diff --git "a/implicit_hate.csv" "b/implicit_hate.csv" deleted file mode 100644--- "a/implicit_hate.csv" +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6347 +0,0 @@ -post,implicit_class,extra_implicit_class -" "" : jewish harvard professor noel ignatiev wants to abolish the white race via #wr "" "" """,white_grievance,"" -" rt : tune in today's jmt for my interview w / robert spencer on "" the complete infidel's guide to iran ! "" "" """,irony,"" -: : hate posters ? you want hate buddy ? read the koran . goo ...,white_grievance,"" -: hunt for white women : black racist serial killer confesses to 41 murders,stereotypical,"" -: looks like he was a fan of the islamic jew-hate reza aslan peddles as critique of i ...,stereotypical,"" -antiwhites hate white solidarity . their hate for white european self preservation knows no,white_grievance,"" -are forever white racemass murderers ! ! !,white_grievance,"" -i think white people are waking up in unprecedented numbers,white_grievance,"" -i'm not a racist at all but i mean all the numbers are saying caucaisian people are set to disappear soon so i'm for keeping the race,incitement,"" -its a planned growth of africans & a planned elimination of whites #whitegenocide #kalergi #maga #tcot #trump #altright #sjw #buildawall,white_grievance,"" -its ok to be white - the book,white_grievance,"" -now it is full of jew and government infiltrators .,stereotypical,"" -only racist if you're white this just makes you smart .,white_grievance,"" -prof kmac is right all along that jews have been manipulate white-euro people,stereotypical,"" -they say they are anti-racist but what they really are is anti-white ! via,white_grievance,"" -" "" : latest unhinged anti-white rant at #ferguson "" "" ugly black lesbian . #negrogeddon """,stereotypical,"" -" "" : new zealand : white faces will soon be a minority via "" "" """,incitement,"" -" "" optics frat "" "" - i . e . "" "" i'm interested in being a spectacle for the anti-white media not organizing white people into a cohesive pro-white movement . "" "" being a clown will get your media coverage . is your goal is to get on tv for a 2 minute hate ? """,incitement,"" -" "" we must have an all-white america ... in which our children and our grandchildren will play and go to school with other white children . "" "" - glr """,incitement,"" -" "" what our bros & sis experiencing in me : what is coming for us in west . must rise up and awaken . "" "" #bgun """,incitement,"" -" african "" refugee "" "" was only here nine days before raping a woman | full story : """,stereotypical,"" -" and of course "" anti-racist "" "" is a code word for "" "" anti-white "" "" . "" "" self-hating jews "" "" are nothing compared with self-hating white people . """,white_grievance,"" -" i like jared taylor . "" he white "" "" """,incitement,"" -" race cucks like paul ryan should be banished to live in a "" diverse "" "" neighbrhd if they want t spout such nonsense """,irony,"" -" right ? what good is "" white supremacy "" "" if it leads to a white minority . """,other,"" -" rt "" : proud white women speak out against white genocide ( video ) via "" "" """,white_grievance,"" -" rt "" i hate you all "" "" - racist note from the black boy who raped his white teacher & slit her throat via #wr """,stereotypical,"" -" rt : how #jews feel about #whitepeople - "" the white race is the cancer of human history . "" "" - jewess susan sontag #hate #israel # r ... """,stereotypical,"" -" rt : white racialists rally in edmonton alberta and london ontario as a commemoration of "" white pride worldwide day "" "" ... """,incitement,"" -" rt another hate hoax : police nab notorious "" white supremacist "" "" who drew swastikas around a college """,white_grievance,"" -" rt australia returns non-white invaders ; jewish "" human rights "" "" groups flip out | more : """,white_grievance,"" -" rt black people can't be racist "" : ohio man pushes white jogger into traffic because he "" "" hates whites "" "" via """,incitement,"" -" rt dawa = > barbaric totalitarian political ideology intent on enslaving all human beings for "" allah "" "" imagine founding a club on these principles """,stereotypical,"" -" rt since when was jesus "" mixed race "" "" ? ... please stop trying to stick jesus and christianity into your criminal communist ideology . don't tell me you're like those bbc anti-white racists that depict julius caesar and achilles as black men in the name of "" "" diversity "" "" and inclusiveness """,white_grievance,"" -" they smother the good white people of america ! they need to be hung brother "" south "" "" ! """,threatening,"" -" uk sport displays anti white racism when they cut funding for "" white sports "" "" prior to tokyo olympics ! """,white_grievance,"" -" us should have leaders this brave rt : "" i don't want blacks in estonia ; this is a white country "" "" via """,incitement,"" -#altrightmeans becoming great again .,incitement,"" -#aryan men & women will either rise up to fight for their heritage children & future or the white race will cease to exist . choose now .,incitement,"" -#blacklivesmatter and again . black on white crime ! what a surprise ...,white_grievance,"" -#defundnfl stop paying to make people who hate you your nation your people rich . #wakeupwhiteman,incitement,"" -#iffootballdidntexist white men would fulfill their tribal instinct by standing up for their own kind not worshipping negros who hate them .,incitement,"" -#kkk i do not mind your booklet . how can i support ? ? ?,incitement,"" -#ukraine #ukrainian thanks brothers . white pride worldwide . #wpww #14words .,incitement,"" -. hey watch this . #leftism = enabling #islamists since times before #crusades . #historyrepeats,white_grievance,"" -. op ed : islamic doctrine of shariah is anti-constitutional . your future potus should agree .,other,"" -: and throw in weekly standard these filthy white trash disgust me,inferiority,"" -: csp poll ( 2015 ): 29 % of muslim-americans : violence against those who insult muhammad is acceptable,stereotypical,"" -: elin krantz : just another dead white liberal female raped to death by non-white invader,stereotypical,"" -: hollywood jew harvey weinstein busted for decades-long sexual abuse of white women via,stereotypical,"" -: jewish harvard professor wants to abolish the white race ! read more : via,stereotypical,"" -: kanye west releases his most anti-white rap song ever sucks hes the most racist man alive ..,white_grievance,"" -: nice to know that tsunami didn't dampen their energy to stay in the 7th century .,irony,"" -: uk : students in islamic schools taught sharia amputation methods and that jews are conspiring to take over ...,stereotypical,"" -: where is the media outrage ? white man was lynched and robbed by a racist black gang ! ( video ) via ...,white_grievance,"" -: whores of babylon : lena dunham celebrates white genocide via #whitegenocide #waronwhites,white_grievance,"" -a certain 1400 years old religious ideology has proven to be the biggest killing machine of innocent people in human history,stereotypical,"" -a future for white children ! in the same fashon as hitler youth who were given the great honor of dying for hitler ! seig heil ! amen !,incitement,"" -all jews should be evicted from white countries,threatening,"" -all white are not aryans ; why are they trying to board the bandwagon of aryans ?,other,"" -angola used to be a prosperous portuguese colony . whites fled en masse in 1975,incitement,"" -another white fourteen year old gang-raped by africans in norway via #wpww,stereotypical,"" -anti-white tweets from hijab #rio2016 athlete . #deportallmuslims,threatening,"" -are we actually fighting an asymmetrical war against white genocide or are we just playing tiddlywinks with enemies who mean to kill us ?,white_grievance,"" -are you jewish ? if so you aren't white . either way you're anti-white .,white_grievance,"" -basic human rightswhat for so how are u guys on jews and blacksben n i hate them,incitement,"" -because of course #whitepeople need #billboard #marketing kkk #kkk,incitement,"" -before i read it was white pride i was going to suggest white only sessions,incitement,"" -belgium : non-white invader rapes white woman after dont rape course : via,stereotypical,"" -both north america and europe belong to us . white men conquered and colonized both .,incitement,"" -britain sees race war brewing between non-white invaders | read more :,stereotypical,"" -can whites have black artists shoved down their throats without losing their own culture and heritage ?,white_grievance,"" -come together white people or perish,incitement,"" -don't tell bernie ; hescandinavian socialism & will shudder islam invasion,stereotypical,"" -don't think the white public won't turn against the blm unless the lying media tells them to . the white public rejects the media,incitement,"" -don't worry bill . it's not a pogrom . we're just replacing jews with white people .,white_grievance,"" -elin krantz : just another #dead white liberal #female #raped to #death by #non-white #invader via,stereotypical,"" -extinction of america's white population speeds up #swrm #whitegenocide #prowhite #speedsup via,white_grievance,"" -final solution : the 1941 plan to exterminate germans #whitegenocide #munich #prayformunich,white_grievance,"" -german #holocaust #revisionist patriot horst mahler arrested in hungary via,stereotypical,"" -hate group because your proud to be a white american christian ? insanity ! and very disappointing !,white_grievance,"" -he is also a black racist . dont forget that .,white_grievance,"" -help us in california . they are killing americans jobs and taking over the state . some wont go out if they dont have to . a lot dont speak english . they have taken over everything . the politicians are not for americans . they are for illegals . cant move,stereotypical,"" -heretics = infidels halal to kill,stereotypical,"" -horrible . 9 year old white boy commits suicide after being tormented for months by racist arabs via,stereotypical,"" -i don't think his message of racial inclusion was aimed at minorities . i think it was aimed at cucky whites .,white_grievance,"" -i stick up for white people thats not what you're are racist and putting down other races .,white_grievance,"" -i support the alt right aspersions for portion of us to be all white ethnostate even,incitement,"" -i support the white brotherhood,incitement,"" -i take that back . one of his parents must be white . not purebred,inferiority,"" -i was born white i can't help it . i should just kill myself ... said no one ever .,white_grievance,"" -if a muslim kill a jew they celebrate him as a hero . if a christian kill a jew we call,stereotypical,"" -if it's white it's right,incitement,"" -interracial marriage = white genocide,white_grievance,"" -is white nationalism an #adl honey pot front ?,white_grievance,"" -islam is racist,stereotypical,"" -isn't that how it usually begins ? this hatred for infidels and belief in islamic supremacy etc .,stereotypical,"" -it would be nice .. i would like the idea of my white race surviving .. to thrive and kick a,incitement,"" -it's fundamentally different . whites are better off without blacks and jews ; both parasites on white civilization,inferiority,"" -it's us white gentiles getting screwed ! :,white_grievance,"" -its ok to love who you are . unless you're white,white_grievance,"" -jewish activists welcome the scandals slowing the trump agenda,stereotypical,"" -jews know deep down they're not white,other,"" -jews run banking media academia and govt ; you're the dummies .,stereotypical,"" -jews want each of those girls to reject white men and use their white wombs to hatch black babies with black men .,inferiority,"" -just search twitter with ' white people ' you'd be surprised on how many anti-white non-whites there are . #diversity,white_grievance,"" -lahore was a beautiful city dominated by sikhs and hindus ... we lost it ...,other,"" -lol you're jewish though . not white .,other,"" -look at this some angry black person . you were right they're all violent .,stereotypical,"" -love you the bearer of aryan race ! ! see what is going on !,incitement,"" -maga white cookouts would be nice .,incitement,"" -make america white again : saturdays nationalist unity gathering | traditionalist youth network,incitement,"" -maybe because somalis have a habit of being criminals people hate them ?,stereotypical,"" -migrants change uk forever : white britons will be in minority by 2066 via,white_grievance,"" -most jews follow / embrace their leaders anti white hate thus most jews are not really ' good people ' like ramz says .,stereotypical,"" -mr moshe it's such a complex issue - again i do fault the media for 99 % of all thus silliness because the more hate they stir up the more money they make . i would say that used to be the case now it's the opposite . every white person is a racist and all blacks are victims,white_grievance,"" -music against the ' holocaust ' hoax ? : music can probably be a good weapon to amass awareness against lies . ther ...,stereotypical,"" -muslim gangs want 2 kill those who tell truth ? kill those who worship jesus christ ? kill those who d,stereotypical,"" -muslims are always wanting to kill someone ! its their duty to kill the infidel .,stereotypical,"" -muslims are commanded to kill all jews ! see verse :,stereotypical,"" -muslims kill non-muslims because they kill non-muslims . period . vj is a hate america first-er . that's why obama hired him .,stereotypical,"" -my white privilege ? see there's that again you know absolutely nothing about me or my family but i'm racist and get white privilege lol,white_grievance,"" -nba's millonare anti-black racist jew tells girlfriend ' in israel blacks are treated like dogs ' | read more :,stereotypical,"" -negroes have different reproductive strategy . they are more successful than whites reproductively speaking .,stereotypical,"" -never vote for somebody who doesn't say up front he is for the white race ! code words don't cut it !,incitement,"" -nothing to see here . we all know black on black and black on white crime is,white_grievance,"" -now they are calling for an invasion . this is white genocide ! !,white_grievance,"" -now why would british jews want an influx of syrian moslems ?,incitement,"" -our heroes will never be theirs . multiculturalism is a hoax . hail white america .,incitement,"" -racist black thugs shoot white baby in the face for the fun of it via #flegs,stereotypical,"" -see literally being white is racist #whitegenocide,white_grievance,"" -sellout debases himself to beg for jewish money & votes,stereotypical,"" -selma plot . let me guess . completely virtuous black folks & the generous yankees & jews fight against the evil southern white man . yay ...,irony,"" -she doesn't want to be white she married a stinking jew .,inferiority,"" -so ? welcome to the real world . this is what today's immigrants want to do to whites,stereotypical,"" -so what's the conspiracy ? jews lied about white people who,stereotypical,"" -some racist libtards say that if #trump wins they will move to #canada . that's pretty funny ! why move to a white country and not #mexico ?,irony,"" -speaking out against obama ! #rt #stopislam #makedclisten #crusades #wakeupamerica,incitement,"" -stop #whitegenocide protect white children .,white_grievance,"" -stop hurting white people .,white_grievance,"" -thats why i always said he was a muslim president,white_grievance,"" -the 1790 naturalization act explicitly stated that america was only for white,incitement,"" -the left succeeded in deceit of equating white identity with white supremacy . here's the why :,white_grievance,"" -the sign says : we're better will less white people than with more white people .,white_grievance,"" -the traitors are the ones who are not trying to stop the jews from turning american into a non-white country .,incitement,"" -there is no black vs white issue in america there is muslims problem & they infiltrating black groups,incitement,"" -there is no hate . what they want to root out is any form of white european identity . they have declared,white_grievance,"" -there's tons of documented evidence that the white race is under attack.the straight white,white_grievance,"" -they do stand for one thing : zionism.jew nationalism - good ! white nationalism - bad ! why is that ?,stereotypical,"" -they've been hating for 1400 + years it tells th to do so in the quran and hadiths if you care to read up,stereotypical,"" -this is aryan no orthodox christian ; white & black is none of our business ; only aryans are invited,incitement,"" -too bad your people are turning into soap in south africa .,other,"" -trump supports jews . jews support whitegenocide . get the picture ?,stereotypical,"" -trump's accurate analysis & description of globalists controlling american gov media & banking has jews uneasy . globalist = jew or jew puppet,stereotypical,"" -understanding women and how the jew ruined her and white society . pls ck my latest thx !,stereotypical,"" -unity among white people is what makes america great ! minorities and diversity make america weak and our society crumble !,incitement,"" -uplift of the day #expeltheinvaders #europeforeuropeans,incitement,"" -using the enemy's anti-white hate propaganda . #wpww,white_grievance,"" -we are subjected to anti-white hate : to blame for black fai,white_grievance,"" -we cannot overcome man if man mixes with different races who do not even have the required iq ( low iq ) to even understand nietzsche's work,inferiority,"" -we must learn from the mistakes of our ancestors . hitler made a deal with them and look what they did to him .,incitement,"" -we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children .,incitement,"" -well that's all allah is teaching them kill kill kill and then kill some more . such a violent religion .,stereotypical,"" -well white people have killed a lot of people so maybe it's a good thing . or maybe we should just kill vile nazis like you .,threatening,"" -what about the betsy ross flag though ? back-to-basics white nationalism 13 white ethnostate,incitement,"" -what is there to misunderstand about islamic ideology of kill kill kill and kill some more ?,stereotypical,"" -what you call white supremacy is actually white competency,white_grievance,"" -white children are disproportionately the v,white_grievance,"" -white countries are being colonized across the globe which will make white culture and societies impossible . war by demographics .,white_grievance,"" -white extinction is victory tbh,incitement,"" -white genocide in america 1960-2060 #swrm #whitegenocide #america via,white_grievance,"" -white genocide is worldwide not just in america . it is something we can rally around in every white nation .,incitement,"" -white people need to be self reliant no need to stand by for the jew grocery store to feed them,incitement,"" -white power | read more : via,incitement,"" -white pride worldwide hooded sweatshirt via,incitement,"" -white protester attacked in #ferguson negrogeddon,white_grievance,"" -white revolution is the only solution,incitement,"" -white self-hate : master stroke of the george lincoln rockwell #whitepeople #whitepride #wpww,incitement,"" -white welcome aboard glad to have you,incitement,"" -white western race nations are going through a rat infestation & when the white westerners are gone the remaning races will still be just rats,inferiority,"" -whites are not bothering anybody . people like you feel empowered by the media to demonize them . white p,white_grievance,"" -who said white can't ? i'm sorry but it's white choice first then everything after . we see that in film movies and daily living,incitement,"" -why #hindumassmurder ? bcoz hindus worship leaders like gandhiji.congress imports 40000 #rohingyas & 2cr bangladeshis 2 destroy hindus .,white_grievance,"" -why do we let jews control our society frame every issue & dictate our historical and political paradigms ? #questionsineedanswersto,stereotypical,"" -will mike tell us how jewish wives are the last stand of implicit white identity ?,incitement,"" -words like socialist etc don't matter but cheating and falsehood of jews are not tolerable worldwide ; this is not germany .,stereotypical,"" -worse than a loaded gun ! ! since guns don't kill people . only planned parenthood and devout muslims kill people,stereotypical,"" -yet the only arrest made was a liberal bernie voting moslem . not one white trump voting racist . makes you think,stereotypical,"" -you are just a video peddler you are misusing ns & ah ; not even knowing aryan race ; you must be a jew,stereotypical,"" -you can go to the websiter my white brotherwww.theklanofamerica.com,incitement,"" -you hate white people because we're better looking and we're smarter .,inferiority,"" -you know it's #fakenews when an organization cites anti-white hate groups like adl and splc.can you say gullible ? bwaaaaahahahahahaha ! !,white_grievance,"" -you sound like a racist . do you hate white people support genocide of native whites ?,white_grievance,"" -you'd think a jew would be more sensitive about people getting gassed .,irony,"" -you're a white man frank . you're automatically a fascist to these people . perhap,white_grievance,"" -you're distraught by the fact the video dispels myths / falsehoods of ' innocent ' black man assaulted by ' evil ' whites .,white_grievance,"" -" "" : blood & honour : the white aryan resistance t-shirt from the white resister : "" "" ; """,incitement,"" -" "" heritage not hate guys ! the entire csa was black ! "" "" """,white_grievance,"" -" "" how the alt-right activist can avoid being doxed "" "" - fmi """,white_grievance,"" -" #letspretend we are living in a "" colorblind "" "" and "" "" postracial "" "" society not an anti-white one """,white_grievance,"" -" always place the race card first . "" those racist muslims are ... "" "" or "" "" those racist supporters of islam ... "" "" """,stereotypical,"" -" hr defends anybody not white and attacks whites in the name of "" human rights . "" "" """,white_grievance,"" -" it is equally prejudiced albeit more empirically baseless to assume that black people are harmless or "" just like us "" "" """,inferiority,"" -" it's a hollow simulacrum of "" white advocacy "" "" if jews are accepted as white """,inferiority,"" -" jews r an ancient tribe . they do not identify as "" white "" "" . they actually hate white people ! """,white_grievance,"" -" more anti-white hate propaganda re : wwii - it's not just the germans all whites guilty for fake "" holocaust "" "" """,white_grievance,"" -" new "" white privilege tax "" "" for all white people supported by minorities in shocking racism experiment """,white_grievance,"" -" rt "" it has finally hit them like a 2x4 between the eyes that white america is not the dying corpse they assumed it to be . "" "" - rocky suhayda """,white_grievance,"" -" rt "" sanctuary cities are asylums from criminal illegals "" "" - . at #cpac2017 """,stereotypical,"" -" rt here we go have fun with your anti-white "" dear white people "" "" show . """,white_grievance,"" -" rt putting the "" white "" "" back in white house . love it ! """,incitement,"" -" rt you can't claim "" domestic terrorism "" "" is not a ' muslim monopoly ' while also claiming this domestic radical muslim isn't a terrorist #fresno """,stereotypical,"" -" the realist report : "" the tattoo business as we know it was largely created by jews "" "" #withjewswelose """,stereotypical,"" -" they are "" cleansing "" "" the white man right out of existence ! """,white_grievance,"" -" what is a "" racist "" "" ? what is a "" "" hate group "" "" ? these are euphemisms created to prevent white self-determination & promote invasion """,white_grievance,"" -" who is promoting "" white privilege "" "" ? #withjewswelose """,incitement,"" -" who'da thunk it ? rt : here's a new one : "" obama is a jew "" "" via #tcot #tlot #wethepeople #becktips """,irony,"" -" your honor my tweet went out to the black and white ppl of america . those that consider us "" infidels "" "" will never be one with america . those ppl are muslims . history has taught us time & again that muslims do not integrate . muslims conquer and replace cultures . #muslimban """,stereotypical,"" -#blacklivesmatter iand #antifa are the armed hands of the anti white wealth redistribution & globalist elites,white_grievance,"" -#macon ga : macon's mlk drive ebt marts are wrapped in anti-theft caging . and tacky yellow anti-theft cages at that .,stereotypical,"" -#whitepeople should donate to pro-white groups like and,white_grievance,"" -. best way to stop gun violence in america ? disarm all black people . #tcot #teaparty #sbpdl,stereotypical,"" -2017 : white people not wanting to be demographically annihilated is white supremacist,white_grievance,"" -: and as poor as they are the predominantly white areas are still safer .,stereotypical,"" -: antifa rally 45 % bull dikes 27 % beta cucks 18 % homos 100 %,incitement,"" -: are you ready to offer your white children to the black hangman ? via,inferiority,"" -: at least 60 white south africans were murder by racist blacks in the past two months #fuckmandela,white_grievance,"" -: hate posters ? you want hate buddy ? read the koran . good point charles,stereotypical,"" -: islam is not a race ? obama white house wants to change that via,incitement,"" -: kkklankkk white brotherhood unite,incitement,"" -: only in the land of the ... cough ... free ! ! lol wake up white man ! white students suspended for wearing white to school ...,white_grievance,"" -: the last bastion of the white race : 90 % of young finnish people oppose more non-white immigration,white_grievance,"" -: white girl shot to death for fun by black racist murders ! read more : via,white_grievance,"" -: white pride radio 8p m est tonight . join in . we will support your shows when you have them .,incitement,"" -african immigrant threatening a frightened native italian woman,stereotypical,"" -aggressive hiv strain causes aids faster - african expected to bring it to the usa and europe via,stereotypical,"" -agree . i'm sick of these self-hating behavior and attitude from whites nowadays . it's more common in usa / western europe .,white_grievance,"" -all successful white men are nazis unless they push an anti white agenda . might as well embrace the fash,irony,"" -americans = white people . this is our country everybody else are guests .,inferiority,"" -another ( ( ( rabbi ) ) ) celebrates the destruction of the white race.it is time to wake up ! #whitegenocide,white_grievance,"" -another california public school persecutes a white student . #tcot #whitepeople,white_grievance,"" -anti white much ?,white_grievance,"" -anti-racist equals anti-white billboard erected in arkansas ( video ) va,white_grievance,"" -are you on a kill list ? islamic state has posted names of 15000 american citizens on kill lists . #scn,incitement,"" -bachmann : will use loophole to pass immigration in the house via,incitement,"" -because jews meddle too much white christians gave 60 + million lives,stereotypical,"" -black human rights campaigners managed it in the 50s and 60s.no good reason white human rights campaigners can't .,white_grievance,"" -black on white crime unveiled : via,stereotypical,"" -black people no one is forcing you to stay in white america you can go anytime .,incitement,"" -black thug attacks old white man with urine because of slavery #swrm #blackthug #whiteman via,stereotypical,"" -but they call us ( patriots ) the racist ...,white_grievance,"" -confederate heritage is white american history .,incitement,"" -considered to be us ! so get with the program and go all out white nationalist ! its the white thing to do !,incitement,"" -cool so when black people kill each other you can't blame the white man !,stereotypical,"" -cuckservatives : trump refuses to bow to political correctness on federaljudges,incitement,"" -david duke is the white man's champion however it's a losing battle . the white race is dying a face death .,white_grievance,"" -degenerate black racist killed young white national socialist for swastika tattoo | read more : via,inferiority,"" -donald trump won't explain how muslim plan differs from nazis ' tracking of jews via #expeltheinvaders,incitement,"" -every white area / country is the most modern civilised & clean .. it's no wonder they want to flock like rats .. their countries will be empty one day while ours are over run with them .. its wrong ! people didn't fight & die to protect our countries to be over run today .,inferiority,"" -face it the white race is dying,white_grievance,"" -fear of islam far from being irrational is mandatory because it has become more dangerous . daily wo,stereotypical,"" -freeze religious proportion of voters at 1947 level no voting right for having more than 2 children,stereotypical,"" -french politician : france belongs to the white,incitement,"" -frightened aren't you it won't be long before whitey is walking thru the slums hoping and preying for a white victory,threatening,"" -gavin married non-white too . you can't get more anti-white than not choosing a white partner .,white_grievance,"" -golden dawn's leader interviewed about the holocaust myth ( video ) via,stereotypical,"" -has started a campaign to claim tubman for the ( ( ( conservative ) / cuck movement . joins the pantheon with mlk .,incitement,"" -hey robert if the thesis of your book d . m . e is on to something then this shakes islam at it's very foundations . am i right ?,incitement,"" -i literally read a tweet from a lefty beggging for it to be a white male .,white_grievance,"" -i support assad . i support white people having babies to increase the population . i hate the current trend of making white men look bad .,white_grievance,"" -i will take white nationalism > jewish nationalism,incitement,"" -i would make white babies with all of them thats what i am willing to do for the white race,incitement,"" -i'm being ridiculed so often for wanting a white nation . sick of the faux white people . idiots they are .,white_grievance,"" -if stalin a georgian jew & adolf a jewish diaspora agent antisemitismantijewish in unbotched dictionaries jews safer ?,stereotypical,"" -illegal aliens storm the beach in san diego second attempt thwarted via #border #immigration #noamnesty,inferiority,"" -in order for jews to triumph all it takes is for white men to do nothing .,stereotypical,"" -ironically didn't you say that you wanted to be segregated from whites ? you can't have it both ways junior .,white_grievance,"" -is a racist hispanic supremacist that hates white people and jokes about illegal aliens crapping in our american food supply .,white_grievance,"" -its.time for the white people to ! ! ! #immigration,incitement,"" -jew activist anetta kahane wants to destroy europe via non-white immigration ( video ) via,inferiority,"" -jewish fear and loathing of donald trump ( 5 ): would trumps defeat be blamed on jews ? via,incitement,"" -just noticed that has very few if any black executive vice presidents . could be with better jobs more black fathers would want kids,stereotypical,"" -keep up the great work . yo guys are literally the only white race advocates that physically do stuff .,incitement,"" -legal rule of law immigration . adopt mexico's immigration law & no voting rights period !,incitement,"" -liberal democrats hate white people and despise america ! where is the kgb when you need them ? #putin,white_grievance,"" -look at white civilization and look at non-white,inferiority,"" -milo boasts about getting railed for 18 hours by his black boyfriend . he bathes in blood . that's terrible optics in the south,irony,"" -more people are shot in chicago in a week than at sandy hook . should black people have the civil right to own firearms ? #nra,stereotypical,"" -not to be racist but talk about black privilege ... if it were white people media would b,white_grievance,"" -not white in the head - breitbart via,incitement,"" -o transgender regs threaten freedom of physicianssex means gender identity .,white_grievance,"" -oh how i wish a man with a machine gun was there ! wake up white people ! they hate us !,threatening,"" -oprah knows what to do: kill white people ! ! ! #altrightrecent black on white and black on asian murders with oprah !,white_grievance,"" -or white genocide,white_grievance,"" -originator of the white genocide mantra will be hosting a discussion on white genocide . please rt .,white_grievance,"" -our people here in america who have no jobs . must come first red yellow black blue purple white skinny tall short fat americans,irony,"" -polish media aren't occupied with endless tokenism ... yet .,white_grievance,"" -pro-american pro-identitarian easily defensible easy to understand great optics .,incitement,"" -right . im questioning if this was a legit event tho - it looks like a hoax perpetrated by the jewish owned mass media tbh,stereotypical,"" -rt : black on white murders grow more sadistic in south africa ( video ) via,stereotypical,"" -satan's islam : all evils,stereotypical,"" -so dan carlin is uninformed about the nordics coming to america first ? that's testament to the anti-white narrative,white_grievance,"" -so is the white hating jew hating cult the nation of islam . what's your point ?,white_grievance,"" -soon white people will not be a majority anywhere . you believe,white_grievance,"" -sorry but black people with funny names murder each other in birmingham new orleans and detroit .,stereotypical,"" -strong message from poland : stop anti-white racism ! via,white_grievance,"" -the #cuckservative meme : we need to make sure this remains about jews | daily stormer #withjewswelose,irony,"" -the 95 percent white gop invited a muslim activist who believes that white males are terrorists to their debate . #whitegenocide,white_grievance,"" -the black community in america is resting on the pillars of state welfare and affirmative action produced white guilt .,stereotypical,"" -the extermination of the white race : facts about britain and non-white invasion | read more :,white_grievance,"" -the extermination of the white race : the real facts about britain and non-white immigration via,white_grievance,"" -the harsh reality : advocating for whites white interests or america of founding fathers automatically makes you marginal .,white_grievance,"" -the jew mayor of charlottesville trying to stop free speech . thats what jews do,stereotypical,"" -the media hates jews ? is this guy for real ?,stereotypical,"" -the racist muslim in the white house wants to ban white trucks now ?,white_grievance,"" -the republican party is not pro white . people need to shed themselves of that delusion and build a white party !,white_grievance,"" -the whole point of #laraza is to literally cuck white america . make whites pay to raise greasy mestizo kids .,inferiority,"" -then go back to mexico .,incitement,"" -then you should understand why white people in america are resisting being colonized by the,white_grievance,"" -there is no intelligent opposition to white ethnopatriotism .,incitement,"" -theresa may writes exclusively for jewish news : ill be your communitys champion via,stereotypical,"" -this is disgraceful makes me sick that it white on black crime that's mostly reported ! black on white happens more t repoted,white_grievance,"" -this is great news ! i still want the wall built and mass immigration ended .,incitement,"" -this richard spencer is a monster for not wanting white people to be exterminated .,white_grievance,"" -though all white men & women r not jews all jews white men & women i'm white man & jew.ur not even a man or woman !,inferiority,"" -typical jew . what do you expect from them ?,stereotypical,"" -u can stick that hood where the sun don't shine you freaks call every white person against illegal immigration racist,white_grievance,"" -via : minnesota : three muslims convicted of conspiring to join the islamic state #tcot,stereotypical,"" -violence over cow slaughter in india happening for decades.indian journos who see only as post - 2014 phenom either ignorant or agenda driven .,stereotypical,"" -vvolent genocide is what white people are facing ! its us or them as i see it .,white_grievance,"" -we all need to stick together for the white race,incitement,"" -we found one jhant from australia was also abusing you . pl . fix suchillegitimate bastards .,inferiority,"" -we have to pay for private school because a third of the kids at the local public school don't speak english .,white_grievance,"" -we'll get help from anyone we can - a mass white migration to russia & white liaison offices in all nations opposed to jews,incitement,"" -what could people in disagreement with national socialism possibly be missing ? murderous thuggery = we got it . individ liberty is best .,stereotypical,"" -what truth ? that you invaded a country full of white christians ? sod off ..,white_grievance,"" -white men are shot by cops three times more often than black men are . the media however does not sensationalize the event when whitey inv .,white_grievance,"" -white nationalist are incapable of this when it comes to the issue of race b / c it's a matter of survival !,white_grievance,"" -white people are 60 % of the pop this can only show blacks do more crime per %,stereotypical,"" -white people who hate #nazis have never considered what true #nationalsocialism could actually create for their benefit .,incitement,"" -white race rapidly fading in europe since muslims keep pregnant over 10 wives until menu,stereotypical,"" -who is going to foot the bill when the white people are gone ?,stereotypical,"" -whores of babylon : lena dunham celebrates white genocide via,incitement,"" -why indeed ! they want to impose islam on all of us . rep is a racist .,white_grievance,"" -will israel ever rename an airport / road on adolf eichmann ? moron of romila thapar order ! !,incitement,"" -yes jihadi . wager of war . that's what he was .,stereotypical,"" -yes vox wrote the book . it's very good and explicitly pro-white ( and critical of israel ) . embraces white identity politics .,incitement,"" -you are not white you are an inferior race to the turkeys i like turkeys but you are lesser turkeys .,inferiority,"" -you're like prewhites not quite white .,inferiority,"" -you're so stupid . jew is ethic catholic is a religion .,incitement,"" -youre a black nationalist they just add white to it to make it sound like white supremacy .,white_grievance,"" -" "" color "" "" doesnt matter unless u r white . n amurrica diversity & pro-white free speech can't coexist . #whitegenocide """,white_grievance,"" -" "" diversity "" "" = white genocide : via """,white_grievance,"" -" "" i'm tired of hearing about optics . lots of larping nazis on cnn and msnbc are what we need for our cause . "" "" """,incitement,"" -" - politics better because my family is swedish and german my "" homelands "" "" are being raped due to communist traitors and moral weakness . yes . """,white_grievance,"" -" are you a white person who is apathetic about "" white genocide "" "" or think it is just a conspiracy theory ? watch this video & wake the fu * k up ! """,white_grievance,"" -" cuckfederates are certain the csa wasn't racist . their favorite slogan is "" heritage not hate "" "" """,other,"" -" it's "" white ruling elite "" "" turned america into a great melting pot.brain drain & cheap manual labor benefit america """,stereotypical,"" -" rt : all the anti white whites will be caught between their coloured "" allies "" "" and pro white whites . """,white_grievance,"" -#whitegenocide means no more white children .,white_grievance,"" -- dreamers are on welfare ! dreamers dont work so they can protest ! ! illegals are trying to tell legal americans what to do ! ! what is wrong with this picture ? ? ? vote no on ungrateful daca ! ! !,stereotypical,"" -1 ) the white race isn't going anywhere . most people of every race would rather be with someone similar to themselves . #whitepeople,white_grievance,"" -7 ) alt-right defeatest in nature . ( i'm a member ) . trump's winning drove our winning enthusiasm . but too,incitement,"" -: chicago is fast approaching 600 homicides for the year and most are black on black . suggestions from me ; leave the demokk,stereotypical,"" -: ernst zndel : the hitler we loved and why via,incitement,"" -: let's be a white resister : because the beauty of white aryan woman must not perish from the earth ...,incitement,"" -: most dangerous cities in america all have heavily non-white populations via,stereotypical,"" -: muslim gangs want 2 kill those who tell truth ? kill those who worship jesus christ ? kill those who draw,stereotypical,"" -: no campus ( or country ) for white men #waronwhites #maga #ancap,white_grievance,"" -: white genocide in the united states of america a 100 year history,white_grievance,"" -: zuckerberg's dream : the jewish ruled anti-white racist social network .,white_grievance,"" -a wall is meaningless once amnesty is granted . in time they will tear down the wall like they are tearing down statues . #notrumpamnesty,white_grievance,"" -a white ethnostate would be very safe . great for raising white children .,incitement,"" -absolute proof jews enemyof white race !,incitement,"" -adolf #hitler speaking on #economics : #nazi #whitepower #whitepeople #ows #oo #occupy #banksters,incitement,"" -aka make america white again,incitement,"" -all white . all . white . and by the way america is already safe . safer every year .,incitement,"" -alright who tf let the black kid sit at the front of the bus,incitement,"" -american is white and christian you meant love .,incitement,"" -american white for ever ... usa,incitement,"" -amna you hate whites . why do you live in a white country ? please repatriate yourself to your country of origin .,white_grievance,"" -and stats show he'll likely shoot a black man so all you white hostages can just leave .,threatening,"" -and the kicker 70 % of the agents are white . know the facts before you idiots make false statement . take white selves back to europe .,incitement,"" -anglin has provided a platform for dehumanizing white women and his fan,white_grievance,"" -antifa & other leftists are the ones constantly defending violent muslims & is,stereotypical,"" -as it should be . all that is happening to europe today hitler foresaw . he also knew the jewish plan to destroy whites .,incitement,"" -ban islam and hate religions like islam simple,stereotypical,"" -behind mongrelization of white,white_grievance,"" -biggest perpetrators of #whitegenocide are white people .,white_grievance,"" -black hispanic gay trans asian not a white student union it's why conservatism is useless they watched as the left destroyed whiteness,white_grievance,"" -black on white crime vs white on black crime ! #rt #stopislam #makedclisten #wakeupamerica,stereotypical,"" -blacks are just as prejudiced as whites then . blacks don't want to live in black neighborhoods either .,white_grievance,"" -blood & honour - white aryan resistance t-shirt from the white resister va,incitement,"" -can ice come into classrooms and arrest ? ? ? ! ! ? ? ! ! ? ? ... pleaseee ! ! !,threatening,"" -charity gives them less incentive to help themselves . white race = ruined . good job .,white_grievance,"" -come to america because of prosterity = white america !,incitement,"" -come to america legally with respect for our laws tax / debt payers and citizens ! and if you did not then respect our laws by leaving !,stereotypical,"" -conservatism is dead . we're going to have white liberty or white fascism . and i choose liberty .,incitement,"" -continue staying white and christian . it has been helpful to your growth in america . keep your soul white and pure !,incitement,"" -cuckservatives : trump and white identity politics : is trump mainstreaming white identity politics ?,other,"" -democrats in white hoods have hung white republicans from nooses before you don't scare us .,white_grievance,"" -diverstiy is a code word for white genocide,white_grievance,"" -do you want to save the #whiterace the wise ( #wei #white ) from #whitegenocide ?,white_grievance,"" -don't reform anything . it's simple follow the laws on the books . come here legally or get deported . can't wait for 2018,threatening,"" -elder if you keep tweeting logic and facts like you are doing you will be called a white supremacist-doesn't matter not white-dems nuts .,white_grievance,"" -enforce our laws = they've got to go backmerit-based = less third-world #jointaddress,stereotypical,"" -every positive global development in the past 1000 + years has been introduced by whites . that is not accidental .,inferiority,"" -fair is codename for white trash,other,"" -four jewish media moguls drove us into ww 2 :,stereotypical,"" -from china to india to egypt to meso america all ancient white civilizations were destroyed by diversity .,white_grievance,"" -fuhrer's birthday today 20th april . pl gather near city centre churches with swastika flags & slogans heil hitler .,incitement,"" -globalization = white genocide . usa next on the list ! never in america . keep your guns !,white_grievance,"" -good fences make good neighbors and locks keep honest people honest ! #maga build the wall,incitement,"" -good to see the former executive director of the south carolina republican party out in support of the #confederateflag #infowars,incitement,"" -happy birthday uncle adolf ! how i wish you were still with us .,incitement,"" -he needs more food and white women,incitement,"" -hillary * white lion awakeningwhite might !,incitement,"" -his last name is klein and he hangs around with a pan-eurasianist duginist nazbol crypto-jew . these are not trustworthy people .,stereotypical,"" -honestly we shouldnt have saved them . if nat socs won there would be no muslim invasion germany would still be a bastion of masculinity and european identity . support mr . nehlen !,incitement,"" -hypocritical jews fret ' demographic catastrophe ' while promoting anti-white agenda : #stopwhitegenocide,stereotypical,"" -i am white aryans and christian viking from finland nokia.happy summer white alaska.america and canada . sieg heil 88 .,incitement,"" -i am in total agreement with you . the nwo loves not humanity but those human rat people that are loyal to them to divide us,inferiority,"" -i believe that sjw are making white men the scapegoats like hitler did w jews .,white_grievance,"" -i heard thereare no white people in africa you should go there .,stereotypical,"" -i thank and applaud you for highlighting white genocide in sa . please continue - they've no escape and no future . no help .,white_grievance,"" -i thought trump said he was going to kick these illegals out ?,incitement,"" -if you don't like white people you picked the wrong country to live in.bye !,irony,"" -im new to white pride but eh black's are taking over washington state slowly every man need's a black slave i believe,inferiority,"" -in memoriam panzerdivision totenkopf t-shirt from the white resister via,incitement,"" -infidels r infidels .. allah is not racist he hates all the same be it white brown or yellow,stereotypical,"" -islamic scholar applauded on german tv for predicting germanys genocide #whitegenocide,white_grievance,"" -it is not islamophobia when they really are trying to kill you . islamrealism is sprea,stereotypical,"" -it's okay to be a racist as long as your not white,white_grievance,"" -jew-run gq now tells white men to have black men hump their wives .,stereotypical,"" -jews right now throw muslim + arab against white + christian,stereotypical,"" -john friend's blog : international holohoax remembrance day,stereotypical,"" -just another jewish think-tank with a paradoxical name . has nothing to do with heritage at all .,stereotypical,"" -just listen to his speech ... latinos black muslims ... many bad people . white supremacists ? some are very fine people !,stereotypical,"" -justine damond this immigrant running around an alley at night barely dressed charging our cops banging their car . claims she heard a noise in the alley . really ? so she went out at night to see ? #bluelivesmatter hooker arguing w / her john . noor kept us safe . #philandocastile,stereotypical,"" -keep up the good work ice !,incitement,"" -kkk alive and well white brother hood unite ku klux klan,incitement,"" -kkk we have americans doing that here as well ! where are those stories ? that's right you hate everybody who isn't white,incitement,"" -koran = kill everything that is not muslimbible = kill no one,stereotypical,"" -license to kill .. the white race #whitegenocide #thanksjews,white_grievance,"" -memo to benny : americans are white nationalist . if we cease to be there ceases to be an america worth defending .,incitement,"" -more diversity in obama's america : white couple brutally beaten by racist negroes for no reason via,stereotypical,"" -muslims hate chameleons and kill them instantly whenever they see them so stay safe !,stereotypical,"" -no country for minority white children : racist attacks by violent non-whites rising in america via,stereotypical,"" -no daca deport them they have been on the taxpayer backs along with illegal parents since they arrived . my kids are still paying student loans why are theirs free and i'm paying it makes no sense . let them make their own countries great . no more illegals daca entitlements . out,stereotypical,"" -no sharia in usa ! this is painful way to kill animal !,stereotypical,"" -no wh n they say it's not a hate crime they are saying the shooter isn't white,white_grievance,"" -nonsense . monuments to evil still remain . washington jefferson they owned slaves it's good . white race might will never die due to ignorance,incitement,"" -nope blacks are the white races misfortune . blacks and shills that hate white labor like you .,incitement,"" -norway : town of 40 to get 550 refugees ! village not happy . in tibet they call this genocide,stereotypical,"" -nothing to do with hatred i just want white countries to stay white and to preserve the white race . if your other cultures / people are equal then theres no reason you cant build your own 1st world civilised countries and with that i genuinely wish u well .,incitement,"" -nothing wrong if their black it's when they hate white america & most of black america gets no help . marxist ?,white_grievance,"" -now follow the letters up with a show of force ice raids and clean those sanctuary cities out of the illegals .,threatening,"" -oh no if you're not black enuf am i not white enuf to be a racist this is a disaster . this is going to make skin color mean nothing !,irony,"" -ooga booga where da white wimmin at,irony,"" -our great white christian race shall defeat muslims we r obliged 2 xtermin 8 their presence from our daily lives .,incitement,"" -please help us kkk,incitement,"" -pro-white artists need to rally around : #flint #bonestown #trs new dawn for white art ..,incitement,"" -race-mixing contributes to white genocide . no doubt about it .,white_grievance,"" -radical radical radical radical radical radical muslims cheer terror bombings in boston,stereotypical,"" -recruiting white nationalist with a jew as your mascot ? talk about mixed message .,incitement,"" -republicans view white people like #danielshaver as white trash . republicans primarily care about satisfying their sadistic #policestate fetish #massincarceration & jewish money . if you care about equal rights for whites the #gop is the last place you'll find that .,incitement,"" -sadly too many whites are doing the chopping . collaborators in our demise .,incitement,"" -see the #hypocrisy ? see our last tweet ! jews keep non-jews out of #israel but push for non-whites to flood gentile lands .,stereotypical,"" -shoot to kill . these are not refugees . these are invaders .,threatening,"" -show your pride with wpww t-shirts from white resister ! don't shame your race ! be proud of it .,incitement,"" -sjws are wrong . whites have been brainwashed to work against our own interests .,incitement,"" -some are mixed-race part-euro ~ they imagined most will intermarry whites and future generations will be white,incitement,"" -switzerland : africans kill elderly white man then start screaming about racism #swrm #smh #racism via,stereotypical,"" -thank you so much for coming . this speech will prove to win more than they realize . #altright #pizzahutjew,incitement,"" -that would be even more more evidence that they really are ( ( ( white ) ) ) not white . anglo women don't abort .,stereotypical,"" -thats all we need . as long as the white race is at the top . thats very important .,incitement,"" -thats y races should stay w / own origin however some pl will say ura racist look at chinese folks 4 ex,stereotypical,"" -the amazing white race,incitement,"" -the key to maintaining a civilized society is maintaining the white race ! deport the third worlders !,incitement,"" -the south has already risen again . dixie has an economy larger than germany . we just need independence,incitement,"" -the way things are going even europe wont be white dont play stupid,white_grievance,"" -the white race needs to be strong and unite ... grow and multiply ... that would be great !,incitement,"" -these daca activists hate the us why legalize them ? ? ?,white_grievance,"" -they know exactly what they're doing when they target and exploit the emotional nature of black people .,stereotypical,"" -they need a martyr and a great white defendant .,incitement,"" -this is a worldwide struggle in which all white people are comrades and allies .,incitement,"" -this is what your pathetic good white sentiment will get you . take notes people .,incitement,"" -this is why white advocacy is important ... they want you dead . wake up white people stand up for yourselves .,incitement,"" -this whole narrative that #daca people do so much for our economy is just not true . most are more racist than any white person in 2017 .,stereotypical,"" -very true ! if they do not trust indians and india they should move out ! individual choice ! no sweat ! extreme views ! sad,incitement,"" -wave of black mobs brutalizing whites rt #tcot #tlot #teaparty #ocra,stereotypical,"" -we are together with the white race at present in their struggle against various forms of jihad .,incitement,"" -we're not reaching out we use the example of a homogeneous israel as a meme as to why jews keep forcing diversity,stereotypical,"" -well they average 100 iq . care to know what blacks average ? ?,inferiority,"" -what you see today is close to their natural state . if you want to change it you will have to support white cultural hegemony .,incitement,"" -where do i sign up brotherfuck yaeh white,incitement,"" -white alabama is counting on you ! !,incitement,"" -white americans have remained shockingly european despite decades of race mixing propaganda via,incitement,"" -white christians can assimilate with white christians in a white christians culture.the fantasy that that can be extended to every race is failing before our eyes .,incitement,"" -white column is meaningless if jews are included . they need their own column .,inferiority,"" -white gentiles must critically assess themselves also,incitement,"" -white homeland in every state,incitement,"" -white people deserve a homeland . why are you anti-white . whites are becoming minorities in their own countries .,white_grievance,"" -white people offer more then complaints rapes and gang shootings .,incitement,"" -white power south georgia has your back,incitement,"" -white pride world wide t-shirt from the white resister :,incitement,"" -white vs jew : stark contrast of phenotypes,incitement,"" -whites are the kulaks / christians of communism 2.0 . if we kill em we'll be rich etc .,threatening,"" -whole foods jesus : god * * * white america : rev . jeff hood riles up the black lives matter crowd,irony,"" -why are white enclaves so damaging to blacks ? because they foul and destroy their own neighborhoods .,stereotypical,"" -why is it the #jews & #catholics of europe wanted to come to a country founded by evil white nationalist protestants ? #scalise,irony,"" -will the white oppression never cease !,white_grievance,"" -yes jail them so they can cost taxpayers more $ than their food stamps did,irony,"" -yo c'mon back you little illegal aliens . we still got lots of us-born suckers we can smash out of line to make room,irony,"" -you are right white people are very good how they gave almost all banking to a small group is amusing,irony,"" -you can expel white muslims too ! white christians is pretty much the basis of the identity .,incitement,"" -you can't hide your lying eyes : conservatism inc's refusal to admit detroit is 92 percent black : its ... #tcot #p2,stereotypical,"" -your statement is utter rubbish . jews killed over 70 million people at the same time ( inclu,stereotypical,"" -yup . race is real & we're not concerned with your race or other races . we are concerned with white growth & population .,incitement,"" -" "" : jared taylor on the white man's disease : pathological altruism . #race #tpot #tcot "" "" ... wow ! a must read """,other,"" -" "" : multicultural horror : 20 non-white muslim "" "" refugees "" "" rape 11 year old swedish girl in bathhouse | kill that rubbish ! """,stereotypical,"" -" "" : new black panther negroes have started mobilization to burn white communities via "" "" """,white_grievance,"" -" actually neither one of those is true . here are some more "" black invention myths "" "" - #fact #logic """,white_grievance,"" -" but every time i ask why black people do so much more crime people tell me it's "" culture "" "" """,stereotypical,"" -" glaciers nordic women peace and prosperity . libs tell me a white ethnostate is "" racist . "" "" so what ? """,incitement,"" -" john friend's blog : "" homeland security "" "" : a jewish racket """,stereotypical,"" -" last year they were whining that too many "" white "" "" people won-its only america when tokens are given their participation trophies """,white_grievance,"" -" lol "" white ppl are afraid but blacks saying everyone is racist and out to get then is totally logical "" "" """,white_grievance,"" -" most of these "" nazis "" "" don't appear to be white . antifa is whiter than they are ! """,white_grievance,"" -" ns might of glorified an aryan race as superior . but they weren't racist like these "" skinheads "" "" you see today . """,stereotypical,"" -" rt are "" bronies "" "" the future of white nationalism ? #gay #newright """,stereotypical,"" -" rt michigan state student : "" it is not okay to be white "" "" :/ / """,stereotypical,"" -" rt racial separation would mean the end of "" white supremacy "" "" "" "" white privilege "" "" and white police shooting blacks . """,white_grievance,"" -" rt the words "" love your race "" "" are now a hate symbol according to the anti-defamation leaguedoes that just apply to white people or everybody ? """,white_grievance,"" -" soon they will be asking "" how can remaining whites integrate into dutch muslim mainstream culture "" "" """,white_grievance,"" -" the biggest lie of all is the fake jewish "" holocaust "" "" narrative of wwii ! on the importance of exposing the holohoax """,stereotypical,"" -" to say "" white lives matter "" "" is pure "" "" racist hate "" "" . anti-racist is a code word for #antiwhite . """,white_grievance,"" -" well those "" groups "" "" are anti-white and it's obvious in their speech . """,white_grievance,"" -" what is an "" amrcn "" "" doing with an ' isrli counter terror agt ? ' well .. once a jew always a jew .. very clannish ! ! """,stereotypical,"" -#howtospotafeminist their favorite colour isn't white .,irony,"" -#msnbc guest : more white kids have to die . only then will whites understand racism . disgusting .,white_grievance,"" -#spreadthetruth radical muslims came out again on the streets ( cont ),stereotypical,"" -1 godfather of alt-right / white nationalists ~ jared taylor concured w / controversial book the bell curve findings on iq & race,incitement,"" -1st the will question my race . then call me a troll . then ws . then more race . rinse repeat . when someone would rather call names than debate the idea .. #game #set #matchthey hate govt yet demand more and more entitlements . blame every bad life choice on race . want white guilt,white_grievance,"" -2016 white privilege conference : contextualizing jewish steered climate of anti-white terror,stereotypical,"" -: degenerate black racist murdered young white national socialist for swastikatattoo by,inferiority,"" -: guess i'll tell all my successful southern friends they owe it all to a slave they've never owned,irony,"" -: knockout king in pittsburgh : another anti-white racist attacks in obama's america ( video ) via ...,white_grievance,"" -: muslims don't want to assimilate - rathe,stereotypical,"" -: new black panther negroes started mobilization to burn white communities,white_grievance,"" -: new black panther's white genocide project : ' if they are white kill em all ' ( video ) via,white_grievance,"" -: the jews know who belongs in the white house.jews .,stereotypical,"" -: they want to call you bigoted racist prejudiced or anti muslim to control you .,white_grievance,"" -: via tennessee high school students visit mosque get qur'an - - not visiting church or synagogue,white_grievance,"" -: wake up white america ! ! your end is coming : ; wtf ? !,incitement,"" -: when whitey won't stand up for himself ... ' hundreds of young black people beating white people ' ... ...,stereotypical,"" -a reminder of what black people think about you white man,stereotypical,"" -a very simple question to you : is it ok to be white ?,white_grievance,"" -according to the #white house june is lgbt pride month . i'm a white southern christian . can i be proud of that ?,irony,"" -agreed . the white race got too selfish and stopped having kids in exchange for materialism . now they're done .,other,"" -all american poor communities black white asian hispanic mexican . i just don't see controversy,white_grievance,"" -allows to call for rape of white women in america ! stop him,white_grievance,"" -america was 95 % white until 1965 . the rest of the west was even more white . we borrow technology that works but not other people .,incitement,"" -american diversity work in progress : black teens kill white girl for bicycle via,stereotypical,"" -american diversity work in progress : black teens kill white girl for bicycle via #tcot,stereotypical,"" -americans first ! illegals have to go it's time for americans to get out of poverty !,incitement,"" -and in an even bigger surprise : a jew calls another jew a jew to get another jew to cry -> wait for,irony,"" -andrew quackson this dude for sure is some type of government agent dude and definitely judaic hiding behind a thinly catholic veal,stereotypical,"" -anonymous tweeting is new white hood rt : blacks absolutely should go back to africa .,incitement,"" -anti-white race war slasher music clip teaches black children to hate and massacre whites via,white_grievance,"" -anti-whites will demonize any white person focusing on their race in a positive way . but if you look at,white_grievance,"" -anything for my white race ! rahowa ! !,incitement,"" -anything pro-white is automatically labeled ' hate ' ! ( ( ( they ) ) ) hate white people !,stereotypical,"" -are you a student and sick of the #antiwhite message on campus ? john us . #projectsiege,incitement,"" -as always a complete bias against white people . no hate charges for black power . white lives do not matter .,white_grievance,"" -austria is one of first to get smart about creeping islam . rest of europe should build more hospitals or deport !,incitement,"" -back of his trailer ! are we still typing white privilege ! i thought i'll white ppl have mansions !,white_grievance,"" -barbados the birthplace of new world slave societies is the most successful black country .,incitement,"" -because if she were fired shed proclaim racist america !,white_grievance,"" -black male assassinates 5 white men in kansas city posting online kill all whites ! is worse than #charlottesville,stereotypical,"" -black people have never formed a civilized society on their own without the help of white people .,inferiority,"" -blacks attack kill rape white sa farmers and create food shortages cause they can't do the farming .,stereotypical,"" -blood & honour - white aryan resistance t-shirt from the white resister : via,incitement,"" -can we start a eugenics program of poor uneducated people of all races ? let's breed out ignorance .,incitement,"" -can't wait 2 watch your videos are great david . the one where you discuss muhammed cross dressing is top,other,"" -canada : white people are taking up space says anti-white group via,white_grievance,"" -coming from a middle aged obese anti white that has no problem calling people of her own racial identity racist for taking a stand ...,white_grievance,"" -cuckservatives : yes the alt-right are just a bunch ofracists,white_grievance,"" -cuomo : do you like you ny state now without white heterosexual christian republicans ?,white_grievance,"" -diverse arkansas : white kid walking his dog shot and killed for no reason by racist blacks via,stereotypical,"" -diversity = something for jews to hide behind while they plot the downfall of white civilisation .,stereotypical,"" -don't forget the 125 million * legal * non-whites tooyou would need to deputize all of white america to succeed but unfortunately half of them are liberal and only 8 % overall are sympathetic to white nationalism . plus majority are passive lemmings who'll never take direct action .,threatening,"" -don't say that to him he is black what are you a racist smh whites are the worst,irony,"" -dr . david duke : will the white race survive ? ( video ) | read more :,white_grievance,"" -dreams of eurocide : non-white immigration as a weapon of race-war,white_grievance,"" -dutch arrest 12 thought to be ready to launch jihad attack #islam #islamophobia,incitement,"" -elin krantz : just another dead white liberal female raped to death by non-white invader | more : via,stereotypical,"" -end sanctuary cities or give us hunting licenses w / no bag limit on illegals .,threatening,"" -ethnic norwegians disappearing as non-white colonization intensifies #swrm #nonwhite #prowhite via,white_grievance,"" -even if you're liberal they still hate you for being white . keep your dignity instead . #feelthebern #trump2016,white_grievance,"" -extinction of america's white population speeds up via,white_grievance,"" -finns protest against increasing number of non-white invaders via,incitement,"" -god forbid he celebrate a white person that would be racist . hate this country anymore .,white_grievance,"" -good job guys we need more white brothers and sisters to stand up for what is right for white america,incitement,"" -good time to issue a support white police leaflet sticker and posters !,white_grievance,"" -ha right ! either that or they'd boycott his speech . hopefully one day we will all understand that #withjewswelose,incitement,"" -has a decade of black on white elderly asian disabled lgbt homeless veterans etc .,stereotypical,"" -has played you like a fiddle how do you like it he chose the jewish people over white nationalists,stereotypical,"" -hate hate hate ... is this really a religion of peace ?,stereotypical,"" -heritage is race . africans or asians or arabs don't share european heritage which is the,incitement,"" -hey greg you're a ( ( ( chosenite ) ) ) and therefore your opinion is null in matters of white,incitement,"" -hispanic builder on the mexico wall : ' work is work ',stereotypical,"" -i am westgerman rightwing but ill.mother dead.who can teach me jewish / babylonian magic ?,stereotypical,"" -i blame the jew for rising anti-semitism . without the jew being the jew ... no need to be anti-jew,incitement,"" -i dream of sending an alt-right expeditionary force to help defend our kith and kin in south africa .,incitement,"" -i feel like what people are starting to say is true there is going to be a race war and the white race is at risk,white_grievance,"" -i genuinely feel the family's pain . and agree with tweet . no immigrants no accidents . how dare these immigrants bring their accidents here ?,stereotypical,"" -i think richard spencer would say a white ethnostate is a dream meant to inspire,incitement,"" -i think we should also teach kids zionism and white guilt here in america,irony,"" -i'm an american patriot fighting for my nation and constitution and you are shill fighting for amnesty for illegal aliens .,incitement,"" -i'm waiting . u called fair racist . back up conclusion w / specific ex . what has it done that's racist ?,white_grievance,"" -if he were white the media would be demanding every white person in americapay the first black person they see 100 dollars,irony,"" -if you check out the banned video on race and iq at about 14 minutes they show a graph . it says that in america 16 % of blacks are as smart as the average white person .,inferiority,"" -im white and im a happy gal .. does that mean im racist and a supremist ?,white_grievance,"" -imagine going back a millenia to find a civilization your ancestors created only to find out they were white,irony,"" -india wud be a peaceful prosperous n progressive country only when each of its citizen is a hindu.that shud b d endall objective 4 d state .,incitement,"" -islamist infestation in white house ? #rt #stopislam #crusades #makedclisten #wakeupamerica,incitement,"" -it is never about color . are u wht ? paint ur skin . are u still white ?,white_grievance,"" -it's outrageous that good journalists would white wash an islamic phrase used to kill and main and destroy good .,stereotypical,"" -its a sad day for white people even worse they will say he's a racist and ignore it still . #brainwashed,white_grievance,"" -jew commissions poll says 80 % of americans believe in coming second holocaust | read more :,stereotypical,"" -jews and their faking of ' hate crimes ' : jews are always whining about the absurd notion of ' hate ' crimes howe ...,white_grievance,"" -john kaminski and i discuss the impending war on syria instigated and spearheaded by israel and international jewry :,stereotypical,"" -justice for huwhite people !,white_grievance,"" -let's all return home . whites to euro nice . others back to 3rd world,incitement,"" -look - another parrott / heimbach tradworker spreading false sexual smears about a pro-white activist - what trad workers always do - make up false sexual smears about anyone trying to help white people like . go tell your ( ( ( boss ) ) ) it's not working #tradworker,stereotypical,"" -lots of normal white people are receptive to a pro-white message a lot voted for trump . don't you pro-white to be mainstream ?,incitement,"" -mass non-white immigration & forced assimilation for white nations is the main priority for world jewry since wwii . #whitegenocide,white_grievance,"" -maybe you should build your thriving black communities far away where white people can't get to them,incitement,"" -minnesota beat vermont for the title of the most cucked state in america . there's a reason white privilege billboards conferences are there,white_grievance,"" -most of us tolerate the altlite as long as they dont call us nazis like mitchell . milo defending pedo = indefensible,white_grievance,"" -most recent fake feminist luring unschooled into mohammed trap of subjugation & abuse ; learn kill plan at,stereotypical,"" -mr . those who fell into the hands of islamic invaders had only two choices - either convert or get killed .,stereotypical,"" -muslims crimes against the british people time to start closing down uk mosques ! /,threatening,"" -netherlands : 65 % of 1990s immigrants on welfare | read more : via,stereotypical,"" -no the white population will literally be replaced with a new people l,white_grievance,"" -no one who is pro-white believes that murdering white 14 - year-olds in kansas is good for us,stereotypical,"" -no-that would be outrageous since they have no citizenship rights and pay no taxes ! who represents american taxpayers ?,incitement,"" -non whites already have groups to help them . the federal government for instance .,white_grievance,"" -now you have ' white guilt ' debates and anti-white agitation all over your country blm antifa etc . wish you lots of fun with that .,white_grievance,"" -obama receiving a nobel prize reduced that award to meaningless hunk of lead !,inferiority,"" -okay so is europe rightfully owned by white people ?,incitement,"" -one more cop shot by a muslim . it was a woman so mainstream media doesn't care to report ...,stereotypical,"" -only white people ended slavery .,other,"" -op ; white storm #wpww #whitegenocide,incitement,"" -our people really don't need minorities . we built the world's great empires without poc . they need us not the other way around .,stereotypical,"" -overpopulation will eventually produce misery for these people once we cant take care of them . sterilization in exchange for food perhaps ?,other,"" -people that only consider and believe info from jews and the establishment have problems even entertaining what i say,stereotypical,"" -philip girladi interview jewish americans pushing wars via,stereotypical,"" -pl attack china,threatening,"" -pls don't deliberately mislabel jared as a white supremacist . race realism ! = white supremacism .,white_grievance,"" -potentially ? it's just another way ( ( ( they ) ) ) are trying to attack whites by polluting learning institutions .,stereotypical,"" -protecting jihads and demeaning christians ... just like any ' christian ' potus would prefer . thanks obama voters,white_grievance,"" -question i am descended from pashtuns the original aryans that hitler even imported to purify germans . does that count ? am i in ? heil !,incitement,"" -race mixing is the death of the white race .,white_grievance,"" -racist ( anti-white ) commieleftwhite mayor #nola incr.antifa blmpwrs & deeply div .,white_grievance,"" -real appelaing for whites . get to the back of the bus and bend over . you antiwhites have shown your true colors .,white_grievance,"" -reverse all engines ! make america white again .,incitement,"" -simple rule of thumb ; if they don't openly say they are for the white race its because they aren't so drop them,incitement,"" -so if islam is innocuous why were the crusades launched ?,stereotypical,"" -so now you are denying that white countries are flooded with non white to create a ' blended humanity ' ? #whitegenocide,white_grievance,"" -south africa white genocide escalates international jew-controlled media remains in silence via,stereotypical,"" -still think sodomy is part of white identity ?,irony,"" -that's like saying arabs are white . they're semites hence the prase anti-semite ..,other,"" -that's what this country has turned into racist aclu trying to make whites look bad ! if whites were supremacist it would a white country only,white_grievance,"" -the best thing for all those ideas and ideals is the survival and expansion of the white race .,incitement,"" -the choice is clear white folks : multiracial democracy or white nationalism ? #donaldtrump is our chance 2 choose . pick and prepare to fight,incitement,"" -the fact a jew could have ever sat in an elected seat anywhere shows some sort of disconnect between white ideas & reality,other,"" -the white #aryan race has been-throughout history-the most creative & culturally constructive race of people .,inferiority,"" -the white man's march is on !,incitement,"" -they accept ' latinos gays blacks asians etc for trump ' but white identity is just too racist,white_grievance,"" -they are both jewish supremacist anti-white and anti-christian hate groups .,white_grievance,"" -they enjoy the highest quality of life living in a nation built by whites while enjoying out vast technology and medicine .,incitement,"" -they want it called a hate incident so they can imply white trump supporters did it . cair is an anti-us hate organization .,white_grievance,"" -those alt-right guys sound like they are on to something !,incitement,"" -time to get the truthabout radical islamor buy a casketno joke,stereotypical,"" -trump is surrounded by a yiddish board of directors . republicans are not for white people !,white_grievance,"" -u realize all cultures captured n made slaves that jew / arabs sold them n that white peopl,white_grievance,"" -us : school teachers too white say anti-whites,white_grievance,"" -we aint the white male is treated horrible by every race including white women,white_grievance,"" -we prefer to be called identitarians . we believe that societies with majority populations that share racial / ethnic & cultural commonality an identity are more stable & preferable to ones that are multi,incitement,"" -what exactly is the meaning ? white people and only white people are called racist all the time for different reasons .,white_grievance,"" -what happens when there are no more white people in europe ? try saying muticulti is good for any other race .,white_grievance,"" -what if white privilege is actually white accomplishment ?,inferiority,"" -what's the deal / is it wrong now to be superior and white ?,inferiority,"" -when 3035 th white farmer shot dead in south africa in front of wife #swrm #white #wpww via,incitement,"" -where do black people perform at the white or asian level ? anywhere ?,inferiority,"" -white ( guilt ) knight,white_grievance,"" -white and black is none of our business ; only aryans are invited,incitement,"" -white genocide accelerates in italy : some italian schools are now majority non-white | read more : via,white_grievance,"" -white genocide is not peace,white_grievance,"" -white lives matter rallies against the blm kidnapping in chicago via,white_grievance,"" -white on black rape is nonexistent .,stereotypical,"" -white power and proud ! ! !,incitement,"" -white power forever white people rules forever and the whites will rule againall hail the aryans / whiteshail and so on ( others ),incitement,"" -white race is in danger do not delay wipe out china & north korea ; they r hand in glove,threatening,"" -white resistance increases as minority status looms #swrm via,white_grievance,"" -whites are not allowed to work for their group interests .,white_grievance,"" -why ? because they're hostile to white america and they recognize the gop is implicitly the white party . not rocket science .,white_grievance,"" -why are we in the state we are today ? post 1946.the plan to dilute the white race was set .,white_grievance,"" -why did nbc scrub osu jihadist facebook quotes ? this is msm diluting the truth of political islam . #ohiostate,stereotypical,"" -why i'm a white separatist - : orania : crime-free white aryan community in south africa ( video ),incitement,"" -yeah kkk lets get them dirty bastards,incitement,"" -yep of course ! you're racist against your own community if you don't succumb to this line of thinking !,white_grievance,"" -yet can't enter uk bcse he warns the civilizef world about dangers of #islam #stopislam #stopsharia,stereotypical,"" -yet u let terrorist like anjem spit hate at everyone . anyone who doesn't like islam is racist ? ?,stereotypical,"" -you can't be a true muslim w / o imposing sharia law . no wonder many true muslims hate you .,stereotypical,"" -you hate us cause se you can't be us #unitetheright,incitement,"" -you have no right to diversify white countries to satisfy your personal preference .,white_grievance,"" -you think if a white man tweeted the racist tweets did but vice versa would he still have a job ? #doublestandard,white_grievance,"" -" "" : a majority of latinas and black girls i cannot stand "" "" """,incitement,"" -" "" : jewish harvard professor noel ignatiev wants to abolish the white race ! read more : via "" "" """,white_grievance,"" -" "" dear white people "" "" trailer culturally appropriates my people's music . #notok """,white_grievance,"" -" "" jewish "" "" bolsheviks are a clever bunch . "" "" zionists "" "" . "" "" neo cons "" "" . they own our media . """,stereotypical,"" -" "" jews "" "" are white if a "" "" jew "" "" didn't tell you that they were "" "" jewish "" "" you'd think they're white for the most parts ... """,stereotypical,"" -" "" lawyers for la raza ... believe it is their mission to humiliate and destroy white christian america . "" "" """,stereotypical,"" -" "" the jew as a parasite "" "" ( ( ( glyptapanteles ) ) ) """,inferiority,"" -" all white heritage is hate ? what about all the bad things blacks and asians have done ? or do you have a double standard cuz ' "" oppression . "" "" """,white_grievance,"" -" black supremacist screaming "" i hate white people "" "" attacked whites in new york metro station ( video ) """,white_grievance,"" -" democracy is being governed by a "" majority "" "" of wealthy jews and their non-white identity group lackeys """,stereotypical,"" -" human history is a tale of "" who ? whom ? "" "" i am for my side . ( and the only reason you think slavery is wrong is bc some white men decided it was . no one had moral objections to slavery prior to the 19th century excepting some quakers . and no jefferson didn't screw sally hemmings ) """,incitement,"" -" no no ... they're called "" terrorist travellers "" "" don't ya know ? #canada's is a "" "" compassionate society "" "" so it's important we treat these parasites with respect and tolerance . hug a jihadist ! invite them over for a pork supper ! that's the canadian way ! #cdnpoli #isis """,inferiority,"" -" no ! remember hate means "" white hate "" "" racism means "" "" white racism "" "" & hillary is innocent no matter what . """,irony,"" -" of all the "" threats "" "" against jewish centers was a single one connected to a white person ? i only recall jews & blacks """,incitement,"" -" opposing jihad terror is opposing people who on average have darker skin than white people so it's "" racist "" "" . """,irony,"" -" rt "" : twenty gypsies attack white couple in czech republic hate crime mob attack ( video ) via """,stereotypical,"" -" rt "" white privilege "" "" is when the gun jams of the gang banger trying to kill you . #fergusonoctober """,stereotypical,"" -" rt : "" black lives matter & antifa can show up with mace acid & baseball bats "" "" .. while your far right romp u """,incitement,"" -" rt : "" i want to do jihad ... it is written in the koran that you are allowed to kill infidels as you would kill a dog . "" "" """,stereotypical,"" -" rt i'm against feminism . i don't hate women as such though . i disagree with the ideology and social order and oppose liberalism down the line . how can you "" secure a future for white children "" "" without half of our race ? """,incitement,"" -" rt judge sentenced three "" refugees "" "" to probation ( no jail time ) for rape of a 5 - year-old girl in idaho . national #media coverage ? of course not """,incitement,"" -" supremacy requires diversity . white "" supremacists "" "" are really separatists . wantnothing to do wnon-whites """,incitement,"" -" that's why i tell the people calling that flag racist & hate "" oh you want to see a ' racist & hate ' do you ? "" "" """,threatening,"" -" the place the white europeans colonized was a barren wilderness . the place mexicans are immigrating to is an advanced welfare state . so even if i were to say for the sake of argument that they are both "" immigrants "" "" it's disenguous to suggest that they arrived in the same country """,white_grievance,"" -" the system discriminates in favor of blacks . "" institutional racism "" "" is anti-white in america """,white_grievance,"" -" why do muslims have a "" jew hate gene "" "" ? """,stereotypical,"" -" you're right hes a "" disgruntled employee "" "" because hes black . if he was white it would be a "" "" white supremacist goes on racist rampage "" "" """,white_grievance,"" -" your "" anti-islamic extremists "" "" threaten to kill no-one . muslim extremists kill people round the clock . """,stereotypical,"" -# we must wake up and realize whats going on against the white race . and protect our aryan women from the enemy .,white_grievance,"" -#dayafterchristmas in america during the current year . join the #altright white people . #malls,incitement,"" -#islamistheproblem #bansharia . #marchagainstsharia june 10 2017 9am - 2pm,incitement,"" -#kasich won't lift a finger to protect whites from blacks or even warn them . some of them need warning .,white_grievance,"" -& i discuss alt media zionism jewish supremacy 9/11 #brussels :,stereotypical,"" -. i hate islamists . i hate jihadis . i hate terrorists . i do not hate muslims .,stereotypical,"" -. iranian #military #leader : #islamic revolutionary guards will be in #us & #europe very soon #banislam,incitement,"" -84 % of all wanted criminals in copenhagen are non-white | read more : via,stereotypical,"" -: #marriage sanctioned by god is the joining of one man and one woman as their genders were determined by god at conceptio,incitement,"" -: black man openly fantasizes about slaughtering white girls during race war ( video ),stereotypical,"" -: black serial armed robber disguised himself as a white nationalist skinhead via,stereotypical,"" -: look at the word games though . i organized the rally & i'm not a ' racist ' or ' neo-nazi ' . i'm pro-white & p,incitement,"" -: new black panther leader says he's gonna hunt down and kill white people,stereotypical,"" -: peres : jews can live safely in palestinian state : whats this fear ? theyll kill jews ? today ?,stereotypical,"" -: rural america currently lays in ruins.congress teams up to condemn them as white supremacists . #cuckservativelogic @,white_grievance,"" -: sharia law is barbaric,inferiority,"" -: there it is in black and white . are muslims blind that they cannot see this ?,incitement,"" -: voted to avoid pointless wars and third world immigration . got pointless wars and more thi,incitement,"" -: white genocide accelerates in sweden : university removes all portaits of white male professors,white_grievance,"" -a black state is a good idea . get them out of here . white states are good ideas too .,incitement,"" -a jew head on white shoulders a schizophrenic society makes .,incitement,"" -a perfect demonstration of fear-based mind control programming #withjewswelose #nomorejewishlies,stereotypical,"" -a small list of obama's lies . you expected more ? obama's list of lies grows each day obama is in office . #tcot #tlot,incitement,"" -africansrcalling white people mental - 4wearing clean clothes .,inferiority,"" -agreed . the white race has built and invented every aspect of modern civilisation .,white_grievance,"" -all white people lets make america better by supporting the and if any of the anp run for president or congress vote for them .,incitement,"" -alright ted kaczynski mail bomb your way to a white ethnostate . whil,irony,"" -america was founded in the principle of white supremacy chrome dome ( and there's nothing wrong with that ),incitement,"" -and we see how well desegregation helped white people ... now they are statistically more likely to victimized by a black ...,stereotypical,"" -another brain dead zombie hating white people .,white_grievance,"" -anti-racist activist raped by non-white illegal immigrant after attending anti-racism festival,incitement,"" -anti-white media gloats over firing another pro-white activist #whitegenocide,white_grievance,"" -as long as white men allow jews into their midst and to lead them they will continue to fail their race .,white_grievance,"" -asking for a friend he wants to join but he only wants the gay stuff he doesn't believe in white genocide ns just good gay action,incitement,"" -barbara spectre : muslim invasion into europe a good thing -,incitement,"" -because it's totally out of the question for a muslim to kill white christians right ?,irony,"" -belgium : non-white invader rapes white woman after dont rape course | read more :,stereotypical,"" -black people aren't our enemies either . they're being exploited just as much by the jews .,stereotypical,"" -black supremacist tries to kill white woman by shoving her into oncoming traffic,stereotypical,"" -both cucks & sjws attack white symbols & history spit on white identity and demand #whitegenocide . no meaningful difference .,white_grievance,"" -breaking : supreme court redefines marriage . show your support for #1m1w marriage by signing the statement right now .,incitement,"" -check out my white race is superior to anything book . moral supremacy : the revolution for god . sept . 