O country O and O the O talent O in O this O area O cannot O be O discovered O everywhere, O so O I O think O governments Arg_B should Arg_I help Arg_I and Arg_I encourage Arg_I artists Arg_I to Arg_I continue Arg_I their Arg_I work Arg_I . O Whether O athletes O and O singers O are O overpaid? O Some O people O believe O that O professional O athletes O and O entertainers O are O paid O reasonable O salaries, O which O can O be O up O to O millions O of O dollars O each O year O . O However, O that O is O not O equal O to O their O actual O contributions O to O the O society O . O I O believe O that O their Arg_B salary Arg_I at Arg_I a Arg_I lower Arg_I level Arg_I would Arg_I be Arg_I more Arg_I appropriate Arg_I compared Arg_I with Arg_I other Arg_I peoples Arg_I in Arg_I scientific Arg_I or Arg_I social, Arg_I economic Arg_I fields Arg_I . O First O of O all, O some O people O claim O that O athletes Arg_B and Arg_I singers Arg_I deserve Arg_I their Arg_I current Arg_I salary Arg_I because O they Arg_B have Arg_I an Arg_I exceptional Arg_I ability Arg_I that Arg_I other Arg_I people Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I own Arg_I . O For O example, O hardly Arg_B anyone Arg_I could Arg_I play Arg_I basketball Arg_I as Arg_I skillfully Arg_I as Arg_I Michael Arg_I Jordan Arg_I - Arg_I a Arg_I legendary Arg_I former Arg_I American Arg_I player Arg_I who Arg_I won Arg_I several Arg_I times Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I NBA Arg_I championship Arg_I . O They Arg_B also Arg_I point Arg_I out Arg_I that Arg_I these Arg_I people Arg_I have Arg_I to Arg_I undergo Arg_I painstaking Arg_I and Arg_I industrious Arg_I training, Arg_I let Arg_I alone Arg_I participate Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I great Arg_I number Arg_I of Arg_I contests Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I recognized Arg_I and Arg_I prove Arg_I themselves Arg_I . O In O addition, O although O there Arg_B are Arg_I many Arg_I singers Arg_I and Arg_I athletes, Arg_I few Arg_I of Arg_I whom Arg_I could Arg_I rise Arg_I to Arg_I fame Arg_I and Arg_I victory Arg_I ultimately Arg_I . O Overcoming Arg_B all Arg_I these Arg_I obstacles, Arg_I they Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I paid Arg_I a Arg_I great Arg_I deal Arg_I of Arg_I money Arg_I for Arg_I their Arg_I extraordinary Arg_I efforts Arg_I . O However, O their O talents O should O not O be O overrated O . O Other O people O say O that O singers Arg_B and Arg_I athletes, Arg_I in Arg_I fact, Arg_I contribute Arg_I insignificantly Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I development Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I society Arg_I . O It Arg_B is Arg_I assumed Arg_I the Arg_I amazing Arg_I performances Arg_I they Arg_I give Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I audiences Arg_I are Arg_I only Arg_I valuable Arg_I in Arg_I aesthetic Arg_I and Arg_I entertaining Arg_I terms Arg_I . O While Arg_B scientists Arg_I invent Arg_I machines Arg_I serving Arg_I daily Arg_I lives, Arg_I doctors Arg_I take Arg_I care Arg_I of Arg_I patients Arg_I and Arg_I cure Arg_I their Arg_I diseases Arg_I and Arg_I policemen Arg_I help Arg_I to Arg_I ensure Arg_I the Arg_I safety Arg_I and Arg_I stability Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I nation, Arg_I singers Arg_I and Arg_I athletes Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I play Arg_I a Arg_I helpful Arg_I part Arg_I in Arg_I improving Arg_I the Arg_I material Arg_I life Arg_I . O They Arg_B commit Arg_I themselves Arg_I to Arg_I promoting Arg_I relaxation Arg_I and Arg_I enjoyment Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I audience Arg_I . O Indeed, O their Arg_B contribution Arg_I is Arg_I less Arg_I important Arg_I than Arg_I those Arg_I from Arg_I doctors Arg_I or Arg_I scientists, Arg_I albeit Arg_I necessary Arg_I . O Hence, O their Arg_B privilege Arg_I of Arg_I salary Arg_I seems Arg_I groundless, Arg_I while Arg_I the Arg_I main Arg_I work Arg_I forces Arg_I receive Arg_I modest Arg_I salaries Arg_I which Arg_I only Arg_I enable Arg_I them Arg_I to Arg_I afford Arg_I bare Arg_I necessities Arg_I . O From O all O analysis O suggested O above, O professional Arg_B athletes Arg_I and Arg_I singers Arg_I are Arg_I overpaid Arg_I in Arg_I terms Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I contributions Arg_I . O I O think O that O there O should O be O a O modification O in O the O salary O of O professional O singers O and O athletes O to O balance O with O those O of O people O in O other O fields, O namely O science O and O society, O who O are O the O driving O forces O for O the O prosperity O of O the O nation O . O Capital O punishment O is O necessary O or O not? O Capital O punishment O is O a O controversial O debate O in O many O countries O . O In O a O world O where O brutal O crimes O need O to O be O deterred, O it O may O be O true O that O the O death O penalty O is O an O efficient O retribution O to O admonish O the O violence O . O However, O as O the O society O grows, O human O rights O become O more O highly O respected, O "murdering" Arg_B criminals Arg_I is Arg_I therefore Arg_I immoral Arg_I and Arg_I hard Arg_I to Arg_I accept Arg_I . O First O of O all, O it O is O recognized O that O every Arg_B human Arg_I being Arg_I has Arg_I the Arg_I right Arg_I to Arg_I live Arg_I and Arg_I no Arg_I authority Arg_I is Arg_I empowered Arg_I to Arg_I deprive Arg_I one Arg_I of Arg_I life Arg_I . O Although O what O criminals O cause O to O the O society, O specifically O to O the O victims, O is O indeed O significantly O offensive, O they Arg_B are Arg_I humans Arg_I and Arg_I their Arg_I lives Arg_I need Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I valued Arg_I . O In O addition, O execution O does O not O resolve O the O consequences O of O crime, O not O to O mention O it Arg_B could Arg_I put Arg_I the Arg_I criminal's Arg_I family Arg_I through Arg_I hardship Arg_I while Arg_I the Arg_I pain Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I victim's Arg_I kin Arg_I is Arg_I never Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I consoled Arg_I . O Secondly, O capital Arg_B punishment Arg_I is Arg_I certainly Arg_I not Arg_I the Arg_I only Arg_I option Arg_I to Arg_I control Arg_I the Arg_I amount Arg_I of Arg_I crimes, Arg_I life Arg_I imprisonment Arg_I is Arg_I just Arg_I as Arg_I effective Arg_I by Arg_I detaining Arg_I the Arg_I criminals Arg_I in Arg_I prison Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I rest Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I lives Arg_I . O Moreover, O in Arg_B terms Arg_I of Arg_I punishment, Arg_I living Arg_I a Arg_I miserable Arg_I life Arg_I with Arg_I restriction Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I outside Arg_I and Arg_I sustaining Arg_I the Arg_I feeling Arg_I of Arg_I guilt Arg_I every Arg_I day Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I dark Arg_I bounded Arg_I room Arg_I are Arg_I much Arg_I more Arg_I obsessing Arg_I than Arg_I being Arg_I killed Arg_I right Arg_I away Arg_I . O The Arg_B third Arg_I reason Arg_I why Arg_I the Arg_I death Arg_I penalty Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I banned Arg_I is Arg_I the Arg_I chance Arg_I that Arg_I innocent Arg_I people Arg_I are Arg_I wrongly Arg_I convicted Arg_I . O Juries Arg_B are Arg_I also Arg_I humans, Arg_I they Arg_I may Arg_I lack Arg_I of Arg_I discretion Arg_I . O Thus, O many Arg_B people Arg_I are Arg_I executed Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I crime Arg_I they Arg_I did Arg_I not Arg_I commit, Arg_I which Arg_I leads Arg_I to Arg_I a Arg_I question Arg_I of Arg_I fairness Arg_I in Arg_I judicial Arg_I system Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O although O capital O punishment O presents O an O extreme O warning O to O the O community, O I O firmly O object O to O it O because O it Arg_B is Arg_I absurd Arg_I and Arg_I inhumane Arg_I . O Furthermore, O it Arg_B can Arg_I be Arg_I replaced Arg_I by Arg_I a Arg_I life Arg_I sentence Arg_I . O Businesses O should O be O only O concerned O about O making O profits O . O There O is O no O doubt O that O companies, O factories O and O businesses O establish O to O provide O products O which O are O people's O need O and O make O a O profit O for O their O managers O . O However, O I Arg_B completely Arg_I disagree Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I idea Arg_I that Arg_I businesses Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I allowed Arg_I to Arg_I do Arg_I anything Arg_I they Arg_I want Arg_I to Arg_I make Arg_I a Arg_I profit Arg_I . O With Arg_B this Arg_I permission Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I allowed Arg_I to Arg_I hit Arg_I and Arg_I damage Arg_I everything Arg_I for Arg_I just Arg_I making Arg_I a Arg_I profit Arg_I . O Firstly, O if Arg_B there Arg_I is Arg_I not Arg_I any Arg_I control Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I businesses Arg_I and Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I permitted Arg_I to Arg_I do Arg_I everything Arg_I they Arg_I want, Arg_I they Arg_I will Arg_I threaten Arg_I the Arg_I beings' Arg_I life Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I human, Arg_I animals Arg_I and Arg_I plants Arg_I . O As Arg_B every Arg_I day Arg_I we Arg_I read Arg_I and Arg_I hear Arg_I in Arg_I televisions Arg_I and Arg_I newspapers Arg_I that Arg_I some Arg_I factories Arg_I hit Arg_I the Arg_I environment Arg_I by Arg_I their Arg_I toxic Arg_I substances Arg_I . O Moreover, O if O we O let O them O do O anything O they O can O to O just O make O a O profit, O they O will O produce O products O with O low O qualities O and O high O prices, O therefore O they Arg_B might Arg_I hit Arg_I consumer's Arg_I life Arg_I . O For O instance, O a Arg_B few Arg_I months Arg_I ago Arg_I it Arg_I was Arg_I broadcast Arg_I from Arg_I TV Arg_I that Arg_I a Arg_I company Arg_I which Arg_I produced Arg_I baby Arg_I milk, Arg_I sold Arg_I milk Arg_I which Arg_I did Arg_I not Arg_I have Arg_I quality Arg_I and Arg_I it Arg_I caused Arg_I a Arg_I few Arg_I babies Arg_I die Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O all Arg_B companies, Arg_I factories Arg_I and Arg_I businesses Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I monitored Arg_I by Arg_I governments Arg_I and Arg_I executive, Arg_I and Arg_I they Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I have Arg_I to Arg_I let Arg_I do Arg_I anything Arg_I they Arg_I want Arg_I just Arg_I due Arg_I to Arg_I making Arg_I profit Arg_I . O They Arg_B can Arg_I hit Arg_I both Arg_I the Arg_I environment Arg_I and Arg_I human's Arg_I life Arg_I easily Arg_I . O New O high O school O Although O some O of O my O neighbors O will O oppose O this O idea, O personally O I O approve O it O . O The Arg_B new Arg_I high Arg_I school Arg_I will Arg_I bring Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I advantages Arg_I to Arg_I my Arg_I community Arg_I . O The Arg_B high Arg_I school Arg_I of Arg_I my Arg_I district Arg_I is Arg_I pretty Arg_I old Arg_I and Arg_I lacks Arg_I in Arg_I necessities Arg_I for Arg_I students, Arg_I so Arg_I they Arg_I can't Arg_I get Arg_I enough Arg_I education Arg_I . O I O really O believe O that O new Arg_B high Arg_I school Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I great Arg_I addition Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I educational Arg_I system Arg_I of Arg_I my Arg_I community Arg_I . O Firstly, O I O think O that O the Arg_B new Arg_I high Arg_I school Arg_I will Arg_I bring Arg_I a Arg_I lots Arg_I of Arg_I opportunities Arg_I for Arg_I student Arg_I concerned Arg_I in Arg_I education Arg_I . O Their Arg_B old Arg_I high Arg_I school Arg_I is Arg_I pretty Arg_I old Arg_I and Arg_I need Arg_I in Arg_I new Arg_I educational Arg_I materials, Arg_I repairing Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I place Arg_I for Arg_I sport Arg_I activities Arg_I . O Also O the O laboratory O of O physics O and O chemistry O was O in O bad O condition, O so O the Arg_B students Arg_I can't Arg_I study Arg_I well Arg_I during Arg_I the Arg_I classes Arg_I . O They Arg_B will Arg_I study Arg_I with Arg_I new Arg_I breath Arg_I and Arg_I great Arg_I enthusiasm Arg_I in Arg_I new Arg_I school Arg_I . O Secondly, O the Arg_B new Arg_I high Arg_I school Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I a Arg_I place Arg_I for Arg_I new Arg_I connections Arg_I between Arg_I the Arg_I student Arg_I of Arg_I different Arg_I communities Arg_I and Arg_I districts Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I city Arg_I . O After Arg_B classes Arg_I students Arg_I and Arg_I not Arg_I only Arg_I the Arg_I students Arg_I will Arg_I get Arg_I together Arg_I in Arg_I building Arg_I of Arg_I high Arg_I school, Arg_I participate Arg_I in Arg_I different Arg_I competitions Arg_I . O For O instance O during Arg_B the Arg_I football Arg_I match Arg_I the Arg_I students Arg_I of Arg_I different Arg_I high Arg_I schools Arg_I will Arg_I come Arg_I and Arg_I after Arg_I the Arg_I competition Arg_I they Arg_I will Arg_I keep Arg_I in Arg_I touch Arg_I . O This Arg_B will Arg_I increase Arg_I the Arg_I social Arg_I connections Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I students Arg_I . O The Arg_B only Arg_I disadvantage Arg_I is Arg_I the Arg_I noisiness Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I competitions Arg_I . O The O people O living O in O the O neighborhood O will O be O a O bit O perturbed, O but O I O think O this Arg_B isn't Arg_I a Arg_I important Arg_I reason Arg_I for Arg_I ceasing Arg_I the Arg_I competitions Arg_I . O To O sum O up, O this Arg_B new Arg_I construction Arg_I has Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I advantages Arg_I like Arg_I new Arg_I connections Arg_I between Arg_I students Arg_I from Arg_I different Arg_I communities, Arg_I also Arg_I the Arg_I new Arg_I educational Arg_I equipment Arg_I will Arg_I increase Arg_I the Arg_I students' Arg_I enthusiasm Arg_I toward Arg_I studying Arg_I . O The O only O disadvantage O is O the O nosiness O of O competitions O which O students O will O participate, O but O I O think O that O it Arg_B isn't Arg_I a Arg_I big Arg_I deal Arg_I . O So O the Arg_B new Arg_I high Arg_I school Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I a Arg_I great Arg_I addition Arg_I for Arg_I my Arg_I environment Arg_I . O Parents O or O other O adult O relatives O should O make O important O decisions O for O their O olde O It O might O seem O that O teenaged O children O particularly O in O age O of O 15 O - O 18 O are O fully O grown, O so O they O do O not O need O any O help O for O making O important O decisions O . O However, O in O my O opinion, O teenagers Arg_B need Arg_I more Arg_I attention Arg_I and Arg_I help Arg_I in Arg_I comparison Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I higher Arg_I ages Arg_I . O I O will O discuss O my O view O in O two O main O areas O . O In O the O first O place, O there O is O no O doubt O that O parents O and O other O adult O relatives O are O more O experienced O towards O children, O therefore O they Arg_B are Arg_I the Arg_I best Arg_I advisor Arg_I for Arg_I their Arg_I children Arg_I . O They O have O experienced O a O large O numbers O of O stuffs O during O their O life, O so O if Arg_B children Arg_I listen Arg_I to Arg_I their Arg_I advices Arg_I they Arg_I can Arg_I prevent Arg_I happening Arg_I worst Arg_I things Arg_I . O Also, O they Arg_B can Arg_I save Arg_I value Arg_I things Arg_I in Arg_I their Arg_I life Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I time Arg_I and Arg_I money, Arg_I and Arg_I enjoy Arg_I they Arg_I life Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I best Arg_I way Arg_I . O Moreover, O I O have O always O believed O that O parents O and O adults O relatives O are O the O best O friends O and O consular O for O the O teenagers, O because O unfortunately Arg_B nowadays Arg_I there Arg_I are Arg_I some Arg_I individuals Arg_I who Arg_I cheat Arg_I the Arg_I others Arg_I for Arg_I gaining Arg_I more Arg_I power Arg_I and Arg_I money Arg_I . O They Arg_B cheat Arg_I young Arg_I ages Arg_I because O they Arg_B believe Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I immature Arg_I and Arg_I they Arg_I can Arg_I trap Arg_I them Arg_I easily Arg_I . O To O sum O up, O it O makes O no O difference, O people O from O young O ages O to O old O ages O are O free O to O make O a O decision, O nonetheless O sometimes O to O prevent O some O problems O coming O up O for O young O individuals O , O it Arg_B is Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I idea Arg_I to Arg_I ask Arg_I parents Arg_I and Arg_I adult Arg_I relatives Arg_I to Arg_I give Arg_I a Arg_I piece Arg_I of Arg_I advice Arg_I . O Children O are O free O You O hardly O ever O can O find O a O person O who O says O that O he O or O she O had O unpleasant O childhood O . O When O individuals O reminisce O their O memories O they O absolutely O infer O to O some O of O their O childhood O events O . O As O much O as O their O events O might O were O bitter, O in O their O adulthood O they O are O sweet O . O In O my O opinion, O childhood Arg_B is Arg_I definitely Arg_I the Arg_I happiest Arg_I time Arg_I of Arg_I people Arg_I life Arg_I in Arg_I two Arg_I main Arg_I areas Arg_I . O In O the O first O place, O children Arg_B are Arg_I free Arg_I whatever Arg_I they Arg_I want Arg_I to Arg_I do, Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I not Arg_I restricted Arg_I and Arg_I their Arg_I limitation Arg_I are Arg_I really Arg_I rare Arg_I . O Because O they Arg_B are Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I age Arg_I of Arg_I growth Arg_I and Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I allowed Arg_I whatever Arg_I they Arg_I want Arg_I to Arg_I do Arg_I to Arg_I experience Arg_I new Arg_I stuffs Arg_I . O Therefore O there Arg_B is Arg_I no Arg_I argument Arg_I and Arg_I punishment Arg_I for Arg_I them Arg_I . O In O addition, O in Arg_B this Arg_I age Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I not Arg_I expected Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I responsible Arg_I . O Also, O they O do O not O have O to O educate O and O they O do O not O have O to O work, O so O they Arg_B have Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I time Arg_I in Arg_I their Arg_I hand Arg_I to Arg_I enjoy Arg_I this Arg_I stage Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I life Arg_I . O As O a O matter O of O fact, O I Arg_B made Arg_I a Arg_I large Arg_I number Arg_I of Arg_I friends Arg_I in Arg_I this Arg_I age, Arg_I and Arg_I I Arg_I almost Arg_I traveled Arg_I to Arg_I all Arg_I cities Arg_I of Arg_I my Arg_I county Arg_I when Arg_I I Arg_I was Arg_I in Arg_I kindergarten Arg_I . O Also O I Arg_B got Arg_I familiar Arg_I with Arg_I different Arg_I kind Arg_I of Arg_I animals Arg_I and Arg_I plants Arg_I in Arg_I this Arg_I age Arg_I . O All O in O all, O I O would O maintain O that O the Arg_B best Arg_I phase Arg_I of Arg_I people Arg_I life Arg_I is Arg_I their Arg_I childhood Arg_I . O They Arg_B not Arg_I only Arg_I free Arg_I to Arg_I do Arg_I whatever Arg_I they Arg_I want Arg_I without Arg_I any Arg_I confine Arg_I or Arg_I punishment, Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I free Arg_I and Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I time Arg_I in Arg_I their Arg_I hands Arg_I to Arg_I try Arg_I and Arg_I experience Arg_I new Arg_I things Arg_I and Arg_I enjoy Arg_I them Arg_I . O Concentrate O on O the O objectives O - O people O attend O schools O for O various O reasons O From O many O centuries O ago, O universities O have O been O playing O an O important O role O in O ones' O life O . O Different O people O attend O university O for O different O point O of O views O . O In O my O perspective, O the Arg_B three Arg_I most Arg_I reasons Arg_I are Arg_I increased Arg_I knowledge, Arg_I career Arg_I preparation Arg_I and Arg_I new Arg_I experiences Arg_I . O First O of O all, O for Arg_B most Arg_I people, Arg_I university Arg_I is Arg_I an Arg_I ideal Arg_I place Arg_I for Arg_I them Arg_I to Arg_I develop Arg_I their Arg_I understanding Arg_I . O Truthfully, O in Arg_B this Arg_I wonderful Arg_I academic Arg_I environment, Arg_I everyone Arg_I is Arg_I provided Arg_I with Arg_I varieties Arg_I and Arg_I gigantic Arg_I number Arg_I of Arg_I information Arg_I by Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I professors Arg_I and Arg_I well-trained Arg_I teachers Arg_I . O Thus, O people Arg_B are Arg_I able Arg_I to Arg_I strengthen Arg_I their Arg_I knowledge Arg_I . O Moreover, O through Arg_B the Arg_I instructions Arg_I of Arg_I teachers, Arg_I the Arg_I sufficient Arg_I infrastructure Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I laboratory, Arg_I library, Arg_I students Arg_I is Arg_I capable Arg_I of Arg_I doing Arg_I research Arg_I on Arg_I every Arg_I academic Arg_I aspect Arg_I . O Therefore, O they Arg_B can Arg_I gain Arg_I a Arg_I deep Arg_I sight Arg_I into Arg_I what Arg_I are Arg_I they Arg_I studying Arg_I . O Secondly, O studying O in O university O means O that O you O have O totally O turned O into O a O different O page O of O your O life, O which O included O many O new O experiences O . O The Arg_B number Arg_I of Arg_I individual Arg_I who Arg_I enroll Arg_I in Arg_I university Arg_I are Arg_I enormous, Arg_I more Arg_I than Arg_I any Arg_I school Arg_I one Arg_I person Arg_I have Arg_I studied Arg_I . O Thus, O students Arg_B are Arg_I given Arg_I such Arg_I fantastic Arg_I chance Arg_I to Arg_I create Arg_I new Arg_I and Arg_I wide Arg_I relationships Arg_I with Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I people Arg_I from Arg_I any Arg_I corner Arg_I of Arg_I one Arg_I nation, Arg_I even Arg_I from Arg_I the Arg_I whole Arg_I world Arg_I . O For O instance, O my Arg_B brother Arg_I are Arg_I studying Arg_I in Arg_I an Arg_I international Arg_I university Arg_I with Arg_I a Arg_I mixed Arg_I community Arg_I include Arg_I Vietnam, Arg_I Brazil, Arg_I Argentina, Arg_I etc Arg_I . O And Arg_B he Arg_I told Arg_I me Arg_I that Arg_I he Arg_I is Arg_I very Arg_I excited Arg_I for Arg_I experiencing Arg_I such Arg_I new Arg_I environment, Arg_I which Arg_I is Arg_I one Arg_I of Arg_I his Arg_I main Arg_I purposes Arg_I when Arg_I attending Arg_I university Arg_I . O Last O but O not O least, O preparing Arg_B for Arg_I career Arg_I is Arg_I an Arg_I essential Arg_I function Arg_I of Arg_I university Arg_I . O Students Arg_B not Arg_I only Arg_I do Arg_I homework, Arg_I assignment Arg_I and Arg_I attend Arg_I class Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I need Arg_I to Arg_I participate Arg_I in Arg_I volunteer Arg_I work, Arg_I internship Arg_I and Arg_I part Arg_I time Arg_I job Arg_I . O Thus, O they Arg_B can Arg_I have Arg_I some Arg_I experiences Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I outside Arg_I world Arg_I and Arg_I discover Arg_I what Arg_I their Arg_I life Arg_I goals Arg_I are Arg_I . O After O all, O they Arg_B know Arg_I where Arg_I and Arg_I what Arg_I to Arg_I put Arg_I high Arg_I emphasis Arg_I on Arg_I in Arg_I order Arg_I to Arg_I achieve Arg_I their Arg_I objectives Arg_I . O In O summation, O people O may O attend O university O for O various O reasons O . O Some O want O to O enjoy O new O experiences, O some O are O going O to O prepare O for O their O future O career, O while O others O are O eager O to O develop O their O understanding O . O Even O though O the O purposes O could O be O various, O everybody Arg_B who Arg_I is Arg_I studying Arg_I in Arg_I university Arg_I should Arg_I concentrate Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I objectives Arg_I and Arg_I try Arg_I their Arg_I best Arg_I . O People Arg_B are Arg_I put Arg_I too Arg_I much Arg_I focus Arg_I on Arg_I making Arg_I wealth Arg_I and Arg_I progress Arg_I in Arg_I technology Arg_I The O life O today O is O totally O different O from O half O centuries O before O . O Advances O in O technology O do O help O humans O to O solve O abundant O of O problems; O however O it O also O deprives O of O some O things O that O we O had O . O In O my O opinion, O life Arg_B in Arg_I the Arg_I old Arg_I days Arg_I brings Arg_I more Arg_I happiness Arg_I to Arg_I people Arg_I than Arg_I today Arg_I for Arg_I several Arg_I reasons Arg_I . O The O first O reason O is O life Arg_B is Arg_I simple Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I past Arg_I . O Nowadays, Arg_B all Arg_I humans Arg_I compete Arg_I together Arg_I . O Since O world O population O getting O higher, O competition Arg_B is Arg_I getting Arg_I fierce Arg_I . O If Arg_B you Arg_I are Arg_I not Arg_I able Arg_I to Arg_I handle Arg_I your Arg_I jobs, Arg_I then Arg_I someone Arg_I will Arg_I replace Arg_I you Arg_I right Arg_I away Arg_I . O People Arg_B need Arg_I to Arg_I put Arg_I much Arg_I more Arg_I effort Arg_I to Arg_I keep Arg_I their Arg_I living Arg_I condition Arg_I . O Therefore, O lives Arg_B in Arg_I the Arg_I old Arg_I days Arg_I is Arg_I easier Arg_I than Arg_I today Arg_I . O Second, O the Arg_B environment Arg_I today Arg_I is Arg_I serious Arg_I damaged Arg_I . O Looking Arg_B out Arg_I the Arg_I windows, Arg_I what Arg_I I Arg_I see Arg_I isn't Arg_I sky, Arg_I trees Arg_I or Arg_I mountains, Arg_I but Arg_I is Arg_I coldly Arg_I high Arg_I buildings Arg_I . O Everyday, Arg_B I Arg_I walk Arg_I on Arg_I hard Arg_I roads, Arg_I breath Arg_I in Arg_I polluted Arg_I air, Arg_I and Arg_I live Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I limited Arg_I space Arg_I . O What's O worse, O it Arg_B has Arg_I been Arg_I proved Arg_I that Arg_I living Arg_I in Arg_I this Arg_I kind Arg_I of Arg_I condition Arg_I will Arg_I result Arg_I in Arg_I some Arg_I mental Arg_I diseases Arg_I . O Thus, O the Arg_B environment Arg_I our Arg_I grandparents Arg_I live Arg_I is Arg_I more Arg_I comfortable Arg_I than Arg_I today Arg_I . O The Arg_B third Arg_I reason Arg_I is Arg_I that Arg_I the Arg_I pace Arg_I of Arg_I life Arg_I . O Today, O we O are O able O to O read O the O news O all O over O the O world, O to O chat O with O people O through O the O Internet, O or O to O travel O around O the O world O by O planes; O however, O it Arg_B also Arg_I means Arg_I that Arg_I any Arg_I thing Arg_I happens Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I will Arg_I affect Arg_I our Arg_I life Arg_I . O If Arg_B we Arg_I cannot Arg_I react Arg_I properly Arg_I and Arg_I immediately, Arg_I then Arg_I we Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I vulnerable Arg_I situation Arg_I . O We Arg_B have Arg_I no Arg_I choice Arg_I but Arg_I have Arg_I to Arg_I live Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I fast Arg_I pace Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O while O there O some Arg_B people Arg_I live Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I pretty Arg_I good Arg_I condition, Arg_I it Arg_I is Arg_I only Arg_I a Arg_I minority Arg_I . O People O are O put O too O much O focus O on O making O wealth O and O progress O in O technology; O nevertheless, O behind O the O glamorous O facade O of O it, O what O we O loss O will O never O be O returned O . O Educated O high-school O students O with O bright O and O independent O mind O High O school O is O the O time O when O you O decide O your O future O career O and O particular O field O you O want O to O concentrate O and O interested O in O . O In O my O opinion O high Arg_B school Arg_I should Arg_I permit Arg_I students Arg_I to Arg_I choose Arg_I courses Arg_I they Arg_I want Arg_I for Arg_I several Arg_I reasons Arg_I which Arg_I are Arg_I freedom Arg_I of Arg_I choice, Arg_I to Arg_I have Arg_I progress Arg_I in Arg_I students Arg_I grades Arg_I and Arg_I knowledge Arg_I as Arg_I well Arg_I as Arg_I to Arg_I help Arg_I students Arg_I explore Arg_I their Arg_I aptitude Arg_I . O First O of O all, O as O I O mentioned O above O students Arg_B should Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I right Arg_I to Arg_I choose Arg_I what Arg_I they Arg_I want Arg_I to Arg_I study Arg_I . O Not Arg_B allowing Arg_I students Arg_I their Arg_I desired Arg_I subjects Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I chosen Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I restriction Arg_I of Arg_I human Arg_I rights Arg_I . O As Arg_B children Arg_I of Arg_I independent Arg_I country Arg_I we Arg_I should Arg_I know Arg_I our Arg_I rights Arg_I and Arg_I opportunities Arg_I we Arg_I have Arg_I in Arg_I order Arg_I to Arg_I achieve Arg_I our Arg_I goals Arg_I and Arg_I dreams Arg_I . O Next, O students Arg_B should Arg_I choose Arg_I their Arg_I classes Arg_I to Arg_I have Arg_I progress Arg_I in Arg_I their Arg_I studies Arg_I and Arg_I grades Arg_I . O Also, O we Arg_B can Arg_I avoid Arg_I conflicts Arg_I among Arg_I students Arg_I and Arg_I teachers Arg_I which Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I enjoyable Arg_I and Arg_I productive Arg_I for Arg_I both Arg_I instructor Arg_I and Arg_I students Arg_I . O For O example, O when Arg_B I Arg_I was Arg_I taking Arg_I art Arg_I class Arg_I everyone Arg_I shared Arg_I the Arg_I same Arg_I interests Arg_I and Arg_I it Arg_I was Arg_I easy Arg_I to Arg_I understand Arg_I each Arg_I other Arg_I . O Giving Arg_B chance Arg_I students Arg_I to Arg_I choose Arg_I their Arg_I interested Arg_I fields Arg_I of Arg_I study Arg_I is Arg_I merit Arg_I . O Lastly, O the O most O important O reason O I O support O this O idea O is O he Arg_B or Arg_I she Arg_I can Arg_I explore Arg_I in Arg_I an Arg_I area Arg_I she/he Arg_I has Arg_I an Arg_I aptitude Arg_I . O When Arg_B schools Arg_I can Arg_I give Arg_I such Arg_I kind Arg_I of Arg_I opportunity Arg_I the Arg_I students Arg_I are Arg_I likely Arg_I do Arg_I their Arg_I best Arg_I and Arg_I succeed Arg_I in Arg_I their Arg_I future Arg_I lives Arg_I which Arg_I is Arg_I one Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I point Arg_I most Arg_I people Arg_I get Arg_I education Arg_I . O Furthermore, O this Arg_B type Arg_I of Arg_I opportunities Arg_I can Arg_I raise Arg_I future Arg_I geniuses Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O as O a O young O women O I Arg_B want Arg_I my Arg_I children Arg_I to Arg_I get Arg_I knowledge Arg_I they Arg_I have Arg_I desire Arg_I to Arg_I study Arg_I in Arg_I order Arg_I to Arg_I have Arg_I distinguished Arg_I achievement Arg_I so O it Arg_B has Arg_I advantage Arg_I not Arg_I only Arg_I for Arg_I him Arg_I or Arg_I her Arg_I but Arg_I for Arg_I society Arg_I as Arg_I well Arg_I . O Having O three O reasons O helps O us O to O bring O up O students O who O are O well-educated, O with O a O bright O and O independent O mind O . O Under O suitable O administration, O tourism O enhances O local O economic O development O Tourist O trade O is O becoming O a O powerful O engine O for O the O economy O . O Nevertheless, O some O individuals O believe O that O this O position O ignores O the O ecological O and O environmental O destruction, O as O a O result O of O tourist O activities, O and O its O adverse O effects O on O local O communities O and O ecosystems O . O While O both O positions O seem O reasonable, O my O view O is O that, O through Arg_B proper Arg_I management Arg_I and Arg_I regulation, Arg_I a Arg_I booming Arg_I tourist Arg_I industry Arg_I is Arg_I an Arg_I excellent Arg_I source Arg_I of Arg_I economic Arg_I growth Arg_I and Arg_I wealth Arg_I for Arg_I rural Arg_I and Arg_I urban Arg_I areas Arg_I . O The Arg_B most Arg_I obvious Arg_I merit Arg_I is Arg_I that Arg_I tourism Arg_I can Arg_I vastly Arg_I boost Arg_I economic Arg_I development Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I particular Arg_I state Arg_I or Arg_I region Arg_I . O This Arg_B takes Arg_I place, Arg_I not Arg_I only Arg_I through Arg_I direct Arg_I expenditure Arg_I from Arg_I tourists, Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I because Arg_I it Arg_I provides Arg_I direct Arg_I and Arg_I indirect Arg_I jobs Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I community, Arg_I including Arg_I retail, Arg_I agriculture, Arg_I and Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I service Arg_I industry Arg_I . O The Arg_B increasing Arg_I tax Arg_I and Arg_I the Arg_I expansion Arg_I of Arg_I local Arg_I markets Arg_I for Arg_I accommodation, Arg_I luxury Arg_I goods Arg_I amongst Arg_I others Arg_I are Arg_I also Arg_I a Arg_I result Arg_I of Arg_I a Arg_I solid, Arg_I well-regulated Arg_I tourism Arg_I programs Arg_I . O Furthermore, O tourism Arg_B provides Arg_I a Arg_I considerable Arg_I number Arg_I of Arg_I direct Arg_I and Arg_I indirect Arg_I jobs Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I community, Arg_I including Arg_I retail, Arg_I hotels, Arg_I transport, Arg_I agriculture, Arg_I and Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I service Arg_I industry Arg_I . O This Arg_B increase Arg_I of Arg_I job Arg_I opportunities Arg_I allows Arg_I more Arg_I people Arg_I to Arg_I make Arg_I significant Arg_I contribution Arg_I to Arg_I society Arg_I through Arg_I the Arg_I purchasing Arg_I of Arg_I commodities Arg_I by Arg_I their Arg_I growing Arg_I incomes Arg_I . O As O a O result, O this Arg_B gives Arg_I energy Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I economic Arg_I cycle, Arg_I generating Arg_I local Arg_I economic Arg_I prosperity Arg_I in Arg_I return Arg_I . O Some Arg_B people Arg_I may Arg_I oppose Arg_I these, Arg_I citing Arg_I the Arg_I environmental Arg_I and Arg_I cultural Arg_I destruction Arg_I caused Arg_I by Arg_I tourism Arg_I . O In O fact, O compared Arg_B to Arg_I the Arg_I tourism Arg_I industry, Arg_I other Arg_I alternatives, Arg_I like Arg_I resource Arg_I extraction Arg_I and Arg_I manufacture, Arg_I are Arg_I far Arg_I worse Arg_I destroyers Arg_I . O For O instance, O paper Arg_B mills Arg_I pour Arg_I hundreds Arg_I and Arg_I thousands Arg_I of Arg_I tons Arg_I of Arg_I contamination Arg_I into Arg_I rivers, Arg_I causing Arg_I severe Arg_I water Arg_I pollution Arg_I . O On O the O other O hand, O the Arg_B dramatic Arg_I majority Arg_I of Arg_I tourist, Arg_I particularly Arg_I those Arg_I who Arg_I tend Arg_I to Arg_I spending Arg_I a Arg_I wealth Arg_I of Arg_I time Arg_I and Arg_I money Arg_I locating Arg_I and Arg_I visiting Arg_I rustic Arg_I villages, Arg_I are Arg_I well Arg_I educated Arg_I . O It Arg_B is Arg_I illogical Arg_I to Arg_I believe Arg_I that Arg_I these Arg_I rational Arg_I folks Arg_I will Arg_I not Arg_I conduct Arg_I themselves Arg_I decently Arg_I if Arg_I required Arg_I to Arg_I do Arg_I so Arg_I . O After O careful O consideration O of O both O sides O of O the O argument, O the Arg_B tourism Arg_I sector Arg_I is Arg_I desirable Arg_I for Arg_I its Arg_I important Arg_I socioeconomic Arg_I advantages Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O it Arg_B is Arg_I evident Arg_I that Arg_I under Arg_I suitable Arg_I administration, Arg_I the Arg_I benefits Arg_I of Arg_I tourism Arg_I outweigh Arg_I its Arg_I drawbacks Arg_I . O The O government O should O allocate O more O funds O to O public O services O instead O of O arts O The O issue O of O governmental O financing O provision O to O aesthetic O features O in O the O society O has O sparked O a O heated O debate O . O While O some O argue O that O the O budget O allocation O to O the O arts O is O waste O of O national O resources O and O the O money O should O instead O be O spent O on O public O services, O I O contend O that O this Arg_B investment Arg_I in Arg_I field Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I arts Arg_I would Arg_I be Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I best Arg_I interest Arg_I of Arg_I a Arg_I society Arg_I . O First O of O all, O there O is O no O doubt O that O governments Arg_B are Arg_I liable Arg_I for Arg_I providing Arg_I societies Arg_I with Arg_I appropriate Arg_I public Arg_I services Arg_I and Arg_I adequate Arg_I facilities Arg_I in Arg_I an Arg_I efficient Arg_I way Arg_I . O Admittedly, O no Arg_B one Arg_I should Arg_I suffer Arg_I from Arg_I any Arg_I sort Arg_I of Arg_I deficiency Arg_I in Arg_I field Arg_I of Arg_I health, Arg_I education, Arg_I transportation Arg_I and Arg_I communication Arg_I . O However, O these Arg_B could Arg_I only Arg_I help Arg_I individuals Arg_I with Arg_I their Arg_I physical Arg_I requirements Arg_I . O There Arg_B is Arg_I also Arg_I a Arg_I burden Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I government Arg_I to Arg_I highly Arg_I concern Arg_I about Arg_I the Arg_I people Arg_I mental Arg_I health Arg_I initiatives Arg_I which Arg_I would Arg_I be Arg_I unconsciously Arg_I or Arg_I sensibly Arg_I provided Arg_I by Arg_I the Arg_I arts Arg_I . O On O top O of O this, O the Arg_B arts Arg_I play Arg_I a Arg_I pivotal Arg_I role Arg_I in Arg_I all-round Arg_I development Arg_I of Arg_I a Arg_I society Arg_I . O No Arg_B developed Arg_I country Arg_I could Arg_I be Arg_I named Arg_I that Arg_I music, Arg_I painting, Arg_I literature Arg_I and Arg_I other Arg_I fields Arg_I of Arg_I arts Arg_I are Arg_I out Arg_I of Arg_I its Arg_I government Arg_I consideration Arg_I . O Enriching Arg_B people's Arg_I life Arg_I and Arg_I enlightening Arg_I their Arg_I thoughts, Arg_I the Arg_I arts Arg_I basically Arg_I affect Arg_I the Arg_I enhancement Arg_I of Arg_I societies Arg_I in Arg_I many Arg_I positive Arg_I ways Arg_I . O Furthermore, O investing Arg_B in Arg_I art Arg_I could Arg_I bring Arg_I employment Arg_I opportunities Arg_I and Arg_I could Arg_I end Arg_I in Arg_I return Arg_I of Arg_I capital Arg_I occasionally Arg_I . O The Arg_B investment Arg_I could Arg_I be Arg_I paid Arg_I back Arg_I through Arg_I the Arg_I values Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I created Arg_I works Arg_I of Arg_I art Arg_I which Arg_I as Arg_I a Arg_I matter Arg_I of Arg_I fact Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I considered Arg_I as Arg_I national Arg_I possessions Arg_I . O To O sum O up, O not O only O could O investing O in O art O be O considered O as O wasting O money O at O any O kind, O but O also O it Arg_B would Arg_I enriches Arg_I the Arg_I culture Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I society Arg_I and Arg_I governments Arg_I and Arg_I individuals Arg_I would Arg_I benefit Arg_I from Arg_I it Arg_I in Arg_I multiple Arg_I ways Arg_I . O People O are O now O more O conscious O to O gain O more O educational O qualification O The O career O itself O became O the O motto O of O living O since O the O beginning O of O industrialization O in O the O late O 19th O century O . O People O usually O tend O to O have O a O single O career O as O a O means O of O living O . O However, O a O modern O trend O reveals O that O new O generations O are O more O interested O to O perform O several O jobs O and O also O would O like O to O gain O multiple O higher O educational O certificates O in O order O to O earn O more O and O to O gain O financial O security O . O A Arg_B full Arg_I time Arg_I job Arg_I with Arg_I a Arg_I steady Arg_I income Arg_I was Arg_I enough Arg_I for Arg_I a Arg_I potential Arg_I employee Arg_I to Arg_I support Arg_I himself Arg_I and Arg_I his Arg_I family Arg_I . O But O with Arg_B the Arg_I recent Arg_I recession, Arg_I almost Arg_I all Arg_I the Arg_I countries Arg_I all Arg_I over Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I are Arg_I seeing Arg_I significant Arg_I economic Arg_I downfall Arg_I . O This Arg_B overwhelming Arg_I crisis Arg_I is Arg_I prompting Arg_I delayering Arg_I and Arg_I reduction Arg_I of Arg_I workers Arg_I . O As O a O result, O people Arg_B are Arg_I focusing Arg_I on Arg_I doing Arg_I several Arg_I jobs Arg_I or Arg_I gaining Arg_I further Arg_I qualification Arg_I to Arg_I secure Arg_I their Arg_I economic Arg_I condition Arg_I . O Moreover, O the Arg_B arrival Arg_I of Arg_I technology Arg_I has Arg_I also Arg_I been Arg_I playing Arg_I a Arg_I major Arg_I role Arg_I promoting Arg_I further Arg_I unemployment Arg_I . O The O official O term O of O it O is O named O "Technological O Unemployment" O . O North Arg_B American Arg_I economists Arg_I have Arg_I published Arg_I reports Arg_I after Arg_I scrutinizing Arg_I the Arg_I recent Arg_I American Arg_I economic Arg_I situation Arg_I that, Arg_I technology Arg_I is Arg_I eliminating Arg_I more Arg_I jobs Arg_I than Arg_I creating Arg_I one Arg_I . O For O example, O robots, Arg_B automation Arg_I and Arg_I softwares Arg_I are Arg_I taking Arg_I over Arg_I manual Arg_I human Arg_I workers Arg_I professions Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I clerks, Arg_I interpreters, Arg_I security Arg_I services, Arg_I retails Arg_I and Arg_I specially Arg_I in Arg_I manufacturing Arg_I companies Arg_I . O Thus O many Arg_B people's Arg_I jobs Arg_I are Arg_I now Arg_I at Arg_I high Arg_I stake Arg_I . O The Arg_B best Arg_I way Arg_I to Arg_I ensure Arg_I a Arg_I flexible Arg_I earning Arg_I is Arg_I getting Arg_I more Arg_I jobs Arg_I . O Last O but O not O least, O corporational Arg_B policy Arg_I to Arg_I to Arg_I pay Arg_I less Arg_I to Arg_I inferiors Arg_I is Arg_I another Arg_I reason Arg_I that Arg_I drives Arg_I labours Arg_I to Arg_I work Arg_I on Arg_I different Arg_I sectors Arg_I . O For O the O reasons O mentioned O above, O I O believe O that O people Arg_B are Arg_I now Arg_I more Arg_I conscious Arg_I to Arg_I gain Arg_I more Arg_I educational Arg_I qualification Arg_I and Arg_I also Arg_I are Arg_I more Arg_I interested Arg_I to Arg_I work Arg_I on Arg_I various Arg_I fields Arg_I simultaneously Arg_I to Arg_I earn Arg_I more Arg_I and Arg_I support Arg_I themselves Arg_I . O Nowadays O human O activities O are O influenced O by O computer O use O Computer O is O a O modern O device O that O is O useful O for O human O life O . O People O use O computer O particularly O for O work, O study, O even O for O communication O . O However, O many O people O argue O that O computer O more O give O obstacle O than O a O help O in O social O life O . O Other O sides O believe O that O it O becomes O prominent O thing, O and O they O cannot O do O anything O without O that O device O . O However, O I O strongly O believe O that O computer Arg_B can Arg_I influence Arg_I society, Arg_I and Arg_I people's Arg_I lives Arg_I have Arg_I already Arg_I been Arg_I controlled Arg_I by Arg_I device Arg_I . O I O would O argue O that O this Arg_B modern Arg_I device Arg_I has Arg_I been Arg_I a Arg_I major Arg_I hindrance Arg_I to Arg_I some Arg_I people Arg_I . O A O study O conducted O by O Mediabank O shows O that O majority O of O Australian O adults O do O not O socialize O with O their O families O and O friends O as O much O as O they O used O to, O due O to O the O fact O that O they Arg_B spend Arg_I almost Arg_I nine Arg_I hours Arg_I a Arg_I day Arg_I dealing Arg_I with Arg_I computers Arg_I as Arg_I to Arg_I produce Arg_I efficient Arg_I time Arg_I in Arg_I working Arg_I . O As O it O can O be O seen O from O the O example, O the Arg_B idea Arg_I that Arg_I computers Arg_I could Arg_I be Arg_I a Arg_I help Arg_I has Arg_I been Arg_I neglected Arg_I . O However, O using Arg_B computer Arg_I can Arg_I make Arg_I people Arg_I easier Arg_I to Arg_I complete Arg_I their Arg_I work Arg_I . O Businessmen, Arg_B for Arg_I example, Arg_I use Arg_I computer Arg_I device Arg_I to Arg_I presentation Arg_I or Arg_I communication Arg_I with Arg_I their Arg_I colleagues Arg_I . O Communication Arg_B by Arg_I feature-computer Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I email Arg_I and Arg_I internet Arg_I help Arg_I busy Arg_I businessmen Arg_I to Arg_I make Arg_I deal Arg_I with Arg_I relation Arg_I even Arg_I in Arg_I different Arg_I country Arg_I . O This Arg_B is Arg_I due Arg_I to Arg_I using Arg_I computer Arg_I more Arg_I efficient Arg_I and, Arg_I many Arg_I workers Arg_I cannot Arg_I do Arg_I more Arg_I in Arg_I work Arg_I without Arg_I computer Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O in Arg_B era Arg_I technology Arg_I like Arg_I this Arg_I age, Arg_I computer Arg_I becomes Arg_I important Arg_I thing Arg_I in Arg_I human Arg_I life Arg_I . O Every O day, O people Arg_B cannot Arg_I pass Arg_I the Arg_I day Arg_I without Arg_I stay Arg_I in Arg_I front Arg_I of Arg_I computer Arg_I or Arg_I using Arg_I it Arg_I . O This Arg_B situation Arg_I becomes Arg_I lifestyle Arg_I habits, Arg_I and Arg_I nowadays Arg_I human Arg_I activities Arg_I are Arg_I influenced Arg_I by Arg_I computer Arg_I use Arg_I . O Qualification O is O still O the O fundamental O determinant O of O an O employee's O competency O of O their O jobs O With O the O increased O educational O level O of O workforce, O there O are O growing O number O of O employers O seeking O criteria O other O than O qualifications O such O as O social O skills O in O their O employee O selection O process O . O However, O some O employers O still O believe O that O qualifications O should O be O the O most O paramount O criterion O . O The O essay O intends O to O explore O both O sides O of O arguments O and O also O present O my O own O opinion O . O Firstly, O some O people O suggest O that O qualification Arg_B should Arg_I be Arg_I the Arg_I foremost Arg_I measurement Arg_I to Arg_I determine Arg_I the Arg_I value Arg_I of Arg_I a Arg_I employer Arg_I . O It Arg_B is Arg_I of Arg_I importance Arg_I that Arg_I workers Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I well Arg_I educated Arg_I and Arg_I trained Arg_I to Arg_I perform Arg_I duties Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I job Arg_I . O Specifically, O people Arg_B who Arg_I work Arg_I in Arg_I professional Arg_I fields Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I medicals Arg_I are Arg_I required Arg_I to Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I university Arg_I degree Arg_I and Arg_I years Arg_I of Arg_I experience Arg_I . O Social Arg_B skills Arg_I seem Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I less Arg_I important Arg_I as Arg_I they Arg_I cannot Arg_I contribute Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I success Arg_I of Arg_I a Arg_I surgery Arg_I . O On O the O other O hand, O it O is O no O doubt O that O the Arg_B importance Arg_I of Arg_I social Arg_I skills Arg_I have Arg_I been Arg_I recognized Arg_I by Arg_I increasing Arg_I number Arg_I of Arg_I employers Arg_I . O It O is O because O people Arg_B nowadays Arg_I are Arg_I required Arg_I to Arg_I work Arg_I as Arg_I a Arg_I team Arg_I in Arg_I their Arg_I jobs Arg_I frequently Arg_I . O Interpersonal Arg_B skill Arg_I plays Arg_I an Arg_I essential Arg_I role Arg_I in Arg_I helping Arg_I colleagues Arg_I to Arg_I cooperate Arg_I with Arg_I each Arg_I other, Arg_I especially Arg_I when Arg_I conflicts Arg_I arise Arg_I . O Better Arg_B social Arg_I skills Arg_I allow Arg_I them Arg_I to Arg_I resolve Arg_I disagreements Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I much Arg_I more Arg_I harmony Arg_I way Arg_I . O Besides, O organization Arg_B have Arg_I been Arg_I transformed Arg_I to Arg_I customers Arg_I oriented Arg_I . O Excellent Arg_B social Arg_I skills Arg_I can Arg_I help Arg_I employees Arg_I maintain Arg_I strong Arg_I relationship Arg_I with Arg_I their Arg_I clients Arg_I which Arg_I thus Arg_I lead Arg_I to Arg_I a Arg_I better Arg_I customer Arg_I satisfaction Arg_I . O To O my O view, O I O incline O to O believe O qualification Arg_B is Arg_I still Arg_I the Arg_I fundamental Arg_I determinant Arg_I of Arg_I an Arg_I employee's Arg_I competency Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I jobs Arg_I . O Yet, O the Arg_B importance Arg_I of Arg_I social Arg_I skills Arg_I should Arg_I not Arg_I be Arg_I neglected Arg_I as Arg_I those Arg_I skills Arg_I can Arg_I help Arg_I one Arg_I to Arg_I perform Arg_I their Arg_I job Arg_I effectiveness Arg_I and Arg_I efficiency Arg_I by Arg_I facilitating Arg_I interaction Arg_I and Arg_I communication Arg_I with Arg_I others Arg_I . O International O aid O The O world O has O become O more O prosperous O than O ever O yet O a O great O number O of O people O are O still O living O in O poverty O or O suffering O by O wars O or O disasters O . O Charity O organisations O have O been O playing O an O important O role O to O provide O support O to O those O people O . O However, O it O is O controversial O whether O the O help O should O go O to O the O people O who O need O it O most O or O the O citizens O of O the O country O where O the O charity O organisations O are O located O . O My O view O is O that O international Arg_B aid Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I prioritised Arg_I . O International Arg_B aid Arg_I is Arg_I critical Arg_I because O people Arg_B from Arg_I other Arg_I countries Arg_I may Arg_I be Arg_I facing Arg_I much Arg_I more Arg_I serious Arg_I problems Arg_I . O Many Arg_B people, Arg_I for Arg_I example Arg_I in Arg_I some Arg_I African Arg_I countries, Arg_I are Arg_I living Arg_I below Arg_I the Arg_I basic Arg_I standards Arg_I . O They Arg_B lack Arg_I food, Arg_I water Arg_I or Arg_I clothes Arg_I which Arg_I keep Arg_I them Arg_I warm, Arg_I not Arg_I to Arg_I mention Arg_I the Arg_I education Arg_I needs Arg_I . O What Arg_B is Arg_I worse, Arg_I people Arg_I who Arg_I live Arg_I in Arg_I countries Arg_I that Arg_I are Arg_I confronted Arg_I with Arg_I wars Arg_I or Arg_I natural Arg_I disasters Arg_I are Arg_I facing Arg_I even Arg_I more Arg_I severe Arg_I issues Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I security, Arg_I homelessness Arg_I or Arg_I the Arg_I pain Arg_I of Arg_I losing Arg_I best Arg_I friends Arg_I or Arg_I family Arg_I members Arg_I . O It O is O clear O that O those Arg_B people Arg_I are Arg_I in Arg_I desperate Arg_I need Arg_I of Arg_I international Arg_I support Arg_I . O Despite O the O importance O of O helping O those O beyond O our O national O borders, O it Arg_B is Arg_I reasonable Arg_I to Arg_I lend Arg_I a Arg_I hand Arg_I to Arg_I our Arg_I fellow Arg_I citizens Arg_I . O After O all, O charity Arg_B organisations Arg_I are Arg_I mainly Arg_I funded Arg_I by Arg_I the Arg_I home Arg_I country Arg_I thus O there Arg_B is Arg_I a Arg_I high Arg_I demand Arg_I that Arg_I the Arg_I money Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I spent Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I place Arg_I where Arg_I it Arg_I is Arg_I collected Arg_I . O Another O reason O is O that, O even Arg_B within Arg_I the Arg_I most Arg_I developed Arg_I countries, Arg_I there Arg_I are Arg_I still Arg_I poor Arg_I people Arg_I who Arg_I lack Arg_I their Arg_I basic Arg_I needs Arg_I . O By Arg_B solving Arg_I the Arg_I problems Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I home Arg_I country, Arg_I it Arg_I is Arg_I beneficial Arg_I for Arg_I social Arg_I stability Arg_I and Arg_I steady Arg_I economic Arg_I growth Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O people Arg_B from Arg_I unfortunate Arg_I countries Arg_I need Arg_I more Arg_I international Arg_I assistance Arg_I while Arg_I helping Arg_I citizens Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I home Arg_I country Arg_I is Arg_I also Arg_I necessary Arg_I . O Popular O events O are O essential O A O world O sportive O competition O event O is O watched O by O almost O every O country O around O the O world O and O provide O social O stimulus O and O people O gathering O . O However, O while O people O view O these O sportive O events O as O vital O in O release O international O problems, O others O think O that O they O are O just O entertainment O to O distract O people O . O I O believe O that O they Arg_B are Arg_I important Arg_I somehow, Arg_I but Arg_I not Arg_I essential Arg_I . O As O a O matter O of O fact, O world Arg_B sport Arg_I events Arg_I provide Arg_I positive Arg_I waves Arg_I for Arg_I number Arg_I of Arg_I people Arg_I . O The Arg_B main Arg_I purpose Arg_I of Arg_I such Arg_I competitions Arg_I is Arg_I to Arg_I enjoy Arg_I and Arg_I share Arg_I emotions Arg_I between Arg_I supporters Arg_I though Arg_I their Arg_I favorite Arg_I team Arg_I . O These Arg_B emotions Arg_I are Arg_I shared Arg_I locally Arg_I in Arg_I our Arg_I village Arg_I or Arg_I city, Arg_I nationally Arg_I in Arg_I our Arg_I own Arg_I country Arg_I but Arg_I even Arg_I internationally Arg_I too Arg_I . O Obviously O these Arg_B events Arg_I gather Arg_I people Arg_I and Arg_I their Arg_I nationalist Arg_I pride Arg_I feeling Arg_I is Arg_I increased Arg_I . O For O example, O the Arg_B football Arg_I world Arg_I cup Arg_I taking Arg_I place Arg_I every Arg_I four Arg_I years Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I very Arg_I followed Arg_I event Arg_I during Arg_I which Arg_I everyone Arg_I is Arg_I having Arg_I fun Arg_I . O Moreover, O these Arg_B sports Arg_I events Arg_I are Arg_I not Arg_I essential Arg_I in Arg_I other Arg_I issues Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I politics Arg_I or Arg_I other Arg_I international Arg_I affairs Arg_I . O Thus, O if Arg_B the Arg_I general Arg_I atmosphere Arg_I during Arg_I the Arg_I show Arg_I is Arg_I peaceful Arg_I and Arg_I fraternal, Arg_I the Arg_I reality Arg_I is Arg_I different Arg_I . O In O other O words, O this O is O the O "calm O before O the O storm" O . O After Arg_B the Arg_I Olympics Arg_I games Arg_I are Arg_I finished, Arg_I everything Arg_I came Arg_I back Arg_I to Arg_I normal Arg_I and Arg_I all Arg_I the Arg_I game Arg_I competition Arg_I is Arg_I forgotten Arg_I by Arg_I the Arg_I majority Arg_I . O To O picture O it, O recently, Arg_B Putin Arg_I was Arg_I pleased Arg_I to Arg_I open Arg_I the Arg_I last Arg_I winter Arg_I Olympic Arg_I games Arg_I and Arg_I gather Arg_I international Arg_I countries, Arg_I but Arg_I actually Arg_I it Arg_I has Arg_I been Arg_I just Arg_I facade Arg_I and Arg_I Putin Arg_I didn't Arg_I listen Arg_I international Arg_I warning Arg_I after Arg_I he Arg_I conquered Arg_I the Arg_I Crimea Arg_I . O Finally, O an Arg_B international Arg_I sports Arg_I event Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I very Arg_I good Arg_I thing Arg_I to Arg_I gather Arg_I people, Arg_I let Arg_I them Arg_I dream, Arg_I being Arg_I proud Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I nationality Arg_I and Arg_I forget Arg_I problems, Arg_I but Arg_I just Arg_I for Arg_I a Arg_I while Arg_I . O These Arg_B meetings Arg_I are Arg_I in Arg_I none Arg_I case Arg_I here Arg_I to Arg_I interact Arg_I with Arg_I international Arg_I affairs Arg_I . O Distance-learning O cannot O bring O the O benefits O that O traditional O colleges O offer O With O the O tremendous O development O in O information O technology, O long-distance O education O enables O people O to O study O at O home O without O going O to O school O . O Whether O this O teaching O approach O is O more O beneficial O to O pupils O than O the O traditional O way O sparks O off O a O heated O debate O . O From O my O perspective, O I O agree O with O the O view O that O students Arg_B can Arg_I acquire Arg_I more Arg_I benefits Arg_I from Arg_I the Arg_I remote Arg_I education Arg_I . O To O begin O with, O studying Arg_B at Arg_I home Arg_I save Arg_I the Arg_I pupils Arg_I enormous Arg_I time Arg_I and Arg_I considerable Arg_I expense Arg_I . O Students Arg_B who Arg_I use Arg_I distance-learning Arg_I programs Arg_I can Arg_I cut Arg_I down Arg_I their Arg_I commuting Arg_I time, Arg_I tuition Arg_I fees, Arg_I textbook Arg_I fees Arg_I and Arg_I so Arg_I forth Arg_I just Arg_I by Arg_I an Arg_I internet Arg_I connection Arg_I . O This Arg_B especially Arg_I makes Arg_I a Arg_I significant Arg_I difference Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I children Arg_I who Arg_I live Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I far-off Arg_I countryside Arg_I and Arg_I the Arg_I children Arg_I whose Arg_I families Arg_I are Arg_I living Arg_I below Arg_I the Arg_I poverty-line Arg_I . O Besides O that, O long-distance Arg_B education Arg_I provides Arg_I students Arg_I the Arg_I opportunity Arg_I to Arg_I access Arg_I the Arg_I immense Arg_I knowledge Arg_I resources Arg_I and Arg_I a Arg_I variety Arg_I of Arg_I teaching Arg_I approaches Arg_I . O Pupils Arg_B can Arg_I obtain Arg_I materials Arg_I for Arg_I their Arg_I curricula Arg_I just Arg_I by Arg_I one Arg_I mouse Arg_I click, Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I science Arg_I reports, Arg_I study Arg_I posts, Arg_I documentary Arg_I records, Arg_I etc Arg_I . O A Arg_B student Arg_I can Arg_I even Arg_I select Arg_I a Arg_I specific Arg_I online Arg_I course Arg_I based Arg_I on Arg_I his Arg_I own Arg_I preference Arg_I and Arg_I time Arg_I schedule Arg_I so O he Arg_B can Arg_I control Arg_I the Arg_I learning Arg_I progress Arg_I and Arg_I make Arg_I satisfactory Arg_I achievement Arg_I on Arg_I this Arg_I course Arg_I . O It O is O undeniable O that O traditional Arg_B education Arg_I has Arg_I its Arg_I advantages Arg_I in Arg_I face-to-face Arg_I communication, Arg_I mental Arg_I inspiration Arg_I and Arg_I physical Arg_I educations Arg_I . O These Arg_B make Arg_I remarkable Arg_I contributions Arg_I in Arg_I providing Arg_I immediate Arg_I feedbacks Arg_I and Arg_I cultivating Arg_I pupils' Arg_I personalities Arg_I . O But O with Arg_B the Arg_I improvements Arg_I in Arg_I streaming Arg_I and Arg_I sensor Arg_I technologies, Arg_I remote Arg_I education Arg_I can Arg_I eliminate Arg_I the Arg_I obstacles Arg_I of Arg_I distance Arg_I and Arg_I body Arg_I contacts Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O I O concede O that O traditional Arg_B education Arg_I has Arg_I some Arg_I merits Arg_I like Arg_I feedbacks Arg_I and Arg_I inspirations Arg_I that Arg_I cannot Arg_I be Arg_I replaced Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I near Arg_I future Arg_I . O However, O distance-learning Arg_B outweighs Arg_I the Arg_I conventional Arg_I way Arg_I not Arg_I only Arg_I with Arg_I its Arg_I efficiency, Arg_I convenience Arg_I and Arg_I economic Arg_I value, Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I self-regulated Arg_I education Arg_I that Arg_I pupils Arg_I can Arg_I study Arg_I on Arg_I their Arg_I own Arg_I purpose Arg_I . O Every O student O either O male O or O female O should O be O given O equal O opportunity O In O today's O context, O education O is O the O most O significant O factor O which O ultimately O determines O one's O future O . O In O my O personal O opinion, O I O am O totally O agreed O with O the O view O that O there Arg_B should Arg_I not Arg_I be Arg_I any Arg_I room Arg_I for Arg_I partiality Arg_I in Arg_I terms Arg_I of Arg_I gender Arg_I while Arg_I allocating Arg_I seats Arg_I for Arg_I students Arg_I in Arg_I every Arg_I university Arg_I courses Arg_I . O There O appear O to O be O various O reasons O often O strike O in O my O mind O in O support O of O this O position O . O To O begin O with, O judging Arg_B student's Arg_I skills Arg_I and Arg_I abilities Arg_I should Arg_I only Arg_I be Arg_I based Arg_I on Arg_I their Arg_I academic Arg_I qualifications Arg_I and Arg_I talents Arg_I rather Arg_I than Arg_I gender Arg_I in Arg_I particular Arg_I . O Nowadays, O both Arg_B male Arg_I and Arg_I female Arg_I students Arg_I are Arg_I equally Arg_I competitive Arg_I to Arg_I each Arg_I other Arg_I and Arg_I deserve Arg_I to Arg_I produce Arg_I impressive Arg_I results Arg_I in Arg_I various Arg_I field Arg_I of Arg_I education Arg_I . O In Arg_B India, Arg_I for Arg_I example, Arg_I female Arg_I students Arg_I are Arg_I more Arg_I often Arg_I likely Arg_I to Arg_I grab Arg_I more Arg_I number Arg_I of Arg_I top Arg_I scorer Arg_I positions Arg_I in Arg_I every Arg_I year Arg_I higher Arg_I secondary Arg_I school Arg_I examinations Arg_I . O Furthermore, O female Arg_B students Arg_I are Arg_I highly Arg_I interested Arg_I in Arg_I learning Arg_I courses Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I mechanical Arg_I engineering Arg_I which Arg_I demands Arg_I physical Arg_I activities Arg_I in Arg_I their Arg_I lab Arg_I workshops, Arg_I unlike Arg_I previous Arg_I generation Arg_I females Arg_I . O In O addition, O due Arg_B to Arg_I increasing Arg_I exposure Arg_I on Arg_I current Arg_I affairs Arg_I and Arg_I knowledge Arg_I on Arg_I cutting-edge Arg_I technological Arg_I developments, Arg_I female Arg_I graduates Arg_I are Arg_I more Arg_I willing Arg_I to Arg_I take Arg_I huge Arg_I responsibilities Arg_I in Arg_I their Arg_I workplace, Arg_I despite Arg_I its Arg_I intensive Arg_I stress Arg_I and Arg_I pressure Arg_I . O For O example, O Chanda Arg_B Kochhar, Arg_I who Arg_I is Arg_I the Arg_I CEO Arg_I of Arg_I India's Arg_I second Arg_I largest Arg_I bank Arg_I called Arg_I ICICI Arg_I bank Arg_I and Arg_I prominently Arg_I awarded Arg_I as Arg_I the Arg_I country's Arg_I most Arg_I powerful Arg_I female Arg_I head Arg_I in Arg_I business Arg_I sector Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O I O am O firmly O supporting O the O view, O that O every Arg_B student Arg_I either Arg_I male Arg_I or Arg_I female Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I given Arg_I fairly Arg_I equal Arg_I opportunity Arg_I to Arg_I purse Arg_I their Arg_I education Arg_I in Arg_I all Arg_I university Arg_I subjects, Arg_I provided Arg_I they Arg_I should Arg_I meet Arg_I the Arg_I required Arg_I qualifications Arg_I rather Arg_I than Arg_I putting Arg_I limitations Arg_I based Arg_I on Arg_I their Arg_I gender Arg_I . O Government O should O take O interim O measures, O to O regulate O admission O process O for O university O courses O which O enables O every O student O to O get O benefit O . O More O convincing O There O is O a O hotly O debated O issue O over O whether O face-to-face O communication O is O better O than O other O kinds O of O communication, O and O this O topic O can O also O be O approached O from O several O different O angles O due O to O its O complexity O . O Some O people O tend O to O believe O that O communication O in O person O is O the O best O way O of O expression, O while O others O seem O to O stand O on O the O opposite O position O . O After O deeply O pondering O over O this O issue, O I O also O develop O my O own O perspective O . O I O favor O the O former; O that O is, O I Arg_B agree Arg_I that Arg_I face-to-face Arg_I communication Arg_I is Arg_I better Arg_I . O The O first O and O foremost O reason O lies O in O the O inevitable O fact O that O communicating Arg_B in Arg_I person Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I more Arg_I convincing Arg_I . O Sometimes, Arg_B face-to Arg_I face Arg_I communication Arg_I can Arg_I lead Arg_I us Arg_I to Arg_I convince Arg_I or Arg_I complain Arg_I someone Arg_I successfully, Arg_I and Arg_I a Arg_I fitting Arg_I example Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I found Arg_I from Arg_I my Arg_I uncle Arg_I . O He Arg_B once Arg_I complained Arg_I a Arg_I service Arg_I of Arg_I a Arg_I restaurant Arg_I . O Without Arg_B exaggeration, Arg_I he Arg_I directly Arg_I went Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I boss Arg_I and Arg_I told Arg_I the Arg_I boss Arg_I that Arg_I something Arg_I wrong Arg_I occurred Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I meal--a Arg_I fly Arg_I concealed Arg_I in Arg_I it Arg_I . O Afterward, Arg_B my Arg_I uncle Arg_I acquired Arg_I a Arg_I new Arg_I service Arg_I thanks Arg_I to Arg_I face-to Arg_I face Arg_I communication Arg_I . O If Arg_B he Arg_I just Arg_I wrote Arg_I something Arg_I to Arg_I complain Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I website Arg_I or Arg_I by Arg_I telephone, Arg_I I Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I think Arg_I this Arg_I problem Arg_I would Arg_I be Arg_I thought Arg_I important Arg_I . O Therefore, O we Arg_B can Arg_I commence Arg_I to Arg_I agree Arg_I that Arg_I communicating Arg_I with Arg_I someone Arg_I in Arg_I person Arg_I is Arg_I the Arg_I best Arg_I way Arg_I . O Apart O from O the O one O I O have O mentioned O above, O another O equally O crucible O aspect O is O that O it Arg_B is Arg_I easy Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I deceived Arg_I without Arg_I face-to Arg_I face Arg_I communication Arg_I . O For O instance, O I Arg_B had Arg_I received Arg_I some Arg_I harmful Arg_I words Arg_I on Arg_I facebook Arg_I from Arg_I my Arg_I best Arg_I friend, Arg_I Eric Arg_I . O He Arg_B said Arg_I that Arg_I I Arg_I was Arg_I totally Arg_I failed Arg_I in Arg_I building Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I friendship Arg_I and Arg_I he Arg_I did Arg_I not Arg_I want Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I one Arg_I of Arg_I my Arg_I friends Arg_I anymore Arg_I . O I Arg_B just Arg_I shocked Arg_I and Arg_I did Arg_I not Arg_I know Arg_I what Arg_I happened Arg_I . O Finally, O I Arg_B realized Arg_I that Arg_I his Arg_I facebook Arg_I account Arg_I was Arg_I stolen Arg_I . O Hence, O from O this O case, O we Arg_B are Arg_I capable Arg_I of Arg_I stating Arg_I that Arg_I it Arg_I is Arg_I important Arg_I to Arg_I talk Arg_I to Arg_I people Arg_I face-to-face Arg_I . O Admittedly, O on O the O other O hand, O there O might O be O some O dissidents O proclaiming O that O communication Arg_B by Arg_I letters, Arg_I email, Arg_I or Arg_I telephone Arg_I can Arg_I enable Arg_I them Arg_I to Arg_I talk Arg_I without Arg_I scruple, Arg_I which Arg_I is Arg_I also Arg_I one Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I most Arg_I important Arg_I parts Arg_I in Arg_I communication Arg_I . O However, O from O my O limited O understanding, O I O just O doubt O the O credibility O of O that O saying O . O It Arg_B is Arg_I conceivable Arg_I that Arg_I before Arg_I we Arg_I talk, Arg_I it Arg_I is Arg_I necessary Arg_I for Arg_I us Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I imprudent Arg_I about Arg_I our Arg_I words Arg_I . O Talking Arg_B without Arg_I scruple Arg_I is Arg_I not Arg_I the Arg_I indispensable Arg_I part Arg_I in Arg_I communication; Arg_I in Arg_I contrast, Arg_I it Arg_I is Arg_I usually Arg_I detrimental Arg_I to Arg_I us Arg_I . O Based O on O the O reasons O demonstrated O above, O I Arg_B prefer Arg_I to Arg_I express Arg_I my Arg_I opinion Arg_I in Arg_I person Arg_I because O the Arg_B advantages Arg_I of Arg_I this Arg_I are Arg_I qualitatively Arg_I greater Arg_I than Arg_I that Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I opposite Arg_I . O In O other O words, O I O think O the Arg_B best Arg_I way Arg_I of Arg_I communication Arg_I is Arg_I by Arg_I means Arg_I of Arg_I face-to-face Arg_I . O It O is O not O to O say, O of O course, O that O other O points O of O view O are O completely O without O merit O . O Still, O I O am O firmly O convinced O that O the O reasons O I O proposed O in O favor O of O my O own O sentiment O are O much O more O tenable O and O cogent O . O Successful O people O do O something O new O or O take O risks O There O is O a O hotly O debated O issue O over O whether O successful O people O usually O take O risk O or O try O new O things, O and O the O topic O can O be O approached O from O several O different O angles O due O to O its O complexity O . O Some O people O tend O to O believe O that O to O be O successful, O they O should O do O something O they O are O unfamiliar O with, O while O others O seem O to O stand O on O the O opposite O place O . O After O deeply O pondering O over O this O issue, O I O develop O my O own O perspective O as O well O . O I O favor O the O latter; O that O is, O successful Arg_B people Arg_I still Arg_I do Arg_I things Arg_I they Arg_I already Arg_I know Arg_I . O The O first O and O foremost O reason O lies O in O an O inevitable O fact O that O to Arg_B be Arg_I successful, Arg_I we Arg_I all Arg_I try Arg_I to Arg_I reduce Arg_I the Arg_I risk Arg_I we Arg_I might Arg_I encounter Arg_I . O The Arg_B lower Arg_I the Arg_I factors Arg_I making Arg_I us Arg_I fail Arg_I we Arg_I have, Arg_I the Arg_I higher Arg_I probability Arg_I to Arg_I success Arg_I we Arg_I own Arg_I . O Consider Arg_B a Arg_I circumstance Arg_I in Arg_I which Arg_I one Arg_I person Arg_I is Arg_I rich Arg_I because Arg_I he Arg_I knows Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I knowledge Arg_I of Arg_I investment Arg_I . O He Arg_B can Arg_I focus Arg_I on Arg_I certain Arg_I companies Arg_I which Arg_I he Arg_I thinks Arg_I is Arg_I worth Arg_I it Arg_I to Arg_I invest, Arg_I and Arg_I then Arg_I just Arg_I waits Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I not Arg_I so Arg_I high Arg_I but Arg_I constant Arg_I income Arg_I . O He Arg_B does Arg_I not Arg_I have Arg_I to Arg_I invest Arg_I some Arg_I dangerous Arg_I companies Arg_I to Arg_I get Arg_I higher Arg_I profit Arg_I which Arg_I might Arg_I lead Arg_I him Arg_I to Arg_I bankrupt Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I short Arg_I time Arg_I . O Therefore, O we O can O commence O to O agree O that O successful Arg_B people Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I have Arg_I to Arg_I try Arg_I new Arg_I things Arg_I or Arg_I take Arg_I risks Arg_I . O Moreover, O another O equally O crucial O aspect O is O that O it Arg_B depends Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I capability Arg_I of Arg_I one Arg_I to Arg_I decide Arg_I whether Arg_I he Arg_I can Arg_I succeed Arg_I or Arg_I not Arg_I . O At O least, O a Arg_B successful Arg_I person Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I able Arg_I to Arg_I dismantle Arg_I the Arg_I hurdles Arg_I prohibiting Arg_I him Arg_I to Arg_I success Arg_I . O For O instance, O the Arg_B sports Arg_I stars Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I have Arg_I to Arg_I take Arg_I some Arg_I drugs Arg_I to Arg_I win Arg_I a Arg_I game Arg_I or Arg_I show Arg_I their Arg_I extraordinary Arg_I skills Arg_I . O The Arg_B same Arg_I reason Arg_I why Arg_I they Arg_I succeed Arg_I is Arg_I that Arg_I they Arg_I all Arg_I have Arg_I the Arg_I predominated Arg_I abilities Arg_I in Arg_I sports Arg_I realm Arg_I . O In O contrast, O those Arg_B athletes Arg_I try Arg_I to Arg_I have Arg_I distinctive Arg_I performance Arg_I by Arg_I taking Arg_I risks Arg_I of Arg_I taking Arg_I drugs Arg_I are Arg_I failed Arg_I to Arg_I succeed Arg_I . O Hence, O from O this O case, O we O are O capable O of O stating O that O it Arg_B is Arg_I not Arg_I necessary Arg_I for Arg_I successful Arg_I people Arg_I to Arg_I take Arg_I risks Arg_I . O Admittedly, O on O the O other O hands, O there O might O be O some O dissidents O proclaiming O that O doing Arg_B something Arg_I new Arg_I is Arg_I necessary Arg_I for Arg_I people Arg_I to Arg_I success Arg_I because O they Arg_B can Arg_I become Arg_I different Arg_I from Arg_I others, Arg_I which Arg_I is Arg_I also Arg_I a Arg_I widely Arg_I accepted Arg_I idea Arg_I for Arg_I success Arg_I . O However, O according O to O my O limited O understanding, O I O just O doubt O the O credibility O of O that O saying O owing O to O its O imprudence O . O Try O something O new O can O indeed O make O people O become O special, O while Arg_B it Arg_I does Arg_I not Arg_I mean Arg_I successful Arg_I . O Based O on O the O reasons O demonstrated O above, O I O believe O that O doing Arg_B what Arg_I we Arg_I already Arg_I known Arg_I can Arg_I still Arg_I leads Arg_I us Arg_I to Arg_I succeed Arg_I because O the Arg_B advantages Arg_I of Arg_I this Arg_I are Arg_I relatively Arg_I greater Arg_I than Arg_I that Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I opposite Arg_I . O In O other O words, O reducing O risks O and O enhancing O individual's O capability O is O the O most O important O path O to O success O . O It O is O not O to O say, O of O course, O that O other O points O of O view O are O completely O without O merit O . O Still, O I O am O firmly O convinced O that O the O reasons O I O have O proposed O in O favor O of O my O own O sentiment O are O much O more O tenable O and O cogent O . O University O education O should O be O only O available O for O good O students O The O purpose O of O education O is O always O a O controversial O topic O among O people O and O society, O especially O in O high O level O such O as O college O or O university O . O Some O people O think O that O all O students O should O deserve O to O be O educated O at O this O level O . O However, O in O my O opinion, O it Arg_B should Arg_I be Arg_I better Arg_I to Arg_I leave Arg_I this Arg_I type Arg_I of Arg_I type Arg_I of Arg_I training Arg_I for Arg_I a Arg_I certain Arg_I group Arg_I of Arg_I good, Arg_I knowledgeable Arg_I learners Arg_I . O First, O focusing Arg_B only Arg_I on Arg_I talented Arg_I students Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I better Arg_I option Arg_I because O it Arg_B helps Arg_I academic Arg_I institutions Arg_I maintain Arg_I their Arg_I high Arg_I education Arg_I quality Arg_I . O Unlike Arg_B middle Arg_I school Arg_I or Arg_I high Arg_I school, Arg_I university Arg_I and Arg_I college Arg_I require Arg_I far Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I ability Arg_I and Arg_I skills Arg_I to Arg_I keep Arg_I up Arg_I with Arg_I an Arg_I enormous Arg_I amount Arg_I of Arg_I complex Arg_I knowledge Arg_I . O In O fact, O some Arg_B students Arg_I may Arg_I be Arg_I capable Arg_I in Arg_I high Arg_I schools, Arg_I but Arg_I the Arg_I pressure Arg_I of Arg_I higher Arg_I education Arg_I is Arg_I tough Arg_I even Arg_I for Arg_I talented Arg_I ones Arg_I . O That O explains O why O it O is O only O suitable O for O a O limited O people, O and O opening O up O for O everyone O will O be O fatal O for O institutions, O since O they Arg_B need Arg_I to Arg_I somehow Arg_I lower Arg_I the Arg_I materials Arg_I so Arg_I that Arg_I it Arg_I is Arg_I practical Arg_I for Arg_I everyone Arg_I . O Secondly, O university Arg_B should Arg_I only Arg_I accept Arg_I good Arg_I students Arg_I because O it Arg_B gives Arg_I better Arg_I human Arg_I resources Arg_I for Arg_I sophisticated Arg_I purposes Arg_I . O Some O people O argue O that O this O may O lead O to O 'social O division', O when O someone O with O high O education O refuses O to O do O the O called O 'low O jobs', O but O actually O it Arg_B gives Arg_I no Arg_I harm Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I whole Arg_I community Arg_I . O Those Arg_B standard Arg_I jobs Arg_I will Arg_I always Arg_I be Arg_I available Arg_I for Arg_I everyone, Arg_I while Arg_I complex Arg_I ones Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I only Arg_I handled Arg_I by Arg_I the Arg_I best Arg_I people, Arg_I who Arg_I start Arg_I their Arg_I career Arg_I from Arg_I the Arg_I best Arg_I institutions Arg_I . O I O think O limiting Arg_B the Arg_I number Arg_I of Arg_I people Arg_I who Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I admitted Arg_I by Arg_I universities Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I choice Arg_I since O it Arg_B will Arg_I reward Arg_I the Arg_I motivation Arg_I of Arg_I students Arg_I and Arg_I constantly Arg_I keep Arg_I them Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I difficult Arg_I level Arg_I of Arg_I learning, Arg_I which Arg_I makes Arg_I them Arg_I do Arg_I the Arg_I best Arg_I to Arg_I improve Arg_I themselves Arg_I . O Ultimately, O this Arg_B improves Arg_I the Arg_I overall Arg_I quality Arg_I of Arg_I education Arg_I and Arg_I gives Arg_I the Arg_I best Arg_I people Arg_I to Arg_I serve Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I most Arg_I necessary Arg_I needs Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I society Arg_I . O To O sum O thing O up, O I O agree O that O everyone Arg_B should Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I compulsory Arg_I education Arg_I level Arg_I up Arg_I to Arg_I high Arg_I school, Arg_I but Arg_I the Arg_I above Arg_I divisions Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I only Arg_I the Arg_I realm Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I best Arg_I students Arg_I . O This Arg_B will Arg_I improve Arg_I the Arg_I quality Arg_I of Arg_I both Arg_I universities Arg_I and Arg_I students, Arg_I thus Arg_I placing Arg_I people Arg_I in Arg_I positions Arg_I which Arg_I suit Arg_I them Arg_I most Arg_I . O Improving O facilities O is O the O best O way O There O is O a O hotly O debated O issue O over O whether O universities O should O spend O money O on O improving O facilities O is O more O than O hiring O famous O teachers, O and O this O topic O can O be O approached O from O several O different O angles O due O to O its O complexity O . O Some O people O tend O to O prefer O that O schools O should O invest O in O renewing O facilities, O while O other O seem O to O believe O that O famous O teachers O is O more O conducive O to O students O . O After O deeply O pondering O over O this O issue, O I O develop O my O own O perspective O as O well O . O I O favor O the O former; O that O is, O I Arg_B prefer Arg_I to Arg_I spend Arg_I money Arg_I on Arg_I improving Arg_I facilities Arg_I . O The O first O and O foremost O reason O lies O in O an O inevitable O fact O that O the Arg_B more Arg_I advanced Arg_I facilities Arg_I we Arg_I have, Arg_I the Arg_I more Arg_I chances Arg_I we Arg_I can Arg_I increase Arg_I our Arg_I knowledge Arg_I . O For O example, O library Arg_B is Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I place Arg_I for Arg_I students Arg_I to Arg_I study Arg_I or Arg_I research Arg_I . O They Arg_B can Arg_I concentrate Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I subjects Arg_I with Arg_I a Arg_I tranquil Arg_I ambience; Arg_I also, Arg_I there Arg_I are Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I references Arg_I for Arg_I students Arg_I to Arg_I utilize Arg_I . O With Arg_B this Arg_I convenient Arg_I and Arg_I versatile Arg_I facility, Arg_I students Arg_I can Arg_I improve Arg_I their Arg_I learning Arg_I condition Arg_I . O Therefore, O we O can O commence O to O agree O that O certain Arg_B facilities Arg_I are Arg_I beneficial Arg_I to Arg_I students Arg_I . O Moreover, O another O equally O crucial O aspect O is O that O students Arg_B are Arg_I not Arg_I always Arg_I staying Arg_I in Arg_I classrooms Arg_I . O They Arg_B have Arg_I numerous Arg_I activities Arg_I in Arg_I school Arg_I . O Consider Arg_B a Arg_I circumstance Arg_I in Arg_I which Arg_I a Arg_I student Arg_I who Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I member Arg_I of Arg_I jazz Arg_I ensemble Arg_I in Arg_I their Arg_I school Arg_I . O He Arg_B must Arg_I need Arg_I a Arg_I better Arg_I auditorium Arg_I for Arg_I him Arg_I to Arg_I have Arg_I an Arg_I extraordinary Arg_I performance Arg_I . O With Arg_B this Arg_I distinguished Arg_I performance, Arg_I the Arg_I student Arg_I would Arg_I acquire Arg_I an Arg_I unforgettable Arg_I and Arg_I valuable Arg_I experience Arg_I burring Arg_I deeply Arg_I in Arg_I his Arg_I mind Arg_I . O Hence, O from O this O case, O we O are O capable O of O stating O that O students Arg_B would Arg_I prefer Arg_I school Arg_I to Arg_I spending Arg_I on Arg_I improving Arg_I facilities Arg_I . O Admittedly, O on O the O other O hand, O there O might O be O some O people O proclaiming O that O schools Arg_B should Arg_I spend Arg_I money Arg_I on Arg_I hiring Arg_I prestigious Arg_I teachers Arg_I because O they Arg_B can Arg_I impart Arg_I their Arg_I students Arg_I well Arg_I . O However, O according O to O my O limited O understanding, O I O just O doubt O the O credibility O of O that O saying O owing O to O its O imprudence O . O A Arg_B student Arg_I is Arg_I good Arg_I or Arg_I not Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I depend Arg_I on Arg_I whether Arg_I he Arg_I has Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I teacher Arg_I but Arg_I is Arg_I decided Arg_I by Arg_I his Arg_I effort Arg_I on Arg_I study Arg_I . O It Arg_B is Arg_I useless Arg_I to Arg_I hire Arg_I a Arg_I super Arg_I famous Arg_I teacher Arg_I to Arg_I teach Arg_I those Arg_I who Arg_I behaviors Arg_I as Arg_I sluggards Arg_I . O Based O on O the O reasons O demonstrate O above, O I O believe O that O improving Arg_B facilities Arg_I is Arg_I the Arg_I best Arg_I way Arg_I for Arg_I school Arg_I because O the Arg_B advantages Arg_I of Arg_I this Arg_I are Arg_I relatively Arg_I greater Arg_I than Arg_I that Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I other Arg_I . O In O other O words, O students Arg_B can Arg_I procure Arg_I more Arg_I advantages Arg_I from Arg_I better Arg_I facilities Arg_I . O It O is O not O to O say, O of O course, O that O other O points O of O view O are O completely O without O merit O . O Still, O I O an O firmly O convinced O that O the O reasons O I O have O proposed O in O favor O of O my O sentiment O are O much O more O tenable O and O cogent O . O High O schools O must O be O responsible O for O their O future O with O well-planned O curriculum O Some O people O state O that O high O schools O should O allow O students O to O study O what O they O want O to O . O They O believe O this O motivates O students O to O study O . O I O think, O however, O students Arg_B should Arg_I study Arg_I a Arg_I broad Arg_I range Arg_I of Arg_I subjects Arg_I from Arg_I literature Arg_I to Arg_I mathematics Arg_I . O I O believe O that O tertiary Arg_B education Arg_I should Arg_I make Arg_I students Arg_I prepare Arg_I for Arg_I specialization Arg_I at Arg_I university Arg_I . O In O addition, O it Arg_B should Arg_I be Arg_I to Arg_I some Arg_I extent Arg_I paternalistic Arg_I to Arg_I prevent Arg_I students Arg_I from Arg_I avoiding Arg_I hurdles Arg_I . O To O begin O with, O students Arg_B have Arg_I to Arg_I find Arg_I one Arg_I or Arg_I more Arg_I fields Arg_I of Arg_I study Arg_I in Arg_I which Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I really Arg_I interested Arg_I . O They Arg_B should Arg_I not Arg_I decide Arg_I their Arg_I future Arg_I major Arg_I without Arg_I trying Arg_I a Arg_I broad Arg_I range Arg_I of Arg_I subjects, Arg_I otherwise Arg_I they Arg_I might Arg_I miss Arg_I valuable Arg_I encounter Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I subject Arg_I . O For O instance, O a Arg_B would-be Arg_I mathematician Arg_I student Arg_I may Arg_I be Arg_I strongly Arg_I intrigued Arg_I by Arg_I philosophy Arg_I and Arg_I make Arg_I a Arg_I success Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I field Arg_I . O Next, O students Arg_B should Arg_I obtain Arg_I knowledge Arg_I from Arg_I a Arg_I variety Arg_I of Arg_I academic Arg_I fields Arg_I . O General Arg_B education Arg_I plays Arg_I a Arg_I significant Arg_I role Arg_I in Arg_I specialized Arg_I education Arg_I . O Science Arg_B today, Arg_I for Arg_I example, Arg_I is Arg_I said Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I more Arg_I and Arg_I more Arg_I specialized, Arg_I but Arg_I in Arg_I order Arg_I to Arg_I solve Arg_I a Arg_I problem Arg_I scientists Arg_I have Arg_I to Arg_I combine Arg_I knowledge Arg_I from Arg_I chemistry Arg_I to Arg_I physics Arg_I . O In O addition, O although O textbooks Arg_B used Arg_I in Arg_I higher Arg_I education Arg_I are Arg_I labelled Arg_I particular Arg_I subjects, Arg_I in Arg_I fact Arg_I they Arg_I require Arg_I basic Arg_I understanding Arg_I of Arg_I other Arg_I subjects Arg_I . O For O instance, O you Arg_B sometimes Arg_I need Arg_I knowledge Arg_I about Arg_I physics Arg_I to Arg_I read Arg_I a Arg_I text Arg_I on Arg_I chemistry Arg_I . O Therefore, O high Arg_B school Arg_I students Arg_I should Arg_I learn Arg_I broadly Arg_I and Arg_I prepare Arg_I future Arg_I learning Arg_I at Arg_I university Arg_I . O Last O but O not O least, O students Arg_B have Arg_I tendency Arg_I to Arg_I shun Arg_I difficulties Arg_I . O They Arg_B might Arg_I avoid Arg_I tough Arg_I courses, Arg_I but Arg_I instead Arg_I attend Arg_I mainly Arg_I Mickey Arg_I Mouse Arg_I courses Arg_I and Arg_I enjoy Arg_I themselves Arg_I too Arg_I much Arg_I . O This Arg_B might Arg_I result Arg_I in Arg_I limited Arg_I choices Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I future Arg_I . O Therefore, O schools Arg_B should Arg_I be Arg_I responsible Arg_I for Arg_I their Arg_I future Arg_I and Arg_I protect Arg_I them Arg_I . O In O summary, O students Arg_B should Arg_I find Arg_I interesting Arg_I subjects Arg_I and Arg_I acquire Arg_I general Arg_I knowledge Arg_I to Arg_I prepare Arg_I higher Arg_I education Arg_I at Arg_I tertiary Arg_I education Arg_I . O Besides, O high O school O must O be O responsible O for O their O future O with O well-planned O curriculum O . O The O importance O of O games O for O adults O comparing O to O children O As O people O grow O up, O the O arguments O about O the O importance O of O games O arise O . O Some O people O think O that, O adults O need O playing O games O as O children O do O . O However, O in O my O opinion, O games Arg_B are Arg_I no Arg_I longer Arg_I too Arg_I important Arg_I for Arg_I them Arg_I for O several O reasons O . O The O first O reason O is O that O games Arg_B become Arg_I unnecessary Arg_I for Arg_I people Arg_I when Arg_I their Arg_I careers Arg_I begin Arg_I . O Someone Arg_B may Arg_I argue Arg_I that Arg_I games Arg_I help Arg_I adults Arg_I relax Arg_I and Arg_I become Arg_I more Arg_I balanced Arg_I in Arg_I life Arg_I . O But, O more O often, O the O pressure O of O work O and O family O commitment O force O them O to O abandon O their O lifelong O hobbies, O and O as O a O result, O they Arg_B cannot Arg_I spend Arg_I enough Arg_I time Arg_I and Arg_I effort Arg_I to Arg_I their Arg_I favorite Arg_I games Arg_I as Arg_I they Arg_I did Arg_I in Arg_I 15 Arg_I or Arg_I 20 Arg_I years Arg_I ago Arg_I . O For O example, O in Arg_B my Arg_I country, Arg_I except Arg_I for Arg_I a Arg_I minor Arg_I part Arg_I of Arg_I professional Arg_I athletes, Arg_I the Arg_I majority Arg_I of Arg_I people Arg_I stop Arg_I playing Arg_I games Arg_I seriously Arg_I as Arg_I soon Arg_I as Arg_I they Arg_I find Arg_I a Arg_I decent Arg_I job Arg_I . O They Arg_B often Arg_I feel Arg_I that Arg_I such Arg_I games Arg_I become Arg_I more Arg_I troublesome Arg_I than Arg_I enjoyable Arg_I for Arg_I their Arg_I daily Arg_I lives Arg_I . O Another O reason O should O be O mentioned O is O that O adults Arg_B often Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I pursue Arg_I games Arg_I as Arg_I a Arg_I competitive Arg_I activity, Arg_I while Arg_I children Arg_I are Arg_I always Arg_I keen Arg_I on Arg_I competition Arg_I and Arg_I winning Arg_I . O For Arg_B youngsters, Arg_I maintaining Arg_I their Arg_I desire Arg_I to Arg_I win Arg_I often Arg_I develops Arg_I many Arg_I outstanding Arg_I characteristics Arg_I whether Arg_I they Arg_I participate Arg_I sport Arg_I events Arg_I or Arg_I not Arg_I . O For O example, O my Arg_B younger Arg_I sister Arg_I likes Arg_I fencing, Arg_I and Arg_I thanks Arg_I to Arg_I her Arg_I desire Arg_I to Arg_I win, Arg_I she Arg_I never Arg_I gives Arg_I up Arg_I when Arg_I facing Arg_I a Arg_I difficult Arg_I situation, Arg_I or Arg_I even Arg_I becoming Arg_I hurt Arg_I . O On O the O other O hand, O adults Arg_B often Arg_I consider Arg_I such Arg_I behaviors Arg_I as Arg_I childish Arg_I and Arg_I drop Arg_I them Arg_I immediately Arg_I . O In O fact, O a Arg_B competitive Arg_I person Arg_I usually Arg_I finds Arg_I it Arg_I difficult Arg_I to Arg_I cooperate Arg_I with Arg_I friends Arg_I and Arg_I colleagues Arg_I . O Because O of O that, O they Arg_B no Arg_I longer Arg_I play Arg_I games Arg_I for Arg_I any Arg_I moderate Arg_I achievements, Arg_I and Arg_I gradually Arg_I lose Arg_I their Arg_I interest Arg_I in Arg_I such Arg_I activities Arg_I . O To O sum O up, O I O think O adults Arg_B do Arg_I need Arg_I to Arg_I play Arg_I games, Arg_I but Arg_I their Arg_I styles Arg_I are Arg_I often Arg_I distinct Arg_I from Arg_I children's, Arg_I which Arg_I are Arg_I often Arg_I less Arg_I competitive Arg_I and Arg_I more Arg_I enjoyable Arg_I . O Along Arg_B with Arg_I the Arg_I high Arg_I requirement Arg_I for Arg_I family Arg_I and Arg_I work, Arg_I games Arg_I are Arg_I just Arg_I some Arg_I leisure Arg_I activities Arg_I for Arg_I adults, Arg_I not Arg_I something Arg_I necessary Arg_I as Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I meant Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I for Arg_I children Arg_I . O Opinions O regarding O world O culture O There O are O many O different O opinions O regarding O world O culture O . O Some O people O think O that O all O the O countries O in O the O world O cannot O have O a O single O culture O . O However, O in O my O view, O a Arg_B single Arg_I modern Arg_I culture Arg_I is Arg_I being Arg_I created Arg_I by Arg_I modern Arg_I technology Arg_I for O the O following O reasons O . O Firstly, O most Arg_B of Arg_I the Arg_I countries Arg_I have Arg_I the Arg_I same Arg_I educational Arg_I system Arg_I based Arg_I on Arg_I technology Arg_I . O Teachers Arg_B give Arg_I topics Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I students Arg_I who Arg_I should Arg_I research Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I internet Arg_I to Arg_I find Arg_I data, Arg_I and Arg_I then Arg_I students Arg_I should Arg_I type Arg_I their Arg_I research Arg_I by Arg_I using Arg_I computer Arg_I and Arg_I even Arg_I give Arg_I a Arg_I presentation Arg_I by Arg_I using Arg_I PowerPoint Arg_I . O For O example, O students Arg_B who Arg_I are Arg_I studying Arg_I in Arg_I Iran Arg_I use Arg_I the Arg_I same Arg_I software, Arg_I Microsoft, Arg_I to Arg_I type Arg_I their Arg_I homework Arg_I or Arg_I have Arg_I presentation Arg_I compared Arg_I to Arg_I Canadian Arg_I students Arg_I . O Secondly, O new Arg_B technology Arg_I has Arg_I created Arg_I some Arg_I similar Arg_I jobs Arg_I all Arg_I around Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I . O Computer Arg_B technology Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I growing Arg_I job Arg_I in Arg_I most Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I countries, Arg_I and Arg_I students Arg_I are Arg_I being Arg_I encouraged Arg_I to Arg_I study Arg_I in Arg_I this Arg_I field Arg_I . O For O example, O many Arg_B immigrants Arg_I in Arg_I Canada Arg_I who Arg_I have Arg_I the Arg_I degree Arg_I in Arg_I computer Arg_I technology Arg_I fields Arg_I can Arg_I easily Arg_I go Arg_I to Arg_I Canadian Arg_I universities Arg_I and Arg_I find Arg_I jobs Arg_I with Arg_I good Arg_I salaries Arg_I . O This O example O shows O that O jobs Arg_B that Arg_I are Arg_I related Arg_I to Arg_I technology Arg_I are Arg_I in Arg_I demand Arg_I in Arg_I most Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I countries Arg_I . O Some O people O might O argue O that O there Arg_B are Arg_I some Arg_I cultures Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I making Arg_I foods Arg_I which Arg_I are Arg_I unicq Arg_I in Arg_I each Arg_I culture, Arg_I and Arg_I technology Arg_I cannot Arg_I affect Arg_I them Arg_I . O This O point O has O some O merits O on O the O surface; O however, O many Arg_B countries Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I Canada, Arg_I the Arg_I USA, Arg_I and Arg_I British Arg_I have Arg_I many Arg_I restaurants Arg_I which Arg_I serve Arg_I many Arg_I foods Arg_I form Arg_I different Arg_I countries Arg_I and Arg_I cultures Arg_I . O In O fact, O cooks Arg_B can Arg_I find Arg_I many Arg_I new Arg_I food Arg_I recipes Arg_I easily Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I Internet Arg_I . O For O example, O two Arg_B days Arg_I ago, Arg_I I Arg_I went Arg_I to Arg_I a Arg_I Canadian Arg_I restaurant, Arg_I and Arg_I I Arg_I ate Arg_I noodle, Arg_I sushi, Arg_I which Arg_I are Arg_I Chinese Arg_I foods, Arg_I and Arg_I Greek Arg_I salad Arg_I . O To O sum O up, O new Arg_B technology Arg_I has Arg_I affected Arg_I cultures Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I world, Arg_I and Arg_I we Arg_I can Arg_I see Arg_I many Arg_I similarities Arg_I in Arg_I many Arg_I cultures Arg_I . O In O fact, O new Arg_B technology Arg_I has Arg_I influences Arg_I on Arg_I educational Arg_I system, Arg_I jobs Arg_I and Arg_I foods Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I . O Reading O fictions O is O more O pleasant O There O are O many O different O opinions O regarding O hobbies O . O Some O people O would O rather O watch O TV O . O However, O in O my O view, O reading Arg_B fiction Arg_I is Arg_I more Arg_I enjoyable Arg_I than Arg_I watching Arg_I movies Arg_I for O the O following O reasons O . O Firstly, O fiction Arg_B books Arg_I pay Arg_I more Arg_I attention Arg_I to Arg_I details Arg_I . O In O fact, O we Arg_B can Arg_I know Arg_I characters, Arg_I places, Arg_I and Arg_I times Arg_I of Arg_I a Arg_I novel Arg_I very Arg_I well Arg_I during Arg_I reading Arg_I it Arg_I . O Most Arg_B of Arg_I the Arg_I novels Arg_I describe Arg_I not Arg_I only Arg_I main Arg_I characters Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I other Arg_I people Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I novels, Arg_I where Arg_I each Arg_I scene Arg_I is Arg_I happening Arg_I . O For O example, O after Arg_B I Arg_I read Arg_I animal Arg_I farms Arg_I which Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I story Arg_I of Arg_I Russian Arg_I revolution, Arg_I I Arg_I could Arg_I understand Arg_I the Arg_I leaders Arg_I and Arg_I different Arg_I segments Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I Russian Arg_I people Arg_I . O However, O a Arg_B movie Arg_I just Arg_I gives Arg_I us Arg_I a Arg_I very Arg_I small Arg_I review Arg_I of Arg_I its Arg_I stories Arg_I and Arg_I characters Arg_I . O Secondly, O reading Arg_B a Arg_I novel Arg_I is Arg_I more Arg_I convenient Arg_I . O Some Arg_B novels Arg_I have Arg_I around Arg_I 100 Arg_I pages Arg_I and Arg_I readers Arg_I cannot Arg_I finish Arg_I them Arg_I in Arg_I just Arg_I one Arg_I hour Arg_I . O Yet Arg_B these Arg_I people Arg_I can Arg_I continue Arg_I to Arg_I read Arg_I their Arg_I novels Arg_I wherever Arg_I they Arg_I find Arg_I free Arg_I time Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I in Arg_I bus Arg_I or Arg_I trains Arg_I . O For O example, O I Arg_B have Arg_I started Arg_I to Arg_I read Arg_I a Arg_I novel Arg_I since Arg_I last Arg_I week Arg_I . O I Arg_B do Arg_I not Arg_I have Arg_I enough Arg_I time Arg_I to Arg_I read Arg_I a Arg_I novel Arg_I in Arg_I one Arg_I day, Arg_I so Arg_I I Arg_I usually Arg_I read Arg_I it Arg_I when Arg_I I Arg_I am Arg_I coming Arg_I home Arg_I from Arg_I English Arg_I class Arg_I . O In O contrast, O I Arg_B cannot Arg_I watch Arg_I a Arg_I complete Arg_I movie Arg_I because O I Arg_B can Arg_I just Arg_I sit Arg_I in Arg_I front Arg_I of Arg_I TV Arg_I for Arg_I 15 Arg_I minutes Arg_I and Arg_I after Arg_I that, Arg_I I Arg_I have Arg_I to Arg_I study Arg_I . O Some O people O might O argue O that O people Arg_B enjoy Arg_I watching Arg_I TV Arg_I when O they O know O they Arg_B can Arg_I learn Arg_I many Arg_I things Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I learning Arg_I a Arg_I language Arg_I by Arg_I watching Arg_I movies Arg_I . O This O point O has O some O merits O on O the O surface; O however, O movies Arg_B are Arg_I not Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I idea Arg_I to Arg_I learn Arg_I a Arg_I language Arg_I for Arg_I beginners Arg_I since O characters Arg_B in Arg_I movies Arg_I speak Arg_I very Arg_I fast Arg_I and Arg_I unclear Arg_I for Arg_I language Arg_I learners Arg_I . O For Arg_B these Arg_I learners Arg_I it Arg_I is Arg_I better Arg_I to Arg_I start Arg_I by Arg_I reading Arg_I some Arg_I novels Arg_I which Arg_I are Arg_I more Arg_I comprehensible Arg_I and Arg_I enjoyable Arg_I . O To O sum O up, O reading Arg_B fictions Arg_I is Arg_I more Arg_I pleasant Arg_I because O these Arg_B books Arg_I have Arg_I more Arg_I depth, Arg_I are Arg_I much Arg_I easier Arg_I to Arg_I use, Arg_I and Arg_I more Arg_I useful Arg_I for Arg_I language Arg_I learners Arg_I . O Various O local O languages O are O becoming O extinct O Today, O English O is O commonly O used O language O across O the O world O . O Its O usage O is O increasing O day O by O day O . O As O a O consequence, O various O local O languages O are O becoming O extinct O . O Some O people O argue O that, O this O is O a O positive O change O and O would O help O people O to O easily O communicate O . O While O there O are O others O who O disagree O with O this O and O are O more O concerned O about O dying O local O languages O . O In O my O opinion, O I O believe O using Arg_B single Arg_I language Arg_I through Arg_I out Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I positive Arg_I change Arg_I which Arg_I is Arg_I helping Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I to Arg_I become Arg_I a Arg_I better Arg_I place Arg_I to Arg_I live Arg_I . O A Arg_B world Arg_I with Arg_I fewer Arg_I languages Arg_I helps Arg_I us Arg_I interact Arg_I with Arg_I each Arg_I other Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I better Arg_I way Arg_I . O Due Arg_B to Arg_I globalization, Arg_I many Arg_I people Arg_I are Arg_I traveling Arg_I for Arg_I professional Arg_I trips Arg_I . O So, O communicating Arg_B in Arg_I single Arg_I language Arg_I will Arg_I reduce Arg_I the Arg_I problems Arg_I of Arg_I travelers Arg_I in Arg_I daily Arg_I activities Arg_I like Arg_I ordering Arg_I food Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I restaurant Arg_I or Arg_I in Arg_I going Arg_I around Arg_I places Arg_I . O Furthermore, O students Arg_B who Arg_I migrate Arg_I for Arg_I better Arg_I education Arg_I would Arg_I not Arg_I have Arg_I to Arg_I go Arg_I through Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I stress Arg_I as O they Arg_B can Arg_I easily Arg_I make Arg_I new Arg_I friends Arg_I and Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I part Arg_I of Arg_I any Arg_I discussions Arg_I which Arg_I is Arg_I otherwise Arg_I not Arg_I possible Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I world Arg_I with Arg_I multiple Arg_I languages; Arg_I this Arg_I in Arg_I turn Arg_I makes Arg_I it Arg_I easy Arg_I to Arg_I adjust Arg_I in Arg_I new Arg_I environment Arg_I . O Single Arg_B language Arg_I also Arg_I reduces Arg_I misunderstandings Arg_I between Arg_I people Arg_I . O Adding O to O that, O exchange Arg_B of Arg_I knowledge Arg_I in Arg_I different Arg_I sectors Arg_I of Arg_I research Arg_I like Arg_I electronics, Arg_I medical, Arg_I astronomy Arg_I etc Arg_I would Arg_I become Arg_I easier Arg_I . O On O the O other O hand, O few Arg_B people Arg_I are Arg_I worried Arg_I about Arg_I the Arg_I dying Arg_I local Arg_I languages Arg_I . O These Arg_B languages Arg_I are Arg_I the Arg_I basis Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I origination Arg_I and Arg_I initial Arg_I communication Arg_I between Arg_I different Arg_I cultures Arg_I . O They Arg_B represent Arg_I local Arg_I culture Arg_I . O As Arg_B the Arg_I usage Arg_I of Arg_I these Arg_I languages Arg_I decrease, Arg_I culture Arg_I also Arg_I changes Arg_I accordingly Arg_I . O Further, O these Arg_B languages Arg_I are Arg_I tightly Arg_I coupled Arg_I with Arg_I history; Arg_I all Arg_I the Arg_I olden Arg_I day Arg_I literature Arg_I and Arg_I scripts Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I impossible Arg_I to Arg_I decipher Arg_I if Arg_I these Arg_I languages Arg_I are Arg_I lost Arg_I . O To O conclude, O I O believe O change Arg_B is Arg_I inevitable Arg_I and Arg_I that Arg_I usage Arg_I of Arg_I one Arg_I language Arg_I across Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I positive Arg_I one Arg_I . O We O have O to O accept O these O changes O for O a O world O to O be O a O better O place O . O Communication Arg_B in Arg_I single Arg_I language Arg_I would Arg_I improve Arg_I the Arg_I productivity Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I and Arg_I brings Arg_I everyone Arg_I on Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I same Arg_I page Arg_I . O Do O you O believe O that O elderly O people O used O to O live O in O a O better O world? O Changes O are O inseparable O parts O of O this O world O which O normally O humans O are O responsible O for O by O manipulating O the O environment O they O live O in O . O Sometimes O these O changes O adversely O affect O our O lives O that O make O elderly O people O think O they O used O to O live O in O a O better O world O than O the O modern O world O the O younger O generation O are O experiencing O . O I O utterly O disagree O with O this O opinion O due O to O technological O and O medical O reasons O . O We Arg_B live Arg_I in Arg_I an Arg_I era Arg_I that Arg_I technology Arg_I is Arg_I developing Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I speed Arg_I of Arg_I light, Arg_I steering Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I toward Arg_I a Arg_I much Arg_I more Arg_I convenient Arg_I place Arg_I . O A Arg_B clear-cut Arg_I example Arg_I that Arg_I supports Arg_I this Arg_I idea Arg_I is Arg_I the Arg_I invention Arg_I of Arg_I smart Arg_I phones Arg_I . O The Arg_B strong Arg_I navigation Arg_I system Arg_I installed Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I phones Arg_I has Arg_I been Arg_I rescued Arg_I lives Arg_I of Arg_I many Arg_I who Arg_I left Arg_I alone Arg_I in Arg_I remote Arg_I areas Arg_I like Arg_I forests Arg_I or Arg_I deserts Arg_I . O Moreover, O some Arg_B people Arg_I criticize Arg_I social Arg_I networks Arg_I as Arg_I tools Arg_I that Arg_I have Arg_I ruined Arg_I true Arg_I relationships Arg_I and Arg_I friendships Arg_I by Arg_I reducing Arg_I face-to-face Arg_I communication Arg_I . O In O my O opinion O though, O social Arg_B networks Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I Facebook Arg_I could Arg_I foster Arg_I the Arg_I ties Arg_I between Arg_I friends Arg_I and Arg_I family Arg_I members Arg_I who Arg_I are Arg_I obligatorily Arg_I far Arg_I away Arg_I from Arg_I each Arg_I other Arg_I by Arg_I keeping Arg_I them Arg_I in Arg_I touch, Arg_I the Arg_I thing Arg_I that Arg_I was Arg_I impossible Arg_I less Arg_I than Arg_I 20 Arg_I years Arg_I ago Arg_I . O The Arg_B phenomenal Arg_I progress Arg_I in Arg_I medical Arg_I science Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I last Arg_I decade Arg_I was Arg_I a Arg_I huge Arg_I achievement Arg_I for Arg_I human Arg_I being Arg_I to Arg_I make Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I a Arg_I healthier Arg_I and, Arg_I thus, Arg_I a Arg_I happier Arg_I place Arg_I to Arg_I live Arg_I in Arg_I . O Today, O even Arg_B some Arg_I disabled Arg_I people Arg_I with Arg_I serious Arg_I vertebral Arg_I injuries Arg_I can Arg_I start Arg_I doing Arg_I physical Arg_I activities Arg_I like Arg_I walking Arg_I again Arg_I thanks Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I continuingly Arg_I efforts Arg_I of Arg_I biomechanical Arg_I engineers Arg_I and Arg_I neurologists Arg_I . O The Arg_B advancement Arg_I in Arg_I drug Arg_I delivery Arg_I systems Arg_I is Arg_I another Arg_I example Arg_I that Arg_I could Arg_I save Arg_I lives Arg_I . O To O be O specific, O scientists Arg_B could Arg_I invent Arg_I ways Arg_I to Arg_I lead Arg_I drugs Arg_I directly Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I damaged Arg_I organs Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I body, Arg_I which Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I miraculous Arg_I breakthrough Arg_I . O In O general, O the Arg_B increase Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I average Arg_I age Arg_I of Arg_I human Arg_I from Arg_I 50 Arg_I to Arg_I around Arg_I 75 Arg_I years Arg_I through Arg_I last Arg_I decades Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I