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10/29/1981 | LES AUCOIN | H | 970103555.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | In this country and we have to make serious cuts. I daresay that If the motion dealt with cost overruns or excessive costs In food stamps. Instead of defense spending. | food stamp | racist |
10/29/1981 | LES AUCOIN | H | 970103555.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | In this country and we have to make serious cuts. I daresay that If the motion dealt with cost overruns or excessive costs In food stamps. Instead of defense spending. | food stamps | racist |
10/29/1981 | DENNIS HERTEL | H | 970103557.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | that certainly people are just as concerned about waste In the Defense Department as they are In any other program. be it food stamps or anything else. I think that when it Is clear that we have to strengthen our defenses In this country. | food stamp | racist |
10/29/1981 | DENNIS HERTEL | H | 970103557.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | that certainly people are just as concerned about waste In the Defense Department as they are In any other program. be it food stamps or anything else. I think that when it Is clear that we have to strengthen our defenses In this country. | food stamps | racist |
10/29/1981 | DENNIS HERTEL | H | 970103557.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | but I do not think there are too many people that did not agree we have to move toward balancing the budget. | balancing the budget | conservative |
10/29/1981 | LEON PANETTA | H | 970103570.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | It Is happening not. just in entitlement programs. not Just In nutrition or education or social security programs. | entitlement program | racist |
10/29/1981 | LEON PANETTA | H | 970103570.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | It Is happening not. just in entitlement programs. not Just In nutrition or education or social security programs. | entitlement | racist |
10/29/1981 | LEON PANETTA | H | 970103570.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | It Is happening not. just in entitlement programs. not Just In nutrition or education or social security programs. | entitlement programs | racist |
10/29/1981 | JOHN GLENN | S | 970103630.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | have been indicted for their activities in transporting explosives to Libya. and for training terrorists in Libya. The FBI has been investigating the recruitment scheme they say. | terrorists | Islamophobic |
10/29/1981 | EDWARD DERWINSKI | H | 970103709.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | It Is of special interest that RFE and RL often assist the forces of Internal dissent In the U.S.S.R. and the satellite countries In frustrating the Communist secret police by broadcasting smuggled dissident papers and messages. | special interest | antisemitic |
10/29/1981 | ELDON RUDD | H | 970103770.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | their aims to subvert Caribbean and Central American governments through terrorism and surrogate armed Intervention. | terrorism | Islamophobic |
10/29/1981 | ROBERT MCCLORY | H | 970103777.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | We are all aware of the domestic industries which have been grievously weakened or even entirely eliminated due to foreign competition which is unchecked or with regard to which U.S. companies have had no opportunity to negotiate agreements which would safeguard our national interest In preserving American industrial bases. | safeguard | transphobic |
10/29/1981 | ELLIOTT LEVITAS | H | 970103785.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | Finance. and Urban Affairs Committee held hearings to Investigate a spectacular example of mismanagement in a Department of Housing and Urban Development multifamily housing project. | urban | racist |
10/29/1981 | JOHN SEIBERLING | H | 970103795.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | historic and cultural sites. and urban facilities. All have ticome subject to Increasing public use and resource production deamands. | urban | racist |
10/30/1981 | PATRICK LEAHY | S | 970103915.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | the commodity supplemental food program (CSFP). and the food stamp program. I would like to emphasize what I think Is already clearly expressed in the bill and its accompanying report. | food stamp | racist |
10/30/1981 | MACK MATTINGLY | S | 970103918.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | It further provides that in reaching this 2.6 percent that no one account activity or project would be reduced by more than 8 percent. Mandated or entitlement programs. such as child nutrition. | entitlement program | racist |
10/30/1981 | MACK MATTINGLY | S | 970103918.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | It further provides that in reaching this 2.6 percent that no one account activity or project would be reduced by more than 8 percent. Mandated or entitlement programs. such as child nutrition. | entitlement | racist |