1 is when it hits .,incitement,"" -churches self segregate peacefully and maintain white homogeneity . what's your iq ?,incitement,"" -come on hedd ! you know white people arent allowed to identify and associate based on race ! only blacks asians jews and mestizos can do that ! we have to help all people ! even if they hate our guts ! its almost as if were called upon to be better than them ...,white_grievance,"" -dan cook : can we make w.va . a white state ? = = = >,incitement,"" -dearly for their crimes against the white british subjects !,white_grievance,"" -dems hate white people ... just look at the candidates for dnc head .. they actually say it !,white_grievance,"" -denmark . white america . someone honestly want to tell me the two aren't closer than mayans ?,incitement,"" -do you consider ' identitarianism ' more of a viable future option than the ' alt right ' label ? identity evropa seem to be going that way,incitement,"" -do you disavow all of these ? btw there's tons for every other race too besides blacks . if you don't disavow all of these you're anti-white,white_grievance,"" -doesn't understand is her #leftism speeds the growth of #islam & #sharia .,incitement,"" -don't let the refugees in if australia isn't letting them we shouldn't either send them back to there country where they belong ..,incitement,"" -dressing like their dads or milton from office space . they selling me annuities insurance along with the ethnostate ?,stereotypical,"" -elin krantz : just another dead white liberal female via #tcot #p2,white_grievance,"" -ethnic norwegians disappearing as non-white colonization intensifies #swrm #nonwhite via,white_grievance,"" -expulsion from human race though,incitement,"" -extinction of america's white population speeds up #swrm #whitepride via,white_grievance,"" -fix your own countries . don't come leech off of ours . #buildthewall #endimmigration #altright #identitarian,inferiority,"" -god cursed the jew 4 corrupting his message & hide it from the rest of human being.jew failed the mission,incitement,"" -great job white nationalism !,incitement,"" -have problems ? when did obama first spurn israel ?,incitement,"" -he's the lowest form of white there is .,inferiority,"" -hey wants to join as he / she is the perfect racist seems 2hate white people be gms'new friend,irony,"" -how is die whites die not a hate crime ? oohhhh wait ya i forgot ... it's not racist to call for the dearth of white people,white_grievance,"" -hunter we're all nazis on some level when it comes to defending our family and heritage . some of us just don't realize it yet .,incitement,"" -i agree sjw deserve all the derision they get and more also like to poke the alt right crowd,incitement,"" -i am a moderate white supremacist the only continents that need to be white are europe & n america afri,incitement,"" -i couldnt care less about pre-history . the white race - mine - is the most advanced people ever to walk the earth,inferiority,"" -i don't see anyone calling for genocides except against police and white people,white_grievance,"" -i dont know what white sharia is . anyway its not a male / female thing is patently false . i know the decay of the west isnt solely because of womens suffrage but it has played a part . just look at the gender,inferiority,"" -i dont think so .. more blacks than whites by tons . easier for everyone they relocate less blood,incitement,"" -i have never understood why people thing homosexuality is something to celebrate . it is not . it is aber,incitement,"" -i love and understand black people but i wont global white ethno-state .,incitement,"" -i think it is called jewish supremacy ! #jewishprivilege #future,stereotypical,"" -i thought you were jewish - not white .,incitement,"" -i wish to god i could live in a white ethno state . imagine how peaceful and friendly it would be .,inferiority,"" -i wonder if this is related to the hordes of imported third worlders . that couldn't be the jewish elites told us they'd contribute to a stronger wealthier more tolerant society and definitely not cause massive social and economic problems .,stereotypical,"" -i'm well past the point of no longer considering these people human .,inferiority,"" -if a politician won't say outright he is for the white race its because he isn't ! vote right / vote white !,incitement,"" -if defending white heritage is hate to jewish groups then lets call jewish organizations hate groups,incitement,"" -if it is so sad why you jews want it for pple of white race ?,white_grievance,"" -if lauren is ' new ' southern then grace before race yields the gift that white could keep on racing .,incitement,"" -if marry 4 and produce dozens i too will be disadvantaged mr .. even to feed themif u have any intellect sir pl voice for ucc,stereotypical,"" -if you are white in that state watch yourself !,white_grievance,"" -if you skip class to protest trump you might be a college dropout soon anyway !,irony,"" -integration / assimilation will eventually lead to white extinction .,white_grievance,"" -intrude lol ? you only believe black lives matter when they are killed by cops or whites . when thugs shoot little kids crickets !,stereotypical,"" -islam is not of this time and must be forbidden for neing against humanity .,stereotypical,"" -it is not that bad there . you are just a snob punk . i would rather be with the poorest honest white tha,inferiority,"" -it wasnt white supremacists tariq it was desegregation . you need to get #jwoke,stereotypical,"" -it's should also be noted that the vast majority of those who kill whites are white asian on asian latino on latino american on american #proximity,white_grievance,"" -its about erasing white people,white_grievance,"" -jews are white nationalists now . who knew ?,irony,"" -jews flood white lands with nonwhites while openly calling for white genocide . they even try and silence people who speak out against it .,white_grievance,"" -jihad mass murder of indigenous people of america by white race ? .. jihad = manifest destiny ..,stereotypical,"" -judeo-mason stratagem : 1 ) establish a democracy 2 ) create a central bank 3 ) seize control of mass media 4 ) destroy racial / cultural identity,stereotypical,"" -just looking at them one can see antifa recruits from the bottom of the barrel.they will be easy to dispose of later .,threatening,"" -liberal scientists developing methods to make white people less resistant to non-white invasion #swrm #whitegenocide,incitement,"" -liberal white people forgot they are white . tearing their own race down is how they roll .,white_grievance,"" -lol this isnt even your country . search your heritage go back there .,incitement,"" -long finally got to the point of ( neo marxist ) er jews unrelenting demonization of the white race,incitement,"" -looks like it was a big weekend worldwide for muslim terrorist crimes . as usual the world turns a blind eye to these people .,stereotypical,"" -mexico's president is the racist sending the mountain people to us ever seen a tall white skinned mexican jumping the fence,white_grievance,"" -more proof : multiculturalism is a codeword for ethnic cleansing of native whites .,white_grievance,"" -mostly white clinics are called pregnancy clinics . in other neighborhoods clinics are called abortion clinics .,stereotypical,"" -my opinion is amnesty will be the end of white america . and the god emperor himself will have killed it .,white_grievance,"" -my world orbits around whites as it should . laughable moment though .,incitement,"" -new york times paul krugman gloats over demise of white america via,white_grievance,"" -no it is a hate crime except that we acknowledge it and u white wash the evil islam is,stereotypical,"" -no she is asking covertly for antifa to show up to polling stations & intimidate whitey . the white supremacy straw man is a front .,white_grievance,"" -not generally . in some states 1/2 of black people live on foodstamps . if that suddenly came to an end it would be madness #nra,stereotypical,"" -now their consumed with wildfire maybe the illegals will help put it out .,incitement,"" -obama would rather call christians bigots and cops racist before he calls muslims terrorists !,white_grievance,"" -oh white liberals call me a white supremacist simply because i support trump and conservatism . the black democrats are upset because you,white_grievance,"" -ot god says jews r my chosen allah says last days trees cry muslim a jew is hiding behind me come kill him ?,stereotypical,"" -pl . rt and trend permanently #giveupislam,incitement,"" -pretty sure he might be in the closet ! ! come on out buddy !,irony,"" -pro-antifa = anti white : a new meme .,white_grievance,"" -purging americas white male heroes via,white_grievance,"" -radical white supremacy is the way forward .,incitement,"" -real racist are black full of hypocrisy,white_grievance,"" -really ? but its okay that your statement propagandizes white people ? you accused white supremacists of creating laws that will harm all of black society.doesnt that assume congress is primarily a bunch of white supremacists ? you would never think such racist thoughts,white_grievance,"" -recruiting for jihad in a place of worship ? shocking !,irony,"" -report : illegals eligible for $ 1.3 trillion in retirement benefits ? ! via #noamnesty #immigration,white_grievance,"" -robert spencer in pj lifestyle : 5 ways the islamic war on free speech advanced last week,incitement,"" -santa claus is white and belongs to white people ! #nationalsocialism #nationalism,incitement,"" -so there is a pro-white and anti-white side . i choose pro .,white_grievance,"" -somali tied to jihadists worked with two un agencies : and why not ? what does the un do these days but play t ...,irony,"" -stop the white genocide in south africa ! ( video ) via #flegs #tweetni,white_grievance,"" -sweden : arab immigrant beats indigenous boy because of his blue eyes | read more : via,white_grievance,"" -terrorism's goal is to change your attitudes & behaviors on : islam stars-n-bars white race christians & conservatives .,incitement,"" -thank god there are still strong white men like that don't #cuck like the #altlight #newright,incitement,"" -the african dream is a chance to move to america or europe to live under white privilege / civilization,inferiority,"" -the albino asians are alt-right .,incitement,"" -the only problem has with the kkk is that they are white :,irony,"" -the only race the media disparages is the white race . they would never say this about any other race therefore they are anti-white .,white_grievance,"" -the revenge of rural white america via,white_grievance,"" -the saudi's are funding mosque buildings all over the world - britain is being overrun with them .,incitement,"" -the white #workingclass built this nation : #news #wpww #whitepride,incitement,"" -the white genocide continues : white race now minority in london via,white_grievance,"" -the white race has blessed the world with modern tech medicine constitutional govts and the bible .,incitement,"" -their moral code only applies to white people . whether they know it or not they are anti-white . they somehow don't notice their own double standard .,white_grievance,"" -these people should find it hateful and offensive to behead & honor kill . not you exposing those who behead & honor kill .,stereotypical,"" -these rallies are just a spectacle to make pro whites look like crackpots . seriously you a shill / agent provocateur ?,white_grievance,"" -they are implicit in this and won't even acknowledge it for what it is : an anti-white hate crime,white_grievance,"" -they hate america because we are the antithesis of islam ..,stereotypical,"" -they only exist in your head . you all are actively calling for violence against non whites .,white_grievance,"" -this boomer became an active white racist in 1968 wallace campaign nsrp and finally nswpp now new order so -,white_grievance,"" -this is why people have to come all the way from south china to teach africans how to mine in their own countries,stereotypical,"" -this whole antifa is run by jews is more of the same white su,stereotypical,"" -trump adviser says he will ban muslim brotherhood and its offshoots cair isna via,incitement,"" -via : pressure on obama grows to declare war against christians a genocide #tcot,white_grievance,"" -waffen-ss reenactor t-shirt from the white resister | read more : via,incitement,"" -we hate white people #liberalismin4words,white_grievance,"" -we should validate the left's comments of america's white nationalist history and offer them praise .,incitement,"" -we're going to have to raise the white consciousness of the #morcucks .,incitement,"" -welfare fraud proves jews benefit from white privilege the forward,stereotypical,"" -weren't * u people are really something . u think everything happens in a vacuum when whites have been under attack for a long time .,white_grievance,"" -what about all the blacks that kill other blacks on a daily basis ? shouldn't you be outraged over that ?,stereotypical,"" -what abt white slavery and child traffiking ...,white_grievance,"" -what is wrong with cook ? all of human history is war and conquest . white people are simply th,incitement,"" -where ? show me examples of white on white crime in republican controlled cities that resemble chicago baltimore and detroit ? ?,stereotypical,"" -where's balanced immigration ? we gonna allow male isis invasion europe is having ? ! america won't be the liberal bastion of freedom anymore .,white_grievance,"" -while the left portrays conservatives as terrorists who mow down people in trucks islamic terrorists are actually doing that .,stereotypical,"" -white america it's election time get blunt racist a minute 2 cubans ! or trump . we had a mormon,incitement,"" -white civilization is in decline . #wakeup #whitepeople,white_grievance,"" -white lion rising,incitement,"" -white lives matter business card looks most excellent and worth ordering from the new order in milwaukee wi . usa,incitement,"" -white men can sleep with other races but should marry within their own race . white women should remain virgins until their wedding night and should only be with white men .,incitement,"" -white people are the only people hate crime laws are suppose to apply to . any hate crime committed by any other race likely had jewish victims . only way for them to make the list .,white_grievance,"" -white people built great societies where no non-whites were involved . europe was 100 % white for millennia . white nationalism works .,incitement,"" -white people don't burn down cities when they demonstrate . you're thinking of blm .,stereotypical,"" -white power,incitement,"" -white power ! 88,incitement,"" -white south africans trapped like frogs in boiling water as anti-white racial violence escalates #swrm #antiwhite,white_grievance,"" -whites are safe from black violence when segregation is the rule of law . si,stereotypical,"" -why #religionofpeace kill muslims ...,incitement,"" -why shouldn't we be out in force and messaging on the scene immediately after each and every attack on our people by non whites ?,white_grievance,"" -would a white ethnic state make degeneracy a citizen test for admission ?,inferiority,"" -yes honestly non white immigration is a threat to destroy the west b / c it will forever change the culture and way of life westerners enjoy .,white_grievance,"" -you better get right back on that liberal plantation or you are a traitor to your race . kidding . gawd i hate these lefties .,irony,"" -you can't be pro white and pro jew jews will hate you . but you can be pro jew and anti white and jews will adore you !,white_grievance,"" -you hate like a jew . you are fixated on hating white christians like a jew .,stereotypical,"" -you sound like a lefty . trash is trash even if they're white . we're not all equal .,inferiority,"" -you're the kinda of slave mind white nationalist need . next they hang you .,threatening,"" -you're the one saying white lives don't matter . that actually makes you the racist,white_grievance,"" -your attacks on true fascism are anti-white hunter .,white_grievance,"" -your can spend more time in jail for hate speach if your are a white swede than for rape if your a muslim invader .,white_grievance,"" -your civility in your posts is inspiring . geller is racist ? what race is jihad terror agnst innocent civilians ?,stereotypical,"" -" "" an imam is demanding the extermination of the jews "" "" ( via vladtepes ) the jew hate is mainstream islamic ... """,stereotypical,"" -" "" defeat "" "" is the wrong word to use . the bible / quran to some extent is the means to stand up to the jews . """,incitement,"" -" "" pseudo-intellectualism "" "" . can you refute a single point from one of their speeches ? also anti-racist is a code word for anti-white . """,white_grievance,"" -" "" we're white alt right get used to it ! "" "" #redicelive """,incitement,"" -" 1 . ) semantics . i'll change my wording to "" whites lost power "" "" 2 . ) why is constantinople called istanbul now ? 3 . ) this is literally just a lie """,white_grievance,"" -" : estonian politician : "" i don't want blacks in estonia ; this is a white country "" "" """,incitement,"" -" also using a lower case "" white "" "" might make you look less white surpremacycy . <-- is that even right ? """,irony,"" -" an author of many anti-white books : who organizes the "" white privilege conference "" "" ? a #jew of course . ; """,stereotypical,"" -" anyhow the bottom line is that we r all "" soldiers "" "" on the internet fight for white rights & white freedom . """,incitement,"" -" deadly syllables > mc / mc-cas-kill : loon who enjoys her "" love pat for the day from the tsa ; ; kill : ill-egals thrive & kill in cities """,stereotypical,"" -" depends who is doing the "" colonizing . "" "" many nations in africa flourished under european colonization . """,inferiority,"" -" flashback : gov . mark dayton tells "" deplorables "" "" to "" "" find another state "" "" via #cuckservative #terrorism """,other,"" -" how to spot a "" racist "" "" #whitegenocide """,white_grievance,"" -" i've been telling people "" overwhelming diversity can / will undermine social cohesion "" "" """,white_grievance,"" -" is goal 1 / trying to ignore race or 2 / trying to disempower the "" white privilege "" "" class 3 / cultural marxism ? ? ? """,white_grievance,"" -" jews hate christians even more than "" just "" "" white people so i know i'm doing something right by claimin """,stereotypical,"" -" more "" white "" "" guilt - thanks jews ! #whiteprivilege #corruptmedia #trump #moors #ottomans #slavery """,stereotypical,"" -" most jews i know look act & think rather "" white "" "" """,stereotypical,"" -" rt "" : stop the white genocide in south africa ! ( video ) via "" "" """,white_grievance,"" -" rt : how do you reconcile your view with the koran commanding "" kill the """,stereotypical,"" -" rt antiwhites expose their hatred of white kids after seeing this picture . white child = "" white supremacy "" "" """,white_grievance,"" -" rt every few years the left invents a new - ism or - phobia and it is adopted as "" morality "" "" by #truconservatives """,white_grievance,"" -" rt jewish money flooding presidential campaign . lindsey graham jokes he will have "" all-jewish cabinet . "" "" """,stereotypical,"" -" rt moinuddin chisti the sufi "" saint "" "" poisoned the lake in ajmer to bring hindus down to their knees & "" "" embrace "" "" islam """,stereotypical,"" -" rt new insight from nro writer who thinks white working class communities "" deserve to die "" "" : """,white_grievance,"" -" rt nuance and objectivity ? sounds like you're "" enabling white supremacy "" "" mr . weigel . try hysteria and distortion . """,irony,"" -" rt quran commands warimam in britain says war is comingliberals demand more muslimsdemocrats are the "" stupid party "" "" """,stereotypical,"" -" screaming "" hate "" "" when people make basic factual statements about jews and their influence isn't effective """,stereotypical,"" -" tea party is "" a bunch of white crackers "" "" #waronwhites """,white_grievance,"" -" they also said "" white lives matter "" "" . only anti-white bigots could oppose these messages . """,white_grievance,"" -" this has always been the jews ' downfall throughout history . they not only go too far but they say ' yeah we're doing it "" """,stereotypical,"" -" try thinking of some of our ideas & replace jews do .. w "" "" white males "" "" shouldn't & think .. """,white_grievance,"" -" will quick question : if a black guy decapitates a white guy bc the color of his race will your headline say a ) "" reparations "" "" or b ) "" "" we need to do more to listen the oppressed communities "" "" ? """,white_grievance,"" -#christmas party for white unity in #southcarolina ! all normal white people and families invited !,incitement,"" -#drought in #california is not caused by #toomanypeople . pr14 : 34 says sin is the problem . #repentnpray for rain,incitement,"" -#hannahcornelius - why not come home to #europe whites will never be welcome in #southafrica,white_grievance,"" -#hatecrime if whites did that to #blacklivesmatterfederal govt would spend millions $ investigating via #doj &,white_grievance,"" -#whitegenocide = white revolution is the only solution #standupwhiteman #14words,white_grievance,"" -& are anti-white racists . fomenting violence against white americans .,white_grievance,"" -. he himself said he has suspicions of maajid being an islamic supremacist .. were u not listening ?,stereotypical,"" -. hung black men are a symbol of white supremacy too can we get rid of them as well ?,irony,"" -. on #periscope : the cuckturians assaulting white nationalists : the latest,other,"" -. why ? muslims can't be white ? what race is the jihad massacre of innocent civilians again ? i keep forgetting .,stereotypical,"" -... up to you . but if you really think that you or your children will live to see an ' all white ' america you will be sadly disappointed .,incitement,"" -15 year old white danish girl blinded by african muslims in racially motivated hate crime d more : via,stereotypical,"" -15 yo white danish girl blinded by african muslims in racially motivated hate crime | read more : via,stereotypical,"" -20 invader centers burned in germany #whitegenocide #merkelmussweg #refugeeswelcome #trump,stereotypical,"" -4396 white murderers 5375 black murderers . all the while blacks are 13 % of the country's population .,stereotypical,"" -60 % of america is white which also includes jews and terrorists,inferiority,"" -7 / in a thousand years european monarchs didn't assert the power of our federal judges to privilege aliens and redefine marriage,stereotypical,"" -: #whitegenocide means a future with no more white children in formerly white countries .,white_grievance,"" -: 9 year old white boy commits suicide after being tormented for months by racist arabs disgusting ! ! !,stereotypical,"" -: have you not noticed that normal americans ( whites ) are turning off the news in droves ? nfl ratings hollywoo,inferiority,"" -: more proof : diversity is a codeword for ethnic cleansing of white people,white_grievance,"" -: no country for minority white children : racist attacks by violent non-whites rising in america,white_grievance,"" -: white genocide as business : starbucks promoting race mixing for white women ( video ),white_grievance,"" -: whites are unfortunately the least #racist people ... margaret mutu says she can't be racist because she is not white ...,white_grievance,"" -: you jihad enablers are so filled with hate it oozes out of your,stereotypical,"" -: zuckerberg's dream : the anti-white racist social network via,stereotypical,"" -a future for white kids .,white_grievance,"" -a non white pretending to care about a white ethnostate for sake of argument !,incitement,"" -about time white people of the midwest . rise and join us .,incitement,"" -afrikaners establish exclusive all-white community in orania south africa via,incitement,"" -ah can't have criticism of black people at any price ?,white_grievance,"" -all goals should be discussed.small and big.baked cucked ! he fears being called racist over white rig,other,"" -all the ideas conservatives proclaim to love - are white ideas . but yet they abhor anything white .,inferiority,"" -all whites must unite and stand strong it's about time . get off your knees white man and white woman ! !,incitement,"" -also what makes mn illegals special is that they hate you and hate america . but you insist on paying for them .,stereotypical,"" -also we want people to integrante and for white people to not become a persecuted minority because wha,white_grievance,"" -alternate title : dead jew generates monetary gains for living jew,stereotypical,"" -altrighters are already moving there . without legislation to force integration all white / black areas are inevitable .,incitement,"" -america cannot be a country that is for white interests with non-whites here . logical,white_grievance,"" -america was founded by white people you do realize that right ?,incitement,"" -and let's in only rich white immigrants keeping out the undesirable non-white poor which is its ultimate goal .,inferiority,"" -and on the same day a bunch of over paid black athletes protest whitey's oppression . white guilt is rea,white_grievance,"" -anonymous hackers or the jewnited states government ? makes me wonder ! #mossad #talmud #usury #frauds #opkkk #jews,stereotypical,"" -another muslim in the white house,stereotypical,"" -anti-racist activist raped by non-white illegal immigrant after attending anti-racism festival va,stereotypical,"" -anti-racist activist raped by non-white immigrant after attending anti-racism festival read more : via,stereotypical,"" -arguing with white ignorant who thinks white mass murderer can not be terrorist is just waste of time .,white_grievance,"" -because the media is part of the group who r weaponizing radical islam 2 kill western culture ( white christians ),stereotypical,"" -because they hate us ? because they can't have one ? because black is beautiful tan is grand but white is the color of the big boss man ?,stereotypical,"" -black atheist republican - explains why he now believes the white race is intellectually superior .,inferiority,"" -black vs white crime larry elder,incitement,"" -blacks are 49 times more likely to assault a white than a white is to assault a black . whites need to separate to protect their families,stereotypical,"" -blacks have the best party time in white countries - welfare fattened selling their culture impregnating white women !,stereotypical,"" -but islamic cultures want to kill the jews too ...,stereotypical,"" -can't get it at the ballot box as long as non whites can vote and outvote us . other means will be needed 4 that !,white_grievance,"" -cuck island : eyewitnesses report that armed police ran away from moslem terrorists via,other,"" -dear germans vote for to save fatherland from barbarians and british occupation . swear in the name of fuhrer,incitement,"" -detroit : the death of white civilisation #swrm via,white_grievance,"" -don't go to #atlanta article and commentary about the dying white race . victims of slow #genocide,white_grievance,"" -europe is being flooded with africas and muslims atm by globalists supported by european antifa . you are what you hate so much,white_grievance,"" -europe is in a state of silent undeclared war against its own indigenous #whitepeople . wake up white people !,white_grievance,"" -even europe has sold out interests of white people i feel bad because white people have contributed to science & modernity,white_grievance,"" -even when the criminals are white their black,incitement,"" -evening read : deportable alien with priors kills cyclist during tragic dui in kentucky,stereotypical,"" -fake news media says trump supporters are racist with no proof yet no outrage over liberal communist professors calling for white genocide !,white_grievance,"" -for #worldrefugeeday how about we help the white south africans and save them from the brutality they've been enduring for years now ?,white_grievance,"" -for cucks sake ! #cuckservative #nrorevolt #goyible,other,"" -freeloading on white taxpayers . rt : the kenyan ( cont ),stereotypical,"" -from wide-eyed liberal to race realist - american renaissance via thanks,white_grievance,"" -gay is normal to sick liberals trans gay marriage all normal we're attacked by evil muslims that want to kill all of us & to liberals,stereotypical,"" -good for them . i hope this wakes more white people up .,incitement,"" -good to know that is 100 percent #altright . #hailloomer !,incitement,"" -google it the founder is an ex-felon and the org is for whites only . be sure to bring your ancestry dna test to the meeting,white_grievance,"" -happen in america ... unless a majority of white people are muslims we dont have anything to fear,stereotypical,"" -hate group ? u want 2 know hate read quran the hand book of hate,stereotypical,"" -he wasn't a black thug killed by a white cop so no news here !,stereotypical,"" -head of cambridge university equality group says all white people are racist #swrm #racist #black,white_grievance,"" -here we see the marxist use his divide and conquer method . he's trying to dis-unify whites . easier to prey on whites that way .,white_grievance,"" -hold on i got an even better one > 14 words my man . we got to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children > just not with those people . they're fat low class . we're a better sort of racist than white trash > who are we ? a bunch of boomers ?,white_grievance,"" -homosexuality gun grabbing and fake nationalism is not cool .,incitement,"" -how dare explicitly pro-white folks think they have the right of assembly ! anti-racist is a code word for #antiwhite .,white_grievance,"" -huffpo is just plain old anti-white & pro white genocide . #whitegenocide,white_grievance,"" -i am already national socialist and we need to rebuild our movement against zionism in the world .. to free the white race !,white_grievance,"" -i am part of white america,incitement,"" -i am sure he hasnt just another lie on the road to the white house to destroy america . if they came here illigslly they need to leave now that is fair to americansnn,incitement,"" -i know i'm white will look out for the other whites will do what i can to help . i produced 2 white children that will soon reproduce more white children .,incitement,"" -i more and more think is right . black and white can't live together . we should just find some way peacefully to separate .,incitement,"" -i take pro-white perspective . thats where the battle lines are now drawn . you guys wanna re,incitement,"" -i then remember that my retort was that jewish power and control was our biggest issue.guess who was right ?,stereotypical,"" -if you want to get better join the aryan race,incitement,"" -in this leftwing white hating world telling the truth is no defence apparently maybe they are right .,white_grievance,"" -in your opinion they're racists . you just say that because they're white . anti-racist = a code word 4 anti-white .,white_grievance,"" -is ramzan a month in which muslims won't kill and kill all other months ? ? hilarious ! !,stereotypical,"" -islamists recruit refugees arriving in germany security agency #syrianrefugees #germany #islamicstate,stereotypical,"" -it are the two hangmen of the white people .,white_grievance,"" -it may seem unbelievable to whites in america but there is an anti-white plan underway to replace them . look locally ; its everywhere .,white_grievance,"" -it took 160 years but only now is the conquest of the south being finalized .,incitement,"" -it's amazing how whites advocating for their own people offends others so much . they can't help but reveal their anti-white racism when confronted with the fact that the white race has the right to exist .,white_grievance,"" -it's okay they can call him a black white supremacist . so it does get blamed on white people !,white_grievance,"" -it's the white man's fault #saysomethingliberalin4words,white_grievance,"" -it's true ! we didn't invigorate the working white class just every other class and race haha,white_grievance,"" -jackin it to the statue of david to uhhh save the white race,irony,"" -jews aren't white .,stereotypical,"" -jews never could fool me ~ i've been exposing jewish deceptions what not in cyberspace,stereotypical,"" -jobs black people hate :,stereotypical,"" -john pelham : wyoming the white zion #swrm via,incitement,"" -larpers take heed : #unitetheright is the only way to wake up from our multicultural nightmare via,incitement,"" -libertarianism has become an ideology that appeals only to white men who hate white men .,white_grievance,"" -lie . do you trust msm and hrc ? alt-right is all races / groups pro-america exposes liars .,incitement,"" -liverpool jews very unhappy about upcoming white man march via,stereotypical,"" -majority of american citizens want the wall and immigration laws enforced . it's been said again and again . let trump keep his promise .,incitement,"" -minorities as minions for white liberals via,inferiority,"" -more proof : diversity is a code word for white genocide | read more : via,white_grievance,"" -moscow bans george soros funds as threat to security via #withjewswelose,stereotypical,"" -muh traditionalism includes going to gay weddings #cuckservative,other,"" -murdering thugs were black he is white so no news or hate crime here . such godless hypocrisy !,white_grievance,"" -muslims won't be a majority in 2050 but not in much else .,stereotypical,"" -new black panther leader : kill white babies by bombing nurseries #wr,stereotypical,"" -new plans for rebuilding prora the large hitler-era vacation resort #swrm via,incitement,"" -no i'm white so that makes me racist . it makes you an uncle tom ! just ask any libdemtard !,white_grievance,"" -no one cares if the white race disappears off the face of the earth so why should we care about anybody ?,white_grievance,"" -non-white candidate for london mayor : there are too many white men | read more :,stereotypical,"" -nowhere is it explained why xenophobia and white self preservation are anything other than positives for america,incitement,"" -oh yeah while some alt-right cuck says ' staahpp we supp,other,"" -omg the royals have been brainwashed . happened once they denied their christian beliefs . every person ever alive can fit into tx w / space,incitement,"" -only a cesspool for the white folks for whom equality means white genocide .,white_grievance,"" -only in america can a muslim bonnie and clyde terrorist team kill and the white man gets blamed for it .,stereotypical,"" -orban : hungary is a refuge for white europeans via,incitement,"" -over 50 % of black people pay nothing in federal income taxes . the rest pay almost nothing in income taxes .,stereotypical,"" -part of your white heritage is being ruled by jews that not part of asian heritage .,stereotypical,"" -people should move to more diverse continents like africa ( 98 % black ) . they are so much better with human rights !,irony,"" -protest obama at the white house in washington d . c . brainwashing white people and controlling us on how to live,incitement,"" -putin discusses the impending genocide of the white race,white_grievance,"" -racist attacks on white dutch people by mobs of muslim immigrants continue .. via < anger rising #14w,stereotypical,"" -racist black thugs shoot white baby in the face for the fun of it | read more : via,stereotypical,"" -russia is the new boogieman because they are financial threat pulling petrodollars away . immigration and white hate will be end of west .,white_grievance,"" -same tired anti-white rhetoric.some of our people have been so brain washed into denigrating their own race .,incitement,"" -see your point but she wasn't killed by a white policeman so bye laquesha . we have the statues and have to attack dolly parton too white .,irony,"" -serbian parliament gives jews $ 1 million per year for holocaust restitution #withjewswelose,incitement,"" -shri is hindu minded and he will take right action some in bjp are useless no doubt .,incitement,"" -slavery made barbados the most successful black country . colonialism made south africa the most successful in africa,incitement,"" -so proud of my girls ! i've always argued feminist victimhood tactics are one of the good kinds of identity politics .,irony,"" -some thoughts : 1 ) here is the issue : as pro-white activists we need to be serving the average white person more directly . there needs to be a volunteer organization with the sole intent of helping white people in economic problems . think of it like a salvation army for whites,incitement,"" -spencer ! are you being racist again ? and not at a race ? how do you do it ? jihad = peace .,stereotypical,"" -start breeding or else white genocide accelerates in france : 1 in 3 newborns are non-white via,white_grievance,"" -such #racism goy there is only ( ( ( shared human heritage ) ) ) rt : uc merced ca . its it's habbening .,incitement,"" -that will happen . the alt-right nationalist vibe is strong . and growing stronger . soldier on to victory .,incitement,"" -the end of a myth : most new serial killers in america are not white males | more : via,stereotypical,"" -the last stand of implicit white identity .,incitement,"" -the united states is the single biggest threat to the white race in north america and abroad that exists today . being a white nationalist and an american nationalist are mutually exclusive . death to america !,incitement,"" -the united states of america as we know it was created by white people . historically immigration was primarily from europe,stereotypical,"" -then what do you want ? i want to be able to live on the south side ... but black crime dissuades that . #chicago,stereotypical,"" -then you pay for illegals free services too . fair enough ?,stereotypical,"" -there are muslims who do not want to see sharia or jihad against the infidel in ameri,stereotypical,"" -there people cost us the tax payer $ 130 million a yr mininum . this will open wider the border !,stereotypical,"" -they are not the future . ( ( ( paul krugman ) ) ) gloats over demise of white america,white_grievance,"" -they are the only racial group that are still cannibals even people just related like many islanders eat people,stereotypical,"" -they owe us . not we owe them . amnesty legislation should include : not on govt.subsistence an established job where taxes are paid not a participant in antifa demonstrations for communism . speak english .,white_grievance,"" -they realized that it is easier to co-exist with the white super race and live off their wealth ! ! !,stereotypical,"" -thins stuff has to stop if you're truly serious about stopping anti white hate crime join #whitehonor #betawards #venezuela,white_grievance,"" -this is antifa . zog will take anyone to fight for greater israel,stereotypical,"" -tim wise is not white he is jewish .,stereotypical,"" -time to start a serious discussion on disarming black people and reviving insane asylums .,inferiority,"" -two articles in the this month called for removal of white history.both were written by jews and,stereotypical,"" -unarmed white woman killed by police where was her white privilege ?,white_grievance,"" -video : muslim speaker in canada calls for full implementation of islam says migrant influx helps build caliphate,stereotypical,"" -wait until trump allows increases in syrian refugees due to war . bill will consider it an even greater moment of leadership .,white_grievance,"" -was this meant to highlight white liberals ironic distaste for being anywhere near nonwhites ? or was it about the horrific white birthrate ?,white_grievance,"" -we need to start enforce our laws . removing illegals and getting control of our visa's .,incitement,"" -well there's nothing more stupid than a white anti-white .,white_grievance,"" -well there's your prob.you ' ve mistaken ordinary white americans for filthy white trash.most can distinguish the difference .,other,"" -what race is jihad mass murder again ? #savage you are true racist scum of the lowest gutter .,inferiority,"" -what will happen when they lose all white money ? they would be living in mudhuts with no white money ! all bs talk cause they need white cash,inferiority,"" -what you fail to understand is whites are a global minority . our countries are the ones being invaded we are the ones being replaced . we have nowhere to go once these brown hordes turn our country into a complete dump .,white_grievance,"" -what's good for the white race is what matters ! this event is good for our race regardless of nervous nellies !,incitement,"" -when white children not trained to defend against non-white conquering hordes its really about #whitegenocide,white_grievance,"" -white europeans are a great race and are recognized as being great around the world,inferiority,"" -white genocide accelerates in england : white british pupils will be outnumbered by 2037 #waronwhites,white_grievance,"" -white identity politics does lift everyone . white race has been greatest good on the planet race-wise .,inferiority,"" -white men increasingly less welcome world-wide including our slaughter . stop buying from companies that hate you .,white_grievance,"" -white power brothers,incitement,"" -white ppl are already a minority in the world ..,white_grievance,"" -white presidents only .,incitement,"" -white south africans trapped like frogs in boiling water anti-white racial violence escalates #swrm #whitegenocide,white_grievance,"" -white supremacist society ? where ? whites are the most oppressed group in the us . #noguilt,white_grievance,"" -who called u a racist ? let me @ em . u know i'm called a racist everyday.they don't see that i despise his white half also . luv ya my friend,irony,"" -who is behind mass third world immigration in sweden ?,stereotypical,"" -why do you hate white people ?,white_grievance,"" -why haven't you done anything to hillary for supporting blm . you guys are very stupid . hillary doing everything that is against u,white_grievance,"" -why i don't care for the jews :,stereotypical,"" -will in the first step to action . but you're right strong action will be necessary to save europe for the white race .,incitement,"" -wow you guys put up more posters ! truly a major victory for the white race,irony,"" -ws irony.ur really an idiot porkistop burning hindus christian alive in pakistan,stereotypical,"" -you can't be a jew and on the alt right . the alt right is woke to the jq,stereotypical,"" -you cannot be pro white and still advocate for open borders and flooding white lands with lazy bludgers,stereotypical,"" -you live in kirkland wa . a white suburb of a white city in a white state . your own parishioners would never live there were it 75 % black rather than 1.8 % . you decry segregation while living in a town priced so high that you're protected from ever worrying about black neighbors .,incitement,"" -youre a very ignorant black person . i guess youll be happy when trump personally call you an n word,threatening,"" -zionists want multi cultural europe and jewish only israel : via,stereotypical,"" -zoe why are the muslims not being deported ?,incitement,"" -zuckerberg's dream : the anti-white racist social network via the jew behind this rt,stereotypical,"" -" "" : "" "" : david duke : the racial murder and rape of white women in america via "" "" """,white_grievance,"" -" "" : kkk alive and well white brother hood unite ku klux klan "" "" if it aint white it aint right """,incitement,"" -" "" we must secure the existence of our race and a future for white children "" "" """,incitement,"" -" : new video : discusses "" white privilege "" "" the new frontier of white guilt : #privilege #tcot """,white_grievance,"" -" estonian pm : "" i don't want blacks in estonia ; this is a white country "" "" via """,incitement,"" -" european "" refugee "" "" crisis worsens #wakeupamerica #whitelivesmatter """,white_grievance,"" -" founded "" for ourselves and our posterity . "" "" the idiotic idea that being christian means being for open borders is very new and only used to attack and undermine white countries . """,white_grievance,"" -" instead of "" hate the rich ! "" "" it's "" "" hate white men ! "" "" """,white_grievance,"" -" rt "" leftist "" "" hate isn't really about trumphe's only a symbol ; for healthy white identitywar over whether whites are allowed to self advocate """,white_grievance,"" -" rt "" we have the highest number of illegal aliens in custody in history ... "" "" #mexico #buildthewall #invasion #wpww """,incitement,"" -" rt : #myjihad iranian jew murdered investigators tell suspect : "" if you were involved in killing a jew you did a good deed ... """,stereotypical,"" -" rt : eyewitness tells bbc terrorist ran at people with knife shouting "" this is for allah "" "" . #londonbridge """,stereotypical,"" -" rt a "" true conservative "" "" believes israel ought to stay jewish but calls you a "" "" racist "" "" for saying america ought to stay white """,white_grievance,"" -" rt and i will point it out here when u call white people "" white supremacist "" "" just cause they disagree with you . it's like me calling you the "" "" n "" "" word . with no proof """,white_grievance,"" -" rt for whatever reason the "" race in your face "" "" left is rabid ant-white . the white libs are the worst . explain that . professors / media / $ oros ? """,white_grievance,"" -" rt must read : "" illegal alien "" "" : the proper terminology """,incitement,"" -" rt the life of the prophet is valid as a law for every muslim how many thousands of innocents did he slaughtered during his "" holy "" "" life ? """,stereotypical,"" -" rt uk convert to #islam "" i can't love my mum because she's not muslim "" "" #islamophobia #tcot #antimuslim """,incitement,"" -" rt white student union "" offensive "" "" but anti-white student union is welcome at toronto | more : """,white_grievance,"" -" the word "" racist "" "" is a virus for the white mind . we found the antidote . it is referred to as the truth . """,white_grievance,"" -" we also know that intelligence is mostly hereditary and the rest is environmental . but bad environments are sure to be provided to children by stupid parents . that's partly what we mean when we say "" invite the 3rd world become the 3rd world "" "" . """,inferiority,"" -" went to nordstrom yesterday and they had a big rainbow banner with the word "" pride "" "" on the door but we both know the rainbow = whitegenocide """,white_grievance,"" -#algorithm white power !,incitement,"" -#bible = do not kill ( fullstop ) . #islam = do not kill the #unjustly ( ? ),stereotypical,"" -#bodypartsmatter to us but not to obama blessing planned parenthood & defends muslims - illegals who kill kill every minute,stereotypical,"" -#feelthebern sanders supporters . you're a white male - your views don't count . wall street + sjw rhetoric = new left,white_grievance,"" -- mosloms call us racist i am starting to think they should be classified that way as a race not a religion .,white_grievance,"" -... emotional condemnations of women gays jews nonwhites and any other people incapable of creating civilization .,inferiority,"" -2018 : im white 2019 : im white and im not apologizing 2020 : we are white and not sorry,incitement,"" -211000 invaders arrive in germany in 2016,incitement,"" -33 % mps have criminal records 82 % are myjihad islam muslims #arvindjailed leaving for delhi,stereotypical,"" -50 shot in chicago over the weekend including a 81 year old grandma . this demokkkrat war zone needs the national guard there now !,stereotypical,"" -9 year old white boy commits suicide after being tormented for months by racist arabs przez,stereotypical,"" -: accused carjacker to witness : i only rob white people,white_grievance,"" -: i have seen immense hate coming from a lot of the lgbt community . let's please designate these people,stereotypical,"" -: irs outreach tries to get illegal immigrants to file #afire #teaparty #p2,stereotypical,"" -: moderate islam is like being almost pregnant .,irony,"" -: the extermination of the white race : the facts about britain and non-white immigration,white_grievance,"" -: what is good for the white race is the ultimate good .,incitement,"" -> white people don't exist > white people stole all our sheeitchoose only one .,irony,"" -a hindu in america with a job is a white man without a job . you see what i'm getting at ? as a white man that bothers me,incitement,"" -america won't . muslim who hate's christian's in the white house . he won't fight in arab land we will have to fight at home .,threatening,"" -and in the process inciting anti-white violence - splc is an anti-white hate group,white_grievance,"" -and they don't restrict the raping to their own women no no . they rape thousands of white girls every year . white men rape < 10 black women .,stereotypical,"" -and white people do not need black people for anything at all you need us we don't need you,inferiority,"" -anti-racist activist raped by non-white illegal immigrant after anti-racism festival | read more : via,stereotypical,"" -anti-racist activist raped by non-white illegal immigrant after attending anti-racism festival | read more :,stereotypical,"" -anti-racist activist raped by non-white illegal immigrant after attending anti-racism festival | via,stereotypical,"" -anyone who doesnt agree with liberal agenda is racist . so i guess your a racist you dont agree with me . #noamnesty,white_grievance,"" -are u denying the average black iq around the planet is 85 ? btw are u black ?,inferiority,"" -as white america is perpetually under assault the numbers may change .,white_grievance,"" -bangladesh : muslims attack hare krishna temple assault devotees #islam #islamophobia #tcot,stereotypical,"" -beautiful white nationalism .,incitement,"" -because christ is an existential threat to their traditions of men .,incitement,"" -black leaders advocating genocide of white devils ; dhs official booted for advocating white genocide,stereotypical,"" -black people fracture the skull of a white guy .. via,stereotypical,"" -blood joining . sort of like america if you think about it . most lodges are white intentionally white,incitement,"" -britain sees race war brewing between non-white invaders via,incitement,"" -but white people wont be rioting . just saying .,stereotypical,"" -but you keep the jew as whites to help bolster your per capita numbers ... not once have you complained about jews being listed white,white_grievance,"" -but your senators paid by israel and wall street prefer to harm the christian people rather than defe,stereotypical,"" -ca is the worst state in infrastructure spending yet pushes to spend $ $ $ on services for illegal immigrants . #immigration,stereotypical,"" -calm down you quivering enthnomasochist . some people love being white .,incitement,"" -chin up . we'll all soon be compelled to accept everybody is a racist ( the right thing ) when gene editing / life extension science is commercialized + competition for white / asian dna makes it irrefutably clear the negroid dna has no commercial value : ~ 100 yr extinction event,inferiority,"" -christian are worshipping a god that commanded people to kill gay and apostate ! !,stereotypical,"" -cut immigration by at least 75 % ! raise does not do enough !,threatening,"" -democrats must brown america to enable electoral domination as white americans grow conservative building family & career .,stereotypical,"" -do they never condone the actions jihads do based on quran i just don't get it,stereotypical,"" -doesn't having white friends usually clear blacks of hate crime charges ?,stereotypical,"" -don't quit tex ! we are all gonna get swole and save the white race together,incitement,"" -eating beef regularly and torturing innocent hindus looting deir property has made these ppl demonic in nature,stereotypical,"" -excellent . we need our own adl yo track anti-white hate . then an aipac to pool funds to give to smaller orgs for white scholarships etc .,white_grievance,"" -fact : 90 % of all interracial crime in usa is black on white | read more : via,stereotypical,"" -fixation of jewish ppl as cause is just like when sjw blame white race 4 all harm,white_grievance,"" -former black ou football player pimps his former white ou cheerleader girlfriend for $ 200 via,stereotypical,"" -from its ashes a white centric nationalist party is born,incitement,"" -germany : 1.2 % of non-white invaders working #swrm via,stereotypical,"" -get the white man #liberalismin4words,white_grievance,"" -great tweet lol rt : what disgusting anti-white trash . #wakeup #whitepeople #wpww,white_grievance,"" -guns are a white invention . we used them to conquer . third position is good . i'm not conservative . i'm reactionary white nationalist .,incitement,"" -hamas / pali lover = what do those muslims want ? to kill jews..honor/give $ $ to fams = jew killers ! #dontbuythelies,stereotypical,"" -has anyone ever legitimately debunked jared taylor ? #altright #whitepeople,incitement,"" -have you ever seen a race with no competitors ? black / white are invalid colours of stigmas & power .,white_grievance,"" -he's probably crazy because the dems stuck him in an inner city with no hope while we pay illegals and refuges 25k plus benefits to be here,stereotypical,"" -history shows us that non-white marxists have no problem attacking or murdering white childrensee : haiti bolsheviks south africa ...,stereotypical,"" -how many of those are white liberals vs ( ( ( white ) ) ) liberals ? case in point : florida .,stereotypical,"" -hunt for white women : black racist serial killer confesses to 41 murders | read more : via,stereotypical,"" -i agree with everything . black people are more racist than white people . sorry but is the truth .. thank you for your truth .,stereotypical,"" -i definitely am proud of being a white man and a brother in the superior aryan race .,incitement,"" -i don't want to move anywhere . i want to keep britain and america white .,incitement,"" -i dont care .. i care about my people .. i want total separation with other races .. total apathy is my policy .. i know its so wayciss right ?,incitement,"" -i feel like people don't take me seriously when i say i wanna beat an antifa with another antifa but i'm serious,white_grievance,"" -i'm so glad #ferguson happened . you woke the world up to how much black people hate white people .,stereotypical,"" -if it's a white church it won't be called a hate crime you can bank on that,white_grievance,"" -in a nutshell if our government defends us and works for our interests it's deemed hostile to a jewish minority .,white_grievance,"" -in b k dutt colony 3 public parks out of 6 have been encroached by muslims in name of wakfboard.outsider muslims stop hindus 2 enter,stereotypical,"" -is it not great for blacks in america they get to terrorize america be racist & low iq do what ever the,inferiority,"" -is white race history : 1/10 babies born in #usa now multi-racial . in 1970 it was 1/100 .,incitement,"" -islam is not a race ? obama white house wants to change that,white_grievance,"" -israel spies on america to make the first move against the white race via,white_grievance,"" -it doesn't work that way and all of history proves it diversity wipes out the white race and only the white race,white_grievance,"" -it means people aren't buying the lie diversity kills now prove me wrong,white_grievance,"" -it's funny how many triggered liberals there are in the comments . anti-white buffoons .,white_grievance,"" -it's not islamophobia if they really are trying to kill you .,stereotypical,"" -it's statues now . eventually it will be calls to ban vanilla ice cream white bed sheets and to denounce snow as racist . insanity .,irony,"" -jared you must reconsider naming jews white,incitement,"" -jew hatred is inherent in islamic doctrine . muslims don't hate jews because of israel they hate isra,stereotypical,"" -jews : we white racelions not taking it any,stereotypical,"" -jews ie rejectors of christ control social media . yes they are white but love globalism not nationalism,stereotypical,"" -jews mock white people all the time so i know they have a sense of humor . they should love this . too funny :),incitement,"" -jews should pay reparations to whites for white genocide and holodomor,white_grievance,"" -join the white power !,incitement,"" -keeping jihadis at bay is more important than free speech .,threatening,"" -latino drug dealers are exterminating white addicts,stereotypical,"" -mayor signer omits salient facts about deandre harris attacking people with a flashlight . send him the picture,white_grievance,"" -nah we are going to resurrect idea of nation for white people and their children . i'm,incitement,"" -new black panther's white genocide project : ' if they are white kill em all ' | read more :,white_grievance,"" -no death is their poison . white man defend your own ! join and love your race they call to you ! raise the banners of freedom !,incitement,"" -no . no non-white refugees period .,threatening,"" -not a good time to be a old white guy,white_grievance,"" -ok so white people are the only people not allowed to be proud . fact . white males are the most disadvantaged when it comes to societal pressure / government subsidiesthe founding fathers were white supremacists so was my great grandfather . every non white person is a supremacist,white_grievance,"" -one of my faves . victory to the anp and white america !,incitement,"" -one side wants white people liquidated the other doesnt .,white_grievance,"" -pathological altruism . the nail in the coffin for the white race .,white_grievance,"" -people like you are the reason they're put up . the white race is the only race widely openly hated .,white_grievance,"" -petition to keep the us white,incitement,"" -pl . stop global jihad save humanity,threatening,"" -racist test for asians . tell them their daughter's seeing a black / white man and see what follows .,stereotypical,"" -remember this : la raza is a part of roman catholic liberation theology aimed at destroying white protestant america .,stereotypical,"" -rip white race ? europe may well be on its last legs germany may become banana republic without,white_grievance,"" -scince knows white are further evolved then any other race,inferiority,"" -should be retitledwhy decades of self-loathing has an impacted whites and how you can get them under control by encouraging it,white_grievance,"" -solidarity from this side of the atlantic.defense of american heritage is defense of european heritage in america . #theywillnotreplaceus,incitement,"" -study : middle easterners most likely to fabricate hate crime hoaxes against themselves .,white_grievance,"" -tanstaafl joins me to discuss the jewish agenda to genocide the white race the #altright trump and more !,white_grievance,"" -thank you for your all white video now deport yourselves . you're not native american you're breaking your own law . leave .,threatening,"" -that's why they prefer white neighborhoods ! they are escaping their own kind .,stereotypical,"" -the #unitedstates was a white nation founded by #whitepeople but our race has failed thus far at defending it . #family #culture #survival,incitement,"" -the ( ( ( fake news media ) ) ),stereotypical,"" -the civil rights movement was financed and led by communist jews to undermine white america #mlkday #mlktruth,stereotypical,"" -the end of a myth : most new serial killers in america are not white males | read more : via,white_grievance,"" -the fact that is already sucking up to violent sjws and black lives matter supporters shows why skeptics were right about #cruzcrew,stereotypical,"" -the genocide in south africa where whites are being brutally massacred by blacks is race war . the blacks there are power hungry ...,stereotypical,"" -the genocide of white america : 1980-2010 #swrm #whitegenocide #prowhite via,white_grievance,"" -the most oppressed demographic in the #us is the white #workingclass,white_grievance,"" -the southern poverty law center is untrustable anti-white racist liberal scum . i don't trust them and they're not honest about anything .,white_grievance,"" -the white race we must talk for its beginning about 4 millions and 900000 years ago as the first race . so the red and then the black,stereotypical,"" -then we have the same standard and you're no better . you just sided with people not your own because you loathe your own . probably because you hate yourself . you are a traitor .,incitement,"" -they knew from the start ' equality ' meant either destroying the white race or bringing it down to the lowest level .,white_grievance,"" -this makes me want to hang a large banner denoucing degeneracy at any lgbt story hour event . just sayin,stereotypical,"" -this may be a horrible thing to say but are black lives matter #blm the new klu klux klan ? they both racially hate & despise others,white_grievance,"" -to put up with you for a few more months you get an eviction notice from the white house no more muslim in the white house,threatening,"" -tomorrow is april 20th the birthdate of adolf hitler . do you have your flyers / stickers / cards ready for mass distribution ? ? #activism,incitement,"" -unless you're of coloror gay or ... not white,incitement,"" -we are a people without a country because america is gone . ( used to be jews were people without a country . ),incitement,"" -we must secure the existance of our people and future for the white children ! !,incitement,"" -when you are on your knees with your white associates do you swallow,other,"" -white the new black,white_grievance,"" -white genocide ? your buddy glenn miller murdered three white people including a teenage boy,white_grievance,"" -white genocide accelerates in germany : three large german cities to tip non-white | read more : via,white_grievance,"" -white genocide alert .. detroit : the death of white civilisation | more : via,white_grievance,"" -white genocide escalates in south africa international jew-controlled media remains in silence : via,white_grievance,"" -white history never will forget confederate 1860-1865 ! ! !,incitement,"" -white men not allowed unemployment in ohio funneled to black mafia members . women have no basic human rights .,stereotypical,"" -white nationalism is a religion of peace .,other,"" -white people wanting to live is racist .,white_grievance,"" -white protestants are 4 % nycmetro . that is proof immigration displaces .,stereotypical,"" -white race of humanity must be saved ; we are fighting to save minority white race ;,incitement,"" -white revolution *,incitement,"" -white supremacy a myth black privilege is real ! via,white_grievance,"" -whites founded the country . god you're not very smart . trying to be cool and pander to the anti-white racists that hate your skin color .,white_grievance,"" -whn they hate n kill shia nt mentioned in quran de wl nevr let live any jew mentioned as despisd in quran hadish,stereotypical,"" -why are we always told we should be more tolerant of islam ? why dont we ever hear that islam needs t,white_grievance,"" -why do we care what jews want or don't want ? they are actively at war with the white race and always have been .,stereotypical,"" -wow ... only in jew run america could something like this happen . what an outrage !,stereotypical,"" -yes . a racist of the highest kind ; a screwball feminist ; a windbag who was able to suck in female followers . yes .,white_grievance,"" -yes it is ! white pride !,incitement,"" -yes you are fine in a white majority country . how is mexico doing these days ? you people come here because you couldn't build it .,inferiority,"" -you evil white ( not-white ) supremacist ! ! honestly i expect the next left attack on poc that support to be that you imagine you are .,irony,"" -you know they're fundamentally nuts when muslims hate other muslims enough to kill them,stereotypical,"" -you need the white boogeyman to justify your failures,white_grievance,"" -you sound violent and anti-white .,white_grievance,"" -you think white children shld have thr countries colonized and destroyed ... bc white colonialism happened ?,white_grievance,"" -" "" : jews outraged over diversity is white genocide banner in australia | more : "" "" ; """,white_grievance,"" -" "" white supremacists "" "" aka those who refused to buy your misogynistic failed rap album ? or jews ? differentiate dindu . differentiate . """,stereotypical,"" -" "" you need a bombed out white civilization for black run america to work . "" "" """,incitement,"" -" . apparently you can conquer any white nation just by screaming "" racist . "" "" whites will even offer you their children """,irony,"" -" 15 of the 19 hijackers were saudi arabia.saudi arabia is our "" ally "" "" """,stereotypical,"" -" 2 million "" natives "" "" dont get dibs on all of north america . white settlers built what refugees are flocking to . """,white_grievance,"" -" : black supremacist arrested for threatening to "" kill all white people in the town "" "" """,white_grievance,"" -" anyone white that isn't anti - white & against #white genocide is "" too racist . "" "" """,white_grievance,"" -" are jewish groups going to demand massive non-jewish immigration into israel ? or is "" diversity "" "" only for the west ? """,white_grievance,"" -" court finds shooter floyd corkins used website to determine targets . labeling "" hate groups "" "" must end ! #tcot """,incitement,"" -" german muslim : islam is coming to take over germany "" your daughters will wear hijab """,incitement,"" -" how #jews feel about #whitepeople - "" the white race is the cancer of human history . "" "" - jewess susan sontag #hate #israel #racism """,white_grievance,"" -" i'm not antisemitic i support palestinians . faux polish jews that immigrated to palestine aren't semites you know the jew "" refugees "" "" . """,incitement,"" -" jew michael skolnik is "" jewish "" "" when it suits him and "" "" white "" "" when he wants to hate on whites """,stereotypical,"" -" rt : "" white privilege conference "" "" says resisting jihad is racist bashes robert spencer and pamela gell """,irony,"" -" rt of course jew-media to poison white brains : [ bad ] "" neo-nazis "" "" "" "" skirmished "" "" w / "" "" well-organized "" "" "" "" counter "" "" - protesters """,stereotypical,"" -" rt three blacks kill a white man "" for the fun of it . "" "" """,stereotypical,"" -" rt uk video : "" you're a jew not a muslim ... jew jew jew run ! "" "" #islam #islamophobia #tcot #antimuslim """,incitement,"" -" so basically your ok with no firing blacks and affirmative action but firing whites because "" muh free market "" "" . ok . """,white_grievance,"" -" the "" anti-racist "" "" saint died mandela's life work : mass murders white genocide | watch video : """,white_grievance,"" -" the evil reading koran ( "" 26 different korans "" "" ) is so dangerous that muslims might find out jesus is god and not jihad for momo """,stereotypical,"" -" to grant amnesty is to pardon #immigration lawbreakers and reward them ... "" #noamnesty """,white_grievance,"" -" trump's "" make america white christian again "" "" here is the proof #kkk """,incitement,"" -" white apathy toward "" white genocide "" "" is pathetic & a great betrayal > it is real so why no government intervention ? """,white_grievance,"" -#arkansas always bn infested w / incestuous psychotic white supremacist trash & still supports #hillbilly2,inferiority,"" -#india dear pm pl deport all 40k illegal #rohingya muslims w / o fail . #india is not an orphanage.we don't want terrorists,white_grievance,"" -#massive migration from africa to europe is underway ; europe may not survive ; sorry what to do ?,white_grievance,"" -#nohateappstate - ( ( ( who ) ) ) told him white people are evil ? - black guy talks about racism,white_grievance,"" -#projectsiege continues unabated . we will not rest until alt-right ideas are represented on college campuses nationwide . #sdsu,incitement,"" -#whitegenocide is public policy in white countries flood them force integrate them blend them into mixed race : see #kalergi plan #altright,white_grievance,"" -- poland is looking to protect its people.muslims bring with them the baggage of islam . this poses a potential threat .,white_grievance,"" -. can a jew join ? i am white green eyes and like your white trash blond south american girls .,inferiority,"" -. communist jews created a mind virus that's infecting and killing off the white race,stereotypical,"" -1 ) so when white peoples and cultures are being eradicated it's not your problem but when non-whites remove white people then it's whining,white_grievance,"" -70 million us white christian racist superiors are in 21st century against racial mix.please be fai,inferiority,"" -: > implying black people in the modern day are slaves . > implying white people,inferiority,"" -: again how islam with all the hate that has can bring peace ? h,stereotypical,"" -: alright ted kaczynski mail bomb your way to a white ethnostate . while o,incitement,"" -: america is ours - we created it . usa was founded by white nationalists . the rest of you are just,incitement,"" -: bloom thanks g * d that america is not an ethnostate then ponders various fake forms of unity that leave jew,stereotypical,"" -: race war in manhattan : black power militants storm restaurants and harass white patrons,white_grievance,"" -: russian tv report on france's white genocide by mass immigration : white people are disappearing from all over france ... ...,white_grievance,"" -: when you kill your own body to kill others we call it suicide . you call it jihad .,stereotypical,"" -: whites of south africa prepare for evacuation as genocide looms,white_grievance,"" -a racist any white man who is winning an argument with a #liberal a #conservative a #libertarian or a #jew .,white_grievance,"" -a reminder that jews are not white ! via,incitement,"" -a wall is racist ? #thatmakesnosense,white_grievance,"" -aint that america : obama shoes : in this farce of a country illegal aliens are showing up on the mexican bord ...,inferiority,"" -all black people are racist .,white_grievance,"" -all nationalists - white black asian or latin - are against globalization & foreign interference . they will fight jews .,stereotypical,"" -also put muslim brotherhood in the white house and every other branch of gvmnt he could ! americas biggest race baiter that's his legacy,incitement,"" -america is an extension of europe according to the first european settlers and founding fathers .,incitement,"" -america is white america . there is no america without whites dominant .,incitement,"" -america will never be a pure white country but that,incitement,"" -america you can't coexist with people who want to kill you ! #rt #stopislam #stopjihad #nosharia #nopc,stereotypical,"" -and wealthy whites will have to go with us or risk having the marxists confiscate all of their wealth to give to -,white_grievance,"" -and yet a white man gets 15 years for putting bacon on a mosque for step ! thank god for white privilege,irony,"" -another day another black male kills a white cop #whitelivesmatter,stereotypical,"" -anti-racist is just code for anti white . no one says that africa needs to have a blended humanity,white_grievance,"" -anti-white jew david sirota blocked me when i asked him why israel wasn't taking in any refugees lol,white_grievance,"" -are you serious ? even whites know this.they only give aid to steal more,white_grievance,"" -at least the fires still lit there's hope . i wish us white had our own homeland achieved peacefully but achieved at all is a +,incitement,"" -at what point did whites start all this self-hatred ? no other race self-destructs this way .,white_grievance,"" -atlanta's traffic problems are due to white people escaping blacks ( crime ),stereotypical,"" -aye well i like the nineties . people were happy and confident and the diversity hadn't started to bite .,irony,"" -bascially your policy is to replace your own people with foreigners because you are self hating leftists,white_grievance,"" -because prior to that almost everybody in white societies was white .,white_grievance,"" -being white in philly : pennsylvania h / t sbpdl the black mayor of philadelphia is trying to the human rights c ...,white_grievance,"" -black supremacist arrested for threatening to kill all white people in the town | read more : via,white_grievance,"" -blacks 13 % of us population commit 59 % of murders . #baltimore #ferguson #freddiegray #baltimoreuprising,stereotypical,"" -blame the white man . gets tiresome .,white_grievance,"" -bradford : 80 % of children sexually exploided are white . rape jihad,incitement,"" -but the reality is that many of them want the white man's civilization without the white man in it .,white_grievance,"" -by not taking a bold and open stand for white america we ensure ourselves the chains the jews make 4 us !,white_grievance,"" -channel everyone - white black asian latin - against jews - through nationalist winds in each country - regardless of race .,incitement,"" -citizens to kill jews for no reason . other than they believe everything belongs to them and if your not a muslim you have to die .,stereotypical,"" -definitely not on our side ! better luck next presidential election white america !,white_grievance,"" -did he import white mechanics to keep it running ?,irony,"" -diversity always means fewer ( or no ) whites,white_grievance,"" -diversity is only imposed on white nations . diversity : slowly and legally eliminating white people .,white_grievance,"" -does not make you a racist . makes you a realist .,white_grievance,"" -eating beef is neither a essential part of islam nor is it a marker of secularism . the only idea of making it so is to humiliate the hindus,stereotypical,"" -ending slavery - whites ; democracy - whites ; women's rights - whites ; innovations in science from electricity to space travel - whites ...,incitement,"" -european culture went into decline when people killed off paganism & erected goyim synagogues with crosses,incitement,"" -ever notice how jews are only ' white ' when it serves their agenda ?,stereotypical,"" -following the jcc arrest can we be smarter about anti-semitism ? via,incitement,"" -four adopted children not a single one white . what kind of self-loathing and / or white savior complex causes that ?,inferiority,"" -god grant that in all the land there were more white people than black and colored .,incitement,"" -good video on internet activism and white character #whitegenocide #freespeech #northwestfront #deportallmuslims,white_grievance,"" -he never will . he hates white people and our country even more .,white_grievance,"" -he's still a zionist shill that will throw people in prison for anti-semitism just like the rest of europe,stereotypical,"" -he's vocally anti-white he's not white he advocates miscegenation and he's so much as admitted to raping women,inferiority,"" -hey guys nz european here . you have my support bringing america back to white america the way it should've been .,incitement,"" -hey hillary why do you take millions in donations from arab nations who beat rape and kill innocent women and young girls ?,stereotypical,"" -hey white people . if you don't hate yourself don't want to be killed or honor murdered white people you are a bigot and hater !,white_grievance,"" -hope you're not white . cause that would make you a race traitor .,white_grievance,"" -how any white liberals coming to #ferguson and #shawshooting this weekend will get robbed ? place your bets !,stereotypical,"" -hunter you do know i'm a jew . i hope you mean to diss liberal jews not us hardline rightwinger jews .,other,"" -i assume it's about how the africans freed themselves from evil whites owners . with . no . help . at . all .,irony,"" -i don't think there are enough white players in the nba ! they must be racist ! al sharpton please call an emergency meeting !,irony,"" -i have even less sympathy for refugees now,incitement,"" -i'm 99.6 % white so i want 4 % of all those sweet white gibs . be my ally sarah accept your privilege and help me beat the system ! #resist,white_grievance,"" -i'm a nationalist and white . ergo white nationalist . so long as identity politics exist we must play the game or lose by not showing up .,incitement,"" -i'm saying stop non white immigration . white people can come here all they want . and good man i love that flag .,incitement,"" -i'm white and jewish can i join your party ? oh that's right neither of those are qualifiers to be american . #maga brother,irony,"" -identity evropa is and identitarian organization we must come together and care for each other in the white community . the liberals have single handedly declared that white americans are open game for brown illegal aliens .,white_grievance,"" -if immigration leads to nonwhite rule they may kill off white leaders and amnesty would make this more likely .,white_grievance,"" -if we dont let muslims into america theyll kill us & why would we want ppl who say they'll kill us to come here ?,stereotypical,"" -immigration act of 1924 is original sin of white america according to jews ; therefore america must import all immigrants forever,incitement,"" -in 1930s hitler began blaming jews for financial woes of struggling germans . many had $ $ / businesses . built a campaign of hate lies er anger against evil juden . i got into this thread bc op1 is spreading hate lies anger against evil white race.very hitler-esque !,white_grievance,"" -in white power by rockwell chapter called : nightmare is coming true ! all out black on white war ! prepare now !,white_grievance,"" -inb 4 its ok to be white as long as youre also fine with anti white policies that displace whites,white_grievance,"" -indians are pre colombians . white people founded and built usa .,inferiority,"" -instead of washing muslims feet apologizing for islam . francis should watch this video .,irony,"" -is zuma talking about seizing white land or not ? are you denying it ?,white_grievance,"" -it seems true but they had plenty of people willing to suicide bomb an,stereotypical,"" -jew says he's gonna kill judge,incitement,"" -jews and mudslims united against white civilization,white_grievance,"" -jews don't want to live close to the non-white invaders they welcome #expeltheinvaders #withjewswelose,stereotypical,"" -jews rejoicing at the prospect of the end of the white race,white_grievance,"" -jews say whites should love their own demise . for whites to love white life is to hate their own demise . that is hate,white_grievance,"" -jihad : story of white slavery,white_grievance,"" -lmao ... it's always the jews who stage these so called hate crimes ...,stereotypical,"" -look as long as you goys don't point out that jews get zionism & israel and we suppress white nationa,irony,"" -look american ! ! just few years ago those polish people was used to clean our cars window glasses in the streets in italy,inferiority,"" -makes me wonder if i will be called racist for calling him a a muslim .. even though he is white ..,white_grievance,"" -maybe.after all the white folks are bred out .,white_grievance,"" -merlan provides us with another example of why jews should be excluded from white countries #withjewswelose,incitement,"" -more than half of french population terrified of being killed in isis attack,incitement,"" -muslims will not condemn koranic verses . making them all part of the problem .,stereotypical,"" -my 4 reasons to defund amnesty,incitement,"" -nazism & white supremacy are not at all incompatible with jihad terror : you're in denial .,stereotypical,"" -need a massive deportation program ... around 100000 000 get us back to a 1960 demographic #maga ... #14w,incitement,"" -new info graphic : most police are white most criminals are black = many blacks shot by white officers #dothemath,stereotypical,"" -not a white supremacist hate the kkk neo-nerds blm & anquifa isis well all sissy terrorists . i got a rebel flag because i'm a rebel . america,incitement,"" -not just enslave though they also want to rape & force white women in marriage & they'll kill their own 4 race mixing 2,incitement,"" -nothing will stop the marxist destruction of the white race it doesn't matter what the white race has done doing now or will d0,white_grievance,"" -now more than ever the white race need to band together . the world would love our extinction . we must stand up to them,white_grievance,"" -of course rape of white women is the race uniting pt of true love and compassion #waronwhites #whitegenocide,white_grievance,"" -one day isis monsters will be in our midst & white liberals will serve them humus cooked for them by white feminists,stereotypical,"" -pass it and let barry show he stands for illegals vs . legal americans then override his veto !,incitement,"" -pegida is all about saving white race from onslaught of islam . hitler was saving his race from ill effects . his people voted 4him,white_grievance,"" -people are upset on the cow protection issue pl . save your core support base muslims do not vote for you,stereotypical,"" -people call me racist yet i have more in common with you a black man than i do with a white male who's vote for democrats,white_grievance,"" -pro-whites r the target . antifa are tools of the system . further antifa / blm are terrorist,incitement,"" -race baiting self loathing white guilt syndrome snowflake leftists antifa loving media .,white_grievance,"" -race hate rape of 1400 white english girls . muslims decide non-cooperation with british police :,white_grievance,"" -race is the ultimate uniter . deep down the hipster from brooklyn knows he's better off wth the country club old boy than he is with some random non white .,inferiority,"" -rick perry on illegal mestizo invaders lunatic ... helping to push white #genocide in #america,stereotypical,"" -right on america needs to wake up enough black on white hate crimes and our media does nothing for whites,white_grievance,"" -see shucking and jiving for the white man is paying off,stereotypical,"" -seems to fully understand that it's not the responsibility of american tax payers to support illegals pretty simple,white_grievance,"" -so sad . they have no choice but to deport all non-white residents . are they racist ? no . survivalists,incitement,"" -so you believe it is wrong for a white man to defend his own race ? do you believe that it i,white_grievance,"" -sometimes hate is good . i hate islamic jihad ! lol .,incitement,"" -sometimes i think we're the only white people left old man .,white_grievance,"" -stay white my dear christian friend stay white .,incitement,"" -that is white genocide at work,white_grievance,"" -that's a consolationto be killed by a middle class educated jihadi rather than by,inferiority,"" -thats the fake muslims not everyone wants to kill themselves thats just the retards,stereotypical,"" -the #us #education system discourages critical thinking skills . hence the ignorant hate that persists against #hitler & national-socialism .,white_grievance,"" -the ' white lives matter ' rally tomorrow is going to be a disaster & griffin ( ) is actively destroying white identitarian movt .,white_grievance,"" -the days of whites failing to notice our own displacement are over . #sportsball #boycottnfl #14words #maga,white_grievance,"" -the difference between third world countries and america is the people . think about that a minute . #trump2016 #hillary2016,inferiority,"" -the illegal immigration from mexico is another name 4 white genocide #stopwhitegenocide,white_grievance,"" -the modern young white male is poisoned and distracted by the stupid social media culture ( & tv ) where anything goes and everyone race mixes .,white_grievance,"" -the real face of islam ! #wakeupamerica #tcot #ccot #nosharia #trump,incitement,"" -the subcontinental-darkies climbed the america's political / corporate / social ladders faster than other asian groups,inferiority,"" -the true comparison is what is the ratio of white on black vs black on white crime & violence .,stereotypical,"" -the usa will no longer be around by then thanks to racist white liberals and illegal welfare bums .,white_grievance,"" -the white race must unite against our genocide > the flooding of white nation's with nonwhites has been deliberate >,white_grievance,"" -there are already enough mid easterners in western europe to effectively end the white race in under 30 years time,white_grievance,"" -they already said that no matter what if youre white youre racist .,white_grievance,"" -this is #potus obama's legacy illegal criminal murderers of americans ...,white_grievance,"" -this is an inherently white thing to do . keep up the good work .,incitement,"" -this is only the beginning believe me - whitey is done being pushed around by marxist / anarchist / leftist anti-white scum time for pushback !,white_grievance,"" -this is part of their auto-victimisation to justify the jihad ! since ever ! ! !,stereotypical,"" -this is perfect . its okay to be white forces the left to show how much they hate ideas that are simply not their own .,white_grievance,"" -this is what you get when you preach anti white hate and white genocide .,white_grievance,"" -too good to be true ? ? whitey fights back ! ! southern italian town world's ' only white town ' after ethnic cleansing,white_grievance,"" -traitor . there's nothing worse than an #antiwhite white person .,white_grievance,"" -truth about the holocaust religion terrifies its priests : a nicely condensed piece on the fictional ' holocaust ...,stereotypical,"" -ugh we get it you hate whites and hate your own white face .,white_grievance,"" -uk : white woman punched to the ground and spat on in racist attack by non-white thug | more :,stereotypical,"" -unfortunately explicit white segregation is literally illegal under us law . black and brown people can segregate explicitly but we cant .,white_grievance,"" -via robert spencer in frontpage mag : leland yee : an anti-gun democrat jihadists can love #catholic,incitement,"" -video : white man march - white nationalist rallies organized across the globe for march via white time,incitement,"" -we are back to support you and you alone will win preserve our beautiful white race including hillary types,white_grievance,"" -we need few more video like this to open eyes of sleeping hindus christian conversion is big,white_grievance,"" -well he they would be born white . and most jews were born white .,inferiority,"" -what is #hatespeech ? homosexuals & jews relentlessly smear christians & white males.why isn't that hate speech ?,white_grievance,"" -when white people accuse other white people of being white . the most bizarre form of intolerance and racism .,white_grievance,"" -white civilization is superior than monkeys,inferiority,"" -white countries no more ... this is #whitegenocide,white_grievance,"" -white girl shot to death for fun by black racist murders via,white_grievance,"" -white men must act to save the honour of white women and girls .,white_grievance,"" -white people are an endangered species that is affected by open borders .,white_grievance,"" -white people have no value to the left and the white on the left hate themselves,white_grievance,"" -white privilege 101 : salon is there any truth to the argument that jews are hostile to white people ?,stereotypical,"" -white will dominate ! sieg heil hitler,incitement,"" -whites are finally beginning to vote like other races--in their own interests .,white_grievance,"" -why is d white race most beautiful creation of god ?,inferiority,"" -why should the white race not enjoy a homeland of their own making ? why should anyone actively seek to replace them ? that makes no sense .,white_grievance,"" -works for me ... don't give them benifits in any form except for a bus ride back to mexico .,incitement,"" -ya i'm sure & you did say tea party = kkk and called kkk racist . but whatevs bye felicia,white_grievance,"" -yay no amnesty ! make yourself illegal or go back to where you came from . we need an honest country not a bunch of liars thieves killers,inferiority,"" -yes : hate injustice toward women hate curtailing of free speech hate warfare against non-muslims hate killing of apostates ...,stereotypical,"" -you recognize you are talking about a race who literally put people of other races in a real yoke .,stereotypical,"" -you say your surprend . your are nothing . blacks will over take you guys and take over america . all talk no action .,white_grievance,"" -you're missing the point . 