International O tourism O is O now O more O common O than O ever O before O The O last O 50 O years O have O seen O a O significant O increase O in O the O number O of O tourist O traveling O worldwide O . O While O some O might O think O the O tourism O bring O large O profit O for O the O destination O countries, O I O would O contend O that O this B-ARG industry I-ARG has I-ARG affected I-ARG the I-ARG cultural I-ARG attributes I-ARG and I-ARG damaged I-ARG the I-ARG natural I-ARG environment I-ARG of I-ARG the I-ARG tourist I-ARG destinations I-ARG . O Firstly, O it O is O an O undeniable O fact O that O tourists B-ARG from I-ARG different I-ARG cultures I-ARG will I-ARG probably I-ARG cause I-ARG changes I-ARG to I-ARG the I-ARG cultural I-ARG identity I-ARG of I-ARG the I-ARG tourist I-ARG destinations I-ARG . O Take B-ARG Thailand I-ARG for I-ARG example, I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG Vietnam I-ARG War, I-ARG many I-ARG American I-ARG soldiers I-ARG came I-ARG to I-ARG Thailand I-ARG for I-ARG a I-ARG break I-ARG and I-ARG involved I-ARG in I-ARG sexual I-ARG and I-ARG drug I-ARG activities, I-ARG these I-ARG huge I-ARG demands I-ARG caused I-ARG many I-ARG local I-ARG businesses I-ARG opened I-ARG and I-ARG expanded, I-ARG even I-ARG illegally I-ARG involved I-ARG in I-ARG under-age I-ARG prostitutes I-ARG to I-ARG maximize I-ARG their I-ARG profits I-ARG . O This B-ARG was I-ARG due I-ARG to I-ARG the I-ARG lack I-ARG of I-ARG adequate I-ARG controls I-ARG by I-ARG authorities I-ARG and I-ARG lead I-ARG to I-ARG a I-ARG bad I-ARG image I-ARG of I-ARG Thailand I-ARG tourism I-ARG . O Therefore O this O proves O that O international B-ARG tourism I-ARG can I-ARG create I-ARG negative I-ARG impacts I-ARG on I-ARG the I-ARG destination I-ARG countries I-ARG . O Secondly, O there O are O clear O evidences O that O tourism B-ARG increasingly I-ARG create I-ARG harms I-ARG to I-ARG the I-ARG natural I-ARG habitats I-ARG of I-ARG the I-ARG destination I-ARG appeals I-ARG . O As B-ARG the I-ARG Australia’s I-ARG Great I-ARG Barrier I-ARG Reef I-ARG has I-ARG shown, I-ARG the I-ARG billion I-ARG visitors I-ARG per I-ARG annum I-ARG has I-ARG generated I-ARG immense I-ARG destruction I-ARG to I-ARG this I-ARG nature I-ARG wonder, I-ARG namely I-ARG breaking I-ARG the I-ARG corals I-ARG caused I-ARG by I-ARG walking I-ARG or I-ARG throwing I-ARG boat’s I-ARG anchors, I-ARG dropping I-ARG fuel I-ARG and I-ARG other I-ARG sorts I-ARG of I-ARG pollutions I-ARG . O For O this O reason, O many B-ARG marine I-ARG lives I-ARG have I-ARG been I-ARG endangered, I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG extremes I-ARG part I-ARG of I-ARG the I-ARG reef I-ARG become I-ARG uninhabitable I-ARG for I-ARG these I-ARG marine I-ARG species I-ARG . O Thus, O it O is O apparent O that O tourism B-ARG has I-ARG threatened I-ARG the I-ARG nature I-ARG environments I-ARG . O To O conclude, O I O strongly O believe O that O the B-ARG tourism I-ARG has I-ARG created I-ARG threatening I-ARG pressure I-ARG on I-ARG both I-ARG the I-ARG sociocultural I-ARG and I-ARG natural I-ARG environments I-ARG . O If O authorities O do O not O take O steps O to O appropriately O conserve O these O precious O values, O they O will O be O destroyed O in O the O near O future O . O Living O and O studying O overseas O It O is O every O student's O desire O to O study O at O a O good O university O and O experience O a O new O environment O . O While O some O students O study O and O live O overseas O to O achieve O this, O some O prefer O to O study O home O because O of O the O difficulties O of O living O and O studying O overseas O . O In O my O opinion, O one B-ARG who I-ARG studies I-ARG overseas I-ARG will I-ARG gain I-ARG many I-ARG skills I-ARG throughout I-ARG this I-ARG experience I-ARG for O several O reasons O . O First, O studying B-ARG at I-ARG an I-ARG overseas I-ARG university I-ARG gives I-ARG individuals I-ARG the I-ARG opportunity I-ARG to I-ARG improve I-ARG social I-ARG skills I-ARG by I-ARG interacting I-ARG and I-ARG communicating I-ARG with I-ARG students I-ARG from I-ARG different I-ARG origins I-ARG and I-ARG cultures I-ARG . O Compared B-ARG to I-ARG the I-ARG peers I-ARG studying I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG home I-ARG country, I-ARG it I-ARG will I-ARG be I-ARG more I-ARG likely I-ARG for I-ARG the I-ARG one I-ARG who I-ARG is I-ARG living I-ARG overseas I-ARG to I-ARG be I-ARG successful I-ARG in I-ARG adapting I-ARG himself/herself I-ARG into I-ARG new I-ARG environments I-ARG and I-ARG situations I-ARG in I-ARG life I-ARG . O Second, O living B-ARG and I-ARG studying I-ARG overseas I-ARG is I-ARG an I-ARG irreplaceable I-ARG experience I-ARG when I-ARG it I-ARG comes I-ARG to I-ARG learn I-ARG standing I-ARG on I-ARG your I-ARG own I-ARG feet I-ARG . O One B-ARG who I-ARG is I-ARG living I-ARG overseas I-ARG will I-ARG of I-ARG course I-ARG struggle I-ARG with I-ARG loneliness, I-ARG living I-ARG away I-ARG from I-ARG family I-ARG and I-ARG friends I-ARG but O those B-ARG difficulties I-ARG will I-ARG turn I-ARG into I-ARG valuable I-ARG experiences I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG following I-ARG steps I-ARG of I-ARG life I-ARG . O Moreover, O the B-ARG one I-ARG will I-ARG learn I-ARG living I-ARG without I-ARG depending I-ARG on I-ARG anyone I-ARG else I-ARG . O Also, O employers B-ARG are I-ARG mostly I-ARG looking I-ARG for I-ARG people I-ARG who I-ARG have I-ARG international I-ARG and I-ARG language I-ARG skills I-ARG . O Becoming B-ARG successful I-ARG in I-ARG this I-ARG study I-ARG will I-ARG give I-ARG the I-ARG student I-ARG an I-ARG edge I-ARG in I-ARG job I-ARG market I-ARG . O Therefore, O one B-ARG who I-ARG has I-ARG studied I-ARG and I-ARG lived I-ARG overseas I-ARG will I-ARG become I-ARG more I-ARG eligible I-ARG for I-ARG the I-ARG job I-ARG than I-ARG his/her I-ARG peers I-ARG . O In O conclusion, O there B-ARG are I-ARG many I-ARG difficulties I-ARG a I-ARG student I-ARG might I-ARG face I-ARG when I-ARG studying I-ARG and I-ARG living I-ARG overseas I-ARG . O However, O living B-ARG and I-ARG studying I-ARG overseas I-ARG gives I-ARG the I-ARG individual I-ARG a I-ARG new I-ARG perspective I-ARG on I-ARG the I-ARG subject I-ARG that I-ARG is I-ARG studied I-ARG or I-ARG in I-ARG general I-ARG life I-ARG . O Studies O abroad O and O the O cultural O aspect O of O the O experience O Studying O abroad O is O one O very O common O thing O that O students O do, O and O they O have O different O reasons O for O that O . O I O believe O that O studying B-ARG abroad I-ARG has I-ARG many I-ARG advantages I-ARG . O Students B-ARG gain I-ARG a I-ARG lot I-ARG out I-ARG of I-ARG the I-ARG experience I-ARG personally, I-ARG academically, I-ARG and I-ARG culturally I-ARG . O First O of O all, O students B-ARG who I-ARG study I-ARG outside I-ARG their I-ARG countries I-ARG can I-ARG get I-ARG a I-ARG lot I-ARG of I-ARG experience I-ARG living I-ARG in I-ARG a I-ARG foreign I-ARG country I-ARG . O Living B-ARG in I-ARG a I-ARG new I-ARG country I-ARG requires I-ARG a I-ARG great I-ARG amount I-ARG of I-ARG flexibility I-ARG and I-ARG adaptability I-ARG in I-ARG one's I-ARG character I-ARG . O For O example, O students B-ARG might I-ARG face I-ARG many I-ARG challenges I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG host I-ARG country I-ARG . O Therefore, O they B-ARG should I-ARG be I-ARG able I-ARG to I-ARG deal I-ARG with I-ARG the I-ARG obstacles I-ARG that I-ARG they I-ARG may I-ARG encounter I-ARG . O Overcoming B-ARG problems I-ARG teaches I-ARG the I-ARG students I-ARG how I-ARG to I-ARG be I-ARG more I-ARG mature I-ARG and I-ARG self-independence I-ARG . O One O other O important O factor O is O the B-ARG new I-ARG academic I-ARG experience I-ARG that I-ARG the I-ARG students I-ARG can I-ARG obtain I-ARG at I-ARG the I-ARG institution I-ARG where I-ARG they I-ARG are I-ARG pursuing I-ARG their I-ARG studies I-ARG . O For O example, O they B-ARG will I-ARG get I-ARG exposed I-ARG to I-ARG a I-ARG different I-ARG educational I-ARG system I-ARG . O They B-ARG will I-ARG meet I-ARG new I-ARG professors I-ARG and I-ARG new I-ARG classmates I-ARG which I-ARG makes I-ARG the I-ARG academic I-ARG experience I-ARG different I-ARG from I-ARG that I-ARG in I-ARG their I-ARG home I-ARG country I-ARG . O Most B-ARG important I-ARG is I-ARG the I-ARG cultural I-ARG aspect I-ARG of I-ARG the I-ARG experience I-ARG . O While B-ARG living I-ARG in I-ARG a I-ARG foreign I-ARG country, I-ARG students I-ARG can I-ARG learn I-ARG a I-ARG lot I-ARG about I-ARG the I-ARG culture I-ARG of I-ARG that I-ARG country I-ARG . O Furthermore, O they B-ARG can I-ARG meet I-ARG different I-ARG people I-ARG of I-ARG the I-ARG country I-ARG . O They B-ARG can I-ARG learn I-ARG about I-ARG their I-ARG way I-ARG of I-ARG thinking, I-ARG their I-ARG customs I-ARG and I-ARG traditions, I-ARG and I-ARG way I-ARG of I-ARG life I-ARG . O Learning B-ARG about I-ARG others' I-ARG cultures I-ARG is I-ARG so I-ARG important I-ARG . O It B-ARG contributes I-ARG in I-ARG building I-ARG a I-ARG new I-ARG understanding I-ARG in I-ARG us I-ARG of I-ARG how I-ARG we I-ARG see I-ARG the I-ARG world I-ARG . O It B-ARG makes I-ARG us I-ARG more I-ARG open, I-ARG and I-ARG willing I-ARG to I-ARG accept I-ARG different I-ARG ideas I-ARG and I-ARG thoughts I-ARG . O Also O it B-ARG educates I-ARG us I-ARG about I-ARG the I-ARG world I-ARG we I-ARG are I-ARG living I-ARG in I-ARG . O In O conclusion, O studying B-ARG abroad I-ARG does I-ARG not I-ARG only I-ARG have I-ARG advantages, I-ARG but I-ARG also I-ARG can I-ARG change I-ARG us I-ARG in I-ARG a I-ARG very I-ARG positive I-ARG way I-ARG . O It O can O influence O us O in O different O aspects O of O life O . O Advertisements O affects O on O consumer O goods O Everyday, O companies O offer O a O huge O number O of O different O products O to O consumers O . O The B-ARG most I-ARG effective I-ARG way I-ARG to I-ARG convince I-ARG consumers I-ARG to I-ARG purchase I-ARG a I-ARG product I-ARG is I-ARG through I-ARG advertising I-ARG . O However, O it B-ARG is I-ARG not I-ARG sufficient I-ARG in I-ARG itself I-ARG . O The B-ARG product I-ARG also I-ARG should I-ARG satisfy I-ARG the I-ARG needs I-ARG of I-ARG the I-ARG consumers I-ARG . O In O my O opinion, O advertising B-ARG is I-ARG the I-ARG major I-ARG reason I-ARG for I-ARG high I-ARG sales I-ARG of I-ARG a I-ARG product I-ARG for O several O reasons O . O We B-ARG are I-ARG mainly I-ARG introduced I-ARG to I-ARG products I-ARG through I-ARG advertisements I-ARG . O Therefore, O advertisers B-ARG push I-ARG the I-ARG limits I-ARG of I-ARG creativity I-ARG to I-ARG dispose I-ARG the I-ARG consumers I-ARG to I-ARG purchase I-ARG the I-ARG product I-ARG . O When B-ARG the I-ARG consumers I-ARG are I-ARG impressed I-ARG by I-ARG the I-ARG way I-ARG a I-ARG product I-ARG is I-ARG advertised, I-ARG they I-ARG can I-ARG be I-ARG convinced I-ARG to I-ARG consider I-ARG that I-ARG the I-ARG product I-ARG is I-ARG a I-ARG need I-ARG in I-ARG some I-ARG cases I-ARG . O Recently, B-ARG there I-ARG is I-ARG a I-ARG very I-ARG creative I-ARG advertisements I-ARG of I-ARG a I-ARG soft I-ARG drink I-ARG product I-ARG on I-ARG TV I-ARG . O The B-ARG story I-ARG delivers I-ARG a I-ARG desired I-ARG call I-ARG to I-ARG drink I-ARG that I-ARG soft I-ARG drink I-ARG that I-ARG people I-ARG tend I-ARG to I-ARG drink I-ARG when I-ARG the I-ARG weather I-ARG is I-ARG too I-ARG hot I-ARG . O As O a O result O of O this, O the B-ARG number I-ARG of I-ARG that I-ARG product I-ARG being I-ARG sold I-ARG will I-ARG increases I-ARG . O Also, O the B-ARG more I-ARG an I-ARG advertisement I-ARG of I-ARG a I-ARG product I-ARG takes I-ARG place I-ARG in I-ARG mass I-ARG media, I-ARG the I-ARG more I-ARG popular I-ARG the I-ARG product I-ARG becomes I-ARG . O Advertisement B-ARG is I-ARG the I-ARG most I-ARG effective I-ARG way I-ARG to I-ARG create I-ARG a I-ARG well-known I-ARG product I-ARG . O Consumers B-ARG tend I-ARG to I-ARG purchase I-ARG the I-ARG most I-ARG known I-ARG product I-ARG when I-ARG it I-ARG comes I-ARG to I-ARG picking I-ARG one I-ARG out I-ARG of I-ARG two I-ARG different I-ARG brands I-ARG of I-ARG the I-ARG same I-ARG product I-ARG . O When B-ARG a I-ARG product I-ARG is I-ARG commonly I-ARG used, I-ARG it I-ARG becomes I-ARG trustworthy I-ARG for I-ARG the I-ARG society, I-ARG no I-ARG matter I-ARG what I-ARG quality I-ARG it I-ARG is I-ARG . O However, O it B-ARG also I-ARG has I-ARG to I-ARG be I-ARG affordable I-ARG for I-ARG the I-ARG consumer I-ARG . O Considering O this O fact, O advertisements B-ARG have I-ARG undeniable I-ARG affects I-ARG on I-ARG the I-ARG society I-ARG about I-ARG the I-ARG product I-ARG being I-ARG advertised I-ARG . O They B-ARG make I-ARG the I-ARG product I-ARG preferable I-ARG . O In O conclusion, O as O I O believe O that O consumers O should O consider O major O needs O when O they O purchase O goods, O high B-ARG sales I-ARG are I-ARG obviously I-ARG a I-ARG reflection I-ARG of I-ARG the I-ARG powerful I-ARG advertisements I-ARG . O Paying O more O money O is O the O only O motivation O to O make O employees O work O harder O The O purpose O of O this O essay O is O to O discuss O whether O or O not O the O only O way O to O motivate O employees O to O be O more O hard-working O and O productive O is O by O raising O their O salaries O . O In O this O essay, O I O would O start O by O analyzing O the O factors O for O higher O yields O and O finish O by O stating O my O position O on O this O . O A B-ARG raise I-ARG or I-ARG a I-ARG promotion I-ARG can I-ARG no I-ARG doubt I-ARG increase I-ARG the I-ARG morale I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG working I-ARG places I-ARG . O Workers B-ARG understand I-ARG they I-ARG have I-ARG to I-ARG work I-ARG harder I-ARG to I-ARG meet I-ARG the I-ARG boss' I-ARG expectations I-ARG and I-ARG to I-ARG make I-ARG themselves I-ARG worthwhile I-ARG . O For O instance, O junior B-ARG high I-ARG school I-ARG teachers I-ARG have I-ARG great I-ARG responsibility I-ARG not I-ARG only I-ARG for I-ARG students' I-ARG private I-ARG lives I-ARG as I-ARG they I-ARG are I-ARG going I-ARG through I-ARG adolescence I-ARG but I-ARG also I-ARG their I-ARG school I-ARG work I-ARG due O to O the O fact O that O it B-ARG is I-ARG an I-ARG important I-ARG phase I-ARG for I-ARG them I-ARG to I-ARG study I-ARG hard I-ARG and I-ARG get I-ARG into I-ARG the I-ARG high I-ARG school I-ARG they I-ARG want I-ARG . O If B-ARG the I-ARG teachers I-ARG receive I-ARG higher I-ARG salaries, I-ARG they I-ARG will I-ARG be I-ARG willing I-ARG to I-ARG spend I-ARG more I-ARG extra I-ARG time I-ARG mentoring I-ARG the I-ARG youngsters I-ARG rather I-ARG than I-ARG hoping I-ARG they I-ARG learn I-ARG in I-ARG cram I-ARG schools I-ARG and I-ARG so I-ARG forth, I-ARG as I-ARG this I-ARG is I-ARG what I-ARG is I-ARG happening I-ARG in I-ARG Taiwan I-ARG . O Nevertheless, O I O believe O that O creating B-ARG an I-ARG enjoyable I-ARG working I-ARG environment I-ARG is I-ARG more I-ARG realistic I-ARG and I-ARG essential I-ARG if I-ARG one I-ARG wishes I-ARG an I-ARG increase I-ARG in I-ARG productivity I-ARG and I-ARG better I-ARG employee I-ARG performances I-ARG . O Take B-ARG Google I-ARG for I-ARG example, I-ARG the I-ARG company I-ARG offers I-ARG recreation I-ARG rooms I-ARG and I-ARG extra I-ARG personal I-ARG leaves I-ARG for I-ARG their I-ARG workers I-ARG to I-ARG develop I-ARG a I-ARG more I-ARG relaxing I-ARG and I-ARG supportive I-ARG workforce I-ARG . O By O doing O this, O the B-ARG employers I-ARG can I-ARG make I-ARG sure I-ARG the I-ARG employees I-ARG can I-ARG actually I-ARG focus I-ARG and I-ARG concentrate I-ARG on I-ARG their I-ARG projects I-ARG instead I-ARG of I-ARG thinking I-ARG about I-ARG their I-ARG children I-ARG or I-ARG feeling I-ARG pressured I-ARG . O To O sum O up, O I O believe O that O a B-ARG higher I-ARG pay I-ARG can I-ARG be I-ARG one I-ARG of I-ARG the I-ARG incentive I-ARG if I-ARG were I-ARG to I-ARG encourage I-ARG harder-working I-ARG employees I-ARG . O Alternatively, O providing B-ARG a I-ARG more I-ARG secured I-ARG and I-ARG relaxing I-ARG environment I-ARG for I-ARG workers I-ARG can I-ARG fundamentally I-ARG boost I-ARG their I-ARG productivity I-ARG since O they B-ARG will I-ARG be I-ARG feeling I-ARG more I-ARG cared I-ARG for I-ARG and I-ARG therefore I-ARG do I-ARG their I-ARG best I-ARG for I-ARG their I-ARG bosses I-ARG . O Advantages O and O disadvantages O of O the O prevalent O of O English O With O the O development O of O globalization, O English O became O the O dominated O language O in O national O trade, O conference O and O many O important O events O . O This O phenomenon O has O aroused O a O heated O discussion O in O public O . O Some O people O claim O that O the B-ARG prevalent I-ARG of I-ARG English I-ARG brings I-ARG a I-ARG great I-ARG number I-ARG of I-ARG benefits I-ARG for I-ARG people I-ARG . O First O of O all, O it B-ARG promotes I-ARG the I-ARG communication I-ARG and I-ARG interaction I-ARG between I-ARG different I-ARG countries I-ARG more I-ARG conveniently I-ARG and I-ARG clearly I-ARG . O In B-ARG the I-ARG ancient I-ARG time, I-ARG the I-ARG different I-ARG languages I-ARG and I-ARG geography I-ARG set I-ARG barriers I-ARG for I-ARG people I-ARG to I-ARG exchange I-ARG their I-ARG goods I-ARG and I-ARG ideas I-ARG . O Fortunately, O the B-ARG innovation I-ARG of I-ARG plane I-ARG and I-ARG train I-ARG solved I-ARG the I-ARG geographical I-ARG barriers I-ARG . O If B-ARG we I-ARG can I-ARG popularize I-ARG the I-ARG use I-ARG of I-ARG English, I-ARG the I-ARG language I-ARG hinder I-ARG will I-ARG disappear I-ARG as I-ARG well I-ARG . O In O addition, O English B-ARG is I-ARG a I-ARG beautiful I-ARG language, I-ARG which I-ARG is I-ARG more I-ARG systematical I-ARG and I-ARG extensive I-ARG than I-ARG many I-ARG other I-ARG languages I-ARG . O Learning B-ARG English I-ARG can I-ARG foster I-ARG people's I-ARG sentiment I-ARG and I-ARG nourish I-ARG their I-ARG literature I-ARG and I-ARG art I-ARG . O However, O the O opponents O believe O that O the B-ARG dominated I-ARG status I-ARG of I-ARG English I-ARG has I-ARG destroyed I-ARG culture I-ARG diversity I-ARG and I-ARG many I-ARG less-used I-ARG languages I-ARG become I-ARG extinct I-ARG . O Even O English O is O a O sophisticated O language; O it B-ARG does I-ARG not I-ARG express I-ARG every I-ARG detail I-ARG of I-ARG life I-ARG especially I-ARG in I-ARG Asia I-ARG countries, I-ARG which I-ARG have I-ARG totally I-ARG different I-ARG linguistic I-ARG system I-ARG . O It O is O undeniable O that O language B-ARG contains I-ARG many I-ARG aspects I-ARG of I-ARG people's I-ARG daily I-ARG life, I-ARG which I-ARG is I-ARG influenced I-ARG by I-ARG culture, I-ARG environment I-ARG as I-ARG well I-ARG as I-ARG religious I-ARG . O Obviously, O these B-ARG languages I-ARG have I-ARG special I-ARG significance I-ARG for I-ARG people I-ARG who I-ARG belong I-ARG to I-ARG them I-ARG and I-ARG using I-ARG English I-ARG to I-ARG replace I-ARG them I-ARG is I-ARG crudity I-ARG . O Personally, O English B-ARG as I-ARG an I-ARG elegant I-ARG language I-ARG should I-ARG be I-ARG advocated I-ARG in I-ARG many I-ARG fields I-ARG to I-ARG expand I-ARG the I-ARG global I-ARG trade I-ARG and I-ARG communications I-ARG . O But, O we B-ARG still I-ARG need I-ARG preserve I-ARG other I-ARG languages I-ARG for I-ARG sake I-ARG of I-ARG keeping I-ARG the I-ARG linguistic I-ARG and I-ARG cultural I-ARG diversity I-ARG . O Computers O - O use, O future O prospects O and O over-dependence O Computer-a O device O which O has O given O a O whole O new O dimension O to O the O human O life O . O Ever O since O Charles O Babbage O (know O as O "Father O of O computers") O invented O computers, O its O development O never O had O a O pause O . O The B-ARG whole I-ARG world I-ARG is I-ARG dependent I-ARG on I-ARG computers, I-ARG without I-ARG which, I-ARG the I-ARG world I-ARG will I-ARG go I-ARG back I-ARG hundreds I-ARG of I-ARG years I-ARG . O In B-ARG the I-ARG modern I-ARG world, I-ARG computers I-ARG are I-ARG used I-ARG everywhere I-ARG . O Right B-ARG from I-ARG flying I-ARG planes I-ARG to I-ARG sending I-ARG a I-ARG small I-ARG document, I-ARG computers I-ARG are I-ARG needed I-ARG . O They B-ARG are I-ARG used I-ARG in I-ARG space I-ARG programs, I-ARG wars, I-ARG hospitals, I-ARG schools I-ARG and I-ARG so I-ARG on I-ARG . O Computers B-ARG have I-ARG made I-ARG human I-ARG life I-ARG more I-ARG easy, I-ARG convenient I-ARG and I-ARG lightning I-ARG fast I-ARG . O For O example, O in B-ARG earlier I-ARG days, I-ARG if I-ARG one I-ARG had I-ARG to I-ARG send I-ARG a I-ARG message I-ARG to I-ARG someone I-ARG in I-ARG other I-ARG country, I-ARG it I-ARG used I-ARG to I-ARG take I-ARG months I-ARG . O But O today, B-ARG it I-ARG can I-ARG be I-ARG sent I-ARG in I-ARG few I-ARG minutes I-ARG by I-ARG typing I-ARG a I-ARG email I-ARG and I-ARG few I-ARG clicks I-ARG . O Computers B-ARG provide I-ARG speed, I-ARG increase I-ARG efficiency, I-ARG accuracy, I-ARG precision, I-ARG help I-ARG to I-ARG increase I-ARG productivity I-ARG and I-ARG other I-ARG countless I-ARG benefits I-ARG are I-ARG provided I-ARG by I-ARG it I-ARG . O Moreover, O future B-ARG prospects I-ARG of I-ARG computers I-ARG are I-ARG very I-ARG bright I-ARG . O From B-ARG a I-ARG computer I-ARG as I-ARG big I-ARG as I-ARG a I-ARG room, I-ARG it I-ARG has I-ARG now I-ARG been I-ARG minimized I-ARG to I-ARG the I-ARG size I-ARG of I-ARG a I-ARG palm I-ARG . O Nanotechnology B-ARG is I-ARG working I-ARG to I-ARG make I-ARG computers I-ARG to I-ARG the I-ARG order I-ARG of I-ARG microscopic I-ARG levels I-ARG . O Research B-ARG on I-ARG making I-ARG computerized I-ARG drone I-ARG soldiers I-ARG (unmanned I-ARG computer I-ARG controlled) I-ARG is I-ARG going I-ARG on I-ARG . O There B-ARG is I-ARG no I-ARG end I-ARG to I-ARG the I-ARG evolution I-ARG of I-ARG computers I-ARG . O However, O everything O has O pros O and O cons O . O Computers B-ARG have I-ARG made I-ARG humans I-ARG over-dependent I-ARG . O Virus O programs, O privacy O breach, O leak O of O confidential O documents, O cyber O attacks, O identity O theft, O frauds O etc O . O are O some O of O its O demerits, O from O a O countless O list O . O Computers B-ARG expose I-ARG children I-ARG to I-ARG vulgar I-ARG materials I-ARG . O They B-ARG have I-ARG even I-ARG invaded I-ARG mental I-ARG health I-ARG of I-ARG humans, I-ARG for I-ARG example, I-ARG FAD I-ARG (Facebook I-ARG Addiction I-ARG Disorder I-ARG - I-ARG excessive I-ARG use I-ARG of I-ARG social I-ARG networking I-ARG website I-ARG Facebook) I-ARG . O Computers B-ARG have I-ARG intruded I-ARG our I-ARG lives I-ARG to I-ARG the I-ARG effect I-ARG that I-ARG a I-ARG satellite I-ARG can I-ARG peep I-ARG into I-ARG our I-ARG homes I-ARG and I-ARG privates I-ARG lives I-ARG . O The B-ARG recent I-ARG case I-ARG of I-ARG Wikileaks, I-ARG leaking I-ARG confidential I-ARG data I-ARG is I-ARG an I-ARG example I-ARG of I-ARG how I-ARG computers I-ARG are I-ARG harmful I-ARG . O Nevertheless, O with O all O the O mentioned O demerits, O computers B-ARG have I-ARG provided I-ARG security I-ARG and I-ARG sophistication I-ARG too O . O Thus, O dependence B-ARG on I-ARG computers I-ARG is I-ARG not I-ARG a I-ARG bad I-ARG thing I-ARG . O However, O one O needs O to O be O aware O of O all O the O pros O and O cons O and O beware O of O malicious O things O . O Computer O was O invented O for O the O benefit O of O mankind O and O it O has O fulfilled O its O objective O . O Human O life O today O can't O be O imagined O without O computers, O so O not O depending O on O them O is O out O of O question O . O Should O government O control O media O crime O The O soaring O crime O rate O has O led O to O the O proposal O that O it B-ARG is I-ARG time I-ARG for I-ARG the I-ARG government I-ARG to I-ARG take I-ARG action I-ARG to I-ARG control I-ARG the I-ARG proliferation I-ARG of I-ARG violent I-ARG scenes I-ARG in I-ARG media I-ARG . O Obviously, O violence O in O the O media O is O often O portrayed O as O extreme O as O possible O in O order O to O attract O audiences O . O This B-ARG will I-ARG definitely I-ARG set I-ARG a I-ARG bad I-ARG example I-ARG for I-ARG the I-ARG immature I-ARG audiences I-ARG who, I-ARG lacking I-ARG correct I-ARG parental I-ARG guidance I-ARG and I-ARG abilities I-ARG to I-ARG differentiate I-ARG the I-ARG right I-ARG from I-ARG wrong, I-ARG are I-ARG prone I-ARG to I-ARG go I-ARG astray I-ARG by I-ARG imitating I-ARG the I-ARG violent I-ARG behaviors I-ARG and I-ARG committing I-ARG real I-ARG violent I-ARG crimes I-ARG as O they B-ARG regard I-ARG the I-ARG violence I-ARG as I-ARG reasonable I-ARG and I-ARG justifiable I-ARG . O On O the O other O hand, O media, B-ARG such I-ARG as I-ARG TV I-ARG or I-ARG film, I-ARG is I-ARG considered I-ARG as I-ARG the I-ARG correct I-ARG information I-ARG source I-ARG regulated I-ARG by I-ARG the I-ARG government I-ARG . O It B-ARG should I-ARG be I-ARG reporting I-ARG and I-ARG reflecting I-ARG true I-ARG phenomenon I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG society I-ARG . O Violence, B-ARG as I-ARG one I-ARG of I-ARG the I-ARG facts I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG real I-ARG world, I-ARG certainly I-ARG has I-ARG to I-ARG be I-ARG reported I-ARG . O However, O excessive B-ARG violence I-ARG would I-ARG offer I-ARG misleading I-ARG information I-ARG to I-ARG the I-ARG public I-ARG and I-ARG exert I-ARG detrimental I-ARG influence I-ARG to I-ARG the I-ARG society I-ARG as I-ARG well I-ARG . O It B-ARG is I-ARG recently I-ARG reported I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG news I-ARG that I-ARG a I-ARG seventeen-year-old I-ARG boy I-ARG killed I-ARG all I-ARG his I-ARG family I-ARG members, I-ARG one I-ARG sister I-ARG and I-ARG two I-ARG parents I-ARG out I-ARG of I-ARG hatred I-ARG and I-ARG jealousy I-ARG . O In B-ARG the I-ARG real I-ARG world, I-ARG we I-ARG are I-ARG inclined I-ARG to I-ARG take I-ARG extreme I-ARG approach I-ARG to I-ARG tackle I-ARG a I-ARG small I-ARG problem I-ARG due I-ARG to I-ARG excessive I-ARG violence I-ARG exposure I-ARG . O We O cannot O deny O that O our B-ARG society I-ARG is I-ARG occupied I-ARG with I-ARG the I-ARG violent I-ARG scenes I-ARG and I-ARG plots I-ARG at I-ARG present I-ARG . O What B-ARG the I-ARG government I-ARG should I-ARG do I-ARG immediately I-ARG is I-ARG to I-ARG strengthen I-ARG censorship I-ARG to I-ARG control I-ARG the I-ARG amount I-ARG of I-ARG violence I-ARG in I-ARG media I-ARG . O Otherwise, O the O violent O crime O rate O will O rise O continuously O and O out O of O control O someday O . O Should O all O the O advertisements O be O banned? O Never O in O history O was O advertising O industry O so O developed O as O in O modern O society O and O it O has O led O to O some O adverse O sentiments O in O public O because O some O deliver O exaggerated O and O fake O information O . O Hence O whether O we O should O ban O all O the O advertisements O or O not O has O aroused O much O controversy O of O the O public O . O My O view O is O that O while B-ARG some I-ARG of I-ARG them I-ARG are I-ARG disturbing, I-ARG we I-ARG can I-ARG not I-ARG overlook I-ARG other I-ARG merits I-ARG the I-ARG advertisements I-ARG bring I-ARG . O First, O it B-ARG is I-ARG unfair I-ARG to I-ARG restrict I-ARG those I-ARG public I-ARG service I-ARG advertisements I-ARG which I-ARG are I-ARG creative I-ARG and I-ARG inspiring I-ARG . O In O fact, O they B-ARG are I-ARG not I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG purpose I-ARG of I-ARG making I-ARG profits I-ARG but I-ARG taking I-ARG a I-ARG role I-ARG of I-ARG disseminating I-ARG valued I-ARG culture, I-ARG good I-ARG moral I-ARG traits I-ARG and I-ARG calling I-ARG for I-ARG helps I-ARG for I-ARG the I-ARG disabled I-ARG and I-ARG the I-ARG poor I-ARG . O Besides, O it O is O obvious O that O publicizing B-ARG brand I-ARG image I-ARG or I-ARG a I-ARG particular I-ARG product I-ARG of I-ARG mass I-ARG media I-ARG could I-ARG boost I-ARG sales I-ARG for I-ARG companies I-ARG . O In O a O larger O sense, O it B-ARG could I-ARG simulate I-ARG household I-ARG spending I-ARG and I-ARG therefore I-ARG promote I-ARG the I-ARG economic I-ARG development I-ARG of I-ARG the I-ARG whole I-ARG country I-ARG . O A B-ARG recent I-ARG study I-ARG shows I-ARG that I-ARG after I-ARG launching I-ARG an I-ARG advertising I-ARG campaign, I-ARG the I-ARG sales I-ARG revenue I-ARG would I-ARG increase I-ARG by I-ARG 40%, I-ARG which I-ARG is I-ARG the I-ARG very I-ARG fact I-ARG to I-ARG verify I-ARG its I-ARG positive I-ARG influences I-ARG on I-ARG economic I-ARG . O That O is O not O to O say, O however, O that O advertisements O have O no O downsides O . O Of O course, O the B-ARG advertising I-ARG expenses I-ARG lead I-ARG to I-ARG a I-ARG higher I-ARG product I-ARG price I-ARG and I-ARG some I-ARG of I-ARG them I-ARG express I-ARG fake I-ARG information, I-ARG creating I-ARG information I-ARG asymmetry I-ARG between I-ARG consumers I-ARG and I-ARG companies I-ARG . O Yet, O its B-ARG merits I-ARG still I-ARG outweigh I-ARG these I-ARG downsides I-ARG . O Taken O all O together, O advertisements B-ARG have I-ARG its I-ARG social I-ARG responsibility I-ARG and I-ARG contribute I-ARG to I-ARG economic I-ARG growth I-ARG . O We O can O not O deny O all O of O them O . O However, O if O those O with O exaggerated O and O fake O information O could O be O banned, O advertisements O would O be O welcomed O by O more O . O The O best O way O to O relax O is O by O exercises O In O modern O society, O people O often O face O many O difficulties O under O great O stress O . O Therefore, O it O is O necessary O for O many O to O find O ways O to O relax O . O Although O miscellaneous O people O may O apply O diverse O strategies, O such O as O reading, O watching O movies, O or O working O in O their O gardens, O I O argue O that O the B-ARG most I-ARG suitable I-ARG method I-ARG of I-ARG reducing I-ARG stress I-ARG for I-ARG modern I-ARG people I-ARG is I-ARG by I-ARG different I-ARG kinds I-ARG of I-ARG exercise, I-ARG which I-ARG can I-ARG not I-ARG only I-ARG improve I-ARG health I-ARG conditions I-ARG but I-ARG also I-ARG bring I-ARG positive I-ARG emotions I-ARG . O It O is O not O surprised O that O exercise B-ARG play I-ARG a I-ARG crucial I-ARG role I-ARG in I-ARG ameliorating I-ARG physical I-ARG health I-ARG . O Any B-ARG kinds I-ARG of I-ARG sports, I-ARG such I-ARG as I-ARG jogging, I-ARG swimming, I-ARG or I-ARG playing I-ARG basketball, I-ARG can I-ARG effectively I-ARG facilitate I-ARG human I-ARG respiration I-ARG and I-ARG circulation I-ARG system I-ARG . O Moreover, O these B-ARG sports I-ARG can I-ARG also I-ARG strengthen I-ARG muscles I-ARG and I-ARG lessen I-ARG surplus I-ARG adipose I-ARG tissues I-ARG in I-ARG human I-ARG body I-ARG . O The B-ARG latter I-ARG one I-ARG is I-ARG of I-ARG particular I-ARG importance I-ARG because I-ARG nowadays I-ARG more I-ARG and I-ARG more I-ARG people I-ARG are I-ARG suffer I-ARG from I-ARG obesity I-ARG . O Many B-ARG studies I-ARG has I-ARG points I-ARG out I-ARG that I-ARG numbers I-ARG of I-ARG overweight I-ARG people I-ARG have I-ARG increased I-ARG in I-ARG developed I-ARG countries I-ARG in I-ARG recent I-ARG years, I-ARG which I-ARG mainly I-ARG results I-ARG from I-ARG insufficient I-ARG exercises I-ARG . O Sports B-ARG activities I-ARG can I-ARG improve I-ARG mental I-ARG health I-ARG as O well O . O When B-ARG people I-ARG exercise, I-ARG the I-ARG neuron I-ARG cells I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG brain I-ARG release I-ARG a I-ARG chemical I-ARG compound I-ARG named I-ARG Dopamine I-ARG . O This B-ARG hormone I-ARG can I-ARG delight I-ARG one's I-ARG mind, I-ARG creating I-ARG positive I-ARG feelings I-ARG . O Thus O good B-ARG exercises I-ARG can I-ARG often I-ARG successfully I-ARG alleviating I-ARG one's I-ARG heavy I-ARG burdens I-ARG . O Moreover, O rigorous B-ARG exercise I-ARG can I-ARG also I-ARG hone I-ARG one's I-ARG will, I-ARG which I-ARG enable I-ARG people I-ARG to I-ARG be I-ARG able I-ARG to I-ARG tackle I-ARG stringent I-ARG problems I-ARG and I-ARG arduous I-ARG tasks I-ARG . O In O a O nutshell, O many B-ARG activities I-ARG can I-ARG let I-ARG humans I-ARG relax I-ARG . O Nevertheless, O I O assert O that O the B-ARG best I-ARG way I-ARG of I-ARG diminishing I-ARG stress I-ARG is I-ARG by I-ARG exercises, I-ARG which I-ARG can I-ARG benefit I-ARG everyone I-ARG not I-ARG only I-ARG physically I-ARG but I-ARG also I-ARG mentally I-ARG . O Zoos O should O be O banned O Children O tend O to O visit O zoos O where O various O kinds O of O wild O creatures O could O be O seen O . O When O it O comes O to O whether O zoos O should O exist O on O contemporary O society, O animal-right O activists O strongly O recommended O that O wildlife O belong O to O natural O environment O and O zoos O should O be O banned O . O I O would O not O go O along O with O their O viewpoint O as O zoos B-ARG have I-ARG irreplaceable I-ARG benefits I-ARG in I-ARG terms I-ARG of I-ARG animal I-ARG preservation I-ARG and I-ARG children I-ARG education I-ARG . O There O is O no O denying O that O our B-ARG environment I-ARG is I-ARG damaged I-ARG day I-ARG by I-ARG day I-ARG due I-ARG to I-ARG the I-ARG fact I-ARG that I-ARG excessive I-ARG pursuit I-ARG of I-ARG economic I-ARG development I-ARG at I-ARG expense I-ARG of I-ARG eco-system, I-ARG which I-ARG pose I-ARG a I-ARG great I-ARG threat I-ARG to I-ARG the I-ARG survival I-ARG of I-ARG wild I-ARG animals I-ARG . O In O contrast, O zoo B-ARG is I-ARG a I-ARG good I-ARG alternative I-ARG choice I-ARG for I-ARG protecting I-ARG animals I-ARG as O various B-ARG animals I-ARG could I-ARG be I-ARG better I-ARG protected I-ARG by I-ARG specialized I-ARG staff I-ARG . O Once B-ARG the I-ARG animal I-ARG got I-ARG sick, I-ARG professional I-ARG vet I-ARG will I-ARG help I-ARG them I-ARG promptly I-ARG . O Thanks B-ARG to I-ARG the I-ARG considerate I-ARG care, I-ARG the I-ARG diversity I-ARG of I-ARG wild I-ARG animal I-ARG could I-ARG be I-ARG guaranteed I-ARG . O Additionally, O zoos B-ARG afford I-ARG a I-ARG platform I-ARG to I-ARG education I-ARG teenagers, I-ARG helping I-ARG to I-ARG establish I-ARG eco-friendly I-ARG behavior I-ARG towards I-ARG animals I-ARG . O In B-ARG the I-ARG zoos, I-ARG even I-ARG though I-ARG wild I-ARG animals I-ARG are I-ARG caged, I-ARG they I-ARG have I-ARG capability I-ARG to I-ARG walk I-ARG in I-ARG a I-ARG limited I-ARG area I-ARG . O When B-ARG children I-ARG pay I-ARG a