10/30/1981 | MACK MATTINGLY | S | 970103918.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | It further provides that in reaching this 2.6 percent that no one account activity or project would be reduced by more than 8 percent. Mandated or entitlement programs. such as child nutrition. | entitlement programs | racist |
10/30/1981 | THAD COCHRAN | S | 970103923.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | and children nutrition program. and the food stamp program. as to whether or not these Programs woudfall within the exemption that seems to be provided In the amendment of tie Senator from Georgia. | food stamp | racist |
10/30/1981 | J. EXON | S | 970103949.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | We are going to have to at least make some changes in the massive tax cut that was enacted by this body at the recommendat tion of the President of the United Stat s a few short weeks ago. | tax cut | racist |
10/30/1981 | CARL LEVIN | S | 970103992.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | I have an amendment at the desk which will clarify congressional intent relating to the food stamp amendments of 1977. | food stamp | racist |
10/30/1981 | CARL LEVIN | S | 970103992.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | An example will provide a useful context in which to understand this clarification. A food retail store which has a license to accept food Stamps can only accept them for food items. If It accepts food stamps for nonfood Items. | food stamps | racist |
10/30/1981 | PETE DOMENICI | S | 970103998.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | The bill as reported Is below the Agriculture Subcommittees first budget resolution crosswalk allocation by $1.0 billion in budget authority and Is at the allocation in outlays. With later funding requirements for food stamps and the October 1981 pay raise. the subcommittee would exceed its crosswalk allocation for outlays by $0.9 billion. | food stamp | racist |
10/30/1981 | PETE DOMENICI | S | 970103998.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | The bill as reported Is below the Agriculture Subcommittees first budget resolution crosswalk allocation by $1.0 billion in budget authority and Is at the allocation in outlays. With later funding requirements for food stamps and the October 1981 pay raise. the subcommittee would exceed its crosswalk allocation for outlays by $0.9 billion. | food stamps | racist |
10/30/1981 | THAD COCHRAN | S | 970104015.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | The first two correct the food stamp authorization citation to include the Puerto Rico block grant program enacted In the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981. | food stamp | racist |
10/30/1981 | THAD COCHRAN | S | 970104021.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | the purpose of this amendment Is to assure continuation of an effective Job referral program under the food stamp program. | food stamp | racist |
10/29/1981 | ERNEST HOLLINGS | S | 970103409.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | we did hinI $2 billion better and gave him a $37 billion cut. The President asked for a 25percent tax cut and Congress gave him his 25percent tax cut. And Just Yesterday. | tax cut | racist |
10/30/1981 | THAD COCHRAN | S | 970104021.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | This means that 1.2 mnillion food stamnp recipients and their families will remain on public welfare and food stamps simp~ly because there will not be funds to encourage them to get jobs ta support themselves. | welfare | racist |
10/29/1981 | RUDOLPH BOSCHWITZ | S | 970103408.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | it Is up to the advocates of the AWACS sale to show it will bring forth all the good things that were promised during the debate. As the Baltimore Sun said in an editorial today: Egypt and Israel. since the death of Pres~ident Anwar el Sadat. have made good faith gestures on the Integrity of their peace process. | Baltimore | racist |
10/29/1981 | CHARLES GRASSLEY | S | 970103403.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | has in recent Years undertaken. Government spending on health and medical care has exploded. such expenditures have contributed to a deteriorating economy and caused a decline In the quality of American life. | government spending | racist |
10/28/1981 | JOHN WARNER | S | 970102788.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | -they will undoubtedly fill their military needs by dealing with countries who may be less concerned with Israels welfare and less included to negotiate stringent controls like those the President. | welfare | racist |