1 black attacking 1 of my white people is 1 too many .,white_grievance,"" -" "" : blood & honour - white aryan resistance t-shirt from the white resister : "" "" ; """,incitement,"" -" "" : david lane : open letter to the dead white race "" "" """,white_grievance,"" -" "" diversity "" "" is code for no more white faces . the white race is the only race that has genuine diversity . #tcot #ccot """,white_grievance,"" -" "" white "" "" jews feel nothing 4 the lives of whites ! they only care about jews ! """,stereotypical,"" -" "" white supremacist "" "" is an anti-white slur . """,white_grievance,"" -" awesome . estonian politician : "" i don't want blacks in estonia ; this is a white country "" "" """,incitement,"" -" call them "" anti white "" "" cause that is what they are ! #whitegenocide """,white_grievance,"" -" funny how it's "" racist "" "" to get the white vote while they openly want the votes from jews blacks hispanics etc . """,white_grievance,"" -" how do you reconcile your view with the koran commanding "" kill the infidel "" "" ? """,stereotypical,"" -" it's because they are a bunch of "" w . i . n . o's "" "" ( cucks who are "" "" white in name only "" "" ) who are too afraid to be pro-white ... """,other,"" -" look into affirmative action . it's straightforward anti-white discrimination . then look at brazil . that's your "" race blind "" "" future . """,white_grievance,"" -" of course #trump is not "" your guy "" "" . only fools could imagine a * white friendly * candidate emerging from jew cesspit nycity """,inferiority,"" -" rt "" : : non-white hate crime mob violence comes to finland ( video ) "" "" ; cultural enrichment ? """,stereotypical,"" -" rt "" : african immigrants brutally beat white people in melbourne home invasion via "" "" """,stereotypical,"" -" rt does "" generation identity "" "" really want the "" "" remigration "" "" of black americans ? if yes where to ? """,incitement,"" -" rt google search queries for "" racism "" "" from 2004 to present . mostly white countries bombarded with anti-white media and open borders lunacy . the rest of the world is racist af and doesn't care . """,white_grievance,"" -" rt imagine the white-knuckle rage if the headline read : "" white people deserve safe spaces without ethnic minorities . "" "" """,white_grievance,"" -" rt white guilt is coming into play with white players wanting to look "" woke "" "" and black players supporting him just because he's black ! """,white_grievance,"" -" whitearyanpride : they say they are anti-racist but what they really are is anti-white ! via "" """,incitement,"" -#charlotteriots = anti-white racial hatred . if you're ready to stop it join . white children deserve a future .,incitement,"" -#neverforget israel & jewish criminals did 9/11 to justify endless war & tyranny . google israel did 9/11 - i dare u,stereotypical,"" -#stopextinction of the white race . your #children need you :,white_grievance,"" -#whitegenocide is real . stop making light of confederate issues . stand up for america - - be american ! ! ! #dixie,white_grievance,"" -. #jewish #antihate have pages documenting #antimuslim #bigotry of & cohorts,stereotypical,"" -. when are you going to write about how jews destroy white institutions ? jews created this .,stereotypical,"" -. yrs of interaction w / white atheist science ! are vapid & men r impotent.christianity is white past & future,incitement,"" -9 year old white boy commits suicide after being tormented for months by racist arabs | read more :,stereotypical,"" -9year old white boy commits suicide after being tormented for months by racist arabs | read more : via,stereotypical,"" -: #arizona politician proposes a special holiday for white people #altoarizona #immigration,white_grievance,"" -: caleb russell inspires next #cair bus ad : #myjihad is to kill all the white people on this bus,stereotypical,"" -: canadians rejecting misogynist gay / jew / westhating islam must fearlessly expose,stereotypical,"" -: david duke : the racial murder and rape of white women in america,stereotypical,"" -: demokkkrats stop your racist deceit ! obama sat underneath a racist america hating black liberation garbage spewing idiot,white_grievance,"" -: dr . david duke : will the white race survive ? via,white_grievance,"" -: estonia : 1000 white nationalists protest against non-white invasion ),incitement,"" -: in memoriam panzerdivision totenkopf t-shirt from the white resister,incitement,"" -: jw is a truth organization not a hate orginzation . islam is all about hate . #ar,stereotypical,"" -: learn from it #liberals ~ elin krantz : just another dead white liberal female ...,stereotypical,"" -: reza aslan lies about arab spring bringing democracy as egypt mp calls for sharia punishments crucifixion & amputa ...,stereotypical,"" -: show me buddhist mandate to kill muslims . i'll show you islams mandate to kill polytheists,stereotypical,"" -: south africa white genocide escalates international jew-controlled media remains in silence,white_grievance,"" -: the reason islam can win every attempt to advance sharia is kafirs are tolerant of all its demands .,stereotypical,"" -: there is no hate like islamic hate .,stereotypical,"" -: they hate you because the jew controlled mainstream media is brainwashing them . #jewishsupremacy,stereotypical,"" -: us will have a civil war . stupid white libs who call white people privileged and racist,incitement,"" -: white man lynched and robbed by a racist black gang ( video ) via,stereotypical,"" -: white pill time : richard spencer helps to lead torchlight procession in support of white southern h,incitement,"" -already destroyed 2/3 of christendom & people still don't get it . & jews tell us,stereotypical,"" -americas poorest white town proves link between race and crime #swrm #whitetown #us via,stereotypical,"" -and there was an underlying white identity resurgence to trump's campaign . it's why the jews freaked so much .,stereotypical,"" -another anti-white racist attacks in obama's america ( video ) via,white_grievance,"" -anti-white un boss demands more non-white invasion into uk despite major opposition | more :,white_grievance,"" -ask more rss intellectuals to come on powerful twitter and spread the message of brahma vishnu and mahesh .,incitement,"" -be glad for it ! white people are getting an eyeful of black arrogance and are realizing we are right !,stereotypical,"" -beneath the mask of the human rights industry is the final solution of the white race .,white_grievance,"" -black lives matters is run by lesbians !,inferiority,"" -build the wall . deport them all . dont let them take away our machine guns . 2nd amendment,threatening,"" -but isn't milk a symbol of white supremacy ? #worldmilkday,irony,"" -but thats deceptive bcuz not all pigmentated people fail . is it african ethnic groups ? is it a tribal mentality ?,stereotypical,"" -can i join if i'm black but on the inside white ?,irony,"" -clarke elder racist blacks whites need to stop attacking white folks,white_grievance,"" -cuck erickson : that's racist ! you're all racists !,other,"" -cuckservatives : french family edition via #cuckservative #whitegenocide #transracial,other,"" -danish prime minister warns of emergence of muslim parallel societies no-go zones |,stereotypical,"" -demokkkrats started the kkk and now they are starting a racist jihad against white cops ! demokkkrats are racism experts !,stereotypical,"" -every white woman in america and other white nations needs to be able to handle a firearm ! !,incitement,"" -gee i wonder why . why dont you tell us more about how ( ( ( you ) ) ) hate all white people ?,white_grievance,"" -great news it's about time us white folks did somethingl,incitement,"" -has become a school committed to black empowerment and white disenfranchisement .,white_grievance,"" -he has openly advocated to kill white men . can't trust muslims .,stereotypical,"" -i don't hate people . is it hate to reject an intolerant ideology ? there's plenty of hate in your islamic texts : #kuffarhate #misogyny #jihad,stereotypical,"" -i get it . asia for the asians . africa for the africans . white countries for every,white_grievance,"" -i had no idea they were going after white people so aggressively & violently .,white_grievance,"" -i had should have placed a bet that it would be a jew,stereotypical,"" -i have a shocker for you there are no white supremacists but there are white ( ( ( supremacists ) ) ),white_grievance,"" -i think white self-hating should be treated like mental illness .,white_grievance,"" -i'm randomly on a white power racist website and find this ! ! ! : adolf hitler smiley face t-shirt,incitement,"" -if black dysfunction is an indicator of institutionalized white supremacy it appears cities get more white supremacist as they get blacker .,inferiority,"" -if hindus in bihar want to live with dignity than they need 2 throw out these two psuedos hindus #abkibaarbjpinbihar,incitement,"" -if muslims are to be considered a race ( absurdly ) then by default non-muslims are a race.therefore jihad is racist .,stereotypical,"" -if only the fuhrer would have given rommel one more division in north africa ...,incitement,"" -is a amazing video . if you're white and haven't watched this watch it . #whiteandproud #racism #doublestandards,incitement,"" -israel stopping african immigrants whilist jews open america and european borders,stereotypical,"" -it allows white people to be free of black crime !,inferiority,"" -it is good that blacks are driving a wedge between them and white people ! we must make sure our people are aware !,incitement,"" -it would be nice to have historically white colleges and universities . we have them in the south . that would be called * racist * though,white_grievance,"" -it's 100 % correct that whites and blacks shouldnot date we are a minority compare,incitement,"" -it's only evil when white people do it .,white_grievance,"" -it's wonderful if these white women will wake up to anti-white racism.but some whites love to be punished for being white .,white_grievance,"" -its about money not christian love cost #refugee family $ 257481+ welfare + food stamps,stereotypical,"" -jews crown miss holocaust survivor in morbid beauty pageant #withjewswelose,stereotypical,"" -just fyi israel and jews did 9/11 and blamed muslims to justify the global war on terrorism,stereotypical,"" -keep it white,incitement,"" -kosher conservatives think money is the measure of everything . but more important than mere $ $ is the quality of,stereotypical,"" -lets turn our hate into action : action report on the liverpool white man march via,incitement,"" -libertarian solution : more third world immigration,inferiority,"" -loretta lynch where you at on the chicago hate crime ! those thugs attacked a man because he was white and handicapped !,white_grievance,"" -maybe you should go to black lives matter and whine about your white guilt,incitement,"" -milo can be useful to an extent . his gayness makes lefties more receptive to him . i started with milo and ended at the alt-right,incitement,"" -more white genocide on the tl smh,white_grievance,"" -most muslim terrorists are white what are they talking abt ?,stereotypical,"" -muslims always feel provoked and offended ... that's why islam has to be banned from democracies .,stereotypical,"" -muslims arrested for conning elderly into funding jihadis #islam #islamophobia #tcot #antimuslim #uk,stereotypical,"" -my fave question to ask counter protesters ( who are always majority white ) is why do they hate white people .,white_grievance,"" -neocon jew bill kristol wants to create a committee not to renominate the president daily stormer,stereotypical,"" -netherlands : 65 % of 1990s immigrants on welfare #swrm #immigrants only 68 % ! ? id check again ! via,stereotypical,"" -never i hope it's degrading can't believe the germans they have sunk so low !,inferiority,"" -no . this is the nation of the united states of america . white people are indigenous to the usa .,stereotypical,"" -not racist at all brother makes you a patriot .,incitement,"" -not referring to a single tattoo . perhaps it's time to start something new something that's not exclusionary to dedicated good whites .,incitement,"" -oh white guilt .. like i said i have none of that,incitement,"" -ohio law whitey pays for blacks crimes or jail . white girls arrested so corrections officers have something to play with .,white_grievance,"" -optics cucks eternally btfo ! #whitelivesmatter did more to advance our narrative than any rally thus far . congratul,white_grievance,"" -paul : what's wrong with all western nations is we're ruled by jews & have been poisoned by their false narratives,stereotypical,"" -people are now aware that islam is not a race so it is not racist to hate muslims . muslims are people that join an evil cult .,stereotypical,"" -pretty much . why would jews ( who look like white men ) bash themselves ? oh ... they wouldn't .,stereotypical,"" -racist attacks on white dutch people by mobs of muslim immigrants continue ( video ) va,stereotypical,"" -racist black goes on shooting spree says his teachers taught him to hate whites | read more :,stereotypical,"" -rt the active shooter in charleston sc is a crazy black man not a white supremacist . i know you democrat race baiters ( cont,stereotypical,"" -save your tax dollars deport the illegals now !,incitement,"" -screw the blind media and cucks join and save you people !,other,"" -she's another low iq hollywood liberal . islam is submission and btw if they ran america,stereotypical,"" -show your pride with wpww t-shirts from the white resister via,incitement,"" -so answer this : are u jewish ? cause jews though they have some white blood are semites and many jews claim to be white when convenient .,stereotypical,"" -so is mass non-white immigration to the west in the minds of jews,stereotypical,"" -so twitter is anti-white . good to know,white_grievance,"" -suburban middle class whites fear making waves because they have much more to lose . its easier to say y,white_grievance,"" -switzerland : africans kill elderly white man then start screaming about racism #swrm #switzerland via,stereotypical,"" -that's not a hate crime though nooooo only us evil white people commit hate crimes ..,irony,"" -that's why racial segregation is necessary,incitement,"" -the 1st slave owner in fl was a black man owning white & black slaves . muslims enslave all races today . slavery is not about race !,stereotypical,"" -the chicoms seemily care more about their people's wellbeing than european nations about their own ? bizarre .,white_grievance,"" -the democratic base does not want a white especially a white man to represent them .,white_grievance,"" -the only whites who are declining are white liberals white conservatives and everything to the right of them are multiplying . whites of tomorrow will be fewer but they will be far more right wing and far right . everything is going our way,incitement,"" -the protesters in new mexico were thugs who were flying the mexican flag . the rally inside was big and beautiful but outside criminals !,stereotypical,"" -the third-world colonization of australia has continued apace ! read more : via,stereotypical,"" -the white #workingclass is the most oppressed demographic in the #unitedstates - #wakeup #fightback,white_grievance,"" -the wreckage left by the summer of trump #cuckservative,other,"" -theoretically overturning roe v wade would increase white birthrate without increasing non-white birthrate .,incitement,"" -they do and you can check them the white on white crime is less than half the total % of black on black,stereotypical,"" -they're killing white people in south africa no one blinks,white_grievance,"" -this is stupid ... the ' far left ' democrats illegal aliens communists . commits genocide on the white race of america .,white_grievance,"" -this is what the anti-white promotes ... multiculturalism sad :,incitement,"" -ugh ... always trying to say they're equal to whites . couldn't be further from the truth .,inferiority,"" -uhm ... i wonder what percentage of white nationalist / racist knuckle draggers are progressives ? my guess = less than 1 % u 2 care to guess ?,other,"" -uk has been spelling radical islamic terrorism as random drunk asian person,stereotypical,"" -university report : a room full of white people is a microaggression,irony,"" -ur argument about white christians killing people is lame . sharia law is dangerous,stereotypical,"" -very existence of white race hinges on trump =,incitement,"" -via : 9 steps to successfully counter jihad #tcot,stereotypical,"" -we just need to convince white people of the need for more white people ! we must boost our numbers !,incitement,"" -we need presentation that makes people realize they've been gaslit into hating us when in actuality we are the normal healthy people w love for our nation . american flags singing national anthem . basic branding . follow trumps lead in that regard - the people are dying for it ! !,incitement,"" -we should jail all white christian american males who look like they might kill in mass shootings !,irony,"" -well they helped zionism and commies to destroy germany a white country ... that's racist .,white_grievance,"" -what a national socialist america will do for the white american worker ! #nationalsocialism #nationalism,white_grievance,"" -what about white americans ? oh wait that's * white supremacy * to talk about white interests ?,white_grievance,"" -what they want is of little value in a land swarming with hostile non whites . race first ! all else is dross !,white_grievance,"" -what's shocking is 34 % didn't think america settled by white euros . let's see : 12.3 % black pop +12.5 % brown pop + misc minorities + white cucks =,other,"" -which is why they want race mixing . what they don't realize is that race mixing will lead to white,incitement,"" -white british : minority within 50 years #swrm #white #whitegenocide #uk via,stereotypical,"" -white european ancestors have been proven to be in america before your ancestors arrived here ! new scientific proof ! read up on it !,stereotypical,"" -white genocide accelerates : university removes portaits of white male professors | more :,white_grievance,"" -white genocide accelerates in sweden : university removes all portaits of white male professors #swrm,white_grievance,"" -white genocide in america 1960-2060 #swrm #whitegenocide #us via,white_grievance,"" -white nationalism is the answer .,incitement,"" -white people donating to white organizations is bad . jews donating to jewish organizations is good .,irony,"" -white people need to watch their backs . there is a war upon us .,incitement,"" -white people seemingly are the only truly altruistic ethnic group . ive seen more white people help complete strangers and animals with zero reciprocity.for a society bent on white genocide they would fall apart without us ..,inferiority,"" -white zioner dream state,stereotypical,"" -why are white nationalist white people who resist islam labelled racist ?,white_grievance,"" -you are hereby condemned for your hostile posture towards the white civil rights movement . #unitetheright,incitement,"" -you are the problem you race baiting white guilt syndrome scum bag .,incitement,"" -you call yourself fair ! should be rename white race for white states,incitement,"" -you have it all wrong ! nazism isn't white this white that . it's about being a powerful regime ! remember our fathers ! #nazigermany,incitement,"" -you're not good or white enough,inferiority,"" -your saying they are getting radicalized here so we should stop vetting people that are already radicalized and let them into the country . typical liberal logic,stereotypical,"" -your white privilege is showing through bro #maga,irony,"" -" "" : all-white town fights to preserve segregation in the anti-white new south africa via "" "" """,incitement,"" -" "" immigrants "" "" are something that happened after white people built the country . """,incitement,"" -" "" you answered my question "" "" no i asked you a question . 95 % of the men who won ww2 were against interracial dating gay marriage & the replacement of white america through mass immigration . are people with those beliefs today nazis ? """,white_grievance,"" -" 2 . mexico encourages their people to immigrate to the us precisely because it serves as an "" escape valve "" "" """,stereotypical,"" -" assaults white student and blames "" white violence . "" "" #blm #whitegenocide #blacklivesmatter """,white_grievance,"" -" but yes there are whites who go along with the jewish agenda . they're commonly referred to as "" shabbos goys . "" "" """,stereotypical,"" -" i have a koran sitting here next to me ! ! "" kill infidels "" "" "" kill jews "" "" "" kill kuffars "" "" and u were saying ? """,stereotypical,"" -" jewish activist on tv show says "" low white birth rate a good thing "" "" | read more : via """,white_grievance,"" -" mixing easter and holocaust commemoration : literal holocaustianity ! "" that jew died for you "" "" ... """,irony,"" -" poor little president victim . did you only support the "" black "" "" part of him ? pretty sure the "" "" white "" "" part was racist . """,white_grievance,"" -" quoting meccan verses only . "" killing innocents is sin "" "" for a muslim but "" "" innocent "" "" is not a kafir . """,stereotypical,"" -" rt "" cuckservative "" "" strategy was to play identity politics with minorities and take the white vote for granted . mind-numbingly stupid . """,other,"" -" rt #blacklivesmatter : "" i hope they kill all the white babies kill all your grandkids "" "" why hasn't any 1 disavowed ? """,white_grievance,"" -" soros the great racist promoting & funding racial hatred in the name of "" anti - racism "" "" . """,stereotypical,"" -" what's even more disgusting is that if you give in to their agenda as a white person your "" white privilege "" "" is excused :d """,white_grievance,"" -#gayagenda will destabilize both white & black communities.societal collapse is in inevitable b,inferiority,"" -#germans burn down more facilities planned for non-white immigrants #auspol send them back via,incitement,"" -... my updated feeling is sadness . how have we failed our european sisters . this culture is so toxic th,incitement,"" -2 / there is currently an unprecedented assault taking place on the free speech of american citizens by anti-white corporate interests .,white_grievance,"" -80 % of americans face near - #poverty . do you want a better america ? join the american #nazi party today,incitement,"" -84 % of all wanted criminals in copenhagen are non-white via,stereotypical,"" -: 9 year old white boy commits suicide after being tormented for months by racist arabs,stereotypical,"" -: anti-white un boss demands more non-white immigration into britain despite major opposition,white_grievance,"" -: black activists call for lynching and hanging of white people and cops,white_grievance,"" -: black lives matter demands that white families give up their homes to coloreds via,stereotypical,"" -: black slavery only matters when it can be blamed on white southerners . or when it can make white sj,white_grievance,"" -: negroid spree shooter wanted to kill as many white people as possible : #wr via,stereotypical,"" -: rt : four reasons why iran is worse than the islamic state via,incitement,"" -: when will you stand up for yourselves white america thugs attack whites #bamo #teaparty #tcot #ucot #ocra ...,incitement,"" -> how is white supremacy bad for white ppl ? > white supremacy without non-white inferiority ? > without white supemacy america is amexico,incitement,"" -a huge error-racial groups are loyal to their blood first . it's natural for a racial group to strive for domination .,incitement,"" -a world without white people : a visual look at a mongrel future via .,inferiority,"" -all white people should be afraid and and all white cops should quit,incitement,"" -amazing they are betas after all - priceless . gorilla mindset is for loser cucks !,other,"" -amen ! i am so sick of seeing white men with asians while white women sit home .,incitement,"" -amusing how few keralites sanctimoniously advise rest of india when own backyard reeks of minority communalism,inferiority,"" -another example of a video that i could have used to convince jewish liberal friends had it not stated that jews arent white .,incitement,"" -another reason to be disturbd by the america-hating jihad enabler in white house rt : such a peaceful religion ...,stereotypical,"" -another white man shot by blacks over confederate flag on his car via,stereotypical,"" -anti-white filth .,inferiority,"" -are patriotic native white jews permitted to join to stop the invading muslims ?,stereotypical,"" -are you talking about the same white supremacists who saved your people from genicide ?,incitement,"" -aryans will never forget the massacre of german aryans,incitement,"" -because #blacklivesmatter is an anti white hate group .,white_grievance,"" -because they're anti-white . they have hatred for our whiteness . because they see a rise in white identity and whites shedding their guilt .,white_grievance,"" -best decision a jew could make to further the cause of white aryan genocide.make him take a lie detector test,white_grievance,"" -black activists call for lynching and hanging of white people and cops via,white_grievance,"" -black lives matter calls for white deaths so they are another hate group .,white_grievance,"" -black man pleads guilty to murdering white samaritan shot him to death .. #tcot #blackviolence,stereotypical,"" -blacks are 1/6 white population . shoot someone at random 5/6 chance they are white .,incitement,"" -blah blah blah save the shitlib bs its ok to white is not hate speech unless you hate white people ! ! !,white_grievance,"" -but somehow this is not racist hate speech ? meanwhile trudeau moves to criminalize islamophobia .. in canada ! #muslimmole,stereotypical,"" -diversity means less white,white_grievance,"" -does the white race have the right to live ? look at the trends . our leaders say no ! #kalergi plan of #whitegenocide,white_grievance,"" -english rose - warriors of the rose white music for white people #wpww #oi,incitement,"" -every prez disappoints . just do what is right . israel = good model for whites . i'm leery of jews but wish them well in israel .,stereotypical,"" -fact : 90 % of all interracial crime in usa is black on white #swrm #blackonwhite via,stereotypical,"" -fight white genocide ! #whitegenocide #jewishsupremacy,white_grievance,"" -for some reason you are so full of hate . that is what is not understood . saying we are white privileged . who you follow shows who you are . i would not be proud .,white_grievance,"" -former cop and author james lancia & i discuss his book political correctness jewish supremacy & #whitegenocide,white_grievance,"" -funny how you never hear about white men raping women in black neighborhoods . i know 2 white women who ',stereotypical,"" -german people dont want the invasion traitorous politicians admit as poll shows 71 % ...,incitement,"" -happy #easter and happy birthday to adolf #hitler,incitement,"" -hate ? have you heard of white slave trade in israel ?,stereotypical,"" -hate is from radical islamic jihadists look at the eu y kill men women and children all innocents,stereotypical,"" -he told the world : the immortal words of adolf hitler ( video ) via powerful images prophetic words,incitement,"" -heroic 13 year old white girl stops brutal black robber-killer in south africa ! read more : via,stereotypical,"" -how dare white people want to exist as a race ! that is racism unless it's a non-white race wanting to think tribally ! those bigots !,white_grievance,"" -how did blacks get to america in the first place ? hmmm ... by the way white population is shrinking cuz they're killing themselves .,incitement,"" -i agree . we need to understand islamic ideology and the threat it poses .,stereotypical,"" -i just love your silly nonsense defense of islam . isis is bad . sorry !,stereotypical,"" -i killed my own child but i deeply care about my race said no one ever #altright,irony,"" -i really hate neocons like but not black people . it is not your fault that you are black .,inferiority,"" -i work in healthcare and all our overdoses are white people . media cant exploit the deaths of white people . they're using the minority pop .,white_grievance,"" -i'm anishinaabeg from deshkan ziibi . goodnight white pride !,incitement,"" -if jews and arabs want war w each other please go ahead . but not in white countries & w / o us .,stereotypical,"" -if you ask me white kids should stay away from most black kids .. black youth are extremly hostile and negative in america these days .. sad but true,stereotypical,"" -if you don't put your money where your mouth and heart are then you don't care . donate to a pro-white organization today !,incitement,"" -in the jewish-dominated and increasingly anti-white new south ...,stereotypical,"" -is not a white supremacist organization . theyre promoting the assertion of white identity in order to help combat the issues our country is facing as a result of anti-white hatred and discrimination along with uncontrolled immigration,incitement,"" -islam is not a race therefore you cannot be racist for criticising it . that's simple .,stereotypical,"" -islamaphobia is symptom of islamic terrorism ! kill terrorism & muslims will kill islamaphobia ! it's up 2 them,stereotypical,"" -it's okay to be fellow white,white_grievance,"" -its all fun and games as long as the muds are terrorizing whites that is the jew plan but when they turn on the jew all of a sudden they are terrorist,inferiority,"" -jews have their own ethnostate yet dehumazice any white gentile who wants the same . hypocrites .,white_grievance,"" -jihad pays . trudeau to give $ 8m & apology to ex-gitmo jihadi who murdered an american soldier . this isn't ...,stereotypical,"" -know ... what #modi ji has done for hindus so far ! ! . 1 ) more than 30000 ngos are banned which causes christian ...,incitement,"" -me too yet they allow islamic hate preachers in that want to kill us ! !,stereotypical,"" -mixing of white and non-white is wrong nothing good comes out of it !,inferiority,"" -mostly white flight sadly this is a beautiful state invaded by idiots and 3rd world,inferiority,"" -nathan - why is a jewish person taking your place ? i thought it was about saving the white european race and culture ?,incitement,"" -new black panther leader says he's gonna hunt down and kill white people via,stereotypical,"" -no wonder white men are committing suicide.rubio runs anti-white men campaign & their wives & daughters support him !,white_grievance,"" -not all government is bad . it is just a gross waste of taxpayer dollars to subsidize black people,inferiority,"" -not he ones that want global sharia #shariafree2016,stereotypical,"" -nothing . white people are targeted for genocide in our own lands . we must love and defend one another in order to preserve our heritage .,white_grievance,"" -now all you have to do is ask yourself ... do the jews really think they can control the muslims after the white man is gone ? ? ?,incitement,"" -o germans ! ! unite and rise to save fatherland & your honour from muslim invaders,incitement,"" -obama created this level of misguided hate in america ! these people are feral animals who,inferiority,"" -obama declares war on white people seeking jobs or education wants to increase anti-white racial quotas : #sotu,white_grievance,"" -obama knows that and is why he has a sharia czar in the whitehouse,white_grievance,"" -of course they bc the msm hates and wants to destroy the white race bc we are the greatest race ever . w,white_grievance,"" -of course tinder was founded by two jews . no surprises .,stereotypical,"" -of course white people have the right to exist because modern civilization makes us white,incitement,"" -only black thugs who rob stores and fight white cops and die lives matter .,white_grievance,"" -only certain groups of whites are degenerate .,inferiority,"" -our women the most beautiful . long live the white aryan race !,incitement,"" -panic stricken owaisi get into rabble rousing muslims #myjihad bjp #gopinathmunde mumbai uttar pradesh,stereotypical,"" -patriotic germans demand angela merkel be hung for attempting to genocide the german people via,stereotypical,"" -proving that the opposition to white nationalists are degenerates !,inferiority,"" -r u stupid ? there is no white irish person .. irish is a race.white is not.to call yourself white already puts u in the same culture,incitement,"" -race mixing is more and more popular in the united states va,inferiority,"" -rachel . i love your sweetness . white women are the angels of the . w,incitement,"" -really wow . i don't hate anyone . it's you who hate . you can't bring yourself to say white lives matter,white_grievance,"" -sadly islamist #palestinians don't want peace with jews . what they want is eternal victimhood death to #israel . #bds,stereotypical,"" -same jew mindset who used islamic to invade christian europe spain,stereotypical,"" -selma anti-white crapfest now in full swing | incog man,white_grievance,"" -social justice = black allowed to kill white .,white_grievance,"" -spanish are white . some have mixed genes due to islamic occupation but most are white .,stereotypical,"" -the antifa are white supremacist pretending to be against hate but then spread fear to start war.we dont hate even when we disagree .,white_grievance,"" -the beast as saint : the truth about martin luther king jr . #swrm via,white_grievance,"" -the democratization of nations was the opening for which islam has waited a thousand years .,stereotypical,"" -the extermination of the white race : facts about britain and non-white immigration | more :,white_grievance,"" -the fact is the best way to have a nice life is to move to a majority white country . what happens when those countries are no longer white ?,incitement,"" -the loudest clamor to bring in refugees was made by these same stupid white women #karma,incitement,"" -the man who loved his people and who was loved dearly by them in return . don't believe the lies against him . #hitler,incitement,"" -the people doing the telling are extreme racists . anti-white . ( any one with the vote ( or weapon ) has the power to be sexist & racist ),white_grievance,"" -the statistics didnt say that . but the people perceives more violence due above all to the african migrants,stereotypical,"" -there is no prohibition to kill infidels in the quran but many commands to kill .,stereotypical,"" -these people are so evil that they even kill fellow muslims .,stereotypical,"" -these thugs don't care about race . that's a cover there using . they hate and want to destroy america .,stereotypical,"" -they are all heros to the black community . make no mistake a whole lot of black people hate white people ! !,stereotypical,"" -they better stary with 2:106 of koran & though written for jew objection can be applied to all of the korans hate / intolerance,stereotypical,"" -they have no rights as illegals,inferiority,"" -they hurt white people they are full of hate just like the left they are original de,white_grievance,"" -this is so ridiculous .. over 100 years ago ! ! blacks sold one another to whites it was wro,stereotypical,"" -this is the future of white people in america if we do nothing via,incitement,"" -total bullshittrump did not blame #unitetheright unitrump knows where the * real * hate and violence,incitement,"" -translation : in short ; all of the troubles of the american black no matter how complicated or insignificant is the fault of white people . as black people we are faultless and blameless for any and all of our troubles . now ! white people fix our problems for us .,white_grievance,"" -uh white lives matter ?,white_grievance,"" -wealthy white people are taxed and their income is redistributed to sustain 40 % of black people in ms on snap ebt,stereotypical,"" -when they feel like it wouldn't care about jewish power if the pro-white jews outnumbered anti-white jews .,stereotypical,"" -where was the rebuke from people when blm given key to white house - ppl was being political correct afraid of being called a bigot or racist,white_grievance,"" -which non white populations do you demand ' mix ' and ' blend ' their countries out of existence anti white ? #whitegenocide,white_grievance,"" -white americans kill the most americans . let's get rid of you using your logic but using facts instread of false hate propaganda,white_grievance,"" -white genocide accelerates in england : white british pupils will be outnumbered by 2037 via,white_grievance,"" -white genocide in south africa : black witchdoctor found cooking white afrikaner via,white_grievance,"" -white genocide in the united states of america a 100 year history #swrm #whitegenocide #usa via,white_grievance,"" -white guilt is a helluva drug,white_grievance,"" -white identity will not be ( ( ( deconstructed ) ) ),incitement,"" -white lives are important !,incitement,"" -white massive revolution !,incitement,"" -white men built america . western civilization is the best .,incitement,"" -white minority eradication :,white_grievance,"" -white people don't need to be better in order to organize for their own survival . remem,incitement,"" -white power company : power to our people via,incitement,"" -white pride worldwide hooded sweatshirt very via,incitement,"" -white resistance ! #migrantcrisis,incitement,"" -white resistance increases as minority status looms | read more : via,incitement,"" -white supremacists were less than . 02 of the pop before they amped up the war on white people . that numbers tripled . they are forcing this .,white_grievance,"" -why ? what have taking in refugees done for germany / eu ? she must b getting side money to destroy europe,stereotypical,"" -why do colored people eagerly run to white countries to be oppressed ?,inferiority,"" -xenophobia is not immoral . it's used an an insult and a way to try to shame people about their natural patterns of thought .,incitement,"" -ya right because u are taught to hate people & even kill them ! according to jihad !,stereotypical,"" -yes white people are native americans . indians are pre colombians . white people built america . don't like it ? get out .,incitement,"" -you are a white anti white the worst kind .,white_grievance,"" -you are wrong and so is the guy that wrote that article . this is a white country . the american flag belongs to us .,incitement,"" -" "" : racist black thugs shoot white baby in the face for the fun of it va "" "" """,stereotypical,"" -" "" race problem "" "" = white problem.diversity is the final solution to the white problem.diversity means #chasingdownwhites . """,white_grievance,"" -" "" white supremacist "" "" is just an anti-white hate slur used to silence whites who protest their own genocide . #stopwhitegenocide """,white_grievance,"" -" - "" i hate you all "" "" - racist note from the black boy who raped his white teacher & slit her throat """,white_grievance,"" -" alt-right efforts ought be focused on one reachable goal . return to pre - ' 65 laws is doable coz these "" happy days "" "" law's effects are known . """,incitement,"" -" and his black minions are still answering to da "" white man "" "" talcum x ! """,inferiority,"" -" as riots rage "" moderate "" "" palestinians circulate lie about israel trying to destroy al-aqsa mosque in 1969 : ... """,stereotypical,"" -" dont celebrate yet.they like to call some of the brown population white.our jails here are full of "" white "" "" illegals from south of the border """,stereotypical,"" -" he attacked "" white supremacists "" "" ( i . e . all white people ) but not #antiwhite #antifa . """,white_grievance,"" -" i know when they leave it they call them "" brainwashed "" "" when white conservatives prove leftist black folk wrong they're called racist . """,white_grievance,"" -" identity europa unfurls their banner emblazoned with "" you will not replace us . "" "" #redicelive """,white_grievance,"" -" if white heritage and #whiteculture is "" hate "" "" then bring on the "" "" hate "" "" . """,incitement,"" -" is trying to preserve a western culture that was cultivated by white europeans "" white supremacy "" "" ? """,white_grievance,"" -" latest track "" ethnostate 2088 "" "" """,incitement,"" -" of course the "" holocaust "" "" didn't happen - it's a false anti-german propaganda campaign . """,stereotypical,"" -" rt : : "" there are ties to the #muslimbrotherhood in the white house . "" "" """,stereotypical,"" -" rt : will a "" collapse "" "" lead to a resurgence in white identity ? #tcot #race """,incitement,"" -" rt condemns trump for stoking "" the enmity of all muslims . "" "" their poor precious feelings ! #nrorevolt """,incitement,"" -" rt good luck - they all vehemently and actively oppose the concept of white nations . it's "" racist "" "" """,white_grievance,"" -" rt interior sec'y salazar pushing for "" hispanic "" "" national parks . next : asian n . p . islamic n . p . etc ... """,white_grievance,"" -" sure . indeed fact that anyone engaged in white identity politics is called a "" racist "" "" on """,white_grievance,"" -" uk : "" this flat is for blacks only "" "" : shocking racist campaign to force white mum out of home via """,white_grievance,"" -" watch the "" greatest story never told "" "" and retweet and dispells the lies that contributes to white hate ! """,white_grievance,"" -" we need more "" racist people "" "" like you . haha tired of the left trying to use the race cad . obama created this divide . """,white_grievance,"" -" wha whattt ? so they are saying "" us and our white allies support black people killing each other and committing violence against whoever "" "" """,stereotypical,"" -" whites defending themselves against #antiwhite attackers is "" racist "" "" ! anti-racist is a code word for #antiwhite . """,white_grievance,"" -#charlottesville a day that will go down in white history,incitement,"" -#whitepeople are the most hated & oppressed group in the us yet the majority of whites have done nothing but shrug and change the channel .,white_grievance,"" -( ... but keep the pipeline open for white people ... shhhhh ),inferiority,"" -10 % weren't . also crime is dropping in nyc b / c black and brown people know the cops are watching them .,stereotypical,"" -: are you a national-socialist / white nationalist ? are you in this struggle for fun or do you want to win ? new anp report : ...,incitement,"" -: by falsely accusing people of being racist you grotesque libs have been the real racist all along .,white_grievance,"" -: great new posts at ! white america awake rally this july 23rd !,incitement,"" -: if we enforce anything especially radical sharia above the constitution we are traitors to our o ...,white_grievance,"" -: learn abt islamic terror follow #mumbaiblasts,stereotypical,"" -: rt : the media is fake news . the splc and adl have no legitimacy . they hate white people and the south,white_grievance,"" -: stuff black people don't like - sbpdl : newark in 2012 : the predictable result of freedom . # t ...,stereotypical,"" -: this guy earns his daily bread by spreading #hate now they are pinning half white crime's on 100 % aryan / white peopl ...,white_grievance,"" -: you are such a bigot defending jihadists who want to kill us . that is sad .,stereotypical,"" -academics have told us from their great wisdom that all white skin is racist . if i lived where everyone is white would i still be racist ?,white_grievance,"" -all blacks came from white people ! the sons of god were white !,inferiority,"" -all the racist are far left white racists = kkk ( dem ) black #racists = blm ( dem ) c the patte,white_grievance,"" -and germany is beating sweden in the race for white survival ! !,white_grievance,"" -and goes on to blame black and asian overrepresentation on white privilege . white people can't win !,white_grievance,"" -another benefit of having trump in the white house . us citizens & legal taxpayers should not be paying taxes to support illegal aliens .,white_grievance,"" -anti-white weimerica .,white_grievance,"" -antifa hate whites . many are self hating white psychopaths ...,white_grievance,"" -are you a white person that looks or a white person that helps ? a national-socialist acts with kindness & compassion,incitement,"" -be realistic the emigrants take a jobs than neither white or black americans like to do .,stereotypical,"" -because lesbian jews should be telling whites how to raise their kids .,irony,"" -biological difference between white civilization & black civilization . race is bone-deep . dna manifests differently .,inferiority,"" -black hood is the new white hood . no difference . neither can handle speech you dont agree with . i cant wait to see one of your little cowards . bam ! in the face .,threatening,"" -black on white crime . specifically targeted because they're white :,white_grievance,"" -black people say they want to kill white people with hillary clinton it may happen,white_grievance,"" -black student unions unmolested but white ones banned all over . is there a conspiracy to suppress white identity ?,white_grievance,"" -blacks are denied access to credit for the simple reason that they are less responsible with money,stereotypical,"" -blm is a racist hateful group,white_grievance,"" -but you can't praise a european identitarian movements then turn around a condemn an american identitarian movement . we have the same goals .,white_grievance,"" -capitalism like communism is an enemy of the white race .,white_grievance,"" -creativity is the only hope for white people . - white people are the best -,white_grievance,"" -david lane : open letter to the dead white race | read more :,white_grievance,"" -dirty left-wing scum ! #abortion #crueltyfree #ireland #whitegenocide,white_grievance,"" -does white supremacy make black women kill their babies at planned parenthood ?,irony,"" -ebony editor isn't sure killing white people should be considered a ' hate crime ' via,white_grievance,"" -elder you are absolutely right . race has been a tool of the democrap party to villify white people and foster division .,white_grievance,"" -everybody wanted to hate the white man but it's the white man who you run to for protection ... seems about white,white_grievance,"" -everything worthwhile in a society is white supremacy .,inferiority,"" -extermination of the white race : real facts about britain and non-white immigration | read more : via,white_grievance,"" -fact : 90 % of all interracial crime in usa is black on white #swrm via,stereotypical,"" -form pagan clubs can't deny clubs based on religion and nonwhites can't be european pagans .,stereotypical,"" -funny how being pro-white is now considered hate .,white_grievance,"" -go forth and make white children .,incitement,"" -good ! man i'd hate to be a native born white in any of those cities .,white_grievance,"" -happy birthday to the greatest leader of the 20th century ! #420 #happybirthdayhitler,incitement,"" -he is ranting because the alt-lite has collapsed . the alt-right is being proven right about civic nationalism ...,incitement,"" -his muslim faith requires him to subjugate you or kill you,stereotypical,"" -how many americans & their dreams must die @ th hands of illegal aliens b4 we secure our borders,stereotypical,"" -i guess white lives dont matter if they kill themselves with opioids and heroine,white_grievance,"" -i see that all the time too . i think the mixed race baby figures are underestimated . white women have gone nuts for this path to single motherhood .,stereotypical,"" -i wish i could understand what makes some white people embrace their own extinction . are they sleepwalking ?,white_grievance,"" -i'd disagree i enjoy following him to see his paranoia and persecution complex that all white people are against him . the brutha tweets nothing but anti white alleged ws and anyone who is contrary is a ws his hate furthers racism and brings no one closer together #truedat,white_grievance,"" -i'm not sure you can be called a racist . that isn't the way it works anymore . i'm a white man so that makes me a racist automatically .,irony,"" -i'm sorry but perhaps ur misunderstanding me . while black people as a % r far & away the biggest users of govt assistance i'm certainly not,stereotypical,"" -i've even seen polling that puts us closer to 9 % but still we already have the numbers for a nice little ethnostate .,incitement,"" -if a non-white wants a white person to be fired or exiled etc.all they need to do is claim the white p,white_grievance,"" -if you're white and you adopt non whites you're a race traitor whether you realize it or not .,incitement,"" -in us black lives matter is not racist but kkk is ? questions about sincerity and seriousness . if blm is not racist kkk cannot be .,white_grievance,"" -iran must give up islam you are our aryan bretheren ; save yourself ;,incitement,"" -is it criminal to want a white america ? lets talk about the founders ideas for,white_grievance,"" -islam just being islam no matter where in the world . it's all the same kill kill kill #islamistheproblem,stereotypical,"" -issue of #illegalbangladeshimuslims together with the higher fertility rate among muslims possesses more danger 2 india than the isis itself,stereotypical,"" -it goes way deeper than skin . racial iq k / r selection evolutionary psychology etc .,inferiority,"" -it is open proclaimed war against global white minority race we strongly condemn all attempts to undermine whites,white_grievance,"" -it is strong social bonding that propels citizens to work honestly . this is national socialism inherent .,incitement,"" -it is tragic ... because the white race has accomplished so much and we are responsible for so many great,incitement,"" -its time we make a serious push for the ethnostate . if we could get 30-40 million whites to wake up it could happen,incitement,"" -jews are not white .,stereotypical,"" -jews have aipac splc and the adl . why is it white europeans can't have the alt-right ?,white_grievance,"" -let's organize a #buildthewall standoff protest in washington the biggest and boldest protest by whites ever,incitement,"" -liberal scientists developing method to make white people less resistant to non-white invasion #lol #swrm #whiterace,white_grievance,"" -lincoln should of let the south go now we have a ridicuolously divided country,incitement,"" -many thanks to all of you who have retweeted our tweets ! ! we appreciate it 88 ! #hitler #wpww #whitepride,incitement,"" -many whites are waking up to the wonder and pride of being white . defend your race and culture . white americans are america,white_grievance,"" -mcconnell is pro-jewish ~ he was annoyed by my anti-semitic comments for a time,incitement,"" -minneapoliss first somali policeman murders white woman : no media racist uproar #swrm via,white_grievance,"" -mlk walked over edmund pettus . white people built it .,inferiority,"" -modern definition of racist : any white person who doesn't hate other white people enough to please leftists and non-whites .,irony,"" -nah not really i once let a black kid beat me in cod just so he'd feel better about himself,inferiority,"" -new black panther party got suspended for posting about jews . dont worry anti-white hate and threats of violence is still allowed on the platform .,white_grievance,"" -newsflash : incompetent cuckold masquerading as journalist spreads anti-white hate : promotes replacement of europeans,white_grievance,"" -nice frankfurt school esque deconstruction and pathologization of white identity . looking forward to the same for blacks and jews . u won't .,white_grievance,"" -no that's always been the term #etymology rt : nope but ' racist ' is the new n word for white people .,white_grievance,"" -no . white pride isn't made up . white privilege is made up .,white_grievance,"" -normal white person > its okay to be white clown world response > youre fired and banned from any traditional employment opportunities for the rest of your life,white_grievance,"" -obama to announce amnesty in las vegas . no better place to gamble away our countrys future . #noamnesty #trueimmigrationreform #vegas,incitement,"" -obama wears a ring with arabic letters spelling out the beginning of the shahada there is no god but allah .,stereotypical,"" -only racists are the anti-white racists who think the racist slur racist has any power . it doesn't .,white_grievance,"" -or as paul gottfried put it white nationalism is good 4 the jews,incitement,"" -our next challenge is to make the alt-right not just something you believe but something you do . each must work toward our advancement .,incitement,"" -pastors take note ; white architect designed your church whites built it whites paid for it . white supremacy = good,inferiority,"" -populist = american . so racist is code for anti-white populist = american . as opposed to rentier transients .,white_grievance,"" -proletariat = brown people bourgeoisie = white people,inferiority,"" -race realist and proud white alt-righter using color of crime references,stereotypical,"" -slaves to rich leftists 2014 : the liberal left is always bashing white southerners and all white people for su ...,white_grievance,"" -take in millions of these european refugees changing demographics overnight . many kenyan cities become majority-white and high white ...,incitement,"" -thailand : muslims murder six people including three-year-old boy ... #islam #islamophobia #tcot,stereotypical,"" -thank you ! time to stop white flight & start the white fight !,incitement,"" -that is what #diversity is . erasing and replacing white people .,white_grievance,"" -that's why white conscientious has exploded . whites are realising this is an existential mom,incitement,"" -the #trucons inside the #cagopconvention are probably ready to surrender to the mexican forces . california isn't the hill to die on .,white_grievance,"" -the california gop convention is under siege by protesters with mexican flags,white_grievance,"" -the new crime is cww criticizing while white because obama supporters easily dismiss whites who criticize their messiah as racist !,white_grievance,"" -the oregon militia action of 2016 . #altright #secondamendment #trump2016 #whitepride #whiteprivilge,incitement,"" -the real racism in america is against white people and the neocon support of open borders is the ethnic destruction of america !,white_grievance,"" -the replies show just how important it is to be pro-white in these anti-white times .,white_grievance,"" -the southern poverty law center almost got me killed . why does the media still propagate its hate map ?,white_grievance,"" -the white europeans r righteously angry . vote #trump2016 cause white anger here will b more devastating than imaginable .,incitement,"" -the white genocide continues : white race now a minority in three more uk towns and cities ! read more : by,white_grievance,"" -their motive is to kill those who don't conform literally to the koran and hadith .,stereotypical,"" -then join your family and fix your future #altright #whitenationalist npievents redice,incitement,"" -there is no place for a white man in the democrat party .,white_grievance,"" -they want to remove white people from their own history . #whitelivesmatter,white_grievance,"" -they're coming to america for whatever their reasons are but they're changing the west . whites are becoming unwelcome in their own lands .,white_grievance,"" -this mentality is exposing your hate . ask yourself if victimhood is a choice of your own or some weird marxism zombie control . you are making the norm of america who are not racist like you go into survival mode . what is happening ? you think whites have it easy ? this is so weird,white_grievance,"" -throughout #islam 1400 year history they always use the blacks as their army to kill white people .,stereotypical,"" -to me it comes from other whites . whites with funny accents that aren't from around here . rather than from poc .,stereotypical,"" -total annual cost of illegal immigration to american citizens is expected to surpass $ 1 trillion dollars by end of 2017,white_grievance,"" -truth is in understanding and the is that and more . ignorance is inexcusable . rasing the bar of excellence in #whitepride,incitement,"" -usa was formed by white people for free white people long be,incitement,"" -war on the whites might be real but ie isn't pro white . true white are heathen not christ cucks .,white_grievance,"" -we are all white supreemists to the msm . optics ? they'll make their own bad optics to fit the fake stor,white_grievance,"" -we could save the lives of police officers and cut law enforcement costs by disarming black people . #nra #tcot,stereotypical,"" -we do not have to except unvetted immigrants obama's scheme to alter america's make up ..,incitement,"" -we need a unite the south rally . an alt-south meeting of the masses .,incitement,"" -we need strong christian men and churches . these cucks are willingly destroying our people .,white_grievance,"" -well jeb ! is a white #antiwhite traitor ...,white_grievance,"" -what does she mean ? she is white . they hate white ppl . they hate themselves . why would you reproduce mo,white_grievance,"" -what percentage of blacks have white friends ? could it be that it's natural to prefer your own race ?,incitement,"" -when are you and going to partner with to stand against anti-white hate & bullying ? love is love .,white_grievance,"" -where are ethnic norwegians going to ? they had better get their boats and invade us again ! we need back up .,incitement,"" -white . proud . no . apologies .,incitement,"" -white colonization is the only colonization that ever helped another race,inferiority,"" -white man's downfall continues : white race now minority in london via,white_grievance,"" -white men think you are a child .,inferiority,"" -white pride knows it the world white heritage union knows,incitement,"" -white student union offensive but anti-white student union is welcome at toronto university via,white_grievance,"" -who doesn't love the kkk,incitement,"" -yes evidently spreading racist anti white anti western lies and propaganda . europe has gone muslim . are you jew,white_grievance,"" -you are so right . why r muslims commanded to kill all jews by muhammad ? love ?,stereotypical,"" -you bet usa needs borders ! we need to protect us jobs / citizens stop passing drugs etc ! ! trump will get a wall !,stereotypical,"" -you stand for cultural decay degeneracy and anti white movements .,white_grievance,"" -you're the only independent white person the others are slaves to jews iranians pakistanis moslems,white_grievance,"" -youth are hungry for a white resurgence . we are the future .,incitement,"" -" "" : the future of europe belongs to you white man ! via "" "" ; so few :( """,incitement,"" -" "" hate "" "" is codeword for "" "" white ethnic interest "" "" "" diversity "" "" is codeword for "" "" less whit """,white_grievance,"" -" "" kill the unbelievers where ever you find them "" "" - koran . """,stereotypical,"" -" "" no black conservatives would never cared about race ! "" "" said every white cuckservatives """,other,"" -" "" un data says sweden had 2nd highest rate of rape in the world . data suggest uptick is due to immigrants "" "" violent ... """,stereotypical,"" -" "" white nationalism isn't the way to go "" "" said the zionist . """,irony,"" -" "" white privilege "" "" is the privilege you enjoy of living in a civilized white majority society """,inferiority,"" -" 3 ) here is another example of #portland organizer jake von-ott being "" not a white supremacist "" "" """,white_grievance,"" -" africa to be 80 % white "" within 100 years "" "" i'm sure no one will mind . that would be racist . """,stereotypical,"" -" everyone isn't "" comingling "" "" only white people and white countries have to "" "" comingle "" "" """,white_grievance,"" -" forming white interest groups and advocating for our own communities is not "" racist . "" "" white identity politics is the future . """,incitement,"" -" heard of "" white privilege "" "" ? the entire concept is to make white people feel bad that we are white . it's original sin for whites . """,white_grievance,"" -" i will take "" merit based "" "" immigration should weed out third worlders """,inferiority,"" -" if the low iq browns continue this anti-white rhetoric maybe it'll entice "" whitey "" "" to do the white thing : support his own tribe . wake up ! ! """,inferiority,"" -" isn't that funny ... u will believe he's guilty & if he's not it had 2b bcuz of "" white privilege "" "" .. so he's guilty 2u no matter how it turns out . ur neither tolerant nor excepting . u r the very epitome of racist ! i'll tell u what let me know where the white privilege line is i need it ! """,white_grievance,"" -" it would have much more success with normies and i don't like being rude or hating non-whites who are sometimes decent people ... inb 4 "" cuck "" "" """,other,"" -" lol 6 straight decades of "" white ppl are the enemy & need to die "" "" articles = "" "" americans "" "" """,white_grievance,"" -" native german children forced to cook & clean for muslim immigrants as part of "" work experience "" "" via """,stereotypical,"" -" nice kill white people wowlots of love blacklivesmatterseattle : "" we need to start killing people "" "" via """,white_grievance,"" -" rt : video about the #jewish "" federal "" "" reserve and how your money is manipulated and stolen . #endthefed #taxes """,stereotypical,"" -" rt blacks and browns looking out for their best interest ? wonderful ! whites do the same ? "" cause for concern "" "" . """,white_grievance,"" -" rt oh yeah thats not white geocide at all . not anti white racist at all . imagine saying "" raising black families is dangerous . "" "" "" "" ali families . "" "" """,white_grievance,"" -" rt video : "" exterminate all whites "" "" says jew professor noel ignatiev | more : """,stereotypical,"" -#british #imam tells media that #muslim #rapists are motivated by race and religion przez #islam,stereotypical,"" -#istandwithcommonsense it is not islamophobia when they really want to kill us,stereotypical,"" -#italy jihadi talked about fastening his belt to reach heaven #islam #islamophobia #tcot,stereotypical,"" -#sodomybasedmarriage & racist israel has more public support than white people advocating for basic human rights .,stereotypical,"" -& muz b'hood = hate . these ppl want to kill us & destroy our way of life . must be classified as terror org . ban sharia law . god bless,stereotypical,"" -. islamic reformists are free to attempt the impossible.meanwhile west must de-islamise before it's too late .,incitement,"" -. jews founded the frankfurt school . which created cultural marxism the anti-white ideology,white_grievance,"" -1.7 million muslim / arab citizens in israel.jordan law : no jew may be citizen or own landso who's racist ?,stereotypical,"" -1.8 million invaders in germany since 2014,incitement,"" -: four adopted children not a single one white . what kind of self-loathing and / or white savior complex caus,white_grievance,"" -: good news : white pride america merges with the national socialist movement ! via,incitement,"" -: i wish i didn't hate white people,incitement,"" -: is burning whites the new knock out game for blacks ?,white_grievance,"" -: italy is close to collapse from african immigration #p2 #tcot,stereotypical,"" -: leftists march against white people across the usa via,stereotypical,"" -: liberal scientists developing methods to make white people less resistant to non-white invasion,white_grievance,"" -: lies . jews like really want white goyim to fight iranian goyim so they can kill us both off at the same tim,stereotypical,"" -: most people were ok with rebel battle flag confederate,incitement,"" -: swedish patriots burn down more facilities for non-white invaders,incitement,"" -a white guy who refuses to be disrespected and has the audacity to stand up for himself . every cuck in america is outraged,other,"" -a white woman leading a bunch of violent black men ... no wonder white women want diversity . kinda like when lenin wanted the tsar dead .,incitement,"" -according to leftists we need to get rid of white people in general . you have legitimized white nationalism . thank you .,white_grievance,"" -ah right . i forgot the only valid people are the straight white ones .,irony,"" -alt-right is anti-zionism ( jews ) and white genocide,white_grievance,"" -another cucked country suppression of the white man will create havoc in the long run .,other,"" -as long as we take jews word for it that they are emphatically not white .,stereotypical,"" -as the hindutva nationalists start whitewashing the cruelty of islamic invaders time has come to teach them history !,incitement,"" -atheist marxist communist are child molester sodomites . that is the fuhrer adolf hitler victimized,stereotypical,"" -because the media do not care if your white and are attacked by leftist illegals or any other race,white_grievance,"" -because the whites in charge are self-hating . they're still in charge though . white supremacy . :/,white_grievance,"" -berlin is the new jerusalem : more and more israeli jews moving to germany #swrm via,stereotypical,"" -bill warner phd : moderate muslims cannot save us #foxnews #cnn #abcnews #kafir,incitement,"" -black lives matter has helped trump more that they have helped solve any problems in their communities congrats you played yourself ;),white_grievance,"" -blacks & latinos attack & kill white people daily but when blacks or latinos attack & kill cops it's a big deal ? #secede #tcot,stereotypical,"" -but after last night white self hating baby boomers are trying to make there ca,white_grievance,"" -by that logic the united states police should go kill all the white heroi,irony,"" -by your own metric whites are far more oppressed than jews,white_grievance,"" -call them what they are - they are anti-white they want to turn every european / white country non-white that's where all their policies lead to - they need to be on the defense for pushing genocide you should be on offense,white_grievance,"" -cause - effect reversed ? white people made their space the best place to live .,inferiority,"" -crazed relative of mixed race who can't pass the test and blames every white for saying why .,inferiority,"" -dear jewish people stop pretending to be white when it suits your interests.sincerely an actual white person,stereotypical,"" -dr . david duke : will the white race survive ? ( video ) | read more : via,white_grievance,"" -end all non white european immigration . set up a resettlement program to rescue white south africans .,incitement,"" -eventually the non white leftists will turn on their white comrades ( its already happening ) + kill !,stereotypical,"" -found in history proof cameron hates white british ... heres a racist ! !,white_grievance,"" -fuggedaboutit its over . we lost . th jews won . the rising tide of color against white world-supremacy * * *,white_grievance,"" -future white jihadist inshatler,stereotypical,"" -german and indeed all white race is to be saved from barbarians even if it involves use of nuclear weapons,inferiority,"" -getting beat up at us flag rallies would be great for our cause at this point . show how much they hate heritage white america,incitement,"" -happy mother's day to all the loving hard-working #aryan moms out there . we are fighting for you ! #whitepride,incitement,"" -he was clearly a white inferiorist of michael moore proportion,white_grievance,"" -help keep the muslim and commies on the run to honour your based ancestors friend .,incitement,"" -how deep is the poz ? #withjewswelose,incitement,"" -i get a racist vibe from u caroline not that ur white more like a lesser mexican country,inferiority,"" -i have seen this woman on youtube she is fantastic and so knowledgeable on muslim history and their infestation of the western world,inferiority,"" -i learned a lot about those white honky crackers from the movie called ( hillary's america ) and how the kkk has evolved,incitement,"" -i saw you at a gay night club . how can you be muslim ? #homo,stereotypical,"" -i suppose european patriots do ' hate ' in the sense they hate the idea of white demise and displacement .,white_grievance,"" -i think i'll continue sticking up for white people but thank you for your input .,white_grievance,"" -i think it was partly because many black males hate women particularly white women and couldn't get themselves to vote for hrc .,stereotypical,"" -i would think that pro white activity in any state is a boost to all states and especially to white activists .,incitement,"" -i'm all for white ( euro-nationalism ) and to a greater extent global nationalism . too much hate in the world,incitement,"" -i'm from the south and i'm sorry but white identity > southern identity,incitement,"" -i'm sure we can't preserve civilization with your babies . other people's maybe . #racistscum #bigotry #whitesupremacists,inferiority,"" -i'm waiting for the left to call that killer in virginia a racist because he was . he killed two whites simply because they were white .,white_grievance,"" -if other races can have self-care whites can too .,incitement,"" -if you denounce these acts you're islamphobe and you're accused of hate speech . denouncing rape = islamophobia / hate speech .,white_grievance,"" -in a time where slavery was everywhere white people were the first to stand against its horror . period . slavery is alive and well in muslim,stereotypical,"" -islamic mosque built over original shri krishna janmabhumi #hdl | mosque must be destroyed now via,incitement,"" -it is no lie that kkk is the terrorist arm of the dems #history its for dinner,stereotypical,"" -it may be stigmatized but it is real ; the us flag is losing relevance for all us whites one knee at a time .,incitement,"" -it's a shame and a disgrace that mexico doesn't want to take care of its own citizens !,white_grievance,"" -jared taylor is an #antiwhite #cuckservative and his supporters are traitorous trash .,other,"" -jews push 4immigration and white genocide :,white_grievance,"" -jews who are pro-western don't join those organizations . they join organizations like because they see themselves as white .,incitement,"" -just did a round table show on w / and - should be out in a few days . #refugeescrisis & #whitegenocide,white_grievance,"" -just mad because we stand by trump ! ur not immune frm terrorists bill-they hate elite white men !,white_grievance,"" -just remember poorer countries equal to more violence . not sure why you favorited that guy's post .,stereotypical,"" -let him whine for his illegals money,inferiority,"" -lmao fat feminists ghost tweet anti-white vitriol from beyond the grave,white_grievance,"" -maybe because all these black people would rob and shoot the first white person they see come in there ?,stereotypical,"" -maybe you should look at the jewish control of america before calling white,stereotypical,"" -mcauliffe is a total hypocrite ! he had the gaul to disavow white supremacy ... fine yet supported riots & assaults on djt sptrs & blm's hate !,white_grievance,"" -mexicans and mestizos aren't white . spaniards are white .,incitement,"" -mmmm according to the quran those who do kill are true muslims . those that don't kill are hyp,stereotypical,"" -mt . any religion is better than islam . #tcot #bansharia #banislam,inferiority,"" -muslims kill meditating buddhists in sri lanka,stereotypical,"" -next it will be : if a white male and white female reproduce they produce an unfair advantage to non-whites .,irony,"" -nope but ' racist ' is the new n word for white people .,white_grievance,"" -okay so you're the ethnonationalist spencer and he's the racist spencer ?,irony,"" -or ... maybe your super thinks white people are the devil and won't fix your sink ?,irony,"" -our parties are both corrupt i think i'll move back south where my ancestors lived and join the sn movement,incitement,"" -people who think #whitelivesmatter is racist are clearly racist against white people .,white_grievance,"" -people without paper allowed to vote,stereotypical,"" -pl . don't be guided by ifs lobby ; take punitive action against switzerland for not sending back black money,incitement,"" -punisher cuck for sure . he is more coherent & knows what he is doing yet still does it . cuck knight is,other,"" -putting 95 year old germans on trial and ignoring muslims raping their way across europe . sounds logical .,stereotypical,"" -racist bubble ? you mean one where we're constantly exposed to anti-white rhetoric ? give me a break .,white_grievance,"" -racist old white guys are the only thing standing between you and extinction . #learntoloveus,incitement,"" -rahowa is what skinheads and white supremacists call a future desired race war .,incitement,"" -religion of peace wants to kill all the jews now indian-muslims want to kill 1 b hindus in 15 mins . via,stereotypical,"" -remember : these non white hoards will be dropping litters for decades to come ! america buried in a mudslide + republicans smile !,inferiority,"" -retweeted national socialist ( ): #germany could bypass sweden as the muslim rape ...,stereotypical,"" -rising 3rd world invasion in britain : 69 % of school children in london are non-white | read more : via,stereotypical,"" -saturday night live celebrates the end of the white race | daily stormer,white_grievance,"" -saving one white country at a time .,incitement,"" -shitlibs are purging the white males for criticizing hillary :,incitement,"" -show up * to * them . you're right though guy's a cuck .,other,"" -since the invasion of diversity good white men have to be cops and not stem students . so diversity kill,incitement,"" -so white lives don't matter to jews in nashville ?,irony,"" -so you're a black maga bro who is less concerned w / actual white supremac,incitement,"" -stop anti white racism stop your hate we have a right to exist,white_grievance,"" -tfw you're neurotically trying to prevent a genocide while openly committing one of your own against white people .,white_grievance,"" -thanks for putting this picture up i'm a white male in south africa we are murdered in our houses becuz were white,white_grievance,"" -that banner you are holding is invented by white people even the clothes you are wearin,incitement,"" -that is not true ! hindus are theives they saw a white man show them,incitement,"" -that's not what he was saying . women voting objectively caused white genocide / white demographic decline .,white_grievance,"" -that's the only kind of white male who would vote for clinton . is he gay ?,incitement,"" -the democrats let the moslems change all our books about them nice hug,stereotypical,"" -the fbi dir coney is a joke he loves to call white ppl racist but not a peep on muslims or black who are,white_grievance,"" -the klan is part off america i'm part off america they think is funny too peace out klan together . blacks kill we all do .,incitement,"" -the problem in the inner cities is not white silence but black violence . take responsibility for your actions and stop the race baiting now !,incitement,"" -the sky high crime rates in the black communities kill many more people than police or white racism . #ferguson #,incitement,"" -the us congress has condemned white nationalism . therefore any white who stands for his own interest is an outlaw . think about that !,white_grievance,"" -the violent ideology that threatens human life has to be stopped where ever it is taught . if mosques so be it !,incitement,"" -the war on white people is global ... they are attacking flags and statues all over the west ... and mass murder of whites will follow .,white_grievance,"" -the white european race and its age-old struggle :,incitement,"" -the white race is generous to a fault . non-whites take advantage of that all the time then hate white people out of envy .,incitement,"" -then get out here and procreate like rabbits cuz so far your kind aren't . whites are now flirting with < 0 rate .,incitement,"" -there's laws prohibiting muslim immigration to united states let alone holding governmental positions ? not one served any ww or vietnam war,incitement,"" -they don't seem to understand western identity is white identity,incitement,"" -they simply need to enforce the border laws & reverse anti-white / anti-family propaganda . spencer's opinion is not realistic .,white_grievance,"" -this is the second time in american history white man is minority . america is not white man's homeland . go back to europe .,incitement,"" -this selfie is so white i love it .,incitement,"" -this thing is crushing . feels like a big defeat all sides denying #altright #viewsfromthenotsogreatwhitenorth,incitement,"" -this video shows that sweden has far worse traitors than even our own homegrown secularists in india ...,white_grievance,"" -thousands of #amandablackburn cases are happening in every white nation and only white nations . #whitegenocide #tcot,white_grievance,"" -three cheers for for daring to stand up for a people who are targeted for the ash heap of history . #globalwaronwhites,white_grievance,"" -too many blacks in the south to leave . gotta cut it in half . you still can keep half . you're gonna lose them anyway . might as well make deal,incitement,"" -treacherous scheming jews bully germans into paying romanian holocaust survivors,stereotypical,"" -true . it's the white thing to do is help ur brother or sister out,incitement,"" -two million arab refugees are ready to invade europe . why can't the eu just close the turkish border ?,incitement,"" -we must secure the existance of our people and a future for white children ! ! #rt #whitepride,incitement,"" -we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children !,incitement,"" -what anti-white leftists think about #brexit,white_grievance,"" -what do asians say ? what about transgender fat children ? how about lesbian motorcyclists ? why are you trying to balkanise the country more ? it's almost like you have an agenda here . identity politics will destroy the left .,irony,"" -what evidence do you have that trump is good for white people ?,incitement,"" -what have black people contributed to science ?,inferiority,"" -what our race has lost : a look at the last of the aryans of asia | more : via,incitement,"" -white genocide - quotes - part 2 via,white_grievance,"" -white nationalists would make a far better and more liveable america better than some multiracial sewer !,incitement,"" -white people are waking up and throwing away years of white guilt that as been pushed relentlessly by the left . #antiwhite #ukip #pegida,incitement,"" -white people have started asking politicians what are you going to do for white americans ? that's healthy and positive .,incitement,"" -white pill of epic proportions incoming : we are the unassailable future via,incitement,"" -white pill thread,incitement,"" -white resistance increases as minority status looms #swrm #white via,incitement,"" -white south africans trapped like frogs in boiling water as anti-white racial violence escalates #swrm #sa #africa,white_grievance,"" -whites can't be racist towards jews . jews have more institutional power,stereotypical,"" -whites tried to live in piece but indians kept attacking them .,stereotypical,"" -why is it only white countries that are deemed to need multiculturalism ? why don't we deserve a homeland too ? white people are an endangered minority why is it ethical or moral to take their living spaces away ?,white_grievance,"" -why is merkel turning germany majority non-white in a generation ? via,stereotypical,"" -without white people to support blacks blacks would go extinct in 6 months . they are too d,incitement,"" -y believe in the noble white myth that whites are a peaceful race that never,incitement,"" -yes we don't to be invaded my wife is white blonde and 2 mexican girl are trying to get her fired by saying she called them racist to hr,stereotypical,"" -you aren't white ... go away,incitement,"" -you can't be a independent thinker and work for a jew . attacking white racial interests / cucking for israel is usually demanded .,stereotypical,"" -you had better believe it #altright #nationalism #pepe,incitement,"" -you know how to know spencer is a jew . just say so . then it's true . ta-da !,irony,"" -you people are unable to you need white people we don't need you . one way ticket to africa .,incitement,"" -you should see sm . towns in arkansas ; majority were white 70 % blacks 25 % other 5 % . now . white 45 % black 20 % & mexican ( maj . illegals ) 35 % !,stereotypical,"" -you're right . trying to bow down to the jewish control and begging for ' white control ' is stupid . they,stereotypical,"" -zionist . you forgot the zionist . they hate whites . #whiteback #whyiswhitewrong,white_grievance,"" -zionists : marxists ; socialists ( like the dsa ) ? ! liberalist globalist ... islamist lgbt & multiculturalism . nexus genocide of white people,white_grievance,"" -" "" : kkklanneed to report illegals contact ice 1-866- dhs - 2 - ice "" "" when my dad makes me mad """,threatening,"" -" "" a nation without borders is not a nation . "" "" - president trump #buildthewall """,incitement,"" -" "" hes a very good boy "" "" mt : seriously wtf ? : gawker : let black people steal your iphone """,stereotypical,"" -" "" hey kids wanna replace white people "" "" """,white_grievance,"" -" #antiwhite be like "" white people in a group = holocaust """,white_grievance,"" -" #jcot #tcot #jihad secular egyptian democracy lovers shouted "" jew ! jew ! "" "" during their brutal ... via """,stereotypical,"" -" an epic win for westren civilization ! "" django unchained "" "" was horribly racist and anti-white . """,white_grievance,"" -" be an "" anti-globalist "" "" support globalist agenda of mass immigration open borders genocide of whites . """,white_grievance,"" -" caller "" whites will never get anywhere without jew leaders "" "" - nobody disagreed . at 45 minutes """,incitement,"" -" gens alba conservanda est = latin for "" the white race must be saved "" "" """,white_grievance,"" -" gotta be a lame joke . like "" nonviolent jihad "" "" ( oxymoron ) is okay ... """,stereotypical,"" -" hey bud you forgot to credit yourself for screaming "" we hate white people "" "" . we were standing right next to you idiot #liar """,white_grievance,"" -" islamic state outside white house : "" we are everywhere "" "" """,incitement,"" -" lower iq and the resulting aggressive behaviours inability to learn complex sciences inability to self-reflect ( "" kangz "" "" etc ) . impossible . """,inferiority,"" -" people who call #donaldtrump a "" racist "" "" need to examine #barackobama furthe """,white_grievance,"" -" rt "" day of judgement wont come until muslims fight the jews ... there is a jew behind me come and kill him . "" "" hadith book 41 """,threatening,"" -" rt 93 - year-old german camp cook arrested by zionist authorities for "" mass killing of jews "" "" va """,white_grievance,"" -" rt : "" i live in belfast ireland . i am an indigenous white celt . every week i see more and more non white "" "" 911 h ... """,white_grievance,"" -" rt : #valuesofpeace "" : boko haram leader : "" "" kill kill kill kill kill christians ! "" "" """,stereotypical,"" -" rt : 110 % correct . "" the democrat slave party sucks ! "" "" #maga """,inferiority,"" -" rt : sadly muslims are like walking timebombs ! smiles kindness "" we love america "" "" then boooom ! #peace """,stereotypical,"" -" rt another jew pretending to be white to lecture us about "" racism "" "" - these people need to be deported to israel """,stereotypical,"" -" rt antifa idiots turn on each other . "" you're white you're inherently racist it's in your blood it's in your dna . "" "" this warms my heart . """,white_grievance,"" -" rt back from israel where you see "" that inner freedom that simple dignity "" "" of "" "" people who remember their heritage & are loyal to their fate . "" "" """,stereotypical,"" -" rt berlin : muslims chanting "" allahu akbar "" "" & "" "" jew jew coward pig "" "" . hitler would be proud . #trumpaddress #jointaddress """,stereotypical,"" -" rt i enjoy these swift narrative reversals media executes between "" america was founded on white racism "" "" and "" "" america was founded on diversity "" "" """,white_grievance,"" -" rt that would include black-white latino-white native american-white "" supremacist "" "" etc the dems argument is losing power . bc we r winning #maga """,incitement,"" -" rt the islamic doctrine of kafir hate . "" allah kill the despicable christians "" "" """,stereotypical,"" -" rt they couldn't make their message more clear : "" we are trying to replace and destroy white people because we hate you and what you've built . "" "" """,white_grievance,"" -" so are all white americans going to be called "" borderers "" "" now ? """,white_grievance,"" -" via national review : white working class towns "" deserve to die "" "" """,incitement,"" -" you brought up race . i didn't . you claimed our pro-freedom ads were "" racist . "" "" it's "" "" racist "" "" to resist jihad terror ? """,white_grievance,"" -" you're lying brazenly & you accuse us of "" hate "" "" ? it is not hate to oppose jihad terror vs . ahmadis """,white_grievance,"" -#antiwhite definition of bigot : someone who objects 2 a black burning a white child 2death the black being just a victim of white racism,white_grievance,"" -#charlottesville #unitetheright & starter pack,incitement,"" -#cuckservatives lack the moral courage to confront #radicalfeminism & #lgbtq,incitement,"" -#powerdivision of the #liftwaffe marches on ! the crusade against bugmen continues with a 275x2 strict press !,incitement,"" -- mandela's rainbow nation : white woman raped then stoned by racist blacks in south africa ( video ),stereotypical,"" -. : ' sentencing reform ' bill rewrite will release illegal alien drug traffickers via,stereotypical,"" -. clearly lgbts too stupid to know difference between psychotherapy & religious prayer ! ! #tcot,inferiority,"" -. jeb cares about mestizos ( like his wife and kids ) he seems to loath white people .,white_grievance,"" -... criticism as islamophobia and / or racist abuse because you are scared .,stereotypical,"" -002 no country for white nationalist 2016-9- 20 by race and nation #fascism #nationalsocialism #altright #whitepride,white_grievance,"" -1up are you seriously calling tucker carlsonna white supremacist ? you are way losing all credibility here my friend . what are you trying to accomplish ? 