I-ARG visit I-ARG to I-ARG the I-ARG zoos, I-ARG they I-ARG still I-ARG could I-ARG observe I-ARG the I-ARG eating I-ARG behavior I-ARG or I-ARG leisure I-ARG activities I-ARG among I-ARG animals, I-ARG which I-ARG would I-ARG definitely I-ARG enrich I-ARG their I-ARG knowledge I-ARG associated I-ARG with I-ARG different I-ARG animals I-ARG . O Further, O children B-ARG could I-ARG acquire I-ARG the I-ARG information I-ARG regarding I-ARG how I-ARG to I-ARG protect I-ARG wild I-ARG animals I-ARG according I-ARG to I-ARG guided I-ARG tour I-ARG or I-ARG volunteers I-ARG . O On O the O other O hand, O complained B-ARG about I-ARG the I-ARG drawbacks I-ARG of I-ARG zoos I-ARG are I-ARG often I-ARG heard I-ARG . O It O is O true O that O some B-ARG zoos I-ARG are I-ARG lack I-ARG of I-ARG systematic I-ARG management I-ARG which I-ARG attributes I-ARG to I-ARG numerous I-ARG wild I-ARG animals I-ARG die I-ARG because I-ARG of I-ARG food I-ARG shortage I-ARG . O Also, O being B-ARG caged I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG zoos I-ARG for I-ARG long I-ARG render I-ARG wildlife I-ARG lost I-ARG the I-ARG ability I-ARG to I-ARG survive I-ARG in I-ARG nature I-ARG where I-ARG is I-ARG full I-ARG of I-ARG cruel I-ARG competition I-ARG among I-ARG various I-ARG animals I-ARG . O In O order O to O protect O animals, O from O my O perspective, O zoos B-ARG offer I-ARG a I-ARG good I-ARG man-made I-ARG environment I-ARG which I-ARG could I-ARG prolong I-ARG the I-ARG life I-ARG span I-ARG of I-ARG wild I-ARG animals I-ARG and I-ARG cultivate I-ARG the I-ARG notion I-ARG of I-ARG protecting I-ARG animals I-ARG . O What O the O zoos O should O do O is O improvement O of O the O management O system O and O use O the O income O wisely O in O preserving O wild O animals O better O . O Advertising O - O positive O or O negative O part O of O our O lives O Nowadays, O the O use O of O advertisement O through O different O forms O of O media O such O as O newspapers, O radio O and O television O has O become O very O prevalent, O so O it O is O thought O to O be O a O necessary O part O of O today's O society O . O Many O believe O that O advertising O has O brought O great O benefits O to O lives O therefore O it O should O be O considered O a O positive O activity O while O others O have O held O a O complete O different O idea O about O this O . O Both O views O will O be O critiqued O before O a O reasonable O conclusion O is O drawn O . O First, O it O is O generally O understood O that O advertising B-ARG is I-ARG carried I-ARG out I-ARG with I-ARG the I-ARG main I-ARG purpose I-ARG of I-ARG promoting I-ARG different I-ARG products I-ARG and I-ARG services I-ARG or I-ARG encouraging I-ARG people I-ARG to I-ARG consume I-ARG more I-ARG . O Advertisements B-ARG are, I-ARG therefore, I-ARG very I-ARG important I-ARG for I-ARG many I-ARG businesses I-ARG to I-ARG increase I-ARG sales I-ARG and I-ARG hence I-ARG profits I-ARG . O Also, O to B-ARG consumers, I-ARG advertising I-ARG can I-ARG bring I-ARG them I-ARG many I-ARG benefits I-ARG . O For O example, O customers B-ARG of I-ARG telecommunication I-ARG services I-ARG will I-ARG have I-ARG an I-ARG idea I-ARG about I-ARG the I-ARG current I-ARG offers I-ARG of I-ARG different I-ARG companies I-ARG and O hence O they B-ARG can I-ARG compare I-ARG them I-ARG and I-ARG then I-ARG have I-ARG a I-ARG better I-ARG decision I-ARG in I-ARG choosing I-ARG their I-ARG internet I-ARG or I-ARG mobile I-ARG phone I-ARG plans I-ARG . O From O all O of O these, O it O is O easy O to O see O why O the O idea O that O advertising O is O a O positive O part O of O life O will O garner O strong O support O . O However, O it O can O be O seen O that O some O people O have O argued O against O advertising O due O to O its O negative O impacts O . O Firstly, O a B-ARG huge I-ARG amount I-ARG of I-ARG different I-ARG advertisements I-ARG could I-ARG be I-ARG sent I-ARG automatically I-ARG by I-ARG a I-ARG system I-ARG to I-ARG personal I-ARG phones I-ARG or I-ARG email I-ARG addresses, I-ARG this I-ARG is I-ARG generally I-ARG known I-ARG as I-ARG spam, I-ARG and I-ARG causes I-ARG discomfort I-ARG or I-ARG even I-ARG annoyance I-ARG to I-ARG many I-ARG people I-ARG . O Secondly, O advertising B-ARG can I-ARG be I-ARG very I-ARG expensive I-ARG and I-ARG not I-ARG every I-ARG advertising I-ARG campaign I-ARG can I-ARG be I-ARG done I-ARG successfully I-ARG and I-ARG brings I-ARG good I-ARG results I-ARG . O Therefore, O advertising B-ARG is I-ARG believed I-ARG by I-ARG many, I-ARG a I-ARG financial I-ARG burden I-ARG to I-ARG businesses I-ARG . O In O conclusion, O after O analyzing O the O pros O and O cons O of O advertising, O both O of O the O views O have O strong O support, O but O it O is O felt O that O more B-ARG good I-ARG comes I-ARG from I-ARG advertising I-ARG than I-ARG bad I-ARG . O Thus, O the B-ARG idea I-ARG that I-ARG advertising I-ARG is I-ARG a I-ARG positive I-ARG part I-ARG of I-ARG life I-ARG can I-ARG be I-ARG more I-ARG supported I-ARG . O It O is O better O for O children O to O grow O up O in O the O countryside O than O in O a O big O city? O Nowadays O living O is O possible O on O every O place O of O the O world, O but O still O there O are O some O differences O among O them O . O From O my O point O of O view O big B-ARG cities I-ARG can I-ARG be I-ARG a I-ARG good I-ARG place I-ARG for I-ARG bringing I-ARG up I-ARG children I-ARG . O To O begin O with, O it O is O undeniable O that O education B-ARG is I-ARG better I-ARG in I-ARG big I-ARG cities I-ARG in I-ARG comparison I-ARG with I-ARG countrysides I-ARG . O For O instance, O in B-ARG my I-ARG country I-ARG the I-ARG best I-ARG schools, I-ARG universities I-ARG and I-ARG institutes I-ARG are I-ARG located I-ARG in I-ARG cities, I-ARG and I-ARG todays I-ARG education I-ARG is I-ARG one I-ARG of I-ARG the I-ARG most I-ARG important I-ARG parts I-ARG of I-ARG our I-ARG children's I-ARG life I-ARG . O Therefore, O it B-ARG is I-ARG a I-ARG good I-ARG idea I-ARG for I-ARG children I-ARG to I-ARG past I-ARG their I-ARG first I-ARG earlier I-ARG life I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG cities I-ARG . O What O is O more, O it B-ARG is I-ARG acknowledged I-ARG that I-ARG a I-ARG large I-ARG number I-ARG of I-ARG creational I-ARG facilities I-ARG are I-ARG built I-ARG in I-ARG cities I-ARG . O Children B-ARG who I-ARG live I-ARG in I-ARG cities I-ARG have I-ARG a I-ARG lot I-ARG of I-ARG entertainment I-ARG . O For O example O playgrounds, B-ARG parks, I-ARG science I-ARG museums, I-ARG cinemas I-ARG etc I-ARG . O However, O in B-ARG countrysides I-ARG we I-ARG hardly I-ARG ever I-ARG see I-ARG creational I-ARG facilities I-ARG . O Children B-ARG who I-ARG live I-ARG in I-ARG countrysides I-ARG most I-ARG of I-ARG the I-ARG time I-ARG pass I-ARG their I-ARG free I-ARG time I-ARG in I-ARG farms I-ARG . O Finally, O in O big O cities O children O access O to O media O easily, O so O they B-ARG can I-ARG learn I-ARG a I-ARG lot I-ARG of I-ARG things I-ARG by I-ARG watching I-ARG television I-ARG and I-ARG surfing I-ARG through I-ARG the I-ARG net I-ARG . O Via O internet O they O can O have O connection O with O the O other O children O all O around O the O world, O therefor O they B-ARG can I-ARG exchange I-ARG their I-ARG knowledge, I-ARG they I-ARG can I-ARG learn I-ARG different I-ARG cultures I-ARG . O To O sum O up, O although O countrysides B-ARG have I-ARG some I-ARG advantages I-ARG such I-ARG as I-ARG fresh I-ARG air, I-ARG peace, I-ARG and I-ARG etc I-ARG . O Today's B-ARG children I-ARG needs I-ARG somethings I-ARG to I-ARG entertain I-ARG them, I-ARG and I-ARG occupy I-ARG their I-ARG leisure I-ARG time I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG best I-ARG way I-ARG . O A O single O international O language O or O not? O The O 21st O century O has O witnessed O the O sweeping O trends O of O globalization, O which O raises O people's O concerns O about O whether O a O single O international O language O should O be O a O necessity O or O not O . O From O my O perspective, O a B-ARG universal I-ARG language I-ARG playing I-ARG the I-ARG dominant I-ARG role I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG international I-ARG community I-ARG is I-ARG of I-ARG vital I-ARG significance I-ARG to I-ARG global I-ARG people I-ARG . O It O is O especially O true O if O we O consider O the O fact O that O a B-ARG single I-ARG international I-ARG language I-ARG plays I-ARG a I-ARG pivotal I-ARG role I-ARG in I-ARG global I-ARG economic I-ARG cooperation I-ARG . O As B-ARG businessmen I-ARG from I-ARG different I-ARG countries I-ARG have I-ARG access I-ARG to I-ARG the I-ARG same I-ARG language, I-ARG they I-ARG can I-ARG communicate I-ARG with I-ARG each I-ARG other I-ARG more I-ARG efficiently I-ARG and I-ARG deeply I-ARG on I-ARG trade, I-ARG which I-ARG can I-ARG intensify I-ARG the I-ARG transnational I-ARG cooperation I-ARG . O In O contrast, O without B-ARG the I-ARG availability I-ARG of I-ARG the I-ARG same I-ARG language, I-ARG there I-ARG might I-ARG be I-ARG a I-ARG chance I-ARG that I-ARG misunderstanding I-ARG and I-ARG conflicts I-ARG would I-ARG ensue I-ARG over I-ARG business I-ARG negotiations, I-ARG impeding I-ARG collaborations I-ARG between I-ARG them I-ARG . O Therefore, O a B-ARG single I-ARG international I-ARG language I-ARG serves I-ARG an I-ARG economic I-ARG purpose I-ARG . O Also, O a B-ARG universal I-ARG language I-ARG is I-ARG an I-ARG integral I-ARG part I-ARG of I-ARG cultural I-ARG communication I-ARG and I-ARG interactions I-ARG . O If B-ARG people I-ARG are I-ARG equipped I-ARG with I-ARG a I-ARG single I-ARG international I-ARG language, I-ARG they I-ARG can I-ARG tell I-ARG each I-ARG other I-ARG smoothly I-ARG about I-ARG their I-ARG countries' I-ARG specific I-ARG cultures I-ARG such I-ARG as I-ARG the I-ARG traditional I-ARG customs I-ARG or I-ARG the I-ARG modern I-ARG lifestyles, I-ARG which I-ARG enables I-ARG people I-ARG to I-ARG expand I-ARG their I-ARG outlooks, I-ARG viewing I-ARG the I-ARG world I-ARG in I-ARG new I-ARG angles I-ARG . O For O example, O when B-ARG people I-ARG travel I-ARG to I-ARG foreign I-ARG countries, I-ARG the I-ARG local I-ARG people I-ARG can I-ARG introduce I-ARG the I-ARG tourist I-ARG attractions I-ARG to I-ARG such I-ARG people I-ARG with I-ARG the I-ARG command I-ARG of I-ARG the I-ARG universal I-ARG language, I-ARG helping I-ARG foreign I-ARG visitors I-ARG have I-ARG an I-ARG enjoyable I-ARG exotic I-ARG experience I-ARG . O In O spite O of O this, O the O disadvantages O of O the O promotion O of O a O universal O language O cannot O be O denied O . O To O be O more O specific, O a B-ARG single I-ARG international I-ARG language I-ARG may, I-ARG to I-ARG some I-ARG extent, I-ARG erode I-ARG the I-ARG cultural I-ARG identity I-ARG of I-ARG a I-ARG nation I-ARG . O This O is O because O people B-ARG may I-ARG be I-ARG impressed I-ARG by I-ARG the I-ARG cultural I-ARG values I-ARG brought I-ARG with I-ARG the I-ARG universal I-ARG language, I-ARG eroding I-ARG a I-ARG sense I-ARG of I-ARG national I-ARG belong I-ARG . O For O instance, O some O Asians O are O seeking O individualism, O previously O denied O by O many O Asian O countries, O due O to O the O fact O that O they B-ARG have I-ARG gradually I-ARG identified I-ARG with I-ARG such I-ARG values I-ARG expressed I-ARG in I-ARG American I-ARG movies, I-ARG which I-ARG are I-ARG imported I-ARG by I-ARG the I-ARG governments I-ARG as I-ARG a I-ARG result I-ARG of I-ARG the I-ARG proliferation I-ARG of I-ARG English I-ARG . O Therefore, O I O would O conclude O that O a B-ARG single I-ARG international I-ARG language I-ARG contributes I-ARG to I-ARG global I-ARG community I-ARG in I-ARG terms I-ARG of I-ARG economic I-ARG and I-ARG cultural I-ARG communication I-ARG . O On O the O other O hand, O every B-ARG country I-ARG should I-ARG by I-ARG no I-ARG means I-ARG disregard I-ARG the I-ARG preservation I-ARG of I-ARG their I-ARG own I-ARG cultural I-ARG heritage I-ARG . O Roles O of O international O sports O events O Whenever O an O international O sporting O occasion O like O the O football O World O Cup O takes O place, O it O attracts O millions O of O people O all O over O the O world O . O As O sport O has O become O a O common O passion O which O passed O over O every O national O border, O popular B-ARG sports I-ARG events I-ARG can I-ARG help I-ARG reduce I-ARG international I-ARG tensions I-ARG remarkably I-ARG and I-ARG promote I-ARG national I-ARG prides I-ARG safely I-ARG . O First O and O foremost, O sports B-ARG events I-ARG are I-ARG good I-ARG chances I-ARG for I-ARG excellent I-ARG athletes I-ARG to I-ARG meet I-ARG and I-ARG learn I-ARG valuable I-ARG experiences I-ARG from I-ARG one I-ARG another I-ARG so O that O they B-ARG can I-ARG improve I-ARG their I-ARG results, I-ARG break I-ARG records I-ARG and I-ARG bring I-ARG victories I-ARG to I-ARG their I-ARG own I-ARG countries I-ARG . O Because O a O large O number O of O people O will O gather O in O the O host O city O for O sport O events, O there B-ARG are I-ARG many I-ARG good I-ARG opportunities I-ARG for I-ARG discovering I-ARG different I-ARG cultures I-ARG . O Consequently, O sport B-ARG events I-ARG with I-ARG the I-ARG spirit I-ARG of I-ARG healthiness, I-ARG honesty I-ARG and I-ARG fairness I-ARG can I-ARG help I-ARG strengthen I-ARG understanding, I-ARG friendship I-ARG and I-ARG solidarity I-ARG among I-ARG nations I-ARG . O After B-ARG sharing I-ARG competitive I-ARG but I-ARG interesting I-ARG moments I-ARG in I-ARG each I-ARG competition, I-ARG the I-ARG competitors I-ARG often I-ARG shake I-ARG hands I-ARG friendly I-ARG and I-ARG congratulate I-ARG the I-ARG winners, I-ARG which I-ARG can I-ARG lead I-ARG to I-ARG an I-ARG improvement I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG relationships I-ARG among I-ARG nations I-ARG . O Secondly, O sporting B-ARG occasions I-ARG play I-ARG an I-ARG essential I-ARG role I-ARG in I-ARG raising I-ARG patriotic I-ARG emotions I-ARG in I-ARG both I-ARG athletes I-ARG and I-ARG spectators I-ARG . O Seeing B-ARG national I-ARG flags I-ARG be I-ARG honored I-ARG may I-ARG be I-ARG the I-ARG most I-ARG emotional I-ARG moments I-ARG to I-ARG each I-ARG athlete I-ARG . O The B-ARG athlete I-ARG also I-ARG seems I-ARG to I-ARG be I-ARG more I-ARG aware I-ARG of I-ARG his I-ARG responsibilities I-ARG and I-ARG he I-ARG wants I-ARG to I-ARG contribute I-ARG more I-ARG to I-ARG his I-ARG beloved I-ARG country I-ARG . O When B-ARG witnessing I-ARG our I-ARG national I-ARG flags I-ARG flying I-ARG proudly I-ARG among I-ARG others, I-ARG many I-ARG of I-ARG us I-ARG can I-ARG stop I-ARG hiding I-ARG our I-ARG pride I-ARG and I-ARG happiness I-ARG . O For O instance, O when B-ARG Vietnam I-ARG became I-ARG the I-ARG champion I-ARG of I-ARG SEAGAMES I-ARG for I-ARG the I-ARG first I-ARG time I-ARG in I-ARG 2008, I-ARG a I-ARG festival I-ARG atmosphere I-ARG permeated I-ARG into I-ARG the I-ARG streets I-ARG . O People B-ARG from I-ARG all I-ARG ages I-ARG turned I-ARG out I-ARG to I-ARG the I-ARG streets I-ARG with I-ARG flags, I-ARG banners I-ARG and I-ARG they I-ARG sang I-ARG aloud I-ARG songs I-ARG of I-ARG Ho I-ARG Chi I-ARG Minh I-ARG President I-ARG . O The B-ARG eager I-ARG atmosphere I-ARG lasted I-ARG many I-ARG next I-ARG days I-ARG . O In O fact, O some B-ARG hooligans I-ARG were I-ARG so I-ARG excited I-ARG that I-ARG they I-ARG took I-ARG part I-ARG in I-ARG motor I-ARG racing I-ARG or I-ARG using I-ARG fireworks I-ARG illegally I-ARG . O However, O the B-ARG hooligans I-ARG only I-ARG took I-ARG a I-ARG minority I-ARG of I-ARG people I-ARG . O Therefore, O it O can O be O said O that O sport B-ARG events I-ARG help I-ARG to I-ARG wake I-ARG up I-ARG love I-ARG and I-ARG responsibilities I-ARG strongly I-ARG in I-ARG each I-ARG citizen I-ARG . O In O conclusion, O international B-ARG sporting I-ARG occasions I-ARG are I-ARG not I-ARG only I-ARG one I-ARG of I-ARG the I-ARG effective I-ARG solutions I-ARG to I-ARG tensions I-ARG among I-ARG nations I-ARG but I-ARG also I-ARG a I-ARG stimulant I-ARG for I-ARG releasing I-ARG patriotic I-ARG emotions I-ARG safely I-ARG . O Hence, O I O recommend O that O big O sports O events O should O be O held O more O frequently O in O the O future O . O Children O engagement O in O paid O work O In O many O countries, O children O are O educated O from O their O young O age O to O be O independent O and O responsible O for O their O actions O . O Their O parents O allow O them O to O take O some O jobs O because O these O jobs O can O help O them O learn O and O take O responsibilities O . O However, O some O people O think O it's O not O a O good O educational O measure O . O From O my O point O of O view, O the B-ARG benefits I-ARG of I-ARG children I-ARG engagement I-ARG in I-ARG paid I-ARG work I-ARG outweigh I-ARG its I-ARG drawbacks I-ARG . O First O of O all, O children B-ARG can I-ARG learn I-ARG about I-ARG the I-ARG hardship I-ARG of I-ARG earning I-ARG money I-ARG . O When B-ARG they I-ARG take I-ARG some I-ARG kind I-ARG of I-ARG paid I-ARG work I-ARG such I-ARG as I-ARG looking I-ARG after I-ARG babies, I-ARG doing I-ARG housework I-ARG and I-ARG keeping I-ARG shops, I-ARG they I-ARG will I-ARG have I-ARG some I-ARG life I-ARG experience I-ARG and I-ARG skills I-ARG which I-ARG make I-ARG them I-ARG mature I-ARG and I-ARG can I-ARG deal I-ARG with I-ARG many I-ARG different I-ARG situations I-ARG in I-ARG real I-ARG life I-ARG . O Therefore, O they B-ARG are I-ARG likely I-ARG to I-ARG understand I-ARG their I-ARG parents' I-ARG hardship, I-ARG to I-ARG respect I-ARG values I-ARG of I-ARG money I-ARG and I-ARG to I-ARG form I-ARG a I-ARG good I-ARG habit I-ARG of I-ARG saving I-ARG . O Secondly, O when O children O take O jobs, O they O tend O to O be O more O responsible O because O whether B-ARG they I-ARG can I-ARG earn I-ARG money I-ARG or I-ARG not I-ARG will I-ARG depend I-ARG on I-ARG their I-ARG effectiveness I-ARG and I-ARG attitudes I-ARG in I-ARG working I-ARG . O To B-ARG keep I-ARG their I-ARG jobs, I-ARG children I-ARG will I-ARG have I-ARG to I-ARG try I-ARG their I-ARG best I-ARG to I-ARG finish I-ARG their I-ARG duties I-ARG . O For O example, O if B-ARG a I-ARG child I-ARG works I-ARG as I-ARG a I-ARG shop I-ARG assistant, I-ARG he I-ARG will I-ARG have I-ARG to I-ARG keep I-ARG an I-ARG eye I-ARG on I-ARG good I-ARG and I-ARG products, I-ARG calculate I-ARG prices I-ARG correctly I-ARG and I-ARG take I-ARG responsibilities I-ARG for I-ARG any I-ARG lost I-ARG . O Some O people O may O argue O that O children B-ARG will I-ARG be I-ARG more I-ARG material, I-ARG neglect I-ARG their I-ARG study I-ARG for I-ARG earning I-ARG money I-ARG or I-ARG be I-ARG exploited I-ARG by I-ARG the I-ARG employers I-ARG . O However, O if B-ARG children I-ARG get I-ARG good I-ARG care I-ARG and I-ARG instructions I-ARG from I-ARG their I-ARG parents, I-ARG they I-ARG can I-ARG take I-ARG advantages I-ARG of I-ARG the I-ARG work I-ARG to I-ARG learn I-ARG valuable I-ARG things I-ARG and I-ARG avoid I-ARG going I-ARG in I-ARG a I-ARG wrong I-ARG way I-ARG . O In O conclusion, O if B-ARG children I-ARG take I-ARG part I-ARG in I-ARG some I-ARG kind I-ARG of I-ARG paid I-ARG work I-ARG with I-ARG their I-ARG parents' I-ARG permission, I-ARG they I-ARG can I-ARG learn I-ARG lively I-ARG lessons I-ARG and I-ARG become I-ARG mature I-ARG and I-ARG responsible I-ARG . O I O recommend O that O parents O should O help O their O children O to O choose O a O suitable O job O which O does O not O affect O their O children O 's O study O and O that O the O government O should O have O right O policies O to O avoid O exploiting O children's O labour O . O Jury O must O have O access O to O criminals' O past O records O Courts O of O many O countries O provide O a O jury O with O the O history O of O a O defendant, O except O those O of O the O UK O and O Australia O . O Common O belief O that O a O jury O should O obtain O all O information O regarding O a O suspect O has O fostered O some O lawyers O to O protest O against O the O current O rules O in O those O two O countries O . O Many O people O hold O the O opinion O that O past O behaviour O determines O the O future O actions, O which O could O be O the O main O reason O to O support O the O idea O of O revealing O the O record O to O the O jury O . O We O must O acknowledge O that O complete B-ARG data I-ARG concerning I-ARG the I-ARG history I-ARG of I-ARG a I-ARG sued I-ARG person I-ARG creates I-ARG more I-ARG opportunity I-ARG for I-ARG jury I-ARG members I-ARG to I-ARG build I-ARG an I-ARG overall I-ARG picture I-ARG of I-ARG defendant's I-ARG personality I-ARG . O Furthermore, O past B-ARG record I-ARG might I-ARG be I-ARG useful I-ARG to I-ARG decide I-ARG whether I-ARG a I-ARG person I-ARG was I-ARG able I-ARG to I-ARG perform I-ARG a I-ARG certain I-ARG type I-ARG of I-ARG crime I-ARG when I-ARG it I-ARG concerns I-ARG serious I-ARG crimes, I-ARG such I-ARG as I-ARG kidnapping I-ARG or I-ARG a I-ARG murder I-ARG . O Nevertheless, O in B-ARG order I-ARG for I-ARG the I-ARG jury I-ARG to I-ARG come I-ARG up I-ARG with I-ARG an I-ARG objective I-ARG decision I-ARG not I-ARG depending I-ARG on I-ARG the I-ARG past I-ARG experience, I-ARG the I-ARG court I-ARG should I-ARG provide I-ARG with I-ARG details I-ARG relevant I-ARG to I-ARG a I-ARG particular I-ARG case I-ARG only I-ARG . O For O instance, O a B-ARG defendant I-ARG with I-ARG number I-ARG of I-ARG past I-ARG crimes I-ARG has I-ARG more I-ARG chance I-ARG to I-ARG be I-ARG found I-ARG guilty I-ARG compared I-ARG to I-ARG a I-ARG person I-ARG with I-ARG no I-ARG or I-ARG lighter I-ARG criminal I-ARG record I-ARG . O Innocent B-ARG suspects, I-ARG eventually, I-ARG can I-ARG face I-ARG unfair I-ARG juridical I-ARG decision I-ARG and I-ARG pay I-ARG twice I-ARG for I-ARG their I-ARG previous I-ARG inadequate I-ARG actions I-ARG . O In O conclusion, O I B-ARG am I-ARG skeptical I-ARG about I-ARG disclosing I-ARG the I-ARG defendant's I-ARG history I-ARG to I-ARG the I-ARG jury, I-ARG with I-ARG intention I-ARG to I-ARG avoid I-ARG subjective I-ARG and I-ARG probable I-ARG inaccurate I-ARG verdict I-ARG . O Thus, O I B-ARG strongly I-ARG support I-ARG the I-ARG current I-ARG laws I-ARG of I-ARG Great I-ARG Britain I-ARG and I-ARG Australia, I-ARG and I-ARG would I-ARG not I-ARG change I-ARG the I-ARG regulations I-ARG on I-ARG keeping I-ARG the I-ARG jury I-ARG unaware I-ARG of I-ARG past I-ARG actions I-ARG . O The O Internet O is O an O adequate O source O of O academic O information O Over O the O past O few O decades, O the O world O has O witnessed O a O long O stride O in O technological O modernization, O especially O in O field O of O education O . O This O has O enabled O university O lecturers O to O post O their O lessons O on O the O web O for O the O sake O of O students O . O Consequently, O direct O interactions O between O teachers O and O learners O have O been O deemphasized O . O However, O the O impact O of O the O Internet O on O schooling O is O still O an O intriguing O issue O which O has O sparked O a O heated O debate O among O educationists O . O Personally, O I O believe O that O the B-ARG Internet I-ARG will I-ARG pave I-ARG way I-ARG for I-ARG a I-ARG more I-ARG accessible I-ARG and I-ARG convenient I-ARG learning I-ARG . O First O and O foremost, O the B-ARG Internet I-ARG is I-ARG an I-ARG adequate I-ARG source I-ARG of I-ARG academic I-ARG information, I-ARG which I-ARG will I-ARG potentially I-ARG fulfill I-ARG the I-ARG needs I-ARG of I-ARG university I-ARG pupils I-ARG . O Nowadays, B-ARG not I-ARG only I-ARG are I-ARG lectures I-ARG available I-ARG online, I-ARG it I-ARG is I-ARG also I-ARG applicable I-ARG to I-ARG find I-ARG reference I-ARG e-books I-ARG as I-ARG well I-ARG as I-ARG multi-aspect I-ARG documents I-ARG on I-ARG the I-ARG cyberspace I-ARG . O As O such, O the B-ARG Internet I-ARG has I-ARG grown I-ARG to I-ARG become I-ARG the I-ARG largest I-ARG virtual I-ARG library I-ARG ever I-ARG . O Moreover, O with B-ARG the I-ARG use I-ARG of I-ARG the I-ARG Internet, I-ARG distance I-ARG and I-ARG time I-ARG seem I-ARG to I-ARG be I-ARG no I-ARG more I-ARG a I-ARG hindrance I-ARG . O College B-ARG students I-ARG can I-ARG save I-ARG their I-ARG time I-ARG browsing I-ARG for I-ARG necessary I-ARG information I-ARG through I-ARG the I-ARG web I-ARG instead I-ARG of I-ARG spending I-ARG hours I-ARG wandering I-ARG in I-ARG bookstores I-ARG or I-ARG libraries I-ARG . O Last O but O not O least, O the B-ARG Internet I-ARG offers I-ARG a I-ARG more I-ARG effective I-ARG and I-ARG practical I-ARG method I-ARG of I-ARG studying I-ARG . O While B-ARG virtual I-ARG flowcharts I-ARG and I-ARG animations I-ARG may I-ARG simplify I-ARG complicated I-ARG scientific I-ARG processes, I-ARG Google I-ARG and I-ARG Wikipedia I-ARG are I-ARG always I-ARG accessible I-ARG for I-ARG detailed I-ARG responses I-ARG to I-ARG every I-ARG query I-ARG . O In O the O near O future, O the O Internet O will O become O an O indispensable O part O in O academic O training, O for O the O enormous O benefits O that O it O brings O about O . O Have O you O ever O imagined O what O it O would O be O like O to O stay O at O home O and O attend O a O lecture O by O a O famous O speaker O in O Finland O simultaneously? O This B-ARG fairy I-ARG tale I-ARG turns I-ARG out I-ARG to I-ARG be I-ARG true I-ARG thanks I-ARG to I-ARG technical I-ARG and I-ARG internet I-ARG advances I-ARG . O Critics O may O argue O that O the B-ARG Internet I-ARG have I-ARG several I-ARG drawbacks I-ARG which I-ARG can I-ARG affect I-ARG the I-ARG education I-ARG system I-ARG negatively, I-ARG for I-ARG instance I-ARG internet I-ARG abuse I-ARG and I-ARG black I-ARG webs I-ARG . O However, O we O should O bear O in O mind O that O these B-ARG problems I-ARG are I-ARG mainly I-ARG triggered I-ARG by I-ARG students' I-ARG wrong I-ARG approach I-ARG towards I-ARG the I-ARG Internet I-ARG not I-ARG the I-ARG Internet I-ARG itself I-ARG . O Thus, O what B-ARG we I-ARG are I-ARG to I-ARG do I-ARG is I-ARG a I-ARG change I-ARG in I-ARG learners' I-ARG attitude I-ARG not I-ARG an I-ARG elimination I-ARG of I-ARG the I-ARG Internet I-ARG from I-ARG academic I-ARG study I-ARG . O After O analyzing O both O points O of O view, O I B-ARG would I-ARG like I-ARG to I-ARG reiterate I-ARG the I-ARG necessity I-ARG of I-ARG the I-ARG Internet I-ARG in I-ARG learning I-ARG process I-ARG . O It O is O obvious O that O the O benefits O of O the O Internet O undoubtedly O outweigh O its O disadvantages O . O However, O it O is O not O just O the O matter O of O help O or O hindrance, O it O is O the O way O you O use O the O cyberspace O . O Be O wise O and O conscious O . O Early O retirement O for O 55+ O employees O to O help O younger O people O Nowadays O the O discussion O about O whether O the O businesses O are O supposed O to O prescribe O the O retirement O age O at O fifty-five O to O offer O more O job O vacancies O for O younger O generation O has O become O a O controversy O . O Some O believe O that O is O a O perfect O attempt O to O support O the O young, O others O claim O that O this O is O not O the O case O . O Admittedly, O encouraging B-ARG the I-ARG workers I-ARG to I-ARG retire I-ARG at I-ARG age I-ARG of I-ARG fifty-five I-ARG to I-ARG release I-ARG the I-ARG positions I-ARG for I-ARG younger I-ARG job I-ARG seekers I-ARG has I-ARG some I-ARG merits I-ARG . O Firstly, O fresh B-ARG graduates I-ARG are I-ARG likely I-ARG to I-ARG bring I-ARG a I-ARG number I-ARG of I-ARG practical I-ARG and I-ARG applicable I-ARG ideas I-ARG to I-ARG meet I-ARG the I-ARG current I-ARG needs I-ARG of I-ARG the I-ARG organisation I-ARG . O This O is O because O they B-ARG have I-ARG been I-ARG instilled I-ARG and I-ARG imparted I-ARG the I-ARG most I-ARG updated I-ARG knowledge I-ARG and I-ARG skills I-ARG at I-ARG universities I-ARG . O Secondly, O having B-ARG a I-ARG larger I-ARG proportion I-ARG of I-ARG young I-ARG adults I-ARG could I-ARG enhance I-ARG the I-ARG working I-ARG effectiveness I-ARG and I-ARG efficiency I-ARG . O Compared B-ARG with I-ARG aged I-ARG staffs, I-ARG younger I-ARG employees I-ARG are I-ARG often I-ARG physically I-ARG stronger I-ARG and I-ARG energetic I-ARG which I-ARG enables I-ARG them I-ARG to I-ARG carry I-ARG out I-ARG heavy I-ARG workload I-ARG to I-ARG meet I-ARG the I-ARG deadline I-ARG . O However, O sacrificing B-ARG the I-ARG senior I-ARG members I-ARG to I-ARG save I-ARG the I-ARG young I-ARG workers I-ARG poses I-ARG several I-ARG negative I-ARG influences I-ARG . O From B-ARG personal I-ARG level, I-ARG it I-ARG fosters I-ARG a I-ARG sense I-ARG of I-ARG unfairness I-ARG between I-ARG the I-ARG older I-ARG and I-ARG younger I-ARG generations I-ARG . O It O is O undeniable O that O every B-ARG person I-ARG within I-ARG the I-ARG business I-ARG enterprise I-ARG has I-ARG the I-ARG rights I-ARG to I-ARG proceed I-ARG their I-ARG work I-ARG as I-ARG long I-ARG as I-ARG they I-ARG are I-ARG capable I-ARG of I-ARG doing I-ARG it, I-ARG disregard I-ARG the I-ARG age I-ARG and I-ARG physical I-ARG capacity I-ARG . O From B-ARG social I-ARG perspective, I-ARG massively I-ARG forcing I-ARG the I-ARG early I-ARG retirement I-ARG would I-ARG be I-ARG one I-ARG of I-ARG financial I-ARG burden I-ARG to I-ARG the I-ARG local I-ARG government I-ARG . O For O example, O sufficient B-ARG pension I-ARG payments I-ARG and I-ARG regular I-ARG medical I-ARG care I-ARG should I-ARG be I-ARG given I-ARG and I-ARG arranged I-ARG for I-ARG the I-ARG senior I-ARG citizens I-ARG after I-ARG they I-ARG have I-ARG been I-ARG imposed I-ARG to I-ARG terminate I-ARG their I-ARG employment I-ARG permanently I-ARG . O In O conclusion, O even O though O the O introduction O of O the O early O retirement O has O some O benefits, O it O is O convincing O that O it B-ARG would I-ARG generate I-ARG a I-ARG sense I-ARG of I-ARG discrimination I-ARG among I-ARG different I-ARG age I-ARG groups I-ARG and I-ARG increase I-ARG the I-ARG government I-ARG financial I-ARG pressure I-ARG accordingly I-ARG . O Can O technology O alone O solve O the O world's O environmental O problems? O It O is O irrefutable O that O progress O in O technology O leads O to O environmental O problems O . O Some O individuals O are O of O the O opinion O that O if O people O live O a O simple O life O and O do O not O use O the O things O that O technology O has O brought O us O then O these O problems O can O be O solved O whereas O others O opine O that O only O technology O can O solve O these O problems O . O In O the O following O paragraphs, O I O intend O to O discuss O both O viewpoints O . O Some O people O say O that O if B-ARG humans I-ARG stop I-ARG using I-ARG technology I-ARG and I-ARG lead I-ARG a I-ARG simple I-ARG way I-ARG of I-ARG life I-ARG then I-ARG only I-ARG we I-ARG can I-ARG save I-ARG the I-ARG environment I-ARG . O They O argue O that O it B-ARG is I-ARG the I-ARG luxuries I-ARG people I-ARG use I-ARG which I-ARG damages I-ARG the I-ARG environment I-ARG . O If B-ARG people I-ARG don't I-ARG use I-ARG air I-ARG conditioners, I-ARG automobiles I-ARG and I-ARG other I-ARG such I-ARG things I-ARG that I-ARG technology I-ARG has I-ARG brought I-ARG us, I-ARG then I-ARG naturally I-ARG there I-ARG would I-ARG be I-ARG less I-ARG pollution I-ARG and I-ARG natural I-ARG resources I-ARG like I-ARG fossil I-ARG fuels I-ARG would I-ARG be I-ARG saved I-ARG and I-ARG all I-ARG this I-ARG would I-ARG save I-ARG the I-ARG environment I-ARG . O On O the O other O hand O there O are O people O who O say O that O technology B-ARG alone I-ARG could I-ARG save I-ARG the I-ARG environment I-ARG . O They O opine O that O now B-ARG we I-ARG have I-ARG come I-ARG so I-ARG far I-ARG ahead I-ARG in I-ARG technology I-ARG that I-ARG there I-ARG is I-ARG no I-ARG going I-ARG back I-ARG . O We B-ARG cannot I-ARG ask I-ARG the I-ARG people I-ARG of I-ARG the I-ARG jet I-ARG age I-ARG to I-ARG go I-ARG back I-ARG to I-ARG the I-ARG age I-ARG of I-ARG the I-ARG bullock I-ARG cart I-ARG . O There B-ARG are I-ARG a I-ARG lot I-ARG of I-ARG advances I-ARG going I-ARG on I-ARG technology I-ARG which I-ARG are I-ARG helping I-ARG the I-ARG environment I-ARG a I-ARG lot I-ARG . O One B-ARG prime I-ARG example I-ARG is I-ARG finding I-ARG solutions I-ARG to I-ARG water I-ARG problems I-ARG in I-ARG developing I-ARG countries I-ARG such I-ARG as I-ARG Africa I-ARG . O By B-ARG pressurising I-ARG sea I-ARG water I-ARG to I-ARG produce I-ARG vapour I-ARG jets I-ARG and I-ARG filtering I-ARG them I-ARG through I-ARG carbon I-ARG nano I-ARG tubes, I-ARG we I-ARG can I-ARG get I-ARG clean I-ARG drinking I-ARG water I-ARG from I-ARG sea I-ARG water I-ARG - I-ARG an I-ARG almost I-ARG inexhaustible I-ARG resource I-ARG . O Furthermore, O Japan B-ARG is I-ARG working I-ARG to I-ARG build I-ARG a I-ARG working I-ARG space I-ARG solar I-ARG power I-ARG system I-ARG by I-ARG 2030 I-ARG . O By B-ARG drawing I-ARG on I-ARG the I-ARG colossal I-ARG energy I-ARG of I-ARG the I-ARG sun, I-ARG it I-ARG could I-ARG meet I-ARG the I-ARG entire I-ARG world's I-ARG electricity I-ARG requirements I-ARG indefinitely I-ARG without I-ARG nuclear I-ARG or I-ARG GHG I-ARG emissions I-ARG . O If B-ARG successful, I-ARG the I-ARG impact I-ARG on I-ARG the I-ARG world I-ARG would I-ARG be I-ARG monumental I-ARG . O It B-ARG would I-ARG mean I-ARG energy I-ARG for I-ARG schools, I-ARG hospitals, I-ARG and I-ARG homes I-ARG . O It B-ARG would I-ARG mean I-ARG another I-ARG industrial I-ARG revolution I-ARG . O To O put O it O in O a O nutshell, O I O pen O down O saying O that, O technology B-ARG alone I-ARG can I-ARG solve I-ARG the I-ARG world's I-ARG environmental I-ARG problems I-ARG . O We O are O finally O entering O an O era O where O engineering O and O technology O are O making O the O world O a O better O place O . O It O would O be O highly O unpractical O to O ask O people O to O adopt O a O simpler O way O of O life O . O Computers O replace O human O teachers O With O the O number O of O technological O advances O growing O apace, O it O is O generally O believed O that O Internet O and O computers O will O supplant O the O traditional O role O of O teachers O in O a O not O too O distant O future O . O This O idea O may O point O out O to O two O main O directions, O both O of O which O present O different O arguments O . O Central O to O the O supporting O arguments O of O this O issue O is O the O idea O that O the B-ARG global I-ARG online I-ARG network I-ARG is I-ARG the I-ARG inexhaustible I-ARG source I-ARG of I-ARG information, I-ARG which I-ARG