10/28/1981 | SPARK MATSUNAGA | S | 970102861.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | c Saudi Arabia has lonmg provided financial and moral support to the Palestine Liberation Organizationa terrorist orga- c nization whose avowed purpose is thet destruction of the State of Israel. | terrorist | Islamophobic |
10/28/1981 | PAULA HAWKINS | S | 970102865.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | the Saudis provide heavy financial support to the Palestinian Liberatlon Organization (PLO). an organization that is known around the world for its terrorist activities. Also. | terrorist | Islamophobic |
10/28/1981 | T. GORTON | S | 970102872.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | recognition of Israels right to exist. withdrawal of support for terrorist groups and activities. an end to the boycott of Israel. | terrorist | Islamophobic |
10/28/1981 | ROBERT PACKWOOD | S | 970102879.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | We have become used to this matter. Western Information media Is basically controlled by Zionist sympathizers. or by the. | Zionist | antisemitic |
10/28/1981 | ROBERT PACKWOOD | S | 970102885.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | We have become used to this matter. Western information media is basically controlled by Zionist sympathizers. or by the Jews themselves. | Zionist | antisemitic |
10/29/1981 | ARLEN SPECTER | S | 970103057.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | the most Important of which is their Americanborn children. The children born In this country to Illegal immigrants are eligible for full American citizenship. Frequently. | illegal immigrants | anti-Latino |
10/29/1981 | ARLEN SPECTER | S | 970103057.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | the most Important of which is their Americanborn children. The children born In this country to Illegal immigrants are eligible for full American citizenship. Frequently. | illegal immigrant | anti-Latino |
10/29/1981 | JAMES MCCLURE | S | 970103089.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | the Federal Government also would be assisting such individuals by cutting taxes or Increasing various types of payments. | cutting taxes | racist |
10/29/1981 | WILLIAM BRADLEY | S | 970103093.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | The way the Senate did that was to take one of the vehicles that are always at the desk and attach it to a $35 billion tax cut. | tax cut | racist |
10/29/1981 | WILLIAM BRADLEY | S | 970103097.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | The purpose of this legislation is to get out of the business of having Congress and the Federal Government try to allocate oil and determine every individual citizens need In this country. | dual citizens | antisemitic |
10/29/1981 | WILLIAM BRADLEY | S | 970103097.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | but establishing the procedures whereby tax cuts could be accomplished promptly in the event of a disruption. | tax cut | racist |
10/29/1981 | WILLIAM BRADLEY | S | 970103097.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | The purpose of this legislation is to get out of the business of having Congress and the Federal Government try to allocate oil and determine every individual citizens need In this country. | dual citizen | antisemitic |
10/29/1981 | WILLIAM BRADLEY | S | 970103097.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | but establishing the procedures whereby tax cuts could be accomplished promptly in the event of a disruption. | tax cuts | racist |
10/29/1981 | DAVID DURENBERGER | S | 970103105.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | The conferees had found ways to raise $227 billion over the next decade. They promited that 60 percent would be used for a tax cut. that 25 percent would go for low income energy assistance and that 15 percent would be dedicated to tax credits to encourage conservation and the production of renewable energy resources. | tax cut | racist |
10/29/1981 | DAVID DURENBERGER | S | 970103105.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | but under his plan would be recycled through dozens of Federal programs to every sector of society. That is a prescription for big Government. When these prices Increase as a result of disruptions they do not come down again. | big government | conservative |
10/29/1981 | WILLIAM BRADLEY | S | 970103117.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | which was the intent of the Congress during the windfall profit debatewould flow back to individuals in the form of tax cuts. | tax cut | racist |
10/29/1981 | WILLIAM BRADLEY | S | 970103117.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | which was the intent of the Congress during the windfall profit debatewould flow back to individuals in the form of tax cuts. | tax cuts | racist |
10/29/1981 | WILLIAM BRADLEY | S | 970103139.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | I am for taking care of the people who will have to pay the price for the higher oil prices that will come from letting the market work. but I am for that by cutting Government bureaucracy and providing tax cuts. It Is as simple as that. | tax cut | racist |