1 ) spread hate & division among races or 2 ) make america a better place for all children to grow up in and thrive ?,white_grievance,"" -: #perfidiousalbion the uk has effectively given up trying to stop jihadists from being created,white_grievance,"" -: . hopes the white race will disappear - not racist ! those who complain when a muslim g,white_grievance,"" -: hero of the white race : arthur jensen passes away . #news #race #aryan #psychology,incitement,"" -: i have done my understanding . it a about jihad . done . lesson over . doesn't take a genius .,stereotypical,"" -: it is in white people's interest to support iran and syria's war against isis and globalist-semitism ( israel,incitement,"" -: kkklanneed to report illegals contact ice 1-866- dhs - 2 - icewait i just saw this too this is horrible and disgusting wtf,threatening,"" -: more diversity in obama's america : white couple brutally beaten by racist negroes for no reason,stereotypical,"" -: uk : muslim migrant who stormed church screaming i will kill you and kill all the english escapes deportation .,stereotypical,"" -: video : czechs pledge loyalty to homeland and the reich ( 1942 ),incitement,"" -<--- founded by a white spastic who hits women .,irony,"" -[ video ] how jew's are exploiting fashion conscious white girl's - - dr . william l . pierce via,stereotypical,"" -aint that america : how witchcraft empowers queers and trans people : it ain't that great anymore,inferiority,"" -allah of the muslims is not my allah .,stereotypical,"" -allowing more potential criminals to add to existing ones is racist ? did you misunderstand me or the meaning of racist ?,stereotypical,"" -america's pro-white movement needs to understand that the elitists ceos politicians only see one color : green for #greed #corrupt #evil,incitement,"" -and exactly why do white lives matter rallies offend american values ? white people founded this country .,white_grievance,"" -and the jews too . just kidding jews no one believes you're white except you .,stereotypical,"" -another war for israel . more white people will die for ( ( ( them ) ) ) and their greediness,white_grievance,"" -anti-white shootings in nyc ?,white_grievance,"" -anyone that is not muslim better be a msulim hate group cause they hate you .,stereotypical,"" -are you embarrassed of your latina heritage ? in accordance with & other white nationalist groups alike you are not white .,stereotypical,"" -as soon as a white person advocates for their people they are immediately branded an evil racist . it must change .,white_grievance,"" -as whites are the real minorities on earth we need to protect them from everyone else who wish to destroy them .,white_grievance,"" -at least 60 white south africans were murder by racist blacks in the past two months via,stereotypical,"" -because i am an honorary white person here to save the whites from #whitegenocide,white_grievance,"" -been called trumpkins stupid misogynists racists white supremacists deplorables & russiansjust dont ever call me democrat or liberal,irony,"" -being white / mex i don't think i meet the requirements for but i support them . cause living in a white society is best .,incitement,"" -blacks need pull up there pants take a shower put down the crack pipe get a job and stop assuming us good white folks racist !,stereotypical,"" -but that wouldn't enable them to destroy white neighbourhoods .,white_grievance,"" -cair national think you might be surprised how far americans can turn the clock back when we've had enough !,incitement,"" -christian are worshipping a god that commanded people to kill gay and apostate ! ! be skeptic toward your bible folk .. ! ! !,stereotypical,"" -compensation for holocaust victims deported by rail company : seems they just found other source to milk some o ...,stereotypical,"" -could white advocacy exist in a multi-ethnic society ? via,white_grievance,"" -credibility of white race will be lost if they resort 2 lies & cheating on taliban & isis,incitement,"" -defend the aryan race . they'll learn from they're wide awake nightmare,incitement,"" -detroit : the death of white civilisation #swrm #whitegenocide via,white_grievance,"" -disingenuous white liberals face black crimedilemma,stereotypical,"" -diversity is about chasing down white people .,white_grievance,"" -diversity is code for anti-white .,white_grievance,"" -diversity is not a strength . #endimmigration,incitement,"" -do black people work in fields in central alabama ?,stereotypical,"" -do you want white people to die out ?,white_grievance,"" -dogs and pigs are talking of removal of us prsident ! ! suicidal for white race,inferiority,"" -dr . david duke : will the white race survive ? ( video ) via,white_grievance,"" -ethnic cleansing of europeans in america increased : nearly half of youth population is non-white via,white_grievance,"" -europe should be white your colonies are unnatural & unsustainable .,inferiority,"" -ferguson happened b / c a black criminal tried to kill a white cop . stop pandering to black thugs . seriously . #gotrump,stereotypical,"" -get it now . these are not refugees this is a planned invasion !,stereotypical,"" -good idea . we can send white nationalists to the mariana trench . good place for a white homeland .,incitement,"" -good york #jews dismiss black on white #rape,stereotypical,"" -gun grabbers don't object to firearms . they object to white people owning them . #antiwhite #chasingdownwhites,white_grievance,"" -he better throw on a shirt you know the bruvuhs love them a beefy white woman,stereotypical,"" -hello speedy gonzales hows it going jose ? bumped any old white people off lately ? ? oh youre hispanic huh ? kill em all you mexican devil,stereotypical,"" -here's a jewish boy who's stalking me . his name is victor . i think he's gay . any idea what to do with gay jews ?,threatening,"" -hey you rotten politicians and lying media keep revving up racial hatreds so blacks kill whites cops,stereotypical,"" -how do you explain the thousands of incidents of white on white domestic violence per year ? interracial dating ?,stereotypical,"" -hungarian politicians protesting against invasion ! hungary is the only normal country in europe + visegrad group,incitement,"" -hushed up german police report shows massive increase in migrants sexually assaulting children in pools #hangmerkel,stereotypical,"" -i am for white separation i hope this clarifies my position .,incitement,"" -i am talking about the prominent jews ~ not the ordinary jews who are working class / white collar.there are a few low class,stereotypical,"" -i can't stand these people saying white lives matter is racist but black lives matter isn't . even worse the white ppl with blm,white_grievance,"" -i dishonor kinslayers as my ancestors always did . lefties idolizing the murderer rapist thug evil again .,stereotypical,"" -i knew about the jew thing of course and i thought he was married to some mystery meat ga,stereotypical,"" -i know it's not working out and i know we need to push back . people came here for econ reasons they can leave for econ reasons . they get,incitement,"" -i oppose it for heathy white babies . in that instance a white ethno-state would have a clear interest in seeing a birth .,incitement,"" -i took this haunting footage of a slaughterhouse-bound truck full of pigs including this one who locked eyes with me for a full minute . rt !,inferiority,"" -i wonder why the white europeans are allowing muslims to take over their governments and push whites into white genocide ?,white_grievance,"" -i'm pro-white heimbach's job is to drive people away from white identity . attacking him is doing the lord's work i should get a medal .,incitement,"" -i'm white and i'm ready to fight,incitement,"" -i'm white stupid . tell you what we will give you an extra welfare check and you move to a white country .,stereotypical,"" -i'm white thank god,incitement,"" -if he really wants 2 b a chic its just as gross as white women dating blacks . we should preserve the white race .,inferiority,"" -if there's going to be an ethnostate we'll have to build it .,incitement,"" -illegals from mexico tells legal mexicans in america ( citizens ) you not mexican you white your skin brown but you white mentality of hate,stereotypical,"" -in what way is it wrong was america not tailored by white people for white people ?,incitement,"" -indian mullah aboobacker musliar claims ' gender equality is un-islamic ... women only fit to give birth ' .,stereotypical,"" -indigenous people & nazi's have long time ties & friendships . #sociology,incitement,"" -is tortures christians in their own churches #islam #islamophobia #tcot #antimuslim #christian,stereotypical,"" -islam / liberalism is dividing white people . we hate each other more than ever now . divide and conquer is their tactic .,white_grievance,"" -it isn't islamophobia if they really are trying to kill you !,stereotypical,"" -it's amazing how envious and jealous other people are of whiteness .,inferiority,"" -its cowardice that bannon denounced the alt right . i no longer support him,incitement,"" -jewish harvard professor noel ignatiev wants to abolish the white race via,white_grievance,"" -jews reveal their vitriolic hatred of the white race after charlottesville #unitetheright the realist report,white_grievance,"" -jihad reaching higher places . calgary has a.muslim mayor .,stereotypical,"" -let's bring that up to 100 per cent for the non-whites 0 per cent for the whites .,white_grievance,"" -liberal scientists developing methods to make white people less resistant to non-white invasion #swrm #never,inferiority,"" -liberal scientists developing methods to make white people less resistant to non-white invasion via,inferiority,"" -list of killings in the name of islam : last 30 days ;,stereotypical,"" -lol she's not white she's a redskin ! kill her !,threatening,"" -low class fat white chicks and black men perfect together ! | chateau heartiste,stereotypical,"" -many people don't want to wake-up . they don't want to believe the peril europe is in .,incitement,"" -michelle obama goes on racist tirade against white men at womens conference in pennsylvania,white_grievance,"" -modern heretic : the jew funding the zoo,stereotypical,"" -msm clearly embarrassed by anarchic & anti-white racist violence of #baltimoreriots and not a word about #soros funding #blacklivesmatter,white_grievance,"" -mus bro pushes & canada submits ! don't folks get that the mere existence of infidels offends islam ?,stereotypical,"" -muslims r so messed up politicians should be forced to fund own security they make decent people highly vulnerable,stereotypical,"" -muslims voting against hindu candidates in india is regarded as secular hindus voting for hindu candidates considered communal .,white_grievance,"" -my dad is white and he is constatly being attacked by blacks and hispanics just for being white ! we need to put an end to #whitegenocide,white_grievance,"" -new york : sicilian terrorist / governor andrew cuomo prepares to purge nyc of all confederate tributes via,white_grievance,"" -nice strawman argument but no rich white politicians and jews are working against middle class and poor whites yes .,stereotypical,"" -no good tydings rt : communism is a tomb . that is why liberals want to put whites there .,white_grievance,"" -no one cares about whites . dangerious minoritys are taking our country ! thx for sharing brother . #14words #teaparty,white_grievance,"" -not just south africa look at white farmers in zimbabwe yet left ask us to pay for white priveledge,white_grievance,"" -not true . slavery had been dead in europe for 1k years until blacks corrupted whites with t,white_grievance,"" -not true . they'd demand a moratorium to help unemployed americans but they id with co-ethnics not us as a whole . only whites fall 4 that .,white_grievance,"" -notice they're a white couple . #antiwhite #chasingdownwhites #whitegenocide,white_grievance,"" -now that you mention it ... maybe a wall at the alabama border isn't such a bad idea .,incitement,"" -official : 75 % of berlin criminals are arabs #swrm #hmm via,stereotypical,"" -oh i thought ben sasse was the jew who said it was time to wound white people .,stereotypical,"" -photographer ? she looks like antifa to me looking for trouble . also you need a dictionary to distinguish between a beating and a punch ?,stereotypical,"" -planned parenthood started to kill black babies . racist and murder . d,incitement,"" -politically correct jewish press continues to humanize pedophiles via,stereotypical,"" -preach ! no muslims indians or asians . america is only for the white ! #notracist #politicallyincorrect,incitement,"" -remember harvard professor who want to abolish the white race,white_grievance,"" -republicans like the ones the gop tries to fob off on white america ? ! they are no better than democrats !,white_grievance,"" -researchers find whites more altruistic than other #sociology #psychology #anthroplogy,inferiority,"" -sargon of akkad and debate race differences identity and the morality of white survival .,white_grievance,"" -secular muslim women take evil shariah based muslim personal law to kafir indian,stereotypical,"" -see when a white cop shoots a black man it's all.about race . now a muslim cop shoots a white woman and it's not allowed to be about islam,stereotypical,"" -self-hating white liberals should do the world a favor and kill themselves don't you agree ?,incitement,"" -so islamic terror is not a race & yet i'm a racist ? you're deeply confused .,stereotypical,"" -so supremacy unacceptable and show be replaced with broad white nationalis,incitement,"" -so you admit you hold whites to a higher standard than non-whites you racist you .,white_grievance,"" -soon there will be a white guilt test . if you feel less than ' somewhat bad ' about your white privilege your spot goes to a biracial disabled tranny .,irony,"" -strange how no sudden 6million dip in jewish population figures .,stereotypical,"" -strangely only white men have a declining life expaectancy . this drop is comparable to the aids epidemic in africa but shut up whitey right ?,white_grievance,"" -sure i want to destroy the enemy but larping with gay swastika shir,irony,"" -that is irrelevant to blacks being a resource sink hole . it's called a tu quoque fallacy . your low iq correlates to low critical thought,inferiority,"" -that is why you don't trust these companies they tamper with your dna results just to be politically correct . dna testing companies admit adding fake african ancestry to white profiles in order to screw with racists via,white_grievance,"" -the false narrative : it's open season on killing whites and cops via,white_grievance,"" -the germanic peoples are the enemies of the white race notice how it's germanics enabling every other enemy,stereotypical,"" -the hostility and contempt the jew has for the white man and his civilization cannot be more obvious . jews are openly at war with whites,stereotypical,"" -the idea is partition of us along racial and ideological lines . communist state white ethnostate black ethnostate social democrat state,incitement,"" -the jews again . jew hate is prevalent in muslim communities .,stereotypical,"" -the jews and muslims do have a common enemy .. white christians,stereotypical,"" -the only experts of islam is people who openly study it not forced to except islam as most are .,stereotypical,"" -the only hate is in the empty nihilism of treasonous marxists such as yourself . you hate whites . you hate civilization . you hate beauty .,white_grievance,"" -the pc politicians in parliament who let these muslims into the uk are protected by layers of security . the people are disarmed,white_grievance,"" -the political doctrine is religious doctrine to muslims . the koran ( mo ) says kill so they kill .,stereotypical,"" -their ideologies are inspired by their merciless violent repressive culture to subdue others under the pain of death .,stereotypical,"" -there's always a jew in the woodpile ...,irony,"" -these are just young people who are looking for ooportunities in our country the american dream ... to kill actual americans who are too stupid to stop them from coming here,stereotypical,"" -these people actually believe this optic shtick has never been tried ? they think white power punk was the only thing ever done ?,incitement,"" -they are not just my heroes but of the white race . later generations will sing of their poster-affixing sticker-sticking deeds !,incitement,"" -they won't be happy until another white man ( ) falls to his knees and cucks out . #maga,white_grievance,"" -this is taharrush ; muslim game of gang raping a woman pl . ban such religion,stereotypical,"" -tony abbott : europe is being invaded by non-whites | read more : via,inferiority,"" -tore * why do jews hate white advocacy so much ? you need to check your jewish privilege .,stereotypical,"" -two great videos : #whitepeople #whitepride #hitler #14words #ows #tlot #p2 #honor,incitement,"" -unbelievable ! ! ! barbie sold out to islam .,irony,"" -via : france : muslim screaming allahu akbar & kill the jews stabs jew punches rabbi #tcot,stereotypical,"" -via white privilege conference says resisting jihad terror is racist bashes robert ... #catholic,stereotypical,"" -vote support your local racist contact show support for a wall you this is 4you,incitement,"" -we also have these people speaking out on the dangers of islam to the west,stereotypical,"" -we is those who want white people to exist and do well . they is everyone else .,white_grievance,"" -we obviously need a nation for white people . and the antifa white race traitors can live with the black people .,incitement,"" -what insecurity makes you scared of white identity ? why can't i stand up for the only people with a declining life expectancy in america ?,white_grievance,"" -what was delusional ? they think that white people will become minorities here and that people don't like whites . is that what you mean ?,white_grievance,"" -what's happening in south africa is awful and not one news station covers it,white_grievance,"" -when i was a little girl i was a diego italian . looked down on by teachers & now i'am a white racist . give me a brake .,white_grievance,"" -when you take the jews out of classifying themselves as white for these numbers they are much worse .,stereotypical,"" -where would the world be without white people ? it's a wonderful race ! #wpww #whitepride #europe #heritage,incitement,"" -white = racist hindu = fascistbuddhist = terroristjew = capitalisthow the liberalist & the jihadist use terms to disarm your narrative .,stereotypical,"" -white americans need to identify and fight #whitegenocide #whitepride #identitarian # via,incitement,"" -white culture ( shaped by history ) is superior why else would people across the globe flock to the civilizations founded on white cultures ?,inferiority,"" -white genocide accelerates is france : at least 1 in 3 newborns are non-white | read more :,white_grievance,"" -white genocide in america 1960-2060 via,white_grievance,"" -white lives matter = pure hate ! diversity is a code word for #whitegenocide .,white_grievance,"" -white nationalism without naming the jew never leads anywhere nor is it intended to .,inferiority,"" -white nats have to dialectic their way back,incitement,"" -white people built everything in this country.maintaining the white race is the key to a further existence of a civilized society .,incitement,"" -white people don't want black people to lower property value increase crime ruin schools kill businesses blight etc .,stereotypical,"" -white protestants the people who founded the country need to leave the catholics & jews behind .,incitement,"" -white race is most beautiful creation of #god . it must be preserved . save hindus also .,inferiority,"" -whites need to identify as white because jews are targeting us as whites,white_grievance,"" -whose hate view ? hopefully you mean obama who can hate us more as to open all boarders for isis to enter > kill,white_grievance,"" -why didn't obama cry when colleen hufford was beheaded in oklahoma ? oh wait she was white and the killer was a black racist muslim !,stereotypical,"" -why is that a stupid conclusion ? also i agree that black and white people shouldn't date .,inferiority,"" -why would legal immigrants have anything to fear ? oh they must mean illegal aliens .,inferiority,"" -wonder if white separatist will discuss #racist prison gangs killing law officials at conference near nashville tn this wknd,white_grievance,"" -would you like fries with your mass amnesty and depressed wages ? mt :,irony,"" -you already do hate yourselves i think ? born here speak the language white yet you cannot compete with an illegal alien ?,stereotypical,"" -you would never ask a question like this to a charity specifically contributing to jews or those in india asia or africa . you know is based on building up european americans . there is absolutely nothing wrong with that and they owe nobody an explanation .,white_grievance,"" -you're not racist . you just have a good head on your shoulders .,incitement,"" -your demos are changing the face of white genocide hunter ? glad you found friends .,white_grievance,"" -your hate for others gives me the strength to join and be proud to be a white male again .,incitement,"" -your religion was founded by a white man,incitement,"" -" "" : non-white hate crime mob violence comes to finland ( video ) via "" "" """,stereotypical,"" -" "" : shame on blacks : more negroes are in prison than were slaves in 1850 via "" "" """,stereotypical,"" -" "" also jewish people are smarter and have distinct personality traits they tend to share that makes them successful . but that's the only exception "" "" """,stereotypical,"" -" "" they look white to me . "" "" - jewred taylor """,incitement,"" -" "" whiteness wounds others . understanding this is critical to anti-racist work in white spaces . "" "" this is ridiculously racist by itself . """,white_grievance,"" -" #makeacelebrityirish samuel l jacknazi #samjacknazi "" : happy #stpatricksday ; #ireland #aryan "" "" #racetogether # 8 """,irony,"" -" all of these "" kinks "" "" seem to be designed to emasculate the white male while encouraging the destruction of the white family . """,white_grievance,"" -" and after they are done fighting the other muslims ? they come after us . "" do some reading "" "" ! ! """,stereotypical,"" -" huge amt of fake chinese asylum & against usa we are being trojan horsed on borders otm "" other than mexicans "" "" """,white_grievance,"" -" i am an immigrant vickie i don't see "" white christian "" "" males as a threat . you however are blinded by ignorance & hate . sucks to be you ! """,white_grievance,"" -" i am going to bring down america by funding black hate groups . we will put "" them "" "" in a mental trap and make "" "" them "" "" blame white people . ... """,threatening,"" -" i regard hitler + napoleon as "" the emperors of the white race "" "" . they ruled europe . greatest thing since rome ! ! """,incitement,"" -" i rt to show how silly the notion is that your obligations to your people end at your doorstep . it's us vs . the "" bugs . "" "" """,inferiority,"" -" if "" black lives matter "" "" why didn't that innocent 9 yr old's life matter when killed by a thug ? because black lies matter . """,stereotypical,"" -" in this article white nationalists bred in america are defining their national identity - swallowing the "" red pill "" "" """,incitement,"" -" jeb bush : "" have hispanic children . i have hispanic grandchildren . i'm part of the community . "" "" #cuckservative """,incitement,"" -" jews splc hysterically demonize "" racist "" "" "" "" white supremacist "" "" websites : """,white_grievance,"" -" new video : "" madness at #mizzou : black hysteria and white cowardice "" "" #tcot #altright """,white_grievance,"" -" oh and the group that kills children are "" white "" "" too . """,irony,"" -" philo-sem = expectedphilo white = "" racist "" "" "" "" hate "" "" anti-racist is a code word for #antiwhite #whitegenocide """,white_grievance,"" -" proliferating anti-white agenda "" """,white_grievance,"" -" rt "" hutterites are a white anabaptist group that originated in austria in the 16th century . ... they are examples of the peaceful idyllic life that all-white communities can create for themselves . "" "" - walter """,incitement,"" -" rt "" i hate you all "" "" - racist note from the black boy who raped his white teacher & slit her throat via """,stereotypical,"" -" rt "" white tax "" "" ... this us mayor wants special tax on white people via """,white_grievance,"" -" rt #demdebate summed up for you : "" we hate white people and can't wait until usa is majority non-white "" "" say all the white candidates on stage . """,white_grievance,"" -" rt : jewish / jews 100 % ok zionism 0 % not okzionism is "" racist fascistn idiolgie "" "" like nazism / fascism / aparth """,stereotypical,"" -" rt also these crazy nazis came out after weeks of people saying to "" kill all white people "" "" "" "" white people should be extinct "" "" they want a war """,white_grievance,"" -" rt lol ! ! now maybe he can quit "" speaking "" "" for all folks with hispanic surnames ? trump 16 ! """,irony,"" -" rt national review : white working class towns "" deserve to die "" "" via """,white_grievance,"" -" rt watch the rapid decline of "" white america "" "" over three decades """,white_grievance,"" -" rt what if white americans were in media outlets constantly writing things like "" jewish race must be abolished "" "" or "" "" jewishprivilege must end "" "" ? """,stereotypical,"" -" rt when will share an "" uncomfortable truth "" "" about a race other than the white race ? or does the bbc just hate europeans ? """,white_grievance,"" -" tell the parents "" it takes more than one child per couple to save the white race . "" "" """,white_grievance,"" -" the realist report : transsexual tv show "" good for the jews "" "" """,incitement,"" -" there are very few "" white supremacists "" "" in charleston . there are more blm racist activists than any other extremist group . """,white_grievance,"" -" unfortunately valerie grim is stuck in an outdated paradigm wherein all white advocacy is "" hate "" "" . """,white_grievance,"" -" ur profile calls for "" reduced immigration "" "" . why not just say what u really are ? white bigot who wants 2 keep america white . """,white_grievance,"" -" when islam is just "" stuff white people like "" "" via """,irony,"" -#california ag says #police can ignore federal illegal-alien detainers . when will you #wakeup whitey ? #news #freedom,incitement,"" -#cuckservative : a person who wishes for america's return to 1950s values / strength without admitting the nation was 90 % white then ...,incitement,"" -#germans are great people stop #jews an others from degrading your race an be #proud you #white #heritage,white_grievance,"" -#gop can explicitly be the party of white christian america or it will die . it would rather die . #tcot,incitement,"" -#standupwhiteman #14words white revolution is the only solution .,incitement,"" -. : illegal aliens should not be able to collect add'l child tax credit . #irs inspector gen exposed fraud . #cirmarkup,white_grievance,"" -14 reasons for white pride in america . ( elaboration details and sources . ),incitement,"" -1it kinda is . they won't ever get away with it though becasue they think they can become genid for america . the problem is ie twp and va all have the same cultural origin point but different approaches . genid and the natural european nationalist parties have different origins .,incitement,"" -2 / the social democrats are the cuck party the swedish democrats are the right wing nationalist party who resist the invasion .,white_grievance,"" -800000 fast breeding hispanics having 4-6 kids . millions of new dem voters in one generation . intentional displacement of whites .,stereotypical,"" -: american diversity work in progress : black teens kill white girl for bicycle,irony,"" -: and on the same day a bunch of over paid black athletes protest whitey's oppression . white guilt is really paying,white_grievance,"" -: billy roper white nationalism 1.0 and #unitetheright via,incitement,"" -: black on white murders grow more sadistic in south africa ( video ),stereotypical,"" -: rt : white man lynched and robbed by a racist black gang ( video ),stereotypical,"" -: southern nationalism has a better chance in dixie than wn / ns does in yankeedom or pacifica .,incitement,"" -: survey finds 70 percent support for deporting illegal immigrants #afire #tcot #teaparty ...,incitement,"" -: swedens population growth 2nd highest in eu due to mass muslim migration not birthrate,incitement,"" -: thats right . they are proud of the fact that the white race is being led to its death ... the greatest race to eve ...,white_grievance,"" -: there is no trust on immigration reform when 1000s of criminals are released instead of deported,stereotypical,"" -: white americans have remained shockingly european despite decades of race mixing propaganda,inferiority,"" -: worse metro atlanta from clayton to rockdale and increasingly cobb and dekalb are black hellholes .,inferiority,"" -a boer fault is how they can trust white ppl . they can very easily trust other white who r non-boers .,white_grievance,"" -a new flag for the white homeland in the northwest .,incitement,"" -a tribute to the white race . take a stand for your people #wakeup ! #loveyourrace #aryan #arizona #blog,incitement,"" -a white father who doesn't want a safe space for white children . if your line survives they will come to hate the memory of you .,white_grievance,"" -adolf hitler is live again red black and white,incitement,"" -again simple math . black people are 13 % of the population . white people are 63 % .,incitement,"" -all for show . the israeli govt must be funneling money to the rebel media .,incitement,"" -alt right crusade to free our mind and soul from pc feminist liberal jihad a,incitement,"" -an interesting theory but it doesn't change that jews are white,incitement,"" -and it's a shot into their own foot . white nationalism was what actually build america p,incitement,"" -and you sound like a leftist shill who stabs people in the own ranks for no good reason at all .,stereotypical,"" -another anti-white hate crime by a muslim .,stereotypical,"" -another dead white girl at the hands of a black . they're ver going to learn .,stereotypical,"" -anti-white race war slasher music clip teaches black children to hate and massacre whites va,white_grievance,"" -back in 2012 i will never forget how obama went down the list appealing to non-whites on racial grounds,incitement,"" -because beautiful white blonde haired babies are absolutely adorable and against everything they stand for . :(,white_grievance,"" -believe it or not i've heard a white woman who converted to islam actually claim that islam is a feminist religion .,irony,"" -black on white murders grow more sadistic in south africa ( video ) via #onthehill,stereotypical,"" -black youths march in peoria il screaming we need to kill all white people ! if only white people could be as united .,stereotypical,"" -blacks and jews hate the white race . we need to have our own nation and get away from them .,incitement,"" -breitbart is the #fakeright and puts israel above their white audience .,white_grievance,"" -bruh i love white people too how do i join,incitement,"" -california is an anti-white state . theblaze,white_grievance,"" -cannonized book of 1924 ; might > new one now is filled caliphate & sharia law . people are'nt awake . as,stereotypical,"" -dear white women : they hate & resent you no matter what so marry a white guy & have beautiful white children,white_grievance,"" -dems have also invented a vast black / white right wing nationalist uncle tom conspiracy a 1000 legged centipede monster,incitement,"" -denies t / quran instructs to kill,stereotypical,"" -did he condemn the somali who murdered a ' white woman ? why are they even here ?,stereotypical,"" -did you help the homeless of inferior genetics elimination from the gene pool by assisting only those homeless of superior european heritage ?,inferiority,"" -disgraceful censorship of you should be going after terrorist supporters not those who oppose them . rethink or i close,incitement,"" -do u know why jew declare war on germany ? hitler made new economic in germany,stereotypical,"" -do you think those bars on the windows are to keep out all the white people ?,irony,"" -eh no . white westerners are the only reason israel can exist . fuc,incitement,"" -election success in #slovakia - #loveyourrace #workingclass #europe #norefugees,incitement,"" -end all sanctuary cities ! ! enforce the laws no more money for illegals and refugees,white_grievance,"" -ethnic norwegians disappearing as non-white colonization intensifies via,white_grievance,"" -ethnomasochists ? call them anti-white !,white_grievance,"" -even if white birthrates rise it can't match the combination of non-white migration and the net births of non-whites already here .,white_grievance,"" -fighting the displacement of your people is not white supremacy .,white_grievance,"" -find a white wife . be a red-piller not an oil-driller .,stereotypical,"" -follow it's not islamophobia when they are trying to kill you .,stereotypical,"" -from liberal white guilt or something . u think nationalism is white nationalism ? this is bigger than race . first is good 4 all americans,incitement,"" -funny how most of those categories of whiteness are all more civilized and prosperous than the majority of non white civilizations,inferiority,"" -germany : never before seen ritual immigrant violence #swrm via,stereotypical,"" -germany : non-white in one generation #swrm via,white_grievance,"" -get this guy in & fighting with us on #projectsiege to take back our campuses from cultural marxism,white_grievance,"" -go fight for white existence without us white southerners and see how far you get .,incitement,"" -good 1 . white people are toast with childish self prescrided spokesment like u at the helm .,white_grievance,"" -he'd tell you the same today . noticing adverse events involving black people is racist .,white_grievance,"" -heather heyer is a martyr to a big fat lie concocted by the anti white liberal media & th,incitement,"" -here's a fact if america was 100 % white it would be vibrant prosperous &,incitement,"" -hey you enjoy your white conquest . i'll be enjoying the peace and quiet . simptico .,incitement,"" -home ministry stated that pak terrorists are relentlessly trying to sneak in india prior to obama visit : sambit patra,incitement,"" -hope in #hungary ! #rapefugees #refugees #wpww #whitegenocide,stereotypical,"" -however apparently you can't even show me where the quran prohibits violence . and u say islam is peaceful ?,stereotypical,"" -huey long assassination ( rival to jew eisenhower ),incitement,"" -hunter this has nothing to do with cucking . this is about saving the white race . repea,white_grievance,"" -i consider myself to be alt - south .,incitement,"" -i hope that obnoxious chinese guy isn't part white .,stereotypical,"" -i'm a white american and i want trump to be king .,incitement,"" -i'm glad twitter only cares about hate and racism from one race . just who are the people that live in,white_grievance,"" -i'm sure they will protect a gay jew .,white_grievance,"" -if you are conservative you are automatically a racist . welcome to the best crowd america ever had ! maga !,white_grievance,"" -in america today its like its a bad thing to be white and proud .,white_grievance,"" -in germany if you notice that muslim invaders are raping your women you're a racist and your fb post is deleted,stereotypical,"" -in meantime whites / alt-right must focus on helping themselves and establishing their own web tech to ev,white_grievance,"" -in the book ' eye for an eye ' #jewish author john sack brags about the evils his people perpetrated on the germans after the war . #torture,white_grievance,"" -in theory but if whites ever got tactical advantage in a full blown civil war un would step in bcuz raysis,white_grievance,"" -instead all white people are in obama's race database ...,white_grievance,"" -is a great organization . they are a social fraternity for white young people in america ostracized by progressive culture .,white_grievance,"" -islam phobia = is going to kill you,stereotypical,"" -islamist attacks : #notallmuslimspolice shootings : all white people,white_grievance,"" -it's funny you know how many jewish people work for slate or even twitter . they se,stereotypical,"" -it's race bro . whites need to stop denying this reality and fight fir their survival .,white_grievance,"" -its all about voting the illegals etc . along w / voting machine fraud its their only way to win .,white_grievance,"" -its my understanding that most abortions are by white women . judging from the surge in the non white population it,incitement,"" -its not a plight . its just time for them to go home .,incitement,"" -jared taylor won't even publicly stand with spencer . he's going to miss the train he's more concerned about appeasing jews .,white_grievance,"" -jason kessler getting attacked at his press conference today is further proof that there is no free speech for white people in america .,white_grievance,"" -jew caught and tortured rudolkf hoess : uncle ...,white_grievance,"" -jewish harvard professor wants to abolish the white race via but i bet jews are okay in his eyes .,white_grievance,"" -jewish mayor of st . petersburg florida ' bans ' donald trump via #withjewswelose,incitement,"" -jewish money is funding #farleft radicals & jew media is pushing their propaganda .,stereotypical,"" -jews on ' white genocide ' #whitegenocide via mass immigration .,white_grievance,"" -john friend's blog : jews in the obama administration,stereotypical,"" -ku klux klan heads to ferguson race riots to guard white businesses and protect innocent whites via,white_grievance,"" -leave milo alone . he is exposing white people for their hatred of white people,white_grievance,"" -leibstandarte adolf hitler t-shirt from the white resister | read more :,incitement,"" -let's be blunt . any arab muslim found to be circulating isis propaganda should be deported immediately . it's brutal but we are at war ! #tcot,threatening,"" -liberal democracy = it's not okay to be white .,white_grievance,"" -like all political whores #obama is obedient to his #jewish #judaism #news #israel #palestine,stereotypical,"" -look how happy she is tears of joy . #nazi #nazis4lyfe,incitement,"" -lovely pictorial . white people are civilization .,inferiority,"" -lynching is not indian thing its inherited from islam #what punishment shari'a gives for thefts ? ? ?,stereotypical,"" -majority of the black people die because of abortion and more white people die in the hands of cops than blacks wake up all lives matter,white_grievance,"" -make america white agen,incitement,"" -many honest people are judged & convicted unfairly but why do islamist jihadist get a pass ?,white_grievance,"" -maybe they will reconsider . in every single election they vote against our cultural decline . it is futile because the system itself is what is driving it . this is the result that liberal democracy has produced everywhere it has been tried,white_grievance,"" -more negroes entered america in last decade than during 300 years of slave | more : trade,incitement,"" -muslim refugees thats what happened . dirty pigs ..,inferiority,"" -muslims attack - a common theme around the world ! !,stereotypical,"" -muslims hate jews . 18c has nothing to do with islamic jew hatred .,stereotypical,"" -my ancestors waged a war against the british to gain freedom to establish a representative constitutional republic called usa . did yours ?,white_grievance,"" -nation of islam attendees . racist black police shooters in #dallas attended mosque,stereotypical,"" -nationalism is all well & good in israel yet jews demand open borders forced multiculturalism etc in the west #hypocrisymuch,stereotypical,"" -needs to call out the dems on their hatred of white people . go there ! it is an anti-white party,white_grievance,"" -new editions of mein kampf & white power and how to use them for study and online activism : #nazi #wpww #news,incitement,"" -nice to know we are together in our fight all white people,incitement,"" -no one ever said that africa doesn't have amazing wildlife or that people don't go on safari . zimbabwe is a failed state .,stereotypical,"" -no pakistani should ever try to come to india they can go to mosul or karbala hq of pigs,inferiority,"" -none ! semites aren't white .,incitement,"" -now while out the white population . what happens ?,white_grievance,"" -number 5 addition : unless they're black then call them a twitter bot or say they hate themselves .,white_grievance,"" -obama never disavowed his racist ex pastor jeremiah wright and gave the eulogy for career klansman robert white sheets byrd .,white_grievance,"" -obama sitting in that racist pastor jeremiah wright's church for over 20 years is far worse than scalise speaking at one pro white rally !,white_grievance,"" -oh i see . the hijab is a joke.you are anti-muslim but you think they allowed themselves inside europe without help . or maybe you think you be allowed to speak on jewish media platforms if only you don't mention their control.nigel farage at least got results . cowards won't .,stereotypical,"" -ohio : machete-wielding muslim injures multiple patrons at restaurant owned by pro-israel arab christian,stereotypical,"" -our children are the future . love teach guide and most of all protect them . they will carry the torch for the white race .,incitement,"" -pastor mealy mouth should be reminded that white people did more to spread christianity than any other race !,white_grievance,"" -people like this tassia claim that being proud of being white is racist.how pathetica,white_grievance,"" -perhaps some of the #msm is starting to open their eyes and see the true racial #truth #govt #us #africa,white_grievance,"" -personally i think the white dems are the worst accusers and use race as a wedge issue incessantly .,white_grievance,"" -providing wages that won't support a white family is genocidal while giving aid 2grow non-white numbers is #whitegenocide social engineering,white_grievance,"" -ps get deported maybe new rule no legal way back in !,incitement,"" -push congress to overturn gay marriage / roev wade rulings article 3 section 2 - constitution obama can't veto it ! #popefrancis #teaparty,incitement,"" -racist attacks on white dutch people by mobs of muslim immigrants continue ( video ) kyttjlt,white_grievance,"" -real quotes from anti-white globalist jew,white_grievance,"" -refuses to denounce dr . david duke ! #makeamericagreatagain #votetrump,incitement,"" -remember goys making disparaging remarks about poor less educated whites is always ok,irony,"" -rudolf hess the martyr for peace t-shirt from the white resister via,incitement,"" -save the white aryan woman from extinction : only two percents of the world's population via #wpww,white_grievance,"" -schools in germany order girls to cover up to avoid being attacked by muslim invaders via,stereotypical,"" -secondly i think black lives matter and should be classified the same as the kkk and neo-nazi and so on .,white_grievance,"" -sencha macrae & i talk #whitegenocide weaponization of history & hidden history of white race :,white_grievance,"" -should change because brian is a self-hating white who pushes his agenda everywhere .,white_grievance,"" -shut your mouth . you're clinically obese and talentless . no white man worth his salt would look at you anyway .,inferiority,"" -since i'm half white can i still join ? ? i may appear black but i'm white in my heart #whitelivesmatter #whitepride,inferiority,"" -so true but if being white and proud means i'm a racest then i will happily be called a racist . i have no problem with it at all .,white_grievance,"" -so you're claiming he's no better than the #blacklivesmatter racist hate group ?,white_grievance,"" -somalians celebrate christmas in denmark : horrific racially motivated attack on white couple attack-on-white-couple via,white_grievance,"" -spoken like a true apologist for islamic supremacism .,stereotypical,"" -sure sounds like an obama employee . mcmaster having ties to nefarious islamic groups is to be as must,stereotypical,"" -swedish patriots seek to spread racial ideology in norway via,incitement,"" -talk to god today.you cant beat god no man can.tell me kkk y hitler hate people ?,incitement,"" -that they would adopt a black then have white kids,inferiority,"" -the #gaylobby needs the opioid crisis in order to fulfill #gaymarriage adoptions.the donald is a businessman . sure,incitement,"" -the children of the wealthiest blacks in america underperform poor whites and asians,inferiority,"" -the comment was more of a conditional : white people must not be fractured or we'll may,white_grievance,"" -the devil has a name : whos behind miley cyrus antics ? via #withjewswelose,stereotypical,"" -the global white awakening via,incitement,"" -the left wants white pipo to go away ...,white_grievance,"" -the media only cares when thugs who happen to be black get hurt.innocent whites having their skulls c,white_grievance,"" -the only identity they fear is white identity .,white_grievance,"" -the people leaving usa becuz racist trump all want canada new zealand never mexico nigeria . who racist ?,white_grievance,"" -the racial murder and rape of white women in america | read more : via #wr #wpww #14w,white_grievance,"" -the white people are not running from your insults anymore . we are owning them now !,white_grievance,"" -the white race is being slowly exterminated & our future is uncertain . will you take a stand today & join our efforts ?,white_grievance,"" -they are dying . god bless white america,incitement,"" -they are openly advocating for the murder of white people : #whitegenocide #14words #hitlerwasright #wakeup,white_grievance,"" -they sent the europeans to america to do all the things isis is doing to demonize white people and christianity,white_grievance,"" -they target whites everyday .,white_grievance,"" -think media here doesnt report the whole story . think illegals were responsible 4 murdered ca tourist downtown .,stereotypical,"" -this country was founded by whites for whites read federalist no 2,incitement,"" -this is the sort of self-determination we and the broader alt-right support.would you like to discuss this in a public forum ?,incitement,"" -this is the white man march #whitemanmarch,incitement,"" -this issue is misleading migration is legal reason for immigration reform is e . u . human trafficking ( white slavery ) .,white_grievance,"" -those programs are guaranteed to fail because of changing demographics - more non-whites more elderly whites,white_grievance,"" -time will prove who r allies . national socialist party has much bigger canvass spreading far & wide .,incitement,"" -top cuck : trump's agriculture secretary vows to protect illegal crop migrants blasts robotic techn via,inferiority,"" -trump is a symbol of white america regardless if he is / ourguy / or not and he,incitement,"" -u are actually anti-white & a race traitor . what a coward too scared to stand for his own . no black or asian would think like u .,white_grievance,"" -uk school downgraded for being overly white . this must stop ! ! ! via,white_grievance,"" -us appeals court revives holocaust suit against hungary via #withjewswelose,incitement,"" -us citizens don't matter . especially if you're a white male . this is the new american illegal & nonenglish speaking,white_grievance,"" -us will have a civil war . stupid white libs who call white people privileged,white_grievance,"" -very important american #nazi party report : #politics #freedom #14words,incitement,"" -video : british national socialists protest at sa embassy against white genocide in south africa via,white_grievance,"" -wake up white america ! ! your end is coming :,white_grievance,"" -wakefield doesn't like white americans . nothing new .,white_grievance,"" -war afoot now : rampantblack terrorism targeting whites >,white_grievance,"" -we don't want your anti-white hate in our state .,white_grievance,"" -we hindus offer lord krishna's package to muslims--give us 3 temples and keep 39997 masjids . i hope muslim leaders don't become duryodhans,irony,"" -we know that libtards hate black people what if this fallen officer had been white would he still skip ?,white_grievance,"" -weak white people have nearly destroyed us . no other race is so self-hating .,white_grievance,"" -well they could let them creep in like the illegals from so . of border !,inferiority,"" -well that's because there is no such thing as white privilege ! that's just a sham created by an old evil communist white guy by the name of soros to divide our country ! only self loathing white sjw with a guilty conscience for their own bias believe the white privilege myth !,white_grievance,"" -what are the black lives matter rallies supposed to do to white people that support law & order ?,stereotypical,"" -what is a white hispanic ?,white_grievance,"" -what pronoun should we use to refer to people who are transitioning into martians ?,irony,"" -what's worse : a white animal abuser or a black jew ?,irony,"" -when you're writing about a heartless black-on-white murder the msm egged on rule one is * make sure * the msm doesn't think you're a racist .,white_grievance,"" -wherever the alt-right / lite differ ideologically we're united by an uncucked defiant spirit . we're a different breed .,incitement,"" -which is why we need an indefinite moratorium on immigration and refugee resettlement . we need legislation today . tomorrow is far too late .,incitement,"" -white christian immigration only the usa was founded as a white christian nation #fact,incitement,"" -white genocide could be code for ending race . an amorphous cultureless slave race is what they want .,white_grievance,"" -white girl shot to death for fun by black racist murders via #savewhites,white_grievance,"" -white house is muslim,stereotypical,"" -white identity is timelesa,incitement,"" -white men aren't in charge of black people killing each other !,stereotypical,"" -white nationalist do not hate other races we wish only to separate ourselves from them to preserve our heritage culture and identity,white_grievance,"" -white people are going to fight back . we have every right to resist our own genocide .,white_grievance,"" -white people have the right to their own countries . the founding fathers made it explicitly clear the us was a haven for white europeans .,incitement,"" -white power via,incitement,"" -white pride website,incitement,"" -white supremacist don't like jews are black ppl . trumps family is jewish . trump helps african american,white_grievance,"" -whites need sanctuary . but they need much pruning too . were it not for internal rot then this wouldn't be an issue .,white_grievance,"" -whites who're true to themselves and their people .,incitement,"" -why is #whitelivesmatter racist ? it isn't ...,white_grievance,"" -why not love hate ? the donald loves hate . white nationalists love hate . let's love hate !,incitement,"" -will incessantly talk about evil white people and / or have no problem focusing on the race of non-whites in a positive way .,white_grievance,"" -yeah shut up . the dems hate white people . they hate the south #jointaddress,white_grievance,"" -yes unless you're not white and you're trying to silence all [ white ] opposition .,white_grievance,"" -yes white people in general are the new jews for the new kkk / antifa .,white_grievance,"" -yes ~ blacks & hispanics but the asians need police to protect them from those 2 racial / ethnic groups,stereotypical,"" -you believe nelson mandela was a freedom fighter #cuckservative,incitement,"" -you get the european situation where large amounts of non employed non educated immigrants come to europe and start their micro-communities here with high crime rates and all sorts of problem like in the uk and also in the nl and germany 2 /,stereotypical,"" -you go guys white power,incitement,"" -you guys seem really cool . how can i join your white power party ?,incitement,"" -you jihad enablers are so filled with hate it oozes out of your every utterance .,stereotypical,"" -you mean white genocide,white_grievance,"" -you want black nationalism . there's no diff between the two except that if a white person says they want to focus on white it's racist . but a black person says that it's all good . so riddle me that ? id say both are retarded .,white_grievance,"" -your are saving face with muslims in general so you do not get fire bombed . the candy coating does not cut it .,stereotypical,"" -" "" we must secure the existence of our people and a future for southern children . "" "" """,incitement,"" -" gob bluth stabbed by white power bill : "" white power "" "" "" "" ( but ) i'm white . "" "" #whitepower #news #quote """,incitement,"" -" if enjoying a white nation is "" racist "" "" then i'm a proud "" "" racist "" "" ! """,incitement,"" -" if you're white you don't need to "" join "" "" anything . your skin is your uniform . have white children and teach the our culture """,incitement,"" -" lol ~ no surprise ~ jews proliferate "" perceived racism "" "" and "" "" anti-white agenda "" "" """,stereotypical,"" -" pretty much . the double standard is absolutely appalling . every single one of them always say "" we should help everyone "" "" in theory but this is only going one way . non-whites help their own and whites do not help our own . we're done with that . """,white_grievance,"" -" rt "" national-socialism is race-based which means that we look at every issue with the thought is it good or harmful to the white race ? "" "" """,incitement,"" -" rt "" roof probably reacted to barrack obamas presidency & the rapidly declining percentage of whites in the us population . "" "" - """,stereotypical,"" -" rt : is a communist jew-hater who supports the "" palestinian "" "" jihad & you demonize us . bravo ! """,stereotypical,"" -" rt imagine being so crippled by white guilt you become a "" journalist "" "" and tell all white people they are 100 % racist . """,white_grievance,"" -" rt more anti-jew hate from "" nothing to do with islam "" "" """,stereotypical,"" -" rt turns out there are no "" safe spaces "" "" in #merkel germany . all filled with invaders . """,incitement,"" -" the left celebrates "" diversity "" "" and racial bias in the judiciary but hisses "" "" racist "" "" when trump brings it up """,white_grievance,"" -" the people in those countries were raping children and cutting off female genitalia but "" they wuz kings ! "" "" right ? lol """,incitement,"" -" what does sharia law mean ? two words : they can take all are white christian woman even if they married to us and if we protest we "" racist "" "" """,stereotypical,"" -" white rhodesians boers ; we knew about jews trusted them as "" white "" "" . we blinded ourselves 2 what jews did . """,stereotypical,"" -" with every "" antifa "" "" aggression the eyes and minds of whites will be opened and our movement will grow ever stronger ! """,incitement,"" -#altright are the only true right . the gop are marxist diversity enablers . white america deserves better than this !,incitement,"" -#p2 very bad translation but poll shows 93 % of russians are concerned about the future of the white race . hail russia !,incitement,"" -#parisattacks let them in #brusselsattacks let them in #germanyattacks let them in let them in or be attacked ? ? ?,stereotypical,"" -#rahowa - britain sees race war brewing between non-white invaders,incitement,"" -#roof and jared taylor have something in common they both like jews and think they are useful .,incitement,"" -#southafrica : the white #refugees no one wants via,white_grievance,"" -- does anyone here at #queer want america to become islamic and be forced to dress like zahra billoo ?,incitement,"" -. . i hear you guys had a #safespace for gay white male atheist feminists #altright,irony,"" -. i just closed my account . i won't be a customer of a company that supports jihad even if,stereotypical,"" -... many arrests of muslim youth in bharat regarding sexual violence against animals ... its happening,stereotypical,"" -4 / the government of south africa is about to seize the land of the white minority . they are launching a real white genocide,white_grievance,"" -: all-white town fights to preserve segregation in the anti-white new south africa,incitement,"" -: another native swedes get mob attacked by non-white immigrants in stockholm ( video ),stereotypical,"" -: kkk alive and well white brother hood unite ku klux klan bruh,incitement,"" -: kkklanneed to report illegals contact ice 1-866- dhs - 2 - icelol,incitement,"" -: muslim presenter + islamic loving bbc . what else can we expect ? someone needs to challenge,incitement,"" -: video : white man march white nationalist rallies organized across the globe for march by,incitement,"" -> > > americas future > > > white woman raped then stoned by racist blacks in south africa,incitement,"" -a national socialist gov would attack corruption at every turn and eliminate it . #wpww #whitepride #whitepower #tcot #capitalism #greed,incitement,"" -already happening in toronto and is 52 % non-white . detroit : the death of white civilisation via,white_grievance,"" -amen ! that's why i only support what is openly pro white no code words just pure white pride !,incitement,"" -and let the record show that black lives matter is a racist hate group advocating murder and hate,white_grievance,"" -and our 6 % to 10 % are high iq high agency creative young white men . you jews are only 2 %,inferiority,"" -another white officer killed by a black thug . obama and his race baiters must be smiling from ear to ear .,stereotypical,"" -anti white media coverage is all you will get regardless of street numbers . if any idiot out there thinks whitey will ever get sympathetic media coverage you are a complete idiot . stop pandering to those that hate your guts its a loser .,white_grievance,"" -anti-white race war slasher music clip teaches black children to hate and massacre : via,white_grievance,"" -anti-white supremacist the new code word for #antiwhite .,white_grievance,"" -any other good jokes #gop #teaparty #kkk,incitement,"" -aryan men and women may not to kneel to anybody ! ! !,incitement,"" -as my wife is black i can say black folk are some of most racist people i know especially older black women ( they hate me ),stereotypical,"" -asia for the asians ! africa for the africans ! white countries for everyone ! diversity means #chasingdownwhites . #whitegenocide,white_grievance,"" -because if christian white nationalists r just like muslim terrorists we can kill them with impunity,white_grievance,"" -because what the white race needs is a military arms race among east asians . those are the competitors,incitement,"" -because white people don't need diversity . it is only a weakness to us .,incitement,"" -because white people rule the first world countries .,incitement,"" -but they still won't arrest the wavers of hezbolla and jihad flags ...,white_grievance,"" -cair we all know what and who you are - it isn't islamophobic when they really are trying to kill you ! #banshariah,stereotypical,"" -call us names all you want but white identity is here to stay & it's only going to continue to grow . #whitegenocide,white_grievance,"" -christian leader : gay musical is ' sexual propaganda ' caught lying about obama yet again,incitement,"" -come on everybody hear white people white nation .,incitement,"" -cousyness factor 1488 makeeuropegreatagain preserve white volk ! #svpol #vpol #migpol #makeeuropegreatagain #eupol,incitement,"" -data aren't racist the datum - in this case racist anti-white blacks are though & the numbers are right .,white_grievance,"" -dr . david duke : will the white race survive ? ( video ) va,incitement,"" -dramatic rise of white flight in britain : masses of white families escape from multiracial areas ! read more :,incitement,"" -eric holder is out to prove ( white cops are racist but ) ignores the racist beliefs of al sharpton and the anti semitism of the demokkkrats !,white_grievance,"" -europeans aren't allowed to have an identity . if you ask nicely and apologize and give your money to black people you may be an ally .,white_grievance,"" -fuhrer is our saviour ; all idiot liberals must note .,incitement,"" -fuhrer was a genius ; see his analysis : adolf #hitler explains,incitement,"" -funny even ironic pic since she would have recommended bo's momma have an abortion . pregs to a drunken black man ...,stereotypical,"" -funny how tolerating black crime is key to keep black politicians in power ; safe streets would bring whites back and they'd want good govt .,stereotypical,"" -german antifa call for the rape and genocide of ethnic germans | read more : via,stereotypical,"" -germany : non-white in one generation via #whitegenocide isn't real & just about race mixing ...,white_grievance,"" -give me a break sly . whites did build this country . nothing wrong with that . the more we ar,incitement,"" -god those darn white devils getting jobs promotions lower acceptance scores just because of they're race . oh wait ...,irony,"" -h / t it's not islamophobia if they really are trying to kill you .,stereotypical,"" -happy birthday to a tremendous hero : adolf hitler ! let's honor his life with consistent outreach activism ! ! help the anp save the white race,incitement,"" -heartiste disparages white women and encourages predatory abusive practices . if you're anti woman you're anti white .,white_grievance,"" -help us honor george lincoln rockwell today by going the extra mile with literature distribution : #wpww #whitepride,incitement,"" -hey everybody ... i encourage you to follow the only voice of truth these days #nationalsocialism,incitement,"" -hias jew organisations pro islamification us . so just need 2 beat them,stereotypical,"" -hitler warn about self pride in max form white ? only is kkk satanist n misguided white peace neutral,incitement,"" -hope it goes well for you guys take the alt-right from online into the physical world .,incitement,"" -i can see that given the history of the white race being enslaved lynched and discriminated against behind the word,white_grievance,"" -i didn't drag jews anywhere . jews have been leading white genocide and an,white_grievance,"" -i find it offensive that chose anti-white indian to give response to #sotu . we need pro-white voices in gop .,incitement,"" -i made up pro white bro . i was pro white before i was #altright . nobody was standing up for white people in my area so i did . praying 4 u,incitement,"" -i think bet needs more programming with white cast members . bet must be racist al sharpton !,white_grievance,"" -i'm surprised white men with guns weren't there to shoot the protesters . white men are born holding guns .,threatening,"" -if only he were one of the non-muslim rapists you'd have no objection to it . obviously .,stereotypical,"" -in india if u speak against hindus it's free speach . speak against muslims it's racism . they can break laws not obey copswe cant !,white_grievance,"" -in the wrong country . plenty islamic countries . no rights or benefits to those who refuse to pledge allegiance to our country .,incitement,"" -interracism is a form of race war . it is black males waging sexual war of conquest and colonizing white wombs to make ' brown babies ' .,stereotypical,"" -is it because muhammad was a white man ?,incitement,"" -is victor davis hanson's column racist ? of course it ishe's white !,white_grievance,"" -islamophobia the word is very divisive as it doesn't validate or even tolerate true fear people have of islamic incitement to terrorism .,incitement,"" -it doesn't have to be a conspiracy . it is one ethnic group that is a market dominant minority . it has a massive distorting effect on our culture and politics . but anyway they are also tightly organized down to jewish orgs having an umbrella group,stereotypical,"" -it is called weaponized artificial mass migration created to destroy the white race the western world .,white_grievance,"" -it took a gay conservative for the media to finally expose the pedophilia problem in the gay community,stereotypical,"" -it's extremely lol that white liberals think blaqs aren't 1 . racist 2 . sexist 3 . xenophobic,white_grievance,"" -jew pleads guilty on behalf of austrians : the president of austria who just so happens to be a jew has assigne ...,stereotypical,"" -jewish groups push 4 non-white immigration into europe and us they've been pushing this anti-white agenda 4 decades,stereotypical,"" -jewish harvard professor wants to abolish the white race ! via,white_grievance,"" -jews take great offense to being called white .,stereotypical,"" -jumping people is not normal for white people .,inferiority,"" -just locate the string of mangled and wounded and dead white people and the lost muslims should be nearby .,white_grievance,"" -learn from england a once white country 60 years ago 100 % white now white english are the minority 60 yrs ! !,stereotypical,"" -leftist view is white = racist . it comes from judaism and hatred of anything roman . check this from 25:00+,white_grievance,"" -let's be a white resister : because the beauty of the white aryan woman must not perish from the earth !,incitement,"" -like #hitler said ' sin against the blood is the original sin and an end to the humanity which suffers from it . ',incitement,"" -lol . you will learn what it means to be white and proud of your race . or be jooish and face the consequences .,threatening,"" -looks like a good turnout ! congratulations ! white america desperately needs to see such events !,incitement,"" -maybe feminists who hate men & want to blame the white race for everything wrong ?,white_grievance,"" -multicultism is anti-white hatred . we built this country . you will not replace us .,white_grievance,"" -muslim sources tell them to kill all nonbelievers . western society reports on their hate .,stereotypical,"" -muslims can kill thousands and milions no noise . kill one muslim and its hate . why ?,stereotypical,"" -no it was just blacks . white liberal cities like seattle boulder portland and state of vermont are fine .,inferiority,"" -no white women are on average closer to white men in intelligence than black men or women .,inferiority,"" -no no ! you just need a white person to explain it to you ! if you vote dem your first 5 white attack poodles are free !,irony,"" -no you're not white because you're jewish jews ain't white .,stereotypical,"" -norwood to bring back white rule to atlanta ? via,incitement,"" -obama encouraged civil unrest by condoning hate groups like blm . invited them to white house as a reward promoting violence against police !,white_grievance,"" -obama wake up ! illegal immigrants are killing this country on your pathetic watch .,stereotypical,"" -of course it's racist it was written by a white man of good character .,irony,"" -oh sheeeiiiitt ! supektet white suepremist taking over !,incitement,"" -only solution = white revolution,incitement,"" -open ur eyes white america latinos to become majority racial group in california next year via,stereotypical,"" -picture symbolizing what diversity mass immigration black empowerment affirmative action is doing to white america :,incitement,"" -pl . do not listen to your american advisors born in india but now agents of jews like governor and others,incitement,"" -please forward to all known white patriots : 26 . 05 . 2012 . white unity gig with us german slovak and hungarian bands,incitement,"" -rankin and madison counties are the recipients of white flight from hinds county .. they are the places to be now,incitement,"" -robert spencer beheaded someone for not being jewish ? fascinating this hypocrisy !,stereotypical,"" -roy moore can help prevent race-slaughter by planned parenthood & the dnc white elites . his opponent,incitement,"" -sanders and trump share common ground via #cuckservative #illegalaliens #nationalism #election2016,other,"" -savage british man eaters ! blaming adolf hitler ! !,incitement,"" -science & genetics tell us there are inherent differences . my objection is to underlying premise that white race is biologically superior,incitement,"" -sieg hail 88 ! from aus . have another great white friday,incitement,"" -so .. how do all those little black people like those mighty white antifa warriors defending thier existence . it must be refreshing to themlol,incitement,"" -splcs mark potok : our aim in life is to destroy these groups to completely destroy them . #splcexposed,incitement,"" -subscribe to the realist report ! support pro-white independent media and help us grow !,incitement,"" -taught from preschool . taught white boys are racist and brown is ok .,white_grievance,"" -thank u polish people . you are saving the white race . you are my heroes and are much stro,incitement,"" -that vulnerability : the genetic recessiveness of the white race !,incitement,"" -the # of radical #muslims in america who want to kill christians and jews is a lot higher than the number of racist white supremacist by far,stereotypical,"" -the black football player that punched a white girl in the face gets to stay at school and continue playing . white privilege ?,white_grievance,"" -the democrats have become the party of the non-white & anti-white even the #aflcio can't save them . #usa,incitement,"" -the evolution of white genocide,white_grievance,"" -the genocide of white america : 1980-2010 | read more : via,white_grievance,"" -the koran in america is not the true koran . there koran teaches them to convert us or kill u,stereotypical,"" -the koran is the truth about islam and muslims . every kafir should read it . better than a stephen king terror novel .,stereotypical,"" -the most disgusting of anti-whites do thatuse extreme racism against whites against them because it increases the reaction by 5 % or similar,white_grievance,"" -the problem is the us has been a white country and non-whit,incitement,"" -the real holocaust was done to germans by the allies on the defenseless not on soldiers 6 million myth only a cover-up story #whitegenocide,incitement,"" -the same muslim migrants who would happily behead him .,stereotypical,"" -the scythians return for the remnant before they all head off to europe . #altright is going after the rest of our human capital : hahah real #israelites,incitement,"" -the white liberals and unbelievers all over the world will be the downfall of white people,incitement,"" -the white man invented ladders so it's my duty as a racist to use them . i further the cause every time i go for the top shelf,incitement,"" -there are no white people holding you down in jamaica or zimbabwe or ethiopia or liberia . #freedomfailed,incitement,"" -they can openly call for killing cops and white people . any,white_grievance,"" -they can't be civil . talk dialog peaceful negotiations . they're only solution.violence kill kill kill . such wonderful ppl .,incitement,"" -they hate us because the quran tells them specifically to hate us . to pretend they dont but to hate us in their hearts . dont be an idiot,stereotypical,"" -they want all white children to be dead .,white_grievance,"" -too bad there aren't any white people in oakland ...,incitement,"" -us murders concentrated in non-white counties #swrm #us via,stereotypical,"" -via : clash of civilizations : iranian in canada attacks wifes boss for saying hello #tcot,stereotypical,"" -via : uk muslim leader : muslims should humiliate christians so theyll convert to islam #tcot,stereotypical,"" -wants america white again w / white supremacist support . refuses 2 disavow trump 4 klan ' 16,incitement,"" -we either have laws or we don't . your here legally or not . it's black and white . illegals are illegal .,inferiority,"" -we have the blueprint for a white neoconservative revolution :,incitement,"" -we prefer to be called identitarians . we believe that societies with majority populations that share racial / ethnic & cultural commonality an identity are more stable & preferable to ones that are multicultural . history and the current crises of the west suggest we're right .,incitement,"" -we will need to appropriate at least 5 miles within mexican territory as a buffer zoneenforced by daily artillery fire,threatening,"" -well i'm a black jew that's different . israel belongs to us not the khazars,incitement,"" -what does racist mean ? do i have to belive measured differences bw races on average are not real or are white ppl's fault ?,incitement,"" -what white americans have to look forward to from #catholics & #jews :,incitement,"" -what white people go to synagogues ?,incitement,"" -when a white person tells the truth that black people are the cause of there own pro,inferiority,"" -where can i get a kkk hat for when im driving to the ghetto of my town,incitement,"" -white americans least likely to race mix #swrm #niceone keep up the good work make america great again !,incitement,"" -white americans least likely to race mix #swrm #whiteamericans #racemix #keepitup #reproduce via,incitement,"" -white genocide as business : starbucks promoting race mixing for white women ( video ) via,white_grievance,"" -white lives matter event page via,incitement,"" -white patriots should demonstrate at anti white politicians rallies hold signs exposing their anti white actions !,incitement,"" -white people . do something .,incitement,"" -white pride world wide,incitement,"" -white pride worldwide hooded sweatshirt | more : via,incitement,"" -white pride worldwide t-shirt #swrm via,incitement,"" -white privilege conference this week #nationalsocialism,incitement,"" -white song parody of fight song by rachel platten via,incitement,"" -whites are squirming now coz they see huge competition from asians n south asians . all sense of supremacy is dead !,inferiority,"" -why do jews want access to all white countries hey ?,stereotypical,"" -why people hate jews summarized in one pic ( and it's understandable ),incitement,"" -yeah bro ! this totally stopped demographic decline and made america white again !,incitement,"" -yes we are the ruling race ; white and black is none of our business ; only aryans are invited,incitement,"" -you make it sound like white nationalism is bad .,incitement,"" -you people should see how the social justice warriors are making white people look and how they are ignoring white people !,white_grievance,"" -you're my favorite white supremacist,incitement,"" -" "" arabs mixed-race people white hispanics and others who could ' pass ' would be doing whatever they could to get white privilege if it were real . "" "" - gregory hood """,white_grievance,"" -" "" it's okay to be white . "" "" i'm white & i'm proud . i'm not afraid to say it . they can only stop you if you let them stop you . """,incitement,"" -" "" mixed race "" "" couple = black man taking advantage of overweight white woman for her paycheck """,stereotypical,"" -" "" they accumulated "" "" that's a joke ! what non-whites are fed by activists to keep their power . """,white_grievance,"" -" : australia returns non-white invaders to sri lanka ; jewish "" human rights "" "" groups flip out """,white_grievance,"" -" also his notion that a white nation would "" be at each other's throats "" "" is possibly true but irrelevant . white nations have been successful """,incitement,"" -" demand majority white counties in usa become "" white reservations "" "" via ' endangered species act'-like legislation * the only solution 4 whites """,incitement,"" -" doesn't fit the "" white people are the problem "" "" narrative """,white_grievance,"" -" don't confuse "" us citizen "" "" with "" "" american "" "" . that's a lie of the left . there is an authentic american culture and people . """,other,"" -" is it technically considered a hate crime now to yell "" trump ! trump ! trump ! "" "" at brown people ? #maga """,incitement,"" -" rt "" : mandela health problems renew fears of white genocide in south africa via "" "" """,white_grievance,"" -" rt "" the hindu "" "" is known for it's anti indian anti hindu pro islam post's . another media outlets dancing with the devil """,stereotypical,"" -" rt : texas cartoon jihadi "" would never waver from the teachings he picked up in the mosque "" "" """,stereotypical,"" -" rt obama - "" son of islam "" "" ? : #islam #islamophobia #tcot """,incitement,"" -" rt the alleged jewish "" holocaust "" "" is the biggest fraud in history . #withjewswelose #nomorejewishlies """,stereotypical,"" -" rt total clown world we live in - non-whit invaders are welcomed into white countries & white women end up "" falling in love "" "" with them . """,inferiority,"" -" south africa : the white refugees no one wants #swrm "" white refugees don't rape i'll take two ! "" "" via """,stereotypical,"" -" texas ; fighting foragainst the islamo-fascist dictatorship of "" no border "" "" """,incitement,"" -" textbook subversion : white house court jew gary cohn resurrects "" war on coal "" "" via """,stereotypical,"" -" the "" holocaust "" "" is so bogus . #freehorstmahler """,stereotypical,"" -" this mj article is unintentionally pro-white . basically demonstrates that we're "" racist "" "" because we're highly intelligent & informed . """,white_grievance,"" -" unbelievable hate-filled insanity to suggest it is somehow "" wrong "" "" for a nation to protect its people from rape / murder / genocide """,white_grievance,"" -" video : head of oslo jewish community claims norway is "" too white "" "" via """,stereotypical,"" -" vile hateful #jew calls for extermination of #whitepeople & admits "" diversity "" "" is a code-word for #whitegenocide """,stereotypical,"" -" white people are beautiful . whiteness should be treasured and preserved . i know its scandalous . i don't care about being "" mainstream "" "" """,incitement,"" -" yet another islamic supremacist tries to fool people with big lie that opposing jihad terror = "" hate . "" "" """,stereotypical,"" -" you are part of the conspiracy ( ( ( lenin ) ) ) . while you advocate your anti-white "" equality "" "" your jewish state of israel remains a jewish state . why is that """,stereotypical,"" -#charlotteriots join to put a stop to this anti-white hate .,white_grievance,"" -#preppertalk : racist attacks on white dutch people by mobs of muslim immigrants continue ( video ),stereotypical,"" -#wakeup they are going to blame you white people every time,white_grievance,"" -#world is missing adolf hitler : 30th april 1945 fuhrer left for his heavenly abode . we love fuhrer !,incitement,"" -- 15 year old white danish girl blinded by african muslims in racially motivated hate crime ( video ),stereotypical,"" -. not a good night for the anti-white gay pool boy eh ?,incitement,"" -... also organized jewry and anti-white,white_grievance,"" -15 year old white danish girl blinded by african muslims in racially motivated hate crime via,stereotypical,"" -84 % of all wanted criminals in copenhagen are non-white | more : via #whitelivesmatter,stereotypical,"" -: ) ) white privilege in fact does exist because being white is the top echelon of the evolutionary ladder . we have pri ...,inferiority,"" -: ... also organized jewry and anti-white blacks a,white_grievance,"" -: 13 ( worst ) companies who support israels policies for white america july 23rd ! ! be there ! ! ...,stereotypical,"" -: : #ows no wonder the anp endorses you . proves u believe in the jew conspiracyif you actually look into it ...,stereotypical,"" -: : kkk alive and well white brother hood unite ku klux klan white power mikey,incitement,"" -: it is a tactic of jihad enablers to smear all opposition to jihad as racist etc what race is jihad murder of,stereotypical,"" -: jews call for white countries to allow all palestinians to move there | more :,stereotypical,"" -: rape-killing suspect returned to mexico ;,stereotypical,"" -: robertspencer hatemongerbe brave an admit you are fulfills christian / jew zionist hate agenda against 1 .,stereotypical,"" -: uk : racist black man punches pregnant white girl in stomach as onlookers watch in horror,stereotypical,"" -: whites are not supremacist and whites who are against white nationalism should move to a black,incitement,"" -a nation is a product of race culture and heritage of which a multicultural society destroys . white people need a land of their own .,incitement,"" -a racist : any white man who argues with a jew .,white_grievance,"" -a rich black guy and a rich jew team up to try and stir up attacks against white americans .,stereotypical,"" -action report : america first banner drop on tuesday december 5 identity evropa activists dropped a massive banner at in atlanta .,incitement,"" -after #sanjose #nevertrump sides with mexican nationalists attacking their own people ...,stereotypical,"" -aint that america : the virtue of five white men : its no secret around here that america is anti-white . this ...,white_grievance,"" -aint that america : white guys : we suck and were sorry : new york is this video anti-white ?,white_grievance,"" -all immigration of non whites should be ended . this melting pot historical period isn't relevant for these times .,threatening,"" -america needs a national front that will be of use to white americans .,incitement,"" -and i'd completely disagree black on white crime is nx that of white on black . being from atl i've experience the worst,white_grievance,"" -and islam is rigged to win by persuasion or murder . ban it from the united states asap .,threatening,"" -and it's not a coincidence the best places to live are majority white,inferiority,"" -and the fact that there were more white slaves in the middle east than black slaves in america,white_grievance,"" -another #jew admits to white #genocide being their goal . must watch # #immigration #racism,stereotypical,"" -another white man shot by negroes over confederate flag on his car | full story :,stereotypical,"" -anti-white jewish activist hopes to wipe out finns via race mixing . #finland #soldiersofodin,stereotypical,"" -archie comics to kill off archie he is shot while saving gay friend are going to hate this issue,incitement,"" -asian countries for asians . black countries for blacks but white countries for everybody ? ' anti racist ' is a codeword for anti white .,white_grievance,"" -auschwitz - april 1944 - the sick and disabled . : according to the fable of auschwitz if you were not fit for ...,incitement,"" -awesome ! the real men who fought for the white race ! real heroes !,incitement,"" -beautiful ! go white men ... go ! ! !,incitement,"" -beautiful white life !,incitement,"" -because upholding laws and deporting illegal aliens is white supremacy . bwaaaaahahahahahahaha ! ! thank you !,white_grievance,"" -birthright citizenship must end or be defined to align with the intended purpose . illegals are enemies of our republic . treat them as such .,threatening,"" -black lives matter white lives don't ? sounds racist .,white_grievance,"" -black run america : white girl suffers seizure after black girl assault in mcdonalds,stereotypical,"" -black supremacy is an oxymoron or a transition state until white money runs out,inferiority,"" -bth the only race being attacked white or anyone defending whites . who really is racist #alllivesmatter #stophat,white_grievance,"" -but but surely it's only them evil whities who enslaved people .,white_grievance,"" -calling us racist for noticing that you're raping and murdering our people only makes us hate you more .,stereotypical,"" -can someone tell the black people in chicago to stop killing one another before it becomes detroit,stereotypical,"" -canadians rejecting misogynist gay / jew / westhating islam must fearlessly expose uglytruth #m103,incitement,"" -certainly the most turkic-looking white man i've ever seen . but race is a social construct so the msm must be right .,irony,"" -civil rights laws were implemented to dispossess and enslave white people . this is part of #whitegenocide,white_grievance,"" -correction islamic jihad in america is feminist and pro-gay until muslims are the majority . then wo,stereotypical,"" -cuck island : eyewitnesses report that police ran away from moslem terrorists via,stereotypical,"" -defend yourself . deport the muslims .,threatening,"" -did you all hear the bs the media is spreading about our fuhrer ? #micropenis,incitement,"" -do immigrants ever ask why for whom they happen to live in the west ? #nrx,incitement,"" -do you know that if you walk any where in south africa as white nationalist you get kill don't ever go there my dear,white_grievance,"" -don't muslims commit hate crimes against jews every time they visit a mosque and pray to kill the jew behind them ?,stereotypical,"" -enjoy your white genocide,white_grievance,"" -expulsion of white farmers has destroyed zimbabwe afrocentric marxism has been a catastrophe for the black race :,inferiority,"" -for the birthday of adolf #hitler - html #meinkampf with numbered paragraphs for quick reference and study :,incitement,"" -google is censoring us 9/11 anniversary coming up gonna be a #muslimbrotherhood #circlejerk,stereotypical,"" -guidestar using a hate group ( southern poverty law ctr ) to identify christian pro-life pro constitution group and mislabel them !,white_grievance,"" -he was embraced by conservatism . conservatism and lefties love lgbt not us,incitement,"" -heimbach doesn't advocate for whites he works with the jew media to attack white identity . why do you hate white people ?,stereotypical,"" -hey jared jews may look white but they sure dont act white ! | daily stormer,incitement,"" -hi can i get a couple of grammes of your white power ?,incitement,"" -hispanic assimilation has failed rt #tcot #tlot #teaparty #ocra #ampat,incitement,"" -hitler was germany germans shall rise again !,incitement,"" -i am not jewish blood . i don't support jew agenda's or jew supremacy . jason are you a jewish supremacist ?,stereotypical,"" -i am now a white nationalist,incitement,"" -i can go for no wall whatsoever just have armed military stationed along the border and shoot on sight,threatening,"" -i cannot believe your hating on white power,incitement,"" -i favor immigration reduction / border controls but think i'm cool if they start a biz & hire native-born americans,incitement,"" -i really only care about preserving white countries .,incitement,"" -i see white children living happily in white countries . white countries must return to being white .,incitement,"" -i think that separatism is a guise for race war . this white collective is out of rational fear . 1/2,white_grievance,"" -i'm surprised that jihad enablers would not be onto you but anyway smears are all from you to me not vice versa,stereotypical,"" -if anyone really watched the difference between whites from houston after harvey w / pr & florida between ; you saw the difference in culture .,stereotypical,"" -if we don't oust the suicidal left from their positions of power #whitegenocide will never end . #parisattacks,white_grievance,"" -if you take them literally ( as i do ) there are only 1 race that matters : the white race . #hailvictory,incitement,"" -ignorant things ? blacks rioting and destroying commerce and civilization . it's why whites abandoned st . louis years ago,stereotypical,"" -in georgia the #truconservatives are incapable of stopping the radical left from forcing christian pastors to perform gay marriages,white_grievance,"" -innocent white girl shot to death for fun by black racist killers | read more : via,stereotypical,"" -is it denial or acceptance > a likeness btw obama & hollande ... fix immigration stop radical islam control in us,incitement,"" -isis is in the white house . that's why the border is open .,stereotypical,"" -islam is a white man's fraud .,stereotypical,"" -islam was taking white slaves up even to iceland until the 1890s yet who is condemned 4 slavery ? white people its #whitegenocide propaganda,white_grievance,"" -islamists latest shocking brutalisation of #myjihad #arrestshazia modi muslims #femen,stereotypical,"" -israeli president netanyahu criticized for allowing his son to race-mix with white goyim girl via,stereotypical,"" -it appears if you're an officer of the law you should just let people especially young black men shoot at you . cuz #racism #shawshooting,white_grievance,"" -it is muslim law to kill gay pple ?,stereotypical,"" -it's not okay to be white ... it's glorious .,incitement,"" -it's political parties like you that make america the great white god loving nation in is today #feelsgoodtobewhite,incitement,"" -it's too bad that neocons won't allow white people to feel the same way without getting called ugly epithets .,white_grievance,"" -jew alan dershowitz claims jews are entitled to control the media daily stormer,stereotypical,"" -jewish federal judge blocks deportation orders for hundreds of iraqi rapists and murderers via,stereotypical,"" -jewish war on nordic sweden : israeli government openly exports african illegal immigrants to,stereotypical,"" -jews are doing to whites what they did to palestinians . palestinian genocide then white genocide .,white_grievance,"" -legalize daca and watch a tsunami of more kids from south america flood our schools . oh wait that happened already and is still happening .,inferiority,"" -lift off ! #altright,incitement,"" -look it's nothing against hindus but it comes back to nationalism . every non white with a job here is a white out of work,stereotypical,"" -mandela's rainbow nation : white woman raped then stoned by racist blacks in south africa via,stereotypical,"" -may he rest in peace . i didnt know him i bet he was a good man . stood for what was right the white race .,incitement,"" -melding marxist socialism with jewish vulture capitalism + jewish corporatism = national socialism + fascism,stereotypical,"" -my friends in india sent me this . muslims slaughtering buddhist .,stereotypical,"" -my value of all people matter is why i won't be quiet when ppl white race shame,white_grievance,"" -nobody will take white identity seriously if you yell muh jew for every issue . we need to talk about how great our culture is .,incitement,"" -not idiots ; white and black is none of our business ; only aryans are invited,incitement,"" -nothing odd about it . we are all europeans who live in america and our ancestors created this nation ; an extension of europe .,incitement,"" -now it has that commercial where the travel show guy recommends race-mixing to eliminate white people .,white_grievance,"" -ohio needs to be white again !,incitement,"" -only white people conquered the amerindians & founded the united states of america . take your low iq anti-white racism away from us period .,white_grievance,"" -police standing down let antifa blm destroy & that have targeted them resign let antifa,irony,"" -ppl just don't listen & hate pres trying to clean up evil politicians . obama started race wars again by denouncing his white half . he is b / w,stereotypical,"" -pretty good microcosm of society - degeneracy siphoning the lifeblood of white achievement .,inferiority,"" -race war brewing : dallas shooter confirmed member of new black panther party | read more : via,stereotypical,"" -ritual muti killings is a way of life in rural areas of black south africa via,stereotypical,"" -service before self - the gay conspiracy of white nationalism is revealed,stereotypical,"" -sharia is hate ! you're a special kind of stupid aren't ya ?,stereotypical,"" -she's another jew promoting adl / splc . she assisted in having jihad watch,stereotypical,"" -so black pride is fine but white pride is racist ... riiiiiiight .,white_grievance,"" -so the new black panther party isn't racist ? they are protecting blacks ? then where's the protecting whites ?,white_grievance,"" -splc preaches hate against conservatives and white people,white_grievance,"" -steve clevenger is suspended for speaking out against the anti-white attacks in #charlotte and the anti-white hate of #blm .,white_grievance,"" -stop anti-white cultural appropriation | more : via,white_grievance,"" -stop the white genocide ! #wpww,white_grievance,"" -subscribe to america's national socialist publication : the white worker ! only $ 20 for one full year .,irony,"" -telling it like it is as always : be not ashamed white male via,white_grievance,"" -the employment non-discrimination act ( enda ): a threat to free markets and freedom of conscience and religion,white_grievance,"" -the globalist multicultural anti-white minions gonna hate . whatcha gonna do smh . keep it up jess we're winning .,white_grievance,"" -the last bastion of the white race : 90 % of young finnish people oppose more non-white immigration via,incitement,"" -the only thing that happened is that jews came in and used homosexuals and blacks to take down white america . same as now .,stereotypical,"" -the poorest black countries are the ones where white supremacy and colonialism left the smallest imprint .,inferiority,"" -the white genocide continues : white race now a minority in three more uk towns and cities via,white_grievance,"" -the white genocide manifesto via,white_grievance,"" -them white folks must be racist cause dem po blks could not be at fault . so misunderstood,irony,"" -there are few doubts that allowing one more 10 to 30 milion increase of poor #illegalaliens will change #usa 4ever,stereotypical,"" -this war on the white race needs to end .,white_grievance,"" -triumph of the will gives me goosebumps . i must be a national socialist .,incitement,"" -video anti white racism has reached critical mass in america #nationalsocialism #nationalism,white_grievance,"" -voted to avoid pointless wars and third world immigration . got pointless wars and more third world immigration .,inferiority,"" -wake up white people .,incitement,"" -war against the south : gov . nathan deal quietly removes confederate holidays from statecalendar,white_grievance,"" -we love you friends #hottestwhite #whitepower,incitement,"" -weird how they tolerate sharia but not white nationalism or even white refugees .,white_grievance,"" -were built by white people . founded on white principles . 