definitely I-ARG exceeds I-ARG the I-ARG fund I-ARG of I-ARG knowledge I-ARG that I-ARG any I-ARG veteran I-ARG teacher I-ARG can I-ARG accumulate I-ARG . O Internet B-ARG and I-ARG computer I-ARG also I-ARG offer I-ARG a I-ARG more I-ARG comprehensive I-ARG access I-ARG to I-ARG knowledge, I-ARG ranging I-ARG from I-ARG visual I-ARG to I-ARG aural I-ARG stimuli, I-ARG which I-ARG make I-ARG learning I-ARG an I-ARG ever I-ARG enjoyable I-ARG experience, I-ARG especially I-ARG for I-ARG children I-ARG . O On O the O other O hand, O critics O of O this O idea O maintain O that O although O the O educational O benefits O that O the O Internet O may O yield O are O undeniable, O there O still O remain O certain O shortcomings O . O Much B-ARG information I-ARG as I-ARG the I-ARG Internet I-ARG may I-ARG provide, I-ARG most I-ARG of I-ARG the I-ARG sources I-ARG are I-ARG unjustified I-ARG by I-ARG experts I-ARG . O As O a O result, O information B-ARG from I-ARG those I-ARG sources I-ARG is I-ARG subject I-ARG to I-ARG question I-ARG . O Admittedly, O the B-ARG computer I-ARG can I-ARG show I-ARG whether I-ARG an I-ARG answer I-ARG to I-ARG a I-ARG particular I-ARG question I-ARG is I-ARG right I-ARG or I-ARG wrong I-ARG but O it B-ARG cannot I-ARG give I-ARG as I-ARG an I-ARG in-depth I-ARG explanation I-ARG as I-ARG a I-ARG human I-ARG teacher I-ARG can I-ARG . O Through B-ARG face-to-face I-ARG communication, I-ARG teachers I-ARG can I-ARG also I-ARG pinpoint I-ARG the I-ARG weaknesses I-ARG of I-ARG each I-ARG student I-ARG and I-ARG therefore, I-ARG adjusting I-ARG and I-ARG tailoring I-ARG his I-ARG or I-ARG her I-ARG teaching I-ARG methodology I-ARG to I-ARG meet I-ARG the I-ARG levels I-ARG or I-ARG the I-ARG demands I-ARG of I-ARG those I-ARG students I-ARG . O This B-ARG is I-ARG where I-ARG the I-ARG computer I-ARG proves I-ARG to I-ARG be I-ARG incompetent I-ARG . O In O short, O although O both O sides O have O their O equally O valid O arguments, O I O am O inclined O to O think O that O although O Internet O can O be O a O useful O tool O for O education, O at B-ARG no I-ARG time I-ARG will I-ARG the I-ARG unique I-ARG role I-ARG of I-ARG human I-ARG teachers I-ARG be I-ARG replaced I-ARG . O One O or O two O close O friends O vs O . O a O large O number O of O casual O acquaintances O There O is O no O need O for O me O to O put O any O emphasis O on O the O advantage O of O having O a O large O number O of O casual O acquaintance O . O However, O I O still O agree O that O it's B-ARG better I-ARG to I-ARG have I-ARG one I-ARG or I-ARG two I-ARG close I-ARG friends I-ARG than I-ARG to I-ARG have I-ARG a I-ARG large I-ARG number I-ARG of I-ARG casual I-ARG acquaintances I-ARG . O We O can O not O deny O that O being B-ARG a I-ARG friend I-ARG with I-ARG someone I-ARG is I-ARG different I-ARG from I-ARG only I-ARG being I-ARG acquaintant I-ARG . O First, O it's B-ARG not I-ARG easy I-ARG to I-ARG make I-ARG friend I-ARG with I-ARG anyone I-ARG . O I O believe O friends B-ARG are I-ARG people I-ARG who I-ARG have I-ARG great I-ARG compatibility I-ARG with I-ARG each I-ARG other I-ARG . O After B-ARG two I-ARG years I-ARG in I-ARG college I-ARG I I-ARG have I-ARG found I-ARG sometimes I-ARG there I-ARG is I-ARG more I-ARG differences I-ARG between I-ARG people I-ARG than I-ARG similarities, I-ARG for I-ARG we I-ARG are I-ARG growing I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG different I-ARG families I-ARG and I-ARG was I-ARG educated I-ARG in I-ARG various I-ARG ways I-ARG . O Sometimes B-ARG acquaintances I-ARG are I-ARG just I-ARG acquaintances I-ARG . O We B-ARG spend I-ARG time I-ARG together I-ARG but I-ARG we I-ARG could I-ARG never I-ARG be I-ARG friend I-ARG . O So, O it's B-ARG much I-ARG easier I-ARG to I-ARG have I-ARG some I-ARG casual I-ARG acquaintances I-ARG than I-ARG have I-ARG some I-ARG close I-ARG friends I-ARG . O Second, O close B-ARG friends I-ARG can I-ARG easily I-ARG understand I-ARG each I-ARG others I-ARG feelings I-ARG . O Because O of O the O similarity O I O talked O before, O acquaintances B-ARG probably I-ARG not I-ARG able I-ARG to I-ARG understand I-ARG you I-ARG better I-ARG than I-ARG your I-ARG friends I-ARG . O Moreover, O they B-ARG wouldn't I-ARG even I-ARG spare I-ARG time I-ARG to I-ARG consider I-ARG your I-ARG feelings I-ARG . O Everyone B-ARG play I-ARG the I-ARG role I-ARG of I-ARG acquaintance I-ARG and I-ARG friend I-ARG at I-ARG the I-ARG same I-ARG time I-ARG . O Being B-ARG friendly I-ARG is I-ARG a I-ARG good I-ARG way I-ARG to I-ARG treat I-ARG a I-ARG acquaintance I-ARG but I-ARG way I-ARG not I-ARG enough I-ARG for I-ARG a I-ARG friend I-ARG . O When B-ARG my I-ARG friend I-ARG is I-ARG sick, I-ARG I I-ARG would I-ARG not I-ARG only I-ARG ask I-ARG if I-ARG he I-ARG is I-ARG okay I-ARG like I-ARG an I-ARG acquaintance I-ARG but I-ARG do I-ARG my I-ARG best I-ARG to I-ARG make I-ARG him I-ARG get I-ARG well I-ARG as I-ARG soon I-ARG as I-ARG possible I-ARG . O If B-ARG my I-ARG friend I-ARG is I-ARG going I-ARG to I-ARG the I-ARG wrong I-ARG direction I-ARG in I-ARG his I-ARG life I-ARG trail, I-ARG I I-ARG will I-ARG try I-ARG my I-ARG best I-ARG to I-ARG pull I-ARG him I-ARG back, I-ARG but I-ARG not I-ARG stand I-ARG and I-ARG stare I-ARG like I-ARG it's I-ARG not I-ARG of I-ARG my I-ARG business I-ARG . O And O I O believe O my B-ARG friend I-ARG will I-ARG do I-ARG the I-ARG same I-ARG to I-ARG me I-ARG . O In O conclusion, O a B-ARG friend I-ARG is I-ARG a I-ARG person I-ARG you I-ARG care I-ARG about I-ARG . O To O me, O friends B-ARG are I-ARG the I-ARG most I-ARG important I-ARG people I-ARG in I-ARG my I-ARG life I-ARG second I-ARG to I-ARG my I-ARG family I-ARG . O I O am O the O kind O of O person O who O has O only O one O or O two O close O friends, O and O I O am O fully O content O that O I O have O such O nice O friends O . O If O someone O exchange O my O friends O with O thousands O of O acquaintances, O I O will O definitely O say O NO O . O Living O in O a O higher O pace O is O better O There O is O a O hotly O debated O issue O over O whether O people O have O to O live O at O a O higher O or O lower O pace, O and O this O topic O can O also O be O approached O from O several O different O angles O due O to O its O complexity O . O Some O people O tend O to O be O hurry O to O complete O their O tasks, O while O others O seem O to O prefer O the O opposite O position O . O After O deeply O pondering O over O this O issue, O I O also O develop O my O own O perspective O . O I O favor O the O former; O that O is, O I B-ARG prefer I-ARG to I-ARG live I-ARG in I-ARG a I-ARG higher I-ARG pace I-ARG condition I-ARG . O The O first O and O foremost O reason O lies O in O the O inevitable O fact O that O we B-ARG need I-ARG to I-ARG save I-ARG time I-ARG for I-ARG accomplishing I-ARG some I-ARG important I-ARG tasks, I-ARG and I-ARG a I-ARG fitting I-ARG example I-ARG of I-ARG which I-ARG can I-ARG be I-ARG found I-ARG in I-ARG my I-ARG experience I-ARG of I-ARG missing I-ARG exam I-ARG . O I B-ARG just I-ARG failed I-ARG to I-ARG participate I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG university I-ARG entrance I-ARG exam I-ARG because O I B-ARG thought I-ARG I I-ARG had I-ARG enough I-ARG time I-ARG for I-ARG eating I-ARG breakfast I-ARG and I-ARG transporting I-ARG to I-ARG the I-ARG testing I-ARG place; I-ARG while I-ARG I I-ARG was I-ARG stocked I-ARG in I-ARG a I-ARG traffic I-ARG jam I-ARG and I-ARG then I-ARG missed I-ARG the I-ARG first I-ARG test I-ARG . O Therefore, O we O can O start O to O agree O that O we B-ARG have I-ARG to I-ARG be I-ARG eager I-ARG in I-ARG our I-ARG lives I-ARG . O Apart O from O the O one O I O have O mentioned O above, O another O equally O important O aspect O is O keeping B-ARG in I-ARG high I-ARG pace I-ARG condition I-ARG can I-ARG prevent I-ARG me I-ARG from I-ARG getting I-ARG lazy I-ARG . O If B-ARG I I-ARG can I-ARG avoid I-ARG being I-ARG a I-ARG sluggish I-ARG person, I-ARG I I-ARG can I-ARG have I-ARG a I-ARG higher I-ARG probability I-ARG of I-ARG fulfilling I-ARG my I-ARG dream I-ARG successfully I-ARG . O For O instance, O I B-ARG had I-ARG spent I-ARG more I-ARG time I-ARG on I-ARG practicing I-ARG playing I-ARG piano I-ARG so I-ARG that I-ARG I I-ARG won I-ARG a I-ARG piano I-ARG competition, I-ARG defeating I-ARG those I-ARG spending I-ARG less I-ARG time I-ARG on I-ARG practicing I-ARG . O Hence, O from O this O case O we O are O capable O of O stating O that O keeping B-ARG our I-ARG pace I-ARG higher I-ARG is I-ARG important I-ARG . O Admittedly, O on O the O other O hand, O there O might O be O some O people O proclaiming O that O with B-ARG a I-ARG slower I-ARG pace I-ARG can I-ARG enjoy I-ARG their I-ARG lives I-ARG more I-ARG because O it B-ARG is I-ARG not I-ARG necessary I-ARG for I-ARG them I-ARG to I-ARG notice I-ARG the I-ARG time I-ARG control I-ARG or I-ARG acquire I-ARG the I-ARG fame I-ARG of I-ARG succeed I-ARG . O However, O from O my O limited O understanding, O I O just O doubt O the O credibility O of O that O saying O . O I B-ARG do I-ARG not I-ARG think I-ARG that I-ARG those I-ARG people I-ARG with I-ARG slower I-ARG pace I-ARG losing I-ARG the I-ARG piano I-ARG competition I-ARG can I-ARG be I-ARG really I-ARG happy I-ARG . O In O contrast, O it B-ARG is I-ARG really I-ARG joyful I-ARG for I-ARG me I-ARG that I-ARG I I-ARG can I-ARG immerse I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG joy I-ARG of I-ARG the I-ARG victory I-ARG and I-ARG accomplishment I-ARG . O Based O on O the O reasons O demonstrated O above, O I O believe O that O living B-ARG in I-ARG a I-ARG higher I-ARG pace I-ARG is I-ARG better I-ARG because O the B-ARG advantages I-ARG of I-ARG this I-ARG are I-ARG qualitatively I-ARG greater I-ARG than I-ARG that I-ARG of I-ARG the I-ARG opposite I-ARG . O In O other O words, O I B-ARG prefer I-ARG to I-ARG live I-ARG in I-ARG high I-ARG pace I-ARG . O It O is O not O to O say, O of O course O that O other O points O of O view O are O totally O without O merit O . O Still, O I O am O firmly O convinced O that O the O reasons O I O proposed O in O favor O of O my O own O sentiment O are O much O more O tenable O and O plausible O . O Teachers O lesson O vs O other O sources O The O way O in O which O children O today O study O is O radically O different O from O any O previous O generations, O and O the O increased O availability O and O relatively O low O price O of O modern O technology O has O been O instrumental O in O this O change O . O Despite O the O argument O of O some O people O that O learners O can O obtain O more O useful O knowledge O from O teachers O than O from O other O sources, O I O firmly O believe O that O both B-ARG alternative I-ARG sources I-ARG and I-ARG traditional I-ARG teaching I-ARG methods I-ARG from I-ARG educators I-ARG are I-ARG equally I-ARG important I-ARG in I-ARG children's I-ARG acquisition I-ARG of I-ARG knowledge I-ARG . O It O is O undeniable O that O the B-ARG widespread I-ARG of I-ARG alternative I-ARG sources I-ARG of I-ARG knowledge I-ARG has I-ARG played I-ARG an I-ARG important I-ARG role I-ARG in I-ARG students' I-ARG acquisition I-ARG of I-ARG knowledge I-ARG . O Computers B-ARG can I-ARG be I-ARG programmed I-ARG to I-ARG provide I-ARG an I-ARG endless I-ARG numbers I-ARG of I-ARG questions I-ARG in I-ARG diverse I-ARG range I-ARG of I-ARG fields, I-ARG and I-ARG as I-ARG the I-ARG students I-ARG answer I-ARG these I-ARG questions, I-ARG the I-ARG facts I-ARG has I-ARG been I-ARG learned I-ARG and I-ARG reinforced I-ARG . O A B-ARG case I-ARG in I-ARG point I-ARG is I-ARG the I-ARG reading I-ARG and I-ARG listening I-ARG parts I-ARG of I-ARG TOEFL I-ARG iBT I-ARG exams, I-ARG as I-ARG candidates I-ARG have I-ARG to I-ARG answer I-ARG many I-ARG questions I-ARG in I-ARG a I-ARG limited I-ARG period I-ARG of I-ARG time I-ARG . O Moreover, O when B-ARG students I-ARG have I-ARG some I-ARG academic I-ARG problems, I-ARG they I-ARG can I-ARG post I-ARG those I-ARG to I-ARG some I-ARG websites I-ARG and I-ARG receive I-ARG correct I-ARG answers I-ARG from I-ARG unknown I-ARG people I-ARG in I-ARG faraway I-ARG places I-ARG without I-ARG any I-ARG costs I-ARG . O Besides, O in B-ARG the I-ARG past, I-ARG conducting I-ARG a I-ARG research I-ARG require I-ARG long I-ARG hours I-ARG of I-ARG searching I-ARG in I-ARG library I-ARG shelves, I-ARG now I-ARG all I-ARG can I-ARG be I-ARG done I-ARG at I-ARG a I-ARG click I-ARG of I-ARG a I-ARG button I-ARG . O Thus, O technologies B-ARG are I-ARG vital I-ARG in I-ARG students' I-ARG learning I-ARG . O On O the O other O hand, O schools B-ARG and I-ARG university I-ARG are I-ARG places I-ARG in I-ARG which I-ARG students I-ARG gather I-ARG to I-ARG be I-ARG educated I-ARG and I-ARG learn I-ARG from I-ARG each I-ARG others I-ARG as I-ARG well I-ARG as I-ARG formal I-ARG educators I-ARG . O At B-ARG schools, I-ARG students' I-ARG development I-ARG has I-ARG been I-ARG orchestrated I-ARG stage I-ARG by I-ARG stage, I-ARG step I-ARG by I-ARG step I-ARG by I-ARG experienced I-ARG teachers, I-ARG and I-ARG their I-ARG acquisition I-ARG of I-ARG knowledge I-ARG is I-ARG guided I-ARG and I-ARG backed I-ARG up I-ARG in I-ARG a I-ARG systematic I-ARG way I-ARG . O Therefore, O formal B-ARG education I-ARG approaches I-ARG are I-ARG also I-ARG indispensable I-ARG . O To O put O it O all O in O a O nutshell, O I O pen O out O saying O that O alternative B-ARG sources I-ARG information I-ARG and I-ARG traditional I-ARG education I-ARG systems I-ARG are I-ARG equally I-ARG important I-ARG in I-ARG children's I-ARG development I-ARG . O So O students O should O learn O both O from O their O teachers O as O well O as O modern O technology O to O gain O the O best O learning O outcome O . O Protect O animals O or O not? O Many O animals O today O are O in O danger O of O extinction O owing O to O various O reasons O . O While O some O people O believe O it O is O important O to O protect O these O endangered O species, O others O argue O that O problems O of O human O beings O deserve O more O attention O . O In O my O opinion, O we B-ARG should I-ARG give I-ARG priority I-ARG to I-ARG our I-ARG own I-ARG issues I-ARG . O Animal O protectionists O may O base O their O argument O on O the O ground O that O biodiversity B-ARG is I-ARG essential I-ARG to I-ARG maintain I-ARG the I-ARG balance I-ARG of I-ARG ecosystem I-ARG . O If B-ARG certain I-ARG species I-ARG are I-ARG absent I-ARG from I-ARG this I-ARG system, I-ARG such I-ARG kind I-ARG of I-ARG balance I-ARG is I-ARG likely I-ARG to I-ARG be I-ARG disrupted I-ARG and I-ARG other I-ARG species, I-ARG including I-ARG human I-ARG beings, I-ARG will I-ARG come I-ARG under I-ARG threat I-ARG . O Therefore, O it B-ARG is I-ARG our I-ARG responsibility I-ARG to I-ARG keep I-ARG as I-ARG many I-ARG species I-ARG on I-ARG the I-ARG Earth I-ARG as I-ARG possible I-ARG . O However, O I O think O species B-ARG extinction I-ARG is I-ARG quite I-ARG natural I-ARG according I-ARG to I-ARG the I-ARG theory I-ARG of I-ARG evolution I-ARG . O The B-ARG environment I-ARG on I-ARG the I-ARG Earth I-ARG has I-ARG been I-ARG transformed I-ARG many I-ARG times I-ARG since I-ARG the I-ARG first I-ARG species I-ARG came I-ARG into I-ARG being I-ARG . O A B-ARG great I-ARG number I-ARG of I-ARG plants I-ARG and I-ARG animals I-ARG died I-ARG out I-ARG because O they B-ARG were I-ARG unable I-ARG to I-ARG fit I-ARG into I-ARG the I-ARG new I-ARG environment I-ARG . O On O most O occasions, O the B-ARG process I-ARG of I-ARG extinction I-ARG of I-ARG some I-ARG species I-ARG is I-ARG irrevocable I-ARG and I-ARG we I-ARG can I-ARG do I-ARG nothing I-ARG about I-ARG it I-ARG . O Furthermore, O human B-ARG beings I-ARG nowadays I-ARG are I-ARG still I-ARG faced I-ARG with I-ARG many I-ARG urgent I-ARG problems I-ARG such I-ARG as I-ARG starvation, I-ARG disease I-ARG and I-ARG wars I-ARG . O When B-ARG these I-ARG problems I-ARG are I-ARG taken I-ARG into I-ARG account, I-ARG extinction I-ARG of I-ARG some I-ARG animals I-ARG recedes I-ARG greatly I-ARG in I-ARG importance I-ARG and I-ARG it I-ARG is I-ARG not I-ARG sensible I-ARG to I-ARG devote I-ARG our I-ARG limited I-ARG resources I-ARG to I-ARG animals I-ARG that I-ARG have I-ARG been I-ARG past I-ARG help I-ARG . O We B-ARG should I-ARG put I-ARG our I-ARG own I-ARG survival I-ARG and I-ARG sustainment I-ARG in I-ARG order I-ARG first I-ARG before I-ARG considering I-ARG the I-ARG conservation I-ARG of I-ARG other I-ARG species I-ARG . O In O conclusion, O more B-ARG emphasis I-ARG should I-ARG be I-ARG laid I-ARG on I-ARG human I-ARG beings I-ARG other I-ARG than I-ARG animals, I-ARG and I-ARG it I-ARG is I-ARG better I-ARG to I-ARG let I-ARG nature I-ARG take I-ARG its I-ARG course I-ARG with I-ARG regard I-ARG to I-ARG species I-ARG extinction I-ARG . O Improved O medical O care O Along O with O the O development O of O technologies, O advanced O medical O care O has O played O an O important O role O in O the O improvement O of O life O expectancy O . O Although O the O increase O in O life O expectancy O has O some O pressure O on O the O Medicare O system, O I O am O inclined O to O believe O that O the B-ARG advanced I-ARG medical I-ARG care I-ARG brings I-ARG with I-ARG it I-ARG more I-ARG benefits I-ARG than I-ARG disadvantages I-ARG . O The B-ARG main I-ARG advantage I-ARG of I-ARG high-tech I-ARG medical I-ARG care I-ARG is I-ARG that I-ARG people I-ARG are I-ARG better I-ARG taken I-ARG care I-ARG so I-ARG that I-ARG they I-ARG have I-ARG a I-ARG good I-ARG health I-ARG . O They B-ARG can I-ARG contribute I-ARG effectively I-ARG to I-ARG the I-ARG development I-ARG of I-ARG the I-ARG economy I-ARG because O healthy B-ARG workers I-ARG can I-ARG create I-ARG more I-ARG productivity I-ARG . O In O other O words, O they B-ARG do I-ARG not I-ARG have I-ARG to I-ARG spend I-ARG more I-ARG time I-ARG in I-ARG health I-ARG checking I-ARG or I-ARG treatment I-ARG so O this B-ARG saves I-ARG an I-ARG amount I-ARG of I-ARG time I-ARG as I-ARG well I-ARG as I-ARG cost I-ARG . O In O addition, O a B-ARG community I-ARG with I-ARG the I-ARG elderly I-ARG who I-ARG have I-ARG a I-ARG good I-ARG health I-ARG has I-ARG a I-ARG major I-ARG role I-ARG to I-ARG play I-ARG in I-ARG a I-ARG sustainable I-ARG development I-ARG of I-ARG a I-ARG society I-ARG . O In O facts, O young B-ARG people I-ARG will I-ARG be I-ARG happy I-ARG as I-ARG their I-ARG parents, I-ARG grandparents I-ARG are I-ARG healthy I-ARG . O It O can O be O said O that O the B-ARG improvement I-ARG of I-ARG medical I-ARG care I-ARG makes I-ARG a I-ARG better I-ARG life I-ARG for I-ARG all I-ARG people I-ARG . O On O the O other O hand, O some O people O maintain O that O the B-ARG increase I-ARG in I-ARG life I-ARG expectancy I-ARG puts I-ARG a I-ARG high I-ARG pressure I-ARG on I-ARG the I-ARG economic I-ARG system I-ARG because O more B-ARG pension I-ARG have I-ARG to I-ARG spend I-ARG for I-ARG Medicare I-ARG instead I-ARG of I-ARG investing I-ARG in I-ARG other I-ARG sectors I-ARG of I-ARG the I-ARG economic I-ARG system I-ARG . O Although O it O is O real O in O some O aspects, O I O believe O that O the O capital O that O spend O on O taking O care O the O elderly O is O contributed O by O these O people O during O their O working O time, O so O they B-ARG are I-ARG worth I-ARG to I-ARG have I-ARG good I-ARG care I-ARG . O They B-ARG have I-ARG given I-ARG their I-ARG effort I-ARG to I-ARG the I-ARG society I-ARG so I-ARG that I-ARG young I-ARG people, I-ARG the I-ARG governments I-ARG have I-ARG a I-ARG responsibility I-ARG to I-ARG improve I-ARG the I-ARG Medicare I-ARG system I-ARG . O By O way O of O conclusion, O it O is O true O that O the B-ARG development I-ARG of I-ARG the I-ARG health I-ARG care I-ARG system I-ARG helps I-ARG people I-ARG have I-ARG a I-ARG better I-ARG life I-ARG . O It B-ARG helps I-ARG people I-ARG build I-ARG a I-ARG sustainable I-ARG society I-ARG where I-ARG people I-ARG can I-ARG live I-ARG a I-ARG happy I-ARG life I-ARG when I-ARG they I-ARG are I-ARG old I-ARG . O The O opportunity O to O receive O education O from O university O There O are O many O factors O that O contribute O to O one's O success O . O However, O which O factor O is O the O most O influential O one O is O open O to O debate O . O Some O people O believe O that O nowadays O the O assitance O from O family O is O quite O a O essential O factor O in O one's O success O . O It O seems O that O one B-ARG can I-ARG achieve I-ARG success I-ARG more I-ARG easily I-ARG with I-ARG the I-ARG help I-ARG from I-ARG his I-ARG or I-ARG her I-ARG family I-ARG . O I O agree O with O this O statement O . O In O my O opinion, O family B-ARG plays I-ARG a I-ARG more I-ARG important I-ARG role I-ARG in I-ARG helping I-ARG one I-ARG to I-ARG pursuit I-ARG success I-ARG . O There O are O a O couple O of O reasons O . O First O of O all, O more B-ARG and I-ARG more I-ARG people I-ARG have I-ARG the I-ARG opportunity I-ARG to I-ARG receive I-ARG education I-ARG from I-ARG university I-ARG . O Since O our O parents O receive O better O education O than O our O grandparents O did, O they B-ARG can I-ARG provide I-ARG more I-ARG advices I-ARG and I-ARG helps I-ARG in I-ARG our I-ARG career I-ARG . O In B-ARG the I-ARG past, I-ARG seldom I-ARG people I-ARG have I-ARG the I-ARG chance I-ARG to I-ARG attend I-ARG a I-ARG collage I-ARG . O For O example, O my O grandparents O did O not O get O a O education O even O in O high O school, O so O when B-ARG my I-ARG father I-ARG had I-ARG difficulty I-ARG in I-ARG solving I-ARG a I-ARG problem I-ARG in I-ARG his I-ARG childhood, I-ARG he I-ARG had I-ARG to I-ARG go I-ARG to I-ARG his I-ARG teacher I-ARG for I-ARG help I-ARG . O Things B-ARG have I-ARG changed I-ARG a I-ARG lot I-ARG . O I B-ARG grow I-ARG up I-ARG in I-ARG a I-ARG better I-ARG condition I-ARG than I-ARG my I-ARG father I-ARG did I-ARG . O Whenever B-ARG I I-ARG have I-ARG problems, I-ARG I I-ARG can I-ARG always I-ARG ask I-ARG my I-ARG parents I-ARG for I-ARG help I-ARG . O They B-ARG can I-ARG solve I-ARG the I-ARG problem I-ARG quickly I-ARG because O they B-ARG have I-ARG learned I-ARG quite I-ARG a I-ARG lot I-ARG . O What O is O more, O family B-ARG members I-ARG can I-ARG help I-ARG us I-ARG in I-ARG many I-ARG other I-ARG aspects I-ARG . O For O example, O when B-ARG I I-ARG did I-ARG not I-ARG know I-ARG what I-ARG major I-ARG to I-ARG choose I-ARG when I-ARG I I-ARG attend I-ARG university, I-ARG my I-ARG father I-ARG told I-ARG a I-ARG lot I-ARG about I-ARG different I-ARG majors I-ARG . O He B-ARG shared I-ARG his I-ARG own I-ARG experience I-ARG with I-ARG me, I-ARG which I-ARG helped I-ARG me I-ARG quite I-ARG a I-ARG lot I-ARG . O Parents O are O quite O experienced O than O their O child, O they B-ARG can I-ARG guide I-ARG them I-ARG toward I-ARG the I-ARG right I-ARG direction I-ARG . O Besides, O parents B-ARG can I-ARG told I-ARG their I-ARG children I-ARG as I-ARG many I-ARG as I-ARG they I-ARG can I-ARG . O What B-ARG they I-ARG want I-ARG is I-ARG help I-ARG their I-ARG child I-ARG to I-ARG make I-ARG a I-ARG progress I-ARG . O In O a O word, O our B-ARG parents I-ARG and I-ARG other I-ARG family I-ARG members I-ARG can I-ARG help I-ARG us I-ARG a I-ARG lot I-ARG in I-ARG our I-ARG life I-ARG . O I O believe O that O with B-ARG the I-ARG help I-ARG of I-ARG our I-ARG family, I-ARG we I-ARG can I-ARG achieve I-ARG success I-ARG quite I-ARG easily I-ARG . O Living O with O a O roommate O is O better O than O Living O alone O Many O single O people O have O difficulties O deciding O whether O to O live O with O a O roommate O or O to O live O alone O . O Each O makes O different O decisions O . O Some O people O choose O to O live O alone O for O privacy, O while O others O choose O to O live O with O a O roommate O for O practical O reasons O . O As O far O as O I O am O concerned, O I B-ARG prefer I-ARG to I-ARG live I-ARG with I-ARG a I-ARG roommate I-ARG . O This O is O because O it B-ARG saves I-ARG me I-ARG money, I-ARG enables I-ARG me I-ARG to I-ARG socialize, I-ARG and I-ARG allows I-ARG me I-ARG to I-ARG get I-ARG help I-ARG . O Living B-ARG with I-ARG a I-ARG roommate I-ARG saves I-ARG me I-ARG a I-ARG lot I-ARG of I-ARG money I-ARG . O If B-ARG you I-ARG have I-ARG roommates, I-ARG you I-ARG can I-ARG split I-ARG the I-ARG rent I-ARG and I-ARG utilities I-ARG among I-ARG them I-ARG . O This O means O you B-ARG can I-ARG get I-ARG more I-ARG for I-ARG less I-ARG . O For O example, O last B-ARG year, I-ARG I I-ARG shared I-ARG a I-ARG room I-ARG off-campus I-ARG with I-ARG my I-ARG friend, I-ARG and I-ARG we I-ARG decided I-ARG to I-ARG split I-ARG the I-ARG rent I-ARG and I-ARG heating I-ARG bills I-ARG into I-ARG half: I-ARG I I-ARG was I-ARG able I-ARG to I-ARG save I-ARG about I-ARG fifty I-ARG dollars I-ARG for I-ARG heating, I-ARG and I-ARG two I-ARG hundred I-ARG dollars I-ARG for I-ARG rent I-ARG monthly I-ARG . O I B-ARG was I-ARG able I-ARG to I-ARG save I-ARG a I-ARG lot I-ARG of I-ARG money I-ARG by I-ARG sharing I-ARG wasted I-ARG heating I-ARG and I-ARG rooms I-ARG with I-ARG my I-ARG friend I-ARG and I-ARG splitting I-ARG the I-ARG bills I-ARG . O Apart O from O saving O a O lot O of O money, O living B-ARG with I-ARG a I-ARG roommate I-ARG also I-ARG enables I-ARG me I-ARG to I-ARG socialize I-ARG more I-ARG easily I-ARG . O It B-ARG is I-ARG always I-ARG easier I-ARG to I-ARG socialize I-ARG when I-ARG you I-ARG have I-ARG a I-ARG lot I-ARG of I-ARG people I-ARG around I-ARG you I-ARG . O You B-ARG can I-ARG invite I-ARG your I-ARG roommates' I-ARG friends I-ARG over I-ARG to I-ARG your I-ARG room I-ARG and I-ARG have I-ARG fun I-ARG together I-ARG . O For O instance, O one B-ARG night, I-ARG my I-ARG roommate, I-ARG Millan, I-ARG brought I-ARG his I-ARG friends I-ARG along I-ARG . O Even B-ARG though I-ARG his I-ARG friends I-ARG and I-ARG I I-ARG were I-ARG total I-ARG strangers I-ARG to I-ARG each I-ARG other, I-ARG we I-ARG quickly I-ARG got I-ARG to I-ARG know I-ARG each I-ARG other I-ARG . O We B-ARG soon I-ARG found I-ARG out I-ARG that I-ARG everyone I-ARG loved I-ARG playing I-ARG video I-ARG games I-ARG . O We B-ARG played I-ARG a I-ARG video I-ARG game I-ARG called I-ARG 'Halo' I-ARG together I-ARG all I-ARG night, I-ARG and I-ARG became I-ARG good I-ARG friends I-ARG . O Living B-ARG with I-ARG a I-ARG roommate I-ARG made I-ARG socializing I-ARG much I-ARG easier I-ARG for I-ARG me I-ARG . O Finally, O living B-ARG with I-ARG a I-ARG roommate I-ARG allows I-ARG me I-ARG to I-ARG get I-ARG help I-ARG . O It B-ARG often I-ARG is I-ARG the I-ARG case I-ARG that I-ARG your I-ARG roommates I-ARG have I-ARG the I-ARG skills I-ARG or I-ARG knowledge I-ARG you I-ARG need I-ARG . O When B-ARG you I-ARG run I-ARG into I-ARG a I-ARG problem, I-ARG you I-ARG can I-ARG ask I-ARG your I-ARG roommates I-ARG if I-ARG they I-ARG can I-ARG help I-ARG . O Some B-ARG of I-ARG them I-ARG may I-ARG have I-ARG something I-ARG to I-ARG offer I-ARG . O To O illustrate, O when B-ARG my I-ARG computer I-ARG mysteriously I-ARG broke I-ARG down, I-ARG I I-ARG dialed I-ARG up I-ARG the I-ARG manufacturer I-ARG and I-ARG asked I-ARG for I-ARG help I-ARG . O They B-ARG failed I-ARG to I-ARG give I-ARG me I-ARG any I-ARG useful I-ARG solutions I-ARG . O To B-ARG my I-ARG surprise, I-ARG one I-ARG of I-ARG my I-ARG roommates I-ARG noticed I-ARG my I-ARG problems I-ARG and I-ARG offered I-ARG to I-ARG help I-ARG . O He B-ARG was I-ARG very I-ARG good I-ARG with I-ARG computers, I-ARG and I-ARG he I-ARG managed I-ARG to I-ARG fix I-ARG the I-ARG problem I-ARG quickly I-ARG . O In O conclusion, O while O many O people O decide O to O live O alone O for O various O reasons, O I B-ARG prefer I-ARG to I-ARG live I-ARG with I-ARG a I-ARG roommate, I-ARG and I-ARG I I-ARG always I-ARG will I-ARG . O This O is O because O it B-ARG offers I-ARG me I-ARG many I-ARG advantages, I-ARG such I-ARG as I-ARG less I-ARG spending, I-ARG more I-ARG socializing, I-ARG and I-ARG more I-ARG help I-ARG . O I O think O single O people O should O live O with O a O roommate, O if O they O want O to O enjoy O their O lives O . O Some O people O believe O that O there O should O be O fixed O punishment O for O each O crime O type O Generally O reason O behind O punishment O is O to O reduce O the O crime O from O a O nation O and O to O build O a O fear O in O the O mind O of O offenders O . O Some O people O think O that O it O does O not O matter O what O is O reason O behind O committing O a O crime O therefore O there O should O be O fixed O punishment O for O a O specific O crime O . O Alternatively O I O believe O that O it B-ARG should I-ARG taken I-ARG into I-ARG consideration I-ARG the I-ARG situation I-ARG and I-ARG conditions, I-ARG that I-ARG forces I-ARG to I-ARG a I-ARG person I-ARG to I-ARG be I-ARG a I-ARG criminal I-ARG . O First O of O all O if B-ARG there I-ARG will I-ARG be I-ARG a I-ARG fixed I-ARG punishment I-ARG for I-ARG each I-ARG type I-ARG of I-ARG crime I-ARG then I-ARG it I-ARG will I-ARG lead I-ARG to I-ARG increase I-ARG the I-ARG crime I-ARG because O the B-ARG punishment I-ARG will I-ARG be I-ARG clear I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG mind I-ARG of I-ARG professional I-ARG criminals I-ARG and I-ARG they I-ARG will I-ARG not I-ARG feel I-ARG fear I-ARG while I-ARG committing I-ARG a I-ARG crime I-ARG . O Secondly, O laws B-ARG and I-ARG rules I-ARG are I-ARG there I-ARG for I-ARG people I-ARG therefore O it B-ARG is I-ARG necessary I-ARG to I-ARG have I-ARG a I-ARG look I-ARG behind I-ARG crime I-ARG for O instance O "a O women O steals O feed O for O her O child O should O be O treated O same O as O a O women, O who O steals O for O her O drug O addiction" O . O The B-ARG person I-ARG who I-ARG committed I-ARG crime I-ARG first I-ARG time I-ARG and I-ARG the I-ARG professional I-ARG criminals I-ARG should I-ARG not I-ARG be I-ARG imprisoned I-ARG at I-ARG same I-ARG place I-ARG . O On O the O contrary, O fixed B-ARG punishment I-ARG will I-ARG reduce I-ARG the I-ARG time I-ARG taken I-ARG by I-ARG judges I-ARG to I-ARG give I-ARG their I-ARG judgement I-ARG and I-ARG it I-ARG will I-ARG be I-ARG effective I-ARG economically I-ARG for I-ARG the I-ARG Government I-ARG . O Everyone B-ARG should I-ARG be I-ARG treated I-ARG equally I-ARG because O sometimes B-ARG we I-ARG see I-ARG that I-ARG a I-ARG poor I-ARG person I-ARG who I-ARG do I-ARG not I-ARG have I-ARG much I-ARG money I-ARG for I-ARG hiring I-ARG a I-ARG good I-ARG lawyer I-ARG they I-ARG get I-ARG imprisoned I-ARG even I-ARG without I-ARG committing I-ARG a I-ARG crime I-ARG and I-ARG when I-ARG they I-ARG come I-ARG back I-ARG to I-ARG the I-ARG society I-ARG they I-ARG become I-ARG a I-ARG professional I-ARG criminal I-ARG . O Therefore O fixed B-ARG punishment I-ARG will I-ARG reduce I-ARG the I-ARG space I-ARG between I-ARG poor I-ARG and I-ARG rich I-ARG people I-ARG and I-ARG everyone I-ARG will I-ARG understand I-ARG the I-ARG importance I-ARG of I-ARG each I-ARG other I-ARG . O To O conclude, O Government B-ARG should I-ARG decide I-ARG for I-ARG punishment I-ARG case I-ARG by I-ARG case I-ARG basis I-ARG . O In O doing O so O crime O can O be O eliminated O from O a O nation O and O it O is O a O responsibility O of O every O individual O to O be O in O the O favor O of O truth O and O respect O the O laws O of O our O constitution O . O A O more O convenient O life O in O a O city O There O are O undeniable O advantages O to O both O life O in O a O big O city O and O in O a O small O town O . O The O former O offers O more O excitement O and O convenience O while O the O latter O offers O a O cleaner, O quieter O and O often O friendlier O place O to O live O . O However, O despite O the O advantages O of O small O town O life, O I B-ARG prefer I-ARG to I-ARG live I-ARG in I-ARG a I-ARG big I-ARG city I-ARG for O several O reasons O . O On O the O one O hand, O I B-ARG have I-ARG always I-ARG wanted I-ARG to I-ARG find I-ARG a I-ARG job I-ARG in I-ARG a I-ARG big I-ARG company I-ARG which I-ARG locates I-ARG in I-ARG a I-ARG prosperous I-ARG city I-ARG area I-ARG . O To O make O it O convenient, O I B-ARG will I-ARG absolutely I-ARG choose I-ARG a I-ARG place I-ARG to I-ARG live I-ARG that I-ARG is I-ARG not I-ARG too I-ARG far I-ARG from I-ARG my I-ARG workplace I-ARG . O What's O more O I B-ARG can I-ARG save I-ARG plenty I-ARG of I-ARG money I-ARG on I-ARG transportation I-ARG if I-ARG I I-ARG choose I-ARG to I-ARG live I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG city I-ARG . O On O the O other O hand, O life B-ARG in I-ARG a I-ARG big I-ARG city I-ARG will I-ARG not I-ARG be I-ARG so I-ARG dull I-ARG as I-ARG in I-ARG a I-ARG small I-ARG town I-ARG . O You B-ARG can I-ARG enjoy I-ARG modern I-ARG life I-ARG and I-ARG have I-ARG more I-ARG access I-ARG to I-ARG the I-ARG advanced I-ARG facilities I-ARG . O For O instance, O you B-ARG can I-ARG visit I-ARG museums I-ARG to I-ARG learn I-ARG history, I-ARG and I-ARG go I-ARG to I-ARG a I-ARG more I-ARG equipped I-ARG library I-ARG to I-ARG enjoy I-ARG reading, I-ARG or I-ARG you I-ARG can I-ARG go I-ARG to I-ARG a I-ARG sports I-ARG center I-ARG for I-ARG exercising I-ARG . O But O a B-ARG small I-ARG town I-ARG may I-ARG be I-ARG less I-ARG developed I-ARG to I-ARG satisfy I-ARG all I-ARG these I-ARG kinds I-ARG of I-ARG needs I-ARG . O Furthermore O living B-ARG in I-ARG big I-ARG cities I-ARG means I-ARG more I-ARG exposure I-ARG to I-ARG stimulation, I-ARG like I-ARG all I-ARG kinds I-ARG of I-ARG information I-ARG . O If B-ARG one I-ARG can I-ARG efficiently I-ARG acquire I-ARG the I-ARG information, I-ARG then, I-ARG there I-ARG might I-ARG come I-ARG along I-ARG more I-ARG opportunities I-ARG for I-ARG him I-ARG to I-ARG achieve I-ARG his I-ARG goals I-ARG . O For O example, O there B-ARG are I-ARG various I-ARG advertisements I-ARG here I-ARG an I-ARG there, I-ARG whether I-ARG on I-ARG the I-ARG leaflets I-ARG or I-ARG on I-ARG the I-ARG big I-ARG screen I-ARG showing I-ARG things I-ARG of I-ARG all I-ARG sorts I-ARG in I-ARG commercial I-ARG zones I-ARG . O If B-ARG one I-ARG is I-ARG seeking I-ARG a I-ARG job I-ARG right I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG city I-ARG or I-ARG planing I-ARG somewhere I-ARG to I-ARG travel, I-ARG or I-ARG just I-ARG wants I-ARG to I-ARG buy I-ARG a I-ARG product I-ARG in I-ARG a I-ARG dependable I-ARG store, I-ARG he I-ARG might I-ARG refer I-ARG to I-ARG what I-ARG he I-ARG has I-ARG seen I-ARG or I-ARG heard I-ARG from I-ARG the I-ARG advertisements I-ARG to I-ARG make I-ARG a I-ARG relatively I-ARG wise I-ARG choice I-ARG . O There B-ARG is I-ARG also I-ARG another I-ARG obvious