strong Arg_I evidence Arg_I to Arg_I show Arg_I how Arg_I successful Arg_I human Arg_I was Arg_I in Arg_I medicine Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O even O though O the Arg_B people Arg_I from Arg_I older Arg_I generation Arg_I may Arg_I claim Arg_I they Arg_I had Arg_I better Arg_I life Arg_I as O there O were O stronger O bonds O between O family O members O and O friends, O I O think O they O are O wrong, O since O they Arg_B judge Arg_I the Arg_I contemporary Arg_I age Arg_I through Arg_I a Arg_I personal Arg_I prejudice Arg_I . O In O light O of O the O above-mentioned O facts, O one O can O easily O conclude O that O in Arg_B the Arg_I current Arg_I world Arg_I living Arg_I standards Arg_I stand Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I much Arg_I higher Arg_I level Arg_I and Arg_I people Arg_I are Arg_I in Arg_I better Arg_I conditions Arg_I socially Arg_I and Arg_I physically Arg_I . O Higher O school O students O should O be O taught O how O to O manage O money O There O is O no O doubt O that O money O has O become O key O ingredient O in O various O walks O of O our O life O than O before O . O Teaching O financial O management O to O juvenile O students O is O always O a O topic O of O debate O . O Some O people O feel O that O teaching O money O management O skill O to O teenage O students O will O help O them O realise O the O importance O of O money, O while O few O feel O that O exposing O children O to O money O math O at O this O age O may O turn O fatal O . O In O my O view, O I O agree O to O that O fact O that O higher Arg_B school Arg_I students Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I made Arg_I aware Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I money Arg_I management Arg_I . O The O reason O why O I O think O teenage Arg_B students Arg_I need Arg_I to Arg_I understand Arg_I the Arg_I money Arg_I management Arg_I basics Arg_I is, O primarily O when Arg_B secondary Arg_I school Arg_I students Arg_I attain Arg_I the Arg_I age Arg_I of Arg_I undergoing Arg_I graduation, Arg_I students Arg_I ought Arg_I to Arg_I stay Arg_I in Arg_I hostels Arg_I or Arg_I with Arg_I friends Arg_I and Arg_I away Arg_I from Arg_I family, Arg_I during Arg_I such Arg_I situations Arg_I when Arg_I money Arg_I management Arg_I is Arg_I taught Arg_I at Arg_I an Arg_I early Arg_I age Arg_I students Arg_I will Arg_I have Arg_I increased Arg_I sense Arg_I of Arg_I responsibility Arg_I and Arg_I confidence Arg_I . O For O example, O while Arg_B I Arg_I was Arg_I a Arg_I kid Arg_I my Arg_I father Arg_I used Arg_I to Arg_I maintain Arg_I expense Arg_I log Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I month, Arg_I I Arg_I was Arg_I asked Arg_I to Arg_I do Arg_I the Arg_I same Arg_I for Arg_I my Arg_I keep Arg_I track Arg_I of Arg_I my Arg_I pocket Arg_I money Arg_I expenses, Arg_I during Arg_I my Arg_I future Arg_I course Arg_I of Arg_I life Arg_I this Arg_I became Arg_I a Arg_I practice Arg_I and Arg_I helped Arg_I me Arg_I in Arg_I planning Arg_I my Arg_I expenses Arg_I . O In O addition, O if Arg_B financial Arg_I management Arg_I is Arg_I taught Arg_I at Arg_I an Arg_I early Arg_I age, Arg_I students Arg_I will Arg_I have Arg_I better Arg_I sense Arg_I of Arg_I understanding Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I family Arg_I financial Arg_I background Arg_I and Arg_I status, Arg_I students Arg_I coming Arg_I up Arg_I with Arg_I unrealistic Arg_I whims Arg_I and Arg_I fancies Arg_I are Arg_I minimized Arg_I . O For O example, O buying Arg_B a Arg_I gaming Arg_I console Arg_I may Arg_I not Arg_I be Arg_I a Arg_I big Arg_I deal Arg_I for Arg_I a Arg_I student Arg_I from Arg_I an Arg_I affluent Arg_I financial Arg_I background Arg_I . O However, O for Arg_B a Arg_I student Arg_I coming Arg_I from Arg_I middle Arg_I class Arg_I buying Arg_I a Arg_I gaming Arg_I console Arg_I may Arg_I not Arg_I be Arg_I the Arg_I need Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I hour Arg_I . O Hence, O having Arg_B exposed Arg_I to Arg_I money Arg_I management Arg_I at Arg_I a Arg_I high Arg_I school Arg_I level Arg_I will Arg_I help Arg_I them Arg_I in Arg_I prioritizing Arg_I the Arg_I financial Arg_I commitments Arg_I efficiently Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O I O think O students Arg_B understanding Arg_I the Arg_I money Arg_I management Arg_I techniques Arg_I will Arg_I have Arg_I more Arg_I positive Arg_I effects Arg_I than Arg_I negative Arg_I impact Arg_I . O However, O the O teaching O should O be O in O a O constructive O manner O and O students O should O not O feel O that O they O are O being O bullied O for O every O expense O . O Smoking O should O not O be O permitted O in O restaurants O Generally O speaking, O smoking O is O never O been O good O for O human's O body O . O There O are O so O many O researches O done O to O prove O that O a O cigar O contains O harmful O ingredients O for O human's O body O . O Although O many O smokers O claim O that O they O need O to O smoke O in O order O to O work O more O effectively O or O to O think O more O creatively, O those O reasons O never O proves O that O smoking O has O any O benefits O for O human's O body O . O In O my O opinion, O smoking Arg_B should Arg_I not Arg_I be Arg_I permitted, Arg_I especially Arg_I in Arg_I public Arg_I places Arg_I like Arg_I restaurants Arg_I because O it Arg_B will Arg_I make Arg_I the Arg_I non-smokers Arg_I breathe Arg_I uncomfortably Arg_I . O First O of O all, O restaurants Arg_B are Arg_I places Arg_I where Arg_I people Arg_I come Arg_I and Arg_I pay Arg_I some Arg_I money Arg_I to Arg_I enjoy Arg_I their Arg_I meals Arg_I . O Smoking Arg_B in Arg_I restaurants Arg_I will Arg_I absolutely Arg_I disturb Arg_I other Arg_I people Arg_I in Arg_I enjoying Arg_I their Arg_I meals Arg_I . O They Arg_B will Arg_I not Arg_I be Arg_I able Arg_I to Arg_I enjoy Arg_I their Arg_I meals Arg_I while Arg_I breathing Arg_I in Arg_I smoke Arg_I around Arg_I them Arg_I . O Secondly, O restaurants Arg_B are Arg_I places Arg_I that Arg_I people Arg_I usually Arg_I come Arg_I with Arg_I their Arg_I families Arg_I . O This O means, O there Arg_B will Arg_I be Arg_I children, Arg_I grandparents, Arg_I as Arg_I well Arg_I as Arg_I pregnant Arg_I women Arg_I inside Arg_I the Arg_I restaurants Arg_I . O Smoking Arg_B in Arg_I restaurants Arg_I can Arg_I give Arg_I a Arg_I bad Arg_I example Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I children Arg_I . O Children Arg_B have Arg_I a Arg_I high Arg_I potential Arg_I to Arg_I imitate Arg_I what Arg_I adults Arg_I do Arg_I because O they Arg_B have Arg_I really Arg_I high Arg_I curiosity Arg_I towards Arg_I something Arg_I . O Smoking Arg_B in Arg_I restaurants Arg_I also Arg_I can Arg_I affect Arg_I the Arg_I elders' Arg_I health, Arg_I especially Arg_I if Arg_I they Arg_I have Arg_I problems Arg_I with Arg_I their Arg_I hearts Arg_I and Arg_I lungs Arg_I . O The Arg_B most Arg_I dangerous Arg_I people Arg_I that Arg_I would Arg_I be Arg_I affected Arg_I by Arg_I smoke Arg_I are Arg_I the Arg_I pregnant Arg_I women Arg_I because O they Arg_B will Arg_I breathe Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I contaminated Arg_I air Arg_I and Arg_I it Arg_I will Arg_I disrupt Arg_I the Arg_I growth Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I babies Arg_I . O Last O but O not O least, O passive Arg_B smokers Arg_I will Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I health Arg_I risks Arg_I . O When Arg_B they Arg_I are Arg_I around Arg_I the Arg_I active Arg_I smokers, Arg_I they Arg_I will Arg_I inhale Arg_I hazardous Arg_I smoke Arg_I . O Stroke, Arg_B heart Arg_I disorders, Arg_I hearing Arg_I loss, Arg_I and Arg_I cancers Arg_I are Arg_I some Arg_I diseases Arg_I that Arg_I can Arg_I attack Arg_I passive Arg_I smokers Arg_I . O Personally O speaking, O it Arg_B is Arg_I unfair Arg_I for Arg_I passive Arg_I smokers Arg_I because O they Arg_B do Arg_I not Arg_I smoke Arg_I but Arg_I they Arg_I have Arg_I same Arg_I health Arg_I risks Arg_I as Arg_I the Arg_I active Arg_I one Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O smoking Arg_B should Arg_I not Arg_I be Arg_I permitted Arg_I in Arg_I restaurants Arg_I because O there Arg_B will Arg_I be Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I people Arg_I get Arg_I disadvantaged Arg_I . O State O laws O that O prohibit O it O should O be O upheld O so O the O restaurant' O management O can O make O a O clear O rule O in O their O restaurants O because O everyone O has O a O right O to O enjoy O their O meals O . O Growing O violence O in O films O has O affected O youngsters O in O a O negative O way? O It's O obvious O that O violent O behavior O is O growing O more O in O films O in O recent O 20 O years O . O This O matter O has O been O considered O as O a O way O to O advertise O a O film O . O From O my O point O of O view, O I O believe O that O violence Arg_B in Arg_I movies Arg_I has Arg_I negative Arg_I effects Arg_I on Arg_I youngsters Arg_I mostly Arg_I on Arg_I their Arg_I behaviors, Arg_I emotions Arg_I & Arg_I study Arg_I . O In O the O first O place, O children Arg_B behaviors Arg_I are Arg_I the Arg_I most Arg_I concerning Arg_I matter Arg_I which Arg_I parents Arg_I are Arg_I always Arg_I trying Arg_I to Arg_I do Arg_I their Arg_I best Arg_I . O Nowadays Arg_B children Arg_I are Arg_I more Arg_I involved Arg_I in Arg_I TV Arg_I programs Arg_I . O Imagine Arg_B an Arg_I actor Arg_I who Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I child’s Arg_I favorite Arg_I is Arg_I doing Arg_I violent Arg_I roles Arg_I . O In Arg_B this Arg_I case, Arg_I the Arg_I child Arg_I would Arg_I imitate Arg_I the Arg_I actor's Arg_I behaviors Arg_I in Arg_I order Arg_I to Arg_I look Arg_I like Arg_I to Arg_I him Arg_I . O Thus, O unexpectedly Arg_B the Arg_I violent Arg_I behavior Arg_I has Arg_I effected Arg_I on Arg_I child’s Arg_I behaviors Arg_I . O Meanwhile, O human Arg_B beings Arg_I are Arg_I very Arg_I sensitive, Arg_I especially Arg_I of Arg_I youngsters Arg_I . O For O instance, O dying Arg_B is Arg_I always Arg_I a Arg_I disappointing Arg_I happening Arg_I . O Furthermore, O killing Arg_B is Arg_I worse Arg_I . O Therefore, O if Arg_B these Arg_I scenes Arg_I are Arg_I in Arg_I TV, Arg_I they Arg_I would Arg_I probably Arg_I have Arg_I their Arg_I negative Arg_I effects Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I viewer Arg_I who Arg_I could Arg_I be Arg_I a Arg_I child Arg_I . O Finally, O beside O all O above O mentioned O items, O the Arg_B study Arg_I of Arg_I youngsters Arg_I shall Arg_I always Arg_I been Arg_I controlled Arg_I . O For O example, O a Arg_B child Arg_I watches Arg_I a Arg_I frightening Arg_I movie Arg_I . O On O the O other O hand, O he Arg_B has Arg_I to Arg_I study Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I exam Arg_I . O In O this O condition, O because O he O is O thinking O about O the O movie O or O whatever O has O happened O in O it, O it Arg_B is Arg_I obvious Arg_I that Arg_I he Arg_I wouldn’t Arg_I be Arg_I able Arg_I to Arg_I concentrate Arg_I on Arg_I his Arg_I study Arg_I perfectly Arg_I . O Hence, O the Arg_B study Arg_I of Arg_I a Arg_I youngster Arg_I would Arg_I affected Arg_I terribly Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O I O certainly O can O say O that O growing Arg_B of Arg_I violence Arg_I in Arg_I films Arg_I have Arg_I definitely Arg_I negative Arg_I effects Arg_I on Arg_I youngsters Arg_I mostly Arg_I on Arg_I their Arg_I study, Arg_I emotions Arg_I and Arg_I behaviors Arg_I . O Therefore, O I O think O this O matter O should O be O controlled O by O parents O or O somehow O by O directors O . O Gossip-based O information O Nowadays O information O plays O an O important O role O in O our O world O . O It O has O become O a O product, O which O can O be O sold, O bought, O or O stolen O . O Some O people O say: O "information O is O power" O . O That's O why O it O is O so O important O to O be O well-informed O . O I O consider O the O statement O above O to O be O right O for O several O reasons O . O The O first O reason O is O that O by Arg_B using Arg_I different Arg_I sources Arg_I of Arg_I information Arg_I we Arg_I can Arg_I guarantee Arg_I its Arg_I reliability Arg_I . O Some Arg_B people Arg_I may Arg_I disinform Arg_I you Arg_I on Arg_I purpose, Arg_I that's Arg_I why Arg_I it Arg_I is Arg_I rather Arg_I unwise Arg_I to Arg_I make Arg_I conclusions Arg_I before Arg_I you Arg_I are Arg_I confident Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I information Arg_I . O For O example, O Russian Arg_B news Arg_I announced Arg_I that Arg_I the Arg_I war Arg_I between Arg_I Osetia Arg_I and Arg_I Georgia Arg_I had Arg_I been Arg_I initiated Arg_I by Arg_I Georgia, Arg_I however, Arg_I european Arg_I news Arg_I announced Arg_I that Arg_I it Arg_I was Arg_I initiated Arg_I by Arg_I Russia Arg_I . O After Arg_B a Arg_I while Arg_I the Arg_I situation Arg_I became Arg_I clear, Arg_I but Arg_I before Arg_I that Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I people Arg_I had Arg_I already Arg_I condemned Arg_I the Arg_I actions Arg_I of Arg_I Russia Arg_I . O Secondly, O it O is O very O important O to O know O facts O about O some O events O or O problem, O not O only O estimations, O because O it Arg_B can Arg_I help Arg_I you Arg_I to Arg_I make Arg_I your Arg_I own Arg_I conclusion Arg_I or Arg_I estimate Arg_I . O Sometimes O it O can O be O really O difficult O to O find O out O the O facts, O especially O in O the O internet, O that's O why O you Arg_B have Arg_I to Arg_I look Arg_I through Arg_I different Arg_I sources Arg_I before Arg_I you Arg_I manage Arg_I to Arg_I find Arg_I some Arg_I reliable Arg_I facts Arg_I . O It Arg_B is Arg_I possible Arg_I to Arg_I make Arg_I a Arg_I wrong Arg_I decision Arg_I because O you Arg_B have Arg_I just Arg_I used Arg_I someone's Arg_I personal Arg_I opinion Arg_I as Arg_I a Arg_I source Arg_I of Arg_I information, Arg_I but Arg_I it Arg_I was Arg_I actually Arg_I wrong Arg_I . O For O example, O several Arg_B years Arg_I ago Arg_I in Arg_I Moscow Arg_I salt Arg_I became Arg_I two Arg_I times Arg_I more Arg_I expensive Arg_I only Arg_I in Arg_I one Arg_I week, Arg_I because Arg_I people Arg_I thought Arg_I that Arg_I soon Arg_I there Arg_I would Arg_I be Arg_I no Arg_I salt Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I shops Arg_I . O The Arg_B gossip-based Arg_I information Arg_I dramatically Arg_I influenced Arg_I the Arg_I prices Arg_I and Arg_I only Arg_I after Arg_I official Arg_I announcement Arg_I the Arg_I "salt-panic" Arg_I was Arg_I over Arg_I . O To O conclude, O I O want O to O say O that O it Arg_B is Arg_I very Arg_I important Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I confident Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I information, Arg_I which Arg_I you Arg_I use, Arg_I especially Arg_I when Arg_I your Arg_I conclusion Arg_I or Arg_I decision Arg_I may Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I great Arg_I influence Arg_I . O Old O buildings O should O be O preserved O The O preservation O of O old O buildings O always O is O a O large O question O for O governments O because O conflict O between O the O issues O of O housing O for O citizens O and O the O protection O of O our O culture O . O In O my O opinion, O all Arg_B of Arg_I the Arg_I old Arg_I building Arg_I which Arg_I contribute Arg_I to Arg_I our Arg_I sense Arg_I of Arg_I culture Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I conserved Arg_I . O There O are O different O reasons O which O persuade O that O people O should O not O restore O old O buildings O . O As Arg_B a Arg_I result Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I rapid Arg_I urbanization Arg_I process, Arg_I in Arg_I which Arg_I rural Arg_I people Arg_I must Arg_I go Arg_I to Arg_I urban Arg_I centers Arg_I to Arg_I look Arg_I for Arg_I job Arg_I opportunities, Arg_I the Arg_I question Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I preservation Arg_I of Arg_I old Arg_I buildings Arg_I has Arg_I become Arg_I more Arg_I pressing Arg_I . O Because O of O that O need, O governments Arg_B can Arg_I construct Arg_I more Arg_I accommodation Arg_I instead Arg_I of Arg_I preserving Arg_I old Arg_I buildings Arg_I . O Besides O that, O the Arg_B preservation Arg_I is Arg_I very Arg_I expensive Arg_I because Arg_I all Arg_I components Arg_I of Arg_I old Arg_I buildings Arg_I have Arg_I historical Arg_I values Arg_I . O Old Arg_B buildings Arg_I are Arg_I an Arg_I essential Arg_I part Arg_I of Arg_I history Arg_I . O Tourist Arg_B often Arg_I decide Arg_I to Arg_I discover Arg_I the Arg_I culture Arg_I of Arg_I a Arg_I country Arg_I when Arg_I they Arg_I visit Arg_I through Arg_I those Arg_I old Arg_I buildings Arg_I . O Therefore, O managers Arg_B of Arg_I cities Arg_I can Arg_I earn Arg_I more Arg_I money Arg_I from Arg_I the Arg_I attraction Arg_I provided Arg_I by Arg_I old Arg_I buildings Arg_I and Arg_I that Arg_I amount Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I spent Arg_I on Arg_I their Arg_I conservation Arg_I . O Furthermore, O the Arg_B preservation Arg_I of Arg_I old Arg_I buildings Arg_I is Arg_I also Arg_I a Arg_I ways Arg_I to Arg_I conserve Arg_I our Arg_I culture Arg_I and Arg_I everyone Arg_I can Arg_I learn Arg_I much Arg_I from Arg_I them Arg_I . O Old Arg_B buildings Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I used Arg_I as Arg_I the Arg_I culture Arg_I museums Arg_I and Arg_I provide Arg_I accommodation Arg_I with Arg_I more Arg_I convenient Arg_I for Arg_I people Arg_I who Arg_I live Arg_I there Arg_I . O . O Many Arg_B cities Arg_I have Arg_I development Arg_I strategies Arg_I as Arg_I a Arg_I city Arg_I contains Arg_I both Arg_I unique Arg_I and Arg_I modern Arg_I beauty, Arg_I and Arg_I that Arg_I preservation Arg_I help Arg_I to Arg_I finish Arg_I half Arg_I of Arg_I work Arg_I . O Overall, O both O of O those O view O have O strong O arguments: O the O need O for O housing O or O the O expense O of O restoration O contrast O with O our O desire O to O conserve O culture O and O attract O tourism O . O So O I O think O we Arg_B should Arg_I restore Arg_I those Arg_I building Arg_I because O old Arg_B buildings Arg_I process Arg_I the Arg_I most Arg_I outstanding Arg_I feature Arg_I of Arg_I areas Arg_I which Arg_I contain Arg_I them Arg_I . O Popularity O of O mobile O phones O to O young O people O Nowadays, O many O young O people O consider O mobile O phone O as O the O most O important O thing O in O their O lives O as O it O keeps O them O constantly O organized O and O it O provides O much O convenience O for O them O to O reach O out O their O families O and O friends O . O Despite O all O these O positive O aspects, O I O think O that O the Arg_B popularity Arg_I of Arg_I mobile Arg_I phones Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I young Arg_I generation Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I bad Arg_I development Arg_I . O First O of O all, O many Arg_B young Arg_I owners Arg_I of Arg_I cellular Arg_I phones Arg_I are Arg_I struggling Arg_I at Arg_I school Arg_I because Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I distracted Arg_I most Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I time Arg_I with Arg_I their Arg_I phones Arg_I . O Games Arg_B and Arg_I applications Arg_I installed Arg_I in Arg_I phones Arg_I have Arg_I occupied Arg_I much Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I time, Arg_I leaving Arg_I them Arg_I lesser Arg_I time Arg_I for Arg_I their Arg_I studies Arg_I and Arg_I other Arg_I school Arg_I activities Arg_I . O Similarly, O internet Arg_B capable Arg_I phones Arg_I help Arg_I influence Arg_I the Arg_I young Arg_I ones Arg_I to Arg_I become Arg_I more Arg_I interested Arg_I in Arg_I chatting Arg_I and Arg_I social Arg_I sites Arg_I rather Arg_I than Arg_I doing Arg_I school Arg_I works Arg_I . O In Arg_B my Arg_I college Arg_I days, Arg_I I Arg_I was Arg_I once Arg_I addicted Arg_I to Arg_I a Arg_I certain Arg_I game Arg_I on Arg_I my Arg_I cellular Arg_I phone Arg_I . O I Arg_B have Arg_I spent Arg_I most Arg_I of Arg_I my Arg_I time Arg_I trying Arg_I to Arg_I reach Arg_I a Arg_I higher Arg_I level Arg_I to Arg_I show-off Arg_I to Arg_I my Arg_I friends Arg_I . O That Arg_B goal Arg_I has Arg_I led Arg_I me Arg_I to Arg_I my Arg_I lost Arg_I in Arg_I interest Arg_I on Arg_I doing Arg_I my Arg_I homework Arg_I and Arg_I I Arg_I ended Arg_I up Arg_I failing Arg_I one Arg_I subject Arg_I in Arg_I that Arg_I semester Arg_I . O Secondly, O juveniles Arg_B who Arg_I possess Arg_I mobile Arg_I phones Arg_I have Arg_I great Arg_I tendencies Arg_I to Arg_I become Arg_I materialistic Arg_I . O They Arg_B would Arg_I not Arg_I only Arg_I purchase Arg_I a Arg_I phone Arg_I because Arg_I of Arg_I its Arg_I functionality Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I for Arg_I its Arg_I brand Arg_I . O Relatively, O these Arg_B do Arg_I not Arg_I come Arg_I at Arg_I a Arg_I significant Arg_I and Arg_I inexpensive Arg_I cost Arg_I . O Furthermore, O most Arg_B of Arg_I these Arg_I juveniles Arg_I are Arg_I students Arg_I so O they Arg_B would Arg_I need Arg_I their Arg_I parents Arg_I to Arg_I support Arg_I them Arg_I financially Arg_I for Arg_I what Arg_I they Arg_I want Arg_I . O An Arg_B illustration Arg_I of Arg_I this Arg_I unfortunate Arg_I trend Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I seen Arg_I almost Arg_I everywhere Arg_I these Arg_I days, Arg_I wherein Arg_I most Arg_I teens Arg_I at Arg_I an Arg_I early Arg_I age Arg_I own Arg_I phones Arg_I which Arg_I are Arg_I worth Arg_I twice Arg_I the Arg_I salary Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I parents Arg_I . O This O clearly O shows O that O the Arg_B negative Arg_I impacts Arg_I brought Arg_I about Arg_I by Arg_I mobile Arg_I phones Arg_I are Arg_I harmful Arg_I to Arg_I a Arg_I person’s Arg_I education Arg_I and Arg_I character Arg_I . O Therefore, O I O highly O discourage O the O young O ones O to O be O overly O dependent O on O mobile O phones O . O Leisure O activities O - O Spend O your O free O time O outdoors O or O indoors O . O People O often O relax O themselves O by O joining O leisure O activities O . O Some O people O prefer O to O spend O their O free O time O indoors O . O But O from O my O experience, O I Arg_B myself Arg_I prefer Arg_I to Arg_I spend Arg_I my Arg_I leisure Arg_I time Arg_I outdoors Arg_I because O I O strongly O feel O that O it Arg_B is Arg_I good Arg_I for Arg_I health Arg_I and Arg_I keep Arg_I my Arg_I body Arg_I fit Arg_I . O Also, O outdoor Arg_B activities Arg_I enable Arg_I me Arg_I to Arg_I socialize Arg_I with Arg_I other Arg_I people Arg_I and Arg_I enjoy Arg_I natural Arg_I beauty Arg_I . O There O are O strong O advantages O to O spend O leisure O time O outdoors O . O One O benefit O is O that O doing Arg_B outdoor Arg_I activities Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I soccer Arg_I and Arg_I baseball Arg_I is Arg_I good Arg_I for Arg_I one's Arg_I health Arg_I . O For O instance, O last Arg_B year, Arg_I I Arg_I spent Arg_I my Arg_I summer Arg_I time Arg_I playing Arg_I soccer Arg_I and Arg_I baseball Arg_I . O Playing Arg_B baseball Arg_I provided Arg_I my Arg_I upper Arg_I body Arg_I for Arg_I hitting Arg_I and Arg_I throwing Arg_I . O Soccer, Arg_B on Arg_I the Arg_I other Arg_I hand, Arg_I developed Arg_I my Arg_I lower Arg_I body Arg_I for Arg_I kicking Arg_I and Arg_I endurance Arg_I for Arg_I playing Arg_I full Arg_I 90-minute-games Arg_I . O I O belive O that O practicing Arg_B these Arg_I sports Arg_I helped Arg_I me Arg_I greatly Arg_I . O Something O else O that O is O good O is O that O playing Arg_B these Arg_I sports Arg_I is Arg_I to Arg_I keep Arg_I my Arg_I body Arg_I fit, Arg_I make Arg_I me Arg_I ultimately Arg_I refreshed Arg_I . O After Arg_B that Arg_I summer, Arg_I my Arg_I body Arg_I is Arg_I stronger Arg_I and Arg_I endurance Arg_I is Arg_I better Arg_I . O Outdoor Arg_B activities Arg_I not Arg_I only Arg_I improves Arg_I my Arg_I health Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I gives Arg_I me Arg_I chances Arg_I to Arg_I communicate Arg_I with Arg_I more Arg_I people Arg_I . O When Arg_B I Arg_I was Arg_I ten Arg_I years Arg_I old, Arg_I I Arg_I was Arg_I a Arg_I shy Arg_I girl Arg_I . O My Arg_B mother Arg_I took Arg_I me Arg_I to Arg_I The Arg_I National Arg_I Camp Arg_I . O At Arg_B first, Arg_I I Arg_I just Arg_I ate Arg_I and Arg_I played Arg_I alone Arg_I . O But Arg_B on Arg_I the Arg_I third Arg_I day, Arg_I while Arg_I I Arg_I was Arg_I swimming, Arg_I a Arg_I friendly Arg_I girl Arg_I came Arg_I and Arg_I greeted Arg_I me, Arg_I we Arg_I became Arg_I friend Arg_I later Arg_I and Arg_I she Arg_I taught Arg_I me Arg_I how Arg_I to Arg_I swim Arg_I effectively Arg_I . O On Arg_B the Arg_I next Arg_I day, Arg_I we Arg_I played Arg_I together Arg_I and Arg_I she Arg_I introduced Arg_I me Arg_I to Arg_I her Arg_I friends Arg_I . O Thanks Arg_B to Arg_I her Arg_I and Arg_I outdoor Arg_I activities Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I going Arg_I skiing, Arg_I climbing Arg_I the Arg_I mountain, Arg_I I Arg_I had Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I friends Arg_I since Arg_I The Arg_I National Arg_I Camp Arg_I . O If, Arg_B for Arg_I example, Arg_I I Arg_I hadn't Arg_I participate Arg_I in Arg_I that Arg_I camping, Arg_I I Arg_I wouldn't Arg_I have Arg_I had Arg_I many Arg_I friends Arg_I like Arg_I today Arg_I . O Moreover, O you Arg_B can Arg_I also Arg_I enjoy Arg_I the Arg_I beautiful Arg_I nature Arg_I when Arg_I doing Arg_I some Arg_I outdoor Arg_I activities Arg_I like Arg_I going Arg_I hiking, Arg_I sunbathing, Arg_I going Arg_I biking Arg_I . O If Arg_B you Arg_I spend Arg_I your Arg_I spare Arg_I time Arg_I at Arg_I home Arg_I or Arg_I something Arg_I like Arg_I that, Arg_I you Arg_I can't Arg_I enjoy Arg_I beautiful Arg_I nature Arg_I . O Spending Arg_B time Arg_I outdoors, Arg_I people Arg_I can Arg_I breathe Arg_I fresh Arg_I air, Arg_I feel Arg_I the Arg_I warm Arg_I sun Arg_I on Arg_I their Arg_I face Arg_I and Arg_I enjoy Arg_I the Arg_I complete Arg_I peace Arg_I that Arg_I only Arg_I nature Arg_I brings Arg_I . O Admittedly, O indoor Arg_B activities Arg_I are Arg_I fun Arg_I . O There's Arg_B no Arg_I doubt Arg_I that Arg_I indoor Arg_I activities Arg_I like Arg_I reading Arg_I a Arg_I book, Arg_I watching Arg_I TV Arg_I or Arg_I listening Arg_I to Arg_I music Arg_I can Arg_I bring Arg_I us Arg_I lots Arg_I of Arg_I joy Arg_I . O Although O I O can O also O have O fun O in O indoor O activities, O this Arg_B advantage Arg_I cannot Arg_I outweigh Arg_I the Arg_I attractions Arg_I coming Arg_I from Arg_I outdoor Arg_I activities Arg_I . O After O all, O people O are O people O and O we O have O our O own O propensity O . O Leisure O activities O are O one O of O them O and O I Arg_B myself Arg_I choose Arg_I outdoor Arg_I activities Arg_I to Arg_I spend Arg_I my Arg_I leisure Arg_I time Arg_I . O Cheap O air O travel O should O be O encouraged? O In O recent O years, O many O airlines O offer O to O their O customers O more O and O more O number O of O cheap O flights O . O People O have O various O different O views O about O cheap O air O travel O . O Although O there O are O good O arguments O in O favour O of O this O trend O should O be O encouraged, O I O personally O think O that O cheap Arg_B flight Arg_I can Arg_I make Arg_I many Arg_I serious Arg_I problem Arg_I . O It O is O undeniable O that O cheap Arg_B air Arg_I fares Arg_I have Arg_I broadened Arg_I travel Arg_I possibilities Arg_I for Arg_I many Arg_I people, Arg_I particularly Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I lower Arg_I income Arg_I group Arg_I . O These Arg_B days, Arg_I millions Arg_I of Arg_I people Arg_I can Arg_I travel Arg_I around Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I for Arg_I work Arg_I or Arg_I pleasure Arg_I . O They Arg_B can Arg_I develop Arg_I their Arg_I careers, Arg_I broad Arg_I their Arg_I knowledge, Arg_I and Arg_I interact Arg_I with Arg_I many Arg_I other Arg_I people Arg_I from Arg_I varied Arg_I cultural Arg_I backgrounds Arg_I . O Moreover, O travels Arg_B also Arg_I help Arg_I to Arg_I promote Arg_I the Arg_I tourist Arg_I industry Arg_I development, Arg_I boost Arg_I the Arg_I economy Arg_I and Arg_I job Arg_I markets Arg_I of Arg_I many Arg_I countries Arg_I . O On O the O other O hand, O growing Arg_B of Arg_I cheap Arg_I flights Arg_I really Arg_I have Arg_I negative Arg_I impact Arg_I on Arg_I environment Arg_I . O Apparently, O more Arg_B flights Arg_I could Arg_I mean Arg_I bigger Arg_I and Arg_I busier Arg_I airport Arg_I that Arg_I may Arg_I be Arg_I grown Arg_I the Arg_I air Arg_I pollution Arg_I for Arg_I people Arg_I who Arg_I live Arg_I and Arg_I work Arg_I close Arg_I to Arg_I it Arg_I . O However, O the Arg_B biggest Arg_I concern Arg_I is Arg_I the Arg_I effect Arg_I on Arg_I global Arg_I warming Arg_I . O Burning Arg_B plane Arg_I fuel Arg_I can Arg_I releases Arg_I carbon Arg_I dioxid Arg_I into Arg_I environment Arg_I that Arg_I cause Arg_I the Arg_I Earth Arg_I to Arg_I heat Arg_I up Arg_I . O In O fact, O while Arg_B many Arg_I efforts Arg_I are Arg_I being Arg_I made Arg_I to Arg_I reduce Arg_I CO2 Arg_I emissions Arg_I from Arg_I cars Arg_I and Arg_I factories, Arg_I nothing Arg_I is Arg_I being Arg_I done Arg_I to Arg_I reins Arg_I the Arg_I airlines Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O I O would O argue O that O the Arg_B drawbacks Arg_I of Arg_I cheap Arg_I air Arg_I fares Arg_I outweigh Arg_I the Arg_I benefits Arg_I . O However, O it O does O not O mean O that O air O travel O should O be O more O expensive O . O Instead, O people O should O be O aware O of O their O responsibility O to O reduce O the O emissions O caused O by O their O lifestyle O choices O . O Salary O increases O and O promotions O to O new O positions O are O not O the O only O ways O It O is O unquestionable O that O salary O increases O and O promotions O to O new O positions O are O very O common O way O to O reward O employees O for O good O work O . O Besides O the O methods, O from O my O point O of O view, O providing Arg_B professional Arg_I training Arg_B can Arg_I be Arg_I effective Arg_I in Arg_I encouraging Arg_I further Arg_I good Arg_I work Arg_I . O My O arguments O for O this O point O are O listed O follows O . O Firstly, O training Arg_B time Arg_I can Arg_I provide Arg_I employee Arg_I interesting Arg_I time Arg_I outside Arg_I working Arg_I office Arg_I to Arg_I refresh Arg_I their Arg_I mind Arg_I . O Clearly, O in Arg_B company Arg_I we Arg_I always Arg_I have Arg_I to Arg_I deal Arg_I with Arg_I so Arg_I many Arg_I stressful Arg_I situations Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I negotiating Arg_I with Arg_I difficult Arg_I customer, Arg_I complaining Arg_I from Arg_I boss, Arg_I etc Arg_I . O Therefore, O we Arg_B can Arg_I unleash Arg_I uncomfortable Arg_I in Arg_I training Arg_I classes Arg_I by Arg_I making Arg_I new Arg_I friends, Arg_I joking Arg_I in Arg_I class, Arg_I enjoying Arg_I new Arg_I knowledge Arg_I . O Secondly, O employees Arg_B fell Arg_I that Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I valuable Arg_I if Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I trained Arg_I . O In O this O case, O the Arg_B employees Arg_I know Arg_I that Arg_I their Arg_I company Arg_I is Arg_I investing Arg_I on Arg_I them Arg_I for Arg_I future Arg_I development Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I company Arg_I . O So O obviously, O they Arg_B will Arg_I think Arg_I about Arg_I develop Arg_I long Arg_I term Arg_I career Arg_I with Arg_I their Arg_I company Arg_I . O For O another O thing, O employees Arg_B will Arg_I be Arg_I very Arg_I proud Arg_I of Arg_I themselves Arg_I when Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I provided Arg_I training Arg_I while Arg_I others Arg_I don't Arg_I have Arg_I this Arg_I opportunity Arg_I . O Thirdly, O providing Arg_B training Arg_I will Arg_I make Arg_I employees Arg_I happy Arg_I with Arg_I their Arg_I current Arg_I job Arg_I because O it Arg_B help Arg_I them Arg_I improve Arg_I their Arg_I professional Arg_I business Arg_I knowledge Arg_I . O Having O professional O training O help O employees O gain O more O confidence O in O their O business, O so O I O believe O that O they Arg_B will Arg_I finish Arg_I their Arg_I jobs Arg_I with Arg_I excellent Arg_I result Arg_I . O Of O course, O excellent Arg_B working Arg_I result Arg_I will Arg_I make Arg_I them Arg_I very Arg_I happy Arg_I as Arg_I well Arg_I as Arg_I their Arg_I boss Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O providing Arg_B professional Arg_I training Arg_I as Arg_I a Arg_I reward Arg_I for Arg_I good Arg_I work Arg_I has Arg_I many Arg_I advantages Arg_I . O Training Arg_B can Arg_I help Arg_I employees Arg_I refresh Arg_I their Arg_I mind Arg_I as Arg_I well Arg_I as Arg_I make Arg_I them Arg_I happy, Arg_I focus Arg_I on Arg_I work Arg_I . O Taking O into O account O of O all O these O factors, O we O may O reach O the O conclusion O that O training Arg_B can Arg_I be Arg_I effective Arg_I in Arg_I encouraging Arg_I further Arg_I good Arg_I work Arg_I . O Attending O university O classes O should O be O required O or O optional O Attending O university's O classes O is O one O of O activities O that O students O have O to O do O . O However, O class O is O not O the O only O source O of O knowledge O . O Students O also O learn O from O other O sources O such O as O experience, O libraries O and O other O people O . O I O think O going Arg_B to Arg_I classes Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I optional Arg_I for Arg_I students Arg_I for O the O following O reasons O . O Firstly, O the O reason O why O university O students O should O not O be O required O to O attend O class O is O sometimes Arg_B the Arg_I students Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I university Arg_I can Arg_I learn Arg_I better Arg_I from Arg_I other Arg_I sources Arg_I outside Arg_I the Arg_I class Arg_I room Arg_I . O Student Arg_B can Arg_I also Arg_I study Arg_I by Arg_I themselves Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I library Arg_I and Arg_I focus Arg_I on Arg_I only Arg_I the Arg_I topic Arg_I they Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I understand Arg_I . O For O example, O I Arg_B have Arg_I a Arg_I close Arg_I friend Arg_I who Arg_I was Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I same Arg_I department Arg_I with Arg_I me Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I university Arg_I . O She Arg_B learned Arg_I quickly Arg_I and Arg_I understood Arg_I everything Arg_I in Arg_I class Arg_I so Arg_I fast Arg_I . O Thus, O she Arg_B rarely Arg_I went Arg_I to Arg_I class Arg_I but Arg_I spent Arg_I most Arg_I time Arg_I to Arg_I understand Arg_I confusing Arg_I topic Arg_I . O Finally, O she Arg_B got Arg_I very Arg_I good Arg_I grade Arg_I when Arg_I she Arg_I was Arg_I graduation Arg_I . O Secondly, O students O should O not O be O required O to O attend O classes O because O they Arg_B can Arg_I manage Arg_I the Arg_I time Arg_I spending Arg_I on Arg_I classes Arg_I to Arg_I do Arg_I other Arg_I benefit Arg_I things Arg_I if Arg_I they Arg_I already Arg_I understand Arg_I topic Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I class Arg_I very Arg_I well Arg_I . O In O my O experience, O many Arg_B times Arg_I I Arg_I did Arg_I not Arg_I attend Arg_I biology Arg_I class Arg_I because Arg_I my Arg_I university Arg_I does Arg_I not Arg_I require Arg_I the Arg_I students Arg_I to Arg_I attend Arg_I classes Arg_I . O Also, O I Arg_B had Arg_I already Arg_I studied Arg_I all Arg_I biology Arg_I topics Arg_I before Arg_I attending Arg_I university Arg_I . O As O a O result, O I Arg_B spent Arg_I the Arg_I time Arg_I of Arg_I biology Arg_I class Arg_I to Arg_I do Arg_I my Arg_I Chemistry Arg_I research Arg_I and Arg_I got Arg_I A+ Arg_I for Arg_I both Arg_I biology Arg_I and Arg_I chemistry Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O I O think O the Arg_B students Arg_I should Arg_I know Arg_I what Arg_I activities Arg_I they Arg_I should Arg_I do Arg_I at Arg_I the Arg_I time Arg_I and Arg_I have Arg_I good Arg_I management Arg_I for Arg_I their Arg_I learning Arg_I time Arg_I . O Also, O they O have O to O know O how O to O deal O with O the O effects O from O not O attending O classes O . O So O that, O attending Arg_B classes Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I university Arg_I will Arg_I not Arg_I be Arg_I required Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I students Arg_I anymore Arg_I . O Small O town O vs O . O Big O city O (opportunities, O entertainment, O job O places) O In O a O few O years O I O will O finish O my O studying O in O the O university O and O I O will O have O to O decide O whether O to O live O in O a O small O town O or O a O big O city O . O As O I O am O eager O to O get O a O good O job O and O explore O different O places, O I O think O I Arg_B would Arg_I prefer Arg_I to Arg_I live Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I city Arg_I . O Big Arg_B city Arg_I life Arg_I provides Arg_I many Arg_I opportunities Arg_I . O First O of O all, O it Arg_B will Arg_I be Arg_I easier Arg_I for Arg_I me Arg_I to Arg_I find Arg_I an Arg_I engineering Arg_I job Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I city Arg_I . O Electrical Arg_B engineering Arg_I deals Arg_I with Arg_I problems Arg_I concerning Arg_I electricity Arg_I supply Arg_I . O Therefore, O a Arg_B big Arg_I city Arg_I can Arg_I offer Arg_I me Arg_I many Arg_I more Arg_I vacancies Arg_I than Arg_I a Arg_I small Arg_I town Arg_I . O At Arg_B the Arg_I weekends, Arg_I there Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I great Arg_I number Arg_I of Arg_I things Arg_I to Arg_I do Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I metropolis Arg_I . O There Arg_B are Arg_I numerous Arg_I bars, Arg_I cafes Arg_I and Arg_I restaurants Arg_I where Arg_I I Arg_I can Arg_I go Arg_I with Arg_I my Arg_I friends Arg_I . O Multinational Arg_B cities Arg_I have Arg_I restaurants Arg_I with Arg_I different Arg_I national Arg_I cuisines Arg_I . O I Arg_B am Arg_I fond Arg_I of Arg_I Italian Arg_I food, Arg_I and Arg_I if Arg_I there Arg_I is Arg_I an Arg_I Italian Arg_I restaurant Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I city, Arg_I I Arg_I will Arg_I definitely Arg_I visit Arg_I it Arg_I . O A Arg_B night Arg_I club Arg_I is Arg_I an Arg_I interesting Arg_I place Arg_I to Arg_I visit Arg_I for Arg_I young Arg_I people Arg_I . O There Arg_B a Arg_I person Arg_I can Arg_I listen Arg_I to Arg_I music, Arg_I make Arg_I new Arg_I friends Arg_I or Arg_I enjoy Arg_I a Arg_I a Arg_I drink Arg_I alone Arg_I . O Cultural Arg_B life Arg_I of Arg_I a Arg_I metropolis Arg_I is Arg_I always Arg_I an Arg_I entertaining Arg_I one Arg_I . O I Arg_B am Arg_I keen Arg_I on Arg_I museums Arg_I and Arg_I it Arg_I would Arg_I be Arg_I a Arg_I pleasure Arg_I for Arg_I me Arg_I to Arg_I spend Arg_I several Arg_I hours Arg_I a Arg_I week Arg_I in Arg_I front Arg_I of Arg_I famous Arg_I paintings, Arg_I sculptures Arg_I or Arg_I artifacts Arg_I . O On Arg_B special Arg_I dates, Arg_I city Arg_I offers Arg_I free Arg_I exhibitions Arg_I which Arg_I are Arg_I available Arg_I for Arg_I everyone Arg_I who Arg_I is Arg_I interested Arg_I in Arg_I art Arg_I . O What's O more, O cities Arg_B have Arg_I better Arg_I medical Arg_I facilities Arg_I than Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I countryside Arg_I . O This Arg_B can Arg_I at Arg_I least Arg_I assure Arg_I me Arg_I that Arg_I if Arg_I I Arg_I feel Arg_I bad, Arg_I city Arg_I can Arg_I provide Arg_I a Arg_I high Arg_I quality Arg_I help Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O while O small O towns O have O picturesque O nature O and O pure O air, O big Arg_B cities Arg_I offer Arg_I countless Arg_I amount Arg_I of Arg_I opportunities Arg_I and Arg_I entertainment Arg_I places Arg_I . O Considering O all O the O benefits, O I Arg_B would Arg_I choose Arg_I to Arg_I live Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I big Arg_I city Arg_I . O Computers O have O made O life O easier O The O advent O of O the O computer O is O one O of O the O results O of O the O development O of O the O advantaged O technology O . O While O some O people O advocate O for O the O idea O that O computers O have O made O life O more O complex O and O stressful, O others O support O the O idea O that O computers Arg_B have Arg_I made Arg_I life Arg_I easier Arg_I and Arg_I more Arg_I convenient Arg_I . O In O my O point O of O view, O computers Arg_B brought Arg_I convenience Arg_I and Arg_I easiness Arg_I to Arg_I our Arg_I life Arg_I since O they Arg_B enabled Arg_I easier Arg_I access Arg_I to Arg_I information Arg_I and Arg_I increased Arg_I qualities Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I communication Arg_I . O First, O computers Arg_B through Arg_I internet Arg_I made Arg_I our Arg_I access Arg_I to Arg_I information Arg_I easier Arg_I . O Through Arg_B computers Arg_I we Arg_I can Arg_I collect Arg_I appropriate Arg_I data Arg_I very Arg_I quickly, Arg_I store Arg_I it Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I hard Arg_I disc Arg_I as Arg_I long Arg_I as Arg_I we Arg_I want Arg_I and Arg_I use Arg_I it Arg_I when Arg_I needed Arg_I . O Search Arg_B engines Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I google, Arg_I yandex Arg_I with Arg_I many Arg_I features Arg_I relevant Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I characteristics Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I information Arg_I needed Arg_I enable Arg_I search Arg_I of Arg_I information Arg_I in Arg_I few Arg_I minutes Arg_I . O Social Arg_B networks Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I facebook, Arg_I twitter Arg_I have Arg_I changed Arg_I traditional Arg_I sources Arg_I of Arg_I information Arg_I and Arg_I decreasing Arg_I the Arg_I monopolization Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I information Arg_I by Arg_I the Arg_I governments Arg_I . O Hence, O with Arg_B the Arg_I use Arg_I of Arg_I computers Arg_I we Arg_I spend Arg_I less Arg_I time Arg_I in Arg_I search Arg_I for Arg_I information, Arg_I and Arg_I can Arg_I get Arg_I it Arg_I from Arg_I different Arg_I sources Arg_I . O Second, O in Arg_B a Arg_I globalized Arg_I world Arg_I that Arg_I we Arg_I live Arg_I computers Arg_I made Arg_I communications Arg_I faster, Arg_I visual Arg_I and Arg_I cheaper Arg_I . O With Arg_B the Arg_I use Arg_I of Arg_I email Arg_I our Arg_I messages Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I delivered Arg_I to Arg_I any Arg_I person Arg_I in Arg_I any Arg_I part Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I in Arg_I few Arg_I minutes Arg_I . O In O addition, O it Arg_B is Arg_I convenient Arg_I because O you Arg_B do Arg_I not Arg_I need Arg_I to Arg_I mile Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I post Arg_I office, Arg_I but Arg_I just Arg_I click Arg_I the Arg_I mouse Arg_I of Arg_I your Arg_I computer Arg_I from Arg_I the Arg_I convenience Arg_I of Arg_I your Arg_I arm Arg_I chair Arg_I in Arg_I order Arg_I to Arg_I reach Arg_I your Arg_I friends, Arg_I family Arg_I members Arg_I in Arg_I any Arg_I part Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I . O Internet Arg_B facilities Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I msn, Arg_I skype Arg_I made Arg_I visual Arg_I communication Arg_I possible Arg_I . O For O example, O via Arg_B skype Arg_I people Arg_I not Arg_I just Arg_I communicate Arg_I with Arg_I their Arg_I family Arg_I members Arg_I and Arg_I friends, Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I make Arg_I interviews Arg_I for Arg_I employment, Arg_I enrolment Arg_I into Arg_I universities Arg_I . O In O result, O communication Arg_B has Arg_I become Arg_I cheaper, Arg_I faster Arg_I and Arg_I visual Arg_I . O Finally, O I O believe O that O computers Arg_B have Arg_I made Arg_I life Arg_I easier Arg_I and Arg_I more Arg_I convenient Arg_I in O the O ways O that O it Arg_B broadened Arg_I the Arg_I sources Arg_I of Arg_I information Arg_I and Arg_I made Arg_I access Arg_I more Arg_I quick, Arg_I a Arg_I long Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I improving Arg_I quality Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I communication Arg_I in Arg_I many Arg_I ways Arg_I . O Computers O have O made O it O possible O for O office O workers O to O do O their O work O Some O people O think O that O working O at O home O brings O to O workers O and O employees O too O much O convenience, O but O i O don't O . O Because O the O best O conditions O are O sometimes O not O likely O to O be O good O as O the O expectation O of O people O . O Working O without O pressure O and O interaction O are O some O examples O for O these O disadvantages O . O Pressure Arg_B is Arg_I motivation Arg_I . O Each Arg_B office Arg_I has Arg_I its Arg_I rules Arg_I that Arg_I keep Arg_I workers Arg_I do Arg_I their Arg_I job Arg_I as Arg_I effectively Arg_I as Arg_I possible Arg_I . O The Arg_B directors Arg_I manage Arg_I employers Arg_I and Arg_I give Arg_I them Arg_I the Arg_I deadline Arg_I of Arg_I projects Arg_I . O Then Arg_B again, Arg_I the Arg_I workers Arg_I must Arg_I try Arg_I their Arg_I best Arg_I to Arg_I finish Arg_I the Arg_I time Arg_I limit Arg_I . O Doing Arg_B all Arg_I jobs Arg_I at Arg_I home Arg_I don't Arg_I make Arg_I employees Arg_I attempt Arg_I to Arg_I work Arg_I like Arg_I this Arg_I . O Computers Arg_B and Arg_I modems Arg_I bring Arg_I works Arg_I to Arg_I home Arg_I but Arg_I these Arg_I still Arg_I have Arg_I many Arg_I things Arg_I distract Arg_I their Arg_I mind Arg_I . O Facebook Arg_B or Arg_I Yahoo Arg_I have Arg_I been Arg_I the Arg_I entertaining Arg_I websites, Arg_I however, Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I the Arg_I reasons Arg_I why Arg_I people Arg_I cannot Arg_I concentrate Arg_I on Arg_I their Arg_I job Arg_I . O The Arg_B dos Arg_I and Arg_I don't Arg_I at Arg_I office Arg_I play Arg_I important Arg_I role Arg_I to Arg_I prevent Arg_I these Arg_I things Arg_I from Arg_I workers Arg_I . O In O condition, O doing Arg_B all Arg_I jobs Arg_I alone Arg_I makes Arg_I employees Arg_I fall Arg_I asleep Arg_I easily Arg_I . O As O a O result, O the Arg_B project Arg_I cannot Arg_I being Arg_I done Arg_I . O The Arg_B best Arg_I condition Arg_I might Arg_I not Arg_I be Arg_I good Arg_I for Arg_I people Arg_I . O Interaction Arg_B has Arg_I been Arg_I an Arg_I advantage Arg_I for Arg_I workers Arg_I at Arg_I offices Arg_I . O Discussing Arg_B and Arg_I debating Arg_I Projects Arg_I together Arg_I increase Arg_I working Arg_I ability Arg_I because O all Arg_B we Arg_I know Arg_I that Arg_I the Arg_I target Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I reached Arg_I fast Arg_I thanks Arg_I to Arg_I working Arg_I of Arg_I many Arg_I people Arg_I . O Besides, O interaction O help O employees O improve O their O communicational O skills, O therefore, O they Arg_B will Arg_I have Arg_I more Arg_I and Arg_I more Arg_I friends Arg_I and Arg_I relationships Arg_I . O Interaction Arg_B is Arg_I a Arg_I factor Arg_I increasing Arg_I working Arg_I quality Arg_I . O There Arg_B will Arg_I have Arg_I many Arg_I disadvantages Arg_I if Arg_I the Arg_I workers Arg_I work Arg_I at Arg_I home Arg_I . O Mitigating Arg_B process, Arg_I no Arg_I interaction Arg_I and Arg_I pressure Arg_I are Arg_I these Arg_I things Arg_I people Arg_I should Arg_I examine Arg_I when Arg_I they Arg_I want Arg_I to Arg_I work Arg_I at Arg_I home Arg_I . O Technological O progress O in O the O past O century O has O its O negative O effect O In O the O past O few O decades, O there O were O many O remarkable O achievements O in O technology O fields O that O have O numbers O of O beneficial O effects O on O the O whole O society O or O individuals, O although O bringing O some O disadvantages O to O us O . O On O one O hand, O the Arg_B development Arg_I of Arg_I technology Arg_I can Arg_I prompt Arg_I economic Arg_I growth Arg_I and Arg_I the Arg_I improvement Arg_I of Arg_I living Arg_I standards Arg_I . O Scientists Arg_B and Arg_I engineers Arg_I have Arg_I invented Arg_I many Arg_I novel Arg_I products Arg_I and Arg_I tools, Arg_I which Arg_I play Arg_I an Arg_I important Arg_I role Arg_I in Arg_I economic Arg_I activity Arg_I . O Because Arg_B of Arg_I the Arg_I technology Arg_I of Arg_I internet Arg_I and Arg_I air Arg_I transportation, Arg_I businessmen Arg_I are Arg_I able Arg_I to Arg_I handle Arg_I plenty Arg_I of Arg_I international Arg_I trade Arg_I and Arg_I financial Arg_I transactions Arg_I . O This Arg_B also Arg_I helps Arg_I many Arg_I countries Arg_I to Arg_I more Arg_I efficiently Arg_I export Arg_I their Arg_I products Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I and Arg_I increase Arg_I their Arg_I revenue Arg_I . O Besides, O advanced Arg_B technology Arg_I enables Arg_I people Arg_I to Arg_I enhance Arg_I their Arg_I living-level Arg_I and Arg_I health Arg_I care Arg_I standard Arg_I . O With Arg_B the Arg_I improvement Arg_I of Arg_I medical Arg_I technology, Arg_I it Arg_I is Arg_I obvious Arg_I that Arg_I the Arg_I life Arg_I expectancy Arg_I in Arg_I many Arg_I countries Arg_I has Arg_I been Arg_I significantly Arg_I longer Arg_I than Arg_I before, Arg_I and Arg_I many Arg_I serious Arg_I diseases Arg_I are Arg_I under Arg_I control Arg_I . O Digital O entertainment O technology O allows O people O to O enjoy O playing O interactive O video O games O and O watching O three-dimensional O movies, O and O this O means O that O we Arg_B could Arg_I get Arg_I more Arg_I happiness Arg_I from Arg_I technology Arg_I . O On O the O other O hand, O the Arg_B development Arg_I of Arg_I technology Arg_I is Arg_I likely Arg_I to Arg_I bring Arg_I some Arg_I negative Arg_I effects Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I environment Arg_I and Arg_I society Arg_I . O People Arg_B utilize Arg_I architecture Arg_I technology Arg_I to Arg_I construct Arg_I buildings Arg_I to Arg_I expand Arg_I urban Arg_I areas, Arg_I and Arg_I fuel Arg_I companies Arg_I apply Arg_I drilling Arg_I technology Arg_I to Arg_I extract Arg_I a Arg_I great Arg_I amount Arg_I of Arg_I fossil Arg_I oil Arg_I in Arg_I natural Arg_I regions Arg_I . O This Arg_B would Arg_I pose Arg_I a Arg_I large Arg_I threat Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I ecology Arg_I and Arg_I environment Arg_I . O Vehicle Arg_B technology Arg_I enables Arg_I many Arg_I people Arg_I to Arg_I drive Arg_I private Arg_I cars, Arg_I and Arg_I emission Arg_I of Arg_I exhaust Arg_I gas Arg_I could Arg_I lead Arg_I to Arg_I air Arg_I pollution Arg_I in Arg_I large Arg_I cities Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O although O technological O progress O causes O corresponding O problems, O it Arg_B still Arg_I provides Arg_I us Arg_I with Arg_I much Arg_I more Arg_I advantages Arg_I . O A O greater O proportion O of O the O budget O should O be O allotted O to O education O and O prevention O issues O In O today's O world, O the O concept O of O the O welfare O state O requires O governments O to O provide O sustainable O healthcare O and O health O education O to O their O citizens O . O I O completely O agree O with O the O idea O that O governments Arg_B should Arg_I devote Arg_I a Arg_I greater Arg_I portion Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I health Arg_I budgets Arg_I to Arg_I health Arg_I education Arg_I and Arg_I means Arg_I for Arg_I precautions Arg_I . O The O first O reason O why O education O and O preventative O measures O should O receive O a O greater O budget O is O the O potential O improvements O in O health O system O . O I O believe O that O decreasing Arg_B the Arg_I number Arg_I of Arg_I patients Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I health Arg_I system Arg_I can Arg_I lead Arg_I hospitals Arg_I and Arg_I healthcare Arg_I centers Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I managed Arg_I effectively Arg_I which Arg_I will Arg_I result Arg_I in Arg_I better Arg_I treatments Arg_I for Arg_I current Arg_I patients Arg_I . O Therefore, O society Arg_B should Arg_I be Arg_I educated Arg_I and Arg_I became Arg_I aware Arg_I of Arg_I health Arg_I issues Arg_I so O that O the Arg_B potential Arg_I precautions Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I way Arg_I of Arg_I illnesses Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I taken Arg_I instead Arg_I of Arg_I trying Arg_I to Arg_I provide Arg_I treatment Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I increasing Arg_I number Arg_I of Arg_I patients Arg_I . O The O second O reason O why O governments O should O allocate O more O budget O on O prevention O from O illness O and O providing O health O education O is O the O welfare O of O the O society O . O In O my O opinion, O there Arg_B is Arg_I nothing Arg_I more Arg_I important Arg_I than Arg_I health Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I human's Arg_I life Arg_I and Arg_I the Arg_I happiness Arg_I and Arg_I welfare Arg_I come Arg_I with Arg_I health Arg_I . O Therefore, O a Arg_B government's Arg_I role Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I providing Arg_I means Arg_I that Arg_I lead Arg_I its Arg_I citizens Arg_I to Arg_I learn Arg_I how Arg_I to Arg_I prevent Arg_I from Arg_I potential Arg_I illness Arg_I that Arg_I can Arg_I cause Arg_I misery Arg_I in Arg_I people's Arg_I lives Arg_I . O For O example, O the Arg_B marketing Arg_I campaign Arg_I of Arg_I Ministry Arg_I of Arg_I Health Arg_I in Arg_I Turkey Arg_I which Arg_I aimed Arg_I smoking Arg_I problem Arg_I among Arg_I the Arg_I youth Arg_I increased Arg_I the Arg_I well-being Arg_I of Arg_I those Arg_I who Arg_I quit Arg_I smoking Arg_I and Arg_I adapted Arg_I a Arg_I better Arg_I lifestyle Arg_I after Arg_I the Arg_I campaign Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O a Arg_B greater Arg_I proportion Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I budget Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I allotted Arg_I to Arg_I education Arg_I and Arg_I prevention Arg_I issues Arg_I in Arg_I comparison Arg_I with Arg_I treatment Arg_I due Arg_I to Arg_I achieve Arg_I more Arg_I effective Arg_I health Arg_I system Arg_I and Arg_I greater Arg_I level Arg_I of Arg_I well-being Arg_I . O Zoos O have O no O useful O purpose? O Have O you O ever O seen O a O real O life O bear O or O a O monkey? O If O you O did, O it O was O probably O at O a O zoo O . O Zoos O are O big O outdoor O spaces O in O which O different O animal O species O are O kept, O so O that O people O can O look, O learn O and O admire O them O . O A O lot O of O people O think O that O zoos O have O no O use, O or O provide O no O purpose O . O I O strongly O disagree O with O this O affirmation O because O I O believe O zoos Arg_B provide Arg_I social Arg_I interaction, Arg_I education, Arg_I and Arg_I develop Arg_I qualities Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I animal Arg_I respect Arg_I and Arg_I understanding Arg_I . O When Arg_B people Arg_I visit Arg_I the Arg_I zoo, Arg_I they Arg_I normally Arg_I do Arg_I it Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I group, Arg_I with Arg_I their Arg_I families, Arg_I or Arg_I as Arg_I a Arg_I part Arg_I of Arg_I a Arg_I school Arg_I group Arg_I activity Arg_I . O In Arg_B the Arg_I zoo Arg_I they Arg_I interact Arg_I with Arg_I each Arg_I other Arg_I and Arg_I are Arg_I able Arg_I to Arg_I relax Arg_I and Arg_I look Arg_I at Arg_I the Arg_I animals, Arg_I play Arg_I with Arg_I some Arg_I of Arg_I them, Arg_I comment Arg_I on Arg_I their Arg_I appearance Arg_I and Arg_I behavior, Arg_I and Arg_I laugh Arg_I at Arg_I their Arg_I funny Arg_I customs Arg_I . O Nowadays Arg_B families Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I spend Arg_I as Arg_I much Arg_I time Arg_I together Arg_I as Arg_I they Arg_I used Arg_I to Arg_I a Arg_I couple Arg_I of Arg_I decades Arg_I ago Arg_I . O The Arg_B zoo Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I great Arg_I reason Arg_I for Arg_I spending Arg_I time Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I family, Arg_I it Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I great Arg_I activity Arg_I that Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I enjoyed Arg_I every Arg_I family Arg_I member, Arg_I from Arg_I little Arg_I children Arg_I to Arg_I grandparents Arg_I . O Animals, Arg_B the Arg_I different Arg_I species, Arg_I their Arg_I habitats Arg_I and Arg_I behaviors Arg_I are Arg_I a Arg_I subject Arg_I of Arg_I study Arg_I at Arg_I schools Arg_I and Arg_I universities Arg_I . O We Arg_B can Arg_I learn Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I from Arg_I books Arg_I and Arg_I lectures, Arg_I but Arg_I there Arg_I is Arg_I an Arg_I even Arg_I better Arg_I way Arg_I to Arg_I learn, Arg_I that Arg_I is Arg_I visuals Arg_I and Arg_I personal Arg_I experience Arg_I . O If Arg_B you Arg_I visit Arg_I the Arg_I zoo, Arg_I you Arg_I get Arg_I to Arg_I watch Arg_I the Arg_I animals, Arg_I their Arg_I customs, Arg_I what Arg_I they Arg_I eat Arg_I and Arg_I how Arg_I they Arg_I eat Arg_I it, Arg_I as Arg_I well Arg_I as Arg_I which Arg_I characteristics Arg_I the Arg_I different Arg_I species Arg_I have Arg_I . O In Arg_B the Arg_I zoo Arg_I you Arg_I can Arg_I see Arg_I an Arg_I animal Arg_I and Arg_I their Arg_I different Arg_I variations, Arg_I the Arg_I male Arg_I and Arg_I the Arg_I female Arg_I or Arg_I the Arg_I baby Arg_I and Arg_I the Arg_I adult Arg_I . O It Arg_B offers Arg_I a Arg_I great Arg_I opportunity Arg_I to Arg_I observe Arg_I their Arg_I reactions Arg_I to Arg_I different Arg_I situations, Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I weather, Arg_I specie Arg_I and Arg_I genre Arg_I interaction, Arg_I defense Arg_I behavior, Arg_I or Arg_I protection Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I babies Arg_I . O Moreover, O it Arg_B will Arg_I also Arg_I help Arg_I identify Arg_I which Arg_I animals Arg_I could Arg_I be Arg_I dangerous Arg_I . O Visiting Arg_B the Arg_I zoo Arg_I would Arg_I help Arg_I the Arg_I students Arg_I understand Arg_I what Arg_I they Arg_I learn Arg_I at Arg_I school Arg_I . O Finally, O a Arg_B visit Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I zoo Arg_I will Arg_I help Arg_I increasing Arg_I someone's Arg_I respect Arg_I and Arg_I appreciation Arg_I for Arg_I animals Arg_I . O It Arg_B is Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I easier Arg_I to Arg_I appreciate Arg_I something Arg_I after Arg_I you Arg_I have Arg_I seen Arg_I it, Arg_I and Arg_I learned Arg_I from Arg_I it Arg_I . O This Arg_B is Arg_I especially Arg_I true Arg_I for Arg_I people Arg_I living Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I city, Arg_I where Arg_I the Arg_I only Arg_I animals Arg_I they Arg_I normally Arg_I interact Arg_I with Arg_I are Arg_I pets Arg_I like Arg_I cats Arg_I and Arg_I dogs Arg_I . O In Arg_B the Arg_I present Arg_I there Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I lack Arg_I of Arg_I respect Arg_I for Arg_I animals Arg_I . O Being Arg_B able Arg_I to Arg_I see Arg_I the Arg_I animals Arg_I in Arg_I real Arg_I life Arg_I and Arg_I learning Arg_I facts Arg_I about Arg_I them Arg_I would Arg_I help Arg_I by Arg_I making Arg_I people Arg_I aware Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I importance Arg_I of Arg_I animals Arg_I and Arg_I the Arg_I respect Arg_I they Arg_I deserve Arg_I . O The O reason O why O most O people O oppose O to O zoos O is O that O in Arg_B some Arg_I of Arg_I them Arg_I the Arg_I animals Arg_I are Arg_I not Arg_I very Arg_I well Arg_I taken Arg_I care Arg_I of Arg_I and Arg_I they Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I have Arg_I good Arg_I and Arg_I clean Arg_I facilities Arg_I . O This Arg_B is Arg_I mostly Arg_I true Arg_I but Arg_I does Arg_I not Arg_I relate Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I purpose Arg_I of Arg_I zoos Arg_I . O It O would O be O great O if O every O zoo O kept O the O animals O in O perfect O conditions, O but O regardless O of O the O condition, O zoos Arg_B are Arg_I very Arg_I useful Arg_I . O Serious O or O entertaining O movies O I Arg_B prefer Arg_I the Arg_I serious Arg_I movies Arg_I which Arg_I are Arg_I simple, Arg_I touching Arg_I and Arg_I powerful Arg_I . O Here O are O my O reasons O . O First, O most Arg_B serious Arg_I movies Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I wide Arg_I variety Arg_I of Arg_I content Arg_I . O Entertaining Arg_B movies Arg_I are Arg_I created Arg_I to Arg_I amuse Arg_I people Arg_I . O However, O most Arg_B entertaining Arg_I movies Arg_I are Arg_I empty Arg_I and Arg_I nonsensical Arg_I . O Compared Arg_B with Arg_I the Arg_I entertainment Arg_I film, Arg_I the Arg_I serious Arg_I film Arg_I may Arg_I be Arg_I more Arg_I worthwhile Arg_I and Arg_I meaningful Arg_I . O Serious O movies O usually O designed O to O express O one O or O more O thinking O about O love, O humaneness; O moreover, O it Arg_B may Arg_I point Arg_I out Arg_I the Arg_I dark Arg_I sides Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I society Arg_I . O Second, O not O all O of O serious O movies O are O boring O . O "Click" Arg_B is Arg_I a Arg_I very Arg_I interesting Arg_I comedy, Arg_I with Arg_I a Arg_I serious Arg_I approach Arg_I about Arg_I the Arg_I importance Arg_I of Arg_I having Arg_I a Arg_I balanced Arg_I life Arg_I between Arg_I family Arg_I and Arg_I work Arg_I businesses Arg_I . O The Arg_B movie Arg_I is Arg_I humorous Arg_I and Arg_I satiric,which Arg_I leads Arg_I us Arg_I to Arg_I think Arg_I what Arg_I is Arg_I the Arg_I most Arg_I valuable Arg_I of Arg_I our Arg_I lives, Arg_I and Arg_I it Arg_I reminds Arg_I us Arg_I how Arg_I important Arg_I our Arg_I families Arg_I are Arg_I . O Thus, O the Arg_B hidden Arg_I meanings Arg_I of Arg_I serious Arg_I movies Arg_I are Arg_I usually Arg_I beyond Arg_I words Arg_I and Arg_I images Arg_I which Arg_I make Arg_I us Arg_I think Arg_I about Arg_I ourselves Arg_I . O Moreover, O some Arg_B of Arg_I serious Arg_I movies Arg_I try Arg_I to Arg_I make Arg_I you Arg_I think Arg_I about Arg_I the Arg_I dark Arg_I sides Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I . O "Blood Arg_B diamond", Arg_I an Arg_I adaptation Arg_I of Arg_I a Arg_I real Arg_I story Arg_I in Arg_I South Arg_I Africa, Arg_I focuses Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I link Arg_I between Arg_I diamonds Arg_I and Arg_I conflict Arg_I . O After Arg_B watching Arg_I the Arg_I movie, Arg_I we Arg_I may Arg_I learn Arg_I a Arg_I lesson Arg_I between Arg_I jewels Arg_I and Arg_I death Arg_I . O Diamonds Arg_B are Arg_I not Arg_I rare Arg_I or Arg_I a Arg_I sign Arg_I of Arg_I true Arg_I love; Arg_I indeed, Arg_I the Arg_I hidden Arg_I meaning Arg_I of Arg_I a Arg_I diamond Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I cruel Arg_I reality Arg_I . O As O a O result, O serious Arg_B movie Arg_I tell Arg_I you Arg_I how Arg_I to Arg_I see Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I different Arg_I way Arg_I . O For O the O above O reasons, O I Arg_B prefer Arg_I to Arg_I see Arg_I those Arg_I serious Arg_I movies Arg_I which Arg_I make Arg_I people Arg_I have Arg_I deep Arg_I thoughts Arg_I toward Arg_I their Arg_I real Arg_I lives Arg_I . O Overemphasizing O on O personal O lives O of O famous O people O by O media O As O a O mass O media O majoring O student, O I O think O that O it's O true O that O media Arg_B is Arg_I overemphasizing Arg_I the Arg_I personal Arg_I lives Arg_I of Arg_I famous Arg_I people Arg_I in Arg_I this Arg_I modern Arg_I society Arg_I . O In O my O point O of O view, O disadvantages Arg_B of Arg_I overemphasizing Arg_I on Arg_I personal Arg_I lives Arg_I of Arg_I famous Arg_I people Arg_I by Arg_I media Arg_I outweigh Arg_I its Arg_I advantages Arg_I . O My O reasons O include O the O following: O It O is O no O doubt O that O the O media Arg_B provide Arg_I information Arg_I about Arg_I an Arg_I event Arg_I that Arg_I recently Arg_I occurred Arg_I somewhere Arg_I and Arg_I which Arg_I is Arg_I important Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I people Arg_I . O The Arg_B most Arg_I important Arg_I of Arg_I all Arg_I is Arg_I that Arg_I the Arg_I essence Arg_I of Arg_I coverage Arg_I accurate Arg_I and Arg_I not Arg_I based Arg_I on Arg_I gossip Arg_I . O However, O journalism Arg_B is Arg_I changing Arg_I . O Some Arg_B reporters Arg_I are Arg_I more Arg_I interested Arg_I with Arg_I gossip Arg_I than Arg_I news Arg_I relating Arg_I to Arg_I public Arg_I issues, Arg_I paying Arg_I too Arg_I much Arg_I attention Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I personal Arg_I lives Arg_I of Arg_I famous Arg_I people Arg_I . O First O of O all, O gossip Arg_B involves Arg_I misleading Arg_I images Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I purpose Arg_I of Arg_I boosting Arg_I newspaper Arg_I sales Arg_I or Arg_I exciting Arg_I public Arg_I opinion Arg_I . O The Arg_B audience Arg_I may Arg_I see Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I photos Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I kind Arg_I of Arg_I reports, Arg_I which Arg_I seems Arg_I to Arg_I tell Arg_I a Arg_I story Arg_I . O Moreover, O it Arg_B is Arg_I unfair Arg_I that Arg_I the Arg_I ridiculous Arg_I coverage Arg_I may Arg_I be Arg_I a Arg_I vexation Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I famous Arg_I people Arg_I who Arg_I are Arg_I reported Arg_I . O Furthermore, O sensationalism Arg_B distract Arg_I the Arg_I viewers Arg_I from Arg_I public Arg_I or Arg_I social Arg_I problems Arg_I . O The Arg_B media Arg_I face Arg_I the Arg_I challenge Arg_I that Arg_I media Arg_I executives Arg_I must Arg_I choose Arg_I the Arg_I content, Arg_I which Arg_I can Arg_I attract Arg_I the Arg_I audience Arg_I . O Thus, O these Arg_B personal Arg_I reports Arg_I of Arg_I famous Arg_I people, Arg_I unimportant Arg_I information Arg_I or Arg_I distorted Arg_I stories, Arg_I will Arg_I not Arg_I solve Arg_I problem Arg_I related Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I society Arg_I . O In O other O words, O yellow Arg_B journalism Arg_I block Arg_I the Arg_I viewers Arg_I from Arg_I significant Arg_I news, Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I education, Arg_I environment Arg_I and Arg_I public Arg_I issues Arg_I . O Based O on O the O above O discussion, O I O agree O with O that O paying Arg_B too Arg_I much Arg_I attention Arg_I on Arg_I personal Arg_I lives Arg_I of Arg_I famous Arg_I people Arg_I may Arg_I be Arg_I a Arg_I serious Arg_I problem Arg_I . O Why O people O visit O museums? O As O a O lover O of O travel, O a O quintessence O of O any O visit O to O an O excellent O museum O of O a O new O place O would O be O the O best O part O of O a O tour, O which O can O be O explained O by O the O following O reasons O . O Primary, O it Arg_B is Arg_I easy Arg_I to Arg_I know Arg_I the Arg_I history Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I new Arg_I place Arg_I . O Last Arg_B year, Arg_I I Arg_I went Arg_I to Arg_I Ellis Arg_I Island Arg_I and Arg_I the Arg_I immigration Arg_I museum, Arg_I where Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I symbol Arg_I of Arg_I American Arg_I immigration Arg_I and Arg_I the Arg_I immigrant Arg_I experience Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I New Arg_I York Arg_I . O Through Arg_B the Arg_I exhibit, Arg_I I Arg_I found Arg_I that Arg_I the Arg_I Statue Arg_I of Arg_I Liberty Arg_I symbolized Arg_I freedom, Arg_I and Arg_I Ellis Arg_I Island Arg_I may Arg_I be Arg_I the Arg_I place, Arg_I where Arg_I the Arg_I immigration Arg_I took Arg_I their Arg_I dreams Arg_I and Arg_I fears Arg_I . O Thus, O museums Arg_B can Arg_I help Arg_I us Arg_I know Arg_I the Arg_I history Arg_I and Arg_I the Arg_I customs Arg_I of Arg_I a Arg_I new Arg_I place Arg_I . O Secondary, O visiting Arg_B a Arg_I well-known Arg_I museum Arg_I also Arg_I can Arg_I broaden Arg_I our Arg_I horizon Arg_I . O Those O outstanding O and O diverse O range O of O objects,with O classic O and O magnificent O art, O is O guaranteed O to O inspire O us! O In Arg_B my Arg_I city, Arg_I National Arg_I Palace Arg_I Museum Arg_I is Arg_I celebrated Arg_I for Arg_I collection Arg_I of Arg_I ancient Arg_I Chinese Arg_I artifacts Arg_I . O To Arg_B my Arg_I astonishment, Arg_I Jadeite Arg_I cabbage Arg_I is Arg_I the Arg_I most Arg_I famous Arg_I artistic Arg_I work, Arg_I which Arg_I is Arg_I made Arg_I of Arg_I jade, Arg_I is Arg_I vividly Arg_I shown Arg_I . O Moreover, O a Arg_B local Arg_I museum Arg_I could Arg_I be Arg_I a Arg_I top Arg_I choice Arg_I and Arg_I destination Arg_I for Arg_I tourist Arg_I to Arg_I visit Arg_I . O Someone Arg_B take Arg_I a Arg_I trip Arg_I without Arg_I making Arg_I any Arg_I plans, Arg_I so Arg_I they Arg_I may Arg_I waste Arg_I their Arg_I time Arg_I on Arg_I shopping Arg_I or Arg_I staying Arg_I at Arg_I their Arg_I hotel Arg_I . O As O a O result, O visiting Arg_B a Arg_I museum Arg_I saves Arg_I their Arg_I precious Arg_I time Arg_I for Arg_I making Arg_I a Arg_I decision Arg_I . O Most O important O of O all, O a Arg_B local Arg_I museum Arg_I represent Arg_I its Arg_I own Arg_I typical Arg_I culture Arg_I so Arg_I that Arg_I visitors Arg_I may Arg_I easily Arg_I acquaint Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I new Arg_I place Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I short Arg_I time Arg_I . O For O the O above O reasons, O if Arg_B we Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I chance Arg_I to Arg_I visit Arg_I top Arg_I museums Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I world, Arg_I we Arg_I must Arg_I stop Arg_I by Arg_I these Arg_I museums Arg_I . O During O our O trip, O it Arg_B is Arg_I worthwhile Arg_I for Arg_I us Arg_I to Arg_I visit Arg_I a Arg_I museum Arg_I of Arg_I a Arg_I new Arg_I place Arg_I . O Study O at O home O by O using O technology/study O or O traditional O school O I Arg_B don't Arg_I think Arg_I that Arg_I technology Arg_I can Arg_I replace Arg_I teachers Arg_I and Arg_I classroom Arg_I . O Here O are O my O reasons O . O Studying Arg_B at Arg_I home Arg_I by Arg_I using Arg_I technology Arg_I is Arg_I convenient Arg_I . O The Arg_B biggest Arg_I advantage Arg_I is Arg_I that Arg_I your Arg_I classroom Arg_I and Arg_I instructor Arg_I are Arg_I available Arg_I 24 Arg_I hours Arg_I a Arg_I day Arg_I . O In O addition, O you Arg_B could Arg_I make Arg_I your Arg_I own Arg_I schedule Arg_I for Arg_I completing Arg_I the Arg_I requirements Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I course Arg_I . O You Arg_B can Arg_I study Arg_I any Arg_I time Arg_I you Arg_I want Arg_I . O However, O if Arg_B you Arg_I aren't Arg_I extremely Arg_I dedicated Arg_I or Arg_I have Arg_I good Arg_I time Arg_I management Arg_I skills, Arg_I it Arg_I may Arg_I be Arg_I very Arg_I difficult Arg_I to Arg_I complete Arg_I a Arg_I course Arg_I at Arg_I home Arg_I . O First, O attending Arg_B an Arg_I education Arg_I course Arg_I at Arg_I home Arg_I requires Arg_I persistence Arg_I and Arg_I patience Arg_I . O Especially O when Arg_B you Arg_I don't Arg_I have Arg_I an Arg_I instructor Arg_I there Arg_I to Arg_I guide Arg_I you, Arg_I it Arg_I is Arg_I up Arg_I to Arg_I you Arg_I to Arg_I make Arg_I sure Arg_I that Arg_I you Arg_I understand Arg_I and Arg_I complete Arg_I all Arg_I course Arg_I requirements Arg_I . O Students Arg_B may Arg_I raise Arg_I questions Arg_I and Arg_I they Arg_I may Arg_I have Arg_I problems Arg_I of Arg_I understanding Arg_I some Arg_I specific Arg_I topics Arg_I or Arg_I subjects Arg_I . O Unfortunately, O it Arg_B may Arg_I be Arg_I a Arg_I predicament Arg_I when Arg_I you Arg_I face Arg_I some Arg_I problems Arg_I in Arg_I learning Arg_I without Arg_I any Arg_I help Arg_I . O Second, O studying Arg_B at Arg_I home Arg_I is Arg_I very Arg_I different Arg_I from Arg_I traditional Arg_I learning Arg_I . O Unlike Arg_B traditional Arg_I classes, Arg_I distance Arg_I education Arg_I courses Arg_I don't Arg_I take Arg_I place Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I classroom, Arg_I where Arg_I you Arg_I are Arg_I surrounded Arg_I by Arg_I your Arg_I teachers Arg_I and Arg_I classmates Arg_I . O Students Arg_B may Arg_I find Arg_I that Arg_I it Arg_I is Arg_I hard Arg_I to Arg_I study Arg_I without Arg_I being Arg_I kept Arg_I under Arg_I supervision Arg_I . O If Arg_B you Arg_I are Arg_I the Arg_I type Arg_I that Arg_I gets Arg_I easily Arg_I distracted, Arg_I a Arg_I distance-learning Arg_I program Arg_I may Arg_I not Arg_I be Arg_I for Arg_I you Arg_I . O Furthermore, O there Arg_B is Arg_I an Arg_I advantage Arg_I of Arg_I traditional Arg_I school Arg_I - Arg_I socialization- Arg_I establishes Arg_I relationship Arg_I with Arg_I classmates Arg_I . O We O can O learn O a O lot O from O programs O at O home; O however, O our Arg_B computers Arg_I or Arg_I televisions Arg_I can't Arg_I teach Arg_I us Arg_I how Arg_I to Arg_I get Arg_I along Arg_I with Arg_I people Arg_I . O For O example, O students Arg_B may Arg_I learn Arg_I how Arg_I to Arg_I cooperate Arg_I with Arg_I classmates Arg_I from Arg_I teamwork Arg_I . O Studying Arg_B alone Arg_I at Arg_I home Arg_I might Arg_I deprive Arg_I us Arg_I of Arg_I these Arg_I significant Arg_I and Arg_I valuable Arg_I opportunities Arg_I . O For O the O above O reasons, O I O agree O that O distance Arg_B education Arg_I can't Arg_I replace Arg_I traditional Arg_I school Arg_I . O I O believe O it Arg_B is Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I idea Arg_I to Arg_I build Arg_I a Arg_I large Arg_I shopping Arg_I center Arg_I in Arg_I our Arg_I community Arg_I I O believe O that O it Arg_B is Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I idea Arg_I to Arg_I build Arg_I a Arg_I large Arg_I shopping Arg_I center Arg_I in Arg_I our Arg_I community Arg_I . O The O following O are O my O reasons O . O In O the O first O place, O the Arg_B establishment Arg_I of Arg_I a Arg_I large Arg_I shopping Arg_I center Arg_I will Arg_I provide Arg_I the Arg_I residents Arg_I a Arg_I more Arg_I convenient Arg_I place Arg_I to Arg_I go Arg_I shopping Arg_I . O Here O is O a O positive O example: O Queens Arg_B Center Arg_I Mall, Arg_I a Arg_I shopping Arg_I mall Arg_I located Arg_I in Arg_I Queens Arg_I borough Arg_I of Arg_I New Arg_I York Arg_I City, Arg_I provides Arg_I a Arg_I wide Arg_I vairtey Arg_I of Arg_I stores, Arg_I products Arg_I and Arg_I services, Arg_I from Arg_I clothing Arg_I to Arg_I electronics Arg_I and Arg_I restaurants, Arg_I that Arg_I consumers Arg_I can Arg_I choose Arg_I . O It O is O widely O thought O that O it Arg_B is Arg_I one Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I most Arg_I productive Arg_I malls Arg_I in Arg_I New Arg_I York Arg_I . O I O found O that O I Arg_B could Arg_I find Arg_I virtually Arg_I every Arg_I brand Arg_I or Arg_I store, Arg_I including Arg_I Macy's Arg_I and Arg_I JCPenney, Arg_I when Arg_I I Arg_I visited Arg_I there Arg_I . O As O far O as O I O am O concerned, O a Arg_B large Arg_I shopping Arg_I mall Arg_I provides Arg_I a Arg_I location Arg_I for Arg_I residents Arg_I to Arg_I pursue Arg_I during Arg_I their Arg_I leisure Arg_I time Arg_I . O Furthermore, O it Arg_B not Arg_I only Arg_I provides Arg_I a Arg_I place Arg_I to Arg_I shop Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I offer Arg_I people Arg_I jobs Arg_I . O There Arg_B may Arg_I be Arg_I a Arg_I great Arg_I number Arg_I of Arg_I job Arg_I vacancies Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I need Arg_I of Arg_I opening Arg_I the Arg_I new Arg_I stores Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I shopping Arg_I mall Arg_I . O It Arg_B could Arg_I be Arg_I an Arg_I opportunity Arg_I for Arg_I people Arg_I who Arg_I are Arg_I looking Arg_I for Arg_I a Arg_I part-time Arg_I job Arg_I or Arg_I a Arg_I full Arg_I time Arg_I job Arg_I . O Some Arg_B students Arg_I and Arg_I retirees Arg_I may Arg_I work Arg_I there Arg_I in Arg_I order Arg_I to Arg_I whiling Arg_I away Arg_I their Arg_I free Arg_I time Arg_I and Arg_I earning Arg_I money Arg_I . O Lastly, O it Arg_B is Arg_I more Arg_I likely Arg_I for Arg_I us Arg_I to Arg_I buy Arg_I goods Arg_I in Arg_I lower Arg_I price Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I shopping Arg_I center, Arg_I and Arg_I save Arg_I our Arg_I time Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I other Arg_I hand Arg_I . O There Arg_B may Arg_I be Arg_I a Arg_I competition Arg_I between Arg_I the Arg_I new Arg_I shopping Arg_I center Arg_I and Arg_I other Arg_I existing Arg_I stores Arg_I to Arg_I attract Arg_I the Arg_I customers Arg_I . O Accordingly, O with Arg_B sales Arg_I promotion, Arg_I it Arg_I is Arg_I easy Arg_I for Arg_I consumers Arg_I to Arg_I compare Arg_I the Arg_I price Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I same Arg_I merchandise Arg_I before Arg_I they Arg_I buy Arg_I . O In O addition, O the Arg_B residents Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I problem Arg_I spending Arg_I time Arg_I on Arg_I commute Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I hope Arg_I of Arg_I setting Arg_I up Arg_I a Arg_I shopping Arg_I center Arg_I near Arg_I their Arg_I homes Arg_I . O For O the O above-mentioned O reasons, O I Arg_B advocate Arg_I building Arg_I a Arg_I big Arg_I shopping Arg_I center Arg_I in Arg_I my Arg_I neighborhood, Arg_I which Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I beneficial Arg_I to Arg_I our Arg_I community Arg_I . O What O is O a O very O important O skill O a O person O should O learn O Some O people O think O that O life O is O a O struggle, O which O means O we O may O encounter O numerous O difficulties O during O our O lives O . O Accordingly, O stress Arg_B management, Arg_I how Arg_I to Arg_I survive Arg_I our Arg_I unbearable Arg_I stress, Arg_I is Arg_I the Arg_I most Arg_I important Arg_I skill Arg_I that Arg_I we Arg_I should Arg_I have Arg_I . O Here O are O my O reasons O . O Stress, Arg_B our Arg_I body's Arg_I way Arg_I of Arg_I responding Arg_I to Arg_I any Arg_I kind Arg_I of Arg_I demand, Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I caused Arg_I by Arg_I both Arg_I good Arg_I and Arg_I bad Arg_I experiences Arg_I . O Stress Arg_B may Arg_I be Arg_I a Arg_I positive Arg_I mobilization Arg_I to Arg_I drive Arg_I for Arg_I success Arg_I . O However, O it Arg_B is Arg_I widely Arg_I thought Arg_I that Arg_I we Arg_I experience Arg_I stress Arg_I any Arg_I time, Arg_I which Arg_I comes Arg_I across Arg_I unexpectedly Arg_I that Arg_I frustrates Arg_I our Arg_I goals Arg_I . O As O a O result, O if Arg_B we Arg_I don't Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I stress Arg_I management Arg_I skill, Arg_I it Arg_I may Arg_I lead Arg_I to Arg_I some Arg_I critical Arg_I problems Arg_I . O In Arg_B the Arg_I frenetic, Arg_I fast-paced Arg_I world, Arg_I it Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I very Arg_I common Arg_I predicament Arg_I that Arg_I all Arg_I of Arg_I us, Arg_I from Arg_I the Arg_I young Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I senior, Arg_I feel Arg_I depressed Arg_I caused Arg_I by Arg_I stress, Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I financial Arg_I problems, Arg_I exam Arg_I stress, Arg_I relationship Arg_I difficulties Arg_I and Arg_I work Arg_I overload Arg_I . O Some O people O regard O stress O as O a O power, O which O overcomes O the O obstacles O to O motivate O themselves O to O do O their O best; O other Arg_B people Arg_I cannot Arg_I charge Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I thoughts, Arg_I emotions, Arg_I and Arg_I the Arg_I way Arg_I they Arg_I deal Arg_I with Arg_I problems Arg_I . O Therefore, O stress Arg_B management Arg_I recently Arg_I becomes Arg_I a Arg_I more Arg_I significant Arg_I issue Arg_I in Arg_I our Arg_I realization Arg_I . O Furthermore, O stress Arg_B takes Arg_I a Arg_I toll Arg_I on Arg_I our Arg_I health Arg_I . O It Arg_B is Arg_I known Arg_I that Arg_I the Arg_I modern Arg_I life Arg_I is Arg_I frequently Arg_I full Arg_I of Arg_I hassles, Arg_I frustrations, Arg_I and Arg_I demands Arg_I . O This Arg_B is Arg_I one Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I reasons Arg_I why Arg_I people Arg_I were Arg_I overwhelmed Arg_I by Arg_I constant Arg_I stress Arg_I . O Thus, O some Arg_B people Arg_I have Arg_I physical Arg_I problems, Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I insomnia Arg_I and Arg_I headaches Arg_I . O Melancholia, Arg_B the Arg_I most Arg_I fatal Arg_I problem, Arg_I even Arg_I leads Arg_I some Arg_I people Arg_I to Arg_I commit Arg_I suicide Arg_I . O Consequently, O it Arg_B is Arg_I necessary Arg_I that Arg_I we Arg_I should Arg_I reduce Arg_I and Arg_I cope Arg_I with Arg_I our Arg_I stress Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I goal Arg_I of Arg_I balancing Arg_I our Arg_I mind Arg_I and Arg_I body Arg_I . O To O avoid O being O a O pessimist, O we O may O try O to O conquer O our O distress O by O sharing O our O worry O with O friends O or O families, O doing O exercise O regularly, O and O trying O to O see O our O troubles O in O a O different O way O . O For O the O above O reasons, O I O believe O that O stress Arg_B management Arg_I is Arg_I an Arg_I essential Arg_I skill Arg_I for Arg_I everyone Arg_I to Arg_I learn Arg_I and Arg_I find Arg_I their Arg_I own Arg_I way Arg_I to Arg_I solve Arg_I their Arg_I stress Arg_I . O Establishing O a O new O university O in O your O community O I Arg_B will Arg_I be Arg_I happy Arg_I to Arg_I hear Arg_I that Arg_I the Arg_I government Arg_I has Arg_I a Arg_I plan Arg_I to Arg_I build Arg_I a Arg_I new Arg_I university Arg_I in Arg_I my Arg_I community Arg_I . O There Arg_B are Arg_I many Arg_I advantages Arg_I setting Arg_I up Arg_I the Arg_I university Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I more Arg_I opportunities Arg_I to Arg_I people Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I community Arg_I to Arg_I pursue Arg_I their Arg_I studies, Arg_I creation Arg_I of Arg_I jobs Arg_I . O However, O they O come O together O with O some O disadvantages O such O as O social O problems O . O This Arg_B new Arg_I university Arg_I will Arg_I allow Arg_I a Arg_I great Arg_I number Arg_I of Arg_I people Arg_I in Arg_I my Arg_I community Arg_I to Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I chance Arg_I to Arg_I study Arg_I . O For O example, O suppose Arg_B you Arg_I live Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I faraway Arg_I community Arg_I where Arg_I there Arg_I is Arg_I no Arg_I single Arg_I university Arg_I and Arg_I you Arg_I might Arg_I not Arg_I want Arg_I to Arg_I leave Arg_I your Arg_I family Arg_I . O If Arg_B you Arg_I would Arg_I like Arg_I to Arg_I attend Arg_I a Arg_I business Arg_I school, Arg_I you Arg_I have Arg_I to Arg_I travel Arg_I across Arg_I the Arg_I country Arg_I to Arg_I get Arg_I to Arg_I a Arg_I distant Arg_I university Arg_I . O He Arg_B or Arg_I she Arg_I definitely Arg_I can Arg_I get Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I business Arg_I school Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I proposed Arg_I community's Arg_I university Arg_I . O Undoubtedly, O the Arg_B university Arg_I will Arg_I have Arg_I to Arg_I hire Arg_I professors, Arg_I employees Arg_I and Arg_I etc Arg_I . O Thus, O a Arg_B number Arg_I vacant Arg_I positions Arg_I need Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I filled Arg_I . O Also O there Arg_B will Arg_I be Arg_I more Arg_I opportunities Arg_I to Arg_I work Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I community Arg_I . O Moreover, O when Arg_B people Arg_I have Arg_I jobs, Arg_I they Arg_I will Arg_I have Arg_I money Arg_I to Arg_I spend Arg_I on Arg_I goods Arg_I and Arg_I services Arg_I . O This Arg_B can Arg_I also Arg_I help Arg_I stimulate Arg_I the Arg_I local Arg_I economy Arg_I . O However, O building Arg_B the Arg_I university Arg_I may Arg_I lead Arg_I to Arg_I some Arg_I social Arg_I problems Arg_I . O A Arg_B number Arg_I of Arg_I people Arg_I then Arg_I may Arg_I come Arg_I from Arg_I any Arg_I other Arg_I communities Arg_I in Arg_I order Arg_I to Arg_I get Arg_I in Arg_I to Arg_I or Arg_I get Arg_I the Arg_I jobs Arg_I at Arg_I the Arg_I university Arg_I . O When Arg_B many Arg_I people Arg_I congregate Arg_I in Arg_I one Arg_I place, Arg_I I Arg_I think Arg_I that Arg_I some Arg_I kinds Arg_I of Arg_I social Arg_I problems Arg_I will Arg_I follow Arg_I . O Traffic Arg_B may Arg_I worsen Arg_I . O More Arg_B wastes Arg_I have Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I managed Arg_I . O Maybe Arg_B crime Arg_I rate Arg_I will Arg_I also Arg_I increase Arg_I . O These Arg_B social Arg_I problems Arg_I may Arg_I impair Arg_I the Arg_I quality Arg_I of Arg_I life Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I community Arg_I . O In O sum, O I Arg_B myself Arg_I agree Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I plan Arg_I to Arg_I build Arg_I the Arg_I university Arg_I . O I O believe O the Arg_B benefit Arg_I from Arg_I it Arg_I will Arg_I outweigh Arg_I the Arg_I cost Arg_I . O However, O it O would O be O indispensable O that O the O government O conduct O a O survey O about O the O community O opinion O on O the O new O university O first O . O Television O versus O Friends O and O family O We O all O know O that O television O provides O us O many O benefits; O it O helps O people O relax, O helps O keep O up O with O news, O helps O broad O our O mind O . O However, O have O you O ever O thought O that O television O has O destroyed O communication O among O friends O and O family? O I Arg_B personally Arg_I consider Arg_I this Arg_I fact Arg_I as Arg_I the Arg_I harmful Arg_I thing Arg_I that Arg_I television Arg_I has Arg_I brought Arg_I upon Arg_I us Arg_I . O First O of O all, O since O people O watch O television O too O much, O they Arg_B can Arg_I be Arg_I isolated Arg_I from Arg_I others Arg_I . O Children, Arg_B for Arg_I example, Arg_I pay Arg_I more Arg_I attention Arg_I on Arg_I movies, Arg_I music Arg_I show Arg_I provided Arg_I by Arg_I television Arg_I and Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I want Arg_I to Arg_I do Arg_I anything Arg_I else Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I going Arg_I to Arg_I school Arg_I or Arg_I practicing Arg_I exercise Arg_I with Arg_I friends Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I taken Arg_I apart Arg_I by Arg_I others Arg_I . O Gradually, Arg_B their Arg_I friends Arg_I leave Arg_I them Arg_I behind Arg_I either Arg_I activities Arg_I or Arg_I studying Arg_I . O Secondly, O with Arg_B the Arg_I rapid Arg_I change Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I standard Arg_I of Arg_I life, Arg_I each Arg_I family Arg_I has Arg_I three Arg_I or Arg_I four Arg_I TV Arg_I in Arg_I each Arg_I room Arg_I is Arg_I more Arg_I common Arg_I . O Parents Arg_B and Arg_I even Arg_I children Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I want Arg_I to Arg_I communicate Arg_I with Arg_I each Arg_I other Arg_I instead Arg_I of Arg_I watching Arg_I TV Arg_I in Arg_I their Arg_I own Arg_I room Arg_I . O As O a O consequence, O children Arg_B will Arg_I learn Arg_I behavior Arg_I from Arg_I what Arg_I they Arg_I see Arg_I on Arg_I TV Arg_I not Arg_I from Arg_I their Arg_I parents Arg_I . O Moreover, O parents Arg_B are Arg_I not Arg_I able Arg_I to Arg_I function Arg_I their Arg_I parental Arg_I care Arg_I as Arg_I the Arg_I necessary Arg_I thing Arg_I to Arg_I children Arg_I . O In O this O way, O communication Arg_B between Arg_I family Arg_I members Arg_I is Arg_I visibly Arg_I destroyed Arg_I . O Last O but O not O least, O watching Arg_B too Arg_I much Arg_I television Arg_I people Arg_I will Arg_I unconsciously Arg_I learn Arg_I bad Arg_I behavior Arg_I that Arg_I sow Arg_I division Arg_I among Arg_I human Arg_I . O For O example, O watching Arg_B film Arg_I about Arg_I terrorist Arg_I children Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I able Arg_I to Arg_I consider Arg_I terrorism Arg_I as Arg_I a Arg_I right Arg_I thing Arg_I . O What O happens O if O they O do O act O exactly O the O terrorist O in O Hollywood O movies O does? O is O this O one O of O the O reason O cause O division O in O society? O In O conclusion, O though O television O has O some O good O sides, O it Arg_B has Arg_I destroyed Arg_I communication Arg_I among Arg_I friends Arg_I and Arg_I family Arg_I . O We O need O to O quickly O find O the O way O to O address O this O problem O as O soon O as O possible O and O the O first O concern O is O to O reducing O violent O behaviors O that O children O learn O from O television O . O Live O football O game O at O a O stadium O Have O you O ever O traveled O along O to O support O your O home O football O team O during O tournaments? O Have O you O attended O at O a O stadium O to O watch O your O team's O match, O yell O or O even O cry O with O the O team O and O their O thousands O of O fans O there? O If O you O have O a O great O love O with O football O and O your O home O team, O it Arg_B is Arg_I much Arg_I more Arg_I gratifying Arg_I to Arg_I stay Arg_I side Arg_I by Arg_I side Arg_I and Arg_I cheer Arg_I up Arg_I the Arg_I team Arg_I at Arg_I the Arg_I stadium Arg_I rather Arg_I than Arg_I just Arg_I to Arg_I stay Arg_I at Arg_I home Arg_I and Arg_I watch Arg_I the Arg_I match Arg_I alone Arg_I . O First, O attending Arg_B a Arg_I live Arg_I football Arg_I match Arg_I is Arg_I very Arg_I fulfilling Arg_I . O Before Arg_B the Arg_I match Arg_I starts, Arg_I thousands Arg_I of Arg_I fans Arg_I gathering Arg_I outside Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I stadium Arg_I with Arg_I team Arg_I flags, Arg_I colorful Arg_I outfits, Arg_I sound Arg_I of Arg_I trumpets Arg_I and Arg_I rattles Arg_I . O . O . O everywhere O . O As Arg_B the Arg_I game Arg_I kicks Arg_I off, Arg_I the Arg_I atmosphere Arg_I inside Arg_I the Arg_I stadium Arg_I is Arg_I even Arg_I more Arg_I exciting Arg_I . O You Arg_B are Arg_I watching Arg_I football Arg_I stars Arg_I play Arg_I the Arg_I game Arg_I with Arg_I your Arg_I own Arg_I eyes Arg_I and Arg_I sharing Arg_I your Arg_I feelings Arg_I with Arg_I about Arg_I 40,000 Arg_I people Arg_I at Arg_I the Arg_I stadium, Arg_I such Arg_I an Arg_I excitement Arg_I you Arg_I can Arg_I never Arg_I have Arg_I when Arg_I you Arg_I are Arg_I watching Arg_I it Arg_I at Arg_I home Arg_I . O Everybody Arg_B yells Arg_I and Arg_I sings Arg_I together, Arg_I the Arg_I stadium Arg_I is Arg_I like Arg_I bursted Arg_I out Arg_I whenever Arg_I a Arg_I goal Arg_I is Arg_I scored Arg_I . O See, Arg_B you Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I bored Arg_I if Arg_I you Arg_I are Arg_I watching Arg_I it Arg_I alone Arg_I . O Second, O watching Arg_B a Arg_I live Arg_I football Arg_I game Arg_I is Arg_I an Arg_I exceptional Arg_I experience Arg_I . O You Arg_B can Arg_I watch Arg_I it Arg_I at Arg_I home, Arg_I but Arg_I "easy Arg_I come, Arg_I easy Arg_I go", Arg_I you Arg_I will Arg_I quickly Arg_I forget Arg_I it, Arg_I like Arg_I a Arg_I movie Arg_I . O The O tickets O to O get O in O the O stadium O may O be O a O little O expensive, O but O you Arg_B will Arg_I gain Arg_I much Arg_I more Arg_I entertainment Arg_I value Arg_I from Arg_I the Arg_I game Arg_I . O You Arg_B can Arg_I cherish Arg_I your Arg_I experience Arg_I for Arg_I a Arg_I long Arg_I time Arg_I . O Furthermore, O it Arg_B can Arg_I be Arg_I an Arg_I exclusive Arg_I experience Arg_I . O If Arg_B it Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I crucial Arg_I win Arg_I to Arg_I acclaim Arg_I a Arg_I trophy, Arg_I you Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I "on Arg_I site" Arg_I to Arg_I witness Arg_I and Arg_I celebrate Arg_I the Arg_I victory Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O watch O a O football O match O on O television O it O is O comfortable O and O pleasing, O but O watching Arg_B the Arg_I match Arg_I live Arg_I at Arg_I the Arg_I stadium Arg_I is Arg_I more Arg_I enjoyable Arg_I . O It Arg_B can Arg_I be Arg_I unforgettable Arg_I moments Arg_I in Arg_I your Arg_I life Arg_I . O Fossil O fuels O will O soon O be O replaced? O Although O renewable O resources O of O energy O are O elements O of O the O current O and O future O energy O strategy, O as O far O as O I'm O concerned, O these O new Arg_B forms Arg_I of Arg_I energy Arg_I cannot Arg_I soon Arg_I replace Arg_I fossil Arg_I fuels Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I gases, Arg_I oil, Arg_I and Arg_I coal Arg_I . O Firstly, O due Arg_B to Arg_I the Arg_I limitation Arg_I of Arg_I technology Arg_I renewable Arg_I resources Arg_I are Arg_I relatively Arg_I expensive Arg_I . O Researches Arg_B in Arg_I renewable Arg_I energy Arg_I cost Arg_I a Arg_I huge Arg_I amount Arg_I of Arg_I money Arg_I which Arg_I developing Arg_I countries Arg_I cannot Arg_I afford Arg_I . O On O the O other O hand, O fossil Arg_B fuels Arg_I are Arg_I abundant Arg_I and Arg_I inexpensive Arg_I in Arg_I many Arg_I areas Arg_I . O For O example, O it Arg_B is Arg_I estimated Arg_I that Arg_I China Arg_I has Arg_I the Arg_I largest Arg_I deposit Arg_I of Arg_I coal Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I and Arg_I the Arg_I government Arg_I does Arg_I not Arg_I want Arg_I to Arg_I invest Arg_I too Arg_I much Arg_I money Arg_I on Arg_I new Arg_I forms Arg_I of Arg_I energy, Arg_I say Arg_I expensive Arg_I solar Arg_I batteries Arg_I and Arg_I wind Arg_I farms Arg_I . O Thus O the Arg_B plan Arg_I of Arg_I renewable Arg_I resources Arg_I of Arg_I energy Arg_I may Arg_I face Arg_I challenges Arg_I in Arg_I that Arg_I not Arg_I every Arg_I country Arg_I can Arg_I afford Arg_I the Arg_I reforming Arg_I . O Besides, O although O utility O companies O claim O that O renewable O energy O is O environmentally O friendly; O these Arg_B new Arg_I forms Arg_I of Arg_I energy Arg_I may Arg_I not Arg_I be Arg_I as Arg_I clean Arg_I and Arg_I green Arg_I as Arg_I we Arg_I think Arg_I . O Latest Arg_B studies Arg_I have Arg_I shown Arg_I that Arg_I these Arg_I renewable Arg_I resources Arg_I of Arg_I energy Arg_I are Arg_I problematic Arg_I as Arg_I well Arg_I and Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I very Arg_I likely Arg_I to Arg_I pose Arg_I long-term Arg_I environmental Arg_I hazards Arg_I . O For O example, O the Arg_B dams Arg_I built Arg_I for Arg_I hydroelectricity Arg_I influence Arg_I the Arg_I water Arg_I flows Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I rivers Arg_I and Arg_I sometimes Arg_I cause Arg_I drought Arg_I in Arg_I areas Arg_I in Arg_I front Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I dams Arg_I . O This Arg_B damages Arg_I the Arg_I habitats Arg_I of Arg_I many Arg_I valuable Arg_I fish Arg_I and Arg_I wading Arg_I birds Arg_I . O More O importantly, O the Arg_B accumulation Arg_I of Arg_I heavy Arg_I metal Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I silt Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I bottom Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I rivers Arg_I behind Arg_I the Arg_I dams Arg_I is Arg_I extremely Arg_I difficult Arg_I and Arg_I expensive Arg_I to Arg_I clean Arg_I up; Arg_I leaving Arg_I problems Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I following Arg_I generations Arg_I . O Thus O renewable Arg_B resources Arg_I are Arg_I not Arg_I as Arg_I reliable Arg_I as Arg_I we Arg_I think Arg_I . O Admittedly O contemporarily O fossil O fuels O cause O serious O environmental O conundrums O such O as O acid O rain, O deduction O of O ozone O layer O and O global O warming; O these Arg_B problems Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I solved Arg_I by Arg_I improving Arg_I efficiency Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I mechanism Arg_I and Arg_I reducing Arg_I emissions Arg_I . O For O example O we Arg_B can Arg_I use Arg_I chemicals Arg_I to Arg_I desulfurize Arg_I the Arg_I emissions Arg_I from Arg_I plants Arg_I and Arg_I vehicles Arg_I to Arg_I avoid Arg_I acid Arg_I rain Arg_I . O These Arg_B improving Arg_I methods Arg_I are Arg_I often Arg_I cheaper Arg_I and Arg_I simpler Arg_I compared Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I high-tech Arg_I of Arg_I renewable Arg_I energy Arg_I . O With Arg_B these Arg_I solutions Arg_I fossil Arg_I fuels Arg_I seem Arg_I more Arg_I sustainable Arg_I . O In O conclusion O as O promising O as O renewable O resources O of O energy O sound, O there Arg_B is Arg_I no Arg_I way Arg_I those Arg_I new Arg_I forms Arg_I of Arg_I energy Arg_I will Arg_I replace Arg_I fossil Arg_I fuels Arg_I soon Arg_I . O Farmland, O housing O and O industry O or O saving O land O for O animals? O Nowadays, O there O is O a O prevailing O opinion O that O human Arg_B needs Arg_I for Arg_I farmland, Arg_I housing Arg_I and Arg_I industry Arg_I are Arg_I more Arg_I important Arg_I than O saving O land O for O endangered O animals O . O People O who O disagree O with O the O point O dispute O that O the O decreasing O of O land O for O endangered O animals O will O bring O damage O to O ecological O balance O . O As O far O as O I O am O concerned, O I O agree O with O the O opinion O human Arg_B needs Arg_I for Arg_I farmland, Arg_I housing Arg_I and Arg_I industry Arg_I are Arg_I more Arg_I important Arg_I . O The O reasons O are O based O on O the O following O aspects O . O First, O land Arg_B used Arg_I for Arg_I farmland, Arg_I housing Arg_I and Arg_I industry Arg_I can Arg_I benefit Arg_I more Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I whole Arg_I society Arg_I . O There O is O no O deny O that O the O economy O of O the O whole O society O will O be O developed O with O the O help O of O agriculture, O real O estate O industry O and O industry, O in O particularly O industry O which O is O the O pillar O industry O of O national O economy, O because O they Arg_B produce Arg_I plenty Arg_I of Arg_I profits Arg_I . O What O is O more, O the Arg_B society Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I stable Arg_I and Arg_I harmony Arg_I due Arg_I to Arg_I more Arg_I farmland Arg_I and Arg_I industry Arg_I . O It O is O widely O acknowledged O that O more Arg_B farmlands Arg_I and Arg_I industries Arg_I can Arg_I provide Arg_I more Arg_I job Arg_I opportunities Arg_I which Arg_I can Arg_I decrease Arg_I the Arg_I unemployment Arg_I rate Arg_I and Arg_I crime Arg_I rate Arg_I . O Thus O the Arg_B needs Arg_I for Arg_I farmland, Arg_I housing Arg_I and Arg_I industry Arg_I are Arg_I more Arg_I important Arg_I . O Second, O farmland, Arg_B housing Arg_I and Arg_I industry Arg_I can Arg_I satisfy Arg_I the Arg_I desire Arg_I of Arg_I human Arg_I that Arg_I living Arg_I a Arg_I better Arg_I life Arg_I . O It O is O clearly O understood O that O farming, Arg_B housing Arg_I and Arg_I industry Arg_I provide Arg_I us Arg_I the Arg_I food Arg_I we Arg_I eat, Arg_I place Arg_I we Arg_I live, Arg_I clothes Arg_I we Arg_I wear, Arg_I which Arg_I are Arg_I essential Arg_I to Arg_I live Arg_I . O Especially Arg_B in Arg_I some Arg_I poor Arg_I areas, Arg_I survival Arg_I is Arg_I the Arg_I most Arg_I significant Arg_I thing Arg_I . O In O addition, O highly Arg_B developed Arg_I agriculture Arg_I and Arg_I industry Arg_I can Arg_I improve Arg_I our Arg_I living Arg_I conditions Arg_I which Arg_I allow Arg_I us Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I quality Arg_I life Arg_I . O Last O I O want O to O mention O is O that O even O though O farmland, O housing O and O industry O will O occupy O the O land O used O for O endangered O animals, O it Arg_B can Arg_I do Arg_I good Arg_I to Arg_I protect Arg_I the Arg_I endangered Arg_I animals Arg_I . O According O to O the O discuss O above, O agriculture Arg_B and Arg_I industry Arg_I make Arg_I a Arg_I contribution Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I economy Arg_I . O With O the O economy O development, O we Arg_B can Arg_I have Arg_I more Arg_I advanced Arg_I methods Arg_I to Arg_I take Arg_I care Arg_I of Arg_I endangered Arg_I animals Arg_I . O For O instant, O we Arg_B can Arg_I invent Arg_I new Arg_I technique Arg_I to Arg_I help Arg_I endangered Arg_I animals Arg_I to Arg_I produce Arg_I offspring Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I sure Arg_I they Arg_I would Arg_I not Arg_I distinct Arg_I . O All O in O all, O protecting O endangered O animals O is O necessary, O nevertheless, O human Arg_B needs Arg_I for Arg_I farmland, Arg_I housing Arg_I and Arg_I industry Arg_I are Arg_I more Arg_I important Arg_I . O Physical O exercise O should O be O required O part O of O every O school O day O Although O some O people O believe O that O students O should O spend O the O whole O day O on O academic O studies, O I O nevertheless O believe O that O physical Arg_B exercise Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I crucial Arg_I part Arg_I of Arg_I every Arg_I school Arg_I day Arg_I . O Exercise Arg_B is Arg_I good Arg_I not Arg_I only Arg_I for Arg_I having Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I health Arg_I body, Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I mind Arg_I . O In O addition, O including Arg_B exercise Arg_I in Arg_I children's Arg_I daily Arg_I routine, Arg_I it Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I way Arg_I to Arg_I teach Arg_I them Arg_I the Arg_I importance Arg_I of Arg_I physical Arg_I activity Arg_I from Arg_I an Arg_I early Arg_I age Arg_I . O Physical Arg_B activity Arg_I helps Arg_I children Arg_I to Arg_I grow Arg_I up Arg_I physically Arg_I healthier Arg_I . O As O studies O have O shown O that O the Arg_B rate Arg_I of Arg_I obesity Arg_I in Arg_I children Arg_I has Arg_I increased Arg_I every Arg_I year, Arg_I it Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I very Arg_I beneficial Arg_I for Arg_I children Arg_I to Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I daily Arg_I physical Arg_I activity Arg_I and Arg_I get Arg_I a Arg_I break Arg_I from Arg_I being Arg_I sitting Arg_I several Arg_I hours Arg_I at Arg_I school Arg_I . O In O addition, O exercise Arg_B will Arg_I help Arg_I them Arg_I to Arg_I not Arg_I be Arg_I less Arg_I exposed Arg_I to Arg_I illness Arg_I related Arg_I with Arg_I cardiovascular, Arg_I higher Arg_I blood Arg_I and Arg_I cholesterol Arg_I issues Arg_I . O Daily Arg_B exercise Arg_I will Arg_I help Arg_I also Arg_I to Arg_I develop Arg_I children's Arg_I brain Arg_I function Arg_I . O It Arg_B is Arg_I well Arg_I known Arg_I how Arg_I important Arg_I it Arg_I is Arg_I to Arg_I exercise Arg_I regularly Arg_I to Arg_I help Arg_I the Arg_I body Arg_I system Arg_I to Arg_I work Arg_I better Arg_I . O When Arg_B people Arg_I exercise, Arg_I the Arg_I respiratory Arg_I system's Arg_I function Arg_I is Arg_I enhanced, Arg_I helping Arg_I all Arg_I organs, Arg_I including Arg_I the Arg_I brain, Arg_I to Arg_I get Arg_I more Arg_I oxygen Arg_I in Arg_I . O Daily Arg_B exercise Arg_I will Arg_I provide Arg_I children Arg_I with Arg_I a Arg_I mental Arg_I break Arg_I which Arg_I will Arg_I boost Arg_I them Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I efficient Arg_I learners Arg_I . O Having Arg_B children Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I daily Arg_I exercise Arg_I routine Arg_I from Arg_I an Arg_I early Arg_I age Arg_I will Arg_I teach Arg_I them Arg_I the Arg_I important Arg_I value Arg_I of Arg_I having Arg_I physical Arg_I activity Arg_I in Arg_I their Arg_I every Arg_I day Arg_I routine Arg_I . O Children Arg_B are Arg_I bombarded Arg_I with Arg_I lectures Arg_I about Arg_I nutrition Arg_I and Arg_I physical Arg_I activity; Arg_I however, Arg_I they Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I