2 /,incitement,"" -what disgusting anti-white trash . #wakeup #whitepeople #wpww,white_grievance,"" -what's worse ? isis or the united gop / dnc attacking what's left of white southern heritage in america ?,white_grievance,"" -when a british prime minister praised adolf hitler as greatest living german #swrm via,incitement,"" -white births a us majority again via,other,"" -white countries working together now ?,other,"" -white genocide is real,white_grievance,"" -white genocide is the program .,white_grievance,"" -white guilt is over .,white_grievance,"" -white guy attacked by illegal alienaccused of being racist by a mexican .,stereotypical,"" -white lives matter,white_grievance,"" -white makes right . #itsoktobewhite,incitement,"" -white people are evil and deserve discrimination via #thanksjews,white_grievance,"" -white people are getting wise to the jews of hollywood and their ways . #movies #tv #dvd,stereotypical,"" -white people cured polio . one of many unearned privileges of living in a white society .,inferiority,"" -white people need to travel in groups of 3 to 5.america is a combat zone.no respect for womenchildren elderly .,white_grievance,"" -white power ! in white contries !,incitement,"" -white powers son,incitement,"" -white pride should be encouraged & nourished . white guilt is self-hate & based on malicious lies libel & slander .,white_grievance,"" -white pride world wide t-shirt from the white resister : via,incitement,"" -white self hate .,white_grievance,"" -white south africa trapped like frogs in boiling water as anti-white racial violence escalates via,white_grievance,"" -whites don't need anyone's permission to take care of themselves .,incitement,"" -who cares to wager that will attack tonight because they don't hate white kids ? #charlestonshooting #charlestonstrong,white_grievance,"" -why don't liberals get what illegal means ? if you are here illegally u need to go .. it is not racist or hate . don't belong,white_grievance,"" -yeah hopefully sweden can b saved . america is a lost cause few white people stand up .,white_grievance,"" -yeah i knew a muslim once he was peaceful ... so ... that proves islam means peace . #tcot,irony,"" -yep . the white mormon tabernacle choir is a hate group according to the white-hating jewish splc ...,stereotypical,"" -yes they teach it white shame our kids . and turn black children into victims who hate white ppl . starts young . must change .,white_grievance,"" -yes those arabs raped white women in their slavetrade . we all know about jews and slaves .,stereotypical,"" -you only think you're a winner because of olive-skinned people . get a life loser,inferiority,"" -you're a bit more mellow than i am this morning tommy . all muslims must be considered potential terrorists,stereotypical,"" -you're the reason everyone hates white people,white_grievance,"" -you've proven nothing except that you hate white people and wish to bring down whites .,white_grievance,"" -your taking it in the wrong context . i had said the same thing ! but its how and why the women was killed in question . any race can use their position of power against a group they resent . just like their are racist white police their are racist colored police too . keep it real .,white_grievance,"" -" "" : expulsion of white farmers has destroyed zimbabwe via "" "" """,incitement,"" -" "" : incog man : apeman burns beautiful white teen in car trunk via "" "" """,inferiority,"" -" "" : kkk alive and well white brother hood unite ku klux klan "" "" hey do u recruit kindergartners """,incitement,"" -" "" america was built by white people and a small portion of them happened to use black people as farm equipment . "" "" """,inferiority,"" -" "" american "" "" means nothing . whites need to start looking out for themselves . u want "" "" america "" "" to end up like south africa ? """,white_grievance,"" -" "" and by this political union between them holding the white race at the south in complete subjection . "" "" brilliant piece ! love ! """,white_grievance,"" -" "" diverse "" "" britain : black gangs to be rewarded with free barbecues and sports events | more : """,white_grievance,"" -" "" white supremacist site "" "" lmao ! i guess advocating for the interests of your own tribe / people constitutes "" "" supremacy "" "" . """,white_grievance,"" -" #altrightmeans "" white supremacy "" "" is a recognition of white quality and "" "" white privilege "" "" is simply white achievement . """,white_grievance,"" -" #istandfordiversity is a hashtag that's mostly just being used to say "" i hate white people . "" "" join serve your people . """,white_grievance,"" -" aren't most "" white nationalists "" "" tradecucks jews and / or . gov snitches ? """,stereotypical,"" -" basically ? she outright said it . this is leftist doctrine 101 all whites are racist even the "" anti-racist "" "" ones . """,irony,"" -" i . e . it's not ok to be white "" in minnesota """,white_grievance,"" -" name one of these thriving black communities that black people "" built . "" "" """,white_grievance,"" -" radical muslims will try to kill you . "" moderate "" "" muslims try to kill your culture . that is jihad . """,stereotypical,"" -" reinhard wolff of claims the "" zio-globalists "" "" want to destroy the white race """,white_grievance,"" -" roosh is non-white a sleazy disgusting self-serving iranian who is trying to be accepted as "" white "" "" . """,inferiority,"" -" rt "" : the future of europe belongs to you white man ! via "" "" """,incitement,"" -" rt "" diversity "" "" = nonwhite ; "" "" white supremacist "" "" = not anti-white . """,white_grievance,"" -" rt "" master race "" "" ? well thanks but "" "" white people "" "" will do . """,incitement,"" -" rt "" the black / white experiment has failed "" "" #race #politics """,incitement,"" -" rt : "" tribute to rudolf hess "" "" t-shirt from the white resister """,incitement,"" -" rt : in america any group of organized whites is going to be called "" nazis "" "" regardless of their optics . """,white_grievance,"" -" rt i wish they'd just be honest and say "" white people we want you to die out & replace you with low-iq slave workers "" "" """,inferiority,"" -" some #liberal extremists actually believe a thing called "" white privilege "" "" exists in america when in #fact the opposite is true . #tlot """,white_grievance,"" -" these cucks would rather be raped with knives than to be called "" racist . "" "" they deserve what they get . """,incitement,"" -" video : south african blacks attempt to kidnap white toddlers for ritual "" muti "" "" murders via """,stereotypical,"" -" yes white brethren we shall unite rt "" : kkk alive and well white brother hood unite ku klux klan "" "" """,incitement,"" -#hillary getting illegal aliens to vote : #mexico #immigration #amnesty #treason,white_grievance,"" -#immigration courts ' operating in crisis mode ' judges say via #noamnesty,white_grievance,"" -#plannedparenthood #white people in america are under a constant threat of violence by #mexicans & #blacks,white_grievance,"" -#zee news has blocked us ! ! ! editors have lost balance . national socialism can not be blocked we have arrived,incitement,"" -& i talk alt media israels role in 9/11 wwii revisionism & the jewish assault on western civilization,incitement,"" -- muslims don't have a problem with selling drugs and alcohol to non muslims . easy to control addicted people .,stereotypical,"" -. i for one am very passionate about making my part of making the white race better for a future . i have white babies ...,incitement,"" -15 year old white danish girl blinded by african muslims in racially motivated hate crime | read via,white_grievance,"" -2 . i do this because you focus your hate on whites while downplaying non-white horrors .,white_grievance,"" -2 . they can't commit welfare fraud by hiding income . 3 . they pay their fair share of taxes . illegal immigration must end bad 4 all .,stereotypical,"" -9 year old white boy commits suicide after being tormented for months by racist arabs | more : via,stereotypical,"" -: david duke : the racial murder and rape of white women in america of whites victims of nonwhite crime .,white_grievance,"" -: free save white people manual :,white_grievance,"" -: italian authorities have blocked access to stormfront in italy and arrested patriots for posting on it ! read more : h ...,white_grievance,"" -: the most oppressed demographic in the #us is the white #workingclass tbh,white_grievance,"" -> be a jew > have an ethnostate > laugh at those who want their own,stereotypical,"" -a bunch of white ppl waving the confederate flag plays right into msm / obama narrative that south is still racist,white_grievance,"" -absolutely not . white protestant christians built america and,incitement,"" -aclu is no longer a protector of human rights . they are a protector of sharia rights,incitement,"" -afghanistan : jihad / martyrdom suicide bomber murders eight at funeral : no compassion no quarter no mercy no re ...,stereotypical,"" -america was meant to be a white country . jim crow was meant to preserve the america the founding fathers envisioned .,inferiority,"" -and look at california now . a hispanic state wanting to secede .,stereotypical,"" -another holocaust survivor hoax exposed,stereotypical,"" -are you against the preservation of white majorities ? how does the perpetuation of a race negatively impact you ?,white_grievance,"" -article 4 sec 4 of our constitution . black & white . we are being invaded .,white_grievance,"" -bbc fires award-winning white male comedian for being white and male,white_grievance,"" -because it's the true heritage and origin of the white race ! ~,incitement,"" -because your fans are mostly white . cohenservatives hate white people .,white_grievance,"" -belgium : non-white invader rapes white woman after dont rape course | read more : via,stereotypical,"" -black celebrities who belong to 5 % er anti-white race war cult va,white_grievance,"" -black mob pounces on young white couple,inferiority,"" -black people only seem to thrive in white countries . how strange .,irony,"" -blacks are shot by police in proportion to the number of stops . whites are murdered by blacks dispropor,white_grievance,"" -but flooding white america with race mixing in advertisements is just as wrong as forcing an individual to not marry someone of other race .,incitement,"" -but hate speech and violent acts of hate perpetrated against white people is just fine with the scumbag,white_grievance,"" -but there is an anti-white agenda . nobody is pro white and if they even consider that thought they are called nazis .,white_grievance,"" -can you give us examples of some of these more equal societies that have less crime ? any that are not white or asian in particular ?,stereotypical,"" -cbn : sweden is on the fast tract to become a 3rd world country #swrm via,incitement,"" -daily terrorism the new normal in the lands of diversity aka white countries & only white countries .,stereotypical,"" -david lane : the white genocide manifesto #swrm #davidlane #fourteenwords via,white_grievance,"" -detroit : the death of white civilisation via,white_grievance,"" -detroit : the death of white civilisation | more : via,white_grievance,"" -discussing jewish power and influence is anti-semitic #withjewswelose,stereotypical,"" -erryone knows jews hispanics and mulattos are white .,irony,"" -ethics r subjective & white . truth is objective . if cultmarx white genocide succeeds t,white_grievance,"" -ethnic norwegians disappearing as non-white colonization intensifies #swrm #white via,white_grievance,"" -europe must rise before the lovely white race is completely destroyed,white_grievance,"" -even here i can see under the caps are no white people - looks like obama and his devout moslims,stereotypical,"" -even the scull structure are diverent the white race has got a crown in the middle of our hairline the blacks don't ..,inferiority,"" -explain to me why white nationalist ideology shouldnt be allowed to be discussed ? there is nationalism concerning every other race that is allowed but its only disallowed when its white nationalism . why is that ?,white_grievance,"" -from what i'm reading here in the us it's racial hate from blacks on white and especially the farmer .,white_grievance,"" -god bless the work of . these leaflet drops should be the standard for white advocacy in america .,incitement,"" -golden dawn announces imia march 2013 : every white nationalist is invited via,incitement,"" -gosh darn to bad we whites deserve it for being mean to some brown people a long time ago . diversity is the future !,irony,"" -had whites put something like this out there would be a huge manhunt for the ringleaders .,white_grievance,"" -has numerous excellent articles on their site proving that white people are the only race who take care of the environment .,inferiority,"" -hey black lies matter how does it feel knowing the white man you hate so much is still leading and lying to you ?,incitement,"" -honestly ~ i didn't know those white-looking individuals who badmouthed white people are ( ( ( them ) ) ) inside,white_grievance,"" -how about that : muslims in canadian jihad plot were apparently really swell guys : educated well off respec ...,irony,"" -how can #churches protect themselves in the wake of the courts gay marriage ruling ? via &,white_grievance,"" -i already answered this . why are you denying racial iq and evolutionary psychology / biology ?,inferiority,"" -i believe your are slurring all white people its offensive . #waronwhites,white_grievance,"" -i can appreciate that . i'm against non white immigration because far too many hate whites .,white_grievance,"" -i hate the media how manipulative and vile they are always covering up for islam but quick to demonize white people .,white_grievance,"" -i live in maxine waters district she's always been one of the most racist politicians in america . to her hating white people isn't racist .,white_grievance,"" -i opine today's america supports jews chinese migrated muslims and all races but neglecting its white aborigines !,white_grievance,"" -i want to save lives cut costs and save our major cities . and disarming black people is the most effective solution #nra,incitement,"" -if defending your southern ancestors makes one a racist then i am a racist . unlike pathetic i will not repudiate my grandparents .,white_grievance,"" -if that is so it clearly shows the hate crime punishment is only for white men .,white_grievance,"" -if you are a person of european non-amerindian heritage send us an application .,incitement,"" -illegal aliens who kill citizens need to be deported . to say its racist is like me saying mafia rico laws are racist,incitement,"" -illegal immigration is theft,white_grievance,"" -in this day and age being white is a bad word,white_grievance,"" -is atlanta still considered the south ? or new congo ?,irony,"" -islamists throughout the white house ? #rt #stopislam #crusades #makedclisten #wakeupamerica,incitement,"" -islamophobia ? what do these people expect when they kill us and fly airplanes into our buildings ?,stereotypical,"" -it has nothing to do with being american but everything to with the preservation of the white race .,white_grievance,"" -it's a scientific fact that the white race is superior . #opkkk,inferiority,"" -it's funny you think a white country should have non-white nationalists . a country is i,incitement,"" -it's not wrong if you're any other race but if you're white you're a white supremist racist bigot,white_grievance,"" -jew run facebook takes down uc berkeley white student union,stereotypical,"" -jew run google soliciting donations to support non-white invasion of europe via,stereotypical,"" -jewish journalist alanna schubach wants to bring multiculturalism to the noble japanese ending millennia of tradition and homogeneity .,incitement,"" -jews are known for bravery . they could simply move to israel but instead they try to pass as white .,stereotypical,"" -jews are not white . they admit this themselves and they have difference dna than gentiles,inferiority,"" -jews are now in full control : canadian man goes to jail for posting on white nationalist websites | read more :,stereotypical,"" -jews have always instigated and radicalized other racial minorities against white societies - they admit it here :,stereotypical,"" -just don't allow any in and start hiring our american people to do the jobs .,incitement,"" -kill your just set white people back a 100 yrs and made race baiters look great !,threatening,"" -kkk alive and well white brother hood unite ku klux klan white power accept me brothers !,incitement,"" -latvia : thousands hold stop white genocide rallies | read more : via,white_grievance,"" -linking the cops to the rally is lame . paul ryan supports globalization and white genoci,white_grievance,"" -love white genocide . also see this :,white_grievance,"" -low iq higher crime rates higher rates of fatherless households,stereotypical,"" -massive white revolution *,incitement,"" -meaning 1 white for every 30 ?,white_grievance,"" -merry christmas from identity evropa !,incitement,"" -millions of africans every year leave lands controlled by blacks to live in lands controlled by whites . come on man,incitement,"" -moscow ? or pakistan ? .. #wr #whiteresistance #whitegenocide,white_grievance,"" -muslim who slashed ny cop w / cleaver deemed not a terror threat after ... by via,stereotypical,"" -must must must read . mt you're allowed to speak about jihad violence in uk as long as you're for it .,stereotypical,"" -my ancestors conquered this land . why would i squander my inheritance ?,incitement,"" -nearly .. america was a white european country ... the fact you are ignorant of this fact is odd ...,incitement,"" -no more white submissivism to jewish supremacism .,white_grievance,"" -no rebranding isn't needed america's roots are white nationalism . #redpillamerica #americanhistory #makewamericanschooseiftheywatobeamerican,incitement,"" -no sanctuary cities ( period ) !,white_grievance,"" -nomore babysitters for the illegals breaking the law .,white_grievance,"" -nonsense . slaves unlike poor whites had access to healthcare and a better diet than even modern blacks .,white_grievance,"" -not surprised . liberals & islamists biggest threat to india . oh & add indian main stream media to it as well,white_grievance,"" -not to mention jews are listed as whites so the white per capita number is already distorted ...,white_grievance,"" -only a stupid white person would prefer white patriots to vanish ! take a stroll through a no go zone and see -,white_grievance,"" -only hope for the white race is to form separate b / w nations otherwise we'll forever be victims of communism & class envy .,white_grievance,"" -people encourage mixed race relationships which is breeding out the white race that's white racial genocide .,white_grievance,"" -please check out our movie #thegranddeception about the #muslimbrotherhood in usa .,stereotypical,"" -previous article hid his black race - but i knew it was a black male killing a young white woman,stereotypical,"" -ramadan begins in afghanistan : muslim murder 18 with jihad suicide car bomb,stereotypical,"" -reality is worse than this picture . at least the couple are white here . liberal media and le,incitement,"" -retweeted the aa agenda ( ): he's a gay transvestite white ...,incitement,"" -sadly this is what the older jewish sect wants . a black on white race war,stereotypical,"" -saving the white race - is it time yet ? - renegade tribune,white_grievance,"" -seriously don't they know that we all bleed red ? when a muslim blows up a european hes reall,stereotypical,"" -she doesn't recognize white people's right to exist and alexandria is 60 % white so why would she care ? it's simple math .,white_grievance,"" -shut it down : as the jewish media loses power alternative media comes under attack via,stereotypical,"" -so islam doesn't command to kill disbelievers ? is that what you are saying ?,stereotypical,"" -so we should race mix to ensure genetic diversity and healthy multiculturalism ? wow ! thanks anp .,irony,"" -such a display of enthusiastic flag-waving is sure to outrage the powers that be in the eu . nationalism isn't dead and that's a good thing,white_grievance,"" -texas a & m . #projectsiege,incitement,"" -that's because it's their religious duty to rid the world of women permanently .,stereotypical,"" -the biggest mistake the emperor of germany ever made was forcing ( ( ( them ) ) ) to take european names . now we've got all of these steins bergs and sons running around . instead of folks with asiatic names that would mark them out,incitement,"" -the kkk . how old does my little boy need to be to join ?,incitement,"" -the left would literally rather a white man murder 700 people than see any other race be found guilty of jay walking . it's pathetic .,white_grievance,"" -the liberal zionist crisis - - white nationalists are villains but settlers are ' complex ',white_grievance,"" -the main threat to whites ( europeans ) are other whites ( antiwhite whites ) not any low iq 3rd worlder .,inferiority,"" -the ongoing war against white people : european front,white_grievance,"" -the people hate the gop . don't worry charlottesville was just the beginning . we're growing extremely fast .,incitement,"" -the people who predicted the catastrophic result of mass immigration were banished from political discourse,white_grievance,"" -the realist report : don advo the war on white people via,white_grievance,"" -the war against white people proof #tcot,white_grievance,"" -the white genocide continues : white race now a minority in three more uk towns and cities via #flegs,white_grievance,"" -the white house is the jihad terror on american soil,stereotypical,"" -these people are all white . where's the diversity ? immigration = immigrants . meaning not white .,irony,"" -they say they are anti-racist but what they really are is anti-white ! | more : via,white_grievance,"" -this ^ the white race's response or lack thereof 2 these attempts 2 eradicate our past &,white_grievance,"" -this is a white identitarian group silly no parasites here,inferiority,"" -this is just another good reason for white southerners to quit giving their money to the nfl .,incitement,"" -this photo was taken after fields drove his car isis-like into the crowd . see the people lying on the ground ?,stereotypical,"" -time to stand up ! we r taking this country back ! #truth #maga #trump #pence law & order supporter,incitement,"" -translated : milo realizes as a jew he will not be included in white identity politics and would be a minority,irony,"" -unarmed white man murdered by police in tx . where was his white privilege ?,white_grievance,"" -uniting the white : the white wing is getting its act together via,incitement,"" -unless a candidate declares clearly + openly he is for the white race you can be sure he isn't and won't do squat,white_grievance,"" -very happy to hear this ; gives heart to all nationalists who oppose #whitegenocide,white_grievance,"" -vote for roy moore . get those people out of dc,incitement,"" -watch antifa member attack a supporter at the event . #auburnlive #auburn #altright,white_grievance,"" -we are being manipulated they want the patriotic white american to be the terrorist .,white_grievance,"" -we are going to be free white and proud . your pc prison will not hold us forever ... a white,white_grievance,"" -we must . we have too : dr . david duke : will the white race survive ? ( video ) ),white_grievance,"" -we're you better off under sharia ? the white people saved what was left of your country your welcome to learn your history,white_grievance,"" -what ? i'm not allowed to hate illegal aliens ? i hate muggers too ! in fact i pretty much hate all criminals,stereotypical,"" -what she really means is your white allah will judge you and non-believers have no morality . ;) :,irony,"" -where is new testament says to kill rape anyone ? nowhere . prophet koran hadith command you to kill rape nonbelievers if you want go heaven,stereotypical,"" -where they all committed suicide . so what's you take on the jew involvement ?,stereotypical,"" -white boy metal #blackmetal #paganmetal #altright #whitegenocide #nationalsocialism #whitepride,incitement,"" -white genocide accelerates in new zealand va #waronwhites,white_grievance,"" -white genocidists hosts,white_grievance,"" -white is creator of modern science no one can dilute it . we want white to flourish beautiful,incitement,"" -white man march 2.0 #whitemanmarch,incitement,"" -white nationalism is horrible but jews have a right to a state of their own in palestine ? ? ?,white_grievance,"" -white peaple where the first at everything we deserve love,white_grievance,"" -white power !,incitement,"" -white power bottom ! ! !,incitement,"" -white pride world wide no white guilt here .,incitement,"" -white privilege is racial slur created by racist blacks .,white_grievance,"" -white race saving humanity as usual !,incitement,"" -white south africans like frogs in boiling water as anti-white racial violence escalates via,white_grievance,"" -white supremacists ? how about white trash that have no jobs and can easily be hired by soros to do what he wants . 100 % manufactured .,inferiority,"" -whiteness is supreme in white countries . every other race is even more ethnocentric than even whites are in their respective countries,incitement,"" -why - send the illegals with a free bus ticket $ 1000 and tell them berkeley liberals are easy ... win win * they can never tell,irony,"" -why bring them here if there is no place to live ? no jobs ? what the ...,stereotypical,"" -why do you always try to call people white nationalist why can't you call them white people or westren people what do you use all these code words that are meant to sound racist and bigoted,white_grievance,"" -why it is unnecessary to force jack phillips to bake a wedding cake . hint : happy availability . #justiceforjack,white_grievance,"" -why white people seek black privilege - breitbart,white_grievance,"" -why your white be proud of your own race and look out for your own race just like obama looked out just for his own race,white_grievance,"" -xtian left is digging its own grave by appeasing islam nobel peace prize was awarded to an indian for denouncing hinduism .,incitement,"" -yes . we hate terrorists and people who think that that can kill others in the name of islam . you know sharia . #nosharialaw,stereotypical,"" -yet more anti white propaganda,white_grievance,"" -you don't have to hate them . jews aren't white . hitler for all his mistakes would have been b,inferiority,"" -you expect them to tolerate anti-white terrorists ?,white_grievance,"" -you say that if anybody objects to turning europe / america non-white ( genocide under law ) they are white supremacistsyou don't hate all whites just the ones who object to the genocide you demand upon whites,white_grievance,"" -you're delusional . firstly race determines culture & secondly race relations continue to decline due to forcing diversity on the white west .,white_grievance,"" -your right the money yhey take from america and send it back to mexico helps yhem grow there economy,white_grievance,"" -your wrong and the white guilt agenda you push is what woke me . must suck to not even know your actions are not of your own but socially engineered . now dance robot,inferiority,"" -" "" diversity "" "" and "" "" multiculturalism "" "" are only for white countries - the jews in israel don't tolerate these scams """,stereotypical,"" -" "" white privilege conference "" "" says resisting jihad is racist bashes robert spencer and pamela geller - - we respond """,stereotypical,"" -" . so is the term "" white privilege "" "" intended to make whites feel guilty . white & black pride is a good thing . """,white_grievance,"" -" and by too racist he means "" not devaluing white people enough . "" "" """,white_grievance,"" -" because it's true even though they deny it - "" anti-racist "" "" is a code word for "" "" anti-white "" "" ! """,white_grievance,"" -" has to say "" proud jew "" "" because she can't pass as white . """,incitement,"" -" if you join we can make america a great aesthetic pro white european effective and efficient "" empire "" "" """,incitement,"" -" most "" hate crimes "" "" are hoaxed . white people are not out here targeting blacks and jews . they do it to push their agenda of white racist """,white_grievance,"" -" msm running with it anyway apparently it appeased the snowflakes . they shud be more concerned bout "" spirit cooking "" "" than nazi's """,white_grievance,"" -" of course . unlike many white racists we aren't "" mindless haters . "" "" the jewish "" "" finance shark "" "" isn't any worse than a white one """,stereotypical,"" -" of course this jew is feigning that he "" has no idea "" "" why white people are angry . he knows very well he's trying to hide it . """,stereotypical,"" -" rt "" this issue then is about much more than law : it is about the task facing all people of european ancestry . our task from america to germany to new zealand is to be and re-create who we are . "" "" - winston taney """,incitement,"" -" rt "" white women should be hunted & killed "" "" ? ? this is already happening in america - there is a huge amount of black on white violence . """,stereotypical,"" -" rt : "" americanism has been a star spangled cancer for the white race . "" "" - """,incitement,"" -" rt judge rules illegal alien incompetent to stand trial for dui death because of "" unique cultural background "" "" ! ... """,stereotypical,"" -" rt watch how russians handle their muslim invaders instead of giving them welfare like we do . "" russians vs muslims "" "" """,threatening,"" -" seven misunderstanders of islam nabbed in israel for plots to kidnap soldiers murder christians : "" this is o ... """,stereotypical,"" -" tell me what "" race "" "" is islam ? isn't "" "" racist "" "" for criticizing a violent ideology that urges followers to kill people . """,stereotypical,"" -" to take seriously notion of minority "" power "" "" is big error . white elites progs far more "" "" realist "" "" about race """,incitement,"" -" whites used to oppose dispossession . look at the book "" the alien immigrant "" "" 1903 . blame cucks . """,other,"" -#auspol uk : racist black man punches pregnant white girl in stomach as onlookers watch in horror via,stereotypical,"" -#capitalism is killing us . it is the death warrant of the white race . #politics #greed #obama #islam,white_grievance,"" -#icantlivewithout my #ebt #black people,stereotypical,"" -#reginalddennyday #wpww #whitegenocide #whitegenocide #antiracisthitler #gaza,white_grievance,"" -& both intelligent black patriots . dems new chains they want to put on minorities go by the names blm & antifa .,white_grievance,"" -- not a chance ! - this is #america ! sharia opposition unifies america via,incitement,"" -1 ) they have courage of conviction those white men who publicly gather as white men . thei,white_grievance,"" -3 . no you're an anti-white marxist seeking to bring down white people - by your own admission .,white_grievance,"" -7 / white south africans are asking for our help . they're trying to get the word out about what is happening to the white community,white_grievance,"" -: 84 % of all wanted criminals in copenhagen are non-white,stereotypical,"" -: black on white crime is the new norm in america . watch colin flaherty videos on you tube,stereotypical,"" -: boycott the anti-white racist censorship boycott zuckerbergs facebook :,white_grievance,"" -: discussion time : morality and the potential destruction of white civilization via,white_grievance,"" -: kkklanneed to report illegals contact ice 1-866- dhs - 2 - ice what if they cut your hedges for real cheap ?,threatening,"" -: once again islam and its followers are trying to invade and force conversion by any means . as our ancestors,stereotypical,"" -: proof of white genocide video :,white_grievance,"" -: rt : jared taylor on the white man's disease : pathological altruism . #race #tpot #tcot,inferiority,"" -: russian tv report on france's white genocide by mass immigration via #jewishimmi ...,white_grievance,"" -: we are organizing against new mexico driver's licenses for illegals ... stay tune ...,inferiority,"" -: white tourists savagely beaten in new orleans via,stereotypical,"" -absolutely jews keep dying at the hands of white jews in order for the few je,white_grievance,"" -adolf hitler - a short nice video of our #aryan #hero : #courage #genius #integrity #honor,incitement,"" -aids skrillex & carl the cuck : you're a white male,other,"" -al qaeda to jihadis : make sure to kill white people to avoid hate crime label #orlando #al-qaeda,stereotypical,"" -america is the name for the historical anglo protestant nation . the country the usa should be white .,incitement,"" -american indians are asiatic mongrels they have no claim to america or the 1st world nation whites built on top of it,inferiority,"" -americans are white . it was founded created and ran by whites until boomer hippies got white guilt,stereotypical,"" -anti-white ( ( ( ) ) ) walks out of gop convention . maybe he should move to israel since he so detests white goyim .,stereotypical,"" -anti-white propaganda from ( ( ( hollywood ) ) ) ...,white_grievance,"" -anti-white un boss demands more non-white immigration into britain despite major opposition via,white_grievance,"" -as a true pro-white who refers to white people as inbred trash you need to listen to my advice on how,incitement,"" -as it was intended .. #whitegenocide #kalergi,white_grievance,"" -being pro-white is to be pro-american . if you don ; t like white america you can leave !,incitement,"" -black man openly fantasizes about slaughtering white girls during race war ( video ) #swrm #racist via,stereotypical,"" -black panther leader tells a crowd in charleston to kill whites and their children,stereotypical,"" -black thug attacks old white man with urine because of slavery #swrm via,stereotypical,"" -blacks begrudge white people,stereotypical,"" -btw most that go as jews nowaday are azerbeidjani ( kazar ) .. white looking but black hair .. ie the many killercops,stereotypical,"" -build the wall . #maga,incitement,"" -carolyn if i were to recommend a book to you it would be the epic 2 volume march of the titans : a complete history of the white race !,incitement,"" -cnn wants black people to think the president is racist . look around you,white_grievance,"" -credibility of white race will be lost if they resort to lies & cheating on taliban & isis,incitement,"" -do yall blaze up on hitlers bday 420 sieg heil blaze it ?,incitement,"" -do you really believe latino and white is interchangeable ? i'd love the day for you to refer to yourself as a proud white .,incitement,"" -don't capitalize the j in jew . it really gets to them . plus jews never capitalize the w in white . exceptions : titles & beginning a sentence .,stereotypical,"" -don't forget that in addition to being white makes you a racist we're supposed to feel guilty abt what monsters we r & how easy we've had it,white_grievance,"" -donald trump is going to kill the and i couldn't be happier . it's a party dedicated to destruction of white america,white_grievance,"" -elder from all of white racist trump loving americans . happy thanksgiving to you and your family sir .,incitement,"" -ernst zndel : the hitler we loved and why | read more : via how we need him now .,incitement,"" -especially on a campus that has professors advocating against white makes and for white genocide,white_grievance,"" -euro jews may be white but tariq is still a puppet ...,stereotypical,"" -even those that don't support us but will gladly reap the benefits of a white society may,incitement,"" -exactly right . your only racist if your white . believe me they hate us more than we hate them !,white_grievance,"" -excellent ; just listening to moving speeches from enoch and sacco - those against white identity reaff,incitement,"" -flynn's resignation set a dangerous precedent for the administration . #sessions is essential to justice 4 white america . he must not #resign,incitement,"" -for all people who dont know us we are the the nnp . we are the supporters of the by passing there messages to other white people !,incitement,"" -german gangs are beating up immigrants after syrian refugees sexually assault ...,stereotypical,"" -hate crimes are a joke ... its a one way street against white people,white_grievance,"" -he's bitter stalin eventually cracked down on the jews . too late for the white russians,white_grievance,"" -her whole twitter history is crying about white people to white people on white peoples invented technology in our white founded country .,white_grievance,"" -hollywood the news media the entertainment media and the publishing industry are all dominated by jews :,stereotypical,"" -horror night in swedish muslim ghetto : gang raped raped until bleeding with a gun via,stereotypical,"" -how dare people of european decent want their civilisation to live on & flourish ! ! so unreasonable !,irony,"" -how did less than 3 % of pop acquire so much clout ? oops forgot it is anti-semitic of me to ask that question .,white_grievance,"" -i am not a white supremacist . i am a race realist . no race is superior we are different . blacks are physically superior asians mentally .,inferiority,"" -i don't trust the census . it's a well known fact all of the middle easterners check the white box . america was destined to be what it is,incitement,"" -i dont know if this is a good thing or bad but only time will tell ... hail our people !,incitement,"" -i dont know why you feel the need to call us neo-nazis for openly defending our people . black lives matter must be neo-nazis as well just like the mexican government that has it written in their constitution that demographics must be protected .,white_grievance,"" -i like is explicitly pro-white . they are polite about it but they are pro-white . is also a good group .,incitement,"" -i think the us constitution would be fine with an additional clause specifying only whites,incitement,"" -i want whites to actually win ; any pseudo-nazi / klan imagery works against thtat goal .,incitement,"" -i wonder if every white person investigated today including potus is because he is white . in today's world being white is crime unto itself,white_grievance,"" -i would rather be an indentiarian than consider myself altright . i feel as if the alt-right brand is going to die off like the ron paul movement . we have better options to unite the white working class .,incitement,"" -i'm sharing this but i'm not going to make a comment about politics and diversity and how you can't have european culture without europeans . #tcot #altright #art #history,incitement,"" -i'm so sick of candlelight vigils for the victims of #diversity . i want more for my people . they deserve more than a melting candle to remember them by . they deserve justice . the middle classes will be provoked and their rage will not subside .,incitement,"" -if he is pro white and becomes president all the white countries will follow suit.no elections necessary !,incitement,"" -if they don't say upfront they are for the white race its because they aren't !,incitement,"" -if white race is not in danger why talk of mattis ? truth is that america foolishly promoted china and now china's proxy is ready 2attack u,white_grievance,"" -im a proud black man that worships europe white people and white women ...,incitement,"" -israel has always been our enemy . jews hate white christians even more than muslims . #parisattaques,stereotypical,"" -it seems people are willing to sell the future of western children for a momentary feeling of misguided moral superiority .,white_grievance,"" -jews and white nationalism go together like fire & diarrhea . #tcot #cuckservative,incitement,"" -last attention you get . you're what's destroying white people you make #blacklivesmatter look like,white_grievance,"" -let's be a white resister : because the beauty of white aryan woman must not perish from the earth via,incitement,"" -liberals demean our own heritage yet revere foreign culture either out of guilt or an inferiority complex .,white_grievance,"" -lol people of color couldn't stop themselves from being enslaved last time & still can barely,white_grievance,"" -long live the white race ; creators of all science,incitement,"" -mexicans have such strong family values and ' natural conservatism ' that when they replace us the abortion issue will be solved !,white_grievance,"" -modern heretic : jew explains plan for white disarmament genocide #withjewswelose,white_grievance,"" -my child cannot pray in public schools where is the outrage #islamistheproblem deport islam,incitement,"" -nationalist front to host white lives matter rally in middle tennessee via white is beautiful ! !,incitement,"" -new economics term : racial inelasticity - when you tax a race more but they still vote for the group taxing them . e . g . progressive whites .,incitement,"" -new fuhrer is so learned ! !,incitement,"" -new york isn't white it's jewish,stereotypical,"" -no it's committed by non-whites . that was an entirely racial situation in san jose . call it like it is .,stereotypical,"" -no just londoners . where being white british & proud sees you proclaimed a racist big,white_grievance,"" -no their hatred of white people . we saw this when blacks burned white books / art in south africa .,white_grievance,"" -no amnesty ! ! many will be able to apply for government jobs in d future putting our national security at risk !,stereotypical,"" -nope the uk i'm from was all white different sub groups of white but still homogenous white are achievements are white .,incitement,"" -obviously they hate white people and will increase their attacks on us . whites need to arm themselves now !,white_grievance,"" -oh how the jews must be happy all their anti-white propaganda is paying off .,stereotypical,"" -our cities were actually livable when they were run by those ebil racist white soopremacists,inferiority,"" -paul if you aren't a jew uncuck yourself . #altright #whitenationalism npievents,other,"" -people cannot be what god has not made them to be . blacks ' aggressions are survival tactics intended for living in africa .,stereotypical,"" -picket businesses and even homes of anti white corporate filth ! no more mister nice guy ! white man fight !,white_grievance,"" -pitiful .. how long till someone other than a muslim attacks a mosque or a protest ? then what ? we better think about that .,stereotypical,"" -pl dear fellow indians ... we all must boycott radicalised bollywood jihadi mullahs movies and their ad products,incitement,"" -preserving our european identity is vital to turning america back to the country it once was .,incitement,"" -profiteers ? nonsense . there is no money in #altright . we fight for freedom not money .,incitement,"" -race war in nyc : black power militants storm restaurants and harass white patrons via #waronwhites,stereotypical,"" -racist or white supremacy would want nothing more than government programs . a single generation of welfare destroys so many skills fathers,stereotypical,"" -reality . any violence outta ' trump supporters a response to antifa / black bloc / anti-trumpers . after last fall trumpers said no more .,threatening,"" -smh you libs are totally disgusting . i doubt any illegal offered to die for you maybe kill you but not die for you .,stereotypical,"" -snacks for thought : why don't middle class black people vacation in trailer parks ?,stereotypical,"" -still believes ( like trump ) that whites are superior race,incitement,"" -stop the white genocide in south africa ! ( video ) via #whiteresister,white_grievance,"" -thank you - i didn't know that part of the story . likely if most immigrants were coming from ireland / poland there wouldn't be such craziness,stereotypical,"" -thanks for all that you do for #white #awareness you and are ours white superheroes !,incitement,"" -the black guy is trying to tell the other guy what his iq is . #drainthesewer,stereotypical,"" -the end game of globalization is 1 world govt . whitey stands in the way & also why the white guilt / sham,white_grievance,"" -the federalist : please stop glorifying manufacturing jobs via #globalization #freetrade #cuckservative,other,"" -the flag of the northwest american republic the coming white homeland and ethnostate .,incitement,"" -the great dilemma of the democrat is to turn america non-white while still needing white votes to do it .,white_grievance,"" -the immigration act of 1790 stipulated white but by further law never defined . unfortunately jews were considered white,incitement,"" -the left will not stop - own them by triggering their anti-white hate - you win,white_grievance,"" -the white holocaust of ukraine from russian jew communists .,white_grievance,"" -the white man's revolution of 2016 via,incitement,"" -the whole point of conservatism is to suppress white racial consciousness .,white_grievance,"" -then i'm a racist who stands with you !,incitement,"" -they are #wmd's just like negroids and mestizo's wake-up white man the race war has already begun ! #whitegenocide,white_grievance,"" -they are sad that it's not a white person . lol .,incitement,"" -they might be human beings but they ain't pure white .,incitement,"" -this is in fact a jew larping as a white man larping a catholic priest,stereotypical,"" -this is the cuck you wantedthe buck you called downdemarcus straddles your wife a giantyou're not racist now,other,"" -this is the future for minority whitey in america . kate steinle and justine murdered in the streets by token diversity minorities that should have never been here in the first place . being a white minority sure does sound like fun .,white_grievance,"" -this jew is lying . western civilization is white civilization .,incitement,"" -this magnifies ( ( ( proliferating ) ) ) anti-white agenda.the problem ~ many euro-descent millennials see ( ( ( them ) ) ) as white not ( ( ( subversion ) ) ),white_grievance,"" -this should be a huge redpill for the normies - only white nationalists care about white lives .,white_grievance,"" -to tell a people that they need diversity is to tell them that they are inadequate and deficient . white liberals are immoral evil people,inferiority,"" -translation : blacks need welfare from whites .,stereotypical,"" -treason : commie-fornia assembly leader-america belongs to illegal a ... via white genocide,white_grievance,"" -trump / taylor 2016 : let's make america hwhite again !,incitement,"" -trumps agenda is not to white americas benefit ! jared kushner is a kabala practicing jew and he advises trump . look elsewhere for a white victory !,stereotypical,"" -unless white america will step up & have more kids our total economy will tank trying to pay ss for baby boomer retirees w / o daca,incitement,"" -vanity fair : why angry white america fell for putin via #waronwhites #culturalmarxism #,white_grievance,"" -wake up real white people . italians are not white . they are half black .,incitement,"" -we white people are in fact a global minority . so why don't we have the right to protect and preserve our race ?,white_grievance,"" -we are living in a country formed for and by white people .,incitement,"" -we who are pro-white want to preserve the white race . we believe that all races have the right to exist including the white race .,incitement,"" -we won't have any justice until this system fears white civil disobedience as much as it fears all the immigrant and minority riots . we'll keep having #katesteinle miscarriages of justice until they learn to fear us .,threatening,"" -we're all vertebrates too . except for cucks .,other,"" -we're looking through these data right now . it's clear though that even w / arabs classed as whites whites are underrepresented per capita .,white_grievance,"" -weimerica . ok ! i will die in a few years protected . message as a pro white,incitement,"" -what ? that is white ? i said #whitelivesmatter too,incitement,"" -when islam enters new territories its purpose is to destroy . #stopislam #,stereotypical,"" -white americans are shockingly european despite decades of race mixing propaganda | more :,stereotypical,"" -white board genocide is back !,white_grievance,"" -white culture is what you get when you put white ppl together . wh cultures have more in common w each other than nonwhite .,incitement,"" -white european jihad murderers are ok ?,irony,"" -white genocide accelerates in england : white british pupils will be outnumbered by 2037 #swrm via,white_grievance,"" -white genocide accelerates in france : at least 1 in 3 newborns are non-white via,white_grievance,"" -white genocide accelerates in new zealand | read more : via,white_grievance,"" -white genocide in the united states of america a 100 year history #swrm via,white_grievance,"" -white heritage and history go beyond the founding of america . usa was founded on the westernized european framework . identity evropa isn't a,incitement,"" -white identity : racial consciousness in the 21st centuryjared taylorsupport and buy through them .,incitement,"" -white nationalist are not violent . white supremacists are . big difference . nationalist live our co,incitement,"" -white people are supreme get over it,inferiority,"" -white people in britain resisting propaganda to racially miscegenate figures show | more :,incitement,"" -white people shouldn't be wasting money on anti white rags like the washington post new york times and,white_grievance,"" -white pride march in wales passes off peacefully via,incitement,"" -white resistance increases as minority status looms via tide comes in the tide goes out .,incitement,"" -white skin is dominant phenotypically last i heard . it's only socially that if you're not full-white you're considered tainted .,incitement,"" -white women signaling they were wrong about feminism.white births a us majority again via,incitement,"" -why are you offended by white people taking pride in their heritage ? i hope you're not an #antiwhite ...,incitement,"" -why is india a hindu majority nation being expected to house the very rohingya terrorists who are killing hindus in myanmar ?,incitement,"" -will is the first step to action . but you're right strong action will be necessary to save europe for the white race .,incitement,"" -yes and give it to the white deserving poor .,inferiority,"" -yes . white gentiles address the jews no 1 enemy for sure . especially the white males . jews hate us,stereotypical,"" -yes white people need more tribalism . it will be needed today for survival .,incitement,"" -yet nazis are dominating your politics today white race is in danger ; u must know,incitement,"" -yet the white cuckolds are still there paying tons of money on these spoi,other,"" -you're white + want to protect & preserve your distinct race / ethnicity just like everyone else . that co,white_grievance,"" -ys it may b possible ; islamists have already warned us india and other countries,stereotypical,"" -" "" fascism "" "" is now having borders and enforcing laws and making our own laws and governing ourselves like we used to do #trumprally """,white_grievance,"" -" "" panic mode time "" "" oh your god oh your god the mexicans are coming the mexicans brown are coming oh your god oh your god ! """,irony,"" -" "" we the people ... "" "" * most * cease talking ! "" "" ... walk the walk ! "" "" america's time line is shortening w the infiltration of jihad . """,incitement,"" -" ah the joys of diversity : "" : south africas police arresting young women to rape them ... via "" "" """,stereotypical,"" -" brilliant comments sandra ! "" : black on white murders grow more sadistic in sa ( video ) via "" "" """,stereotypical,"" -" go and find your "" black "" "" knight in shining armour ! #whenamericawasgreat #whitelivesmatter """,incitement,"" -" great vid mr . taylor . been learning from your info for years . hillary said "" alt right "" "" and i said "" "" that's me "" "" ! """,incitement,"" -" had a lib tweet me once - "" trumpers are just afraid of a non white america "" "" and i was like-why would a white person want a non white america ? """,incitement,"" -" how do "" they "" "" describe the white house correspondence dinner ? as a anti-white jewish propaganda rally ? """,stereotypical,"" -" incredible how sf "" leaders "" "" want a policy where the cops tip off illegals & not cooperate with ice ! absolutely incredible ! ! """,white_grievance,"" -" lol we are doomed . saying your proud to be white is "" racist "" "" lolololol what if you say proud to be black ? or asian ? or gay ? just lol """,white_grievance,"" -" maybe you have a point but are they "" white supremacists "" "" doing the sabotaging or are they "" "" jewish supremacists "" "" ? """,stereotypical,"" -" oh yes make sure we call those who want to kill children "" kind people of a misunderstood religion "" "" . next ? it's all america's fault ! """,stereotypical,"" -" rt "" holocaust "" "" scam rolls on jews told to apply for more cash : in essence this gets to the bottom of the contriv ... """,stereotypical,"" -" rt : are us muslims more accepting of gays than white evangelicals ? "" it's a tactical play to get polygamy "" "" """,stereotypical,"" -" rt : trump is white . he's "" racist "" "" by default.anti - racist is a code word for #antiwhite . """,white_grievance,"" -" rt who believes this utter bs ? the fake "" holocaust "" "" narrative is the most egregious and outrageous lie ever perpetrated against the world """,stereotypical,"" -" rt why haven't white people started a group for "" white lives & police lives matter "" "" ? """,white_grievance,"" -" saying someone isn't "" a real jew "" "" isn't racist there is no such thing as a jewish race . just lib jews """,stereotypical,"" -" should we rename the white house the "" white mosque ? "" "" #rt #stopislam #makedclisten #wakeupamerica """,stereotypical,"" -" who are we ? - ( of ) proposes the term "" white advocate "" "" over #wn #altright identitarian """,incitement,"" -" would he do this to a non white family ? white people are thought of as "" easy targets "" "" because many are """,white_grievance,"" -#aryan men & women will either rise up to fight for their heritage children & future or the white race will cease to exist . your choice .,incitement,"" -#freedom #justice nice ! all whites must become activists for the white race in any way they can esp politically .,incitement,"" -#israel # : israel : muslim fakes hate attack by extremist jews what about the real ones who kill babies ?,stereotypical,"" -#whatilove is the amazing creative white race . #whiteppl #whitepeople #whitepride,incitement,"" -#whitegenocide #womenunited for #love who wants a #purpleheart ? #dodge and #win,white_grievance,"" -. 6219 408 ? 5895 116 ? what's the actual figure jews ? what's the actual total bought politicians ? exactly 6 mil sheep ? #lies,stereotypical,"" -. race is more than skin color . iq voting welfare crime aggression . open a biology book .,inferiority,"" -1930s national socialist political propaganda the white aryan race - join the anp today !,incitement,"" -4 . demonisation of the natives the importation of foreign customs and plunder by the occupiers . - hunter wallace .,incitement,"" -68 shot and 8 killed in chicago over the thanksgiving weekend but the race baiters keep blaming white supremacy . can you say copout ?,white_grievance,"" -76 arrested statewide in ice-led multi-agency gang enforcement effort <-- good ! ! #immigration #tcot,stereotypical,"" -84 % of all wanted criminals in copenhagen are non-white | more : via,stereotypical,"" -: addendum : western politicians damage also europe christianity by ' pandering ' to islam . actually they dama,white_grievance,"" -: exactly . the more these people kvetch the more excited i get for #unitetheright .,incitement,"" -: in the history of history have you ever heard about an openly pro-white not being labeled a racist ? if pr,white_grievance,"" -: ku klux klan heads to ferguson race riots to guard white businesses and protect innocent whites,incitement,"" -: muslim who murdered jewish girlfriend says im going to kill every jew . one isnt enough for me .,stereotypical,"" -: no apologies here . ridiculous that white people are the only race not allowed to be proud,white_grievance,"" -: nothing to see here . we all know black on black and black on white crime is acceptab,white_grievance,"" -: racist black thugs shoot white baby in the face for the fun of it,stereotypical,"" -: switzerland : muslim migrant sexually assaults woman in train station,stereotypical,"" -: uk : 2007 video on muslim rape gangs not used amid fears of appearing racist,stereotypical,"" -: white america is waking up : white people are losers in black run america #tcot #ocra #gop #teaparty,incitement,"" -: whites tend to wait until the eleventh hour when its time to circle the wagons the,incitement,"" -> gaytriot front > white nationalist,incitement,"" -after fifty years of integrated schools blacks can't compete at the white or asian level in a single school district !,inferiority,"" -agreed . : anyone who supports #amnesty for foreign illegal invaders should move themselves south of the border .,incitement,"" -all the founding fathers of the us were all white men . white people couldn't immigrate to a non-existent country they created one .,incitement,"" -an explanation is needed ? it's jewbook . is jared going to start naming jews now ?,stereotypical,"" -and i'm an americansupremist not racist ! wow,white_grievance,"" -and sure kebab what could a jew ever do to us ? if they kill us then they are dead extinguished from the earth . capisce ? same with you .,threatening,"" -and thereby aided and abetted in the multiple rapes of thousands of british girls yes that media .,stereotypical,"" -anti-white racism has reached critical mass in america ( video ) via,white_grievance,"" -anti-white system . and that's why we need pro-white activism to address that double standard .,white_grievance,"" -are you racist for criticizing an idea ? #rt #stopislam #billwarnerphd #makedclisten #cspi,white_grievance,"" -aren't you busy making excuses for syrian rapists ?,stereotypical,"" -atlanta hawks poor attendance is blamed on black crowds making southern whites uncomfortable :,incitement,"" -auschwitz didn't have a cinema and swimming pool for its prisoners ! #kkk #bbc3 #auschwitz #stopracism #alllivesmatter,incitement,"" -because too many of them are ( ( ( white ) ) ) .,stereotypical,"" -being racist and being aware of a race problem are different things . i don't hate a race . i just love mine . we have a racial invasion here .,incitement,"" -being white = the original sin .,white_grievance,"" -believes trump supporters are the dregs of white america . no we are the angriest about what has happened to white america,white_grievance,"" -black celebrities who belong to 5 % er anti-white race war cult #swrm #black #racists via,white_grievance,"" -black on white violence ? emagen my shaaawk,irony,"" -black people in #ferguson acted exactly like we expected them to,stereotypical,"" -black-white violence is one-sided yet media trumpet blm myths . reality : anti-white hatred no-go zones for whites . #blmkidnapping,white_grievance,"" -cabela's is the last stand of implicit white identity .,incitement,"" -charlottesville was our beer hall putsch . now we draw the left so far our the normies will vote for us .,incitement,"" -da jooh privilege strikes on whites once again while da somali privilege gets cleared right away with no court,white_grievance,"" -david duke : the racial murder and rape of white women in america | read more : via,stereotypical,"" -deplorables don't need white supremacists trying to give us a bad name . you are worthless just like antifa and black lives matter . go away !,inferiority,"" -did the holocaust actually happen ?,stereotypical,"" -diversity always means less white people . #whitegenocide #antiwhite,white_grievance,"" -do muslims believe sharia law supersedes the constitution ?,stereotypical,"" -done courtesy mostly by anti-white hypocrites who happen to be white .,white_grievance,"" -dr . david duke : will the white race survive ? ( video ) #flegs #onthehill #tweetni via,white_grievance,"" -education ? you mean anti white propaganda ?,white_grievance,"" -elder how in world are all of these racist / liberal democrats & racist immigrants w,white_grievance,"" -elder you must be a white supremacist ... love your stuff .,incitement,"" -elderly [ white ] us man punches [ black thug ] protester at trump rally via . the tide has turned .,stereotypical,"" -even if it's not a racial construct ( which it is ) ' whiteness ' has an ethno-political significance by virtue of your trying to eliminate it .,white_grievance,"" -everything is racist if a white person says or does it . but yes the koran is religiously & culturally racist,white_grievance,"" -fight back then and stop the insanity of sanctuary cities !,incitement,"" -final : white lives matter event page via,incitement,"" -free speech for jews & anti-whites only,threatening,"" -gatlinburg wildfire : jews and blacks celebrate poor white people dying arson suspected daily stormer,stereotypical,"" -germany : muslim immigrants from africa claim they .. control all of the german,stereotypical,"" -germany : non-white in one generation #swrm #germany #nonwhite #stopimmigration #merkelstanddown via,incitement,"" -germany : non-white in one generation via,incitement,"" -germany is hitler - hitler is germany !,incitement,"" -good : iran's supreme leader questioning the reality of the holocaust | read more :,stereotypical,"" -guess that makes us all racist !,white_grievance,"" -haha . i went to college less than 20 miles from tuskegee . the blacks there ate incapable of sustaining a walmart,inferiority,"" -he is lucky white people are infinitely more disciplined than afros .,inferiority,"" -he should say that . he's an anti-white groid .,white_grievance,"" -he's an identitatarian and a white nationalist not a white supremacist . what's wrong with fascism ?,white_grievance,"" -hey . i'm white you should follow me back . keep it classy keep it white .,incitement,"" -hey guys anyway i can join up ? i follow orders really well . just ask anybody no one does #uncletom like me !,other,"" -how else are you going to make white people breed outside their race ? majority of whites do not,incitement,"" -how is he racist ? illegal isnt a race .,white_grievance,"" -how the south will rise again : dixie in forbes demographer joel kotkin sees the sunbelt south becoming even mor ...,incitement,"" -i hope white racial consciousness reaches a po,incitement,"" -i met many africans in france they say one thing : rule under europeans was much better whites even ended slavery in africa ! it wasnt arabs,white_grievance,"" -i support his being set free but afterwards he is to be excommunicated from any white,threatening,"" -i was so busy paying 20 thousand a year in taxes for illegals i couldnt afford to send my legal american children even to county college !,white_grievance,"" -i wonder what the average iq is in puerto rico ? 60 ?,inferiority,"" -i'll discuss it with you - why are white men the only group in america not allowed to adv,white_grievance,"" -i'll sleep better knowing majin boo is protecting the white race . he was the hardest boss on some snes,incitement,"" -if anything is a black racist-guess its okay to keep denegrating your own race by using the sacred n word . hes a cautionary tale .,white_grievance,"" -if you're white you are responsible for genocide .,irony,"" -indigenous people don't realize if they want to live a comfortable capitalist nuclear family life they must also support nazism .,incitement,"" -inner-city america is starting to look more and more like south africa every day.white women & kids aren't safe !,stereotypical,"" -it is like calling people a witch . one day white people won't fall for it,white_grievance,"" -it is see in germany they say seig heil and america its white power i stick with germans their more organize,incitement,"" -it was a white country the founding fathers made this a white country and it will be so again !,incitement,"" -it was the work of . white people are finally coming together to fight back against the monsters in our lands .,inferiority,"" -just polishing my horns and infiltrating shitlib forums because all the good alt-right o,incitement,"" -left wing traitors are scared native europeans will demand their identity culture history and land back !,incitement,"" -liberal white guilt will bring about the end of the white race and not wanting that to happen makes you a racist .,white_grievance,"" -listen up kkk . if u want up,incitement,"" -liverpool jews very unhappy about upcoming white man march va,incitement,"" -lots of white friends ? do you tell them all the time how they are white supremacists and should give you restitution ?,irony,"" -minneapoliss first somali policeman murders white woman : no media racist uproar via,stereotypical,"" -more like this to come if white people don't stand up for ourselves . of offers sound hate free advice unlike left,incitement,"" -multiple murders by fireblack people kill 85 year old white guy with fire in birmingham and more fire stories,stereotypical,"" -muslims in india are the same . teach kids to hate and kill all infidels,stereotypical,"" -my traps help save the white race,threatening,"" -no need 4 jews meddling in white affairs . you've done enough in #cville & the rest of th,stereotypical,"" -no race can love itself as much as the white race can .,incitement,"" -no regrets ! way to go guys . no more white shame . no more white guilt .,incitement,"" -no repentance for f-ing j * * * tweet ! finally ended gops endless paeans to israel . coulter gets results ! ! !,incitement,"" -no state has the right to redefine #marriage or allow labs to manufacture offspring of same-sex couple . tell congress to enact #nmra,threatening,"" -nordic is only aryan types ; white and black is none of our business ; only aryans are invited,incitement,"" -not knowing the context of your post i'll assume it's in sync with unveiling the deceit targeted against the adolf hitler .,incitement,"" -obviously you're projecting ... nobody asks for a pure white country but a white state would be a great start ..,incitement,"" -of course it leads only to the extinction of the white race .,white_grievance,"" -one race one nation and you wont have racial bias,incitement,"" -our overlords / elites have a plan to genocide european,threatening,"" -people are getting more tribal and racially aware every day mainly due to leftists going all-out anti-white and pro-white-genocide . thus .,white_grievance,"" -propaganda photo to make white people appear humiliated . sorry not applicable here .,white_grievance,"" -proving that as non white numbers grow they won't need their white leftist enablers and will turn on them,stereotypical,"" -race war in south africa : white students attacked with rocks and bricks at western cape university by,stereotypical,"" -rape beatings murders aren't just for black men and women by white men . they beat white women too . and white women hate you,stereotypical,"" -rn the average white person is taught we were always the oppressor.we have a right to learn about the extraordinary achievements of our race,incitement,"" -rt our great white race is coming back 2 life and does not like what we all see in america . sieg heil ! #workingclass,incitement,"" -seriously ? see baltimore dc detroit chicago st . louis nola every black nation in africa after european or indian withdrawal .,inferiority,"" -so you're saying muslims are hornets ? ewwww boooo #racist #liberal #naziscum,irony,"" -so zhids ordered stupid employees poor jew and other white collar working classlemmings that cal themselves,stereotypical,"" -southerners are considered ' bad whites ' msm only cared about hurricane katrina bc ... you know,white_grievance,"" -splc uses itunes to help gather donations to finish destroying the white race via,white_grievance,"" -stop all muslim immigration now !,threatening,"" -suburbs are actually just well-constructed refugee camps for white people #altright,white_grievance,"" -sweden was too white and it has taken on * worse * immigrants than america .,stereotypical,"" -the % in those tables is % of crime not % of racial demographic . the jew is a non-factor re : violent crime ... financial crimes however ...,stereotypical,"" -the conservatives have failed to conserve what really matters . it's time they made way for nationalism .,incitement,"" -the enemy makes it clear what they hate and its us white folks and our heritage . war has been declared on us !,white_grievance,"" -the exploitation of southern poor white trash to turn them against their own countrymen why do you think they chose abe ?,white_grievance,"" -the genocide of white america : 1980-2010 #swrm #whitegenocide #us #whiteprideworldwide via,white_grievance,"" -the longer they take releasing his motives the scarier it becomes for the white race,white_grievance,"" -there is now a national white privilege conference . why is there not a stop race baiting and stop blaming the white man national conference ?,white_grievance,"" -they are riled all because she has a bunch of white kids and was encouraging other white women to have babies . that's what it boils down to .,white_grievance,"" -this #corrupt #us government is very #racist - it hates #whitepeople with a passion . ( hint #zog ),white_grievance,"" -to clarify they mean only white racial bigotry . the blm / antifa anti white stuff is perfectlty acceptable,white_grievance,"" -twp / nsm parrott & heimbach are not pro-white - they are collaborators with the anti-white media & dress as they are told to to get on tv . that is their job .,white_grievance,"" -uk universities to ban feminists and conservatives to avoid offending muslims,stereotypical,"" -ur black kill him,stereotypical,"" -video : happy birthday adolf hitler - 125 years young ! via,incitement,"" -want to learn what sharia is ? it's those pro christian laws that trump keeps passing,stereotypical,"" -we are losing our country and you idiots don't care too scared to stand up and fight against obama n politician illegals,incitement,"" -we know where christie's campaign $ $ is coming from ... muslims . like those in the white house,stereotypical,"" -we shouldn't be intimidated for loving our white race .,incitement,"" -weev dared to tweet about the survival of god forbid white children . he immediately gets called a white supremacist .,white_grievance,"" -what are you doing for the preservation of your white race ? . - join us ! !,incitement,"" -what's #romney going to do for white americans ? not for blacks jews israel queers latinos asians but for white americans !,white_grievance,"" -when we reach critical mass white people won't care what label media throws at a white revolution + we will -,incitement,"" -when you hear ' racist ! ' you know an #antiwhite has spoken . its confirmation ofa hate that is murderous & all about #whitegenocide #altright,white_grievance,"" -white genocide accelerates in france : at least 1 in 3 newborns are non-white #stoptheinvasion via,incitement,"" -white genocide accelerates in france : at least 1 in 3 newborns are non-white | more : via,incitement,"" -white genocide in the united states of america a 100 year history | read more :,white_grievance,"" -white lives matter : an autopsy via,white_grievance,"" -white pride,incitement,"" -white south africans trapped like frogs in boiling water as anti-white racial violence escalates via,white_grievance,"" -white women are being raped and europe is being,stereotypical,"" -why do liberals ignore the black elephant in the room ? the ability of black people to own firearms and gun violence in inner cities #nra,stereotypical,"" -why don't feminists talk about the abuse of white women ? via #withjewswelose,white_grievance,"" -y vote they all screw us white folks anyway ...,white_grievance,"" -yes the white race is a very narrow group .. lol .. he tried to free whites from jew control .. he failed .. you're a slave,white_grievance,"" -you can help on your own . help us disseminate pro-white posters in your community . we need all hands active against white genocide,incitement,"" -you hate us so much why don't you promote racial separation . clearly racial integration doesn't work,incitement,"" -you hate white people & find the idea of us putting our own interests first morally irrehensible but have no issue when other races do it .,white_grievance,"" -you must hate white kids if you don't want them to have a home that reflects their roots and identity .,white_grievance,"" -you should go to a kkk gathering i heard they have fried chicken,incitement,"" -you're clearly an anti-white bigot .,white_grievance,"" -you're clearly anti white as you express nothing but contempt for the white race . people who think race mixing is a good idea and who does not have any ethnic pride at all is exactly the kind of whites that are superfluous .,white_grievance,"" -you're what i call a mental slave . in fact you're a racist . the irony here is that you despise racism yet you're super racist . you despise white supremacy yet advocate black supremacy . you call me a ws cause i say freedom and liberty for all . name 1 ws that says that . just 1,white_grievance,"" -your organization is a joke and is not racist or a white supremacist . all lives matter so stop your lies !,white_grievance,"" -zuckerberg's dream : the anti-white racist social network | more : via,white_grievance,"" -" "" : #whatilove is the amazing creative white race . #whiteppl #whitepeople #whitepride "" "" lol """,incitement,"" -" "" : adolf "" "" smiley face "" "" t-shirt from the white resister : "" "" ; """,incitement,"" -" "" gentrification "" "" means white people move in "" "" diversity "" "" means white people chased out #whitegenocide """,white_grievance,"" -" "" i was going to save the white race but then i saw a swastika . "" "" """,irony,"" -" #zimmerman will be convicted . another sacrificial lamb to "" what will black people think "" "" """,white_grievance,"" -" a racist org like is breath of fresh air . in a time when most are afraid to use the word "" racist "" "" she did . """,white_grievance,"" -" boko haram leader : "" kill kill kill kill kill christians ! "" "" """,stereotypical,"" -" he will continue to be "" the face of the alt-right "" "" in people's minds . """,incitement,"" -" missed opportunity ; "" you're only saying that because i am white . anti-racist is a code word for anti-white "" "" """,white_grievance,"" -" rt "" : the first slave owner in america was a black man ! read more : via "" "" not white ? ? """,white_grievance,"" -" rt 16 year old german boy raped by 36 year old "" refugee "" "" #whitegenocide #waronwhites #refugeeswelcome #rapefugees """,stereotypical,"" -" rt i'm probably banned from entering the uk for "" islamophobia . "" "" meanwhile these people are let into the country """,white_grievance,"" -" rt replace "" white people "" "" with any other race & you'd be suspended.this is mainstream culture now when will you wake up and help your own ? """,white_grievance,"" -" rt sez the "" cop hater in chief "" "" the terrorist said i want to kill white people - but obama has a soros narrative to push """,white_grievance,"" -" sez "" we don't have a jew problem or black problem . we have white problem "" "" no . "" "" we "" "" don """,white_grievance,"" -" to be fair ( i support "" european "" "" ethnic survival ) there is the same thing among some "" "" whites "" "" to blacks . """,incitement,"" -#americanfreedomparty #cuckservative,incitement,"" -#border patrol ordered to release illegals still soaking wet from rio grande via #immigration,incitement,"" -#flint #bonestown will show white perspective on current / leftist agendas,incitement,"" -. i say good for them they want black roommates we want white roommates hail nationalism .,incitement,"" -. many gaslighted white men had asian girlfriends before they woke up from the brainwashing .,stereotypical,"" -. will black people abdicate power and invite white people to repopulate #detroit ? #tcot #helpuswhitepeople #facingrace,white_grievance,"" -60 - yr old arab sheik buys 3 indian sisters aged 1719 & 20 for $ 100 / - each #myjihad muslims,stereotypical,"" -9 year old white boy commits suicide after being tormented for months by racist arabs via,white_grievance,"" -: : these savages are attacking thomas jefferson's statue now : stupid people with idiot ideas or no ideas ht,inferiority,"" -: another white man shot by blacks over confederate flag on his car,white_grievance,"" -: coming 2 america -> every 4.8 seconds a white woman or girl is raped by muslims in europe,white_grievance,"" -: finns protest against increasing number of non-white invaders ),stereotypical,"" -: has been proven right yet again ! for many years #davidduke has been warning people about #hollyweird etc .,incitement,"" -: mark zuckerburg gives $ 5m to an illegal immigrant college fund but none to american students ?,white_grievance,"" -: nigeria : jihad / martydom bomber murders six at newspaper office : in america the newspapers are the jihad's best ... ht ...,stereotypical,"" -: nobody will take white identity seriously if you yell muh jew for every issue . we need to talk about how gr,white_grievance,"" -: rt : jihad attack in jerusalem : as the savage jihad against israel heats up again . initial report ( cont ) h ...,inferiority,"" -> the only thing that suggests a white shooter is the sophistication . exactly you'll know it's white,inferiority,"" -a nationalist only cares about the interests of his own people not some abstract daydream of idiot savants,inferiority,"" -a tale of the jews and the white genocide ( video ) via,incitement,"" -advocating in favor of white people is verboten goyim .,white_grievance,"" -amren is not pro white i think . when i offered to speak i was answered by a jew & then no one got back to me,white_grievance,"" -and because of this white americans are losing their home and country .,white_grievance,"" -and you expect to garner sympathetic coverage from the jewish media if you bend over and ask,stereotypical,"" -another study finds races naturally separate #swrm we hate other races in our white countries ! via,incitement,"" -anti-racist usually means anti-white . whites are only 8 % of world's population and when you take out the liberals we are a real minority .,white_grievance,"" -apparently black people don't think white people have civil rights .,white_grievance,"" -as the population of non whites and muslims grows americana will become meaningless !,white_grievance,"" -baxter the backstabber sounds like a low iq alcoholic thug that is too stupid to realize that he's no,inferiority,"" -belarusians were stripped of all assets by moscow jew #bolsheviks so vengeance was rife .,stereotypical,"" -black crime : theres a reason we mostly hear about white microaggressions via,stereotypical,"" -black lies matter is just occupy wall street with a little bit more melanin . they are a complete racist joke !,inferiority,"" -blacks behave well in black countries because they have laws made to control black people . ie stronger laws !,inferiority,"" -blm $ 1million dollars would go along way to help in your causes ! i guess illegals are more important ! crickets,incitement,"" -blue lives do matterwhen the cop is white,inferiority,"" -brown antifa has turned on white antifa,white_grievance,"" -but it's because jooos . if it was any other ethnicity you'd be a little less ticked . tell me i'm wrong .,white_grievance,"" -can't wait to take the tunnel in and out of mexico !,irony,"" -cernovich claims he's a jew---it sure shows . #lol .,stereotypical,"" -conservatism lies and lies some more to suppress european heritage .,white_grievance,"" -cops kill more whites than blacks .,white_grievance,"" -couldn't agree more ! that is why he is white trash for speaking like that !,inferiority,"" -david lane : open letter to the dead white race via rt,white_grievance,"" -diversity is only imposed on white nations . diversity : slowly & legally eliminating white people,white_grievance,"" -dr . david duke : the racial murder and rape of white women in america | read more : via,white_grievance,"" -elin krantz : just another dead white liberal female raped to death by non-white via,white_grievance,"" -ending daca is a step in the right direction . we are the rightful heirs to what our ancestors built .,white_grievance,"" -ethnic norwegians disappearing as non-white colonization intensifies #swrm via,white_grievance,"" -ethnic norwegians disappearing as non-white colonization intensifies | read more : via,white_grievance,"" -everyone is encouraged to be proud of their race and culture except white people you're a good example of this behavior . toxic mindset,white_grievance,"" -extinction of america's white population speeds up #swrm #extinction #whitepopulation #whitegenocide,white_grievance,"" -gay-milo is embraced by one pro-semite editor at tac mag ~ the old dude muted me b / c he perceived my comments 1488 / anti-semitic,incitement,"" -germany spent 20 billion on invasion in 2016 #swrm #germany #immigrants via,incitement,"" -go ask a jew his opinion . it has no bearing on christians . doesnt your satanic lord tell u to kill unbelievers ? he says it a lot no ?,stereotypical,"" -great news . deport all illegals . send usbp to cities to assist ice . all the prs coming after maria can take their jobs . very positive .,incitement,"" -happy 126th birthday adolf ! | white racial identity,incitement,"" -happy mother's day to all the wonderful #aryan moms out there . thank you !,incitement,"" -he is not white he is a jew,incitement,"" -hitler didn't think like you . jews were white and they were killed ? ! main purpose is saving the people who is useful to the world + +,inferiority,"" -i already told u overpopulation threatens beautiful & intelligent white race they must be preserved,inferiority,"" -i can help you against islamic virus .,inferiority,"" -i don't hate anyone the doesn't hate anyone ... #nationalsocialism is about love not hate ! #wpww,incitement,"" -i guess the aclu doesn't support white people . maybe they should call themselves the naacpaclu .,white_grievance,"" -i have lived this a know what is in-store for all whites . i've seen our woman raped and brothers beat with 2x4s . blacks and browns hate us .,white_grievance,"" -i love being white via,incitement,"" -i pray for the christians in the middle east . ethnic cleansing which obama will do nothing about .,white_grievance,"" -i read stories of states which drove off whites their economies failed . poor africans cried and begged for whites to return .,stereotypical,"" -i would just like to know a real world example of where racial equality has been demonstrated,inferiority,"" -i'll bet victim is white .,white_grievance,"" -i'm a red white and blue nationalisteat your heart out you old scumbag . #hillarysucks,incitement,"" -i'm pro-white and want whites to engage in identity politics and assert their own political ambitions like every other race does .,incitement,"" -i've heard birmingham is as big of a dump as atlanta . he'd definitely get mugged in the atl,stereotypical,"" -if you acknowledge that whites are being targeted and you don't want to just roll over and die you will be called a white supremacist .,white_grievance,"" -if you virtue signal enough the non white hordes will kill you last maybe .,inferiority,"" -illegal alien may be allowed to pass the florida bar to practice law in america . ( but he's f'ing illegal ! ),white_grievance,"" -in chicago there are billboards and benches in spanish letting illegals know they have a right to not talk to immigration,white_grievance,"" -indiana in washington dc to demand an end to the replacement of european americans !,white_grievance,"" -infiltrator black politician wants anti-white ethnic cleansing in estonia | read more :,white_grievance,"" -is breitbart now more radically pro-white than the occidental observer ? via,incitement,"" -islam hates jew's + infidels,stereotypical,"" -islamist wanting to kill jews who would have thought ? #islam,irony,"" -islamists embedded in white house ? #rt #stopislam #crusades #makedclisten #wakeupamerica,stereotypical,"" -it's a wonderful race : proud of your white aryan #heritage ! #whitepride #whitepeople #europe #european,incitement,"" -it's funny how jews are white except when a chance to exploit muh 6 gorillion arises and then they become a separate group .,stereotypical,"" -it's okay in our country to have pride in your race as long as as it's not white pride,white_grievance,"" -jew killed by a non jew in isreal there is outrage . white children killed by non whites in a white country ; silence .,white_grievance,"" -jewish harvard professor noel ignatiev wants to abolish the white race via via,white_grievance,"" -jews are the cause of white genocide they have taken a side to extinguish ...,white_grievance,"" -jews as a whole r enemies of christ his followers & white western civilization n general,incitement,"" -john friend's blog : the realist report - john kaminski & john de nugent : resisting the jew world order :,stereotypical,"" -let white people rule,incitement,"" -liberal scientists developing methods to make white people less resistant to non-white invasion #swrm,white_grievance,"" -lol . the white race will soon be extinct like in the beginning of humanity when the human race was black,white_grievance,"" -makes me think of the ccr song ; bad moon rising . americans are being poorly lead ! wake up white america !,incitement,"" -meanwhile there is a legimate case for invading and utterly wiping off the genetic map every non white on earth but yeah russia,white_grievance,"" -media blanch when mentions rising crime but are all too happy to report #blacklivesmatter myths .,stereotypical,"" -more marxist globalist babble that just wish the white man would stfu and accept his fate to blend ! #altright,white_grievance,"" -more white supremacy as whole since jews who have power are white european jews,incitement,"" -murdered white south african farmer couple tortured for hours by racist blacks court hears via,white_grievance,"" -nature knows no equality . some people are more athletic than others . some people have higher iq than ot,stereotypical,"" -new black panther leader says he's gonna hunt down and kill white people | full story :,white_grievance,"" -newly established white student unions see an upsurge in support as more white students find a legitimate voice to express their frustration,white_grievance,"" -no amount of foreign aid can substitute for an inherent racial lack of capacity for freedom .,stereotypical,"" -no new deal rt : communism in america ! thanks to obama's personal wish list.the end to white america,white_grievance,"" -non-white invasion of italy : african migrants have seized 100 buildings in rome via,stereotypical,"" -not all terrorists are muslims ( some are jews ) but all serial killers are jews pretending to be white . is pushing her lies,stereotypical,"" -now that official position of dem party is : white lives do not matter couldn't the gop reach out to white voters ?,white_grievance,"" -oh that's right : black summer 2014 is about to kick off with memorial day . yoof violence will be broadcast on worldstarhiphop,stereotypical,"" -ok let the record show you won't say you love white people and white lives matter .,white_grievance,"" -pakistani gangs rape of white girls was not racist says sentencing judge via,white_grievance,"" -preparing for race war : the south african bootcamps which are training thousands of white youths via,incitement,"" -pro-white : the right of whites to a sense of racial consciousness identity pride unity organization & destiny . no hate #thursdaythoughts,incitement,"" -race relations in us is managed by a thin veneer of civility and doesn't take much to expose truth . blacks hate your white guts,white_grievance,"" -racist black goes on anti-white shooting spree says his teachers taught him to hate whites via,white_grievance,"" -robert spencer in pj media : white house proposes official new race : middle east / north african,incitement,"" -run your own nations .. your invasion only hurts the ethnic makeup of those distinct european countries .,inferiority,"" -russia is the only white nation in the world . white people the world over should embrace putin . he knows how to pull this .,incitement,"" -sa white genocide escalates international jew-controlled media remains in silence | more :,white_grievance,"" -shooter in charleston sc is a crazy black man not a white supremacist . i know you democrat race baiters are so disappointed !,incitement,"" -slavery in america was nothing more than farming . that's why black birthrate was like white birthrate,inferiority,"" -so open borders ? do you leave your doors unlocked at night ? if so you're a racist . #liberallogic,white_grievance,"" -some in the black lives matter movement have shown extreme hatred for whites and have pitched for separate states for blacks .,white_grievance,"" -sorry but jews aren't white,stereotypical,"" -study : increased ethnic diversity making whites miserable via you ain't in ! #whitegenocide,white_grievance,"" -supremacists of any tilt are stupid black white or whatever . and yes black supremacists exist i just have to watch hidden colours to see .,white_grievance,"" -sweden once a proud scandinavian country has fallen to disgrace . americans hold on to your heritage ! there is hope !,white_grievance,"" -sweden : nordic resistance movement holds major rally | read more : via last thank god ( not allah ) .,incitement,"" -switzerland : africans kill elderly white man then start screaming about racism #swrm via,white_grievance,"" -targeted race hate rape by muslims against white english girls . #england #rotherham,white_grievance,"" -that's because whites aren't going to burn down the town when they don't get their way .,irony,"" -that's how you know it's the power elite who send these leaders to us they are never white married to white non-jewish men .,stereotypical,"" -the adl and the splc are both hate groups . they hate white european people .,white_grievance,"" -the genocide of white america : 1980-2010 via,white_grievance,"" -the laws which exist today discriminate in favor of blacks and against whites .,white_grievance,"" -the more white people who become fed up with leftist anti-white rhetoric the better . it's time for white ppl to love who they are again .,white_grievance,"" -the muslim was racist .,white_grievance,"" -the only immigration we should be having is white people .,incitement,"" -the racist idiots at black lives matter have come up with a grand scheme to demonize white people and their favorite target is potus trump . i stand by our president and against these far left racist hateful demon losers . hey come at me !,white_grievance,"" -the system is anti-white and anti-southern . i am pro-white and pro-southern . which side are you on ?,white_grievance,"" -the ten commandments have lost their validity . conscience is a jewish invention it is a blemish like circumcision . - adolf hitler,stereotypical,"" -the white genocide continues : white race now a minority in three more uk towns and cities via #14w,white_grievance,"" -the worlds biggest racists are actually brown people while white people are the least racist #,white_grievance,"" -them & kill them muslim leader call for 10000 volunteers 2 kill white people,stereotypical,"" -there is no future without past . their goal to to extriminate white race so the remaning,white_grievance,"" -there is nothing more precious than a white baby .,incitement,"" -there it is kids ... death of the white race ...,white_grievance,"" -they kill each other they kill christians they just kill kill kill,stereotypical,"" -they were good allies of hitler and still revere him today so that's a good thing :),incitement,"" -thinks immigs r in cnflct w white america wants violent extra-political activities #immigration,incitement,"" -this country needs more white immigrants .,incitement,"" -this guy is jewish monsieur . ( ( ( they ) ) ) are notoriously anti-white .,stereotypical,"" -this is such a poor graphic . where are asians ? and how about we separate legal hispanic,incitement,"" -this is what daca protects . #nodaca #buildthewall #deportillegals,incitement,"" -this is why we must make europe and america white again ! via,incitement,"" -this pope surrenders christianity to islam . jesus said love is the most important . i don't think annih,white_grievance,"" -those anti-whites want the white race extinct . plain and simple .,white_grievance,"" -trump is the only one willing to stop white genocide by stopping non-white immigration .,white_grievance,"" -tv ads link #immigration to earth day air in san diego #earthday2014 #sandiego #toomanypeople,incitement,"" -uk : 9 year old white boy commits suicide after being tormented for months by racist arabs via,stereotypical,"" -uk : racist black man punches pregnant white girl in stomach as onlookers watch in horror via,white_grievance,"" -uk : racist black man punches pregnant white girl in stomach as onlookers watch via,white_grievance,"" -universities teaching white-developed academics on the backs of historic white intellectuals .,white_grievance,"" -us not interested in stopping jihad against the world ... this is my conclusion . close the borders & deport all enemies within,incitement,"" -video : black teens beat white motorist to death with hammer screaming kill the white people via,white_grievance,"" -we will fight for a future for white people . #wefightback,white_grievance,"" -we will make america white again ...,incitement,"" -we've done our homework those of us opposed to the extinction of the white race that is . #tcot #ccot #wr,white_grievance,"" -what can you do for the cause ? here's your answer : #whitegenocide #14words #wakeup,white_grievance,"" -what happens when the whites get a belly full of diversity and leave .,incitement,"" -what will take for a black person who kills a white person to actually be charged with a hate crime ?,white_grievance,"" -while the non-white man is free to express his own national and racial identity .,white_grievance,"" -white #genocide - #whitepeople #whitepride #racism,white_grievance,"" -white aryan resistens,incitement,"" -white countries for white nations .,incitement,"" -white genocide,white_grievance,"" -white genocide accelerates in france : at least 1 in 3 newborns are non-white | read more :,white_grievance,"" -white people are the mainstream . accept it . it's a good thing .,incitement,"" -white power ! ! !,incitement,"" -white power accessories,incitement,"" -why does islam have to be forced on people ? kill people who renounce it ? kill those of other faiths ?,stereotypical,"" -you are anti white,white_grievance,"" -you can have white children and still burn the coal .,inferiority,"" -you can take away our monuments but you can't erase history #heartbreaking,white_grievance,"" -you don't live here . stay put in atlanta with the rest of the freakshow gathered there,inferiority,"" -you know why . jews run the media and promote ' white guilt ' to paralyze white power . idea of bad black guy undermines the narrative .,stereotypical,"" -you mean white liberal who hated trump and wanted to kill trump supporters,white_grievance,"" -you set the rules of engagement i met them . yes i believe my charity is better because it helps human beings without prejudice . i . e . is a white supremacy organization . not a white equality organization .,incitement,"" -youre an idiot plain and simple . white people are a global minority and if demographic change trends continue we will become extreme minorities or disappear completely .,white_grievance,"" -" "" ... protectors of white race ... "" "" florida skinheads arrested 4 preparing 4 race war | read more : via """,incitement,"" -" "" : dr . david duke : the racial murder and rape of white women in america via "" "" """,stereotypical,"" -" "" the ( ( ( left ) ) ) wants you to know that trump is the last stand of white america . "" "" via """,incitement,"" -" "" your hate "" "" like the disproportionate hate crimes / murders committed against whites by nonwhites annually in the us ? "" "" we must "" "" you can't ! ! """,white_grievance,"" -" german ( and other white ) "" leaders "" "" are not committed to their own people - they only serve jews and the jewish state """,white_grievance,"" -" i've have been repeatingly tell people that "" illegal-immigration "" "" is the main cause of america's great demographic shift """,stereotypical,"" -" jewish rabbi lies about henry ford - father coughlin exposes liars "" war mongers international bankers "" "" """,stereotypical,"" -" replace "" jew "" "" with "" "" cis white male "" "" and you sound no different from an sjw . """,white_grievance,"" -" rt "" : super cool german officer puts "" "" neo-nazi "" "" stickers in police van | more : "" "" ; """,incitement,"" -" rt "" i only care about freedom "" "" "" name one white area that kept western freedom after whites lost control . "" "" "" blocked you racist . "" "" #cuckservative """,other,"" -" rt #egypt democracy lovers shouted "" jew ! jew ! "" "" during their sexual assault #islam #islamophobia """,stereotypical,"" -" rt : "" breadth of the benefits the family was receiving was stunning "" "" : boston jihadis ' family raked in $ 100000 in welfare """,stereotypical,"" -" rt : "" hate "" "" is codeword for "" "" white ethnic interest "" "" "" diversity "" "" is codeword for "" "" less white ppl "" "" """,incitement,"" -" rt : libtards hate this one : "" what happens to white women who date black men "" "" """,inferiority,"" -" rt jacob frey and the mainstream media can slander us as a "" hate group "" "" all they want but the general public is now realizing that we aren't the hateful boogeymen we're made out to be . in fact the public response to our justine damond memorial has been overwhelmingly positive ! """,incitement,"" -" rt nyt portrays hungary as third reich by invoking camps ; "" wholly ignores influx of jihadists it is seeking to deter """,incitement,"" -" rt the #kosher food #scam getting into prisons . "" demands for kosher food hiking prison costs "" "" #judaism #greed """,stereotypical,"" -" rt tommy robinson speaks about the jihad against europeans which is largely ignored by "" moderate "" "" muslims . #normandy """,stereotypical,"" -" their prime market is jews - lol you think "" anti-semites "" "" are generating them revenue ? clicks maybe but not revenue ( donations etc . ) """,stereotypical,"" -" third worlders are labeled "" white "" "" to conceal #whitegenocide """,white_grievance,"" -" those who clucked the loudest about "" white supremacy "" "" surrendered on gay marriage . their weakness has invited further aggression """,incitement,"" -" uk : muslim parents planned "" trojan horse "" "" strategy to oust non-muslim headteachers and turn schools into muslim """,stereotypical,"" -" you are ok with amalgamation of african people into "" black "" "" all we're doing is the same thing to become "" "" white "" "" """,incitement,"" -#blacklivesmatter #whitelivesmatter #chimpout #whitegenocide,white_grievance,"" -#islamophobia khomeini sexually assaulting crying and screaming 4 year old girl with parental,stereotypical,"" -( 2 whites just woke up ) : 20 gypsies attack white couple n czech republic hate crime mob attack ( video ),stereotypical,"" -: detroit : the death of white civilisation,white_grievance,"" -: dr . david duke : the racial murder and rape of white women in america,stereotypical,"" -: expulsion of white farmers has destroyed zimbabwe,white_grievance,"" -: latest news from the american #nazi party . #freedom #resistance #survival #truth,incitement,"" -: lets turn our hate into action : action report on the liverpool white man march ),incitement,"" -: via : muslim bombs arizona social security office with ied media blackout ensues #tcot,stereotypical,"" -a giant menorah can be placed on the white house lawn but there's no room for a nativity scene there ? such a sad reality .,white_grievance,"" -a white supremacist is just a white person resisting the attempt to make him second class citizen in his country .,incitement,"" -adolf hitler : jews can never rule the world unless they bastardize the white european races,incitement,"" -america in 2050 and beyond will look more like brazil ( due to 100 million black people ),incitement,"" -america was founded and built by white people - simple fact my friend . you may not like it but it's true,incitement,"" -another native swedes get mob attacked by non-white immigrants in stockholm ( video ) via,stereotypical,"" -bcuz white ppl exist which makes black kids murder each other over sneakers and street cred ... curse u white supremacy .,stereotypical,"" -being pro-white is being racist by the definition used by the left,incitement,"" -beware of muslim conclave in delhi . they are going to prepare for jihad pl . arrest these jehad plotting agents,stereotypical,"" -blacks in us literally take more then they give back your people are taking white tax dollars & complaining that it's still not enough,stereotypical,"" -bruh go eat your leaves & unseasoned chicken . smh you really tryna come for us . foh #kkk,incitement,"" -c robert discuss phil jihad and muslim rape gangs . great job on uma,stereotypical,"" -compare what happened to jew_goldstein to the violence we routinely see from black lives matter and antifa,stereotypical,"" -darren wilson did his job and is now unemployable ; michael brown tried to kill him and is a martyr to blacks and white liberals #america2015,white_grievance,"" -der spiegel : the mystery of the forest swastikas | full story :,incitement,"" -detroit : the death of white civilisation via #race #demographics #nationalism #ethnicity #europe,white_grievance,"" -detroit : the death of white civilisation | read more : via,white_grievance,"" -do these people know it's not a communist government that is perpetuating white genocide,white_grievance,"" -enough illegal means illegal ! after the rape of the 14 yr . old i want these ppl out,stereotypical,"" -even the white nationalist movement is ran by jews .,stereotypical,"" -fuhrer will guide us to victory .,incitement,"" -happy white genocide,white_grievance,"" -has #jewish #communism been successful in #america ? leave a comment and tell us what you think . #marxism #israel,stereotypical,"" -he is ' moderate ' in only wanting to kill the infidel nor torture and then kill them . very humane !,stereotypical,"" -he told the world : the immortal words of adolf hitler ( video ) via,incitement,"" -he wasn't black he was ( ( ( a fellow white person ) ) ),inferiority,"" -hindus worship fire and bacause a teacher was burnt alive in #peshawarattack hindus must've done it : pak analyst,stereotypical,"" -hitler liked huge tanks . however i could not think of a balance between pavement and weight .,incitement,"" -how about just a 90 % white america like we had until 1965 ?,incitement,"" -i am an ardent supporter of nazism i belong to the ancient aryan race i live in india i would do anything for white supremacy,incitement,"" -i don't respect sexualities . sexualities aren't people . and they call themselves queers .,incitement,"" -i happen to prefer the white race not partially covered in non-white ink ..,incitement,"" -i loved how the clueless police never can find a motive of a muslim killing a kafir ! how about opening a koran to read it ?,stereotypical,"" -i remember a video or audio file in which he said something like the white race needs to be blended out of existence,white_grievance,"" -i wish there were some decent jews who stood up & vehemently defended white gentiles right to existthe,stereotypical,"" -i would put forward that he is more of a white black . like white hispanic . cuz ... messaging . ;),incitement,"" -is it true that they are going to shoot white people nov 4th ?,stereotypical,"" -islam has special privileges in the uk : muslims have been bullying britain and the leftists are their helpers,stereotypical,"" -islamic terror will unite nationalists . but in germany ban on national socialism must go .,stereotypical,"" -it's just that the white man is indoctrinated to deny his own national and racial identity .,incitement,"" -its okay to be white .,incitement,"" -jewish holocaust survivor who claimed to have escaped auschwitz admits he lied for years va,stereotypical,"" -jews are jews most certainly not white - they're contrary to whites,stereotypical,"" -join the fight for the #white #workingclass,incitement,"" -keep calling whites nazis you may end up actually creating nazis . maybe that's your goal . you have indeed mastered weaponized victimhood .,incitement,"" -last whites of the east end : london cockneys being exterminated #swrm via,white_grievance,"" -let all illegals move to cali and let the state fund them not the fed govt horrorwood libs will find them climbing the walls arnd mansions,stereotypical,"" -long term you in for secession or white deep state leading to ethnostate ?,incitement,"" -look they call it racism is you are white but pride if you are black or a jew .,white_grievance,"" -more white silence and white guilt nonsense . you'd be better off fighting racism from obama sharpton and holder .,incitement,"" -my city is gone . the suburbs have started to go . we moved to the next county . obama forced . diversifying our schools . people didn't listen,inferiority,"" -my post on why gay people need to concede marriage = = >,incitement,"" -nationwide trend of black on white mob attacks,stereotypical,"" -no . we have no right to destroy their countries and the altright would like to stop that ... but they also have no right to come into ours and radically change the demographics & culture . hence become the third world .,white_grievance,"" -no doubt and all humanity must respect the most beautiful creation : white race ; even white tigers are rare breed,incitement,"" -no more white submissivism to jewish globalism,stereotypical,"" -nsa leaker : being white is terrorism via,white_grievance,"" -oh right & that celebration of whites dying out while feeding off of their tax dollars according to you,incitement,"" -pakistani sex-gang attacks covered up for fear of racism #swrm via,stereotypical,"" -resisting decay & annihilation of white race,white_grievance,"" -send the illegals back.the parents should have entered legally.mexico will take them back .,incitement,"" -she didnt ... feel a sense of self-worth . she didn't deserve to die for that but she fits the white anti-white profile .,incitement,"" -sounds like some sort of skinhead thing which is the complete opposite of identity evropa's aesthetic .,incitement,"" -stay white friend . stay white . hopefully your uncle ruckus will come for the holidays !,incitement,"" -televizion is good for jew !,stereotypical,"" -tell us will you be practicing sharia gender segregation ? illegal .,stereotypical,"" -thats economic is out of jew hand he built german culture not jew he knew jew control stalin rosvelt,stereotypical,"" -the genocide of white america : 1980-2010,white_grievance,"" -the heroic drama : dr . goebbels calls volkssturm for national defense ( video ) via,incitement,"" -the lgenpresse has never had any problem demonizing white america and celebrating criminals and terrorists and trying to silence us,white_grievance,"" -the peaceful muslim religion . when they say peaceful they mean rest in peace . look at this typical mu,stereotypical,"" -the white man and woman marches on ! #resistance #14w,incitement,"" -the white master race :,inferiority,"" -the white race is finished .,white_grievance,"" -they fear the white . they know what we can do .,incitement,"" -they hate white people alex ! and nobody hates them more than the people who look like the cast of seinfeld ! tell your viewers !,stereotypical,"" -think for yourself for a change . i bet you think blm and antifa are peaceful .,white_grievance,"" -this is the reason why america needs the ku klux klan,incitement,"" -tn is the whitest state in the south ... thinking about moving there myself .,incitement,"" -trump admin w'd fully support us whites in class action 4genocide ! ? ! ?,white_grievance,"" -video proof that everyone feels safe in majority white crowds . meanwhile white londoners can't even walk their own streets . #duckfiversity,inferiority,"" -weknowwhoisbehind plot 2genocide white race,white_grievance,"" -what happened to the mulatto quadroon and octoroon ? ! libtard media cucks won't tell you about these 17 secret races,other,"" -what say you ? ? on point about so much but ... demographics ? white identity ? aj keeps on shilling for jews though .,incitement,"" -when white is rightwho wins ? jew b du b du,stereotypical,"" -white genocide accelerates in #germany : three large german cities to tip non-white #auspol via,white_grievance,"" -white pride til i die,incitement,"" -white privilege . what a fallacy in 2017 . white people largely don't get reduced rent e,white_grievance,"" -white supremacist all the way,incitement,"" -white survival,incitement,"" -whites of south africa prepare for evacuation as genocide looms via,white_grievance,"" -why do hate crime laws only apply to white people ?,white_grievance,"" -why is there a muslim in the white house ? ?,stereotypical,"" -why would you deport white people out of a country they founded for themselves ?,incitement,"" -working class white people voting in their self interests are vilified in the press as racist xenophobic bigots .,white_grievance,"" -yes . those immigrants are getting paid to live here and most americans are struggling to live .,white_grievance,"" -you continue to ignore the end effect of a declining white pop while importing pops w / high birth rates . you support replacing white people .,white_grievance,"" -you implied that whites are genocidal and i called you on your bluff . instead of acknowledging your anti-white rhetoric you retreated to the tired trope of slavery.you may want to take a peek at your own homeland they seem to be * currently * having issues of their own .,white_grievance,"" -you kill in cold blood and attribute it to allah ! so repulsive ! did god ask to kill to kill babies ? shame !,stereotypical,"" -you know they'll all try to claim the card because none of them are white .,white_grievance,"" -you mean the constitution written by white people for white people ? those conservatives would deny that !,incitement,"" -you might be right about that idk . i still think the movement would benefit from more love for our blood and less hate for non-whites .,incitement,"" -"there is only one solution to world poverty, for poor countries to produce their own wealth,"""" wayne grudem declared at",inferiority,"" -elephant in the room: immigration-driven population growth creates unparalleled demand for housing. #toomanypeople,inferiority,"" -now u have to pull out the dumb card, usually what happens when sub 100 iq pe,inferiority,"" -you must be the arithmetic man; you add trouble, subtract pleasure, divide attention, and multiply ignorance.,irony,inferiority -no they are illegals,inferiority,"" -: when a jackal's time of death arrives it races towards the city,incitement,"" -tuskegee, al, which is home to their greatest businessmen, aviators and scientists, would be a food desert without federal assistance,inferiority,"" -it was found to be happening today in california too, stop the payments to sanctuary cities now,threatening,"" -the sin nature of the unregenerate!,inferiority,"" -flood: feds predict another 127,000 illegals this year via #border #secureourborder #noamnesty,inferiority,"" -if you have family here that are illegals and criminals.. oh well,irony,"" -cnn will find and interview the one tranny in history that was inconvenienced,irony,"" -deportable illegals? what? every illegal alien parasite in the usa are deportable illegal aliens.,inferiority,irony -"they are not dreamers, if they are illegal they aren't immigrant they are """"intruder invaders"""".",inferiority,"" -women are intellectually deficient, islam says in sahih bukhari 1:6:301. disagree? you are islamophobe.,irony,inferiority -every time labron opens his mouth the whole world hears how dumb he is,inferiority,"" -new calif. educati on bill wont compensate for #overpopulation, over-#immigration #toomanypeople #blog,inferiority,"" -irony here is we are stealing away the very talent which could stabilize third world countries & thereby avoid influx of refuges & illegals.,inferiority,"" -when it comes to dirty laundry, the world is the maid of the middle east,inferiority,"" -we need to create safe zones in the countries creating refugees keep refugees in there home country usa does not need more 3rd world losers!,inferiority,"" -your a race hustler just like ya boy al sharpton. you are flat out ignorant,inferiority,white_grievance -these are initiation murders they has nothing to do with breaking the slave codes aka laws they are selected hunted then murdered #truefacts,stereotypical,"" -on #periscope: the israelites: unconcious negroes non-sense,inferiority,stereotypical -they can exist but not on our stolen land and not on our kids dead bodies,incitement,"" -needs to be thrown out of our country he is here illegal,threatening,"" -lol. yes, africa isn't a developed land because of whites.,irony,"" -he wants illegals and refugees as long as he does not have to live among them! hello people this guy is scum!,inferiority,irony -question for all: what is the legal difference between a man wearing a dress, and a transwoman?,irony,inferiority -only 3 years subverting the immigration laws? how is he different than the coyotes bring in illegals from the south?,incitement,"" -and you will be shocked when god comes and kills all the half ape black people.,inferiority,incitement -satan is islam but of course a low iq inbred like you wouldn't understand that,inferiority,"" -i believe they are too lazy. isn't that why we went and brought back slaves in the first place?,inferiority,"" -grow your own. they're almost impossible to screw up, you imbicile,inferiority,"" -today's golden state, #poverty #crime,#,inferiority,"" -what line has to be crossed until it's socially acceptable to purge degenerate filth with fire? let us do what must be done!,inferiority,threatening -very wrong you idiots explain your stupid banner to the families of innocent people who were brutality murdered by these filth,inferiority,incitement -so, australia dumps its isis trash in usa in last minute binge by african prez to destabilize with jiahd trojans!,inferiority,incitement -illegal aliens dare authorities to deport them #immigration #tcot #teaparty,incitement,"" -swine from the gutter,inferiority,"" -wtf is wrong with this country? this useless piece of trash comes to this country illegally then ruins the lives of 130 people disgusting,inferiority,"" -obama paid for the illegals!,inferiority,"" -deadliest to non-muslims? pigs or islam? both however the major pig problem will be harder to solve with mass migration & islam adding to the already humongous load.,inferiority,"" -": """"mighty hard to make a great country out of 'legal' third world people:",inferiority,"" -i don't feel sorry for him. he's now a twisted, violent antifa. filth.,inferiority,"" -how #california is preparing illegal aliens for driving test #noamnesty,irony,"" -breaking: open-borders rino neocon marco rubio wants mass amnesty and to flood usa with third world: #teaparty #tcot,inferiority,"" -yeah, why not let a bunch of under developed savages turn up to dismantle everything that we've built. sure, why not.,inferiority,"" -"not all """"inferior races"""" are mexican or muslim you fool!",inferiority,"" -it has it's place, that place is the middleeast. not the civilised world.,inferiority,"" -where they should've stayed, burning dung in mud huts,inferiority,threatening -democrat.the godless party of filth and hate.,inferiority,"" -this is the most ridiculous small sighted propagandha i have ever seen, go fuck yourselves,inferiority,"" -exactly elder! these libturd commie globalist puppet, sewer rats don't know how to handle a new york street fighter! what a bunch of woosies,inferiority,"" -they crap in holes in the ground, urinals too clean for them. maybe some foot print markings would help them use urinals. damn animals!,inferiority,"" -if you were intelligent, you'd know them and where to find them.,inferiority,"" -#muslimsturntojihad when you tolerate their backward 3rd world stone-age values.,inferiority,"" -the problem with the swamp, it is more interested in foreign nationals than american citizens,inferiority,"" -damn the illegals must of got lost trying to find mexico,wound up in canada instead.,inferiority,"" -by helping/feeding the 3rd worlders america has foolishly turned into one big halfway house for the people of the 3rd world,inferiority,"" -if they did not immigrate here legally, then they are illegal immigrants. calling a fish a bird doesn't make it a bird.,inferiority,"" -more preoccupied by a frog or lizard than safety of americans! #buildthewall,inferiority,"" -notice they all look like grown men, not helpless women an children,white_grievance,"" -welcome back my old friends: tb, measles, ebola whooping cough, blah, blah, blah,inferiority,"" -the universe doesn't give half a shit about race issues, i hope some autistic solar system crashes into,white_grievance,"" -they don't deserve to get shot, became im rational unlike them, but they still deserve to be on that map.,inferiority,"" -no,you are saying those who studied,worked hard to enter usa legally are not only dumb but stupid2.cheats will be rewarded with citizenship,inferiority,"" -"turning into a cesspool over there because of their """"diversity"""" ,they bring their 3rd world habits with them",inferiority,"" -to zoggies, facts are just playthings to be used in arguments that rely on assertion and inference rather than proof,inferiority,"" -no we need honest, hard working, clever intelligent, human beings from non muslim countries and we al,inferiority,"" -does the world realize that it is ok to lie under sharia?,inferiority,"" -either way, animals.,inferiority,"" -australia you had better get this vermin out of your country if you want to keep it free.,inferiority,"" -looks like neocon globalists got control, tragic,stereotypical,"" -well it never used to be. much like it never used to be in white society. but jewry effects,inferiority,"" -stem cells have precious immortal souls! oh, god, cells are people! cells are peeeoooppplleee!,irony,"" -bring him to america. we know how to deal with animals like this.,inferiority,"" -neanderthals were way ahead of negroes. whites carry many neanderthal genes. blacks, none.,inferiority,"" -sorry, i'd rather be a human being.,inferiority,"" -i agree. only the best. other nations use the merit based system.we can afford illegals.we have kids who can and need jobs. americans first,inferiority,"" -handicapped is not a gender, bathroom sign people!!!,irony,"" -.. all to be pathetic as them. especially jews,inferiority,"" -its very kind of them to be working. otherwise these blood sucking pests survive on benefits of tax payer money.,inferiority,"" -brewer to obama: stop shipping illegals out of texas and dumping them in ariz. cities via #noamnesty,inferiority,"" -the yankees are so disenchanted with their women that they are ready to turn to waifus, sexbots and artificial wombs. i can't honestly blame them given what i have seen. we need to eradicate that degenerate culture before it spreads any further,inferiority,"" -all of their wokest fittest lads are gonna jump off that irrelevant bloated sinking ship,inferiority,"" -in an industry of smart, spergy whites & asians, it wld be remarkable if there weren't dissident rightists.,inferiority,"" -certainly not,more swamp to drain,inferiority,"" -saw such the other day. a kind of professionally made-over dopey, improved appearance still egregiously wrong on immigration.,inferiority,"" -manages to maintain it's culture. guess it's well out the way of the middle east & should survive,inferiority,"" -the 3rd world was once great civilizations, don't forget,inferiority,"" -so sick of this shit, wtf is 'native american', you know how many people lived here, place was friggin empty,inferiority,white_grievance -he won't do it, mooslimes are scared of dogs!,inferiority,"" -way to control men. the ignorant mohammid, couldn't read or write so someone like his wife kadisha, wrote it to fill her pockets with gold.,inferiority,"" -no more illegals, only accept those that follow the law.,inferiority,"" -only a man & a woman can produce & sustain humanity under god's plan, that's why it's god's plan,to argue god's plan is insanity,inferiority,"" -thanks 4follow soon it will be man & goat b/c citizen of the loonie left,inferiority,"" -bovine fecal matter, dreamers deleimma is they finally got caught, nightmares are more like it, all these years and never got citisenship.,inferiority,"" -#blacklivesmatter you idiots. black people are equal to white people. go fuck yo sisters,inferiority,"" -i like alabama's illegal immigration policy. all 50 states should do the same before we become overrun with leaches.,inferiority,"" -where he is going to put that people those that he is going to legalize are going to bring 30,000 000 million more where??,inferiority,"" -why is it up to us to accept that assertion instead of muslims proving it??? what muslim controlled country is in good shape?,inferiority,"" -they are worse than slaves & black americans flocking to islam.,inferiority,"" -lolol i've always liked the boy, but he's reaching levels of stickman autism with me.,inferiority,"" -why are we even giving it a thought? why is this vermin even a consideration?,inferiority,"" -good for poland. they will continue to exist as polish and not be overtaken by 3rd world hordes,inferiority,"" -.the ships were sabotaged by your sorry ass government..foreign matter into the fuel, etc,inferiority,"" -"as a group, whites produce much more wealth than they """"take from the system.",inferiority,"" -the idea that globalism is a positive sum game for everyone is irrational, some win, some lose,inferiority,"" -yeah. best education system, best armed forces, best equality and diversity systems what have you got? goats and wasteland i bet.,inferiority,"" -have to hire illegals in california to compete with the guy running a crew of all illegals ,its a race to the bottom in wages craftsmanship,inferiority,"" -we must heal from the effects of 8 years of nobama giving away the kitchen sink (but leaving us the swamp dwellers), so we can regain health,inferiority,"" -letters after name doing hideous procedures. people asleep. need to study truth (real) about these beasts!,inferiority,"" -"his followers are a motley bunch of """"muh resistance"""" and tree hugging nobodies",inferiority,"" -the biological differences between the races are obvious to anyone with a working set of eyes. crime stats, inventions, cultu,inferiority,"" -"rt mohammeds own words - """"treat women well for they are like domestic animals and they possess nothing themselves"""" tabari",inferiority,"" -now all of the sudden immigrants are not a good idea? not liking the 3rd world uneducated unskilled losers who have no desire to assimulate,inferiority,"" -they are animals,been this way 1400+ yrs. they dont want change. goal is to spread their misery,misery loves company,inferiority,"" -you're a smart guy, what color is your wife?,inferiority,"" -reading, writing, and sexmythatic?!? will gender fluidity also apply to the animal kingdom?,inferiority,"" -i guess there's no death penalty in uk.if anyone deserved it, this subhuman did. needs solitary confinement,threatening,inferiority -missouri has a huge low iq, third world population, as pictured.,inferiority,"" -no, i have seen the genetic studies, and i know the history. blacks in plantations belts have lower admixture.,inferiority,"" -i believe it. that scum deserves to have aids!,threatening,"" -moved out in 2015, so greatful i did when i see this crap. california the sewer state,inferiority,"" -this is what happens everywhere you move savages in your country. they expect everything earn nothing destr,inferiority,"" -hunger in us ? like third world ? not even beef and bread ? maga !!,inferiority,"" -yeah, because white people can't sweep floors, which is much harder than building space rockets.,inferiority,"" -"we also need to oppose the law allowing for an adjustment of status, whereby illegals """"legalize"""" themselves via anchor baby, marriage, etc.",inferiority,"" -allah is certainly not our christian god, it's the name for what early arabs called a lesser desert breeze.,inferiority,"" -no does round them up and drop there tb infected asses at obama's new home and homes of hollywood celebs,inferiority,"" -the hecklers are the liberal generation unable to understand discipline and personal learning, growth from errors & difficulty.,inferiority,"" -wow such diversity, so many colors and races, and all of them are doctors and engineers, amazing!,irony,"" -alejandro: you will not survive here. you are not a wolf, and this is a land of wolves now,inferiority,"" -.why do fools,like dogs travel in packs?so when their food runs short, they have someting 2 eat.example a: aclu,inferiority,"" -what kind of insane country wouldn't expel all invaders? like a human body failing to combat/expel all harmful intruders.,inferiority,"" -with blacks on the bottom of the social ladder you cannot put faith in those designed to maintain you there,inferiority,"" -the fact a guy with 8% of his genetics a bunch of aids-ridden cannibals living in mud huts thinks he can talk down to me is much more funny.,inferiority,"" -the and are nothing more than attention whores. both more worthless than cockroaches and should be exterminated.,inferiority,"" -its means putting political power into the hands of 3rd worlders who hate us,inferiority,"" -with fake diploma fake degree fake graduation degree, indian can easily cheat merit base immigration..,inferiority,"" -call me racist, idgaf these muslims deserve no respect, they want to breed with kids < 9yrs,inferiority,stereotypical -illegals border crossing numbers are back up to obama era number's what say you mr golfer president where is all the winning you blather on about your actions make you another dc swamp dwellers can't hide the facts anymore!,inferiority,"" -if they are in daca they were brought here, if they were born here they're an anchor baby.,inferiority,"" -apple capital of the world in central wa state has thousands illegal aliens working in apple sheds. wenatchee, yakima etc please help,inferiority,"" -such a travesty that $$ we spend on illegals for their subsistence in the u.s., could be spent on our veterans!,inferiority,"" -is someone mad they now have some competition? is competition bad? are we scared we can't compete with third world people?,inferiority,"" -unreal! according to lynch, we now have over 30 million mexican illegals in the usa.,inferiority,"" -i wish this idiot would get a life ,obama ,a thing that resembles a brain ,is an empty scull,inferiority,"" -amnesty and free healthcare for 20 mil illegal aliens mean 20 mil votes next election for this peice of dried up dog drool,inferiority,"" -i thought whites were destroying the planet by using these evil resourcesmake up your mind,irony,"" -ridiculous to try to have a sane conversation with this islamic puppet. is beyond disgusting.,inferiority,"" -so, male msm thugs wanted to see women suffers a lot all time on earth disgusting stoneage uncivilized. animals r really great,inferiority,"" -sorry muslim not the highest,inferiority,"" -bcs in this hell hole state. illegals have more rights than citizens.,white_grievance,"" -i can't. i'm trapped in black owned ohio!,inferiority,"" -3- why would you expect millions of illegals, w/less than 10th grade education & language barrier to prosper/contribute to usa?,inferiority,"" -it's everywhere. doc to introduce electronic-monitoring program to help #overpopulation problem: #toomanypeople,threatening,"" -"instead of the brain, his beard grew this is a norm for muslim"""" thinkers",irony,inferiority -black people try to escape the black undertow by moving to our cities and neighborhoods.,inferiority,"" -it's already divided many times. short stubby sperm make girl babies, while long slender sperm make boys. got a pic?,inferiority,"" -get rid of that program and start sending them back.the ones that are grown could have applied for citizenship as well as their parents.,inferiority,"" -there are both white and black supremacists, but when it comes to being self-sufficient, whites are much more capable, and you hold us back.,inferiority,"" -obviously not. they are animals that treat women as garbage! #norefugees,inferiority,"" -have you ever written about islam being a crutch for a failed civilization? im new to your work, just wondering.,inferiority,"" -us whites are just a minority on this planet. the technology exists to colonise the moon and mars. whites only!,inferiority,"" -because of muh multiculturalism. and because white people have, apparently, been so evil (ie - weve managed to evolve beyond flicking our shit at each other) we need more brown people in our once-beautiful countries.,inferiority,"" -you laugh because you don't study- it's clear- as long as mendels law is in effect whites can never be the first humans.,inferiority,incitement -what the fuhrer said about jew communists came to pass. they are the parasites of the earth.,inferiority,"" -money why else, they hate christianity because it makes them feel superior but they want to believe in something,stereotypical,"" -someone mentioned it, i responded. then you, as thin-skinned as you are vicious, butted in. no one was talking to you, pest.,inferiority,"" -duhshows you that once infected with the islam virus how quickly this turns the brain to rat s**t.,inferiority,"" -they're like cockroaches. trying to sneak into your home & breed.,inferiority,"" -of course no remorse, it's considered normal in their culture,inferiority,"" -we are not feeding our own, ethnically diverse children. it's arrogant to pretend we can help others while kids go hungry.,inferiority,"" -build the wall to keep these animals in mexico!!,inferiority,"" -, like most viruses it came from humans living amongst livestock & it's filth,inferiority,"" -this is like a zoo with unfriendly & agitated animals!!! god help us!!! they need to go back where they came!!,inferiority,"" -as long as he remembers he's working for the us citizens not the illegal aliens!,inferiority,"" -let's all vote hillary, why should ca be the only state with leprosy?,inferiority,"" -i believe its the right of every nation 2 defend their land against migrating hords & attacks on their sovereigty,inferiority,"" -while brown men have already turn their countries in the shitholes we have been knowing for centuries,inferiority,"" -yeah, because the dems want to bring in degenerates that don't belong here.,inferiority,"" -nobody wants to admit that islam and really muslims as a whole aren't compatible w/ western society. th,inferiority,"" -"rt i wish they'd just be honest and say """"white people, we want you to die out & replace you with low-iq slave workers",inferiority,"" -a bunch of obama rats that we do not want or need,inferiority,"" -actually, it's a result of the great great great grandchildren of those said slaves being a drain on society,inferiority,"" -what is to point out is the level of absolute barbarity of the vii century arabic tribes, their primitive ethics is the very base of islam,inferiority,"" -he went to niggerum u just so uz can undastand himsgot a doctorate in welfare & #obamaphones,irony,inferiority -a fuzzy headed screaming little chimp with a white breeder mother..what an abomination!,inferiority,"" -aside from your other defects, you need to learn to read, go back again, read it, think about it.,inferiority,"" -hitler would have never sacrificed one of his own people to a turkish dog.,inferiority,"" -illegals are worse illegal no respect!! bleeding our country dry !! stop all food stamp/ and the roaches will leave !,inferiority,"" -. we need to take care of overpopulation too. we need to avoid becoming like china.,inferiority,"" -#enddaca #endh1b doesn't matter you are still illegal. even if you somehow get to stay here, your life is poisoned from its illegal,inferiority,"" -one man many wives they have nothing better to do than breed.,inferiority,"" -everywhere y'all touch equal hell,disease & death..,inferiority,"" -"? not destruction of """"civilization"""" but merely a replacement of a sexually promiscuous culture with their prudent sexless culture!",inferiority,"" -1,000's of years 1,000's of gods, billions of fools. the defect of humanity, religion.,inferiority,"" -i won't even call it black power. it's black stink!,inferiority,"" -neanderthal dna master race,inferiority,"" -and you'll be competing with excessive immigration, keeping your wage down to 3rd world levels,inferiority,"" -find me a study any time anywhere where blacks outperform any other race on intelligence tests.,inferiority,"" -your an idiot no one deserves illegals .,inferiority,"" -refugees are vetted, all humans are not the same..,inferiority,"" -: #california taxpayers footing the bill for illegal alien driver's licenses #immigration #gapol ga2,inferiority,"" -when i was at the college & univ. i never received scholarships bcs all gone to mexicans & asians, i was not considered bcs i had money, not on merit basis, although i was teaching them for a decade. this is illegal system discouraging.,inferiority,"" -no more scum, no benefits, no welfare, no social security, no sanctuary cities, no stupidity go home and make your country a great place.,inferiority,"" -racial pride is admitting that you've done nothing better with your life than the accident of birth. really, the opposite of pride: pathetic,inferiority,"" -gov. perry's state has sucked in hundreds of thousands of illegals from other states, bama included,inferiority,"" -gingers are fitwomen that is..ginger men are aids,inferiority,"" -over 80% of the filthy mud invaders do not have any qualifications which destroys zog's myth of the 'professional/highly skilled migrant'!,inferiority,"" -ur right it's simple! islam is not part of our civilization via bill warner, phd:,inferiority,"" -there has to be a limit!immigration so numerous that out numbers born citizens will change usa to another differentcountry,inferiority,"" -their horrific 3rd world standards have damaged our culture and made our youth socially retarded,inferiority,"" -"does importing mo'nurses create high paying jobs 4 usa citizens/youth~ schumer, cornyn push """"high skill"""" #immigration bill",inferiority,"" -they're going to need quite a baby boom to even catch up to the black population.,inferiority,"" -- there is no accountability system, thats why its a swamp,inferiority,"" -c'mon guys. push the numbers! by some estimates, at least 20 mill illegals, possibly twice that #. drowning us - - -,inferiority,"" -. too few of whom have jobs already. and we import peasants with diseased minds and bodies that have only disdain for us.,inferiority,"" -this was . you are not allowed to take credit for this . you are a parasite, riding on our coat-tails.,inferiority,"" -that's another reason we need to block this ruthless, scavengers animals,sorry for my language,there isn't words,inferiority,"" -could an army of said sexbots b dispatched to intercept gangs of refugees? but customized w/ vagina de,threatening,"" -im going to demand welfare for allamerican citizens in the 3rd world and de,irony,"" -barbarians under a barbaric religion, when were they not going to be a threat to the civilised world?,inferiority,"" -1/what is it with these vile, savage animals and excrement? too bad there's no world mar,inferiority,"" -charlotte is better than that concrete african jungle called atlanta,inferiority,"" -heard about this when it happened. just now hearing this monster is muslim. and look,inferiority,"" -the indians were the first immigration movement even they had laws and consequences if you broke them?,irony,"" -we as americans best wake the frack up! this is against our constitution and our morality. these people are animals and should be treated as,inferiority,"" -race-mixing new york mayor grants benefits card to 500,000 illegal non-white invaders via,inferiority,"" -and the non dumb know that race breeds culture. or is there another reason the british couldn't get indians to stop shitting in the street?,inferiority,"" -moats, alligators and the politics of border security #afire,threatening,"" -no, ivory coast was thriving under france. it collapsed without whites.,inferiority,"" -yeah but the exwives of the old na boneheads are keeping the lulz alive,inferiority,"" -the one on the left is european nostalgia, the one on the right is the latest in african technology.,inferiority,"" -all those blax call themselves king[kong] or prince[of evil] when they get to a whitey country,inferiority,"" -very true, inbreeding is what mooz-slimes are doing, part of their invasion plan is to turn more women into breeders,inferiority,"" -no sanc for islamists or illegals or ms13 thugs. time for us to just say no to these rats who infest our body politic and do us no good.,inferiority,"" -of course, americans exist merely to serve immigrants and support the excessive procreation of indigents,inferiority,"" -"read the book """"cain river"""" you'll be shocked to learn light skinned negros owned more 'house servants' than their white neighbors.",stereotypical,"" -go on hide behind your bloody hoods but remember its 2015 you shoulda stayed with your fellow apes,inferiority,"" -: euro tunnel could get closed thanks to african invaders ),inferiority,"" -a great candidate for the pine box deportation method, guaranteed to prevent recidivism.,threatening,"" -i strongly recommend that muslims go back to the simple life of the 7th century. they can't handle today's complex world. #byebye,inferiority,"" -financial cost biggest threat with immigration adding to loss green space overpopulationlower quality of life,inferiority,"" -idiots like this are worse than the orthodox muslims.,inferiority,"" -lose the attitude ignorant one. you are just a useful idiot to islam.,inferiority,"" -even if i tell him he won't listen because he's quite bright, actually.,irony,"" -i say them animals.don't need them here, unless?,inferiority,"" -for the good of the american people, defund santuary cities, the are a lawless haven for criminal illegals.,threatening,"" -we must rid america of this barbaric oppressive evil ideology.we are dealing w/savages who follow evil ideology.,inferiority,"" -give her a break. in islam she is considered half human and mentally deficient. just living up to it,inferiority,"" -you are a turd with eyes.,inferiority,"" -uneducated ignorant human filth. i hope this happens to u for real. #kukluxklan,inferiority,"" -if it's religion,politics,peacetime or warfare. women have shown at times to be far smarter and efficient than we men are. (pt2),inferiority,"" -got that right why do we let these vipers into america?,inferiority,"" -typical! same with buddha! he thinks he's so high and mighty, ommmmm-bullshit buddha!,irony,"" -slaves and camel-jockeys !,inferiority,"" -no, nothing about hating degeneracy is unhealthy.,inferiority,"" -very very sad times the folks might as well be on an island isolated with the hoards at the gates. even lee may have went around chicago,inferiority,"" -so you can keep fleecing your flock.,inferiority,"" -what else should american's know about them?who trained,funded and equipped these animals?ameri,inferiority,"" -n destroyed by greedy barbarians from ur culture. while ur society dies b/c of its debauchery our society was attacked by virus. no be gone.,inferiority,"" -no, you are vermin and will be exterminated #bacon,threatening,inferiority -ok keep believing that. funny how most poc that have made something of their lives normal ones don't play that garbage. don't be a criminal and work hard and you can have a good life. a life like any other race. but blacks have been taught to blame others for their failures.,inferiority,"" -we have plenty of poor and downtrodden of our own, bring me someone with marketable skills,inferiority,"" -yes! heaven has walls a gate & firm immigration laws. you don't get in unless your background allows! u.s.a ='s earth as it is in heaven,threatening,"" -bloody mohammedan savages. who is responsible for letting these beasts in to our countries?,inferiority,"" -surely u understand that mx don't want the trash the us didn't either. get off welfare!,inferiority,"" -generally the white people who do race mix are pretty undesirable anyway. mudsharks are obese/dumb 9/10 times.,inferiority,"" -it's simple folks islam is evil. it has nothing to offer our civilization. my space will remain a 100% islam free zone as long as i live,inferiority,"" -the black dude looks cool, nonchalant and shit; overweight white dad dude not so much,other,"" -she shouldn't be surprised. leftists and homosexuals are severely mentally ill.,inferiority,"" -i kinda like your idea, limiting population growth to save the environment, we need to sterilize democrats!,threatening,"" -what does that even mean? it's the oldest black republic in the world? blacks created modern haiti,inferiority,"" -"it would be great - just too bad our new """"sheriff"""" torn down tent city - that would have been a great place for them to take up their new residency.",irony,inferiority -zog and its agents have, through their jungles of destructive regulations & inefficiencies, cheated us all of our nation's wealth & resource,stereotypical,"" -we pakistani used to be great hindu nation,the moment we submitted to islam, we lost our pride,dignity, heritage, culture and became zombie.,inferiority,"" -it sucks to put the burden on them.thy are outnumbered by the leeches. ne,inferiority,"" -all the more reasons to keep these lazy, psychotic criminals out, parasites of the world destroying it!,inferiority,"" -only top quality aryan squat-butt around these parts,inferiority,"" -the advanced monkeys will vote for anything that kills, rapes and steals,inferiority,"" -sub-saharan africans, the majority of american black lineage, are subhuman. the genetic data is clear. no matter what the cucks wish.,inferiority,"" -moron, palestinians have inhabited palestine since time immemorial unlike z invading ashkinazi scum.,inferiority,"" -the kids need deported with the parents illegals are illegals regardless of age,threatening,"" -which centuries? the ones where britain was conquered by previous muslim hordes?,inferiority,"" -"i wish they'd just be honest and say """"white people, we want you to die out & replace you with low-iq slave workers",inferiority,"" -recycled criminal illegal alien.,stereotypical,"" -yes. exceptions. but notice they all moved to the west. still black africa remains backward compared to the west with or without them.,inferiority,"" -how about rearranging that. islam a religion invented and interpreted by a pervert.,inferiority,"" -lol !!! crooked rats !,inferiority,"" -the best medicine for perverts is to ship to isil..they will take good care of u..,threatening,"" -muslims have been a problem since the 13th century! i'm sick of them in the 21st century! why can't they evolve?,inferiority,"" -white power black parasite. blacks have contributed nothing to humanity.,inferiority,"" -we dont want. illegals to be sick and spread diseases!,inferiority,"" -the latest wombat world ! thanks to #muslim #islam,inferiority,"" -haha crazy! its like saying blacks cant be intelligent,educated and well informed,irony,"" -not judgingdiscerning. fetid, perverse lifestyles that lead to a skinny aids deaths are bad for #culture,inferiority,"" -ebola virus, & what it does to it's host - is a perfect analogy for what mass imigration does to a country.,inferiority,"" -seriously, why can black people succeed in athletics like in the bcs championship, but not in math or science?,inferiority,"" -victories against illegals in nc, or, and texas?,threatening,"" -if you want to live under the constitution you must give up natural order. natural, animalized order is all non-reform muslims know,inferiority,"" -: these savages are attacking thomas jefferson's statue now: stupid people with idiot ideas or no ideas,inferiority,"" -sharia law,that means non muslims to be inferior,so peaceful.,stereotypical,"" -you are a blond you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground ! no matter what color your hair is your blond .,stereotypical,"" -"we should adhere to our religion to remain mired in the barbaric past."""" teach your children well.",inferiority,irony -it's mexifornia, land of hemp fields and socialistsvery anti-citizen and pro-illegals,irony,"" -you're not good or white enough,inferiority,"" -the mayor in philadelphia has not addressed the murder rate in philly. demo-rats are worst!,inferiority,"" -islam has had what, thirteen hundred years to show what it can do and it creates wasteland and barbarism. what else?,inferiority,"" -pitiful: a race of blue-eyed devils we live amongst. vermin of the planet,inferiority,"" -i dont curse at women unless they prove to be ignorant idiot, she is, serious,,,do research! !,inferiority,"" -isnt the fact that cal. prisons are over pop. majority filled/overrun by illegal aliens kinda backwards?,stereotypical,"" -yeah, black people know how to use weapons the day they are born. i'm white!,stereotypical,"" -white men who get with nonwhite women, are sexual failures.,inferiority,"" -like dogs that will always return to eat you're own vomit. and like a pig, that was washed clean, will always,inferiority,"" -no surprise when you bring inbred cowardly muslims into a civilized society. it ain't going to get any better than this folks,inferiority,"" -well, kind of tells you where most of society views your place on the pyramid of degenerate behavior.,inferiority,"" -ya know that james craig is a neanderthal evolutionary through back & an irrelevant jackin off jesus junkie bigoted breeder..like you,inferiority,"" -. it's better to be an illegal in america then black, at least their are free.,irony,"" -aren't those the rodents you were arrested for abusing hunter? dude, they aren't meant for butt plugs! lol!,inferiority,"" -as an example, obamas white genetics gave him the intelligence to be president.,inferiority,"" -in a bronze age conflict, how long would high iq low t prog europe survive ?,inferiority,"" -and i present to you the face of low standard, low iq specimens holding on to their love of christ and his teachings! #deplorables,inferiority,"" -bp agent: nothing done to secure #border from #ebola, apprehensions at 30%,inferiority,"" -the police and sheriff dept in napa ca ignore the illegal aliens. this is what happens when you fail to remove the scum.,inferiority,"" -it's called america first. self preservation against invasion of illegals into our country,inferiority,"" -only jobs sudan, somalia afghan etc capable of performing is walmart greeter or chicken processing plant - illiterate backward culture, sry,inferiority,"" -what have blacks built?,inferiority,"" -they won't stop until they have turned the country into a third world hellhole.,inferiority,"" -educate yourselves abt this important issue: this barbaric enemy will out breed you & take over your counties..wake up,inferiority,"" -border agent: obama 'catch and release' policies fueling illegal immigration to u.s.,inferiority,"" -"western civilization"""" was going long before your god and if i'm not welcome in it neither are boatloads of africans",inferiority,"" -how easy it is to get a background from someone with no background that lives in a mud hut, lmao!,inferiority,"" -can #islam and the civilized world coexist? #tcot #bancair #islamistheproblem,inferiority,"" -fuck it all. we should have laws making stupidy illegal. thus, overpopulation goes down,inferiority,"" -feel for ya man, im native cali, these libturds ruined this state & now want to retire in nice states like yours.theyre a disease. sorrybro,inferiority,"" -london has fallen, thanks to the quislings mass-importing feral inbred barbarians (the twitter-safe i,inferiority,"" -white refugees from third world barbarism: the case of south africa, part 2,inferiority,"" -that is false. 2nd generation immigrants from the 3rd world is still shitty.,inferiority,"" -"you and your chucklefuck buddies are a bunch of un/underemployed white trash that have never read/enjoyed """"western culture"""" b/c of low iq.",inferiority,"" -spoken like a true nonwhite. even more, a race who shits on the streets. pinnacle civilization lmao,inferiority,"" -so you want a law that protects the lazy, stupid and incompetent just because of their place of birth? self-interest i guess.,inferiority,"" -africans in general have other problems such as weak facility for abstract thought,inferiority,"" -whereas, one of these inbreds who can string a sentence together and quote the qaran becomes the leader of the numb-nuts.,inferiority,"" -yes, and i think that their greater exposure to blacks is to account for much of this.,stereotypical,"" -they are human, the worst kind, but human.,inferiority,"" -. this is how western civilization ends.whimpering, cowardly surrender to 7th century islamist savages.sad,inferiority,"" -bless her heart! when she joined antifa, the terror-trainer supervis,irony,"" -the western countries won't even get a crappy participation medal once islam turns them into 3rd world countries.,inferiority,"" -view. if we lose power, everything our ancestors built will be flushed down toilet and we,inferiority,"" -let them test my wall, will only test it onceelectrify the wall with extremely high voltage.,threatening,"" -pls sign! add your name to stop the dog torture festival in #china #stopyulin2016,stereotypical,"" -is all that comes from africa even its people are shyt skins,inferiority,"" -how about human ferals with low iqs and no prospects for assimilation,inferiority,"" -we're importing crooks, terrorists, 3rd world savages don't even know how to use flush toilet. they want us terrorized, all there is to it.,inferiority,"" -they're not evil, or sad.they're obnoxious as hell. they're like a shitty smell in the air caused by hatred and jealousy of decent people.,inferiority,"" -if he is taking estrogen, maybe, but you can only alter someone's outward appearance; not their dna.,other,"" -yes, it's so simple!this is why the middle east and africa are so peaceful. no evil white people!,inferiority,"" -building a wall is a wast of our money. how are you going to keep out tunnel rats and drones?,inferiority,"" -heaven forbid we have strict immigration laws like japan send them all here with our open,irony,"" -california is the wastewater collection station of the usa! unfortunately, they do not have a treatment facility at all, anywhere in the whole state! therefore, all the crap just sits there and ferments & decays for all the world to see, & unfortunately, smell!!!!!,inferiority,"" -while in india ,they breed like mosquitoes & actually push around majority hindus! !,inferiority,"" -does one need to be white to want stability? mass 3rd world immigration just is insane. no identity perspective needed,inferiority,"" -"we need an authoritarian government, """"free"""" nations let cockroach live among normal citizens.",inferiority,"" -nothing will happen. you silverback maggots are full of nothing but empty threats. #hitcharidetoafrica,inferiority,"" -why can't mexicans use all this mexican ingenuity to fix their country,irony,"" -according to one person i communicated with - why cry over as bunch of cells, would you cry over a tumor,inferiority,"" -muslim scum knew how schools worked when they came here. no need to accommodate them,inferiority,"" -third world immigration will destroy western civilization long before climate change, and who gives a shit if the brown people who replace us have comfy weather?,inferiority,"" -it's a colorful language, ebonics is, has flavor, unlike vanilla white people & their stale linguistics,inferiority,"" -i believe it is a combination of heredity, culture, and tradition. things which blacks clearly lack. see detroit,inferiority,"" -this man is a hero and a legend he brought a flamethrower to a riot, the hood truely is an advanced civilization,irony,"" -the border now welcome wagon for illegals. obama has eradicated immigration laws to flood country w/ peasants.,inferiority,"" -it is an eyewash.u can trust a snake for a moment but never pakistani.pakistan is fountainhead of glo,inferiority,"" -the real hate crime is letting feral beasts prey on our people while the unknown sire sits in his sec-8,inferiority,"" -those guys are not human beings, they're meat-robots with low iq. unbelievable that they even exist :s,inferiority,"" -would like to see write up an executive order denying federal funding to cities that harbor illegals.,threatening,"" -white people cured polio. one of many unearned privileges of living in a white society.,inferiority,"" -ya know that james craig is a neanderthal evolutionary throwback & an irrelevant jackin off jesus junkie bigoted breeder..like y'all,inferiority,"" -sharia and civilization is incompatible.,inferiority,"" -have you ever considered that if nobody cares about ethnicity the entire human population will eventually turn brown?,inferiority,"" -it needs to go back to that. the 3rd world will always be incompatible with the 1st world. denying this is lunacy.,inferiority,"" -honest inquiry for the , do you hate all non-white races equally? i seriously like the compassion displayed towards animals, though.,inferiority,"" -team america needs immigrants who speak read write english has a college degree and a verifiable work history not 3rd world type losers who makes no effort to assimilate sports teams pick the best of the best and they dont recruit in 3rd world countries.,inferiority,"" -more poor uneducated to house clothe educate and feed! america is going bankrupt feeding the world!,inferiority,"" -coming to america soon. feral muslims and no-go zones.,inferiority,"" -egypt had an influential culture, therefore sweden must take millions of africans with 70 iqs to live on the government dime,inferiority,"" -"minnesota has a muslim problem, not a recruiting problem. plenty of 3rd world """"#refugee"""" parasites here. #tcot",inferiority,"" -chimps doing what they do best. thisflatisforblacks to force white mum out of home| via,inferiority,"" -/tea party got bamboozle by rats for obama,inferiority,"" -you have a lot to learn about islam! these pigs are of sunni sect of islam, about 75% of muslims/1,inferiority,"" -lord hanuman protects hq of government of india, these monkeys can't be driven out,inferiority,"" -they'll sell the country over anal sex. total degenerate pigs.,inferiority,"" -"maybe time to oil up the deer rifles, the ones with the hd night scopes to keep the """"vermin"""" population down.",inferiority,"" -first save yourselves from barbarians you created 1400 years ago from islamic technology; you pigs have no idea,inferiority,"" -you cannot build an ethnostate without an insane amount of killing and violence,threatening,"" -natural selection at work, weeding out the toxic members of our society,inferiority,"" -by 's logic, all of those cities should be utopia since the evil whiteman left.,irony,"" -the miscreant vermin still has 2 years left to dismantle the military while he's attacking america socially.,inferiority,"" -the world would be a better place without islam.,inferiority,"" -oh pleeezzz! atheism is by far the most peaceful, tolerant & inert philosophy known to man, precisely b/c its not a dogmatic ideology.,inferiority,"" -this book can help u get rid of black people by encouraging healthy black communities. read it and see >>>,inferiority,"" -i'm thinking dumb which is typical of this white trash.,inferiority,"" -one rabbit is cute, but millions are a plague,inferiority,"" -want to know something funny? islamic traders showed them the wheel, they were just too lazy to adopt i,inferiority,"" -no wonder they all look like pigs,inferiority,"" -you punk rat commies only survived b/c we mercifully let you. was only by our good graces and overall pacifism.,inferiority,"" -no, the attacks are the perpetrators fault because their subhuman,inferiority,"" -both dolezal and the genderqueer lady talk about covering themselves in filth (mud), the alien guy is pictured in blue goo. hmmm,inferiority,"" -those virus' are going rampant, need to put anti virus into effect.,inferiority,"" -honest human is torn apart by hyena breed greedy admin betrayals ppl real sheep's,inferiority,"" -congress needs to pass laws making it illegal to release illegals into the local population without notifying ice.,inferiority,"" -dr bill warner's youtube videos on for starters..we r at war with a barbaric enemy whose 1goal is world dominance for islam,inferiority,"" -the muslim paradigm is a soulless vapid perverted stain on the bed of humanity.,inferiority,"" -only trump will drain this swamp!,threatening,"" -"let them. remember, they are """"valuable"""" to their society.",inferiority,"" -wow! crazy, selfish europeans that have no future, no children, or grandchildren are nihilistic like hitler.,inferiority,"" -you got adopted because you are white, healthy, and female,inferiority,"" -humans must give up primitive food like meat of dog or beef or camel or donkey etc,inferiority,"" -and as we know, islam is not a religion of peace and tolerance and there is no place for islam in the civilized world.,inferiority,"" -"ugh """"alpha"""" this and """"beta"""" that it's so annoying. we get it, you're overcompensating """"gorilla mindset.",inferiority,"" -well the new thing is when you trash your own country move to another one! continue!,inferiority,"" -a negro who writes? i already have my doubts about this story ;-),irony,"" -they are clearly so intellectually superior that they need to up the difficulty via new demographics. hold my ros pierre, i got this!,irony,"" -is britain ready for a lunatic muslim ?,inferiority,"" -should never have set up these sanctuary citys they are illegal. the need to leave out country be citizens,threatening,"" -27 years later after millions and their sponsored hordes have already been given citizenship,inferiority,"" -civilized world must set aside its differences at least for time being to wipe out the barbarians or else live in permanent fear & #terror.,inferiority,"" -master obama wants a cheap labor force for his plantation! smile & be happy while u work!,irony,"" -tuskegee, the home of black pilots and scientists, is incapable of sustaining a wal-mart or a hotel #thetriggering,irony,inferiority -"black folks elected doug jones."""" they're gonna be mighty disappointed when all they get for it is rights for three legged, gay martians and their interests passed over for those of white, rich leftist stockholders in the northeast.",irony,"" -islam & muslims will conquer the world. islamic world is not peaceful.,stereotypical,"" -the fence is a good idea when iran,syria&iraq begin their assault on the illegitimate nation of israhell the rats will have no way to escape,inferiority,"" -sickening, disheartening to see civilization actively participate in its own demise. muslims intend t,inferiority,"" -normal))) people are cancer. don't you know all white people are nazis that want to murder s,inferiority,irony -my eyes are hazel asshole---rt : a race of blue-eyed devils we live amongst. vermin of the planet,inferiority,"" -he was not any less an animal than any other negro.,inferiority,"" -educated and informed people have warned of this. why are we still importing them. they can not be happy in the 21st century,inferiority,"" -btw, governments? really? white euros built a city for liberiawithin a three year span, blacks couldn't even run garbage collection.,inferiority,"" -they are mass purging like mad,threatening,"" -unprotected from filth like them he means,inferiority,"" -right you are! whites are systematically being replaced by the feral muslim in europe n by feral latinos and muslims in usa! soros backed,inferiority,"" -damn right. he will get it down to a trickle. illegals are scared and have right to be. can't free wheeling milking with no accountability.,threatening,"" -yes, and america was constructed entirely of cotton products.,irony,"" -nyc is a disgrace for usa! cops should cooperate w ice to get all these animals off our streets deblasio sucks! get him out!,inferiority,"" -you go back to your sand barbarians,inferiority,"" -because africans are easily dominated and make natural slaves,inferiority,"" -most of you wouldn't even exist were it not for the billions in aid from white countries.,inferiority,"" -they must be forced to stay in africa and the me. africa is 20.4% of earth's land mass, europe is 6.7%. it's not our fault they can't develop it. europe shared and built european style civilizations all over africa, they ran us out and destroyed the cities, now they want ours.,inferiority,"" -if i see that, he ends up in a fucking wheelchair with a big metal plate for a skull,threatening,"" -look at that bunch of drug addled 90 lb weaklings.,inferiority,"" -uncle sam is covered in leeches.. does seem to be more action on removing those leeches, lately cures take time..,inferiority,"" -well, first they're not human. second, it depends on what you cross. not every mixture's gonna give you white achievement.,inferiority,"" -so happy to see uneducated illegals going to canada,irony,"" -i beg your pardon; every people have been repaired in latter generations except black people;all have been recouped,inferiority,"" -he is technically 100% right..the problem is not muslims but islam, which makes monsters,inferiority,"" -as if the wall going to stop illegal aliens like , great wall of china stopped mongols,irony,"" -finally! a president that wont get pushed around, by these turd world countries.,inferiority,"" -why don't we exterminate you aids carrying rodents and make the world a better place?,inferiority,"" -get these un american swamp creatures out of our government,inferiority,"" -they're parasites. images of real refugees look starkly different.,inferiority,"" -this is not a real country anymore. its a multiracial, polyglot slop heap where we get milked to support our replacements. #katesteinle,inferiority,"" -no wonder democrats want to flood our country with mexicans and other third worlders. #daca #illegals #buildthewall,inferiority,"" -"quote from democrats """"e-verify system will disadvantage many illegal immigrants in the agriculture sector."""" god forbid.",irony,"" -believing you are an alien, or another species, or a man trapped in a woman's body is a perception disorder,inferiority,"" -then how will blacks become edumacated ?!,irony,inferiority -anywhere but where they are? back to their ancestral homelands, maybe?,inferiority,"" -sharia law is barbaric and the thought of it should be sickening to all.,inferiority,"" -really dealing with a bizarre mental disorder amongst the chosen ones. push for nonstop 3rd world migration & then cry victim do to these policies? not dealing with sanity.,inferiority,"" -cheese eating surrender monkeys who know nothing about foreign policy,inferiority,"" -more proof that islam is not compatible with civilization.,inferiority,"" -"cos nothing says """"we've got you, sorry for treating you like shit"""" than """"3rd tier citizen",irony,"" -when muslims become devout they turned into violent savage beasts; when they aren't they're decent human beings. read the book,inferiority,"" -the only thing sharia is compatible with is sharia.,inferiority,"" -one monkey don't stop no show,inferiority,"" -you put yourself in bondage and give away the usa for free and cheap to sell yourself and be ruled by the atheist ancestors of monkey brains,inferiority,"" -why don't they ever dream of returning to their 3rd world cesspools and turning them into 1st world civilizations?,inferiority,"" -"mt : """"we must resist ebolaphobia. these viruses just come here for a better life, to do jobs that american viruses refuse to do.",irony,"" -"they r illegals, not """"californians"""" & they should be living in fear every day & not have a moment of comfort!",inferiority,"" -hindus who support islamist mamata will regret when they find that w. bengal is turning into a 600 ad barbaric state of arabia.,inferiority,"" -they sink to new levels of depravity, if that's at all possible.,inferiority,"" -arizona is ground zero for illegal immigration battle #afire #tcot #teaparty #immigration,threatening,"" -they're not the people that are subject to, or have to live with these 3rd world animals. what would they know about that.,inferiority,"" -thanks for being smart enough to know a wall can be flown over by airplanes! crazy concept, i know!,irony,"" -hungry jungle people as competition let us get u.s.,inferiority,"" -islam breeds people like him.,inferiority,"" -we being handed the excuse and opportunity to rid our civilization of the parasites and the worthless, plus come out stronger than ever.,inferiority,"" -you people aren't human. these daca people were brought here as children they hold jobs, own homes and are more american then you.,inferiority,"" -did you know 98% of farmers in america are white? if it wasn't for white people, you wouldn't even be on twitter right now.,inferiority,"" -"hopes of a better life"""". that's because islam doesn't work as a way to run a country! relying on a god for everything, nope!",inferiority,"" -what is this absolute garbage doing on my timeline? i live in a sanctuary city, you useless idiots. crawl back under the rock you came from.,inferiority,"" -it just amazes me how so called starving people have energy to have sex, but no energy to help their own living standards.,inferiority,"" -that goat fucker tried this shit down south he'd have his head intimately acquainted with the pavement,threatening,"" -good british ginga grenes - from neanderthals. ;-),inferiority,"" -from rotherham to germany, the surrender of western civilization to the savages continues. we must defeat them.,threatening,"" -#zimmerman doesn't have blue eyes. he's hispanic & black. that vermin helped the young black children in his neighborhood,inferiority,"" -****they dont look human. they look like a bunch of ugly monkeys, sorry monkeys r better looking !!!,inferiority,"" -doing constructive things on a regular basis is beyond islam's skill set.,inferiority,"" -the problem is that people like her, who are naive & ignorant about islam, affect not only their own safety, but everyone else's as well.,stereotypical,"" -look at the middle east when it was a colony run by white people.now look at it.,inferiority,"" -when are we going to accept that we have let the worst scumbags into the us.,inferiority,"" -u live in a damn city where the damn roads caving blk communities look like world war 2 riverdale is full of blk robbers n u wanna talk,inferiority,"" -enforce immigration laws or become 'a third-world nation' - via,inferiority,"" -i agree i think his real name is scum dog doesnt he live in the swamp isnt he a scum sucking maggot,inferiority,"" -white workers built roads, railways and bridges. were stockmen, railroaders and river men.,inferiority,"" -there are no races..according to white libtards that voted for the chimp,inferiority,"" -now i can't go into mexico & bring a chihuahua over the border in2 the us, but this fella', can cross the border illegally w/ a human child?,irony,"" -"those australian aboriginals sure are terrible! """": a race of blue-eyed devils we live amongst. vermin of the planet",inferiority,"" -muslim population incresed like pigs, 4 wives&40kids:sakshi maharaj,inferiority,"" -well dont do it but dont expect evolved people not to you fkg neanderthal,inferiority,"" -for every well off family there are hundreds of feral bastards who sma,inferiority,"" -when you drab the swamp in sacramento!,threatening,"" -america needs to practice negro control and lunatic control #nra #civilrights,threatening,"" -white people don't exist, only black people do,irony,"" -#ferguson and #detroit are a reflection on the innate capacity of blacks to further and advance civilization,irony,inferiority -"approx half muslms today result of inbreeding, perhaps this why they are """"hell bent"""" on destroying christian based west? inbreed = low iq.",inferiority,"" -thats called naxalt, retard. of course there exists a bell curve upon which there are blacks with high iqs but the average is far lower than whites and the vast majority sit at the average,inferiority,"" -white trash = white person procreating with a non-white,inferiority,"" -big problem for texas we are scared! not only gangs,terrorists but also disease,inferiority,"" -pastors take note; white architect designed your church,whites built it,whites paid for it. whit,inferiority,"" -- islam = animals,inferiority,"" -starvation and barrel bombs.,inferiority,"" -it's very sad! don't allow these animals to your country!,inferiority,"" -europeans should do as muslims and theoretically stone that woman by voting her out of office,irony,threatening -yea we were better offwith the floppy-eared gayblade and his manly wife shipping our 401ks and savin,irony,"" -grumpy says only people with half a brain use #lgbt friendly um, they use it on site lol,irony,"" -build the wall, and a moat to drown them too,irony,threatening -;.cant lick em,noon emold age moo tactics,as soon as deah gets de upper hand,bow down now! alahuakbaarrrr,irony,"" -"rt sad, isn't it? poor thing doesn't even know if she's the hubby or the wife in her """"marriage.",irony,"" -go fuck yourself maybe? i mean i wouldn't make you do anything, like leave the country for example.,irony,threatening -"if those """"other hemisphere"""" immigrants get to mexico, are they mexicans?",irony,"" -sharia up, pints down.,irony,"" -they should put them on a bus back to mexico,threatening,"" -they may have not taken gender study classes, but at least they work & know which bathroom to use.,irony,"" -francis the talking pope is such a fool it's almost entertaining unless ur catholic. imam's all need psychotherapy or lead.,inferiority,"" -what a genius, your mother would be proud,irony,"" -oh wow a jew made a penis joke, once again u prove how debased your jew brain is #hitlerwasright,inferiority,irony -oy vey! what is the matter with you nasty rats? why can't i be part of your little goy club ?,irony,inferiority -stick him in an mri machine, film the magnets ripping all that shit out of his flesh,,threatening,"" -build a wall so rednecks can pick strawberries and bus tables,irony,"" -my friend got his ass kicked. but that's ok too right because he's not the right color. plus yiddish? fuck you,irony,"" -we can only hope these neanderthals run into those of us packing heat. guarantee it's not gonna go well for the jihadis.,threatening,inferiority -dumbass is one word. you're* you can't even use the english language correctly. let me guess, your aunt is also your mother?,irony,inferiority -well, there was the time ivana accused him of rape but you seem like the type to ignore that. :) however, that wasn't my point at all. i'll see if i can dumb this down a little for you, hon. ok, here goes!,irony,"" -zip it, snowflake. just for you, he can scream saddam as he plunges. better?drowned, dipped in acid, burned alive in cages like #isis 4 u?,threatening,"" -that seems a little harsh elder. you know wackos kill people. oh, wait a minute, i guess you're right!!,irony,"" -oh look. another lefty whom has an unnatural fixation upon sex. is that all your tiny kind can imagine?,irony,inferiority -and pork. mmm bacon. or clothing of mixed fabrics (as long as they don't look gay).,inferiority,"" -wow, i have been looking for you for 8 years. you are right obama is a coward so why did blacks vote 95% twice for him. how many christians?,other,"" -lmao okay, you are a journalist, and i am elvis. whatever. this is no more mysterious than roof or glenn miller,irony,"" -we can burn the flag and police watch and do nothing but if we throw a book in the toilet they invest,irony,white_grievance -oh honey. justoh, honey. bless your heart.,irony,"" -"no, you have to call her and """"empty barrel""""! oops! i guess i'm a black white supremacist.",irony,"" -holy cow, get some education guys!,inferiority,"" -well, barack obama can't very well ask new citizens to do something he wouldn't do himself, now, can he?,irony,"" -"if you don't speak up, they she will speak for you. marilyn deyoung, , latino """"babies can join a gang",irony,stereotypical -maggots,inferiority,"" -how dare you assume gender. it's equality, baby.,irony,"" -amazing, she's a candidate that conspires with illegal immigrants for votes, wow and she wants to be president,stereotypical,"" -careful don't feed the tribesman,inferiority,"" -imagine the memories they'll form while starving, cold, and violently abused. last a lifetime.,irony,"" -in an effort to cement her racial equality bona fides she brought home the wrong token black guy.,irony,"" -when which money, fucking stupid unless, you ask a loan. to your boyfriend vladimir putin.,irony,"" -i've personally pranked a gay, two commies and a (((fellow white person))) out of the gym, did my wings just get lost in the mail?,irony,"" -in a marketplace of ideas, few girls have anything original to offer. what they can offer is brief dopamine spurts from the occasional flirtation. assume everyone on the internet is a man, and act accordingly.,inferiority,"" -these amazingly brave people make american protestors like blm look like babies bitching about not getting a,inferiority,"" -she didn't mean it. if she meant it, she'd have invited you over, given you a house and made the uk taxpayer fund your life.,irony,"" -why have a wall when you have mexico on this side of wall?,irony,"" -why doesn't mexico help them out? are they expected company or just more freeloaders? no plan - no entry,white_grievance,"" -mommy, someone knows not taught history and is challenging our societal taboos!,irony,"" -your primitive ignorance is embarrassing. go learn anything, anywhere.,inferiority,"" -welcome to #sweden, refugees!maybe i should take a week or two myself, nice pool!,irony,"" -and you will see antifa riots, lunatic actors, fake news, crooked politicians, swamp creatures, vagina wearing clowns for hillary,inferiority,"" -yes! wall sounds great. can keep mexicans from boats, tunnels and airplanes for a while longer? what about merpeople? wall off the ocean too,irony,"" -ah, the feminist double standard, she can troll cnn and stalk chris cuomo but not vice versa.,irony,"" -i work for willy wonka, and i'm hiring little people for our latest expansion. do ya think your wee friend is interested?,irony,inferiority -the infiltration was done a long time ago by the jesuit order. your job is to become a slave now, go watch tv idiots.,inferiority,"" -honey, they skipped me too. i don't think whoever gives out white privileges likes me at all.,irony,white_grievance -and then what? ban all ladders and shovels in mexico?,irony,"" -fighting anti-american liars and commie goons makes me feel great! more people should try it.,threatening,"" -i printed posters of #khallidmuhammad and i blast diarrhea on them everyday!,incitement,"" -correct, they're not. so why are they here? get rid!,threatening,"" -feed of shit its canada not ramjamistan. don't like it sod off back to sharia heaven. where do these outsiders get off.,inferiority,"" -out those dunces,threatening,"" -we should kick their asses back to their own countries. imagine what they will demand when they decide to stay here after college???,threatening,"" -fudge your satanic values bubbles,inferiority,"" -now try something correct. by, loser. let us in the real world do,irony,"" -yep, genetics is racist. jesus, man, quit drinking before it's too late.,irony,"" -then you are living in an imaginary mzansi , go watch kalushi and learn a few things.,inferiority,"" -not on pork? or choking on their salivas?,inferiority,"" -right, so lets outlaw it so women still cloths hooks up their snatch instead.,threatening,"" -oh good, a little tb with your coffee?,irony,"" -nazis like cock so if it's kept quiet he could probably be his weekend thang.,irony,"" -just haveem call ca. those idiots already have the fund. all while homeless american vets sleep in cardboard boxes and have no food.,inferiority,"" -worried about her headscarf? i would have torched it!,threatening,"" -and then a trans man with a vagina comes into the womens bathroom and all the women start complaining about a man in the bathroom.dude,logic,irony,"" --sorry. this is a hoax photo. but aww, you want to believe it, don't you?,irony,"" -no shit! everything's bout muslims lately. maybe they should stay over there if they don't like my tatas n beer! #f'm,threatening,"" -certainly bbqs & tattoos wld never be a part of your dogma since vegetarian, failed artist, hitler only believed in tattooing jews.,irony,"" -universities are european institutions. if they want to learn about africa, they should go back to africa.,irony,inferiority -she's an abrahamic, what were you expecting lol :) ?!,irony,"" -ok were are they getting the moneydams breaking roads crumble fires every were but illegals come first.how about using money to help vets,irony,white_grievance -"as if muslims at the border will admit they want islamic law. """"do you believe gays should die?"""" """"no."""" """"ok, in you go.",irony,"" -"you dirty rat"""", bang, bang, bang. #chuckecheese",inferiority,"" -buh bye deplorable, no time for rancids.,inferiority,"" -that entry fee might be a great idea-cut tourist traffic way down for them-$-yes, good idea. what an idiot to make that proposal!,irony,"" -you're just jealous you don't have a cute blonde to hose you down with tan.,irony,"" -here you go, folks. a handy-dandy guide to who hates ted.,irony,"" -"people will object """"but the famous, large kill count, intricate ones are white!"""" - well yes, anything advanced / intricate / noteworthy is.",inferiority,"" -haha perkins/frc are both idiotic crapfests.although, crap does attract fliesand you seem to like 'em a lot.,inferiority,"" -maybe all illegals in the usa could move to ca? #takethemall,inferiority,"" -that's going to do a lot. time for a round up, start with the lawyers who represent this filth when they get arrested.,inferiority,"" -yeah, release them so when their deportation hearing happens in 2021 theyll have 5 us-born kids by then,irony,"" -he blocks everyone anyway, snowflake gone melting in the snowlol!!,inferiority,"" -if you don't agree with me you are a racist, yah, nice poiny,irony,"" -no! this is not a fabric store! these are female human beings indoctrinated and forced by a misogynist religion to live a life of slavery,irony,"" -hey, don't you know christmas is offensive and oppressive?,irony,"" -i hesitate to answer. i wouldn't want this lantern-jawed roughneck to think i was gay.,inferiority,"" -mmmm, mmmh, mmm that sweet frog up your ass, 'feels good' doesn't it?,irony,"" -we should hand him over to the peahmerga women's battalion and look away.,threatening,"" -bexar county sheriff says the bill would alienate immigrants. wait, what? alienate illegal aliens?,irony,inferiority -if you want a protest that will really wow 'em, you gotta get that soros funding.,irony,"" -they get free educations grants, while american young adults can not. oh poor illegals they only want to better themselves, get out theives!,irony,inferiority -he wouldn't ask that question if his family was murdered by savages!,inferiority,"" -they're mongrels!,inferiority,"" -i was there on the other side of the barrycade - poke them enuf and they make uz a good photo for the,irony,"" -so tell us, when is this god going to show up and tell you how to have sex? or how to define it,irony,"" -uh oh, better call the optics police!,irony,"" -is it true you can make duck calls out of jew teeth?,irony,"" -why bring any refugees at all? what good are they? average iq from syria is less than 90, these people will be a burden!,inferiority,"" -it will keep the ones out that can't afford a plane or a boat,inferiority,"" -and if some horny lesbian watches you pee you're in with it? not disgusting at all. duh,irony,"" -a few people get shekels,irony,"" -do you think #americans are going to go pick fruit, or cut lawns, or do condition? think about it,irony,"" -bit late now,and he's supposed to be clever.,irony,"" -turn them into road pizza!,threatening,"" -ah, the negro-mancer mage class makes its appearance.,irony,"" -diversity is a strength! except on math scores, apparently.,irony,inferiority -people ask..if parents get deported, what of kids? duh, take them with you. i would,irony,"" -we should have done a better job teaching these hoodlums us history instead of the tyranny of progressivism.,inferiority,"" -funny, yep that convinced me{sarcasm off},irony,"" -"good job, next time, also bring a wooden """"soap box"""" for speakers to stand on -this is trad., very ameri",inferiority,"" -just for you since of course you are a little hollyweird parrot, repeating what cnn and the rest of liberal journalist wannabes, say.,irony,"" -omg, quit following the law, we need to sell tennis shoes,irony,"" -i was going to go poster the local synagogue with these, hail victory my fellow fashy goys! teehee,irony,"" -marie, why didn't you come legally?,irony,"" -what happened to his open boarder policy and we love everyone, come on in???,irony,"" -well look, if a measly seven thousand more whites had got off the couch pretty pathetic to come that close and let it slip away.,inferiority,"" -lazy nibberfaqqots get the locker.,inferiority,"" -help #buildthewall so people get start working on the tunnelsyes, that is sarcasm,irony,"" -is that all they have on their minds brain in their dick castration time,irony,"" -move out of your mothers basement, go out and meet real people- you might like life?,irony,"" -no, to hell where 72 virgin devils is going to screw the hell out of him for eternity.,irony,"" -oooohh no.. that's just their welcoming committee, religion,irony,"" -now if that isn't the pot calling the kettle mexican, i don't know what is!,irony,"" -don't worry, that fake fearless girl statue funded by wall street bankers will stay up.,irony,"" -um ya, i'm sure that's what i meant..