text,binary_disagreement,disagreement_rate It is good to ask for stolen paper back if you know who did it.,1,0.5 It is normal for students to pass notes,1,0.5 It's wrong to be into cuckolding.,1,0.5 It is okay if you do not succeed at what you try.,1,1.0 You should always do your chores.,1,0.5 Waterboarding is a very unpleasant thing to do to someone.,1,0.5 You should always keep in touch with your real parents.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to exclude others for reasons over which they have no control.,1,0.5 It's good to live without fear.,1,0.5 It is okay to outgrow a relationship.,1,0.5 It is rude to cut in line.,1,0.24999999999999994 Stealing is wrong.,1,0.5 It's wrong to take or distribute photos of dead bodies.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to expect a favor just because someone is related to you.,0,0.0 It's okay to be upset when your spouse asks for a divorce.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't catfish people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to be sad if you feel rejected.,1,0.5 It's okay to receive criticism.,1,0.5 It's good to do things for your kids.,1,0.5 It's expected that you'll monitor your children.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to refuse to talk to a sibling.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's nice to stay on good terms with your ex.,0,0.0 You shouldn't break the rules at work.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to lie to a charity shop.,1,0.5 It's not okay do something just because it was done to you,1,0.5 It's rude to make judgments about people you don't know well.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you're relieved when you can afford to pay your bills.,1,0.5 It is better to keep candy in your kitchen.,1,0.7499999999999999 People might think you're a thief if they see you handling stuff that isn't yours.,1,0.5 It is good to talk to people about your problems.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable to be upset when somebody is not listening to you.,0,0.0 It is bad to stalk others.,1,0.5 It's good to be worried about your partner.,1,0.5 It's good to go out camping with your buddies.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to write about things you enjoy.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to get a pet when you can't afford to properly take care of it.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always spend time with people you enjoy.,1,0.5 It's OK to admit that you don't understand something that's commonly understood.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is bad to fuss about things.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should do what you can to maintain a relationship with a girlfriend.,0,0.0 It is wrong to withhold important information.,0,0.0 It is okay to feel betrayed by a partner.,1,1.0 It's bad to try to force a friendship.,0,0.0 You shouldn't wear clothes that your partner doesn't like.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to feel lost when in new places.,1,0.5 It's okay to be unsure what you want to do in the future.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad to fire a daughter in law from a job.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you don't want your mother to sleep in your bed with you.,0,0.0 You shouldn't ask your family to donate money,0,0.0 It's bad to hold a grudge.,0,0.0 It is okay to not help your partner orgasm when you are not in the mood yourself.,1,0.5 You shouldn't befriend someone who threatened one of your friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to look around a lot before you find something you really like.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to not want to listen to sad details.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's noble to be true to yourself.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to not want kids.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's normal for siblings to play pranks,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected to go to events with friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should go out with people that like you.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to not want to spend time with someone who has a bad temper.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to be domineering.,1,0.5 It's OK to feel guilty over things you've done in the past.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you feel like a princess when a butterfly lands on your finger.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to be concerned about your performance.,1,0.5 It's expected that a child will be curious about a parent who they don't know.,1,0.5 You should call your employer to report your absenceses.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be self-righteous about things.,0,0.0 It's understandable if you're curious how interfaith marriages work.,0,0.0 "When you have to take care of someone with special needs, it's okay to feel overwhelmed.",1,0.24999999999999994 Is expected that spouses will be faithful to each other,1,0.5 Not telling your girlfriend that you no longer want to see one another is rude.,1,0.5 You shouldn't talk to someone that catfishes you.,1,0.5 It's bad to disrupt other people.,1,0.5 It's OK get upset over being homesick,1,0.5 It's kind to support a person going thru a medical crisis.,1,0.5 It is good to accept things about yourself that you cannot change.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to have an opinion.,1,0.5 It's okay to quit your job.,1,0.7499999999999999 You don't have to allow anyone to remain in your home if you don't want them there.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good want to help a troubled family member.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you're annoyed when your friend climbs on you to be at the top of a pyramid.,1,1.0 It's OK to live your life however you want.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be with someone you don't love.,1,0.5 It's wrong to blame your mistakes on other people.,1,0.5 It's allowed to clip coupons to get the best deal.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable that people don't always get along with others.,0,0.0 It is wrong to deceive your loved ones,1,0.5 It's frowned upon to throw a tantrum.,1,0.5 It's normal for someone in graduate school to need to write a thesis to show what they've learned.,1,0.5 It's wrong to stalk people.,1,0.5 It's good to ask your teacher for help when you're worried you're going to fail.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to bond and be intimate with someone,1,0.5 It's okay to hate certain animals.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is okay to need support from others.,1,0.5 It is rude to reject an invitation to a special event.,1,0.5 You shouldn't betray your friends.,0,0.0 It's okay to be unsure what you want to do in the future.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is important to have good hygiene.,1,0.5 It's good to confess your feelings and problems.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to swear at a friend.,1,0.5 It's allowed to admit to people when you need their help.,1,0.5 It's fine for you to have sex with anyone you like.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to try to be the best and exceed expectations.,1,0.5 You shouldn't injure yourself so you don't have to go to the doctor.,1,0.5 It's rude to pay more attention to your phone than the people you are with.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't break the law.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be too attached to technology,1,0.7499999999999999 Taking on the duties of someone who sacrifices for you is fantastic.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to confess your love to your crush.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should seek out relationships with people closer to your own age.,1,0.5 You should not cheat on your partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to lose a friend.,1,0.5 It's good to keep track of your budget.,1,0.5 It's okay not to be interested in something.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't make healthcare so expensive that people can't afford it.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's justifiable to yell at someone if they aren't doing their job correctly.,1,0.5 It's expected that you be able to speak.,1,0.5 It is wrong to be stuck on yourself.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to tackle a perpetrator who flees from you.,1,0.5 You should be respectful to people when it comes to topics like fitness,1,0.24999999999999994 You can't expect your partner to always want to take care of your pets.,1,0.5 It's good to be there for your ex's funeral.,1,0.5 "When your sibling has special needs, it's okay to feel sad.",1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad to be rude.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to question the nature of reality.,1,0.5 It's wrong to let the little things come between you and someone you care about.,0,0.0 It is okay to be unsure what you want to do.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's normal to feel guilty for not feeling the way you think you should.,1,0.5 It is easy to take old friends for granted.,1,0.5 Taking care of someone elses dog is not your responsibility.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's kind to use your skills to help someone's artistic endeavor.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to have differing views on sex in a marriage as long as you work through your issues.,1,0.5 You should break up with your significant other if you're interested in somebody else,0,0.0 "If you have someone close to you that never wants to talk about their feelings, it is acceptable to tell them that you are there to listen if they need it.",1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to take video games too seriously.,1,0.5 It's bad to be passive aggressive in a relationship.,1,0.5 You shouldn't rush through tasks without being attentive to them.,1,0.24999999999999994 A couple should come to an agreement about whether to bring pets indoors or not.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to want to become better at something.,1,0.5 It is good to educate your children,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to want to be student of the month when you're a kid.,0,0.0 It is okay to be nervous about a potential confrontation with your partner.,1,0.5 It is wrong to continue an argument when your partner wants to end it.,1,0.5 You're expected to improve your qualifications in order to get a better job.,1,0.5 "If you're uncomfortable with your body, you shouldn't go to a nude beach.",1,0.5 It's expected that a parent be polite to their children.,1,0.5 It's normal to be disgruntled sometimes,1,0.5 It's wrong for co-workers to treat each other badly.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to lie about your age.,1,0.5 It is wrong to keep children from their grandparents.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to want to people to bond and share time together.,0,0.0 It's okay to buy gifts for people with gift cards.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's discouraged to be in love with your own image.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't take your pets to the pound.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to feel frustrated when someone you just had sex with kicks you out.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to punish people who try to take advantage of a system.,1,0.5 It is okay to need space from your family.,1,0.5 It is hurtful to be discriminated against because of your race.,1,0.5 It is good to be relieved if someone has treatable cancer.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you don't want to clean up after a long day.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's OK to choose a job with better benefits over one with higher salary.,1,0.5 It's wrong to cheat on others.,1,0.5 You shouldn't touch other people.,1,0.5 It's unfortunate when someone is killed in the line of duty.,1,0.5 It's okay to not be in the mood for things.,1,0.5 It's normal to feel frustration.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to celebrate weddings.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to have fun at a party,1,0.24999999999999994 It's mean to accuse your sick friend of hiding things from you.,0,0.0 It's expected that families will not get along well with their in-laws.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should always be there for your parents.,1,0.5 You shouldn't pry into your child's personal business.,1,0.5 It's acceptable to date younger women.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to have a hard time breaking bad news to someone you love.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be best friends with your siblings.,1,0.5 You shouldn't trust creepy people.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't let your sibling befriend an adult if they are a minor.,1,0.24999999999999994 There is no correct way to respond to the death of a family member.,1,0.5 It's bad to meddle in someone else's work.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to follow your dreams.,1,0.5 It's expected your friends come to help you when you ask for it,1,0.5 It's understandable to get lost in an unfamiliar place.j,0,0.0 It's best not to wait too long to get help in resolving an issue.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to be resourceful if you don't have a first aid kit when you're injured.,1,0.5 It is expected that your respond when someone addresses you,1,0.5 You should engage in safe sexual practices when performing prostitution.,1,0.5 It's good to give people news that brings them joy.,1,0.5 It's wrong to do things that you know are going to gross other people out.,1,0.5 It's good to give relationship advice to people.,1,0.5 It's hurtful to pretend to care about someone when you don't.,1,0.5 It's wrong to dump all your problems on your young child,1,0.5 It's understandable to want to spend holidays with family.,0,0.0 You should not make important decisions when you're angry,1,0.5 "If you have conflict in your marriage, it is expected that you always consider your children's feelings.",1,0.5 You can't expect your team to always win their game.,1,0.5 It's rude to talk over someone.,1,0.5 It's allowed to be sad about tragedies that occur to other people.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't try to force people to events they will be very unhappy at.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to want to be humiliated.,1,0.5 It's expected that parents should love their children.,1,0.5 You shouldn't think ill of your family.,1,0.5 It is okay to be different,1,0.5 You should never take things that belong to others without asking,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to harm the environment,1,0.5 You are allowed to choose who you spend your time with.,1,0.5 Ignoring someone who has been hurt is selfish.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to listen to details of someone's situation.,0,0.0 It's wrong to fight over someone's grieving.,0,0.0 It's bad to start relationships in the workplace.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should get help if worries are overtaking your life.,1,0.5 It is wrong to sleep with another person when you still have feelings for your relationship partner.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want to punish someone for bad behavior.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't borrow expensive things from coworkers.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be uncomfortable in a deceased person's bed.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's not expected that you feel shame when flirting.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to make noise that might disturb the neighbors.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to tell somebody who they can be friends with,0,0.0 People are expected to be punctual.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't ditch your friend for other people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to be concerned for a friend.,1,0.5 "If you aren't ready to start dating, you shouldn't go on dates.",1,0.5 You shouldn't interrupt someone who is busy at work.,0,0.0 It's understandable if you're upset when your parents are strict.,1,0.5 Don't be afraid to ignore people who are deliberately trying to annoy you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to choose not to eat dessert if you're trying to be healthy.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to use mental imagery to remember things.,0,0.0 You should be more respectful of other people.,0,0.0 Is normal for teens to lose sometimes,1,0.5 You're expected to behave respectfully in a graveyard.,1,0.5 It's okay to hate monkeys and apes because they are scary.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's not okay to make excuses in life.,1,0.5 It is rude to distract others at work.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should stand up for your family members if they are being treated poorly.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to commit fraud,1,0.5 You should never take things that belong to others without asking,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be angry.,1,0.5 It is rude to discuss other people's personal life.,0,0.0 You should not expect people to buy gifts for your party.,1,0.5 It's expected that people who do illegal acts will have consequences.,1,0.5 It's okay to be angry when your divorced parents fight about your wedding.,1,0.5 It's expected you be patient while waiting in a line,1,0.5 You shouldn't watch so much TV because it's bad for you.,1,0.5 It's good to find the right partner for yourself.,1,0.5 It's okay to be upset about the death of a loved one.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is acceptable to choose not to get involved when you see a hurt person.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you be polite to your neighbors.,1,0.5 It's good to prescribe medication that helps someone recover.,1,0.5 It is good to question what is going on.,1,0.5 It's good to want to feel assured about things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to have weird sexual fantasies.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to defraud the government,1,0.7499999999999999 It is prolific to create several products.,1,0.5 You should always pay back what you owe.,1,0.5 It's expected that depression runs in families.,1,0.5 It's despicable to fire someone over a text.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should share your recipes with people who would appreciate them.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to go out sailing and have fun.,1,0.5 It is nice to take your kids to eat out on occasion.,1,0.5 It's okay to be disgusted when your sibling makes you eat poop.,0,0.0 You should be understanding when your parents talk about their family heirlooms.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to help people with financial decisions.,1,0.5 It's expected that you want your friends to live in your city.,1,0.5 It's normal to not allow someone close to you to get a loan in your name,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable when past trauma informs your future actions.,1,0.5 You should always chip in to pay for your partner's things.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should tell a friend if you have concerns about their choices.,0,0.0 It's normal to feel hopeless at some points.,1,0.5 It's okay to be rude to someone that has ruined your family,1,0.5 It's good to know when something in your life isn't helping you the way you want it.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable that you don't want to be burden by other people's moments in their lives.,1,0.5 It's wrong to tell lies about people.,1,0.5 I expected that people who eat meat aren't vegetarians.,0,0.0 It's rude to intentionally confuse others for a joke.,1,0.5 It's fine to want to be open with new friends.,1,0.5 It is okay to talk about troubling events.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to share something that someone has told you in confidence.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to have a crush on your best friend's girlfriend.,1,0.5 People should care for their family members.,1,0.5 It's okay to avoid someone who seems to be on a path of self-destruction.,1,0.5 You shouldn't avoid paying something because of a clerical mistake.,1,0.5 It's good to figure things out with others.,1,0.5 It's acceptable to be concerned in regards to the blood supply.,1,0.5 It is polite to explain why if you need to decline a gift.,1,0.5 It's okay to apply for food stamps if you're having a hard time making ends meet,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to take your time mourning.,0,0.0 It's normal to not want discord in your family.,1,0.5 It's good to want to take care of your children.,0,0.0 "If you use something that belongs to someone else, you need to get their permission beforehand",1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you clean up after your toddler.,1,0.5 You shouldn't confess your darkest secrets online for strangers to see.,1,0.5 It's good to make breakfast for yourself and others.,0,0.0 It's not okay to pay to much attention to people or pets.,1,0.5 It is accomplished to finish multiple projects.,1,0.5 It's not okay to fake things in a social situation.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should not pursue a relationship with someone much younger than you.,1,0.5 It is wrong to break your word.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to make confessions.,1,0.5 You have the right to live your life in any way you find appealing.,1,0.5 It is rude to insult someone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to feel violated when someone spies on you.,1,0.5 It's good to wish people a good morning.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be with a friend who loves you and you don't love them back.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to say the n word if it's in a textbook.,1,1.0 It's okay to choose sides.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good for a goalie to keep an eye on the ball.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to become an organ donor.,1,0.5 You should always help do the dishes.,1,0.5 It's good to clean up after yourself when you're finished eating outside.,1,0.5 It's okay to set ground rules.,1,0.5 It is cheerful to paint your face in support of a team.,1,0.24999999999999994 Friends are expected to be loyal.,1,0.5 It's nice to have convenience.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad to breakup with people.,1,0.5 Adults should know better than to expose themselves to the vulnerable when they're sick.,1,0.5 It's good to support your school's football team.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad form to cut off a family member that has suffered a traumatic injury.,1,0.24999999999999994 People should admire the wonderful variety of nature without harming it.,1,0.5 It's not okay to disrespect the home you live in.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to care about one's health.,1,0.5 It's wrong to tell people spoilers if they don't want to hear them.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should buy your own laptop.,1,0.5 It's good to know where to go in case of an emergency.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to play pranks on other people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's acceptable to have a complicated relationship with food.,1,0.5 You shouldn't let other people access your accounts,1,0.24999999999999994 People will get annoyed if you start being too forgetful.,1,0.5 It's acceptable to shun someone who hates people in your group.,1,0.5 It's not okay to kill a living creature.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't be with someone who sleeps with your kids.,1,0.5 It's okay to be annoyed when you think your friend is fishing for compliments.,0,0.0 It's wrong to think masturbating is a sport because it's not.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to keep in contact with your grandparents.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong for friends to have casual sex.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're scared when you get lost.,1,0.5 It's okay if you feel sad that your child won't teach your grandchildren your language when you speak something different.,1,0.5 It's good to be with a single GF for a long time.,1,0.5 It's good to want someone to eat healthy.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should fire someone who sexually harasses their coworkers.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to stay quiet and not stand up for yourself,1,0.5 It's okay to be scared about things.,1,0.5 You should call the police and complain if someone is blasting their music loudly.,1,0.5 it is good to learn new things.,1,0.5 It is wrong to kill a pet.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to keep track of things in the school to make sure nothing goes missing.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to experience change.,1,0.5 It's bad to climb on top of the table.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to kill a living creature.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is reasonable to want to know how your child is doing academically,1,0.24999999999999994 You're expected to talk to your roommate.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't spend so much time thinking about death.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to help your friends,1,0.5 It's good to tell your friend that you are their best friend.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to steal someone elses possesions.,0,0.0 It's good to want to protect your friends.,1,0.5 It's good to be happy.,1,0.5 It is okay to be upset if you feel your partner is rejecting you.,1,0.24999999999999994 Partners are expected to support each other.,1,0.5 It's good to try to come to terms with what's gone wrong with your life.,1,0.5 You should always try to get along with your in-laws.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to mooch off of others.,0,0.0 It's nice to invite your friend to your graduation.,1,0.5 It's unacceptable to lead someone on just to get in their pants.,1,0.5 You don't have to greet anyone that you don't want to.,1,0.5 It's fine to want to take someone to a dance.,1,0.5 It's irresponsible to furnish cigarettes to underage children.,1,0.5 If you are hungry it is reasonable to order a lot of food.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's ok to say whatever you want when you are alone.,1,0.5 You shouldn't expect your parent to always be available to help you with your school work.,1,0.5 It is rude to get into other people's business,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to use the restroom.,0,0.0 You can't expect your family to always invite you to their special events.,1,0.5 You shouldn't press people's buttons.,1,0.5 You shouldn't get taken advantage of.,1,0.5 It's understandable that sometimes life takes people away from those they care about.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is nice to have a strong marriage.,1,0.5 Addiction is frowned upon.,1,0.5 It's rude to be impolite towards people.,1,0.5 It's weird to attribute human emotions to inanimate objects.,1,0.7499999999999999 Calling the cops on loud neighbors is OK.,1,0.5 It is expected that students come to class alert and able to pay attention.,1,0.5 People should endeavor to experience other cultures firsthand.,0,0.0 It is mean to pick on peoples' appearance,1,0.24999999999999994 It's ok to keep your age private.,1,0.5 You should respect others' property.,1,0.5 It's normal to have cake on your birthday.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be really focused on a goal.,1,0.24999999999999994 "It's no one's business how a person chooses to indulge their pleasures, so long as it hurts no one.",1,0.5 You should keep an eye on your yard when you're waiting for your pet to come home.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wise to discipline your children when they've done something wrong.,1,0.5 It's reasonable to measure people's input differently based on their experience.,0,0.0 It's understandable if you're nervous when you take your driver's license test.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is nice to be recognized for your skills.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should accept people no matter their life choices.,1,0.5 You shouldn't do things just because your partner asks you.,1,0.5 It's bad to lie to a friend.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to follow your dreams.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable if you're excited when you find the way out of a cave.,1,0.24999999999999994 People are expected to be careful when they driving so they don't harm others on the roads.,0,0.0 You should always follow the doctor's orders.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should care about your siblings.,1,0.5 You should set a good example for your children and pay attention to their teacher.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should respect your significant other's interests.,1,0.5 It's wrong to damage someone else's property.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is normal to contact someone on Craigslist about a a listing.,1,0.5 It shows confidence to follow your own path when you know you're right.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't expect thanks for attending a memorial service.,1,0.5 It's wrong not to be there for your kids.,1,0.24999999999999994 "When your wife is beautiful, you should take pictures of her.",1,0.5 It's bad to disobey your father.,0,0.0 You shouldn't support lazy people.,1,0.5 It's expected that you pull your car over to the side of the road when an ambulance with flashing lights and a siren is coming.,0,0.0 It's good to want to celebrate with others to commemorate a special occasion.,0,0.0 It's good to participate in sports at school.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't make jokes about your mom.,0,0.0 You shouldn't accept money from people.,1,0.5 You should help out with your family member's wedding if you have a certain skill they could use.,0,0.0 It's self-absorbed to take too many pictures of yourself.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is okay to be sad if you feel rejected.,1,0.5 It's good to be grateful for happy memories.,1,0.5 It's okay to like feet.,1,0.5 You shouldn't get people in trouble,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to keep secrets about what happens in middle school band.,1,0.5 You shouldn't catfish people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to ask for advice.,0,0.0 It's okay to be in love with someone.,1,0.5 It is good to pay attention to the roads.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to assume that people from certain places must look a certain way.,1,0.5 You shouldn't starve yourself.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to have an open relationship.,1,0.5 It's good to picture certain words if you have trouble remembering them.,1,0.5 It is okay to use humor to lighten the mood,1,0.5 You should be careful to avoid tripping when you're walking.,1,0.5 You should expect some people to hit rock bottom in their lives when they do poorly at something.,1,0.5 You should ask your significant other if it is okay to tell their parents something before doing so.,1,0.5 You should find something to do so you're not bored.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should always help out your family with money.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to eat enough food so you don't starve.,0,0.0 It's okay to cut people out of your life that make you miserable.,0,0.0 It's okay for families to take sides during a divorce,1,0.5 "If you're going through a divorce, you shouldn't mess around with others until it's final.",1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't reveal someone's secrets.,0,0.0 You should maintain your relationship with your significant others.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to sell your car if you don't need it anymore.,1,0.5 It's understandable that we don't always want to provide for others.,1,0.5 You should always tell your students why you gave them a bad grade for an assignment.,1,0.5 It's not your place to be involved in another person's romantic life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to treat women equally.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's racist to classify people based on the color of their skin.,1,0.5 Friends are expected to be there for each other.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude for a landlord to drop by unannounced.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to have dreams about past loved ones.,1,0.5 It is reasonable to be upset if a stranger tries to touch you.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't cut off your family members.,0,0.0 It's good to keep a secret that you've been entrusted with.,1,0.5 It's bad to use sex to get what you want.,1,0.5 You should always learn from your mistakes.,1,0.5 You shouldn't wear something that smells bad.,0,0.0 It's expected to find a replacement if needing the day off of work.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to live in fear.,1,0.24999999999999994 You can't go online if the router is down.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be appreciative when friends try to do something nice for you.,1,0.5 You shouldn't say mean things about liberal people.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is wrong to kill a pet.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to be with the one you love.,1,0.5 It's good to not catch things.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't try to get into gated communities when you don't live there.,0,0.0 It's bad to have to travel far to work.,1,0.5 One is expected to keep appointments that they make.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to have romantic feelings for your doctor.,1,0.5 It's important to get help when you need it.,0,0.0 It is bad to intervene on family.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is wrong to feel like anyone should have a bad life.,1,0.24999999999999994 You can't expect your partner to always want to take care of your pets.,1,0.5 It's expected that children turn to their parents for assistance.,1,0.5 You shouldn't quit your job without notifying your boss first.,0,0.0 It's not okay to have feelings for someone you work with.,1,0.24999999999999994 Adults should know better than to expose themselves to the vulnerable when they're sick.,1,0.5 "If you're unhappy with something, you should make some changes.",0,0.0 It's good to take the bus to school so you don't have to walk or have your parents drive you.,1,0.5 It's hurtful to reject someone.,1,0.5 It is okay to talk about troubling events.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should be grateful to your spouse when they work for your comfort.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always grieve with others since you can rely on each other.,1,0.5 "If a stranger asks for directions, it's nice to help them as much as you can.",1,0.5 It is unacceptable to refuse to honor your best friend at their own wedding.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is you right to not give money to someone who asks.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want you significant other to sometimes pick up the tab.,1,0.24999999999999994 Accomplishing a financial goal can make you proud.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to have a lot of questions when your long-lost parent comes into your life.,1,0.5 It's good to have someplace to go where you can get away with things when you're a kid.,1,0.5 It is understandable to want to protect a friend.,1,0.5 It is bad to live with a roommate you have feelings for if they do not feel the same way.,1,0.5 It's fine to remove yourself from a stressful situation.,1,0.5 It's bad to go through a depressive episode.,1,0.5 It is smart to ponder the consequences of relationship commitments.,1,0.24999999999999994 People should be kind to their family members.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is common to confront someone to try to get them to stop smoking.,1,0.5 It is understandable to want your significant other to work and take care of you.,1,0.24999999999999994 "You should always tell someone that you like their photos, no matter what you actually think of them.",1,0.5 "If you're stuck in a dilemma, you should get some help.",1,0.24999999999999994 People should be honest.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's nice to be in love.,1,0.5 It's low class to dismiss an employee without giving the opportunity to appeal the decision.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you feel hopeless, it is okay to ask for professional help.",1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't have to leave a room in your own house.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should care about your siblings.,1,0.5 It's not okay to do things were accidents are known to happen.,1,0.5 It's good to have a hobby.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should call the police if someone assaults you.,0,0.0 It's not okay to under do the important things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to call other people names.,1,0.5 It's good to confess your darkest secrets.,1,0.5 It is okay to be embarrassed.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to judge others for who they are.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have determination.,0,0.0 It is good to be polite.,1,0.5 It's expected that you'll monitor your children.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you're offended when people aren't excited by your generosity.,1,0.5 You should trust others to do things for you without getting nervous about it.,1,0.5 Is wrong to place the blame of your actions on something irrelevant.,1,0.5 People are expected to be respectful of others.,0,0.0 It's normal for people to practice a skill to improve their ability.,0,0.0 It's expected that handicapped persons will use devices to help them navigate the world.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should be honest about whether or not you love someone.,1,0.5 You should thank someone when they invite tou to thier wedding.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's hurtful to cut someone off.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's honorable to want to improve yourself.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal for people to have a party to celebrate special occasions.,1,0.5 It's normal to remember when you were young,1,0.24999999999999994 It's ok to say no if a friend asks for money.,1,0.5 It's understandable that children feel resentment when they're moved far from their friends.,1,0.5 It is understandable to be upset with someone that prevents you from doing your workout.,1,0.5 It's good to make requests on social media.,0,0.0 It's good to decorate your house to make it feel more like a home.,1,0.24999999999999994 "It's understandable that sometimes, people don't want to stay together.",1,0.5 It's good to visit with your sister-in-law.,1,0.5 "If your house is cold, you should turn on the heater.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to say someone's cooking is only fit for animals.,1,0.5 It's wrong to run from your problems.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to eat enough food so you don't starve.,0,0.0 You should make changes if you don't like something about yourself,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be frustrated.,1,0.5 It's allowed to clip coupons to get the best deal.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to disrespect your father,0,0.0 people should make an effort to visit their family members when they are nearby,0,0.0 It's expected that students should be respectful to teachers.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is normal to be upset if someone is stealing copy paper at your school.,1,0.24999999999999994 Family is expected to support one another.,1,0.5 "You shouldn't do drugs in public, especially if you're not accustomed to using them.",1,0.5 You shouldn't have sex with your partner's kids.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should set alarms if you are prone to oversleeping for work.,1,0.5 It's frustrating when other people tell you how to raise your children.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should not be jealous of what others have.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you respect your parents.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to have role models that you can look up to.,1,0.5 It's wrong to pretend to be bad at things.,1,0.5 You shouldn't sexually harass people.,1,0.5 It is okay to be overwhelmed by life.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's acceptable to think outside the box when fishing.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be around people that make fools of themselves.,1,0.5 It's good to leave the past behind and move on.,1,0.5 "If someone is taking advantage of government services, it's okay to report them",1,0.7499999999999999 People are expected to control their animals.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be certain before you cut off any of your hair.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to modify food to suit your tastes.,1,0.24999999999999994 As long as you are purchasing beverages it is OK to sit in a coffee shop all day.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's acceptable to start a process over.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is cheerful to paint your face in support of a team.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is ok to get exercise in by riding your bike.,1,0.5 It's bad to intentionally harm others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is important to be patient with people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's honorable to defend your romantic partner in arguments.,1,0.5 It's understandable to repeatedly do something you enjoy.,0,0.0 Making ethical decisions when you're a medical professional is expected.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's important to stay hydrated.,1,0.5 It's okay to be horrified when you have been kidnapped.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should train your pets.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should keep supporting someone when they are trying to figure out what they want to do.,1,0.5 It's ok to keep the ashes of a deceased loved one.,1,0.5 It's okay to tell someone that you are attracted to them.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable if you don't like Burger King.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to practice your cheer formation with friends.,1,0.5 It's good to find your true love.,1,0.5 It's acceptable to not forgive someone after a sexual infidelity has occurred.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to make plans for fun things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's ok to have a loved one cremated.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to want to share good times on social media.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal for people to want to have a family.,1,0.5 It's good to think about the past and what you could have done differently,1,0.5 It's not okay to be overly suspicious.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is inconsiderate to give someone you care about an ultimatum.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't just give up on your friends.,1,0.5 It's discouraged from keeping food overly long in the freezer.,1,0.5 It's good to please your parents.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's reasonable to have to snitch on a manager.,1,0.5 It's weird to be happy to leave your friends behind.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good for grandkids to play with their grandparents.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to wish hurt upon someone.,1,0.5 You should practice before an audition.,1,0.5 You should check your couch cushions for sharp objects.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to know how to get home.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to buy things when you like them.,1,0.24999999999999994 You can't expect love young to last forever.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to read about science.,1,0.5 It's good to not want to talk about things that can cause conflict.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to exclude people.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should call people out if they eat too loud.,1,0.5 You should be there for the people you care about when they are not feeling well.,0,0.0 It is reasonable to be disappointed if something you were excited about makes you unhappy.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is right to not share your significant others secrets.,1,0.24999999999999994 Partners are expected to want to spend time together.,1,0.5 It's expected that people be treated as though innocent until proven guilty in court.,1,0.5 It's okay if you lack motivation once in a while.,1,0.5 You should not keep important information from a friend.,0,0.0 It's good to have a clever mind that can solve problems creatively.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If someone helps your elderly relative, you should be thankful.",1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't put up with a friend that badmouths your religious beliefs.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to put yourself in debt in order to help a friend.,1,0.5 People should find ways to be happy with themselves.,1,0.5 It's okay to be upset with a partner that still communicates with her ex's.,1,0.5 You should not let one person break your trust in others.,0,0.0 It's bad to have to travel far to work.,1,0.5 You shouldn't tell your kids what to do when it comes to their partner.,1,0.5 You should let your friend know why you're not inviting them somewhere.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't expect your coworkers to tell you everything.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't put so much intrusive care on older patients.,1,0.5 It's good to run away if a hurricane is approaching.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is nice to get a surprise that you don't owe a bill.,1,0.24999999999999994 You can't expect everyone to like your talents.,1,0.5 It is expected that you will attempt to learn the rules that you are expected to follow.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to budget your spending.,0,0.0 Being lazy about keeping the house clean is bad behavior.,1,0.5 It is good to take a family member in when they need it,1,0.5 You should expect most kids to go to college after high school.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should develop good relations with your extended family.,1,0.24999999999999994 "It's illegal to vandalize someone's vehicle, even if they park in your spot.",0,0.0 It's okay to have problems with someone who abandoned you for years and comes back into your life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to have feelings from somebody from a long time ago.,1,0.24999999999999994 It’s understandable to give up.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should practice your handwriting if it's poor.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to play mean jokes on someone.,1,0.24999999999999994 "It's understandable that sometimes, people have reasons to want out of a situation.",1,0.24999999999999994 It is normal for bloating to eventually go away.,1,0.5 It's expected that people can't control who they're attracted to.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to prematurely quit because of frustration.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to pretend to be friends with a person for personal gain.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to do things that you think only affect your health.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you get paranoid when people have weapon props on Halloween.,1,0.5 It's good to get out there and experience new things in life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to pay to much attention to people or pets.,1,0.5 People expect family vacations to be fun but a little stressful.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't be best friends with an ex.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't expect your parents to always get nice things for you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to lose touch with your true self.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always correct people's mistakes.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to be with a single GF for a long time.,1,0.5 "If you want green grass on your lawn, you should water it more.",1,0.5 You shouldn't argue over money in your family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to feel hurt if your child doesn't let you see your grandchildren.,1,0.5 It's normal to feel some responsible for what happens someone you've been dating.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't put up with someone's coarse language.,1,0.5 It is rude to try to control your friend's life.,1,0.5 You shouldn't wear leopard-patterned clothes because they are tacky.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to get advice form a senior person if you have a problem.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you feel like a princess when a butterfly lands on your finger.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to say the n word if it's in a textbook.,1,1.0 It is okay to have fun.,1,0.5 It's good to call out someone's abuse.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's allowed to admit you need help with an addiction.,1,0.5 It's good to want to become better at something.,1,0.5 It's good to have something you use for luck to help you out.,1,0.5 It's normal to feel silly if you're not used to getting dressed up.,0,0.0 It's generally frowned upon to pay for sex.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay if you can't decide what to wear.,1,0.5 You should always help out your customers when they have a problem.,1,0.5 It's good to help your elderly family members with electronics.,1,0.5 It is enjoyable to discover that what you own is valuable.,1,0.5 It is understandable to be angry when someone lies to you.,0,0.0 It's wrong to harass or stalk another person.,1,0.5 It's rude to swear at a friend.,1,0.5 It's wrong to harm your body through the use of substances.,0,0.0 It is rude to bite your nails in public.,1,1.0 It's gracious to forgive someone who has wronged you.,1,0.5 You should engage in safe sexual practices when performing prostitution.,1,0.5 It's unwholesome to seek out young girls for sexual gratification.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to have controversial opinions.,1,0.5 It's rude to point out disabilities in others.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're frustrated when your ex wants to contribute to your child's wedding.,1,0.5 It's good to open up to people about your feelings.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to act overly aggressive over sports.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be afraid of things.,1,0.5 You should be a good employee so that you don't lose your job.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to kill fish.,1,0.5 You shouldn't leave your partner.,1,0.5 You shouldn't hurt your friend's feelings.,1,0.5 It is bad to be willfully ignorant,1,0.5 It's expected that significant others will spend time together.,1,0.5 "You shouldn't believe in the 'Elevator Game.""",1,1.0 It is good to see a therapist if you are feeling depressed.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not normal to have strong hatred toward an appliance.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to let someone down when they count on you.,1,0.5 It's okay to be disappointed when you fail at something.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should move on from your exes.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to have your own tastes and preferences,1,0.24999999999999994 You should wear deodorant if you want to be close to the person you love.,1,0.5 It's good to keep in contact with your partner after you move or change schools.,1,0.5 It's wrong to love people who are engaged.,1,0.5 It's good to go for walks to clear your head when you're feeling rough,0,0.0 You should have more sympathy for people with dementia.,1,0.5 People should be able to peacefully resolve disagreements with loved ones.,1,0.5 It's bad to not want to face the truth.,1,0.24999999999999994 Parents are expected to enforce rules with their children.,1,0.5 One should be careful to avoid accidents.,1,0.5 You should call out cheaters.,1,0.5 "It's wrong to force children into a romantic pairing, even if it is your culture's tradition.",1,0.5 It is bad to stalk on others.,1,0.5 You should break it off if you grow too apart from your partner.,1,0.5 You should tell your in-laws if they are doing something that is harming your kids.,0,0.0 You shouldn't expect your ex to remain friends with you.,0,0.0 It is bad to not support your friends,1,0.5 You are in the right for leaving a significant other if they are engaging in dangerous behaviors.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to have fun.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to work most days.,0,0.0 It's not okay to bring others into your dealing with your emotions.,1,0.5 "If you are uncomfortable with your partner feeding your kids, you should not let your partner watch your children.",1,0.7499999999999999 "It's okay to want to spend some time alone, away from kids.",1,0.5 You shouldn't use too many filters on your photos since you're basically lying about how you look.,1,0.5 You should be grateful to your spouse when they work for your comfort.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't allow your friends to move in on your crush.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable if you're suspicious when a widower in your family gets together with a widower soon after their spouse's died.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's not okay to put to much meaning in something simple.,1,0.5 It's rude to buy others expensive gifts that cause them to spend money.,1,0.5 Depriving others of sharing pictures with you leads to hurt feelings and should be avoided.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected that you'll be supportive of your manager.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's nice to date others.,1,0.5 It's expected that work is boring.,1,0.5 It's nice to do kind things for a stranger.,1,0.5 It's okay to miss a family member that passed away.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be allowed to sell sex with your own body.,1,0.5 "If you're injured, you should go to the hospital.",1,0.5 It is normal to respond affirmatively if you want to go out.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't impose your moral beliefs on others,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to come to a realization about the truth.,1,0.5 It is bad to get upset over trivial matters,0,0.0 It's rude to not put towels out for your guests.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's important to look back and see what went wrong.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected that you provide for your family,1,0.5 It is ok to be happy for others in good relationships.,1,0.5 It is expected that people treat the flag with respect.,1,0.24999999999999994 Taking on the duties of someone who sacrifices for you is fantastic.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to tell someone that you are attracted to them.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to cut abusive and toxic people out of your life.,1,0.5 It is good to find ways to make more money if you are short.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is cheerful to paint your face in support of a team.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to modify food to suit your tastes.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to have a relationship that is unhealthy.,1,0.5 it's good to stand up for yourself.,1,0.5 You don't have to buy your family any gifts if you don't want to.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is important to follow through on your responsibilities.,0,0.0 It's unusual to send a card without identifying yourself.,1,0.5 It is ok to change your major if you like another major better.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's acceptable to think outside the box when fishing.,1,0.5 It is OK to be emotional.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected that you put time and effort into your work.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to go over material with your students.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should feel remorse when you get someone fired.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to be in pain.,1,0.5 It's understandable for a person to be upset at an image of their deceased loved one.,1,0.5 "If you have someone close to you that never wants to talk about their feelings, it is acceptable to tell them that you are there to listen if they need it.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to relax and play games.,1,0.5 It's fine to like a show.,1,0.5 It's good to receive early screenings for diseases.,1,0.5 It's good to know your limitations.,0,0.0 It's bad to kill people.,0,0.0 It's good to be aware of the issues that you need to address with someone.,0,0.0 It is wrong to discriminate against people because of their language or place of origin,1,0.5 It's nice to look at photos.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's ok to not want to be friends with someone.,1,0.5 You shouldn't hate yourself over an inability to hate someone else.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always make an effort to park properly.,0,0.0 It is okay not to do something that is not your responsibility.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's kind to help your coworkers with their goals.,1,0.5 You should expect your family to come back to you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you know how to drive.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should take your partner with you when you travel.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's important to practice good oral hygiene,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't let fear take over your life,1,0.24999999999999994 You should share food with others.,1,0.5 It's good to be generous.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to repeat your requests.,1,0.5 It's wrong for a parent to do things to make their children loose respect of them.,1,0.5 You shouldn't make your friends uneasy.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want help.,1,0.5 It's expected that you'll deliberate over your wedding dress.,1,0.5 It's expected you get into a fight if you're being racist around people,1,0.5 You shouldn't get people in trouble,1,0.7499999999999999 Both people should work equally in a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to romanticize past relationships.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected for parents to comfort their children.,1,0.5 You shouldn't put up with someone's coarse language.,1,0.5 It's bad to use sex to get what you want.,1,0.5 It's irresponsible to have a lot of dust in your home.,1,0.5 You should tell your friends if they're behaving inappropriately,1,0.5 It's admirable to serve your community as a first responder.,1,0.5 You shouldn't talk to people about your fetishes.,1,0.5 It's fine to get someone removed from class if they did something wrong.,1,0.5 It's okay to be worried when your friend takes longer than they said they would.,1,0.5 It's rude to do mean things to a friend.,1,0.5 It is common for there to be conflicts with your in-laws.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected that you may not always like your job.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to do things that you know will bring harm to others.,1,0.5 You should be able to give criticism to your friends.,1,0.5 It's wrong to get worried over everything.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should help out your parents when they lose something.,1,0.5 It's good to have activities you want to enjoy.,1,0.5 It's encouraged to take an interest in your personal fitness.,1,0.5 It's wrong to kidnap people.,0,0.0 It's understandable that everybody makes mistakes.,1,0.5 It is rude to pester your friends,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't give someone attention when they don't want it.,0,0.0 It is okay to talk about things that affect you.,1,0.5 It's acceptable for women to have male friends.,1,0.5 You should not look at someones facebook that makes you sad.,1,0.5 It is ok to be unsure of something.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to end a relationship if the other person is abusive.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to agree to go out with someone because they've bullied you.,1,0.5 It's fine to feel angry when you have been disrespected by people.,1,0.5 It’s expected that parents leave their children everything in their will,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you can't sleep when your spouse snores.,1,0.5 It is wrong to abandon people when they need you most.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to teach children to have healthy boundaries.,1,0.5 If you use a good doctor you should expect to be satisfied with your plastic surgery results.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to show respect for causes you believe in.,1,0.24999999999999994 People are expected to clean up after their pets.,1,0.5 It's not okay to call other people names.,1,0.5 Parents should mediate between children.,1,0.5 It's considered kind to help a person who is having issues.,1,0.5 It's okay to indulge and live a little at night.,1,0.5 It's not okay to take your time and do things to slow.,1,0.5 It's difficult to attend a graduation when you won't be graduating.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to want to talk to a friend.,1,0.5 "If you don't want your colleagues to know things about you, you should keep those things to yourself.",1,0.5 It's good to keep at things and persevere.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't be friends with someone who ditches you for someone else.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to get rid of your partner's pets.,1,0.5 It's good to take care of your pets.,0,0.0 It's OK to monitor your children.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to let yourself be walked all over.,0,0.0 "If you think you can do something better, you should do it.",1,0.5 You shouldn't exclude your child from a family photo.,1,0.5 Families are expected to work out their issues with each other by openly communicating.,0,0.0 It's good to call your mother.,1,0.5 It's good to admit when you need help.,1,0.5 It is good to not support people's addictions,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't criticize someone's clothes.,1,0.5 It's good to believe in women's rights.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fun to play outside when you're a child.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to not keep secrets.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is expected that couples will talk about things that upset them.,0,0.0 It is unattractive to have too much body hair.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to give your partner unexpected little gifts.,0,0.0 Not everyone can be expected to be able to solve their issues in life on their own.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong not to employ your family members.,1,0.5 It's wrong to be pressured to like a friend's significant other.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is ok to ask someone to leave if they are being rude on their phone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay if you can't decide what to wear.,1,0.5 You should not stay friends with people who put you out.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're disappointed when your partner doesn't want to move too fast.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to hook up with someone who isn't single.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is important to respect other people's relationships.,0,0.0 You should spend time with elderly family members,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you listen to your elders.,0,0.0 It is bad to pick your teeth in public.,1,0.5 It's good to be best friends with your siblings.,1,0.5 It is acceptable to have a weird sexual kink.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be generous.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't be in love with your friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to get out of your comfort zone and try something new.,0,0.0 It's important to get help when you need it.,0,0.0 It's wrong to spoil your kids.,1,0.5 It's unacceptable to abandon a pregnant spouse,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to marry someone who you feel is the best woman ever.,1,0.5 You shouldn't make fun of people who pee their pants.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be upset a beloved pet is missing.,1,0.5 You should treat a significant other's child as part of your own family.,1,0.24999999999999994 People should not put conditions on their invitations to a party.,1,0.5 You shouldn't call the cops on people who park illegally.,1,0.5 It's good to share the memories of those who have passed.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to find someone you love.,1,0.5 It's understandable to not invite people to a party.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is common to make new connections with people on Cragslist.,1,0.5 It's okay to be annoyed when you think your friend is fishing for compliments.,0,0.0 It's good to get therapy after someone you love dies.,0,0.0 It's appropriate to voice your concern when your concern comes from a good place.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to need support from others.,1,0.5 You should be practical when you are searching for a missing person.,1,0.5 It's good to joke around sometimes.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't respond to trolls online.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to celebrate weddings.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to be offended by jokes.,1,0.5 You shouldn't keep secrets from others.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's rude to tell others what to do.,1,0.5 It's wrong to get angry at people for petty reasons.,1,0.7499999999999999 Friends should be supportive of each other.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be able to see advantages.,1,0.5 It's allowed to be sad about tragedies that occur to other people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is normal for parents to want to help their children,1,0.5 You should always include your family members in your birthday plans.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to get people to quit smoking.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to put people out.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's nice to help people in a home.,1,0.5 It's good to come forward about past abuse.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong and dangerous to leave the oven on and forget about it,1,0.24999999999999994 When you see a skunk it is foolish to get close to it.,1,0.5 It's wrong to pry into other people's family business.,0,0.0 You should expect to feel hurt after the end of a long relationship.,1,0.5 It's typical to share a room with family members at a hotel.,1,0.5 You shouldn't embarrass your kids.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to snatch money that doesn't belong to you.,1,0.5 You shouldn't abuse others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to be honest about your feelings.,0,0.0 It's good to show respect to future AI overlords.,1,0.5 It's normal to spend free time playing games.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's OK not to be interested in everything that your significant other is.,1,0.5 It is irresponsible to quit a job.,1,0.5 Maggots are expected to make people uneasy.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to bully others.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't swear at people.,0,0.0 It is rude to treat someone differently because they are gay.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to get away from a dangerous situation.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to leave the past behind and move on.,1,0.5 You should try not to waste too much time figuring out what you want.,1,0.5 You should take some medication if you're mentally ill.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be hurt when your parents ignore you.,0,0.0 It is bad to do drugs,1,0.5 It's good to call out bad behavior of bullies.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be angry when your partner cheats on you.,0,0.0 You shouldn't get into a fight with someone over petty things.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always be there for someone who is suicidal.,1,0.5 It is expected that some kids might want to get married early in life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to have difficulties in a friendship.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should exercise to stay healthy.,1,0.5 It is good to support your girlfriend in a relationship.,1,0.5 It's not okay to do things where you know you could get hurt.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to brag.,1,0.24999999999999994 "It's allowed to hook-up with someone when you're bored, and not talk to them again.",1,0.5 You shouldn't call out your family over petty things.,1,0.5 It's disrespectful to speak out against your own work.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to leave your family and friends behind just to get an education.,0,0.0 It's expected that moderators will have control of things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to tell others what to do.,1,0.5 It is reasonable to be upset if a stranger tries to touch you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's important to prioritize your own personal health over the feelings of others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected that some kids might want to get married early in life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's terrible to wish death on your family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's irresponsible to let your own insecurities come through in your interactions with others.,0,0.0 "If something is making you miserable, you shouldn't do it anymore.",1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't call people really early in the morning.,1,0.5 It's okay to be bisexual.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to look out for your family.,1,0.5 You should always make an effort to park properly.,0,0.0 "If you're unhappy with sex in your marriage, you should probably divorce.",1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to say mean things about a recently deceased person,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to send unsolicited dick pics.,1,0.24999999999999994 Parents are expected to be loving towards their children.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's painful to lose a spouse.,1,0.5 It's good for grandkids to play with their grandparents.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should marry anyone you don't want to.,1,1.0 You should wear deodorant if you want to be close to the person you love.,1,0.5 You shouldn't see a psychic if you want to find love because they can't predict the future.,1,0.5 It's good to spend time with your partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is ok to want to try to work on things before separating.,1,0.5 It's distasteful to express bigoted views.,1,0.5 It is bad to commit suicide.,1,0.5 It's wrong to want your girlfriend to leave.,1,0.5 It's heroic to take action during a fire emergency to avoid spread of the flames.,1,0.5 People will think you're a future serial killer if you torture and kill small animals.,1,0.5 It is good to be happy if you don't owe money.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to sleep around with other people while in a relationship with someone else.,1,0.5 "It's OK if you want to keep your facial hair, despite what others say.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to wish death upon anyone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to feel happy when you get a greeting card.,1,0.5 You should always hire a professional to get the job done.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's weird to be happy to leave your friends behind.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should feed animals that are under your care.,0,0.0 It's good to be honest with kids.,1,0.5 It's understandable that people get irritated sometimes with jealousy from others.,1,0.5 It's wrong to not allow your family to see your kids.,1,0.5 You shouldn't wait in the shadows because you might spook people.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to wish you were young again,1,0.5 It's difficult to raise your children with a proper education.,0,0.0 It's selfish to expect your husband to give you his entire estate.,1,0.5 It is okay to speak up when you see something wrong.,0,0.0 It's good to go out and celebrate with your partner.,0,0.0 You're expected to stand by your friend if they are depressed.,1,0.5 People should be able to peacefully resolve disagreements with loved ones.,1,0.5 It's good to talk with people on the phone.,1,0.7499999999999999 "Not everyone wants their images on social media, so you should respect it if they ask you not to share them.",1,0.5 You should get out of the house.,1,0.5 It's good to go running every day so you can get healthy.,1,0.5 It's good to be patient.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If your partner threatens to break up with you over money, it's okay to feel offended.",0,0.0 It's bad to seek validation from an uncaring public.,1,0.5 It's encouraged to join a program when you're an alcoholic.,1,0.5 It's okay to be attracted to whoever you find yourself attracted to.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to attend college after you graduate from high school.,1,0.5 It is good to wear a helmet when riding a bike.,1,0.5 You shouldn't worry about what people think of your opinions.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should not say swear words.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's imprudent to fall in love with fictional or theoretical characters.,1,1.0 It's understandable if you're annoyed when your students' parents' are more obsessed with their phones than their children.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't make your friends uneasy.,1,0.5 You shouldn't make healthcare so expensive that people can't afford it.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's well-known that parenting at times can be frustrating and stressful.,1,0.5 You should be careful when driving,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to invite your family members to events that are important to you,1,0.5 "It's not expected that children know consequences of their actions, they need to learn first",1,0.5 It's rude to judge people based on superficial characteristics like height.,1,0.5 "If someone has a baby, you should ask how they are doing.",1,0.7499999999999999 It is wrong to ask someone to leave if they are on their phone and everyone else is too.,1,0.5 You shouldn't let people shift the blame onto you for something you didn't cause to happen.,0,0.0 It's okay to find peculiar looking people attractive.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is bad to take advantage of friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to have an opinion on a controversial topic,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to apologize to someone who you betrayed.,1,0.5 You should ask for help planning a stressful event.,0,0.0 It's bad to pretend to be something you're not to impress people.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't drive drunk.,1,0.5 You shouldn't abandon your family just to revisit your youth.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to feel violated when someone spies on you.,1,0.5 It's okay to be hurt when you find out your wife married you for your money.,1,0.5 It's okay not to eat fast food.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay for the things you enjoy to change as you get older,1,0.24999999999999994 You should call people out if they eat too loud.,1,0.5 It is expected that you will forgive someone if they apologize.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't talk to people about your fetishes.,1,0.5 It's good to explore your likes and dislikes.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you are annoyed when your spouse wakes you up.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to meet the challenges of your career.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's hurtful to cut someone off.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is ok to be unsure of something.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to feel guilty.,1,0.5 It is harsh to repeatedly fail a student.,1,0.5 You shouldn't expect your guests to always pay for your wedding plans.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to visit with your sister-in-law.,1,0.5 It's wrong to cross dress.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's hurtful for others to impose unrealistic expectations.,1,0.5 It's nice to let pets indoors when it is cold.,1,0.5 It's okay to have weird sexual fetishes.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to know where to go in case of an emergency.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected you set boundaries when people start crossing a line,0,0.0 You should be well-practiced before you go to take your driver's license test.,1,0.5 It's nice to have a best friend.,1,0.5 It's fine to be undecided about who you will invite to your wedding.,1,0.5 It's okay to be careful when choosing your friends.,1,0.5 You shouldn't live your life based around what other people want.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should stand your ground and try to rebuild your reputation.,1,0.7499999999999999 "If a baby won't be quiet, you should put a pacifier in its mouth.",1,0.5 It's not okay to find a partner's siblings attractive.,1,1.0 You are expected to give people space if they ask for it.,1,0.5 It is nice to do things for your significant other,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to come to a realization after thinking things over.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you don't want to scare someone with a fake gun on Halloween.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you dismiss your child's nightmares.,1,0.5 You should be careful who you fall in love with.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to be excited when you go to the zoo.,0,0.0 It's good to want to feel appreciated in life.,1,0.5 It's okay if you want to spend some time by yourself.,1,0.5 It's okay for family not to get along.,0,0.0 As long as you show up before closing time it is ok to walk into a shop at the end of their hours.,1,0.5 It's okay to buy lottery tickets on occasion.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad to make big purchases behind your significant other's back.,1,0.5 It is good to get a divorce if someone has checked out mentally.,1,0.5 It is okay to do weird things when alone.,1,0.5 You should expect people to sometimes run away from their problems.,1,0.5 It's okay not to want to go out with others.,1,0.5 It's fine to buy any food that you prefer.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to welcome your children into your home with love.,1,0.5 It's not okay to bother others who don't need or want it.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is unwise to quit taking your psych meds.,1,0.5 It's expected that you would receive criticism for things you make.,1,1.0 It's bad to try to force your opinion on a topic onto other people.,1,0.5 It is bad to do drugs.,0,0.0 It's normal to feel guilty for not feeling the way you think you should.,1,0.5 It's not okay to live you life sheltered from what the world has to offer.,1,0.5 It is good to give children a healthy and supportive home,1,0.24999999999999994 It's painful to fall from a tree.,1,0.24999999999999994 "It's good to find romance wherever you can, no matter how brief.",1,0.5 It's wrong that the crimes of a parent could cause their child to end up in jail.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's important to be safe when driving a vehicle.,1,0.5 It's rude to dislike your best friend's boyfriend.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to forgive others.,0,0.0 It's expected that kids will sometimes misbehave.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to be jealous of your kids.,1,0.5 It's good to accomplish your goals.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is considerate to use proper etiquette when posting online.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you not lash out at someone in public.,1,0.5 It's normal for people to like to spend time with their friends.,1,0.5 It's okay to expect things that are commitment level from a significant other.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to expect people to drop what they are doing to help you with something,0,0.0 It's okay to want quiet sometimes,1,0.24999999999999994 You should listen to someone when they tell you something is garbage so you can avoid it.,1,0.5 It's bad to be in pain.,1,0.5 You can't expect people to always express empathy toward you.,0,0.0 It's rude to tell your coworkers something that another colleague told you in confidence.,1,0.5 You shouldn't drink Cholula because it's really hot.,1,0.7499999999999999 Pregnant women are expected to get respect not sexual objectification.,1,0.5 It's nice to stay on good terms with your ex.,0,0.0 It's good to respect wild animals by leaving them alone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be grateful for happy memories.,1,0.5 It's allowed to solicit the attention of members of the gender you're attracted to.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to leave the scene of an accident.,1,0.5 It's good to enjoy your life with your family.,1,0.5 It's good to find things to help you soften your grief.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to grieve.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to let your bad marriage discourage other people's marriage.,0,0.0 It's expected that you'll try to find a lost cat's owner.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable to want to spend holidays with family.,0,0.0 It's okay to be sad when someone breaks up with you based on your past relationships.,1,0.5 It's wrong to be deceitful towards another person.,1,0.5 It is ok to ask for help if you need help parking.,1,0.5 Roommates are expected to treat each other with respect.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to be concerned about a friend who is making unhealthy decisions.,1,0.5 It's disrespectful to question someone else's dietary needs.,1,0.5 It's okay to be surprised when you find out a loved one is addicted to drugs.,1,0.5 It's frowned upon to pick at yourself.,1,0.5 You shouldn't let your kids do drugs.,1,0.5 It is expected that there will be disagreements in a relationship.,0,0.0 It is impolite to cuddle at the dinner table.,0,0.0 You should not engage in romance with a patient you treat.,1,0.5 You should always keep an eye on your kids.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is expected for children to remain in contact with their parents.,1,0.5 You shouldn't pry into your child's personal business.,1,0.5 It's bad form to cut off a family member that has suffered a traumatic injury.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to express your feelings about a loss.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be stressed during pregnancy.,1,0.7499999999999999 Feeling angry at being left out of fun things is a natural response.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay not to want to clean up after other people,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you know what your children prefer on a special occasion.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't go on trips you can't really afford.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to be vocal when something is wrong.,0,0.0 It's good to find the right partner for yourself.,1,0.5 It's okay to express your concerns when someone drinks too much coffee.,1,0.5 It's good to see new places.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to prefer a certain gender when you're having a child.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should tell the truth.,1,0.5 You should not cause someone to be homeless.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to make your own choices about how to spend your time,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to demand things from people you don't really need.,1,0.24999999999999994 Friends are expected to do favors for one another.,1,0.5 It's okay for babies to go through teething.,0,0.0 It's good to want to say things to others that are important.,1,0.5 It's good to apply yourself to your academic work in school.,0,0.0 It's not okay to buy things that you don't really need.,1,0.5 It's reasonable to disparage the reputation of someone that throws chemicals in your eyes.,0,0.0 It's okay to be pissed at someone you see stealing money.,1,0.5 You shouldn't let other people access your accounts,1,0.24999999999999994 You should never argue over something that does not need to be argued about.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that a spouse will share their money with their partner.,0,0.0 It is okay to voice your opinion if someone did something wrong.,0,0.0 It's wonderful to find benevolent creatures in your garden.,1,0.5 It's okay to not like certain foods,1,0.5 It's wrong to impose restrictions on the people you're with.,0,0.0 It's rude to ask people their age.,1,0.5 "If you've been raped, you should tell your family.",1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected that you pull your car over to the side of the road when an ambulance with flashing lights and a siren is coming.,0,0.0 You should clean out your fridge if it's a mess.,1,0.5 It's good to know you can find your friend when you need them.,1,0.5 It's good to study if you have an exam coming up.,1,0.5 It's expected that you won't express a racial preference in dating partners.,1,0.7499999999999999 You are expected to accept gifts from your inlaws.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is wrong to make fun of your parents.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't let other people access your accounts,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't abuse drugs.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to want your girlfriend to leave.,1,0.5 You should move on with your life after someone important to you dies.,1,0.5 It's bad to cause trouble at an event which is very important for your sibling.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to report someone for parking in the spot assigned to you.,1,0.5 It's smart to know what one's limitations are in a situation.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's discouraged from hastening customers using your establishment.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's polite to take part in the lives of your significant others' family.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's well-known that parenting at times can be frustrating and stressful.,1,0.5 It's normal for people to practice a skill to improve their ability.,0,0.0 It's not okay to hate someone just because they made a single mistake.,1,0.5 People in a relationship are expected to work things out amicably.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to do things against your partner's wishes.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good not to spend a lot of money.,1,0.5 It is bad to harm the environment,1,0.5 It is rational to not want to join the military.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be overweight.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want to have sex with an attractive girl,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to express your honest opinions,1,0.5 It's good to ask for advice.,0,0.0 You should see a doctor to explore your options.,0,0.0 It is foolish to depend on items to make you happy.,1,0.5 It is good to share food with others.,0,0.0 It's not okay to not take care of your responsibilities in life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to want to move to where the action is and embrace a full life.,1,0.24999999999999994 You are expected to respect other people's boundaries.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to not like who you are.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is expected that you date people reasonably close to your own age group,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to be grateful when someone does something for you.,1,0.5 You should rely on your family to support you when you are depressed and suicidal.,1,0.7499999999999999 "It's understandable that sometimes people have reasons to feel like it's better to spend time with certain groups of loved ones separately, rather than all at once.",1,0.7499999999999999 You should expect to be confronted if you make a huge mess in someone's house.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have people who are your friend.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is ok to be upset if someone calls you weird.,1,0.5 You shouldn't give attitude to people.,0,0.0 It's okay to break up with someone that is dishonest.,1,0.5 It's reasonable to want to get away from a difficult or tiring situation,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to care about the lives of your kids.,1,0.5 It is normal that some people can be less fortunate than others given different circumstances in life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to not trust your significant other.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to be prepared before going out.,1,0.5 It's good to find proof of cheating you perceive to be happening.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't cheat on people.,1,0.5 It's unusual to talk to a childhood friend that you can't remember.,1,0.5 Friends are expected to take each other to the airport.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be angry when someone lies about their health.,1,0.5 It's bad to take rides from others when you're underage.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to call people names.,1,0.5 Pet owners should make sure their animals have what they need,1,0.5 It is rude to call the police on your neighbors.,1,0.5 It's rude to interrupt someone who is working hard.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to listen to an audiobook before you go to bed because it's relaxing.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is ok to not believe the same things as your husband.,1,0.5 You don't have to buy your family any gifts if you don't want to.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to take advantage of your children,1,0.5 It's OK not to take life too seriously.,0,0.0 You're a bad person if you gossip about your spouse on the internet.,1,0.5 It's fine to set ground rules for guests at your wedding to follow.,1,0.24999999999999994 Family members should remain loyal and close to one another.,0,0.0 It's good to watch your diet.,1,0.5 It's reasonable to invite a friend to a graduation when they won't be graduating.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should always discuss options with your patients before they decide on something.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good for a goalie to keep an eye on the ball.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to feel smarter than other people.,1,0.5 It's good to keep on top of the weather.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to torture living creatures.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's important to be safe when driving a vehicle.,1,0.5 It's understandable that sometimes family gets on each other's nerves.,1,0.5 It's normal to be displeased when a partner makes a big decision without you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to cut people out of your life that make you miserable.,0,0.0 You shouldn't be in love with your friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to want to honor others in life.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's ok to have reasons to justify your feelings.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to allow people to have freedom to do what they want.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is understandable to want space from an ex.,1,0.5 It is rude to refuse a gift from a family member.,1,0.5 It is good to thank people for their time and effort,1,0.5 It is bad to leave the scene of an accident.,1,0.5 It's okay to be concerned when your friend wants to retire early.,1,0.5 It's good to book ahead of time.,1,0.5 It's good to say nice things about others.,1,0.5 Communication in a relationship is important.,1,0.5 "If you make plans with someone, you should follow through with them.",1,0.5 People are expected to be modest.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should attend your grandparent's funeral.,0,0.0 It is okay to tell small white lied to people you don't know very well.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to not be attracted to people.,1,1.0 It is smart to ponder the consequences of relationship commitments.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should expect people to sometimes run away from their problems.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be a bad influence on kids.,1,0.5 It's good to picture things in your mind.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't look up to your older siblings if they are a bad influence on you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to tell about your place of employment so you get more customers,0,0.0 It's understandable if you dismiss your child's nightmares.,1,0.5 Is good to Mark the anniversary of bad things,1,0.24999999999999994 If you are in love with someone you are expected to tell them.,0,0.0 It's good to be kind to your neighbors.,1,0.5 It's okay to be disgusted when your fiance smells.,1,0.5 It's rude to lie to a charity shop.,1,0.5 It's rude to disapprove of somebody's fashion sense because you are prejudice.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be careful not to fall backwards when you step up.,1,0.5 It's irritating to get sand in unexpected and unappreciated places on your body.,1,0.5 You shouldn't start arguments with others in public.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to multitask things.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't have poor handwriting.,1,0.5 It's good to know how to get home.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay if you lack motivation once in a while.,1,0.5 It's rude to ban someone's account.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to be scared of people.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't see a psychic if you want to find love because they can't predict the future.,1,0.5 It's good to help out parents.,0,0.0 It's okay to criticize your significant other when they do immoral things.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should be allowed to sell sex with your own body.,1,0.5 You shouldn't end a friendship for a petty reason.,0,0.0 It's wrong to treat family members dishonestly.,1,0.5 It's ok to keep a distance to maintain a friendship.,1,0.5 You shouldn't put your family above your friends.,1,0.5 It's bad to hold a grudge about your relationship without talking about it.,0,0.0 It is wrong to fire people because of unfounded rumors.,0,0.0 You should ask questions directly.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to start relationships in the workplace.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's rude to take advantage of someone when they let you use their credit card.,1,0.24999999999999994 You are allowed to be concerned about the health of family members.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to sell fake goods representing them as real.,1,0.5 It's noble to want to help other people with their addictions.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to spy on people through Facebook.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is scary to think you might lose in a competition.,1,0.5 You shouldn't rack up large amounts of student loan debt.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to be relieved if someone has treatable cancer.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's kind to support a person going thru a medical crisis.,1,0.5 People are expected to avoid coming into contact with a skunk.,1,0.5 You shouldn't keep in contact with ex's.,1,0.5 It is rude to interrupt people,1,0.5 It's wrong to hide from new experiences.,1,0.5 It's okay if you don't want to travel to New York by bus.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should have more confidence in yourself.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't demand things from your partner.,1,0.5 It is reprehensible to beat a loved one.,1,0.5 It's encouraged you go on dates if you're trying to get laid,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to go out and have a good time,1,0.5 It's good for a parent to be honest with their child about family matters.,1,0.5 It's rude to call someone to keep you company because you're bored.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't tell someone to not invite their family over.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not selfish to want a baby that looks just like you.,0,0.0 It's okay to grieve.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's allowed to plan on some day being your own boss.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is wrong to back out on a commitment.,0,0.0 There's nothing wrong with expecting your partner to care about you.,1,0.5 It's okay to be a picky eater.,1,0.5 It's good to want to live in a better world.,1,0.5 It's good to take care to do a good job.,0,0.0 It is negative to be jealous about someone succeeding.,0,0.0 It's good to talk with people on the phone.,1,0.7499999999999999 You can be expected to remain respectful to the people around you by not walking out.,0,0.0 It's selfish to quit playing a game just because you are not doing well.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wise to remain neutral in family conflicts.,1,0.5 It's rude to use profanity toward a family member.,1,0.24999999999999994 If you feel threatened by a stranger in public it is acceptable to call the police.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't try to hate someone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is nice to get a surprise that you don't owe a bill.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to keep at things and persevere.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to take your anger out on others.,1,0.5 It's normal to be sad if your friend doesn't like to spend time with you anymore.,1,0.5 You shouldn't let things get in the way of your love.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to not trust everyone.,1,0.5 It’s rude to want someone to die to get their inheritance,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to trip on something.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should help others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to try new things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is responsible to take care of class assignments.,0,0.0 It's responsible to clean up after your pets.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to curse at people.,1,0.5 It's okay to enjoy a picnic outside.,1,0.5 You shouldn't wear casual clothes to formal occasions.,1,0.5 You shouldn't overdose on drugs.,1,0.5 You shouldn't get involved in family drama if you can help it.,1,0.5 It's ok to be single.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to buy lottery tickets on occasion.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is understandable to not feel empathy when their situations do not involve you.,1,0.5 It's not okay to make the people you work with uncomfortable.,1,0.24999999999999994 it's mean for someone to lose their temper with their pet,1,0.5 It's bad to steal from your employer.,1,0.5 You're allowed to inquire what your spouse saw if they went to an event you didn't.,1,0.5 It is bad to molest others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not typically expected to put butter on a donut.,1,0.5 It's fine to operate your car in any way you enjoy.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable if you're upset when you can't walk on your own.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good for one to find a special person to spend the rest of their life with.,1,0.24999999999999994 it's good to stand up for yourself.,1,0.5 It is smart to avoid eating before going out so that you have a big appetite.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you don't notice something in your path.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is bad to judge others for who they are.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to get help from your friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to choose to ignore a message on social media.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't let drunk people stay in your place.,1,0.5 It is good to celebrate holidays with friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's always good to help someone out if they are dyeing their hair because it's hard to do by yourself.,1,0.5 It's expected that those hit with grief seek out people to talk to,1,0.5 You shouldn't let your life become a mess.,1,0.5 It's necessary to take special precautions when in the vicinity of controlled fire.,1,0.5 It's understood that you can't do fun things when you get bad grades.,1,0.5 You shouldn't let things weigh on your mind.,1,0.5 "If someone is cheating but not on you, it's better to stay out of it.",0,0.0 It's wrong to love someone that will never love you back.,1,0.5 It's wrong to not let a significant other do things they think are fun.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always be there for your partner and never grow apart.,1,0.5 It's okay to tell your child they can't meet up with their friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable that not everyone has the same life skills.,1,0.5 It's good to communicate with your spouse.,0,0.0 It's good to book ahead of time.,1,0.5 It is your right to kiss whoever you want to.,1,0.5 It's nice to have a shot at love.,1,0.5 It's rude to pry into others affairs.,1,0.5 It's good to keep track of your budget.,1,0.5 It's wrong to scam people over the phone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be offended when someone doesn't like the gift you gave them.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to want your wedding to be just right.,1,0.5 You should be there for the people you care about when they are not feeling well.,0,0.0 It's good to help your children.,1,0.5 It's considerate to not want to wake up people or animals when they're asleep,1,0.5 It's ok to not want a pet on your couch.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want friends and family around when getting a medical operation.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be cautious about over reporting issues with busy healthcare providers.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to hang out with people.,1,0.5 It's good to end a relationship if the other person is abusive.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to make mistakes.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you want something nice, you should work hard for it.",1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to find someone you love.,1,0.5 It is rude to lock someone out of their house.,1,0.5 You should feel remorse when you get someone fired.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't let others get you fired.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is awkward to have somebody as a friend who sees you in a romantic light.,1,0.5 It's fun to take your parents to a sports game.,1,0.5 You should seek therapy if you've been raped.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to decline to help in some cases.,1,0.5 It's good to make homemade food and beverages.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always help people out who are sick or wounded.,1,0.5 It's discouraged from talking to yourself.,1,0.5 It's good to share photos with your friends online.,0,0.0 It's wrong to climb trees.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't be with someone who only wants to party with their friends and not spend time with you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to want to spend and much time as you can with a significant other.,1,0.5 It is good to talk to people about your problems.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to make homemade food and beverages.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to agree to go out with someone because they've bullied you.,1,0.5 You should be grateful to your spouse when they work for your comfort.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable that sometimes we find things distasteful.,1,0.5 It's not okay to bother others who don't need or want it.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't let others get you fired.,1,0.24999999999999994 You're expected to back up snide remarks with facts.,1,0.5 It's okay to throw away compostables.,1,0.5 It's okay to not want to partake in festivities or celebrations.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is healthy to set boundaries around who is welcome in your home.,1,0.24999999999999994 Don't be afraid to ignore people who are deliberately trying to annoy you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to be willfully ignorant,1,0.5 It's wrong to discard a friend for trivial reasons.,0,0.0 It's understandable if you're concerned about a classmate when their glasses have been broken for months.,1,0.5 You should always dress down if you're not going anywhere special.,0,0.0 Taking advantage of a corporations kindness is selfish.,1,0.5 It's okay to be frustrated when you're hungry but you have to change a light bulb.,1,1.0 It's wrong to go to your child's job interview.,0,0.0 It's good to explore the possibilities of a relationship with a powerful man.,1,0.24999999999999994 Parents are expected to respect the beliefs of their children.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't accuse your parents of doing things.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should be more responsible when it comes to cleaning.,0,0.0 Having fake accounts online is usually reserved for trolls.,1,0.5 You shouldn't move in with your partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to eat your food with a drink to wash it down.,1,0.5 It's good to be aware of the issues that you need to address with someone.,0,0.0 It's understandable to want to unwind after a long day.,1,0.5 It's okay to not want to spend time with someone who has a bad temper.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's smart to put one's money toward practical things.,1,0.5 "If you see police in the area, expect there to be an emergency.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong for babies to bite other people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is understandable to want to protect a friend.,1,0.5 It's good to be prepared for bad weather.,1,0.5 Leading someone on is wrong,1,0.24999999999999994 You should do everything you can to help your family.,0,0.0 It's good to try to mediate your kids' arguments when they are getting out of hand.,1,0.5 It's fine if you dislike hiking.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's rude to make fun of someone's whiskey dick.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't sleep walk.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to be responsible.,1,0.5 It's fine to try to meet someone you find attractive.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't write fake confessions online.,0,0.0 You're allowed to hate people if you want.,1,0.5 It's expected that work is boring.,1,0.5 It's expected that you will want someone very creditworthy to sign for a loan before you approve it,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't change the locks on something that you share with someone else.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you would want to take time off of work.,1,0.5 You should try not to brag too much when you've accomplished something,1,0.5 It's normal to be hurt when people make fun of your appearance.,1,0.5 It's not okay to cause drama where there doesn't have to be any.,1,0.5 It's bad to share your password with other people,1,0.7499999999999999 It's not okay to put yourself in a dangerous situation.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's nice to try to help other people any way you can.,1,0.5 It is hurtful to be discriminated against because of your race.,1,0.5 Men are expected to keep their emotions to themselves.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to give books to kids so they can read them and get better at reading.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's ok to say whatever you want when you are alone.,1,0.5 It's not okay to not be able to handle being alone.,1,0.5 It is reasonable to be upset if your son's girlfriend withholds information about him.,1,0.5 It's not okay to be greedy and unappreciative.,1,0.5 "If you are interested in someone's interfaith marriage, you should ask them about it.",0,0.0 It is wrong to cover for someone who is cheating.,1,0.5 You should be patient when your friend tells you they'll be back.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to make homemade food and beverages.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should maintain your relationship with your significant others.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't leave a senior with dementia by themselves because they could hurt themselves.,1,0.5 It's good to buy the things you need.,1,0.5 It's expected that you ask your mother how to cook things.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is expected that you accept invitations to important events of friends and loved ones,1,0.5 You should lose trust for people who lie to you.,1,0.5 It's industrious to efficiently do a job.,1,0.5 It is hurtful to appear callous towards others.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should let family stay at your home even if you don't like them.,1,0.5 You shouldn't pretend to be suffering from a health condition,1,0.5 It's good to have parents that want to help you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to not want to feel alone.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't chew people out.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to feel some responsible for what happens someone you've been dating.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's frustrating when your partner won't communicate their issues to you.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't dirty things up after you had just cleaned it.,1,0.5 It's normal to be disgruntled sometimes,1,0.5 You shouldn't block your family on social media.,1,0.5 It's kind to help a friend get to sleep.,1,0.5 It's fun to share a cabin with your friends.,1,0.5 It's okay if you don't want to let your friend date your partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to apply yourself to your academic work in school.,0,0.0 It can be difficult to get over a breakup.,1,0.5 It's okay to break up with your significant other.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to tell your friend to take a taxi home from the airport.,1,0.5 It's hurtful to pretend to care about someone when you don't.,1,0.5 You shouldn't eat rabbit poop.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to want to unwind after a long day.,1,0.5 It's good to enjoy talking to your partner.,0,0.0 You should always clean your room.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad to travel without planning a known route.,1,0.5 You should let people know before you move out.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's frustrating when your partner won't communicate their issues to you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to try to scam someone.,1,0.5 You shouldn't try to get away with things.,1,0.5 It is common for people to try to hide bad habits.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to wish for destruction on the environment.,1,0.5 People should not put conditions on their invitations to a party.,1,0.5 It's acceptable to stop working on something.,1,0.7499999999999999 "When someone compliments a performance you were worried about, you should feel relieved.",0,0.0 It is wrong to lie to people about your sexual identity.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is wrong to tell offensive jokes in an educational setting.,1,0.5 It's good to get help from your grandchildren.,0,0.0 You shouldn't commit suicide because it hurts many people.,1,0.5 It's okay to not want to spend time with someone who has a bad temper.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't empty your savings to take a vacation.,1,0.5 It's okay to have sexual interecourse with someone as long as it is consensual,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to get a divorce if someone has checked out mentally.,1,0.5 It's fine to need to use the bathroom.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to give money to people if you want them to be on your sports team.,1,0.5 It's OK to not learn how to date in high school.,1,0.5 It is expected that adult children take care of their own finances,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be compassionate to others.,0,0.0 You should listen to your partner's advice regarding your problems.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to not be able to get out of a bad situation.,1,0.5 You shouldn't ignore someone talking to you to look at your phone.,0,0.0 It's wrong to share to much about yourself.,1,0.5 You should tell your partner if you feel you're being left out.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to be antagonistic toward an acquaintance.,1,0.24999999999999994 Being out of sorts when a partner engages with someone on social media is controlling and should be curtailed.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to have a daily routine.,1,0.5 You should be accepting of having a half-sibling,1,0.5 It's wrong to have weird sexual fantasies.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should not get angry when your chronically ill relative needs help.,1,0.5 It's important to use good sense to live your life.,1,0.5 You shouldn't play dangerous games.,1,0.5 It's encouraged you stay in contact when separated from your spouse for a long period of time,1,0.5 It is okay to feel upset when there is conflict within your family.,1,0.5 It's rude to stop flirting with someone.,1,0.5 You should let your kids go out and have fun once in a while.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should see a doctor if you have bad burns.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to help out your friends when they are having problems.,0,0.0 It's okay to say no to people,1,0.5 It's good to write things down to help you remember.,0,0.0 It's good to save certain things for when others are away.,1,0.5 It's good to help yourself get over your depression.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should lose weight if you're fat and unhealthy.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to confess your darkest secrets.,1,0.5 It's bad for a child to be in danger.,1,0.5 It is wise to do your school work.,1,0.5 It's okay to blow up at siblings from time to time.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to feel confident about yourself and your body.,1,0.5 It's normal for people to feel devastated by the death of a loved one.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to leave a sordid life behind and start new.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to keep on top of the weather.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to strive for your goals.,1,0.5 You shouldn't force someone to do something they don't want to do.,1,0.5 It's good to help out your family.,1,0.5 It's okay to decline to help in some cases.,1,0.5 It is exhilarating to have sexual fantasies.,1,0.5 It's normal to keel over when you're in serious pain.,1,0.5 It's rude to occupy the bathroom for too long.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be grateful when someone does nice things for you.,1,0.5 You should always charge your electronics before you go somewhere so the battery doesn't die.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected that you continue a working relationship if both partners are satisfied.,1,0.5 It's okay to fantasize about torture as long as you don't act on it.,1,0.5 It's good to join the armed forces and protect one's country.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to help yourself get over your depression.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have role models that you can look up to.,1,0.5 You should do what you can to help your significant other with their mental health.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't expect your guests to always pay for your wedding plans.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to want to adopt a young relative.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to have a bizarre attitude as a parent to your children.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to think a tan is suspicious.,1,0.5 You should make an effort to get along with your significant other's parents,1,0.24999999999999994 It is your right to move at your own pace at the gym.,1,0.5 It is rude to insult someone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to expect a service for free.,1,0.5 Not everyone can be expected to be able to solve their issues in life on their own.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's OK to speak your mind about your preferences for movies.,1,0.24999999999999994 If you know your best friend is shy it is reasonable for them to be scared to give a speech at your wedding.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have a family that visits you in your nursing home.,1,0.5 You should support your friends and have their backs.,0,0.0 It's okay to only invite certain people to your events.,1,0.5 It is good to have a strong relationship with your grandparents.,1,0.5 It's wrong to take someone else's pet.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should apologize when you convince your sibling to eat poop.,1,0.5 It's wrong to get mad at your coworkers.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to cheat on others.,1,0.5 You can't expect love young to last forever.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's common for older siblings to try to get their little brother's in trouble.,1,0.5 It's acceptable to be angry when someone you care about makes poor choices.,0,0.0 It's rude to boss around friends.,1,0.5 It's okay to be frustrated when your parents are obsessed with their family heirlooms.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to not support your spouse.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected to parents do what's best for their children,1,0.5 It's understandable for a mom to be scared for their children.,0,0.0 It is okay to be angry with a breech of trust.,1,0.5 It's fine to drop a water jug.,1,0.5 It's okay to be honest with your friends.,1,0.5 Babysitting is a good learning experience to becoming a parent.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to take care of your shareholders.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay not to enjoy getting high with your partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should look into nose strips when you snore.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should not manipulate others to your own ends.,1,0.5 You should ask questions directly.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to donate blood to others who need it.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you can't get over your partner's sexual history, it's okay to end the relationship.",0,0.0 You shouldn't expect your ex to be friends with you.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't have sex with someone else if you're married.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should always chip in to pay for your partner's things.,1,0.24999999999999994 When someone teaches you how to do something it's exciting when you're finally better than them,1,0.5 You shouldn't criticize people for adopting their kids instead of having their own.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's kind to pay for your spouse to visit new places.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that a film major has seen a lot of movies,1,0.5 You shouldn't get involved in family drama if you can help it.,1,0.5 You should think of the impact your actions have on your family,1,0.5 You should decorate your house yourself.,1,1.0 It's okay to be disgusted by men targeting young girls.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be upset when someone mocks your favorite sports team.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't give pets as gifts because they are a big responsibility.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to enjoy yourself.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to wonder about the future,1,0.5 It is okay to not want to go to a party.,1,0.5 It's wrong for employees to handle personal business on their employer's time.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't park your car in an electric charging spot if it's a gas car.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to add extra conditions to gifts.,0,0.0 People will be concerned about you if they think you're depressed or suicidal.,1,0.5 It's good to realize that video games don't relate to real life.,0,0.0 You should fire your own pottery.,1,0.5 It's bad to judge someone because they are gifted.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's important that family members remain loyal to one another.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be worried about someone you care about.,1,0.5 You shouldn't threaten your partner with divorce just because they won't lose weight.,1,0.5 You should lose trust for people who lie to you.,1,0.5 It's wrong to sell your body for money.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to help people find true love.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to make sure people are held accountable for immoral actions,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to visit your family in the nursing home.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that people can't control who they're attracted to.,1,0.24999999999999994 it is good to learn new things.,1,0.5 You should expect your kids to come home soon when you ask them.,0,0.0 You should wear diapers if you are incontinent.,0,0.0 "If you're male and heterosexual, you shouldn't cross dress because it's weird.",1,0.24999999999999994 You should take control of your love life and find love yourself.,1,0.5 It's okay to ask a friend to borrow clothes.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to ask your friend's opinion on abortion.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to not always get along with everyone.,1,0.5 It's normal to carry your phone with you.,1,0.5 It's important to take advice of your parents.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should explain to a friend why you cannot give them money if you cannot.,1,0.5 You shouldn't call people things that make them uncomfortable,1,0.5 It's good to be independent.,1,0.5 You should always try to be understanding of others and their confessions.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to embrace love and friendship in a marriage.,1,0.5 It's understandable that one's crush will bring them joy.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't expect people to pay off their debts.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's acceptable to choose to eat vegetarian.,1,0.5 It's not okay to make someone's life more difficult that it has to be.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understood it's hard to change how a person feels about things.,1,0.5 It is good to avoid eating bodily fluids.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's harmful to assume someone is lying about having food intolerances.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to want attention.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to miss your chance.,1,0.5 "It's understandable that sometimes people have reasons to feel like it's better to spend time with certain groups of loved ones separately, rather than all at once.",1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to be suspicious when your friend is keeping secrets.,1,0.5 It's impolite to terminate a relationship for trivial reasons.,1,0.5 People are expected to learn how to swim when they are children.,1,0.5 Fidelity is expected in a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 Getting rid of a dog because it is too much work is selfish.,1,0.24999999999999994 People shouldn't let their own personal demons interfere with their day-to-day interpersonal relationships.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to make promises to yourself.,0,0.0 It is acceptable to have a weird sexual kink.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't have sex with someone else if you're married.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to have a relationship with someone else.,1,0.5 It's okay to splurge when you find something that you want.,1,0.5 It's okay to break up with your partner if the relationship is not salvageable.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should not make important decisions when you're angry,1,0.5 It is good to help your friends,1,0.5 You should never make a friend angry.,1,0.5 It's good to teach children that their boundaries should be respected.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should be careful when making gravy so you don't burn it.,1,0.24999999999999994 "When your kids are arguing, you should not try to get in the middle of it.",1,0.5 You shouldn't bully others.,1,0.5 It's good to visit people.,0,0.0 It's wrong to not look out for family.,0,0.0 It's good to share your ideas for food products with others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's important to have trust in a romantic relationship in order to have a healthy relationship.,1,0.5 It's nice to help people in a home.,1,0.5 It's okay to want to give your available seats to an important event to friends instead of family.,1,0.5 It's loathsome to marry someone for their money.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to feel uncomfortable when you move somewhere inhospitable.,1,0.5 It's surprising to find out your girlfriend has received other marriage proposals.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should always try new things.,1,0.5 It's crucial to accept others for who they are.,1,0.5 You should share in expenses with others.,1,0.5 You should always heed someone's words of warning.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to have a low opinion of yourself.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to be offended when your grand kids don't like your menu.,1,0.5 It's expected that depression runs in families.,1,0.5 You should be in a hurry if you're having an emergency.,1,0.7499999999999999 Partners are expected to do kind things for each other.,1,0.5 It's ok to be loving year-round.,1,0.5 Children should expect to be able to go to their parents when something bad happens.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be worried about a job interview.,1,0.5 You should always make sure you have enough gas before you go somewhere.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is you right to not give money to someone who asks.,1,0.5 You shouldn't disturb people with your loud noises.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's reasonable to disparage the reputation of someone that throws chemicals in your eyes.,0,0.0 It's expected that you give your significant other a special present for Christmas.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to find a good surname for yourself.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to communicate with your friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you have a weird bump, you should see a doctor because it might be cancer.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be frustrated when someone picks and chooses when they love you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal for people to want to share a meal with those they care about.,1,0.5 It's wrong to not support a friend.,1,0.5 It is good to reassure your kids of your health.,1,0.5 It's wrong to be pressured to like a friend's significant other.,1,0.7499999999999999 "It's OK if you want to keep your facial hair, despite what others say.",1,0.24999999999999994 Just because someone does something wrong doesn't mean you should do the same thing.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If something is making you miserable, you shouldn't do it anymore.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to order something sight unseen.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't look down on people without thinking about what it's like to be them,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you're angry when a colleague tells the office your secrets.,1,0.5 It's right to try to help a friend who is having mental health problems.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that family is trusting of one another.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's acceptable to be angry if someone parks in the spot assigned to you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be concerned about your home.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to guilt trip someone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to talk to family members less if they are not good to you.,1,0.5 It's understandable that sometimes two parents have different ideas about what they want to name their child.,1,0.5 It's good to seek the support of your peer group,1,0.5 It's good to keep track of information about your friends and family.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to take credit for something that you've made,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to give children a healthy and supportive home,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to judge someone based on their ethnicity.,1,0.5 It is unacceptable to cheat on your spouse.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should learn your students' names if you're a teacher.,0,0.0 It's ok to seek help when you have issues with anger management.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad to lose a pet.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's healthy to give yourself time to rest and recuperate after a trying ordeal.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't be rude to children.,1,0.5 You shouldn't tell someone you have feelings for them when they are dating someone else.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be excited about things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to stalk others.,1,0.5 It is good to apologize to people you have harmed,1,0.5 It's good to cook for your significant other.,1,0.5 It's good to not want to talk about things that can cause conflict.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good for people to spend time outdoors.,1,0.5 "If you're married to someone, you should be proud of your choice and do what you can to maintain your love for them.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to apologize for bad behavior.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that depression runs in families.,1,0.5 It's good to tell about your place of employment so you get more customers,0,0.0 You shouldn't make fun of your friends.,1,0.5 It is rude to cancel plans.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should keep an eye on your yard when you're waiting for your pet to come home.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always answer someone's question if they are concerned about you.,1,0.5 "If you don't like yourself and your identity, you should make some changes to your life.",1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't cut off your friends.,1,0.5 It's good to be aware of you quirks.,1,0.24999999999999994 Plumbers can be expected to wear pants that don't completely cover their ass.,1,0.5 It's understandable to feel afraid when an animal is acting aggressively toward you.,0,0.0 You should practice your handwriting if it's poor.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to set yourself up where their could be an argument with friends.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should be grateful for gifts from other people.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should become comfortable with someone before you call them things that might upset them,1,0.7499999999999999 You should sell something you have if it's worth a lot of money and you need money.,1,0.5 "If your wrist is broken, you should see the doctor.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to repeatedly do something you enjoy.,0,0.0 It's okay to have second thoughts about being a parent.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is bad to be negative.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you have a problem with lying, you should get some help.",0,0.0 You should treat a significant other's child as part of your own family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's ok to report a colleague for misconduct.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to touch other people without permission.,0,0.0 It's wrong to exchange money and goods for sexual photos without your spouse's knowledge.,1,0.5 It's ok to not do everything with your significant other.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have your own garden.,1,1.0 You should apologize when you convince your sibling to eat poop.,1,0.5 It's good to sell your car if it's old.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you aren't over your ex.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be afraid of things that can hurt you.,1,0.5 It's good to want your friends to enjoy themselves.,1,0.5 It's expected that you know what your children prefer on a special occasion.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's dishonest to stay in a loveless relationship.,1,0.5 It's understandable that sometimes we do things we shouldn't to gain popularity.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should make sure you're ready before having children,1,0.5 You shouldn't annoy the people you sit by.,0,0.0 It's okay to enjoy your life when you life with good sense.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to have arguments with a partner.,1,0.5 It's good to do chores.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected that people will flush the toilet after every use.,1,0.5 It is good to learn new things.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should not keep important information from your partner.,0,0.0 It is unlikely that someone will give up their favorite thing.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If a teacher has mistreated you, it's a good thing to report it",1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to make fun of someone's whiskey dick.,1,0.24999999999999994 When you see a skunk it is foolish to get close to it.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want to make decisions about your romantic life without consulting anyone.,1,0.5 You should treat everyone equally.,0,0.0 It is useful to get exercise playing even if you aren't good at the sport.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to thank someone when they are honest about their past.,1,0.24999999999999994 People are expected to give others presents for Christmas.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to want to feel appreciated in life.,1,0.5 It's rude to do things that prevent other's from being happy.,1,0.5 It is destructive to make a mess of a cake.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is normal to get warned about behavior you shouldn't continue.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should enjoy treats.,1,0.5 You should leave an animal's nest alone.,1,0.5 You are allowed to choose who you spend your time with.,1,0.5 It is wrong to have sex with your partner's friends.,1,0.5 It is wrong to cheat on your partner.,1,0.5 It's good to make money doing things that you may not necessarily enjoy.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's normal to feel guilty when you've done something you know is wrong.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's important to be true to yourself.,0,0.0 You should ask how you can help if you see someone crying.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to dislike babies.,1,0.5 It's wrong to impose restrictions on the people you're with.,0,0.0 You should always acknowledge old friends.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected that people be aware of road conditions and drive safely.,1,0.5 You are expected to respect your guests wishes in regards to giving a speech at your wedding.,1,1.0 It's normal to have an opinion.,1,0.24999999999999994 Being angry at your partner for leaving you alone to watch her children is OK.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to reduce the number of cars on the road by carpooling.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to not enjoy being around people you don't like.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't dress slutty around your parent's friends.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is concerning for your future relationship if you don't like your partner's children.,1,0.5 You should apologize when you convince your sibling to eat poop.,1,0.5 You shouldn't hide things from people.,1,0.5 Parents are expected to be loving towards their children.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understood that you can't do fun things when you get bad grades.,1,0.5 You should hate people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is disrespectful to pursue other women when you are married.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to talk over someone.,1,0.5 It is okay to play jokes in video games.,1,0.5 It is rude to tell someone how to study.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to tell your partner your plans.,1,0.5 "Popular items frequently sell out, so it's best to pre-order them.",1,0.24999999999999994 "You shouldn't believe in the 'Elevator Game.""",1,1.0 It is important to establish boundaries in relationships.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't expect your ex to be friends with you.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should respect the religious beliefs of other people.,1,0.5 It's never okay to intentionally invoke terror in others,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have a plan for your future.,0,0.0 It's wrong to have fantasies about dating autistic people.,1,1.0 It's okay to be angry at a significant other if they wronged you.,1,0.5 It's okay to have odd sexual fetishes.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to expose people to secondhand smoke.,1,0.5 It's good to get help if you're so depressed you can't do anything.,1,0.5 It's common for older siblings to try to get their little brother's in trouble.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be moved when someone expresses their love for you.,1,0.5 It is okay to grieve.,1,0.5 It's good to be happy.,1,0.5 It's okay to tell someone if their partner is cheating on them.,1,0.5 You should make time to do the things you really love.,1,0.5 It's sadistic to cut off someone's skin and show it to them.,0,0.0 You should always support your family when they have medical issues.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you need something fixed, you should ask someone for help.",0,0.0 You shouldn't encourage your friend to disobey their parents.,1,0.5 An airline doesn't wait for a late passenger.,1,0.5 It's rude to dismiss someone's feelings.,0,0.0 It's wrong not to give yourself a rest when you need it.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't sneak out of the house behind your parents' back,1,0.7499999999999999 You should dump your partner if they don't like you anymore.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to abuse children,0,0.0 You should do your best on assignments so that you can good grades,1,0.24999999999999994 It's distasteful to express bigoted views.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're bored when you go to the zoo.,0,0.0 It's frowned upon to throw a tantrum.,1,0.5 It's okay to be upset if someone teases you for something that's a part of who you are.,1,0.5 It's encouraged to join a program when you're an alcoholic.,1,0.5 It's bad to climb on top of the table.,1,0.24999999999999994 "When mistakes are made, it's good to apologize.",0,0.0 It's wrong to pretend to be friends with a person for personal gain.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be angry when someone disrespects you.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't put up with someone who talks to you rudely.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad to be addicted to video games.,1,0.5 You shouldn't force your partner to do inappropriate things.,1,0.5 It's rude to call people names.,1,0.5 It is important to be a considerate guest,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to run from the police.,1,0.5 It's okay to cry yourself to sleep sometimes if you're really upset.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's ok to join in on fun activities.,1,0.5 It's not expected that you shower with your friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to try to give your pet medicine when they need it.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to report someone if you think they're breaking the law.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to be pressured to like a friend's significant other.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable to want your child to have a father figure.,1,0.5 It's understandable that people don't always get along with others.,0,0.0 It's good to take children into your home.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should tell the truth.,1,0.5 You shouldn't make healthcare so expensive that people can't afford it.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's allowed to seek mental health if you often talk to imaginary friends.,0,0.0 It is okay to have bad days.,1,0.5 People are expected to make sure their pets are safe.,1,0.5 It's disloyal to sext someone while you're in a relationship with someone else.,1,0.5 It is okay to celebrate someone's life rather than grieve their death,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be careful not to eat too much sugar in one sitting,1,0.5 Being angry at your partner for leaving you alone to watch her children is OK.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't break the law.,1,0.5 It's understandable to feel stress when traveling.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to create a situation where nothing gets done.,1,0.5 You shouldn't hate people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to tell someone that you don't want to look at their personal photos.,1,0.5 It's understandable that sometimes things happen and we have to hurry to be on time.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to put to much meaning in something simple.,1,0.5 It is good to keep your promises.,1,0.5 It is okay to follow your dreams.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is bad to be suicidal.,1,0.5 It is not wise to try and run from your problems.,1,0.5 It's good to make friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to ask your roommate not to do certain things if they are disruptive.,0,0.0 It is expected that you accept invitations to important events of friends and loved ones,1,0.5 It's bad to take away something a child is passionate about by way of a punishment.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's nice to have fun in the summer.,1,0.5 It's wrong to be lying to the people in your life.,1,0.5 You should not ask your children for money.,1,0.5 It's good to foster animals while they are waiting to be adopted.,1,0.5 It's expected that you drink responsibly.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always try to be understanding of others and their confessions.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected for adults to pay for their own education.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't base your self-worth on internet points,1,0.24999999999999994 It is normal to confront someone about an unhealthy habit if you care about them.,0,0.0 It's not okay to miss an important day of a family member.,0,0.0 It's not okay to let someone around your kids that could hurt them.,0,0.0 It's nice to take care of pets.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to share things you enjoy with others.,0,0.0 It's good to be informed about technology.,1,0.5 It's normal for people want to share their thoughts.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to buy lottery tickets on occasion.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to be goofy around your friends.,1,0.5 It is wrong to be excited about harming others.,1,0.5 It's expected that people are happier when they live as their true selves.,1,0.5 It's good to give gifts to your in-laws.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to know your limitations.,0,0.0 It's ok to say no if a friend asks for money.,1,0.5 You shouldn't make fun of people that wear diapers if they have a real medical need to wear them.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to care about your child's education.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be self-righteous about things.,0,0.0 It's good to have someone's favorite food with them.,0,0.0 You shouldn't bring fake weapons to public places.,1,0.5 You should pay to fix things you have broken.,1,0.5 Teaching children is a noble choice of profession.,1,0.5 People might think you're a thief if they see you handling stuff that isn't yours.,1,0.5 You don't need to accept apologies if you're not ready to move on,1,0.24999999999999994 It's morally wrong to promote racism and racist policy.,1,0.5 It's good to be there for your ex's funeral.,1,0.5 It's understandable to feel left out.,1,0.5 It's good to reduce the number of cars on the road by carpooling.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to wear a chastity cage if you want to remain a virgin.,1,0.5 It's allowed to talk to friends on your way to the bus.,1,0.5 It's good to relax and play games.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're sad when you spend your entire paycheck paying bills.,1,0.5 It's okay if you do not want to attend your graduation ceremony.,1,0.5 It is bad to hold grudges on people.,0,0.0 It's okay for families to take sides during a divorce,1,0.5 It's understandable to be angry if someone damages your car.,1,0.5 Parents should make sure expectations are clear,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be angry when your partner cheats on you.,0,0.0 It's understandable if you're happy you have good genes.,1,0.24999999999999994 You're expected to improve your qualifications in order to get a better job.,1,0.5 It's bad to mooch off of others.,0,0.0 It's normal for people to have a party to celebrate special occasions.,1,0.5 It's okay to admit that silly things make you afraid.,1,0.24999999999999994 It can make people self conscious to tell them they're eating too much.,1,0.5 People are expected to obey all the traffic laws when driving.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should obey the rules.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable that it's sometimes hard to follow the examples set by others.,1,0.5 You shouldn't have a baby if you can't afford one.,1,0.5 It's expected that your child choose to handle their own affairs as they get older.,0,0.0 It's rude to expect someone you know to do something they don't like.,1,0.5 It's okay to kill fish.,1,0.5 It's good to have people over for the holidays.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to want to tell on other people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's frowned upon for people to continue a relationship with a former romantic interest when they've moved on to other relationships.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's not okay to have to rely on special tools when they aren't really needed.,1,0.5 It is common to relate to relate to your children by telling them about your childhood.,1,0.5 It's okay to be embarrassed when you trip over something you didn't see.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't mooch off your siblings.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to misbehave around your family.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is rude to distract others at work.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't lend things to people without your partner's permission.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's disappointing to be in your 30's and feel as if you've wasted your life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good for a husband and wife to live together,1,0.24999999999999994 It's polite to respond when someone sends you a message.,1,0.5 It is bad to splurge on a favorite treat frequently if it is unhealthy.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is ok to get exercise in by riding your bike.,1,0.5 It's okay if you are upset when your coach won't let you play a game.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to have your feeling about other people change.,1,0.5 It's important not to objectify other people.,1,0.24999999999999994 "People will think you're deceptive if you have multiple, fake accounts.",1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to make false claims and mislead others,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you don't want something, you shouldn't have it.",0,0.0 It's good to help people out with their wedding.,1,0.5 It's good to have someone that listens to you and is honest with you.,1,0.5 It is important to be a considerate guest,1,0.24999999999999994 It's reasonable to be uncomfortable with your girlfriend having a male friend.,0,0.0 It's good to develop good communication with your partner.,1,0.5 It's nice to tell stories.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fun to go cart racing as long as you're careful.,1,0.5 It's good to encourage childrens' curiosity.,1,0.5 It's fine to want a sex toy even if you have a boyfriend.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should read the instructions when you install a new appliance.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's frustrating when moderators don't moderate things.,1,0.5 It's good to spend time with family,1,0.5 It's good to want to protect people.,0,0.0 It is okay to be embarrassed.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's honorable to want to improve yourself.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's irresponsible to have children when you are too old.,0,0.0 It is good to respect your chulds bounderies.,1,0.24999999999999994 Employers should educate their employees about disallowed interactions.,1,0.5 It's ok to feel out of control.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to get into other people's business,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you feel hopeless, it is okay to ask for professional help.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's immoral to urinate on another person without their consent.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should wear diapers if you are incontinent.,0,0.0 It's good to promote healthy behavior to others.,1,0.5 You should tell people how you feel about them,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to want to spend holidays with the people who are important to you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to get angry at people for things that aren't their fault.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is cute to personalize your possessions.,1,0.5 You shouldn't expect your parent to always be available to help you with your school work.,1,0.5 It's wrong to try to change your child's lifestyle.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should listen to the advice of doctor's,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to have a hobby.,0,0.0 It's normal for someone to be punished more if they commit a transgression under punishment.,1,0.24999999999999994 it's wrong to hurt people.,1,0.5 It's okay to triage problems based on their severity.,1,0.5 You should keep supporting someone when they are trying to figure out what they want to do.,1,0.5 It's understandable to distance yourself from toxic family members.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're afraid of your spouse when they return home from combat.,1,1.0 You should always forgive people no matter what.,1,0.5 You should trust others to do things for you without getting nervous about it.,1,0.5 You should keep depression to yourself so you're not negatively judged by others.,1,0.5 You should share food with others.,1,0.5 You should always clean your room.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable to be angry when someone disrespects you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to be competitive with a significant other's family.,1,0.5 It's rude to make things hard for a friend.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to expect people to pay for something they have taken and are expecting to pay for.,1,0.5 It's wrong to have an open relationship.,1,0.5 It's understandable that sometimes people struggle to deal with stress.,1,0.5 You shouldn't expect your parent to always be available to help you with your school work.,1,0.5 It is good to experience change.,1,0.5 It's bad to demand that someone goes away.,1,0.5 It's wrong to have sex with someone who is married.,1,0.5 It's important to be gentle when you wake someone up from a nap.,0,0.0 It's understandable to have trouble helping others.,1,0.5 "If you break your bone, you should seek help immediately.",1,0.24999999999999994 "If you're addicted to drugs, you should get help.",1,0.5 It's wrong to think masturbating is a sport because it's not.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to communicate your needs in a relationship.,1,0.5 Parents are expected to be excited about welcoming their first child.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be offended when someone doesn't like the gift you gave them.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be frustrated when you're framed for a mistake.,1,0.5 You should lie down if you don't feel good.,0,0.0 You shouldn't blame people for your problems.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to hurt others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to put off your responsibilities till later.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't criticize someone's food preferences.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always go outside to play when you have time.,1,0.5 It's good to have things in common with your partner's parents.,0,0.0 It's disappointing when people down't want to return to your home.,1,0.5 You should be appreciative when friends try to do something nice for you.,1,0.5 Being abusive to your children is always wrong.,1,0.5 If you forget to log out of your social media accounts on someone elses computer you should expect your account to get hacked.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to save certain things for when others are away.,1,0.5 "If someone forbids you from doing something, you should respect them.",1,0.5 It is bad to stalk others.,1,0.5 You should always eat dessert with milk.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to be relieved if someone has treatable cancer.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always help out a needy sibling.,1,0.5 It's normal to want affection from loved ones.,1,0.5 It's ok to keep the ashes of a deceased loved one.,1,0.5 It's good to research new things.,1,0.5 It's okay to be attracted to younger women.,1,0.5 You should care more about your parent's feelings.,0,0.0 It is good to be proud of your children.,1,0.5 It is expected that some people have difficult pregnancies.,1,0.5 It goes against office etiquette to take food that belongs to co-workers.,1,0.5 it's good to host your in laws when they visit.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's fine to impose punishment on students in your class.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't judge others by their weight.,1,0.5 It is understandable to want to celebrate a birthday.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fun to go out places with your kids.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to be ashamed of where you have come from.,1,0.5 "If all your hair falls out, you should go to the doctor.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to hate someone for having a disability.,1,0.24999999999999994 You are expected to be sad when a stepparent passes away.,1,0.5 It's okay to be wary of people with a nasty temper.,1,0.5 You can't expect people to own up to their mistakes.,1,0.5 It's okay to have an opinion on a controversial topic,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected to sometimes want what you can't have.,1,0.5 It's fine to move on from your ex.,1,0.5 You should divorce someone that cheats on you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to make someone leave their own party.,1,0.5 It's rude to do things that offend other people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to choose not to invite some people to your party.,1,0.5 It's wrong to post crude photos of your friends online.,1,0.5 It is ok to find someone gross if they are picking their teeth.,1,0.5 "It's okay to want to spend some time alone, away from kids.",1,0.5 "If you suspect someone is anorexic, you should get them medical help.",1,0.24999999999999994 It is lazy to think about quitting a job you just started.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're relieved when you can afford to pay your bills.,1,0.5 It's understandable to take away someone's car keys if they can't drive safetly.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to think others should take responsibility for themselves.,1,0.5 It's good to want to present yourself in the best light.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be scared about things.,1,0.5 It's bad to let intimacy die down in your relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to be unsure what you want to do.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't have to pay your ex's bills.,1,0.5 It's acceptable to report a person that is causing trouble.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to hate someone for having a disability.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to take care to do a good job.,0,0.0 It is acceptable to ask someone on another date.,1,0.5 It's okay to think there should be peanut-butter flavored Pringles.,1,1.0 You should end a friendship with someone if they cause you too much drama.,1,0.5 It's good to have your own garden.,1,1.0 You should go back to school if you hate your job and want to try a new field.,1,0.5 It is normal for unexpected changes to cause stress,1,0.5 It's ok to break up with someone who cheated on you.,1,0.5 It's wrong not to spend time with your family.,1,0.5 It's understandable to keep your opinions to yourself when they're controversial.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If something is making you miserable, you shouldn't do it anymore.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you're curious how interfaith marriages work.,0,0.0 It is biased to push your agenda while teaching.,1,0.5 "If you are interested in someone's interfaith marriage, you should ask them about it.",0,0.0 It is ignorant to make judgments based on race.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to socialize with others at school.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable to want to fit in with the people you interact with.,1,0.5 You shouldn't reveal someone's secrets.,0,0.0 You should always grieve when someone close to you dies.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't be a bad influence on kids.,1,0.5 Receiving constructive criticism is an essential skill to have.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be excited about what you do every day,1,0.5 It is good to marry one that you love.,1,0.5 It's wrong to shun family.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If someone is homeless, you should help them out.",1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't overestimate the gas tank so you don't run out of gas.,0,0.0 It's good to apologize when you're not cool about something.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should enjoy treats.,1,0.5 It's good to consult your parent before you sell something precious and expensive.,1,0.5 It's okay to be angry and file a complaint against a supervisor making sexual advances towards you.,1,0.24999999999999994 Businesses are in their right to refuse to hire individuals who use drugs.,1,0.5 "It's good to find romance wherever you can, no matter how brief.",1,0.5 It is scary to think you might lose in a competition.,1,0.5 It's very mean to abandon a relationship with someone for no reason.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to go out and have a good time,1,0.5 It's wrong not to enjoy being at home.,1,0.5 It's expected that people be aware of road conditions and drive safely.,1,0.5 It's ok to keep your phone inside your bra.,1,0.5 It's okay to be scared of the costs that come with an ambulance ride.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to expect you wedding to be about you and your spouse,1,0.5 It's good to start a new life in a new place.,1,0.5 It is okay to not be able to control who you are attracted to.,1,0.5 You shouldn't tell others about your sexual identity.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable to want to fit in with the people you interact with.,1,0.5 You shouldn't sexually harass your coworkers.,0,0.0 It is good to give someone advanced notice if they will be let go.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to criticize someone else's parenting.,0,0.0 It is okay to protect people that are close to you.,1,0.5 It's expected that people will pay more for things that make them ahppy.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad to kill people.,0,0.0 It's rude to ignore your friends.,1,0.5 You are expected to be sad when a stepparent passes away.,1,0.5 It's expected that you and your significant other trust each other.,1,0.5 You are allowed to seek treatment for insomnia.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want to be close with a group of friends.,1,0.5 It's good to want to do things to show someone you care.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that family members will generally agree with one another.,1,0.5 It is good to put in the effort to get to know people.,1,0.24999999999999994 Single Mothers are expected to be able to raise their kids and work full time.,1,0.5 It's okay not to have seen every movie,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you'll be respectful of your coworkers.,0,0.0 It is good to talk to family members less if they are not good to you.,1,0.5 You should help when you see others struggling,0,0.0 It's acceptable to seek out companionship.,1,0.5 You should expect to be confronted if you make a huge mess in someone's house.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always practice good communication with your partner so they know your feelings.,0,0.0 It is good to give up your own time for others.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad to investigate an opponent without their knowledge.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be cheap when it comes to your home.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to want what is best for the country.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be upfront about your disinterest in a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that some people try to learn throughout their life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to want to be a 50's housewife because women back then were oppressed.,0,0.0 You should be understanding of people's problems.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to to listen to what you want.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's OK to say no to things you can't afford.,1,0.5 It's understandable to distance yourself from toxic people.,1,0.5 It's okay to drink from a bottle.,1,0.7499999999999999 "If you don't like your room, you should spruce it up so it looks nice.",0,0.0 It's okay to avoid people who hate you.,0,0.0 You shouldn't give sexy gifts to family because it's not appropriate.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If the weather is bad, you should put your plans off and spend time indoors.",1,0.5 Parents are expected to teach their children how to do things.,1,0.5 It's okay to divorce your spouse when they cheat on you.,1,0.5 It's nice to call your grandchild on their birthday.,1,0.5 It's understandable that one's crush will bring them joy.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't talk badly about someone behind their back.,0,0.0 It is bad to freak out a lot.,0,0.0 It's understandable if you're picky about what you buy.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to want to be student of the month when you're a kid.,0,0.0 It's expected that people will get to know one another before becoming a couple.,1,0.5 It's understandable to fall in love with a friend.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you keep your personal life out of the office.,1,0.5 It's good to give simple solutions to someone's problems.,0,0.0 You shouldn't let your kitten outside since it might get run down by a car.,1,0.5 It's noble to be true to yourself.,1,0.7499999999999999 As long as you are purchasing beverages it is OK to sit in a coffee shop all day.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't hurt a girl's feelings if they like you.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay if you don't want to be cool about a problem.,1,0.5 It is expected that you would be upset if someone excluded you because you have special needs.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to be so greedy with things that your relationships suffer.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to assume that people from certain places must look a certain way.,1,0.5 You can research people to get to know them better.,1,0.5 It's rude to ignore someone in a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to see a doctor if you are depressed.,1,0.5 It's good to take your younger relative out to eat.,1,0.5 It ugly to use fake fruit to decorate.,1,0.5 It is wrong to bribe someone to get what you want.,1,0.5 It's okay if you don't enjoy cooking with your partner.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable if you're glad your spouse is finally dead after 50 years of marriage.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's normal to hang out with your friends.,1,0.5 It's good to find a compromise on things.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should apologize if you crash into people.,1,0.5 It's good to keep trying at something until you get really good at it.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to be suspicious of others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable that sometimes people have reasons they feel uncomfortable sharing the truth.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always keep an eye on your kids.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should always make an effort to park properly.,0,0.0 It's expected you retire if you've won the lottery,1,0.5 It's typical to occasionally get annoyed by people you spend a lot of time with.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable to want people to pay their fare share of things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to be domineering.,1,0.5 It's hurtful for a parent to enroll a child in classes without permission.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad to be the cause of someone's death.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to give treats to your pets.,1,0.5 It's understandable we can't help who we love.,1,0.5 It's insensitive to ignore human life over animal life.,1,0.5 It's important to take care of vulnerable members of society.,1,0.5 It's good to be happy about having something done.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be happy when you find a good home.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to work at a fast food restaurant in your teens.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to find your passion.,1,0.5 It's rude to judge people based on superficial characteristics like height.,1,0.5 You can research people to get to know them better.,1,0.5 It's bad to play mean jokes on someone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's polite to cover your mouth when you yawn.,1,0.5 It's good to text lifeline services.,1,0.5 It's okay to be excited when a butterfly lands on you.,1,0.5 It's fine to be curious about whether you can get attention.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to be dishonest.,1,0.5 It's wrong to climb trees.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's gross to cut your nails around your partner.,1,0.5 It's normal to feel silly if you're not used to getting dressed up.,0,0.0 It's nice to like someone's post.,1,0.5 It's normal to feel upset when you are rejected.,1,0.5 You should be prepared to let your daughter move on after she gets married.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's nice to look at photos.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to be surprised by a bill.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to fire someone if they are not the right fit.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should respect others' property.,1,0.5 It's normal to want more money.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is worrying to feel like everything depends on you.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's normal to get ice from a freezer,1,0.5 "If you keep thinking about death, you should get some help.",1,0.5 It's good to care about your health.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be hurt when your parents ignore you.,0,0.0 You shouldn't lie about your picture on dating apps.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should dump your partner if they don't like you anymore.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't pry into your child's life.,1,0.5 It's okay to feel angry at yourself.,1,0.5 It's okay not to like certain phases,1,0.5 You shouldn't rescind a wedding invitation you've already sent to someone.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's fine if you don't want someone watching you practice.,1,0.5 It's bad to be unfaithful in a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's important to not beat yourself up over things you can't change.,1,0.24999999999999994 You can't expect all of your friend's friends to accept their relationship with you.,1,0.5 You should set ground rules with people that you live with.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to do things for your kids.,1,0.5 It's wrong to be down on yourself when you tried your best.,1,0.5 It's wrong not to include all of a family in a family photo.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to skim a few bucks from big name stores every so often.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be upset with your elders.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to make some bad investments as you learn.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to not want to do things that hurt someone.,1,0.5 It's good to want to live your life the best you can.,1,0.5 It's rude to call someone out on something.,1,0.5 It is distracting to have sexual fantasies constantly.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to admit things to people.,1,0.5 You shouldn't get involved with someone's partner.,1,0.5 You shouldn't let your step-kids blame you for their parent's death.,1,0.5 It is good to have fond memories of the past.,0,0.0 You shouldn't blame things on a sibling.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's self-absorbed to take too many pictures of yourself.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is the duty of the best man to help the groom get ready.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always include your family members in your birthday plans.,1,0.24999999999999994 Is it expected the people exercise their right to vote,1,0.5 It is important to not do more physical activity than you can handle.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to snoop around online about someone your parent is dating.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should treat employees well,1,0.5 You should save your money for important purchases.,1,0.5 It's good to be proud of your cooking.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to reassure people that you care about them.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to call the Coast Guard when they can help you.,1,0.5 You should speak with your roommates if you are having issues with them or people they are bringing into the house.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't let your pets onto your table.,1,0.7499999999999999 It can be unsafe to allow your dog to lick you.,1,0.5 It is good to stick with something for a long period of time.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't enjoy watching animals fight each other.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's rude to do mean things to a friend.,1,0.5 You shouldn't lie to people online.,1,0.5 You shouldn't go on lavish trips unless you've saved up enough money beforehand.,1,0.24999999999999994 It’s understandable to have trouble getting over someone.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should use cups when you don't need a bottle.,1,1.0 It's weird to drink from a bottle when you can use cups.,1,0.5 It's good to recognize the problems with being attracted to someone much younger than you.,1,0.5 It's fine to not want to get involved with family fighting.,1,0.5 It is okay to question society.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always learn from your mistakes.,1,0.5 It's ok to be a baker.,1,0.5 It is good to talk through your problems.,1,0.5 It's wrong to keep secrets from your loved ones.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to not be careful.,0,0.0 It's normal to fall in love.,1,0.5 It is rude to show off your talents in front of everyone else.,1,0.5 It's wrong to live in fear.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is nice to get a surprise that you don't owe a bill.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to take advantage of someone you have power over.,1,0.5 You should always pay off your loans.,1,0.5 It is acceptable to talk to the people that you want to.,1,0.5 People will think you're a coward if you refuse to help others.,1,1.0 You shouldn't shame children.,1,0.5 It's good to get things done when you need to.,1,0.5 It's expected that kids will sometimes misbehave.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to help someone feel needed.,1,0.5 It's rude to cause strife in one's family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to point out disabilities in others.,1,0.5 You should fall in love with someone who will love you back.,1,0.5 It's wrong to not keep secrets.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's fun to share a cabin with your friends.,1,0.5 It's fine to feel angry when you have been disrespected by people.,1,0.5 It is bad to judge others for who they are.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to demand special attention from people who aren't your spouse.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always go to the doctor if you're injured.,1,0.24999999999999994 He shouldn't hurt another person,0,0.0 It's understandable that people don't want to talk about their struggles sometimes.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to tell your partner your plans.,1,0.5 It's wrong to be scared of your home.,1,0.5 Parents should make sure expectations are clear,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to do things to make your living space more beautiful.,0,0.0 It's okay to fantasize about torture as long as you don't act on it.,1,0.5 It's good to hit the ball when you are up to bat.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to dislike your best friend's boyfriend.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's considered rude to badmouth friends' significant others.,1,0.5 It is good to give children a healthy and supportive home,1,0.24999999999999994 It can make people self conscious to tell them they're eating too much.,1,0.5 It's okay to remain close to somebody important to you even after a divorce,1,0.5 You shouldn't press people's buttons.,1,0.5 It's wrong to give up on something important to you.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you're having trouble getting over the painful past, you should get some help.",1,0.24999999999999994 It is typical for children to ask their parents for guidance in learning how to do things.,1,0.5 It's rude to give someone an ultimatum.,1,0.5 It's good to get a spot of exercise when possible.,1,0.5 It's nice to give advice to someone who doesn't know what they are.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to eschew social norms..,1,0.24999999999999994 You should check the weather forecast before leaving the house.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to have feelings from somebody from a long time ago.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is normal for people to grieve in their own way,1,0.5 It's wrong to hold sexist beliefs.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected you return the food if it's not what you ordered,1,0.5 It's good to keep your computer on your desk since that's where a computer usually sets.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's OK to let your pet play with anything you like.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you're concerned when you get a call for help.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always practice preventative maintenance on your car.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be polite to salespeople.,0,0.0 You shouldn't be in such a hurry while driving.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is accomplished to finish multiple projects.,1,0.5 It's not okay to do things that make other people's live's more difficult.,1,0.24999999999999994 "People should refrain from bringing their pets, no matter how cute, to work.",1,0.5 You shouldn't abuse alcohol.,1,0.5 One should be open and honest in a romantic relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's painful to fall from a tree.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't talk down on yourself.,0,0.0 You shouldn't expect others to pick up the tab for your mistakes.,1,0.5 You should be a part of your family's pictures.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to try to game the system.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't tell your friend what to do.,0,0.0 It’s expected that parents leave their children everything in their will,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong not to respect people with different sexual identities than you.,0,0.0 It's wrong to leave someone stranded far from home.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't do drugs with friends.,1,0.5 It is unpleasant to be the target of someone who is jealous.,1,0.5 It's wrong to treat one's in-laws badly.,1,0.5 You shouldn't try to pass the blame of your farts onto someone else.,1,0.5 It is good to seek professional help if you have had a bad past.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should take an interest in your children's education.,0,0.0 It's nice to want a family.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be thankful when someone gives you money.,1,0.5 It's good to open up to people about your feelings.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to be grateful for what others give you,1,0.24999999999999994 People should take care to do everything in moderation.,1,0.5 It's okay to want to live alone.,1,0.5 You shouldn't say rude things about certain political parties.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is understandable to not want to hurt your partner's feelings.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's important to pay attention when something is in the oven,1,0.5 It is good to be persistent.,1,0.5 It's okay to be uncool.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't borrow expensive things from coworkers.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have in-laws that buy you nice things.,1,0.5 You shouldn't argue with your roommates.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should always make time for your kids.,0,0.0 It is taboo to eat disgusting things.,1,0.5 It's normal to feel guilty when a parent dies,1,0.5 It's okay for people to ride their bikes to and from school.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to be addicted to drugs.,1,0.5 It's good to seek help if your parents are abusing you.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be a creep.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to experience emotion.,1,0.5 It is conventional to wait at home for your spouse to arrive.,1,1.0 It's not okay to be a bad friend to people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to get gifts for people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable that sometimes an accident happens while a person is driving.,1,0.5 It's wrong to keep secrets from family members.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to be forgetful.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should be respectful to your boss,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected for a parent to take care of their child.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to avoid conflict by removing yourself from a situation.,1,0.5 "If you engage in activity you don't want others to know about, it's irresponsible to leave a paper trail.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to want kids to be prepared for life.,1,0.24999999999999994 People will think you're more intelligent the more you read.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always invite people to your events.,1,1.0 It's ok to not want to be friends with someone.,1,0.5 It's understandable to hide your drug addiction.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal for people to go to school.,0,0.0 It's wrong to get attention at someone else's expense.,0,0.0 You should not apologize insincerely.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fun to take your grandchildren out fishing.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't ignore others.,0,0.0 It's wrong to steal from others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that some people go to jail.,1,0.5 Family is expected to support one another.,1,0.5 It is good to not trust someone who broke your trust in the past.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to refuse to help someone who needs it.,1,0.5 It is important to stand up for yourself.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should explain your issues with others.,1,0.5 It's wrong to get angry at people for things that aren't their fault.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you feel sad when you see animals in cages.,1,0.5 It's acceptable to seek out companionship.,1,0.5 You shouldn't end a friendship for a petty reason.,0,0.0 You should accept that people you have feelings for may not feel the same way about you.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should make sure your pets are well trained.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to expect a gift from people.,1,0.7499999999999999 Expect to go to jail if you break the law.,1,0.5 Is wrong to be a pervert,1,0.5 You shouldn't make yourself feel worse when you're down.,1,0.5 It's rude to distance yourself from the friends of a loved one.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to do illegal drugs.,1,0.5 It's good to clean up after yourself when you're finished eating outside.,1,0.5 You shouldn't cut out your best friend from your life.,0,0.0 It is good to go to counseling.,0,0.0 It's important to get enough rest so you're not tired throughout the day.,1,0.5 You should tell people how you feel about them,1,0.24999999999999994 It is prolific to create several products.,1,0.5 You should be respectful of your classmate's property.,1,0.5 You should always acknowledge your mistakes.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to want to have a good time at an event.,1,0.5 It's painful to leave a loved one.,1,0.5 "If something gives you a shock, you should stop doing it.",1,0.5 It is rude to tell people what to do,1,0.5 It is responsible to recycle unused moving boxes.,0,0.0 It's fine to live your life based on other people's wants.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to work hard at your job.,1,0.5 Leading someone on is wrong,1,0.24999999999999994 It shouldn't take you a year to learn your multiplication tables since that is pretty easy stuff to earn.,1,0.5 It's okay not to like certain phases,1,0.5 It is expected that your respect others' views and perspectives,1,0.5 "It's normal that sometimes, when someone likes us, we don't feel the same way.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to call other people dumb.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to intentionally confuse others for a joke.,1,0.5 It's expected that as a parent you make some mistakes before figuring out what methods of discipline work best for what child.,0,0.0 It's bad to do things that upset your parents.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should educate your friends when they make homophobic remarks.,1,0.5 You should practice to master your goals.,1,0.24999999999999994 People shouldn't make others lose their appetites with their crappy eating habits.,0,0.0 You shouldn't hate people just because they're women.,1,0.5 People should not put conditions on their invitations to a party.,1,0.5 It's wrong to keep secrets from your loved ones.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is important to feel safe.,1,0.5 It's nice to give other people flowers.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't feel too bad about receiving criticism if it is helpful.,1,0.5 It's fine to enjoy pizza.,0,0.0 It's good to be there for your kids.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not expected that you'll receive early screenings for diseases.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to have a low sex drive.,1,0.5 You shouldn't regret decisions you've made.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable not to want to be friends with someone who lies to you.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't go on lavish trips unless you've saved up enough money beforehand.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to tell other people's your experiences with things.,0,0.0 If you use Facebook on someone elses computer you are expected to remember to log out.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want a divorce when your spouse cheated on you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to help people with financial decisions.,1,0.5 It's good to be prepared,1,0.5 You should always try your best to win at a race.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's evil to kill people and distribute their belongings.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to choose not to invite some people to your party.,1,0.5 It's good to get help for older people with terminal illnesses.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is inconsiderate to expect a friend to give you money.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should go to the doctor if you have a tumor.,0,0.0 It is good to be included in a group.,1,0.5 It is good to have friends who are there for you.,1,0.5 It's good to give a home to a dog that doesn't have one.,1,0.5 You should apologize if you accidentally injure someone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be honest with your family.,0,0.0 It's normal for people to have a party to celebrate special occasions.,1,0.5 It's good to feel guilty about doing something wrong.,1,0.5 It's fun to go to a concert with your buddies.,1,0.5 It's reasonable to not want to return to a dusty home.,0,0.0 It's gross to dip crackers in soda.,1,0.5 You should accept that people you have feelings for may not feel the same way about you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you'll wash clothes when they get dirty.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to love someone.,1,0.5 You should tell people that you are happy and content.,0,0.0 It's normal to sometimes be unhappy with your job,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to hide your drug addiction.,1,0.24999999999999994 Children are expected to behave.,0,0.0 It's fine to have casual sex with anyone you feel attracted to.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to tell on people when they aren't doing anything to hurt you.,1,0.5 It's wrong to tell people spoilers if they don't want to hear them.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you don't want to give up your position in an argument with your step-sibling.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to believe in someone and help them.,1,0.5 It's normal for a color to wear out,1,0.5 You shouldn't let your life become a mess.,1,0.5 It is okay not to do something that is not your responsibility.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to spend the afternoon with your buddies.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to eat food that your parent's significant other makes.,1,0.5 It's expected that hosts will be accommodating to their guests.,1,0.5 It is wrong to be happy about an event that has killed many plants animals and humans.,0,0.0 You should confidently go for the things you want.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't raise your voice at people.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should avoid doing things that are disgusting.,0,0.0 It's important to prioritize your own personal health over the feelings of others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to make excuses in life.,1,0.5 You should respect the religious beliefs of other people.,1,0.5 You shouldn't let iPhone usage change your attention span.,1,0.5 It's good to stay determined.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't make fun of other people's physical appearance.,1,0.5 It's bad to want to cheat on your spouse.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's frustrating when you care for someone but they don't care for you back.,1,0.5 It's understandable that we all make mistakes.,1,0.5 These days it's normal to make purchases over the internet.,1,0.5 It's good to welcome your children into your home with love.,1,0.5 It's good to be honest when you give your kids the sex talk.,1,0.5 When you're tired you should get to sleep.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to reminisce on good memories.,1,0.5 You shouldn't embarrass other people.,1,0.5 It is good to talk through your problems.,1,0.5 It's bad to lose your debit card.,1,0.5 You shouldn't talk about your significant other all the time since it's annoying to others.,1,0.24999999999999994 "You shouldn't do drugs in public, especially if you're not accustomed to using them.",1,0.5 It is okay to be uncomfortable with the way that people interact.,1,0.5 It's acceptable to start a relationship with someone.,1,0.5 You should clean out your fridge if it's a mess.,1,0.5 You shouldn't cut people out of your life because of your stupid decision.,0,0.0 It's bad to use sex to get what you want.,1,0.5 It is wrong to prank others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's frustrating when someone stops talking to you for no reason.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong not to share with your partner.,0,0.0 It's understandable to truly enjoy sleep after staying up very late.,1,0.5 It's good to experience new things.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't try to pass the blame of your farts onto someone else.,1,0.5 It's bad to strive to get other people's attention for shallow reasons.,1,0.5 It's important to maintain a job to support yourself.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be happy about having something done.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be proud of your hard work.,1,0.5 It's expected that you congratulate your best friend for a significant life event.,1,0.5 It's okay to have a lot of questions when your long-lost parent comes into your life.,1,0.5 You should keep track of your possessions.,1,0.5 It's rude to show up to a party without a gift.,1,0.24999999999999994 it is good to learn new things.,1,0.5 It is rude to get into other people's business,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you're offended when your partner breaks up with you because of how you used to get by in life.,1,0.5 It's good to give healthy food to others.,1,0.5 You should be a good employee so that you don't lose your job.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to feel bad for someone who is begging to play a game.,1,1.0 It's bad to not tell your partner your expectations for the relationship.,1,0.5 It's good to take action to uphold the law.,1,0.5 It is understandable to want to celebrate a birthday.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected people who have a serious relationship will be there to support each other.,1,0.5 It's wrong to want to cheat on your girlfriend.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be careful not to eat too much sugar in one sitting,1,0.5 It's good to take action to uphold the law.,1,0.5 "If you suspect someone is anorexic, you should get them medical help.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's comforting to go to a first time experience with a friend.,1,0.24999999999999994 Just because someone does something wrong doesn't mean you should do the same thing.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't touch other people.,1,0.5 It is common to learn things by reading.,1,0.5 You should keep things friendly with the people you live with.,0,0.0 It's understandable to take time to accept someone's death.,1,0.5 It's nice to worry about your friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to generalize or stereotype people because we don't take the time to learn about them.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be sad during the holidays.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't make your friends uneasy.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want things to be fair in life.,1,0.5 It's wrong to share something that someone has told you in confidence.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to feel numb when your spouse of 50 years dies.,1,0.5 It's wrong to be rude and insulting to someone even if we don't particularly like them.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable to not want kids even though others want or have them.,1,0.5 It's gross to dip crackers in soda.,1,0.5 It's well-known that parenting at times can be frustrating and stressful.,1,0.5 It's expected that you get a marriage license when you get married.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's not okay to think someone is lying to you when it's important.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal for people to want their loved ones to be happy.,1,0.5 It is bad to let addiction control your life.,1,0.5 It's fine to feel sexual attraction to women.,1,0.5 It's fine to get someone removed from class if they did something wrong.,1,0.5 It's fine to want to replace something you own.,1,0.5 You shouldn't let your daughter dress like a slut.,1,0.5 It's okay to be disgusted by men targeting young girls.,1,0.5 It is okay to date who you want to,0,0.0 It's illegal for a teacher to have a romantic relationship with a student.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to not want to put yourself in a dangerous scenario.,1,0.5 People expect you to say hello if they know you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is misleading to put out fake fruit.,1,1.0 It's understandable if you're frustrated that your child does not want their children to speak to you.,1,0.5 People shouldn't betray the trust of those they're close to.,1,0.5 It's okay to think dogs are perceptive.,0,0.0 You should mind your own business when it comes to your partner's relationships.,1,0.5 It is odd to distance yourself from someone who is a friend.,1,0.5 It's okay to feel a connection with a teacher at school.,1,0.5 It's rude to throw things.,1,0.5 It is bad to make inappropriate or offensive comments,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always be prepared and make sure you have money before you go to buy something.,1,0.24999999999999994 One should always read the fine print in a deal.,1,0.5 It's okay to be unsure about your feelings for yourself.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to be bothered by things.,1,0.5 It's good to check out your car to make sure nothing is wrong with it.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to hate certain animals.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should respect others' property.,1,0.5 It's good to work at home.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable to have a bad response to someone's cancer.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is rude to not accept a gift.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always make an effort to park properly.,0,0.0 It's understandable to want to spend time with your family.,1,0.5 "If you don't like your room, you should get a different one.",1,0.5 It's okay to choose to ignore a message on social media.,1,0.24999999999999994 People expect the man of the relationship to work hard.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you need money, you should sell your things.",1,0.5 It's understandable to truly enjoy sleep after staying up very late.,1,0.5 It's understandable to not always want to do the same thing as our significant other/,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that family is trusting of one another.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should not engage in romance with a patient you treat.,1,0.5 If you are single it is reasonable to want to spend Valentines Day with people you love.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to tell your friend that you are their best friend.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be understanding of people's problems.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you be sad after breaking up with someone.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're uncomfortable when you go to a nudist club.,1,0.5 It is okay to walk away from a friendship when you have grown apart.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to go through rough times,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to have a child at too young of an age,0,0.0 It's understandable to be upset a beloved pet is missing.,1,0.5 It's wrong to uproot your family and move to a place where you have no connections and don't know anyone.,1,0.5 It's expected that siblings be nice to each other.,1,0.7499999999999999 Throwing unused cardboard in the garbage is wasteful.,1,0.7499999999999999 "If you're having trouble getting over the painful past, you should get some help.",1,0.24999999999999994 You should find a first aid kit when you injure yourself.,1,0.24999999999999994 "It's not expected that children know consequences of their actions, they need to learn first",1,0.5 It's rude to be impolite towards people.,1,0.5 It's nice to help widows.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't jaywalk because it's illegal.,1,0.5 Cursing at another person is considered impolite.,1,0.5 It's nice to have internet.,1,0.24999999999999994 If you practice often you can expect to be the best in your class.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't park outside the lines of a parking space.,1,0.5 It is okay to tell small white lied to people you don't know very well.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's nice to help your friends.,1,0.5 It's understood you shouldn't just show up at someone's place with the expectation they'll feed you.,1,0.5 It's okay to say no to people,1,0.5 It's fine to wear your hair how you want it.,1,0.5 It's good to remind people that they are lucky.,1,0.5 It's heroic to take action during a fire emergency to avoid spread of the flames.,1,0.5 It's good to want to be able to back up your words.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay for kids to think to much about drugs.,1,0.5 Parents should try to get along with your children significant other,1,0.24999999999999994 "Sometimes being blunt and crass is okay, especially to get a point across when it hasn't been working",1,0.5 It's good to be aware of other things around you,0,0.0 It is okay to be upset when someone reveals they have been lieing to you.,1,0.5 It's kind to help out ones' parents when you're able.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is acceptable to talk to the people that you want to.,1,0.5 You shouldn't make a fool of yourself.,1,0.5 It's bad to have problems.,1,0.5 It's wrong for classmates to be rude to one another.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's mean to not invite your best friend to your wedding party.,1,0.5 You are allowed to use the feeling of regret to make sure that you don't make the same mistake twice.,1,0.5 It's frowned upon to pick at yourself.,1,0.5 You shouldn't expect your parent to always be there for you.,1,0.5 It's wrong to hate other people,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to be polite to people.,1,0.5 It's normal for young adults to want to become more independent.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to abuse others.,0,0.0 Is expected that spouses will be faithful to each other,1,0.5 It's polite to knock before you enter someone's home.,1,0.5 It's bad for a child to say mean things about each other's mom.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is enjoyable to discover that what you own is valuable.,1,0.5 It is normal for teenagers to be depressed sometimes,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to betray someone that care about you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's unfortunate when someone is killed in the line of duty.,1,0.5 It's good to remind people that they are lucky.,1,0.5 You should clean up after yourself when you make a mess in the bathroom.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable that people can find it difficult to change their nature.,0,0.0 It's good to apologize when you feel bad for having done something wrong.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected that some people might have a harder time earning money.,0,0.0 You shouldn't be on dating sites if you have a partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 You have right to do anything you choose with items you have purchased.,1,0.5 It’s understandable to be curious if someone is in love.,0,0.0 You should only call the cops for emergencies.,1,0.5 It is wrong to insult your boyfriend and then expect him to want to be around you.,1,0.5 It's unwise to share a storage unit with others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to give your child's partner the third degree.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't asssume someone has a disability.,0,0.0 "When your wife is beautiful, you should take pictures of her.",1,0.5 You should not blame yourself for other people's actions,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that some people try to learn throughout their life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to hide things from your loved ones.,0,0.0 It's good to want to be able to back up your words.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected you share things if you only have one to use,0,0.0 It's wrong to hold sexist beliefs.,1,0.24999999999999994 People will think you're selfish if you lash out over a lack of gifts.,1,0.5 You shouldn't reject your family's gift.,1,0.5 It's expected that you honor your work commitments.,0,0.0 It's good to help out your friends when they are having problems.,0,0.0 Stealing is considered a taboo.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to abuse your children.,0,0.0 You should tell people how you feel about them,1,0.24999999999999994 It's disloyal to sext someone while you're in a relationship with someone else.,1,0.5 It's good to support your siblings.,1,0.5 It's good to want to stay out of a bad situation.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to give warnings to an employee before firing them.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to splurge on a favorite treat frequently if it is unhealthy.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you're concerned when you get a call for help.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fun to do things with your friends.,1,0.5 It's good to have a dream job.,1,0.5 It is expected most people will enjoy time with their grandparents.,1,0.5 It's perfectly fine to cancel an appointment that you cannot keep.,1,0.5 It's fine to be angry if your significant other abandons plans you've made together.,0,0.0 People should stop when the cops tell them to so they don't get hurt.,1,0.5 It's nice to make decisions.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to have problems with someone who abandoned you for years and comes back into your life.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't let a sibling use your picture on a dating profile.,1,0.5 It is concerning for your future relationship if you don't like your partner's children.,1,0.5 You should let your kids solve their own problems.,1,0.5 It is expected that tou bring a gift to a wedding.,1,0.5 It's wrong to dictate who your girlfriend can hang out with.,0,0.0 It's understandable to be overwhelmed by the loss of a loved one.,0,0.0 You should keep a savings account for emergencies.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fun to play outside when you're a child.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to have a positive attitude about a new school.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always pay off your debts.,1,0.5 It's okay to be hurt if your spouse cheats on you,1,0.5 It's expected that teachers show compassion to children with impediments.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to find ways to calm yourself down before an interview.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to reject that help of others.,1,0.5 It's okay to not let someone do something inappropriate at your wedding.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're proud of your life when you use good sense.,1,0.5 It's rude to let your bad marriage discourage other people's marriage.,0,0.0 It's rude to tell your significant other that you don't like talking to them on the phone.,1,0.5 You should not be angry at your roommate's dog.,1,0.5 You shouldn't pressure someone to have sex.,1,0.5 People are expected to be punctual.,1,0.24999999999999994 "You should expect some people to burp really loudly and be happy about it, especially if they are a guy.",1,0.5 It's allowed to play certain riske' games at some parties.,1,0.5 It is good to follow the law.,1,0.5 It's considered rude to badmouth friends' significant others.,1,0.5 Families should stay together.,0,0.0 It's wrong to not allow your family to see your kids.,1,0.5 "If you need to contact Uber, you should call them on your phone.",1,0.5 You shouldn't expect a good grade if you didn't follow directions for your assignment.,1,0.5 It's good to try new things.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't judge someone by their sexual orientation.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always learn from your mistakes.,1,0.5 It's okay to feel good about doing good works.,0,0.0 It is destructive to make a mess of a cake.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't talk to people about your fetishes.,1,0.5 "If you are kidnapped by someone who is hurting you, you should scream.",1,0.5 You should see a counselor if you have marriage problems.