10/29/1981 | WILLIAM BRADLEY | S | 970103139.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | I am for taking care of the people who will have to pay the price for the higher oil prices that will come from letting the market work. but I am for that by cutting Government bureaucracy and providing tax cuts. It Is as simple as that. | tax cuts | racist |
10/29/1981 | DON NICKLES | S | 970103199.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | This Is saying the marketplace does not work. so let us take care of all these special interest needs. and "You poor consumers." who happen to be about 90 percent of the population. | special interest | antisemitic |
10/29/1981 | GEORGE MITCHELL | S | 970103305.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | There are rural bi ests. there are agricultural Intel there are urban Interests. there an dustrial Interests. | urban | racist |
10/29/1981 | MARK ANDREWS | S | 970103338.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | oil supply lines are. The tragic terrorist assassination of our close friend and ally. Egyptian President Sadat. serves as the most recent violent reminder. | terrorist | Islamophobic |
10/29/1981 | MARK ANDREWS | S | 970103338.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | effective bill and to move toward Its overwhelming passage. The future welfare of thki farmers and their rural neighbors In North Dakota. as well as all People in the United States. | welfare | racist |
10/29/1981 | THOMAS EAGLETON | S | 970103362.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | I applaud efforts to cut administrative overhead within the Soil Conservation Service and to maintain field services vital to soil and water conservation efforts. The committee has funded the food stamp Program for a 101/2month period of time. The administration has maintained that it. | food stamp | racist |
10/29/1981 | THOMAS EAGLETON | S | 970103362.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | is considering proposing additional legislative changes which would impact on funding requirements for food stamps. | food stamps | racist |
10/29/1981 | ALAN CRANSTON | S | 970103381.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | establishes the United States as trustee for certain property rights and interests of both Indian tribes and certain Indian Individuals. | property rights | racist |
10/29/1981 | BARRY GOLDWATER | S | 970103400.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | The editorial is titled: "On Welfare Grants and Interest Rates: Theyre Scratching Where It Dont Itch." | welfare | racist |
10/29/1981 | CHARLES GRASSLEY | S | 970103403.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | I fully agree with the President that we ought to encourage. individual citizens and groups to do those things for the poor and disadvantaged which Government. with all of its magnificent inefficiencies and waste. | dual citizens | antisemitic |
10/29/1981 | CHARLES GRASSLEY | S | 970103403.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | I fully agree with the President that we ought to encourage. individual citizens and groups to do those things for the poor and disadvantaged which Government. with all of its magnificent inefficiencies and waste. | dual citizen | antisemitic |
11/04/1981 | J. THURMOND | S | 970105829.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | complete the development of a saphisticated nuclear safeguard system that would allow Barnwell and other reprocessing plants to operate more safely and efficiently under optimum safeguards. | safeguard | transphobic |
10/30/1981 | THAD COCHRAN | S | 970104021.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | This means that 1.2 mnillion food stamnp recipients and their families will remain on public welfare and food stamps simp~ly because there will not be funds to encourage them to get jobs ta support themselves. | food stamps | racist |
10/30/1981 | CHARLES PERCY | S | 970104050.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | and am supporting the Presidents efforts to achieve that goal. As we renew our efforts to balance the budget. however. | balance the budget | conservative |
11/02/1981 | ROGER JEPSEN | S | 970104458.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | the apparent logic for taxing social security implies that the system Is a welfare mechanism designed to redistribute income from the wealthy to the Poor. | welfare | racist |
11/02/1981 | CHRISTOPHER DODD | S | 970104461.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | We should not Inflict a double whammy on our senior citizens by simultaneously Increasing taxes for them while cutting taxes for others. | cutting taxes | racist |
11/02/1981 | CHRISTOPHER DODD | S | 970104511.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | safety. and welfare of those seniors forced by frailty and poor health to reside in nursing homes. Mr. President. | welfare | racist |