more Arg_I beneficed Arg_I if Arg_I that Arg_I knowledge Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I put Arg_I in Arg_I practice Arg_I . O Moreover, O they Arg_B can Arg_I stick Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I routine Arg_I and Arg_I make Arg_I the Arg_I daily Arg_I physical Arg_I activities Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I habit Arg_I on Arg_I their Arg_I whole Arg_I life Arg_I . O Including Arg_B physical Arg_I activity Arg_I in Arg_I children's Arg_I school Arg_I day Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I strongly Arg_I considered Arg_I . O It Arg_B will Arg_I meliorate Arg_I not Arg_I only Arg_I mental Arg_I and Arg_I body Arg_I health, Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I will Arg_I establish Arg_I in Arg_I children Arg_I a Arg_I habit Arg_I of Arg_I doing Arg_I it, Arg_I giving Arg_I them Arg_I the Arg_I opportunity Arg_I to Arg_I measure Arg_I the Arg_I worth Arg_I of Arg_I including Arg_I such Arg_I an Arg_I important Arg_I activity Arg_I in Arg_I their Arg_I daily Arg_I live Arg_I schedules Arg_I . O Do O you O think O it O is O good O for O teenagers O to O work O while O schooling? O In O my O opinion, O it Arg_B is Arg_I not Arg_I the Arg_I good Arg_I idea Arg_I for Arg_I teenagers Arg_I to Arg_I have Arg_I job Arg_I while Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I still Arg_I students Arg_I . O Although, O many O argue O that O it O provide O good O working O experience, O but O I O think O it Arg_B can Arg_I interfere Arg_I with Arg_I their Arg_I life Arg_I in Arg_I various Arg_I ways Arg_I . O Having Arg_B jobs Arg_I would Arg_I affect Arg_I the Arg_I health Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I student Arg_I . O It Arg_B divert Arg_I their Arg_I mind Arg_I from Arg_I studies Arg_I and Arg_I would Arg_I take Arg_I away Arg_I their Arg_I childhood Arg_I phase Arg_I from Arg_I their Arg_I life Arg_I . O A Arg_B student Arg_I has Arg_I to Arg_I do Arg_I lots Arg_I of Arg_I studies Arg_I in Arg_I today's Arg_I competitive Arg_I world Arg_I to Arg_I prove Arg_I himself Arg_I . O He Arg_B has Arg_I to Arg_I spend Arg_I his Arg_I most Arg_I of Arg_I time Arg_I in Arg_I school Arg_I to Arg_I get Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I grades Arg_I . O If Arg_B the Arg_I student Arg_I get Arg_I involved Arg_I himself Arg_I in Arg_I job Arg_I in Arg_I rest Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I time, Arg_I then Arg_I it Arg_I would Arg_I cause Arg_I an Arg_I extra Arg_I burden Arg_I on Arg_I them Arg_I . O Furthermore, O jobs Arg_B has Arg_I various Arg_I responsibilities Arg_I like Arg_I attendance, Arg_I sometimes Arg_I extra Arg_I work Arg_I and Arg_I so Arg_I on Arg_I . O This Arg_B would Arg_I result Arg_I in Arg_I stress, Arg_I tension Arg_I and Arg_I tiredness Arg_I . O They Arg_B won't Arg_I be Arg_I able Arg_I to Arg_I get Arg_I proper Arg_I time Arg_I for Arg_I relaxation, Arg_I sleep Arg_I . O Thus, O would Arg_B affect Arg_I their Arg_I mental Arg_I and Arg_I physical Arg_I health Arg_I . O Another O reason, O jobs Arg_B can Arg_I divert Arg_I students Arg_I from Arg_I their Arg_I studies Arg_I . O If Arg_B students Arg_I started Arg_I earning Arg_I in Arg_I earlier Arg_I age Arg_I in Arg_I their Arg_I life, Arg_I then Arg_I they Arg_I get Arg_I attracted Arg_I towards Arg_I money Arg_I . O They Arg_B feel Arg_I themselves Arg_I independent Arg_I and Arg_I would Arg_I prefer Arg_I to Arg_I work Arg_I more Arg_I for Arg_I money Arg_I . O This Arg_B would Arg_I affect Arg_I their Arg_I studies, Arg_I they Arg_I loose Arg_I their Arg_I interest Arg_I from Arg_I studies Arg_I . O Moreover, O they Arg_B drop Arg_I out Arg_I their Arg_I studies Arg_I so Arg_I as Arg_I to Arg_I earn Arg_I more Arg_I money Arg_I . O In O addition O to O this, O the Arg_B main Arg_I drawback Arg_I of Arg_I teenagers Arg_I job Arg_I is Arg_I that, Arg_I they Arg_I miss Arg_I out Arg_I the Arg_I fun Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I childhood Arg_I time Arg_I . O He Arg_B would Arg_I miss Arg_I various Arg_I childhood Arg_I activities Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I hang Arg_I out Arg_I with Arg_I friends, Arg_I clubs Arg_I and Arg_I fun Arg_I activities Arg_I and Arg_I social Arg_I interaction Arg_I with Arg_I others Arg_I . O They Arg_B have Arg_I whole Arg_I life Arg_I to Arg_I do Arg_I job Arg_I and Arg_I prove Arg_I themselves, Arg_I but Arg_I the Arg_I childhood Arg_I phase Arg_I will Arg_I never Arg_I return Arg_I in Arg_I their Arg_I life Arg_I . O Therefore, O they Arg_B should Arg_I take Arg_I advantage Arg_I of Arg_I life Arg_I as Arg_I much Arg_I possible Arg_I they Arg_I can Arg_I . O Thus, O for Arg_B a Arg_I teenager Arg_I it Arg_I is Arg_I important Arg_I to Arg_I pay Arg_I attention Arg_I on Arg_I their Arg_I studies Arg_I . O Having Arg_B job Arg_I would Arg_I affect Arg_I their Arg_I health, Arg_I divert Arg_I them Arg_I from Arg_I studies Arg_I and Arg_I take Arg_I away Arg_I one Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I important Arg_I phase Arg_I from Arg_I their Arg_I life Arg_I . O Do O zoos O serve O any O useful O function? O It O has O become O quite O a O common O hobby O of O children O that O they O usually O spend O their O free O time O in O zoos O . O Zoos O have O been O established O for O ages O all O over O the O world O and O have O become O interesting O places O for O entertainment O . O Over O the O time, O there O are O also O a O lot O of O arguments O concerning O whether O zoos O are O helpful O in O serving O people O or O they O are O just O some O kinds O of O bad O treatments O to O animals O . O Some O people O spot O out O that O humanities Arg_B benefit Arg_I so Arg_I much Arg_I from Arg_I zoos Arg_I . O First O of O all, O zoos Arg_B are Arg_I fascinating Arg_I places Arg_I of Arg_I entertainment Arg_I . O For O this O point, O they O all O think O that O the Arg_B very Arg_I nature Arg_I and Arg_I wildness Arg_I are Arg_I all Arg_I brought Arg_I into Arg_I zoos Arg_I and Arg_I spending Arg_I time Arg_I there Arg_I help Arg_I us Arg_I to Arg_I forget Arg_I all Arg_I stress Arg_I as Arg_I well Arg_I as Arg_I pressure Arg_I . O Another O function O that O all Arg_B zoos Arg_I serve Arg_I relates Arg_I to Arg_I education Arg_I . O Many Arg_B students Arg_I as Arg_I well Arg_I as Arg_I people Arg_I find Arg_I zoos Arg_I as Arg_I good Arg_I places Arg_I for Arg_I witnessing Arg_I and Arg_I researching Arg_I the Arg_I true Arg_I animal Arg_I world Arg_I . O Moreover, O some Arg_B zoos Arg_I are Arg_I also Arg_I reservation Arg_I sites Arg_I of Arg_I many Arg_I animals Arg_I that Arg_I are Arg_I about Arg_I to Arg_I become Arg_I extinct Arg_I . O On O the O other O hand, O there O are, O however, O people O who O think O that O zoos Arg_B just Arg_I take Arg_I away Arg_I freedom Arg_I of Arg_I animals Arg_I . O Being Arg_B confined, Arg_I animals Arg_I may Arg_I lose Arg_I their Arg_I own Arg_I nature Arg_I as Arg_I well Arg_I as Arg_I wildness Arg_I and Arg_I feel Arg_I upset Arg_I and Arg_I discontented Arg_I . O In O their O opinion, O zoos Arg_B are Arg_I some Arg_I kind Arg_I of Arg_I prisons Arg_I and Arg_I it's Arg_I so Arg_I cruel Arg_I and Arg_I wrong Arg_I to Arg_I keep Arg_I animal Arg_I in Arg_I such Arg_I prisons Arg_I . O From O my O point O of O view, O I O agree O with O the O first O group O . O In Arg_B modern Arg_I life, Arg_I zoos Arg_I have Arg_I become Arg_I even Arg_I more Arg_I important Arg_I in Arg_I serving Arg_I as Arg_I places Arg_I for Arg_I people Arg_I to Arg_I study Arg_I and Arg_I enjoy Arg_I the Arg_I nature Arg_I while Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I natural Arg_I destruction Arg_I is Arg_I made Arg_I to Arg_I build Arg_I towers Arg_I and Arg_I skyscrapers Arg_I . O Besides, O recently, Arg_B zookeepers Arg_I have Arg_I also Arg_I tried Arg_I their Arg_I best Arg_I to Arg_I make Arg_I animals Arg_I feel Arg_I more Arg_I comfortable Arg_I by Arg_I making Arg_I artificial Arg_I landscapes Arg_I more Arg_I familiar Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I nature, Arg_I taking Arg_I care Arg_I all Arg_I animals Arg_I in Arg_I both Arg_I feeding Arg_I and Arg_I sanity Arg_I . O Studying O alone O or O in O a O group O When O I O found O the O chance O of O studying O in O a O group O with O my O classmates, O I O wished O I O can O go O back O in O time O and O took O all O my O exams O again O . O I Arg_B personally Arg_I prefer Arg_I studying Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I group Arg_I due Arg_I to Arg_I these Arg_I noticeable Arg_I features, Arg_I getting Arg_I help Arg_I from Arg_I other Arg_I students, Arg_I improving Arg_I my Arg_I attitude Arg_I for Arg_I learning, Arg_I managing Arg_I my Arg_I time Arg_I in Arg_I an Arg_I effective Arg_I way Arg_I . O When Arg_B pupils Arg_I make Arg_I a Arg_I group Arg_I for Arg_I studying, Arg_I all Arg_I member Arg_I of Arg_I group Arg_I have Arg_I the Arg_I same Arg_I chance Arg_I to Arg_I help Arg_I each Arg_I other Arg_I . O They Arg_B can Arg_I work Arg_I together Arg_I for Arg_I understanding Arg_I the Arg_I complicated Arg_I aspect Arg_I of Arg_I a Arg_I course Arg_I . O For O example, O when Arg_B a Arg_I group Arg_I faces Arg_I with Arg_I complex Arg_I math Arg_I problem, Arg_I they Arg_I can Arg_I share Arg_I their Arg_I opinions Arg_I to Arg_I solve Arg_I it Arg_I . O In O addition, O such Arg_B a Arg_I remarkable Arg_I effect Arg_I has Arg_I incorporation Arg_I that Arg_I all Arg_I students Arg_I can Arg_I improve Arg_I their Arg_I weak Arg_I points Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I group Arg_I . O Increasing Arg_B the Arg_I motivation Arg_I and Arg_I competence Arg_I spirit Arg_I are Arg_I another Arg_I benefit Arg_I of Arg_I group-studying Arg_I . O In Arg_B a Arg_I group Arg_I of Arg_I student, Arg_I the Arg_I best Arg_I of Arg_I those Arg_I always Arg_I encourages Arg_I others Arg_I to Arg_I study Arg_I harder Arg_I . O Besides, O pupils Arg_B often Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I tangible Arg_I competence Arg_I in Arg_I order Arg_I that Arg_I they Arg_I can Arg_I get Arg_I the Arg_I highest Arg_I grade Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I group Arg_I . O Clearly, O better Arg_B learning Arg_I is Arg_I one Arg_I of Arg_I noticeable Arg_I result Arg_I of Arg_I these Arg_I competences Arg_I and Arg_I encouragements Arg_I . O When Arg_B the Arg_I students Arg_I study Arg_I with Arg_I their Arg_I friends, Arg_I they Arg_I should Arg_I have Arg_I schedule Arg_I to Arg_I use Arg_I their Arg_I time Arg_I in Arg_I an Arg_I effective Arg_I manner Arg_I . O Group-studying Arg_B causes Arg_I some Arg_I kind Arg_I of Arg_I internal Arg_I obligation Arg_I to Arg_I manage Arg_I the Arg_I time, Arg_I inasmuch Arg_I as Arg_I we Arg_I always Arg_I care Arg_I about Arg_I other Arg_I people Arg_I and Arg_I we Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I want Arg_I to Arg_I waste Arg_I their Arg_I time Arg_I . O Therefore, O time Arg_B management Arg_I is Arg_I another Arg_I brilliant Arg_I benefit Arg_I of Arg_I group-studying Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O I Arg_B strongly Arg_I prefer Arg_I studying Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I group Arg_I of Arg_I my Arg_I friends Arg_I because Arg_I of Arg_I some Arg_I important Arg_I opportunities Arg_I gaining Arg_I with Arg_I this Arg_I activity Arg_I . O I Arg_B can Arg_I receive Arg_I some Arg_I helps Arg_I from Arg_I other Arg_I student Arg_I as Arg_I well Arg_I as Arg_I improving Arg_I my Arg_I learning Arg_I skills, Arg_I also Arg_I managing Arg_I of Arg_I time Arg_I is Arg_I another Arg_I achievements Arg_I of Arg_I group-studying Arg_I . O Now, O it O is O time O to O start O without O any O regret O from O my O previous O exams O . O Should O animals O be O free O or O live O in O zoos? O Many O people O state O that O zoos O are O a O great O asset O to O animals O . O Others O believe O that O they O are O inferior O creatures O and O therefore O do O not O deserve O our O attention O . O In O my O opinion, O we Arg_B must Arg_I help Arg_I animals Arg_I live Arg_I safely Arg_I and Arg_I comfortably Arg_I in Arg_I their Arg_I own Arg_I environment Arg_I . O Many Arg_B scientific Arg_I studies Arg_I have Arg_I revealed Arg_I the Arg_I detriment Arg_I that Arg_I zoos Arg_I have Arg_I caused Arg_I to Arg_I animals Arg_I . O Firstly, O like Arg_B we, Arg_I human Arg_I beings, Arg_I animals Arg_I are Arg_I delivered Arg_I to Arg_I this Arg_I world Arg_I with Arg_I genetic Arg_I instincts Arg_I . O Skills O which O help O them O live O and O survive O in O their O residing O areas O . O When Arg_B we Arg_I captivate Arg_I animals Arg_I and Arg_I put Arg_I them Arg_I to Arg_I live Arg_I a Arg_I style Arg_I of Arg_I life Arg_I that Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I unfamiliar Arg_I with, Arg_I they Arg_I begin Arg_I to Arg_I loose Arg_I those Arg_I in-born Arg_I instincts Arg_I . O Hence, O when Arg_B they Arg_I are Arg_I released Arg_I or Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I worst Arg_I case, Arg_I when Arg_I they Arg_I escape, Arg_I they Arg_I act Arg_I disorientated Arg_I and Arg_I this Arg_I contributes Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I animal Arg_I mortality Arg_I rate Arg_I . O In O addition O to O the O previous O point, O various Arg_B zoos Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I have Arg_I the Arg_I proper Arg_I implements Arg_I or Arg_I policies Arg_I that Arg_I assure Arg_I the Arg_I quality Arg_I of Arg_I animal Arg_I care Arg_I . O For O instance, O I O recall O my O first O trip O to O a O zoo, O at O age O eight O . O I Arg_B was Arg_I shocked Arg_I by Arg_I the Arg_I cruelty Arg_I which Arg_I animals Arg_I were Arg_I treated Arg_I . O I Arg_B can Arg_I not Arg_I think Arg_I of Arg_I any Arg_I staff Arg_I memeber Arg_I who Arg_I did Arg_I not Arg_I have Arg_I an Arg_I improper Arg_I behaviour Arg_I towards Arg_I the Arg_I animlas Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I zoo Arg_I . O They Arg_B beat Arg_I them Arg_I up Arg_I because O they Arg_B did Arg_I not Arg_I wanted Arg_I to Arg_I eat Arg_I their Arg_I meals Arg_I and Arg_I then Arg_I excused Arg_I themselves Arg_I saying Arg_I that Arg_I it Arg_I was Arg_I a Arg_I way Arg_I to Arg_I train Arg_I the Arg_I animals Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O I O strongly O believe O that O we Arg_B have Arg_I to Arg_I assit Arg_I animals Arg_I and Arg_I provide Arg_I them Arg_I the Arg_I best Arg_I quality Arg_I of Arg_I life Arg_I possible Arg_I . O Scientific Arg_B facts Arg_I showed Arg_I the Arg_I damage Arg_I that Arg_I zoos Arg_I can Arg_I inflict Arg_I on Arg_I animals Arg_I . O Moreover, O many Arg_B zoos Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I meet Arg_I the Arg_I standards Arg_I of Arg_I care Arg_I required Arg_I for Arg_I them Arg_I . O A O university O plans O to O devlope O a O new O research O centre O in O your O country O Most O of O the O universities O in O the O world O seek O to O develop O some O research O in O some O countries O . O These O researches O can O be O aimed O for O several O fields O such O as O business O or O agriculture O . O If Arg_B a Arg_I university Arg_I plans Arg_I to Arg_I develop Arg_I a Arg_I new Arg_I research Arg_I in Arg_I my Arg_I country Arg_I and Arg_I I Arg_I have Arg_I to Arg_I choose Arg_I between Arg_I establishing Arg_I a Arg_I centre Arg_I for Arg_I business Arg_I research Arg_I or Arg_I a Arg_I centre Arg_I for Arg_I agriculture Arg_I research, Arg_I I Arg_I would Arg_I opt Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I second Arg_I one Arg_I . O First O of O all, O my Arg_B country Arg_I has Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I land Arg_I which Arg_I is Arg_I useful Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I agriculture Arg_I . O Most Arg_B of Arg_I these Arg_I lands Arg_I are Arg_I left Arg_I without Arg_I any Arg_I treatment Arg_I . O The Arg_B centre Arg_I for Arg_I research Arg_I in Arg_I agriculture Arg_I can Arg_I help Arg_I my Arg_I co-citizens Arg_I to Arg_I better Arg_I exploit Arg_I these Arg_I land Arg_I . O This Arg_B centre Arg_I can Arg_I also Arg_I help Arg_I people Arg_I there Arg_I to Arg_I solve Arg_I their Arg_I issues Arg_I related Arg_I to Arg_I their Arg_I land Arg_I . O Especially, Arg_B if Arg_I they Arg_I have Arg_I no Arg_I knowledge Arg_I or Arg_I education Arg_I in Arg_I this Arg_I field Arg_I . O Secondly, O the Arg_B centre Arg_I for Arg_I research Arg_I in Arg_I agriculture Arg_I helps Arg_I the Arg_I economy Arg_I of Arg_I my Arg_I country Arg_I to Arg_I improve Arg_I . O The Arg_B agriculture Arg_I field Arg_I has Arg_I only Arg_I thirty Arg_I percent Arg_I as Arg_I a Arg_I market Arg_I part Arg_I . O The Arg_B centre Arg_I of Arg_I research Arg_I can Arg_I raise Arg_I the Arg_I market Arg_I part Arg_I of Arg_I this Arg_I field Arg_I by Arg_I developing Arg_I the Arg_I agriculture Arg_I products Arg_I . O For O example, O the Arg_B dates Arg_I are Arg_I the Arg_I most Arg_I important Arg_I agriculture Arg_I product Arg_I in Arg_I my Arg_I country Arg_I . O The Arg_B centre Arg_I of Arg_I research Arg_I for Arg_I agriculture Arg_I can Arg_I make Arg_I some Arg_I research Arg_I in Arg_I how Arg_I to Arg_I get Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I quality Arg_I of Arg_I this Arg_I product, Arg_I how Arg_I to Arg_I treat Arg_I the Arg_I Palme Arg_I and Arg_I maybe Arg_I how Arg_I to Arg_I treat Arg_I the Arg_I land Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I palms Arg_I . O Another Arg_B reason Arg_I that Arg_I makes Arg_I the Arg_I centre Arg_I of Arg_I research Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I agriculture Arg_I more Arg_I important Arg_I than Arg_I the Arg_I centre Arg_I of Arg_I business Arg_I research Arg_I is Arg_I that Arg_I the Arg_I first Arg_I one Arg_I can Arg_I create Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I jobs Arg_I . O Obviously, O showing Arg_B people Arg_I how Arg_I to Arg_I exploit Arg_I a Arg_I land Arg_I and Arg_I get Arg_I good Arg_I agriculture Arg_I products Arg_I will Arg_I push Arg_I people Arg_I to Arg_I think Arg_I about Arg_I working Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I field Arg_I of Arg_I agriculture Arg_I rather Arg_I than Arg_I working Arg_I in Arg_I business Arg_I or Arg_I other Arg_I field Arg_I to Arg_I make Arg_I money Arg_I . O Some O people O think O that O a Arg_B centre Arg_I of Arg_I business Arg_I research Arg_I is Arg_I more Arg_I important Arg_I because O we Arg_B have Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I in Arg_I parallel Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I advanced Arg_I countries Arg_I which Arg_I have Arg_I focused Arg_I in Arg_I business Arg_I field Arg_I . O For O me O being Arg_B a Arg_I developed Arg_I country Arg_I does Arg_I not Arg_I mean Arg_I that Arg_I we Arg_I have Arg_I to Arg_I focus Arg_I only Arg_I in Arg_I business, Arg_I but Arg_I we Arg_I have Arg_I to Arg_I focus Arg_I on Arg_I what Arg_I really Arg_I bring Arg_I us Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I level Arg_I of Arg_I self Arg_I satisfaction, Arg_I and Arg_I the Arg_I agriculture Arg_I for Arg_I our Arg_I country Arg_I is Arg_I the Arg_I field Arg_I that Arg_I can Arg_I realize Arg_I that Arg_I . O My Arg_B country Arg_I need Arg_I to Arg_I focus Arg_I more Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I agriculture Arg_I by Arg_I establishing Arg_I centers Arg_I for Arg_I research Arg_I in Arg_I this Arg_I field, Arg_I which Arg_I will Arg_I have Arg_I some Arg_I very Arg_I positive Arg_I consequences Arg_I on Arg_I agriculture Arg_I people Arg_I work, Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I economy Arg_I and Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I employment Arg_I . O People O learn O in O different O ways O and O what O teaching O method O do O you O prefer? O People O have O a O lot O of O things O to O learn O in O their O lives O . O They O use O several O ways O to O broaden O their O knowledge O and O their O skills O . O One Arg_B of Arg_I these Arg_I several Arg_I ways Arg_I of Arg_I learning Arg_I that Arg_I I Arg_I prefer Arg_I is Arg_I doing Arg_I things Arg_I by Arg_I my Arg_I self Arg_I rather Arg_I than Arg_I learning Arg_I by Arg_I reading Arg_I about Arg_I things Arg_I or Arg_I learning Arg_I by Arg_I listening Arg_I to Arg_I people Arg_I talking Arg_I about Arg_I . O There O are O a O lot O of O reasons O to O recommend O this O method O for O who O is O serious O about O learning O some O thing O in O their O lives O . O First O of O all, O learning Arg_B by Arg_I doing Arg_I things Arg_I develops Arg_I our Arg_I maturity Arg_I . O When Arg_B you Arg_I do Arg_I things Arg_I by Arg_I your Arg_I self, Arg_I you Arg_I learn Arg_I to Arg_I depend Arg_I on Arg_I yourself Arg_I . O You Arg_B will Arg_I not Arg_I be Arg_I in Arg_I need Arg_I to Arg_I refer Arg_I to Arg_I books Arg_I or Arg_I persons Arg_I . O The Arg_B fact Arg_I of Arg_I doing Arg_I things Arg_I by Arg_I ourselves Arg_I can Arg_I help Arg_I us Arg_I to Arg_I get Arg_I some Arg_I experiences Arg_I that Arg_I would Arg_I strong Arg_I our Arg_I maturity Arg_I . O For O example O if Arg_B some Arg_I one Arg_I wants Arg_I to Arg_I learn Arg_I how Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I a Arg_I leader, Arg_I they Arg_I have Arg_I to Arg_I experience Arg_I this Arg_I by Arg_I being Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I real Arg_I situation Arg_I of Arg_I leading Arg_I a Arg_I team Arg_I or Arg_I a Arg_I group, Arg_I or Arg_I even Arg_I a Arg_I situation Arg_I . O We Arg_B can Arg_I not Arg_I be Arg_I leaders Arg_I by Arg_I reading Arg_I books Arg_I or Arg_I by Arg_I listening Arg_I to Arg_I person Arg_I talking Arg_I about Arg_I leading Arg_I . O Secondly, O learning Arg_B by Arg_I doing Arg_I things Arg_I is Arg_I more Arg_I exciting Arg_I than Arg_I learning Arg_I by Arg_I reading Arg_I about Arg_I things Arg_I or Arg_I listening Arg_I to Arg_I people Arg_I talking Arg_I about Arg_I . O There Arg_B are Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I things Arg_I in Arg_I life Arg_I that Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I learnt Arg_I by Arg_I doing Arg_I them Arg_I . O Reading Arg_B about Arg_I things Arg_I or Arg_I listening Arg_I to Arg_I people Arg_I talking Arg_I about Arg_I can Arg_I rarely Arg_I submit Arg_I the Arg_I same Arg_I sensation Arg_I or Arg_I the Arg_I same Arg_I excitement Arg_I to Arg_I some Arg_I one Arg_I who Arg_I wants Arg_I to Arg_I learn Arg_I about Arg_I the Arg_I same Arg_I thing Arg_I . O People Arg_B who Arg_I want Arg_I to Arg_I learn Arg_I how Arg_I to Arg_I swim Arg_I have Arg_I to Arg_I go Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I beach Arg_I or Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I swimpool Arg_I and Arg_I laid Arg_I themselves Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I water Arg_I to Arg_I feel Arg_I and Arg_I know Arg_I what Arg_I is Arg_I swimming Arg_I . O Nor Arg_B listening Arg_I to Arg_I people Arg_I or Arg_I reading Arg_I about Arg_I can Arg_I teach Arg_I them Arg_I swimming Arg_I . O Another O reason O that O makes O learning O by O doing O things O more O advantageous O than O learning O by O reading O about O things O or O listening O to O people O talking O about O is O that O we Arg_B find Arg_I more Arg_I motivation Arg_I to Arg_I continuing Arg_I on Arg_I learning Arg_I by Arg_I doing Arg_I things Arg_I . O With Arg_B the Arg_I time, Arg_I Reading Arg_I about Arg_I things Arg_I or Arg_I listening Arg_I to Arg_I people Arg_I talking Arg_I about Arg_I could Arg_I become Arg_I more Arg_I and Arg_I more Arg_I boring Arg_I . O Learning Arg_B by Arg_I doing Arg_I things Arg_I gives Arg_I us Arg_I more Arg_I and Arg_I more Arg_I pleasure Arg_I especially Arg_I if Arg_I we Arg_I success Arg_I in Arg_I learning Arg_I perfectly Arg_I this Arg_I things Arg_I . O So O we Arg_B become Arg_I motivated Arg_I to Arg_I learn Arg_I other Arg_I things Arg_I by Arg_I doing Arg_I them Arg_I . O The O history O shows O that O learning Arg_B by Arg_I doing Arg_I things Arg_I is Arg_I the Arg_I best Arg_I way Arg_I and Arg_I the Arg_I best Arg_I method Arg_I to Arg_I learn Arg_I things Arg_I . O People O should O not O depend O only O on O reading O or O listening O to O people O talking O about O things O to O learn O . O They O should O try O and O keep O trying O until O they O learn O what O they O want O to O learn O . O Cheap O air O travel O should O be O encouraged? O In O recent O years, O many O airlines O offer O to O their O customers O more O and O more O number O of O cheap O flights O . O People O have O various O different O views O about O cheap O air O travel O . O Although O there Arg_B are Arg_I good Arg_I arguments Arg_I in Arg_I favour Arg_I of Arg_I this Arg_I trend Arg_I should O be O encouraged, O I O personally O think O that O cheap Arg_B flight Arg_I can Arg_I make Arg_I many Arg_I serious Arg_I problem Arg_I . O It O is O undeniable O that O cheap Arg_B air Arg_I fares Arg_I have Arg_I broadened Arg_I travel Arg_I possibilities Arg_I for Arg_I many Arg_I people, Arg_I particularly Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I lower Arg_I income Arg_I group Arg_I . O These Arg_B days, Arg_I millions Arg_I of Arg_I people Arg_I can Arg_I travel Arg_I around Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I for Arg_I work Arg_I or Arg_I pleasure Arg_I . O They Arg_B can Arg_I develop Arg_I their Arg_I careers, Arg_I broad Arg_I their Arg_I knowledge, Arg_I and Arg_I interact Arg_I with Arg_I many Arg_I other Arg_I people Arg_I from Arg_I varied Arg_I cultural Arg_I backgrounds Arg_I . O Moreover, O travels Arg_B also Arg_I help Arg_I to Arg_I promote Arg_I the Arg_I tourist Arg_I industry Arg_I development, Arg_I boost Arg_I the Arg_I economy Arg_I and Arg_I job Arg_I markets Arg_I of Arg_I many Arg_I countries Arg_I . O On O the O other O hand, O growing Arg_B of Arg_I cheap Arg_I flights Arg_I really Arg_I have Arg_I negative Arg_I impact Arg_I on Arg_I environment Arg_I . O Apparently, O more Arg_B flights Arg_I could Arg_I mean Arg_I bigger Arg_I and Arg_I busier Arg_I airport Arg_I that Arg_I may Arg_I be Arg_I grown Arg_I the Arg_I air Arg_I pollution Arg_I for Arg_I people Arg_I who Arg_I live Arg_I and Arg_I work Arg_I close Arg_I to Arg_I it Arg_I . O However, O the Arg_B biggest Arg_I concern Arg_I is Arg_I the Arg_I effect Arg_I on Arg_I global Arg_I warming Arg_I . O Burning Arg_B plane Arg_I fuel Arg_I can Arg_I releases Arg_I carbon Arg_I dioxide Arg_I into Arg_I environment Arg_I that Arg_I cause Arg_I the Arg_I Earth Arg_I to Arg_I heat Arg_I up Arg_I . O In O fact, O while Arg_B many Arg_I efforts Arg_I are Arg_I being Arg_I made Arg_I to Arg_I reduce Arg_I CO2 Arg_I emissions Arg_I from Arg_I cars Arg_I and Arg_I factories, Arg_I nothing Arg_I is Arg_I being Arg_I done Arg_I to Arg_I reins Arg_I the Arg_I airlines Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O I O would O argue O that O the Arg_B drawbacks Arg_I of Arg_I cheap Arg_I air Arg_I fares Arg_I outweigh Arg_I the Arg_I benefits Arg_I . O However, O it O does O not O mean O that O air O travel O should O be O more O expensive O . O Instead, O people O should O be O aware O of O their O responsibility O to O reduce O the O emissions O caused O by O their O lifestyle O choices O . O Improve O roads O or O public O transports O Many O people O think O that O governments O should O spend O money O on O improving O roads O and O highways O while O the O others O say O that O it O would O be O better O to O spend O money O on O public O transportation O . O In O my O opinion, O governments Arg_B should Arg_I certainly Arg_I spend Arg_I money Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I public Arg_I transportation Arg_I system Arg_I because O it Arg_B would Arg_I deal Arg_I with Arg_I problems Arg_I that Arg_I the Arg_I rising Arg_I number Arg_I of Arg_I private Arg_I cars Arg_I is Arg_I creating Arg_I . O First, O the Arg_B using Arg_I of Arg_I public Arg_I transportation Arg_I reduces Arg_I the Arg_I amount Arg_I of Arg_I resources Arg_I using Arg_I on Arg_I transportation Arg_I . O Cars Arg_B depend Arg_I on Arg_I gasoline, Arg_I which Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I non-renewable Arg_I resource Arg_I . O Therefore, O the Arg_B more Arg_I cars Arg_I we Arg_I use Arg_I means Arg_I that Arg_I the Arg_I faster Arg_I gasoline Arg_I in Arg_I this Arg_I world Arg_I is Arg_I used Arg_I up Arg_I . O In O the O contrary, O if Arg_B the Arg_I public Arg_I transportation Arg_I is Arg_I efficiently Arg_I used, Arg_I the Arg_I amount Arg_I of Arg_I gasoline Arg_I consuming Arg_I per Arg_I person Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I much Arg_I lower Arg_I . O And O this Arg_B definitely Arg_I helps Arg_I to Arg_I reserve Arg_I our Arg_I invaluable Arg_I natural Arg_I resource, Arg_I gasoline Arg_I . O Second, O public Arg_B transportation Arg_I helps Arg_I to Arg_I solve Arg_I the Arg_I air Arg_I pollution Arg_I problems Arg_I . O Averagely, O public Arg_B transports Arg_I use Arg_I much Arg_I less Arg_I gasoline Arg_I to Arg_I carry Arg_I people Arg_I than Arg_I private Arg_I cars Arg_I . O It Arg_B means Arg_I that Arg_I by Arg_I using Arg_I public Arg_I transports, Arg_I the Arg_I less Arg_I gas Arg_I exhaust Arg_I is Arg_I pumped Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I air Arg_I and Arg_I people Arg_I will Arg_I no Arg_I longer Arg_I have Arg_I to Arg_I bear Arg_I the Arg_I stuffy Arg_I situation Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I roads, Arg_I which Arg_I is Arg_I always Arg_I full Arg_I of Arg_I fumes Arg_I . O Last O but O not O least, O using Arg_B public Arg_I transportation Arg_I is Arg_I much Arg_I safer Arg_I than Arg_I private Arg_I transportation Arg_I . O According Arg_B to Arg_I National Arg_I Safety Arg_I Council, Arg_I riding Arg_I the Arg_I bus Arg_I is Arg_I over Arg_I 170 Arg_I times Arg_I safer Arg_I than Arg_I private Arg_I care Arg_I . O Thus O there Arg_B is Arg_I no Arg_I reason Arg_I that Arg_I governments Arg_I should Arg_I hesitate Arg_I to Arg_I invest Arg_I in Arg_I public Arg_I transportation, Arg_I a Arg_I healthy, Arg_I safe Arg_I and Arg_I economical Arg_I way Arg_I of Arg_I transporting Arg_I . O In O short, O I O can O say O for O certain O that O spending Arg_B money Arg_I on Arg_I improving Arg_I public Arg_I transportation Arg_I is Arg_I necessary Arg_I because O it Arg_B is Arg_I the Arg_I key Arg_I to Arg_I protect Arg_I our Arg_I world, Arg_I creating Arg_I a Arg_I healthy Arg_I and Arg_I safe Arg_I environment Arg_I for Arg_I people Arg_I to Arg_I live Arg_I in Arg_I . O Some O people O believe O that O the O Earth O is O being O harmed O by O human O Whether O human O activity O is O making O the O Earth O a O better O place O to O live O or O damaging O it O is O a O debatable O issue O . O Some O people O advocate O the O idea O that O human O activity O is O advantageously O influencing O to O the O Earth O . O However, O I O strongly O believe O that O human O activities O are O having O a O bad O effect O upon O our O planet, O for O human Arg_B are Arg_I polluting Arg_I the Arg_I Earth's Arg_I environment, Arg_I exhausting Arg_I natural Arg_I resource Arg_I and Arg_I threatening Arg_I the Arg_I living Arg_I of Arg_I other Arg_I species Arg_I . O People Arg_B are Arg_I corrupting Arg_I their Arg_I ecosphere Arg_I . O In Arg_B recent Arg_I decades, Arg_I concurrently Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I increase Arg_I of Arg_I human Arg_I consume, Arg_I the Arg_I waste Arg_I discarded Arg_I by Arg_I human Arg_I also Arg_I multiplies Arg_I . O These Arg_B wastes Arg_I including Arg_I household Arg_I waste Arg_I and Arg_I industrial Arg_I waste Arg_I are Arg_I so Arg_I big Arg_I that Arg_I a Arg_I "new" Arg_I continent Arg_I is Arg_I now Arg_I being Arg_I formed Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I sea Arg_I from Arg_I garbage Arg_I . O Furthermore, O the Arg_B industrial Arg_I exhaust Arg_I gases Arg_I are Arg_I adulterating Arg_I the Arg_I air, Arg_I causing Arg_I the Arg_I insalubrious Arg_I phenomenon Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I acid Arg_I rain, Arg_I global Arg_I warming Arg_I or Arg_I climate Arg_I change Arg_I . O Besides, O people Arg_B are Arg_I draining Arg_I the Arg_I Earth's Arg_I natural Arg_I resources Arg_I . O These O resources O such O as O oil, O coal O are O vital O for O human O activity, O therefore O nowadays, Arg_B the Arg_I exploitation Arg_I activities Arg_I of Arg_I these Arg_I resources Arg_I are Arg_I increasing Arg_I dramatically Arg_I to Arg_I adapt Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I infinite Arg_I need Arg_I of Arg_I people Arg_I . O Researchers Arg_B indicated Arg_I that Arg_I most Arg_I of Arg_I natural Arg_I resources Arg_I are Arg_I un-recyclable Arg_I and Arg_I only Arg_I several Arg_I decades Arg_I after, Arg_I the Arg_I Earth's Arg_I natural Arg_I resources Arg_I are Arg_I totally Arg_I exhausted Arg_I . O At Arg_B that Arg_I time, Arg_I human Arg_I activity Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I seriously Arg_I affected Arg_I due Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I dependence Arg_I on Arg_I these Arg_I resources Arg_I . O Also, O people Arg_B are Arg_I endangering Arg_I other Arg_I species' Arg_I live Arg_I . O Hunting Arg_B has Arg_I been Arg_I a Arg_I fundamental Arg_I activity Arg_I of Arg_I human Arg_I for Arg_I having Arg_I food Arg_I . O Through Arg_B million Arg_I years Arg_I of Arg_I hunting, Arg_I especially Arg_I in Arg_I recent Arg_I centuries Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I innovation Arg_I of Arg_I rifle Arg_I and Arg_I dynamite, Arg_I people Arg_I have Arg_I killed Arg_I many Arg_I animals Arg_I and Arg_I even Arg_I have Arg_I made Arg_I some Arg_I kinds Arg_I of Arg_I them Arg_I become Arg_I extinct Arg_I . O Moreover, O people, O suffering O from O the O population O pressure, O are O expanding O their O living O area; O consequently, O the Arg_B living Arg_I area Arg_I of Arg_I other Arg_I species Arg_I narrowed Arg_I . O This Arg_B narrowing Arg_I of Arg_I living Arg_I region Arg_I is Arg_I pushing Arg_I many Arg_I creatures Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I brink Arg_I of Arg_I extinction Arg_I . O All O in O all, O from O discussed O reasons, O we O can O conclude O that O human Arg_B activity Arg_I are Arg_I gradually Arg_I destroy Arg_I the Arg_I Earth Arg_I since O it Arg_B is Arg_I polluting Arg_I the Arg_I Earth Arg_I environment, Arg_I depleting Arg_I the Arg_I resource Arg_I and Arg_I imperiling Arg_I other Arg_I species' Arg_I lives Arg_I . O Spending O money O on O supporting O art O or O protecting O environment O If O I O had O the O opportunity O to O help O a O company O make O a O decision O on O spending O money O either O on O supporting O the O arts O or O helping O the O environment, O I O would O choose O the O latter O without O hesitation O for O the O reasons O below O . O First, O conservation Arg_B is Arg_I more Arg_I urgent Arg_I now Arg_I than Arg_I at Arg_I any Arg_I time Arg_I in Arg_I history Arg_I . O According Arg_B to Arg_I a Arg_I statistic Arg_I conducted Arg_I by Arg_I the Arg_I International Arg_I Animal Arg_I Preserving Arg_I Association, Arg_I we Arg_I have Arg_I only Arg_I ten Arg_I percent Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I animals Arg_I that Arg_I have Arg_I ever Arg_I existed, Arg_I which Arg_I means Arg_I that Arg_I the Arg_I biodiversity Arg_I of Arg_I our Arg_I home Arg_I is Arg_I grievously Arg_I endangered Arg_I . O What's O more, O rising Arg_B sea Arg_I levels, Arg_I caused Arg_I by Arg_I global Arg_I warming, Arg_I have Arg_I reached Arg_I a Arg_I level Arg_I that Arg_I is Arg_I threatening Arg_I human's Arg_I life Arg_I in Arg_I many Arg_I countries Arg_I . O If Arg_B we Arg_I continue Arg_I discharging Arg_I carbon Arg_I dioxide Arg_I with Arg_I non-environmentally Arg_I friendly Arg_I cars, Arg_I nations Arg_I like Arg_I Japan Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I submerged Arg_I and Arg_I weather Arg_I patterns Arg_I could Arg_I change, Arg_I causing Arg_I flooding, Arg_I drought, Arg_I and Arg_I an Arg_I increasing Arg_I amount Arg_I of Arg_I damaging Arg_I storms Arg_I . O In O short, O the Arg_B ecosystem Arg_I is Arg_I in Arg_I its Arg_I worst Arg_I condition Arg_I ever Arg_I and Arg_I if Arg_I we Arg_I didn't Arg_I take Arg_I harsh Arg_I measures Arg_I now, Arg_I we Arg_I never Arg_I will Arg_I . O Furthermore, O supporting Arg_B environment Arg_I protection Arg_I will Arg_I benefit Arg_I the Arg_I company Arg_I eventually Arg_I . O Nowadays, O an O increasing O amount O of O people O pay O more O attention O to O conservation; O therefore, O sponsoring Arg_B conservation Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I more Arg_I efficient Arg_I method Arg_I of Arg_I advertising Arg_I . O Just Arg_B imagine Arg_I if Arg_I the Arg_I project Arg_I your Arg_I company Arg_I is Arg_I sponsoring Arg_I effectively Arg_I improves Arg_I the Arg_I environment, Arg_I then Arg_I your Arg_I company Arg_I would Arg_I be Arg_I known Arg_I as Arg_I an Arg_I environmentally-friendly Arg_I company Arg_I and Arg_I benefit Arg_I from Arg_I it Arg_I in Arg_I this Arg_I consumer-oriented Arg_I society Arg_I . O Finally, O conservation Arg_B leads Arg_I us Arg_I to Arg_I a Arg_I higher Arg_I standard Arg_I of Arg_I living Arg_I . O I O confess O that O art O is O one O of O the O best O ways O of O entertaining O human O beings, O but, O with Arg_B exhaust Arg_I fumes Arg_I and Arg_I acid Arg_I rain, Arg_I we Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I have Arg_I the Arg_I energy Arg_I and Arg_I enthusiasm Arg_I to Arg_I appreciate Arg_I the Arg_I paintings Arg_I or Arg_I photographs Arg_I . O Biodiversity Arg_B and Arg_I a Arg_I more Arg_I beautiful Arg_I nature Arg_I are Arg_I not Arg_I only Arg_I the Arg_I results Arg_I of Arg_I abetter Arg_I environment Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I are Arg_I the Arg_I necessities Arg_I of Arg_I photography Arg_I and Arg_I other Arg_I types Arg_I of Arg_I art Arg_I . O To O sum O up, O although O supporting O art O will O benefit O the O human O beings O and O the O company O in O short-term O interest, O I Arg_B still Arg_I hold Arg_I the Arg_I environment Arg_I protection Arg_I for Arg_I long-term Arg_I interest Arg_I . O Luck O vs O hard O work O There O are O many O instances O that O luck O has O brought O people O things O that O they O never O could O even O imagine O . O However, O I Arg_B do Arg_I not Arg_I see Arg_I any Arg_I rational Arg_I in Arg_I believing Arg_I in Arg_I luck Arg_I to Arg_I reach Arg_I one's Arg_I goals Arg_I . O Therefore O I O strongly O agree O with O the O argument O that O it Arg_B is Arg_I one's Arg_I hard Arg_I work Arg_I that Arg_I helps Arg_I him Arg_I reach Arg_I his Arg_I target Arg_I . O First, O if Arg_B you Arg_I depend Arg_I only Arg_I on Arg_I luck Arg_I for Arg_I all Arg_I your Arg_I accomplishments, Arg_I you Arg_I are Arg_I taking Arg_I a Arg_I great Arg_I risk Arg_I . O Luck Arg_B is Arg_I something Arg_I intangible Arg_I and Arg_I no Arg_I one Arg_I can Arg_I guarantee Arg_I that Arg_I it Arg_I would Arg_I ever Arg_I come Arg_I your Arg_I way Arg_I . O If Arg_B it Arg_I doesn't Arg_I work, Arg_I it Arg_I would Arg_I be Arg_I a Arg_I great Arg_I disappointment Arg_I . O Instead O if Arg_B you Arg_I strive Arg_I hard Arg_I to Arg_I achieve Arg_I what Arg_I you Arg_I want, Arg_I then Arg_I your Arg_I hard Arg_I work Arg_I would Arg_I take Arg_I you Arg_I at Arg_I least Arg_I closer Arg_I to Arg_I your Arg_I final Arg_I goal Arg_I . O In O my O personal O experience, O all Arg_B my Arg_I accomplishments Arg_I were Arg_I backed Arg_I by Arg_I my Arg_I hard Arg_I work, Arg_I not Arg_I my Arg_I luck Arg_I . O And O I Arg_B never Arg_I did Arg_I encounter Arg_I any Arg_I disappointments Arg_I of Arg_I missing Arg_I my Arg_I goals Arg_I . O Secondly, O if O you O believe O that O hard O work O is O the O key O to O success, O it O would O make O you O a O visionary O person O . O In O other O words, O those Arg_B who Arg_I believe Arg_I in Arg_I hard Arg_I work Arg_I are Arg_I clear Arg_I about Arg_I their Arg_I goals Arg_I and Arg_I know Arg_I about Arg_I their Arg_I final Arg_I destination Arg_I . O They Arg_B carefully Arg_I organize Arg_I the Arg_I process Arg_I of Arg_I achieving Arg_I their Arg_I targets Arg_I and Arg_I continue Arg_I to Arg_I evaluate Arg_I their Arg_I progress Arg_I until Arg_I they Arg_I reach Arg_I the Arg_I final Arg_I goal Arg_I . O If Arg_B you Arg_I believe Arg_I in Arg_I luck, Arg_I you Arg_I would Arg_I be Arg_I clueless Arg_I about Arg_I where Arg_I you Arg_I are Arg_I heading Arg_I . O For O example, O a Arg_B friend Arg_I of Arg_I mine, Arg_I who Arg_I had Arg_I severe Arg_I financial Arg_I constraints, Arg_I had Arg_I the Arg_I habit Arg_I of Arg_I buying Arg_I lottery Arg_I tickets Arg_I thinking Arg_I that Arg_I one Arg_I day Arg_I he Arg_I would Arg_I win Arg_I a Arg_I lottery Arg_I . O He Arg_B was Arg_I living Arg_I in Arg_I an Arg_I illusion Arg_I that Arg_I he Arg_I can Arg_I solve Arg_I his Arg_I financial Arg_I issues Arg_I with Arg_I this Arg_I lottery Arg_I . O However, O up Arg_B to Arg_I this Arg_I day Arg_I his Arg_I luck Arg_I has Arg_I not Arg_I appeared Arg_I and Arg_I problems Arg_I have Arg_I got Arg_I further Arg_I worsened Arg_I . O Thirdly, O if Arg_B you Arg_I work Arg_I hard, Arg_I luck Arg_I too Arg_I might Arg_I shine Arg_I on Arg_I you Arg_I and Arg_I take Arg_I you Arg_I some Arg_I more Arg_I steps Arg_I further Arg_I ahead Arg_I from Arg_I your Arg_I actual Arg_I target Arg_I . O For O example, O my Arg_B boss Arg_I worked Arg_I tirelessly Arg_I for Arg_I his Arg_I promotion Arg_I . O He Arg_B looked Arg_I at Arg_I every Arg_I aspect Arg_I that Arg_I he Arg_I needed Arg_I to Arg_I qualify Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I promotion Arg_I . O He Arg_B realized Arg_I that Arg_I having Arg_I a Arg_I master's Arg_I degree Arg_I would Arg_I be Arg_I a Arg_I great Arg_I credential Arg_I for Arg_I him Arg_I to Arg_I outperform Arg_I his Arg_I competitors Arg_I . O Although O he Arg_B had Arg_I many Arg_I commitments Arg_I at Arg_I home Arg_I and Arg_I work, Arg_I he Arg_I somehow Arg_I managed Arg_I to Arg_I complete Arg_I this Arg_I degree Arg_I before Arg_I he Arg_I was Arg_I eligible Arg_I to Arg_I apply Arg_I . O At Arg_B the Arg_I end Arg_I he Arg_I was Arg_I not Arg_I only Arg_I able Arg_I to Arg_I get Arg_I the Arg_I promotion Arg_I amidst Arg_I a Arg_I stiff Arg_I competition Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I got Arg_I nominated Arg_I for Arg_I a Arg_I foreign Arg_I scholarship Arg_I since O he Arg_B had Arg_I more Arg_I credentials Arg_I than Arg_I other Arg_I officers Arg_I in Arg_I his Arg_I capacity Arg_I . O Although O it O is O good O to O be O lucky, O depending Arg_B on Arg_I luck Arg_I for Arg_I everything Arg_I is Arg_I not Arg_I good Arg_I . O Hence O I Arg_B strongly Arg_I believe Arg_I in Arg_I hard Arg_I working Arg_I that Arg_I would Arg_I not Arg_I easily Arg_I disappoint Arg_I you Arg_I as Arg_I luck Arg_I sometimes Arg_I does Arg_I . O Should O students O be O required O to O attend O classes? O The O issue O at O hand O is O whether O it O should O be O obligatory O for O university O students O to O attend O classes O . O This O is O an O interesting O question O because O it O affects O a O great O amount O of O students O worldwide O . O Nonetheless O there O are O various O different O policies O regarding O this O topic O . O An O important O aspect O might O be O whether O one O desires O to O optimize O the O learned O knowledge O or O the O amount O of O valuable O experiences O for O the O students O . O However, O to O my O mind O students Arg_B should Arg_I be Arg_I free Arg_I not Arg_I to Arg_I attend Arg_I classes Arg_I because O it Arg_B improves Arg_I the Arg_I quality Arg_I of Arg_I student Arg_I life Arg_I as Arg_I well Arg_I as Arg_I their Arg_I learning Arg_I motivation Arg_I and Arg_I teaches Arg_I important Arg_I life Arg_I skills Arg_I . O Firstly, O a O liberal O policy O is O very O feasible O . O Checking O for O attendance O requires O a O lot O of O bureaucracy O . O Especially O for O larger O classes O it O is O impossible O to O check O for O everybody O to O attend O . O So O an O optional O attendance O saves O time O and O money O . O Secondly, O some Arg_B students Arg_I might Arg_I learn Arg_I better Arg_I at Arg_I home Arg_I on Arg_I their Arg_I own, Arg_I for Arg_I instance, Arg_I by Arg_I reading Arg_I the Arg_I textbook Arg_I . O This Arg_B problem Arg_I occurs Arg_I especially Arg_I if Arg_I the Arg_I lecturer Arg_I is Arg_I lethargic Arg_I . O By Arg_B letting Arg_I students Arg_I choose Arg_I not Arg_I to Arg_I attend Arg_I class Arg_I you Arg_I give Arg_I them Arg_I the Arg_I opportunity Arg_I to Arg_I escape Arg_I bad Arg_I teaching Arg_I . O Thus O they Arg_B are Arg_I able Arg_I to Arg_I save Arg_I precious Arg_I study Arg_I time Arg_I and Arg_I dive Arg_I into Arg_I the Arg_I course Arg_I syllabus Arg_I independently Arg_I . O In O addition, O being Arg_B free Arg_I to Arg_I stay Arg_I away Arg_I from Arg_I classes Arg_I improves Arg_I flexibility Arg_I and Arg_I therefore Arg_I quality Arg_I of Arg_I student Arg_I life Arg_I . O Sometimes Arg_B the Arg_I wild Arg_I party Arg_I on Arg_I Thursday Arg_I night Arg_I is Arg_I too Arg_I good Arg_I to Arg_I end Arg_I already Arg_I at Arg_I midnight Arg_I only Arg_I because Arg_I of Arg_I a Arg_I lecture Arg_I on Arg_I Friday Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I morning Arg_I . O With Arg_B a Arg_I liberal Arg_I policy Arg_I students Arg_I are Arg_I able Arg_I to Arg_I postpone Arg_I the Arg_I learning Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I afternoon Arg_I which Arg_I gives Arg_I a Arg_I feeling Arg_I of Arg_I freedom Arg_I and Arg_I improves Arg_I time Arg_I efficiency Arg_I . O Research Arg_B has Arg_I shown Arg_I that Arg_I the Arg_I more Arg_I satisfied Arg_I the Arg_I students Arg_I are Arg_I with Arg_I those Arg_I life Arg_I aspects, Arg_I the Arg_I better Arg_I they Arg_I perform Arg_I in Arg_I academic Arg_I areas Arg_I . O Finally, O psychology O knows O two O types O of O motivation O . O There O is O intrinsic O motivation O which O comes O from O your O own O mindset O . O And O there O is O extrinsic O motivation O which O comes O from O the O praise O and O laud O of O other O people O . O Intrinsic Arg_B motivation Arg_I is Arg_I known Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I much Arg_I more Arg_I desirable Arg_I because Arg_I it Arg_I leads Arg_I to Arg_I better Arg_I learning Arg_I and Arg_I well-being Arg_I . O However, O in Arg_B order Arg_I to Arg_I gain Arg_I intrinsic Arg_I motivation Arg_I students Arg_I need Arg_I to Arg_I become Arg_I aware Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I strengths Arg_I and Arg_I aims Arg_I . O By Arg_B giving Arg_I students Arg_I the Arg_I freedom Arg_I to Arg_I choose Arg_I about Arg_I class Arg_I attendance Arg_I they Arg_I might Arg_I rather Arg_I be Arg_I thinking Arg_I about Arg_I why Arg_I they Arg_I decided Arg_I to Arg_I study Arg_I and Arg_I learn Arg_I to Arg_I motivate Arg_I themselves Arg_I . O These Arg_B are Arg_I crucial Arg_I skills Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I duration Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I study Arg_I and Arg_I their Arg_I whole Arg_I life Arg_I time Arg_I . O To O conclude, O it Arg_B is Arg_I clear Arg_I that Arg_I going Arg_I to Arg_I classes Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I optional Arg_I for Arg_I students Arg_I . O I Arg_B hold Arg_I this Arg_I belief Arg_I due Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I improvement Arg_I of Arg_I students' Arg_I current Arg_I experience Arg_I as Arg_I well Arg_I as Arg_I the Arg_I valuable Arg_I skills Arg_I and Arg_I knowledge Arg_I they Arg_I obtain Arg_I for Arg_I their Arg_I whole Arg_I life Arg_I afterwards Arg_I . O Living O in O smal O towns O Place O of O living O has O the O most O significant O affect O on O our O lives O and O we O have O to O choose O it O according O to O several O factors O . O Some O people O prefer O to O live O in O tall O buildings O and O crowded O areas, O whereas O others O prefer O to O live O in O a O small O and O calm O town O . O I Arg_B would Arg_I prefer Arg_I to Arg_I live Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I small Arg_I town Arg_I and O I Arg_B think Arg_I a Arg_I small Arg_I town Arg_I has Arg_I some Arg_I advantages, Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I good Arg_I weather, Arg_I a Arg_I healthy Arg_I life Arg_I and Arg_I better Arg_I facilities Arg_I . O Firstly, O the Arg_B first Arg_I advantage Arg_I of Arg_I living Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I small Arg_I town Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I healthy Arg_I life Arg_I that Arg_I we Arg_I can Arg_I obtain Arg_I due Arg_I to Arg_I many Arg_I items Arg_I . O One Arg_B of Arg_I the Arg_I conditions Arg_I that Arg_I helps Arg_I us Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I healthy Arg_I is Arg_I good Arg_I weather Arg_I and Arg_I less Arg_I population Arg_I that Arg_I exist Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I small Arg_I town Arg_I . O Also, O in Arg_B a Arg_I small Arg_I town Arg_I there Arg_I are Arg_I less Arg_I crowded Arg_I and Arg_I less Arg_I traffic Arg_I . O Living Arg_B in Arg_I a Arg_I place Arg_I with Arg_I less Arg_I pollution Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I air Arg_I pollution Arg_I or Arg_I sound Arg_I pollution Arg_I helps Arg_I us Arg_I to Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I healthier Arg_I life Arg_I and Arg_I one Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I main Arg_I consequences Arg_I is Arg_I less Arg_I stress Arg_I and Arg_I more Arg_I happiness Arg_I . O Moreover, O in Arg_B a Arg_I small Arg_I town Arg_I foods Arg_I and Arg_I materials Arg_I we Arg_I need Arg_I are Arg_I healthier Arg_I than Arg_I in Arg_I big Arg_I cities Arg_I and Arg_I there Arg_I are Arg_I fresh Arg_I foods Arg_I and Arg_I fruits Arg_I . O Regardless O of O some O exceptions, O it Arg_B is Arg_I obvious Arg_I that Arg_I living Arg_I in Arg_I small Arg_I towns Arg_I is Arg_I healthier Arg_I than Arg_I in Arg_I big Arg_I cities Arg_I . O Secondly, O another Arg_B advantage Arg_I of Arg_I small Arg_I towns Arg_I is Arg_I living Arg_I costs Arg_I . O Living Arg_B cost Arg_I is Arg_I one Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I important Arg_I concerns Arg_I in Arg_I every Arg_I society Arg_I and Arg_I then, Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I small Arg_I town Arg_I living Arg_I cost Arg_I is Arg_I fewer Arg_I than Arg_I in Arg_I big Arg_I cities Arg_I . O Therefore, O in O a O small O town O we O can O live O in O big O houses O with O good O landscapes, O also O because Arg_B of Arg_I less Arg_I crowded Arg_I spaces Arg_I we Arg_I have Arg_I more Arg_I facilities Arg_I and Arg_I more Arg_I services Arg_I . O Transportation Arg_B cost Arg_I is Arg_I less Arg_I than Arg_I in Arg_I big Arg_I cities Arg_I and Arg_I we Arg_I have Arg_I less Arg_I traffic Arg_I so O that O we Arg_B can Arg_I save Arg_I time Arg_I and Arg_I money Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O I Arg_B prefer Arg_I to Arg_I live Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I small Arg_I town Arg_I and O I O think O it Arg_B has Arg_I some Arg_I advantages Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I less Arg_I stress, Arg_I because Arg_I of Arg_I better Arg_I weather Arg_I conditions Arg_I and Arg_I also, Arg_I better Arg_I relationship Arg_I within Arg_I a Arg_I town Arg_I . O In Arg_B small Arg_I town Arg_I people Arg_I know Arg_I each Arg_I other Arg_I and Arg_I have Arg_I better Arg_I deal Arg_I together Arg_I than Arg_I big Arg_I cities Arg_I therefore O on Arg_B big Arg_I cities Arg_I people Arg_I feel Arg_I alone Arg_I and Arg_I depress Arg_I more Arg_I than Arg_I small Arg_I cities Arg_I . O However O it O is O an O obvious O fact O that O people Arg_B in Arg_I small Arg_I town Arg_I have Arg_I more Arg_I happiness Arg_I and Arg_I friendship Arg_I and Arg_I less Arg_I illness Arg_I and Arg_I stress Arg_I . O Young O people O move O to O cities O These O days, O there O are O increasing O numbers O of O young O people O from O the O countryside O moving O to O cities O in O search O of O jobs O and O educational O opportunities O . O Personally, O I O think O it O has O some O drawbacks O that O will O be O discussed O in O this O essay O together O with O some O reasons O about O this O . O To O begin O with, O the O major O cause O that O leads O to O urban O migration O of O young O adults O is O that O cities Arg_B often Arg_I offer Arg_I more Arg_I well-paid Arg_I jobs Arg_I and Arg_I study Arg_I chances Arg_I compared Arg_I to Arg_I rural Arg_I areas Arg_I . O Obviously, O many Arg_B large Arg_I companies Arg_I and Arg_I universities Arg_I often Arg_I locate Arg_I in Arg_I cities Arg_I which Arg_I are Arg_I hailed Arg_I as Arg_I promising Arg_I lands Arg_I to Arg_I develop Arg_I their Arg_I career Arg_I . O Therefore O they Arg_B move Arg_I to Arg_I big Arg_I cities Arg_I to Arg_I pursue Arg_I academic Arg_I career Arg_I and Arg_I find Arg_I jobs Arg_I in Arg_I order Arg_I to Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I higher Arg_I standard Arg_I of Arg_I living Arg_I . O For O example, O if Arg_B a Arg_I gradate Arg_I stays Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I city Arg_I after Arg_I leaving Arg_I his Arg_I college Arg_I and Arg_I seeks Arg_I a Arg_I job Arg_I with Arg_I good Arg_I salary Arg_I instead Arg_I of Arg_I returning Arg_I his Arg_I village Arg_I to Arg_I do Arg_I farm Arg_I work, Arg_I he Arg_I could Arg_I perhaps Arg_I buy Arg_I a Arg_I house Arg_I or Arg_I his Arg_I own Arg_I car Arg_I after Arg_I a Arg_I short Arg_I time Arg_I . O However, O this O phenomenon O sometimes O poses O several O negative O consequences O . O There O can O be O no O doubt O that O the Arg_B burgeoning Arg_I number Arg_I of Arg_I young Arg_I adults Arg_I from Arg_I the Arg_I countryside Arg_I flocking Arg_I to Arg_I cities Arg_I gives Arg_I rise Arg_I to Arg_I overpopulation Arg_I in Arg_I cities Arg_I . O As O a O result, O cities Arg_B cannot Arg_I provide Arg_I adequate Arg_I space Arg_I for Arg_I thousands Arg_I of Arg_I dwellers Arg_I that Arg_I might Arg_I lead Arg_I to Arg_I poor Arg_I housing Arg_I conditions Arg_I and Arg_I sanitation Arg_I . O Additionally, O it Arg_B might Arg_I put Arg_I strain Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I environment Arg_I . O If Arg_B there Arg_I are Arg_I more Arg_I people Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I cities, Arg_I there Arg_I would Arg_I be Arg_I large Arg_I numbers Arg_I of Arg_I vehicles Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I road, Arg_I which Arg_I causes Arg_I air Arg_I pollution Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O young Arg_B people Arg_I tend Arg_I to Arg_I study Arg_I or Arg_I work Arg_I in Arg_I urban Arg_I areas Arg_I since O these Arg_B provide Arg_I them Arg_I many Arg_I educational Arg_I opportunities Arg_I and Arg_I career Arg_I potentials Arg_I . O In O my O opinion, O however, O I Arg_B do Arg_I not Arg_I approve Arg_I of Arg_I this Arg_I trend Arg_I due Arg_I to Arg_I negative Arg_I effects Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I low Arg_I quality Arg_I of Arg_I life Arg_I and Arg_I affecting Arg_I the Arg_I environment Arg_I . O Basic O economic O class O can O help O the O students O touch O the O surface O of O this O field O In O today's O community, O economy O becomes O the O order O of O the O day O . O Getting O to O know O the O theory O in O this O area O seems O really O important O for O our O students O . O Then, O the O earlier O we O jump O into O this O area, O the O more O skillful O we O will O be O . O Thus, O in O my O point O of O view, O although O it O will O take O some O time O on O it, O high Arg_B school Arg_I students Arg_I should Arg_I take Arg_I a Arg_I course Arg_I on Arg_I basic Arg_I economics Arg_I . O Let O me O explain O it O in O detail O . O For O the O primary O concern, O it Arg_B can Arg_I provide Arg_I students Arg_I a Arg_I sense Arg_I of Arg_I direction Arg_I in Arg_I academy Arg_I . O Basic Arg_B economic Arg_I class Arg_I can Arg_I help Arg_I the Arg_I students Arg_I touch Arg_I the Arg_I surface Arg_I of Arg_I this Arg_I field, Arg_I let Arg_I them Arg_I to Arg_I know Arg_I what Arg_I this Arg_I subject Arg_I mainly Arg_I discuss Arg_I . O That Arg_B will Arg_I help Arg_I the Arg_I students Arg_I cultivate Arg_I their Arg_I own Arg_I interest Arg_I and Arg_I a Arg_I sense Arg_I of Arg_I career Arg_I orientation Arg_I . O Finally, O students Arg_B may Arg_I study Arg_I harder Arg_I for Arg_I their Arg_I economic Arg_I dreams Arg_I . O On O the O other O hand, O economy O is O always O correlate O with O politics, O students Arg_B can Arg_I study Arg_I specialized Arg_I knowledge Arg_I along Arg_I with Arg_I some Arg_I Politian Arg_I status, Arg_I which Arg_I may Arg_I open Arg_I their Arg_I vision Arg_I toward Arg_I the Arg_I nation Arg_I and Arg_I don't Arg_I get Arg_I limited Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I textbooks Arg_I . O Besides, O there O is O also O an O intimate O connection O between O economy O and O enterprises, O students Arg_B can Arg_I also Arg_I gain Arg_I knowledge Arg_I more Arg_I practical Arg_I and Arg_I vivid Arg_I . O In O addition, O the Arg_B basic Arg_I economic Arg_I course Arg_I can Arg_I also Arg_I help Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I students Arg_I when Arg_I they Arg_I go Arg_I to Arg_I college Arg_I . O They Arg_B may Arg_I feel Arg_I more Arg_I readily Arg_I to Arg_I learn Arg_I the Arg_I knowledge Arg_I in Arg_I this Arg_I field Arg_I and Arg_I save Arg_I much Arg_I time, Arg_I with Arg_I that Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I able Arg_I to Arg_I study Arg_I more Arg_I efficiently Arg_I and Arg_I more Arg_I deeply Arg_I than Arg_I other Arg_I students Arg_I . O That Arg_B as Arg_I well Arg_I would Arg_I provide Arg_I the Arg_I students Arg_I with Arg_I more Arg_I confidence Arg_I and Arg_I let Arg_I them Arg_I become Arg_I more Arg_I compatible Arg_I . O Considering O all O those O factors O above, O I Arg_B suggest Arg_I the Arg_I basic Arg_I course Arg_I of Arg_I economic Arg_I is Arg_I necessary Arg_I . O University O education O restriction O Universtiy O is O an O entrance O to O life O . O It O equips O us O with O a O package O of O wisdom O and O virtue O to O succeed O . O It O is O the O importance O of O university O that O raises O a O question O whether O students O with O best O scholastic O performance O deserve O university O study O or O just O any O young O wishful O people O . O Both O sides O are O to O be O discussed O before O a O conclusion O is O reached O . O To O begin O with, O outstanding Arg_B academic Arg_I students Arg_I are Arg_I eligible Arg_I for Arg_I university Arg_I due Arg_I to Arg_I their Arg_I intellectual Arg_I advantage Arg_I . O To O be O precise, O such Arg_B abstract Arg_I or Arg_I complicated Arg_I informatin, Arg_I easily Arg_I absorbed Arg_I by Arg_I those Arg_I students, Arg_I may Arg_I prove Arg_I as Arg_I a Arg_I matter Arg_I of Arg_I pressure Arg_I for Arg_I those Arg_I who Arg_I lack Arg_I equivalent Arg_I skills Arg_I . O Besides, O it Arg_B is Arg_I undeniable Arg_I that Arg_I one Arg_I deserves Arg_I what Arg_I he Arg_I has Arg_I done Arg_I . O University Arg_B is Arg_I like Arg_I a Arg_I gift Arg_I presented Arg_I to Arg_I those Arg_I who Arg_I have Arg_I gone Arg_I to Arg_I great Arg_I length Arg_I to Arg_I attain Arg_I . O However, O university Arg_B is Arg_I not Arg_I just Arg_I about Arg_I academic Arg_I studies Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I a Arg_I place Arg_I to Arg_I nurture Arg_I artistic Arg_I talent Arg_I and Arg_I develop Arg_I soft Arg_I skills Arg_I . O Therefore, O it Arg_B should Arg_I be Arg_I up Arg_I for Arg_I grabs Arg_I for Arg_I a Arg_I majority Arg_I of Arg_I young Arg_I people, Arg_I who Arg_I wish Arg_I to Arg_I pursue Arg_I their Arg_I passion Arg_I as Arg_I well Arg_I as Arg_I develop Arg_I comprehensively Arg_I . O What O is O more, O there Arg_B is Arg_I a Arg_I tendency Arg_I for Arg_I social Arg_I vices Arg_I to Arg_I rise Arg_I if Arg_I university Arg_I is Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I restricted Arg_I to Arg_I only Arg_I the Arg_I best Arg_I people Arg_I . O Apart Arg_B from Arg_I the Arg_I disheartened Arg_I ones, Arg_I many Arg_I devoiding Arg_I of Arg_I neccessary Arg_I preparations Arg_I are Arg_I likely Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I recipes Arg_I for Arg_I failure Arg_I when Arg_I applying Arg_I for Arg_I jobs, Arg_I mostly Arg_I the Arg_I white-collar Arg_I ones Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O university O restriction O has O both O pros O and O cons O . O In O my O opinion, O it Arg_B will Arg_I yield Arg_I more Arg_I negative Arg_I results Arg_I than Arg_I positive Arg_I ones Arg_I . O That's O why O it Arg_B should Arg_I be Arg_I made Arg_I available Arg_I for Arg_I a Arg_I wide Arg_I range Arg_I of Arg_I learners Arg_I . O A O greater O proportion O of O the O budget O should O be O allotted O to O education O and O prevention O issues O In O today's O world, O the O concept O of O the O welfare O state O requires O governments O to O provide O sustainable O healthcare O and O health O education O to O their O citizens O . O I O completely O agree O with O the O idea O that O governments Arg_B should Arg_I devote Arg_I a Arg_I greater Arg_I portion Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I health Arg_I budgets Arg_I to Arg_I health Arg_I education Arg_I and Arg_I means Arg_I for Arg_I precautions Arg_I . O The O first O reason O why O education Arg_B and Arg_I preventative Arg_I measures Arg_I should Arg_I receive Arg_I a Arg_I greater Arg_I budget Arg_I is Arg_I the Arg_I potential Arg_I improvements Arg_I in Arg_I health Arg_I system Arg_I . O I O believe O that O decreasing Arg_B the Arg_I number Arg_I of Arg_I patients Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I health Arg_I system Arg_I can Arg_I lead Arg_I hospitals Arg_I and Arg_I healthcare Arg_I centers Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I managed Arg_I effectively Arg_I which Arg_I will Arg_I result Arg_I in Arg_I better Arg_I treatments Arg_I for Arg_I current Arg_I patients Arg_I . O Therefore, O society Arg_B should Arg_I be Arg_I educated Arg_I and Arg_I became Arg_I aware Arg_I of Arg_I health Arg_I issues Arg_I so Arg_I that Arg_I the Arg_I potential Arg_I precautions Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I way Arg_I of Arg_I illnesses Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I taken Arg_I instead Arg_I of Arg_I trying Arg_I to Arg_I provide Arg_I treatment Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I increasing Arg_I number Arg_I of Arg_I patients Arg_I . O The O second O reason O why O governments Arg_B should Arg_I allocate Arg_I more Arg_I budget Arg_I on Arg_I prevention Arg_I from Arg_I illness Arg_I and Arg_I providing Arg_I health Arg_I education Arg_I is Arg_I the Arg_I welfare Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I society Arg_I . O In O my O opinion, O there Arg_B is Arg_I nothing Arg_I more Arg_I important Arg_I than Arg_I health Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I human's Arg_I life Arg_I and Arg_I the Arg_I happiness Arg_I and Arg_I welfare Arg_I come Arg_I with Arg_I health Arg_I . O Therefore, O a Arg_B government's Arg_I role Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I providing Arg_I means Arg_I that Arg_I lead Arg_I its Arg_I citizens Arg_I to Arg_I learn Arg_I how Arg_I to Arg_I prevent Arg_I from Arg_I potential Arg_I illness Arg_I that Arg_I can Arg_I cause Arg_I misery Arg_I in Arg_I people's Arg_I lives Arg_I . O For O example, O the Arg_B marketing Arg_I campaign Arg_I of Arg_I Ministry Arg_I of Arg_I Health Arg_I in Arg_I Turkey Arg_I which Arg_I aimed Arg_I smoking Arg_I problem Arg_I among Arg_I the Arg_I youth Arg_I increased Arg_I the Arg_I well-being Arg_I of Arg_I those Arg_I who Arg_I quit Arg_I smoking Arg_I and Arg_I adapted Arg_I a Arg_I better Arg_I lifestyle Arg_I after Arg_I the Arg_I campaign Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O a Arg_B greater Arg_I proportion Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I budget Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I allotted Arg_I to Arg_I education Arg_I and Arg_I prevention Arg_I issues Arg_I in Arg_I comparison Arg_I with Arg_I treatment Arg_I due Arg_I to Arg_I achieve Arg_I more Arg_I effective Arg_I health Arg_I system Arg_I and Arg_I greater Arg_I level Arg_I of Arg_I well-being Arg_I . O Work O in O team O or O independently O Nowadays, O as O the O world O is O getting O smaller, O we O need O to O be O able O to O cooperate O . O Working O in O team O is O a O necessary O skill O that O every O individual O must O master O for O success O . O Despite O the O importance O of O working O in O team, O I O still O believe O that O the Arg_B capability Arg_I of Arg_I working Arg_I independly Arg_I is Arg_I more Arg_I significant Arg_I . O Of O course, O effective O cooperation O can O make O things O easier O and O faster, O but O in Arg_B many Arg_I important Arg_I cases Arg_I when Arg_I team-working Arg_I is Arg_I not Arg_I possible, Arg_I the Arg_I ability Arg_I to Arg_I work Arg_I alone Arg_I will Arg_I help Arg_I . O The Arg_B apperant Arg_I example Arg_I is Arg_I that Arg_I there Arg_I are Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I tests Arg_I that Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I allow Arg_I team-working Arg_I . O Let's Arg_B imagine Arg_I that Arg_I you Arg_I perform Arg_I really Arg_I well Arg_I when Arg_I you Arg_I can Arg_I discuss Arg_I the Arg_I problems Arg_I with Arg_I other Arg_I people, Arg_I but Arg_I you Arg_I have Arg_I no Arg_I experience Arg_I of Arg_I working Arg_I alone, Arg_I standardized Arg_I tests Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I SAT, Arg_I TOEFL Arg_I may Arg_I be Arg_I your Arg_I nightmares Arg_I . O Testing Arg_B is Arg_I a Arg_I very Arg_I important Arg_I aspect Arg_I of Arg_I life, Arg_I and Arg_I still Arg_I the Arg_I majority Arg_I of Arg_I tests Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I allow Arg_I you Arg_I to Arg_I work Arg_I in Arg_I team Arg_I . O Therefore, O if Arg_B you Arg_I want Arg_I to Arg_I get Arg_I brilliant Arg_I achievements Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I going Arg_I to Arg_I college, Arg_I acing Arg_I your Arg_I school's Arg_I final Arg_I tests, Arg_I you Arg_I should Arg_I consider Arg_I learning Arg_I to Arg_I work Arg_I on Arg_I your Arg_I own Arg_I . O Moreover, O the Arg_B ability Arg_I to Arg_I work Arg_I alone Arg_I will Arg_I help Arg_I you Arg_I increase Arg_I your Arg_I ability Arg_I to Arg_I work Arg_I with Arg_I other Arg_I people Arg_I . O Working Arg_B in Arg_I team Arg_I does Arg_I not Arg_I mean Arg_I that Arg_I you Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I have Arg_I to Arg_I come Arg_I up Arg_I with Arg_I your Arg_I ideas Arg_I . O Everybody Arg_B in Arg_I a Arg_I team Arg_I must Arg_I have Arg_I his/her Arg_I own Arg_I opinion Arg_I first, Arg_I then Arg_I discuss Arg_I them Arg_I with Arg_I other Arg_I members Arg_I . O When Arg_B we Arg_I work Arg_I in Arg_I team, Arg_I we Arg_I still Arg_I think Arg_I individually Arg_I because O our Arg_B brain Arg_I are Arg_I not Arg_I connected Arg_I but Arg_I separate Arg_I . O When Arg_B everyone Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I team Arg_I can Arg_I come Arg_I up Arg_I with Arg_I his/her Arg_I own Arg_I ideas, Arg_I working Arg_I in Arg_I team Arg_I will Arg_I definitely Arg_I more Arg_I effective Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O working O with O a O group O a O people O and O working O individually O are O all O important O . O Both O skills O are O necessary O for O a O successful O life O . O Nevertheless, O the Arg_B capablity Arg_I of Arg_I working Arg_I alone Arg_I is Arg_I the Arg_I foundation Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I skill Arg_I to Arg_I work Arg_I in Arg_I team Arg_I and Arg_I plays Arg_I a Arg_I significant Arg_I role Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I situations Arg_I . O Smoking O should O not O be O promitted O in O restaurants O or O other O public O places O Smoking O brings O a O person O great O enjoyment O and O relief O . O However, O one O should O not O be O encouraged O to O smoke O as O the O cost O of O other O people's O health O . O In O this O case, O I O advocate O the O idea O that O smoking Arg_B should Arg_I be Arg_I prohibited Arg_I in Arg_I restaurants Arg_I as Arg_I well Arg_I as Arg_I other Arg_I public Arg_I places, Arg_I and Arg_I that Arg_I we Arg_I should Arg_I support Arg_I states Arg_I laws Arg_I to Arg_I ban Arg_I it Arg_I because O smoking Arg_B not Arg_I only Arg_I damages Arg_I the Arg_I restaurant's Arg_I environment, Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I imposes Arg_I a Arg_I potential Arg_I threat Arg_I on Arg_I others' Arg_I health Arg_I . O First O of O all, O although O it Arg_B is Arg_I too Arg_I strong Arg_I to Arg_I assert Arg_I that Arg_I smoking Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I prohibited Arg_I everywhere Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I society, Arg_I one Arg_I smoking Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I restaurant Arg_I is Arg_I considered Arg_I to Arg_I enjoy Arg_I his Arg_I time Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I ignorance Arg_I of Arg_I others' Arg_I health Arg_I . O It O is O generally O believed O that, O the Arg_B second-hand Arg_I smoke, Arg_I which Arg_I comes Arg_I from Arg_I the Arg_I smoker's Arg_I mouth, Arg_I puts Arg_I an Arg_I even Arg_I greater Arg_I threat Arg_I on Arg_I surrounding Arg_I people's Arg_I health Arg_I than Arg_I the Arg_I smoker Arg_I himself Arg_I . O For O example, O if Arg_B there Arg_I is Arg_I only Arg_I one Arg_I person Arg_I smoking Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I restaurant, Arg_I all Arg_I others Arg_I will Arg_I smoke Arg_I unconsciously Arg_I and Arg_I their Arg_I health Arg_I is Arg_I under Arg_I attacked Arg_I . O This O is O because O some Arg_B burned Arg_I substance Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I cigarette Arg_I can Arg_I easily Arg_I deteriorate Arg_I a Arg_I person's Arg_I respiratory Arg_I system Arg_I after Arg_I he/she Arg_I inhales Arg_I it Arg_I . O Therefore, O smoking Arg_B in Arg_I restaurants Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I strictly Arg_I banned Arg_I because O it Arg_B makes Arg_I the Arg_I restaurant Arg_I a Arg_I polluted Arg_I place Arg_I which Arg_I threatens Arg_I every Arg_I customer's Arg_I health Arg_I . O Furthermore, O even O though O some O customers O do O not O worry O about O the O threat O that O second-hand O smoke O imposes O on O them, O the Arg_B disgusting Arg_I smoke Arg_I will Arg_I severely Arg_I affect Arg_I their Arg_I appetite, Arg_I or, Arg_I in Arg_I other Arg_I words, Arg_I spoil Arg_I their Arg_I meals Arg_I and Arg_I make Arg_I them Arg_I an Arg_I unpleasant Arg_I experience Arg_I . O The Arg_B smoke Arg_I exhaled Arg_I from Arg_I the Arg_I smoker Arg_I often Arg_I makes Arg_I other Arg_I people Arg_I feel Arg_I uncomfortable Arg_I or Arg_I disgusted, Arg_I thus Arg_I affecting Arg_I their Arg_I mood Arg_I in Arg_I having Arg_I their Arg_I meals Arg_I . O This, Arg_B on Arg_I the Arg_I other Arg_I hand, Arg_I can Arg_I indirectly Arg_I decrease Arg_I the Arg_I restaurants' Arg_I popularity Arg_I because O fewer Arg_B people Arg_I are Arg_I willing Arg_I to Arg_I consume Arg_I there Arg_I due Arg_I to Arg_I their Arg_I unpleasant Arg_I experiences Arg_I . O Lastly, O smoking Arg_B does Arg_I no Arg_I good Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I smoker Arg_I himself Arg_I . O Not Arg_B only Arg_I does Arg_I it Arg_I aggravate Arg_I his Arg_I health, Arg_I making Arg_I him Arg_I more Arg_I subject Arg_I to Arg_I respiratory Arg_I diseases, Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I it Arg_I damages Arg_I his Arg_I public Arg_I image Arg_I and Arg_I reputation Arg_I . O This O is O especially O true O when O the O smoker O is O a O popular O political O figure O or O an O entertainmening O celebrity, O because O most Arg_B people Arg_I see Arg_I smoking Arg_I in Arg_I restaurants Arg_I as Arg_I an Arg_I impolite Arg_I human Arg_I behavior Arg_I . O At O this O point, O the Arg_B public Arg_I are Arg_I likely Arg_I to Arg_I believe Arg_I that Arg_I the Arg_I smoker Arg_I lacks Arg_I basic Arg_I civility Arg_I and Arg_I should Arg_I not Arg_I be Arg_I encouraged Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I a Arg_I public Arg_I leader Arg_I . O To O conclude, O smoking Arg_B in Arg_I a Arg_I restaurant Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I harmful Arg_I and Arg_I disrespectable Arg_I behavior Arg_I . O It Arg_B spoils Arg_I the Arg_I smoker's Arg_I reputation Arg_I and Arg_I threats Arg_I other Arg_I people's Arg_I health Arg_I . O Therefore, O it Arg_B is Arg_I unwise Arg_I to Arg_I smoke Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I restaurant Arg_I as Arg_I well Arg_I as Arg_I other Arg_I public Arg_I places, Arg_I and Arg_I relevant Arg_I state Arg_I laws Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I codified Arg_I to Arg_I strictly Arg_I prohibit Arg_I it Arg_I . O People O should O have O hobbies O and O do O physical O activities O Whether O or O not O people O should O have O hobbies O and O do O physical O activities O has O been O a O controversial O question O . O Different O people O have O different O ideas O . O Some O people O think O we O should O focus O on O our O jobs, O but O I O don't O agree O with O them O . O Having Arg_B one's Arg_I own Arg_I hobbies Arg_I and Arg_I doing Arg_I physical Arg_I activities Arg_I can Arg_I bring Arg_I us Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I benefits Arg_I . O First, O having Arg_B hobbies Arg_I and Arg_I doing Arg_I physical Arg_I activities Arg_I is Arg_I the Arg_I best Arg_I way Arg_I to Arg_I keep Arg_I fit Arg_I . O Looking O at O the O computer O screen O all O day O long O can O make O us O daze, O so O doing Arg_B some Arg_I sport Arg_I and Arg_I hobbies Arg_I can Arg_I prevent Arg_I us Arg_I from Arg_I becoming Arg_I too Arg_I fat Arg_I or Arg_I short-sighted Arg_I . O My Arg_B neighbor Arg_I Tom Arg_I once Arg_I was Arg_I a Arg_I computer Arg_I engineer Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I big Arg_I company Arg_I . O He Arg_B ate Arg_I fast Arg_I food Arg_I everyday Arg_I and Arg_I never Arg_I went Arg_I out Arg_I to Arg_I exercise Arg_I . O When Arg_B he Arg_I found Arg_I out Arg_I that Arg_I he Arg_I was Arg_I too Arg_I fat Arg_I to Arg_I find Arg_I a Arg_I girlfriend, Arg_I he Arg_I made Arg_I up Arg_I his Arg_I mind Arg_I to Arg_I loose Arg_I weight Arg_I . O He Arg_B started Arg_I to Arg_I jog Arg_I every Arg_I morning Arg_I . O After Arg_B a Arg_I moth, Arg_I he Arg_I is Arg_I thinner Arg_I and Arg_I finds Arg_I a Arg_I girlfriend Arg_I . O Also, O doing O something O for O a O long O time O can O be O boring, O having Arg_B hobbies Arg_I and Arg_I doing Arg_I sports Arg_I can Arg_I refresh Arg_I our Arg_I mind Arg_I . O For O example, O at Arg_B school, Arg_I students Arg_I have Arg_I breaks Arg_I every Arg_I class Arg_I so Arg_I that Arg_I they Arg_I can Arg_I relax Arg_I for Arg_I a Arg_I few Arg_I minutes Arg_I and Arg_I prepare Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I next Arg_I class Arg_I . O Humans Arg_B are Arg_I not Arg_I robots; Arg_I we Arg_I can't Arg_I keep Arg_I working Arg_I for Arg_I twenty-four Arg_I hours Arg_I . O Doing Arg_B sports Arg_I or Arg_I hobbies Arg_I for Arg_I a Arg_I short Arg_I time Arg_I can Arg_I recharge Arg_I our Arg_I batteries Arg_I . O Last, O we Arg_B should Arg_I develop Arg_I at Arg_I least Arg_I one Arg_I personal Arg_I hobby, Arg_I not Arg_I to Arg_I show Arg_I off, Arg_I but Arg_I express Arg_I our Arg_I emotion Arg_I when Arg_I we Arg_I feel Arg_I depressed Arg_I or Arg_I pressured Arg_I . O Playing Arg_B musical Arg_I instrument Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I way, Arg_I I Arg_I can Arg_I play Arg_I classical Arg_I guitar Arg_I . O When Arg_B I Arg_I meet Arg_I difficulties Arg_I in Arg_I studies, Arg_I I Arg_I will Arg_I take Arg_I my Arg_I guitar Arg_I and Arg_I play Arg_I the Arg_I song Arg_I Green Arg_I Sleeves Arg_I . O It Arg_B makes Arg_I me Arg_I feel Arg_I better Arg_I and Arg_I gives Arg_I me Arg_I the Arg_I confidence Arg_I . O Although O it O may O take O us O a O lot O of O times O to O develop O our O personal O hobbies, O but O doing Arg_B so Arg_I can Arg_I bring Arg_I us Arg_I a Arg_I healthy Arg_I body, Arg_I a Arg_I refreshed Arg_I mind Arg_I and Arg_I a Arg_I way Arg_I to Arg_I release Arg_I pressure Arg_I and Arg_I sadness Arg_I . O Hence, O I O think O it Arg_B is Arg_I good Arg_I for Arg_I us Arg_I to Arg_I have Arg_I hobbies Arg_I and Arg_I do Arg_I physical Arg_I activities Arg_I which Arg_I are Arg_I different Arg_I from Arg_I our Arg_I work Arg_I . O Government O should O regard O investing O in O building O roads O as O the O most O important O The O population O explosion O results O in O the O high O demands O of O transportation O . O Many O countries O have O suffered O from O pollution, O noisy O and O casualty O for O a O long O time O . O From O my O perspective, O the Arg_B most Arg_I possible Arg_I solution Arg_I to Arg_I these Arg_I problems Arg_I is Arg_I improving Arg_I roads Arg_I and Arg_I highways Arg_I because O of O three O crucial O reasons O . O First O and O foremost, O we Arg_B all Arg_I know Arg_I that Arg_I upgrading Arg_I public Arg_I transportation Arg_I will Arg_I surely Arg_I aggravate Arg_I the Arg_I pollution Arg_I and Arg_I accidents Arg_I . O The Arg_B buses, Arg_I cars Arg_I and Arg_I trains Arg_I regularly Arg_I emit Arg_I a Arg_I noxious Arg_I gas Arg_I which Arg_I causes Arg_I lots Arg_I of Arg_I fatal Arg_I diseases Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I lung Arg_I cancer Arg_I and Arg_I pneumonia Arg_I . O Moreover, O the Arg_B sound Arg_I emanates Arg_I from Arg_I the Arg_I engines Arg_I can Arg_I worsen Arg_I our Arg_I hearing Arg_I . O Most O importantly, O there Arg_B are Arg_I many Arg_I accidents Arg_I happening Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I roads Arg_I . O For O example, O in Arg_B my Arg_I country, Arg_I buses Arg_I are Arg_I attributed Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I cause Arg_I of Arg_I skyrocketing Arg_I of Arg_I accidents Arg_I . O Each O year, O Vietnam Arg_B has Arg_I approximately Arg_I twelve Arg_I thousand Arg_I people Arg_I die Arg_I of Arg_I accidents Arg_I which Arg_I is Arg_I equivalent Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I death Arg_I toll Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I tsunami Arg_I in Arg_I Japan Arg_I . O Secondly, O investing Arg_B in Arg_I roads Arg_I and Arg_I highways Arg_I can Arg_I broaden Arg_I the Arg_I area Arg_I and Arg_I allow Arg_I more Arg_I public Arg_I transportation Arg_I to Arg_I work Arg_I . O Not Arg_B only Arg_I buses Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I other Arg_I personal Arg_I vehicles Arg_I can Arg_I move Arg_I easily Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I roads Arg_I . O For O instance, O I Arg_B always Arg_I leave Arg_I school Arg_I at Arg_I the Arg_I time Arg_I that Arg_I everybody Arg_I rushes Arg_I into Arg_I the Arg_I roads Arg_I and Arg_I hastily Arg_I goes Arg_I home Arg_I . O It Arg_B is Arg_I extremely Arg_I troublesome Arg_I for Arg_I me Arg_I to Arg_I escape Arg_I from Arg_I the Arg_I crowd Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I roads Arg_I in Arg_I only Arg_I one Arg_I hour Arg_I . O In O contrast, O if Arg_B the Arg_I roads Arg_I are Arg_I enlarged, Arg_I everyone Arg_I can Arg_I go Arg_I home Arg_I in Arg_I short Arg_I time Arg_I and Arg_I there Arg_I are Arg_I hardly Arg_I any Arg_I collisions Arg_I . O Last O but O not O least, O spending Arg_B on Arg_I renovating Arg_I the Arg_I highways Arg_I and Arg_I roads Arg_I can Arg_I improve Arg_I the Arg_I quality Arg_I . O All Arg_B of Arg_I us Arg_I are Arg_I afraid Arg_I of Arg_I moving Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I rough Arg_I roads Arg_I with Arg_I lots Arg_I of Arg_I portholes Arg_I . O Those Arg_B bad Arg_I conditions Arg_I result Arg_I in Arg_I many Arg_I terrible Arg_I accidents Arg_I and Arg_I make Arg_I several Arg_I people Arg_I feel Arg_I worried Arg_I . O We Arg_B should Arg_I not Arg_I accuse Arg_I the Arg_I drivers Arg_I of Arg_I causing Arg_I accidents Arg_I because O a Arg_B part Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I responsibility Arg_I belongs Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I authorities Arg_I . O What's Arg_B more, Arg_I a Arg_I smooth Arg_I surface Arg_I makes Arg_I the Arg_I transportation Arg_I and Arg_I movement Arg_I become Arg_I safer Arg_I and Arg_I easier Arg_I . O In O a O nutshell, O the Arg_B advantages Arg_I of Arg_I upgrading Arg_I the Arg_I roads Arg_I which Arg_I I Arg_I mentioned Arg_I above Arg_I are Arg_I totally Arg_I convincing Arg_I and Arg_I indispensable Arg_I . O I O am O usually O inclined O to O this O idea O and O I O hope O that O the O government O will O regard O the O investment O in O building O roads O as O the O most O important O thing O . O The O best O way O of O learning O life O Life O is O full O of O challenges, O difficulties O and O unexpected O obstacles O . O Therefore, O learning O about O life, O which O is O useful O for O foreseeing O problems O and O be O assertive O enough O to O overcome O them O are O needed O . O Two O main O ways O of O learning O about O life O are O listening O to O the O advice O of O family O and O friends O and O learning O through O personal O experience O . O Both O ways O are O good O to O follow O because O they O all O have O their O own O distinct O advantages O . O On O one O hand, O the Arg_B way Arg_I of Arg_I learning Arg_I life Arg_I through Arg_I listening Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I advice Arg_I of Arg_I family Arg_I and Arg_I friends Arg_I is Arg_I more Arg_I realistic Arg_I than Arg_I the Arg_I latter Arg_I . O Family Arg_B members Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I your Arg_I parents Arg_I are Arg_I experienced Arg_I in Arg_I life Arg_I so Arg_I they Arg_I can Arg_I give Arg_I you Arg_I proper Arg_I and Arg_I sincere Arg_I guidance Arg_I on Arg_I every Arg_I aspect Arg_I of Arg_I life Arg_I . O And Arg_B friends, Arg_I people Arg_I who Arg_I are Arg_I the Arg_I same Arg_I generation Arg_I with Arg_I you, Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I understand Arg_I your Arg_I favorite Arg_I and Arg_I ability Arg_I enough Arg_I to Arg_I tell Arg_I you Arg_I which Arg_I is Arg_I suitable Arg_I for Arg_I you, Arg_I which Arg_I is Arg_I not Arg_I . O By Arg_B listening Arg_I to Arg_I your Arg_I family Arg_I and Arg_I friends Arg_I advice, Arg_I you Arg_I can Arg_I definitely Arg_I avoid Arg_I many Arg_I unexpected Arg_I things Arg_I . O On O the O other O hand, O finding Arg_B out Arg_I life Arg_I through Arg_I personal Arg_I experience Arg_I can Arg_I help Arg_I you Arg_I become Arg_I more Arg_I independent Arg_I and Arg_I mature Arg_I . O For O one O thing, O there Arg_B are Arg_I so Arg_I many Arg_I grate Arg_I things Arg_I that Arg_I you Arg_I can Arg_I missed Arg_I if Arg_I you Arg_I don't Arg_I experience Arg_I it Arg_I by Arg_I yourself Arg_I . O For O example, O a Arg_B friend Arg_I told Arg_I you Arg_I not Arg_I to Arg_I try Arg_I skydiving Arg_I because Arg_I it Arg_I was Arg_I so Arg_I dangerous Arg_I . O If Arg_B you Arg_I did Arg_I as Arg_I he Arg_I told, Arg_I you Arg_I could Arg_I fail Arg_I to Arg_I see Arg_I how Arg_I wonderful Arg_I it Arg_I is Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I fall Arg_I freely Arg_I . O In O addition, O family Arg_B and Arg_I friends Arg_I accidentally Arg_I harm Arg_I you Arg_I by Arg_I giving Arg_I you Arg_I advice Arg_I all Arg_I the Arg_I time Arg_I . O You Arg_B will Arg_I grow Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I dependent Arg_I and Arg_I reliant Arg_I . O In O contrast, O free Arg_B yourself Arg_I and Arg_I do Arg_I what Arg_I you Arg_I desire Arg_I without Arg_I notice Arg_I about Arg_I consequences Arg_I is Arg_I the Arg_I way Arg_I that Arg_I success Arg_I people Arg_I would Arg_I like Arg_I to Arg_I choose Arg_I . O According O to O myself, O both O ways O are O good, O but O I O prefer O the O latter O . O It O is O because O growth Arg_B is Arg_I a Arg_I long Arg_I process Arg_I that Arg_I experience Arg_I is Arg_I indispensable Arg_I . O I O believe O that O experiencing Arg_B the Arg_I real Arg_I life Arg_I by Arg_I myself, Arg_I I Arg_I could Arg_I learn Arg_I more Arg_I than Arg_I just Arg_I obey Arg_I the Arg_I advice Arg_I . O Parents O and O other O predecessors O used O to O experience O their O own O life O by O themselves, O why O don't O the O younger O try O to O do O the O same? O In O summary, O each O way O learning O life O has O its O own O benefits O . O But O to O me, O learning Arg_B about Arg_I life Arg_I through Arg_I personal Arg_I experience Arg_I seems Arg_I more Arg_I appropriate Arg_I . O Modern O cooking O methods O have O improved O our O life-style O significantly O With O technology O advances, O food O has O become O easier O to O prepare O in O modern O days O . O People O now O can O use O kitchen O appliances O such O as O microwave O and O toaster O to O cook O their O meals O easier O and O more O convenient O than O before O . O Also, O instant O food O products O take O only O a O few O minutes O to O be O made O into O delicious O meals O . O These Arg_B changes Arg_I make Arg_I cooking Arg_I so Arg_I easy-to-use Arg_I and Arg_I time-saving Arg_I as Arg_I to Arg_I improve Arg_I the Arg_I way Arg_I we Arg_I live Arg_I to Arg_I a Arg_I great Arg_I extent Arg_I . O First O of O all, O people Arg_B have Arg_I more Arg_I chance Arg_I to Arg_I do Arg_I other Arg_I activities Arg_I they Arg_I like Arg_I since Arg_I food Arg_I preparation Arg_I is Arg_I no Arg_I longer Arg_I time-consuming Arg_I . O For O instance, O such Arg_B a Arg_I change Arg_I has Arg_I liberated Arg_I many Arg_I housewives Arg_I from Arg_I tedious Arg_I cooking Arg_I process Arg_I and Arg_I gave Arg_I them Arg_I additional Arg_I time Arg_I to Arg_I do Arg_I something Arg_I more Arg_I meaningful Arg_I like Arg_I accompanying Arg_I family Arg_I or Arg_I doing Arg_I a Arg_I job Arg_I . O On O the O other O hand, O more Arg_B people Arg_I can Arg_I sleep Arg_I a Arg_I bit Arg_I later Arg_I to Arg_I go Arg_I to Arg_I work Arg_I because O they Arg_B only Arg_I need Arg_I a Arg_I couple Arg_I of Arg_I time Arg_I to Arg_I prepare Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I breakfasts Arg_I . O At O the O second O point, O since Arg_B food Arg_I preparation Arg_I has Arg_I become Arg_I easier Arg_I and Arg_I more Arg_I convenient, Arg_I it Arg_I is Arg_I certainly Arg_I great Arg_I to Arg_I preserve Arg_I diverse Arg_I kinds Arg_I of Arg_I foods Arg_I at Arg_I home Arg_I . O People Arg_B can Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I variety Arg_I of Arg_I dishes Arg_I even Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I small Arg_I meal Arg_I and Arg_I choose Arg_I whatever Arg_I they Arg_I like Arg_I . O More Arg_B men, Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I other Arg_I hand, Arg_I are Arg_I willing Arg_I to Arg_I participate Arg_I in Arg_I cooking Arg_I that Arg_I they Arg_I had Arg_I never Arg_I done Arg_I before Arg_I . O This Arg_B transformation Arg_I may Arg_I bring Arg_I positive Arg_I impacts Arg_I to Arg_I family Arg_I in Arg_I some Arg_I cases Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O the Arg_B time-saving, Arg_I simple Arg_I food Arg_I preparation Arg_I process Arg_I gives Arg_I us Arg_I more Arg_I time Arg_I to Arg_I do Arg_I other Arg_I activities, Arg_I more Arg_I chance Arg_I to Arg_I select Arg_I diverse Arg_I kinds Arg_I of Arg_I foods Arg_I and Arg_I more Arg_I willingness Arg_I to Arg_I cook Arg_I meals Arg_I . O Of O course, O there O may O be O some O other O perspectives O that O I O neglected O to O fully O consider O . O Nevertheless, O for O the O reasons O that O I O have O presented O above, O I Arg_B would Arg_I assert Arg_I that Arg_I this Arg_I change Arg_I has Arg_I improved Arg_I our Arg_I life Arg_I significantly Arg_I . O Are O parents O best O teachers? O It O is O obvious O that O parents Arg_B are Arg_I the Arg_I first Arg_I teachers Arg_I who Arg_I teach Arg_I babies Arg_I how Arg_I to Arg_I walk Arg_I and Arg_I speak Arg_I and Arg_I make Arg_I children Arg_I to Arg_I become Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I person Arg_I . O Moreover, O parents Arg_B provide Arg_I their Arg_I children Arg_I the Arg_I best Arg_I social Arg_I skills Arg_I and Arg_I knowledge Arg_I in Arg_I order Arg_I to Arg_I prepare Arg_I for Arg_I their Arg_I children's Arg_I future Arg_I life Arg_I . O First, O children Arg_B are Arg_I taught Arg_I basic Arg_I things, Arg_I which Arg_I influence Arg_I their Arg_I whole Arg_I life, Arg_I by Arg_I their Arg_I parents Arg_I . O As Arg_B a Arg_I baby, Arg_I they Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I know Arg_I any Arg_I thing Arg_I all Arg_I around Arg_I but Arg_I they Arg_I learn Arg_I everything Arg_I from Arg_I their Arg_I parents Arg_I . O Parents Arg_B always Arg_I try Arg_I to Arg_I explain Arg_I and Arg_I describe Arg_I tenderly Arg_I all Arg_I things Arg_I in Arg_I simple Arg_I way Arg_I so Arg_I that Arg_I their Arg_I baby Arg_I can Arg_I understand Arg_I and Arg_I learn Arg_I from Arg_I that Arg_I . O Consequently, O parents Arg_B bring Arg_I the Arg_I whole Arg_I world Arg_I of Arg_I wonderful Arg_I and Arg_I colorful Arg_I thing Arg_I into Arg_I their Arg_I baby's Arg_I little Arg_I mind Arg_I . O Second, O parents Arg_B train Arg_I their Arg_I child Arg_I how Arg_I to Arg_I become Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I person Arg_I . O They Arg_B always Arg_I make Arg_I their Arg_I children Arg_I basically Arg_I say Arg_I thanks Arg_I and Arg_I apology Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I right Arg_I way Arg_I . O On O the O one O hand, O it Arg_B is Arg_I common Arg_I that Arg_I they Arg_I try Arg_I to Arg_I explain Arg_I who Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I or Arg_I bad Arg_I person Arg_I . O On O the O other O hand, O children Arg_B are Arg_I shown Arg_I how Arg_I to Arg_I behave Arg_I well Arg_I with Arg_I others Arg_I . O This O seems O to O be O easy O but O this Arg_B can Arg_I influence Arg_I positively Arg_I their Arg_I future Arg_I children Arg_I and Arg_I makes Arg_I children's Arg_I behavior Arg_I better Arg_I before Arg_I they Arg_I face Arg_I the Arg_I real Arg_I world Arg_I . O Third, O it O is O clear O that O parents Arg_B are Arg_I ones Arg_I who Arg_I loves Arg_I their Arg_I children Arg_I most Arg_I and Arg_I always Arg_I take Arg_I care Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I children Arg_I . O Thus, O they Arg_B tend Arg_I to Arg_I provide Arg_I the Arg_I best Arg_I knowledge Arg_I and Arg_I advice Arg_I from Arg_I their Arg_I experience Arg_I for Arg_I children Arg_I . O Unlike Arg_B a Arg_I professional, Arg_I parents Arg_I always Arg_I support Arg_I children Arg_I and Arg_I give Arg_I them Arg_I much Arg_I social Arg_I skill Arg_I so Arg_I they Arg_I can Arg_I communicate Arg_I well Arg_I with Arg_I others Arg_I and Arg_I have Arg_I good Arg_I habit Arg_I in Arg_I life Arg_I . O In O fact, O parents' Arg_B support Arg_I is Arg_I one Arg_I factor Arg_I which Arg_I makes Arg_I people Arg_I succeed Arg_I in Arg_I their Arg_I life Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O parents Arg_B are Arg_I really Arg_I the Arg_I best Arg_I teachers Arg_I who Arg_I give Arg_I us Arg_I much Arg_I knowledge Arg_I and Arg_I advice Arg_I . O Based O on O love, O they O always O try O their O best O to O make O good O condition O for O their O children O development O in O order O to O prepare O children's O future O life O . O Tv O has O NO O negative O effects O on O children O Nowadays, O we O have O undergone O many O technology O innovations O such O as O Tv O . O Many O people O say O that O television O has O negative O effects O on O children, O since O it O can O be O violent O or O inappropriate O for O children O . O However, O I O strongly O believe O that O television Arg_B has Arg_I more Arg_I positive Arg_I effects Arg_I than Arg_I negative Arg_I effects Arg_I . O There O are O two O reasons O to O support O my O idea O . O First O of O all, O television Arg_B has Arg_I useful Arg_I and Arg_I educational Arg_I programs Arg_I . O Not Arg_B only Arg_I the Arg_I up-to-date Arg_I news, Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I there Arg_I are Arg_I many Arg_I programs Arg_I which Arg_I has Arg_I educational Arg_I purposes Arg_I . O If Arg_B children Arg_I can Arg_I use Arg_I those Arg_I programs Arg_I wisely, Arg_I they Arg_I can Arg_I learn Arg_I many Arg_I information Arg_I from Arg_I it Arg_I . O For O example, O in Arg_B Korea, Arg_I there's Arg_I program Arg_I called Arg_I EBS Arg_I . O It Arg_B is Arg_I targeted Arg_I for Arg_I children Arg_I to Arg_I teenager Arg_I . O We Arg_B can Arg_I study Arg_I subjects Arg_I through Arg_I EBS Arg_I lecture Arg_I . O Also, O there Arg_B are Arg_I many Arg_I documentary Arg_I films Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I the Arg_I life Arg_I of Arg_I a Arg_I great Arg_I man Arg_I in Arg_I Korea Arg_I . O Using Arg_B those Arg_I education Arg_I programs Arg_I let Arg_I people Arg_I get Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I inspirations Arg_I instead Arg_I of Arg_I having Arg_I negative Arg_I effects Arg_I . O In O addition, O Tv Arg_B is Arg_I helpful Arg_I to Arg_I relieve Arg_I our Arg_I stresses Arg_I . O There O are O many O Tv O programs O such O as O sports O programs O . O Many O children O have O a O lot O of O stresses O recently, O since O they Arg_B have Arg_I so Arg_I much Arg_I pressure Arg_I about Arg_I study Arg_I . O When Arg_B they Arg_I are Arg_I watching Arg_I sports Arg_I programs, Arg_I it's Arg_I easy Arg_I to Arg_I relieve Arg_I those Arg_I stresses Arg_I . O As O an O example, O I Arg_B got Arg_I too Arg_I much Arg_I stress Arg_I from Arg_I the Arg_I school Arg_I . O So, O I O was O quite O aggressive, O however O . O After Arg_B I Arg_I watch Arg_I the Arg_I soccer Arg_I match Arg_I between Arg_I Korea Arg_I and Arg_I Japan, Arg_I the Arg_I stress Arg_I was Arg_I gone Arg_I . O Instead, O this O soccer O match O helped O me O to O continue O my O academic O career O in O the O school, O since O it Arg_B helped Arg_I me Arg_I to Arg_I relieve Arg_I my Arg_I stress Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O of O course, O the O television O can O have O violent O programs, O however, O if Arg_B children Arg_I can Arg_I use Arg_I Tv Arg_I programs Arg_I wisely, Arg_I there Arg_I are Arg_I more Arg_I positive Arg_I effects Arg_I than Arg_I negative Arg_I effects Arg_I . O Now O that, O it Arg_B has Arg_I useful Arg_I and Arg_I educational Arg_I programs Arg_I and Arg_I quite Arg_I helpful Arg_I to Arg_I relieve Arg_I stresses Arg_I for Arg_I children Arg_I . O For O these O reasons, O I Arg_B strongly Arg_I disagree Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I statement Arg_I that Arg_I television Arg_I has Arg_I negative Arg_I effects Arg_I on Arg_I children Arg_I . O Businesses O had O better O not O employ O the O workers O for O the O whole O of O their O life O Many O entrepreneurs O hypothesize O that O it O is O safer O to O hire O employees O for O their O entire O lives O in O order O to O ensure O the O productivity O and O efficiency O of O working O . O From O my O perspective, O those O assumptions O are O not O only O conservative O but O also O out-of-date O . O I O am O biased O towards O the O opposite O side O that O businesses Arg_B had Arg_I better Arg_I not Arg_I employ Arg_I the Arg_I workers Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I whole Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I life Arg_I because O of O the O three O main O crucial O reasons O . O First O and O foremost, O various Arg_B ideas Arg_I and Arg_I creativity Arg_I from Arg_I different Arg_I people Arg_I are Arg_I indispensable Arg_I for Arg_I a Arg_I company Arg_I to Arg_I flourish Arg_I . O The Arg_B invaluable Arg_I experience Arg_I of Arg_I senior Arg_I employees Arg_I can Arg_I pass Arg_I down Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I young Arg_I apprentices Arg_I who Arg_I get Arg_I used Arg_I to Arg_I new Arg_I job, Arg_I but Arg_I regularly Arg_I give Arg_I out Arg_I creative Arg_I and Arg_I novel Arg_I ideas Arg_I . O What's O more, O the Arg_B rapid Arg_I development Arg_I in Arg_I every Arg_I field Arg_I nowadays Arg_I requires Arg_I precise Arg_I updates Arg_I and Arg_I access Arg_I to Arg_I new Arg_I knowledge Arg_I . O Therefore, O the Arg_B youngsters Arg_I are Arg_I capable Arg_I of Arg_I meeting Arg_I those Arg_I standards Arg_I . O More O importantly, O they Arg_B have Arg_I activeness, Arg_I inventiveness Arg_I and Arg_I enterprise Arg_I which Arg_I allow Arg_I them Arg_I to Arg_I complete Arg_I their Arg_I jobs Arg_I perfectly Arg_I . O These Arg_B vital Arg_I factors Arg_I can Arg_I decide Arg_I whether Arg_I the Arg_I company Arg_I can Arg_I thrive Arg_I or Arg_I not Arg_I . O Secondly, O the Arg_B staff Arg_I soon Arg_I gets Arg_I boring Arg_I with Arg_I their Arg_I stable Arg_I job Arg_I in Arg_I such Arg_I a Arg_I long Arg_I time Arg_I . O At Arg_B a Arg_I certain Arg_I time, Arg_I they Arg_I may Arg_I presume Arg_I that Arg_I a Arg_I securing Arg_I job Arg_I is Arg_I the Arg_I most Arg_I important Arg_I and Arg_I necessary Arg_I because O they Arg_B need Arg_I to Arg_I earn Arg_I money Arg_I to Arg_I manage Arg_I their Arg_I life Arg_I . O Thereafter, O the Arg_B bulk Arg_I of Arg_I them Arg_I realize Arg_I that Arg_I high Arg_I promotion Arg_I and Arg_I competition Arg_I can Arg_I assist Arg_I them Arg_I to Arg_I improve Arg_I their Arg_I skills Arg_I and Arg_I horizons Arg_I also O . O Many Arg_B people Arg_I enjoy Arg_I challenging Arg_I them Arg_I because O they Arg_B don Arg_I not Arg_I want Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I monotonous Arg_I and Arg_I passive Arg_I ones Arg_I . O The O same-old-same-old O environment O soon O makes O them O depressed, O so O this Arg_B situation Arg_I will Arg_I have Arg_I an Arg_I adverse Arg_I impact Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I enterprise Arg_I . O Last O but O not O least, O the Arg_B economic Arg_I crisis Arg_I and Arg_I financial Arg_I recession Arg_I result Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I tremendous Arg_I increase Arg_I in Arg_I unemployment Arg_I . O In O my O opinion, O the Arg_B businesses Arg_I ought Arg_I to Arg_I recruit Arg_I many Arg_I workers Arg_I so Arg_I as Arg_I to Arg_I tackle Arg_I this Arg_I aching Arg_I issue Arg_I . O It Arg_B enables Arg_I the Arg_I jobless Arg_I to Arg_I better Arg_I their Arg_I life Arg_I and Arg_I earn Arg_I a Arg_I living Arg_I . O Furthermore, O the Arg_B factories Arg_I and Arg_I companies Arg_I will Arg_I have Arg_I abundant Arg_I human Arg_I sources Arg_I to Arg_I ensure Arg_I the Arg_I pace Arg_I of Arg_I manufacture Arg_I and Arg_I also Arg_I devising Arg_I lots Arg_I of Arg_I unique Arg_I ideas Arg_I . O In O a O nutshell, O varied O characteristics O of O various O people, O feeling O tired O of O having O the O same O occupation O and O solving O the O unemployed O problem O drive O me O to O agree O with O the O statement O that O the Arg_B employer Arg_I should Arg_I not Arg_I hire Arg_I the Arg_I staff Arg_I for Arg_I a Arg_I whole Arg_I life Arg_I . O I O believe O that O the O brilliant Arg_B bosses Arg_I are Arg_I conscious Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I need Arg_I for Arg_I giving Arg_I opportunities Arg_I to Arg_I diverse Arg_I employees Arg_I . O Childhood O is O the O happiest O time O of O a O person's O life O I O agree O with O the O statement O that O childhood Arg_B is Arg_I the Arg_I happiest Arg_I period Arg_I of Arg_I one's Arg_I life Arg_I . O It's Arg_B not Arg_I only Arg_I the Arg_I lack Arg_I of Arg_I responsibilities Arg_I and Arg_I daily Arg_I struggle Arg_I that Arg_I make Arg_I childhood Arg_I the Arg_I happiest Arg_I time Arg_I of Arg_I our Arg_I lives, Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I factors Arg_I like Arg_I learning Arg_I lots Arg_I of Arg_I new Arg_I things Arg_I every Arg_I day Arg_I and Arg_I freedom Arg_I to Arg_I imagine Arg_I and Arg_I say Arg_I what Arg_I you Arg_I think Arg_I . O Starting Arg_B with Arg_I our Arg_I adulthood, Arg_I we Arg_I are Arg_I strictly Arg_I bounded Arg_I with Arg_I our Arg_I responsibilities Arg_I in Arg_I our Arg_I daily Arg_I lives Arg_I . O We Arg_B are Arg_I told Arg_I at Arg_I what Arg_I hour Arg_I we Arg_I shall Arg_I wake Arg_I up, Arg_I how Arg_I we Arg_I shall Arg_I dress Arg_I up Arg_I and Arg_I how Arg_I we Arg_I shall Arg_I behave Arg_I . O Every Arg_B action Arg_I we Arg_I make Arg_I are Arg_I watched Arg_I closely Arg_I and Arg_I judged Arg_I by Arg_I the Arg_I community Arg_I . O But O during Arg_B our Arg_I childhood, Arg_I though Arg_I responsibilies Arg_I exist, Arg_I we Arg_I are Arg_I much Arg_I more Arg_I free Arg_I to Arg_I do Arg_I what Arg_I we Arg_I would Arg_I like Arg_I to Arg_I . O Being Arg_B late Arg_I for Arg_I school Arg_I or Arg_I laughing Arg_I at Arg_I a Arg_I place Arg_I where Arg_I you Arg_I aren't Arg_I supposed Arg_I to Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I have Arg_I consequences Arg_I as Arg_I serious Arg_I as Arg_I that Arg_I would Arg_I be Arg_I if Arg_I you Arg_I were Arg_I an Arg_I adult Arg_I . O Another Arg_B great Arg_I thing Arg_I about Arg_I being Arg_I a Arg_I child Arg_I is Arg_I possibility Arg_I learning Arg_I new Arg_I and Arg_I interesting Arg_I things Arg_I about Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I you Arg_I live Arg_I in Arg_I every Arg_I single Arg_I day Arg_I . O Being Arg_B a Arg_I child Arg_I means Arg_I that Arg_I you Arg_I are Arg_I new Arg_I in Arg_I this Arg_I world Arg_I and Arg_I every Arg_I single Arg_I thing Arg_I around Arg_I you Arg_I is Arg_I there Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I discovered Arg_I by Arg_I you Arg_I . O There Arg_B are Arg_I lots Arg_I of Arg_I new Arg_I facts Arg_I you Arg_I can Arg_I learn, Arg_I stories Arg_I you Arg_I can Arg_I listen Arg_I to Arg_I and Arg_I things Arg_I you Arg_I can Arg_I see Arg_I . O Therefore, O childhood Arg_B is Arg_I the Arg_I period Arg_I of Arg_I time Arg_I in Arg_I which Arg_I a Arg_I person Arg_I is Arg_I surprised Arg_I most Arg_I . O Using Arg_B your Arg_I imagination Arg_I and Arg_I saying Arg_I what Arg_I you Arg_I think Arg_I freely Arg_I is Arg_I another Arg_I great Arg_I thing Arg_I about Arg_I being Arg_I a Arg_I child Arg_I . O Children Arg_B are Arg_I not Arg_I judged Arg_I about Arg_I the Arg_I things Arg_I they Arg_I say Arg_I as Arg_I much Arg_I as Arg_I the Arg_I adults, Arg_I and Arg_I freedom Arg_I to Arg_I express Arg_I