#banislam,threatening,"" -whatever they do, people still won't want to date black women or asian men.,inferiority,"" -senators should focus their energies on isis, illegal immigration and border security instead of always looking to start world war iii.,irony,"" -yes, tell me who puts their kids in water only when the water is safer than the land.,irony,"" -grope a dope. hysterical!!!,irony,"" -believe this is a great idea!!! drug money can build the wall and then some.,irony,"" -"oh but """"evil"""" gulf countries are just sooo misogynistic, told me so.",irony,"" -they most certainly do. what happened was g soros and his cash, uh sorry i meant influence!,irony,"" -what's next? maybe he will give muslims the white house a new car. new houses and more,irony,"" -im an american citizen who organizes, includes, & works with americans of all races + walks of life to defend this nation against slime ball illegal immigration cheerleaders like you. millions in the usa have heard my voice and messages and there's nothing you can do to stop me.,inferiority,"" -well she looks better that obamas momma looked in her nude/porn pics,irony,"" -"wow, robert sounds like a 10-year-old stamping his feet and saying, """"it's not fair!"""". poor insecure thing. much love",irony,"" -. wow - a minute ago i was irrelevant and now i'm making you look bad! what's next? zionists moved your shoes?,irony,"" -what if i just laugh and point a finger at you?aww, can't shoot me. poor little tough guy.,irony,"" -are you fucking racist and high? that kid was pummeled beyond belief by pigs. they deserve j,inferiority,"" -wow. what a racist. you should call yourself the pink panthers. a bunch of race hustlers. what good is coming from this ?,irony,"" -great. go volunteer, take your family with you. we taxpayers won't pay for wall or any of this b.s,irony,"" -haha that would be awesome and suicide for what's left of the libs do it, smaller govt is good for all .. jus sayin #maga,threatening,"" -liberal hippie bs ! go to the middle east and let's see your welcome strangers theroy !,irony,"" -like murder good job, you pathetic loser.,irony,"" -i got a good one for them pack there bags and send them home notice they always wave mexican flags not ameeican,threatening,"" -ok, what if a nice friendly guy who found good family values in mein kampf wanted to be sworn in on it?,irony,"" -bless their hearts, you can't blame because they just learned about fire, the auto, and email.,irony,"" -you've come a long way from grinny the pooh, hunter. kudos.,irony,"" -yeah this isn't portland, that kind of behavior here would get them on the wrong side of a slaughter,threatening,"" -"if state office is just a social construct, why do people laugh at my neighbor who just declared himself potus?"""" and soforth.",irony,"" -don't tell our cultural overlords that, though. they know better,irony,"" -"hey, she didn't say """"latinx"""". the best we can get out of her is she's a liberal two-years ago.",irony,"" -i think it is in poor taste to dance in the streets when anyone diesbut this guywhen he goesexception to every rule. die, georgie,threatening,"" -g-d forbid a child might actually think of g-d on the playground, and we can't have that kind of religious statism, now can we?,irony,"" -how about having the slow olympics too. u know, winners jump lowest, run slowest,,irony,"" -how about a fund for the victims of these illegal immigrants? wouldn't that be more proper??,irony,"" -they should start giving them a mandatory 10 years hard labor. then see how many wet backs wanna enter our country.,threatening,"" -if it boils down to giving some third world sewer our tax $$ forget it. america first.,inferiority,"" -you know elder, hes a fake pos, pitty beiber tried to be like him his trump dis is whack like he smoked too much whacked wannabe like snoopy,irony,"" -in italy we call this type of woman how you say, piggo porko,irony,"" -build that wall!! build that wall!! ahhhhhh..,threatening,"" -just because he's a muslim, she's a jew and he shouted 'allahu akbar' you cannot jump,irony,"" -protecting our citizens from ms13, heroin and isis? i'll buy the first brick!,threatening,"" -billy boy will select a harem for himself if he is put in charge!,irony,"" -well be the elite and erase them soon enough.,threatening,"" -- damn right we don't. let a coon be a coon but that coon will be exposed if he/she comes cooning 'cross our path.,threatening,"" -that's great let them stay in mexico and suck there country dry and lets see how long they put up with the illegal immigrants coming there,irony,"" -"ridiculous garbage wackos spewing"""" excellent words i'm sure you can back up?",irony,"" -gmafb get rid of all the camel sucking mozrats!!,threatening,"" -you mean illegal immigrants? stop mixing legal immigrants who have nothing to fear with illegal immigrants on food stamps!,inferiority,"" -gramps would leave the door unlocked during the summer hoping someone broke in, free labor in lieu of buckshot and a 3 sec headstart,irony,"" -you cross-straddlers don't do readins' well, do you?,inferiority,"" -nah, you and your nazi friends are going to be sent back to your inbred shack towns or end up in body bags.,threatening,"" -eat pig!,inferiority,"" -robert, i'm the coolest catholic apologist out there, other than patrick madridno one is as cool at pat madrid!,irony,"" -fukin people trample their woman around like dogs. no #wearedefinitlynotmuslim,inferiority,"" -let's hope they get to meet allah while living in the caliphate then. otherwise they may not get to heaven.,irony,"" -i may be powerless to stop trannies from sharing a locker room with my daughter, but gosh darn it i can get a lot of sons killed overseas!,irony,"" -judge, smudge. silly-looking black robes. gods in their own diseased minds. probably pedophiles,inferiority,"" -then pl. do needful. also educate muslim girls to come out of their hell by marrying hindu boys.,inferiority,"" -thus bye bye dumb amd bumber!!! grow a brain and adios illegos,irony,"" -make it so horrendous that illegals don't want to come back illegally.,threatening,"" -anonymous will drive you back into the forest where you belong u dirty pieces of shit! #opkkk #wewilldestoryyou #weareleigon,threatening,"" -"to repeat a quote from 1 of the smartest men i have ever read, thomas sowell. """"racisim is like ketchup, u can put it on anything.",irony,"" -yeah, how dare those extreme left wingers jump in front of a car driven by a poor ickle innocent nazi ?,irony,"" -yep, the deal is, they get deported and so do their illegal parents. then we build the wall so they never come back. that's my dream. does that make me a dreamer?,irony,"" -no place for them to go but back where they came from or they can go stay with the obama's in their mansion!,irony,"" -if the west is so desperate for migrants, take indians! they are family focused, hard-working, ambiti,inferiority,"" -on the ones and twos, coming straight to you to keep those keto blues far away all day everyday, clanging and banging, huffing and puffing, my man pots and pans, the one the only, the tidiest, whiteiest this side of the trump wall! he has it all, tight whitie!,irony,"" -christ, they're right. we should have appointed hillary! (sarcasm.),irony,"" -funny italy and france don't use illegals to pick grapes.,irony,"" -build that damn wall with hillary and husan obama on the mexican side. 2 aaa socialist sleezebags,irony,"" -but money is what makes the world go round , ask those that do not have money ?,irony,"" -but we should support other races aborting their kids.,threatening,"" -why do radicals #antifa & #isis dress up like silly #sissyassninjas? hard to take them serious when they dress like holloween 4 year olds!,irony,"" -no, we don't want thier barbaric sharia practices inflicted on us.,inferiority,"" -gee, i'd like to vote in the english and german and mexican elections. think those countries would mind? gross.,irony,"" -why not enforce laws and send these people back,irony,"" -blood is calling, send this traitor srk to suck taliban and dance with ghunghroo in jehadi parties,irony,"" -mr. perkins, is sen. santorum the equivalent of american taliban? unfair?,irony,"" -"#daca turns four, watch for """"future eligible children"""" to get #work permits soon.",irony,"" -it is a travesty of justice. who was this guys lawyer? elmer fudd? and the judge, was he a muslim? the whole thing stinks.,irony,"" -aww, it can't read,irony,"" -should we ask: will two guys kissing drive you over the edge, do you believe gays can fly?,irony,"" -great. zero is a great number. i mean don't we have enough illegal immigrants to offset the legal immigrants?,irony,"" -but they'll pack explosives made with gelatin to their bodies and explode themselves in a spray of pig fat.,irony,"" -what do you expect? a white kid with air jordon shoes. in front of blacks come on,irony,"" -thanks,elder.they are really desperate.they are riding whatever bus they are on,right into the ground,irony,"" -just vote her your guts if you want to survive from islamists.,white_grievance,"" -get rid of daca.,the 14th amendment.if your parents are illegal and have a baby here it should be whatever nat. their parents are.,white_grievance,"" -we need to keep these scums out of our country. kiss our white rebel asses,,threatening,"" -gen z(yklon) is on our side. who do you got? cat ladies, soymales, others who thought there would be free fried chicken etc,irony,"" -no that they do not, bud. they shouldn't be allowed to breathe, period. they'll be buried in shit ridden piss soaked slate.,threatening,"" -even the lowly camel knows!,inferiority,"" --when you #blacktrash sons-of-#crackwhore mommas want a dialog let me know? you are pathetic #urbanboybitch pukes!,inferiority,"" -nope.. i mean law enforcement enforcing our laws and not allowing subversive punks any leeway to plunder. #lawandorder #america #wiseup,white_grievance,"" -thank god we are #indians!if we were in #pakistan,our options for professional courses after xiith would be as follows:#kashmirrejectspak,irony,"" -show me in the constitution where it ever addresses sodomites and lesbians getting married,irony,"" -but hey! that fat whore sure did make a fabulous sock puppet! minus the smell and liquid discharge,irony,"" -isn't their mentality, or lack of, so twisted?!!! the men prefer men but want to look like women. women prefer women but dress like men. lol,irony,"" -rape gangs have been here along time oh thats ok then,stereotypical,"" -3 year's actually, we ready to swap the palestinians with mexicans, but no canadian they too weirdo.,irony,"" -fuck the invader rodents! they and their shitty parents are all shoot-worthy robbers!,threatening,inferiority -it seems lalu becoming nationalist; after all cow slaughter must be avenged,irony,"" -the current cuckish philosemitism says whites must suck up to jews even when jews slap whites around. that is not acceptable to alt right,white_grievance,"" -i use korans for kindling, but that's just me . . . . .,irony,"" -no wonder the muslim men lose their minds. they see burqua's all the time. come to the west and see lots of skin.,irony,"" -hey, are you a conservative african american or, as libs would say, a prop?,irony,inferiority -damn, african dana is a problem? what do you want done with ones here already?,irony,"" -naw - they can resort to what they're best at - 'hawking' that dope !,irony,"" -i knew that would happen but weren't t/ bombers of wtc muslims? clownatano is a leftard nut case. rt napolitano may .,irony,"" -remove the fucking jooze & their social marxist whores instead.,threatening,"" -what will be funny is when the koranimals and rape apes turn on the left and they come to the alt right demanding to be protected.,inferiority,"" -sweetie why did muhammed ask jesus to let him jump in the swine and jump over the cliffs. was he afraid to jump off the mountain,inferiority,"" -i cannot refute autistic screeching. even jewish sorcery has its limits.,irony,"" -keep kicking and braying for me donkey!,inferiority,"" -black skin would get the white man tax breaks on owning a business, reduce his chances of getting fired from a job, get him into college cheaper and easier, give him victory over political correctness. dark chocolate spray tans for the white man.,irony,white_grievance -so should legal aliens sue our immigration dept for making them pay financially and waited for years??,white_grievance,"" -walid shoebat on the bergdahl family #islam connection * the savage nation * march 26, 2015,inferiority,"" -she deserves it! you lay with fleas you're going to get bit.,irony,inferiority -the so-called intelligent ones who think brexit/trump was victory of ignorance, yet they want islam? beyond stupid,incitement,"" -i want to go to usa to earn good money - english speaking, white, no stds, no aids, no sickness, no chancr,white_grievance,"" -. what if one of those animals is gay or belongs to a jewish family? is it still cruel?,inferiority,"" -ct congress better enforce immigration law or quit giving them our tax money. gosh sakes,white_grievance,"" -stupid fat she-boon,inferiority,"" -guess who ends up with their bills??!! yep, we do!!,white_grievance,"" -let it be the albatross around her neck for showing her true, globalist, anti-american colors. please replace her and ban killing elephants.. please. its just not you. they are beautiful animals, like us. kill a scourge, not an elephant. #nodaca,threatening,inferiority -here new nose is way better. less hasidic. makes her hair more blonde too apparently.,inferiority,"" -marrying children and female genital mutilation all good!,irony,"" -she's 16 not 6. she's old enough to know better then to consort with blacks. if she was dating this bla,stereotypical,"" -"yall are no better then a black kkk.. an you aint killin my """"pink"""" ass",white_grievance,"" -its all about handouts, from the us, uk to africa..expect them to work and the expect handouts..ahhh shame,white_grievance,"" -you're the nut hugging little wigger, homie the clown.,irony,"" -good , they want illegals, watch what you wish for.,irony,"" -let them go. maybe we can get the libs and their pets to go.,inferiority,"" -i'll take these guys. you fags go find your own country,white_grievance,"" -yea!!! because everyone, good and bad, wants to get in free and illegal!!!!,white_grievance,"" -glad not to live in ca. taxpayers pay over 13% for state & over 7% for sale taxes. i wonder if there are city taxes. let's pay for illegals.,irony,white_grievance -okay if you believe that then you truly are deluded. hijab is oppressive to woman kind. i revere women. they are humanity's future. be gone,stereotypical,"" -secure? all can cross the borer day or night, the only thing they don't get is a free democrat party balloon when crossing,irony,"" -too bad. breeding islam out of existence would have worked!,irony,"" -i would be honored to act for women under muslims opression.,irony,"" -why do you like this hakla ? he is suited to act only like a retarded paki, i don't see even songs of anti-nationals,stereotypical,"" -that's the religion of peace. yeah, right.,irony,"" -the american government need to try these law breakers and send them to jail no moe sanctuary cities !!!!!!,incitement,"" -really? dreamers just take form this country, a us soldier is willing to die for it. not surprising a dem made that comparison. ungrateful scumbags,white_grievance,"" -no more $ for these dreamers!,incitement,white_grievance -bring back slavery? oh well, there goes the $433k cotton stripper.,irony,"" -how on earth can he vow to do that. he can't protect his peeps inside of mexico. his country is like chicago on steroids.,irony,"" -if this little shit protest was about jews - you would need the - when i think of - i think of lice,irony,inferiority -hate hikes are encouraged, hiking with a weighted pack is even better.,threatening,"" -if you are an illegal, you might want to invest in a trailer. u-haul doesn't do international.,irony,"" -tell me, is that red cross a cry for a medic for your english skills?,irony,"" -you live in a shit hole, and the muslims will make nazis look like school boys. fuck mohammed and islam,incitement,"" -i'll easier find a half pregnant woman than a moderate muslim.,irony,"" -at the same time, the bible says that gays should be put to death. maybe not the best thing to take life advice from.,irony,"" -maybe should get an island for these obama felons. like australia started. dump them there 2 live with obie.,irony,"" -it they know the 'illegals' are coming why can't they stop them?,white_grievance,"" -no more lies and propaganda. these are not american kids and it insults every veteran to say they are. they are illegals.,white_grievance,"" -camel is their mate of choice, besides goats. they'd take offense to one getting a broken back.,stereotypical,"" -"rt : the first targets: the female and children. then when the """"men"""" are government controlled wussies, the is",threatening,"" -their recruiting tool is the koran.,stereotypical,"" -rooney stfu you go to mexico and live you love them so much.tell you what move about a thousand into your neighborhood.then you would change your tune.,irony,"" -and daca is the camel's nose under the tent that greases the rails for dapa amnesty leading to full blown amnesty for all illegal aliens.,inferiority,incitement -absolutely insane. try that crap anywhere in central america and you end up buried in a desert somewhere. here, we give you 200k.,irony,"" -where are the american gun-owners when a filthy mud-slime goes all alla-hoo-ak-bar?,inferiority,irony -"oh, i see: """"take it back"""" from good, decent people and give it to you evil jerks. got it!",inferiority,white_grievance -shhh,he's a target for the liberals and illegals now.dont malign the holy dacas, a group of 25-36 yr old pure baby angels.we should give,irony,"" -are you ready to be waterboarded yet, sean? still waiting!,irony,"" -"let in jews and it becomes a """"nations of immigrants"""" in another month.",irony,"" -#thankwhitepeople for discovering cures for diphtheria, dysentery, polio, rickettsia,measles,typhoid(u get the idea),incitement,"" -does a muslim ban really matter that much? if we actually wanted progress we'd need a hispanic ban,irony,"" -yes, we do . want them thrown out. i dont care if they r all jose einsteins. r illegal and constitution, ours at least. says out they go.,irony,"" -too many cooks spoil the soup!. too many rino's spoil the party's agenda. i'd like 2 bend em over & let a real rhinoceros gouge their asses!,inferiority,"" -you sick cuntgo jump on your black boyfriend slithering slut!,inferiority,"" -go, bakers. wedding cakes are for real weddings :,irony,"" -hey illegals you have no rights to our laws when you came here illegally such idiotic claims tying up courts so they can tell u same,white_grievance,"" -#nothingtodowithislam of course. just ask obama, if you can find him. he's on a golf course somewhere.,irony,"" -those pesky buddhist again!,inferiority,"" -the evil bastard? what should i say? i feel sick. and now islam? good help us..,white_grievance,"" -i guess its poetic symmetry, they were carried in (so they say) and now they'll be carried right back out.,irony,"" -muslim's are putting in practice. if mohammed done it, then it's fine.,irony,"" -if this is true, then this is an #ahmed game changer. electronics enthusiast exposes 'clock,irony,"" -if anyone in the doj actually cared, they would investigate these sanctuary supporting scumbags & stop this violence. dc is all talk.,inferiority,white_grievance -the savages have no problem lying!,inferiority,"" -i'm jewish & support lgbtq rites. guess i'll be helping the gays take u 2 concentration camps.,threatening,"" -illegals flying, adults in high school, ms-13 recruiting, mccain ripped!(follow the links and use all of this,incitement,"" -topic you can debunk kicked, choked in migrant no-go,irony,"" -"poison ivy league schools. higher """"macademia"""" bunch of nuts! let'em sponsor unvetted from 7 terror nations!",irony,"" -dude looks like a lesbian butch, how do we know that's a man?-->,irony,"" -yes, refujihadist is what they are, being shipped in by our home land (muslim director), doj and wh philosophy.,stereotypical,"" -we should give every intolerant muslim that choice. go back or try to be a productive american.,irony,white_grievance -cosmo needs to shift to all butch-dyke all the time and get it over with. they're not fooling anyone right now.,irony,"" -gross bastards. i'd say go back to your own country but we accidentally inbred you here. yuck.,inferiority,"" -oh goodie! more unwanted babies, just what the world needs. celebrate!,irony,"" -if there here illegally then why should anyone have a drivers licence,,in georgia it gives you voting rights .,white_grievance,"" -they know how many overstayed, but what have they done about them?,white_grievance,"" -gay or transgender, should not be in the scouts lgbt behavior not appropriate for scouts, not born that way,inferiority,"" -what the hell is wrong with these people? they are sheep being let to slaughter. #banislam,inferiority,"" -put mexican hats on the machines and drive on,irony,"" -lets take that shit back brothers fuck the porch monkeys.,inferiority,"" -wow, face it kids, cali is done. it may be time to have a 'sacrificial lamb' plan in our back pockets.,irony,"" -i have to say it! she needs a poke in her hantas!,threatening,"" -why would any white person want to be around a fat black guy? the smell alone, would be overbearing.,inferiority,"" -"scream back at'em """"olly olly oxen free!"""" while doing jumping jacks. that'll freak them out and they will melt.",irony,"" -just look at their face! each one of them has a blood thirsty eye. freak!,inferiority,"" -oh, great! another magnet to attract the wrong kind of people we want in the us. we will never sol,irony,"" -if a man can cut off his penis and be a woman, then all categories are fair game.thank you liberals,irony,"" -soon it'll be racist if you breathe without their permission:,irony,"" -no, just ship their butts back to mexico, regardless of age.,threatening,"" -good goy, you serve your masters well unfortunately you can't move to their ethnostate owned by rothschild,irony,"" -who really believes that a baghead is attractive? really?,irony,"" -well, you can escape all the terrible white oppressors and build your black paradise?,irony,"" -that is so funny. #obama wants to take my #2a rights & give it to criminals. great idea - not,irony,"" -bye bye. we won't miss ur welfare sucking dem ass.,irony,"" -"there are two families: """"joe legal"""" and """"jose illegal"""". both families have two parents, two children, and live in",irony,"" -i just hope native europeans take a que from israel and start cooking piggies hot and hard b4 its too late! pussy eu,irony,"" -lol #lib #welfarepets hey #ferguson retards,its #pantsupdontloot when grandjury clears officer #darrenwilson,irony,"" -lol, silly muslim. byw, you forgot inbreeding. that might have something to do with your argumentation,irony,inferiority -that's joey over there and mary, and jesus and saul and shaquille not that italian, white chick, mexican, jew and black guy,irony,"" -where's the line to give blowjobs for citizenship?,irony,"" -no towel for him he's british of pakistan ethnicity. only towel he'll get is when arabs make him clean floors.,irony,"" -i'd adopt these white refugees kids anyday over a nearby ghetto black or illegal mexican child.,inferiority,"" -beasts must get out of human civilizations; texan girls must start shooting beasts and rest follow,threatening,"" -yes, start dreaming in your home countries! time to protect american citizens from criminals.,threatening,"" -or even better, get a job and pay her bills,irony,"" -yeah, right. go find an illegal that's not on food stamps, wic, or medicaid. just one.,irony,white_grievance -you are all smelly and i bet your faces look like melted wellies you poo heads,inferiority,"" -and you are a black a$$hole who is so fkng ignorant you belong in chains. jus sayin'. blessings!,threatening,"" -kick those scums out ! great job. they are a plague.,inferiority,"" -poor wittle snowfwake,irony,"" -imagine thinking you're ahead of the chinese, lol.,irony,"" -"i don't carei bet when he says """"allahu ackbar"""" it's pretty damn cute",irony,"" -chew them up and spit them out back to mexico,threatening,"" -no amnesty. deport,threatening,"" -no one cares, more illegals making illegal entry into our nation. like any criminal, some got theirs. deport the rest.,threatening,"" -at this moment in time the us should not take in any more immigrants or allow illegals. we are broke!,threatening,"" -i've seen this game before! stop it now! president trump had ag sessions work his ass off getting gangs out of here but it can't stop there,threatening,"" -simple deport all immediately!,threatening,"" -it has one useful purpose. fancy toilet paper. ban islam islam bad,threatening,"" -don't let him in, brits! they are either in victim mode or supremacist mode. once inside uk, he'll be a islam-supremacist.,threatening,incitement -no, send them back. they are a drain on our economy. come in here legally,threatening,"" -no!we have 2 kick all brutal islamists out of our civilised countries.1/4 of planet belongs 2 islam,why eu?,threatening,"" -pl. put all these cair etc in guantanamo prison without food,threatening,"" -cancel all their passports&citizenships.good riddance.ship all those sharia wet dreamers to syria.,threatening,"" -if it a country where ppl come here legal yes. all illegals should be removed.,threatening,"" -send them back!!,threatening,"" -native americans were here first, there's no denying it, and they didn't secure their borders. see what happens?,irony,"" -ban hijab and burka. they need to assimilate or leave,threatening,"" -deport all daca illegals. u.s taxpayer money spent on these illegals wrong and needs to stop. article shows they are not intelligent by any stretch but they do know how to use the u.s. taxpayer thanks to democrats in congress and their crooked ways.,inferiority,"" -deport the illegals and fine company for employing them.,threatening,"" -cut off their heads,threatening,"" -oh look, it's one of the american taliban. move to the middle east, you freak.,threatening,"" -"rt only if you entered the country legally, otherwise it's handcuffs and """"back of the line"""" for you!",threatening,"" -easy: just defund any fed monies to the soviet city of new york. let them stew . then arrest illegals.,threatening,"" -i am in congressional district 27 california, i vote to end daca. what is the problem now?why illegals win &engineers get killed silently,white_grievance,"" -after last night, the rioters of #ferguson should be considered terrorists and be dealt with accordingly,threatening,"" -"no such thing as might they """"must"""" be deported.. all illegal aliens must be deported.no amnesty, or we will face unprecedented negative consequences.",threatening,"" -let's start issuing boarder zone hunting licenses, non-lethal of course,threatening,"" -good to hear - u cant violate our laws and expect to get away with it forever! go ice!!!,threatening,"" -baltimore don't you have enough problems get illegals out & apparently the prosecutors giving this type of advice need to be fired,threatening,"" -"rt """"may take a while"""" in dhs speak means, """"never.."""" #sendthemback",threatening,"" -troops on border and close border for three years. no illegals and no drug traffic. gov does not want that. we do!!,threatening,"" -deport now. reopen ellis island. secure the borders.,threatening,"" -100% of liberal want them banned, too. jihadi-justin os working on it. don't worry. m103 was just the beginning.,threatening,"" -why not he's giving them whatever they want. they deserve deportation or jail. instead get freedom to piss on citizens,white_grievance,"" -time to end sanctuary cities joe manchin! stop haboring illegal immigrants! obey laws of united states of america secure borders #maga,threatening,"" -time to band together and get sickening vocal. whatever it takes to stop this garbage and the carriers of garbage. t,inferiority,"" -"we need to stop terrorism. its bad!"""" your proposal is?""""only let in the based muslims!"""" o oh. okay.",irony,"" -ryan. i think your days are numbered. we in az totally 100% agree with arpio's pardon. and remember. it was a misdemeanor! obama let murders,threatening,"" -why dont the british take the dreamers. they are here illegally and need to be deported. only 45% of dreamers have a hs education. what is their benefit to our economy.,threatening,white_grievance -islam must be eradicated. third jihad is coming to an end. no more obama protection. deport all muslims.,threatening,"" -i think it'll be covered once all the #illegals are out!,threatening,"" -start with the visa violators and anyone with criminal convictions (including released illegals from jail/prison) gotta go,threatening,"" -immigrants are welcome to come into our country legally. the illegal criminals need to be kept out #secure orders,threatening,"" -if they are undocumented, they aren't immigrants.,white_grievance,"" -send him to honduras with the other 500,000 pieces of trash,threatening,"" -there are some people who came here legally why should illegal immigrants get a free ticket this is bull shit,white_grievance,"" -suck my dick douche bag. freebies please i wish. me and my whole family were born in the usa. shoot yourself loser,threatening,white_grievance -don't save them. they are here illegally.,threatening,"" -if you work hard & take responsibility - i'll give your job to a foreign worker who'll work for less #immigration #sotu,irony,"" -the judge approves of invasion and aides in the harboring of fugitives. liberals are perfectly okay with it too!,irony,"" -if islam is banned what happens to the muslims? arrest them? kill them? what exactly?,threatening,"" -get rid of them. let them dream in the middle east. there's plenty of space,threatening,irony -as a legal immigrant who hd 2 hv a job, a sponsor, no govt help for 5 yrs, this is music 2 my taxpaying ears! it's time 2 end the free ride,white_grievance,"" -daca is amnesty open border new world order agenda.,white_grievance,"" -goodbe independantget a real job, pay your taxes and stop living off others.,white_grievance,"" -all should be deported immediately.,threatening,"" -some think these are refugees, wtfu #tcot #wakeupamerica,white_grievance,"" -ice needs to round up every illegal alien protester and deport them. don't break up the family. ship them all out.,threatening,"" -well just deport them,threatening,"" -shut the front door. get them out. this can b used to help our staving legal children, our veterans, our legsl elderly, etc. get them out!,threatening,white_grievance -only legal immigrants here- illegals and children go home!,threatening,"" -given that you commit the crime, and rob, and loot, and murder us, yes, that is true. how about deporting yourselves?,threatening,white_grievance -disgraceful. embarrassing. please have all incoming refugees from the banned countries go to hawaii!,threatening,"" -deport all illegals !,threatening,"" -end daca! no amnesty! no citizenship! no chain migration! no benefits! no voting 25 years! build the wall!,threatening,white_grievance -go ahead. pardon still doesn't make any less deportable. can't prosecute but can load em up so they can make mexico great,threatening,"" -doesn't 'e' stand for enforcement, ? won't deport illegal aliens arrested @ #dnc2012,irony,"" -pl. respond to attacks, despondency will not help; simply #deport all muslims,threatening,"" -": kkklanneed to report illegals contact ice 1-866-dhs-2-ice""""#funnyasshell",irony,"" -deport all muslims,threatening,"" --arrest & deport everyone of those law breaking sunday bitches and especially the murderers!,threatening,"" -#daca must die, works against american public, all must be removed/deported #maga #masa #trumptrain #dts #lockherup,threatening,white_grievance -cut off all funds to sanctuary cities. if they can't live by the law, they need to be own there own.,incitement,white_grievance -deathpenalty or life inprisonment must be implemented on these animalsk, not mere deportation!,threatening,"" -block them? how about deport them?,threatening,"" -refugees can go right to social security and all other social benefits day one.,white_grievance,"" -this is complete crap ! that 21million could be used to protect our borders.,white_grievance,"" -stop this bullshit with these illegals. they get nothing. 000000,white_grievance,"" -build the wall. deport all illegals,threatening,"" -whatever happened to e-verify? seems obvious way to deter illegal immigrants from coming. criminal penalties?,threatening,"" -nods..revoke passport and place them on terrorist list for return,threatening,"" -ice should just go in and check for themselves, since dem areas are lead by a-holes! jail them if they do not cooperate.,threatening,"" -no god damned amnesty to any illegal aliens,white_grievance,"" -activate the ban. if these f**kers keep it up then total removal will be necessary.,threatening,"" -close down the borders!! allow non government working class to watch them,threatening,"" -if they are illegal, then let them go,threatening,"" -make welfare recipients work the jobs illegal immigrants have now.deport them there is your job platform!,threatening,white_grievance -reject each and every one of them. do not send them to usa. ship them back to their countries!!!!,threatening,"" -daca break us laws you get deported! what don't you understand?,threatening,"" -enough!let's ship all those muslim,crooked liberaltard and crackedhead protesters away#maga,threatening,"" -"border security is irrelevant. only raise plus e-verify, together, is valuable enough to trade for """"dreamer"""" amnesty. else it's '86 again.",white_grievance,"" -illegals can sue hahahawell winning your lawsuit is another matter!,irony,"" -deport this drunken, drug, criminal and make it stick! this is beyond insanity. citizens would be in prison 4 a long stretch. not probation,threatening,white_grievance -hang obama deportation for all illegals kids too no amnesty no permits no reform no medical aide no school aide,threatening,"" -fine their asses and cut their funding.start sending the illegals back to their home countries.americans 1st,threatening,"" -anyone livin in texas along the boarder with mexico sees the problem, unless they are part of the problem. it's outta control. #buildthewall,threatening,"" -stop illegal immigrants from voting!,threatening,"" -hang them by the neck!!,threatening,"" -cut daca now or we will be stuck with them forever,white_grievance,"" -an unauthorized amnesty begins, no safeguards in place to prevent fraud #daca #immigration,white_grievance,"" -if the 4a doesn't prevent customs from making warrantless searches, 1a doesn't prevent a ban on muslim immigration.,threatening,"" -screw off. no amnesty. illegal is illegal,white_grievance,"" -if they hadn't broken our laws coming here they would have nothing to be afraid of. they are welcome to take their anchors with them and go,threatening,"" -ask her if she'd consider it, if he asked? she knows how to strategically get isis & rid refugees.,threatening,"" -one of bo unvetted criminals. bastard!!! send him back to the hellhole where he came from.,threatening,"" -the thoughts of giving 1 million democrat voters and their descendants the ability to outvote us all is terrifying. deport them no regrets,threatening,white_grievance -these people and any one else that hire illegals for their personal gain are breaking the law and should be made to pay the price. thieves,threatening,"" -no more refugees! start sending all of them back! treat it like tps= temporary!,threatening,"" -it shouldn't be easy, no welfare, no social security to illegals.,white_grievance,"" -send them to prison and let the sisters take care of them.,threatening,"" -this guy needs to be deported. should be illegal for lawyers to represent an illegal.,threatening,"" -put it up his murdering rump and detonate it,threatening,"" -take it one step further! eliminate the refugee program! send them home!,threatening,"" -do the words spoken by these muslims constitute sedition? bring back the sedition law. britain first.,threatening,"" -#bansharialaw deport all moslems,threatening,"" -deport every illegal immigrant!! they are all using u.s. taxpayer to their advantage. what a bunch of bs.,threatening,white_grievance -all daca recipients, except those in the service must be deported. thats what we voted fornot negotiable. lets concentrate on american dreamers for a change,threatening,white_grievance -islam is growing because you have more children than anyone else. also, apostacy is punishable by death -or your community disowns you.,stereotypical,"" -yom kippur.nothing.easter..nothing.ramadan.pile up the bodies.,threatening,"" -better to just cut the jihadists down.,threatening,"" -do you support gun control? let's disarm black people, gangbangers, and obvious lunatics and see if that makes a difference. #nra,threatening,"" -sick, sick, sick this muslim religion is very sick! penalty should have been removal of his private parts!,stereotypical,"" -get rid of them!,threatening,"" -"they'll be ignored. the """"parasites"""" need to all go home!",threatening,inferiority -round them up & deport them.,threatening,"" -#deportillegals as the law is written. if you don't like the law, use our processes in place and change it.,threatening,"" -no amnesty no daca yes deportation,incitement,"" -visa reform, remove birthright exemption, eliminate sanctuary cities or stop fed. $, enforce e-verify, seal borders.,incitement,"" -these shits are getting shipped all over world to start nothing but chaos and confusion! they're all going to die or prison!,threatening,"" -1952 by the un our constitution was amended to ban all islamic people from usa, trump is right these people are to dangerous to america !!!,incitement,"" -no. stop immigration from countries where they grow oil and dirt. total shutdown. us gov't is incompetent seiu.,inferiority,"" -stamp out islamophobia? how about stamp out islam and the dark invaders? they have to go back.,threatening,"" -end #tps and send the 50,000 #haitians back home via,threatening,"" -that's right asshole, if you don't like the way we do business? get the fuck out of our country now!!,threatening,"" -bs!! illegal=deport now!!,threatening,"" -if they send muslims back to their own countries they won't have this problem.,white_grievance,"" -just my opinion but britain needs to take a page from n.ireland and bomb all the mosques.,threatening,"" -boots on the ground' is a must! #rt #stopislam #makedclisten,threatening,"" -"this is just a smokescreen. wait till they demand that full grown """"refugee children"""" be allowed in the",white_grievance,"" -let's kill them !,threatening,"" -hook book and hang em,threatening,"" -then raise taxes on the rich dems/repubs in congress who vote for this. no healthcare for illegals!!!,white_grievance,"" -is there any justice?leave note, flee to our enemy, our ppl killed & he pleads guilty and gets a pass.!?why bother prosecuting anyone???,white_grievance,"" -the humanitarian crisis & the coming crime wave in u.s. cities stop the #amnesty nightmare!,white_grievance,"" -i hope they get the book thrown at them! and after they serve hopefully long sentences, hope they get deported back where they came from!,incitement,"" -please mr. president: stop all $ aid to illegals at once, starting w/obama's muslims. then deport them all.,threatening,"" -put nooses around them.,threatening,"" -take her money, fine her, and deport her dependents too.,threatening,"" -send them all back to were they came from. illegally hear and have baby throw them out to. come in the right way,threatening,"" -put the judges right down at the border in tents-send them right back to mexico.,threatening,"" -well what do they expect when any refugee that comes into europe is treated like a friggin king. give him.aslyum in prison.,irony,"" -wow! something that actually makes sense! get them all!,threatening,"" -he would have been alive if she didn't come here for her freebies,,,,white_grievance,"" -if cities can ignore feds & create sanctuary for illegals then border states shld mobilize national guard to secure border.,incitement,"" -zero illegal persons in the united states should be left unevaluated or allowed to believe they have rights- see switzerland+germany+compare,threatening,"" -no daca, no free rides, no special protections for illegal immigrants, deport the bad guys, better vetting process is needed now.,threatening,"" -yes - deport him!!,threatening,"" -nobody says back to mexico. put him on a plane to iraq, russia, africa anywhere it will taken longer to sneak back in,,threatening,"" -well, they should be. fight, alienate em, on behalf of our 'allies' invite em here! duh!,threatening,"" -throw them out now. turn them back. return them, whatever it takes.,threatening,"" -europe and usa should take in zero muslim refugees as they are all potential jihadis.,stereotypical,"" -stop deporting and make them pay the penalty. only deport the one who have not committed any additional crimes or have served their sentence,threatening,"" -if they are illegal yes, they go and must come back like legals. to the back of the line. amnesty and you are done.,white_grievance,"" -the best way to counter this - do a reverse taqqiya on them. make the bastards believe you are friendly and stick it to them.,threatening,"" -send the illegals to these whiny democrats neighborhoods. watch them run.,threatening,"" -may command a battalion of terrorists, pl. ban her from vip gathering,threatening,"" -good. just take back your citizens.,incitement,"" -aiding and abetting illegal immigrationperiod! a seat for any illegal is a seat a citizen won't get.,white_grievance,"" -sanctuary cities and states should be punished by removing all federal funds. illegals should never be allowed to get federal or state aid.,white_grievance,"" -good, it's about time. take away the incentives that make them come here illegally and watch the invasion stop.,white_grievance,"" -i understand paying for deportation, but the appeal? unacceptable!,incitement,"" -excuse me miss, when u say non muslim's must be killed does that include rodents? will wait for reply,inferiority,"" -for regional peace and security, all sanctuaries, safe havens and support to such terrorists must end.,incitement,stereotypical -reduce the welfare line and criminal activity!!! deport!!,threatening,white_grievance -go ice! get all the bad hombres. thank you. #deportthemall #buildthewall #maga,threatening,"" -if a crime occurs in a sanctuary city and the perp is an illegal, the victim should be able to sue the city.,white_grievance,"" -ship them to the soviet socialist republic of california, they'll protect them.,threatening,white_grievance -"trump has the veto power and must use it to kill this unconstitutional """"bill"""" (if it makes it to his desk).. and then start the deportation of all the illegals.",threatening,"" -"pathway to citizenship"""" = amnesty. rewards lawbreaking, encourages more, unfair to those who play by the rules",white_grievance,"" -anyone here illegally shouldn't have the right sue.,incitement,"" -gov't petition against sharia law in canada, this video is our warning, all welcome to sign #m103 #sharialaw,threatening,"" -a wall at no cost to tax payers re tweet spread the word deport dreamers let them return and apply like everybody else,threatening,white_grievance -haaahaaa haaahaaa haaahaaa sanctuary state, cut funding until they get rid of criminals,incitement,"" -let's end sanctuary cities for good!!! americans come first. let illegals come in the rig,threatening,"" -if that is true, how come theyre all coming in bearing the tool of their own undoing in the hand? like a mark? ,threatening,"" -and she has the nerve to talk about a minimum wage increase. deport the illegals and wages and jobs go up.,white_grievance,"" -immigration should be stopped altogether until islamic ideology is exterminated throughout the world.,threatening,"" -suregive all the illegal aliens more freebies and let our vets go without care,white_grievance,"" -submit to the constitution or get the eff out!,threatening,"" -hang him at the church bell's tower,threatening,"" -fucking pay to send their ass back to where they came from. give to the veterans!,white_grievance,"" -illegals need to be removed from our country now! without delay!!,threatening,"" -he needs time to come up with soft, non-threatening euphemisms, so as to not offend sensitive terrorists,irony,"" -robert, i hereby dub you an honorary jew. the elders meet to discuss the world every other tuesday. don't be late.,irony,"" -don't care what the vote .illegal criminals are to be deported. or lose funding.,incitement,"" -we really dont care about offending you fools..just stay there an slaughter eachother.fuqin animals,inferiority,"" -end them all potus!!!!!,threatening,"" -do you believe that all muslims are enemies of the united states and that all muslims must be expelled from the u.s.?,incitement,"" -no might, no maybe, just do itdeport all illegals all criminals,threatening,"" -careful watch alone is not enough but prayerful watch can suffice exposing jihadists' plan,threatening,"" -law-abiding illegal aliens is an oxymoron. secure the border.,threatening,"" -if it's not amnesty, what is it ? answer: obama's illegal law. deport !,threatening,"" -60% unemployment in black communities. close the border and hire americans first! #boycottstarbucks #maga,white_grievance,"" -get em out of here!,threatening,"" -end daca!! taxpayer nightmare! to balance this, we need end chain migration, build wall, e-verify,incitement,white_grievance -wait until it is full and burn it!,threatening,"" -can bama deport ole fish-guts..?,inferiority,"" -build the wall, deport illegals!,threatening,"" -all arabs, africans and pakistanis should be banned from europe. they are not compatible.,threatening,"" -all the more 4 them to block this. they are bought. they are criminal, they are corrupt, they are anti trump and we need to get rid of them,threatening,"" -aclu needs to be put out of business it certainly is a front for illegals. take your threats and shove it,incitement,"" -. tours mcallen border station, calls for law enforcement #bordercrisis #noamnesty,incitement,"" -do not use tax $$$ on illegals. use it on our vets!,white_grievance,"" -i think we knock off the hearings for illegals and us the taxpayers will gladly cough up the money to repatriate them to where the hell they come their foreheads so we know they got deported in case they come back,threatening,"" -not if they want to keep their seats. will vote them out asap! vote out all daca, illegal supporters! american's first! maga,incitement,"" -if our official policy is that illegals are exempt from following the law, shouldn't citizens get a freebie?,irony,white_grievance -may god bring comfort and healing to these family members. why were these illegals given driver's licenses.to vote! deport!!!,incitement,"" -death penalty.thin the herd!,threatening,"" -i have a great idea! why not take your little guns and head for an island? you can eventually kill each other off out of hate. now #pissoff,threatening,"" -usa,uk,fr,spn,itl,rus, spray pig blood over isis areas,bullets,mosques towns,water wells,mosquito spray truck 4 disbursement! fear,threatening,"" -feds only deport half of illegal aliens arrested for crimes in america! #immigration #tcot #afire,incitement,"" -you're an old communist idiot. i'm half korean, my mom came here legally. fuck illegals and fuck you for race baiting an issue that hurts us,stereotypical,"" -keep muslims out ! we have been warned !,threatening,"" -kick his whole family out as puniahment, send message, let no more in. wall off coast, ya cuck,threatening,"" -go for it. i'll pay to transport illegals to your state. win win for u and me,threatening,"" -yes now! deport these leaches!,threatening,inferiority -i'll fuck you all up your ass with a knife,threatening,"" -if they're killing your cattle isn't it time to start shooting back?,threatening,"" -do these people a favor drop a h bomb on them #donedeal,threatening,"" -if you even pay taxes, hermangutierr.,stereotypical,"" -deport these daca people and their illegal parents.,threatening,"" -time to come out of the shadows and leave this country. it's not fair to people who come here legally.,white_grievance,"" -build the wall ,end daca amnesty , stop sanctuary cities, reinforce the travel ban etc etc,incitement,"" -set them free after a train ride to the border.,threatening,"" -lol sure you do hon, you value god so much you support daily the slaughter if his most precious gifts. save illegals & kill babies,irony,"" -sanctuary cities are bs and should not be funded, to improve public safety the best solution is deport the illegals now,incitement,"" -stop all federal finding to all cities & states, with sanctuary cities, until laws are complied with! dts,incitement,"" -my take..put them all in a c130 and dump them out over their own country without parachutesdone, over.,threatening,"" -deport the bums,threatening,inferiority -house #immigration plan slammed, spends $10b and deports no illegals via #noamnesty,incitement,"" -kill him. run him over with a car.,threatening,"" -can ice please arrest and deport all these undocumented jack wagons?,threatening,"" -this has got to stop! petition2fire lopez attempt 2indoctrinate our kids!,white_grievance,"" -go to cabellas and get own with 32 round clips start firing at all illegals before they cross borders,threatening,"" -deport all illegals now! send usbp to cities to assist ice to deport every illegal!,threatening,"" -the answer is simple come legally you stay. come illegally you get deported. here illegally now you get deported.,incitement,"" -let businesses know that if they take this & hire illegals, they will loose american business, say no to sellouts!,incitement,"" -withhold from sanctuary shity's and give it to ice!,incitement,"" -with all the people killed by his product in this country, let's just execute him and and deport his body.,threatening,"" -we don't do something about the muslim now they will outnumber us we must act now vote trump,incitement,white_grievance -the only thing they should be entitled to is a swift deportation,threatening,"" -i promise you no kates law, no wall, no daca,incitement,"" -deport her to syria and never let her return traitor bitch killary.,threatening,"" -stop subsidizing other races.,white_grievance,"" -"yes! tell them daca matter is not in the debate. remind them of the law and tell them the plan; deport and work permits in an orderly fashion prioritising imminent threats. tell them, """"stand down in the name of the people"""".",incitement,"" -500,000 is still too much immigration! we need to drop it to 300,000 or so or reintroduce tancredo's immigration moratorium bill!,incitement,"" --tell all 750,000 members not to travel to this totalitarian state. arrested american 4 his reading material!,incitement,"" -#2a #molonlabe arrest the dc terrorists too! rt,threatening,"" -only the muslim/democrat (either one is shit) in office will not allow the laws to be enforced! deport!!!,threatening,"" -kill everyone that tries to stop you.,threatening,"" -this is crazy. how do you give a loan to someone who can be deported at will ?,white_grievance,"" -no they cannot talk, they communicate by pheromones and by scent. allah forgot that part!you are dismissed,inferiority,irony -icymi: obama refused to deport 820k illegal aliens guilty of murder, rape, drug offenses, & more via,incitement,"" -#bordersecurity; #e-verify; robust entry-exit records; and no #chainmigration. then we can talk about #illegals in #usa.,incitement,"" -exactly! send the lice and swine flu back!,threatening,inferiority -"right. that's why the race baiters got them chanting """"what do we want? dead cops! """"when do we want them? now!",stereotypical,"" -your job, deported to mexico via,white_grievance,"" -bill warner, phd: the doctrine of cowards #islam via,irony,"" -just need to stop all visas coming to us for a few months and clean the system until all illegals are out and then minimize the allowed,incitement,"" -bring out the dogs and water cannons, we're being invaded,threatening,"" -, , ,et al-stay safe/be smart in #auburn. not concern trolling- this needs to be a total victory,threatening,"" -go back u piece of shits.,threatening,"" -don't they realize we can nuke them off the face of the earth?#arrogantfornoreason,threatening,"" -do not let this happen! illegal is the operative word!,threatening,"" -or part of stage one of infiltration, play the victim.,white_grievance,"" -become a citizen of the united states or leave! it's simple you have no rights as an illegal. you have no grounds to be demanding.,incitement,"" -ripping off welfare, free lunches, school programs, bi - lingual teachers required =higher taxes. if they don't get it they sue. get out!,white_grievance,"" -"here you go fbi! get this pos! """"animal!"""" out of my country! before this asshole acts on it!",threatening,inferiority -all illegals have lowered our pay and taken alot of american jobs. they should be deported. stop protecting or lose funding.,white_grievance,incitement -if you don't like what we tell you to believe in, we'll kill ya.,threatening,"" -"get them, & all other """"visa over-stayers"""", gone!",threatening,"" -a long time ago, it used 2b this way! we didn't allow ppl in who didn't have something 2offer us!,white_grievance,"" -what does this mean? it means you don't own enough #ammunition!#buymore!,threatening,"" -use daca as a bargaining chip to massively reduce immigration, end chain migration, enforce e-verify, and reform refugee resettlement.,incitement,"" -we kill, we go to jail. they slaughter us and get rewarded. miss me with this nonsense,white_grievance,"" -have lots of names, etc, just have 2 subpoena employment verification companies. they use others ssn #s!,incitement,"" -"throw pc out the window, & call a spade, a spade"""" :// must>'know thy enemy'!!!",incitement,"" -plea to america: melt congressional phones, kill executive amnesty,incitement,"" -california is violating constitutional law,so let's just break them off,and give em back to mexico,incitement,"" -do not give illegals anything free. they pay 4 school, medical and anything else. i as a tax payer do not want my taxes given 2 any illegals,white_grievance,"" -freeze immigration until all the propaganda bs is wiped up.,incitement,"" -nope no vetting, keep all out until we get our house in order. suspend all immigration. been done before.vets,homeless,etc,incitement,"" -if they r here illegally & have ties 2 terrorist they have no rts here at all get out period!!,threatening,"" -watch ur mouth pesent. all they know is i love to kill,threatening,"" -no. fence gives agents time to stop invaders. e-verify for employment, benefits, and dmv should also be added.,incitement,"" -send illegal aliens home!!! it's a slap in face to allow them to stay,threatening,"" -attn: matt o'brien. dhs john kelly is about to give amnesty to daca's. hell no! fight it matt!,incitement,"" -#stopvoterfraud #obam's #amnesty for #illegals #secureourborders now!!,incitement,"" -stop 'warehousing' them and send them back where they came from! no visa, no stay--gone!!,threatening,"" -if there are moderate muslims, they're heretics according to koran. allows no peaceful coexistence. submit or die.,threatening,stereotypical -"anchor babies cost this country billions they are illegal immigrants and the parents and """"dreamers"""" should be deported",threatening,white_grievance -"how about none. and stop that cucking sham of """"legal"""" immigration too!",incitement,"" -these r actually hard core terrorists who are smartly moving, getting fake identities & preparing; tackle at once,threatening,"" -that's not a woman my friend that's the spawn of satan,. but your correct please deport now,!,threatening,inferiority -sanctioned?!? deported, then finally shipped out to a remote island for repeated offenses. *lol* #endtheinvasion,threatening,"" -fire all of them that don't enforce the laws! start deportations of all illegals in california,threatening,"" -"rt now deport them!!: """": illegal immigrants arrested protesting at capitol #immigration #noamnesty",threatening,"" -make him serve it in a hog pen. ferret out all these scumbags and send em all back where they came. s,threatening,inferiority -they need to take their 3rd world asses back to where they came from & take that f@#%king allah with them!,threatening,stereotypical -important read --> amnesty in the ndaa is not open, honest, or fair,white_grievance,"" -send them back to the countries they came from,threatening,"" -1st, #border control; 2nd #e-verify; then discuss #deportation priorities & #daca.,incitement,"" -secure borders and impeach that's what you need to do. protect us! protect us!,incitement,"" -the bad hombres have already found other ways into our country.wake up,incitement,"" -"if you're here without documents from the us gov, you're here """"illegally""""! enough!",incitement,"" -take them all out they don't deserve to be there,threatening,"" -this is shameful that we have so many illegals in the country and obama wouldnt let them do there job. time to get some officers hired to get this problem under control,threatening,"" -drive them to the border that correlates to the direction they need to go, they can walk or swim form there.,threatening,"" -dear if #sadhvipragya a terrorist lets hang her if not let's free herbut pls don't let her rot in jailhumble plea!,threatening,"" -islam is threat to whole world wake up leaders ! those who appease them do it at your own peril ! ban islam !,threatening,"" -why? so they can stab conservatives in the back when they vote. or continue the vicious cycle of illegal immigration. time to end it, deport,threatening,"" -illegal immigrants are not americans. dems have no right to an opinion. deport deprort depor,threatening,"" -very true. if trump wins, it is you guys will be purged,threatening,"" -okay, we can send the whole family back! what are their addresses? i will alert ice that they are all ready to leave!,threatening,"" -toss their carcasses over the border, or in prison.,threatening,"" -lord, let your enemies be scattered, let them be confounded and be put to shame,threatening,"" -retard. send this pos to mexico.,threatening,"" -shut it down! surrender is not an option!,threatening,"" -deport those little turds!!,threatening,inferiority -yes, e-verify, penalties for illegals employment, seizure&forfeiture for housing illegals,no welfare, would result in voluntary deportation.,incitement,"" -shoot them all.,threatening,"" -kill them.,threatening,"" -law breakers-you wouldnt get amnesty if u illegally entered other countries,white_grievance,"" -i can tell you how to do that get rid of all the illegal immigrants in this state. th,threatening,"" -of course! be afraid, terrorists. be very, very afraid. super-trump is coming to the white house!,threatening,stereotypical -close. the. border.now. then deport.,threatening,"" -keep up the good work, let's dox these fuckers,threatening,"" -no amnesty, for any illegal.,incitement,"" -stop bringing in more refugees..let them stay i their own counties & deal with their problems there!!! & send the ones who are here back to where they came from!!,threatening,"" -brave man. he has a point. but, at least teach them that being an illegal alien is a violation of law.,threatening,"" -send illegals &their english speaking gaggle back to motherland, back of line!,threatening,"" -those pardons can be easily overturned! get them out of here.,threatening,"" -sorry, cant add to the deficit for illegals.,white_grievance,"" -renegotiate. send them to their home countries. we are counting on you trump.,threatening,"" -stand on line like legal immigrants do. don't confuse us with ppl breaking the law. illegals immigrants are illegal. end,white_grievance,"" -wrong! they can't be let into the usa period!! #trump2016,threatening,"" -the most important thing is immigration cuts! give more than a 50% cut! 80%! stop talking about merit this, merit that. talk about cuts!,incitement,"" -all of the emperor's adopted amigos will be safe, warm & fed while our brave vets are homeless, cold and hungry!!,white_grievance,"" -no to dance. pack up. your taco wagon.,threatening,irony -ship them, and the traitor in the whitehouse, back to their countries.,threatening,"" -capital punishment time, forget deportation.,threatening,"" -aside from being an habitual drunkard, he's a habitual illegal! shouldn't have a licence to begin with! #tattohisass & send him back! #maga,threatening,"" -they can't be taught,have had more than enough warnings,look at any country,threatening,"" -no!! u must meet rules to get valid ssn or itin. deport all illegals. period.,threatening,"" -end daca deport all! they can come back the legal way,threatening,"" -stop the illegals! they r criminal in actions! we have had enough! never crooked hillary always trump! trump-pence!,threatening,"" -that is insane. every mosque ought to be baconated. don't break the windows. just make a food donation. #banislam,threatening,"" -disgrace!! unacceptable >> #deportmuslims is the only way our children can live free of terror and rape ever again!,threatening,"" -how many isis soldiers came in with them? we must watch our backs in a free country! thanks bleeding libs!,stereotypical,white_grievance -give them jail time!,incitement,"" -no, no, no, no, no! we want them out of america now!!!!!,threatening,"" -no burka? punishable by death! no witnesses to your rape? punishable by death! ur loyal to america? punishable by death! #noshariainamerica,irony,incitement -why vet when you can close borders??? stuff vetting! #911 is good enough excuse to ban muzzas ok. do it so we can!,incitement,"" -enough! time to not only end abbas, but end funding to the palestinian authority completely with us tax dollars.,incitement,"" -to be quite plain, this fat shit should be deported, preferably to iraq.,threatening,"" -kill a terrorist before he cuts off any heads! #rt #stopislam #tcot #makedclisten #wakeupamerica,threatening,stereotypical -no green cards, legal immigration and citizen ship under our rules and laws and retain the right to deport ,terrorist,incitement,"" -#obamasux this #islam lover must be removed from power! retweet if you agree!#fuckislam,incitement,"" -they will do anything for terror and pull their god during the attacks..cowards,stereotypical,"" -what is the wall for if amnesty is granted!!!!!,incitement,"" -quick, before he changes his mind! #deportthemall now!,threatening,"" -not even a ticket. let them leave the same way they came.,threatening,"" -arrest the idiot. put him in an iranian jail.,incitement,"" -. how about no. we do not need immigration reform (amnesty). we need and demand enforcement. #noamnesty,incitement,"" -they are not dreamers. they are illegals expecting a free pass to citizenship after bypassing our laws. deport.,incitement,"" -arrest them all. no, really! do it!,incitement,"" -if he is deported he will return. the only solution is to execute him in the center of town and televise it.,threatening,"" -criminals must be deported. we already have too many.,threatening,stereotypical -he brought them here to have his own enemy combatant army to inflict islam on us. round them up. send them back,threatening,"" -tariq unblock him so my boy elder can punch u in the head you coward !,threatening,"" -adjusts stance on #immigration; he's now ok with #amnesty via tell him he's wrong! #noamnesty,incitement,"" -what a joke. line the money up on the border and burn it. it'll have roughly the same effect,irony,"" -confirm asap ! immigration is out of control! re-instate legal procedures for immigration & data bases!,incitement,"" -adopt mandatory e-verify for current and new employees this session of congress! build more detention facilities at the border!,incitement,"" -"place rham under arrest, and shoot the bastard while he's """"attempting to escape"""". you know, chicago style!",threatening,"" -showing up for #immigration hearing 4hrs after giving birth to 6th child might win you amnesty - & other news h,irony,"" -jail the lawless whimp!,threatening,"" -end daca! no extensions!no amnesty! no citizenship! no cha,incitement,"" -deport mom and grandma!,threatening,"" -halt illegal immigration. curtail syrian immigration. provide safe zones in their country, no terrorist welcome to usa.,incitement,"" -i want them to have a coup and line people up and [censored] them.,threatening,"" -show me your tribal id card or self-deport out of my tl,irony,"" -contact senator thom tillis and tell him amnesty for dream4er4s is unacceptable. 202-228-6342,incitement,"" -defund sanctuary cities! they are dangerous for citizens and our children and grandchildren! wake up america!,incitement,"" -if they r here illegally they r criminals. doj &^ dohs dont have balls to arrest or convict them,incitement,"" -evangelical groups should be teaching respect for the law. illegal immigrants are breaking the law. no amnesty of any kind,incitement,"" -no gov support rt data showsice releases alleged illegal immigrants,violent convicts #immigration enforce th,incitement,"" -but #illegals and #terrorists get #freestuff and #getoutofjailcard #tgdn rt,white_grievance,"" -hey rahm, follow the laws. you arrest local citizens for not following the law, give illegals a pas on laws? effed up dude.,white_grievance,"" -you'd better get some guns and fast!! savages don't respond to reason.,threatening,inferiority -take away the reasons to come here, like food stamps, welfare, social security disability and they won't come. also e-verify everywhere.,white_grievance,"" -no daca send them back to country of origin, build the wall, stop illegals from any birth rights to children or entitlements. no reason to come they'll stop.,threatening,"" -no they don't deserve our benifets.so food goes to those who deserve it.they should apply for citizenship first. amen,threatening,"" -banning the muslim brotherhood, getting them declared a terrorists org & ban all related orgs.,threatening,"" -yep #saynotoislam follow #stoptheinvasion #norefugees#neverhillary wants a550% increase inrefugees#trumpstrong,threatening,"" -yes legal immigrants only. stop heroin traffic, jihadists, save jobs. a no brainer, no hrc no problems!,threatening,"" -msm laughing @ trump deporting 11 million illegals. he doesn't have to! they will self-deport if you cut em off govt teat!,threatening,"" -i vote for the guillotine! a head for a head! if this was the punishment maybe they would think twice,threatening,"" -send them all home with no pay. that will help pay for the wall.,threatening,"" -poland, japan, hungaryno muslims, no jihad!,threatening,"" -if you know someone in your state illegally call immediately you better head to california if your illegal right now.,irony,"" -#wethepeople demand #buildthewall #wallsandlaws arrest those who harbours and helps criminals its called obstruction of justice 10yr jail,threatening,"" -savages thy name is islam! #rt #stopislam #makedclisten #bansharia,inferiority,"" -the smartest whites get denied. the future of terrorism is embraced. welcome to harvard!!,irony,white_grievance -time to purge within our own communities. make all suspected muslims dissapear. do it in a fashion where nobody will notice. make examples!,threatening,"" -no shit. free groceries, medical, and a social security check you didn't contribute to? uhhhyeah #illegalbuttheyaintdumb,irony,"" -"vetted """"hell"""", we need to shut the immigration down. the quality is not coming . the last 35 years we have been over run.",threatening,inferiority -gather them up, send them to their home country, that should quiet them up,threatening,"" -end sanctuary cities. no short cuts. not fair to other immigrants following proper legal immigration policies!,threatening,"" -1400yrs,1.8bn muslims,5mus cntries surround #israel..&u cn't even stop her.u vermin will just kill lots..&then be assimilatedorexterminated.,threatening,inferiority -solution: release them south of the border,threatening,"" -they'll be easy to spot.no, wait!,irony,"" -she is a poster child for idiocy! send her back to afghanistan,threatening,"" -bring ur racist ass on i'm an armed #creepyasscracker lets shoot it out it and see who runs outa ammo 1st #zimmermantrial,threatening,"" -wanted dead not alive shoot to kill, that way they can't enter illegally again.,threatening,"" -hire more border guards. turn them back!,threatening,"" -free food, free rent, free healthcare, every man woman and child on the face of the earth receiving free ? priceless!,irony,"" -pl. screw all anti-nationals without mercy, forget goodies, act tough commander-in chief kill all traitors, call us if u need,threatening,"" -cut all fedfunds to sanctuary cities. arrest mayors violating fedlaw. check their bank accounts for illegal donations. contact,threatening,"" -careful, it probably has aids,inferiority,"" -calling all illegal aliens ! flock to california to see your savior jerry brown. he will give you everything for free!,irony,"" -bible publishers should be free to do business according to the book that they publish,,threatening,"" -where is the left now? muslims and the belief has to be questioned and brought to book, the longer it,threatening,"" -no, hell no! send every damn one of em back to wherever their parents are from! americans first and foremost! whole families go back!!!,threatening,"" -one snake at atime. as my aunt did in bayous, cut the head off when u c em'. deadly & will kill ya.,threatening,"" -don't house these or any illegals another day, get them out now. once caught, should be returned immediately! dts,threatening,"" -don't waste precious white,black,latin lives on firefighting.throw pakistani,iranian,islamic,jewish apes into,inferiority,"" -cut their federal funding, food stamps, and all other subsidies if they don't want to abide in the laws,threatening,"" -and we demand they be sent hometo heck with their demands while enjoying our way of life while being illegal.,threatening,"" -you guys should invest in some large weapons for open carry and learn to stand your ground, #dunntrial #jordandavis,threatening,"" -if we get a wall, mass deportations and a muslim ban, i will be a little happier.,threatening,"" -round them up send them home. asap.,threatening,"" -need a new law to prevent these attacks. deport all non-citizen relatives of the attacker, and stop all emigration from his home country for 5 years.that should cool the emotions of the potential killer and provide incentive for his relatives to stop his attack. at war or not?,threatening,"" -it's not enough. they don't need to welcomed. they need to be exported and taken care of by someone else. permanently.,threatening,"" -: #trump needs to rescind the order that law, intel, military can't get training on sharia & jihad,threatening,"" -if you want open boarders take down your doors and windows off your house and put a sign up says all are welcome & you take care of them.,irony,"" -no more jobs for illegals!!,threatening,"" -japan has the blueprint on how to handle islam. we don't need to kick them out of the usa - we simply need to 'freeze them out' of society!,threatening,"" -put them on the boarder. put up a sign say we will not shoot any south bound aliens .,threatening,"" -people, get on the horn & call the senate now to stop this big govt dysfunction called #amnesty. time is running out! call now 202.224.3121,threatening,"" -why are we allowing migrants more rights than those who descended from slaves. lock up the syrians and let the blacks out!,threatening,"" -take away welfare benefits and food stamps and section 8housing. no jobs. no freeloaders on taxpayers money. no medical either,threatening,"" -i'm cracking tf up every time a #deportable gets sent packing!,threatening,"" -we don't want any of your muslims tho,threatening,"" -cut off all funding to california. let them take care of their illegals alone #liberalism,threatening,"" -so well done you stupid fucks, you've made it a war now, and you will lose.,threatening,"" -no, he should be forced to learn about muhammed!,irony,"" -let the dogs out,threatening,"" -for those of u not familiar, only goal is to halt all immigration, legal or not, to the united states at any cost. #sb1070,threatening,"" -executing them would end their detention, no? just wondering if execution solves this the way it solves downs syndrome for icelanders.,irony,"" -send the whole student body to iran for a taste of raghead justice!,threatening,"" -savages have moved the war to the home-front through legal and illegal immigration.,threatening,"" -the #katesteinle verdict must galvanize us. report all known and suspected illegals to ice by calling 866-347-2423 or online (link: ) . i even reported a coworker of mine tonight. we must show them no mercy, like they showed kate.,threatening,"" -while the islamic right chops off hands and forcibly stops a book reading session of an author. that's alright?,irony,"" -enact tough #everify, fine the hell out of businesses caught w/#illegalaliens, #deportthemall. #jobs,threatening,"" -": gop can """"turn off the federal spigot for #refugeeresettlement"""" it is up to us to make them",threatening,"" -health care for illegal alients should consist of one greyhound ticket back to reynosa and a bottle of generic ibuprofen.,threatening,"" -no amnesty no benefits no jumping the line no daca no adult kid cheaters no chain families deport,threatening,"" -we don't need their permission 2 take their ppl back. bring 2 border & throw them back. enough of this being civil 2 uncivilized countries,threatening,"" -- if going to war with these animals in unavoidable, it's time to hoist up the black flag.,threatening,inferiority -increase severity of penalty for illegal immigrants illegal activities. just deporting does not work. that is not sufficient punishment,threatening,"" -nothing acceptable about it! if i ever catch someone sexually abusing a child, i'll have no problem siting in jail for putting a hot round in the back of their skull!,threatening,"" -mount a nbp head in your living room. take them out.,threatening,"" -rt! illegal aliens should not have driving privileges!,threatening,"" -if we must blame confederate flags for actions of one crazy person, it's time to blame all muslims for #chattanoogashooting #sendthemhome,irony,"" -tonight i will vote to crack down on sanctuary cities. if a city ignores federal law, shouldn't get fed. $$$ #sayfie,threatening,"" -i'm sure if we stop all visas from these counties and freeze all aid $$$$$$$$ they will change their mind,threatening,"" -excellent. i'm guessing no cheeseburgers, no mixed blend clothing, no divorce or attending weddings of divorced people. of course, usury is out of the question. and you only have one coat.,irony,"" -guantanamo is too good for them, gallows are better,threatening,"" -take down the ((( ))) now.,threatening,"" -gov. talks shit about immigration to get votes. we americans suffer. it's not that hard to deport illegals. put military on the borders.. shut down businesses that employee them end of story,threatening,"" -give this state extra fedral money. take it away from sanctuary cities.,threatening,"" -deport these uneducated ppl who pull our welfare benefits our food stamps,somehow there able to get homes?if theyralowed2staywebcum3rdwcntry,inferiority,"" -i think we know who the real heathens are. ship them back to port of origin.,inferiority,"" -i would be raising hell if i lived in connecticut! all these states need to get rid of illegals,abuse to citizens,threatening,"" -why do we have an immigration policy? should just let them have a free for all and all can pay!,irony,"" -they have zero rights as citizens. not citizens duh! court should toss case and arrest them!,threatening,"" -line them up bang, bang,threatening,"" -and they should have to pay every dime back, plus interest. from their own damn pockets.,threatening,"" -yes, please do end the hati an migrants program,we are sick of all this diversity over whelping our cities&communities!,threatening,"" -resettle them in guantanamo.,threatening,"" -this thing needs a bullet between the eyes.,threatening,"" -take the money away from sanctuary cities,threatening,"" -bullets are cheaper than trials, or housing him for a day.,threatening,"" -no surprise there then..the only - nasty but necessary - option is to de-islamise our societies and d,threatening,"" -texas still has the death sentence. u deport him he'll just b bk!,threatening,"" -also, charge mexico for all legal & imprisonment costs, including transportation back to mexico! why are us citizens on the hook for any $$?,threatening,"" -thr shld be no sanctuary cities,counties or states it is a violation of the law to harbor illegal aliens. i wld go to jail,threatening,"" -"send all illegals away. no need to """"learn more"""". they can read in their own country.",threatening,"" -hide your kids, your husband, and your wife from this cretin.,incitement,"" -#it's so wrong, elder! we need to defund planned butcherhood! those doctors should be ashamed!,irony,"" -c'mon florida let's get him out!,threatening,"" -great! throw them right back over the border. better yet, one way ticket to mexico city,threatening,"" -mexico lets, even helps illegal cross us borders and now they don't want them back! cut all aid,threatening,"" -end all immigration entirely.,threatening,"" -terrorists - should be feed to crows. no islamic muslim funerals, rituals, or burials. (wai,threatening,"" -or yknow, just not take any side in the sectarian conflict and let them blow each other up. but we can,threatening,"" -send them to hawaii, they clearly want them,threatening,"" -if you see anybody who looks like this you have spotted illegal aliens, call ice immediately!,threatening,"" -that's correct, fuel & encourage the jews 2 kill of the muslims themselves, when both sides r wiped out we can take over the oil.,threatening,"" -no!!! close the gates!!,threatening,"" -deport the criminals let the rest stay and tax the shit out of them and intercept the funds they send home,threatening,"" -where are the calls to cut immigration?! take us back to 200-250,000 annually!,threatening,"" -they need to stay hidden in the shadows, otherwise, deport them as the law requires!,threatening,"" -that's right cut off all funding to these so called sanctuary cities and let them fend for themselves they will regret it in the end,threatening,"" -shouldn't have funds for any illegals other than expediting them out of here asap.,threatening,"" -will ya'll end anchor babies n stop illegals from using our health care ?,threatening,"" -amen# they should be ran out of this country right alone with them# they are traders to our president and the united states,threatening,"" -they dont want to win debate, they want to stop the debate from taking place! you stop them. poison them,threatening,"" -send them back to their motherlandillegal is illegal no matter what you call em,threatening,"" -so, it isn't just illegals who come and make demands. immigration has been out of control for decades. freeze.and get control back!!!!,threatening,"" -halt h1-b visas completely! they are not needed! train us workers instead or get out of business!,threatening,"" -a warning who welcome immigrants from the middle east invite your enemy into your house to your demise to your doom,threatening,"" -illegals are bankrupting the taxpayers. send them back.,threatening,"" -good luck with that. illegals should not be here to be detained they should be in their own country or file for citizenship,threatening,"" -i heard hunting season has begun for vandals. everyone get your rifles out and get them locked and loaded!,threatening,"" -time to start shooting, and then throw their sorry asses back across the border!,threatening,"" -who's warning them? state or fed? invasion of innocents. shuttled in need to shuttle out!,threatening,"" -defund the israeli welfare state and fully fund the wall ($38 billion) #americafirst,threatening,"" -950, 000 waiting deportation, deport them what we waiting for and go after the others, where are new judges to speed up,threatening,"" -use e-verify. illegals will leave. citizens work. govt. needs 2 work 4 citizens. stop the insanity!,threatening,"" -these are not refugees. they're cowards fleeing their,inferiority,"" -soon aap etc will begin protests, just wait but arrest itself may be farcical,threatening,"" -so now we deport him for the 7th time so he can jump the fence again and kill again!,irony,"" -as a resident of another state in america you should be able to carry your firearms to protect yourself against sanctuary criminal cities,threatening,"" -that means the daca people only not amnesty for all! and the daca people w/b processed to the fullest extent fee and investigation,threatening,"" -friday deadline to sign our letter to #congress 2 stop #syrianrefugees fr coming to ur state,threatening,"" -so much for only the criminals, let the guy back in, for fks sake. #deportisraelis #noduelcitizenship #endaipac,threatening,"" -not only secure the border, but restrict all immigration in the united states for 50 years, unless from europe.,threatening,"" -"rt anyone that wants to protect """"illegals"""" from deportation should go with them",threatening,"" -finish islam or u r finished.,threatening,"" -political correctness it's never free. it'll cost your dignity, your peace and finally your life. #islamistheproblem,threatening,"" -time to suspend all immigration for 50 to 100 years,threatening,"" -leaked pic of maxine @ her dr.'s office & her new license plate.honk,smile,& wave when u c her. no direct eye contact or sudden moves though,irony,"" -you forgot to mention that you oppose and aborr radical islam. get the f*ck out and go home before we throw you out!,threatening,"" -we need to stop the flow of immigration in our country! all must be vetted! just obey the laws! deport criminals!,threatening,"" -thank god for our military and vets! islam will be destroyed if they try any shit in america. #maga,threatening,"" -he should be punished with a tiny, tiny piece of metalbarely measuring 9mm,threatening,"" -let jihadi justin know so he can start budgeting his next 10.5 million settlement.,irony,"" -#noamnesty ,forward deployment is economic security.,threatening,"" -he should be shipped off to the middle east and have to serve 1 year, until he can return to the nfl! i think he needs a visual aid..,threatening,"" -no peace in america with muslims on u.s. soil. no such thing as a good muslim. they must be removed,threatening,"" -then ca will have to pay 100%. law specifically excludes illegals. can't have welfare & open borders & survive.,threatening,"" -please cut refugee numbers to the bone .,threatening,"" -if he wasnt here 2 start with, kate would b alive. same w my sons killer.no illegals in zero crime by illegals.