I-ARG advantage I-ARG of I-ARG living I-ARG in I-ARG a I-ARG big I-ARG city I-ARG considering I-ARG the I-ARG chance I-ARG of I-ARG receiving I-ARG better I-ARG education I-ARG of I-ARG our I-ARG offspring I-ARG . O Schools B-ARG in I-ARG big I-ARG cities I-ARG may I-ARG receive I-ARG more I-ARG funds I-ARG from I-ARG whether I-ARG the I-ARG local I-ARG comities I-ARG or I-ARG the I-ARG government, I-ARG which I-ARG may I-ARG make I-ARG them I-ARG more I-ARG equipped I-ARG with I-ARG advanced I-ARG teaching I-ARG facilities I-ARG and I-ARG attract I-ARG more I-ARG excellent I-ARG teachers I-ARG . O Our B-ARG children I-ARG thus I-ARG will I-ARG have I-ARG a I-ARG better I-ARG chance I-ARG of I-ARG pursuing I-ARG high-quality I-ARG education I-ARG which I-ARG is I-ARG very I-ARG important I-ARG for I-ARG their I-ARG future I-ARG development I-ARG . O In O conclusion, O if B-ARG I I-ARG want I-ARG to I-ARG live I-ARG a I-ARG more I-ARG convenient I-ARG life I-ARG with I-ARG more I-ARG access I-ARG to I-ARG modern I-ARG facilities I-ARG as I-ARG well I-ARG as I-ARG with I-ARG more I-ARG exposure I-ARG to I-ARG various I-ARG opportunities, I-ARG and I-ARG have I-ARG my I-ARG children I-ARG receive I-ARG a I-ARG better I-ARG education, I-ARG a I-ARG big I-ARG city I-ARG is I-ARG the I-ARG place I-ARG to I-ARG live I-ARG in I-ARG . O The O precondition O of O doing O research O by O professors O Nowadays, O many O professors O conduct O research O while O teaching O in O colleges O or O universities O . O Although O research O could O bring O funding O and O latest O achievements O in O the O field, O the B-ARG research I-ARG takes I-ARG up I-ARG too I-ARG much I-ARG teaching I-ARG time I-ARG . O As O far O as O I O am O concerned, O professors B-ARG should I-ARG spend I-ARG more I-ARG time I-ARG on I-ARG preparing I-ARG courses I-ARG than I-ARG research I-ARG . O To O begin O with, O it O is O vital O that O professors B-ARG should I-ARG assist I-ARG students I-ARG to I-ARG acquire I-ARG knowledge I-ARG . O The B-ARG professors’ I-ARG duty I-ARG is I-ARG to I-ARG nurture I-ARG students, I-ARG and I-ARG prepare I-ARG excellent I-ARG courses I-ARG . O If B-ARG professors I-ARG spend I-ARG a I-ARG lot I-ARG of I-ARG time I-ARG on I-ARG research, I-ARG he I-ARG will I-ARG cut I-ARG the I-ARG time I-ARG on I-ARG preparing I-ARG courses I-ARG is I-ARG reduced, I-ARG which I-ARG may I-ARG decrease I-ARG the I-ARG quality I-ARG of I-ARG classes I-ARG . O The B-ARG reason I-ARG why I-ARG people I-ARG enter I-ARG a I-ARG university I-ARG is I-ARG that I-ARG they I-ARG want I-ARG to I-ARG learn I-ARG cutting-edged I-ARG technologies I-ARG . O In O this O way, O professors B-ARG should I-ARG provide I-ARG well-preparation I-ARG courses I-ARG to I-ARG convey I-ARG the I-ARG state-of-art I-ARG knowledge I-ARG for I-ARG college I-ARG and I-ARG university I-ARG students I-ARG . O Therefore, O professors B-ARG should I-ARG pay I-ARG more I-ARG attention I-ARG on I-ARG how I-ARG to I-ARG teach I-ARG students I-ARG rather I-ARG than I-ARG conduct I-ARG research I-ARG . O On O the O other O hand, O if B-ARG professors I-ARG are I-ARG busy I-ARG in I-ARG doing I-ARG research, I-ARG ignoring I-ARG preparing I-ARG appropriate I-ARG courses I-ARG for I-ARG students, I-ARG it I-ARG would I-ARG ruin I-ARG the I-ARG reputation I-ARG of I-ARG universities I-ARG . O Students B-ARG are I-ARG unsatisfied I-ARG with I-ARG the I-ARG unprepared I-ARG course, I-ARG and I-ARG the I-ARG enrollment I-ARG of I-ARG universities I-ARG may I-ARG decline I-ARG . O Many B-ARG students I-ARG would I-ARG not I-ARG choose I-ARG these I-ARG kinds I-ARG of I-ARG universities I-ARG to I-ARG study I-ARG . O In O this O way, O hardly B-ARG can I-ARG professors I-ARG find I-ARG assistants I-ARG to I-ARG help I-ARG with I-ARG projects I-ARG . O It B-ARG is I-ARG adverse I-ARG to I-ARG the I-ARG whole I-ARG academic I-ARG field I-ARG . O Accordingly, O spending B-ARG more I-ARG time I-ARG to I-ARG nurture I-ARG excellent I-ARG students I-ARG is I-ARG more I-ARG consequential I-ARG to I-ARG professors, I-ARG rather I-ARG than I-ARG research I-ARG . O Nevertheless, O professors B-ARG could I-ARG teach I-ARG students I-ARG through I-ARG research I-ARG and I-ARG projects I-ARG . O Some B-ARG students I-ARG enjoy I-ARG taking I-ARG part I-ARG in I-ARG some I-ARG research I-ARG . O Through B-ARG to I-ARG use I-ARG the I-ARG equipment I-ARG and I-ARG invent I-ARG their I-ARG own I-ARG work, I-ARG they I-ARG may I-ARG get I-ARG more I-ARG experience I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG process I-ARG of I-ARG research I-ARG . O For O instance, O electronic B-ARG students I-ARG always I-ARG invent I-ARG new I-ARG machines I-ARG such I-ARG as I-ARG robots, I-ARG MP3 I-ARG and I-ARG remote I-ARG control I-ARG car I-ARG . O They B-ARG can I-ARG manage I-ARG the I-ARG electric I-ARG theory I-ARG in I-ARG practical I-ARG skills I-ARG . O And B-ARG some I-ARG students I-ARG will I-ARG be I-ARG rewarded I-ARG by I-ARG investing I-ARG new I-ARG inventions I-ARG . O However, O only B-ARG under I-ARG specific I-ARG circumstance, I-ARG when I-ARG students I-ARG master I-ARG all I-ARG of I-ARG the I-ARG systematic I-ARG knowledge, I-ARG can I-ARG they I-ARG accomplish I-ARG research I-ARG . O This B-ARG is I-ARG requires I-ARG professors I-ARG provide I-ARG high I-ARG quality I-ARG courses I-ARG . O In O other O word, O professor B-ARG should I-ARG concern I-ARG about I-ARG preparing I-ARG class I-ARG . O Consequently, O conducting B-ARG research I-ARG is I-ARG helpful I-ARG for I-ARG professors I-ARG and I-ARG students I-ARG to I-ARG some I-ARG extent I-ARG . O However, O the B-ARG precondition I-ARG of I-ARG doing I-ARG research I-ARG is I-ARG growing I-ARG students’ I-ARG solid I-ARG theory I-ARG fundamental I-ARG . O Only B-ARG by I-ARG developing I-ARG students, I-ARG can I-ARG we I-ARG have I-ARG a I-ARG better I-ARG academic I-ARG field I-ARG . O Professors B-ARG could I-ARG combine I-ARG doing I-ARG research I-ARG and I-ARG preparing I-ARG good I-ARG courses I-ARG in I-ARG a I-ARG dynamic I-ARG way I-ARG . O Apartments O vs O dormitories O at O university O Many O students O prefer O to O live O in O the O university O dormitories O while O others O prefer O an O apartment O in O the O city O . O Both O options O have O their O advantages O and O disadvantages O . O After O considering O the O level O of O freedom, O the O studying O conditions O and O the O economic O factor, O if O I O had O to O choose, O I B-ARG would I-ARG prefer I-ARG to I-ARG live I-ARG in I-ARG an I-ARG apartment I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG community I-ARG rather I-ARG than I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG university I-ARG dormitories I-ARG . O First, O an B-ARG apartment I-ARG provides I-ARG a I-ARG lot I-ARG more I-ARG freedom I-ARG than I-ARG a I-ARG dormitory I-ARG . O While B-ARG in I-ARG a I-ARG dormitory I-ARG you I-ARG have I-ARG to I-ARG obey I-ARG preset I-ARG rules, I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG apartment I-ARG you I-ARG set I-ARG your I-ARG own I-ARG rules I-ARG . O You B-ARG are I-ARG free I-ARG to I-ARG have I-ARG visits I-ARG at I-ARG any I-ARG time I-ARG or I-ARG to I-ARG be I-ARG left I-ARG alone I-ARG if I-ARG you I-ARG want I-ARG . O An B-ARG apartment I-ARG offers I-ARG more I-ARG privacy I-ARG because O you B-ARG can I-ARG choose I-ARG to I-ARG have I-ARG your I-ARG own I-ARG room I-ARG instead I-ARG of I-ARG sharing I-ARG with I-ARG another I-ARG student I-ARG . O This O is O an O important O factor O because O you B-ARG also I-ARG get I-ARG more I-ARG space I-ARG than I-ARG you I-ARG would I-ARG in I-ARG a I-ARG dormitory I-ARG . O Second, O from O an O economic O point O of O view, O people O often O argue O that O an B-ARG apartment I-ARG is I-ARG more I-ARG expensive I-ARG . O This O is O only O partially O true, O you B-ARG could I-ARG rent I-ARG the I-ARG extra I-ARG rooms I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG apartment I-ARG to I-ARG other I-ARG people I-ARG and I-ARG rent I-ARG would I-ARG be I-ARG a I-ARG lot I-ARG cheaper I-ARG . O Transportation B-ARG is I-ARG another I-ARG issue, I-ARG you I-ARG have I-ARG to I-ARG go I-ARG to I-ARG and I-ARG return I-ARG from I-ARG the I-ARG university I-ARG everyday I-ARG . O You B-ARG could I-ARG choose I-ARG to I-ARG use I-ARG public I-ARG transportation, I-ARG a I-ARG cheaper I-ARG option, I-ARG or I-ARG to I-ARG have I-ARG a I-ARG car I-ARG . O The B-ARG car I-ARG is I-ARG an I-ARG expensive I-ARG option, I-ARG but I-ARG also I-ARG offers I-ARG freedom I-ARG of I-ARG schedule I-ARG and I-ARG destination I-ARG . O Lastly, O the B-ARG studying I-ARG conditions I-ARG are I-ARG better I-ARG in I-ARG an I-ARG apartment I-ARG because O you B-ARG don't I-ARG have I-ARG all I-ARG the I-ARG noise I-ARG and I-ARG distractions I-ARG that I-ARG you I-ARG often I-ARG have I-ARG in I-ARG dormitories I-ARG . O A B-ARG lot I-ARG of I-ARG students I-ARG often I-ARG complain I-ARG about I-ARG their I-ARG roommate I-ARG playing I-ARG music I-ARG too I-ARG loud I-ARG or I-ARG bringing I-ARG friends I-ARG over I-ARG at I-ARG inappropriate I-ARG times I-ARG . O Since O in O an O apartment O you O don't O have O a O roommate, O you O won't O have O this O problem, O and O as O a O result O you B-ARG would I-ARG be I-ARG able I-ARG to I-ARG concentrate I-ARG better I-ARG . O For O the O same O reason, O you B-ARG won't I-ARG have I-ARG a I-ARG problem I-ARG if I-ARG you I-ARG are I-ARG the I-ARG one I-ARG who I-ARG wants I-ARG to I-ARG play I-ARG music, I-ARG bring I-ARG friends I-ARG over, I-ARG or I-ARG study I-ARG late I-ARG at I-ARG night I-ARG . O You B-ARG set I-ARG your I-ARG own I-ARG schedules I-ARG . O In O the O other O hand, O living B-ARG in I-ARG a I-ARG dormitory, I-ARG and I-ARG being I-ARG surrounded I-ARG by I-ARG students I-ARG also I-ARG has I-ARG some I-ARG advantages, I-ARG like I-ARG being I-ARG able I-ARG to I-ARG get I-ARG help I-ARG with I-ARG any I-ARG academic I-ARG issues I-ARG from I-ARG them I-ARG . O To O conclude, O both O options O have O their O advantages, O but O personally O I O think O the B-ARG advantages I-ARG of I-ARG living I-ARG in I-ARG an I-ARG apartment I-ARG outshine I-ARG those I-ARG of I-ARG living I-ARG in I-ARG a I-ARG dormitory I-ARG . O Why O are O groups O or O organizations O important O to O people? O During O our O life, O it O is O inevitable O that O we O may O be O related O with O any O groups O or O organizations; O therefore, O groups O and O organizations O are O an O important O part O of O their O lives O . O In O my O point O of O view, O groups B-ARG provide I-ARG a I-ARG place I-ARG for I-ARG people I-ARG to I-ARG gain I-ARG experiences I-ARG or I-ARG achieve I-ARG goals I-ARG . O My O reasons O include O the O following: O In O the O first O place, O humans B-ARG are I-ARG a I-ARG part I-ARG of I-ARG the I-ARG society, I-ARG and I-ARG the I-ARG society I-ARG includes I-ARG a I-ARG wide I-ARG variety I-ARG of I-ARG groups I-ARG . O Most O of O all, O the B-ARG groups I-ARG play I-ARG an I-ARG essential I-ARG role I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG process I-ARG of I-ARG socialization, I-ARG from I-ARG children I-ARG to I-ARG adults I-ARG . O We B-ARG begin I-ARG taking I-ARG part I-ARG in I-ARG groups I-ARG or I-ARG organizations I-ARG during I-ARG the I-ARG early I-ARG days I-ARG of I-ARG life, I-ARG and I-ARG especially I-ARG most I-ARG people I-ARG continue I-ARG their I-ARG social I-ARG participation I-ARG in I-ARG all I-ARG through I-ARG life I-ARG . O By B-ARG making I-ARG teamwork, I-ARG the I-ARG children I-ARG in I-ARG schools I-ARG may I-ARG learn I-ARG to I-ARG how I-ARG to I-ARG get I-ARG along I-ARG with I-ARG others I-ARG . O As B-ARG university I-ARG students, I-ARG it I-ARG is I-ARG likely I-ARG for I-ARG them I-ARG to I-ARG join I-ARG student I-ARG organization I-ARG of I-ARG their I-ARG major I-ARG in I-ARG order I-ARG to I-ARG expand I-ARG their I-ARG experiences I-ARG or I-ARG communicate I-ARG with I-ARG others I-ARG . O After B-ARG graduating I-ARG from I-ARG schools, I-ARG employees I-ARG might I-ARG go I-ARG to I-ARG business I-ARG associations I-ARG for I-ARG various I-ARG business I-ARG resources I-ARG and I-ARG benefits I-ARG . O Thus, O almost B-ARG of I-ARG us I-ARG live I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG environment I-ARG of I-ARG groups I-ARG . O By B-ARG participating I-ARG in I-ARG an I-ARG organization, I-ARG it I-ARG is I-ARG a I-ARG positive I-ARG way I-ARG for I-ARG people I-ARG to I-ARG obtain I-ARG some I-ARG experiences I-ARG on I-ARG a I-ARG particular I-ARG purpose I-ARG . O A B-ARG solid I-ARG group I-ARG can I-ARG be I-ARG a I-ARG suited I-ARG environment, I-ARG which I-ARG provides I-ARG people I-ARG to I-ARG improve I-ARG themselves I-ARG or I-ARG broaden I-ARG their I-ARG horizons I-ARG . O For O example, O as B-ARG a I-ARG student I-ARG majoring I-ARG in I-ARG mass I-ARG media, I-ARG I I-ARG have I-ARG taken I-ARG part I-ARG in I-ARG mass I-ARG media I-ARG student I-ARG group I-ARG for I-ARG a I-ARG year I-ARG . O When B-ARG being I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG department I-ARG of I-ARG art, I-ARG I I-ARG have I-ARG not I-ARG only I-ARG learned I-ARG how I-ARG to I-ARG do I-ARG a I-ARG project, I-ARG but I-ARG also I-ARG known I-ARG some I-ARG famous I-ARG artists I-ARG during I-ARG the I-ARG term I-ARG . O Above O all, O it B-ARG is I-ARG advantage I-ARG which I-ARG increase I-ARG an I-ARG opportunity I-ARG on I-ARG my I-ARG resume I-ARG for I-ARG the I-ARG sake I-ARG of I-ARG getting I-ARG a I-ARG better I-ARG job I-ARG . O Furthermore, O groups B-ARG and I-ARG organizations I-ARG would I-ARG lead I-ARG people I-ARG to I-ARG take I-ARG action I-ARG or I-ARG achieve I-ARG their I-ARG goal I-ARG . O Here O is O an O example: O there B-ARG are I-ARG various I-ARG charities I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG world I-ARG . O Tzu B-ARG Chi, I-ARG a I-ARG non-profit I-ARG Buddhism I-ARG organization I-ARG in I-ARG Taiwan, I-ARG is I-ARG famous I-ARG for I-ARG contributing I-ARG to I-ARG the I-ARG social I-ARG and I-ARG community I-ARG services, I-ARG and I-ARG medical I-ARG care I-ARG . O They B-ARG bring I-ARG hopes I-ARG and I-ARG inspire I-ARG others I-ARG with I-ARG their I-ARG generous I-ARG spirit I-ARG . O For B-ARG accomplishing I-ARG their I-ARG missions, I-ARG the I-ARG charity I-ARG should I-ARG gather I-ARG people I-ARG who I-ARG are I-ARG volunteers I-ARG and I-ARG sponsors I-ARG for I-ARG those I-ARG difficult I-ARG tasks I-ARG . O As O a O result, O they O lit O the O light O for O the O poor O and O victims; O in O addition, O they B-ARG could I-ARG have I-ARG chance I-ARG to I-ARG help I-ARG the I-ARG people I-ARG in I-ARG need I-ARG from I-ARG all I-ARG over I-ARG the I-ARG world I-ARG . O For O the O above O reasons O and O examples, O it O could O be O widely O thought O that O groups B-ARG or I-ARG organizations I-ARG are I-ARG a I-ARG vital I-ARG part I-ARG for I-ARG us I-ARG in I-ARG plenty I-ARG of I-ARG aspects I-ARG in I-ARG different I-ARG ages I-ARG and I-ARG in I-ARG different I-ARG backgrounds I-ARG . O Should O the O Government O Provide O Free O College? O Some O people O believe O that O the O government O should O cover O the O college O tuitions O and O expenses O for O any O citizen O who O wants O to O go O to O a O college O . O However, O I O believe O that O individuals B-ARG should I-ARG pay I-ARG their I-ARG college I-ARG tuition I-ARG because O it B-ARG would I-ARG cost I-ARG too I-ARG much, I-ARG the I-ARG college I-ARG education I-ARG is I-ARG a I-ARG personal's I-ARG choice, I-ARG and I-ARG there B-ARG are I-ARG many I-ARG ways I-ARG to I-ARG fund I-ARG a I-ARG college I-ARG education I-ARG . O First, O making B-ARG college I-ARG education I-ARG free I-ARG would I-ARG cost I-ARG too I-ARG much I-ARG . O It B-ARG would I-ARG divert I-ARG public I-ARG funds I-ARG from I-ARG other I-ARG needs I-ARG such I-ARG as I-ARG law I-ARG enforcement, I-ARG infrastructure I-ARG and I-ARG so I-ARG forth I-ARG . O There B-ARG are I-ARG many I-ARG other I-ARG needs I-ARG which I-ARG should I-ARG come I-ARG first, I-ARG such I-ARG as I-ARG providing I-ARG health I-ARG care I-ARG to I-ARG all I-ARG American, I-ARG or I-ARG improving I-ARG public I-ARG schools I-ARG . O In O addition, O it B-ARG would I-ARG cause I-ARG to I-ARG raise I-ARG our I-ARG taxes I-ARG again I-ARG and I-ARG again I-ARG to I-ARG fund I-ARG college I-ARG education I-ARG . O Consequently, O it B-ARG would I-ARG affect I-ARG all I-ARG taxpayers I-ARG whether I-ARG or I-ARG not I-ARG they I-ARG benefit I-ARG from I-ARG the I-ARG use I-ARG of I-ARG the I-ARG funds I-ARG . O Second, O it B-ARG is I-ARG a I-ARG personal I-ARG choice I-ARG to I-ARG go I-ARG to I-ARG a I-ARG college I-ARG . O Not B-ARG everyone I-ARG wants I-ARG to I-ARG go I-ARG to I-ARG a I-ARG college I-ARG . O People B-ARG who I-ARG want I-ARG to I-ARG make I-ARG more I-ARG money, I-ARG and I-ARG live I-ARG a I-ARG better I-ARG life I-ARG than I-ARG other I-ARG people I-ARG decide I-ARG to I-ARG take I-ARG a I-ARG college I-ARG education I-ARG . O Therefore, O those B-ARG people I-ARG should I-ARG make I-ARG the I-ARG financial I-ARG investment I-ARG in I-ARG their I-ARG own I-ARG choice; I-ARG not I-ARG the I-ARG government I-ARG . O Third, O there B-ARG are I-ARG many I-ARG ways I-ARG to I-ARG fund I-ARG a I-ARG college I-ARG education I-ARG . O People B-ARG who I-ARG cannot I-ARG afford I-ARG to I-ARG pay I-ARG their I-ARG tuition I-ARG benefit I-ARG from I-ARG the I-ARG scholarship, I-ARG financial I-ARG aids, I-ARG and I-ARG other I-ARG funds I-ARG . O In O addition, O the B-ARG government I-ARG already I-ARG helps I-ARG pay I-ARG college I-ARG expense I-ARG through I-ARG indirect I-ARG means I-ARG . O They B-ARG often I-ARG provide I-ARG services I-ARG such I-ARG as I-ARG fire I-ARG departments, I-ARG medical I-ARG assistance, I-ARG and I-ARG police I-ARG protection I-ARG for I-ARG the I-ARG schools I-ARG and I-ARG their I-ARG students I-ARG . O They B-ARG also I-ARG provide I-ARG funds I-ARG for I-ARG academic I-ARG research I-ARG . O While B-ARG the I-ARG money I-ARG is I-ARG not I-ARG given I-ARG to I-ARG individual I-ARG students, I-ARG these I-ARG contributions I-ARG are I-ARG not I-ARG trivial I-ARG . O In O short, O the B-ARG individual I-ARG should I-ARG finance I-ARG his I-ARG or I-ARG her I-ARG education I-ARG because O it B-ARG is I-ARG a I-ARG personal I-ARG choice I-ARG . O Otherwise, O it O would O cause O too O much O cost O from O taxpayers O and O the O government O . O Where O to O learn O a O new O language? O Although O there O are O some O advantages O to O learning O a O foreign O language O in O its O original O country, O I O firmly O believe O that O people B-ARG who I-ARG learn I-ARG a I-ARG foreign I-ARG language I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG country I-ARG in I-ARG which I-ARG it I-ARG is I-ARG spoken I-ARG have I-ARG a I-ARG deeper I-ARG understanding I-ARG of I-ARG different I-ARG language I-ARG skills I-ARG than I-ARG those I-ARG who I-ARG learn I-ARG the I-ARG same I-ARG languages I-ARG in I-ARG their I-ARG own I-ARG countries I-ARG . O Person B-ARG 'A' I-ARG who I-ARG learns I-ARG a I-ARG non-native I-ARG language I-ARG in I-ARG his I-ARG country I-ARG may I-ARG receive I-ARG benefit I-ARG from I-ARG a I-ARG step-by-step I-ARG teaching I-ARG method I-ARG . O In O other O words, O he B-ARG is I-ARG not I-ARG jumping I-ARG into I-ARG the I-ARG foreign I-ARG country I-ARG . O Therefore O he B-ARG can I-ARG set I-ARG aside I-ARG enough I-ARG time I-ARG and I-ARG energy I-ARG dedicated I-ARG to I-ARG learning I-ARG the I-ARG language I-ARG . O Besides, O all O the O learners O are O probably O from O the O same O country, O so O all B-ARG these I-ARG people I-ARG most I-ARG likely I-ARG have I-ARG learned I-ARG the I-ARG language, I-ARG more I-ARG or I-ARG less, I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG same I-ARG way I-ARG . O On O the O other O hand, O when B-ARG a I-ARG new I-ARG learner I-ARG wants I-ARG to I-ARG learn I-ARG a I-ARG new I-ARG language I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG country I-ARG in I-ARG which I-ARG it I-ARG is I-ARG spoken, I-ARG he I-ARG has I-ARG the I-ARG opportunity I-ARG to I-ARG communicate I-ARG with I-ARG natives I-ARG . O He B-ARG may I-ARG find I-ARG native I-ARG friends I-ARG and I-ARG may I-ARG participate I-ARG in I-ARG groups I-ARG where I-ARG members I-ARG are I-ARG people I-ARG from I-ARG the I-ARG foreign I-ARG country I-ARG . O No O doubt, O it B-ARG leads I-ARG to I-ARG better I-ARG understanding I-ARG of I-ARG language I-ARG essential I-ARG skills I-ARG . O He B-ARG also I-ARG has I-ARG access I-ARG to I-ARG the I-ARG most I-ARG up-to-date I-ARG language I-ARG . O Thus O he B-ARG can I-ARG learn I-ARG most I-ARG useful I-ARG idioms, I-ARG proverbs I-ARG and I-ARG so I-ARG many I-ARG other I-ARG things I-ARG which I-ARG the I-ARG former I-ARG person, I-ARG person I-ARG 'A', I-ARG does I-ARG not I-ARG have I-ARG access I-ARG to I-ARG . O On O the O whole, O if B-ARG I I-ARG wanted I-ARG to I-ARG learn I-ARG a I-ARG new I-ARG language I-ARG and I-ARG had I-ARG enough I-ARG money I-ARG to I-ARG afford I-ARG the I-ARG travel, I-ARG I I-ARG would I-ARG definitely I-ARG make I-ARG the I-ARG second I-ARG choice I-ARG . O There B-ARG are I-ARG lots I-ARG of I-ARG evidences I-ARG show I-ARG that I-ARG communication I-ARG is I-ARG the I-ARG most I-ARG important I-ARG factor I-ARG in I-ARG learning I-ARG a I-ARG new I-ARG language I-ARG . O When B-ARG you I-ARG are I-ARG exposed I-ARG to I-ARG an I-ARG environment I-ARG where I-ARG everybody I-ARG talks I-ARG to I-ARG you I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG new I-ARG language I-ARG you I-ARG want I-ARG to I-ARG learn I-ARG and I-ARG expects I-ARG you I-ARG express I-ARG words I-ARG from I-ARG the I-ARG same I-ARG language, I-ARG you I-ARG are I-ARG forced I-ARG to I-ARG learn I-ARG it I-ARG as I-ARG soon I-ARG and I-ARG good I-ARG as I-ARG possible I-ARG . O In O a O word, O although O each O of O these O methods O have O their O pros O and O cons, O I O am O pretty O sure O that O advantages B-ARG of I-ARG learning I-ARG language I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG country I-ARG in I-ARG which I-ARG is I-ARG spoken I-ARG outweigh I-ARG the I-ARG advantages I-ARG of I-ARG the I-ARG other I-ARG way I-ARG of I-ARG learning I-ARG of I-ARG a I-ARG new I-ARG language I-ARG . O Spending O time O with O a O large O number O of O friends O can O add O more O to O one's O life O Despite O friendship O is O one O of O the O most O important O values O in O a O man's O life, O people O might O have O different O preferences: O some O of O them O prefer O to O spend O time O with O one O or O two O close O friends, O while O other B-ARG prefer I-ARG to I-ARG be I-ARG surrounded I-ARG by I-ARG a I-ARG large I-ARG number I-ARG of I-ARG friends I-ARG . O In O my O view, O I O prefer O the O second O attitude O . O The O first O reason O is O that O staying B-ARG in I-ARG contact I-ARG with I-ARG a I-ARG large I-ARG number I-ARG of I-ARG friends I-ARG gives I-ARG the I-ARG opportunity I-ARG to I-ARG learn I-ARG more I-ARG from I-ARG the I-ARG others' I-ARG experiences I-ARG . O For O instance, O among B-ARG a I-ARG large I-ARG number I-ARG of I-ARG people I-ARG there I-ARG could I-ARG be I-ARG someone I-ARG who I-ARG practices I-ARG a I-ARG particular I-ARG sport, I-ARG or I-ARG plays I-ARG an I-ARG instrument I-ARG or I-ARG likes I-ARG traveling I-ARG very I-ARG much I-ARG and I-ARG from I-ARG their I-ARG experiences I-ARG you I-ARG can I-ARG be I-ARG attracted I-ARG to I-ARG try I-ARG something I-ARG new I-ARG that I-ARG you I-ARG had I-ARG never I-ARG considered I-ARG before I-ARG . O Of O course, O while B-ARG differences I-ARG give I-ARG the I-ARG opportunity I-ARG to I-ARG learn, I-ARG they I-ARG can I-ARG also I-ARG mean I-ARG that I-ARG sometimes I-ARG it I-ARG can I-ARG be I-ARG difficult I-ARG to I-ARG reach I-ARG an I-ARG agreement I-ARG . O This B-ARG would I-ARG not I-ARG happen I-ARG or I-ARG at I-ARG least I-ARG would I-ARG happen I-ARG rarely I-ARG if I-ARG one I-ARG decides I-ARG to I-ARG spend I-ARG time I-ARG with I-ARG one I-ARG or I-ARG two I-ARG close I-ARG friends I-ARG . O In O fact, O in B-ARG this I-ARG case I-ARG it I-ARG is I-ARG more I-ARG likely I-ARG that I-ARG interests I-ARG and I-ARG preferences I-ARG are I-ARG the I-ARG same I-ARG . O Another O reason O is O that O a B-ARG large I-ARG number I-ARG of I-ARG friends I-ARG can I-ARG help I-ARG you I-ARG to I-ARG consider I-ARG all I-ARG the I-ARG possible I-ARG solutions I-ARG to I-ARG a I-ARG problem I-ARG and I-ARG to I-ARG make I-ARG you I-ARG more I-ARG open-minded I-ARG . O For O example, O if B-ARG you I-ARG happen I-ARG to I-ARG face I-ARG a I-ARG problem I-ARG and I-ARG ask I-ARG them I-ARG for I-ARG advice, I-ARG your I-ARG friends I-ARG you I-ARG will I-ARG see I-ARG that I-ARG issue I-ARG from I-ARG their I-ARG different I-ARG point I-ARG of I-ARG views I-ARG and I-ARG accordingly I-ARG they I-ARG will I-ARG help I-ARG you I-ARG to I-ARG consider I-ARG better I-ARG all I-ARG advantages I-ARG and I-ARG disadvantages I-ARG . O When O you O have O just O few O close O friends, O on O one O hand O you O develop O a O more O intimate O relationship O with O them O and O you O feel O you O can O trust O them O more, O but O on O the O other O hand O they B-ARG often I-ARG will I-ARG give I-ARG you I-ARG viewpoints I-ARG not I-ARG so I-ARG different I-ARG from I-ARG yours, I-ARG adding I-ARG less I-ARG to I-ARG your I-ARG experience I-ARG . O In O sum, O although O each O choice O - O few O close O friends O or O a O large O number O of O friends O - O presents O its O advantages O and O its O weak O points, O I O think O that O spending B-ARG time I-ARG with I-ARG a I-ARG large I-ARG number I-ARG of I-ARG friends I-ARG can I-ARG add I-ARG more I-ARG to I-ARG one's I-ARG life I-ARG . O Public O transportation O keeps O society O from O the O depletion O of O natural O resources O The B-ARG development I-ARG of I-ARG public I-ARG transportation I-ARG is I-ARG the I-ARG most I-ARG essential I-ARG thing I-ARG for I-ARG a I-ARG developed I-ARG society I-ARG . O Public B-ARG transportation I-ARG keeps I-ARG society I-ARG from I-ARG the I-ARG depletion I-ARG of I-ARG natural I-ARG resources, I-ARG the I-ARG air I-ARG pollution, I-ARG the I-ARG loss I-ARG of I-ARG a I-ARG sense I-ARG of I-ARG community I-ARG . O So, O I O think O the O government O have O to O spend O more O money O on O improving O it O . O The B-ARG use I-ARG of I-ARG public I-ARG transportation I-ARG is I-ARG the I-ARG best I-ARG way I-ARG to I-ARG conserve I-ARG natural I-ARG resources I-ARG gradually I-ARG run I-ARG out I-ARG . O Cars B-ARG depend I-ARG on I-ARG oil I-ARG and I-ARG gasoline I-ARG to I-ARG move I-ARG . O If B-ARG people I-ARG use I-ARG too I-ARG many I-ARG private I-ARG cars, I-ARG the I-ARG oil I-ARG and I-ARG gasoline I-ARG nonrenewable I-ARG will I-ARG run I-ARG out I-ARG quickly I-ARG . O Instead B-ARG of I-ARG using I-ARG many I-ARG private I-ARG cars, I-ARG people I-ARG can I-ARG use I-ARG public I-ARG transportation, I-ARG such I-ARG as I-ARG bus, I-ARG train, I-ARG subway, I-ARG each I-ARG one I-ARG can I-ARG get I-ARG far I-ARG more I-ARG people I-ARG and I-ARG less I-ARG oil I-ARG and I-ARG gasoline I-ARG are I-ARG used I-ARG up I-ARG per I-ARG person I-ARG . O The B-ARG use I-ARG of I-ARG public I-ARG transportation I-ARG helps I-ARG in I-ARG reducing I-ARG the I-ARG air I-ARG pollution I-ARG . O Cars B-ARG use I-ARG oil I-ARG and I-ARG gasoline I-ARG and I-ARG send I-ARG out I-ARG gas I-ARG such I-ARG as I-ARG carbon I-ARG dioxide, I-ARG heat I-ARG and I-ARG so I-ARG on I-ARG . O They B-ARG cause I-ARG pollution I-ARG and I-ARG make I-ARG the I-ARG Earth I-ARG warmer I-ARG . O The B-ARG more I-ARG cars I-ARG are I-ARG driven, I-ARG the I-ARG more I-ARG pollution I-ARG will I-ARG be I-ARG put I-ARG into I-ARG air I-ARG . O If B-ARG we I-ARG use I-ARG the I-ARG public I-ARG transportation, I-ARG less I-ARG cars I-ARG will I-ARG be I-ARG used I-ARG and I-ARG less I-ARG pollution I-ARG will I-ARG be I-ARG emitted I-ARG . O The B-ARG atmosphere, I-ARG surrounding I-ARG us, I-ARG will I-ARG be I-ARG protected I-ARG and I-ARG help I-ARG us I-ARG more I-ARG healthy I-ARG . O The B-ARG use I-ARG of I-ARG public I-ARG transportation I-ARG make I-ARG us I-ARG live I-ARG more I-ARG sociable I-ARG . O When B-ARG we I-ARG drive I-ARG a I-ARG private I-ARG car, I-ARG we I-ARG are I-ARG alone I-ARG or I-ARG only I-ARG our I-ARG family I-ARG members I-ARG that I-ARG we I-ARG already I-ARG know I-ARG and I-ARG lost I-ARG the I-ARG opportunity I-ARG to I-ARG make I-ARG friends I-ARG with I-ARG others I-ARG or I-ARG to I-ARG see I-ARG that I-ARG we I-ARG are I-ARG a I-ARG part I-ARG of I-ARG this I-ARG society I-ARG . O When B-ARG using I-ARG public I-ARG transportation, I-ARG we I-ARG have I-ARG a I-ARG chance I-ARG to I-ARG meet I-ARG more I-ARG people I-ARG and I-ARG more I-ARG chances I-ARG to I-ARG discovery I-ARG new I-ARG aspects I-ARG of I-ARG life I-ARG . O Using B-ARG public I-ARG transportation I-ARG has I-ARG a I-ARG lot I-ARG of I-ARG advantages I-ARG for I-ARG the I-ARG modern I-ARG society I-ARG facing I-ARG a I-ARG lot I-ARG of I-ARG problems: I-ARG the I-ARG environmental I-ARG population, I-ARG the I-ARG isolation I-ARG in I-ARG life, I-ARG the I-ARG depletion I-ARG of I-ARG natural I-ARG resources I-ARG . O So, O the O government O have O to O invest O more O for O it O and O encourage O people O to O use O . O Some O students O prefer O to O study O alone O Everyone O has O their O method O to O success O in O life O . O At O school O or O university, O success O depends O on O how O we O study O . O Some O students O benefit O a O lot O when O they O study O with O groups O . O Yet, O I B-ARG prefer I-ARG to I-ARG study I-ARG individually I-ARG because O it B-ARG helps I-ARG me I-ARG to I-ARG concentrate I-ARG more, I-ARG and I-ARG it I-ARG helps I-ARG me I-ARG to I-ARG build I-ARG my I-ARG personality I-ARG . O Studying B-ARG alone I-ARG helps I-ARG us I-ARG to I-ARG focus I-ARG more I-ARG in I-ARG our I-ARG lessons I-ARG . O For O instance, O I B-ARG am I-ARG a I-ARG type I-ARG of I-ARG person I-ARG who I-ARG cannot I-ARG comprehend I-ARG my I-ARG subjects I-ARG unless I-ARG I I-ARG am I-ARG alone I-ARG . O I B-ARG can I-ARG prepare I-ARG my I-ARG schedules, I-ARG guidelines, I-ARG exercises I-ARG and I-ARG go I-ARG over I-ARG them I-ARG all I-ARG . O Moreover, O we B-ARG have I-ARG a I-ARG lot I-ARG of I-ARG subjects I-ARG which I-ARG require I-ARG us I-ARG to I-ARG sit I-ARG and I-ARG study I-ARG alone I-ARG such I-ARG as I-ARG math, I-ARG reading, I-ARG and I-ARG drawing I-ARG . O In O my O opinion, O I B-ARG can I-ARG take I-ARG advantage I-ARG of I-ARG every I-ARG minute I-ARG without I-ARG wasting I-ARG by I-ARG studying I-ARG alone I-ARG . O Additionally, O we B-ARG are I-ARG building I-ARG our I-ARG personalities I-ARG when I-ARG we I-ARG study I-ARG alone I-ARG . O For O example, O answering B-ARG our I-ARG homework I-ARG alone I-ARG encourages I-ARG us I-ARG to I-ARG be I-ARG more I-ARG responsible I-ARG and I-ARG independent I-ARG . O Also, O it B-ARG motivates I-ARG us I-ARG to I-ARG be I-ARG accurate I-ARG in I-ARG our I-ARG work I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG future I-ARG . O Personally, O when B-ARG I I-ARG fix I-ARG my I-ARG study I-ARG plan I-ARG with I-ARG a I-ARG specific I-ARG time I-ARG and I-ARG finish I-ARG it I-ARG on I-ARG time, I-ARG it I-ARG improves I-ARG my I-ARG ability I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG future I-ARG to I-ARG become I-ARG more I-ARG precise I-ARG and I-ARG careful I-ARG . O To O conclude, O there O are O many O ways O to O study O and O it O is O our O right O to O choose O which O is O suitable O for O our O characters O whether O alone O or O with O group O . O In O fact, O I B-ARG agree I-ARG with I-ARG the I-ARG idea I-ARG of I-ARG studying I-ARG a I-ARG lone I-ARG since O it B-ARG helps I-ARG me I-ARG to I-ARG focus I-ARG more I-ARG and I-ARG establish I-ARG my I-ARG personality I-ARG . O Success O needs O us O to O work O hard O and O sacrifice O more O whether O we O choose O to O study O alone O or O with O group O . O Some O important O characteristics O of O a O co-worker O At O work, O you O meet O people O with O diverse O backgrounds O and O you O are O required O to O maintain O sound O relationships O with O many O of O them O in O order O to O have O a O pleasant O work O environment O . O However, O the O relationship O you O need O to O maintain O with O your O co-worker O is O the O most O important O one O since O he O or O she O is O the O person O who O works O very O closely O with O you, O and O in O most O instances O you O have O to O rely O on O him O or O her O . O Therefore O in O my O view, O a B-ARG good I-ARG co-worker I-ARG needs I-ARG to I-ARG have I-ARG three I-ARG most I-ARG important I-ARG characteristics I-ARG such I-ARG as I-ARG cooperation, I-ARG trustworthiness, I-ARG and I-ARG fellowship I-ARG . O The B-ARG co-workers I-ARG should I-ARG be I-ARG cooperative I-ARG with I-ARG one I-ARG another I-ARG . O If B-ARG they I-ARG do I-ARG not I-ARG cooperate, I-ARG there I-ARG will I-ARG be I-ARG lots I-ARG of I-ARG disputes I-ARG . O I B-ARG once I-ARG had I-ARG a I-ARG co-worker I-ARG who I-ARG was I-ARG too I-ARG family I-ARG conscious I-ARG . O Therefore O he B-ARG always I-ARG left I-ARG office I-ARG sharp I-ARG on I-ARG time I-ARG without I-ARG giving I-ARG any I-ARG consideration I-ARG whether I-ARG the I-ARG work I-ARG has I-ARG been I-ARG finished I-ARG or I-ARG not I-ARG . O Most B-ARG of I-ARG the I-ARG time, I-ARG I I-ARG had I-ARG to I-ARG do I-ARG his I-ARG work I-ARG in I-ARG order I-ARG to I-ARG protect I-ARG him I-ARG from I-ARG getting I-ARG caught I-ARG to I-ARG the I-ARG supervisor I-ARG who I-ARG was I-ARG a I-ARG very I-ARG authoritative I-ARG person I-ARG . O However, O one B-ARG day I-ARG I I-ARG wanted I-ARG to I-ARG be I-ARG off I-ARG early I-ARG because I-ARG I I-ARG had I-ARG to I-ARG take I-ARG my I-ARG mother I-ARG to I-ARG the I-ARG doctor I-ARG . O When B-ARG I I-ARG requested I-ARG my I-ARG co-worker I-ARG to I-ARG give I-ARG a I-ARG helping I-ARG hand I-ARG to I-ARG finish I-ARG my I-ARG work I-ARG early, I-ARG he I-ARG turned I-ARG down I-ARG my I-ARG request I-ARG giving I-ARG a I-ARG silly I-ARG excuse I-ARG . O From B-ARG that I-ARG day I-ARG onwards I-ARG I I-ARG did