yourself Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I very Arg_I important Arg_I for Arg_I developing Arg_I a Arg_I colorful Arg_I imagination Arg_I . O In O adulthood, O people O are O forced O to O express O themselves O in O boundaries, O therefore O they Arg_B are Arg_I in Arg_I no Arg_I way Arg_I free Arg_I to Arg_I think Arg_I or Arg_I use Arg_I their Arg_I imagination Arg_I . O Childhood, Arg_B in Arg_I several Arg_I aspects, Arg_I is Arg_I the Arg_I happiest Arg_I period Arg_I of Arg_I our Arg_I lives Arg_I . O It's Arg_B not Arg_I only Arg_I because Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I nature Arg_I of Arg_I childhood Arg_I and Arg_I children, Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I the Arg_I way Arg_I our Arg_I lives Arg_I are Arg_I changed Arg_I when Arg_I we Arg_I are Arg_I adults Arg_I . O In O an O ideal O world O with O less O boundaries, O social O judgement O and O more O freedom O of O thought, O things O could O be O different; O but O since O this O is O not O the O case, O it O seems O that O we O will O always O be O missing O our O childhood O days O . O Success O and O knowledge O Many O people O think O that O "Past O has O nothing O to O do O with O present, O as O time O never O stops, O the O next O generations O are O completely O different O from O the O predecessors" O . O Although O it O is O true O that O life O changes O rapidly, O there Arg_B are Arg_I many Arg_I things Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I past Arg_I that Arg_I we Arg_I can Arg_I learn Arg_I about, Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I mistakes, Arg_I success Arg_I and Arg_I knowledge Arg_I in Arg_I many Arg_I fields Arg_I of Arg_I study Arg_I . O First O of O all, O the Arg_B predecessors' Arg_I mistakes Arg_I are Arg_I the Arg_I first Arg_I thing Arg_I that Arg_I we Arg_I should Arg_I consider Arg_I when Arg_I learning Arg_I about Arg_I the Arg_I past Arg_I . O As Arg_B everyone's Arg_I life Arg_I is Arg_I too Arg_I short Arg_I to Arg_I risk Arg_I trying Arg_I anything Arg_I without Arg_I any Arg_I prepare, Arg_I we Arg_I all Arg_I should Arg_I learn Arg_I about Arg_I other's Arg_I mistakes Arg_I so O that O we Arg_B can Arg_I avoid Arg_I making Arg_I the Arg_I same Arg_I ones Arg_I . O Each Arg_B mistake, Arg_I from Arg_I the Arg_I smallest Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I bigger Arg_I one, Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I treasure Arg_I of Arg_I experience, Arg_I which, Arg_I if Arg_I we Arg_I can Arg_I make Arg_I full Arg_I use Arg_I of, Arg_I will Arg_I make Arg_I us Arg_I well-prepared Arg_I for Arg_I many Arg_I complicated Arg_I situations Arg_I of Arg_I our Arg_I life Arg_I . O Therefore, O past Arg_B obviously Arg_I saves Arg_I ourselves Arg_I a Arg_I bunch Arg_I of Arg_I failures Arg_I and Arg_I times Arg_I . O Secondly, O people's Arg_B success Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I past Arg_I is Arg_I as Arg_I significant Arg_I as Arg_I those Arg_I mistakes Arg_I . O If O the O predecessors' O mistakes O are O the O indirect O way O that O leads O us O to O the O goals, O others' Arg_B accomplishment Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I served Arg_I as Arg_I the Arg_I direct Arg_I way Arg_I . O By Arg_B looking Arg_I into Arg_I the Arg_I ways Arg_I other Arg_I people Arg_I use Arg_I to Arg_I achieve Arg_I their Arg_I targets, Arg_I we Arg_I have Arg_I the Arg_I chance Arg_I to Arg_I make Arg_I those Arg_I mine, Arg_I put Arg_I them Arg_I into Arg_I practice Arg_I and, Arg_I of Arg_I course, Arg_I be Arg_I successful Arg_I like Arg_I them Arg_I . O For O instance, O Edison's Arg_B statement Arg_I "Genius Arg_I is Arg_I 1 Arg_I percent Arg_I inspiration Arg_I and Arg_I 99 Arg_I percent Arg_I perspiration" Arg_I is Arg_I still Arg_I helpful Arg_I for Arg_I everyone Arg_I today, Arg_I and Arg_I probably Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I future Arg_I . O Last O but O not O least, O the Arg_B past Arg_I is Arg_I the Arg_I basis Arg_I in Arg_I which Arg_I people Arg_I can Arg_I use Arg_I to Arg_I develope Arg_I new Arg_I knowledge, Arg_I inventions Arg_I . O If Arg_B it Arg_I had Arg_I not Arg_I been Arg_I for Arg_I those Arg_I knowledge Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I past, Arg_I we Arg_I could Arg_I never Arg_I be Arg_I as Arg_I modern Arg_I as Arg_I today Arg_I . O How Arg_B can Arg_I America Arg_I be Arg_I the Arg_I world's Arg_I leading Arg_I country Arg_I if Arg_I Columbus Arg_I did Arg_I not Arg_I accidentally Arg_I discover Arg_I it Arg_I in Arg_I his Arg_I search Arg_I for Arg_I India Arg_I . O How Arg_B can Arg_I the Arg_I comtemporary Arg_I scientists Arg_I study Arg_I the Arg_I earth's Arg_I gravity Arg_I without Arg_I the Arg_I apple Arg_I which Arg_I fall Arg_I on Arg_I Newton's Arg_I head Arg_I . O They Arg_B are Arg_I only Arg_I some Arg_I of Arg_I many Arg_I precious Arg_I knowledge Arg_I that Arg_I the Arg_I past Arg_I presents Arg_I us Arg_I . O We Arg_B cannot Arg_I ignore Arg_I them Arg_I in Arg_I any Arg_I way Arg_I . O All O in O all, O the Arg_B past's Arg_I mistakes, Arg_I success Arg_I and Arg_I knowledge Arg_I all Arg_I have Arg_I crucial Arg_I impact Arg_I on Arg_I people's Arg_I lives Arg_I today Arg_I . O We O should O make O full O use O of O the O past, O instead O of O ignoring O it, O for O a O better O and O brighter O future O . O Television O destroys O communication O among O friends O and O family O Television O is O one O of O the O greatest O innovations O that O we O use O every O day O . O Besides, O watching O television O has O some O cons O and O at O the O same O time O has O very O good O pros O . O However, O while O some O people O argue O that O TV O has O devastated O communication O among O friends O and O families, O I O believe O it O has O done O the O opposite O . O I O think O TV Arg_B programs Arg_I are Arg_I among Arg_I the Arg_I popular Arg_I topics Arg_I in Arg_I every Arg_I day Arg_I talk Arg_I as Arg_I well Arg_I as Arg_I a Arg_I great Arg_I time Arg_I for Arg_I gathering Arg_I . O In O addition O Modern Arg_B TV Arg_I has Arg_I smart Arg_I system Arg_I that Arg_I let Arg_I you Arg_I be Arg_I connected Arg_I with Arg_I people Arg_I . O First, O it's O true O watching O TV O take O a O lot O of O your O day, O nevertheless O it Arg_B makes Arg_I people Arg_I meet Arg_I and Arg_I start Arg_I a Arg_I conversation Arg_I about Arg_I what Arg_I they Arg_I watch Arg_I at Arg_I other Arg_I times Arg_I like Arg_I weather Arg_I forecast Arg_I and Arg_I sport Arg_I programs Arg_I . O Second, O people Arg_B like Arg_I having Arg_I meals Arg_I while Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I watching Arg_I TV Arg_I . O Families Arg_B usually Arg_I tend Arg_I to Arg_I watch Arg_I television Arg_I either Arg_I with Arg_I each Arg_I other Arg_I or Arg_I friends Arg_I . O For O example O my Arg_B friends Arg_I and Arg_I I Arg_I used Arg_I to Arg_I sit Arg_I together Arg_I and Arg_I enjoy Arg_I watching Arg_I movies Arg_I using Arg_I VHS Arg_I player Arg_I at Arg_I nights Arg_I . O It Arg_B was Arg_I fun Arg_I and Arg_I a Arg_I little Arg_I bit Arg_I similar Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I cinema Arg_I . O Third, O TV Arg_B can Arg_I be Arg_I one Arg_I of Arg_I communication Arg_I ways Arg_I . O Moreover, O TV Arg_B can Arg_I be Arg_I connected Arg_I to Arg_I multimedia Arg_I devices Arg_I that Arg_I have Arg_I smart Arg_I operating Arg_I system Arg_I like Arg_I Google Arg_I TV, Arg_I WDTV Arg_I using Arg_I Skype, Arg_I tango Arg_I and Arg_I other Arg_I apps Arg_I . O In O addition O Teenagers O can O play O games O online O with O their O friends; O therefore O we Arg_B can Arg_I communicate Arg_I with Arg_I each Arg_I other Arg_I through Arg_I TV Arg_I . O To O sum O up, O TV Arg_B may Arg_I take Arg_I some Arg_I of Arg_I your Arg_I time Arg_I away Arg_I from Arg_I your Arg_I family Arg_I and Arg_I friends Arg_I but O it Arg_B can Arg_I also Arg_I make Arg_I family Arg_I get Arg_I together Arg_I and Arg_I help Arg_I to Arg_I get Arg_I in Arg_I conversation Arg_I . O As O well O as O it's O one O way O of O recent O communications, O based O on O that O I O think O TV Arg_B helps Arg_I you Arg_I to Arg_I get Arg_I connected Arg_I with Arg_I people Arg_I . O Parents O can O help O their O teenage O children O prepare O for O adult O life O Nowadays, O the O society O has O become O exceedingly O competitive O than O ever O before, O parents O have O the O responsibilitis O to O teach O their O children O to O survive O and O to O be O indepedent O from O them, O just O as O animals O teach O their O offspring O skills O of O finding O foods O . O Parents O can O use O many O methods O to O guide O them O to O achieve O that, O for O example, O asking O them O to O do O some O housework O or O clean O the O rooms O by O themselves O . O In O my O views, O I O agree O that O it Arg_B is Arg_I the Arg_I best Arg_I way Arg_I for Arg_I teenage Arg_I children Arg_I to Arg_I take Arg_I a Arg_I part-time Arg_I job Arg_I to Arg_I prepare Arg_I their Arg_I adult Arg_I life Arg_I for O several O reasons O . O First O of O all, O when Arg_B children Arg_I get Arg_I a Arg_I job, Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I able Arg_I to Arg_I earn Arg_I money Arg_I by Arg_I themselves, Arg_I instead Arg_I of Arg_I getting Arg_I pocket Arg_I money Arg_I from Arg_I their Arg_I parents Arg_I . O Thus, O it Arg_B is Arg_I an Arg_I oppertunity Arg_I to Arg_I learn Arg_I how Arg_I to Arg_I deal Arg_I with Arg_I money Arg_I . O Take O me O as O an O example, O when Arg_B I Arg_I was Arg_I 16, Arg_I I Arg_I found Arg_I a Arg_I job Arg_I during Arg_I summer Arg_I vacation Arg_I and Arg_I earned Arg_I some Arg_I money Arg_I by Arg_I own Arg_I . O At Arg_B the Arg_I beginning Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I semester, Arg_I I Arg_I was Arg_I told Arg_I to Arg_I buy Arg_I a Arg_I text Arg_I book Arg_I . O Unfortunately, O I Arg_B spent Arg_I most Arg_I of Arg_I my Arg_I salary Arg_I hanging Arg_I out Arg_I with Arg_I my Arg_I friend Arg_I . O Therefore, O I Arg_B finally Arg_I realized Arg_I that Arg_I I Arg_I should Arg_I learn Arg_I to Arg_I make Arg_I a Arg_I plan Arg_I before Arg_I I Arg_I spend Arg_I my Arg_I money, Arg_I and Arg_I that Arg_I did Arg_I influence Arg_I me Arg_I in Arg_I my Arg_I life Arg_I now Arg_I . O Secondly, O by Arg_B taking Arg_I a Arg_I part-time Arg_I job, Arg_I they Arg_I certainly Arg_I have Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I responsible Arg_I for Arg_I anything Arg_I they Arg_I have Arg_I done Arg_I . O For O instance, O if Arg_B a Arg_I student Arg_I get Arg_I a Arg_I job Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I company Arg_I but Arg_I he Arg_I is Arg_I frequently Arg_I late Arg_I for Arg_I work, Arg_I the Arg_I company Arg_I may Arg_I reduce Arg_I his Arg_I payment Arg_I or Arg_I even Arg_I fire Arg_I him Arg_I . O To Arg_B compare Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I school Arg_I life, Arg_I they Arg_I might Arg_I suffer Arg_I only Arg_I a Arg_I small Arg_I punishment Arg_I at Arg_I school Arg_I . O Under Arg_B the Arg_I circumstances, Arg_I he Arg_I will Arg_I learn Arg_I that Arg_I he Arg_I has Arg_I to Arg_I obey Arg_I the Arg_I rule Arg_I and Arg_I take Arg_I responsibility Arg_I for Arg_I their Arg_I work Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O to Arg_B help Arg_I their Arg_I children Arg_I to Arg_I adapt Arg_I adult Arg_I life, Arg_I parents Arg_I should Arg_I let Arg_I them Arg_I experience Arg_I it Arg_I as Arg_I much Arg_I as Arg_I they Arg_I can Arg_I . O Due O to O the O reasons O given O above, O to Arg_B encourage Arg_I children Arg_I taking Arg_I a Arg_I part-time Arg_I job Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I choice Arg_I for Arg_I them Arg_I to Arg_I get Arg_I prepared Arg_I for Arg_I adult Arg_I life Arg_I . O Children O should O grow O up O in O a O big O city! O It’s Arg_B certainly Arg_I better Arg_I for Arg_I children Arg_I to Arg_I grow Arg_I up Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I big Arg_I city Arg_I . O Of O course O you O need O to O choose O a O good O neighborhood O . O I Arg_B hold Arg_I this Arg_I belief Arg_I because Arg_I of Arg_I two Arg_I main Arg_I reasons, Arg_I academic Arg_I and Arg_I social Arg_I reasons Arg_I . O Some O people O thinks O that O if O a O child O grows O up O in O a O big O city O they O will O be O all O day O at O home O at O the O computer O or O at O the O video-game, O but O this Arg_B is Arg_I not Arg_I true Arg_I if Arg_I you Arg_I live Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I neighborhood Arg_I with Arg_I other Arg_I people Arg_I about Arg_I your Arg_I age Arg_I as Arg_I I Arg_I did Arg_I . O My Arg_B friends Arg_I and Arg_I I Arg_I used Arg_I to Arg_I play Arg_I soccer, Arg_I bike, Arg_I climb Arg_I trees Arg_I and Arg_I do Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I other Arg_I stuff Arg_I every Arg_I day Arg_I . O We Arg_B did Arg_I play Arg_I video-games, Arg_I but Arg_I that Arg_I wasn't Arg_I our Arg_I main Arg_I activity Arg_I . O In Arg_B a Arg_I big Arg_I city Arg_I there Arg_I are Arg_I more Arg_I kinds Arg_I of Arg_I people Arg_I and Arg_I more Arg_I things Arg_I to Arg_I do Arg_I . O I Arg_B have Arg_I a Arg_I friend Arg_I that Arg_I grew Arg_I up Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I countryside Arg_I . O He Arg_B said Arg_I that Arg_I he Arg_I had Arg_I to Arg_I study Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I to Arg_I pass Arg_I the Arg_I test Arg_I to Arg_I enter Arg_I the Arg_I university Arg_I . O This O is O another O downside O of O growing O up O in O the O countryside O . O In Arg_B a Arg_I big Arg_I city Arg_I you Arg_I have Arg_I more Arg_I qualified Arg_I teachers Arg_I and Arg_I a Arg_I better Arg_I access Arg_I to Arg_I technology Arg_I . O Growing O up O in O the O countryside O is O not O such O a O good O experience, O you Arg_B won’t Arg_I know Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I people, Arg_I there Arg_I are Arg_I gossips Arg_I everywhere, Arg_I and Arg_I your Arg_I life Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I really Arg_I limited Arg_I . O If O someday O I O have O children, O I’m O absolutely O sure O that O they Arg_B will Arg_I grow Arg_I up Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I neighborhood Arg_I of Arg_I a Arg_I big Arg_I city Arg_I and Arg_I they Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I very Arg_I happy Arg_I about Arg_I it Arg_I . O Parents O are O the O best O teachers O because O they O are O more O special O than O everybody O else O I O completely O agree O that O parents Arg_B are Arg_I the Arg_I best Arg_I teacher Arg_I . O Children Arg_B normally Arg_I think Arg_I that Arg_I their Arg_I parents Arg_I are Arg_I somehow Arg_I special Arg_I and Arg_I that Arg_I makes Arg_I them Arg_I the Arg_I most Arg_I important Arg_I people Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I children’s Arg_I lives Arg_I . O Firstly, O the Arg_B things Arg_I that Arg_I parents Arg_I say Arg_I have Arg_I great Arg_I power Arg_I to Arg_I their Arg_I child Arg_I . O More Arg_B power Arg_I than Arg_I any Arg_I friend Arg_I or Arg_I other Arg_I adult Arg_I could Arg_I have Arg_I . O For O example, O if Arg_B someone Arg_I tells Arg_I a Arg_I kid Arg_I that Arg_I something Arg_I is Arg_I wrong Arg_I and Arg_I they Arg_I shouldn't Arg_I do Arg_I it, Arg_I but Arg_I his Arg_I father Arg_I told Arg_I him/her Arg_I that Arg_I it Arg_I was Arg_I right, Arg_I the Arg_I kid Arg_I will Arg_I listen Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I father Arg_I instead Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I other Arg_I person, Arg_I even Arg_I if Arg_I his Arg_I father Arg_I is Arg_I wrong Arg_I . O Secondly, O a O child O normally O spends O more O time O with O their O parents O than O with O other O people, O so O their Arg_B parents Arg_I have Arg_I more Arg_I time Arg_I to Arg_I teach Arg_I him/her Arg_I than Arg_I anybody Arg_I else Arg_I . O They Arg_B have Arg_I more Arg_I contact Arg_I and Arg_I more Arg_I intimacy Arg_I with Arg_I their Arg_I children Arg_I . O Lastly, O children Arg_B usually Arg_I mirror Arg_I themselves Arg_I on Arg_I their Arg_I parents Arg_I . O That’s O as O important O thing O because O even Arg_B if Arg_I the Arg_I parents Arg_I don’t Arg_I intend Arg_I to Arg_I teach Arg_I their Arg_I children Arg_I something, Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I always Arg_I observing Arg_I and Arg_I learning Arg_I by Arg_I themselves Arg_I . O So, O if Arg_B there Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I man Arg_I that Arg_I beats Arg_I his Arg_I wife Arg_I and Arg_I treats Arg_I her Arg_I bad, Arg_I his Arg_I child Arg_I probably Arg_I is Arg_I going Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I rude Arg_I and Arg_I treat Arg_I girls Arg_I bad Arg_I . O All O in O all, O I O agree O that O parents Arg_B are Arg_I the Arg_I greatest Arg_I teachers Arg_I and O I O think O that O they O should O be O very O careful O with O what O they O say O and O do O in O front O of O their O child, O because O it O can O define O who O he O is O going O to O be O . O Easy O preparation O of O food O leads O to O a O better O life O The O Technology O has O developed O a O lot O . O With O that O development, O food O can O be O prepared O more O easily O and O it O can O taste O a O lot O better O than O it O used O to O . O With O that O change, O people’s O lives O are O a O lot O better O for O several O reasons O . O Some O good O reasons O are O about O having O more O time O and O being O able O to O prepare O better O food O without O being O a O good O cook O . O Firstly, O people Arg_B normally Arg_I have Arg_I lots Arg_I of Arg_I things Arg_I to Arg_I do Arg_I . O Because O of O that, O they Arg_B don’t Arg_I have Arg_I much Arg_I time Arg_I to Arg_I spend Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I kitchen Arg_I . O But O being Arg_B able Arg_I to Arg_I prepare Arg_I a Arg_I tasty Arg_I food Arg_I just Arg_I putting Arg_I it Arg_I into Arg_I the Arg_I microwave Arg_I or Arg_I into Arg_I the Arg_I oven Arg_I is Arg_I awesome Arg_I . O For O example, O if Arg_B an Arg_I engineer Arg_I needs Arg_I to Arg_I make Arg_I a Arg_I project, Arg_I but Arg_I he Arg_I needs Arg_I to Arg_I deliver Arg_I it Arg_I tomorrow, Arg_I he Arg_I could Arg_I save Arg_I hours Arg_I preparing Arg_I a Arg_I food Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I microwave Arg_I instead Arg_I of Arg_I cooking Arg_I everything Arg_I from Arg_I scratch Arg_I . O Secondly, O when Arg_B someone Arg_I wants Arg_I to Arg_I prepare Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I food Arg_I alone Arg_I for Arg_I some Arg_I reason, Arg_I some Arg_I time Arg_I ago Arg_I he/she Arg_I would Arg_I need Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I a Arg_I very Arg_I good Arg_I cook Arg_I to Arg_I prepare Arg_I that Arg_I food, Arg_I but Arg_I nowadays Arg_I is Arg_I very Arg_I easy Arg_I to Arg_I prepare Arg_I a Arg_I healthy Arg_I and Arg_I tasty Arg_I food Arg_I . O For O example, O if Arg_B a Arg_I guy Arg_I wants Arg_I to Arg_I prepare Arg_I a Arg_I dinner Arg_I to Arg_I his Arg_I girlfriend, Arg_I he Arg_I could Arg_I just Arg_I buy Arg_I some Arg_I food Arg_I that Arg_I comes Arg_I with Arg_I instructions Arg_I . O Normally Arg_B you Arg_I just Arg_I need Arg_I to Arg_I put Arg_I it Arg_I into Arg_I the Arg_I oven Arg_I and Arg_I wait Arg_I some Arg_I time Arg_I . O All O in O all, O that O ease Arg_B to Arg_I prepare Arg_I food Arg_I has Arg_I improved Arg_I people’s Arg_I lives Arg_I . O And O that O happened O mainly O because O of O the O development O of O the O technology O . O But O people O should O be O careful O with O what O they O eat, O because O some O industrial O foods O are O very O bad O for O their O health, O so O they Arg_B should Arg_I buy Arg_I only Arg_I food Arg_I from Arg_I well Arg_I known Arg_I brands Arg_I . O Should O University O education O be O free O for O everyone O interested? O A O famous O proverb O “Knowledge O is O power” O has O demonstrated O the O value O of O education O . O I O believe O that O universities Arg_B should Arg_I provide Arg_I free Arg_I of Arg_I cost Arg_I education Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I interested Arg_I scholars Arg_I because O now-a-days Arg_B universities Arg_I with Arg_I good Arg_I name Arg_I charge Arg_I high Arg_I fees Arg_I and Arg_I this Arg_I leads Arg_I one Arg_I to Arg_I think Arg_I about Arg_I affordability Arg_I . O I O have O observed O that O many Arg_B of Arg_I the Arg_I interested Arg_I scholars Arg_I failed Arg_I to Arg_I get Arg_I the Arg_I admission Arg_I in Arg_I good Arg_I universities Arg_I because O they Arg_B have Arg_I to Arg_I think Arg_I about Arg_I work Arg_I along Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I studies, Arg_I and Arg_I this Arg_I left Arg_I them Arg_I with Arg_I only Arg_I one Arg_I choice, Arg_I which Arg_I is Arg_I work Arg_I . O University O is O more O likely O to O become O a O money O making O business, O the Arg_B issue Arg_I of Arg_I affordability Arg_I has Arg_I become Arg_I crucial Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I students Arg_I . O In Arg_B today’s Arg_I world Arg_I education Arg_I is Arg_I getting Arg_I expensive, Arg_I and Arg_I people Arg_I are Arg_I tending Arg_I to Arg_I apply Arg_I for Arg_I self-finance Arg_I education Arg_I in Arg_I order Arg_I to Arg_I get Arg_I the Arg_I admission Arg_I . O Whereas, O the Arg_B scholars Arg_I are Arg_I facing Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I difficulties Arg_I apart Arg_I from Arg_I their Arg_I high Arg_I requirements Arg_I of Arg_I previous Arg_I education, Arg_I they Arg_I has Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I to Arg_I face Arg_I the Arg_I other Arg_I difficulties Arg_I and Arg_I burden Arg_I while Arg_I getting Arg_I admission Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I accommodation, Arg_I food, Arg_I traveling, Arg_I clothing, Arg_I etc Arg_I . O Moreover, O it Arg_B is Arg_I hard Arg_I to Arg_I get Arg_I manage Arg_I two Arg_I things Arg_I at Arg_I a Arg_I time Arg_I for Arg_I instance, Arg_I working Arg_I and Arg_I studying Arg_I is Arg_I not Arg_I an Arg_I easy Arg_I job Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I scholars, Arg_I they Arg_I need Arg_I to Arg_I concentrate Arg_I on Arg_I their Arg_I studies Arg_I . O MPhils Arg_B and Arg_I PhDs Arg_I scholars Arg_I are Arg_I probably Arg_I engage Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I research Arg_I work, Arg_I which Arg_I takes Arg_I their Arg_I full Arg_I concentration Arg_I and Arg_I surveys Arg_I . O The Arg_B idea Arg_I of Arg_I free Arg_I of Arg_I charge Arg_I education Arg_I inspires Arg_I those Arg_I scholars Arg_I who Arg_I really Arg_I want Arg_I to Arg_I put Arg_I their Arg_I efforts Arg_I and Arg_I get Arg_I a Arg_I degree Arg_I from Arg_I best Arg_I universities Arg_I . O Therefore, O universities Arg_B have Arg_I to Arg_I look Arg_I over Arg_I the Arg_I issues Arg_I face Arg_I by Arg_I most Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I scholars; Arg_I their Arg_I message Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I spread Arg_I education, Arg_I not Arg_I making Arg_I money, Arg_I and Arg_I motivate Arg_I those Arg_I scholars Arg_I who Arg_I want Arg_I to Arg_I get Arg_I education Arg_I . O Their O notion O should O be O inspirational O in O such O a O way O which O makes O our O society O educative O and O increase O our O literacy O rate O . O Should O professors O doing O more O research O or O educating O students O more? O Although O professors O in O a O university O are O basically O teachers O who O do O the O most O important O thing, O teaching, O we O cannot O ignore O one O more O influential O aspect O that O they O are O always O busy O with, O doing O research O . O In O my O opinion, O a Arg_B professor Arg_I should Arg_I spend Arg_I more Arg_I time Arg_I doing Arg_I research Arg_I rather Arg_I than Arg_I educating Arg_I students Arg_I for O a O few O reasons O following O . O A Arg_B professor Arg_I means Arg_I a Arg_I researcher Arg_I or Arg_I an Arg_I expert Arg_I of Arg_I a Arg_I specific Arg_I science Arg_I subject Arg_I . O He Arg_B or Arg_I she Arg_I should Arg_I always Arg_I keep Arg_I the Arg_I passion Arg_I in Arg_I her Arg_I field Arg_I so O that O he Arg_B or Arg_I she Arg_I could Arg_I push Arg_I him/herself Arg_I forward Arg_I all Arg_I the Arg_I time Arg_I . O And O then O he Arg_B or Arg_I she Arg_I can Arg_I do Arg_I better Arg_I in Arg_I teaching Arg_I works Arg_I . O For O instance, O the O most O impressive O professor O during O my O studying O in O university O is O Mr O . O Yang O who O keeps O in O researching O and O reading O . O He Arg_B is Arg_I also Arg_I the Arg_I one Arg_I who Arg_I gave Arg_I us Arg_I inspiration Arg_I and Arg_I taught Arg_I us Arg_I the Arg_I way Arg_I to Arg_I study Arg_I more Arg_I efficient Arg_I by Arg_I ourselves Arg_I . O All Arg_B of Arg_I my Arg_I classmates Arg_I gave Arg_I him Arg_I a Arg_I rank Arg_I of Arg_I AAA, Arg_I the Arg_I excellent Arg_I teacher Arg_I . O As Arg_B for Arg_I students, Arg_I we Arg_I can Arg_I get Arg_I what Arg_I we Arg_I want Arg_I to Arg_I know Arg_I from Arg_I textbooks, Arg_I webs Arg_I or Arg_I teachers Arg_I . O But O we Arg_B can Arg_I only Arg_I turn Arg_I to Arg_I our Arg_I professors Arg_I when Arg_I we Arg_I want Arg_I to Arg_I take Arg_I part Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I research Arg_I and Arg_I to Arg_I get Arg_I ourselves Arg_I promoted Arg_I . O If Arg_B a Arg_I professor Arg_I doesn't Arg_I get Arg_I any Arg_I researching Arg_I works, Arg_I he Arg_I cannot Arg_I give Arg_I us Arg_I the Arg_I opportunity Arg_I . O In O addition, O a Arg_B professor Arg_I who Arg_I is Arg_I concentrate Arg_I in Arg_I his Arg_I or Arg_I her Arg_I research Arg_I is Arg_I thinking Arg_I and Arg_I creating Arg_I new Arg_I ideas Arg_I all Arg_I the Arg_I time Arg_I . O He Arg_B or Arg_I she Arg_I may Arg_I stimulate Arg_I us Arg_I students Arg_I to Arg_I come Arg_I up Arg_I with Arg_I some Arg_I creative Arg_I sugesstions Arg_I . O That Arg_B is Arg_I good Arg_I for Arg_I both Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I professor Arg_I and Arg_I students Arg_I . O Finally, O all Arg_B professors Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I university Arg_I are Arg_I fortune Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I society Arg_I . O They Arg_B are Arg_I the Arg_I leaders Arg_I almost Arg_I in Arg_I every Arg_I fields Arg_I of Arg_I science, Arg_I arts, Arg_I culture Arg_I and Arg_I so Arg_I on Arg_I . O Without Arg_B their Arg_I research, Arg_I there Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I no Arg_I new Arg_I technologies Arg_I come Arg_I out Arg_I quickly Arg_I . O Without Arg_B their Arg_I research, Arg_I there Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I more Arg_I artcrafts Arg_I being Arg_I ruined Arg_I by Arg_I nothing Arg_I . O Without Arg_B their Arg_I research, Arg_I there Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I less Arg_I information Arg_I of Arg_I our Arg_I ancestors Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I known Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I earth Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O a Arg_B professor Arg_I should Arg_I do Arg_I their Arg_I research Arg_I all Arg_I the Arg_I time Arg_I during Arg_I their Arg_I careers Arg_I as Arg_I a Arg_I teacher Arg_I in Arg_I university Arg_I . O And O it's O worth O to O spend O more O time O on O it O than O on O teaching O . O Television O and O Movies O influence O our O lives O both O negatively O and O positively O There O is O no O doubt O that O television O or O movies O influence O people’s O behavior O and O they O influence O us O in O both O bad O ways O and O good O ways O . O But O I O think O in Arg_B general Arg_I television Arg_I and Arg_I movies Arg_I influence Arg_I our Arg_I behavior Arg_I in Arg_I bad Arg_I ways Arg_I more Arg_I than Arg_I in Arg_I good Arg_I ways Arg_I . O They Arg_B make Arg_I people Arg_I to Arg_I eat Arg_I more Arg_I rubbish Arg_I food, Arg_I spend Arg_I less Arg_I time Arg_I with Arg_I their Arg_I friends Arg_I and Arg_I family, Arg_I and Arg_I be Arg_I someone Arg_I that Arg_I are Arg_I not Arg_I themselves Arg_I . O There Arg_B are Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I people Arg_I eating Arg_I foods Arg_I or Arg_I snacks Arg_I when Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I watching Arg_I television Arg_I . O Most Arg_B of Arg_I the Arg_I foods Arg_I they Arg_I eat Arg_I are Arg_I fat Arg_I foods Arg_I like Arg_I chips Arg_I or Arg_I pizzas Arg_I . O It Arg_B is Arg_I not Arg_I rocket Arg_I science Arg_I to Arg_I know Arg_I that Arg_I these Arg_I foods Arg_I are Arg_I not Arg_I good Arg_I for Arg_I people’s Arg_I health Arg_I . O Many Arg_B companies Arg_I know Arg_I about Arg_I this Arg_I behavior Arg_I and Arg_I use Arg_I advertisements Arg_I on Arg_I television Arg_I to Arg_I make Arg_I people Arg_I buy Arg_I more Arg_I of Arg_I these Arg_I foods Arg_I . O In Arg_B turn, Arg_I people Arg_I will Arg_I consume Arg_I these Arg_I rubbish Arg_I foods Arg_I more Arg_I and Arg_I we Arg_I have Arg_I to Arg_I deal Arg_I with Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I fat Arg_I diseases Arg_I . O Television Arg_B and Arg_I movies Arg_I also Arg_I make Arg_I people Arg_I to Arg_I spend Arg_I more Arg_I time Arg_I on Arg_I their Arg_I couch Arg_I than Arg_I with Arg_I their Arg_I family Arg_I and Arg_I friends, Arg_I especially Arg_I children Arg_I . O They Arg_B communicate Arg_I less Arg_I with Arg_I their Arg_I parents Arg_I because O a Arg_B lot Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I time Arg_I is Arg_I used Arg_I watching Arg_I television Arg_I and Arg_I movies Arg_I . O When Arg_B people Arg_I are Arg_I watching Arg_I television Arg_I or Arg_I movies Arg_I together, Arg_I they Arg_I also Arg_I talk Arg_I less Arg_I to Arg_I each Arg_I other, Arg_I compare Arg_I to Arg_I when Arg_I playing Arg_I social Arg_I games, Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I parlor Arg_I games, Arg_I together Arg_I . O Television O and O movies O nowadays O contain O a O lot O of O advertisements O . O These Arg_B advertisements Arg_I build Arg_I ideal Arg_I images Arg_I that Arg_I make Arg_I people Arg_I to Arg_I feel Arg_I bad Arg_I about Arg_I themselves Arg_I and Arg_I want Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I more Arg_I like Arg_I these Arg_I images Arg_I . O When Arg_B people Arg_I see Arg_I beautiful Arg_I women Arg_I and Arg_I men Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I advertisements, Arg_I they Arg_I think Arg_I that Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I ugly Arg_I . O Thus O they Arg_B spend Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I money Arg_I to Arg_I buy Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I beauty Arg_I products Arg_I or Arg_I go Arg_I to Arg_I gym Arg_I to Arg_I get Arg_I better Arg_I appearance Arg_I or Arg_I body Arg_I . O When Arg_B a Arg_I cool Arg_I hero Arg_I characters Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I movie Arg_I smokes Arg_I and Arg_I yet Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I people Arg_I like Arg_I him, Arg_I then Arg_I people Arg_I who Arg_I idolize Arg_I him Arg_I may Arg_I also Arg_I begin Arg_I to Arg_I smoke Arg_I although Arg_I they Arg_I don’t Arg_I prefer Arg_I it Arg_I . O I O think O television Arg_B and Arg_I movies Arg_I are Arg_I entertaining Arg_I but O most Arg_B of Arg_I the Arg_I time Arg_I they Arg_I influence Arg_I people’s Arg_I behavior Arg_I in Arg_I bad Arg_I ways Arg_I . O If O you O want O to O stay O healthy, O be O yourself O and O spend O time O with O your O family O and O friends, O then O you O should O spend O less O time O watching O these O media O . O Reasons O why O travelers O visit O Museums? O Many O people O like O to O visit O museums O when O they O travel O to O new O places, O other O people O don't O like O to O visit O museums O . O I Arg_B personaly Arg_I tend Arg_I to Arg_I visit Arg_I museums Arg_I when Arg_I I'm Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I new Arg_I place Arg_I because O it's Arg_B good Arg_I for Arg_I me Arg_I know Arg_I about Arg_I the Arg_I culture, Arg_I tradition Arg_I and Arg_I history Arg_I of Arg_I other Arg_I places Arg_I . O The O first O reason O why O people O are O willing O to O visit O museums O when O they O travel O to O a O new O territory O is O that O museums O provide O a O tremendous O amount O of O information O about O different O aspects O of O the O history O and O culture O of O that O place, O as O I O said O back O . O And Arg_B also Arg_I taking Arg_I the Arg_I chance Arg_I for Arg_I making Arg_I friends Arg_I . O Visit Arg_B museums Arg_I can Arg_I bring Arg_I you Arg_I the Arg_I opportunity Arg_I to Arg_I establish Arg_I relations Arg_I and Arg_I knowledge Arg_I to Arg_I participate Arg_I in Arg_I conversations Arg_I . O And Arg_B that Arg_I kind Arg_I of Arg_I knowledge Arg_I speaks Arg_I very Arg_I highly Arg_I of Arg_I you Arg_I . O However, O other Arg_B people Arg_I visit Arg_I museums Arg_I are Arg_I the Arg_I most Arg_I boring Arg_I expirience Arg_I of Arg_I a Arg_I trip Arg_I . O My Arg_B cousin Arg_I Pedro Arg_I literaly Arg_I hates Arg_I to Arg_I visit Arg_I museums Arg_I but Arg_I he Arg_I really Arg_I enjoyed Arg_I his Arg_I visit Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I famous Arg_I London Arg_I - Arg_I Madame Arg_I Tussaud Arg_I museum, Arg_I it Arg_I was Arg_I kind Arg_I of Arg_I art Arg_I entertainment Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I that Arg_I visit Arg_I helped Arg_I him Arg_I to Arg_I understand Arg_I the Arg_I artist Arg_I works, Arg_I and Arg_I in Arg_I addition Arg_I he Arg_I started Arg_I to Arg_I respect Arg_I and Arg_I admire Arg_I other Arg_I types Arg_I of Arg_I arts Arg_I that Arg_I offers Arg_I in Arg_I other Arg_I museums Arg_I . O In O coclusion, O the Arg_B museums Arg_I are Arg_I a Arg_I visual Arg_I source Arg_I to Arg_I know Arg_I the Arg_I history, Arg_I tradition Arg_I and Arg_I culture Arg_I of Arg_I any Arg_I place Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I . O I O think O it's Arg_B fun Arg_I and Arg_I educational Arg_I . O A O man O 's O manner O is O a O mirror O that O reflects O his O virtues O Once O a O celebrity O said: O A O man's O manner O is O a O mirror O that O reflects O his O virtues O . O Recently, O the O social O environment O we O lived O with O busy O noises O and O crowded O spaces O in O case O that O people O pay O less O attentions O on O their O behaviors O and O manners O . O They O are O being O rude O towards O others O . O Due O to O this O phenomenon, O someone O suggests O that O we O should O not O expect O people O to O be O polite O to O other O . O Obviously, O I O do O not O agree O with O such O kind O of O altitudes, O the O explanations O I O explored O would O be O stated O as O following O . O First O of O all, O a Arg_B person Arg_I with Arg_I good Arg_I manner Arg_I will Arg_I give Arg_I others Arg_I a Arg_I fine Arg_I personal Arg_I impression Arg_I . O Through Arg_B those Arg_I impressions, Arg_I a Arg_I person Arg_I was Arg_I easily Arg_I to Arg_I get Arg_I acquired Arg_I with Arg_I others Arg_I and Arg_I blended Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I community Arg_I that Arg_I surrounded Arg_I him Arg_I as Arg_I soon Arg_I as Arg_I possible Arg_I . O For O example, O I Arg_B worked Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I new Arg_I company, Arg_I if Arg_I I Arg_I am Arg_I a Arg_I guy Arg_I with Arg_I good Arg_I manners Arg_I and Arg_I treating Arg_I everyone Arg_I well, Arg_I my Arg_I new Arg_I colleagues Arg_I will Arg_I accept Arg_I me, Arg_I even Arg_I then Arg_I I Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I approved Arg_I by Arg_I the Arg_I employers Arg_I . O In Arg_B opposite Arg_I situation Arg_I if Arg_I I Arg_I am Arg_I being Arg_I rude, Arg_I I Arg_I can Arg_I not Arg_I get Arg_I along Arg_I well Arg_I with Arg_I each Arg_I other Arg_I . O Finally, O I Arg_B will Arg_I be Arg_I fired Arg_I and Arg_I have Arg_I no Arg_I other Arg_I choice Arg_I but Arg_I lost Arg_I my Arg_I job Arg_I . O Secondly, O people Arg_B will Arg_I get Arg_I respect Arg_I from Arg_I politeness Arg_I within Arg_I each Arg_I other Arg_I . O Politeness Arg_B and Arg_I tender Arg_I words Arg_I not Arg_I only Arg_I can Arg_I help Arg_I the Arg_I speaker Arg_I to Arg_I earn Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I reputation Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I that Arg_I encourage Arg_I the Arg_I listeners Arg_I who Arg_I were Arg_I in Arg_I need Arg_I . O A Arg_B successful Arg_I corporation Arg_I must Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I relationship Arg_I with Arg_I respect Arg_I and Arg_I pleasure Arg_I . O There O are O many O more O facts O have O improved O that O people O with O politeness O are O easily O to O be O succeed, O because O from Arg_B their Arg_I behaviors, Arg_I they Arg_I made Arg_I their Arg_I partners Arg_I or Arg_I opponents Arg_I to Arg_I find Arg_I their Arg_I own Arg_I individual Arg_I dignity Arg_I . O Finally, O the Arg_B society Arg_I needs Arg_I a Arg_I civilized Arg_I environment Arg_I and Arg_I orders Arg_I . O And O a Arg_B degree Arg_I of Arg_I social Arg_I civilization Arg_I depend Arg_I on Arg_I its Arg_I people's Arg_I qualities Arg_I . O In Arg_B order Arg_I to Arg_I create Arg_I a Arg_I better Arg_I living Arg_I environment Arg_I for Arg_I ourselves Arg_I and Arg_I our Arg_I offsprings, Arg_I our Arg_I behaviors Arg_I must Arg_I be Arg_I asked Arg_I with Arg_I politeness Arg_I and Arg_I good Arg_I manners Arg_I . O Benefit Arg_B from Arg_I those Arg_I effective Arg_I measures, Arg_I there Arg_I may Arg_I be Arg_I an Arg_I obvious Arg_I effect Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I reducing Arg_I of Arg_I criminal Arg_I rate Arg_I . O All O in O all, O I O suppose O that O people Arg_B should Arg_I be Arg_I polite Arg_I to Arg_I others Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I such Arg_I busy Arg_I and Arg_I crowded Arg_I world Arg_I . O Your O job O has O more O effect O on O your O happiness O than O your O living O environment O does O With O the O development O of O the O economy, O people O become O more O and O more O rich O . O They O start O to O pay O attention O to O mental O requirement O like O happiness O . O While O I O accept O that O job O can O offer O happiness O to O some O people, O I O believe O that O living Arg_B environment Arg_I is Arg_I more Arg_I important Arg_I than Arg_I job Arg_I for Arg_I most Arg_I of Arg_I us Arg_I . O Admittedly, O job Arg_B can Arg_I bring Arg_I us Arg_I happiness Arg_I . O People Arg_B can Arg_I receive Arg_I a Arg_I sense Arg_I of Arg_I values Arg_I and Arg_I respected Arg_I from Arg_I job Arg_I . O If Arg_B people Arg_I receive Arg_I respect Arg_I from Arg_I others, Arg_I they Arg_I will Arg_I feel Arg_I achievement Arg_I and Arg_I self-confidence Arg_I . O In O addition, O job Arg_B can Arg_I provide Arg_I money Arg_I to Arg_I us Arg_I . O However, O people Arg_B should Arg_I concern Arg_I more Arg_I about Arg_I their Arg_I living Arg_I environment Arg_I than Arg_I job Arg_I . O First, O for Arg_B most Arg_I of Arg_I us, Arg_I job Arg_I is Arg_I only Arg_I a Arg_I tool Arg_I to Arg_I maintain Arg_I our Arg_I lives Arg_I . O Few Arg_B people Arg_I can Arg_I feel Arg_I happiness Arg_I from Arg_I their Arg_I job Arg_I because O they Arg_B have Arg_I to Arg_I continue Arg_I to Arg_I work Arg_I more Arg_I than Arg_I 30 Arg_I years Arg_I . O For O example, O Workers Arg_B in Arg_I the Arg_I FOXCONN Arg_I factory, Arg_I which Arg_I is Arg_I the Arg_I main Arg_I manufacture Arg_I of Arg_I APPLE Arg_I Company, Arg_I just Arg_I repeat Arg_I one Arg_I action Arg_I more Arg_I than Arg_I 8 Arg_I hours Arg_I every Arg_I day Arg_I . O These Arg_B labor Arg_I works Arg_I cannot Arg_I provide Arg_I workers Arg_I with Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I happiness Arg_I because O they Arg_B feel Arg_I tired Arg_I and Arg_I frustrated Arg_I after Arg_I long Arg_I hour Arg_I work Arg_I . O Second, O beautiful Arg_B environment Arg_I is Arg_I one Arg_I of Arg_I basic Arg_I physiological Arg_I needs, Arg_I which Arg_I are Arg_I the Arg_I most Arg_I fundamental Arg_I requirements Arg_I for Arg_I people Arg_I . O Without Arg_B beautiful Arg_I environment, Arg_I people Arg_I are Arg_I not Arg_I able Arg_I to Arg_I feel Arg_I happiness Arg_I and Arg_I will Arg_I fell Arg_I anxiety Arg_I . O Nowadays, Arg_B the Arg_I fast Arg_I development Arg_I of Arg_I economy Arg_I is Arg_I gradually Arg_I destroying Arg_I our Arg_I environment Arg_I very Arg_I quickly Arg_I . O Factories Arg_B released Arg_I a Arg_I huge Arg_I amount Arg_I of Arg_I wasters Arg_I into Arg_I river Arg_I and Arg_I soil Arg_I . O In Arg_B order Arg_I to Arg_I build Arg_I city Arg_I and Arg_I factory, Arg_I people Arg_I destroy Arg_I huge Arg_I forests Arg_I . O In Arg_B China, Arg_I some Arg_I residents Arg_I who Arg_I live Arg_I in Arg_I nearby Arg_I some Arg_I toxic Arg_I factories Arg_I became Arg_I sick Arg_I because O these Arg_B factories Arg_I release Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I toxic Arg_I water Arg_I and Arg_I wasters Arg_I into Arg_I environment Arg_I around Arg_I people Arg_I . O Even O though O local O residents O benefits O from O an O increasing O number O of O jobs O which O are O provided O by O those O factories, O they Arg_B cannot Arg_I feel Arg_I happiness Arg_I from Arg_I high-paying Arg_I job Arg_I yet O because O most Arg_B of Arg_I them Arg_I suffer Arg_I from Arg_I cancer Arg_I or Arg_I other Arg_I diseases Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O it Arg_B is Arg_I far Arg_I better Arg_I to Arg_I protect Arg_I our Arg_I living Arg_I environment Arg_I rather Arg_I than Arg_I focus Arg_I on Arg_I job Arg_I or Arg_I work Arg_I since O the Arg_B goal Arg_I people Arg_I is Arg_I for Arg_I good Arg_I livers Arg_I . O Television O has O more O bad O than O good O in O respect O of O bonds O with O family O and O friends O There O are O many O interesting O programs O on O television O which O anyone O can O enjoy O at O little O cost O . O Compared O to O other O hobbies O such O as O going O to O theater O or O going O to O sports O stadium, O it O is O a O very O cost-effective O hobby O that O gives O viewer O quiet O a O few O indirect O experiences O . O However, O from O my O point O of O view, O television Arg_B has Arg_I more Arg_I bad Arg_I than Arg_I good Arg_I because O it Arg_B has Arg_I made Arg_I people Arg_I not Arg_I to Arg_I have Arg_I conversation Arg_I each Arg_I other Arg_I . O To O begin O with, O television Arg_B shows Arg_I make Arg_I people Arg_I forget Arg_I what Arg_I is Arg_I really Arg_I important Arg_I . O One Arg_B who Arg_I has Arg_I favorite Arg_I programs Arg_I tends Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I obessed Arg_I with Arg_I them Arg_I when Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I on Arg_I air Arg_I . O Thus, O they Arg_B cannot Arg_I make Arg_I appointment Arg_I or Arg_I go Arg_I out Arg_I with Arg_I their Arg_I family Arg_I or Arg_I friends Arg_I at Arg_I that Arg_I time Arg_I since O they Arg_B think Arg_I the Arg_I programs Arg_I are Arg_I so Arg_I crucial Arg_I to Arg_I their Arg_I lives Arg_I . O One Arg_B of Arg_I my Arg_I friends, Arg_I for Arg_I example, Arg_I once Arg_I cancelled Arg_I an Arg_I appointment Arg_I to Arg_I play Arg_I basketball Arg_I with Arg_I in Arg_I order Arg_I to Arg_I watch Arg_I the Arg_I favorite Arg_I television Arg_I show Arg_I "Infinete Arg_I Challenges" Arg_I . O This Arg_B is Arg_I not Arg_I only Arg_I about Arg_I basketball, Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I about Arg_I our Arg_I friendship, Arg_I which Arg_I depends Arg_I on Arg_I how Arg_I often Arg_I we Arg_I meet Arg_I and Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I chance Arg_I to Arg_I talk Arg_I to Arg_I each Arg_I other Arg_I . O That O is, O watching Arg_B television Arg_I alone Arg_I at Arg_I home, Arg_I my Arg_I friend Arg_I lost Arg_I the Arg_I opportunity Arg_I to Arg_I increase Arg_I cohesion Arg_I between Arg_I us Arg_I . O Moreover, O even Arg_B when Arg_I people Arg_I watch Arg_I television Arg_I together, Arg_I there Arg_I is Arg_I no Arg_I chance Arg_I for Arg_I them Arg_I to Arg_I have Arg_I conversation Arg_I in Arg_I front Arg_I of Arg_I television Arg_I . O Watching Arg_B television Arg_I program Arg_I together Arg_I is Arg_I not Arg_I that Arg_I different Arg_I from Arg_I watching Arg_I same Arg_I program Arg_I alone Arg_I . O Thus, O it Arg_B is Arg_I not Arg_I good Arg_I for Arg_I them Arg_I to Arg_I watch Arg_I television Arg_I if Arg_I they Arg_I want Arg_I to Arg_I improve Arg_I their Arg_I sense Arg_I of Arg_I closeness Arg_I . O To O illustrate O my O point, O it Arg_B is Arg_I reported Arg_I that Arg_I most Arg_I of Arg_I people Arg_I don't Arg_I converse Arg_I with Arg_I their Arg_I family Arg_I when Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I watching Arg_I television Arg_I together Arg_I . O It Arg_B is Arg_I natural Arg_I they Arg_I behave Arg_I in Arg_I that Arg_I way Arg_I because O television Arg_B shows Arg_I don't Arg_I require Arg_I any Arg_I participation Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O I O firmly O believe O that O it Arg_B is Arg_I detrimental Arg_I to Arg_I communication Arg_I among Arg_I members Arg_I in Arg_I group, Arg_I family Arg_I or Arg_I friends Arg_I or Arg_I whatever, Arg_I to Arg_I sit Arg_I in Arg_I front Arg_I of Arg_I television Arg_I and Arg_I just Arg_I stare Arg_I forward Arg_I . O It Arg_B is Arg_I because Arg_I television Arg_I not Arg_I only Arg_I makes Arg_I people Arg_I be Arg_I obsessed Arg_I with Arg_I it Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I makes Arg_I their Arg_I mouth Arg_I close Arg_I . O Haste O makes O waste O This O saying O is O stating O that O every Arg_B fast Arg_I and Arg_I not Arg_I well Arg_I thought Arg_I decision Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I wasted Arg_I one Arg_I . O In O my O opinion, O this O statement O is O completely O true, O for O these O few O reasons: O For O one O thing, O making Arg_B a Arg_I quick Arg_I decision Arg_I means Arg_I that Arg_I it's Arg_I not Arg_I very Arg_I thought Arg_I out, Arg_I and Arg_I that Arg_I it Arg_I hasn't Arg_I been Arg_I checked Arg_I from Arg_I all Arg_I its Arg_I aspects Arg_I . O Consequently, O making Arg_B quick Arg_I decisions Arg_I leads Arg_I to Arg_I probable Arg_I bad Arg_I results Arg_I . O For O example: O if Arg_B someone Arg_I decided Arg_I to Arg_I quit Arg_I his Arg_I job Arg_I without Arg_I really Arg_I thinking Arg_I about Arg_I the Arg_I alternative, Arg_I or Arg_I a Arg_I plan Arg_I B, Arg_I he Arg_I could Arg_I end Arg_I up Arg_I being Arg_I unemployed, Arg_I because Arg_I of Arg_I his Arg_I speedy Arg_I decision Arg_I . O In O addition, O making Arg_B a Arg_I rushed Arg_I decision Arg_I could Arg_I also Arg_I mean Arg_I that Arg_I the Arg_I person Arg_I is Arg_I missing Arg_I out Arg_I on Arg_I a Arg_I potential Arg_I opportunity Arg_I . O In O another O word, O if Arg_B this Arg_I person Arg_I had Arg_I waited Arg_I and Arg_I thought Arg_I his Arg_I decision Arg_I through Arg_I he Arg_I wouldn't Arg_I have Arg_I missed Arg_I out Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I job Arg_I opening Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I same Arg_I firm, Arg_I but Arg_I at Arg_I a Arg_I different Arg_I position Arg_I . O Hence, O he Arg_B wouldn't Arg_I have Arg_I been Arg_I unemployed Arg_I . O Not O to O mention, O that O hasty Arg_B decisions, Arg_I not Arg_I only Arg_I goes Arg_I to Arg_I waste, Arg_I but Arg_I also, Arg_I could Arg_I affect Arg_I the Arg_I entire Arg_I life Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I person Arg_I . O To O put O it O differently, O is O that O after O this O person O has O quit O his O job O and O became O unemployed, O he O can O no O longer O pay O his O bills O nor O buy O what O he O needs O for O his O everyday O needs, O thus, O his Arg_B life Arg_I had Arg_I taken Arg_I a Arg_I turn Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I worst Arg_I . O As O can O be O seen O from O this, O is O that O a Arg_B hurried Arg_I decision Arg_I is Arg_I almost Arg_I never Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I one Arg_I . O That's O why O one O should O always O study O his O decision O carefully O and O slowly, O to O ensure O that O the O decision O that O the O person O is O making O is O the O best O for O him O . O People O are O now O able O to O overcome O long O distances O in O a O short O amount O of O time O Nowadays O the O automobile O is O one O of O the O most O significant O forms O of O transportation O in O everyday O life O . O Many O people O own O cars O and O use O them O daily, O which O clearly O shows O how O important O they O are O . O Generally O speaking, O I O definitely O agree O with O the O statement O that O cars O have O improved O modern O life, O for O several O reasons O . O Firstly, O people Arg_B are Arg_I now Arg_I able Arg_I to Arg_I overcome Arg_I long Arg_I distances Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I short Arg_I amount Arg_I of Arg_I time, Arg_I which Arg_I leads Arg_I to Arg_I numerous Arg_I advantages Arg_I . O For O example O in O relationships O . O Many Arg_B people Arg_I are Arg_I now Arg_I able Arg_I to Arg_I maintain Arg_I relationships Arg_I over Arg_I great Arg_I distances Arg_I because O they Arg_B can Arg_I visit Arg_I each Arg_I other Arg_I regularly Arg_I by Arg_I using Arg_I their Arg_I vehicle Arg_I . O From O my O personal O experience O I O recall O that O my Arg_B car Arg_I has Arg_I always Arg_I been Arg_I a Arg_I great Arg_I help Arg_I to Arg_I see Arg_I my Arg_I childhood Arg_I friends Arg_I very Arg_I often Arg_I although Arg_I I Arg_I lived Arg_I in Arg_I another Arg_I city Arg_I . O I Arg_B was Arg_I also Arg_I able Arg_I to Arg_I establish Arg_I a Arg_I relationship Arg_I with Arg_I a Arg_I man Arg_I living Arg_I 89 Arg_I kilometers Arg_I away Arg_I . O Thanks Arg_B to Arg_I my Arg_I car Arg_I we Arg_I could Arg_I see Arg_I each Arg_I other Arg_I at Arg_I the Arg_I weekends Arg_I and Arg_I are Arg_I still Arg_I a Arg_I happy Arg_I couple Arg_I today Arg_I . O Without Arg_B my Arg_I automobile Arg_I we Arg_I would Arg_I probably Arg_I not Arg_I have Arg_I been Arg_I able Arg_I to Arg_I develop Arg_I a Arg_I relationship Arg_I . O In O addition, O cars Arg_B increase Arg_I the Arg_I chance Arg_I of Arg_I employment Arg_I because O people Arg_B are Arg_I able Arg_I to Arg_I drive Arg_I to Arg_I work Arg_I and Arg_I can Arg_I work Arg_I further Arg_I away Arg_I from Arg_I home Arg_I . O Furthermore, O they Arg_B are Arg_I more Arg_I flexible Arg_I . O My Arg_B father Arg_I for Arg_I example Arg_I has Arg_I always Arg_I been Arg_I working Arg_I all Arg_I around Arg_I Germany Arg_I and Arg_I because Arg_I of Arg_I that Arg_I earned Arg_I more Arg_I money Arg_I . O He Arg_B used Arg_I his Arg_I car Arg_I to Arg_I drive Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I other Arg_I end Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I country, Arg_I worked Arg_I there Arg_I during Arg_I the Arg_I week Arg_I and Arg_I came Arg_I home Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I weekend Arg_I . O If Arg_B he Arg_I had Arg_I no Arg_I car, Arg_I he Arg_I wouldn't Arg_I be Arg_I able Arg_I to Arg_I see Arg_I his Arg_I family Arg_I at Arg_I the Arg_I weekends Arg_I so Arg_I for Arg_I him Arg_I his Arg_I automobile Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I great Arg_I benefit Arg_I - Arg_I not Arg_I only Arg_I in Arg_I financial Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I in Arg_I social Arg_I terms Arg_I . O Finally, O the Arg_B automobile Arg_I allows Arg_I people Arg_I to Arg_I travel Arg_I more Arg_I often Arg_I and Arg_I thus Arg_I get Arg_I to Arg_I know Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I . O If Arg_B people Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I own Arg_I cars Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I likely Arg_I to Arg_I stay Arg_I in Arg_I their Arg_I hometown Arg_I or Arg_I village Arg_I most Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I life Arg_I . O They Arg_B are Arg_I mainly Arg_I using Arg_I public Arg_I transport Arg_I and Arg_I are Arg_I thus Arg_I limited Arg_I in Arg_I accessing Arg_I certain Arg_I areas Arg_I . O There Arg_B are Arg_I still Arg_I places Arg_I in Arg_I nearly Arg_I every Arg_I country Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I that Arg_I cannot Arg_I be Arg_I reached Arg_I by Arg_I public Arg_I transportation Arg_I and Arg_I can Arg_I only Arg_I be Arg_I visited Arg_I by Arg_I car Arg_I . O As O a O result, O people Arg_B who Arg_I own Arg_I a Arg_I vehicle Arg_I have Arg_I greater Arg_I access Arg_I to Arg_I more Arg_I places Arg_I and Arg_I will Arg_I see Arg_I more Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O the O above O stated O reasons O clearly O outweigh O the O fact O that O cars Arg_B cause Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I pollution Arg_I because O they Arg_B provide Arg_I flexibility, Arg_I which Arg_I is Arg_I important Arg_I in Arg_I nearly Arg_I all Arg_I areas Arg_I of Arg_I life Arg_I . O Travelling, Arg_B social Arg_I life Arg_I and Arg_I employment Arg_I are Arg_I highly Arg_I dependent Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I flexibility Arg_I of Arg_I a Arg_I person Arg_I and Arg_I there Arg_I is Arg_I nothing Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I that Arg_I makes Arg_I more Arg_I flexible Arg_I than Arg_I an Arg_I own Arg_I car Arg_I . O Choosing O the O job O that O is O similar O to O parents' O jobs O could O benefit O to O one's O career O When O choosing O a O job, O one O need O to O consider O it O thoroughly O . O Whether O to O choose O a O job O which O is O similar O to O parents' O job O or O not, O different O people O may O hold O different O opinions O . O As O far O as O I O am O concerned, O I O think O choosing Arg_B the Arg_I job Arg_I that Arg_I is Arg_I similar Arg_I to Arg_I parents' Arg_I jobs Arg_I could Arg_I benefit Arg_I to Arg_I one's Arg_I career Arg_I . O First O of O all, O as O parents O are O involved O in O the O same O environment, O they Arg_B could Arg_I thus Arg_I support Arg_I much Arg_I more Arg_I to Arg_I their Arg_I children, Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I domain Arg_I knowledge Arg_I and Arg_I industry-related Arg_I information Arg_I . O For O example, O my Arg_B father Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I software Arg_I programmer, Arg_I and Arg_I he Arg_I indeed Arg_I teaches Arg_I me Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I in Arg_I programming Arg_I and Arg_I some Arg_I computer Arg_I knowledge Arg_I . O Whenever Arg_B I Arg_I met Arg_I a Arg_I difficulty, Arg_I I Arg_I would Arg_I reach Arg_I him Arg_I for Arg_I consulting Arg_I . O Because O he O has O many O experiences, O I Arg_B could Arg_I save Arg_I enormous Arg_I time Arg_I in Arg_I finding Arg_I solution Arg_I . O This Arg_B truly Arg_I makes Arg_I me Arg_I more Arg_I competitive Arg_I than Arg_I my Arg_I colleagues Arg_I . O If Arg_B I Arg_I worked Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I different Arg_I field Arg_I from Arg_I my Arg_I father, Arg_I I Arg_I would Arg_I have Arg_I faced Arg_I much Arg_I difficulty Arg_I than Arg_I I Arg_I do Arg_I now Arg_I . O Nevertheless, O since O parents O have O worked O in O tens O of O years, O they Arg_B have Arg_I accumulated Arg_I a Arg_I rich Arg_I network Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I certain Arg_I industry Arg_I . O They Arg_B have Arg_I a Arg_I deep Arg_I insight Arg_I in Arg_I it Arg_I and Arg_I could Arg_I provide Arg_I much Arg_I support Arg_I to Arg_I their Arg_I children Arg_I . O For O instance, O they Arg_B know Arg_I which Arg_I company Arg_I has Arg_I better Arg_I welfare Arg_I or Arg_I provides Arg_I better Arg_I education Arg_I . O Moreover, O their Arg_B friends Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I same Arg_I industry Arg_I can Arg_I even Arg_I help Arg_I to Arg_I write Arg_I recommendation Arg_I letters Arg_I to Arg_I some Arg_I certain Arg_I companies Arg_I . O It Arg_B is Arg_I undoubted Arg_I that Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I recommendation Arg_I letter Arg_I is Arg_I extraordinary Arg_I important Arg_I in Arg_I this Arg_I competitive Arg_I society Arg_I . O When Arg_B others Arg_I are Arg_I still Arg_I struggling Arg_I in Arg_I preparing Arg_I their Arg_I resume, Arg_I one Arg_I with Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I recommendation Arg_I letter Arg_I has Arg_I already Arg_I passed Arg_I the Arg_I first Arg_I stage Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I interviewing Arg_I process Arg_I . O Some O may O argue O that O as O time O is O different, O the Arg_B condition Arg_I of Arg_I job Arg_I market Arg_I is Arg_I completely Arg_I different Arg_I . O Therefore, O choosing Arg_B a Arg_I job Arg_I similar Arg_I to Arg_I one's Arg_I parents' Arg_I is Arg_I not Arg_I always Arg_I a Arg_I correct Arg_I decision Arg_I . O I O agree O with O this O opinion O to O some O extent, O but O when Arg_B it Arg_I comes Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I trend, Arg_I no Arg_I one Arg_I can Arg_I predict Arg_I it Arg_I correctly Arg_I . O The O condition O of O job O market O changes O enormously O fast O like O a O flash, O so O that O there Arg_B is Arg_I no Arg_I way Arg_I to Arg_I predict Arg_I any Arg_I job Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I popular Arg_I for Arg_I 30 Arg_I years Arg_I or Arg_I more Arg_I . O In O considering O whether O one O should O choose O a O job O similar O to O his O or O her O parents', O I O have O mentioned O a O few O reasons O that O one Arg_B can Arg_I get Arg_I more Arg_I support Arg_I from Arg_I his Arg_I or Arg_I her Arg_I parents Arg_I if Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I same Arg_I industry Arg_I . O I O believe O parents Arg_B can Arg_I lead Arg_I their Arg_I children Arg_I to Arg_I a Arg_I more Arg_I smooth Arg_I career Arg_I path Arg_I . O Should O parents O limit O their O children O watching O TV O to O make O them O do O well O in O school? O In O 19th O century, O television O is O one O of O an O significant O inventions O and O has O become O a O indispensible O appliance O in O every O house O . O For O its O accessible O and O containing O fancy O programs, O television O attracts O audiences O from O a O wide O range O of O age O and O background O . O Children, O who O are O addicted O to O TV, O causes O broad O argument O about O whether O they O should O be O limited O in O watching O television O in O amount O of O time O . O As O far O as O I O am O concerned, O I O agree O with O that O children Arg_B should Arg_I be Arg_I forbidden Arg_I in Arg_I watching Arg_I television Arg_I or Arg_I movies Arg_I excessively Arg_I . O First O of O all, O children Arg_B generally Arg_I have Arg_I weak Arg_I self-control, Arg_I and Arg_I thus Arg_I they Arg_I lose Arg_I their Arg_I time Arg_I easily Arg_I . O Watching Arg_B TV Arg_I for Arg_I a Arg_I long Arg_I time Arg_I without Arg_I doing Arg_I homework Arg_I is Arg_I one Arg_I of Arg_I major Arg_I headaches Arg_I that Arg_I most Arg_I of Arg_I children Arg_I have Arg_I brought Arg_I to Arg_I their Arg_I parents Arg_I . O I, O in O my O childhood, O was O just O a O typical O case O . O Whenever Arg_B I Arg_I back Arg_I to Arg_I home Arg_I from Arg_I school, Arg_I the Arg_I first Arg_I thing Arg_I I Arg_I would Arg_I do Arg_I is Arg_I turning Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I television Arg_I and Arg_I sit Arg_I there Arg_I for Arg_I hours Arg_I . O I Arg_B could Arg_I watch Arg_I TV Arg_I for Arg_I hours, Arg_I but Arg_I I Arg_I could Arg_I hardly Arg_I sit Arg_I in Arg_I front Arg_I of Arg_I my Arg_I desk Arg_I to Arg_I do Arg_I homework Arg_I for Arg_I few Arg_I minutes Arg_I . O I Arg_B could Arg_I memorize Arg_I all Arg_I channels Arg_I that Arg_I TV Arg_I programs Arg_I was Arg_I playing, Arg_I but Arg_I I Arg_I could Arg_I barely Arg_I memorize Arg_I any Arg_I word Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I textbook Arg_I . O I, Arg_B therefore, Arg_I did Arg_I extremely Arg_I bad Arg_I at Arg_I school Arg_I due Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I lack Arg_I of Arg_I studying Arg_I . O Moreover, O sometimes Arg_B programs Arg_I on Arg_I TV Arg_I are Arg_I full Arg_I of Arg_I violence Arg_I and Arg_I sex Arg_I which Arg_I are Arg_I harmful Arg_I to Arg_I children Arg_I . O Children O are O not O mature O enough O to O make O a O judgment O of O what O is O good O or O bad, O therefore O they Arg_B are Arg_I likely Arg_I to Arg_I imitate Arg_I the Arg_I behaviors Arg_I on Arg_I TV Arg_I out Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I curiosity Arg_I . O Recently, Arg_B more Arg_I and Arg_I more Arg_I children Arg_I smoke Arg_I because O they Arg_B imitate Arg_I actors' Arg_I behaviors Arg_I on Arg_I TV Arg_I or Arg_I movies Arg_I . O What's O even O worse, O according Arg_B to Arg_I some Arg_I statistics, Arg_I there Arg_I are Arg_I more Arg_I and Arg_I more Arg_I children Arg_I have Arg_I violent Arg_I tendency, Arg_I and Arg_I the Arg_I reports Arg_I attribute Arg_I this Arg_I to Arg_I TV Arg_I programs Arg_I and Arg_I movies Arg_I . O It O is O obvious O that O there Arg_B are Arg_I many Arg_I programs Arg_I on Arg_I TV Arg_I or Arg_I movies Arg_I that Arg_I are Arg_I harmful Arg_I to Arg_I children Arg_I in Arg_I metal Arg_I and Arg_I physical Arg_I health Arg_I . O How O can O anyone O expect O children O could O do O well O at O school O if O they O have O those O abnormal O behaviors? O Admittedly, O in O concerning O the O social O relationship O with O peers, O some O may O support O that O children Arg_B should Arg_I watch Arg_I TV Arg_I and Arg_I movies Arg_I for Arg_I their Arg_I rich Arg_I contents Arg_I that Arg_I could Arg_I give Arg_I children Arg_I some Arg_I topics Arg_I in Arg_I conversation Arg_I . O I O agree O with O this O viewpoint O to O some O extent O . O However, O it Arg_B doesn't Arg_I mean Arg_I that Arg_I children Arg_I should Arg_I do Arg_I it Arg_I overtime Arg_I and Arg_I without Arg_I being Arg_I taken Arg_I care Arg_I what Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I watching Arg_I . O In Arg_B considering Arg_I whether Arg_I the Arg_I time Arg_I children Arg_I watching Arg_I on Arg_I TV Arg_I or Arg_I movies Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I constrained, Arg_I I Arg_I hold Arg_I a Arg_I strongly Arg_I positive Arg_I point Arg_I of Arg_I view Arg_I toward Arg_I this Arg_I issue Arg_I . O Because O children Arg_B are Arg_I poor Arg_I at Arg_I time Arg_I management, Arg_I and Arg_I are Arg_I less Arg_I mature Arg_I to Arg_I make Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I judgment, Arg_I they Arg_I cannot Arg_I be Arg_I too Arg_I serious Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I taken Arg_I care Arg_I when Arg_I watching Arg_I TV Arg_I and Arg_I movies Arg_I . O Should O we O pay O professional O athletes O (entertainers) O a O high O salary? O Professional O athletes O and O entertainers O earn O a O huge O amount O of O money O that O is O hard O to O imagine O . O Most O of O the O people O spending O their O whole O life O can O never O achieve O this O . O This O salary O gap O between O those O famous O people O and O us O leads O to O a O question-do O those O professional O athletes O and O entertainers O deserve O this O money? O From O my O prospect, O I O believe O that O they Arg_B do Arg_I deserve Arg_I this Arg_I high Arg_I payment Arg_I . O First O of O all, O a Arg_B worker's Arg_I salary Arg_I can Arg_I properly Arg_I reflect Arg_I his/her Arg_I competence Arg_I and Arg_I value Arg_I on Arg_I his/her Arg_I career Arg_I . O Therefore, O those Arg_B who Arg_I are Arg_I paid Arg_I high Arg_I salaries Arg_I must Arg_I exceed Arg_I others Arg_I and Arg_I achieve Arg_I something Arg_I incredible Arg_I in Arg_I certain Arg_I ways Arg_I . O They Arg_B are Arg_I not Arg_I paid Arg_I for Arg_I no Arg_I reason Arg_I . O As Arg_B we Arg_I are Arg_I now Arg_I live Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I competent Arg_I world, Arg_I we Arg_I must Arg_I show Arg_I ourselves Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I great Arg_I enough Arg_I so Arg_I as Arg_I to Arg_I convince Arg_I the Arg_I employer Arg_I that Arg_I we Arg_I deserve Arg_I a Arg_I better Arg_I payment Arg_I . O It's Arg_B all Arg_I the Arg_I same Arg_I in Arg_I every Arg_I profession Arg_I . O That's O why O the Arg_B richest Arg_I athletes Arg_I usually Arg_I correspond Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I greatest Arg_I athletes Arg_I in Arg_I their Arg_I fields, Arg_I namely Arg_I Michael Arg_I Jordan Arg_I or Arg_I Tiger Arg_I Woods Arg_I . O Second, O such Arg_B high Arg_I salaries Arg_I can Arg_I also Arg_I guarantee Arg_I and Arg_I support Arg_I the Arg_I athlete's Arg_I great Arg_I performances Arg_I . O Most Arg_B of Arg_I us Arg_I only Arg_I see Arg_I the Arg_I luxurious Arg_I side Arg_I of Arg_I a Arg_I rich Arg_I athlete Arg_I and Arg_I ignore Arg_I how Arg_I may Arg_I difficulties Arg_I they've Arg_I gone Arg_I through Arg_I and Arg_I how Arg_I much Arg_I cost Arg_I they've Arg_I thrown Arg_I into Arg_I investing Arg_I themselves Arg_I . O They Arg_B shall Arg_I reap Arg_I within Arg_I their Arg_I high Arg_I salaries Arg_I . O In O other O words, O if Arg_B they Arg_I are Arg_I not Arg_I paid Arg_I high Arg_I enough Arg_I in Arg_I order Arg_I to Arg_I conform Arg_I to Arg_I their Arg_I performances, Arg_I there Arg_I might Arg_I not Arg_I be Arg_I such Arg_I brilliant Arg_I performances Arg_I for Arg_I us Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I amazed Arg_I . O Some O people O might O argue O that O the Arg_B gap Arg_I between Arg_I the Arg_I rich Arg_I athletes Arg_I and Arg_I normal Arg_I people Arg_I is Arg_I so Arg_I huge Arg_I that Arg_I it Arg_I seems Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I unfair Arg_I . O However, O in O my O opinion, O as Arg_B long Arg_I as Arg_I everyone Arg_I has Arg_I equal Arg_I chances Arg_I to Arg_I pursue Arg_I his/her Arg_I dreams Arg_I and Arg_I careers, Arg_I that Arg_I would Arg_I be Arg_I fair Arg_I . O Fairness Arg_B is Arg_I not Arg_I about Arg_I equal Arg_I payments Arg_I for Arg_I everyone, Arg_I but Arg_I equal Arg_I chances Arg_I to Arg_I acquire Arg_I the Arg_I same Arg_I goal Arg_I or Arg_I accomplishment Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O high Arg_B salary Arg_I for Arg_I athletes Arg_I is Arg_I what Arg_I they Arg_I deserve Arg_I in Arg_I accordance Arg_I with Arg_I their Arg_I own Arg_I achievements Arg_I and Arg_I also Arg_I a Arg_I guarantee Arg_I for Arg_I quality Arg_I performances Arg_I . O It Arg_B is Arg_I a Arg_I positive Arg_I encouragement Arg_I for Arg_I many Arg_I more Arg_I talented Arg_I people Arg_I to Arg_I contribute Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I of Arg_I athletics Arg_I and Arg_I entertainment, Arg_I giving Arg_I us Arg_I awesome Arg_I performances Arg_I to Arg_I enjoy Arg_I . O People O who O can’t O accept O others’ O criticism O can’t O succeed O in O group O working O In O everyday O life O we O encounter O different O people, O and O we O receive O different O opinions O about O us O or O our O works, O no O matter O positive O or O negative O . O It O might O be O easy O to O take O praises O but O hard O to O accept O criticism O . O Therefore, O here O goes O the O point O that O people Arg_B who Arg_I can't Arg_I accept Arg_I others' Arg_I criticism Arg_I can't Arg_I succeed Arg_I in Arg_I group Arg_I working Arg_I . O Personally, O I O agree O with O this O statement O . O First, O the Arg_B core Arg_I of Arg_I group Arg_I working Arg_I is Arg_I "consensus" Arg_I . O It's Arg_B the Arg_I idea Arg_I that Arg_I everyone’s Arg_I opinion Arg_I accounts Arg_I . O In Arg_B group Arg_I works, Arg_I group Arg_I members Arg_I gather Arg_I together Arg_I to Arg_I have Arg_I brain-storming Arg_I discussion, Arg_I think Arg_I over Arg_I every Arg_I possible Arg_I solutions Arg_I and Arg_I then Arg_I finally Arg_I reach Arg_I an Arg_I agreement Arg_I . O In O this O long O process O of O discussion, O there O must O be O different O opinions O sparkling O out O . O It Arg_B doesn't Arg_I work Arg_I if Arg_I one Arg_I member Arg_I solely Arg_I insists Arg_I on Arg_I his/her Arg_I idea Arg_I and Arg_I doesn't Arg_I take Arg_I other Arg_I member's Arg_I criticism Arg_I because O the Arg_B work Arg_I belongs Arg_I to Arg_I every Arg_I member, Arg_I not Arg_I a Arg_I personal Arg_I show Arg_I for Arg_I specific Arg_I one Arg_I member Arg_I . O It's Arg_B every Arg_I member's Arg_I duty Arg_I to Arg_I respect Arg_I other's Arg_I opinion Arg_I . O Second, O taking Arg_B criticism Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I virtue Arg_I as Arg_I you Arg_I take Arg_I someone's Arg_I opinion Arg_I that Arg_I is Arg_I against Arg_I you Arg_I . O Even Arg_B if Arg_I you Arg_I are Arg_I not Arg_I working Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I group, Arg_I you Arg_I still Arg_I need Arg_I to Arg_I take Arg_I others' Arg_I criticism Arg_I . O Criticism Arg_B definitely Arg_I hurts Arg_I because O it Arg_B points Arg_I out Arg_I your Arg_I drawbacks Arg_I and Arg_I forces Arg_I you Arg_I to Arg_I confront Arg_I them Arg_I . O However, O criticism Arg_B can Arg_I help Arg_I you Arg_I detect Arg_I those Arg_I drawbacks Arg_I and Arg_I fix Arg_I them Arg_I if Arg_I you Arg_I are Arg_I willing Arg_I to Arg_I take Arg_I it Arg_I . O Those Arg_B who Arg_I don't Arg_I even Arg_I take Arg_I a Arg_I word Arg_I of Arg_I criticism Arg_I will Arg_I eventually Arg_I lose Arg_I chances Arg_I to Arg_I get Arg_I improved Arg_I . O In O other O words, O if Arg_B you Arg_I can't Arg_I take Arg_I any Arg_I criticism, Arg_I not Arg_I only Arg_I will Arg_I you Arg_I fail Arg_I in Arg_I cooperating Arg_I with Arg_I other Arg_I people, Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I get Arg_I defeated Arg_I in Arg_I personal Arg_I works Arg_I . O As Arg_B one Arg_I Chinese Arg_I idiom Arg_I goes: Arg_I "The Arg_I good Arg_I medicine Arg_I tastes Arg_I bitter“ Arg_I . O Criticism Arg_B might Arg_I be Arg_I the Arg_I most Arg_I powerful Arg_I solution Arg_I to Arg_I heal Arg_I . O However, O some O people O might O ask: O what O if O the O criticism O proves O to O be O wrong? O What O if O that O I O was O at O first O right O but O the O seemingly O reasonable O criticism O led O me O to O the O wrong O direction? O Doesn't O insistence O also O a O good O character? O In O my O point O of O view, O even Arg_B if Arg_I you Arg_I are Arg_I right, Arg_I criticism Arg_I is Arg_I still Arg_I helpful Arg_I because O in Arg_B this Arg_I case Arg_I it Arg_I not Arg_I only Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I fixer, Arg_I but Arg_I it Arg_I also Arg_I serves Arg_I as Arg_I a Arg_I practice Arg_I to Arg_I test Arg_I you Arg_I how Arg_I much Arg_I you Arg_I know Arg_I about Arg_I your Arg_I work Arg_I . O Taking Arg_B criticism Arg_I doesn't Arg_I necessary Arg_I mean Arg_I that Arg_I you Arg_I have Arg_I to Arg_I take Arg_I it Arg_I all Arg_I . O You O should O have O your O own O judgments O too! O And Arg_B it's Arg_I kind Arg_I of Arg_I art Arg_I to Arg_I make Arg_I the Arg_I best Arg_I use Arg_I of Arg_I criticism Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O criticism Arg_B is Arg_I essential Arg_I especially Arg_I in Arg_I group Arg_I working Arg_I but Arg_I in Arg_I other Arg_I occasions Arg_I we Arg_I still Arg_I need Arg_I criticism Arg_I . O It's O just O like O a O picky O mirror O through O which O we O can O see O the O bad O side O of O us O and O thus O try O to O become O more O beautiful O and O confident O . O How O teachers O can O make O the O subject O interesting O to O students! O There O are O many O ways O of O teaching O . O Some O people O believe O that O strictly O and O carefully O presenting O theories O in O the O class O is O the O best O way O of O teaching, O while O others O assert O that O involving O applications O on O that O theory O will O be O more O convincing O . O In O my O opinion, O I O agree O with O the O second O idea O that O the Arg_B best Arg_I way Arg_I for Arg_I teachers Arg_I to Arg_I make Arg_I students Arg_I more Arg_I interested Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I subject Arg_I is Arg_I to Arg_I explain Arg_I how Arg_I that Arg_I subject Arg_I can Arg_I help Arg_I and Arg_I apply Arg_I to Arg_I their Arg_I lives Arg_I outside Arg_I school Arg_I . O First O of O all, O by Arg_B explaining Arg_I how Arg_I the Arg_I subject Arg_I contributes Arg_I to Arg_I daily Arg_I life, Arg_I students Arg_I will Arg_I have Arg_I vivid Arg_I impression Arg_I on Arg_I that Arg_I subject Arg_I thus Arg_I become Arg_I more Arg_I interested Arg_I and Arg_I active Arg_I in Arg_I acquiring Arg_I the Arg_I knowledge Arg_I on Arg_I that Arg_I subject Arg_I . O Take Arg_B chemistry Arg_I for Arg_I example, Arg_I merely Arg_I memorizing Arg_I the Arg_I names Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I substances Arg_I and Arg_I the Arg_I structural Arg_I formulas Arg_I seems Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I very Arg_I boring, Arg_I while Arg_I representing Arg_I where Arg_I and Arg_I how Arg_I those Arg_I chemical Arg_I reactions Arg_I really Arg_I happen Arg_I near Arg_I students Arg_I will Arg_I raise Arg_I their Arg_I curiosity Arg_I and Arg_I lead Arg_I them Arg_I to Arg_I digest Arg_I those Arg_I theories Arg_I learned Arg_I from Arg_I the Arg_I class Arg_I . O While Arg_B I Arg_I was Arg_I in Arg_I senior Arg_I high Arg_I school, Arg_I my Arg_I chemical Arg_I teacher Arg_I once Arg_I showed Arg_I us Arg_I how Arg_I the Arg_I detergent Arg_I dissolves Arg_I oil Arg_I by Arg_I an Arg_I experiment Arg_I and Arg_I later Arg_I on Arg_I taught Arg_I us Arg_I how Arg_I to Arg_I describe Arg_I this Arg_I process Arg_I with Arg_I formal Arg_I structural Arg_I formulas Arg_I . O This Arg_B type Arg_I of Arg_I learning Arg_I method Arg_I is Arg_I more Arg_I fun Arg_I and Arg_I eventually Arg_I the Arg_I results Arg_I are Arg_I good Arg_I . O I Arg_B connected Arg_I the Arg_I visual Arg_I images Arg_I of Arg_I that Arg_I experiment Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I formula Arg_I and Arg_I I Arg_I barely Arg_I forget, Arg_I even Arg_I though Arg_I now Arg_I I'm Arg_I not Arg_I studying Arg_I chemistry Arg_I anymore Arg_I . O Second, O by Arg_B bridging Arg_I the Arg_I theories Arg_I with Arg_I daily Arg_I life Arg_I events, Arg_I students Arg_I are Arg_I given Arg_I the Arg_I chance Arg_I to Arg_I apply Arg_I knowledge Arg_I to Arg_I their Arg_I lives Arg_I and Arg_I develop Arg_I their Arg_I own Arg_I ability Arg_I of Arg_I problem-solving Arg_I . O This Arg_B will Arg_I address Arg_I students' Arg_I interests Arg_I because O it's Arg_B the Arg_I assignment Arg_I that Arg_I needs Arg_I real Arg_I life Arg_I participation Arg_I . O For O example, O in Arg_B law Arg_I class, Arg_I students Arg_I are Arg_I informed Arg_I their Arg_I rights Arg_I and Arg_I duties Arg_I and Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I taught Arg_I how Arg_I they Arg_I can Arg_I apply Arg_I law Arg_I to Arg_I different Arg_I situations Arg_I that Arg_I might Arg_I happen Arg_I upon Arg_I them Arg_I . O When Arg_B any Arg_I one Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I situations Arg_I occurs, Arg_I they Arg_I can Arg_I think Arg_I independently Arg_I and Arg_I figure Arg_I out Arg_I how Arg_I to Arg_I react Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O using O life O experiences O and O examples O to O demonstrate O the O knowledge O on O a O subject O is O an O effective O way O to O attract O students' O attention O and O keep O them O eager O on O learning, O not O only O because O it Arg_B reinforces Arg_I students' Arg_I impression Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I knowledge Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I invites Arg_I students Arg_I to Arg_I practice Arg_I the Arg_I knowledge Arg_I out Arg_I on Arg_I their Arg_I own Arg_I . O Environmental O protection O vs O Economic O developments O Environmental O protection O and O economic O developments O might O be O the O biggest O issues O in O the O 21st O century O . O They O are O both O important O because O they O are O vital O to O human's O future O and O welfare O . O However, O since O the O budget O and O the O recourse O are O limited, O governments O must O choose O between O these O two O issues O . O In O my O opinion, O I O believe O that O tackling Arg_B down Arg_I environmental Arg_I problems Arg_I is Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I first Arg_I priority Arg_I rather Arg_I than Arg_I economic Arg_I developments Arg_I . O The O following O are O reasons O why O . O First, O environmental Arg_B protection Arg_I is Arg_I far Arg_I more Arg_I urgent Arg_I than Arg_I economic Arg_I developments Arg_I . O All Arg_B the Arg_I living Arg_I creatures Arg_I live Arg_I together Arg_I on Arg_I our Arg_I mother Arg_I Earth Arg_I and Arg_I she Arg_I is Arg_I the Arg_I only Arg_I one Arg_I . O Without Arg_B Earth, Arg_I whatever Arg_I great Arg_I civil Arg_I constructions Arg_I and Arg_I economic Arg_I achievements Arg_I will Arg_I end Arg_I up Arg_I in Arg_I vain Arg_I because O we Arg_B will Arg_I all Arg_I perish Arg_I as Arg_I she's Arg_I gone Arg_I . O Just Arg_B like Arg_I a Arg_I man Arg_I that Arg_I needs Arg_I a Arg_I healthy Arg_I body, Arg_I all Arg_I the Arg_I living Arg_I creatures Arg_I as Arg_I a Arg_I whole Arg_I needs Arg_I a Arg_I strong Arg_I planet Arg_I as Arg_I well Arg_I . O Second, O the Arg_B influence Arg_I on Arg_I environmental Arg_I problems Arg_I are Arg_I boarder Arg_I and Arg_I more Arg_I profound Arg_I than Arg_I economic Arg_I issues Arg_I . O Environmental Arg_B problems Arg_I are Arg_I global Arg_I rather Arg_I than Arg_I local, Arg_I which Arg_I means Arg_I that Arg_I no Arg_I countries Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I spared Arg_I from Arg_I these Arg_I problems Arg_I . O Take Arg_B global Arg_I warming Arg_I for Arg_I example, Arg_I when Arg_I the Arg_I temperature Arg_I increases, Arg_I the Arg_I whole Arg_I globe Arg_I is Arg_I affected, Arg_I suffering Arg_I the Arg_I hotter Arg_I weather Arg_I together Arg_I . O The O melting O ice O mountain O not O only O jeopardizes O habitats O of O animals O living O in O the O polar O region, O but O its O effects O of O the O rising O sea O level O also O endangers O the O residents O living O in O the O small O island O near O the O equator, O since O the Arg_B rising Arg_I sea Arg_I water Arg_I could Arg_I drown Arg_I them Arg_I . O Environmental Arg_B issues Arg_I can Arg_I not Arg_I be Arg_I divided Arg_I by Arg_I nationality Arg_I because O all Arg_B humans Arg_I are Arg_I simply Arg_I entwined Arg_I together Arg_I by Arg_I our Arg_I only Arg_I home-Earth Arg_I . O Some O people O might O argue O that O economic Arg_B issues Arg_I are Arg_I global Arg_I and Arg_I critical Arg_I as Arg_I well Arg_I thus Arg_I can Arg_I not Arg_I be Arg_I put Arg_I aside Arg_I . O They O may O say O that O if Arg_B the Arg_I economic Arg_I is Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I very Arg_I bad Arg_I situation, Arg_I people Arg_I would Arg_I revolt Arg_I instantly, Arg_I while Arg_I environmental Arg_I problems Arg_I seem Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I more Arg_I like Arg_I chronic Arg_I diseases Arg_I that Arg_I would Arg_I not Arg_I burst Arg_I out Arg_I right Arg_I away Arg_I . O However, O the Arg_B truth Arg_I is Arg_I that Arg_I we've Arg_I been Arg_I encountering Arg_I so Arg_I many Arg_I sighs Arg_I and Arg_I warnings Arg_I of Arg_I global Arg_I climate Arg_I anomalies Arg_I and Arg_I other Arg_I environmental Arg_I crisis Arg_I right Arg_I now Arg_I . O It Arg_B would Arg_I be Arg_I unwise Arg_I to Arg_I still Arg_I deny Arg_I the Arg_I truth Arg_I and Arg_I keep Arg_I focusing Arg_I on Arg_I economic Arg_I developments Arg_I and Arg_I unfortunately, Arg_I usually Arg_I the Arg_I economic Arg_I developments Arg_I are Arg_I even Arg_I the Arg_I causes Arg_I of Arg_I environmental Arg_I damages Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O environmental Arg_B conservation Arg_I is Arg_I more Arg_I essential Arg_I than Arg_I economic Arg_I developments Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I aspects Arg_I of Arg_I urgency Arg_I and Arg_I ranges Arg_I of Arg_I influence Arg_I . O As O mentioned O in O the O second O paragraph, O how O can O a O man O live O happily O if O he O is O unhealthy? O Similarly, O how O can O we O live O safely O and O joyfully O when O our O home O is O devastated O by, O ironically, O by O ourselves? O University O students O should O attend O classes O or O not? O In O university O education, O students O are O given O much O independence O in O the O ways O of O learning O . O Some O students O still O rely O on O classes O to O keep O up O with O the O courses, O while O some O students O don't O feel O the O need O to O attend O classes O because O they O believe O that O they O can O handle O the O exams O . O These O different O ideas O of O learning O methods O lead O to O a O question O whether O it O is O necessary O for O university O students O to O attend O the O class O as O long O as O they O can O pass O their O examinations O . O In O my O opinion, O I O believe O that O students Arg_B should Arg_I always Arg_I attend Arg_I class Arg_I no Arg_I matter Arg_I what Arg_I the Arg_I outcome Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I exam Arg_I is Arg_I . O First, O in Arg_B terms Arg_I of Arg_I learning, Arg_I attending Arg_I class Arg_I is Arg_I more Arg_I effective Arg_I than Arg_I simply Arg_I studying Arg_I alone Arg_I to Arg_I pass Arg_I the Arg_I exams Arg_I . O Classes Arg_B are Arg_I designed Arg_I diligently Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I students Arg_I and Arg_I professors Arg_I absolutely Arg_I bear Arg_I more Arg_I knowledge Arg_I than Arg_I the Arg_I students Arg_I . O Professors Arg_B not Arg_I only Arg_I have Arg_I the Arg_I knowledge, Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I equip Arg_I with Arg_I experiences, Arg_I knowing Arg_I how Arg_I to Arg_I guide Arg_I their Arg_I students Arg_I toward Arg_I their Arg_I academic Arg_I achievements Arg_I . O Second, O it's Arg_B students' Arg_I basic Arg_I responsibility Arg_I to Arg_I attend Arg_I class Arg_I . O Attending Arg_B class Arg_I is Arg_I the Arg_I most Arg_I persuasive Arg_I way Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I students Arg_I to Arg_I show Arg_I respect Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I professor Arg_I as Arg_I well Arg_I as Arg_I themselves Arg_I . O Many Arg_B professors Arg_I grade Arg_I their Arg_I students Arg_I with Arg_I class Arg_I attendances Arg_I . O In O other O words, O class Arg_B attendances Arg_I are Arg_I regarded Arg_I as Arg_I critical Arg_I as Arg_I examination Arg_I performances Arg_I . O Those Arg_B who Arg_I even Arg_I achieve Arg_I high Arg_I scores Arg_I on Arg_I exams Arg_I could Arg_I fail Arg_I if Arg_I they Arg_I didn't Arg_I show Arg_I up Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I classes Arg_I . O Some O people O might O argue O that O if Arg_B students Arg_I already Arg_I understand Arg_I the Arg_I contents Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I class Arg_I enough Arg_I to Arg_I pass Arg_I the Arg_I exams Arg_I or Arg_I they Arg_I can Arg_I study Arg_I the Arg_I course Arg_I on Arg_I their Arg_I own Arg_I . O Why O wasting O time O going O to O classes? O Doesn't O self-study O more O efficient? O However, O in O my O opinion, O this Arg_B is Arg_I a Arg_I rather Arg_I immodest Arg_I way Arg_I of Arg_I thinking Arg_I . O I O believe O that O professors Arg_B can Arg_I always Arg_I give Arg_I students Arg_I more Arg_I than Arg_I students Arg_I themselves Arg_I could Arg_I because Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I experiences Arg_I and Arg_I their Arg_I qualifications Arg_I as Arg_I professors Arg_I . O Besides, O even Arg_B if Arg_I students Arg_I believe Arg_I that Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I so Arg_I brilliant Arg_I to Arg_I surpass Arg_I their Arg_I professors, Arg_I they Arg_I can Arg_I still Arg_I go Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I classes Arg_I to Arg_I discuss Arg_I with Arg_I professors Arg_I and Arg_I classmates Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O students Arg_B can Arg_I learn Arg_I more Arg_I thoroughly Arg_I as Arg_I well Arg_I as Arg_I showing Arg_I respect Arg_I for Arg_I professors Arg_I and Arg_I themselves Arg_I through Arg_I attending Arg_I classes Arg_I . O It's Arg_B an Arg_I essential Arg_I learning Arg_I process Arg_I . O Passing O the O exams O is O not O the O terminal O purpose O of O learning O . O The O learning O process O itself, O however, O is O the O most O important O and O powerful O way O of O evaluating O a O student O . O What's O more O important: O hard O work O or O luck? O What O do O you O think O when O you O see O a O beautiful O building? O And O also O when O you O see O an O airport? O Do O you O think O they O have O built O by O chance? O Of O course O don't O . O Also O it O is O ridiculous O if O you O think O world O wide O webs O such O as O Google, O Yahoo O etc O . O created O by O chance O . O Howbeit O some O people O think O that O luck O is O cause O of O a O lot O of O success, O but O to O be O frank O I O cannot O agree O with O them O . O I O would O explore O my O primary O reasons O here O . O To O begin O with, O famous Arg_B people Arg_I are Arg_I usually Arg_I diligent Arg_I people Arg_I not Arg_I lucky Arg_I people Arg_I . O Hard Arg_B work Arg_I make Arg_I you Arg_I a Arg_I professional Arg_I man/woman Arg_I which Arg_I are Arg_I powerful Arg_I in Arg_I his Arg_I or Arg_I her Arg_I job Arg_I . O I O mean, O when Arg_B you Arg_I work Arg_I hard Arg_I you Arg_I decrease Arg_I portion Arg_I of Arg_I chance Arg_I in Arg_I your Arg_I success Arg_I . O For O example O in Arg_B football Arg_I game Arg_I it Arg_I is Arg_I said Arg_I that Arg_I penalty-kick Arg_I need Arg_I good Arg_I chance Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I goal Arg_I . O Statically Arg_B the Arg_I chance Arg_I of Arg_I being Arg_I goal Arg_I is Arg_I fifty-fifty Arg_I . O But Arg_B I Arg_I think Arg_I Ronaldo Arg_I make Arg_I a Arg_I goal Arg_I from Arg_I a Arg_I penalty-kick Arg_I with Arg_I more Arg_I possibility Arg_I than Arg_I me Arg_I . O It Arg_B is Arg_I not Arg_I for Arg_I which Arg_I Ronaldo Arg_I is Arg_I more Arg_I fortune Arg_I than Arg_I me Arg_I . O Definitely Arg_B it Arg_I is Arg_I for Arg_I which Arg_I he Arg_I have Arg_I more Arg_I practice Arg_I and Arg_I exercise Arg_I than Arg_I me Arg_I . O He O do O a O lot O of O exercise O in O football O field O every O day, O so O it Arg_B is Arg_I not Arg_I for Arg_I which Arg_I he Arg_I is Arg_I luckier Arg_I than Arg_I me Arg_I . O Moreover, O we Arg_B cannot Arg_I always Arg_I lean Arg_I on Arg_I our Arg_I luck Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I successful Arg_I . O I Arg_B don't Arg_I want Arg_I to Arg_I disavow Arg_I the Arg_I role Arg_I of Arg_I luck Arg_I in Arg_I success, Arg_I but Arg_I as Arg_I you Arg_I know Arg_I it Arg_I hardly Arg_I accompany Arg_I us Arg_I . O So, O for O example O you Arg_B prepare Arg_I for Arg_I TOEFL Arg_I or Arg_I other Arg_I multiple-choice Arg_I test Arg_I which Arg_I has Arg_I four Arg_I option Arg_I to Arg_I choose Arg_I in Arg_I every Arg_I question Arg_I . O You Arg_B cannot Arg_I prepare Arg_I for Arg_I it Arg_I without Arg_I any Arg_I study Arg_I and Arg_I Rely Arg_I on Arg_I your Arg_I luck, Arg_I even Arg_I if Arg_I you Arg_I be Arg_I a Arg_I very Arg_I lucky Arg_I . O If Arg_B you Arg_I pick Arg_I up Arg_I any Arg_I choice Arg_I by Arg_I chance Arg_I you Arg_I would Arg_I fail Arg_I the Arg_I exam Arg_I . O Undoubtedly O it Arg_B is Arg_I wise Arg_I advice Arg_I which Arg_I you Arg_I have Arg_I hard Arg_I study Arg_I to Arg_I success Arg_I on Arg_I exam Arg_I . O Finally, O you Arg_B have Arg_I to Arg_I work Arg_I hard Arg_I to Arg_I learn Arg_I and Arg_I to Arg_I get Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I information Arg_I before Arg_I doing Arg_I a Arg_I project Arg_I in Arg_I good Arg_I way Arg_I . O The Arg_B most Arg_I fortunate Arg_I people Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I word Arg_I cannot Arg_I manufacture Arg_I an Arg_I automobile Arg_I or Arg_I build Arg_I a Arg_I high Arg_I tower Arg_I just Arg_I by Arg_I her Arg_I or Arg_I his Arg_I chance Arg_I . O These Arg_B plans Arg_I is Arg_I done Arg_I by Arg_I someone Arg_I who Arg_I is Arg_I mastered Arg_I in Arg_I his/her Arg_I work Arg_I . O Undoubtedly O such Arg_B people Arg_I do Arg_I work Arg_I hard Arg_I and Arg_I have Arg_I great Arg_I experiences Arg_I because Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I hard Arg_I works Arg_I . O In O the O end, O I O think O any O great O success O need O great O work O not O great O luck, O even O though O luck Arg_B is Arg_I one Arg_I factor Arg_I in Arg_I reaching Arg_I goal Arg_I but O its Arg_B impact Arg_I is Arg_I extraneous Arg_I and Arg_I we Arg_I must Arg_I not Arg_I reckon Arg_I on Arg_I luck Arg_I in Arg_I our Arg_I plans Arg_I . O Sometimes O it Arg_B is Arg_I good Arg_I to Arg_I learn Arg_I with Arg_I a Arg_I teacher Arg_I and Arg_I sometimes Arg_I on Arg_I my Arg_I own Arg_I Different O people O prefer O different O styles O of O learning O . O I O think O both Arg_B learning Arg_I by Arg_I myself Arg_I and Arg_I learning Arg_I with Arg_I a Arg_I teacher Arg_I could Arg_I be Arg_I helpful Arg_I . O Learning Arg_B with Arg_I a Arg_I teacher Arg_I can Arg_I prevent Arg_I one Arg_I from Arg_I being Arg_I confused Arg_I and Arg_I increase Arg_I the Arg_I rate Arg_I and Arg_I speed Arg_I of Arg_I learning Arg_I . O Another O important O point O is O that O for Arg_B practical Arg_I subjects Arg_I you Arg_I have Arg_I to Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I teacher Arg_I . O On O the O other O hand, O sometimes Arg_B I Arg_I would Arg_I rather Arg_I learning Arg_I on Arg_I my Arg_I own Arg_I . O A Arg_B good Arg_I and Arg_I experienced Arg_I teacher Arg_I can Arg_I help Arg_I me Arg_I learn Arg_I faster Arg_I and Arg_I easier Arg_I . O Sometimes Arg_B when Arg_I learning Arg_I a Arg_I course Arg_I by Arg_I myself Arg_I which Arg_I is Arg_I hard Arg_I and Arg_I confusing Arg_I to Arg_I understand Arg_I and Arg_I has Arg_I few Arg_I sources Arg_I available, Arg_I I Arg_I get Arg_I discouraged Arg_I after Arg_I spending Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I time Arg_I . O In Arg_B this Arg_I situation, Arg_I I'll Arg_I look Arg_I for Arg_I a Arg_I teacher Arg_I and Arg_I request Arg_I for Arg_I help Arg_I from Arg_I him Arg_I or Arg_I her Arg_I . O And Arg_B then Arg_I he Arg_I or Arg_I she Arg_I will Arg_I teach Arg_I me Arg_I the Arg_I course Arg_I efficiently Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I short Arg_I time Arg_I and O therefore O I Arg_B will Arg_I learn Arg_I faster Arg_I and Arg_I better Arg_I and Arg_I won't Arg_I get Arg_I discouraged Arg_I and Arg_I confused Arg_I . O There Arg_B are Arg_I some Arg_I practical Arg_I subjects Arg_I that Arg_I you Arg_I can Arg_I only Arg_I learn Arg_I them Arg_I with Arg_I a Arg_I teacher Arg_I or Arg_I an Arg_I instructor Arg_I . O For O example, O if Arg_B you Arg_I want Arg_I to Arg_I learn Arg_I driving Arg_I a Arg_I car Arg_I or Arg_I some Arg_I jobs Arg_I like Arg_I medicine Arg_I and Arg_I engineering Arg_I and Arg_I some Arg_I sports Arg_I like Arg_I skiing Arg_I and Arg_I swimming, Arg_I you'll Arg_I have Arg_I to Arg_I find Arg_I a Arg_I teacher Arg_I . O It's Arg_B almost Arg_I impossible Arg_I and Arg_I inefficient Arg_I to Arg_I learn Arg_I those Arg_I things Arg_I on Arg_I your Arg_I own Arg_I . O By O the O way, O if O you O are O going O to O learn O some O things O by O yourself, O you O may O learn O and O understand O them O incorrectly! O For O example, O from Arg_B my Arg_I own Arg_I experiences, Arg_I after Arg_I I Arg_I had Arg_I started Arg_I learning Arg_I playing Arg_I the Arg_I guitar Arg_I without Arg_I a Arg_I teacher, Arg_I I Arg_I got Arg_I used Arg_I to Arg_I wrong Arg_I habits Arg_I regarding Arg_I strumming Arg_I and Arg_I tempo, Arg_I but Arg_I after Arg_I finding Arg_I and Arg_I learning Arg_I with Arg_I a Arg_I tutor Arg_I and Arg_I identifying Arg_I and Arg_I eliminating Arg_I those Arg_I incorrect Arg_I habits, Arg_I I Arg_I was Arg_I able Arg_I to Arg_I play Arg_I properly Arg_I . O There Arg_B are Arg_I some Arg_I things Arg_I that Arg_I I Arg_I prefer Arg_I to Arg_I learn Arg_I them Arg_I without Arg_I a Arg_I teacher Arg_I because O I Arg_B won't Arg_I have Arg_I to Arg_I spend Arg_I extra Arg_I money Arg_I for Arg_I a Arg_I teacher Arg_I and Arg_I my Arg_I time Arg_I will Arg_I not Arg_I be Arg_I wasted Arg_I either Arg_I because Arg_I of Arg_I going Arg_I to Arg_I classes Arg_I . O In Arg_B today's Arg_I world Arg_I there Arg_I are Arg_I many Arg_I great Arg_I and Arg_I useful Arg_I sources Arg_I available Arg_I like Arg_I books, Arg_I electronic Arg_I books, Arg_I the Arg_I internet Arg_I and Arg_I TV Arg_I and Arg_I satellite Arg_I . O I Arg_B can Arg_I utilize Arg_I them Arg_I as Arg_I tutorials Arg_I for Arg_I many Arg_I things Arg_I . O For O instance, O I Arg_B can Arg_I learn Arg_I English Arg_I or Arg_I other Arg_I languages Arg_I by Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I helpful Arg_I books Arg_I and Arg_I many Arg_I online Arg_I websites Arg_I . O In O sum, O sometimes O it Arg_B is Arg_I good Arg_I to Arg_I learn Arg_I with Arg_I a Arg_I teacher Arg_I and Arg_I sometimes Arg_I on Arg_I my Arg_I own Arg_I . O In O my O view, O both Arg_B can Arg_I help Arg_I and Arg_I each Arg_I of Arg_I them Arg_I has Arg_I its Arg_I own Arg_I advantages Arg_I and Arg_I disadvantages Arg_I . O Once O you O are O unique O enough, O you O are O already O on O the O way O to O success O Achieving O success O is O everybody's O goal O for O life O and O there O are O absolutely O many O different O directions O that O can O lead O people O to O success O . O Some O people O choose O to O be O normal O to O wait O for O chances, O while O some O other O people O prefer O to O be O different O from O everyone O else O . O Which O one O is O the O promising O way O to O succeed? O In O my O opinion, O I O believe O that O once Arg_B you Arg_I are Arg_I unique Arg_I enough, Arg_I you Arg_I are Arg_I already Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I way Arg_I to Arg_I success Arg_I . O First, O being Arg_B positively Arg_I different Arg_I from Arg_I everyone Arg_I else Arg_I usually Arg_I means Arg_I that Arg_I you've Arg_I achieved Arg_I something Arg_I that Arg_I is Arg_I superior Arg_I than Arg_I others Arg_I . O As Arg_B living Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I competent Arg_I world, Arg_I we Arg_I are Arg_I like Arg_I playing Arg_I a Arg_I survival Arg_I game Arg_I . O Only Arg_B who Arg_I has Arg_I the Arg_I sharpest Arg_I weapon Arg_I can Arg_I survive Arg_I . O If Arg_B you Arg_I don't Arg_I make Arg_I yourself Arg_I outstanding Arg_I enough Arg_I or Arg_I you Arg_I fail Arg_I to Arg_I distinguish Arg_I yourself Arg_I from Arg_I others, Arg_I you Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I easily Arg_I replaced Arg_I and Arg_I eliminated Arg_I by Arg_I someone Arg_I who Arg_I is Arg_I better Arg_I than Arg_I you Arg_I . O Take O myself O for O example, O when Arg_B I Arg_I was Arg_I in Arg_I college, Arg_I I Arg_I was Arg_I always Arg_I chosen Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I the Arg_I presenter Arg_I of Arg_I group Arg_I report Arg_I because O I Arg_B was Arg_I the Arg_I only Arg_I one Arg_I in Arg_I my Arg_I group Arg_I who Arg_I could Arg_I present Arg_I the Arg_I report Arg_I thoroughly Arg_I and Arg_I fluently Arg_I . O Second, O being Arg_B unique Arg_I can Arg_I create Arg_I your Arg_I own Arg_I value Arg_I which Arg_I can Arg_I never Arg_I be Arg_I taken Arg_I by Arg_I others Arg_I . O In O other O words, O once Arg_B you Arg_I are Arg_I special Arg_I and Arg_I unique, Arg_I pursuing Arg_I success Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I matter Arg_I of Arg_I actively Arg_I creating Arg_I the Arg_I fashion Arg_I rather Arg_I than Arg_I passively Arg_I waiting Arg_I for Arg_I other Arg_I people Arg_I to Arg_I recognize Arg_I and Arg_I appreciate Arg_I you Arg_I . O Take Arg_B the Arg_I most Arg_I popular Arg_I and Arg_I prestigious Arg_I technology Arg_I company- Arg_I Apple- Arg_I for Arg_I example Arg_I . O The Arg_B reason Arg_I why Arg_I it Arg_I gains Arg_I such Arg_I a Arg_I tremendous Arg_I success Arg_I is Arg_I because Arg_I it Arg_I achieves Arg_I some Arg_I brilliant Arg_I qualities Arg_I that Arg_I can Arg_I never Arg_I be Arg_I caught Arg_I up Arg_I by Arg_I other Arg_I competitors Arg_I . O It Arg_B has Arg_I its Arg_I operating Arg_I systems Arg_I that Arg_I can Arg_I run Arg_I smoother Arg_I than Arg_I any Arg_I other Arg_I companies Arg_I and Arg_I its Arg_I design Arg_I always Arg_I wins Arg_I the Arg_I popularity Arg_I among Arg_I consumers Arg_I . O It Arg_B is Arg_I the Arg_I uniqueness Arg_I of Arg_I Apple Arg_I design Arg_I that Arg_I creates Arg_I its Arg_I own Arg_I value Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O being Arg_B different Arg_I and Arg_I unique Arg_I is Arg_I the Arg_I better Arg_I way Arg_I to Arg_I achieve Arg_I success Arg_I . O It Arg_B not Arg_I only Arg_I shows Arg_I your Arg_I competence Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I creates Arg_I your Arg_I own Arg_I value, Arg_I making Arg_I you Arg_I take Arg_I the Arg_I lead Arg_I in Arg_I your Arg_I way Arg_I towards Arg_I success Arg_I . O Younger O school O children O should O study O art O and O music O Undoubtedly, O math, O language, O science O and O history O are O all O extremely O important O subjects O in O student's O education O since O these O subjects O provide O students O the O basic O understanding O of O the O world O . O Therefore, O some O people O assert O that O there O is O no O need O to O learn O other O subjects O for O younger O students O . O Nevertheless, O the Arg_B art Arg_I and Arg_I music, Arg_I from Arg_I my Arg_I point Arg_I of Arg_I view, Arg_I are Arg_I also Arg_I essential Arg_I for Arg_I younger Arg_I student's Arg_I future Arg_I life Arg_I because O those Arg_B subjects Arg_I help Arg_I students Arg_I learn Arg_I this Arg_I planet Arg_I from Arg_I another Arg_I perspective Arg_I and Arg_I they Arg_I can Arg_I release Arg_I people Arg_I from Arg_I the Arg_I enormous Arg_I pressure Arg_I nowadays Arg_I . O In O this O case, O I O would O definitely O agree O that O the Arg_B art Arg_I and Arg_I music Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I required Arg_I to Arg_I study Arg_I . O First O of O all, O art Arg_B and Arg_I music Arg_I would Arg_I broaden Arg_I student's Arg_I horizon Arg_I and Arg_I therefore Arg_I make Arg_I them Arg_I thoughtful Arg_I . O It Arg_B is Arg_I well Arg_I known Arg_I that Arg_I the Arg_I art Arg_I and Arg_I music Arg_I are Arg_I not Arg_I bound Arg_I by Arg_I country Arg_I border, Arg_I and Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I something Arg_I that Arg_I is Arg_I shared Arg_I by Arg_I the Arg_I people Arg_I from Arg_I every Arg_I parts Arg_I of Arg_I this Arg_I world Arg_I and Arg_I is Arg_I symbols Arg_I of Arg_I various Arg_I cultures Arg_I . O Under O this O circumstance, O learning Arg_B art Arg_I and Arg_I music Arg_I enables Arg_I students Arg_I to Arg_I appreciate Arg_I the Arg_I fruits Arg_I of Arg_I eminent Arg_I artists Arg_I and Arg_I musicians Arg_I and Arg_I to Arg_I feel Arg_I the Arg_I fascination Arg_I of Arg_I different Arg_I cultures Arg_I . O For O instance, O students Arg_B are Arg_I able Arg_I to Arg_I feel Arg_I the Arg_I greatest Arg_I music Arg_I masterpiece Arg_I in Arg_I Euopren Arg_I as Arg_I the Arg_I symphony Arg_I of Arg_I destiny-Beethoven's Arg_I most Arg_I notable Arg_I workpiece Arg_I is Arg_I played Arg_I . O In O addition, O studying Arg_B art Arg_I and Arg_I music Arg_I is Arg_I also Arg_I the Arg_I appropriate Arg_I outlets Arg_I of Arg_I stress Arg_I and Arg_I superb Arg_I ways Arg_I to Arg_I relax Arg_I . O Obviously, O with Arg_B the Arg_I improvement Arg_I of Arg_I life Arg_I rhythm, Arg_I people Arg_I have Arg_I currently Arg_I suffered Arg_I too Arg_I much Arg_I pressure Arg_I from Arg_I their Arg_I studies Arg_I or Arg_I jobs, Arg_I and Arg_I these Arg_I pressure Arg_I are Arg_I likely Arg_I to Arg_I destroy Arg_I one Arg_I person Arg_I if Arg_I he Arg_I cannot Arg_I find Arg_I a Arg_I way Arg_I to Arg_I emancipate Arg_I himself Arg_I . O Art Arg_B and Arg_I music Arg_I are, Arg_I of Arg_I course Arg_I most Arg_I accessible Arg_I tools Arg_I for Arg_I modern Arg_I people Arg_I to Arg_I liberate Arg_I themselves Arg_I from Arg_I the Arg_I extremely Arg_I stressful Arg_I life Arg_I . O When Arg_B enjoying Arg_I one Arg_I piece Arg_I of Arg_I brilliant Arg_I paintings, Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I the Arg_I Mona Arg_I Lisa, Arg_I people Arg_I would Arg_I put Arg_I all Arg_I their Arg_I pressure Arg_I down Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I ground Arg_I and Arg_I just Arg_I think Arg_I about Arg_I what Arg_I the Arg_I most Arg_I proficient Arg_I and Arg_I mysterious Arg_I smile Arg_I in Arg_I this Arg_I world Arg_I stands Arg_I for Arg_I . O At O this O moment, O they Arg_B would Arg_I totally Arg_I involve Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I ocean Arg_I of Arg_I art Arg_I and Arg_I their Arg_I stressful Arg_I nervous Arg_I would Arg_I be Arg_I relieved Arg_I . O Apparently, O this Arg_B sense Arg_I towards Arg_I art Arg_I is Arg_I built Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I initial Arg_I study Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I art Arg_I . O Admittedly, O the Arg_B study Arg_I of Arg_I art Arg_I and Arg_I music Arg_I is Arg_I supposed Arg_I to Arg_I rely Arg_I on Arg_I younger Arg_I student's Arg_I own Arg_I interest Arg_I . O The Arg_B education Arg_I of Arg_I art Arg_I and Arg_I music Arg_I would Arg_I not Arg_I work Arg_I if Arg_I students Arg_I resist Arg_I it Arg_I . O Thus, O the Arg_B school Arg_I should Arg_I replace Arg_I some Arg_I basic Arg_I science Arg_I class Arg_I with Arg_I some Arg_I art Arg_I and Arg_I music Arg_I class Arg_I in Arg_I order Arg_I to Arg_I cultivate Arg_I student's Arg_I interest Arg_I of Arg_I art Arg_I without Arg_I adding Arg_I extra Arg_I study Arg_I pressure Arg_I . O In O a O nutshell, O in O the O modern O society, O since O understanding O of O the O lengthen O and O depth O of O the O world O is O important O and O meanwhile O people O have O burdened O excessive O pressure, O younger Arg_B students' Arg_I art Arg_I and Arg_I music Arg_I education Arg_I should Arg_I not Arg_I take Arg_I the Arg_I second Arg_I place Arg_I . O Challenges O are O different O from O generation O to O generation O While O debating O about O generation O issues, O people O always O have O different O opinions O . O Some O people O believe O that O little O things O changed O through O generation, O while O others