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to take care of your partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should feel remorse when you get someone fired.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to coerce your friends into doing unhealthy activities.,1,0.7499999999999999 You can be expected to understand that somebody who is not interested in your gender will not want a romantic relationship.,0,0.0 You shouldn't give out any personal information over the phone.,1,0.5 It's ok to tell your student to stop talking in class.,1,0.5 It's smart to put one's money toward practical things.,1,0.5 It's mean to accuse your sick friend of hiding things from you.,0,0.0 It's bad to intentionally cause distress to someone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you dismiss your child's nightmares.,1,0.5 It's expected that people will be proud of their academic achievements.,0,0.0 "It's expected that you act responsibly, even when mourning.",1,0.5 It's good to go out and be social when you're looking to find a partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is ok to leave to take a call if it is very important.,1,0.5 It's good to be honest with kids.,1,0.5 It's nice to have a good imagination.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to fart in public,1,0.5 "If your fiance smells bad, you should tell them to take a shower.",1,0.5 It's good to give someone everything they need for something.,1,0.5 It's wrong to live in fear.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't expect your old friends to acknowledge you after a long time has passed.,1,0.5 You shouldn't expect your kids to help you out all the time.,1,0.5 It's ok to seek help when you have issues with anger management.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's allowed to tell people who are irritating to stop when you're at the end of your rope.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable to grieve for a lost loved one.,1,0.5 It's okay for family to pick sides during a messy divorce,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be respectful when you are negotiating the terms of a divorce.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't expect people to always stay at their job.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you are being excluded by friends, it's okay to feel hurt.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be there for your kids.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's impolite to ghost people with whom you have a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to intentionally harm others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have a job to support yourself.,1,0.5 It's okay to get aggravated with people and not want them around you.,1,0.7499999999999999 "If you need advice, it's important to get it as soon as possible.",0,0.0 It's good to be happy about having something done.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be disappointed when you fail at something.,1,0.24999999999999994 Sharing your friends secrets about their sexuality is mean.,1,0.5 It's good to have something you use for luck to help you out.,1,0.5 It's expected that split bills are miscalculated sometimes.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to be prepared for bad weather.,1,0.5 You should be there for your partner when they need you.,1,0.5 It’s okay for single parents to get back into the dating scene,1,0.5 You shouldn't be so critical of others.,1,0.5 It's unprofessional to continue treating a patient that has feelings for you.,1,0.24999999999999994 You can't expect your family to always invite you to their special events.,1,0.5 It's bad to hold a grudge against your parents.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is normal to want your kids to turn out better than you.,1,0.5 It is kind to help someone who is in need.,1,0.5 You should not be too strict with your teenagers.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to add milk before adding cereal because it's usually done the other way around.,1,0.5 It's wrong to pest your ex-spouse.,1,0.5 It's understandable to not feel ready for a test.,0,0.0 It's not okay do something just because it was done to you,1,0.5 It is good to love tacos.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to not look out for family.,0,0.0 It's good to support injured family members.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should feel comfortable sleeping in bed.,1,0.5 "It's not expected that children know consequences of their actions, they need to learn first",1,0.5 It's understandable to not always want to do the same thing as our significant other/,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always attend someone's funeral.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you judge a 9 year old that drinks from a bottle.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable if you have romantic feelings for your doctor.,1,1.0 You should get some therapy if you think you know what death is really like.,1,0.5 You should explain to a friend why you cannot give them money if you cannot.,1,0.5 You should be supportive of your friend when they're insecure.,1,0.5 You should be respectful to strangers.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to like things other people give you.,1,0.5 It's good to know who you are and what you're about in life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to enjoy yourself.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that sometimes a person you're with doesn't want to deal with kids from a previous relationship.,1,0.5 You should always be there for your team.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you engage in activity you don't want others to know about, it's irresponsible to leave a paper trail.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be upset when your partner won't defend you.,1,0.5 It's okay to be angry when you don't receive the interest on your money.,1,0.5 It's okay to like certain foods that you know other people don't care for.,1,0.5 It is rude to disrespect the rules of the host.,1,0.5 It's not okay to miss an important day of a family member.,0,0.0 It's rude to expect others to travel to your events at their own expense.,0,0.0 People should be honest.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't take advantage of your friends.,1,0.5 It's rude to give away a gift you bought someone.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's important to protect yourself on a motorcycle.,1,0.5 "It's normal to get jealous when someone buys something that you want, but can't afford to buy for yourself.",1,0.24999999999999994 It is reasonable to get sad when you watch something that makes you feel emotional.,1,0.5 It's bad to live with your parents for too long as an adult.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to want to live in a better world.,1,0.5 It's okay to be scared when you hurt yourself.,1,0.5 You shouldn't park outside the lines of a parking space.,1,0.5 It is good to know you are important even if your past was not good.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that people be treated as though innocent until proven guilty in court.,1,0.5 It's good to have an adult as the peacemaker in your arguments.,1,0.5 You should treat everyone equally.,0,0.0 You shouldn't force your grandchildren to eat something they don't want to eat.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should not mislead your partner about your romantic feelings.,1,0.24999999999999994 A wife is expected to treat her husband with kindness.,1,0.5 It is good to do things with family members,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected that couples will talk about things that upset them.,0,0.0 It's good to cook your own food.,1,0.5 It is normal to be curious about astrology,1,0.7499999999999999 It is unusual to address your parents by their first names instead of mom and dad.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to want to save the planet.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to be jealous of money.,1,0.5 "If you don't want your colleagues to know things about you, you should keep those things to yourself.",1,0.5 It's okay to feel conflicted when your kids are growing up.,1,0.5 It's good to love animals.,1,0.5 You should be respectful to people when it comes to topics like fitness,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to waste other people's time.,1,0.5 It's rude to hit someone with your umbrella.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's mean to cause your spouse emotional pain.,1,0.5 It's not okay to turn your back on your children.,1,0.5 It's good to want to stay out of a bad situation.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to do your best.,1,0.5 You should become comfortable with someone before you call them things that might upset them,1,0.7499999999999999 It's fine to want to take someone to a dance.,1,0.5 You should always pay for someone's service.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to ask why people are in a hurry so you know what is wrong.,1,0.5 You should not be mean to other people.,1,0.5 It's wrong to abuse your spouse.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's important to communicate with your partner openly and honestly.,1,0.5 It's mean to cause your spouse emotional pain.,1,0.5 It is good to have fond memories of the past.,0,0.0 It is good to date others and to see tat there are good people out there.,0,0.0 It is ok to change your major if you like another major better.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to burp in public really loudly.,1,0.5 It's not polite to brag about beating somebody in a game,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you have herpes, you should see a doctor.",1,0.5 You shouldn't do things that make you cry.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to impose upon your parents to provide you a place to live again when you've failed at life.,1,0.5 It is reasonable to be angry if something you care about gets shut down.,1,0.5 It's good to spend time with old people because you can learn a lot from them.,1,0.5 It's reasonable to expose someone for buying sexual photos from a minor.,1,0.5 It is wrong to break the law,1,0.5 It's mean to cause your spouse emotional pain.,1,0.5 It's natural to feel jealous when someone you're seeing interacts with other people on social media.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's terrible to wish death on your family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have something in life that you are proud of.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should tell your friend what is bothering you.,0,0.0 It's none of your business how your sister-in-law acts.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is not good to argue with your partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 You can't expect your teen romance to survive if you change schools and never see each other.,1,0.5 It's fun to have a sleepover with your family.,1,0.7499999999999999 You are expected to put your children ahead of anything else,1,0.7499999999999999 People should not put conditions on their invitations to a party.,1,0.5 A family is supposed to stick together and support each other no matter what.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to be upset if you feel ignored.,1,0.5 If someone hurt you it is reasonable to tell them to get out of your home.,1,0.24999999999999994 "It's not right to hit strangers, even if you're annoyed with them.",1,0.5 It's understandable if you're scared for your life when someone holds up your skin.,1,0.5 It's good to develop your talents.,1,0.5 You must handle a romantic breakup with care.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to help a frined love themselves.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be frustrated when you're hungry but you have to change a light bulb.,1,1.0 It's understandable if you're disappointed when your partner doesn't want to move too fast.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to talk to a doctor if you have difficult pregnancies.,1,0.5 It's fine to be angry at a parent if they mistreat you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to be jealous of your kids.,1,0.5 It's understood that people sometimes buy things because of necessity rather than desire.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want to try new food.,1,0.5 It's illegal for a teacher to have a romantic relationship with a student.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to be private.,1,0.5 It's expected that you won't abuse people.,1,0.5 You should seek medical attention if you're shaking for 3 hours.,1,0.5 It's good to help out parents.,0,0.0 It's good to ask people what type of music they like so you can see if you have things in common.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected that tou bring a gift to a wedding.,1,0.5 You should help others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to promise to work on something then not finish what you start.,0,0.0 It's bad to bring things that have gone bad to parties.,1,0.5 It's bad to teach your course while expressing your bias.,0,0.0 It's okay to be disgusted when your fiance smells.,1,0.5 It's silly to hurt yourself just to spite somebody,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to return your deposit when you're finished with a credit union.,1,1.0 It's expected that you won't hang out with your ex.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't take people's words too personally,1,0.5 It's normal to help out your partner when they need it.,1,0.5 You should tell your friend if you love them.,1,0.5 You should be understanding of your family's decisions when they're weak.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to be down on yourself when you tried your best.,1,0.5 It's okay not to understand sometimes.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to write things down to help you remember.,0,0.0 You shouldn't be friends with someone that talks badly about you behind your back.,1,0.5 It's good to teach things to your kids.,1,0.5 It's expected that partners care about the health of the person they're with.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be shocked about something surprising.,1,0.5 It's important to not take it personally if you aren't included in your friend's plans.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't hog the ball when playing a team sport.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's hurtful to curse in front of children.,1,0.5 It's okay for family not to get along.,0,0.0 It's understandable if you're excited when you wear comfy pants.,1,0.5 "If you hurt someone's feelings, it is expected that you try to do something to make the person feel better.",0,0.0 It's understandable to be angry if your significant other didn't do something for you on a special day.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's frowned upon to invade someone's privacy.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should fine someone if they break the law.,1,0.5 It's despicable to fire someone over a text.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is normal to worry if your mom has cancer.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is important to have good hygiene.,1,0.5 It's understandable that sometimes there are reasons people don't want to visit relatives.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't expect your kids to give you money.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to bring someone who has no idea what you are doing into your acts.,1,1.0 "People should read the reviews of a hotel before they stay at it, to make sure it's going to be a good experience.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to not like eating vegetables.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to force people out of your home.,1,0.5 It's expected that you grieve for lost loved ones right away.,1,0.5 It's rude to cancel plans you have agreed upon with a friend.,1,0.5 "It's good to try something new regardless of how it works out, because you won't know otherwise.",1,0.5 It's fine to think other people are dumb.,1,0.5 It's not okay to be ungrateful over the holidays.,1,0.7499999999999999 Businesses are in their right to refuse to hire individuals who use drugs.,1,0.5 It's mean to draw on someone when they are asleep.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be in love with people who are unavailable.,1,0.5 It's wrong not to enjoy your family member's talent.,1,0.5 It's bad to lose a pet.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should try to progress your world view to commonly accepted standards.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to change things if they aren't working for you.,1,0.5 It's good to buy things that are affordable.,0,0.0 It's okay to have dreams about past loved ones.,1,0.5 If you really hate a sports team you are expected to want them to lose .,1,0.7499999999999999 It is kind to help someone who is in need.,1,0.5 Stealing is wrong.,1,0.5 You shouldn't do things behind your partner's back.,1,0.5 It is ok to be upset about your past.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't work on a job application for another job on your work time.,1,0.5 It's good to do things that make you happy.,1,0.5 It is good to respect other's religious preferences.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is unpleasant to scared of your in-laws.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is acceptable to ask someone on another date.,1,0.5 You should seek out relationships with people closer to your own age.,1,0.5 It's a good idea to be on time when you have a plane to catch.,1,0.5 You can't always expect reciprocity.,1,0.5 It’s okay to keep secrets to yourself,1,0.7499999999999999 It is understandable to want to spend holidays with family.,1,0.5 You should try to be happy again when your spouse dies.,1,0.5 You shouldn't get into a fight with someone over petty things.,1,0.24999999999999994 There is no correct way to respond to the death of a family member.,1,0.5 It's rubbish not to feel remorse when you do nasty things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to keep wild animals in cages.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's nice to give other people flowers.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to like a particular physical feature on the gender that you're attracted to.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to engage in romantic relationships with minors,1,0.5 Partners are expected to be completely honest with each other.,1,0.5 It is bad to be negative.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you're insecure when you put on a performance.,1,0.5 It's okay if you don't want your kids to talk to your parents in your native language.,0,0.0 You should go to the beach if it's really hot out.,1,0.5 It's normal to buy things when you like them.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is convenient to use TL;DR as a way to summarize a long post.,1,0.5 You should be proud of people who accomplish their goals.,1,0.5 It's allowed to rekindle a dead friendship.,0,0.0 It's considerate to not want to wake up people or animals when they're asleep,1,0.5 It's wrong to waste other people's time.,1,0.5 It's wrong not to enjoy your family member's talent.,1,0.5 It's unhealthy to hold on to anger for too long.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be upset with a co-worker who is not pulling their weight at work.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to judge people by their religion.,1,0.5 It's understandable to fall victim to a scam.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to save up money to pay off purchases in full.,1,0.5 It is rude to distract others at work.,1,0.24999999999999994 Family is expected to support one another.,1,0.5 "If someone asks you to do something, you should do it.",1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to have arguments.,1,0.5 It's okay to avoid others who hurt you.,1,0.5 You shouldn't assume people want to know how to do things,1,0.5 It is rude to lecture people in public,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be jealous of your partner's income.,1,1.0 You shouldn't ever using the n word.,1,0.5 It's okay to be disgusted when your sibling makes you eat poop.,0,0.0 It's okay if you don't want to pay for an ambulance to get to the hospital.,1,0.5 It's good for a child to have a realistic view of their parents.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're angry when a colleague tells the office your secrets.,1,0.5 You're encouraged to be safe when you're behind the wheel.,1,0.5 It's wrong to let your mood impact your relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have routines so that nothing gets forgotten.,0,0.0 It's desirable for people to be understanding in communications to those who speak English as a second language.,1,0.7499999999999999 "If you keep having dreams about your ex, you should get some therapy.",1,0.5 It's okay to have second thoughts about being a parent.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is not okay to end other people's friendships.,1,0.5 You shouldn't feel obligated to play host for your partner's ex.,0,0.0 It is unfortunate to go through a divorce if you are still in love.,1,0.5 It's expected that you're pets will be happy to see you.,1,0.24999999999999994 If you feel you can't feel any feelings you should talk to a therapist.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to call your boss to let them know if you'll be late.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't let drunk people stay in your place.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be best friends with an ex.,1,0.24999999999999994 "People will think you're deceptive if you have multiple, fake accounts.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's acceptable to choose to eat vegetarian.,1,0.5 It is okay to be wrong at times.,1,0.5 You shouldn't have expectations of your partner regarding money.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be blunt with someone if it involves something that's under their control,1,0.5 It's nice to have fun in the summer.,1,0.5 It's understandable to feel afraid when an animal is acting aggressively toward you.,0,0.0 It's dangerous not to take proper care of an injury.,1,0.24999999999999994 People are expected to want to live with their loved ones.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's juvenile to use April 20th to signify marijuana use.,1,0.5 It's good to not want to talk about things that can cause conflict.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to feel sad about the state of your life.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you don't want your children in a generational photo.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to breakup with people.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be violent.,1,0.5 You should get a job instead of going to college if you despise it.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't drive without a driver's license.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're tired when you turn the clocks forward for daylight savings.,1,0.5 It is acceptable to have a weird sexual kink.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to trust those you care about.,1,0.5 You should try not to drop things,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you have really weird dreams, you should get some therapy.",1,0.7499999999999999 It is okay to be upset if you feel your partner is rejecting you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to eat peanuts at a bar,0,0.0 It's wrong to judge people based on their entertainment choices.,1,0.5 It's important not to waste your vote,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad when a parent fights with their child.,1,0.5 You should be grateful when people do nice things for you.,1,0.5 It's frowned upon to invade someone's privacy.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay if you don't want your kids to talk to your parents in your native language.,0,0.0 It's understandable if you want to change into comfortable clothes.,1,0.5 It's understandable that sometimes people have reasons not to trust someone.,1,0.5 It's expected to be caring and attentive towards your pet if they're dealing with an ailment.,1,0.5 It is wrong to ignore someone for being disabled.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have a budget.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to pay more attention to your phone than the people you are with.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to call someone a nerd.,1,0.5 It is expected to have a party for your birthday.,1,0.5 It's loathsome to marry someone for their money.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to spoil kids.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to question what is going on.,1,0.5 You should obey the rules.,1,0.24999999999999994 Is thrifty to cook the animal you've accidentally killed,1,0.7499999999999999 It's normal to not want discord in your family.,1,0.5 You shouldn't talk down on yourself.,0,0.0 It's okay to choose to have an experience even when your loved ones aren't supporting your decision.,1,0.5 It is rude to treat someone differently because they are gay.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should take care of your things.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want to be dressed comfortably.,1,0.5 It is good to suggest fun activities for others.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable that not everyone has the same life skills.,1,0.5 People are expected to want to be close to their family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you get paranoid when people have weapon props on Halloween.,1,0.5 It's good to be happy for your friends.,1,0.5 It's good to be honest with friends.,1,0.5 It's okay to ask your partner not to smoke.,0,0.0 It's expected you mind your business when others are doing things,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to do things with family members,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be in love with people who are unavailable.,1,0.5 It's bad to leave your wife.,1,0.5 You are allowed to seek treatment for insomnia.,1,0.5 It's good to cook your own food.,1,0.5 It's okay to buy things when you are happy with them.,1,0.5 It's understood that sometimes things don't work out for the best.,1,0.5 It's hurtful for parents to get their children involved in crimes.,0,0.0 It's okay to enjoy powdered milk.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's important not to objectify other people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is responsible to take care of class assignments.,0,0.0 It is ok to leave to take a call if it is very important.,1,0.5 It's wrong to make fun of someones style choices,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be supportive of your family when they come out.,1,0.5 It's understandable to feel stress when traveling.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to visit people.,0,0.0 You shouldn't put up with someone who gives you attitude.,1,0.24999999999999994 If you see your sibling verbally abusing their child it is brave to call them out on it.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be jealous of people who have something or someone new in their life.,1,0.5 It's nice to be a likable person.,1,0.5 You should be grateful when someone does nice things for you.,1,0.5 It's allowed to go straight to a hotel when you've been on a long plane ride.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you're upset when you can't walk on your own.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't put up with your kid's distrustful behavior.,1,0.5 It's not okay to loiter and get into trouble with your friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is normal to Display the Flag.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be angry if someone damages your car.,1,0.5 It's normal for parents to not want their children to be sexually active,1,0.5 It is nice to be able to start fresh.,0,0.0 It's wrong to kidnap people.,0,0.0 It's rude to touch people.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If someone invites you somewhere, you should go with them.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's encouraged you go to the police if you're being harassed,1,0.7499999999999999 One should always read the fine print in a deal.,1,0.5 It's fine to ban anyone you want to from an online account.,1,0.5 You shouldn't share your private affairs with others.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to leave a sordid life behind and start new.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should feel okay about prioritizing your well being over any social obligations.,1,0.5 You should find a new job if you hate your current one.,1,0.5 You should always show up to a play date.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to have a headache.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to disrupt others.,1,0.5 It's wrong to blame your mistakes on other people.,1,0.5 It is expected to be loyal to friends first over new relationships.,0,0.0 It's wrong to hold sexist beliefs.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong not to enjoy your family member's singing.,1,0.5 It's good to ask your friend if something is wrong when you sense that something is off.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay if you are upset when your coach won't let you play a game.,1,0.24999999999999994 You're expected to keep your mouth shut about what happens at a stag.,1,0.5 It's wrong to give a child a pet they aren't old enough to care for.,1,0.5 It's ok to fire an employee when they aren't fulfilling their job duties.,1,0.5 You should call for help if you're injured or sick.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's unusual to not eat everything you buy.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to spit on people.,1,0.5 It is normal for students to pass notes,1,0.5 It is rude to talk on the phone in a quiet place.,1,0.5 It's wise to do monthly payments if you can't pay back a loan right away.,1,0.5 It's good to give simple solutions to someone's problems.,0,0.0 It's ok to be a baker.,1,0.5 You should always set up an appointment before you get something done.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should learn how to properly pronounce someone's name.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not good to buy a home if you aren't financially prepared for it.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should manage your social media profiles however you want them to be managed.,1,0.5 It's not okay to kill a living creature.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be honest about your beliefs.,1,0.7499999999999999 "When you're happy where you live, it's okay to stay there forever.",1,0.5 It's okay to be angry when your divorced parents fight about your wedding.,1,0.5 People will think you're sweet if you rescue animals.,1,0.5 You should move on from your exes.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be upset with a friend.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't be a burden on someone who is hosting you.,1,0.5 It's okay to get a colleague fired if they are breaking the law.,1,0.5 It's bad to threaten people.,1,0.5 Parents should treat their children fairly.,1,0.5 It is normal to be eager to repeat a fun experience.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal for people to want to make a lot of money.,1,0.5 It is expected that adult children take care of their own finances,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't feel obligated to play host for your partner's ex.,0,0.0 It's wrong to look down on people for minor things.,0,0.0 "If you are feeling left out, you should communicate with your friends about the way they're making you feel.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to teach your course while expressing your bias.,0,0.0 You shouldn't make a mess of other people's homes.,1,0.5 It's understandable for people to feel frustrated with others who stick their noses in the affairs of others.,1,0.5 It's responsible to clean up after your pets.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't press people's buttons.,1,0.5 It's good to play games of chance where you can win money.,1,0.5 If you use Facebook on someone elses computer you are expected to remember to log out.,1,0.5 It's wrong to give away things that aren't yours without permission.,0,0.0 You should not judge someone who doesn't grieve the same way you do.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you don't want your in-laws dropping in whenever they please.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you are traumatized after your parents give you the sex talk.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to learn life lessons.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to lose weight if you're fat.,1,0.5 It's good to call out bad behavior of bullies.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should contact Uber if you need a ride.,1,0.5 It's okay to not like your mother's boyfriend.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you want to change into comfortable clothes.,1,0.5 It's good to ask people's experiences of certain games.,1,0.5 It is rude to ignore someone.,1,0.5 It is okay to share.,1,0.5 It's good to enjoy the night breeze with a special person.,1,0.5 You should encourage kids to use their imaginations.,1,0.5 "When you leave food out in the open, you shouldn't be surprised when animals get into it.",1,0.24999999999999994 It is clever to find ways to get things for free from a restaurant.,1,1.0 It is okay to be unsure what you want to do.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is ok to call someone weird if it is in a joking manner with a friend.,1,0.5 It's good to help your friends when they are injured.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't try to pass the blame of your farts onto someone else.,1,0.5 It is concerning for your future relationship if you don't like your partner's children.,1,0.5 You should punish a child that plays pranks on others.,1,0.5 It's reasonable to have to snitch on a manager.,1,0.5 You're encouraged to be safe when you're behind the wheel.,1,0.5 It's good to confess your darkest secrets.,1,0.5 It's not healthy to isolate yourself,1,0.7499999999999999 It's acceptable to break up with someone when you've developed feelings for someone else.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to be worried as a first time parent.,1,0.5 You should call for help if you're injured or sick.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you drink responsibly.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to consult with your conscience before doing things.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't approach wild animals.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's unhealthy to be thinking about hurting yourself,1,0.5 It is cute to personalize your possessions.,1,0.5 You're encouraged to seek therapy if you find yourself not knowing what to do.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to kill a pet.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to romanticize unhealthy relationships.,0,0.0 It's fun to do things with your family.,1,0.5 "People ought strive to expand the number of friends they have, rather than curtailing them.",1,0.24999999999999994 You should never do anything that may cause your children to despise you.,1,1.0 It's expected that people see opportunities at jobs they've done for awhile.,1,0.5 It's wrong to exclude someone because of a problem that is not their fault.,0,0.0 It's understandable to be fed up.,1,0.5 You should feel distraught as a result of nightmares.,1,0.5 It's encouraged to leave donated items for the people who need them most.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to be concerned about others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to take care of your appearance so you look good for others.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be embarrassed if you spill something.,1,0.5 It is good for a husband and wife to live together,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to leave work early without permission,1,0.5 It is good to learn how to play left and right handed.,1,0.5 It's understandable that everybody makes mistakes.,1,0.5 It's okay to want to drop in to see your grand kids.,1,0.5 It’s wrong to give up on your kids.,1,0.5 It's okay to want to shut down an acquaintance if you have good reason.,1,0.5 It's good to sell your car if it's old.,1,0.5 It's good for friends to comfort each other when in crisis.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is reasonable for someone who survived cancer to be sensitive about negative comments.,0,0.0 It's okay to drink responsibly.,1,0.5 It's rude to point out disabilities in others.,1,0.5 It's bad to cause trouble at an event which is very important for your sibling.,1,0.24999999999999994 It can make people self conscious to tell them they're eating too much.,1,0.5 It's okay to find solutions to little problems,1,0.5 It's okay to feel sad after having a new baby.,1,0.5 It's wrong to think that you are a failure.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always buy something if you have enough money for it.,1,0.5 It is wrong to steal from others.,1,0.5 You should be careful not to drop things.,1,0.5 It's good to have personal contact.,1,0.5 You shouldn't blame people for your problems.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should expect people to sometimes run away from their problems.,1,0.5 It's expected that some people crave the attention of the masses.,1,0.5 It's okay to be depressed.,1,0.5 You shouldn't pretend to be single when you're married,1,0.5 It is expected that conspiracy theorists might have spouses that believe in the same things.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's normal for women to want to start a family,1,0.5 It is shallow to be concerned only with how someone looks.,0,0.0 It is okay to remove yourself from a conflict.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understood that you can't do fun things when you get bad grades.,1,0.5 "If you want something nice, you should work hard for it.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to hang out with people.,1,0.5 It's good to have confidence in yourself.,1,0.5 It's wrong to invade someones privacy,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude not to thank someone when they give you a free copy of their book.,1,0.5 It is understandable to be upset if someone is treating an important matter trivially.,0,0.0 It's good for kids to have friends they can play with.,1,0.5 You shouldn't dream about people you've broken up with 25 years ago.,1,0.5 It's good to face people rather than hide from them.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to call someone out on something.,1,0.5 You're expected to back up snide remarks with facts.,1,0.5 It's good to find things that motivate you and give you joy.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understood that people sometimes buy things because of necessity rather than desire.,1,0.5 It's good to be resourceful if you don't have a first aid kit when you're injured.,1,0.5 You shouldn't resent people for trivial things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to take time to consider which wedding dress you'll wear.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't be so scared about getting married.,1,0.5 It's good to be educated in life.,1,0.5 It's understandable to not want a big loud party happening right outside your house.,1,0.5 It's bad to let your dog eat things that aren't food.,1,0.5 It's good to be self-confident.,1,0.5 You should call the police and complain if someone is blasting their music loudly.,1,0.5 You should always try to be monogamous if you're in a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should talk to your employees before they decide to quit.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that animals will eat items that are important to you unless you train them otherwise.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should punish a child that disobeys you.,1,0.5 It's okay to treat others how they treat you.,1,0.5 "When your kids climb on the table, you should tell them to get down.",1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to stop eating subway if it ruins your life.,1,0.5 It's rude and invasive to monitor someone else's online habits.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't have pet names for someone you're not in a relationship with.,1,0.5 It's wrong to let the little things come between you and someone you care about.,0,0.0 It's bad to have an affair with someone you know has a partner.,1,0.5 It's not okay to call other people names.,1,0.5 It's fine to want to move to another location to live.,1,0.5 You shouldn't give out any personal information over the phone.,1,0.5 It's okay to be upset when you get scammed over the phone.,1,0.5 "If you're burned out, you should rest.",1,0.5 You shouldn't be too open around kids because they could use it against you.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable if you're nervous when you tell your family your sexuality.,1,0.5 It's good to have someone help you when you need it.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be friends with benefits with people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's potentially deviant to play games that result in outcomes involving physical interaction.,1,0.5 You shouldn't keep things a secret from your parents.,1,0.5 You should get new clothes if the ones you have are too casual.,1,1.0 "If there's a bunch of old food in your fridge, you should toss it all out.",1,0.5 It's not okay to not be able to handle being alone.,1,0.5 It's good to reduce the number of cars on the road by carpooling.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected that you poop in a toilet,0,0.0 It's good to take your date out places.,1,0.5 You should not engage in tax fraud.,1,0.5 You should speak up if something's bothering you,0,0.0 It's okay to avoid someone who seems to be on a path of self-destruction.,1,0.5 You should expect people to be worried about things sometimes.,1,0.5 You don't owe a partner an explanation of past relationships.,1,0.5 It's good for a parent to do things for their adult children.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to hate people for having a different opinion than yours,1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad to use sex to get what you want.,1,0.5 It's good to catch your own food.,0,0.0 You should expect to lose your appetite if you see old and disgusting food.,0,0.0 It's good to have a clever mind that can solve problems creatively.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should speak up if you have a problem with somebody,0,0.0 You should always buy yourself new clothes.,0,0.0 It's ok to have a loved one cremated.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should accept that people you have feelings for may not feel the same way about you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that people be close to their families.,0,0.0 It's expected people will find some satisfactory items when they go shopping.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is customary to acknowledge meeting someone again.,1,0.5 It is rude to interrupt people,1,0.5 "If you want to run from your problems, you should see a therapist.",1,0.5 It's wrong to marry someone for their money.,1,0.7499999999999999 I expected that people who eat meat aren't vegetarians.,0,0.0 It's good to book ahead of time.,1,0.5 You shouldn't try to get other people fired.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's encouraged you spend time with people you enjoy so you don't get sick of strangers and are reminded why humans are good!,1,0.5 It is okay not to settle.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should discuss problems with your family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to assume someone has a disability because they talk differently.,1,0.5 It's rude to fart in public,1,0.5 It's expected you see a counselor or therapist if you're unhappy,1,0.5 It's wrong to brag about your fitness all the time because it's annoying.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's allowed to refuse to take a job that you're against.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that people will want to keep their kitchen tidy.,0,0.0 It's understandable to worry you will have regrets later on.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to buy lottery tickets on occasion.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is ok to cancel a party if you are sick.,1,0.5 It's okay to be surprised when you find out a loved one is addicted to drugs.,1,0.5 It's understandable to stay quiet about past abuse.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should kick someone out of your wedding if they defile your cake.,1,0.5 It's expected that people leave their family and friends when to go out to college.,1,0.5 It's inconsiderate to come home to a partner exceedingly inebriated.,1,0.5 It's wrong to be romantically interested in your parent's friends.,1,0.5 It's good to want kids.,1,0.5 It's okay to enjoy your life when you life with good sense.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to let your subordinate take the blame for a mistake you made.,1,0.5 It's expected that you try to sort issues out yourself before involving the authorities.,1,0.5 You're expected to listen to your parents.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is nice to give someone something they want.,1,0.5 It's acceptable to be concerned in regards to the blood supply.,1,0.5 It is expected that you don't ask questions you're not ready to hear the answer for.,1,1.0 It is good to use dancing as an aerobic exercise for your health.,1,0.5 It's hurtful when family members cut you out of their lives.,0,0.0 It's good for spouses to pool their resources.,0,0.0 It's not okay to not take care of your responsibilities in life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to practice a skill.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're upset when your parents are strict.,1,0.5 It is reprehensible to beat a loved one.,1,0.5 It's expected that families will not get along well with their in-laws.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's unexpected to get a card without knowing hwo it's from.,1,0.5 "You shouldn't believe in the 'Elevator Game.""",1,1.0 It's wrong to do things that can cause other people to believe things that aren't true.,0,0.0 It's okay for family to pick sides during a messy divorce,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't drive drunk.,1,0.5 It is rude to tell your partner who they can talk to.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's normal to apply to multiple universities.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong and dangerous to leave the oven on and forget about it,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have a workout partner that you trust.,0,0.0 It's understandable that you don't want to be burden by other people's moments in their lives.,1,0.5 It's understandable for people to feel frustrated with others who stick their noses in the affairs of others.,1,0.5 It's nice to have a wedding brunch the day after the wedding to support the couple.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't criticize people for adopting their kids instead of having their own.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be proud of yourself when you accomplish something important.,1,0.5 It's fine if you're uncomfortable when an older man has a crush on you.,1,0.5 It's great to work hard and become a better person.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always tell your students why you gave them a bad grade for an assignment.,1,0.5 It's not okay to betray someone that care about you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wise to protect one's personal information.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good when something unexpected happens in life.,0,0.0 It's good to take care of your lawn to make it looks nice for others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you're impatient when your partner is fussing with their outfit before a date.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to want to say your sorry when bad things happen.,0,0.0 You should always chip in to pay for your partner's things.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be supportive of your family when they're weak.,0,0.0 Making a big deal out of your own birthday can make you look selfish.,0,0.0 It's okay to be unhappy.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is okay to feel betrayed by a partner.,1,1.0 You shouldn't pressure your romantic partner to do things they aren't comfortable with,1,0.5 It's wrong to let a cheater cheat and not tell on them.,1,0.24999999999999994 Parents should mediate between children.,1,0.5 It is bad to do drugs.,0,0.0 It's not okay to not be able to find work.,1,1.0 You shouldn't marry someone who is abusive.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always try to understand why someone doesn't want to do something.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to go to rehab when you have become an addict.,0,0.0 It is expected that people will stop eating subway if it has ruined their life.,1,0.5 It's okay to feel guilty about things you've gotten but don't deserve.,1,0.5 People should re-evaluate relationships even if nothing is wrong.,1,0.5 You should keep track of your possessions.,1,0.5 It's irrational to expect AI to become future overlords.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to let your children behave badly.,1,0.5 It is novel to get a custom cake made.,1,0.5 It's rude stomp around.,1,0.5 People are expected to love their relatives.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to want your friends to enjoy themselves.,1,0.5 It's good to help out parents and their kids.,1,0.5 It's normal to feel excited when you receive something you've been waiting for.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to be hopeful about your goals.,1,0.5 It's expected that you maintain good relations with coworkers,0,0.0 It's good to tell your partner your plans.,1,0.5 It's good to love animals.,1,0.5 You should not engage in romance with a patient you treat.,1,0.5 It's fine to say no when your friend wants to touch your feet.,1,0.5 It is fun to play a sport even if you aren't good at it.,1,0.5 It's good to be prepared,1,0.5 Attention should be evenly split in a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to hate your family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not healthy to isolate yourself,1,0.7499999999999999 It is rude to lock someone out of their house.,1,0.5 It's understandable to speculate as to why someone needs something.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't stalk your ex.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you are feeling left out, you should communicate with your friends about the way they're making you feel.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable that someone times we do or say things without thinking.,1,0.5 It's expected that you look your own age.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to not tell someone something important in person.,1,1.0 It's expected people will find some satisfactory items when they go shopping.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable to have a million things on your mind.,0,0.0 It's good to do activities you and your friends enjoy.,1,0.5 It's rude to pee in a shower used by other people.,1,0.5 It is wrong to abandon a friend.,0,0.0 You shouldn't have sex with someone while drunk.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to make a change in your life if you are feeling depressed.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you're busy, you should let people know.",1,0.7499999999999999 It's reasonable to be uncomfortable with your girlfriend having a male friend.,0,0.0 It’s bad to let your hobbies get in the way of your family life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you're annoyed when your students' parents' are more obsessed with their phones than their children.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to go over a deadline.,1,0.5 It's wasteful to spend money on gambling.,1,0.24999999999999994 Couple should work together to solve problems,1,0.5 You shouldn't put up with a roommate that yells at you.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't use your sibling's picture on your dating profiles.,1,0.5 It is okay to enjoy a compliment.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should look into nose strips when you snore.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should speak up if you have a problem with somebody,0,0.0 It's understandable that sometimes there are reasons people don't want to visit relatives.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to boss around friends.,1,0.5 It's okay to leave things alone if you have other obligations to attend to,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be happy for your friends.,1,0.5 You shouldn't sell collectibles that you really cherish.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to worry about your partner when something is wrong with them.,1,0.5 You shouldn't give pets as gifts because they are a big responsibility.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to celebrate holidays with friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to have a relationship that is unhealthy.,1,0.5 Friendships should be valued above all else.,1,0.5 "Popular items frequently sell out, so it's best to pre-order them.",1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to kick someone out of their room.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's acceptable to be cautious.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to not tell someone something important in person.,1,1.0 You shouldn't keep secrets from your partner.,0,0.0 It's not okay to dictate what others can do with their lives.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to be curious about whether you can get attention.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be uncomfortable with your loved one's friendship with their ex.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's exciting when you're winning a game,1,0.5 You have the right to date anyone you choose.,0,0.0 It's wrong to judge someone based on their ethnicity.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be up and about if you're sick.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's important to practice good oral hygiene,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to be scared of your home.,1,0.5 It's frowned upon to not to look for work when you're unemployed.,1,0.5 It's okay to have things you keep private from your parents.,0,0.0 It's expected that you have to go through an application process to adopt someone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's impolite not to thank someone for the gift they gave you.,1,0.5 It is you right to not give money to someone who asks.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you have romantic feelings for your doctor.,1,1.0 It's good to do things for your family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to quit your job.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to be jealous when your stepmom has a new baby.,1,0.5 It's okay to be disappointed when you fail at something.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to be on your phone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to not take your significant other's side if you don't agree with them.,1,0.5 It's okay to dislike babies.,1,0.5 It is good to go out sometimes.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is ok to be mad if someone did something rude.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should be careful when you prescribe a patient medication.,0,0.0 You shouldn't be a hypocrite.,1,0.5 It's fine to feel like a creep.,1,1.0 It's good to see a doctor if you are depressed.,1,0.5 You should not come between your spouse and their family.,0,0.0 It's normal to get ice from a freezer,1,0.5 It's wrong to resent somebody for moving.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's responsible to take part in rearing a younger sibling.,1,0.5 It's bad to disregard the achievements of others.,1,0.24999999999999994 People are expected to be modest.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to be embarrassed if you trip.,1,0.5 It's acceptable to have a complicated relationship with food.,1,0.5 It's okay to like eating certain weird things.,1,0.5 It’s wrong to text someone else romantically while in a relationship.,1,0.5 It's mean to ignore calls from your grandparents.,1,0.5 People will eventually get annoyed with you if you're always complaining about life.,1,0.5 It's normal for people to like to spend time with their friends.,1,0.5 It's good to start a new life in a new place.,1,0.5 It is rude to exclude people from events.,0,0.0 It's good to be resourceful if you don't have a first aid kit when you're injured.,1,0.5 It is good to keep your wedding vows.,1,0.5 You shouldn't do something you don't want to do.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to organize things.,1,0.5 It's not okay to kill a living creature.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to expect people to give you things,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that parents should love their children.,1,0.5 You shouldn't have to stay at a place you don't like.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's nice to call your grandchild on their birthday.,1,0.5 You should be respectful towards nuns,0,0.0 Exposing people to some bodily functions is considered rude.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should get some therapy if you think you know what death is really like.,1,0.5 It is gross to examine your poop after going to the bathroom.,1,0.5 It's good to meet someone at your house.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad to not trust your significant other.,1,0.7499999999999999 You're expected to try and work things out with your friends.,0,0.0 It's acceptable for a parent to help a child select classes.,1,0.5 Making someone do something in a relationship can be viewed as controlling.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to visit the dentist regularly.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to spend time with people outdoors.,1,0.5 You should not alter your medication on your own,1,0.5 It's okay to get aggravated with people and not want them around you.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't constantly think about death and dying.,1,0.24999999999999994 If you are in love with someone you are expected to tell them.,0,0.0 It's bad to miss class and have to study extra to catch up,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to do things against your partner's wishes.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't have to pay your ex's bills.,1,0.5 You should always support your family when they have medical issues.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be disappointed when something you wanted badly doesn't turn out well.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to want to have fun.,1,0.5 It's normal to be nervous when you think something may have been broken.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to be addicted to a quality.,1,0.5 It's good to take turns driving.,1,0.24999999999999994 There is nothing wrong with being gay.,1,0.5 It's understandable to grieve for a lost loved one.,1,0.5 It's good to frame your awards to display them for others to see.,1,0.5 It's rude to be nasty with others who are being kind to you.,1,0.5 It is good to accept your family members for who they are,0,0.0 Being angry at your partner for leaving you alone to watch her children is OK.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable to be curious about your ex.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should expect customers to pay for their items.,1,0.5 It is okay to be unsure what you want to do.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to eat so much dessert because it's unhealthy.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's considered juvenile to hate people without a good reason.,1,0.5 "If you have a weird bump, you should see a doctor because it might be cancer.",1,0.24999999999999994 You should invite others to stay at your place if they are visiting the area.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be cheap when it comes to your home.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that the husband pay child support.,1,0.7499999999999999 You are expected to seek help when hurt.,0,0.0 It's OK to get angry when someone cheats on you.,1,0.5 It is common for there to be conflicts with your in-laws.,1,0.7499999999999999 Renovating your home is a good way to freshen up the look of it.,0,0.0 You should always go to the ER if you feel sick or are injured.,1,0.5 It is okay to be curious.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should never be too proud to ask for directions.,1,0.24999999999999994 Getting rid of a dog because it is too much work is selfish.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable that we want what is best for our siblings.,1,0.5 It's expected that you won't like everyone you meet.,1,0.5 You should reprimand an employee if they deserve it.,1,0.5 You should respect your significant other's interests.,1,0.5 "If you don't want to crash, you shouldn't drive recklessly.",1,0.5 It is expected that you respect how other want to be identified,1,0.5 It's considerate to allow others to use something they dont have,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't be hypocritical.,1,0.5 It's normal for people to worry about angering their loved ones.,1,0.5 There is no obligation to save parking sports for other people.,1,0.5 It's nice to try to help other people any way you can.,1,0.5 It is good to spend time with someone you care about.,1,0.5 You shouldn't just ignore people.,0,0.0 It is wrong to commit fraud,1,0.5 It's okay to have things in life that you enjoy.,1,0.5 It's good to try to make positive changes in the world when you are worried about the state it is in.,1,0.5 It's good to resolve a conflict with a partner with compromise.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should not alter your medication on your own,1,0.5 It is fattening to eat too much ice cream an chocolate.,1,0.5 It is wrong to be happy about an event that has killed many plants animals and humans.,0,0.0 It's understandable if you don't like being able to smell your fiance.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to end a marriage if it's not working out.,1,0.5 It's good to go out camping with your buddies.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should always do what you can to keep loved one close.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you're unhappy with something, you should make some changes.",0,0.0 It is not okay to cheat on others.,1,0.5 You should be clear about your intentions with other people.,0,0.0 You shouldn't be best friends with an ex.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to want to have the admiration of your peers.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to travel long distances in the most comfortable way you can.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to control people's choice of footwear.,1,1.0 "When you make online purchases, you should take precautions to keep from being scammed.",1,0.5 You shouldn't let your daughter dress like a slut.,1,0.5 It is understandable to fall out of love.,1,0.5 You should attend your grandparent's funeral.,0,0.0 It's okay to be disappointed about things.,1,0.5 You shouldn't lie about having a medical condition.,1,0.5 It is nice to take your kids to eat out on occasion.,1,0.5 It is good to be polite.,1,0.5 It's fine to feel bad about missing your team's matches.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't be with a partner that cheats on you.,1,0.5 It's good to make sure your parent's new partner is safe.,1,0.5 It's wrong to not let people have the important events the way they want them.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you don't want to foster pets.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't try to injure people.,1,0.5 It's wrong to judge people based on their entertainment choices.,1,0.5 It's fine to accept funds you inherited from a trust.,1,0.5 It's allowed to allocate set amounts of time for customers.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to joke about AI becoming overlords in the future.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's best not to wait too long to get help in resolving an issue.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is okay to tell small white lied to people you don't know very well.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should not mess with other people's passwords,1,0.24999999999999994 It is nice to take your grandmother places.,1,0.5 It's fine to report someone for parking in the spot assigned to you.,1,0.5 It's wrong to be bitter and resentful toward your parent.,0,0.0 It's understandable to be upset when you lose something that you need.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay not to have an extravagant ceremony,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong for a person to cheat on their significant other.,1,0.5 It is okay to need space from family.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected to be upset when confronted with many let downs all at once.,0,0.0 It's good to find your passion.,1,0.5 People should re-evaluate relationships even if nothing is wrong.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be wary in a relationship due to past experiences.,1,0.5 It's OK to remove toxic people from your life.,1,0.5 It's important to care for family members with mental illness.,1,0.5 It's good to encourage someone to succeed.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be scared of telling your spouse when you get scammed.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable to fear war.,0,0.0 It's bad to get people to smoke.,1,0.5 It is expected that roommates will remain civil throughout their lease.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's dangerous to throw things out of moving vehicles.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected for adults to pay for their own education.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to spy on people's Facebooks.,1,0.5 It's rude to go over to someone's house without being invited,0,0.0 It's understandable that sometimes you don't always have time for things besides work.,1,0.5 It is expected that you respect your professor.,1,0.24999999999999994 "You shouldn't get too caught up in memories and instead should work to make the most of your life today, in the present",1,0.24999999999999994 You can be expected to communicate romantic desires to your best friend.,1,0.5 It is okay to only want to hang out with certain people.,1,0.5 It's wrong to disrupt someone's birthday party.,1,0.5 It's wrong not to repay a loan.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's great to show your significant other that you love them.,1,0.5 It's frustrating when your friends or roommates gang up on you.,1,0.5 It's OK to live your life however you want.,1,0.5 You shouldn't reveal your friend's secrets.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't park in other people's spots.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always try to be understanding of others and their confessions.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to be in an accident.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to try and improve your living situation.,1,0.5 It's embarrassing to be humiliated by someone you like in public.,1,0.5 It is important to be healthy.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to not trust your significant other.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad to want to cheat on your spouse.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable that sometimes we have emotions we can't control.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is rude to give people the silent treatment,1,0.5 You should always be there for your partner.,0,0.0 It's good to hit a home run while playing baseball.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to complain you don't like something you didn't pay for.,0,0.0 It's very mean to abandon a relationship with someone for no reason.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to do things with your family.,1,0.5 It's normal to think about death.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't call people names.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to commit crimes and wind up on probation.,0,0.0 It's okay to be pissed off when someone gets you fired.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong not to pay a debt.,1,0.5 You shouldn't do things that would make someone feel the need to hate you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to hide things from children.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should make sure your pockets can securely contain your belongings.,1,0.5 It's good to learn how to control your temper.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad for a child to be in danger.,1,0.5 It's wrong to take someone else's pet.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is understandable to feel lost without a longtime partner.,1,0.5 People will eventually get annoyed with you if you're always doom and gloom.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's terrible to forget a family member's birthday.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to support one person more than another.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable if you're bored when you go to the zoo.,0,0.0 It's wrong to exclude others for reasons over which they have no control.,1,0.5 It's okay to like to spend time alone.,0,0.0 It's wrong to play pranks on people that are upset,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to show off your talents in front of everyone else.,1,0.5 You should be appreciative when friends try to do something nice for you.,1,0.5 It's mean to criticize someone's actions when it's too late to fix them.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to leave your partner's house early if your parents say so.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to forgive someone for their behavior at a party.,0,0.0 It's bad to interfere with your sister's relationship.,0,0.0 "You should take a long critical look at yourself if you assault someone, it's likely you have serious emotional problems.",1,0.5 It's normal to practice a skill.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want to quit your job at times.,1,0.5 It's good to feed your pets.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's acceptable to be selective with who you want to invite to an important day for you.,0,0.0 You should read the instructions when you install a new appliance.,1,0.24999999999999994 Helping someone you know is struggling to make a positive change is expected.,1,0.5 You should do what you're interested in doing.,1,0.5 You should feel okay about prioritizing your well being over any social obligations.,1,0.5 You should invite your long-time friend to your birthday party.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to pest your ex-spouse.,1,0.5 It's always good to help someone out if they are dyeing their hair because it's hard to do by yourself.,1,0.5 You shouldn't try to force someone to do a job they don't feel qualified to do.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't be up and about if you're sick.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to take care of your personal belongings.,1,0.5 It's not normal to resent your parents,1,0.5 It is common to cancel a flight if you aren't going to use it.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be careful when driving,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you're confused when you get a new appliance.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's ok to hold onto a loved one's ashes.,1,0.5 It's wrong to buy candy.,1,0.5 you should tell your parents if you do not want them with you at appointments.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to gamble.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to write things down as soon as possible.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to buy a doujinshi.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is rude to treat someone differently because they are gay.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to fall for someone younger than you if they are underage.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to make judgments about people you don't know well.,1,0.24999999999999994 People are expected to heed scientific evidence.,0,0.0 It's good to want to be a better parent.,1,0.5 It's good to have a family that cares about you.,1,0.5 It's normal to not want to feel alone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to have a crush on someone you met.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to damage someone else's car for being in your spot.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to want someone to look their best.,1,0.5 People are expected to learn how to swim when they are children.,1,0.5 It is immature to wait around to pick a fight with your partner.,0,0.0 It's good to be in a relationship where you are safe to ask for things.,1,0.5 It is considered dirty to skip washing your body for more than a day or two.,1,1.0 It's bad to act stubborn with others.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you want gifts for your birthday.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you're scared for your life when someone holds up your skin.,1,0.5 "If you don't want your colleagues to know things about you, you should keep those things to yourself.",1,0.5 "If you're still struggling with someone's death, you should get some therapy.",1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to give your child attention.,0,0.0 You shouldn't destroy friendships over money and things.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is okay to punish inappropriate behavior.,1,0.5 It's understandable that sometimes we find things distasteful.,1,0.5 You have to accept that something unforeseen can always come up to disrupt your plans.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should call an ambulance if someone is on the floor for hours in pain.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't do something you don't want to do.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to drink moderation.,1,0.5 It is expected that a guest will follow house rules even if they are family.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want people to take responsibility for our actions.,1,1.0 You can't expect people to always like a certain kind of music.,1,0.5 It is rude to blame someone for something without proof.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to cover for someone who is cheating.,1,0.5 It's okay if you are tired at work if you want to ask to go home.,1,0.5 It's good to be able to see advantages.,1,0.5 You should wear deodorant if you want to be close to the person you love.,1,0.5 It's okay to be furious if a friend tells everyone something you told them in secret.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to get someone wet who does not want to be,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't hold it against someone when they're uncool one day.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to heal.,1,0.5 People should admire the wonderful variety of nature without harming it.,1,0.5 It's wrong to touch someone without their permission.,1,0.5 It is good to work hard.,0,0.0 It's understandable that people go through difficult times in life.,0,0.0 It's acceptable to break up with someone if they are ignoring you.,1,0.5 It's rude to imply that food served to you is not tasty.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be attracted to whoever you find yourself attracted to.,1,0.7499999999999999 One should be communicative with their loved ones.,1,0.5 It's okay to put unexpected toppings on your food.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to let someone around your kids that could hurt them.,0,0.0 Is it okay to be angry,1,0.5 It is bad to make false claims and mislead others,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be attracted to whoever you find yourself attracted to.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to compliment people.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should quit your job if you hate it.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't eat things you dislike.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't clip your nails in public.,1,0.5 It's unwholesome to seek out young girls for sexual gratification.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to say the n word if it's in a textbook.,1,1.0 It is normal to not communicate with people who aren't your friends.,1,1.0 You shouldn't learn how to do things in the wrong way.,1,0.5 You should find good shoes if you do a lot of running.,1,0.5 It's not okay to set yourself up for getting sick.,1,0.5 It's wrong to be lying to the people in your life.,1,0.5 It is expected that couples go out together on Valentines Day.,0,0.0 It's kind to use your skills to help someone's artistic endeavor.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should learn your students' names if you're a teacher.,0,0.0 You should get help from your family if you're sick and can't be home alone.,1,0.24999999999999994 "You shouldn't do drugs in public, especially if you're not accustomed to using them.",1,0.5 It is wrong to prank others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to feel disappointed if something does not go your way.,1,0.5 It's bad to be wasteful.,1,0.5 You should always tell someone if someone is talking smack about them.,1,0.5 It is okay to feel guilt.,1,0.5 Expressing feeling is best with someone you trust.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're annoyed when your students' parents' are more obsessed with their phones than their children.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always practice good communication with your partner so they know your feelings.,0,0.0 It's fine to spy on people's Facebooks.,1,0.5 It's bad form to cut off a family member that has suffered a traumatic injury.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should try to get along with people even if you don't like them.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to ask your friend's opinion on abortion.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be uncertain of what you are.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's irresponsible to chat online with someone you don't remember but claims to know you from childhood.,1,0.5 You should teach your partner how to cook if you don't enjoy their food.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should always follow the doctor's orders.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is your right to move at your own pace at the gym.,1,0.5 You're allowed to feel annoyed with yourself if you want.,1,0.5 You should fire your own pottery.,1,0.5 It's expected that people see opportunities at jobs they've done for awhile.,1,0.5 You shouldn't wallow in your negative feelings.,0,0.0 People shouldn't dwell on things which happened weeks ago.,1,0.5 You should hug your parents when they gush about how grown up you are.,1,0.5 It's OK to not be attracted to someone based on their race.,1,1.0 You should always respect your partner's wishes.,1,0.5 It's good to strive for your goals.,1,0.5 You should be anywhere your child needs you to be.,1,0.5 It is good to flee from dictators.,1,0.5 It is okay to feel alone.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to do things that make you happy.,1,0.5 It's good to have coping skills,1,0.5 It’s okay for parents to not give their kids money if they aren’t responsible enough,1,0.5 It is customary to get ready with your best man.,1,0.5 It is okay to help people with financial decisions.,1,0.5 You shouldn't put up with your kid's distrustful behavior.,1,0.5 It's good to make sure you are on the same page as your parter before committing to marriage.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to be sick of life.,1,0.7499999999999999 "If you don't care about something, you should be honest about it.",1,0.5 Is good to care about other people,1,0.5 It's okay to be brutally honest with someone if it's for their own good,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected to save a pet that is in danger.,1,0.5 It's not okay to demand things from people that cause them extra burden.,1,0.5 "If you forgot your money elsewhere and you need to buy something, it's okay to ask someone for help.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to make yourself look good in front of your partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to do things that you know will bring harm to others.,1,0.5 It is your right to not invite anyone you dont want to to your wedding.,1,0.5 It's rude to make fun of someone's whiskey dick.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to flirt when you are in a relationship.,1,0.5 It is good to be respectful of others around you when on the phone.,0,0.0 It's petty to report someone for taking a parking spot.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't be with someone who is still talking to their old flame.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to get gifts for people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to ban anyone you want to from an online account.,1,0.5 It is immoral for a supervisor to pursue their employees romantically.,1,0.5 It's okay to support whatever companies you find fit.,1,0.5 You should be careful around loose animals you don't know.,1,0.5 It's mean to choose sides.,1,0.5 It's rude to give away a gift you bought someone.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to show people that you have matured from the person you used to be.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to miss your chance.,1,0.5 It is good to clean up.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay if you want to spend some time by yourself.,1,0.5 It's good to have insurance in case of accidents and disasters.,1,0.24999999999999994 Ex-partners are not expected to keep having sex with each other.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to criticize what others do with their body.,1,0.24999999999999994 Bandmates are expected to get along with each other.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should let people know before you move out.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to invade a couples private life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's disloyal to sext someone while you're in a relationship with someone else.,1,0.5 It's good to recognize the problems with being attracted to someone much younger than you.,1,0.5 You should try to eat food in a more respectful manner.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to get a divorce if someone has checked out mentally.,1,0.5 You should always follow the traffic rules.,1,0.5 It's okay to have differing views on sex in a marriage as long as you work through your issues.,1,0.5 You're expected to defend your significant other.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay if you don't want the rest of your family involved in a sibling quarrel.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to have sex on camera.,1,1.0 It's good when you get out of a certain type of suffering.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to see a doctor if you are depressed.,1,0.5 You can't expect everyone to follow you on social media.,0,0.0 It's good to seek help with your issues.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to lie to a friend.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should never be too proud to ask for directions.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should buy your own laptop.,1,0.5 It is important to have a good reason to scare someone away.,0,0.0 It's wrong to touch someone without their permission.,1,0.5 It's wise to do monthly payments if you can't pay back a loan right away.,1,0.5 It is OK to be emotional.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's important to let your partner know about your needs.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you knock on someone's door instead of entering.,1,0.5 You shouldn't talk to people about your fetishes.,1,0.5 You should quit your job if you hate it.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to be attracted to someone physically.,1,0.5 People who are pregnant are expected to want to keep the baby.,1,0.5 It is disappointing to discover that the fruit you want to eat is fake.,1,0.7499999999999999 "If you are interested in someone's interfaith marriage, you should ask them about it.",0,0.0 It's important to learn how to read the time from a clock.,1,0.5 It's not okay to judge people by their religion.,1,0.5 It's bad to try to control what other people do.,0,0.0 It's nice to do kind things for a stranger.,1,0.5 It is good to get an education.,1,0.5 You shouldn't do work during your lunch hour at work.,1,0.5 It's normal to keel over when you're in serious pain.,1,0.5 You should put food out for your pet when they are missing.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to leave difficult issues to security to handle.,0,0.0 It's bad for people to think you're ridiculous.,1,0.5 It's good to be want to know things that could be important.,1,0.5 It's wrong for people that care about each other to argue.,1,0.5 All kids get sick eventually as it's unavoidable.,1,0.5 It's good to not catch things.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to organize things.,1,0.5 It's wrong to damage someone's property.,1,0.5 It's good to be honest about your situation at work.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you keep having dreams about your ex, you should get some therapy.",1,0.5 "It's irresponsible to ""game"" online software.",1,0.7499999999999999 It is expected to invite friends to a party.,1,0.5 It is not good to do things only for something in return.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to read about science.,1,0.5 It is wrong to get offended about an innocent greeting.,1,0.5 It's OK to choose to cut off a family member.,0,0.0 You shouldn't stay at someone's place if you are drunk.,1,0.7499999999999999 Just because someone does something wrong doesn't mean you should do the same thing.,1,0.24999999999999994 You're expected to talk to your roommate.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always go outside to play when you have time.,1,0.5 It's okay to pay for an escort if you're lonely and it's legal,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to help others.,1,0.5 It's good to save money for the future to buy other things.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should try do nice things for your family.,0,0.0 Friends are expected to do favors for one another.,1,0.5 It's bad to to listen to what you want.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's noble to want to help other people with their addictions.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to want to compete.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is understandable to want to celebrate a birthday.,1,0.24999999999999994 "It's expected that if you find a wallet on the bus, you find the owner and return it.",1,0.5 You should treat a significant other's child as part of your own family.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't tell someone who is religious that you're an atheist.,1,0.5 It's normal to be nervous when you think something may have been broken.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be patient when your friend tells you they'll be back.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's pleasant to eat a perfectly cooked pulled pork sandwich.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to have sex with your partner's family members.,1,0.5 You should always go to the doctor if you're injured.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to want to be dressed comfortably.,1,0.5 It is wrong to assume you will get a deal just because you are family.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to spy on people through social media.,1,0.5 It's fine to ban anyone you want to from an online account.,1,0.5 It's okay to feel sad when you can't be in a family picture.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's disloyal to sext someone while you're in a relationship with someone else.,1,0.5 It's irresponsible to keep a tarantula as a pet.,1,0.5 It's wrong to let kids watch however much cable TV they want.,1,0.5 It's expected that we respect our elders.,1,0.5 Its not okay to make a friend of a friend leave if your friend wants them there.,1,0.24999999999999994 Pregnant women are expected to get respect not sexual objectification.,1,0.5 It is wrong to bully people,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to base your happiness on the things you have.,1,0.5 It's good to admire your parents.,1,0.5 It's OK get upset over being homesick,1,0.5 "If someone has a stain on their shirt, you should tell them.",1,0.5 It's expected that you may not always like your job.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't let your partner move away from you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to take advantage of someone who's much younger than you.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't be interested in your ex's friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should not be angry at your roommate's dog.,1,0.5 It's wrong to tell a woman what to do.,1,0.5 It is ok to tell your kids they need to eat what you made at home.,0,0.0 It's okay to have weird sexual fetishes.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you will keep naked pictures in confidence.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should always go to the ER if you feel sick or are injured.,1,0.5 It's not good to think about the worst in a situation.,1,0.5 It is not always right to be early on choosing things.,1,0.5 It's important that family members remain loyal to one another.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected that you know what your significant other prefers on a special occasion.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to take positive actions.,1,0.5 It is responsible to take care of class assignments.,0,0.0 It's wrong for co-workers to treat each other badly.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to feel sad about losing a loved one.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected that pregnant women be emotional.,1,0.5 It's rude to ask personal questions in an interview.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't be a bad girlfriend or boyfriend.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to teach children to have healthy boundaries.,1,0.5 It's expected that you won't throw chemicals in people's eyes.,0,0.0 It's wrong to question someone's work ethic.,1,0.5 Wanting to vent about your job is okay.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to feel angry when someone insults you for no reason.,1,0.5 It's good to improve the things you like in life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to ask someone on a date.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to keep your customers happy.,1,0.5 It's natural to feel jealous when someone you're seeing interacts with other people on social media.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to make friends just to achieve something.,0,0.0 It's bad for family members to lie to one another.,0,0.0 It's wrong to get mad at someone simply because they don't want to do something you want them to do.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't be friends with someone that ditches you.,1,0.5 "If you have a low tire in your car, you should fill it with air.",1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to assume you need to pay for something you use.,1,0.5 You're not expected to want to be friends with everyone.,1,0.5 It's rude to move an animal's home from the spot they built it.,1,0.5 People should stop when the cops tell them to so they don't get hurt.,1,0.5 It's good to give gifts to your in-laws.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to speak up for yourself.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to allow subway to ruin your life.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should not cheat on your partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's best to hide certain sensitive information if it might offend the other person.,1,0.5 It is okay to identify as another sex,1,1.0 It's fun to do things with your friends.,1,0.5 It's bad to act stubborn with others.,1,0.5 It is acceptable to establish rules about respect.,1,0.5 Inviting family members to your graduation is expected.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you're going through a divorce, you're expected to remain professional and not take things personally",0,0.0 You should always pay off your student loans.,1,0.5 It's understandable to marry someone for their money.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's impolite to lie.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to miss your team's matches because you're injured.,1,0.5 It's bad to be unhappy.,1,0.5 "It's expected that you act responsibly, even when mourning.",1,0.5 It is reasonable to give people space after a parent dies.,1,0.5 It is ok to choose not to get pregnant.,1,0.5 It's nice to buy gifts for one's family.,1,0.5 You shouldn't think badly of your partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to sometimes be unhappy with your job,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to try to make a good impression at work.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be embarrassed if you spill something.,1,0.5 It's not okay to cause drama where there doesn't have to be any.,1,0.5 It is bad to be forgetful.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's acceptable to stop working on something.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should be happy when someone wants to invest in your company.,1,0.5 It's okay to feel sad after having a new baby.,1,0.5 It's wrong to make someone uncomfortable or push them to their limits,1,0.5 You're allowed to inquire what your spouse saw if they went to an event you didn't.,1,0.5 You should try not to lose things.,1,0.5 It is normal to consider changing majors early on in college.,1,0.5 It's good to budget your spending.,0,0.0 It's better not to have secrets from your family members,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be a good friend so that your friends don't get excited about leaving you.,0,0.0 You should always help out your family when they need it.,0,0.0 You shouldn't have poor handwriting.,1,0.5 It is expected that students come to class alert and able to pay attention.,1,0.5 It's fine to be angry if your significant other abandons plans you've made together.,0,0.0 It's wrong to watch someone changing their clothes.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is wrong to betray your sibling.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to let your friends know when you suspect someone is cheating on them.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad form to say that you aren't attracted to people of certain races.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be worried when your friend takes longer than they said they would.,1,0.5 It's good to get out and enjoy the fresh air.,1,0.5 You should always help out your family with money.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay if to feel upset because your significant other didn't do anything special for you on a special occasion.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not expected that you'll receive early screenings for diseases.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's rude to make assumptions about people of different beliefs.,0,0.0 It's good to do things for your parents.,1,0.5 You should apologize if you hurt someone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is normal for some people to dislike too much body hair.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to ask for help when you need it.,0,0.0 It is expected that you watch your children.,0,0.0 People will think you're more intelligent the more you read.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's ok to hold onto a loved one's ashes.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you don't want to foster pets.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have confidence in your achievements.,1,0.5 Parents are expected to share the responsibility for raising their children.,1,0.5 It is common for parents to correct their kids impolite behavior.,1,0.5 You should tell your partner if you feel you're being left out.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't expect birthday presents from your friends.,1,0.5 It is dishonest to claim that sweets hurt your stomach just to avoid eating them.,1,0.5 It's okay to be scared of someone who is big and muscular.,1,0.5 It's wrong to think that because other people get cheated on it will happen to you.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be proud of people who accomplish their goals.,1,0.5 It is ok to fire people for bad behavior.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to take unwarranted sick days.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should talk things over with others instead of getting mad.,0,0.0 It is good to show appreciation.,1,0.5 You're discouraged from gossiping about your family members.,1,0.5 It's good to be kind to people.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you feel cultural whiplash when you move from one area of the country to another.,1,0.5 You should keep interviews professional.,1,0.5 People should seek treatment for substance dependence.,1,0.24999999999999994 You can be expected to be honest to your relationship partner about your desires for another person.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to eat breakfast every day since it's the most important meal of the day.,1,0.5 It is rude to not support someone who you are dating if they are going though a rough time.,1,0.5 you should not pass notes in class.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should not be rude to guests.,1,0.5 It's good to take breaks to teach things to people.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't feel disconnected from people.,1,0.5 It's expected that parents should discipline their kids.,1,0.5 You should be polite if you need to decline a gift.,1,0.5 It's okay to break up with your significant other.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to feel like a creep.,1,1.0 It's understandable to want you significant other to sometimes pick up the tab.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is reasonable to be frustrated about having to work so much that you can't see your kids.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to rob people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be angry and file a complaint against a supervisor making sexual advances towards you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be frustrated when you're framed for a mistake.,1,0.5 It's unethical to judge other people.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's normal for young adults to want to become more independent.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't use too broad of a topic for an essay or else you might get a bad grade.,1,0.5 It is bad to wish hurt upon someone.,1,0.5 You should let your ex go.,1,0.7499999999999999 "You should always take care of the family pets, even when your partner is sick.",1,0.5 It's okay to ask someone to use another bathroom if they smell it up.,1,0.5 It is okay not to want to clean up after other people,1,0.24999999999999994 You have a right to be upset when your wife insults you.,1,0.5 It's okay to break up with someone that is dishonest.,1,0.5 It's bad to lie to a friend.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to have a goal.,1,0.5 You shouldn't expect people to work if they don't want to.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to make sure people abide by laws and ordinances,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to steal.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should treat a significant other's child as part of your own family.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should accept it if someone wants to break up with you for a good reason.,1,0.5 One should be communicative with their loved ones.,1,0.5 It's okay to be upset when you get scammed over the phone.,1,0.5 It's wrong to resent somebody for moving.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't trust creepy people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal for young adults to want to become more independent.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to avoid people who hate you.,0,0.0 It is expected that people might owe something if they use a service.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to save food for later.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to be jealous of money.,1,0.5 You should always respect your partner's wishes.,1,0.5 It is okay to disagree with a friend's choices.,1,0.5 When you are very bored you are expected to try and find things to do.,1,0.5 You shouldn't abandon your kids.,0,0.0 It's rude to date two people at the same time without informing them.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to be happy if you don't owe money.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is nice to be recognized for your skills.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should tell people that you are happy and content.,0,0.0 It's good to try to give your pet medicine when they need it.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to watch a tutorial before you do something new.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't be hypocritical.,1,0.5 Is it expected the people exercise their right to vote,1,0.5 You shouldn't expect your ex to pay your bills.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should enjoy activities with the people close to you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to buy nice things for yourself.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is crude to cut off communications with a former friend.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to support your school's football team.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to want a nubile young woman for a romantic partner.,1,0.5 It's good to be there for your family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you would want to take time off of work.,1,0.5 It's wrong for classmates to be rude to one another.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to be misleading.,1,0.5 You shouldn't have people over late at night.,1,0.5 It's good to take a lucky item with you somewhere if you need more luck.,1,0.7499999999999999 People are expected to want to stay in a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should tell your partner you don't want to be with them anymore.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to rescue a stray cat from the streets.,1,0.5 It is good to not say anything rather than saying something rude.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude for people to give you a fake name because they can't learn your real one.,1,0.5 It's fine to want to be open with new friends.,1,0.5 It's expected your friends come to help you when you ask for it,1,0.5 You shouldn't believe in tarot cards because they can't predict the future.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's important to not try to control your romantic partner's every move.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always keep in touch with your real parents.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to save food for later.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you pay for something you break.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to be scared of your home.,1,0.5 You should try not to drop things,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't get back at people.,1,0.5 It's bad to talk in class.,1,0.5 It's important to respect the culture of other people.,1,0.5 It's good for a mom to care about their children.,0,0.0 It's wrong to lie to someone paying you for your expertise.,1,0.5 It's wise to keep your identity secure at all costs.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to judge other people based on dietary preferences.,0,0.0 You should talk to your friend about what is annoying you about them.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should include your family in your family pictures.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable secretly want things.,1,0.5 It's good to listen to details of someone's situation.,0,0.0 It's good to explore the possibilities of a relationship with a powerful man.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to have friends online.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're excited to meet a famous artist.,1,0.5 It's commendable to find a way out of addiction.,1,0.5 It's fine if you don't want someone watching you practice.,1,0.5 It is good to have fond memories of the past.,0,0.0 It is okay to want companionship.,1,0.5 Partners are expected to want to spend a good amount of time with each other.,1,0.5 You should eat carefully so you don't get food stuck in your windpipe.,1,0.5 It's good when someone else is attracted to you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's natural for people to not take playing video games very seriously.,1,0.5 You shouldn't expect other people to be nasty recreational drug users like yourself.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to be a decent human being,1,0.5 It's OK to choose who you want to date regardless of their race.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to ogle young women.,1,0.5 It's wrong to leave your family and friends behind just to get an education.,0,0.0 It's wrong to be mad at your friends for petty reasons.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to want to kill yourself.,1,0.5 It's okay to be uncool.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is understandable for parents to want to take care of their child when they are in need.,1,0.5 It's juvenile to use April 20th to signify marijuana use.,1,0.5 It's good to make new friends.,1,0.5 It's good to revisit your youth.,1,0.5 It's okay to leave your gun at home on Halloween.,1,0.5 It's good to cook your own food.,1,0.5 You should support your partner.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're relieved when you can afford to pay your bills.,1,0.5 It is good to fill out your own paperwork.,1,0.5 It's good to help out other people in their time of need.,1,0.5 You shouldn't get involved with your ex.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's great to recognize your shortcomings.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's allowed to contact an ex-partner years later to reconnect.,1,0.5 It is good to help others.,1,0.5 It's good to support your family during tough times.,1,0.5 It is good to love someone.,1,0.5 It's allowed to clip coupons to get the best deal.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always try to get along with your family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that partners care about the health of the person they're with.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to be competitive.,1,0.24999999999999994 "It's expected people will form relationships with people they want to, not people they feel they must.",1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to take care of your possessions so they don't get lost.,1,0.5 You shouldn't waste your money.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to buy nice things for yourself.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to treat family members dishonestly.,1,0.5 You should inquire about the health of your friends.,0,0.0 You shouldn't take part in competitions if you don't feel well.,1,0.5 You should expect your kids to come home soon when you ask them.,0,0.0 It is bad to poop in the bathtub or shower,1,0.5 "If you feel something poking you, you should check it out to see what it is.",1,0.5 You shouldn't screw around with married people.,1,0.5 It is good to have an opinion.,1,0.5 You should not let personal relationships get in the way of your relationship with family.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's rude to ask your partner to choose between the relationship and their family.,1,0.5 You shouldn't have an affair if you're married.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected to save a pet that is in danger.,1,0.5 It's encouraged you let the person know if they're making you angry,1,0.5 You should take an interest in your children's education.,0,0.0 You shouldn't avoid talking to your grandparents.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that hosts will be accommodating to their guests.,1,0.5 It's okay to be overweight.,1,0.5 "It's expected that if you find a wallet on the bus, you find the owner and return it.",1,0.5 It is good to be generous.,1,0.5 It's good to make others happy.,1,0.5 It's wrong to damage someone's property.,1,0.5 It is customary to get ready with your best man.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're proud of your life when you use good sense.,1,0.5 It's not okay to do things that cause conflict in a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't go to the top of the pyramid in a cheer formation if you are not the lightest person in the group.,0,0.0 It's understandable to be angry if your significant other didn't do something for you on a special day.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is reasonable to be angry if something you care about gets shut down.,1,0.5 You shouldn't try to get sympathy from people just because you're in the hospital.,1,0.5 It is wrong to wish for destruction on the environment.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be crazy about things.,1,0.5 Your boyfriend is supposed to stay with you and respect you.,1,0.5 You should not emotionally abandon your partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's inappropriate to take family members on job interviews.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to do things that upset your parents.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have in-laws that buy you nice things.,1,0.5 You should confidently go for the things you want.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should apologize when you've upset your spouse.,1,0.5 You should love your parents.,1,0.5 It's good to make friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always review someone's application before an interview.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to give a child a pet they aren't old enough to care for.,1,0.5 It's wrong to call out your family.,1,0.5 It's good to exercise to stay young.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you're disappointed when your partner doesn't want to move too fast.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be honest with friends about possible suspicious behavior from their partner.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable to want your child to have a father figure.,1,0.5 It is bad to be suicidal.,1,0.5 People should treat all creatures with kindness.,1,0.5 It's okay if you are emotionally attached to your ex's family.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be supportive when a family member is chronically ill.,1,0.5 It's good to share photos with your friends online.,0,0.0 You shouldn't surprise people.,1,0.5 It's important to use what you got.,1,0.5 It's good to want to be a cop to serve the public.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to bite your nails in public.,1,1.0 It's important to prioritize spending time with family members.,1,0.5 It's good to go to therapy if you are struggling to overcome your grief.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to joke around sometimes.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable for people to feel frustrated with others who stick their noses in the affairs of others.,1,0.5 Deciding not to be friends with someone any more is fine.,1,0.7499999999999999 "It's allowed to hook-up with someone when you're bored, and not talk to them again.",1,0.5 It's okay to expect people to pay for something they have taken and are expecting to pay for.,1,0.5 It is good to be nice to others.,1,0.5 It's best to hide certain sensitive information if it might offend the other person.,1,0.5 It's bad form to express annoyance with a disabled person.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want to end an obsession.,1,0.5 People might think you're aloof if you appear lonely.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's normal for children to outlive their parents,1,0.24999999999999994 It’s good to be in love.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to act in a passive-aggressive manner when dating.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be self-conscious when you get a mastectomy.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to get your family off your back.,1,0.5 It's fine to not want to get involved with family fighting.,1,0.5 You shouldn't keep in contact with your ex.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't expect people to always stay at their job.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to want to have a good time at an event.,1,0.5 It's expected you return the food if it's not what you ordered,1,0.5 It is rude to refuse a gift from a family member.,1,0.5 It is good to celebrate friendship.,1,0.5 It's good to find a path to recovery after you lose someone to suicide.,1,0.5 It's rude to stereotype others because of their national origin.,1,0.5 It is wrong to abuse children,0,0.0 It is nice to be able to start fresh.,0,0.0 You should see a therapist if you are tinking of using violence against another.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is weird to want to stare at a bilingual person.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should not ask your children for money.,1,0.5 It's ok to maintain privacy in your own home.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to spend time studying.,1,0.5 When a family member is addicted to drugs you are expected to try and save them.,1,0.5 It's fine to accept an invitation to a dance.,1,0.5 You should hug your parents when they gush about how grown up you are.,1,0.5 You should get help from your family if you're sick and can't be home alone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected you catch feelings when seeing someone attractive,1,0.5 It's normal to be nervous when you think something may have been broken.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to prematurely quit because of frustration.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to withhold important information from one's partner.,1,0.5 It's ok to have a glass of wine with dinner.,1,0.5 If you pay attention in class you should expect to be able to pass your exams.,0,0.0 You should always attend someone's funeral.,1,0.5 It's commendable to find a way out of addiction.,1,0.5 It's good to help out your kids when they are depressed.,1,0.5 It's okay to leave your gun at home on Halloween.,1,0.5 It's good to do things for your family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is irresponsible to rack up debt.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to not like eating vegetables.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't lie just to reject date offers.,1,0.24999999999999994 "When your child's glasses break, you should replace them.",1,0.5 You should feel guilty when you frame someone for a mistake.,1,0.5 "If a friend is dating someone who treats them badly, it's good to encourage them to break up with them.",1,0.5 It is disrespectful to go through someone elses belongings with out permission.,1,0.5 It's wrong to lose touch with your true self.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be careful so you don't grab the wrong bottle and mix it up with your beer.,1,0.5 It is expected for children to remain in contact with their parents.,1,0.5 It’s good to get things off your chest if they’ve been weighing on your mind,1,0.24999999999999994 It is disrespectful to curse at others.,1,0.5 It is expected that there will be disagreements in a relationship.,0,0.0 It's understandable for people to crave human contact.,1,0.5 "People will think you're deceptive if you have multiple, fake accounts.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to give books to kids so they can read them and get better at reading.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to feel confused about who you are.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't toy with people's emotions,1,0.5 You shouldn't destroy things.,1,0.5 People might think you're a thief if they see you handling stuff that isn't yours.,1,0.5 "If you're curious when a classmate's glasses are broken, you should ask them about it.",1,0.5 It's not okay to be greedy and unappreciative.,1,0.5 It's wrong to stalk people.,1,0.5 People should not lie to you even if they are someone you used to be involved with.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to try to read when you can't sleep at night.,1,0.5 It's understandable to have trouble helping others.,1,0.5 Parents should treat their children fairly.,1,0.5 It's good to be responsible.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want friends and family around when getting a medical operation.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to joke about AI becoming overlords in the future.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't let the past haunt you.,1,0.5 It is okay to make your own choices about how to spend your time,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always give back to people who give their all to you.,0,0.0 It is rude to cancel plans.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should not let personal relationships get in the way of your relationship with family.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad to eat too many calories.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't give attitude to people.,0,0.0 It's good to face people rather than hide from them.,1,0.24999999999999994 People are expected to get along with others.,1,0.5 It's OK not to be interested in everything that your significant other is.,1,0.5 It's good to visit your family in the nursing home.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't be friends with ex's.,1,0.24999999999999994 Is wrong to be a pervert,1,0.5 It's nice to be a likable person.,1,0.5 It's polite to take part in the lives of your significant others' family.,1,0.7499999999999999 You are expected to respect other people's boundaries.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be there for someone that is depressed.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you judge a 9 year old that drinks from a bottle.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't always expect tips.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is rude to blame someone for something without proof.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't let someone cheat during a chess game.,1,0.5 It’s good to be in love.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to give people gifts.,1,0.5 It is rude to cut in line.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's hurtful to break up with someone.,1,0.5 It is wrong to have a bizarre attitude as a parent to your children.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to abuse your girlfriend.,0,0.0 It is okay to be honest with your friends.,1,0.5 It's understandable to not invite people to a party.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is bad to put candy in your pocket if it is stolen.,1,0.5 It's good to have a positive attitude about yourself.,1,0.5 It is difficult to get used to a job when just starting out.,1,0.5 You shouldn't see sad movies if they always upset you.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't judge people on their looks,1,0.24999999999999994 It is sad when a marriage falls apart.,1,0.5 It's normal to sometimes be unhappy with your job,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to teach your children to be respectful of others,1,0.5 It's good to teach your kids a second language if you know it.,1,0.5 It is okay to have standards for how tasks are completed.,0,0.0 You aren't expected to go to your parents house every year for Thanksgiving after you move out if you don't feel like it,1,0.5 "If you have herpes, you should see a doctor.",1,0.5 It's wrong for employees to handle personal business on their employer's time.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to be unfaithful to your spouse.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't give someone attention when they don't want it.,0,0.0 It's good to want to do what's in the best interest of your pet.,0,0.0 It's normal for women to want to start a family,1,0.5 It's wrong to discard a friend for trivial reasons.,0,0.0 It's good to think about your future.,1,0.5 It's okay to end a relationship that's not healthy.,1,0.5 It's hard to have a family in the military,1,0.5 It's okay to be unsure about your feelings for yourself.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is expected that some mothers do not like being pregnant.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's hurtful to hate somebody close to you.,1,0.5 It's good to want a clear conscience.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is rude to cancel plans.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to yell at a kid.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to feel regret at the result of someone's death.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should seek out relationships with people closer to your own age.,1,0.5 You should warn your daughter-in-law before you come to her home.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you're sad when your stepchildren don't appreciate you on Mother's Day.,0,0.0 It's good to have a hobby.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have people you can use to improve yourself.,1,0.5 It's okay to move from home.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is ok to get exercise in by riding your bike.,1,0.5 It's rude to call someone a nerd.,1,0.5 You should always heed someone's words of warning.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's depraved to be a loose woman who'll drop her panties for any old drunk she can find.,1,1.0 It is common to have mutual friends with your ex.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to lend helping hands to your friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't get so consumed by anger.,1,0.5 It's good to be thrifty.,1,0.5 It's understandable that people always can't afford the things they want.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't expect to avoid spoilers for a show that is old.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be respectful of your partner's family's religious values.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad form to feed your pets leftovers from your dinner plate.,1,0.5 You should communicate with your partner about your expectations when you're dating.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't get pissed off at your siblings.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad to eat too many calories.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to give someone everything they need for something.,1,0.5 You shouldn't befriend someone who threatened one of your friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 Bandmates are expected to get along with each other.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable to not want family around who causes trouble for you.,1,0.5 People shouldn't dwell on things which happened weeks ago.,1,0.5 It's understandable that we expect people to keep their promises.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to give children a healthy and supportive home,1,0.24999999999999994 People would think you're a maniac if you admitted to wanting to hurt small animals.,0,0.0 It's hurtful to break up with someone.,1,0.5 It's bad to cut yourself with a knife.,0,0.0 "When mistakes are made, it's good to apologize.",0,0.0 It's rude to not believe your best friend.,0,0.0 You aren't expected to like everyone and everything.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable if you want to beg for a second chance.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should not apologize insincerely.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to call people names.,1,0.5 It's good to bandage a scraped knee.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't always respond to people online especially if you have nothing nice to say.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to do poorly in school.,1,0.5 Taking advantage of a corporations kindness is selfish.,1,0.5 It's wrong to tell people their sexual orientation is an illness,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't do things that make your friends mad.,0,0.0 You should not have to hide how you are feeling.,1,0.24999999999999994 If someone is hiding you from their friends and family it is reasonable to conclude that they do not really care about you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to put off your responsibilities till later.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't have doubts about your abilities.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If your child can't read well, people might think you're doing something wrong as a parent.",1,0.5 It's good to help family when they can't do something on their own.,1,0.5 It's understandable to feel hurt by your partner not being open with you.,1,0.5 It's good to trust those you care about.,1,0.5 It's good to help someone feel needed.,1,0.5 It's expected that people be close to their families.,0,0.0 It's wrong to share something that someone has told you in confidence.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is ok to choose not to get pregnant.,1,0.5 You should always try to mediate your parent's arguments.,1,1.0 It's okay to be upset when your family doesn't like your new partner.,1,0.5 It's expected that you let your parents see your children.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's allowed to take some time to become savvy with money.,1,0.5 It is okay to feel betrayed by a partner.,1,1.0 People might think you're clumsy if you break stuff.,1,0.5 It's acceptable to think outside the box when fishing.,1,0.5 It's good to give people news that brings them joy.,1,0.5 It is good to have rules.,1,0.5 It's not okay to base your happiness on the things you have.,1,0.5 You shouldn't yell at your friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have some laughter in your life every day.,1,0.5 It is good to be pleasantly surprised.,1,0.5 It is okay to have money problems.,1,1.0 It's good to be honest with friends about possible suspicious behavior from their partner.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's fine to ask your parents for help paying for your wedding.,1,0.5 It is good to be included in a group.,1,0.5 It's discouraged to be in love with your own image.,1,0.24999999999999994 People are expected to be supportive of their family members.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to keep in touch with your friends.,1,0.5 It's understandable to feel guilty.,1,0.5 "If you want your garden to be protected, you should put a fence around it.",1,0.5 You shouldn't lie to people about quitting your job.,1,0.5 It's okay to want assistance from your parents as a child.,1,0.5 "It's great to acknowledge, and help, if your spouse is emotionally struggling.",1,0.5 You shouldn't eat your co workers food.,1,0.5 It's fine to want to move to another location to live.,1,0.5 You should have realistic expectations when you go to a nudist club.,1,0.5 It is okay to date who you want to,0,0.0 It's understandable if you're afraid of your spouse when they return home from combat.,1,1.0 It's okay to be worried about your spouse when they're exhausted.,1,0.5 You should bring supplies when you go spelunking.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be prepared for bad weather.,1,0.5 It's nice to do kind things for a stranger.,1,0.5 It's wrong to invade someones privacy,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you're in a teaching position, you should try to treat your students fairly",1,0.24999999999999994 You should be grateful when people do nice things for you.,1,0.5 You shouldn't let drunk people stay in your place.,1,0.5 It's wrong to demand special attention from people who aren't your spouse.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to break up with someone that is dishonest.,1,0.5 You should care more about your parent's feelings.,0,0.0 It's honorable to donate some of your money to charity now and then.,1,0.5 It's not okay to go overboard trying to impress someone.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should not come between your child and their spouse.,0,0.0 It's good to buy new shoes if you need them.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always respect someone's things.,1,0.5 It's unacceptable to abandon a pregnant spouse,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to tell the truth.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be self-righteous about things.,0,0.0 You should practice your handwriting if it's poor.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to try new foods.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be understanding when your spouse is a victim of a phone scam.,1,0.5 It's wrong to believe hoaxes about vaccines being unsafe.,1,0.5 It's nice to give other people flowers.,1,0.24999999999999994 A parent isn't expected to make excuses for the bad behavior of their former partner.,1,0.5 It is wrong to commit fraud,1,0.5 It's fun to go see a movie with your partner.,1,0.5 It's good to have a great time with others.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you have romantic feelings for your doctor.,1,1.0 It's expected that children grow up and become financially independent.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to turn your homework in on time.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be careful not to lose control when you are driving.,0,0.0 You shouldn't date someone that is going through a divorce.,1,0.5 It is bad to buy things if they are out of your budget.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's nice to bring someone breakfast in bed so they don't have to cook.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to help others that are less fortunate.,1,0.5 It can be difficult for some people to talk about their gender identities to others.,1,0.5 It's good to watch a tutorial before you do something new.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's rude to not be supportive of a friend.,0,0.0 It is good to not go to a party if someone there is sick.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is wrong to judge someone by appearance.,0,0.0 It's good to have something you wear for luck.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to marry someone for their money.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to meddle in someone else's work.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to forgive others.,0,0.0 It is good to help people who are down on their luck.,1,0.5 There should be trust in a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to do drugs.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is ok if not all people have happy lives because they did something illegal and bad and had to go to jail.,1,0.5 It's good to tell other people's your experiences with things.,0,0.0 You should bring supplies when you go spelunking.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be respectful to strangers.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be supportive of your partner.,1,0.5 It is impolite to cuddle at the dinner table.,0,0.0 You should not go against someone's wishes.,1,0.5 It's okay if you feel sad that your child won't teach your grandchildren your language when you speak something different.,1,0.5 Getting an education is good for your future.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to cheat on your significant other.,1,0.5 You're expected to try and work things out with your friends.,0,0.0 "If you don't care about something, you should be honest about it.",1,0.5 It's good to take the medication your doctor prescribes.,0,0.0 "It's good to have ambitions, even if they're currently unobtainable.",1,0.5 You should without delay bring up serious concerns about your child's development with their doctor.,1,0.5 It's good to learn how to control your temper.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to not want to have to listen to things you don't want to.,1,0.5 It is good to avoid eating bodily fluids.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to snatch money that doesn't belong to you.,1,0.5 You are allowed to set boundaries for your spaces.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's important to take care of vulnerable members of society.,1,0.5 It's not okay to do things that cause conflict in a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to tell a partner how to dress.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't tell someone you have feelings for them when they are dating someone else.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is ok to be happy for others in good relationships.,1,0.5 You shouldn't frustrate others.,0,0.0 It is bad to take your anger out on others.,1,0.5 Its more fun to play outside if the internet isn't working.,1,0.5 It is cruel to leave rabbits outside in the cold all winter.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable not to want to discuss failed marriages.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that coworkers will support each other.,1,0.5 It's okay to tell someone that you don't want to look at their personal photos.,1,0.5 It's good to flirt.,1,0.5 It is ok to be upset if someone calls you weird.,1,0.5 It is common for people to try to hide bad habits.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you don't notice something in your path.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's not okay to betray someone that care about you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to feel good about doing good works.,0,0.0 It's rude to hurt your family members.,1,0.5 It's good to keep in contact with your friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be worried about your spouse when they're exhausted.,1,0.5 It's normal to put things in order before you die.,1,0.5 It's good to start a daycare for kids in your home.,1,0.7499999999999999 Keeping others late when they should have left already is rude.,1,0.5 It's wrong to not appreciate something someone gave you as a gift.,1,0.7499999999999999 "If you're addicted to drugs, you should get help.",1,0.5 It is expected that you will forgive someone if they apologize.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should try to keep your kitchen clean.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's important to have good hygiene when you want to be close to someone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to think dogs understand your language.,1,0.5 It's good to be skeptical of people who always happen to suffer from whatever dietary issue is trending.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to miss your team's matches because you're injured.,1,0.5 It is okay to want to spend time with friends.,0,0.0 It's good to get out there and experience new things in life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is unusual to address your parents by their first names instead of mom and dad.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't share your private affairs with others.,1,0.7499999999999999 If you practice often you can expect to be the best in your class.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's not okay to demand things from people you don't really need.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's allowed to ask for space from someone when you're not sure of your future together with them.,1,0.5 You shouldn't let your sibling befriend an adult if they are a minor.,1,0.24999999999999994 People are sometimes sad when things they like break.,1,0.5 It's normal to get frustrated from time to time,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to ask for help when you need it.,0,0.0 You should take your partner with you when you travel.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you're sad when you spend your entire paycheck paying bills.,1,0.5 It's good to take action against people who break the law.,1,0.5 It's good to talk to creative people about their art.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is polite to wish others a happy holiday.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to have your own tastes and preferences,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to do things that can hurt someone you care abouts feelings.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want you significant other to sometimes pick up the tab.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to support one person more than another.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is understandable to be angry when someone lies to you.,0,0.0 It's good to like happy songs.,0,0.0 You should enjoy activities with the people close to you.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always pay for someone's service.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable that feelings are complicated and sometimes things happen that are difficult to get over.,1,0.5 It is good to like things other people give you.,1,0.5 You should take action immediately when you get a call for help.,1,0.5 It's understandable to have mixed feelings about a bad situation.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad to be in an accident.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to fall head over heels for someone when you first see them,1,0.5 It's honorable to defend your romantic partner in arguments.,1,0.5 You shouldn't get rid of an autographed item if you really love it.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's acceptable to control your own shop.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should only drive if you have a driver's license.,1,0.5 It is important to be patient with people.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't get back together with an ex.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to use people.,1,0.5 "When your child's glasses break, you should replace them.",1,0.5 It's good to attend college after you graduate from high school.,1,0.5 It's not okay to blame someone for something they have no control over.,1,0.5 You shouldn't feel too bad about receiving criticism if it is helpful.,1,0.5 It's normal to feel upset when you are rejected.,1,0.5 It's good to reconnect with people you haven't seen in awhile.,0,0.0 It's not selfish to want a baby that looks just like you.,0,0.0 People shouldn't lie about who they are.,1,0.5 You should be understanding of other people's situations.,0,0.0 It's not normal to see or hear things that aren't there.,1,0.5 You should practice before an audition.,1,0.5 It is expected for parents to do nice things for their children.,1,0.5 You should always tell someone if someone is talking smack about them.,1,0.5 You shouldn't overwork yourself if you're pregnant.,1,0.5 It is normal to want to spend a lot of time with a significant other.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to try to control your friend's life.,1,0.5 It is dramatic to run to the doctor everytime your child feels sick.,1,0.5 It is good to be responsible and make money.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to abandon those you love.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shoulld not worry about others being jealous when posting things on facebook.,1,0.5 You shouldn't frustrate others.,0,0.0 It's okay to feel ashamed about behavior you know is self-destructive.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be suspicious of your partner without a good reason.,1,0.5 It's good to know what kind of person that's good for you as a partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't buy things you can't afford while shopping.,1,0.5 You shouldn't get your teammates fired.,1,0.24999999999999994 "It's understandable that sometimes, people don't want to stay together.",1,0.5 It's bad to keep wild animals in cages.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to feel relieved when your ex is getting married.,1,0.5 You shouldn't base your self-worth on internet points,1,0.24999999999999994 A family is supposed to stick together and support each other no matter what.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to continue trying to talk to someone who doesn't want to talk to you.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be careful when you prescribe a patient medication.,0,0.0 It's okay to get advice form a senior person if you have a problem.,1,0.5 It's good to face people rather than hide from them.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should try not to waste too much time figuring out what you want.,1,0.5 It is expected that couples will talk about things that upset them.,0,0.0 It's insensitive to ignore human life over animal life.,1,0.5 "When a stranger asks you to pay for something, it's okay to say no.",1,0.5 Your grandparent would be sad if you broke off contact with them.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you don't want to buy something you aren't happy with.,1,0.24999999999999994 It’s good to love someone.,1,0.5 "You should approach sex as a way to express feelings, not as a way of keeping score.",1,0.5 It's ok to still have feelings for a deceased spouse.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable if you're confused when you get a new appliance.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's painful to leave a loved one.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you are annoyed when your employee is late for their shift.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to be sad if you feel rejected.,1,0.5 You should tell your in-laws if they are doing something that is harming your kids.,0,0.0 It's not okay to demand things from people that cause them extra burden.,1,0.5 It's bad to disregard the achievements of others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to have an overly pessimistic world view.,1,0.5 You should communicate with your partner about your expectations when you're dating.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't get upset over petty things.,0,0.0 It's wrong to give up on something important to you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to not want your past to bring you down.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't cheat against your partner's parent.,1,0.5 It's good to find things to help you soften your grief.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to experience new things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to get out of your comfort zone and try something new.,0,0.0 It's good to call your boss to let them know if you'll be late.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected for writing tasks to take longer if your handwriting is bad.,1,1.0 You should be there for your partner when they need you.,1,0.5 It's sad to have regrets.,1,0.5 It is good to interfere when someone is being offensive.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to do things that could hurt the people who are concerned's feelings.,1,0.5 It's ok to have a loved one cremated.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to damage someone else's car for being in your spot.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay for parents to be emotionally attached to their kids personal lives.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to call your boss to let them know if you'll be late.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't keep things a secret from your parents.,1,0.5 It's understandable to not be in the mood to go see a dance performance.,0,0.0 You should be careful when you are exploring caves.,1,0.5 It's good to want to be prepared for the future.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't judge the way your friends are.,1,0.5 You don't have to go along with what the crowd is doing if you don't want to.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is expected to help out your spouse financially.,1,0.5 You should sell something you have if it's worth a lot of money and you need money.,1,0.5 It's good to experience how the other half lives.,1,0.5 It is good to stick with something for a long period of time.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should let family stay at your home even if you don't like them.,1,0.5 You shouldn't assume people want to know how to do things,1,0.5 It's okay to be embarrassed when you trip over something you didn't see.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be upset when one is hungry.,1,0.5 It's good to forgive others.,1,0.5 It's mean to tell your partner that they're a bad cook.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected that you respect how other want to be identified,1,0.5 You should expect people to be worried about things sometimes.,1,0.5 It is reasonable to sad if your child does not love you.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should protect children.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's ok to dislike some sounds.,1,0.5 It is good to volunteer time to charitable efforts,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong for a parent to do things to make their children loose respect of them.,1,0.5 It is heartbreaking to miss a date because you are sick.,1,0.5 It's fine to watch any videos you find entertaining.,1,0.5 It's wrong to trivialize things by naming yourself after a terrorist organization.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to want to reminisce about the past sometimes.,0,0.0 It's wrong to have sex with someone who is married.,1,0.5 You shouldn't pry into your child's life.,1,0.5 It is rude to exclude people.,1,0.5 It's fun to do things with your family.,1,0.5 You shouldn't try to force someone to do a job they don't feel qualified to do.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to enjoy the things in life that make it good for you.,1,0.5 It's good to be prepared for your first try out for something.,1,0.5 It's good to avoid disturbing animals in the wild.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to figure things out.,0,0.0 It's bad to cause trouble at an event which is very important for your sibling.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to be proud of your children.,1,0.5 You should report this to the police.,1,1.0 It is exhilarating to have sexual fantasies.,1,0.5 It's good to follow people on social media.,1,0.5 It's rude to stare at someone who is differently abled.,1,0.5 You should not dwell on bad things from the past,1,0.5 People are expected to make sure their pets are safe.,1,0.5 You should always go outside to play when you have time.,1,0.5 People might start a fight with you if you dress up in a aggressively provocative costume.,1,0.5 You shouldn't try to get sympathy from people just because you're in the hospital.,1,0.5 It's courteous for you to reply back to people who messaged you online,1,0.24999999999999994 Friends should accept each other's word.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to want to break up with someone.,1,0.5 It's allowed to keep a cat that no one claims.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should do more productive things with your time.,1,0.5 It is good to fire someone if they are not the right fit.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to distance yourself from the friends of a loved one.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's allowed to be happy about the way clothing fits you.,1,0.5 It is expected that people will complain to an authority.,1,0.5 It's bad to cause trouble at an event which is very important for your sibling.,1,0.24999999999999994 Not everyone can be expected to be able to solve their issues in life on their own.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to feel angry when you are chronically ill.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be annoyed when you take a class with a biased teacher.,1,0.5 It's expected that you'll deliberate over your wedding dress.,1,0.5 You should always expect criticism from people for your eating habits.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't give ice cream to your dog.,1,0.5 It is bad to stalk on others.,1,0.5 You have the right to live wherever you want to.,1,0.5 It's wrong for a person to cheat on their significant other.,1,0.5 "People should use their creativity and imagination for games, instead of overspending money to buy more.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to want others to celebrate your joys with you.,1,0.5 It's good to have milk with cookies or dessert because they go well together.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to do things that make you feel good.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to think about the past and what you could have done differently,1,0.5 It's good to want to help others in life.,1,0.5 It's acceptable to date younger women.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's admirable to be able to admit your faults.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to masturbate in a public bathroom.,1,0.5 "If you don't like your room, you should spruce it up so it looks nice.",0,0.0 It is your right to not invite anyone you dont want to to your wedding.,1,0.5 It's not okay to be friends with someone you hate.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's fine to like feet.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to bribe someone to get what you want.,1,0.5 It is okay to need help in parenting.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to be concerned about others.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't put so much intrusive care on older patients.,1,0.5 It's bad to cut yourself with a knife.,0,0.0 You should treat employees well,1,0.5 It's expected that you not lash out at someone in public.,1,0.5 Families often have disagreements with their in-laws.,1,0.5 It is good to pay attention to the roads.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal for people to want to play in the snow.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's fine to move on from your ex.,1,0.5 You shouldn't expect a good grade if you didn't follow directions for your assignment.,1,0.5 It's understandable to not know what you are.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's rude to annoy someone intentionally.,1,0.5 You shouldn't try to sabotage your life.,1,0.5 "If there's a bunch of old food in your fridge, you should toss it all out.",1,0.5 It's good to give gifts.,0,0.0 It's wrong to say mean things about a recently deceased person,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to ask why people are in a hurry so you know what is wrong.,1,0.5 Partners are expected to work together.,1,0.5 It is bad to only care about what others think of you.,1,0.5 It’s wrong to text someone else romantically while in a relationship.,1,0.5 You should exercise to stay healthy.,1,0.5 It's okay not to want to go out with others.,1,0.5 It is bad to taste test at stores.,1,0.5 It's expected that you be intimate in a marriage.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good not to be lonely.,1,0.5 It is bad to scream at others.,1,0.5 It's best not to wait too long to get help in resolving an issue.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad to withhold medication from people who need it.,1,0.5 It's rude to repeat your requests.,1,0.5 You should always include your family members in your birthday plans.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is kind to not require payment for something.,1,0.5 It is controlling to end a friendship over who they choose to be friends with.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to add extra conditions to gifts.,0,0.0 It's not good to linger on the past for a long time,1,0.5 It's good to visit the dentist regularly.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to lock someone out of their house.,1,0.5 You should treat everyone equally.,0,0.0 It's okay to be addicted to something.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to be too dependent on your friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to refrain from doing something you know is wrong.,1,0.24999999999999994 Children should be supervised while using electronics.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is immoral for a supervisor to pursue their employees romantically.,1,0.5 It's understandable not everyone like's their parents.,0,0.0 You shouldn't expect your parent to always be available to help you with your school work.,1,0.5 You should do proper maintenance on your car,1,0.5 It is bad to tamper with hotel property,1,0.5 You shouldn't be in love with your friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay if you don't want to pay for an ambulance to get to the hospital.,1,0.5 You should be careful so you don't grab the wrong bottle and mix it up with your beer.,1,0.5 It's wrong to stop hanging out with someone due to their weight.,1,0.5 It's good to spend time studying.,1,0.5 You shouldn't demand things from your partner.,1,0.5 "One is expected to help their family, not pass their problems on to others.",1,0.24999999999999994 It is smart to implement examples you know that work.,1,0.5 It's wrong to love people who are engaged.,1,0.5 It is expected that you do not talk to exes.,0,0.0 You shouldn't push your friends around.,1,0.5 You should not insert yourself into someone's family celebration.,1,0.5 It is kind to do something selfless for someone else.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to fear future AI overlords.,1,0.5 You should always accept someone's kindness.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should speak with family and friends if you are feeling depressed.,0,0.0 It's okay to be worried when someone bandages an injury with cloth.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're hesitant to get into a relationship with your ex.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should make an effort to go out with your parents and do things together.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be scared of being rejected by someone you have a crush on.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is important to drive safely.,1,0.5 Clearing someone's name for a mistake you did and they are being blamed for is expected.,1,0.5 It's rude to leave your shoes laying around.,1,0.5 It is expected that couples will talk about things that upset them.,0,0.0 It is good to help other people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to buy things when you are happy with them.,1,0.5 You should be polite to other people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to find a compromise on things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to make someone feel worthless.,1,0.5 It's good to have friends you can joke around with.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't get involved with your best friend if you have a partner.,1,0.5 It is good to learn about mental illness.,1,0.5 It is considerate to use proper etiquette when posting online.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to want to get over a break up.,1,0.5 You are expected to be yourself.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to admire your parents.,1,0.5 It's bad to be in an accident.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to buy lottery tickets too often.,1,0.5 It is wrong to take video games too seriously.,1,0.5 It's good to lose weight if you're fat.,1,0.5 It's good to have someone to talk to when you need it.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to save up money to buy things you want,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to get bills.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't let your friends tell you what to do.,1,0.7499999999999999 "If you have a problem with lying, you should get some help.",0,0.0 It's okay to be angry at your partner if they do something inappropriate in public.,0,0.0 People will be concerned about you if they think you're depressed or suicidal.,1,0.5 It's ok to occasionally be forgetful.,0,0.0 It is good to uphold rules and laws,1,0.5 It's okay to be offended when your spouse doesn't want to sleep in the same bed with you.,1,0.5 You should always give your kids financial advice.,1,0.5 It's bad to be divorced with children.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to consider better educational opportunities.,1,0.5 It's bad to talk in class.,1,0.5 It is okay to expect neighbors to be respectful,1,0.5 It's kind to be happy when your ex gets married.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to be cheap.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to help out your roommates when they are in trouble.,1,0.5 It is good to learn about mental illness.,1,0.5 It's wrong to lie to someone paying you for your expertise.,1,0.5 It is expected that you take care of your pets,0,0.0 It's good to be famous for things.,1,0.5 It's understandable to keep things from kids.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to let your mood impact your relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to want a partner to wear clothing that appeals to you.,1,0.5 You shouldn't move when you're happy in your home.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to take time to accept someone's death.,1,0.5 It is wrong to impersonate someone in hopes of a reward.,1,0.5 It is sloppy for a doctor to make a hurried diagnosis.,0,0.0 It's expected that parents restrict children who are performing poorly in school.,1,0.5 It is good to keep your wedding vows.,1,0.5 it's mean for someone to lose their temper with their pet,1,0.5 It's good to suggest help to people with depression.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to be prepared before you go somewhere new.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's impolite to discuss butchering an animal well people are eating,1,0.7499999999999999 It is rude to ignore someone without telling them why.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to spend the afternoon with your buddies.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to hit a home run while playing baseball.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that siblings be nice to each other.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't discriminate against groups of people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you won't throw chemicals in people's eyes.,0,0.0 It's rude to make fun of someone's weight.,1,0.5 It's okay to have odd sexual fetishes.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to share someone else's secrets.,0,0.0 It's not okay to bother someone while they are at work.,0,0.0 It's important to maintain your marriage successfully.,0,0.0 It can be difficult to control what you do subconsciously.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should make sure your pockets can securely contain your belongings.,1,0.5 It's wrong to abuse your spouse.,1,0.24999999999999994 People should treat all creatures with kindness.,1,0.5 It's expected that sometimes a person you're with doesn't want to deal with kids from a previous relationship.,1,0.5 It's encouraged to take an interest in your personal fitness.,1,0.5 You should call out cheaters.,1,0.5 It's good to talk to someone who is going through a tough time.,1,0.5 You shouldn't say mean and hurtful things to people at work.,1,0.5 Partners are expected to discuss conflicts.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be stressed during pregnancy.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should always tip people for their serves.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's best to represent someone as they actually are and not lie about it.,1,0.5 It's wrong to exchange money and goods for sexual photos without your spouse's knowledge.,1,0.5 "If you're broke, you should get a job.",1,0.5 You shouldn't trust creepy people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's frowned upon to throw a tantrum.,1,0.5 It is weird to go out with your ex's best friend.,1,0.5 You shouldn't toy with people's emotions,1,0.5 It is good to volunteer time to charitable efforts,1,0.24999999999999994 It is important to stand up for yourself.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't judge people that have medical issues.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to not take others thoughts and emotions into consideration,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to change your mind about a big life decision.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be self-righteous about things.,0,0.0 It is alright not to go along with everything your friends do,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you feel nostalgic when you move.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's kind to foster a cat that's been rescued.,1,0.5 It is wrong to betray your friends.,0,0.0 It's acceptable to not forgive someone after a sexual infidelity has occurred.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to tell the world about a joyous event.,1,0.5 You should always follow the traffic rules.,1,0.5 It's rude to shut other people out.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have proper dental hygiene.,1,0.5 It is ok to buy something you enjoy when you can afford it.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to wish you were young again,1,0.5 It's bad to call yourself a loser.,0,0.0 It's bad to call yourself a loser.,0,0.0 It's dangerous to break glass with your hand.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be kind to your friends.,1,0.5 It's normal to put things in order before you die.,1,0.5 It is wrong to do things that upset others.,1,0.7499999999999999 You're a bad person if you gossip about your spouse on the internet.,1,0.5 You shouldn't annoy the people you sit by.,0,0.0 "If a relationship makes you happy, it's okay to pursue it with your whole being",1,0.5 It's bad when people die.,0,0.0 It's disrespectful to question someone else's dietary needs.,1,0.5 It's okay to seek out help from a relationship councillor to try and make amends,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to tell others what to do.,1,0.5 It's good to make yourself look good in front of your partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to keep track of information about your friends and family.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to be proud of how loud you can burp.,0,0.0 "If your friends are excluding you, it's okay to be angry.",1,0.5 It's okay to be sad when you get your old account banned.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should learn how to properly pronounce someone's name.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to endanger people.,0,0.0 It's not okay to set yourself up for failure.,1,0.5 It's wrong to hide something from your spouse so that they can't find it when they need it.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to let your children behave badly.,1,0.5 It's allowed to be happy about the way clothing fits you.,1,0.5 It's dreadful to let food go to waste.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is ok to be annoyed when someone stares at you because you know another language.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be annoyed when someone begs you for something.,1,0.5 You shouldn't expect people to accept your gifts.,1,0.5 It is expected that you would be upset if someone excluded you because you have special needs.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should not feel ashamed if you are getting abused by your significant other.,1,0.5 You shouldn't back off on paying rent.,1,0.5 You should make sure you're ready before having children,1,0.5 It's good to be pleased about work you have done.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always follow tradition.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to not know everything.,1,0.24999999999999994 Parents should involve children in their problems,1,0.24999999999999994 "People should look out for their partners, not take advantage of them.",1,0.24999999999999994 You should be gentle when you are handling butterflies.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's painful to be abused by your partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be relieved when you find a landmark in the wilderness.,1,0.5 You should be supportive of your significant other.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't give sexy gifts to family because it's not appropriate.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to have a different sense of humor than your friends.,0,0.0 It's understandable if you're hurt when your family criticizes your job.,1,0.5 It's bad to call yourself a loser.,0,0.0 You shouldn't expect birthday presents from your friends.,1,0.5 You should always demand respect for your things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to try to mediate your kids' arguments when they are getting out of hand.,1,0.5 It's okay to be afraid of the doctor.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should go to the ER if you have an emergency.,1,0.5 You don't have to help out your parents if you don't feel like it.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's nice to use language that is politically correct.,1,0.5 You shouldn't stay at someone's place if you are drunk.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's normal to sometimes be unhappy with your job,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to pry into other people's family business.,0,0.0 It's okay to feel frustrated when someone you just had sex with kicks you out.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's typical to share a room with family members at a hotel.,1,0.5 It's normal for people to want to protect their loved ones.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to be impolite towards people.,1,0.5 You shouldn't fart around other people.,1,0.5 It is good to be generous,1,0.5 It's expected that you answer the door when someone is knocking.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's important to discuss controversial opinions with people that disagree.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's not okay to be suspicious of others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to engage in illegal activities,1,0.5 It's okay to keep gifts no matter what happens after the fact.,1,0.5 It's painful to lose a spouse.,1,0.5 It's okay to enjoy a picnic outside.,1,0.5 You are allowed to view more information on people to get to know them.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to interrupt people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to talk to your family about your problems.,0,0.0 It's okay not to understand money issues.,1,0.5 It's expected that you will share activities with your significant other.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to not let a significant other do things they think are fun.,1,0.24999999999999994 Friends should support each other thru hard times.,1,0.5 Families should be able to talk out their problems with each other.,1,0.5 It's wrong to tell on people when they aren't doing anything to hurt you.,1,0.5 It is debilitating to have severely depressed behavior.,1,0.5 It's acceptable to take flowers to a funeral.,1,0.5 You should run away from people that are trying to harm you.,1,0.5 "When you have to take care of someone with special needs, it's okay to feel overwhelmed.",1,0.24999999999999994 You should learn to respect your parents in law.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to not be attracted to people.,1,1.0 It is bad to be cheap and stingy,1,0.5 It is common to confront someone to try to get them to stop smoking.,1,0.5 A family is supposed to stick together and support each other no matter what.,1,0.24999999999999994 You are allowed to seek treatment for insomnia.,1,0.5 It's good to take care of a garden and be outside.,1,0.5 It's fine to be disturbed by friends injury.,1,0.5 It's good to exercise so you can lose weight.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is ok to live with a roommate of the opposite sex if you are just friends.,1,0.5 You should not mess with other people's passwords,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wise to discipline your children when they've done something wrong.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be upset over making bad choices.,1,0.5 You shouldn't eat foods that are unhealthy.,1,0.5 It's good to ask to be forgiven for things you have done wrong.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to volunteer time to charitable efforts,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to feel sexual attraction to women.,1,0.5 It is expected that you will attempt to learn the rules that you are expected to follow.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not safe to drive if you can't see,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be embarrassed when you get a stain on your shirt.,1,0.5 It's expected that falling can be dangerous.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to assume someone is incapable because they are handicapped.,1,0.5 It's expected that you honor your work commitments.,0,0.0 You shouldn't judge people based on what they know.,1,0.5 It's wrong to have weird sexual fantasies.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good for children to be physically active.,1,0.5 It's ok to be honest with people about who you are.,1,0.5 It's okay to be angry with people that you love when it comes to the safety of your children.,0,0.0 It's good to respect women.,1,0.5 It's acceptable to want a memento of your family member.,1,0.24999999999999994 Creepy behavior is unacceptable.,1,0.5 "If you fantasize about torture, you should get some therapy.",1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to tamper with hotel property,1,0.5 It's rude to make assumptions about people of different beliefs.,0,0.0 It is rude to talk on the phone in a quiet place.,1,0.5 It is normal to want to undo an action you regret.,1,0.5 "If you suspect someone is sick, you should talk to them.",1,0.5 It's not okay to assume what other people thought.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to go out with others.,0,0.0 People are expected to be grateful when someone does something for them.,1,0.5 Dressing up in a Confederate costume will make you look racist.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's normal to have doubts,1,0.5 You shouldn't abuse alcohol.,1,0.5 It is important for both partners to use birth control items.,1,0.5 It is ok to talk to an employee if you notice bad habits from them.,1,0.5 It's good to be compassionate with yourself.,1,0.5 It's understandable that feelings are complicated and sometimes things happen that are difficult to get over.,1,0.5 Helping someone you know is struggling to make a positive change is expected.,1,0.5 It is irrational to think about someone who left you decades earlier.,1,0.5 It's good to have someone's favorite food with them.,0,0.0 It is good to reassure your kids of your health.,1,0.5 It is wrong to doubt your relationship.,1,0.5 It's nice to do something special for a mate.,1,0.5 You should expect most kids to go to college after high school.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to have fun at a party,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to have doubts,1,0.5 It's rude to make people babysitter often.,1,0.5 It is wrong to make someone leave their own party.,1,0.5 It is expected that people will be kind to each other.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to bring up child abuse that happened in the past.,1,0.5 You should be supportive of your significant other.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is frustrating if you don't receive an answer to a question.,1,0.5 You shouldn't try to carry too many things at once.,1,0.5 It is reasonable to be disappointed if something you were excited about makes you unhappy.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to not let someone do something inappropriate at your wedding.,1,0.5 It is good to maintain a healthy romantic relationship,1,0.5 You should practice your handwriting if it's poor.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be nervous about cooking for your significant other if you never have before.,1,0.5 Dressing nice can make you look good to others.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's ok sometimes to not respond to someone.,1,0.24999999999999994 Children are expected to speak in a respectful manner to their parents.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to not want kids.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good for children to have a large extended family,1,0.5 You should always tell people when you are having problems so they can help you.,1,0.5 It is okay to grieve.,1,0.5 It's ok to not share your food.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is bad to be negligent,1,0.5 Cheating on a significant other is wrong.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to intentionally confuse others for a joke.,1,0.5 It's good to like your job.,1,0.5 You shouldn't talk down on yourself.,0,0.0 It's good to please your parents.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's important to have good hygiene when you want to be close to someone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is reasonable to be disappointed if something you were excited about makes you unhappy.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to take your time when writing.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's harmful to bottle up negative feelings towards friends or family.,0,0.0 Adults are expected to bathe daily.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should listen to the advice of doctor's,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to be a horrible person.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to back out on a commitment.,0,0.0 You're expected to clean up something you've spilled.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to have trouble dating.,1,0.5 It's okay to regret mistakes from your past.,1,0.24999999999999994 You're expected to improve your qualifications in order to get a better job.,1,0.5 It is ok to be annoyed when someone stares at you because you know another language.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to like to spend time alone.,0,0.0 It's wrong to be abusive toward your significant other.,1,0.5 It’s bad to let your hobbies get in the way of your family life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is customary to wear the teams colors that you support.,0,0.0 It is expected that a guest will follow house rules even if they are family.,1,0.5 You shouldn't marry someone that cross dresses unless you're okay with it.,1,0.5 You shouldn't pay other people's bills.,1,0.5 It's important to communicate with your partner openly and honestly.,1,0.5 It is okay to use humor to lighten the mood,1,0.5 It's expected that some people can't find anyone to talk to when they need to.,1,0.5 It's wrong to not care about someone you are married to.,0,0.0 People expect you to say hello if they know you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to watch someone changing their clothes.,1,0.7499999999999999 You can research people to get to know them better.,1,0.5 It's fine to not take your significant other's side if you don't agree with them.,1,0.5 It's good to compliment people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to not let people have the important events the way they want them.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected people who have a serious relationship will be there to support each other.,1,0.5 It is unpatriotic to avoid enlisting in the army.,1,0.5 You should always show up to a play date.,1,0.24999999999999994 It’s good to be in love.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you think manners are a thing of the past.,1,0.5 It is common to have mutual friends with your ex.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to expect things that are commitment level from a significant other.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to think differently.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should expect your family to come back to you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to to listen to what you want.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is normal to fail a student if they don't know the material.,1,0.5 You should be supportive of your friends when they are struggling with an addiction.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should put food out for your pet when they are missing.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't move out of state if you're in a relationship.,1,0.5 It's rude to ban someone's account.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't try to pass the blame of your farts onto someone else.,1,0.5 It's understandable to not want to get more education if you're already working.,1,0.5 You are expected to show reverence at a funeral home.,1,0.5 It's good to end your relationship with your partner if it isn't working out.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't get your partner to dump you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to cover for someone who is cheating.,1,0.5 It's good to be in a relationship where you are safe to ask for things.,1,0.5 You shouldn't pressure your romantic partner to do things they aren't comfortable with,1,0.5 It's bad to threaten people.,1,0.5 It's wrong to favor your older kids over your younger kids.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's important to prioritize your own mental health.,1,0.5 You shouldn't annoy the people you sit by.,0,0.0 It's not okay to treat children like they are a burden.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to not want to do things that hurt someone.,1,0.5 It is unacceptable to cheat on your spouse.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's OK to live your life however you want.,1,0.5 It's rude to make baseless accusations against another person.,1,0.5 It's bad to be jealous of money.,1,0.5 It's bad to tell on other people.,1,0.5 You shouldn't abandon your pets.,1,0.5 Is good to spend time with family,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to be surprised by a bill.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to refrain from doing something you know is wrong.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to do things on your own.,1,0.5 You are expected to give people space if they ask for it.,1,0.5 It's okay to show your disgruntlement with what someone does.,1,0.5 It's important for pets to have a collar,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to want you significant other to sometimes pick up the tab.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's reasonable to call the city when you have a problem with a neighbor.,1,0.5 It's good to receive early screenings for diseases.,1,0.5 You should apologize if you accidentally injure someone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal for people to want to play in the snow.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't pay other people's bills.,1,0.5 It's okay to feel excited if you almost missed your plane but you made it!,1,0.5 You should always answer someone's question if they are concerned about you.,1,0.5 It is expected that you not let your children play in dangerous areas.,1,0.5 It's okay to wish you had your old account on social media.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is important to discuss birth control.,0,0.0 It's bad to look to old.,1,0.5 It is wasteful to get a divorce if two people are still in love.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should make others feel good about themselves.,1,0.5 You should do your best on assignments so that you can good grades,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't lie about your picture on dating apps.,1,0.24999999999999994 Being lazy about keeping the house clean is bad behavior.,1,0.5 It's wrong to scam people out of money.,0,0.0 It's good to return your deposit when you're finished with a credit union.,1,1.0 It's good to date again when you're a widow or widower.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't push your partner away from you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's important to prioritize your own personal health over the feelings of others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to make decisions about your feelings.,0,0.0 It's understandable to need privacy.,1,0.5 It is understandable for parents to want to take care of their child when they are in need.,1,0.5 It's good to go to the zoo to learn about animals.,0,0.0 It's good to find your true love.,1,0.5 It's good to find the perfect clothes.,1,0.5 You should get help if you're sick.,1,0.5 It is bad to abandon those you love.,1,0.24999999999999994 Its not okay to make a friend of a friend leave if your friend wants them there.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's nice to stay close to your parents after moving.,1,0.5 It's okay to be attracted to whoever you find yourself attracted to.,1,0.7499999999999999 "When you have to take care of someone with special needs, it's okay to feel overwhelmed.",1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to withhold an answer to a question.,1,0.5 You shouldn't let other people access your accounts,1,0.24999999999999994 You should not emotionally abandon your partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that children love their parents,1,0.24999999999999994 It's weird to be happy to leave your friends behind.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is ok to not enjoy being pregnant.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's important to respect the culture of other people.,1,0.5 It's not okay to be overly suspicious.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to exclude the friends of your friends.,1,0.5 It is bad to raise your kids in a bad environment.,1,0.5 It is typical for there to be mean-spirited behavior when a marriage deteriorates.,1,0.5 Partners are expected to want to spend a good amount of time with each other.,1,0.5 It is good to reassure your kids of your health.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're concerned about a classmate when their glasses have been broken for months.,1,0.5 Partners are expected to do kind things for each other.,1,0.5 It's understandable to have difficulty leaving your abusive significant other.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected you finish your goals when you set out to achieve them,1,0.24999999999999994 You should pick things up that you have spilled.,1,0.5 It's okay to be addicted to something.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't be friends with someone who is a cheater.,1,0.5 It's good to be honest about your situation at work.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to grieve.,1,0.5 Taking care of someone elses dog is not your responsibility.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's kind to let a friend stay in your home when they need a place to live.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be desperate enough to seek out organs on the black market.,1,1.0 You shouldn't support lazy people.,1,0.5 It's wrong to hide things from children.,1,0.24999999999999994 You aren't expected to go to your parents house every year for Thanksgiving after you move out if you don't feel like it,1,0.5 It's good to be respectful during a breakup.,1,0.5 "When you break up with someone you are expected to move out,",1,0.5 It's good to potty train your kids.,0,0.0 People are expected to control their animals.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to lie to others.,1,0.5 You're expected to find ways to alleviate your annoyance when it's directed at yourself.,1,0.5 You shouldn't judge others by their weight.,1,0.5 It is wrong to want to be humiliated.,1,0.5 Ex-partners are not expected to keep having sex with each other.,1,0.24999999999999994 Is it okay to be angry,1,0.5 It's normal to learn how to date in high school.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to choose sides.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to chose a groomsman connected with painful memories.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to want to do things to show someone you care.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to not want to face the truth.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to help others when they need it.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be upset by office politics.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be careful when making gravy so you don't burn it.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to not hate the art others create.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal for people to forget things even if they happened very recently.,1,0.5 It's good for kids to have friends they can play with.,1,0.5 Pregnant women are expected to get respect not sexual objectification.,1,0.5 It's wrong to brag about things.,1,0.5 It is common for kernels of corn to appear in your poop after eating corn.,1,0.5 It's good to invite your family members to events that are important to you,1,0.5 You shouldn't argue with your roommates.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's fun to hang out with your buddies.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be respectful when you are negotiating the terms of a divorce.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected that you respond to your partner's text messages.,1,0.5 It is normal for parents to want to help their children,1,0.5 It is wrong to think that some people are not meant to have a happy life.,1,0.5 It's fun to do things with your friends.,1,0.5 It is good to choose to not harbor feelings of hatred within a family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to be passive aggressive in a relationship.,1,0.5 It's wrong to fight over someone's grieving.,0,0.0 It's bad to lose track of your belongings.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's nice to help your friends.,1,0.5 It's good for families to do things that bring them together.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should want your baby to look like both you and the other parent.,0,0.0 You shouldn't make stupid decisions.,1,0.5 You shouldn't do things without your sibling's permission.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is bad to keep secrets.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's fine to want some seclusion every once in a while.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you'll need to pay a repair shop for their services.,1,0.5 It's a bad idea to turn a friendship into a romance,0,0.0 You should never make a friend angry.,1,0.5 It's normal to feel angry when someone insults you for no reason.,1,0.5 You shouldn't think ill of your family.,1,0.5 It's sad to have regrets.,1,0.5 You shouldn't say mean things about liberal people.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to be happy if you don't owe money.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't say mean and hurtful things to people at work.,1,0.5 It is understandable to not want to hurt your partner's feelings.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to get a friend's help.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's common for males to hold doors open for females as a sign of respect.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to steal from others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's always good to help someone out if they are dyeing their hair because it's hard to do by yourself.,1,0.5 It's dangerous to eat under cooked pork products.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to want to honor your vows with your spouse.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to talk openly about your feelings when in a relationship.,1,0.5 It's understandable for a parent to not be able to do things for their adult children.,1,0.5 You shouldn't have sex with someone while drunk.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to get some exercise with a nice long run.,1,0.5 It's good to want someone to do their best.,1,0.5 You should respect the feelings of your friends.,1,0.5 You should feel guilty when you frame someone for a mistake.,1,0.5 You should seek medical treatment if you suspect you may suffer from food addiction.,1,0.5 It's understandable that children feel resentment when they're moved far from their friends.,1,0.5 It's okay to love who you want.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to be annoyed when your parents are obsessed with family heirlooms.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be offended when your partner doesn't want you cooking for their kids.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be angry about injustice.,1,0.5 It's wrong to joke about suicide.,1,0.5 It's good to cook for your significant other.,1,0.5 You should help when you see others struggling,0,0.0 It's wrong not to date someone just because of money.,1,1.0 It is understandable to want to meet your partner's family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to socialize with others at school.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should get your chores done as soon as possible so that you aren't putting them off till the last minute,0,0.0 It is okay to celebrate someone's life rather than grieve their death,1,0.24999999999999994 You are expected to respect your guests wishes in regards to giving a speech at your wedding.,1,1.0 It's wrong to ignore family members,0,0.0 It's wrong to pee in your pants if you're an adult.,1,0.5 It's not okay to hint around at things to people about things that upset you.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should make every point in a presentation good.,1,0.5 Getting a kiss on the cheek can make you feel good.,1,0.24999999999999994 You don't have to be responsible for a friend's illness if you don't want to,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to want to cheat on your spouse.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's gross to cut your nails around your partner.,1,0.5 It's okay to be unsure what you want to do in the future.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to be responsible and make money.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you're upset when your parents are strict.,1,0.5 It's wrong to run from the police.,1,0.5 It's good to have high self-esteem.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to make sure people are held accountable for immoral actions,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be careful when you prescribe a patient medication.,0,0.0 It's allowed to ask for space from someone when you're not sure of your future together with them.,1,0.5 It's good to put older people in a hospice because it protects them.,0,0.0 It's good to get your child a pet.,1,0.5 People can't be expected to go out of their way to meet someone in prison.,1,0.5 "If you want to buy a collectible in mint condition, you should be willing to pay the price it costs.",1,0.5 You should always show up.,0,0.0 It's good to save money.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's nice to chill out and listen to a drum circle.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to lead people on.,1,0.5 It's okay to take pictures of yourself.,1,0.5 It's fine to punish people who try to take advantage of a system.,1,0.5 It shows confidence to follow your own path when you know you're right.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's impolite to lie.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to pay more attention to your phone than the people you are with.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to wait until the last minute to do your homework.,1,0.5 It's understood that not everyone perceives problems to be the same seriousness.,1,0.5 It's not okay to talk badly about someone who has passed away.,1,0.5 You shouldn't put up with someone's coarse language.,1,0.5 It is okay to be hopeful about your goals.,1,0.5 It's nice to have a shot at love.,1,0.5 If you love someone you are expected to want to show them off to the world.,1,0.5 It's good to attend your first day of high school.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't expect people to work if they don't want to.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should not indulge in bad habits.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should look into nose strips when you snore.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to turn someone down if they want to date and they are your best friends ex.,1,0.5 People are expected to be monogamous.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you're excited to meet a famous artist.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're frustrated when you find out your friend has ignorant views towards homosexuality.,1,0.5 It's okay to get help when you need it.,1,0.24999999999999994 You're expected to come to accept someone's death.,1,0.5 If you are attending your best friends wedding you are expected to give a speech.,1,0.5 It's admirable to be able to notice your own faults.,1,0.5 It is wrong to engage in illegal activities,1,0.5 You shouldn't try to break up others.,1,0.5 Once you get married you are expected to stop chasing other women around.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's gross to dip crackers in soda.,1,0.5 It is good to be grateful for what others give you,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you see problems, you should get help.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to get out there and experience new things in life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's immoral to actively fight against social justice.,1,0.5 It's acceptable to remove toxic people from your life.,1,0.5 It's okay to cry when you're a child.,1,0.5 Stealing is considered a taboo.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't call people fat because it's rude.,0,0.0 It's nice to help ex-prisoners of war.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to make people scared for your safety.,1,0.5 It's understandable that sometimes we are so disappointed we can't control it.,1,1.0 It's expected that you be sad after breaking up with someone.,1,0.5 It's okay to grieve.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good for a parent to do things for their adult children.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is expected that you support your kids,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be willing to help your sibling when they ask you to foster an animal.,0,0.0 It is ok to refuse if you don't want to.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to physically harm yourself on purpose.,0,0.0 It's good to admire celebrities.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to be strict when you want your teenager to wise up.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should get help if worries are overtaking your life.,1,0.5 It is wrong to be racist to other people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be upset when you stain your favorite shirt.,1,0.5 It's understandable to not like your ex.,1,0.5 It's bad to be in pain.,1,0.5 "It's understandable that sometimes, people have reasons to want out of a situation.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to appreciate people for their talents.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is important to stay committed.,1,0.5 You should be hurt if someone does not invite you to their wedding because you are gay.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to find your true love.,1,0.5 It's okay to use the restroom.,0,0.0 It's mean to tell your sibling to eat poop.,1,0.24999999999999994 You parents don't have to share their personal situation with you if they don't want to.,1,0.5 It's rude to yell at your family and friends.,1,0.5 It is not wise to try and run from your problems.,1,0.5 It's polite to compliment others.,1,0.5 It's good to confront people who are being dishonest,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to consider your options about things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to cheat on your partner.,1,0.5 It's rude not to return a greeting from someone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that people will find puppies adorable.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't leave your partner.,1,0.5 It's expected that significant others will spend time together.,1,0.5 You shouldn't waste things.,0,0.0 You should apologize when you nick someone's temple with an umbrella.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you dismiss your child's nightmares.,1,0.5 "If someone is going to get fired, you should warn them.",1,0.5 You should expect people to judge you if you're ignorant about things.,1,0.5 It's disgusting to view some people as subhuman for no reason other than cursory judgments.,1,0.5 It's understandable to find others in life attractive.,1,0.5 It's good to write about things you enjoy.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to go for walks to clear your head when you're feeling rough,0,0.0 It's understandable that sometimes we get upset with our friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected that you follow a set schedule.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable that people do things that are silly sometimes.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be compassionate with yourself.,1,0.5 It's rude to make your signifiant other always pay for things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's important to communicate with your partner openly and honestly.,1,0.5 It's good to not want your past to bring you down.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is reasonable to be upset if a stranger tries to touch you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to want to people to bond and share time together.,0,0.0 It's wrong to be rude and insulting to someone even if we don't particularly like them.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay not to have an extravagant ceremony,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't be too concerned about your funeral attire.,1,0.5 You shouldn't spy on people.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't let assault go unpunished.,1,0.5 It's fine to take any side of the debate about abortion that you believe to be correct.,1,0.5 It's best to represent someone as they actually are and not lie about it.,1,0.5 You should be polite if you need to decline a gift.,1,0.5 It's good to want to live in a better world.,1,0.5 It's okay to question a doctor's advice.,1,0.5 It's courteous for you to reply back to people who messaged you online,1,0.24999999999999994 You should treat employees well,1,0.5 It's understandable to want a more inclusive work environment.,0,0.0 You should be hurt if someone does not invite you to their wedding because you are gay.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's mean to tell your partner that they're a bad cook.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to want to spend more time with your spouse.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is customary to wear the teams colors that you support.,0,0.0 You should confront people who mess up your home.,0,0.0 It's not okay to cheat on people in life.,1,0.5 It's rude to order the most expensive things on the menu when someone else is paying.,1,0.5 "If you're unhappy with sex in your marriage, you should probably divorce.",1,0.7499999999999999 It's understood that some people don't do everything perfectly.,0,0.0 Deciding not to be friends with someone any more is fine.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't park in other people's spots.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't tell your secrets to your friends.,1,0.5 You should not hold grudges against people.,1,0.5 It's normal for animals to not like medicine.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to take a seat in front of others if you are tall,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to eat food that your parent's significant other makes.,1,0.5 It's good to get help if you're so depressed you can't do anything.,1,0.5 It's expected you mind your business when others are doing things,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to be happy if you don't owe money.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be supportive when your friend is ill.,1,0.5 It's frowned upon for people to continue a relationship with a former romantic interest when they've moved on to other relationships.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't have such high expectations.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you don't want to talk to people about your art.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should help out your parents when they lose something.,1,0.5 It's not okay to think that because you don't need something someone else should have to do with out it.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to have a lot of questions when your long-lost parent comes into your life.,1,0.5 It is rude to exclude the friends of your friends.,1,0.5 It's bad to drink too much.,0,0.0 It's not your place to be involved in another person's romantic life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to yell at other people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is weird to want to stare at a bilingual person.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should decorate your house yourself.,1,1.0 You shouldn't let your kids milk you.,1,0.5 Inviting family members to your graduation is expected.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to conserve water by flushing the toilet less often.,1,0.7499999999999999 You have the right to use the legal system if you have been taken advantage of.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to try and improve your living situation.,1,0.5 It is expected that tou bring a gift to a wedding.,1,0.5 It's good to appreciate your friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to annoy someone intentionally.,1,0.5 It's allowed to talk to friends on your way to the bus.,1,0.5 It's ok for people to be leaving an area.,1,0.5 It is rude to refuse a birthday girl from your inlaws.,0,0.0 It's bad to get angry at friends.,0,0.0 You shouldn't leave your aging and sick parents at home all alone.,1,0.5 It is good to stop eating subway if it ruins your life.,1,0.5 It's good to help your partner with dishes.,1,0.5 It's ok if you give a little to a friend even when you don't want to.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should invite your siblings over.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable to be scared of being rejected by someone you have a crush on.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should not come between your spouse and their family.,0,0.0 It's normal to be surprised about something unexpected.,1,0.5 You shouldn't defile things.,1,0.5 It's okay if we aren't familiar as others with certain topics.,1,0.5 It's rude to annoy someone intentionally.,1,0.5 It is good to have fond memories of the past.,0,0.0 It's okay to have amicable separation.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should talk to your partner in order to maintain a strong relationship.,1,0.5 It's wrong to take advantage of a system for your own benefit.,0,0.0 It's good to be in charge at work,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't be afraid of someone's opinion of you.,1,0.5 You should always drive straight home if your parents want you home.,1,0.5 It's smart to keep looking until you find exactly what you want.,1,0.24999999999999994 Selling body organs is never acceptable.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't criticize someone's clothes.,1,0.5 "Popular items frequently sell out, so it's best to pre-order them.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's ok to make your own reproductive choices.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to have something in your life that you love with every fiber of your being.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's normal to want more money.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't tell your friend what to do.,0,0.0 You shouldn't tell somebody how they should spend their money.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to strive for efficiency when running a company.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is risky for the elderly to play rough.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should bring supplies when you go spelunking.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should not keep important information from a friend.,0,0.0 It is bad to focus too much on the past.,1,0.5 It's bad to have an abortion.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's acceptable for a person to stand up for someone they feel is being treated unfairly.,1,0.5 It is reasonable to want to hold onto loving memories after losing someone.,1,0.5 You should take a picture of someone when a butterfly lands on their finger.,1,0.5 You should train your pet so they don't jump on furniture.,1,0.5 It is wrong to assume that people from certain places must look a certain way.,1,0.5 It is rude to withhold an answer to a question.,1,0.5 You shouldn't take advantage of your family members,1,0.24999999999999994 "When your kids are arguing, you should not try to get in the middle of it.",1,0.5 It's good to find a good surname for yourself.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to have someone that listens to you and is honest with you.,1,0.5 You should be critical of someone's driving when they are testing for their license.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is pleasant to behave in friendly way to your spouse.,1,0.5 Family members are expected to be supportive of each other.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to drink around someone who is a recovering alcoholic.,1,0.7499999999999999 He shouldn't hurt another person,0,0.0 People in a relationship are expected to work things out amicably.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to spy on people through Facebook.,1,0.24999999999999994 You can't expect people to always tell you how they are feeling.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to feel guilty when a parent dies,1,0.5 Going out with a family member is a good way to maintain a close relationship with that person.,1,0.5 It is racist to judge ability based on skin color.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be accepting of other people's bodies.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is not okay to prevent your friend from becoming friends with other people.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's dangerous to run without proper shoes on.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected that you honor your work commitments.,0,0.0 It's wrong to be lazy.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to try to force a friendship.,0,0.0 It's rude to cause strife in one's family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's nice to do something special for a mate.,1,0.5 It's wrong not to accept your child's partner.,0,0.0 You should have a good time with you win or lose,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fun to play with your friends.,1,0.5 You should always carry alternate forms of money to the store in case your card is declined.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't expect a friend to always be there for you.,0,0.0 It's not okay to tell someone who they should have friends with.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understood that you can't do fun things when you get bad grades.,1,0.5 It's understandable to not want to spend too much money on a sick pet.,1,0.5 It's understandable to need a ride from the airport.,1,0.5 It is okay not to take care of something that's not yours.,1,0.5 It's bad to wish death upon anyone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong not to enjoy being at home.,1,0.5 It's okay to change your mind after you like something on social media.,1,0.5 You should expect your family to come back to you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to take advantage of friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 You don't owe a partner an explanation of past relationships.,1,0.5 It's bad to not be able to express yourself.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is bad to stop interactions with family.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't go to church if you don't want to.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you're curious when a classmate's glasses are broken, you should ask them about it.",1,0.5 It is rude to treat someone differently because they are gay.