I-ARG not I-ARG offer I-ARG him I-ARG any I-ARG support I-ARG and I-ARG finally I-ARG he I-ARG was I-ARG transferred I-ARG from I-ARG our I-ARG department I-ARG to I-ARG a I-ARG distant I-ARG location I-ARG as I-ARG a I-ARG punishment I-ARG for I-ARG his I-ARG irresponsibility I-ARG . O Therefore, O I O believe O if B-ARG the I-ARG co-workers I-ARG do I-ARG not I-ARG corporate I-ARG with I-ARG each I-ARG other I-ARG that I-ARG would I-ARG be I-ARG devastating I-ARG in I-ARG a I-ARG work I-ARG environment I-ARG . O The B-ARG co-workers I-ARG need I-ARG to I-ARG trust I-ARG each I-ARG other I-ARG . O They B-ARG should I-ARG not I-ARG act I-ARG on I-ARG suspicion I-ARG . O This B-ARG is I-ARG a I-ARG very I-ARG important I-ARG aspect I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG work I-ARG environment I-ARG . O I B-ARG came I-ARG across I-ARG a I-ARG situation I-ARG once I-ARG such I-ARG that I-ARG one I-ARG of I-ARG my I-ARG subordinates I-ARG used I-ARG to I-ARG suspect I-ARG his I-ARG co-worker I-ARG for I-ARG carrying I-ARG tales I-ARG to I-ARG me I-ARG . O To B-ARG a I-ARG certain I-ARG extent I-ARG his I-ARG suspicion I-ARG was I-ARG valid I-ARG as I-ARG his I-ARG co-worker I-ARG made I-ARG several I-ARG attempts I-ARG to I-ARG highlight I-ARG the I-ARG drawbacks I-ARG of I-ARG him I-ARG . O However O I B-ARG never I-ARG encourage I-ARG tale I-ARG carriers I-ARG as I-ARG a I-ARG principle I-ARG and I-ARG therefore I-ARG his I-ARG co-worker I-ARG gave I-ARG up I-ARG talking I-ARG ill I-ARG against I-ARG him I-ARG with I-ARG me I-ARG . O But B-ARG this I-ARG mistrust I-ARG continued I-ARG and I-ARG created I-ARG very I-ARG unpleasant I-ARG situations I-ARG for I-ARG everybody I-ARG in I-ARG my I-ARG department I-ARG . O Finally, O the B-ARG co-workers I-ARG should I-ARG believe I-ARG in I-ARG fellowship I-ARG . O This B-ARG helps I-ARG them I-ARG to I-ARG enjoy I-ARG their I-ARG work I-ARG life I-ARG while I-ARG building I-ARG up I-ARG very I-ARG strong I-ARG personal I-ARG relationships I-ARG . O After O all, O you B-ARG spend I-ARG most I-ARG of I-ARG your I-ARG day I-ARG at I-ARG office I-ARG . O If B-ARG you I-ARG have I-ARG a I-ARG good I-ARG company I-ARG in I-ARG office, I-ARG it I-ARG is I-ARG certainly I-ARG a I-ARG blessing I-ARG . O Distance O learning O and O online O computer O classes O should O replace O classroom O During O these O digital O age, O the O online O classes O has O become O more O interest O and O more O common O in O the O society O . O Almost O every O school O develops O their O online O class O systems O . O One O question O I O always O thought O about O is O whether O online O computer O classes O should O replace O classroom O learning O . O Although, O online O classes O have O many O advantages, O for O me, O I B-ARG prefer I-ARG traditional I-ARG learning I-ARG classes I-ARG for O several O reasons O . O First, O the B-ARG participant I-ARG with I-ARG the I-ARG others I-ARG like I-ARG classmates I-ARG or I-ARG professors I-ARG is I-ARG still I-ARG an I-ARG important I-ARG factor I-ARG in I-ARG studying I-ARG . O Working B-ARG in I-ARG group I-ARG leads I-ARG to I-ARG more I-ARG discussion I-ARG and I-ARG more I-ARG opinion I-ARG among I-ARG the I-ARG class I-ARG . O Consequently, O the B-ARG discussion I-ARG class I-ARG results I-ARG in I-ARG expanded I-ARG children I-ARG vision I-ARG and I-ARG their I-ARG respect I-ARG to I-ARG others I-ARG roommate's I-ARG ideas I-ARG . O Unlike B-ARG the I-ARG distance I-ARG learning I-ARG that I-ARG children I-ARG have I-ARG few I-ARG opportunities I-ARG to I-ARG discuss I-ARG with I-ARG their I-ARG friends I-ARG . O Second, O classroom B-ARG learning I-ARG provides I-ARG other I-ARG activities I-ARG than I-ARG studying I-ARG . O During B-ARG student's I-ARG free I-ARG time, I-ARG they I-ARG have I-ARG a I-ARG number I-ARG of I-ARG activities I-ARG that I-ARG they I-ARG can I-ARG join, I-ARG such I-ARG as I-ARG playing I-ARG sports, I-ARG going I-ARG to I-ARG lab, I-ARG or I-ARG going I-ARG to I-ARG library I-ARG . O These B-ARG activities I-ARG lead I-ARG to I-ARG more I-ARG interact I-ARG with I-ARG their I-ARG friends I-ARG . O Connection O with O friends O improves O their O IQ O abilities, O furthermore, O they B-ARG have I-ARG a I-ARG chance I-ARG to I-ARG learn I-ARG about I-ARG their I-ARG societies I-ARG . O While O the B-ARG online I-ARG course I-ARG keeps I-ARG the I-ARG children I-ARG at I-ARG their I-ARG home I-ARG only I-ARG . O Lastly, O in B-ARG school, I-ARG there I-ARG are I-ARG professors I-ARG that I-ARG guided I-ARG you I-ARG during I-ARG you I-ARG had I-ARG a I-ARG problem I-ARG or I-ARG needed I-ARG an I-ARG advice I-ARG . O The B-ARG professor I-ARG provides I-ARG good I-ARG answers I-ARG to I-ARG you I-ARG . O They B-ARG do I-ARG not I-ARG mind I-ARG helping I-ARG you, I-ARG and I-ARG they I-ARG never I-ARG leave I-ARG you I-ARG alone I-ARG when I-ARG you I-ARG got I-ARG a I-ARG problem I-ARG . O In O contrast, O in B-ARG distance I-ARG learning, I-ARG these I-ARG aspects I-ARG of I-ARG the I-ARG professor I-ARG had I-ARG reduced I-ARG their I-ARG important I-ARG . O The B-ARG professor I-ARG has I-ARG been I-ARG assigned I-ARG to I-ARG teach I-ARG only I-ARG . O Moreover, O there B-ARG will I-ARG be I-ARG a I-ARG long I-ARG response I-ARG from I-ARG the I-ARG teachers I-ARG when I-ARG children I-ARG ask I-ARG them I-ARG a I-ARG question I-ARG . O In O conclusion, O traditional B-ARG learning I-ARG still I-ARG has I-ARG many I-ARG benefits I-ARG to I-ARG the I-ARG students I-ARG . O But O in O the O future, O it O seems O that O the O distance O learning O become O more O popular O and O ordinary O in O schools O . O Non O academic O subjects O should O be O removed O from O syllabus O Students O have O become O more O and O more O stressed O during O the O last O few O years O due O to O the O increase O in O academic O tasks O assigned O by O their O teachers O to O improve O their O academic O success O . O While O some O people O believe O that O non-academic B-ARG subjects I-ARG should I-ARG be I-ARG completely I-ARG removed, I-ARG I I-ARG strongly I-ARG disagree I-ARG with I-ARG that I-ARG . O To O begin O with, O from B-ARG the I-ARG health I-ARG point I-ARG of I-ARG view, I-ARG schools I-ARG should I-ARG not I-ARG only I-ARG deliver I-ARG academic I-ARG subjects I-ARG . O If B-ARG physical I-ARG education I-ARG is I-ARG removed I-ARG from I-ARG the I-ARG syllabus, I-ARG there I-ARG will I-ARG be I-ARG considerable I-ARG negative I-ARG effects I-ARG on I-ARG students’ I-ARG health I-ARG . O For O instance, O after B-ARG studying I-ARG and I-ARG sitting I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG classroom I-ARG for I-ARG the I-ARG whole I-ARG morning, I-ARG it I-ARG is I-ARG better I-ARG for I-ARG students I-ARG to I-ARG do I-ARG some I-ARG outdoor I-ARG activities, I-ARG such I-ARG as I-ARG stretching, I-ARG jogging I-ARG and I-ARG playing I-ARG ball I-ARG games, I-ARG in I-ARG order I-ARG to I-ARG improve I-ARG their I-ARG learning I-ARG ability I-ARG during I-ARG the I-ARG afternoon I-ARG classes I-ARG . O Removing B-ARG physical I-ARG classes I-ARG from I-ARG school I-ARG education I-ARG will I-ARG not I-ARG only I-ARG be I-ARG harmful I-ARG to I-ARG young I-ARG people’s I-ARG health, I-ARG it I-ARG will I-ARG also I-ARG decrease I-ARG their I-ARG learning I-ARG capability I-ARG . O In O addition, O schools B-ARG are I-ARG responsible I-ARG for I-ARG developing I-ARG their I-ARG students I-ARG into I-ARG well-rounded I-ARG people I-ARG . O It B-ARG is I-ARG more I-ARG important I-ARG for I-ARG a I-ARG person I-ARG to I-ARG success I-ARG in I-ARG life I-ARG than I-ARG to I-ARG success I-ARG only I-ARG academically I-ARG . O Success B-ARG in I-ARG life I-ARG should I-ARG be I-ARG the I-ARG ultimate I-ARG goal I-ARG of I-ARG a I-ARG student, I-ARG which I-ARG requires I-ARG more I-ARG than I-ARG academic I-ARG knowledge, I-ARG but I-ARG also I-ARG practical I-ARG life I-ARG skills I-ARG such I-ARG as I-ARG cooking, I-ARG good I-ARG communication I-ARG skills I-ARG and I-ARG teamwork I-ARG spirit I-ARG . O Thus, O school B-ARG education I-ARG should I-ARG not I-ARG only I-ARG focus I-ARG on I-ARG the I-ARG academic I-ARG development I-ARG of I-ARG a I-ARG student I-ARG as O it B-ARG is I-ARG much I-ARG more I-ARG crucial I-ARG to I-ARG teach I-ARG them I-ARG how I-ARG to I-ARG be I-ARG independent I-ARG and I-ARG live I-ARG a I-ARG good I-ARG life I-ARG . O Some O people O may O argue O that O students B-ARG can I-ARG learn I-ARG practical I-ARG skills I-ARG after I-ARG school I-ARG hours I-ARG from I-ARG their I-ARG parents I-ARG . O However, O I O believe O that O it B-ARG is I-ARG not I-ARG a I-ARG good I-ARG idea I-ARG because O most B-ARG young I-ARG people I-ARG would I-ARG rather I-ARG watch I-ARG TV I-ARG or I-ARG play I-ARG computer I-ARG games I-ARG after I-ARG school I-ARG instead I-ARG of I-ARG learning I-ARG life I-ARG skills I-ARG from I-ARG their I-ARG parents I-ARG . O Moreover, O parents B-ARG are I-ARG usually I-ARG too I-ARG busy I-ARG with I-ARG their I-ARG daily I-ARG jobs I-ARG to I-ARG teach I-ARG their I-ARG children I-ARG the I-ARG life I-ARG skills I-ARG . O In O conclusion, O I O strongly O believe O that O non-academic B-ARG subjects I-ARG are I-ARG as I-ARG essential I-ARG as I-ARG academic I-ARG subjects I-ARG for I-ARG a I-ARG student’s I-ARG development I-ARG . O Therefore, O schools B-ARG should I-ARG not I-ARG remove I-ARG these I-ARG subjects I-ARG . O Follow O the O New O Customs O of O the O New O Country O or O Not? O When O people O move O to O another O country, O most O likely, O they O will O face O the O choice O between O following O the O customs O of O the O new O country O or O keeping O their O original O one O . O Some O people O choose O the O former O one O to O assimilate O themselves O into O the O new O culture, O while O some O insist O the O latter O one O because O the O new O customs O are O difficult O to O be O accepted O . O As O for O me, O I B-ARG would I-ARG follow I-ARG the I-ARG new I-ARG customs, I-ARG if I-ARG I I-ARG migrated I-ARG to I-ARG another I-ARG country I-ARG . O On O one O hand, O it B-ARG will I-ARG be I-ARG easier I-ARG for I-ARG people I-ARG to I-ARG assimilate I-ARG into I-ARG a I-ARG new I-ARG country, I-ARG if I-ARG they I-ARG follow I-ARG the I-ARG new I-ARG customs I-ARG . O When B-ARG people I-ARG migrate I-ARG to I-ARG a I-ARG new I-ARG country, I-ARG they I-ARG are I-ARG likely I-ARG to I-ARG suffer I-ARG the I-ARG culture I-ARG shock, I-ARG because I-ARG of I-ARG the I-ARG difference I-ARG between I-ARG two I-ARG cultures I-ARG . O The B-ARG custom I-ARG is I-ARG just I-ARG a I-ARG form I-ARG of I-ARG the I-ARG culture I-ARG and I-ARG following I-ARG the I-ARG custom I-ARG is I-ARG a I-ARG good I-ARG way I-ARG to I-ARG know I-ARG more I-ARG about I-ARG this I-ARG culture I-ARG . O For O example, O if B-ARG one I-ARG wore I-ARG in I-ARG white I-ARG and I-ARG went I-ARG to I-ARG common I-ARG Viharas I-ARG to I-ARG observe I-ARG a I-ARG rather I-ARG longer-than-usual, I-ARG full-length I-ARG Buddhist I-ARG sutra I-ARG in I-ARG Buddha's I-ARG Birthday I-ARG in I-ARG India, I-ARG he I-ARG or I-ARG she I-ARG would I-ARG learn I-ARG something I-ARG about I-ARG Indian I-ARG religion I-ARG and I-ARG culture I-ARG . O As O a O result, O people B-ARG understand I-ARG the I-ARG culture, I-ARG and I-ARG then I-ARG they I-ARG adapt I-ARG to I-ARG the I-ARG new I-ARG country I-ARG . O On O the O other O hand, O keeping B-ARG own I-ARG customs I-ARG stably I-ARG might I-ARG cause I-ARG discrimination I-ARG . O When B-ARG people I-ARG insist I-ARG to I-ARG keep I-ARG their I-ARG own I-ARG customs I-ARG and I-ARG refuse I-ARG to I-ARG accept I-ARG the I-ARG new I-ARG one, I-ARG they I-ARG regard I-ARG themselves I-ARG as I-ARG a I-ARG special I-ARG group I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG new I-ARG country I-ARG . O The B-ARG local I-ARG people I-ARG may I-ARG also I-ARG regard I-ARG them I-ARG as I-ARG a I-ARG special I-ARG group I-ARG as I-ARG well I-ARG and I-ARG separate I-ARG them I-ARG from I-ARG the I-ARG main-stream I-ARG society I-ARG . O One B-ARG example I-ARG of I-ARG this I-ARG is I-ARG that I-ARG the I-ARG Chinese I-ARG immigrants I-ARG in I-ARG Indonesia I-ARG in I-ARG 1969 I-ARG . O They B-ARG formed I-ARG Chinatown I-ARG and I-ARG kept I-ARG Chinese I-ARG language I-ARG and I-ARG customs I-ARG in I-ARG it I-ARG . O While B-ARG the I-ARG Indonesians I-ARG stopped I-ARG working I-ARG at I-ARG 4:00 I-ARG pm I-ARG and I-ARG went I-ARG home I-ARG for I-ARG rest, I-ARG Chinese I-ARG immigrants I-ARG were I-ARG still I-ARG working I-ARG . O Although O being B-ARG much I-ARG richer I-ARG than I-ARG local I-ARG people, I-ARG they I-ARG faced I-ARG the I-ARG discrimination I-ARG . O Their O houses O and O private O cars O were O buried O by O local O people, O because O the B-ARG locals I-ARG were I-ARG jealous I-ARG of I-ARG Chinese I-ARG people, I-ARG who I-ARG had I-ARG so I-ARG much I-ARG wealth, I-ARG which I-ARG should I-ARG have I-ARG been I-ARG theirs I-ARG . O If B-ARG the I-ARG Chinese I-ARG immigrants I-ARG had I-ARG followed I-ARG the I-ARG local I-ARG customs I-ARG and I-ARG assimilated I-ARG into I-ARG Indonesia, I-ARG they I-ARG would I-ARG not I-ARG have I-ARG been I-ARG regards I-ARG as I-ARG a I-ARG group I-ARG of I-ARG Chinese I-ARG and I-ARG discrimination I-ARG might I-ARG have I-ARG been I-ARG alleviated I-ARG . O All O in O all, O the O immigrants O should O follow O the O customs O in O the O new O country, O which O can O help O them O survive O from O the O culture O shock O sooner, O and O assimilate O to O a O new O culture O . O School O memories O Everyone O has O happy O moments O during O their O life O . O These O happy O moments O are O both O in O their O childhood O and O their O adulthood O . O In O my O opinion, O childhood B-ARG is I-ARG the I-ARG happiest I-ARG time I-ARG of I-ARG a I-ARG person's I-ARG life I-ARG . O First, O in B-ARG childhood I-ARG most I-ARG people I-ARG are I-ARG happier I-ARG than I-ARG in I-ARG adulthood I-ARG . O They B-ARG do I-ARG not I-ARG have I-ARG to I-ARG worry I-ARG about I-ARG bills, I-ARG jobs, I-ARG how I-ARG would I-ARG their I-ARG life I-ARG be I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG future I-ARG . O They B-ARG just I-ARG worry I-ARG about I-ARG two I-ARG things: I-ARG to I-ARG have I-ARG fun, I-ARG learn I-ARG and I-ARG be I-ARG happy I-ARG . O A B-ARG child's I-ARG daily I-ARG life I-ARG is I-ARG school, I-ARG playing I-ARG and I-ARG sleeping I-ARG . O For O example, O when B-ARG I I-ARG was I-ARG young I-ARG I I-ARG just I-ARG came I-ARG home I-ARG from I-ARG school I-ARG and I-ARG then I-ARG I I-ARG would I-ARG took I-ARG my I-ARG bike I-ARG or I-ARG soccer I-ARG ball I-ARG and I-ARG go I-ARG out I-ARG and I-ARG play I-ARG with I-ARG my I-ARG friends I-ARG in I-ARG my I-ARG neighborhood I-ARG . O Moreover, O I B-ARG did I-ARG not I-ARG have I-ARG to I-ARG worry I-ARG about I-ARG costs I-ARG and I-ARG other I-ARG things, I-ARG I I-ARG just I-ARG had I-ARG fun I-ARG and I-ARG learned I-ARG . O Also, O people O are O most O creative O when O they O were O children, O children B-ARG imagine I-ARG new I-ARG things I-ARG and I-ARG games I-ARG just I-ARG to I-ARG have I-ARG fun I-ARG and I-ARG be I-ARG happy I-ARG . O Second, O childhood B-ARG is I-ARG the I-ARG period I-ARG where I-ARG people I-ARG go I-ARG to I-ARG school I-ARG and I-ARG learn I-ARG . O Therefore, O school B-ARG memories I-ARG are I-ARG one I-ARG of I-ARG the I-ARG best I-ARG memories I-ARG in I-ARG a I-ARG person's I-ARG life I-ARG . O There B-ARG you I-ARG learn, I-ARG to I-ARG find I-ARG your I-ARG first I-ARG love, I-ARG to I-ARG make I-ARG new I-ARG long-lasting I-ARG friendships I-ARG and I-ARG of-course I-ARG you I-ARG will I-ARG have I-ARG a I-ARG lot I-ARG of I-ARG fun I-ARG . O For O example, O my B-ARG father's I-ARG best I-ARG moments I-ARG in I-ARG his I-ARG life I-ARG are I-ARG in I-ARG his I-ARG school I-ARG years I-ARG . O Moreover, O he B-ARG is I-ARG still I-ARG in-touch I-ARG with I-ARG some I-ARG of I-ARG his I-ARG classmates I-ARG and I-ARG sometimes I-ARG they I-ARG get I-ARG together I-ARG and I-ARG share I-ARG their I-ARG childhood I-ARG memories I-ARG . O In O other O words, O childhood B-ARG is, I-ARG indeed, I-ARG the I-ARG most I-ARG happiest I-ARG moments I-ARG in I-ARG a I-ARG person's I-ARG life I-ARG . O There O is O only O one O life O and O one O childhood O and O people O should O live O their O childhood O thoroughly O . O Learning O to O be O independent O is O essential O for O young O adults O Learning O to O be O independent O is O essential O for O young O adults O . O However, O how O early O the O children O leave O their O parents O is O a O difficult O issue O . O In O my O point O of O view, O staying B-ARG with I-ARG the I-ARG parents I-ARG for I-ARG longer I-ARG time I-ARG does I-ARG more I-ARG benefits I-ARG than I-ARG disadvantages I-ARG to I-ARG the I-ARG young I-ARG adult I-ARG . O My O opinion O is O based O on O creating O memories O with O parents, O saving O money, O and O taking O advice O from O parents O . O First O of O all, O one O of O the O most O significant O upsides O is O that O the B-ARG young I-ARG adult I-ARG can I-ARG have I-ARG more I-ARG experience I-ARG with I-ARG his I-ARG parents I-ARG . O The B-ARG young I-ARG adult I-ARG has I-ARG to I-ARG try I-ARG to I-ARG create I-ARG memories I-ARG with I-ARG his I-ARG dad I-ARG and I-ARG mom I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG early I-ARG age I-ARG . O When B-ARG having I-ARG a I-ARG job, I-ARG it I-ARG is I-ARG of I-ARG low I-ARG possibilities I-ARG to I-ARG work I-ARG in I-ARG his I-ARG hometown I-ARG . O If B-ARG he I-ARG lives I-ARG with I-ARG his I-ARG parents I-ARG for I-ARG longer I-ARG time, I-ARG they I-ARG have I-ARG more I-ARG chances I-ARG to I-ARG share I-ARG the I-ARG feelings, I-ARG exercise, I-ARG and I-ARG travel I-ARG together I-ARG . O All B-ARG memories I-ARG become I-ARG priceless I-ARG treasure I-ARG as I-ARG time I-ARG passes I-ARG by I-ARG . O Thus, O I O think O undergoing B-ARG with I-ARG parents I-ARG is I-ARG worthwhile I-ARG . O Furthermore, O living B-ARG at I-ARG home I-ARG costs I-ARG less I-ARG than I-ARG living I-ARG outside I-ARG . O Learning B-ARG to I-ARG be I-ARG independent I-ARG means I-ARG that I-ARG the I-ARG young I-ARG adult I-ARG needs I-ARG to I-ARG leave I-ARG home I-ARG . O Therefore, O he B-ARG may I-ARG have I-ARG to I-ARG rent I-ARG a I-ARG house I-ARG and I-ARG the I-ARG rental I-ARG would I-ARG become I-ARG a I-ARG burden I-ARG for I-ARG parents I-ARG . O Moreover, O another B-ARG daily I-ARG expense I-ARG is I-ARG also I-ARG the I-ARG considerable I-ARG outgoings I-ARG . O Spending B-ARG much I-ARG money I-ARG may I-ARG not I-ARG result I-ARG in I-ARG what I-ARG the I-ARG parents I-ARG expect I-ARG their I-ARG children I-ARG to I-ARG be I-ARG . O In O a O word, O the B-ARG parents I-ARG can I-ARG save I-ARG money, I-ARG if I-ARG their I-ARG children I-ARG live I-ARG with I-ARG them I-ARG longer I-ARG . O The O third O convincing O reason O is O that O the B-ARG young I-ARG adult I-ARG needs I-ARG father I-ARG and I-ARG mother's I-ARG suggestions I-ARG . O When B-ARG in I-ARG dilemma, I-ARG the I-ARG parents I-ARG can I-ARG comfort I-ARG him I-ARG and I-ARG give I-ARG him I-ARG a I-ARG big I-ARG hand I-ARG . O They B-ARG are I-ARG the I-ARG people I-ARG who I-ARG are I-ARG most I-ARG familiar I-ARG with I-ARG him I-ARG can I-ARG give I-ARG a I-ARG suitable I-ARG advice I-ARG and I-ARG lead I-ARG him I-ARG to I-ARG the I-ARG right I-ARG way I-ARG . O If B-ARG the I-ARG parents I-ARG do I-ARG not I-ARG help I-ARG him I-ARG immediately, I-ARG he I-ARG would I-ARG have I-ARG to I-ARG suffer I-ARG more I-ARG pain I-ARG . O Hence, O taking B-ARG advice I-ARG from I-ARG parents, I-ARG the I-ARG young I-ARG adult I-ARG can I-ARG go I-ARG through I-ARG obstacles I-ARG easily I-ARG . O To O sum O up, O living B-ARG with I-ARG parents I-ARG longer I-ARG brings I-ARG about I-ARG memories I-ARG with I-ARG parents, I-ARG less I-ARG cost, I-ARG and I-ARG advice I-ARG from I-ARG parents I-ARG . O Hence, O staying B-ARG longer I-ARG with I-ARG parents I-ARG is I-ARG a I-ARG better I-ARG choice I-ARG . O Do O you O agree O or O disagree O with O the O statement O that O a O zoo O has O no O useful O purpose O Some O people O may O believe O that O a O zoo O is O futile O in O the O era O of O globalization, O which O people O can O develop O their O knowledge O fast O and O easily O . O However, O I O do O not O agree O with O them O . O I O believe O that O the B-ARG zoo I-ARG is I-ARG invaluable I-ARG for I-ARG human I-ARG beings I-ARG . O It B-ARG is I-ARG very I-ARG crucial I-ARG for I-ARG learning I-ARG . O It B-ARG helps I-ARG animals I-ARG out I-ARG of I-ARG extinction I-ARG . O Also, O it B-ARG is I-ARG a I-ARG interesting I-ARG travel I-ARG location I-ARG . O First O of O all, O the B-ARG zoo I-ARG gives I-ARG humans I-ARG new I-ARG knowledge I-ARG . O When O you O were O so O young O that O you O did O not O know O many O kinds O of O animals, O what O should O you O do O if O there O were O no O zoo? O Inevitably, O the B-ARG zoo I-ARG is I-ARG the I-ARG important I-ARG place I-ARG for I-ARG innate I-ARG learning I-ARG . O The B-ARG zoo I-ARG also I-ARG let I-ARG students I-ARG have I-ARG a I-ARG chance I-ARG to I-ARG learning I-ARG biology I-ARG practically I-ARG . O They B-ARG are I-ARG able I-ARG to I-ARG observe I-ARG animals' I-ARG behaviors I-ARG and I-ARG features I-ARG . O Moreover, O practical B-ARG learning I-ARG help I-ARG students I-ARG relax I-ARG from I-ARG a I-ARG boring I-ARG lecture I-ARG class I-ARG . O Besides, O researchers B-ARG need I-ARG the I-ARG zoo I-ARG to I-ARG pick I-ARG up I-ARG some I-ARG examples I-ARG of I-ARG animals I-ARG for I-ARG their I-ARG researches I-ARG because O it B-ARG has I-ARG diverse I-ARG species I-ARG of I-ARG animals I-ARG . O Secondly, O the B-ARG zoo I-ARG preserves I-ARG a I-ARG large I-ARG number I-ARG of I-ARG rare I-ARG animals I-ARG and I-ARG provides I-ARG them I-ARG safe I-ARG habitats I-ARG . O In B-ARG the I-ARG zoo, I-ARG there I-ARG is I-ARG not I-ARG so I-ARG harmful I-ARG as I-ARG a I-ARG forest I-ARG . O They, B-ARG fed I-ARG by I-ARG zookeepers, I-ARG do I-ARG not I-ARG need I-ARG to I-ARG find I-ARG food I-ARG themselves I-ARG . O Furthermore, O we B-ARG can I-ARG do I-ARG artificial I-ARG insemenation I-ARG to I-ARG maintain I-ARG nearly I-ARG extinct I-ARG wildlife I-ARG . O Last O but O not O least, O because B-ARG of I-ARG all I-ARG weird, I-ARG acute, I-ARG and I-ARG beautiful I-ARG animals I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG zoo, I-ARG it I-ARG can I-ARG be I-ARG a I-ARG great I-ARG tourist I-ARG attraction I-ARG . O There B-ARG are I-ARG a I-ARG lot I-ARG of I-ARG tourists I-ARG who I-ARG seek I-ARG to I-ARG see I-ARG those I-ARG animals I-ARG closely I-ARG . O If B-ARG the I-ARG zoo I-ARG has I-ARG a I-ARG large I-ARG number I-ARG of I-ARG both I-ARG national I-ARG and I-ARG foreign I-ARG tourists, I-ARG it I-ARG will I-ARG receive I-ARG a I-ARG great I-ARG deal I-ARG of I-ARG money I-ARG . O That B-ARG also I-ARG make I-ARG money I-ARG flow, I-ARG and I-ARG then I-ARG economics I-ARG become I-ARG better I-ARG . O It B-ARG benefits I-ARG to I-ARG a I-ARG certain I-ARG country I-ARG . O In O conclusion, O the B-ARG zoo I-ARG not I-ARG only I-ARG saves I-ARG animals I-ARG in I-ARG danger I-ARG of I-ARG extinction, I-ARG but I-ARG also I-ARG helps I-ARG people I-ARG around I-ARG the I-ARG world I-ARG have I-ARG better I-ARG lives I-ARG . O I O firmly O believe O that O the B-ARG zoo I-ARG is I-ARG so I-ARG useful I-ARG for I-ARG the I-ARG earth I-ARG . O Nowadays, O spending O budget O on O space O exploration O is O not O reasonable O Space O exploration, O for O discovery O of O out O of O space, O has O been O possible O for O human O in O the O 20th O century O . O The O United O state O and O Russia O are O the O important O countries O that O spend O large O budgets O for O the O research O of O this O subject O . O In O my O opinion, O spending B-ARG the I-ARG budget I-ARG for I-ARG space I-ARG exploration I-ARG is I-ARG an I-ARG important I-ARG activity I-ARG to I-ARG save I-ARG living I-ARG of I-ARG humanity I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG future I-ARG . O Many O governments O believe O that O space O exploration O is O an O activity O that O wastes O the O budget, O while O the B-ARG essential I-ARG challenge I-ARG of I-ARG humanity I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG future I-ARG would I-ARG be I-ARG the I-ARG discovery I-ARG of I-ARG a I-ARG new I-ARG place I-ARG for I-ARG the I-ARG living I-ARG . O In B-ARG 20th I-ARG century, I-ARG although I-ARG human I-ARG being I-ARG succeeded I-ARG to I-ARG achieve I-ARG out I-ARG of I-ARG space I-ARG by I-ARG means I-ARG of I-ARG new I-ARG technologies I-ARG such I-ARG as I-ARG rockets, I-ARG but I-ARG finding I-ARG a I-ARG new I-ARG place I-ARG for I-ARG living I-ARG in I-ARG another I-ARG planet I-ARG is I-ARG impossible I-ARG until I-ARG now I-ARG . O In B-ARG during I-ARG history, I-ARG our I-ARG planet I-ARG is I-ARG threatening I-ARG by I-ARG many I-ARG of I-ARG other I-ARG planets I-ARG or I-ARG stars I-ARG and I-ARG it I-ARG is I-ARG an I-ARG enormous I-ARG danger I-ARG for I-ARG living I-ARG of I-ARG humanity I-ARG . O Therefore, O it B-ARG is I-ARG very I-ARG significant I-ARG to I-ARG find I-ARG a I-ARG new I-ARG place I-ARG for I-ARG living I-ARG in I-ARG other I-ARG planets I-ARG . O Space B-ARG exploration I-ARG has I-ARG used I-ARG as I-ARG a I-ARG tools I-ARG for I-ARG military I-ARG power I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG cold I-ARG war I-ARG . O In B-ARG the I-ARG future, I-ARG many I-ARG countries I-ARG will I-ARG try I-ARG to I-ARG prevent I-ARG attach I-ARG of I-ARG other I-ARG countries I-ARG by I-ARG using I-ARG and I-ARG invention I-ARG new I-ARG missiles I-ARG . O In B-ARG the I-ARG past, I-ARG the I-ARG space I-ARG race I-ARG happened I-ARG between I-ARG the I-ARG United I-ARG Stated I-ARG and I-ARG the I-ARG Soviet I-ARG Union I-ARG . O Both B-ARG countries I-ARG tried I-ARG to I-ARG send I-ARG man I-ARG to I-ARG the I-ARG moon I-ARG and I-ARG show I-ARG their I-ARG power I-ARG to I-ARG each I-ARG other I-ARG . O As O a O result, O space B-ARG exploration I-ARG will I-ARG use I-ARG as I-ARG a I-ARG military I-ARG power I-ARG for I-ARG many I-ARG countries I-ARG . O In O summary, O spending O budget O for O space O exploring O is O not O the O waste O budget, O because O it B-ARG may I-ARG helps I-ARG to I-ARG save I-ARG civilization I-ARG of I-ARG humanity I-ARG . O Although O exploring O space O used O for O discovery O of O other O planets, O nowadays O most O of O governments O have O used O many O rockets O for O military O purposes O and O therefore O the O purposes O of O exploring O space O has O altered O . O Friendship O is O more O important O than O mistake O by O a O friend, O although O mistake B-ARG is I-ARG terrible I-ARG There O is O an O argument O regrading O weather O letting O a O friend O make O a O mistake O is O better O than O taking O action O that O risks O destroying O a O friendship O . O It O is O widely O accepted O by O many O people O that O a O mistake O will O return O sometimes O terrible O result O . O However, O I O believe O that O friendship O is O more O important O than O mistake O by O a O friend, O although O mistake B-ARG is I-ARG terrible I-ARG . O In O this O essay, O I O will O present O two O reasons O supporting O my O opinion O . O First O of O all, O a B-ARG mistake I-ARG does I-ARG not I-ARG last I-ARG for I-ARG a I-ARG long I-ARG time I-ARG but I-ARG a I-ARG friendship I-ARG lasts I-ARG forever I-ARG . O Anybody B-ARG does I-ARG not I-ARG remember I-ARG mistakes I-ARG . O If B-ARG someone I-ARG remembers I-ARG mistake, I-ARG he I-ARG or I-ARG she I-ARG has I-ARG a I-ARG closed I-ARG mind I-ARG . O I O want O to O say O that O mistakes B-ARG will I-ARG be I-ARG forgotten I-ARG quickly I-ARG . O For O example, O my B-ARG friend I-ARG Lee I-ARG made I-ARG a I-ARG mistake I-ARG that I-ARG he I-ARG broke I-ARG my I-ARG precious I-ARG gift I-ARG . O However, O I B-ARG forgot I-ARG about I-ARG it I-ARG just I-ARG after I-ARG two I-ARG days, I-ARG and I-ARG I I-ARG felt I-ARG at I-ARG peace I-ARG with I-ARG him I-ARG . O Some O people O might O say O I O am O silly, O but O I O think O mistake B-ARG is I-ARG more I-ARG forgettable I-ARG than I-ARG friendship I-ARG . O Second, O Everybody B-ARG makes I-ARG mistake I-ARG . O However, O if B-ARG you I-ARG end I-ARG a I-ARG friendship I-ARG whenever I-ARG your I-ARG friend I-ARG makes I-ARG a I-ARG mistake, I-ARG there I-ARG will I-ARG be I-ARG no I-ARG friends I-ARG around I-ARG you I-ARG . O I O agree O if B-ARG a I-ARG friend I-ARG makes I-ARG very I-ARG a I-ARG big I-ARG mistake, I-ARG we I-ARG will I-ARG need I-ARG to I-ARG end I-ARG a I-ARG friendship I-ARG . O However, O when B-ARG the I-ARG mistake I-ARG friend I-ARG made I-ARG was I-ARG not I-ARG a I-ARG big I-ARG problem, I-ARG we I-ARG need I-ARG to I-ARG understand I-ARG friend I-ARG and I-ARG forgive I-ARG it I-ARG because O a B-ARG friend I-ARG is I-ARG a I-ARG gift I-ARG of I-ARG our I-ARG life I-ARG . O According B-ARG to I-ARG a I-ARG research, I-ARG 85% I-ARG of I-ARG people I-ARG answered I-ARG that I-ARG a I-ARG best I-ARG gift I-ARG is I-ARG a I-ARG friend I-ARG . O I O think O that O a B-ARG mistake I-ARG can I-ARG not I-ARG brake I-ARG friendship I-ARG if I-ARG it I-ARG is I-ARG not I-ARG a I-ARG big I-ARG because O friendship B-ARG is I-ARG forever I-ARG and I-ARG gift I-ARG our I-ARG life I-ARG . O Students O should O be O required O to O take O regular O standardized O tests O The O issue O at O hand O is O if O the O schools O should O require O students O to O take O regular O standardized O exams O . O This O issue O is O important O because O nowadays O many O people O cast O doubt O on O it O . O However, O I O believe O that O standardized B-ARG tests I-ARG are I-ARG valuable I-ARG option I-ARG for I-ARG educational I-ARG system I-ARG as I-ARG long I-ARG as I-ARG it I-ARG would I-ARG help I-ARG teachers I-ARG to I-ARG know I-ARG if I-ARG the I-ARG students I-ARG are I-ARG really I-ARG getting I-ARG knowledge I-ARG . O Firstly, O standardized B-ARG tests I-ARG are I-ARG preferable I-ARG due O to O the O fact O that O they B-ARG help I-ARG teachers I-ARG to I-ARG fairly I-ARG grade I-ARG the I-ARG students I-ARG . O For O example O some B-ARG students I-ARG are I-ARG not I-ARG so I-ARG active I-ARG on I-ARG the I-ARG lessons, I-ARG cause I-ARG they I-ARG are I-ARG already I-ARG familiar I-ARG with I-ARG the I-ARG issue I-ARG . O Therefore, O exams B-ARG could I-ARG be I-ARG the I-ARG only I-ARG way I-ARG for I-ARG teachers I-ARG to I-ARG see I-ARG the I-ARG real I-ARG abilities I-ARG of I-ARG those I-ARG students I-ARG . O In O addition, O many O teachers O rely O only O on O the O exam O results O while O grading O the O class, O so O the B-ARG usage I-ARG of I-ARG standardized I-ARG tests I-ARG is I-ARG the I-ARG superior I-ARG option I-ARG for I-ARG them I-ARG . O Additionally, O standardized B-ARG tests I-ARG can I-ARG be I-ARG good I-ARG chance I-ARG for I-ARG students I-ARG to I-ARG apply I-ARG their I-ARG knowledge I-ARG on I-ARG practice I-ARG . O Since, O some O students O may O get O used O to O simply O rewriting O solved O problems O from O the O blackboard, O so O they B-ARG will I-ARG never I-ARG try I-ARG to I-ARG solve I-ARG problems I-ARG on I-ARG their I-ARG own I-ARG . O However, O standardized B-ARG tests I-ARG offer I-ARG them I-ARG such I-ARG chance I-ARG . O Thus, O it O is O clear O that O schools B-ARG should I-ARG require I-ARG students I-ARG to I-ARG take I-ARG standardized I-ARG tests, I-ARG as I-ARG long I-ARG as I-ARG this I-ARG option I-ARG helps I-ARG to I-ARG both I-ARG sides I-ARG . O Finally, O I O think O that O requirement O to O take O standardized O tests O is O the O right O choice, O since O in B-ARG this I-ARG case I-ARG teachers I-ARG can I-ARG compare I-ARG the I-ARG level I-ARG of I-ARG knowledge I-ARG of I-ARG different I-ARG students I-ARG . O In B-ARG any I-ARG class I-ARG there I-ARG will I-ARG be I-ARG students I-ARG who I-ARG will I-ARG show I-ARG low I-ARG academic I-ARG performance, I-ARG so I-ARG teachers I-ARG could I-ARG work I-ARG with I-ARG them I-ARG more I-ARG intensively I-ARG . O I O support O the O points O of O those O who O say O that O standardized B-ARG tests I-ARG are I-ARG required I-ARG over I-ARG those I-ARG who I-ARG don’t I-ARG because O if B-ARG the I-ARG teacher I-ARG would I-ARG know I-ARG the I-ARG level I-ARG of I-ARG each I-ARG student I-ARG he I-ARG would I-ARG fairly I-ARG share I-ARG his I-ARG time I-ARG to I-ARG all I-ARG of I-ARG them I-ARG . O Ultimately O I O feel O that O schools B-ARG which I-ARG obligate I-ARG their I-ARG students I-ARG to I-ARG take I-ARG standardized I-ARG tests I-ARG are I-ARG right I-ARG . O I O belive O this, O due O to O the O fact O that O these B-ARG schools I-ARG can I-ARG qualitatively I-ARG check I-ARG if I-ARG they I-ARG are I-ARG giving I-ARG an I-ARG appropriate I-ARG education I-ARG to I-ARG their I-ARG students I-ARG . O Most O difficult O experiences O will O become O valuable O lessons O There O is O a O famous O old O saying O that O failure O is O the O mother O of O success O . O For O that O reason, O some O people O advocate O that O some O difficulties O people O met O at O their O early O ages O will O become O an O invaluable O fortune O in O their O future O lives O . O However, O some O people O think O it O isn't O supposed O to O be O that O case O . O From O my O point O of O view, O I O am O in O favor O the O former O statement O that O some B-ARG tough I-ARG experiences I-ARG people I-ARG met I-ARG before I-ARG will I-ARG be I-ARG helpful I-ARG in I-ARG their I-ARG life I-ARG path I-ARG . O To O start O with, O hardship B-ARG makes I-ARG people I-ARG realize I-ARG how I-ARG to I-ARG cherish I-ARG and I-ARG compliment I-ARG the I-ARG common I-ARG but I-ARG wonderful I-ARG little I-ARG things I-ARG happened I-ARG in I-ARG their I-ARG life I-ARG such I-ARG as, I-ARG a I-ARG shining I-ARG weather, I-ARG a I-ARG delicious I-ARG breakfast I-ARG and I-ARG etc I-ARG . O People B-ARG who I-ARG have I-ARG such I-ARG nice I-ARG spirit I-ARG usually I-ARG know I-ARG how I-ARG to I-ARG find I-ARG the I-ARG true I-ARG love I-ARG in I-ARG their I-ARG life I-ARG instead I-ARG of I-ARG being I-ARG seduced I-ARG by I-ARG greed I-ARG as I-ARG