O claim O that O generation O differences O are O presented O in O every O way O . O In O my O opinion, O I O believe O that O every Arg_B prospective Arg_I between Arg_I generations Arg_I alters Arg_I and Arg_I especially Arg_I the Arg_I challenges Arg_I for Arg_I this Arg_I generation Arg_I are Arg_I significantly Arg_I different Arg_I from Arg_I the Arg_I last Arg_I generation Arg_I . O First, O under Arg_B globalization Arg_I and Arg_I industrial Arg_I integration, Arg_I the Arg_I work-related Arg_I challenges Arg_I for Arg_I this Arg_I generation Arg_I are Arg_I getting Arg_I more Arg_I complicated Arg_I and Arg_I challenging Arg_I . O The O successful O people O are O those O who O can O quickly O respond O to O this O rapid-changing O world O . O In Arg_B the Arg_I past, Arg_I focusing Arg_I on Arg_I one Arg_I skill Arg_I was Arg_I enough Arg_I to Arg_I deal Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I problems Arg_I because O every Arg_B industry Arg_I was Arg_I rather Arg_I small Arg_I in Arg_I size Arg_I and Arg_I simple Arg_I to Arg_I manage Arg_I . O However, O as Arg_B those Arg_I industries Arg_I expand Arg_I and Arg_I become Arg_I internationalized, Arg_I people Arg_I are Arg_I required Arg_I to Arg_I equip Arg_I with Arg_I multiple Arg_I skills Arg_I to Arg_I answer Arg_I those Arg_I challenges Arg_I . O For O example, O now O there O are O more O chances O to O do O business O with O people O around O the O world, O so O besides Arg_B one's Arg_I own Arg_I profession, Arg_I language Arg_I ability Arg_I is Arg_I essential Arg_I as Arg_I well Arg_I . O For O another O example, O financial O crimes O are O rampant O in O the O 21st O century, O thus O surging Arg_B up Arg_I demands Arg_I for Arg_I those Arg_I who Arg_I excel Arg_I at Arg_I both Arg_I laws Arg_I and Arg_I financial Arg_I management Arg_I . O Second, O this Arg_B generation Arg_I is Arg_I encountering Arg_I the Arg_I self-recognition Arg_I issue Arg_I which Arg_I could Arg_I not Arg_I be Arg_I experienced Arg_I by Arg_I the Arg_I previous Arg_I generation Arg_I . O The Arg_B past Arg_I generation Arg_I was Arg_I given Arg_I less Arg_I freedom Arg_I and Arg_I was Arg_I usually Arg_I asked Arg_I to Arg_I follow Arg_I the Arg_I paths Arg_I their Arg_I parents Arg_I had Arg_I prepared Arg_I for Arg_I them Arg_I . O In O contrast, O young Arg_B people Arg_I in Arg_I this Arg_I generation Arg_I are Arg_I exposed Arg_I to Arg_I more Arg_I creative Arg_I ideas Arg_I and Arg_I rather Arg_I think Arg_I individually Arg_I . O They Arg_B are Arg_I eager Arg_I for Arg_I finding Arg_I who Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I and Arg_I what Arg_I they Arg_I really Arg_I want Arg_I . O It Arg_B is Arg_I fortunate Arg_I that Arg_I they Arg_I can Arg_I struggle Arg_I with Arg_I these Arg_I sweet Arg_I worries Arg_I and Arg_I these Arg_I worries Arg_I are Arg_I indeed Arg_I never Arg_I easy Arg_I for Arg_I them Arg_I . O They Arg_B have Arg_I to Arg_I make Arg_I decisions Arg_I between Arg_I so Arg_I many Arg_I possibilities Arg_I and Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I responsible Arg_I for Arg_I taking Arg_I the Arg_I consequences Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O challenges Arg_B for Arg_I this Arg_I generation Arg_I are Arg_I more Arg_I complicated Arg_I and Arg_I diverse Arg_I than Arg_I the Arg_I past Arg_I generation, Arg_I whether Arg_I in Arg_I career Arg_I or Arg_I in Arg_I self-identification Arg_I . O It O is O hard O to O judge O which O generation's O problems O are O more O difficult O but O it Arg_B is Arg_I no Arg_I doubt Arg_I that Arg_I until Arg_I the Arg_I next Arg_I generation, Arg_I there Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I whole Arg_I new Arg_I challenges Arg_I waiting Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I next Arg_I youngsters Arg_I . O Whether O it O is O better O to O have O broad O knowledge O or O not O Views O differ O considerably O when O it O comes O to O the O issue O of O whether O having O broad O knowledge O of O many O academic O subjects O is O better O than O specializing O in O one O specific O subject O . O Some O people O believe O that O having O a O broad O knowledge O can O give O you O a O higher O chance O to O success, O while O others O think O that O professional O in O a O specific O subject O is O the O key O to O enroll O a O success O . O Both O of O the O opposite O arguments O appear O to O be O somewhat O convincing O and O stand O to O reason O . O As O far O as O I O am O concerned, O having Arg_B a Arg_I large Arg_I scale Arg_I of Arg_I different Arg_I knowledge Arg_I is Arg_I the Arg_I key Arg_I to Arg_I success Arg_I . O The O following O will O present O my O points O . O First O of O all, O when Arg_B one Arg_I knows Arg_I different Arg_I region's Arg_I works, Arg_I it Arg_I will Arg_I help Arg_I one Arg_I to Arg_I get Arg_I a Arg_I friend Arg_I much Arg_I easier Arg_I . O For O example, O I O worked O in O a O large O company, O which O has O many O different O departments O . O I O was O in O the O Management O Information O System O department O . O What O we O do O every O day O is O to O solve O the O problem O that O our O clients O asked O in O the O phone O . O While O some O of O the O problems O are O the O Engineering O department's O part, O I O went O there O and O discussed O with O the O colleagues O there, O since O I Arg_B have Arg_I studied Arg_I some Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I engineering Arg_I courses Arg_I . O It Arg_B is Arg_I much Arg_I easier Arg_I for Arg_I us Arg_I to Arg_I contact Arg_I than Arg_I any Arg_I other Arg_I person Arg_I in Arg_I my Arg_I department, Arg_I which Arg_I made Arg_I me Arg_I popular Arg_I there, Arg_I and Arg_I much Arg_I easier Arg_I to Arg_I get Arg_I the Arg_I help Arg_I that Arg_I I Arg_I need Arg_I . O Second, O when Arg_B you Arg_I want Arg_I to Arg_I translate Arg_I your Arg_I major, Arg_I it Arg_I is Arg_I important Arg_I to Arg_I know Arg_I some Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I things Arg_I about Arg_I different Arg_I fields Arg_I . O Take O my O cousin O Jeff O and O his O friend O as O an O example O . O They O majored O in O financing O when O they O were O in O college O . O But, O they O decided O to O enroll O in O the O art O system O after O graduated O . O Thanks Arg_B to Arg_I Jeff's Arg_I hard Arg_I working Arg_I during Arg_I his Arg_I leisure Arg_I time, Arg_I he Arg_I learned Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I about Arg_I the Arg_I history Arg_I of Arg_I art Arg_I . O Things Arg_B ended Arg_I up Arg_I that Arg_I he Arg_I joined Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I great Arg_I team, Arg_I while Arg_I his Arg_I friend Arg_I who Arg_I only Arg_I knew Arg_I financing Arg_I issues Arg_I can Arg_I do Arg_I nothing Arg_I but Arg_I worked Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I bank Arg_I . O Although O I O agree O with O the O idea O that O knowing O different O fields O is O important O . O I O think O I O still O have O to O point O out O that O there O are O some O different O points O of O view O . O People O who O hold O different O opinion O may O argue O that O if Arg_B one Arg_I can’t Arg_I success Arg_I one’s Arg_I own Arg_I major, Arg_I what Arg_I else Arg_I things Arg_I he Arg_I can Arg_I do Arg_I in Arg_I different Arg_I filed Arg_I . O Of O course, O it O may O be O true O when O talking O about O this O topic O . O However, O what Arg_B if Arg_I one Arg_I finally Arg_I find Arg_I out Arg_I him Arg_I or Arg_I her Arg_I has Arg_I the Arg_I talent Arg_I in Arg_I other Arg_I filed Arg_I . O In O this O way, O it O won’t O be O a O problem O at O all O . O In O conclusion, O given O the O reasons O described O above, O when O the O advantages O and O disadvantages O of O whether O having O the O knowledge O in O different O fields O is O better O or O not O are O carefully O compared O . O The O best O choice O is O obviously O stand O on O my O side, O which O is O that O a Arg_B broad Arg_I knowledge Arg_I of Arg_I different Arg_I subjects Arg_I is Arg_I really Arg_I important Arg_I . O Successful O people O try O new O things O and O take O risks O I O have O my O own O reasons O why O I O agree O with O the O statement O that O successful O people O try O new O things O and O take O risks O . O There O are O many O viewpoints O regarding O what O the O main O characteristics O of O successful O people O are O . O In O my O opinion, O one O of O the O main O reasons O for O supporting O this O statement O is O that O successful Arg_B people Arg_I can Arg_I learn Arg_I important Arg_I and Arg_I very Arg_I valuable Arg_I points Arg_I from Arg_I trying Arg_I new Arg_I things Arg_I . O The O other O reason O is O that O great Arg_B success Arg_I requires Arg_I taking Arg_I great Arg_I risks Arg_I . O There Arg_B are Arg_I always Arg_I interesting Arg_I and Arg_I useful Arg_I experiences Arg_I that Arg_I successful Arg_I people Arg_I can Arg_I learn Arg_I them Arg_I only Arg_I by Arg_I trying Arg_I new Arg_I things Arg_I . O For O example, O if Arg_B you Arg_I want Arg_I to Arg_I know Arg_I how Arg_I to Arg_I act Arg_I effectively Arg_I when Arg_I communicating Arg_I with Arg_I people, Arg_I you Arg_I can Arg_I try Arg_I something Arg_I new Arg_I like Arg_I salesmanship Arg_I in Arg_I various Arg_I stores Arg_I and Arg_I places Arg_I . O By Arg_B selling Arg_I goods Arg_I or Arg_I other Arg_I commodities Arg_I you Arg_I will Arg_I face Arg_I different Arg_I people Arg_I with Arg_I different Arg_I behaviors Arg_I and Arg_I personalities Arg_I and O as O a O result O you Arg_B will Arg_I learn Arg_I how Arg_I to Arg_I behave Arg_I people Arg_I in Arg_I different Arg_I situations Arg_I and Arg_I jobs Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I future Arg_I . O These Arg_B experiences Arg_I can Arg_I only Arg_I be Arg_I obtained Arg_I by Arg_I trying Arg_I new Arg_I things Arg_I and Arg_I can’t Arg_I be Arg_I always Arg_I found Arg_I in Arg_I books Arg_I . O I O do O believe O that O great Arg_B success Arg_I requires Arg_I taking Arg_I great Arg_I risks Arg_I . O If Arg_B you Arg_I want Arg_I to Arg_I gain Arg_I very Arg_I high Arg_I profits Arg_I in Arg_I investments, Arg_I you Arg_I should Arg_I use Arg_I great Arg_I and Arg_I very Arg_I high Arg_I amounts Arg_I of Arg_I money Arg_I in Arg_I very Arg_I risky Arg_I financial Arg_I decisions Arg_I and Arg_I dealings Arg_I in Arg_I which Arg_I you Arg_I may Arg_I lose Arg_I much Arg_I amount Arg_I of Arg_I money Arg_I . O If Arg_B you Arg_I want Arg_I to Arg_I achieve Arg_I a Arg_I remarkable Arg_I success Arg_I in Arg_I an Arg_I important Arg_I exam, Arg_I you Arg_I should Arg_I risk Arg_I studying Arg_I all Arg_I the Arg_I time Arg_I and Arg_I sacrificing Arg_I your Arg_I free Arg_I time Arg_I and Arg_I your Arg_I favorite Arg_I hobbies Arg_I . O The Arg_B more Arg_I you Arg_I take Arg_I risks, Arg_I the Arg_I greater Arg_I your Arg_I successes Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I . O If Arg_B you Arg_I don’t Arg_I take Arg_I any Arg_I risks, Arg_I you Arg_I will Arg_I have Arg_I an Arg_I ordinary Arg_I life Arg_I with Arg_I average Arg_I successes Arg_I . O That’s O why O it Arg_B is Arg_I important Arg_I to Arg_I take Arg_I risks Arg_I . O In O sum, O I O believe O that O success Arg_B and Arg_I trying Arg_I new Arg_I things Arg_I and Arg_I taking Arg_I risks Arg_I go Arg_I hand Arg_I in Arg_I hand Arg_I and Arg_I to Arg_I achieve Arg_I success Arg_I you Arg_I should Arg_I consider Arg_I them Arg_I . O TV O has O adverse O effects O on O friends O and O family O Nowdays O there O are O different O resources O to O entertain, O educate O and O inform O people O . O One O of O this O resource O is O television; O however O television O has O some O negative O effects O among O some O people O . O Therefore, O I O agree O that O Television Arg_B has Arg_I destroyed Arg_I communication Arg_I among Arg_I friends Arg_I and Arg_I family Arg_I . O Some Arg_B People Arg_I spend Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I time Arg_I watching Arg_I television, Arg_I others Arg_I even Arg_I eat Arg_I watching Arg_I television, Arg_I and Arg_I some Arg_I others Arg_I make Arg_I of Arg_I this Arg_I media Arg_I a Arg_I priority Arg_I . O First O of O all, O some Arg_B people Arg_I spend Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I time Arg_I watching Arg_I television Arg_I . O Instead Arg_B of Arg_I spend Arg_I time Arg_I with Arg_I family Arg_I and Arg_I friends, Arg_I they Arg_I like Arg_I to Arg_I seat Arg_I on Arg_I a Arg_I chair Arg_I for Arg_I hours Arg_I . O I Arg_B know Arg_I someone Arg_I who Arg_I wakes Arg_I up Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I morning Arg_I and Arg_I before Arg_I even Arg_I eat Arg_I he Arg_I turns Arg_I the Arg_I television Arg_I on, Arg_I he Arg_I even Arg_I records Arg_I the Arg_I programs Arg_I he Arg_I cannot Arg_I watch Arg_I during Arg_I work Arg_I hours Arg_I . O Sometimes Arg_B his Arg_I wife Arg_I wants Arg_I to Arg_I talk Arg_I before Arg_I they Arg_I go Arg_I to Arg_I work, Arg_I but Arg_I he Arg_I only Arg_I let Arg_I her Arg_I talk Arg_I during Arg_I commercials Arg_I . O So, O she Arg_B is Arg_I used Arg_I to Arg_I his Arg_I habit Arg_I that Arg_I she Arg_I prefers Arg_I to Arg_I write Arg_I him Arg_I an Arg_I email Arg_I . O Time Arg_B with Arg_I the Arg_I family Arg_I is Arg_I gold, Arg_I some Arg_I people Arg_I have Arg_I to Arg_I realize Arg_I that Arg_I and Arg_I take Arg_I quality Arg_I of Arg_I time Arg_I to Arg_I talk Arg_I to Arg_I them Arg_I . O Another Arg_B way Arg_I television Arg_I has Arg_I destroyed Arg_I communication Arg_I is Arg_I when Arg_I some Arg_I people Arg_I cannot Arg_I even Arg_I seat Arg_I at Arg_I the Arg_I table Arg_I and Arg_I have Arg_I dinner Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I family Arg_I . O This Arg_B is Arg_I the Arg_I time, Arg_I when Arg_I if Arg_I they Arg_I have Arg_I children, Arg_I they Arg_I can Arg_I share Arg_I everything Arg_I about Arg_I school, Arg_I a Arg_I project Arg_I and Arg_I even Arg_I concerns Arg_I . O Also, O when Arg_B there Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I dinner Arg_I with Arg_I friends, Arg_I some Arg_I people Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I fluid Arg_I conversation Arg_I because O the Arg_B television Arg_I is Arg_I again Arg_I in Arg_I between Arg_I them Arg_I . O When Arg_B family Arg_I or Arg_I friends Arg_I gather Arg_I together Arg_I to Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I time Arg_I eating Arg_I and Arg_I talking, Arg_I this Arg_I is Arg_I not Arg_I the Arg_I reality Arg_I in Arg_I some Arg_I cases Arg_I . O Finally, O some Arg_B people Arg_I make Arg_I the Arg_I television Arg_I a Arg_I priority Arg_I . O I Arg_B remember Arg_I a Arg_I friend Arg_I told Arg_I me Arg_I one Arg_I day Arg_I that Arg_I because Arg_I she Arg_I was Arg_I watching Arg_I a Arg_I telenovela Arg_I I Arg_I could Arg_I not Arg_I go Arg_I to Arg_I her Arg_I house Arg_I a Arg_I certain Arg_I time Arg_I during Arg_I the Arg_I night Arg_I . O Honestly, O I O was O in O shock! O How O she O could O say O that O to O me? O . O As O I O have O said, O television O is O a O great O tool O to O learn, O entertain O and O inform O what O is O happening, O but O I O agree O that O television Arg_B has Arg_I destroyed Arg_I communication Arg_I among Arg_I friends Arg_I and Arg_I family Arg_I as Arg_I soon Arg_I as Arg_I television Arg_I become Arg_I a Arg_I priority, Arg_I spend Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I time Arg_I watching Arg_I it Arg_I and Arg_I eat Arg_I in Arg_I front Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I television Arg_I . O Spending O equal O amount O of O money O on O libraries O and O sports? O University O students O can O be O divided O into O two O groups, O one O group O with O less O interest O to O study O and O the O other O which O include O hard O working O students O . O Usually O the O second O group's O members O do O not O have O enough O time O to O do O exercise O . O We O all O know O doing O exercise O for O at O least O 30 O minutes O form O the O basis O of O the O healthy O and O happy O life O . O But O I Arg_B don't Arg_I think Arg_I that Arg_I equal Arg_I amount Arg_I of Arg_I money Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I spent Arg_I on Arg_I academic Arg_I issues Arg_I like Arg_I libraries Arg_I and Arg_I laboratories Arg_I and Arg_I physical Arg_I or Arg_I social Arg_I activities Arg_I . O First, O in O my O view O spending Arg_B too Arg_I much Arg_I money Arg_I for Arg_I equipping Arg_I the Arg_I gyms Arg_I or Arg_I constructing Arg_I football/basketball Arg_I courts Arg_I are Arg_I really Arg_I not Arg_I necessary Arg_I to Arg_I encourage Arg_I students Arg_I to Arg_I do Arg_I sports Arg_I . O For O example, O my Arg_B roommate, Arg_I Mary, Arg_I always Arg_I wakes Arg_I up Arg_I 6 Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I morning Arg_I and Arg_I spends Arg_I 1 Arg_I hour Arg_I doing Arg_I sport Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I park Arg_I which Arg_I is Arg_I near Arg_I our Arg_I dormitory Arg_I . O When Arg_B she Arg_I gets Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I dorm, Arg_I she Arg_I is Arg_I really Arg_I full Arg_I of Arg_I energy Arg_I and Arg_I after Arg_I taking Arg_I a Arg_I shower, Arg_I she Arg_I is Arg_I ready Arg_I to Arg_I start Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I day Arg_I . O As O you O see, O she Arg_B is Arg_I doing Arg_I exercise Arg_I without Arg_I spending Arg_I a Arg_I cent Arg_I . O What Arg_B the Arg_I university Arg_I should Arg_I do Arg_I is Arg_I informing Arg_I the Arg_I students Arg_I the Arg_I benefits Arg_I of Arg_I doing Arg_I sport Arg_I by Arg_I hanging Arg_I some Arg_I posters Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I campus, Arg_I inviting Arg_I some Arg_I athletes Arg_I to Arg_I lecture Arg_I for Arg_I students Arg_I and Arg_I encourage Arg_I them Arg_I to Arg_I spend Arg_I some Arg_I time Arg_I for Arg_I their Arg_I body Arg_I and Arg_I health Arg_I . O In O addition, O students Arg_B choose Arg_I their Arg_I major Arg_I based Arg_I on Arg_I their Arg_I interests Arg_I . O The Arg_B university Arg_I should Arg_I provide Arg_I the Arg_I best Arg_I equipment Arg_I needed Arg_I for Arg_I physical Arg_I education Arg_I students Arg_I . O Because O their Arg_B major Arg_I in Arg_I completely Arg_I involved Arg_I in Arg_I physical Arg_I activities Arg_I . O In O contrast, O for O an O engineer O or O a O medicine O student O I O do O not O find O it O fair O enough O to O equip O gyms O instead O of O their O laboratories, O because O it Arg_B really Arg_I make Arg_I the Arg_I students Arg_I enthusiastic Arg_I to Arg_I use Arg_I innovative Arg_I technology Arg_I to Arg_I learn Arg_I and Arg_I maybe Arg_I find Arg_I new Arg_I things Arg_I in Arg_I their Arg_I field Arg_I . O Finally, O spending Arg_B money Arg_I on Arg_I social Arg_I activities Arg_I looks Arg_I like Arg_I wasting Arg_I money Arg_I . O For Arg_B students Arg_I who Arg_I want Arg_I to Arg_I gather Arg_I with Arg_I their Arg_I friends Arg_I or Arg_I want Arg_I to Arg_I go Arg_I out Arg_I to Arg_I meet Arg_I new Arg_I people, Arg_I university Arg_I programs Arg_I are Arg_I the Arg_I last Arg_I place Arg_I they Arg_I would Arg_I choose Arg_I . O For O example O when Arg_B I Arg_I and Arg_I my Arg_I friends Arg_I want Arg_I to Arg_I spend Arg_I time Arg_I with Arg_I each Arg_I other, Arg_I we Arg_I prefer Arg_I to Arg_I go Arg_I out Arg_I of Arg_I university Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I places Arg_I where Arg_I we Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I want Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I disturbed Arg_I by Arg_I any Arg_I familiar Arg_I people Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O I O do O not O deny O the O importance O of O doing O sports O in O the O success O of O university O students, O but O I O think O both Arg_B sports Arg_I and Arg_I social Arg_I activities Arg_I should Arg_I not Arg_I receive Arg_I equal Arg_I amount Arg_I of Arg_I money Arg_I with Arg_I libraries Arg_I and Arg_I laboratories Arg_I . O Ability O to O Relate O Well O to O people O Vs O Studying O Hard O To O agree O or O disagree O the O statement O that O as O far O as O getting O a O successful O job O in O the O future O concerned, O good O ability O of O relating O to O people O is O more O crucial O than O studying O hard O in O the O univeirsity O is O a O matter O of O balancing O its O pros O and O cons O . O However, O if O one O coniders O the O issue O carefully, O he O or O she O may O agree O the O title O statement O as O I O do O . O First O of O all, O friends Arg_B is Arg_I a Arg_I treasure Arg_I with Arg_I respect Arg_I to Arg_I either Arg_I our Arg_I daylife Arg_I or Arg_I our Arg_I career Arg_I . O Relating Arg_B well Arg_I to Arg_I people Arg_I can Arg_I bring Arg_I plenty Arg_I of Arg_I merits Arg_I to Arg_I future Arg_I job Arg_I . O Having Arg_B a Arg_I good Arg_I ability Arg_I of Arg_I relate Arg_I to Arg_I people Arg_I means Arg_I you Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I number Arg_I of Arg_I friends Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I variety Arg_I of Arg_I fields, Arg_I imagine Arg_I when Arg_I you Arg_I are Arg_I in Arg_I trouble, Arg_I you Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I people Arg_I who Arg_I have Arg_I good Arg_I relationship Arg_I with Arg_I you, Arg_I so Arg_I you Arg_I can Arg_I ask Arg_I for Arg_I your Arg_I friends Arg_I to Arg_I help Arg_I you Arg_I solve Arg_I this Arg_I problem Arg_I as Arg_I soon Arg_I as Arg_I possible, Arg_I even Arg_I an Arg_I esy Arg_I phone Arg_I call, Arg_I instend Arg_I of Arg_I a Arg_I series Arg_I of Arg_I complex Arg_I solutions Arg_I . O Futuermore, O no Arg_B matter Arg_I who Arg_I you Arg_I are Arg_I a Arg_I top-level Arg_I managers Arg_I of Arg_I a Arg_I company Arg_I or Arg_I a Arg_I low-level Arg_I employee Arg_I of Arg_I that Arg_I company, Arg_I relating Arg_I well Arg_I to Arg_I people Arg_I is Arg_I also Arg_I a Arg_I importent Arg_I issue Arg_I . O If Arg_B top-level Arg_I managers Arg_I want Arg_I to Arg_I make Arg_I a Arg_I project Arg_I successful, Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I relationship Arg_I with Arg_I their Arg_I subordinaries Arg_I is Arg_I the Arg_I prerequisit Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I managers' Arg_I work Arg_I complete Arg_I successfully, Arg_I managers Arg_I should Arg_I listen Arg_I to Arg_I their Arg_I employees Arg_I needs Arg_I and Arg_I complaints Arg_I about Arg_I this Arg_I job, Arg_I pay Arg_I much Arg_I patiant Arg_I and Arg_I care Arg_I to Arg_I them Arg_I . O Consequently, O make Arg_B a Arg_I good Arg_I relationship Arg_I with Arg_I them Arg_I . O On O the O other O side, O if O a O low-level O employee O desire O to O enhance O his O position, O it's O fairly O important O to O have O a O good O relationship O with O their O boss, O only Arg_B if Arg_I the Arg_I employee Arg_I is Arg_I considered Arg_I excellent Arg_I in Arg_I his Arg_I boss's Arg_I eyes, Arg_I he Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I more Arg_I possible Arg_I to Arg_I enhance Arg_I position Arg_I . O However, O someone O may O maintain O that O good Arg_B specify Arg_I knowledge Arg_I is Arg_I more Arg_I crucial Arg_I for Arg_I future Arg_I job Arg_I . O Studying Arg_B harder Arg_I in Arg_I school, Arg_I getting Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I resume Arg_I and Arg_I absorbing Arg_I lots Arg_I of Arg_I working Arg_I knowledge, Arg_I which Arg_I can Arg_I make Arg_I these Arg_I graduates Arg_I more Arg_I competitive Arg_I than Arg_I other Arg_I applicants Arg_I in Arg_I one Arg_I certain Arg_I job Arg_I . O But O imagine O it, O a O person O who O is O good O at O working O knowledge O but O has O an O poorly O relate O to O people, O and O a O person O who O has O a O good O ability O of O relating O to O people O but O his O working O knowledge O is O less O better O than O the O former, O which O person O do O you O want O to O be? O I O think O majority Arg_B of Arg_I people Arg_I would Arg_I choose Arg_I the Arg_I former Arg_I because O it Arg_B has Arg_I more Arg_I chance Arg_I than Arg_I the Arg_I latter Arg_I in Arg_I terms Arg_I of Arg_I getting Arg_I good Arg_I jobs Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I future Arg_I . O In O my O point O of O view, O I Arg_B do Arg_I really Arg_I prefer Arg_I to Arg_I improve Arg_I my Arg_I ability Arg_I of Arg_I relating Arg_I people Arg_I and Arg_I make Arg_I more Arg_I friends Arg_I rather Arg_I than Arg_I studying Arg_I hard Arg_I in Arg_I school Arg_I . O It O is O essential O to O have O ability O to O plan O and O organize O With O the O fast O rolling O wheels O of O modern O society, O life O becomes O more O complex O and O is O not O easy O to O handle O than O in O the O past O . O Therefore, O it Arg_B is Arg_I essential Arg_I for Arg_I people, Arg_I especially Arg_I young Arg_I ones, Arg_I to Arg_I possess Arg_I the Arg_I ability Arg_I to Arg_I plan Arg_I and Arg_I organize Arg_I since O it Arg_B can Arg_I improve Arg_I the Arg_I efficiency Arg_I and Arg_I reduce Arg_I the Arg_I crisis Arg_I of Arg_I our Arg_I actions Arg_I . O Meanwhile, O eliminating O meaningless O actions O . O First O of O all, O great Arg_B planning Arg_I and Arg_I organizing Arg_I ability Arg_I is Arg_I able Arg_I to Arg_I cause Arg_I our Arg_I actions Arg_I more Arg_I efficient Arg_I and Arg_I productive Arg_I . O Take Arg_B myself Arg_I as Arg_I an Arg_I example, Arg_I I Arg_I used Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I overwhelmed Arg_I by Arg_I the Arg_I burden Arg_I of Arg_I preparing Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I final Arg_I exam, Arg_I submitting Arg_I my Arg_I paper, Arg_I and Arg_I finishing Arg_I my Arg_I internship Arg_I work Arg_I at Arg_I the Arg_I end Arg_I of Arg_I each Arg_I term Arg_I . O Yet, Arg_B in Arg_I this Arg_I year, Arg_I following Arg_I the Arg_I suggestion Arg_I of Arg_I my Arg_I roommate, Arg_I John, Arg_I I Arg_I make Arg_I a Arg_I to-do Arg_I list Arg_I to Arg_I plan Arg_I and Arg_I organize Arg_I perfectly Arg_I everything Arg_I I Arg_I should Arg_I get Arg_I done Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I final Arg_I and Arg_I hence Arg_I take Arg_I every Arg_I tasks Arg_I and Arg_I trivials Arg_I into Arg_I control Arg_I . O This Arg_B plan Arg_I ability Arg_I helps Arg_I me Arg_I a Arg_I lot, Arg_I making Arg_I me Arg_I climb Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I top Arg_I rank Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I class Arg_I while Arg_I finishing Arg_I everything Arg_I else Arg_I . O Equally O important, O the Arg_B capacity Arg_I to Arg_I plan Arg_I and Arg_I organize Arg_I also Arg_I help Arg_I young Arg_I people Arg_I to Arg_I eliminate Arg_I the Arg_I crisis Arg_I in Arg_I their Arg_I actions, Arg_I which Arg_I may Arg_I ruin Arg_I one's Arg_I whole Arg_I effort Arg_I over Arg_I a Arg_I very Arg_I long Arg_I time Arg_I . O As O we O all O know, O the Arg_B employees Arg_I in Arg_I every Arg_I company Arg_I have Arg_I to Arg_I create Arg_I profit Arg_I as Arg_I much Arg_I as Arg_I they Arg_I can Arg_I for Arg_I their Arg_I supervisors Arg_I and Arg_I complete Arg_I their Arg_I assignments Arg_I perfectly Arg_I . O If Arg_B some Arg_I employees Arg_I lack Arg_I the Arg_I ability Arg_I to Arg_I plan Arg_I and Arg_I organize Arg_I ahead, Arg_I they Arg_I may Arg_I get Arg_I the Arg_I procrastination Arg_I and Arg_I therefore Arg_I take Arg_I into Arg_I action Arg_I until Arg_I the Arg_I deadline Arg_I is Arg_I imminent Arg_I . O However, O things O have O been O changing O all O the O time O . O For O instance, O the Arg_B deadline Arg_I of Arg_I task Arg_I is Arg_I shifted Arg_I to Arg_I an Arg_I earlier Arg_I date Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I change Arg_I of Arg_I company's Arg_I schedule Arg_I . O In O this O case, O those Arg_B employees Arg_I who Arg_I did Arg_I not Arg_I plan Arg_I and Arg_I finish Arg_I their Arg_I assignments Arg_I ahead Arg_I of Arg_I time Arg_I perhaps Arg_I are Arg_I unable Arg_I to Arg_I finish Arg_I these Arg_I tasks Arg_I on Arg_I time Arg_I and Arg_I therefore Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I penalized Arg_I or Arg_I get Arg_I fired Arg_I . O Every Arg_B employee Arg_I can Arg_I not Arg_I afford Arg_I this Arg_I kind Arg_I of Arg_I loss Arg_I . O Finally, O some O assert O that O the Arg_B ability Arg_I to Arg_I plan Arg_I and Arg_I organize Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I learned Arg_I until Arg_I obtaining Arg_I a Arg_I job Arg_I . O Thus, O it Arg_B is Arg_I not Arg_I need Arg_I for Arg_I young Arg_I people Arg_I to Arg_I possess Arg_I this Arg_I ability Arg_I . O Nevertheless, O this Arg_B ability Arg_I is Arg_I also Arg_I essential Arg_I for Arg_I young Arg_I people Arg_I since O young Arg_B people Arg_I can Arg_I overcome Arg_I their Arg_I bad Arg_I habits Arg_I and Arg_I fulfill Arg_I their Arg_I goals Arg_I more Arg_I quickly Arg_I with Arg_I this Arg_I ability Arg_I . O As Arg_B searching Arg_I information Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I internet, Arg_I young Arg_I people Arg_I are Arg_I probably Arg_I distracted Arg_I by Arg_I other Arg_I attractions Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I online Arg_I games Arg_I or Arg_I social Arg_I webs Arg_I . O At O this O circumstances, O they Arg_B would Arg_I surf Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I internet Arg_I for Arg_I hours Arg_I and Arg_I end Arg_I up Arg_I no Arg_I where Arg_I . O It Arg_B is Arg_I obviously Arg_I a Arg_I huge Arg_I waste Arg_I of Arg_I time Arg_I . O But O if Arg_B they Arg_I make Arg_I their Arg_I plan Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I first Arg_I place, Arg_I and Arg_I then Arg_I stick Arg_I to Arg_I their Arg_I plans, Arg_I they Arg_I could Arg_I get Arg_I their Arg_I work Arg_I done Arg_I quickly Arg_I beyond Arg_I their Arg_I imagination Arg_I . O In O this O complex O society, O we, O young O people, O are O encompassed O with O multiple O tasks, O so O the Arg_B ability Arg_I to Arg_I plan Arg_I and Arg_I organize Arg_I is Arg_I undoubtedly Arg_I a Arg_I powerful Arg_I and Arg_I sharp Arg_I weapon Arg_I that Arg_I we Arg_I must Arg_I be Arg_I armed Arg_I with Arg_I . O Students O should O attend O to O classes O or O it O should O be O optional? O Nowadays, O it O is O often O claimed O that O attending O classes O has O a O lot O of O benefits O for O students O and O provide O them O with O a O variety O of O learning O opportunities O (options) O as O well O . O On O the O contrary O to O this O popular O belief, O there O are O still O those O who O subscribe O to O this O view O that O having O a O choice O for O attending O classes O enable O students O to O study O at O home O and O through O this O way O they O do O not O waste O their O time O for O commuting O and O also O they O can O save O their O money O . O However, O I O am O inclined O to O believe O that O being Arg_B present Arg_I at Arg_I classes Arg_I seems Arg_I a Arg_I wiser Arg_I option Arg_I . O First O and O foremost, O I O truly O believe O that O being Arg_B present Arg_I at Arg_I classes Arg_I provide Arg_I students Arg_I with Arg_I opportunity Arg_I of Arg_I communicating Arg_I with Arg_I other Arg_I students Arg_I that Arg_I is Arg_I beneficial Arg_I for Arg_I understanding Arg_I new Arg_I material Arg_I by Arg_I reviewing Arg_I them Arg_I throughout Arg_I the Arg_I free Arg_I times Arg_I in Arg_I college Arg_I . O Also, O they Arg_B can Arg_I help Arg_I each Arg_I other Arg_I for Arg_I learning Arg_I materials Arg_I better Arg_I . O However, O if Arg_B they Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I attend Arg_I classes Arg_I they Arg_I cannot Arg_I use Arg_I the Arg_I help Arg_I of Arg_I others Arg_I for Arg_I assisting Arg_I them Arg_I to Arg_I comprehend Arg_I difficult Arg_I problems Arg_I . O Another O significant O fact O which O should O be O taken O into O consideration O is O that O by Arg_B the Arg_I help Arg_I of Arg_I teachers, Arg_I students Arg_I can Arg_I understand Arg_I ideas Arg_I faster Arg_I and Arg_I easier Arg_I since O teachers Arg_B explain Arg_I them Arg_I thoroughly Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I class Arg_I and Arg_I after Arg_I that Arg_I give Arg_I them Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I examples Arg_I to Arg_I clarify Arg_I the Arg_I points Arg_I . O In Arg_B this Arg_I way Arg_I attending Arg_I classes Arg_I not Arg_I only Arg_I wastes Arg_I their Arg_I time Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I facilitates Arg_I their Arg_I understanding Arg_I process Arg_I that Arg_I takes Arg_I them Arg_I less Arg_I time Arg_I for Arg_I comprehending Arg_I materials Arg_I in Arg_I comparison Arg_I with Arg_I self-study Arg_I . O Finally O yet O importantly, O appearing Arg_B in Arg_I class Arg_I makes Arg_I students Arg_I more Arg_I conscientious Arg_I since O they Arg_B have Arg_I to Arg_I obey Arg_I class’s Arg_I disciplines Arg_I and Arg_I they Arg_I practice Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I more Arg_I perseverance Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I process Arg_I of Arg_I doing Arg_I their Arg_I assignments Arg_I . O However, O the Arg_B ones Arg_I who Arg_I choose Arg_I to Arg_I study Arg_I at Arg_I home Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I have Arg_I any Arg_I discipline Arg_I for Arg_I their Arg_I studies Arg_I and Arg_I cannot Arg_I force Arg_I themselves Arg_I to Arg_I study Arg_I in Arg_I particular Arg_I times Arg_I . O Through O this O way, O they Arg_B may Arg_I miss Arg_I some Arg_I important Arg_I parts Arg_I in Arg_I virtue Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I chaotic Arg_I and Arg_I incoherent Arg_I study Arg_I . O On O the O basis O of O the O points O mentioned O above, O I O convinced O that O communicating Arg_B and Arg_I studying Arg_I with Arg_I peer Arg_I group Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I way Arg_I for Arg_I learning Arg_I materials Arg_I . O Moreover, O teachers Arg_B have Arg_I a Arg_I conspicuous Arg_I role Arg_I in Arg_I assisting Arg_I students Arg_I for Arg_I learning Arg_I materials Arg_I that Arg_I being Arg_I present Arg_I at Arg_I classes Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I requisite Arg_I for Arg_I benefiting Arg_I it Arg_I . O Also, O attending Arg_B to Arg_I classes Arg_I makes Arg_I students Arg_I more Arg_I attentive Arg_I and Arg_I have Arg_I them Arg_I to Arg_I do Arg_I their Arg_I studies Arg_I on Arg_I time Arg_I that Arg_I this Arg_I attitude Arg_I lead Arg_I them Arg_I to Arg_I success Arg_I . O Telephones O and O emails O have O made O personal O communication O less O required O There O are O many O advantage O of O these O invention, O telephones O and O email O . O Communication Arg_B between Arg_I people Arg_I by Arg_I using Arg_I telephones Arg_I and Arg_I email Arg_I made Arg_I my Arg_I life Arg_I easier Arg_I . O I Arg_B personally Arg_I disagree Arg_I with Arg_I this Arg_I notion Arg_I that Arg_I these Arg_I types Arg_I of Arg_I communication, Arg_I telephones Arg_I and Arg_I email, Arg_I made Arg_I people Arg_I less Arg_I personal Arg_I . O I O will O give O several O reasons O to O support O my O opinion O . O To O begin O with, O telephones Arg_B and Arg_I email Arg_I help Arg_I people, Arg_I who Arg_I live Arg_I far Arg_I away Arg_I from Arg_I other Arg_I people, Arg_I to Arg_I connect Arg_I each Arg_I other Arg_I . O Unlike Arg_B email, Arg_I send Arg_I message Arg_I by Arg_I using Arg_I mail Arg_I service Arg_I could Arg_I be Arg_I lost Arg_I and Arg_I could Arg_I be Arg_I sent Arg_I to Arg_I wrong Arg_I address Arg_I . O I Arg_B can Arg_I using Arg_I telephones Arg_I and Arg_I email Arg_I to Arg_I talk Arg_I or Arg_I write Arg_I directly Arg_I to Arg_I people Arg_I I Arg_I want Arg_I to Arg_I connect Arg_I with Arg_I . O For O example, O right O now, O I O am O in O the O U O .S O . O It Arg_B is Arg_I not Arg_I possible Arg_I to Arg_I have Arg_I conversation Arg_I in Arg_I person Arg_I with Arg_I my Arg_I parents, Arg_I who Arg_I live Arg_I in Arg_I my Arg_I country Arg_I . O Consequently, O I Arg_B can Arg_I make Arg_I a Arg_I phone Arg_I call Arg_I or Arg_I write Arg_I email Arg_I to Arg_I my Arg_I parents Arg_I whenever Arg_I I Arg_I want Arg_I . O Telephones Arg_B and Arg_I email Arg_I made Arg_I me Arg_I feel Arg_I close Arg_I to Arg_I my Arg_I parents Arg_I . O Second, O using Arg_B telephones Arg_I and Arg_I email Arg_I could Arg_I express Arg_I some Arg_I important Arg_I words Arg_I better Arg_I than Arg_I face-to-face Arg_I communication Arg_I . O For O instant, O sometime Arg_B when Arg_I I Arg_I argue Arg_I with Arg_I my Arg_I friends, Arg_I I Arg_I cannot Arg_I express Arg_I my Arg_I self Arg_I to Arg_I my Arg_I friends Arg_I at Arg_I that Arg_I moment Arg_I . O So, O when Arg_B I Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I time Arg_I to Arg_I realize Arg_I what Arg_I had Arg_I happened, Arg_I I Arg_I could Arg_I explain Arg_I the Arg_I real Arg_I thought Arg_I that Arg_I I Arg_I want Arg_I to Arg_I express Arg_I without Arg_I emotion Arg_I . O Thus, O these Arg_B types Arg_I of Arg_I communications Arg_I make Arg_I me Arg_I feel Arg_I personal Arg_I . O Telephones Arg_B and Arg_I email Arg_I make Arg_I me Arg_I feel Arg_I personal Arg_I because O I Arg_B could Arg_I directly Arg_I connect Arg_I with Arg_I people Arg_I that Arg_I I Arg_I love Arg_I . O Beside, O I Arg_B could Arg_I express Arg_I my Arg_I personal Arg_I thought Arg_I through Arg_I telephones Arg_I and Arg_I email Arg_I . O As O a O result, O I O believe O that O telephones Arg_B and Arg_I email Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I make Arg_I communication Arg_I between Arg_I people Arg_I less Arg_I personal Arg_I . O Big O city O vs O small O town O I Arg_B highly Arg_I prefer Arg_I living Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I big Arg_I city Arg_I to Arg_I living Arg_I in Arg_I countryside Arg_I . O The Arg_B big Arg_I cities Arg_I have Arg_I lots Arg_I of Arg_I advantages Arg_I and Arg_I facilities Arg_I over Arg_I the Arg_I small Arg_I towns Arg_I . O Where O a O person O lives O and O grow O up O is O very O important O to O his O future O life, O because O the Arg_B environment Arg_I that Arg_I a Arg_I person Arg_I grow Arg_I up, Arg_I build Arg_I the Arg_I personality Arg_I and Arg_I his/her Arg_I culture Arg_I . O There Arg_B are Arg_I lots Arg_I of Arg_I social Arg_I places Arg_I in Arg_I big Arg_I cities Arg_I like Arg_I restaurants, Arg_I museums, Arg_I bars, Arg_I sporting Arg_I clubs, Arg_I cinemas, Arg_I theatre Arg_I and Arg_I etc Arg_I . O People Arg_B in Arg_I big Arg_I cities Arg_I have Arg_I many Arg_I options Arg_I to Arg_I enjoy Arg_I their Arg_I life Arg_I and Arg_I spend Arg_I their Arg_I times Arg_I with Arg_I their Arg_I friends Arg_I in Arg_I social Arg_I places Arg_I in Arg_I contrary Arg_I to Arg_I people Arg_I living Arg_I in Arg_I small Arg_I towns Arg_I who Arg_I have Arg_I few Arg_I choices Arg_I and Arg_I at Arg_I most Arg_I cases Arg_I one Arg_I bar Arg_I or Arg_I one Arg_I cinema Arg_I to Arg_I socialize Arg_I with Arg_I their Arg_I friends Arg_I . O In Arg_B big Arg_I cities Arg_I educational Arg_I facilities Arg_I is Arg_I quite Arg_I better Arg_I than Arg_I small Arg_I towns Arg_I with Arg_I more Arg_I experienced Arg_I and Arg_I profession Arg_I teachers Arg_I . O It’s O undisputed O that O in Arg_B this Arg_I modern Arg_I world Arg_I education Arg_I has Arg_I a Arg_I very Arg_I important Arg_I role Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I human Arg_I kind Arg_I future Arg_I life Arg_I . O Better Arg_B education Arg_I results Arg_I better Arg_I career Arg_I and Arg_I been Arg_I well Arg_I paid Arg_I . O So O persons Arg_B in Arg_I big Arg_I cities Arg_I have Arg_I more Arg_I chance Arg_I to Arg_I get Arg_I the Arg_I better Arg_I job Arg_I than Arg_I people Arg_I living Arg_I in Arg_I small Arg_I towns Arg_I . O Also O lots Arg_B of Arg_I companies Arg_I placed Arg_I in Arg_I big Arg_I cities Arg_I and Arg_I there Arg_I are Arg_I more Arg_I job Arg_I positions Arg_I in Arg_I there Arg_I than Arg_I small Arg_I towns Arg_I . O But O by O living O in O big O cities O one O sacrifices O quiet O and O peaceful O life O with O breathing O fresh O air O and O loses O much O time O in O traffic O and O anyway O for O transportation, O because O distances Arg_B in Arg_I big Arg_I cities Arg_I often Arg_I are Arg_I too Arg_I far Arg_I to Arg_I pass Arg_I quickly Arg_I . O Every Arg_B technology Arg_I has Arg_I it’s Arg_I good Arg_I and Arg_I bad Arg_I effects Arg_I but Arg_I I Arg_I prefer Arg_I having Arg_I the Arg_I technologies Arg_I with Arg_I their Arg_I disadvantages Arg_I to Arg_I living Arg_I like Arg_I 16 Arg_I century Arg_I without Arg_I any Arg_I of Arg_I modern Arg_I facilities Arg_I of Arg_I technology Arg_I . O In O addition O to O what O mentioned, O medical Arg_B technologies Arg_I is Arg_I completely Arg_I better Arg_I in Arg_I big Arg_I cities Arg_I and Arg_I in Arg_I my Arg_I view Arg_I this Arg_I profit Arg_I overcomes Arg_I all Arg_I the Arg_I bad Arg_I influences Arg_I of Arg_I technologies Arg_I on Arg_I human Arg_I kind Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O in O my O view O living Arg_B in Arg_I big Arg_I cities Arg_I is Arg_I quite Arg_I funnier Arg_I and Arg_I better Arg_I and Arg_I more Arg_I exciting Arg_I than Arg_I living Arg_I in Arg_I small Arg_I towns Arg_I because Arg_I of Arg_I many Arg_I more Arg_I social Arg_I places, Arg_I technologies Arg_I facilities, Arg_I better Arg_I education Arg_I and Arg_I medical Arg_I services Arg_I . O Which O do O you O prefer: O do O only O what O you O already O do O well, O or O not O . O You O may O love O to O try O new O things O and O take O risks O even O if O you O aren't O good O at O the O things O . O That O may O help O you O expand O experiences, O look O for O your O personalities O and O find O your O new O talents O . O This O ideal, O however, O doesn't O necessarily O be O accomplished O . O If O not, O you O might O lose O another O chance O that O you O could O use O to O accomplish O other O things O . O So, O I O definitely O believe O that O you Arg_B should Arg_I focus Arg_I on Arg_I what Arg_I you Arg_I are Arg_I good Arg_I at Arg_I . O Focusing Arg_B what Arg_I you Arg_I are Arg_I good Arg_I at Arg_I helps Arg_I you Arg_I attain Arg_I your Arg_I goal Arg_I . O Without O doubt, O the Arg_B more Arg_I time Arg_I you Arg_I spend Arg_I on Arg_I what Arg_I you Arg_I do Arg_I well, Arg_I the Arg_I more Arg_I likely Arg_I to Arg_I achieve Arg_I something Arg_I great Arg_I you Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I . O For O instance, O Albert Arg_B Einstein, Arg_I one Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I most Arg_I competent Arg_I physicians Arg_I in Arg_I history, Arg_I devoted Arg_I most Arg_I of Arg_I his Arg_I life Arg_I to Arg_I develop Arg_I theory Arg_I in Arg_I physics Arg_I and Arg_I finally Arg_I established Arg_I special Arg_I and Arg_I general Arg_I relativity Arg_I . O Instead, O he Arg_B hardly Arg_I cared Arg_I about Arg_I something Arg_I else Arg_I . O It Arg_B is Arg_I said Arg_I that, Arg_I surprisingly, Arg_I he Arg_I never Arg_I tried Arg_I to Arg_I distinguish Arg_I a Arg_I hand Arg_I soup Arg_I and Arg_I a Arg_I facial Arg_I soup Arg_I because, O at O least O for O him, O using Arg_B two Arg_I different Arg_I soups Arg_I properly Arg_I was Arg_I quite Arg_I annoying Arg_I . O As O the O example O above O indicates, O you Arg_B will Arg_I be Arg_I more Arg_I likely Arg_I to Arg_I accomplish Arg_I your Arg_I purpose Arg_I by Arg_I concentrating Arg_I on Arg_I what Arg_I you Arg_I do Arg_I well Arg_I . O If Arg_B you Arg_I keep Arg_I doing Arg_I what Arg_I you Arg_I already Arg_I do Arg_I well, Arg_I you Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I better Arg_I good Arg_I at Arg_I it Arg_I . O When Arg_B you're Arg_I doing Arg_I something Arg_I well, Arg_I you Arg_I will Arg_I feel Arg_I more Arg_I satisfied Arg_I and Arg_I more Arg_I interested Arg_I in Arg_I it Arg_I . O Then, O you Arg_B will Arg_I motivate Arg_I yourself Arg_I to Arg_I do Arg_I more Arg_I . O To O give O an O example, O I Arg_B used Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I good Arg_I at Arg_I math Arg_I when Arg_I I Arg_I was Arg_I in Arg_I junior Arg_I high Arg_I school Arg_I . O Because O I O was O really O satisfied O with O the O fact O that O I O could O do O preferably, O I Arg_B became Arg_I to Arg_I absorb Arg_I myself Arg_I to Arg_I try Arg_I more Arg_I advanced Arg_I level Arg_I of Arg_I math Arg_I problems Arg_I . O As O a O result, O I Arg_B could Arg_I not Arg_I only Arg_I get Arg_I higher Arg_I scores Arg_I in Arg_I math Arg_I test Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I solve Arg_I the Arg_I university-level Arg_I problems Arg_I . O Thus, O by Arg_B doing Arg_I what Arg_I you Arg_I are Arg_I good Arg_I at, Arg_I you Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I better Arg_I at Arg_I it Arg_I . O In O summary, O doing Arg_B what Arg_I you Arg_I can Arg_I already Arg_I do Arg_I well Arg_I helps Arg_I you Arg_I make Arg_I a Arg_I big Arg_I accomplishment Arg_I and Arg_I do Arg_I it Arg_I much Arg_I better Arg_I . O Children O managing O their O own O money O - O best O way O to O learn O responsibility O One O of O the O best O characteristics O of O a O mature O adult O is O responsibility, O specially O in O financially O matters O . O Actually O what O is O the O best O way O to O learn O responsibility? O many O people O argue O about O learning O their O children O the O financial O responsibility O in O young O ages O or O in O adulthood O . O I O am O a O kind O of O person O who O believes O to O children O should O learn O to O manage O their O own O money O at O a O young O age, O due O to O reasons O that O I O stated O below O . O The O first O important O point O that O I O want O to O make O is O that O sociologists Arg_B found Arg_I that Arg_I our Arg_I characteristics Arg_I and Arg_I personality Arg_I forms Arg_I early Arg_I in Arg_I life, Arg_I even Arg_I though Arg_I when Arg_I we Arg_I are Arg_I not Arg_I borne Arg_I . O So O it Arg_B is Arg_I crucial Arg_I to Arg_I learn Arg_I our Arg_I children Arg_I as Arg_I soon Arg_I as Arg_I possible Arg_I to Arg_I learn Arg_I financially Arg_I issues Arg_I . O To O clarify O my O point O I O would O like O to O say O a O memory O from O my O childhood, O when Arg_B I Arg_I was Arg_I at Arg_I age Arg_I 7 Arg_I my Arg_I father Arg_I gave Arg_I me Arg_I monthly Arg_I money Arg_I to Arg_I buy Arg_I thing Arg_I that Arg_I I Arg_I liked Arg_I . O First Arg_B time Arg_I I Arg_I spend Arg_I the Arg_I whole Arg_I money Arg_I to Arg_I eat Arg_I at Arg_I school Arg_I and Arg_I my Arg_I money Arg_I finished Arg_I . O I Arg_B asked Arg_I my Arg_I father Arg_I for Arg_I extra Arg_I money, Arg_I but Arg_I he Arg_I refuse Arg_I to Arg_I give Arg_I it Arg_I to Arg_I me Arg_I . O I Arg_B found Arg_I that Arg_I I Arg_I should Arg_I manage Arg_I the Arg_I way Arg_I that Arg_I I Arg_I spend Arg_I money Arg_I . O From O then O I Arg_B learned Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I economical Arg_I and Arg_I now Arg_I I Arg_I have Arg_I every Arg_I thing Arg_I I Arg_I wanted Arg_I . O Another O aspect O of O learning O children O to O manage O their O money O is O on O the O finance O of O the O family O . O If Arg_B parents Arg_I get Arg_I the Arg_I children Arg_I all Arg_I they Arg_I wanted, Arg_I they Arg_I would Arg_I be Arg_I run Arg_I out Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I money Arg_I for Arg_I their Arg_I essential Arg_I needs Arg_I . O Even Arg_B in Arg_I rich Arg_I families Arg_I if Arg_I children Arg_I did Arg_I not Arg_I learn Arg_I to Arg_I manage Arg_I their Arg_I own Arg_I money, Arg_I when Arg_I they Arg_I grow Arg_I up Arg_I they Arg_I will Arg_I become Arg_I unappreciative Arg_I and Arg_I dependent Arg_I persons Arg_I who Arg_I want Arg_I to Arg_I just Arg_I used Arg_I their Arg_I parents Arg_I prosperity Arg_I . O As O a O case O in O point, O I Arg_B had Arg_I a Arg_I friend Arg_I to Arg_I had Arg_I a Arg_I rich Arg_I and Arg_I prosperous Arg_I family, Arg_I his Arg_I parent Arg_I gave Arg_I him Arg_I everything Arg_I he Arg_I demanded Arg_I from Arg_I his Arg_I childhood Arg_I . O He Arg_B became Arg_I an Arg_I arrogant Arg_I person Arg_I who Arg_I could Arg_I not Arg_I stand Arg_I on Arg_I his Arg_I feet Arg_I and Arg_I always Arg_I asked Arg_I for Arg_I money Arg_I . O His Arg_B parent Arg_I tried Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I and Arg_I hired Arg_I some Arg_I experts Arg_I to Arg_I learn Arg_I him Arg_I manage Arg_I his Arg_I financial Arg_I and Arg_I carrier Arg_I life, Arg_I but Arg_I unfortunately Arg_I it Arg_I was Arg_I useless Arg_I . O Finally Arg_B one Arg_I night, Arg_I having Arg_I fun Arg_I with Arg_I his Arg_I irresponsible Arg_I friend Arg_I in Arg_I his Arg_I luxuries Arg_I car, Arg_I he Arg_I crashed Arg_I a Arg_I truck Arg_I and Arg_I died Arg_I . O Not Arg_B only Arg_I did Arg_I he Arg_I cause Arg_I lots Arg_I of Arg_I damage Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I society Arg_I property, Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I bring Arg_I sorry Arg_I to Arg_I his Arg_I family Arg_I . O Although O some O people O argue O that O children O should O be O free O to O spend O money O to O they O what O they O want, O In O my O opinion O it O is O very O important O to O learn O our O children O from O their O beginning O of O their O life O to O be O financially O responsible O persons, O because O our Arg_B personality Arg_I form Arg_I in Arg_I childhood Arg_I and Arg_I it Arg_I is Arg_I not Arg_I easy Arg_I to Arg_I change Arg_I it Arg_I in Arg_I adulthood Arg_I . O Dancing O plays O an O important O role O in O a O culture O . O In O every O country, O people O do O dance O for O fun, O for O entertrain, O and O for O decrease O a O stress O . O Dancing O is O also O one O of O important O parts O of O culture O that O represent O to O something O that O people O believe O . O Many O cultures O do O dance O to O show O a O great O prosperous O of O its O culture O . O And O also O dancing O to O entertain O people O . O I O will O give O reasons O to O support O my O opinion O . O First, O dancing Arg_B are Arg_I significant Arg_I part Arg_I of Arg_I culture Arg_I that Arg_I could Arg_I show Arg_I to Arg_I something Arg_I that Arg_I people Arg_I believe Arg_I . O For O example, O some Arg_B culture Arg_I people Arg_I believe Arg_I that Arg_I they Arg_I dance Arg_I in Arg_I order Arg_I to Arg_I sacrifice Arg_I to Arg_I their Arg_I god Arg_I so Arg_I they Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I get Arg_I a Arg_I happy Arg_I life Arg_I . O Or Arg_B some Arg_I part Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I that Arg_I are Arg_I in Arg_I arid Arg_I area Arg_I believe Arg_I that Arg_I if Arg_I they Arg_I danced, Arg_I the Arg_I rain Arg_I would Arg_I come Arg_I . O Consequently, O dancing Arg_B are Arg_I the Arg_I part Arg_I of Arg_I people Arg_I belief Arg_I . O Secondly, O dancing Arg_B can Arg_I represent Arg_I to Arg_I civilization Arg_I of Arg_I that Arg_I culture Arg_I . O For O instance, O I Arg_B have Arg_I seen Arg_I many Arg_I western Arg_I movies Arg_I that Arg_I when Arg_I a Arg_I kingdom Arg_I have Arg_I visitor Arg_I from Arg_I another Arg_I kingdom, Arg_I king Arg_I or Arg_I queen Arg_I would Arg_I dance Arg_I to Arg_I show Arg_I a Arg_I splendid Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I kingdom Arg_I culture Arg_I . O The Arg_B way Arg_I of Arg_I movement, Arg_I the Arg_I way Arg_I that Arg_I they Arg_I costume Arg_I and Arg_I also Arg_I a Arg_I music Arg_I while Arg_I they Arg_I dance Arg_I . O All Arg_B this Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I civilization Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I culture Arg_I . O Thirdly, O many Arg_B culture, Arg_I people Arg_I have Arg_I many Arg_I ways Arg_I to Arg_I entertain Arg_I themselves Arg_I . O And O dancing Arg_B is Arg_I one Arg_I of Arg_I that Arg_I ways Arg_I . O Both Arg_B people Arg_I who Arg_I see Arg_I and Arg_I dance Arg_I also Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I time Arg_I . O For O example, O many Arg_B event, Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I christmas, Arg_I last Arg_I christmas Arg_I I Arg_I went Arg_I to Arg_I mall Arg_I to Arg_I buy Arg_I gifts, Arg_I and Arg_I I Arg_I was Arg_I entertained Arg_I by Arg_I group Arg_I of Arg_I people Arg_I in Arg_I santa Arg_I custom Arg_I dancing Arg_I in Arg_I christmas Arg_I song Arg_I . O I Arg_B felt Arg_I that Arg_I people Arg_I around Arg_I me Arg_I happy Arg_I and Arg_I group Arg_I of Arg_I santas Arg_I also Arg_I happy Arg_I to Arg_I see Arg_I people Arg_I happy Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O I O strongly O agree O with O notion O that O dancing Arg_B is Arg_I an Arg_I important Arg_I part Arg_I of Arg_I culture Arg_I because O dancing Arg_B are Arg_I represent Arg_I to Arg_I believe Arg_I of Arg_I people Arg_I . O Besides, O dancing Arg_B could Arg_I show Arg_I how Arg_I civilization Arg_I of Arg_I that Arg_I culture Arg_I is Arg_I . O Moreover, O people Arg_B use Arg_I dancing Arg_I to Arg_I entertain Arg_I themselves Arg_I . O So O dancing Arg_B is Arg_I important Arg_I in Arg_I every Arg_I culture Arg_I . O The O internet O provides O a O lot O of O valuable O information O In O the O modern O society, O internet O is O considered O as O one O of O the O most O important O inventions O over O the O past O century O . O Some O people O believe O that O several O problems O occur O from O an O information O on O the O internet O . O However, O some O say O that O the Arg_B internet Arg_I provides Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I valuable Arg_I information Arg_I . O In O my O opinion, O I O agree O with O the O latter O because O the Arg_B internet Arg_I gives Arg_I daily Arg_I necessary Arg_I information, Arg_I people Arg_I can Arg_I gain Arg_I knowledge Arg_I and Arg_I they Arg_I can Arg_I explore Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I . O First O of O all, O everybody Arg_B would Arg_I like Arg_I to Arg_I know Arg_I what Arg_I is Arg_I going Arg_I on Arg_I around Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I in Arg_I their Arg_I everyday Arg_I lives Arg_I . O Sometimes, Arg_B they Arg_I want Arg_I an Arg_I information Arg_I that Arg_I can Arg_I help Arg_I them Arg_I in Arg_I daily Arg_I life Arg_I which Arg_I the Arg_I internet Arg_I can Arg_I provide Arg_I all Arg_I of Arg_I these Arg_I to Arg_I people Arg_I . O For O example, O a Arg_B businessman Arg_I who Arg_I has Arg_I no Arg_I time Arg_I to Arg_I watch Arg_I a Arg_I television Arg_I or Arg_I read Arg_I a Arg_I newspaper Arg_I can Arg_I receive Arg_I news Arg_I and Arg_I check Arg_I stock Arg_I markets Arg_I easily Arg_I via Arg_I the Arg_I internet Arg_I . O In O addition, O people Arg_B can Arg_I gain Arg_I more Arg_I knowledge Arg_I by Arg_I using Arg_I the Arg_I internet, Arg_I the Arg_I most Arg_I useful Arg_I technology Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I . O Many Arg_B people Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I students Arg_I can Arg_I take Arg_I online Arg_I courses Arg_I to Arg_I study Arg_I at Arg_I home Arg_I or Arg_I they Arg_I can Arg_I watch Arg_I beneficial Arg_I videos Arg_I which Arg_I also Arg_I teach Arg_I them Arg_I knowledge Arg_I . O Not Arg_B only Arg_I students Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I everyone Arg_I could Arg_I get Arg_I more Arg_I information Arg_I and Arg_I knowledge Arg_I . O For O instance, O people Arg_B who Arg_I have Arg_I problems Arg_I with Arg_I their Arg_I health Arg_I can Arg_I search Arg_I for Arg_I more Arg_I information Arg_I about Arg_I it Arg_I . O Last O but O not O least, O The Arg_B internet Arg_I makes Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I becomes Arg_I smaller Arg_I which Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I thing Arg_I . O This O is O because O people Arg_B who Arg_I have Arg_I no Arg_I time Arg_I or Arg_I have Arg_I financial Arg_I problems Arg_I could Arg_I travel Arg_I around Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I by Arg_I using Arg_I the Arg_I internet Arg_I . O They Arg_B can Arg_I see Arg_I lots Arg_I of Arg_I picture Arg_I and Arg_I videos Arg_I of Arg_I many Arg_I interesting Arg_I places Arg_I . O Moreover, O people Arg_B can Arg_I learn Arg_I other Arg_I countries's Arg_I culture Arg_I and Arg_I tradition Arg_I which Arg_I makes Arg_I them Arg_I have Arg_I more Arg_I knowledge Arg_I about Arg_I that Arg_I nations Arg_I . O To O conclude, O people Arg_B are Arg_I satisfied Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I internet Arg_I and Arg_I sometimes Arg_I even Arg_I thanks Arg_I it Arg_I because O it Arg_B helps Arg_I us Arg_I in Arg_I studying, Arg_I doing Arg_I business Arg_I and Arg_I exploring Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I . O With Arg_B valuable Arg_I information Arg_I it Arg_I provides, Arg_I people Arg_I can Arg_I enjoy Arg_I their Arg_I lives Arg_I much Arg_I more Arg_I . O Universities O require O students O to O study O many O subjects O or O specialize O in O one O subject O University O is O the O place O that O provides O people O knowledge O and O skills O to O use O in O their O real O life O . O Some O universities O require O students O to O study O in O one O subject O . O On O the O contrary, O others O require O students O to O study O in O several O subjects O . O In O my O point O of O view, O studying Arg_B many Arg_I subjects Arg_I is Arg_I better Arg_I that Arg_I one Arg_I because O students Arg_B can Arg_I study Arg_I in Arg_I subjects Arg_I that Arg_I they Arg_I interested Arg_I in, Arg_I they Arg_I can Arg_I gain Arg_I knowledge Arg_I more Arg_I than Arg_I one Arg_I field Arg_I and Arg_I they Arg_I will Arg_I have Arg_I more Arg_I chance Arg_I to Arg_I choose Arg_I their Arg_I future Arg_I . O First O of O all, O when Arg_B students Arg_I finished Arg_I their Arg_I high Arg_I schools, Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I confused Arg_I about Arg_I subjects Arg_I that Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I going Arg_I to Arg_I choose Arg_I to Arg_I study Arg_I in Arg_I universities Arg_I . O This O is O because O they Arg_B interested Arg_I in Arg_I many Arg_I subjects Arg_I and Arg_I they Arg_I want Arg_I to Arg_I try Arg_I them Arg_I all Arg_I . O For O example, O pupil Arg_B who Arg_I want Arg_I to Arg_I study Arg_I science Arg_I are Arg_I also Arg_I like Arg_I to Arg_I learn Arg_I music Arg_I . O Therefore, O requiring Arg_B students Arg_I to Arg_I study Arg_I in Arg_I many Arg_I subjects Arg_I is Arg_I good Arg_I for Arg_I them Arg_I . O In O addition, O people Arg_B who Arg_I know Arg_I a Arg_I wide Arg_I range Arg_I of Arg_I is Arg_I better Arg_I than Arg_I people Arg_I who Arg_I know Arg_I just Arg_I one Arg_I . O Students Arg_B can Arg_I gain Arg_I more Arg_I knowledge Arg_I in Arg_I every Arg_I different Arg_I subjects Arg_I thy Arg_I study Arg_I . O For O instance, O university Arg_B students Arg_I who Arg_I study Arg_I business Arg_I are Arg_I also Arg_I know Arg_I history Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I . O Furthermore, O students Arg_B not Arg_I only Arg_I gain Arg_I knowledge Arg_I but Arg_I they Arg_I also Arg_I have Arg_I more Arg_I experience Arg_I because O they Arg_B will Arg_I meet Arg_I new Arg_I friends Arg_I and Arg_I teachers Arg_I . O Hence, O they Arg_B all Arg_I can Arg_I share Arg_I opinion Arg_I and Arg_I knowledge Arg_I to Arg_I one Arg_I another Arg_I . O Finally, O students Arg_B who Arg_I graduated Arg_I with Arg_I a Arg_I variety Arg_I of Arg_I courses Arg_I during Arg_I university Arg_I and Arg_I lots Arg_I of Arg_I experience Arg_I are Arg_I definitely Arg_I have Arg_I more Arg_I opportunity Arg_I to Arg_I choose Arg_I their Arg_I future Arg_I or Arg_I career Arg_I . O This O is O because O graduates Arg_B can Arg_I work Arg_I in Arg_I various Arg_I kind Arg_I of Arg_I works Arg_I which Arg_I they Arg_I can Arg_I select Arg_I a Arg_I job Arg_I they Arg_I prefer Arg_I . O For O example, O students Arg_B will Arg_I choose Arg_I a Arg_I career Arg_I that Arg_I they Arg_I want Arg_I including Arg_I the Arg_I job Arg_I with Arg_I high Arg_I salary Arg_I include Arg_I . O Moreover, O bachelors Arg_B can Arg_I earn Arg_I lots Arg_I of Arg_I money Arg_I by Arg_I working Arg_I in Arg_I other Arg_I fields Arg_I due Arg_I to Arg_I their Arg_I knowledge Arg_I . O In O concluding, O learning Arg_B several Arg_I subjects Arg_I in Arg_I universities Arg_I is Arg_I better Arg_I than Arg_I specialize Arg_I in Arg_I one Arg_I subject Arg_I because O it Arg_B makes Arg_I students Arg_I have Arg_I more Arg_I chance Arg_I to Arg_I gain Arg_I knowledge Arg_I to Arg_I use Arg_I in Arg_I their Arg_I lives Arg_I and Arg_I opportunity Arg_I to Arg_I choose Arg_I their Arg_I own Arg_I future Arg_I . O Governments O should O spend O money O on O space O exploration O or O for O basic O needs O of O people O Although O developing O technologies O to O discover O amazing O thing O in O galaxy O is O interesting, O there O are O many O people O in O the O world O are O in O poverty O or O starvation O . O Thus, O these O technologies O mean O nothing O if O people O lack O of O prosperity O . O Therefore, O in O my O opinion, O I O accede O with O notion O that O government Arg_B should Arg_I pay Arg_I attention Arg_I on Arg_I basic Arg_I needs Arg_I of Arg_I people Arg_I first Arg_I . O First, O as O you O can O see O that O after Arg_B great Arg_I economic Arg_I recession, Arg_I many Arg_I people Arg_I in Arg_I many Arg_I countries Arg_I were Arg_I unemployed Arg_I . O Then, O many O people O did O not O have O money O . O When Arg_B people Arg_I did Arg_I not Arg_I have Arg_I money, Arg_I They Arg_I had Arg_I to Arg_I rob Arg_I other Arg_I people Arg_I . O There Arg_B were Arg_I increasing Arg_I in Arg_I criminal Arg_I rate Arg_I in Arg_I many Arg_I cities Arg_I . O Consequently, O quality Arg_B of Arg_I life Arg_I were Arg_I dropping Arg_I and Arg_I this Arg_I make Arg_I people Arg_I unhappy Arg_I . O So O that, O government Arg_B should Arg_I invest Arg_I to Arg_I create Arg_I more Arg_I jobs Arg_I . O When Arg_B people Arg_I have Arg_I jobs, Arg_I they Arg_I did Arg_I not Arg_I have Arg_I to Arg_I steal Arg_I money Arg_I . O Therefore, O criminal Arg_B rate Arg_I were Arg_I drop Arg_I . O Thus, O people Arg_B have Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I quality Arg_I life Arg_I . O Second, O environment Arg_B is Arg_I also Arg_I important Arg_I issue Arg_I that Arg_I everyone Arg_I depend Arg_I on Arg_I it Arg_I . O Nowaday, O industrial Arg_B in Arg_I many Arg_I countries Arg_I still Arg_I emit Arg_I high Arg_I intense Arg_I of Arg_I carbon Arg_I dioxide, Arg_I which Arg_I caused Arg_I of Arg_I greenhouse Arg_I effect Arg_I . O Greenhouse Arg_B effect Arg_I causes Arg_I of Arg_I climate Arg_I change Arg_I . O These Arg_B impact Arg_I on Arg_I every Arg_I living Arg_I creature Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I . O So, O government Arg_B take Arg_I care Arg_I of Arg_I this Arg_I issue Arg_I by Arg_I declare Arg_I regulate Arg_I to Arg_I control Arg_I emission Arg_I of Arg_I carbon Arg_I dioxide Arg_I . O In O addition O to O controlling O emission O carbon O dioxide, O government Arg_B should Arg_I invest Arg_I in Arg_I alternative Arg_I energy Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I using Arg_I solar Arg_I energy Arg_I instead Arg_I of Arg_I coal Arg_I energy Arg_I . O If Arg_B we Arg_I lived Arg_I in Arg_I good Arg_I environment, Arg_I our Arg_I life Arg_I would Arg_I be Arg_I better Arg_I . O Lastly, O family Arg_B is Arg_I a Arg_I root Arg_I of Arg_I society Arg_I . O If Arg_B everyone Arg_I in Arg_I family Arg_I did Arg_I not Arg_I have Arg_I time Arg_I to Arg_I spend Arg_I with Arg_I each Arg_I other, Arg_I that Arg_I family Arg_I could Arg_I have Arg_I problems, Arg_I If Arg_I family Arg_I had Arg_I problems, Arg_I it Arg_I mean Arg_I society Arg_I could Arg_I have Arg_I problems Arg_I . O When Arg_B society Arg_I had Arg_I problems, Arg_I it Arg_I could Arg_I impact Arg_I to Arg_I a Arg_I nation Arg_I . O Thus, O government Arg_B should Arg_I create Arg_I campaign Arg_I to Arg_I fill Arg_I love Arg_I to Arg_I family Arg_I . O For O example, O setting Arg_B event Arg_I once Arg_I a Arg_I week Arg_I to Arg_I gather Arg_I everyone Arg_I in Arg_I family Arg_I to Arg_I spend Arg_I time Arg_I with Arg_I each Arg_I other Arg_I . O When Arg_B family Arg_I understand Arg_I each Arg_I other, Arg_I it Arg_I mean Arg_I society Arg_I and Arg_I a Arg_I nation Arg_I will Arg_I not Arg_I have Arg_I much Arg_I trouble Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O I O personally O agree O with O statement O that O government Arg_B should Arg_I spend Arg_I money Arg_I on Arg_I basic Arg_I people Arg_I needs Arg_I . O The O basic O needs: O jobs, O good O environment, O and O love O in O family O . O These Arg_B three Arg_I issues Arg_I are Arg_I the Arg_I most Arg_I important Arg_I basic Arg_I needs Arg_I of Arg_I people Arg_I in Arg_I my Arg_I opinion Arg_I that Arg_I government Arg_I should Arg_I pay Arg_I attention Arg_I on Arg_I to Arg_I improve Arg_I quality Arg_I life Arg_I of Arg_I people Arg_I . O Best O ways O of O reducing O stress: O listening O to O music, O exercise, O meditation O Nowadays, O we O are O living O in O in O the O world O which O is O absolutely O complicated O . O Everything O seem O to O be O rush, O and O it O have O a O lot O of O competition O . O These O make O people O get O stress O . O Thus, O many O people O try O to O reduce O their O stress O . O There O are O many O activities O that O could O relieve O those O people O who O are O in O stress O . O in O my O opinion, O reducing Arg_B stress Arg_I by Arg_I listening Arg_I to Arg_I music, Arg_I playing Arg_I sports, Arg_I and Arg_I doing Arg_I meditation Arg_I are Arg_I easy Arg_I and Arg_I practical Arg_I ways Arg_I . O First O of O all, O listening Arg_B to Arg_I music Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I great Arg_I way Arg_I to Arg_I relax Arg_I . O For O example, O when O I O go O to O office, O I O use O public O transport O . O I O see O many O things O such O as O traffic O jam, O crowded O people O at O bus O stop, O and O all O so O crowded O people O in O buses O . O These O make O me O stress O . O So O that O I Arg_B always Arg_I listen Arg_I music Arg_I from Arg_I my Arg_I mp3 Arg_I player Arg_I . O I Arg_B could Arg_I enjoy Arg_I listening Arg_I music Arg_I without Arg_I thinking Arg_I of Arg_I people Arg_I around Arg_I me Arg_I . O Consequently, O I Arg_B feel Arg_I happy Arg_I when Arg_I I Arg_I listen Arg_I music Arg_I . O Second, O another Arg_B way Arg_I that Arg_I is Arg_I perfectly Arg_I work Arg_I for Arg_I everyone Arg_I to Arg_I reduce Arg_I the Arg_I stress Arg_I is Arg_I exercise Arg_I . O For O instance, O I O alway O have O many O things O in O my O mind O such O as O a O difficult O of O my O work O that O I O have O to O finish O in O time O . O These O problem O sometime O make O me O hard O to O fall O asleep O because O it O make O me O stress O . O Thus, O after Arg_B work, Arg_I I Arg_I always Arg_I do Arg_I exercise, Arg_I and Arg_I jogging Arg_I is Arg_I my Arg_I favorite Arg_I sport Arg_I . O I Arg_B feel Arg_I that Arg_I after Arg_I working Arg_I out, Arg_I I Arg_I am Arg_I easily Arg_I to Arg_I fall Arg_I asleep Arg_I . O Exercising Arg_B not Arg_I only Arg_I reduce Arg_I my Arg_I stress Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I make Arg_I me Arg_I get Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I health Arg_I . O Third, O meditation Arg_B also Arg_I one Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I ways Arg_I to Arg_I reduce Arg_I the Arg_I stress Arg_I . O when O I O have O many O things O to O think O about, O and O this O make O me O stress, O I O will O do O meditation O . O Meditation Arg_B is Arg_I easy Arg_I way Arg_I to Arg_I relax Arg_I because O it Arg_B is Arg_I not Arg_I require Arg_I any Arg_I equipment, Arg_I and Arg_I it Arg_I take Arg_I few Arg_I minutes Arg_I . O A Arg_B way Arg_I to Arg_I do Arg_I meditation Arg_I is Arg_I that Arg_I I Arg_I just Arg_I sit Arg_I down, Arg_I close Arg_I my Arg_I eyes, Arg_I and Arg_I count Arg_I my Arg_I breath Arg_I . O These Arg_B could Arg_I relieve Arg_I me Arg_I from Arg_I stress Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O there O are O many O ways O to O reduce O the O stress O . O In O my O point O of O view, O listening Arg_B to Arg_I music, Arg_I exercising, Arg_I and Arg_I doing Arg_I meditation Arg_I are Arg_I the Arg_I most Arg_I activities Arg_I that Arg_I people Arg_I could Arg_I do Arg_I to Arg_I escape Arg_I from Arg_I stress Arg_I . O It Arg_B is Arg_I are Arg_I easy Arg_I and Arg_I usable Arg_I . O And Arg_B everyone Arg_I should Arg_I find Arg_I the Arg_I time Arg_I to Arg_I do Arg_I more Arg_I and Arg_I more Arg_I to Arg_I feel Arg_I better Arg_I physically Arg_I and Arg_I in Arg_I everyone Arg_I mind Arg_I . O Should O teachers O be O paid O according O to O how O much O their O students O learn? O Everyone O is O different O . O Although O students O are O in O the O same O process O of O education O system, O learning O abilities O in O each O students O are O not O equal O . O Some O students O are O fast O learner, O but O some O students O are O not O . O Thus, O paying Arg_B for Arg_I teacher Arg_I base Arg_I on Arg_I grade Arg_I that Arg_I students Arg_I got Arg_I is Arg_I not Arg_I appropriate, Arg_I and Arg_I it Arg_I is Arg_I not Arg_I fair Arg_I for Arg_I teacher Arg_I . O So O that, O I O disagree O with O this O notion O . O To O begin O with, O in O schools, O main Arg_B task Arg_I of Arg_I teacher Arg_I to Arg_I give Arg_I knowledge Arg_I to Arg_I students, Arg_I and Arg_I this Arg_I role Arg_I have Arg_I to Arg_I finish Arg_I in Arg_I time Arg_I . O there Arg_B are Arg_I certain Arg_I period Arg_I of Arg_I time Arg_I for Arg_I teachers Arg_I to Arg_I teach Arg_I . O In Arg_B these Arg_I short Arg_I time, Arg_I it Arg_I is Arg_I not Arg_I possible Arg_I for Arg_I teachers Arg_I to Arg_I pay Arg_I attention Arg_I to Arg_I individual Arg_I students Arg_I in Arg_I class Arg_I . O Teachers Arg_B have Arg_I to Arg_I manage Arg_I to Arg_I teach Arg_I every Arg_I topics Arg_I by Arg_I schedule Arg_I . O If Arg_B teachers Arg_I pay Arg_I attention Arg_I to Arg_I specific Arg_I students, Arg_I their Arg_I work Arg_I might Arg_I not Arg_I finish Arg_I on Arg_I time, Arg_I and Arg_I this Arg_I might Arg_I make Arg_I many Arg_I student Arg_I miss Arg_I some Arg_I field Arg_I in Arg_I topics Arg_I that Arg_I they Arg_I should Arg_I know Arg_I . O Second, O learning Arg_B abilities Arg_I in Arg_I each Arg_I students Arg_I is Arg_I different Arg_I . O It Arg_B is Arg_I not Arg_I possible Arg_I that Arg_I they Arg_I all Arg_I comprehend Arg_I all Arg_I lessons Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I same Arg_I period Arg_I of Arg_I time Arg_I . O Some Arg_B students Arg_I might Arg_I understand Arg_I all Arg_I topics Arg_I that Arg_I they Arg_I had Arg_I learnt Arg_I but Arg_I some Arg_I are Arg_I not Arg_I . O Therefore, O testing Arg_B result Arg_I are Arg_I different Arg_I . O This Arg_B problems Arg_I depend Arg_I on Arg_I how Arg_I hard Arg_I study Arg_I they Arg_I do Arg_I . O It Arg_B is Arg_I not Arg_I teachers Arg_I fault Arg_I . O Thus, O teachers Arg_B should Arg_I not Arg_I be Arg_I paid Arg_I by Arg_I testing Arg_I result Arg_I that Arg_I students Arg_I get Arg_I . O Lastly, O there Arg_B could Arg_I lead Arg_I to Arg_I a Arg_I big Arg_I problem Arg_I if Arg_I schools Arg_I pay Arg_I teachers Arg_I by Arg_I grade Arg_I that Arg_I students Arg_I get Arg_I . O That Arg_B is Arg_I problem Arg_I in Arg_I quality Arg_I of Arg_I education Arg_I . O Teacher Arg_B may Arg_I not Arg_I care Arg_I about Arg_I how Arg_I they Arg_I have Arg_I to Arg_I teach Arg_I to Arg_I make Arg_I students Arg_I understand Arg_I the Arg_I topics Arg_I . O Teachers Arg_B may Arg_I just Arg_I give Arg_I high Arg_I grades Arg_I to Arg_I get Arg_I higher Arg_I salary Arg_I . O This Arg_B problem Arg_I should Arg_I not Arg_I be Arg_I happened Arg_I . O Therefore, O grade Arg_B that Arg_I students Arg_I get Arg_I should Arg_I not Arg_I be Arg_I in Arg_I evaluating Arg_I teacher Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O I Arg_B totally Arg_I disagree Arg_I with Arg_I this Arg_I statement Arg_I that Arg_I teachers Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I paid Arg_I by Arg_I how Arg_I much Arg_I their Arg_I students Arg_I learn Arg_I because O teacher Arg_B could Arg_I not Arg_I pay Arg_I attention Arg_I to Arg_I each Arg_I students Arg_I in Arg_I class Arg_I . O Besides, O learning Arg_B abilities Arg_I of Arg_I student Arg_I are Arg_I different Arg_I . O Moreover, O there Arg_B are Arg_I problems Arg_I if Arg_I paying Arg_I teacher Arg_I by Arg_I grade Arg_I students Arg_I get Arg_I . O Should O good O people O are O rewarded O and O bad O people O are O punished O in O movies O or O dramas? O When O we O watch O movies O or O dramas, O some O of O us O like O to O see O good O people O have O a O good O ending O and O bad O people O are O punished O . O While O there O are O also O some O people O who O do O not O like O this O . O Personally, O I O prefer O to O see O good O people O get O rewarded O . O However, O if Arg_B the Arg_I good Arg_I people Arg_I always Arg_I get Arg_I an Arg_I happy Arg_I ending, Arg_I I Arg_I don’t Arg_I think Arg_I it’s Arg_I proper Arg_I . O First, O if Arg_B all Arg_I the Arg_I story Arg_I end Arg_I up Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I same Arg_I way, Arg_I it Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I boring Arg_I . O If Arg_B good Arg_I people Arg_I always Arg_I win, Arg_I we Arg_I can Arg_I guess Arg_I the Arg_I ending Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I movies Arg_I or Arg_I dramas Arg_I . O Then Arg_B we Arg_I will Arg_I feel Arg_I less Arg_I interested Arg_I in Arg_I them Arg_I . O But Arg_B if Arg_I the Arg_I good Arg_I people Arg_I are Arg_I not Arg_I always Arg_I rewarded, Arg_I we Arg_I will Arg_I try Arg_I to Arg_I finish Arg_I the Arg_I movie Arg_I or Arg_I dramas Arg_I to Arg_I find Arg_I out Arg_I the Arg_I end Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I story Arg_I . O For O example, O Hollywood Arg_B stories Arg_I usually Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I happy Arg_I ending Arg_I like Arg_I a Arg_I hero Arg_I beats Arg_I a Arg_I crime Arg_I and Arg_I get Arg_I a Arg_I girl Arg_I . O But Arg_B now Arg_I many Arg_I people, Arg_I including Arg_I me, Arg_I have Arg_I been Arg_I tired Arg_I with Arg_I it Arg_I . O I Arg_B don’t Arg_I want Arg_I to Arg_I see Arg_I the Arg_I same Arg_I kind Arg_I of Arg_I ending Arg_I again Arg_I and Arg_I again Arg_I . O So O we Arg_B can’t Arg_I always Arg_I let Arg_I good Arg_I people Arg_I be Arg_I rewarded Arg_I in Arg_I movies Arg_I or Arg_I TV Arg_I programs Arg_I . O Even Arg_B in Arg_I the Arg_I real Arg_I world, Arg_I good Arg_I people Arg_I can Arg_I get Arg_I a Arg_I bad Arg_I ending Arg_I sometimes Arg_I . O And O I O think O it Arg_B happen Arg_I more Arg_I often Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I real Arg_I world Arg_I than Arg_I in Arg_I those Arg_I movies Arg_I . O So O if Arg_B children Arg_I always Arg_I watch Arg_I the Arg_I TV Arg_I programs Arg_I that Arg_I good Arg_I people Arg_I get Arg_I rewarded, Arg_I they Arg_I may Arg_I think Arg_I it Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I true Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I real Arg_I world Arg_I . O They Arg_B will Arg_I be Arg_I misleading Arg_I by Arg_I those Arg_I movies Arg_I . O And O they Arg_B may Arg_I act Arg_I like Arg_I good Arg_I people Arg_I in Arg_I order Arg_I to Arg_I get Arg_I reward Arg_I . O Once Arg_B they Arg_I find Arg_I the Arg_I good Arg_I people Arg_I are Arg_I not Arg_I always Arg_I get Arg_I rewarded, Arg_I they Arg_I may Arg_I feel Arg_I upset Arg_I and Arg_I not Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I person Arg_I . O But O in O fact, O the Arg_B good Arg_I people Arg_I do Arg_I good Arg_I things Arg_I no Arg_I matter Arg_I the Arg_I ending Arg_I is Arg_I good Arg_I or Arg_I not Arg_I . O So O we Arg_B should Arg_I tell Arg_I this Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I young Arg_I children Arg_I to Arg_I avoid Arg_I the Arg_I misunderstanding Arg_I . O In O fact, O those Arg_B good Arg_I endings Arg_I sometimes Arg_I are Arg_I helpful Arg_I . O Some Arg_B people Arg_I may Arg_I be Arg_I encouraged Arg_I to Arg_I do Arg_I good Arg_I things Arg_I . O But O like O I O said, O this O kind O of O behavior O won’t O last O long, O because O someday Arg_B they Arg_I will Arg_I realize Arg_I the Arg_I truth Arg_I . O So O I O suggest O we Arg_B should Arg_I show Arg_I people Arg_I the Arg_I truth Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I stories Arg_I . O And O if Arg_B they Arg_I can, Arg_I they Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I good Arg_I people Arg_I no Arg_I matter Arg_I how Arg_I the Arg_I story Arg_I ends Arg_I . O Based O on O my O arguments O above, O I O think O movies Arg_B and Arg_I TV Arg_I programs Arg_I should Arg_I present Arg_I different Arg_I stories Arg_I in Arg_I which Arg_I good Arg_I people Arg_I get Arg_I reward Arg_I or Arg_I get Arg_I nothing Arg_I . O Should O replace O normal O classroom O with O online O computer O classes? O There O are O many O advantages O of O distance O learning, O but O it Arg_B should Arg_I not Arg_I replace Arg_I classroom Arg_I learning Arg_I . O Learning Arg_B in Arg_I classroom Arg_I could Arg_I provide Arg_I more Arg_I information Arg_I to Arg_I study Arg_I . O Besides, O learning Arg_B in Arg_I classroom Arg_I are Arg_I not Arg_I only Arg_I learning Arg_I academic Arg_I skills Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I learning Arg_I social Arg_I skills, Arg_I and Arg_I learning Arg_I how Arg_I to Arg_I solve Arg_I problem Arg_I in Arg_I real Arg_I situation Arg_I . O Consequently, O I Arg_B completely Arg_I disagree Arg_I with Arg_I this Arg_I statement Arg_I that Arg_I we Arg_I should Arg_I replace Arg_I normal Arg_I course Arg_I with Arg_I online Arg_I course Arg_I . O I O will O give O reasons O to O support O my O opinion O . O To O begin O with, O learning Arg_B in Arg_I classroom Arg_I could Arg_I provide Arg_I more Arg_I information Arg_I and Arg_I make Arg_I students Arg_I more Arg_I comprehend Arg_I in Arg_I subjects Arg_I that Arg_I they Arg_I had Arg_I learnt Arg_I . O Because O in Arg_B classroom Arg_I have Arg_I many Arg_I equipment Arg_I to Arg_I demonstrate Arg_I real Arg_I example Arg_I . O For O example, O in Arg_B biology Arg_I class, Arg_I learning Arg_I anatomy Arg_I by Arg_I operating Arg_I fog Arg_I have Arg_I many Arg_I benefits Arg_I . O Learner Arg_B could Arg_I learn Arg_I how Arg_I to Arg_I use Arg_I tools Arg_I and Arg_I see Arg_I actual Arg_I organs Arg_I of Arg_I fog Arg_I . O Unlike O classroom, O online Arg_B class Arg_I just Arg_I only Arg_I study Arg_I in Arg_I textbook Arg_I not Arg_I learnin Arg_I real Arg_I situation Arg_I . O Secondly, O online Arg_B class Arg_I could Arg_I not Arg_I provide Arg_I knowledge Arg_I about Arg_I social Arg_I skills Arg_I . O For O instance, O In Arg_B a Arg_I classroom, Arg_I teacher Arg_I could Arg_I give Arg_I assignment Arg_I to Arg_I student Arg_I to Arg_I work Arg_I as Arg_I a Arg_I group Arg_I . O This Arg_B could Arg_I help Arg_I students Arg_I to Arg_I learn Arg_I how Arg_I to Arg_I deal Arg_I with Arg_I people, Arg_I how Arg_I to Arg_I collaborate Arg_I with Arg_I people Arg_I in Arg_I their Arg_I group Arg_I . O This Arg_B important Arg_I skill Arg_I cannot Arg_I be Arg_I gotten Arg_I in Arg_I online Arg_I classes Arg_I . O Lastly, O learning Arg_B in Arg_I classroom, Arg_I student Arg_I could Arg_I have Arg_I healthier Arg_I life Arg_I because O in Arg_B school Arg_I can Arg_I provide Arg_I exercise Arg_I class Arg_I which Arg_I train Arg_I student Arg_I to Arg_I move Arg_I their Arg_I body Arg_I . O Classroom Arg_B have Arg_I specialist Arg_I trainer Arg_I to Arg_I teach Arg_I students Arg_I to Arg_I it Arg_I right Arg_I way Arg_I . O If Arg_B student Arg_I do Arg_I it Arg_I by Arg_I themselves, Arg_I they Arg_I might Arg_I be Arg_I hurt Arg_I themselves Arg_I . O This Arg_B make Arg_I students Arg_I have Arg_I healthier Arg_I life Arg_I which Arg_I online Arg_I class Arg_I cannot Arg_I provide Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O I Arg_B personally Arg_I disagree Arg_I this Arg_I this Arg_I notion Arg_I that Arg_I we Arg_I should Arg_I replace Arg_I classroom Arg_I with Arg_I online Arg_I class Arg_I . O Because, O classroom Arg_B could Arg_I provide Arg_I real Arg_I actual Arg_I example Arg_I to Arg_I make Arg_I students Arg_I more Arg_I understand Arg_I in Arg_I their Arg_I subject Arg_I . O Besides, O classroom Arg_B courses Arg_I are Arg_I also Arg_I provide Arg_I students Arg_I to Arg_I learn Arg_I social Arg_I skill Arg_I . O Moreover, O classroom Arg_B could Arg_I provide Arg_I exercise Arg_I class Arg_I to Arg_I set Arg_I students Arg_I to Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I health Arg_I . O Thus, O having Arg_B classroom Arg_I could Arg_I provide Arg_I abundant Arg_I skills Arg_I to Arg_I students Arg_I . O Experiences O that O have O shaped O your O outlook O and O the O way O you O live O Many Arg_B circumstances Arg_I that Arg_I I Arg_I experienced Arg_I change Arg_I the Arg_I way Arg_I I Arg_I think Arg_I . O There Arg_B are Arg_I many Arg_I experiences Arg_I that Arg_I are Arg_I improve Arg_I my Arg_I life Arg_I in Arg_I many Arg_I way Arg_I . O For O example, O I Arg_B could Arg_I improve Arg_I the Arg_I way Arg_I that Arg_I I Arg_I solve Arg_I problems, Arg_I improve Arg_I how Arg_I I Arg_I take Arg_I care Arg_I of Arg_I my Arg_I health, Arg_I and Arg_I improve Arg_I to Arg_I plan Arg_I my Arg_I life Arg_I for Arg_I future Arg_I . O I O will O give O reasons O to O support O my O opinion O . O To O begin O with, O studying Arg_B in Arg_I university Arg_I taught Arg_I me Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I more Arg_I prudent Arg_I person Arg_I to Arg_I solve Arg_I problems Arg_I . O For O example, O in Arg_B math Arg_I class, Arg_I the Arg_I way Arg_I that Arg_I we Arg_I learnt Arg_I to Arg_I find Arg_I an Arg_I answer Arg_I by Arg_I doing Arg_I step Arg_I by Arg_I step Arg_I . O Start Arg_B with Arg_I find Arg_I cause Arg_I of Arg_I problem Arg_I and Arg_I the Arg_I way Arg_I to Arg_I do Arg_I research Arg_I to Arg_I solve Arg_I the Arg_I problem Arg_I . O I Arg_B could Arg_I adapt Arg_I this Arg_I method Arg_I to Arg_I use Arg_I my Arg_I real Arg_I life Arg_I . O When Arg_B I Arg_I want Arg_I to Arg_I go Arg_I to Arg_I somewhere, Arg_I I Arg_I try Arg_I to Arg_I find Arg_I the Arg_I way Arg_I to Arg_I reach Arg_I to Arg_I destination Arg_I . O Which Arg_B ways Arg_I are Arg_I shortest Arg_I and Arg_I which Arg_I ways Arg_I are Arg_I less Arg_I consume Arg_I my Arg_I time Arg_I . O I Arg_B could Arg_I find Arg_I a Arg_I better Arg_I way Arg_I to Arg_I solve Arg_I problems Arg_I . O Secondly, O Some Arg_B experiences Arg_I could Arg_I teach Arg_I me Arg_I the Arg_I way Arg_I to Arg_I take Arg_I care Arg_I of Arg_I myself Arg_I . O For O instance, O reading Arg_B and Arg_I listening Arg_I the Arg_I news Arg_I about Arg_I choosing Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I diet Arg_I are Arg_I the Arg_I way Arg_I to Arg_I keep Arg_I myself Arg_I are Arg_I more Arg_I healthy Arg_I . O Thus, O I Arg_B am Arg_I always Arg_I buy Arg_I a Arg_I quality Arg_I food Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I organic Arg_I food Arg_I . O This Arg_B food Arg_I are Arg_I not Arg_I have Arg_I chemical Arg_I . O So O that, O I Arg_B can Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I health Arg_I . O This Arg_B experience Arg_I teach Arg_I me Arg_I to Arg_I aware Arg_I my Arg_I health Arg_I . O Lastly, O experiences Arg_B are Arg_I also Arg_I change Arg_I to Arg_I plan Arg_I for Arg_I my Arg_I future Arg_I life Arg_I . O For O example, O I Arg_B read Arg_I about Arg_I saving Arg_I money Arg_I for Arg_I my Arg_I retire Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I plan Arg_I for Arg_I my Arg_I life Arg_I . O Consequently, O I Arg_B start Arg_I changing Arg_I myself Arg_I from Arg_I spending Arg_I many Arg_I thing Arg_I that Arg_I I Arg_I want Arg_I to Arg_I saving Arg_I money Arg_I for Arg_I my Arg_I entire Arg_I life Arg_I . O This Arg_B experience Arg_I change Arg_I me Arg_I to Arg_I concern Arg_I about Arg_I making Arg_I plan Arg_I for Arg_I my Arg_I future Arg_I life Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O experiences Arg_B that Arg_I shape Arg_I my Arg_I thinking Arg_I and Arg_I the Arg_I way Arg_I to Arg_I live Arg_I my Arg_I life Arg_I are Arg_I teach Arg_I me Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I a Arg_I better Arg_I person Arg_I . O Because O I Arg_B could Arg_I find Arg_I a Arg_I better Arg_I way Arg_I to Arg_I solve Arg_I problems Arg_I . O Besides, O experiences Arg_B could Arg_I shape Arg_I me Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I more Arg_I aware Arg_I about Arg_I my Arg_I health Arg_I . O Moreover, O these Arg_B experiences Arg_I could Arg_I make Arg_I me Arg_I to Arg_I make Arg_I plan Arg_I for Arg_I my Arg_I future Arg_I life Arg_I . O These Arg_B experiences Arg_I taught Arg_I me Arg_I to Arg_I change Arg_I my Arg_I life Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I a Arg_I better Arg_I person Arg_I . O One O important O thing O that O I O want O to O change O about O my O hometown O Public O utilities O and O surroundings O are O the O primary O factors O which O we O basically O consider O before O we O decide O to O live O in O a O place O . O However, O it O is O difficult O to O find O a O community O which O can O perfectly O meet O our O requirements O . O In O my O hometown, O there O are O almost O complete O public O utilities O for O one’s O needs O but O transportation O . O So O the Arg_B thing Arg_I that Arg_I I Arg_I really Arg_I want Arg_I to Arg_I change Arg_I is Arg_I to Arg_I have Arg_I more Arg_I public Arg_I transportation Arg_I . O Since O I’m Arg_B facing Arg_I the Arg_I traffic Arg_I congestion Arg_I every Arg_I day Arg_I . O And O this O problem O seem O to O get O worst O . O At O first, O it Arg_B should Arg_I have Arg_I more Arg_I alternatives Arg_I to Arg_I use Arg_I public Arg_I transportation, Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I a Arg_I subway Arg_I train Arg_I or Arg_I a Arg_I sky Arg_I train Arg_I . O Hence, O people Arg_B will Arg_I have Arg_I more Arg_I ways Arg_I to Arg_I go Arg_I to Arg_I a Arg_I place Arg_I . O Since O now O buses O are O only O a O kind O of O public O transportation O in O this O community, O It Arg_B makes Arg_I people Arg_I in Arg_I this Arg_I area Arg_I have Arg_I no Arg_I choice Arg_I . O They Arg_B must Arg_I take Arg_I only Arg_I a Arg_I bus Arg_I to Arg_I go Arg_I to Arg_I another Arg_I place Arg_I . O If Arg_B a Arg_I subway Arg_I and Arg_I a Arg_I sky Arg_I train Arg_I are Arg_I available Arg_I here, Arg_I it Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I more Arg_I convenience Arg_I to Arg_I them Arg_I . O For O example, O people Arg_B can Arg_I estimate Arg_I time Arg_I from Arg_I taking Arg_I a Arg_I subway Arg_I train Arg_I due Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I train Arg_I schedule Arg_I . O On Arg_B the Arg_I contrary Arg_I they Arg_I cannot Arg_I do Arg_I so Arg_I in Arg_I case Arg_I of Arg_I a Arg_I bus Arg_I . O Also, O this Arg_B improvement Arg_I will Arg_I decrease Arg_I a Arg_I bad Arg_I traffic Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I road Arg_I indirectly Arg_I . O Secondly, O the Arg_B buses Arg_I provide Arg_I merely Arg_I two Arg_I routes Arg_I in Arg_I this Arg_I community Arg_I . O It Arg_B is Arg_I absolutely Arg_I a Arg_I major Arg_I problem Arg_I . O For O example, O if Arg_B a Arg_I place Arg_I I Arg_I intend Arg_I to Arg_I go Arg_I is Arg_I not Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I route Arg_I of Arg_I buses, Arg_I I Arg_I still Arg_I have Arg_I to Arg_I take Arg_I a Arg_I bus Arg_I that Arg_I does Arg_I not Arg_I bring Arg_I me Arg_I to Arg_I my Arg_I destination Arg_I but Arg_I go Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I center Arg_I station Arg_I first Arg_I to Arg_I exchange Arg_I to Arg_I another Arg_I bus Arg_I . O Obviously, O it Arg_B is Arg_I waste Arg_I of Arg_I time Arg_I . O They Arg_B should Arg_I increase Arg_I more Arg_I routes Arg_I to Arg_I make Arg_I people Arg_I transport Arg_I more Arg_I easily Arg_I . O Lastly, O having Arg_B more Arg_I kinds Arg_I of Arg_I public Arg_I transportation Arg_I can Arg_I dwindle Arg_I the Arg_I number Arg_I of Arg_I people Arg_I using Arg_I their Arg_I own Arg_I cars Arg_I . O Also, O it O provides O many O advantages O . O For O instance, O people Arg_B can Arg_I save Arg_I their Arg_I expenses Arg_I form Arg_I gasoline, Arg_I which Arg_I nowadays Arg_I is Arg_I getting Arg_I more Arg_I expensive Arg_I . O The O necessary O energy O will O slowly O be O used O up, O since O people Arg_B use Arg_I less Arg_I their Arg_I own Arg_I cars Arg_I . O To O sum O up, O the Arg_B transportation Arg_I is Arg_I an Arg_I elementary Arg_I factor Arg_I which Arg_I directly Arg_I affects Arg_I to Arg_I people’s Arg_I living Arg_I . O I O wish O one O day O this O problem O would O be O changed O . O And O then, O the O transportation O in O my O hometown O is O no O longer O difficult O for O everyone O in O this O community O . O Some O people O prefer O to O work O for O a O large O company O Companies O vary O from O small O to O large O ones O based O on O the O context, O success O and O needs O of O their O work O . O Small O companies O usually O have O a O local O job O in O the O area, O while O large O companies O work O in O an O international O context O providing O for O the O entire O nation O or O even O for O other O foreign O countries O . O I Arg_B personally Arg_I prefer Arg_I to Arg_I work Arg_I for Arg_I a Arg_I large Arg_I company Arg_I for O several O reasons O . O First, O to Arg_B find Arg_I a Arg_I job Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I large Arg_I company Arg_I is Arg_I way Arg_I more Arg_I easier Arg_I than Arg_I to Arg_I find Arg_I a Arg_I job Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I small Arg_I company Arg_I . O Large Arg_B companies Arg_I always Arg_I look Arg_I for Arg_I new Arg_I skilled Arg_I employees Arg_I to Arg_I fill Arg_I in Arg_I their Arg_I need Arg_I of Arg_I distributing, Arg_I managing Arg_I and Arg_I selling Arg_I their Arg_I products Arg_I in Arg_I different Arg_I countries Arg_I . O For O example, O if Arg_B a Arg_I large Arg_I company Arg_I decides Arg_I to Arg_I open Arg_I a Arg_I branch Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I foreign Arg_I country, Arg_I they Arg_I would Arg_I need Arg_I more Arg_I employees Arg_I in Arg_I that Arg_I country Arg_I to Arg_I work Arg_I there Arg_I . O In O other O words, O Large Arg_B company Arg_I equals Arg_I more Arg_I job Arg_I opportunity Arg_I . O Second, O I O think O that O a Arg_B large Arg_I company Arg_I can Arg_I give Arg_I better Arg_I salaries Arg_I than Arg_I a Arg_I smaller Arg_I one Arg_I . O The Arg_B fact Arg_I that Arg_I a Arg_I company Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I large Arg_I one, Arg_I this Arg_I means Arg_I that Arg_I it's Arg_I having Arg_I a Arg_I considerable Arg_I success Arg_I . O In O other O words, O this Arg_B means Arg_I that Arg_I the Arg_I company Arg_I can Arg_I give Arg_I more Arg_I salaries Arg_I to Arg_I its Arg_I employees Arg_I . O For O instance, O common Arg_B sense Arg_I would Arg_I tell Arg_I us Arg_I that Arg_I a Arg_I famous Arg_I and Arg_I international Arg_I known Arg_I company Arg_I won't Arg_I give Arg_I the Arg_I same Arg_I salary Arg_I as Arg_I a Arg_I small Arg_I local Arg_I company Arg_I . O Third, O I O love O travelling O around O the O world O . O large Arg_B companies Arg_I have Arg_I an Arg_I international Arg_I reputation, Arg_I as Arg_I they Arg_I organize Arg_I international Arg_I conferences, Arg_I meetings Arg_I and Arg_I workshops Arg_I which Arg_I will Arg_I give Arg_I me Arg_I the Arg_I opportunity Arg_I to Arg_I travel Arg_I in Arg_I different Arg_I countries Arg_I and Arg_I meet Arg_I new Arg_I people Arg_I . O As Arg_B well Arg_I as Arg_I learning Arg_I new Arg_I skills Arg_I in Arg_I my Arg_I field Arg_I from Arg_I these Arg_I workshops Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O i O can O certainly O state O that O I Arg_B would Arg_I rather Arg_I prefer Arg_I working Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I large Arg_I company Arg_I than Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I small Arg_I one Arg_I . O I Arg_B have Arg_I different Arg_I reasons Arg_I to Arg_I hold Arg_I that, Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I having Arg_I a Arg_I better Arg_I chance Arg_I to Arg_I find Arg_I work, Arg_I having Arg_I a Arg_I better Arg_I salary Arg_I and Arg_I having Arg_I the Arg_I opportunity Arg_I to Arg_I travel Arg_I around Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I to Arg_I attend Arg_I international Arg_I conferences Arg_I . O Higher O education O should O be O available O only O to O good O students O or O not O No O one O can O disagree O that O knowledge O is O the O most O important O for O everyone O . O College O and O university O are O playing O in O an O important O role O to O provide O academic O skills O to O people O in O order O to O pursue O their O goal O . O There O are O an O issue O that O some O people O agree O that O this O opportunity O should O be O preserved O for O good O students O however O there O are O others O people O who O think O that O everyone O should O have O this O chance O to O gain O these O advance O skills O from O college O or O university O . O This O issue O will O be O discussed O . O First O of O all, O many O people O think O that O college Arg_B and Arg_I university Arg_I should Arg_I consider Arg_I students Arg_I to Arg_I study Arg_I with Arg_I them Arg_I only Arg_I if Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I good Arg_I students Arg_I . O The O reason O is O that O studying Arg_B in Arg_I advance Arg_I education Arg_I take Arg_I a Arg_I huge Arg_I of Arg_I money Arg_I . O College Arg_B and Arg_I university Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I want Arg_I people Arg_I who Arg_I not Arg_I qualify Arg_I for Arg_I to Arg_I waste Arg_I their Arg_I money Arg_I in Arg_I these Arg_I expensive Arg_I courses Arg_I and Arg_I waste Arg_I their Arg_I time Arg_I . O They O believe O that O only Arg_B good Arg_I students Arg_I have Arg_I potentials Arg_I to Arg_I success Arg_I programs Arg_I more Arg_I that Arg_I those Arg_I who Arg_I are Arg_I not Arg_I considered Arg_I as Arg_I good Arg_I students Arg_I . O Consequently, O mediocre Arg_B students Arg_I are Arg_I not Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I chance Arg_I to Arg_I gain Arg_I these Arg_I advance Arg_I knowledge Arg_I from Arg_I college Arg_I and Arg_I university Arg_I . O On O the O other O hand, O there O are O some O people O think O that O all Arg_B students Arg_I should Arg_I have Arg_I equal Arg_I opportunity Arg_I to Arg_I study Arg_I in Arg_I higher Arg_I education Arg_I . O Of O course, O higher Arg_B education Arg_I take Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I money Arg_I and Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I time Arg_I however O moderate Arg_B students Arg_I should Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I chance Arg_I to Arg_I try Arg_I . O Everyone Arg_B that Arg_I has Arg_I strongly Arg_I ambition Arg_I could Arg_I pursue Arg_I and Arg_I success Arg_I their Arg_I goal Arg_I even Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I not Arg_I classified Arg_I as Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I student Arg_I because Arg_I people Arg_I can Arg_I change Arg_I . O With Arg_B a Arg_I good Arg_I environment Arg_I in Arg_I college Arg_I or Arg_I university Arg_I is Arg_I encouraging Arg_I students Arg_I to Arg_I study Arg_I harder Arg_I for Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I future Arg_I . O Thus, O mediocre Arg_B students Arg_I should Arg_I have Arg_I opportunity Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I trained Arg_I in Arg_I college Arg_I and Arg_I university Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O I O personally O agree O with O that O college Arg_B and Arg_I university Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I available Arg_I for Arg_I all Arg_I students Arg_I who Arg_I want Arg_I to Arg_I pursue Arg_I their Arg_I goal Arg_I . O Students Arg_B can Arg_I have Arg_I opportunity Arg_I to Arg_I learn, Arg_I to Arg_I practice, Arg_I to Arg_I gain Arg_I more Arg_I knowledge Arg_I for Arg_I their Arg_I career Arg_I and Arg_I for Arg_I their Arg_I future Arg_I . O Studying Arg_B in Arg_I college Arg_I and Arg_I university Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I great Arg_I opportunity Arg_I that Arg_I all Arg_I students Arg_I should Arg_I have Arg_I . O Disagree O Playing O Computer O Games O wastes O time O and O students O should O not O be O allowed! O It O is O a O debatable O subject O that O children Arg_B should Arg_I not Arg_I be Arg_I allowed Arg_I to Arg_I play Arg_I computer Arg_I games Arg_I since O playing Arg_B computer Arg_I games Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I a Arg_I waste Arg_I of Arg_I time Arg_I . O I O hold O a O positive O view O against O this O opinion O . O First O and O foremost, O a Arg_B large Arg_I number Arg_I of Arg_I students Arg_I are Arg_I obsessed Arg_I in Arg_I on-line Arg_I computer Arg_I games Arg_I and Arg_I as Arg_I a Arg_I result Arg_I their Arg_I performance Arg_I in Arg_I school Arg_I are Arg_I declined Arg_I . O An Arg_B investigation Arg_I done Arg_I by Arg_I Beijing Arg_I University Arg_I shows Arg_I that Arg_I 80% Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I students Arg_I who Arg_I failed Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I final Arg_I exam Arg_I paid Arg_I 2 Arg_I hours Arg_I or Arg_I more Arg_I on-online Arg_I games Arg_I every Arg_I week, Arg_I while Arg_I 90% Arg_I excellent Arg_I students Arg_I expressed Arg_I that Arg_I they Arg_I did Arg_I not Arg_I touch Arg_I computer Arg_I games Arg_I during Arg_I the Arg_I most Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I days Arg_I . O Recent Arg_B research Arg_I by Arg_I Scientist Arg_I also Arg_I reveals Arg_I that Arg_I the Arg_I youngs Arg_I are Arg_I more Arg_I likely Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I attacted Arg_I by Arg_I and Arg_I lose Arg_I themselves Arg_I in Arg_I these Arg_I computer Arg_I games, Arg_I because Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I low Arg_I control Arg_I ability Arg_I . O Second, O children O could O learn O nothing O from O these O computer O games, O therefore O time Arg_B on Arg_I this Arg_I activity Arg_I is Arg_I really Arg_I time Arg_I wasting Arg_I . O Since O all O these O games O are O developed O for O commercial O purpose O and O in O order O to O catch O the O eyes O of O the O children, O majority Arg_B of Arg_I the Arg_I games Arg_I use Arg_I war, Arg_I violence, Arg_I bloody, Arg_I or Arg_I sexual Arg_I subjects Arg_I to Arg_I lure Arg_I the Arg_I students Arg_I . O However, O those Arg_B subjects Arg_I are Arg_I not Arg_I suitable Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I students Arg_I and Arg_I will Arg_I bring Arg_I bad Arg_I effects Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I youths Arg_I . O Admittedly, O there Arg_B are Arg_I a Arg_I few Arg_I students Arg_I paying Arg_I considerable Arg_I time Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I computer Arg_I games Arg_I playing Arg_I finally Arg_I choose Arg_I computer Arg_I games Arg_I related Arg_I jobs Arg_I as Arg_I their Arg_I career Arg_I . O But O we O have O to O realize O the O fact: O majority Arg_B of Arg_I the Arg_I students Arg_I failed Arg_I in Arg_I front Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I computer Arg_I games Arg_I playing Arg_I and Arg_I they Arg_I use Arg_I their Arg_I time Arg_I for Arg_I studying, Arg_I sleeping Arg_I and Arg_I physical Arg_I exerice Arg_I to Arg_I play Arg_I these Arg_I computer Arg_I games Arg_I . O It Arg_B is Arg_I not Arg_I uncommon Arg_I that Arg_I the Arg_I teenages Arg_I are Arg_I found Arg_I sleepless Arg_I for Arg_I several Arg_I days Arg_I playing Arg_I on-line Arg_I games Arg_I at Arg_I public Arg_I internet Arg_I bar, Arg_I and Arg_I there Arg_I are Arg_I also Arg_I some Arg_I media Arg_I reports Arg_I regarding Arg_I the Arg_I sudden Arg_I death Arg_I case Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I teenages Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I internet Arg_I bar Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O I O believe O it Arg_B is Arg_I better Arg_I that Arg_I children Arg_I are Arg_I not Arg_I be Arg_I allowed Arg_I to Arg_I play Arg_I the Arg_I computer Arg_I games Arg_I . O The O computer O games O are O like O cigerate O to O adults O and O we O need O to O set O up O rules O to O regulate O this O area O . O Do O you O think O classmates O or O colleagues O should O work O on O projects O in O person O or O by O e-mail O When O it O comes O to O the O question O whether O classmates O or O colleagues O should O work O on O projects O in O person O or O by O email, O I O am O of O the O view O that O wok Arg_B in Arg_I person Arg_I is Arg_I preferred Arg_I because O this Arg_B means Arg_I help Arg_I to Arg_I achieve Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I communication Arg_I . O Firstly, O team Arg_B members Arg_I may Arg_I have Arg_I different Arg_I views Arg_I and Arg_I they Arg_I need Arg_I to Arg_I reach Arg_I a Arg_I union Arg_I opinion Arg_I efficiently Arg_I . O Obviously, O discussion Arg_B face Arg_I to Arg_I face Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I meeting Arg_I is Arg_I much Arg_I better Arg_I than Arg_I by Arg_I emails Arg_I . O An Arg_B experiment Arg_I conducted Arg_I by Arg_I the Arg_I Beijing Arg_I University Arg_I asked Arg_I two Arg_I groups Arg_I of Arg_I people Arg_I to Arg_I discuss Arg_I the Arg_I budget Arg_I of Arg_I an Arg_I activity Arg_I . O The Arg_B first Arg_I group Arg_I was Arg_I asked Arg_I to Arg_I discuss Arg_I in Arg_I person, Arg_I while Arg_I the Arg_I second Arg_I group Arg_I was Arg_I asked Arg_I to Arg_I discuss Arg_I by Arg_I email Arg_I . O The O result O shows O that O the Arg_B 1st Arg_I group Arg_I used Arg_I 30 Arg_I minutes Arg_I to Arg_I reach Arg_I the Arg_I agreement Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I budget, Arg_I while Arg_I it Arg_I takes Arg_I 30 Arg_I hours Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I later Arg_I one Arg_I . O The Arg_B similar Arg_I experiment Arg_I done Arg_I by Arg_I other Arg_I scientist Arg_I show Arg_I the Arg_I same Arg_I result Arg_I that Arg_I people Arg_I can Arg_I reach Arg_I an Arg_I agreement Arg_I quickly Arg_I if Arg_I they Arg_I could Arg_I talk Arg_I to Arg_I each Arg_I other Arg_I . O Secondly, O work Arg_B in Arg_I person Arg_I can Arg_I indirectly Arg_I improve Arg_I the Arg_I quality Arg_I and Arg_I the Arg_I efficiency Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I