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not acceptable to be mean to little children.,1,0.5 You shouldn't try to force people to events they will be very unhappy at.,1,0.24999999999999994 Making dinner is economical as opposed to eating out.,1,0.5 You should flunk students who do poorly on assignments.,0,0.0 It's good to have in-laws that buy you nice things.,1,0.5 It's understandable that people don't want to talk about their struggles sometimes.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to act with anger and aggression toward others,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't mooch off your siblings.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to feel jealous of the attention your sibling is getting from your parents.,1,0.5 You shouldn't eat things that make you sick.,1,0.5 It's good to have someone help you when you need it.,1,0.5 It's understandable to not want people close to you to hang out with your ex.,0,0.0 "If someone invites you somewhere, you should go with them.",1,0.24999999999999994 It is offensive to swear at others.,1,0.5 It's wrong to want to kill yourself.,1,0.5 It's proven that providing little discipline in a child's life will negatively impact the child's behavior.,1,1.0 Kissing someone on the cheek is a good way to show affection.,1,0.5 It is brave to ask someone on a date.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to raise your kids in a bad environment.,1,0.5 It is cute to personalize your possessions.,1,0.5 It's ok to be overwhelmed at a new job.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should go to bed when you are falling asleep on the couch.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to disrespect other races.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to say thank you when people help you,1,0.5 You shouldn't cheat on your tests.,1,0.5 It's good to give a home to a dog that doesn't have one.,1,0.5 It's wrong to not take others thoughts and emotions into consideration,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal for people to have different tastes,1,0.5 It is nice to have people in your life to give you things.,1,0.5 It's good to save money.,1,0.24999999999999994 Children should expect to be able to go to their parents when something bad happens.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be careful not to lose control when you are driving.,0,0.0 It's ok to feel out of control.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to make things hard for a friend.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't starve yourself.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't let your friends tell you what to do.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should think of the impact your actions have on your family,1,0.5 You shouldn't block your family on social media.,1,0.5 You shouldn't empty your savings to take a vacation.,1,0.5 "If you're injured, you should go to the hospital.",1,0.5 It is harsh to repeatedly fail a student.,1,0.5 You shouldn't try to break up a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's hurtful to hate somebody close to you.,1,0.5 You should set ground rules with people that you live with.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to not want attention.,1,0.5 It is sleazy to have a tryst with an employee.,1,0.5 It's good to care about seeing someone you care about.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't put up with your kid's distrustful behavior.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want your wedding to be just right.,1,0.5 It's okay to put love before other things in your life,1,0.5 It's indefensible to be a bigot.,1,0.5 It's okay to drink responsibly.,1,0.5 You shouldn't expect people to behave the same in the north when you move from the south.,1,0.5 It's understandable to romanticize past relationships.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to fear future AI overlords.,1,0.5 It is okay to be upset if you feel ignored.,1,0.5 It's wrong not to include all of a family in a family photo.,1,0.7499999999999999 Children should make sure they're in the proper place so as not to worry their parents.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you're unhappy with sex in your marriage, you should probably divorce.",1,0.7499999999999999 It's not okay to go places where you are not invited.,0,0.0 It's okay to take your time mourning.,0,0.0 You shouldn't do awful things to your ex.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's important to have good hygiene when you want to be close to someone.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't let your worries destroy your life.,1,0.5 It's wrong to stalk people.,1,0.5 It's okay to have sex.,0,0.0 You should be grateful when your friends let you lean on them after an injury.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you can't go on, you should see if your friends or family can help you.",1,0.5 It's understandable to want to expose an abuser.,1,0.5 It's good to be concerned for the welfare of animals.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be angry when your partner cheats on you.,0,0.0 It is wrong to sleep with another person when you still have feelings for your relationship partner.,1,0.5 "If you're hitting burn out, you should take a vacation.",0,0.0 It's wrong to blackmail people.,1,0.5 You should feel okay about prioritizing your well being over any social obligations.,1,0.5 It's good to want to have the admiration of your peers.,1,0.7499999999999999 "It's irresponsible to ""game"" online software.",1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to attend events held by your friends and family.,0,0.0 "If you still miss your dead family member, you should get some therapy.",1,0.5 It's bad to have a strong desire to cheat on your significant other.,1,0.5 You shouldn't let the past haunt you.,1,0.5 It is expected that a car wreck can cause someone to be late.,1,0.5 It is okay to keep different types of friends separate.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to ejaculate into hotel shampoo dispensers,1,0.5 It's reasonable to be sad when you can't get what you want.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to create a situation where nothing gets done.,1,0.5 "If your child is depressed, you should get them some therapy.",0,0.0 It's okay to ask someone to turn out the lights when you are trying to sleep.,1,0.5 It's okay to leave your partner's house early if your parents say so.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to welcome your children into your home with love.,1,0.5 It's okay to hate certain animals.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's smart to know what you've ordered before it arrives.,1,0.5 You should make sure your pockets can securely contain your belongings.,1,0.5 It is time consuming to write a paper for class.,1,0.5 It is normal to address your parents as mom and dad.,1,0.7499999999999999 Selling body organs is never acceptable.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to want quiet sometimes,1,0.24999999999999994 You should laugh it off when someone does something embarrassing by mistake.,1,0.5 You shouldn't interrupt someone who is busy at work.,0,0.0 It's bad to have an affair.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't tell your kids what to do when it comes to their partner.,1,0.5 It's good to bring things to parties.,0,0.0 You shouldn't tell someone who is religious that you're an atheist.,1,0.5 It's okay to be horrified when you have been kidnapped.,1,0.24999999999999994 Relationships are expected to have clear communication.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to express yourself through your looks.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's smart to get the experience necessary for positions you want to be in,1,0.5 It's good to share your ideas for food products with others.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't go someplace if you're injured.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should expect people to sometimes miss their chance in life.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should always demand respect for your things.,1,0.24999999999999994 Family members should remain loyal and close to one another.,0,0.0 People are expected to get along with others.,1,0.5 It's good to be role models for your kids.,1,0.5 It's okay to be sad when you get your old account banned.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's frowned upon to throw a tantrum.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be moved when someone expresses their love for you.,1,0.5 It's important to learn how to read the time from a clock.,1,0.5 It's hard to lose someone to suicide.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't do work during your lunch hour at work.,1,0.5 It's okay to be scared when you're addicted to drugs.,0,0.0 You shouldn't compare quitting smoking to quitting chocolate.,1,0.5 You should say thank you when your spouse pays for your trip.,1,0.5 It's ok to use a donor's eggs for reproduction when you are experiencing infertility.,1,0.5 It's expected you finish your goals when you set out to achieve them,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be in control of your sexuality.,1,0.5 It is smart to pay cash for items as you need them.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should do what you can to maintain a relationship with a girlfriend.,0,0.0 It's bad to leave your homework in a place where it could be damaged.,1,0.5 It's expected to stick to commitments that are made.,1,0.5 You shouldn't lend things to people without your partner's permission.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to want to feel assured about things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is smart to pay cash for items as you need them.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's kind to support a person going thru a medical crisis.,1,0.5 It is good to want the best happy life for everyone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to have a bizarre attitude as a parent to your children.,1,0.24999999999999994 "It's normal that sometimes, when someone likes us, we don't feel the same way.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be sad when you get your old account banned.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to not allow your family to see your kids.,1,0.5 It's okay to play video games.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be scared of childbirth.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to expect roommates to do everything for you.,1,0.5 People are expected to heed scientific evidence.,0,0.0 It is OK to be emotional.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to refuse to help someone who needs it.,1,0.5 It's expected that you give your family members a special present for Christmas.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is distracting to pin everyone in an admin team on a discord server.,1,0.5 It's expected you attend the funeral of someone that recently passed,1,0.5 It's okay to be happy when you find a good home.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to have fantasies about people.,1,0.5 It's expected that you obey traffic laws while driving a car.,0,0.0 It's okay to be angry when you don't receive the interest on your money.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you feel uncomfortable when you're attracted to a younger woman.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to be concerned about your performance.,1,0.5 It is good to go out sometimes.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable if you're upset when you get into a car accident.,1,0.5 You should see a counselor if you have marriage problems.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to go to the doctor when you're sick.,1,0.5 It's nice to meet up with your friends.,1,0.5 It's good to spend time with people outdoors.,1,0.5 It's good to develop good communication with your partner.,1,0.5 You should always have extra credit cards with you in case one of them is declined.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to give people gifts for Valentine's Day.,1,0.5 You shouldn't let your partner dictate what you can and cannot wear.,1,0.5 It's good to save one's money to take a special vacation.,0,0.0 It's understandable to be hurt when your parents ignore you.,0,0.0 You shouldn't give sweet sugary things to your pets because it's bad for them.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to explore the possibilities of a relationship with a powerful man.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's ungrateful to be mad at your parents for trying to give you a safe place to grow up.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is not good to argue with your partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should not play games with the electoral system,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to think others should take responsibility for themselves.,1,0.5 It's rude to infringe on someones boundary,0,0.0 You should always help out people that are having trouble with alcohol.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to tell another person's secret.,1,0.5 It's bad to destroy someone's belongings.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's self-absorbed to take too many pictures of yourself.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's important to take your child's night terrors seriously.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you're afraid of your spouse when they return home from combat.,1,1.0 It's okay to be disgusted when your fiance smells.,1,0.5 It is good to have moderation in all activities.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable for children to not know how to react to a friends injury.,1,0.5 It's smart to know what one's limitations are in a situation.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should not go against someone's wishes for how they want to celebrate their birthday.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to not want to hear foul language.,1,0.5 You should let the parents know if their child is misbehaving.,1,0.24999999999999994 Is doesn't feel great to be abandoned by those who you love.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to be excited about harming others.,1,0.5 It is good to show affection towards your partner.,1,0.5 It is normal to not want to be around your girlfriend after she insulted you.,1,0.5 It can be unsafe to allow your dog to lick you.,1,0.5 It's good to grieve after someone in your family dies.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should be respectful of your classmate's property.,1,0.5 It's not okay to forbid your significant other from doing something.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should thank someone who helps you when you need it.,1,0.5 It's okay to be careful when choosing your friends.,1,0.5 It is controlling to tell your partner what they cannot do.,0,0.0 It's understandable to be wary of a co-worker who is looking at porn at work.,1,0.5 It's wrong to want to cheat on your girlfriend.,1,0.24999999999999994 "It's good to be understanding and forgiving, especially with friends and loved ones.",1,0.5 It's normal for people to want to spend time with their loved ones.,1,0.5 It's good to put older people in a hospice because it protects them.,0,0.0 It's normal for parents to not want their children to be sexually active,1,0.5 You shouldn't be friends with benefits with people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to buy things you like.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always make sure you have enough gas before you go somewhere.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong not to share with others.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable to make sacrifices to make people feel better.,1,0.5 It is normal for some people to dislike too much body hair.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is expected that a guest will follow house rules even if they are family.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're amused when someone trips and falls.,1,0.5 It's rude to use profanity toward a family member.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you can't empathize with people, you should get some therapy.",1,0.5 You should treat everyone equally.,0,0.0 It's understandable to feel hurt when someone you care about doesn't tell you about their big life changes.,1,0.5 It's polite to share.,1,0.5 You shouldn't put a pacifier in an adult's mouth.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should be happy when someone wants to invest in your company.,1,0.5 It's important to stay hydrated.,1,0.5 It's okay to keep secrets about what happens in middle school band.,1,0.5 It's good to get pregnant if you and your partner want a child.,1,0.5 It is wrong to betray your sibling.,1,0.24999999999999994 Feeling angry at being left out of fun things is a natural response.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to question what is going on.,1,0.5 It's wrong to tap people on the shoulder.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to be principled about every thing you do.,0,0.0 It's wrong to hold onto your past painful memories.,1,0.5 You don't have to buy your family any gifts if you don't want to.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should man up and be responsible for the bad decisions you make.,1,0.5 It's good to have a companion to get you through difficult times,1,0.24999999999999994 Boyfriends are expected to help their girlfriends with personal hygiene things.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should make absolutely sure of your decision before using your authority over people.,0,0.0 It's ok to keep your phone inside your bra.,1,0.5 It's normal for people who believe in certain religions to send their children to Sunday school.,1,0.5 You should respect a present that someone else gifted you.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't commit suicide because it hurts many people.,1,0.5 It's okay to avoid people who hate you.,0,0.0 It's ok to work from home.,1,0.5 It's good to trust those you care about.,1,0.5 It's rude to show up to a party without a gift.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't keep your past moments a secret from others.,0,0.0 You should teach your partner how to cook if you don't enjoy their food.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable to want things to be fair in life.,1,0.5 It is common for parents to correct their kids impolite behavior.,1,0.5 You shouldn't get people fired.,1,0.5 You're expected to express your thoughts about a relative who died.,1,0.5 Going to college is the best way to get a good career.,1,0.5 It's wrong to chew out your friends.,1,0.5 It's unusual to talk to a childhood friend that you can't remember.,1,0.5 Children should be supervised while using electronics.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should listen to your parents.,0,0.0 Both people should work equally in a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be afraid of the doctor.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's rude to remove a like you gave on someone's post.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's not okay to keep someone from doing the things they enjoy.,1,0.5 It's okay to be depressed.,1,0.5 It's nice to find old pictures.,0,0.0 It's wrong to get attention at someone else's expense.,0,0.0 You shouldn't abuse alcohol.,1,0.5 It is important to get rid of things that do not make you happy.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to be concerned for a friend.,1,0.5 It's normal to regret time that you've wasted.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not good to have your mental health on the border line.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be worried when your friend takes longer than they said they would.,1,0.5 You shouldn't ignore someone talking to you to look at your phone.,0,0.0 It's important to let your partner know about your needs.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should expect a cheater to always be a cheater.,1,0.5 It's good to want someone to eat healthy.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's acceptable to be selective with who you want to invite to an important day for you.,0,0.0 It's good to tell your friend that you are their best friend.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should speak with your roommates if you are having issues with them or people they are bringing into the house.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you're uncomfortable when a patient professes their feelings for you.,1,0.5 It's wrong to do things that you know are going to gross other people out.,1,0.5 It's wrong to cheat on your spouse.,1,0.5 It's wrong to damage someone else's property.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to go out and be social when you're looking to find a partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't let the death of a plant make you sad.,1,0.5 You shouldn't hold onto pictures of your ex.,1,0.5 It is impolite to cuddle at the dinner table.,0,0.0 It's normal to come to a realization after thinking things over.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable that people play pranks sometimes.,1,0.5 It's important to be true to yourself.,0,0.0 It's understandable for a person to be upset at an image of their deceased loved one.,1,0.5 It's expected you study the competition you'll face.,0,0.0 It's juvenile to use April 20th to signify marijuana use.,1,0.5 It's good to teach your kids a second language if you know it.,1,0.5 It's good to give treats to your pets.,1,0.5 You shouldn't threaten your partner.,1,0.5 It's bad to conceal your identity.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is common for rabid fans to paint their face.,1,0.5 You should always forgive and forget.,1,0.5 It's wrong to snoop on people.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you know that someone is cheating on their spouse, it is sometimes okay to tell the other person.",1,0.7499999999999999 It is okay to talk about troubling events.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to get out and enjoy the fresh air.,1,0.5 It's bad to destroy someone's belongings.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to do things that upset others.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected that you sit down in a theater,1,0.5 You should not be too strict with your teenagers.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine if you don't want someone watching you practice.,1,0.5 You should be happy in a good marriage.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always wear black to a funeral.,1,0.5 Parents are expected to be excited about welcoming their first child.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong not to enjoy your family member's singing.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be desperate enough to seek out organs on the black market.,1,1.0 You should hug your parents when they gush about how grown up you are.,1,0.5 You shouldn't bother people who are grieving.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to hang out at the amusement park with people.,1,0.5 It is reasonable to angry if someone tells you you are not welcome in their home.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's not okay to bring someone who has no idea what you are doing into your acts.,1,1.0 It's okay to have fantasies about people.,1,0.5 It's good to travel to many places to learn about different cultures.,0,0.0 You should always make sure you have healthcare.,1,0.24999999999999994 Yelling is rude.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to want to make money.,1,0.5 It's okay if you don't want to tell your friends everything about yourself.,1,0.5 It is bad to argue with others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be upset when you get scammed over the phone.,1,0.5 It is foolish to depend on items to make you happy.,1,0.5 It's okay to support whatever companies you find fit.,1,0.5 It's unusual to talk to a childhood friend that you can't remember.,1,0.5 "If you're in a teaching position, you should try to treat your students fairly",1,0.24999999999999994 You should always make sure you have enough gas before you go somewhere.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to spend time outside so you get some fresh air.,1,0.5 It is expected that you talk about important events in your life.,1,0.5 It's good to have a plan for your future.,0,0.0 It's rude to touch people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is strong to be able to move on from the death of a spouse.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's OK to get annoyed with a coworker.,1,0.5 It's fine to choose to decline willing sexual partners.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to regret losing your virginity.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't be nosy.,1,0.5 It's wrong to spy on people through social media.,1,0.5 You should always pay back what you owe.,1,0.5 It's expected that people leave their family and friends when to go out to college.,1,0.5 It's good have a goal in life and pursue it.,1,0.5 It's admirable to be able to notice your own faults.,1,0.5 "When your kids are arguing, you should not try to get in the middle of it.",1,0.5 It's okay to pay for an escort if you're lonely and it's legal,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to look out for your siblings.,1,0.5 You should get upset at people who don't do things they are supposed to do.,1,0.5 It's wrong to be mad at your friends for petty reasons.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to break up with someone that is dishonest.,1,0.5 It's understandable not want to get caught committing a crime.,1,0.5 It's bad to eat a lot of unhealthy food.,1,0.5 You shouldn't move in with your partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to give your partner unexpected little gifts.,0,0.0 It's okay to buy things for your roommates.,1,0.5 It's bad to disregard the achievements of others.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If a relationship makes you happy, it's okay to pursue it with your whole being",1,0.5 It's expected that you won't like everyone you meet.,1,0.5 It's great to be proud of yourself for accomplishing your goals,1,0.5 It's understandable if you are upset when your doctor prescribes you medication.,1,0.5 It's good to be there for your kids,1,0.5 It's ok if you give a little to a friend even when you don't want to.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't let others get you fired.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you drink responsibly.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't expect all students to get involved in sports at school.,1,0.5 "If you are kidnapped by someone who is hurting you, you should scream.",1,0.5 You should expect people to have something they are really passionate and happy about that helps them get over depression.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is okay if to feel upset because your significant other didn't do anything special for you on a special occasion.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should laugh it off when someone does something embarrassing by mistake.,1,0.5 It's important to study for tests.,1,0.5 It's good to want to learn something new and grow as a person.,1,0.5 You shouldn't see a psychic if you want to find love because they can't predict the future.,1,0.5 Toying with men could lead to them retaliating against you or even going on a shooting spree in extreme cases.,1,0.5 You shouldn't fight with your partner in front of your kids.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to get worried over everything.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is gross to examine your poop after going to the bathroom.,1,0.5 It is wrong to use physical violence against another.,1,0.5 You shouldn't ask your friend to support you financially.,1,0.5 You shouldn't get back together with ex.,1,0.7499999999999999 it's wrong to do things that could hurt members of your family.,1,0.5 It's OK to not learn how to date in high school.,1,0.5 It's rude to continue trying to talk to someone who doesn't want to talk to you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to buy things for your roommates.,1,0.5 It's normal to not like medicine.,1,1.0 It's good to improve the things you like in life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be scared to change and try new things,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to have determination.,0,0.0 It's acceptable to not believe in free will.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't have sex with someone else if you're married.,1,0.7499999999999999 "If you have herpes, you should see a doctor.",1,0.5 It's good to help people out with their wedding.,1,0.5 Partners should love and care for one another.,1,0.5 It's normal to hang out with your friends.,1,0.5 It is expected that adult children take care of their own finances,1,0.24999999999999994 It's improper to sleep with someone who's in a relationship.,0,0.0 It's understandable if you're disappointed when you don't feel welcome in a new social circle.,0,0.0 You shouldn't force your grandchildren to eat something they don't want to eat.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is okay to disapprove some things.,1,0.5 It's bad to intentionally cause distress to someone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to dump all your problems on your young child,1,0.5 As long as you are purchasing beverages it is OK to sit in a coffee shop all day.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's very immoral to abuse your children.,1,0.5 It's good to study if you have an exam coming up.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're hurt when your spouse wants to divorce you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is nice to be able to start fresh.,0,0.0 It's surprising to find out your girlfriend has received other marriage proposals.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to get a treat for yourself.,1,0.5 It's good to cook for people.,0,0.0 You should practice before a try out.,1,0.5 It is bad to get upset over trivial matters,0,0.0 It is expected that grand parents will attend their grand child's performances.,0,0.0 It's expected that you respond to your partner's text messages.,1,0.5 It's good to want to prepare yourself for cold weather.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be accepting of other people's bodies.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you're happy you have good genes.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's kind to foster a cat that's been rescued.,1,0.5 It is good to have someone you love.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to support whatever companies you find fit.,1,0.5 You shouldn't try to break up a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to ruins someone's fun when they are just trying to enjoy a game.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's acceptable to date younger women.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to want friends and family around when getting a medical operation.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not nice to break the rules.,1,0.5 It's normal to be displeased when a partner makes a big decision without you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to damage someone else's property.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should treat a person with a disability the same as you would anyone else.,1,0.5 It is dishonest to claim that sweets hurt your stomach just to avoid eating them.,1,0.5 You should always get an appropriate tent when you go camping.,1,0.5 "People ought strive to expand the number of friends they have, rather than curtailing them.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to take turns driving.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to let your subordinate take the blame for a mistake you made.,1,0.5 If you use a good doctor you should expect to be satisfied with your plastic surgery results.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to get bills.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's encouraged you go on dates if you're trying to get laid,1,0.24999999999999994 It is reasonable to want to stay home in your pajamas instead of going out all the time.,0,0.0 You must call the police if you learn of an adult having a sexual relationship with a minor.,1,0.5 It is okay to be on your phone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is irrational to think about someone who left you decades earlier.,1,0.5 It's encouraged to leave donated items for the people who need them most.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to book accommodations ahead of time when travelling.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's morally wrong to be disloyal to your partner.,1,0.5 It is nice to help friends out if you can.,1,0.5 It's wrong to post crude photos of your friends online.,1,0.5 It is okay to identify as another sex,1,1.0 You shouldn't move out of state if you're in a relationship.,1,0.5 It's wrong to wish that someone would die.,1,0.5 It's mean to make someone cower in fear.,1,0.5 You should expect to be arrested for assaulting someone.,1,0.5 You should listen to your friend's advice.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to give gifts to kids during the holidays.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to feel ashamed about behavior you know is self-destructive.,1,0.5 It's nice to have internet.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always hire a professional to get the job done.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to prank others.,1,0.24999999999999994 People are expected to do what they can keep themselves healthy.,1,0.5 It's okay to be offended when your grand kids don't like your menu.,1,0.5 You shouldn't eat things that give you a headache.,1,0.5 It is good to be included in a group.,1,0.5 It's good to try to get embarrassing memories out of your life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to change your mind after you like something on social media.,1,0.5 It's bad to disrupt other people.,1,0.5 You should obey the rules.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you feel like you're sick, you should see a doctor.",1,0.5 It's good to have a hobby.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to relax in comfortable clothes on your day off.,1,0.5 It's wrong to tell your partner they are selfish.,1,0.5 It's okay to be upset when you lose your job.,1,0.5 It is ok to be upset if you are dating someone who is not honest about their sexual identity.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't look up to your older siblings if they are a bad influence on you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is mean to pick on peoples' appearance,1,0.24999999999999994 You should try do nice things for your family.,0,0.0 It's not okay to knowing do something that makes an injury worse.,1,0.5 Listening to your favorite music is a good way to relax.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should treat a person with a disability the same as you would anyone else.,1,0.5 It is good to celebrate holidays with friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't live your life based around what other people want.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to do things to confuse other people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you're scared when you get lost.,1,0.5 It's bad to start relationships in the workplace.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's dangerous to eat under cooked pork products.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should respect someone's food tastes.,0,0.0 It's good to encourage childrens' curiosity.,1,0.5 You should expect some people to hit rock bottom in their lives when they do poorly at something.,1,0.5 It is good to be a decent human being,1,0.5 You shouldn't expect your parents to always get nice things for you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is surprising when you learn that something you own is very valuable.,1,0.5 It's good to clean around your house,1,0.5 It is destructive to make a mess of a cake.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's ok to have any sexual fetish that turns you on.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable to marry someone for their money.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's OK to keep your wedding small by not inviting a lot of people.,1,0.5 It's reasonable to invite a friend to a graduation when they won't be graduating.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't have a crush on someone who has a partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to eat anything you want.,1,0.5 You shouldn't lie to your family.,1,0.24999999999999994 You can't expect your team to always win their game.,1,0.5 You should be a good employee so that you don't lose your job.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should never argue over something that does not need to be argued about.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is ok to be upset if you are dating someone who is not honest about their sexual identity.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to flirt.,0,0.0 You shouldn't give in to your temptations.,0,0.0 It shouldn't take you a year to learn your multiplication tables since that is pretty easy stuff to earn.,1,0.5 It's bad to be addicted to drugs.,1,0.5 If you feel threatened by a stranger in public it is acceptable to call the police.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should give others the benefit of the doubt.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's alarming when the tree limb you're on breaks.,0,0.0 It's understandable to be upset when someone mocks your favorite sports team.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to have dark fantasies sometimes.,0,0.0 It is ok to choose not to get pregnant.,1,0.5 It is good to take responsibility when you have done something wrong,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to intentionally cause distress to someone.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should teach your partner how to cook if you don't enjoy their food.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to allow people to have freedom to do what they want.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to give other people you full attention.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should move on from your exes.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have boundaries.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should say thank you when someone gives you something you want.,1,0.5 It is not good to argue with your partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected that pregnant women be emotional.,1,0.5 It's okay to have odd sexual fetishes.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to keep a secret that you've been entrusted with.,1,0.5 It's ok to say no if a friend asks for money.,1,0.5 It's wrong to act in a passive-aggressive manner when dating.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to have extreme religious views.,1,0.5 It's not okay to yell at other people.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should call your employer to report your absenceses.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're angry when a colleague tells the office your secrets.,1,0.5 You should always forgive someone who apologizes.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to feel like you deserve to feel down.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's nice to want a family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to think someone is creepy.,0,0.0 "If you feel very disconnected, you should get some help.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to judge others based on their online presence.,1,0.5 Parents are expected to be accepting of the people their kids choose to date.,1,0.5 It's okay to date your friend's boyfriend if they want you to.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's irresponsible to have a lot of dust in your home.,1,0.5 It's good to reach out to others.,1,0.5 It's very immoral to abuse your children.,1,0.5 It's nice to buy gifts for one's family.,1,0.5 It's rude to criticize your friends if they weren't looking for any criticism.,1,0.5 You should inquire about the health of your friends.,0,0.0 You shouldn't bring fake weapons to public places.,1,0.5 It's okay to put your education before your family at times,1,0.5 It is okay to take your mind off something unpleasant.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to lie to people.,1,0.5 It's okay to have an opinion on a controversial topic,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good for your mental clarity to continue to learn new activities as you age.,0,0.0 You should respect someone's food tastes.,0,0.0 It's not okay to expect someone in your relationship to overly sacrifice for you.,0,0.0 It's good to do things for others.,1,0.5 It's understandable to have a relationship end.,1,0.5 You should always buy something if you have enough money for it.,1,0.5 It's good to give to charity.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to work for a place that just makes others unhealthy.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's kind to use your skills to help someone's artistic endeavor.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't allow your friends to move in on your crush.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to ask your partner not to smoke.,0,0.0 It's acceptable to control your own shop.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to try your best.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't tell your friend's secrets.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to hold onto your past painful memories.,1,0.5 You should tell people how you feel.,0,0.0 It is good to have a hobby.,0,0.0 It's bad to disobey your father.,0,0.0 It's rude to throw things.,1,0.5 It's expected that you call the authorities if you see a missing child.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should talk to your friend if you want to trade your partner with theirs.,1,0.5 It's good to be respectful during a breakup.,1,0.5 It's reasonable to want to get away from a difficult or tiring situation,1,0.24999999999999994 It's important to stay properly hydrated.,1,0.5 It's normal to have doubts,1,0.5 You shouldn't call people liars,1,0.5 You shouldn't do awful things to your ex.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is dramatic to get angry at someone for leaving you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to talk openly about your feelings when in a relationship.,1,0.5 It's good to follow through on your invitations.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to rescue a stray cat from the streets.,1,0.5 It's not okay to not like who you are.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to have a budget.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't break the law.,1,0.5 You should always try to listen to your parents.,1,0.5 It is important to seek help if needed.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you don't want to give up your position in an argument with your step-sibling.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't ruin your kid's birthday party.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to be disrespectful to service employees.,1,0.5 You shouldn't let your house get really cold if you don't like it.,1,0.5 People will think you're nit picky if you obsess over a meal being perfect.,1,0.5 "Sometimes being blunt and crass is okay, especially to get a point across when it hasn't been working",1,0.5 It's wrong to scam people over the phone.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't be biased against your students for not sharing your same beliefs.,0,0.0 It's rude to cut in front of people in a line.,1,0.5 When you buy something new you are expected to want to open it up.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to identify as another sex,1,1.0 It's good to find the perfect clothes.,1,0.5 It's good to give yourself a new look.,1,0.5 You should talk with your friend before acting on romantic interest in them.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to have sexual interecourse with someone as long as it is consensual,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable to feel offended if your girlfriend wants a dildo.,0,0.0 You shouldn't get involved with your ex.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is generous to give money to your family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be scared of the costs that come with an ambulance ride.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't go on trips you can't really afford.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you have a low tire in your car, you should fill it with air.",1,0.24999999999999994 You should be supportive when your friend is ill.,1,0.5 It is important to be a considerate guest,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be annoyed with someone who is bothering you at home.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're excited to meet a famous artist.,1,0.5 You should tell the truth.,1,0.5 You shouldn't betray your friends.,0,0.0 It's expected that you'll want to invite your partner to a romantic dinner.,1,0.5 IT is ok to not want you tie wasted,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to make fun of someones style choices,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to choose your job over your family,0,0.0 It's unacceptable to spread rumors about an ex-partner to gain sympathy from your peer group.,1,0.5 You should not come between your child and their spouse.,0,0.0 It's not okay do something just because it was done to you,1,0.5 It's gracious to forgive someone who has wronged you.,1,0.5 It's bad to leave your homework in a place where it could be damaged.,1,0.5 It's wrong to tip the bowl of the food item you're giving to your customer to take home.,1,1.0 It's bad to put yourself in debt in order to help a friend.,1,0.5 It's frustrating when your friends or roommates gang up on you.,1,0.5 "It is rude to destroy someone's work, even if it is in a game.",0,0.0 You shouldn't avoid talking to your grandparents.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't say rude things about certain political parties.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to not be informed about things most people know.,1,0.5 He shouldn't hurt another person,0,0.0 It's morally wrong to be disloyal to your partner.,1,0.5 You should listen to your parents.,0,0.0 "If you leak urine, you should wear some adult diapers.",1,0.5 It's normal for people to want to show physical affection for loved ones.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't give in to someone when they're begging.,1,0.5 It's rude to swear at a friend.,1,0.5 It's bad to hold a grudge against your parents.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal for someone in graduate school to need to write a thesis to show what they've learned.,1,0.5 It's okay to indulge your sexual fantasies with other consenting adults.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should without delay bring up serious concerns about your child's development with their doctor.,1,0.5 It's good to make lists of things so you can organize things better.,0,0.0 You should try not to brag too much when you've accomplished something,1,0.5 "If you're male and heterosexual, you shouldn't cross dress because it's weird.",1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to withhold important information.,0,0.0 People should strive to make wise financial decisions.,1,0.5 It's horrendous when a parent violates a child's trust.,0,0.0 It's okay to explore your sexual fetishes with other consenting adults.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's important not to waste your vote,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to have amicable separation.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be jealous of people who have something or someone new in their life.,1,0.5 It's not okay to talk badly about someone who has passed away.,1,0.5 You shouldn't over-exercise because you might tire yourself out and quit prematurely.,1,0.5 It's allowed to try to find puppies a good home.,0,0.0 Fidelity is expected in a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude for people to give you a fake name because they can't learn your real one.,1,0.5 It's OK to wear an original wedding dress.,0,0.0 You shouldn't give out any personal information over the phone.,1,0.5 It's good to go to rehab when you have become an addict.,0,0.0 People are expected to be kind to their friends.,1,0.5 "When you play a game that is boring you, it's okay to quit early.",1,0.5 One is expected to keep appointments that they make.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be wary of a co-worker who is looking at porn at work.,1,0.5 It's okay to get advice form a senior person if you have a problem.,1,0.5 It's understood people don't always like the people they should in life.,1,0.5 It's good to include your friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is ok to want to learn from your parents mistakes.,1,0.5 It's fine to fall for someone younger than you as long as they are of age.,1,0.5 It is important to take care of animals.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wise to remain neutral in family conflicts.,1,0.5 It's expected you set boundaries when people start crossing a line,0,0.0 It's expected that you'll monitor your children.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to try to game the system.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's frowned upon to not to look for work when you're unemployed.,1,0.5 It's okay to want to spend and much time as you can with a significant other.,1,0.5 It is good to plan in advance for a fun night out.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to treat family members dishonestly.,1,0.5 It's normal for a color to wear out,1,0.5 You should thank someone if they help you.,1,0.5 It's good to visit the people you care about in life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to know what kind of person that's good for you as a partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to do bonding activities with your parents that involve areas of mutual interest,1,0.5 You can't expect everyone to like your singing.,1,0.5 You don't owe a partner an explanation of past relationships.,1,0.5 It's okay to not want to partake in festivities or celebrations.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong for friends to have casual sex.,1,0.5 You shouldn't reveal your friend's secrets.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to keep secrets about what happens in middle school band.,1,0.5 "If you need something fixed, you should ask someone for help.",0,0.0 It's not okay to get enjoyment from playing tricks on others.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is expected that people will complain to an authority.,1,0.5 It's normal to be worried as a first time parent.,1,0.5 It's important not to waste your vote,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to buy new things for your sports.,1,0.5 You can't expect people to always express empathy toward you.,0,0.0 It's wrong to use derogatory names toward people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to bring your GPS with you if you don't know the way.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be disappointed when something you wanted badly doesn't turn out well.,1,0.24999999999999994 You're expected to work in order to earn money.,1,0.5 You should hang out with people you know from the past sometimes.,1,0.5 You should always trust your nanny.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to help your neighbor,1,0.5 It's fine to make your own choice about what path you want to take.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to suggest help to people with depression.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should always question someone's character when they say something inappropriate.,1,1.0 It's understandable to be upset when you lose something that you need.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't gossip with your coworkers.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should contact Uber if you need a ride.,1,0.5 It's responsible to take part in rearing a younger sibling.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be upset when one is hungry.,1,0.5 It's okay to be offended when your partner doesn't want you cooking for their kids.,1,0.5 It's bad to disrupt other people.,1,0.5 It's good to want to be just like your parents.,1,0.5 It's rude to do things that prevent other's from being happy.,1,0.5 It's normal to put things in order before you die.,1,0.5 It's bad to try to scare people.,1,0.5 It's not okay to expect more than a person can give.,1,0.5 It's fine to take solace in death if something good was able to come as a result of the death.,1,0.5 You shouldn't expect someone you are dating to completely forget about their deceased spouse.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to pay child support.,1,0.24999999999999994 Kissing someone on the cheek doesn't spread germs like a mouth kiss would.,1,0.5 It's bad to impose upon your parents to provide you a place to live again when you've failed at life.,1,0.5 It's wrong to have lunch with your friends of the opposite sex if you're in a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you call the authorities if you see a missing child.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you maintain ties with family throughout life.,0,0.0 It's frowned upon to invade someone's privacy.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to leave school without letting someone know where you're going.,1,0.5 You should always be there for your partner and never grow apart.,1,0.5 You should talk with your child and see what you can do differently in the future if they do not love you.,1,0.5 It's good to have friends you can joke around with.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to tell people their sexual orientation is an illness,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected that you'll be respectful of people with disabilities.,0,0.0 You should always review someone's application before an interview.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's ok to think about things.,1,0.5 You shouldn't always trust what someone writes online.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to keep different types of friends separate.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have a case worker to help you with problems you have.,1,0.5 It's acceptable to be concerned in regards to the blood supply.,1,0.5 It's okay to cry at sad movies.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you're sick of listening to people preach about cellphone etiquette.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to take advantage of someone's wealth.,1,0.5 It's wrong to tell another person's secret.,1,0.5 It’s understandable to have trouble getting over someone.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't just give up on your friends.,1,0.5 You shouldn't date a bad partner.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad to be addicted to drugs.,1,0.5 You shouldn't stay at someone's place if you are drunk.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to be afraid when you wake up from night terrors.,1,0.5 It's kind to return a lost pet to it's owner.,1,0.5 It is good to get married with a loved one.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to be hopeful about your goals.,1,0.5 It's okay to be sad when you find out your wife had an affair.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to allow your child to make independent choices.,0,0.0 It is reasonable to be frustrated about having to work so much that you can't see your kids.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be disgusted when someone pees on the floor in the bathroom.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to be a glutton.,1,0.5 You shouldn't retaliate against people.,1,0.5 It's ok to not share your food.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to sell old things to make money for new things.,1,0.5 It's good to like certain old songs.,1,0.5 It is bad to pick your teeth in public.,1,0.5 You shouldn't get taken advantage of.,1,0.5 It's not okay to not appreciate others who care about you.,1,0.5 You shouldn't reveal someone's private conversations to someone else.,1,0.5 People are expected to avoid coming into contact with a skunk.,1,0.5 It's wrong for people that care about each other to argue.,1,0.5 You should go to the doctor if you have a tumor.,0,0.0 It's wrong to not care about someone you are married to.,0,0.0 It's good to talk openly about your feelings when in a relationship.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're annoyed when your friends sleep in your bed.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to be embarrassed if you trip.,1,0.5 You shouldn't expect to avoid spoilers for a show that is old.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to stick up for those who can't stick up for themselves.,1,0.5 You are expected to wait your turn before speaking.,1,0.5 It is wrong to be excited about harming others.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be with a partner that cheats on you.,1,0.5 It's good to find a job that one enjoys.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be disappointed if your time is coming to an end.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't expect others to give you their food.,1,0.5 It's okay to be unenthusiastic about your teenage years.,0,0.0 Birdwatching is a popular hobby for people who enjoy the outdoors.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is customary to acknowledge meeting someone again.,1,0.5 It is wrong to engage in illegal activities,1,0.5 It's understandable to want to get back at someone who cheated on you.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't upset people.,1,0.5 "It's no one's business how a person chooses to indulge their pleasures, so long as it hurts no one.",1,0.5 It's nice to help ex-prisoners of war.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's acceptable to want a memento of your family member.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you'll understand common joke formats.,0,0.0 It's okay to report someone if you think they're breaking the law.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to be lazy.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have a romance when you're a teen so you can learn about the ways of love.,1,0.7499999999999999 You don't have to be part of any group that you don't find interesting.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to resent your spouse.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to be vocal when something is wrong.,0,0.0 You shouldn't let your ex go out with your friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable that people do things that are silly sometimes.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected for a parent to take care of their child.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to have trouble repairing a relationship.,0,0.0 It is okay to not want to hear foul language.,1,0.5 "It's good to find romance wherever you can, no matter how brief.",1,0.5 It's good to call 911 when someone is in need of emergency medical treatment.,1,0.5 People shouldn't think innocent mistakes people make are intentionally malicious.,1,0.5 It is good to take care of something that you see needs done,1,0.5 You shouldn't let your past come back to haunt you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to yell at your family and friends.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want friends and family around when getting a medical operation.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have something to help you keep your bearings.,1,0.5 It's good to like certain old songs.,1,0.5 You should always do what your partner requests.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is lazy to ignore text because of the way it is formatted.,1,0.5 It's expected that you be polite to your neighbors.,1,0.5 It's rude to do mean things to a friend.,1,0.5 It is good to have rules.,1,0.5 It's not okay to bring someone who has no idea what you are doing into your acts.,1,1.0 You shouldn't blame your child's ex partner for things.,1,0.5 It's okay if you don't want to celebrate your stepmother on Mother's Day.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't remain friends with someone who has caused hardship for your significant other,1,0.7499999999999999 It is convenient to use TL;DR as a way to summarize a long post.,1,0.5 It's normal for couples to want to spend time alone,1,1.0 You shouldn't put up with a crazy friend.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's rude to let your subordinate take the blame for a mistake you made.,1,0.5 It's gracious to let another competitor win a competition.,1,0.5 It is wrong to do things that upset others.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable if you are annoyed when your spouse wakes you up.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't retaliate against people.,1,0.5 People should follow the rules.,1,0.5 It is bad to stalk on others.,1,0.5 It's rude to criticize your friends if they weren't looking for any criticism.,1,0.5 It is useful to get exercise playing even if you aren't good at the sport.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's allowed to eat food that's been frozen many years later.,1,1.0 It's good to enjoy talking to your partner.,0,0.0 It's wrong to use another person for their resources.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to internally fantasize about married people.,1,0.5 It's not okay to feel gross about yourself or condition.,1,0.5 It's bad to seek validation from an uncaring public.,1,0.5 It's not okay to get enjoyment from playing tricks on others.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to explain your issues with other people.,0,0.0 You should always acknowledge old friends.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to stay in touch with old friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to arrive to work dishevelled.,0,0.0 You should be able to take advice constructively,1,0.5 "If you love animals, you should go to the zoo.",1,0.5 It's okay to feel suspicious when you unsure of another's actions.,1,0.5 People will eventually get annoyed with you if you're always doom and gloom.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't let your partner move away from you.,1,0.24999999999999994 Sharing your friends secrets about their sexuality is mean.,1,0.5 It is lazy to think about quitting a job you just started.,1,0.5 It's bad to let intimacy die down in your relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to send that use too many filters.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to be in control of your sexuality.,1,0.5 It's important to protect your children from harm.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to want to prepare yourself for cold weather.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't side with your parents over your partner.,1,0.5 It's understandable to feel nostalgia when looking at photos.,1,0.5 It's understandable to feel jealous of the attention your sibling is getting from your parents.,1,0.5 "You should always tell someone that you like their photos, no matter what you actually think of them.",1,0.5 It's understandable if you're offended when your partner breaks up with you because of how you used to get by in life.,1,0.5 It's fine to cancel an event if you didn't plan it.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to ignore someone in a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that if you lie to your spouse your marriage will be jeopardized.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't judge others by their weight.,1,0.5 It's not okay to not be able to handle being alone.,1,0.5 It's expected that partners will get each other gifts.,0,0.0 You shouldn't reject your family's gift.,1,0.5 You should be prepared to let your daughter move on after she gets married.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to try new restaurants.,1,0.5 "If someone is cheating but not on you, it's better to stay out of it.",0,0.0 It's bad to have sex with a woman who is in a relationship,1,0.5 It's fine to feel regretful about your wasted teenage years.,1,0.5 It is lazy to ignore text because of the way it is formatted.,1,0.5 "It's understandable that sometimes, we don't want others in our living space.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to try to be the best and exceed expectations.,1,0.5 It is wrong to touch something that isn't yours.,0,0.0 It's fraud to dispute charges that you owe,1,0.5 You can be expected to understand that somebody who is not interested in your gender will not want a romantic relationship.,0,0.0 It's frowned upon to be disrespectful to members of the military.,1,0.5 It's wrong to force physical affection on people when they're uncomfortable with it.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you're frustrated when you stain your shirt.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you aren't over your parent's death years later, you should get some counseling.",1,0.24999999999999994 You should be careful around loose animals you don't know.,1,0.5 It's good not to be lonely.,1,0.5 It's okay to want to move out.,1,0.5 It's pleasant to eat a perfectly cooked pulled pork sandwich.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal for people to want to make a lot of money.,1,0.5 It's understandable that sometimes you don't always have time for things besides work.,1,0.5 It is important to feel safe.,1,0.5 It's okay to carry your pet in public as a status symbol,1,1.0 It is nice to give discounts to family.,0,0.0 It's wrong to masturbate in a public bathroom.,1,0.5 It is wrong to gamble.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to thank someone when they are honest about their past.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't be afraid that people will make fun of you.,1,0.5 It's ok to not want to be friends with someone.,1,0.5 It is debilitating to have severely depressed behavior.,1,0.5 It's good to take charge of your health.,1,0.5 It's good to get help from your friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to not want to believe a diagnosis about your significant other.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't date someone if you have a sugardaddy.,1,0.5 It's good to be role models for your kids.,1,0.5 It's bad to look to old.,1,0.5 It's wrong to do something you know is going to hurt someone.,0,0.0 It's polite to knock before you enter someone's home.,1,0.5 It's important to give helpful feedback to someone who doesn't pass their driver's license test.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't enjoy watching animals fight each other.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to be able to see advantages.,1,0.5 You should be accepting of having a half-sibling,1,0.5 It's good to be hard-working and successful.,0,0.0 It's good to keep check on one's home.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're offended when your partner breaks up with you because of how you used to get by in life.,1,0.5 It is okay to be angry with someone who wronged you.,1,0.5 It's not okay to generalize or stereotype people because we don't take the time to learn about them.,1,0.5 You don't have to greet anyone that you don't want to.,1,0.5 It is bad to leave work early without permission,1,0.5 You should ask your partner to be there for your delivery.,1,0.5 It's understandable to feel hurt when someone you care about doesn't tell you about their big life changes.,1,0.5 It's okay to give something away when you don't enjoy it anymore.,1,0.5 It's okay to ask your roommate not to do certain things if they are disruptive.,0,0.0 It's okay to like eating certain weird things.,1,0.5 "It's good to have witty, effective ideas.",1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected to be happy with a new addition to the family.,0,0.0 It is expected some people are left and right handed.,0,0.0 It's understandable if you want to retire when you don't have to work.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should include your family in your family pictures.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to change your mind about a big life decision.,1,0.5 It's understandable not to want to go to an event where you don't feel welcome.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be upset with a co-worker who is not pulling their weight at work.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's harmful to bottle up negative feelings towards friends or family.,0,0.0 You should be forgiving of your significant other.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is immoral to kidnap children,0,0.0 It's bad to try to manipulate people.,0,0.0 It's OK to say no to things you can't afford.,1,0.5 It's good to be generous.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's immoral to harm another person.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to take care of a garden and be outside.,1,0.5 It's nice to get an email from someone you like.,1,0.5 It's expected that partners care about the health of the person they're with.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to do weird things when alone.,1,0.5 It's good to explore the possibilities of a relationship with a powerful man.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's kind to send someone an email that brightens up their day.,1,0.5 You shouldn't offend new parents.,0,0.0 It's okay to question whether or not you've experienced trauma.,1,0.24999999999999994 You don't have to help out your parents if you don't feel like it.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is responsible to look out for the children of the community.,1,0.5 You shouldn't go into someone's room if it's disgusting.,1,0.5 You shouldn't let your past come back to haunt you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It’s wrong to give up on your kids.,1,0.5 It shouldn't take you a year to learn your multiplication tables since that is pretty easy stuff to earn.,1,0.5 You shouldn't ignore someone's calls or texts.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be angry if your friend gets you in trouble.,1,0.5 It's good to make an effort to have a strong marriage.,1,0.5 It's bad to snatch money that doesn't belong to you.,1,0.5 It's wrong to exclude others for reasons over which they have no control.,1,0.5 It's okay to enjoy your life when you life with good sense.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is misleading to put out fake fruit.,1,1.0 It's good to respect women.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want to be dressed comfortably.,1,0.5 It's okay to wonder where your friend is going when they excuse themselves.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to look out for the well-being of your loved ones.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to have your feeling about other people change.,1,0.5 It's understandable to not want to move to a new house when you like the one you're in.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's uncomfortable to breathe when there's a lot of dust in a home.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's smart to arrive at the airport well in advance.,1,0.5 It's not okay to ask more of people that they thought they had to give.,1,0.5 It's wrong to give someone the silent treatment and not tell them why.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If someone is going to get fired, you should warn them.",1,0.5 It's okay to have second thoughts about things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's impolite to make premature assumptions about people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong for babies to bite other people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is unpleasant to scared of your in-laws.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is embarrassing to repeatedly fail the same subject.,1,0.5 It's OK to remove toxic people from your life.,1,0.5 It's not normal to dislike everybody,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to make others happy.,1,0.5 It's good to keep track of information about your friends and family.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should punish a child that plays pranks on others.,1,0.5 You shouldn't go to church if you don't want to.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to tell lies about people.,1,0.5 It's understandable that people get irritated sometimes with jealousy from others.,1,0.5 It's okay to feel insecure about your beliefs.,1,0.5 It's wrong to hide from things.,1,0.5 It's expected that children will find ways to hurt themselves.,1,1.0 It's expected that you know what your children prefer on a special occasion.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to recycle used bottles for other purposes.,1,0.5 It's good to shave to make yourself look presentable.,1,0.5 You shouldn't treat your partner like a trading card with your friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to dislike babies.,1,0.5 "If you want to stay young, you should take good care of your health.",0,0.0 It's expected that a film major has seen a lot of movies,1,0.5 It's unhealthy to vape.,1,0.5 You should be honest when someone asks if they're a creep.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to experience change.,1,0.5 It's okay to feel happy when you get a greeting card.,1,0.5 You should always punish people for their wrongdoings.,1,0.5 It's good to get matching earrings for your clothing.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to impersonate someone in hopes of a reward.,1,0.5 It is wrong to betray your family,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to do things for your kids.,1,0.5 It's good to have someone that listens to you and is honest with you.,1,0.5 "If you're scared to do things, you should get some help.",1,0.5 You should ask your significant other if it is okay to tell their parents something before doing so.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be proud of your kids when they grow up.,0,0.0 It's desirable for people to be understanding in communications to those who speak English as a second language.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's fine to feel disappointment when friends hurt your feelings.,1,0.5 It's fine to get into a relationship with someone you like.,1,0.5 It's good to save up to pay for a big trip.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to sing if you like to do it.,1,0.5 It's not okay to set yourself up for disaster.,0,0.0 It's understandable to fear future AI overlords.,1,0.5 You can't expect your family to always like your partner.,1,0.5 It's important to be alert while driving.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you don't like your stepmom.,1,0.5 You shouldn't bully others.,1,0.5 "It's okay to change your mind, even on important matters.",1,0.5 It's acceptable to look for bargains when shopping.,1,0.5 You shouldn't take parking spots away from someone who was waiting for it.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to potty train your kids.,0,0.0 It's understandable to fear for your children when they're in danger.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is unlikely that someone will give up their favorite thing.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to know you can find your friend when you need them.,1,0.5 Babysitting is a good learning experience to becoming a parent.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should always try to listen to your parents.,1,0.5 It's okay to be depressed.,1,0.5 It is bad to put candy in your pocket if it is stolen.,1,0.5 It's good to exercise so you can lose weight.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal for people to feel devastated by the death of a loved one.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be worried about a job interview.,1,0.5 It's rude to force your significant other to watch a movie they aren't interested in.,1,0.5 It's good to bond and be intimate with someone,1,0.5 It is good to respect other's religious preferences.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to want to have close relationships with others.,0,0.0 It's good to get some exercise with a nice long run.,1,0.5 "If you're having trouble getting over the painful past, you should get some help.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be proud of your kids when they grow up.,0,0.0 It's good to meet the challenges of your career.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to spend time at work daydreaming of your own business.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to be sad when you move from your childhood home.,1,0.5 it's okay to feel sad when your grandchild doesn't answer your phone call.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should marry the person you love.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to have an off day when you're usually cool.,1,0.5 It's wrong to do something bad to someone just because they did something bad to you.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're glad when someone is happy to receive your greeting card.,1,0.5 You should always accept someone's kindness.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is herioc to save someone from danger.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to impose on people.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should wear deodorant if you want to be close to the person you love.,1,0.5 It's good to go to the phone store when you want to change your plan.,1,0.5 You shouldn't abuse others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's nice to like someone's post.,1,0.5 If you know your best friend is shy it is reasonable for them to be scared to give a speech at your wedding.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to cross dress.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should try do nice things for your family.,0,0.0 It is ok to ask someone to leave if they are being rude on their phone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's reasonable for a veterinarian to frown upon you feeding your pet from your dinner plate.,1,0.5 It's good to want to protect your friends.,1,0.5 You should always go over your vacation plans before acting on them.,1,0.5 It's okay to think others should take responsibility for themselves.,1,0.5 It's rude to take advantage of someone when they let you use their credit card.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to feel like you're struggling while trying to get away from things in your past.,1,0.5 It's bad to lose your debit card.,1,0.5 It's important to give helpful feedback to someone who doesn't pass their driver's license test.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to feel lost when in new places.,1,0.5 When your child is sick it is expected that a doctor will see them.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's painful to leave a loved one.,1,0.5 It's rude to remove a like you gave on someone's post.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't betray your friends.,0,0.0 It's wrong to exclude others for reasons over which they have no control.,1,0.5 You shouldn't say things that call your character into question.,1,0.24999999999999994 Anyone that would make fun of an adult for learning how to swim is immature.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to demand that someone goes away.,1,0.5 It's fine to be annoyed at someone trying to sell you something.,1,0.5 It's best to be oneself instead of trying to change to fit in with others around you.,1,0.5 It's normal for students to have breaks during the school year.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't eat your co workers food.,1,0.5 You should fire your own pottery.,1,0.5 It's bad to crave attention.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should not touch someone without permission.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to make things hard for a friend.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should explain your issues with others.,1,0.5 You shouldn't reveal someone's secrets.,0,0.0 It's good to take children into your home.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected most people will enjoy time with their grandparents.,1,0.5 Do you shouldn't let little things irritate you,1,0.5 It's understandable to feel annoyed when someone wants attention.,0,0.0 It's not okay to start an argument over a person's fear.,1,0.5 It's fine to feel trapped sometimes.,1,0.7499999999999999 Pets are expected to not be treated as food.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be attentive to your stepchildren's needs when you have a new baby.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're uncomfortable with your significant other's sexual history.,1,0.5 It is nice to help your SO with paperwork if they need help doing it.,1,0.5 it's wrong to hurt people.,1,0.5 It's good for a mom to care about their children.,0,0.0 It's good to strive for your goals.,1,0.5 You should understand if someone does not want to accept a gift.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to dictate what others can do with their lives.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to enjoy your own food.,1,0.5 It's okay to argue with your foster kids about the food they eat.,1,0.5 It's normal to block cell signals in certain environments.,1,1.0 It's good to prescribe medication that helps someone recover.,1,0.5 It's good to visit other states.,0,0.0 It is taboo to eat disgusting things.,1,0.5 It is wrong as a group to collectively hate something.,1,0.5 It's okay to learn about yourself when you go to a nudist club.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's allowed to admit you need help with an addiction.,1,0.5 It's mean to resent your daughter.,1,0.5 It's good to remind people that they are lucky.,1,0.5 It's good to turn your homework in on time.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to look out for your family.,1,0.5 It's considered juvenile to hate people without a good reason.,1,0.5 "If you want to stay young, you should take good care of your health.",0,0.0 It's reasonable to not want to return to a dusty home.,0,0.0 It's fine to have an off day when you're usually cool.,1,0.5 It's wrong to tell people their sexual orientation is an illness,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to not say anything rather than saying something rude.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to cut in line.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to have an opinion.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to say mean things about a recently deceased person,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be confused when your friend leaves you.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't leave your future up to fate.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected that if you lie to your spouse your marriage will be jeopardized.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to make people scared for your safety.,1,0.5 You should shave your body hair if you're really hairy and unsightly.,1,0.5 It's wrong to feign illness for attention.,1,0.5 People will think you're bad with money if you don't plan ahead for your future.,1,0.5 You are expected to wait your turn before speaking.,1,0.5 It is okay to disagree with a friend's choices.,1,0.5 You shouldn't do something that would make social services show up.,0,0.0 You shouldn't mooch off your siblings.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you will keep naked pictures in confidence.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should be considerate of the people around you when you have a cellphone.,1,0.24999999999999994 If you are someones sidechick you are expected to keep your relationship private.,1,1.0 You should always respect the desires of family members.,1,0.5 It is ok to cut off a friendship if your best friend starts to date your ex.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't try to humiliate people.,1,0.5 It's nice to find old pictures.,0,0.0 It's disappointing to be in your 30's and feel as if you've wasted your life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to only want to listen to specific details.,1,0.5 It's good to get a job that you enjoy.,0,0.0 It's good to pursue friendships with work colleagues.,1,0.24999999999999994 Parents are expected to be excited about welcoming their first child.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't want to be tortured.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is important to not each too much protein.,1,0.5 It's okay to not let someone do something inappropriate at your wedding.,1,0.5 It's rude to yell at your family and friends.,1,0.5 It's not okay to hate someone just because they made a single mistake.,1,0.5 It's understandable to hate making decisions.,1,0.5 It's sad to not be able to wear what you want.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad to go through a depressive episode.,1,0.5 It's okay to feel like you deserve to feel down.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't swear at others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to take your anger out on others.,1,0.5 It's OK to get annoyed with a coworker.,1,0.5 It's allowed to do frivolous things on a momentous birthday.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't video tape someone without their permission.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be rude to children.,1,0.5 It's wrong to dump all your problems on your young child,1,0.5 It is okay to have fun in your spare time.,1,0.5 It's normal to expect gifts on special days.,1,0.5 You should always pay off your student loans.,1,0.5 It's good to spend time outside so you get some fresh air.,1,0.5 You shouldn't snoop on people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to block people from parking.,1,0.5 You shouldn't blame others for your child's death.,1,0.5 It's unexpected to get a card without knowing hwo it's from.,1,0.5 You should be cautious about how much you drink when you go to a party,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't worry your family.,1,0.5 It's bad to abuse your children.,0,0.0 It's good to have a companion to get you through difficult times,1,0.24999999999999994 It’s wrong to expose young children to a lot of female partners,1,0.24999999999999994 There's nothing wrong with expecting your partner to care about you.,1,0.5 It's expected that people seek social connections.,1,0.5 Sometimes people are not sure if they are doing things correctly,1,0.5 It is okay to be upset if you feel rejected by your family for the holidays.,1,0.5 It's good to have a cultural identity.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't expect thanks for attending a memorial service.,1,0.5 It's good to maintain a job.,1,0.5 "If you have a test, you're expected to be ready for it.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to lose your debit card.,1,0.5 It's ok to maintain privacy in your own home.,1,0.24999999999999994 Partners are expected to forgive each other.,1,0.5 It's wrong not to support your family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be disappointed when something you wanted badly doesn't turn out well.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not unusual to have an unhealthy relationship with food.,1,0.5 It's good to take your responsibilities seriously.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you are interested in someone's interfaith marriage, you should ask them about it.",0,0.0 Cursing at another person is considered impolite.,1,0.5 Parents are expected to help their children out when they're asked.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to be on your phone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to operate your car in any way you enjoy.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to find a path to recovery after you lose someone to suicide.,1,0.5 It is expected that a car wreck can cause someone to be late.,1,0.5 You shouldn't damage your capacity to empathize with people.,1,0.5 It's terrible to mislead someone to think you're younger than you are.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to learn something that can improve your health.,1,0.5 You're expected to back up snide remarks with facts.,1,0.5 It's normal to help out your partner when they need it.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you don't want your children in a generational photo.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable that people's lives don't always go as planned.,1,0.24999999999999994 Parents are expected to share the responsibility for raising their children.,1,0.5 Is wrong to be a pervert,1,0.5 It is ok to be late to something if you had an emergency.,1,0.5 People will think you're promiscuous if they find out you cheat on your partner.,1,0.7499999999999999 If you normally cry during movies you are expected to bring tissues with you.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you are hopeful that your pet will come home.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to behave badly.,1,0.5 You should stay positive about the future,1,0.5 It's ok to feel out of control.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's exciting when you're winning a game,1,0.5 You should be supportive when a family member is chronically ill.,1,0.5 It's wrong to sell your body for money.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to find ways to make more money if you are short.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to do your best.,1,0.5 "If a baby won't be quiet, you should put a pacifier in its mouth.",1,0.5 You shouldn't use someone to get back at another person,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fun to take your grandchildren out fishing.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's mean to criticize someone's actions when it's too late to fix them.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's kind to help your coworkers with their goals.,1,0.5 It's okay to be angry.,1,0.5 You shouldn't take advantage of your family.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be scared of telling your spouse when you get scammed.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should take care of your palm trees.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should go out with people that like you.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to sell things to others.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's normal to talk to childhood friends on Facebook.,1,0.5 You should tell your partner if you feel you're being left out.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't go to the top of the pyramid in a cheer formation if you are not the lightest person in the group.,0,0.0 It's okay to feel sad when you can't afford a new pair of glasses for your child.,1,0.5 It is wrong to continue an argument when your partner wants to end it.,1,0.5 It's good to find a person who you are romantically interested in.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should let your ex go.,1,0.7499999999999999 Feeling bad for not knowing how to do something is silly.,1,0.5 People are expected to want to live with their loved ones.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to recognize the problems with being attracted to someone much younger than you.,1,0.5 You shouldn't abuse alcohol.,1,0.5 It's good to have a plan for your future.,0,0.0 It's rude to burp in public really loudly.,1,0.5 It is okay to question society.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to support your school's football team.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be honest with people who are taking advantage of you,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected to parents do what's best for their children,1,0.5 It is expected that you not let your children play in dangerous areas.,1,0.5 Family members are expected to be a part of events.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to show emotions.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to watch movies with your significant other.,1,0.5 You shouldn't violate terms of service if you don't want your account banned.,1,0.5 It's bad to be the cause of someone's death.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should practice to master your goals.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to not want to put yourself in a dangerous scenario.,1,0.5 It is good to be creative.,1,0.5 It's expected to see a doctor when you're sick.,1,0.7499999999999999 "It's understandable that sometimes, people have reasons to feel insecure.",1,0.5 It's expected that people be close to their families.,0,0.0 You should go to rehab when you have a drug addiction.,1,0.7499999999999999 Anyone that would make fun of an adult for learning how to swim is immature.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine if you dislike hiking.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should feel distraught as a result of nightmares.,1,0.5 You should reach out when you don't know what you are.,1,0.5 It's terrible to mislead someone to think you're younger than you are.,1,0.7499999999999999 You can't expect your family to attend a funeral.,1,0.5 It's good to have a job to support yourself.,1,0.5 It's good to be observant of things you might enjoy.,1,0.5 It's wrong to be down on yourself when you tried your best.,1,0.5 It's ok to want to have some time to yourself.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to trivialize things by naming yourself after a terrorist organization.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's courageous to join the military and defend the freedom of your country.,1,0.5 Parents are expected to get their children all the recommended vaccinations that a doctor orders.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be appreciative of the good times you are having in your life.,0,0.0 It's understandable if you are happy when your stepmom still cares about you after having a new baby.,1,0.5 It's wrong to give away merchandise for free without your manager's permission when you work in retail.,1,0.5 It is good to flee from dictators.,1,0.5 You shouldn't take advantage of your family.,1,0.5 It's admirable to serve your community as a first responder.,1,0.5 You should lose weight if your partner doesn't like you that way.,1,0.5 It is good to accept your family members for who they are,0,0.0 It's understandable if you're bored when you go to the zoo.,0,0.0 It's wrong to admire villains.,1,0.5 It's normal for parents to not want their children to be sexually active,1,0.5 It is expected that you do not talk to exes.,0,0.0 It's okay not to like a health insurance company.,0,0.0 You're allowed to protest an arranged coupling.,0,0.0 It's understandable to be bored with playing the same game all the time.,1,0.5 You shouldn't frustrate others.,0,0.0 It's expected that people will seek someone to love them.,1,0.5 It's wrong to give out keys to a building to people who do not live there.,0,0.0 It is important to have a good reason to scare someone away.,0,0.0 It's understandable if you're upset when you get into a car accident.,1,0.5 It's important to use good sense to live your life.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be so scared about getting married.,1,0.5 It's normal to want to have close relationships with others.,0,0.0 It's good to cook for others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to frame your awards to display them for others to see.,1,0.5 You're allowed to ask others not to share your pictures on social media.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should try to be understanding when someone says they hate something.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to lie to other people,1,0.7499999999999999 "It's expected that someone's death will affect you greatly, especially if they were close to you.",1,0.24999999999999994 You are allowed to set boundaries for your spaces.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to save money for the future to buy other things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to not believe your best friend.,0,0.0 It's good to sing if you like to do it.,1,0.5 You should not go to someone's wedding when you fall out with them.,1,0.5 It's wrong to want to kill yourself.,1,0.5 You should learn how to properly pronounce someone's name.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's juvenile to use April 20th to signify marijuana use.,1,0.5 It's okay to be scared when you're addicted to drugs.,0,0.0 It's understandable if you rush when you're late to work.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's ok to feel out of control.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't be afraid that people will make fun of you.,1,0.5 It's good to have goals.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should ask your partner to be there for your delivery.,1,0.5 You shouldn't rush through tasks without being attentive to them.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is ok to be happy for others in good relationships.,1,0.5 It is okay to voice your opinion if someone did something wrong.,0,0.0 Not sharing every detail of your personal life is a healthy thing.,0,0.0 "It's good to try something new regardless of how it works out, because you won't know otherwise.",1,0.5 Playing ping pong with a friend is a good way to spend time.,1,0.24999999999999994 "It's expected that people feel satisfied when they do too much of some things, which is why they continue to do them past the point of safety.",1,0.5 It's sad when people die.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should not say swear words.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be annoyed when someone thinks they're smarter than you.,1,0.5 It's fine to take any side of the debate about abortion that you believe to be correct.,1,0.5 It's healthy to give yourself time to rest and recuperate after a trying ordeal.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected people will follow the rules of the road when riding a bike.,0,0.0 You don't have to feel bad about not wanting to spend every minute with a partner.,1,0.5 It's good to have a workout partner that you trust.,0,0.0 You should always attend someone's funeral.,1,0.5 You're expected to talk to your roommate.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to overly simply someone's problems.,1,0.5 It's fine to keep to one lane of traffic.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's fine to not take your significant other's side if you don't agree with them.,1,0.5 It's expected that a parent be polite to their children.,1,0.5 It is bad to freak out a lot.,0,0.0 It's good to share what you have with others,1,0.5 It is okay to want time to yourself,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to look forward to things you can do when you grow older.,1,0.5 You should let the parents know if their child is misbehaving.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to communicate your needs in a relationship.,1,0.5 It is understandable to want to be a part of your spouse's family.,1,0.5 It is wrong to be attracted to your friend's parent.,1,0.5 It's okay to carry your pet in public as a status symbol,1,1.0 You should treat employees well,1,0.5 It's irresponsible to prioritize drinking or drugs over the wellbeing of your children.,1,0.5 It's wrong for classmates to be rude to one another.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be supportive when your friend is ill.,1,0.5 It's good to keep in contact with your partner after you move or change schools.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you are nervous about dating.,1,0.5 It's okay to feel uncomfortable when you move somewhere inhospitable.,1,0.5 It's good to have a relationship with someone else.,1,0.5 Expect to go to jail if you break the law.,1,0.5 It's okay to be suspicious when your friend is keeping secrets.,1,0.5 You shouldn't idolize family members.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is ok to cancel a party if you are sick.,1,0.5 It's OK to let your pet play with anything you like.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to feel left out.,1,0.5 You shouldn't scowl at people.,1,0.5 You shouldn't ignore your family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to hold grudges on people.,0,0.0 It's good to save up to pay for a big trip.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't overestimate things.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't follow certain family members on social media.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to make someone uncomfortable or push them to their limits,1,0.5 It's ok to break up with someone you aren't into.,1,0.5 It's good to forgive others.,1,0.5 It is bad to molest others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you're irritated by cellphone ettiquette.,1,0.5 You shouldn't expect all students to get involved in sports at school.,1,0.5 It's mean to choose sides.,1,0.5 You should be supportive of your partner.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you judge a 9 year old that drinks from a bottle.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should check your couch cushions for sharp objects.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's immoral to want to cause harm to yourself or another person.,1,0.5 It is unattractive to have too much body hair.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is expected that you accept invitations to important events of friends and loved ones,1,0.5 It's good to keep your partner safe.,1,0.5 It's rude to dislike your best friend's boyfriend.,1,0.7499999999999999 A parent isn't expected to make excuses for the bad behavior of their former partner.,1,0.5 It's nice to let pets indoors when it is cold.,1,0.5 It's kind to show a partner how much you care by getting them a gift.,1,0.5 You should obey the rules.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should let your friend vent to you about their relationship problems.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to have fantasies about people.,1,0.5 It's wrong to give up on something that is important to you.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't do drugs with friends.,1,0.5 "If you have to take care of someone with special needs, it's okay to feel frustrated.",1,0.5 It's good to keep check on one's home.,1,0.5 It's expected that some people go to jail.,1,0.5 It is good to try to seek the culprit of the problem.,1,0.5 "When you lose your spouse, it's okay to move on.",1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't dress slutty.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is helpful to do chores around the house.,1,0.5 You shouldn't argue over money in your family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is reasonable to sad if your child does not love you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay for people to ride their bikes to and from school.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to wait until the last minute to do your homework.,1,0.5 You should expect children to cry a lot since kids cry.,1,0.5 It's wrong to take someone else's pet.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to get help if you're so depressed you can't do anything.,1,0.5 You should say thank you when your spouse pays for your trip.,1,0.5 It's understood that not everyone is a cheerful person.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's reasonable to want to get away from a difficult or tiring situation,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to wait until the last minute to do things.,1,0.24999999999999994 "When you need to go to the hospital, it's good to get a ride.",1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad to kidnap a child.,0,0.0 It's hurtful for a parent to enroll a child in classes without permission.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's not okay to think that because you don't need something someone else should have to do with out it.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's nice to be in love.,1,0.5 You shouldn't take advantage of your family.,1,0.5 It's good to be concerned about your home.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to force your significant other to watch a movie they aren't interested in.,1,0.5 It's fine to like a show.,1,0.5 It's wrong to play pranks on people that are upset,1,0.24999999999999994 Helping someone you know is struggling to make a positive change is expected.,1,0.5 Wanting to vent about your job is okay.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's important to have your driver's license on you when operating a vehicle.,0,0.0 It's good not to charge your customers if the service was really bad or something was wrong with their meal.,1,0.5 It's not okay to loiter and get into trouble with your friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't be friends with someone that ditches you.,1,0.5 It's okay to feel dejected when people didn't care enough about you to throw a birthday party for you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to act with anger and aggression toward others,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wise to ask people who would know for more information about things you may be interested in doing.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you won't like everyone you meet.,1,0.5 It's okay to fall in love with an old flame.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you daydream about murdering people, you should seek therapy.",1,0.5 It's rude not to invite your sibling to your graduation.,1,0.5 It's understandable to have trouble helping others.,1,0.5 It's okay to be old fashioned in your beliefs about manners.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay if you want to move a bird's nest somewhere else.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you can't afford healthcare, you should get some government assistance.",1,0.5 You should remove channels you don't watch from your cable package.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't fantasize about torture because it's wrong.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't yell at your friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always ask people for help if you have a problem.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be friends with ex's.,1,0.24999999999999994 Parents should be aware of potential dangers to their children.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is a lot of responsibility to not be able to miss a shift.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to be in an accident.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't eat foods that are unhealthy.,1,0.5 People will eventually get annoyed with you if you're always complaining about life.,1,0.5 It's good to want to adopt a young relative.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to tell customers what they owe when they check out at the store.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't call people really early in the morning.,1,0.5 You should be happy if someone gives you a gift for Valentine's Day.,1,0.5 You shouldn't ignore people.,0,0.0 It's wrong to hate people.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't throw things at people.,1,0.5 It's bad to wish you weren't alive.,1,0.5 Is good to help family members when they need it,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't block your family on social media.,1,0.5 It's good to work to advance social justice causes that you believe in,1,0.7499999999999999 It's considered juvenile to hate people without a good reason.,1,0.5 People shouldn't think innocent mistakes people make are intentionally malicious.,1,0.5 It is offensive to swear at others.,1,0.5 It's good to spend time with people outdoors.,1,0.5 It's rude to touch people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to care about the lives of your kids.,1,0.5 You should talk with someone if they have a problem with what you are wearing and where.,0,0.0 It's wrong to get married too young because marriages frequently don't work out at young ages.,1,0.5 You shouldn't let assault go unpunished.,1,0.5 It is expected that you poop in a toilet,0,0.0 It's good to donate blood to others who need it.,1,0.24999999999999994 You can make your wedding day go as you want it.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't judge others by their weight.,1,0.5 It's good to be proud of your cooking.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to date who you want.,1,0.5 You should be polite if you need to decline a gift.,1,0.5 It's okay to be frustrated.,1,0.5 It's not okay for a person not to be able to figure things out on their own.,1,0.5 It's okay for combat veterans to be traumatized by their experience.,1,0.5 "People should read the reviews of a hotel before they stay at it, to make sure it's going to be a good experience.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's inappropriate to manipulate someone into doing something they don't want to.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be expected to cancel plans that you have already made.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's encouraged you find a different bathroom if you need to go and they are all occupied,1,0.5 You shouldn't let yourself be taken advantage of.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be afraid of growing apart from your partner.,0,0.0 It is expected that couples are faithful to each other.,1,0.5 You should always pay off your student loans.,1,0.5 You should fire your own pottery.,1,0.5 It's good to celebrate someone's birthday.,1,0.7499999999999999 "If you don't want to crash, you shouldn't drive recklessly.",1,0.5 It's rude to uninvite people to your wedding.,0,0.0 You should do what you're interested in doing.,1,0.5 It's wrong to judge other people based on dietary preferences.,0,0.0 You shouldn't make yourself feel worse when you're down.,1,0.5 It is good to make sure you can support a child before having one,1,0.5 You should tell people that you are happy and content.,0,0.0 It's wrong to cheat in games.,1,0.5 It is wrong to be misleading.,1,0.5 It's okay to eschew social norms..,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you won't cut off family members.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to talk to other people who are similar to you if you do not like something about youself.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to admit when you've been fooled.,0,0.0 It's good to be resourceful if you don't have a first aid kit when you're injured.,1,0.5 It's wrong to take things out on other people.,1,0.5 You should expect people to miss their siblings when they pass away.,1,0.5 It's wrong to be too needy to people because people find it annoying.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is unprofessional for a doctor to make a diagnosis without all the information.,1,0.5 It's okay to be angry when your friend's views don't match your own.,1,0.5 It's evil to kill people and distribute their belongings.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to take advantage of someone who's much younger than you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to look at a person and judge them wrongly.,1,0.5 You shouldn't get back together with an ex.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to know where someone lives.,1,0.5 It's good to tell about your place of employment so you get more customers,0,0.0 Parents are expected to get their children all the recommended vaccinations that a doctor orders.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to buy nice things for yourself.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to practice art.,1,0.5 You shouldn't cause fights.,1,0.5 It is OK to refuse to pay more rent than you feel you should,1,1.0 You should try to give your friends gifts for their birthday.,1,0.5 You should be a good friend so that your friends don't get excited about leaving you.,0,0.0 It's good to find a handsome man.,1,0.5 It's okay to relax in comfortable clothes on your day off.,1,0.5 It's bad to not be careful.,0,0.0 It's good to take care of your children that can't do things for yourself.,1,0.5 It's good to believe in something.,1,0.5 It's acceptable to look for bargains when shopping.,1,0.5 You should keep supporting someone when they are trying to figure out what they want to do.,1,0.5 It is normal for students to pass notes,1,0.5 You shouldn't try to pass the blame of your farts onto someone else.,1,0.5 You should not be rude to guests.,1,0.5 It's normal to eat peanuts at a bar,0,0.0 It's bad to reveal secrets.,1,0.5 It's good to maintain your own hair.,1,0.5 It's ok to pursue any college degree you find appealing.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is your right to not invite anyone you dont want to to your wedding.,1,0.5 Relationships are expected to have clear communication.,1,0.24999999999999994 If you feel you can't feel any feelings you should talk to a therapist.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to want to ruin your ex's new relationships.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should be respectful of your partner's family's religious values.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you're annoyed by other people profiting off of your money.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to express your political leanings when you are teaching religion.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's OK to demand good service from a business.,1,0.5 It's okay to want your kids to understand the importance of their family heirlooms.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's hurtful to not value a loved ones thoughts.,0,0.0 You should always think before you speak.,0,0.0 It's expected that you show remorse when you've cheated on your partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is uncomfortable to be constantly checked on by your landlord.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to leave pet waste in other people's yards.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to want the best happy life for everyone.,1,0.24999999999999994 Growing in life and gaining independence is expected.,1,0.5 It's great to be proud of yourself for accomplishing your goals,1,0.5 "If you feel something poking you, you should check it out to see what it is.",1,0.5 You shouldn't fight with your friends over your love life.,0,0.0 "If you aren't ready to start dating, you shouldn't go on dates.",1,0.5 It's OK to demand good service from a business.,1,0.5 It's good to help your friends when they are injured.,1,0.24999999999999994 You don't have to be responsible for a friend's illness if you don't want to,1,0.24999999999999994 It's pleasant to spend time with someone on a beach.,1,0.5 It is nice to help a friend when they are scared.,1,0.5 You should reach out when you don't know what you are.,1,0.5 It's hurtful to never return to someone's home.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to not tell your partner your expectations for the relationship.,1,0.5 You shouldn't talk to people about your fetishes.,1,0.5 It's ok to stand up to a parent with they do you wrong.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to picture things in your mind.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's ok to be curious about the insides of things.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's not okay to not have people in real life to talk to.,1,0.5 It's good for a parent to want their children to make the best decisions possible.,1,0.5 It's expected you get into a fight if you're being racist around people,1,0.5 It's important to let your partner know if you have an STD.,0,0.0 You should accept it if someone wants to break up with you for a good reason.,1,0.5 It is acceptable to get plastic surgery if you are unhappy with your appearance.,1,0.5 It's good to grow as a person as you age.,1,0.5 It's encouraged to cultivate healthier eating habits.,1,0.24999999999999994 "When you refuse to go to the doctor, you should not expect pity from your partner.",1,0.5 It's okay for the things you enjoy to change as you get older,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to not be able to pay attention to things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to celebrate someone's birthday.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad to have a drug addiction.,1,0.5 It's wrong to romanticize unhealthy relationships.,0,0.0 You shouldn't expect your ex to remain friends with you.,0,0.0 It's wise to never let yourself get embarrassed by your significant other.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should do what you think will make your parents proud.,1,0.5 Parents should involve children in their problems,1,0.24999999999999994 You should stand up for your family members if they are being treated poorly.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should tell your parents to butt out of your love life.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should get married when you love someone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to think someone is creepy.,0,0.0 You shouldn't leave a senior with dementia by themselves because they could hurt themselves.,1,0.5 It's okay for young adults to choose to live at hime.,1,0.5 It's smart to know what you've ordered before it arrives.,1,0.5 "If your child can't read well, people might think you're doing something wrong as a parent.",1,0.5 It's not okay to be disrespectful to service employees.,1,0.5 You should make an effort to help out family members.,1,0.5 It's bad to want to offend other people.,1,0.5 It's okay to drink responsibly.,1,0.5 You shouldn't tell your siblings what to do.,1,0.5 It's expected that you call the authorities if you see a missing child.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to feel hurt if your child doesn't let you see your grandchildren.,1,0.5 It's bad to have sex with a woman who is in a relationship,1,0.5 It's normal to get ice from a freezer,1,0.5 It's bad to steal money from a trust.,1,0.5 "If you are having trouble in your relationship, you should get some relationship advice.",1,0.24999999999999994 You should thank someone when they invite tou to thier wedding.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should be supportive when your dad comes out as bisexual.,1,0.5 It's good to have things in common with your partner's parents.,0,0.0 It's wrong to be deceitful towards another person.,1,0.5 It is controlling to tell your partner what they cannot do.,0,0.0 If you agree to take care of someones dog it is cruel to neglect the dog.,0,0.0 "Sometimes being blunt and crass is okay, especially to get a point across when it hasn't been working",1,0.5 It is good to invite friends and family to your wedding.,1,0.5 It's okay to be rude to someone that cares about you.,1,0.5 It is understandable to not feel empathy when their situations do not involve you.,1,0.5 It's wrong not to share with your partner.,0,0.0 you should not pass notes in class.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to not trust someone who broke your trust in the past.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's allowed to want to spend the evening with someone you've been going out with.,1,0.5 It's okay to be offended when your grand kids don't like your menu.,1,0.5 It's okay to feel like you deserve to feel down.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to help out your friends when they are having problems.,0,0.0 People should not put conditions on their invitations to a party.,1,0.5 You should teach your children to be bilingual.,1,0.5 It is expected that you show gratitude when people do things for you,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to want your spouse's best friend.,1,0.5 It's okay to not want to deal with someone else's bad habits.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should laugh it off when someone does something embarrassing by mistake.,1,0.5 You shouldn't reveal someone's private conversations to someone else.,1,0.5 It’s expected that parents leave their children everything in their will,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to go to funerals.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to have high expectations for your life's journey.,1,0.5 It is understandable to be uncomfortable around disabled people.,1,0.5 It's okay to be nervous about asking someone to a dance.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to try new things.,0,0.0 It's okay to end a relationship if it isn't working for you.,1,0.5 You shouldn't expect people to do all their chores.,1,1.0 Relaxation is a good way to reduce stress.,1,0.5 It's bad to knock someone out.,1,0.5 "When you play a game that is boring you, it's okay to quit early.",1,0.5 It is good to be generous,1,0.5 "It's good to be understanding and forgiving, especially with friends and loved ones.",1,0.5 It's okay to be upset when you lose all the money you put into a wedding you canceled.,1,0.5 It's expected that people will leave ex partners in the past,1,0.5 It's fine to want to break up with someone.,1,0.5 It's expected to follow a doctor's advice.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is cordial to respond politely.,1,0.5 It is unattractive to have too much body hair.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should take a picture of someone when a butterfly lands on their finger.,1,0.5 It's wrong to think that you are a failure.,1,0.24999999999999994 Listening to your favorite music is a good way to relax.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable for a parent to not be able to do things for their adult children.,1,0.5 It's normal to fall in love.,1,0.5 It's expected that you be sad after breaking up with someone.,1,0.5 It is expected that your respond when someone addresses you,1,0.5 It is good to respect your chulds bounderies.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected for members of the military to treat civilians respectfully.,1,0.5 It is sad to have to mourn lost friends.,1,0.5 It is disrespectful to pursue other women when you are married.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to speak up.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should be resourceful when you have bills to pay and no job.,0,0.0 "People are expected to be kind to others, especially when the other person is not well.",1,0.5 You should not look at someones facebook that makes you sad.,1,0.5 You shouldn't get involved with your best friend if you have a partner.,1,0.5 It's fun to go out fishing with your grandparents.,1,0.5 If you are hungry it is reasonable to order a lot of food.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to never have sex with your spouse.,1,0.7499999999999999 Men are expected to keep their emotions to themselves.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay for family not to get along.,0,0.0 It's okay to date someone but not make it official yet.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should support your family.,1,0.5 It's good to give relationship advice to people.,1,0.5 It's okay that people grieve in different ways.,1,0.5 "If you have an eating disorder, you should see the doctor.",0,0.0 It's good to be prepared before you go somewhere new.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to go through rough times,1,0.24999999999999994 Once you get married you are expected to stop chasing other women around.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't dig up someone's awful past.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't over-exercise because you might tire yourself out and quit prematurely.,1,0.5 It is good to invite friends and family to your wedding.,1,0.5 It is good to bond with others over a shared interest.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to want to celebrate with others to commemorate a special occasion.,0,0.0 It's bad to have sex with a woman who is in a relationship,1,0.5 It's understandable to have a relationship end.,1,0.5 It is good to stop eating subway if it ruins your life.,1,0.5 It is important to get an education.,1,0.5 It is okay to need a break from an activity.,1,0.5 It is good to be happy about something someone just gave you.,1,0.5 It's okay to feel angry when you are chronically ill.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't be influenced by peer pressure to do things that are harmful to you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's criminal to inflict sexual trauma on someone else.,0,0.0 It's rude to be ashamed of people that love you.,1,0.5 It's wrong to abuse children.,0,0.0 It's understandable to be embarrassed if you spill something.,1,0.5 You should set alarms if you are prone to oversleeping for work.,1,0.5 It's understandable to trip on something.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you're upset when you can't walk on your own.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fun to go to the drive-in with your partner.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected you study the competition you'll face.,0,0.0 It's wrong to hate people for having a different opinion than yours,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't go to the top of the pyramid in a cheer formation if you are not the lightest person in the group.,0,0.0 "If you feel like you're sick, you should see a doctor.",1,0.5 It's irresponsible to prioritize drinking or drugs over the wellbeing of your children.,1,0.5 It is rude not to contribute to a party you are attending.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't call your friends out.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be broke because then you can't pay your bills.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to feel dejected when people didn't care enough about you to throw a birthday party for you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to want to break up with someone.,1,0.5 It is rude to lock someone out of their house.,1,0.5 It's bad to talk in class.,1,0.5 It is dangerous for a grandparent to risk a fall.,1,0.5 You should be careful when you're walking on a path.,1,0.5 It's understandable to have difficulties in a friendship.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't be too pushy with your friends or you might scare them away.,1,0.24999999999999994 "You should always take care of the family pets, even when your partner is sick.",1,0.5 It's wrong not to follow people on Instagram if you like them.,1,0.7499999999999999 If you perform well on a test it is acceptable to be happy with yourself.,1,0.5 It's okay not to understand sometimes.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't discriminate against someone based on race.,1,0.5 It's good to have people you can use to improve yourself.,1,0.5 It's expected that wild animals can be seen in zoos.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's important to not beat yourself up over things you can't change.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't accept money from someone you don't want to date.,1,1.0 You should always acknowledge your mistakes.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is understandable to not want to plan more than one big event,0,0.0 It's acceptable to dress however you would like.,1,0.5 It's okay to be sad when someone dies.,0,0.0 It's good to eat breakfast every day since it's the most important meal of the day.,1,0.5 You should always cook pasta before you eat it so you don't chip your teeth on dry pasta.,1,0.5 It's understandable that people make word associations.,1,0.5 "Family connections are important, and you should try to be present for as many as possible",0,0.0 All kids get sick eventually as it's unavoidable.,1,0.5 It's fine to report someone for parking in the spot assigned to you.,1,0.5 You shouldn't steal food.,1,0.5 You are expected to talk things through with friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to not take others thoughts and emotions into consideration,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to fake a medical condition.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to cheat on your partner.,1,0.5 It is expected that some disabled people might need help with parking at times.,1,1.0 It's understandable secretly want things.,1,0.5 It is important to stand up for yourself.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't hold onto the sad past.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't give gifts that have hidden meanings.,0,0.0 It's okay to make a mistake.,0,0.0 Family members are expected to be a part of events.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to spend other people's money.,1,0.5 You should expect people to be scared of you if you're big and muscular.,1,0.5 It is good to include others in plans.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to ignore a foreign city to just watch TV in the hotel.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's rude to force your significant other to watch a movie they aren't interested in.,1,0.5 You should not judge others for their lack of knowledge.,1,0.5 "If you want green grass on your lawn, you should water it more.",1,0.5 You should punish an animal that jumps on furniture.,0,0.0 You should always eat dessert with milk.,1,0.7499999999999999 You can't expect your partner to always want to take care of your pets.,1,0.5 It's reasonable to have to snitch on a manager.,1,0.5 "If you have conflict in your marriage, it is expected that you always consider your children's feelings.",1,0.5 You shouldn't touch other people.,1,0.5 It is expected some people are left and right handed.,0,0.0 It's good to decorate your house to make it feel more like a home.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't wait in the shadows because you might spook people.,1,0.7499999999999999 You have a right to be upset when your wife insults you.,1,0.5 It's not okay to rely on technology for health.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't let guilt overtake your life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to get annoyed at someone obnoxious.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to want to compete.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is expected that tou bring a gift to a wedding.,1,0.5 People are expected to want to be close to their family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to not want to date someone you are uncomfortable dating.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be careful to avoid tripping when you're walking.,1,0.5 It's expected that if you lie to your spouse your marriage will be jeopardized.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should tell someone if they upset you.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't let a family member cut you off.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's pathetic to betray something intimate told to you in confidence.,1,0.5 It's ok to sell things in school.,0,0.0 It's allowed to try to find puppies a good home.,0,0.0 You shouldn't let friends stay over at your place unexpectedly.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should give yourself time to grieve before getting in a new relationship when your spouse dies.,0,0.0 It's fine to expect your significant other to want to hang out with your friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't get involved in family drama if you can help it.,1,0.5 It's normal for people to practice a skill to improve their ability.,0,0.0 You should apologize if you hurt someone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is unacceptable to refuse to honor your best friend at their own wedding.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should arrest people when they break the law.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to trivialize someone else's health condition.,1,0.5 It's good to want to have the admiration of your peers.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is weird to want to stare at a bilingual person.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to need help in parenting.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to give someone advanced notice if they will be let go.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to yell at your friends.,1,0.5 It's bad to expose people to secondhand smoke.,1,0.5 It is good to offer recognition when others do well.,1,0.5 It is bad to shut down when things bother you.,1,0.5 You shouldn't have sex with someone else if you're married.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is polite to wish others a happy holiday.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't destroy things.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you don't want to clean up after a long day.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to stay quiet about past abuse.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should keep your pets indoors to keep them safe.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should find a new job if you hate your current one.,1,0.5 It's okay to have favorite things that you enjoy.,1,0.5 It is normal to respond affirmatively if you want to go out.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you hit rock bottom, you should get some help.",1,0.5 It's expected that you maintain good relations with coworkers,0,0.0 Purchasing black market organs is not okay.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is important to get rid of things that do not make you happy.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't reveal someone's secret side.,1,0.5 It's good to stay home sometimes and spend time with your partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's selfish to quit playing a game just because you are not doing well.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to learn things new and fun.,1,0.5 You should drive carefully even when you're running late.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable if you feel nostalgic when you move.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to relax and play games.,1,0.5 It is okay to expect neighbors to be respectful,1,0.5 You can't expect people to always like a certain kind of music.,1,0.5 It's disappointing to be in your 30's and feel as if you've wasted your life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be hard-working and successful.,0,0.0 You shouldn't let fear take over your life,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to mislead people about your health.,1,0.5 It's okay if you don't want to share your illness with your friends.,1,0.5 It is understandable to be uncomfortable around disabled people.,1,0.5 It's good to want to do the things it takes to start a grown up life.,1,0.5 It's good to get away from a dangerous situation.,1,0.24999999999999994 One is expected to keep appointments that they make.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to be honest with coworkers.,1,0.5 It is wrong to refuse help when you are struggling and you know that need it.,0,0.0 It's normal for things to sometimes not go as you planned.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to ruin other's lives.,1,0.5 You shouldn't take people's words too personally,1,0.5 You shouldn't do drugs with friends.,1,0.5 It's good to help out your roommates when they are in trouble.,1,0.5 It's rude to laugh at someone when they trip on something.,1,0.5 It is wrong to take away the rights of others.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't put up with a rude roommate that tells you what to do.,1,0.5 "You shouldn't believe in the 'Elevator Game.""",1,1.0 It's OK to get annoyed with a coworker.,1,0.5 You should listen to your partner's wishes.,1,0.5 You shouldn't do something you don't want to do.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable that we all make mistakes.,1,0.5 "If you're divorced, you should omit your partner's name from cards.",1,0.5 It's understandable to be upset a beloved pet is missing.,1,0.5 It's good to be relieved about things when something turns out not to be serious.,1,0.5 It's wrong to travel too much and be away from your partner.,1,0.5 It's okay to do things a certain way that isn't popular with others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you are annoyed when an invitation seems entitled to gifts.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be kind.,1,0.5 It's wrong to share to much about yourself.,1,0.5 It's good to keep one's untoward deeds a secret.,1,0.5 You should take control of your love life and find love yourself.,1,0.5 It's normal to not like medicine.,1,1.0 It's expected that you won't hang out with your ex.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to want some time to yourself,1,0.5 It's rude to tell others what to do.,1,0.5 You should look for another job if you don't like yours,1,0.5 People shouldn't dwell on things which happened weeks ago.,1,0.5 It's not okay to bother someone while they are at work.,0,0.0 You shouldn't abandon others.,0,0.0 It's good to consider your options about things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to be too dependent on your friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to treat a kid that's grown up like a child.,0,0.0 You shouldn't have an affair with someone who is married.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't side with your parents over your partner.,1,0.5 It's okay to feel uncomfortable when you move somewhere inhospitable.,1,0.5 It's okay to grieve for a dead friend.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to get high with people.,1,0.5 It's okay to feel numb when your spouse of 50 years dies.,1,0.5 It's understandable that sometimes people have reasons not to trust someone.,1,0.5 You should obtain consent before attempting to participate in your kinks.,1,0.5 It's wrong to waste your money on expensive things you don't need.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should care about your siblings.,1,0.5 You should always see what you did wrong.,1,0.5 It is okay to have fun at a party,1,0.24999999999999994 It's improper to sleep with someone who's in a relationship.,0,0.0 It's good to take advice from your spouse.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you eat someone's food, you should let them know.",1,0.5 It's okay to be sad when someone dies.,0,0.0 It's dangerous to touch an electrical outlet,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected that attendance is mandatory for certain events.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wise to do monthly payments if you can't pay back a loan right away.,1,0.5 You should obey your parents.,1,0.5 It's okay to feel guilty if you have done something wrong.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to walk into a store at closing time.,0,0.0 It's important to spend time with your significant other.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should tell your parents if you're really depressed so they can help.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be appreciative when someone does something nice for you.,1,0.5 It is okay to expect others to pay their debts,1,0.5 You shouldn't rat out other people.,1,0.5 It's okay to be excited when a butterfly lands on you.,1,0.5 It's expected that deaths and tragedies will draw a lot of attention on the internet.,1,0.5 It's okay to internally fantasize about married people.,1,0.5 If you really hate a sports team you are expected to want them to lose .,1,0.7499999999999999 It is polite to pay half of the rent if you are living with someone.,1,0.5 It's good to check the weather before leaving for the day.,1,0.5 It is bad to be rude to others.,1,0.5 Partners are expected to want to spend time together.,1,0.5 You shouldn't do things that can affect the health of others.,1,0.5 It's admirable to serve your community as a first responder.,1,0.5 It is important to be healthy.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always demand respect for your things.,1,0.24999999999999994 Cutting out your family entirely could leave you with no support when you need it.,1,0.5 "When you have sex with someone, it's rude to kick them out immediately after.",1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to have good manners.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you don't like looking at other people naked, you should avoid going to a nudist club.",1,0.5 You have a right to be angry at someone who has done something objectionable to you.,1,0.5 You shouldn't let your partner dictate what you can and cannot wear.,1,0.5 You shouldn't sexually harass people.,1,0.5 It is bad to be cheap and stingy,1,0.5 Teachers should watch students closely,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to have fun at a party,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't judge others on their appearance.,1,0.5 It's not okay to bother someone when they wouldn't want you to.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you keep having dreams about your ex, you should get some therapy.",1,0.5 It's fun to play with your friends.,1,0.5 It's wrong to want to hide who you really are.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is rude to make crude remarks in public.,0,0.0 It's expected you catch feelings when seeing someone attractive,1,0.5 It is good to date others and to see tat there are good people out there.,0,0.0 You should ask for help planning a stressful event.,0,0.0 You shouldn't use your sibling's picture on your dating profiles.,1,0.5 You shouldn't learn how to do things in the wrong way.,1,0.5 It's good to help out other people in their time of need.,1,0.5 You should respect your significant other's interests.,1,0.5 It's okay to avoid someone who seems to be on a path of self-destruction.,1,0.5 It's bad to abuse your children.,0,0.0 You shouldn't take your pets to the pound.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong for a parent to do things to make their children loose respect of them.,1,0.5 It is okay to have standards for how tasks are completed.,0,0.0 It's rude to be nasty with others who are being kind to you.,1,0.5 It's ok to stand up to a parent with they do you wrong.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable to have difficulty moving on.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable if you are traumatized after your parents give you the sex talk.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is okay to speak up when you see something wrong.,0,0.0 It is polite to explain why if you need to decline a gift.,1,0.5 It's not okay to make someone feel worthless.,1,0.5 It's okay to be offended when someone doesn't like the gift you gave them.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to make some bad investments as you learn.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to gamble.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to give something away when you don't enjoy it anymore.,1,0.5 It's not okay for kids to think to much about drugs.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're annoyed when people speculate on your coffee habits.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to be honest with people who are taking advantage of you,1,0.7499999999999999 It is ok to want to work things out in a marriage.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to wish hurt upon someone.,1,0.5 You should get new clothes if the ones you have are too casual.,1,1.0 You should just be honest with people instead of beating around the bush.,1,0.5 It is okay to need help.,1,0.7499999999999999 Before kicking someone out it is important to make sure your feelings will be permanent.,1,0.5 You shouldn't confess your darkest secrets online for strangers to see.,1,0.5 It's okay to relax in comfortable clothes on your day off.,1,0.5 It's bad to not move on.,1,0.5 It's good to know when you need help from others.,1,0.5 It's good to do things with your friends.,0,0.0 It's good to help your partner with dishes.,1,0.5 It's wrong to be ungrateful.,0,0.0 It's good to re-use birthday candles because they aren't bad after you light them and blow them out and can still be reused.,1,0.5 It's wrong to buy prescription drugs on the street.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to learn new things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to want to spend time with your sibling vs. your significant other.,1,0.7499999999999999 "You should always try to get along with others, even if you don't like them.",1,0.24999999999999994 Christmas presents are expected to be wrapped in festive holiday-themed paper.,1,0.5 "If you have conflict in your marriage, it is expected that you always consider your children's feelings.",1,0.5 It is ok to ask someone to leave if they are being rude on their phone.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't date someone that is going through a divorce.,1,0.5 It's okay to not want to be friends with others that won't support you.,1,0.5 It is okay to walk away from a friendship when you have grown apart.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's completely fine to buy new furniture if you need it.,1,0.5 It's good to travel places.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable for a baby to bite anything.,1,0.5 You should go to the doctor if you have a tumor.,0,0.0 It's good to buy new shoes if you need them.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to find a partner's siblings attractive.,1,1.0 It's good to seek the support of your peer group,1,0.5 It is OK to refuse a birthday gift if you have a good reason to.,1,1.0 It is bad to not support your friends,1,0.5 It's expected to sometimes want what you can't have.,1,0.5 It's okay if you don't feel excited to get a free book.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is the duty of the best man to help the groom get ready.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be upset about losing a game,1,0.5 You should punish a child that plays pranks on others.,1,0.5 It is responsible to recycle unused moving boxes.,0,0.0 It is bad to abuse others.,0,0.0 You should be in a hurry if you're having an emergency.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't hide things from your family.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should avoid doing things that are disgusting.,0,0.0 It's okay to not be willing to fight someone over a relationship,1,0.5 It's good to resolve a conflict with a partner with compromise.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to be gluttonous.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should not cause someone to be homeless.,1,0.24999999999999994 Dressing up in a Confederate costume will make you look racist.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's rude to expect someone you know to do something they don't like.,1,0.5 It is good to like things other people give you.,1,0.5 It's good to believe in something.,1,0.5 "If you leak urine, you should wear some adult diapers.",1,0.5 It's understandable if you're suspicious when a widower in your family gets together with a widower soon after their spouse's died.,1,0.7499999999999999 People will get annoyed if you start being too forgetful.,1,0.5 It's good to keep track of your budget.,1,0.5 It's wrong to fantasize about married people.,1,0.5 It's good to want others to celebrate your joys with you.,1,0.5 It's okay to go against social norms.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to tell someone that you are attracted to them.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is enjoyable to discover that what you own is valuable.,1,0.5 You should always set limits for things.,1,0.5 You're expected to improve your qualifications in order to get a better job.,1,0.5 It's ok to have an opinion.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to under do the important things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to prioritize smoking over your spouse.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be friends with someone of the opposite sex if you're married.,1,0.5 It's expected that some people have trysts in airplanes.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad to do things at work that might get you fired.,1,0.5 It is good to be pleasantly surprised.,1,0.5 You should ask your partner to be there for your delivery.,1,0.5 It is good to be together as a family.,0,0.0 It's nice to be a likable person.,1,0.5 It is expected that best friends won't date another persons ex.,0,0.0 You shouldn't put others before your family.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to have moderation in all activities.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's rude to refuse food someone wants you to eat.,1,0.5 You shouldn't wear leopard-patterned clothes because they are tacky.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable that sometimes you don't always have time for things besides work.,1,0.5 It's bad to be too attentive to someone.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If your child can't read well, people might think you're doing something wrong as a parent.",1,0.5 You should take art seriously.,1,0.5 It's not healthy to isolate yourself,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't tell people things are okay when they're not.,1,0.5 It's good to learn how to control your temper.,1,0.24999999999999994 It can be difficult to get over a breakup.,1,0.5 It's wrong to assume that someone is homeless.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to feel guilty.,1,0.5 It's rude not to return a greeting from someone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not normal to dislike everybody,1,0.7499999999999999 It is rude to get involved in other people's financial issues.,1,0.5 It's expected that you adjust your plans when they don't work out like you wanted.,1,0.5 It is okay to not want to go to a party.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be overwhelmed by the loss of a loved one.,0,0.0 You should talk to your friend if you want to trade your partner with theirs.,1,0.5 It is bad to judge others for who they are.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't be with someone who only wants to party with their friends and not spend time with you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be upset when someone mocks your favorite sports team.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to learn about yourself when you go to a nudist club.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't be crazy about things.,1,0.5 "When someone compliments a performance you were worried about, you should feel relieved.",0,0.0 You should get some therapy if you think you know what death is really like.,1,0.5 It's bad to eat unhealthy fast food.,1,0.5 It's wrong to hate yourself.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to take your responsibilities seriously.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to care about others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to be busy.,1,0.5 It's annoying when people expect you to manage everything just because you're a moderator.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's kind to let someone know they're being used.,0,0.0 It is smart to pay cash for items as you need them.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should watch where you're going so you don't trip and fall.,1,0.5 it's wrong to do things that could hurt members of your family.,1,0.5 It's sad to have regrets.,1,0.5 It's wrong to wait until the last minute to study.,1,0.5 It's good to be really focused on a goal.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to refuse a gift from a family member.,1,0.5 "If someone calls you the wrong name, you should correct them.",1,0.24999999999999994 You should lose weight if your partner doesn't like you that way.,1,0.5 You shouldn't ignore someone's calls or texts.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should pay to fix things you have broken.,1,0.5 It's expected for members of the military to treat civilians respectfully.,1,0.5 It's ok to say no to sex.,1,0.5 It's wrong to waste your money on expensive things you don't need.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's kind to give someone a ride from the airport.,1,0.5 "When firing a piece of pottery, it's important to be very careful.",1,0.5 It's okay to be upset with someone if they don't want your friends around as well.,1,0.5 It's unacceptable to spread rumors about an ex-partner to gain sympathy from your peer group.,1,0.5 It's good to eat enough food so you don't starve.,0,0.0 It's okay to feel smarter than other people.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're excited when you wear comfy pants.,1,0.5 It is ok to want to learn from your parents mistakes.,1,0.5 It's good to make decisions about your feelings.,0,0.0 It is expected that you will attempt to learn the rules that you are expected to follow.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's irresponsible stop taking your medication,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to leave without holding your spot for someone else.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to clean your driveway if it's dirty.,1,0.5 It's wrong to behave badly.,1,0.5 It is good to take responsibility when you have done something wrong,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable we can't help who we love.,1,0.5 It's acceptable to seek to renew a relationship with a former partner.,1,0.5 "Sometimes, it's okay for people to hear the truth, even if it hurts them",1,0.5 You shouldn't spy on people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to help family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's sadistic to cut off someone's skin and show it to them.,0,0.0 It's polite to ask before you touch your friend's feet.,1,0.5 You shouldn't hide your true self from others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to go out to the park.,0,0.0 It's good to study if you have an exam coming up.,1,0.5 It's bad to meddle in someone else's work.,1,0.24999999999999994 Babysitting is a good learning experience to becoming a parent.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should trust others to do things for you without getting nervous about it.,1,0.5 It's okay to feel a connection with a teacher at school.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be suspicious of your partner without a good reason.,1,0.5 IT is ok to not want you tie wasted,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable to expect others to treat your things with respect.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is you right to not give money to someone who asks.,1,0.5 It's rude to impose on people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is frustrating if you don't receive an answer to a question.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're sad when your stepchildren don't appreciate you on Mother's Day.,0,0.0 It's okay if we aren't familiar as others with certain topics.,1,0.5 It's bad to pretend to be something you're not.,0,0.0 You shouldn't let your partner's parents get mad at you.,1,0.5 It is negative to be jealous about someone succeeding.,0,0.0 It is normal to be upset if someone is stealing copy paper at your school.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to leave your gun at home on Halloween.,1,0.5 It's expected that girlfriends will want to look out for their boyfriends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to be unsure what you want to do.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's OK to wear an original wedding dress.,0,0.0 It's fine to have controversial opinions.,1,0.5 It's understandable to have a hard time breaking bad news to someone you love.,1,0.24999999999999994 He shouldn't dominate the conversation,1,0.5 It's okay to mourn.,1,0.24999999999999994 If you practice often you can expect to be the best in your class.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is kind to take care of an animal who needs it.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to ask someone you're engaged to that they go away.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to lie about your bad habits.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that pets will recover after medical routines are done.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's required to find appropriate ways of dealing with violent despair.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's rude to ignore your friends.,1,0.5 You should maintain a good relationship with your siblings.,0,0.0 It's understandable to be uncomfortable if someone reveals very personal information to you about themselves.,1,0.5 Partners are expected to get mad at each other from time to time.,1,0.5 "It's no one's business how a person chooses to indulge their pleasures, so long as it hurts no one.",1,0.5 You shouldn't force your partner to do inappropriate things.,1,0.5 It's rude to make judgments about people you don't know well.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to carry your phone with you.,1,0.5 You shouldn't call the cops on people who park illegally.,1,0.5 It is ok to ask for help if you need help parking.,1,0.5 It's good to enjoy relaxing.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to enter a place of business without the intention of purchasing goods.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to give healthy food to others.,1,0.5 "If you hit rock bottom, you should get some help.",1,0.5 It's fine to want to break up with someone.,1,0.5 It's reasonable to be uncomfortable with your girlfriend having a male friend.,0,0.0 It's considerate to not want to wake up people or animals when they're asleep,1,0.5 You don't have to go along with what the crowd is doing if you don't want to.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to be upset when your spouse asks for a divorce.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't make a mess of other people's homes.,1,0.5 You should be grateful to your spouse when they work for your comfort.,1,0.24999999999999994 Getting an education is good for your future.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should respect others' property.,1,0.5 You shouldn't see scary movies if they freak you out so much.,0,0.0 It's important to take care of vulnerable members of society.,1,0.5 It's OK to wear an original wedding dress.,0,0.0 It is you right to not give money to someone who asks.,1,0.5 it's good to participate in band in middle school.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to want to replace something you own.,1,0.5 It's okay to express your concerns when someone drinks too much coffee.,1,0.5 It is expected that people will not buy things that they don't want or need.,1,0.7499999999999999 You aren't expected to remain around those you don't like.,1,0.5 You should always show up.,0,0.0 It's good to listen to an audiobook before you go to bed because it's relaxing.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to be hurt when you find out your wife married you for your money.,1,0.5 It's normal for children to outlive their parents,1,0.24999999999999994 It's ok for people to be leaving an area.,1,0.5 It is okay not to get along with some people,1,0.24999999999999994 You should quit your job if you hate it.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should always go outside to play when you have time.,1,0.5 You should feel guilty when you frame someone for a mistake.,1,0.5 It is appropriate to be upset at your neighbor if they call the police on you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's mean to reject people.,1,0.5 It's not okay to turn your back on your children.,1,0.5 It is expected that you follow a set schedule.,1,0.24999999999999994 Children are expected to speak in a respectful manner to their parents.,1,0.24999999999999994 Is okay to look out for yourself,1,0.5 It is rude to compare your ability to offer help to somebody else who cannot offer the same help.,1,0.5 It is wrong to flirt when you are in a relationship.,1,0.5 Going to college is the best way to get a good career.,1,0.5 It is not okay to treat someone badly.,1,0.5 It is customary to get ready with your best man.,1,0.5 It is ignorant to make judgments based on race.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's hurtful for a parent to enroll a child in classes without permission.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should speak up if you have a problem with somebody,0,0.0 You should explain to a friend why you cannot give them money if you cannot.,1,0.5 It is okay to be different,1,0.5 It's wrong to use racial slurs,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that a film major has seen a lot of movies,1,0.5 You should not insert yourself in someone's personal choices even if you are family.,1,0.5 It's good to change your phone plan if it isn't working for you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that teachers show compassion to children with impediments.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should keep trying new things until you find what you want to do.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's frustrating when others don't share the same enthusiasm for a holiday as you do.,1,0.5 It's understandable to romanticize past relationships.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't try to force someone to do a job they don't feel qualified to do.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable that people's lives don't always go as planned.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's important to study for tests.,1,0.5 It's wrong not to enjoy your family member's singing.,1,0.5 It's good to want others to celebrate your joys with you.,1,0.5 It's good to take your date out places.,1,0.5 It is wrong to tell a partner how to dress.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is nice to do things with your granddaughter.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be with someone who only wants to party with their friends and not spend time with you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you're strict with your parenting when you're worried about your kids.,1,0.5 You should speak up if you don't like something,1,0.5 It's low class to dismiss an employee without giving the opportunity to appeal the decision.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you're really unhappy, you should get some help.",1,0.24999999999999994 "When you retire, it's good to buy your dream home.",1,0.5 It is acceptable to get plastic surgery if you are unhappy with your appearance.,1,0.5 It's good for people to offer advice and guidance to their younger relatives.,0,0.0 It's good to take a stance for feminism.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to talk through your feelings.,1,0.5 You should flunk students who do poorly on assignments.,0,0.0 It's good to take credit for something that you've made,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to keep some information about yourself private.,1,0.5 It's normal to try to read when you can't sleep at night.,1,0.5 Excluding people is hurtful.,1,0.24999999999999994 Partners are expected to work together.,1,0.5 It's bad to litter.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you are annoyed when your employee is late for their shift.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to ban someone's account when they break the rules.,1,0.5 People shouldn't lie about who they are.,1,0.5 It is rude to show off your talents in front of everyone else.,1,0.5 It's good to help someone from far away learn local social customs.,1,0.5 It's good to care about others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to live with grief.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's acceptable to break up with someone if they are ignoring you.,1,0.5 You should be respectful to your child's teacher.,1,0.5 It's hurtful to be cut off by a family member.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should go to rehab when you have a drug addiction.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is normal to want your kids to turn out better than you.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be up and about if you're sick.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad to purposely ruin someone's life.,1,0.5 It is okay to enjoy a compliment.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to need privacy.,1,0.5 It's good to get food for people.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want a partner to wear clothing that appeals to you.,1,0.5 It is good to have good hygiene.,1,0.5 It is nice to take your kids to eat out on occasion.,1,0.5 You shouldn't get back at people.,1,0.5 It's frowned upon to not answer messages from your parents.,1,0.24999999999999994 "People shouldn't want others to debase them, as it mars their souls.",1,0.5 It's okay to seek out help from a relationship councillor to try and make amends,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to be frustrated when your roommate leaves all the chores to you.,1,0.5 It's good to save the money you make so that you can afford your bills on time.,1,0.5 It's okay to love and hate something at the same time.,1,0.5 It's okay to be frustrated when your children make questionable decisions.,0,0.0 You should man up and be responsible for the bad decisions you make.,1,0.5 It's good to work out so you gain muscles.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's not alright to miss work just because you don't feel like working.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't remain in contact with ex's.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to take the bus to school so you don't have to walk or have your parents drive you.,1,0.5 If you are someones sidechick you are expected to keep your relationship private.,1,1.0 It is gross to examine your poop after going to the bathroom.,1,0.5 It's fun to invite people you know to fun events.,1,0.5 It is good to do things with family members,1,0.24999999999999994 You should plan accordingly if you have to get up early when daylight savings begins.,1,0.5 It's expected that you'll need a ticket to board a plane.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good for a husband and wife to live together,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to glorify ISIS.,1,0.5 You should set yourself free from a life of hard work.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't move away from your partner.,1,0.5 It's good to marry someone you are in love with.,1,0.5 "People should read the reviews of a hotel before they stay at it, to make sure it's going to be a good experience.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to feel guilty about things you've gotten but don't deserve.,1,0.5 It's good to date again when you're a widow or widower.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's fine to like feet.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't take advantage of your friends.,1,0.5 People expect you to say hello if they know you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you won't abuse people.,1,0.5 You should accommodate your employees when they have a disability.,0,0.0 It is ok to fire people for bad behavior.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to research new things.,1,0.5 "You're allowed to stay up as late as you need to, to get things down.",1,0.24999999999999994 You should listen to your partner's wishes.,1,0.5 It's bad to be obsessed with churches.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you aren't over your ex.,1,0.24999999999999994 When someone teaches you how to do something it's exciting when you're finally better than them,1,0.5 "If you can't go on, you should see if your friends or family can help you.",1,0.5 It is strong to be able to move on from the death of a spouse.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is immoral to kidnap children,0,0.0 It is good to spend time with someone you care about.,1,0.5 It's okay to want your kids to understand the importance of their family heirlooms.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to be depressed.,1,1.0 It's best to represent someone as they actually are and not lie about it.,1,0.5 It's good to have a hobby.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should understand if someone you ask for money tells you no.,1,0.5 "If you do not want to hang out with someone, it's okay to exclude them.",1,0.5 It's kind to let a friend stay in your home when they need a place to live.,1,0.5 It's important to apologize to the people you live with after arguing with them.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to enjoy the night breeze with a special person.,1,0.5 It's typical to share a room with family members at a hotel.,1,0.5 It is wrong not to pay a debt.,1,0.5 It's common for males to hold doors open for females as a sign of respect.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you give a gift when attending a wedding.,1,0.5 It's wrong to destroy someone's reputation.,1,0.5 It's normal to wonder about the future,1,0.5 It's understandable to take time to accept someone's death.,1,0.5 It's good to apologize for bad behavior.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to be friends with someone you hate.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't date someone if you have a sugardaddy.,1,0.5 It's crucial to be open and communicative with your partner.,1,0.5 It's okay to miss your ex.,1,0.5 You shouldn't hold onto the past if it interferes with your family life.,1,0.24999999999999994 "It's okay to want to spend some time alone, away from kids.",1,0.5 You should expect a dog to be excited when you give a treat to them.,1,0.5 It is healthy to keep your love to only the people that love you.,1,0.5 You should be grateful when someone does nice things for you.,1,0.5 It's good to help people learn about themselves.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to have dark fantasies sometimes.,0,0.0 It's encouraged to leave donated items for the people who need them most.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is wrong to tell someone else what to do.,1,0.5 It's expected you catch feelings when seeing someone attractive,1,0.5 You should tell your parents if you're really depressed so they can help.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to have fantasies about dating autistic people.,1,1.0 It's smart to arrive at the airport well in advance.,1,0.5 It's okay to keep things private.,1,0.5 It's understandable that people don't want to talk about their struggles sometimes.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to show emotions.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should be careful to avoid tripping when you're walking.,1,0.5 Partners are expected to get mad at each other from time to time.,1,0.5 You should ask how you can help if you see someone crying.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should expect people who are in a relationship to eventually get married.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to make lists of things so you can organize things better.,0,0.0 It is okay not to settle.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to expand your horizons.,1,0.5 It's expected that friends will play jokes on each other.,1,1.0 It’s wrong to expect financial aid from your parents,1,0.5 It is clingy to sleep at your boyfriend/girlfriend's place too much.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad to want to torture yourself.,1,0.5 "If you have a wound, you should get it cleaned up so it doesn't get infected.",1,0.5 It's wrong to expect a landlord to care of their tenants.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be disgusted when someone pees on the floor in the bathroom.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to like certain old songs.,1,0.5 It's bad to fall victim to conspiracy theories.,1,0.5 It's okay to be upset when your family doesn't like your new partner.,1,0.5 It is good to apologize to someone who you betrayed.,1,0.5 It's allowed to admit you need help with an addiction.,1,0.5 It's expected that you respond to your partner's text messages.,1,0.5 You're expected to ask your significant other before changing your appearance.,1,0.5 It's okay not to love somebody in return,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to be creepy.,1,0.5 You should divorce someone that cheats on you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay if you can't decide what to wear.,1,0.5 It's good to give relationship advice to people.,1,0.5 It's fine to spy on people's Facebooks.,1,0.5 Getting rid of a dog because it is too much work is selfish.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's important to help kids develop normal relationships with adults in their lives.,1,0.5 You should follow your parents' demands.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to go to the doctor when you're sick.,1,0.5 It's important to get enough rest so you're not tired throughout the day.,1,0.5 You should always try to understand why someone doesn't want to do something.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's reasonable to call the city when you have a problem with a neighbor.,1,0.5 You shouldn't discriminate against someone based on race.,1,0.5 It's fine to be angry at a parent if they mistreat you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is immoral for a supervisor to pursue their employees romantically.,1,0.5 You should do what you think will make your parents proud.,1,0.5 It's okay if you don't want to be naked on a beach.,1,0.5 You should be monogamous in a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 People are expected to avoid coming into contact with a skunk.,1,0.5 You shouldn't chew people out.,1,0.24999999999999994 Parents should look out for the safety of their children.,0,0.0 It's wrong to not support your spouse.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable to want your child to have a father figure.,1,0.5 It's okay to be offended when your partner doesn't want you cooking for their kids.,1,0.5 It's normal to want to investigate a situation.,1,1.0 You should replace items that you damage or lose that are not yours.,1,0.5 It's good to establish boundaries for yourself.,1,0.5 It's okay to want to drop in to see your grand kids.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be with someone who is still talking to their old flame.,1,0.24999999999999994 Rest is important for your health.,1,0.5 It's wrong to hide your personal life from a potential partner,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to have lunch with your friends of the opposite sex if you're in a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to leave people out of something important.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay not to get along with some people,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't let drunk people stay in your place.,1,0.5 It's good to give your friend a ride when they need one.,1,0.5 It is wrong to exclude someone for being special needs.,1,0.5 It's good to welcome your children into your home with love.,1,0.5 You shouldn't defile things.,1,0.5 It's bad to cheat on your significant other.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you want to stay young, you should take good care of your health.",0,0.0 It's good to buy gifts for your partner or spouse.,1,0.5 It is good to not be in a relationship with a roommate.,1,0.5 It's wrong to damage someone's property.,1,0.5 It's bad to wish you weren't alive.,1,0.5 It's acceptable to have a complicated relationship with food.,1,0.5 It's reasonable to want to get away from a difficult or tiring situation,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't be too concerned about your funeral attire.,1,0.5 You should try to be understanding when someone says they hate something.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to be embarrassed of what you did in middle school band.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to taste test at stores.,1,0.5 You should go to rehab when you have a drug addiction.,1,0.7499999999999999 People shouldn't get someone's hopes up and then not follow through with their promises.,0,0.0 It's okay to have a problem with certain things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is promiscuous to have an affair while married.,1,0.5 It's okay to enjoy your life when you life with good sense.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to use ride-sharing services if you need a ride.,1,0.5 It's bad to ignore a foreign city to just watch TV in the hotel.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to feel numb when your spouse of 50 years dies.,1,0.5 It's good to want to get over a break up.,1,0.5 "If you hurt someone's feelings, it is expected that you try to do something to make the person feel better.",0,0.0 If you love someone you are expected to want to show them off to the world.,1,0.5 It's mean to keep your child from seeing their friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 Giving others unsolicited harsh criticism is frowned upon.,1,0.5 It is common to make new connections with people on Cragslist.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you don't want to scare someone with a fake gun on Halloween.,1,0.5 It's okay to feel guilty if you have done something wrong.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is cute to personalize your possessions.,1,0.5 You should tell your partner if you feel you're being left out.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to end a relationship if the other person is abusive.,1,0.24999999999999994 If you pay attention in class you should expect to be able to pass your exams.,0,0.0 It is okay to seek advice when you are having a difficult time.,1,0.24999999999999994 Keeping others late when they should have left already is rude.,1,0.5 It's normal to feel some responsible for what happens someone you've been dating.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to suggest help to people with depression.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't be too attached to technology,1,0.7499999999999999 It is expected that people will stop eating subway if it has ruined their life.,1,0.5 It's good to have hobbies you enjoy.,1,0.5 It's wrong to disrespect other races.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good for your mental clarity to continue to learn new activities as you age.,0,0.0 It's good to go see a friend's performance.,1,0.5 It's expected that people will get to know one another before becoming a couple.,1,0.5 It's not expected that you feel shame when flirting.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to share photos with your friends online.,0,0.0 You shouldn't have sex with someone who's much younger than you.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to like old bands from the 80s.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have a relationship with someone else.,1,0.5 It is polite to give plenty of botice if you camnot make an event you are invited to.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good for people to offer advice and guidance to their younger relatives.,0,0.0 It's good to bring up child abuse that happened in the past.,1,0.5 It's normal to feel guilty when a parent dies,1,0.5 It's good to look forward to things you can do when you grow older.,1,0.5 It is stimulating to go to an entirely new school.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay for combat veterans to be traumatized by their experience.,1,0.5 It's wrong to wait until the last minute to do things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have people you can use to improve yourself.,1,0.5 It is expected that couples are faithful to each other.,1,0.5 It is good to help clean a shared space.,1,0.5 "If you're going through a divorce, you shouldn't mess around with others until it's final.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay if you don't want to go to bed.,1,0.5 It's acceptable to shun someone who hates people in your group.,1,0.5 It's always good to do things in advance in case something doesn't work out.,1,0.5 It's okay to hurt somebody who's stealing from you,1,0.5 It's normal to feel anxious and depressed when you are being abused.,1,0.5 People might start a fight with you if you dress up in a aggressively provocative costume.,1,0.5 It's okay that sometimes we need a bit of extra time to do things when we are running behind.,1,0.5 You shouldn't feel too bad about receiving criticism if it is helpful.,1,0.5 "If you don't like yourself and your identity, you should make some changes to your life.",1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't say racist things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is ok to cancel a party if you are sick.,1,0.5 Is good to care about other people,1,0.5 It's expected that family will want to celebrate holiday traditions together.,1,0.5 There is no obligation to save parking sports for other people.,1,0.5 It's not typically expected to put butter on a donut.,1,0.5 You should manage your social media profiles however you want them to be managed.,1,0.5 It's expected that citizens show respect to the members of their country's military.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to exclude others from activities.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to want to be kind to others.,1,0.5 It's okay to be rude to someone that cares about you.,1,0.5 It is expected that children treat their parents with respect.,1,0.5 It's okay to do things that you think only affect your health.,1,0.5 It's good to excel at a sport.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to see a therapist if you are feeling depressed.,1,0.24999999999999994 Excluding people is hurtful.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to call out someone's abuse.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to apologize when you feel bad for having done something wrong.,1,0.24999999999999994 You don't have to help out your parents if you don't feel like it.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good when you get out of a certain type of suffering.,1,0.24999999999999994 You don't have to let other people beat you in a competition.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's honorable to donate some of your money to charity now and then.,1,0.5 You should be compassionate to others.,0,0.0 It's not okay to set yourself up for getting sick.,1,0.5 You should tell your parents to butt out of your love life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected that best friends won't date another persons ex.,0,0.0 It's rude to assume you'll be appreciated on Mother's Day when you don't have children.,1,0.5 It is appropriate to have boundries around behavior you find unacceptable by your significant other.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be uncomfortable with your loved one's friendship with their ex.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't be withdrawn toward your girlfriend.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should do what you're interested in doing.,1,0.5 You should ask for help if you're depressed,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't lie to people online.,1,0.5 You should ask people to leave the room if you need to talk to someone in private.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you don't want to be in the dating fast lane with your partner, it's okay to ask for time apart.",1,0.5 It's okay to feel sad when you can't be in a family picture.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to hold a grudge against your parents.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should ask for help if you're depressed,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable to be nervous about cooking for your significant other if you never have before.,1,0.5 It's wrong to be ungrateful.,0,0.0 It is reprehensible to beat a loved one.,1,0.5 It's okay to tell someone that you are attracted to them.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's nice to make decisions.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to find someone you love.,1,0.5 It is good to help people who are down on their luck.,1,0.5 It's bad to strive to get other people's attention for shallow reasons.,1,0.5 "If you want to run from your problems, you should see a therapist.",1,0.5 You should seek medical treatment if you suspect you may suffer from food addiction.,1,0.5 It is good for children to have a large extended family,1,0.5 You shouldn't be nosy.,1,0.5 You should grieve when your parent passes away.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If someone has a baby, you should ask how they are doing.",1,0.7499999999999999 It's normal to feel silly if you're not used to getting dressed up.,0,0.0 It's not okay to generalize or stereotype people because we don't take the time to learn about them.,1,0.5 It's understandable to feel stress when traveling.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to control people's choice of footwear.,1,1.0 It's good to share your ideas for food products with others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay if you don't want to share your illness with your friends.,1,0.5 It's expected that the groom choose the groomsman.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't get upset over petty things.,0,0.0 You shouldn't omit your partner's name from Christmas cards.,1,0.5 It's good to tell other people's your experiences with things.,0,0.0 You shouldn't have such high expectations.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be worried about being cheated on.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to have sex.,0,0.0 It's good to hit a home run while playing baseball.,1,0.24999999999999994 Cats don't belong on the table.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's normal for parents to not want their children to be sexually active,1,0.5 You shouldn't laugh at inappropriate things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to work hard at your job.,1,0.5 It is good to spend time with friends.,1,0.5 It is nice to make sacrifices for the well being of others,1,0.7499999999999999 It's normal to want to compete.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should be thankful when someone gives you money.,1,0.5 It is normal to worry if your mom has cancer.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to need something to do to let of some steam.,0,0.0 It's understandable to want people to pay their fare share of things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be scared when presented with a new situation.,1,0.5 It is good to learn how to play left and right handed.,1,0.5 It is expected most people would be upset if their best friend was dating their ex.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you don't want to be in the dating fast lane with your partner, it's okay to ask for time apart.",1,0.5 You should expect people who are in a relationship to eventually get married.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to listen to your partner's concerns regarding your future with them.,1,0.5 You shouldn't call people fat because it's rude.,0,0.0 It's nice to be thankful.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always forgive and forget.,1,0.5 It's understandable that sometimes people have reasons they don't particularly like a relative.,1,0.5 You should always show up.,0,0.0 It's normal to hang out with your friends.,1,0.5 It's disappointing to be in your 30's and feel as if you've wasted your life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to prioritize the issues that most need addressed.,1,0.5 It's expected that people will find puppies adorable.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to call someone a nerd.,1,0.5 It's rude to speculate about someone's grieving process.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to be angry when the person you live with swears at you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to let yourself be walked all over.,0,0.0 You should not give up on your relationship.,1,0.5 It's bad to hook up with someone who isn't single.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be certain before you cut off any of your hair.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to feel affection towards your pet that includes kissing.,1,0.5 People will be wary of you if they think you're schizophrenic.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's important to prioritize your own mental health.,1,0.5 It is wrong to support someone who hurts others.,1,0.5 It's good to wear black to a funeral so you can pay respect to the dead.,1,0.5 It's good to not want your past to bring you down.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should speak politely to someone you love.,1,0.5 It is okay to talk about troubling events.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is unacceptable to wish death on anyone.,0,0.0 It is wrong to be jealous of the success of your sibling.,1,0.5 It's acceptable to report a person that is causing trouble.,1,0.24999999999999994 People are expected to control their animals.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to pry into others affairs.,1,0.5 You're expected to clean up something you've spilled.,1,0.24999999999999994 Ignoring someone who has been hurt is selfish.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be uncertain of what you are.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't swear at people.,0,0.0 People would think you're a maniac if you admitted to wanting to hurt small animals.,0,0.0 It's okay that we don't always keep the same opinions that we use to have.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's fine to make your own choice about what path you want to take.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is ok to be unsure of something.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to be creepy.,1,0.5 It's good to wear black to a funeral so you can pay respect to the dead.,1,0.5 It is bad to splurge on a favorite treat frequently if it is unhealthy.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is gross to examine your poop after going to the bathroom.,1,0.5 It's okay if you don't enjoy cooking with your partner.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected that you won't cut off family members.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to have friends who are there for you.,1,0.5 It is wrong to be excited about harming others.,1,0.5 It's okay to indulge and live a little at night.,1,0.5 It's rude to cease communication with a partner without explanation.,1,0.5 You should always acknowledge old friends.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't race if you're tired.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to provide food for your family,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not expected that you'll receive early screenings for diseases.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to buy things for your roommates.,1,0.5 You shouldn't write a check that is going to bounce.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be angry if someone damages your car.,1,0.5 It's good to stick up for those who can't stick up for themselves.,1,0.5 You should be happy when someone gives you a compliment.,1,0.5 You shouldn't troll people online.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to give things a chance before you say you don't like them.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to not catch things.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected that some people crave the attention of the masses.,1,0.5 It is normal to consider changing majors early on in college.,1,0.5 It's bad to lose control of your behavior while intoxicated.,1,0.5 You should have patience with young children.,0,0.0 You shouldn't scare your coworkers.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should always go outside to play when you have time.,1,0.5 It's understandable to regret a relationship with someone older than you.,0,0.0 People will think you're nit picky if you obsess over a meal being perfect.,1,0.5 It's good to share your goals with your parents.,1,0.5 You shouldn't gossip with your coworkers.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you're sad when no one notices your drug addiction.,1,0.5 You shouldn't run out of places.,1,0.5 It's never okay to intentionally invoke terror in others,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to love others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to wear a chastity cage if you want to remain a virgin.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be rude to strangers by asking them too many questions.,1,0.5 It's expected that you'll be respectful of people with disabilities.,0,0.0 It is expected some people are left and right handed.,0,0.0 You shouldn't bully others.,1,0.5 People will think you're antisocial if you dislike things just to be annoying.,1,0.24999999999999994 "It's good to have ambitions, even if they're currently unobtainable.",1,0.5 It's bad to spend too much time playing video games.,1,0.24999999999999994 "It's understandable that sometimes, we don't want others in our living space.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be hurt if someone else ignores you.,1,0.5 It is good to give your partner unexpected little gifts.,0,0.0 It's okay not to understand sometimes.,1,0.24999999999999994 You are allowed to use the feeling of regret to make sure that you don't make the same mistake twice.,1,0.5 It is irresponsible to quit a job.,1,0.5 It's bad to try to scare people.,1,0.5 It's bad to lose your debit card.,1,0.5 It's expected that you'll want to keep food cool when picnicking.,0,0.0 You should be careful when driving so you don't run over animals.,1,0.5 It is unacceptable to pretend to have cancer.,0,0.0 You should try do nice things for your family.,0,0.0 It’s bad to not be able to get over an ex.,1,0.5 You can be expected to understand how people earn money and how it is difficult to have income mobility.,1,0.5 Students should make sure to get adequate rest every night.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have patience with other people,1,0.5 It's normal to keep some personal information private.,1,0.5 It is wrong to tell someone else what to do.,1,0.5 You shouldn't let your ex go out with your friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't drive drunk.,1,0.5 It's bad to investigate an opponent without their knowledge.,1,0.5 "If something is making you miserable, you shouldn't do it anymore.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's mean to exclude your family members when you take a family picture.,0,0.0 It is bad to enjoy pain.,1,0.5 It is unacceptable to steal.,1,0.5 You should mind your own business when it comes to your partner's relationships.,1,0.5 It's normal to remember when you were young,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not smart to tell people the things that you don't like about them.,1,0.5 You should end your relationship before you choose to cheat.,1,0.5 It's okay to worry when you feel like a creep.,1,0.5 It is good to let others know your feelings about them.,1,0.24999999999999994 You don't have to be part of any group that you don't find interesting.,1,0.24999999999999994 I'ts expected that people want to pay as little as possible when they can.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's important to not try to control your romantic partner's every move.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to get angry at someone who can't control their illness.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal for people to want to make a lot of money.,1,0.5 It is expected that children do risky things.,1,0.5 It's okay to have dark fantasies sometimes.,0,0.0 It's fine to go through a lot of choices until you find the right pair of shoes.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to let your children behave badly.,1,0.5 It's good to take care of a busted light bulb before you sit down to eat.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to hold a strong opinion about health care coverage.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you know what your children prefer on a special occasion.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is harmful to stay quiet.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's nice to compliment people because it makes them feel good.,1,0.5 "If your child can't read well, people might think you're doing something wrong as a parent.",1,0.5 It's rude to criticize people for the decisions they've made,1,0.5 It's nice to buy gifts for one's family.,1,0.5 It's okay to want assistance from your parents as a child.,1,0.5 You're allowed to ask others not to share your pictures on social media.,1,0.24999999999999994 You aren't expected to go to your parents house every year for Thanksgiving after you move out if you don't feel like it,1,0.5 It's OK get upset over being homesick,1,0.5 You need a working router to use the internet.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to feel good when someone complements you.,1,0.5 "If you feel like you never get anything back in return for all you've done, you should get some therapy.",1,0.5 It's wrong to stare at your friend's parent while they are naked.,1,0.5 You shouldn't exclude your child from a family photo.,1,0.5 It's good to teach your younger siblings how to safely navigate the world,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't expect people to accept your gifts.,1,0.5 It's rude to ignore someone in a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is not good to scare your friends,1,0.5 You should set ground rules with people that you live with.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you're frustrated that your child does not want their children to speak to you.,1,0.5 It's nice to chill out and listen to a drum circle.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to be overly protective of your kids.,1,0.5 It's kind to show a partner how much you care by getting them a gift.,1,0.5 You should fill out a job application at home so your employer doesn't find out.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to take your anger out on others.,1,0.5 It's expected to find a replacement if needing the day off of work.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is appropriate to be upset at your neighbor if they call the police on you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to pest your ex-spouse.,1,0.5 It's fine to have a sexual fantasy about almost anything you find stimulating.,1,0.5 You should always respect someone's things.,1,0.5 It's good to do volunteer work and help the less fortunate.,1,0.5 It's good to appreciate people for their talents.,1,0.24999999999999994 Sharing your friends secrets about their sexuality is mean.,1,0.5 "If you can't go on, you should see if your friends or family can help you.",1,0.5 It ugly to use fake fruit to decorate.,1,0.5 It's good to clean up your living space.,1,0.5 It's not okay to bring someone who has no idea what you are doing into your acts.,1,1.0 It's okay to want your privacy from people even those who care about you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to want someone to eat healthy.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's reasonable to be sad when you can't get what you want.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's acceptable to control your own shop.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's unusual to not eat everything you buy.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't back off on paying rent.,1,0.5 You shouldn't threaten your partner.,1,0.5 It's not okay to advertise products that are unhealthy where kids could see them.,1,0.5 It is ok to be upset if your boyfriend does not want to talk.,1,0.5 You should always chip in to pay for your partner's things.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should read the instructions when you install a new appliance.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to resent your spouse.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be bored with playing the same game all the time.,1,0.5 It is good to be proud of your children.,1,0.5 It's good to take money you just find lying around.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected to see a doctor when you're sick.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't throw things at people.,1,0.5 It's expected that you congratulate your best friend for a significant life event.,1,0.5 "If you don't like something, you should tell other people so they don't get the wrong idea.",0,0.0 You should stay in bed if you're badly burned.,1,0.5 One should not be rude to others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to call out your family.,1,0.5 You should report someone who sexually harasses you to the police.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to know when you need help from others.,1,0.5 It is expected that you talk about important events in your life.,1,0.5 It's not right to treat your children like slaves.,1,0.5 You shouldn't violate terms of service if you don't want your account banned.,1,0.5 It's wrong for children to lie to their parents.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fun to take your kids to the beach.,1,0.5 People are expected to look out for their friends.,1,0.5 You should hate people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to want something horrible to happen.,1,0.5 You shouldn't asssume someone has a disability.,0,0.0 It's good to visit the people you care about in life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to want things to be fair in life.,1,0.5 It is good to understand if your friend can't have a party because they are sick.,0,0.0 You shouldn't tell someone you have feelings for them when they are dating someone else.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be scared about things.,1,0.5 It's okay to feel out of control sometimes,1,0.5 Stealing is wrong.,1,0.5 "If you're scared to do things, you should get some help.",1,0.5 It's good to want to be just like your parents.,1,0.5 It's difficult to raise your children with a proper education.,0,0.0 You should move on after a relationship ends,1,0.5 It's understandable that people go through difficult times in life.,0,0.0 It's good to be with a single GF for a long time.,1,0.5 You shouldn't feel obligated to play host for your partner's ex.,0,0.0 One shouldn't be held accountable for things they've done if they have changed their life for the better.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to wish you weren't alive.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you cry when you're in pain.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not expected that you feel shame when flirting.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have people you can use to improve yourself.,1,0.5 It's okay to buy things for your roommates.,1,0.5 It's good to allow your child to make independent choices.,0,0.0 It's understandable if you are nervous about dating.,1,0.5 It's generally frowned upon to pay for sex.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to be polite to people.,1,0.5 You shouldn't get upset at your child's teachers.,1,0.5 You shouldn't make fun of your friends.,1,0.5 It is reasonable to angry if someone tells you you are not welcome in their home.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable to not want kids even though others want or have them.,1,0.5 It's bad to try to game the system.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's rude to stereotype others because of their national origin.,1,0.5 It's wrong to hate yourself.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't upset your parents.,0,0.0 You should not judge others for their lack of knowledge.,1,0.5 People should be able to peacefully resolve disagreements with loved ones.,1,0.5 You should mind your own business when it comes to the private affairs of consenting adults,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to feel jealous of the attention your sibling is getting from your parents.,1,0.5 It's good to find proof of cheating you perceive to be happening.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't get in a relationship with your coworkers.,1,0.5 It's good to have someplace to go where you can get away with things when you're a kid.,1,0.5 You shouldn't move out of state if you're in a relationship.,1,0.5 It's good to show others that your health is a priority.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't sleep around with random people.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected that you let your parents see your children.,1,0.24999999999999994 "It's understandable that sometimes, people don't want to stay together.",1,0.5 It's not unusual to have an unhealthy relationship with food.,1,0.5 It is wrong to tell someone else what to do.,1,0.5 "If you have really weird dreams, you should get some therapy.",1,0.7499999999999999 You should support your partner.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be sad over things that can be replaced,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to be annoyed when your step-sibling is being stubborn in a dispute.,0,0.0 It's bad to expect your spouse to pay for your vices.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be angry if someone is mean to you.,1,0.5 It's not okay to bother someone while they are at work.,0,0.0 "It's allowed to decide you want to further your education, no matter the age.",0,0.0 It's OK to shower with your friends.,1,0.5 It's good to work to advance social justice causes that you believe in,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't burn yourself when you make mistakes.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be embarrassed when you trip over something you didn't see.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to tell someone to stop sitting by you.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't make a mess of other people's homes.,1,0.5 Depriving others of sharing pictures with you leads to hurt feelings and should be avoided.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's normal to buy things when you like them.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you're uncomfortable with your significant other's sexual history.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be with someone who sleeps with your kids.,1,0.5 It is understandable to want to meet your partner's family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to have odd sexual fetishes.,1,0.24999999999999994 People will think you're callous if you abandon a grandparent.,0,0.0 Feeling bad for not knowing how to do something is silly.,1,0.5 You shouldn't put your family above your friends.,1,0.5 It's good to cut out people who are toxic to you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It’s bad to be miserable.,1,0.5 It's bad to rely on someone else to work so you don't have to.,1,0.5 It's fine to choose who you want as guests at your own wedding.,1,0.24999999999999994 Men are expected to keep their emotions to themselves.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is OK to refuse to pay more rent than you feel you should,1,1.0 You shouldn't expect people to thank you when you give them something.,1,1.0 You're not expected to want to be friends with everyone.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want someone to stick up for themselves.,1,0.24999999999999994 Families should be supportive of their members.,1,0.5 It's okay if you don't want to travel to New York by bus.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't do sexual things in public restrooms.,1,0.5 It's bad to knock someone out.,1,0.5 It's understood people don't always like the people they should in life.,1,0.5 It's okay to doubt yourself from time to time.,0,0.0 It's noble to want to help other people with their addictions.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable that sometimes people have reasons not to trust someone.,1,0.5 It's good to visit your family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay that people do things that frustrate you so much you do something with out thinking.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't discriminate against people because of their income level.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is wrong to judge someone by appearance.,0,0.0 It is wrong to cheat on your significant other,1,0.5 It's nice to send someone a greeting card.,1,0.5 It's okay to date someone much younger as long as everyone is a consenting adult.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be unhappy.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's ok to join in on fun activities.,1,0.5 It's understandable to have problems with trust if you are not trustful.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's acceptable to not want to share all your reasons for the opinions you have.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be supportive of your child's rehabilitation.,1,0.5 It's good to care about what you do for a job.,1,0.5 It is expected that you poop in a toilet,0,0.0 You should always be prepared before going on a trip.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should lose weight if your partner doesn't like you that way.,1,0.5 It's fine to want a window open to get fresh air.,1,0.5 You should eat carefully so you don't get food stuck in your windpipe.,1,0.5 You're expected to listen to your parents.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to buy new things for your trip.,1,0.5 It's good to be generous with others.,1,0.5 It's normal to be upset with other's drinking problem.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you ask for help when you can't figure out how something works.,1,0.5 You shouldn't assault your family members.,1,0.5 It's good to want someone to care about you.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should appreciate your stepmother on Mother's Day.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is reasonable to be frustrated about having to work so much that you can't see your kids.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay not to understand what is going on around you.,1,1.0 It's good to become an organ donor.,1,0.5 It's good to look forward to things you can do when you grow older.,1,0.5 It is good to help family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's dangerous not to take proper care of an injury.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to feel annoyed with someone.,1,0.5 It's okay to be relieved when you find a landmark in the wilderness.