11/02/1981 | LARRY PRESSLER | S | 970104527.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | Many countries have established quota restrictions on loans in foreign and domestic currencies and have prohibited retail deposits in U.S. branches. | quota | racist |
11/03/1981 | WILLIAM PROXMIRE | S | 970104637.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | They want the Congress to cut taxes further to encourage private sector spending and come on with Federal job programs. | cut taxes | racist |
11/03/1981 | WILLIAM PROXMIRE | S | 970104637.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | kneejerk reaction when unemployment increases and the economy soured was to turn to more Government spending. | government spending | racist |
11/03/1981 | WILLIAM PROXMIRE | S | 970104637.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | as no President in 50 years has been pledged. to balancing the budget. but helpless before the prospect of a massive and increasing budget deficit and a continued domination of the credit markets by the Federal Government. | balancing the budget | conservative |
11/03/1981 | HARRISON SCHMITT | S | 970104650.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | the primary purpose of which was to explore the means and methods by which modern technologythe creation of which was financed by the American taxpayercan be moved more rapidly into todays marketplace. While the State of New Mexico is well known for Its rugged beauty and rich multicultural heritage. It is also becoming even more well known for Its sophisticated research and developmfnt community. | multicultural | Islamophobic |
11/03/1981 | MARK ANDREWS | S | 970104767.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | The provision of $1.659.000.000 for the urban discretionary grant Program and $1.381.000.000 for the urban formula grant program of the Urban Mass Transportation Administration. | urban | racist |
11/03/1981 | LAWTON CHILES | S | 970104773.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | the Federal Aviation Administration. the Urban Mass Transportation Administration. the U.S Coast Guard. | urban | racist |
11/03/1981 | ROBERT PACKWOOD | S | 970104786.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | I make a point of order against the committee amendment on lines 10 through 13 on page 21 of the bill which directs Amtrak to provide rail passenger service between Washington. D.C. and Chicago via Cincinnati. | Chicago | racist |
11/03/1981 | ROBERT PACKWOOD | S | 970104806.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | the corporation (Amtrak) shall provide rail passenger service between Washington. D.C.. and Chicago via Cincinnati. | Chicago | racist |
11/03/1981 | JENNINGS RANDOLPH | S | 970104811.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | such as those the Cardinal travels. be served as well as urban centers. Proposals to discontinue the Cardinal and other rail passenger service come at a time when we need it most. | urban | racist |
11/03/1981 | LAWTON CHILES | S | 970104814.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | many years. going from Chicago to Florida. Amtrak never saw fit to really run that train so it had a chance of succeeding. | Chicago | racist |
11/03/1981 | ROBERT BYRD | S | 970104821.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | we are saying there is one train that Is preferred and it does not run from Los Angeles to New Orleans or from Chicago to Atlanta or from San Francisco to Denver or from Washington to Miami. | Chicago | racist |
11/03/1981 | MACK MATTINGLY | S | 970104870.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | but I would like to commend the Senator for the outstanding job he has done on his committee. I think he has done an excellent job of cutting back a lot of wasteful Government spending. Obviously. | government spending | racist |
11/03/1981 | MARK ANDREWS | S | 970104907.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | I share the Senators concern and hope that. after necessary repair work in the Baltimore Tunnel Is completed. Amtrak will restore the Metroliner express stops for Wilmington. | Baltimore | racist |
11/03/1981 | JOSEPH BIDEN | S | 970104908.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | Even more disconcerting was Amtraks arbitrary decision to discontinue stops In Wilmington on its newly inaugurated "Express Metroliner Service." These sx Metrolinersthree In each direction dailynow stop only In Baltimore and Philadelphia. Why? | Baltimore | racist |
11/03/1981 | PAUL SARBANES | S | 970104937.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | The committee recommended $8 million for the northwest extension of the Baltimore rapid rail system (section B). | Baltimore | racist |
11/03/1981 | LOWELL WEICKER | S | 970104939.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | it Is my duty to safeguard the interests of those areas which have no r~epresentation here in the Senate. | safeguard | transphobic |