project Arg_I because O there Arg_B will Arg_I be Arg_I less Arg_I conflicts Arg_I or Arg_I fight Arg_I amongst Arg_I the Arg_I team Arg_I members Arg_I . O Writing O an O email O for O an O informal O matter O will O make O that O matter O looks O official, O therefore O people Arg_B who Arg_I receives Arg_I the Arg_I email Arg_I may Arg_I feel Arg_I nervous Arg_I or Arg_I maybe Arg_I feel Arg_I offended Arg_I by Arg_I the Arg_I words Arg_I in Arg_I writing Arg_I . O While O if Arg_B the Arg_I same Arg_I words Arg_I are Arg_I expressed Arg_I in Arg_I talking, Arg_I the Arg_I counterparty Arg_I will Arg_I feel Arg_I more Arg_I relaxed Arg_I since O their Arg_B response Arg_I will Arg_I not Arg_I be Arg_I recorded Arg_I and Arg_I they Arg_I will Arg_I not Arg_I misunderstand Arg_I the Arg_I informal Arg_I discussion Arg_I to Arg_I an Arg_I official Arg_I claim Arg_I . O Therefore, O less Arg_B misunderstanding Arg_I leads Arg_I to Arg_I less Arg_I conflicts Arg_I and Arg_I fights, Arg_I and Arg_I enhance Arg_I the Arg_I communication Arg_I amongst Arg_I the Arg_I team Arg_I members Arg_I . O Admittedly, O sometimes Arg_B we Arg_I have Arg_I to Arg_I use Arg_I emails Arg_I if Arg_I the Arg_I team Arg_I members Arg_I are Arg_I not Arg_I located Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I same Arg_I place Arg_I . O Although O emails Arg_B are Arg_I not Arg_I convenient Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I work Arg_I but Arg_I it Arg_I is Arg_I better Arg_I than Arg_I none Arg_I . O Since O it Arg_B is Arg_I a Arg_I classroom Arg_I or Arg_I campus Arg_I projects, Arg_I there Arg_I is Arg_I few Arg_I possibility Arg_I that Arg_I the Arg_I project Arg_I members Arg_I are Arg_I located Arg_I in Arg_I different Arg_I areas Arg_I . O While O we Arg_B should Arg_I realize Arg_I that Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I project, Arg_I there Arg_I are Arg_I numerous Arg_I coordination Arg_I works Arg_I are Arg_I required, Arg_I if Arg_I each Arg_I opinion Arg_I is Arg_I communicated Arg_I via Arg_I email, Arg_I there Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I hundreds Arg_I or Arg_I thousands Arg_I of Arg_I emails Arg_I there Arg_I that Arg_I we Arg_I know Arg_I this Arg_I is Arg_I not Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I experience Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O I Arg_B prefer Arg_I the Arg_I project Arg_I members Arg_I to Arg_I work Arg_I in Arg_I person Arg_I rather Arg_I them Arg_I by Arg_I email Arg_I because O work Arg_B in Arg_I person Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I more Arg_I efficient Arg_I . O Professors O should O do O more O research O or O teach O students? O These O days, O more O and O more O university O professors O are O involved O in O scientific O research O . O Some O are O afraid O that O this O will O lead O to O the O decline O of O education O quality O and O suggest O them O to O spend O more O time O on O teaching O . O However, O according O to O my O experiences, O professors Arg_B should Arg_I be Arg_I encouraged Arg_I to Arg_I mainly Arg_I do Arg_I research Arg_I . O First O of O all, O doing Arg_B research Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I method Arg_I of Arg_I self-improvement Arg_I for Arg_I professors Arg_I . O Universities Arg_B are Arg_I relatively Arg_I fenced Arg_I environment Arg_I . O The Arg_B research Arg_I projects Arg_I provide Arg_I communication Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I outside Arg_I . O In O addition, O by Arg_B doing Arg_I research, Arg_I professors Arg_I could Arg_I catch Arg_I up Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I latest Arg_I development Arg_I of Arg_I modern Arg_I technologies Arg_I . O I Arg_B still Arg_I remembered Arg_I that Arg_I my Arg_I professor Arg_I took Arg_I part Arg_I in Arg_I several Arg_I research Arg_I projects Arg_I when Arg_I I Arg_I was Arg_I in Arg_I college Arg_I . O He Arg_B was Arg_I often Arg_I invited Arg_I to Arg_I do Arg_I speech Arg_I in Arg_I other Arg_I universities Arg_I . O Although O my Arg_B university Arg_I is Arg_I not Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I high-ranking Arg_I list, Arg_I he Arg_I gained Arg_I a Arg_I reputation Arg_I by Arg_I those Arg_I projects Arg_I . O The Arg_B research Arg_I projects Arg_I like Arg_I windows Arg_I opened Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I wider Arg_I world Arg_I . O Secondly, O professors Arg_B should Arg_I fully Arg_I use Arg_I the Arg_I research-friendly Arg_I environment Arg_I provided Arg_I by Arg_I universities Arg_I . O It Arg_B is Arg_I very Arg_I common Arg_I to Arg_I see Arg_I state-of-the-art Arg_I laboratories Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I campus Arg_I . O Also, O you Arg_B could Arg_I not Arg_I find Arg_I another Arg_I place Arg_I with Arg_I so Arg_I much Arg_I talent Arg_I people Arg_I gathering Arg_I together Arg_I . O Consequently, O there Arg_B is Arg_I really Arg_I no Arg_I reason Arg_I to Arg_I discourage Arg_I professors Arg_I from Arg_I using Arg_I those Arg_I advantages Arg_I . O We Arg_B all Arg_I know Arg_I that Arg_I Einstein Arg_I developed Arg_I the Arg_I theory Arg_I of Arg_I general Arg_I relativity Arg_I when Arg_I he Arg_I was Arg_I a Arg_I professor Arg_I in Arg_I HU Arg_I Berlin Arg_I . O Universities Arg_B positively Arg_I contribute Arg_I the Arg_I professors' Arg_I success Arg_I . O Last O but O not O least, O doing Arg_B research Arg_I could Arg_I also Arg_I improve Arg_I the Arg_I teaching Arg_I quality Arg_I . O With Arg_B the Arg_I help Arg_I of Arg_I research Arg_I projects, Arg_I professors Arg_I could Arg_I lead Arg_I their Arg_I students Arg_I into Arg_I the Arg_I practical Arg_I world Arg_I from Arg_I the Arg_I classroom Arg_I . O They Arg_B can Arg_I easily Arg_I teach Arg_I students Arg_I how Arg_I to Arg_I imply Arg_I the Arg_I knowledge Arg_I in Arg_I practice Arg_I . O I Arg_B still Arg_I remembered Arg_I the Arg_I experience Arg_I of Arg_I being Arg_I an Arg_I assistant Arg_I in Arg_I one Arg_I of Arg_I my Arg_I professor's Arg_I research Arg_I project Arg_I . O By Arg_B participating Arg_I in Arg_I it, Arg_I I Arg_I had Arg_I opportunities Arg_I to Arg_I use Arg_I theories Arg_I on Arg_I textbooks Arg_I in Arg_I real Arg_I life Arg_I experiments Arg_I . O The Arg_B research Arg_I project Arg_I provides Arg_I a Arg_I more Arg_I efficient Arg_I way Arg_I of Arg_I teaching Arg_I . O For O those O reasons, O it Arg_B is Arg_I natural Arg_I to Arg_I support Arg_I the Arg_I professors Arg_I spending Arg_I more Arg_I time Arg_I on Arg_I doing Arg_I research Arg_I . O While Arg_B extending Arg_I the Arg_I way Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I own Arg_I development, Arg_I the Arg_I outcomes Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I researches Arg_I will Arg_I also Arg_I benefit Arg_I the Arg_I whole Arg_I society Arg_I . O Learning O with O a O teacher O is O more O efficient O than O by O myself O . O Every O person O learn O in O their O own O manner O which O they O think O that O is O most O expedient O to O them O . O As O for O the O learning O by O yourself, O it O has O some O certain O profit O . O It O gives O you O a O chance O to O concentrate O on O what O you O learn O cause O there O is O no O one O who O distracts O your O attention O in O presence O of O you, O and O your O learning O becomes O more O profound O . O In O addition, O the O learning O with O a O teacher O makes O us O bear O more O burdens O of O studies O cause O they O assign O us O homework, O Nevertheless, O I Arg_B prefer Arg_I to Arg_I learn Arg_I with Arg_I a Arg_I teacher Arg_I rather Arg_I than Arg_I learn Arg_I by Arg_I myself Arg_I . O Firstly, O The O distinguishing O fact O of O the O learning Arg_B with Arg_I a Arg_I teacher Arg_I is Arg_I that Arg_I you Arg_I can Arg_I ask Arg_I about Arg_I problems Arg_I related Arg_I your Arg_I studies Arg_I . O In O other O words, O when Arg_B we Arg_I encounter Arg_I difficulty Arg_I in Arg_I our Arg_I study Arg_I which Arg_I we Arg_I can Arg_I not Arg_I make Arg_I out, Arg_I that Arg_I asking Arg_I the Arg_I difficulty Arg_I from Arg_I our Arg_I teacher Arg_I is Arg_I propitious Arg_I way Arg_I for Arg_I us Arg_I to Arg_I solve Arg_I it Arg_I instantly Arg_I . O In O addition, O professors Arg_B and Arg_I teachers Arg_I have Arg_I much Arg_I experience Arg_I and Arg_I knowledge, Arg_I and Arg_I are Arg_I so Arg_I dextrous Arg_I with Arg_I letting Arg_I students Arg_I understand Arg_I their Arg_I study Arg_I . O They Arg_B know Arg_I something Arg_I which Arg_I are Arg_I not Arg_I incorporated Arg_I in Arg_I such Arg_I materials Arg_I as Arg_I books Arg_I and Arg_I webpages Arg_I . O Hence O I, Arg_B in Arg_I my Arg_I class, Arg_I often Arg_I communicate Arg_I with Arg_I my Arg_I teacher Arg_I to Arg_I find Arg_I a Arg_I coordinated Arg_I answer Arg_I to Arg_I a Arg_I my Arg_I faced Arg_I problem, Arg_I and Arg_I my Arg_I classmates Arg_I are Arg_I so Arg_I accustomed Arg_I to Arg_I communicating Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I teacher Arg_I . O Secondly, O in O my O mind, O the Arg_B learning Arg_I with Arg_I a Arg_I teacher Arg_I is Arg_I more Arg_I efficient Arg_I than Arg_I by Arg_I myself Arg_I . O We Arg_B can Arg_I accomplish Arg_I our Arg_I assignments Arg_I with Arg_I little Arg_I help Arg_I of Arg_I a Arg_I teacher Arg_I within Arg_I less Arg_I time Arg_I than Arg_I do Arg_I it Arg_I by Arg_I ourself Arg_I . O Furthermore, O the Arg_B teachers Arg_I play Arg_I important Arg_I role Arg_I in Arg_I leading Arg_I us Arg_I to Arg_I right Arg_I direction Arg_I . O Moreover, O This Arg_B gives Arg_I us Arg_I opportunity Arg_I to Arg_I rise Arg_I our Arg_I educational Arg_I level Arg_I to Arg_I an Arg_I exited Arg_I degree Arg_I . O knowledge Arg_B may Arg_I be Arg_I thereby Arg_I better Arg_I improved Arg_I and Arg_I strengthened Arg_I . O Finally, O of O course, O being Arg_B without Arg_I a Arg_I teacher Arg_I has Arg_I shortcomings Arg_I . O Notable O one O of O the O shortcomings O is O that O if Arg_B someone Arg_I faced Arg_I so Arg_I complicated Arg_I confusion Arg_I in Arg_I his Arg_I study Arg_I and Arg_I his Arg_I many Arg_I endeavors Arg_I on Arg_I making Arg_I out Arg_I it Arg_I were Arg_I miscarried, Arg_I this Arg_I might Arg_I be Arg_I ended Arg_I in Arg_I disappointment Arg_I . O I O think O that O for Arg_B one Arg_I who Arg_I depends Arg_I on Arg_I only Arg_I himself Arg_I in Arg_I learning, Arg_I his Arg_I improvement Arg_I of Arg_I ability, Arg_I with Arg_I regard Arg_I to Arg_I cooperation Arg_I and Arg_I express Arg_I his Arg_I opinion, Arg_I is Arg_I unpromising Arg_I . O Hence O I Arg_B support Arg_I this Arg_I point Arg_I that Arg_I the Arg_I learning Arg_I with Arg_I a Arg_I teacher Arg_I is Arg_I better Arg_I . O Technology O designed O to O make O people's O lives O simpler O often O make O them O more O complicated O Many O people O think O they O are O blessed O to O be O in O the O era O of O high O technology O . O With O newly O developing O technologies, O people O are O able O to O carry O various O tasks O more O convenient O and O easy O . O For O example, O we O no O longer O have O to O travel O to O DMV O to O renew O our O driver's O license O or O drive O to O bank O for O sending O money O . O Ancient O people O would O probably O think O that O we O are O like O magicians O . O However, O even O with O all O the O conveniences, O we O would O have O to O admit O that O technologies Arg_B made Arg_I our Arg_I lives Arg_I more Arg_I complicated Arg_I . O There O are O couple O reasons O and O examples O to O support O my O answer O . O Of O course, O new Arg_B technologies Arg_I are Arg_I always Arg_I great Arg_I . O However, O it Arg_B takes Arg_I time Arg_I for Arg_I people Arg_I to Arg_I adapt Arg_I them Arg_I . O Since O we O are O informed O with O devices O that O are O produced O with O new O features O nearly O every O day, O many Arg_B people Arg_I often Arg_I get Arg_I lost Arg_I . O For O instance, O I Arg_B use Arg_I new Arg_I Iphone Arg_I which Arg_I I Arg_I personally Arg_I think Arg_I is Arg_I great Arg_I . O However, O even Arg_B though Arg_I I Arg_I used Arg_I it Arg_I for Arg_I couple Arg_I months, Arg_I I Arg_I still Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I know Arg_I how Arg_I to Arg_I use Arg_I all Arg_I the Arg_I features Arg_I proficiently Arg_I . O At O first, O I Arg_B tried Arg_I to Arg_I go Arg_I through Arg_I all Arg_I the Arg_I instructions Arg_I but, Arg_I soon, Arg_I I Arg_I gave Arg_I up Arg_I because O I Arg_B found Arg_I out Arg_I that Arg_I it Arg_I is Arg_I time-consuming Arg_I and Arg_I there Arg_I are Arg_I too Arg_I many Arg_I things Arg_I to Arg_I learn Arg_I . O Next, O technology Arg_B destroys Arg_I the Arg_I language Arg_I . O Ever O since O people O used O computers O or O cellphones O to O chat O with O others, O they Arg_B created Arg_I their Arg_I own Arg_I language Arg_I to Arg_I communicate Arg_I . O Because O people O try O to O type O as O fast O as O they O are O talking, O they Arg_B use Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I abbreviations Arg_I and Arg_I broken Arg_I language Arg_I . O This Arg_B has Arg_I gotten Arg_I worse Arg_I with Arg_I twitter, Arg_I myspace, Arg_I and Arg_I facebook Arg_I . O What Arg_B are Arg_I even Arg_I worse, Arg_I young Arg_I people Arg_I who Arg_I are Arg_I still Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I early Arg_I ages Arg_I are Arg_I exposed Arg_I to Arg_I them Arg_I and Arg_I impeded Arg_I by Arg_I the Arg_I newly Arg_I developed Arg_I inventions Arg_I . O To O clarify, O my Arg_B younger Arg_I brother Arg_I does Arg_I not Arg_I know Arg_I how Arg_I to Arg_I spell Arg_I the Arg_I words Arg_I correctly Arg_I and Arg_I he Arg_I talks Arg_I to Arg_I his Arg_I friends Arg_I with Arg_I terms Arg_I that Arg_I I Arg_I have Arg_I never Arg_I heard Arg_I of Arg_I . O I Arg_B have Arg_I tried Arg_I to Arg_I correct Arg_I him Arg_I for Arg_I couple Arg_I times Arg_I but Arg_I he Arg_I just Arg_I thinks Arg_I that Arg_I I Arg_I am Arg_I too Arg_I conservative Arg_I . O Although O technologies O allowed O us O to O have O a O convenient O life, O it Arg_B has Arg_I made Arg_I our Arg_I lives Arg_I more Arg_I chaotic Arg_I according Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I reasons Arg_I mentioned Arg_I above Arg_I . O Classroom O learnng O vs O online O education O There O are O some O people O who O believe O that O distance O learning O and O online O computer O classes O should O replace O classroom O learning O while O there O are O some O people O who O strongly O disagree O with O this O opinion O . O As O far O as O I O am O concerned, O I O strongly O believe O that O online Arg_B classes Arg_I should Arg_I never Arg_I replace Arg_I classroom Arg_I learning Arg_I . O I O list O my O reasons O as O follows O . O First, O indeed O classroom Arg_B learning Arg_I is Arg_I the Arg_I best Arg_I way Arg_I to Arg_I provide Arg_I education Arg_I comparing Arg_I to Arg_I online Arg_I classes Arg_I . O In O the O classroom O environment O you O can O learn O from O your O classmates, O because O if Arg_B you Arg_I see Arg_I any Arg_I of Arg_I your Arg_I classmates Arg_I who Arg_I is Arg_I performing Arg_I better, Arg_I it Arg_I will Arg_I force Arg_I you Arg_I for Arg_I making Arg_I your Arg_I performance Arg_I more Arg_I better Arg_I . O For O example, O When Arg_B I Arg_I was Arg_I in Arg_I First Arg_I Year Arg_I in Arg_I B Arg_I Com, Arg_I I Arg_I was Arg_I not Arg_I serious Arg_I in Arg_I my Arg_I study, Arg_I but Arg_I when Arg_I I Arg_I saw Arg_I some Arg_I of Arg_I my Arg_I friends Arg_I who Arg_I took Arg_I better Arg_I grades Arg_I than Arg_I me, Arg_I it Arg_I influenced Arg_I me Arg_I and Arg_I I Arg_I intended Arg_I to Arg_I do Arg_I better Arg_I in Arg_I my Arg_I subjects Arg_I . O Finally O I Arg_B got Arg_I 1st Arg_I rank Arg_I in Arg_I final Arg_I exam Arg_I . O Second, O in Arg_B classroom Arg_I learning Arg_I you Arg_I have Arg_I to Arg_I complete Arg_I study Arg_I work Arg_I on Arg_I time Arg_I . O It Arg_B makes Arg_I you Arg_I perfect Arg_I in Arg_I time Arg_I management Arg_I skills Arg_I . O Moreover O you Arg_B can Arg_I learn Arg_I by Arg_I participating Arg_I in Arg_I group Arg_I studies Arg_I how Arg_I to Arg_I communicate Arg_I with Arg_I others Arg_I . O It Arg_B makes Arg_I you Arg_I communication Arg_I and Arg_I of Arg_I course Arg_I your Arg_I group Arg_I skills Arg_I better, Arg_I which Arg_I can Arg_I help Arg_I you Arg_I in Arg_I your Arg_I future Arg_I and Arg_I career Arg_I . O Third, O professors Arg_B play Arg_I vital Arg_I role Arg_I in Arg_I classroom Arg_I learning, Arg_I most Arg_I of Arg_I them Arg_I are Arg_I specialists Arg_I is Arg_I their Arg_I subjects, Arg_I and Arg_I they Arg_I help Arg_I you Arg_I by Arg_I giving Arg_I valuable Arg_I information Arg_I and Arg_I useful Arg_I skills Arg_I . O You Arg_B can Arg_I improve Arg_I your Arg_I skills Arg_I by Arg_I work Arg_I under Arg_I any Arg_I professor; Arg_I you Arg_I can Arg_I ask Arg_I questions Arg_I face Arg_I to Arg_I face, Arg_I it Arg_I will Arg_I clear Arg_I your Arg_I doubts Arg_I . O In O result O you Arg_B learn Arg_I quickly Arg_I . O For O example, O I O have O my O personal O experience O . O For Arg_B Toefl Arg_I IBT Arg_I Coaching Arg_I first Arg_I I Arg_I was Arg_I depend Arg_I on Arg_I some Arg_I online Arg_I courses, Arg_I but Arg_I after Arg_I 1 Arg_I month Arg_I I Arg_I realized Arg_I that Arg_I I Arg_I was Arg_I wasting Arg_I my Arg_I time Arg_I so Arg_I I Arg_I joined Arg_I an Arg_I institute Arg_I for Arg_I preparation Arg_I of Arg_I Toefl Arg_I IBT, Arg_I and Arg_I in Arg_I 1 Arg_I month Arg_I I Arg_I felt Arg_I that Arg_I my Arg_I English Arg_I skills Arg_I have Arg_I been Arg_I improving Arg_I faster Arg_I . O It's O undeniable O that O online O classes O have O some O advantages O so O they O could O be O used O as O supplementary, O but O they Arg_B could Arg_I not Arg_I be Arg_I substitute Arg_I of Arg_I existing Arg_I classroom Arg_I learning Arg_I . O From O the O discussed O above, O we O can O easily O draw O the O conclusion O that O the Arg_B classroom Arg_I learning Arg_I is Arg_I the Arg_I best Arg_I way Arg_I to Arg_I provide Arg_I education Arg_I for Arg_I these Arg_I reasons Arg_I . O Part O time O job O for O teenage O students O When O we O talk O about O student, O we O generally O mean O a O boy O or O a O girl O who O study O in O school O or O college O . O In O some O country, O teenage O students O have O the O opportunity O to O do O some O part O time O job O beside O their O study O . O However, O some O people O do O not O support O the O concept O of O teenagers O doing O job O beside O study O . O In O my O view, O it Arg_B is Arg_I good Arg_I for Arg_I a Arg_I teenager Arg_I to Arg_I do Arg_I a Arg_I part Arg_I time Arg_I job Arg_I while Arg_I he/she Arg_I is Arg_I still Arg_I a Arg_I student Arg_I and O this O is O for O two O reasons O . O The O main O reason O is O that O students Arg_B can Arg_I learn Arg_I lots Arg_I of Arg_I things Arg_I from Arg_I part Arg_I time Arg_I job, Arg_I before Arg_I starting Arg_I their Arg_I real Arg_I job Arg_I . O Students Arg_B can Arg_I learn Arg_I about Arg_I time Arg_I management, Arg_I money Arg_I management Arg_I and Arg_I convince Arg_I people Arg_I by Arg_I their Arg_I words Arg_I . O For O example, O when Arg_B I Arg_I was Arg_I in Arg_I my Arg_I high Arg_I school Arg_I I Arg_I worked Arg_I as Arg_I a Arg_I sales-man Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I shop Arg_I for Arg_I a Arg_I year Arg_I . O As O i O had O to O spend O some O of O my O time O in O my O job, O therefore, O i Arg_B had Arg_I to Arg_I manage Arg_I my Arg_I time Arg_I efficiently Arg_I . O I Arg_B had Arg_I to Arg_I manage Arg_I my Arg_I boss Arg_I as Arg_I well Arg_I as Arg_I had Arg_I to Arg_I prepare Arg_I my Arg_I homework Arg_I . O This Arg_B taught Arg_I me Arg_I how Arg_I to Arg_I manage Arg_I time Arg_I efficiently Arg_I and Arg_I do Arg_I any Arg_I job Arg_I quickly Arg_I and Arg_I effectively Arg_I . O Moreover, O I Arg_B learn Arg_I money Arg_I management Arg_I . O When Arg_B my Arg_I boss Arg_I was Arg_I out Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I shop, Arg_I i Arg_I had Arg_I to Arg_I manage Arg_I the Arg_I accounts Arg_I section Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I shop Arg_I . O From Arg_B this Arg_I i Arg_I learned, Arg_I how Arg_I to Arg_I manage Arg_I money Arg_I correctly Arg_I . O This Arg_B experience Arg_I taught Arg_I me, Arg_I doing Arg_I part Arg_I time Arg_I job Arg_I can Arg_I help Arg_I students Arg_I to Arg_I learn Arg_I many Arg_I things Arg_I . O Another O reason O is O that O from Arg_B part Arg_I time Arg_I jobs Arg_I students Arg_I can Arg_I earn Arg_I money, Arg_I which Arg_I can Arg_I help Arg_I their Arg_I parents Arg_I . O For O instance, O when O i O was O in O high O school O I O worked O as O a O home O tutor O . O I O taught O math O to O two O kids O of O my O neighbor O . O I O helped O them O to O understand O the O difficult O topics O of O the O books O . O By Arg_B tutoring Arg_I them, Arg_I i Arg_I earned Arg_I some Arg_I money Arg_I and Arg_I bought Arg_I me Arg_I books Arg_I with Arg_I it Arg_I . O Moreover, O after Arg_B taking Arg_I that Arg_I part Arg_I time Arg_I job Arg_I i Arg_I stopped Arg_I taking Arg_I my Arg_I pocket Arg_I money Arg_I form Arg_I my Arg_I parents Arg_I . O As O you O can O see, O part Arg_B time Arg_I job Arg_I can Arg_I help Arg_I students Arg_I earn Arg_I money Arg_I and Arg_I which Arg_I can Arg_I help Arg_I their Arg_I parents Arg_I financially Arg_I . O In O sum, O I O am O sure; O some O people O will O oppose O the O idea O of O part O time O job O for O students O . O They O will O argue, O it Arg_B can Arg_I destruct Arg_I students Arg_I from Arg_I their Arg_I study Arg_I . O However, O as O i O did O part O time O job O in O my O high O school O and O it O did O not O hurt O my O academic O result; O therefore, O i O believe O part Arg_B time Arg_I job Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I good Arg_I for Arg_I students Arg_I . O Every O Student O should O do O part O time O job O beside O their O study O if O they O want O to O prepare O more O efficiently O for O their O future O . O Which O is O better- O Learning O foreign O language O in O home O or O host O country? O Our O World O has O varied O cultures O and O each O culture O has O its O own O language O . O It O has O become O essential O for O a O person O to O learn O at O least O one O foreign O language O as O one O do O interacts O with O foreigners O once O in O a O lifetime O and O learning O a O foreign O langauge O adds O on O to O a O person O skill-set O as O well O . O Also, O I O think O its Arg_B better Arg_I that Arg_I people Arg_I learn Arg_I foreign Arg_I language Arg_I in Arg_I their Arg_I own Arg_I country Arg_I . O The O reasons O for O holding O that O opinion O are O illustrated O in O the O subsequent O paragraphs O . O First O of O all, O it Arg_B is Arg_I not Arg_I possible Arg_I for Arg_I everyone Arg_I to Arg_I visit Arg_I a Arg_I foreign Arg_I country Arg_I to Arg_I learn Arg_I a Arg_I foreign Arg_I language Arg_I as O it Arg_B requires Arg_I large Arg_I amount Arg_I of Arg_I money Arg_I and Arg_I legal Arg_I formalities Arg_I . O In Arg_B the Arg_I earlier Arg_I periods, Arg_I it Arg_I was Arg_I not Arg_I easy Arg_I to Arg_I find Arg_I a Arg_I teacher Arg_I to Arg_I learn Arg_I a Arg_I foreign Arg_I languge Arg_I . O But O with Arg_B the Arg_I advent Arg_I of Arg_I globalization, Arg_I one Arg_I can Arg_I easily Arg_I find Arg_I a Arg_I teacher Arg_I in Arg_I their Arg_I own Arg_I country Arg_I . O For O example, O in Arg_B Indian Arg_I sub-continent Arg_I there Arg_I are Arg_I large Arg_I number Arg_I of Arg_I centers Arg_I opened Arg_I for Arg_I getting Arg_I trained Arg_I in Arg_I variety Arg_I of Arg_I languages Arg_I like Arg_I french, Arg_I german Arg_I etc Arg_I . O Second, O colleges Arg_B and Arg_I universities Arg_I have Arg_I introduced Arg_I foreign Arg_I language Arg_I course Arg_I as Arg_I a Arg_I part Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I curriculum Arg_I . O Students Arg_B can Arg_I choose Arg_I any Arg_I language Arg_I from Arg_I the Arg_I set Arg_I of Arg_I languages Arg_I available Arg_I at Arg_I a Arg_I university Arg_I . O So, O it Arg_B is Arg_I very Arg_I easy Arg_I to Arg_I learn Arg_I a Arg_I foreign Arg_I in Arg_I our Arg_I own Arg_I country Arg_I . O Also, O highly Arg_B qualified Arg_I foreign Arg_I language Arg_I teachers Arg_I are Arg_I easily Arg_I accessible Arg_I in Arg_I various Arg_I schools Arg_I and Arg_I colleges Arg_I . O Third, O technology Arg_B has Arg_I also Arg_I played Arg_I a Arg_I great Arg_I role Arg_I in Arg_I reducing Arg_I the Arg_I separation Arg_I between Arg_I learning Arg_I a Arg_I foreign Arg_I languge Arg_I in Arg_I our Arg_I own Arg_I country Arg_I . O A Arg_B large Arg_I number Arg_I of Arg_I foreign Arg_I language Arg_I courses Arg_I are Arg_I available Arg_I online Arg_I and Arg_I there Arg_I are Arg_I various Arg_I forums Arg_I where Arg_I people Arg_I can Arg_I discuss Arg_I their Arg_I problems Arg_I on Arg_I different Arg_I foreign Arg_I languages Arg_I . O To O sum O up, O it Arg_B is Arg_I better Arg_I for Arg_I people Arg_I to Arg_I learn Arg_I a Arg_I foreign Arg_I language Arg_I in Arg_I their Arg_I own Arg_I country Arg_I . O It Arg_B is Arg_I cost Arg_I effective Arg_I and Arg_I there Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I pool Arg_I of Arg_I opportunities Arg_I available Arg_I now Arg_I to Arg_I accomplish Arg_I the Arg_I same Arg_I . O One O long O vacation O or O several O long O vacation O Everybody O require O some O break O from O their O tight O schedules O likewise O students O also O require O vacation O form O their O intense O academic O schedules O . O Many O people O promote O one O long O vacation O system O of O the O school O because O it O would O help O student O to O start O their O course O or O academic O year O with O strong O zeal O of O learning O . O So O other O several, O prefer O numbers O of O short O breaks O during O the O year O so O that O student O can O get O rejuvenate O periodically O . O In O both O the O scenario O students O relief O themselves O . O However, O i Arg_B discern Arg_I that Arg_I several Arg_I small Arg_I breaks Arg_I will Arg_I help Arg_I students Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I active Arg_I in Arg_I their Arg_I academics Arg_I . O Firstly, O several Arg_B vacations Arg_I throughout Arg_I the Arg_I year Arg_I will Arg_I keep Arg_I stress Arg_I level Arg_I of Arg_I students Arg_I low Arg_I . O Many Arg_B educational Arg_I bodies Arg_I schedule Arg_I its Arg_I small Arg_I vacations Arg_I after Arg_I term Arg_I exams Arg_I so Arg_I that Arg_I student's Arg_I get Arg_I relief Arg_I form Arg_I exam Arg_I pressure Arg_I . O However, O research Arg_B done Arg_I by Arg_I universities Arg_I proves Arg_I that Arg_I student's Arg_I performance Arg_I improves Arg_I if Arg_I they Arg_I get Arg_I regular Arg_I breaks Arg_I from Arg_I their Arg_I learning, Arg_I preparation Arg_I and Arg_I examination Arg_I schedule Arg_I . O Many Arg_B colleges Arg_I in Arg_I foreign Arg_I countries Arg_I provide Arg_I vacations Arg_I to Arg_I students Arg_I after Arg_I each Arg_I semester Arg_I that Arg_I facilitate Arg_I student Arg_I to Arg_I entertain Arg_I themselves Arg_I as Arg_I well Arg_I as Arg_I prepare Arg_I for Arg_I their Arg_I next Arg_I semester Arg_I . O Also O several Arg_B holidays Arg_I aid Arg_I these Arg_I students Arg_I to Arg_I not Arg_I only Arg_I amuse Arg_I themselves Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I arrange Arg_I fund Arg_I and Arg_I materials Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I books Arg_I and Arg_I references Arg_I material Arg_I for Arg_I their Arg_I upcoming Arg_I course Arg_I . O Secondly, O scientific O research O provide O several O authentic O survey O of O the O students' O performance O after O break O . O It O states O that O students Arg_B learning Arg_I capability Arg_I increase Arg_I after Arg_I having Arg_I refreshing Arg_I vacation Arg_I . O To O quote O an O instance, O in Arg_B my Arg_I school Arg_I we Arg_I used Arg_I to Arg_I get Arg_I several Arg_I vacations Arg_I after Arg_I our Arg_I quarterly Arg_I exams Arg_I . O During Arg_B those Arg_I vacations Arg_I i Arg_I used Arg_I to Arg_I analyze Arg_I my Arg_I performance Arg_I in Arg_I latest Arg_I examination Arg_I and Arg_I used Arg_I to Arg_I go Arg_I through Arg_I those Arg_I question Arg_I or Arg_I concept Arg_I again Arg_I to Arg_I avoid Arg_I making Arg_I same Arg_I mistakes Arg_I . O I Arg_B also Arg_I used Arg_I to Arg_I spend Arg_I my Arg_I time Arg_I on Arg_I developing Arg_I some Arg_I recreational Arg_I activity Arg_I or Arg_I learning Arg_I some Arg_I sports Arg_I or Arg_I game Arg_I . O During Arg_B my Arg_I all Arg_I vacations, Arg_I I Arg_I used Arg_I to Arg_I miss Arg_I my Arg_I school Arg_I due Arg_I to Arg_I which Arg_I I Arg_I used Arg_I to Arg_I restart Arg_I my Arg_I session Arg_I with Arg_I great Arg_I enthusiasm Arg_I of Arg_I learning Arg_I and Arg_I scoring Arg_I good Arg_I marks Arg_I in Arg_I new Arg_I quarter Arg_I . O Vacations Arg_B are Arg_I not Arg_I only Arg_I required Arg_I by Arg_I students Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I by Arg_I professionals Arg_I and Arg_I housekeepers Arg_I . O As O it Arg_B not Arg_I only Arg_I provide Arg_I break Arg_I to Arg_I them Arg_I from Arg_I their Arg_I regular Arg_I commitment Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I allows Arg_I them Arg_I to Arg_I spend Arg_I some Arg_I time Arg_I on Arg_I themselves, Arg_I heel Arg_I stressful Arg_I mind Arg_I and Arg_I boost Arg_I desire Arg_I of Arg_I resuming Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I regular Arg_I schedule Arg_I . O Therefore O schools Arg_B should Arg_I consider Arg_I giving Arg_I several Arg_I small Arg_I vocations Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I students Arg_I during Arg_I the Arg_I year Arg_I . O Saving/Spending O money O In O recent O years O the O majority O of O developed O countries O have O a O low O saving O rate O because O the O people O opt O to O spend O their O earnings O immediately O or O they O even O take O loans O to O finance O their O expenses O . O But O isn't O it O better O to O save O your O money O for O later O investments O or O rough O times? O Im O my O opinion, O saving Arg_B some Arg_I part Arg_I of Arg_I your Arg_I earnings Arg_I is Arg_I essential Arg_I due O to O the O fact O that O you Arg_B can Arg_I not Arg_I predict Arg_I future Arg_I developments, Arg_I neither Arg_I in Arg_I your Arg_I professional Arg_I nor Arg_I your Arg_I personal Arg_I life, Arg_I furthermore Arg_I with Arg_I savings Arg_I you Arg_I can Arg_I fulfill Arg_I some Arg_I of Arg_I your Arg_I dreams Arg_I . O First, O there Arg_B are Arg_I several Arg_I uncertainties Arg_I about Arg_I your Arg_I professional Arg_I future Arg_I . O The Arg_B global Arg_I economic Arg_I conditions Arg_I in Arg_I these Arg_I days Arg_I are Arg_I tough Arg_I and Arg_I there Arg_I are Arg_I many Arg_I unpredictable Arg_I factors Arg_I that Arg_I make Arg_I it Arg_I necessary Arg_I to Arg_I have Arg_I some Arg_I money Arg_I on Arg_I your Arg_I bank Arg_I account Arg_I . O As O example O I Arg_B remember Arg_I some Arg_I friends Arg_I who Arg_I lost Arg_I their Arg_I jobs Arg_I recently Arg_I due Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I economic Arg_I crisis Arg_I in Arg_I Europe Arg_I . O Some O of O them O had O no O own O savings O . O They O could O not O afford O the O rent, O so O they Arg_B had Arg_I to Arg_I move Arg_I back Arg_I in Arg_I with Arg_I their Arg_I families Arg_I and Arg_I they Arg_I lost Arg_I their Arg_I independence Arg_I . O In O addition, O you Arg_B can Arg_I not Arg_I be Arg_I sure Arg_I about Arg_I the Arg_I development Arg_I in Arg_I your Arg_I personal Arg_I life Arg_I . O It Arg_B is Arg_I possible Arg_I that Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I future Arg_I you Arg_I have Arg_I some Arg_I unavoidable Arg_I expenses Arg_I that Arg_I you Arg_I could Arg_I not Arg_I afford Arg_I without Arg_I savings Arg_I . O Back Arg_B in Arg_I university Arg_I I Arg_I remember Arg_I a Arg_I friend Arg_I of Arg_I mine Arg_I who Arg_I had Arg_I just Arg_I little Arg_I savings Arg_I and Arg_I he Arg_I had Arg_I to Arg_I deal Arg_I with Arg_I a Arg_I major Arg_I repair Arg_I of Arg_I his Arg_I car Arg_I . O He Arg_B could Arg_I not Arg_I afford Arg_I the Arg_I maintenance Arg_I so O he Arg_B had Arg_I to Arg_I sell Arg_I it Arg_I . O Finally, O with Arg_B savings Arg_I you Arg_I can Arg_I afford Arg_I some Arg_I luxurious Arg_I goods Arg_I and Arg_I fulfill Arg_I your Arg_I dreams Arg_I . O Working Arg_B hard Arg_I and Arg_I saving Arg_I money Arg_I for Arg_I later Arg_I on Arg_I investments Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I great Arg_I way Arg_I of Arg_I getting Arg_I a Arg_I satisfying Arg_I feeling Arg_I and Arg_I to Arg_I reward Arg_I yourself Arg_I for Arg_I something Arg_I you Arg_I have Arg_I accomplished Arg_I . O For O instance, O I Arg_B made Arg_I a Arg_I month-long Arg_I backpack Arg_I trip Arg_I through Arg_I Southeast Arg_I Asia Arg_I last Arg_I summer Arg_I with Arg_I my Arg_I girlfriend Arg_I . O Without Arg_B our Arg_I savings Arg_I we Arg_I could Arg_I not Arg_I have Arg_I pursued Arg_I our Arg_I long-time Arg_I dream Arg_I . O Considering O all O the O above O mentioned O arguments, O from O my O point O of O view O there Arg_B is Arg_I no Arg_I other Arg_I choice Arg_I than Arg_I saving Arg_I money Arg_I for Arg_I some Arg_I time Arg_I . O Rush O vs O Slower O Pace O Modern O technologies O and O globalization O have O increased O the O speed O of O life O in O the O past O decades O tremendously O . O However, O while O the O majority O of O people O live O on O the O fast O lane, O others O decide O to O reduce O the O speed O and O take O their O time O . O To O draw O an O entire O picture, O we O have O to O consider O both O the O advantages O and O disadvantages O of O this O increased O speed O of O life O and O ask O our O self O which O way O of O life O is O better O . O In O my O opinion, O it O is O very O important O to O live O life O at O a O slower O pace, O because O living Arg_B in Arg_I a Arg_I hurry Arg_I comes Arg_I along Arg_I with Arg_I several Arg_I disadvantages Arg_I . O First, O living Arg_B your Arg_I life Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I fast Arg_I lane Arg_I is Arg_I very Arg_I stressful Arg_I and Arg_I can Arg_I affect Arg_I your Arg_I health Arg_I . O If Arg_B you Arg_I are Arg_I always Arg_I hurried Arg_I and Arg_I you Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I take Arg_I a Arg_I certain Arg_I time Arg_I off, Arg_I your Arg_I body Arg_I will Arg_I react Arg_I to Arg_I your Arg_I stressful Arg_I lifestyle Arg_I . O Many O hardworking O people O have O diseases, O like O the O burn-out O syndrome, O because O their Arg_B bodies Arg_I cannot Arg_I hold Arg_I the Arg_I pace Arg_I . O For O instance, O my Arg_B father Arg_I had Arg_I a Arg_I a Arg_I breakdown Arg_I several Arg_I years Arg_I ago Arg_I due Arg_I to Arg_I his Arg_I stressful Arg_I job Arg_I . O After Arg_B several Arg_I weeks Arg_I off Arg_I his Arg_I body Arg_I was Arg_I restored, Arg_I now Arg_I he Arg_I has Arg_I reduced Arg_I the Arg_I tempo Arg_I of Arg_I his Arg_I lifestyle Arg_I and Arg_I is Arg_I doing Arg_I fine Arg_I . O In O addition, O living Arg_B your Arg_I life Arg_I at Arg_I a Arg_I slower Arg_I pace Arg_I increases Arg_I your Arg_I happiness Arg_I . O If Arg_B you Arg_I are Arg_I always Arg_I facing Arg_I excessive Arg_I stress Arg_I you Arg_I cannot Arg_I care Arg_I for Arg_I your Arg_I beloved's Arg_I . O If Arg_B you Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I hurry Arg_I yourself Arg_I you Arg_I can Arg_I take Arg_I more Arg_I time Arg_I for Arg_I your Arg_I family Arg_I and Arg_I friends Arg_I . O Caring Arg_B for Arg_I your Arg_I social Arg_I environment Arg_I will Arg_I increase Arg_I your Arg_I happiness Arg_I and Arg_I also Arg_I reduce Arg_I your Arg_I stress Arg_I level Arg_I . O For O example, O a O friend O of O mine O lives O at O a O slow O pace O and O is O really O satisfied O about O it, O because O he Arg_B can Arg_I enjoy Arg_I his Arg_I family Arg_I and Arg_I cultivate Arg_I his Arg_I friendships Arg_I . O Finally, O quality Arg_B takes Arg_I time Arg_I . O When Arg_B you Arg_I are Arg_I faced Arg_I with Arg_I difficult Arg_I tasks Arg_I and Arg_I you Arg_I do Arg_I them Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I rush, Arg_I you Arg_I are Arg_I more Arg_I likely Arg_I to Arg_I do Arg_I avoidable Arg_I errors Arg_I or Arg_I mistakes Arg_I . O Doing Arg_B tasks Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I hurry Arg_I may Arg_I end Arg_I up Arg_I in Arg_I not Arg_I considering Arg_I all Arg_I necessary Arg_I aspects Arg_I or Arg_I opportunities Arg_I . O As O a O result O you Arg_B might Arg_I make Arg_I mistakes, Arg_I you Arg_I would Arg_I not Arg_I have Arg_I done Arg_I with Arg_I more Arg_I patience Arg_I . O To O illustrate, O I O once O wrote O an O essay O in O a O hurry O and O got O a O bad O grade, O because O I Arg_B made Arg_I few Arg_I mistakes Arg_I I Arg_I could Arg_I have Arg_I avoided Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O there O is O to O say O that, O given O the O arguments O above, O living Arg_B a Arg_I slower Arg_I life Arg_I is Arg_I advantageous Arg_I for Arg_I your Arg_I health, Arg_I your Arg_I happiness Arg_I and Arg_I even Arg_I the Arg_I quality Arg_I of Arg_I your Arg_I work Arg_I . O Human O needs O vs O saving O land O for O endangered O animals O In O the O past O centuries O the O population O steadily O grew O and O now, O for O the O first O time O in O history, O is O exceeding O seven O billion O . O As O a O result O more O and O more O natural O environment O had O to O be O vanished O to O make O room O for O housing, O feeding O and O industry O . O But O isn't O it O important O to O preserve O the O land O to O maintain O the O other O species O living O on O our O planet? O In O my O opinion, O we Arg_B clearly Arg_I have Arg_I to Arg_I change Arg_I our Arg_I attitude Arg_I towards Arg_I the Arg_I environment Arg_I because O of O several O reasons O . O First, O the Arg_B natural Arg_I diversity Arg_I is Arg_I very Arg_I important Arg_I for Arg_I further Arg_I generations Arg_I . O If Arg_B we Arg_I don't Arg_I change Arg_I our Arg_I behavior Arg_I we Arg_I will Arg_I extinct Arg_I many Arg_I species Arg_I living Arg_I for Arg_I millions Arg_I of Arg_I years Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I planet Arg_I . O As Arg_B we Arg_I destroy Arg_I the Arg_I natural Arg_I habitat, Arg_I like Arg_I forests, Arg_I jungles Arg_I and Arg_I lakes, Arg_I to Arg_I make Arg_I place Arg_I for Arg_I our Arg_I industry Arg_I and Arg_I farmland, Arg_I we Arg_I rob Arg_I the Arg_I ecosystem Arg_I . O To O illustrate, O every Arg_B day Arg_I a Arg_I massive Arg_I part Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I Rainforest Arg_I in Arg_I South Arg_I America Arg_I is Arg_I destroyed Arg_I to Arg_I provide Arg_I wood Arg_I and Arg_I farmland Arg_I . O If Arg_B we Arg_I don't Arg_I preserve Arg_I this Arg_I important Arg_I part Arg_I of Arg_I our Arg_I ecosystem Arg_I many Arg_I endangered Arg_I animals Arg_I will Arg_I loose Arg_I their Arg_I natural Arg_I habitat Arg_I and Arg_I go Arg_I extinct Arg_I . O As O a O result, O further Arg_B generations Arg_I will Arg_I never Arg_I have Arg_I the Arg_I opportunity Arg_I to Arg_I see Arg_I and Arg_I study Arg_I these Arg_I animals Arg_I . O In O addition, O a Arg_B stable Arg_I and Arg_I sustainable Arg_I environment Arg_I is Arg_I essential Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I weather Arg_I . O Our Arg_B behavior Arg_I causes Arg_I pollution, Arg_I which Arg_I heavily Arg_I affects Arg_I the Arg_I weather Arg_I conditions Arg_I on Arg_I planet Arg_I Earth Arg_I and Arg_I causes Arg_I the Arg_I undoubtedly Arg_I Global Arg_I Warming Arg_I . O This Arg_B not Arg_I only Arg_I affects Arg_I the Arg_I endangered Arg_I animals, Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I the Arg_I humans Arg_I because O we Arg_B are Arg_I affected Arg_I by Arg_I the Arg_I increasing Arg_I sea Arg_I level Arg_I and Arg_I the Arg_I climatic Arg_I changes Arg_I . O For O example, O recent Arg_B studies Arg_I from Arg_I the Arg_I United Arg_I Nations Arg_I Organization Arg_I have Arg_I shown Arg_I that, Arg_I till Arg_I 2050 Arg_I the Arg_I sea Arg_I level Arg_I will Arg_I increase Arg_I over Arg_I one Arg_I meter Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I average Arg_I . O This Arg_B will Arg_I dramaticly Arg_I affect Arg_I all Arg_I people Arg_I living Arg_I near Arg_I the Arg_I coast Arg_I and Arg_I change Arg_I the Arg_I global Arg_I climate Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O there O is O to O say O that, O given O the O arguments O above, O we Arg_B definitely Arg_I have Arg_I to Arg_I change Arg_I our Arg_I behavior Arg_I towards Arg_I the Arg_I environment, Arg_I not Arg_I only Arg_I to Arg_I preserve Arg_I the Arg_I endangered Arg_I animals Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I to Arg_I preserve Arg_I our Arg_I own Arg_I living Arg_I conditions Arg_I . O Going O to O classes O should O be O optional O for O the O students O University O students O have O different O opinion O about O their O attendance O to O class O . O Some O students O believe O that O they O should O be O required O to O attend O classes O while O others O believe O that O it O is O an O optional O for O the O students O . O According O to O my O opinion, O because O it Arg_B is Arg_I university Arg_I level Arg_I of Arg_I education, Arg_I students Arg_I have Arg_I enough Arg_I maturity Arg_I to Arg_I choose Arg_I their Arg_I choice Arg_I . O Therefore, O I O strongly O agree O that O going Arg_B to Arg_I classes Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I optional Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I students Arg_I . O To O begin O with, O going Arg_B to Arg_I classes Arg_I are Arg_I sometimes Arg_I waste Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I time Arg_I . O For O instance, O some Arg_B lecturers Arg_I in Arg_I our Arg_I university Arg_I read Arg_I the Arg_I same Arg_I text Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I reference Arg_I books Arg_I for Arg_I that Arg_I particular Arg_I course Arg_I module Arg_I . O Further, O they Arg_B didn't Arg_I explain Arg_I the Arg_I contents Arg_I in Arg_I order Arg_I to Arg_I understand Arg_I by Arg_I the Arg_I students Arg_I . O It Arg_B was Arg_I waste Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I time Arg_I . O Because O the O university O students O have O grown O up, O they Arg_B have Arg_I enough Arg_I ability Arg_I to Arg_I read Arg_I and Arg_I understand Arg_I the Arg_I text Arg_I book Arg_I . O Moreover, O with Arg_B the Arg_I modern Arg_I technology, Arg_I students Arg_I can Arg_I collect Arg_I more Arg_I information Arg_I from Arg_I different Arg_I sources Arg_I . O For O example, O from Arg_B the Arg_I Internet, Arg_I students Arg_I can Arg_I read Arg_I many Arg_I articles Arg_I and Arg_I e-books Arg_I and Arg_I can Arg_I watch Arg_I video Arg_I tutorials Arg_I which Arg_I provide Arg_I the Arg_I information Arg_I more Arg_I apparently Arg_I . O However, O some Arg_B lecturers Arg_I deliver Arg_I lectures Arg_I very Arg_I informative Arg_I and Arg_I interesting Arg_I way Arg_I . O When Arg_B the Arg_I students Arg_I attend Arg_I that Arg_I lectures, Arg_I they Arg_I can Arg_I obviously Arg_I feel Arg_I that Arg_I it Arg_I was Arg_I very Arg_I useful Arg_I and Arg_I they Arg_I did Arg_I not Arg_I waste Arg_I their Arg_I time Arg_I . O Additionally, O mostly Arg_B university Arg_I has Arg_I taken Arg_I whole Arg_I day Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I lectures Arg_I . O Besides, O most Arg_B of Arg_I the Arg_I university Arg_I students Arg_I are Arg_I working Arg_I students Arg_I in Arg_I order Arg_I to Arg_I manage Arg_I the Arg_I expenses Arg_I during Arg_I the Arg_I education Arg_I time Arg_I . O Students Arg_B need Arg_I to Arg_I work Arg_I as Arg_I part Arg_I time Arg_I basis Arg_I . O Hence, O they Arg_B have Arg_I to Arg_I schedule Arg_I the Arg_I lectures Arg_I time, Arg_I studying Arg_I time Arg_I and Arg_I working Arg_I time Arg_I . O At O the O same O time, O rather Arg_B than Arg_I attending Arg_I any Arg_I boring Arg_I lecturers, Arg_I students Arg_I can Arg_I participate Arg_I to Arg_I other Arg_I activities Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I debate Arg_I competition, Arg_I swimming Arg_I meet, Arg_I Basketball Arg_I and Arg_I so Arg_I forth Arg_I . O From O that O they Arg_B can Arg_I meet Arg_I other Arg_I university Arg_I students Arg_I and Arg_I build Arg_I up Arg_I the Arg_I relationships Arg_I with Arg_I them Arg_I . O In O a O nutshell, O although O few O brilliant O lecturers O deliver O more O informative O lectures, O some Arg_B are Arg_I boring Arg_I the Arg_I students Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I class Arg_I and Arg_I wasting Arg_I the Arg_I students' Arg_I time Arg_I . O When Arg_B the Arg_I students Arg_I go Arg_I to Arg_I university, Arg_I they Arg_I have Arg_I matured Arg_I mentally Arg_I and Arg_I physically Arg_I . O They Arg_B have Arg_I enough Arg_I knowledge Arg_I to Arg_I choose Arg_I what Arg_I they Arg_I need Arg_I to Arg_I do Arg_I . O Therefore, O to O make O use O of O time, O if Arg_B the Arg_I students Arg_I choose Arg_I the Arg_I classes Arg_I as Arg_I optional, Arg_I it Arg_I would Arg_I provide Arg_I more Arg_I benefits Arg_I than Arg_I drawbacks Arg_I . O Famous O people O are O bothered O by O the O media O Some O people O think O that O mass O media O should O only O focus O on O news O and O current O affairs O . O Others O believe O that O television, O newspapers O and O magazines O should O keep O us O entertained O and O therefore O they O should O pay O attention O to O famous O people O lives O as O well O . O This O issue O is O a O controversial O one, O but O in O my O opinion O a O closer O examination O reveals O that O mass Arg_B media Arg_I deal Arg_I too Arg_I much Arg_I with Arg_I superficial Arg_I things Arg_I for O different O reasons O . O One O reason O is O that O television Arg_B and Arg_I newspapers Arg_I focus Arg_I on Arg_I famous Arg_I peoples' Arg_I lives Arg_I in Arg_I order Arg_I to Arg_I increase Arg_I their Arg_I audience Arg_I or Arg_I readership Arg_I . O Gutter Arg_B press Arg_I and Arg_I Tabloid Arg_I TV Arg_I are Arg_I more Arg_I and Arg_I more Arg_I replacing Arg_I quality Arg_I papers Arg_I or Arg_I documentaries Arg_I programs Arg_I . O Thanks Arg_B to Arg_I the Arg_I Internet, Arg_I we Arg_I can Arg_I go Arg_I online Arg_I and Arg_I have Arg_I access Arg_I to Arg_I information Arg_I from Arg_I all Arg_I over Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I and O therefore O mass Arg_B media Arg_I don't Arg_I need Arg_I any Arg_I more Arg_I to Arg_I keep Arg_I informed Arg_I people Arg_I but Arg_I their Arg_I goal Arg_I is Arg_I to Arg_I have Arg_I enough Arg_I readers Arg_I or Arg_I TV Arg_I audience Arg_I . O Another O reason O is O that O we Arg_B live Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I society Arg_I where Arg_I the Arg_I most Arg_I important Arg_I thing Arg_I is Arg_I appearance Arg_I and Arg_I gossip Arg_I . O Nowadays, Arg_B unscrupulous Arg_I paparazzi Arg_I constantly Arg_I follow Arg_I celebrities Arg_I just Arg_I to Arg_I take Arg_I a Arg_I photo Arg_I while Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I eating Arg_I or Arg_I training Arg_I . O Newspapers Arg_B often Arg_I receive Arg_I accusations Arg_I of Arg_I checkbook Arg_I journalism; Arg_I this Arg_I means Arg_I that Arg_I magazines Arg_I pay Arg_I people Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I money Arg_I for Arg_I stories Arg_I or Arg_I photos Arg_I . O Additionally, O there Arg_B are Arg_I Reality Arg_I TV, Arg_I television Arg_I programs Arg_I in Arg_I which Arg_I people Arg_I are Arg_I put Arg_I into Arg_I artificial Arg_I environments Arg_I and Arg_I situations, Arg_I for Arg_I example Arg_I like Arg_I "Big Arg_I Brother" Arg_I . O To O sum O up, O it O is O clear O that O television, Arg_B magazines Arg_I and Arg_I newspapers Arg_I pay Arg_I too Arg_I much Arg_I attention Arg_I of Arg_I peoples' Arg_I private Arg_I lives Arg_I for Arg_I all Arg_I the Arg_I reasons Arg_I mentioned Arg_I above, Arg_I namely Arg_I to Arg_I increase Arg_I audience Arg_I or Arg_I readership Arg_I and Arg_I to Arg_I give Arg_I exciting Arg_I and Arg_I shocking Arg_I news Arg_I to Arg_I a Arg_I society Arg_I which Arg_I feed Arg_I upon Arg_I gutter Arg_I press Arg_I and Arg_I Tabloid Arg_I TV Arg_I . O Staying O in O one O place O is O better O than O moving O number O of O places O Some O people O may O prefer O to O live O in O different O places O at O different O time O because O of O many O reasons O such O as O looking O for O better O job, O house, O community O and O so O on O . O I Arg_B prefer Arg_I to Arg_I spend Arg_I my Arg_I entire Arg_I live Arg_I in Arg_I one Arg_I place Arg_I which Arg_I is Arg_I my Arg_I hometown Arg_I . O In Arg_B my Arg_I hometown, Arg_I I Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I friends Arg_I and Arg_I good Arg_I relationships, Arg_I I Arg_I love Arg_I the Arg_I traffic Arg_I in Arg_I here, Arg_I and Arg_I the Arg_I environment Arg_I is Arg_I wonderful Arg_I . O I O was O born O and O grew O up O in O here, O a O small O town O . O In Arg_B here, Arg_I I Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I friends, Arg_I and Arg_I we Arg_I usually Arg_I spend Arg_I free Arg_I time Arg_I to Arg_I play Arg_I sports Arg_I like Arg_I soccer, Arg_I basketball Arg_I and Arg_I of Arg_I course Arg_I we Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I fun Arg_I . O Every Arg_B people Arg_I in Arg_I my Arg_I town Arg_I have Arg_I known Arg_I each Arg_I others, Arg_I and Arg_I we Arg_I have Arg_I good Arg_I relationships Arg_I . O If Arg_B anyone Arg_I needs Arg_I help, Arg_I his Arg_I neighbor Arg_I will Arg_I help Arg_I as Arg_I much Arg_I as Arg_I possible Arg_I . O Nowhere Arg_B else Arg_I can Arg_I give Arg_I me Arg_I some Arg_I people Arg_I like Arg_I in Arg_I here Arg_I . O I Arg_B want Arg_I to Arg_I live Arg_I here Arg_I because O I Arg_B love Arg_I the Arg_I traffic Arg_I system Arg_I in Arg_I here Arg_I . O We O have O large O streets O but O few O cars, O so O we Arg_B can Arg_I move Arg_I easily Arg_I to Arg_I anywhere Arg_I . O Last Arg_B week, Arg_I I Arg_I went Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I city Arg_I center Arg_I to Arg_I meet Arg_I my Arg_I friends Arg_I . O The Arg_B traffic Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I city Arg_I was Arg_I too Arg_I crowed Arg_I . O I Arg_B have Arg_I to Arg_I wait Arg_I for Arg_I an Arg_I hour Arg_I to Arg_I go Arg_I to Arg_I my Arg_I friend Arg_I house Arg_I . O I Arg_B also Arg_I love Arg_I the Arg_I environment Arg_I in Arg_I here Arg_I . O I Arg_B have Arg_I been Arg_I gone Arg_I to Arg_I some Arg_I places Arg_I to Arg_I travel Arg_I and Arg_I stay Arg_I for Arg_I a Arg_I short Arg_I time, Arg_I and Arg_I I Arg_I realize Arg_I that Arg_I the Arg_I environment Arg_I in Arg_I some Arg_I place Arg_I isn't Arg_I clean Arg_I and Arg_I fresh Arg_I like Arg_I my Arg_I home Arg_I town Arg_I . O There Arg_B were Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I people Arg_I so O the Arg_B environment Arg_I can't Arg_I be Arg_I keep Arg_I clean Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O I O strongly O feel O that O staying Arg_B in Arg_I one Arg_I place Arg_I is Arg_I better Arg_I than Arg_I moving Arg_I number Arg_I of Arg_I places Arg_I . O Moving Arg_B some Arg_I places Arg_I can Arg_I give Arg_I to Arg_I you Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I experiences Arg_I but O living Arg_B in Arg_I one Arg_I place Arg_I like Arg_I your Arg_I hometown Arg_I can Arg_I make Arg_I you Arg_I feel Arg_I comfortable Arg_I about Arg_I the Arg_I traffic, Arg_I people Arg_I and Arg_I of Arg_I course Arg_I the Arg_I environment Arg_I . O Dormitory O or O apartment? O When O it O comes O to O the O issue O of O choosing O an O accommodation O after O completion O of O their O high O school, O most O students O always O get O confused O between O these O two O options: O living O in O an O apartment, O or O in O university O dormitories O . O As O far O as O I O am O concerned, O both Arg_B choices Arg_I have Arg_I their Arg_I own Arg_I advantages Arg_I and Arg_I disadvantages Arg_I . O On O the O one O hand, O living Arg_B in Arg_I a Arg_I dormitory Arg_I helps Arg_I students Arg_I to Arg_I familiarize Arg_I themselves Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I academic Arg_I environment Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I university Arg_I . O For O instance, O students Arg_B can Arg_I have Arg_I an Arg_I opportunity Arg_I to Arg_I take Arg_I part Arg_I in Arg_I many Arg_I kind Arg_I of Arg_I extracurricular Arg_I activities Arg_I happing Arg_I around Arg_I the Arg_I campus Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I attending Arg_I conversation Arg_I club, Arg_I or Arg_I joining Arg_I sports Arg_I club Arg_I . O Students Arg_B can Arg_I also Arg_I have Arg_I more Arg_I chance Arg_I of Arg_I interaction Arg_I with Arg_I their Arg_I teachers Arg_I and Arg_I classmates Arg_I . O In O addition, O it Arg_B is Arg_I easier Arg_I for Arg_I students Arg_I to Arg_I get Arg_I help Arg_I when Arg_I facing Arg_I problem Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I if Arg_I students Arg_I have Arg_I problem Arg_I in Arg_I solving Arg_I their Arg_I math Arg_I question, Arg_I they Arg_I can Arg_I easily Arg_I ask Arg_I for Arg_I help Arg_I to Arg_I their Arg_I roommates, Arg_I classmates, Arg_I or Arg_I teachers Arg_I . O I O think O living Arg_B in Arg_I dormitory Arg_I is Arg_I always Arg_I helpful Arg_I to Arg_I students Arg_I . O On O the O other O hand, O living Arg_B off Arg_I campus Arg_I prepares Arg_I students Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I real Arg_I life Arg_I . O For O example, O students Arg_B can Arg_I learn Arg_I many Arg_I new Arg_I things Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I how Arg_I to Arg_I become Arg_I responsible, Arg_I independent, Arg_I punctual, Arg_I co-operative Arg_I compared Arg_I to Arg_I living Arg_I in Arg_I university Arg_I dormitories Arg_I . O They Arg_B are Arg_I responsible Arg_I to Arg_I take Arg_I care Arg_I of Arg_I everything Arg_I including Arg_I paying Arg_I their Arg_I apartment Arg_I rent Arg_I on Arg_I time, Arg_I and Arg_I dealing Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I utility Arg_I bills Arg_I . O In O addition, O students Arg_B also Arg_I have Arg_I to Arg_I focus Arg_I on Arg_I their Arg_I study, Arg_I and Arg_I try Arg_I to Arg_I maintain Arg_I their Arg_I grades Arg_I higher Arg_I . O Furthermore, O students Arg_B also Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I chance Arg_I to Arg_I know Arg_I about Arg_I the Arg_I community Arg_I around Arg_I them Arg_I . O Interacting Arg_B with Arg_I the Arg_I people, Arg_I and Arg_I socializing Arg_I with Arg_I them Arg_I prepares Arg_I students Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I life Arg_I after Arg_I graduation Arg_I . O From O given O the O evidences, O it O seems O to O me O that O it O becomes O hard O for O students O to O choose O between O their O living O options O since O both Arg_B living Arg_I accommodation Arg_I have Arg_I its Arg_I own Arg_I benefits Arg_I . O If O I O have O to O choose, O I Arg_B would Arg_I definitely Arg_I choose Arg_I the Arg_I second Arg_I option: Arg_I living Arg_I in Arg_I an Arg_I apartment Arg_I . O I O think O that O it Arg_B teaches Arg_I me Arg_I everything Arg_I that Arg_I I Arg_I certainly Arg_I wants Arg_I to Arg_I learn Arg_I in Arg_I my Arg_I life Arg_I because O learning Arg_B all Arg_I those Arg_I characteristics Arg_I would Arg_I really Arg_I help Arg_I me Arg_I in Arg_I leading Arg_I successful Arg_I life Arg_I . O It O is O not O necessary O for O university O students O to O attend O classes O Though O out O the O last O decade, O the O load O of O the O university O students O has O been O constantly O increasing O . O There O are O those O who O consider O that O university O students O cannot O attend O any O classes O until O the O students O pass O the O exam O . O There O are O those O who O said O that O student O can O attend O the O university O coarse O without O passing O the O exam O . O However, O from O my O perspective, O students Arg_B can Arg_I acquire Arg_I university Arg_I knowledge Arg_I without Arg_I the Arg_I prerequisite Arg_I of Arg_I passing Arg_I exam Arg_I . O The O reasons O to O be O illustrated O are O follows O . O Firstly, O the Arg_B students Arg_I are Arg_I not Arg_I constantly Arg_I expert Arg_I in Arg_I every Arg_I part Arg_I of Arg_I a Arg_I subject Arg_I . O For O example, O I O love O Physics O . O But O I O don't O like O electronics, O because O electronics Arg_B cannot Arg_I always Arg_I be Arg_I seen Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I real Arg_I world Arg_I . O And Arg_B I Arg_I have Arg_I had Arg_I 0 Arg_I in Arg_I physics Arg_I score Arg_I when Arg_I I Arg_I study Arg_I the Arg_I electronics Arg_I . O But Arg_B I Arg_I constantly Arg_I achieve Arg_I 100 Arg_I score Arg_I when Arg_I I Arg_I study Arg_I other Arg_I part Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I physics Arg_I . O And Arg_B if Arg_I I Arg_I cannot Arg_I attend Arg_I the Arg_I classes Arg_I until Arg_I I Arg_I pass Arg_I the Arg_I exam Arg_I of Arg_I electronics, Arg_I I Arg_I could Arg_I not Arg_I pass Arg_I the Arg_I entire Arg_I part Arg_I of Arg_I physics, Arg_I and Arg_I I Arg_I will Arg_I fail Arg_I the Arg_I exam Arg_I over Arg_I and Arg_I over Arg_I again Arg_I . O Luckily, Arg_B in Arg_I our Arg_I university, Arg_I you Arg_I can Arg_I attend Arg_I the Arg_I classes Arg_I regardless Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I score Arg_I you Arg_I reach Arg_I . O And Arg_B I Arg_I can Arg_I study Arg_I physics Arg_I without Arg_I consideration Arg_I of Arg_I my Arg_I electronics Arg_I . O And Arg_B at Arg_I last, Arg_I I Arg_I took Arg_I the Arg_I electronics Arg_I again Arg_I and Arg_I pass Arg_I the Arg_I exam Arg_I . O Secondly, O if Arg_B the Arg_I university Arg_I take Arg_I the Arg_I policy Arg_I that Arg_I no Arg_I one Arg_I can Arg_I attend Arg_I the Arg_I classes Arg_I without Arg_I passing Arg_I exam, Arg_I students Arg_I are Arg_I highly Arg_I likely Arg_I to Arg_I leave Arg_I uncultivated Arg_I . O If Arg_B one Arg_I fail Arg_I most Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I exam, Arg_I it Arg_I means Arg_I that Arg_I he Arg_I or Arg_I she Arg_I cannot Arg_I participate Arg_I in Arg_I most Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I classes Arg_I . O And Arg_B the Arg_I students Arg_I will Arg_I have Arg_I nothing Arg_I to Arg_I do Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I campus Arg_I . O Then O he Arg_B or Arg_I she Arg_I will Arg_I play Arg_I online Arg_I games Arg_I days Arg_I and Arg_I nights Arg_I . O The Arg_B academic Arg_I achievement Arg_I will Arg_I decline Arg_I . O In O the O end, O this Arg_B student Arg_I will Arg_I become Arg_I a Arg_I loser Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I . O And Arg_B all Arg_I this Arg_I is Arg_I due Arg_I to Arg_I that Arg_I the Arg_I university Arg_I don't Arg_I permit Arg_I them Arg_I to Arg_I attend Arg_I the Arg_I class Arg_I . O This Arg_B is Arg_I not Arg_I the Arg_I failure Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I university Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I the Arg_I entire Arg_I education Arg_I system Arg_I . O Admittedly, O the Arg_B university Arg_I student Arg_I may Arg_I don't Arg_I reach Arg_I a Arg_I high Arg_I if Arg_I the Arg_I university Arg_I allow Arg_I student Arg_I to Arg_I participate Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I class Arg_I no Arg_I matter Arg_I whether Arg_I they Arg_I pass Arg_I the Arg_I test Arg_I or Arg_I not Arg_I . O But O the Arg_B benefit Arg_I of Arg_I free Arg_I to Arg_I access Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I classes Arg_I eclipse Arg_I the Arg_I issue Arg_I of Arg_I lower Arg_I points Arg_I . O All O in O all, O the Arg_B university Arg_I should Arg_I allow Arg_I the Arg_I student Arg_I to Arg_I participate Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I classed Arg_I without Arg_I passing Arg_I the Arg_I test Arg_I because O not Arg_B only Arg_I is Arg_I every Arg_I students Arg_I expert Arg_I in Arg_I every Arg_I part Arg_I of Arg_I one Arg_I subject Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I it Arg_I will Arg_I reduce Arg_I the Arg_I student Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I campus Arg_I who Arg_I leave Arg_I uncultivated Arg_I . O I'm O against O providing O more O money O to O professors O University O education O is O always O an O important O part O of O one's O life O . O That's O why O education O in O university O is O discussed O all O the O time O . O What O is O the O best O way O to O orientate O the O students? O Raising O the O salaries O of O professors O so? O I O would O say O no O . O The O professors O are O essential, O however, O the Arg_B schools Arg_I are Arg_I established Arg_I for Arg_I students Arg_I . O Money Arg_B should Arg_I spend Arg_I on Arg_I facilities Arg_I in Arg_I school Arg_I or Arg_I update Arg_I resources, Arg_I which Arg_I are Arg_I beneficial Arg_I to Arg_I school Arg_I rather Arg_I than Arg_I just Arg_I instructors Arg_I . O The O following O are O my O opinions O . O To O begin O with, O the Arg_B school Arg_I should Arg_I put Arg_I more Arg_I emphasis Arg_I on Arg_I students Arg_I instead Arg_I of Arg_I professors Arg_I . O I O think O the Arg_B most Arg_I efficient Arg_I way Arg_I to Arg_I improve Arg_I the Arg_I education Arg_I is Arg_I to Arg_I guide Arg_I the Arg_I students Arg_I to Arg_I learn Arg_I actively Arg_I . O By Arg_B renewing Arg_I some Arg_I facilities Arg_I in Arg_I school Arg_I so Arg_I students Arg_I will Arg_I spend Arg_I more Arg_I time Arg_I at Arg_I school Arg_I doing Arg_I assignment Arg_I . O A Arg_B comfortable Arg_I environment Arg_I can Arg_I attract Arg_I people Arg_I to Arg_I stay Arg_I longer Arg_I . O Thus, O students Arg_B spend Arg_I more Arg_I time Arg_I on Arg_I school Arg_I to Arg_I make Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I circulation Arg_I of Arg_I learning Arg_I . O That O is O to O say, O students Arg_B have Arg_I a Arg_I better Arg_I environment Arg_I to Arg_I working Arg_I on Arg_I their Arg_I assignments Arg_I so O the Arg_B quality Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I assignments Arg_I will Arg_I improve Arg_I . O Thus, O the Arg_B competition Arg_I between Arg_I peers Arg_I enhances Arg_I and Arg_I forms Arg_I a Arg_I circulation Arg_I . O In Arg_B my Arg_I school, Arg_I the Arg_I classrooms Arg_I in Arg_I my Arg_I university Arg_I are Arg_I old Arg_I and Arg_I kind Arg_I of Arg_I shabby Arg_I . O For O me, O I Arg_B prefer Arg_I spending Arg_I money Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I coffee Arg_I shop Arg_I to Arg_I staying Arg_I at Arg_I school Arg_I to Arg_I finish Arg_I my Arg_I assignment Arg_I . O It's Arg_B unpleasant Arg_I to Arg_I stay Arg_I at Arg_I school Arg_I . O However, O coffee Arg_B shops Arg_I are Arg_I not Arg_I always Arg_I quiet, Arg_I so Arg_I my Arg_I classmates Arg_I and Arg_I I Arg_I often Arg_I finish Arg_I our Arg_I work Arg_I roughly Arg_I . O Besides, O the Arg_B ultimate Arg_I purpose Arg_I is Arg_I to Arg_I change, Arg_I to Arg_I motivate Arg_I students Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I better Arg_I . O To Arg_B improve Arg_I education, Arg_I spending Arg_I more Arg_I money Arg_I to Arg_I raise Arg_I professors' Arg_I salary Arg_I is Arg_I inappropriate Arg_I . O In O addition, O will O the O university O filter O all O the O professors O overall? O Some O professors O don't O deserve O the O money O at O all, O then, O what's O the O point O to O spend O money O on O them? O High-salary Arg_B instructors Arg_I don't Arg_I teach Arg_I students Arg_I harder Arg_I because Arg_I they Arg_I earn Arg_I more Arg_I money Arg_I . O There Arg_B won't Arg_I be Arg_I any Arg_I effect Arg_I if Arg_I school Arg_I does Arg_I so Arg_I . O There Arg_B was Arg_I news Arg_I about Arg_I raising Arg_I professors' Arg_I salary Arg_I in Arg_I my Arg_I country Arg_I . O This Arg_B event Arg_I provoked Arg_I a Arg_I demonstration Arg_I composing Arg_I of Arg_I students Arg_I mostly Arg_I . O The Arg_B proposal Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I demonstration Arg_I was Arg_I eliminating Arg_I the Arg_I raising Arg_I salaries Arg_I . O As O you O can O see, O if Arg_B the Arg_I policy Arg_I of Arg_I raising Arg_I salary Arg_I was Arg_I supported, Arg_I the Arg_I demonstration Arg_I would Arg_I not Arg_I happen Arg_I . O At O school, O students O are O priority O . O Students' Arg_B tuition Arg_I is Arg_I not Arg_I only Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I professors Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I for Arg_I their Arg_I quality Arg_I of Arg_I learning Arg_I at Arg_I university Arg_I . O That's O the O main O reason O I Arg_B against Arg_I providing Arg_I more Arg_I money Arg_I to Arg_I professors Arg_I . O Students O are O those O who O suppose O to O enjoy O the O use O of O their O tuition O . O Our O useful O friends O Pets O have O always O been O essential O in O our O society O . O Cats O and O dogs O are O the O most O common O pets O but O there O are O birds, O tortoises O and O fishes O as O well O . O Some O people O think O that O pets O should O be O treated O like O family O members O . O However, O others O argue O that O they O are O just O animals O and O aren't O able O to O think O like O us O . O The O issue O is O controversial O but O in O my O opinion, O pets Arg_B should Arg_I be Arg_I treated Arg_I like Arg_I human Arg_I beings Arg_I for O different O reasons O . O First, O pets Arg_B are Arg_I our Arg_I friends Arg_I as Arg_I well Arg_I as Arg_I certain Arg_I human Arg_I beings Arg_I are Arg_I . O Similarly Arg_B to Arg_I friends, Arg_I indeed, Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I always Arg_I with Arg_I us Arg_I and Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I there Arg_I if Arg_I we Arg_I feel Arg_I alone Arg_I . O We Arg_B can Arg_I talk Arg_I to Arg_I them Arg_I because O they Arg_B listen Arg_I to Arg_I us, Arg_I more Arg_I than Arg_I some Arg_I people Arg_I will Arg_I ever Arg_I do Arg_I . O To O illustrate O this O point, O I O can O write O about O my O own O experience O . O When Arg_B I Arg_I was Arg_I 14 Arg_I years Arg_I old, Arg_I my Arg_I uncle Arg_I passed Arg_I away Arg_I and Arg_I I Arg_I felt Arg_I like Arg_I everything Arg_I was Arg_I no Arg_I longer Arg_I important Arg_I . O Talking Arg_B to Arg_I my Arg_I friends Arg_I was Arg_I frustrating Arg_I because O none Arg_B of Arg_I them Arg_I have Arg_I ever Arg_I felt Arg_I that Arg_I way Arg_I . O Since O I O was O all O alone O at O home O for O a O long O time, O my Arg_B dog Arg_I was Arg_I near Arg_I me Arg_I and Arg_I it Arg_I seemed Arg_I to Arg_I me Arg_I that Arg_I only Arg_I him Arg_I could Arg_I understand Arg_I my Arg_I deeply Arg_I feelings Arg_I . O Clearly, O although O pets O aren't O able O to O speak O with O us, O we Arg_B can Arg_I nonetheless Arg_I count Arg_I on Arg_I them Arg_I . O Secondly, O pets Arg_B are Arg_I useful Arg_I for Arg_I a Arg_I variety Arg_I of Arg_I things Arg_I . O For O example, O nowadays Arg_B the Arg_I pet Arg_I therapy Arg_I is Arg_I becoming Arg_I more Arg_I popular Arg_I than Arg_I before Arg_I . O Researchers Arg_B have Arg_I discovered Arg_I that Arg_I pets Arg_I can Arg_I bring Arg_I benefits Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I huge Arg_I amount Arg_I of Arg_I illnesses Arg_I . O There Arg_B are Arg_I dogs Arg_I who Arg_I lead Arg_I blind Arg_I people Arg_I around Arg_I the Arg_I city Arg_I and O therefore O without Arg_B them Arg_I they Arg_I could Arg_I not Arg_I go Arg_I around Arg_I all Arg_I alone Arg_I . O In O addition, O pets Arg_B are Arg_I important Arg_I for Arg_I depressed Arg_I people Arg_I as Arg_I well Arg_I because O their Arg_B presence Arg_I make Arg_I them Arg_I feel Arg_I better Arg_I . O Moreover, O there Arg_B are Arg_I dogs Arg_I who Arg_I are Arg_I educated Arg_I in Arg_I order Arg_I to Arg_I find Arg_I out Arg_I criminals Arg_I or Arg_I to Arg_I use Arg_I their Arg_I sense Arg_I of Arg_I smell Arg_I to Arg_I find Arg_I drugs Arg_I . O To O sum O up, O I O am O strongly O convinced O that O pets Arg_B deserve Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I treated Arg_I like Arg_I family Arg_I members Arg_I because O of O all O the O reasons O mentioned O above, O namely O they Arg_B are Arg_I our Arg_I friends Arg_I and Arg_I they Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I useful Arg_I in Arg_I many Arg_I situations Arg_I . O Extraordinarily O cautious O is O important O since O rough O work O is O intolerable O This O current O world O we O situate O ourselves O in O is O rather O unpredictable, O even O one O sudden O invention O could O bring O down O all O the O notions O we O used O bear O in O mind O . O Most O of O us O has O endeavored O to O keep O up O with O the O pace O of O the O development O of O today's O world O in O fast O pace O . O I O personally O believe O that O even O when O fast Arg_B pace Arg_I may Arg_I be Arg_I the Arg_I wise Arg_I move Arg_I to Arg_I correspond Arg_I with Arg_I today's Arg_I world Arg_I . O However, O it Arg_B might Arg_I not Arg_I be Arg_I the Arg_I most Arg_I beneficial Arg_I move Arg_I to Arg_I our Arg_I society Arg_I . O Primarily, O even Arg_B when Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I operates Arg_I in Arg_I fast Arg_I pace, Arg_I it Arg_I still Arg_I requires Arg_I accuracy Arg_I . O Even Arg_B simple Arg_I issues Arg_I in Arg_I our Arg_I daily Arg_I life Arg_I like Arg_I homework Arg_I require Arg_I accuracy Arg_I . O If Arg_B we Arg_I rush Arg_I through Arg_I the Arg_I work Arg_I by Arg_I taking Arg_I risk Arg_I of Arg_I making Arg_I mistakes, Arg_I we Arg_I are Arg_I actually Arg_I making Arg_I zero Arg_I effort Arg_I going Arg_I through Arg_I our Arg_I study Arg_I roughly Arg_I only Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I purpose Arg_I of Arg_I fill Arg_I in Arg_I before Arg_I the Arg_I deadline Arg_I . O In O short, O it Arg_B only Arg_I fulfills Arg_I the Arg_I work Arg_I itself Arg_I which Arg_I is Arg_I rather Arg_I worthless Arg_I . O It Arg_B is Arg_I our Arg_I capability Arg_I of Arg_I work Arg_I that Arg_I we Arg_I should Arg_I improve Arg_I rather Arg_I than Arg_I holding Arg_I the Arg_I belief Arg_I in Arg_I completing Arg_I it Arg_I . O Certainly O it O may O take O time O to O keep O up O with O the O others O if O w O need O to O review O our O work O multiple O times, O but O with Arg_B consistent Arg_I work Arg_I soon Arg_I enough Arg_I we'll Arg_I be Arg_I able Arg_I to Arg_I bring Arg_I up Arg_I our Arg_I speed Arg_I in Arg_I completion Arg_I of Arg_I work Arg_I . O Secondly, O other Arg_B than Arg_I the Arg_I importance Arg_I of Arg_I accuracy, Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I also Arg_I seeks Arg_I efficiency, Arg_I which Arg_I concludes Arg_I both Arg_I minimum Arg_I time Arg_I completion Arg_I and Arg_I also Arg_I criterion Arg_I of Arg_I quality Arg_I . O Even Arg_B when Arg_I we Arg_I managed Arg_I to Arg_I keep Arg_I up Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I pace Arg_I by Arg_I neglecting Arg_I the Arg_I details Arg_I of Arg_I a Arg_I project Arg_I and Arg_I only Arg_I aim Arg_I for Arg_I a Arg_I general Arg_I frame Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I project, Arg_I this Arg_I will Arg_I not Arg_I be Arg_I something Arg_I satisfy Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I company Arg_I and Arg_I clients Arg_I . O We Arg_B soon Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I out Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I picture Arg_I even Arg_I when Arg_I we Arg_I kept Arg_I up Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I pace Arg_I since O when Arg_B the Arg_I problem Arg_I reveals Arg_I itself Arg_I we'll Arg_I have Arg_I to Arg_I go Arg_I back Arg_I and Arg_I fix Arg_I the Arg_I mistakes Arg_I we Arg_I have Arg_I made Arg_I . O This Arg_B might Arg_I be Arg_I even Arg_I more Arg_I costly Arg_I and Arg_I time Arg_I consuming Arg_I than Arg_I a Arg_I neat Arg_I completion Arg_I of Arg_I work Arg_I at Arg_I the Arg_I start Arg_I . O Besides, O when O looking O at O this O problem O within O a O broader O image O . O Some O work O cannot O tolerate O any O mistakes O at O all, O for O instance, O in Arg_B official Arg_I missions Arg_I like Arg_I the Arg_I work Arg_I done Arg_I by Arg_I NASA, Arg_I a Arg_I tiny Arg_I mistake Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I catastrophic Arg_I . O A Arg_B miscalculation Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I orbit Arg_I in Arg_I launching Arg_I rocket Arg_I may Arg_I lead Arg_I to Arg_I a Arg_I failure Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I whole Arg_I project Arg_I which Arg_I might Arg_I worth Arg_I trillions Arg_I of Arg_I dollars Arg_I . O In O such O circumstances, O even Arg_B when Arg_I the Arg_I scientists Arg_I want Arg_I to Arg_I finish Arg_I off Arg_I quickly, Arg_I but Arg_I they Arg_I couldn't Arg_I miss Arg_I even Arg_I a Arg_I single Arg_I part Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I mission Arg_I since Arg_I it Arg_I may Arg_I trigger Arg_I loads Arg_I of Arg_I problems Arg_I . O To O sum O up, O even O when O we O need O to O catch O up O with O the O pace O of O the O world, O it Arg_B is Arg_I necessary Arg_I for Arg_I us Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I extraordinarily Arg_I cautious Arg_I since O rough Arg_B work Arg_I is Arg_I intolerable Arg_I when Arg_I we Arg_I want Arg_I to Arg_I stay Arg_I competitive Arg_I . O Living O in O big O cities O or O living O in O small O towns O Continuous O technological O and O economical O development O in O modern O world O created O great O differences O between O cities, O a O difference O that O is O clearly O visible O in O the O size O of O various O cities O . O From O cities O with O more O that O 20 O million O people O to O small O towns O inhabited O by O only O hundreds O of O people O . O This O diversities O in O cities O allowed O for O more O difference O in O people's O preferences O for O where O to O live O . O For O me, O I O prefer O to O live O in O bigger O cities O than O in O small O ones, O this O personal O attitude O is O the O result O of O many O factors O . O First O of O all, O I O find O the O excitement O of O big O cities O to O be O attractive, O living Arg_B in Arg_I a Arg_I dynamic Arg_I environment Arg_I can Arg_I turn Arg_I into Arg_I a Arg_I very Arg_I rich Arg_I experience Arg_I that Arg_I sharpens Arg_I one's Arg_I personality Arg_I and Arg_I open Arg_I one's Arg_I eyes Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I real Arg_I world Arg_I . O Life Arg_B in Arg_I big Arg_I cities Arg_I cities Arg_I gives Arg_I one Arg_I new Arg_I challenges Arg_I every Arg_I day, Arg_I let Arg_I it Arg_I be Arg_I deciding Arg_I which Arg_I restaurant Arg_I to Arg_I go Arg_I to Arg_I or Arg_I deciding Arg_I which Arg_I company Arg_I to Arg_I work Arg_I for Arg_I . O For Arg_B me, Arg_I this Arg_I lifestyles Arg_I is Arg_I very Arg_I attractive Arg_I and Arg_I is Arg_I considered Arg_I a Arg_I huge Arg_I advantage Arg_I of Arg_I big Arg_I cities Arg_I compared Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I constant, Arg_I slow Arg_I paced Arg_I life Arg_I styles Arg_I of Arg_I small Arg_I towns Arg_I . O Another O thing O that O put O big O cities O in O front O of O small O towns O is O the Arg_B facilitates Arg_I and Arg_I services Arg_I it Arg_I contains Arg_I which Arg_I support Arg_I and Arg_I improve Arg_I the Arg_I quality Arg_I of Arg_I its Arg_I inhabitants' Arg_I lives, Arg_I hospitals, Arg_I advanced Arg_I medical Arg_I facilities Arg_I can Arg_I satisfy Arg_I one's Arg_I need Arg_I of Arg_I medical Arg_I safety Arg_I . O Cultural Arg_B events Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I exhibitions Arg_I and Arg_I theatre Arg_I plays Arg_I can Arg_I enrich Arg_I one's Arg_I and Arg_I widen Arg_I his Arg_I horizons, Arg_I things Arg_I which Arg_I aren't Arg_I offered Arg_I by Arg_I small Arg_I towns Arg_I . O Furthermore, O it's O undeniable O that O the O economic Arg_B power Arg_I of Arg_I a Arg_I country Arg_I is Arg_I driven Arg_I by Arg_I it's Arg_I big Arg_I cities Arg_I and Arg_I the Arg_I majority Arg_I of Arg_I wealth Arg_I and Arg_I finance Arg_I is Arg_I centered Arg_I and Arg_I controlled Arg_I in Arg_I big Arg_I cities Arg_I . O With O this O kind O of O power O big O cities O offer O more O opportunities O for O one's O career O advancements O and O a O more O chances O of O higher O income O that O small O towns O does, O and O higher Arg_B income Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I the Arg_I basis Arg_I of Arg_I a Arg_I happier, Arg_I healthier Arg_I life Arg_I . O Finally, O although O I O prefer O to O live O in O a O big O city, O I O can O not O help O but O assure O that O this O is O a O matter O of O personal O taste, O to O be O clear, O I Arg_B would Arg_I love Arg_I to Arg_I spend Arg_I some Arg_I days Arg_I in Arg_I countryside Arg_I to Arg_I recharge Arg_I my Arg_I soul Arg_I and Arg_I relieve Arg_I myself Arg_I from Arg_I daily Arg_I stress Arg_I . O Every O experience O always O gives O us O something O to O learn O and O keep O for O life O I O agree O with O the O statement O that O our O life O seems O tough O at O the O time O but O those O difficult O experiences O of O life O become O important O lessons O for O the O future O . O My O opinion O based O on O the O reasons O that O Every O tough O experience Arg_B makes Arg_I us Arg_I more Arg_I skilled, Arg_I improves Arg_I our Arg_I decision Arg_I making Arg_I and Arg_I makes Arg_I us Arg_I more Arg_I compatible Arg_I for Arg_I life Arg_I . O The O best O example O of O it O is O how O babies O learn O about O basics O survival O habits O during O their O childhood O . O Every O day O comes O with O new O challenges O for O them O like O walking, O eating, O etc O ., O but O those Arg_B challenges Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I initial Arg_I life Arg_I teach Arg_I them Arg_I important Arg_I survival Arg_I lessons Arg_I which Arg_I help Arg_I them Arg_I for Arg_I whole Arg_I life Arg_I . O For O example, O when Arg_B they Arg_I tried Arg_I to Arg_I learn Arg_I walking, Arg_I they Arg_I stumble Arg_I and Arg_I hurt Arg_I themselves Arg_I many Arg_I times Arg_I . O But O they Arg_B slowly Arg_I tune Arg_I their Arg_I technique Arg_I and Arg_I learned Arg_I to Arg_I walk Arg_I . O All Arg_B inventions Arg_I and Arg_I experiments Arg_I are Arg_I based Arg_I on Arg_I many Arg_I unfortunate Arg_I observations Arg_I . O No Arg_B known Arg_I scientist Arg_I has Arg_I success Arg_I in Arg_I first Arg_I attempt Arg_I . O Scientists Arg_B try Arg_I and Arg_I test Arg_I many Arg_I specimens Arg_I before Arg_I they Arg_I get Arg_I they Arg_I want Arg_I . O It O was O said O that O Thomas Arg_B Edison Arg_I tested Arg_I around Arg_I 10000 Arg_I bulbs Arg_I before Arg_I inventing Arg_I Light Arg_I bulb Arg_I . O So, O all Arg_B the Arg_I initial Arg_I experiments Arg_I would Arg_I be Arg_I difficult Arg_I and Arg_I frustrating Arg_I for Arg_I him Arg_I but Arg_I he Arg_I searched Arg_I for Arg_I more Arg_I options Arg_I and Arg_I learnt Arg_I new Arg_I findings Arg_I with Arg_I each Arg_I experiment Arg_I even Arg_I when Arg_I he Arg_I was Arg_I failing Arg_I in Arg_I his Arg_I attempts Arg_I and Arg_I finally Arg_I found Arg_I break Arg_I through Arg_I . O Our Arg_B difficult Arg_I experiences Arg_I also Arg_I make Arg_I us Arg_I robust Arg_I and Arg_I strong Arg_I unknowingly Arg_I . O We Arg_B might Arg_I be Arg_I facing Arg_I a Arg_I toughest Arg_I time Arg_I of Arg_I life Arg_I at Arg_I the Arg_I time, Arg_I but Arg_I when Arg_I we Arg_I think Arg_I back Arg_I about Arg_I those Arg_I moments Arg_I later Arg_I in Arg_I life, Arg_I we Arg_I feel Arg_I more Arg_I confident Arg_I about Arg_I our Arg_I decisions Arg_I and Arg_I about Arg_I ourselves Arg_I . O When Arg_B I Arg_I moved Arg_I to Arg_I college Arg_I hostel Arg_I after Arg_I school, Arg_I first Arg_I few Arg_I days Arg_I were Arg_I very Arg_I unsettling Arg_I for Arg_I me Arg_I because O first Arg_B time Arg_I I Arg_I was Arg_I away Arg_I from Arg_I parent Arg_I and Arg_I staying Arg_I with Arg_I people Arg_I I Arg_I had Arg_I not Arg_I known Arg_I . O I Arg_B had Arg_I felt Arg_I very Arg_I fragile Arg_I and Arg_I emotionally Arg_I distracted, Arg_I but Arg_I then Arg_I slowly Arg_I I Arg_I started Arg_I adjusting Arg_I with Arg_I roommates Arg_I and Arg_I built Arg_I connection Arg_I with Arg_I them Arg_I . O I Arg_B also Arg_I became Arg_I more Arg_I casual Arg_I and Arg_I social Arg_I with Arg_I others, Arg_I this Arg_I experience Arg_I increased Arg_I my Arg_I communication Arg_I skill Arg_I and Arg_I social Arg_I speaking Arg_I skills Arg_I . O Therefore, O to O conclude O my O opinion O on O this O statement, O I O want O to O mentioned O that O every Arg_B experience Arg_I in Arg_I life Arg_I whether Arg_I it Arg_I is Arg_I good Arg_I or Arg_I bad Arg_I always Arg_I gives Arg_I us Arg_I something Arg_I to Arg_I learn Arg_I and Arg_I keep Arg_I for Arg_I life Arg_I . O Good Arg_B experiences Arg_I give Arg_I us Arg_I good Arg_I memories Arg_I and Arg_I bad Arg_I ones Arg_I teach Arg_I us Arg_I lessons Arg_I for Arg_I life Arg_I . O Drivers O have O to O pay O a O fee O for O driving O in O Rush O Hour O Started O in O the O late O eighteenth O century, O the O industrialization O and O urbanization O witnessed O the O explosion O in O number O of O automobiles O . O The O very O fuel O that O they O rely O on, O oil, O has O now O become O the O dominant O pollution O of O cities' O environment O . O While O critics O castigating O about O the O exorbitant O use O of O oil O and O other O insisting O to O charged O drivers O with O extra O fee O during O the O rush O hours O for O their O selfish O conducts, O I O hold O the O contention O that O no Arg_B additional Arg_I payment Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I charged Arg_I on Arg_I them Arg_I . O The O reasons O are O the O followings O . O Capitalism Arg_B enfranchised Arg_I people's Arg_I right Arg_I to Arg_I own Arg_I properties, Arg_I and Arg_I consequently, Arg_I their Arg_I rights Arg_I to Arg_I use Arg_I them Arg_I . O Driving O cars O during O the O rush O hours O might O is O bound O to O polluting O cities's O environment, O but O laws O protect O drivers O to O do O so, O and O accordingly, O charging Arg_B them Arg_I extra Arg_I fee Arg_I might Arg_I seems Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I out Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I jurisdiction Arg_I . O From O another O point O of O view, O traffic O jam O is O a O natural O phenomenon O that O nobody O is O able O to O shun O or O ban; O so O it Arg_B is Arg_I out Arg_I of Arg_I drivers' Arg_I control Arg_I . O Why O drivers O should O pay O a O fine O only O for O driving O their O own O cars O in O a O particular O time? O Wars Arg_B are Arg_I notorious, Arg_I but Arg_I you Arg_I can't Arg_I blame Arg_I the Arg_I soldiers Arg_I who Arg_I are Arg_I justing Arg_I fight Arg_I for Arg_I their Arg_I countries Arg_I . O Buying Arg_B a Arg_I car Arg_I spends Arg_I hundreds Arg_I of Arg_I thousand; Arg_I paying Arg_I for Arg_I all Arg_I sorts Arg_I of Arg_I fee Arg_I takes Arg_I another Arg_I several-these Arg_I are Arg_I all Arg_I ready Arg_I too Arg_I much Arg_I for Arg_I most Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I families Arg_I to Arg_I bear Arg_I . O Charging Arg_B drivers Arg_I one Arg_I more Arg_I fee Arg_I makes Arg_I no Arg_I sense Arg_I and Arg_I is Arg_I ridiculous Arg_I . O Majority O of O the O families O buy O cars O simply O for O a O safer O and O easier O conveyance, O and O charging Arg_B them Arg_I too Arg_I much Arg_I fee Arg_I adds Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I to Arg_I their Arg_I burden Arg_I and Arg_I is Arg_I actually Arg_I jeopardizing Arg_I their Arg_I rights Arg_I . O Rather Arg_B than Arg_I passively Arg_I forcing Arg_I drivers Arg_I to Arg_I pay Arg_I another Arg_I fee, Arg_I government Arg_I should Arg_I instead, Arg_I be Arg_I more Arg_I active Arg_I on Arg_I advocating Arg_I the Arg_I use Arg_I of Arg_I more Arg_I efficient Arg_I and Arg_I environmental-friendly Arg_I energy Arg_I or Arg_I planning Arg_I out Arg_I more Arg_I reasonable Arg_I and Arg_I convenient Arg_I layout Arg_I that Arg_I allow Arg_I people Arg_I to Arg_I reach Arg_I their Arg_I destinations Arg_I with Arg_I less Arg_I oil Arg_I . O Sometimes Arg_B traffic Arg_I jam Arg_I occur Arg_I only Arg_I due Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I malfunction Arg_I of Arg_I a Arg_I traffic Arg_I light, Arg_I or Arg_I unreasonable Arg_I organization Arg_I of Arg_I roadways Arg_I . O In O these O cases, O the Arg_B one Arg_I who Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I charged Arg_I for Arg_I a Arg_I fine Arg_I is Arg_I the Arg_I city Arg_I planner, Arg_I not Arg_I drivers Arg_I . O Simply O put, O charging Arg_B drivers Arg_I fees Arg_I regardless Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I causes Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I problems Arg_I could Arg_I be Arg_I ridiculous Arg_I and Arg_I even Arg_I unlawful Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O "rush Arg_B hours" Arg_I are Arg_I usually Arg_I not Arg_I the Arg_I direct Arg_I consequence Arg_I of Arg_I drivers Arg_I . O Instead, O the O real O causes O of O traffic O jam O may O fall O on O various O of O grounds, O and O therefore, O charging Arg_B drivers Arg_I for Arg_I another Arg_I fee Arg_I for Arg_I this Arg_I could Arg_I be Arg_I unreasonable Arg_I and Arg_I irrational Arg_I . O The O part-time O job O can O let O students O experience O the O real O adult O life O and O know O more O about O it O Nowadays, O the O difference O between O school O and O society O is O bigger O and O bigger O . O If O students O want O to O get O used O to O the O society O quickly, O it Arg_B is Arg_I better Arg_I for Arg_I parents Arg_I to Arg_I encourage Arg_I them Arg_I to Arg_I take Arg_I part-time Arg_I jobs Arg_I . O There O are O some O reasons O can O support O my O view O . O First, O there Arg_B are Arg_I a Arg_I few Arg_I opportunities Arg_I for Arg_I students Arg_I to Arg_I know Arg_I how Arg_I to Arg_I live Arg_I adult Arg_I life Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I university Arg_I . O Because O most Arg_B people Arg_I they Arg_I contact Arg_I with Arg_I are Arg_I also Arg_I students Arg_I . O However, O when Arg_B students Arg_I do Arg_I part-time Arg_I jobs, Arg_I they Arg_I can Arg_I work Arg_I with Arg_I many Arg_I kinds Arg_I of Arg_I people, Arg_I and Arg_I most Arg_I of Arg_I whom Arg_I are Arg_I adults Arg_I . O So, O they Arg_B can Arg_I teach Arg_I students Arg_I many Arg_I things Arg_I about Arg_I adult Arg_I life Arg_I . O My Arg_B friend Arg_I Lisa, Arg_I who Arg_I is Arg_I doing Arg_I part-time Arg_I job Arg_I now, Arg_I tells Arg_I me Arg_I that Arg_I it Arg_I is Arg_I fabulous Arg_I to Arg_I take Arg_I it Arg_I . O Through Arg_B part-time Arg_I job, Arg_I she Arg_I makes Arg_I friends Arg_I with Arg_I different Arg_I kinds Arg_I of Arg_I people Arg_I and Arg_I they Arg_I let Arg_I her Arg_I know Arg_I the Arg_I different Arg_I aspects Arg_I of Arg_I adult Arg_I life Arg_I . O For O example, O Lisa Arg_B thought Arg_I in Arg_I adult Arg_I life, Arg_I work Arg_I is Arg_I the Arg_I core; Arg_I but Arg_I after Arg_I she Arg_I knows Arg_I these Arg_I friends, Arg_I she Arg_I changes Arg_I her Arg_I mind Arg_I that Arg_I the Arg_I true Arg_I core Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I adult Arg_I life Arg_I is Arg_I responsibility Arg_I but Arg_I not Arg_I work Arg_I . O Hence, O thanks Arg_B to Arg_I the Arg_I information Arg_I her Arg_I new Arg_I friends Arg_I has Arg_I provided; Arg_I now Arg_I she Arg_I is Arg_I more Arg_I confidence Arg_I about Arg_I her Arg_I future Arg_I adult Arg_I life Arg_I . O Second, O parents Arg_B always Arg_I tell Arg_I students Arg_I that Arg_I the Arg_I adult Arg_I life Arg_I is Arg_I much Arg_I tenser Arg_I than Arg_I school Arg_I life Arg_I . O However, O because O we O do O not O experience O it, O it Arg_B is Arg_I very Arg_I difficult Arg_I for Arg_I us Arg_I to Arg_I really Arg_I know Arg_I how Arg_I tense Arg_I the Arg_I adult Arg_I life Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I . O Therefore, O we Arg_B need Arg_I part-time Arg_I job Arg_I to Arg_I teach Arg_I us Arg_I how Arg_I hard Arg_I the Arg_I real Arg_I adult Arg_I life Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I . O Actually, O some Arg_B questionnaires Arg_I indicate Arg_I that Arg_I if Arg_I students Arg_I have Arg_I taken Arg_I part-time Arg_I jobs, Arg_I they Arg_I will Arg_I make Arg_I the Arg_I best Arg_I use Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I time Arg_I to Arg_I prepare Arg_I their Arg_I future Arg_I and Arg_I more Arg_I importantly; Arg_I they Arg_I will Arg_I not Arg_I expect Arg_I too Arg_I much Arg_I for Arg_I their Arg_I future Arg_I than Arg_I students Arg_I who Arg_I have Arg_I not Arg_I taken Arg_I the Arg_I part-time Arg_I job Arg_I . O Therefore, O the Arg_B part-time Arg_I job Arg_I can Arg_I make Arg_I people Arg_I understand Arg_I future Arg_I life Arg_I better Arg_I . O Third, O some O parents O are O afraid O that O the Arg_B part-time Arg_I job Arg_I will Arg_I effect Arg_I student' Arg_I study Arg_I . O Actually, O most O students O will O do O the O part-time O job O in O their O holiday, O so O it Arg_B will Arg_I not Arg_I effect Arg_I on Arg_I their Arg_I study Arg_I . O Compared Arg_B with Arg_I playing Arg_I computers Arg_I every Arg_I day, Arg_I doing Arg_I part-time Arg_I jobs Arg_I is Arg_I the Arg_I best Arg_I choice Arg_I for Arg_I students Arg_I to Arg_I spend Arg_I their Arg_I holiday Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O taking Arg_B the Arg_I part-time Arg_I job Arg_I can Arg_I let Arg_I students Arg_I experience Arg_I the Arg_I real Arg_I adult Arg_I life Arg_I and Arg_I know Arg_I more Arg_I about Arg_I it Arg_I . O Therefore, O parents Arg_B should Arg_I encourage Arg_I students Arg_I to Arg_I take Arg_I the Arg_I part-time Arg_I job Arg_I . O Type O of O temper O and O advantages O of O individual O work O as O best O arguments O in O favor O of O studying O alone O Study O achievements O depend O on O a O range O of O various O factors, O one O of O which O is O pattern O of O work O you O tend O to O choose O while O studying O . O In O particular, O we O may O prefer O to O work O either O within O a O team O of O other O students O or O alone O . O As O for O me, O I O favor O the O latter O because O of O the O following O reasons O . O To O begin O with, O type O of O temper O is O one O of O the O reasons O that O make O me O to O choose O individual O work O instead O of O team O one O . O Being Arg_B by Arg_I nature Arg_I introvert, Arg_I I Arg_I have Arg_I to Arg_I spend Arg_I much Arg_I time Arg_I and Arg_I efforts Arg_I on Arg_I adjusting Arg_I to Arg_I surroundings Arg_I and Arg_I especially Arg_I new Arg_I people Arg_I . O Once, Arg_B when Arg_I I Arg_I was Arg_I working Arg_I on Arg_I presentation Arg_I with Arg_I strangers, Arg_I I Arg_I sat Arg_I aside Arg_I and Arg_I so Arg_I prepared Arg_I more Arg_I than Arg_I half Arg_I of Arg_I work Arg_I myself Arg_I instead Arg_I of Arg_I making Arg_I attempts Arg_I to Arg_I get Arg_I acquainted Arg_I with Arg_I unknown Arg_I people Arg_I . O Therefore, O my Arg_B productivity Arg_I boosts Arg_I when Arg_I style Arg_I of Arg_I work Arg_I is Arg_I appropriate Arg_I with Arg_I my Arg_I type Arg_I of Arg_I temper Arg_I . O Furthermore/moreover, O working Arg_B alone Arg_I allows Arg_I me Arg_I to Arg_I avoid Arg_I spending Arg_I time Arg_I and Arg_I efforts Arg_I on Arg_I many Arg_I things Arg_I that Arg_I are Arg_I an Arg_I integral Arg_I part Arg_I of Arg_I teamwork Arg_I . O In O other O words, O I Arg_B must Arg_I not Arg_I divide Arg_I tasks Arg_I and Arg_I duties Arg_I between Arg_I team Arg_I members, Arg_I share Arg_I responsibility Arg_I and Arg_I benefits, Arg_I and Arg_I spend Arg_I time Arg_I on Arg_I teambuilding Arg_I . O These Arg_B advantages Arg_I are Arg_I especially Arg_I important Arg_I in Arg_I situations Arg_I of Arg_I shortage Arg_I of Arg_I time Arg_I . O About Arg_B a Arg_I year Arg_I ago Arg_I I Arg_I was Arg_I lucky Arg_I to Arg_I become Arg_I a Arg_I participant Arg_I of Arg_I student Arg_I brainstorming Arg_I game Arg_I . O To Arg_B my Arg_I rivals' Arg_I surprise, Arg_I being Arg_I the Arg_I only Arg_I member Arg_I of Arg_I my Arg_I own Arg_I "team" Arg_I I Arg_I gained Arg_I a Arg_I victory Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O from O my O point O of O view, O type Arg_B of Arg_I temper Arg_I and Arg_I advantages Arg_I of Arg_I individual Arg_I work Arg_I are Arg_I the Arg_I most Arg_I persuasive Arg_I arguments Arg_I in Arg_I favor Arg_I of Arg_I studying Arg_I alone Arg_I . O Work O for O themselves O vs O work O for O employer O Most O people O want O to O work O for O an O employer, O because O they O want O to O feel O secure O about O their O salary, O or O feel O comfortable O about O other O problems O of O having O own O job O such O as O paying O tax, O worrying O about O selling, O etc O . O Despite O these O problems, O personally, O I Arg_B would Arg_I prefer Arg_I to Arg_I have Arg_I my Arg_I own Arg_I job Arg_I . O My O arguments O are O listed O as O follows O . O First, O time Arg_B is Arg_I the Arg_I more Arg_I valuable Arg_I thing, Arg_I which Arg_I I Arg_I have Arg_I in Arg_I my Arg_I life Arg_I . O By Arg_B having Arg_I my Arg_I own Arg_I business, Arg_I I Arg_I can Arg_I manage Arg_I my Arg_I own Arg_I time Arg_I . O I O could Arg_B work Arg_I whenever Arg_I I Arg_I want, Arg_I or Arg_I I Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I need Arg_I to Arg_I give Arg_I reasons Arg_I to Arg_I my Arg_I boss Arg_I for Arg_I a Arg_I delay Arg_I . O I Arg_B can Arg_I arrange Arg_I time Arg_I to Arg_I travel Arg_I when Arg_I I Arg_I would Arg_I like Arg_I . O In O addition, O I Arg_B can Arg_I work Arg_I long Arg_I hours Arg_I for Arg_I earning Arg_I more Arg_I money Arg_I . O Totally, O the Arg_B most Arg_I important Arg_I reason Arg_I for Arg_I me Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I self-employed Arg_I is Arg_I the Arg_I sense Arg_I of Arg_I free Arg_I . O Moreover, O earning Arg_B money Arg_I is Arg_I the Arg_I fundamental Arg_I reason Arg_I that Arg_I why Arg_I people Arg_I work Arg_I . O The Arg_B amount Arg_I of Arg_I money Arg_I is Arg_I always Arg_I the Arg_I most Arg_I important Arg_I criterion Arg_I for Arg_I everyone Arg_I to Arg_I choose Arg_I a Arg_I job Arg_I . O If Arg_B I Arg_I work Arg_I for Arg_I other Arg_I people, Arg_I I Arg_I have Arg_I to Arg_I give Arg_I my Arg_I ideas Arg_I to Arg_I employers Arg_I cheaply Arg_I . O Therefore, O I O never O have O been O rich O in O my O life, O because O my Arg_B salary Arg_I is Arg_I not Arg_I dramatically Arg_I changed Arg_I . O In O spite O of O many O problems O of O having O own O business, O I Arg_B can Arg_I earn Arg_I more Arg_I money Arg_I based Arg_I on Arg_I my Arg_I creativity Arg_I and Arg_I personal Arg_I ideas Arg_I . O To O sum O up, O in O spite O of O the O fact O that O many O people O are O not O eager O to O work O for O themselves, O I Arg_B would Arg_I like Arg_I to Arg_I run Arg_I my Arg_I own Arg_I business Arg_I to Arg_I control Arg_I my Arg_I own Arg_I time, Arg_I and Arg_I to Arg_I earn Arg_I more Arg_I money Arg_I based Arg_I on Arg_I my Arg_I noble Arg_I ideas Arg_I . O Parents O are O our O teachers O from O the O very O early O time O in O our O life O Learning O is O a O thing O that O we O do O in O all O of O our O lives O . O Getting O the O best O lessons, O besides O our O abilities O to O self-study, O depends O on O our O teachers O a O lot O . O There O are O people O who O believe O that O no Arg_B one Arg_I else Arg_I is Arg_I better Arg_I than Arg_I our Arg_I parents Arg_I in Arg_I terms Arg_I of Arg_I teachers Arg_I . O I O whole-heartedly O agree O with O this O opinion O because O of O these O following O reasons O . O Firstly, O parents Arg_B are Arg_I our Arg_I teachers Arg_I from Arg_I the Arg_I very Arg_I early Arg_I time Arg_I in Arg_I our Arg_I life Arg_I . O As Arg_B we Arg_I were Arg_I born, Arg_I parents Arg_I taught Arg_I us Arg_I from Arg_I the Arg_I very Arg_I little Arg_I things Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I how Arg_I to Arg_I smile, Arg_I how Arg_I to Arg_I walk Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I ordinary Arg_I routines Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I eating Arg_I . O Moreover, O when Arg_B we Arg_I grow Arg_I bigger, Arg_I they Arg_I teach Arg_I us Arg_I many Arg_I fairy Arg_I tales Arg_I and Arg_I several Arg_I important Arg_I ethic Arg_I lessons Arg_I that Arg_I affect Arg_I us Arg_I till Arg_I the Arg_I end Arg_I of Arg_I our Arg_I lives Arg_I . O Secondly, O at Arg_B school Arg_I we Arg_I study Arg_I bigger Arg_I things Arg_I about Arg_I sciences Arg_I and Arg_I languages, Arg_I but Arg_I after Arg_I school Arg_I we Arg_I learn Arg_I from Arg_I our Arg_I parents Arg_I . O In O my O opinion, O we Arg_B spend Arg_I most Arg_I of Arg_I our Arg_I time Arg_I at Arg_I home Arg_I with Arg_I our Arg_I families Arg_I than Arg_I it Arg_I at Arg_I school Arg_I . O I O think O when O we O leave O school, O maybe O we O will O forget O parts O of O the O lessons O we O learn O at O school O if O we O do O not O experience O them O in O life, O but O I O strongly O believe O we Arg_B will Arg_I never Arg_I forget Arg_I what Arg_I our Arg_I parents Arg_I have Arg_I taught Arg_I us Arg_I because O we Arg_B use Arg_I it Arg_I every Arg_I day Arg_I . O For O example, O I Arg_B believe Arg_I I Arg_I will Arg_I never Arg_I forget Arg_I what Arg_I my Arg_I parents Arg_I told Arg_I me Arg_I about Arg_I how Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I grateful Arg_I to Arg_I other Arg_I people Arg_I who Arg_I help Arg_I me Arg_I . O Thirdly, O I O totally O believe O parents Arg_B love Arg_I their Arg_I sons Arg_I or Arg_I daughters Arg_I unconditionally Arg_I . O Therefore, O even Arg_B when Arg_I we Arg_I grow Arg_I older, Arg_I get Arg_I married Arg_I and Arg_I then Arg_I have Arg_I our Arg_I own Arg_I families Arg_I with Arg_I spouses Arg_I and Arg_I children, Arg_I parents Arg_I always Arg_I keep Arg_I watching Arg_I us Arg_I and Arg_I help Arg_I us Arg_I to Arg_I realize Arg_I which Arg_I is Arg_I right Arg_I and Arg_I which Arg_I is Arg_I wrong Arg_I in Arg_I life Arg_I . O For O instance, O my Arg_B older Arg_I brother Arg_I has Arg_I got Arg_I married Arg_I and Arg_I lived Arg_I independently Arg_I for Arg_I two Arg_I years Arg_I but Arg_I when Arg_I he Arg_I faces Arg_I difficulties Arg_I in Arg_I his Arg_I work Arg_I or Arg_I his Arg_I life, Arg_I he Arg_I comes Arg_I back Arg_I to Arg_I meet Arg_I our Arg_I parents Arg_I and Arg_I ask Arg_I for Arg_I advice Arg_I . O To O conclude, O I O strongly O believe O that O parents Arg_B are Arg_I our Arg_I best Arg_I teachers Arg_I . O Different O types O of O tasks O endow O more O colors O to O our O life O In O my O family, O the O argument O topic O between O my O father O and O mother O always O involves O my O father's O job O . O Five O years O ago, O he O quitted O his O 20 O years O job O as O an O architectural O engineer, O and O became O a O landscape O painter O . O Every O time O I O asked O him O why, O he O will O say, O seriously," O I O am O done, O doing O this O same O work O for O 20 O years O and O I O really O want O to O try O some O different, O that O is O all O ." O While O there O are O innumerous O people O will O deem O it O ridiculous O and O argue O doing O the O same O task O is O the O meaning O of O job, O but O from O my O perspective, O I O am O on O the O side O of O my O father O . O Most O of O workers O have O adapted O to O do O same O task O . O It Arg_B allows Arg_I us Arg_I to Arg_I achieve Arg_I more Arg_I . O As Arg_B a Arg_I authoritative Arg_I dentist Arg_I in Arg_I my Arg_I province, Arg_I my Arg_I mother Arg_I has Arg_I worked Arg_I for Arg_I 25 Arg_I years Arg_I . O Gandhi Arg_B devoted Arg_I his Arg_I whole Arg_I life Arg_I to Arg_I fight Arg_I against Arg_I British-ruled Arg_I government Arg_I and Arg_I inspire Arg_I movements Arg_I for Arg_I civil Arg_I rights Arg_I in Arg_I India, Arg_I finally Arg_I he Arg_I became Arg_I the Arg_I father Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I nation Arg_I . O These O examples O make O it O obvious O that O great Arg_B achievement Arg_I needs Arg_I someone Arg_I keen Arg_I on Arg_I one Arg_I task Arg_I for Arg_I long Arg_I time Arg_I . O While O when Arg_B it Arg_I comes Arg_I to Arg_I "happier", Arg_I different Arg_I type Arg_I of Arg_I jobs Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I responsible Arg_I factor Arg_I . O Doing Arg_B different Arg_I tasks Arg_I makes Arg_I employees Arg_I and Arg_I employers Arg_I much Arg_I happier Arg_I . O Workers, Arg_B who Arg_I work Arg_I for Arg_I an Arg_I ordinary Arg_I company Arg_I or Arg_I industry, Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I sick Arg_I of Arg_I same Arg_I tasks Arg_I day Arg_I by Arg_I day Arg_I . O Although O they O can O be O familiar O with O their O job, O changing Arg_B of Arg_I job Arg_I is Arg_I what Arg_I serve Arg_I to Arg_I their Arg_I happier Arg_I . O Changing Arg_B the Arg_I type Arg_I of Arg_I work Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I fresh Arg_I and Arg_I elicit Arg_I their Arg_I potential Arg_I to Arg_I adapt Arg_I a Arg_I new Arg_I environment, Arg_I which, Arg_I according Arg_I to Arg_I psychology Arg_I theories, Arg_I makes Arg_I workers Arg_I relaxed Arg_I and Arg_I happier Arg_I . O To O set O another O example, O consider Arg_B every Arg_I workers Arg_I have Arg_I ability Arg_I to Arg_I do Arg_I several Arg_I kinds Arg_I of Arg_I work, Arg_I employers Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I satisfied Arg_I by Arg_I the Arg_I generating Arg_I benefits Arg_I . O They Arg_B both Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I happy Arg_I because O the Arg_B change Arg_I of Arg_I job, Arg_I not Arg_I the Arg_I same Arg_I task Arg_I day Arg_I by Arg_I day Arg_I . O Different Arg_B types Arg_I of Arg_I tasks Arg_I during Arg_I workday Arg_I brings Arg_I more Arg_I challenges, Arg_I making Arg_I life Arg_I colorful Arg_I . O Just Arg_B like Arg_I a Arg_I song, Arg_I if Arg_I I Arg_I did Arg_I not Arg_I have Arg_I challenge, Arg_I life Arg_I would Arg_I be Arg_I blue Arg_I . O As Arg_B an Arg_I engineering Arg_I researcher, Arg_I I Arg_I will Arg_I surely Arg_I be Arg_I disappointed Arg_I for Arg_I failure, Arg_I and Arg_I exited Arg_I for Arg_I new Arg_I challenges Arg_I . O New Arg_B challenges Arg_I from Arg_I different Arg_I tasks Arg_I amounts Arg_I far Arg_I more Arg_I than Arg_I more Arg_I works, Arg_I it Arg_I also Arg_I means Arg_I