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're uncomfortable with your significant other's sexual history.,1,0.5 It's okay to be scared of childbirth.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's mean to hate people because of their weaknesses.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that people will seek someone to love them.,1,0.5 It's bad to cheat in a sporting event.,1,0.5 You should use cups when you don't need a bottle.,1,1.0 It's ok to have reasons to justify your feelings.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to have self confidence.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to fall for someone younger than you as long as they are of age.,1,0.5 It is understandable to want your significant other to work and take care of you.,1,0.24999999999999994 Cats don't belong on the table.,1,0.7499999999999999 You have the right to date anyone you choose.,0,0.0 It's wrong to be a horrible person.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to do things that offend other people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to have some fears,1,0.5 It's expected that you'll have made something of yourself by your 30's.,1,0.5 It's good to strive for efficiency when running a company.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is nice to help a friend when they are scared.,1,0.5 You shouldn't try to get into gated communities when you don't live there.,0,0.0 It's good to be helpful to your roommates.,1,0.5 It's wrong to be a horrible person.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to hate other people,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to be relieved if someone has treatable cancer.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should make time to visit your family.,1,0.5 It's good to help children.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be respectful towards your parents.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should have a good time with you win or lose,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to want to have fun.,1,0.5 It is okay to have fun.,1,0.5 It's understandable that sometimes people have reasons they don't particularly like a relative.,1,0.5 You should do your best on assignments so that you can good grades,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't feel forced to go on vacation if you don't want to.,1,0.5 You should talk with your child and see what you can do differently in the future if they do not love you.,1,0.5 It's rude to decline food that a host offers you.,0,0.0 It's okay to be upset with your elders.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should man up and be responsible for the bad decisions you make.,1,0.5 It's okay to want to retire early if you can get by.,1,0.5 You shouldn't sleep with your friend's partner.,1,0.5 You should arrest people when they break the law.,1,0.7499999999999999 It can make people self conscious to tell them they're eating too much.,1,0.5 You shouldn't pay other people's bills.,1,0.5 It's fine to feel lonely.,1,0.5 It's good to encourage people to refrain from using narcotics.,1,0.5 It's proven that providing little discipline in a child's life will negatively impact the child's behavior.,1,1.0 People shouldn't feel embarrassed to be the oldest person in a class.,1,0.24999999999999994 After making dinner you should clean up your mess.,1,0.5 It is good to be pleasantly surprised.,1,0.5 It's wrong to disrupt someone's birthday party.,1,0.5 Families should be able to talk out their problems with each other.,1,0.5 It's expected that you won't buy sexual photos from minors.,0,0.0 It is good to keep your wedding vows.,1,0.5 You should fire people who break the rules at work.,1,0.24999999999999994 Partners are expected to forgive each other.,1,0.5 It's okay to kill fish.,1,0.5 It's wrong to scam people over the phone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to sleep around.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad to hook up with someone who isn't single.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to report someone for parking in the spot assigned to you.,1,0.5 It is okay to walk away from a friendship when you have grown apart.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's ok to use a donor's eggs for reproduction when you are experiencing infertility.,1,0.5 It is expected that couples are faithful to each other.,1,0.5 You should always charge your electronics before you go somewhere so the battery doesn't die.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to tell someone that you don't want to look at their personal photos.,1,0.5 It's rude to ask people their age.,1,0.5 It's not okay to set someone up for failure.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to talk through your problems.,1,0.5 It's acceptable to use the bathroom when visiting someone else's home.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to not want to hear foul language.,1,0.5 It's okay to mourn.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to take advantage of someone who's much younger than you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's pleasurable to kiss someone you desire.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is polite to explain why if you need to decline a gift.,1,0.5 It is good to be respectful of others around you when on the phone.,0,0.0 It is expected that you treat your spouse with respect,1,0.5 It's wrong to want to cheat on your girlfriend.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's best to be oneself instead of trying to change to fit in with others around you.,1,0.5 It is rude to be unappreciative of gifts.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected that you respect your professor.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to flirt when you are in a relationship.,1,0.5 It's okay to call off a wedding when your fiance is abusive.,1,0.5 It's difficult to attend a graduation when you won't be graduating.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should seek medical treatment if you suspect you may suffer from food addiction.,1,0.5 It's okay to buy gifts for people with gift cards.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to think about the past and what you could have done differently,1,0.5 It's understandable to have difficulty leaving your abusive significant other.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to come to a realization about the truth.,1,0.5 You shouldn't rush moving.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be patient for things.,1,0.5 It is good be together as a family.t,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you listen to your elders.,0,0.0 You should report this to the police.,1,1.0 You shouldn't be happy that your father died.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you are annoyed when your employee is late for their shift.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to make homemade food and beverages.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is smart to ponder the consequences of relationship commitments.,1,0.24999999999999994 You are expected to respect your guests wishes in regards to giving a speech at your wedding.,1,1.0 Seeing out help to move on from a toxic lifestyle is acceptable.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If someone sexually harasses you, you should have them arrested.",1,0.5 Being lazy about keeping the house clean is bad behavior.,1,0.5 It is nice to make sacrifices for the well being of others,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to do nice things for one's friends.,1,0.5 It's good to be a housewife and take care of your partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's ok to not do everything with your significant other.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's important to let your partner know about your needs.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't play pranks on your classmates.,1,0.5 It is okay to only want to hang out with certain people.,1,0.5 It's wrong to not help someone out when they really need you.,1,0.5 It's okay to relax in comfortable clothes on your day off.,1,0.5 You shouldn't move out of state if you're in a relationship.,1,0.5 It's good to treat women equally.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable to be upset with a co-worker who is not pulling their weight at work.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't ask your family to donate money,0,0.0 It's good to have something to help you keep your bearings.,1,0.5 It's important to be safe when driving a vehicle.,1,0.5 It's expected to stick to commitments that are made.,1,0.5 You should run away from people that are trying to harm you.,1,0.5 You should discuss problems with your family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have people who are your friend.,1,0.24999999999999994 "It's expected that someone's death will affect you greatly, especially if they were close to you.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's ok to fire an employee when they aren't fulfilling their job duties.,1,0.5 It's not okay to disregard your in laws.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude for another event to take over the mind's of wedding guests.,1,0.7499999999999999 It’s wrong to give up on your kids.,1,0.5 You shouldn't starve yourself.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to give things a chance before you say you don't like them.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should come together in times of need.,1,0.24999999999999994 "It's good to find romance wherever you can, no matter how brief.",1,0.5 It's understandable if you're frustrated when your ex wants to contribute to your child's wedding.,1,0.5 It's understandable to not want family around who causes trouble for you.,1,0.5 It's fine to confess your love to your crush.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should not say swear words.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to want to commit suicide.,1,0.5 It is understandable to want to express your feelings.,0,0.0 It is expected that your SO will help you out at times when you need help with something.,1,0.5 You shouldn't fight with your friends over your love life.,0,0.0 It is embarrassing to mistake fake fruit for real fruit.,1,0.5 You shouldn't see sad movies if you don't like them.,1,0.5 You shouldn't shame children.,1,0.5 It's okay to want to hang out with people close to your ex.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's hurtful for others to impose unrealistic expectations.,1,0.5 It's good to play football with others.,1,0.5 It's okay to feel hurt if your child doesn't let you see your grandchildren.,1,0.5 People should walk away from a volatile situation.,1,0.24999999999999994 Keeping others late when they should have left already is rude.,1,0.5 It is good to write things down as soon as possible.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to feel guilty about doing something wrong.,1,0.5 It's expected that you give your significant other a special present for Christmas.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's pleasurable to kiss someone you desire.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is bad to kick someone out of their room.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong not to pay a debt.,1,0.5 If someone is hiding you from their friends and family it is reasonable to conclude that they do not really care about you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to touch other people without permission.,0,0.0 It's understandable if you don't like eating your partner's cooking.,1,0.5 It's wrong to assume things about people.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should run away from people that are trying to harm you.,1,0.5 It's acceptable to be selective with who you want to invite to an important day for you.,0,0.0 It can be very helpful to your parents to babysit your siblings.,1,0.5 It is normal to worry if your mom has cancer.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that people get married when they find someone they like.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to ask someone on a date.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should work through marital issues.,1,0.24999999999999994 If you're selling something you're expected to be fair.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to try and take your mind off things when you are upset.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should make an effort to help out family members.,1,0.5 It's important to respect the culture of other people.,1,0.5 "If your friend does not invite you to something, it's okay to feel left out.",1,0.5 It's okay to expect people to pay for something they have taken and are expecting to pay for.,1,0.5 "If you don't care about something, you should be honest about it.",1,0.5 It's good to go out and have a good time,1,0.5 It's wrong to do something you know is going to hurt someone.,0,0.0 It's inappropriate to attend your friend's partner's baby shower if you're male.,1,0.5 One should always read the fine print in a deal.,1,0.5 It's nice to hunt Easter eggs.,0,0.0 It's not okay to be jealous of your kids.,1,0.5 "If someone forbids you from doing something, you should respect them.",1,0.5 You shouldn't marry someone that cross dresses unless you're okay with it.,1,0.5 It's nice to meet up with your friends.,1,0.5 "You're allowed to stay up as late as you need to, to get things down.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal for someone in graduate school to need to write a thesis to show what they've learned.,1,0.5 It's bad to cause problems between your ex and his or her new partner.,1,0.5 You should not be too strict with your teenagers.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is negative to be jealous about someone succeeding.,0,0.0 It is good to communicate your needs in a relationship.,1,0.5 It's expected that you are honest with the person you are dating.,1,0.24999999999999994 It’s encouraged that parents make time for their kids outside of work and school,1,0.5 You shouldn't try to get into gated communities when you don't live there.,0,0.0 You shouldn't give ice cream to your dog.,1,0.5 It's allowed to go straight to a hotel when you've been on a long plane ride.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't talk about your significant other all the time since it's annoying to others.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should end your relationship before you choose to cheat.,1,0.5 People should strive to make wise financial decisions.,1,0.5 It's good to be considerate of your stepchildren's feelings.,1,0.5 It's wrong to commit crimes and wind up on probation.,0,0.0 It's okay to not like everything your friends like.,1,0.5 It's bad to be the cause of someone's death.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to get therapy after someone you love dies.,0,0.0 It's good to buy gifts for people.,1,0.24999999999999994 "It's okay to put yourself first, sometimes.",1,0.5 It's okay to like feet.,1,0.5 You should keep secrets from your family if it might offend them.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to be efficient.,0,0.0 It's wrong to tell your partner they are selfish.,1,0.5 It's okay if you don't want to be around someone that you are not in a relationship with.,1,0.5 It's okay to be attracted to younger women.,1,0.5 It's wrong to be rude and insulting to someone even if we don't particularly like them.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's normal for people to go to school.,0,0.0 It's wrong to not apologize to someone when they deserve it.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to be fat because it can lead to health issues.,1,0.5 It's wrong to scam people over the phone.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you're having trouble getting over the painful past, you should get some help.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to yell at a kid.,1,0.24999999999999994 "When you leave food out in the open, you shouldn't be surprised when animals get into it.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's discouraged to give up your virginity to someone too drunk to care who you are.,1,0.5 It's hurtful for a parent to enroll a child in classes without permission.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should go to the beach if it's really hot out.,1,0.5 It's good to share your goals with your parents.,1,0.5 It's okay to feel good when you send a greeting card.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should let your friend know why you're not inviting them somewhere.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good for a mom to care about their children.,0,0.0 It's wrong to grow apart from your partner.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to give your heart and soul to others.,1,0.5 It is embarrassing to repeatedly fail the same subject.,1,0.5 You should mind your own business when it comes to the private affairs of consenting adults,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you see problems, you should get help.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to stay quiet about past abuse.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to be patient.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to go places where you are not invited.,0,0.0 It's good to get out there and experience new things in life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to cheat in games.,1,0.5 You shouldn't kick people out.,1,0.5 It is good for a husband and wife to live together,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be an atheist.,1,0.5 It's okay to divorce your spouse when they cheat on you.,1,0.5 It's good to have a crush on someone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to masturbate in an airplane bathroom.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is nice to do things for your significant other,1,0.24999999999999994 It is your right to wear slipper wherever you choose.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to do things that you think only affect your health.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be scared when presented with a new situation.,1,0.5 You can't expect your family members to support you if you're lazy.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is common for people to enjoy the company of animals.,1,0.5 It's okay to be annoyed when you're waiting on someone who keeps changing their outfit.,0,0.0 It's good to work at a fast food restaurant in your teens.,1,0.24999999999999994 "It's good to find happiness in marriage, even if it takes multiple times.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to want someone to do their best.,1,0.5 It is bad to get upset over trivial matters,0,0.0 It's fine to think other people are dumb.,1,0.5 You should be practical when you are searching for a missing person.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you are upset when your doctor prescribes you medication.,1,0.5 It's okay to have a problem with certain things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to try and take your mind off things when you are upset.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected that people will be concerned if a loved one has cancer.,1,0.24999999999999994 People are expected to get along with their communities.,0,0.0 It is good to make sure people abide by laws and ordinances,1,0.24999999999999994 You should expect to lose your appetite if you see old and disgusting food.,0,0.0 It's okay to wish you had your old account on social media.,1,0.24999999999999994 You need a working router to use the internet.,1,0.24999999999999994 You can't expect everyone to like your talents.,1,0.5 It is rude to cancel plans that have been made.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to do things where you know you could get hurt.,1,0.7499999999999999 "If you aren't happy with the way your life is, you should fix it.",1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't say rude things about certain political parties.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have an advanced education.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good for your mental clarity to continue to learn new activities as you age.,0,0.0 It's understandable to be frustrated when someone picks and chooses when they love you.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't destroy things.,1,0.5 It's understandable to only want to date someone you are interested in.,1,0.5 It's not okay to treat children like they are a burden.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's acceptable to break up with someone if they are ignoring you.,1,0.5 It's good to go to the phone store when you want to change your plan.,1,0.5 You should make time to do the things you really love.,1,0.5 It's understandable to not want to listen to sad details.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to interfere in someone else's sex life.,1,0.5 You should be considerate of your loved ones.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't expect people to pay off their debts.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to try to make a good impression at work.,1,0.5 You should always carry alternate forms of money to the store in case your card is declined.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to dox people.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be supportive of your grandparents when they show you the menu for their restaurant.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to break up with your significant other.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to let your subordinate take the blame for a mistake you made.,1,0.5 It's good to be there for your friend when they are having a baby.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to not take care of your responsibilities in life.,1,0.24999999999999994 People are expected to be modest.,1,0.7499999999999999 Dressing nice can make you look good to others.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't force people to do things,1,0.5 As long as you are purchasing beverages it is OK to sit in a coffee shop all day.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to be scared of childbirth.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to panic when you can't think of an answer.,1,0.5 It's okay to not want attention.,1,0.5 It is rude to blame someone for something without proof.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to eat food loudly.,1,0.5 It's rude to confront other people.,1,0.5 You should encourage someone who gets help when their life is bad.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to want to live your life the best you can.,1,0.5 it's okay to feel sad when your grandchild doesn't answer your phone call.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is expected for a parent to take care of their child.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to make assumptions about people of different beliefs.,0,0.0 It's upsetting for someone to snitch on you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's important to talk to your doctor if you want to change your medication,1,0.5 It's okay to be goofy around your friends.,1,0.5 It's expected that people will leave ex partners in the past,1,0.5 It's fine to punish people who try to take advantage of a system.,1,0.5 You shouldn't try to control what an ex is doing.,1,0.5 You shouldn't bully others.,1,0.5 It's fine if you don't want someone watching you practice.,1,0.5 You shouldn't tell your partner who they can and can't be friends with.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to experience domestic violence.,1,0.5 It's okay to want to talk to a friend.,1,0.5 It is okay to cut toxic family out of your life.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you want your garden to be protected, you should put a fence around it.",1,0.5 It's bad to lose a friend.,1,0.5 It's wrong to take things out on other people.,1,0.5 Partners are expected to forgive each other.,1,0.5 It's good to be principled about every thing you do.,0,0.0 It's good to want to honor others in life.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's not okay to hint around at things to people about things that upset you.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to have high self-esteem.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always make time for others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to dislike conflict.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to reject that help of others.,1,0.5 It's okay to want to hang out with people close to your ex.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected people will tell each other about their sexual identities and be honest up front.,1,0.5 You should try to acclimate yourself to a country that you feel you don't belong to.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's fine to put conditions on your child for how they will get money.,1,0.5 It's encouraged you spend time with people you enjoy so you don't get sick of strangers and are reminded why humans are good!,1,0.5 You should get over the past if it's tearing a family apart.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fun to go out with friends.,1,0.5 It's expected to be caring and attentive towards your pet if they're dealing with an ailment.,1,0.5 It is rude to talk on the phone in a quiet place.,1,0.5 It's okay to grieve for a dead friend.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to ask for help when you aren't sure how something works.,1,0.5 It's okay to prefer a certain gender when you're having a child.,1,0.24999999999999994 "It's good to make something of yourself, regardless of your age.",1,0.5 It is wrong to cheat on your significant other,1,0.5 It's rude to confront other people.,1,0.5 It's wrong to question someone's work ethic.,1,0.5 It's okay to want to keep your home the way you want to keep your home.,1,0.5 You have the right to live wherever you want to.,1,0.5 It is important to eat protein.,1,0.5 It is good to press charges if someone steals something from you.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to make amends when you've made a mistake.,1,0.5 You're expected to defend your significant other.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should open the door when someone knocks on it.,1,0.5 People might think you're a thief if they see you handling stuff that isn't yours.,1,0.5 You shouldn't do things behind your partner's back.,1,0.5 "If you're married to someone, you should be proud of your choice and do what you can to maintain your love for them.",1,0.24999999999999994 "If you're sick, you should get medical help.",1,0.5 It is risky for the elderly to play rough.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's noble to want to help other people with their addictions.,1,0.24999999999999994 Memorializing a deceased loved one is loving and good.,1,0.5 It's fine to be excited about an upcoming date.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should obey your parents.,1,0.5 It's fine to not take your significant other's side if you don't agree with them.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're picky about what you buy.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is unacceptable to talk badly about someone elses religion.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to explain your issues with other people.,0,0.0 It's rude to yell at a kid.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be gentle when you are handling butterflies.,1,0.24999999999999994 People should be honest.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be sad when someone breaks up with you based on your past relationships.,1,0.5 People are expected to heed scientific evidence.,0,0.0 You shouldn't cause fights.,1,0.5 It is good to love tacos.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be scared about things.,1,0.5 It's good to have something in your life that you love with every fiber of your being.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't redecorate someone else's living area.,1,0.5 It is good to show respect for causes you believe in.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to punish cheaters.,1,0.5 You should always pay for someone's service.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to buy things when you are happy with them.,1,0.5 It's okay to not always get along with your parents.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's allowed to ask for space from someone when you're not sure of your future together with them.,1,0.5 It is important to get rid of things that do not make you happy.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to ban anyone you want to from an online account.,1,0.5 You should always eat dessert with milk.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable to be uncomfortable with people that are different than you.,1,0.5 You should be careful when driving,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to physically harm yourself on purpose.,0,0.0 "If you use something that belongs to someone else, you need to get their permission beforehand",1,0.24999999999999994 Clearing someone's name for a mistake you did and they are being blamed for is expected.,1,0.5 People should abstain from intimate relations while flying.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to not support someone who you are dating if they are going though a rough time.,1,0.5 It's important to be practical during exercise.,1,0.5 It's good to try to come to terms with what's gone wrong with your life.,1,0.5 It's wrong to pretend to be bad at things.,1,0.5 It's bad to fall for someone younger than you if they are underage.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't force people to do things,1,0.5 It's not expected that you feel shame when flirting.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be hurt if your spouse cheats on you,1,0.5 It's okay to want to give your available seats to an important event to friends instead of family.,1,0.5 You are expected to be sad when a stepparent passes away.,1,0.5 It's rude to play the same song twice in a row.,1,0.5 It's good to have an advanced education.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal for family to argue.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to care about your education.,1,0.5 It's okay for young adults to choose to live at hime.,1,0.5 It's normal to have arguments with a partner.,1,0.5 It is good to have boundaries in a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to keep in touch with your family even after you move away from them.,1,0.5 It's okay to only invite certain people to your events.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be with someone who is still talking to their old flame.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always help out your family.,1,0.5 It's okay to keep things private.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be petty toward your family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be upset if someone you report to at work lets you take the blame for something you didn't do.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you forgot your money elsewhere and you need to buy something, it's okay to ask someone for help.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's important to express your emotions respectfully,1,0.24999999999999994 One should not be rude to others.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should help out with your family member's wedding if you have a certain skill they could use.,0,0.0 People are expected to learn how to swim when they are children.,1,0.5 It's good to sell your car if it's old.,1,0.5 You shouldn't play pranks on your classmates.,1,0.5 Its understandable to be attracted to who you are attracted to.,1,0.5 It's good to be best friends with your siblings.,1,0.5 It is wrong to fall in love with somebody else when you are in a relationship.,1,0.5 It's good to work at home.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to find a handsome man.,1,0.5 It's wrong to put a child in a bad situation because of your judgement.,1,0.5 It's expected that you can't control the weather.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should share your recipes with people who would appreciate them.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to honor the sacrifices of others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's important to care for family members with mental illness.,1,0.5 You shouldn't make fun of people who pee their pants.,1,0.5 "If you're still struggling with someone's death, you should get some therapy.",1,0.7499999999999999 "If you hate your job, you should quit.",1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected that students come to class alert and able to pay attention.,1,0.5 You shouldn't jaywalk because it's illegal.,1,0.5 It's nice to have convenience.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to be skeptical of people who always happen to suffer from whatever dietary issue is trending.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is bad to stalk on others.,1,0.5 It's understandable for friends to offer dating advice.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should not let your accidents cause other people grief.,0,0.0 It's encouraged you set a timer when you're cooking something so you don't ruin it,0,0.0 It's kind to help your coworkers with their goals.,1,0.5 It is not expected that you will save parking spots for strangers.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to figure things out with others.,1,0.5 It's okay to not know how to drive.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is okay to be upset if you feel your partner is rejecting you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay for a person not to be able to figure things out on their own.,1,0.5 You're discouraged from gossiping about your family members.,1,0.5 It is nice to play with your siblings.,1,0.5 "It's responsible to understand that for some, the cost of independence is too high.",1,0.5 It's okay to be annoyed when you're waiting on someone who keeps changing their outfit.,0,0.0 It's rude to do things that offend other people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good for a person to work thru their issues to solve what is troubling them.,0,0.0 It's smart to keep track of your surroundings.,1,0.5 You shouldn't swear at people.,0,0.0 It's understandable to feel annoyed when someone wants attention.,0,0.0 It's okay to bother someone about things if they are important to you.,1,0.5 It's normal to carry your phone with you.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want a partner to wear clothing that appeals to you.,1,0.5 You should always try to get along with your in-laws.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to put unexpected toppings on your food.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't put up with someone that does disgusting things in public.,0,0.0 You should enjoy activities with the people close to you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to uphold rules and laws,1,0.5 It's good to cook for people.,0,0.0 You should be there for your partner when they have a baby.,1,0.5 You need a working router to use the internet.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to be domineering.,1,0.5 You should be careful not to eat too much sugar in one sitting,1,0.5 It's OK not to be interested in everything that your significant other is.,1,0.5 You shouldn't hurt a girl's feelings if they like you.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should attend memorial services for loved ones.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to want to be prepared for the future.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to go against your parent's wishes.,1,0.5 It's wrong to be lazy.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to hate fitness people.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected you retire if you've won the lottery,1,0.5 It's okay to feel exhilarated when you find a new career.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to give gifts to your in-laws.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's always good to do things in advance in case something doesn't work out.,1,0.5 It is okay to make an honest mistake,1,0.24999999999999994 Parents are expected to pay for their household finances equally.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's rude to call someone a nerd.,1,0.5 It's rude to speculate about someone's grieving process.,1,0.7499999999999999 When your child is sick it is expected that a doctor will see them.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that people will have bad dreams.,1,0.5 It's not typically expected to put butter on a donut.,1,0.5 It's wrong to tell lies.,1,0.5 It's pleasant to spend time with someone on a beach.,1,0.5 It's expected that you stop flirting with other people while in a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to want to have fun.,1,0.5 It's wrong to be rude to people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable for someone to care about how they present themselves.,1,0.5 It's normal to want to impress others when it comes to preparing food.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to be incredibly envious of people.,1,0.24999999999999994 Family members should forgive each other.,1,0.5 People are expected to control their animals.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to try and believe in a higher power when going through tough times,1,0.5 It is ok to want to try to work on things before separating.,1,0.5 It's rude to ask people their age.,1,0.5 You should want your baby to look like both you and the other parent.,0,0.0 It is wrong to feel like anyone should have a bad life.,1,0.24999999999999994 Cheating on a significant other is wrong.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is weird to go out with your ex's best friend.,1,0.5 It's good to apply for a new job if you need money.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to forgive others.,0,0.0 You shouldn't get your partner to dump you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to not want to be friends with someone if their behavior scares you.,1,0.5 It's good to shave to make yourself look presentable.,1,0.5 "If you're married to someone, you should be proud of your choice and do what you can to maintain your love for them.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be fed up with controlling people.,0,0.0 If you forget to log out of your social media accounts on someone elses computer you should expect your account to get hacked.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to be so greedy with things that your relationships suffer.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't think ill of your family.,1,0.5 It is good to not go to a party if someone there is sick.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad to ignore someone's text messages.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should seek therapy if you've been raped.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is bad to be addicted to things.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is expected that you watch your children.,0,0.0 "When you retire, it's good to buy your dream home.",1,0.5 It's bad form to say that you aren't attracted to people of certain races.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't assume people want to know how to do things,1,0.5 You should seek medical advice if you don't have a good attention span.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's rude to drink around someone who is a recovering alcoholic.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's arrogant to think you're wiser than other people.,1,0.5 It's good to cut out people who are toxic to you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to want people to take responsibility for our actions.,1,1.0 It's understandable to be upset a beloved pet is missing.,1,0.5 It's understandable to have a headache.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to not want to spend too much money on a sick pet.,1,0.5 You should ask people to leave the room if you need to talk to someone in private.,1,0.24999999999999994 You have to do whatever is necessary in an emergency situation.,1,0.24999999999999994 Depriving others of sharing pictures with you leads to hurt feelings and should be avoided.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's nice to worry about your friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to break up with your partner if the relationship is not salvageable.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to wear a chastity cage if you want to remain a virgin.,1,0.5 You are not expected to date someone you do not like.,1,0.5 It is expected that people will not buy things that they don't want or need.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's ungrateful to be mad at your parents for trying to give you a safe place to grow up.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to make your friends uncomfortable by including strangers.,1,0.5 it's good to get help when you have a drug addiction.,1,0.5 You should respect the privacy of others.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you don't notice something in your path.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's fine to fall for someone younger than you as long as they are of age.,1,0.5 It is okay to have feelings from somebody from a long time ago.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that suicidal people will seek treatment from a medical professional.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to betray your friends.,0,0.0 It's wrong to exchange money and goods for sexual photos without your spouse's knowledge.,1,0.5 You should not manipulate others to your own ends.,1,0.5 It's good to look ahead and see what can happen.,0,0.0 It's okay to indulge your sexual fantasies with other consenting adults.,1,0.7499999999999999 If someone hurt you it is reasonable to tell them to get out of your home.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should keep your sexual identity private.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable to have a low opinion of yourself.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to let your emotions out.,1,0.5 It's not good to hold back important information from your partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 Listening to your favorite music is a good way to relax.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to complete your work.,1,0.5 It's okay to lie when you don't have an answer.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected that you take care of your pets,0,0.0 You should try to be happy again when your spouse dies.,1,0.5 It's good to advise people to recycle as much as possible.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that parents should love their children.,1,0.5 It's ok to feel excited about voting for the first time.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to send that use too many filters.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to have in-laws that buy you nice things.,1,0.5 It's noble when you treat others well who treat you badly.,1,0.24999999999999994 Being untidy can be seen as uncaring and disrespectful.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to talk about finances with your partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to loiter.,1,0.5 It is bad to hurt others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal for couples to want to spend time alone,1,1.0 You are expected to want to spend time with your partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you be sad after breaking up with someone.,1,0.5 It's expected that falling can be dangerous.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to hold a strong opinion about health care coverage.,1,0.24999999999999994 "It's allowed for a homeowner to ask people in their house to leave, for any reason.",1,0.24999999999999994 You should get your affairs in order when you plan on asking for a divorce.,1,0.5 It is okay to speak up when you see something wrong.,0,0.0 You are expected to want to spend time with your partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to explain your issues with other people.,0,0.0 It's dangerous to break glass with your hand.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is understandable to be upset if someone is treating an important matter trivially.,0,0.0 It's wrong to break something that belongs to someone else.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to talk to your family about your problems.,0,0.0 It's bad to act overly aggressive over sports.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be honest about the physical interactions you have while on a break from a relationship.,1,0.5 You should thank someone when they invite tou to thier wedding.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is bad to be non sanitary.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay if you want to spend some time by yourself.,1,0.5 It's okay to be angry at your roommate.,1,0.24999999999999994 An adult must never have a sexual relationship with a minor.,1,0.5 It's awkward when romantic feelings get in the way of a friendship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to want to say things to others that are important.,1,0.5 It's unhealthy to be thinking about hurting yourself,1,0.5 You should not be mean to other people.,1,0.5 It's wrong not to offer healthcare to everyone since it's a right and not a privilege.,0,0.0 It is good to learn how to play left and right handed.,1,0.5 It's never okay to intentionally invoke terror in others,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to betray your sibling.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you're nervous when you take your driver's license test.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be understanding when your parents talk about their family heirlooms.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to help out your kids when they are depressed.,1,0.5 It's okay to be worried about your spouse when they're exhausted.,1,0.5 It is important to discuss birth control.,0,0.0 It's understandable to be bothered by a pet that is dealing with incontinence.,1,0.5 You should be a part of your family's pictures.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to think someone needs a change in their life.,1,0.5 You should buy new things if you need them.,1,0.5 It's good to visit the dentist regularly.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to get involved with someone who you don't know about.,1,0.5 It is bad to tamper with hotel property,1,0.5 It is wrong to use utilities and not pay for them.,1,0.5 It's good to try your best.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to hit the ball when you are up to bat.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't get back together with ex.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to show solidarity with family members in the face of adversity.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to not want to contribute work to a group project.,1,1.0 It's normal to hang out with your friends.,1,0.5 Don't be afraid to ignore people who are deliberately trying to annoy you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable when past trauma informs your future actions.,1,0.5 It's rude to not be supportive of a friend.,0,0.0 It's good to reduce the number of cars on the road by carpooling.,1,0.24999999999999994 It;s expected that you treat your children equally.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is considered dirty to skip washing your body for more than a day or two.,1,1.0 You should be respectful to your child's teacher.,1,0.5 You shouldn't get back together with an ex.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that children grow up and become financially independent.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to bully people,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be certain before you cut off any of your hair.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to feel tongue tied.,1,0.5 You shouldn't leave your computer on the floor.,1,0.5 It's good to include your friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to play any video game you find appealing.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to want a partner back.,1,0.5 People will be annoyed with you if you insist on showing them pictures of your pets.,1,0.5 You should make sure your pockets can securely contain your belongings.,1,0.5 You should be respectful to your child's teacher.,1,0.5 It's expected that people are saddened by the loss of a parent.,1,0.5 It is rude to reject that help of others.,1,0.5 It's normal to be clean-shaven for special occasions.,1,0.5 You should work two jobs if you need the money.,1,0.5 It's normal to regret time that you've wasted.,1,0.24999999999999994 "It's good to get help to learn effective, non-harmful ways of coping with stress.",1,0.5 It's fine to want a nubile young woman for a romantic partner.,1,0.5 It's okay to lie when you don't have an answer.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be scared of people.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to want to reminisce about the past sometimes.,0,0.0 It's understandable to follow knowledgeable advice.,1,0.5 It's understandable to have a relationship end.,1,0.5 You should not engage in tax fraud.,1,0.5 You shouldn't tell someone what to do.,1,0.5 You shouldn't believe in tarot cards because they can't predict the future.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to buy any food that you prefer.,1,0.24999999999999994 It’s wrong to expose young children to a lot of female partners,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to eat someone elses food,1,0.5 It's good to admit when you need help.,1,0.5 It is okay to be nervous about a potential confrontation with your partner.,1,0.5 It's rude to cause strife in one's family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be offended when your grand kids don't like your menu.,1,0.5 You shouldn't spend so much time on the phone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to want to please others.,0,0.0 It's good to go running every day so you can get healthy.,1,0.5 It is never acceptable for an adult to cause bodily harm to a child.,0,0.0 It is wrong to tell a partner how to dress.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to pee on the floor in the bathroom.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to take care of a busted light bulb before you sit down to eat.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to not want to move to a new house when you like the one you're in.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to be remorseful and admit when you've done wrong,1,0.5 It's nice to give gifts on the holidays.,1,0.5 It's wrong to pretend to be friends with a person for personal gain.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should keep your possessions in good order.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you are being excluded by friends, it's okay to feel hurt.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to call other people subhuman.,1,0.5 It is okay to identify as another sex,1,1.0 You should always pay off your loans.,1,0.5 You should not use the pictures of others to gratify yourself without consent.,1,0.7499999999999999 If you perform well on a test it is acceptable to be happy with yourself.,1,0.5 It's fine to wear your hair how you want it.,1,0.5 It’s okay to keep secrets to yourself,1,0.7499999999999999 You should get help from your family if you're sick and can't be home alone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that partners will want to go out on dates together.,1,0.5 People are expected to want to be close to their family.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't have an affair with someone who is married.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to work to advance social justice causes that you believe in,1,0.7499999999999999 It's acceptable to not believe in free will.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't be violent.,1,0.5 It's better to use your words to build people up and bestow kindness,0,0.0 You shouldn't do things that make you uncomfortable.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is polite to pay half of the rent if you are living with someone.,1,0.5 It's expected that you'll need to pay a repair shop for their services.,1,0.5 It is okay to talk about things that affect you.,1,0.5 It's proven that providing little discipline in a child's life will negatively impact the child's behavior.,1,1.0 It is understandable to want your significant other to work and take care of you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to let your emotions out.,1,0.5 You should share food with others.,1,0.5 It's bad to feel down about your abilities.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's fine to ask your parents for help paying for your wedding.,1,0.5 It's good to visit your family.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't let others lead you on.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't end a friendship for a petty reason.,0,0.0 It is good to give business to small businesses.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to talk to other people who are similar to you if you do not like something about youself.,1,0.24999999999999994 You're expected to try and work things out with your friends.,0,0.0 It's understandable if you're upset when your parents are strict.,1,0.5 You should look for another job if you don't like yours,1,0.5 It's expected that a goalie will follow the ball.,1,0.5 It's good to keep track of your budget.,1,0.5 It is wrong to ask someone to leave if they are on their phone and everyone else is too.,1,0.5 You should always tip people for their serves.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't feel upset with your coworkers over petty things.,1,0.5 It's good to leave the past behind and move on.,1,0.5 You shouldn't use someone to get back at another person,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to want to get back at someone who cheated on you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to keep gifts no matter what happens after the fact.,1,0.5 It's okay if you can't afford a gift for a party you're invited to.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to force physical affection on people when they're uncomfortable with it.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should not have to hide how you are feeling.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to spend time with someone you care about.,1,0.5 It's okay to have a small marriage.,1,0.5 You should respect the feelings of your friends.,1,0.5 You should try to be understanding of your siblings and their feelings.,1,0.7499999999999999 "It's accepted that no matter what you consume, it'll all look the same at the other end.",1,0.5 It's good to keep in touch with your family even after you move away from them.,1,0.5 It's nice to use language that is politically correct.,1,0.5 It's normal to get frustrated from time to time,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to include your in-laws in your children's lives.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to expect other people to do your chores for you.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't tell someone who is religious that you're an atheist.,1,0.5 It's wrong to say things around kids that could influence them in a negative way.,0,0.0 It's ok to stand up to a parent with they do you wrong.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected that you pay for something you break.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you're broke, you should get a job.",1,0.5 It's good to attend important events of your friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should respect the privacy of others.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be scared when presented with a new situation.,1,0.5 It's good to visit people.,0,0.0 It is expected that you put time and effort into your work.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to spend time to learn something new.,0,0.0 You shouldn't dress slutty.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's typical to occasionally get annoyed by people you spend a lot of time with.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't call people names.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't create drama for your friends.,1,0.5 It's expected that if you lie to your spouse your marriage will be jeopardized.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to maintain a healthy diet.,1,0.5 It's painful to leave a loved one.,1,0.5 It's understandable to keep your account passwords from others.,1,0.5 It's ok to miss your deceased family members.,1,0.5 It's good to ask your teacher for help when you're worried you're going to fail.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to follow knowledgeable advice.,1,0.5 "If your partner threatens to break up with you over money, it's okay to feel offended.",0,0.0 It's expected you be patient while waiting in a line,1,0.5 it's good to host your in laws when they visit.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's allowed to keep a cat that no one claims.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to do something that could make someone uncomfortable.,1,0.5 "If you fantasize about torture, you should get some therapy.",1,0.24999999999999994 You should hate people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to speculate as to why someone needs something.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to brag about things.,1,0.5 It's okay to be annoyed by other people's habits.,0,0.0 It's expected that you won't cut off family members.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be want to know things that could be important.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want to fit in with the people you interact with.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be jealous of people who have something or someone new in their life.,1,0.5 You should expect to be punished when you play pranks on people.,1,0.5 It's understandable to only want to date someone you are interested in.,1,0.5 It's normal to want to feel challenged by your job.,1,0.5 It's not okay to cheat on your significant other.,1,0.5 You should find a first aid kit when you injure yourself.,1,0.24999999999999994 Is good to spend time with family,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you're sad when you spend your entire paycheck paying bills.,1,0.5 It's bad to threaten people.,1,0.5 You should arrest people when they break the law.,1,0.7499999999999999 Friends are expected to do favors for one another.,1,0.5 It is frustrating when you can't take back something you did.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't try to injure people.,1,0.5 It is good to be persistent.,1,0.5 It is wrong to doubt your relationship.,1,0.5 "If your child is depressed, you should get them some therapy.",0,0.0 It is ok to be bloated at times.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is bad to harm the environment,1,0.5 It's rude to make fun of someone when they don't know what to wear.,1,0.24999999999999994 People can't be expected to go out of their way to meet someone in prison.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be upset with friends for hanging out with someone who threatened you.,1,0.5 You shouldn't try to sabotage someone's relationship with their partner.,1,0.5 It's good to be supportive when your ex gets married.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to ask people what type of music they like so you can see if you have things in common.,1,0.24999999999999994 Do you shouldn't let little things irritate you,1,0.5 It's okay if we aren't familiar as others with certain topics.,1,0.5 You should understand if someone you ask for money tells you no.,1,0.5 It's rude to impose on people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be shocked about something surprising.,1,0.5 It's good to take breaks to teach things to people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's ok to feel out of control.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to call out your family.,1,0.5 You shouldn't pressure your romantic partner to do things they aren't comfortable with,1,0.5 It's disrespectful to question someone else's dietary needs.,1,0.5 It's wrong to get rid of your partner's pets.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're upset when you realize how bad life was before you got help.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's ok to work from home.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you want to beg for a second chance.,1,0.7499999999999999 A couple should come to an agreement about whether to bring pets indoors or not.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable that we don't always want to attend family events.,1,0.5 It's understandable to not want to be around a sick person.,1,0.5 It's not okay to demand things from people you don't really need.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should not blame yourself for other people's actions,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to be cheap and stingy,1,0.5 It's expected that people seek social connections.,1,0.5 It's nice to show off your personality.,1,0.5 It is bad to take things that aren't yours,1,0.5 It's normal for affairs to affect the whole family.,1,0.5 It's okay that people grieve in different ways.,1,0.5 It's good to return your deposit when you're finished with a credit union.,1,1.0 It's reasonable to expose someone for buying sexual photos from a minor.,1,0.5 It's wrong to be proud of how loud you can burp.,0,0.0 You should be considerate of the people around you when you have a cellphone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fun to play outside when you're a child.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should follow your parents' demands.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to be non sanitary.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to arrive to work dishevelled.,0,0.0 It's wrong to do drugs with your partner.,1,0.5 Pets are expected to not be treated as food.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you see problems, you should get help.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to make judgments about people you don't know well.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to give gifts to your in-laws.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't be friends with creepy people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's nice to tell stories.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should get over the past if it's tearing a family apart.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to hide your personal life from a potential partner,1,0.24999999999999994 You should confer with your partner before telling others about big events.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to spend time to learn something new.,0,0.0 It's good to listen to details of someone's situation.,0,0.0 It's nice to help your child pay for their wedding.,1,0.5 It is okay to need space from your family.,1,0.5 It's not okay to teach kids things they aren't ready for.,1,0.5 It's fine to accept funds you inherited from a trust.,1,0.5 It's OK to decide who you share a hotel room with.,1,0.5 It is good to teach your children to be respectful of others,1,0.5 "If you break the law, it is expected that you will be arrested.",1,0.5 It's wise to grown one's own food.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that children will find ways to hurt themselves.,1,1.0 It's bad to assume someone is incapable because they are handicapped.,1,0.5 If you are passionate about learning a new skill you should not worry about your age.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't behave inappropriately with underage people.,0,0.0 You should clean something up when you drop it and break it.,1,0.24999999999999994 It can feel smothering when someone you're with expresses that they're uncomfortable with you being friends with other people on social media.,1,0.5 People should feel free to show their gratitude to a whole country if it's warranted.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you want to talk to your significant other.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to snoop on people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to hurt others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to want people to acknowledge that you have been a good friend to them.,1,0.5 It's expected that you pay your employees on time.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't have a baby if you can't afford one.,1,0.5 It's good to help your children.,1,0.5 It's good to go out and have fun with your kids.,1,0.5 It's expected that you would want to take time off of work.,1,0.5 You shouldn't get involved in family drama.,1,1.0 It's understandable to have problems with trust if you are not trustful.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to want a window open to get fresh air.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're confused when you get a new appliance.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't race if you're tired.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to be efficient.,0,0.0 It's okay to be hurt if someone else ignores you.,1,0.5 It is good to have self confidence.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to meet someone at your house.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is rude to refuse a birthday girl from your inlaws.,0,0.0 It is wrong to exclude someone for being special needs.,1,0.5 It's okay to splurge when you find something that you want.,1,0.5 You should always ask before going out somewhere if you're a kid.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to have patience with other people,1,0.5 You should always charge your electronics before you go somewhere so the battery doesn't die.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't let your adult children stay on your phone plan.,1,0.5 It's normal to dislike conflict.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's encouraged for children to go straight to the bus after school.,1,0.5 You shouldn't break the rules at work.,1,0.24999999999999994 You're discouraged from gossiping about your family members.,1,0.5 People shouldn't assume it's okay to take something just because it's not nailed down.,1,0.5 It's good when you go out and you really enjoy your time.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't be afraid of growing apart from your partner.,0,0.0 You shouldn't break the rules at work.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to sell old things to make money for new things.,1,0.5 It's fine to feel disappointment when friends hurt your feelings.,1,0.5 It's good to show others that your health is a priority.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always go to the ER if you feel sick or are injured.,1,0.5 It is not wise to try and run from your problems.,1,0.5 You should grow closer to your friends through shared experiences.,0,0.0 You shouldn't use too many filters on your photos since you're basically lying about how you look.,1,0.5 It's bad to have an overly pessimistic world view.,1,0.5 It's good to love your friend platonically.,1,0.5 It's wrong to date someone when you're their boss.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should set yourself free from a life of hard work.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to not catch things.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable for a mom to be scared for their children.,0,0.0 It's okay not to be interested in something.,1,0.24999999999999994 Going on a vacation without a partner can make them jealous.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's important to give helpful feedback to someone who doesn't pass their driver's license test.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected that you get a marriage license when you get married.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's acceptable to choose to eat vegetarian.,1,0.5 "People should read the reviews of a hotel before they stay at it, to make sure it's going to be a good experience.",1,0.24999999999999994 You should always be there for your partner.,0,0.0 You should try hard to connect with someone who is putting in the effort to connect with you.,0,0.0 It's rude to not believe your best friend.,0,0.0 Social services can make sure that a home is a healthy environment for the people living there.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't do things that make you cry.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to not want to spend too much money on a sick pet.,1,0.5 It's understood that not everyone is a cheerful person.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you see problems, you should get help.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you will want someone very creditworthy to sign for a loan before you approve it,1,0.24999999999999994 Making a big deal out of your own birthday can make you look selfish.,0,0.0 It's expected that your significant other will keep plans that they've agreed to with you.,0,0.0 It is fun to play a sport even if you aren't good at it.,1,0.5 You shouldn't put yourself in a place where people can easily take advantage of you.,0,0.0 It's okay to be jealous of your friend's new partner.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should do what you're interested in doing.,1,0.5 You shouldn't leave your future up to fate.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's normal for family to argue.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's dangerous to touch an electrical outlet,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't kick people out.,1,0.5 You should ask your partner to be there for your delivery.,1,0.5 It's good to look for the best deal when making a purchase.,1,0.5 It's ok to donate your eggs for use by others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to go out and celebrate with your partner.,0,0.0 You shouldn't expect your kids to give you money.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be grateful for comfortable pants.,1,0.5 You don't have to greet anyone that you don't want to.,1,0.5 It is ok to be upset about your past.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad for family members to lie to one another.,0,0.0 It's wrong to not understand sometimes peoples situation isn't the best.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should be happy when someone wants to invest in your company.,1,0.5 It's wrong for co-workers to treat each other badly.,1,0.24999999999999994 People would be concerned if they saw someone collapse in pain.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't expect your boyfriend to do your own obligations for you.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want to punish someone for bad behavior.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable if you don't want your children in a generational photo.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to curse at people.,1,0.5 You should pay your employees their wages on time.,0,0.0 You shouldn't put up with someone who gives you attitude.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to be deceitful towards another person.,1,0.5 It's okay to have amicable separation.,1,0.24999999999999994 Parents are expected to make sure their kids eat healthy food.,1,0.5 It's hurtful to not value a loved ones thoughts.,0,0.0 You can't expect people to always like a certain kind of music.,1,0.5 It's wrong to abuse your spouse.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to support injured family members.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected you retire if you've won the lottery,1,0.5 It's good to be really focused on a goal.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't break the rules at work.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to want to hang out with people close to your ex.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't trust your ex.,1,0.5 It's encouraged you find a different bathroom if you need to go and they are all occupied,1,0.5 You should be respectful to your child's teacher.,1,0.5 It is common for kernels of corn to appear in your poop after eating corn.,1,0.5 As you age it is expected to be less desirable to go out partying all the time.,0,0.0 It is bad to cheat on your significant other,1,0.5 You shouldn't do things behind your partner's back.,1,0.5 People are expected to be respectful of others.,0,0.0 It's okay not to have an extravagant ceremony,1,0.24999999999999994 It is gross to put candy in your pocket if it might melt.,1,1.0 It's good to give your friend a ride when they need one.,1,0.5 it is good to learn new things.,1,0.5 It's wrong to intimidate others.,1,0.24999999999999994 You're allowed to inquire what your spouse saw if they went to an event you didn't.,1,0.5 You should talk with your child and see what you can do differently in the future if they do not love you.,1,0.5 It's bad to be in a relationship where you don't trust your partner.,1,0.5 It's normal to be envious of other's accomplishments.,1,0.7499999999999999 People should save up money to buy the things they want.,0,0.0 It is okay to need space from family.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't clone dinosaurs because that would just cause a lot of problems.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's hurtful to break up with someone.,1,0.5 You should obtain consent before attempting to participate in your kinks.,1,0.5 It's pleasurable to kiss someone you desire.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to feel sadness when you're past your priem and no one pays attention to you any more.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't be hypocritical.,1,0.5 It's okay to be bisexual.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be disappointed if your time is coming to an end.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't ask someone intrusive questions.,1,0.24999999999999994 People will be annoyed with you if you insist on showing them pictures of your pets.,1,0.5 It is bad to be addicted to things.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should always accept someone's kindness.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should give others the benefit of the doubt.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's hurtful to not value a loved ones thoughts.,0,0.0 It's wrong to give up on something important to you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is dramatic to run to the doctor everytime your child feels sick.,1,0.5 it's good to participate in band in middle school.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that people will want to celebrate on their birthday.,1,0.5 Sometimes bad things happen to you in life.,1,0.5 It's expected you share things if you only have one to use,0,0.0 It is impolite to interrupt your professor during a lecture.,1,0.5 It's wrong to eat someone elses food,1,0.5 It's bad to make yourself feel bad on purpose.,1,0.5 It's important to care for family members with mental illness.,1,0.5 You should always throw out food that is burned because it's not pleasant to eat.,1,0.5 It's good to listen to other people's confessions.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to want to end an obsession.,1,0.5 If you're selling something you're expected to be fair.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't tell someone one thing and then not do it.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't get mad at your siblings for playing a joke,1,0.5 It's okay to find solutions to little problems,1,0.5 Giving others unsolicited harsh criticism is frowned upon.,1,0.5 It's good to marry someone who you feel is the best woman ever.,1,0.5 You can make your wedding day go as you want it.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be happy about good health.,1,0.5 It's okay to feel sad about the state of your life.,1,0.5 "If you're lost in life, you should get some help.",1,0.24999999999999994 You should not judge someone's situation if you do not know them.,1,0.24999999999999994 Relationships are expected to have clear communication.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to give up on finding someone to love if you're repulsive.,1,0.5 It is good to be together as a family.,0,0.0 It is good to put in the effort to get to know people.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be thankful when someone gives you money.,1,0.5 It's OK to get angry when someone cheats on you.,1,0.5 It's wrong to do something purposely to hurt someone who didn't do anything to you.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't be happy that your father died.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to want to prepare yourself for cold weather.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you grieve for lost loved ones right away.,1,0.5 It is your right to wear slipper wherever you choose.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to make the people you work with uncomfortable.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to set yourself up for failure.,1,0.5 It is okay to show someone that you care by giving them thoughtful gifts.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you feel sad when you see animals in cages.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you yell at your kids to get down when they pretend the table is a mountain.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to try to be overly controlling with family members.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want to monitor employees behavior.,1,0.5 You should never take things that belong to others without asking,1,0.24999999999999994 It is responsible to recycle unused moving boxes.,0,0.0 It's okay to be scared when you hurt yourself.,1,0.5 You should be well-practiced before you go to take your driver's license test.,1,0.5 The subway is a more efficient means of transportation than the alternatives.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is negative to be jealous about someone succeeding.,0,0.0 It's understandable if you feel cultural whiplash when you move from one area of the country to another.,1,0.5 It's fine to not want to put yourself in a dangerous scenario.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be upset over not being able to find a job.,1,0.5 It is okay to be overwhelmed by life.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to take turns driving.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to live you life sheltered from what the world has to offer.,1,0.5 It's okay not to enjoy getting high with your partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to live life on the edge,1,0.5 It is bad to commit suicide.,1,0.5 It's wrong to let your partner move in with you if you aren't married.,1,0.5 It's ok to have an opinion.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to break something that belongs to someone else.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to interrupt someone who is working hard.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's encouraged you let the person know if they're making you angry,1,0.5 It's good to want to adopt a young relative.,1,0.24999999999999994 "It's good to make something of yourself, regardless of your age.",1,0.5 It's good to seek help if you're feeling depressed or feel like everything is a chore.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to chew out your friends.,1,0.5 It is expected that you take care of your pets,0,0.0 It's bad to steal money from a trust.,1,0.5 You're expected to give your friends support through difficult times.,1,0.5 It's okay to reminisce on good memories.,1,0.5 It's normal to wash your hands after using the bathroom.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude for another event to take over the mind's of wedding guests.,1,0.7499999999999999 "If you keep having dreams about your ex, you should get some therapy.",1,0.5 It's okay to ask someone to delete something that makes you uncomfortable.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should listen to your friend's advice.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should go to the doctor when you need medical attention.,1,0.5 You should share in expenses with others.,1,0.5 It's good to put in the work to achieve a goal.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should reprimand an employee if they deserve it.,1,0.5 It's fine to ask your roommate for a favor.,1,0.5 It's good to donate blood.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to feel like anyone should have a bad life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to have arguments.,1,0.5 It's rude to ignore people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to feel excited if you almost missed your plane but you made it!,1,0.5 It's okay to enjoy powdered milk.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's polite to cover your mouth when you yawn.,1,0.5 It's good to cook for people.,0,0.0 It's okay to be rude to someone that has ruined your family,1,0.5 Seeing out help to move on from a toxic lifestyle is acceptable.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to kick a ball.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be scared to change and try new things,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected that you respond to your partner's text messages.,1,0.5 It is rude to bite your nails in public.,1,1.0 It's good to try to improve yourself if you know you are a bad person.,1,0.5 It's okay to ask for help when you aren't sure how something works.,1,0.5 It's wrong to not understand sometimes peoples situation isn't the best.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to be sad when you don't get to see your spouse because of their work.,0,0.0 You shouldn't ask for too overzealous of a salary during an interview.,0,0.0 You shouldn't be friends with someone that ditches you.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be upset when your partner won't defend you.,1,0.5 It's okay to feel suspicious when you unsure of another's actions.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're annoyed when your friend climbs on you to be at the top of a pyramid.,1,1.0 It is encouraged to let your children express themselves however they see fit,1,0.7499999999999999 It is wrong to allow subway to ruin your life.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should light a candle if your lights are out.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should not be jealous of what others have.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal for young adults to want to become more independent.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to get a colleague fired if they are breaking the law.,1,0.5 It's expected that parents restrict children who are performing poorly in school.,1,0.5 It's okay to date your friend's boyfriend if they want you to.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to give out keys to a building to people who do not live there.,0,0.0 It's okay to not want attention.,1,0.5 You should buy your own laptop.,1,0.5 It's expected that people will want to keep their kitchen tidy.,0,0.0 It's good to revisit your youth.,1,0.5 It's okay if you don't want to pay for an ambulance to get to the hospital.,1,0.5 You shouldn't let people who claim to be fashion police criticize your clothes.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to get your friends addicted to dangerous activities.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to volunteer to help those in need,0,0.0 You shouldn't judge people by how they look,1,0.24999999999999994 You should let the parents know if their child is misbehaving.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to talk to your family about your problems.,0,0.0 You should always spend time with your family.,1,0.5 It's ok to seek help when you have issues with anger management.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to put in the effort to get to know people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to brag about yourself.,1,0.5 It's gracious to let another competitor win a competition.,1,0.5 You should be respectful and accepting when someone says they would like a certain flavor of food for a new product.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's normal for affairs to affect the whole family.,1,0.5 It's wrong to fake a medical condition.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to talk to other people who are similar to you if you do not like something about youself.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be sad when someone breaks up with you based on your past relationships.,1,0.5 It is good to show affection towards your partner.,1,0.5 You shouldn't yell at other people.,0,0.0 You shouldn't be friends with someone who is a cheater.,1,0.5 It's rude to lie to a charity shop.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be sad during the holidays.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is expected that your respect others' views and perspectives,1,0.5 It's wrong to get angry at people for petty reasons.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad to be obsessed with churches.,1,0.24999999999999994 People should be kind to their family.,1,0.24999999999999994 People are expected to enjoy sitting outside on a nice day.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to live a life confused about things.,1,0.7499999999999999 You don't need to accept apologies if you're not ready to move on,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to give too much criticism.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that partners will get each other gifts.,0,0.0 It's fine to cancel an event if you didn't plan it.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to wish that your parent passed away.,0,0.0 It's okay to lose romantic feelings for someone over time.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should be supportive when your dad comes out as bisexual.,1,0.5 You shouldn't fight with your partner in front of your kids.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't be a creep.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to be to happy with a material object.,1,0.5 Giving others unsolicited harsh criticism is frowned upon.,1,0.5 It's not okay to put to much meaning in something simple.,1,0.5 It is normal to not communicate with people who aren't your friends.,1,1.0 It's nice to meet up with your friends.,1,0.5 You should try to keep your kitchen clean.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should get some therapy if you can't manage your anger.,1,0.7499999999999999 "When you take pictures of yourself, it's okay to share them with others.",1,0.5 It's good to be informed about technology.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be a bad influence on your little siblings.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to watch your diet.,1,0.5 You shouldn't have to leave a room in your own house.,1,0.7499999999999999 You cannot be forced to love someone you do not.,1,0.5 It's expected that you'll need a ticket to board a plane.,1,0.24999999999999994 Is normal for teens to lose sometimes,1,0.5 Its expected that you teach children what may happen after they do something,1,0.5 You should break up with someone if you think you will cheat on them.,1,0.7499999999999999 "If you need something fixed, you should ask someone for help.",0,0.0 It's wrong to brag.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to consult with your conscience before doing things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to marry someone for their money.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be bothered by a pet that is dealing with incontinence.,1,0.5 You shouldn't put a friend's ex before them.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to tell your significant other that you don't like talking to them on the phone.,1,0.5 "If someone is lonely, you should comfort them.",1,0.5 It's expected that you invite your friends to your wedding.,1,0.5 It's okay to go against social norms.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you hate college, you shouldn't go.",1,0.5 It is okay to disapprove some things.,1,0.5 It is good to learn about mental illness.,1,0.5 It's okay to get lonely when your spouse is away on work,1,0.5 It is a waste of time to argue with someone who is not going to change their mind.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to not like certain foods,1,0.5 It is bad to stalk others.,1,0.5 It is good to complete your work.,1,0.5 It's bad to act overly aggressive over sports.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to be unhappy.,1,0.5 It is rude to put people out.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should always follow tradition.,1,0.24999999999999994 "It's normal to get jealous when someone buys something that you want, but can't afford to buy for yourself.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to treat one's in-laws badly.,1,0.5 It's reasonable to be annoyed with someone with disabilities.,1,0.5 It's wrong to leave someone stranded far from home.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be very hurt if you're abandoned by a friend.,1,0.5 You should be careful when making food so you don't burn it.,1,0.5 You should try to give your friends gifts for their birthday.,1,0.5 It is good to celebrate friendship.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're surprised when someone hasn't been to Burger King.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you'll have made something of yourself by your 30's.,1,0.5 You should respect the privacy of others.,1,0.5 It's hurtful to not value a loved ones thoughts.,0,0.0 You shouldn't give someone attention when they don't want it.,0,0.0 It's good to know when something in your life isn't helping you the way you want it.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's kind to let your significant other pick the movie.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't lie to people online.,1,0.5 It's good to do bonding activities with your parents that involve areas of mutual interest,1,0.5 It is okay to not know everything.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't make fun of other people's physical appearance.,1,0.5 You have a right to park where ever you like if you are there first.,1,0.5 It's understandable to not travel great distances for a party.,0,0.0 It is kind to take care of an animal who needs it.,1,0.24999999999999994 IT is wrong to separate someone from their pet.,1,0.5 It's good when things in life go your way.,1,0.5 It is expected to be close to family.,0,0.0 It's wrong to chew out your friends.,1,0.5 It's good to find a path to recovery after you lose someone to suicide.,1,0.5 It's wrong to abuse your girlfriend.,0,0.0 You're encouraged to have pure intent when you report someone to the boss.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay not to eat when you drink,1,0.5 It is ok to be happy for others in good relationships.,1,0.5 You can't expect people to own up to their mistakes.,1,0.5 It's wrong to romanticize unhealthy relationships.,0,0.0 You shouldn't rat out other people.,1,0.5 You shouldn't judge the way your friends are.,1,0.5 It's fun to hang out with your buddies.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is ok to be upset if you are dating someone who is not honest about their sexual identity.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's ok to ask a friend for a ride.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that people don't give advice to minors without their parents permission.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to bond with others over a shared interest.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be nervous about cooking for your significant other if you never have before.,1,0.5 "If you see problems, you should get help.",1,0.24999999999999994 You're expected to come to accept someone's death.,1,0.5 It's understandable to get lost in an unfamiliar place.j,0,0.0 It's villainous to continue to run from the cops every time you see them.,1,0.5 It's bad to try to force a friendship.,0,0.0 You should pay your employees their wages on time.,0,0.0 It's acceptable to have a complicated relationship with food.,1,0.5 It's smart to keep track of your surroundings.,1,0.5 It is distrustful to keep someone at a distance.,1,0.5 You shouldn't tell your secrets to your friends.,1,0.5 It's good when someone else is attracted to you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to uphold rules and laws,1,0.5 It's wrong to not care about someone you are married to.,0,0.0 It is expected people will follow the rules of the road when riding a bike.,0,0.0 You should thank someone if they help you.,1,0.5 It is surprising when you learn that something you own is very valuable.,1,0.5 It is good to help family,1,0.5 It's okay to be concerned about a friend who is making unhealthy decisions.,1,0.5 It's good to get out in nature.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable to want to have sex with your significant other.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to help a friend who is having mental health issues.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's fine to not want to get involved with family fighting.,1,0.5 It's good to be in a relationship where you are safe to ask for things.,1,0.5 It's wrong to have sex with someone who is married.,1,0.5 People are expected to get presents for Christmas.,1,0.5 You should apply for jobs when you don't have one.,1,0.5 It is wrong to fail a test on purpose.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't give in to someone when they're begging.,1,0.5 It's good to have people in your life that like you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to be overly suspicious.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't have sex so soon after ending a relatinoship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to not be careful.,0,0.0 It's fine to get someone removed from class if they did something wrong.,1,0.5 It's okay to report someone if you think they're breaking the law.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't see sad movies if you don't like them.,1,0.5 It's okay to be afraid of things.,1,0.5 It is normal to not want to be around your girlfriend after she insulted you.,1,0.5 It's good to write things down to help you remember.,0,0.0 It's good to strive for efficiency when running a company.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected that you clean up after your toddler.,1,0.5 you should not stay in a relationship if you are attracted to someone else.,1,0.5 It's kind to help out ones' parents when you're able.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to say no to people,1,0.5 It's rude to pee on the floor in the bathroom.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to take money you just find lying around.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected that you date people reasonably close to your own age group,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't put up with someone who gives you attitude.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be proud of your cooking.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always give back to people who give their all to you.,0,0.0 It's good to prioritize the issues that most need addressed.,1,0.5 It's understandable to repeatedly do something you enjoy.,0,0.0 It's bad to try to be more like your partner's ex due to jealousy.,1,0.5 It's not okay to not appreciate others who care about you.,1,0.5 It's good to give other people you full attention.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be honest with your children.,1,0.5 You should punish an animal that jumps on furniture.,0,0.0 It's good to start a daycare for kids in your home.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to date someone much younger as long as everyone is a consenting adult.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to apologize to people for your wrongdoings.,1,0.5 It's good to like your job.,1,0.5 It's okay to take pictures of yourself.,1,0.5 You should be respectful to your boss,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't bother people who are grieving.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to tell your significant other that you don't like talking to them on the phone.,1,0.5 It's okay to be upset with a partner that still communicates with her ex's.,1,0.5 It's okay to decline to help in some cases.,1,0.5 It's good to help children.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's important to look back and see what went wrong.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be there for your friend when they are having problems.,1,0.5 It's good to let your child go out and play.,1,0.5 It is okay to be jealous.,1,0.7499999999999999 You're expected to clean off your windshield before driving,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to harm animals.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should obtain consent before attempting to participate in your kinks.,1,0.5 A partner should respect the career of their partner.,0,0.0 Family members should remain loyal and close to one another.,0,0.0 You should be respectful of your partner's family's religious values.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If someone calls you the wrong name, you should correct them.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be bored with playing the same game all the time.,1,0.5 It's okay to be frustrated if someone cancels last minute.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to know when you need help from others.,1,0.5 You shouldn't expect your old friends to acknowledge you after a long time has passed.,1,0.5 You shouldn't talk to someone that catfishes you.,1,0.5 It's ok to change moods when something goes unexpectedly.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to wait for gifts from others.,1,1.0 Not everyone can be expected to be able to solve their issues in life on their own.,1,0.7499999999999999 Not sharing every detail of your personal life is a healthy thing.,0,0.0 It's good to apply for a new job if you need money.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to provide food for your family,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to work with others to find a solution to a problem.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is common for kernels of corn to appear in your poop after eating corn.,1,0.5 It's expected that you pay your employees on time.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should man up and be responsible for the bad decisions you make.,1,0.5 You should take care of your palm trees.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay if you want to move a bird's nest somewhere else.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to care about someone and not want them to be in trouble.,1,0.5 It's fine to expect your significant other to want to hang out with your friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always pay for someone's service.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's OK to admit that you don't understand something that's commonly understood.,1,0.7499999999999999 people should make an effort to visit their family members when they are nearby,0,0.0 You shouldn't make fun of people that wear diapers if they have a real medical need to wear them.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's important to have a will.,0,0.0 It is important to be honest about your feelings.,0,0.0 You shouldn't buy things you can't afford while shopping.,1,0.5 You should stay in bed if you're badly burned.,1,0.5 It's OK to speak your mind about your preferences for movies.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you're curious when a classmate's glasses are broken, you should ask them about it.",1,0.5 It's unusual to not eat everything you buy.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't make yourself feel worse when you're down.,1,0.5 It is okay to feel guilt.,1,0.5 It's good to be happy to see people.,1,0.5 "If you're sick, you should get medical help.",1,0.5 It's good to give customers a reasonable price,1,0.5 Is okay to look out for yourself,1,0.5 It's good for one to find a special person to spend the rest of their life with.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to force physical affection on people when they're uncomfortable with it.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to buy things that are affordable.,0,0.0 It's okay to admit that silly things make you afraid.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to help out parents.,0,0.0 It is unpleasant to deal with pain everyday.,0,0.0 You should tell your coworkers the truth.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to disrupt others.,1,0.5 It's good to help yourself out.,1,0.5 You should be careful when you prescribe a patient medication.,0,0.0 It's wrong to harm your body through the use of substances.,0,0.0 You shouldn't betray your friends.,0,0.0 It's good to get gifts for people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to still be sexually attracted to an ex-partner.,0,0.0 It is good to wear a helmet when riding a bike.,1,0.5 It's rude to infringe on someones boundary,0,0.0 It's rude to accept an invitation and then not show up.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to support your siblings.,1,0.5 You shouldn't put up with a rude roommate that tells you what to do.,1,0.5 If you forget to log out of your social media accounts on someone elses computer you should expect your account to get hacked.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't break the law.,1,0.5 You shouldn't get revenge on your partner.,1,0.5 It is expected that a car wreck can cause someone to be late.,1,0.5 It's good to practice hard to excel at one's hobby.,1,0.5 It is wrong to do things that make your partner uncomfortable.,1,0.24999999999999994 "It's good to watch out for a child's safety, even if it ruins their fun.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be sad when you get your old account banned.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is ok to talk to an employee if you notice bad habits from them.,1,0.5 You should always do what the doctor says.,1,0.24999999999999994 Disappearing from a friend's communications is unexpected.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to resort to physical violence except in self defense.,1,0.5 "It's allowed to decide you want to further your education, no matter the age.",0,0.0 It's expected you see a counselor or therapist if you're unhappy,1,0.5 You shouldn't lie to your family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good have a goal in life and pursue it.,1,0.5 You shouldn't drink Cholula because it's really hot.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's not okay to blame someone for something they have no control over.,1,0.5 It's good to share things you enjoy with others.,0,0.0 It's okay to be strict when you want your teenager to wise up.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to make it so everyone's on the same playing field when it comes to rules.,1,0.5 Before kicking someone out it is important to make sure your feelings will be permanent.,1,0.5 It's good to give things a chance before you say you don't like them.,1,0.7499999999999999 "If you're busy, you should let people know.",1,0.7499999999999999 You can be expected to put away harmful feelings towards people you are close to.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to want to spend time with friends.,0,0.0 It's wrong to do something bad to someone just because they did something bad to you.,1,0.5 It's fine to try to meet someone you find attractive.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to get frustrated from time to time,1,0.24999999999999994 People should save up money to buy the things they want.,0,0.0 It is good to communicate with your friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 Karaoke is a fun activity at a party.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is extremely rude to use the N word at all.,1,0.5 You shouldn't do things behind your partner's back.,1,0.5 You shouldn't try to break up a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to call the cops on your neighbors.,1,0.5 It's bad to expect your spouse to pay for your vices.,1,0.5 It's good to seek the support of your peer group,1,0.5 It is bad to tamper with hotel property,1,0.5 You should be understanding of your family's decisions when they're weak.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected that people will feel guilty over their misdeeds.,1,0.5 "If you feel like your brain is degrading, you should see a doctor.",1,0.5 It's good to find a good surname for yourself.,1,0.7499999999999999 People should educate themselves about how credit and money work.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understood that people want to know where they stand with others.,1,0.5 Sometimes you have to break off a relationship and pursue your own personal growth.,1,0.5 It's okay to feel hurt if your child doesn't let you see your grandchildren.,1,0.5 It's not okay to stay quiet and not stand up for yourself,1,0.5 It's nice to help widows.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to invade a couples private life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is right to not share your significant others secrets.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to have a sexual fantasy about almost anything you find stimulating.,1,0.5 It is good to take care of something that you see needs done,1,0.5 It's fun to go to a concert with your buddies.,1,0.5 It's virtuous to share your things with those less fortunate.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to have a strong desire to cheat on your significant other.,1,0.5 It's bad to be a hacker.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you're hurt when your family criticizes your job.,1,0.5 It is okay to say no to somebody,1,0.5 It's normal for people to practice a skill to improve their ability.,0,0.0 It's ok to ask a friend for a ride.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to allow subway to ruin your life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to take your younger relative out to eat.,1,0.5 It's okay to tell your child they can't meet up with their friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't be with someone who is still talking to their old flame.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to have a party and only invite some of your friends,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to wish people a good morning.,1,0.5 It's okay to give up on finding someone to love if you're repulsive.,1,0.5 You shouldn't try to sabotage your life.,1,0.5 It's not okay to do things that make other people's live's more difficult.,1,0.24999999999999994 you should tell your parents if you do not want them with you at appointments.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to get involved with the ex of a friend.,1,0.5 It is rude to tell your friend to take a taxi home from the airport.,1,0.5 It's good to be concerned for the welfare of animals.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want to fit in with the people you interact with.,1,0.5 It's fine to choose to decline willing sexual partners.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to want others to like you.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you think manners are a thing of the past.,1,0.5 It is okay to be stressed while planning an event.,0,0.0 It is hurtful to imply that your partner was not your first choice.,1,0.5 It's wrong to objectify other people.,1,0.5 "If something gives you a shock, you should stop doing it.",1,0.5 It's good to exercise every day.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to trust your family.,1,0.5 It's evil to kill people and distribute their belongings.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to be ungrateful.,0,0.0 It is good to support your family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to date someone much younger as long as everyone is a consenting adult.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to be angry at a parent if they mistreat you.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should keep trying new things until you find what you want to do.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't get people in trouble,1,0.7499999999999999 You should get a drink of water when your mouth is dry.,1,0.5 It's not okay to expect payment for being someone's friend.,0,0.0 It is good to help family.,1,0.24999999999999994 You can be expected to remain respectful to the people around you by not walking out.,0,0.0 It's okay to question your grandparents' judgement.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's OK to decide who you share a hotel room with.,1,0.5 It's expected that some people try to learn throughout their life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to enjoy a compliment.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to meet someone at your house.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to question your grandparents' judgement.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay for a grandparent to not accept their grandkids.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to ignore people because you want to appear more popular,0,0.0 It's good to get out of your comfort zone and try something new.,0,0.0 You shouldn't call someone the wrong name because it's rude.,1,0.24999999999999994 It understandable to want to focus on yourself.,1,0.5 It's okay to panic when you can't think of an answer.,1,0.5 It's ok to buy a snack.,1,0.5 It's wrong to hide from things.,1,0.5 You should be supportive when a family member is chronically ill.,1,0.5 It is not good to do things only for something in return.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to expect gifts on special days.,1,0.5 It's noble when you treat others well who treat you badly.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to be confused by a mystery.,1,0.5 It's expected that children love their parents,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be upset when your family doesn't like your new partner.,1,0.5 It's understandable to not be able to control who you're attracted to.,1,0.5 It is good to choose to not harbor feelings of hatred within a family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to distance yourself from toxic family members.,1,0.5 Teachers should watch students closely,1,0.24999999999999994 You should reprimand an employee if they deserve it.,1,0.5 "If you suspect you might have melanoma, you should immediately see a doctor.",1,0.5 It's okay if you don't enjoy cooking with your partner.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should follow rules established by the bride if you're invited to her wedding.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be grateful for happy memories.,1,0.5 It's not okay to demand things from people that cause them extra burden.,1,0.5 It is good to carpool,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to send a picture of yourself to friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should apologize when you've upset your spouse.,1,0.5 It's good to encourage people to refrain from using narcotics.,1,0.5 You should expect some people to be picky eaters.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to cut off nosy family members.,1,0.5 It's bad to let your emotions control your life.,1,0.5 It's okay to be horrified when you have been kidnapped.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to be into something that is annoying.,1,0.5 You should be supportive of your grandparents when they show you the menu for their restaurant.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to commit crimes and wind up on probation.,0,0.0 It's expected you tell a person if they've offended you,0,0.0 It's good to go to therapy if you are struggling to overcome your grief.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always do what your partner requests.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to get help from family in a difficult time.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to buy things you like.,1,0.24999999999999994 "It's illegal to vandalize someone's vehicle, even if they park in your spot.",0,0.0 It's rude to take a recording of someone if they don't ask you to.,1,0.5 You shouldn't violate terms of service if you don't want your account banned.,1,0.5 It's good to be aware of your limits.,1,0.5 It's okay to be frustrated if someone cancels last minute.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't argue over money in your family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to not want to do something alone.,0,0.0 You should mean what you say.,1,0.5 It is normal to contact someone on Craigslist about a a listing.,1,0.5 It is good to maintain a healthy romantic relationship,1,0.5 It is harmful to stay quiet.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is self serving to push your own agenda.,1,0.5 It's good to help your kids with homework.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable that sometimes two parents have different ideas about what they want to name their child.,1,0.5 It's completely fine to buy new furniture if you need it.,1,0.5 It's expected you talk about your day at the dinner table,0,0.0 Single Mothers are expected to be able to raise their kids and work full time.,1,0.5 It is ok to buy something you enjoy when you can afford it.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to be indecisive,1,0.5 It's expected that you'll need a ticket to board a plane.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to crave attention.,1,0.7499999999999999 Communication in a relationship is important.,1,0.5 You shouldn't put up with a rude roommate that tells you what to do.,1,0.5 It's expected that you be able to speak.,1,0.5 You shouldn't sexually harass people.,1,0.5 It's okay if you don't want to celebrate your stepmother on Mother's Day.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to feel sad after having a new baby.,1,0.5 People shouldn't wreck the concentration of others for selfish needs.,0,0.0 It's wrong to tell others what to do.,1,0.5 It's nice to try to help other people any way you can.,1,0.5 It's discouraged from talking to yourself.,1,0.5 It's good to consult your parent before you sell something precious and expensive.,1,0.5 It is harsh to repeatedly fail a student.,1,0.5 It's frowned upon to commit fraud.,1,0.5 It's expected that partners will want to go out on dates together.,1,0.5 It's expected that your parents will be sad when you move.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to want a more inclusive work environment.,0,0.0 It's good to make breakfast for yourself and others.,0,0.0 It's fund to spend time in your yard.,1,0.5 It's great to get a job you love.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to flirt with someone when you're married.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good when things in life go your way.,1,0.5 You shouldn't post pictures if you're tired online.,1,0.5 You should mean what you say.,1,0.5 You should see a doctor to explore your options.,0,0.0 You're expected to be careful when opening your car door in a parking lot.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected that you would be upset if someone excluded you because you have special needs.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should quit your job if you hate it.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to treat family members dishonestly.,1,0.5 It is wrong to cheat on your partner.,1,0.5 It's wrong to encourage violence in children.,1,0.5 One shouldn't be held accountable for things they've done if they have changed their life for the better.,1,0.24999999999999994 "It's okay to feel sorrow when people have died, even if you don't know them.",1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to panic when you can't think of an answer.,1,0.5 It's potentially deviant to play games that result in outcomes involving physical interaction.,1,0.5 It's good to be patient for things.,1,0.5 You shouldn't disturb people with your loud noises.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wise to ask people who would know for more information about things you may be interested in doing.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to like feet.,1,0.5 "If you're afraid of food, you should get help.",1,0.5 It's not okay to do something that could make someone uncomfortable.,1,0.5 It is biased to push your agenda while teaching.,1,0.5 It's good to spend time with old people because you can learn a lot from them.,1,0.5 Families should be supportive of their members.,1,0.5 It's hurtful when someone makes fun of the way you talk.,0,0.0 It's not okay to cause drama where there doesn't have to be any.,1,0.5 It's expected that roommates should be considerate.,1,0.5 You should keep secrets from your family if it might offend them.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to give up on something that is important to you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to be upset with other's drinking problem.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable for a person with a mental issue to act on that issue.,1,0.5 You shouldn't let your kids milk you.,1,0.5 It's rude to turn a light on while others are trying to sleep.,0,0.0 It is wrong to betray your friends.,0,0.0 You should be careful not to drop things.,1,0.5 It's wrong to change clothes in front of your kid's friends.,1,0.5 It's good to work at a fast food restaurant in your teens.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be proud of your cooking.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's ok to be curious about the insides of things.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to climb trees.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is rude to get someone wet who does not want to be,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to want to enjoy the outdoors.,1,0.5 It's common for older siblings to try to get their little brother's in trouble.,1,0.5 You shouldn't expect people to always pay off their loans.,1,0.5 You should repay your debts.,1,0.5 It's okay to not want to deal with someone else's bad habits.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fund to spend time in your yard.,1,0.5 It's frowned upon to pick at yourself.,1,0.5 You should always follow the traffic rules.,1,0.5 It is good to celebrate holidays with friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to make decisions as a couple.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't keep in contact with ex's.,1,0.5 It is rude to exclude people.,1,0.5 It is okay to not like your significant other's friends.,1,0.5 It's okay to marry someone who believes in a different religion than you do.,1,0.5 You should punish an animal that jumps on furniture.,0,0.0 It's good to introduce children to new interests.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to communicate with your friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to feel sad about losing a loved one.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to be surprised about something unexpected.,1,0.5 It is expected to be tired after an illness.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to spend time outside.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to divorce your spouse when they cheat on you.,1,0.5 You're expected to clean off your windshield before driving,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't let your pets onto your table.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is okay to grieve.,1,0.5 It's bad to abuse your spouse.,0,0.0 It's kind to let someone know they're being used.,0,0.0 It's understandable to feel afraid when an animal is acting aggressively toward you.,0,0.0 You should do everything you can to help your family.,0,0.0 It's unhealthy to smoke.,0,0.0 You're expected to try and work things out with your friends.,0,0.0 Husbands are expected to do special things for their wives.,1,0.5 It is rude to make crude remarks in public.,0,0.0 It's okay to want to give your available seats to an important event to friends instead of family.,1,0.5 It's irresponsible to have children when you are too old.,0,0.0 You shouldn't tell someone something when they tell you that they don't want to know.,1,0.5 It's wrong to want to be a 50's housewife because women back then were oppressed.,0,0.0 You have the right to live wherever you want to.,1,0.5 You should be proud of yourself when you accomplish something important.,1,0.5 You shouldn't give someone attention when they don't want it.,0,0.0 It's rude to support one person more than another.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable to grieve for a lost loved one.,1,0.5 It's good to be happy for your kids.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to promise to work on something then not finish what you start.,0,0.0 It's good to want to be prepared for the future.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's important to help kids develop normal relationships with adults in their lives.,1,0.5 It's good to learn how to control your temper.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to eat a lot of unhealthy food.,1,0.5 It's okay to be frustrated when you're hungry but you have to change a light bulb.,1,1.0 It's wrong to leave an SO behind when you go on vacation.,1,0.5 It's good to have high expectations for your life's journey.,1,0.5 It's bad to keep wild animals in cages.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to try new things.,0,0.0 It's acceptable to not forgive someone after a sexual infidelity has occurred.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to alert people ahead of time so they can get there soon enough to help.,1,0.5 Parents are expected to teach their children how to do things.,1,0.5 It's wrong to hate someone for having a disability.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to abuse children,0,0.0 It's understandable if you don't like eating your partner's cooking.,1,0.5 It is okay to be upset if you feel rejected by your family for the holidays.,1,0.5 It's good to have a laugh with friends.,1,0.5 It's expected that you won't cut off family members.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to think people who can't pay for healthcare don't deserve it because everyone deserves healthcare.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't have sex with someone while drunk.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's unusual to like the taste of food after brushing your teeth,1,0.5 Parents should involve children in their problems,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be blunt with someone if it involves something that's under their control,1,0.5 It is understandable to want space when you are sick.,1,0.5 It's wrong to tip the bowl of the food item you're giving to your customer to take home.,1,1.0 It's desirable for people to be understanding in communications to those who speak English as a second language.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable if you are hopeful that your pet will come home.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's surprising to find out your girlfriend has received other marriage proposals.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should expect to be arrested for assaulting someone.,1,0.5 It is good to spend time outdoors.,0,0.0 It is good to try to make a good impression at work.,1,0.5 It's fine to try to meet someone you find attractive.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to enter a place of business without the intention of purchasing goods.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to feel guilty when you've done something you know is wrong.,1,0.24999999999999994 As long as you show up before closing time it is ok to walk into a shop at the end of their hours.,1,0.5 "It's expected people will form relationships with people they want to, not people they feel they must.",1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to coerce your friends into doing unhealthy activities.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to have a crush on your best friend.,0,0.0 It's okay to move from home.,1,0.24999999999999994 Running out of stock can make customers angry and irritable.,1,0.5 It's wrong to rob people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to get offended about an innocent greeting.,1,0.5 It's good to be there for your family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's nice to have a wedding.,1,0.5 It is easy to take old friends for granted.,1,0.5 It is unpleasant to scared of your in-laws.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to stick with something for a long period of time.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's immoral to harm another person.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to fake a disability,1,0.5 "If you suspect you might have melanoma, you should immediately see a doctor.",1,0.5 You shouldn't assault your family members.,1,0.5 It's bad to have things bothering you for a long time.,1,0.5 You shouldn't work on a job application for another job on your work time.,1,0.5 It's good to lend helping hands to your friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't hit rock bottom.,1,0.5 It's good to help people out during catastrophic events.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want to be cautious about coming out of the closet.,1,0.5 It's fine to take any side of the debate about abortion that you believe to be correct.,1,0.5 You should trust others to do things for you without getting nervous about it.,1,0.5 It's unhealthy to smoke.,0,0.0 You should use cups when you don't need a bottle.,1,1.0 "If you have a headache, you should take some pain medication.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's important to protect yourself on a motorcycle.,1,0.5 It is rude to prioritize smoking over your spouse.,1,0.5 It is common to bring up issues with an authority.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to have problems.,1,0.5 It's okay to be scared about a first date.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's ok to keep the ashes of a deceased loved one.,1,0.5 It's good to like happy songs.,0,0.0 It's good to share in fun times with your children.,1,0.5 It is cruel to leave rabbits outside in the cold all winter.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to splurge when you find something that you want.,1,0.5 It's fine to have any sexual fetish that excites you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be upset about losing a game,1,0.5 It's surprising to find out your girlfriend has received other marriage proposals.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to establish boundaries for yourself.,1,0.5 It's fine to take any side of the debate about abortion that you believe to be correct.,1,0.5 It's good to give advice to your friends.,1,0.5 It is important to get rid of things that do not make you happy.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to introduce children to new interests.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's inappropriate to take family members on job interviews.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to not want to be friends with someone you still love.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to take care of your shareholders.,1,0.24999999999999994 It can be difficult to get over a breakup.,1,0.5 You shouldn't mess around with other people's stuff.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't take on a lead role at your ex's funeral since that lead role should be for their family or current partner.,0,0.0 You should fall in love with someone who will love you back.,1,0.5 You shouldn't get back together with someone after a breakup.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to be a bad friend to people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to want to move to another location to live.,1,0.5 It's criminal to inflict sexual trauma on someone else.,0,0.0 It's good to sing if you like to do it.,1,0.5 It's okay to want to retire early if you can get by.,1,0.5 It is responsible to take care of class assignments.,0,0.0 It is bad to break up a family,1,0.5 It is expected to do something special for you significant other on special occasions.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to have a cultural identity.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to have an opinion.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to go over material with your students.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to be addicted to drugs.,1,0.5 It's bad to give one of your children more attention than another.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable that people always can't afford the things they want.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected that people like the animals they care for.,0,0.0 It's bad form to say that you aren't attracted to people of certain races.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected you catch feelings when seeing someone attractive,1,0.5 People should make an effort to get to know someone they're in a relationship with.,1,0.5 Bandmates are expected to get along with each other.,1,0.7499999999999999 People should strive to remove annoyances from their life.,0,0.0 It's good to call people out for scummy things they do.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to get a job that you enjoy.,0,0.0 It's bad to agree to go out with someone because they've bullied you.,1,0.5 It's understandable that sometimes family gets on each other's nerves.,1,0.5 It's good to practice to get better at things.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't ask someone intrusive questions.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not good to drink on an empty stomach,1,0.24999999999999994 You can't expect everyone to follow you on social media.,0,0.0 It's good to go out and have fun with your kids.,1,0.5 You should be clear about your intentions with other people.,0,0.0 Taking up space in a coffee shop is selfish.,1,0.5 It's normal to feel upset while you're going through a breakup.,1,0.5 It's good to practice art.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're annoyed when people speculate on your coffee habits.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't expect your partner to always pay for you.,1,0.5 You don't have to tell a partner anything you don't want them to know.,1,1.0 It's good to spend time outside so you get some fresh air.,1,0.5 It's okay to be scared when you lose control of your car.,1,0.5 You should help out your partner if they are in pain.,1,0.5 Waterboarding is a very unpleasant thing to do to someone.,1,0.5 You shouldn't let a mental health disorder cause problems within a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's nice having someone that takes care of you and feeds you when you're hungry,1,0.5 It's discouraged from talking to yourself.,1,0.5 It's wrong to cause harm to another person.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you're sick or injured, you should see a doctor.",1,0.5 It's expected that people seek social connections.,1,0.5 It's okay to not want people to call you during certain times of the day.,1,0.5 It's good to foster animals while they are waiting to be adopted.,1,0.5 You should work hard for your dreams.,1,0.5 It is smart to consider the amount of work involved prior to adopting a dog.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable that everyone makes mistakes sometimes.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't see scary movies if they freak you out so much.,0,0.0 It's wrong to do something bad to someone just because they did something bad to you.,1,0.5 Family members are expected to be supportive of each other.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to think you're responsible for somebody else's life,1,0.5 "If you've been raped, you should tell your family.",1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to help your friends,1,0.5 It's not okay to abuse things like drugs.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to climb on top of the table.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to make new friends in life.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you feel nostalgic when you move.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to be upset when someone reveals they have been lieing to you.,1,0.5 You shouldn't leave your computer on the floor.,1,0.5 It's expected that priests comfort their flock during confession,1,0.5 It is common to bring up issues with an authority.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that a goalie will follow the ball.,1,0.5 "If you get a low grade on one thing, you shouldn't beat yourself up too much",1,0.7499999999999999 Pet owners should make sure their animals have what they need,1,0.5 You should be accepting of other people's bodies.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't be too concerned about your funeral attire.,1,0.5 It's understandable to feel afraid when an animal is acting aggressively toward you.,0,0.0 Selling body organs is never acceptable.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you're excited when you find the way out of a cave.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is frustrating when you can't take back something you did.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's ok to want to have some time to yourself.,1,0.24999999999999994 People will think you're sweet if you rescue animals.,1,0.5 It is reasonable to want to leave your spouse if they cannot be faithful to you.,1,0.5 It's okay to choose not to eat dessert if you're trying to be healthy.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you aren't happy with the way your life is, you should fix it.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay for babies to go through teething.,0,0.0 People should seek to find ways of addressing employment issues without firing their workers.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't see sad movies if they always upset you.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always accept your child's apology.,1,0.5 It's good to take time to consider which wedding dress you'll wear.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable if you're glad when someone is happy to receive your greeting card.,1,0.5 It's not okay to not tell something to someone you care about that disturbs you.,1,0.5 It's good to be happy for your kids.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should move on after a relationship ends,1,0.5 It's normal for your preferences in a romantic partner to change over time.,0,0.0 It's normal to fall head over heels for someone when you first see them,1,0.5 It's rude to pee in a shower used by other people.,1,0.5 You should have more confidence in yourself.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to spend time with others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to take a stand and lead things.,0,0.0 It's normal to be envious of other's accomplishments.,1,0.7499999999999999 As long as you show up before closing time it is ok to walk into a shop at the end of their hours.,1,0.5 It is unpleasant to have to listen to crude remarks.,1,0.5 It's smart to put one's money toward practical things.,1,0.5 You shouldn't expect your ex to pay your bills.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay if you are tired at work if you want to ask to go home.,1,0.5 You shouldn't have sex with your partner's kids.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to talk to HR before you quit a job.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't ignore others.,0,0.0 It is responsible to recycle unused moving boxes.,0,0.0 Ignoring someone who has been hurt is selfish.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to know you can find your friend when you need them.,1,0.5 You should call people out if they eat too loud.,1,0.5 It's good to try new foods.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to make a budget.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always grieve with others since you can rely on each other.,1,0.5 You should not blame yourself for other people's actions,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always have extra credit cards with you in case one of them is declined.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't video tape someone without their permission.,1,0.5 It's wrong to be rude to people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's disappointing when people down't want to return to your home.,1,0.5 It's best not to rush things.,0,0.0 It's okay if you don't want your friends to be at a personal event.,0,0.0 It's wrong not to follow people on Instagram if you like them.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected that some people go to jail.,1,0.5 It's good to face your fears.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should not judge others for their lack of knowledge.,1,0.5 It's okay to be unenthusiastic about your teenage years.,0,0.0 You shouldn't date a sugarbaby.,1,0.5 You shouldn't try to control what an ex is doing.,1,0.5 It is normal to want to undo an action you regret.,1,0.5 It is cheerful to paint your face in support of a team.,1,0.24999999999999994 If you think you will be helping them it is acceptable to tell on your sibling for using drugs,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable to feel uncomfortable about moving to a far away country.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should feel distraught as a result of nightmares.,1,0.5 You should be careful when making gravy so you don't burn it.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should flunk students who do poorly on assignments.,0,0.0 It's not okay to advertise products that are unhealthy where kids could see them.,1,0.5 It is unacceptable to wish death on anyone.,0,0.0 It's understandable to want your wedding to be just right.,1,0.5 It is expected that your SO will help you out at times when you need help with something.,1,0.5 It's inappropriate to judge others on their nationality.,1,0.5 It's bad to intentionally harm others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to expect people to drop what they are doing to help you with something,0,0.0 It's important to practice good oral hygiene,1,0.24999999999999994 You should apologize when you convince your sibling to eat poop.,1,0.5 It is wrong to make fun of your parents.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to hide from someone.,1,0.5 It's good to take care of your lawn to make it looks nice for others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's kind to foster a cat that's been rescued.,1,0.5 You should confer with your partner before telling others about big events.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have a positive attitude about yourself.,1,0.5 "If you're busy, you should let people know.",1,0.7499999999999999 You should be appreciative when friends try to do something nice for you.,1,0.5 You should ask your partner to be there for your delivery.,1,0.5 You should always respect your partner's wishes.,1,0.5 It's encouraged you stay in contact when separated from your spouse for a long period of time,1,0.5 You should be happy if someone gives you a gift for Valentine's Day.,1,0.5 It's good to keep going until you find exactly what you want.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is understandable to not want to plan more than one big event,0,0.0 It's fine to spy on people's Facebooks.,1,0.5 You should always make an effort to park properly.,0,0.0 It's good for a mom to care about their children.,0,0.0 It is rude to make crude remarks in public.,0,0.0 It's good to help out your ex.,1,0.5 "It's bad to abuse substances, even ones which are beneficial.",1,0.5 It's good to be happy about having something done.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to use secure passwords on your electronics.,1,0.5 It is okay to rekindle old relationships.,1,0.5 It's fun to take your grandchildren out fishing.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't stop suddenly when someone is right behind you.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be influenced by peer pressure to do things that are harmful to you.,1,0.24999999999999994 A couple should come to an agreement about whether to bring pets indoors or not.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's crucial to be open and communicative with your partner.,1,0.5 It's good to join your family in exercising.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should get professional help if you have a dysfunctional family.,1,0.5 It is normal to get warned about behavior you shouldn't continue.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to spend time to learn something new.,0,0.0 You should always throw out food that is burned because it's not pleasant to eat.,1,0.5 It’s rude to want someone to die to get their inheritance,1,0.24999999999999994 It is racist to judge ability based on skin color.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is impolite to not say hello.,1,0.5 You shouldn't rush moving.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is common to cancel a flight if you aren't going to use it.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to work for a place that just makes others unhealthy.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to make conversation when you meet someone you look up to.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to want your relative to get a job.,1,0.5 It's wrong to get your friends addicted to dangerous activities.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be able to take advice constructively,1,0.5 You shouldn't eat things you dislike.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong for someone to celebrate something that hurts someone else.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable to be fed up.,1,0.5 It's wrong to dox people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to not like everything your friends like.,1,0.5 You shouldn't get involved with someone's partner.,1,0.5 It's okay to be angry.,1,0.5 It is okay to need help.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to be offended when your spouse doesn't want to sleep in the same bed with you.,1,0.5 It's expected that you follow a dress code when you're in a wedding.,1,0.5 It's okay to be exhausted when you get home from a long day.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to refuse the food someone cooks for you.,1,0.5 It's okay if you feel sad that your child won't teach your grandchildren your language when you speak something different.,1,0.5 It's good to be confident about your appearance.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wise to protect one's personal information.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't dig up someone's awful past.,1,0.7499999999999999 You're expected to apologize when you damage someone else's property.,0,0.0 You should always make time for your kids.,0,0.0 "It's OK if you want to keep your facial hair, despite what others say.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to get pregnant if you and your partner want a child.,1,0.5 "If you're burned out, you should rest.",1,0.5 It's expected that people are happier when they live as their true selves.,1,0.5 It's good to go see a friend's performance.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be hurt when your parents ignore you.,0,0.0 You should keep your sexual identity private.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is wrong to back out of a financial agreement.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to treat a kid that's grown up like a child.,0,0.0 People will think you're sweet if you rescue animals.,1,0.5 It's okay to make guesses.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's ok to still have feelings for a deceased spouse.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's hurtful to not value a loved ones thoughts.,0,0.0 It is ok to tell your kids they need to eat what you made at home.,0,0.0 You should expect children to cry a lot since kids cry.,1,0.5 Is good to spend time with family,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to overcome one's nerves and perform well.,1,0.5 It's unfortunate when people fix in on one thing.,1,0.5 It is expected some people are left and right handed.,0,0.0 It's not okay to assume what other people thought.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to not be willing to fight someone over a relationship,1,0.5 It is sleazy to have a tryst with an employee.,1,0.5 It is ok not to talk about things if you are not ready.,0,0.0 It is good to talk to family members less if they are not good to you.,1,0.5 It's understandable for children to not know how to react to a friends injury.,1,0.5 It's nice to tell stories.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that siblings come together if the family is suffering.,1,0.5 You should be willing to help your child when they get married.,0,0.0 It is important to be a considerate guest,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay not to be interested in something.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to find a partner's siblings attractive.,1,1.0 It is normal to get warned about behavior you shouldn't continue.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should be grateful when people do nice things for you.,1,0.5 It's wrong to snoop around online about someone your parent is dating.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be considerate of your loved ones.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to obey traffic laws.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that pilots operate planes.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be too pushy with your friends or you might scare them away.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should plan accordingly if you have to get up early when daylight savings begins.,1,0.5 You shouldn't shun a family member's significant other because of their nationality.,0,0.0 It's encouraged you stay in contact when separated from your spouse for a long period of time,1,0.5 It is reasonable to get sad when you watch something that makes you feel emotional.,1,0.5 It's wrong to spit on people.,1,0.5 It's wrong to keep secrets from your loved ones.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to rescue a stray cat from the streets.,1,0.5 It is normal to fail a student if they don't know the material.,1,0.5 It's good to research new things.,1,0.5 It's wrong to influence children is ways their parents wouldn't approve.,1,0.5 It's nice to have a wedding.,1,0.5 "If you aren't ready to start dating, you shouldn't go on dates.",1,0.5 You should punish an animal that jumps on furniture.,0,0.0 It is good to have a goal.,1,0.5 It's rude to not correct a mistake on a bill.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected that attendance is mandatory for certain events.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to be too needy to people because people find it annoying.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't tell someone you have feelings for them when they are dating someone else.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't catfish people.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you don't like something, you should tell other people so they don't get the wrong idea.",0,0.0 "It's allowed for a homeowner to ask people in their house to leave, for any reason.",1,0.24999999999999994 You should replace items that you damage or lose that are not yours.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be around people that make fools of themselves.,1,0.5 "If you're lost in life, you should get some help.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's nice to want a family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to want to sleep somewhere quiet.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understood that sometimes things don't work out for the best.,1,0.5 It's wrong to change clothes in front of your kid's friends.,1,0.5 It's inappropriate to attend your friend's partner's baby shower if you're male.,1,0.5 It is ok to prefer one hand over the other.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't do things that would cause someone to hate your entire gender.,1,0.5 It's rude to not put towels out for your guests.,1,0.24999999999999994 "When your wife is beautiful, you should take pictures of her.",1,0.5 It is wrong to be stuck on yourself.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to obey traffic laws.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to do things for others.,1,0.5 It's good to help your friends when they are injured.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to be embarrassed of what you did in middle school band.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to enjoy pizza.,0,0.0 It's good to apply yourself to your academic work in school.,0,0.0 It's gracious to forgive someone who has wronged you.,1,0.5 It is rude to try to control your friend's life.,1,0.5 It's wrong to destroy another person's work.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to commit crimes and wind up on probation.,0,0.0 It is wrong to ejaculate into hotel shampoo dispensers,1,0.5 It's good to find a path to recovery after you lose someone to suicide.,1,0.5 It's painful to lose a spouse.,1,0.5 It is generous to give money to your family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to feel lonely.,1,0.5 It's good to maintain a job.,1,0.5 It's wrong to uproot your family and move to a place where you have no connections and don't know anyone.,1,0.5 It is wrong as a group to collectively hate something.,1,0.5 You should be understanding of other people's situations.,0,0.0 It's irrational to expect AI to become future overlords.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be frustrated with the people around you who don't seem competent.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't leave your computer on the floor.,1,0.5 It's okay to be hurt when you find out your wife married you for your money.,1,0.5 It is dangerous for a grandparent to risk a fall.,1,0.5 It's normal for people who believe in certain religions to send their children to Sunday school.,1,0.5 It's wrong to party with your friends if you are in a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to get through hardship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to have bad habits at work.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to share your password with other people,1,0.7499999999999999 You should listen to someone when they tell you something is garbage so you can avoid it.,1,0.5 You should teach your partner how to cook if you don't enjoy their food.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should always carry alternate forms of money to the store in case your card is declined.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad to have a crush on your best friend's girlfriend.,1,0.5 It can be okay to marry someone out of convenience.,1,0.5 It's good to have a hobby or passion that brings you joy and fulfillment in life.,1,0.5 You shouldn't pressure someone to have sex.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're concerned about a classmate when their glasses have been broken for months.,1,0.5 You should feed animals that are under your care.,0,0.0 It's wrong to leave someone stranded far from home.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's allowed to vote for whomever you choose.,1,0.5 You should respect your partner's wishes.,1,0.5 It's good to revisit your youth.,1,0.5 You shouldn't get involved with someone's partner.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're frustrated when you find out your friend has ignorant views towards homosexuality.,1,0.5 You shouldn't let fear take over your life,1,0.24999999999999994 It's nice to keep pets.,1,0.5 It's good to lend helping hands to your friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should take care of your palm trees.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should't overwork yourself.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to not want people to call you during certain times of the day.,1,0.5 It is nice to help a friend when they are scared.,1,0.5 You shouldn't feel disconnected from people.,1,0.5 You should be nice to your friends and invite them to do things with you.,1,0.5 It's wrong to pee in your pants if you're an adult.,1,0.5 You should cheer for a baseball player who has hit a home run.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's not normal to have strong hatred toward an appliance.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to be friends with someone you hate.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad to snap at a parent.,0,0.0 It's responsible to clean up after your pets.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is worrying to feel like everything depends on you.,1,0.7499999999999999 It’s wrong to expect financial aid from your parents,1,0.5 It's good to admit that you are wrong.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should make sure your pets are well trained.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to grieve for an abused child.,1,0.5 It's okay to keep secrets about what happens in middle school band.,1,0.5 It's unfortunate when someone is killed in the line of duty.,1,0.5 It is understandable to fall out of love.,1,0.5 It's bad to sit in front of the TV instead of being with family for dinner,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to buy others expensive gifts that cause them to spend money.,1,0.5 You shouldn't let your house get really cold if you don't like it.,1,0.5 You shouldn't do things that make you uncomfortable.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't do things just because your partner asks you.,1,0.5 People shouldn't feel embarrassed to want to make their money stretch as far as possible.,1,0.5 It is expected that most people love tacos.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't expect customers to do you favors.,0,0.0 It's polite to take part in the lives of your significant others' family.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's fine to ask your roommate for a favor.,1,0.5 It's okay to break up with someone who isn't very nice to you.,1,0.5 Employers should educate their employees about disallowed interactions.,1,0.5 You shouldn't feel upset with your coworkers over petty things.,1,0.5 It's bad to have a drug addiction.,1,0.5 You can't expect everyone to like your singing.,1,0.5 It's good to take money you just find lying around.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to do things to confuse other people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay for a grandparent to not accept their grandkids.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is rude to lock someone out of their house.,1,0.5 It is normal to be upset if someone touches your things.,0,0.0 It's okay to have fantasies about people.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be hurt when your parents ignore you.,0,0.0 It's good to talk to someone who is going through a tough time.,1,0.5 You should not offend someone by telling them that their oil is smelly.,1,0.5 It's good to show your respect for others.,0,0.0 It's wrong to hide from things.,1,0.5 It's good to try your best.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should laugh it off when someone does something embarrassing by mistake.,1,0.5 It is understandable to want space from an ex.,1,0.5 You should get a drink of water when your mouth is dry.,1,0.5 It's rude to imply that food served to you is not tasty.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should say thank you when someone sends you a greeting card.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's not okay to say things to people that are embarrassing.,1,0.5 It's good to do the things in life you need to take care of.,1,0.5 It's normal to not allow someone close to you to get a loan in your name,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to ask your roommate for a favor.,1,0.5 It's good to visit other states.,0,0.0 It's expected that partners will get each other gifts.,0,0.0 It's understandable to be wary in a relationship due to past experiences.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're uncomfortable when a patient professes their feelings for you.,1,0.5 It's mean to hate people because of their weaknesses.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to stalk people.,1,0.5 It's wrong to be jealous of your neighbors.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's nice to show off your personality.,1,0.5 It is okay to expect neighbors to be respectful,1,0.5 It's okay to be upset with a partner that still communicates with her ex's.,1,0.5 It's good to get help for older people with terminal illnesses.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to bite your nails in public.,1,1.0 It's understood that not everyone perceives problems to be the same seriousness.,1,0.5 It's okay to doubt yourself from time to time.,0,0.0 You shouldn't get involved in family drama if you can help it.,1,0.5 "If you feel hopeless, it is okay to ask for professional help.",1,0.24999999999999994 You are expected to put your children ahead of anything else,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't want to be tortured.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal for people to worry about their loved ones.,1,0.5 It's wrong to be abusive toward your significant other.,1,0.5 One should always read the fine print in a deal.,1,0.5 You should follow the rules on an airplane.,1,0.5 Yelling is rude.,1,0.24999999999999994 People should strive to make wise financial decisions.,1,0.5 You shouldn't share your passwords with others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to talk to a doctor if you have difficult pregnancies.,1,0.5 It is rude to refuse to help someone who needs it.,1,0.5 You should grow closer to your friends through shared experiences.,0,0.0 "If you need money, you should sell your things.",1,0.5 It is appropriate to have boundries around behavior you find unacceptable by your significant other.,1,0.5 It's understandable that not everyone has the same life skills.,1,0.5 It's good to get people to quit smoking.,1,0.24999999999999994 Not everyone will enjoy camping.,1,0.5 It is expected that you put time and effort into your work.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should not touch someone without permission.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always give back something you borrow.,1,0.5 It is wrong to value a substance more than your significant other,1,0.5 It's good to admit that you are wrong.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to meddle in someone else's work.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should get help if worries are overtaking your life.,1,0.5 It's understandable for friends to offer dating advice.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to feel like you're struggling while trying to get away from things in your past.,1,0.5 It's okay to make guesses.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's fine to have controversial opinions.,1,0.5 You should call the police and complain if someone is blasting their music loudly.,1,0.5 It's expected that people will find puppies adorable.,1,0.24999999999999994 You're allowed to make sarcastic statements if you feel it's justified.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't decorate in a way that is alarming to others.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's ok to socialize while shopping.,1,0.5 It's fine to want some seclusion every once in a while.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always spend time with people you enjoy.,1,0.5 It's bad to make patrons of a business feel unwelcome.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're curious how interfaith marriages work.,0,0.0 It's good to be honest when you give your kids the sex talk.,1,0.5 Deciding not to be friends with someone any more is fine.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to buy prescription drugs on the street.,1,0.24999999999999994 People shouldn't get someone's hopes up and then not follow through with their promises.,0,0.0 You shouldn't catfish people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's allowed to do frivolous things on a momentous birthday.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to get a divorce if someone has checked out mentally.,1,0.5 It's inappropriate to take family members on job interviews.,1,0.24999999999999994 People who are pregnant are expected to want to keep the baby.,1,0.5 It's encouraged to take an interest in your personal fitness.,1,0.5 It is okay to remove yourself from a conflict.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't push your partner away from you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong not to support your siblings when they are having issues.,1,0.5 It's good to go out with your buddies.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to move to the big city.,1,0.5 You should go to the doctor if you have a tumor.,0,0.0 It's good to know who you are and what you're about in life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's reasonable to not want to return to a dusty home.,0,0.0 You shouldn't over-exercise because you might tire yourself out and quit prematurely.,1,0.5 It's wrong to cheat on your significant other.,0,0.0 It's ok to use a donor's eggs for reproduction when you are experiencing infertility.,1,0.5 It's encouraged to cultivate healthier eating habits.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is heartbreaking to miss a date because you are sick.,1,0.5 It's bad to have a strong desire to cheat on your significant other.,1,0.5 It is good to explain your issues with other people.,0,0.0 It's understandable to have difficulty breaking up with your significant other.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should not mislead your partner about your romantic feelings.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's nice to have a shot at love.,1,0.5 It is tacky to decorate with fake fruit.,0,0.0 It's inconsiderate to come home to a partner exceedingly inebriated.,1,0.5 It's okay to be spoiled by a significant other during important events.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to do illegal drugs.,1,0.5 It's normal to try to read when you can't sleep at night.,1,0.5 You shouldn't let your ex go out with your friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to do things were accidents are known to happen.,1,0.5 It's okay to expect people no matter who they are to obey the law.,1,0.5 It's ok to socialize while shopping.,1,0.5 You shouldn't learn how to do things in the wrong way.,1,0.5 "It's allowed to change jobs as much as you'd like, if you can find people who'll hire you.",1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to be suicidal.,1,0.5 It is nice to have a strong marriage.,1,0.5 It's bad to avoid news.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If all your hair falls out, you should go to the doctor.",1,0.24999999999999994 It is important to drive safely.,1,0.5 Listening to your favorite music is a good way to relax.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't try to get into gated communities when you don't live there.,0,0.0 You shouldn't hold onto pictures of your ex.,1,0.5 You can't expect your team to always win their game.,1,0.5 It's good to turn your homework in on time.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to live with grief.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to have kids and to take opioids.,1,0.5 Parents are expected to pay for their children's education if they are able.,1,0.5 It's good to want to stay out of a bad situation.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to look out for your family.,1,0.5 It's okay for a bride to choose a groomsman.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's harmful to assume someone is lying about having food intolerances.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to be forgetful.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should always alert people if you need help.,1,0.24999999999999994 Friendships should be valued above all else.,1,0.5 Is it expected that people behave appropriately at a party,1,0.5 It's good to practice your principles.,1,0.5 It's important to spend time with your significant other.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay not to want to clean up after other people,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't call someone the wrong name because it's rude.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's important to be thankful for what you've received.,1,0.5 It's expected that some people crave the attention of the masses.,1,0.5 It's good to look for the best deal when making a purchase.,1,0.5 It is good to understand if your friend can't have a party because they are sick.,0,0.0 You should only buy the things you need.,0,0.0 It will hurt your roommates feelings if you kick them out.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to feel bad for someone who is begging to play a game.,1,1.0 It is expected that you treat your spouse with respect,1,0.5 You should always try to mediate your parent's arguments.,1,1.0 People expect old people to be wise.,1,0.5 It's okay to feel good when you send a greeting card.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to internally fantasize about married people.,1,0.5 You should always wear black to a funeral.,1,0.5 You should not keep important information from your partner.,0,0.0 It's understandable to feel relieved when your plane lands.,1,0.5 It's good to be there for your ex's funeral.,1,0.5 It is wrong to prank others.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't discriminate against people because of their income level.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's rude to not believe your best friend.,0,0.0 You shouldn't remain in contact with ex's.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to do things for your parents.,1,0.5 You should let your friend vent to you about their relationship problems.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't leave your partner.,1,0.5 It's expected that you won't put your own finances in jeopardy in order to assist a friend.,1,0.5 It is okay to need help in parenting.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is normal to want to undo an action you regret.,1,0.5 It's important to express your emotions respectfully,1,0.24999999999999994 It's ok to be honest with friends.,1,0.5 It's OK to receive multiple marriage proposals.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to marry someone who believes in a different religion than you do.,1,0.5 It's good to come forward about past abuse.,1,0.24999999999999994 Deciding not to be friends with someone any more is fine.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's fine to feel bad about missing your team's matches.,1,0.24999999999999994 You don't have to attend any event that makes you uncomfortable.,1,0.5 It's good to lend helping hands to your friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to create a situation where nothing gets done.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want to expose an abuser.,1,0.5 It's good to see new places.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good for spouses to pool their resources.,0,0.0 It's wrong to get upset at your partner over a party.,1,0.5 It's okay to feel bad if your significant other didn't get you what you want on a special occasion.,1,0.5 It is okay to be concerned for a friend.,1,0.5 It is bad to intentionally cause emotional harm to others,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to have a good relationship with your in laws.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to spend the afternoon with your buddies.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't take parking spots away from someone who was waiting for it.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't sleep around if you don't want to get an STD.,1,0.5 You should be welcoming to family members,0,0.0 It is kind to not require payment for something.,1,0.5 "If a person likes you, you should tell them if you like them back.",1,0.5 You shouldn't let your dog trample your neighbor's garden.,1,0.5 It's wrong to wear women's clothes if you're a man.,0,0.0 It is encouraged to let your children express themselves however they see fit,1,0.7499999999999999 It is creative work to write an English paper.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't accept money from people.,1,0.5 It is wrong to betray your family,1,0.24999999999999994 It's frustrating when moderators don't moderate things.,1,0.5 It is ok to see a doctor if your bloating will not go away.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is important to discuss situations with the person involved.,0,0.0 It's wrong to eat someone elses food,1,0.5 It's understandable if you are traumatized after your parents give you the sex talk.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to enjoy a bike ride.,1,0.5 It's wrong to lie about your age.,1,0.5 You should not be angry at your roommate's dog.,1,0.5 You shouldn't get taken advantage of.,1,0.5 You should follow your parents' demands.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to rethink putting your life in danger.,1,0.5 It's wrong to let kids watch however much cable TV they want.,1,0.5 You should not use other people's property without permission.,1,0.5 It is unacceptable to cheat on your spouse.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to refuse help when you are struggling and you know that need it.,0,0.0 You should make every point in a presentation good.,1,0.5 It's bad to have romantic feelings for your doctor.,1,0.5 It's good to take your younger relative out to eat.,1,0.5 You shouldn't expect other people to be nasty recreational drug users like yourself.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to impose restrictions on the people you're with.,0,0.0 You should go to the beach if it's really hot out.,1,0.5 You shouldn't pry into your child's personal business.,1,0.5 It is expected that you continue a working relationship if both partners are satisfied.,1,0.5 It is okay to need space from family.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad to end a relationship.,1,0.5 It's good to change things if they aren't working for you.,1,0.5 It's good to get gifts for people.,1,0.24999999999999994 "It's good to make something of yourself, regardless of your age.",1,0.5 It's okay to feel exhilarated when you find a new career.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to look nice for people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to exclude others from activities.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't go on lavish trips unless you've saved up enough money beforehand.,1,0.24999999999999994 As a parent you're expected to be there to support your child.,1,0.5 It's okay to remove yourself from situations which cause you stress.,1,0.5 It's okay to be sad when you find out your wife had an affair.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't play dangerous games.,1,0.5 It's normal to be confused by a mystery.,1,0.5 It's okay to be attracted to younger women.,1,0.5 It is okay to protect your children.,1,0.5 It's fine to get angry if someone doesn't want to do something you want them to do.,1,0.5 It's bad to lose control of your behavior while intoxicated.,1,0.5 It's wrong not to repay a loan.,1,0.24999999999999994 Being untidy can be seen as uncaring and disrespectful.,1,0.24999999999999994 "You should expect some people to burp really loudly and be happy about it, especially if they are a guy.",1,0.5 It's understandable to not want to spend too much money on a sick pet.,1,0.5 You shouldn't hurt your friend's feelings.,1,0.5 It's good to stay home sometimes and spend time with your partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to have to live a life that's confined.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't expect people to thank you when you give them something.,1,1.0 It's understandable to trip on something.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is normal to get warned about behavior you shouldn't continue.,1,0.7499999999999999 Sometimes parents let their children win games to be nice,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't say racist slurs to people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay for combat veterans to be traumatized by their experience.,1,0.5 It is bad to endanger animals,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to invite friends and family to your wedding.,1,0.5 It is good to help someone park their car if they need help.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong not to enjoy your family member's singing.,1,0.5 You should always dress appropriately for the situation.,1,0.5 You should be thankful when someone gives you money.,1,0.5 You should always carry a charger with you in case your GPS or phone dies.,1,0.5 It's good to punish cheaters.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be upset with friends for hanging out with someone who threatened you.,1,0.5 It's good to go to the zoo to learn about animals.,0,0.0 It's bad to leave school without letting someone know where you're going.,1,0.5 It can be difficult to get over a breakup.,1,0.5 It is good to apologize to someone who you betrayed.,1,0.5 It's okay to feel insecure about your beliefs.,1,0.5 "If you're lost in life, you should get some help.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to multitask things.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should call an ambulance if someone is on the floor for hours in pain.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is nerve-racking to compete against a skilled opponent.,1,0.5 It's rude to always expect rides from other people.,1,0.24999999999999994 "It's allowed to hook-up with someone when you're bored, and not talk to them again.",1,0.5 It's normal to buy things when you like them.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be sad when someone dies.,0,0.0 It's good to socialize with others at school.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable if you want to retire when you don't have to work.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't do awful things to your ex.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's allowed to find annoying things irritating.,1,0.5 It's good to treat women equally.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to not know who you are.,1,0.5 It is good to pay attention to the roads.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should not break your parent's rules when their significant other is watching you.,1,0.5 It's okay to be sad.,1,0.5 It is okay to feel angry towards someone that wrongs you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to do illegal drugs.,1,0.5 It is expected that groups won't exclude people just for being different.,0,0.0 You should expect to feel hurt after the end of a long relationship.,1,0.5 It is odd to distance yourself from someone who is a friend.,1,0.5 It is appropriate to have boundries around behavior you find unacceptable by your significant other.,1,0.5 You shouldn't get back together with someone after a breakup.,1,0.24999999999999994 People should always apologize for being rude.,1,0.7499999999999999 Birdwatching is a popular hobby for people who enjoy the outdoors.,1,0.7499999999999999 "It's good to find happiness in marriage, even if it takes multiple times.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to make a joke about someone's insecurities,1,0.5 You should be happy in a good marriage.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to brag about things.,1,0.5 You should try to get along with your partner's siblings.,0,0.0 Running out of stock can make customers angry and irritable.,1,0.5 It's justifiable to yell at someone if they aren't doing their job correctly.,1,0.5 It is good to like things other people give you.,1,0.5 Schools should close if the weather is bad.,1,0.5 It's good to attend college after you graduate from high school.,1,0.5 You shouldn't freeload off your neighbors.,1,0.5 "If you get reprimanded at work, it's fine to feel hurt.",1,0.5 You shouldn't try to humiliate people.,1,0.5 It is not okay to cheat on others.,1,0.5 It's bad when people die.,0,0.0 It's good to try to come to terms with what's gone wrong with your life.,1,0.5 You shouldn't fight with your partner in front of your kids.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to buy prescription drugs on the street.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is ok to find someone gross if they are picking their teeth.,1,0.5 It's irresponsible to keep a tarantula as a pet.,1,0.5 Touching someone you do not know is unacceptable.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to make money.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to hate people.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is surprising when you learn that something you own is very valuable.,1,0.5 You shouldn't sleep with your friend's partner.,1,0.5 People are expected to admit their fault and make amends when they accidentally harm others.,1,0.5 It's good to help a friend who is having mental health issues.,1,0.7499999999999999 "It's understandable that sometimes, people have reasons to want out of a situation.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to terminate a relationship out of convenience.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to need a babysitter.,1,0.5 It is okay to use humor to lighten the mood,1,0.5 It's good to show your respect for others.,0,0.0 It is rude to tell your friend to take a taxi home from the airport.,1,0.5 It's good to know who you are and what you're about in life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you're disappointed when your spouse is going on a trip and you can't go with them.,0,0.0 It's understandable to distance yourself from toxic people.,1,0.5 You shouldn't ruin someone's wedding cake.,1,0.5 It's good to apologize for bad behavior.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to think about the past and what you could have done differently,1,0.5 Making ethical decisions when you're a medical professional is expected.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should tell a friend if you have concerns about their choices.,0,0.0 It's rude to talk over someone.,1,0.5 You shouldn't expect people to pay off their debts.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable to want someone to stick up for themselves.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay not to understand sometimes.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't wait in the shadows because you might spook people.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should always follow the doctor's orders.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to love others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to save up money to pay off purchases in full.,1,0.5 It's OK to shower with your friends.,1,0.5 It's important to prioritize mental health.,1,0.5 It's reasonable to expose someone for buying sexual photos from a minor.,1,0.5 You should always forgive someone who apologizes.,1,0.24999999999999994 "When your wife is beautiful, you should take pictures of her.",1,0.5 You should thank someone if they help you.,1,0.5 "If you see police in the area, expect there to be an emergency.",1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't cheat on people.,1,0.5 It's wrong to wish your child was never born.,1,0.5 It's understood that many people don't actually have food intolerances and are just using them to get attention.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's fine to want to be your own person.,1,0.5 People are expected to be supportive of family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to enjoy pain.,1,0.5 It's unhealthy to hold on to anger for too long.,1,0.5 It is reasonable to want to leave your spouse if they cannot be faithful to you.,1,0.5 It's bad to be unprepared for weather.,0,0.0 It is good to love someone.,1,0.5 Addiction is frowned upon.,1,0.5 It's not okay to have to rely on special tools when they aren't really needed.,1,0.5 You can't expect people to always like being at home.,1,0.5 You should listen to your partner's wishes.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want other's to respect your private office space at work.,1,0.5 It's OK to get angry when someone cheats on you.,1,0.5 It's rude to drink around someone who is a recovering alcoholic.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is okay to not like your significant other's friends.,1,0.5 You have the right to use the legal system if you have been taken advantage of.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be respectful of your partner's family's religious values.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to tell your family stories.,0,0.0 "If you have a hard time telling people that you're content, you should get some help.",1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad to drink too much alcohol.,1,0.5 It is understandable to not want to hurt your partner's feelings.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you have conflict in your marriage, it is expected that you always consider your children's feelings.",1,0.5 It's understandable to fall victim to a scam.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should be able to take advice constructively,1,0.5 It is wrong to be excited about harming others.,1,0.5 It's wrong to have a crush on your best friend.,0,0.0 It's bad to be wasteful.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you can't keep your political leanings out of your religion lectures.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's rude to not be supportive of a friend.,0,0.0 It's good to be attracted to someone physically.,1,0.5 It's good to enjoy talking to your partner.,0,0.0 It's good to care about what you do for a job.,1,0.5 You shouldn't give sweet sugary things to your pets because it's bad for them.,1,0.24999999999999994 Addiction is frowned upon.,1,0.5 It is dangerous to cut yourself,0,0.0 It's bad to get people to smoke.,1,0.5 You shouldn't accuse your parents of doing things.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable if you are hopeful that your pet will come home.,1,0.24999999999999994 People are expected to honor their contracts.,1,0.5 It is good to be gracious to people,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable that sometimes we have emotions we can't control.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to play video games.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to call other people subhuman.,1,0.5 It's good to welcome your children into your home with love.,1,0.5 It's wrong to take advantage of someone else's finances.,1,0.5 It is promiscuous to have an affair while married.,1,0.5 It's good to maintain the contact information of people who help you.,1,0.5 It's understandable to feel upset at times.,0,0.0 "If you don't want to pay for something, you should tell the company in charge.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be nervous about confessing your love to your crush.,1,0.5 You must call the police if you learn of an adult having a sexual relationship with a minor.,1,0.5 You shouldn't expect a restaurant you go to not to charge you for your meal.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't scowl at people.,1,0.5 You shouldn't embarrass your kids.,1,0.24999999999999994 Family members are expected to be supportive of each other.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understood people don't always like the people they should in life.,1,0.5 You should ask how you can help if you see someone crying.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should expect to be punished when you play pranks on people.,1,0.5 You shouldn't get so consumed by anger.,1,0.5 You should teach your young child how to clean up after themselves.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is understandable to be upset if someone is treating an important matter trivially.,0,0.0 It's good to look out for your friends.,1,0.5 It's good to follow your dreams.,1,0.5 You shouldn't cheat against your partner's parent.,1,0.5 You should attend memorial services for loved ones.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is responsible to recycle unused moving boxes.,0,0.0 You're expected to place your responsibilities as a parent before your desire to have fun.,1,0.5 You could be expected to ensure that you receive the necessary amount of nutrients needed to supply your body with energy.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is important to practice.,1,0.5 It is okay to remove yourself from a conflict.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to go to your child's job interview.,0,0.0 It's understandable to not want a big loud party happening right outside your house.,1,0.5 Trying to hide a partner from your parents would be stressful.,1,0.5 Making ethical decisions when you're a medical professional is expected.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to spend time outdoors.,0,0.0 It's important to remain strong in the eyes of one's children.,0,0.0 You should speak with your roommates if you are having issues with them or people they are bringing into the house.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to share your goals with your parents.,1,0.5 It's okay to want to keep certain aspects of your life private.,1,0.5 You shouldn't blame others for your child's death.,1,0.5 You should always respect your partner's choices.,1,0.5 You should not get addicted to drugs.,0,0.0 It is wrong to judge someone by appearance.,0,0.0 It's understandable to be angry about injustice.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you feel uncomfortable when you're attracted to a younger woman.,1,0.7499999999999999 Friends are expected to give each other advice.,0,0.0 It is understandable to isolate yourself when you are depressed.,1,0.24999999999999994 "When you are taking care of someone with special needs, you should have patience.",1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to care about one's health.,1,0.5 You shouldn't resent your parents.,1,0.5 It's wrong not to support your family.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't expect your boyfriend to do your own obligations for you.,1,0.5 It's not okay to make something out to be something that it's not.,1,0.5 It's expected that you respond to your partner's text messages.,1,0.5 It's impolite to discuss butchering an animal well people are eating,1,0.7499999999999999 You should not end your relationship with your partner based on their past.,1,0.5 It is common to bring up issues with an authority.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be up front with people about why you are rejecting them as dates.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to judge people for their music taste.,1,0.5 You should always be there for your partner.,0,0.0 It's good to work with others to find a solution to a problem.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you're strict with your parenting when you're worried about your kids.,1,0.5 You should support your family.,1,0.5 It's good to do things with your family.,1,0.5 You shouldn't bother people who are grieving.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to assume things about people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is common to relate to relate to your children by telling them about your childhood.,1,0.5 It's rude to make fun of someone's sexual orientation.,1,0.5 It's good to want to improve yourself.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to do activities you and your friends enjoy.,1,0.5 You should only buy the things you need.,0,0.0 You shouldn't spend so much time on the phone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to call people names.,1,0.5 You should not give up on your relationship.,1,0.5 It is wrong to be rude to others,1,0.5 Partners are expected to do kind things for each other.,1,0.5 It's important to use what you got.,1,0.5 You cannot be forced to love someone you do not.,1,0.5 You should stay in bed if you're badly burned.,1,0.5 It's encouraged for children to go straight to the bus after school.,1,0.5 You shouldn't park your car in an electric charging spot if it's a gas car.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to go through a depressive episode.,1,0.5 It is bad to shut down when things bother you.,1,0.5 It's good to take care of your roommate's property.,1,0.24999999999999994 It goes against office etiquette to take food that belongs to co-workers.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be a dangerous person.,1,0.5 It's good to trust those you care about.,1,0.5 It's good to keep going until you find exactly what you want.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal for students to have breaks during the school year.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't eat your co workers food.,1,0.5 It's wrong to not care about someone you are married to.,0,0.0 It's okay to ask someone to use another bathroom if they smell it up.,1,0.5 It's encouraged to join a program when you're an alcoholic.,1,0.5 You shouldn't become overly friendly with a friend's partner.,1,0.5 It is wrong to steal stacks of copy paper from school.,1,0.24999999999999994 People are expected to clean up after their pets.,1,0.5 You should always be there for your team.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to not want a big loud party happening right outside your house.,1,0.5 It's acceptable to seek out companionship.,1,0.5 It's okay to feel offended when people don't appreciate a gift.,1,0.5 "If you don't want your colleagues to know things about you, you should keep those things to yourself.",1,0.5 It is appropriate to have boundries around behavior you find unacceptable by your significant other.,1,0.5 It's expected that you will want someone very creditworthy to sign for a loan before you approve it,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to take control of something that isn't yours to handle.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's selfish to only think about yourself.,1,0.5 It's good to do activities you and your friends enjoy.,1,0.5 You shouldn't troll people online.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to make friends just to achieve something.,0,0.0 It's normal to get ice from a freezer,1,0.5 An airline doesn't wait for a late passenger.,1,0.5 It's important to be thankful for what you've received.,1,0.5 Is good to Mark the anniversary of bad things,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong when someone does something for you to not do the same for them.,1,0.5 It's reasonable to measure people's input differently based on their experience.,0,0.0 It is rude to not plan important life events,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to think dogs are perceptive.,0,0.0 It's fine to say no when your friend wants to touch your feet.,1,0.5 If you see your sibling verbally abusing their child it is brave to call them out on it.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you follow a dress code when you're in a wedding.,1,0.5 It's okay to feel smarter than other people.,1,0.5 It's wrong to have lunch with your friends of the opposite sex if you're in a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad form to cut off a family member that has suffered a traumatic injury.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to get into petty arguments with your partner.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is important to stay committed.,1,0.5 It's good to support your family during tough times.,1,0.5 You should always try new things.,1,0.5 It is bad to judge others for who they are.,1,0.24999999999999994 Sometimes you have to break off a relationship and pursue your own personal growth.,1,0.5 You shouldn't let things get in the way of your love.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should warn your daughter-in-law before you come to her home.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't hit rock bottom.,1,0.5 You should seek mental help from a professional if you fantasize about your life ending.,1,0.5 You should always throw out food that is burned because it's not pleasant to eat.,1,0.5 It's wrong to assume someone has a disability because they talk differently.,1,0.5 You should balance relationships and friendships.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should light a candle if your lights are out.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to have feelings for someone you work with.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad for people to think you're ridiculous.,1,0.5 It's good to do things to make your living space more beautiful.,0,0.0 It is exciting to win,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to exclude people.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's frustrating when you put more effort into a relationship than other people do.,1,0.5 It's not your place to be involved in another person's romantic life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to look out for the well-being of your loved ones.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is conventional to wait at home for your spouse to arrive.,1,1.0 It's rude to cut in front of people in a line.,1,0.5 It's okay to feel like you deserve to feel down.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should be grateful when your friends let you lean on them after an injury.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to ask someone to delete something that makes you uncomfortable.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay not to love somebody in return,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected that partners will want to go out on dates together.,1,0.5 It's good to travel long distances in the most comfortable way you can.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be honest with people about your past.,1,0.5 It's okay to expect people no matter who they are to obey the law.,1,0.5 You shouldn't clip your nails in public.,1,0.5 It's good to prioritize expenses.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're disappointed when your partner doesn't want to move too fast.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to be honest with coworkers.,1,0.5 It's expected that you let your parents see your children.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's acceptable to be concerned in regards to the blood supply.,1,0.5 It's rude to do things that offend other people.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should dump your partner if they don't like you anymore.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to get help with addressing habits that have spun out of your control.,0,0.0 You should cut off contact with your ex.,1,0.5 It's okay to go against social norms.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should never steal from your family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to take solace in death if something good was able to come as a result of the death.,1,0.5 It's good to keep going until you find exactly what you want.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is ok to have an affair with someone if you want to.,1,0.5 It's nice to date others.,1,0.5 It's good to spend time doing things you love with your partner.,1,0.5 It is rude to tell people what to do,1,0.5 It's rude to use profane language when speaking with someone of authority.,1,0.5 It is not acceptable to out a friend to your class.,1,0.5 You should always help out a needy sibling.,1,0.5 It's expected that people are saddened by the loss of a parent.,1,0.5 You shouldn't clone dinosaurs because that would just cause a lot of problems.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't do work during your lunch hour at work.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're sad when no one notices your drug addiction.,1,0.5 It's wrong to be jealous of your child's affection,1,0.5 You should always tell the truth.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable to be wary in a relationship due to past experiences.,1,0.5 It's okay not to have an extravagant ceremony,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to make new friends.,1,0.5 It is rude to give people the silent treatment,1,0.5 You shouldn't dress slutty around your parent's friends.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't keep in contact with your ex.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should try to eat food in a more respectful manner.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to act in a passive-aggressive manner when dating.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to hook up with someone who isn't single.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should keep a savings account for emergencies.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is helpful to do chores around the house.,1,0.5 It is okay to need support from others.,1,0.5 It's frowned upon to hate others.,0,0.0 You shouldn't trust everyone you date.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to lie to someone paying you for your expertise.,1,0.5 You shouldn't gossip with your coworkers.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should listen to someone when they tell you something is garbage so you can avoid it.,1,0.5 It's normal to feel some responsible for what happens someone you've been dating.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to make someone's life more difficult that it has to be.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to visit other states.,0,0.0 It's understandable to be angry about injustice.,1,0.5 It's good to go places with your parents.,0,0.0 A sexual trauma victim shouldn't expect to go through life without any triggers.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should always practice so you do well at math in school.,1,0.5 It's disappointing when people down't want to return to your home.,1,0.5 It's wrong to leave your family and friends behind just to get an education.,0,0.0 Relaxation is a good way to reduce stress.,1,0.5 It's expected that family will want to celebrate holiday traditions together.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want people to pay their fare share of things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to love your friend platonically.,1,0.5 It is okay to have money problems.,1,1.0 It's okay to ask a friend to borrow clothes.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad form to snitch on people.,1,0.5 It's expected that kids will sometimes misbehave.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to hit someone with your umbrella.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to dislike babies.,1,0.5 It's good to look out for the well-being of your loved ones.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to want to hang out with an old boss.,1,0.5 You shouldn't do things just because your partner asks you.,1,0.5 You shouldn't share your private affairs with others.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to want to honor your vows with your spouse.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to save one's money to take a special vacation.,0,0.0 It's good to feel confident about yourself and your body.,1,0.5 It's fine to have a high opinion of your country.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should not come between your child and their spouse.,0,0.0 People should admire the wonderful variety of nature without harming it.,1,0.5 You should go to bed when you are falling asleep on the couch.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that people are unable to stop themselves from being gossips.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't spend too much time dwelling in the past,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected that you ask your mother how to cook things.,1,0.7499999999999999 If you practice often you can expect to be the best in your class.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is okay to try and take your mind off things when you are upset.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to want to impress others when it comes to preparing food.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable if you don't like Burger King.,1,0.24999999999999994 People should educate themselves about how credit and money work.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should shave your body hair if you're on a swim team or involved in other sports so you look nicer.,1,0.7499999999999999 You are expected to be yourself.,1,0.24999999999999994 "Popular items frequently sell out, so it's best to pre-order them.",1,0.24999999999999994 It is normal to quit a job that is too difficult.,1,0.5 You are expected to respect your guests wishes in regards to giving a speech at your wedding.,1,1.0 You should tip people when you take out food.,1,0.5 It's good to make sure your parent's new partner is safe.,1,0.5 You should realize you are better than people who would try to put you out.,1,0.5 It's good to give your child attention.,0,0.0 It's not okay to blame someone for something they have no control over.,1,0.5 It's good to grow your own food.,1,0.5 You should get your affairs in order when you plan on asking for a divorce.,1,0.5 It's wrong to take or distribute photos of dead bodies.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad form to feed your pets leftovers from your dinner plate.,1,0.5 It's good to encourage childrens' curiosity.,1,0.5 It is wrong to slack off at work.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable that people don't want to talk about their struggles sometimes.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should work two jobs if you need the money.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be a creep.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be on a diet.,0,0.0 It's normal to develop feelings for close friend,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to be curious about the mystery of your missing parent.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to buy sexual photos from minors.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to avoid a situation that you're not comfortable with.,1,0.5 It's fine to keep to one lane of traffic.,1,0.7499999999999999 Families should be able to talk out their problems with each other.,1,0.5 You should do what you can to maintain a relationship with a girlfriend.,0,0.0 You shouldn't talk about your significant other all the time since it's annoying to others.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you hate your job, you should quit.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to reminisce on good memories.,1,0.5 You should be direct when you talk to your children about sex.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't shame children.,1,0.5 It's good to have confidence in yourself.,1,0.5 You can't expect people to always like being at home.,1,0.5 It is wrong to expect a favor just because someone is related to you.,0,0.0 It's okay to be addicted to something.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to waste other people's time.,1,0.5 It's good to come forward about past abuse.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to want what is best for the country.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's nice to have a good day.,1,0.5 It's not okay to take your time and do things to slow.,1,0.5 It's not okay to make others look bad.,1,0.5 It's rude to make unexpected visits to someone else's home.,1,0.5 Partners should love and care for one another.,1,0.5 It's okay to break up with someone who isn't very nice to you.,1,0.5 It's wrong to change clothes in front of your kid's friends.,1,0.5 It's good to write about things you enjoy.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't take your pets to the pound.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's OK to take Nandos sauces because they supply them for free.,1,0.5 It's wrong to be mad at your friends for petty reasons.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong not to give yourself a rest when you need it.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's fine to get into a relationship with someone you like.,1,0.5 It is bad to intentionally cause emotional harm to others,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to take your responsibilities seriously.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should run away from people that are trying to harm you.,1,0.5 It's expected that parents will keep their children's best interests in mind.,1,0.24999999999999994 You have the right to use the legal system if you have been taken advantage of.,1,0.24999999999999994 Parents are expected to share the responsibility for raising their children.,1,0.5 It's good to be kind.,1,0.5 It's discouraged to give up your virginity to someone too drunk to care who you are.,1,0.5 It's expected that you catch up on things youve missed,1,0.5 It's good to be kind to strangers.,1,0.5 You should let the parents know if their child is misbehaving.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to get out in nature.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to be appreciative of the good times you are having in your life.,0,0.0 It is good to have someone you love.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is not okay to commit suicide.,1,0.5 "If you don't like yourself and your identity, you should make some changes to your life.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to make decisions as a couple.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to think that because you don't need something someone else should have to do with out it.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't go someplace if you're injured.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to want a window open to get fresh air.,1,0.5 Parents are expected to respect the beliefs of their children.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that parents should discipline their kids.,1,0.5 It's rude to criticize people for the decisions they've made,1,0.5 It's good to do chores.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't swear at others.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you have a hard time telling people that you're content, you should get some help.",1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to get your friends addicted to dangerous activities.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should talk to your partner in order to maintain a strong relationship.,1,0.5 It's crucial to be open and communicative with your partner.,1,0.5 You should call the police on stalkers.,1,0.5 It is nice to do things for your significant other,1,0.24999999999999994 It is important to stay committed.,1,0.5 It is mean to ignore the needs of a animal.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to think people who can't pay for healthcare don't deserve it because everyone deserves healthcare.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's never okay to intentionally invoke terror in others,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good for families to do things that bring them together.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to leave a sordid life behind and start new.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to help friends.,1,0.5 It's bad to steal from your employer.,1,0.5 It's OK to choose to cut off a family member.,0,0.0 It's okay to have weird dreams sometimes.,1,0.5 It's good to face your fears.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to be into something that is annoying.,1,0.5 It's okay to make some noise.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to get some variety in one's life to keep things interesting.,1,0.5 It is rude to tell people what to do,1,0.5 It is good to help a roommate.,0,0.0 It's nice to help people in a home.,1,0.5 It's understandable to regret a relationship with someone older than you.,0,0.0 You should get some therapy if you can't manage your anger.,1,0.7499999999999999 You're allowed to ask others not to share your pictures on social media.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to accept an invitation and then not show up.,1,0.24999999999999994 People will think you're sweet if you rescue animals.,1,0.5 It is rude to not accept a gift.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't make fun of other people's physical appearance.,1,0.5 It's good to leave the past behind and move on.,1,0.5 It is good to have self confidence.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay for family to pick sides during a messy divorce,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to abuse things like drugs.,1,0.24999999999999994 Partners are expected to share their life history with each other.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to keep up with the news.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should make changes if you don't like something about yourself,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that people will pay more for things that make them ahppy.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's rude to lie to a charity shop.,1,0.5 It's allowed to eat food that's been frozen many years later.,1,1.0 It is expected that a car wreck can cause someone to be late.,1,0.5 It's wrong to have lunch with your friends of the opposite sex if you're in a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to ask people their age.,1,0.5 It is okay to express your honest opinions,1,0.5 It's okay to end a relationship when it's no longer working out for you,1,0.5 It is okay to want to be single.,1,0.5 People should be able to peacefully resolve disagreements with loved ones.,1,0.5 It's expected that citizens show respect to the members of their country's military.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is not okay to treat someone badly.,1,0.5 You shouldn't worry about what people think of your opinions.