11/03/1981 | CHARLES PERCY | S | 970105067.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | I never heard a banker talk to me about the rate of Inflation or what It is over the rate of Inflation. | banker | antisemitic |
11/03/1981 | JOHN JOHNSTON | S | 970105150.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | 1981 ate. I hope that buck privates are ffiaking $50.000 a year. But let us be clear about what this cost would be If an additional project were authorized and if it were built. | buck | racist |
11/03/1981 | ALAN DIXON | S | 970105252.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | Chicago Tribune and the Chicago SunTimes which comment on the possibility of significant budget cutbacks at the Argonne National Laboratory In Illinois. | Chicago | racist |
11/03/1981 | LLOYD BENTSEN | S | 970105253.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | like many of my colleagues in the Senate and millions or hardworking American homeowners I am concerned at reports that the administration is considering placing limits on the deductibility of interest on~ home mortgages. | hardworking American | racist |
11/03/1981 | PATRICK LEAHY | S | 970105261.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | the rural transit program. and section 5 of the urban mass transit program. I urge the Senate to approve the committees recommendations without amendments. | urban | racist |
11/04/1981 | GARY HART | S | 970105303.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | the organization responsible for safeguarding civilian nuclear equipment and materials around the world against misuse for building nuclear weapons. | safeguarding | transphobic |
11/04/1981 | GARY HART | S | 970105303.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | one of the greatest dangers facing the United States today Is the growing possibility that a radical country such as Libya. or a terrorist organization will use a nilelear weapon against us at home or against our national intervests abroad. | terrorist | Islamophobic |
11/04/1981 | HOWARD METZENBAUM | S | 970105520.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | Inc.. of Chicago found over 60 percent of the navigation benefits estimated for the project to be unfounded. | Chicago | racist |
11/04/1981 | HOWARD METZENBAUM | S | 970105520.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | we have worked to reduce Federal spending by $36 billion over the next 4 years in hopes of balancing the budget. | balancing the budget | conservative |
11/02/1981 | LAWTON CHILES | S | 970104457.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | because I think you agree with me. But I would like to point out that we will soon be taking up a tax cut bill In the Senate. We certainly do not want to be telling social security beneficiaries that we are goIng to ask for additional taxes from them at the same time we are cutting taxes for everyone else. | tax cut | racist |
10/30/1981 | ROBERT DOLE | S | 970104027.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | the Oimibus Reconciliation Act of 1981 reduced fiscal year 1982 food stamp program costs by about $1.65 Small as this program Is. | food stamp | racist |
11/02/1981 | LAWTON CHILES | S | 970104457.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | We certainly do not want to be telling social security beneficiaries that we are goIng to ask for additional taxes from them at the same time we are cutting taxes for everyone else. | cutting taxes | racist |
11/02/1981 | HENRY HEINZ | S | 970104454.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | as a member of the Finance Commnittee. has taken a special Interest In the problems of our social security system. | special interest | antisemitic |
10/30/1981 | CHARLES PERCY | S | 970104058.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | we have abundant coal reserves that could ba turned into power alcoholniehanol. Methanol might be ideally suited for urban areas. while ethanol made from biomass might be the best alternative fuel for rural and isolated areas. | urban | racist |
10/30/1981 | ROBERT DOLE | S | 970104059.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | OIC. the Urban League and similar groups. have been striving for years to deal with the problem of structural hardcore unem ployment. | urban | racist |
10/30/1981 | LOWELL WEICKER | S | 970104060.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | a bill to target private sector job training opportunities at unemployed residents of distress~ed urban and rural areas and to focus such activities upon small business In collaboration with community based organizati ons. | urban | racist |
10/30/1981 | JOHN GLENN | S | 970104081.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | Walker took over the Cleveland Call & Post in 1932 and built it Into a black weekly newspaper with statewide circulation and national renown. | Cleveland | racist |
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