to I-ARG lose I-ARG themselves I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG end I-ARG . O As O a O result, O experiences B-ARG of I-ARG difficulties I-ARG teach I-ARG them I-ARG how I-ARG to I-ARG keep I-ARG a I-ARG nice I-ARG mood I-ARG and I-ARG have I-ARG confidence I-ARG all I-ARG the I-ARG time I-ARG . O What's O more, O people B-ARG who I-ARG experienced I-ARG lots I-ARG of I-ARG difficulties I-ARG will I-ARG be I-ARG calmer I-ARG when I-ARG they I-ARG are I-ARG in I-ARG troubles I-ARG . O Because O they O already O have O such O experiences O of O overcoming O some O difficulties, O they B-ARG are I-ARG conscious I-ARG of I-ARG what I-ARG to I-ARG do I-ARG and I-ARG how I-ARG to I-ARG do I-ARG when I-ARG fierce I-ARG crisis I-ARG happens I-ARG . O Those B-ARG people I-ARG are I-ARG more I-ARG likely I-ARG to I-ARG achieve I-ARG their I-ARG ambitions I-ARG in I-ARG their I-ARG career I-ARG because O they B-ARG are I-ARG aware I-ARG of I-ARG how I-ARG to I-ARG lead I-ARG people I-ARG to I-ARG reach I-ARG success I-ARG despite I-ARG what I-ARG kind I-ARG of I-ARG difficulties I-ARG are I-ARG getting I-ARG in I-ARG their I-ARG way I-ARG . O So, O to O sum O it O up, O both O not O afraid O of O difficulties O and O appreciating O common O but O pleasant O things O in O their O lives O drive O me O to O believe O that O most B-ARG tough I-ARG experiences I-ARG in I-ARG people's I-ARG life I-ARG path I-ARG will I-ARG be I-ARG a I-ARG priceless I-ARG treasure I-ARG to I-ARG them I-ARG . O Remember O if O you O are O afraid O of O encountering O difficulties, O then O you O will O be O in O the O troubles O all O the O time O . O Life O in O a O city O is O much O better O than O life O in O the O countryside O As O far O as O I O am O concerned, O I O agree O with O the O statement O that O life B-ARG in I-ARG a I-ARG city I-ARG is I-ARG much I-ARG better I-ARG than I-ARG life I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG countryside I-ARG . O Firstly, O in B-ARG the I-ARG city I-ARG there I-ARG is I-ARG much I-ARG better I-ARG education I-ARG system I-ARG . O This O means, O that O the B-ARG schools I-ARG and I-ARG the I-ARG universities I-ARG have I-ARG well I-ARG equipped I-ARG classes I-ARG and I-ARG the I-ARG famous I-ARG professors I-ARG would I-ARG like I-ARG to I-ARG work I-ARG in I-ARG such I-ARG places I-ARG . O In O addition, O I O believe O that O city B-ARG provides I-ARG more I-ARG work I-ARG opportunities I-ARG than I-ARG the I-ARG countryside I-ARG . O There B-ARG are I-ARG not I-ARG only I-ARG more I-ARG jobs, I-ARG but I-ARG they I-ARG are I-ARG also I-ARG well-paid I-ARG . O Of O course O living O in O a O city O is O more O expensive, O but O incomes B-ARG are I-ARG higher I-ARG too O . O Moreover, O in B-ARG the I-ARG urban I-ARG areas I-ARG there I-ARG are I-ARG also I-ARG more I-ARG citizens I-ARG what I-ARG means, I-ARG that I-ARG the I-ARG culture I-ARG diversity I-ARG is I-ARG huge I-ARG . O Meeting B-ARG and I-ARG knowing I-ARG new I-ARG people's I-ARG tradition I-ARG is I-ARG an I-ARG unforgettable I-ARG experience, I-ARG which I-ARG could I-ARG influence I-ARG on I-ARG one's I-ARG previous I-ARG habits I-ARG . O Furthermore, O the B-ARG city I-ARG has I-ARG well-organised I-ARG lines I-ARG of I-ARG transport I-ARG . O The O buses O and O trains O are O more O frequent O than O in O the O countryside, O so O the B-ARG city I-ARG provides I-ARG better I-ARG communication I-ARG . O However, O in B-ARG the I-ARG countryside I-ARG there I-ARG are I-ARG many I-ARG places I-ARG to I-ARG rest, I-ARG because I-ARG of I-ARG its I-ARG location I-ARG . O Moreover, O peaceful B-ARG and I-ARG close I-ARG to I-ARG the I-ARG nature I-ARG areas I-ARG could I-ARG help I-ARG to I-ARG avoid I-ARG worries I-ARG and I-ARG sadness I-ARG . O Taking O all O into O account, O I O think O that O living O in O the O city O is O much O better O nowadays, O because O of O the O opportunities O it O gives O . O Today O living O in O the O rural O places O is O in O most O causes O connected O with O agrarian O lifestyle, O which O for O me O is O without O perspective O . O If O I O could O decide O I O would O chose O living O in O the O city O for O sure O . O E-mail O or O Voice O mail O Versus O Telephone O or O face O to O face O Technology O has O been O developing O so O quickly O and O becoming O more O perfect O every O day O . O Communication O nowadays O depends O on O technology O pretty O much O . O Voice O mail, O e-mail, O telephone O or O just O traditional O way: O face-to-face O . O However, O I B-ARG prefer I-ARG e-mail I-ARG due I-ARG to I-ARG 3 I-ARG reasons: I-ARG convenience, I-ARG honest I-ARG expression I-ARG and I-ARG fluency I-ARG in I-ARG communicating I-ARG . O Everyone O agrees O that O e-mail B-ARG has I-ARG been I-ARG a I-ARG great I-ARG way I-ARG of I-ARG communication I-ARG . O You B-ARG can I-ARG talk I-ARG to I-ARG others I-ARG from I-ARG thousands I-ARG mile I-ARG . O For O instance, O if B-ARG you I-ARG are I-ARG in I-ARG Vietnam I-ARG and I-ARG another I-ARG person I-ARG is I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG US I-ARG - I-ARG half I-ARG of I-ARG the I-ARG Earth, I-ARG no I-ARG matter I-ARG how I-ARG far I-ARG it I-ARG is, I-ARG you I-ARG can I-ARG keep I-ARG contact I-ARG . O We B-ARG will I-ARG never I-ARG have I-ARG to I-ARG worry I-ARG if I-ARG our I-ARG mails I-ARG will I-ARG be I-ARG sent I-ARG to I-ARG the I-ARG right I-ARG address I-ARG . O If B-ARG the I-ARG address I-ARG is I-ARG wrong, I-ARG then I-ARG you I-ARG will I-ARG know I-ARG right I-ARG away I-ARG . O Moreover, O e-mail B-ARG doesn't I-ARG take I-ARG too I-ARG much I-ARG time: I-ARG just I-ARG a I-ARG click I-ARG . O In O addition, O writing B-ARG e-mail I-ARG helps I-ARG people I-ARG express I-ARG honestly I-ARG . O Some O people O think O that O the B-ARG face-to-face I-ARG conversations I-ARG make I-ARG them I-ARG feel I-ARG stupid I-ARG . O Sometimes, B-ARG their I-ARG ideas I-ARG are I-ARG not I-ARG expressed I-ARG as I-ARG exactly I-ARG as I-ARG they I-ARG expect I-ARG . O For O instance, O I B-ARG want I-ARG to I-ARG talk I-ARG to I-ARG my I-ARG friend I-ARG about I-ARG a I-ARG ticklish I-ARG problem I-ARG like I-ARG her I-ARG behavior, I-ARG it's I-ARG hard I-ARG for I-ARG me I-ARG to I-ARG face I-ARG her I-ARG and I-ARG explain I-ARG what I-ARG she I-ARG should I-ARG do I-ARG . O Therefore, O e-mail B-ARG will I-ARG be I-ARG a I-ARG good I-ARG tool I-ARG to I-ARG help I-ARG me I-ARG speak I-ARG out I-ARG . O She B-ARG will I-ARG just I-ARG read I-ARG my I-ARG e-mail I-ARG instead I-ARG of I-ARG listening I-ARG to I-ARG my I-ARG voice I-ARG which I-ARG can I-ARG make I-ARG her I-ARG annoyed I-ARG . O I B-ARG don't I-ARG have I-ARG to I-ARG worry I-ARG about I-ARG any I-ARG other I-ARG thing I-ARG can I-ARG make I-ARG my I-ARG opinion I-ARG become I-ARG unpersuasive I-ARG . O Last O but O not O least, O every B-ARG communication I-ARG needs I-ARG fluency I-ARG so O people B-ARG can I-ARG understand I-ARG each I-ARG other I-ARG exactly I-ARG and I-ARG remember I-ARG it I-ARG for I-ARG a I-ARG long I-ARG time I-ARG . O Voice B-ARG email I-ARG or I-ARG face-to-face I-ARG conversations I-ARG sometimes I-ARG make I-ARG reserve I-ARG people I-ARG feel I-ARG not I-ARG very I-ARG confident I-ARG . O For O example, O when B-ARG I I-ARG face I-ARG my I-ARG parents, I-ARG I I-ARG can't I-ARG speak I-ARG out I-ARG every I-ARG idea I-ARG and I-ARG express I-ARG consecutively I-ARG . O They B-ARG may I-ARG stop I-ARG me, I-ARG speak I-ARG something I-ARG against I-ARG it I-ARG and I-ARG that I-ARG makes I-ARG me I-ARG forget I-ARG what I-ARG I I-ARG want I-ARG to I-ARG say I-ARG . O Anyone B-ARG can I-ARG meet I-ARG this I-ARG problem I-ARG once I-ARG in I-ARG any I-ARG conversation I-ARG . O E-mail B-ARG helps I-ARG me I-ARG arrange I-ARG my I-ARG idea I-ARG perfectly I-ARG and I-ARG make I-ARG it I-ARG persuasive I-ARG . O On O the O whole, O to O compare O to O all O ways O of O communication, O I O really O think O that O e-mail B-ARG is I-ARG the I-ARG greatest I-ARG way I-ARG for I-ARG major I-ARG people I-ARG to I-ARG use I-ARG . O Its B-ARG convenience I-ARG saves I-ARG our I-ARG time I-ARG . O Additionally, O honesty O is O necessary O for O every O conversation O and O also O fluency O can't O be O missing O for O a O persuasive O expression O . O Communicating O via O e-mail O and O voice O mail O vs O Telephone O and O face-to O face O Although O many O people O prefer O communicating O by O telephone O or O face-to-face, O personally O I O believe O that O communicating B-ARG by I-ARG e-mails I-ARG or I-ARG voice I-ARG mails I-ARG is I-ARG better I-ARG . O There O are O several O reasons O to O support O this O idea O which O I O would O like O to O mention O in O this O essay O . O Firstly, O communicating B-ARG by I-ARG e-mail I-ARG is I-ARG easy I-ARG . O Many B-ARG people I-ARG have I-ARG problems I-ARG with I-ARG calling I-ARG a I-ARG person I-ARG that I-ARG they I-ARG are I-ARG not I-ARG acquainted I-ARG with I-ARG . O In B-ARG this I-ARG case I-ARG it I-ARG is I-ARG not I-ARG so I-ARG difficult I-ARG to I-ARG write I-ARG an I-ARG e-mail I-ARG or I-ARG to I-ARG leave I-ARG a I-ARG voice I-ARG mail I-ARG because O even B-ARG shy I-ARG people I-ARG feel I-ARG themselves I-ARG more I-ARG confident I-ARG . O Secondly, O you B-ARG can I-ARG write I-ARG an I-ARG e-mail I-ARG at I-ARG any I-ARG time I-ARG of I-ARG the I-ARG day I-ARG . O As O for O me, O I B-ARG work I-ARG and I-ARG study I-ARG at I-ARG the I-ARG university I-ARG and I-ARG I I-ARG don't I-ARG have I-ARG spare I-ARG time I-ARG during I-ARG the I-ARG day I-ARG . O I B-ARG get I-ARG home I-ARG at I-ARG about I-ARG midnight I-ARG and I-ARG I I-ARG still I-ARG need I-ARG to I-ARG answer I-ARG some I-ARG questions I-ARG and I-ARG to I-ARG solve I-ARG some I-ARG routine I-ARG problems I-ARG . O I B-ARG might I-ARG not I-ARG have I-ARG time I-ARG to I-ARG call I-ARG a I-ARG person I-ARG or I-ARG to I-ARG meet I-ARG with I-ARG him I-ARG or I-ARG her I-ARG in I-ARG an I-ARG appropriate I-ARG time I-ARG so O for B-ARG me I-ARG it I-ARG is I-ARG better I-ARG to I-ARG leave I-ARG a I-ARG voice I-ARG mail I-ARG . O Thirdly, O when B-ARG you I-ARG write I-ARG an I-ARG e-mail I-ARG you I-ARG have I-ARG enough I-ARG time I-ARG to I-ARG think I-ARG carefully I-ARG about I-ARG what I-ARG you I-ARG are I-ARG writing I-ARG and I-ARG how I-ARG it I-ARG would I-ARG be I-ARG better I-ARG to I-ARG express I-ARG yourself I-ARG . O For O example, O you B-ARG can I-ARG change I-ARG the I-ARG word I-ARG order I-ARG or I-ARG you I-ARG can I-ARG choose I-ARG more I-ARG appropriate I-ARG style I-ARG to I-ARG sound I-ARG more I-ARG polite I-ARG . O When B-ARG you I-ARG speak I-ARG face-to-face I-ARG you I-ARG are I-ARG not I-ARG as I-ARG able I-ARG to I-ARG control I-ARG every I-ARG word I-ARG as I-ARG you I-ARG are I-ARG when I-ARG you I-ARG write I-ARG an I-ARG e-mail I-ARG . O And O finally, O there B-ARG is I-ARG no I-ARG chance I-ARG to I-ARG disturb I-ARG people I-ARG by I-ARG sending I-ARG them I-ARG an I-ARG e-mail I-ARG . O You B-ARG should I-ARG not I-ARG worry I-ARG about I-ARG interrupting I-ARG an I-ARG important I-ARG conversation I-ARG or I-ARG some I-ARG other I-ARG business I-ARG . O To O sum O up, O I O would O like O to O say O that O for O me O both O options O of O communicating O are O possible, O but O if O this O is O an O important O and O not O urgent O question O I B-ARG would I-ARG prefer I-ARG to I-ARG answer I-ARG it I-ARG by I-ARG means I-ARG of I-ARG internet I-ARG or I-ARG voice I-ARG mail I-ARG . O Should O we O require O our O young O children O to O learn O music O and O art O Every O parents O expect O their O children O to O be O outstanding O and O successful O . O In O order O to O achieve O this, O they O start O cultivating O their O children O when O they O are O very O young O . O In O addition O to O basic O knowledge O like O language O or O science, O music O and O art O are O usually O on O the O must-learn O list O of O the O parents O . O In O my O opinion, O I O agree O that O children B-ARG should I-ARG learn I-ARG music I-ARG and I-ARG art I-ARG in I-ARG a I-ARG young I-ARG age I-ARG because O they B-ARG do I-ARG contribute I-ARG several I-ARG merits I-ARG to I-ARG them I-ARG . O First, O it's B-ARG very I-ARG suitable I-ARG for I-ARG children I-ARG to I-ARG develop I-ARG senses I-ARG of I-ARG music I-ARG and I-ARG art I-ARG when I-ARG they I-ARG are I-ARG young I-ARG . O Children B-ARG absorb I-ARG things I-ARG quickly I-ARG and I-ARG they I-ARG bear I-ARG exact I-ARG the I-ARG ability I-ARG needed I-ARG in I-ARG music I-ARG and I-ARG art-imagination I-ARG . O Music B-ARG and I-ARG art I-ARG are I-ARG not I-ARG like I-ARG math I-ARG or I-ARG language I-ARG which I-ARG has I-ARG more I-ARG strict I-ARG rules I-ARG . O They B-ARG are I-ARG more I-ARG abstract, I-ARG requiring I-ARG creativity I-ARG and I-ARG imagination I-ARG to I-ARG be I-ARG enriched I-ARG . O Children B-ARG are I-ARG privileged I-ARG to I-ARG have I-ARG these I-ARG abilities I-ARG because O they B-ARG are I-ARG given I-ARG more I-ARG freedom I-ARG and I-ARG their I-ARG imagination I-ARG has I-ARG not I-ARG yet I-ARG been I-ARG killed I-ARG due I-ARG to I-ARG reality I-ARG circumstances I-ARG . O Even B-ARG if I-ARG their I-ARG performances I-ARG are I-ARG just I-ARG some I-ARG simple I-ARG drawings I-ARG and I-ARG melodies, I-ARG music I-ARG and I-ARG art I-ARG still I-ARG bring I-ARG out I-ARG children's I-ARG joy I-ARG of I-ARG flying I-ARG in I-ARG imagination I-ARG . O Second, O music B-ARG and I-ARG art I-ARG are I-ARG life-long I-ARG cultivation I-ARG worthy I-ARG of I-ARG investing I-ARG . O They B-ARG teach I-ARG us I-ARG how I-ARG to I-ARG appreciate I-ARG beauty I-ARG and I-ARG express I-ARG feelings I-ARG in I-ARG a I-ARG creative I-ARG way I-ARG . O They B-ARG are I-ARG essential I-ARG to I-ARG our I-ARG spiritual I-ARG life I-ARG . O Therefore, O even B-ARG if I-ARG children I-ARG are I-ARG not I-ARG going I-ARG to I-ARG be I-ARG great I-ARG musicians I-ARG or I-ARG artists, I-ARG learning I-ARG music I-ARG and I-ARG art I-ARG is I-ARG still I-ARG worthy I-ARG because O it B-ARG can I-ARG nourish I-ARG your I-ARG temper I-ARG and I-ARG serve I-ARG as I-ARG a I-ARG leisure I-ARG . O However, O some O people O might O argue O that O parents O shouldn't O put O so O much O stress O on O children, O since O learning B-ARG too I-ARG many I-ARG skills I-ARG seems I-ARG to I-ARG be I-ARG a I-ARG burden I-ARG for I-ARG them I-ARG . O In O my O opinion, O it B-ARG depends I-ARG on I-ARG how I-ARG you I-ARG value I-ARG these I-ARG learning I-ARG activities I-ARG to I-ARG be I-ARG like I-ARG . O If B-ARG parents I-ARG push I-ARG their I-ARG 5 I-ARG years I-ARG old I-ARG child I-ARG to I-ARG play I-ARG piano I-ARG 8 I-ARG hours I-ARG a I-ARG day I-ARG just I-ARG like I-ARG a I-ARG professional I-ARG performer, I-ARG that I-ARG might I-ARG be I-ARG too I-ARG much I-ARG . O In B-ARG a I-ARG child I-ARG stage, I-ARG music I-ARG and I-ARG art I-ARG are I-ARG more I-ARG like I-ARG an I-ARG open I-ARG door I-ARG to I-ARG introduce I-ARG the I-ARG art I-ARG world I-ARG than I-ARG training I-ARG area I-ARG to I-ARG acquire I-ARG specific I-ARG skills I-ARG . O In O this O way, O it B-ARG will I-ARG not I-ARG be I-ARG such I-ARG pressure I-ARG on I-ARG children I-ARG . O In O conclusion, O young B-ARG age I-ARG is I-ARG the I-ARG perfect I-ARG time I-ARG for I-ARG children I-ARG to I-ARG learn I-ARG music I-ARG and I-ARG art I-ARG and O they B-ARG are I-ARG indeed I-ARG valuable I-ARG to I-ARG people I-ARG not I-ARG only I-ARG in I-ARG their I-ARG young I-ARG stage, I-ARG but I-ARG in I-ARG every I-ARG stage I-ARG . O Music B-ARG and I-ARG art I-ARG can I-ARG accompany I-ARG a I-ARG spirit I-ARG as I-ARG long I-ARG as I-ARG they I-ARG are I-ARG given I-ARG the I-ARG chance I-ARG to I-ARG enter I-ARG his/her I-ARG life I-ARG . O The O car O use O will O definitely O decrease O in O twenty O years O Views O differ O considerably O when O it O comes O to O the O issue O of O whether O cars O will O be O less O than O there O are O today O in O twenty O years O or O not O . O Some O people O believe O that O since O the O environmental O concern O has O risen, O the O car O use O will O decrease O . O While O others O think O that O a O personal O car O is O important O for O ones O daily O life O . O Both O of O the O opposite O arguments O appear O to O be O somewhat O convincing O and O stand O to O reason O . O But O as O far O as O I O am O concerned, O I O agree O with O the O idea, O which O is O that O there B-ARG will I-ARG be I-ARG a I-ARG decrease I-ARG in I-ARG cars I-ARG use I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG future I-ARG . O The O following O reasons O will O present O my O points O . O First O of O all, O since O the O public O transportation O has O improved, O it B-ARG is I-ARG much I-ARG convenience I-ARG to I-ARG take I-ARG a I-ARG subway I-ARG or I-ARG a I-ARG bus I-ARG . O For O example, O I B-ARG live I-ARG in I-ARG a I-ARG city I-ARG which I-ARG always I-ARG have I-ARG a I-ARG jam I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG morning I-ARG and I-ARG doesn't I-ARG have I-ARG enough I-ARG parking I-ARG lots I-ARG for I-ARG the I-ARG cars I-ARG . O So, O with B-ARG the I-ARG stations I-ARG increased I-ARG people I-ARG are I-ARG willing I-ARG to I-ARG take I-ARG a I-ARG public I-ARG transportation I-ARG than I-ARG drive I-ARG on I-ARG their I-ARG own I-ARG . O Second, O a B-ARG driving I-ARG car I-ARG can I-ARG make I-ARG a I-ARG lot I-ARG of I-ARG different I-ARG pollutions I-ARG to I-ARG the I-ARG world I-ARG . O So, O with B-ARG the I-ARG risen I-ARG of I-ARG the I-ARG aware I-ARG to I-ARG the I-ARG environment, I-ARG people I-ARG will I-ARG think I-ARG more I-ARG about I-ARG whether I-ARG to I-ARG drive I-ARG on I-ARG their I-ARG own I-ARG or I-ARG not I-ARG . O For O example, O instead B-ARG of I-ARG driving I-ARG each I-ARG one's I-ARG car, I-ARG if I-ARG we I-ARG put I-ARG forty I-ARG people I-ARG in I-ARG a I-ARG bus, I-ARG it I-ARG will I-ARG solve I-ARG the I-ARG traffic I-ARG jam I-ARG by I-ARG decrease I-ARG the I-ARG cars I-ARG use I-ARG and I-ARG also I-ARG reduce I-ARG the I-ARG air I-ARG pollution I-ARG for I-ARG the I-ARG city I-ARG . O Although, O I O am O agree O with O the O idea O that O reducing O of O the O car O use O will O be O achieve O in O twenty O years O . O I O think O I O still O have O to O point O out O that O there O are O some O different O points O of O view O . O People O who O hold O different O opinion O may O argue O that O a B-ARG personal I-ARG car I-ARG uses I-ARG is I-ARG in I-ARG need I-ARG because O a B-ARG public I-ARG transportation I-ARG can't I-ARG meet I-ARG every I-ARG place I-ARG . O Of O course, O it B-ARG may I-ARG be I-ARG true I-ARG when I-ARG you I-ARG want I-ARG to I-ARG go I-ARG to I-ARG some I-ARG countryside I-ARG or I-ARG some I-ARG other I-ARG inconvenience I-ARG places I-ARG . O However, O no B-ARG matter I-ARG you I-ARG are I-ARG going I-ARG to I-ARG somewhere I-ARG for I-ARG a I-ARG trip I-ARG or I-ARG you I-ARG just I-ARG simply I-ARG live I-ARG in I-ARG some I-ARG suburbs I-ARG and I-ARG so I-ARG on, I-ARG it I-ARG always I-ARG have I-ARG some I-ARG other I-ARG ways I-ARG that I-ARG you I-ARG can I-ARG do, I-ARG you I-ARG can I-ARG ride I-ARG a I-ARG bike, I-ARG or I-ARG even I-ARG walk I-ARG on I-ARG your I-ARG feet I-ARG . O It B-ARG not I-ARG only I-ARG helps I-ARG you I-ARG to I-ARG reduce I-ARG the I-ARG car I-ARG use, I-ARG but I-ARG also I-ARG good I-ARG to I-ARG your I-ARG health I-ARG . O In O this O way, O this B-ARG won't I-ARG be I-ARG a I-ARG problem I-ARG at I-ARG all I-ARG . O In O conclusion, O given O the O reasons O described O above, O when O the O advantages O and O disadvantages O of O whether O there O will O be O fewer O cars O in O use O in O twenty O years O or O not O are O carefully O compared, O the O best O choice O is O obviously O stand O on O my O side, O which O is O that O the B-ARG car I-ARG use I-ARG will I-ARG definitely I-ARG decrease I-ARG in I-ARG twenty I-ARG years I-ARG . O Working O at O home O vs O Working O in O a O company O Due O to O the O convenience O of O current O technology, O people O can O do O their O works O everywhere O as O long O as O they O have O the O equipment O around O them O . O People O are O no O longer O restricted O in O the O office O . O This O rapid O progress O in O technology O leads O to O the O question O whether O it's O better O working O at O home O with O a O computer O and O a O phone O than O working O at O the O company's O office O . O In O my O opinion, O I O believe O that O working B-ARG at I-ARG home I-ARG is I-ARG worse I-ARG and I-ARG less I-ARG efficient I-ARG than I-ARG working I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG office I-ARG . O First O of O all, O while B-ARG working I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG office, I-ARG people I-ARG can I-ARG interact I-ARG with I-ARG their I-ARG colleges I-ARG instantly I-ARG . O They B-ARG can I-ARG either I-ARG get I-ARG help I-ARG from I-ARG colleges I-ARG or I-ARG discuss I-ARG about I-ARG the I-ARG work I-ARG together I-ARG . O Think B-ARG about I-ARG the I-ARG big I-ARG project I-ARG that I-ARG a I-ARG group I-ARG is I-ARG working I-ARG on, I-ARG if I-ARG any I-ARG group I-ARG member I-ARG has I-ARG new I-ARG idea I-ARG about I-ARG the I-ARG project, I-ARG he/she I-ARG can I-ARG assemble I-ARG his/her I-ARG colleges I-ARG right I-ARG away I-ARG and I-ARG discuss I-ARG . O It's B-ARG more I-ARG efficient I-ARG and I-ARG straight-forward I-ARG than I-ARG talking I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG phone I-ARG . O For O another O example, O if B-ARG one’s I-ARG computer I-ARG or I-ARG Internet I-ARG has I-ARG any I-ARG breakdown, I-ARG he/she I-ARG can I-ARG call I-ARG the I-ARG MIS I-ARG staff I-ARG to I-ARG fix I-ARG . O Second, O working B-ARG at I-ARG home I-ARG has I-ARG many I-ARG disadvantages I-ARG that I-ARG will I-ARG no I-ARG doubt I-ARG lower I-ARG the I-ARG efficiency I-ARG of I-ARG works I-ARG . O For O example, O people B-ARG are I-ARG easily I-ARG distracted I-ARG while I-ARG working I-ARG at I-ARG home I-ARG . O It's B-ARG hard I-ARG to I-ARG concentrate I-ARG on I-ARG work I-ARG if I-ARG people I-ARG can I-ARG grab I-ARG the I-ARG TV I-ARG remote I-ARG or I-ARG some I-ARG junk I-ARG foods I-ARG right I-ARG away I-ARG . O In O addition, O while B-ARG people I-ARG are I-ARG working I-ARG at I-ARG home, I-ARG there I-ARG will I-ARG be I-ARG no I-ARG one I-ARG supervising I-ARG them, I-ARG thus I-ARG raises I-ARG the I-ARG chance I-ARG of I-ARG loafing I-ARG . O Moreover, O people B-ARG who I-ARG work I-ARG at I-ARG home I-ARG are I-ARG more I-ARG likely I-ARG to I-ARG miss I-ARG the I-ARG important I-ARG events I-ARG happening I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG office, I-ARG like I-ARG some I-ARG announcements I-ARG from I-ARG the I-ARG boss I-ARG . O In O conclusion, O working B-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG office I-ARG is I-ARG obviously I-ARG better I-ARG than I-ARG working I-ARG at I-ARG home I-ARG in I-ARG terms I-ARG of I-ARG efficiency I-ARG . O It B-ARG not I-ARG only I-ARG has I-ARG the I-ARG advantage I-ARG of I-ARG working I-ARG with I-ARG colleges I-ARG but I-ARG also I-ARG it I-ARG provides I-ARG a I-ARG real I-ARG working I-ARG atmosphere I-ARG that I-ARG can I-ARG never I-ARG be I-ARG grasped I-ARG if I-ARG people I-ARG choose I-ARG to I-ARG work I-ARG at I-ARG home I-ARG . O The O ability O to O relate O well O to O people O is O more O important O I O think O that O No O factor O is O important O enough O by O itself O to O succeed O in O any O situations O . O We O should O consider O many O factors O and O choose O the O best O of O them O . O I O believe O that O both B-ARG the I-ARG ability I-ARG to I-ARG relate I-ARG well I-ARG to I-ARG people I-ARG and I-ARG studying I-ARG hard I-ARG in I-ARG school I-ARG are I-ARG important I-ARG for I-ARG success I-ARG in I-ARG a I-ARG future I-ARG job I-ARG for O following O reasons: O We B-ARG need I-ARG to I-ARG know I-ARG and I-ARG learn I-ARG about I-ARG the I-ARG theoritical I-ARG basis I-ARG of I-ARG our I-ARG future I-ARG job I-ARG . O This B-ARG can I-ARG be I-ARG done I-ARG in I-ARG school I-ARG . O In B-ARG school, I-ARG we I-ARG are I-ARG able I-ARG to I-ARG identify I-ARG skills I-ARG required I-ARG for I-ARG our I-ARG future I-ARG job I-ARG and I-ARG work I-ARG on I-ARG mastering I-ARG and I-ARG learning I-ARG them I-ARG . O If B-ARG we I-ARG study I-ARG them I-ARG hard, I-ARG we I-ARG will I-ARG have I-ARG the I-ARG chance I-ARG of I-ARG doing I-ARG our I-ARG job I-ARG better I-ARG and I-ARG quicker I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG future I-ARG . O For O example, O if B-ARG someone I-ARG wants I-ARG to I-ARG become I-ARG a I-ARG good I-ARG industrial I-ARG engineer, I-ARG he I-ARG should I-ARG study I-ARG his I-ARG technical I-ARG courses I-ARG very I-ARG well I-ARG so I-ARG that I-ARG he I-ARG will I-ARG be I-ARG able I-ARG to I-ARG utilize I-ARG them I-ARG well I-ARG in I-ARG his I-ARG future I-ARG job I-ARG . O As O you O can O see, O studying B-ARG hard I-ARG in I-ARG school I-ARG is I-ARG an I-ARG important I-ARG factor I-ARG to I-ARG succeed I-ARG in I-ARG a I-ARG job I-ARG . O One B-ARG of I-ARG the I-ARG other I-ARG factors I-ARG for I-ARG success I-ARG in I-ARG a I-ARG future I-ARG job I-ARG is I-ARG effective I-ARG commuincation I-ARG . O By B-ARG relating I-ARG well I-ARG to I-ARG people, I-ARG we I-ARG are I-ARG likely I-ARG to I-ARG have I-ARG a I-ARG lot I-ARG of I-ARG friends I-ARG and O therefore O we B-ARG will I-ARG have I-ARG a I-ARG wide I-ARG network I-ARG of I-ARG communication I-ARG . O Commuincation B-ARG can I-ARG bring I-ARG many I-ARG benefits I-ARG . O For O example, O if B-ARG you I-ARG need I-ARG help I-ARG with I-ARG getting I-ARG a I-ARG job, I-ARG by I-ARG commuincating I-ARG with I-ARG people I-ARG offering I-ARG jobs I-ARG whom I-ARG you I-ARG treat I-ARG well I-ARG and O therefore O they B-ARG respect I-ARG you I-ARG as I-ARG well, I-ARG you I-ARG can I-ARG achieve I-ARG your I-ARG goal I-ARG . O Or, O if B-ARG you I-ARG are I-ARG a I-ARG salesman I-ARG in I-ARG a I-ARG store I-ARG or I-ARG any I-ARG other I-ARG place, I-ARG by I-ARG relating I-ARG well I-ARG to I-ARG your I-ARG customers, I-ARG you I-ARG will I-ARG increase I-ARG the I-ARG chance I-ARG of I-ARG their I-ARG coming I-ARG back I-ARG again I-ARG and I-ARG becoming I-ARG your I-ARG regular I-ARG customers I-ARG . O So, O relating B-ARG well I-ARG to I-ARG people I-ARG is I-ARG also I-ARG another I-ARG important I-ARG factor I-ARG . O In O sum, O though O some O people O may O disagree O with O me, O as O I O explained O my O reasons O and O examples O above, O none O of O those O factors O are O important O and O sufficient O enough O by O themselves O and O we B-ARG should I-ARG notice I-ARG to I-ARG both I-ARG of I-ARG them I-ARG because O each B-ARG of I-ARG them I-ARG has I-ARG its I-ARG own I-ARG benefits I-ARG . O The O advertising O is O the O main O cause O of O unhealthy O eating O habits O Advertising O is O becoming O part O of O our O modern O society O . O They O penetrate O into O people's O life, O affecting O people's O choices O in O different O things O . O Therefore, O it O comes O to O the O debate O whether O advertising O has O positive O influences O on O people's O life O . O Some O people O say O that O advertising O must O be O blamed O for O the O unhealthy O eating O habits, O while O others O believe O that O there O are O still O some O other O factors O directing O people's O judgments O . O In O my O opinion, O the B-ARG advertising I-ARG is I-ARG not I-ARG the I-ARG main I-ARG cause I-ARG of I-ARG unhealthy I-ARG eating I-ARG habits I-ARG . O First O of O all, O advertising B-ARG is I-ARG not I-ARG entirely I-ARG decisive I-ARG on I-ARG personal I-ARG eating I-ARG habit I-ARG . O The B-ARG key I-ARG to I-ARG forming I-ARG a I-ARG healthy I-ARG eating I-ARG pattern I-ARG lies I-ARG in I-ARG people's I-ARG concept I-ARG of I-ARG wholesome I-ARG diets I-ARG and I-ARG self-control I-ARG . O It O is O sure O that O advertising B-ARG always I-ARG makes I-ARG the I-ARG products I-ARG so I-ARG tempting, I-ARG regardless I-ARG of I-ARG whether I-ARG they I-ARG might I-ARG bring I-ARG negative I-ARG effects I-ARG on I-ARG the I-ARG human I-ARG body I-ARG . O However, O advertising B-ARG is I-ARG not I-ARG the I-ARG only I-ARG information I-ARG source I-ARG for I-ARG people I-ARG . O People B-ARG can I-ARG still I-ARG acquire I-ARG different I-ARG viewpoints I-ARG about I-ARG foods I-ARG from I-ARG other I-ARG sources, I-ARG like I-ARG news I-ARG or I-ARG magazines I-ARG . O As B-ARG long I-ARG as I-ARG people I-ARG are I-ARG clear I-ARG about I-ARG how I-ARG to I-ARG maintain I-ARG a I-ARG healthy I-ARG body I-ARG and I-ARG they I-ARG persistently I-ARG keep I-ARG track I-ARG of I-ARG their I-ARG eating I-ARG habits, I-ARG they I-ARG can I-ARG successfully I-ARG prevent I-ARG themselves I-ARG from I-ARG those I-ARG temptations I-ARG . O It B-ARG will I-ARG be I-ARG not I-ARG persuasive I-ARG if I-ARG people I-ARG just I-ARG blame I-ARG the I-ARG advertising I-ARG sector I-ARG of I-ARG a I-ARG fast-food I-ARG company I-ARG for I-ARG making I-ARG them I-ARG so I-ARG fat I-ARG and I-ARG not I-ARG reassess I-ARG their I-ARG own I-ARG behaviors I-ARG . O Second, O in B-ARG the I-ARG era I-ARG when I-ARG people I-ARG are I-ARG becoming I-ARG conscious I-ARG of I-ARG a I-ARG healthier I-ARG lifestyle, I-ARG some I-ARG companies I-ARG are I-ARG actually I-ARG aiming I-ARG at I-ARG this I-ARG rising I-ARG trend I-ARG and I-ARG start I-ARG to I-ARG promote I-ARG healthy I-ARG foods I-ARG . O In O other O words, O advertising B-ARG may I-ARG even I-ARG bring I-ARG healthier I-ARG eating I-ARG habits I-ARG to I-ARG the I-ARG people I-ARG . O Think B-ARG about I-ARG the I-ARG recently I-ARG popular I-ARG organic I-ARG foods I-ARG that I-ARG are I-ARG claimed I-ARG to I-ARG grow I-ARG in I-ARG an I-ARG environment I-ARG without I-ARG pesticide I-ARG and I-ARG those I-ARG crude I-ARG foods I-ARG in I-ARG which I-ARG less I-ARG salt I-ARG or I-ARG less I-ARG sugar I-ARG are I-ARG added I-ARG . O These B-ARG are I-ARG the I-ARG main I-ARG traits I-ARG that I-ARG advertising I-ARG is I-ARG hitting I-ARG on I-ARG and I-ARG the I-ARG overall I-ARG results I-ARG are I-ARG good I-ARG . O In O these O cases, O the B-ARG advertising I-ARG industry I-ARG bolsters I-ARG people's I-ARG awareness I-ARG of I-ARG having I-ARG a I-ARG healthy I-ARG lifestyle I-ARG . O In O conclusion, O advertising B-ARG is I-ARG not I-ARG the I-ARG primary I-ARG reason I-ARG of I-ARG unhealthy I-ARG eating I-ARG habits I-ARG . O There B-ARG are I-ARG the I-ARG build-up I-ARG of I-ARG the I-ARG concept I-ARG about I-ARG healthy I-ARG eating I-ARG habits I-ARG and I-ARG self-control I-ARG that I-ARG really I-ARG matter I-ARG . O Besides, O advertising B-ARG might I-ARG lead I-ARG to I-ARG healthier I-ARG eating I-ARG customs I-ARG due I-ARG to I-ARG the I-ARG growing I-ARG awareness I-ARG of I-ARG living I-ARG under I-ARG a I-ARG better I-ARG lifestyle I-ARG . O It O is O inevitable O to O be O exposed O to O the O environment O full O of O advertisements O but O it O does O not O mean O that O our O right O to O choose O is O taken O away O . O We O will O always O be O able O to O decide O our O own O lifestyles O . O Learning O facts O has O more O subsequent O advantages O for O students' O future O lives O There O are O many O debates O regarding O whether O understanding O ideas O and O concepts O is O more O essential O than O learning O facts O for O students O or O not O . O Although O multitudes O of O people O think O that O knowledge O of O ideas O and O concepts O is O more O vital O for O students, O I O am O in O the O conviction O that O learning B-ARG facts I-ARG has I-ARG more I-ARG subsequent I-ARG advantages I-ARG for I-ARG students' I-ARG future I-ARG lives I-ARG . O In O the O following, O I O will O state O my O reasons O for O this O choice O . O First, O when B-ARG students I-ARG learn I-ARG facts I-ARG more I-ARG in I-ARG school, I-ARG they I-ARG would I-ARG be I-ARG ready I-ARG for I-ARG facing I-ARG problems I-ARG in I-ARG their I-ARG own I-ARG life I-ARG after I-ARG their I-ARG graduations I-ARG . O As O a O case O in O point, O more B-ARG information I-ARG about I-ARG facts I-ARG would I-ARG make I-ARG students I-ARG more I-ARG familiar I-ARG with I-ARG the I-ARG real I-ARG life I-ARG other I-ARG that I-ARG only I-ARG their I-ARG concepts I-ARG . O As O a O result, O they B-ARG would I-ARG prepare I-ARG to I-ARG encounter I-ARG their I-ARG life I-ARG out I-ARG of I-ARG school I-ARG to I-ARG solve I-ARG their I-ARG problems I-ARG better I-ARG . O Second, O it B-ARG would I-ARG improve I-ARG students' I-ARG social I-ARG behavior I-ARG . O If B-ARG students I-ARG only I-ARG rely I-ARG on I-ARG concepts I-ARG and I-ARG ideas I-ARG theorically, I-ARG they I-ARG would I-ARG not I-ARG realize I-ARG human's I-ARG mind I-ARG very I-ARG well I-ARG . O They B-ARG should I-ARG understand I-ARG objects I-ARG more I-ARG that I-ARG concepts I-ARG to I-ARG obtain I-ARG the I-ARG ability I-ARG of I-ARG analyzing I-ARG matters I-ARG well I-ARG . O Thus, O if B-ARG they I-ARG deal I-ARG more I-ARG with I-ARG facts, I-ARG they I-ARG can I-ARG realize I-ARG social I-ARG situations I-ARG effectively I-ARG and I-ARG so I-ARG improve I-ARG their I-ARG social I-ARG communication I-ARG in I-ARG everyday I-ARG life I-ARG . O Moreover, O these B-ARG way I-ARG students I-ARG are I-ARG teached I-ARG to I-ARG control I-ARG their I-ARG fears I-ARG and I-ARG concerns I-ARG in I-ARG facing I-ARG facts I-ARG . O As O a O matter O of O fact, O when B-ARG a I-ARG student I-ARG understands I-ARG a I-ARG fact I-ARG and I-ARG its I-ARG consequences, I-ARG he I-ARG or I-ARG she I-ARG can I-ARG encounter I-ARG it I-ARG more I-ARG confidently I-ARG . O In O my O viewpoint, O concerns B-ARG and I-ARG anxieties I-ARG are I-ARG very I-ARG destructive I-ARG in I-ARG everybody's I-ARG life I-ARG . O It B-ARG can I-ARG prevent I-ARG person I-ARG to I-ARG progress I-ARG and I-ARG thrive I-ARG in I-ARG every I-ARG position I-ARG . O All O in O all, O I O am O in O the O belief O that O learning B-ARG facts I-ARG is I-ARG more I-ARG beneficial I-ARG for I-ARG students I-ARG in I-ARG both I-ARG social I-ARG and I-ARG individual I-ARG life I-ARG in O the O view O of O above-mentioned O reasons O . O Students B-ARG would I-ARG