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to not appreciate others who care about you.,1,0.5 Is thrifty to cook the animal you've accidentally killed,1,0.7499999999999999 It's ok to take something to remember a loved one.,1,0.5 It is okay to be sad if you feel rejected.,1,0.5 It's wrong to have a crush on your best friend.,0,0.0 It's good to help someone feel needed.,1,0.5 It's not right for children to be angry with their parents.,1,0.5 People should save up money to buy the things they want.,0,0.0 It's good to run away if a hurricane is approaching.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to raise your kids in a bad environment.,1,0.5 You should listen to someone when they tell you something is garbage so you can avoid it.,1,0.5 You should go back to school if you hate your job and want to try a new field.,1,0.5 "It's wrong to extort people,",1,0.24999999999999994 It is unacceptable to refuse to honor your best friend at their own wedding.,1,0.24999999999999994 "You should approach sex as a way to express feelings, not as a way of keeping score.",1,0.5 It's fine to be curious about whether you can get attention.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to express your feelings about a loss.,1,0.5 You shouldn't give in to someone when they're begging.,1,0.5 It's okay to fall in love with an old flame.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to do the things in life you need to take care of.,1,0.5 You should hang out with people you know from the past sometimes.,1,0.5 It's good to budget your spending.,0,0.0 It's nice to have convenience.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should't overwork yourself.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to disrupt other people.,1,0.5 If you are hungry it is reasonable to order a lot of food.,1,0.24999999999999994 People will think you're bad with money if you don't plan ahead for your future.,1,0.5 It is not good to do things only for something in return.,1,0.24999999999999994 Its best not to share personal feeling with strangers.,1,0.5 It's okay to be annoyed when you take a class with a biased teacher.,1,0.5 It's wrong to bully others.,1,0.5 It's wrong for a lawyer to give false information to a client.,1,0.5 It's wrong to steal furniture from a store or a house.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's smart to keep track of your surroundings.,1,0.5 It's wrong to tell a woman what to do.,1,0.5 It's bad to go to jail.,0,0.0 You shouldn't push your friends around.,1,0.5 "If you need to contact Uber, you should call them on your phone.",1,0.5 It's okay to not like your mother's boyfriend.,1,0.5 It is expected that you change something in your life when you are bored with it.,1,0.5 You should try not to waste too much time figuring out what you want.,1,0.5 It's reasonable to invite a friend to a graduation when they won't be graduating.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's hurtful not to talk to people.,0,0.0 It's understandable if you are happy when your stepmom still cares about you after having a new baby.,1,0.5 It is wrong to tell people you have done things you have not.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that people will have bad dreams.,1,0.5 It's heroic to take action during a fire emergency to avoid spread of the flames.,1,0.5 It is polite to wish others a happy holiday.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's mean to make people wear what you want.,1,0.5 It's rude to always expect rides from other people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal for people to worry about angering their loved ones.,1,0.5 It is common for parents to correct their kids impolite behavior.,1,0.5 It's understood that sometimes people act out in public.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable if you're scared when you get lost.,1,0.5 It's okay for a bride to plan small wedding details.,0,0.0 It's wrong to take pennies from a wishing fountain.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to go overboard trying to impress someone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to return something you stole if you still have it.,1,0.5 It is okay to treat your family the same as any other person.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad to accidentally buy things.,1,0.7499999999999999 "When you play a game that is boring you, it's okay to quit early.",1,0.5 Bandmates are expected to get along with each other.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's important to be true to yourself.,0,0.0 It's okay to want to keep people you new in the past in the past.,1,0.5 It's weird to drink from a bottle when you can use cups.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're hurt when your partner doesn't like your cooking.,0,0.0 It's wrong to say things that can hurt other people.,1,0.5 If you know your best friend is shy it is reasonable for them to be scared to give a speech at your wedding.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to have older people in the workforce.,1,0.5 It's bad to not give people their personal space.,0,0.0 You should arrest people when they break the law.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to be indecisive,1,0.5 Growing in life and gaining independence is expected.,1,0.5 It's good when someone else is attracted to you.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should apologize if you assault someone.,1,0.5 Parents are expected to pay for their household finances equally.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to accept things about yourself that you cannot change.,1,0.24999999999999994 Excluding people is hurtful.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong not to share with others.,1,0.7499999999999999 You're allowed to hate people if you want.,1,0.5 It's good to have determination.,0,0.0 It's not okay to do things that make other people's live's more difficult.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's important to talk to your doctor if you want to change your medication,1,0.5 It is bad to live with grief.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't tell someone to not invite their family over.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If someone sexually harasses you, you should have them arrested.",1,0.5 You should respect your friends more.,1,0.24999999999999994 People expect old people to be wise.,1,0.5 It's good to get people to quit smoking.,1,0.24999999999999994 You are expected to seek help when hurt.,0,0.0 You should check your couch cushions for sharp objects.,1,0.7499999999999999 People should stop when the cops tell them to so they don't get hurt.,1,0.5 It's understandable to look for your father when he's missing.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be careful that you don't accidentally trigger someone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be upset about the death of a loved one.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to be stuck on yourself.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you think there's something wrong with your identity, you should get some help.",0,0.0 You can research people to get to know them better.,1,0.5 It's good to be honest about your beliefs.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't tell your siblings what to do.,1,0.5 You should not feel ashamed if you are getting abused by your significant other.,1,0.5 It's okay if you don't enjoy cooking with your partner.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's not okay to be racist.,1,0.5 It's good to be independent.,1,0.5 It's okay to be afraid of things.,1,0.5 It is embarrassing to repeatedly fail the same subject.,1,0.5 It's nice to have a good imagination.,1,0.24999999999999994 You can't expect people to always open up about themselves.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong not to pay a debt.,1,0.5 "If you suspect you might have melanoma, you should immediately see a doctor.",1,0.5 It's good to bring up child abuse that happened in the past.,1,0.5 "When a stranger asks you to pay for something, it's okay to say no.",1,0.5 You shouldn't create drama for your friends.,1,0.5 You should ask for help planning a stressful event.,0,0.0 It's okay to want to spend and much time as you can with a significant other.,1,0.5 It's understandable to have problems with trust if you are not trustful.,1,0.24999999999999994 "It's allowed to decide you want to further your education, no matter the age.",0,0.0 You should always make time for your kids.,0,0.0 It's fine to punish people who try to take advantage of a system.,1,0.5 It's rude to call someone out on something.,1,0.5 It's expected that teenagers will have different friends than their childhood.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should try to forgive the people close to you when they disappoint you.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's allowed to clip coupons to get the best deal.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's allowed to take some time to become savvy with money.,1,0.5 It's okay if you want to pose for a picture at the top of the pyramid.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's fine to keep to one lane of traffic.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is wrong to steal someone elses possesions.,0,0.0 It's good to go out sailing and have fun.,1,0.5 "It's understandable that sometimes, we don't want others in our living space.",1,0.24999999999999994 You should encourage someone who gets help when their life is bad.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable that people don't always actually like their relatives.,1,0.5 It is understandable to want to feel important to others.,1,0.5 You shouldn't eat things that make you sick.,1,0.5 It's bad to have a potty mouth.,1,0.5 You should be respectful of your classmate's property.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're picky about what you buy.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to get help with addressing habits that have spun out of your control.,0,0.0 It's rude to refuse to talk to a sibling.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected you see a counselor or therapist if you're unhappy,1,0.5 It's good to be friendly with your neighbors.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to make your child wear broken glasses.,1,0.5 It's okay to feel happy when you get a greeting card.,1,0.5 It's nice to try to help other people any way you can.,1,0.5 Employers should educate their employees about disallowed interactions.,1,0.5 You shouldn't invite your friends to your partner's baby shower.,1,0.5 It's good to clean your driveway if it's dirty.,1,0.5 It's reasonable to have to snitch on a manager.,1,0.5 You should be there for your partner when they have a baby.,1,0.5 It's wrong to threaten your friends.,1,0.5 It is okay to be honest with your friends.,1,0.5 It's wrong to make someone feel bad about their sexuality.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to be proud of your genetics.,1,0.5 It's important to look back and see what went wrong.,1,0.24999999999999994 You can be expected to understand that somebody who is not interested in your gender will not want a romantic relationship.,0,0.0 It's rude to fart in public,1,0.5 It's not okay to keep someone from doing the things they enjoy.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be angry if someone damages your car.,1,0.5 You should be monogamous in a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be spoiled by a significant other during important events.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to get your family off your back.,1,0.5 You shouldn't tell your partner what to buy and not buy.,1,0.5 You shouldn't play your music really loudly because it's rude and annoying.,1,0.5 It's wrong not to date someone just because of money.,1,1.0 It's nice to host families.,1,0.5 You should always spend time with your family.,1,0.5 It's good to go after what you want,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to tell on people when they aren't doing anything to hurt you.,1,0.5 You shouldn't fantasize about torture because it's wrong.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is healthy to set boundaries around who is welcome in your home.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to choose to have an experience even when your loved ones aren't supporting your decision.,1,0.5 It's good to pursue your dreams.,1,0.5 You should run inside to get away from somebody so they can't follow you inside.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should help others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fun to go see a movie with your partner.,1,0.5 It's bad to climb on top of the table.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to demean people based on race.,1,0.5 You shouldn't upset people.,1,0.5 It's normal to not want to feel alone.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If someone is homeless, you should help them out.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to base your happiness on the things you have.,1,0.5 It's understandable for people to feel frustrated with others who stick their noses in the affairs of others.,1,0.5 It's understandable that we want what is best for our siblings.,1,0.5 It is good to give up your own time for others.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's acceptable to think outside the box when fishing.,1,0.5 It's normal to come to a realization after thinking things over.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's never okay to tell other people how to live their lives,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that people seek social connections.,1,0.5 It is rude to stop talking to a sibling.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to give someone an ultimatum.,1,0.5 You're expected to express your thoughts about a relative who died.,1,0.5 It's understandable to fear for your children when they're in danger.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's unacceptable to spread rumors about an ex-partner to gain sympathy from your peer group.,1,0.5 You should always tell the truth.,1,0.7499999999999999 Once you get married you are expected to stop chasing other women around.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is comforting to have momentary relief from chronic pain.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should always carry alternate forms of money to the store in case your card is declined.,1,0.7499999999999999 People shouldn't assume something's not a big deal without hearing it through first.,1,0.5 It's wrong to damage someone's property.,1,0.5 It's admirable to be able to admit your faults.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that partners care about the health of the person they're with.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is important to get an education.,1,0.5 It's understandable to truly enjoy sleep after staying up very late.,1,0.5 People should make an effort to get to know someone they're in a relationship with.,1,0.5 It's expected you share things if you only have one to use,0,0.0 It is rude to expect a service for free.,1,0.5 It's good to like your relatives.,1,0.5 It's good to set an alarm when daylight savings begins.,1,1.0 You should get upset at people who don't do things they are supposed to do.,1,0.5 It's good to tell someone they look like someone who is famous.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad to purposely ruin someone's life.,1,0.5 You can't expect your family members to support you if you're lazy.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you have romantic feelings for your doctor.,1,1.0 It's normal to hang out with your friends.,1,0.5 You should not be jealous of what others have.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't be broke because then you can't pay your bills.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to call people out for scummy things they do.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected that teachers and students will maintain a professional relationship.,1,0.5 It's normal to keel over when you're in serious pain.,1,0.5 It's disingenuous to pretend to be someone you're not online.,1,0.5 It's sad to not be able to wear what you want.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to buy new things for your sports.,1,0.5 It's okay to have an opinion on a controversial topic,1,0.7499999999999999 You should go to bed when you are falling asleep on the couch.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to help other people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's allowed to rekindle a dead friendship.,0,0.0 It is good to celebrate holidays with friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fun to go out fishing.,1,0.5 "It is classless to swear, even people that do it to you.",1,0.24999999999999994 It is dishonest to claim that sweets hurt your stomach just to avoid eating them.,1,0.5 It's normal to not want discord in your family.,1,0.5 You should talk to people instead of touch them if you want to get their attention.,0,0.0 People usually want to do things right,1,0.5 It's considerate to help out an elderly person.,1,0.5 It's unprofessional to continue treating a patient that has feelings for you.,1,0.24999999999999994 You are allowed to view more information on people to get to know them.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to return your deposit when you're finished with a credit union.,1,1.0 You should expect people to miss their siblings when they pass away.,1,0.5 You shouldn't let your kids do drugs.,1,0.5 It's good to care about seeing someone you care about.,1,0.24999999999999994 People will think you're promiscuous if they find out you cheat on your partner.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is expected that some people have difficult pregnancies.,1,0.5 It's admirable when people try to learn from past mistakes.,0,0.0 It's expected that work is boring.,1,0.5 It's okay to triage problems based on their severity.,1,0.5 It's understandable to not know what you are.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's rude to only want to listen to specific details.,1,0.5 It's good to love people.,1,0.5 You shouldn't let the death of a plant make you sad.,1,0.5 It's good to meet someone at your house.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to think a tan is suspicious.,1,0.5 It's good to know how to get home.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to grieve after someone in your family dies.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't cut off your friends.,1,0.5 It's wrong to choose your job over your family,0,0.0 It's good to look ahead and see what can happen.,0,0.0 It's good to wish people a good morning.,1,0.5 It is never acceptable for an adult to cause bodily harm to a child.,0,0.0 It's expected that girlfriends will want to look out for their boyfriends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you feel like a princess when a butterfly lands on your finger.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad to kill people.,0,0.0 It's fine to want to be open with new friends.,1,0.5 It's bad to intentionally cause distress to someone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is debilitating to have severely depressed behavior.,1,0.5 You shouldn't discriminate against groups of people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to tell your partner your plans.,1,0.5 It's normal to worry about your partner when something is wrong with them.,1,0.5 Kissing someone on the cheek is a good way to show affection.,1,0.5 It's understandable to fall victim to a scam.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good for people to spend time outdoors.,1,0.5 It's expected that your child choose to handle their own affairs as they get older.,0,0.0 You should be honest with people about your past.,1,0.5 Finding a suitable companion is expected to be a difficult process.,1,0.5 It's wrong to cause harm to another person.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to participate in sports at school.,1,0.24999999999999994 "When mistakes are made, it's good to apologize.",0,0.0 It's inappropriate to manipulate someone into doing something they don't want to.,1,0.5 You should not accuse others without proof.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't let your dog trample your neighbor's garden.,1,0.5 It is bad to disrespect your father,0,0.0 Stealing in general is considered wrong by society.,0,0.0 It's wrong to overly simply someone's problems.,1,0.5 It's understandable to not be in the mood to go see a dance performance.,0,0.0 It is good to communicate when something is wrong.,1,0.5 It is rude to expect a service for free.,1,0.5 You shouldn't hate people just because they're women.,1,0.5 You shouldn't see sad movies if they always upset you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's well-known that parenting at times can be frustrating and stressful.,1,0.5 It's good to be realistic about your chances in life.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected that you grieve for lost loved ones right away.,1,0.5 It's wrong to go against your parent's wishes.,1,0.5 It's good to go to church to practice your religion.,1,0.5 It's nice to represent change in your generation.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should try to get along with your partner's siblings.,0,0.0 It is wrong to be racist to other people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's encouraged to find someone to love.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be disgusted when your sibling makes you eat poop.,0,0.0 You shouldn't park outside the lines of a parking space.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be uncomfortable in a deceased person's bed.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to invite your family members to events that are important to you,1,0.5 It's expected that a spouse will share their money with their partner.,0,0.0 It's pleasant to eat a perfectly cooked pulled pork sandwich.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine for you to have sex with anyone you like.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should not go to someone's wedding when you fall out with them.,1,0.5 It's fun to take your grandchildren out fishing.,1,0.24999999999999994 You're allowed to demand someone fix it when they damage your property.,1,0.5 It's good to give your heart and soul to others.,1,0.5 "You should take a long critical look at yourself if you assault someone, it's likely you have serious emotional problems.",1,0.5 It's good to be honest with people about your past.,1,0.5 It's polite to knock before you enter someone's home.,1,0.5 It is biased to push your agenda while teaching.,1,0.5 It is important to be patient with people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to go out to the park.,0,0.0 It is expected that you poop in a toilet,0,0.0 It's good to share what you have with others,1,0.5 You should always help out your customers when they have a problem.,1,0.5 It is okay to feel upset when there is conflict within your family.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're frustrated when your partner refuses to see a doctor.,1,0.5 It's rude to dictate how others spend their time.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be a part of your family's pictures.,1,0.24999999999999994 You don't have to remain in your parents home if you are ready to leave.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to rob people.,1,0.24999999999999994 People are expected to clean up after their pets.,1,0.5 People are expected to act out of character when grieving a death,1,0.24999999999999994 Partners are expected to work together.,1,0.5 You can't expect people to always tell you how they are feeling.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to share your money with your spouse.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's polite to cover your mouth when you yawn.,1,0.5 One should be communicative with their loved ones.,1,0.5 It's not okay to make people do things they might not want to do.,1,0.5 It's nice to get an email from someone you like.,1,0.5 An airline doesn't wait for a late passenger.,1,0.5 "If you fall backwards, you should get help.",1,0.5 It's bad to arrive to work dishevelled.,0,0.0 You shouldn't be lazy.,1,0.5 You shouldn't resent your parents.,1,0.5 You should focus on the present.,0,0.0 It's okay to feel embarrassed if you didn't know something that everyone else probably knows.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to care about someone and not want them to be in trouble.,1,0.5 It's good to take care of your roommate's property.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understood there are things in life that parents should need to do for their kids.,1,0.24999999999999994 "You should always try to get along with others, even if you don't like them.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to expect someone you know to do something they don't like.,1,0.5 You're expected to listen to your parents.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to act stubborn with others.,1,0.5 It's important to protect your children from harm.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to have doubt.,1,0.5 It's okay to want assistance from your parents as a child.,1,0.5 It's rude to point out disabilities in others.,1,0.5 It's okay to be embarrassed if you trip.,1,0.5 It's important to not try to control your romantic partner's every move.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't omit family member's names from Christmas cards.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to not want to be friends with someone if their behavior scares you.,1,0.5 It's rude not to invite your sibling to your graduation.,1,0.5 It's okay to be scared of childbirth.,1,0.7499999999999999 People should take care to do everything in moderation.,1,0.5 It is okay not to take care of something that's not yours.,1,0.5 It is okay to want to be single.,1,0.5 You should always try to get along with your in-laws.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you are annoyed when your spouse wakes you up.,1,0.24999999999999994 "You should approach sex as a way to express feelings, not as a way of keeping score.",1,0.5 You should always practice so you do well at math in school.,1,0.5 You shouldn't cause drama in your family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be nervous about confessing your love to your crush.,1,0.5 It is bad to want to commit suicide.,1,0.5 You're allowed to feel annoyed with yourself if you want.,1,0.5 "If a relationship makes you happy, it's okay to pursue it with your whole being",1,0.5 It's okay to be grateful for comfortable pants.,1,0.5 It's wrong to do something you know is going to hurt someone.,0,0.0 It's okay to be jealous when your stepmom has a new baby.,1,0.5 It's okay to contact your significant other through different means.,1,0.5 It's good to wish people a good morning.,1,0.5 It is reasonable to want to stay home in your pajamas instead of going out all the time.,0,0.0 You are expected to seek help when hurt.,0,0.0 It's okay to revoke your like on social media.,1,0.5 It's expected that you give your family members a special present for Christmas.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to care about one's health.,1,0.5 It's encouraged you spend time with people you enjoy so you don't get sick of strangers and are reminded why humans are good!,1,0.5 It is good to be responsible and make money.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to want to sleep somewhere quiet.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to end a marriage if it's not working out.,1,0.5 It's nice to be in a good position.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't expect others to pick up the tab for your mistakes.,1,0.5 "If you need to contact Uber, you should call them on your phone.",1,0.5 You shouldn't overdose on drugs.,1,0.5 It's okay to regret mistakes from your past.,1,0.24999999999999994 It can be difficult for some people to talk about their gender identities to others.,1,0.5 It's bad to litter.,1,0.5 You should divorce someone that cheats on you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be angry if your significant other didn't do something for you on a special day.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to use utilities and not pay for them.,1,0.5 It's understandable that people make word associations.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're annoyed by other people profiting off of your money.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to resent your spouse.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have stories to tell friends,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine for you to have sex with anyone you like.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to do things that make you feel good.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't take people's words too personally,1,0.5 Before kicking someone out it is important to make sure your feelings will be permanent.,1,0.5 You should get help from your family if you're sick and can't be home alone.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't go to church if you don't want to.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to make food for people.,1,0.5 It is good to help others that are less fortunate.,1,0.5 It's reasonable for older children to not want to be monitored by their parents.,1,0.5 It's criminal to inflict sexual trauma on someone else.,0,0.0 It's okay to take pictures of yourself.,1,0.5 It's fine to be apprehensive before an interview.,1,0.5 It's ok to tell your student to stop talking in class.,1,0.5 Is wrong to place the blame of your actions on something irrelevant.,1,0.5 You shouldn't expect a restaurant you go to not to charge you for your meal.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is apathetic to be unconcerned for the welfare of a child.,1,0.5 It is dangerous to leave someone outside without shoes or a way to get help if they need it.,1,0.5 It's bad to be unprepared for weather.,0,0.0 It's impolite to make premature assumptions about people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to scream at others.,1,0.5 It's wrong to take pennies from a wishing fountain.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always respect your partner's choices.,1,0.5 It is rude to stare at people.,1,0.5 You should ask for help if you're depressed,1,0.7499999999999999 It is expected to be close to family.,0,0.0 It's reasonable to cover up the tattoo of an ex-partners name.,1,0.5 You should watch where you're going so you don't trip and fall.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're frustrated when you stain your shirt.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should apologize if you assault someone.,1,0.5 It is healthy to move on an not be upset by what your ex does.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is novel to get a custom cake made.,1,0.5 It is good to come to conclusions.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to get into petty arguments with your partner.,1,0.7499999999999999 People shouldn't wreck the concentration of others for selfish needs.,0,0.0 It is good to have fun.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you won't put your own finances in jeopardy in order to assist a friend.,1,0.5 It's okay not to like a health insurance company.,0,0.0 You should get help if worries are overtaking your life.,1,0.5 It's normal to be envious of other's accomplishments.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is wrong to cheat on your spouse.,1,0.5 If your friend asks for a ride home from the airport you are expected to help them out.,1,0.5 Partners are expected to want to spend time together.,1,0.5 You should be careful when driving so you don't run over animals.,1,0.5 It's wrong not to give yourself a rest when you need it.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is important to seek help if needed.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you're annoyed by other people profiting off of your money.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should speak up if you have a problem with somebody,0,0.0 You should pay to fix things you have broken.,1,0.5 It is mean to get involved in an affair with someone in a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't talk badly about other people.,1,0.5 It is okay to be overwhelmed by life.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to prohibit your child from dating.,1,0.5 Rest is important for your health.,1,0.5 It's good to give treats to your pets.,1,0.5 It can be frustrating to deal with someone with a disability.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal for parents to want to protect their children.,1,0.5 It is wrong to wish for destruction on the environment.,1,0.5 It's good to find a path to recovery after you lose someone to suicide.,1,0.5 It's frustrating when your friends or roommates gang up on you.,1,0.5 It's discouraged from talking to yourself.,1,0.5 You should always follow the doctor's orders.,1,0.24999999999999994 Feeling angry at being left out of fun things is a natural response.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to cheat on your significant other,1,0.5 It's normal to feel guilty when you've done something you know is wrong.,1,0.24999999999999994 People will think you're antisocial if you dislike things just to be annoying.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to feel guilty.,1,0.5 It is okay to have fun at a party,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be annoyed when your parents are obsessed with family heirlooms.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to divorce your spouse when they cheat on you.,1,0.5 It is understandable to fall out of love.,1,0.5 You shouldn't write a check that is going to bounce.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable that people don't always want to donate blood.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to make conversation when you meet someone you look up to.,1,0.24999999999999994 Partners are expected to want to spend a good amount of time with each other.,1,0.5 "It's accepted that no matter what you consume, it'll all look the same at the other end.",1,0.5 It's bad to glorify ISIS.,1,0.5 It's wise to grown one's own food.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to leave animals outside.,0,0.0 You should not tell someone else what to do with their pet.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want to be dressed comfortably.,1,0.5 Is it okay to be angry,1,0.5 It's bad to leave your wife.,1,0.5 It's not okay to assume what other people thought.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to go out and have fun with your kids.,1,0.5 It's okay to have amicable separation.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should mind your own business when it comes to other people's livelihoods,0,0.0 It's okay to blow up at siblings from time to time.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is okay not to like a supervisor.,0,0.0 People are expected to be supportive of their family members.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to wear a helmet when riding a bike.,1,0.5 It's expected that you follow the rules when playing games with others.,1,0.5 It's good to have a plan for your future.,0,0.0 You should always be observant of your surroundings.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that family will want to celebrate holiday traditions together.,1,0.5 It's important to let people know when they are acting in ways that upset you.,1,0.5 It's considerate to not want to wake up people or animals when they're asleep,1,0.5 It's good to get out in nature.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to feel uncomfortable with writing something personal that will be read in front of others.,1,0.5 It's rude to refuse food someone wants you to eat.,1,0.5 You should marry anyone you don't want to.,1,1.0 It's expected that people who do illegal acts will have consequences.,1,0.5 It's okay to have differing views on sex in a marriage as long as you work through your issues.,1,0.5 People are expected to want to stay in a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to call the police on your neighbors.,1,0.5 It's unexpected that there will be a mistake with your paycheck.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't call people things that make them uncomfortable,1,0.5 It is bad to not support your friends,1,0.5 It's okay to ask your friend's opinion on abortion.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have a job to support yourself.,1,0.5 It's not okay to let someone down when they count on you.,1,0.5 It is good to marry a kind person.,1,0.5 It is good to help your neighbor,1,0.5 You should talk to your boss before you make decisions at work.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is normal for bloating to eventually go away.,1,0.5 You should be careful carrying ice,1,0.5 It's understandable to still be sexually attracted to an ex-partner.,0,0.0 It's okay to do things a certain way that isn't popular with others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to want to make money.,1,0.5 It's nice to take your family on vacation.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's kind to be happy when your ex gets married.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to recycle,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to be embarrassed if you trip.,1,0.5 It's ok to separate from siblings if they can't respect your needs.,1,0.5 It's wrong to be overly protective of your kids.,1,0.5 It's good to keep in touch with your children.,1,0.5 It is good to get permission.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to have things you keep private from your parents.,0,0.0 It's wrong to give a child a pet they aren't old enough to care for.,1,0.5 It's normal for people to want their loved ones to be happy.,1,0.5 You should be careful when you are exploring caves.,1,0.5 It is wrong to try and control someone else's life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to accumulate as much wealth as you can.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you'll be respectful of people with disabilities.,0,0.0 It is wrong to hide from someone.,1,0.5 It's bad to hate all people.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't buy a lot of candy since it's unhealthy.,1,0.5 It's okay not to like certain phases,1,0.5 It's rude to occupy the bathroom for too long.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to practice for hours.,1,0.5 You should be a good friend so that your friends don't get excited about leaving you.,0,0.0 It's okay to ask your partner not to smoke.,0,0.0 You should be supportive of your friend when they're insecure.,1,0.5 It's expected that those hit with grief seek out people to talk to,1,0.5 It's good to be there for your ex's funeral.,1,0.5 You shouldn't omit your partner's name from Christmas cards.,1,0.5 You can't expect your team to always win their game.,1,0.5 It is ok to ask for help if you need help parking.,1,0.5 It's expected that you look your own age.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's inconsiderate to come home to a partner exceedingly inebriated.,1,0.5 It's pathetic to betray something intimate told to you in confidence.,1,0.5 You shouldn't believe in tarot cards because they can't predict the future.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have personal contact.,1,0.5 It is rude to expect people to give you things,1,0.24999999999999994 It is unpatriotic to avoid enlisting in the army.,1,0.5 It's reasonable for older children to not want to be monitored by their parents.,1,0.5 It's good to end your relationship with your partner if it isn't working out.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't keep secrets from others.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to travel too much and be away from your partner.,1,0.5 It's bad to think dogs understand your language.,1,0.5 It is expected that couples are faithful to each other.,1,0.5 You shouldn't play pranks on your classmates.,1,0.5 You shouldn't invade a coworker's workspace.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should see a therapist if you can't think right.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's important to prioritize spending time with family members.,1,0.5 It's good to be honest about your situation at work.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you need money, you should sell your things.",1,0.5 Getting a tattoo of someone's name is a good way to show your commitment to them.,1,0.5 It's ok to have a debate with someone.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If the weather is bad, you should put your plans off and spend time indoors.",1,0.5 It is okay to need time away from your family.,1,0.5 You aren't expected to remain around those you don't like.,1,0.5 It's wrong to not appreciate something someone gave you as a gift.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's difficult to attend a graduation when you won't be graduating.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't see sad movies if you don't like them.,1,0.5 Clearing someone's name for a mistake you did and they are being blamed for is expected.,1,0.5 It is bad to be willfully ignorant,1,0.5 It's expected you get into a fight if you're being racist around people,1,0.5 It's understandable to want to spend holidays with family.,0,0.0 It's good to want kids to be prepared for life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fun to go cart racing as long as you're careful.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be angry when someone disrespects you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to support the value of literacy.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should make an effort to go out with your parents and do things together.,1,0.5 It's fine to be undecided about who you will invite to your wedding.,1,0.5 It is understandable to want space when you are sick.,1,0.5 You can't expect everyone to follow you on social media.,0,0.0 It's bad to eat a lot of unhealthy food.,1,0.5 It's good to have people who are your friend.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always make sure you have healthcare.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't be hypocritical.,1,0.5 It is bad to live with grief.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to follow knowledgeable advice.,1,0.5 It's normal to help out your partner when they need it.,1,0.5 It's rude to get angry at someone who can't control their illness.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to be angry with someone who wronged you.,1,0.5 It's arrogant to think you're wiser than other people.,1,0.5 It's okay to expect things that are commitment level from a significant other.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is normal to struggle recovering from an abusive relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you look presentable at a funeral.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should keep your pets indoors to keep them safe.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should look into nose strips when you snore.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is overwhelming to handle emotions if you haven't learned the right way to do so.,0,0.0 It's understandable to tire of dealing with someone's anxiety.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to want to see when driving at night.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is of bad taste to cheat with someone's partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's important to study for tests.,1,0.5 It's bad to leave your homework in a place where it could be damaged.,1,0.5 You shouldn't let things weigh on your mind.,1,0.5 You should be willing to talk to people about your art if you post it publicly.,1,0.5 It's good to take care of yourself.,0,0.0 "If you have a wound, you should get it cleaned up so it doesn't get infected.",1,0.5 Is doesn't feel great to be abandoned by those who you love.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's nice to buy gifts for one's family.,1,0.5 It's wrong to make fun of someones style choices,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to paint your nails so they look pretty for others.,1,0.5 It's okay if you don't want to let your friend date your partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's allowed to plan on some day being your own boss.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to want to stay safe in life.,0,0.0 It's wrong not to be emotionally attracted to someone.,1,0.5 It's good to talk about finances with your partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to get help from officials.,0,0.0 It's good to give simple solutions to someone's problems.,0,0.0 Parents are expected to pay for their household finances equally.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to find ways to make more money if you are short.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to want to punish someone for bad behavior.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to have someone to talk to when you need it.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to feel angry when someone insults you for no reason.,1,0.5 It's rude to dislike your best friend's boyfriend.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to make decisions about someone else's body,1,0.24999999999999994 Couple should work together to solve problems,1,0.5 You shouldn't take parking spots away from someone who was waiting for it.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't post pictures if you're tired online.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be wary in a relationship due to past experiences.,1,0.5 It's good to be there for your friend when they are having a baby.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you need coffee to get yourself going.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to accomplish your goals.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to visit your family in the nursing home.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be upset when your life with your spouse changes after they come home from combat.,1,0.5 It is good to write things down as soon as possible.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to bother others who don't need or want it.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to tell a woman what to do.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you are annoyed when your spouse wakes you up.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't give sexy gifts to family because it's not appropriate.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wise to always plan out your route before you leave.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to know the type of things you dislike and let others know so they don't do them.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to tell someone they look like someone who is famous.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to please your parents.,1,0.24999999999999994 "It's illegal to vandalize someone's vehicle, even if they park in your spot.",0,0.0 You should be patient towards other peoples' traits.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that the weather is unpredictable.,0,0.0 You shouldn't expect a friend to always be there for you.,0,0.0 It is expected that you date people reasonably close to your own age group,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to go to the phone store when you want to change your plan.,1,0.5 It's good to be kind to people.,1,0.5 It's wrong not to support your family.,1,0.24999999999999994 "When you're happy where you live, it's okay to stay there forever.",1,0.5 You shouldn't be so critical of others.,1,0.5 It's okay to be depressed because of a death.,1,0.5 It is good to point out good qualities in people.,0,0.0 It's bad to be antagonistic toward an acquaintance.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always give your kids financial advice.,1,0.5 Is responsible to use birth control if you're sexually active,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to live life on the edge,1,0.5 You shouldn't hate people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to ask someone to turn out the lights when you are trying to sleep.,1,0.5 It's rude to ask people their age.,1,0.5 It's normal to block cell signals in certain environments.,1,1.0 You shouldn't abuse others.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't criticize people for adopting their kids instead of having their own.,1,0.24999999999999994 A presentation is a good way to get several points across.,1,0.5 You should attend your grandparent's funeral.,0,0.0 It's rude to treat people disrespectfully when it's their special occasion.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is satisfying to get stronger from something you eat.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to act out in school.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to wear a chastity cage if you want to remain a virgin.,1,0.5 It is bad to damage your leg.,1,0.5 You should be upfront about your disinterest in a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to stay determined.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't talk to your ex anymore.,1,0.5 It is good to learn how to play left and right handed.,1,0.5 It's good to be kind to your friends.,1,0.5 It's wrong to blame your mistakes on other people.,1,0.5 It's good to have a sense of humor.,1,0.5 It's OK to let your pet play with anything you like.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to hide something from your spouse so that they can't find it when they need it.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always tell people when you are having problems so they can help you.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be broke because then you can't pay your bills.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't rush through tasks without being attentive to them.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is acceptable to charge for a service.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to take responsibility when you have done something wrong,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't listen to the communist manifesto because it's wrong.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to be curious about the mystery of your missing parent.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to commit suicide.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to buy sweets all the time because it's bad for you.,1,0.5 "It's expected that if you find a wallet on the bus, you find the owner and return it.",1,0.5 It's fun to go out fishing with your grandparents.,1,0.5 It is good to help family,1,0.5 You should keep your sexual identity private.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should always think before you speak.,0,0.0 You shoiuld give a parent a chance to earn your love if you do not love them.,1,0.7499999999999999 "It's okay to feel sorrow when people have died, even if you don't know them.",1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't be bitter about things.,1,0.5 It is not okay to end other people's friendships.,1,0.5 It's reasonable for a veterinarian to frown upon you feeding your pet from your dinner plate.,1,0.5 You shouldn't lead people on.,0,0.0 It's okay to think there should be peanut-butter flavored Pringles.,1,1.0 It's okay to be angry when someone quits a game before it is over.,1,0.5 It is disrespectful to curse at others.,1,0.5 It's okay to question your sexual orientation.,1,0.24999999999999994 Making dinner is economical as opposed to eating out.,1,0.5 It's good to call your mother.,1,0.5 It's okay to express your concerns when someone drinks too much coffee.,1,0.5 It's expected that sometimes a person you're with doesn't want to deal with kids from a previous relationship.,1,0.5 It is nice to make sacrifices for the well being of others,1,0.7499999999999999 It's frustrating when your partner won't communicate their issues to you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to take your younger relative out to eat.,1,0.5 You should do what you think will make your parents proud.,1,0.5 You shouldn't make a mess in your house.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not good to think about the worst in a situation.,1,0.5 It is good to volunteer to help those in need,0,0.0 You should always expect criticism from people for your eating habits.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's fun to play video games.,1,0.5 It's bad to hate your family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to try and control someone else's life.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't ask your friend to support you financially.,1,0.5 People are expected to be punctual.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to buy prescription drugs on the street.,1,0.24999999999999994 Walking into a store as they are closing is disrespectful the employees.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to have stories to tell friends,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to joke about suicide.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you don't want your teacher to express their political leanings.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected that some people can't find anyone to talk to when they need to.,1,0.5 It is rude for another event to take over the mind's of wedding guests.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to be remorseful and admit when you've done wrong,1,0.5 It's good to remember the Good Old Days.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to get pregnant if you and your partner want a child.,1,0.5 It's wrong to flirt with someone when you're married.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's immoral to want to cause harm to yourself or another person.,1,0.5 You should thank your parent for trying to form a relationship with your partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to not have a plan for the rest of your life,1,0.24999999999999994 You should put your things under your seat when on an airplane.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to marry one that you love.,1,0.5 You can be expected to appear to show empathy when others are suffering.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable if you are traumatized after your parents give you the sex talk.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to take breaks to teach things to people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to call someone a nerd.,1,0.5 It's good to focus on your studies.,1,0.5 You should confront people who mess up your home.,0,0.0 You should understand if someone you ask for money tells you no.,1,0.5 When you see a skunk it is foolish to get close to it.,1,0.5 It is ok to be upset if you broke your leg.,0,0.0 Parents should support your children's decisions,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not normal to have strong hatred toward an appliance.,1,0.24999999999999994 You can't expect people to always open up about themselves.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's well-known that parenting at times can be frustrating and stressful.,1,0.5 You shouldn't kiss your friend's significant other.,1,0.5 It's okay to argue with your foster kids about the food they eat.,1,0.5 It's acceptable to not believe in free will.,1,0.24999999999999994 You could be expected to ensure that you receive the necessary amount of nutrients needed to supply your body with energy.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to resort to physical violence except in self defense.,1,0.5 It is rude to interrupt people.,1,0.24999999999999994 You are not supposed to tell other people how to treat their children.,0,0.0 It's rude to order the most expensive things on the menu when someone else is paying.,1,0.5 It is overwhelming to handle emotions if you haven't learned the right way to do so.,0,0.0 Taking a detour before class is OK if you can still make it to class on time.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is unpleasant to have to listen to crude remarks.,1,0.5 You should move on from your exes.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to remember when you were young,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to put unexpected toppings on your food.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to record someone having sex without their knowledge.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have insurance in case of accidents and disasters.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that priests comfort their flock during confession,1,0.5 It is expected that you not let your children play in dangerous areas.,1,0.5 It's okay to be goofy around your friends.,1,0.5 It's good to maintain a job despite it being boring.,1,0.5 It's good to take care to do a good job.,0,0.0 You should take some medication if you're mentally ill.,1,0.5 You shouldn't argue with your roommates.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's encouraged you set a timer when you're cooking something so you don't ruin it,0,0.0 It is nice to be able to start fresh.,0,0.0 You shouldn't expect your boyfriend to do your own obligations for you.,1,0.5 It's understandable to have difficulty breaking up with your significant other.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is reasonable to get sad when you watch something that makes you feel emotional.,1,0.5 You aren't expected to remain around those you don't like.,1,0.5 It's not okay to bring others into your dealing with your emotions.,1,0.5 It's good to join your family in exercising.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad to have never been on a date once you reach a certain age.,1,0.5 It is wrong to take video games too seriously.,1,0.5 It is wrong to ignore someone for being disabled.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is inconsiderate to give someone you care about an ultimatum.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't give attitude to people.,0,0.0 It's fine to operate your car in any way you enjoy.,1,0.7499999999999999 Pet owners should make sure their animals have what they need,1,0.5 You should be accepting of having a half-sibling,1,0.5 It's gracious to let another competitor win a competition.,1,0.5 It's expected that wild animals can be seen in zoos.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be able to be honest about who you are.,1,0.5 It's okay to feel ashamed about behavior you know is self-destructive.,1,0.5 "If someone has a stain on their shirt, you should tell them.",1,0.5 It's understandable to be disappointed if your time is coming to an end.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that the weather is unpredictable.,0,0.0 It's okay to hate monkeys and apes because they are scary.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's OK to decide who you share a hotel room with.,1,0.5 You shouldn't do drugs with friends.,1,0.5 It's good to be there for your kids.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to take care of your children that can't do things for yourself.,1,0.5 It is good to plan in advance for a fun night out.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to feel disappointed if something does not go your way.,1,0.5 It is of bad taste to cheat with someone's partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 People should treat each other as equals.,1,0.5 It is normal to be curious about astrology,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't get mad at your siblings for playing a joke,1,0.5 It's nice to help people in a home.,1,0.5 Ice cream is expected to be a treat.,1,0.5 It's wrong to be greedy with your expensive things.,1,0.5 It is good to keep dangerous things away from your pet.,0,0.0 It's important that family members remain loyal to one another.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should report someone who sexually harasses you to the police.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't use the death or tragedy of someone else for your own personal gain.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be in love with someone.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be rude to someone in matters involving personal appearance/hygiene,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be appreciative of the good times you are having in your life.,0,0.0 It's nice to get married.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't troll people online.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to feel good about doing good works.,0,0.0 Friends should accept each others' differences.,1,0.5 You can't expect people to always tell you how they are feeling.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to want to keep your home the way you want to keep your home.,1,0.5 It's expected people will stop eating when they're full.,1,0.5 It's OK to choose who you want to date regardless of their race.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to tell other people's your experiences with things.,0,0.0 It's expected that kids will do things to help out their parents.,1,0.7499999999999999 Going on a vacation without a partner can make them jealous.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's acceptable to dress however you would like.,1,0.5 It's bad to be lazy.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should appreciate your stepmother on Mother's Day.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to run if you are late for a plane flight.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be in a hurry if you're having an emergency.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's frustrating when your friends or roommates gang up on you.,1,0.5 It's rude to play pranks on other people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's a good idea to be on time when you have a plane to catch.,1,0.5 It's expected you be patient while waiting in a line,1,0.5 You're expected to give your friends support through difficult times.,1,0.5 You shouldn't have your partner over when you have your friend over at your house.,1,0.5 You shouldn't hold onto pictures of your ex.,1,0.5 It's expected that you be able to speak.,1,0.5 It's good to sell old things to make money for new things.,1,0.5 It’s bad to let your hobbies get in the way of your family life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to uphold rules and laws,1,0.5 It's okay to avoid others who hurt you.,1,0.5 It's wrong to let a cheater cheat and not tell on them.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should wear a seatbelt when riding in a car.,1,0.5 It's not okay to not take full responsibility for your actions.,1,0.5 "If you love someone besides your spouse, you should end your marriage.",1,0.5 It's wrong to guilt trip someone until they agree to date you.,1,0.5 You should come prepared for meetings.,1,0.5 It's ok to be a baker.,1,0.5 It is rude to act with anger and aggression toward others,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to not tell your partner your expectations for the relationship.,1,0.5 You aren't expected to go to your parents house every year for Thanksgiving after you move out if you don't feel like it,1,0.5 It's bad to want your spouse's best friend.,1,0.5 It's fine to go through a lot of choices until you find the right pair of shoes.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fun to go to the movies with your friends.,1,0.5 It's good to tell someone they look like someone who is famous.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is ok to find someone gross if they are picking their teeth.,1,0.5 It is good to plan in advance for a fun night out.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to be mad at your friends for petty reasons.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be honest with your friends.,1,0.5 It's good to leave an inheritance for your children.,0,0.0 You shouldn't judge others by their weight.,1,0.5 It's good to try to get embarrassing memories out of your life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is nice to have people in your life to give you things.,1,0.5 It's understandable to hate making decisions.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be friends with someone of the opposite sex if you're married.,1,0.5 It's irresponsible to let your own insecurities come through in your interactions with others.,0,0.0 You shouldn't rush someone to move.,0,0.0 It's not okay to constantly remind yourself of things.,1,0.5 It's great to give people handmade gifts,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to believe in someone and help them.,1,0.5 "When you are taking care of someone with special needs, you should have patience.",1,0.24999999999999994 It is understandable to be upset with someone that prevents you from doing your workout.,1,0.5 It is expected that you would be upset if someone locked you out of your own house.,1,0.5 It's okay to not want to work when you weren't planning on working.,1,0.5 It's normal to be surprised by a bill.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should be polite to people.,1,0.24999999999999994 Parents are allowed to choose their baby's name.,0,0.0 You should always dress down if you're not going anywhere special.,0,0.0 It's not okay to take your time and do things to slow.,1,0.5 It's good to want someone to care about you.,1,0.24999999999999994 Boyfriends are expected to help their girlfriends with personal hygiene things.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to be educated in life.,1,0.5 It's good to have a romance when you're a teen so you can learn about the ways of love.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's rude to call other people subhuman.,1,0.5 You should tell your boss if your coworker uses a racial slur.,1,0.24999999999999994 Plumbers can be expected to wear pants that don't completely cover their ass.,1,0.5 It's expected that you will keep naked pictures in confidence.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's fine to ask someone on a date.,1,0.24999999999999994 "When you have sex with someone, it's rude to kick them out immediately after.",1,0.7499999999999999 You can't always expect reciprocity.,1,0.5 It's understandable to feel uncertainty when you think about what you are.,0,0.0 It's normal to want others to like you.,1,0.5 It's good to be dedicated.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to criticize what others do with their body.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's courteous for you to reply back to people who messaged you online,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to kidnap people.,0,0.0 It's good to help out your family when they are sick and old.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to move on from your ex.,1,0.5 It is bad to wish hurt upon someone.,1,0.5 It's good to want to prepare yourself for cold weather.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to throw chemicals in people's eyes.,0,0.0 It's wrong to sell people.,0,0.0 "If you're male and heterosexual, you shouldn't cross dress because it's weird.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to repeatedly do something you enjoy.,0,0.0 It's good to be there for your family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you're annoyed when your students' parents' are more obsessed with their phones than their children.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understood that sometimes people act out in public.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to want to live alone.,1,0.5 It's good to cut off nosy family members.,1,0.5 It is cruel to leave rabbits outside in the cold all winter.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable to not want friends to continuously repeat things,0,0.0 It is ok to put your candy in your pocket.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to not want attention.,1,0.5 It's acceptable to choose to eat vegetarian.,1,0.5 It's okay to want to spend holidays with the people who are important to you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to double check things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to brag about your fitness all the time because it's annoying.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't be afraid of growing apart from your partner.,0,0.0 It's bad to refuse belongs because of antisemitism.,1,0.5 You should teach your young child how to clean up after themselves.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable that things don't always work out.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to cheat on your significant other,1,0.5 It is expected that people will be kind to each other.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you don't like to talk about weird things from middle school.,0,0.0 It's kind to let someone know they're being used.,0,0.0 It's okay to be angry at a significant other if they wronged you.,1,0.5 It is good to spend time with family.,1,0.5 It's good to make plans for fun things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal for siblings to play pranks,1,0.7499999999999999 You should accommodate your employees when they have a disability.,0,0.0 You shouldn't raise your voice at people.,1,0.24999999999999994 Addiction is frowned upon.,1,0.5 It's OK to choose who you want to date regardless of their race.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad to litter.,1,0.5 You shouldn't do things that make others hate you.,1,0.5 You shouldn't start arguments with others in public.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to disturb others when you shouldn't,1,0.5 It's understandable that sometimes things happen and we have to hurry to be on time.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to expect someone you know to do something they don't like.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're upset when you realize how bad life was before you got help.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's difficult to raise your children with a proper education.,0,0.0 It's not okay to hint around at things to people about things that upset you.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to get back at a cheating partner.,1,0.5 It is wrong to bully others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to be addicted to video games.,1,0.5 It's understandable to not want people close to you to hang out with your ex.,0,0.0 If you agree to take care of someones dog it is cruel to neglect the dog.,0,0.0 It shows confidence to follow your own path when you know you're right.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't make a fool of yourself.,1,0.5 It is wrong to end a friendship over something trivial.,0,0.0 It's expected that you would receive criticism for things you make.,1,1.0 It's okay to be livid when someone lies to you about very basic things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It will hurt your roommates feelings if you kick them out.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is bad to have a child at too young of an age,0,0.0 It is good to support others in making healthy dietary choices,1,0.5 It is okay to disapprove some things.,1,0.5 Schools should close if the weather is bad.,1,0.5 It is okay to be scared to share your friends with other people.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable to have trouble helping others.,1,0.5 It's okay that we don't always see things the same way as a significant other.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to pay child support.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to spend time with your kids.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't pester people with music they hate.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to have trouble dating.,1,0.5 "When you are injured, it's good to go to the hospital.",1,0.7499999999999999 Attention should be evenly split in a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't clone dinosaurs because that would just cause a lot of problems.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't park in other people's spots.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that family members help each other thru trying times.,0,0.0 It is good to manage your time wisely.,1,0.5 It's understood it's hard to change how a person feels about things.,1,0.5 You shouldn't abandon your family just to revisit your youth.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to not be attracted to people.,1,1.0 You should not cheat on your partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to change your mind about a big life decision.,1,0.5 You shouldn't waste your money.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's important to stay hydrated.,1,0.5 It is good to talk to family members less if they are not good to you.,1,0.5 It's normal to be confused by a mystery.,1,0.5 If you pay attention in class you should expect to be able to pass your exams.,0,0.0 It's expected you catch feelings when seeing someone attractive,1,0.5 It's wrong to think that because other people get cheated on it will happen to you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to want to have children of your own,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to feel angry towards someone that wrongs you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is ok to not believe the same things as your husband.,1,0.5 It's bad to have a strong desire to cheat on your significant other.,1,0.5 It is wrong to fire people because of unfounded rumors.,0,0.0 "It's normal that sometimes, when someone likes us, we don't feel the same way.",1,0.24999999999999994 You should kick someone out of your wedding if they defile your cake.,1,0.5 It's good to work at a fast food restaurant in your teens.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should teach your children to be bilingual.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be a burden on someone who is hosting you.,1,0.5 You should talk with someone if they have a problem with what you are wearing and where.,0,0.0 It's not unusual to have an unhealthy relationship with food.,1,0.5 It's good to want to do things even if your not sure how it will go.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be scared to change and try new things,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to make people think about their positions.,1,0.5 People are expected to be respectful of others.,0,0.0 You shouldn't let other people access your accounts,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to apologize to people you have harmed,1,0.5 It's good to control your baby.,1,0.5 It's never okay to tell other people how to live their lives,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be embarrassed when you get a stain on your shirt.,1,0.5 It is good to not be in a relationship with a roommate.,1,0.5 It's okay to dislike babies.,1,0.5 It's good to reduce the number of cars on the road by carpooling.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to talk with people on the phone.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to feel a connection with a teacher at school.,1,0.5 It's good to have someone to talk to when you need it.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is irresponsible to quit a job.,1,0.5 It's bad to be rude.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to lose control of your behavior while intoxicated.,1,0.5 "It is wrong to ""punish"" your spouse.",1,0.24999999999999994 Getting places quickly saves time for other things.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should keep your possessions in good order.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to pretend to be something you're not.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't make fun of people that wear diapers if they have a real medical need to wear them.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to share to much about yourself.,1,0.5 You should apologize if you crash into people.,1,0.5 It's important to discuss controversial opinions with people that disagree.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to be friendly with your neighbors.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to take care of your shareholders.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't invade a coworker's workspace.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to maintain your own hair.,1,0.5 It is polite to pay half of the rent if you are living with someone.,1,0.5 It's acceptable to stop working on something.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't go into someone's room if it's disgusting.,1,0.5 It's sad when people die.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to like a particular physical feature on the gender that you're attracted to.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't have a matching tattoo with someone you had an affair with if you're in a relationship.,1,0.5 It is rude to treat someone differently because they are gay.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should apologize if you crash into people.,1,0.5 It's okay to cut people out of your life that make you miserable.,0,0.0 You should contact Uber if you need a ride.,1,0.5 It's bad to bring things that have gone bad to parties.,1,0.5 It is immature to wait around to pick a fight with your partner.,0,0.0 It's good to be a housewife and take care of your partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 Making dinner is economical as opposed to eating out.,1,0.5 It is smart to implement examples you know that work.,1,0.5 It's OK to speak your mind about your preferences for movies.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to lash out at someone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected that a car wreck can cause someone to be late.,1,0.5 You shouldn't use too many filters on your photos since you're basically lying about how you look.,1,0.5 It is wrong to insult your partner.,1,0.5 It's okay to drink moderation.,1,0.5 You should take control of your love life and find love yourself.,1,0.5 You should be polite to people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you judge a 9 year old that drinks from a bottle.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is rude to call the police on your neighbors.,1,0.5 It's considered kind to help a person who is having issues.,1,0.5 You should check the weather forecast before leaving the house.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude not to invite your sibling to your graduation.,1,0.5 It's understandable to have a crush on someone you met.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong not to share with others.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is okay to express yourself through your looks.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should always buy something if you have enough money for it.,1,0.5 You shouldn't talk to someone that catfishes you.,1,0.5 It's good for a mom to care about their children.,0,0.0 It's good to hit the ball when you are up to bat.,1,0.24999999999999994 Is good to help family members when they need it,1,0.24999999999999994 It is normal for students to pass notes,1,0.5 You shouldn't trust your ex.,1,0.5 Social services can make sure that a home is a healthy environment for the people living there.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is rude to stare at people.,1,0.5 People should discuss problems rather than seething with resentment about them.,1,0.5 You shouldn't asssume someone has a disability.,0,0.0 It's good to support your friends when they're in trouble.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to make a budget.,1,0.24999999999999994 Ice cream is expected to be a treat.,1,0.5 It's good to be attentive.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shoulld not worry about others being jealous when posting things on facebook.,1,0.5 You shouldn't criticize people if they like their steak well done.,1,0.5 You're expected to behave respectfully in a graveyard.,1,0.5 It is good to plan in advance for a fun night out.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always set up an appointment before you get something done.,1,0.24999999999999994 When you are very bored you are expected to try and find things to do.,1,0.5 It's pleasant to spend time with someone on a beach.,1,0.5 You should always learn from your mistakes.,1,0.5 It is heartbreaking to miss a date because you are sick.,1,0.5 It's good to show solidarity with family members in the face of adversity.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to want your child to involve you in their decision about who to marry.,1,0.5 You shouldn't ignore your friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is acceptable to charge for a service.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is normal to be upset if someone touches your things.,0,0.0 It's comforting to go to a first time experience with a friend.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't get back together with ex.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good not to be lonely.,1,0.5 It's understandable to keep things from kids.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to spit on people.,1,0.5 It is important to respect other people's relationships.,0,0.0 It's normal to be disgruntled sometimes,1,0.5 You shoulld not worry about others being jealous when posting things on facebook.,1,0.5 You shouldn't get back at people.,1,0.5 It's okay to panic when you realize you're in a car with a serial killer.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't trust your ex.,1,0.5 It's good to make money.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is ok to be upset if your SO wants you to do their paperwork for them if they are capable of doing it themselves.,1,0.5 "When you like the way you look, it's understandable to enjoy pictures of yourself.",1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to be too dependent on your friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to try and get alog with your childs partners.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's insensitive to ignore human life over animal life.,1,0.5 It's best to represent someone as they actually are and not lie about it.,1,0.5 It's good to tell other people's your experiences with things.,0,0.0 It's bad to glorify ISIS.,1,0.5 People will think you're nit picky if you obsess over a meal being perfect.,1,0.5 You shouldn't do things that make your friends mad.,0,0.0 It's wrong to force people out of your home.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be upset over losing one's parent.,0,0.0 It is okay to rethink putting your life in danger.,1,0.5 It's bad to buy lottery tickets too often.,1,0.5 Many people love to vacation in tropical locations.,1,0.5 It's rude to speculate about someone's grieving process.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to be there for your friend when they are having a baby.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to not take care of your responsibilities in life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that depression runs in families.,1,0.5 It's good to have strong beliefs about sensitive issues.,1,0.5 It's good to take charge of your health.,1,0.5 It's not okay to not be able to handle being alone.,1,0.5 "If you hate college, you shouldn't go.",1,0.5 You should visit your family for the holidays.,0,0.0 It's okay to feel violated when you have sex with someone much older than you.,1,0.5 It's ok to take something to remember a loved one.,1,0.5 You should be careful where you are going so you don't cause an accident.,1,0.5 It's expected that people will flush the toilet after every use.,1,0.5 It is worrying to feel like everything depends on you.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to do something you know is going to hurt someone.,0,0.0 Waterboarding is a very unpleasant thing to do to someone.,1,0.5 It's not healthy to isolate yourself,1,0.7499999999999999 It is okay to be attracted to certain things.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be careful about spoiling a show or movie for people if the show or movie is months or years old.,1,0.5 It's irrational to expect AI to become future overlords.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to appreciate the same things as others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you have to go through an application process to adopt someone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is hurtful when you keep secrets from your friends.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should chip in with household chores when you live with someone.,1,0.5 It's rude to make unexpected visits to someone else's home.,1,0.5 It's good to frame your awards to display them for others to see.,1,0.5 It's okay to be pissed at someone you see stealing money.,1,0.5 It's expected for members of the military to treat civilians respectfully.,1,0.5 It's not okay for kids to think to much about drugs.,1,0.5 It's acceptable to remove toxic people from your life.,1,0.5 It is wrong to insult your partner.,1,0.5 It's good to do things for your health.,1,0.24999999999999994 It understandable to want to focus on yourself.,1,0.5 It's wrong to pry into other people's family business.,0,0.0 It's okay to cry when your pet is missing.,1,0.5 It's okay to be angry when your friend's views don't match your own.,1,0.5 People should strive to remove annoyances from their life.,0,0.0 You should expect people to have something they are really passionate and happy about that helps them get over depression.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should work through marital issues.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to get food for people.,1,0.5 You shouldn't care who your friends hook up with.,1,0.5 It is good to have an opinion.,1,0.5 Children are expected to believe the same religion as their parents.,1,0.5 You should be able to give criticism to your friends.,1,0.5 It's good to reduce your carbon footprint.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad to want to torture yourself.,1,0.5 It is okay to be emotional.,1,0.5 It is okay to feel guilt.,1,0.5 It's expected that revealing secrets will lead to trouble.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's hurtful to cut someone off.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable for friends to offer dating advice.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is wrong to guilt trip someone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wise to always plan out your route before you leave.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always show up to a play date.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be considerate of your stepchildren's feelings.,1,0.5 It's encouraged that you find ways to do tasks that are difficult for you,1,0.5 It's understandable to only want to date someone you are interested in.,1,0.5 It is wrong to back out of a financial agreement.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should run inside to get away from somebody so they can't follow you inside.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad to be lazy.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected that your SO will help you out at times when you need help with something.,1,0.5 It's good to get some exercise with a nice long run.,1,0.5 It is good to be together as a family.,0,0.0 You should make sure your pets are well trained.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to get someone removed from class just to get them in trouble.,1,0.5 It is expected that tou bring a gift to a wedding.,1,0.5 It's good to teach children to have healthy boundaries.,1,0.5 It's encouraged to cultivate healthier eating habits.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't idolize family members.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be upset with a co-worker who is not pulling their weight at work.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable that sometimes family gets on each other's nerves.,1,0.5 It's indefensible to be a bigot.,1,0.5 It's rude to go over to someone's house without being invited,0,0.0 It's good to take action against people who break the law.,1,0.5 It's mean to tell your sibling to eat poop.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't ignore your family.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't make a mess in your house.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't date a bad partner.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to be upset when you get scammed over the phone.,1,0.5 It's considerate to allow others to use something they dont have,1,0.24999999999999994 It's unacceptable to lead someone on just to get in their pants.,1,0.5 It's great to give things to people that will mean something to them,1,0.5 It's understandable to think people should obey the law.,1,0.5 You shouldn't make fun of other people's physical appearance.,1,0.5 You shouldn't have sex with people if you have herpes.,1,0.5 It's fine to get into a relationship with someone you like.,1,0.5 It's good to come to a realization about the truth.,1,0.5 It's expected that families will not get along well with their in-laws.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to want to spend holidays with the people who are important to you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to demean people based on race.,1,0.5 It's wrong to snoop around online about someone your parent is dating.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's OK to not learn how to date in high school.,1,0.5 It's okay to be frustrated when you forget to turn your clocks back for daylight savings.,1,0.5 It's bad to be fat because it can lead to health issues.,1,0.5 It's wrong not to offer healthcare to everyone since it's a right and not a privilege.,0,0.0 You shouldn't clean the sidewalk because you don't own it.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable if you're scared for your life when someone holds up your skin.,1,0.5 It's good to save money.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be able to be honest about who you are.,1,0.5 It is wrong to break your word.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to tell someone if their partner is cheating on them.,1,0.5 You can't expect all of your friend's friends to accept their relationship with you.,1,0.5 It's okay to work extra to support your family at home,0,0.0 It is good to communicate when something is wrong.,1,0.5 It’s wrong to give up on your kids.,1,0.5 It's nice to stay on good terms with your ex.,0,0.0 You shouldn't sexually harass your coworkers.,0,0.0 It's understandable to want to please others.,0,0.0 It's wrong to lie to other people,1,0.7499999999999999 You should maintain a good relationship with your siblings.,0,0.0 It's good to want someone to eat healthy.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's ok to make your own reproductive choices.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected to see a doctor when you're sick.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should be upset when someone chews you out.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fun to go fishing with others.,1,0.5 A presentation is a good way to get several points across.,1,0.5 "If you break the law, it is expected that you will be arrested.",1,0.5 You should be polite to other people.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you daydream about murdering people, you should seek therapy.",1,0.5 You should seek out relationships with people closer to your own age.,1,0.5 You should repeatedly show someone how to do something so they fully understand it.,1,0.5 It's good to teach your younger siblings how to safely navigate the world,1,0.24999999999999994 You should keep secrets from your family if it might offend them.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always forgive people no matter what.,1,0.5 It's wrong to make jokes about diseases,1,0.5 It's good to like certain old songs.,1,0.5 You should want your baby to look like both you and the other parent.,0,0.0 You're allowed to hate people if you want.,1,0.5 It is dramatic to run to the doctor everytime your child feels sick.,1,0.5 It's good to feed your pets.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't destroy someone else's property.,1,0.5 You should respect the religious beliefs of other people.,1,0.5 It is rude to leave without holding your spot for someone else.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to infringe on someones boundary,0,0.0 It's good to be there for your friend when they are having a baby.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to insult your partner.,1,0.5 It's wrong to mess with a musician's instrument before an event.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you keep thinking about death, you should get some help.",1,0.5 You should always buy something if you have enough money for it.,1,0.5 It's rude to dictate how others spend their time.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to watch movies with your significant other.,1,0.5 It's good to have a hobby or passion that brings you joy and fulfillment in life.,1,0.5 It's good to be polite to people.,1,0.5 It's important to accurately reflect the reputation of others.,1,0.5 It's rude to refuse food someone wants you to eat.,1,0.5 It's good to be kind.,1,0.5 It's wrong for an employee to look at porn on their employer's time.,1,0.5 You should go to the doctor when you need medical attention.,1,0.5 It is okay to want time to yourself,1,0.24999999999999994 There is no obligation to save parking sports for other people.,1,0.5 It's wrong to masturbate in a public bathroom.,1,0.5 It's okay to be exhausted when you get home from a long day.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to oppose weddings.,1,0.5 You shouldn't let people shift the blame onto you for something you didn't cause to happen.,0,0.0 It is expected for parents to comfort their children.,1,0.5 You shouldn't watch TV all day long.,1,0.5 It is rude to exclude people.,1,0.5 "If you make plans with someone, you should follow through with them.",1,0.5 It's expected that some people can't find anyone to talk to when they need to.,1,0.5 It is rude to try to get other people in trouble,1,0.5 It's selfish to expect your husband to give you his entire estate.,1,0.5 It is expected that best friends won't date another persons ex.,0,0.0 You should spend time with elderly family members,1,0.24999999999999994 Children are expected to believe the same religion as their parents.,1,0.5 It is good to celebrate friendship.,1,0.5 You should give people money when you owe them,1,0.5 It's good to save food for later.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you are annoyed when your spouse wakes you up.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to talk on the phone in a quiet place.,1,0.5 It's ok to fire an employee when they aren't fulfilling their job duties.,1,0.5 It is good to press charges if someone steals something from you.,1,0.7499999999999999 You don't have to buy your family any gifts if you don't want to.,1,0.7499999999999999 You're expected to try and work things out with your friends.,0,0.0 It is immoral to kidnap children,0,0.0 It's good to make friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 Taking on the duties of someone who sacrifices for you is fantastic.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to put on an act in front of others.,1,0.5 It's wrong to be romantically interested in your parent's friends.,1,0.5 "If you're lost in life, you should get some help.",1,0.24999999999999994 You should keep cherished mementos of people who are important to you.,1,0.5 You should expect people to judge you if you're ignorant about things.,1,0.5 It's good to give people gifts.,1,0.5 You should teach your children to be bilingual.,1,0.5 "If you are having trouble in your relationship, you should get some relationship advice.",1,0.24999999999999994 "It is rude to destroy someone's work, even if it is in a game.",0,0.0 It's okay to want to sleep somewhere quiet.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have routines so that nothing gets forgotten.,0,0.0 It's not okay to invade a couples private life.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should not use other people's property without permission.,1,0.5 It's good to start a daycare for kids in your home.,1,0.7499999999999999 People are expected to look out for their friends.,1,0.5 It's reasonable to call the city when you have a problem with a neighbor.,1,0.5 It's okay to blow up at siblings from time to time.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's disappointing when people don't learn your name.,1,0.5 Families should try to work out problems with each other.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to set yourself up for disaster.,0,0.0 It's okay to not like everything your friends like.,1,0.5 It's wise to really think about a tattoo for a bit because they last forever.,0,0.0 It's good to call 911 when someone is in need of emergency medical treatment.,1,0.5 "If you fall backwards, you should get help.",1,0.5 You shouldn't think that all bumps are innocent on your body.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable if you can't keep your political leanings out of your religion lectures.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's not acceptable to be mean to little children.,1,0.5 It's good to take a stand and lead things.,0,0.0 You shouldn't be a burden on someone who is hosting you.,1,0.5 It's expected that you catch up on things youve missed,1,0.5 It's immoral to harm another person.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to feel sexual attraction to women.,1,0.5 It is rude to interrupt people.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't sabotage someone's life.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should speak up if you have a problem with somebody,0,0.0 It is good to complete your work.,1,0.5 It's normal to feel hopeless at some points.,1,0.5 it's good to stand up for yourself.,1,0.5 It is wrong to tell people you have done things you have not.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to triage problems based on their severity.,1,0.5 It is rude to keep your partner from meeting your family.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't get involved sexually with friends if you're in a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to have weird dreams sometimes.,1,0.5 It's good to have an advanced education.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you're scared for your life when someone holds up your skin.,1,0.5 You're expected to stand by your friend if they are depressed.,1,0.5 You're allowed to protest an arranged coupling.,0,0.0 It's wrong to disrespect other races.,1,0.7499999999999999 Not sharing every detail of your personal life is a healthy thing.,0,0.0 You should try to get along with your partner's siblings.,0,0.0 It's not necessary to be strong,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good not to be lonely.,1,0.5 It is good to give your partner unexpected little gifts.,0,0.0 You shouldn't give pets as gifts because they are a big responsibility.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong not to employ your family members.,1,0.5 It's expected that animals will eat items that are important to you unless you train them otherwise.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's typical to occasionally get annoyed by people you spend a lot of time with.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay if you don't want your kids to talk to your parents in your native language.,0,0.0 It's fine to get into a relationship with someone you like.,1,0.5 Toying with men could lead to them retaliating against you or even going on a shooting spree in extreme cases.,1,0.5 It is sad when a marriage falls apart.,1,0.5 It's bad to hurt yourself when you're angry.,1,0.5 It's fun to go cart racing as long as you're careful.,1,0.5 You shouldn't try to sabotage your life.,1,0.5 It's good to do bonding activities with your parents that involve areas of mutual interest,1,0.5 It's good to talk openly about your feelings when in a relationship.,1,0.5 You should ask a friend for advice about whether your attire is appropriate for an event or not.,1,0.5 It's annoying when people expect you to manage everything just because you're a moderator.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to want to see when driving at night.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to tip the bowl of the food item you're giving to your customer to take home.,1,1.0 It is wrong to discriminate against people because of their language or place of origin,1,0.5 It's good to celebrate important dates in your life,1,0.5 It's bad to have romantic feelings for your doctor.,1,0.5 It's bad to make patrons of a business feel unwelcome.,1,0.5 It's allowed to play certain riske' games at some parties.,1,0.5 You should ask for help planning a stressful event.,0,0.0 You should ignore things you don't like,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected that people are unable to stop themselves from being gossips.,1,0.7499999999999999 Friends are expected to care deeply about each other.,1,0.5 You shouldn't invade a coworker's workspace.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable that people's lives don't always go as planned.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to want to please others.,0,0.0 It is bad to be cheap and stingy,1,0.5 It's good to maintain your own hair.,1,0.5 Businesses are in their right to refuse to hire individuals who use drugs.,1,0.5 It's wrong to watch someone changing their clothes.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's discouraged from hastening customers using your establishment.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not good to be part of a hate group.,1,0.5 It's okay to feel insecure about your beliefs.,1,0.5 You should always set limits for things.,1,0.5 You shouldn't expect people to always pay off their loans.,1,0.5 It's okay to doubt yourself from time to time.,0,0.0 "If you want to stay young, you should take good care of your health.",0,0.0 You should keep depression to yourself so you're not negatively judged by others.,1,0.5 You should warn your daughter-in-law before you come to her home.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable that sometimes life takes people away from those they care about.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't have pet names for someone you're not in a relationship with.,1,0.5 It's crucial to accept others for who they are.,1,0.5 It's understandable to have a relationship end.,1,0.5 It is good to try and get alog with your childs partners.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to be on a diet.,0,0.0 You should always try to be understanding of others and their confessions.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to touch something that isn't yours.,0,0.0 It's okay if you don't want the rest of your family involved in a sibling quarrel.,1,0.24999999999999994 Relaxation is a good way to reduce stress.,1,0.5 It's admirable to be welcoming and friendly to your neighbors.,1,0.5 It is okay to want time to yourself,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't write fake confessions online.,0,0.0 It's wrong to take advantage of someone else's finances.,1,0.5 It is wrong to bully others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay if you are excited to let someone see your apartment.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be critical of yourself and want to improve.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wonderful to find benevolent creatures in your garden.,1,0.5 You shouldn't trust people online.,1,0.5 You should not stay friends with people who put you out.,1,0.5 It's bad for a child to say mean things about each other's mom.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be relieved about things when something turns out not to be serious.,1,0.5 It's wrong to kill things.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is rude to discuss other people's personal life.,0,0.0 It's fun to play sports with your friends.,1,0.5 It's good to give healthy food to others.,1,0.5 It's rude to stereotype others because of their national origin.,1,0.5 It's good to seek the support of your peer group,1,0.5 Communication in a relationship is important.,1,0.5 You shouldn't put up an antenna if it's snowing outside.,1,1.0 It's understandable to fear future AI overlords.,1,0.5 It is good to have good hygiene.,1,0.5 It's wrong to sleep around.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to admit things to people.,1,0.5 It is okay to be honest with your friends.,1,0.5 You shouldn't run from the cops.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should practice before an audition.,1,0.5 You should be willing to pay a reasonable price for a service,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to keep secrets.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should do proper maintenance on your car,1,0.5 It is bad to not support your friends,1,0.5 It's expected that you show remorse when you've cheated on your partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should see a doctor to explore your options.,0,0.0 It's rude to yell at a kid.,1,0.24999999999999994 Parents should involve children in their problems,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to admire villains.,1,0.5 It's wrong to get into petty arguments with your partner.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable to trip on something.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't injure yourself so you don't have to go to the doctor.,1,0.5 It is good to get married with a loved one.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't be too attached to technology,1,0.7499999999999999 You don't have to attend any event that makes you uncomfortable.,1,0.5 It's okay to want to live alone.,1,0.5 It's fine to be excited about an upcoming date.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should talk to people instead of touch them if you want to get their attention.,0,0.0 It is good to try and get alog with your childs partners.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable that we all make mistakes.,1,0.5 It's good to get food for people.,1,0.5 It's okay to feel tongue tied.,1,0.5 It is expected that some kids might want to get married early in life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable for you to not allow certain people to see your children.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad form to snitch on people.,1,0.5 It's acceptable to look for bargains when shopping.,1,0.5 It is wrong to ejaculate into hotel shampoo dispensers,1,0.5 It is frustrating if you don't receive an answer to a question.,1,0.5 It's bad to be fat because it can lead to health issues.,1,0.5 It is expected that children treat their parents with respect.,1,0.5 You shouldn't tell your kids what to do when it comes to their partner.,1,0.5 "It's good to get help to learn effective, non-harmful ways of coping with stress.",1,0.5 It's good to have children visit.,1,0.5 It is wrong to tell people you have done things you have not.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is hurtful when you keep secrets from your friends.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's ok to be honest with people about who you are.,1,0.5 It is good to plan ahead,0,0.0 It is rude to insult someone.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't expect people to work if they don't want to.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should not stay friends with people who put you out.,1,0.5 It is common to learn things by reading.,1,0.5 It's ok to have a glass of wine with dinner.,1,0.5 It's ok to ask a friend for a ride.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not expected that you shower with your friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to wish people a good morning.,1,0.5 It's good to do things to make your living space more beautiful.,0,0.0 It is polite to pay half of the rent if you are living with someone.,1,0.5 It's okay to have weird dreams sometimes.,1,0.5 You should respect your roommate's wishes when it comes to the house rules.,1,0.5 It's understandable to not be able to control who you're attracted to.,1,0.5 It's good to sell things to others.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should do things that make you happy.,0,0.0 It is good to support others in need,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't rush moving.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is reasonable to be excited about using a new item.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't call your friends out.,1,0.5 It's good to let your emotions out.,1,0.5 It's normal for people to want to play in the snow.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to lose romantic feelings for someone over time.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should respect your friends more.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to make unexpected visits to someone else's home.,1,0.5 You shouldn't get people fired.,1,0.5 It's good to refrain from taking things that belong to someone else.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to not want people to call you during certain times of the day.,1,0.5 It is okay to be uncomfortable with the way that people interact.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be upset with friends for hanging out with someone who threatened you.,1,0.5 If you use a good doctor you should expect to be satisfied with your plastic surgery results.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable that people are upset by the death of a loved one.,0,0.0 It's good to be a police officer and protect the public.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you want your friends to live in your city.,1,0.5 It's wrong to rob people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is not good to scare your friends,1,0.5 It's normal for children to outlive their parents,1,0.24999999999999994 It is important to stand up for yourself.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's ok to take something to remember a loved one.,1,0.5 You should think about good memories when you are sad to move away.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's mean to choose sides.,1,0.5 "If you don't want to pay for something, you should tell the company in charge.",1,0.24999999999999994 "If you are uncomfortable with your partner feeding your kids, you should not let your partner watch your children.",1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad to lie to people about your health.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is important to feel safe.,1,0.5 It's good to take care of a busted light bulb before you sit down to eat.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to get matching earrings for your clothing.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to join your family in exercising.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected that some people can't find anyone to talk to when they need to.,1,0.5 If you adopt a dog you are expected to keep it.,1,0.5 It is rude to cancel plans that have been made.,1,0.24999999999999994 You don't have to remain in your parents home if you are ready to leave.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be frustrated when someone picks and chooses when they love you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to appreciate your friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is ok to not believe the same things as your husband.,1,0.5 It's fine to choose who you want as guests at your own wedding.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be excited about things.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should protect children.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to spend time with your friends.,1,0.5 It's rude to stare at someone who is differently abled.,1,0.5 It's okay to be hurt when you find out your wife married you for your money.,1,0.5 It's good to get a job after high school for a while to learn some responsibility.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should always forgive people no matter what.,1,0.5 "If you don't like looking at other people naked, you should avoid going to a nudist club.",1,0.5 It's great to get a job you love.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to expect others to treat your things with respect.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to get therapy after someone you love dies.,0,0.0 It's unfortunate when people fix in on one thing.,1,0.5 It's wrong to give your child's partner the third degree.,1,0.7499999999999999 People might feel attacked when you ask them to ask someone else for directions.,1,0.5 It's nice to give gifts on the holidays.,1,0.5 It's understandable to keep things from kids.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad to feel guilty.,1,0.5 It's okay for parents to dislike people interfering with how they raise their children.,1,0.5 It's morally wrong to promote racism and racist policy.,1,0.5 It is rude to tell your partner who they can talk to.,1,0.7499999999999999 "If you're anorexic, you should see a doctor.",1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to hate other people,1,0.7499999999999999 It's fine to ask someone on a date.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to enjoy a bike ride.,1,0.5 It's wrong to buy sweets all the time because it's bad for you.,1,0.5 You should always dress appropriately for the situation.,1,0.5 People are expected to act out of character when grieving a death,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable that people don't always actually like their relatives.,1,0.5 It's okay if you don't want to travel to New York by bus.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's allowed to ask for space from someone when you're not sure of your future together with them.,1,0.5 You should take control of your love life and find love yourself.,1,0.5 It's expected that teenagers will have different friends than their childhood.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's nice to try to help other people any way you can.,1,0.5 It's okay to be jealous when your stepmom has a new baby.,1,0.5 You shouldn't feel too bad about receiving criticism if it is helpful.,1,0.5 If you use a good doctor you should expect to be satisfied with your plastic surgery results.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you give your significant other a special present for Christmas.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't put others before your family.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is expected to be tired after an illness.,1,0.24999999999999994 "It's good to have witty, effective ideas.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected you set boundaries when people start crossing a line,0,0.0 It's fine to report someone for parking in the spot assigned to you.,1,0.5 You should always try your best to win at a race.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's ok to tell someone you aren't interested in talking when you're busy at work.,1,0.5 It's understandable to feel offended if your girlfriend wants a dildo.,0,0.0 It is expected for adults to pay for their own education.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to be angry with someone who wronged you.,1,0.5 "If you keep thinking about death, you should get some help.",1,0.5 You shouldn't be influenced by peer pressure to do things that are harmful to you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's important to not beat yourself up over things you can't change.,1,0.24999999999999994 One should be careful to avoid accidents.,1,0.5 It's okay to emulate people's lifestyles.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that people get married when they find someone they like.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to get lost in an unfamiliar place.j,0,0.0 It's irresponsible to have a lot of dust in your home.,1,0.5 Boyfriends are expected to help their girlfriends with personal hygiene things.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't let someone cheat during a chess game.,1,0.5 It is immature to wait around to pick a fight with your partner.,0,0.0 You shouldn't do things behind your partner's back.,1,0.5 It's fun to take your parents to a sports game.,1,0.5 It's good to resolve a conflict with a partner with compromise.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected for children to remain in contact with their parents.,1,0.5 It's good to have role models that you can look up to.,1,0.5 It's okay to be frustrated when your roommate leaves all the chores to you.,1,0.5 It's disrespectful to speak out against your own work.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is not okay to commit suicide.,1,0.5 "If your car is old, you should buy a new one if you have the funds.",1,0.5 It's okay to drink from a bottle.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's ok to use a donor's eggs for reproduction when you are experiencing infertility.,1,0.5 It's expected that you honor your work commitments.,0,0.0 It's wrong to ogle young women.,1,0.5 It's expected that people be treated as though innocent until proven guilty in court.,1,0.5 You should expect some people to be picky eaters.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to try new things.,0,0.0 It's expected that you have to go through an application process to adopt someone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to think people should obey the law.,1,0.5 It's good to want kids.,1,0.5 You should rely on your family to support you when you are depressed and suicidal.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is expected that you pay your taxes,1,0.5 It is good to interfere when someone is being offensive.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to talk in class.,1,0.5 It's wrong to get attention at someone else's expense.,0,0.0 It's okay to find certain things annoying,1,0.5 It's good when something unexpected happens in life.,0,0.0 It's wrong to hold sexist beliefs.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should correct others' misunderstandings.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to play games of chance where you can win money.,1,0.5 You are expected to not behave in a creepy manner.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to cook your own food.,1,0.5 It's irritating to get sand in unexpected and unappreciated places on your body.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you feel sad when you see animals in cages.,1,0.5 You shouldn't try to dictate someone else's finances.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be suspicious when you look for someone and only find questions.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to feel disoriented when daylight savings begins.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's unusual to like the taste of food after brushing your teeth,1,0.5 It is rude to tell someone how to study.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to give away things that aren't yours without permission.,0,0.0 It's good to joke around sometimes.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to take your date out places.,1,0.5 You can't expect your family to attend a funeral.,1,0.5 You should not judge someone who doesn't grieve the same way you do.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's unwise to share a storage unit with others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to have an abortion.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to give up on something important to you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to buy any food that you prefer.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to advertise products that are unhealthy where kids could see them.,1,0.5 People shouldn't betray the trust of those they're close to.,1,0.5 You're encouraged to have pure intent when you report someone to the boss.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay if you don't want to travel to New York by bus.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to go running every day so you can get healthy.,1,0.5 It's good to budget your spending.,0,0.0 It is rude to reject that help of others.,1,0.5 It is expected that you respect your professor.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't be a bad girlfriend or boyfriend.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have a daily routine.,1,0.5 It's good to get places as quick as possible.,1,0.5 It's okay to cry at sad movies.,1,0.24999999999999994 "It's good to find happiness in marriage, even if it takes multiple times.",1,0.24999999999999994 You should not have to hide how you are feeling.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should learn how to properly pronounce someone's name.,1,0.24999999999999994 You can be expected to understand how people earn money and how it is difficult to have income mobility.,1,0.5 It is wrong to insult others.,1,0.24999999999999994 Parents should be aware of potential dangers to their children.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to support your friends when they're in trouble.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't be expected to cancel plans that you have already made.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to have never been on a date once you reach a certain age.,1,0.5 It's normal to think about death.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's fine to impose punishment on students in your class.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should keep an eye on your yard when you're waiting for your pet to come home.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to visit your parents.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's important to look at the instructions when you get a new kitchen appliance.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't make someone drop out of school.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to have second thoughts about things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to go out and celebrate with your partner.,0,0.0 You shouldn't take advantage of your family members,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't marry someone you don't want to marry.,1,0.24999999999999994 Parents are expected to teach their children how to do things.,1,0.5 It's okay to be concerned with your future and do thing you may not consider that great.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want to like the way a significant other dresses.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be honest about the physical interactions you have while on a break from a relationship.,1,0.5 It's okay to be bothered by things.,1,0.5 It is rude to stare at people.,1,0.5 It is wrong to fail a test on purpose.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should have realistic expectations when you go to a nudist club.,1,0.5 It's bad to breakup with people.,1,0.5 It's okay to find peculiar looking people attractive.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad to lose a pet.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to want to drop in to see your grand kids.,1,0.5 It's good to know what kind of person that's good for you as a partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to save up until you can afford to buy something.,1,0.5 It's good to go out with your buddies.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to want to have a good time at an event.,1,0.5 It is understandable to want to be a part of your spouse's family.,1,0.5 It's fine to choose who you want as guests at your own wedding.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to go to church to practice your religion.,1,0.5 It's ok to fire an employee when they aren't fulfilling their job duties.,1,0.5 It's wrong to disrespect pregnant women.,1,0.5 It's nice to keep pets.,1,0.5 You should always respect your partner's choices.,1,0.5 It's bad to be pessimistic.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to exercise so you can lose weight.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad when a parent fights with their child.,1,0.5 You should be supportive of your child's rehabilitation.,1,0.5 It's important to maintain your marriage successfully.,0,0.0 It's okay to modify food to suit your tastes.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to put older people in a hospice because it protects them.,0,0.0 As you age it is expected to be less desirable to go out partying all the time.,0,0.0 It is rude not to contribute to a party you are attending.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable that someone times we do or say things without thinking.,1,0.5 It is wrong to judge another family dynamic.,0,0.0 You should give people money when you owe them,1,0.5 You should expect to have dreams about your ex if you just broke up with them.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to go over material with your students.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's frustrating when other people tell you how to raise your children.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to do things on your own.,1,0.5 It's normal to have doubts about the future,1,0.5 It's mean to make someone cower in fear.,1,0.5 "It's great to acknowledge, and help, if your spouse is emotionally struggling.",1,0.5 It's not okay to not appreciate other peoples good fortunes.,1,0.5 It is okay to be disappointed when something breaks,1,0.24999999999999994 You don't have to remain in your parents home if you are ready to leave.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be thrifty.,1,0.5 You shouldn't lend things to people without your partner's permission.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to expect people to drop what they are doing to help you with something,0,0.0 You shouldn't let the past haunt you.,1,0.5 It is impolite to interrupt your professor during a lecture.,1,0.5 It's okay to make some noise.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to have children.,1,0.5 you should not pass notes in class.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's rude to do mean things to a friend.,1,0.5 It's encouraged you RSVP when you get an invitation somewhere,1,0.24999999999999994 You should not come between your spouse and their family.,0,0.0 You shouldn't make someone drop out of school.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected that people will stop eating subway if it has ruined their life.,1,0.5 It's great to be proud of yourself for accomplishing your goals,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're annoyed when your friends sleep in your bed.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good for a parent to want their children to make the best decisions possible.,1,0.5 You should stand up for your family members if they are being treated poorly.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should not break your parent's rules when their significant other is watching you.,1,0.5 It's okay to be cautious about who you give your information to,1,0.5 It's kind to send someone an email that brightens up their day.,1,0.5 A nice outfit can give a woman confidence.,0,0.0 It's understandable to distance yourself from toxic people.,1,0.5 Receiving constructive criticism is an essential skill to have.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to get back at your customers.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected that you contribute your work to a group project.,1,0.5 It's expected you return the food if it's not what you ordered,1,0.5 You shouldn't say mean and hurtful things to people at work.,1,0.5 It's good to be attentive.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to conceal your identity.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is irrational to think about someone who left you decades earlier.,1,0.5 It's good to promote healthy behavior to others.,1,0.5 You shouldn't keep things a secret from your parents.,1,0.5 It's good to put older people in a hospice because it protects them.,0,0.0 It's bad to overshare.,1,0.5 It's okay to cut people out of your life that make you miserable.,0,0.0 You should encourage your spouse to see a therapist when they return from combat.,1,0.5 It's good to save up money to pay off purchases in full.,1,0.5 You shouldn't lie to people about your true feelings.,0,0.0 It's wrong to give someone the silent treatment and not tell them why.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to spend time doing things you love with your partner.,1,0.5 It's okay to not like the same people as a significant other.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to be informed about technology.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be afraid of growing apart from your partner.,0,0.0 It is good to embrace love and friendship in a marriage.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're scared to marry someone abusive.,1,0.5 It is important to have a good reason to scare someone away.,0,0.0 It's wrong to wish your child was never born.,1,0.5 It's good to feel guilty about doing something wrong.,1,0.5 It is bad to live with a roommate you have feelings for if they do not feel the same way.,1,0.5 It's crucial to accept others for who they are.,1,0.5 It's fine to want a window open to get fresh air.,1,0.5 It's good to look nice for people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to hurt animals for fun.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should watch where you're going so you don't trip and fall.,1,0.5 It's fine to not want to put yourself in a dangerous scenario.,1,0.5 "If you have really weird dreams, you should get some therapy.",1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to give other people you full attention.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be willing to talk to people about your art if you post it publicly.,1,0.5 It's good to be alert when driving.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to do drugs,1,0.5 You shouldn't be disloyal to your friends.,1,0.5 It's racist to classify people based on the color of their skin.,1,0.5 It's fine to be disturbed by friends injury.,1,0.5 It is wrong to ignore someone for being disabled.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should let your friend vent to you about their relationship problems.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to become an organ donor.,1,0.5 Giving others unsolicited harsh criticism is frowned upon.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're frustrated when you wreck your car.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have proper dental hygiene.,1,0.5 You should be supportive when your friend has a baby.,1,0.5 You shouldn't ignore someone's calls or texts.,1,0.24999999999999994 people should make an effort to visit their family members when they are nearby,0,0.0 It's okay not to get along with every single family member.,1,0.5 It is reasonable to be anxious about your first kid being born.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to not appreciate others who care about you.,1,0.5 It's good to give gifts to others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to ignore someone.,1,0.5 It's hurtful to pretend to care about someone when you don't.,1,0.5 It's expected that you'll be respectful of your coworkers.,0,0.0 You should always practice so you do well at math in school.,1,0.5 It's unwholesome to seek out young girls for sexual gratification.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be annoyed when your step-sibling is being stubborn in a dispute.,0,0.0 It is rude to exclude people from events.,0,0.0 It's rude to continue trying to talk to someone who doesn't want to talk to you.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't marry someone who is abusive.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always charge your electronics before you go somewhere so the battery doesn't die.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to tell someone to stop sitting by you.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't do things that can affect the health of others.,1,0.5 It's not okay to not tell someone something important in person.,1,1.0 It is wrong to cheat to win.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you not lash out at someone in public.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're nervous when you tell your family your sexuality.,1,0.5 It's okay to be proud of your hard work.,1,0.5 You should remove a tattoo if it bothers your partner.,0,0.0 Purchasing black market organs is not okay.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal for siblings to play pranks,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to be strict when you want your teenager to wise up.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to help out your family when they are sick and old.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to want to end an obsession.,1,0.5 If someone requests a limit on gifts you are expected to respect their request.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you're disappointed when you don't feel welcome in a new social circle.,0,0.0 You should clean something up when you drop it and break it.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected you tell a person if they've offended you,0,0.0 It's good to keep your customers happy.,1,0.5 It's expected your friends come to help you when you ask for it,1,0.5 You should talk to your partner in order to maintain a strong relationship.,1,0.5 You shouldn't use loud colors at a funeral because it's inappropriate.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should do things that make you happy.,0,0.0 It is understandable to not want to plan more than one big event,0,0.0 It's OK not to be interested in everything that your significant other is.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're offended when people aren't excited by your generosity.,1,0.5 It's expected that you adjust your plans when they don't work out like you wanted.,1,0.5 It's good to apologize to your parents.,1,0.5 You should not play games with the electoral system,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to not keep secrets.,1,0.7499999999999999 You do not always have to like your job.,1,0.5 You should go to the beach if it's really hot out.,1,0.5 It's not okay to go places where you are not invited.,0,0.0 It is understandable to call the police when you know someone is committing a crime.,1,0.5 People should rotate through their frozen food to avoid it getting freezer burned.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't be happy that your father died.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to trade your partner like an object with your friends.,1,0.5 It's not okay to advertise products that are unhealthy where kids could see them.,1,0.5 It is unusual to address your parents by their first names instead of mom and dad.,1,0.24999999999999994 People shouldn't need harsh treatment to cultivate the desire to learn.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is okay to be competitive.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't surprise people.,1,0.5 You shouldn't say rude things about certain political parties.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is better to keep candy in your kitchen.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is wrong to expose others to health hazards and unsanitary conditions,1,0.24999999999999994 You should expect people who are in a relationship to eventually get married.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to flirt with someone when you're married.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should feel okay about prioritizing your well being over any social obligations.,1,0.5 It is obnoxious to partake in a showy wedding ritual.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to exclude others from activities.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal for people want to share their thoughts.,1,0.24999999999999994 People are expected to want to live with their loved ones.,1,0.24999999999999994 Fidelity is expected in a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to have second thoughts about being a parent.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected people will find some satisfactory items when they go shopping.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to get help if you're so depressed you can't do anything.,1,0.5 It's noble to be true to yourself.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable if you're annoyed when your friends sleep in your bed.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should encourage kids to use their imaginations.,1,0.5 It's expected you don't give up on goals you've set for yourself,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to make a change in your life if you are feeling depressed.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be careful when making food so you don't burn it.,1,0.5 It's not okay to bother others who don't need or want it.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to not like something just because the person who made it's gender.,1,1.0 You should enjoy your teens age.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is disrespectful to go through someone elses belongings with out permission.,1,0.5 If a new dog is not nice it is ok to dislike it.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should ask your significant other if it is okay to tell their parents something before doing so.,1,0.5 It is wrong to insult your boyfriend and then expect him to want to be around you.,1,0.5 It is wrong to do drugs.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't rescind a wedding invitation you've already sent to someone.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected to be there for your friend if they will be under the influence of a drug.,1,0.5 It is mean to ignore the needs of a animal.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't park in other people's spots.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be embarrassed when you get a stain on your shirt.,1,0.5 It's not smart to tell people the things that you don't like about them.,1,0.5 It's frustrating when other people tell you how to raise your children.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to donate blood.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to watch your diet.,1,0.5 It's okay to break up with your significant other.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to need motivation to finish your goals,1,0.5 You should tell people how you feel.,0,0.0 It's understandable to distance yourself from toxic family members.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be bitter and salty about petty things.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're excited when you find the way out of a cave.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't wear clothes that your partner doesn't like.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't pay for things you can't afford.,1,0.5 It's awkward when romantic feelings get in the way of a friendship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to try to scare people.,1,0.5 "You should take a long critical look at yourself if you assault someone, it's likely you have serious emotional problems.",1,0.5 It is wrong to withhold important information.,0,0.0 It's understandable that sometimes we do things we shouldn't to gain popularity.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's disgusting to view some people as subhuman for no reason other than cursory judgments.,1,0.5 It's acceptable to be selective with who you want to invite to an important day for you.,0,0.0 It's rude to consider someone with depression as mentally ill.,1,0.5 You should be supportive when your friend has a baby.,1,0.5 It's okay not to understand money issues.,1,0.5 It's disrespectful to question someone else's dietary needs.,1,0.5 You shouldn't do something that would make social services show up.,0,0.0 People should stop when the cops tell them to so they don't get hurt.,1,0.5 You shouldn't upset people.,1,0.5 It's wrong to use derogatory names toward people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to ask questions.,1,0.5 It's not a good idea to bring a dog to a graveyard.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's encouraged to find someone to love.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't destroy things.,1,0.5 It is okay to use humor to lighten the mood,1,0.5 It's wrong to get mad at your coworkers.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't be disloyal to your friends.,1,0.5 It is okay to be depressed.,1,1.0 It's not selfish to want a baby that looks just like you.,0,0.0 People will think you're antisocial if you dislike things just to be annoying.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to be clean-shaven for special occasions.,1,0.5 You shouldn't cut people out of your life because of your stupid decision.,0,0.0 It's good to hit a home run while playing baseball.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should make sure you're ready before having children,1,0.5 It is understandable to want to protect a friend.,1,0.5 You should always try to mediate your parent's arguments.,1,1.0 You shouldn't abandon others.,0,0.0 It is distrustful to keep someone at a distance.,1,0.5 It's bad for family members to lie to one another.,0,0.0 It's discouraged from dragging people with you as you browse for things to buy.,1,0.5 You shouldn't expect people to always pay off their loans.,1,0.5 It is important to be honest about your feelings.,0,0.0 You should train your pet so they don't jump on furniture.,1,0.5 It is okay to need help in parenting.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is expected to be close to family.,0,0.0 It's unacceptable to abandon a pregnant spouse,1,0.24999999999999994 Accomplishing a financial goal can make you proud.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't write a check that is going to bounce.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't judge people by how they look,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to maintain a healthy romantic relationship,1,0.5 It's wrong to wait until the last minute to study.,1,0.5 It's normal for parents to want to live near their children,1,0.5 It's good to get your child a pet.,1,0.5 You should not touch someone without permission.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected for a trainer to give good advice.,1,0.5 It's understandable to not want to do something silly with an SO sometimes.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to feel betrayed by a partner.,1,1.0 It's understandable to not feel ready for a test.,0,0.0 It is okay to need help.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to say nice things about others.,1,0.5 "If someone is going to get fired, you should warn them.",1,0.5 You should feel remorse when you get someone fired.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should talk to someone if you are seriously contemplating suicide.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't eat things you dislike.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to exclude the friends of your friends.,1,0.5 You should talk to your partner in order to maintain a strong relationship.,1,0.5 It's encouraged you pay off your debts if you come into money,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable if you yell at your kids to get down when they pretend the table is a mountain.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to not feel guilty when you cheat.,0,0.0 You should take an interest in your children's education.,0,0.0 It's dangerous to run without proper shoes on.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't hog the ball when playing a team sport.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't fine someone on their birthday.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to save up until you can afford to buy something.,1,0.5 It's okay to be frustrated if someone cancels last minute.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to want to pursue one's hobbies.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're frustrated when you find out your friend has ignorant views towards homosexuality.,1,0.5 It's good to shave to make yourself look presentable.,1,0.5 It's good to attend important events of your friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't make a mess in your house.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't base your self-worth on internet points,1,0.24999999999999994 It is nice to give someone something they want.,1,0.5 You shouldn't let guilt overtake your life.,1,0.24999999999999994 Parents are expected to be excited about welcoming their first child.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected that you put time and effort into your work.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should not offend someone by telling them that their oil is smelly.,1,0.5 It's allowed to refuse to take a job that you're against.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be very hurt if you're abandoned by a friend.,1,0.5 It's not okay to disregard your in laws.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to argue with others over electronics.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should get professional help if you have a dysfunctional family.,1,0.5 It is good to stay in touch with old friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's acceptable to be angry if someone parks in the spot assigned to you.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't follow certain family members on social media.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to want to be able to back up your words.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to make inappropriate or offensive comments,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always acknowledge old friends.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is bad to stay with someone you don't like.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't eat things that make you sick.,1,0.5 You should lose weight if you're fat and unhealthy.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you're really unhappy, you should get some help.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to block people from parking.,1,0.5 It's expected that people are saddened by the loss of a parent.,1,0.5 "People are expected to be kind to others, especially when the other person is not well.",1,0.5 It's frustrating when you have to apologize for aspects of your identity.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to keep gifts when the circumstances change drastically.,1,0.5 It is bad to damage your leg.,1,0.5 It is good to support your family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's allowed to screech like a child at creepy crawly creatures.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay not to have seen every movie,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to stay with someone you don't like.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's ok to sell things in school.,0,0.0 It's fine to like a show.,1,0.5 You're supposed to date for love and not looks.,1,0.5 It can be unsafe to allow your dog to lick you.,1,0.5 "If a person likes you, you should tell them if you like them back.",1,0.5 It's rude to try to limit the amount of time someone spends with their partner.,1,0.5 It's acceptable to start a relationship with someone.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be a bad influence on your little siblings.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to reuse and repurpose items.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should always buy yourself new clothes.,0,0.0 It's good to pay child support.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If the weather is bad, you should put your plans off and spend time indoors.",1,0.5 It is ok if not all people have happy lives because they did something illegal and bad and had to go to jail.,1,0.5 It's considerate to allow others to use something they dont have,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to treat one's in-laws badly.,1,0.5 You should pick things up that you have spilled.,1,0.5 It's wrong to pick up hitchhikers and murder them.,0,0.0 It's wrong to be pressured to like a friend's significant other.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't keep secrets from your partner.,0,0.0 You should be supportive of your grandparents when they show you the menu for their restaurant.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to harm animals.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to drink responsibly.,1,0.5 It is good to talk to family members less if they are not good to you.,1,0.5 It's okay to end a marriage if it's not working out.,1,0.5 It's discouraged to give up your virginity to someone too drunk to care who you are.,1,0.5 It is expected that you spend time with your significant other,1,0.5 It's good to have income.,1,0.5 It's good to prioritize expenses.,1,0.5 It's not okay for a person not to be able to figure things out on their own.,1,0.5 It's ok to pursue any college degree you find appealing.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should share your recipes with people who would appreciate them.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to save up your money.,1,0.5 It's good to include your in-laws in your children's lives.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that a spouse will share their money with their partner.,0,0.0 It's good to take care of your health when you are sick or injured.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's allowed to want the affirmation that celebrity brings.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't tell someone what to do.,1,0.5 You do not have to take parenting advice from doctors.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to disagree with a friend's choices.,1,0.5 It's bad to dismiss issues off-handedly.,0,0.0 You shouldn't drink Cholula because it's really hot.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to be a picky eater.,1,0.5 It's good to travel long distances in the most comfortable way you can.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you'll want your girlfriend to stay.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to worry you will have regrets later on.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should help out your friends.,1,0.5 It is hard to work when there are unpleasant distractions.,1,0.5 It's good to get things done when you need to.,1,0.5 It's good to keep going until you find exactly what you want.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to cheat on your significant other,1,0.5 It's good to set an alarm when daylight savings begins.,1,1.0 It's expected that you'll stay home from work when you are sick.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is reasonable to want to know how your child is doing academically,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be sad when you move from your childhood home.,1,0.5 "People ought strive to expand the number of friends they have, rather than curtailing them.",1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't cheat on people.,1,0.5 You should expect customers to pay for their items.,1,0.5 You shouldn't ignore someone talking to you to look at your phone.,0,0.0 It's good to inform your boss about illegal or unethical activities you observe during work.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to have a crush.,0,0.0 It's expected that you follow the rules when playing games with others.,1,0.5 It's good to talk to creative people about their art.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected that students come to class alert and able to pay attention.,1,0.5 It is good to include special needs people in your group.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's rude to disapprove of somebody's fashion sense because you are prejudice.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong not to support your siblings when they are having issues.,1,0.5 It is generous to give money to your family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be afraid of the doctor.,1,0.7499999999999999 People should find ways of addressing their mental issues.,0,0.0 It's expected that parents restrict children who are performing poorly in school.,1,0.5 It's good to be able to be honest about who you are.,1,0.5 It is normal to be eager to repeat a fun experience.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable that not everyone has the same life skills.,1,0.5 It's understandable that people go through difficult times in life.,0,0.0 You shouldn't trust everyone you date.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you can't sleep when your spouse snores.,1,0.5 It's understandable to have a bad response to someone's cancer.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected that partners care about the health of the person they're with.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to fall in love with somebody else when you are in a relationship.,1,0.5 It's okay to not know who you are.,1,0.5 It is bad to fuss about things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's nice to worry about your parents.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is ok to prefer one hand over the other.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is nice to take your grandmother places.,1,0.5 You shouldn't take your pets to the pound.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be afraid of things that can hurt you.,1,0.5 It's expected that you sit down in a theater,1,0.5 It's bad to sit in front of the TV instead of being with family for dinner,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that parents sacrifice things for the benefit of their children,1,0.5 It's ok to change your strategy when working on something.,1,0.5 You shouldn't let iPhone usage change your attention span.,1,0.5 you should not pass notes in class.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable if you're frustrated when your ex wants to contribute to your child's wedding.,1,0.5 It's good to have an adult as the peacemaker in your arguments.,1,0.5 It is good to give up your own time for others.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't clone dinosaurs because that would just cause a lot of problems.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't use loud colors at a funeral because it's inappropriate.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should talk to your boss before you make decisions at work.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is understandable to feel uncomfortable about admitting that you are attracted to members of the same sex.,1,0.5 It's ok to stand up to a parent with they do you wrong.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is okay to feel conflicting emotions.,1,0.7499999999999999 You are in the right for leaving a significant other if they are engaging in dangerous behaviors.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that people with mental health issues go to professional to get treatment and help.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to want to stay safe in life.,0,0.0 It's okay to have sex on camera.,1,1.0 You shouldn't move in with your partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to take care of a busted light bulb before you sit down to eat.,1,0.24999999999999994 People shouldn't date others based solely on their age.,1,0.5 It's expected that people you associate with will learn your name.,1,0.5 It is rude to stop talking to a sibling.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to reach out to others.,1,0.5 It’s wrong to text someone else romantically while in a relationship.,1,0.5 It's good to give yourself a new look.,1,0.5 It's ok to work from home.,1,0.5 "If you're unhappy with something, you should make some changes.",0,0.0 It's understandable that sometimes we are so disappointed we can't control it.,1,1.0 It's rude to watch a show without a family member when they wanted to see it too.,0,0.0 You shouldn't ever using the n word.,1,0.5 You should talk to someone if you are seriously contemplating suicide.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to help people find true love.,1,0.7499999999999999 Parents should try to get along with your children significant other,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be understanding when your parents talk about their family heirlooms.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable that sometimes people struggle to deal with stress.,1,0.5 It's considered kind to help a person who is having issues.,1,0.5 It's good to obey traffic laws.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should reach out when you don't know what you are.,1,0.5 It's good to advise people to recycle as much as possible.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to need support from others.,1,0.5 It's good to take it easy if you aren't feeling the best,0,0.0 You shouldn't dig up someone's awful past.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to stick up for those who can't stick up for themselves.,1,0.5 It's good to start a daycare for kids in your home.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should always make sure someone is related by blood if you need to check out who is family and who is not.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to think kids need to grow up and learn what is right and wrong for themselves.,1,0.5 It is wrong to discriminate against people because of their language or place of origin,1,0.5 You should love your parents.,1,0.5 It's expected people will stop eating when they're full.,1,0.5 You shouldn't do things that would make someone feel the need to hate you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is irresponsible to quit a job.,1,0.5 It's not okay to set yourself up for disaster.,0,0.0 It is wrong to fail a test on purpose.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is common for kids to rough house when they play.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that roommates should be considerate.,1,0.5 It is wrong to tell someone else what to do.,1,0.5 You shouldn't say racist things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to help others that are less fortunate.,1,0.5 You can be expected to communicate romantic desires to your best friend.,1,0.5 You should keep an eye on your young child so they don't wander off.,0,0.0 You are not supposed to tell other people how to treat their children.,0,0.0 You shouldn't have people over late at night.,1,0.5 It's disrespectful to question someone else's dietary needs.,1,0.5 It's wrong to fake a disability,1,0.5 It's wrong to talk to your friends about sensitive topics.,1,1.0 It is convenient to use TL;DR as a way to summarize a long post.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want a formal wedding.,0,0.0 You should be willing to pay a reasonable price for a service,1,0.24999999999999994 It's morally wrong to lie to another person.,1,0.5 You should find a first aid kit when you injure yourself.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be worried about a job interview.,1,0.5 It's kind to return a lost pet to it's owner.,1,0.5 It's ok if you give a little to a friend even when you don't want to.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to find a person who you are romantically interested in.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to want to do things to show someone you care.,1,0.24999999999999994 Family members should forgive each other.,1,0.5 It is rude to ignore someone without telling them why.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to feel out of control sometimes,1,0.5 It's good to want to be kind to others.,1,0.5 It's reasonable to expose someone for buying sexual photos from a minor.,1,0.5 "If you don't like your room, you should get a different one.",1,0.5 It's understandable if you don't want to eat in the dark.,1,0.5 You should try to be happy again when your spouse dies.,1,0.5 You shouldn't side with your parents over your partner.,1,0.5 You should feed animals that are under your care.,0,0.0 It's bad to mistreat your children.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to walk into a store at closing time.,0,0.0 "It's wrong to force children into a romantic pairing, even if it is your culture's tradition.",1,0.5 It is unacceptable to talk badly about someone elses religion.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to take unwarranted sick days.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to make noise that might disturb the neighbors.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to hide from someone.,1,0.5 Social services can make sure that a home is a healthy environment for the people living there.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to take your date out places.,1,0.5 It's ok to get embarrassed sometimes.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to hog communal equipment so others cannot use it.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to leave your partner's house early if your parents say so.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't stop suddenly when someone is right behind you.,1,0.5 You should apologize if you accidentally injure someone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to question your sexual orientation.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to cheat on people in life.,1,0.5 It's wrong to do drugs with your partner.,1,0.5 It's okay to revoke your like on social media.,1,0.5 It's bad to have an affair.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to live a life confused about things.,1,0.7499999999999999 People shouldn't need harsh treatment to cultivate the desire to learn.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad to not be able to express yourself.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected that people see opportunities at jobs they've done for awhile.,1,0.5 It is good to honor your commitments.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to fear war.,0,0.0 It's wrong to hide something from your spouse so that they can't find it when they need it.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to not know what you want sometimes,1,0.5 It's not good to hold back important information from your partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't ruin your kid's birthday party.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's accepted that not everyone can keep track of everyone's birthday.,1,1.0 It's fine to ask your parents for help paying for your wedding.,1,0.5 It is prolific to create several products.,1,0.5 It's good to forgive someone for their behavior at a party.,0,0.0 It's good to keep your computer on your desk since that's where a computer usually sets.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's unfortunate when someone is killed in the line of duty.,1,0.5 "If someone asks you to do something, you should do it.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's allowed to want to spend the evening with someone you've been going out with.,1,0.5 It's good to resolve a conflict with a partner with compromise.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to be surprised about something unexpected.,1,0.5 It's good to do the things in life you need to take care of.,1,0.5 People are expected to heed scientific evidence.,0,0.0 It is wrong to abandon a friend.,0,0.0 It's good to decorate your house to make it feel more like a home.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should try to get along with people even if you don't like them.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't let your kids milk you.,1,0.5 It's okay to be a picky eater.,1,0.5 You shouldn't spend so much time in the sun or else you might get skin cancer.,1,0.5 You should be prepared to let your daughter move on after she gets married.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should strive to act as a good role model for your children.,1,0.5 It's not okay to eat to much unhealthy food.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to let things stop you from doing something new.,1,0.5 You shouldn't burn yourself when you make mistakes.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to have your feeling about other people change.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you aren't over your ex.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to ask people what type of music they like so you can see if you have things in common.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to want to keep certain aspects of your life private.,1,0.5 You should be careful not to fall backwards when you step up.,1,0.5 It's fun to go to a concert with your buddies.,1,0.5 You shouldn't interrupt someone who is busy at work.,0,0.0 It's allowed to allocate set amounts of time for customers.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is okay to not want to go to a party.,1,0.5 It's expected that split bills are miscalculated sometimes.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to have a sense of humor.,1,0.5 It's expected that you won't buy sexual photos from minors.,0,0.0 It is good to go out sometimes.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected you tell a person if they've offended you,0,0.0 It's mean to not invite your best friend to your wedding party.,1,0.5 That's understandable to have the desire to not be in your current situation.,1,0.24999999999999994 Excluding people is hurtful.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected people will know how to get to their destination before they arrive.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not normal to see or hear things that aren't there.,1,0.5 You shouldn't say mean things about liberal people.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's hard to have a family in the military,1,0.5 It's expected that you adjust your plans when they don't work out like you wanted.,1,0.5 People shouldn't feel embarrassed to want to make their money stretch as far as possible.,1,0.5 It is okay to expect neighbors to be respectful,1,0.5 It's expected that you be intimate in a marriage.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected that you accept invitations to important events of friends and loved ones,1,0.5 It's understandable to not be attracted to people.,1,1.0 It's good to want to be able to back up your words.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should pick things up that you have spilled.,1,0.5 It's honorable when people want to improve themselves.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're uncomfortable when you go to a nudist club.,1,0.5 It's good to be generous.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to use humor to lighten the mood,1,0.5 You should buy new things if you need them.,1,0.5 You should get your affairs in order when you plan on asking for a divorce.,1,0.5 You shouldn't allow your friends to move in on your crush.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to have a friendly relationship with your work colleagues if possible.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is nice to have people in your life to give you things.,1,0.5 It's okay to break up with your partner if the relationship is not salvageable.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable that children feel resentment when they're moved far from their friends.,1,0.5 It's ok to tell someone you aren't interested in talking when you're busy at work.,1,0.5 It's okay to be upset with someone if they don't want your friends around as well.,1,0.5 It is normal for parents to be involved in their children's wedding,1,0.5 You shouldn't rely on someone's word.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you ask for help when you can't figure out how something works.,1,0.5 It's wrong to do things that you know will bring harm to others.,1,0.5 It's good to call your mother.,1,0.5 It is dangerous to cut yourself,0,0.0 It's wrong to try to scam someone.,1,0.5 You should speak up if something's bothering you,0,0.0 It's good to go to social events with others,0,0.0 It's allowed to want to spend the evening with someone you've been going out with.,1,0.5 It's good to go to the phone store when you want to change your plan.,1,0.5 It's bad to get a pet when you can't afford to properly take care of it.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's kind to send someone an email that brightens up their day.,1,0.5 It's wrong to spy on people through social media.,1,0.5 It's good to care about your education.,1,0.5 It's bad to order something sight unseen.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to leave pet waste in other people's yards.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to share the memories of those who have passed.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to remain close to the people you care about in life.,1,0.5 It's bad to want to offend other people.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're hurt when your family criticizes your job.,1,0.5 It's okay not to understand sometimes.,1,0.24999999999999994 People should walk away from a volatile situation.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should obey your parents.,1,0.5 It's good to like your relatives.,1,0.5 You should not use someone's emotions against them.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to talk over someone.,1,0.5 It's wrong to control people's choice of footwear.,1,1.0 "If you're stuck in a dilemma, you should get some help.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to refuse food someone wants you to eat.,1,0.5 It's understood that people want to know where they stand with others.,1,0.5 It's okay to have children.,1,0.5 You can't expect someone to pay off their loans immediately.,1,0.24999999999999994 People should walk away from a volatile situation.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to emulate people's lifestyles.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to take children into your home.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to not put towels out for your guests.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't get involved with your best friend if you have a partner.,1,0.5 You shouldn't get so consumed by anger.,1,0.5 It is rude to refuse a birthday girl from your inlaws.,0,0.0 You shouldn't wear casual clothes to formal occasions.,1,0.5 It's understandable to not travel great distances for a party.,0,0.0 It is expected that people don't break their bones on purpose.,0,0.0 It's wrong to break something that belongs to someone else.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's nice to have a wedding brunch the day after the wedding to support the couple.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to help children.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't buy things just because they are cheap.,1,1.0 It is okay to want time to yourself,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to renege on agreements you make with people.,1,0.5 People are expected to love their relatives.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should expect people to be scared of you if you're big and muscular.,1,0.5 Partners are expected to work together.,1,0.5 It's understandable that people always can't afford the things they want.,1,0.24999999999999994 Children are expected to help out their parents.,1,0.5 It's reasonable to be sad when you can't get what you want.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have income.,1,0.5 It's okay to be unsure about your feelings for yourself.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is pleasant to behave in friendly way to your spouse.,1,0.5 You're expected to defend your significant other.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't expect customers to do you favors.,0,0.0 You should not expect people to buy gifts for your party.,1,0.5 You shouldn't see scary movies if they freak you out so much.,0,0.0 It's wrong to steal from others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's gracious to forgive someone who has wronged you.,1,0.5 It is good to have a job.,1,0.5 It's ok to keep your phone inside your bra.,1,0.5 It's good to have a friendly relationship with your work colleagues if possible.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's allowed to tell people who are irritating to stop when you're at the end of your rope.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is important to not do more physical activity than you can handle.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wise to protect one's personal information.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to learn about yourself when you go to a nudist club.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't let your partner drive your expensive car if you have reason to think they will destroy it.,1,0.5 You shouldn't let your sibling befriend an adult if they are a minor.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is important to discuss situations with the person involved.,0,0.0 You shouldn't take parking spots away from someone who was waiting for it.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you look your own age.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to interfere with your sister's relationship.,0,0.0 It's expected that the husband pay child support.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to apologize for misbehaving.,0,0.0 It's normal for people to want to make a lot of money.,1,0.5 It's okay to be suspicious when you look for someone and only find questions.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to force people out of your home.,1,0.5 It's okay to have friends online.,1,0.5 You can't expect people to do the dishes all the time.,1,1.0 It's polite to respond when someone sends you a message.,1,0.5 It's normal for people to want to play in the snow.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should ask people to leave the room if you need to talk to someone in private.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't tell your kids what to do when it comes to their partner.,1,0.5 It's common for males to hold doors open for females as a sign of respect.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to feel regretful about your wasted teenage years.,1,0.5 It's wrong to give away things that aren't yours without permission.,0,0.0 It is okay to talk about troubling events.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable if you don't notice something in your path.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's polite to ask before you touch your friend's feet.,1,0.5 You shouldn't follow certain family members on social media.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to overly simply someone's problems.,1,0.5 You should make absolutely sure of your decision before using your authority over people.,0,0.0 You should break up with your partner if you are always wanting to cheat on them.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to have difficulties in a friendship.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't be biased against your students for not sharing your same beliefs.,0,0.0 A parent isn't expected to make excuses for the bad behavior of their former partner.,1,0.5 It is polite to pay half of the rent if you are living with someone.,1,0.5 It's good to go after what you want,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't have an affair if you're married.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always buy something if you have enough money for it.,1,0.5 It's important to take care of vulnerable members of society.,1,0.5 It's wise to follows the leadership of those with great experience.,1,0.5 It's expected that family members will generally agree with one another.,1,0.5 When someone teaches you how to do something it's exciting when you're finally better than them,1,0.5 It's okay to uninvite someone from your wedding when you're fighting with them.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to go to funerals.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to want some time to yourself,1,0.5 "It's unhealthy to cause young, undeveloped brains to have contact with marijuana.",1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad to refuse belongs because of antisemitism.,1,0.5 You shouldn't do things that would make someone feel the need to hate you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to judge someone based on their sexuality,1,0.5 It's bad to make big purchases behind your significant other's back.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're frustrated when your partner refuses to see a doctor.,1,0.5 It's wrong to guilt trip someone until they agree to date you.,1,0.5 You shouldn't make someone drop out of school.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be frustrated when you're framed for a mistake.,1,0.5 You should break it off if you grow too apart from your partner.,1,0.5 Getting an education is good for your future.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good for friends to comfort each other when in crisis.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable to be uncomfortable if someone reveals very personal information to you about themselves.,1,0.5 It's good for one to find a special person to spend the rest of their life with.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to impose restrictions on the people you're with.,0,0.0 It is expected that most people love tacos.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you think manners are a thing of the past.,1,0.5 It's good to like happy songs.,0,0.0 It's understandable to be worried about being cheated on.,1,0.7499999999999999 "It's normal to get jealous when someone buys something that you want, but can't afford to buy for yourself.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable that people don't always actually like their relatives.,1,0.5 It's good to get places as quick as possible.,1,0.5 It's wrong to tell your partner they are selfish.,1,0.5 It's good to keep your computer on your desk since that's where a computer usually sets.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's important to appear in court to state your case to the judge.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay for young adults to choose to live at hime.,1,0.5 It's wrong to wait until the last minute to do things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's great to get a job you love.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good for a parent to be honest with their child about family matters.,1,0.5 You should talk things over with others instead of getting mad.,0,0.0 It's wrong to hate people for having a different opinion than yours,1,0.7499999999999999 It's fine to spy on people's Facebooks.,1,0.5 You should always ask before going out somewhere if you're a kid.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to go running every day so you can get healthy.,1,0.5 It's wrong to be indecisive,1,0.5 "If you fall backwards, you should get help.",1,0.5 It is normal to want to go out if you are sick.,1,0.5 It's good to enjoy relaxing.,1,0.24999999999999994 Is good to spend time with family,1,0.24999999999999994 It's OK to receive multiple marriage proposals.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's discouraged to reopen old wounds by contacting a former lover.,1,0.5 You should video tape someone who is stalking you so you can use it as evidence against them in court.,1,0.5 It's expected that you let your parents see your children.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to trade your partner like an object with your friends.,1,0.5 It's good to be respectful during a breakup.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you don't want to give up your position in an argument with your step-sibling.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should divorce someone that cheats on you.,1,0.24999999999999994 A presentation is a good way to get several points across.,1,0.5 It's okay to leave your gun at home on Halloween.,1,0.5 It's good to double check things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to eat to much unhealthy food.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to laugh at someone when they trip on something.,1,0.5 It's not okay to have feelings for someone you work with.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to fear war.,0,0.0 You should always ask before going out somewhere if you're a kid.,1,0.7499999999999999 You are not obligated to provide party favors for other people.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should not emotionally abandon your partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's polite to compliment others.,1,0.5 It's not okay to worry about things you don't need to in life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fun to go out fishing with your grandparents.,1,0.5 You shouldn't start arguments with others in public.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to practice when you're involved in a sport.,1,0.5 You shouldn't feel forced to go on vacation if you don't want to.,1,0.5 You shouldn't get involved in family drama.,1,1.0 It's normal for married couples to have sexual relations.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to hurt animals for fun.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to help family when they can't do something on their own.,1,0.5 It's good to help children.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected to see a doctor when you're sick.,1,0.7499999999999999 Ignoring your childs symptoms when they are sick is a form of neglect.,1,0.5 Playing ping pong with a friend is a good way to spend time.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to want other's to respect your private office space at work.,1,0.5 It's good to celebrate someone's birthday.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is thoughtful to honor those who served in the armed forces.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't get upset at your partner.,1,0.5 It is good to be careful to avoid further injury to your leg.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be willing to pay a reasonable price for a service,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to tell your friends who they can hang out with.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to commit suicide.,1,0.24999999999999994 "It's good to try something new regardless of how it works out, because you won't know otherwise.",1,0.5 It's good to take care of your possessions so they don't get lost.,1,0.5 It is good to want the best happy life for everyone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to pee on the floor in the bathroom.,1,0.24999999999999994 "When a sibling confides in you, you are expected to maintain their secret for them.",1,0.5 You shouldn't intentionally ruin the joy of others.,1,0.5 It's okay that we don't always keep the same opinions that we use to have.,1,0.7499999999999999 After making dinner you should clean up your mess.,1,0.5 It is uncomfortable to be constantly checked on by your landlord.,1,0.24999999999999994 Parents are allowed to choose their baby's name.,0,0.0 It's wrong to resent somebody for moving.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't ignore someone's calls or texts.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's nice to give gifts on the holidays.,1,0.5 It is expected that you treat your spouse with respect,1,0.5 It's understandable to have difficulty moving on.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is lazy to ignore text because of the way it is formatted.,1,0.5 It's fine to play any video game you find appealing.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's mean to criticize someone's actions when it's too late to fix them.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't use the death or tragedy of someone else for your own personal gain.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should try to be understanding when someone says they hate something.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to be negligent,1,0.5 It is novel to get a custom cake made.,1,0.5 It's okay to park wherever there's room,1,1.0 It's good to wait for gifts from others.,1,1.0 It's understandable to want to fake having friends.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you don't like Burger King.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to cover for someone who is cheating.,1,0.5 It's rude to stop flirting with someone.,1,0.5 It's allowed to screech like a child at creepy crawly creatures.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should make sure you liked something before you bought it,0,0.0 You shouldn't drive drunk.,1,0.5 People are expected to want to stay in a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's hurtful to refuse to share a hotel room with your parents.,1,0.5 It's important to let people know when they are acting in ways that upset you.,1,0.5 It is expected that some mothers do not like being pregnant.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's fun to play video games.,1,0.5 It's good to help out parents and their kids.,1,0.5 It's okay to live with your parents if you need to,1,0.5 It's important to study for tests.,1,0.5 It's bad to hold a grudge about your relationship without talking about it.,0,0.0 As a parent you're expected to be there to support your child.,1,0.5 Trying to stop your friend from making a mistake that puts them in danger is expected.,1,0.5 It's good to talk about finances with your partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be honest about the physical interactions you have while on a break from a relationship.,1,0.5 It's normal to be shocked when you get a result you didn't expect.,0,0.0 It's acceptable to date younger women.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay if you are excited to let someone see your apartment.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to want to learn something new and grow as a person.,1,0.5 You should respect your cultural heritage.,1,0.24999999999999994 People should always apologize for being rude.,1,0.7499999999999999 City vehicles should not expect to park wherever they please.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is a lot of responsibility to not be able to miss a shift.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should talk with your child and see what you can do differently in the future if they do not love you.,1,0.5 You should respect your roommate's wishes when it comes to the house rules.,1,0.5 If you feel you can't feel any feelings you should talk to a therapist.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always help people out who are sick or wounded.,1,0.5 It is good to show respect for causes you believe in.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to help others when they need it.,1,0.5 It's rude to uninvite people to your wedding.,0,0.0 It's good to visit with your sister-in-law.,1,0.5 It's understandable to look for your father when he's missing.,1,0.24999999999999994 Partners are expected to help each other out with things they need done.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to betray your parents.,1,0.5 It's wrong to look down on people for minor things.,0,0.0 It's good to have hobbies you enjoy.,1,0.5 It is okay to be curious.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have something you wear for luck.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't avoid paying something because of a clerical mistake.,1,0.5 "If you suspect you might have melanoma, you should immediately see a doctor.",1,0.5 It is not always right to be early on choosing things.,1,0.5 You should stop by your customer's place of employment sometimes to support them.,1,0.7499999999999999 "It is rude to destroy someone's work, even if it is in a game.",0,0.0 It's perfectly fine to cancel an appointment that you cannot keep.,1,0.5 It's okay to be unsure what you want to do in the future.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should keep track of your possessions.,1,0.5 It is expected that you follow a set schedule.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't let things weigh on your mind.,1,0.5 Expressing feeling is best with someone you trust.,1,0.5 You shouldn't marry someone you don't want to marry.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's always good to preorder something so you make sure you get it when it comes out.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't just give up on your friends.,1,0.5 You shouldn't buy a lot of candy since it's unhealthy.,1,0.5 You shouldn't hide your true self from others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to infringe on someones boundary,0,0.0 It's expected for writing tasks to take longer if your handwriting is bad.,1,1.0 It's sadistic to cut off someone's skin and show it to them.,0,0.0 Parents are expected to pay for their children's education if they are able.,1,0.5 It's wrong to shun family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to heal.,1,0.5 It is okay to need space from your family.,1,0.5 Parents are expected to get their children all the recommended vaccinations that a doctor orders.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to be happy about something someone just gave you.,1,0.5 It's good to go places with your parents.,0,0.0 it's wrong to do things that could hurt members of your family.,1,0.5 It is okay to want to spend time with friends.,0,0.0 It's not good to drink on an empty stomach,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't be best friends with an ex.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't hook up with someone your friend doesn't approve of.,1,0.7499999999999999 It’s understandable to give up.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't be with a partner that cheats on you.,1,0.5 It's okay to be angry with people that you love when it comes to the safety of your children.,0,0.0 You should mind your own business when it comes to the private affairs of consenting adults,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to care about what you do for a job.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want to monitor employees behavior.,1,0.5 People should carry insurance in case they get into an accident.,1,0.5 You can't expect people to always open up about themselves.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't invade a coworker's workspace.,1,0.24999999999999994 Not everyone will enjoy camping.,1,0.5 It's wise to always plan out your route before you leave.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be jealous of your friend's new partner.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected that you drink responsibly.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to ask people intrusive questions.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to want to spend more time with your spouse.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be welcoming when someone moves north from the south.,1,0.5 It's mean to be demanding during the holidays.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable to need a ride from the airport.,1,0.5 It's okay to admit when you've been fooled.,0,0.0 It's normal for people want to share their thoughts.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to expect others to pay their debts,1,0.5 It's ok to maintain privacy in your own home.,1,0.24999999999999994 You are expected to attend the significant life events of your siblings.,0,0.0 It's disappointing when people down't want to return to your home.,1,0.5 It is ok to call someone weird if it is in a joking manner with a friend.,1,0.5 You shouldn't buy a lot of candy since it's unhealthy.,1,0.5 It's wrong to dox people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to put yourself in a dangerous situation.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to put older people in a hospice because it protects them.,0,0.0 It is risky for the elderly to play rough.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's irresponsible stop taking your medication,1,0.24999999999999994 You should report someone who sexually harasses you to the police.,1,0.7499999999999999 "If you want to dye your hair, you should get it done professionally at a salon so it looks nice.",1,0.5 People should seek treatment for substance dependence.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should learn your students' names if you're a teacher.,0,0.0 It's bad to not move on.,1,0.5 It's foolish to believe everything you are promised.,1,0.5 You are expected to show reverence at a funeral home.,1,0.5 Parents are expected to enforce rules with their children.,1,0.5 You should be supportive of your family when they're weak.,0,0.0 It's expected that you'll be supportive of your manager.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to go overboard trying to impress someone.,1,0.24999999999999994 People should seek to find ways of addressing employment issues without firing their workers.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should try to progress your world view to commonly accepted standards.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's fun to belong to a secret society.,1,0.5 It's understandable to find others in life attractive.,1,0.5 It's understood that people can't help it if they have feelings for someone else.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't marry someone you don't want to marry.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's right to try to help a friend who is having mental health problems.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't blame things on a sibling.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to try to fit in.,1,0.5 It's normal for parents to want to live near their children,1,0.5 You should check the weather forecast before leaving the house.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's difficult to attend a graduation when you won't be graduating.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is accomplished to finish multiple projects.,1,0.5 It's wise to follows the leadership of those with great experience.,1,0.5 It's good to get your steak well done so you know it's cooked through.,1,0.5 It's wrong for friends to have casual sex.,1,0.5 You should keep an eye on your young child so they don't wander off.,0,0.0 It's okay to enjoy powdered milk.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to be scared of someone who is big and muscular.,1,0.5 You should listen to the advice of doctor's,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to be part of an affair.,1,0.5 It is good to use dancing as an aerobic exercise for your health.,1,0.5 It's not okay to do things that could cause you to look foolish.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be in a long relationship.,1,0.5 When your child is sick it is expected that a doctor will see them.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be attentive to your stepchildren's needs when you have a new baby.,1,0.5 It's admirable to be able to admit your faults.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's acceptable to take flowers to a funeral.,1,0.5 It's mean to resent your daughter.,1,0.5 It is okay to feel conflicting emotions.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to pay child support.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to be in a romantic relationship with a teacher.,1,0.5 It's polite to respond when someone sends you a message.,1,0.5 You're expected to behave respectfully in a graveyard.,1,0.5 Ignoring your childs symptoms when they are sick is a form of neglect.,1,0.5 You shouldn't buy things just because they are cheap.,1,1.0 You should be respectful of other's peace and quiet.,1,0.5 You should not come between your spouse and their family.,0,0.0 It's good for people to spend time outdoors.,1,0.5 It's wrong to hide things from your loved ones.,0,0.0 You should call out cheaters.,1,0.5 It's not okay to not take care of your responsibilities in life.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should buy your own laptop.,1,0.5 Having fake accounts online is usually reserved for trolls.,1,0.5 It's good to flirt.,1,0.5 It's good to overcome one's nerves and perform well.,1,0.5 It's okay that people grieve in different ways.,1,0.5 You should expect to be arrested for assaulting someone.,1,0.5 It's okay that we don't always keep the same opinions that we use to have.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to get people to quit smoking.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to refer to someone as less than human.,1,0.5 It's fun to go out places with your kids.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to hold your partner back from improving their life.,1,0.5 It's not good to have your mental health on the border line.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to take unwarranted sick days.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to destroy someone's belongings.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that revealing secrets will lead to trouble.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is ok to be mad if someone did something rude.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't expect your kids to give you money.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's important to not beat yourself up over things you can't change.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to touch other people without permission.,0,0.0 It's understandable to feel nervous in a new social situation.,1,0.5 It's rude to want to snoop in your ex's online accounts.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you love something, it's good to confess it to the world.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's mean to ignore calls from your grandparents.,1,0.5 It is good to communicate your needs in a relationship.,1,0.5 It is dangerous for a doctor to misdiagnose a patient.,1,0.5 It's OK to take Nandos sauces because they supply them for free.,1,0.5 You should be honest with people about your past.,1,0.5 It's good to buy new shoes if you need them.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's allowed to have a love life.,1,0.5 You shouldn't expect others to pick up the tab for your mistakes.,1,0.5 It's okay to have weird sexual fetishes.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be happy.,1,0.5 It's not okay for a person not to be able to figure things out on their own.,1,0.5 You should try hard to connect with someone who is putting in the effort to connect with you.,0,0.0 It's understandable to not want to be around a sick person.,1,0.5 It's wrong to be scared of your home.,1,0.5 It is unpatriotic to avoid enlisting in the army.,1,0.5 It is stimulating to go to an entirely new school.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to prohibit your child from dating.,1,0.5 You shouldn't get involved with your friend's partner or crush.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should get some therapy if you think you know what death is really like.,1,0.5 It's okay to not let someone do something inappropriate at your wedding.,1,0.5 It is unacceptable to wish death on anyone.,0,0.0 It's okay to be uncertain of what you are.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to make sure your parent's new partner is safe.,1,0.5 It's OK to get angry when someone cheats on you.,1,0.5 It's good to take care of your possessions so they don't get lost.,1,0.5 It is self serving to push your own agenda.,1,0.5 It's good to start a new life in a new place.,1,0.5 It's understandable for people to doubt themselves from time to time.,1,0.5 It's fine to set ground rules for guests at your wedding to follow.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to check the weather before leaving for the day.,1,0.5 It's okay to change your look.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's potentially deviant to play games that result in outcomes involving physical interaction.,1,0.5 It's acceptable to look for bargains when shopping.,1,0.5 It's wrong to cheat on your spouse.,1,0.5 It's not okay to hint around at things to people about things that upset you.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to find a handsome man.,1,0.5 It is good to enjoy a bike ride.,1,0.5 It's discouraged to give up your virginity to someone too drunk to care who you are.,1,0.5 It is rude to refuse to help someone who needs it.,1,0.5 It is apathetic to be unconcerned for the welfare of a child.,1,0.5 It's detestable to deceive someone into thinking you're of a legal age to consent when that's not true.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should not go to someone's wedding when you fall out with them.,1,0.5 It's admirable to be welcoming and friendly to your neighbors.,1,0.5 It's good to be in charge at work,1,0.7499999999999999 "It's normal that sometimes, when someone likes us, we don't feel the same way.",1,0.24999999999999994 It is unreasonable to be scared of a tiny bug like a maggot.,0,0.0 It is okay to be attracted to certain things.,1,0.5 It's wise to save up money if you're able to.,1,0.5 It's bad to have things bothering you for a long time.,1,0.5 You should always make sure you have healthcare.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should get married when you love someone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to wait until the last minute to do your homework.,1,0.5 It's irresponsible to let your own insecurities come through in your interactions with others.,0,0.0 It's fine to take solace in death if something good was able to come as a result of the death.,1,0.5 It is okay to be curious.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay for people to ride their bikes to and from school.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be scared when you're addicted to drugs.,0,0.0 It's good to have a sense of humor.,1,0.5 It's wrong not to employ your family members.,1,0.5 It's rude stomp around.,1,0.5 It's wrong not to offer healthcare to everyone since it's a right and not a privilege.,0,0.0 It's understandable that people do things that are silly sometimes.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always carry a charger with you in case your GPS or phone dies.,1,0.5 You should realize you are better than people who would try to put you out.,1,0.5 It is good to get permission.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to take care of a busted light bulb before you sit down to eat.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to have an overly pessimistic world view.,1,0.5 It is of bad taste to cheat with someone's partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should not be angry at your roommate's dog.,1,0.5 It's good to establish boundaries for yourself.,1,0.5 It's good to look around a lot before you find something you really like.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's ok to pursue any college degree you find appealing.,1,0.24999999999999994 Children are expected to speak in a respectful manner to their parents.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't tell people things are okay when they're not.,1,0.5 It's allowed to want to spend the evening with someone you've been going out with.,1,0.5 It's expected to be upset when confronted with many let downs all at once.,0,0.0 You shouldn't take on a lead role at your ex's funeral since that lead role should be for their family or current partner.,0,0.0 You shouldn't let your house get really cold if you don't like it.,1,0.5 It's not okay to yell at other people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to remove yourself from a stressful situation.,1,0.5 It's okay for a bride to choose a groomsman.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to intimidate others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected to dress up for fancy events.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's encouraged you spend time with people you enjoy so you don't get sick of strangers and are reminded why humans are good!,1,0.5 It's expected that you respect your parents.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable to be disappointed if your time is coming to an end.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to love your friend platonically.,1,0.5 It's allowed to admit to people when you need their help.,1,0.5 It is unlikely that someone will give up their favorite thing.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to feel like anyone should have a bad life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is important to respect other people's relationships.,0,0.0 It's understandable to seek out healthy people to be intimate with.,0,0.0 It's wrong to hide from new experiences.,1,0.5 "It's bad to take slots that could education children, for yourself.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to want to please others.,0,0.0 It's bad to insult someone without a valid reason.,1,0.5 You should always do what you are asked.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's fine to like a show.,1,0.5 It's understandable to ban someone's account when they break the rules.,1,0.5 It is good to be a good listener,1,0.5 It's wrong not to let someone show off that they are pregnant.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to want to give your available seats to an important event to friends instead of family.,1,0.5 It's good to want someone to look their best.,1,0.5 It's okay to want to shut down an acquaintance if you have good reason.,1,0.5 It's smart to get the experience necessary for positions you want to be in,1,0.5 It's understandable to be upset by office politics.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to take positive actions.,1,0.5 It's good to help your elderly family members with electronics.,1,0.5 It's fine to have a sexual fantasy about almost anything you find stimulating.,1,0.5 If a new dog is not nice it is ok to dislike it.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to be to focused on material things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's criminal to inflict sexual trauma on someone else.,0,0.0 It's good to be patient.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you'll need to pay a repair shop for their services.,1,0.5 It's good to make people think about their positions.,1,0.5 It's wrong to put on an act in front of others.,1,0.5 It is good to let others know your feelings about them.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to give people money that are in need.,1,0.5 It's bad to hate babies.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always practice good manners.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should follow the rules on an airplane.,1,0.5 It's rude to decline food that a host offers you.,0,0.0 It's wrong to steal from others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to hog communal equipment so others cannot use it.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to play the same song twice in a row.,1,0.5 It's unprofessional to continue treating a patient that has feelings for you.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be polite to people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you invite your friends to your wedding.,1,0.5 You should always trust your nanny.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should keep your problems to yourself if someone doesn't care about it.,1,0.5 It's okay to have friends online.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be upset.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be annoyed when your step-sibling is being stubborn in a dispute.,0,0.0 You should take your responsibilities seriously,1,0.5 It's not okay to not accept people for who they are.,1,0.5 It's good to want to be a cop to serve the public.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be up and about and not be lazy.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is expected to celebrate special events with family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's allowed to have a love life.,1,0.5 It's mean to choose sides.,1,0.5 It's normal for people to want to have a family.,1,0.5 It is rude to stop talking to a sibling.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is apathetic to be unconcerned for the welfare of a child.,1,0.5 It's nice to give advice to someone who doesn't know what they are.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's rude to disapprove of somebody's fashion sense because you are prejudice.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal for children to outlive their parents,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to say someone's cooking is only fit for animals.,1,0.5 It's good to open up to people about your feelings.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's ok to socialize while shopping.,1,0.5 You should tell your boss if your coworker uses a racial slur.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to influence children is ways their parents wouldn't approve.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you don't want to foster pets.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always include your family members in your birthday plans.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't care who your friends hook up with.,1,0.5 It's good to care about what you do for a job.,1,0.5 People will eventually get annoyed with you if you're always doom and gloom.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to stop eating a lot if you're overeating.,1,0.5 It is rude for another event to take over the mind's of wedding guests.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to try to fit in.,1,0.5 It's wrong to wait until the last minute to study.,1,0.5 It's fine to have any sexual fetish that excites you.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should give people money when you owe them,1,0.5 It's fine to feel trapped sometimes.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to feel angry at yourself.,1,0.5 It's good to get a spot of exercise when possible.,1,0.5 It's good to receive early screenings for diseases.,1,0.5 It's okay to be annoyed by other people's habits.,0,0.0 It's good to try new things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to litter.,1,0.5 It's bad to be in pain.,1,0.5 It is wrong to touch something that isn't yours.,0,0.0 It's understandable if you're tired when you turn the clocks forward for daylight savings.,1,0.5 It is wrong to do drugs.