through Arg_I dealing Arg_I with Arg_I it, Arg_I I Arg_I will Arg_I obtain Arg_I more Arg_I knowledge Arg_I and Arg_I experience Arg_I . O As Arg_B the Arg_I saying Arg_I of Arg_I a Arg_I Chinese Arg_I writer, Arg_I the Arg_I color Arg_I of Arg_I life Arg_I is Arg_I rooted Arg_I not Arg_I in Arg_I Japanese Arg_I cherry Arg_I blossom Arg_I or Arg_I Canadian Arg_I maple Arg_I leaf, Arg_I but Arg_I rather Arg_I there Arg_I always Arg_I exists Arg_I new Arg_I things Arg_I and Arg_I challenge Arg_I . O After O all, O doing Arg_B same Arg_I task Arg_I day Arg_I and Arg_I night Arg_I just Arg_I server Arg_I to Arg_I increase Arg_I our Arg_I psychological Arg_I burden, Arg_I connecting Arg_I with Arg_I different Arg_I types Arg_I of Arg_I job Arg_I is Arg_I capable Arg_I give Arg_I us Arg_I more Arg_I colors Arg_I to Arg_I our Arg_I life Arg_I . O To O sum O up, O I O admire O my O father's O choice, O while O the O same O task O give O us O opportunities O to O be O an O expert, O like O my O mom, O I O still O hold O the O firm O view O that O different Arg_B types Arg_I of Arg_I tasks Arg_I endow Arg_I more Arg_I colors Arg_I to Arg_I our Arg_I life Arg_I . O Excellent O knowledge O is O better O than O ability O to O adopt O oneself O With O the O rapid O development O of O economy, O the O controversial O of O good O worker's O requirement O is O always O in O a O limelight O . O A O large O number O of O people O will O say O the O ability O to O adapt O oneself O to O a O new O environment O is O necessary, O because O it O is O the O basic O communication O skill O for O a O new O worker O . O From O my O perspective, O there Arg_B is Arg_I only Arg_I one Arg_I thing Arg_I would Arg_I be Arg_I beneficial Arg_I to Arg_I company, Arg_I and Arg_I there Arg_I is Arg_I only Arg_I one Arg_I way Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I an Arg_I outstanding Arg_I worker, Arg_I that Arg_I is Arg_I possessing Arg_I excellent Arg_I knowledge Arg_I of Arg_I this Arg_I job Arg_I . O That's O why O I O believe O that O the Arg_B excellent Arg_I knowledge Arg_I of Arg_I this Arg_I job Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I more Arg_I significant Arg_I . O Admittedly, O the Arg_B ability Arg_I to Arg_I adapt Arg_I oneself Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I new Arg_I environment Arg_I has Arg_I been Arg_I proven Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I part Arg_I of Arg_I job Arg_I . O This Arg_B ability Arg_I is Arg_I helpful Arg_I in Arg_I communicating Arg_I with Arg_I other Arg_I workmates, Arg_I cooperating Arg_I with Arg_I other Arg_I workers Arg_I needs Arg_I this Arg_I ability, Arg_I too Arg_I . O But O working O alone O is O a O longer-term O job O than O communicating, O that O is, O the O ability O of O adapting O oneself O to O a O new O environment O may O be O necessary O for O a O fresh O worker, O but O the Arg_B excellent Arg_I knowledge Arg_I of Arg_I this Arg_I job Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I benefit Arg_I till Arg_I one Arg_I leave Arg_I . O The Arg_B company Arg_I will Arg_I benefit Arg_I from Arg_I every Arg_I worker Arg_I of Arg_I excellent Arg_I knowledge Arg_I . O The Arg_B core Arg_I and Arg_I most Arg_I profitable Arg_I technology Arg_I of Arg_I an Arg_I IT Arg_I company Arg_I is Arg_I invented Arg_I by Arg_I a Arg_I worker Arg_I with Arg_I excellent Arg_I computer Arg_I knowledge, Arg_I not Arg_I a Arg_I worker Arg_I with Arg_I outstanding Arg_I communicating Arg_I skill Arg_I . O The Arg_B high Arg_I reputation Arg_I and Arg_I popularity Arg_I of Arg_I a Arg_I company Arg_I is Arg_I earned Arg_I by Arg_I some Arg_I brilliant Arg_I workers Arg_I in Arg_I public Arg_I relation Arg_I department Arg_I with Arg_I excellent Arg_I skill Arg_I to Arg_I propagate Arg_I this Arg_I company Arg_I . O So O the Arg_B company Arg_I will Arg_I earn Arg_I more Arg_I money Arg_I and Arg_I reputation Arg_I from Arg_I these Arg_I workers Arg_I with Arg_I excellent Arg_I knowledge Arg_I . O Employees Arg_B will Arg_I obtain Arg_I reward Arg_I from Arg_I hard-work Arg_I pursuing Arg_I excellent Arg_I knowledge Arg_I . O Through Arg_B our Arg_I whole Arg_I study Arg_I life, Arg_I undergraduate Arg_I and Arg_I graduate, Arg_I we Arg_I keep Arg_I learning Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I purpose Arg_I of Arg_I exerting Arg_I these Arg_I knowledge Arg_I and Arg_I experience Arg_I on Arg_I our Arg_I job, Arg_I just Arg_I like Arg_I an Arg_I old Arg_I Chinese Arg_I scholar Arg_I said, Arg_I the Arg_I essence Arg_I of Arg_I study Arg_I is Arg_I utilizing Arg_I it Arg_I . O After Arg_B we Arg_I get Arg_I a Arg_I job, Arg_I the Arg_I destination Arg_I of Arg_I we Arg_I keep Arg_I accumulating Arg_I and Arg_I collecting Arg_I knowledge Arg_I is Arg_I rooted Arg_I not Arg_I in Arg_I fawn Arg_I on Arg_I our Arg_I manager Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I ability Arg_I to Arg_I adapt Arg_I this Arg_I kind Arg_I of Arg_I business Arg_I culture, Arg_I but Arg_I in Arg_I making Arg_I us Arg_I excellent Arg_I and Arg_I totally Arg_I master Arg_I this Arg_I job Arg_I . O Finally, O we Arg_B will Arg_I be Arg_I rewarded Arg_I with Arg_I pride Arg_I . O That's O why O we Arg_B can Arg_I obtain Arg_I reward Arg_I from Arg_I out Arg_I excellent Arg_I knowledge Arg_I . O To O sum O up, O I O would O have O to O say O that O although O we O can O use O the O ability O of O adapting O oneself O in O a O new O environment, O the Arg_B excellent Arg_I knowledge Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I of Arg_I more Arg_I importance Arg_I . O Because O it Arg_B can Arg_I not Arg_I only Arg_I benefit Arg_I our Arg_I employers, Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I ourselves Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I rewarded Arg_I . O People Arg_B benefit Arg_I more Arg_I from Arg_I coming Arg_I computers Arg_I into Arg_I their Arg_I lives Arg_I Computers O have O revolutionized O our O lifestyle O during O last O century O . O However, O some O people O especially O young O ones O use O computers O extremely O and O this O excessive O usage O lead O to O increase O stress O among O them, O but O computers O have O brought O many O advantages O to O our O lives O . O From O my O point O of O view, O computers Arg_B have Arg_I an Arg_I important Arg_I and Arg_I inevitable Arg_I role Arg_I in Arg_I economic, Arg_I business, Arg_I and Arg_I other Arg_I part Arg_I of Arg_I societies Arg_I . O In O addition, O they Arg_B make Arg_I the Arg_I way Arg_I of Arg_I living Arg_I easier Arg_I by Arg_I doing Arg_I our Arg_I routine Arg_I duties Arg_I . O Admittedly, O by Arg_B using Arg_I computers Arg_I in Arg_I many Arg_I industries Arg_I human's Arg_I role Arg_I has Arg_I been Arg_I reduced Arg_I . O Nowadays, Arg_B computer Arg_I can Arg_I control Arg_I and Arg_I perform Arg_I some Arg_I routine Arg_I activities Arg_I in Arg_I industries, Arg_I which Arg_I were Arg_I early Arg_I done Arg_I by Arg_I human Arg_I . O Many Arg_B industries Arg_I use Arg_I computers Arg_I to Arg_I command Arg_I to Arg_I robots Arg_I in Arg_I order Arg_I to Arg_I do Arg_I many Arg_I regular Arg_I tasks, Arg_I which Arg_I were Arg_I carried Arg_I out Arg_I by Arg_I human Arg_I early Arg_I . O For O example, O many Arg_B processes Arg_I of Arg_I production Arg_I of Arg_I cars Arg_I are Arg_I carrying Arg_I out Arg_I by Arg_I robots, Arg_I which Arg_I are Arg_I controlled Arg_I by Arg_I computers Arg_I . O In O addition, O car Arg_B companies Arg_I use Arg_I computers Arg_I to Arg_I simulate Arg_I and Arg_I analyze Arg_I car Arg_I accident Arg_I by Arg_I computers Arg_I . O Despite Arg_B many Arg_I advantages, Arg_I by Arg_I coming Arg_I computers Arg_I many Arg_I jobs Arg_I has Arg_I been Arg_I vanished Arg_I . O A Arg_B large Arg_I number Arg_I of Arg_I industries Arg_I fire Arg_I many Arg_I forces Arg_I because Arg_I of Arg_I doing Arg_I their Arg_I works Arg_I by Arg_I new Arg_I technologies Arg_I and Arg_I computers Arg_I . O Computers Arg_B have Arg_I an Arg_I important Arg_I role Arg_I in Arg_I social Arg_I and Arg_I personal Arg_I life Arg_I . O Computers Arg_B have Arg_I opened Arg_I up Arg_I a Arg_I network Arg_I connection Arg_I among Arg_I people Arg_I . O This Arg_B technology Arg_I makes Arg_I easier Arg_I for Arg_I people Arg_I to Arg_I send Arg_I and Arg_I receive Arg_I personal Arg_I message Arg_I . O Teenagers Arg_B and Arg_I adolescents Arg_I spend Arg_I free Arg_I time Arg_I in Arg_I front Arg_I of Arg_I computers Arg_I . O Moreover, O People Arg_B can Arg_I use Arg_I computers Arg_I to Arg_I extract Arg_I their Arg_I essential Arg_I information Arg_I easily Arg_I . O By O contrast, O excessive Arg_B use Arg_I of Arg_I computers Arg_I has Arg_I brought Arg_I many Arg_I difficulties Arg_I . O The Arg_B results Arg_I show Arg_I that Arg_I teenagers Arg_I who Arg_I are Arg_I addicted Arg_I to Arg_I computer Arg_I games Arg_I show Arg_I more Arg_I violent Arg_I and Arg_I stressful Arg_I behaviors Arg_I . O People Arg_B who Arg_I have Arg_I type Arg_I by Arg_I computers Arg_I may Arg_I suffer Arg_I from Arg_I such Arg_I disease Arg_I related Arg_I to Arg_I knees Arg_I . O By O considering O all O reasons, O advantages Arg_B of Arg_I computers Arg_I outweigh Arg_I disadvantages Arg_I . O People Arg_B benefit Arg_I more Arg_I from Arg_I coming Arg_I computers Arg_I into Arg_I their Arg_I lives Arg_I . O In O addition, O computers Arg_B can Arg_I do Arg_I most Arg_I difficult Arg_I tasks Arg_I which Arg_I leads Arg_I to Arg_I make Arg_I life Arg_I easier Arg_I . O Is O it O necessary O for O children O or O not? O Learning O a O foreign O language O is O necessary O for O children O to O strengthen O their O ability O to O learn O . O Whether O children O should O start O learning O a O foreign O language O as O they O start O school O or O not O might O be O a O controversial O issue O . O It Arg_B seems Arg_I to Arg_I me Arg_I that Arg_I students Arg_I should Arg_I start Arg_I learning Arg_I that Arg_I as Arg_I they Arg_I start Arg_I school Arg_I . O Learning Arg_B that Arg_I not Arg_I only Arg_I help Arg_I them Arg_I to Arg_I improve Arg_I their Arg_I minds Arg_I and Arg_I memories, Arg_I but Arg_I can Arg_I extend Arg_I their Arg_I visions Arg_I about Arg_I the Arg_I other Arg_I countries Arg_I . O First, O the Arg_B ability Arg_I of Arg_I Learning Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I childhood Arg_I period Arg_I is Arg_I more Arg_I powerful Arg_I than Arg_I other Arg_I periods Arg_I of Arg_I life Arg_I . O Thereby O students Arg_B in Arg_I the Arg_I beginning Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I education Arg_I can Arg_I learn Arg_I faster Arg_I and Arg_I easier Arg_I in Arg_I compare Arg_I to Arg_I a Arg_I young Arg_I one Arg_I to Arg_I understand Arg_I a Arg_I foreign Arg_I language Arg_I . O They Arg_B can Arg_I easily Arg_I understand Arg_I the Arg_I language Arg_I structure Arg_I and Arg_I memorize Arg_I the Arg_I vocabularies Arg_I . O It O is O out O of O of O the O questioned O that O the Arg_B persistence Arg_I of Arg_I learning Arg_I a Arg_I knowledge Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I childhood Arg_I is Arg_I more Arg_I than Arg_I other Arg_I period Arg_I of Arg_I lives Arg_I . O By O considering O this O and O being O aware O of O that O students O have O not O any O responsibility O and O other O difficulty O in O comparison O with O a O young O man, O we O can O infer O that O why O this Arg_B time Arg_I is Arg_I the Arg_I best Arg_I time Arg_I to Arg_I learn Arg_I any Arg_I language Arg_I . O In O addition, O Learning Arg_B a Arg_I foreign Arg_I language Arg_I helps Arg_I students Arg_I tremendously Arg_I to Arg_I comprehend Arg_I what Arg_I happens Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I around Arg_I World Arg_I . O They Arg_B would Arg_I be Arg_I able Arg_I to Arg_I understand Arg_I other Arg_I cultures Arg_I and Arg_I costumes Arg_I . O Moreover, O It Arg_B can Arg_I give Arg_I them Arg_I a Arg_I sense Arg_I of Arg_I power Arg_I to Arg_I communicate Arg_I better Arg_I with Arg_I peers Arg_I in Arg_I other Arg_I parts Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I World Arg_I . O Having Arg_B knowledge Arg_I about Arg_I other Arg_I countries Arg_I and Arg_I their Arg_I languages Arg_I lead Arg_I to Arg_I extend Arg_I the Arg_I child's Arg_I vision Arg_I . O Therefore, O they Arg_B would Arg_I be Arg_I able Arg_I to Arg_I develop Arg_I their Arg_I personalities Arg_I and Arg_I sense Arg_I of Arg_I reliance Arg_I . O Overall, O it O is O easy O to O distinguish O between O a O child O having O two O languages O and O a O child O having O just O his O native O language O while O comparing O their O ability O to O communicate, O understanding O other O studies, O etc, O to O find O that O why O children Arg_B should Arg_I start Arg_I learning Arg_I a Arg_I foreign Arg_I language Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I beginning Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I education Arg_I . O The O biggest O risk O is O not O taking O any O risk O "The O biggest O risk O is O not O taking O any O risk O ." O The O ones O who O have O a O big O dream, O they O need O to O be O brave O and O dare O to O live O new O situations O . O It O is O not O guaranteed O that O you O are O going O to O achieve O your O dream O if O you O had O planned O carefully O as O the O same O way O when O you O take O risks, O but O it O is O more O frustrating O if O you O had O made O plans O and O then O it O went O wrong O . O Therefore, O it Arg_B is Arg_I essential Arg_I to Arg_I take Arg_I chances Arg_I and Arg_I believe Arg_I this Arg_I is Arg_I going Arg_I to Arg_I work Arg_I out Arg_I . O Assuming Arg_B new Arg_I opportunities Arg_I is Arg_I indispensable Arg_I to Arg_I have Arg_I diverse Arg_I experiences Arg_I . O In O fact, O life O may O not O be O easy; O it O will O have O various O challenges O especially O when O you O take O risks, O but O in Arg_B the Arg_I end, Arg_I it Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I surprisingly Arg_I wonderful Arg_I . O For O instance, O some Arg_B people Arg_I abandon Arg_I their Arg_I job, Arg_I family Arg_I and Arg_I friends Arg_I and Arg_I go Arg_I to Arg_I other Arg_I country Arg_I without Arg_I knowing Arg_I what Arg_I the Arg_I future Arg_I holds Arg_I for Arg_I them Arg_I . O In O the O beginning, O it O can O be O tough O to O fit O in O this O new O place O and O find O any O opportunity, O but O after Arg_B fighting Arg_I against Arg_I the Arg_I obstacles Arg_I blocking Arg_I the Arg_I way Arg_I to Arg_I get Arg_I what Arg_I is Arg_I desired; Arg_I it Arg_I is Arg_I possible Arg_I to Arg_I conquer Arg_I what Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I craving Arg_I as Arg_I well Arg_I as Arg_I start Arg_I to Arg_I build Arg_I a Arg_I new Arg_I life Arg_I in Arg_I this Arg_I other Arg_I country Arg_I . O In O fact, O many Arg_B people Arg_I are Arg_I afraid Arg_I to Arg_I take Arg_I risks Arg_I and Arg_I fail Arg_I . O It O is O possible O to O get O frustrate O along O the O way, O but O it Arg_B is Arg_I vital Arg_I to Arg_I never Arg_I give Arg_I up Arg_I on Arg_I your Arg_I dream Arg_I . O To O illustrate, O Walt Arg_B Disney, Arg_I whose Arg_I career Arg_I is Arg_I famous, Arg_I had Arg_I a Arg_I challenging Arg_I life Arg_I . O One Arg_B of Arg_I the Arg_I difficulties Arg_I was Arg_I some Arg_I of Arg_I his Arg_I histories, Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I Mickey Arg_I Mouse Arg_I and Arg_I Three Arg_I Little Arg_I Pigs, Arg_I were Arg_I turned Arg_I down Arg_I . O He Arg_B heard Arg_I lots Arg_I of Arg_I "no", Arg_I furthermore Arg_I one Arg_I editor Arg_I fired Arg_I him Arg_I alleging Arg_I that Arg_I he Arg_I had Arg_I no Arg_I imagination, Arg_I after Arg_I all Arg_I what Arg_I he Arg_I had Arg_I gone Arg_I through, Arg_I he Arg_I never Arg_I stop Arg_I chasing Arg_I his Arg_I dreams Arg_I . O To O conclude, O in Arg_B this Arg_I competitive Arg_I world Arg_I you Arg_I have Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I fearless Arg_I and Arg_I face Arg_I all Arg_I new Arg_I situations Arg_I . O Even O though O sometimes O you O consider O backing O down O and O stay O in O the O same O routine O that O you O are O used O to, O it Arg_B is Arg_I necessary Arg_I to Arg_I have Arg_I courage Arg_I to Arg_I take Arg_I risks, Arg_I be Arg_I different Arg_I and Arg_I pursue Arg_I your Arg_I dream Arg_I to Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I successful Arg_I life Arg_I . O In O personal O live, O we O have O some O responsibilities O towards O other O people O People O should O sometimes O do O things, O even O though O they O don't O enjoy O it O . O This O is O basic O part O of O the O lives O . O There O may O be O small O or O big O things, O but O at O last O people O should O accept O them, O because O most O of O them O is O about O responsibilities O . O Moreover, O sometimes O by O doing O things O helps O the O people O learn O about O live O . O In O this O essay, O the O reasons O for O why O I O agree O that O people Arg_B should Arg_I sometimes Arg_I do Arg_I things Arg_I that Arg_I they Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I enjoy Arg_I doing O will O be O explored O . O Firstly, O most Arg_B people's Arg_I lives Arg_I are Arg_I filled Arg_I with Arg_I tasks Arg_I that Arg_I they Arg_I don't Arg_I enjoy Arg_I doing Arg_I .In O personal O live, O we O have O some O responsibilities O towards O to O other O people, O there O is O nobody O who O likes O all O of O these O responsibilities O . O For O instance, O housework Arg_B is Arg_I very Arg_I difficult Arg_I for Arg_I me, Arg_I although Arg_I my Arg_I husband Arg_I helps Arg_I me Arg_I some Arg_I of Arg_I them, Arg_I but Arg_I it Arg_I is Arg_I my Arg_I responsibility Arg_I . O I Arg_B really Arg_I don't Arg_I like Arg_I any Arg_I of Arg_I them, Arg_I however Arg_I I Arg_I should Arg_I do Arg_I . O Secondly,professional O lives O are O filled O with O tasks O that O is O neccessary O parts O of O the O jobs O . O Nobody Arg_B likes Arg_I attending Arg_I boring Arg_I conferences, Arg_I or Arg_I working Arg_I a Arg_I person Arg_I who Arg_I isn't Arg_I well Arg_I in Arg_I with Arg_I anyone Arg_I . O I'm Arg_B a Arg_I research Arg_I asistant Arg_I at Arg_I a Arg_I university, Arg_I and Arg_I as Arg_I any Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I univesity Arg_I in Arg_I ours Arg_I we Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I professor Arg_I who Arg_I isn't Arg_I good Arg_I at Arg_I human Arg_I relationships, Arg_I most Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I asistans Arg_I don't Arg_I enjoy Arg_I to Arg_I talk Arg_I with Arg_I him Arg_I about Arg_I any Arg_I situation, Arg_I although Arg_I we Arg_I have Arg_I to Arg_I ask Arg_I about Arg_I his Arg_I field Arg_I . O Thirdly, O doing Arg_B something Arg_I which Arg_I an Arg_I individual Arg_I doesn't Arg_I enjoy Arg_I can Arg_I led Arg_I to Arg_I enjoyment Arg_I . O People Arg_B sometimes Arg_I can Arg_I attend Arg_I any Arg_I activities Arg_I by Arg_I insisting Arg_I on Arg_I any Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I friends Arg_I although Arg_I they Arg_I don't Arg_I really Arg_I want Arg_I . O For O example, O one Arg_B of Arg_I our Arg_I friends Arg_I tell Arg_I my Arg_I husband Arg_I and Arg_I me Arg_I about Arg_I a Arg_I dance Arg_I course Arg_I which Arg_I we Arg_I both Arg_I don't Arg_I like Arg_I . O After Arg_B insisting Arg_I on Arg_I some Arg_I of Arg_I our Arg_I friends, Arg_I we Arg_I attended, Arg_I and Arg_I got Arg_I really Arg_I enjoyable Arg_I time, Arg_I we Arg_I continued Arg_I the Arg_I course Arg_I about Arg_I six Arg_I months Arg_I although Arg_I most Arg_I of Arg_I our Arg_I friends Arg_I left Arg_I the Arg_I course Arg_I after Arg_I a Arg_I month Arg_I . O Nobody O has O a O life O with O a O lot O of O fun; O there Arg_B are Arg_I sometimes Arg_I unpleasant Arg_I and Arg_I boring Arg_I parts Arg_I which Arg_I is Arg_I not Arg_I liked Arg_I by Arg_I anyone, Arg_I but Arg_I most Arg_I of Arg_I them Arg_I are Arg_I about Arg_I responsibilities Arg_I which Arg_I is Arg_I the Arg_I part Arg_I of Arg_I individual's Arg_I live Arg_I . O Young O adults O preference O on O how O long O they O should O live O with O their O parents O before O moving O out O As O young O people O gets O older O they O tend O to O seek O more O freedom O and O want O to O live O on O their O own O . O But, O the O issue O of O what O is O the O right O age O for O young O adults O to O leave O their O parents O and O start O living O on O their O own O is O a O contentious O one O . O Personally, O I O believe O that O young Arg_B adults Arg_I should Arg_I live Arg_I with Arg_I their Arg_I parents Arg_I for Arg_I a Arg_I longer Arg_I period Arg_I of Arg_I time Arg_I . O Living Arg_B on Arg_I your Arg_I own Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I huge Arg_I financial Arg_I commitment Arg_I . O At O younger O age O people O are O less O likely O to O get O a O high O paying O job, O so O It Arg_B can Arg_I be Arg_I a Arg_I difficult Arg_I task Arg_I to Arg_I pay Arg_I for Arg_I rent, Arg_I food, Arg_I utilities Arg_I and Arg_I other Arg_I expenses Arg_I to Arg_I sustain Arg_I yourself Arg_I . O So, O I O believe O that O living Arg_B with Arg_I parents Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I wise Arg_I choice Arg_I for Arg_I adults Arg_I until Arg_I they Arg_I get Arg_I a Arg_I head Arg_I start Arg_I to Arg_I their Arg_I professional Arg_I career Arg_I with Arg_I a Arg_I reasonable Arg_I income Arg_I . O Another Arg_B advantage Arg_I of Arg_I living Arg_I with Arg_I parents Arg_I for Arg_I a Arg_I longer Arg_I period Arg_I of Arg_I time Arg_I is Arg_I the Arg_I enhanced Arg_I emotional Arg_I attachment Arg_I with Arg_I them Arg_I . O Parents Arg_B have Arg_I valuable Arg_I advice Arg_I to Arg_I their Arg_I children Arg_I as Arg_I they Arg_I go Arg_I through Arg_I the Arg_I changes Arg_I in Arg_I their Arg_I adult Arg_I life Arg_I . O Living Arg_B together Arg_I develops Arg_I the Arg_I environment Arg_I of Arg_I discussing Arg_I adult's Arg_I physiological Arg_I and Arg_I psychological Arg_I changes Arg_I face Arg_I to Arg_I face Arg_I with Arg_I their Arg_I parents Arg_I . O Young Arg_B adults Arg_I will Arg_I feel Arg_I reluctant Arg_I to Arg_I discuss Arg_I such Arg_I problems Arg_I with Arg_I their Arg_I parents Arg_I if Arg_I they Arg_I move Arg_I out Arg_I and Arg_I live Arg_I on Arg_I their Arg_I own, Arg_I and Arg_I thus Arg_I missing Arg_I the Arg_I valuable Arg_I input Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I parents Arg_I . O While O some O critics O may O argue O that, O young Arg_B adults Arg_I living Arg_I with Arg_I parents Arg_I will Arg_I not Arg_I be Arg_I free Arg_I to Arg_I do Arg_I what Arg_I they Arg_I want Arg_I . O However, O I O believe O that O most Arg_B young Arg_I adults Arg_I are Arg_I inclined Arg_I to Arg_I take Arg_I unprecedented Arg_I advantages Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I freedom Arg_I they Arg_I have Arg_I . O It Arg_B is Arg_I good Arg_I thing Arg_I if Arg_I living Arg_I with Arg_I parents Arg_I does Arg_I not Arg_I give Arg_I freedom Arg_I for Arg_I young Arg_I people Arg_I to Arg_I party Arg_I all Arg_I night, Arg_I smoke Arg_I or Arg_I do Arg_I drugs Arg_I . O In O a O nutshell, O I O believe O that O young Arg_B adults Arg_I should Arg_I only Arg_I consider Arg_I living Arg_I on Arg_I their Arg_I own Arg_I only Arg_I after Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I sure Arg_I they Arg_I could Arg_I sustain Arg_I on Arg_I their Arg_I own Arg_I . O It Arg_B is Arg_I unwise Arg_I to Arg_I trade Arg_I the Arg_I opportunity Arg_I of Arg_I living Arg_I with Arg_I parents Arg_I for Arg_I a Arg_I longer Arg_I period Arg_I of Arg_I time Arg_I for Arg_I some Arg_I late Arg_I night Arg_I parties Arg_I or Arg_I drugs Arg_I . O Thus, O to Arg_B cope Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I physiological Arg_I and Arg_I psychological Arg_I changes Arg_I of Arg_I adult Arg_I life, Arg_I to Arg_I make Arg_I financial Arg_I life Arg_I a Arg_I less Arg_I struggle Arg_I and Arg_I to Arg_I prevent Arg_I oneself Arg_I digress Arg_I from Arg_I their Arg_I destined Arg_I path, Arg_I it Arg_I is Arg_I important Arg_I for Arg_I young Arg_I adults Arg_I to Arg_I live Arg_I with Arg_I their Arg_I parents Arg_I for Arg_I a Arg_I longer Arg_I period Arg_I of Arg_I time Arg_I . O Technology O impact O on O people O Nowadays, O the O Earth O has O become O like O a O small O village O . O In O the O course O of O the O last O hundred O years, O the O way O majority O of O people O communicate O with O each O other O has O been O altered O significantly O because O of O technology O . O But O there O are O vast O amount O of O disputes O whether O it O is O positive O or O negative O . O From O my O point O of O view, O this Arg_B development Arg_I was Arg_I a Arg_I very Arg_I positive Arg_I one Arg_I in O spite O of O its O some O drawbacks O . O To O begin O with, O nowadays, Arg_B to Arg_I keep Arg_I in Arg_I touch Arg_I with Arg_I loved Arg_I ones Arg_I in Arg_I faraway Arg_I places Arg_I has Arg_I become Arg_I easy Arg_I than Arg_I ever Arg_I . O Technology Arg_B revolutionized Arg_I the Arg_I way Arg_I we Arg_I communicate Arg_I and O in O present, O it Arg_B is Arg_I almost Arg_I possible Arg_I to Arg_I do Arg_I everything Arg_I without Arg_I tete-a-tete Arg_I . O By Arg_B means Arg_I of Arg_I some Arg_I software Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I Skype, Arg_I MSN, Arg_I Whatsapp Arg_I we Arg_I can Arg_I get Arg_I in Arg_I touch Arg_I with Arg_I everybody Arg_I whenever Arg_I we Arg_I want Arg_I . O For O example, O in O earlier O times, O people O didn't O leave O for O faraway O places, O because O they Arg_B could Arg_I easily Arg_I get Arg_I lost Arg_I . O This Arg_B is Arg_I also Arg_I one Arg_I salient Arg_I prove Arg_I that Arg_I the Arg_I development Arg_I of Arg_I technology Arg_I was Arg_I a Arg_I very Arg_I positive Arg_I . O Further, O by Arg_B means Arg_I of Arg_I some Arg_I communication Arg_I tools, Arg_I it Arg_I has Arg_I become Arg_I very Arg_I easy Arg_I to Arg_I make Arg_I new Arg_I friends Arg_I . O According Arg_B to Arg_I statistics, Arg_I 40% Arg_I of Arg_I people Arg_I met Arg_I even Arg_I their Arg_I life Arg_I partners Arg_I via Arg_I Internet Arg_I . O In O this O sense, O Internet Arg_B is Arg_I a Arg_I basic Arg_I tool Arg_I to Arg_I keep Arg_I in Arg_I touch Arg_I with Arg_I old Arg_I and Arg_I make Arg_I new Arg_I friends Arg_I . O However, O the O other O side O of O the O coin O is O that, O by O communicating O via O Internet O or O phone, O we O cannot O express O our O ideas O and O feelings O fully, O because O during Arg_B such Arg_I conversations, Arg_I some Arg_I of Arg_I our Arg_I words Arg_I can Arg_I make Arg_I a Arg_I completely Arg_I different Arg_I sense Arg_I . O As O a O result, O the Arg_B rate Arg_I of Arg_I divorces Arg_I is Arg_I increasing Arg_I day Arg_I by Arg_I day Arg_I . O By O way O of O conclusion, O I O once O again O restate O my O position O that O the Arg_B development Arg_I of Arg_I technology Arg_I impacted Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I means Arg_I of Arg_I communication Arg_I among Arg_I people Arg_I very Arg_I positively Arg_I by Arg_I making Arg_I it Arg_I easier Arg_I and Arg_I more Arg_I comfortable Arg_I . O Advantages O and O disadvantages O of O machines O instead O of O human O to O do O the O work O The O issue O of O whether O using O of O machine O are O bring O many O advantages O to O society O is O of O great O concern O to O many O people O . O In O my O opinion, O although O using O machines O have O many O benefits, O we Arg_B cannot Arg_I ignore Arg_I its Arg_I negative Arg_I effects Arg_I . O It O is O undoubted O that O machines Arg_B can Arg_I bring Arg_I many Arg_I benefits Arg_I . O For O one O thing, O machines Arg_B are Arg_I more Arg_I effective Arg_I than Arg_I human Arg_I . O Not Arg_B like Arg_I human, Arg_I machines Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I need Arg_I rest, Arg_I which Arg_I means Arg_I they Arg_I can Arg_I work Arg_I as Arg_I long Arg_I as Arg_I employers Arg_I want Arg_I and Arg_I consistently Arg_I produce Arg_I high Arg_I quality Arg_I products Arg_I without Arg_I any Arg_I mistakes Arg_I . O For O another, O using Arg_B machines Arg_I can Arg_I save Arg_I company's Arg_I money Arg_I . O Because O machines O never O ask O for O salary, O over-time O pay O or O pension, O so O employers Arg_B do Arg_I not Arg_I need Arg_I to Arg_I spend Arg_I money Arg_I on Arg_I employee's Arg_I welfare Arg_I . O The Arg_B company Arg_I only Arg_I needs Arg_I some Arg_I technicians Arg_I to Arg_I make Arg_I sure Arg_I machines Arg_I are Arg_I working Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I right Arg_I track Arg_I or Arg_I replace Arg_I some Arg_I part Arg_I when Arg_I machines Arg_I are Arg_I not Arg_I working Arg_I . O However, O the Arg_B disadvantages Arg_I of Arg_I machines Arg_I that Arg_I bring Arg_I to Arg_I us Arg_I should Arg_I not Arg_I be Arg_I neglected Arg_I by Arg_I people Arg_I . O To O start O with, O because Arg_B of Arg_I extensive Arg_I of Arg_I using Arg_I machines, Arg_I many Arg_I people Arg_I loss Arg_I their Arg_I job Arg_I . O Especially Arg_B in Arg_I large Arg_I population Arg_I countries, Arg_I high Arg_I unemployment Arg_I rate Arg_I may Arg_I cause Arg_I crime Arg_I and Arg_I social Arg_I instability Arg_I . O Apart O from O this, O using Arg_B of Arg_I machines Arg_I are Arg_I also Arg_I pose Arg_I serious Arg_I pollution Arg_I and Arg_I energy Arg_I dissipation Arg_I . O For O example, O nowadays Arg_B people Arg_I prefer Arg_I to Arg_I use Arg_I dish-washing Arg_I machine Arg_I to Arg_I wash Arg_I dishes Arg_I and Arg_I plates Arg_I rather Arg_I than Arg_I hand Arg_I washing Arg_I . O But O they Arg_B did Arg_I not Arg_I know Arg_I that Arg_I compared Arg_I with Arg_I hand Arg_I washing Arg_I dish-washing Arg_I machine Arg_I consume Arg_I at Arg_I least Arg_I 2 Arg_I times Arg_I water Arg_I and Arg_I electricity Arg_I to Arg_I wash Arg_I these Arg_I tableware Arg_I . O As O you O can O imagine, O if O thousands O of O families O use O dish-washing O machines, O how O many O water O and O how O much O electricity O will O be O wasted! O In O conclusion, O although O we O cannot O deny O machines O are O play O a O vital O role O in O people O living O and O working, O problems Arg_B posed Arg_I by Arg_I machines Arg_I should Arg_I draws Arg_I more Arg_I attentions Arg_I as Arg_I well Arg_I . O Question O about O the O influence O of O the O media O coverage O of O celebrities O Today, O celebrities O appear O to O become O a O spotlight O of O the O mass O media O . O Almost O half O of O the O news O coverage O on O television O and O the O Internet O is O devoted O to O the O celebrity O gossip O . O Not O surprisingly, O many O people O are O worried O that O this O attention O to O the O famous O people O has O an O impact O on O them, O especially O on O their O children O . O This O essay O will O compare O both O negative O and O positive O consequences O of O this O effect O on O infants O . O Fame Arg_B is Arg_I a Arg_I great Arg_I responsibility Arg_I for Arg_I public Arg_I people Arg_I as Arg_I their Arg_I admirers Arg_I are Arg_I very Arg_I sensitive Arg_I to Arg_I any Arg_I acts Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I idols Arg_I . O Celebrity Arg_B scandals Arg_I and Arg_I gossips Arg_I can Arg_I quickly Arg_I reach Arg_I the Arg_I public Arg_I which Arg_I perceive Arg_I it Arg_I very Arg_I negatively Arg_I . O This O means O that O celebrities Arg_B who Arg_I received Arg_I attention Arg_I for Arg_I overuse Arg_I of Arg_I drugs Arg_I or Arg_I alcohol Arg_I are Arg_I likely Arg_I to Arg_I get Arg_I public Arg_I disgrace Arg_I . O Therefore, O children Arg_B may Arg_I see Arg_I that Arg_I this Arg_I behavior Arg_I is Arg_I inexcusable Arg_I . O On O the O other O hand, O too Arg_B much Arg_I news Arg_I coverage Arg_I to Arg_I famous Arg_I people Arg_I seems Arg_I to Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I negative Arg_I influence Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I choice Arg_I of Arg_I children Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I future Arg_I professions Arg_I . O As Arg_B recent Arg_I surveys Arg_I showed, Arg_I inspired Arg_I by Arg_I the Arg_I fame Arg_I and Arg_I wealth, Arg_I children Arg_I now Arg_I prefer Arg_I more Arg_I to Arg_I become Arg_I an Arg_I actor/actress Arg_I or Arg_I a Arg_I sports Arg_I star Arg_I than Arg_I it Arg_I was Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I past Arg_I . O Many Arg_B schools Arg_I for Arg_I preparation Arg_I of Arg_I so-called Arg_I stars Arg_I and Arg_I various Arg_I advertisements Arg_I about Arg_I famous Arg_I people Arg_I may Arg_I mislead Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I fact Arg_I that Arg_I this Arg_I profession Arg_I is Arg_I highly Arg_I required Arg_I and Arg_I easy Arg_I reachable Arg_I . O This Arg_B may Arg_I confuse Arg_I children Arg_I who Arg_I should Arg_I not Arg_I choose Arg_I their Arg_I future Arg_I job Arg_I because Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I influence Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I mass Arg_I media, Arg_I but Arg_I from Arg_I the Arg_I basis Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I own Arg_I interests Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O parents Arg_B should Arg_I be Arg_I more Arg_I worried Arg_I about Arg_I their Arg_I children's Arg_I attitudes Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I 'cult Arg_I of Arg_I celebrity' Arg_I . O They O should O teach O their O children O how O to O distinguish O shortcoming O stars O from O truly O talented O ones O and O to O put O right O priorities O in O life O . O Mobile O phone; O "Iron O man" O / O "Weichat" O - O destroy O social O interactions? O Recently, O there O has O been O a O social O concern O in O regards O to O whether O mobile O phones O have O a O negative O effect O in O our O social O communication O . O Indeed, O mobile O phones O have O been O widely O used O for O people O of O all O ages, O bringing O convenience O and O entertainment O into O our O life O . O However, O as O far O as O I O am O concerned, O I O strongly O agree O with O the O view O that O this Arg_B great Arg_I invention Arg_I causes Arg_I many Arg_I social Arg_I problems Arg_I . O In O the O first O place, O spending Arg_B too Arg_I much Arg_I time Arg_I on Arg_I phones Arg_I may Arg_I exert Arg_I adverse Arg_I effects Arg_I on Arg_I social Arg_I life Arg_I . O In O the O first O place, O as Arg_B people Arg_I increasingly Arg_I tend Arg_I to Arg_I focus Arg_I and Arg_I relay Arg_I on Arg_I phones, Arg_I they Arg_I may Arg_I lose Arg_I their Arg_I interest Arg_I on Arg_I daily Arg_I activities Arg_I like Arg_I meeting Arg_I with Arg_I their Arg_I friends Arg_I so O that O distraction Arg_B may Arg_I be Arg_I developed Arg_I during Arg_I study Arg_I or Arg_I social Arg_I activities Arg_I . O Moreover, O continuous Arg_B use Arg_I of Arg_I mobile Arg_I phone Arg_I may Arg_I damage Arg_I both Arg_I eyesight Arg_I and Arg_I physical Arg_I posture Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I children Arg_I . O Furthermore, O there Arg_B are Arg_I many Arg_I types Arg_I of Arg_I games Arg_I available Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I phone Arg_I and Arg_I many Arg_I of Arg_I them Arg_I are Arg_I very Arg_I aggressive Arg_I in Arg_I nature Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I "Iron Arg_I man" Arg_I . O In Arg_B those Arg_I games, Arg_I children Arg_I are Arg_I rewarded Arg_I for Arg_I being Arg_I more Arg_I violent, Arg_I and Arg_I this Arg_I violence Arg_I is Arg_I repeated Arg_I again Arg_I and Arg_I again Arg_I . O For O instance, O many Arg_B games Arg_I involve Arg_I children Arg_I helping Arg_I their Arg_I character Arg_I to Arg_I kill Arg_I or Arg_I shoot, Arg_I which Arg_I many Arg_I lead Arg_I to Arg_I increased Arg_I aggressive Arg_I feelings, Arg_I thoughts Arg_I and Arg_I behaviours Arg_I . O Therefore, O the Arg_B hardship Arg_I of Arg_I communication Arg_I may Arg_I be Arg_I developed Arg_I . O However, O other O people O may O perceive O this O issue O from O different O viewpoint O . O With Arg_B rapid Arg_I development Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I internet, Arg_I people Arg_I are Arg_I able Arg_I to Arg_I enjoy Arg_I quick Arg_I electronic Arg_I communication Arg_I via Arg_I internet Arg_I . O For O instance, O as Arg_B lots Arg_I of Arg_I chatting Arg_I apps Arg_I available Arg_I online Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I "Weichat", Arg_I people Arg_I tend Arg_I to Arg_I send Arg_I instant Arg_I messages Arg_I free Arg_I of Arg_I charge Arg_I by Arg_I using Arg_I their Arg_I phones Arg_I rather Arg_I than Arg_I face Arg_I to Arg_I face Arg_I communication Arg_I . O Therefore, O mobile O phones O have O shortened O the O distance O of O communication O . O After O having O considered O all O the O problems O that O I O have O discussed O above, O we O can O finally O draw O a O conclusion O that O although O mobile O phones O brings O convenience O of O communication, O they Arg_B also Arg_I contribute Arg_I to Arg_I some Arg_I social Arg_I problems Arg_I . O Modern O forms O of O communication; O 'electronic O letter' O Undoubtedly, O the O movement O of O modern O forms O of O communication O has O changed O better, O which O help O people O to O interact O to O others, O such O as O email O and O messaging O without O limitation O time O . O I O totally O agree O that O using Arg_B of Arg_I these Arg_I soft Arg_I devices Arg_I have Arg_I cut Arg_I much Arg_I of Arg_I time Arg_I people Arg_I need Arg_I to Arg_I see Arg_I with Arg_I their Arg_I relatives Arg_I . O However, O it Arg_B is Arg_I had Arg_I some Arg_I demerits Arg_I on Arg_I their Arg_I social Arg_I lives Arg_I . O Mentioned O to O societies O life O style, O they Arg_B constantly Arg_I use Arg_I these Arg_I kinds Arg_I of Arg_I electronic Arg_I letter Arg_I for Arg_I making Arg_I fellowship Arg_I or Arg_I just Arg_I continuing Arg_I theirs Arg_I what Arg_I they Arg_I already Arg_I had Arg_I . O Obviousness, O there Arg_B are Arg_I other Arg_I ways Arg_I like Arg_I social Arg_I media Arg_I that Arg_I they Arg_I could Arg_I to Arg_I use Arg_I it Arg_I for Arg_I meeting Arg_I theirs Arg_I buddies Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I Twitter Arg_I and Arg_I Facebook, Arg_I also Arg_I make Arg_I the Arg_I communication Arg_I become Arg_I feasible Arg_I and Arg_I limitless Arg_I of Arg_I time Arg_I . O Another O perspective, O using Arg_B of Arg_I these Arg_I facilities Arg_I has Arg_I influenced Arg_I netizens Arg_I to Arg_I keep Arg_I themselves Arg_I becoming Arg_I unsociable Arg_I . O It O caused O they O were O swept O away O by O virtual O atmosphere, O so O they Arg_B do Arg_I not Arg_I do Arg_I much Arg_I social Arg_I live Arg_I interactions Arg_I with Arg_I others Arg_I . O The O consequence O of O this O case O made O some Arg_B people Arg_I become Arg_I geek, Arg_I as Arg_I too Arg_I much Arg_I of Arg_I using Arg_I email Arg_I and Arg_I messaging, Arg_I without Arg_I direct Arg_I contacts Arg_I . O However, O people Arg_B have Arg_I had Arg_I own Arg_I minded Arg_I to Arg_I keep Arg_I connection Arg_I with Arg_I their Arg_I friends Arg_I as Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I relationship, Arg_I meet Arg_I them Arg_I and Arg_I talk Arg_I by Arg_I face Arg_I to Arg_I face Arg_I directly Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O I O admittedly O and O strongly O agree O that O the Arg_B merits Arg_I of Arg_I email Arg_I and Arg_I messaging Arg_I have Arg_I reduced Arg_I amount Arg_I of Arg_I ours Arg_I time Arg_I to Arg_I communicate Arg_I to Arg_I . O Besides, O we Arg_B need Arg_I to Arg_I make Arg_I sure Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I real Arg_I gathering Arg_I with Arg_I our Arg_I colleague Arg_I . O People O should O create O a O sense O of O co-operation O in O their O children O It O is O undeniable O that O children O have O an O innocent O mind, O and O they O requires O a O proper O guidance O at O a O specific O time O to O make O them O understand O the O value O of O life O . O Some O people O think O that O it O is O better O to O make O them O competitive, O while O other O believes O to O make O them O co-operative O . O Both O these O factors O have O their O own O values, O and O have O been O discussed O in O detail O below: O Competitive Arg_B children Arg_I are Arg_I more Arg_I likely Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I confident Arg_I enough Arg_I to Arg_I handle Arg_I the Arg_I situations Arg_I independently Arg_I . O This O factor O initially O arises O from O the O school, O where O teacher O encourages O student O to O feel O more O competitive O through O the O grading O system, O and O this O is O the O place O where O children O are O trying O to O get O on O the O top O by O scoring O the O highest O marks O . O This O factor O will O lead O them O to O be O successful O in O their O lives O ahead, O but O will O also O restrict O them O in O many O ways O . O For O example, O MNCs Arg_B are Arg_I mainly Arg_I focusing Arg_I on Arg_I a Arg_I team Arg_I work, Arg_I and Arg_I a Arg_I person Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I competitive Arg_I mind Arg_I would Arg_I be Arg_I having Arg_I a Arg_I difficulty Arg_I in Arg_I managing Arg_I the Arg_I situation Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I team Arg_I . O However, O those Arg_B who Arg_I wants Arg_I to Arg_I create Arg_I a Arg_I sense Arg_I of Arg_I co-operation Arg_I in Arg_I their Arg_I children Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I symbol Arg_I that Arg_I they Arg_I want Arg_I to Arg_I make Arg_I them Arg_I sensible Arg_I enough Arg_I in Arg_I their Arg_I lives Arg_I ahead Arg_I . O Although, O they O will O not O be O having O a O pace O and O an O eager O to O get O on O the O top O as O the O competitors O do, O but O they Arg_B shall Arg_I have Arg_I an Arg_I art Arg_I of Arg_I managing Arg_I different Arg_I situations Arg_I of Arg_I life Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I help Arg_I of Arg_I a Arg_I team Arg_I . O In O my O opinion, O though O competitive O children O will O be O far O more O clever O and O faster O than O the O co-operative O child O in O an O initial O level, O but O it O will O not O help O them O to O be O on O the O success O path O for O the O long O run; O while O on O the O contrary, O co-operative Arg_B child Arg_I will Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I potential Arg_I of Arg_I structuring Arg_I and Arg_I implementing Arg_I new Arg_I and Arg_I innovative Arg_I ideas Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I help Arg_I of Arg_I a Arg_I team Arg_I . O To O conclude, O I O would O say O that O people Arg_B should Arg_I create Arg_I a Arg_I sense Arg_I of Arg_I co-operation Arg_I in Arg_I their Arg_I children Arg_I to Arg_I make Arg_I them Arg_I feel Arg_I more Arg_I accomplished Arg_I in Arg_I life Arg_I . O Man O to O man O interaction O changed O Nowadays, O the O variety O of O communication O systems O used O widely O . O As O technology O develops, O it O has O negative O influences O in O many O respects O . O However, O I O strongly O agree O with O that O the Arg_B technology Arg_I has Arg_I large Arg_I positive Arg_I effects Arg_I on Arg_I relationships Arg_I between Arg_I people Arg_I . O The O main O advantage O is O that O technology Arg_B has Arg_I enabled Arg_I people Arg_I stay Arg_I in Arg_I contact Arg_I with Arg_I each Arg_I other Arg_I more Arg_I closely Arg_I . O While Arg_B public Arg_I use Arg_I the Arg_I Internet Arg_I or Arg_I smart Arg_I phone Arg_I to Arg_I share Arg_I information Arg_I to Arg_I each Arg_I other Arg_I at Arg_I different Arg_I positions Arg_I . O Instead Arg_B of Arg_I using Arg_I letters, Arg_I technology Arg_I advanced Arg_I not Arg_I only Arg_I gives Arg_I us Arg_I more Arg_I spare Arg_I time Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I convenient Arg_I and Arg_I efficient Arg_I . O More, O even Arg_B if Arg_I family Arg_I members Arg_I who Arg_I are Arg_I in Arg_I different Arg_I countries, Arg_I they Arg_I also Arg_I can Arg_I use Arg_I the Arg_I Internet Arg_I to Arg_I connect Arg_I each Arg_I others, Arg_I especially Arg_I though Arg_I the Arg_I images Arg_I or Arg_I videos, Arg_I they Arg_I can Arg_I feel Arg_I close Arg_I . O Furthermore, O technology Arg_B is Arg_I also Arg_I essential Arg_I for Arg_I students, Arg_I live Arg_I in Arg_I remote Arg_I districts, Arg_I shared Arg_I the Arg_I valuable Arg_I natural Arg_I resources Arg_I with Arg_I friends Arg_I . O Another O issue O is O that O in O the O ever-accelerated O updating O of O science O and O technology, O technology Arg_B provides Arg_I opportunities Arg_I for Arg_I people Arg_I to Arg_I establish Arg_I the Arg_I social Arg_I network Arg_I . O In Arg_B the Arg_I past, Arg_I people Arg_I might Arg_I have Arg_I had Arg_I pen Arg_I friends Arg_I in Arg_I other Arg_I countries, Arg_I but Arg_I now, Arg_I thanks Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I social Arg_I networking Arg_I websites, Arg_I people Arg_I can Arg_I easily Arg_I to Arg_I find Arg_I someone Arg_I who Arg_I has Arg_I similar Arg_I interests Arg_I . O Also, O they Arg_B can Arg_I connect Arg_I with Arg_I friends Arg_I who Arg_I have Arg_I been Arg_I out Arg_I of Arg_I touch Arg_I for Arg_I a Arg_I long Arg_I time Arg_I by Arg_I using Arg_I the Arg_I Internet Arg_I . O In O this O way, O technology Arg_B is Arg_I beneficial Arg_I to Arg_I humanity Arg_I develops Arg_I positive Arg_I relationships Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O I O agree O with O that O the O technology O has O more O optimal O effects O on O people's O interaction, O because O it Arg_B helps Arg_I ordinary Arg_I people Arg_I to Arg_I make Arg_I new Arg_I friends Arg_I and Arg_I to Arg_I maintain Arg_I relationships Arg_I . O Sense O of O cooperation O In O present O educational O system O there O are O variety O of O competitions O in O academic O area O and O athletic O area O for O children O to O attend, O which O could O stimulating O the O will O of O children O to O learn O and O to O achieve O the O best O of O them, O and O also O be O able O to O teach O them O teamwork O skill O . O However, O some O people O think O it O is O better O to O make O children O be O competitive O than O cooperative, O both O the O values O have O its O arguments O . O A Arg_B strong Arg_I competition Arg_I sense Arg_I helps Arg_I children Arg_I having Arg_I urge Arg_I to Arg_I learn Arg_I or Arg_I to Arg_I practice Arg_I for Arg_I being Arg_I the Arg_I best Arg_I among Arg_I peers, Arg_I and Arg_I this Arg_I factor Arg_I is Arg_I initially Arg_I arises Arg_I from Arg_I the Arg_I schools Arg_I and Arg_I parents, Arg_I to Arg_I encourage Arg_I children Arg_I to Arg_I get Arg_I the Arg_I highest Arg_I scores Arg_I through Arg_I the Arg_I grading Arg_I system Arg_I . O Even O though O a O competitive O child O is O usually O more O motivated O to O pursue O a O goal O or O to O face O difficulties O independently, O but O it Arg_B is Arg_I also Arg_I risky Arg_I that Arg_I children Arg_I are Arg_I becoming Arg_I too Arg_I competitive Arg_I to Arg_I cooperating Arg_I with Arg_I others Arg_I . O Being Arg_B competitive Arg_I leads Arg_I them Arg_I to Arg_I success, Arg_I but Arg_I could Arg_I also Arg_I restrict Arg_I them Arg_I in Arg_I many Arg_I ways Arg_I . O For O example, O it Arg_B might Arg_I be Arg_I hard Arg_I for Arg_I a Arg_I competitive Arg_I person Arg_I to Arg_I deal Arg_I or Arg_I manage Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I team Arg_I work Arg_I project Arg_I . O On O the O other O hand, O cooperation Arg_B is Arg_I also Arg_I an Arg_I essential Arg_I quality Arg_I for Arg_I children, Arg_I no Arg_I matter Arg_I in Arg_I school Arg_I activities Arg_I or Arg_I in Arg_I communities Arg_I . O Having Arg_B a Arg_I good Arg_I cooperating Arg_I spirit Arg_I helps Arg_I kids Arg_I to Arg_I communicate Arg_I and Arg_I get Arg_I along Arg_I with Arg_I others, Arg_I which Arg_I gives Arg_I them Arg_I more Arg_I possibility Arg_I to Arg_I solve Arg_I problems Arg_I or Arg_I to Arg_I achieve Arg_I a Arg_I goal Arg_I easily Arg_I by Arg_I working Arg_I as Arg_I a Arg_I team Arg_I . O After O all, O in Arg_B society, Arg_I there Arg_I is Arg_I hardly Arg_I anyone Arg_I who Arg_I could Arg_I has Arg_I big Arg_I achievement Arg_I by Arg_I oneself Arg_I . O For O example, O famous Arg_B singers Arg_I or Arg_I movie Arg_I stars, Arg_I despite Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I talent Arg_I to Arg_I make Arg_I them Arg_I successful, Arg_I there Arg_I are Arg_I always Arg_I a Arg_I team Arg_I to Arg_I manage Arg_I works Arg_I or Arg_I deal Arg_I with Arg_I things Arg_I . O In O my O point O of O view, O though O competitive O child O would O have O more O motivation O and O perspective O that O leads O them O to O success, O but O it Arg_B would Arg_I not Arg_I help Arg_I them Arg_I much Arg_I once Arg_I they Arg_I enter Arg_I to Arg_I society Arg_I or Arg_I company Arg_I which Arg_I required Arg_I more Arg_I about Arg_I skill Arg_I of Arg_I team Arg_I work Arg_I . O To O sum O up, O I O would O say O that O schools Arg_B and Arg_I adults Arg_I should Arg_I put Arg_I a Arg_I sense Arg_I of Arg_I cooperation Arg_I in Arg_I children Arg_I to Arg_I make Arg_I them Arg_I becoming Arg_I a Arg_I useful Arg_I adult Arg_I whether Arg_I in Arg_I society Arg_I or Arg_I community Arg_I . O Discuss O both O harms O and O good O of O advertising O and O give O your O opinion O On O these O days, O with O the O assistance O of O advertisement, O people O easily O purchase O the O best O products O with O detailed O information O and O instruction O for O their O requirement O . O Although O some O people O claim O that O the O advantages O of O advertising O are O outweigh O the O advantages, O I O believe O that O advertisement Arg_B bring Arg_I more Arg_I benefits Arg_I than Arg_I harms Arg_I to Arg_I our Arg_I lives Arg_I . O On O the O one O hand, O it O is O clear O that O most Arg_B advertisements Arg_I so Arg_I exaggerate Arg_I the Arg_I quality Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I products Arg_I that Arg_I they Arg_I often Arg_I ignore Arg_I some Arg_I negative Arg_I effects Arg_I of Arg_I what Arg_I they Arg_I sell Arg_I . O In O addition O to O this, O all Arg_B of Arg_I things Arg_I are Arg_I advertised Arg_I as Arg_I the Arg_I best Arg_I ones Arg_I result Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I confusing Arg_I for Arg_I users Arg_I in Arg_I picking Arg_I out Arg_I the Arg_I most Arg_I suitable Arg_I goods Arg_I . O For O example, O some Arg_B kinds Arg_I of Arg_I shampoo, Arg_I namely Arg_I Sunsilk, Arg_I Clear, Arg_I Dove Arg_I are Arg_I publicized Arg_I as Arg_I magic Arg_I items Arg_I to Arg_I recreate Arg_I injured Arg_I hair Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I number Arg_I of Arg_I other Arg_I benefits Arg_I . O However, O the O fact O is O that O not Arg_B all Arg_I customers Arg_I are Arg_I satisfied Arg_I with Arg_I what Arg_I they Arg_I bought Arg_I under Arg_I the Arg_I introduction Arg_I from Arg_I advertisement Arg_I . O On O the O other O hand, O it Arg_B is Arg_I undeniable Arg_I fact Arg_I that Arg_I advertising Arg_I market Arg_I gives Arg_I lots Arg_I of Arg_I working Arg_I opportunities Arg_I from Arg_I producers, Arg_I writers Arg_I to Arg_I models Arg_I and Arg_I cameramen Arg_I for Arg_I all Arg_I of Arg_I people Arg_I as Arg_I long Arg_I as Arg_I their Arg_I qualification Arg_I adapt Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I demands Arg_I . O Moreover, O advertisement Arg_B enables Arg_I to Arg_I support Arg_I users Arg_I in Arg_I getting Arg_I accustomed Arg_I to Arg_I enterprises Arg_I and Arg_I know Arg_I thoroughly Arg_I items Arg_I sold Arg_I from Arg_I these Arg_I producers Arg_I . O Take Arg_B Coca Arg_I cola Arg_I for Arg_I an Arg_I example, Arg_I this Arg_I drinking Arg_I firm Arg_I is Arg_I well-known Arg_I as Arg_I one Arg_I of Arg_I companies Arg_I invested Arg_I a Arg_I major Arg_I part Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I money Arg_I in Arg_I advertising Arg_I . O No Arg_B wonder Arg_I why Arg_I this Arg_I drinking Arg_I title Arg_I becomes Arg_I more Arg_I and Arg_I more Arg_I familiar Arg_I with Arg_I customers Arg_I around Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I . O Last O but O not O least, O online Arg_B advertisement Arg_I is Arg_I one Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I easiest Arg_I approaches Arg_I due Arg_I to Arg_I their Arg_I potential Arg_I gains Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I cheaper Arg_I cost, Arg_I convenience Arg_I and Arg_I easily Arg_I observing Arg_I . O To O sum O up, O everything O has O its O own O gains O and O losses O and O advertisement O is O not O an O exception O . O From O my O point O of O view, O advertising O will O be O better O if O producers O and O advertisers O are O more O honest O in O producing O advertisements O to O give O people O the O general O view O on O one O product O . O High O sum O of O money O of O modern O artist O The O amount O of O money O people O earning O sometimes O is O unfair O . O In O a O field O of O art, O modern O artist O may O receive O high O salary O for O their O masterpiece O creation O while O labors O should O be O break O their O bone O for O years O to O get O similar O amount O of O money O . O Although O some O people O view O that O government O should O be O take O a O responsibility O for O this O unfair O situation, O critics O against O such O view O . O I O agree O that O in Arg_B this Arg_I occasion Arg_I the Arg_I government Arg_I is Arg_I not Arg_I granted Arg_I to Arg_I hand Arg_I in Arg_I . O Proficiency Arg_B brings Arg_I perfectness Arg_I in Arg_I terms Arg_I of Arg_I art Arg_I work Arg_I . O It O is O true O while O the Arg_B modern Arg_I artists Arg_I who Arg_I implement Arg_I their Arg_I creative Arg_I thinking Arg_I onto Arg_I high Arg_I value Arg_I creation Arg_I are Arg_I paid Arg_I with Arg_I immense Arg_I sum Arg_I by Arg_I the Arg_I art Arg_I collector Arg_I . O Also, O the Arg_B high Arg_I sum Arg_I which Arg_I modern Arg_I artists Arg_I receive Arg_I is Arg_I related Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I quality Arg_I instead Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I quantity Arg_I and Arg_I their Arg_I rare Arg_I talent Arg_I . O For O example, O a Arg_B 15 Arg_I centimeter Arg_I Buddha Arg_I temple Arg_I made Arg_I by Arg_I hand Arg_I is Arg_I granted Arg_I times Arg_I in Arg_I comparison Arg_I with Arg_I factory Arg_I production Arg_I . O On O the O other O hand, O modern Arg_B artists Arg_I also Arg_I devote Arg_I themselves Arg_I find Arg_I a Arg_I unique Arg_I concept Arg_I in Arg_I which Arg_I ordinary Arg_I people Arg_I cannot Arg_I do, Arg_I such Arg_I making Arg_I impossible Arg_I become Arg_I possible Arg_I . O Pieter Arg_B Padang, Arg_I Minion Arg_I creator, Arg_I has Arg_I brilliant Arg_I idea Arg_I to Arg_I alter Arg_I part Arg_I of Arg_I song Arg_I lyric Arg_I "I Arg_I swear" Arg_I become Arg_I "underwear" Arg_I when Arg_I the Arg_I Minion Arg_I sing Arg_I in Arg_I Despicable Arg_I Me Arg_I . O He Arg_B granted Arg_I huge Arg_I sums Arg_I for Arg_I such Arg_I idea Arg_I . O Striking O contrast, O labor Arg_B working Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I merchandise Arg_I factory Arg_I receive Arg_I coin Arg_I of Arg_I dollar Arg_I even Arg_I they Arg_I make Arg_I a Arg_I hundred Arg_I of Arg_I 15 Arg_I cm Arg_I Buddha Arg_I temples Arg_I a Arg_I day Arg_I . O In O any O case, O a Arg_B musician Arg_I playing Arg_I "I Arg_I swear" Arg_I several Arg_I times Arg_I receives Arg_I different Arg_I earnings Arg_I that Arg_I Padang Arg_I got Arg_I because O the Arg_B musician Arg_I re-plays Arg_I the Arg_I song Arg_I without Arg_I any Arg_I creation Arg_I . O Moreover, O government Arg_B cannot Arg_I equalize Arg_I the Arg_I price Arg_I of Arg_I creation Arg_I of Arg_I modern Arg_I artist Arg_I because O there O is O no O certain O parameter O to O value O it, O art Arg_B value Arg_I is Arg_I about Arg_I taste Arg_I . O Having O said O that O the Arg_B huge Arg_I sums Arg_I of Arg_I modern Arg_I artists Arg_I receives Arg_I related Arg_I to Arg_I their Arg_I struggle Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I field Arg_I of Arg_I art, Arg_I while Arg_I the Arg_I term Arg_I of Arg_I struggle Arg_I might Arg_I different Arg_I with Arg_I other Arg_I field Arg_I of Arg_I job Arg_I . O I O agree O that O government Arg_B cannot Arg_I take Arg_I steps Arg_I to Arg_I make Arg_I the Arg_I salary Arg_I between Arg_I modern Arg_I artists Arg_I and Arg_I other Arg_I job Arg_I similar Arg_I because O art Arg_B price Arg_I is Arg_I about Arg_I taste Arg_I . O Working O Extended O hours O should O restricted O Working O longer O hours O is O becoming O prevalent O in O these O days O . O There O is O a O saying O in O my O native O village, O "Health O is O Wealth" O . O I O believe O many O of O people O including O me O are O not O really O considering O the O importance O of O health O . O The O need O for O increased O working O hours O might O be O because O of O enhanced O competitive O environment O and O desire O to O acquire O much O money O and O promotion O . O However, O people Arg_B working Arg_I for Arg_I extended Arg_I hours Arg_I have Arg_I been Arg_I found Arg_I having Arg_I adverse Arg_I effects Arg_I on Arg_I their Arg_I health Arg_I and Arg_I personal Arg_I life Arg_I . O In O my O opinion, O a Arg_B balance Arg_I between Arg_I personal Arg_I and Arg_I professional Arg_I life Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I created Arg_I by Arg_I restricting Arg_I maximum Arg_I number Arg_I of Arg_I working Arg_I hours Arg_I . O First O of O all, O many O of O us O would O agree O to O the O fact O that O people; Arg_B who Arg_I prefer Arg_I working Arg_I longer Arg_I hours, Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I find Arg_I time Arg_I to Arg_I focus Arg_I on Arg_I their Arg_I health Arg_I . O By Arg_B working Arg_I too Arg_I long, Arg_I they Arg_I often Arg_I become Arg_I tired, Arg_I lazy Arg_I and Arg_I reluctant Arg_I to Arg_I carry Arg_I out Arg_I physical Arg_I exercise Arg_I in Arg_I order Arg_I to Arg_I remain Arg_I fit Arg_I and Arg_I healthy Arg_I and Arg_I eventually Arg_I loose Arg_I health Arg_I and Arg_I become Arg_I sick Arg_I . O Moreover, O they Arg_B become Arg_I extensively Arg_I addicted Arg_I to Arg_I their Arg_I work Arg_I and Arg_I become Arg_I workaholic Arg_I type Arg_I persons Arg_I . O The Arg_B repercussion Arg_I are Arg_I so Arg_I severe Arg_I that Arg_I their Arg_I families Arg_I and Arg_I friends Arg_I remain Arg_I deprived Arg_I off Arg_I their Arg_I attention Arg_I and Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I end Arg_I they Arg_I end Arg_I up Arg_I losing Arg_I balance Arg_I between Arg_I their Arg_I family Arg_I and Arg_I personal Arg_I life Arg_I . O Secondly, O these Arg_B workaholic Arg_I people Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I spend Arg_I time Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I contribution Arg_I of Arg_I society Arg_I by Arg_I actively Arg_I participating Arg_I in Arg_I any Arg_I social Arg_I campaign Arg_I . O As O they Arg_B usually Arg_I remain Arg_I busy Arg_I in Arg_I their Arg_I office Arg_I so O they Arg_B do Arg_I not Arg_I find Arg_I leisure Arg_I time Arg_I for Arg_I such Arg_I social Arg_I activities Arg_I . O For O instance, O I Arg_B would Arg_I take Arg_I my Arg_I boss's Arg_I example; Arg_I he Arg_I has Arg_I been Arg_I working Arg_I for Arg_I extended Arg_I hours Arg_I in Arg_I office Arg_I for Arg_I many Arg_I years Arg_I . O Recently, Arg_B his Arg_I health Arg_I and Arg_I personal Arg_I life Arg_I was Arg_I drastically Arg_I affected Arg_I as Arg_I he Arg_I broke Arg_I up Arg_I with Arg_I his Arg_I wife Arg_I and Arg_I his Arg_I family Arg_I life Arg_I has Arg_I totally Arg_I been Arg_I in Arg_I chaos Arg_I and Arg_I cries Arg_I . O He Arg_B started Arg_I regretting Arg_I afterwards Arg_I and Arg_I now Arg_I trying Arg_I to Arg_I manage Arg_I his Arg_I work Arg_I but Arg_I it Arg_I seems Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I too Arg_I late Arg_I for Arg_I him Arg_I . O To O conclude O this, O I Arg_B would Arg_I strongly Arg_I emphasis Arg_I and Arg_I recommend, Arg_I Government Arg_I must Arg_I include Arg_I the Arg_I clause Arg_I of Arg_I maximum Arg_I number Arg_I of Arg_I working Arg_I hours Arg_I in Arg_I its Arg_I Labor Arg_I Law Arg_I and Arg_I enforce Arg_I to Arg_I all Arg_I companies Arg_I for Arg_I ensuring Arg_I their Arg_I employees Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I spend Arg_I extended Arg_I hours Arg_I in Arg_I companies Arg_I . O This Arg_B will Arg_I help Arg_I in Arg_I uplift Arg_I of Arg_I society, Arg_I and Arg_I bring Arg_I the Arg_I lost Arg_I equilibrium Arg_I between Arg_I personal Arg_I and Arg_I professional Arg_I life Arg_I of Arg_I each Arg_I individual Arg_I person Arg_I . O A O successful O person O is O one O who O has O earned O a O lot O of O money O It's O such O a O common O definition O of O a O successful O person O is O one O who O has O earned O a O lot O of O money, O especially O in O nowadays O society O . O Each O individual O visualize O success O differently O . O Still, O my Arg_B term Arg_I of Arg_I a Arg_I successful Arg_I man Arg_I is Arg_I one Arg_I who Arg_I has Arg_I certain Arg_I achievements Arg_I in Arg_I life Arg_I rather Arg_I than Arg_I the Arg_I one Arg_I with Arg_I a Arg_I high Arg_I income Arg_I . O Money O is O undeniably O pivotal, O but O ways Arg_B of Arg_I earning Arg_I it Arg_I is Arg_I also Arg_I various Arg_I . O A Arg_B person's Arg_I great Arg_I prosperity Arg_I does Arg_I not Arg_I state Arg_I that Arg_I he Arg_I has Arg_I gained Arg_I it Arg_I ethically Arg_I by Arg_I himself Arg_I . O Nevertheless, O a Arg_B man Arg_I can Arg_I only Arg_I achieve Arg_I his Arg_I accomplishment Arg_I through Arg_I hard-working, Arg_I dedication Arg_I and Arg_I passion Arg_I . O Whether Arg_B it Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I personal Arg_I or Arg_I a Arg_I social Arg_I achievement, Arg_I that Arg_I man Arg_I is Arg_I laudable Arg_I . O More O importantly, O the Arg_B more Arg_I beneficial Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I society Arg_I his Arg_I achievement Arg_I is, Arg_I the Arg_I more Arg_I successful Arg_I he Arg_I is Arg_I considered Arg_I . O For O instance, O Thomas Arg_B Edison Arg_I is Arg_I undeniably Arg_I considered Arg_I as Arg_I one Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I greatest Arg_I inventors Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I 20th Arg_I century Arg_I since O his Arg_B invention's Arg_I productivity Arg_I is Arg_I countless Arg_I useful Arg_I for Arg_I mankind Arg_I . O On O the O other O hand, O the Arg_B fact Arg_I of Arg_I knowing Arg_I a Arg_I man's Arg_I utilization Arg_I of Arg_I his Arg_I money Arg_I remains Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I dark Arg_I . O Therefore, O judging Arg_B a Arg_I person Arg_I by Arg_I his Arg_I income Arg_I is Arg_I difficult, Arg_I especially Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I success Arg_I aspect Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O using Arg_B only Arg_I money Arg_I as Arg_I a Arg_I scale Arg_I to Arg_I measure Arg_I a Arg_I man's Arg_I success Arg_I is Arg_I impossible Arg_I despite O the O fact O that O it Arg_B is Arg_I the Arg_I essential Arg_I in Arg_I basic Arg_I needs Arg_I . O Yet, O it O is O the O common O scene O that O a O man O can O be O publicly O considered O successful O when O his O achievements, O which O can O only O accomplished O by O passion, O dedication O and O ethics, O are O helpful O not O only O for O himself O . O Advertising O impact O on O people's O choice O of O consumption O Nowdays, O people's O choice O of O consumption O is O heavily O affected O by O various O of O advertising O on O television, O street, O magazine O etc O . O This O argument O may O be O true O that O people Arg_B will Arg_I be Arg_I swayed Arg_I by Arg_I the Arg_I advertising Arg_I and Arg_I buy Arg_I things Arg_I they Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I need Arg_I it Arg_I for Arg_I their Arg_I life Arg_I . O For O example, O in Arg_B most Arg_I asian Arg_I countries, Arg_I advertisement Arg_I company Arg_I usually Arg_I hire Arg_I popular Arg_I singers Arg_I or Arg_I actors Arg_I to Arg_I advertise Arg_I the Arg_I products Arg_I to Arg_I boosts Arg_I the Arg_I sales, Arg_I and Arg_I some Arg_I people, Arg_I especially Arg_I adolescent Arg_I may Arg_I buy Arg_I things Arg_I from Arg_I their Arg_I favourite Arg_I singer Arg_I advertised Arg_I to Arg_I support Arg_I their Arg_I idol Arg_I instead Arg_I of Arg_I to Arg_I fill Arg_I their Arg_I needs Arg_I . O In O addition, O products Arg_B usually Arg_I look Arg_I more Arg_I gorgeous Arg_I and Arg_I with Arg_I good Arg_I quality Arg_I in Arg_I advertisement, Arg_I people Arg_I are Arg_I more Arg_I likely Arg_I to Arg_I buy Arg_I goods Arg_I impulsively Arg_I without Arg_I a Arg_I second Arg_I thought Arg_I . O A Arg_B good Arg_I advertisement Arg_I can Arg_I convince Arg_I people Arg_I to Arg_I believe Arg_I that Arg_I it Arg_I is Arg_I what Arg_I they Arg_I want, Arg_I even Arg_I though Arg_I it Arg_I is Arg_I not Arg_I the Arg_I real Arg_I needs Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I society Arg_I . O And O there Arg_B are Arg_I always Arg_I people Arg_I purchase Arg_I particular Arg_I products Arg_I swayed Arg_I by Arg_I advertising Arg_I which Arg_I makes Arg_I it Arg_I a Arg_I trend Arg_I to Arg_I follow Arg_I for Arg_I other Arg_I people Arg_I who Arg_I is Arg_I unnecessarily Arg_I need Arg_I it Arg_I . O However, O buying O habit O is O a O very O personal O things O for O individuals, O the O advertisement O is O not O the O only O cause O for O people O to O buy, O sometimes Arg_B it Arg_I depends Arg_I on Arg_I one's Arg_I needs Arg_I and Arg_I ability Arg_I of Arg_I consumption Arg_I . O It Arg_B is Arg_I unlikely Arg_I to Arg_I buy Arg_I things Arg_I impulsively Arg_I for Arg_I adults Arg_I who Arg_I have Arg_I concern Arg_I of Arg_I arranging Arg_I disposable Arg_I income Arg_I . O Most Arg_B of Arg_I them Arg_I have Arg_I to Arg_I allocate Arg_I the Arg_I money Arg_I if Arg_I they Arg_I doing Arg_I other Arg_I purchase Arg_I . O On O the O other O hand, O children O and O adolescents O who O is O not O economic O independence O is O more O possible O to O buy O things O impulsively O without O considering O whether O they O need O it O or O not, O since O they Arg_B do Arg_I not Arg_I have Arg_I financial Arg_I pressure Arg_I from Arg_I life Arg_I and Arg_I ability Arg_I to Arg_I define Arg_I what Arg_I is Arg_I necessary Arg_I . O In O my O opinion, O I O think O buying Arg_B habit Arg_I is Arg_I people's Arg_I choice Arg_I to Arg_I make, Arg_I not Arg_I entirely Arg_I affected Arg_I by Arg_I advertisements Arg_I . O But O for Arg_B children Arg_I or Arg_I adolescents Arg_I who Arg_I is Arg_I not Arg_I mentally Arg_I develop, Arg_I it Arg_I might Arg_I be Arg_I hard Arg_I for Arg_I them Arg_I not Arg_I to Arg_I swayed Arg_I by Arg_I advertising Arg_I . O So O it Arg_B is Arg_I important Arg_I that Arg_I government Arg_I needs Arg_I to Arg_I impose Arg_I rules Arg_I on Arg_I particularly Arg_I advertisement Arg_I company Arg_I (for Arg_I example, Arg_I toys Arg_I company) Arg_I to Arg_I avoid Arg_I youngster Arg_I have Arg_I bias Arg_I thought Arg_I on Arg_I what Arg_I they Arg_I really Arg_I need Arg_I . O Schools O should O only O teach O children O the O academic O subject O People O have O many O different O views O about O what O subjects O should O be O taught O in O school O . O Although O I O accept O that O students O have O to O study O many O subjects O in O school, O I Arg_B disagree Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I idea Arg_I that Arg_I unimportant Arg_I subjects Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I music Arg_I and Arg_I sports Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I got Arg_I rid Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I program Arg_I . O Many O people O believe O that O students Arg_B only Arg_I need Arg_I to Arg_I study Arg_I academic Arg_I subjects Arg_I like Arg_I mathematics, Arg_I physics Arg_I because O these Arg_B subject Arg_I are Arg_I necessary Arg_I for Arg_I students' Arg_I future Arg_I . O This O is O understandable O when Arg_B labor Arg_I market Arg_I now Arg_I has Arg_I high Arg_I competition; Arg_I students Arg_I have Arg_I to Arg_I meet Arg_I requirements Arg_I regard Arg_I of Arg_I qualification Arg_I . O In O addition, O the O unemployment O rate O is O always O high, O so O their O parents Arg_B want Arg_I children Arg_I to Arg_I study Arg_I these Arg_I subjects Arg_I which Arg_I can Arg_I help Arg_I students Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I job Arg_I . O Although O those O above O reasons O are O acceptable, O I O would O argue O that O there Arg_B are Arg_I many Arg_I things Arg_I much Arg_I more Arg_I important Arg_I than Arg_I having Arg_I a Arg_I job Arg_I . O Firstly, O studying Arg_B music, Arg_I art Arg_I or Arg_I sports Arg_I is Arg_I also Arg_I very Arg_I important Arg_I to Arg_I students Arg_I . O This Arg_B enables Arg_I students Arg_I to Arg_I develop Arg_I their Arg_I potentials Arg_I through Arg_I discovering Arg_I the Arg_I natural Arg_I world Arg_I around Arg_I them Arg_I . O Secondly, O to Arg_B get Arg_I a Arg_I job Arg_I in Arg_I labor Arg_I market, Arg_I not Arg_I only Arg_I do Arg_I students Arg_I require Arg_I hard Arg_I skills Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I soft Arg_I skills Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I teamwork, Arg_I presentation Arg_I . O For O instance, O through Arg_B taking Arg_I part Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I sport, Arg_I students Arg_I can Arg_I understand Arg_I team Arg_I spirit Arg_I and Arg_I learn Arg_I lessons Arg_I about Arg_I teamwork Arg_I skills Arg_I . O Therefore, O these Arg_B subjects Arg_I might Arg_I fulfil Arg_I the Arg_I students' Arg_I ability Arg_I . O Finally, O children's Arg_B future Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I depend Arg_I heavily Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I academic Arg_I subjects Arg_I they Arg_I study Arg_I in Arg_I school, Arg_I it Arg_I is Arg_I the Arg_I result Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I efforts Arg_I and Arg_I capacity Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O although O the O academic O subjects O play O a O primary O role O in O nurturing O children, O it O seem O to O me O that O the Arg_B effects Arg_I of Arg_I learning Arg_I music, Arg_I sports Arg_I are Arg_I profound Arg_I . O Internet O will O end O the O era O of O newspapers O and O magazines O Digital O media O has O been O extremely O popular O among O people O around O the O globe O . O With O this O advancement, O newspapers O and O magazines O are O struggling O to O justify O their O existence O . O Some O believe O that O traditional O paper O media O will O come O to O an O end O very O soon O due O to O the O increased O usage O of O internet O based O media O . O But O many O other O still O thinks O they O are O going O to O stay O . O I O agree O to O the O argument O that O newspapers Arg_B and Arg_I magazines Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I history Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I time Arg_I . O I O will O establish O my O view O by O analysing O how O internet Arg_B presents Arg_I the Arg_I information Arg_I about Arg_I the Arg_I current Arg_I affair Arg_I so Arg_I fast Arg_I and Arg_I the Arg_I accessibility Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I historical Arg_I news Arg_I . O A Arg_B very Arg_I important Arg_I responsibility Arg_I of Arg_I media Arg_I is Arg_I to Arg_I publish Arg_I information Arg_I about Arg_I the Arg_I current Arg_I affairs Arg_I as Arg_I quickly Arg_I as Arg_I possible Arg_I specially Arg_I when Arg_I there Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I crisis Arg_I . O This Arg_B helps Arg_I readers Arg_I to Arg_I get Arg_I updated Arg_I and Arg_I act Arg_I accordingly Arg_I . O For O example, O when Arg_B the Arg_I aircraft Arg_I MH Arg_I 370 Arg_I went Arg_I missing, Arg_I everyone Arg_I wanted Arg_I to Arg_I know Arg_I the Arg_I details Arg_I about Arg_I this Arg_I tragic Arg_I incident Arg_I . O The Arg_B friends Arg_I and Arg_I families Arg_I of Arg_I passengers Arg_I and Arg_I crews Arg_I were Arg_I impatient Arg_I to Arg_I know Arg_I the Arg_I truth Arg_I . O In Arg_B such Arg_I situations, Arg_I newspapers Arg_I and Arg_I magazines Arg_I can Arg_I not Arg_I respond Arg_I as Arg_I fast Arg_I as Arg_I digital Arg_I media Arg_I . O Instead Arg_B of Arg_I waiting Arg_I for Arg_I next Arg_I publication, Arg_I people Arg_I can Arg_I get Arg_I trustworthy Arg_I information Arg_I about Arg_I the Arg_I current Arg_I incidents Arg_I from Arg_I internet Arg_I within Arg_I an Arg_I hour Arg_I or Arg_I two Arg_I . O This O explains O why O digital Arg_B media Arg_I will Arg_I rule Arg_I over Arg_I paper Arg_I and Arg_I magazines Arg_I . O People Arg_B often Arg_I want Arg_I to Arg_I access Arg_I news Arg_I from Arg_I past Arg_I for Arg_I various Arg_I reasons Arg_I like Arg_I to Arg_I prepare Arg_I for Arg_I research, Arg_I satisfy Arg_I interest, Arg_I etc Arg_I . O For O example, O one Arg_B research Arg_I fellow Arg_I may Arg_I want Arg_I to Arg_I know Arg_I how Arg_I a Arg_I small Arg_I village Arg_I named Arg_I Oramaki Arg_I in Arg_I Japan Arg_I was Arg_I suffering Arg_I after Arg_I Second Arg_I World Arg_I War Arg_I . O It Arg_B is Arg_I very Arg_I difficult Arg_I to Arg_I get Arg_I this Arg_I sort Arg_I of Arg_I information Arg_I from Arg_I past Arg_I in Arg_I newspapers Arg_I and Arg_I magazines Arg_I as Arg_I one Arg_I has Arg_I to Arg_I know Arg_I before Arg_I where Arg_I to Arg_I look Arg_I at Arg_I . O But O internet Arg_B provides Arg_I efficient Arg_I search Arg_I facility Arg_I where Arg_I one Arg_I can Arg_I search Arg_I the Arg_I topic Arg_I and Arg_I get Arg_I the Arg_I details Arg_I . O This Arg_B feature Arg_I of Arg_I digital Arg_I media Arg_I is Arg_I not Arg_I supported Arg_I by Arg_I newspapers Arg_I and Arg_I magazines Arg_I . O To O conclude, O the Arg_B fast Arg_I responding Arg_I internet Arg_I media Arg_I with Arg_I vast Arg_I information Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I replacing Arg_I newspapers Arg_I and Arg_I magazines Arg_I as Arg_I new Arg_I and Arg_I information Arg_I provider Arg_I for O valid O reasons O . O Though O considering Arg_B the Arg_I current Arg_I infrastructure Arg_I and Arg_I mindset Arg_I of Arg_I people, Arg_I paper Arg_I media Arg_I will Arg_I continue Arg_I for Arg_I another Arg_I few Arg_I years Arg_I . O Factor O of O choosing O a O career O . O In O many O societies, O choice O of O a O job O depends O on O the O size O of O the O salary O offered O . O Nevertheless, O while O I O admit O that O the O salary O is O very O pivotal O factor, O I O claim O that O there Arg_B are Arg_I other Arg_I equally Arg_I vital Arg_I aspects Arg_I that Arg_I need Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I considered Arg_I in Arg_I this Arg_I regard Arg_I . O To O begin O with, O I O agree O that O in Arg_B order Arg_I for Arg_I people Arg_I to Arg_I cover Arg_I their Arg_I daily Arg_I and Arg_I general Arg_I needs Arg_I they Arg_I need Arg_I money Arg_I as Arg_I well Arg_I . O However, O aspects Arg_B such Arg_I as: Arg_I friendly Arg_I colleagues, Arg_I environment Arg_I and Arg_I work-place Arg_I condition, Arg_I sometimes, Arg_I have Arg_I even Arg_I more Arg_I impact Arg_I on Arg_I person's Arg_I happiness Arg_I and Arg_I quality Arg_I of Arg_I life Arg_I . O People, Arg_B for Arg_I instance, Arg_I who Arg_I don't Arg_I like Arg_I their Arg_I co-workers Arg_I and Arg_I working Arg_I condition Arg_I are Arg_I considered Arg_I less Arg_I satisfied Arg_I with Arg_I their Arg_I jobs, Arg_I despite Arg_I of Arg_I a Arg_I high Arg_I salary Arg_I . O In O this O sense, O it O is O also O one O very O salient O proof O of O the O accuracy O of O my O position O . O Further O and O even O more O importantly, O most Arg_B of Arg_I the Arg_I satisfaction Arg_I of Arg_I a Arg_I job Arg_I comes Arg_I to Arg_I people Arg_I from Arg_I their Arg_I professional Arg_I achievements, Arg_I skills Arg_I and Arg_I the Arg_I position Arg_I they Arg_I reach Arg_I . O In O other O words, O career Arg_B promotion Arg_I or Arg_I getting Arg_I some Arg_I kind Arg_I of Arg_I credit Arg_I from Arg_I the Arg_I administration Arg_I of Arg_I a Arg_I company Arg_I or Arg_I organization Arg_I are, Arg_I likely, Arg_I more Arg_I enjoyable Arg_I achievements Arg_I than Arg_I getting Arg_I a Arg_I high Arg_I salary Arg_I . O For O example, O people, Arg_B who Arg_I work Arg_I in Arg_I monotonous Arg_I jobs, Arg_I where Arg_I no Arg_I achievements Arg_I or Arg_I a Arg_I new Arg_I positions Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I reached Arg_I feel Arg_I themselves Arg_I more Arg_I dissatisfied, Arg_I even Arg_I though Arg_I they Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I very Arg_I good Arg_I salaries Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O I O disagree O with O the O idea O that O salary O outweighs O any O other O motivators, O as O there Arg_B are Arg_I other Arg_I even Arg_I more Arg_I important Arg_I aspects Arg_I such Arg_I as: Arg_I friendly Arg_I co-workers, Arg_I working Arg_I conditions Arg_I and Arg_I professional Arg_I achievements Arg_I . O Children O from O poorer O families O are O more O successful O in O the O future O life O . O According O to O some O people, O child O who O is O brought O up O in O less O well-off O family O is O more O quick-witted O and O can O tackle O with O an O adult O life O problems O better O than O who O is O from O affluent O ones O . O However, O I O completely O disagree O with O this O position O . O To O begin O with, O children Arg_B from Arg_I poorer Arg_I families Arg_I are Arg_I prone Arg_I to Arg_I have Arg_I bad Arg_I habits Arg_I such Arg_I as: Arg_I crime, Arg_I thievery Arg_I and Arg_I thuggery Arg_I . O Moreover, O these Arg_B people Arg_I will Arg_I not Arg_I have Arg_I an Arg_I access Arg_I to Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I education Arg_I . O As O a O result, O they Arg_B can Arg_I be Arg_I proselytized Arg_I into Arg_I bad Arg_I isms Arg_I . O For O example, O most O of O the O terroristic O groups O try O to O attract O uneducated O people, O because O the Arg_B person Arg_I with Arg_I better Arg_I education Arg_I has Arg_I a Arg_I wider Arg_I outlook, Arg_I which Arg_I will Arg_I allow Arg_I no Arg_I brainwash Arg_I . O In O this O sense, O people Arg_B with Arg_I lower Arg_I level Arg_I of Arg_I education Arg_I have Arg_I more Arg_I proneness Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I attracted Arg_I in Arg_I such Arg_I isms Arg_I . O Nevertheless, O people Arg_B who Arg_I are Arg_I born Arg_I in Arg_I well-off Arg_I families Arg_I have Arg_I access Arg_I to Arg_I good Arg_I education, Arg_I which Arg_I will Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I positive Arg_I impact Arg_I on Arg_I their Arg_I later Arg_I life Arg_I . O Secondly, O children O from O rich O families O have O better O skills O on O how O to O use O money, O because O they Arg_B use Arg_I it Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I times Arg_I . O Finally, O wealthy Arg_B families Arg_I can Arg_I afford Arg_I better Arg_I health Arg_I services Arg_I and Arg_I costly Arg_I medicines, Arg_I which Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I very Arg_I beneficial Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I health Arg_I of Arg_I a Arg_I child Arg_I . O For O instance, O many Arg_B good Arg_I medicines Arg_I cost Arg_I vast Arg_I amounts Arg_I of Arg_I money, Arg_I which Arg_I cannot Arg_I be Arg_I afforded Arg_I by Arg_I poorer Arg_I families Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O I Arg_B disagree Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I opinion Arg_I that Arg_I children Arg_I who Arg_I are Arg_I brought Arg_I up Arg_I in Arg_I less Arg_I well-of Arg_I families Arg_I are, Arg_I likely, Arg_I more Arg_I successful Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I future Arg_I life Arg_I due O to O aforementioned O reasons O . O Recent O medical O problems O and O sedentary O lifestyle O . O It O is O certainly O true O that O modern Arg_B people Arg_I are Arg_I facing Arg_I up Arg_I to Arg_I a Arg_I new Arg_I health Arg_I problems Arg_I and Arg_I ailments Arg_I than Arg_I before Arg_I . O Many O people O claim O that O it Arg_B is Arg_I because Arg_I of Arg_I sedentary Arg_I lifestlyle Arg_I . O However, O while O I O accept O that O sedentary O lifestyle O is O one O of O the O key O factors, O I O believe O that O some O other O factors O are O having O even O a O greater O impact O . O To O begin O with, O I O agree O that O sedentary Arg_B lifestyle Arg_I lead Arg_I to Arg_I many Arg_I serious Arg_I health Arg_I problems Arg_I . O The Arg_B main Arg_I reason Arg_I why Arg_I people Arg_I are Arg_I becoming Arg_I so Arg_I addicted Arg_I to Arg_I sitting Arg_I at Arg_I their Arg_I homes Arg_I even Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I whole Arg_I day Arg_I is Arg_I an Arg_I advance Arg_I technology Arg_I . O In Arg_B earlier Arg_I times, Arg_I for Arg_I instance, Arg_I even Arg_I the Arg_I types Arg_I of Arg_I entertainment Arg_I tools Arg_I were Arg_I not Arg_I in Arg_I large Arg_I numbers Arg_I and Arg_I all Arg_I of Arg_I them Arg_I required Arg_I physical Arg_I presence Arg_I and O as O a O result O they Arg_B had Arg_I more Arg_I outdoor Arg_I activities Arg_I . O Nowadays Arg_B people, Arg_I especially Arg_I inhabitants Arg_I of Arg_I cities, Arg_I are Arg_I spending Arg_I most Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I time Arg_I on Arg_I sitting Arg_I in Arg_I front Arg_I of Arg_I TV Arg_I or Arg_I other Arg_I tools Arg_I . O Nevertheless, O there O are O some O other O causes O why O people Arg_B are Arg_I experiencing Arg_I serious Arg_I medical Arg_I problems Arg_I . O Firstly, O the Arg_B environment Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I modern Arg_I world Arg_I polluted Arg_I very Arg_I significantly Arg_I from Arg_I greenhouse Arg_I gas Arg_I emissions Arg_I and Arg_I other Arg_I gasses Arg_I . O Many Arg_B people, Arg_I for Arg_I example, Arg_I are Arg_I suffering Arg_I from Arg_I allergy Arg_I because Arg_I of Arg_I these Arg_I gasses Arg_I . O Secondly, O foods Arg_B with Arg_I a Arg_I low Arg_I quality Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I fast Arg_I foods, Arg_I junk Arg_I foods Arg_I and Arg_I any Arg_I genetically Arg_I modified Arg_I ones Arg_I are Arg_I influencing Arg_I to Arg_I our Arg_I health Arg_I very Arg_I negatively Arg_I . O Finally, O life Arg_B becoming Arg_I more Arg_I stressful Arg_I due Arg_I to Arg_I some Arg_I recent Arg_I problems Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I traffic Arg_I gam, Arg_I traffic Arg_I accidents Arg_I and Arg_I others Arg_I . O Given O these O evidences, O it O can O be O seen O that O people Arg_B are Arg_I facing Arg_I up Arg_I with Arg_I many Arg_I recently Arg_I appeared Arg_I illnesses Arg_I due O to O aforementioned O reasons O . O Problems O and O benefits O of O international O tourism O Along O with O the O advancement O of O long-distance O transportation, O international O tourism O has O boomed O in O the O last O few O decades O . O Some O people O believe O that O this O has O brought O more O problems O than O benefits O . O I O disagree O with O this O view O . O I O admit O that O tourism Arg_B can Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I negative Arg_I impact Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I natural Arg_I environment Arg_I . O In Arg_B order Arg_I to Arg_I meet Arg_I the Arg_I needs Arg_I of Arg_I tourists, Arg_I local Arg_I governments Arg_I are Arg_I likely Arg_I to Arg_I build Arg_I more Arg_I facilities Arg_I and Arg_I infrastructures Arg_I around Arg_I tourist Arg_I attractions, Arg_I which Arg_I may Arg_I result Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I destruction Arg_I of Arg_I natural Arg_I habitats Arg_I . O Tourism Arg_B also Arg_I creates Arg_I more Arg_I pollution Arg_I and Arg_I waste, Arg_I including Arg_I growing Arg_I emission Arg_I of Arg_I greenhouse Arg_I gases, Arg_I dumped Arg_I leftovers Arg_I and Arg_I overuse Arg_I of Arg_I water, Arg_I power Arg_I and Arg_I other Arg_I kind Arg_I of Arg_I energy Arg_I in Arg_I luxurious Arg_I hotels Arg_I . O Based O on O these O grounds, O it O seems O that O tourism Arg_B puts Arg_I great Arg_I pressure Arg_I on Arg_I ecosystem Arg_I and Arg_I local Arg_I resources, Arg_I and Arg_I it Arg_I should Arg_I not Arg_I be Arg_I encouraged Arg_I . O However, O flourishing Arg_B tourism Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I place Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I very Arg_I rewarding Arg_I in Arg_I terms Arg_I of Arg_I local Arg_I economy Arg_I . O Holiday Arg_B makers Arg_I flocking Arg_I to Arg_I other Arg_I countries Arg_I are Arg_I not Arg_I only Arg_I bound Arg_I to Arg_I spend Arg_I on Arg_I tickets Arg_I of Arg_I attractions, Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I pay Arg_I for Arg_I food, Arg_I accommodation, Arg_I transportation Arg_I and Arg_I entertainment Arg_I . O Both Arg_B local Arg_I people Arg_I and Arg_I governments Arg_I can Arg_I make Arg_I a Arg_I large Arg_I amount Arg_I of Arg_I money Arg_I through Arg_I these Arg_I services, Arg_I and Arg_I more Arg_I employment Arg_I opportunities Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I created Arg_I as Arg_I well Arg_I . O I O also O believe O the Arg_B revenue Arg_I earned Arg_I form Arg_I tourism Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I used Arg_I in Arg_I turn Arg_I to Arg_I reduce Arg_I pollution Arg_I and Arg_I protect Arg_I the Arg_I environment Arg_I . O Furthermore, O the Arg_B increasing Arg_I development Arg_I of Arg_I tourism Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I boon Arg_I to Arg_I travelers Arg_I as Arg_I well Arg_I . O The Arg_B provision Arg_I of Arg_I direct Arg_I airlines Arg_I makes Arg_I it Arg_I possible Arg_I for Arg_I them Arg_I to Arg_I travel Arg_I conveniently Arg_I and Arg_I comfortably Arg_I . O With Arg_B adequate Arg_I local Arg_I facilities Arg_I and Arg_I services Arg_I available, Arg_I they Arg_I can Arg_I spend Arg_I more Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I holidays Arg_I having Arg_I fun Arg_I and Arg_I relaxing Arg_I . O In O addition, O both Arg_B locals Arg_I and Arg_I tourists Arg_I can Arg_I experience Arg_I more Arg_I cultures Arg_I than Arg_I ever Arg_I before, Arg_I and Arg_I they Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I more Arg_I open-minded Arg_I to Arg_I eliminate Arg_I preconceptions Arg_I and Arg_I deepen Arg_I mutual Arg_I understanding Arg_I among Arg_I nations Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O the Arg_B prosperity Arg_I of Arg_I tourism Arg_I can Arg_I provide Arg_I benefits Arg_I for Arg_I people Arg_I on Arg_I a Arg_I global Arg_I scale Arg_I . O Although O there O are O some O inevitable O problems, O they Arg_B are Arg_I outweighed Arg_I by Arg_I advantages Arg_I and Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I tackled Arg_I if Arg_I proper Arg_I measures Arg_I are Arg_I taken Arg_I . O How O to O learn O children O more O efficiently O Education O is O undeniably O pivotal O for O an O individual O . O Although, O it O is O agreed O that O learning O by O watching O TV O is O more O effective O to O some O children, O I O find O it O difficult O not O to O oppose O against O the O idea O of O having O students O spend O more O time O on O TVs O . O The O reason O for O this O is O traditional Arg_B education Arg_I has Arg_I its Arg_I stand Arg_I for Arg_I most Arg_I appropriate Arg_I method Arg_I . O Thus, O physical Arg_B inactivity Arg_I should Arg_I not Arg_I be Arg_I encouraged Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I aim Arg_I of Arg_I bettering Arg_I youngsters' Arg_I skills Arg_I . O To O begin O with, O classic Arg_B teaching Arg_I methods Arg_I has Arg_I been Arg_I scientifically Arg_I proven Arg_I and Arg_I utilized Arg_I as Arg_I the Arg_I best Arg_I mode Arg_I of Arg_I educate Arg_I a Arg_I child Arg_I . O Technology Arg_B and Arg_I its Arg_I advance, Arg_I to Arg_I some Arg_I degrees, Arg_I have Arg_I influenced Arg_I the Arg_I educational Arg_I industry Arg_I positively Arg_I . O Nevertheless, O it Arg_B has Arg_I not Arg_I changed Arg_I the Arg_I importance Arg_I of Arg_I teachers' Arg_I role Arg_I in Arg_I classes Arg_I . O The O fact O that O students Arg_B nowadays Arg_I do Arg_I their Arg_I homework Arg_I or Arg_I researches Arg_I on Arg_I computers Arg_I rather Arg_I than Arg_I go Arg_I to Arg_I libraries Arg_I is Arg_I an Arg_I illustration Arg_I for Arg_I this Arg_I . O Yet, Arg_B monitors Arg_I are Arg_I unable Arg_I to Arg_I replace Arg_I the Arg_I appearance Arg_I of Arg_I educators Arg_I since O their Arg_B knowledge Arg_I and Arg_I adaptability Arg_I is Arg_I priceless Arg_I . O Therefore, O teacher Arg_B cannot Arg_I be Arg_I switched Arg_I with Arg_I some Arg_I unconscious Arg_I screens Arg_I . O Secondly, O watching Arg_B television Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I very Arg_I passive Arg_I action Arg_I and Arg_I should Arg_I not Arg_I be Arg_I promoted Arg_I by Arg_I increasing Arg_I periods Arg_I spent Arg_I on Arg_I it Arg_I . O On O the O other O hand, O children Arg_B who Arg_I have Arg_I had Arg_I such Arg_I activities Arg_I that Arg_I interrelate Arg_I to Arg_I creativity, Arg_I cooperation, Arg_I competition Arg_I tend Arg_I to Arg_I perform Arg_I significantly Arg_I better Arg_I in Arg_I general Arg_I terms Arg_I . O For O instance, O a Arg_B conducted Arg_I experiment Arg_I indicates Arg_I out-performance Arg_I in Arg_I skills Arg_I like Arg_I differentiate Arg_I types Arg_I of Arg_I plants Arg_I or Arg_I animals Arg_I of Arg_I a Arg_I child Arg_I that Arg_I experienced Arg_I various Arg_I activities Arg_I in Arg_I nature Arg_I to Arg_I a Arg_I child Arg_I spent Arg_I most Arg_I of Arg_I his Arg_I time Arg_I watching Arg_I documentaries Arg_I . O As O a O result, O such Arg_B activities Arg_I can Arg_I equip Arg_I a Arg_I child Arg_I necessary Arg_I skill Arg_I that Arg_I is Arg_I useful Arg_I for Arg_I his Arg_I future Arg_I career Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O despite O the O fact O that O learning O by O watching O TV O suits O some O children, O kids Arg_B should Arg_I never Arg_I be Arg_I encourage Arg_I to Arg_I engage Arg_I in Arg_I such Arg_I passive Arg_I activity Arg_I . O School Arg_B has Arg_I been Arg_I applying Arg_I traditional Arg_I teaching Arg_I procedure Arg_I since Arg_I for Arg_I ages Arg_I . O Additionally, O it Arg_B still Arg_I performs Arg_I at Arg_I its Arg_I best Arg_I to Arg_I equip Arg_I a Arg_I child Arg_I with Arg_I essential Arg_I skills Arg_I . O The O option O to O work O or O study O from O home O is O advantage O or O disadvantage O Undoubtedly O this O is O an O era O of O internet O which O impacts O one's O personal O as O well O as O professional O life O . O The O effect O is O seen O more O on O the O developed O countries O where O people O choose O to O work O or O study O from O home O instead O of O going O to O office O or O university O . O Some O consider O this O approach O to O be O an O advantage O while O others O reject O this O as O a O disadvantage O . O Both O the O points O of O views O will O be O discussed O in O order O . O On O the O one O hand, O the Arg_B benefit Arg_I that Arg_I professionals Arg_I or Arg_I students Arg_I get Arg_I by Arg_I connecting Arg_I from Arg_I home Arg_I is Arg_I enormous Arg_I . O For O one, O it Arg_B helps Arg_I working Arg_I people Arg_I to Arg_I maintain Arg_I work Arg_I life Arg_I balance Arg_I . O The O best O example O is O the Arg_B new Arg_I mother Arg_I who Arg_I can Arg_I join Arg_I her Arg_I work Arg_I as Arg_I well Arg_I as Arg_I take Arg_I care Arg_I of Arg_I her Arg_I baby Arg_I . O People Arg_B also Arg_I get Arg_I the Arg_I desired Arg_I flexibility Arg_I in Arg_I terms Arg_I of Arg_I working Arg_I hours Arg_I . O For Arg_B students Arg_I too, Arg_I studying Arg_I from Arg_I home Arg_I is Arg_I an Arg_I attractive Arg_I option Arg_I . O They Arg_B save Arg_I the Arg_I travelling Arg_I time Arg_I to Arg_I Universities Arg_I and Arg_I utilize Arg_I that Arg_I time Arg_I on Arg_I their Arg_I studies Arg_I . O In Arg_B a Arg_I busy Arg_I city Arg_I like Arg_I Tokyo, Arg_I students Arg_I waste Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I time Arg_I in Arg_I travelling Arg_I . O Thus, O the Arg_B advantages Arg_I that Arg_I people Arg_I enjoy Arg_I by Arg_I working Arg_I or Arg_I studying Arg_I from Arg_I home, Arg_I are Arg_I obvious Arg_I . O On O the O other O hand, O one O part O of O the O society, O has O doubt O over O the O productivity O of O people O who O prefers O to O work O or O study O from O home O . O Many O employers O argue O that O once Arg_B an Arg_I employee Arg_I works Arg_I from Arg_I isolation, Arg_I he Arg_I or Arg_I she Arg_I spends Arg_I a Arg_I lot Arg_I of Arg_I time Arg_I in Arg_I communication Arg_I via Arg_I phone Arg_I or Arg_I email Arg_I with Arg_I colleagues Arg_I . O This Arg_B harms Arg_I an Arg_I employee's Arg_I deliverable Arg_I . O Teachers Arg_B think Arg_I that Arg_I students Arg_I get Arg_I affected Arg_I too Arg_I as Arg_I they Arg_I can Arg_I not Arg_I clear Arg_I their Arg_I doubts Arg_I in Arg_I study Arg_I topics Arg_I instantly Arg_I . O Due O to O this O they O lag O in O their O studies O . O These Arg_B factors Arg_I affect Arg_I people Arg_I who Arg_I work Arg_I or Arg_I study Arg_I from Arg_I home Arg_I . O Following O both O the O point O of O views, O the Arg_B option Arg_I of Arg_I working Arg_I or Arg_I studying Arg_I from Arg_I home Arg_I is Arg_I thought Arg_I to Arg_I provide Arg_I more Arg_I benefits Arg_I than Arg_I drawbacks Arg_I . O It O is O hoped O that O people O will O continue O to O use O internet O to O work O or O study O and O improve O on O the O disadvantages O into O the O foreseeable O future O . O Some O celebrities O misguide O young O people& O some O guide O them O in O right O direction O Some O people O think O that O celebrities O are O known O for O their O glamorous O lifestyle O rather O than O the O work O they O do O . O While O I O agree O this O will O bring O negative O impacts O on O the O younger O generation, O this Arg_B is Arg_I not Arg_I necessarily Arg_I the Arg_I case Arg_I for Arg_I those Arg_I celebrities Arg_I who Arg_I are Arg_I ambitious Arg_I in Arg_I their Arg_I jobs Arg_I . O It O is O true O that O some Arg_B celebrities Arg_I tend Arg_I to Arg_I show Arg_I off Arg_I their Arg_I images Arg_I in Arg_I front Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I public Arg_I . O For O example, O some Arg_B movie Arg_I starts Arg_I enjoy Arg_I wearing Arg_I luxury Arg_I brand Arg_I clothes Arg_I and Arg_I showing Arg_I their Arg_I expensive Arg_I life Arg_I style Arg_I in Arg_I front Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I media, Arg_I thereby Arg_I gaining Arg_I the Arg_I public Arg_I attention Arg_I . O If Arg_B they Arg_I continue Arg_I to Arg_I behave Arg_I in Arg_I such Arg_I a Arg_I way, Arg_I it Arg_I will Arg_I create Arg_I a Arg_I misleading Arg_I image Arg_I to Arg_I young Arg_I people Arg_I who Arg_I may Arg_I think Arg_I that Arg_I extraordinary Arg_I life Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I achieved Arg_I without Arg_I hard Arg_I work Arg_I . O Consequently, O the Arg_B attention Arg_I of Arg_I young Arg_I people Arg_I may Arg_I become Arg_I focused Arg_I on Arg_I chasing Arg_I the Arg_I dream Arg_I of Arg_I celebrity Arg_I status Arg_I . O This O is O detrimental O to O study O and O work O ethics O and O habits O . O Nevertheless, O I O believe O that O other Arg_B celebrities Arg_I do Arg_I set Arg_I up Arg_I role Arg_I models Arg_I to Arg_I young Arg_I people Arg_I because Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I visible Arg_I accomplishments Arg_I . O Firstly, O celebrities Arg_B such Arg_I as Arg_I sports Arg_I player Arg_I whose Arg_I performance Arg_I and Arg_I professional Arg_I skills Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I directly Arg_I seen Arg_I by Arg_I their Arg_I fans Arg_I . O This O means O that O people Arg_B understand Arg_I that Arg_I the Arg_I great Arg_I deal Arg_I of Arg_I efforts Arg_I on Arg_I training Arg_I is Arg_I directly Arg_I linked Arg_I to Arg_I their Arg_I results Arg_I . O Therefore, O this Arg_B kind Arg_I of Arg_I self-made Arg_I celebrity Arg_I can Arg_I inspire Arg_I children Arg_I to Arg_I develop Arg_I their Arg_I talents Arg_I through Arg_I application Arg_I and Arg_I perseverance Arg_I . O Secondly, O other Arg_B celebrities Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I musician Arg_I also Arg_I have Arg_I achieved Arg_I great Arg_I success Arg_I in Arg_I their Arg_I career Arg_I . O Take Arg_B Michael Arg_I Jackson Arg_I as Arg_I an Arg_I example, Arg_I his Arg_I works Arg_I are Arg_I widely Arg_I spread Arg_I around Arg_I the Arg_I world, Arg_I and Arg_I have Arg_I been Arg_I extremely Arg_I welcomed Arg_I by Arg_I the Arg_I younger Arg_I generation Arg_I . O His Arg_B songs Arg_I spread Arg_I the Arg_I idea Arg_I that Arg_I people Arg_I should Arg_I care Arg_I about Arg_I each Arg_I other, Arg_I which Arg_I suggests Arg_I to Arg_I young Arg_I people Arg_I how Arg_I to Arg_I become Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I member Arg_I of Arg_I society Arg_I . O In O summary, O although O some O celebrities O misguide O young O people O by O showing O their O external O wealth O and O appearance, O other Arg_B celebrities Arg_I do Arg_I lead Arg_I young Arg_I people Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I right Arg_I direction Arg_I . O Children O can O effectively O learn O from O watching O television O TV O is O an O immense O source O of O information O and O pupils O can O learn O and O develop O various O skills O by O watching O it O . O But O I O believe O that O by Arg_B allowing Arg_I students Arg_I to Arg_I watch Arg_I TV Arg_I at Arg_I both Arg_I school Arg_I and Arg_I house Arg_I can Arg_I adversely Arg_I impact Arg_I on Arg_I their Arg_I overall Arg_I growth Arg_I . O If Arg_B children Arg_I spend Arg_I too Arg_I much Arg_I time Arg_I in Arg_I front Arg_I of Arg_I TV, Arg_I it Arg_I will Arg_I negatively Arg_I impact Arg_I their Arg_I health Arg_I and Arg_I study Arg_I . O It O is O true O that O TV Arg_B is Arg_I one Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I prime Arg_I source Arg_I of Arg_I data Arg_I and Arg_I information Arg_I . O There Arg_B are Arg_I international Arg_I and Arg_I local Arg_I news Arg_I channels Arg_I like Arg_I BBC, Arg_I CNBC, Arg_I Etv Arg_I Gujarati, Arg_I Etv Arg_I Marathi Arg_I etc Arg_I to Arg_I keep Arg_I individuals Arg_I updated Arg_I about Arg_I latest Arg_I happenings Arg_I . O By Arg_B watching Arg_I TV, Arg_I children Arg_I can Arg_I develop Arg_I skills Arg_I in Arg_I extra-curriculum Arg_I activities Arg_I . O For O example, O Cooking Arg_B programs Arg_I teach Arg_I about Arg_I how Arg_I to Arg_I make Arg_I new Arg_I dishes Arg_I and Arg_I similarly, Arg_I sports Arg_I events Arg_I like Arg_I cricket, Arg_I football Arg_I can Arg_I teach Arg_I leadership Arg_I skills, Arg_I team Arg_I building Arg_I skills, Arg_I communication Arg_I skills Arg_I and Arg_I many Arg_I more Arg_I that Arg_I can Arg_I help Arg_I students Arg_I in Arg_I their Arg_I future Arg_I jobs Arg_I . O But O on O other O hand, O watching Arg_B TV Arg_I for Arg_I a Arg_I continuously Arg_I long Arg_I hours Arg_I can Arg_I adversely Arg_I impact Arg_I children Arg_I health Arg_I . O For O example, O they Arg_B can Arg_I get Arg_I poor Arg_I eyesight Arg_I in Arg_I early Arg_I ages Arg_I of Arg_I childhood, Arg_I and Arg_I also Arg_I develop Arg_I back Arg_I pain Arg_I . O Sometimes, Arg_B students Arg_I watch Arg_I restrictive Arg_I programs Arg_I not Arg_I allowed Arg_I for Arg_I their Arg_I ages Arg_I and Arg_I this Arg_I can Arg_I have Arg_I major Arg_I psychological Arg_I consequences Arg_I . O Many Arg_B times, Arg_I students Arg_I get Arg_I addictive Arg_I to Arg_I their Arg_I favorite Arg_I programs Arg_I like Arg_I Cartoon Arg_I channels, Arg_I or Arg_I baseball Arg_I and Arg_I easily Arg_I get Arg_I distracted Arg_I from Arg_I study Arg_I during Arg_I exam Arg_I period Arg_I and Arg_I this Arg_I can Arg_I seriously Arg_I impact Arg_I their Arg_I grades Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O I O believe O demerits Arg_B of Arg_I watching Arg_I TV Arg_I outweigh Arg_I its Arg_I merits Arg_I and O thus O if Arg_B students Arg_I were Arg_I allowed Arg_I to Arg_I freely Arg_I watch Arg_I TV Arg_I without Arg_I any Arg_I proper Arg_I controls Arg_I by Arg_I parents Arg_I or Arg_I teachers Arg_I then Arg_I it Arg_I would Arg_I produce Arg_I more Arg_I negative Arg_I effects Arg_I on Arg_I children Arg_I . O Old O and O young O workers O Throughout O human O history, O the O offspring O has O always O proved O its O stronger O adaptability O and O advancement O than O its O predecessor O . O This O is O still O true O in O the O industrial O society O nowadays, O where O younger O workers O are O preferably O employed O and O promoted O rather O than O over-50 O workers O . O There O are O three O reasons O that O can O explain O their O unresponsiveness O to O the O modern O workplace O . O First O and O foremost, O old Arg_B workers Arg_I are Arg_I not Arg_I a Arg_I patch Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I younger Arg_I ones Arg_I for Arg_I their Arg_I unchanged Arg_I paradigm Arg_I . O The Arg_B old Arg_I were Arg_I raised Arg_I in Arg_I poverty, Arg_I probably Arg_I caused Arg_I by Arg_I war, Arg_I look Arg_I at Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I from Arg_I a Arg_I negative Arg_I and Arg_I pessimistic Arg_I point Arg_I of Arg_I view Arg_I . O The Arg_B misery Arg_I is Arg_I so Arg_I ingrained Arg_I in Arg_I their Arg_I mind Arg_I that Arg_I they Arg_I refuse Arg_I to Arg_I change, Arg_I or Arg_I more Arg_I precisely, Arg_I to Arg_I accept Arg_I the Arg_I existence Arg_I of Arg_I such Arg_I modernity Arg_I . O For O example, O most Arg_B would Arg_I rather Arg_I choose Arg_I to Arg_I piece Arg_I together Arg_I parts Arg_I of Arg_I a Arg_I machine Arg_I than Arg_I have Arg_I it Arg_I done Arg_I by Arg_I a Arg_I robot Arg_I for Arg_I their Arg_I disbelief Arg_I of Arg_I its Arg_I efficiency Arg_I and Arg_I safety Arg_I compared Arg_I with Arg_I human's Arg_I capability Arg_I . O Secondly, O their Arg_B unresponsiveness Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I attributed Arg_I to Arg_I their Arg_I attitude Arg_I towards Arg_I life Arg_I . O In O other O words, O that Arg_B they Arg_I are Arg_I aware Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I deteriorating Arg_I health Arg_I and Arg_I lack Arg_I of Arg_I enthusiasm Arg_I comes Arg_I with Arg_I their Arg_I taste Arg_I for Arg_I monotony Arg_I and Arg_I safe Arg_I ideology Arg_I . O This, Arg_B by Arg_I all Arg_I means, Arg_I is Arg_I outweigh Arg_I by Arg_I youngsters' Arg_I