improve I-ARG their I-ARG social I-ARG positions I-ARG and I-ARG encounter I-ARG their I-ARG problems I-ARG in I-ARG positive I-ARG ways I-ARG and I-ARG also I-ARG intend I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG more I-ARG confidence I-ARG manner I-ARG and I-ARG etc I-ARG . O Financial O support O for O sports O and O social O activities O There O are O a O lot O of O debates O about O the O importance O of O sports O and O social O activities O in O contrast O with O the O main O classes O . O It O is O very O subjective O decision O for O students O to O have O or O not O have O these O facilities O . O Although O multitudes O of O people O think O that O sports O and O social O activities O are O not O as O necessary O as O academic O subjects O in O colleges, O I O think O that O these B-ARG activities I-ARG have I-ARG the I-ARG same I-ARG efficient I-ARG role I-ARG in I-ARG students' I-ARG lives I-ARG . O In O the O following, O I O will O state O my O reason O for O this O choice O . O First, O besides B-ARG the I-ARG good I-ARG body I-ARG shape, I-ARG sports I-ARG have I-ARG very I-ARG vital I-ARG effects I-ARG on I-ARG human's I-ARG healthfulness I-ARG . O In O my O viewpoint, O our B-ARG body I-ARG and I-ARG moral I-ARG health I-ARG depend I-ARG to I-ARG physical I-ARG activities I-ARG directly I-ARG . O As O a O case O in O point, O last B-ARG month I-ARG I I-ARG had I-ARG very I-ARG difficult I-ARG exam I-ARG that I-ARG I I-ARG forced I-ARG to I-ARG study I-ARG for I-ARG one I-ARG week I-ARG back I-ARG to I-ARG back I-ARG . O After B-ARG that I-ARG exam, I-ARG I I-ARG felt I-ARG depressed I-ARG and I-ARG exhausted I-ARG . O Therefore, O I O decided O to O go O to O gym O to O recuperate O and O it O responded O very O well! O As O a O result, O sports B-ARG are I-ARG necessary I-ARG for I-ARG students I-ARG to I-ARG acquire I-ARG their I-ARG energy I-ARG and I-ARG health I-ARG . O Second, O besides B-ARG the I-ARG academic I-ARG knowledge, I-ARG the I-ARG awareness I-ARG of I-ARG social I-ARG behavior I-ARG is I-ARG an I-ARG important I-ARG factor I-ARG for I-ARG human's I-ARG life I-ARG . O As O a O practical O epitome, O students B-ARG should I-ARG be I-ARG prepared I-ARG to I-ARG present I-ARG in I-ARG society I-ARG after I-ARG their I-ARG graduation I-ARG . O Thus O social B-ARG activities I-ARG can I-ARG help I-ARG them I-ARG to I-ARG be I-ARG familiar I-ARG with I-ARG other's I-ARG mind I-ARG and I-ARG different I-ARG environment I-ARG . O In O my O opinion, O social B-ARG groups I-ARG and I-ARG classes I-ARG are I-ARG significant I-ARG factors I-ARG to I-ARG prepare I-ARG students I-ARG to I-ARG contribute I-ARG in I-ARG discussion I-ARG and I-ARG encounter I-ARG real I-ARG social I-ARG environment I-ARG . O So, O social B-ARG activities I-ARG have I-ARG same I-ARG rights I-ARG to I-ARG receive I-ARG monetary I-ARG support I-ARG . O Moreover, O they B-ARG bring I-ARG about I-ARG students I-ARG to I-ARG be I-ARG happier I-ARG and I-ARG to I-ARG have I-ARG more I-ARG fun I-ARG and I-ARG entertainments I-ARG . O If O we O follow O just O one O wing O of O my O life O i O .e O ., O studying O as O a O student, O after O some O whiles O it O would O be O boring O and O we O wouldn't O have O any O motivation O . O Such B-ARG activities I-ARG can I-ARG help I-ARG us I-ARG to I-ARG pick I-ARG up I-ARG with I-ARG other I-ARG students I-ARG and I-ARG have I-ARG more I-ARG friends I-ARG . O In O my O perspective, O more B-ARG friends I-ARG and I-ARG new I-ARG experience I-ARG inspire I-ARG the I-ARG feeling I-ARG of I-ARG happiness I-ARG and I-ARG excitement I-ARG in I-ARG me I-ARG . O All O in O all, O I O am O in O the O conviction O that O sports B-ARG and I-ARG social I-ARG activities I-ARG should I-ARG obtain I-ARG analogous I-ARG concern I-ARG and I-ARG money I-ARG in O the O view O of O above-mentioned O reasons O . O They B-ARG bring I-ARG a I-ARG lot I-ARG of I-ARG advantages I-ARG and I-ARG benefits I-ARG for I-ARG students I-ARG and I-ARG also I-ARG affect I-ARG their I-ARG future I-ARG in I-ARG a I-ARG positive I-ARG way I-ARG . O Learning O a O foreign O language O in O my O own O country O or O another O country O Knowing O foreign O language O is O became O more O and O more O important O in O this O time O . O Many O people O pursue O to O study O foreign O language O . O There O are O two O options O to O learn O foreign O language O . O First O is O stay O in O homeland O to O study O foreign O language O . O The O second O option O is O that O go O to O study O in O another O place O that O foreign O language O are O spoken O . O Going B-ARG to I-ARG another I-ARG place I-ARG to I-ARG learn I-ARG language I-ARG is I-ARG better I-ARG choice I-ARG . O I O will O give O reasons O to O support O my O opinion O . O To O begin O with, O going B-ARG to I-ARG another I-ARG country I-ARG to I-ARG learn I-ARG language I-ARG is I-ARG a I-ARG good I-ARG environment I-ARG to I-ARG stimulate I-ARG people I-ARG to I-ARG learn I-ARG language I-ARG . O For O example, O everyone B-ARG around I-ARG me I-ARG speaks I-ARG foreign I-ARG language, I-ARG and I-ARG then I-ARG I I-ARG have I-ARG to I-ARG improve I-ARG myself I-ARG to I-ARG communicate I-ARG with I-ARG people I-ARG . O If B-ARG I I-ARG could I-ARG not I-ARG communicate I-ARG with I-ARG other I-ARG people, I-ARG I I-ARG could I-ARG not I-ARG even I-ARG buy I-ARG food I-ARG to I-ARG sacrifice I-ARG my I-ARG hunger I-ARG . O This B-ARG environment I-ARG makes I-ARG me I-ARG want I-ARG to I-ARG develop I-ARG myself I-ARG to I-ARG be I-ARG able I-ARG to I-ARG communicate I-ARG with I-ARG people I-ARG that I-ARG speak I-ARG foreign I-ARG language I-ARG . O Secondly, O having B-ARG friend I-ARG that I-ARG speaks I-ARG another I-ARG language I-ARG is I-ARG help I-ARG people I-ARG to I-ARG professional I-ARG in I-ARG that I-ARG language I-ARG faster I-ARG . O For O instance, O English B-ARG school I-ARG in I-ARG outside I-ARG my I-ARG home I-ARG country, I-ARG there I-ARG are I-ARG many I-ARG people I-ARG that I-ARG come I-ARG from I-ARG different I-ARG places I-ARG and I-ARG from I-ARG different I-ARG languages I-ARG . O The B-ARG only I-ARG language I-ARG that I-ARG I I-ARG could I-ARG talk I-ARG to I-ARG make I-ARG friends I-ARG is I-ARG English I-ARG language I-ARG . O Thus, O I B-ARG could I-ARG talk I-ARG with I-ARG my I-ARG friend I-ARG without I-ARG worrying I-ARG about I-ARG speaking I-ARG wrong I-ARG . O This B-ARG reason I-ARG makes I-ARG me I-ARG have I-ARG a I-ARG progress I-ARG in I-ARG foreign I-ARG language I-ARG faster I-ARG . O In O conclusion, O I O personally O believe O that O learning B-ARG language I-ARG from I-ARG foreign I-ARG country I-ARG is I-ARG better I-ARG than I-ARG learning I-ARG language I-ARG in I-ARG home I-ARG country I-ARG because O I B-ARG have I-ARG to I-ARG improve I-ARG myself I-ARG to I-ARG communicate I-ARG with I-ARG other I-ARG people I-ARG . O Besides, O in B-ARG foreign I-ARG country I-ARG I I-ARG could I-ARG have I-ARG a I-ARG chance I-ARG to I-ARG speak I-ARG foreign I-ARG language I-ARG with I-ARG my I-ARG friends I-ARG . O Learning B-ARG foreign I-ARG language I-ARG form I-ARG another I-ARG country I-ARG is I-ARG better I-ARG choice I-ARG for I-ARG me I-ARG to I-ARG study I-ARG language I-ARG . O Getting O opinions O from O many O sources O could O augment O people's O performance O . O Getting O opinions O from O many O sources O could O augment O people's O performance O . O Thereby, O evaluating O from O students O is O one O of O the O ways O to O improve O quality O of O educational O system O . O Not O only O teachers O could O amplify O their O performance O but O the O whole O education O system O are O also O improve O performance O from O evaluation O made O by O students O . O Therefore, O I O agree O with O this O notion O that O students B-ARG should I-ARG be I-ARG asked I-ARG to I-ARG evaluate I-ARG their I-ARG teachers I-ARG . O To O begin O with, O Evaluating B-ARG teachers I-ARG made I-ARG by I-ARG students I-ARG could I-ARG improve I-ARG teachers' I-ARG performance I-ARG . O For O example, O evaluation B-ARG made I-ARG by I-ARG students I-ARG is I-ARG similar I-ARG to I-ARG feedback I-ARG from I-ARG customer I-ARG that I-ARG business I-ARG owners I-ARG need I-ARG to I-ARG know I-ARG in I-ARG order I-ARG to I-ARG improve I-ARG their I-ARG product I-ARG . O Students B-ARG might I-ARG complain I-ARG about I-ARG their I-ARG teachers I-ARG spoke I-ARG too I-ARG fast I-ARG that I-ARG students I-ARG could I-ARG not I-ARG catch I-ARG up I-ARG on I-ARG information I-ARG . O Consequently, O teachers B-ARG could I-ARG improve I-ARG themselves I-ARG by I-ARG speaking I-ARG slower I-ARG to I-ARG make I-ARG sure I-ARG that I-ARG students I-ARG could I-ARG get I-ARG all I-ARG information I-ARG that I-ARG they I-ARG want I-ARG to I-ARG give I-ARG . O Therefore, O evaluating B-ARG from I-ARG students I-ARG could I-ARG improve I-ARG teachers' I-ARG performance I-ARG . O Additionally, O this B-ARG evaluation I-ARG from I-ARG students I-ARG could I-ARG improve I-ARG schools' I-ARG quality I-ARG . O Teachers B-ARG could I-ARG augment I-ARG their I-ARG quality I-ARG . O Consequently, O When B-ARG school I-ARG gather I-ARG teachers I-ARG that I-ARG have I-ARG great I-ARG performance, I-ARG school I-ARG are I-ARG gaining I-ARG higher I-ARG quality I-ARG . O For O instance, O in B-ARG many I-ARG cooperation I-ARG such I-ARG as I-ARG Microsoft I-ARG that I-ARG could I-ARG produce I-ARG many I-ARG great I-ARG products I-ARG because O they B-ARG have I-ARG employees I-ARG whose I-ARG performance I-ARG are I-ARG very I-ARG high I-ARG . O Schools B-ARG could I-ARG produce I-ARG intellectual I-ARG students I-ARG because O school B-ARG have I-ARG teachers I-ARG who I-ARG are I-ARG always I-ARG improve I-ARG their I-ARG quality I-ARG from I-ARG evaluation I-ARG made I-ARG by I-ARG students I-ARG . O Finally, O people B-ARG who I-ARG get I-ARG the I-ARG most I-ARG advantage I-ARG from I-ARG evaluation I-ARG is I-ARG students I-ARG . O Students B-ARG could I-ARG study I-ARG in I-ARG class I-ARG that I-ARG have I-ARG teachers I-ARG who I-ARG have I-ARG experienced I-ARG and I-ARG greater I-ARG performance I-ARG . O Because O teachers O are O always O adapt O the O way O they O teach O in O order O to O make O students O easy O to O understand O their O subjects, O students B-ARG could I-ARG comprehend I-ARG their I-ARG subject I-ARG easily I-ARG . O As O a O result, O students, B-ARG who I-ARG study I-ARG from I-ARG great I-ARG schools I-ARG which I-ARG have I-ARG great I-ARG performance I-ARG teacher, I-ARG graduate I-ARG with I-ARG great I-ARG knowledge I-ARG to I-ARG survive I-ARG in I-ARG next I-ARG steps I-ARG of I-ARG life I-ARG . O In O conclusion, O I O agree O with O this O statement O that O school B-ARG should I-ARG ask I-ARG students I-ARG to I-ARG evaluate I-ARG their I-ARG teachers I-ARG because O teachers B-ARG could I-ARG improve I-ARG their I-ARG performance I-ARG . O Moreover, O schools B-ARG are I-ARG also I-ARG improve I-ARG their I-ARG quality I-ARG because O they B-ARG have I-ARG high I-ARG performance I-ARG teachers I-ARG . O Furthermore, O students B-ARG are I-ARG easy I-ARG to I-ARG understand I-ARG their I-ARG subjects I-ARG . O Thus, O I O believe O that O there B-ARG are I-ARG benefits I-ARG to I-ARG ask I-ARG students I-ARG to I-ARG evaluate I-ARG their I-ARG teachers I-ARG . O Keep O trying O and O never O stop O working O for O your O goals O "Keep O running!," O shouted O from O my O heart O but O my O legs O can O hardly O move O . O During O running O for O 20 O Kilometers O in O a O marathon O running O tournament O 2014, O I O saw O some O people O stopped O running O while O the O others O fought O until O their O last O minute O . O At O some O moment, O my O body O was O telling O me O to O stop O but O the O choice O that O I O made O was O on O the O contrary O . O I O did O not O stop O and O won O a O medal O goals O in O my O life O at O the O age O of O nearly O thirty O . O From O this O experience, O I O believe O that O a B-ARG person I-ARG should I-ARG keep I-ARG trying I-ARG for I-ARG his I-ARG goals I-ARG . O Firstly, O committing B-ARG to I-ARG our I-ARG goal I-ARG helps I-ARG creating I-ARG personal I-ARG worth I-ARG . O For O example, O I B-ARG realized I-ARG the I-ARG true I-ARG potential I-ARG of I-ARG my I-ARG body I-ARG and I-ARG mind I-ARG as I-ARG I I-ARG decided I-ARG to I-ARG train I-ARG myself I-ARG hard I-ARG . O Even B-ARG if I-ARG I I-ARG were I-ARG not I-ARG to I-ARG win I-ARG this I-ARG medal, I-ARG I I-ARG acknowledged I-ARG the I-ARG great I-ARG amount I-ARG of I-ARG my I-ARG endeavor I-ARG as I-ARG I I-ARG could I-ARG keep I-ARG my I-ARG tired I-ARG legs I-ARG running I-ARG . O Secondly, O one B-ARG who I-ARG learns I-ARG the I-ARG great I-ARG difficulty I-ARG will I-ARG become I-ARG stronger I-ARG . O I B-ARG remembered I-ARG how I-ARG I I-ARG was I-ARG suffered I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG first I-ARG round I-ARG when I-ARG I I-ARG was I-ARG last I-ARG person I-ARG who I-ARG touched I-ARG the I-ARG line I-ARG . O However, O I B-ARG did I-ARG not I-ARG give I-ARG up, I-ARG and I-ARG believed I-ARG that I-ARG I I-ARG would I-ARG be I-ARG better I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG next I-ARG round I-ARG because O I B-ARG knew I-ARG how I-ARG to I-ARG improve I-ARG myself I-ARG . O I B-ARG had I-ARG been I-ARG a I-ARG loser I-ARG for I-ARG a I-ARG thousand I-ARG time I-ARG before I-ARG the I-ARG first I-ARG winning, I-ARG and I-ARG suffering I-ARG from I-ARG losing I-ARG in I-ARG each I-ARG competition I-ARG makes I-ARG me I-ARG stronger I-ARG . O Thirdly, O at O some O point, O we, B-ARG as I-ARG an I-ARG average I-ARG people, I-ARG might I-ARG feel I-ARG that I-ARG the I-ARG responsibility I-ARG to I-ARG our I-ARG goal I-ARG is I-ARG too I-ARG heavy I-ARG to I-ARG carry I-ARG on I-ARG . O I O believe O that O the B-ARG responsibility I-ARG is I-ARG worthy I-ARG of I-ARG carrying I-ARG . O When B-ARG the I-ARG distance I-ARG is I-ARG longer I-ARG and I-ARG harder I-ARG to I-ARG achieve, I-ARG a I-ARG runner I-ARG who I-ARG can I-ARG go I-ARG beyond I-ARG his I-ARG limit I-ARG will I-ARG proud I-ARG of I-ARG himself I-ARG . O He B-ARG can I-ARG feel I-ARG the I-ARG sweetness I-ARG of I-ARG triumph I-ARG because O he B-ARG did I-ARG not I-ARG stop I-ARG pursing I-ARG his I-ARG goal I-ARG . O For O these O reasons, O I O agree O that O one O should O not O give O up, O as O the B-ARG true I-ARG reward I-ARG is I-ARG to I-ARG have I-ARG the I-ARG dignity I-ARG . O Anyone B-ARG who I-ARG wants I-ARG to I-ARG achieve I-ARG the I-ARG goal I-ARG should I-ARG acknowledge I-ARG that I-ARG his I-ARG effort I-ARG and I-ARG experience I-ARG from I-ARG suffering I-ARG helps I-ARG him I-ARG understand I-ARG his I-ARG true I-ARG potential I-ARG and I-ARG increase I-ARG his I-ARG strength, I-ARG and I-ARG ultimately, I-ARG it I-ARG will I-ARG prompt I-ARG him I-ARG to I-ARG be I-ARG ready I-ARG for I-ARG overcoming I-ARG the I-ARG greater I-ARG challenge I-ARG in I-ARG his I-ARG life I-ARG . O Technology O makes O people's O lives O simpler O rather O than O complicated O Believe O it O or O not, O nowadays O people O are O always O confronted O with O a O problem O that O whether O technology O makes O their O life O simpler O or O not, O thus O making O them O confused O . O Many O people O advocate O that O technology O makes O their O life O easier O . O Although O I O conceded O technology O may O make O people's O life O complicated O in O some O aspects, O the B-ARG convenience I-ARG it I-ARG brings I-ARG is I-ARG more I-ARG . O In O what O follows, O I O will O illustrate O my O point O of O view O . O First, O when B-ARG it I-ARG comes I-ARG to I-ARG the I-ARG field I-ARG of I-ARG transportation, I-ARG there I-ARG is I-ARG no I-ARG doubt I-ARG that I-ARG the I-ARG technology I-ARG in I-ARG automobile I-ARG has I-ARG made I-ARG people's I-ARG life I-ARG simpler I-ARG . O With B-ARG a I-ARG private I-ARG car, I-ARG you I-ARG can I-ARG reach I-ARG the I-ARG destination I-ARG in I-ARG another I-ARG city I-ARG just I-ARG sitting I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG vehicle I-ARG . O Alternatively, O if B-ARG you I-ARG would I-ARG like I-ARG to I-ARG have I-ARG a I-ARG trip I-ARG across I-ARG the I-ARG ocean, I-ARG a I-ARG plane I-ARG can I-ARG carry I-ARG you I-ARG there I-ARG in I-ARG only I-ARG a I-ARG few I-ARG hours, I-ARG which I-ARG is I-ARG hard I-ARG to I-ARG imagine I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG ancient I-ARG times I-ARG . O Second, O technology B-ARG also I-ARG makes I-ARG teaching I-ARG simpler I-ARG . O In B-ARG the I-ARG past, I-ARG teachers I-ARG have I-ARG to I-ARG write I-ARG what I-ARG they I-ARG want I-ARG to I-ARG convey I-ARG to I-ARG students I-ARG on I-ARG the I-ARG chalkboard, I-ARG resulting I-ARG in I-ARG a I-ARG great I-ARG waste I-ARG of I-ARG time I-ARG and I-ARG the I-ARG fatigue I-ARG of I-ARG teachers I-ARG . O With O the O advent O of O iPads O in O e-learning, O paper O books O become O unnecessary, O so O does O the O blackboards, O it O is O because O all B-ARG the I-ARG knowledge I-ARG and I-ARG information I-ARG are I-ARG stored I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG iPads, I-ARG with I-ARG a I-ARG single I-ARG click, I-ARG and I-ARG they I-ARG would I-ARG appear I-ARG right I-ARG before I-ARG your I-ARG eyes I-ARG at I-ARG once I-ARG . O Admittedly, O to O some O extent, O technology B-ARG may I-ARG make I-ARG people's I-ARG life I-ARG more I-ARG complicated I-ARG . O For O example, O the B-ARG cell I-ARG phone, I-ARG which I-ARG used I-ARG to I-ARG be I-ARG simply I-ARG a I-ARG tool I-ARG to I-ARG deliver I-ARG messages I-ARG to I-ARG your I-ARG contacts I-ARG in I-ARG a I-ARG distance, I-ARG now I-ARG are I-ARG playing I-ARG a I-ARG role I-ARG more I-ARG than I-ARG just I-ARG a I-ARG phone I-ARG in I-ARG social I-ARG communications I-ARG . O For O instance, O folks B-ARG have I-ARG to I-ARG check I-ARG their I-ARG Facebooks, I-ARG Twitters, I-ARG and I-ARG Forums I-ARG accounts I-ARG every I-ARG minute, I-ARG which I-ARG add I-ARG too I-ARG much I-ARG pressure I-ARG to I-ARG them I-ARG . O In O addition, O games B-ARG on I-ARG their I-ARG phone I-ARG exert I-ARG a I-ARG tremendous I-ARG fascination I-ARG on I-ARG teenagers, I-ARG leading I-ARG to I-ARG a I-ARG large I-ARG problem I-ARG that I-ARG they I-ARG got I-ARG addicted I-ARG to I-ARG their I-ARG phones I-ARG . O Consequently, O making B-ARG their I-ARG life I-ARG more I-ARG complicated I-ARG and I-ARG tired I-ARG . O Based O on O the O factors O I O have O mentioned O above, O a O conclusion O can O be O drawn O that O although O technology O may O make O people's O life O complicated O in O some O cases, O the B-ARG convenience I-ARG it I-ARG brings I-ARG in I-ARG people's I-ARG are I-ARG significant I-ARG . O More O important O to O work O quickly O and O risk O making O mistakes O Organizations, O these O days, O seek O to O find O people O who O can O work O extraordinary O fast O and O carefully O . O These O people O play O an O important O role O to O increase O effectiveness O of O a O company O . O Working B-ARG fast I-ARG yet I-ARG risky I-ARG has I-ARG a I-ARG place I-ARG near I-ARG the I-ARG ideal I-ARG goal I-ARG mentioned O before O . O I O am O totally O agrees O with O the O statement O for O some O reasons O . O Trying B-ARG to I-ARG learn I-ARG skills, I-ARG working I-ARG in I-ARG two I-ARG places I-ARG in I-ARG a I-ARG week I-ARG and I-ARG gaining I-ARG more I-ARG tasks I-ARG are I-ARG the I-ARG reasons I-ARG which I-ARG take I-ARG into I-ARG account I-ARG as I-ARG the I-ARG most I-ARG important I-ARG causes I-ARG of I-ARG my I-ARG choice I-ARG . O To O begin O with, O if B-ARG persons I-ARG work I-ARG rapidly, I-ARG they I-ARG will I-ARG have I-ARG more I-ARG chance I-ARG to I-ARG study I-ARG . O Attending B-ARG in I-ARG some I-ARG classes I-ARG which I-ARG try I-ARG to I-ARG increase I-ARG the I-ARG skills I-ARG of I-ARG employees I-ARG can I-ARG be I-ARG considered I-ARG as I-ARG an I-ARG absolutely I-ARG effective I-ARG parameter I-ARG . O If B-ARG people I-ARG learn I-ARG how I-ARG should I-ARG increase I-ARG their I-ARG speed I-ARG at I-ARG work I-ARG by I-ARG studying, I-ARG they I-ARG can I-ARG stares I-ARG in I-ARG their I-ARG workplace I-ARG . O For O example, O I B-ARG have I-ARG a I-ARG friend I-ARG who I-ARG was I-ARG working I-ARG so I-ARG slowly I-ARG . O He B-ARG has I-ARG been I-ARG threatened I-ARG by I-ARG his I-ARG boss I-ARG who I-ARG was I-ARG going I-ARG to I-ARG fire I-ARG him I-ARG . O My B-ARG friend I-ARG went I-ARG to I-ARG a I-ARG course I-ARG where I-ARG he I-ARG learned I-ARG how I-ARG should I-ARG work I-ARG rapidly I-ARG and I-ARG now I-ARG he I-ARG is I-ARG working I-ARG . O Most O importantly, O people B-ARG prone I-ARG to I-ARG work I-ARG in I-ARG two I-ARG or I-ARG three I-ARG firms I-ARG in I-ARG a I-ARG week I-ARG because O the B-ARG expenses I-ARG have I-ARG been I-ARG increased I-ARG . O If B-ARG they I-ARG work I-ARG just I-ARG in I-ARG one I-ARG organization I-ARG they I-ARG cannot I-ARG earn I-ARG enough I-ARG money I-ARG . O This B-ARG fact I-ARG pushes I-ARG them I-ARG to I-ARG work I-ARG faster I-ARG and I-ARG faster I-ARG . O For O example, O because O applying O to O study O abroad O needs O a O lot O of O money, O I B-ARG am I-ARG working I-ARG in I-ARG two I-ARG organization I-ARG to I-ARG gain I-ARG more I-ARG salary I-ARG . O The B-ARG more I-ARG money, I-ARG the I-ARG more I-ARG chances I-ARG . O Last O but O not O least, O people B-ARG who I-ARG work I-ARG slowly I-ARG can I-ARG no I-ARG longer I-ARG handle I-ARG more I-ARG tasks I-ARG . O If B-ARG you I-ARG show I-ARG in I-ARG your I-ARG workplace I-ARG that I-ARG you I-ARG are I-ARG the I-ARG one I-ARG who I-ARG can I-ARG work I-ARG more I-ARG than I-ARG other I-ARG even I-ARG carelessly, I-ARG your I-ARG boss I-ARG will I-ARG assign I-ARG you I-ARG more I-ARG tasks I-ARG . O If B-ARG you I-ARG do I-ARG them I-ARG fast I-ARG too, I-ARG the I-ARG first I-ARG acknowledgement I-ARG of I-ARG your I-ARG boss I-ARG encourages I-ARG you I-ARG to I-ARG work I-ARG harder I-ARG . O It B-ARG turns I-ARG you I-ARG to I-ARG a I-ARG person I-ARG who I-ARG has I-ARG skill I-ARG of I-ARG working I-ARG without I-ARG hesitation I-ARG . O Even B-ARG if I-ARG we I-ARG ignore I-ARG this I-ARG result, I-ARG by I-ARG the I-ARG same I-ARG token, I-ARG you I-ARG can I-ARG get I-ARG higher I-ARG position I-ARG and I-ARG more I-ARG money I-ARG . O To O sum O up, O I O completely O approve O of O the O statement O which O says O people B-ARG should I-ARG work I-ARG faster I-ARG even I-ARG more I-ARG risky I-ARG . O Gaining B-ARG more I-ARG skills I-ARG by I-ARG study, I-ARG having I-ARG more I-ARG than I-ARG one I-ARG job, I-ARG and I-ARG handling I-ARG more I-ARG tasks I-ARG are I-ARG the I-ARG benefits I-ARG of I-ARG it I-ARG which I-ARG overweighs I-ARG its I-ARG disadvantages I-ARG . O I O hope O people O gain O this O skill O because O after O that O they O will O endorse O my O choice O . O New O building O construction O hold O the O right O to O gain O more O money O from O government O The O housing O shortage O is O drawing O more O and O more O attention O nowadays O . O And O the O cost O of O accommodation O keeps O growing O these O years O . O The O necessity O of O governmental O financial O aid O is O extremely O important O . O What B-ARG government I-ARG should I-ARG take I-ARG into I-ARG consideration I-ARG at I-ARG the I-ARG first I-ARG place I-ARG should I-ARG not I-ARG be I-ARG historic I-ARG and I-ARG traditional I-ARG building I-ARG preservation I-ARG but I-ARG new I-ARG building I-ARG construction I-ARG . O Building B-ARG more I-ARG accommodating I-ARG constructions I-ARG meets I-ARG people's I-ARG basic I-ARG need I-ARG . O People B-ARG cannot I-ARG live I-ARG a I-ARG harmonious I-ARG life I-ARG if I-ARG citizens I-ARG do I-ARG not I-ARG have I-ARG a I-ARG decent I-ARG place I-ARG to I-ARG live I-ARG in I-ARG . O If B-ARG the I-ARG price I-ARG of I-ARG housing I-ARG grows I-ARG continuously, I-ARG a I-ARG comfortable I-ARG place I-ARG to I-ARG live I-ARG in I-ARG will I-ARG be I-ARG a I-ARG luxury I-ARG to I-ARG the I-ARG middle I-ARG class I-ARG and I-ARG the I-ARG low I-ARG class I-ARG . O Then, O ordinary B-ARG people, I-ARG especially I-ARG the I-ARG younger I-ARG generation, I-ARG will I-ARG fall I-ARG into I-ARG a I-ARG certain I-ARG pattern I-ARG - I-ARG work, I-ARG pay I-ARG bills I-ARG for I-ARG housing, I-ARG work; I-ARG and I-ARG I I-ARG am I-ARG sure I-ARG that I-ARG it I-ARG will I-ARG increase I-ARG people's I-ARG dissatisfaction I-ARG of I-ARG the I-ARG government I-ARG . O Because O when B-ARG they I-ARG are I-ARG working, I-ARG the I-ARG fair I-ARG of I-ARG losing I-ARG their I-ARG accommodation I-ARG always I-ARG lingers, I-ARG which I-ARG will I-ARG limit I-ARG their I-ARG efficiency I-ARG . O And O government O should O spend O money O on O people O to O rescue O them O from O this, O because O only B-ARG a I-ARG government I-ARG of I-ARG the I-ARG people, I-ARG by I-ARG the I-ARG people, I-ARG for I-ARG the I-ARG people I-ARG will I-ARG finally I-ARG last; I-ARG people's I-ARG cohesiveness I-ARG will I-ARG be I-ARG promoted I-ARG . O Otherwise, O another O vital O reason O why O new B-ARG building I-ARG construction I-ARG deserves I-ARG more I-ARG governmental I-ARG investment I-ARG lies O in O the O fact O that O it B-ARG requires I-ARG far I-ARG more I-ARG resource I-ARG compare I-ARG to I-ARG old I-ARG building I-ARG preservation I-ARG . O Build B-ARG a I-ARG new I-ARG building I-ARG has I-ARG following I-ARG prerequisites, I-ARG land I-ARG that I-ARG has I-ARG been I-ARG sold I-ARG by I-ARG the I-ARG government I-ARG via I-ARG formal I-ARG procedures, I-ARG a I-ARG reliable I-ARG construction I-ARG company I-ARG and I-ARG tremendous I-ARG amount I-ARG of I-ARG labor I-ARG . O Except O these, O hundreds B-ARG of I-ARG problems I-ARG would I-ARG occur I-ARG during I-ARG the I-ARG construction I-ARG . O Thus, O only B-ARG government I-ARG can I-ARG cope I-ARG with I-ARG it I-ARG by I-ARG utilizing I-ARG its I-ARG enormous I-ARG resource I-ARG like I-ARG dollars I-ARG and I-ARG effectiveness I-ARG . O Generally, O personally O speaking, O I O believe O new B-ARG building I-ARG construction I-ARG hold I-ARG the I-ARG right I-ARG to I-ARG gain I-ARG more I-ARG money I-ARG from I-ARG government I-ARG . O Replacing O old O buildings O is O important O for O any O city O but O it O should O not O affect O historic O houses O It B-ARG is I-ARG important I-ARG for I-ARG any I-ARG city I-ARG to I-ARG replace I-ARG old I-ARG buildings I-ARG with I-ARG new I-ARG ones, I-ARG but I-ARG these I-ARG revolutions I-ARG should I-ARG not I-ARG include I-ARG historic I-ARG buildings I-ARG . O The B-ARG historic I-ARG buildings I-ARG show I-ARG the I-ARG history I-ARG of I-ARG our I-ARG ancestors I-ARG . O In O addition, O they B-ARG can I-ARG develop I-ARG tourism I-ARG industries I-ARG by I-ARG attracting I-ARG tourists I-ARG . O Historic B-ARG buildings I-ARG answer I-ARG many I-ARG questions, I-ARG which I-ARG are I-ARG mysterious I-ARG about I-ARG our I-ARG previous I-ARG ancestors; I-ARG thereby I-ARG no I-ARG one I-ARG can I-ARG determine I-ARG the I-ARG price I-ARG of I-ARG the I-ARG historic I-ARG buildings I-ARG . O They B-ARG show I-ARG the I-ARG history I-ARG of I-ARG nations I-ARG and I-ARG previous I-ARG generations I-ARG who I-ARG lived I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG city I-ARG . O They B-ARG show I-ARG the I-ARG lifestyle I-ARG of I-ARG people I-ARG who I-ARG lived I-ARG in I-ARG thousands I-ARG of I-ARG years I-ARG ago I-ARG . O They B-ARG show I-ARG us I-ARG how I-ARG they I-ARG survive, I-ARG or I-ARG how I-ARG they I-ARG defend I-ARG themselves I-ARG etc I-ARG . O By B-ARG investigating I-ARG about I-ARG their I-ARG structures, I-ARG we I-ARG can I-ARG understand I-ARG how I-ARG much I-ARG they I-ARG knew I-ARG about I-ARG the I-ARG architecture I-ARG of I-ARG building I-ARG . O In O the O other O hand, O historic B-ARG buildings I-ARG are I-ARG important I-ARG treasures, I-ARG which I-ARG provide I-ARG an I-ARG area I-ARG to I-ARG learn I-ARG valuable I-ARG lessons I-ARG . O Another B-ARG advantage I-ARG of I-ARG historic I-ARG buildings I-ARG is I-ARG their I-ARG capabilities I-ARG to I-ARG attract I-ARG more I-ARG tourists I-ARG to I-ARG the I-ARG city I-ARG . O It B-ARG is I-ARG interesting I-ARG for I-ARG most I-ARG people I-ARG to I-ARG know I-ARG about I-ARG the I-ARG way I-ARG people I-ARG live I-ARG in I-ARG thousands I-ARG years I-ARG ago I-ARG . O Therefore, O It B-ARG is I-ARG a I-ARG valuable I-ARG opportunities I-ARG for I-ARG any I-ARG city I-ARG having I-ARG historic I-ARG buildings I-ARG to I-ARG show I-ARG them I-ARG to I-ARG new I-ARG visitors I-ARG . O Historic B-ARG building I-ARG can I-ARG develop I-ARG other I-ARG industries I-ARG such I-ARG as I-ARG restaurants I-ARG or I-ARG other I-ARG food I-ARG industries I-ARG and I-ARG handicrafts I-ARG shops I-ARG and I-ARG so I-ARG on I-ARG . O These O are O reasons O that O why O we B-ARG should I-ARG preserve I-ARG historic I-ARG buildings I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG city I-ARG . O They B-ARG can I-ARG benefit I-ARG us I-ARG financially I-ARG by I-ARG developing I-ARG other I-ARG industries I-ARG . O Moreover, O they B-ARG are I-ARG the I-ARG symbols I-ARG of I-ARG our I-ARG nations, I-ARG which I-ARG can I-ARG show I-ARG the I-ARG historical I-ARG culture I-ARG of I-ARG our I-ARG previous I-ARG ancestors I-ARG . O Attending O boys O and O girls O in O a O same O school O would O bring O many O advantages O Women O or O men O almost O need O each O other O in O full O of O life O even O in O school O . O Although O some O experts O believe O that O common O schools O for O both O female O and O male O lead O to O diminish O their O efficiency O in O education, O others O view O it O as O a O helpful O way O to O recognize O the O opposite O gender O . O In O my O opinion, O boys B-ARG and I-ARG girls I-ARG should I-ARG study I-ARG together I-ARG in O the O sense O that O they B-ARG have I-ARG a I-ARG chance I-ARG to I-ARG know I-ARG each I-ARG other I-ARG and I-ARG learn I-ARG how I-ARG to I-ARG behave I-ARG with I-ARG an I-ARG opposite I-ARG sex I-ARG . O School B-ARG is I-ARG a I-ARG small I-ARG society I-ARG for I-ARG students, I-ARG which I-ARG prepares I-ARG them I-ARG for I-ARG the I-ARG future I-ARG life I-ARG . O By B-ARG attending I-ARG to I-ARG the I-ARG same I-ARG school, I-ARG students I-ARG can I-ARG learn I-ARG how I-ARG to I-ARG view I-ARG the I-ARG opposite I-ARG gender I-ARG in I-ARG classes I-ARG as I-ARG a I-ARG friend I-ARG or I-ARG a I-ARG classmate I-ARG . O In O addition, O a B-ARG boy I-ARG would I-ARG know I-ARG how I-ARG to I-ARG speak I-ARG with I-ARG a I-ARG girl I-ARG in I-ARG every I-ARG situation I-ARG and I-ARG vice I-ARG versa I-ARG . O They B-ARG would I-ARG know I-ARG how I-ARG to I-ARG ask I-ARG her I-ARG in I-ARG order I-ARG to I-ARG cooperate I-ARG with I-ARG his I-ARG study, I-ARG how I-ARG communicate I-ARG with I-ARG girls I-ARG in I-ARG a I-ARG group, I-ARG etc I-ARG . O Admittedly, O when B-ARG they I-ARG study I-ARG together I-ARG and I-ARG help I-ARG each I-ARG other, I-ARG they I-ARG exercise I-ARG the I-ARG the I-ARG real I-ARG life I-ARG as I-ARG they I-ARG age I-ARG . O By O contrast, O some O experts O believe O that O attending B-ARG both I-ARG girls I-ARG and I-ARG boys I-ARG in I-ARG a I-ARG same I-ARG school I-ARG cause I-ARG many I-ARG disadvantages I-ARG for I-ARG them I-ARG . O By O doing O this, O outdoors B-ARG relationships I-ARG may I-ARG expand I-ARG and I-ARG it I-ARG may I-ARG accompany I-ARG with I-ARG sexual I-ARG relationship I-ARG and O as O result, O their B-ARG thoughts I-ARG deviate I-ARG from I-ARG the I-ARG studies I-ARG . O Moreover, O attending B-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG school I-ARG having I-ARG boys I-ARG and I-ARG girls I-ARG might I-ARG be I-ARG beneficial I-ARG for I-ARG both I-ARG to I-ARG increase I-ARG their I-ARG motivation I-ARG to I-ARG study I-ARG better I-ARG . O Boys O and O girls O will O try O to O show O their O capabilities O and O abilities O in O the O class, O therefore O they B-ARG will I-ARG study I-ARG increasingly I-ARG . O Indeed, O Boys B-ARG do I-ARG not I-ARG like I-ARG to I-ARG seem I-ARG weak I-ARG in I-ARG front I-ARG of I-ARG girls I-ARG and I-ARG vice I-ARG versa I-ARG . O As O a O result, O the B-ARG productivity I-ARG of I-ARG the I-ARG class I-ARG will I-ARG be I-ARG increased I-ARG . O In O a O word, O attending B-ARG boys I-ARG and I-ARG girls I-ARG in I-ARG a I-ARG same I-ARG school I-ARG would I-ARG bring I-ARG many I-ARG advantages I-ARG . O Taking B-ARG part I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG study I-ARG groups I-ARG would I-ARG increase I-ARG student's I-ARG motivation I-ARG to I-ARG study I-ARG more I-ARG . O In O addition, O they B-ARG would I-ARG be I-ARG able I-ARG to I-ARG know I-ARG the I-ARG opposite I-ARG gender, I-ARG which I-ARG help I-ARG them I-ARG to I-ARG be I-ARG prepared I-ARG for I-ARG the I-ARG adult I-ARG life I-ARG where I-ARG they I-ARG almost I-ARG will I-ARG live I-ARG or I-ARG work I-ARG together I-ARG . O The O city O which O I O enjoy O the O most O is O a O combination O of O history O and O modernity O The O city O where O I O was O born O used O to O be O of O a O great O antique O beauty, O which O was O surrounded O with O by O lots O of O ancient O style O buildings O . O Unfortunately, O the O unstoppable O trend O of O urbanization O makes O me O only O appreciate O parts O of O those O classic O buildings O in O the O pictures O or O in O museums O . O In O order O to O prevent O the O disappearance O of O the O historic O buildings, O some O citizens O suggest O the O government O to O spend O money O on O historic O buildings O . O As O far O as O I O am O concerned, O we B-ARG should I-ARG do I-ARG our I-ARG parts I-ARG to I-ARG do I-ARG what I-ARG ever I-ARG it I-ARG takes I-ARG to I-ARG protect I-ARG old I-ARG buildings, I-ARG letting I-ARG next I-ARG generations I-ARG still I-ARG have I-ARG a I-ARG chance I-ARG to I-ARG look I-ARG at I-ARG them I-ARG . O Here O are O some O reasons O and O examples O to O illustrate O my O viewpoint O . O Historic O buildings O have O intrinsic O values, O because O they B-ARG are I-ARG significant I-ARG symbols I-ARG of I-ARG a I-ARG city I-ARG . O Old B-ARG buildings I-ARG are I-ARG reminders I-ARG of I-ARG a I-ARG city's I-ARG culture I-ARG and I-ARG complexity