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to spend time with your friends.,1,0.5 It's frowned upon to pick at yourself.,1,0.5 It's good to show respect to future AI overlords.,1,0.5 It is wrong to tell a partner how to dress.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to hurt somebody who's stealing from you,1,0.5 It's not okay to forbid your significant other from doing something.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be excited about things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected for a trainer to give good advice.,1,0.5 It's frowned upon to commit fraud.,1,0.5 It's good to be helpful to your roommates.,1,0.5 It is okay to be proud of your possessions.,1,0.5 It's fine to not want to speak to someone if they did something wrong.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's typical to share a room with family members at a hotel.,1,0.5 You should keep an eye on your young child so they don't wander off.,0,0.0 You should be careful with other people's things.,0,0.0 If you know your best friend is shy it is reasonable for them to be scared to give a speech at your wedding.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong for a friend to be concerned about someone's sex life.,1,0.5 It's good to clean up your living space.,1,0.5 It can be frustrating to deal with someone with a disability.,1,0.24999999999999994 People are expected to heed scientific evidence.,0,0.0 You shouldn't ask your friend to support you financially.,1,0.5 It's wrong to be into cuckolding.,1,0.5 It's good to make breakfast for yourself and others.,0,0.0 "If you need advice, it's important to get it as soon as possible.",0,0.0 It is unreasonable to be scared of a tiny bug like a maggot.,0,0.0 You should enjoy your teens age.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's ok to keep a distance to maintain a friendship.,1,0.5 It's bad to lie to people about your health.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't criticize someone's clothes.,1,0.5 It's understandable to not want to get more education if you're already working.,1,0.5 It's wrong to tell lies about people.,1,0.5 It's good to appreciate your friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to allow your child to make independent choices.,0,0.0 It is bad to let addiction control your life.,1,0.5 It is normal to buy things you need.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not typically expected to put butter on a donut.,1,0.5 "If you don't want your teenager to rebel, you should grant them some leniency.",1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to show people that you have matured from the person you used to be.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should go back to school if you hate your job and want to try a new field.,1,0.5 You should be polite if you need to decline a gift.,1,0.5 You're expected to back up snide remarks with facts.,1,0.5 It's irresponsible to let your own insecurities come through in your interactions with others.,0,0.0 It is expected most people would be upset if their best friend was dating their ex.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be frustrated.,1,0.5 People are expected to be supportive of their family members.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is ok to ask for help if you need help parking.,1,0.5 It's expected that you grieve for lost loved ones right away.,1,0.5 It's expected that you're pets will be happy to see you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to cheat on your significant other.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to park wherever there's room,1,1.0 It's normal to want others to like you.,1,0.5 It's wrong to sell people.,0,0.0 It's good not to spend a lot of money.,1,0.5 It's expected that kids will do things to help out their parents.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected that teachers and students will maintain a professional relationship.,1,0.5 It's nice to be a likable person.,1,0.5 It's encouraged to find someone to love.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't take your partner to a nudist resort.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that some people have trysts in airplanes.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to be down on yourself when you tried your best.,1,0.5 It's good to be responsible.,1,0.5 You should always give your kids financial advice.,1,0.5 It's wrong to say things around kids that could influence them in a negative way.,0,0.0 It is acceptable to establish rules about respect.,1,0.5 You should encourage someone who gets help when their life is bad.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be excited when you go to the zoo.,0,0.0 You should be clear about your intentions with other people.,0,0.0 It's important to have trust in a romantic relationship in order to have a healthy relationship.,1,0.5 It is rude to reject an invitation to a special event.,1,0.5 It's okay to try and believe in a higher power when going through tough times,1,0.5 It's good to give healthy food to others.,1,0.5 It is good to enjoy time with your grandmother.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to have things in life that you enjoy.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you get paranoid when people have weapon props on Halloween.,1,0.5 It's wrong to not work at work.,0,0.0 It is wrong to tell people what to do,1,0.5 It's okay to question whether or not you've experienced trauma.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you're sad when no one notices your drug addiction.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be angry if your friend gets you in trouble.,1,0.5 Don't be afraid to ignore people who are deliberately trying to annoy you.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't make stupid decisions.,1,0.5 It is good to be polite.,1,0.5 People are expected to get presents for Christmas.,1,0.5 It's wrong to do something purposely to hurt someone who didn't do anything to you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to breakup with people.,1,0.5 You should not be mean to other people.,1,0.5 It is normal to confront someone about an unhealthy habit if you care about them.,0,0.0 It's unfortunate when people fix in on one thing.,1,0.5 It is expected that most people love tacos.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to leave people out of something important.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to give someone a gift who does not want it.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to do things that make other people's live's more difficult.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable for children to not know how to react to a friends injury.,1,0.5 It's courteous for you to reply back to people who messaged you online,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to go against your parent's wishes.,1,0.5 It's nice to host families.,1,0.5 It is good to take responsibility when you have done something wrong,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't fantasize about torture because it's wrong.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to travel without planning a known route.,1,0.5 It's fine to have any sexual fetish that excites you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's dangerous to touch an electrical outlet,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you contribute your work to a group project.,1,0.5 It's wrong to exclude your family from your life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that people will flush the toilet after every use.,1,0.5 You shouldn't laugh at inappropriate things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's great to give things to people that will mean something to them,1,0.5 It's wrong to enjoy it when your family isn't happy about something.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be supportive of your grandparents when they show you the menu for their restaurant.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to buy others expensive gifts that cause them to spend money.,1,0.5 It's bad to be a hacker.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to teach kids things they aren't ready for.,1,0.5 You are in the right for leaving a significant other if they are engaging in dangerous behaviors.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have a dream job.,1,0.5 It's fine to feel angry when you have been disrespected by people.,1,0.5 It's good to practice your cheer formation with friends.,1,0.5 It's okay to express your political leanings when you are teaching religion.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to not want people close to you to hang out with your ex.,0,0.0 It's acceptable to not forgive someone after a sexual infidelity has occurred.,1,0.7499999999999999 When your child is sick it is expected that a doctor will see them.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to change things if they aren't working for you.,1,0.5 It's acceptable to break up with someone when you've developed feelings for someone else.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to suggest fun activities for others.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should make sure you're ready before having children,1,0.5 It's okay to feel sad when you can't be in a family picture.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's nice for friends to throw a party for a friend.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want to watch someone practice.,1,0.5 It is normal to confront someone about an unhealthy habit if you care about them.,0,0.0 It's expected that you congratulate your best friend for a significant life event.,1,0.5 People are expected to be supportive of family.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If your car is old, you should buy a new one if you have the funds.",1,0.5 It's expected that you clean up after your toddler.,1,0.5 It is common for people to enjoy the company of animals.,1,0.5 It is OK to refuse to pay more rent than you feel you should,1,1.0 You should give people money when you owe them,1,0.5 It's normal to want to clear up space.,1,0.24999999999999994 People shouldn't wreck the concentration of others for selfish needs.,0,0.0 It's rude to tell others what to do.,1,0.5 It's good to get some exercise with a nice long run.,1,0.5 It's nice to have a wedding.,1,0.5 It's good to buy the things you need.,1,0.5 You should be accepting of other people's bodies.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to conceal your identity.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to engage in illegal activities,1,0.5 It's rude to tell someone to stop sitting by you.,1,0.24999999999999994 People should cultivate a love for living.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to reuse and repurpose items.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't eat your co workers food.,1,0.5 It's expected that families will not get along well with their in-laws.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to be jealous of countries that are more awesome than the one you live in.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to keep things you own in your room.,1,0.5 It's good to give treats to your pets.,1,0.5 It is good to help people who are down on their luck.,1,0.5 You should break up with your partner if you are always wanting to cheat on them.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't let your kitten outside since it might get run down by a car.,1,0.5 It's kind to use your skills to help someone's artistic endeavor.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't keep your relationships a secret.,1,0.5 It's understood that sometimes people act out in public.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't annoy the people you sit by.,0,0.0 It's nice to like someone's post.,1,0.5 It's good to get a friend's help.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should always expect criticism from people for your eating habits.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to be relieved about things when something turns out not to be serious.,1,0.5 You aren't expected to go to your parents house every year for Thanksgiving after you move out if you don't feel like it,1,0.5 It's good to make food for people.,1,0.5 It's wrong for co-workers to treat each other badly.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be polite to other people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected that grand parents will attend their grand child's performances.,0,0.0 It's not okay to make people do things they might not want to do.,1,0.5 It is bad to leave work early without permission,1,0.5 You shouldn't make fun of people that wear diapers if they have a real medical need to wear them.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is understandable to want to be a part of your spouse's family.,1,0.5 It is dramatic to run to the doctor everytime your child feels sick.,1,0.5 You should always make time for others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to want to do things even if your not sure how it will go.,1,0.5 It's good to have patience with other people,1,0.5 It is good to be generous.,1,0.5 Finding a suitable companion is expected to be a difficult process.,1,0.5 It's good for grandkids to play with their grandparents.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's courageous to join the military and defend the freedom of your country.,1,0.5 It's important to let your partner know about your needs.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to like to live a life that is comfortable to you.,0,0.0 It's smart to put one's money toward practical things.,1,0.5 You should get your chores done as soon as possible so that you aren't putting them off till the last minute,0,0.0 It's good to keep trying at something until you get really good at it.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't ignore others.,0,0.0 You shouldn't mistake Cholula sauce for your beer or you're going to have a bad time.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always question someone's character when they say something inappropriate.,1,1.0 It's expected that people will want to keep their kitchen tidy.,0,0.0 It's good to be prepared before you go somewhere new.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to waste your money on expensive things you don't need.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to get out of your comfort zone and try something new.,0,0.0 It's wrong for employees to handle personal business on their employer's time.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's smart to arrive at the airport well in advance.,1,0.5 You shouldn't pry into your friend's relationships.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's ok to change your strategy when working on something.,1,0.5 It's ok to have any sexual fetish that turns you on.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to coerce your friends into doing unhealthy activities.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's normal to want a connection with another human being.,0,0.0 It's desirable for people to be understanding in communications to those who speak English as a second language.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to advertise your place of work.,1,0.5 "If you see police in the area, expect there to be an emergency.",1,0.24999999999999994 You should correct others' misunderstandings.,1,0.7499999999999999 People should save up money to buy the things they want.,0,0.0 It's irresponsible to prioritize drinking or drugs over the wellbeing of your children.,1,0.5 It's bad to wish death upon anyone.,1,0.24999999999999994 People should seek treatment for substance dependence.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should clean something up when you drop it and break it.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to be lying to the people in your life.,1,0.5 People shouldn't date others based solely on their age.,1,0.5 It's okay to be angry at your partner if they do something inappropriate in public.,0,0.0 It's rude to assume you'll be appreciated on Mother's Day when you don't have children.,1,0.5 It's okay to ask for help when you have problems with your family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's impolite to lie.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to not like your significant other's friends.,1,0.5 You shouldn't idolize family members.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't fantasize about torture because it's wrong.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is reasonable to angry if someone tells you you are not welcome in their home.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't pretend to be suffering from a health condition,1,0.5 It's fine to cancel an event if you didn't plan it.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to want what is best for the country.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to never have sex with your spouse.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad to run over someone.,0,0.0 You shouldn't do awful things to your ex.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to blackmail people.,1,0.5 It's okay to contact your significant other through different means.,1,0.5 It's normal for affairs to affect the whole family.,1,0.5 You should move on after a relationship ends,1,0.5 People are expected to follow the directions of security personnel.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to terminate a relationship out of convenience.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't be a bad girlfriend or boyfriend.,1,0.24999999999999994 People should follow the rules.,1,0.5 You should realize you are better than people who would try to put you out.,1,0.5 "If you daydream about murdering people, you should seek therapy.",1,0.5 It's rude to ditch your friend for someone else.,1,0.5 It's normal to try to read when you can't sleep at night.,1,0.5 It's rude to ban someone's account.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't put a pacifier in an adult's mouth.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should be careful when you're walking on a path.,1,0.5 It's not good to think about the worst in a situation.,1,0.5 You shouldn't feel obligated to play host for your partner's ex.,0,0.0 You should be clear about your intentions with other people.,0,0.0 As long as you show up before closing time it is ok to walk into a shop at the end of their hours.,1,0.5 It's okay to choose sides.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should speak with family and friends if you are feeling depressed.,0,0.0 It's wrong to lead others on.,1,0.5 It's nice to represent change in your generation.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to want to be a 50's housewife because women back then were oppressed.,0,0.0 You shouldn't ignore others.,0,0.0 It's understandable if you cry when you're in pain.,1,0.24999999999999994 Putting your life at risk for others is noble and praiseworthy.,1,0.5 People shouldn't betray the trust of those they're close to.,1,0.5 It's rude to only want to listen to specific details.,1,0.5 It is expected people will follow the rules of the road when riding a bike.,0,0.0 It's wrong to let your mood impact your relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 You have to do whatever is necessary in an emergency situation.,1,0.24999999999999994 Partners are expected to share their life history with each other.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't stop suddenly when someone is right behind you.,1,0.5 People should cultivate a love for living.,1,0.24999999999999994 It’s bad to not be able to get over an ex.,1,0.5 It's understandable for a person with a mental issue to act on that issue.,1,0.5 You should be able to give criticism to your friends.,1,0.5 "If you're suicidal, you should get some therapy.",1,0.24999999999999994 You should support your friends and have their backs.,0,0.0 It's understandable to have a relationship end.,1,0.5 It's not right for children to be angry with their parents.,1,0.5 It's not okay to tell someone who they should have friends with.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be self-conscious when you get a mastectomy.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to only care about what others think of you.,1,0.5 It's expected that parents should love their children.,1,0.5 Getting an education is good for your future.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be upset with someone if they don't want your friends around as well.,1,0.5 Parents should support your children's decisions,1,0.24999999999999994 It's important to stay properly hydrated.,1,0.5 People should rotate through their frozen food to avoid it getting freezer burned.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to support one person more than another.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad to yell at your friends.,1,0.5 It's good to save money for the future to buy other things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to tell people what to do,1,0.5 It's wrong to use people.,1,0.5 It's good to sell things to others.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't abandon your pets.,1,0.5 You should let your friends make their own decisions about retirement.,1,0.5 you should not pass notes in class.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to make promises to yourself.,0,0.0 It's normal for married couples to have sexual relations.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be distraught at the death of a marriage partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to not keep secrets.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's heroic to take action during a fire emergency to avoid spread of the flames.,1,0.5 It is good to plan ahead,0,0.0 You shouldn't move in with your partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to miss a family member that passed away.,1,0.24999999999999994 People should treat all creatures with kindness.,1,0.5 Going out with a family member is a good way to maintain a close relationship with that person.,1,0.5 It is good to do nice things for your significant other,0,0.0 You should be supportive of someone who had a mastectomy.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to say thank you when people help you,1,0.5 People are expected to enjoy sitting outside on a nice day.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to make food for people.,1,0.5 It's okay to learn about yourself when you go to a nudist club.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is not okay to commit suicide.,1,0.5 You should save your money for important purchases.,1,0.5 It is wrong to lie to people about your sexual identity.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't feel too bad about receiving criticism if it is helpful.,1,0.5 It's rude to call someone out on something.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be up and about if you're sick.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to be honest when you give your kids the sex talk.,1,0.5 It's evil to kill people and distribute their belongings.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to not want discord in your family.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want to breath clean air.,1,0.5 It's acceptable to euthanize a sick animal.,1,0.5 It's bad to overshare.,1,0.5 It’s understandable to have trouble getting over someone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's important to get help when you need it.,0,0.0 It's understandable if you feel nostalgic when you move.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to end a relationship if it isn't working for you.,1,0.5 It is important to be healthy.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to have sexual interecourse with someone as long as it is consensual,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable to still be sexually attracted to an ex-partner.,0,0.0 It's inappropriate to take family members on job interviews.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to not work at work.,0,0.0 "People shouldn't want others to debase them, as it mars their souls.",1,0.5 It's understandable to truly enjoy sleep after staying up very late.,1,0.5 It is OK to refuse to pay more rent than you feel you should,1,1.0 It's always good to help someone out if they are dyeing their hair because it's hard to do by yourself.,1,0.5 It is self serving to push your own agenda.,1,0.5 It's rude to burp in public really loudly.,1,0.5 It's bad to reveal secrets.,1,0.5 It's not okay to not be able to get out of a bad situation.,1,0.5 It's okay to be sad when you move from your childhood home.,1,0.5 It's good to use proper grammar.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's normal to apply to multiple universities.,1,0.24999999999999994 You can't go online if the router is down.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't tell someone who is religious that you're an atheist.,1,0.5 Excluding your kids' partner because you don't like them is reasonable.,1,0.5 It is rude to leave without holding your spot for someone else.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to find a compromise on things.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't be friends with someone that ditches you.,1,0.5 "If you want green grass on your lawn, you should water it more.",1,0.5 You should be excited about what you do every day,1,0.5 It's bad to physically harm yourself on purpose.,0,0.0 It's good to help your kids with homework.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should keep a savings account for emergencies.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's frustrating when others don't share the same enthusiasm for a holiday as you do.,1,0.5 It's good to spend time with people outdoors.,1,0.5 You shouldn't discriminate against someone based on race.,1,0.5 You don't have to let other people beat you in a competition.,1,0.7499999999999999 Family members should remain loyal and close to one another.,0,0.0 You should not be mean to other people.,1,0.5 You should invite your siblings over.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable to be jealous of your partner's income.,1,1.0 It's wrong to pretend to be friends with a person for personal gain.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should thank someone who helps you when you need it.,1,0.5 You shouldn't talk to your ex anymore.,1,0.5 "It's expected that people will grieve for others, no matter how bad they were in life.",1,0.5 You should attend memorial services for loved ones.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should try not to lose things.,1,0.5 It's expected that coworkers will support each other.,1,0.5 It's wrong to hide something from your spouse so that they can't find it when they need it.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to take your younger relative out to eat.,1,0.5 You parents don't have to share their personal situation with you if they don't want to.,1,0.5 It's wrong to do something purposely to hurt someone who didn't do anything to you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to not want friends to continuously repeat things,0,0.0 You shouldn't overestimate things.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should watch where you're going so you don't trip and fall.,1,0.5 It's good to learn something that can improve your health.,1,0.5 You shouldn't expect your friend to not kick you out.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad to be only attracted to fictional characters.,1,0.5 It is normal to be upset if someone is stealing copy paper at your school.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's OK to not be attracted to someone based on their race.,1,1.0 You shouldn't be with someone you don't love.,1,0.5 It's not okay to disrespect the home you live in.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal for friends to play games together.,1,0.5 You are in the right for leaving a significant other if they are engaging in dangerous behaviors.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's nice to give other people flowers.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's considerate to not want to wake up people or animals when they're asleep,1,0.5 It is expected that you change something in your life when you are bored with it.,1,0.5 It's understandable to feel hurt by your partner not being open with you.,1,0.5 It's okay to work extra to support your family at home,0,0.0 It's good to take action to improve yourself.,1,0.5 You shouldn't expect a good grade if you didn't follow directions for your assignment.,1,0.5 It is lazy to ignore text because of the way it is formatted.,1,0.5 It is wrong to tell someone else what to do.,1,0.5 It's normal for a color to wear out,1,0.5 It's good to help people out during catastrophic events.,1,0.5 "You should always take care of the family pets, even when your partner is sick.",1,0.5 It's not okay to not appreciate other peoples good fortunes.,1,0.5 You shouldn't let the death of a plant make you sad.,1,0.5 You're expected to improve your qualifications in order to get a better job.,1,0.5 It's not okay to set yourself up where their could be an argument with friends.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable for someone to care about how they present themselves.,1,0.5 You're expected to keep your mouth shut about what happens at a stag.,1,0.5 It's rude to expect someone to thank you when you give them a bad gift.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should fire someone who sexually harasses their coworkers.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you rush when you're late to work.,1,0.24999999999999994 You don't have to let other people beat you in a competition.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should learn to respect your parents in law.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to feel other people are inferior to you.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be uncomfortable if someone reveals very personal information to you about themselves.,1,0.5 You should be careful carrying ice,1,0.5 It's good to introduce children to new interests.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is frustrating if you don't receive an answer to a question.,1,0.5 You shouldn't expect all students to get involved in sports at school.,1,0.5 It's bad to cause trouble at an event which is very important for your sibling.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If a stranger asks for directions, it's nice to help them as much as you can.",1,0.5 It's important to not beat yourself up over things you can't change.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't get involved with your ex.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be suspicious when someone doesn't cry when their spouse dies.,1,1.0 It's understandable if you're happy you have good genes.,1,0.24999999999999994 People shouldn't feel embarrassed to want to make their money stretch as far as possible.,1,0.5 It's understandable to feel left out.,1,0.5 It's good to share what you have with others,1,0.5 It's understandable if you need coffee to get yourself going.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should enjoy activities with the people close to you.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't ever using the n word.,1,0.5 It's bad to knock someone out.,1,0.5 It's understandable to fear for your children when they're in danger.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have role models that you can look up to.,1,0.5 It's fun to do things with your friends.,1,0.5 It is rude to refuse a gift from a family member.,1,0.5 You should expect people to sometimes miss their chance in life.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't sexually harass people.,1,0.5 It is wrong to use utilities and not pay for them.,1,0.5 You should make every point in a presentation good.,1,0.5 It is wrong to bully people,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be upset with a co-worker who is not pulling their weight at work.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't screw around with married people.,1,0.5 People should care for their family members.,1,0.5 It's expected that family is trusting of one another.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to be polite.,1,0.5 You shouldn't do things that make you ashamed of yourself.,1,0.5 It is good to help a frined love themselves.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to be unfaithful in a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 You don't have to be responsible for your cousin's problems.,1,0.5 It's considerate to help out an elderly person.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you cry when you're in pain.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't judge the way your friends are.,1,0.5 You shouldn't ask your family to donate money,0,0.0 It's okay to question your grandparents' judgement.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to steal stacks of copy paper from school.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't be friends with someone who wants you and your partner to have sex with them.,1,0.5 It's not okay to expect someone in your relationship to overly sacrifice for you.,0,0.0 You are allowed to be concerned about the health of family members.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to want time to yourself,1,0.24999999999999994 It is normal to contact someone on Craigslist about a a listing.,1,0.5 It's good to come forward about past abuse.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's important to remain strong in the eyes of one's children.,0,0.0 It can be very helpful to your parents to babysit your siblings.,1,0.5 It is okay to have feelings from somebody from a long time ago.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to reminisce on good memories.,1,0.5 It's understood that sometimes things don't work out for the best.,1,0.5 It's important to be gentle when you wake someone up from a nap.,0,0.0 It's good to pay people back.,1,0.5 "If you can't get over your partner's sexual history, it's okay to end the relationship.",0,0.0 It's wrong to multitask things.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is okay to not get along with family members.,1,0.5 You should not dwell on bad things from the past,1,0.5 It's understandable to have difficulty breaking up with your significant other.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable that sometimes an accident happens while a person is driving.,1,0.5 It is normal to want to spend a lot of time with a significant other.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to donate to charity,1,0.5 It's wrong to keep gifts when the circumstances change drastically.,1,0.5 It's good to be dedicated.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's hurtful to be cut off by a family member.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected that some people might have a harder time earning money.,0,0.0 It is overwhelming to be a mentally unstable with another child on the way.,1,0.5 It's okay to tell your child they can't meet up with their friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to trade your partner like an object with your friends.,1,0.5 It's okay to be honest with your friends.,1,0.5 You should feel comfortable sleeping in bed.,1,0.5 It is good to dress appropriately before leaving the house.,1,0.5 Its not okay to make a friend of a friend leave if your friend wants them there.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to like to live a life that is comfortable to you.,0,0.0 You should plan accordingly if you have to get up early when daylight savings begins.,1,0.5 It's understandable for people to hesitate to trust others when they have had their trust betrayed in the past.,1,0.5 It is unpleasant to be depressed all the time.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to throw chemicals in people's eyes.,0,0.0 It is okay to need time away from your family.,1,0.5 You shouldn't pressure your romantic partner to do things they aren't comfortable with,1,0.5 You shouldn't judge a restaurant you haven't eaten at.,1,0.5 It's important not to disrupt a wedding,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't expect your ex to be friends with you.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't be violent.,1,0.5 You should reach out when you don't know what you are.,1,0.5 It's rude to ask someone you're engaged to that they go away.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be careful who you fall in love with.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable if you're tired when you turn the clocks forward for daylight savings.,1,0.5 It is ok to be upset if your boyfriend does not want to talk.,1,0.5 It’s good to love someone.,1,0.5 It's important for partners to trust one another.,0,0.0 It's okay to be wary of people with a nasty temper.,1,0.5 It's exciting for you to win a contest,0,0.0 It's normal to want others to like you.,1,0.5 You should expect to be punished when you play pranks on people.,1,0.5 Sometimes you need to put in extra work to get things done.,1,0.5 It's good to do things for your health.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to keep one's untoward deeds a secret.,1,0.5 It's understandable to have difficulty getting over a crush.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should just be honest with people instead of beating around the bush.,1,0.5 It's understandable that people don't want to talk about their struggles sometimes.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that a parent be polite to their children.,1,0.5 "It's expected that people will grieve for others, no matter how bad they were in life.",1,0.5 It's wrong to record someone having sex without their knowledge.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have things in common with your partner's parents.,0,0.0 It's okay to not like the same people as a significant other.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to cut out people who are toxic to you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to apply for a new job if you need money.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that people will get to know one another before becoming a couple.,1,0.5 It is expected that children do risky things.,1,0.5 Is good to care about other people,1,0.5 It's good to be supportive of your partner.,1,0.5 It's ok to say no to sex.,1,0.5 It's okay to express your concerns when someone drinks too much coffee.,1,0.5 It's good to think someone needs a change in their life.,1,0.5 It is okay to not trust everyone.,1,0.5 It's good to forgive someone for their behavior at a party.,0,0.0 It's not expected that you shower with your friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to put yourself in a dangerous situation.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that people be aware of road conditions and drive safely.,1,0.5 "You shouldn't get too caught up in memories and instead should work to make the most of your life today, in the present",1,0.24999999999999994 "If you still miss your dead family member, you should get some therapy.",1,0.5 You shouldn't spend so much time thinking about death.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have an intimate meal with someone you care about.,1,0.5 It's okay to be hurt if your spouse cheats on you,1,0.5 Partners are expected to share their life history with each other.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to make some bad investments as you learn.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's ok to end a relationship that isn't working for you.,1,0.5 It's not okay to do things that could hurt the people who are concerned's feelings.,1,0.5 It's fine to remove yourself from a stressful situation.,1,0.5 People are expected to admit their fault and make amends when they accidentally harm others.,1,0.5 it is good to learn new things.,1,0.5 It's bad to have sex with a woman who is in a relationship,1,0.5 People are expected to get presents for Christmas.,1,0.5 It's expected that some licenses take longer to obtain than others.,1,0.5 It's wrong to be part of an affair.,1,0.5 Trying to stop your friend from making a mistake that puts them in danger is expected.,1,0.5 It's okay if you are tired at work if you want to ask to go home.,1,0.5 It's okay to prefer a certain gender when you're having a child.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be sad during the holidays.,1,0.7499999999999999 "If there's a bunch of old food in your fridge, you should toss it all out.",1,0.5 It's bad to be violent towards others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to spend time at work daydreaming of your own business.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to read about science.,1,0.5 "If you're hitting burn out, you should take a vacation.",0,0.0 It's bad to have problems.,1,0.5 It's understandable to fall in love with a friend.,1,0.5 It's normal to want to have close relationships with others.,0,0.0 It is good to be relieved if someone has treatable cancer.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to be hopeful about your goals.,1,0.5 You should be willing to pay a reasonable price for a service,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to act overly aggressive over sports.,1,0.24999999999999994 Getting places quickly saves time for other things.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should always pay back what you owe.,1,0.5 You shouldn't criticize someone's food preferences.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is self serving to push your own agenda.,1,0.5 It is understandable to feel lost without a longtime partner.,1,0.5 You shouldn't spend so much time in the sun or else you might get skin cancer.,1,0.5 You should be comfortable when you have a relaxation day.,1,0.5 It's wrong to get rid of your partner's pets.,1,0.5 It's terrible to mislead someone to think you're younger than you are.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to not let people have the important events the way they want them.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to want to say things to others that are important.,1,0.5 You shouldn't pretend to be single when you're married,1,0.5 It's good to do things for your kids.,1,0.5 If you are attending your best friends wedding you are expected to give a speech.,1,0.5 It's frowned upon to hate others.,0,0.0 It's not okay to live you life sheltered from what the world has to offer.,1,0.5 Getting a kiss on the cheek can make you feel good.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is important to eat protein.,1,0.5 It's good to sit down when you need to discuss something.,0,0.0 You should expect to lose your appetite if you see old and disgusting food.,0,0.0 It is wrong to want to be humiliated.,1,0.5 It's good to research new things.,1,0.5 It is good to try and improve your living situation.,1,0.5 You should tell people when you have to leave early.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to hide your personal life from a potential partner,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you fractured your ankle, you should get a cast.",1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't keep in contact with your ex.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay if you don't want to be around someone that you are not in a relationship with.,1,0.5 You should always pay off your student loans.,1,0.5 You shouldn't start arguments with others in public.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to fart in public,1,0.5 You shouldn't rely on someone's word.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to constantly remind yourself of things.,1,0.5 It's hard to lose someone to suicide.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to believe in women's rights.,1,0.24999999999999994 People should treat all creatures with kindness.,1,0.5 It's okay to feel very depressed.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be violent.,1,0.5 It is good to keep your promises.,1,0.5 It's good to work hard and train when pursuing a skill.,0,0.0 It is better to keep candy in your kitchen.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's not okay to go places where you are not invited.,0,0.0 You should let family stay at your home even if you don't like them.,1,0.5 You shouldn't damage your capacity to empathize with people.,1,0.5 It is wrong to pretend to be sick.,1,0.5 It's understandable that we expect people to keep their promises.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to volunteer time to charitable efforts,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to gossip.,1,0.5 It's okay to divorce your spouse when they cheat on you.,1,0.5 "Drunk people can't consent, so having sex with them is not only wrong, it's illegal.",1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected that you support your kids,1,0.24999999999999994 You are expected to want to spend time with your partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected that good friends tell each other about developments in their lives.,1,0.24999999999999994 You're allowed to make sarcastic statements if you feel it's justified.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't be a creep.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to pick your teeth in public.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be friends with an adult of the opposite sex if you're a minor.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't lie to people about your true feelings.,0,0.0 It's good to be honest about your feelings when your partner doesn't want you to feed their kids.,0,0.0 It is good to help others.,1,0.5 "If you suspect you might have melanoma, you should immediately see a doctor.",1,0.5 You shouldn't waste your time.,1,0.5 It's understandable that sometimes two parents have different ideas about what they want to name their child.,1,0.5 "If your friend gets mad at you for your beliefs, it's okay to be hurt.",1,0.5 It is good to be honest with others,1,0.5 It's wrong to loiter.,1,0.5 It is expected that adult children take care of their own finances,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't force people to do things,1,0.5 It is wrong to be rude to others,1,0.5 It's bad to be violent towards others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is difficult to get used to a job when just starting out.,1,0.5 It's good to go out to the park.,0,0.0 You shouldn't freeload off your neighbors.,1,0.5 You should leave an animal's nest alone.,1,0.5 It's rude to exclude people.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should reprimand an employee if they deserve it.,1,0.5 It is okay to disapprove some things.,1,0.5 Selling body organs is never acceptable.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong not to give yourself a rest when you need it.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to not let parents know when a kid is doing something that could effect their life.,1,0.5 It's expected that you will do something for your significant other on a special holiday.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to not support people's addictions,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to experience how the other half lives.,1,0.5 It's wrong not to include all of a family in a family photo.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to play games of chance where you can win money.,1,0.5 You should confront people who mess up your home.,0,0.0 It's okay to be upset when your life with your spouse changes after they come home from combat.,1,0.5 You shouldn't max out your credit cards.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's ok to give your child some independence.,1,0.5 It is good to get married with a loved one.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to love someone that will never love you back.,1,0.5 You shouldn't let people shift the blame onto you for something you didn't cause to happen.,0,0.0 It's okay to cry yourself to sleep sometimes if you're really upset.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should appreciate your stepmother on Mother's Day.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's encouraged to join a program when you're an alcoholic.,1,0.5 It's good to show solidarity with family members in the face of adversity.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to feel disappointment when friends hurt your feelings.,1,0.5 You shouldn't create drama over social media,0,0.0 It is not okay to end other people's friendships.,1,0.5 It's good to talk to HR before you quit a job.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be cautious about over reporting issues with busy healthcare providers.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to find a job that one enjoys.,1,0.5 You should always invite people to your events.,1,1.0 It's expected that priests comfort their flock during confession,1,0.5 It is important to seek help if needed.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should give others the benefit of the doubt.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you're sick, you should get medical help.",1,0.5 It's ok to dislike some sounds.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you don't want your mother to sleep in your bed with you.,0,0.0 "If you're mentally ill, you should get some help.",1,0.5 Friends are expected to be there for each other.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't dirty things up after you had just cleaned it.,1,0.5 It's important to take advice of your parents.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to expect gifts on special days.,1,0.5 You should make absolutely sure of your decision before using your authority over people.,0,0.0 It's understandable to not want family around who causes trouble for you.,1,0.5 It's good to learn life lessons.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is silly to base a relationship on zodiac signs,1,0.5 It's OK to monitor your children.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be famous for things.,1,0.5 It's good to advertise your place of work.,1,0.5 There should be trust in a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to spend time with family.,1,0.5 It's good to be grateful when someone does something for you.,1,0.5 It is nice to do things for your significant other,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay not to understand what is going on around you.,1,1.0 You should say thank you when someone gives you something you want.,1,0.5 It is rude to comment on someone's place of birth negatively.,1,0.24999999999999994 It’s understandable to have trouble getting over someone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to enjoy the things in life that make it good for you.,1,0.5 "It's unhealthy to cause young, undeveloped brains to have contact with marijuana.",1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable that someone times we do or say things without thinking.,1,0.5 It's important to be open with your children about sex.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is nice to be there for someone to support them.,0,0.0 It is not okay to end other people's friendships.,1,0.5 It's okay to get attached to an animal you are fostering.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay if you don't want to hang out with a specific person.,1,0.5 It’s bad to not be able to get over an ex.,1,0.5 You should always help do the dishes.,1,0.5 It's wrong to make fun of someones style choices,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to be annoyed at someone trying to sell you something.,1,0.5 It's wrong to withhold important information from one's partner.,1,0.5 It is good to help someone park their car if they need help.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't shun a family member's significant other because of their nationality.,0,0.0 It is unprofessional for a doctor to make a diagnosis without all the information.,1,0.5 It's good to have a dream job.,1,0.5 It is common for people to enjoy the company of animals.,1,0.5 It's fine to get angry if someone doesn't want to do something you want them to do.,1,0.5 It's wrong to keep gifts when the circumstances change drastically.,1,0.5 It's okay to be critical of the condition something is in before you buy it.,1,0.5 You should teach your young child how to clean up after themselves.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to work at home.,1,0.7499999999999999 people should make an effort to visit their family members when they are nearby,0,0.0 It is okay if you are not popular.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to be jealous of your child's affection,1,0.5 It is good to include special needs people in your group.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to do things for your family.,1,0.24999999999999994 People will get annoyed if you start being too forgetful.,1,0.5 It's okay to change your look.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't video tape someone without their permission.,1,0.5 People will think you're selfish if you lash out over a lack of gifts.,1,0.5 It's okay to complain about something you don't like,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to not know who you are.,1,0.5 It is bad to molest others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to be nice to others.,1,0.5 It's good to read about science.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want to see when driving at night.,1,0.24999999999999994 Kissing someone on the cheek is a good way to show affection.,1,0.5 It's okay to not want to have to listen to things you don't want to.,1,0.5 It is expected that children do risky things.,1,0.5 It's good to want to live your life the best you can.,1,0.5 Christmas presents are expected to be wrapped in festive holiday-themed paper.,1,0.5 It is rude to talk on the phone in a quiet place.,1,0.5 It's good to give your friend a ride when they need one.,1,0.5 It's understandable to feel nervous in a new social situation.,1,0.5 It's understandable to not like your ex.,1,0.5 "It's unhealthy to cause young, undeveloped brains to have contact with marijuana.",1,0.7499999999999999 It is okay to be addicted to a quality.,1,0.5 People should strive to be informed about candidates when it's election time.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to be in a relationship.,1,0.5 You shouldn't give in to someone when they're begging.,1,0.5 You shouldn't expect people to always stay at their job.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to want to be student of the month when you're a kid.,0,0.0 You should not accuse others without proof.,1,0.7499999999999999 Friends are expected to take each other to the airport.,1,0.5 You shouldn't accept money from someone you don't want to date.,1,1.0 It's okay to refuse controlling behavior from others when it conflicts with your own wellbeing.,1,0.5 "If you love someone besides your spouse, you should end your marriage.",1,0.5 It's normal to feel lost in life at some point.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If your dreams affect you in real life, you should talk to someone about it.",1,0.24999999999999994 You don't have to feel bad about not wanting to spend every minute with a partner.,1,0.5 Businesses should treat customers with courtesy if they expect them to return.,1,0.24999999999999994 You can't expect people to own up to their mistakes.,1,0.5 It's wrong to abuse children.,0,0.0 It's fun to invite people you know to fun events.,1,0.5 It is unacceptable to steal.,1,0.5 It is creative work to write an English paper.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected to always be truthful with ones parents,1,0.5 You are in the right for leaving a significant other if they are engaging in dangerous behaviors.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to make sure people abide by laws and ordinances,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that people will be proud of their academic achievements.,0,0.0 Once you get married you are expected to stop chasing other women around.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected that grand parents will attend their grand child's performances.,0,0.0 It's wrong to hate other people,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to be observant of things you might enjoy.,1,0.5 It's good to use mental imagery to remember things.,0,0.0 It is good to trust your family.,1,0.5 Relaxation is a good way to reduce stress.,1,0.5 It's expected that handicapped persons will use devices to help them navigate the world.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected that you follow a dress code when you're in a wedding.,1,0.5 You should try to eat food in a more respectful manner.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you get reprimanded at work, it's fine to feel hurt.",1,0.5 It's normal to be surprised about something unexpected.,1,0.5 It is strong to be able to move on from the death of a spouse.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't expect your friend to not kick you out.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's rude to swear at a friend.,1,0.5 It's wrong to take advantage of your children,1,0.5 It's good to do things that are different than the norm.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to argue with others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you're disappointed when you don't feel welcome in a new social circle.,0,0.0 It's rude to interrupt someone who is working hard.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to refrain from taking things that belong to someone else.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be upset when things are stressful,1,0.5 You shouldn't give gifts that have hidden meanings.,0,0.0 You have a right to have a service performed whenever is convenient for you.,1,0.5 "If you're mentally ill, you should get some help.",1,0.5 "If you want something nice, you should work hard for it.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's OK to get annoyed with a coworker.,1,0.5 "It's bad to abuse substances, even ones which are beneficial.",1,0.5 It is okay to question society.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to cause problems between your ex and his or her new partner.,1,0.5 It is good to help others that are less fortunate.,1,0.5 It's okay to keep gifts no matter what happens after the fact.,1,0.5 You should educate your friends when they make homophobic remarks.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you don't want your teacher to express their political leanings.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to share in fun times with your children.,1,0.5 It's kind to offer people advice when they're dealing with a problem.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's encouraged you go on dates if you're trying to get laid,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to think other people are dumb.,1,0.5 It's good to give a home to a dog that doesn't have one.,1,0.5 It's okay to feel bad if your significant other didn't get you what you want on a special occasion.,1,0.5 It is expected that you follow a set schedule.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to travel places.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to stalk others.,1,0.5 Kissing someone on the cheek is a good way to show affection.,1,0.5 It's good to be best friends with your siblings.,1,0.5 People are expected to be supportive of family.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should focus on the present.,0,0.0 You should always be with the people you love the most.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to seek advice when you are having a difficult time.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have a family that cares about you.,1,0.5 It's great to give people handmade gifts,1,0.24999999999999994 You should give your children some privacy,1,0.5 It's rubbish not to feel remorse when you do nasty things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's never okay to tell other people how to live their lives,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you're disappointed when your spouse is going on a trip and you can't go with them.,0,0.0 It's good to care about someone and not want them to be in trouble.,1,0.5 It is understandable to be angry when someone lies to you.,0,0.0 It's expected that you can't control the weather.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's ok to join in on fun activities.,1,0.5 It's bad to try to be more like your partner's ex due to jealousy.,1,0.5 It's great to recognize your shortcomings.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to ignore a foreign city to just watch TV in the hotel.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to be a good listener,1,0.5 You should not judge someone's situation if you do not know them.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to recycle,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to admire celebrities.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to hate yourself.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you have a low tire in your car, you should fill it with air.",1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to be ashamed of where you have come from.,1,0.5 People are expected to learn how to swim when they are children.,1,0.5 If you do your best you are expected to perform well.,1,0.5 It is a waste of time to argue with someone who is not going to change their mind.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to do activities you and your friends enjoy.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want to watch someone practice.,1,0.5 You should set alarms if you are prone to oversleeping for work.,1,0.5 You shouldn't exclude your child from a family photo.,1,0.5 "People should say kind things about themselves, to themselves.",0,0.0 You are supposed to love your pet dog.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to listen to details of someone's situation.,0,0.0 You can be expected to communicate your concerns to your romantic partner in regards to trust.,1,0.5 You shouldn't have to leave a room in your own house.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to be honest with friends about possible suspicious behavior from their partner.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to celebrate.,1,0.5 It's good to keep in touch with your in-laws.,1,0.5 You should keep your problems to yourself if someone doesn't care about it.,1,0.5 It is okay to have your own tastes and preferences,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to like gross things.,0,0.0 You should not exclude your friends from social gatherings.,1,0.5 Friends are expected to be supportive of each other.,1,0.5 It's expected that falling can be dangerous.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's kind to show a partner how much you care by getting them a gift.,1,0.5 It's good to have a daily routine.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be with a friend who loves you and you don't love them back.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't dress slutty.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's hurtful to refuse to share a hotel room with your parents.,1,0.5 You shouldn't compare your problems to others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to feel stress when traveling.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected to be there for your friend if they will be under the influence of a drug.,1,0.5 It is expected for children to remain in contact with their parents.,1,0.5 It's good to encourage someone to succeed.,1,0.5 It is okay to want to spend time with friends.,0,0.0 It's okay to throw away compostables.,1,0.5 It is normal to be turned on by someone you think is attractive.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to tell lies.,1,0.5 It's encouraged you set a timer when you're cooking something so you don't ruin it,0,0.0 The subway is a more efficient means of transportation than the alternatives.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to teach your children to be respectful of others,1,0.5 It's good to feed your pets.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to want to honor others in life.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's not okay to expect other people to do your chores for you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is acceptable to talk to the people that you want to.,1,0.5 It's rude to be nasty with others who are being kind to you.,1,0.5 You should be careful carrying ice,1,0.5 It's good to apologize when you feel bad for having done something wrong.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be honest with kids.,1,0.5 Yelling is rude.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should apologize if you push someone into a pool.,1,0.5 It's good to want to learn something new and grow as a person.,1,0.5 You shouldn't have an affair if you're married.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is normal to confront someone about an unhealthy habit if you care about them.,0,0.0 It's understandable to want help.,1,0.5 It's bad to run over someone.,0,0.0 It's not okay to have feelings for someone you work with.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is fattening to eat too much ice cream an chocolate.,1,0.5 It's good to make a game out of a negative task to make it more positive.,1,0.5 It's expected that people with mental health issues go to professional to get treatment and help.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should be careful not to stain your clothes when you are applying aloe ointment.,1,0.5 You shouldn't write a check that is going to bounce.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to have bad days.,1,0.5 It's good to try to give your pet medicine when they need it.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to get mad at someone simply because they don't want to do something you want them to do.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's hurtful to curse in front of children.,1,0.5 It's bad to impose upon your parents to provide you a place to live again when you've failed at life.,1,0.5 It's good to make sure you are on the same page as your parter before committing to marriage.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to not want kids.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to have people over for the holidays.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to flee from dictators.,1,0.5 It's okay to think about how bad life was.,0,0.0 It's good to admit your wrongdoings.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to demand things from people you don't really need.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should take some medication if you're mentally ill.,1,0.5 It's rude to speculate about someone's grieving process.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to share something that someone has told you in confidence.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to work for a place that just makes others unhealthy.,1,0.7499999999999999 If you adopt a dog you are expected to keep it.,1,0.5 It's kind to give another person a gift.,1,0.5 It's normal for people to make a big fuss for the milestone events of a loved one.,1,0.5 It's good to take a stand and lead things.,0,0.0 It's okay if you don't want to share your illness with your friends.,1,0.5 It's good to learn about people's mental or physical disability.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to expose others to health hazards and unsanitary conditions,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to take a seat in front of others if you are tall,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't expect thanks for attending a memorial service.,1,0.5 Attention should be evenly split in a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have a family that visits you in your nursing home.,1,0.5 You should make sure your pets are well trained.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to disapprove some things.,1,0.5 "When you are injured, it's good to go to the hospital.",1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable for you to not allow certain people to see your children.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't play pranks on your classmates.,1,0.5 It's embarrassing to be humiliated by someone you like in public.,1,0.5 It's okay to have favorite things that you enjoy.,1,0.5 It's good to seek help if your parents are abusing you.,1,0.5 It's fine to want to have fun.,1,0.5 It's good to get help from your grandchildren.,0,0.0 People should feel free to show their gratitude to a whole country if it's warranted.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that family is trusting of one another.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that people will get to know one another before becoming a couple.,1,0.5 It's wrong to live in fear.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't get back together with someone after a breakup.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's acceptable to not like your parents.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable that not everyone likes the same things.,1,0.5 It is okay to have fun.,1,0.5 You should get your chores done as soon as possible so that you aren't putting them off till the last minute,0,0.0 It's good to feel confident about yourself and your body.,1,0.5 It's not normal to see or hear things that aren't there.,1,0.5 It's disgusting to view some people as subhuman for no reason other than cursory judgments.,1,0.5 It's good to have activities you want to enjoy.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be biased against your students for not sharing your same beliefs.,0,0.0 It's bad to cheat on your significant other.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to try new foods to see if there are things out their you enjoy.,1,0.5 It's okay to feel tongue tied.,1,0.5 It is wrong to be stuck on yourself.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to tire of dealing with someone's anxiety.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to do volunteer work and help the less fortunate.,1,0.5 It's wrong to not work at work.,0,0.0 It's fun to go see a movie with your partner.,1,0.5 It's not normal to dislike everybody,1,0.7499999999999999 It is nice to be recognized for your skills.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't get upset at your partner.,1,0.5 You should be honest about whether or not you love someone.,1,0.5 It's expected that coworkers will support each other.,1,0.5 It's normal to be hurt when people make fun of your appearance.,1,0.5 It's wrong to show people a picture of someone if they don't want you to.,1,0.5 It's wrong to argue with others over electronics.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad to get drunk.,0,0.0 You shouldn't try to dictate someone else's finances.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should enjoy treats.,1,0.5 It's allowed to eat food that's been frozen many years later.,1,1.0 People shouldn't dwell on things which happened weeks ago.,1,0.5 It's fun to play video games.,1,0.5 "It's wrong to extort people,",1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to hide your sexuality from your significant other.,1,0.5 You should always set limits for things.,1,0.5 It's irresponsible stop taking your medication,1,0.24999999999999994 It's petty to report someone for taking a parking spot.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to lose touch with your true self.,1,0.24999999999999994 Is responsible to use birth control if you're sexually active,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that people will seek someone to love them.,1,0.5 It is good to do nice things for your significant other,0,0.0 It's frustrating when you have to apologize for aspects of your identity.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay that sometimes we need a bit of extra time to do things when we are running behind.,1,0.5 "When your kids are arguing, you should not try to get in the middle of it.",1,0.5 You should mean what you say.,1,0.5 It's good to bring your GPS with you if you don't know the way.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should never argue over something that does not need to be argued about.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have someone help you when you need it.,1,0.5 You are expected to attend the significant life events of your siblings.,0,0.0 It's bad to fall for someone younger than you if they are underage.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay for families to take sides during a divorce,1,0.5 It's good to stay in shape,1,0.5 It's understandable that people get irritated sometimes with jealousy from others.,1,0.5 It's expected that wild animals can be seen in zoos.,1,0.24999999999999994 You're expected to spend time with your children.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to get angry if someone doesn't want to do something you want them to do.,1,0.5 It is good to be prepared for sudden changes.,1,0.5 You should always accept your child's apology.,1,0.5 It's wrong when someone does something for you to not do the same for them.,1,0.5 You have a right to be angry at someone who has done something objectionable to you.,1,0.5 Your boyfriend has the right to wear whatever underwear he chooses.,1,0.5 It's okay to not want to partake in festivities or celebrations.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to put off plans with your partner until you're financially ready.,0,0.0 It's understandable to be sad during the holidays.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to pursue friendships with work colleagues.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to want to quit your job at times.,1,0.5 It's good to remember the Good Old Days.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to expect a gift from people.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable to need something to do to let of some steam.,0,0.0 You have a right to be upset when your wife insults you.,1,0.5 Its understandable to be attracted to who you are attracted to.,1,0.5 It's good to do activities you and your friends enjoy.,1,0.5 It's understandable that life sometimes over burdens us.,1,0.5 It's good to admit your wrongdoings.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to want to spend time with your sibling vs. your significant other.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's normal to want to impress others when it comes to preparing food.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to be happy to see people.,1,0.5 It's good to have someone's favorite food with them.,0,0.0 It is unacceptable to wish death on anyone.,0,0.0 You should see a therapist if you are tinking of using violence against another.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't wear diapers if you're in your teens.,1,0.5 It's rude to lie to a charity shop.,1,0.5 It's good to try to get embarrassing memories out of your life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to get help when you need it.,1,0.5 You shouldn't associate with alcoholics.,1,0.5 It's normal to want to feel challenged by your job.,1,0.5 It's good to let your child go out and play.,1,0.5 You shouldn't steal food.,1,0.5 You don't have to tell a partner anything you don't want them to know.,1,1.0 It's wrong to not let a significant other do things they think are fun.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't expect your partner to always pay for you.,1,0.5 It's good to be open about your depression.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is unfortunate to go through a divorce if you are still in love.,1,0.5 It's bad to order something sight unseen.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't cut off your family members.,0,0.0 It's nice to find old pictures.,0,0.0 It's hurtful when someone makes fun of the way you talk.,0,0.0 It's bad to not move on.,1,0.5 It is wrong to enter a place of business without the intention of purchasing goods.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected that you support your kids,1,0.24999999999999994 It's foolish to believe everything you are promised.,1,0.5 You should remove channels you don't watch from your cable package.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should make an effort to get along with your significant other's parents,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't get upset at your child's teachers.,1,0.5 It's nice to have a best friend.,1,0.5 It's wrong to think you're responsible for somebody else's life,1,0.5 It's mean to keep your child from seeing their friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to call the police on your neighbors.,1,0.5 It's good to make an effort to have a strong marriage.,1,0.5 You shouldn't use too broad of a topic for an essay or else you might get a bad grade.,1,0.5 You shouldn't annoy people.,1,0.5 You should always punish people for their wrongdoings.,1,0.5 It's nice to compliment people because it makes them feel good.,1,0.5 It's expected that you be polite to your neighbors.,1,0.5 It is understandable to call the police when you know someone is committing a crime.,1,0.5 It's dishonest to stay in a loveless relationship.,1,0.5 Cutting out your family entirely could leave you with no support when you need it.,1,0.5 Making someone do something in a relationship can be viewed as controlling.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to do bonding activities with your parents that involve areas of mutual interest,1,0.5 It is expected people will not want to hang out with someone who has a contagious illness.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't hide things from people.,1,0.5 You shouldn't abuse others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is normal to get warned about behavior you shouldn't continue.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is wrong to back out of a financial agreement.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't swear at people.,0,0.0 "If your partner threatens to break up with you over money, it's okay to feel offended.",0,0.0 It is bad to harm the environment,1,0.5 It's wrong to take advantage of people,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you'll need to meet certain work standards.,1,0.5 "You shouldn't do drugs in public, especially if you're not accustomed to using them.",1,0.5 You should be responsible when doing a job.,1,0.5 It's bad to refuse belongs because of antisemitism.,1,0.5 It's wrong to not think about someone's feeling or emotional well being.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to visit your family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be nervous about confessing your love to your crush.,1,0.5 It's bad to withhold work that hurts others trying to do a project.,1,0.5 "If you're addicted to drugs, you should get help.",1,0.5 It's okay to be annoyed when someone begs you for something.,1,0.5 "If you're still struggling with someone's death, you should get some therapy.",1,0.7499999999999999 It's not okay to abuse things like drugs.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't milk your parents for money.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to conceal your identity.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to choose to ignore a message on social media.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to not want to go to school due to bad weather.,1,1.0 It's good to accomplish your goals.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's terrible to forget a family member's birthday.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to keep track of your budget.,1,0.5 It's wrong to say things that can hurt other people.,1,0.5 It's bad to yell at your friends.,1,0.5 It's fine to feel like a creep.,1,1.0 You shouldn't go on trips you can't really afford.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to want to make decisions about your romantic life without consulting anyone.,1,0.5 You should be appreciative when friends try to do something nice for you.,1,0.5 You should always discuss options with your patients before they decide on something.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's improper to sleep with someone who's in a relationship.,0,0.0 It's rude to manipulate others.,1,0.5 It's good to shop around for the best price,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be careful not to fall backwards when you step up.,1,0.5 It's okay to leak urine if you're really excited about something.,1,0.5 It's good to be helpful to your roommates.,1,0.5 It's fine to operate your car in any way you enjoy.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is prolific to create several products.,1,0.5 You shouldn't park outside the lines of a parking space.,1,0.5 It's wrong to keep secrets from your loved ones.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to take control of something that isn't yours to handle.,1,0.24999999999999994 "It's understandable that sometimes, people don't want to stay together.",1,0.5 It's normal to feel lost in life at some point.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you will do something for your significant other on a special holiday.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to find a good surname for yourself.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable that sometimes two parents have different ideas about what they want to name their child.,1,0.5 "If you do not want to hang out with someone, it's okay to exclude them.",1,0.5 It's understandable to hate making decisions.,1,0.5 It's wrong to judge someone based on their sexuality,1,0.5 It's important to confront your fears,1,0.5 It is wrong to insult your boyfriend and then expect him to want to be around you.,1,0.5 You should be honest about your sexual preferences to dates.,0,0.0 "If you're going through a divorce, you shouldn't mess around with others until it's final.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's ok to be honest with friends.,1,0.5 You shouldn't let the death of a plant make you sad.,1,0.5 It's wise to discipline your children when they've done something wrong.,1,0.5 It's okay to remain close to somebody important to you even after a divorce,1,0.5 You should try not to waste too much time figuring out what you want.,1,0.5 It's wrong to say things that can hurt other people.,1,0.5 It's good to have in-laws that buy you nice things.,1,0.5 It is okay to keep different types of friends separate.,1,0.24999999999999994 "When your child's glasses break, you should replace them.",1,0.5 It's wrong to torture living creatures.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to thank someone when they are honest about their past.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to go to the zoo to learn about animals.,0,0.0 It's good to keep on top of the weather.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to take away the rights of others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable for you to not allow certain people to see your children.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to travel long distances in the most comfortable way you can.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to fake things in a social situation.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to get a new partner shortly after you break up with someone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is important to follow through on your responsibilities.,0,0.0 It's normal for families to have sibling rivalry.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to ask for advice.,0,0.0 It is wrong to impersonate someone in hopes of a reward.,1,0.5 It's rude to say someone's cooking is only fit for animals.,1,0.5 You should be polite to other people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to help out your ex.,1,0.5 It's expected that you not lash out at someone in public.,1,0.5 Playing ping pong with a friend is a good way to spend time.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should keep your problems to yourself if someone doesn't care about it.,1,0.5 It's understandable to desire independence.,1,0.24999999999999994 it's important to visit your family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's important to prioritize your own mental health.,1,0.5 You shouldn't put up with a friend that badmouths your religious beliefs.,1,0.24999999999999994 People shouldn't think innocent mistakes people make are intentionally malicious.,1,0.5 Expect to go to jail if you break the law.,1,0.5 It's bad to accidentally buy things.,1,0.7499999999999999 Parents should involve children in their problems,1,0.24999999999999994 You should never make a friend angry.,1,0.5 You shouldn't dirty things up after you had just cleaned it.,1,0.5 It's okay to not want kids.,1,0.7499999999999999 You are expected to wait your turn before speaking.,1,0.5 It's okay to not want to be friends with someone you still love.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should always spend time with people you enjoy.,1,0.5 Family is expected to support one another.,1,0.5 You shouldn't milk your parents for money.,1,0.24999999999999994 "It's expected that people feel satisfied when they do too much of some things, which is why they continue to do them past the point of safety.",1,0.5 It is nice to give discounts to family.,0,0.0 It's good to excel at a sport.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's villainous to continue to run from the cops every time you see them.,1,0.5 It's always good to do things in advance in case something doesn't work out.,1,0.5 You should expect your kids to come home soon when you ask them.,0,0.0 You shouldn't leave your partner.,1,0.5 You shouldn't starve yourself.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should tell your partner you don't want to be with them anymore.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to give your child's partner the third degree.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to expect a gift from people.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understood that families will spend holidays together.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to encourage violence in children.,1,0.5 You should ask how you can help if you see someone crying.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should not emotionally abandon your partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 "You should be supportive of your partner, no matter what weight they are.",1,0.5 It's good to teach children to have healthy boundaries.,1,0.5 Being out of sorts when a partner engages with someone on social media is controlling and should be curtailed.,1,0.7499999999999999 You aren't expected to like everyone and everything.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's not polite to brag about beating somebody in a game,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to make your sibling eat poop.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad form to cut off a family member that has suffered a traumatic injury.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be supportive of your child's rehabilitation.,1,0.5 It is good to discuss your problems with a close friend or family member.,0,0.0 Addiction is frowned upon.,1,0.5 It's pleasurable to kiss someone you desire.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to support others in need,1,0.24999999999999994 It is understandable to be upset with someone that prevents you from doing your workout.,1,0.5 You should seek medical advice if you don't have a good attention span.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to admit things to people.,1,0.5 It's understandable not everyone like's their parents.,0,0.0 It's understandable when we get nervous about big things in life.,1,0.5 It is expected to be loyal to friends first over new relationships.,0,0.0 It's not okay to not appreciate festive weather.,1,0.5 It's okay to like gross things.,0,0.0 It's fine to drop a water jug.,1,0.5 It is good to wear a helmet when riding a bike.,1,0.5 Parents should treat their children fairly.,1,0.5 It's nice to bring someone breakfast in bed so they don't have to cook.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to maintain a job.,1,0.5 You should tell your friends if they're behaving inappropriately,1,0.5 You shouldn't do things that would make someone feel the need to hate you.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't be interested in your ex's friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to be angry if your significant other abandons plans you've made together.,0,0.0 It's okay to hold a strong opinion about health care coverage.,1,0.24999999999999994 "It's okay to change your mind, even on important matters.",1,0.5 It's fine to have a high opinion of your country.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to do unconventional things after you have a matectomy.,1,0.5 It's good to save up to pay for a big trip.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you're depressed, you should get some help.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's exciting when you're winning a game,1,0.5 You shouldn't impose your moral beliefs on others,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected to do something special for you significant other on special occasions.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's nice to show off your personality.,1,0.5 You shouldn't have pet names for someone you're not in a relationship with.,1,0.5 If you are attending your best friends wedding you are expected to give a speech.,1,0.5 It's expected that you'll wash clothes when they get dirty.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's allowed to want the affirmation that celebrity brings.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to go to rehab when you have become an addict.,0,0.0 You should never argue over something that does not need to be argued about.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to feel exhilarated when you find a new career.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's disappointing when someone runs out of stock after you come to buy something.,1,0.5 It's fine to have a high opinion of your country.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should tell your friend if you love them.,1,0.5 It's good to have high self-esteem.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to take care of your pets.,0,0.0 You should be critical of someone's driving when they are testing for their license.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be kind to strangers.,1,0.5 It's important to be true to yourself.,0,0.0 It is wrong to bully people,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to have an open relationship.,1,0.5 You should seek medical attention if you're shaking for 3 hours.,1,0.5 It is bad to be negative.,1,0.24999999999999994 You are expected to respect other people's boundaries.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to say things around kids that could influence them in a negative way.,0,0.0 It's rude to cancel plans you have agreed upon with a friend.,1,0.5 It's good when you get out of a certain type of suffering.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be annoyed when you take a class with a biased teacher.,1,0.5 You shouldn't expect people to tell you the true reasons for quitting their job.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's allowed to be sad about tragedies that occur to other people.,1,0.24999999999999994 Husbands are expected to do special things for their wives.,1,0.5 It is bad to disrespect your father,0,0.0 It is okay to be offended by jokes.,1,0.5 It's difficult to raise your children with a proper education.,0,0.0 It's expected that you walk at the college graduation so your family can watch it.,0,0.0 It's good to have a plan for your future.,0,0.0 You shouldn't retaliate against people.,1,0.5 It's understandable to feel disappointed if something does not go your way.,1,0.5 You shouldn't regret decisions you've made.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's frowned upon to be disrespectful to members of the military.,1,0.5 It's okay if you don't enjoy cooking with your partner.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong not to support your siblings when they are having issues.,1,0.5 "If you don't want your teenager to rebel, you should grant them some leniency.",1,0.7499999999999999 It's rude to renege on agreements you make with people.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want a divorce when your spouse cheated on you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to abuse your spouse.,0,0.0 You shouldn't be too concerned about your funeral attire.,1,0.5 It's unusual to talk to a childhood friend that you can't remember.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want to quit your job at times.,1,0.5 It's good to abstain from drinking alcohol.,1,0.5 It's normal for people to make a big fuss for the milestone events of a loved one.,1,0.5 It's rude to do things that prevent other's from being happy.,1,0.5 It is good to discuss your problems with a close friend or family member.,0,0.0 It's good to save money for the future to buy other things.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should balance relationships and friendships.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't watch so much TV because it's bad for you.,1,0.5 It's wrong not to support your siblings when they are having issues.,1,0.5 It's good to follow through on your invitations.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay for babies to go through teething.,0,0.0 It is wrong to fail a test on purpose.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to want to take care of your children.,0,0.0 It's good to consider your options about things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is typical for children to ask their parents for guidance in learning how to do things.,1,0.5 It's okay to expect things that are commitment level from a significant other.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is okay not to take care of something that's not yours.,1,0.5 It's good to get back at a cheating partner.,1,0.5 It's good to be financial savvy when shopping.,1,0.5 You should always tell the truth.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't compare your problems to others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to participate in sports at school.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to help out your friends when they are having problems.,0,0.0 It's good to spend time to learn something new.,0,0.0 It's wrong to fake a disability,1,0.5 People will think you're incompetent if you still live with your parents as an adult.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to have a problem with certain things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to want to spend holidays with family.,0,0.0 It's good to get a job that you enjoy.,0,0.0 It's expected that pilots operate planes.,1,0.5 It's expected that you'll need a ticket to board a plane.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to have cake on your birthday.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should shave your body hair if you're on a swim team or involved in other sports so you look nicer.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to steal things from others.,1,0.5 It's okay to not be attracted to people.,1,0.5 It is good to interfere when someone is being offensive.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to believe in something.,1,0.5 You shouldn't put others before your family.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to be honest with your children.,1,0.5 It's okay to admit that you hate something.,0,0.0 Parents should be aware of potential dangers to their children.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't be rude to people.,1,0.5 You shouldn't care who your friends hook up with.,1,0.5 You shouldn't cut off your family members.,0,0.0 You shouldn't have to pay your ex's bills.,1,0.5 It's good to be honest with kids.,1,0.5 It's okay to get a new partner shortly after you break up with someone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to feel guilty.,1,0.5 It's not okay to teach kids things they aren't ready for.,1,0.5 People should save up money to buy the things they want.,0,0.0 You shouldn't be lazy.,1,0.5 It's okay to like gross things.,0,0.0 You should be forgiving of your significant other.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to like eating certain weird things.,1,0.5 It's not okay to do things that could cause you to look foolish.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you're glad your spouse is finally dead after 50 years of marriage.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is typical for children to ask their parents for guidance in learning how to do things.,1,0.5 You're expected to spend time with your children.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to tell someone that you don't want to look at their personal photos.,1,0.5 It is good to help others that are less fortunate.,1,0.5 You shouldn't tell your friend what to do.,0,0.0 "It's important to be respectful to others, even online",1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to refuse the food someone cooks for you.,1,0.5 It is good to want to make money.,1,0.5 It's good to watch a tutorial before you do something new.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad to hate all people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you pull your car over to the side of the road when an ambulance with flashing lights and a siren is coming.,0,0.0 It's okay to be upset when your family doesn't like your new partner.,1,0.5 "If you're burned out, you should rest.",1,0.5 You should be careful that you don't accidentally trigger someone.,1,0.24999999999999994 You are expected to respect other people's boundaries.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't get upset at your partner.,1,0.5 It is rude to tell someone how to study.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to feel embarrassed if you didn't know something that everyone else probably knows.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to want to compete.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is nice to feel welcomed,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to point out good qualities in people.,0,0.0 It's irresponsible to keep a tarantula as a pet.,1,0.5 It's wrong to be sick of life.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is considered dirty to skip washing your body for more than a day or two.,1,1.0 It's very immoral to abuse your children.,1,0.5 It's good to want to prepare yourself for cold weather.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's inappropriate to judge others on their nationality.,1,0.5 It is expected to have a good time with friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to refuse controlling behavior from others when it conflicts with your own wellbeing.,1,0.5 You shouldn't let your neighbors take advantage of you.,0,0.0 It's rude to judge people based on superficial characteristics like height.,1,0.5 Men are expected to keep their emotions to themselves.,1,0.24999999999999994 Leading someone on is wrong,1,0.24999999999999994 "Not everyone wants their images on social media, so you should respect it if they ask you not to share them.",1,0.5 You should be respectful towards your parents.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's nice to date others.,1,0.5 It's terrible to forget a family member's birthday.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wonderful to find benevolent creatures in your garden.,1,0.5 It's good to explore your likes and dislikes.,1,0.5 It's wrong to abuse children.,0,0.0 You should speak with family and friends if you are feeling depressed.,0,0.0 It's unfortunate when someone is killed in the line of duty.,1,0.5 "It's understandable to confront others on their bad behavior, even friends.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to date someone when you're their boss.,1,0.24999999999999994 You're expected to come to accept someone's death.,1,0.5 It's nice to have a wedding.,1,0.5 "If you forgot your money elsewhere and you need to buy something, it's okay to ask someone for help.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's unusual to talk to a childhood friend that you can't remember.,1,0.5 It is bad to break up a family,1,0.5 It's wrong to lie to someone paying you for your expertise.,1,0.5 It's good to do things for others,1,0.5 It's not okay to not take full responsibility for your actions.,1,0.5 It's okay to not want to spend time with someone who has a bad temper.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to play jokes in video games.,1,0.5 It's okay to feel uncomfortable when your in laws drop in unexpectedly.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to explore your sexual fetishes with other consenting adults.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to get pregnant if you and your partner want a child.,1,0.5 It's wrong to watch someone changing their clothes.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to be a housewife and take care of your partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should maintain a good relationship with your siblings.,0,0.0 It's okay to say no to people,1,0.5 You should always carry alternate forms of money to the store in case your card is declined.,1,0.7499999999999999 "If you want green grass on your lawn, you should water it more.",1,0.5 It's good to make confessions.,1,0.5 You should expect people not to eat dessert without milk.,1,0.5 It's normal for people to want to share a meal with those they care about.,1,0.5 You shouldn't let your daughter dress like a slut.,1,0.5 You should help out your partner if they are in pain.,1,0.5 It's wrong to tell people spoilers if they don't want to hear them.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always include your family members in your birthday plans.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to want to feel assured about things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to make others happy.,1,0.5 It is tacky to decorate with fake fruit.,0,0.0 "When mistakes are made, it's good to apologize.",0,0.0 It's good to cherish memories that remind you of happy times in your life,1,0.5 You don't have to help out your parents if you don't feel like it.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to get a colleague fired if they are breaking the law.,1,0.5 If you use Facebook on someone elses computer you are expected to remember to log out.,1,0.5 Maggots are expected to make people uneasy.,1,0.24999999999999994 People shouldn't betray the trust of those they're close to.,1,0.5 You shouldn't eat things you dislike.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's reasonable to be annoyed with someone with disabilities.,1,0.5 It is ok to ask someone to leave if they are being rude on their phone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to make someone feel bad about their sexuality.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to threaten your friends.,1,0.5 It's wrong for someone to celebrate something that hurts someone else.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't yell at other people.,0,0.0 It's good to look around a lot before you find something you really like.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you can't spend time with your children because you have other obligations.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to be private.,1,0.5 It's smart to arrive at the airport well in advance.,1,0.5 You shouldn't have sex with someone else's spouse.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to try and take your mind off things when you are upset.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to assume you will get a deal just because you are family.,1,0.7499999999999999 You don't have to attend any event that makes you uncomfortable.,1,0.5 It's ok sometimes to not respond to someone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not a good idea to bring a dog to a graveyard.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to talk about finances with your partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is ok to be late to something if you had an emergency.,1,0.5 It's wrong to hold onto your past painful memories.,1,0.5 It is acceptable to get plastic surgery if you are unhappy with your appearance.,1,0.5 It's okay to be livid when someone lies to you about very basic things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you don't want your teacher to express their political leanings.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should repay your debts.,1,0.5 It's good to help people learn about themselves.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't let your friend touch your feet if you don't want them to.,1,0.24999999999999994 "When you refuse to go to the doctor, you should not expect pity from your partner.",1,0.5 It's expected that you'll want to keep food cool when picnicking.,0,0.0 You shouldn't use someone to get back at another person,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to be rude and insulting to someone even if we don't particularly like them.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected that you show remorse when you've cheated on your partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to be too attentive to someone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you won't throw chemicals in people's eyes.,0,0.0 You should expect to have dreams about your ex if you just broke up with them.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't get involved with your friend's partner or crush.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should not let your accidents cause other people grief.,0,0.0 It's good to take care of your things and keep them clean,1,0.24999999999999994 It is nice to help your SO with paperwork if they need help doing it.,1,0.5 It is normal to not want to be around your girlfriend after she insulted you.,1,0.5 It's wrong to brag.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to buy sexual photos from minors.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you suspect someone is anorexic, you should get them medical help.",1,0.24999999999999994 It is nice to be able to buy your favorite treat.,0,0.0 It's expected that a spouse will share their money with their partner.,0,0.0 You should become comfortable with someone before you call them things that might upset them,1,0.7499999999999999 You should take a picture of someone when a butterfly lands on their finger.,1,0.5 It's rude to mislead people about your health.,1,0.5 Children should be supervised while using electronics.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to keep in contact with your friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you can't spend time with your children because you have other obligations.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to go out sailing and have fun.,1,0.5 Is it okay to be angry,1,0.5 It is expected that you not let your children play in dangerous areas.,1,0.5 It's expected you attend the funeral of someone that recently passed,1,0.5 Roommates are expected to treat each other with respect.,1,0.7499999999999999 "It is rude to destroy someone's work, even if it is in a game.",0,0.0 It's good to go to social events with others,0,0.0 It's okay to have sex.,0,0.0 It's allowed to have a love life.,1,0.5 You should lose weight if you're fat and unhealthy.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to shop around for the best price,1,0.24999999999999994 People will think you're more intelligent the more you read.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to prank others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to be confused by a mystery.,1,0.5 You shouldn't let your daughter dress like a slut.,1,0.5 It's understandable that sometimes we do things we shouldn't to gain popularity.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is wrong to be racist.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should be careful where you are going so you don't cause an accident.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be uncomfortable with your loved one's friendship with their ex.,1,0.7499999999999999 People should strive to make wise financial decisions.,1,0.5 "If you are kidnapped by someone who is hurting you, you should scream.",1,0.5 It's understandable to not invite people to a party.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is okay to change your mind about a big life decision.,1,0.5 You parents don't have to share their personal situation with you if they don't want to.,1,0.5 It's okay to ask someone to delete something that makes you uncomfortable.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is reasonable to be angry if something you care about gets shut down.,1,0.5 It is kind to not require payment for something.,1,0.5 It's understandable to face financial uncertainty.,1,0.5 You should be hurt if someone does not invite you to their wedding because you are gay.,1,0.7499999999999999 "It's understandable to confront others on their bad behavior, even friends.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's fun to go to the drive-in with your partner.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to teach your kids a second language if you know it.,1,0.5 People are expected to obey all the traffic laws when driving.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to not give people their personal space.,0,0.0 You shouldn't expect people to thank you when you give them something.,1,1.0 It's wrong to enjoy it when your family isn't happy about something.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's OK to not learn how to date in high school.,1,0.5 It's good to help people out during catastrophic events.,1,0.5 You shouldn't date someone that is going through a divorce.,1,0.5 You should seek medical advice if you don't have a good attention span.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should seek medical advice if you don't have a good attention span.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable to take time adjusting to moving into a new home.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should work hard for your dreams.,1,0.5 It's rude to move an animal's home from the spot they built it.,1,0.5 It is good to be a good listener,1,0.5 You shouldn't invade a coworker's workspace.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to re-use birthday candles because they aren't bad after you light them and blow them out and can still be reused.,1,0.5 It's wrong to do things against your partner's wishes.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't pay for things you can't afford.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be bitter and salty about petty things.,1,0.5 You should call an ambulance if someone is on the floor for hours in pain.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to want to snoop in your ex's online accounts.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to do things that cause conflict in a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal for students to have breaks during the school year.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to hold a grudge against your parents.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected you talk about your day at the dinner table,0,0.0 It's good not to waste money.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should feel hurt that your friend didn't invite you to their party.,1,0.5 It is good to have a hobby.,0,0.0 It's good to complement other people's appearances.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to cancel plans.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is responsible to look out for the children of the community.,1,0.5 Partners are expected to share their life history with each other.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to find your passion.,1,0.5 It's wrong to dictate who your girlfriend can hang out with.,0,0.0 "If you're sick or injured, you should see a doctor.",1,0.5 It's not normal to have strong hatred toward an appliance.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to grieve after someone in your family dies.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is okay not to settle.,1,0.24999999999999994 "It's allowed to change jobs as much as you'd like, if you can find people who'll hire you.",1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't idolize family members.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to cry when you're a child.,1,0.5 It's important not to objectify other people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong not to enjoy your family member's talent.,1,0.5 You should only call the cops for emergencies.,1,0.5 It's okay to be anxious about coming out to your kids.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is wrong to take video games too seriously.,1,0.5 It is okay to be upset if you feel rejected by your family for the holidays.,1,0.5 It's important to stay properly hydrated.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be rude toward restaurant staff.,1,0.5 Pets are expected to not be treated as food.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to find the perfect clothes.,1,0.5 It's natural for people to not take playing video games very seriously.,1,0.5 It's okay to be angry with people that you love when it comes to the safety of your children.,0,0.0 It's acceptable to be cautious.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should obey your parents.,1,0.5 It's ok to want to have some time to yourself.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is understandable to want to express your feelings.,0,0.0 It's nice to have a shot at love.,1,0.5 It is unacceptable to pretend to have cancer.,0,0.0 It's okay to not feel guilty when you cheat.,0,0.0 It is bad to be forgetful.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should feel comfortable sleeping in bed.,1,0.5 It's okay to be upset when you lose all the money you put into a wedding you canceled.,1,0.5 You shouldn't lie to people about quitting your job.,1,0.5 You shouldn't put a friend's ex before them.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay if you are not the best at everything.,0,0.0 It's expected that you answer the door when someone is knocking.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is okay to know what you want from a partner.,1,0.5 You shouldn't blame your step-parents for your parent's death.,1,0.5 It's okay to question a doctor's advice.,1,0.5 You should always attend someone's funeral.,1,0.5 It is good to not trust someone who broke your trust in the past.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to fight with people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to pursue friendships with work colleagues.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's excellent to participate in your local democracy.,0,0.0 Once you get married you are expected to stop chasing other women around.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to put in the effort to get to know people.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't lend expensive things to coworkers.,1,0.5 It is expected that you provide for your family,1,0.5 It's not acceptable to be mean to little children.,1,0.5 It's okay if you're disappointed when you fail your driver's license test.,1,0.5 People shouldn't assume it's okay to take something just because it's not nailed down.,1,0.5 You are not supposed to tell other people how to treat their children.,0,0.0 People are sometimes sad when things they like break.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want to expose an abuser.,1,0.5 It is understandable to want to spend holidays with family.,1,0.5 You should get a tumor removed so it doesn't grow and spread.,1,0.5 Is wrong to place the blame of your actions on something irrelevant.,1,0.5 You shouldn't support lazy people.,1,0.5 It is understandable to be upset if someone is treating an important matter trivially.,0,0.0 It's good to remember a lost loved one.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to be truthful to your significant other.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be a housewife and take care of your partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to be honest with coworkers.,1,0.5 It is rude to comment on someone's place of birth negatively.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't pry into your child's personal business.,1,0.5 "It's understandable that sometimes, people have reasons to want out of a situation.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you look your own age.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected for parents to comfort their children.,1,0.5 It's important to prioritize spending time with family members.,1,0.5 You shouldn't let a nosy parent interfere in your life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to put off plans with your partner until you're financially ready.,0,0.0 It's okay to fall in love with an old flame.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected to find a replacement if needing the day off of work.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to not want to work when you weren't planning on working.,1,0.5 It is ok to talk to an employee if you notice bad habits from them.,1,0.5 It's upsetting for someone to snitch on you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to date two people at the same time without informing them.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's allowed to consume your food in whatever non-standard way you want.,1,0.24999999999999994 Friends are expected to be supportive of each other.,1,0.5 It's rude to dismiss someone's feelings.,0,0.0 It's expected that people don't give advice to minors without their parents permission.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to accumulate as much wealth as you can.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's reasonable to cover up the tattoo of an ex-partners name.,1,0.5 It's unhealthy to hold on to anger for too long.,1,0.5 It's expected that deaths and tragedies will draw a lot of attention on the internet.,1,0.5 It's nice to take care of pets.,1,0.24999999999999994 Is good to help family members when they need it,1,0.24999999999999994 You should apply for jobs when you don't have one.,1,0.5 You shouldn't cheat on your tests.,1,0.5 People should feel free to show their gratitude to a whole country if it's warranted.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected that some mothers do not like being pregnant.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wise to remain neutral in family conflicts.,1,0.5 You should be supportive when a family member is chronically ill.,1,0.5 It's okay if you don't want to be naked on a beach.,1,0.5 It is ok to change your major if you like another major better.,1,0.24999999999999994 "It's irresponsible to ""game"" online software.",1,0.7499999999999999 You should give your children some privacy,1,0.5 It's rude to make fun of someone's weight.,1,0.5 You shouldn't pretend to be suffering from a health condition,1,0.5 It's OK to let your pet play with anything you like.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have something to help you keep your bearings.,1,0.5 It's wrong to get back at your customers.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected people will know how to get to their destination before they arrive.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to feel confused about who you are.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad to hold a grudge.,0,0.0 You shouldn't put up with someone that does disgusting things in public.,0,0.0 You shouldn't do things that make others hate you.,1,0.5 You should always follow tradition.,1,0.24999999999999994 You have a right to park where ever you like if you are there first.,1,0.5 "Sending a sweet letter to someone in need, is a kind thing to do.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to not be in the mood for things.,1,0.5 It's rude to criticize people for the decisions they've made,1,0.5 It's not expected that you'll receive early screenings for diseases.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is novel to get a custom cake made.,1,0.5 You should be supportive of someone who had a mastectomy.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be forgiving of your significant other.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to expect someone else to clean up a mess you can clean up yourself.,0,0.0 It's allowed to consume your food in whatever non-standard way you want.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is reasonable to want to leave your spouse if they cannot be faithful to you.,1,0.5 It's expected that animals will eat items that are important to you unless you train them otherwise.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to scam people over the phone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's reasonable to invite a friend to a graduation when they won't be graduating.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't be rude to someone in matters involving personal appearance/hygiene,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to be sad if you feel rejected.,1,0.5 It is good to honor the sacrifices of others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to use another person for their resources.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is bad to taste test at stores.,1,0.5 You should call the police if someone assaults you.,0,0.0 It is okay to be wrong at times.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want your child to involve you in their decision about who to marry.,1,0.5 It's good to go out and celebrate with your partner.,0,0.0 "If you don't like looking at other people naked, you should avoid going to a nudist club.",1,0.5 It is important to not each too much protein.,1,0.5 You should inquire about the health of your friends.,0,0.0 It's not okay to stay quiet and not stand up for yourself,1,0.5 It’s expected that parents leave their children everything in their will,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be gentle when you are handling butterflies.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is OK to be emotional.,1,0.24999999999999994 Getting places quickly saves time for other things.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's unacceptable to not work to pull your own weight.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should atone for wrong things you have done.,1,0.24999999999999994 Friendships should be valued above all else.,1,0.5 It's normal to question the nature of reality.,1,0.5 It is good to help family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be close to family and there when they need you,1,0.5 You should not use the pictures of others to gratify yourself without consent.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should be respectful to your boss,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay for parents to be emotionally attached to their kids personal lives.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you're having trouble getting over the painful past, you should get some help.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be fed up with controlling people.,0,0.0 It's understandable to feel relieved when your plane lands.,1,0.5 It's good have a goal in life and pursue it.,1,0.5 It's wrong to ignore people because you want to appear more popular,0,0.0 "People ought strive to expand the number of friends they have, rather than curtailing them.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's irrational to expect AI to become future overlords.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to demand special attention from people who aren't your spouse.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to set ground rules.,1,0.5 It's healthy to give yourself time to rest and recuperate after a trying ordeal.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't expect people to tell you the true reasons for quitting their job.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's immoral to actively fight against social justice.,1,0.5 You should always try to understand why someone doesn't want to do something.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to assume you need to pay for something you use.,1,0.5 It's good to donate blood to others who need it.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be willing to pay a reasonable price for a service,1,0.24999999999999994 Stealing is considered a taboo.,1,0.24999999999999994 Taking a detour before class is OK if you can still make it to class on time.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to not want to have to listen to things you don't want to.,1,0.5 It's good to apologize when you feel bad for having done something wrong.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to deceive your loved ones,1,0.5 It is ok to want to work things out in a marriage.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay if you don't want to tell your friends everything about yourself.,1,0.5 You should always accept your child's apology.,1,0.5 It's normal for people to make a big fuss for the milestone events of a loved one.,1,0.5 You should not be a burden on others,1,0.24999999999999994 It's important to use good sense to live your life.,1,0.5 "It's allowed to change jobs as much as you'd like, if you can find people who'll hire you.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's painful to be abused by your partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't play sports if your wrist is broken.,1,0.5 It's good to be prepared for things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay not to like a supervisor.,0,0.0 You can't always expect reciprocity.,1,0.5 It's encouraged that you find ways to do tasks that are difficult for you,1,0.5 You should always tip people for their serves.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to live with your parents if you need to,1,0.5 It's impolite to terminate a relationship for trivial reasons.,1,0.5 It's good to be prepared,1,0.5 It's understandable to not invite people to a party.,1,0.7499999999999999 You're encouraged to seek therapy if you find yourself not knowing what to do.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to play football with others.,1,0.5 Partners are expected to help each other out with things they need done.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to not apologize to someone when they deserve it.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's important to follow the dosage instructions when you are taking prescription medication.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to splurge when you find something that you want.,1,0.5 It's okay to do things on your own.,1,0.5 It's understandable that sometimes things don't work out in life.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should grow closer to your friends through shared experiences.,0,0.0 It is expected that some people might have a harder time earning money.,0,0.0 You shouldn't video tape someone without their permission.,1,0.5 It's wrong to not apologize to someone when they deserve it.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be independent.,1,0.5 You shouldn't have a matching tattoo with someone you had an affair with if you're in a relationship.,1,0.5 It's wrong to pretend to be friends with a person for personal gain.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should not break your parent's rules when their significant other is watching you.,1,0.5 It is okay to have feelings from somebody from a long time ago.,1,0.24999999999999994 You're expected to come to accept someone's death.,1,0.5 You shouldn't do drugs or else you might die.,1,0.5 You shouldn't overestimate the gas tank so you don't run out of gas.,0,0.0 It's improper to sleep with someone who's in a relationship.,0,0.0 Taking up space in a coffee shop is selfish.,1,0.5 It's good to get away from a dangerous situation.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to help clean a shared space.,1,0.5 It's understandable that people's lives don't always go as planned.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should let family stay at your home even if you don't like them.,1,0.5 You're expected to act like an adult after a breakup.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's considered kind to help a person who is having issues.,1,0.5 It's fine to join whatever religion you prefer.,1,0.5 It's good to make requests on social media.,0,0.0 It's good to offer nurturing love as a family.,1,0.5 It's wrong not to accept your child's partner.,0,0.0 You have a right to have a service performed whenever is convenient for you.,1,0.5 It's okay to have a crush.,0,0.0 You should always be there for your partner and never grow apart.,1,0.5 You shouldn't cut out your best friend from your life.,0,0.0 You shouldn't judge others on their appearance.,1,0.5 It's typical to share a room with family members at a hotel.,1,0.5 "It is wrong to ""punish"" your spouse.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to like your job.,1,0.5 It's wrong to use racial slurs,1,0.24999999999999994 It is ok if you cancel last minute on people due to an illness.,1,0.5 It's wrong to steal someone's identity.,0,0.0 "When you lose your spouse, it's okay to move on.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to enjoy relaxing.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to be angry when someone hits you with an umbrella.,1,0.5 You shouldn't share plans with your kids if they are adults and responsible enough to get their own plans.,0,0.0 "It's encouraged not to be attached to an arbitrary location, especially if it's a public place.",1,0.5 It's kind to give another person a gift.,1,0.5 It's normal for people to forget things even if they happened very recently.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want to follow a passion instead of working.,1,0.5 It's okay to find peculiar looking people attractive.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should make time to visit your family.,1,0.5 "If you don't want something, you shouldn't have it.",0,0.0 You should not expect others to pay for someone else's mistake.,1,0.5 You shouldn't take advantage of people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that the groom choose the groomsman.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to make yourself look good in front of your partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to cut off nosy family members.,1,0.5 It is rude to misbehave around your family.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to have boundaries.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to feel pissed if someone fires you with a text.,0,0.0 You should listen to your parents.,0,0.0 "If you don't like something, you should tell other people so they don't get the wrong idea.",0,0.0 It's not okay to constantly remind yourself of things.,1,0.5 You shouldn't call people fat because it's rude.,0,0.0 It's expected that you'll be respectful of people with disabilities.,0,0.0 It's okay to be annoyed when you take a class with a biased teacher.,1,0.5 It's fine to want to stay with your significant other.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should help when you see others struggling,0,0.0 It's expected that family members help each other thru trying times.,0,0.0 It's okay to feel hurt if your child doesn't let you see your grandchildren.,1,0.5 It's fine to choose to decline willing sexual partners.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to not want to be friends with someone you still love.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is important to get an education.,1,0.5 It is okay to have fun.,1,0.5 It's expected that you are honest with the person you are dating.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should think of the impact your actions have on your family,1,0.5 It's bad to feel awkward.,1,0.5 It's okay to not want people to call you during certain times of the day.,1,0.5 It's good to buy new things for your sports.,1,0.5 It's admirable when people are able to admit their faults.,1,0.5 It is good for children to have a large extended family,1,0.5 You shouldn't reveal someone's secret side.,1,0.5 It's understandable that it's sometimes hard to follow the examples set by others.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be creepy around your family.,0,0.0 It's rude to make your signifiant other always pay for things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is important to stand up for yourself.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you won't like everyone you meet.,1,0.5 It's good to enjoy talking to your partner.,0,0.0 It's good to respect women.,1,0.5 It's not okay to have kids and to take opioids.,1,0.5 "If you want to run from your problems, you should see a therapist.",1,0.5 It's good to be confident about your appearance.,1,0.7499999999999999 People might think you're aloof if you appear lonely.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's mean to ignore calls from your grandparents.,1,0.5 It's important to be thankful for what you've received.,1,0.5 It's OK to keep your emotions in check.,1,0.5 It's good to keep in touch with your children.,1,0.5 It's expected that parents will keep their children's best interests in mind.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to not have people in real life to talk to.,1,0.5 There should be trust in a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be willing to help your child when they get married.,0,0.0 It is good to learn new things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to include your in-laws in your children's lives.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's a bad idea to turn a friendship into a romance,0,0.0 You shouldn't take advantage of your family members,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't ask your family to donate money,0,0.0 It is unpleasant to have to listen to crude remarks.,1,0.5 You shouldn't have your partner over when you have your friend over at your house.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be wary of a co-worker who is looking at porn at work.,1,0.5 It's good to go out with your buddies.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If someone calls you the wrong name, you should correct them.",1,0.24999999999999994 A partner should respect the career of their partner.,0,0.0 It's good to like your job.,1,0.5 You should be careful when you're walking on a path.,1,0.5 It is okay to be concerned for a friend.,1,0.5 It is good to thank people for their time and effort,1,0.5 You should be there for someone that is depressed.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay that people grieve in different ways.,1,0.5 It's wrong to judge people for their music taste.,1,0.5 You're allowed to find a new group of friends if the last one didn't work out for you,1,0.5 It's expected that bike shops will repair bicycles.,1,0.5 It is normal to address your parents as mom and dad.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to respect other's religious preferences.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you feel cultural whiplash when you move from one area of the country to another.,1,0.5 It's good to be kind to your friends.,1,0.5 It's normal to wash your hands after using the bathroom.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to cut yourself with a knife.,0,0.0 It's good to help your kids with homework.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is heartbreaking to miss a date because you are sick.,1,0.5 You should be loyal to your significant other,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to exercise to stay young.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that parents sacrifice things for the benefit of their children,1,0.5 You shouldn't expect people to work if they don't want to.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is thoughtful to honor those who served in the armed forces.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to leave things alone if you have other obligations to attend to,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to mend relationships with people.,0,0.0 It's ok to tell someone you aren't interested in talking when you're busy at work.,1,0.5 It's good to be honest with friends.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want to express yourself through your physical appearance.,0,0.0 It is right to not share your significant others secrets.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be angry when someone lies about their health.,1,0.5 You should call the police and complain if someone is blasting their music loudly.,1,0.5 "If you hate college, you shouldn't go.",1,0.5 It's bad to travel without planning a known route.,1,0.5 You should talk to your employees before they decide to quit.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to take a lucky item with you somewhere if you need more luck.,1,0.7499999999999999 It can be very helpful to your parents to babysit your siblings.,1,0.5 It's good for people to offer advice and guidance to their younger relatives.,0,0.0 It's normal to feel lost in life at some point.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to want to honor your vows with your spouse.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to restrain your anger when you want to lash out at someone.,1,0.5 "If someone is cheating but not on you, it's better to stay out of it.",0,0.0 You should keep a savings account for emergencies.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to exclude people.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's not okay to cheat on people in life.,1,0.5 It's good to sell old things to make money for new things.,1,0.5 It's good to bring things to parties.,0,0.0 It's okay to be worried when your friend takes longer than they said they would.,1,0.5 You shouldn't put up with someone who talks to you rudely.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is okay to be confident.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is embarrassing to mistake fake fruit for real fruit.,1,0.5 It is good to get an education.,1,0.5 It is good to include others in plans.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to show someone that you care by giving them thoughtful gifts.,1,0.5 It's wise to grown one's own food.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to date someone when you're their boss.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to believe in someone and help them.,1,0.5 It's good to take a stance for feminism.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should marry the person you love.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to have a sexual fantasy about almost anything you find stimulating.,1,0.5 It is important to follow through on your responsibilities.,0,0.0 You should follow your doctor's orders after you get injured.,1,0.5 It's normal to want affection from loved ones.,1,0.5 It's fine to be amused when someone jokes about AI overlords.,1,1.0 It's expected you don't give up on goals you've set for yourself,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to not be careful.,0,0.0 It's okay to get a new partner shortly after you break up with someone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to use derogatory names toward people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay if you don't want the rest of your family involved in a sibling quarrel.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should listen to your partner's advice regarding your problems.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to need help in parenting.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to want someone to do their best.,1,0.5 It's not okay to forbid your significant other from doing something.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to try to be overly controlling with family members.,1,0.5 You shouldn't marry someone you don't want to marry.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable for a parent to not be able to do things for their adult children.,1,0.5 It's good to learn life lessons.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to influence children is ways their parents wouldn't approve.,1,0.5 It's not okay to make others look bad.,1,0.5 It’s bad to not be able to get over an ex.,1,0.5 It is mean to ignore the needs of a animal.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't lend expensive things to coworkers.,1,0.5 It's rude to ask people intrusive questions.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't hit rock bottom.,1,0.5 It's good to learn life lessons.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to believe hoaxes about vaccines being unsafe.,1,0.5 It's okay to eat dried pasta if you like it.,1,0.5 You shouldn't let guilt overtake your life.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should thank someone when they give you a gift.,1,0.5 It's kind to let your significant other pick the movie.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to be happy about something someone just gave you.,1,0.5 It's important to make compromises when you want to make a marriage work.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't get involved with someone's partner.,1,0.5 It's okay to uninvite someone from your wedding when you're fighting with them.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is harmful to stay quiet.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be upset when you stain your favorite shirt.,1,0.5 It is expected people will tell each other about their sexual identities and be honest up front.,1,0.5 It's not good to linger on the past for a long time,1,0.5 It's understandable if you don't want to talk to people about your art.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to play favorites in your family.,1,0.5 It's ok to be single.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should not tell someone else what to do with their pet.,1,0.5 You shouldn't let your friend touch your feet if you don't want them to.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to support your siblings.,1,0.5 You should always give your kids financial advice.,1,0.5 "If your car is old, you should buy a new one if you have the funds.",1,0.5 You should pick things up that you have spilled.,1,0.5 It's wrong to have lunch with your friends of the opposite sex if you're in a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to criticize someone else's parenting.,0,0.0 You should be cautious about how much you drink when you go to a party,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to ignore phone calls on your birthday.,1,0.5 There is nothing wrong with being gay.,1,0.5 It's good to love people.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're concerned when you get a call for help.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal for people to have different tastes,1,0.5 You should always heed someone's words of warning.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be upset with friends for hanging out with someone who threatened you.,1,0.5 You should masturbate in private and not in public.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to share food with others.,0,0.0 You should let your friends make their own decisions about retirement.,1,0.5 It's good to be alert when driving.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to trivialize someone else's health condition.,1,0.5 It is normal for people to grieve in their own way,1,0.5 You should expect people to be worried about things sometimes.,1,0.5 You should be supportive of someone who had a mastectomy.,1,0.24999999999999994 People expect to be able to spend time with their relatives.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's mean to be demanding during the holidays.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's not okay to create a situation where nothing gets done.,1,0.5 It's good to grow as a person as you age.,1,0.5 It's frowned upon to be disrespectful to members of the military.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want to have sex with an attractive girl,1,0.24999999999999994 "It's okay to change your mind, even on important matters.",1,0.5 It's normal to run if you are late for a plane flight.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be understanding when people are having a hardship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is sad to have to mourn lost friends.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're suspicious when a widower in your family gets together with a widower soon after their spouse's died.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't have sex with people if you have herpes.,1,0.5 It's fun to go out fishing.,1,0.5 "If you break the law, it is expected that you will be arrested.",1,0.5 It's good to go out camping with your buddies.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't put up with a crazy friend.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't use loud colors at a funeral because it's inappropriate.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to save up to pay for a big trip.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you look presentable at a funeral.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to ask someone to use another bathroom if they smell it up.,1,0.5 You shouldn't call people things that make them uncomfortable,1,0.5 It's understandable to have a million things on your mind.,0,0.0 "People should look out for their partners, not take advantage of them.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to have problems.,1,0.5 It's good to invest your money.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you think your child's night terrors are just bad dreams.,1,1.0 It can be unsafe to allow your dog to lick you.,1,0.5 If someone hurt you it is reasonable to tell them to get out of your home.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to spend time with family.,1,0.5 It is rude to keep your partner from meeting your family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good be together as a family.t,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to work at home.,1,0.7499999999999999 You are allowed to use the feeling of regret to make sure that you don't make the same mistake twice.,1,0.5 It's wrong to want your girlfriend to leave.,1,0.5 It's good to buy gifts for your partner or spouse.,1,0.5 You shouldn't use the death or tragedy of someone else for your own personal gain.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to tell your significant other that you don't like talking to them on the phone.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be too concerned about your funeral attire.,1,0.5 It's OK not to take life too seriously.,0,0.0 It is good to suggest fun activities for others.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't cause fights.,1,0.5 It's ok to dislike some sounds.,1,0.5 It is good to want to make money.,1,0.5 It's bad to lie to people about your health.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to act unprofessional at work.,1,0.5 It's expected that you want to talk to your significant other.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to do things that make you happy.,1,0.5 It is ok to cancel a party if you are sick.,1,0.5 It's wrong to not let a significant other do things they think are fun.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't clip your nails in public.,1,0.5 You should not ask your children for money.,1,0.5 You cannot be forced to love someone you do not.,1,0.5 It is irrational to think about someone who left you decades earlier.,1,0.5 Partners are expected to do kind things for each other.,1,0.5 It's fine to take solace in death if something good was able to come as a result of the death.,1,0.5 You don't need to accept apologies if you're not ready to move on,1,0.24999999999999994 It is your right to wear slipper wherever you choose.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to have never been on a date once you reach a certain age.,1,0.5 It's bad to have a potty mouth.,1,0.5 It's okay to feel bad for someone who is begging to play a game.,1,1.0 It's good to retire from a job.,1,0.5 You should not have to hide how you are feeling.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be careful so you don't grab the wrong bottle and mix it up with your beer.,1,0.5 It's ok to buy a snack.,1,0.5 It is ok to see a doctor if your bloating will not go away.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to go to the doctor if your leg might be broken.,0,0.0 Parents should make sure expectations are clear,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be upset over not being able to find a job.,1,0.5 It is wrong to have sex with your partner's family members.,1,0.5 It is good to enjoy time with your grandmother.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to find a partner's siblings attractive.,1,1.0 Plumbers can be expected to wear pants that don't completely cover their ass.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're scared when you get lost.,1,0.5 You should not let personal relationships get in the way of your relationship with family.,1,0.7499999999999999 The subway is a more efficient means of transportation than the alternatives.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is wrong to be attracted to your friend's parent.,1,0.5 It's bad to steal from others.,1,0.5 It is wrong to be racist.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't lie about your picture on dating apps.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to regret things from your past,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable if you're relieved when you can afford to pay your bills.,1,0.5 It can be difficult to control what you do subconsciously.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If your child is depressed, you should get them some therapy.",0,0.0 It's expected that you sit down in a theater,1,0.5 You shouldn't move when you're happy in your home.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is lazy to think about quitting a job you just started.,1,0.5 It's wrong to hurt people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to want to make money.,1,0.5 You should divorce someone that cheats on you.,1,0.24999999999999994 "One is expected to help their family, not pass their problems on to others.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to go out camping with your buddies.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is bad to buy things if they are out of your budget.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to discuss your problems with a close friend or family member.,0,0.0 It's rude to move an animal's home from the spot they built it.,1,0.5 It's nice to host families.,1,0.5 It is important to establish boundaries in relationships.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's ok to want to have some time to yourself.,1,0.24999999999999994 Parents should support your children's decisions,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be disgusted when someone pees on the floor in the bathroom.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to let your child go out and play.,1,0.5 You shouldn't fantasize about torture because it's wrong.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that some people can't find anyone to talk to when they need to.,1,0.5 It's bad to expect your spouse to pay for your vices.,1,0.5 It's wrong to trivialize someone else's health condition.,1,0.5 It's bad to to listen to what you want.,1,0.24999999999999994 "It's understandable that sometimes, people have reasons to feel insecure.",1,0.5 "It's good to have ambitions, even if they're currently unobtainable.",1,0.5 It's okay to not know how to drive.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to be scared of your home.,1,0.5 It's good to be able to be honest about who you are.,1,0.5 It's wrong to cheat on others.,1,0.5 You should be careful when making food so you don't burn it.,1,0.5 It is expected to be tired after an illness.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is ok to be upset about your past.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's not okay to push your responsibilities off on someone else.,1,0.5 It's good to save one's money to take a special vacation.,0,0.0 It's despicable to fire someone over a text.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is crude to cut off communications with a former friend.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to try to become more independent.,0,0.0 You shouldn't give a speech just to offend someone else.,1,0.7499999999999999 Friendships should be valued above all else.,1,0.5 It's good to overcome one's nerves and perform well.,1,0.5 You should always make sure you have healthcare.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's important to prioritize spending time with family members.,1,0.5 It's nice to call your grandchild on their birthday.,1,0.5 It's good to have children visit.,1,0.5 It's understandable to not enjoy being around people you don't like.,1,0.24999999999999994 Parents should look out for the safety of their children.,0,0.0 It is okay to feel scared.,1,0.5 It's wrong to talk to your friends about sensitive topics.,1,1.0 It's good not to spend a lot of money.,1,0.5 You should lose weight if you're fat and unhealthy.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's alarming when the tree limb you're on breaks.,0,0.0 It's detestable to deceive someone into thinking you're of a legal age to consent when that's not true.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to leave without holding your spot for someone else.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't be cheap when it comes to your home.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should know your own physical limits.,0,0.0 You should be comfortable when you have a relaxation day.,1,0.5 It's normal to wonder about the future,1,0.5 "If you have a disability, it's okay to want to date people.",1,0.5 It's frustrating when others don't share the same enthusiasm for a holiday as you do.,1,0.5 It's good to want to say your sorry when bad things happen.,0,0.0 You should attend memorial services for loved ones.,1,0.24999999999999994 People expect family vacations to be fun but a little stressful.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's admirable when people try to learn from past mistakes.,0,0.0 It's wrong to take pennies from a wishing fountain.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected most people would be upset if their best friend was dating their ex.,1,0.24999999999999994 Families should try to work out problems with each other.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to be racist to other people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to pretend to be sick.,1,0.5 It is understandable to want space from an ex.,1,0.5 It's wrong to tell your sibling what to do.,1,0.5 It is typical for there to be mean-spirited behavior when a marriage deteriorates.,1,0.5 It's fine to ban anyone you want to from an online account.,1,0.5 It's good to help people out with their wedding.,1,0.5 You shouldn't post pictures if you're tired online.,1,0.5 It's good to be respectful during a breakup.,1,0.5 It's allowed to seek mental health if you often talk to imaginary friends.,0,0.0 It is bad to live with a roommate you have feelings for if they do not feel the same way.,1,0.5 You should put food out for your pet when they are missing.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to put off your responsibilities till later.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't be too open around kids because they could use it against you.,1,0.7499999999999999 Sometimes you need help when you're struggling.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to tell your family stories.,0,0.0 You are allowed to sexually gratify yourself.,1,0.5 It is good to show respect for causes you believe in.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's acceptable to be unemployed.,1,0.5 It's good to keep up with the news.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't cause drama in your family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to be so greedy with things that your relationships suffer.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to expect people to give you things,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always practice good communication with your partner so they know your feelings.,0,0.0 It's normal to like certain things more than others in a snack mix.,1,0.5 You shouldn't judge others on their appearance.,1,0.5 It's not okay to do things where you know you could get hurt.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is important to take care of animals.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to deny someone an education because they are pregnant.,1,0.5 If your friend asks for a ride home from the airport you are expected to help them out.,1,0.5 It's wasteful to spend money on gambling.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected that children do risky things.,1,0.5 You shouldn't care who your friends hook up with.,1,0.5 "It's good to be understanding and forgiving, especially with friends and loved ones.",1,0.5 If you agree to take care of someones dog it is cruel to neglect the dog.,0,0.0 It's understandable to want to classify things.,1,0.5 It is okay to be wrong at times.,1,0.5 It's expected that you're pets will be happy to see you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to shut other people out.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should not stay friends with people who put you out.,1,0.5 It's okay to be upset when things are stressful,1,0.5 "If someone helps your elderly relative, you should be thankful.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's exciting when you're winning a game,1,0.5 It's good to keep trying if you don't succeed the first time.,1,0.5 It is important to stay committed.,1,0.5 It is normal for parents to want to help their children,1,0.5 It's bad to hurt yourself when you're angry.,1,0.5 It's not okay to let things stop you from doing something new.,1,0.5 It is expected for parents to do nice things for their children.,1,0.5 It is good to show appreciation.,1,0.5 It's expected that you respect your parents.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected that pilots operate planes.,1,0.5 It's good when you get out of a certain type of suffering.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's ok to get embarrassed sometimes.,1,0.24999999999999994 Families should be supportive of their members.,1,0.5 Families are expected to work out their issues with each other by openly communicating.,0,0.0 "If someone is homeless, you should help them out.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's understood you shouldn't just show up at someone's place with the expectation they'll feed you.,1,0.5 It's okay to be suspicious when someone doesn't cry when their spouse dies.,1,1.0 It's important to talk to your doctor if you want to change your medication,1,0.5 It is wrong to be misleading.,1,0.5 It's expected that you'll want your girlfriend to stay.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to support the value of literacy.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's hurtful to be cut off by a family member.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to appreciate the same things as others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to be competitive.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should expect people to judge you if you're ignorant about things.,1,0.5 It's acceptable to use the bathroom when visiting someone else's home.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that some people go to jail.,1,0.5 You shouldn't annoy people.,1,0.5 It's okay to be upset with your elders.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to go through a lot of choices until you find the right pair of shoes.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you're frustrated when your relative is diagnosed with a chronic illness.,1,0.5 It's OK to not be attracted to someone based on their race.,1,1.0 It is time consuming to write a paper for class.,1,0.5 It is expected that not everyone will be a good fit for a job.,0,0.0 It is impolite to not say hello.,1,0.5 It is okay to be addicted to a quality.,1,0.5 It is expected that people treat the flag with respect.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't be careful about spoiling a show or movie for people if the show or movie is months or years old.,1,0.5 It's wrong to hide things from your loved ones.,0,0.0 It's good to practice your principles.,1,0.5 It's good to support the value of literacy.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should keep supporting someone when they are trying to figure out what they want to do.,1,0.5 You should call the police if someone is stalking you.,1,0.5 It's not good to have your mental health on the border line.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to put on an act in front of others.,1,0.5 It's important to communicate with your partner openly and honestly.,1,0.5 It is okay to not help your partner orgasm when you are not in the mood yourself.,1,0.5 It's considerate to help out an elderly person.,1,0.5 It's expected that employees will fulfill their duties.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to go to church to practice your religion.,1,0.5 It's good to lose weight if you're fat.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you want to retire when you don't have to work.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to expect others to travel to your events at their own expense.,0,0.0 You shouldn't threaten your partner.,1,0.5 It's understandable to take time to accept someone's death.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be around people that make fools of themselves.,1,0.5 It's not okay to not tell someone something important in person.,1,1.0 You shouldn't get involved with your ex.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to avoid others who hurt you.,1,0.5 You shouldn't go someplace if you're injured.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to do things that can make someone that cares about you jealous.,0,0.0 It's expected that people you associate with will learn your name.,1,0.5 It's good to do what's best for your kids and not expose them to new partners often,1,0.5 You should always be prepared and make sure you have money before you go to buy something.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you will do something for your significant other on a special holiday.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to know you can find your friend when you need them.,1,0.5 You should never do anything that may cause your children to despise you.,1,1.0 You're allowed to feel annoyed with yourself if you want.,1,0.5 It's rude to always expect rides from other people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to follow your dreams.,1,0.5 It is bad to be bloated for many days in a row.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to take advantage of someone you have power over.,1,0.5 You should not tell someone else what to do with their pet.,1,0.5 It's not good to be part of a hate group.,1,0.5 It's healthy to give yourself time to rest and recuperate after a trying ordeal.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should expect people who are in a relationship to eventually get married.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is wrong to do drugs.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be scared when you hurt yourself.,1,0.5 It's fine to make your own choice about what path you want to take.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to date who you want to,0,0.0 It's morally wrong to disrespect another person.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to maintain a job.,1,0.5 It is good to check your grammar.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to stick up for those who can't stick up for themselves.,1,0.5 It's wrong to invade someones privacy,1,0.24999999999999994 Trying to hide a partner from your parents would be stressful.,1,0.5 You shouldn't write a check that is going to bounce.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay if you don't want to go to bed.,1,0.5 It's good to do things that make you happy.,1,0.5 It's good to take care of your possessions so they don't get lost.,1,0.5 It's ok to tell your student to stop talking in class.,1,0.5 It is wrong to want others to perform bodily functions on you.,1,0.5 It's good to care about someone and not want them to be in trouble.,1,0.5 It's not okay to not appreciate other peoples good fortunes.,1,0.5 It's okay to be angry when the person you live with swears at you.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should ask questions directly.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to keep in contact with your grandparents.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected people who have a serious relationship will be there to support each other.,1,0.5 You shouldn't always trust people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's hard to have a family in the military,1,0.5 It is reasonable to be upset if your son's girlfriend withholds information about him.,1,0.5 It's normal to feel good when someone complements you.,1,0.5 You should expect your kids to come home soon when you ask them.,0,0.0 One should be open and honest in a romantic relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to eat to much unhealthy food.,1,0.24999999999999994 Taking on the duties of someone who sacrifices for you is fantastic.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to cheat on others.,1,0.5 It's good to spend time outside so you get some fresh air.,1,0.5 Sometimes you need help when you're struggling.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to donate to charity,1,0.5 You're allowed to hate people if you want.,1,0.5 You should be considerate of your loved ones.,1,0.24999999999999994 It can be okay to marry someone out of convenience.,1,0.5 It is wrong to betray your sibling.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected that a guest will follow house rules even if they are family.,1,0.5 It's okay to tell someone that you don't want to look at their personal photos.,1,0.5 It's wrong to betray your parents.,1,0.5 It's understood there are things in life that parents should need to do for their kids.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to try to meet someone you find attractive.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to be unfaithful in a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to care about your health.,1,0.5 It's expected that people will be proud of their academic achievements.,0,0.0 It's understandable to want to tell on other people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to want to do the things it takes to start a grown up life.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're annoyed by other people profiting off of your money.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to appreciate art.,1,0.5 It's good to book accommodations ahead of time when travelling.,1,0.24999999999999994 People should abstain from intimate relations while flying.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to make an effort to have a strong marriage.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want a partner to wear clothing that appeals to you.,1,0.5 It's okay to question a doctor's advice.,1,0.5 It's good to join your family in exercising.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected to find a replacement if needing the day off of work.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's crucial to be open and communicative with your partner.,1,0.5 "One is expected to help their family, not pass their problems on to others.",1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't annoy the people you sit by.,0,0.0 It's rude to drink around someone who is a recovering alcoholic.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to question what is going on.,1,0.5 It is rude to discuss other people's personal life.,0,0.0 It is your right to kiss whoever you want to.,1,0.5 It's wrong to brag.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If your wrist is broken, you should see the doctor.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to try new foods.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to feel excited if you almost missed your plane but you made it!,1,0.5 It's bad to be unfaithful in a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to pretend to be something you're not.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to feel dejected when people didn't care enough about you to throw a birthday party for you.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always practice good manners.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you engage in activity you don't want others to know about, it's irresponsible to leave a paper trail.",1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't rush moving.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to fall in love with somebody else when you are in a relationship.,1,0.5 You shouldn't intentionally ruin the joy of others.,1,0.5 It's important to use good sense to live your life.,1,0.5 It's okay to not want to be friends with others that won't support you.,1,0.5 It's bad to prematurely quit because of frustration.,1,0.24999999999999994 You can't expect your family to attend a funeral.,1,0.5 It's nice to be thankful.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to feel alone.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't put up with a friend that badmouths your religious beliefs.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to question society.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't avoid talking to your grandparents.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't hold it against someone when they're uncool one day.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't have to pay your ex's bills.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you don't want your mother to sleep in your bed with you.,0,0.0 It is acceptable to ask someone on another date.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be bitter and salty about petty things.,1,0.5 It's good to have a cultural identity.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to encourage violence in children.,1,0.5 You should keep an eye on your young child so they don't wander off.,0,0.0 It's good to keep in contact with your grandparents.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to not let someone you care about have a life.,1,0.5 It's rude to stop flirting with someone.,1,0.5 You shouldn't accuse your parents of doing things.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's nice to call your grandchild on their birthday.,1,0.5 It's okay to express your concerns when someone drinks too much coffee.,1,0.5 It's normal to help out your partner when they need it.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be friends with creepy people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to help people who are having problems.,1,0.5 It's fun to take your kids to the beach.,1,0.5 It's good to focus on your studies.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be biased against your students for not sharing your same beliefs.,0,0.0 It's okay to be proud of your hard work.,1,0.5 You shouldn't go into someone's room if it's disgusting.,1,0.5 Touching someone you do not know is unacceptable.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is expected to help out your spouse financially.,1,0.5 It's bad to run over someone.,0,0.0 "If you're depressed, you should get some help.",1,0.24999999999999994 People shouldn't let their own personal demons interfere with their day-to-day interpersonal relationships.,1,0.24999999999999994 You are supposed to love your pet dog.,1,0.24999999999999994 Parents should try to get along with your children significant other,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to think people who can't pay for healthcare don't deserve it because everyone deserves healthcare.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to put your education before your family at times,1,0.5 You shouldn't force your grandchildren to eat something they don't want to eat.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable to ban someone's account when they break the rules.,1,0.5 It is normal for people to grieve in their own way,1,0.5 It's bad to steal from your employer.,1,0.5 It is important to have good hygiene.,1,0.5 It's bad to treat someone poorly.,1,0.5 You shouldn't lie just to reject date offers.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is creative work to write an English paper.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to tell somebody who they can be friends with,0,0.0 It’s good to love someone.,1,0.5 It is good to have a goal.,1,0.5 It is bad to tamper with hotel property,1,0.5 It's understandable if you don't want to buy something you aren't happy with.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's allowed to try to find puppies a good home.,0,0.0 It's nice to worry about your parents.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should follow your doctor's orders after you get injured.,1,0.5 You shouldn't decorate in a way that is alarming to others.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's smart to keep looking until you find exactly what you want.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to give people money that are in need.,1,0.5 It's acceptable to choose to eat vegetarian.,1,0.5 It's expected that you'll want your girlfriend to stay.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to wait for gifts from others.,1,1.0 It's fine to say no when your friend wants to touch your feet.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're annoyed when your friends sleep in your bed.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's allowed to do what you like in your own backyard.,1,0.7499999999999999 It goes against office etiquette to take food that belongs to co-workers.,1,0.5 It's ok to say whatever you want when you are alone.,1,0.5 It's understandable to feel afraid when an animal is acting aggressively toward you.,0,0.0 It's bad to harass your employees.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to take care of your personal belongings.,1,0.5 It's good to give yourself a new look.,1,0.5 It is okay to seek advice when you are having a difficult time.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is ok to not enjoy being pregnant.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's fine to drop a water jug.,1,0.5 It's dreadful to let food go to waste.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to feel uncomfortable with writing something personal that will be read in front of others.,1,0.5 You should keep an eye on your young child so they don't wander off.,0,0.0 It's not normal to dislike everybody,1,0.7499999999999999 It is bad to have a relationship that is unhealthy.,1,0.5 It's bad to leave school without letting someone know where you're going.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be friends with creepy people.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't yell at other people.,0,0.0 Receiving constructive criticism is an essential skill to have.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to donate blood.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's terrible to forget a family member's birthday.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is helpful to do chores around the house.,1,0.5 It's good to take care of your personal belongings.,1,0.5 It's indefensible to be a bigot.,1,0.5 It's not okay to cause drama where there doesn't have to be any.,1,0.5 It's fine to be curious about whether you can get attention.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to want to spend time with family,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to want to like the way a significant other dresses.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should apologize when you nick someone's temple with an umbrella.,1,0.5 It is nostalgic to recall places from your childhood.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're excited when you wear comfy pants.,1,0.5 It is good to help clean a shared space.,1,0.5 It's expected that people see opportunities at jobs they've done for awhile.,1,0.5 "You should expect some people to burp really loudly and be happy about it, especially if they are a guy.",1,0.5 You should come together in times of need.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's appropriate to voice your concern when your concern comes from a good place.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be prepared to let your daughter move on after she gets married.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to call the city without first talking to your neighbor.,1,0.5 It's okay to play video games.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to not get along with family members.,1,0.5 It's unhealthy to depend on validation from others,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always dress down if you're not going anywhere special.,0,0.0 It is good to help a frined love themselves.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to hate monkeys and apes because they are scary.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to offer nurturing love as a family.,1,0.5 It's expected that roommates should be considerate.,1,0.5 You have the right to date anyone you choose.,0,0.0 It is good to share food with others.,0,0.0 It's bad to do things at work that might get you fired.,1,0.5 It's okay to regret mistakes from your past.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always do your chores.,1,0.5 It's important to appear in court to state your case to the judge.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's ok to think about things.,1,0.5 You shouldn't lie just to reject date offers.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to expect someone to thank you when you give them a bad gift.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to feign illness for attention.,1,0.5 It's okay to be depressed.,1,0.5 People are expected to love their relatives.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to help people out with their wedding.,1,0.5 It's okay to be uncomfortable when you're reunited with your spouse after time apart.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you have a weird bump, you should see a doctor because it might be cancer.",1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't get rid of an autographed item if you really love it.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to do things that you think only affect your health.,1,0.5 Getting a kiss on the cheek can make you feel good.,1,0.24999999999999994 Its more fun to play outside if the internet isn't working.,1,0.5 It's expected that you'll want your girlfriend to stay.,1,0.24999999999999994 You can't expect everyone to like your talents.,1,0.5 You should always acknowledge old friends.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is comforting to have momentary relief from chronic pain.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to consider better educational opportunities.,1,0.5 It's good to want to stay safe in life.,0,0.0 "It's allowed to decide you want to further your education, no matter the age.",0,0.0 It's good to appreciate your friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If someone sexually harasses you, you should have them arrested.",1,0.5 You shouldn't regret decisions you've made.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't ditch your friend for other people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's nice to get an email from someone you like.,1,0.5 It's understandable that sometimes an accident happens while a person is driving.,1,0.5 It's expected that you grieve for lost loved ones right away.,1,0.5 You should always show up.,0,0.0 It's unhealthy to vape.,1,0.5 Friends are expected to be there for each other.,1,0.24999999999999994 If you really hate a sports team you are expected to want them to lose .,1,0.7499999999999999 It is ok to be late to something if you had an emergency.,1,0.5 It can be very helpful to your parents to babysit your siblings.,1,0.5 People are expected to look out for their friends.,1,0.5 It's OK to keep your wedding small by not inviting a lot of people.,1,0.5 It's okay to live with your parents if you need to,1,0.5 It's understandable to take away someone's car keys if they can't drive safetly.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should see a doctor to explore your options.,0,0.0 You shouldn't treat your partner like a trading card with your friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should talk things over with others instead of getting mad.,0,0.0 You shouldn't put so much intrusive care on older patients.,1,0.5 It's impolite not to thank someone for the gift they gave you.,1,0.5 It's okay to give something away when you don't enjoy it anymore.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be too open around kids because they could use it against you.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good for friends to comfort each other when in crisis.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is wrong to have sex with your partner's family members.,1,0.5 It is expected that you do not talk to exes.,0,0.0 It's understandable to hide your drug addiction.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't get into a fight with someone over petty things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to travel places.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to give a child a pet they aren't old enough to care for.,1,0.5 You should get some therapy if you cross dress.,1,0.5 It is good to buy things you like.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should accommodate your employees when they have a disability.,0,0.0 It's good to budget your spending.,0,0.0 You should treat your family heirlooms with respect.,1,0.5 It's ok to be honest with friends.,1,0.5 You should manage your social media profiles however you want them to be managed.,1,0.5 You shouldn't ever using the n word.,1,0.5 It's good to listen to your partner's concerns regarding your future with them.,1,0.5 You should try to eat food in a more respectful manner.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay if you want to spend some time by yourself.,1,0.5 It's OK to wear an original wedding dress.,0,0.0 It's good to ask your friend if something is wrong when you sense that something is off.,1,0.24999999999999994 Friends are expected to be there for each other.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to want kids.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want to pursue one's hobbies.,1,0.5 "If someone asks you to do something, you should do it.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have boundaries.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's sad to miss an opportunity.,1,0.5 It's expected that not everyone will excel at any profession they choose.,1,0.5 It's not okay to make someone's life more difficult that it has to be.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to take away the rights of others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong for a parent to do things to make their children loose respect of them.,1,0.5 You should help when you see others struggling,0,0.0 It's not okay to betray people that consider you freinds.,1,0.5 It is normal to not communicate with people who aren't your friends.,1,1.0 Cheating on a significant other is wrong.,1,0.24999999999999994 It bad to abuse others.,1,0.5 It's hurtful to never return to someone's home.,1,0.24999999999999994 Sometimes parents let their children win games to be nice,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to coerce your coworkers into taking an unwanted dog.,1,0.7499999999999999 You don't have to be responsible for a friend's illness if you don't want to,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't expect people to always stay at their job.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is normal to contact someone on Craigslist about a a listing.,1,0.5 It's good to help others when they need it.,1,0.5 It is wrong to allow subway to ruin your life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to expect your significant other to want to hang out with your friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be there for your kids,1,0.5 It is bad to drink too much.,1,0.7499999999999999 Its best not to share personal feeling with strangers.,1,0.5 Friends are expected to care deeply about each other.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you feel uncomfortable when you're attracted to a younger woman.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should lose trust for people who lie to you.,1,0.5 You should never be too proud to ask for directions.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to exercise every day.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable if you don't want your in-laws dropping in whenever they please.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good for people to offer advice and guidance to their younger relatives.,0,0.0 It is important to seek help if needed.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's allowed to clip coupons to get the best deal.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to be honest with others,1,0.5 It is good to help your friends,1,0.5 It's good to share what you have with others,1,0.5 "If you suspect someone is sick, you should talk to them.",1,0.5 It is understandable to want to be a part of your spouse's family.,1,0.5 It's good to suggest help to people with depression.,1,0.7499999999999999 Disappearing from a friend's communications is unexpected.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to wish you weren't alive.,1,0.5 You should tell someone if they upset you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to have boundaries in a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is important to drive safely.,1,0.5 It's okay to be frustrated when your parents are obsessed with their family heirlooms.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's fine to be angry if your significant other abandons plans you've made together.,0,0.0 It's unwise to share a storage unit with others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's acceptable to start a relationship with someone.,1,0.5 It's expected that you'll understand common joke formats.,0,0.0 It's understandable to want to quit your job at times.,1,0.5 It's good to want to enjoy the outdoors.,1,0.5 It's expected that your parents will be sad when you move.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to re-use birthday candles because they aren't bad after you light them and blow them out and can still be reused.,1,0.5 You should be more responsible when it comes to cleaning.,0,0.0 It's okay to support whatever companies you find fit.,1,0.5 Parents are expected to respect the beliefs of their children.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to punish cheaters.,1,0.5 It's fine to join whatever religion you prefer.,1,0.5 It is frightening to be antagonized by your future in-laws.,1,0.5 It's expected that you'll need to meet certain work standards.,1,0.5 You shouldn't always trust what someone writes online.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected that conspiracy theorists might have spouses that believe in the same things.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to cut out people who are toxic to you.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should let your kids solve their own problems.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want a divorce when your spouse cheated on you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to want to tell on other people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to feel exhilarated when you find a new career.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to have money problems.,1,1.0 You shouldn't overwork yourself if you're pregnant.,1,0.5 It is brave to ask someone on a date.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't tell your friend what to do.,0,0.0 It is okay to want to have children of your own,1,0.24999999999999994 You should make an effort to go out with your parents and do things together.,1,0.5 It's good to have something in your life that you love with every fiber of your being.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is rude to interrupt people,1,0.5 You shouldn't use your sibling's picture on your dating profiles.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be frustrated when someone picks and chooses when they love you.,1,0.24999999999999994 Adults should know better than to expose themselves to the vulnerable when they're sick.,1,0.5 It's expected to save a pet that is in danger.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're frustrated when your relative is diagnosed with a chronic illness.,1,0.5 It's fine to have controversial opinions.,1,0.5 It's impolite to ghost people with whom you have a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 "People should refrain from bringing their pets, no matter how cute, to work.",1,0.5 You shouldn't let your kitten outside since it might get run down by a car.,1,0.5 It is reasonable to want to leave your spouse if they cannot be faithful to you.,1,0.5 It is good to be with the one you love.,1,0.5 It's frustrating when you put more effort into a relationship than other people do.,1,0.5 You should do what you can to help your significant other with their mental health.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you invite your friends to your wedding.,1,0.5 It's good to take charge of things.,1,0.5 It is better to keep candy in your kitchen.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't call people things that make them uncomfortable,1,0.5 It's honorable to defend your romantic partner in arguments.,1,0.5 You should not judge others for their lack of knowledge.,1,0.5 "It's good to watch out for a child's safety, even if it ruins their fun.",1,0.24999999999999994 You should always spend time with people you enjoy.,1,0.5 It's bad to be only attracted to fictional characters.,1,0.5 It's normal to want others to like you.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be upset when you lose something that you need.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't criticize someone's food preferences.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be honest about your feelings when your partner doesn't want you to feed their kids.,0,0.0 It is good to be respectful of others around you when on the phone.,0,0.0 It is normal to not feel love towards a new pet.,1,0.5 It's okay to be strict when you want your teenager to wise up.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be upset when you lose your job.,1,0.5 You should always practice good manners.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay for parents to be emotionally attached to their kids personal lives.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to do something purposely to hurt someone who didn't do anything to you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that fairs will be crowded.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to act out in school.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that children will want to learn about their extended family and lineage.,1,0.5 It is lazy to think about quitting a job you just started.,1,0.5 It's acceptable to start a process over.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to expect more than a person can give.,1,0.5 Businesses should treat customers with courtesy if they expect them to return.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't get revenge on your partner.,1,0.5 You should always practice preventative maintenance on your car.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you feel something poking you, you should check it out to see what it is.",1,0.5 It is bad to steal donation money,0,0.0 You should help out your parents when they lose something.,1,0.5 You shouldn't give ice cream to your dog.,1,0.5 You shouldn't put up with someone's coarse language.,1,0.5 It's good to want to be prepared for the future.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is acceptable to establish rules about respect.,1,0.5 It's nice to have friends.,1,0.5 You shouldn't asssume someone has a disability.,0,0.0 It's good to spend time with family,1,0.5 It's good for one to find a special person to spend the rest of their life with.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you honor your work commitments.,0,0.0 It's important to confront your fears,1,0.5 It is bad to wish hurt upon someone.,1,0.5 It's not okay to make excuses in life.,1,0.5 It's expected that you obey traffic laws while driving a car.,0,0.0 It is not good to scare your friends,1,0.5 "When you are injured, it's good to go to the hospital.",1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't try to force people to events they will be very unhappy at.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is ok to be bloated at times.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't yell at other people.,0,0.0 It's not okay to ruins someone's fun when they are just trying to enjoy a game.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should educate your friends when they make homophobic remarks.,1,0.5 You shouldn't hold onto the sad past.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to feel sad about the state of your life.,1,0.5 It is okay to have your own tastes and preferences,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to not be willing to fight someone over a relationship,1,0.5 It's okay to be upset when you lose all the money you put into a wedding you canceled.,1,0.5 "If your fiance smells bad, you should tell them to take a shower.",1,0.5 It's OK to remove toxic people from your life.,1,0.5 "When you retire, it's good to buy your dream home.",1,0.5 It is wrong to refuse help when you are struggling and you know that need it.,0,0.0 It's okay to be sad about bad things that have happened to you.,1,0.5 You should apply for jobs when you don't have one.,1,0.5 It's fun to share a cabin with your friends.,1,0.5 It's not okay to judge something just because you tried it once.,1,0.5 You should not judge someone's situation if you do not know them.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't dream about people you've broken up with 25 years ago.,1,0.5 You should always be observant of your surroundings.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you hit rock bottom, you should get some help.",1,0.5 People might think you're a thief if they see you handling stuff that isn't yours.,1,0.5 You shouldn't become overly friendly with a friend's partner.,1,0.5 It's not okay to stray from a relationship.,1,0.5 If you're selling something you're expected to be fair.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to write things down as soon as possible.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's nice to keep pets.,1,0.5 You should keep cherished mementos of people who are important to you.,1,0.5 It's good to be concerned when someone is doing something harmful.,1,0.5 You shouldn't ditch your friend for other people.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always pursue your passions.,0,0.0 It's good to apologize for bad behavior.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to find things that motivate you and give you joy.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always pursue your passions.,0,0.0 It's good to clean the sidewalk for people who walk by.,1,0.5 It's good to avoid fighting with your friend.,1,0.5 You should expect that somebody from a long time ago to have moved on from that point in their life.,1,0.5 It's good to be happy for your kids.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to offer money for a share in a company.,1,0.5 "If you have a wound, you should get it cleaned up so it doesn't get infected.",1,0.5 It's wrong to be part of an affair.,1,0.5 It's reasonable to make a mistake with an employee's paycheck.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's normal for siblings to play pranks,1,0.7499999999999999 It is bad to say hurtful things to your friends,1,0.5 You should share with your partner's family.,1,0.5 It's okay not to want to go out with others.,1,0.5 It's good to restrain your anger when you want to lash out at someone.,1,0.5 It's wrong to think a tan is suspicious.,1,0.5 It's good to try new restaurants.,1,0.5 It's rude to use profane language when speaking with someone of authority.,1,0.5 It's understood that not everyone is a cheerful person.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to give someone a gift who does not want it.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't sabotage someone's life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong not to include all of a family in a family photo.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is wrong to sleep with another person when you still have feelings for your relationship partner.,1,0.5 It's wrong for a lawyer to give false information to a client.,1,0.5 It's bad to have an affair with someone you know has a partner.,1,0.5 It's fine to remove yourself from a stressful situation.,1,0.5 It's good to remember the Good Old Days.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's polite to be mindful of whether your habits are going to bother the people around you.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you feel very disconnected, you should get some help.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to influence children is ways their parents wouldn't approve.,1,0.5 You shouldn't always trust someone's confession.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should be proud of yourself when you accomplish something important.,1,0.5 It's good to give someone everything they need for something.,1,0.5 You should feel guilty when you frame someone for a mistake.,1,0.5 You should be in a hurry if you're having an emergency.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't behave inappropriately with underage people.,0,0.0 It's wrong to keep secrets from family members.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't expect your boyfriend to do your own obligations for you.,1,0.5 You should expect to have dreams about your ex if you just broke up with them.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should respect a present that someone else gifted you.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should always help out a needy sibling.,1,0.5 It is good to help people who are down on their luck.,1,0.5 You should fine someone if they break the law.,1,0.5 It's great to give things to people that will mean something to them,1,0.5 It is understandable to want to celebrate a birthday.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to feel upset when there is conflict within your family.,1,0.5 It's normal for couples to want to spend time alone,1,1.0 You shouldn't carry fake weapons in public.,1,0.5 It's okay to date who you want.,1,0.5 You're encouraged to seek therapy if you find yourself not knowing what to do.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to terminate a relationship out of convenience.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to explore your likes and dislikes.,1,0.5 It's okay if you don't want to tell your friends everything about yourself.,1,0.5 You shouldn't try to break up a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to do things that you know will bring harm to others.,1,0.5 Sugary foods are expected to cause weight gain.,1,0.5 "You shouldn't walk around in the rain, you might get sick.",1,1.0 You shouldn't be cheap when it comes to your home.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to make a budget.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's irresponsible stop taking your medication,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be bothered by a pet that is dealing with incontinence.,1,0.5 It's wrong to destroy someone's reputation.,1,0.5 It's good to be aware of your limits.,1,0.5 It's good to appreciate art.,1,0.5 It's okay for babies to go through teething.,0,0.0 You shouldn't be cheap when it comes to your home.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to learn things new and fun.,1,0.5 It’s wrong to expose young children to a lot of female partners,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you develop independence as an adult.,1,0.5 It's expected that you won't exchange goods and money for sexual photos when you're married.,1,0.5 It's expected that people get married when they find someone they like.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you won't buy sexual photos from minors.,0,0.0 It's courageous to join the military and defend the freedom of your country.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want to tell on other people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to feel lost when in new places.,1,0.5 You are expected to give people space if they ask for it.,1,0.5 It's good to save up until you can afford to buy something.,1,0.5 It is okay to be upset if you feel ignored.,1,0.5 You shouldn't talk down on yourself.,0,0.0 You shouldn't marry someone who is abusive.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to break up with someone for superficial reasons.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad for people to think you're ridiculous.,1,0.5 It's good to believe in women's rights.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to fear for your children when they're in danger.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be focused on learning while at school.,1,0.5 It's degrading to seek affirmation from people.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't park your car in an electric charging spot if it's a gas car.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to investigate an opponent without their knowledge.,1,0.5 It's okay for the things you enjoy to change as you get older,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that people are happier when they live as their true selves.,1,0.5 It's kind to show a partner how much you care by getting them a gift.,1,0.5 People expect you to say hello if they know you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to expect others to travel to your events at their own expense.,0,0.0 You shouldn't lead people on.,0,0.0 People are expected to do what they can keep themselves healthy.,1,0.5 You shouldn't rescind a wedding invitation you've already sent to someone.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad to lose track of your belongings.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's ok to hold onto a loved one's ashes.,1,0.5 You should be patient with others and realize we all move at our own pace.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable for a baby to bite anything.,1,0.5 It's good to learn things new and fun.,1,0.5 It's good to clean your driveway if it's dirty.,1,0.5 It is good to get rid of an over the top tradition.,0,0.0 You shouldn't expect others to give you their food.,1,0.5 It's okay to start your life over again if you have to.,1,0.5 It's understandable that sometimes an accident happens while a person is driving.,1,0.5 It's okay to not be in the mood for things.,1,0.5 "Judging how others enjoy themselves, even when they're your partner, is inappropriate.",0,0.0 It's okay to miss your team's matches because you're injured.,1,0.5 You should let your friends make their own decisions about retirement.,1,0.5 It is expected that grand parents will attend their grand child's performances.,0,0.0 It's good to celebrate important dates in your life,1,0.5 It's not okay to push your responsibilities off on someone else.,1,0.5 It's morally wrong to disrespect another person.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to enjoy your own food.,1,0.5 It's allowed to find annoying things irritating.,1,0.5 It's not okay to advertise products that are unhealthy where kids could see them.,1,0.5 It's okay if you don't feel excited to get a free book.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to teach your course while expressing your bias.,0,0.0 It's irresponsible to have children when you are too old.,0,0.0 It's understandable to want to breath clean air.,1,0.5 It's good to want to improve yourself.,1,0.24999999999999994 You're encouraged to have pure intent when you report someone to the boss.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable if you don't want your teacher to express their political leanings.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to plan ahead,0,0.0 You should practice to master your goals.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to go to counseling.,0,0.0 You should wear a seatbelt when riding in a car.,1,0.5 It's good to heal.,1,0.5 You are expected to attend the significant life events of your siblings.,0,0.0 You should expect people to miss their siblings when they pass away.,1,0.5 It is reasonable to be angry if something you care about gets shut down.,1,0.5 You should not cause someone to be homeless.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to not want to listen to your parents.,0,0.0 It's unhealthy to hold on to anger for too long.,1,0.5 It's good to practice your cheer formation with friends.,1,0.5 It's rude to date your friend's ex.,0,0.0 It's frowned upon for people to continue a relationship with a former romantic interest when they've moved on to other relationships.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad to start a relationship with someone your friend got rejected by.,1,0.24999999999999994 You don't have to be part of any group that you don't find interesting.,1,0.24999999999999994 Family should not interfere with a personal relationships.,1,0.5 It is wrong to break the law,1,0.5 You're expected to apologize when you damage someone else's property.,0,0.0 It is wrong to commit fraud,1,0.5 It's okay to choose to have an experience even when your loved ones aren't supporting your decision.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you want to change into comfortable clothes.,1,0.5 It's bad to get people to smoke.,1,0.5 You should attend your grandparent's funeral.,0,0.0 It's normal to be shocked when you get a result you didn't expect.,0,0.0 It's good to have coping skills,1,0.5 It's understood that many people don't actually have food intolerances and are just using them to get attention.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't force someone to do something they don't want to do.,1,0.5 You shouldn't jaywalk because it's illegal.,1,0.5 It's not okay to set yourself up for failure.,1,0.5 It's good to impress others.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is ok to fire people for bad behavior.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't put up an antenna if it's snowing outside.,1,1.0 You shouldn't be in love with your friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always apologize for your wrong doings.,0,0.0 "If your child is depressed, you should get them some therapy.",0,0.0 It's always good to do things in advance in case something doesn't work out.,1,0.5 It's good to wear black to a funeral so you can pay respect to the dead.,1,0.5 It is wrong not to pay a debt.,1,0.5 It's proven that providing little discipline in a child's life will negatively impact the child's behavior.,1,1.0 It is wrong to have a bizarre attitude as a parent to your children.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always help do the dishes.,1,0.5 You should be attentive to your stepchildren's needs when you have a new baby.,1,0.5 It is destructive to make a mess of a cake.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to be prepared for sudden changes.,1,0.5 It's good to organize things.,1,0.5 "If you have a disability, it's okay to want to date people.",1,0.5 It's normal to love others.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always follow tradition.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always be with the people you love the most.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't say mean and hurtful things to people at work.,1,0.5 You should not let your accidents cause other people grief.,0,0.0 It's rude to accept an invitation and then not show up.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be scared when presented with a new situation.,1,0.5 You are expected to talk things through with friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is vain to change your appearance surgically.,1,0.5 It's bad when a parent fights with their child.,1,0.5 It's good to be responsible.,1,0.5 It is okay not to get along with some people,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you'll have made something of yourself by your 30's.,1,0.5 It's okay for family not to get along.,0,0.0 You shouldn't expect others to give you their food.,1,0.5 It's bad to hold your partner back from improving their life.,1,0.5 It is rude to hog communal equipment so others cannot use it.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that significant others will spend time together.,1,0.5 It's OK to leave a relationship that doesn't work for you.,1,0.5 It's good to get out in nature.,1,0.7499999999999999 Not everyone will enjoy camping.,1,0.5 It's okay to be offended when your partner doesn't want you cooking for their kids.,1,0.5 It's ok to get embarrassed sometimes.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is not good to argue with your partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 You can be expected to understand that somebody who is not interested in your gender will not want a romantic relationship.,0,0.0 Going on a vacation without a partner can make them jealous.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to take time adjusting to moving into a new home.,1,0.24999999999999994 People should not lie to you even if they are someone you used to be involved with.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to spoil your kids.,1,0.5 It's good to enjoy the things in life that make it good for you.,1,0.5 You're expected to apologize when you damage someone else's property.,0,0.0 It's understandable to be stressed about one's performance.,1,0.5 It's natural for people to not take playing video games very seriously.,1,0.5 It's frustrating when your partner won't communicate their issues to you.