adventurousness Arg_I and Arg_I bravery Arg_I . O Blatantly Arg_B seen, Arg_I success Arg_I of Arg_I most Arg_I companies Arg_I stems Arg_I from Arg_I young Arg_I people, Arg_I whose Arg_I enterprising Arg_I ideas Arg_I that Arg_I catch Arg_I up Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I is Arg_I regarded Arg_I as Arg_I wind Arg_I of Arg_I refreshment Arg_I . O Last O but O not O least, O knowledge Arg_B is Arg_I worth Arg_I mentioning Arg_I as Arg_I a Arg_I key Arg_I factor Arg_I to Arg_I help Arg_I young Arg_I workers Arg_I outrank Arg_I the Arg_I elderly Arg_I . O Who Arg_B would Arg_I the Arg_I employer Arg_I choose, Arg_I an Arg_I old Arg_I man Arg_I with Arg_I old-fashioned Arg_I education Arg_I and Arg_I a Arg_I young Arg_I man Arg_I who Arg_I is Arg_I not Arg_I only Arg_I good Arg_I at Arg_I fundermentaly Arg_I subject, Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I knows Arg_I how Arg_I to Arg_I program Arg_I or Arg_I how Arg_I to Arg_I speak Arg_I foreign Arg_I languages Arg_I . O Not Arg_B to Arg_I undermine Arg_I old Arg_I workers, Arg_I but Arg_I their Arg_I lack Arg_I of Arg_I authority Arg_I over Arg_I such Arg_I basically Arg_I required Arg_I fields Arg_I in Arg_I this Arg_I day Arg_I and Arg_I age Arg_I leads Arg_I to Arg_I their Arg_I incompetence Arg_I in Arg_I every Arg_I modern Arg_I workplace Arg_I . O All O in O a O nutshell, O workers Arg_B over Arg_I 50 Arg_I have Arg_I proven Arg_I themselves Arg_I subordinate Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I following Arg_I generation Arg_I in Arg_I all Arg_I aspects Arg_I . O However, O in O my O point O of O view, O it Arg_B is Arg_I still Arg_I of Arg_I great Arg_I importance Arg_I to Arg_I remain Arg_I the Arg_I harmonious Arg_I coexistence Arg_I of Arg_I both Arg_I sides Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I smooth Arg_I sailing Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I company Arg_I . O Machines O - O positive O or O negative O for O humans O Advancements O in O technology O have O touched O new O heights O in O past O few O decades O . O This O can O be O seen O no O where O clearer O than O in O increasing O use O of O machines O now O a O days O . O These O machines O reduce O the O physical O work O done O by O humans O . O Some O people O think O that O this O is O a O positive O development O while O others O believe O it O to O be O disadvantageous O for O humans O .Both O sides O will O be O critiqued O before O a O reasoned O conclusion O is O reached O . O It O is O felt O by O many O that O the Arg_B usage Arg_I of Arg_I machines Arg_I is Arg_I harmful Arg_I for Arg_I health Arg_I of Arg_I humans Arg_I since O machines Arg_B decrease Arg_I the Arg_I work Arg_I done Arg_I by Arg_I people Arg_I . O For O example, O in Arg_B many Arg_I institutions Arg_I staircases Arg_I are Arg_I replaced Arg_I by Arg_I lifts Arg_I now Arg_I a Arg_I days Arg_I . O People Arg_B opt Arg_I for Arg_I elevators Arg_I instead Arg_I of Arg_I climbing Arg_I one Arg_I or Arg_I two Arg_I flight Arg_I of Arg_I stairs Arg_I . O It Arg_B is Arg_I confirmed Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I number Arg_I of Arg_I researches Arg_I that Arg_I daily Arg_I usage Arg_I of Arg_I elevators Arg_I in Arg_I workplaces Arg_I promotes Arg_I obesity Arg_I . O So O this Arg_B example Arg_I clearly Arg_I shows Arg_I the Arg_I linkage Arg_I between Arg_I using Arg_I machines Arg_I and Arg_I adverse Arg_I health Arg_I effects Arg_I . O On O other O side O of O the O coin, O many O people O believe O that O usage Arg_B of Arg_I machines Arg_I makes Arg_I work Arg_I easier Arg_I and Arg_I less Arg_I time Arg_I is Arg_I consumed Arg_I for Arg_I doing Arg_I similar Arg_I amount Arg_I of Arg_I work Arg_I . O Take Arg_B the Arg_I example Arg_I of Arg_I use Arg_I of Arg_I food Arg_I processors Arg_I in Arg_I kitchens Arg_I . O The Arg_B work Arg_I of Arg_I chopping, Arg_I blending, Arg_I grating, Arg_I kneading Arg_I has Arg_I become Arg_I so Arg_I easy Arg_I that Arg_I people Arg_I can Arg_I not Arg_I imagine Arg_I their Arg_I lives Arg_I without Arg_I this Arg_I simple Arg_I machine Arg_I at Arg_I their Arg_I homes Arg_I . O Thus O it O is O very O obvious O that O using Arg_B machines Arg_I makes Arg_I daily Arg_I tasks Arg_I less Arg_I time Arg_I consuming Arg_I and Arg_I less Arg_I cumbersome Arg_I . O After O analyzing O these O two O points O of O view, O it O is O believed O that O using Arg_B machines Arg_I is Arg_I advantageous Arg_I as O machines Arg_B make Arg_I work Arg_I easy Arg_I and Arg_I smooth Arg_I . O The Arg_B negative Arg_I effects Arg_I on Arg_I health Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I put Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I back Arg_I seat Arg_I because O there Arg_B are Arg_I many Arg_I other Arg_I ways Arg_I to Arg_I exercise Arg_I and Arg_I stay Arg_I healthy Arg_I . O Therefore, O it O is O hoped O that O in O coming O time O people O will O enjoy O using O more O and O more O machines O and O will O choose O alternative O ways O to O stay O disease O free O . O Way O to O reduce O the O amount O of O traffic? O Big O cities O nowadays O can O be O described O as O melting O pots O . O The O problem O off O traffic O overload, O caused O by O overpopulation, O has O aroused O interest O of O many O city O planners O . O It O is O argued O that O only O if O the O demand O to O go O out O on O the O street O is O cut O down O can O we O solve O the O seemingly O insurmountable O issue O of O traffic O gridlock O . O However, O I O have O to O profoundly O disagree O for O there O are O still O two O viable O solutions O besides O besides O this O way O . O First O of O all, O public Arg_B transport Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I key Arg_I factor Arg_I to Arg_I minimize Arg_I the Arg_I number Arg_I of Arg_I vehicles Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I street Arg_I . O Buses Arg_B and Arg_I trains Arg_I have Arg_I been Arg_I phased Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I streets Arg_I for Arg_I quite Arg_I a Arg_I long Arg_I time Arg_I and Arg_I have Arg_I proven Arg_I themselves Arg_I the Arg_I best Arg_I candidates Arg_I among Arg_I all Arg_I options Arg_I . O Apparently, O a Arg_B bus Arg_I can Arg_I carry Arg_I no Arg_I less Arg_I than Arg_I 30 Arg_I people, Arg_I while Arg_I a Arg_I train Arg_I can Arg_I carry Arg_I as Arg_I much Arg_I as Arg_I nine Arg_I or Arg_I even Arg_I ten Arg_I times Arg_I of Arg_I that Arg_I number Arg_I . O Not Arg_B to Arg_I mention Arg_I the Arg_I fact Arg_I that Arg_I highway Arg_I train Arg_I is Arg_I operated Arg_I underground, Arg_I which Arg_I leaves Arg_I the Arg_I street Arg_I above Arg_I with Arg_I buses Arg_I and Arg_I non-fuel-based Arg_I vehicles Arg_I . O Together, O they Arg_B will Arg_I lessen Arg_I the Arg_I crowded Arg_I image Arg_I in Arg_I most Arg_I cities Arg_I nowadays Arg_I . O Second, O rarely O do O we O realize O the O helpful O existence O of O urban O areas O . O It O is O believed O that O if Arg_B some Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I enormous Arg_I shopping Arg_I malls Arg_I or Arg_I universities Arg_I were Arg_I relocated Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I commuter Arg_I belt, Arg_I the Arg_I city Arg_I street Arg_I would Arg_I be Arg_I les Arg_I burstling Arg_I and Arg_I overly-teemed Arg_I as Arg_I it Arg_I is Arg_I now Arg_I . O As O a O rule O of O thumb, O huge Arg_B centers Arg_I of Arg_I attention Arg_I distributed Arg_I equally Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I wide Arg_I region Arg_I means Arg_I that Arg_I residential Arg_I areas Arg_I will Arg_I come Arg_I along Arg_I thus Arg_I exert Arg_I less Arg_I pressure Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I public Arg_I facilities Arg_I . O The Arg_B city Arg_I itself Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I absolved Arg_I of Arg_I enduring Arg_I the Arg_I influx Arg_I of Arg_I immigrants Arg_I as Arg_I well Arg_I as Arg_I unemployed Arg_I people Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O city Arg_B planner Arg_I can Arg_I still Arg_I opt Arg_I for Arg_I non-personal Arg_I vehicle Arg_I and Arg_I the Arg_I exploitation Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I suburb Arg_I areas Arg_I . O It O is O highly O recommended O to O put O forward O such O solution, O especially O in O some O developing O countries O like O Vietnam O or O China, O with O the O ever-growing O demand O for O job O or O education O . O Effect O of O celebrities O on O youth O Young O people O all O over O the O world O are O greatly O influenced O by O media O and O celebrities O . O These O celebrities O are O popular O among O younger O generations O because O of O their O glamorous O lifestyles O . O It O is O agreed O that O following Arg_B celebrities Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I dangerous Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I youth Arg_I . O This O will O be O proven O by O looking O at O how O health O and O personality O of O young O people O is O affected O by O following O celebrities O as O their O mentors O . O First O of O all, O it O is O seen O that O following Arg_B celebrities Arg_I blindly Arg_I affects Arg_I the Arg_I health Arg_I of Arg_I adolescents Arg_I . O Many Arg_B young Arg_I people Arg_I indulge Arg_I themselves Arg_I in Arg_I drugs Arg_I and Arg_I start Arg_I smoking Arg_I at Arg_I an Arg_I early Arg_I age Arg_I . O For O example, O in Arg_B a Arg_I survey Arg_I carried Arg_I out Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I university, Arg_I it Arg_I was Arg_I asked Arg_I to Arg_I students Arg_I that Arg_I why Arg_I did Arg_I they Arg_I start Arg_I smoking, Arg_I then Arg_I around Arg_I forty Arg_I percent Arg_I of Arg_I individuals Arg_I answered Arg_I that Arg_I they Arg_I wanted Arg_I to Arg_I look Arg_I like Arg_I their Arg_I favorite Arg_I screen Arg_I actor Arg_I while Arg_I smoking Arg_I cigarettes Arg_I . O This O example O makes O it O clear O that O imitating Arg_B celebrities Arg_I has Arg_I a Arg_I negative Arg_I influence Arg_I on Arg_I health Arg_I of Arg_I young Arg_I individuals Arg_I . O Secondly, O it O is O believed O that O when Arg_B youth Arg_I follows Arg_I celebrities Arg_I it Arg_I affects Arg_I personality Arg_I of Arg_I young Arg_I people Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I bad Arg_I way Arg_I . O Adolescents Arg_B follow Arg_I not Arg_I only Arg_I the Arg_I make Arg_I up Arg_I and Arg_I attire Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I favorite Arg_I stars Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I their Arg_I behavior Arg_I . O For O instance O recently Arg_B in Arg_I a Arg_I poll Arg_I conducted Arg_I by Arg_I an Arg_I American Arg_I magazine Arg_I it Arg_I was Arg_I found Arg_I that Arg_I most Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I parents Arg_I and Arg_I teachers Arg_I complain Arg_I that Arg_I teenagers Arg_I use Arg_I derogatory Arg_I words Arg_I and Arg_I abusive Arg_I language Arg_I at Arg_I home Arg_I and Arg_I at Arg_I schools Arg_I . O So, O this O example O makes O it O obvious O that O these Arg_B glamorous Arg_I celebrities Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I poor Arg_I effect Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I conduct Arg_I of Arg_I young Arg_I people Arg_I . O Thus O to O conclude, O it O can O be O said O that O when Arg_B young Arg_I people Arg_I follow Arg_I celebrities, Arg_I it Arg_I affects Arg_I their Arg_I health Arg_I as Arg_I well Arg_I as Arg_I behavior Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I negative Arg_I way Arg_I . O This Arg_B has Arg_I an Arg_I overall Arg_I effect Arg_I on Arg_I personality Arg_I and Arg_I future Arg_I of Arg_I an Arg_I individual Arg_I . O Therefore O it O is O recommended O that O young O people O should O be O educated O not O to O follow O these O celebrities O blindly, O rather O they O should O focus O on O their O career O so O that O they O may O hope O for O a O bright O future O . O The O gender O issue O for O getting O education O needs O The O gender O issues O have O been O already O discussing O for O many O years O in O order O to O give O solutions O for O realising O the O equal O proportion O of O developing O human O resources O . O Implementing O the O statue O and O right O of O equal O education O are O believed O as O a O sustainable O policy O that O should O be O held O . O Nowadays, O there Arg_B are Arg_I many Arg_I institutions Arg_I that Arg_I accept Arg_I the Arg_I same Arg_I average Arg_I number Arg_I of Arg_I male Arg_I and Arg_I female Arg_I students Arg_I in Arg_I many Arg_I kinds Arg_I of Arg_I course Arg_I . O I O strongly O agree O about O this O statement O . O The Arg_B proportion Arg_I of Arg_I women Arg_I is Arg_I rising Arg_I year Arg_I by Arg_I year Arg_I in Arg_I many Arg_I parts Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I recently Arg_I . O Automatically, O the Arg_B issue Arg_I stimulates Arg_I the Arg_I stakeholders Arg_I from Arg_I many Arg_I places Arg_I to Arg_I think Arg_I what Arg_I kind Arg_I of Arg_I preparations Arg_I they Arg_I should Arg_I take Arg_I for Arg_I stabilising Arg_I the Arg_I economic Arg_I growth Arg_I and Arg_I the Arg_I quality Arg_I life Arg_I of Arg_I people Arg_I . O We O can O see O now O that O women Arg_B tend Arg_I to Arg_I work Arg_I in Arg_I various Arg_I fields Arg_I which Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I past Arg_I normally Arg_I done Arg_I by Arg_I men Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I being Arg_I engineers, Arg_I and Arg_I dealing Arg_I with Arg_I machines Arg_I . O Those O activities O have O proven O that O women Arg_B can Arg_I also Arg_I do Arg_I the Arg_I men's Arg_I works Arg_I . O Therefore, O female Arg_B students Arg_I are Arg_I indicated Arg_I having Arg_I the Arg_I same Arg_I potential Arg_I and Arg_I capability Arg_I as Arg_I men Arg_I . O Another O reason O is O order O to O gaining O higher O education O degree O as O it O is O required O to O establish O a O person's O career O . O These Arg_B days, Arg_I it Arg_I is Arg_I so Arg_I hard Arg_I for Arg_I young Arg_I people Arg_I to Arg_I get Arg_I a Arg_I proper Arg_I job Arg_I when Arg_I they Arg_I have Arg_I not Arg_I degree Arg_I certificate Arg_I from Arg_I Universities Arg_I . O So, O learning Arg_B from Arg_I human's Arg_I history, Arg_I education Arg_I provides Arg_I someone Arg_I to Arg_I widen Arg_I his Arg_I or Arg_I her Arg_I knowledge Arg_I and Arg_I experience Arg_I for Arg_I facing Arg_I the Arg_I real Arg_I situation Arg_I of Arg_I workplace Arg_I through Arg_I subject Arg_I taught Arg_I in Arg_I college Arg_I . O According O to O this O opinion, O giving Arg_B equal Arg_I education Arg_I for Arg_I both Arg_I men Arg_I and Arg_I women Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I must Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O the Arg_B needs Arg_I for Arg_I having Arg_I developed-skills Arg_I and Arg_I gaining Arg_I degree Arg_I certificate Arg_I in Arg_I order Arg_I to Arg_I build Arg_I someone's Arg_I career Arg_I are Arg_I totally Arg_I needed Arg_I to Arg_I implement Arg_I and Arg_I applied Arg_I for Arg_I any Arg_I gender Arg_I . O As O the O world's O situation O is O always O changing, O act Arg_B for Arg_I distributing Arg_I education Arg_I needs Arg_I are Arg_I absolutely Arg_I important Arg_I to Arg_I compete Arg_I the Arg_I future Arg_I challenges Arg_I . O Smoking O should O be O made O prohibited O in O public O places O People O the O world O over O have O designated O smoothing O as O a O shameful O practice O and O a O lethal O habit O . O Several O millions O of O smokers O die O suffering O from O cancers O such O as O lung O and O oral O . O This O bad O habit O also O responsible O for O causing O health O hazards O to O passive-smokers: O who O are O around O smoking O is O taken O place O . O Thus, O it O is O argued O that O smoking Arg_B should Arg_I be Arg_I made Arg_I prohibited Arg_I in Arg_I public Arg_I places Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I bus Arg_I and Arg_I railway Arg_I stations Arg_I . O This O position O will O be O proven O by O looking O at O how O this O arrangement O has O benefited O both O general O public O as O well O as O smokers O . O To O start, O non-smoking Arg_B public Arg_I would Arg_I be Arg_I undoubtedly Arg_I benefited Arg_I by Arg_I enforcing Arg_I such Arg_I restrain Arg_I . O Prior Arg_B to Arg_I 1980's Arg_I public Arg_I places Arg_I in Arg_I Sri Arg_I Lanka, Arg_I illustrates Arg_I unpleasant Arg_I situation Arg_I where Arg_I people Arg_I smoked Arg_I freely Arg_I . O Even Arg_B in Arg_I public Arg_I transportation Arg_I they Arg_I engaged Arg_I in Arg_I this Arg_I intolerant Arg_I bad Arg_I habit, Arg_I some Arg_I instances Arg_I that Arg_I lead Arg_I to Arg_I belligerent Arg_I incidents Arg_I . O After Arg_B enforcing Arg_I restrictions Arg_I the Arg_I situation Arg_I came Arg_I to Arg_I control Arg_I and Arg_I this Arg_I act Arg_I as Arg_I benefit Arg_I rendered Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I public Arg_I . O In O addition O to O this, O introducing Arg_B smoking Arg_I ban Arg_I in Arg_I public Arg_I places Arg_I would Arg_I greatly Arg_I discourage Arg_I people Arg_I from Arg_I engaging Arg_I tobacco Arg_I puffing Arg_I . O For O instance, O further Arg_B enforcement Arg_I banned Arg_I smoking Arg_I in Arg_I capital Arg_I in Arg_I Sri Arg_I Lanka Arg_I has Arg_I reduced Arg_I this Arg_I consumption Arg_I related Arg_I diseases Arg_I and Arg_I deaths, Arg_I as Arg_I per Arg_I the Arg_I ministry Arg_I of Arg_I health Arg_I . O As O this O shows, O smoking Arg_B restrictions Arg_I has Arg_I successfully Arg_I daunted Arg_I public Arg_I from Arg_I this Arg_I bad Arg_I puffing Arg_I that Arg_I put Arg_I less Arg_I strain Arg_I on Arg_I country's Arg_I healthcare Arg_I systems Arg_I . O After O analyzing O smoke O illegalization O in O public O places O in O Sri O Lanka, O it Arg_B has Arg_I been Arg_I proven Arg_I benefits Arg_I people Arg_I enjoy Arg_I this Arg_I arrangement Arg_I . O It O is O thus O hoped O governments O would O consider O smoke O banning O in O public O places O following O footsteps O of O Sri O Lanka O as O well O as O many O other O countries O . O Tourism: O good O or O bad? O Tourism, O since O its O first O appearance O a O long O time O ago, O can O be O described O as O a O controversial O celebrity O . O Some O believe O that O tourism O is O attributed O to O domestic O economic O distortion, O environmental O devastation O and O irrepairable O damage O to O the O exploited O places O . O However, O I O strongly O disagree O with O this O misconcept O for O the O two O following O reasons O . O First O of O all, O tourism Arg_B plays Arg_I an Arg_I indispensable Arg_I role Arg_I in Arg_I nurturing Arg_I the Arg_I economy Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I way Arg_I it Arg_I is Arg_I meant Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I . O Basically, O places Arg_B of Arg_I interest Arg_I often Arg_I locate Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I wilderness Arg_I areas, Arg_I of Arg_I which Arg_I economy, Arg_I before Arg_I their Arg_I appearance, Arg_I haven't Arg_I blossmed Arg_I yet Arg_I . O Not Arg_B until Arg_I the Arg_I investment Arg_I of Arg_I some Arg_I companies Arg_I do Arg_I chains Arg_I of Arg_I hotels Arg_I and Arg_I services Arg_I spring Arg_I up Arg_I . O It Arg_B will, Arg_I by Arg_I all Arg_I means, Arg_I attract Arg_I considerable Arg_I attention Arg_I which Arg_I goes Arg_I hand Arg_I in Arg_I hand Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I enormous Arg_I income Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I local Arg_I residents Arg_I . O In O other O word, O tourism Arg_B helps Arg_I divert Arg_I the Arg_I local Arg_I economy Arg_I to Arg_I its Arg_I right Arg_I direction, Arg_I which Arg_I exploit Arg_I the Arg_I best Arg_I out Arg_I of Arg_I its Arg_I own Arg_I potential Arg_I . O Secondly, O even O though O environmental O damage O is O inevitable, O it Arg_B is Arg_I not Arg_I tourism Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I blamed Arg_I for Arg_I . O In Arg_B order Arg_I to Arg_I turn Arg_I a Arg_I wilderness Arg_I into Arg_I a Arg_I place Arg_I of Arg_I attraction, Arg_I the Arg_I planners Arg_I must Arg_I have Arg_I taken Arg_I the Arg_I nourishment Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I sceneries Arg_I into Arg_I thorough Arg_I consideration Arg_I . O To O be O precise, O for O instance, O a Arg_B fortune Arg_I is Arg_I spent Arg_I on Arg_I trimming Arg_I the Arg_I trees, Arg_I watering Arg_I the Arg_I flowers, Arg_I preserving Arg_I and Arg_I balancing Arg_I the Arg_I local Arg_I fauna Arg_I and Arg_I flora, Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I hope Arg_I of Arg_I beautifying Arg_I the Arg_I wild Arg_I . O Not Arg_B to Arg_I mention Arg_I ecotourism, Arg_I a Arg_I new Arg_I kind Arg_I of Arg_I environment-friendly Arg_I service, Arg_I which Arg_I gives Arg_I all Arg_I environmentalists Arg_I and Arg_I nature Arg_I lovers Arg_I a Arg_I hand Arg_I in Arg_I raising Arg_I the Arg_I awareness Arg_I of Arg_I people Arg_I in Arg_I protecting Arg_I their Arg_I coexistent Arg_I creatures Arg_I . O Because O of O that, O tourism Arg_B should Arg_I not Arg_I be Arg_I alledged Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I notorous Arg_I for Arg_I its Arg_I detriment Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I ecological Arg_I diversity Arg_I . O All O thing O considered, O tourism Arg_B has Arg_I proven Arg_I its Arg_I friendly Arg_I attitude Arg_I towards Arg_I the Arg_I exploited Arg_I areas Arg_I in Arg_I terms Arg_I of Arg_I finance Arg_I and Arg_I environmental Arg_I impact Arg_I . O In O my O opinion, O the Arg_B combination Arg_I of Arg_I tourism Arg_I and Arg_I teaching Arg_I process Arg_I is Arg_I highly Arg_I recommended Arg_I in Arg_I pursuit Arg_I of Arg_I a Arg_I harmonial Arg_I relationship Arg_I between Arg_I human Arg_I and Arg_I their Arg_I surroundings Arg_I . O Future O information O technology: O positive O or O negative? O The O appearance O of O information O technology O (IT) O in O the O last O 20 O years O has O brought O about O significant O developments O in O life O standard O as O well O as O work O efficiency O . O However, O it O is O believed O that O the O evolution O also O proves O to O be O detrimental O . O In O my O opinion, O there O is O a O likelihood O that O future Arg_B developments Arg_I in Arg_I IT Arg_I will Arg_I put Arg_I the Arg_I users Arg_I at Arg_I their Arg_I own Arg_I expense Arg_I . O With O the O rapid O developing O pace, O IT Arg_B seems Arg_I to Arg_I have Arg_I turned Arg_I its Arg_I users Arg_I to Arg_I its Arg_I slaves Arg_I . O In Arg_B the Arg_I past, Arg_I there Arg_I used Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I World Arg_I Wide Arg_I Web Arg_I or Arg_I e-mail, Arg_I but Arg_I the Arg_I cyber Arg_I world Arg_I now Arg_I varies Arg_I form Arg_I games, Arg_I online Arg_I TV Arg_I shows Arg_I to Arg_I means Arg_I of Arg_I communication, Arg_I and Arg_I probably Arg_I still Arg_I keeps Arg_I going Arg_I . O Such Arg_B irrisistible Arg_I temptations Arg_I drift Arg_I people Arg_I from Arg_I the Arg_I real Arg_I world Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I unreal Arg_I ones, Arg_I resulting Arg_I in Arg_I their Arg_I dependence Arg_I on Arg_I technical Arg_I equipment Arg_I . O What O is O more, O the O lack O of O soft O skills O attained O form O outdoor O activities O will O agitate O the O IT O addict, O therefore, O staying Arg_B inside Arg_I with Arg_I computer Arg_I and Arg_I mobile Arg_I phone Arg_I will Arg_I always Arg_I be Arg_I the Arg_I first Arg_I alternative Arg_I . O Future O IT O has O also O aroused O concern O on O health O issues O . O The Arg_B existence Arg_I of Arg_I Skype, Arg_I Viber Arg_I or Arg_I Yahoo Arg_I has Arg_I notably Arg_I reduced Arg_I even Arg_I the Arg_I longest Arg_I distance Arg_I into Arg_I one Arg_I click Arg_I . O As O a O result, O rarely Arg_B do Arg_I people Arg_I go Arg_I out Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I comfot Arg_I zone, Arg_I provided Arg_I with Arg_I snack Arg_I and Arg_I air Arg_I conditioner, Arg_I to Arg_I assemble Arg_I with Arg_I others Arg_I in Arg_I flesh Arg_I . O Needless O to O say, O their Arg_B action Arg_I will Arg_I make Arg_I a Arg_I beeline Arg_I for Arg_I obesity, Arg_I short-sighted, Arg_I diabetes Arg_I and Arg_I other Arg_I heart-related Arg_I problems Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O despite O the O contribution O of O IT O to O the O society, O its Arg_B effect Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I users' Arg_I independence Arg_I and Arg_I prositution Arg_I should Arg_I not Arg_I be Arg_I out Arg_I of Arg_I concern Arg_I . O To O my O mind, O there Arg_B have Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I some Arg_I alterations Arg_I before Arg_I IT Arg_I has Arg_I more Arg_I serious Arg_I impact Arg_I on Arg_I each Arg_I individual's Arg_I life Arg_I . O Vegetarianism O - O why O some O people O are O choosing O to O become O vegetarian? O Since O the O dawn O of O time, O human O has O considered O meat O as O a O fundamental O protein O sources O . O Meat O has O served O as O the O main O dish O in O almost O every O family's O meals O all O around O the O world O . O Recent O years, O however, O has O seen O a O rapid O increase O in O the O number O of O vegetarians O . O Some O people O claim O that O this O is O brought O about O by O the O care O for O animal O rights O issue, O others O think O it O is O much O beyond O that O . O It O is O clear O to O me O that O people Arg_B avoid Arg_I eating Arg_I meat Arg_I mostly Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I sake Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I health Arg_I and Arg_I relegious Arg_I aspect Arg_I . O Firstly, O health Arg_B improvement Arg_I is Arg_I the Arg_I main Arg_I reason Arg_I for Arg_I vegetarian Arg_I diet Arg_I to Arg_I become Arg_I so Arg_I popular Arg_I . O Many Arg_B researchers Arg_I have Arg_I convinced Arg_I that Arg_I many Arg_I kinds Arg_I of Arg_I vegetable Arg_I contain Arg_I antioxydant Arg_I which Arg_I can Arg_I prevent Arg_I cancer Arg_I . O This O fortifies O the O fact O that O a Arg_B vegetable Arg_I diet Arg_I can Arg_I do Arg_I good Arg_I for Arg_I our Arg_I health Arg_I . O Although O some O argue O that O a O meal O without O meat O can O lead O to O a O lack O of O protein O intake, O it Arg_B is Arg_I proved Arg_I that Arg_I many Arg_I kinds Arg_I of Arg_I bean Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I soy Arg_I bean Arg_I or Arg_I pea Arg_I are Arg_I also Arg_I comparable Arg_I protein Arg_I sources Arg_I . O Secondy, O relegious O beliefs O also O contributes O to O a O vegetarian O diet O . O Some O religion, O such O as O Buddha, O believes O that O animals O were O human O being O in O their O previous O life, O so O eating Arg_B their Arg_I meat Arg_I mean Arg_I you Arg_I eat Arg_I the Arg_I flesh Arg_I of Arg_I your Arg_I parent Arg_I sentient Arg_I beings Arg_I . O It O is O often O said O that O this O view O is O rather O unscientific O . O However, O I O am O convinced O that O it Arg_B is Arg_I vital Arg_I to Arg_I follow Arg_I one's Arg_I own Arg_I religious Arg_I practices Arg_I which Arg_I can Arg_I bring Arg_I the Arg_I enlightenment Arg_I in Arg_I mind Arg_I . O To O sum O up, O it O is O evident O for O me O that O people Arg_B choose Arg_I to Arg_I become Arg_I vegetarians Arg_I for Arg_I health Arg_I and Arg_I religious Arg_I concern Arg_I rather Arg_I than Arg_I the Arg_I benefits Arg_I of Arg_I animals Arg_I . O However, O a O meal O which O is O nutritionally O balanced O is O always O most O recommended O . O The O maintenance O of O traditional O skills O and O ways O of O life? O There O is O no O doubt O the O application O of O technological O developments O in O some O countries O will O be O accompanied O with O modern O skills O and O new O lifestyles O . O It O is O argued O that O these O so-called O cultural O invasions O will O result O in O the O distinction O of O national O traditions, O and O there O is O no O need O to O maintain O them O . O However, O from O my O point O of O view, O what Arg_B can Arg_I be Arg_I expected, Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I change Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I role Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I tradition Arg_I but Arg_I not Arg_I its Arg_I disappearance Arg_I from Arg_I the Arg_I society Arg_I . O It O is O undeniable O that O the Arg_B country's Arg_I culture Arg_I is Arg_I passed Arg_I down Arg_I mainly Arg_I through Arg_I traditional Arg_I skills Arg_I and Arg_I ways Arg_I of Arg_I life Arg_I . O For O instance, O in Arg_B Vietnam, Arg_I many Arg_I water Arg_I puppet Arg_I shows Arg_I which Arg_I once Arg_I demonstrated Arg_I our Arg_I seasonal Arg_I agriculture Arg_I and Arg_I communal Arg_I activities, Arg_I are Arg_I today Arg_I substituted Arg_I by Arg_I cinemas Arg_I and Arg_I music Arg_I concerts Arg_I . O This O means O the Arg_B young Arg_I generation Arg_I can Arg_I solely Arg_I get Arg_I access Arg_I to Arg_I their Arg_I ancestor's Arg_I early Arg_I life Arg_I through Arg_I books Arg_I and Arg_I images, Arg_I which Arg_I otherwise Arg_I would Arg_I be Arg_I much Arg_I more Arg_I easily Arg_I absorbed Arg_I . O In O tradition, O a Arg_B person Arg_I should Arg_I look Arg_I back Arg_I at Arg_I the Arg_I past, Arg_I mainly Arg_I by Arg_I means Arg_I of Arg_I custom Arg_I handcraft Arg_I or Arg_I antique Arg_I lifestyle, Arg_I to Arg_I progress Arg_I . O Understanding Arg_B why, Arg_I and Arg_I how Arg_I our Arg_I predecessors Arg_I survived Arg_I through Arg_I thick Arg_I and Arg_I thin Arg_I will Arg_I probably Arg_I be Arg_I invaluable Arg_I lessons Arg_I for Arg_I us Arg_I today Arg_I . O Also, O study Arg_B form Arg_I their Arg_I mistakes Arg_I helps Arg_I us Arg_I accomplish Arg_I our Arg_I goal Arg_I with Arg_I smooth Arg_I sailing Arg_I . O To O sumarize, O there Arg_B should Arg_I never Arg_I be Arg_I any Arg_I replacement Arg_I for Arg_I traditional Arg_I skills Arg_I or Arg_I ways Arg_I of Arg_I life Arg_I . O They Arg_B are Arg_I the Arg_I ones Arg_I that Arg_I teach, Arg_I and Arg_I will Arg_I teach Arg_I us Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I self-esteem Arg_I and Arg_I experienced, Arg_I which Arg_I means Arg_I their Arg_I preservation Arg_I throughout Arg_I history Arg_I deserve Arg_I our Arg_I attention Arg_I . O The O zoo O deserves O maintenance O and O public O respect O For O a O long O time, O the O zoo O has O been O a O second O home O to O endangered O animals O . O However, O other O people O believe O that O the O existence O of O zoos O is O next O to O nothing O . O In O my O opinion, O the Arg_B zoo Arg_I deserves Arg_I maintenance Arg_I and Arg_I public Arg_I respect Arg_I for O two O specific O reasons O . O First O of O all, O the Arg_B zoo Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I considered Arg_I as Arg_I a Arg_I means Arg_I of Arg_I education Arg_I with Arg_I regard Arg_I to Arg_I providing Arg_I real Arg_I and Arg_I vivid Arg_I materials Arg_I for Arg_I learners Arg_I . O With Arg_B zoos, Arg_I pupils Arg_I will Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I chance Arg_I of Arg_I observing Arg_I the Arg_I habit Arg_I and Arg_I unique Arg_I instinct Arg_I of, Arg_I for Arg_I instance, Arg_I a Arg_I lion Arg_I or Arg_I a Arg_I crocodile Arg_I . O At O a O higher O level, O it Arg_B is Arg_I of Arg_I university Arg_I students' Arg_I benefits Arg_I to Arg_I do Arg_I biological Arg_I research Arg_I based Arg_I on Arg_I practical Arg_I statistics Arg_I and Arg_I live Arg_I recordings, Arg_I which Arg_I otherwise Arg_I would Arg_I not Arg_I be Arg_I at Arg_I hand Arg_I . O This O means O that O the O zoos Arg_B conduce Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I acquisition Arg_I of Arg_I knowledge Arg_I at Arg_I various Arg_I levels Arg_I . O Secondly, O the Arg_B zoo Arg_I also Arg_I serve Arg_I as Arg_I a Arg_I means Arg_I of Arg_I ecological Arg_I protection Arg_I . O Nowadays Arg_B the Arg_I process Arg_I of Arg_I globalisation Arg_I is Arg_I accompanied Arg_I by Arg_I the Arg_I encroachment Arg_I upon Arg_I natural Arg_I habitats, Arg_I which Arg_I consequently Arg_I calls Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I help Arg_I of Arg_I zoos Arg_I . O What O is O more, O the Arg_B ever-increasing Arg_I huntings Arg_I are Arg_I having Arg_I a Arg_I heavy Arg_I toll Arg_I on Arg_I rare Arg_I and Arg_I specious Arg_I species Arg_I . O Only Arg_B when Arg_I zoos Arg_I appear Arg_I are Arg_I such Arg_I distinction-driven Arg_I animals Arg_I as: Arg_I giraffe, Arg_I panda, Arg_I koala Arg_I or Arg_I leopard Arg_I provided Arg_I with Arg_I their Arg_I own Arg_I inaccessible Arg_I territory Arg_I . O In O sum, O the Arg_B role Arg_I of Arg_I zoos Arg_I towards Arg_I both Arg_I human Arg_I and Arg_I animals Arg_I is Arg_I undeniably Arg_I indispensable Arg_I . O It O is O highly O recommended O that O zoos O should O be O seen O with O different O perspective O in O order O to O function O at O their O most O efficiency O . O Languages' O extinction, O discuss O both O views O It O is O true O that O the O increasing O number O of O languages O which O are O at O risk O of O extinction O has O become O one O of O the O most O significant O issues O that O many O people O of O today's O society O are O very O concerned O for O . O The O question O whether O our O government O should O make O an O effort O to O preserve O them O by O investing O more O money O on O that O minority O languages O or O not O is O still O a O debatable O one O . O I O personally O suppose O that O no Arg_B matter Arg_I how Arg_I widely Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I spoken, Arg_I every Arg_I language Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I protected Arg_I from Arg_I being Arg_I disappeared Arg_I . O There O are O several O reasons O why O saving Arg_B regional Arg_I languages Arg_I could Arg_I be Arg_I seen Arg_I as Arg_I a Arg_I waste Arg_I of Arg_I money Arg_I . O Firstly, O we Arg_B need Arg_I to Arg_I consider Arg_I that Arg_I if Arg_I the Arg_I government Arg_I expands Arg_I the Arg_I use Arg_I scope Arg_I of Arg_I that Arg_I languages, Arg_I it Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I really Arg_I expensive Arg_I because O educational Arg_B programmes Arg_I will Arg_I need Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I given Arg_I so Arg_I as Arg_I to Arg_I keep Arg_I young Arg_I people Arg_I learning Arg_I and Arg_I using Arg_I them Arg_I . O For O example, O some O certain O areas O in O the O Southern O Vietnam O have O been O trying O to O help O their O secondary O school O students O who O are O originally O from O khmer O people O speak O their O language O beside O Vietnamese, O so O the Arg_B local Arg_I government Arg_I has Arg_I recently Arg_I struggled Arg_I with Arg_I their Arg_I costly Arg_I investments Arg_I on Arg_I language Arg_I teachers, Arg_I facilities Arg_I and Arg_I appropriate Arg_I materials Arg_I . O Secondly, O it O is O obvious O that O in Arg_B many Arg_I aspects Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I communication, Arg_I trade, Arg_I cooperation Arg_I as Arg_I well Arg_I as Arg_I transaction, Arg_I it Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I absolutely Arg_I easier Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I whole Arg_I society Arg_I to Arg_I work Arg_I together Arg_I in Arg_I one Arg_I language Arg_I only Arg_I . O Despite O of O the O above O arguments, O i O still O strongly O believe O that O the Arg_B government Arg_I should Arg_I try Arg_I to Arg_I preserve Arg_I minority Arg_I languages Arg_I . O This O is O because O language Arg_B can Arg_I be Arg_I seen Arg_I as Arg_I much Arg_I more Arg_I than Arg_I just Arg_I one Arg_I method Arg_I of Arg_I communication Arg_I . O In O addition, O forming O a O language O must O be O undergone O thousands O of O years; O thus, O it Arg_B deserves Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I respected Arg_I and Arg_I preserved Arg_I . O Last O but O not O least, O language Arg_B is Arg_I one Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I essential Arg_I factors Arg_I creating Arg_I the Arg_I differences Arg_I and Arg_I unique Arg_I cutures Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I . O Therefore, O saving Arg_B the Arg_I use Arg_I of Arg_I that Arg_I kinds Arg_I of Arg_I languages Arg_I in Arg_I this Arg_I case Arg_I generally Arg_I is Arg_I the Arg_I most Arg_I important Arg_I element Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I cultural Arg_I diversity's Arg_I preservation Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O although O letting O languages O spoken O by O ethnic O minorities O be O extinct O seems O to O be O very O beneficial, O it Arg_B will Arg_I definitely Arg_I impact Arg_I seriously Arg_I on Arg_I many Arg_I other Arg_I aspects Arg_I especially Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I loss Arg_I of Arg_I our Arg_I cultural Arg_I heritages Arg_I . O Prevention O is O better O than O cure O There O has O always O been O a O saying O in O medicine: O "Prevention O is O better O than O cure" O . O This O statement O has O raised O a O question O whether O the O government O should O allocate O a O large O sum O out O of O the O national O health O budget O to O educating O and O phasing O in O health-protected O measures O . O In O my O opinion, O this Arg_B plan Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I put Arg_I into Arg_I practice Arg_I for O the O two O reasons O mentioned O accordingly O . O No Arg_B one Arg_I can Arg_I argue Arg_I the Arg_I importance Arg_I to Arg_I include Arg_I health Arg_I lessons Arg_I in Arg_I school Arg_I programmes, Arg_I especially Arg_I at Arg_I primary Arg_I level, Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I hope Arg_I of Arg_I raising Arg_I people's Arg_I awareness Arg_I . O Children O should O be O taught O about O balanced O diets, O nutritious O food O as O well O as O harmful O ones, O thereby O they Arg_B will Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I fundamental Arg_I grasp Arg_I of Arg_I how Arg_I to Arg_I lead Arg_I a Arg_I healthy Arg_I lifestyle Arg_I . O What O is O more, O it Arg_B is Arg_I much Arg_I easier Arg_I for Arg_I people Arg_I at Arg_I early Arg_I ages Arg_I to Arg_I form Arg_I a Arg_I habit Arg_I of, Arg_I for Arg_I instance, Arg_I not Arg_I consuming Arg_I too Arg_I much Arg_I fast Arg_I food, Arg_I over-fried Arg_I food Arg_I or Arg_I intoxicants Arg_I . O In O addition, O it Arg_B will Arg_I be Arg_I of Arg_I economic Arg_I benefit Arg_I to Arg_I pre-empt Arg_I certain Arg_I kinds Arg_I of Arg_I diseases Arg_I . O Needless O to O say, O such Arg_B unpreventable Arg_I illnesses Arg_I as Arg_I cancer Arg_I or Arg_I HIV Arg_I will Arg_I cost Arg_I the Arg_I victim Arg_I a Arg_I fortune, Arg_I not Arg_I to Arg_I cure, Arg_I but Arg_I to Arg_I lengthen Arg_I his Arg_I longevity Arg_I for Arg_I 1 Arg_I or Arg_I 2 Arg_I more Arg_I years Arg_I . O Similarly, O if Arg_B humans Arg_I tend Arg_I to Arg_I keep Arg_I fit Arg_I more Arg_I regularly Arg_I by Arg_I participating Arg_I in Arg_I outdoor Arg_I activities Arg_I or Arg_I using Arg_I health-care Arg_I product, Arg_I obesity, Arg_I myopia Arg_I or Arg_I other Arg_I diseases Arg_I that Arg_I require Arg_I expensive Arg_I treatments Arg_I will Arg_I never Arg_I stand Arg_I a Arg_I chance Arg_I . O To O sum O up, O I Arg_B have Arg_I to Arg_I concede Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I materialistic Arg_I diversion Arg_I from Arg_I treatment Arg_I to Arg_I health Arg_I education Arg_I and Arg_I preventative Arg_I measures Arg_I . O This Arg_B will Arg_I yield Arg_I positive Arg_I results Arg_I on Arg_I not Arg_I only Arg_I the Arg_I people's Arg_I physical Arg_I and Arg_I mental Arg_I development Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I their Arg_I finance Arg_I . O University O education O restriction O Universtiy O is O an O entrance O to O life O . O It O equips O us O with O a O package O of O wisdom O and O virtue O to O succeed O . O It O is O the O importance O of O university O that O raises O a O question O whether O students O with O best O scholastic O performance O deserve O university O study O or O just O any O young O wishful O people O . O Both O sides O are O to O be O discussed O before O a O conclusion O is O reached O . O To O begin O with, O outstanding Arg_B academic Arg_I students Arg_I are Arg_I eligible Arg_I for Arg_I university Arg_I due Arg_I to Arg_I their Arg_I intellectual Arg_I advantage Arg_I . O To O be O precise, O such Arg_B abstract Arg_I or Arg_I complicated Arg_I informatin, Arg_I easily Arg_I absorbed Arg_I by Arg_I those Arg_I students, Arg_I may Arg_I prove Arg_I as Arg_I a Arg_I matter Arg_I of Arg_I pressure Arg_I for Arg_I those Arg_I who Arg_I lack Arg_I equivalent Arg_I skills Arg_I . O Besides, O it O is O undeniable O that O one Arg_B deserves Arg_I what Arg_I he Arg_I has Arg_I done Arg_I . O University Arg_B is Arg_I like Arg_I a Arg_I gift Arg_I presented Arg_I to Arg_I those Arg_I who Arg_I have Arg_I gone Arg_I to Arg_I great Arg_I length Arg_I to Arg_I attain Arg_I . O However, O university Arg_B is Arg_I not Arg_I just Arg_I about Arg_I academic Arg_I studies Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I a Arg_I place Arg_I to Arg_I nurture Arg_I artistic Arg_I talent Arg_I and Arg_I develop Arg_I soft Arg_I skills Arg_I . O Therefore, O it Arg_B should Arg_I be Arg_I up Arg_I for Arg_I grabs Arg_I for Arg_I a Arg_I majority Arg_I of Arg_I young Arg_I people, Arg_I who Arg_I wish Arg_I to Arg_I pursue Arg_I their Arg_I passion Arg_I as Arg_I well Arg_I as Arg_I develop Arg_I comprehensively Arg_I . O What O is O more, O there Arg_B is Arg_I a Arg_I tendency Arg_I for Arg_I social Arg_I vices Arg_I to Arg_I rise Arg_I if Arg_I university Arg_I is Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I restricted Arg_I to Arg_I only Arg_I the Arg_I best Arg_I people Arg_I . O Apart Arg_B from Arg_I the Arg_I disheartened Arg_I ones, Arg_I many Arg_I devoiding Arg_I of Arg_I neccessary Arg_I preparations Arg_I are Arg_I likely Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I recipes Arg_I for Arg_I failure Arg_I when Arg_I applying Arg_I for Arg_I jobs, Arg_I mostly Arg_I the Arg_I white-collar Arg_I ones Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O university Arg_B restriction Arg_I has Arg_I both Arg_I pros Arg_I and Arg_I cons Arg_I . O In O my O opinion, O it Arg_B will Arg_I yield Arg_I more Arg_I negative Arg_I results Arg_I than Arg_I positive Arg_I ones Arg_I . O That's O why O it Arg_B should Arg_I be Arg_I made Arg_I available Arg_I for Arg_I a Arg_I wide Arg_I range Arg_I of Arg_I learners Arg_I . O Teacher O is O the O best O option O for O children's O education O in O some O aspects O Recently, O there O has O been O a O social O concern O with O regard O to O who O is O the O best O teacher O for O children's O education O . O Indeed, O children O grow O up O with O two O important O people, O their O parents O and O teachers, O and O both O are O important O in O children's O development O . O As O far O as O I O am O concerned, O I O agree O with O the O view O that O the Arg_B teacher Arg_I is Arg_I the Arg_I best Arg_I option Arg_I for Arg_I children's Arg_I education Arg_I in Arg_I some Arg_I aspects Arg_I . O In O the O first O place, O school Arg_B teachers Arg_I are Arg_I more Arg_I qualified Arg_I than Arg_I parents Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I field Arg_I of Arg_I education Arg_I . O For O instance, O to Arg_B be Arg_I able Arg_I to Arg_I obtain Arg_I the Arg_I teacher Arg_I certificates, Arg_I people Arg_I need Arg_I years Arg_I of Arg_I training Arg_I at Arg_I their Arg_I normal Arg_I schools Arg_I to Arg_I learn Arg_I theoretical Arg_I knowledge Arg_I . O However, O in Arg_B comparison Arg_I to Arg_I teachers, Arg_I parents Arg_I tend Arg_I to Arg_I have Arg_I less Arg_I knowledge Arg_I to Arg_I teach Arg_I their Arg_I children's Arg_I subjects Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I mathematics Arg_I and Arg_I physics Arg_I . O Furthermore, O teaching Arg_B staff Arg_I are Arg_I professional Arg_I and Arg_I experienced Arg_I in Arg_I terms Arg_I of Arg_I promoting Arg_I children's Arg_I communication Arg_I skills Arg_I . O For O example, O after Arg_B many Arg_I years Arg_I of Arg_I teaching Arg_I experience, Arg_I teacher Arg_I are Arg_I able Arg_I to Arg_I know Arg_I how Arg_I to Arg_I help Arg_I children Arg_I to Arg_I develop Arg_I important Arg_I life Arg_I skills Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I learning Arg_I personal Arg_I boundaries, Arg_I facing Arg_I future Arg_I problems Arg_I and Arg_I learning Arg_I important Arg_I conflict Arg_I resolution Arg_I skills Arg_I . O By O contrast, O parents Arg_B are Arg_I facing Arg_I difficult Arg_I generation Arg_I gap Arg_I with Arg_I their Arg_I children Arg_I because Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I less Arg_I likely Arg_I to Arg_I know Arg_I how Arg_I to Arg_I handle Arg_I family Arg_I conflicts Arg_I in Arg_I an Arg_I efficient Arg_I way Arg_I . O Last O but O not O least, O compared Arg_B with Arg_I teachers, Arg_I parents Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I have Arg_I enough Arg_I time Arg_I to Arg_I spend Arg_I with Arg_I their Arg_I children Arg_I . O Nowadays O we O are O facing O a O global O economic O crisis O and O it O is O necessary O for O both O parents O to O work, O hence O there Arg_B is Arg_I only Arg_I limited Arg_I time Arg_I for Arg_I them Arg_I to Arg_I teach Arg_I their Arg_I children Arg_I . O Thus, O it Arg_B was Arg_I impossible Arg_I for Arg_I them Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I teacher Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O teachers Arg_B are Arg_I the Arg_I best Arg_I for Arg_I children's Arg_I education Arg_I . O Not Arg_B only Arg_I do Arg_I they Arg_I contribute Arg_I much Arg_I to Arg_I children's Arg_I professional Arg_I skills Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I they Arg_I can Arg_I teach Arg_I their Arg_I students Arg_I important Arg_I social Arg_I communication Arg_I techniques Arg_I in Arg_I order Arg_I to Arg_I survive Arg_I in Arg_I this Arg_I competitive Arg_I world Arg_I . O Salary O is O the O most O important O consideration O when O choosing O a O job O Along O with O the O increasing O physical O demands O of O human O life, O salary O has O become O the O most O influential O consideration O in O defining O careers O of O everyone O . O I O personally O suppose O that O there Arg_B are Arg_I still Arg_I many Arg_I other Arg_I aspects Arg_I which Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I seen Arg_I as Arg_I important Arg_I as Arg_I income Arg_I when Arg_I people Arg_I choose Arg_I a Arg_I job Arg_I . O In O the O following O paragraphs, O some O of O my O viewpoints O would O be O given O and O analyzed O respectively O . O On O one O hand, O i O agree O that O money Arg_B is Arg_I very Arg_I essential Arg_I in Arg_I order Arg_I to Arg_I meet Arg_I human' Arg_I basic Arg_I needs Arg_I . O More O specifically, O people Arg_B tend Arg_I to Arg_I choose Arg_I high Arg_I salary Arg_I jobs Arg_I so Arg_I as Arg_I to Arg_I not Arg_I only Arg_I help Arg_I themselves Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I support Arg_I partially Arg_I or Arg_I wholly Arg_I their Arg_I family's Arg_I living Arg_I needs Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I food Arg_I , Arg_I clothes, Arg_I accommodation, Arg_I education, Arg_I medication Arg_I . O It O is O obvious O that O people Arg_B who Arg_I are Arg_I woking Arg_I in Arg_I art Arg_I or Arg_I painting Arg_I industries, Arg_I for Arg_I example, Arg_I will Arg_I find Arg_I it Arg_I quite Arg_I difficult Arg_I to Arg_I live Arg_I comfortably Arg_I and Arg_I enjoyably Arg_I . O This O is O because O they Arg_B are Arg_I doing Arg_I what Arg_I they Arg_I love, Arg_I their Arg_I income Arg_I however Arg_I seems Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I quite Arg_I low Arg_I compared Arg_I to Arg_I many Arg_I other Arg_I career Arg_I paths Arg_I . O On O the O other O hand, O i O believe O that O if Arg_B we Arg_I are Arg_I passionate Arg_I about Arg_I what Arg_I we Arg_I are Arg_I working, Arg_I we Arg_I are Arg_I likely Arg_I to Arg_I achieve Arg_I success Arg_I easily Arg_I in Arg_I that Arg_I field Arg_I . O There Arg_B are Arg_I plenty Arg_I of Arg_I people, Arg_I who Arg_I are Arg_I now Arg_I really Arg_I successful, Arg_I have Arg_I started Arg_I working Arg_I in Arg_I challenging Arg_I as Arg_I well Arg_I as Arg_I competitive Arg_I fields Arg_I as Arg_I singers, Arg_I dancers Arg_I and Arg_I painters Arg_I . O Besides, O important Arg_B factors Arg_I in Arg_I choosing Arg_I a Arg_I job Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I level Arg_I of Arg_I happiness, Arg_I satisfaction Arg_I of Arg_I jobs, Arg_I personal Arg_I relationships, Arg_I professional Arg_I skills, Arg_I working Arg_I environment, Arg_I managers Arg_I and Arg_I colleagues Arg_I should Arg_I not Arg_I be Arg_I underestimated Arg_I . O Finally, O some Arg_B people Arg_I choose Arg_I a Arg_I career Arg_I due Arg_I to Arg_I their Arg_I desire Arg_I to Arg_I help Arg_I others Arg_I and Arg_I contribute Arg_I positively Arg_I to Arg_I their Arg_I countries Arg_I and Arg_I societies Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O it O is O undeniable O that O income Arg_B is Arg_I still Arg_I a Arg_I vital Arg_I determination Arg_I impacting Arg_I us Arg_I on Arg_I choices Arg_I of Arg_I careers Arg_I . O Nonetheless, O passion Arg_B on Arg_I jobs, Arg_I in Arg_I my Arg_I opinion, Arg_I can Arg_I bring Arg_I actual Arg_I happiness Arg_I and Arg_I help Arg_I us Arg_I get Arg_I promoted Arg_I in Arg_I working Arg_I to Arg_I earn Arg_I even Arg_I more Arg_I money Arg_I later Arg_I on Arg_I . O Increased O taxation O on O petrol O and O diesel O fuel O to O discourage O private O cars? O There O is O no O doubt O our O life O has O had O a O change O for O the O better O since O cars O were O introduced O . O However, O cars O themselves, O especially O private O ones, O have O exerted O severe O pressure O on O the O environment O and O economy O for O wasteful O oil O consumption O . O While Arg_B many Arg_I believe Arg_I that Arg_I petrol Arg_I and Arg_I diesel Arg_I fuel Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I charged Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I highest Arg_I taxation, Arg_I I Arg_I strongly Arg_I disagree Arg_I with Arg_I this Arg_I notion Arg_I . O One O can O not O deny O the O fact O that O if Arg_B petrol Arg_I and Arg_I fuel Arg_I taxation Arg_I are Arg_I raised, Arg_I people Arg_I might Arg_I hesitate Arg_I choosing Arg_I a Arg_I personal Arg_I automobile Arg_I . O Taxation Arg_B may Arg_I have Arg_I tackled Arg_I the Arg_I environmental Arg_I issue Arg_I simply Arg_I by Arg_I diverting Arg_I people Arg_I to Arg_I public Arg_I transportations Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I trains, Arg_I buses Arg_I or Arg_I ferries Arg_I . O Additionally, O for Arg_B those Arg_I who Arg_I have Arg_I already Arg_I afforded Arg_I a Arg_I car, Arg_I there Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I likelihood Arg_I it Arg_I is Arg_I restraint Arg_I from Arg_I usage Arg_I on Arg_I long Arg_I journeys Arg_I or Arg_I to Arg_I crowded Arg_I cities Arg_I . O However, O taxation Arg_B on Arg_I flamable Arg_I resources Arg_I might Arg_I backfire Arg_I by Arg_I conducing Arg_I to Arg_I inflation Arg_I . O To O be O precise, O the Arg_B more Arg_I costly Arg_I petrol Arg_I is, Arg_I the Arg_I higher Arg_I the Arg_I price Arg_I of Arg_I necessary Arg_I product: Arg_I rice, Arg_I meat Arg_I or Arg_I even Arg_I vegetable Arg_I . O Consequently, O people Arg_B have Arg_I to Arg_I turn Arg_I to Arg_I cheaper Arg_I alternatives, Arg_I which Arg_I might Arg_I cause Arg_I the Arg_I abundance Arg_I in Arg_I goods Arg_I and Arg_I later Arg_I on, Arg_I economic Arg_I crisis Arg_I . O Another O point O that O should O be O taken O into O account O is O countries Arg_B that Arg_I import Arg_I oil Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I more Arg_I dependent Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I exporters, Arg_I both Arg_I politically Arg_I and Arg_I financially Arg_I . O Suppose Arg_B that Arg_I the Arg_I those Arg_I countries Arg_I cut Arg_I down Arg_I on Arg_I its Arg_I oil Arg_I support, Arg_I other Arg_I nations Arg_I will Arg_I have Arg_I to Arg_I pay Arg_I more Arg_I as Arg_I well Arg_I as Arg_I release Arg_I beneficial Arg_I policies Arg_I for Arg_I them Arg_I . O America, Arg_B for Arg_I example, Arg_I has Arg_I recently Arg_I drawn Arg_I its Arg_I intervention Arg_I in Arg_I Russian Arg_I crisis Arg_I only Arg_I due Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I influx Arg_I of Arg_I oil Arg_I . O To O summarize, O higher Arg_B fuel Arg_I and Arg_I petrol Arg_I cost Arg_I has Arg_I its Arg_I own Arg_I pros Arg_I and Arg_I cons Arg_I . O However, O it Arg_B disadvantages Arg_I may Arg_I outweigh Arg_I its Arg_I advantages Arg_I with Arg_I regard Arg_I to Arg_I economic Arg_I and Arg_I politic Arg_I issues, Arg_I making Arg_I it Arg_I advisable Arg_I to Arg_I seek Arg_I another Arg_I options Arg_I to Arg_I reduce Arg_I the Arg_I use Arg_I of Arg_I personal Arg_I cars Arg_I . O Police O force O carries O guns O - O significant O impact O for O level O of O violence O The O increasing O number O of O street O criminals O leading O to O carrying O guns O in O police O force O has O become O one O of O the O most O significant O issues O that O many O people O of O today's O society O are O very O concerned O for O . O Few O individuals O assume O that O this Arg_B trend Arg_I reflects Arg_I and Arg_I enhances Arg_I the Arg_I high Arg_I level Arg_I of Arg_I violence Arg_I in Arg_I society Arg_I . O I O totally O agree O with O this O viewpoint O for O some O specific O reasons O which O would O be O given O and O analyzed O in O the O following O paragraphs O . O First O of O all, O we Arg_B need Arg_I to Arg_I consider Arg_I that Arg_I police Arg_I armed Arg_I with Arg_I guns Arg_I or Arg_I any Arg_I other Arg_I kinds Arg_I of Arg_I legal Arg_I weapons Arg_I just Arg_I attempts Arg_I to Arg_I protect Arg_I not Arg_I only Arg_I civilians Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I himself Arg_I . O As O a O result, O criminals Arg_B todays Arg_I are Arg_I very Arg_I sophisticated Arg_I so Arg_I they Arg_I spend Arg_I a Arg_I large Arg_I amount Arg_I of Arg_I money Arg_I to Arg_I acquire Arg_I modern Arg_I weapons Arg_I to Arg_I cope Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I police Arg_I and Arg_I serve Arg_I their Arg_I own Arg_I nefarious Arg_I needs Arg_I . O Thus, O citizens Arg_B in Arg_I that Arg_I society Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I shot Arg_I by Arg_I both Arg_I police Arg_I and Arg_I offenders Arg_I accidentally Arg_I . O Moreover, O while Arg_B on Arg_I duty, Arg_I not Arg_I only Arg_I are Arg_I private Arg_I citizens Arg_I affected Arg_I but Arg_I facilities Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I cars, Arg_I houses, Arg_I streets Arg_I are Arg_I likely Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I destroyed Arg_I by Arg_I guns Arg_I . O Therefore, O a Arg_B society Arg_I that Arg_I its Arg_I police Arg_I force Arg_I carries Arg_I guns Arg_I will Arg_I be Arg_I definitely Arg_I seen Arg_I as Arg_I a Arg_I highly Arg_I violent Arg_I one Arg_I . O Secondly, O police Arg_B force Arg_I carries Arg_I guns Arg_I only Arg_I in Arg_I high Arg_I crime Arg_I societies Arg_I . O Hence, O people Arg_B and Arg_I police Arg_I in Arg_I those Arg_I ones Arg_I usually Arg_I deal Arg_I with Arg_I dangerous Arg_I diverse Arg_I crime's Arg_I categories Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I theft, Arg_I robbery, Arg_I murder, Arg_I rape, Arg_I vandalism, Arg_I arson Arg_I . O Obviously, O Those Arg_B are Arg_I possibly Arg_I the Arg_I strongest Arg_I evidences Arg_I to Arg_I determine Arg_I a Arg_I society Arg_I suffering Arg_I a Arg_I high Arg_I level Arg_I of Arg_I violence Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O from O the O above O views, O although O being O armed O with O guns O in O the O police O force O is O necessary, O it Arg_B will Arg_I bring Arg_I the Arg_I higher Arg_I level Arg_I of Arg_I violence Arg_I . O Additionally, O the O government O should O to O impose O strict O laws O in O carrying O weapons O as O well O as O give O professional O training O to O them O in O order O to O avoid O any O influence O on O civilians' O lives O . O Negative O effects O of O technological O process O It O is O undeniable O that O technological O process O has O brought O numerous O benefits O making O human O life O become O more O and O more O comfortable O and O easy O . O Some O individuals O assume O that O this O technological O development O also O causes O many O drawbacks O impacting O seriously O on O our O lives O . O I O personally O disagree O with O this O view O . O In O the O following O paragraphs, O both O sides O of O the O above O matter O as O well O as O my O own O view's O explanations O would O be O analyzed O and O given, O respectively O . O Firstly, O it O is O undoubtedly O that O thanks Arg_B to Arg_I modern Arg_I technology Arg_I invented Arg_I recently, Arg_I human Arg_I life Arg_I has Arg_I been Arg_I improved Arg_I dramatically Arg_I . O Air-conditioners, Arg_B computers, Arg_I cellphones, Arg_I washing Arg_I machines, Arg_I for Arg_I example, Arg_I is Arg_I likely Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I seen Arg_I as Arg_I greatest Arg_I inventions Arg_I helping Arg_I people Arg_I to Arg_I reduce Arg_I stress Arg_I and Arg_I time Arg_I for Arg_I other Arg_I activities Arg_I . O Moreover, O applying Arg_B technological Arg_I science Arg_I into Arg_I the Arg_I preparation Arg_I of Arg_I medications Arg_I also Arg_I plays Arg_I a Arg_I significant Arg_I role Arg_I in Arg_I saving Arg_I the Arg_I number Arg_I of Arg_I patients' Arg_I lives Arg_I . O However, O some O negative O aspects O of O technological O process O need O to O be O mentioned O clearly O . O In O spite O of O bring O fantastic O advantages, O technological Arg_B products Arg_I have Arg_I devastated Arg_I the Arg_I natural Arg_I environment Arg_I indirectly Arg_I through Arg_I its Arg_I production Arg_I process Arg_I . O This O is O because O exploiting Arg_B and Arg_I collecting Arg_I raw Arg_I materials Arg_I as Arg_I well Arg_I as Arg_I essential Arg_I fuels Arg_I to Arg_I serve Arg_I the Arg_I production Arg_I of Arg_I technological Arg_I products Arg_I have Arg_I destroyed Arg_I nature Arg_I seriously Arg_I . O Last O but O not O least, O technology Arg_B may Arg_I decrease Arg_I a Arg_I great Arg_I deal Arg_I of Arg_I creativity Arg_I in Arg_I certain Arg_I groups Arg_I of Arg_I people Arg_I especially Arg_I children Arg_I and Arg_I the Arg_I youth Arg_I due Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I dependence Arg_I upon Arg_I available Arg_I achievements Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O I O totally O believe O that O technology Arg_B has Arg_I a Arg_I great Arg_I contribution Arg_I to Arg_I our Arg_I lives Arg_I and Arg_I civilization Arg_I . O We Arg_B can Arg_I not Arg_I neglect Arg_I profound Arg_I impact Arg_I of Arg_I great Arg_I technological Arg_I process Arg_I on Arg_I human Arg_I life Arg_I . O Nonetheless, O its O adverse O effects O need O controlling O more O reasonably O . O Large O amount O of O violence O in O television O programs O Excessive O violence O in O television O programs O has O been O one O of O the O major O concerns O facing O society O . O Reducing O such O contents O from O TV O shows O is O the O widely O accepted O solution O endorsed O by O the O majority O of O governments O throughout O the O world O today O . O Personally, O I O believe O that O governments Arg_B should Arg_I definitely Arg_I reduce Arg_I violent Arg_I components Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I minimum Arg_I in Arg_I kidvids, Arg_I while Arg_I such Arg_I contents Arg_I remain Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I TV Arg_I shows Arg_I that Arg_I for Arg_I mature Arg_I minds Arg_I to Arg_I watch Arg_I would Arg_I be Arg_I entirely Arg_I reasonable Arg_I . O Admittedly, O reducing Arg_B the Arg_I proportion Arg_I of Arg_I violent Arg_I content Arg_I in Arg_I TV Arg_I shows Arg_I could, Arg_I to Arg_I some Arg_I degree, Arg_I decrease Arg_I the Arg_I overall Arg_I crime Arg_I rate Arg_I . O However, O in O order O to O tackle O this O problem O more O effectively, O governments Arg_B must Arg_I first Arg_I prohibit Arg_I any Arg_I types Arg_I of Arg_I violent Arg_I content Arg_I in Arg_I all Arg_I children’s Arg_I television Arg_I programs Arg_I . O As Arg_B a Arg_I result Arg_I of Arg_I mental Arg_I immaturity, Arg_I most Arg_I youngsters Arg_I are Arg_I incapable Arg_I of Arg_I distinguishing Arg_I right Arg_I from Arg_I wrong Arg_I . O Little O wonder, O then, O that O by Arg_B watching Arg_I these Arg_I violent Arg_I TV Arg_I programs Arg_I and Arg_I videos, Arg_I juveniles Arg_I will Arg_I become Arg_I very Arg_I aggressive Arg_I and Arg_I offensive Arg_I and Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I great Arg_I tendency Arg_I to Arg_I commit Arg_I crimes Arg_I . O Therefore, O it Arg_B would Arg_I be Arg_I rather Arg_I necessary Arg_I for Arg_I governments Arg_I to Arg_I establish Arg_I an Arg_I intensive Arg_I law Arg_I that Arg_I prevents Arg_I teenagers Arg_I from Arg_I watching Arg_I these Arg_I violent Arg_I and Arg_I brutal Arg_I TV Arg_I Shows Arg_I and Arg_I movies Arg_I . O Nevertheless, O it Arg_B would Arg_I certainly Arg_I be Arg_I a Arg_I violation Arg_I of Arg_I adults’ Arg_I civil Arg_I liberties, Arg_I if Arg_I governments Arg_I implement Arg_I such Arg_I a Arg_I restricted Arg_I regulation Arg_I on Arg_I these Arg_I TV Arg_I shows Arg_I or Arg_I movies Arg_I that Arg_I only Arg_I for Arg_I mature Arg_I audiences Arg_I . O Frequently, O adults Arg_B watch Arg_I horror Arg_I video Arg_I or Arg_I war Arg_I movies Arg_I for Arg_I relaxing Arg_I themselves Arg_I after Arg_I a Arg_I busy Arg_I day Arg_I . O For Arg_B whom, Arg_I such Arg_I media Arg_I sources Arg_I are Arg_I mere Arg_I materials Arg_I of Arg_I relaxation Arg_I and Arg_I entertainment Arg_I . O Considering Arg_B that Arg_I these Arg_I mature Arg_I minds Arg_I are Arg_I capable Arg_I of Arg_I being Arg_I responsible Arg_I for Arg_I their Arg_I own Arg_I behaviors, Arg_I they Arg_I certainly Arg_I have Arg_I the Arg_I right Arg_I to Arg_I watch Arg_I TV Arg_I shows Arg_I or Arg_I movies Arg_I that Arg_I are Arg_I appealing Arg_I to Arg_I them Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O it O is O my O belief O that O violent O contents O must O be O excluded O from O all O kidvids O in O order O to O reduce O the O proportion O of O juvenile O delinquency; O however, O the O adults O should O not O be O the O victim O of O this O policy O . O Do O guns O can O really O increase O the O level O of O violence? O The O number O of O criminality O is O increase O rapidly O throughout O the O world O . O Some O inhabitants O argue O that O this O case O appears O because O the O guns O are O always O used O by O a O police O to O solve O a O criminal O act O . O Personally, O I O tend O to O disagree O with O this O statement, O while O I O believe O that O other O factors O contribute O a O slight O incline O level O of O violence O . O On O the O one O hand, O I O agree O that O a Arg_B police Arg_I holds Arg_I a Arg_I responsibility Arg_I to Arg_I tackle Arg_I of Arg_I violence Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I urban Arg_I or Arg_I suburban Arg_I areas Arg_I using Arg_I a Arg_I gun Arg_I . O An Arg_B obvious Arg_I example Arg_I of Arg_I this Arg_I happens Arg_I in Arg_I The Arg_I United Arg_I State, Arg_I a Arg_I man Arg_I killed Arg_I more Arg_I than Arg_I ten Arg_I people Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I cinema Arg_I using Arg_I a Arg_I weapon, Arg_I while Arg_I a Arg_I police Arg_I shot Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I foot Arg_I to Arg_I paralyze Arg_I him Arg_I . O Obviously, O police O officers O can O force O a O criminal O to O surrender, O because O they Arg_B have Arg_I a Arg_I weapon Arg_I which Arg_I will Arg_I prevent Arg_I an Arg_I escaping Arg_I criminal Arg_I who Arg_I poses Arg_I a Arg_I serious Arg_I danger Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I public Arg_I . O As O a O result, O some Arg_B military Arg_I weapons Arg_I need Arg_I encouraging Arg_I for Arg_I police Arg_I officers Arg_I to Arg_I protect Arg_I the Arg_I public Arg_I and Arg_I minimize Arg_I the Arg_I rate Arg_I of Arg_I violence Arg_I . O On O the O other O hand, O there Arg_B are Arg_I some Arg_I reason Arg_I why Arg_I the Arg_I level Arg_I of Arg_I bloody Arg_I increases Arg_I significantly Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I communities Arg_I . O Firstly, O the Arg_B number Arg_I of Arg_I unemployment Arg_I rate Arg_I has Arg_I risen Arg_I to Arg_I 15 Arg_I percent Arg_I in Arg_I several Arg_I globalized Arg_I and Arg_I non-globalized Arg_I countries Arg_I . O Many Arg_B well-qualified Arg_I and Arg_I well-educated Arg_I person Arg_I cannot Arg_I earn Arg_I some Arg_I money Arg_I to Arg_I live Arg_I comfortably Arg_I . O Secondly, O cost Arg_B of Arg_I living Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I big Arg_I city Arg_I is Arg_I extremely Arg_I expensive, Arg_I so Arg_I this Arg_I problem Arg_I impresses Arg_I some Arg_I people Arg_I who Arg_I live Arg_I under Arg_I the Arg_I poverty Arg_I line Arg_I to Arg_I do Arg_I anything Arg_I to Arg_I pay Arg_I their Arg_I basic Arg_I needs Arg_I . O Many Arg_B baggers Arg_I chose Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I a Arg_I pickpocket Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I public Arg_I transport, Arg_I for Arg_I instance Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O it O seems O to O me O that O the Arg_B guns Arg_I which Arg_I are Arg_I used Arg_I by Arg_I police Arg_I have Arg_I not Arg_I been Arg_I a Arg_I trigger Arg_I of Arg_I higher Arg_I level Arg_I of Arg_I violence Arg_I . O However, O some O cases O occupy O a O crucial O reason O to O do O a O criminality O in O society O such O unemployment O . O In O my O view, O the O main O focus O is O decreasing O a O level O of O unemployment O to O avoid O a O criminal O act O . O Life O in O Big O Cities O Vs O People's O health O Today, O more O and O more O people O are O moving O to O big O cities O to O live O . O However, O while O life O in O those O cities O is O good O in O some O ways, O I O completely O argue O that O people's Arg_B health Arg_I would Arg_I therefore Arg_I be Arg_I affected Arg_I negatively Arg_I . O Environment Arg_B pollution Arg_I one Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I primary Arg_I reasons Arg_I why Arg_I life Arg_I in Arg_I cities Arg_I is Arg_I becoming Arg_I worse Arg_I than Arg_I ever Arg_I before Arg_I . O Exhaust Arg_B from Arg_I transportation, Arg_I especially Arg_I cars, Arg_I and Arg_I factories' Arg_I tosix Arg_I fumes Arg_I can Arg_I lead Arg_I people Arg_I to Arg_I face Arg_I with Arg_I various Arg_I respiratory Arg_I deseases Arg_I . O Besides, O water Arg_B pollution Arg_I makes Arg_I people's Arg_I health Arg_I become Arg_I more Arg_I critical Arg_I . O The O fact O is O that O dangerous Arg_B bacterias Arg_I and Arg_I germs Arg_I in Arg_I polluted Arg_I water Arg_I can Arg_I go Arg_I indirectly Arg_I into Arg_I people's Arg_I bodies Arg_I and Arg_I create Arg_I severe Arg_I problems, Arg_I which Arg_I may Arg_I result Arg_I in Arg_I death Arg_I if Arg_I the Arg_I patients Arg_I are Arg_I not Arg_I treated Arg_I in Arg_I time Arg_I . O Moreover, O it Arg_B is Arg_I likely Arg_I that Arg_I many Arg_I foods Arg_I in Arg_I big Arg_I cities Arg_I are Arg_I not Arg_I safe Arg_I for Arg_I people Arg_I to Arg_I eat Arg_I or Arg_I drink Arg_I . O Recent Arg_B investigations Arg_I reveal Arg_I that Arg_I toxic Arg_I foods Arg_I are Arg_I sold Arg_I pervasively Arg_I in Arg_I today's Arg_I market Arg_I . O Also, O overpopulation Arg_B may Arg_I make Arg_I people Arg_I suffer Arg_I from Arg_I infectious Arg_I deseases, Arg_I especially Arg_I cough, Arg_I sneezing Arg_I and Arg_I illness Arg_I . O Furthermore, O living Arg_B in Arg_I such Arg_I cities Arg_I also Arg_I means Arg_I living Arg_I in Arg_I high Arg_I crime Arg_I rate Arg_I areas Arg_I . O Unemployed Arg_B workers Arg_I or Arg_I school Arg_I dropouts Arg_I can Arg_I easily Arg_I commit Arg_I crime Arg_I from Arg_I petty Arg_I offence Arg_I to Arg_I felony Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I burglary, Arg_I pickpocketing, Arg_I trickery, Arg_I vandalism, Arg_I smuggling Arg_I or Arg_I even Arg_I murder Arg_I . O Earning Arg_B money Arg_I for Arg_I living Arg_I becomes Arg_I more Arg_I difficult, Arg_I living Arg_I healthy Arg_I in Arg_I such Arg_I places Arg_I is Arg_I getting Arg_I harder Arg_I also Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O I O believe O that O life Arg_B in Arg_I big Arg_I cities Arg_I can Arg_I have Arg_I negative Arg_I effects Arg_I on Arg_I people's Arg_I health Arg_I . O Thus, O both O government O and O individual O should O take O steps O to O diminish O the O consequences O involved O . O Gun O control O and O increasing O violence O Some O people O may O argue O that O allowing O policemen O to O carries O firearms O can O increase O violence O in O the O society O . O To O some O extent, O I O do O not O agree O with O this O assertion O because O I O believe O that O criminal Arg_B minds Arg_I that Arg_I breed Arg_I violence Arg_I not Arg_I stringent Arg_I gun Arg_I control Arg_I . O First O of O all, O it O seems O to O be O true O that O if Arg_B there Arg_I is Arg_I gun Arg_I control Arg_I somehow Arg_I crime Arg_I has Arg_I to Arg_I decrease Arg_I because O fewer Arg_B guns Arg_I available Arg_I mean Arg_I less Arg_I crime Arg_I . O However, O this Arg_B is Arg_I not Arg_I as Arg_I simple Arg_I as Arg_I it Arg_I sounds Arg_I . O In O fact, O stringent Arg_B gun Arg_I control Arg_I does Arg_I not Arg_I decrease Arg_I violence Arg_I and Arg_I crime Arg_I because O most Arg_B gun Arg_I violence Arg_I is Arg_I committed Arg_I with Arg_I guns Arg_I obtained Arg_I illegally Arg_I . O People Arg_B who Arg_I are Arg_I intent Arg_I to Arg_I commit Arg_I crime Arg_I and Arg_I control Arg_I cities Arg_I through Arg_I gang Arg_I violence Arg_I and Arg_I other Arg_I means Arg_I will Arg_I find Arg_I a Arg_I way Arg_I to Arg_I continue Arg_I to Arg_I use Arg_I guns, Arg_I regardless Arg_I of Arg_I gun Arg_I control Arg_I . O Moreover, O there Arg_B will Arg_I be Arg_I law Arg_I non-abiding Arg_I people Arg_I anywhere Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I world, Arg_I either Arg_I polices Arg_I or Arg_I common Arg_I citizens Arg_I . O As O a O result, O the Arg_B root Arg_I of Arg_I violence Arg_I is Arg_I criminal Arg_I mind Arg_I not Arg_I the Arg_I weapon Arg_I itself Arg_I . O Therefore, O if Arg_B a Arg_I government Arg_I wants Arg_I to Arg_I control Arg_I crime Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I community, Arg_I it Arg_I is Arg_I important Arg_I to Arg_I manage Arg_I their Arg_I people's Arg_I actions Arg_I rather Arg_I than Arg_I gun Arg_I used Arg_I in Arg_I violent Arg_I crimes Arg_I . O All O in O all, O it O is O obvious O that O there Arg_B is Arg_I a Arg_I poor Arg_I relationship Arg_I between Arg_I polices Arg_I carrying Arg_I guns Arg_I and Arg_I an Arg_I increasing Arg_I violence Arg_I rate Arg_I . O On O the O other O hand, O criminal Arg_B mind Arg_I seems Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I more Arg_I related Arg_I to Arg_I violence Arg_I . O Consequently, O we O should O pay O more O attention O to O adjust O people's O behaviors O in O order O to O reduce O crimes O instead O of O gun O control O . O Education O plays O an O important O role O in O the O socioeconomic O status O of O a O country O Education O is O undeniably O an O economic O necessity O . O In O most O countries, O it O makes O up O a O considerable O part O of O its O national O budget O yearly O . O In O highly O industrialized O countries, O undertakings O are O made O to O make O it O accessible O and O affordable O to O all O . O I O believe O that O education Arg_B is Arg_I the Arg_I single Arg_I most Arg_I important Arg_I factor Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I development Arg_I of Arg_I a Arg_I country Arg_I . O In Arg_B a Arg_I developing Arg_I country, Arg_I not Arg_I many Arg_I can Arg_I afford Arg_I to Arg_I send Arg_I their Arg_I children Arg_I to Arg_I school Arg_I . O There Arg_B are Arg_I government Arg_I schools Arg_I where Arg_I tuition Arg_I fees Arg_I are Arg_I practically Arg_I free Arg_I but Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I not Arg_I aplenty Arg_I and Arg_I mostly Arg_I are Arg_I situated Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I cities Arg_I . O They Arg_B are Arg_I not Arg_I reachable Arg_I by Arg_I children Arg_I who Arg_I live Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I mountains Arg_I or Arg_I islands Arg_I . O These Arg_B children Arg_I whose Arg_I parents Arg_I are Arg_I either Arg_I farmers Arg_I or Arg_I fishermen, Arg_I can Arg_I hardly Arg_I eat Arg_I three Arg_I meals Arg_I a Arg_I day, Arg_I let Arg_I alone Arg_I afford Arg_I to Arg_I pay Arg_I for Arg_I transportation Arg_I to Arg_I get Arg_I to Arg_I these Arg_I schools Arg_I everyday Arg_I . O As O a O result, O these Arg_B children Arg_I remain Arg_I uneducated Arg_I and Arg_I will Arg_I have Arg_I the Arg_I same Arg_I fate Arg_I as Arg_I their Arg_I parents Arg_I . O Development O through O education O does O not O necessarily O mean O raising O a O country O full O of O doctors, O lawyers O or O engineers O . O Basic Arg_B education Arg_I teaches Arg_I one Arg_I child Arg_I to Arg_I read Arg_I and Arg_I write Arg_I . O Supplementary Arg_B education Arg_I provides Arg_I him Arg_I with Arg_I useful Arg_I knowledge Arg_I and Arg_I information Arg_I . O A Arg_B further Arg_I specific Arg_I education Arg_I can Arg_I teach Arg_I an Arg_I individual Arg_I with Arg_I skills Arg_I enough Arg_I to Arg_I make Arg_I a Arg_I living Arg_I and Arg_I be Arg_I self-sufficient Arg_I . O A Arg_B well-informed Arg_I man Arg_I can Arg_I act Arg_I sensibly Arg_I and Arg_I make Arg_I sound Arg_I judgment Arg_I . O In O the O same O way, O a Arg_B skillful Arg_I man Arg_I contributes Arg_I favorably Arg_I and Arg_I is Arg_I valuable Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I society Arg_I . O Collectively, O the Arg_B benefits Arg_I of Arg_I education Arg_I can Arg_I make Arg_I a Arg_I man, Arg_I a Arg_I society Arg_I and Arg_I a Arg_I developed Arg_I country Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O education Arg_B plays Arg_I an Arg_I important Arg_I role Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I socioeconomic Arg_I status Arg_I of Arg_I a Arg_I country Arg_I . O The Arg_B more Arg_I people Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I country Arg_I become Arg_I educated, Arg_I the Arg_I better Arg_I chance Arg_I it Arg_I can Arg_I develop Arg_I . O Celebrities O & O Their O Influences O Some O people O argue O that O adolescents O are O being O influenced O badly O by O untalented O people O who O become O famous O thanks O to O their O luxurious O lifestyle O and O wealth O . O To O some O extent, O I O do O not O agree O with O this O statement O . O First O of O all, O it O is O true O that O people Arg_B use Arg_I their Arg_I money Arg_I to Arg_I become Arg_I an Arg_I inspiration Arg_I are Arg_I definitely Arg_I not Arg_I a Arg_I good Arg_I mirror Arg_I for Arg_I young Arg_I people Arg_I . O We Arg_B definitely Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I want Arg_I our Arg_I children Arg_I to Arg_I spend Arg_I money Arg_I on Arg_I luxurious Arg_I custom Arg_I or Arg_I lifestyle Arg_I just Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I similar Arg_I to Arg_I someone, Arg_I especially Arg_I when Arg_I these Arg_I people Arg_I are Arg_I not Arg_I symbols Arg_I of Arg_I any Arg_I talent Arg_I but Arg_I showing Arg_I off Arg_I . O However, O the Arg_B young Arg_I generation Arg_I these Arg_I days Arg_I is Arg_I very Arg_I conscious Arg_I toward Arg_I positive Arg_I lifestyles Arg_I . O They Arg_B are Arg_I mostly Arg_I being Arg_I educated Arg_I at Arg_I very Arg_I early Arg_I ages Arg_I by Arg_I family Arg_I or Arg_I schools Arg_I as Arg_I to Arg_I distinguish Arg_I what Arg_I is Arg_I benefit Arg_I for Arg_I them Arg_I . O Therefore, O it Arg_B is Arg_I not Arg_I easy Arg_I to Arg_I influence Arg_I young Arg_I people Arg_I these Arg_I days Arg_I when Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I well Arg_I equipped Arg_I of Arg_I life Arg_I skills Arg_I . O Moreover, O it O seems O to O me O that O not Arg_B many Arg_I people Arg_I can Arg_I exist Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I celebrities' Arg_I world Arg_I without Arg_I any Arg_I talents Arg_I or Arg_I achievements Arg_I . O We Arg_B are Arg_I giving Arg_I chances Arg_I to Arg_I many Arg_I teenagers Arg_I to Arg_I show Arg_I their Arg_I intelligence Arg_I in Arg_I different Arg_I talent Arg_I shows, Arg_I for Arg_I example; Arg_I The Arg_I Voice, Arg_I X Arg_I Factor Arg_I or Arg_I Next Arg_I Top Arg_I Models Arg_I etc Arg_I . O As O a O result, O to Arg_B become Arg_I a Arg_I star Arg_I and Arg_I an Arg_I inspiration Arg_I for Arg_I people, Arg_I a Arg_I person Arg_I need Arg_I to Arg_I have Arg_I real Arg_I talent Arg_I to Arg_I compete Arg_I with Arg_I other Arg_I candidates Arg_I . O Thus, O only Arg_B money Arg_I and Arg_I glamour Arg_I look Arg_I are Arg_I not Arg_I enough Arg_I for Arg_I a Arg_I person Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I recognized Arg_I anymore, Arg_I it Arg_I is Arg_I importance Arg_I that Arg_I they Arg_I have Arg_I to Arg_I have Arg_I achievements Arg_I in Arg_I order Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I a Arg_I muse Arg_I to Arg_I youngsters Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O people Arg_B without Arg_I talents Arg_I cannot Arg_I be Arg_I famous Arg_I in Arg_I this Arg_I changing Arg_I world Arg_I and Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I accredited Arg_I they Arg_I need Arg_I to Arg_I contribute Arg_I positively Arg_I to Arg_I young Arg_I generation Arg_I . O That O is O the O reason O why O celebrities Arg_B nowadays Arg_I give Arg_I more Arg_I good Arg_I influence Arg_I on Arg_I young Arg_I people Arg_I than Arg_I they Arg_I were Arg_I previously Arg_I . O Mobile O phones: O faster O communication O vs O social O problems O Recently, O there O has O been O a O social O concern O with O regard O to O whether O or O not O mobiles O phones O have O negative O effects O on O our O social O life O . O Indeed, O mobile O phones O have O widely O been O used O by O people O of O all O ages O . O However, O I O believe, O this Arg_B great Arg_I invention Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I 21st Arg_I century Arg_I causes Arg_I many Arg_I problems Arg_I in Arg_I our Arg_I society Arg_I . O In O the O first O place, O spending Arg_B too Arg_I much Arg_I time Arg_I on Arg_I mobiles Arg_I phones Arg_I many Arg_I exert Arg_I an Arg_I adverse Arg_I effect Arg_I on Arg_I our Arg_I social Arg_I skills Arg_I . O For O example, O as Arg_B people, Arg_I especially Arg_I teenagers Arg_I increasingly Arg_I tend Arg_I to Arg_I focus Arg_I on Arg_I their Arg_I phones, Arg_I they Arg_I may Arg_I lose Arg_I their Arg_I interests Arg_I on Arg_I daily Arg_I activities Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I meeting Arg_I with Arg_I friends, Arg_I and Arg_I this Arg_I lack Arg_I of Arg_I communication Arg_I may Arg_I impair Arg_I their Arg_I future Arg_I negotiation Arg_I and Arg_I interpersonal Arg_I skills Arg_I . O Moreover, O continuous Arg_B use Arg_I of Arg_I mobile Arg_I phones Arg_I may Arg_I also Arg_I damage Arg_I children's Arg_I eyesight Arg_I and Arg_I physical Arg_I posture Arg_I . O As O a O result, O it Arg_B is Arg_I harmful Arg_I for Arg_I us Arg_I to Arg_I use Arg_I mobile Arg_I phones Arg_I frequently Arg_I . O Furthermore, O the Arg_B growing Arg_I number Arg_I of Arg_I mobiles Arg_I games Arg_I will Arg_I impact Arg_I their Arg_I mental Arg_I development Arg_I . O For O instance, O there Arg_B many Arg_I game Arg_I applications Arg_I available Arg_I online Arg_I and Arg_I many Arg_I of Arg_I them Arg_I are Arg_I quite Arg_I aggressive Arg_I in Arg_I nature Arg_I . O In Arg_B these Arg_I games, Arg_I children Arg_I are Arg_I rewarded Arg_I to Arg_I help Arg_I their Arg_I characters Arg_I to Arg_I kill Arg_I or Arg_I shoot Arg_I monsters Arg_I or Arg_I characters Arg_I controlled Arg_I by Arg_I other Arg_I players, Arg_I and Arg_I this Arg_I many Arg_I lead Arg_I to Arg_I development Arg_I of Arg_I aggressive Arg_I feelings, Arg_I thoughts Arg_I and Arg_I behaviors Arg_I . O Consequently, O frequent Arg_B conflicts Arg_I may Arg_I occur Arg_I during Arg_I communication Arg_I . O However, O we O may O perceive O this O issue O from O different O viewpoints O . O Mobile Arg_B phones Arg_I , Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I smart Arg_I phones, Arg_I has Arg_I made Arg_I our Arg_I communication Arg_I easy Arg_I and Arg_I convenience Arg_I . O The O reason O is O that, O as Arg_B most Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I telecommunication Arg_I companies Arg_I provide Arg_I us Arg_I with Arg_I access Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I internet Arg_I via Arg_I our Arg_I phones, Arg_I people Arg_I are Arg_I able Arg_I to Arg_I enjoy Arg_I sending Arg_I instant Arg_I messages Arg_I and Arg_I making Arg_I international Arg_I calls Arg_I free Arg_I of Arg_I charge Arg_I . O Thus, O mobile Arg_B phones Arg_I have Arg_I shortened Arg_I the Arg_I distance Arg_I of Arg_I communication Arg_I . O To O sum O up, O although O mobile O phones O make O our O communication O faster, O it Arg_B also Arg_I gives Arg_I rise Arg_I to Arg_I many Arg_I social Arg_I problems Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I children's Arg_I social Arg_I skills Arg_I and Arg_I their Arg_I mental Arg_I health Arg_I . O Therefore, O i O highly O advocate O that O we O should O use O mobile O phone O in O moderation O in O order O to O avoid O these O serious O problems O . O The O environment O problems O facing O today's O world O are O so O great O Nowadays, O many O countries O are O concerned O with O the O environment O problems O . O There O is O a O viewpoint O that O the O government O and O big O firms O should O assume O the O responsibility O to O protect O the O environment O and O normal O citizens O have O nothing O to O do O for O that O . O Personally, O I O think O both O government O and O common O people O should O have O the O responsibility O for O the O environment, O but O we O need O to O analyze O some O specific O situations O . O On O one O hand, O solving Arg_B some Arg_I environmental Arg_I problems Arg_I needs Arg_I large Arg_I budgets Arg_I and Arg_I various Arg_I technologies, Arg_I and Arg_I the Arg_I government Arg_I and Arg_I corporations Arg_I have Arg_I the Arg_I ability Arg_I to Arg_I deal Arg_I with Arg_I these Arg_I problems Arg_I . O For O example, O air Arg_B pollution Arg_I and Arg_I water Arg_I quality Arg_I has Arg_I concerned Arg_I many Arg_I countries, Arg_I and Arg_I the Arg_I government Arg_I is Arg_I able Arg_I to Arg_I implement Arg_I some Arg_I policies Arg_I and Arg_I invest Arg_I money Arg_I to Arg_I reduce Arg_I air Arg_I pollution, Arg_I while Arg_I companies Arg_I also Arg_I can Arg_I enhance Arg_I their Arg_I technologies Arg_I to Arg_I curb Arg_I emission Arg_I of Arg_I contaminated Arg_I water Arg_I and Arg_I substances Arg_I . O However, O individuals Arg_B are Arg_I unable Arg_I to Arg_I cope Arg_I with Arg_I these Arg_I things Arg_I . O Besides, O the Arg_B government Arg_I and Arg_I firms Arg_I could Arg_I have Arg_I significant Arg_I influences Arg_I on Arg_I environmental Arg_I awareness Arg_I of Arg_I people Arg_I . O It Arg_B is Arg_I necessary Arg_I for Arg_I every Arg_I citizen Arg_I to Arg_I have Arg_I the Arg_I awareness Arg_I and Arg_I knowledge Arg_I of Arg_I environment Arg_I protection Arg_I . O This O means O that O we O should O convey O corresponding O policies O and O knowledge O to O the O public O and O society, O and O the Arg_B government Arg_I controls Arg_I many Arg_I influential Arg_I media, Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I TV Arg_I stations Arg_I and Arg_I newspapers, Arg_I which Arg_I can Arg_I provide Arg_I plenty Arg_I of Arg_I environmental Arg_I knowledge Arg_I and Arg_I related Arg_I policies Arg_I to Arg_I citizens Arg_I . O On O the O other O hand, O it Arg_B is Arg_I possible Arg_I for Arg_I ordinary Arg_I people Arg_I to Arg_I participate Arg_I in Arg_I some Arg_I actions Arg_I of Arg_I environment Arg_I protection, Arg_I and Arg_I they Arg_I also Arg_I can Arg_I benefit Arg_I from Arg_I the Arg_I improvement Arg_I of Arg_I environment Arg_I . O For O instance, O many Arg_B people Arg_I driving Arg_I private Arg_I cars Arg_I could Arg_I cause Arg_I air Arg_I pollution, Arg_I and Arg_I overusing Arg_I plastic Arg_I packages Arg_I would Arg_I affect Arg_I the Arg_I environment Arg_I . O If Arg_B people Arg_I can Arg_I gradually Arg_I change Arg_I some Arg_I lifestyles Arg_I in Arg_I these Arg_I daily Arg_I activities, Arg_I this Arg_I will Arg_I have Arg_I many Arg_I significant Arg_I impacts Arg_I on Arg_I environmental Arg_I improvement Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O the Arg_B government Arg_I and Arg_I corporations Arg_I should Arg_I take Arg_I more Arg_I responsibility Arg_I for Arg_I addressing Arg_I environmental Arg_I issues, Arg_I but Arg_I every Arg_I citizen Arg_I also Arg_I can Arg_I contribute Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I environment Arg_I . O Is O it O necessary O to O teach O children O handwriting? O In O this O age O of O modern O technology, O some O people O usually O underestimate O the O importance O of O teaching O handwriting O for O children O . O To O some O people, O it O is O considered O as O an O arduous O and O time O consuming O task O . O From O my O point O of O view, O children Arg_B are Arg_I those Arg_I who Arg_I need Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I under Arg_I instruction Arg_I of Arg_I handwriting Arg_I for O several O reasons O . O Despite O the O convenience O from O up-to-date O facilities, O handwriting Arg_B still Arg_I plays Arg_I a Arg_I vital Arg_I role Arg_I in Arg_I students' Arg_I learning Arg_I . O Firstly, O this Arg_B approach Arg_I is Arg_I a Arg_I basis Arg_I tool Arg_I used Arg_I in Arg_I several Arg_I fields Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I taking Arg_I notes, Arg_I doing Arg_I homework Arg_I and Arg_I writing Arg_I . O It Arg_B enables Arg_I to Arg_I improve Arg_I learners' Arg_I spelling Arg_I capacity Arg_I and Arg_I accompany Arg_I reading Arg_I or Arg_I writing Arg_I disabilities Arg_I as Arg_I well Arg_I . O Under Arg_B the Arg_I guidance Arg_I of Arg_I parents Arg_I or Arg_I teachers, Arg_I children Arg_I can Arg_I benefit Arg_I from Arg_I practicing Arg_I handwriting Arg_I . O This Arg_B way Arg_I of Arg_I writing Arg_I will Arg_I encourage Arg_I them Arg_I to Arg_I pay Arg_I more Arg_I attention Arg_I on Arg_I content, Arg_I elaborate Arg_I in Arg_I details Arg_I and Arg_I develop Arg_I their Arg_I organization Arg_I abilities Arg_I . O Secondly, O parents O and O schools O should O give O priority O on O directing O their O kids O about O handwriting O as O poor Arg_B handwriting Arg_I can Arg_I have Arg_I a Arg_I negative Arg_I impact Arg_I on Arg_I students' Arg_I school Arg_I performance Arg_I . O The O fact O is O that O kids Arg_B who Arg_I are Arg_I bad Arg_I at Arg_I handwriting Arg_I meet Arg_I difficulties Arg_I in Arg_I taking Arg_I notes Arg_I and Arg_I catching Arg_I up Arg_I lessons Arg_I . O It Arg_B resulted Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I missing Arg_I of Arg_I information Arg_I and Arg_I the Arg_I lack Arg_I of Arg_I details Arg_I during Arg_I their Arg_I works Arg_I . O Moreover, O the Arg_B increasing Arg_I taking Arg_I advantage Arg_I of Arg_I advanced Arg_I equipment Arg_I could Arg_I make Arg_I students Arg_I be Arg_I lazier Arg_I and Arg_I more Arg_I subjective Arg_I in Arg_I their Arg_I writing Arg_I skills Arg_I . O For O example, O with Arg_B the Arg_I assistance Arg_I of Arg_I automatic Arg_I grammar Arg_I and Arg_I spelling Arg_I checking Arg_I in Arg_I office Arg_I word, Arg_I learners Arg_I are Arg_I now Arg_I no Arg_I need Arg_I for Arg_I noticing Arg_I much Arg_I in Arg_I their Arg_I mistakes Arg_I . O To O conclude, O no O matter O how O fast O and O convenient O modern O devices O bring O to O us O in O writing, O handwriting Arg_B is Arg_I still Arg_I a Arg_I needed Arg_I skill Arg_I for Arg_I all Arg_I of Arg_I people, Arg_I especially Arg_I students Arg_I at Arg_I the Arg_I early Arg_I age Arg_I . O The O tax O reduction O of O state O school O for O parents O who O have O children O studying O in O private O system O Some O people O who O send O their O children O to O private O schools O contend O that O the O amount O of O taxes O they O pay O for O the O state O education O is O unreasonable O . O However, O I O am O utterly O convinced O that O these Arg_B taxes Arg_I are Arg_I absolutely Arg_I essential Arg_I . O Firstly, O by Arg_B paying Arg_I taxes Arg_I for Arg_I public Arg_I school, Arg_I affluent Arg_I people Arg_I effectively Arg_I contribute Arg_I to Arg_I narrowing Arg_I down Arg_I the Arg_I gap Arg_I between Arg_I rich Arg_I and Arg_I poor Arg_I . O It O is O true O that O many Arg_B poor Arg_I families Arg_I are Arg_I not Arg_I able Arg_I to Arg_I afford Arg_I tuition Arg_I fees Arg_I for Arg_I their Arg_I kids Arg_I to Arg_I attend Arg_I a Arg_I course Arg_I . O With Arg_B the Arg_I the Arg_I tax Arg_I amount Arg_I for Arg_I which Arg_I they Arg_I pay, Arg_I the Arg_I rich Arg_I may Arg_I help Arg_I a Arg_I vast Arg_I number Arg_I of Arg_I students Arg_I from Arg_I families Arg_I with Arg_I poverty Arg_I background Arg_I to Arg_I continue Arg_I their Arg_I studies, Arg_I and Arg_I earn Arg_I a Arg_I better Arg_I quality Arg_I of Arg_I life Arg_I . O Secondly, O the Arg_B tax Arg_I reduction Arg_I for Arg_I parents Arg_I of Arg_I children Arg_I studying Arg_I in Arg_I private Arg_I schools Arg_I would Arg_I lead Arg_I to Arg_I a Arg_I waste Arg_I of Arg_I public Arg_I capital Arg_I . O Obviously, O this O reduction O would O cause O a O difficulty O to O the O tax O calculation; O therefore, O the Arg_B government Arg_I would Arg_I have Arg_I to Arg_I recruit Arg_I a Arg_I greater Arg_I workforce Arg_I in Arg_I order Arg_I to Arg_I handle Arg_I this Arg_I sophisticated Arg_I issue Arg_I . O In O addition, O the Arg_B government Arg_I would Arg_I also Arg_I pay Arg_I the Arg_I salary Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I excessive Arg_I officials, Arg_I and Arg_I this Arg_I would Arg_I result Arg_I in Arg_I insufficient Arg_I investments Arg_I in Arg_I other Arg_I crucial Arg_I public Arg_I sectors Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I education Arg_I or Arg_I health Arg_I care Arg_I . O Many O parents O supporting O for O the O idea O of O tax O discounts O claim O that O such Arg_B tax Arg_I payments Arg_I are Arg_I unfair Arg_I for Arg_I them Arg_I . O They O point O out O that O it Arg_B is Arg_I irrational Arg_I to Arg_I require Arg_I them Arg_I to Arg_I pay Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I taxes Arg_I they Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I use Arg_I . O Nevertheless, O we Arg_B also Arg_I pay Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I public Arg_I services Arg_I that Arg_I we Arg_I even Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I experience Arg_I a Arg_I chance Arg_I to Arg_I employ Arg_I like Arg_I police Arg_I or Arg_I fire Arg_I brigade Arg_I . O We Arg_B certainly Arg_I do Arg_I not Arg_I hope Arg_I for Arg_I a Arg_I reduction Arg_I for Arg_I these Arg_I sorts Arg_I of Arg_I taxes Arg_I . O On O the O whole, O I O do O believe O that O taxes Arg_B paying Arg_I for Arg_I state Arg_I schools Arg_I are Arg_I necessary Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I compulsory Arg_I for Arg_I all Arg_I members Arg_I of Arg_I society Arg_I no Arg_I matter Arg_I where Arg_I their Arg_I children Arg_I enroll Arg_I in Arg_I . O Arts O and O public O services O are O both O important O to O the O community O and O should O be O invested O properly O There O has O been O wide O opinion O that O Government O should O invest O more O money O on O public O services O rather O than O arts O such O as O music O and O theatre O . O However, O in O my O perspective, O both Arg_B public Arg_I services Arg_I and Arg_I arts Arg_I worth Arg_I investment Arg_I . O It O is O obvious O axiomatic O that O indispensable Arg_B public Arg_I services Arg_I like Arg_I hospital Arg_I and Arg_I school Arg_I worth Arg_I every Arg_I penny Arg_I investing Arg_I . O Investing Arg_B in Arg_I hospitals Arg_I helps Arg_I improve Arg_I people's Arg_I health, Arg_I also, Arg_I in Arg_I schools Arg_I assists Arg_I with Arg_I raising Arg_I our Arg_I children's Arg_I education Arg_I level Arg_I . O Apparently O if Arg_B these Arg_I facilities Arg_I were Arg_I not Arg_I spent Arg_I adequately, Arg_I our Arg_I standard Arg_I of Arg_I living Arg_I would Arg_I deteriorate Arg_I . O But O our Arg_B standard Arg_I of Arg_I living Arg_I also Arg_I depend Arg_I on Arg_I another Arg_I factor Arg_I - Arg_I spiritual Arg_I life Arg_I which Arg_I is Arg_I related Arg_I closely Arg_I with Arg_I arts Arg_I . O Arts Arg_B include Arg_I many Arg_I forms Arg_I and Arg_I music Arg_I as Arg_I well Arg_I as Arg_I cinema Arg_I are Arg_I the Arg_I most Arg_I typical Arg_I . O These Arg_B two Arg_I art Arg_I forms Arg_I not Arg_I only Arg_I provide Arg_I the Arg_I public Arg_I with Arg_I entertainment Arg_I but Arg_I also Arg_I contribute Arg_I significantly Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I economy Arg_I . O The Arg_B income Arg_I of Arg_I film Arg_I and Arg_I music Arg_I industries Arg_I produce Arg_I millions Arg_I of Arg_I dollars Arg_I each Arg_I year Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I Goverment, Arg_I for Arg_I instance Arg_I K-pop Arg_I and Arg_I Hollywood, Arg_I and Arg_I these Arg_I industries Arg_I can Arg_I not Arg_I survive Arg_I without Arg_I goverment's Arg_I financial Arg_I assistance Arg_I . O The O long O and O the O short O of O it, O both Arg_B arts Arg_I and Arg_I public Arg_I services Arg_I are Arg_I important Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I community Arg_I and Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I invested Arg_I properly Arg_I . O Modern O technology O has O impacted O the O traditional O cultures O in O both O negative O and O positive O ways O Nowadays, O technology O has O been O developing O significantly, O impacting O many O aspects O of O our O life O . O While O there O is O belief O that O technology O advances O means O a O lost O in O traditional O cultures, O I O would O argue O that O although O the Arg_B affect Arg_I of Arg_I technology Arg_I on Arg_I culture Arg_I is Arg_I undeniable, Arg_I it Arg_I has Arg_I also Arg_I contributed Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I preservation Arg_I of Arg_I traditonal Arg_I culture Arg_I . O Thanks Arg_B to Arg_I modern Arg_I technology, Arg_I our Arg_I life Arg_I has Arg_I been Arg_I improved Arg_I with Arg_I many Arg_I gadgets Arg_I . O The Arg_B invention Arg_I of Arg_I mobile Arg_I phone Arg_I and Arg_I internet Arg_I has Arg_I changed Arg_I our Arg_I traditional Arg_I ways Arg_I of Arg_I communicating Arg_I as Arg_I well Arg_I as Arg_I working, Arg_I it Arg_I has Arg_I also Arg_I been Arg_I much Arg_I less Arg_I labourous Arg_I than Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I pass Arg_I with Arg_I the Arg_I assistance Arg_I of Arg_I electrical Arg_I machineries Arg_I . O However, O these Arg_B newfangled Arg_I practices Arg_I has Arg_I replaced Arg_I many Arg_I old Arg_I traditional Arg_I ones Arg_I . O For O instance, O factories Arg_B equipped Arg_I with Arg_I new Arg_I and Arg_I highly-productive Arg_I system Arg_I has Arg_I replaced Arg_I old Arg_I handmade Arg_I products, Arg_I the Arg_I exchange Arg_I of Arg_I letters Arg_I among Arg_I friends Arg_I is Arg_I so Arg_I hard Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I seen Arg_I as Arg_I we Arg_I have Arg_I had Arg_I emails Arg_I and Arg_I social Arg_I network Arg_I instead, Arg_I new Arg_I video Arg_I games Arg_I has Arg_I superseded Arg_I the Arg_I old-physical Arg_I ones Arg_I . O Many Arg_B old Arg_I traditionally Arg_I cultural Arg_I things Arg_I have Arg_I long Arg_I gone Arg_I as Arg_I a Arg_I result Arg_I of Arg_I modern Arg_I technology Arg_I . O However, O despite O the O drawback O mentioned O above, O technology Arg_B has Arg_I also Arg_I made Arg_I some Arg_I contributions Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I maintenance Arg_I and Arg_I study Arg_I of Arg_I traditional Arg_I cultures Arg_I in Arg_I some Arg_I ways Arg_I . O Internet Arg_B has Arg_I aided Arg_I to Arg_I assess Arg_I the Arg_I young Arg_I generations Arg_I to Arg_I the Arg_I cultural Arg_I identity Arg_I of Arg_I many Arg_I nations Arg_I from Arg_I all Arg_I around Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I . O With Arg_B the Arg_I help Arg_I of Arg_I advanced Arg_I methods, Arg_I many Arg_I art Arg_I masterpiece Arg_I has Arg_I been Arg_I well Arg_I restorated Arg_I and Arg_I well Arg_I preserved Arg_I . O Modern Arg_B devices Arg_I also Arg_I assist Arg_I the Arg_I scientists Arg_I to Arg_I study Arg_I the Arg_I ancient Arg_I societies Arg_I much Arg_I more Arg_I deeply, Arg_I hence Arg_I discovering Arg_I more Arg_I cultural Arg_I traces Arg_I . O To O give O a O brief O conclusion, O Modern Arg_B technogy Arg_I has Arg_I impacted Arg_I the Arg_I traditional Arg_I cultures Arg_I in Arg_I both Arg_I negative Arg_I and Arg_I positive Arg_I ways Arg_I . O Drugs, O alcohol O and O messy O sex O lives O Celebrities, O for O example O movie O stars, O are O usually O seen O on O media O living O a O luxury O life O or O having O a O new O girlfriend, O etc O . O It O is O human O nature O that O people, O especially O youngsters, O are O attracted O to O the O celebrities O they O favour, O and O that O is O why O the O media O prefer O to O cover O as O much O news O of O the O celebrities O as O possible O . O But O I O tend O to O think O that O this Arg_B is Arg_I a Arg_I worrying Arg_I tread Arg_I which Arg_I has Arg_I negative Arg_I impact Arg_I on Arg_I children Arg_I . O The Arg_B first Arg_I impression Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I celebrities Arg_I seems Arg_I that Arg_I they Arg_I are Arg_I rich Arg_I while Arg_I not Arg_I having Arg_I to Arg_I work Arg_I hard Arg_I . O This Arg_B gives Arg_I children Arg_I the Arg_I idea Arg_I that Arg_I it Arg_I is Arg_I not Arg_I necessary Arg_I to Arg_I study Arg_I hard Arg_I at Arg_I school Arg_I for Arg_I a Arg_I better Arg_I career Arg_I and Arg_I earning Arg_I a Arg_I living Arg_I . O Further O more, O they Arg_B will Arg_I not Arg_I value Arg_I other Arg_I people's Arg_I hard Arg_I work Arg_I and Arg_I take Arg_I everything Arg_I for Arg_I granted Arg_I . O Meanwhile, O not Arg_B all Arg_I celebrities Arg_I are Arg_I role Arg_I models Arg_I . O It Arg_B is Arg_I not Arg_I uncommon Arg_I to Arg_I see Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I media Arg_I that Arg_I some Arg_I of Arg_I them Arg_I are Arg_I committing Arg_I to Arg_I crimes Arg_I or Arg_I misbehaving Arg_I such Arg_I as Arg_I being Arg_I addicted Arg_I to Arg_I drugs Arg_I or Arg_I alcohols, Arg_I having Arg_I messy Arg_I sex Arg_I lives Arg_I . O Worse O still, O without Arg_B proper Arg_I parenting, Arg_I children Arg_I may Arg_I perceive Arg_I that Arg_I this Arg_I is Arg_I the Arg_I cool Arg_I life Arg_I people Arg_I are Arg_I supposed Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I living Arg_I . O Of O course, O some O celebrities, O e O .g O . O writers, O passionate O entrepreneurs O are O good O examples O to O children O for O they Arg_B share Arg_I fascinating Arg_I stories Arg_I or Arg_I how Arg_I to Arg_I pursue Arg_I their Arg_I goal Arg_I by Arg_I doing Arg_I something Arg_I that Arg_I has Arg_I a Arg_I meaning Arg_I to Arg_I them Arg_I and Arg_I may Arg_I change Arg_I the Arg_I world Arg_I . O In O conclusion, O media Arg_B should Arg_I shift Arg_I its Arg_I focus Arg_I from Arg_I covering Arg_I celebrities Arg_I to Arg_I elsewhere Arg_I . O Meanwhile, O children's O access O to O the O celebrities O news O on O the O media O should O be O restricted O and O they O should O study O only O from O the O celebrities O who O can O act O positively O . O A O greater O proportion O of O the O budget O should O be O allotted O to O education O and O prevention O issues O In O today's O world, O the O concept O of O the O welfare O state O requires O governments O to O provide O sustainable O healthcare O and O health O education O to O their O citizens O . O I O completely O agree O with O the O idea O that O governments Arg_B should Arg_I devote Arg_I a Arg_I greater Arg_I portion Arg_I of Arg_I their Arg_I health Arg_I budgets Arg_I to Arg_I health Arg_I education Arg_I and Arg_I means Arg_I for Arg_I precautions Arg_I . O The Arg_B first Arg_I reason Arg_I why Arg_I education Arg_I and Arg_I preventative Arg_I measures Arg_I should Arg_I receive Arg_I a Arg_I greater Arg_I budget Arg_I is Arg_I the Arg_I potential Arg_I improvements Arg_I in Arg_I health Arg_I system Arg_I . O I O believe O that O decreasing Arg_B the Arg_I number Arg_I of Arg_I patients Arg_I in Arg_I the Arg_I health Arg_I system Arg_I can Arg_I lead Arg_I hospitals Arg_I and Arg_I healthcare Arg_I centers Arg_I to Arg_I be Arg_I managed Arg_I effectively Arg_I which Arg_I will Arg_I result Arg_I in Arg_I better Arg_I treatments Arg_I for Arg_I current Arg_I patients Arg_I . O Therefore, O society Arg_B should Arg_I be Arg_I educated Arg_I and Arg_I became Arg_I aware Arg_I of Arg_I health Arg_I issues Arg_I so O that O the Arg_B potential Arg_I precautions Arg_I on Arg_I the Arg_I way Arg_I of Arg_I illnesses Arg_I can Arg_I be Arg_I taken Arg_I instead Arg_I of Arg_I trying Arg_I to Arg_I provide Arg_I treatment Arg_I for Arg_I the Arg_I increasing Arg_I number Arg_I of Arg_I patients Arg_I . O The O second O reason O why O governments Arg_B should Arg_I allocate Arg_I more Arg_I budget Arg_I on Arg_I prevention Arg_I from Arg_I illness Arg_I and Arg_I providing Arg_I health Arg_I education Arg_I is Arg_I the Arg_I welfare Arg_I of Arg_I the Arg_I society Arg_I . O In O my O opinion, O there Arg_B is Arg_I nothing Arg_I more Arg_I important Arg_I than Arg_I health Arg_I in Arg_I a Arg_I human's Arg_I life Arg_I and Arg_I the Arg_I happiness Arg_I and Arg_I welfare Arg_I come Arg_I with Arg_I health Arg_I . O Therefore, O a Arg_B government's Arg_I role Arg_I should Arg_I be Arg_I providing Arg_I means Arg_I that Arg_I lead Arg_I its Arg_I citizens Arg_I to Arg_I learn Arg_I how Arg_I to Arg_I prevent Arg_I from Arg_I potential Arg_I illness Arg_I that Arg_I can Arg_I cause Arg_I misery Arg_I