I-ARG . O By B-ARG seeing I-ARG historic I-ARG buildings I-ARG -- I-ARG whether I-ARG related I-ARG to I-ARG something I-ARG famous I-ARG or I-ARG recognizably I-ARG dramatic, I-ARG people I-ARG are I-ARG able I-ARG to I-ARG witness I-ARG the I-ARG aesthetic I-ARG and I-ARG cultural I-ARG history I-ARG of I-ARG an I-ARG area I-ARG . O For O example, O when O somebody O mentions O Beijing, O China's O capital O city, O you O will O immediately O have O Capital O Palace O come O to O appear O in O your O mind, O because O it B-ARG is I-ARG the I-ARG most I-ARG remarkable I-ARG sign I-ARG of I-ARG the I-ARG city, I-ARG and I-ARG also I-ARG it I-ARG is I-ARG the I-ARG inevitable I-ARG history I-ARG of I-ARG Beijing, I-ARG even I-ARG the I-ARG entire I-ARG China I-ARG . O Depending B-ARG on I-ARG the I-ARG study I-ARG of I-ARG Capital I-ARG Palace, I-ARG researchers I-ARG have I-ARG a I-ARG comprehensive I-ARG understanding I-ARG of I-ARG the I-ARG history I-ARG and I-ARG the I-ARG culture I-ARG . O Furthermore, O historic B-ARG buildings I-ARG make I-ARG our I-ARG lives I-ARG more I-ARG colorful, I-ARG provide I-ARG places I-ARG for I-ARG citizens I-ARG to I-ARG relax I-ARG bodies I-ARG and I-ARG minds I-ARG . O The B-ARG city I-ARG is I-ARG occupied I-ARG with I-ARG an I-ARG abundance I-ARG of I-ARG modern I-ARG houses I-ARG and I-ARG and I-ARG high I-ARG buildings I-ARG which I-ARG make I-ARG it I-ARG crowded, I-ARG and I-ARG no I-ARG rooms I-ARG for I-ARG people I-ARG to I-ARG relax I-ARG themselves I-ARG . O However, O the B-ARG warmth I-ARG of I-ARG the I-ARG materials, I-ARG the I-ARG heart I-ARG pine, I-ARG marble, I-ARG or I-ARG the I-ARG old I-ARG brick, I-ARG all I-ARG those I-ARG old I-ARG buildings I-ARG features I-ARG call I-ARG back I-ARG of I-ARG our I-ARG inner I-ARG peace I-ARG . O Lying B-ARG under I-ARG the I-ARG roof I-ARG of I-ARG a I-ARG historic I-ARG building I-ARG or I-ARG sitting I-ARG on I-ARG the I-ARG desk I-ARG fill I-ARG with I-ARG history I-ARG are I-ARG both I-ARG easy I-ARG ways I-ARG to I-ARG forget I-ARG life's I-ARG little I-ARG annoyance I-ARG and I-ARG feel I-ARG peaceful I-ARG . O Meanwhile, O historic B-ARG buildings I-ARG can I-ARG be I-ARG a I-ARG source I-ARG of I-ARG maintenance I-ARG fees I-ARG . O There B-ARG are I-ARG many I-ARG historic I-ARG buildings, I-ARG such I-ARG as I-ARG Beijing I-ARG Place, I-ARG Shanghai I-ARG Artist I-ARG Museum, I-ARG they I-ARG are I-ARG all I-ARG able I-ARG to I-ARG support I-ARG themselves I-ARG financially I-ARG by I-ARG charging I-ARG tens I-ARG of I-ARG thousands I-ARG of I-ARG tourists I-ARG . O Our B-ARG governments I-ARG will I-ARG be I-ARG happy I-ARG with I-ARG those I-ARG efficient I-ARG consequences, I-ARG and I-ARG a I-ARG majority I-ARG of I-ARG cities I-ARG also I-ARG can I-ARG imitate I-ARG this I-ARG economical I-ARG cycle I-ARG . O Overall, O I O believe O that O the B-ARG city I-ARG which I-ARG I I-ARG enjoy I-ARG the I-ARG most I-ARG is I-ARG a I-ARG combination I-ARG of I-ARG history I-ARG and I-ARG modernity I-ARG . O However, O the B-ARG preservation I-ARG of I-ARG old I-ARG buildings I-ARG is I-ARG a I-ARG one-way I-ARG street I-ARG . O There B-ARG is I-ARG no I-ARG chance I-ARG to I-ARG renovate I-ARG to I-ARG save I-ARG a I-ARG history I-ARG site I-ARG once I-ARG it's I-ARG gone I-ARG . O This B-ARG reality I-ARG brings I-ARG us I-ARG to I-ARG light I-ARG the I-ARG importance I-ARG of I-ARG locating I-ARG and I-ARG saving I-ARG old I-ARG buildings I-ARG of I-ARG historic I-ARG significance I-ARG . O Therefore, O government B-ARG should I-ARG spend I-ARG money I-ARG on I-ARG preservation I-ARG of I-ARG old I-ARG buildings I-ARG . O There O have O been O significant O developments O in O the O field O of O IT! O Decade O after O decade, O every O day, O scientists O discover O magnificent O devices O in O the O field O of O IT, O such O as O interactive O boards, O multicore O computers O and O laptops, O tablets, O which O have O an O incredible O resolution O and O also O mobile O phones, O which O have O the O power O of O a O computer O . O World O Wide O Web O and O communication O via O email O are O some O of O the O positive O sides O of O information O technology, O however, O there O are O some O negative O aspects O . O Firstly, O connecting B-ARG people I-ARG by I-ARG email I-ARG is I-ARG easy I-ARG and I-ARG fast I-ARG . O In O addition, O World B-ARG Wide I-ARG Web I-ARG offers I-ARG humanity I-ARG to I-ARG access I-ARG to I-ARG information, I-ARG which I-ARG they I-ARG want I-ARG to I-ARG know I-ARG for I-ARG less I-ARG than I-ARG 10 I-ARG seconds I-ARG . O These O are O two O of O the O benefits, O why O IT O is O useful O . O Besides, O nowadays B-ARG technology I-ARG is I-ARG entering I-ARG into I-ARG our I-ARG society I-ARG really I-ARG quick I-ARG and O scientists B-ARG develop I-ARG robots, I-ARG which I-ARG help I-ARG people I-ARG cope I-ARG with I-ARG their I-ARG problems I-ARG or I-ARG just I-ARG invent I-ARG coffee I-ARG machines, I-ARG engines I-ARG with I-ARG integrated I-ARG computers I-ARG and I-ARG etc I-ARG . O For O example, O before B-ARG centeries, I-ARG there I-ARG were I-ARG not I-ARG washing I-ARG machines, I-ARG which I-ARG clean I-ARG your I-ARG clothes, I-ARG while I-ARG a I-ARG person I-ARG do I-ARG another I-ARG job I-ARG . O Secondly, O there O are O some O drawbacks O about O this O issue O . O Scientists B-ARG believe I-ARG that I-ARG one I-ARG day I-ARG people I-ARG will I-ARG face I-ARG their I-ARG developments, I-ARG for I-ARG instance I-ARG robots, I-ARG and I-ARG they I-ARG will I-ARG not I-ARG succeed I-ARG to I-ARG control I-ARG them I-ARG . O All B-ARG this I-ARG inventions I-ARG will I-ARG try I-ARG to I-ARG take I-ARG control I-ARG of I-ARG the I-ARG Earth I-ARG . O In O conclusion, O I O agree O that O IT B-ARG discoveries I-ARG are I-ARG likely I-ARG to I-ARG have I-ARG more I-ARG disadvantages I-ARG than I-ARG benefits I-ARG and I-ARG people I-ARG should I-ARG know I-ARG how I-ARG to I-ARG use I-ARG their I-ARG developments I-ARG properly I-ARG . O Do O you O agree O that O the O traditional O skills O will O die O out? O With O the O development O of O technology, O whether O or O not O it O is O still O necessary O to O protect O the O traditional O skills O and O lifestyles O leads O to O a O drastic O controversy O which O is O becoming O a O public O concern, O especially O considering O the O significant O impact O taken O by O technology O . O As O far O as O I O am O concerned, O the B-ARG importance I-ARG of I-ARG traditions I-ARG should I-ARG be I-ARG valued I-ARG and I-ARG paid I-ARG attention I-ARG to I-ARG . O Traditional B-ARG skills I-ARG and I-ARG lifestyles I-ARG play I-ARG important I-ARG role I-ARG in I-ARG modern I-ARG society, I-ARG in I-ARG terms I-ARG of I-ARG healthcare, I-ARG environmental I-ARG protection I-ARG and I-ARG cultural I-ARG inherit I-ARG . O Although O technology O takes O convenience O to O humankind, O it B-ARG also I-ARG contributes I-ARG to I-ARG unhealthy I-ARG behaviors I-ARG of I-ARG life, I-ARG like I-ARG sedentary I-ARG lifestyle I-ARG . O Instead, O traditional B-ARG ways I-ARG of I-ARG life I-ARG is I-ARG a I-ARG great I-ARG complimentary I-ARG for I-ARG modern I-ARG life I-ARG and I-ARG highlight I-ARG the I-ARG importance I-ARG of I-ARG work I-ARG life I-ARG balance I-ARG . O Meanwhile, O due O to O the O fact O that O traditional O skills O rely O little O on O fossil O energy, O it B-ARG is I-ARG more I-ARG environmentally-friendly, I-ARG which I-ARG should I-ARG be I-ARG promoted I-ARG to I-ARG reduce I-ARG the I-ARG threat I-ARG of I-ARG climate I-ARG change I-ARG . O Furthermore O those B-ARG tradition-related I-ARG things I-ARG convey I-ARG traditional I-ARG culture I-ARG and I-ARG values I-ARG . O These B-ARG are I-ARG important I-ARG foundation I-ARG of I-ARG modern I-ARG civilization I-ARG . O Protection B-ARG of I-ARG tradition I-ARG can I-ARG provide I-ARG the I-ARG possibility I-ARG to I-ARG better I-ARG understand I-ARG ancient I-ARG culture I-ARG and I-ARG utilize I-ARG them I-ARG to I-ARG tackle I-ARG modern I-ARG problems I-ARG . O Some O people O who O hold O different O viewpoints O may O advocate O that O protecting B-ARG traditions I-ARG consume I-ARG too I-ARG much I-ARG financial I-ARG budget I-ARG compared I-ARG with I-ARG the I-ARG incoming I-ARG it I-ARG takes I-ARG . O In O spite O of O the O fact O this O kind O of O business O bring O limited O contribution O to O government O finance, O it O should O be O emphasized O that O the B-ARG expense I-ARG is I-ARG trivial I-ARG compared I-ARG with I-ARG the I-ARG potential I-ARG value I-ARG of I-ARG traditions I-ARG . O Therefore O the B-ARG government I-ARG authorities I-ARG and I-ARG education I-ARG institutes I-ARG should I-ARG work I-ARG closely I-ARG together I-ARG to I-ARG promote I-ARG the I-ARG traditional I-ARG skills I-ARG and I-ARG ways I-ARG of I-ARG life, I-ARG so I-ARG as I-ARG to I-ARG make I-ARG people I-ARG to I-ARG realize I-ARG the I-ARG value I-ARG of I-ARG them I-ARG . O All O in O all, O protection B-ARG of I-ARG tradition I-ARG is I-ARG not I-ARG only I-ARG important I-ARG for I-ARG the I-ARG entire I-ARG society I-ARG currently, I-ARG but I-ARG also I-ARG contributes I-ARG to I-ARG the I-ARG next I-ARG generation I-ARG . O Paying O taxes O is O enough O contribution O from O citizens O Paying O taxes O is O the O obligation O of O citizens O in O almost O every O country O . O Some O people O believe O that O they O have O made O enough O contribution O to O the O country O by O doing O that O . O Personally, O I O tend O to O disagree O with O this O view O . O To O start O with, O all O people O who O are O able O to O work O should O pay O tax O to O the O government, O as O it B-ARG is I-ARG the I-ARG most I-ARG important I-ARG source I-ARG of I-ARG government's I-ARG revenue, I-ARG which I-ARG is I-ARG mainly I-ARG used I-ARG to I-ARG serve I-ARG all I-ARG citizens I-ARG . O For O example, O a O large O proportion O of O the O tax O is O spent O on O national O defence O and O in O maintaining O social O stability, O so O that O every B-ARG one I-ARG can I-ARG work I-ARG and I-ARG live I-ARG in I-ARG a I-ARG peaceful I-ARG environment I-ARG . O The B-ARG tax I-ARG is I-ARG also I-ARG used I-ARG to I-ARG pay I-ARG the I-ARG salaries I-ARG of I-ARG workers I-ARG working I-ARG in I-ARG public I-ARG service I-ARG sectors, I-ARG such I-ARG as I-ARG teachers I-ARG and I-ARG police I-ARG officers I-ARG . O Although O these O workers O do O not O produce O profit O directly, O what B-ARG they I-ARG do I-ARG is I-ARG for I-ARG the I-ARG well-being I-ARG of I-ARG the I-ARG whole I-ARG society I-ARG . O However, O I O would O argue O that O citizens B-ARG have I-ARG other I-ARG important I-ARG responsibilities I-ARG to I-ARG fulfil I-ARG apart I-ARG from I-ARG paying I-ARG tax I-ARG . O As O we O know, O there B-ARG are I-ARG impoverished I-ARG or I-ARG disabled I-ARG people I-ARG in I-ARG every I-ARG society, I-ARG needing I-ARG help I-ARG and I-ARG support I-ARG from I-ARG others I-ARG . O It O is O true O that O the O government O can O provide O some O fund O to O ease O their O difficulties, O but O such B-ARG financial I-ARG help I-ARG is I-ARG usually I-ARG far I-ARG from I-ARG enough I-ARG . O In O such O case, O aids B-ARG from I-ARG more I-ARG capable I-ARG or I-ARG wealthier I-ARG citizens I-ARG are I-ARG particularly I-ARG crucial, I-ARG which I-ARG are I-ARG a I-ARG great I-ARG complement I-ARG to I-ARG government I-ARG support I-ARG . O Another B-ARG responsibility I-ARG all I-ARG citizens I-ARG should I-ARG take I-ARG is I-ARG to I-ARG maintain I-ARG social I-ARG stability I-ARG together I-ARG with I-ARG the I-ARG police I-ARG force I-ARG . O There B-ARG are I-ARG criminals I-ARG in I-ARG every I-ARG society, I-ARG and I-ARG the I-ARG number I-ARG of I-ARG policemen I-ARG the I-ARG government I-ARG can I-ARG hire I-ARG is I-ARG limited I-ARG . O So O it B-ARG is I-ARG quite I-ARG necessary I-ARG for I-ARG the I-ARG local I-ARG residents I-ARG to I-ARG take I-ARG actions I-ARG and I-ARG ensure I-ARG the I-ARG safety I-ARG of I-ARG the I-ARG communities, I-ARG by I-ARG doing I-ARG things I-ARG like I-ARG reporting I-ARG suspicious I-ARG activities I-ARG to I-ARG the I-ARG police I-ARG department I-ARG . O In O conclusion, O it O is O a O significant O obligation O of O citizens O to O pay O tax O to O the O government O . O Other O than O that, O they B-ARG have I-ARG other I-ARG critical I-ARG obligations I-ARG to I-ARG take, I-ARG in I-ARG order I-ARG to I-ARG make I-ARG our I-ARG society I-ARG function I-ARG in I-ARG an I-ARG ordered I-ARG way I-ARG . O Using O a O computer O every O day O can O have O more O negative O than O positive O effects O In O today's O world, O computer O is O an O essential O part O of O everyday O life O . O Around O the O globe, O the O effect O is O evident O on O children O also O . O It B-ARG is I-ARG disagreed I-ARG that I-ARG computer I-ARG can I-ARG affect I-ARG children I-ARG in I-ARG a I-ARG negative I-ARG way I-ARG if I-ARG they I-ARG use I-ARG a I-ARG computer I-ARG on I-ARG a I-ARG daily I-ARG basis I-ARG . O This O will O be O proven O by O analyzing O how O computer B-ARG assists I-ARG children I-ARG to I-ARG use I-ARG vast I-ARG resources I-ARG available I-ARG over I-ARG internet I-ARG to I-ARG study I-ARG effectively I-ARG as I-ARG well I-ARG as I-ARG develop I-ARG some I-ARG basic I-ARG skills I-ARG which I-ARG help I-ARG them I-ARG in I-ARG future I-ARG careers I-ARG . O The B-ARG best I-ARG thing I-ARG about I-ARG internet I-ARG is I-ARG the I-ARG availability I-ARG of I-ARG information I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG form I-ARG of I-ARG text, I-ARG image I-ARG or I-ARG video I-ARG related I-ARG to I-ARG almost I-ARG everything I-ARG and O through B-ARG computer I-ARG children I-ARG can I-ARG access I-ARG internet I-ARG to I-ARG gather I-ARG knowledge I-ARG on I-ARG the I-ARG subjects I-ARG they I-ARG are I-ARG studying I-ARG or I-ARG they I-ARG are I-ARG interested I-ARG about I-ARG . O As O an O example, O students B-ARG preparing I-ARG for I-ARG delivering I-ARG speech I-ARG on I-ARG a I-ARG certain I-ARG topic I-ARG can I-ARG browse I-ARG through I-ARG internet I-ARG to I-ARG learn I-ARG each I-ARG and I-ARG every I-ARG minute I-ARG details I-ARG of I-ARG the I-ARG subject I-ARG matter I-ARG . O It's B-ARG hard I-ARG to I-ARG get I-ARG everything I-ARG at I-ARG a I-ARG same I-ARG place I-ARG unless I-ARG children I-ARG are I-ARG not I-ARG familiar I-ARG with I-ARG computers I-ARG . O That O is O how, O computer B-ARG impacts I-ARG children I-ARG on I-ARG a I-ARG positive I-ARG note I-ARG . O Nowadays, O computers B-ARG enable I-ARG people I-ARG to I-ARG prepare I-ARG presentations, I-ARG draw I-ARG complex I-ARG graphs I-ARG and I-ARG pictures, I-ARG document I-ARG thesis I-ARG in I-ARG a I-ARG simple I-ARG though I-ARG efficient I-ARG way I-ARG . O When B-ARG children I-ARG are I-ARG allowed I-ARG to I-ARG play I-ARG around I-ARG with I-ARG computer I-ARG from I-ARG a I-ARG very I-ARG early I-ARG age, I-ARG they I-ARG get I-ARG acquainted I-ARG with I-ARG the I-ARG previously I-ARG mentioned I-ARG skills I-ARG and I-ARG become I-ARG expert I-ARG before I-ARG facing I-ARG professional I-ARG world I-ARG . O For O instance, O students B-ARG who I-ARG used I-ARG to I-ARG prepare I-ARG Microsoft I-ARG PowerPoint I-ARG presentation I-ARG for I-ARG their I-ARG school I-ARG projects, I-ARG get I-ARG an I-ARG edge I-ARG over I-ARG others I-ARG at I-ARG an I-ARG early I-ARG stage I-ARG of I-ARG their I-ARG career I-ARG . O From O this, O it's B-ARG clear I-ARG that I-ARG computer I-ARG has I-ARG a I-ARG positive I-ARG effect I-ARG on I-ARG the I-ARG children I-ARG . O Following O the O demonstration O of O a O computer's O contribution O in O children's O study O and O building O skills O which O are O to O be O used O in O their O career O afterwards, O it O is O agreed O that O computer B-ARG is I-ARG a I-ARG boon I-ARG to I-ARG children I-ARG . O However, O parents O should O advise O and O guide O their O children O properly O so O that O they O don't O get O misled O . O Foreign O language O instruction O should O begin O in O kindergarten O Educational O institutions O have O different O systems O when O it O comes O to O introducing O foreign O languages O to O children O . O Some O people O believe O that O foreign O language O instruction O should O start O in O pre-school O . O However, O those O who O disagree O contend O that O this O should O be O taught O in O later O years O . O This O issue O has O garnered O some O attention O in O the O academe O as O it O has O an O impact O on O the O children's O learning O . O I O personally O believe O that O it B-ARG is I-ARG important I-ARG for I-ARG children I-ARG to I-ARG be I-ARG taught I-ARG with I-ARG a I-ARG secondary I-ARG language I-ARG as I-ARG early I-ARG as I-ARG kindergarten I-ARG . O To O begin O with, O children B-ARG might I-ARG not I-ARG be I-ARG really I-ARG comfortable I-ARG with I-ARG the I-ARG use I-ARG of I-ARG a I-ARG language I-ARG other I-ARG than I-ARG their I-ARG native I-ARG tongue I-ARG when I-ARG they I-ARG are I-ARG in I-ARG their I-ARG kindergarten I-ARG years I-ARG . O Learning B-ARG at I-ARG school I-ARG must I-ARG be I-ARG convenient I-ARG for I-ARG them I-ARG if I-ARG they I-ARG speak I-ARG in I-ARG a I-ARG way I-ARG that I-ARG they I-ARG are I-ARG used I-ARG to I-ARG . O Moreover, O teachers B-ARG think I-ARG that I-ARG foreign I-ARG language I-ARG most I-ARG likely I-ARG leads I-ARG to I-ARG confusion I-ARG for I-ARG children I-ARG who I-ARG are I-ARG yet I-ARG to I-ARG start I-ARG learning I-ARG . O Another O important O thing O to O consider O is O that O the B-ARG teacher I-ARG should I-ARG be I-ARG well-trained I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG use I-ARG of I-ARG this I-ARG specific I-ARG language, I-ARG so I-ARG quality I-ARG education I-ARG will I-ARG be I-ARG delivered I-ARG . O Nevertheless, O it O is O undeniable O that O kids B-ARG are I-ARG amazing I-ARG learners, I-ARG and I-ARG the I-ARG best I-ARG time I-ARG to I-ARG hone I-ARG them I-ARG is I-ARG in I-ARG their I-ARG younger I-ARG years I-ARG . O The O introduction O of O foreign O language O will O be O new O to O them; O however, O their B-ARG curiosity I-ARG will I-ARG drive I-ARG them I-ARG to I-ARG learn I-ARG and I-ARG comprehend I-ARG . O In O this O way, O grasping B-ARG a I-ARG new I-ARG language I-ARG will I-ARG be I-ARG natural I-ARG to I-ARG them I-ARG . O In O addition, O the B-ARG positive I-ARG impact I-ARG of I-ARG this I-ARG strategy I-ARG is I-ARG beneficial I-ARG to I-ARG both I-ARG learners I-ARG and I-ARG teachers I-ARG . O Teachers B-ARG will I-ARG not I-ARG find I-ARG it I-ARG difficult I-ARG to I-ARG make I-ARG students I-ARG learn I-ARG such I-ARG new I-ARG concept I-ARG in I-ARG their I-ARG teenage I-ARG years I-ARG . O It O is O certainly O clear O that O the B-ARG advantages I-ARG of I-ARG early I-ARG introduction I-ARG of I-ARG foreign I-ARG language I-ARG outweigh I-ARG its I-ARG disadvantages I-ARG . O In O conclusion, O the O use O of O foreign O language O instruction O as O early O as O kindergarten O is O supported O by O some O people; O however, O there O are O those O who O disagree O . O I O am O totally O convinced O that O if B-ARG this I-ARG endeavour I-ARG is I-ARG properly I-ARG implemented I-ARG by I-ARG schools, I-ARG this I-ARG will I-ARG most I-ARG likely I-ARG lead I-ARG to I-ARG improvement I-ARG of I-ARG learning I-ARG ability I-ARG among I-ARG children I-ARG . O International O tourism O leads O to O both O - O tension O and O understanding O I O agree O with O both O opinions O that O international O tourism O not O only O causes O tension O but O also O leads O to O understanding O between O people O from O different O culture, O because O most B-ARG people I-ARG will I-ARG be I-ARG trying I-ARG to I-ARG understand I-ARG each I-ARG other I-ARG after I-ARG they I-ARG have I-ARG conflict I-ARG or I-ARG debates I-ARG . O There O is O no O doubt O that O some B-ARG behaviors I-ARG of I-ARG the I-ARG tourists I-ARG are I-ARG not I-ARG welcome I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG local I-ARG area I-ARG . O Firstly, O some B-ARG people I-ARG leave I-ARG the I-ARG rubbish I-ARG after I-ARG visiting I-ARG the I-ARG attractions I-ARG . O Therefore, O those B-ARG local I-ARG residents I-ARG have I-ARG to I-ARG clean I-ARG the I-ARG place I-ARG frequently I-ARG so O that O the B-ARG new I-ARG batch I-ARG of I-ARG tourists I-ARG will I-ARG have I-ARG a I-ARG tidy I-ARG and I-ARG neat I-ARG environment I-ARG . O Moreover, O tourists B-ARG may I-ARG offend I-ARG the I-ARG local I-ARG people I-ARG due I-ARG to I-ARG their I-ARG different I-ARG culture I-ARG background I-ARG . O For O example, O Indians B-ARG don't I-ARG eat I-ARG beef I-ARG since O they B-ARG worship I-ARG cows I-ARG . O Thus, O if B-ARG tourists I-ARG want I-ARG to I-ARG respect I-ARG the I-ARG tradition, I-ARG they I-ARG will I-ARG not I-ARG order I-ARG any I-ARG beef I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG local I-ARG restaurant I-ARG . O On O the O other O hand, O in B-ARG order I-ARG to I-ARG avoid I-ARG the I-ARG conflicts I-ARG between I-ARG foreigners I-ARG and I-ARG locals, I-ARG people I-ARG are I-ARG trying I-ARG to I-ARG understand I-ARG different I-ARG culture I-ARG and I-ARG find I-ARG solutions I-ARG . O For O instance, O tourists B-ARG are I-ARG given I-ARG the I-ARG brochures I-ARG about I-ARG the I-ARG local I-ARG traditions I-ARG and I-ARG customs I-ARG before I-ARG they I-ARG visit I-ARG the I-ARG place I-ARG . O Furthermore, O the B-ARG tour I-ARG guide I-ARG are I-ARG willing I-ARG to I-ARG help I-ARG tourists I-ARG to I-ARG understand I-ARG the I-ARG culture I-ARG from I-ARG other I-ARG countries I-ARG . O Thus, O the B-ARG possibility I-ARG of I-ARG the I-ARG conflicts I-ARG is I-ARG reduced I-ARG because I-ARG the I-ARG understanding I-ARG between I-ARG both I-ARG parties I-ARG . O Obviously, O people B-ARG are I-ARG looking I-ARG for I-ARG the I-ARG solution I-ARG such I-ARG as I-ARG understanding I-ARG each I-ARG other I-ARG while I-ARG they I-ARG encounter I-ARG the I-ARG conflicts I-ARG caused I-ARG by I-ARG international I-ARG tourism I-ARG . O Hence, O I O think O international B-ARG tourism I-ARG leads I-ARG to I-ARG both I-ARG tension I-ARG and I-ARG understanding I-ARG between I-ARG people I-ARG from I-ARG different I-ARG culture I-ARG . O Traditional O skills O and O ways O are O always O valuable O and O will O last O forever O These O days, O most O of O countries O on O the O world O invest O for O technology O . O It O is O evident O that O technology O promotes O economy O . O Many O people O think O that O conventional O things O will O not O exist O and O should O be O eliminated O . O I O totally O disagree O this O opinion O . O First O of O all, O traditional B-ARG skills I-ARG and I-ARG ways I-ARG belong I-ARG to I-ARG value I-ARG of I-ARG culture I-ARG . O They B-ARG make I-ARG differences I-ARG between I-ARG countries I-ARG . O Every B-ARG country I-ARG has I-ARG unique I-ARG tradtions I-ARG which I-ARG show I-ARG their I-ARG creation, I-ARG intelligence I-ARG . O Consequently, O people O feel O pround O of O their O country, O so O they B-ARG keep I-ARG reserving I-ARG conventions I-ARG . O For O example, O ways B-ARG to I-ARG build I-ARG a I-ARG house I-ARG in I-ARG every I-ARG country I-ARG are I-ARG different I-ARG and I-ARG they I-ARG distinguish I-ARG between I-ARG countries I-ARG . O In O addition, O in B-ARG some I-ARG cases I-ARG that I-ARG traditional I-ARG way I-ARG can I-ARG not I-ARG replace I-ARG by I-ARG a I-ARG new I-ARG technology I-ARG . O Lot B-ARG of I-ARG people I-ARG like I-ARG to I-ARG use I-ARG traditional I-ARG things I-ARG because I-ARG if I-ARG their I-ARG quality I-ARG and I-ARG durability I-ARG . O In O paticular, O vases B-ARG are I-ARG made I-ARG by I-ARG hand I-ARG would I-ARG be I-ARG used I-ARG more I-ARG . O Futhermore, O there B-ARG are I-ARG plenty I-ARG of I-ARG works I-ARG that I-ARG using I-ARG traditional I-ARG way I-ARG is I-ARG unique I-ARG method I-ARG . O For O instance, O making B-ARG cone I-ARG hats I-ARG from I-ARG leaves I-ARG have I-ARG to I-ARG use I-ARG hand I-ARG . O Not B-ARG only I-ARG because I-ARG there I-ARG is I-ARG no I-ARG machine I-ARG for I-ARG the I-ARG work, I-ARG but I-ARG also I-ARG it I-ARG looks I-ARG more I-ARG beautiful I-ARG when I-ARG it I-ARG is I-ARG made I-ARG by I-ARG hand, I-ARG so I-ARG resulting I-ARG in I-ARG greater I-ARG value I-ARG economy I-ARG . O The O last O thing O is O about O education O . O Traditional B-ARG skills I-ARG and I-ARG ways I-ARG of I-ARG life I-ARG will I-ARG help I-ARG youngsters I-ARG study I-ARG and I-ARG know I-ARG more I-ARG history I-ARG . O Methods B-ARG which I-ARG their I-ARG ancestors I-ARG used I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG past I-ARG will I-ARG be I-ARG displayed I-ARG again I-ARG for I-ARG new I-ARG generations I-ARG . O After O that, O they B-ARG might I-ARG create I-ARG somethings I-ARG that I-ARG are I-ARG useful I-ARG for I-ARG life I-ARG . O In O conclusion, O technology O has O brought O many O benefits, O but O traditional B-ARG skills I-ARG and I-ARG ways I-ARG are I-ARG always I-ARG valuable I-ARG and I-ARG will I-ARG last I-ARG forever I-ARG . O Capital O punishment; O 51% O countries O have O polished O death O penalty O "Capital O punishment O or O the O death O penalty O is O a O legal O process O whereby O a O person O is O put O to O death O by O the O state O as O a O punishment O for O a O crime O ." O In O recently O years, O many O countries O have O polished O the O law O of O the O death O penalty O . O In O the O whole O world, O 51% O countries O have O polished O death O penalty; O even, O it O is O at O 98% O in O Europe O . O Some O people O claim O that O without O this O punishment O our O lives O would O be O less O secure O and O crimes O of O violence O would O increase O . O However, O others O argue O that O it O is O not O essential O to O control O violence O in O society O by O the O death O penalty O . O Personally, O I O think O it B-ARG is I-ARG no I-ARG evidence I-ARG about I-ARG the I-ARG reduction I-ARG of I-ARG crime I-ARG rates I-ARG due I-ARG to I-ARG the I-ARG death I-ARG penalty I-ARG because O of O many O reasons O . O Firstly, O capital B-ARG punishment I-ARG is I-ARG a I-ARG form I-ARG of I-ARG revenge I-ARG which I-ARG creates I-ARG violent I-ARG culture I-ARG . O Crimes B-ARG kill I-ARG someone I-ARG which I-ARG is I-ARG illegal; I-ARG nevertheless, I-ARG the I-ARG government I-ARG use I-ARG law I-ARG to I-ARG punish I-ARG them, I-ARG which I-ARG is I-ARG the I-ARG same I-ARG way I-ARG they I-ARG sinned I-ARG but I-ARG in I-ARG a I-ARG legal I-ARG one I-ARG . O As O a O fact O that O the O criminal O is O repeated O second O time; O also, O it B-ARG is I-ARG regarded I-ARG as I-ARG the I-ARG "legalized I-ARG revenge" I-ARG to I-ARG victims' I-ARG family I-ARG . O Hence, O death B-ARG penalty I-ARG neither I-ARG controls I-ARG the I-ARG violent I-ARG in I-ARG society I-ARG nor I-ARG creates I-ARG a I-ARG violent I-ARG culture I-ARG . O Secondly, O nobody B-ARG has I-ARG the I-ARG right I-ARG to I-ARG take I-ARG another I-ARG human I-ARG life I-ARG . O It O is O undeniable O that O the B-ARG rights I-ARG of I-ARG life I-ARG are I-ARG the I-ARG basic I-ARG and I-ARG vital I-ARG rights I-ARG of I-ARG a I-ARG human I-ARG being I-ARG . O No B-ARG one I-ARG has I-ARG the I-ARG right I-ARG to I-ARG take I-ARG the I-ARG life I-ARG of I-ARG a I-ARG human; I-ARG even I-ARG if I-ARG he I-ARG committed I-ARG murder I-ARG . O If B-ARG you I-ARG kill I-ARG a I-ARG criminal, I-ARG you I-ARG become I-ARG a I-ARG criminal I-ARG . O Moreover, O if B-ARG we I-ARG think I-ARG that I-ARG killing I-ARG is I-ARG the I-ARG best I-ARG way I-ARG to I-ARG solve I-ARG the I-ARG problem, I-ARG it I-ARG is I-ARG neither I-ARG unethical I-ARG nor I-ARG immoral I-ARG . O In O short, O crimes B-ARG seem I-ARG to I-ARG increase I-ARG due I-ARG to I-ARG the I-ARG capital I-ARG punishment I-ARG . O Finally, O with B-ARG some I-ARG of I-ARG serious I-ARG criminals, I-ARG capital I-ARG punishment I-ARG is I-ARG an I-ARG easy I-ARG way I-ARG out I-ARG . O Criminals B-ARG should I-ARG be I-ARG punished I-ARG for I-ARG their I-ARG misdeeds I-ARG . O If B-ARG they I-ARG kill I-ARG someone I-ARG and I-ARG end I-ARG their I-ARG life I-ARG by I-ARG dead I-ARG without I-ARG paying I-ARG for I-ARG their I-ARG sins, I-ARG it I-ARG is I-ARG so I-ARG easy I-ARG for I-ARG them I-ARG . O They B-ARG do I-ARG not I-ARG undergo I-ARG any I-ARG pain I-ARG or I-ARG misery I-ARG . O Why O do O not O we O have O other O wisely O punishments? O As O we O can O see O some B-ARG industries I-ARG such I-ARG as I-ARG mining, I-ARG oil I-ARG and I-ARG gas I-ARG extraction, I-ARG reclamation, I-ARG etc, I-ARG needs I-ARG many I-ARG labors I-ARG . O Why B-ARG do I-ARG not I-ARG punish I-ARG them I-ARG by I-ARG doing I-ARG something I-ARG meaningful I-ARG for I-ARG the I-ARG country- I-ARG it I-ARG is I-ARG better I-ARG . O Moreover, O rehabilitation B-ARG and I-ARG education I-ARG is I-ARG also I-ARG a I-ARG better I-ARG way I-ARG in I-ARG order I-ARG to I-ARG prevent I-ARG or I-ARG minimize I-ARG offensive I-ARG acts I-ARG . O To O conclude, O capital O punishment O is O a O form O of O legalized O revenge, O it O is O an O easy O way O for O serious O crimes, O and O nobody O has O rights O to O take O others O life; O thus, O it B-ARG neither I-ARG demines I-ARG crimes I-ARG of I-ARG violence I-ARG nor I-ARG be I-ARG essential I-ARG to I-ARG control I-ARG violence I-ARG in I-ARG society I-ARG . O The B-ARG world I-ARG should I-ARG consider I-ARG clearly I-ARG about I-ARG polishing I-ARG the I-ARG law I-ARG of I-ARG the I-ARG dead I-ARG penalty I-ARG . O Technology O helps O student O learn O more O information O and O learn O more O quickly? O Nowadays, O technology O plays O an O indispensable O role O in O almost O all O spheres O of O life O . O In O education, O it O is O believed O that O technology O help O the O students O improve O their O scholastic O performances O . O From O my O viewpoint, O the B-ARG richness I-ARG as I-ARG well I-ARG as I-ARG convenience I-ARG of I-ARG technology I-ARG are I-ARG two I-ARG main I-ARG factors I-ARG that I-ARG contribute I-ARG to I-ARG the I-ARG students' I-ARG progress I-ARG . O To O start O with, O since O technology B-ARG was I-ARG introduced, I-ARG student I-ARG have I-ARG been I-ARG exposed I-ARG to I-ARG a I-ARG wide I-ARG range I-ARG of I-ARG information, I-ARG which I-ARG neccessarily I-ARG broaden I-ARG their I-ARG minds I-ARG . O The B-ARG internet, I-ARG for I-ARG example, I-ARG provide I-ARG knowledge I-ARG in I-ARG the I-ARG form I-ARG of I-ARG news, I-ARG radio I-ARG talks, I-ARG tapes I-ARG or I-ARG reseachs I-ARG on I-ARG any I-ARG particular I-ARG fields I-ARG . O There, B-ARG the I-ARG students I-ARG can I-ARG not I-ARG only I-ARG ascertain I-ARG concerned I-ARG subjects I-ARG but I-ARG they I-ARG can I-ARG also I-ARG get I-ARG access I-ARG to I-ARG relevant I-ARG issues I-ARG and I-ARG discuss I-ARG with I-ARG people I-ARG worldwide I-ARG . O Another B-ARG point I-ARG that I-ARG students I-ARG may I-ARG benefit I-ARG from I-ARG technology I-ARG is I-ARG the I-ARG shortened I-ARG time I-ARG for I-ARG learning I-ARG . O The B-ARG modern I-ARG world I-ARG provides I-ARG learners I-ARG with I-ARG the I-ARG mp3, I-ARG the I-ARG mobile I-ARG phone I-ARG or I-ARG the I-ARG laptop I-ARG that I-ARG help I-ARG them, I-ARG especially I-ARG language I-ARG learners, I-ARG listen I-ARG to I-ARG recordings I-ARG everywhre I-ARG or I-ARG read I-ARG documents I-ARG anytime I-ARG . O Therefore, O students B-ARG will I-ARG develop I-ARG their I-ARG skills I-ARG at I-ARG a I-ARG greater I-ARG pace I-ARG . O Moreover, O the B-ARG internet I-ARG again, I-ARG is I-ARG an I-ARG inexhaustible I-ARG resource I-ARG of I-ARG visual I-ARG aids, I-ARG such I-ARG as I-ARG educational I-ARG games, I-ARG sounds I-ARG or I-ARG images I-ARG with I-ARG which I-ARG students I-ARG may I-ARG absorb I-ARG abstract I-ARG concepts I-ARG taught I-ARG at I-ARG school I-ARG more I-ARG briskly I-ARG and I-ARG thoroughly I-ARG . O On O balance, O I O have O to O consent O to O the O use O of O technology O in O education, O as O it B-ARG expedites I-ARG data I-ARG availability I-ARG and I-ARG accelarates I-ARG students' I-ARG learning I-ARG process I-ARG . O It O is O highly O recommended O that O apart O from O education, O technology O should O be O applied O in O every O aspect O of O life O which O assures O of O a O better O future O . O Classmates' O impacts O on O children's O performance O at O school O It O goes O without O saying O that O no O pupil O can O succeed O at O school O unassisted O . O Their O success O should O be O attributed O to O many O different O external O factors O . O It O is O argued O that O parents O who O are O the O closet O to O children O mainly O contribute O to O their O accomplishments O . O However, O in O my O opinion, O the B-ARG classmates I-ARG should I-ARG be I-ARG regarded I-ARG as I-ARG the I-ARG most I-ARG important I-ARG influence I-ARG on I-ARG individual I-ARG achievements I-ARG . O To O begin O with, O the B-ARG classmates I-ARG themselves I-ARG creat I-ARG a I-ARG competitive I-ARG atmoshphere I-ARG which I-ARG incent I-ARG the I-ARG children I-ARG . O In B-ARG high I-ARG school, I-ARG for I-ARG instance, I-ARG an I-ARG individual I-ARG cannot I-ARG resist I-ARG studying I-ARG painstakingly I-ARG through I-ARG day I-ARG and I-ARG night I-ARG when I-ARG the I-ARG others I-ARG who I-ARG are I-ARG astoundingly I-ARG ambitious I-ARG and I-ARG set I-ARG sights I-ARG on I-ARG prestigious I-ARG universities I-ARG around I-ARG the I-ARG globe I-ARG are I-ARG doing I-ARG the I-ARG same I-ARG . O From B-ARG a I-ARG psychological I-ARG perspective, I-ARG the I-ARG feeling I-ARG of I-ARG being I-ARG subordinate I-ARG to I-ARG their I-ARG peers I-ARG exert I-ARG enormous I-ARG pressure I-ARG on I-ARG the I-ARG children, I-ARG which I-ARG subsequently I-ARG transforms I-ARG into I-ARG some I-ARG sort I-ARG of I-ARG stimulants I-ARG and I-ARG boosts I-ARG the I-ARG children's I-ARG academic I-ARG performances I-ARG . O To O add O up, O when B-ARG it I-ARG comes I-ARG to I-ARG knowledge I-ARG and I-ARG the I-ARG acquisition I-ARG of I-ARG such, I-ARG classmates I-ARG are I-ARG second I-ARG to I-ARG none I-ARG . O It O is O a O matter O of O fact O that O students O share O even O more O time O together O