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be attentive to your stepchildren's needs when you have a new baby.,1,0.5 It is good to use dancing as an aerobic exercise for your health.,1,0.5 You are expected to eat healthy foods.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to feel angry when someone insults you for no reason.,1,0.5 It is ok to get married if your parents agree when you are an adult.,1,1.0 You should respect people that have crushes on you.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is ok to let people know if you are going to be late.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be offended when someone doesn't like the gift you gave them.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to ignore a friend at your front door.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's rude to imply that food served to you is not tasty.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be careful when making gravy so you don't burn it.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to use racial slurs,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to have doubt.,1,0.5 It's ok to say no to sex.,1,0.5 It's good to bring up child abuse that happened in the past.,1,0.5 It's good to promote healthy behavior to others.,1,0.5 It is nice to make sacrifices for the well being of others,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't let your worries destroy your life.,1,0.5 It's good to like your job.,1,0.5 It's bad to investigate an opponent without their knowledge.,1,0.5 It's okay to get a fake tan.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be in charge at work,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't let others lead you on.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not selfish to want a baby that looks just like you.,0,0.0 You should always respect your partner's wishes.,1,0.5 It's okay if you don't want your kids to talk to your parents in your native language.,0,0.0 You shouldn't hold onto pictures of your ex.,1,0.5 It's not okay to swear at a teenager.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to send unsolicited dick pics.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to feel angry towards someone that wrongs you.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't let your neighbors take advantage of you.,0,0.0 It's good to spend time with old people because you can learn a lot from them.,1,0.5 It is rude to ignore someone.,1,0.5 It's wrong to be lying to the people in your life.,1,0.5 It's okay to ask for help when you aren't sure how something works.,1,0.5 It is rude to get involved in other people's financial issues.,1,0.5 It's normal for family to argue.,1,0.7499999999999999 People will think you're a future serial killer if you torture and kill small animals.,1,0.5 It is okay to protect people that are close to you.,1,0.5 You should be supportive of your family when they're weak.,0,0.0 You shouldn't take parking spots away from someone who was waiting for it.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to avoid people who consider you a friend.,0,0.0 It is okay to distance yourself from mean people.,1,0.5 It's good to get your steak well done so you know it's cooked through.,1,0.5 It is good to give your kids life advice.,1,0.5 It is embarrassing to mistake fake fruit for real fruit.,1,0.5 You shouldn't lie to people you love.,1,0.5 "It's expected that people will grieve for others, no matter how bad they were in life.",1,0.5 You should follow your parents' demands.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should talk to your friend if you want to trade your partner with theirs.,1,0.5 It's understandable to look for your father when he's missing.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's kind to be happy when your ex gets married.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to want your privacy from people even those who care about you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to set yourself up for failure.,1,0.5 You should be honest about the physical interactions you have while on a break from a relationship.,1,0.5 It's rude to take a recording of someone if they don't ask you to.,1,0.5 It's wrong to get worried over everything.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should see a doctor if you have bad burns.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to end a friendship without explanation.,1,0.5 You shouldn't push your partner away from you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to scam people out of money.,0,0.0 You should listen to your parents.,0,0.0 "If your friend gets mad at you for your beliefs, it's okay to be hurt.",1,0.5 It's ok to keep your age private.,1,0.5 You shouldn't take a job you're not confident you want.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you're not sure if you should go to someone's wedding after a fight with them.,1,0.5 It is good to include special needs people in your group.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should always acknowledge your mistakes.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be upset by office politics.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to occupy the bathroom for too long.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't support lazy people.,1,0.5 It's okay to feel insecure about yourself and your appearance.,1,0.5 It's wrong to masturbate in an airplane bathroom.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should talk to your friend about what is annoying you about them.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to keep secrets.,1,0.5 It's expected to follow a doctor's advice.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is ok to get married if your parents agree when you are an adult.,1,1.0 It's good to have coping skills,1,0.5 It is thrilling when someone accepts your proposal for a date.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to go places with your parents.,0,0.0 You shouldn't associate with alcoholics.,1,0.5 It's kind to let a friend stay in your home when they need a place to live.,1,0.5 It's understandable to grieve for a lost loved one.,1,0.5 It's wrong to think you're responsible for somebody else's life,1,0.5 It's understandable to feel guilty.,1,0.5 You should thank someone if they help you.,1,0.5 It's nice to have a good day.,1,0.5 Taking a detour before class is OK if you can still make it to class on time.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to look ahead and see what can happen.,0,0.0 It is hard to work when there are unpleasant distractions.,1,0.5 It's wrong to steal things from others.,1,0.5 You shouldn't just ignore people.,0,0.0 You should be honest with people about your past.,1,0.5 It's important for pets to have a collar,1,0.24999999999999994 It's ok to miss your deceased family members.,1,0.5 It is good to have an opinion.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you don't want to clean up after a long day.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always spend time with people you enjoy.,1,0.5 It's not good to murder people.,0,0.0 It's not okay to say things to people that are embarrassing.,1,0.5 It’s wrong to give up on your kids.,1,0.5 You shouldn't let memories from your past scar you.,1,0.5 It is cordial to respond politely.,1,0.5 It's okay to avoid others who hurt you.,1,0.5 It is common to have mutual friends with your ex.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't ruin your kid's birthday party.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's ok for people to be leaving an area.,1,0.5 It is bad to be rude to others.,1,0.5 You shouldn't wear diapers if you're in your teens.,1,0.5 It's good to try new restaurants.,1,0.5 You shouldn't sneak out of the house behind your parents' back,1,0.7499999999999999 It's fine to feel sexual attraction to women.,1,0.5 It's wrong to be into something that is annoying.,1,0.5 You should not alter your medication on your own,1,0.5 You shouldn't constantly think about death and dying.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's important to be open with your children about sex.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should take an interest in your children's education.,0,0.0 It's okay to indulge your sexual fantasies with other consenting adults.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is important to have good hygiene.,1,0.5 It's wrong to lie to other people,1,0.7499999999999999 It's frustrating when moderators don't moderate things.,1,0.5 It's good to want to save the planet.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is brave to ask someone on a date.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to stay determined.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should cut off contact with your ex.,1,0.5 "It's expected that people will grieve for others, no matter how bad they were in life.",1,0.5 It's understandable that life sometimes over burdens us.,1,0.5 You shouldn't resent your parents.,1,0.5 It's okay to be scared about a first date.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to be a police officer and protect the public.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to steal donation money,0,0.0 It's good to maintain your own hair.,1,0.5 It's wrong to spend other people's money.,1,0.5 It's encouraged for children to go straight to the bus after school.,1,0.5 It is ok to be upset if someone calls you weird.,1,0.5 It's okay to feel ashamed about behavior you know is self-destructive.,1,0.5 It's good to have children visit.,1,0.5 You shouldn't keep your past moments a secret from others.,0,0.0 It's understandable if you keep your personal life out of the office.,1,0.5 It's not okay to treat children like they are a burden.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to get frustrated from time to time,1,0.24999999999999994 It's great to give people handmade gifts,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to help out your partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should mind your own business when it comes to other people's livelihoods,0,0.0 It's okay to get attached to an animal you are fostering.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't have a baby if you can't afford one.,1,0.5 You shouldn't do things that make you ashamed of yourself.,1,0.5 You can be expected to remain respectful to the people around you by not walking out.,0,0.0 It is unacceptable to refuse to honor your best friend at their own wedding.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be grateful for happy memories.,1,0.5 You shouldn't remain friends with someone who has caused hardship for your significant other,1,0.7499999999999999 You should take your child to a therapist when they have night terrors.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong for a friend to be concerned about someone's sex life.,1,0.5 It is ok to plan ahead financially.,1,0.5 "It's understandable that sometimes we have personal conflicts, even with relatives.",0,0.0 It's normal to be displeased when a partner makes a big decision without you.,1,0.24999999999999994 You are expected to wait your turn before speaking.,1,0.5 It is expected that good friends tell each other about developments in their lives.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't be friends with someone of the opposite sex if you're married.,1,0.5 It's disingenuous to pretend to be someone you're not online.,1,0.5 It's okay to eat dried pasta if you like it.,1,0.5 It's allowed to plan on some day being your own boss.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected that suicidal people will seek treatment from a medical professional.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to lie to people about your sexual identity.,1,0.7499999999999999 You are expected to want to spend time with your partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 "When you refuse to go to the doctor, you should not expect pity from your partner.",1,0.5 It's understandable that we expect people to keep their promises.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to date someone much younger as long as everyone is a consenting adult.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't argue over money in your family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to give out keys to a building to people who do not live there.,0,0.0 You are allowed to be concerned about the health of family members.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't be crazy about things.,1,0.5 You shouldn't get involved sexually with friends if you're in a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's nice to find old pictures.,0,0.0 It's good to practice when you're involved in a sport.,1,0.5 You should be careful who you fall in love with.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should shave your body hair if you're really hairy and unsightly.,1,0.5 It's good to make promises to yourself.,0,0.0 It's okay to be annoyed with someone who is bothering you at home.,1,0.5 You should share hobbies with others.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to recognize the good qualities in others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to give people gifts.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be with someone you don't love.,1,0.5 It's great to be proud of yourself for accomplishing your goals,1,0.5 It is expected that not everyone will be a good fit for a job.,0,0.0 It's expected you be patient while waiting in a line,1,0.5 You shouldn't accuse your parents of doing things.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should expect people to judge you if you're ignorant about things.,1,0.5 It's ok to not do everything with your significant other.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be uncomfortable with people that are different than you.,1,0.5 It's fine to feel like a creep.,1,1.0 It's irresponsible to furnish cigarettes to underage children.,1,0.5 "If something gives you a shock, you should stop doing it.",1,0.5 You shouldn't let your friend touch your feet if you don't want them to.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't use the death or tragedy of someone else for your own personal gain.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to feel guilty.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be a bad influence on kids.,1,0.5 It's good to ask to be forgiven for things you have done wrong.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to prioritize expenses.,1,0.5 You should keep your pets indoors to keep them safe.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to help yourself out.,1,0.5 It's important for parents to monitor with your children do online,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you'll want to invite your partner to a romantic dinner.,1,0.5 You shouldn't play sports if your wrist is broken.,1,0.5 When you watch a sports game you are expected to want one team to win more than the other.,1,0.5 You shouldn't give ice cream to your dog.,1,0.5 It is good to get permission.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should maintain your relationship with your significant others.,1,0.7499999999999999 It’s okay for single parents to get back into the dating scene,1,0.5 It's good to give gifts to others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to get angry at people for petty reasons.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's normal to kick a ball.,1,0.5 It's good to help out your ex.,1,0.5 Families should support each other.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fun to invite people you know to fun events.,1,0.5 It is acceptable to choose not to get involved when you see a hurt person.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to try to make positive changes in the world when you are worried about the state it is in.,1,0.5 It's good to play games with friends,1,0.5 It's good to enjoy relaxing.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't do things that make others hate you.,1,0.5 It's normal to spend free time playing games.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to not be attracted to people.,1,0.5 "If you're abusive to your kids, you should expect them to want you to die.",1,0.5 It's good to use mental imagery to remember things.,0,0.0 It's dangerous to throw things out of moving vehicles.,1,0.24999999999999994 You don't have to remain in your parents home if you are ready to leave.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't get involved in family drama.,1,1.0 It's wrong to play pranks on people that are upset,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to pursue your dreams.,1,0.5 It's not okay to bring someone who has no idea what you are doing into your acts.,1,1.0 You should tell your partner you don't want to be with them anymore.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't try to control what an ex is doing.,1,0.5 It's expected people will know how to get to their destination before they arrive.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't see sad movies if they always upset you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong for a person to cheat on their significant other.,1,0.5 You shouldn't argue with your roommates.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to loiter.,1,0.5 It's good to pay people for their services.,1,0.5 It's kind to give someone a ride from the airport.,1,0.5 It's rude to pee in a shower used by other people.,1,0.5 It is distrustful to keep someone at a distance.,1,0.5 It's okay to refuse controlling behavior from others when it conflicts with your own wellbeing.,1,0.5 It is weird to want to stare at a bilingual person.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to want to shut down an acquaintance if you have good reason.,1,0.5 It's good to give of your resources to help loved ones.,0,0.0 You should communicate with your partner about your expectations when you're dating.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should never steal from your family.,1,0.24999999999999994 People will think you're selfish if you lash out over a lack of gifts.,1,0.5 It is good to be grateful for what others give you,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong as a group to collectively hate something.,1,0.5 It's acceptable to remove toxic people from your life.,1,0.5 It's fine to drop a water jug.,1,0.5 It is bad to be forgetful.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable to want to spend time with your sibling vs. your significant other.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's fine to ask your parents for help paying for your wedding.,1,0.5 It's good to put off plans with your partner until you're financially ready.,0,0.0 It's good to miss as few days of work as possible.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to go to your child's job interview.,0,0.0 It's okay to be frustrated when your children make questionable decisions.,0,0.0 It is okay to cut toxic family out of your life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to rely on technology for health.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is reasonable to fall in love with someone you are close with.,0,0.0 It's expected to dress up for fancy events.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to give warnings to an employee before firing them.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you won't exchange goods and money for sexual photos when you're married.,1,0.5 You should always drive straight home if your parents want you home.,1,0.5 It's okay to feel pissed if someone fires you with a text.,0,0.0 It's good to ask your teacher for help when you're worried you're going to fail.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is ok to be upset if someone calls you weird.,1,0.5 It's good to consult with your conscience before doing things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is understandable to want space when you are sick.,1,0.5 It's normal for people to like to spend time with their friends.,1,0.5 It is wrong to tell offensive jokes in an educational setting.,1,0.5 It's ok to have a loved one cremated.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you'll be supportive of your manager.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you report a child who has gone missing.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's unacceptable to spread rumors about an ex-partner to gain sympathy from your peer group.,1,0.5 You should save your money for important purchases.,1,0.5 It's normal to be worried as a first time parent.,1,0.5 You should be more respectful of other people.,0,0.0 You're expected to find ways to alleviate your annoyance when it's directed at yourself.,1,0.5 You should arrest people when they break the law.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is nice to help a friend when they are scared.,1,0.5 You should speak politely to someone you love.,1,0.5 You should atone for wrong things you have done.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't cheat against your partner's parent.,1,0.5 It's good to sing with others since it makes people joyful.,0,0.0 You should go back to school if you hate your job and want to try a new field.,1,0.5 It's wrong to be obsessed with an ex.,1,0.5 It's good to have hobbies you enjoy.,1,0.5 It is wrong to use physical violence against another.,1,0.5 It's not okay to expect more than a person can give.,1,0.5 It's good to make sure your parent's new partner is safe.,1,0.5 Supporting the people in your peer group can help you come out ahead.,0,0.0 It's good to bandage a scraped knee.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't expect your parents to always get nice things for you.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't expect your ex to remain friends with you.,0,0.0 It's okay to feel dejected when people didn't care enough about you to throw a birthday party for you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to focus too much on the past.,1,0.5 It's good to be kind to strangers.,1,0.5 It's okay to be annoyed when you take a class with a biased teacher.,1,0.5 It's good to clean up your living space.,1,0.5 It's wrong to judge people for their music taste.,1,0.5 You shouldn't put a pacifier in an adult's mouth.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to seek help if you're feeling depressed or feel like everything is a chore.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to not want to be friends with someone if their behavior scares you.,1,0.5 "You shouldn't walk around in the rain, you might get sick.",1,1.0 "When you need to go to the hospital, it's good to get a ride.",1,0.7499999999999999 You should always correct people's mistakes.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable if you're upset when you can't walk on your own.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to be angry when someone hits you with an umbrella.,1,0.5 It's good to spend time relaxing and looking back on your past.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to be surprised by a bill.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's best not to keep in contact with ex's.,1,0.5 You should break up with your significant other if you're interested in somebody else,0,0.0 Going out with a family member is a good way to maintain a close relationship with that person.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be proud of your kids when they grow up.,0,0.0 Sometimes bad things happen to you in life.,1,0.5 It's not okay to push your responsibilities off on someone else.,1,0.5 People are expected to be monogamous.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always tell the truth.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should not indulge in bad habits.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to feel out of control sometimes,1,0.5 It's bad to do things that you need to be forgiven for.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to have boundaries in a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to reveal secrets.,1,0.5 You should always follow the rules.,0,0.0 It's good when you go out and you really enjoy your time.,1,0.24999999999999994 Sometimes you have to wait for people to grow up to be friends with them.,1,0.7499999999999999 Parents are expected to enforce rules with their children.,1,0.5 People should strive to be informed about candidates when it's election time.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to cheat on your spouse.,1,0.5 It's kind to give someone a ride from the airport.,1,0.5 It's wrong to intimidate others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is important to not each too much protein.,1,0.5 Friends are expected to take each other to the airport.,1,0.5 It's good to give customers a reasonable price,1,0.5 You should break up with someone if you think you will cheat on them.,1,0.7499999999999999 Cursing at another person is considered impolite.,1,0.5 You shouldn't abuse drugs.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected that couples go out together on Valentines Day.,0,0.0 It's understandable to not enjoy being around people you don't like.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to cheat on your significant other.,0,0.0 It's good to make new friends.,1,0.5 You should expect to be confronted if you make a huge mess in someone's house.,1,0.24999999999999994 "You should approach sex as a way to express feelings, not as a way of keeping score.",1,0.5 It is okay not to like a supervisor.,0,0.0 It's rude not to thank someone when they give you a free copy of their book.,1,0.5 It's good to be a thrifty person.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's frowned upon for people to continue a relationship with a former romantic interest when they've moved on to other relationships.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected that you develop independence as an adult.,1,0.5 It's bad to judge someone else's living situation.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you want gifts for your birthday.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to criticize what others do with their body.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be observant of things you might enjoy.,1,0.5 It is good to support your girlfriend in a relationship.,1,0.5 You're expected to clean off your windshield before driving,1,0.7499999999999999 "It's allowed to decide you want to further your education, no matter the age.",0,0.0 It's good to find a compromise on things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to take money you just find lying around.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to regret losing your virginity.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to stay quiet about a jailed person.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should try not to brag too much when you've accomplished something,1,0.5 You should watch where you're going so you don't trip and fall.,1,0.5 You shouldn't judge a whole race of people by the actions of a few people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to be competitive with a significant other's family.,1,0.5 "If you can't afford healthcare, you should get some government assistance.",1,0.5 It's okay to contact your significant other through different means.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're strict with your parenting when you're worried about your kids.,1,0.5 It's bad to investigate an opponent without their knowledge.,1,0.5 It is okay to be busy.,1,0.5 It's expected that you will keep naked pictures in confidence.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to help someone park their car if they need help.,1,0.7499999999999999 Telling your kids you don't have time to help them is hurtful.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to make baseless accusations against another person.,1,0.5 It's fine to want to move to another location to live.,1,0.5 You should not feel ashamed if you are getting abused by your significant other.,1,0.5 It's bad to snap at a parent.,0,0.0 It is expected that people don't break their bones on purpose.,0,0.0 It is wrong to insult your partner.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be too pushy with your friends or you might scare them away.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's right to try to help a friend who is having mental health problems.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is normal to be curious about astrology,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable if you are upset when your doctor prescribes you medication.,1,0.5 It's understandable to feel uncomfortable about moving to a far away country.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't chew people out.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to refer to someone as less than human.,1,0.5 If you forget to log out of your social media accounts on someone elses computer you should expect your account to get hacked.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to look out for your friends.,1,0.5 It's ok to end a relationship that isn't working for you.,1,0.5 It's bad to have an affair with someone you know has a partner.,1,0.5 It's normal to want to share good times on social media.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to fantasize about married people.,1,0.5 You should be careful not to stain your clothes when you are applying aloe ointment.,1,0.5 It is expected that you provide for your family,1,0.5 It's good to help out your kids when they are depressed.,1,0.5 It is ok to feel however you want over the death of someone.,1,0.5 You should be more responsible when it comes to cleaning.,0,0.0 It's not okay to be ungrateful over the holidays.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable that people are upset by the death of a loved one.,0,0.0 It's understandable to distance yourself from toxic people.,1,0.5 It's okay to want to hang out with people close to your ex.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should accept people no matter their life choices.,1,0.5 It's good have a goal in life and pursue it.,1,0.5 It's wrong to damage someone else's car for being in your spot.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't try to break up a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to lie to other people,1,0.7499999999999999 It's important to prioritize your own personal health over the feelings of others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's best not to keep in contact with ex's.,1,0.5 It's good to teach children that their boundaries should be respected.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should expect your teacher to go over material with you since that's their job.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that couples will break up.,1,0.24999999999999994 Taking on the duties of someone who sacrifices for you is fantastic.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should talk to your partner in order to maintain a strong relationship.,1,0.5 It is unacceptable to pretend to have cancer.,0,0.0 It's good to be compassionate.,1,0.5 You shouldn't keep things a secret from your parents.,1,0.5 It's good to have someplace to go where you can get away with things when you're a kid.,1,0.5 It's fun to invite people you know to fun events.,1,0.5 It's okay to tell someone if their partner is cheating on them.,1,0.5 It's good to have routines so that nothing gets forgotten.,0,0.0 It's good to call your mother.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be frustrated with the people around you who don't seem competent.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to commit suicide.,1,0.5 It's rude to judge others based on their online presence.,1,0.5 It's wrong to tip the bowl of the food item you're giving to your customer to take home.,1,1.0 It's allowed to vote for whomever you choose.,1,0.5 It's wrong to make your child wear broken glasses.,1,0.5 It's understandable to fear future AI overlords.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be around people that make fools of themselves.,1,0.5 You should be proud of people who accomplish their goals.,1,0.5 You shouldn't date someone if you have a sugardaddy.,1,0.5 It's okay to feel uncomfortable when your parents are too direct when they give you the sex talk.,1,0.5 It's good to know your limitations.,0,0.0 It is good to speak up.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to be prepared for bad weather.,1,0.5 It's understandable to hide your drug addiction.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you hit rock bottom, you should get some help.",1,0.5 It's not okay to loiter and get into trouble with your friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you won't put your own finances in jeopardy in order to assist a friend.,1,0.5 It's good to frame your awards to display them for others to see.,1,0.5 It is expected to always be truthful with ones parents,1,0.5 It's normal for married couples to have sexual relations.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't ruin your kid's birthday party.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should not ask your children for money.,1,0.5 It's hurtful for parents to get their children involved in crimes.,0,0.0 It's good to encourage people to refrain from using narcotics.,1,0.5 It's ok to keep the ashes of a deceased loved one.,1,0.5 Helping someone you know is struggling to make a positive change is expected.,1,0.5 It is okay to treat your family the same as any other person.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wise to save up money if you're able to.,1,0.5 It's not okay to be to happy with a material object.,1,0.5 You shouldn't let students take out too much money in loans that they can never pay off.,1,0.5 It's fun to invite people you know to fun events.,1,0.5 "If you're abusive to your kids, you should expect them to want you to die.",1,0.5 It's okay to be annoyed when someone thinks they're smarter than you.,1,0.5 You shouldn't dream about people you've broken up with 25 years ago.,1,0.5 It's responsible to clean up after your pets.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's nice to have fun in the summer.,1,0.5 It's bad to disrupt other people.,1,0.5 It's wrong to damage someone else's property.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to tell your friend to take a taxi home from the airport.,1,0.5 You should talk to people instead of touch them if you want to get their attention.,0,0.0 It's bad to not move on.,1,0.5 It's expected that some people crave the attention of the masses.,1,0.5 You should invite your long-time friend to your birthday party.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to alert people ahead of time so they can get there soon enough to help.,1,0.5 It's good to have a laugh with friends.,1,0.5 It's wrong to do things against your partner's wishes.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's important to help kids develop normal relationships with adults in their lives.,1,0.5 It is good to have a positive attitude about a new school.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to take action to uphold the law.,1,0.5 It's normal for your preferences in a romantic partner to change over time.,0,0.0 It's expected that teachers and students will maintain a professional relationship.,1,0.5 You should protect children.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's nice to have a good day.,1,0.5 It's wrong to sell your body for money.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't have a crush on someone who has a partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is normal for parents to be involved in their children's wedding,1,0.5 It's good to clean around your house,1,0.5 Taking care of someone elses dog is not your responsibility.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't wear casual clothes to formal occasions.,1,0.5 It's okay to be scared when you lose control of your car.,1,0.5 It's best not to keep in contact with ex's.,1,0.5 You should let your friends make their own decisions about retirement.,1,0.5 It is dangerous for a doctor to misdiagnose a patient.,1,0.5 It is bad to live life on the edge,1,0.5 It's bad to hold a grudge.,0,0.0 You should always pay for someone's service.,1,0.24999999999999994 Children should be supervised while using electronics.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be able to be honest about who you are.,1,0.5 It is expected that you put time and effort into your work.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is sad when a marriage falls apart.,1,0.5 It's good to use proper grammar.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to miss your ex.,1,0.5 It's okay to want your kids to understand the importance of their family heirlooms.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't sneak out of the house behind your parents' back,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't treat your siblings poorly.,1,0.5 It's normal to feel guilty when you've done something you know is wrong.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to criticize your friends if they weren't looking for any criticism.,1,0.5 It's understandable to have difficulties in a friendship.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't drive without a driver's license.,1,0.5 "You should always take care of the family pets, even when your partner is sick.",1,0.5 It's okay not to love somebody in return,1,0.7499999999999999 You should be careful to avoid tripping when you're walking.,1,0.5 It's expected that you contribute your work to a group project.,1,0.5 It's understandable to desire independence.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is important to drive safely.,1,0.5 It's reasonable to want to get away from a difficult or tiring situation,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to buy gifts for your partner or spouse.,1,0.5 It's polite to cover your mouth when you yawn.,1,0.5 It's bad to get someone removed from class just to get them in trouble.,1,0.5 You should replace items that you damage or lose that are not yours.,1,0.5 It's good to help someone from far away learn local social customs.,1,0.5 It's ok to make your own reproductive choices.,1,0.7499999999999999 People shouldn't assume something's not a big deal without hearing it through first.,1,0.5 You should be respectful to people when it comes to topics like fitness,1,0.24999999999999994 It is dangerous for a doctor to misdiagnose a patient.,1,0.5 You shouldn't expect your ex to pay your bills.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to not know what you want sometimes,1,0.5 It is not okay to end other people's friendships.,1,0.5 It's good to spend time with others.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't pester people with music they hate.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to not want people to call you during certain times of the day.,1,0.5 If you think you will be helping them it is acceptable to tell on your sibling for using drugs,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to know when something in your life isn't helping you the way you want it.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's unkind to lead someone on who has romantic feelings for you.,1,0.5 It is wrong to discriminate against people because of their language or place of origin,1,0.5 Being untidy can be seen as uncaring and disrespectful.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to mistreat your children.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't leave your aging and sick parents at home all alone.,1,0.5 It is good to be truthful to your significant other.,1,0.24999999999999994 People will get annoyed if you start being too forgetful.,1,0.5 It's not okay to have feelings for someone you work with.,1,0.24999999999999994 Making a big deal out of your own birthday can make you look selfish.,0,0.0 It's okay if you don't want to travel to New York by bus.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to look out for your siblings.,1,0.5 It's good to love animals.,1,0.5 Couple should work together to solve problems,1,0.5 You should clean out your fridge if it's a mess.,1,0.5 It is rude to stop talking to a sibling.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's noble when you treat others well who treat you badly.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal for people want to share their thoughts.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't get involved with your best friend if you have a partner.,1,0.5 You should be supportive when your friend has a baby.,1,0.5 It's normal to eat peanuts at a bar,0,0.0 It's good to have friends you can joke around with.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is easy to take old friends for granted.,1,0.5 It is expected that you know what your significant other prefers on a special occasion.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to research other countries.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to pretend to be bad at things.,1,0.5 It can be frustrating to deal with someone with a disability.,1,0.24999999999999994 it's mean for someone to lose their temper with their pet,1,0.5 "When you're happy where you live, it's okay to stay there forever.",1,0.5 It's okay to bother someone about things if they are important to you.,1,0.5 People should carry insurance in case they get into an accident.,1,0.5 "If you want your garden to be protected, you should put a fence around it.",1,0.5 It's not okay to dictate what others can do with their lives.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to want to spend time with your sibling vs. your significant other.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to encourage childrens' curiosity.,1,0.5 You should light a candle if your lights are out.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected that people will be concerned if a loved one has cancer.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's nice to help your friends.,1,0.5 It's good to convey your feelings to your partner about having children.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to regret time that you've wasted.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to keep in touch with your family even after you move away from them.,1,0.5 It is good to have a good relationship with your in laws.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to stomp on bugs.,1,0.5 You shouldn't always trust people and who they say they are.,0,0.0 When a family member is addicted to drugs you are expected to try and save them.,1,0.5 It's fine if you don't want to look for the perfect parter.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's important children and parents did discuss important issues,1,0.24999999999999994 It's allowed to be happy about the way clothing fits you.,1,0.5 Is wrong to place the blame of your actions on something irrelevant.,1,0.5 It's good to give advice to your friends.,1,0.5 It's good to eat your food with a drink to wash it down.,1,0.5 It is bad to want to commit suicide.,1,0.5 It's rude to eat food loudly.,1,0.5 It's good to call people out for scummy things they do.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to think someone needs a change in their life.,1,0.5 You should respect your cultural heritage.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't date a sugarbaby.,1,0.5 You shouldn't feel you are being dumb just because you're scared of something.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable that someone times we do or say things without thinking.,1,0.5 Making someone do something in a relationship can be viewed as controlling.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should be careful when race carting so you don't crash into someone.,1,0.5 It is hilarious to make word puns.,1,0.5 Leading someone on is wrong,1,0.24999999999999994 It's unhealthy to be thinking about hurting yourself,1,0.5 You shouldn't assault your family members.,1,0.5 You should make time to visit your family.,1,0.5 Being out of sorts when a partner engages with someone on social media is controlling and should be curtailed.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's encouraged you let the person know if they're making you angry,1,0.5 You shouldn't worry your family.,1,0.5 It is bad to drink too much.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is wrong to have sex with your partner's friends.,1,0.5 It's wrong to expect a landlord to care of their tenants.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to get someone removed from class just to get them in trouble.,1,0.5 It's okay to think differently.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to take care of your partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to bond with others over a shared interest.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to be violent towards others.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't make jokes about your mom.,0,0.0 People will think you're incompetent if you still live with your parents as an adult.,1,0.24999999999999994 Making dinner is economical as opposed to eating out.,1,0.5 "It's responsible to understand that for some, the cost of independence is too high.",1,0.5 "In certain situations, not telling the whole truth is better than being completely honest.",1,0.5 It's okay to want to move out.,1,0.5 It's good to be happy to see people.,1,0.5 It's not okay for a person not to be able to figure things out on their own.,1,0.5 "If you use something that belongs to someone else, you need to get their permission beforehand",1,0.24999999999999994 It's acceptable to want a memento of your family member.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be happy in a good marriage.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to do things that could ruin other people's relationships,0,0.0 You shouldn't be suspicious of your partner without a good reason.,1,0.5 It is exhilarating to have sexual fantasies.,1,0.5 You shouldn't expect a friend to always be there for you.,0,0.0 People shouldn't get someone's hopes up and then not follow through with their promises.,0,0.0 You should be careful when you are exploring caves.,1,0.5 You shouldn't sleep around with random people.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to be excited about big life milestones.,1,0.5 It's expected that suicidal people will seek treatment from a medical professional.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is hurtful to appear callous towards others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to ask to be forgiven for things you have done wrong.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's admirable to be able to admit your faults.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to ignore family members,0,0.0 It is pleasant to behave in friendly way to your spouse.,1,0.5 It's good to resolve a conflict with a partner with compromise.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to remove yourself from situations which cause you stress.,1,0.5 It's fine to choose who you want as guests at your own wedding.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to take care of your children that can't do things for yourself.,1,0.5 It's hurtful to refuse to share a hotel room with your parents.,1,0.5 It's despicable to fire someone over a text.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't overestimate things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is nice to help your SO with paperwork if they need help doing it.,1,0.5 It's good to control your baby.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be frustrated with the people around you who don't seem competent.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to keep things private.,1,0.5 It's okay to feel tongue tied.,1,0.5 It's unwise to share a storage unit with others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's acceptable to euthanize a sick animal.,1,0.5 It is wrong to slack off at work.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to refuse controlling behavior from others when it conflicts with your own wellbeing.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be so critical of people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's ok to be overwhelmed at a new job.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't abuse drugs.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is reasonable to be excited about using a new item.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't put up with a rude roommate that tells you what to do.,1,0.5 It's good to alert people ahead of time so they can get there soon enough to help.,1,0.5 It's fun to play sports with your friends.,1,0.5 It's rude to exclude your child from a family picture.,1,0.5 It's okay to cut abusive and toxic people out of your life.,1,0.5 You shouldn't jaywalk because it's illegal.,1,0.5 It's okay to ignore phone calls on your birthday.,1,0.5 It's good to be prepared for your first try out for something.,1,0.5 It's annoying when people expect you to manage everything just because you're a moderator.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's crucial to be open and communicative with your partner.,1,0.5 It's okay to flirt.,0,0.0 Partners are expected to help each other out with things they need done.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is unreasonable to be scared of a tiny bug like a maggot.,0,0.0 It's expected to be upset when confronted with many let downs all at once.,0,0.0 It's normal to get annoyed when you're not going where you're supposed to go because of someone else.,1,0.5 It's nice to stay on good terms with your ex.,0,0.0 It is bad to end a friendship.,0,0.0 You should always be there for someone who is suicidal.,1,0.5 Expect to go to jail if you break the law.,1,0.5 You should stand your ground and try to rebuild your reputation.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should be careful where you are going so you don't cause an accident.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want other's to respect your private office space at work.,1,0.5 You should get married when you love someone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to laugh at something funny.,1,0.5 You shouldn't call people liars,1,0.5 It's okay to feel disoriented when daylight savings begins.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is normal to fail a student if they don't know the material.,1,0.5 It's not okay to find a partner's siblings attractive.,1,1.0 You should mean what you say.,1,0.5 You should grieve for your dead parent.,1,0.5 It's wrong to make jokes about diseases,1,0.5 It's bad to assume someone is incapable because they are handicapped.,1,0.5 You should go out with people that like you.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's allowed to refuse to take a job that you're against.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is unpleasant to be depressed all the time.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't hurt your friend's feelings.,1,0.5 You should break up with your partner when you want to cheat on them.,1,0.5 It's not okay to have to rely on special tools when they aren't really needed.,1,0.5 You shouldn't put up with someone that does disgusting things in public.,0,0.0 You should always do what the doctor says.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to say nice things about others.,1,0.5 You shouldn't shave your body hair if you're a male because it's unnatural.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is unpleasant to be the target of someone who is jealous.,1,0.5 It is good to keep track of things in the school to make sure nothing goes missing.,1,0.24999999999999994 A parent isn't expected to make excuses for the bad behavior of their former partner.,1,0.5 It's expected that children grow up and become financially independent.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to keep your account passwords from others.,1,0.5 It is nostalgic to recall places from your childhood.,1,0.5 It's ok to think about things.,1,0.5 It's understood that sometimes people act out in public.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to be too dependent on your friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to say things to people that are embarrassing.,1,0.5 It is expected that you will forgive someone if they apologize.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to share.,1,0.5 It's ok to be a baker.,1,0.5 It's wrong to flirt with someone when you're married.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be honest with your family.,0,0.0 It's good to get a job that you enjoy.,0,0.0 There should be trust in a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you can't spend time with your children because you have other obligations.,1,0.24999999999999994 You can't always expect reciprocity.,1,0.5 It's important to have a will.,0,0.0 People are expected to be grateful when someone does something for them.,1,0.5 Sometimes people are not sure if they are doing things correctly,1,0.5 You should do your best on assignments so that you can good grades,1,0.24999999999999994 You should not get addicted to drugs.,0,0.0 You shouldn't impose your moral beliefs on others,1,0.24999999999999994 You should speak politely to someone you love.,1,0.5 You should move on with your life after someone important to you dies.,1,0.5 It's bad to hate all people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay if you lack motivation once in a while.,1,0.5 It's wrong to get back at your customers.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to give away merchandise for free without your manager's permission when you work in retail.,1,0.5 It's understandable for people to crave human contact.,1,0.5 It's good to question an officer in court to help your case.,1,0.5 It's disappointing when someone runs out of stock after you come to buy something.,1,0.5 It's good to decorate your house to make it feel more like a home.,1,0.24999999999999994 People are expected to get presents for Christmas.,1,0.5 It is good to point out good qualities in people.,0,0.0 It's nice to take your family on vacation.,1,0.7499999999999999 You are allowed to look at your relationship to see if it is going well.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to betray your family,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to coerce your coworkers into taking an unwanted dog.,1,0.7499999999999999 It’s good to love someone.,1,0.5 It's okay if you don't want to be cool about a problem.,1,0.5 You shouldn't break things that don't belong to you.,1,0.5 It's not okay to let things stop you from doing something new.,1,0.5 You can't expect people to do the dishes all the time.,1,1.0 You're encouraged to be safe when you're behind the wheel.,1,0.5 It is expected that you change something in your life when you are bored with it.,1,0.5 You shouldn't wear something that smells bad.,0,0.0 It's understandable not everyone like's their parents.,0,0.0 "If you are uncomfortable with your partner feeding your kids, you should not let your partner watch your children.",1,0.7499999999999999 It's inappropriate to make passes at an underling.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to feel uncertainty when you think about what you are.,0,0.0 You should talk to someone if you are seriously contemplating suicide.,1,0.24999999999999994 IT is wrong to separate someone from their pet.,1,0.5 It's wrong not to give yourself a rest when you need it.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad to start relationships in the workplace.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is wise to do your school work.,1,0.5 You should always dress down if you're not going anywhere special.,0,0.0 It's okay to pay for an escort if you're lonely and it's legal,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to date nice people.,1,0.5 It's okay to grieve for a dead friend.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to support a cancer patient.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong not to repay a loan.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to admit that silly things make you afraid.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's reasonable to cut someone off that is ignoring you.,1,0.5 It's wrong to be a creep.,1,0.5 It is expected that you watch your children.,0,0.0 It's better not to have secrets from your family members,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to value a substance more than your significant other,1,0.5 It is rude to hog communal equipment so others cannot use it.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong not to be there for your kids.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always review someone's application before an interview.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't try to humiliate people.,1,0.5 It is nice to do things with your granddaughter.,1,0.5 It is bad to take advantage of friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't feel forced to go on vacation if you don't want to.,1,0.5 You should care about your siblings.,1,0.5 You should seek medical treatment if you suspect you may suffer from food addiction.,1,0.5 The subway is a more efficient means of transportation than the alternatives.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is okay to ask questions.,1,0.5 You should be supportive of your child's rehabilitation.,1,0.5 It's wrong to make decisions about someone else's body,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to not like eating vegetables.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to help someone from far away learn local social customs.,1,0.5 It's normal for people to feel devastated by the death of a loved one.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should go to the ER if you have an emergency.,1,0.5 You should respect people that have crushes on you.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't get people fired.,1,0.5 It is rude to exclude people.,1,0.5 It's okay if you feel sad that your child won't teach your grandchildren your language when you speak something different.,1,0.5 It is wrong to hide your sexuality from your significant other.,1,0.5 It's kind to offer people advice when they're dealing with a problem.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to help your elderly family members with electronics.,1,0.5 You should explain your issues with others.,1,0.5 You shouldn't interrupt someone who is busy at work.,0,0.0 It's expected that you answer the door when someone is knocking.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't fart around other people.,1,0.5 If you love someone you are expected to want to show them off to the world.,1,0.5 It's good to buy new things for your trip.,1,0.5 You should make time to visit your family.,1,0.5 It's unhealthy to depend on validation from others,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to take the medication your doctor prescribes.,0,0.0 It's okay not to get along with every single family member.,1,0.5 You should be supportive of your friends when they are struggling with an addiction.,1,0.24999999999999994 "You shouldn't get too caught up in memories and instead should work to make the most of your life today, in the present",1,0.24999999999999994 You should be direct when you talk to your children about sex.,1,0.7499999999999999 "When your child's glasses break, you should replace them.",1,0.5 It is good to be with the one you love.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want to be close with a group of friends.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be proud of your kids when they grow up.,0,0.0 It's good to reduce your carbon footprint.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's normal to have trouble dating.,1,0.5 You shouldn't date a sugarbaby.,1,0.5 You should keep your possessions in good order.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to spoil your kids.,1,0.5 You should be respectful to your boss,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected that your respond when someone addresses you,1,0.5 It's understandable that people don't always actually like their relatives.,1,0.5 It's normal to have cake on your birthday.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to harm your body through the use of substances.,0,0.0 You shouldn't scowl at people.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want to make decisions about your romantic life without consulting anyone.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be rude to someone in matters involving personal appearance/hygiene,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to keep secrets.,1,0.5 It's wrong to marry someone for their money.,1,0.7499999999999999 If you are passionate about learning a new skill you should not worry about your age.,1,0.7499999999999999 "If your partner threatens to break up with you over money, it's okay to feel offended.",0,0.0 It is rude to misbehave around your family.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should have more self-confidence.,1,0.5 It's okay to find certain things annoying,1,0.5 It's not okay to loiter and get into trouble with your friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to not want to go to a party.,1,0.5 You should treat a person with a disability the same as you would anyone else.,1,0.5 You shouldn't hate people just because they're women.,1,0.5 You shouldn't have sex so soon after ending a relatinoship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that sometimes a person you're with doesn't want to deal with kids from a previous relationship.,1,0.5 You should find something to do so you're not bored.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's not right to treat your children like slaves.,1,0.5 You shouldn't get so consumed by anger.,1,0.5 It's nice to bring someone breakfast in bed so they don't have to cook.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to have fantasies about dating autistic people.,1,1.0 It is ok to get married if your parents agree when you are an adult.,1,1.0 It is good to be careful to avoid further injury to your leg.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always be careful so you don't break your bones.,1,0.5 You shouldn't starve yourself just to look good for others.,1,0.5 It's wrong to marry someone for their money.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is wrong to want to be humiliated.,1,0.5 You aren't expected to like everyone and everything.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should try to forgive the people close to you when they disappoint you.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to have self confidence.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have people in your life that like you.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't befriend someone who threatened one of your friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to be unhappy.,1,0.5 It's okay to have a low sex drive.,1,0.5 You shouldn't let your kids do drugs.,1,0.5 It's normal to want more money.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's great to work hard and become a better person.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to think that because other people get cheated on it will happen to you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is common for kids to rough house when they play.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should tell your parents if you're really depressed so they can help.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to take money you just find lying around.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to go to your child's private events.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad to eat too many calories.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to be abusive toward your significant other.,1,0.5 It's wrong to lie to other people,1,0.7499999999999999 People shouldn't feel embarrassed to want to make their money stretch as far as possible.,1,0.5 It is good to check your grammar.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to be abusive toward your significant other.,1,0.5 It's fine to say no when your friend wants to touch your feet.,1,0.5 "If you're depressed, you should get some help.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's important not to disrupt a wedding,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to take care to do a good job.,0,0.0 It's understandable to not want to move to a new house when you like the one you're in.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable for friends to offer dating advice.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should practice before a try out.,1,0.5 It is good to have a positive attitude about a new school.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should not look at someones facebook that makes you sad.,1,0.5 It's good to make new friends.,1,0.5 It's immoral to actively fight against social justice.,1,0.5 It's rude to disturb others when you shouldn't,1,0.5 It's good to care about seeing someone you care about.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to be a horrible person.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you and your significant other trust each other.,1,0.5 You should always respect the desires of family members.,1,0.5 You should do what you can to help your significant other with their mental health.,1,0.24999999999999994 People should strive to remove annoyances from their life.,0,0.0 You shouldn't say racist slurs to people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have someone to talk to when you need it.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't be friends with someone that talks badly about you behind your back.,1,0.5 It's rude to try to limit the amount of time someone spends with their partner.,1,0.5 It is rude for another event to take over the mind's of wedding guests.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is okay to be nervous about a potential confrontation with your partner.,1,0.5 You shouldn't have sex with people if you have herpes.,1,0.5 It's wrong to show people a picture of someone if they don't want you to.,1,0.5 It's good to do chores.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should be up front with people about why you are rejecting them as dates.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable that sometimes things don't work out in life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to help out your family.,1,0.5 It's understandable that accidents happen.,1,0.5 It's nice to want to spend time with your significant other.,1,0.5 It is expected that you pay your taxes,1,0.5 Parents should support your children's decisions,1,0.24999999999999994 You should go out with people that like you.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to practice things.,1,0.5 You should tell people when you have to leave early.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected that you walk at the college graduation so your family can watch it.,0,0.0 It's expected that children grow up and become financially independent.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't ignore people.,0,0.0 It's okay to have weird sexual fetishes.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to be bloated for many days in a row.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's rude to cut in front of people in a line.,1,0.5 You shouldn't omit family member's names from Christmas cards.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that kids will do things to help out their parents.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad to take away something a child is passionate about by way of a punishment.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is impolite to not say hello.,1,0.5 It's wrong to abuse your girlfriend.,0,0.0 It's good to practice for hours.,1,0.5 It's normal to be sad if your friend doesn't like to spend time with you anymore.,1,0.5 It's good to be happy.,1,0.5 It's bad to drag others down with you when your life is out of control.,1,0.5 It is ok to briefly pick something out of your teeth in private if you wash your hands.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is expected to have a good time with friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you feel very disconnected, you should get some help.",1,0.24999999999999994 You should train your pet so they don't jump on furniture.,1,0.5 People are expected to share the big events in their lives with friends and loved ones.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have parents that want to help you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to like certain things more than others in a snack mix.,1,0.5 It's discouraged from hastening customers using your establishment.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you try to sort issues out yourself before involving the authorities.,1,0.5 Partners are expected to forgive each other.,1,0.5 It's okay to be an atheist.,1,0.5 You should know your own physical limits.,0,0.0 It's discouraged from dragging people with you as you browse for things to buy.,1,0.5 You shouldn't give in to someone when they're begging.,1,0.5 It's good to spend time outside.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should support your friends and their relationships by accepting the people they choose to go out with.,1,0.5 It's expected that people will return cheerful greetings.,1,0.5 It's normal to develop feelings for close friend,1,0.7499999999999999 People shouldn't assume something's not a big deal without hearing it through first.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be friends with benefits with people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to do things were accidents are known to happen.,1,0.5 Teachers should watch students closely,1,0.24999999999999994 It is ok to be mad if someone did something rude.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is okay to want companionship.,1,0.5 It is normal to want to spend a lot of time with a significant other.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to be a pervert.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be interested in your ex's friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to marry someone for their money.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should let the parents know if their child is misbehaving.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to go out and have a good time,1,0.5 You should tell someone if they upset you.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should apologize when you've upset your spouse.,1,0.5 It's wrong to not support your spouse.,1,0.7499999999999999 "If you forgot your money elsewhere and you need to buy something, it's okay to ask someone for help.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be overweight.,1,0.5 It's good to be helpful to your roommates.,1,0.5 It is understandable to be angry when someone lies to you.,0,0.0 It is expected that you show gratitude when people do things for you,1,0.24999999999999994 You could be expected to ensure that you receive the necessary amount of nutrients needed to supply your body with energy.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to picture things in your mind.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's fine to be curious about whether you can get attention.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's reasonable for a veterinarian to frown upon you feeding your pet from your dinner plate.,1,0.5 It's good to help out your family.,1,0.5 You should talk to your friend if you want to trade your partner with theirs.,1,0.5 People might start a fight with you if you dress up in a aggressively provocative costume.,1,0.5 It's okay to make guesses.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay if you can't afford a gift for a party you're invited to.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected that you and your significant other trust each other.,1,0.5 It's wrong to bully others.,1,0.5 It's wrong to discard a friend for trivial reasons.,0,0.0 It's understandable if you're frustrated when you wreck your car.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should make sure you liked something before you bought it,0,0.0 It's inappropriate to follow your daughter on her honeymoon.,1,0.5 You shouldn't try to injure people.,1,0.5 It is good to seek professional help if you have had a bad past.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should encourage your spouse to see a therapist when they return from combat.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be proud of your kids when they grow up.,0,0.0 It's okay to be uncomfortable when someone likes your feet.,1,0.5 It's okay to make a mistake.,0,0.0 It's bad to end a relationship.,1,0.5 It's rude to call someone to keep you company because you're bored.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always get an appropriate tent when you go camping.,1,0.5 It's bad to make big purchases behind your significant other's back.,1,0.5 It's fine to need to use the bathroom.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to carry your phone with you.,1,0.5 It's rude to give too much criticism.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should develop good relations with your extended family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be frustrated with the people around you who don't seem competent.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay if you're disappointed when you fail your driver's license test.,1,0.5 It's understandable that people don't always want to donate blood.,1,0.24999999999999994 "It's no one's business how a person chooses to indulge their pleasures, so long as it hurts no one.",1,0.5 It is okay to be addicted to a quality.,1,0.5 It's rude to expect others to travel to your events at their own expense.,0,0.0 It's morally wrong to promote racism and racist policy.,1,0.5 It is good to see a therapist if you are feeling depressed.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be honest with friends about possible suspicious behavior from their partner.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to take advantage of people,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have milk with cookies or dessert because they go well together.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is ok to find someone gross if they are picking their teeth.,1,0.5 It is okay to speak up when you see something wrong.,0,0.0 You shouldn't do sexual things in public restrooms.,1,0.5 It's nice to invite your friend to your graduation.,1,0.5 You shouldn't blame your child's ex partner for things.,1,0.5 It's good to get out and enjoy the fresh air.,1,0.5 It's okay to admit that you hate something.,0,0.0 It is bad to pick your teeth in public.,1,0.5 It's good to want to spend time with family,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to work at a fast food restaurant in your teens.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be welcoming when someone moves north from the south.,1,0.5 It's wrong for employees to handle personal business on their employer's time.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is ok to put your candy in your pocket.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable to feel disappointed if something does not go your way.,1,0.5 It's good to ask for help when you need it.,0,0.0 You shouldn't tell someone to not invite their family over.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to take advantage of someone you have power over.,1,0.5 It's okay to lose romantic feelings for someone over time.,1,0.7499999999999999 Its more fun to play outside if the internet isn't working.,1,0.5 It's important to prioritize people over things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to try to scam someone.,1,0.5 "If someone calls you the wrong name, you should correct them.",1,0.24999999999999994 Children are expected to behave.,0,0.0 It's good to give to charity.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good for families to do things that bring them together.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to make noise that might disturb the neighbors.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to want your girlfriend to leave.,1,0.5 It's good to want kids to be prepared for life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that if you lie to your spouse your marriage will be jeopardized.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to be prepared for sudden changes.,1,0.5 It's bad to be rude.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to decline food that a host offers you.,0,0.0 It's okay to be proud of your genetics.,1,0.5 It's pleasurable to kiss someone you desire.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong when someone does something for you to not do the same for them.,1,0.5 You shouldn't cut off your friends.,1,0.5 It's unethical to judge other people.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to be cared for.,1,0.5 It's bad to be obsessed with churches.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't do things that would make your child happy when you die.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't rely on someone's word.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have confidence in yourself.,1,0.5 It's good to keep trying at something until you get really good at it.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to think before you speak,1,0.5 Playing ping pong with a friend is a good way to spend time.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is important to be healthy.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to mooch off of others.,0,0.0 You shouldn't pry into your child's life.,1,0.5 You shouldn't keep mementos of an old affair.,1,0.5 You shouldn't let your partner's parents get mad at you.,1,0.5 It is rude to call the police on your neighbors.,1,0.5 You're allowed to inquire what your spouse saw if they went to an event you didn't.,1,0.5 It's good to want to take care of your children.,0,0.0 It's okay to keep things away from your children that might harm them.,1,0.5 It's good to practice hard to excel at one's hobby.,1,0.5 It's dangerous to run without proper shoes on.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't have to stay at a place you don't like.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to guilt trip someone until they agree to date you.,1,0.5 It is convenient to use TL;DR as a way to summarize a long post.,1,0.5 It's okay to want to be single.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad to get angry at friends.,0,0.0 You are expected to be yourself.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to fill out your own paperwork.,1,0.5 It is okay to get help from family in a difficult time.,1,0.24999999999999994 You're expected to work in order to earn money.,1,0.5 It's smart to keep track of your surroundings.,1,0.5 It's allowed to contact an ex-partner years later to reconnect.,1,0.5 You should always be careful so you don't break your bones.,1,0.5 It's not okay to steal ideas from someone when it's important to them.,1,0.5 It's okay to be cranky if you're waiting in a line that's not moving,1,0.5 You should discuss problems with your family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's nice to let pets indoors when it is cold.,1,0.5 You should mind your own business when it comes to your partner's relationships.,1,0.5 You should always pursue your passions.,0,0.0 "It's good to find romance wherever you can, no matter how brief.",1,0.5 It's okay to be confused when your friend leaves you.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to have violent urges if you never act on them.,1,0.24999999999999994 Partners are expected to be completely honest with each other.,1,0.5 It's understandable that sometimes things happen and we have to hurry to be on time.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to give someone an ultimatum.,1,0.5 It's expected for a trainer to give good advice.,1,0.5 It's not okay to refuse the food someone cooks for you.,1,0.5 You are expected to talk things through with friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always try to get along with your family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's nice to want to spend time with your significant other.,1,0.5 It's wrong to tell lies about people.,1,0.5 It's bad to be pessimistic.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to not move on.,1,0.5 It's okay to hate certain animals.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't laugh at inappropriate things.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should train your pets.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to want to celebrate with others to commemorate a special occasion.,0,0.0 You shouldn't say racist things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to turn someone down if they want to date and they are your best friends ex.,1,0.5 You should talk to your friend about what is annoying you about them.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's dangerous to eat under cooked pork products.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to try to change your child's lifestyle.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is easy to take old friends for granted.,1,0.5 It's OK to receive multiple marriage proposals.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should have more self-confidence.,1,0.5 You shouldn't intentionally ruin the joy of others.,1,0.5 It's rude to make fun of someone's whiskey dick.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to choose not to eat dessert if you're trying to be healthy.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to leave the past behind and move on.,1,0.5 It's acceptable to stop working on something.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to keep a secret that you've been entrusted with.,1,0.5 You shouldn't break up with someone on your anniversary.,1,0.24999999999999994 You have a right to park where ever you like if you are there first.,1,0.5 It is okay to be wrong at times.,1,0.5 It is wrong to discriminate against people because of their language or place of origin,1,0.5 You shouldn't bribe people.,1,0.5 It's normal to feel grateful towards the people that help you.,1,0.5 It's inconsiderate to quit playing a game before other people are ready to stop.,1,0.24999999999999994 "Judging how others enjoy themselves, even when they're your partner, is inappropriate.",0,0.0 It's honorable to want to improve yourself.,1,0.24999999999999994 You can't expect your family to always invite you to their special events.,1,0.5 It's commendable to find a way out of addiction.,1,0.5 It's fine to be amused when someone jokes about AI overlords.,1,1.0 It's wrong to threaten your friends.,1,0.5 it's important to visit your family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to try to make positive changes in the world when you are worried about the state it is in.,1,0.5 "It's wrong to force children into a romantic pairing, even if it is your culture's tradition.",1,0.5 It's good to relax and play games.,1,0.5 It's wrong not to invite your aunt to your birthday party.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's important to prepare before starting something.,0,0.0 You should be willing to help your child when they get married.,0,0.0 It's fine to confess your love to your crush.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to want to do things even if your not sure how it will go.,1,0.5 It's good to be happy about good health.,1,0.5 When a family member is addicted to drugs you are expected to try and save them.,1,0.5 You should respect the feelings of your friends.,1,0.5 It's bad to accidentally buy things.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected that you obey traffic laws while driving a car.,0,0.0 It is cordial to respond politely.,1,0.5 It's okay to feel bad for someone who is begging to play a game.,1,1.0 You shouldn't be friends with someone that ditches you.,1,0.5 It is wrong to impersonate someone in hopes of a reward.,1,0.5 It's good to care about your child's education.,1,0.5 You shouldn't buy things just because they are cheap.,1,1.0 It's important to be thankful for what you've received.,1,0.5 "You're allowed to stay up as late as you need to, to get things down.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong for babies to bite other people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to take advice from your spouse.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is reasonable to be anxious about your first kid being born.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to add extra conditions to gifts.,0,0.0 It's okay to be scared when you're addicted to drugs.,0,0.0 It's expected that you look presentable at a funeral.,1,0.24999999999999994 I'ts expected that people want to pay as little as possible when they can.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to show respect for causes you believe in.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to share things you enjoy with others.,0,0.0 It is good to be included in a group.,1,0.5 It is okay if you do not succeed at what you try.,1,1.0 It is wrong to insult others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to be grateful for what others give you,1,0.24999999999999994 It is normal to struggle recovering from an abusive relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that people will be proud of their academic achievements.,0,0.0 It's understandable to be upset when somebody is not listening to you.,0,0.0 It's okay to be jealous of countries that are more awesome than the one you live in.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to try to improve yourself if you know you are a bad person.,1,0.5 It's nice to bring someone breakfast in bed so they don't have to cook.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal for people to want to have a family.,1,0.5 People are expected to want to live with their loved ones.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to be too loud.,0,0.0 You should encourage someone who gets help when their life is bad.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always do what the doctor says.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to set your GPS to a new route if you don't know the way.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't judge the way your friends are.,1,0.5 It's wrong to harass or stalk another person.,1,0.5 You shouldn't tell someone one thing and then not do it.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is important to respect other people's relationships.,0,0.0 You shouldn't try to sabotage your life.,1,0.5 It's okay to break up with your partner if the relationship is not salvageable.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay for a bride to choose a groomsman.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is important to discuss birth control.,0,0.0 "If you are having trouble in your relationship, you should get some relationship advice.",1,0.24999999999999994 Stealing is wrong.,1,0.5 You should not get addicted to drugs.,0,0.0 It's good to try to improve yourself if you know you are a bad person.,1,0.5 It is normal to want to spend a lot of time with a significant other.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to distance yourself from the friends of a loved one.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to remain close to somebody important to you even after a divorce,1,0.5 It is good to teach your children to be respectful of others,1,0.5 It's nice having someone that takes care of you and feeds you when you're hungry,1,0.5 "If you can't afford healthcare, you should get some government assistance.",1,0.5 It is good to talk through your problems.,1,0.5 It's okay if you don't feel excited to get a free book.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is clever to find ways to get things for free from a restaurant.,1,1.0 It's fun to play with your friends.,1,0.5 "If your house is cold, you should turn on the heater.",1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't pressure someone to have sex.,1,0.5 It's good to do things with your friends.,0,0.0 It is expected that groups won't exclude people just for being different.,0,0.0 It is okay to feel scared.,1,0.5 It's bad to hold a grudge about your relationship without talking about it.,0,0.0 It's not a good idea to bring a dog to a graveyard.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should decorate your house yourself.,1,1.0 People are expected to be kind to their friends.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be broke because then you can't pay your bills.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad to have an abortion.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to have good hygiene.,1,0.5 Is thrifty to cook the animal you've accidentally killed,1,0.7499999999999999 It is expected that pregnant women be emotional.,1,0.5 You shouldn't expect your parents to always get nice things for you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be rude to someone that has ruined your family,1,0.5 It's encouraged you RSVP when you get an invitation somewhere,1,0.24999999999999994 Family should never split.,1,0.5 It is wrong to engage in romantic relationships with minors,1,0.5 It is good to think before you speak,1,0.5 It is hard to work when there are unpleasant distractions.,1,0.5 It's okay to want to keep certain aspects of your life private.,1,0.5 You shouldn't encourage your friend to disobey their parents.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be a dangerous person.,1,0.5 It's not okay to disrespect the home you live in.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to do weird things or be obsessive.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should break up with your significant other if you're interested in somebody else,0,0.0 It's good to get help with addressing habits that have spun out of your control.,0,0.0 It's natural to feel jealous when someone you're seeing interacts with other people on social media.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to want someone to care about you.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be supportive of your friends when they are struggling with an addiction.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable that we don't always want to provide for others.,1,0.5 It is ok to want to work things out in a marriage.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't host for people you don't like.,1,0.5 You should be prepared financially when you want to retire early.,0,0.0 It's wrong to play second fiddle to someone.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't give in to your temptations.,0,0.0 You should work hard for your dreams.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're angry when a colleague tells the office your secrets.,1,0.5 "It's expected people will form relationships with people they want to, not people they feel they must.",1,0.7499999999999999 It is okay to cut toxic family out of your life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to keep your opinions to yourself when they're controversial.,1,0.24999999999999994 Students should make sure to get adequate rest every night.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to want your child to have a father figure.,1,0.5 It's good to foster animals while they are waiting to be adopted.,1,0.5 It is harmful to stay quiet.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to follow through on your invitations.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't upset your parents.,0,0.0 You should always accept your child's apology.,1,0.5 It's normal to develop feelings for close friend,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to be nervous about asking someone to a dance.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't give your gate code to strangers.,1,0.5 It's admirable to be able to admit your faults.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is disappointing to discover that the fruit you want to eat is fake.,1,0.7499999999999999 "If you're suicidal, you should get some therapy.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to go see a friend's performance.,1,0.5 It's fun to go out with friends.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you don't like being able to smell your fiance.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's discouraged from keeping food overly long in the freezer.,1,0.5 It's good to buy gifts for people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is hilarious to make word puns.,1,0.5 It’s wrong to cheat on your spouse.,1,0.5 Stealing in general is considered wrong by society.,0,0.0 It's rude to ask someone you're engaged to that they go away.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should trust others to do things for you without getting nervous about it.,1,0.5 Families should be able to talk out their problems with each other.,1,0.5 It's triumphant when you catch a fish.,0,0.0 It's understandable if you don't want your mother to sleep in your bed with you.,0,0.0 It is rude to act with anger and aggression toward others,1,0.24999999999999994 If you really hate a sports team you are expected to want them to lose .,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to have a friendly relationship with your work colleagues if possible.,1,0.24999999999999994 Friends are expected to give each other advice.,0,0.0 You should be excited about what you do every day,1,0.5 It's expected to stick to commitments that are made.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be angry if your friend gets you in trouble.,1,0.5 It's good to follow people on social media.,1,0.5 "It's responsible to understand that for some, the cost of independence is too high.",1,0.5 It's normal for people to want to play in the snow.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's fine to impose punishment on students in your class.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to set yourself up for disaster.,0,0.0 It is irresponsible to rack up debt.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't give someone attention when they don't want it.,0,0.0 It's fine to like feet.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should communicate with your partner about your expectations when you're dating.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't argue with your roommates.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's not nice to break the rules.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want to spend more time with your spouse.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be honest about the physical interactions you have while on a break from a relationship.,1,0.5 It is good to stop eating subway if it ruins your life.,1,0.5 It is good to apologize to people you have harmed,1,0.5 "You shouldn't walk around in the rain, you might get sick.",1,1.0 It's understandable to want to express yourself through your physical appearance.,0,0.0 It's okay to say no to people,1,0.5 It's okay to be annoyed when you think your friend is fishing for compliments.,0,0.0 It's good to feel confident about yourself and your body.,1,0.5 It's wrong to behave badly.,1,0.5 It's ok to say whatever you want when you are alone.,1,0.5 It's good to have hobbies you enjoy.,1,0.5 It is wrong to assume you will get a deal just because you are family.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to have differing views on sex in a marriage as long as you work through your issues.,1,0.5 You should be certain before you cut off any of your hair.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't judge someone by their sexual orientation.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you don't care about something, you should be honest about it.",1,0.5 It's understandable if you're scared to marry someone abusive.,1,0.5 It is okay to walk away from a friendship when you have grown apart.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't compare quitting smoking to quitting chocolate.,1,0.5 It's bad to fall victim to conspiracy theories.,1,0.5 It is expected that some people might have a harder time earning money.,0,0.0 You should always tell your students why you gave them a bad grade for an assignment.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're upset when you get into a car accident.,1,0.5 It's good to look forward to things you can do when you grow older.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be lazy.,1,0.5 It's rude to prank somebody,1,0.24999999999999994 It is not acceptable to out a friend to your class.,1,0.5 It is herioc to save someone from danger.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to lie to people.,1,0.5 You shouldn't let assault go unpunished.,1,0.5 It's normal to want to share good times on social media.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't get people fired.,1,0.5 You should run inside to get away from somebody so they can't follow you inside.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's irresponsible to have children when you are too old.,0,0.0 It's good to find a compromise on things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to cook your own food.,1,0.5 You should be there for your partner when they have a baby.,1,0.5 People will think you're a future serial killer if you torture and kill small animals.,1,0.5 It is good to give your partner unexpected little gifts.,0,0.0 You shouldn't get involved sexually with friends if you're in a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 "When you're happy where you live, it's okay to stay there forever.",1,0.5 It is vain to change your appearance surgically.,1,0.5 It is okay if you are not popular.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you develop independence as an adult.,1,0.5 "If you get a low grade on one thing, you shouldn't beat yourself up too much",1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable not to want to discuss failed marriages.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to snap at a parent.,0,0.0 It's okay to hold a strong opinion about health care coverage.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to not help someone out when they really need you.,1,0.5 You should always acknowledge your mistakes.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't leave sick people at home alone because they need care.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should masturbate in private and not in public.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's unprofessional to continue treating a patient that has feelings for you.,1,0.24999999999999994 Family should not interfere with a personal relationships.,1,0.5 It's good to make breakfast for yourself and others.,0,0.0 You shouldn't share plans with your kids if they are adults and responsible enough to get their own plans.,0,0.0 It's good to remain close to the people you care about in life.,1,0.5 It's good to shave to make yourself look presentable.,1,0.5 It's bad to yell at your friends.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're suspicious when a widower in your family gets together with a widower soon after their spouse's died.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's not okay to make someone feel worthless.,1,0.5 It is okay to seek advice when you are having a difficult time.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to help clean a shared space.,1,0.5 It is okay to be nervous when doing something for the first time.,1,0.5 It is ok to get exercise in by riding your bike.,1,0.5 It's good to give customers a reasonable price,1,0.5 It's okay to be upset if someone you report to at work lets you take the blame for something you didn't do.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be livid when someone lies to you about very basic things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's kind to use your skills to help someone's artistic endeavor.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not your place to be involved in another person's romantic life.,1,0.24999999999999994 People are expected to honor their contracts.,1,0.5 You should always drive to the hospital so you get there faster.,1,1.0 You should not be rude to guests.,1,0.5 It's wrong to make decisions about someone else's body,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to leave difficult issues to security to handle.,0,0.0 It is okay to be attracted to certain things.,1,0.5 You shouldn't kiss your friend's significant other.,1,0.5 It's wrong to make your child wear broken glasses.,1,0.5 Family should never split.,1,0.5 It's good to ask people's experiences of certain games.,1,0.5 It's important to prioritize people over things.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't injure yourself so you don't have to go to the doctor.,1,0.5 It's rude to ignore your friends.,1,0.5 You should follow rules established by the bride if you're invited to her wedding.,1,0.24999999999999994 People are expected to enjoy sitting outside on a nice day.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should not offend someone by telling them that their oil is smelly.,1,0.5 "It's okay to feel sorrow when people have died, even if you don't know them.",1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to plan ahead,0,0.0 It's okay to want to keep certain aspects of your life private.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be too pushy with your friends or you might scare them away.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you're sick of listening to people preach about cellphone etiquette.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to be bitter and resentful toward your parent.,0,0.0 "If you fractured your ankle, you should get a cast.",1,0.24999999999999994 Family should not interfere with a personal relationships.,1,0.5 It's good to abstain from drinking alcohol.,1,0.5 You are expected to show reverence at a funeral home.,1,0.5 If someone is hiding you from their friends and family it is reasonable to conclude that they do not really care about you.,1,0.24999999999999994 People shouldn't make others lose their appetites with their crappy eating habits.,0,0.0 You shouldn't be rude to strangers by asking them too many questions.,1,0.5 It's not okay to forbid your significant other from doing something.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to be into cuckolding.,1,0.5 It's okay to seek out help from a relationship councillor to try and make amends,1,0.7499999999999999 You should educate your friends when they make homophobic remarks.,1,0.5 It's bad to drink too much alcohol.,1,0.5 It's bad to be passive aggressive in a relationship.,1,0.5 It's okay to feel angry when you are chronically ill.,1,0.24999999999999994 "It's allowed to hook-up with someone when you're bored, and not talk to them again.",1,0.5 It's understandable to be upset when you lose something that you need.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be hurt if someone else ignores you.,1,0.5 It's inappropriate to follow your daughter on her honeymoon.,1,0.5 It's not okay to constantly remind yourself of things.,1,0.5 Do you shouldn't let little things irritate you,1,0.5 It's wrong to prohibit your child from dating.,1,0.5 It's good for a person to work thru their issues to solve what is troubling them.,0,0.0 It's okay to be angry when someone chooses to cheat.,1,0.24999999999999994 You are allowed to use the feeling of regret to make sure that you don't make the same mistake twice.,1,0.5 You should practice before an audition.,1,0.5 You shouldn't max out your credit cards.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable not everyone like's their parents.,0,0.0 It's important to respect the culture of other people.,1,0.5 It's expected that you develop independence as an adult.,1,0.5 It is overwhelming to handle emotions if you haven't learned the right way to do so.,0,0.0 It's wrong to not look out for family.,0,0.0 It's good to want to be a cop to serve the public.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't keep your relationships a secret.,1,0.5 It's acceptable to be cautious.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to want a more inclusive work environment.,0,0.0 "When mistakes are made, it's good to apologize.",0,0.0 You shouldn't put a pacifier in an adult's mouth.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to go out camping with your buddies.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected that you'll deliberate over your wedding dress.,1,0.5 You're expected to be careful when opening your car door in a parking lot.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's ok to ask a friend for a ride.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's irresponsible to chat online with someone you don't remember but claims to know you from childhood.,1,0.5 "When you make online purchases, you should take precautions to keep from being scammed.",1,0.5 It's good to check out your car to make sure nothing is wrong with it.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to be jealous of your neighbors.,1,0.24999999999999994 Ex-partners are not expected to keep having sex with each other.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's hurtful to never return to someone's home.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to run from the police.,1,0.5 You shouldn't try to humiliate people.,1,0.5 It's good to keep track of information about your friends and family.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't expect your parents to always get nice things for you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to use the restroom.,0,0.0 You shouldn't let your partner dictate what you can and cannot wear.,1,0.5 It's okay to wish you had your old account on social media.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be grateful when someone does nice things for you.,1,0.5 You are expected to be sad when a stepparent passes away.,1,0.5 You shouldn't abandon your family.,0,0.0 It's wrong to guilt trip someone until they agree to date you.,1,0.5 It is good to communicate when something is wrong.,1,0.5 It is rude to tell your friends who they can hang out with.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always give your kids financial advice.,1,0.5 It is disrespectful to go through someone elses belongings with out permission.,1,0.5 "When you are injured, it's good to go to the hospital.",1,0.7499999999999999 It's nice to be in love.,1,0.5 It's good to go out sailing and have fun.,1,0.5 It's okay to get a colleague fired if they are breaking the law.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be so critical of people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's allowed to take some time to become savvy with money.,1,0.5 It is important to be a considerate guest,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you're going through a divorce, you're expected to remain professional and not take things personally",0,0.0 It is dramatic to get angry at someone for leaving you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to set your GPS to a new route if you don't know the way.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to be honest with others,1,0.5 You should respect the religious beliefs of other people.,1,0.5 It's rude not to thank someone when they give you a free copy of their book.,1,0.5 It is reasonable to be anxious about your first kid being born.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should understand if someone does not want to accept a gift.,1,0.24999999999999994 You do not always have to like your job.,1,0.5 It's bad to crave attention.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to know the type of things you dislike and let others know so they don't do them.,1,0.24999999999999994 Seeing out help to move on from a toxic lifestyle is acceptable.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to tell your family stories.,0,0.0 You should not say swear words.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't abandon your pets.,1,0.5 You're supposed to report it to someone if you see something shady going on.,0,0.0 It is rude to interrupt people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to enjoy powdered milk.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should be supportive of your significant other.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's important to maintain your marriage successfully.,0,0.0 You should get an injury looked at as soon as you can.,1,0.5 It's okay to get lonely when your spouse is away on work,1,0.5 It is hurtful when you keep secrets from your friends.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't let drunk people stay in your place.,1,0.5 It is dangerous to leave someone outside without shoes or a way to get help if they need it.,1,0.5 You shouldn't do things that make your friends mad.,0,0.0 It is odd to distance yourself from someone who is a friend.,1,0.5 It is okay to voice your opinion if someone did something wrong.,0,0.0 It's distasteful to express bigoted views.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be upset over making bad choices.,1,0.5 You are allowed to set boundaries for your spaces.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to advise people to recycle as much as possible.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you adjust your plans when they don't work out like you wanted.,1,0.5 It's wrong to use people.,1,0.5 It's OK to monitor your children.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to have to rely on special tools when they aren't really needed.,1,0.5 You should be nice to your friends and invite them to do things with you.,1,0.5 Family members are expected to be supportive of each other.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to discuss your problems with a close friend or family member.,0,0.0 You shouldn't drive without a driver's license.,1,0.5 It's okay to feel insecure about your beliefs.,1,0.5 You should seek medical treatment if you suspect you may suffer from food addiction.,1,0.5 One is expected to keep appointments that they make.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't keep secrets from your partner.,0,0.0 It's wrong to wish your child was never born.,1,0.5 "If you aren't over your parent's death years later, you should get some counseling.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to feel hurt when someone you care about doesn't tell you about their big life changes.,1,0.5 Wanting to vent about your job is okay.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to not accept people for who they are.,1,0.5 It's good to look around a lot before you find something you really like.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to open up to people about your feelings.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that employees will fulfill their duties.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to get lonely when your spouse is away on work,1,0.5 It's understandable to be upset when one is hungry.,1,0.5 "When you leave food out in the open, you shouldn't be surprised when animals get into it.",1,0.24999999999999994 "If you have a headache, you should take some pain medication.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to base your happiness on the things you have.,1,0.5 It's okay to be upset about losing a game,1,0.5 It's good to have high self-esteem.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to want to clear up space.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to judge other people's stories,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable that things don't always work out.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to stare at someone who is differently abled.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you want gifts for your birthday.,1,0.24999999999999994 You can't expect your partner to always want to take care of your pets.,1,0.5 It's okay to not want to be friends with others that won't support you.,1,0.5 It's fine to be disturbed by friends injury.,1,0.5 It's understandable that people don't always want to donate blood.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to convey your feelings to your partner about having children.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to steal money from another person.,1,0.5 It's wrong to be incredibly envious of people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's degrading to seek affirmation from people.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should get some therapy if you think you know what death is really like.,1,0.5 It's frowned upon to hate others.,0,0.0 It's fine to enjoy pizza.,0,0.0 Walking into a store as they are closing is disrespectful the employees.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to visit the people you care about in life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to accumulate as much wealth as you can.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's better to be safe than sorry.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's OK to choose a job with better benefits over one with higher salary.,1,0.5 It is conventional to wait at home for your spouse to arrive.,1,1.0 It's good to want to be a better parent.,1,0.5 It is ok to buy something you enjoy when you can afford it.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to get a job after high school for a while to learn some responsibility.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to want to spend holidays with the people who are important to you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to set your GPS to a new route if you don't know the way.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should accommodate your employees when they have a disability.,0,0.0 It's improper to sleep with someone who's in a relationship.,0,0.0 People usually want to do things right,1,0.5 It is fattening to eat too much ice cream an chocolate.,1,0.5 It's bad to pretend to be something you're not to impress people.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to not appreciate something someone gave you as a gift.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected that a first date will be awkward.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wise to save up money if you're able to.,1,0.5 You are expected to respect your guests wishes in regards to giving a speech at your wedding.,1,1.0 It is good to have moderation in all activities.,1,0.7499999999999999 You are allowed to look at your relationship to see if it is going well.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you are happy when your stepmom still cares about you after having a new baby.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be withdrawn toward your girlfriend.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to send people cards for Christmas.,1,0.5 It's wrong to do things that you know will bring harm to others.,1,0.5 It's wrong to take or distribute photos of dead bodies.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to snoop on people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fun to go to the drive-in with your partner.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should keep your pets indoors to keep them safe.,1,0.7499999999999999 It’s understandable to give up.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't do things that make you uncomfortable.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is okay to feel conflicting emotions.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay not to understand what is going on around you.,1,1.0 It's okay not to eat fast food.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't trust everyone you date.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to choose sides.,1,0.24999999999999994 People should re-evaluate relationships even if nothing is wrong.,1,0.5 It's good to get a spot of exercise when possible.,1,0.5 It's kind to help the elderly and less-abled when you can.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to take something you don't want,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to want a clear conscience.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't hate yourself over an inability to hate someone else.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to give up on finding someone to love if you're repulsive.,1,0.5 You should work two jobs if you need the money.,1,0.5 It's good to take care of your health when you are sick or injured.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to be too loud.,0,0.0 It's normal to worry about your partner when something is wrong with them.,1,0.5 You shouldn't rack up large amounts of student loan debt.,1,0.24999999999999994 Partners are expected to get mad at each other from time to time.,1,0.5 It is rude to go over a deadline.,1,0.5 Parents are expected to teach their children how to do things.,1,0.5 It is good for couples to communicate their problems and move on when there is tension after a fight.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't marry someone who is abusive.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is important to discuss situations with the person involved.,0,0.0 It's ok to have clear boundaries with family members.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to be lazy.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay if you don't want to be around someone that you are not in a relationship with.,1,0.5 You should put food out for your pet when they are missing.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is OK to refuse a birthday gift if you have a good reason to.,1,1.0 You should not indulge in bad habits.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's mean to draw on someone when they are asleep.,1,0.5 It's not okay to not take care of the important matters in your life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to not apologize to someone when they deserve it.,1,0.24999999999999994 Taking care of someone elses dog is not your responsibility.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to carpool,1,0.7499999999999999 It is wrong to think that some people are not meant to have a happy life.,1,0.5 It's rude to pee in a shower used by other people.,1,0.5 It's good to help people learn about themselves.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always go over your vacation plans before acting on them.,1,0.5 It's wrong to show people sex tapes featuring other people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's mean to draw on someone when they are asleep.,1,0.5 It's smart to keep track of your surroundings.,1,0.5 It's not okay to not be informed about things most people know.,1,0.5 It's bad to try to be more like your partner's ex due to jealousy.,1,0.5 It is reasonable to want to know how your child is doing academically,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to talk to a doctor if you have difficult pregnancies.,1,0.5 It's kind to help out ones' parents when you're able.,1,0.24999999999999994 Partners are expected to be completely honest with each other.,1,0.5 It's understandable for someone to care about how they present themselves.,1,0.5 It's good to recognize the good qualities in others.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be careful not to lose control when you are driving.,0,0.0 It's good to want to say things to others that are important.,1,0.5 It's good to tell your ex your true feelings.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is bad to scream at others.,1,0.5 It's expected that people you associate with will learn your name.,1,0.5 It's okay to be unenthusiastic about your teenage years.,0,0.0 It's wrong to hurt animals for fun.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you're irritated by cellphone ettiquette.,1,0.5 You shouldn't blame things on a sibling.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to spend time doing things you love with your partner.,1,0.5 You should always try new things.,1,0.5 It's okay to appreciate the same things as others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be nervous about confessing your love to your crush.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're afraid of your spouse when they return home from combat.,1,1.0 It's okay to find solutions to little problems,1,0.5 It is bad to be unfaithful to your spouse.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to sell things to others.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to be upset when you lose all the money you put into a wedding you canceled.,1,0.5 You shouldn't milk your parents for money.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's unfair to make siblings do all the work of caring for each other.,0,0.0 It's good to enjoy your own food.,1,0.5 It's not okay to pay to much attention to people or pets.,1,0.5 It's inconsiderate to come home to a partner exceedingly inebriated.,1,0.5 You should respect your friends more.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fun to go to the drive-in with your partner.,1,0.7499999999999999 Is expected that you will take your medication as prescribed,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to wait until the last minute to do things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be annoyed when your parents are obsessed with family heirlooms.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected most people will enjoy time with their grandparents.,1,0.5 It's rude to decline food that a host offers you.,0,0.0 Family is expected to support one another.,1,0.5 It's good for a child to have a realistic view of their parents.,1,0.5 It's bad to lie to a friend.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you're in a teaching position, you should try to treat your students fairly",1,0.24999999999999994 "If you have a low tire in your car, you should fill it with air.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's unhealthy to be thinking about hurting yourself,1,0.5 It's okay to cry at sad movies.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should talk to your boss before you make decisions at work.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's normal to put things in order before you die.,1,0.5 It is okay to rethink putting your life in danger.,1,0.5 It's good to help a friend who is having mental health issues.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to buy lottery tickets on occasion.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's normal for animals to not like medicine.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to not share something that you did a lonf time ago.,1,1.0 You shouldn't do something you don't want to do.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable to want payback when someone has hurt you,1,0.5 It's good to enjoy your job.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to express your feelings about a loss.,1,0.5 You should always buy yourself new clothes.,0,0.0 Kissing someone on the cheek is a good way to show affection.,1,0.5 You can't expect your family to always like your partner.,1,0.5 You should man up and be responsible for the bad decisions you make.,1,0.5 It is expected most people will enjoy time with their grandparents.,1,0.5 It's good to be pleased about work you have done.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to be racist.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't discriminate against groups of people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to fart in public,1,0.5 It's pathetic to betray something intimate told to you in confidence.,1,0.5 It's important to help kids develop normal relationships with adults in their lives.,1,0.5 It's okay to be scared of someone who is big and muscular.,1,0.5 It's expected that parents should discipline their kids.,1,0.5 You should be careful where you are stepping so you don't fall.,1,0.5 You should not expect others to pay for someone else's mistake.,1,0.5 You don't have to be responsible for your cousin's problems.,1,0.5 It's good to learn how to control your temper.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to save the money you make so that you can afford your bills on time.,1,0.5 You should shave your body hair if you're really hairy and unsightly.,1,0.5 It's normal to want to feel challenged by your job.,1,0.5 It's good to have personal contact.,1,0.5 You shouldn't talk to your ex anymore.,1,0.5 It's wrong to date someone when you're their boss.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should talk to your employees before they decide to quit.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be scared of childbirth.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad form to feed your pets leftovers from your dinner plate.,1,0.5 It's good to be skeptical of people who always happen to suffer from whatever dietary issue is trending.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's normal to block cell signals in certain environments.,1,1.0 It's wrong to force physical affection on people when they're uncomfortable with it.,1,0.24999999999999994 Getting over excited is frowned upon.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable to have difficulty getting over a crush.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's better to mind your own business when it comes to the lives of your coworkers,1,0.5 It's fine to feel trapped sometimes.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to show your disgruntlement with what someone does.,1,0.5 It is expected that pregnant women be emotional.,1,0.5 People should take care to do everything in moderation.,1,0.5 You shouldn't call out your family over petty things.,1,0.5 It's good to talk to someone who is going through a tough time.,1,0.5 It's good to support injured family members.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to go to social events with others,0,0.0 It's wrong to hide things from children.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be careful not to lose control when you are driving.,0,0.0 It's good to call people out for scummy things they do.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is acceptable to charge for a service.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's ok to miss your deceased family members.,1,0.5 A presentation is a good way to get several points across.,1,0.5 It's immoral to want to cause harm to yourself or another person.,1,0.5 It's good to see new places.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is common to have mutual friends with your ex.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to attend events held by your friends and family.,0,0.0 It is okay to know what you want from a partner.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be frustrated when someone picks and chooses when they love you.,1,0.24999999999999994 "It's expected that you act responsibly, even when mourning.",1,0.5 It is okay to be private.,1,0.5 Your boyfriend has the right to wear whatever underwear he chooses.,1,0.5 You should do proper maintenance on your car,1,0.5 It's good to save certain things for when others are away.,1,0.5 People should endeavor to experience other cultures firsthand.,0,0.0 You should always be careful so you don't break your bones.,1,0.5 It's normal to feel frustration.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable that we don't always want to provide for others.,1,0.5 You shouldn't waste things.,0,0.0 Supporting the people in your peer group can help you come out ahead.,0,0.0 You should be respectful to strangers.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you're sick or injured, you should see a doctor.",1,0.5 It's kind to give another person a gift.,1,0.5 It's okay to have sexual interecourse with someone as long as it is consensual,1,0.7499999999999999 It is nice to be recognized for your skills.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to be generous,1,0.5 It's good to ask for advice.,0,0.0 It's good to do the things in life you need to take care of.,1,0.5 You shouldn't lie to people about quitting your job.,1,0.5 It is good to give someone advanced notice if they will be let go.,1,0.24999999999999994 it's wrong to hurt people.,1,0.5 You should expect some people to hit rock bottom in their lives when they do poorly at something.,1,0.5 It's okay to not be attracted to people.,1,0.5 It's distasteful to express bigoted views.,1,0.5 You should be understanding of people's problems.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's important to prioritize people over things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to complain you don't like something you didn't pay for.,0,0.0 It's good to lose weight if you're fat.,1,0.5 You shouldn't let a sibling use your picture on a dating profile.,1,0.5 "It's bad to abuse substances, even ones which are beneficial.",1,0.5 It's okay to have a lot of questions when your long-lost parent comes into your life.,1,0.5 It's expected that a parent be polite to their children.,1,0.5 It's okay to like certain foods that you know other people don't care for.,1,0.5 It's good to visit your family.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't do things that would make your child happy when you die.,1,0.24999999999999994 "You shouldn't get too caught up in memories and instead should work to make the most of your life today, in the present",1,0.24999999999999994 It's good want to help a troubled family member.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to talk badly about someone who has passed away.,1,0.5 It's understandable that life sometimes over burdens us.,1,0.5 It's important to prioritize mental health.,1,0.5 It's not right to treat your children like slaves.,1,0.5 It's rude to make fun of someone when they don't know what to wear.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to want to investigate a situation.,1,1.0 It's understandable to want a formal wedding.,0,0.0 You shouldn't base your self-worth on internet points,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't accept money from someone you don't want to date.,1,1.0 It is expected that you take care of your pets,0,0.0 It's good to ask people what type of music they like so you can see if you have things in common.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to bribe someone to get what you want.,1,0.5 It's OK not to be interested in everything that your significant other is.,1,0.5 You shouldn't try to carry too many things at once.,1,0.5 It's reasonable to disparage the reputation of someone that throws chemicals in your eyes.,0,0.0 It's good to respect wild animals by leaving them alone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be kind to people.,1,0.5 It's rude to grunt at someone when they talk to you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to take care of yourself.,0,0.0 People will eventually get annoyed with you if you're always doom and gloom.,1,0.24999999999999994 You can research people to get to know them better.,1,0.5 It's important to prepare before starting something.,0,0.0 It's good to restrain your anger when you want to lash out at someone.,1,0.5 It's not okay to let yourself feel childish.,1,0.5 It's bad to buy lottery tickets too often.,1,0.5 Everybody makes mistakes.,1,0.5 You shouldn't frustrate others.,0,0.0 It's expected that we respect our elders.,1,0.5 It's good to get away from a dangerous situation.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have goals.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to end a friendship without explanation.,1,0.5 It is good to marry one that you love.,1,0.5 It's good to want to spend time with family,1,0.24999999999999994 Sometimes you have to break off a relationship and pursue your own personal growth.,1,0.5 It's okay to be bisexual.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to bring things that have gone bad to parties.,1,0.5 "If you daydream about murdering people, you should seek therapy.",1,0.5 It's nice to let pets indoors when it is cold.,1,0.5 You shouldn't cause drama in your family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to choose to not harbor feelings of hatred within a family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to be proud of your possessions.,1,0.5 You shouldn't rush someone to move.,0,0.0 It's understandable to distance yourself from toxic family members.,1,0.5 You should get a job instead of going to college if you despise it.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to find a new career challenging.,0,0.0 It's good to give treats to your pets.,1,0.5 It's okay to lie when you don't have an answer.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to want your friends to enjoy themselves.,1,0.5 It's rude to make a joke about someone's insecurities,1,0.5 You should tell your friends if they're behaving inappropriately,1,0.5 You are expected to attend the significant life events of your siblings.,0,0.0 You have the right to live your life in any way you find appealing.,1,0.5 "When you lose your spouse, it's okay to move on.",1,0.24999999999999994 You should run to first base after hitting the ball at bat.,0,0.0 It is good to respect other people's privacy.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you want to change into comfortable clothes.,1,0.5 It's understood that not everyone perceives problems to be the same seriousness.,1,0.5 It's okay if you are excited to let someone see your apartment.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't spend so much time on the phone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable that sometimes people feel uncomfortable with large gatherings.,1,0.5 It is mean to get involved in an affair with someone in a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should discuss problems with your family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's discouraged from keeping food overly long in the freezer.,1,0.5 It's good to rescue a stray cat from the streets.,1,0.5 "If you don't care about something, you should be honest about it.",1,0.5 You should train your pet so they don't jump on furniture.,1,0.5 It's okay to be disgusted when someone pees on the floor in the bathroom.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have a great time with others.,1,0.5 It's rude to break up with someone for superficial reasons.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's ok to feel excited about voting for the first time.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable that sometimes people have reasons they feel uncomfortable sharing the truth.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be cranky if you're waiting in a line that's not moving,1,0.5 You shouldn't buy a lot of candy since it's unhealthy.,1,0.5 People should care for their family members.,1,0.5 It's okay to be frustrated when your roommate leaves all the chores to you.,1,0.5 You should not accuse others without proof.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to make confessions.,1,0.5 It's important to not take it personally if you aren't included in your friend's plans.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is customary to acknowledge meeting someone again.,1,0.5 It is helpful to do chores around the house.,1,0.5 You should always help do the dishes.,1,0.5 It is bad to stop interactions with family.,1,0.24999999999999994 People might feel attacked when you ask them to ask someone else for directions.,1,0.5 It's bad to let trivial things ruin a friendship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is normal not to realize someone's in love with you,1,0.5 It's good to like certain old songs.,1,0.5 It is taboo to eat disgusting things.,1,0.5 It's okay to do unconventional things after you have a matectomy.,1,0.5 It's okay to be uncertain of what you are.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to make confessions.,1,0.5 It is okay to be embarrassed.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to take some risks.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to be romantically interested in your parent's friends.,1,0.5 You shouldn't toy with people's emotions,1,0.5 "It is classless to swear, even people that do it to you.",1,0.24999999999999994 Trying to stop your friend from making a mistake that puts them in danger is expected.,1,0.5 It is bad to intervene on family.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't be careful about spoiling a show or movie for people if the show or movie is months or years old.,1,0.5 You shouldn't lie about being gay.,1,0.5 It's bad to knock someone out.,1,0.5 It's better to use your words to build people up and bestow kindness,0,0.0 It's wrong to dictate who your girlfriend can hang out with.,0,0.0 People are expected to give others presents for Christmas.,1,0.7499999999999999 Siblings are expected to love each other.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should tell your friend if you love them.,1,0.5 it's important to visit your family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected to be tired after an illness.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't brag about things to others.,1,0.5 It is good to tell the truth.,1,0.5 It's normal for people to worry about their loved ones.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be friends with ex's.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to not take full responsibility for your actions.,1,0.5 It is good to apologize to someone who you betrayed.,1,0.5 It is okay to protect your children.,1,0.5 It's okay to like certain foods that you know other people don't care for.,1,0.5 Just because someone does something wrong doesn't mean you should do the same thing.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to say that you love someone.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't let your past come back to haunt you.,1,0.24999999999999994 "It's good to have witty, effective ideas.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to get help from your friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is nice to help friends out if you can.,1,0.5 You are allowed to seek treatment for insomnia.,1,0.5 You shouldn't upset people.,1,0.5 It's normal for people to want to share a meal with those they care about.,1,0.5 People are expected to be grateful when someone does something for them.,1,0.5 It's important to let your partner know if you have an STD.,0,0.0 It's reasonable to measure people's input differently based on their experience.,0,0.0 You should end your relationship before you choose to cheat.,1,0.5 It's not okay to be suspicious of others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good for children to be physically active.,1,0.5 It is rude to tell your friends who they can hang out with.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is racist to judge ability based on skin color.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is appropriate to have boundries around behavior you find unacceptable by your significant other.,1,0.5 It's exciting for you to win a contest,0,0.0 It's good to share your money with your spouse.,1,0.7499999999999999 "Not everyone wants their images on social media, so you should respect it if they ask you not to share them.",1,0.5 It's wrong to trivialize someone else's health condition.,1,0.5 If you are not prepared for an exam it is important to study hard.,0,0.0 It's not okay to expect someone in your relationship to overly sacrifice for you.,0,0.0 It's expected that you look your own age.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to understand yourself,1,0.5 It's normal for family to argue.,1,0.7499999999999999 "If you think you can do something better, you should do it.",1,0.5 It is okay to be scared to share your friends with other people.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's harmful to bottle up negative feelings towards friends or family.,0,0.0 It's irritating to get sand in unexpected and unappreciated places on your body.,1,0.5 It is okay to protect people that are close to you.,1,0.5 It's bad to expect someone else to clean up a mess you can clean up yourself.,0,0.0 It is good to support others in making healthy dietary choices,1,0.5 You should always help out your family when they need it.,0,0.0 It is rude to get someone wet who does not want to be,1,0.24999999999999994 It is important to practice.,1,0.5 You should end your relationship before you choose to cheat.,1,0.5 It's expected that pilots operate planes.,1,0.5 It's understandable to romanticize past relationships.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to feel very depressed.,1,0.5 You shouldn't have sex with someone who's much younger than you.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to fantasize about your sibling.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected that you don't ask questions you're not ready to hear the answer for.,1,1.0 It is wrong to get offended about an innocent greeting.,1,0.5 It's normal to feel hopeless at some points.,1,0.5 "When your kids climb on the table, you should tell them to get down.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected to stick to commitments that are made.,1,0.5 You should not be angry at your roommate's dog.,1,0.5 You should always keep an eye on your kids.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to be angry when someone quits a game before it is over.,1,0.5 You should never do anything that may cause your children to despise you.,1,1.0 It's fraud to dispute charges that you owe,1,0.5 "In certain situations, not telling the whole truth is better than being completely honest.",1,0.5 It's fine to confess your love to your crush.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should video tape someone who is stalking you so you can use it as evidence against them in court.,1,0.5 It's good to want to protect your friends.,1,0.5 You should always clean your room.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable for friends to offer dating advice.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to wish that someone would die.,1,0.5 It is reasonable to want to leave your spouse if they cannot be faithful to you.,1,0.5 It's not okay to keep someone from doing the things they enjoy.,1,0.5 It's good to let your friends know when you suspect someone is cheating on them.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to have differing views on sex in a marriage as long as you work through your issues.,1,0.5 It's frowned upon to invade someone's privacy.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be uncomfortable when you're in band.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is expected that the information in an obituary is accurate,1,0.5 It's expected that you give a gift when attending a wedding.,1,0.5 It is bad to be unfaithful to your spouse.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable that sometimes people have reasons they don't particularly like a relative.,1,0.5 You should take control of your love life and find love yourself.,1,0.5 It is expected that you support your kids,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't try to get away with things.,1,0.5 It's expected that kids who are different will struggle to fit in.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always pay off your student loans.,1,0.5 It is nice to be able to buy your favorite treat.,0,0.0 It's okay to leak urine if you're really excited about something.,1,0.5 It's okay to end a relationship that has gone wrong.,1,0.5 It's good to work to find out who you are.,1,0.5 You should expect to be arrested for assaulting someone.,1,0.5 It is awkward to have somebody as a friend who sees you in a romantic light.,1,0.5 It's expected that falling can be dangerous.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to feel regret at the result of someone's death.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't dream about people you've broken up with 25 years ago.,1,0.5 It's okay if you are tired at work if you want to ask to go home.,1,0.5 It's normal for animals to not like medicine.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should try your best so you don't lose in a competition.,1,0.5 It's wrong not to share with others.,1,0.7499999999999999 You are expected to accept gifts from your inlaws.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should drink something when you are thirsty.,0,0.0 If you are single it is reasonable to want to spend Valentines Day with people you love.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to use people.,1,0.5 It's okay to want to reminisce about the past sometimes.,0,0.0 It is rude to expect a service for free.,1,0.5 It is normal that some people can be less fortunate than others given different circumstances in life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to cheat on your significant other.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to eat dried pasta if you like it.,1,0.5 It's okay to quit your job.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't overwork yourself if you're pregnant.,1,0.5 You shouldn't try to injure people.,1,0.5 It is ok if not all people have happy lives because they did something illegal and bad and had to go to jail.,1,0.5 It's not alright to miss work just because you don't feel like working.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected you finish your goals when you set out to achieve them,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to disrespect the rules of the host.,1,0.5 You shouldn't date a bad partner.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to do nice things for your significant other,0,0.0 "When your kids climb on the table, you should tell them to get down.",1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't buy things just because they are cheap.,1,1.0 It's bad to steal from others.,1,0.5 It's rude to date your friend's ex.,0,0.0 It's weird to be happy to leave your friends behind.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's nice to try to accommodate the schedule of someone who is doing work for you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to leave your wife.,1,0.5 Friends are expected to be supportive of each other.,1,0.5 People will be annoyed with you if you insist on showing them pictures of your pets.,1,0.5 It's good to apologize when you're not cool about something.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to worry when you feel like a creep.,1,0.5 It's okay to be shocked about something surprising.,1,0.5 It is good to help family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's mean to exclude your family members when you take a family picture.,0,0.0 You should be supportive of your partner.,1,0.5 It is controlling to end a friendship over who they choose to be friends with.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to skim a few bucks from big name stores every so often.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't overestimate the gas tank so you don't run out of gas.,0,0.0 It's wrong to be cheap.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be on a diet.,0,0.0 It is good to forgive others.,0,0.0 It's understandable if you're insecure when you put on a performance.,1,0.5 It is wrong to cheat on your spouse.,1,0.5 You should always help out people that are having trouble with alcohol.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is okay to not be able to control who you are attracted to.,1,0.5 It's bad to hate all people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to cherish memories that remind you of happy times in your life,1,0.5 It is okay to share.,1,0.5 It's okay to be annoyed with someone who is bothering you at home.,1,0.5 It is rude to not accept a gift.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't say mean and hurtful things to people at work.,1,0.5 You should do more productive things with your time.,1,0.5 It's bad to steal from your employer.,1,0.5 It's wrong to cross dress.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should seek medical attention if you're shaking for 3 hours.,1,0.5 You shouldn't hide your terrible past from people.,1,0.5 It's admirable to be able to notice your own faults.,1,0.5 It's good to keep your customers happy.,1,0.5 You should be grateful when someone does nice things for you.,1,0.5 It is ok to be mad if someone did something rude.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to meet the challenges of your career.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to order something sight unseen.,1,0.24999999999999994 One should be careful to avoid accidents.,1,0.5 "When you are taking care of someone with special needs, you should have patience.",1,0.24999999999999994 It is wise to ask people who would know for more information about things you may be interested in doing.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is OK to refuse to pay more rent than you feel you should,1,1.0 It's good to work hard and train when pursuing a skill.,0,0.0 It's understandable if you're frustrated when you stain your shirt.,1,0.24999999999999994 Is wrong to place the blame of your actions on something irrelevant.,1,0.5 It is bad to stop interactions with family.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should use cups when you don't need a bottle.,1,1.0 It's allowed to ask for space from someone when you're not sure of your future together with them.,1,0.5 It is bad to put candy in your pocket if it is stolen.,1,0.5 You should thank someone if they help you.,1,0.5 It is okay to play jokes in video games.,1,0.5 "If you're busy, you should let people know.",1,0.7499999999999999 You should be grateful for gifts from other people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is common for rabid fans to paint their face.,1,0.5 It is rude to refuse a gift from a family member.,1,0.5 It is good to support your girlfriend in a relationship.,1,0.5 It's bad to oppose weddings.,1,0.5 It is bad to steal from others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to get annoyed at someone obnoxious.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's discouraged from dragging people with you as you browse for things to buy.,1,0.5 It's good to buy nice things for yourself.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is understandable to want to spend holidays with family.,1,0.5 It's okay to feel good when you send a greeting card.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't marry someone when you are having serious doubts.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's terrible to wish death on your family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to try to come to terms with what's gone wrong with your life.,1,0.5 You should always set limits for things.,1,0.5 It is okay to speak up when you see something wrong.,0,0.0 It's wrong to be deceitful towards another person.,1,0.5 It's okay to be suspicious when you look for someone and only find questions.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to make your signifiant other always pay for things.,1,0.24999999999999994 Being out of sorts when a partner engages with someone on social media is controlling and should be curtailed.,1,0.7499999999999999 Parents are expected to share the responsibility for raising their children.,1,0.5 It's frustrating when your friends or roommates gang up on you.,1,0.5 It's good to work hard and train when pursuing a skill.,0,0.0 It's OK to feel guilty over things you've done in the past.,1,0.5 It is normal for parents to want to help their children,1,0.5 It's good to enjoy the night breeze with a special person.,1,0.5 It's good to be happy for your friends.,1,0.5 You should be compassionate to others.,0,0.0 People are sometimes sad when things they like break.,1,0.5 It's okay to avoid someone who seems to be on a path of self-destruction.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you have reservations about trusting someone completely.,1,0.5 You shouldn't invite your friends to your partner's baby shower.,1,0.5 People should care for their family members.,1,0.5 It is worrying to feel like everything depends on you.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to lead others on.,1,0.5 You should keep an eye on your yard when you're waiting for your pet to come home.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should marry anyone you don't want to.,1,1.0 You're expected to back up snide remarks with facts.,1,0.5 It's wrong to fight over someone's grieving.,0,0.0 It is common to learn things by reading.,1,0.5 It's expected to be caring and attentive towards your pet if they're dealing with an ailment.,1,0.5 It is good to speak up.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected that you clean up after your toddler.,1,0.5 It's good to advise people to recycle as much as possible.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is not good to do things only for something in return.,1,0.24999999999999994 You're expected to stand by your friend if they are depressed.,1,0.5 You should take your partner with you when you travel.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to lie about your age.,1,0.5 It is bad to be negative.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If something is weighing on your mind, you should let it off your chest.",1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to say no to somebody,1,0.5 It's okay to want some time to yourself,1,0.5 You should not be too strict with your teenagers.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you're nervous when you take your driver's license test.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you need coffee to get yourself going.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's distasteful to express bigoted views.,1,0.5 You shouldn't make fun of people who pee their pants.,1,0.5 You should always be prepared before going on a trip.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay if you don't want to celebrate your stepmother on Mother's Day.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay that we don't always see things the same way as a significant other.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to give money to people if you want them to be on your sports team.,1,0.5 It's expected that you congratulate your best friend for a significant life event.,1,0.5 It's rude to turn a light on while others are trying to sleep.,0,0.0 People expect family vacations to be fun but a little stressful.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to refrain from doing something you know is wrong.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to keep in contact with your grandparents.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to be rude to others.,1,0.5 It's expected you see a counselor or therapist if you're unhappy,1,0.5 It's good to make amends when you've made a mistake.,1,0.5 It's expected that people will want to keep their kitchen tidy.,0,0.0 Is doesn't feel great to be abandoned by those who you love.,1,0.24999999999999994 IT is ok to not want you tie wasted,1,0.7499999999999999 It's awkward when romantic feelings get in the way of a friendship.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should not use someone's emotions against them.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should try to give your friends gifts for their birthday.,1,0.5 Children should expect to be able to go to their parents when something bad happens.,1,0.24999999999999994 "People shouldn't want others to debase them, as it mars their souls.",1,0.5 You should apologize if you accidentally injure someone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's hurtful to be cut off by a family member.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to like happy songs.,0,0.0 It's unusual to send a card without identifying yourself.,1,0.5 Parents should join their children in activities that are just for fun.,0,0.0 It is good to interfere when someone is being offensive.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to eat unhealthy fast food.,1,0.5 You should always help out your family when they need it.,0,0.0 You should respect the feelings of your friends.,1,0.5 You shouldn't sell collectibles that you really cherish.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have routines so that nothing gets forgotten.,0,0.0 It is ok to fire people for bad behavior.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to need to use the bathroom.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't keep mementos of an old affair.,1,0.5 It is wrong to abandon people when they need you most.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be upset with friends for hanging out with someone who threatened you.,1,0.5 It's bad to get drunk.,0,0.0 It is brave to ask someone on a date.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should repeatedly show someone how to do something so they fully understand it.,1,0.5 You shouldn't offend new parents.,0,0.0 It's expected that people will flush the toilet after every use.,1,0.5 It's okay to have a crush.,0,0.0 It's okay to bother someone about things if they are important to you.,1,0.5 You're expected to place your responsibilities as a parent before your desire to have fun.,1,0.5 It's good to be happy about good health.,1,0.5 It's expected that animals will eat items that are important to you unless you train them otherwise.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is wrong to cheat on your significant other,1,0.5 It's ok to say no to sex.,1,0.5 You're expected to place your responsibilities as a parent before your desire to have fun.,1,0.5 You can't expect people to always take your advice and heed your warning.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't lend things to people without your partner's permission.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable that sometimes people feel uncomfortable with large gatherings.,1,0.5 It's good to keep at things and persevere.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to take your mind off something unpleasant.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to reconnect with people you haven't seen in awhile.,0,0.0 It's okay to get attached to an animal you are fostering.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to have a laugh with friends.,1,0.5 It's wrong to commit crimes and wind up on probation.,0,0.0 It's understandable if you think your child's night terrors are just bad dreams.,1,1.0 It's understandable to have trouble repairing a relationship.,0,0.0 It's okay for parents to dislike people interfering with how they raise their children.,1,0.5 It's good to not want to talk about things that can cause conflict.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to hurt animals for fun.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's impolite to make premature assumptions about people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to talk through your feelings.,1,0.5 It's okay to be angry when someone chooses to cheat.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fun to play sports with your friends.,1,0.5 It is normal to want to go out if you are sick.,1,0.5 It's frowned upon to commit fraud.,1,0.5 It is obnoxious to partake in a showy wedding ritual.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be suspicious when someone doesn't cry when their spouse dies.,1,1.0 It's inappropriate to attend your friend's partner's baby shower if you're male.,1,0.5 It is okay to be offended by jokes.,1,0.5 It's okay to feel bad if your significant other didn't get you what you want on a special occasion.,1,0.5 It's fine to choose to decline willing sexual partners.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't keep your relationships a secret.,1,0.5 You shouldn't let your kids milk you.,1,0.5 It is comforting to have momentary relief from chronic pain.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable if you can't spend time with your children because you have other obligations.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to love and hate something at the same time.,1,0.5 It's not okay to bring others into your dealing with your emotions.,1,0.5 You shouldn't leave your computer on all night because it wastes electricity.,0,0.0 You have the right to live your life in any way you find appealing.,1,0.5 "If you have someone close to you that never wants to talk about their feelings, it is acceptable to tell them that you are there to listen if they need it.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's OK not to take life too seriously.,0,0.0 You shouldn't rely on your friends to do things for you.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is expected for parents to comfort their children.,1,0.5 You should not let one person break your trust in others.,0,0.0 It's allowed to want the affirmation that celebrity brings.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not normal to dislike everybody,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't see scary movies if they freak you out so much.,0,0.0 It's important to meet people in real life,1,0.5 You should be upset when someone chews you out.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to not feel guilty when you cheat.,0,0.0 It's good to look nice for people.,1,0.24999999999999994 IT is wrong to separate someone from their pet.,1,0.5 You should always make time for others.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't wear clothes that your partner doesn't like.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to feel sad about the state of your life.,1,0.5 It's good to want to say things to others that are important.,1,0.5 It's expected that you won't exchange goods and money for sexual photos when you're married.,1,0.5 It is healthy to keep your love to only the people that love you.,1,0.5 It's normal for families to have sibling rivalry.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's better to be safe than sorry.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's degrading to seek affirmation from people.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is abnormal to be indifferent to a child's well being.,1,0.5 You shouldn't raise your voice at people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be pissed off when someone gets you fired.,1,0.24999999999999994 "People should buy online when possible, because it's safe and convenient.",1,0.5 It's expected that you give your significant other a special present for Christmas.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to have a low sex drive.,1,0.5 It's okay to be sad when you don't get to see your spouse because of their work.,0,0.0 It is expected that you do not talk to exes.,0,0.0 It is good to spend time with family.,1,0.5 You shouldn't get in the way of someone else's relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is normal for students to pass notes,1,0.5 You shouldn't be on dating sites if you have a partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to take action to improve yourself.,1,0.5 It's good to give of your resources to help loved ones.,0,0.0 When you buy something new you are expected to want to open it up.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to give away things that aren't yours without permission.,0,0.0 It's hurtful when family members cut you out of their lives.,0,0.0 It's expected that people with mental health issues go to professional to get treatment and help.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should have more sympathy for people with dementia.,1,0.5 You shouldn't have sex with someone who's much younger than you.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to advise younger people to make something of themselves.,1,0.5 It's good to grieve after someone in your family dies.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected that some people have trysts in airplanes.,1,0.7499999999999999 You can be expected to remain respectful to the people around you by not walking out.,0,0.0 You're discouraged from hating others.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't annoy people.,1,0.5 It is normal to be upset if someone is stealing copy paper at your school.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to kidnap people.,0,0.0 It's okay not to eat fast food.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to be upset if you feel your partner is rejecting you.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If a friend is dating someone who treats them badly, it's good to encourage them to break up with them.",1,0.5 You should be understanding when your parents talk about their family heirlooms.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to want people to take responsibility for our actions.,1,1.0 It's good to be confident about your appearance.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is wrong to make fun of your parents.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is acceptable to ask someone on another date.,1,0.5 It's not okay to joke about sexual acts with children.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should think about good memories when you are sad to move away.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to feel upset when you are rejected.,1,0.5 You should be forgiving of your significant other.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is silly to base a relationship on zodiac signs,1,0.5 It's good to visit the dentist regularly.,1,0.24999999999999994 People are expected to share the big events in their lives with friends and loved ones.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's allowed to feel frightened when riding with a bad driver.,1,0.5 It's rude to cause strife in one's family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to ask your roommate for a favor.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be creepy around your family.,0,0.0 It's bad to call yourself a loser.,0,0.0 It is understandable to be uncomfortable around disabled people.,1,0.5 It's mean to draw on someone when they are asleep.,1,0.5 It is unusual to address your parents by their first names instead of mom and dad.,1,0.24999999999999994 Its best not to share personal feeling with strangers.,1,0.5 You shouldn't take your pets to the pound.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to wish that your parent passed away.,0,0.0 People should discuss problems rather than seething with resentment about them.,1,0.5 It's okay to leave animals outside.,0,0.0 It is good to make sure you can support a child before having one,1,0.5 You shouldn't expect people to do all their chores.,1,1.0 It's wrong to assume that someone is homeless.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be careful around loose animals you don't know.,1,0.5 You shouldn't do things that make you ashamed of yourself.,1,0.5 It is good to be responsible and make money.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to seek professional help if you have had a bad past.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong not to include all of a family in a family photo.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable that you don't want to be burden by other people's moments in their lives.,1,0.5 You should get help if you're sick.,1,0.5 It's good to learn things new and fun.,1,0.5 It's normal for things to sometimes not go as you planned.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to let your child go out and play.,1,0.5 It's okay to panic when you realize you're in a car with a serial killer.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be pleased about work you have done.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to get divorced.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is acceptable to have a weird sexual kink.,1,0.24999999999999994 Sometimes you have to break off a relationship and pursue your own personal growth.,1,0.5 "It's illegal to vandalize someone's vehicle, even if they park in your spot.",0,0.0 It's okay to be excited when you go to the zoo.,0,0.0 You should always make sure someone is related by blood if you need to check out who is family and who is not.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is inconsiderate to expect a friend to give you money.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should end a friendship with someone if they cause you too much drama.,1,0.5 It's good to pay people back.,1,0.5 It's ok to maintain privacy in your own home.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to make fun of someone's weight.,1,0.5 It's weird to attribute human emotions to inanimate objects.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable to feel lost when your life is a facade.,1,0.5 It's wrong to not like something just because the person who made it's gender.,1,1.0 It's good to be aware of your limits.,1,0.5 It is ok to choose not to get pregnant.,1,0.5 It's best not to wait too long to get help in resolving an issue.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable if you're frustrated that your child does not want their children to speak to you.,1,0.5 It's good to find proof of cheating you perceive to be happening.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to expand your horizons.,1,0.5 It is reasonable to be upset if your son's girlfriend withholds information about him.,1,0.5 It is dangerous to leave someone outside without shoes or a way to get help if they need it.,1,0.5 It's bad to be only attracted to fictional characters.,1,0.5 It is wrong to be happy about an event that has killed many plants animals and humans.,0,0.0 It's good to watch a tutorial before you do something new.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected that you would receive criticism for things you make.,1,1.0 It's wrong to give up on something important to you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to keep going until you find exactly what you want.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that people will leave ex partners in the past,1,0.5 It's wrong to grow apart from your partner.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's mean to make someone cower in fear.,1,0.5 You should always be there for your team.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't put a pacifier in an adult's mouth.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to buy things for your roommates.,1,0.5 It is expected that you will attempt to learn the rules that you are expected to follow.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to ignore family members,0,0.0 "It's important to be respectful to others, even online",1,0.24999999999999994 "When cats fight, it can cause injuries.",1,0.5 It's rude to occupy the bathroom for too long.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to not look out for family.,0,0.0 "If someone sexually harasses you, you should have them arrested.",1,0.5 People shouldn't assume it's okay to take something just because it's not nailed down.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you don't like your stepmom.,1,0.5 It's wrong for babies to bite other people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It’s bad to be miserable.,1,0.5 You should love someone for who they are not their physical traits.,1,0.5 It's not nice to break the rules.,1,0.5 You should always help out your family when they need it.,0,0.0 You shouldn't leave your aging and sick parents at home all alone.,1,0.5 It's good to want to help others in life.,1,0.5 Exposing people to some bodily functions is considered rude.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be offended when your spouse doesn't want to sleep in the same bed with you.,1,0.5 It's good to practice to get better at things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to fall in love.,1,0.5 It's expected that partners will get each other gifts.,0,0.0 You should get more formal clothes if all you wear are casual clothes.,1,0.5 It's bad to be pessimistic.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should not tell someone else what to do with their pet.,1,0.5 It's okay to be shocked about something surprising.,1,0.5 It is racist to judge ability based on skin color.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't dress slutty.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to get permission.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is dramatic to get angry at someone for leaving you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected to invite friends to a party.,1,0.5 It's important to be open with your children about sex.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is normal to buy things you need.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to raise your kids in a bad environment.,1,0.5 It's okay to be a picky eater.,1,0.5 You should seek medical attention if you're shaking for 3 hours.,1,0.5 You should support your partner.,1,0.5 It's good to make money doing things that you may not necessarily enjoy.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable to only want to date someone you are interested in.,1,0.5 It's good to take credit for something that you've made,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to wash your hands after using the bathroom.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's frowned upon to not answer messages from your parents.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is nice to have a strong marriage.,1,0.5 It's not okay to betray someone that care about you.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should only drive if you have a driver's license.,1,0.5 It's good to try to become more independent.,0,0.0 It's ok to break up with someone who cheated on you.,1,0.5 It's good to expand your horizons.,1,0.5 It is wrong to cover for someone who is cheating.,1,0.5 You shouldn't let your daughter dress like a slut.,1,0.5 It's good to avoid disturbing animals in the wild.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's acceptable to seek out companionship.,1,0.5 It's wrong to call people names.,1,0.5 You should not give up on your relationship.,1,0.5 It's good to make a game out of a negative task to make it more positive.,1,0.5 You can't expect your team to always win their game.,1,0.5 It's okay to end a relationship when it's no longer working out for you,1,0.5 People will eventually get annoyed with you if you're always complaining about life.,1,0.5 It is good to be honest with coworkers.,1,0.5 It's good to tell your fans that you have a mental or physical disability if you're a celebrity so you can spread information about the problem to help others.,1,1.0 It is normal to consider changing majors early on in college.,1,0.5 It is good to assume you need to pay for something you use.,1,0.5 It's okay to like to live a life that is comfortable to you.,0,0.0 It's good to restrain your anger when you want to lash out at someone.,1,0.5 It's okay to emulate people's lifestyles.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's allowed to admit you need help with an addiction.,1,0.5 It's okay to keep secrets about what happens in middle school band.,1,0.5 It's understandable to not want to do something silly with an SO sometimes.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to feel embarrassed if you didn't know something that everyone else probably knows.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that people give proper notice when moving out of a home.,1,0.5 It is good to be pleasantly surprised.,1,0.5 You should always tell someone if someone is talking smack about them.,1,0.5 You should expect people to have something they are really passionate and happy about that helps them get over depression.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is okay to be concerned for a friend.,1,0.5 It is ok to play right handed.,0,0.0 It's good to have a crush on someone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to mourn.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't take part in competitions if you don't feel well.,1,0.5 It's okay to be cranky if you're waiting in a line that's not moving,1,0.5 It's okay to have a problem with certain things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's acceptable to be angry if someone parks in the spot assigned to you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to be gluttonous.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't put yourself in a place where people can easily take advantage of you.,0,0.0 It's ok to have an opinion.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't wear a nightdress if you're male.,1,1.0 It's normal for people to have a party to celebrate special occasions.,1,0.5 It's normal to work most days.,0,0.0 It is okay to follow your dreams.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to have people over for the holidays.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't judge someone by their sexual orientation.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to not invite people to a party.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is okay to not want to do something alone.,0,0.0 You shouldn't hide things from your family.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't cheat against your partner's parent.,1,0.5 It's important to be alert while driving.,1,0.5 It's rude to ban someone's account.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't judge people on their looks,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to have doubts about the future,1,0.5 It's understandable that people don't always actually like their relatives.,1,0.5 It's not okay to call other people names.,1,0.5 It's not okay to not accept people for who they are.,1,0.5 "If you feel very disconnected, you should get some help.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to be jealous of money.,1,0.5 It's not okay to leave people out of something important.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to dictate how others spend their time.,1,0.24999999999999994 You are supposed to love your pet dog.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you'll want to invite your partner to a romantic dinner.,1,0.5 It's normal to wash your hands after using the bathroom.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to not like the same people as a significant other.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to break up with your significant other.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is important to follow through on your responsibilities.,0,0.0 It's impolite to terminate a relationship for trivial reasons.,1,0.5 People shouldn't let their own personal demons interfere with their day-to-day interpersonal relationships.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good when you get out of a certain type of suffering.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always keep in touch with your real parents.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable to find a new career challenging.,0,0.0 It is okay to feel scared.,1,0.5 It's good to check the weather before leaving for the day.,1,0.5 It's good to advise younger people to make something of themselves.,1,0.5 It's wrong to let kids watch however much cable TV they want.,1,0.5 Parents are expected to be accepting of the people their kids choose to date.,1,0.5 It's OK to remove toxic people from your life.,1,0.5 It's bad to do poorly in school.,1,0.5 People in a relationship are expected to work things out amicably.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to let kids watch however much cable TV they want.,1,0.5 It's fine to have a sexual fantasy about almost anything you find stimulating.,1,0.5 People will be wary of you if they think you're schizophrenic.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is smart to implement examples you know that work.,1,0.5 You should come together in times of need.,1,0.24999999999999994 "It's irresponsible to ""game"" online software.",1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to stand up for yourself.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to not be there emotionally for your kids.,1,0.5 It's important to be practical during exercise.,1,0.5 It is good to make a budget.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to spend time with family,1,0.5 It bad to abuse others.,1,0.5 People should always apologize for being rude.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to maintain a job despite it being boring.,1,0.5 It's good to be kind to your neighbors.,1,0.5 You shouldn't lie about having a medical condition.,1,0.5 It is normal to fail a student if they don't know the material.,1,0.5 It's wrong to try to change your child's lifestyle.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't get back together with ex.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to set an alarm when daylight savings begins.,1,1.0 It's nice to take care of pets.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that kids who are different will struggle to fit in.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to buy gifts for your partner or spouse.,1,0.5 It is ok to not want to live a life under the rule of others.,1,0.5 It's not good to linger on the past for a long time,1,0.5 It's good to be informed about technology.,1,0.5 You shouldn't lie about being gay.,1,0.5 You are expected to talk things through with friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't think that all bumps are innocent on your body.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to be anxious about coming out to your kids.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't eat rabbit poop.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to get your friends addicted to dangerous activities.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you and your significant other trust each other.,1,0.5 It is wrong to have sex with your partner's family members.,1,0.5 It's good to be in charge at work,1,0.7499999999999999 It's unwise to share a storage unit with others.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't keep in contact with ex's.,1,0.5 It's rude to date two people at the same time without informing them.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be comfortable when you have a relaxation day.,1,0.5 it's wrong to hurt people.,1,0.5 You shouldn't just give up on your friends.,1,0.5 It's expected that people with mental health issues go to professional to get treatment and help.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable that sometimes people have reasons they don't particularly like a relative.,1,0.5 It is good to invite friends and family to your wedding.,1,0.5 You should expect a dog to be excited when you give a treat to them.,1,0.5 It's okay to think someone is creepy.,0,0.0 It's fine to join whatever religion you prefer.,1,0.5 It is ok to want to learn from your parents mistakes.,1,0.5 If you really hate a sports team you are expected to want them to lose .,1,0.7499999999999999 You should be prepared financially when you want to retire early.,0,0.0 It's good to clean up your living space.,1,0.5 It is good to show people that you have matured from the person you used to be.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't let friends stay over at your place unexpectedly.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to set ground rules for guests at your wedding to follow.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to treat people disrespectfully when it's their special occasion.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to not tell your partner your expectations for the relationship.,1,0.5 It's understandable to keep your opinions to yourself when they're controversial.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to keep your promises.,1,0.5 It's good to get matching earrings for your clothing.,1,0.24999999999999994 You cannot be forced to love someone you do not.,1,0.5 You should balance relationships and friendships.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't be crazy about things.,1,0.5 It is ok to refuse if you don't want to.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should never argue over something that does not need to be argued about.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to donate to charity,1,0.5 It is expected that a guest will follow house rules even if they are family.,1,0.5 You should't overwork yourself.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't abandon your family just to revisit your youth.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to make your sibling eat poop.,1,0.24999999999999994 You can be expected to be honest to your relationship partner about your desires for another person.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to look nice for people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to think before you speak,1,0.5 It's bad to mistreat your children.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should rest if you're almost due to have a baby.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's nice to stay on good terms with your ex.,0,0.0 It's good to eat breakfast every day since it's the most important meal of the day.,1,0.5 You should share hobbies with others.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is okay to talk about things that affect you.,1,0.5 It's good to investigate a situation before acting.,0,0.0 It's nice to compliment people because it makes them feel good.,1,0.5 It's good to help out parents and their kids.,1,0.5 You're allowed to demand someone fix it when they damage your property.,1,0.5 It's expected that you won't express a racial preference in dating partners.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is okay to be overwhelmed by life.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't lend expensive things to coworkers.,1,0.5 It's normal to like a particular physical feature on the gender that you're attracted to.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's nice to send someone a greeting card.,1,0.5 It's bad to cheat in a sporting event.,1,0.5 It's understandable to have difficulty breaking up with your significant other.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be self-confident.,1,0.5 It's okay to be frustrated when you're hungry but you have to change a light bulb.,1,1.0 You shouldn't be a hypocrite.,1,0.5 It's good to want to honor your vows with your spouse.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that teachers and students will maintain a professional relationship.,1,0.5 You shouldn't create drama for your friends.,1,0.5 You should be happy in a good marriage.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to fall head over heels for someone when you first see them,1,0.5 People are expected to be punctual.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable that everyone makes mistakes sometimes.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is inconsiderate not to cancel plans when something important comes up.,0,0.0 It's not okay to disregard your in laws.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be accepting of other people's bodies.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's ok for people to be leaving an area.,1,0.5 It's rude not to thank someone when they give you a free copy of their book.,1,0.5 It's not okay to start an argument over a person's fear.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be friends with someone that talks badly about you behind your back.,1,0.5 It’s bad to be miserable.,1,0.5 It is good to come to conclusions.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should be careful with other people's things.,0,0.0 It's good to have a clever mind that can solve problems creatively.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't go to the top of the pyramid in a cheer formation if you are not the lightest person in the group.,0,0.0 It is expected that you show gratitude when people do things for you,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't be with a friend who loves you and you don't love them back.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's fine to be undecided about who you will invite to your wedding.,1,0.5 It's good to keep in touch with your children.,1,0.5 You should exercise to stay healthy.,1,0.5 You should be supportive of your friend when they're insecure.,1,0.5 People are expected to want to live with their loved ones.,1,0.24999999999999994 You don't have to let other people beat you in a competition.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to be a good listener,1,0.5 You shouldn't leave your computer on the floor.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want to make decisions about your romantic life without consulting anyone.,1,0.5 It is good to assume you need to pay for something you use.,1,0.5 You shouldn't go into someone's room if it's disgusting.,1,0.5 It's understandable to not want to get more education if you're already working.,1,0.5 It's wrong to think a tan is suspicious.,1,0.5 It is expected that you know what your significant other prefers on a special occasion.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to help yourself out.,1,0.5 It's fun to go see a movie with your partner.,1,0.5 It's okay to be upset with a friend.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to apologize to people for your wrongdoings.,1,0.5 It's okay to be worried when someone bandages an injury with cloth.,1,0.5 You shouldn't lie to your friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have some laughter in your life every day.,1,0.5 It's bad to kidnap a child.,0,0.0 People shouldn't wreck the concentration of others for selfish needs.,0,0.0 It's wrong to kill insects that are helpful to your plants.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't expect people to tell you the true reasons for quitting their job.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to be angry when you don't receive the interest on your money.,1,0.5 It's frustrating when your partner won't communicate their issues to you.,1,0.24999999999999994 All kids get sick eventually as it's unavoidable.,1,0.5 Maggots are expected to make people uneasy.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to know who you are and what you're about in life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have things in common with your partner's parents.,0,0.0 You should make changes if you don't like your life,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to speculate as to why someone needs something.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's ok to donate your eggs for use by others.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should get a drink of water when your mouth is dry.,1,0.5 You shouldn't tell someone one thing and then not do it.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to care about others.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should fire people who break the rules at work.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to refuse food someone wants you to eat.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be curious about your ex.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to get food for people.,1,0.5 It's understandable for a mom to be scared for their children.,0,0.0 It's bad to want to cheat on your spouse.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to talk to your family about your problems.,0,0.0 It is weird to want to stare at a bilingual person.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's irritating to get sand in unexpected and unappreciated places on your body.,1,0.5 It's good to be a police officer and protect the public.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to hate fitness people.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable if you're sad when no one notices your drug addiction.,1,0.5 It's encouraged you find a different bathroom if you need to go and they are all occupied,1,0.5 It's encouraged you RSVP when you get an invitation somewhere,1,0.24999999999999994 You should give yourself time to grieve before getting in a new relationship when your spouse dies.,0,0.0 You shouldn't be sad over things that can be replaced,1,0.7499999999999999 It's normal to regret time that you've wasted.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to be honest about your feelings.,0,0.0 It is good to help a roommate.,0,0.0 You should always go to the doctor if you're injured.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's weird to drink from a bottle when you can use cups.,1,0.5 It's good to start a new life in a new place.,1,0.5 You shouldn't hide your terrible past from people.,1,0.5 It's wrong to add milk before adding cereal because it's usually done the other way around.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you aren't over your ex.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to ruin other's lives.,1,0.5 You shouldn't expect people to do all their chores.,1,1.0 It's not okay to treat a kid that's grown up like a child.,0,0.0 It's understandable if you're uncomfortable when a patient professes their feelings for you.,1,0.5 It's okay to be relieved when you find a landmark in the wilderness.,1,0.5 It's self-absorbed to take too many pictures of yourself.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't use your sibling's picture on your dating profiles.,1,0.5 It's okay to limit your use of social media.,1,0.5 It's understandable to worry you will have regrets later on.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to exchange money and goods for sexual photos without your spouse's knowledge.,1,0.5 Friends should be supportive of each other.,1,0.24999999999999994 "Sending a sweet letter to someone in need, is a kind thing to do.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to avoid fighting with your friend.,1,0.5 It's good to take care to do a good job.,0,0.0 You shouldn't let your partner's parents get mad at you.,1,0.5 You should always tell people when you are having problems so they can help you.,1,0.5 It's bad to have never been on a date once you reach a certain age.,1,0.5 It's okay to feel suspicious when you unsure of another's actions.,1,0.5 It's normal to go through rough times,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to give someone the silent treatment and not tell them why.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't give your gate code to strangers.,1,0.5 "It's wrong to extort people,",1,0.24999999999999994 You should look into nose strips when you snore.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's OK to choose to cut off a family member.,0,0.0 It's wrong to party with your friends if you are in a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't starve yourself just to look good for others.,1,0.5 It is good to take care of something that you see needs done,1,0.5 It's rude to leave food out in a public park.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to judge someone for what they do in their private life.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to be critical of yourself and want to improve.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If all your hair falls out, you should go to the doctor.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay if you don't want the rest of your family involved in a sibling quarrel.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's nice to have a shot at love.,1,0.5 You shouldn't expect all students to get involved in sports at school.,1,0.5 It's fine to want to stay with your significant other.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have a positive attitude about yourself.,1,0.5 It is okay to disagree with a friend's choices.,1,0.5 It is reasonable to angry if someone tells you you are not welcome in their home.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's ok to sell things in school.,0,0.0 It's understandable to have a headache.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's OK to decide who you share a hotel room with.,1,0.5 It's okay to be proud of your genetics.,1,0.5 You should try not to drop things,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to play the same song twice in a row.,1,0.5 "If you have a hard time telling people that you're content, you should get some help.",1,0.7499999999999999 You don't have to be responsible for a friend's illness if you don't want to,1,0.24999999999999994 Is it expected the people exercise their right to vote,1,0.5 It's good to read about science.,1,0.5 It's rude to prank somebody,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to have doubts about the future,1,0.5 It's understandable if you judge a 9 year old that drinks from a bottle.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should always think before you speak.,0,0.0 It's not okay for kids to think to much about drugs.,1,0.5 "It's encouraged not to be attached to an arbitrary location, especially if it's a public place.",1,0.5 It's okay to be disgusted by men targeting young girls.,1,0.5 You should always pay off your debts.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be so critical of others.,1,0.5 It's okay to be jealous of countries that are more awesome than the one you live in.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to not help someone out when they really need you.,1,0.5 It is wrong to break the law,1,0.5 It's allowed to feel frightened when riding with a bad driver.,1,0.5 It's good to maintain the contact information of people who help you.,1,0.5 It's good to help others when they need it.,1,0.5 You shouldn't let your pets trample your neighbor's things.,1,0.5 It's wrong to be overly protective of your kids.,1,0.5 It's okay to hold a strong opinion about health care coverage.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't be friends with creepy people.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't be sad over things that can be replaced,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to convey your feelings to your partner about having children.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to be different,1,0.5 You should not pursue a relationship with someone much younger than you.,1,0.5 People shouldn't date others based solely on their age.,1,0.5 It's bad to be fat because it can lead to health issues.,1,0.5 Feeling angry at being left out of fun things is a natural response.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay if you are upset when your coach won't let you play a game.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be willing to help your child when they get married.,0,0.0 It's wrong to be a glutton.,1,0.5 It's wise to follows the leadership of those with great experience.,1,0.5 It is nerve-racking to compete against a skilled opponent.,1,0.5 It's wrong to romanticize unhealthy relationships.,0,0.0 It's fun to play sports with your friends.,1,0.5 It is rude to show off your talents in front of everyone else.,1,0.5 It's good to work hard and train when pursuing a skill.,0,0.0 You shouldn't demand things from your partner.,1,0.5 It's wrong to demand special attention from people who aren't your spouse.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be kind to strangers.,1,0.5 It's good to be honest with friends.,1,0.5 It is good to trust your family.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be with someone who sleeps with your kids.,1,0.5 It's okay if you don't like a gift someone gave you.,0,0.0 It's wrong to have weird sexual fantasies.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is ok to see a doctor if your bloating will not go away.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to keep secrets from family members.,1,0.24999999999999994 Getting a kiss on the cheek can make you feel good.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to want to stay with your significant other.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected to have a good time with friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to decline to help in some cases.,1,0.5 It's okay to not always get along with everyone.,1,0.5 People are expected to get along with their communities.,0,0.0 You shouldn't damage your capacity to empathize with people.,1,0.5 People should avoid getting into cars with strangers.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should respect a present that someone else gifted you.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't freeload off your neighbors.,1,0.5 It's okay to be upset when things are stressful,1,0.5 You shouldn't leave sick people at home alone because they need care.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's potentially deviant to play games that result in outcomes involving physical interaction.,1,0.5 It's not okay to force a teen to not concentrate on what is important in life.,1,0.5 It is expected that couples are faithful to each other,1,0.5 It's okay to buy a doujinshi.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to have role models that you can look up to.,1,0.5 It's understandable to feel uncertainty when you think about what you are.,0,0.0 It's understandable if you don't want your children in a generational photo.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't expect others to give you their food.,1,0.5 It is expected for a parent to take care of their child.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to be attracted to your friend's parent.,1,0.5 You should always eat dessert with milk.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is bad to do things that could ruin other people's relationships,0,0.0 It's understandable that things don't always work out.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good have a goal in life and pursue it.,1,0.5 It's okay to feel like you're struggling while trying to get away from things in your past.,1,0.5 You should pay your employees their wages on time.,0,0.0 People shouldn't feel embarrassed to be the oldest person in a class.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's great to get a job you love.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you're surprised when someone hasn't been to Burger King.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to let your emotions control your life.,1,0.5 It's good to check out your car to make sure nothing is wrong with it.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to take care of yourself.,0,0.0 If you agree to take care of someones dog it is cruel to neglect the dog.,0,0.0 It's good to be concerned when someone is doing something harmful.,1,0.5 It's not okay to not take care of the important matters in your life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to work with others to find a solution to a problem.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to expect someone to thank you when you give them a bad gift.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's not okay to be overly suspicious.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to want to be your own person.,1,0.5 You should talk with someone if they have a problem with what you are wearing and where.,0,0.0 It's kind to help out ones' parents when you're able.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to hate babies.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be sad when you move from your childhood home.,1,0.5 You shouldn't omit your partner's name from Christmas cards.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you are happy when your stepmom still cares about you after having a new baby.,1,0.5 It's rude and invasive to monitor someone else's online habits.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't give a speech just to offend someone else.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected you attend the funeral of someone that recently passed,1,0.5 It's OK to take Nandos sauces because they supply them for free.,1,0.5 It's good to clean up your living space.,1,0.5 Sugary foods are expected to cause weight gain.,1,0.5 It's understood that not everyone is a cheerful person.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to trust those you care about.,1,0.5 It's good to go to school.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to ignore someone's text messages.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to enjoy powdered milk.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to speak up.,1,0.7499999999999999 People should strive to be informed about candidates when it's election time.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to be romantically interested in your parent's friends.,1,0.5 It's okay to like to spend time alone.,0,0.0 It's wrong to destroy someone's reputation.,1,0.5 It's good to have some laughter in your life every day.,1,0.5 It is expected to help out your spouse financially.,1,0.5 You shouldn't offend new parents.,0,0.0 It's good to practice to get better at things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to not want to date someone you are uncomfortable dating.,1,0.24999999999999994 You don't have to tell a partner anything you don't want them to know.,1,1.0 It's rude to pay more attention to your phone than the people you are with.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't be a bad influence on your little siblings.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's unethical to judge other people.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's rude to dislike your best friend's boyfriend.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't trust creepy people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable when past trauma informs your future actions.,1,0.5 It's wrong to joke about suicide.,1,0.5 Communication in a relationship is important.,1,0.5 It's encouraged that you find ways to do tasks that are difficult for you,1,0.5 You should thank your parent for trying to form a relationship with your partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should practice before a try out.,1,0.5 It's good to give your heart and soul to others.,1,0.5 It's normal to be nervous when you think something may have been broken.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to leave food out in a public park.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be proud of your hard work.,1,0.5 It's bad to be divorced with children.,1,0.7499999999999999 You can be expected to find communities that cater to your kinks.,1,0.5 It's good to keep your computer on your desk since that's where a computer usually sets.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable when we get nervous about big things in life.,1,0.5 You should not insert yourself in someone's personal choices even if you are family.,1,0.5 You shouldn't let your dog trample your neighbor's garden.,1,0.5 It's bad to want your spouse's best friend.,1,0.5 You shouldn't ignore your friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to call the Coast Guard when they can help you.,1,0.5 It is good to be persistent.,1,0.5 "It is classless to swear, even people that do it to you.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to have dreams about past loved ones.,1,0.5 You should tip people when you take out food.,1,0.5 You shouldn't expect people to do all their chores.,1,1.0 It's wrong to cause harm to another person.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to not know how to be a responsible adult.,1,0.7499999999999999 "If you love something, it's good to confess it to the world.",1,0.24999999999999994 People will be annoyed with you if you insist on showing them pictures of your pets.,1,0.5 It's not okay to ask more of people that they thought they had to give.,1,0.5 It's fine to impose punishment on students in your class.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to pretend to be something you're not to impress people.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to seek help with your issues.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you cry when you're in pain.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you ask your mother how to cook things.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't snoop on people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's irresponsible to keep a tarantula as a pet.,1,0.5 You should teach your children to be bilingual.,1,0.5 It is never acceptable for an adult to cause bodily harm to a child.,0,0.0 It is okay to be stressed while planning an event.,0,0.0 It's bad to be violent towards others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to not work at work.,0,0.0 "If you're unhappy with sex in your marriage, you should probably divorce.",1,0.7499999999999999 It's rude to treat people disrespectfully when it's their special occasion.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should want your baby to look like both you and the other parent.,0,0.0 It's acceptable to not want to share all your reasons for the opinions you have.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to take pennies from a wishing fountain.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to live life on the edge,1,0.5 It's expected that you contribute your work to a group project.,1,0.5 It is wrong to back out on a commitment.,0,0.0 You shouldn't pay for things you can't afford.,1,0.5 It's fine to want a window open to get fresh air.,1,0.5 It's bad to fire a daughter in law from a job.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be angry if someone damages your car.,1,0.5 It's wrong to do something you know is going to hurt someone.,0,0.0 It's fun to do things with your family.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be biased against your students for not sharing your same beliefs.,0,0.0 It's a good idea to be on time when you have a plane to catch.,1,0.5 It's wrong to sell people.,0,0.0 It's understandable to want to ruin your ex's new relationships.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable if you're frustrated when your partner refuses to see a doctor.,1,0.5 It's understandable that people get irritated sometimes with jealousy from others.,1,0.5 It's understandable to not know what you are.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should end a friendship with someone if they cause you too much drama.,1,0.5 You should confidently go for the things you want.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't share your passwords with others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to feel bad if your significant other didn't get you what you want on a special occasion.,1,0.5 It's kind to return a lost pet to it's owner.,1,0.5 It's bad to go to jail.,0,0.0 It is not good to lie to people you love.,0,0.0 It is good to follow the law.,1,0.5 It's good to forgive others.,1,0.5 You're supposed to report it to someone if you see something shady going on.,0,0.0 You should tell a friend if you have concerns about their choices.,0,0.0 It's inappropriate to manipulate someone into doing something they don't want to.,1,0.5 It's not okay to make the people you work with uncomfortable.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should cut off contact with your ex.,1,0.5 It's good to cherish memories that remind you of happy times in your life,1,0.5 It is rude to try to get others in trouble,1,0.24999999999999994 Roommates are expected to treat each other with respect.