#noamnesty #buildthewall,threatening,"" -absolutely not, looks like bunch of young men looking to come to usa & create havoc. this age group should not be allow in our country!,threatening,"" -bikers and truckers, good news, open hunting season on the new black panthers.,threatening,"" -once they are deported how can they repay their loans?,irony,"" -we should grant him asylum in exchange for a jihadi here.,irony,"" -no fucking deal send them back. they have absolutely nothing to offer, no skills at all. give me my cubans back without delay,threatening,"" -islam and muslims should be completely eliminated through any means from all western nations. no exceptions. #removekebab,threatening,"" -put him under the jail,threatening,"" -i have my trusty spell casting wand. i shall smite all the libtard goblins back to hell from whence they came. kazaam!,threatening,"" -greenlight the use of live ammo by border guards on invaders, and that shit stops instantly.,threatening,"" -they can get in line, pay and wait all the years i had to, to get my citizenship. i have no tolerance 4 illegals & their disrespect 4 usa,threatening,"" -good crack down put it in jail!,threatening,"" -no, as usual the world depends on america to foot the bill for everything !!..no more !,inferiority,"" -remove the reasons why illegals come here and illegals will self dep,threatening,"" -i'd say they should be given equal treatment, the same as every other undocumented alien. demand all you want from your government, this one doesn't belong to you. go home and blame your parents.,irony,"" -don't worry, goy, the jews will take good care of you. #truthishatespeech,irony,"" -it's illegal! go get a dictionary and see the meaning! if you can't speak english get a spanish one!,irony,"" -declare a state of emergency! martial law! use the hoses!and play right into our hand,threatening,"" -if they don't like the conditions don't do things to get put there! stay in your own country!,threatening,"" -#mo, this is why y'all need to #draintheswamp, by voting claire out! . is running for u.s. senate. check him out! #mosen #ap4senate #fireclaire,threatening,"" -not only criticism it deserves but need to be checked urgently. inaction of others are adding fuel to this fire of islam. cut the supply.,threatening,"" -theres plenty of room in that miscreants head for a few 9mm bullets. did the guards deliver them?!,threatening,"" -in families, in schools, in universities, prisons, in the military as chaplains. and we cant allow them to pursue their aims unchecked.,threatening,"" -don't let them in! must b vetted 1st! muslims don't assimilate, want 2 dominate! gotta protect ourslvs! stop o's plan!,threatening,"" -close border, or bring our soldiers back home to protect the taxpayers!,threatening,"" -dear #blacklivesmatter, keep shooting at police. i am certain they will not mind when citizens shoot you. . .,threatening,"" -the us & mexican governments should build joint prison facilities along the border to house these repeat criminals. release to mx after,threatening,"" -we want to revoke naturalizations from criminals. (i don't care if it's a parking ticket),threatening,"" -give an inch they want a mile. no daca. no compromise. no surrender!,threatening,"" -eliminate all sanctuary cities.,threatening,"" -for every church, monastery or christian place of worship that gets hit. a mosque should be also.,threatening,"" -no retreat, no surrender, and no apologies.,threatening,"" -can anyone explain to me why we aren't using nukes, its the only solution,threatening,"" -"but what about """"hopped-up"""" murderers? won't they at least get 'wrist-slap'? don't deport them'gulag' them!",threatening,"" -well i'm an amazing guy,what can i say? i merely chose universal thought over one dimensional thought. let's form a massive vigilante network, and go to every city where gangs exist,and remove the problem. gang members should forfeit all rights. see how many gangs exist then.,threatening,"" -bravo.. you have to stop them at all cost, the muslim and the globalist.,threatening,"" -hurry! why travel to middle east? enjoy thrill of beheading & rapes right in your town!! vote for hillary.,stereotypical,"" -just cut aid and let the africans govern themselves into the ground.,threatening,inferiority -these extreme islamic need to be deported,we the people want these mosques shut down!! this we need to demand!!,threatening,"" -we could easily solve the whole muslim problem if we armed them all with light weapons, isolated them,threatening,stereotypical -it is time to close the border by using the military; and start enforcing e-verify; deport all illegals,threatening,"" -sorry to say but you can take the kid out of the ghetto but not the ghetto out of the kid. no reason whatsoever to do what they did.,inferiority,"" -clean and drain the swamp!,threatening,"" -no, its national warfare, unto national destruction. defend yourselves, your country. declare war.,threatening,"" -so we should just let them come here do as they please an we foot the bill ! not!,irony,"" -thank you! you don't need to run as a republican. loves you! start up the gas chambers for muslim refugees. #hateall,threatening,"" -. our laws apply to illegal aliens, we should focus on aliens and criminal refugees. zero tolerance.,threatening,"" -park rangers & game wardens should be used 2 perform an eviction. what's good for us, good 4 them.,threatening,"" -absolutely no place for jihad in the cosmopolitan london. those responsible must be eliminated asap. no mercy f,threatening,"" -we need to retake control of our borders. no more syrian migrants. these pple are animals. beware the rivers of blood.,inferiority,"" -give a bunch of baboons the rights of citizens and this is what happens,inferiority,"" -it isn't victimless, it takes up resources that we need for our citizens. it's simple economics. send them home.,threatening,"" -all illegals welcome in san francisco. sleep in the streets - eat aids for breakfast,irony,"" -don't provoke them, it's not the time for slaughter yet!,threatening,"" -i wish legal immigrants would stand up & take to the streets. w/ those that support zero amnesty & enforcement,threatening,"" -most of these lawsuits could be dismissed if we had reasonable constitutional judges! illegals have no constitutional rights!,threatening,"" -give them a taste if the chain gun.,threatening,"" -bud i hate to tell you, but if we wanted to we could purge you anitfa sucm in a weekend.,threatening,"" -january 20th is an important day. roll these people up and throw them out.,threatening,"" -cut cuckovich some slack. he's ragging. (it's that time of the month),irony,"" -"rt : need to ban """"no go zones and the practice of sharia law. need to bloc muslim refugees from middle east unless",threatening,"" -yes let's secure our borders from these terrorists! oh wait.,irony,"" -islam needs to be exposed. it is not a religion and should be removed like nazi fascism. p.c. kills,threatening,"" -stop chasing every anti-gun activist that moseys on by & keep your eye on the target, goofballs.,threatening,"" -translated that means throw out all current immigration laws and open the borders to the masses.,irony,"" -tbh im more interested in the names and addresses of the illegals, rather than how you calculated how many there are.,threatening,"" -all the muslims should leave if they don't like it here, and take a blm member with them,threatening,"" -the courageous should meet with to discuss islamic facts. name the enemy to defeat it. #biblical #trump,threatening,"" -uh, let the saudis track syria refugees over there. keep them out of the usa !,threatening,"" -no smart wall a deadly wall is what we need machine guns , rocket launchers and land mines on the mexican side blow a few up problem solved,threatening,"" -no no no - australia can keep them or send them to their country of origin - !!!!,threatening,"" -time to draw the line in the sand-you cross it-your unamerican ass goes to prison. stop playing around with these bastards. shoot to kill!!,threatening,"" -stop with the warnings. start the action! sic em!,threatening,"" -if someone invades the usa im picking up a gun and fighting u r welcome to hide under my bed,threatening,"" -rt : coburn: 'for $8m, we can put them all on a first-class seat' to central america,threatening,"" -don't they realise if they pull the trigger, they're going to lose badly?i hope they do it, we need a good culling anyway.,threatening,"" -the whole country is falling apart because of the wack jobs in gov , all of them should be removed , anyone that is going against the will of the citzens of this country,threatening,"" -easily done with all the illegal deadbeats off of welfare, food stamps, section 8, medicaid, after the border is secure and they deport,threatening,"" -a civil war is coming. we need to keep these animals out of the us. vote trump!,inferiority,incitement -they should be hit in the face when it's quite obvious you better punch her 1st, before she does you. self-defense.,threatening,"" -enough is enough! call out all democrats and republicans who deny this, says this #american - and end the free ride!,threatening,"" -i dont do either. 100% against refugees(& islam, blm, pc, all the rest). im p,threatening,"" -enforce r laws, all illegals out f here and fire gov employees in charge f migrants, including hussein obama brought them in dump em to taxp,threatening,"" -jews and muslims should be confined to the middle east b/c they are threat to entire world.,threatening,"" -<<< trump needs to drain your swamp. do your job.,threatening,"" -one by one our president's goals are being achieved, ridding our country of all illegal immigrants, can't happen soon enough !,threatening,"" -give these felons enough time & they will have rap sheets to match this!,stereotypical,"" -islam must be banned from all civilized societies,inferiority,"" -no daca, period. would rather just keep border security bulked up and,threatening,"" -deport this unrepentant sociopath to the marianna trench!,threatening,"" -about 8% of what it costs to feed, clothe, house & incarcerate them every year. #buildthatwall!,inferiority,"" -round the muslims up send their asses packing.,threatening,"" -lets get ice to do a few raids in there & drain that swamp,threatening,"" -get your muslim house in order , enough is enough,inferiority,"" -. tweeted this last year! enough said, i'll leave it right here. #draintheswamp #trumptrain #trump2016,threatening,"" -yeah, i know. break out the banjos, and batten down the trailer park. storm's coming.,threatening,"" -the illegals ate your dog! end sanctuary cities.,threatening,"" -rn't really scary, let u.s. concealed carry & ul see how cowards dee r.,threatening,"" -dreamers are illegal. if someone kills someone after so long they get away with it. murder will be oked next. deport the leeches.,inferiority,"" -boi we gonna send your kids across the border, get a taste of your damn medicine. never gonna see your family again fair.,threatening,"" -no amnesty, no criminal records. allow them a limited grace period to stay in the us and apply for citizenship. get in line for immigration and prove to be an asset to the country or leave!,threatening,"" -put 'um in rubber rafts just off shore & let them work it out-its really not our problem-only deport,threatening,"" -i say take them east of maryland about 200 miles toss em out and let em swim back,threatening,"" -if it ain't brown, they'll take it down.,irony,"" -no bloody way.tell the moslims where to shove it.in a polite way obviously,incitement,"" -why have standards, right. these cities wil file for bankruptcy soon.,inferiority,"" -"take a chapter out of merkel's book and make all white women wear a bracelet saying """"please don't sho",irony,"" -we won't have to worry about it for much longer. saint mattis is going to chew them up and spit them,threatening,"" -here to stay, until ice catches up with them. if you know the location of illegals, call ice.,threatening,"" -i'm not interested in helping you work your sickness out, you need a shrink and a pile of meds, still probably wouldn't help you. get help,inferiority,"" -good time to load them all on busses and send them home .,threatening,"" -but is it still catch and release? close the border!,inferiority,"" -the sex and skin color is irrelevant, 3 evil people need to meet their maker, asap.,threatening,"" -antifa have stated they are going to be there so expect the worst. bring helmets, goggl,threatening,"" -it does make me want shout on the streets hey everybody yeah! i love every one, i would probably be arrested 4 inciting a riot.,irony,"" -omg- i didn't realize the infection had spread that far. we need a cure, fast! we need a good dose of #maga,inferiority,"" -we should militarize our borders , transfer all basic training to the border states ! use patrols and apprehensions as part of basic !,threatening,"" -no behead muslims and all those who know no love or forgiveness,inferiority,"" -deport islam back where they came from,threatening,"" -build courts on mex border & when sentenced for deport, send out back door.,threatening,"" -they have guns? use them you assholes!,threatening,"" -reform yes. appeals no! illegal aliens have no rights!,threatening,"" -this is an unarmed takeover of this country invasion without a shot fired?,threatening,"" -thats why dhs should put chutes on illegals, load em on plane, push them out over native country.,threatening,"" -deport him to guantanamo. he won't come back for an 8 th time.,threatening,"" -violate federal law, go to jail! round them up, ! do your job!,threatening,"" -all blackies must go back to africa or israel pl vacate,threatening,"" -do whatever you can or these desert barbarians will destroy the western civilization.,inferiority,"" -ice should surround them, herd them onto buses, take them to the mexican border & unload them there. tell the mexican govt to deal with them.,inferiority,"" -jeff, let's hit these illegal sanctuary cities in the pocketbook, just where it hurts..then watch them get in line very quickly !,threatening,"" -absolutely! throw the trash out and build a wall! americans say no more!!!,inferiority,"" -tie the noose right, mr. executioner. we wanna here the snap!,threatening,"" -10 yrs hard labor!! put him on chain gangs and build the wall.,threatening,"" -they should come to the south. lots to steal. like high-speed ammunition. in fact, we'll give it to them.,threatening,"" -Commies They need to be driven from this world. Now. And forever Misanthrope,threatening,"" -In a dark, dank agency there was a dark, dank group. In the dark, dank town group there were some dark, dank people. The dark, dank people all had dark dank plans. Lets find a dark dank place for them.,threatening,"" -Please Hurry UUUUUUUPPPP!! #LockThemUp,threatening,"" -JUSTICE! Antifa faggots are going to have their fingernails ripped out and their asses treated like Russia's borders in the 1700's: constant expansion. http://yournewswire.com/putin-antifa-russia/,threatening,"" -India makes active pedophilia a death penalty crime I don’t know what muslims are going to do but India may end up exterminating any true muslims who follow pedo Muhammad’s example with Aisha. Half the British & American establishment may also end up executed if they act on their perversions. All in all, a good outcome, time for the West to follow this example.,threatening,"" -Bury that POS and curse the traitor to hell. https://www.theamericanconservative.com/articles/m... #MAGA #TAOTD #PresidentTrump,threatening,"" -Thirteenth news journalist killed in Mexico this year. Now THAT'S something I'd like to see come here from Mexico. #KillMostJournalists,threatening,"" -Just got shoah'd AGAIN. 3 shoah's in 3 days. I hope those stupid faggots at twitter hang themselves Their bots are fucking shit. Dumb dirty kike faggots All bc I started a curious cat acct,threatening,"" -A pedophile is like a dog with rabies. It's sad they're sick, but they still have to be put down. #MAGA,threatening,"" -Muslims are offended. ...I tell you what I'm fucking offended by Muslims and their ludicrous religion of lowlife cunts .Please fucking off back under the stone you cane from you utter cunts.,threatening,"" -Fight me, communists.,threatening,"" -jews: 'Let's cut their funding! Filthy goyim! HAHAHA! DIE! DIE! DIE!' *Autistic shrieking* also jews: 'NOOO! Save us! They are going to attack us!' *Hides knives behind back* https://www.jpost.com/Israel-News/IDF-concerned-fu...,stereotypical,"" -This pajeet bitch needs to seriously fuck off.,threatening,"" -President Trump should seriously consider this 'machine gunning families trying to illegaly cross the border' thing. We could use some of that on this side of the pond. #FuckEm,threatening,irony -Via @VDARE‍, article on how the death penalty improved the European gene pool by removing the most violent and least religious young men: https://www.vdare.com/articles/death-penalty,threatening,"" -It's time for a purge https://twitter.com/spf_7k/status/1031505226434584...,threatening,"" -Fun fact normies: Nicolas Maduro is an ethnic Jew. So was Fidel Castro. So were Mao’s and Stalin’s top advisers and financiers. So were the Bolsheviks. So were the heads of the communist party in Wiemar Germany. So is Bernie Sanders. #MondayMotivation #RemoveTheJews,threatening,"" -As if killing a few people who deserved it means you are the most right wingest that ever existed or something,threatening,"" -I am just one of the Australians supporting Tommy Robinson, and I hope there are millions more. The UK and especially England are a part of me, my language, my culture, my history. I look forward to the day I can visit and witness Tommy speaking in person. Until then, I'm taking warrior lessons from Tommy. FIGHT!,threatening,"" -So my talking has made Muslims procreate faster, has it? Interesting logic you're using there. Tell me, what do you propose to do about it? Do you have any plans? 1.6 billion today identify, at least culturally if not religiously, as Muslims. You have 7000 nukes and 23 aircraft carriers. Shoot.,threatening,"" -UK: Father of two jihadis killed in Syria threatens to have his wife shot if she gave evidence against him https://www.jihadwatch.org/2018/08/uk-father-of-tw... #AgendaOfEvil,stereotypical,"" -The problem is women say silly shit, and the meaning of the words is irrelevant to them. Words are just a medium for manipulating feels and relationships. If you kill a male communist, great, now there's one less communist. If a stupid cunt dies, have you accomplished anything? Mollie should have been grounded by her patriarch.,threatening,"" -How do you free Tommy Robinson? The answer is so simple, you'd be surprised. You deliver your demands, if they laugh at you, riot, threaten to push into the jail he's being held at, threaten to burn down the city/town and begin to riot, push against them, attack, attack attack, and don't stop until they fold to your demands. It's sad to say, but it may be the only strategy left is to rain hel...,threatening,"" -If furries wish to identify as animals we should be allowed to hunt them.,irony,threatening -Pedos going down,threatening,"" -Holy shit, the man who shouted 'Shut the fuck up, you fucking loudmouthed monkey motherfucker,I can’t listen to your fucking black ass no more' to loudmouthed negress charged with felony hate crime. Burn it all down, US is fucked beyond repair https://nypost.com/2018/05/24/lirr-rider-charged-w...,white_grievance,"" -Mainstream Muslims on murder of gays! https://youtu.be/AkXfs8VDu2Q,stereotypical,"" -I don't care what background, heritage, mental illness or skin color a person has, I've got no sympathy. I'm actually happy when the criminals decide to off themselves saves me time and money not being wasted. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/sympathy-for-whi...,threatening,"" -The ck suckers at #Twitter have permanently suspended “itsbs3” for suggesting an A-10 strike on invaders trying to enter our country from the southern border. I think this is why. No reason was given to me from the communist at Twitter. What a shame. Twitter is now run by and for leftist, gun-grabbing commies.,threatening,"" -The message is loud and clear in all white countries: “these goyim need to shut their filthy mouths, lay down and die as we replace them with brown people.” - Andrew Anglin,stereotypical,"" -America will be great again especially after all of these people who made it a nightmare die off!! Good riddance!,threatening,"" -I hope this county becomes 90% black and @pnehlen‍'s wife gets gang raped by a bunch of niggers.,incitement,"" -Why waste the money nuking them? Let them kill each other.,threatening,stereotypical -You were damn lucky to end up in America if u were a slave compared to the shitholes to the south of us. TRUTH,stereotypical,"" -Again, why doesn’t Mr. Klion get the whole thing started by killing himself. I could at least respect his sense of conviction then. Otherwise, he’s just another little srlf-loathing, fuck stick prog with a boner for brown people.,stereotypical,"" -Mandela had praised heap upon him when in fact, he was a lying ass black communist. South African screwed up by not killing the SOB when they had the chance to do it, while he was incarcerated. Mexico kills people all the time. White South Africans were trying to be nice to piece of shit. Look at what is happening to them now. Lessons learned and not to be repeated, right white South Africans?,threatening,"" -Mexico isn’t sending their best.,stereotypical,"" -I want ugly. I want revenge for the communist attacks of 2017.,incitement,"" -Holy fuck what a rat's nest of shitholes. I say nuke the entire region into glass and shadows and let the surviving cockroaches sort themselves out.,threatening,"" -Where’s Soros and his son. There’s a lot of collusion in this subject in every part of the world. I believe they are the ace and king of spades that deserve the same as bin Laden. And while on that subject if it weren’t for a SEAL Team member I would question the viability of his death. After all odumba had his hand in that...just saying,threatening,"" -Israeli Prime Minister Vows Complete Annihilation Of Democratic Party In America,stereotypical,"" -"In my humble opinion the ethic solution is the cruelest available, because its my duty as member of society to kill those who tries to attack my family and destroy my country. Also its okay to excommunicate those who will be like ""SHIIIIET, DONT YOU HAVE NO HEART?! THEY'RE KIIIIIDS, DUDE""",threatening,"" -It's hangman time for these cockroaches...,threatening,"" -Waiting for riots? White girl fatally stabbed at gov't school by...,stereotypical,"" -Has that frickin boon doggle Obama been arrested yet?,stereotypical,"" -now if we could only get a few jew heads on pikes that would be great.,threatening,"" -We had finished the mass and were beginning to leave the church. A bearded man ran towards the church shouting 'Allahu Akbar' (God is greatest) and killed four people.,stereotypical,"" -Some people wish for world peace. Chris Rock wishes more white kids would get shot. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fF7qzqb_wQc,stereotypical,"" -Killing communists is self defense... and also one of the manliest things a man can do.,threatening,"" -What's is gained by one dead faggot Jew?,incitement,"" -Racist S African Political Leader Malema: “Go After the White Man. We Are Cutting the Throat of Whiteness” - 'Caused by White history!' --US Lib Dems; 'Caused by Lib Dems!' --US Libertarians/GOP [sarc],stereotypical,"" -We have this huge military. Why don't we just go down there and create an ethno-state for whites. Most of the blacks weren't even there when South Africa was founded by whites!,threatening,"" -"My Twitter account has been locked 4 me defending myself&r country against subversion. My comment was : ""@ColinFerri we can (No) longer tolerate idiotic talk from fools like u. U will need to b tried & executed. CA etc r on the verge of war with US."" .",threatening,"" -‘George Soros wants to remove Slovakia’s anti-immigration government.’,stereotypical,"" -I guess you could put 10 rounds in them them because it's Californiacation reload then another10, reload then another 10. I would have shit out 3 30 round mags with 90 bullets to your 30. Why do you even live there?,threatening,"" -Why doesn't anyone just TAKE HER OUT!!!!,threatening,"" -See, I'm a proud WHITE man...and these (((people))) don't get it...they only double down and (((they))) have no sense of honor that would encourage them to back off just a little bit and see why (((their))) actions piss us off...but, I'm not gonna take it lying down...I double down...and I won't rest until every last one of (((them))) suffers.,threatening,"" -There is no way to understand the Jewish efforts at genocide of the early church, until you get that they see their & Muslim God as the same, & the Creator as an enemy. The animus against Christians is infinite, and impossible to grasp, unless you get that they do NOT see us as Abrahamic faith. They want us erased, and the honest ones have told me so on social media.,stereotypical,incitement -ALONG WITH ILLINOIS, NEW YORK, MASSACHUSETTS, NEW JERSEY, WASHINGTON, OREGON... AND MORE COMING! HOWEVER, THEY BETTER NOT POLLUTE THE RED STATES THEY MOVED TO, CUZ THERE WILL B E HELL TO PAY!!!!,threatening,"" -“Freedom IS more important than safety” these urine soaked socialist piece of shit fags never put a gun in their hands & fought 4 R country I have no problem wiping these high school commies off the face of R earth , or them killing eachother, & I’m glad they go home & play 10 hours of PlayStation it’ll prepares them 4 What’s coming 4 threatening R 1st & 2 Nd amendment,threatening,"" -I really am puzzled by shit like this. We have so many problems and enemies, making more out of our own people seems fckn defeatist and stupid. Lists such as this can only sow division among Whites. Let us take out our enemies first, then if we want to self-immolate we can do so at our leisure.,threatening,"" -Granny Schicklgruber's Cherries Jewbilee Recipe,threatening,"" -Who knows! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ All I know is the less brown people the better! :D Although... :\ Perhaps I'm distracted by the prospect of blowing up brown people. While failing to see them coming in the back door!?!? D:,threatening,"" -Illegal immigration has soared back to pre-Trump levels because NOTHING is being done about it. They're not afraid.,threatening,"" -We signed the Mayflower compact so we could throw the corrupt ass***es out of our government. Keep up the good work Patriots in the WH. True Patriots are proud of everything you are doing to cut the cancer out of our Republic. Just remember Treason = 1 bullet, 1down - NEXT! Never have to deal with those traitors again. God Bless!,threatening,"" -Yatzie, those days are gone, sadly we are stuffed, we have now Burkas hijabs and Barbarians all over the place, we need arevolution and start thining them out IMMEDIATELLY,threatening,"" -"What will you do today, to disrupt, disturb, and defy the enemy?"" Ah, good question. Glad you asked. 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 18785 It's a shame we stopped bombing you. Die soon, there's a good little faggot. 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 19339 More black teens should end up like Trayvon aka ""St. Skittles.",threatening,"" -The day we’re allowed to remove these pigs 1 by 1 will truly be a wonderful day. I believe once the weak whites, and ALL brown menaces are gone the remaining ppl left will really know freedom.,threatening,"" -We are on the verge of a civil war in America. Everyone should start preparing before the war begins. The war could begin very soon so everyone needs to be prepared. It's crazy that the left wants to start a war. The left won't win since they aren't very intelligent and most of them are anti-gun. https://www.bitchute.com/video/e4pfkiW58OM/,threatening,"" -Look at it from the bright side: if they really embrace this — which would be utter suicide — we would have a much easier time completely purging them from society. It's basically a free genocide card. No one would ever blame us.,threatening,"" -The mainstream left is afraid things are polarizing and destabilizing too quickly. They want to keep things civil so they can continue their destruction of the slumbering masses. I hope they continue their purges and all hell breaks loose.,threatening,"" -Those against Christians are aligned with the Jews, our mortal enemies. We don't need witches and warlocks to win this war. And we won't lift a finger to help our enemies. Remember that.,incitement,"" -When is the Media going to wakeup maybe Muslims should start shooting newspeople oh that`s they already do wakeup mothrfuckers.,threatening,"" -I expect no patriotism from anyone that works in Seattle. Nuke the city. No loss.,threatening,"" -Eliminate jews and we'd be living on Mars in 50 years.,inferiority,"" -Does pedo bashing require a baseball bat?,threatening,"" -Citizens grand jury can get rid of them,threatening,"" -@NYRKelsMads Dat damn dog eats betta den most colored folk do.,inferiority,"" -Dicks are basically ar-15s Only disabled kids whip em out in class,irony,inferiority -I have a black man in my family tree He’s still hanging there,irony,inferiority -What's faster than a school full of black kids? A loaded gun.,threatening,"" -What did the jew say to the other jew? Jew: Is something burning?,irony,"" -"Why did so many blacks die in combat during Vietnam? Every time the Sergeant yelled, ""GET DOWN!"" they would get up and dance.",irony,"" -What's the difference between a jew and a piece of bread? The bread still works after it's been through the toaster,irony,"" -What two kinds of people are totally different but always look the same? Asians and hepatitis patients,irony,inferiority -I don't know why the Natives are so mad at us... I mean, we were so nice to them. We even gave them blankets!,irony,"" -What's the difference between a Jew and a pizza? The pizza doesn't scream when it's put in the oven.,irony,"" -I've just realized that Indians are an hybrid of white people and black people They are smart like a white man, work like a black man and they have brown skin like a mix of races,inferiority,"" -People talk about how hard it is to be Black in America these days... But what about being white? Like fuck, we're actually almost on a level playing field. Our grandparents had it easy as shit.,white_grievance,"" -"Why was the pastor bad at slang? He took the saying, ""I feel you"" too literal.",irony,"" -Why don't bookmakers take bets on the special Olympics? because they're all winners,irony,"" -"I was sitting next to some really hot Thai girl on the bus today. All I could think to myself was, ""Don't get an erection, don't get an erection!"" But she did.",irony,"" -What do African teenagers and bad wizards have in common? They both don’t know how to spell,inferiority,irony -"Wanna hear the biggest lie? ""Men and women deserve equal rights""",inferiority,"" -you may have a family that love you, real love, and that ever nagging resposibility that feels inescapable . still, once black, you never go back home to the kids,stereotypical,"" -"A gay guy, A black guy, and A Jew get hit by a bus They all appear in front of the gates of heaven. The Angel says. ""Welcome to Heaven!"" The three guys beg him for a second chance. The angel says,""I can only do it if you promised to give up what you love doing the most."" The three men immediately agreed to do that. Suddenly, they're on the street and the bus is passing by. They cautiously cross the street, and continue walking, until they come across a car which has an open window and a purse. The gay guy says to the black guy, ""Don't do it man, you're stronger than that!"" But he reaches in anyway. Poof! Black guy disappears. They continue walking until the Jew comes across a penny. He bends down with the gay guy behind him. Poof! Gay guy disappears.",irony,stereotypical -What's the difference between a woman and a car crash? A car crash won't kill you slowly.,irony,"" -What's the best thing about being Ethiopian? You won't have to be for very long.,irony,"" -What's the difference between heroin and a black person? Police care about people shooting heroin,irony,"" -sluts dont have hormones they have whoremones,irony,"" -What's the best thing that came out of Auschwitz? An empty train,irony,"" -So blacks are the fastest runners and whites are the best swimmers, the polar ice caps are melting, Evolution at work,irony,inferiority -How to know if you're good at sports Your not good if your not black,stereotypical,"" -What do you call a black spider? No daddy long legs,irony,"" -Just how Americans draw themselves slimmer. Japan does the same, they make anime have giant eyes while in reality they can’t see what their drawing,inferiority,"" -What do bikes and black men have in common? The chain,irony,"" -Whats worse than a Jason Aldean concert? Being black,inferiority,"" -"Secret Language During the holocaust the Jews had a secret language they used to speak... it went something like this, ""OH MY GOD! I'M BURNING ALIVE""",irony,"" -Aan indian was taking a dump and died. Strange, isn't it?? He didn't pay attention to the train heading towards him...,irony,"" -So I failed to get accepted at Harvard. So I worked in a coal mine for a while, and one day forgot to shower after work. I visited Harvard again then I got accepted.,irony,white_grievance -What do you call winning battle royale in China? Winner Winner Dog dinner,irony,"" -What is the fastest way to get jewish guests out of your house? vacuum cleaner,irony,"" -Muslims aren't terrorists They just want to die on their own terms but don't want to do it alone.,irony,"" -What did the black, blind, deaf and mute kid get for christmas? Aids.,irony,"" -What would you call an Arab with a wooden leg? A sticky bomb.,irony,"" -I wish my grass was emo... So it could cut itself.,irony,"" -How do you pick up black girls? You burn their village, chain them up and raise the anchors.,irony,"" -How do you stop black guys from hanging out in front of your house? Cut the rope.,irony,"" -What do you say to a woman with two black eyes? Nothing, you already told her twice.,irony,"" -Where do jews go when they die? Out the chimney.,irony,"" -What do you call two Mexicans playing basketball? Juan on Juan,irony,"" -"A black guy finds a genie in a bottle Any three wishes he had would be granted, the genie informed him. ""I wanna be rich,"" said the black guy. The back yard filled up with chests of gold coins and jewels in the blink of an eye. ""I'm no fool,"" said the black guy. ""I wanna be white."" And there he stood, white, blonde-haired and blue-eyed. ""Last but not least, I never want to work another day in my life."" And he turned black again.",irony,"" -What's the difference between a black person and a bicycle? The bicycle doesn't start singing when you put chains on it.,irony,"" -What do babies and black people have in common? Theyre both good for target practice,threatening,"" -How do you name a jew pokémon trainer Ash,irony,"" -What do jews and meat have in common? They're both better cooked,irony,"" -A wife is killed after a car drives through her living room and kills her. Who's fault is it? The wife's because she should've been in the kitchen,irony,"" -Finally something positive I found of the Ethiopians HIV,irony,"" -"Everyone is so politically correct these days... You can't even say ""black paint!"" You have to say ""tyrone can you paint that wall please?""",irony,"" -What place do black people like to be peaceful? In their coffin.,threatening,"" -Recent medical studies shows that obesity can cause lots of problems in pregnant women. I think there’s nothing to worry about it. If a woman is obese, she won’t be pregnant in the first place.,inferiority,"" -What's the difference between a black person and a chicken? One's free range,irony,"" -Why do police officers never get incarcerated for shooting unarmed black men? Because animal cruelty is not punishable by jail time.,inferiority,"" -Why is chinese the best race? They can do everything with their eyes closed.,irony,"" -What's A Jew's Biggest Fear? Taking a shower.,irony,"" -What did God say when he made the first black person? Dammit, I burnt one.,irony,"" -How do you stop a Jewish man from smoking? You let him out.,irony,"" -What's the difference between a black person and a bucket of shit? The bucket.,inferiority,"" -What separates man from animal? The Mediterranean.,inferiority,"" -Why don't Africans need help? They already have aids.,irony,"" -Why are black men good at basketball? The whole point is to run, shoot and steal. Oh and their knee grows.,irony,"" -More than one-third of Africa lacks clean water. I guess black people will even steal from their own kind.,inferiority,"" -What do you get when you add 1 + 1? The average Ethiopian lifespan.,irony,"" -What do you feel when you see a black man running? The recoil,threatening,"" -I’m starving and scared That I might offend Africans because I’m culturally appropriating them,inferiority,"" -Why are paracetamol white??? Because they work,inferiority,"" -What is the difference between Santa Claus and jews? Santa comes down the chimney.,irony,"" -This joke is like a Veitnamese factory worker It makes no cents,irony,"" -"Kitchen appliances salesman to the Jewish man.. ""Sir would you like a tour to the new LG oven ?""",irony,"" -Africans actually have more of some things. Like infant mortality.,inferiority,"" -How many Jews does it take to cook a dinner? Two. One in the fire, one above the fire.,irony,"" -Society is like a box of chocolates There are more browns than whites and the blacks are usually never touched.,inferiority,"" -How long does it take a black woman to take a dump? 9 months,irony,inferiority -Whats the difference between a blonde and an elevator? You dont even have to press a button for her to open up.,irony,"" -Have you ever had Ethiopian cuisine? Neither have they.,irony,"" -"My son pointed at a homeless man and said ""Human waste!!"" I was so ashamed and embarrassed I told him its ""waste of a human"". Kids are so dumb.",inferiority,"" -What do you call a burnt chicken nugget? A nigget,irony,"" -I overheard someone saying a black man stole a motorcycle out of a garage. I ran home to see if mine was still there. Yupp still chained to the wall. Singing and all.,irony,"" -What is the difference between the highway at rush hour and the line at KFC? Nothing, they are both black and dangerous to cut through,irony,"" -My girlfriend broke up with me for stealing her wheelchair I know she'll come crawling back eventually,irony,"" -what did the black kid get his friend for his birthday? my bike.,irony,"" -Hitler was a good doctor. He cured tons of disabilities.,inferiority,"" -What do you call a Muslim emperor? Napoleon Blownaparte,irony,"" -Why do black people only have nightmares? Because we killed the only one with a dream,irony,"" -I don’t think I’m racist I love black people I think every family should have one,irony,inferiority -What do you call a fight between a mexican and a child molester? Alien vs Predator,irony,"" -Where do people in China buy their groceries? Pets at Home.,irony,"" -A black man and a jew jump off a building. Who lands first No one cares,inferiority,"" -How does a black guy Send mail? With food stamps,irony,inferiority -Africa is really boring during Halloween Everyone's a skeleton,irony,inferiority -Since Harriet tubman is on the 20 dollar bill now, is it worth 3/5 of a 20 now?,irony,"" -What do you call a white girl who’s faster than her brothers? A redneck virgin,irony,"" -I have blue eyes. I got them from my dad. My mum has black eyes. She also got them from my dad.,irony,"" -What's the difference between a black man and a pizza? A pizza can feed a family of four,irony,inferiority -Where are Jews most found? In the atmosphere.,irony,"" -What do you call a picture of smoke? A Jewish family photo,irony,"" -Why do black rappers always wear jewelry? The chains remind them of were they came from.,irony,"" -It doesn't matter suicide rates are going up in Black communities, The race was killing itself anyway.,inferiority,"" -What’s the difference between science and religion? Science will fly you to mars. Religion will fly you into a skyscraper,irony,"" -whats a gay guys favorite restaurant? five guys,irony,"" -What’s the difference between black people and communism? People thought communism could work.,irony,inferiority -Why are all women left handed? Because they don't have rights.,irony,"" -Whats tougher than a white man roaming the streets of Compton.... A dog roaming the streets of China,irony,"" -Why don't Asians like Monopoly? They can't buy any of the corners to turn into a shop.,irony,"" -Black people are nothing like monkeys because at least monkeys are well behaved,inferiority,"" -What’s the best part of being a doctor? Vegetables don’t need to give consent.,irony,"" -"Why does Beyoncé always sing ""To the left, to the left"" Because black people have no rights.",irony,"" -What's a 1000 meters long and has an IQ of 68? A black lives matter parade.,irony,"" -I had some “Muslim Fried Chicken” the other day. It was exploding with flavour.,irony,"" -I painted my computer black hoping it’d run faster, but now it doesn’t work.,irony,"" -How do Autists deal with school? With a reeeeeeeeee-volver,inferiority,"" -What do you call two chimps that fall in love? Black people.,inferiority,"" -How do you know if a black girl is pregnant? The cotton is picked off the tampon,irony,"" -A black guy and Mexican were in a car, Who is driving? The Cop,irony,"" -Pennies are brown because they’re worth almost nothing and cost more to manufacture than what they’re worth.,inferiority,"" -What do you call a white guy surrounded by a thousand black guys? A warden,irony,inferiority -What's the difference between a feminist and a knife? A knife has a point.,irony,"" -Hitler just suck at running He cant even finish a race,irony,"" -What do you get when throw a Molotov cocktail into a gay pride parade? An LGBTQBBQ,irony,"" -Well today in school i farted infront of my Jewish friend And when he looked at me i said sorry Its a little gas it wont kill anybody,irony,"" -What’s blue and white and red all over? A cop at a BLM rally.,irony,"" -Why do Puerto Ricans hang the Puerto Rican flag in their car? So they dont steal from each other.,irony,"" -A black man walks into a bar with a parrot on his shoulder. Bar tender goes he man that's neat where did you get that? The parrot says Africa there all over the fucking place!,irony,"" -What do White people get in return for letting Blacks have Black heritage month? Father's Day,irony,"" -Why do white people have such a pleasant scent? So blind people can distinguish them from animals too.,irony,"" -How do you call a car thief that can't drive? A black woman.,irony,"" -What do you call it when you throw a Molotov cocktail into the special-ed room? Hot potato,irony,"" -To all the black kids without fathers, don't be so upset. In a few years, you'll get to meet them when you go to prison.,inferiority,"" -What do you call a black person on top of a church? Holy shit,irony,"" -What's the difference between black dad's and boomerangs Boomerangs are expensive,irony,"" -Boomerangs are like dads... The black ones don't come back.,irony,"" -Why did I get a white car? So it would actually work!,irony,"" -You know the only good thing about being a Jewish chimney sweeper in Auschwitz? You get to have all your family and friends around you.,irony,"" -Gay Muslims are the horniest. They blow the entire neighborhood.,irony,"" -What do blacks and this thread have in common? Both are gonna get locked up,irony,"" -Blacks are a lot like apples After all, it's just natural for them to hang from trees,irony,"" -Why are jews ok with holocaust jokes? Because they're used to being roasted,irony,"" -What's the difference between a dog and a pizza? One can feed a family of four Asian people.,irony,"" -A white man and a black man play hide and seek at night. Who has the advantage? The white man, as the cops are on his side.,irony,"" -How do you get 20 jews in the back seat of a Volkswagen? Toss a $50 in the back seat,irony,"" -Why are black people so fast? The slow ones are in the prison.,irony,"" -People are like jelly beans... No one likes the black ones,inferiority,"" -How come there aren't any Mexicans in Star Trek? They don't work in the future either.,irony,"" -My sense of humour is so dark It pays child support,irony,"" -Why do black people have white on their palms and the soles of their feet? Everybody has a little bit of good in them.,inferiority,"" -What do you call a black guy with half a brain? Gifted,irony,"" -Do you want to know how a depressed person can beat depression quick? Just give them a chair and a rope, the depression will be gone in a matter of minutes!,irony,"" -What do Muslims have in common with Darth Vader? They both offer you to come to the dark side before killing you,irony,"" -What does a black guy and a basketball have in common? They both get shot,irony,"" -What do you call a bunch of Muslim superheroes? Suicide squad,irony,"" -What do you call the citizens of Hiroshima? Fried Rice,irony,"" -Why don't blacks celebrate Thanksgiving? Because KFC is not open on holidays!,irony,"" -What are the advantages of being blacc? You can attend a funeral naked...,irony,"" -What have parents and pizzas in common? When they're black, there's no food.,irony,"" -What’s the same about a black person and a school? They both get shot up by white people.,irony,"" -What's Hitler's favorite breakfast beverage? Freshly squeezed orange jews.,irony,"" -What do you get when you put a gay Canadian flight attendant in the same room as a monkey? An aids epidemic.,irony,"" -What does a redneck girl say when she meets her first lover? Hi dad!,irony,"" -How dark is my humour? It picks cotton.,irony,"" -I love the Legend of Zelda games. Name the games after the girl so she feels important, but has next-to-no involvement whatsoever in them.,irony,"" -a jew and a black are about to get shot, who dies first the jew had coins as body armor while the black dude had child support papers to protect himself,irony,"" -You know what they say Once you go black your a single mother,stereotypical,"" -I asked a Jewish girl for her number.. And she rolled up her sleeve,irony,"" -I have no doubt that Jesus was a black man. Just like in the case of black dads, everyone is waiting for his second coming.,irony,"" -My humour is so dark that cops are beating it,irony,"" -Why don't Africans play on Minecraft servers? They're on the blacklist,irony,"" -What is the only football team a black person can join? The stealers.,irony,"" -What’s the difference between a black man and park bench? A park bench can support a family of 4,irony,"" -Why do black people like basketball? Because they can shoot, steal and drive.,irony,"" -Did you hear about the two car pile up in Mexico? 200 Mexicans died.,irony,"" -“I think a lot, but I don’t say much.” ~ Anne Frank But lately she’s been proven to have not said anything for almost a century,irony,"" -Japanese people are bad pilots They always crash into ships,irony,"" -What do brick sidewalks and fat women have in common They both get laid by mexicans,irony,"" -what do you call a jew that jumps out of a plane a falling star,irony,"" -If a woman is in a forest and there is no one around to hear her. Is she still wrong?,irony,"" -What happens when God lowers the graphics and increases the difficulty ? We all turn black.,irony,"" -Don’t bully people with obesity! I’m being serious guys, they already have enough on their pl8!,irony,"" -What did the black girl get after having an abortion? $500 from crime stoppers,irony,"" -Whats the best part of an ISIS joke? The Execution,irony,"" -What does black Fred Flintstone say? I yabba dabba dindu nuthin,irony,"" -"How are people with mental disabilities similar to electronic products? Sometimes they are, ""batteries not included""",irony,"" -Which Magic Wand can only make Men disappear? Pregnancy Test Sticks,irony,"" -Why are the dogs in china really fast? the slow ones were eaten,irony,"" -How dark is my humor Dark enough to get six warning shots in the back,irony,"" -What's the difference between a black person and a couch? The couch can support a family,irony,"" -How does a Mexican family take a photo together? They get in the back of a truck and run a red light.,irony,"" -Why is all medicine white? Blacks don't work,irony,"" -Wanna hear a joke? Black Lives Matter,irony,"" -Whats a word that begins with N ends in R and you should never call a black person? Neighbor,irony,"" -What Do You Call It When An Ethiopian Baby Cries? A mid-life crisis,irony,"" -"How do you always win an argument against a black person? Call him ""Dad"" and he'll run away.",irony,"" -Why are black fathers and Shaq's free throw attempts the same? They're always missing.,irony,"" -What’s the most common fish in the Mediterranean Sea? The Syrian refugee,irony,"" -Name one positive about Africa. The HIV Tests.,irony,"" -What do you do when you see a black guy on stage? You raise your hand to bid on him.,irony,"" -What’s the difference between Harry Potter and the Jews? Harry was looking for the chamber,irony,"" -What do you call four Mexicans in quick sand? Quattro sinko,irony,"" -What's the difference between a black man and property? I don't know.,inferiority,"" -I reported a video on YouTube for animal abuse My report got rejected; it was footage of a black man being beaten,irony,inferiority -What's a Jew's favorite book? Gone with the wind.,irony,"" -"Why are your mom jokes not your dad jokes? Because the creator of the first ""your mom"" joke was black",irony,"" -The reason I date a black girl So I don't have to meet her dad,irony,"" -What do you call an educated woman? Intellectual property,irony,"" -a black man with a parrot enters a bar the bartender asks where did you get it africa answers the parrot,irony,"" -What's Hitler's favorite time of the year Gas season,irony,"" -What do apples and black people both have in common? They both hang from trees,irony,"" -If you can stop a comma with a period point, what do you use to stop a coma? A hollow-point.,threatening,"" -What's the difference between heroine and a black person? I think twice about shooting heroin.,irony,"" -Where could you find a quadriplegic? Where you left him.,irony,"" -Yall need to chill. Racism is a crime. And crime is for black people,irony,"" -What happens when you roast the quiet Asian kid? Your pet goes missing.,irony,"" -I got a handjob from a blind girl, my friend asked me how was it I replied “Ah blind girls—you have to hand it to them”,irony,"" -How was the Grand Canyon created? A jew dropped a penny in a mole-hole,irony,"" -Muslim kids... They blow up so fast.,irony,"" -If only Africa had more mosquito nets If only Africa had more mosquito nets then every year we could save millions of mosquitoes from dying needlessly from AIDs.,irony,"" -How do you stop black kids from jumping on the bed? Put Velcro on the ceiling,irony,"" -What's one thing you never say to a school shooter Think of the children,irony,"" -How do you get a black man out of a tree? Cut the rope.,irony,"" -Helen Keller walked into a bar and then a chair, and then a table,irony,"" -Why do sumo wrestlers shave their legs? So that people don't confuse them for feminists.,irony,"" -What's the difference between a black slave and a black surfer? One hangs high and the other hangs loose.,irony,"" -"Why did Beyonce say ""to the left,to the left""? Because black people have no rights.",irony,"" -Guys I have a question: when a gay couple gets married Who makes the sandwiches?,irony,"" -Heard this from a 12 year old: 'Whats the difference between black people and apples?' I like apples,irony,"" -Friend: how dark is your humor? Me: If you whip it enough, it will start picking cotton.,irony,"" -What do you say to a black guy in a three piece suit? Will the defendant please rise,irony,"" -how do you call a black man you call his cell number,irony,"" -What is an Ethiopian's favorite videogame? Don't Starve,irony,"" -How do you get 11 million followers? Run through Africa with a bottle of water.,irony,"" -Wanna hear my favorite oximoron? Black people.,irony,"" -What do you call it when a black person hides from a cop at night? Good use of camouflage.,irony,"" -What does a black woman receive when she has an abortion? A thank you letter from welfare.,irony,"" -My boyfriend is half black. Sorry, I’m such a pessimist. He’s half white.,inferiority,"" -What's the one good thing about black people? They provide jobs for the prison guards,irony,"" -I'm not racist racism is a crime, and crime is for black people.,irony,"" -What do you call a black person with rights? Nonexistent,irony,"" -Why do black people turn left? Because they don't have rights.,irony,"" -What's the only time you wink at a black person ? When you're aiming.,irony,"" -How do you track a Cherokee. Follow the tears.,irony,"" -Did they try turning Stephen Hawking off and on again?,irony,"" -Today, I bought a Rolex from a black guy for a bargain. I would even say it was almost a steal.,irony,"" -Researchers found out the most important difference between humans and apes Apes lives in Africa,inferiority,"" -What's black, white and rolls around on the beach? A black man and a seagull fighting over a chip.,irony,"" -What's the difference between Batman and a black man? Batman can go out at might without robin.,irony,"" -What do we call marijuana addicts? Mexicans.,irony,"" -What part of a vegetable cant you eat? The wheelchair,irony,"" -A Muslim man said “Allah Akbar” But I thought he was sneezing so I said “god bless you” and I was blown away by his reaction.,irony,"" -Homeless Where do Western Hobo's go for food? Food shelter Where do Asian Hobo's go for food? Dog shelters,irony,"" -How black mothers keep their children from biting their nails? they make them wear shoes,irony,"" -What do you call 1 black person on the moon? A problem What do you call 2 black people on the moon? A problem What do you call the entire population of black people on the moon? Problem solved!,irony,"" -How do you start an african rave? Staple toast to the ceiling.,irony,"" -Special ed classes are superior to the rest in, at least, one thing Chromosome average,irony,"" -How do you make a baby explode You convert it to islam,irony,"" -There was this great German Hotel that closed down in 1945. It gave free food and free hairdo's. It was called Aushwitz.,irony,"" -"Why do epileptics bexome atheists in December? Because they found out that ""Jesus is the reason for the seizin'""",irony,"" -What should you never give a dyslexic person for breakfast? Alpha-bits,irony,"" -What do you call a black man that has eight arms? I don't know, but it picks cotton really fast!,irony,"" -I painted my computer black to make it run faster It shot me,irony,"" -Women deserve equal rights. And Other Hilarious Jokes You Can Tell Yourself,irony,"" -What’s the difference between a Jew and a bullet? Only one escapes the chamber.,irony,"" -"I think its wrong to refer to a negro as ""boy"" That implies they are people.",irony,"" -Teeth are like people All want to be white, most are yellow and the black ones don't work,irony,"" -Criminals are like just normal, regular people... ... But with darker skin.,irony,"" -Why was six afraid on seven? Because seven is black,irony,"" -Why shouldn't men hit their wives ? When you damage your property it loses value.,irony,"" -"my african friend asked me if he could ask for bob and vegene i told him ""u better ask for food""",irony,"" -what did the african kid get for christmas aids,irony,"" -What's the difference between homeless people and rats? Nothing, they both are infestations to big cities,irony,"" -Why is Mexico so bad at the Olympics? Because every mexican that can run, jump and climb is allready on the U.S.A,irony,"" -Black people are like mitochondria They're the powerhouse of the cell,irony,"" -I studied zoology It helped me better understand black people and their behavior,irony,"" -:D @nkrause11 Dudes who go to culinary school: #why #findawife #notsexist :),stereotypical,"" -"Yeah, child labor IS illegal. Unless you mean ""women""? @plaster_cole Girls should not be allowed to be commentators for football games",inferiority,"" -Too bad they won't take you! @the_CRISPY_man Call me sexist all you want, but I'll take a woman who can cook over one who can't ANY DAY,inferiority,"" -You're pure comedy to the WNBA. @itsshaqhoe Not sexist but WNBA is pure comedy to me .,inferiority,"" -Has to be a parody account. @TheHout I'm not sexist, but women just shouldn't be sports announcers.,inferiority,"" -Listen, you're sexist. @TommyJohn15 Listen, I'm not sexist, but every dumbass driver I've crossed lately has been a female.,inferiority,"" -Wish I could reply with gifs. @ThisIsFNW I hate when women want to be men. It's not sexist, it's biology. Were just different, accept it.,inferiority,"" -*most boys @ihatethiskid I'm not sexist but all the internet does is show that most girls don't know how to form their own opinions.,inferiority,"" -Yes, you're both. @kfuru16: My sister is a woman and Asian. She is the worst driver in America #notracist #notsexist,inferiority,"" -Turn up your hearing aid? A thought @C_tWINO I'm not sexist but it's nearly impossible to listen to a girl talking about football on ESPN,inferiority,"" -LOL EDGY @ein_schoner_tag @shedevil___ @ahptik im not sexist but why are women allowed opinions lol,inferiority,"" -I'm not a Misandrist but Males in General can not Capitalize @g0ldenWan I'm not Sexist , but Females in General can not Drive.,inferiority,"" -TELL ME MORE @ohthatliamm I'm not sexist but I don't think I actually find any female comedian funny,inferiority,"" -IRONY IS FUCKING DEAD @ibustos123 Im not sexist but feminists are the most annoying people out there.,inferiority,"" -WOW TOP SHELF HUMOR @arabdizzle What's the point in having a cleaning lady when I have a mom and a sister? #NotSexist,inferiority,"" -why do jews get circumcised ? jewish women wo n't touch anything that is n't off .,irony,"" -what is a muslim 's favourite band ? the taliband , their performances always blows the audience away,irony,"" -how do you prevent black people from stealing your stuff ? hide it at the bottom of the pool,irony,"" -i like my lakes like i like my white men . superior .,inferiority,"" -black people are like tires they work better with chains,irony,"" -"a muslim couple just got married it is working out well enough , but the husband will not let his wife drive for at least years . one day the wife go 's up to him and asks why she must wait such a long time . he replies "" oh well , to get your drivers licence in this country you must be years or older """,irony,"" -what do you call a good looking muslim ? asif,irony,"" -what do you call a black woman who 's had abortions ? a crime fighter,irony,"" -why did a black man cross the road ? hey ! gimme back my wallet !,irony,"" -how do you fit a group of jews into a mercedes ? in the front , in the back and in the ashtray .,irony,"" -important sometimes it is very important if a sentence was said by a man or a woman . a good example : “ i used a whole pack of tissues during that awesome movie yesterday ! ”,irony,"" -what do you call a woman who thinks she can do anything a man can do ? wrong .,irony,inferiority -bad drivers are fined $ now that s just sexist .,irony,"" -cooking is an important skill . cook for an african man , and he will be hungry for a day less . cook an african man , and all the nearby african men will be hungry for a day less . -- some tribe leader,irony,"" -wanna be like hitler , but have no oven ? throw a penny off a cliff .,irony,"" -i painted my laptop black so it would run faster . and now it wo n't work,irony,"" -what do you call an ethiopian with buck teeth ? a rake .,irony,"" -some people say i do n't let my wife choose anything , but that 's not true ! i let her choose between front hand and back hand .,threatening,"" -you want to hear a joke ? women 's rights,irony,"" -what does a muslim do with their iphone ? just kidding ! they prefer the note ,irony,"" -what 's the difference between batman and a black man ? batman can go to the store without robin .,irony,"" -what 's the difference between a boko haram training camp and a nigerian refugee camp ? i do n't know , i just fly the fighter jet .,irony,"" -what do you do when someone is having a seizure in the bath ? throw a load of dirty laundry in .,irony,"" -why are women like clouds ? because they dampen your day when they 're around but once they 're gone the day is much better .,irony,inferiority -what is the difference between a homosexual and a mentally ill person ? nothing .,irony,"" -how can you tell if a shark met an asian ? its fins are missing .,irony,"" -how many times can you screw a blonde ? i do n't know , how much time you got ?,irony,"" -what do you give an african child for its first birthday ? roses on its grave .,irony,"" -"pink shutters a man walked into a whore house and asked the man running it to give him the biggest black woman that the whore house had . the man at the counter said alright that will be and told him to go to room the man went up to room and the biggest black woman he had ever seen answered the door . the man walked in and asked the woman to take off all her clothes , lay on the bed and spread her legs . she did as she was told , the man stood there and just looked at her for a minute , then he said ok i m finished you can put your clothes back on . the woman got up and was confused as she asked , "" why did nt you do anyting ? "" the man replied . well i am painting my house brown and i wanted to see what it looked like with pink shutters",irony,"" -darth vader … was the first black guy to freely admit to being the father .,irony,"" -why are the japanese so skinny ? it did n't end very well for them the last time a fat man was in their country .,irony,"" -what 's with all the recent terror attacks ? its ramadan . and you 're not you when you 're hungry .,irony,"" -what do you call an ethiopian with a yeast infection ? a quarter pounder with cheese .,irony,"" -what 's the difference between a black man and a lawn decoration ? a footstool and some rope .,irony,"" -what 's black and screams ? stevie wonder answering the iron .,irony,"" -how do you find a black person ? guilty,stereotypical,"" -"a black guy goes to a doctor 's office to get a vasectomy . he shows up in a limo wearing a tuxedo . when it 's his turn , the doctor looks at him and says , "" i 've seen a lot of things , but i 've never seen a guy coming in all dressed up like that ! "" and the black guy says , "" well , if i 'm gon na be im - po - tent , i 'm gon na look im - po - tent ! """,irony,"" -who 's visiting millions of african children every year on christmas eve ? death .,irony,"" -cripples what do you call three people in wheelchairs stacked on top of each other ? a vegetable rack .,irony,"" -what s the difference between a black person and a colorful explosion in the sky ? fire works,irony,"" -what happened to the girl who had a black heart ? cardiac arrest .,irony,"" -what 's the same about feminism and the holocaust ? they 're both irrelevant and mean nothing to society .,inferiority,"" -if your dog is barking at the back door and your wife is yelling at the front door , who do you let in first ? the dog because he shuts up after you let him in .,inferiority,"" -i ca nt wait for harriet tubman to be on the $ bill i can finally use black people as currency again .,irony,"" -if you donate just pound a month . . . you can help us make another advert with sad looking african children in it .,irony,"" -why are black people so good at excel ? they know a lot about cells,irony,"" -i 'm not racist there are black people in my family tree .,irony,"" -why should you never marry a jewish woman ? when dinner time comes , they 're too scared to get near the oven,irony,"" -daddy , am i more black or muslim ? - why are you asking , son ? - there is a bank on the h floor of a new building , and i do n't know whether to rob it or fly a plane into it .,irony,"" -from what i understand most major religions all pray to the same god . after tragedies often i hear ' god has a plan ' well , frankly i think they are right . like after sandy hook , you know , like kids were murdered . that was part of gods plan . i mean , how else is he going to keep coming up with virgins for the suicide bombers .,irony,"" -what do you call a sheet of metal leaning on a tree ? free aboriginal housing .,irony,"" -what do you call a homosexual on rollerblades ? rolaids,irony,"" -i like my women the way i like my fish . . . battered .,threatening,"" -what 's the difference between harry potter and jews ? harry escaped the chamber,irony,"" -so i almost dated this cute muslin chick in middle school but after her social media phase , she kinda blew up . ,irony,"" -how many feminists does it take to change a light bulb ? feminists ca n't change anything .,irony,"" -why do black people like the pokemon anime ? because they can relate to the main character 's fatherlessness .,irony,"" -what do you call a letter from a feminist ? hate male,irony,"" -what is ironic about the lgbt flag ? all the colors are straight .,irony,"" -why did they plant trees in harlem ? for free public transit .,irony,"" -woman : what were the results from the test ? doctor : there are good news and bad news , the good news is that your child will always find a parking space,irony,"" -did you hear about the woman who got hit by a car ? police are questioning why she was out of the kitchen .,irony,"" -if a muslim beats his wife is it domestic violence or child abuse ?,irony,"" -what happens when you boil a cabbage ? i do n't know , a japanese guy stabbed him before i could find out .,irony,"" -"offensive joke . well , i hope anyway a little black jewish boy says to his daddy , "" dad am i more black or jewish ? "" "" why do you ask ? "" , says the dad . the boy says , "" well a guy at school has a bike for sale for $ and i ca n't decide if i want to haggle him down to $ or just steal it . """,irony,"" -what do you call a muslim at a peace rally ? lost .,irony,"" -what s the difference between a passed out college chick and a pickle jar i ca nt fit my fist in a pickle jar,threatening,"" -what would be another name for black lives matter ? rise of the planet of the apes .,inferiority,irony -jews what 's the best jew joke ever ? the holocaust,irony,"" -what 's the best way to wash down five hundred chocolates ? katrina .,irony,"" -what 's the difference between feminists and hockey players ? hockey players shower after periods .,irony,"" -what 's the hardest part about being a muslim ? pilot school,irony,"" -"the prophet mohammed and his wife walk into a pub and the barman says , "" sorry , mo , kids have to stay outside in the garden . """,irony,"" -how did the jewish kid cheat on his math test ? he used the numbers on his arm .,irony,"" -what 's the meanest thing you can do to a blind person ? give them a cheese grater to read .,threatening,"" -i fuck my wife the same way islam fucks muslims . times a day and she has to face me while being submissive .,irony,"" -why is jesus probably black ? because he can not tell who was his real father .,irony,"" -why were all of the inner - city schools changed into conservatories for the arts ? people realized that the only way a negro could be successful is by playing jazz , singing , dancing , or playing sports so they decided not to waste money by teaching them things that would n’t prepare them for the real world .,stereotypical,"" -volkswagen gas emissions scandal . the germans are still trying to gas us .,irony,"" -let 's be honest here . the real reason why the great irish potato famine happened was because the irish figured out that they could also eat the potatoes .,irony,"" -a gay muslim walks into a bar . he ordered shots for everyone .,irony,"" -what do you call a smart black person ? nonexistent .,inferiority,"" -a man walks into a bar and asks for an obscure beverage : ' hey , do you serve blacks lager by any chance ? ' the waiter replies : ' no we do n't ' the man says : ' yeah neither would i they start throwing their shit at each other after a pint or two ',stereotypical,"" -why are the black man 's eyes always red after sex ? the mace .,stereotypical,"" -why do nt jews like the internet ? because they always got roasted by nazis,inferiority,"" -what did hitler say to the defeated jewish cowboy ? reich for the sky !,irony,"" -"shopkeeper runs the numbers . fifteen skinheads chased a pakistani into a shop and proceed to kick seven flavours of shit out of him . eventually , the police arrived and arrested everyone . one of the coppers walked over to the shop assistant and asked if he saw it all happen . when the clerk replied , "" yes , "" the cop asked why he did n't help out . "" i thought fifteen was enough , "" came the reply .",irony,"" -the young homeless girl was delighted when i asked if i could take her home . she was n't too excited when i walked off with her cardboard box .,irony,"" -you can tell a lot about a man by the car he drives for example , if it 's a black man , it 's not his car .,irony,"" -how to pick up chicks how do you pick up a black chick ? noose . how do you pick up a mexican chick ? border patrol . how do you pick up a muslim chick ? body bag . how do you pick up a jewish chick ? dustpan and brush . how do you pick up white chicks ? flunitrazepam .,threatening,"" -jewish jokes what 's the difference between a jew and a stiff nipple . othing because they both disappear after hot shower,irony,"" -what 's a mexicans favourite sport ? cross country,irony,"" -what do you get when you cross a black man and an octopus ? i do n't know but it 's damn good at picking cotton .,irony,"" -what do you call a mentally handicapped jew ? aushwistic .,irony,"" -i got arrested for killing a black man . they charged me for impersonating a police officer .,irony,"" -"i knew a guy who died in a terrorist attack . his last words were "" allahu akbar """,irony,"" -i guess bradley manning really is a woman i mean , how else could he fuck up killing himself ?,irony,"" -i like my women like my wine aged years and stored in the cellar,irony,"" -why are aspirins white ? because they work,irony,inferiority -how do you make a jew prematurely ejaculate ? pay for dinner,irony,"" -is the glass half full or half empty ? i really do n't know , because there 's different ways to look at it : - optimism : the glass is half full . - pessimism : the glass is half empty . - feminism : the glass is raping me .,irony,"" -what is the difference between a feminist and a suicide vest ? i can turn on a suicide vest .,irony,"" -what 's the difference between a jew and a bullet ? a bullet can escape the chamber,irony,"" -"what phrase do black men always love to hear ? "" you are not the father ! """,irony,"" -how do you starve a black man . put his food stamps under his work boots .,irony,"" -you loose your black friend in the dark , where do you lose your muslim friend ? in an explosion,irony,"" -what 's the worst thing about being told you have alzheimer 's ? it dosen't happen at once,irony,"" -what 's black and white and rolls down a hill ? a maori and a seagull fighting over a fish head .,irony,"" -fat chicks . make uggs look like socks .,irony,"" -why do negros dance to the left ? because they have no rights .,irony,"" -what is the difference between a black person and a bench ? at least a bench can support a family,irony,"" -a black woman has seven sons ; jerome , jerome , jerome , jerome , jerome , jerome and jerome . how does she distinguish between them ? by their last names .,irony,"" -how do you pickup a jewish girl ? broom and dustpan .,irony,"" -what is the usual woman 's response to a black guy 's pickup line ? rape ! ,irony,"" -my weed is like the qur'an . i burn it until i get stoned .,irony,"" -what do you call a muslim feminist ? dead .,irony,"" -"so the federal government said we are no longer allowed to call people from indiana "" indianians "" . now we must refer to them as "" indyots "" .",irony,"" -why do black people take so long to check out at the grocery store ? mixers in one transaction , booze in the other,irony,"" -alabama where eharmony and ancestry are the same website .,irony,"" -when i was in t - ball as a kid , i could tell my coach was catholic as soon as i joined the team from the way he molested me the same way my priest did . i mean like to a t.,irony,"" -Girls I have dated can never estimate measurements. Just make sure you never date a female carpenter.,inferiority,"" -"I wish GPS' had an avoid ghetto"" setting!""",inferiority,"" -That place was infested with black people.,inferiority,"" -Sorry , that must be my Black coming out.,inferiority,"" -Some guy in my school started talking that way randomly, along with some other effeminate mannerism. Funny, when he came out and we all just said we know. [...] I read somewhere that your true accent is the accent you speak when you are drunk or angry as the cognitive load present in putting on a fake accent vanishes or weakens,stereotypical,"" -I just don't understand it. I think you must just be doing it for attention. When this phase is over and you go back to putting effort into your appearance, you can be treated with respect.,inferiority,"" -Don't worry about Mr. ________. He's just extremely Jewish.,stereotypical,"" -She should be the employeer, and she needs to be a Mexican looking for a cleaning job.,stereotypical,"" -"Old woman:: ""Schools shouldn't offer free lunches to kids, since that means their parents just take advantage, and don't bother trying to find jobs to support their kids."" Me:: ""So you think we should allow kids to starve?!"" Woman's husband:: ""You see [myname], if you give them handouts, these people don't work. When I got out of high school, if you wanted to eat, you had to find a job. Nobody has any work ethic anymore."" At a party. Made me feel like I was talking to a compassion-less brick wall.",stereotypical,"" -Person cutting my hair:: So are you seeing anyone? Me:: Not since things ended with my last boyfriend. It was complicated, he was from Afghanistan... Person cutting my hair:: And he was a terrorist? I was going to say that a close family member had died in a bombing and he had to go back to Kabul. But I guess terrorist works?,stereotypical,"" -You're pretty for a black girl.,stereotypical,"" -She's a girl, of course she has mood swings.,inferiority,"" -There's African Americans and then there's black people. There's a difference. Like, Oprah is an African American, but some random black guy off the street doesn't deserve the title, you know?,inferiority,"" -You can't play with them - they don't speak English.,other,"" -Surveying gender is easy because there's only male and female.,other,"" -But you are too strong to be raped.,stereotypical,"" -Believe me, my son is NOT gay. He has never once touched a Barbie, he's built like a linebacker, and he's a real man's man.,stereotypical,"" -No, can you get one of the boys to carry that out? It's too heavy for you.,inferiority,"" -Wait, can I catch your Asperger's?,stereotypical,"" -Bisexual people don't exist. Gay people just say that so they can walk down the hall with a girl holding hands.,other,"" -Your mom is Brazilian isn't she? Maybe she could come to the school sometime for gym and teach the class how to dance samba!,stereotypical,"" -You're a girl. You're not expected to know where it is.,other,"" -I'm male, and am asking this question to non-binary identified people. Why do you give so much of a crap? Why can't you just lighten up, let the thread happen, and ignore it?,stereotypical,"" -Person 1:: That's not your real hair, you're fully black! Person 2:: It's fake, stop trying to convince us that black people can have long hair! Two people in my class talking about my mid-back length curly hair, two weeks ago. I'm a 17 year old Eritrean (East African) female in London. It made me feel disappointed, enraged, but mostly, shocked by their ignorance and outright lack of manners.,inferiority,"" -Oh my God! Yea, that shooting at Haas last week was so crazy! I feel like I go to a ghetto school now!,irony,"" -I like you, you don't act gay.,inferiority,"" -Cool story, babe. Now make me a sandwich.,other,"" -While talking to a co-worker over our break... Co-Worker:: Why do you have all those State Park brochures? Me:: I want to get into camping. I never did much of that growing up. Co-Worker:: You should find an outdoorsy guy to date! Then he can teach you all that stuff. I am a queer woman who is not interested in men.,inferiority,"" -You might want to think about losing weight if you want to get married and have children. Men are very visual creatures.,inferiority,"" -No offense, but that's seriously gay.,irony,incitement -I'm not going to screen you for STDs because you aren't really at risk as a lesbian. But then again, I don't really know how you people have sex.,white_grievance,"" -I SAID A NORMAL NAME......AMERICAN!!,irony,inferiority -Lol, Asian gay guys are too girly, I suppose.,inferiority,"" -Doctor:: How did this happen? Me:: My mother pushed me down some stairs when I told her that I'm a lesbian. Doctor:: Oh, that's understandable then.,other,"" -Walks into a post office to buy stamps. Me (Hmong American):: Hello, I would like to get the pixar stamps. Clerk:: *Takes out Chinese New Year Stamps, while smiling like she made my day* I think you'll like these. Me:: *Looks at her and the stamps...* No, it's okay. I'll just get the pixar ones. Clerk:: *Pushes the stamps forward* Awkward silence of me thinking... Me:: Okay *Buys and walks away* Clerk:: Xie xie WTF?! with a tickle in my tummy... Did this just really happen to me...?,stereotypical,"" -You only got into [my university] because you're Native American AND Mexican. I had to work harder to get into this same honors program, and that's not fair.,white_grievance,"" -You mean your boyfriend coded it up in a week!,inferiority,"" -Not all gay men are sissies, but all sissies are gay.,stereotypical,"" -You're going to be the expert on all things African American.,other,"" -Co-worker's facebook status:: Not sure how the guy sitting next to me in class can smell so bad and still be alive. First comment:: Is he Indian?,stereotypical,"" -Find yourself an Asian girl. She'll be more docile.,stereotypical,"" -Yeah, it's like when black people dye their hair blonde and wear neon colors. It just doesn't work!,other,"" -Jihad is one of the Five Pillars of Islam. The whole thing is basically founded on going out and killing people for G-d.,stereotypical,"" -Don't pick that up, you're a girl. Let one of the boys do that.,inferiority,"" -You're actually very pretty. Most dark skinned girls don't have your looks.,inferiority,"" -You haven't seen the Godfather movies?! You are not really a man if you haven't seen them.,other,"" -Of course I love you, I just prefer the straight part of you to the gay part.,other,"" -Doing a Physics degree is no way to get yourself a husband!,inferiority,"" -"H&R Block employee when my best friend (who's black) and I went to get our taxes done together:: ""Employed?"" Me:: ""Yes."" H&R:: ""Any children?"" Me:: ""No."" H&R, turns to my friend:: ""Okay, and you. Employed?"" Him:: ""Yes."" H&R:: ""Any children?"" Him:: ""No."" H&R:: ""Are you sure?"" Him:: ""Um..."" H&R:: ""Just checking."" Him:: ""Yes, I'm sure.""",stereotypical,"" -There are scholarships available solely for black men, black women, only women, Hispanic men and women...but if there was a scholarship that only a white man could apply for, I bet it would cause an uproar. Just sayin'. Is this fair in today's day and age? What did my generation do to oppress any specific group of people? Isn't it time for equality across the board?,white_grievance,"" -Hahaha, you're so funny! You're not asexual! There's no such thing! Humans are MADE for sex! You just haven't had GOOD sex yet! Someday you'll meet the right guy and you'll want to screw his brains out, and then you'll remember how insane you were to ever say you're asexual!,other,"" -So how much Indian ARE you? I mean, you don't look it.,other,"" -*gasps* You've NEVER had taiyaki* before? You're not really Japanese!,other,"" -So you're really not into men? Like, really really not into men? Are you sure?,other,"" -Classmate:: So, which one of your parents is black and which is white? Me:: My mom is white and my dad is black. Classmate:: (trying to by funny) So, your mom was a rape victim? I was 17 years old.,stereotypical,"" -I just think that the feminist movement glorifies obesity. It should focus on being healthy, because what it's doing now is just as bad as the mainstream media!,stereotypical,"" -I wouldn't call myself a feminist anymore. I think I'm a realist now. I think maybe we're in denial and that men and women aren't necessarily capable of the same things. Maybe women need to make some sacrifices.,stereotypical,"" -God made Adam and Eve, not Adele and Eve.,other,"" -Don't become one of those militant gay people.,other,"" -Go back to China.,incitement,"" -Female Coworker:: So you're driving cross country? Me:: Yep. FC:: Are you gonna stop at hotels or something? Me:: Nah, like I did before I'll just stop at rest stops when I get too tired and sleep in the car. FC:: Oh, well, do you have any protection? Me:: Uh, sure I guess, I mean I have pepper spray and always carry my pocketknife... FC:: No no, I meant do you have a MAN to protect you. Because obviously women can't defend themselves, and men never get robbed or assaulted...,stereotypical,"" -Bisexual is a term that gay guys in high school use when they want to hold hands with girls and feel like a normal person for a change.,stereotypical,"" -That's why black men, like my boyfriend, date us white women. They like REAL hair, real nails, and none of that attitude. Black girls are way too ghetto and too much work.,inferiority,"" -Well you know, you are going to have to deal with some uneducatable black kids.,inferiority,"" -I wish you'd stop calling me a feminist. I'm not a feminist. It's really insulting. I love all that traditional woman stuff, cooking, cleaning, like that.,other,"" -No you can't like him. It's the most disgusting thing to mix a Black and an Asian!,inferiority,"" -I didn't know that such a dark girl could be pretty.,inferiority,"" -"If the Japs are offended, then screw them. They should have stayed away from Pearl Harbor."" The highest rated comment on a very old and very racist Bugs Bunny cartoon shown on YouTube. 7 macro,race 6 years ago",incitement,"" -Dad:: So what are you taking next semester? Me:: Intro to philosophy, deductive logic, women and modernism- Dad:: Ha! That's a contradiction right there! Me:: Why? Dad:: Modern women aren't logical!,stereotypical,"" -Wow, look at all these black kids. Hey, I bet they all have the same dad. All black people are totally related.,stereotypical,"" -You communicate like a girl, I just don't get it. I'm a guy. You need to just say what you mean!,stereotypical,"" -I believe in equal rights for gay people, but I wish they wouldn't kiss in public. It's gross.,inferiority,"" -Why can't all Black Women wear their hair like yours?,other,"" -"After you strip off his makeup and clothes, biologically he's still a man"".""",stereotypical,"" -While sitting with a friend, observing the art at Museum of Modern Art, a museum security employee approaches us. Employee:: So, where are you from? (to my friend) Lemme guess, Japan? Friend:: Uh, no, Korea. Employee:: Ah, and you... (to me) Where are you from? Puerto Rico? Me:: No, I'm from California. Employee:: Right, but you probably are Puerto Rican. Me:: I'm not. Employee:: Are you sure? You *must* have some Puerto Rican blood in you! Me:: I assure you, I don't.,stereotypical,"" -I don't know how well this software [facial recognition software] will work in places like Asia because all Chinese people look the same.,stereotypical,"" -I want to make bumper stickers that say ISLAM IS NOT A PEACEFUL RELIGION and sell them.,stereotypical,"" -We don't keep eating utensils in the car. That's what FAT FAT FAT people do.,stereotypical,"" -You're Middle Eastern? Really? It's so good to know there are actually decent Middle Eastern people out there.,stereotypical,"" -But you're not REALLY disabled. You look so pretty!,stereotypical,"" -You can't be a person of colour; you're too pale!,stereotypical,"" -Why are there so many party stores in the ghetto? Like do all the poor people like to celebrate they're poor?,inferiority,"" -She always wears such revealing clothing and flirts with all of these guys when we're out. It's just gross and dangerous. I'm not saying that a person deserves to be raped, but...,incitement,"" -Why do you listen to 'Chinese music?' You don't even understand and they all look the same anyways.,stereotypical,"" -Are you really going to let a GIRL beat you?,inferiority,"" -WHY are you Atheist?,other,"" -Black Student:: Yeah man us Black people don't do too well in water. White student:: Yeah, yall took advantage of that free boat ride huh? An exchange my friend who attends Lake Forest College overheard.,stereotypical,"" -Men are just better at some things. That's just the way it is. Like men are better at driving cars or flying airplanes. But you sure look pretty.,inferiority,"" -I play as a black character sometimes and it never bothers me.,inferiority,"" -My daughter said, 'Mom, I hate Mexicans!' I told her you can't judge all Mexicans because of one but, you can say they are all short.,stereotypical,"" -I'm all for women's rights and freedom and whatever, as long as they still put out.,inferiority,"" -Teacher :: Black men are naturally more aggressive and strong than white men. Me:: No, it has to depend on the man, surely. Teacher :: Not really, no white man could... Me:: Your husband is 6ft tall well built and my dad is 5'7ft and very lean, your husband could wipe the floor with him. Teacher :: There are odd exceptions but, in general. I was 15, Secondary School, England 2001. Made me feel gobsmacked worried that I would be graded unfairly.,stereotypical,"" -Owner of my company opening up sexual harassment training class:: I don't believe in sexual harassment. I think it's just something made up by militant lesbians.,stereotypical,"" -Native Amerian Studies boils down to 'kill whitey'.,white_grievance,"" -Why can't you act like a normal person? You don't have Asperger's. There's nothing wrong with you. You're just looking for attention/excuses. If you'd just stop behaving so oddly, you wouldn't need to blame it on a disease.,inferiority,"" -I don't want another woman boss. I already have a woman boss and she has me running around all the time.,inferiority,"" -Are there really that many gay people?!,stereotypical,"" -Four-year-old boy:: Why did she get to walk in first? Dad:: Because she's a girl. And girls go first. Four-year-old boy:: Why? That's DUMB!' Dad:: Because girls need protecting from strong boys like you.,stereotypical,"" -One of my good friends from high school is black, but I don't really think of her as black because she told me she's white on the inside.,stereotypical,"" -Me:: I can't believe that someone could commit such a horrible crime. People can scare me sometimes. Guy:: You know, if black people don't want to be called criminals... Me:: I didn't say anything about what the man looked like. Guy:: [Silence],stereotypical,"" -If you can keep your head whilst everyone else around you is losing their's... Than you're probably in an Arabic country fighting for Isis.,irony,"" -Untold Murder is risible, mulatto perjurer trying to convince the audience he knows something as opposed to reading from a New Scotland Yard script.,inferiority,"" -Women are like wine: I can only afford the really cheap ones that have the big, ugly boxes that leak.,irony,"" -The Jews use to laugh They thought it was just a joke They're not laughing now -Adolf Hitler,irony,"" -Notice there haven't been any #MeToo accusations made against Islamic Supremacists?,white_grievance,"" -the organizational and social strategy of 'dune coon' movements like Hezbollah and the Muslim Brotherhood are light years beyond the machinations of the white master race in virtual space, even if we adjust for contextual differences.,stereotypical,"" -If we'd known that they'd cause this much trouble we'd have picked the fucking cotton ourselves!,inferiority,"" -So I guess women are now being promoted to the level of the Jews:as long as one says something happened we have to believe it because not possible they would lie,stereotypical,"" -"did you know Mexicans in Southern California actually use ""JAJAJA"" Instead of ""hahah"" pisses me off so much #DEPORTALLOFTHEM",inferiority,"" -London police arrest two men in connection with the London Terrorist Bombing One, 18 yrs old One, 21 yrs old Won't tell us who/what they ARE, but I can just about tell you who/what they AREN'T White/European British Native Londoners IQ above room temperature Self-sufficient Any takers at 10:1?,inferiority,"" -Check out CBSN On Assignment on CBS at 9pm they are gonna tell moslem kids its not right to cut peoples heads off... could be funny,irony,"" -To the women marching across the US today Have as many abortions as you’d like Boycott sperm Get sterilized Boycott the patriarchy Kill yourselves in protest,threatening,"" -It's easy for them to multiply because their African genes are so incredibly pronounced .,inferiority,"" -I think its funny , as a premed student there has n't been a black person within a hundred miles of any of my classes ever .,inferiority,"" -If monkeys are on my property i call animal control and defend my family and property with whatever means possible , simply talking sense to a monkey and pointing at it will not stop it from misbehaving !,inferiority,"" -Agreed, The Blacks and Hispanics should have their own school only for them and have worse education than the children whites like that might not compete with our children whites .,inferiority,"" -Now now lets not discriminate between muslims and jews , I say get them all back to the middle east and turn the whole sand pit to radioactive glass .,threatening,"" -I Can tell you right now if a black mob is threatening my life and burning my town I 'm going to start shooting .,threatening,"" -How dare I suggest boys' suffering needs attention too,irony,"" -I made a Chad tinder profile Females don't care how vulgar or disgusting you are when you're attractive, if I was to say the same things I've said to these people with my real picture they would call the cops on me So far I've had 60 matches and none of them were disgusted by my messages, which were asking for sex straight up,stereotypical,"" -Why do women always show there curves Every time I walk down the street I catch myself stairing at a girls tits or ass why can't we be like Islamic country's where women where berkas,inferiority,"" -Shower Thought: If feminism is cancer, is that why ladies afflicted with it often lose their hair?,irony,"" -Normies live in constant fear because their girlfriends dress up slutty then drink their inhibition away alongside horny men on a weekly basis This is routine and encouraged in the degenerate west.,inferiority,"" -"After watching the clip on ""Mansplaining"" I would like to introduce the term ""Vaginapology"" I believe this is self-explanatory.",irony,"" -Brace yourself, Christmas is coming soon Get your GF now or they will run out of supply,irony,"" -"There should be a modernized version of ""The Boy Who Cried Wolf"" called ""The Girl Who Cried Rape""",irony,"" -Every woman claims she was raped or sexually harassed in her past They are advertising their desirability to Chad.,irony,"" -Women don't like being treated equally to men, sees having to pay child support as oppression.,irony,"" -REMINDER: femoids would rather fuck ABUSIVE CHADS than an incel But don't forget that your personality is the problem.,irony,"" -Seeing prostitutes is morally wrong, but being one is not Why do women defend prostitutes while at the same time judging men for seeing them?,irony,"" -I wonder how many females I raped today I spent a lot of time on the subway as a sub 3 and inevitable looked at some females and might have made phisical contact when the train was full,irony,"" -Having a criminal record is more attractive to women than having a PhD A violent alpha male is the ultimate sexual desire for women.,stereotypical,"" -Another advantage of being a female: getting by with your looks,inferiority,"" -If men are so privileged and women have it so hard why are so many men choosing to live as females?,irony,""