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to date someone but not make it official yet.,1,0.7499999999999999 You have right to do anything you choose with items you have purchased.,1,0.5 You shouldn't ask for too overzealous of a salary during an interview.,0,0.0 It's good to have something in your life that you love with every fiber of your being.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to investigate a situation before acting.,0,0.0 It's understandable if you're concerned when you get a call for help.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to withhold work that hurts others trying to do a project.,1,0.5 It's not okay to waste your money when you could eat better and healthier at home.,1,0.5 You shouldn't date someone who cross-dresses.,0,0.0 It's good to do things that are different than the norm.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to experience how the other half lives.,1,0.5 It is reasonable to want to stay home in your pajamas instead of going out all the time.,0,0.0 It is rude to tell someone how to study.,1,0.24999999999999994 You're expected to try to understand yourself.,1,0.5 It's courageous to join the military and defend the freedom of your country.,1,0.5 Relationships are expected to have clear communication.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't resent people for trivial things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay not to eat when you drink,1,0.5 It is good to bond with others over a shared interest.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to pretend to be sick.,1,0.5 "If you're married to someone, you should be proud of your choice and do what you can to maintain your love for them.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's important to maintain a job to support yourself.,1,0.24999999999999994 Friends are expected to contact each other.,1,0.5 You shouldn't force your partner to do inappropriate things.,1,0.5 It's kind to offer people advice when they're dealing with a problem.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is expected that some people might have a harder time earning money.,0,0.0 It's okay to be cautious about who you give your information to,1,0.5 It's wrong to go against your parent's wishes.,1,0.5 People are expected to act out of character when grieving a death,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good not to waste money.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to be lazy.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected that you provide for your family,1,0.5 It's ok to pursue any college degree you find appealing.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be embarrassed if you spill something.,1,0.5 "If someone forbids you from doing something, you should respect them.",1,0.5 It's bad to judge someone because they are gifted.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to post crude photos of your friends online.,1,0.5 You should try to forgive the people close to you when they disappoint you.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to be jealous of your child's affection,1,0.5 It's good to buy things that are affordable.,0,0.0 It is okay to be honest about your feelings.,0,0.0 It is okay to punish inappropriate behavior.,1,0.5 It's rude to ignore people.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should expect to be punished when you play pranks on people.,1,0.5 You should expect people to sometimes miss their chance in life.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't be friends with someone who excludes you.,0,0.0 It's normal to eat peanuts at a bar,0,0.0 You shouldn't run out of places.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want to try new food.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be angry if your friend gets you in trouble.,1,0.5 It's nice to help ex-prisoners of war.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to call someone to keep you company because you're bored.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to grieve for an abused child.,1,0.5 It's nice to have friends.,1,0.5 It's wrong to treat one's in-laws badly.,1,0.5 It's encouraged to leave donated items for the people who need them most.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't judge a whole race of people by the actions of a few people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to ask people's experiences of certain games.,1,0.5 Growing in life and gaining independence is expected.,1,0.5 It's good to make yourself look good in front of your partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to make others happy.,1,0.5 It's okay to be sad about bad things that have happened to you.,1,0.5 You should try your best so you don't lose in a competition.,1,0.5 It's good to ask your friend if something is wrong when you sense that something is off.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't let fear take over your life,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't do work during your lunch hour at work.,1,0.5 It's okay to leave things alone if you have other obligations to attend to,1,0.24999999999999994 "If your friends are excluding you, it's okay to be angry.",1,0.5 It's not okay to judge people by their religion.,1,0.5 You shouldn't drive without a driver's license.,1,0.5 It's rude to prank somebody,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to expose people to secondhand smoke.,1,0.5 It's okay to find ways to calm yourself down before an interview.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to let yourself be walked all over.,0,0.0 It's understood that families will spend holidays together.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's painful to leave a loved one.,1,0.5 It's good to send people cards for Christmas.,1,0.5 It is expected that the information in an obituary is accurate,1,0.5 It's rude to always expect rides from other people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to marry someone you are in love with.,1,0.5 It's bad to have an affair.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to fall victim to a scam.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's fine to play any video game you find appealing.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to want to live in a better world.,1,0.5 It's rude to make fun of someone's sexual orientation.,1,0.5 It's not okay to not appreciate festive weather.,1,0.5 It's good to watch your diet.,1,0.5 It's good to use secure passwords on your electronics.,1,0.5 It's wrong to disrupt someone's birthday party.,1,0.5 It's good to spend time with your kids.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to cheat on your significant other,1,0.5 It is okay to be confident.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't put up an antenna if it's snowing outside.,1,1.0 You shouldn't blame your child's ex partner for things.,1,0.5 People are expected to give others presents for Christmas.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's rude to move an animal's home from the spot they built it.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be friends with someone who wants you and your partner to have sex with them.,1,0.5 Friends are expected to give each other advice.,0,0.0 It's wrong to party with your friends if you are in a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you use something that belongs to someone else, you need to get their permission beforehand",1,0.24999999999999994 It's hard to have a family in the military,1,0.5 Rest is important for your health.,1,0.5 It's wrong to tap people on the shoulder.,1,0.7499999999999999 People are expected to be careful when they driving so they don't harm others on the roads.,0,0.0 You shouldn't drive without a driver's license.,1,0.5 An adult must never have a sexual relationship with a minor.,1,0.5 It's bad to teach your course while expressing your bias.,0,0.0 It's okay to apply for food stamps if you're having a hard time making ends meet,1,0.24999999999999994 "When you play a game that is boring you, it's okay to quit early.",1,0.5 It's okay to limit your use of social media.,1,0.5 It's smart to know what one's limitations are in a situation.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's important not to waste your vote,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to text lifeline services.,1,0.5 "People should say kind things about themselves, to themselves.",0,0.0 It's understandable to get lost in an unfamiliar place.j,0,0.0 You should always dress appropriately for the situation.,1,0.5 It's normal for people to practice a skill to improve their ability.,0,0.0 You should make changes if you don't like something about yourself,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't take your partner to a nudist resort.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay not to eat when you drink,1,0.5 "If you have a headache, you should take some pain medication.",1,0.24999999999999994 Children are expected to help out their parents.,1,0.5 It's okay to tackle a perpetrator who flees from you.,1,0.5 It's good to tell your fans that you have a mental or physical disability if you're a celebrity so you can spread information about the problem to help others.,1,1.0 It is rude to try to get others in trouble,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected that you respect how other want to be identified,1,0.5 It's bad to not be able to pay attention to things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to leave your family and friends behind just to get an education.,0,0.0 It's not okay to demean people based on race.,1,0.5 Friends should accept each other's word.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't be with someone who only wants to party with their friends and not spend time with you.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't let things get in the way of your love.,1,0.24999999999999994 People should expect marriage to take a toll on their financial security.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be scared when presented with a new situation.,1,0.5 It's good to get a higher education in college.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's inappropriate to manipulate someone into doing something they don't want to.,1,0.5 "If your fiance smells bad, you should tell them to take a shower.",1,0.5 It is wrong to try and control someone else's life.,1,0.24999999999999994 Beds should help you sleep.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good when someone else is attracted to you.,1,0.24999999999999994 Expressing feeling is best with someone you trust.,1,0.5 You shouldn't respond to trolls online.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should expect your family to come back to you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not necessary to be strong,1,0.24999999999999994 It's required to find appropriate ways of dealing with violent despair.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to find a job that one enjoys.,1,0.5 It's ok to dislike some sounds.,1,0.5 It's expected that you maintain ties with family throughout life.,0,0.0 You should be upset when someone chews you out.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that people seek social connections.,1,0.5 You shouldn't lie just to reject date offers.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to judge other people based on dietary preferences.,0,0.0 You shouldn't be rude to strangers by asking them too many questions.,1,0.5 It is wrong to engage in romantic relationships with minors,1,0.5 As long as you are purchasing beverages it is OK to sit in a coffee shop all day.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's important to apologize to the people you live with after arguing with them.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't expect your kids to give you money.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to show appreciation.,1,0.5 It's understandable that sometimes things don't work out in life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is offensive to swear at others.,1,0.5 It's good to find the perfect clothes.,1,0.5 It's not safe to drive if you can't see,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to want your wedding to be just right.,1,0.5 You shouldn't run out of places.,1,0.5 It's good to want to move to where the action is and embrace a full life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be scared of people.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to be in control of your sexuality.,1,0.5 It's wrong to cheat on others.,1,0.5 It's wrong to threaten suicide to get someone to stay in a relationship with you.,1,0.5 There is nothing wrong with being gay.,1,0.5 It's understandable to feel nervous in a new social situation.,1,0.5 It's wrong to play second fiddle to someone.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't threaten your partner with divorce just because they won't lose weight.,1,0.5 It's good to change your phone plan if it isn't working for you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is understandable to call the police when you know someone is committing a crime.,1,0.5 It's understandable to not want to believe a diagnosis about your significant other.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you're sick of listening to people preach about cellphone etiquette.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should take your partner with you when you travel.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is impolite to not say hello.,1,0.5 It's good to not want your past to bring you down.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to get involved with someone who you don't know about.,1,0.5 You should be respectful when you are negotiating the terms of a divorce.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should not engage in tax fraud.,1,0.5 It's understandable for people to doubt themselves from time to time.,1,0.5 Many people love to vacation in tropical locations.,1,0.5 It is good to carpool,1,0.7499999999999999 It's important that family members remain loyal to one another.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't swear at others.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be resourceful when you have bills to pay and no job.,0,0.0 Parents should mediate between children.,1,0.5 It's bad to not be there emotionally for your kids.,1,0.5 It is nice to make sacrifices for the well being of others,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to be upset when your spouse asks for a divorce.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should practice to master your goals.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected for children to remain in contact with their parents.,1,0.5 It's okay to put your education before your family at times,1,0.5 It's mean to choose sides.,1,0.5 It is expected that there will be disagreements in a relationship.,0,0.0 Partners are expected to want to spend a good amount of time with each other.,1,0.5 It's good to tell the world about a joyous event.,1,0.5 It's bad to feel guilty.,1,0.5 It is hurtful when you keep secrets from your friends.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't expect a friend to always be there for you.,0,0.0 It is rude to refuse a birthday girl from your inlaws.,0,0.0 "If you need advice, it's important to get it as soon as possible.",0,0.0 Sometimes you need to put in extra work to get things done.,1,0.5 You should ask people if there is something wrong.,0,0.0 It's rude to want to snoop in your ex's online accounts.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good for a parent to be honest with their child about family matters.,1,0.5 It's expected that you look presentable at a funeral.,1,0.24999999999999994 It shouldn't take you a year to learn your multiplication tables since that is pretty easy stuff to earn.,1,0.5 It's normal for people to want to spend time with their loved ones.,1,0.5 It's good to face people rather than hide from them.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to feel conflicting emotions.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's rude to cease communication with a partner without explanation.,1,0.5 It is ok to be upset about your past.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to leave an SO behind when you go on vacation.,1,0.5 It's good to enjoy talking to your partner.,0,0.0 It's expected that you report a child who has gone missing.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to blackmail people.,1,0.5 It's good to complain to companies so they take action and resolve the problem.,1,0.5 It's understandable to have a headache.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to hate someone just because they made a single mistake.,1,0.5 You should expect people not to eat dessert without milk.,1,0.5 You shoulld not worry about others being jealous when posting things on facebook.,1,0.5 It's important to protect yourself on a motorcycle.,1,0.5 It's expected that coworkers will support each other.,1,0.5 You shouldn't criticize someone's food preferences.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to tell on people when they aren't doing anything to hurt you.,1,0.5 You shouldn't have people over late at night.,1,0.5 It's expected that family members support each other's milestone events.,1,0.5 It is bad to let addiction control your life.,1,0.5 It's rude to manipulate others.,1,0.5 It's illegal for a teacher to have a romantic relationship with a student.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to understand yourself,1,0.5 It's good to be there for your friend when they are having a baby.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to not be informed about things most people know.,1,0.5 It's rude to point out disabilities in others.,1,0.5 It's okay to try to be the best and exceed expectations.,1,0.5 You shouldn't ever using the n word.,1,0.5 It is OK to refuse a birthday gift if you have a good reason to.,1,1.0 It's expected that people will find puppies adorable.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to report someone if you think they're breaking the law.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's ok to give your child some independence.,1,0.5 It's okay to be annoyed when someone begs you for something.,1,0.5 It is good to be happy if you don't owe money.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to apologize when you feel bad for having done something wrong.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to think dogs are perceptive.,0,0.0 It's okay to try and believe in a higher power when going through tough times,1,0.5 It's good to look out for the well-being of your loved ones.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should go to rehab when you have a drug addiction.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's not unusual to have an unhealthy relationship with food.,1,0.5 It's bad to have extreme religious views.,1,0.5 You should always pay back what you owe.,1,0.5 You should break up with your partner when you want to cheat on them.,1,0.5 It is unacceptable to refuse to honor your best friend at their own wedding.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that people will stop believing you if you constantly lie.,1,0.5 It's wrong to judge someone based on their sexuality,1,0.5 It's allowed to screech like a child at creepy crawly creatures.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is kind to not require payment for something.,1,0.5 It's wrong to wait until the last minute to do things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to be generous.,1,0.5 It's expected that family will want to celebrate holiday traditions together.,1,0.5 It's hurtful to hate somebody close to you.,1,0.5 It's wrong to travel too much and be away from your partner.,1,0.5 Partners are expected to want to spend a good amount of time with each other.,1,0.5 It's good to date nice people.,1,0.5 It's okay to decline to help in some cases.,1,0.5 It's normal for animals to not like medicine.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to scream at others.,1,0.5 It's not okay to waste your money when you could eat better and healthier at home.,1,0.5 It's understandable that things don't always work out.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to maintain a job despite it being boring.,1,0.5 You should engage in safe sexual practices when performing prostitution.,1,0.5 You should expect that somebody from a long time ago to have moved on from that point in their life.,1,0.5 People will think you're jealous if you envy other people's work.,1,0.5 It's not okay to make others not want to be around you.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to get aggravated with people and not want them around you.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is okay to have fun in your spare time.,1,0.5 Your grandparent would be sad if you broke off contact with them.,1,0.5 It's not okay to not deal with your emotional problems.,1,0.5 It is wrong to tell people you have done things you have not.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always practice good manners.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to steal someone elses possesions.,0,0.0 You shouldn't let your dreams affect your life.,1,0.5 It is reasonable for someone who survived cancer to be sensitive about negative comments.,0,0.0 It's good to pay people for their services.,1,0.5 It's wrong to take advantage of someone's wealth.,1,0.5 You shouldn't always expect tips.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to choose not to invite some people to your party.,1,0.5 Making a big deal out of your own birthday can make you look selfish.,0,0.0 Both people should work equally in a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable that people play pranks sometimes.,1,0.5 It's OK to say no to things you can't afford.,1,0.5 You should be resourceful when you have bills to pay and no job.,0,0.0 It's encouraged to take an interest in your personal fitness.,1,0.5 It is ok to be upset if your SO wants you to do their paperwork for them if they are capable of doing it themselves.,1,0.5 It's good to do things for your kids.,1,0.5 It's okay to feel excited if you almost missed your plane but you made it!,1,0.5 It's good to have a famous restaurant.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not normal to resent your parents,1,0.5 It's good to watch your diet.,1,0.5 You should be patient with others and realize we all move at our own pace.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to be unfaithful to your spouse.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should talk with someone if they have a problem with what you are wearing and where.,0,0.0 It's understandable if you want to retire when you don't have to work.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't look up to your older siblings if they are a bad influence on you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to treat others how they treat you.,1,0.5 It's nice to like someone's post.,1,0.5 It is immoral to kidnap children,0,0.0 It's okay to want your kids to understand the importance of their family heirlooms.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always do what the doctor says.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should expect a cheater to always be a cheater.,1,0.5 It's good to put your all into things.,1,0.5 It is sloppy for a doctor to make a hurried diagnosis.,0,0.0 It is expected that you follow a set schedule.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to fear war.,0,0.0 You shouldn't go to church if you don't want to.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to objectify other people.,1,0.5 You shouldn't take on a lead role at your ex's funeral since that lead role should be for their family or current partner.,0,0.0 It's fun to take your parents to a sports game.,1,0.5 It's not okay to have to live a life that's confined.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's ok to be a baker.,1,0.5 You shouldn't let your dreams affect your life.,1,0.5 You should develop good relations with your extended family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to prank somebody,1,0.24999999999999994 It's frustrating when someone stops talking to you for no reason.,1,0.24999999999999994 People should always apologize for being rude.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to not say anything rather than saying something rude.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that children will find ways to hurt themselves.,1,1.0 It's good to practice when you're involved in a sport.,1,0.5 "If you're still struggling with someone's death, you should get some therapy.",1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't try to carry too many things at once.,1,0.5 You should keep an eye on your yard when you're waiting for your pet to come home.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong not to share with your partner.,0,0.0 It's expected that you adjust your plans when they don't work out like you wanted.,1,0.5 It's good to call out bad behavior of bullies.,1,0.24999999999999994 It shows confidence to follow your own path when you know you're right.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be anxious about coming out to your kids.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to have a good relationship with your in laws.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If someone invites you somewhere, you should go with them.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to practice things.,1,0.5 It is okay to experience emotion.,1,0.5 It's detestable to deceive someone into thinking you're of a legal age to consent when that's not true.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be upset when your spouse asks for a divorce.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have a great time with others.,1,0.5 You should lie down if you don't feel good.,0,0.0 It's rude to pry.,0,0.0 People might start a fight with you if you dress up in a aggressively provocative costume.,1,0.5 It's good to picture things in your mind.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is wrong to break your word.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you're injured, you should go to the hospital.",1,0.5 You should invite others to stay at your place if they are visiting the area.,1,0.5 You should plan accordingly if you have to get up early when daylight savings begins.,1,0.5 "You should always tell someone that you like their photos, no matter what you actually think of them.",1,0.5 Beds should help you sleep.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should expect people to be scared of you if you're big and muscular.,1,0.5 It's okay to not want to go to school due to bad weather.,1,1.0 It's good want to help a troubled family member.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to hide from someone.,1,0.5 You should always answer someone's question if they are concerned about you.,1,0.5 It's bad to harass your employees.,1,0.24999999999999994 People should discuss problems rather than seething with resentment about them.,1,0.5 You should try your best so you don't lose in a competition.,1,0.5 "When you make online purchases, you should take precautions to keep from being scammed.",1,0.5 You shouldn't pay other people's bills.,1,0.5 It's not okay to not appreciate other peoples good fortunes.,1,0.5 It's wrong to not let parents know when a kid is doing something that could effect their life.,1,0.5 It's good to refrain from taking things that belong to someone else.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to not like certain foods,1,0.5 It's okay if you don't want your friends to be at a personal event.,0,0.0 It's bad to oppose weddings.,1,0.5 It's good to spend time with your friends.,1,0.5 It's okay to feel sad when you can't be in a family picture.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should talk to someone who can help you if you're being abused by your significant other.,1,0.5 You shouldn't discriminate against people because of their income level.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to be polite to salespeople.,0,0.0 You should be attentive to your stepchildren's needs when you have a new baby.,1,0.5 It is expected that you spend time with your significant other,1,0.5 It's okay to expect people to pay for something they have taken and are expecting to pay for.,1,0.5 It's discouraged to reopen old wounds by contacting a former lover.,1,0.5 It's not okay to steal ideas from someone when it's important to them.,1,0.5 It's good to take care of a garden and be outside.,1,0.5 It's good to exercise every day.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is okay to share.,1,0.5 You shouldn't give your gate code to strangers.,1,0.5 You shouldn't demand things from your partner.,1,0.5 It's bad to think dogs understand your language.,1,0.5 It's wrong to hate yourself.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should protect children.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should find good shoes if you do a lot of running.,1,0.5 It's necessary to take special precautions when in the vicinity of controlled fire.,1,0.5 It's okay to not be in the mood for things.,1,0.5 It is rude to get involved in other people's financial issues.,1,0.5 It's allowed to admit to people when you need their help.,1,0.5 It's rude to complain you don't like something you didn't pay for.,0,0.0 It's honorable to defend your romantic partner in arguments.,1,0.5 It's okay to be sad about bad things that have happened to you.,1,0.5 You should respect your cultural heritage.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to pretend to be sick.,1,0.5 It is wrong to cheat on your significant other,1,0.5 Sometimes you need help when you're struggling.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to hate yourself.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be frustrated if someone cancels last minute.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to want to be cautious about coming out of the closet.,1,0.5 It's wrong to have an open relationship.,1,0.5 It's rude to ignore people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to value a substance more than your significant other,1,0.5 It's okay to do things that you think only affect your health.,1,0.5 It's good not to spend a lot of money.,1,0.5 "If you fractured your ankle, you should get a cast.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to steal ideas from someone when it's important to them.,1,0.5 It is expected that pregnant women be emotional.,1,0.5 It's wrong to tell another person's secret.,1,0.5 It's disappointing when people don't learn your name.,1,0.5 It's wrong to hold onto your past painful memories.,1,0.5 You should reach out when you don't know what you are.,1,0.5 You shouldn't waste your money.,1,0.24999999999999994 "It's okay to put yourself first, sometimes.",1,0.5 It's expected that you give your family members a special present for Christmas.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to focus too much on the past.,1,0.5 It's okay to be nervous about asking someone to a dance.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to want to move to where the action is and embrace a full life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal for people want to share their thoughts.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to help out parents and their kids.,1,0.5 It is common for the youth to be foolish with money.,1,0.24999999999999994 That's understandable to have the desire to not be in your current situation.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is nice to play with your siblings.,1,0.5 It is expected that some mothers do not like being pregnant.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected that not everyone will excel at any profession they choose.,1,0.5 Wanting to vent about your job is okay.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't hold it against someone when they're uncool one day.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to put love before other things in your life,1,0.5 It's good to be thrifty.,1,0.5 It is not okay to cheat on others.,1,0.5 It is okay to follow your dreams.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is common for kernels of corn to appear in your poop after eating corn.,1,0.5 It's unacceptable to spread rumors about an ex-partner to gain sympathy from your peer group.,1,0.5 It's dangerous to touch an electrical outlet,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to be in a romantic relationship with a teacher.,1,0.5 It is good to help your friends,1,0.5 You should only buy the things you need.,0,0.0 It is good to check your grammar.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is normal to not feel love towards a new pet.,1,0.5 It's nice to worry about your friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't upset your parents.,0,0.0 It is wrong to be attracted to your friend's parent.,1,0.5 It's okay to want to reminisce about the past sometimes.,0,0.0 You should help out with your family member's wedding if you have a certain skill they could use.,0,0.0 It's okay to break up with someone who isn't very nice to you.,1,0.5 It is okay to not be able to control who you are attracted to.,1,0.5 It's frowned upon to not to look for work when you're unemployed.,1,0.5 It is not always right to be early on choosing things.,1,0.5 You shouldn't remain in contact with ex's.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to do things for others,1,0.5 It's wrong to tell others what to do.,1,0.5 It's wrong to sell your body for money.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to be good at sports.,1,0.5 You shouldn't force people to do things,1,0.5 You should always follow the rules.,0,0.0 It's wrong to be jealous of your neighbors.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fun to go fishing with others.,1,0.5 It is bad to end a friendship.,0,0.0 It's wrong to uproot your family and move to a place where you have no connections and don't know anyone.,1,0.5 People should find ways of addressing their mental issues.,0,0.0 You shouldn't force someone to do something they don't want to do.,1,0.5 It's good to find proof of cheating you perceive to be happening.,1,0.7499999999999999 Pets are expected to not be treated as food.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to get high with people.,1,0.5 It's rude to lie to your family about applying for jobs.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should support your partner.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you rush when you're late to work.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is fattening to eat too much ice cream an chocolate.,1,0.5 It's great to show your significant other that you love them.,1,0.5 You should always try new things.,1,0.5 It is good to help family,1,0.5 If you perform well on a test it is acceptable to be happy with yourself.,1,0.5 It's acceptable to take flowers to a funeral.,1,0.5 It's good to have personal contact.,1,0.5 It's ok to miss your deceased family members.,1,0.5 It's sad to not be able to wear what you want.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to take charge of your health.,1,0.5 It's good to avoid fighting with your friend.,1,0.5 If you think you will be helping them it is acceptable to tell on your sibling for using drugs,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to want to do what's in the best interest of your pet.,0,0.0 It is bad to say hurtful things to your friends,1,0.5 It's heroic to take action during a fire emergency to avoid spread of the flames.,1,0.5 You should punish a child that plays pranks on others.,1,0.5 You should always help out a needy sibling.,1,0.5 It is expected that you watch your children.,0,0.0 It is bad to be non sanitary.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's unhealthy to vape.,1,0.5 It's fine if you're uncomfortable when an older man has a crush on you.,1,0.5 It's understandable to find others in life attractive.,1,0.5 It's nice to stay close to your parents after moving.,1,0.5 You should seek mental help from a professional if you fantasize about your life ending.,1,0.5 It's wrong for someone to celebrate something that hurts someone else.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's acceptable for a parent to help a child select classes.,1,0.5 People will think you're jealous if you envy other people's work.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you don't want to clean up after a long day.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't sleep around if you don't want to get an STD.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be a hypocrite.,1,0.5 You should look for another job if you don't like yours,1,0.5 It's degrading to seek affirmation from people.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable if you think your child's night terrors are just bad dreams.,1,1.0 It's common for males to hold doors open for females as a sign of respect.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to get divorced.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should not be too strict with your teenagers.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to be disappointed when something breaks,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to impose restrictions on the people you're with.,0,0.0 You should not use the pictures of others to gratify yourself without consent.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's normal for someone in graduate school to need to write a thesis to show what they've learned.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be so scared about getting married.,1,0.5 Running out of stock can make customers angry and irritable.,1,0.5 It's rude and invasive to monitor someone else's online habits.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you're lost in life, you should get some help.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to not want to go to school due to bad weather.,1,1.0 You should be practical when you are searching for a missing person.,1,0.5 It's okay for young adults to choose to live at hime.,1,0.5 It's expected that siblings come together if the family is suffering.,1,0.5 It's rude to buy others expensive gifts that cause them to spend money.,1,0.5 It's expected that people who do illegal acts will have consequences.,1,0.5 People should admire the wonderful variety of nature without harming it.,1,0.5 You should be careful so you don't grab the wrong bottle and mix it up with your beer.,1,0.5 It's good to be want to know things that could be important.,1,0.5 It is rude to make crude remarks in public.,0,0.0 You should be welcoming when someone moves north from the south.,1,0.5 It's irresponsible to chat online with someone you don't remember but claims to know you from childhood.,1,0.5 It's good to go to funerals.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's not okay to steal ideas from someone when it's important to them.,1,0.5 "Sometimes, it's okay for people to hear the truth, even if it hurts them",1,0.5 It's not okay to demand things from people that cause them extra burden.,1,0.5 It's okay to make some bad investments as you learn.,1,0.24999999999999994 When you watch a sports game you are expected to want one team to win more than the other.,1,0.5 You shouldn't embarrass your kids.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't force your grandchildren to eat something they don't want to eat.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to complete your work.,1,0.5 People will be concerned about you if they think you're depressed or suicidal.,1,0.5 It's good to spend time with family,1,0.5 It's okay to have children.,1,0.5 It's acceptable to remove toxic people from your life.,1,0.5 "It's understandable to want to look good, especially if you're a woman.",0,0.0 you should not stay in a relationship if you are attracted to someone else.,1,0.5 You shouldn't go someplace if you're injured.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you engage in activity you don't want others to know about, it's irresponsible to leave a paper trail.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to be too attentive to someone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's ok to have a glass of wine with dinner.,1,0.5 It's considerate to allow others to use something they dont have,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable that people get irritated sometimes with jealousy from others.,1,0.5 It's bad to eat too many calories.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to want to unwind after a long day.,1,0.5 It's okay to treat yourself sometimes,1,0.5 You shouldn't create drama for your friends.,1,0.5 "If someone has a baby, you should ask how they are doing.",1,0.7499999999999999 You should rest if you're almost due to have a baby.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have a hobby or passion that brings you joy and fulfillment in life.,1,0.5 You shouldn't compare your problems to others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's important to stay properly hydrated.,1,0.5 It's wrong to ask your partner to use another bathroom.,1,0.5 It is unpleasant to deal with pain everyday.,0,0.0 It's acceptable to euthanize a sick animal.,1,0.5 It's bad to try to game the system.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to not appreciate something someone gave you as a gift.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to feel embarrassed if you didn't know something that everyone else probably knows.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to back out of a financial agreement.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to be greedy and unappreciative.,1,0.5 You should be willing to talk to people about your art if you post it publicly.,1,0.5 It's wrong to marry someone because it's convenient.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should avoid doing things that are disgusting.,0,0.0 It's expected you don't give up on goals you've set for yourself,1,0.24999999999999994 You are expected to wait your turn before speaking.,1,0.5 It's good to please your parents.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to do things that could hurt the people who are concerned's feelings.,1,0.5 It is bad to argue with others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable for people to doubt themselves from time to time.,1,0.5 It's understandable to not enjoy being around people you don't like.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should put your things under your seat when on an airplane.,1,0.24999999999999994 Parents should be aware of potential dangers to their children.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't have sex with your partner's kids.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to help yourself get over your depression.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to choose to have an experience even when your loved ones aren't supporting your decision.,1,0.5 It is okay not to like a supervisor.,0,0.0 It's okay to grieve for an abused child.,1,0.5 You should give your children some privacy,1,0.5 It's expected that friends will play jokes on each other.,1,1.0 It's okay to end a relationship when it's no longer working out for you,1,0.5 You shouldn't be so critical of people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to harass your employees.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's disloyal to sext someone while you're in a relationship with someone else.,1,0.5 You shouldn't let your partner's parents get mad at you.,1,0.5 It's okay to be offended when your spouse doesn't want to sleep in the same bed with you.,1,0.5 You shouldn't spend so much time in the sun or else you might get skin cancer.,1,0.5 It's rude to play the same song twice in a row.,1,0.5 It's ok to separate from siblings if they can't respect your needs.,1,0.5 It's okay to be upset if someone teases you for something that's a part of who you are.,1,0.5 It is wrong to make your friends uncomfortable by including strangers.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you are annoyed when an invitation seems entitled to gifts.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to travel without planning a known route.,1,0.5 You shouldn't get your teammates fired.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't put yourself in a place where people can easily take advantage of you.,0,0.0 You shouldn't take a job you're not confident you want.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's smart to know what one's limitations are in a situation.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have high expectations for your life's journey.,1,0.5 It is good to volunteer to help those in need,0,0.0 It is normal for people to grieve in their own way,1,0.5 It's wrong to try to be overly controlling with family members.,1,0.5 It's good to excel at a sport.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to tell your ex your true feelings.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable to be moved when someone expresses their love for you.,1,0.5 It's wrong to take advantage of someone who's much younger than you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to refuse controlling behavior from others when it conflicts with your own wellbeing.,1,0.5 You should return something to its owner if you stole it.,1,0.5 You should always alert people if you need help.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable that sometimes things don't work out in life.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should come prepared for meetings.,1,0.5 It's good to maintain a job despite it being boring.,1,0.5 It is expected that attendance is mandatory for certain events.,1,0.24999999999999994 People should slow down when enjoying a hobby.,1,0.24999999999999994 "You should be supportive of your partner, no matter what weight they are.",1,0.5 It's wrong to get angry at people for things that aren't their fault.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that siblings be nice to each other.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should let people know before you move out.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you follow a dress code when you're in a wedding.,1,0.5 It's okay to love and hate something at the same time.,1,0.5 You shouldn't give sexy gifts to family because it's not appropriate.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to want to commit suicide.,1,0.5 It's loathsome to marry someone for their money.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's awkward when romantic feelings get in the way of a friendship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to accept funds you inherited from a trust.,1,0.5 You shouldn't assault your family members.,1,0.5 It's rude to cancel plans you have agreed upon with a friend.,1,0.5 It's okay to feel disoriented when daylight savings begins.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to be disgusted when your fiance smells.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're insecure when you put on a performance.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you feel like a princess when a butterfly lands on your finger.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's fine to be embarrassed of what you did in middle school band.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to include others in your important traditions.,0,0.0 It is ok to let people know if you are going to be late.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's important to have your driver's license on you when operating a vehicle.,0,0.0 It's rude to grunt at someone when they talk to you.,1,0.24999999999999994 Feeling angry at being left out of fun things is a natural response.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal for parents to want to protect their children.,1,0.5 It's discouraged to be in love with your own image.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to like old bands from the 80s.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's imprudent to fall in love with fictional or theoretical characters.,1,1.0 You should fall in love with someone who will love you back.,1,0.5 It's okay for family to pick sides during a messy divorce,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to grow your own food.,1,0.5 It is not expected that you will save parking spots for strangers.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should always go over your vacation plans before acting on them.,1,0.5 It's fine to want to replace something you own.,1,0.5 "If you're depressed, you should get some help.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to leave food out in a public park.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to communicate with your spouse.,0,0.0 It's encouraged for children to go straight to the bus after school.,1,0.5 It's good to grow as a person as you age.,1,0.5 You shouldn't clean the sidewalk because you don't own it.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to have a case worker to help you with problems you have.,1,0.5 You should love your parents.,1,0.5 It will hurt your roommates feelings if you kick them out.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to enjoy the night breeze with a special person.,1,0.5 It's fine to want a nubile young woman for a romantic partner.,1,0.5 It's good to want to move to where the action is and embrace a full life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to maintain a healthy diet.,1,0.5 You shouldn't max out your credit cards.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to wear women's clothes if you're a man.,0,0.0 It's wrong to dox people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to act with anger and aggression toward others,1,0.24999999999999994 It is encouraged to let your children express themselves however they see fit,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to have a strong relationship with your grandparents.,1,0.5 you should tell your parents if you do not want them with you at appointments.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you break your bone, you should seek help immediately.",1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to celebrate.,1,0.5 If you cannot reach your back it is acceptable to ask someone you are close to for help/,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to eat so much dessert because it's unhealthy.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to purposely poison animals for enjoyment.,0,0.0 Karaoke is a fun activity at a party.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should be careful when driving,1,0.24999999999999994 People should treat each other as equals.,1,0.5 It's fine to be angry at a parent if they mistreat you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to repeat your requests.,1,0.5 You're allowed to protest an arranged coupling.,0,0.0 It is rude to compare your ability to offer help to somebody else who cannot offer the same help.,1,0.5 It's good to grow your own food.,1,0.5 You should check the weather forecast before leaving the house.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to worry when you feel like a creep.,1,0.5 It's understandable for a person to be upset at an image of their deceased loved one.,1,0.5 You shouldn't behave inappropriately with underage people.,0,0.0 It is okay to feel conflicting emotions.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to book things in advance.,0,0.0 It is good to apologize for misbehaving.,0,0.0 You shouldn't clean the sidewalk because you don't own it.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't let things weigh on your mind.,1,0.5 It's okay to call off a wedding when your fiance is abusive.,1,0.5 It's understandable not everyone like's their parents.,0,0.0 It's expected that people leave their family and friends when to go out to college.,1,0.5 You should let your friend know why you're not inviting them somewhere.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't run from the cops.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to develop feelings for close friend,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to be honest with friends about possible suspicious behavior from their partner.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is expected that roommates will remain civil throughout their lease.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is unpleasant to have to listen to crude remarks.,1,0.5 It is common to relate to relate to your children by telling them about your childhood.,1,0.5 It is good to go to the doctor if your leg might be broken.,0,0.0 You shouldn't treat your siblings poorly.,1,0.5 Is okay to look out for yourself,1,0.5 It's good to get back at a cheating partner.,1,0.5 It's bad to harass your employees.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to do things that can make someone that cares about you jealous.,0,0.0 It is good to spend time with friends.,1,0.5 It's okay to apply for food stamps if you're having a hard time making ends meet,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you feel like you're sick, you should see a doctor.",1,0.5 You should treat your family heirlooms with respect.,1,0.5 You should try to give your friends gifts for their birthday.,1,0.5 It's inconsiderate to quit playing a game before other people are ready to stop.,1,0.24999999999999994 it's good to get help when you have a drug addiction.,1,0.5 You should confer with your partner before telling others about big events.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If someone is cheating but not on you, it's better to stay out of it.",0,0.0 It's okay to want to sleep somewhere quiet.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't wash clothes that are already clean.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to get a friend's help.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's important to use good sense to live your life.,1,0.5 It's rude to let your bad marriage discourage other people's marriage.,0,0.0 It's kind to let someone know they're being used.,0,0.0 It's good to do what's best for your kids and not expose them to new partners often,1,0.5 "It's understandable that sometimes we have personal conflicts, even with relatives.",0,0.0 You shouldn't be creepy around your family.,0,0.0 It's okay to be sad when you don't get to see your spouse because of their work.,0,0.0 It's okay to ignore phone calls on your birthday.,1,0.5 It's allowed to have a love life.,1,0.5 You shouldn't sneak out of the house behind your parents' back,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to be respectful during a breakup.,1,0.5 Listening to your favorite music is a good way to relax.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to complain about something you don't like,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to contact your significant other through different means.,1,0.5 You're expected to work in order to earn money.,1,0.5 Friends should accept each others' differences.,1,0.5 It is unpleasant to be depressed all the time.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to miss an important day of a family member.,0,0.0 It's okay to be blunt with someone if it involves something that's under their control,1,0.5 It's acceptable to not forgive someone after a sexual infidelity has occurred.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is bad to drink too much.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should say thank you when someone sends you a greeting card.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to help your friends when they are injured.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to have kids and to take opioids.,1,0.5 You should return something to its owner if you stole it.,1,0.5 It's acceptable to think outside the box when fishing.,1,0.5 It's rude to renege on agreements you make with people.,1,0.5 You shouldn't swear at others.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always trust your nanny.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is expected that some kids might want to get married early in life.,1,0.24999999999999994 "It is classless to swear, even people that do it to you.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to take your time when writing.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to spend your money on whatever you want.,1,0.5 You shouldn't pry into your friend's relationships.,1,0.24999999999999994 People should admire the wonderful variety of nature without harming it.,1,0.5 "If someone helps your elderly relative, you should be thankful.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's unacceptable to lead someone on just to get in their pants.,1,0.5 It's okay to have dreams about past loved ones.,1,0.5 You shouldn't hook up with someone your friend doesn't approve of.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to uninvite someone from your wedding when you're fighting with them.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to be wary of people with a nasty temper.,1,0.5 You shouldn't break up your friend and their partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to be happy about an event that has killed many plants animals and humans.,0,0.0 It is good to tell the truth.,1,0.5 It's wrong to use another person for their resources.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's nice to chill out and listen to a drum circle.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to celebrate someone's birthday.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's OK not to take life too seriously.,0,0.0 It's wrong to discard a friend for trivial reasons.,0,0.0 You shouldn't wear something that smells bad.,0,0.0 It's okay to ask for help when you aren't sure how something works.,1,0.5 You should set ground rules with people that you live with.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to go to therapy if you are struggling to overcome your grief.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to have a potty mouth.,1,0.5 It's bad to oppose weddings.,1,0.5 It's good to have a crush on someone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to want to be a 50's housewife because women back then were oppressed.,0,0.0 It's wrong to waste other people's time.,1,0.5 You should remove a tattoo if it bothers your partner.,0,0.0 You shouldn't expect thanks for attending a memorial service.,1,0.5 You shouldn't talk badly about other people.,1,0.5 It's wrong to deny someone an education because they are pregnant.,1,0.5 It's good to have stories to tell friends,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to desire independence.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to eat enough food so you don't starve.,0,0.0 It's okay to be upset when you lose your job.,1,0.5 It's good to frame your awards to display them for others to see.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you don't like being able to smell your fiance.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is okay to need space from family.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's important to look at the instructions when you get a new kitchen appliance.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected that split bills are miscalculated sometimes.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's encouraged to find someone to love.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to learn about yourself when you go to a nudist club.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's normal to have cake on your birthday.,1,0.24999999999999994 There is no correct way to respond to the death of a family member.,1,0.5 It's hurtful to never return to someone's home.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to sell your car if you don't need it anymore.,1,0.5 It's understandable to feel hurt by your partner not being open with you.,1,0.5 It's expected that moderators will have control of things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to go to church to practice your religion.,1,0.5 It is ok to feel however you want over the death of someone.,1,0.5 It's not okay to be competitive with a significant other's family.,1,0.5 It's not okay to set someone up for failure.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have something you use for luck to help you out.,1,0.5 You shouldn't watch TV all day long.,1,0.5 It's good to be confident about your appearance.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's kind to help out ones' parents when you're able.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't let your friends tell you what to do.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is healthy to keep your love to only the people that love you.,1,0.5 You have the right to live wherever you want to.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you knock on someone's door instead of entering.,1,0.5 "If you have to take care of someone with special needs, it's okay to feel frustrated.",1,0.5 You shouldn't eat rabbit poop.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that friends will play jokes on each other.,1,1.0 It is good to get an education.,1,0.5 It's wrong to promise to work on something then not finish what you start.,0,0.0 You should marry the person you love.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected people who have a serious relationship will be there to support each other.,1,0.5 It's ok to be loving year-round.,1,0.5 You shouldn't keep your past moments a secret from others.,0,0.0 It is good to not be in a relationship with a roommate.,1,0.5 It's not okay to buy things that you don't really need.,1,0.5 It's good when something unexpected happens in life.,0,0.0 It's understandable if you're strict with your parenting when you're worried about your kids.,1,0.5 It's rude to accept an invitation and then not show up.,1,0.24999999999999994 One should not be rude to others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to get a job that you enjoy.,0,0.0 It's okay to find solutions to little problems,1,0.5 It's noble when you treat others well who treat you badly.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you aren't over your parent's death years later, you should get some counseling.",1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't pry into your child's life.,1,0.5 It's good to tell your friend that you are their best friend.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is normal to not feel love towards a new pet.,1,0.5 It is okay to outgrow a relationship.,1,0.5 It's good to be aware of you quirks.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to apologize to someone if you stole something from them.,1,0.5 It's fun to have a sleepover with your family.,1,0.7499999999999999 You're allowed to ask others not to share your pictures on social media.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's encouraged that you find ways to do tasks that are difficult for you,1,0.5 It's okay to reminisce about the past.,1,0.5 It's disingenuous to pretend to be someone you're not online.,1,0.5 It's expected people will find some satisfactory items when they go shopping.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable to fall victim to a scam.,1,0.7499999999999999 You are expected to attend the significant life events of your siblings.,0,0.0 You should always be prepared and make sure you have money before you go to buy something.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you maintain ties with family throughout life.,0,0.0 It's good to let mistakes go in order to keep friendships.,1,0.5 "If you are uncomfortable with your partner feeding your kids, you should not let your partner watch your children.",1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to seek help if you're feeling depressed or feel like everything is a chore.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to ask for help when you have problems with your family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to confront people who are being dishonest,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to eat your food with a drink to wash it down.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want alone time.,1,0.5 It's okay to argue with your foster kids about the food they eat.,1,0.5 People should treat each other as equals.,1,0.5 It's not okay to disrespect the home you live in.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should expect to feel hurt after the end of a long relationship.,1,0.5 You are allowed to look at your relationship to see if it is going well.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have personal contact.,1,0.5 You should tell people how you feel about them,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine if you dislike hiking.,1,0.7499999999999999 "If you're broke, you should get a job.",1,0.5 It's good to save up until you can afford to buy something.,1,0.5 "If you have really weird dreams, you should get some therapy.",1,0.7499999999999999 Getting rid of a dog because it is too much work is selfish.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be understanding of other people's situations.,0,0.0 "It's understandable that sometimes we have personal conflicts, even with relatives.",0,0.0 You shouldn't procrastinate tasks.,0,0.0 You shouldn't have expectations of your partner regarding money.,1,0.24999999999999994 Getting a tattoo of someone's name is a good way to show your commitment to them.,1,0.5 It's expected that friends will play jokes on each other.,1,1.0 It's not okay to demand things from people you don't really need.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable that we all make mistakes.,1,0.5 People should follow the rules.,1,0.5 "If you're unhappy with sex in your marriage, you should probably divorce.",1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable that sometimes we find things distasteful.,1,0.5 You shouldn't have sex with your parent's partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you're bored when you go to the zoo.,0,0.0 It's not normal to resent your parents,1,0.5 You shouldn't marry someone that cross dresses unless you're okay with it.,1,0.5 It is unreasonable to be scared of a tiny bug like a maggot.,0,0.0 You should break up with your significant other if you're interested in somebody else,0,0.0 It's expected that family members will generally agree with one another.,1,0.5 "It's encouraged not to be attached to an arbitrary location, especially if it's a public place.",1,0.5 People will be wary of you if they think you're schizophrenic.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay not to take care of something that's not yours.,1,0.5 People should be kind to their family members.,1,0.24999999999999994 "It's not expected that children know consequences of their actions, they need to learn first",1,0.5 It's not okay to have to rely on special tools when they aren't really needed.,1,0.5 It's mean to resent your daughter.,1,0.5 It's okay to feel frustrated when someone you just had sex with kicks you out.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always show up to a play date.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to want to say your sorry when bad things happen.,0,0.0 It's fine to choose who you want as guests at your own wedding.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to cook for your significant other.,1,0.5 It's good to take time to consider which wedding dress you'll wear.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to want your partner to tell you their plans.,1,0.5 You shouldn't ignore your friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to want to help others in life.,1,0.5 It's okay not to get along with every single family member.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want to resist someone who's bossy.,1,0.24999999999999994 It;s expected that you treat your children equally.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is unpleasant to deal with pain everyday.,0,0.0 It's weird to attribute human emotions to inanimate objects.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's appropriate to voice your concern when your concern comes from a good place.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to tell about your place of employment so you get more customers,0,0.0 It is bad to ruin other's lives.,1,0.5 You should do everything you can to help your family.,0,0.0 It's okay to tackle a perpetrator who flees from you.,1,0.5 You should learn your students' names if you're a teacher.,0,0.0 It's good to have something you use for luck to help you out.,1,0.5 You should always try to listen to your parents.,1,0.5 It's not okay to cheat on your significant other.,1,0.5 It is good to stop eating subway if it ruins your life.,1,0.5 It is wrong to abuse a others.,1,0.5 It's okay to feel out of control sometimes,1,0.5 You should always carry a charger with you in case your GPS or phone dies.,1,0.5 It's good to double check things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to play football with others.,1,0.5 It's good to want to live your life the best you can.,1,0.5 "When someone compliments a performance you were worried about, you should feel relieved.",0,0.0 It's good to listen to your partner's concerns regarding your future with them.,1,0.5 Dressing up in a Confederate costume will make you look racist.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to spend time at work daydreaming of your own business.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is okay to be upset if you feel rejected by your family for the holidays.,1,0.5 It's okay to feel exhilarated when you find a new career.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to be gluttonous.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to express yourself through your looks.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wise to protect one's personal information.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to reach out to others.,1,0.5 It's okay to be sad when someone dies.,0,0.0 It's understandable to not want to spend too much money on a sick pet.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're concerned about a classmate when their glasses have been broken for months.,1,0.5 It is wrong to abuse children,0,0.0 It's okay to have dark fantasies sometimes.,0,0.0 "If you fall backwards, you should get help.",1,0.5 It's bad to take away something a child is passionate about by way of a punishment.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't run out of places.,1,0.5 It's wrong to lead people on.,1,0.5 You should chip in with household chores when you live with someone.,1,0.5 You shouldn't stay on your parent's phone plan if you're an adult.,1,0.5 It is good to be happy for others that are happy.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable for a baby to bite anything.,1,0.5 It's good to be prepared for things.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should not expect others to pay for someone else's mistake.,1,0.5 It's expected that you answer the door when someone is knocking.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is difficult to get used to a job when just starting out.,1,0.5 It's okay to think there should be peanut-butter flavored Pringles.,1,1.0 It's rude to send unsolicited dick pics.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you'll stay home from work when you are sick.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's great to show your significant other that you love them.,1,0.5 It's ok to change your strategy when working on something.,1,0.5 It's good to be there for your friend when they are having problems.,1,0.5 It is wrong to judge another family dynamic.,0,0.0 It's okay to be sad about bad things that have happened to you.,1,0.5 It is bad to lie about your bad habits.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to find common bonds and camaraderie with strangers.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to prioritize the issues that most need addressed.,1,0.5 You should expect that somebody from a long time ago to have moved on from that point in their life.,1,0.5 It's impolite to lie.,1,0.24999999999999994 "Sometimes, it's okay for people to hear the truth, even if it hurts them",1,0.5 You shouldn't let your partner dictate what you can and cannot wear.,1,0.5 "If you break the law, it is expected that you will be arrested.",1,0.5 It's good to do your best.,1,0.5 It's good to be best friends with your siblings.,1,0.5 It is rude to try to get other people in trouble,1,0.5 It is okay to be private.,1,0.5 It's good to join your family in exercising.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's fine to operate your car in any way you enjoy.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected that the groom choose the groomsman.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that people will want to keep their kitchen tidy.,0,0.0 You should encourage your spouse to see a therapist when they return from combat.,1,0.5 It's wrong to value things over people.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want to resist someone who's bossy.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to spend the afternoon with your buddies.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to pry into others affairs.,1,0.5 It's virtuous to share your things with those less fortunate.,1,0.24999999999999994 "It's understandable that sometimes, people have reasons to want out of a situation.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to not be informed about things most people know.,1,0.5 It's rude to give away a gift you bought someone.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to cry when you're a child.,1,0.5 It's fine to want to take someone to a dance.,1,0.5 It's okay to be upset when your family doesn't like your new partner.,1,0.5 You should not judge others for their lack of knowledge.,1,0.5 It's kind to help a friend get to sleep.,1,0.5 It's understandable that sometimes we find things distasteful.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be angry if your friend gets you in trouble.,1,0.5 It's petty to report someone for taking a parking spot.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is rude to ignore someone.,1,0.5 It's wrong to say mean things about a recently deceased person,1,0.24999999999999994 It's OK to be wrong.,1,0.5 It's wrong to show people a picture of someone if they don't want you to.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want a divorce when your spouse cheated on you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to have a party and only invite some of your friends,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to try to scam someone.,1,0.5 It's wrong to want to hide who you really are.,1,0.7499999999999999 "In certain situations, not telling the whole truth is better than being completely honest.",1,0.5 It's good to visit the people you care about in life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to make others not want to be around you.,1,0.7499999999999999 "When you fall asleep in someone else's bed, you should apologize in the morning.",1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to try and control someone's appearance.,1,0.5 People should follow the rules.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're offended when people aren't excited by your generosity.,1,0.5 Husbands are expected to do special things for their wives.,1,0.5 It's good to practice your principles.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be nervous about cooking for your significant other if you never have before.,1,0.5 It's fun to play with your friends.,1,0.5 It's good to be cared for.,1,0.5 You shouldn't expect your parent to always be there for you.,1,0.5 People are expected to share the big events in their lives with friends and loved ones.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't put so much intrusive care on older patients.,1,0.5 You should be polite if you need to decline a gift.,1,0.5 It is expected that some kids might want to get married early in life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to ask your partner to use another bathroom.,1,0.5 "If you're addicted to drugs, you should get help.",1,0.5 It's understandable to want to share some things with others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to conserve water by flushing the toilet less often.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable that children feel resentment when they're moved far from their friends.,1,0.5 It's good to do things for your family.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't post pictures if you're tired online.,1,0.5 It is polite to give plenty of botice if you camnot make an event you are invited to.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to want your child to involve you in their decision about who to marry.,1,0.5 "If you have someone close to you that never wants to talk about their feelings, it is acceptable to tell them that you are there to listen if they need it.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to not want to be friends with someone if their behavior scares you.,1,0.5 It's fine to be angry when someone hits you with an umbrella.,1,0.5 You should always ask people for help if you have a problem.,1,0.5 You should rely on your family to support you when you are depressed and suicidal.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong not to be there for your kids.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that people get married when they find someone they like.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to leave the scene of an accident.,1,0.5 It is ok if you cancel last minute on people due to an illness.,1,0.5 You shouldn't always trust people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to catch your own food.,0,0.0 Parents are allowed to choose their baby's name.,0,0.0 It's good to keep up with the news.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's mean to exclude your family members when you take a family picture.,0,0.0 You can be expected to put away harmful feelings towards people you are close to.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is odd to distance yourself from someone who is a friend.,1,0.5 It's understandable to have mixed feelings about a bad situation.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's acceptable to not like your parents.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't make jokes about your mom.,0,0.0 It's bad to not trust your significant other.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to teach your younger siblings how to safely navigate the world,1,0.24999999999999994 It is reasonable to be frustrated about having to work so much that you can't see your kids.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's reasonable to measure people's input differently based on their experience.,0,0.0 It's good for a child to have a realistic view of their parents.,1,0.5 It's important to confront your fears,1,0.5 You should tell the truth.,1,0.5 It's good to have a job to support yourself.,1,0.5 You should make time to do the things you really love.,1,0.5 It's loathsome to marry someone for their money.,1,0.7499999999999999 You're discouraged from hating others.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should fire people who break the rules at work.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to feel angry when you are chronically ill.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to think about how bad life was.,0,0.0 It's good to be compassionate.,1,0.5 It is rude to act out in school.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be angry at a significant other if they wronged you.,1,0.5 It's nice to use language that is politically correct.,1,0.5 "When your child's glasses break, you should replace them.",1,0.5 It's good to be satisfied with your life.,1,0.5 It's bad to withhold work that hurts others trying to do a project.,1,0.5 It's ok to have clear boundaries with family members.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to leave your shoes laying around.,1,0.5 It's ok to have any sexual fetish that turns you on.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's ok to socialize while shopping.,1,0.5 "If you leak urine, you should wear some adult diapers.",1,0.5 It's never okay to intentionally invoke terror in others,1,0.24999999999999994 It's disrespectful to speak out against your own work.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to save up money to buy things you want,1,0.24999999999999994 It is common to cancel a flight if you aren't going to use it.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to be a creep.,1,0.5 It is good for a husband and wife to live together,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to help out parents.,0,0.0 You should be careful carrying ice,1,0.5 "If someone invites you somewhere, you should go with them.",1,0.24999999999999994 You should not be rude to guests.,1,0.5 It is wrong to be racist to other people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to let your bad marriage discourage other people's marriage.,0,0.0 People are expected to be respectful of others.,0,0.0 It's normal for women to want to start a family,1,0.5 You shouldn't be friends with someone of the opposite sex if you're married.,1,0.5 Parents are expected to pay for their household finances equally.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad to lose a friend.,1,0.5 You should always keep in touch with your real parents.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong not to enjoy being at home.,1,0.5 It's bad to abuse your spouse.,0,0.0 It's kind to support a person going thru a medical crisis.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want to get back at someone who cheated on you.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always get an appropriate tent when you go camping.,1,0.5 It's good to look out for your family.,1,0.5 When you watch a sports game you are expected to want one team to win more than the other.,1,0.5 It's a bad idea to turn a friendship into a romance,0,0.0 It is okay to be vocal when something is wrong.,0,0.0 You shouldn't just give up on your friends.,1,0.5 You should be upfront about your disinterest in a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that fairs will be crowded.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be careful when making gravy so you don't burn it.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is ok to be upset if your boyfriend does not want to talk.,1,0.5 It is expected to have a good time with friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't decorate in a way that is alarming to others.,1,0.7499999999999999 Getting a tattoo of someone's name is a good way to show your commitment to them.,1,0.5 It is common to relate to relate to your children by telling them about your childhood.,1,0.5 You shouldn't clean the sidewalk because you don't own it.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's normal to want to have close relationships with others.,0,0.0 You can't expect people to always express empathy toward you.,0,0.0 Partners are expected to want to spend time together.,1,0.5 People are expected to clean up after their pets.,1,0.5 It's bad to do things that you need to be forgiven for.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to exclude your family from your life.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be understanding when people are having a hardship.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't let a family member cut you off.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to grunt at someone when they talk to you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to act overly aggressive over sports.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to spend too much time playing video games.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be annoyed when you're waiting on someone who keeps changing their outfit.,0,0.0 It's good to strive for efficiency when running a company.,1,0.7499999999999999 Sometimes you have to break off a relationship and pursue your own personal growth.,1,0.5 It's okay to feel conflicted when your kids are growing up.,1,0.5 It is wrong to get offended about an innocent greeting.,1,0.5 It's not okay to treat children like they are a burden.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to keep in touch with your friends.,1,0.5 It's okay to be angry and file a complaint against a supervisor making sexual advances towards you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to maintain the contact information of people who help you.,1,0.5 "If your friend does not invite you to something, it's okay to feel left out.",1,0.5 It's bad to try to control what other people do.,0,0.0 It's best to hide certain sensitive information if it might offend the other person.,1,0.5 It is wrong to do things that make your partner uncomfortable.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to not help your mother.,1,0.5 It's wrong to use another person for their resources.,1,0.7499999999999999 Children should expect to be able to go to their parents when something bad happens.,1,0.24999999999999994 Your grandparent would be sad if you broke off contact with them.,1,0.5 "If you're broke, you should get a job.",1,0.5 It's bad to let trivial things ruin a friendship.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always answer someone's question if they are concerned about you.,1,0.5 It's wrong to make someone feel bad about their sexuality.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected that falling can be dangerous.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be upset when your life with your spouse changes after they come home from combat.,1,0.5 It's not okay to force a teen to not concentrate on what is important in life.,1,0.5 You should only buy the things you need.,0,0.0 It's normal to come to a realization after thinking things over.,1,0.24999999999999994 Everybody makes mistakes.,1,0.5 It's okay not to like certain phases,1,0.5 "If you hurt someone's feelings, it is expected that you try to do something to make the person feel better.",0,0.0 It's bad to mooch off of others.,0,0.0 You should get help if worries are overtaking your life.,1,0.5 People will think you're incompetent if you still live with your parents as an adult.,1,0.24999999999999994 Telling your kids you don't have time to help them is hurtful.,1,0.24999999999999994 Growing in life and gaining independence is expected.,1,0.5 It's wrong to endanger people.,0,0.0 You should tell your boss if your coworker uses a racial slur.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you're proud of your life when you use good sense.,1,0.5 You should try to be understanding of your siblings and their feelings.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should listen to your partner's advice regarding your problems.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to prioritize smoking over your spouse.,1,0.5 It's allowed to allocate set amounts of time for customers.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to be frustrated if someone cancels last minute.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be uncomfortable in a deceased person's bed.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should repay your debts.,1,0.5 It's good to help out your partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be suspicious when your friend is keeping secrets.,1,0.5 People should care for their family members.,1,0.5 It's good to practice your principles.,1,0.5 It's understandable to feel disappointed if something does not go your way.,1,0.5 It's okay to be upset with someone if they don't want your friends around as well.,1,0.5 You shouldn't try to carry too many things at once.,1,0.5 It's okay to not want to work when you weren't planning on working.,1,0.5 It's okay to ask someone to delete something that makes you uncomfortable.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have goals.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be attracted to someone physically.,1,0.5 You should get professional help if you have a dysfunctional family.,1,0.5 It is good to apologize to someone if you stole something from them.,1,0.5 It is good to fill out your own paperwork.,1,0.5 It's normal to expect gifts on special days.,1,0.5 You shouldn't impose your moral beliefs on others,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to kick someone out of their room.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to tell your coworkers something that another colleague told you in confidence.,1,0.5 Finding a suitable companion is expected to be a difficult process.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be rude to children.,1,0.5 It's okay to leave your partner's house early if your parents say so.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's exciting when you're winning a game,1,0.5 It is okay to voice your opinion if someone did something wrong.,0,0.0 It's expected that siblings come together if the family is suffering.,1,0.5 It's normal for people to have a party to celebrate special occasions.,1,0.5 It is okay to be attracted to certain things.,1,0.5 It is rational to not want to join the military.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should not have to hide how you are feeling.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to be deceitful towards another person.,1,0.5 It is bad to steal donation money,0,0.0 You should contact the police if someone steals something from you.,1,0.5 It's normal for parents to want to protect their children.,1,0.5 It is good to let others know your feelings about them.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should ignore things you don't like,1,0.7499999999999999 It's rude to try to limit the amount of time someone spends with their partner.,1,0.5 It is extremely rude to use the N word at all.,1,0.5 It's good to help out other people in their time of need.,1,0.5 It's normal to be scared sometimes,1,0.5 It's okay to keep secrets.,1,0.5 You shouldn't hide things from your family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to be clean-shaven for special occasions.,1,0.5 It's not okay to demand things from people that cause them extra burden.,1,0.5 People should be kind to their family members.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't lie about being gay.,1,0.5 It's bad to leave school without letting someone know where you're going.,1,0.5 It's wrong to objectify other people.,1,0.5 It's wrong to steal someone's identity.,0,0.0 It's okay to be upset if someone teases you for something that's a part of who you are.,1,0.5 You shouldn't let a nosy parent interfere in your life.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't break someone's heart.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to be ashamed of where you have come from.,1,0.5 You are not expected to date someone you do not like.,1,0.5 It's okay to be angry at your roommate.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to get someone removed from class just to get them in trouble.,1,0.5 It's considered kind to help a person who is having issues.,1,0.5 It's encouraged you pay off your debts if you come into money,1,0.7499999999999999 It's better to mind your own business when it comes to the lives of your coworkers,1,0.5 It's good to be honest with people about your past.,1,0.5 It's hurtful to curse in front of children.,1,0.5 It is normal to be upset if someone touches your things.,0,0.0 It's understandable to want alone time.,1,0.5 "It's responsible to understand that for some, the cost of independence is too high.",1,0.5 It's expected that couples will break up.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected that some people have difficult pregnancies.,1,0.5 "If you're uncomfortable with your body, you shouldn't go to a nude beach.",1,0.5 It's okay to cry when your pet is missing.,1,0.5 It's wrong to tell your partner they are selfish.,1,0.5 It's okay to throw away compostables.,1,0.5 It's good to be up and about and not be lazy.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is bad to freak out a lot.,0,0.0 It is expected that couples are faithful to each other,1,0.5 You have to accept that something unforeseen can always come up to disrupt your plans.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to wait until the last minute to study.,1,0.5 It's understandable to have a crush on someone you met.,1,0.24999999999999994 People will get annoyed if you start being too forgetful.,1,0.5 It's okay that people do things that frustrate you so much you do something with out thinking.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should be grateful for gifts from other people.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't sleep around with random people.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is rude to tell your partner who they can talk to.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should stop by your customer's place of employment sometimes to support them.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to assume someone has a disability because they talk differently.,1,0.5 It's bad for a child to say mean things about each other's mom.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to occupy the bathroom for too long.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be scared of the costs that come with an ambulance ride.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's mean to tell your partner that they're a bad cook.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to walk into a store at closing time.,0,0.0 It is wrong to break your word.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to give up on finding someone to love if you're repulsive.,1,0.5 It's good to change your phone plan if it isn't working for you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be frustrated when you're hungry but you have to change a light bulb.,1,1.0 It is controlling to end a friendship over who they choose to be friends with.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is smart to avoid eating before going out so that you have a big appetite.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to get mad at someone simply because they don't want to do something you want them to do.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to leave your homework in a place where it could be damaged.,1,0.5 It's good to put up an antenna so you can get free TV.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be there for your friend when they are having problems.,1,0.5 You should plan accordingly if you have to get up early when daylight savings begins.,1,0.5 It is good to be gracious to people,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay not to like a health insurance company.,0,0.0 You should visit your family for the holidays.,0,0.0 It's okay to date who you want.,1,0.5 It's good to be proud of your achievements.,0,0.0 Husbands are expected to do special things for their wives.,1,0.5 It's expected that children turn to their parents for assistance.,1,0.5 It's good to exercise so you can lose weight.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be polite to people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is fattening to eat too much ice cream an chocolate.,1,0.5 You should take care of your palm trees.,1,0.24999999999999994 You're expected to apologize when you damage someone else's property.,0,0.0 It's good to complement other people's appearances.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to plan in advance for a fun night out.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to not take full responsibility for your actions.,1,0.5 It's good to tell about your place of employment so you get more customers,0,0.0 You shouldn't have sex with your partner's kids.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to interfere with your sister's relationship.,0,0.0 It is okay to get help from family in a difficult time.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to force people out of your home.,1,0.5 It's good to take advice from your spouse.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to clean around your house,1,0.5 It's wrong to use racial slurs,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to let your subordinate take the blame for a mistake you made.,1,0.5 It's understandable to expect others to treat your things with respect.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to get into other people's business,1,0.24999999999999994 It's frustrating when someone betrays your trust.,1,0.5 It's not okay for a grandparent to not accept their grandkids.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should expect children to cry a lot since kids cry.,1,0.5 It's good to appreciate your friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to hold your partner back from improving their life.,1,0.5 It's okay to be frustrated when your parents are obsessed with their family heirlooms.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected that family is trusting of one another.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you're anorexic, you should see a doctor.",1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to feel angry when you are chronically ill.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you pay your employees on time.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that fairs will be crowded.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's generally frowned upon to pay for sex.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to mourn.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to forgive someone for their behavior at a party.,0,0.0 It's good to have a great time with others.,1,0.5 You're allowed to find a new group of friends if the last one didn't work out for you,1,0.5 You shouldn't commit suicide because it hurts many people.,1,0.5 People would be concerned if they saw someone collapse in pain.,1,0.24999999999999994 Families are expected to work out their issues with each other by openly communicating.,0,0.0 Its expected that you teach children what may happen after they do something,1,0.5 Its understandable to be attracted to who you are attracted to.,1,0.5 One should always read the fine print in a deal.,1,0.5 It is okay to make an honest mistake,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to be angry about an affair.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you can't control the weather.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to work hard at your job,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to harass your employees.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected that you change something in your life when you are bored with it.,1,0.5 It's wrong to pee in your pants if you're an adult.,1,0.5 It's bad to get someone removed from class just to get them in trouble.,1,0.5 One shouldn't be held accountable for things they've done if they have changed their life for the better.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should want your baby to look like both you and the other parent.,0,0.0 It's not necessary to be strong,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to make new friends in life.,1,0.5 You shouldn't let your friend talk down on themselves.,0,0.0 "If you can't go on, you should see if your friends or family can help you.",1,0.5 It's bad to not give people their personal space.,0,0.0 It is common for rabid fans to paint their face.,1,0.5 You shouldn't leave your computer on all night because it wastes electricity.,0,0.0 It's embarrassing to be humiliated by someone you like in public.,1,0.5 It's important to stay hydrated.,1,0.5 It's good to have an advanced education.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be worried about your spouse when they're exhausted.,1,0.5 You should be loyal to your significant other,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't get rid of an autographed item if you really love it.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to generalize or stereotype people because we don't take the time to learn about them.,1,0.5 It's good to date nice people.,1,0.5 You should help out your parents when they lose something.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be with someone who doesn't love you as much as their old partner.,1,0.5 You shouldn't always trust people and who they say they are.,0,0.0 You shouldn't try to sabotage someone's relationship with their partner.,1,0.5 It's good to go over material with your students.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to like a particular physical feature on the gender that you're attracted to.,1,0.24999999999999994 People should rotate through their frozen food to avoid it getting freezer burned.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to admit when you need help.,1,0.5 When you are very bored you are expected to try and find things to do.,1,0.5 It's OK to be wrong.,1,0.5 It's fine to be apprehensive before an interview.,1,0.5 It's understandable when we get nervous about big things in life.,1,0.5 It's fine to not want to speak to someone if they did something wrong.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to let your friends know when you suspect someone is cheating on them.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to want to see when driving at night.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to plan ahead,0,0.0 It's good to find common bonds and camaraderie with strangers.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's OK to be wrong.,1,0.5 It's expected that you can't control the weather.,1,0.24999999999999994 "You should take a long critical look at yourself if you assault someone, it's likely you have serious emotional problems.",1,0.5 It's good to spend time with your friends.,1,0.5 You should be honest when someone asks if they're a creep.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to use dancing as an aerobic exercise for your health.,1,0.5 It's good to help people who are having problems.,1,0.5 You shouldn't overestimate the gas tank so you don't run out of gas.,0,0.0 You should always give back something you borrow.,1,0.5 It's not okay to put to much meaning in something simple.,1,0.5 It's good to think about your future.,1,0.5 It's fine to be embarrassed of what you did in middle school band.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is important to tell someone your expectations in a relationship.,1,0.5 It's bad to hold a grudge.,0,0.0 It is controlling to end a friendship over who they choose to be friends with.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you're annoyed by other people profiting off of your money.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't spend so much time thinking about death.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to remove yourself from situations which cause you stress.,1,0.5 It's wrong to sleep around.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad to be a hacker.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to cry when your pet is missing.,1,0.5 You shouldn't expect your kids to help you out all the time.,1,0.5 It is rude to curse at people.,1,0.5 It is good to have good hygiene.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you are nervous about dating.,1,0.5 It's rude to give someone an ultimatum.,1,0.5 People are expected to be supportive of family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to leak urine if you're really excited about something.,1,0.5 It's expected that you may not always like your job.,1,0.24999999999999994 Is expected that spouses will be faithful to each other,1,0.5 You should not be jealous of what others have.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected that best friends won't date another persons ex.,0,0.0 You don't have to allow anyone to remain in your home if you don't want them there.,1,0.24999999999999994 "It's good to make something of yourself, regardless of your age.",1,0.5 It is ok to be upset if your SO wants you to do their paperwork for them if they are capable of doing it themselves.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're proud of your life when you use good sense.,1,0.5 It is good to come to conclusions.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should always grieve when someone close to you dies.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to be proud of your children.,1,0.5 Cutting out your family entirely could leave you with no support when you need it.,1,0.5 It is expected that conspiracy theorists might have spouses that believe in the same things.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is okay to experience emotion.,1,0.5 You should kick someone out of your wedding if they defile your cake.,1,0.5 It is good to maintain a healthy diet.,1,0.5 It is obnoxious to partake in a showy wedding ritual.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should talk to someone who can help you if you're being abused by your significant other.,1,0.5 It's good to take charge of your health.,1,0.5 You shouldn't judge a restaurant you haven't eaten at.,1,0.5 It is cute to personalize your possessions.,1,0.5 People shouldn't assume something's not a big deal without hearing it through first.,1,0.5 It is expected that you don't ask questions you're not ready to hear the answer for.,1,1.0 It's allowed to rekindle a dead friendship.,0,0.0 It is inconsiderate to expect a friend to give you money.,1,0.24999999999999994 You're allowed to ask others not to share your pictures on social media.,1,0.24999999999999994 You are not supposed to tell other people how to treat their children.,0,0.0 It's good to be in a relationship.,1,0.5 It's good not to charge your customers if the service was really bad or something was wrong with their meal.,1,0.5 It's good to want to protect people.,0,0.0 It is offensive to swear at others.,1,0.5 It's rude to play pranks on other people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to clean up.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to avoid disturbing animals in the wild.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's rude to make assumptions about people of different beliefs.,0,0.0 It's fun to go to a concert with your buddies.,1,0.5 "If something gives you a shock, you should stop doing it.",1,0.5 You shouldn't wear clothes that your partner doesn't like.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you don't like your room, you should spruce it up so it looks nice.",0,0.0 It's OK to shower with your friends.,1,0.5 It's good to abstain from drinking alcohol.,1,0.5 You should strive to act as a good role model for your children.,1,0.5 It is bad to make inappropriate or offensive comments,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't kiss your friend's significant other.,1,0.5 It's important to apologize to the people you live with after arguing with them.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to not take care of the important matters in your life.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't be a dangerous person.,1,0.5 It's understandable to have difficulty leaving your abusive significant other.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable if you're curious how interfaith marriages work.,0,0.0 It's understandable to want people to take responsibility for our actions.,1,1.0 It's not okay to avoid people who consider you a friend.,0,0.0 It's not okay to feel gross about yourself or condition.,1,0.5 It's good to admit when you need help.,1,0.5 It's fun to go to the movies with your friends.,1,0.5 You should always help out your customers when they have a problem.,1,0.5 "When you're happy where you live, it's okay to stay there forever.",1,0.5 It is reasonable to be upset if a stranger tries to touch you.,1,0.24999999999999994 You're expected to spend time with your children.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to remember a lost loved one.,1,0.24999999999999994 Partners are expected to discuss conflicts.,1,0.5 It's wrong for co-workers to treat each other badly.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to go overboard trying to impress someone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to ignore someone's text messages.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to put on an act in front of others.,1,0.5 It's okay to be grateful for comfortable pants.,1,0.5 It's normal to feel affection towards your pet that includes kissing.,1,0.5 It is nice to give discounts to family.,0,0.0 It is good to take a family member in when they need it,1,0.5 It's not okay to under do the important things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected that you date people reasonably close to your own age group,1,0.7499999999999999 It's rude to make a joke about someone's insecurities,1,0.5 It's bad to crave attention.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay for a bride to plan small wedding details.,0,0.0 It's honorable to donate some of your money to charity now and then.,1,0.5 It's good to be a thrifty person.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't be self-righteous about things.,0,0.0 It is bad to live with a roommate you have feelings for if they do not feel the same way.,1,0.5 It's ok to be loving year-round.,1,0.5 It's nice to show off your personality.,1,0.5 It's bad to not want to face the truth.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is stimulating to go to an entirely new school.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's irresponsible to prioritize drinking or drugs over the wellbeing of your children.,1,0.5 You should get out of the house.,1,0.5 It's okay to ask someone to turn out the lights when you are trying to sleep.,1,0.5 You don't have to be responsible for your cousin's problems.,1,0.5 It's good to join the armed forces and protect one's country.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to talk to other people who are similar to you if you do not like something about youself.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to feel bad for someone who is begging to play a game.,1,1.0 You shouldn't trust everyone you date.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to love tacos.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to want someone to stick up for themselves.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's important to be open with your children about sex.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's important to express your emotions respectfully,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to face people rather than hide from them.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to date two people at the same time without informing them.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you want gifts for your birthday.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should marry anyone you don't want to.,1,1.0 It's good to take care of your roommate's property.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to think before you speak,1,0.5 You shouldn't fight with your friends over your love life.,0,0.0 It's rude to try to limit the amount of time someone spends with their partner.,1,0.5 You should give yourself time to grieve before getting in a new relationship when your spouse dies.,0,0.0 It's wrong to lead others on.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be friends with someone who ditches you for someone else.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should get some therapy if you can't manage your anger.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to party with your friends if you are in a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good when you go out and you really enjoy your time.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to want your child to involve you in their decision about who to marry.,1,0.5 You should always make time for others.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should try to keep your kitchen clean.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to take a family member in when they need it,1,0.5 It's good to get a treat for yourself.,1,0.5 It's irresponsible to have a lot of dust in your home.,1,0.5 It's gracious to let another competitor win a competition.,1,0.5 It's wrong to be greedy with your expensive things.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be friends with ex's.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't hold onto the past if it interferes with your family life.,1,0.24999999999999994 "When you make online purchases, you should take precautions to keep from being scammed.",1,0.5 It's not okay to talk badly about someone who has passed away.,1,0.5 You shouldn't have such high expectations.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you don't want your teacher to express their political leanings.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad to block people from parking.,1,0.5 It's rude to uninvite people to your wedding.,0,0.0 You should get help if you're sick.,1,0.5 Giving others unsolicited harsh criticism is frowned upon.,1,0.5 It is bad to make inappropriate or offensive comments,1,0.24999999999999994 You should clean something up when you drop it and break it.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to talk to your friends about sensitive topics.,1,1.0 It's not okay to not value your life.,1,0.24999999999999994 "It's accepted that no matter what you consume, it'll all look the same at the other end.",1,0.5 It's not good to murder people.,0,0.0 It's good to talk to creative people about their art.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should try to forgive the people close to you when they disappoint you.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is expected to always be truthful with ones parents,1,0.5 It's okay to make some noise.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's reasonable to be annoyed with someone with disabilities.,1,0.5 It's kind to be happy when your ex gets married.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected that you accept invitations to important events of friends and loved ones,1,0.5 You shouldn't compare your problems to others.,1,0.24999999999999994 If you are in love with someone you are expected to tell them.,0,0.0 It's good to keep trying if you don't succeed the first time.,1,0.5 It's good to want to keep your children safe in life.,1,0.5 It's good to research other countries.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to get help from strangers.,1,0.5 You should be supportive of your significant other.,1,0.24999999999999994 Accomplishing a financial goal can make you proud.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to put on an act in front of others.,1,0.5 It is disrespectful to pursue other women when you are married.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should thank someone when they give you a gift.,1,0.5 It's good to sell your car if it's old.,1,0.5 If you normally cry during movies you are expected to bring tissues with you.,1,0.5 It's good to try to improve yourself if you know you are a bad person.,1,0.5 It's rude to take a seat in front of others if you are tall,1,0.7499999999999999 It's rude to stare at someone who is differently abled.,1,0.5 You should not play games with the electoral system,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't be friends with someone who ditches you for someone else.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to move to the big city.,1,0.5 It's ok to spend your own money how you see fit.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be afraid of growing apart from your partner.,0,0.0 You should work hard for your dreams.,1,0.5 People shouldn't assume it's okay to take something just because it's not nailed down.,1,0.5 You should see a therapist if you are tinking of using violence against another.,1,0.24999999999999994 it's good to get help when you have a drug addiction.,1,0.5 You should try to be happy again when your spouse dies.,1,0.5 It's pleasant to spend time with someone on a beach.,1,0.5 It's good to be compassionate.,1,0.5 It can be okay to marry someone out of convenience.,1,0.5 You shouldn't let your dreams affect your life.,1,0.5 It's nice to hunt Easter eggs.,0,0.0 You should always apologize for your wrong doings.,0,0.0 It's good to have friends you can joke around with.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't destroy friendships over money and things.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should accept people no matter their life choices.,1,0.5 You should try hard to connect with someone who is putting in the effort to connect with you.,0,0.0 It's rude to call the cops on your neighbors.,1,0.5 It's disgusting to view some people as subhuman for no reason other than cursory judgments.,1,0.5 You should be careful so that you don't encounter dangerous people.,1,0.5 It's allowed to contact an ex-partner years later to reconnect.,1,0.5 It is expected that most people love tacos.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to pick your teeth in public.,1,0.5 It's good to be good at sports.,1,0.5 It's important for pets to have a collar,1,0.24999999999999994 Partners are expected to be completely honest with each other.,1,0.5 It's good to keep in contact with your grandparents.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be worried about someone you care about.,1,0.5 As you age it is expected to be less desirable to go out partying all the time.,0,0.0 It's fine to want to replace something you own.,1,0.5 It is good to show affection towards your partner.,1,0.5 It's rude to ask personal questions in an interview.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's honorable to want to improve yourself.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to try new foods if you eat subway too much.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't be friends with an adult of the opposite sex if you're a minor.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to call off a wedding when your fiance is abusive.,1,0.5 You should always pay off your debts.,1,0.5 It's understandable to sometimes be dishonest.,1,1.0 "If a stranger asks for directions, it's nice to help them as much as you can.",1,0.5 It's good to be honest about your situation at work.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have confidence in yourself.,1,0.5 "If you're really unhappy, you should get some help.",1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't let your sibling befriend an adult if they are a minor.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's OK to speak your mind about your preferences for movies.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't get people in trouble,1,0.7499999999999999 You should always give back to people who give their all to you.,0,0.0 "If there's a bunch of old food in your fridge, you should toss it all out.",1,0.5 You don't have to feel bad about not wanting to spend every minute with a partner.,1,0.5 It's wrong to get angry at people for things that aren't their fault.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to do your best.,1,0.5 You shouldn't want to be tortured.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be satisfied with your life.,1,0.5 It's kind to support a person going thru a medical crisis.,1,0.5 You shouldn't let your pets trample your neighbor's things.,1,0.5 It's understandable to feel nervous in a new social situation.,1,0.5 It is normal to want to undo an action you regret.,1,0.5 It is wrong to steal someone elses possesions.,0,0.0 Renovating your home is a good way to freshen up the look of it.,0,0.0 It is good to press charges if someone steals something from you.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to get high with people.,1,0.5 It's justifiable to yell at someone if they aren't doing their job correctly.,1,0.5 It is okay to be hopeful about your goals.,1,0.5 It's good to forgive and move on.,1,0.5 It's expected that people will feel guilty over their misdeeds.,1,0.5 It's okay to feel disoriented when daylight savings begins.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to force someone into an unwanted job.,1,0.24999999999999994 You're not expected to want to be friends with everyone.,1,0.5 It's good to make money.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you not lash out at someone in public.,1,0.5 It's ok to have reasons to justify your feelings.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's ok to donate your eggs for use by others.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be a good friend so that your friends don't get excited about leaving you.,0,0.0 Parents are expected to respect the beliefs of their children.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to take pennies from a wishing fountain.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't break up with someone on your anniversary.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to recognize the problems with being attracted to someone much younger than you.,1,0.5 It's good to keep in contact with your friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to donate to charity,1,0.5 It's expected that you look presentable at a funeral.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's criminal to inflict sexual trauma on someone else.,0,0.0 It is ok to cut off a friendship if your best friend starts to date your ex.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to feel upset while you're going through a breakup.,1,0.5 It's mean to keep your child from seeing their friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 Stealing in general is considered wrong by society.,0,0.0 It's wrong to coerce your friends into doing unhealthy activities.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to tell your ex your true feelings.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's normal to go through rough times,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay if you're disappointed when you fail your driver's license test.,1,0.5 You shouldn't call people really early in the morning.,1,0.5 It's understandable to not want kids even though others want or have them.,1,0.5 It's expected that you'll try to find a lost cat's owner.,1,0.7499999999999999 "It's bad to take slots that could education children, for yourself.",1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't threaten your partner with divorce just because they won't lose weight.,1,0.5 It's normal to keep some personal information private.,1,0.5 You should tell your coworkers the truth.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's ok to have any sexual fetish that turns you on.,1,0.7499999999999999 "If you feel like you never get anything back in return for all you've done, you should get some therapy.",1,0.5 It's good to love animals.,1,0.5 It's allowed to refuse to take a job that you're against.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's discouraged from hastening customers using your establishment.,1,0.24999999999999994 Making ethical decisions when you're a medical professional is expected.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you feel sad when you see animals in cages.,1,0.5 "If you're uncomfortable with your body, you shouldn't go to a nude beach.",1,0.5 It's fun to play video games.,1,0.5 It's good to reuse items and not buy new ones.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's mean to make someone cower in fear.,1,0.5 It's good to book things in advance.,0,0.0 It's understandable to want to classify things.,1,0.5 It's good to have a sense of humor.,1,0.5 People should be kind to their family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be sad when someone dies.,0,0.0 It's rude to ignore someone in a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay if you don't like a gift someone gave you.,0,0.0 It's good to impress others.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to work hard.,0,0.0 It's great to recognize your shortcomings.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be famous for things.,1,0.5 It is bad to get upset over trivial matters,0,0.0 You shouldn't pay other people's bills.,1,0.5 It is normal to be eager to repeat a fun experience.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is negative to be jealous about someone succeeding.,0,0.0 You shouldn't rush someone to move.,0,0.0 It's hurtful not to talk to people.,0,0.0 It's not okay to make people do things they might not want to do.,1,0.5 It is normal to respond affirmatively if you want to go out.,1,0.24999999999999994 People are expected to honor their contracts.,1,0.5 It's okay to be spoiled by a significant other during important events.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is odd to distance yourself from someone who is a friend.,1,0.5 It's okay to have children.,1,0.5 It's good to date again when you're a widow or widower.,1,0.7499999999999999 "It's encouraged not to be attached to an arbitrary location, especially if it's a public place.",1,0.5 It is common to confront someone to try to get them to stop smoking.,1,0.5 You should always pay off your loans.,1,0.5 You shouldn't pry into your child's personal business.,1,0.5 You should not alter your medication on your own,1,0.5 People are expected to be monogamous.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should keep trying new things until you find what you want to do.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to sing if you like to do it.,1,0.5 You should expect most kids to go to college after high school.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to cut abusive and toxic people out of your life.,1,0.5 It's normal to want affection from loved ones.,1,0.5 You're expected to clean up something you've spilled.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't expect your ex to not have sex after the relationship is over.,1,0.5 It is understandable to not feel empathy when their situations do not involve you.,1,0.5 It's okay to skim a few bucks from big name stores every so often.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's important to follow the dosage instructions when you are taking prescription medication.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to spend time studying.,1,0.5 It's okay if you don't want to pay for an ambulance to get to the hospital.,1,0.5 It is rude not to contribute to a party you are attending.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should not play games with the electoral system,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable that people don't always want to donate blood.,1,0.24999999999999994 A sexual trauma victim shouldn't expect to go through life without any triggers.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is nice to feel welcomed,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to not want to go to a party.,1,0.5 It's understandable to have a million things on your mind.,0,0.0 It's bad to drink too much.,0,0.0 It's expected that you dislike your mother in law.,1,0.5 It's bad to go to jail.,0,0.0 It's understandable if you don't like to talk about weird things from middle school.,0,0.0 It is expected that some disabled people might need help with parking at times.,1,1.0 It's good to visit your parents.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't brag about things to others.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want to have sex with your significant other.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to enjoy your own food.,1,0.5 It's good to be polite to salespeople.,0,0.0 It's okay to be distraught at the death of a marriage partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be old fashioned in your beliefs about manners.,1,0.24999999999999994 Pregnant women are expected to get respect not sexual objectification.,1,0.5 "It's good to watch out for a child's safety, even if it ruins their fun.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to stare at your friend's parent while they are naked.,1,0.5 It's expected that family members support each other's milestone events.,1,0.5 You shouldn't take it too personally if someone leaves you out of their plans,1,0.5 It's good to use mental imagery to remember things.,0,0.0 It's allowed to solicit the attention of members of the gender you're attracted to.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to expose people to secondhand smoke.,1,0.5 It is expected for a parent to take care of their child.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should rest if you're almost due to have a baby.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't scare your coworkers.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is expected that some people have difficult pregnancies.,1,0.5 You shouldn't ignore your family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good when things in life go your way.,1,0.5 It's important to care for family members with mental illness.,1,0.5 You should always have extra credit cards with you in case one of them is declined.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be upset about the death of a loved one.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected to be happy with a new addition to the family.,0,0.0 It's understandable to want to have sex with an attractive girl,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you won't put your own finances in jeopardy in order to assist a friend.,1,0.5 You should think about good memories when you are sad to move away.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to try to make a good impression at work.,1,0.5 You shouldn't have such high expectations.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be hurt when someone says mean things to you.,1,0.5 "It's understandable to confront others on their bad behavior, even friends.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be upset by office politics.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to want something.,1,0.5 It's normal for people to go to school.,0,0.0 It's understandable if you're hesitant to get into a relationship with your ex.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be aware of other things around you,0,0.0 It's wrong to disrupt someone's birthday party.,1,0.5 It's good to put up an antenna so you can get free TV.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to ask more of people that they thought they had to give.,1,0.5 It is good to seek professional help if you have had a bad past.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to be angry when your friend's views don't match your own.,1,0.5 You should get over the past if it's tearing a family apart.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't be nosy.,1,0.5 You should not be a burden on others,1,0.24999999999999994 Getting places quickly saves time for other things.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable to be upset when your partner won't defend you.,1,0.5 It's okay to feel guilty about things you've gotten but don't deserve.,1,0.5 It's understandable not to want to go to an event where you don't feel welcome.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good for parents to work together.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be uncomfortable with your loved one's friendship with their ex.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's nice to keep pets.,1,0.5 It is harsh to repeatedly fail a student.,1,0.5 It's normal to want affection from loved ones.,1,0.5 You can make your wedding day go as you want it.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fun to go fishing with others.,1,0.5 You're expected to place your responsibilities as a parent before your desire to have fun.,1,0.5 You shouldn't make light of a problem that many people have.,1,0.5 It's good to share your money with your spouse.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't use the death or tragedy of someone else for your own personal gain.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be prepared for things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to judge others based on their online presence.,1,0.5 It's low class to dismiss an employee without giving the opportunity to appeal the decision.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's nice for friends to throw a party for a friend.,1,0.5 It's polite to compliment others.,1,0.5 You should always discuss options with your patients before they decide on something.,1,0.24999999999999994 Plumbers can be expected to wear pants that don't completely cover their ass.,1,0.5 It's never okay to tell other people how to live their lives,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to ask your partner not to smoke.,0,0.0 It's okay to be jealous of countries that are more awesome than the one you live in.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't shave your body hair if you're a male because it's unnatural.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be angry when someone quits a game before it is over.,1,0.5 It's good to help people who are having problems.,1,0.5 You should expect to lose your appetite if you see old and disgusting food.,0,0.0 It's normal to kick a ball.,1,0.5 You shoiuld give a parent a chance to earn your love if you do not love them.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't let a mental health disorder cause problems within a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to want to do things even if your not sure how it will go.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be expected to cancel plans that you have already made.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that partners will get each other gifts.,0,0.0 It's rude to sleep in someone else's bed.,0,0.0 It's good to be able to see advantages.,1,0.5 It's inappropriate to make passes at an underling.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you're scared to marry someone abusive.,1,0.5 You can't expect people to always open up about themselves.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's allowed to seek mental health if you often talk to imaginary friends.,0,0.0 It's wrong not to repay a loan.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to be competitive.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be suspicious when your friend is keeping secrets.,1,0.5 It's irresponsible stop taking your medication,1,0.24999999999999994 It's inappropriate for a parent to help a teenage boy shower.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is expected that you continue a working relationship if both partners are satisfied.,1,0.5 It's good to think kids need to grow up and learn what is right and wrong for themselves.,1,0.5 It's wrong to think that because other people get cheated on it will happen to you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to punish inappropriate behavior.,1,0.5 It is hurtful to imply that your partner was not your first choice.,1,0.5 It's dangerous not to take proper care of an injury.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't be with someone who doesn't love you as much as their old partner.,1,0.5 It's nice to do something special for a mate.,1,0.5 You should spend time with elderly family members,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be careful not to stain your clothes when you are applying aloe ointment.,1,0.5 It is ok to prefer one hand over the other.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to call the cops on your neighbors.,1,0.5 It's mean to make people wear what you want.,1,0.5 It's normal to run if you are late for a plane flight.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be honest with your family.,0,0.0 It's important to use what you got.,1,0.5 "People should use their creativity and imagination for games, instead of overspending money to buy more.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to keep nagging people about things over and over again.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should break up with someone if you think you will cheat on them.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is not okay to prevent your friend from becoming friends with other people.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to not want to date someone you are uncomfortable dating.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to have a bad response to someone's cancer.,1,0.7499999999999999 When you're tired you should get to sleep.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to feel gross about yourself or condition.,1,0.5 It's bad to tell on other people.,1,0.5 You shouldn't always trust people and who they say they are.,0,0.0 It's good to get help from strangers.,1,0.5 It's not okay to not tell something to someone you care about that disturbs you.,1,0.5 It's important to meet people in real life,1,0.5 It's normal to be surprised about something unexpected.,1,0.5 You shouldn't get in the way of someone else's relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable secretly want things.,1,0.5 You should stand your ground and try to rebuild your reputation.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to take it easy if you aren't feeling the best,0,0.0 It is immature to yell at an autistic person.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is normal for parents to be involved in their children's wedding,1,0.5 It's good to go after what you want,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have a family that cares about you.,1,0.5 It is common to make new connections with people on Cragslist.,1,0.5 You should be respectful of your classmate's property.,1,0.5 It's good to have a famous restaurant.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't take people's words too personally,1,0.5 You shouldn't hide your terrible past from people.,1,0.5 It's okay if you can't decide what to wear.,1,0.5 You shouldn't reveal someone's private conversations to someone else.,1,0.5 It's wrong to dump all your problems on your young child,1,0.5 It's fine to eat anything you want.,1,0.5 It bad to abuse others.,1,0.5 It's good to enjoy yourself.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to breakup with people.,1,0.5 It’s okay for parents to not give their kids money if they aren’t responsible enough,1,0.5 "If you don't like yourself and your identity, you should make some changes to your life.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to buy a doujinshi.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't rely on your friends to do things for you.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should support your friends and have their backs.,0,0.0 It's good to ask for help when you need it.,0,0.0 It is okay to have your own faith.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's smart to save money by fixing one's own house.,1,0.5 You should try to give your friends gifts for their birthday.,1,0.5 It's expected that you pull your car over to the side of the road when an ambulance with flashing lights and a siren is coming.,0,0.0 It's unacceptable to lead someone on just to get in their pants.,1,0.5 Partners are expected to want to spend time together.,1,0.5 It is normal to be eager to repeat a fun experience.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should mind your own business when it comes to other people's livelihoods,0,0.0 It's good to have someone to talk to when you need it.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad when people die.,0,0.0 It's okay to keep gifts no matter what happens after the fact.,1,0.5 "If you have a test, you're expected to be ready for it.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's great to recognize your shortcomings.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't create drama over social media,0,0.0 It's wrong to pretend to be bad at things.,1,0.5 It's wrong to not like something just because the person who made it's gender.,1,1.0 It's okay to bother someone about things if they are important to you.,1,0.5 You shouldn't judge a restaurant you haven't eaten at.,1,0.5 It's hurtful to reject someone.,1,0.5 It's understandable to not want to have sex sometimes.,1,0.5 It's not okay to think someone is lying to you when it's important.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is apathetic to be unconcerned for the welfare of a child.,1,0.5 It's rude stomp around.,1,0.5 It's not good to be part of a hate group.,1,0.5 It is bad to get upset over trivial matters,0,0.0 It is ok to call someone weird if it is in a joking manner with a friend.,1,0.5 You should be understanding when your spouse is a victim of a phone scam.,1,0.5 It's wrong to eat so much dessert because it's unhealthy.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to not want family around who causes trouble for you.,1,0.5 "If a friend is dating someone who treats them badly, it's good to encourage them to break up with them.",1,0.5 It is ok to not want to live a life under the rule of others.,1,0.5 It's good to spend time with others.,1,0.24999999999999994 Is it expected that people behave appropriately at a party,1,0.5 You should be understanding of your family's decisions when they're weak.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't toy with people's emotions,1,0.5 It's okay to receive criticism.,1,0.5 It's understandable to not want people close to you to hang out with your ex.,0,0.0 You shouldn't sleep with your friend's partner.,1,0.5 It is okay to only want to hang out with certain people.,1,0.5 It's bad to feel down about your abilities.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected that teachers and students will maintain a professional relationship.,1,0.5 You should find something to do so you're not bored.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to ask questions.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always support your family when they have medical issues.,1,0.24999999999999994 You are expected to not behave in a creepy manner.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be concerned when your friend wants to retire early.,1,0.5 You shouldn't destroy friendships over money and things.,1,0.7499999999999999 "People are expected to be kind to others, especially when the other person is not well.",1,0.5 It is nice to feel welcomed,1,0.24999999999999994 It's perfectly fine to cancel an appointment that you cannot keep.,1,0.5 It's impolite to ghost people with whom you have a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that parents restrict children who are performing poorly in school.,1,0.5 It is good to have a job.,1,0.5 It's okay to do things a certain way that isn't popular with others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to grunt at someone when they talk to you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good when you go out and you really enjoy your time.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't marry someone when you are having serious doubts.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you can't go on, you should get some help.",1,0.5 You shouldn't park your car in an electric charging spot if it's a gas car.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should contact Uber if you need a ride.,1,0.5 It's not okay to bother someone when they wouldn't want you to.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's considerate to help out an elderly person.,1,0.5 You should try to be understanding of your siblings and their feelings.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's important to make compromises when you want to make a marriage work.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to be competitive with a significant other's family.,1,0.5 "It's bad to abuse substances, even ones which are beneficial.",1,0.5 It is normal that some people can be less fortunate than others given different circumstances in life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be uncomfortable with people that are different than you.,1,0.5 It's good to not hate the art others create.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to leave pet waste in other people's yards.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is important to establish boundaries in relationships.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to refuse to talk to a sibling.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you're offended when your partner breaks up with you because of how you used to get by in life.,1,0.5 It's good to find a handsome man.,1,0.5 It's good to do things with your friends.,0,0.0 You should be careful carrying ice,1,0.5 It's rude to never have sex with your spouse.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to honor your commitments.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you break your bone, you should seek help immediately.",1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to hold grudges.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to change things if they aren't working for you.,1,0.5 It's good to face your fears.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't be rude to someone in matters involving personal appearance/hygiene,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to visit people.,0,0.0 You can't expect people to always take your advice and heed your warning.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to lecture people in public,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't scare your coworkers.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's reasonable to call the city when you have a problem with a neighbor.,1,0.5 It's good to take care of your personal belongings.,1,0.5 It's good to take time to consider which wedding dress you'll wear.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should buy things at Ikea to save money if you want cheap furniture.,0,0.0 It's wrong to take advantage of your children,1,0.5 You're allowed to find a new group of friends if the last one didn't work out for you,1,0.5 You can't expect people to always take your advice and heed your warning.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't have second thoughts about having kids if your wife gets pregnant because it's too late by then.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's disrespectful to speak out against your own work.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to miss as few days of work as possible.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be upset about the death of a loved one.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to call your boss to let them know if you'll be late.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is understandable to be upset with someone that prevents you from doing your workout.,1,0.5 It goes against office etiquette to take food that belongs to co-workers.,1,0.5 It's good to be considerate of your stepchildren's feelings.,1,0.5 It is ok to feel however you want over the death of someone.,1,0.5 It's good to enjoy your job.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to want reciprocity.,1,0.24999999999999994 Getting over excited is frowned upon.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable if you're insecure when you put on a performance.,1,0.5 It's nice to meet up with your friends.,1,0.5 You should be responsible when doing a job.,1,0.5 It's understandable that children feel resentment when they're moved far from their friends.,1,0.5 It's rude to break up with someone for superficial reasons.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't sexually harass your coworkers.,0,0.0 It's reasonable to be uncomfortable with your girlfriend having a male friend.,0,0.0 It's good to call 911 when someone is in need of emergency medical treatment.,1,0.5 It's good to be dedicated.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that citizens show respect to the members of their country's military.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't become overly friendly with a friend's partner.,1,0.5 It's better to use your words to build people up and bestow kindness,0,0.0 People might think you're clumsy if you break stuff.,1,0.5 Parents should make sure expectations are clear,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to take care of your things and keep them clean,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to feel nervous when entering a new relationship.,1,0.5 You should see a therapist if you are tinking of using violence against another.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is prolific to create several products.,1,0.5 It's unexpected that there will be a mistake with your paycheck.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be upset when you lose something that you need.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to feel sad about the state of your life.,1,0.5 It's okay to be sad when someone breaks up with you based on your past relationships.,1,0.5 It's unusual to send a card without identifying yourself.,1,0.5 It's understandable for children to not know how to react to a friends injury.,1,0.5 It is okay to show someone that you care by giving them thoughtful gifts.,1,0.5 It is risky for the elderly to play rough.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should always do what your partner requests.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's important to not try to control your romantic partner's every move.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to drop a water jug.,1,0.5 It's good to consult your parent before you sell something precious and expensive.,1,0.5 You should find good shoes if you do a lot of running.,1,0.5 It's wrong to take things out on other people.,1,0.5 It's good for people to spend time outdoors.,1,0.5 It is clingy to sleep at your boyfriend/girlfriend's place too much.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to lead others on.,1,0.5 It's good to enjoy your job.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to have things you keep private from your parents.,0,0.0 It's detestable to deceive someone into thinking you're of a legal age to consent when that's not true.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's selfish to expect your husband to give you his entire estate.,1,0.5 It's okay not to eat fast food.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to know you can find your friend when you need them.,1,0.5 It's expected that siblings come together if the family is suffering.,1,0.5 It's wrong to be proud of how loud you can burp.,0,0.0 You should always buy yourself new clothes.,0,0.0 It's understandable to not want to get more education if you're already working.,1,0.5 You should do everything you can to help your family.,0,0.0 It's good to draw someone as accurately as possible.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to ask why people are in a hurry so you know what is wrong.,1,0.5 It's good to be a thrifty person.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to disagree with a friend's choices.,1,0.5 It is rude to give people the silent treatment,1,0.5 It's good to give someone everything they need for something.,1,0.5 It's fine to be annoyed at someone who is making your life miserable.,1,0.5 It's good to explore your likes and dislikes.,1,0.5 You should not dwell on bad things from the past,1,0.5 You should always forgive someone who apologizes.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to blame someone for something without proof.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't write fake confessions online.,0,0.0 It's wrong to keep secrets from your loved ones.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to not want to go to school due to bad weather.,1,1.0 You should be cautious about how much you drink when you go to a party,1,0.24999999999999994 You're expected to clean up something you've spilled.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay for a bride to plan small wedding details.,0,0.0 It's good to look ahead and see what can happen.,0,0.0 "If you feel like your brain is degrading, you should see a doctor.",1,0.5 It's important to maintain a job to support yourself.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should call people out if they eat too loud.,1,0.5 It's wrong to get high with people.,1,0.5 It's okay to want reciprocity.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to have fun in your spare time.,1,0.5 It's fund to spend time in your yard.,1,0.5 It's ok to keep a distance to maintain a friendship.,1,0.5 It's okay to triage problems based on their severity.,1,0.5 You should be cautious about how much you drink when you go to a party,1,0.24999999999999994 It's hard to lose someone to suicide.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you're scared, you should face it head on.",1,0.5 It is expected that some disabled people might need help with parking at times.,1,1.0 It is good to get through hardship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be pleased about work you have done.,1,0.24999999999999994 It can feel smothering when someone you're with expresses that they're uncomfortable with you being friends with other people on social media.,1,0.5 It is normal to Display the Flag.,1,0.5 You shouldn't cheat on your tests.,1,0.5 It is expected that people might owe something if they use a service.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's responsible to take part in rearing a younger sibling.,1,0.5 Parents should look out for the safety of their children.,0,0.0 It is okay to be attracted to certain things.,1,0.5 It is good to love someone.,1,0.5 You shouldn't work on a job application for another job on your work time.,1,0.5 You shouldn't take your partner to a nudist resort.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to make guesses.,1,0.7499999999999999 You must call the police if you learn of an adult having a sexual relationship with a minor.,1,0.5 It's bad to want to offend other people.,1,0.5 It's fine to take any side of the debate about abortion that you believe to be correct.,1,0.5 Parents should try to get along with your children significant other,1,0.24999999999999994 Fidelity is expected in a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to call the cops on your neighbors.,1,0.5 It's nice to stay close to your parents after moving.,1,0.5 It's normal to question the nature of reality.,1,0.5 It's okay to not know what you want sometimes,1,0.5 It's good to be realistic about your chances in life.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to betray your parents.,1,0.5 It's good to have children visit.,1,0.5 It's good to clean the sidewalk for people who walk by.,1,0.5 It is hard to work when there are unpleasant distractions.,1,0.5 It's kind to let your significant other pick the movie.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't be too pushy with your friends or you might scare them away.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you will share activities with your significant other.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to feel down about your abilities.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to take care of your partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's despicable to fire someone over a text.,1,0.24999999999999994 Is it expected the people exercise their right to vote,1,0.5 It's honorable to want to improve yourself.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to want your partner to tell you their plans.,1,0.5 You should without delay bring up serious concerns about your child's development with their doctor.,1,0.5 It's fine to keep to one lane of traffic.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected that you pay for something you break.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to be stuck on yourself.,1,0.24999999999999994 It;s expected that you treat your children equally.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to forbid your significant other from doing something.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's great to give people handmade gifts,1,0.24999999999999994 Going to college is the best way to get a good career.,1,0.5 It's good to keep a secret that you've been entrusted with.,1,0.5 You shouldn't put up with someone who talks to you rudely.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to feel conflicted when your kids are growing up.,1,0.5 It understandable to want to focus on yourself.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want to end an obsession.,1,0.5 You should be supportive when your dad comes out as bisexual.,1,0.5 It's expected that you'll need to pay a repair shop for their services.,1,0.5 It is good to work hard at your job,1,0.24999999999999994 You should only call the cops for emergencies.,1,0.5 It's good to talk to creative people about their art.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to donate blood to others who need it.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's nice to eat with people.,0,0.0 You shouldn't retaliate against people.,1,0.5 It is wrong to abuse a others.,1,0.5 It is rude to criticize what others do with their body.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is lazy to think about quitting a job you just started.,1,0.5 You should be careful when race carting so you don't crash into someone.,1,0.5 It's okay to ask your friend's opinion on abortion.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to work most days.,0,0.0 It's understandable that life sometimes over burdens us.,1,0.5 It's good to support your siblings.,1,0.5 You should sell something you have if it's worth a lot of money and you need money.,1,0.5 You should know your own physical limits.,0,0.0 It's horrendous when a parent violates a child's trust.,0,0.0 It's wrong to grow apart from your partner.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to not allow your family to see your kids.,1,0.5 It's good to be aware of you quirks.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's allowed to contact an ex-partner years later to reconnect.,1,0.5 It's good to have a partner that takes care of the house.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't give pets as gifts because they are a big responsibility.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's fine to not want to speak to someone if they did something wrong.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to take positive actions.,1,0.5 It's wise to follows the leadership of those with great experience.,1,0.5 It's bad to glorify ISIS.,1,0.5 "If you don't want your teenager to rebel, you should grant them some leniency.",1,0.7499999999999999 You should always tell your students why you gave them a bad grade for an assignment.,1,0.5 You shouldn't break things that don't belong to you.,1,0.5 It's ok to take something to remember a loved one.,1,0.5 It is expected that not everyone will be a good fit for a job.,0,0.0 It's ok to hold onto a loved one's ashes.,1,0.5 It's good to use secure passwords on your electronics.,1,0.5 It's fine to feel regretful about your wasted teenage years.,1,0.5 You should appreciate your stepmother on Mother's Day.,1,0.24999999999999994 People should educate themselves about how credit and money work.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's ok to separate from siblings if they can't respect your needs.,1,0.5 It is wrong to assume you will get a deal just because you are family.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to tell the truth.,1,0.5 It is wrong to make fun of your parents.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't just ignore people.,0,0.0 It's normal to be worried as a first time parent.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want your relative to get a job.,1,0.5 It is expected people will tell each other about their sexual identities and be honest up front.,1,0.5 Cats don't belong on the table.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't fight with your partner in front of your kids.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is wise to ask people who would know for more information about things you may be interested in doing.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't rely on others to help you with your problems.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to keep in contact with your partner after you move or change schools.,1,0.5 People are expected to get along with their communities.,0,0.0 It is rude to walk into a store at closing time.,0,0.0 You should get your affairs in order when you plan on asking for a divorce.,1,0.5 It's good to go out sailing and have fun.,1,0.5 It's good to think about your future.,1,0.5 "It's not expected that children know consequences of their actions, they need to learn first",1,0.5 You're expected to work in order to earn money.,1,0.5 People should cultivate a love for living.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to tell people you have done things you have not.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to wonder about the future,1,0.5 It's wrong to judge people based on their entertainment choices.,1,0.5 It's wrong to touch someone without their permission.,1,0.5 It is important to follow through on your responsibilities.,0,0.0 It's good to stay in shape,1,0.5 It's good to find the right partner for yourself.,1,0.5 It's acceptable to not like your parents.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to recycle,1,0.7499999999999999 It's mean to draw on someone when they are asleep.,1,0.5 It's not okay to live a life confused about things.,1,0.7499999999999999 Children are expected to help out their parents.,1,0.5 You should expect a cheater to always be a cheater.,1,0.5 It's good to book things in advance.,0,0.0 You shouldn't be hypocritical.,1,0.5 You should accept it if someone wants to break up with you for a good reason.,1,0.5 It's expected that fairs will be crowded.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to do things with your family.,1,0.5 It's fine to think other people are dumb.,1,0.5 It's good to find things to help you soften your grief.,1,0.24999999999999994 You're expected to express your thoughts about a relative who died.,1,0.5 You should try not to drop things,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to be willfully ignorant,1,0.5 You should apologize when you've upset your spouse.,1,0.5 It's good to call 911 when someone is in need of emergency medical treatment.,1,0.5 It's bad to be in an accident.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that roommates should be considerate.,1,0.5 It's okay to feel sad when you can't be in a family picture.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should realize you are better than people who would try to put you out.,1,0.5 "If you love animals, you should go to the zoo.",1,0.5 You shouldn't befriend someone who threatened one of your friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't ask your family to donate money,0,0.0 It's rude to ignore a friend at your front door.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to be suspicious when your friend is keeping secrets.,1,0.5 It's okay to like gross things.,0,0.0 It's good to have strong beliefs about sensitive issues.,1,0.5 You should fire people who break the rules at work.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to ignore a friend at your front door.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to not think about someone's feeling or emotional well being.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fun to go see a movie with your partner.,1,0.5 It's okay to express your political leanings when you are teaching religion.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should share food with others.,1,0.5 It's okay to be upset when you lose your job.,1,0.5 It's good to visit the dentist regularly.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to tackle a perpetrator who flees from you.,1,0.5 It is exciting to win,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to use proper grammar.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to hang out with people.,1,0.5 It's allowed to allocate set amounts of time for customers.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is okay to be confident.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shoiuld give a parent a chance to earn your love if you do not love them.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to not know who you are.,1,0.5 It's fine to impose punishment on students in your class.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should rest if you're almost due to have a baby.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's hurtful for a parent to enroll a child in classes without permission.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to enjoy your life with your family.,1,0.5 You should contact the police if someone steals something from you.,1,0.5 It is rude to keep your partner from meeting your family.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should get new clothes if the ones you have are too casual.,1,1.0 It's understandable if you're bored at a parent-teacher conference.,1,0.5 It's okay to want to be alone on Christmas.,1,0.5 It's fun to go to a concert with your buddies.,1,0.5 You are allowed to be concerned about the health of family members.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to know you are important even if your past was not good.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have a crush on someone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to judge other people's stories,1,0.24999999999999994 It's nice having someone that takes care of you and feeds you when you're hungry,1,0.5 It's rude to have a party and only invite some of your friends,1,0.7499999999999999 It is crude to cut off communications with a former friend.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay if you don't want to be cool about a problem.,1,0.5 You should be comfortable when you have a relaxation day.,1,0.5 It's mean to be demanding during the holidays.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to call out someone's abuse.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't spend all your time masturbating.,1,0.7499999999999999 People should slow down when enjoying a hobby.,1,0.24999999999999994 You can't expect people to do the dishes all the time.,1,1.0 It's understandable to have mixed feelings about a bad situation.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should keep your problems to yourself if someone doesn't care about it.,1,0.5 It's okay to get a fake tan.,1,0.24999999999999994 Being abusive to your children is always wrong.,1,0.5 You should always respect someone's decisions.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't lie about having a medical condition.,1,0.5 You shouldn't trust people online.,1,0.5 It's wrong to say things that can hurt other people.,1,0.5 It's fine to want a sex toy even if you have a boyfriend.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to abuse your girlfriend.,0,0.0 You should try to offer to help people whenever you can,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're concerned when you get a call for help.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that the weather is unpredictable.,0,0.0 It's ok to tell your student to stop talking in class.,1,0.5 You should always dress down if you're not going anywhere special.,0,0.0 It's not good to hold back important information from your partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always think before you speak.,0,0.0 You should go to the ER if you have an emergency.,1,0.5 You should not use someone's emotions against them.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's pleasant to eat a perfectly cooked pulled pork sandwich.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be resourceful if you don't have a first aid kit when you're injured.,1,0.5 You should move on after a relationship ends,1,0.5 You should practice before a try out.,1,0.5 It's good to try to mediate your kids' arguments when they are getting out of hand.,1,0.5 It's good to hit a home run while playing baseball.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should go to the doctor when you need medical attention.,1,0.5 It's wrong to say things to a person that could hurt their feelings.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't make jokes about your mom.,0,0.0 It is reasonable to be anxious about your first kid being born.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to not share something that you did a lonf time ago.,1,1.0 You should always alert people if you need help.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not normal to resent your parents,1,0.5 You should always return your ex's things to them.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to visit friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you stop flirting with other people while in a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is mean to get involved in an affair with someone in a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be upset about the death of a loved one.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't get people in trouble,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to want to enjoy the outdoors.,1,0.5 You should always help out a needy sibling.,1,0.5 It's good to take it easy if you aren't feeling the best,0,0.0 It's not okay to pay to much attention to people or pets.,1,0.5 It's not okay to not tell something to someone you care about that disturbs you.,1,0.5 You shouldn't over-exercise because you might tire yourself out and quit prematurely.,1,0.5 It's not okay to be disrespectful to service employees.,1,0.5 It's allowed to solicit the attention of members of the gender you're attracted to.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to change your look.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should respect your parents more.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to feel disappointment when friends hurt your feelings.,1,0.5 It's expected that people you associate with will learn your name.,1,0.5 It's wrong to spend other people's money.,1,0.5 It's allowed to keep a cat that no one claims.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to be a pervert.,1,0.5 It is rude to be unappreciative of gifts.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't make your friends uneasy.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want to follow a passion instead of working.,1,0.5 It's good to be close to family and there when they need you,1,0.5 It's good to accomplish your goals.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be supportive when your friend is ill.,1,0.5 You shouldn't ditch your friend for other people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have hobbies you enjoy.,1,0.5 It is wrong to bribe someone to get what you want.,1,0.5 You shouldn't reveal your friend's secrets.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's impolite to lie.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to make jokes about diseases,1,0.5 You should not mess with other people's passwords,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to not know how to be a responsible adult.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to tell your partner they are selfish.,1,0.5 You should drink something when you are thirsty.,0,0.0 It is common for rabid fans to paint their face.,1,0.5 It's not okay to not appreciate festive weather.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be a bad influence on kids.,1,0.5 You should drink something when you are thirsty.,0,0.0 It's good to be independent.,1,0.5 It's good to be honest about your mistakes.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understood that some people don't do everything perfectly.,0,0.0 It's okay to get lonely when your spouse is away on work,1,0.5 It's expected you tell a person if they've offended you,0,0.0 People usually want to do things right,1,0.5 It's good to find the right partner for yourself.,1,0.5 You shouldn't lie about drug use.,1,0.5 Husbands are expected to do special things for their wives.,1,0.5 "If your child is depressed, you should get them some therapy.",0,0.0 It's wrong to be rude to people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to make baseless accusations against another person.,1,0.5 It's good to communicate with your spouse.,0,0.0 You should listen to your partner's advice regarding your problems.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is acceptable to have a weird sexual kink.,1,0.24999999999999994 Sometimes you need help when you're struggling.,1,0.24999999999999994 Partners are expected to help each other out with things they need done.,1,0.24999999999999994 Christmas presents are expected to be wrapped in festive holiday-themed paper.,1,0.5 It is okay to be confident.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to have a hard time breaking bad news to someone you love.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to research other countries.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be understanding when people are having a hardship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to thank people for their time and effort,1,0.5 It's good to buy gifts for people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to go to your friend's apartment when they invite you there.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to hate your family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to end your relationship with your partner if it isn't working out.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to sleep around with other people while in a relationship with someone else.,1,0.5 It's ok to be honest with people about who you are.,1,0.5 You shouldn't fine someone on their birthday.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to picture certain words if you have trouble remembering them.,1,0.5 It's expected that priests comfort their flock during confession,1,0.5 It's good to tell your ex your true feelings.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is okay to be stressed while planning an event.,0,0.0 It's okay to try to be the best and exceed expectations.,1,0.5 It is expected to invite friends to a party.,1,0.5 It is good to be happy about something someone just gave you.,1,0.5 You shouldn't try to sabotage someone's relationship with their partner.,1,0.5 It's okay to want to be alone on Christmas.,1,0.5 A sexual trauma victim shouldn't expect to go through life without any triggers.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't have poor handwriting.,1,0.5 It is ignorant to make judgments based on race.,1,0.24999999999999994 All kids get sick eventually as it's unavoidable.,1,0.5 It is ok to tell your kids they need to eat what you made at home.,0,0.0 It is alright not to go along with everything your friends do,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal for people to want their loved ones to be happy.,1,0.5 It's expected you be patient while waiting in a line,1,0.5 It's understandable for someone to care about how they present themselves.,1,0.5 It's good to establish boundaries for yourself.,1,0.5 It's good for children to be physically active.,1,0.5 It is okay to be scared to share your friends with other people.,1,0.7499999999999999 If you use a good doctor you should expect to be satisfied with your plastic surgery results.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to trivialize someone else's health condition.,1,0.5 It's important to study for tests.,1,0.5 You should not expect others to pay for someone else's mistake.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you can't sleep when your spouse snores.,1,0.5 It's expected that a film major has seen a lot of movies,1,0.5 It is wrong to gossip.,1,0.5 It is wrong to fire people because of unfounded rumors.,0,0.0 Depriving others of sharing pictures with you leads to hurt feelings and should be avoided.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is expected that you pay your taxes,1,0.5 It's okay to feel uncomfortable with writing something personal that will be read in front of others.,1,0.5 It's bad to not be able to express yourself.,1,0.7499999999999999 Students should make sure to get adequate rest every night.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to eat enough food so you don't starve.,0,0.0 It is expected that children treat their parents with respect.,1,0.5 You're encouraged to seek therapy if you find yourself not knowing what to do.,1,0.24999999999999994 People are expected to be supportive of their family members.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine if you're uncomfortable when an older man has a crush on you.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be upset when somebody is not listening to you.,0,0.0 It's good to go out and be social when you're looking to find a partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always demand respect for your things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understood that people want to know where they stand with others.,1,0.5 It is okay to take your mind off something unpleasant.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to spit on people.,1,0.5 It's understandable to find others in life attractive.,1,0.5 You shouldn't sleep around if you don't want to get an STD.,1,0.5 It's normal to feel upset when you are rejected.,1,0.5 You should follow rules established by the bride if you're invited to her wedding.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's sadistic to cut off someone's skin and show it to them.,0,0.0 It's rude not to return a greeting from someone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to confess your feelings and problems.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not necessary to be strong,1,0.24999999999999994 It's kind to let someone know they're being used.,0,0.0 It's not okay to keep someone from doing the things they enjoy.,1,0.5 You are expected to eat healthy foods.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be upset over losing one's parent.,0,0.0 It’s rude to want someone to die to get their inheritance,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be upset when things are stressful,1,0.5 It's good to give people gifts for Valentine's Day.,1,0.5 It's okay to not want to work when you weren't planning on working.,1,0.5 It's good to lock the doors of a car so it doesn't get stolen.,1,0.5 It is wrong to be rude to others,1,0.5 It's good to help your partner with dishes.,1,0.5 It's good to find your passion.,1,0.5 "If you can't go on, you should get some help.",1,0.5 It's good to think realistically about expectations.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to help family when they can't do something on their own.,1,0.5 It's wrong to tell on people when they aren't doing anything to hurt you.,1,0.5 Accomplishing a financial goal can make you proud.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have children visit.,1,0.5 It's rude to say someone's cooking is only fit for animals.,1,0.5 It's not okay to not be able to get out of a bad situation.,1,0.5 It is nice to do things with your granddaughter.,1,0.5 "If you need to contact Uber, you should call them on your phone.",1,0.5 It's bad to not be able to pay attention to things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to work out so you gain muscles.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to be upset when you are sitting in the dark.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to be negative.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be able to give criticism to your friends.,1,0.5 It is immature to wait around to pick a fight with your partner.,0,0.0 It’s understandable to give up.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to judge someone based on their ethnicity.,1,0.5 You should expect to feel hurt after the end of a long relationship.,1,0.5 It's wrong to harm animals.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't embarrass your kids.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected you get into a fight if you're being racist around people,1,0.5 It's understandable to have a crush on someone you met.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't let your partner move away from you.,1,0.24999999999999994 "Family connections are important, and you should try to be present for as many as possible",0,0.0 You should grow closer to your friends through shared experiences.,0,0.0 You shouldn't do things just because your partner asks you.,1,0.5 It's okay to think others should take responsibility for themselves.,1,0.5 It's okay to be upset when you lose all the money you put into a wedding you canceled.,1,0.5 It's good to refrain from doing something you know is wrong.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should get an injury looked at as soon as you can.,1,0.5 It's not nice to break the rules.,1,0.5 Partners are expected to work together.,1,0.5 It is normal to buy things you need.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should take care of your things.,1,0.5 It's good to want to be part of others celbrations.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to dislike conflict.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's selfish to quit playing a game just because you are not doing well.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to date again when you're a widow or widower.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable if you need coffee to get yourself going.,1,0.7499999999999999 Taking advantage of a corporations kindness is selfish.,1,0.5 You should end your relationship before you choose to cheat.,1,0.5 It is okay to need support from others.,1,0.5 It is good to write things down as soon as possible.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be critical of yourself and want to improve.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to be scared sometimes,1,0.5 It is wrong to be misleading.,1,0.5 It is good to take care of something that you see needs done,1,0.5 It's wrong to think a tan is suspicious.,1,0.5 It's normal for students to have breaks during the school year.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you're annoyed when your students' parents' are more obsessed with their phones than their children.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to do things on your own.,1,0.5 Parents are expected to enforce rules with their children.,1,0.5 You shouldn't let a nosy parent interfere in your life.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should go to bed when you are falling asleep on the couch.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to fall in love with a friend.,1,0.5 It's not okay to swear at a teenager.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't pressure your romantic partner to do things they aren't comfortable with,1,0.5 It's expected you don't give up on goals you've set for yourself,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay that sometimes we need a bit of extra time to do things when we are running behind.,1,0.5 It is good to tell the truth.,1,0.5 It is normal to want your kids to turn out better than you.,1,0.5 It's understandable to feel nervous when entering a new relationship.,1,0.5 It's good to get help from your grandchildren.,0,0.0 Family should not interfere with a personal relationships.,1,0.5 It's wrong to lead people on.,1,0.5 It's rude to cause strife in one's family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to use ride-sharing services if you need a ride.,1,0.5 It's good to be there for your family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that people be treated as though innocent until proven guilty in court.,1,0.5 It's good to seek help if your parents are abusing you.,1,0.5 It's bad to overshare.,1,0.5 It's wrong to interfere in someone else's sex life.,1,0.5 He shouldn't dominate the conversation,1,0.5 It is bad to ruin other's lives.,1,0.5 It's bad to spend too much time playing video games.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is mean to get involved in an affair with someone in a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's ok to be honest with people about who you are.,1,0.5 It's good to know when something in your life isn't helping you the way you want it.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be sad when you don't get to see your spouse because of their work.,0,0.0 It's normal to feel frustration.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to set yourself up for problems.,1,0.5 It's expected that your significant other will keep plans that they've agreed to with you.,0,0.0 It's okay to be angry at a significant other if they wronged you.,1,0.5 You should always pay off your loans.,1,0.5 It is okay to help people with financial decisions.,1,0.5 It's wrong to disrespect pregnant women.,1,0.5 It's immoral to actively fight against social justice.,1,0.5 Growing in life and gaining independence is expected.,1,0.5 It's good to take your responsibilities seriously.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be self-conscious when you get a mastectomy.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to play games of chance where you can win money.,1,0.5 It is rude to try and control someone's appearance.,1,0.5 It is ok to not want to live a life under the rule of others.,1,0.5 It's understandable to not like your ex.,1,0.5 It's good to give things a chance before you say you don't like them.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's rude to ask someone you're engaged to that they go away.,1,0.24999999999999994 People should strive to be informed about candidates when it's election time.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't break up your friend and their partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be angry when someone disrespects you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to not help your partner orgasm when you are not in the mood yourself.,1,0.5 It is wrong to flirt when you are in a relationship.,1,0.5 You should dump your partner if they don't like you anymore.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to celebrate weddings.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be annoyed when someone begs you for something.,1,0.5 Partners are expected to support each other.,1,0.5 It is dishonest to claim that sweets hurt your stomach just to avoid eating them.,1,0.5 It's necessary to take special precautions when in the vicinity of controlled fire.,1,0.5 You shouldn't feel upset with your coworkers over petty things.,1,0.5 Putting your life at risk for others is noble and praiseworthy.,1,0.5 It's ok to be single.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to be appreciative of the good times you are having in your life.,0,0.0 It's ok sometimes to not respond to someone.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should love your parents.,1,0.5 It's normal for parents to want to live near their children,1,0.5 It's rude not to thank someone when they give you a free copy of their book.,1,0.5 It's okay to splurge when you find something that you want.,1,0.5 People shouldn't make others lose their appetites with their crappy eating habits.,0,0.0 It's normal to spend free time playing games.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected that children grow up and become financially independent.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to share your goals with your parents.,1,0.5 "If you're sick, you should get medical help.",1,0.5 It's good to hang out with people.,1,0.5 It's wrong not to spend time with your family.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're glad your spouse is finally dead after 50 years of marriage.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to share your money with your spouse.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is nice to give someone something they want.,1,0.5 People are expected to be careful when they driving so they don't harm others on the roads.,0,0.0 It's bad to get angry at friends.,0,0.0 You shouldn't give your gate code to strangers.,1,0.5 It's good to ask a potential employer about what benefits they offer.,1,0.5 You should call the police if someone is stalking you.,1,0.5 It's good to excel at a sport.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should share hobbies with others.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to miss your chance.,1,0.5 It's okay to end a relationship that's not healthy.,1,0.5 "You should be supportive of your partner, no matter what weight they are.",1,0.5 It is rude to tell your partner who they can talk to.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should always pursue your passions.,0,0.0 It's good to find a job that one enjoys.,1,0.5 It's wrong to not understand sometimes peoples situation isn't the best.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should report someone who sexually harasses you to the police.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should be respectful towards your parents.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to harass or stalk another person.,1,0.5 It's expected that you'll be supportive of your manager.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be anywhere your child needs you to be.,1,0.5 It's good to make amends when you've made a mistake.,1,0.5 It's fine to be angry when someone hits you with an umbrella.,1,0.5 You should remove channels you don't watch from your cable package.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to take your mind off something unpleasant.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always be there for someone who is suicidal.,1,0.5 It is reasonable to be excited about using a new item.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't see sad movies if they always upset you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable that feelings are complicated and sometimes things happen that are difficult to get over.,1,0.5 It's wrong to argue with others over electronics.,1,0.7499999999999999 It’s important to have hobbies.,1,0.5 It is dramatic to get angry at someone for leaving you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to repeat your requests.,1,0.5 It is good for parents to work together.,1,0.5 It’s okay for single parents to get back into the dating scene,1,0.5 It's understandable to be angry when someone disrespects you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to pretend to be something you're not.,0,0.0 You shouldn't race if you're tired.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's smart to keep looking until you find exactly what you want.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to know what you want from a partner.,1,0.5 You should understand if someone does not want to accept a gift.,1,0.24999999999999994 You're expected to stay close to your parents.,0,0.0 It's okay to not want to deal with someone else's bad habits.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's important for pets to have a collar,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to turn down your roommate when they ask you for a favor.,1,0.5 It is rude to interrupt people,1,0.5 It's understandable to have a hard time breaking bad news to someone you love.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to bully others.,1,0.5 It's OK to admit that you don't understand something that's commonly understood.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is wrong to dictate other people.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to like old bands from the 80s.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to admit that you are wrong.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's acceptable to be angry when someone you care about makes poor choices.,0,0.0 People shouldn't dwell on things which happened weeks ago.,1,0.5 It's not okay to set yourself up for problems.,1,0.5 It's ok to not share your food.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to check your grammar.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you don't want to foster pets.,1,0.24999999999999994 People are expected to be careful when they driving so they don't harm others on the roads.,0,0.0 It's wrong for friends to have casual sex.,1,0.5 You shouldn't expect customers to do you favors.,0,0.0 It's good to tell your fans that you have a mental or physical disability if you're a celebrity so you can spread information about the problem to help others.,1,1.0 It's good to enjoy the night breeze with a special person.,1,0.5 You should not end your relationship with your partner based on their past.,1,0.5 It's expected that you will want someone very creditworthy to sign for a loan before you approve it,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't expect everyone to stick to their principles.,1,0.5 It is normal to be turned on by someone you think is attractive.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to not like certain foods,1,0.5 You should be more responsible when it comes to cleaning.,0,0.0 It is time consuming to write a paper for class.,1,0.5 You should expect people to sometimes run away from their problems.,1,0.5 It's wrong to resent somebody for moving.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't lend things to people without your partner's permission.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is impolite to cuddle at the dinner table.,0,0.0 "If you feel like your brain is degrading, you should see a doctor.",1,0.5 You should be supportive of your friends when they are struggling with an addiction.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to show solidarity with family members in the face of adversity.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to fail a test on purpose.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always help do the dishes.,1,0.5 It's good to take breaks to teach things to people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be financial savvy when shopping.,1,0.5 You should apologize if you accidentally injure someone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to let your bad marriage discourage other people's marriage.,0,0.0 It's ok to spend your own money how you see fit.,1,0.5 It's wrong to be so greedy with things that your relationships suffer.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't try to dictate someone else's finances.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be respectful when you are negotiating the terms of a divorce.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's ok to keep a distance to maintain a friendship.,1,0.5 City vehicles should not expect to park wherever they please.,1,0.24999999999999994 Children are expected to speak in a respectful manner to their parents.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to steal things from others.,1,0.5 It's nice to have fun in the summer.,1,0.5 It's okay to want to spend and much time as you can with a significant other.,1,0.5 It's ok to buy a snack.,1,0.5 You should always pay back what you owe.,1,0.5 You should call the police and complain if someone is blasting their music loudly.,1,0.5 You shouldn't force your grandchildren to eat something they don't want to eat.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong not to be emotionally attracted to someone.,1,0.5 You shouldn't judge people based on what they know.,1,0.5 It is wrong to take away the rights of others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to have good manners.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is ok to briefly pick something out of your teeth in private if you wash your hands.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is not good to argue with your partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to want to go out of state to attend college.,1,0.24999999999999994 People shouldn't think innocent mistakes people make are intentionally malicious.,1,0.5 It's good to go out to the park.,0,0.0 You shouldn't let your step-kids blame you for their parent's death.,1,0.5 It is unfortunate to go through a divorce if you are still in love.,1,0.5 It's rude to be ashamed of people that love you.,1,0.5 It's none of your business how your sister-in-law acts.,1,0.7499999999999999 "If you've gotten good at something, it's good to help others accomplish it too",0,0.0 It is bad to fuss about things.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't worry about what people think of your opinions.,1,0.24999999999999994 People should treat all creatures with kindness.,1,0.5 It's understandable that people are upset by the death of a loved one.,0,0.0 You should take action immediately when you get a call for help.,1,0.5 It's good to go places with your parents.,0,0.0 It is understandable to isolate yourself when you are depressed.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's nice to help widows.,1,0.24999999999999994 You can't expect people to always open up about themselves.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to leave your family and friends behind just to get an education.,0,0.0 It is tacky to decorate with fake fruit.,0,0.0 It's wrong to favor your older kids over your younger kids.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong for an employee to look at porn on their employer's time.,1,0.5 You shouldn't redecorate someone else's living area.,1,0.5 It's okay to receive criticism.,1,0.5 It is bad to shut down when things bother you.,1,0.5 Playing ping pong with a friend is a good way to spend time.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected to be there for your friend if they will be under the influence of a drug.,1,0.5 Taking a detour before class is OK if you can still make it to class on time.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should bring supplies when you go spelunking.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to bring things to parties.,0,0.0 It's okay to feel pissed if someone fires you with a text.,0,0.0 It's nice to look at photos.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't be suspicious of your partner without a good reason.,1,0.5 It is okay to show emotions.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't sell collectibles that you really cherish.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal for families to have sibling rivalry.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should wear diapers if you are incontinent.,0,0.0 It is expected that not everyone will be a good fit for a job.,0,0.0 You shouldn't marry someone that cross dresses unless you're okay with it.,1,0.5 You shouldn't make healthcare so expensive that people can't afford it.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't criticize people for adopting their kids instead of having their own.,1,0.24999999999999994 People are sometimes sad when things they like break.,1,0.5 You shouldn't defile things.,1,0.5 You should always grieve when someone close to you dies.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is normal not to realize someone's in love with you,1,0.5 You should not pursue a relationship with someone much younger than you.,1,0.5 It is good to date others and to see tat there are good people out there.,0,0.0 You should seek medical attention if you're shaking for 3 hours.,1,0.5 It's good to support your family during tough times.,1,0.5 It's okay to be upset when you are sitting in the dark.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should grieve when your parent passes away.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to encourage people to refrain from using narcotics.,1,0.5 You can make your wedding day go as you want it.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you're male and heterosexual, you shouldn't cross dress because it's weird.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to keep secrets.,1,0.5 It's fine to watch any videos you find entertaining.,1,0.5 It's not okay to not deal with your emotional problems.,1,0.5 It's understandable to feel regret at the result of someone's death.,1,0.24999999999999994 "People should use their creativity and imagination for games, instead of overspending money to buy more.",1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't bribe people.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you don't want to eat in the dark.,1,0.5 It's good to have a companion to get you through difficult times,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to joke around sometimes.,1,0.24999999999999994 Restaurants should expect their customers to become unruly if they aren't well served.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to hang out at the amusement park with people.,1,0.5 It's good to be honest about your mistakes.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to find your true love.,1,0.5 It's good to keep your partner safe.,1,0.5 It's industrious to efficiently do a job.,1,0.5 You shouldn't use someone to get back at another person,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to feel out of control sometimes,1,0.5 It's expected that a first date will be awkward.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you won't express a racial preference in dating partners.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's rude to use profane language when speaking with someone of authority.,1,0.5 It's okay to be honest with people who are taking advantage of you,1,0.7499999999999999 It is okay if you are not popular.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to give your child's partner the third degree.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to accept things about yourself that you cannot change.,1,0.24999999999999994 Is good to care about other people,1,0.5 You should tell your in-laws if they are doing something that is harming your kids.,0,0.0 You should not offend someone by telling them that their oil is smelly.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you don't want to clean up after a long day.,1,0.24999999999999994 I expected that people who eat meat aren't vegetarians.,0,0.0 It is okay to punish inappropriate behavior.,1,0.5 You should get out of the house.,1,0.5 It is good to turn someone down if they want to date and they are your best friends ex.,1,0.5 Being untidy can be seen as uncaring and disrespectful.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's ok to join in on fun activities.,1,0.5 It is rude to exclude people from events.,0,0.0 It is bad to only care about what others think of you.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're amused when someone trips and falls.,1,0.5 It's good to put in the work to achieve a goal.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't injure yourself so you don't have to go to the doctor.,1,0.5 You shouldn't spend all your time masturbating.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad to make your sibling eat poop.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to make amends when you've made a mistake.,1,0.5 You shouldn't mistake Cholula sauce for your beer or you're going to have a bad time.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be careful where you are stepping so you don't fall.,1,0.5 You shouldn't buy things you can't afford while shopping.,1,0.5 It's understandable to feel sad when your relative hates you.,1,0.5 It is polite to wish others a happy holiday.,1,0.24999999999999994 You're encouraged to be safe when you're behind the wheel.,1,0.5 It's mean to criticize someone's actions when it's too late to fix them.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is bad to shut down when things bother you.,1,0.5 It's bad to keep wild animals in cages.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to not support a friend.,1,0.5 It is understandable to not feel empathy when their situations do not involve you.,1,0.5 It's okay to be frustrated when your roommate leaves all the chores to you.,1,0.5 It's expected that as a parent you make some mistakes before figuring out what methods of discipline work best for what child.,0,0.0 It is good to discuss your problems with a close friend or family member.,0,0.0 It's wrong to look down on people for minor things.,0,0.0 It's good to visit other states.,0,0.0 You shouldn't expect a friend to always be there for you.,0,0.0 It is reasonable to think about someone that you really loved in your past.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should replace items that you damage or lose that are not yours.,1,0.5 You should feel comfortable sleeping in bed.,1,0.5 It is expected that you talk about important events in your life.,1,0.5 It's good to feel confident about yourself and your body.,1,0.5 It is good to have a goal.,1,0.5 It's important to protect your children from harm.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't put up with someone that does disgusting things in public.,0,0.0 Going to college is the best way to get a good career.,1,0.5 You should open the door when someone knocks on it.,1,0.5 It's good to take the bus to school so you don't have to walk or have your parents drive you.,1,0.5 It's okay to indulge and live a little at night.,1,0.5 It's wrong to share someone else's secrets.,0,0.0 You should expect a dog to be excited when you give a treat to them.,1,0.5 It is expected for adults to pay for their own education.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to feel offended if your girlfriend wants a dildo.,0,0.0 It's good to want what is best for the country.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is debilitating to have severely depressed behavior.,1,0.5 It's rude to watch a show without a family member when they wanted to see it too.,0,0.0 It's good to double check things.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should not cheat on your partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to marry someone because it's convenient.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always make sure you have healthcare.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's kind to offer people advice when they're dealing with a problem.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to practice when you're involved in a sport.,1,0.5 It's good to try to fit in.,1,0.5 It's understood people don't always like the people they should in life.,1,0.5 It's understandable for a mom to be scared for their children.,0,0.0 It's understandable to feel upset at times.,0,0.0 It's good to be honest with your children.,1,0.5 You shouldn't abuse drugs.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that some people try to learn throughout their life.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to not want to have sex sometimes.,1,0.5 You shouldn't destroy someone else's property.,1,0.5 Single Mothers are expected to be able to raise their kids and work full time.,1,0.5 You shouldn't sleep walk.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's normal for people to forget things even if they happened very recently.,1,0.5 You shouldn't see a psychic if you want to find love because they can't predict the future.,1,0.5 People would think you're a maniac if you admitted to wanting to hurt small animals.,0,0.0 You have the right to date anyone you choose.,0,0.0 You should be considerate of the people around you when you have a cellphone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to feel disappointment when friends hurt your feelings.,1,0.5 "If you're scared, you should face it head on.",1,0.5 You are expected to show reverence at a funeral home.,1,0.5 It's fine to join whatever religion you prefer.,1,0.5 You should come together in times of need.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't have doubts about your abilities.,1,0.24999999999999994 If a new dog is not nice it is ok to dislike it.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should tell your coworkers the truth.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to let the little things come between you and someone you care about.,0,0.0 It's good to have strong beliefs about sensitive issues.,1,0.5 If you perform well on a test it is acceptable to be happy with yourself.,1,0.5 It's good to be happy for your kids.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't move out of state if you're in a relationship.,1,0.5 Sometimes parents let their children win games to be nice,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to be addicted to video games.,1,0.5 You shouldn't have sex so soon after ending a relatinoship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to have an open relationship.,1,0.5 It's wrong to act unprofessional at work.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you rush when you're late to work.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to play pranks on people that are upset,1,0.24999999999999994 It is important to establish boundaries in relationships.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to let things stop you from doing something new.,1,0.5 You shouldn't take your partner to a nudist resort.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you keep thinking about death, you should get some help.",1,0.5 It's good to figure things out with others.,1,0.5 It's bad to withhold work that hurts others trying to do a project.,1,0.5 It's good to call people out for scummy things they do.,1,0.7499999999999999 If you are not prepared for an exam it is important to study hard.,0,0.0 You should be anywhere your child needs you to be.,1,0.5 It is good to love someone.,1,0.5 It is wrong to get involved with the ex of a friend.,1,0.5 It's required to find appropriate ways of dealing with violent despair.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's not okay to cheat on your significant other.,1,0.5 It's good to keep your partner safe.,1,0.5 It is normal for parents to want to help their children,1,0.5 You should put your things under your seat when on an airplane.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay if you want to spend some time by yourself.,1,0.5 It's OK to monitor your children.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should apologize if you hurt someone.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should visit your family for the holidays.,0,0.0 You should run to first base after hitting the ball at bat.,0,0.0 It's appropriate to voice your concern when your concern comes from a good place.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude for people to give you a fake name because they can't learn your real one.,1,0.5 You should share in expenses with others.,1,0.5 It's fun to go out fishing with your grandparents.,1,0.5 It's allowed to take some time to become savvy with money.,1,0.5 It is bad to take advantage of friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should not get angry when your chronically ill relative needs help.,1,0.5 It's normal to be sad if your friend doesn't like to spend time with you anymore.,1,0.5 You can be expected to find communities that cater to your kinks.,1,0.5 It's okay to be angry at your partner if they do something inappropriate in public.,0,0.0 You shouldn't eat things you dislike.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to have someplace to go where you can get away with things when you're a kid.,1,0.5 It is frustrating when you can't take back something you did.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to feel scared.,1,0.5 It's rude to throw things.,1,0.5 It's rude to tell your significant other that you don't like talking to them on the phone.,1,0.5 It is ok to change your major if you like another major better.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't screw around with married people.,1,0.5 It's important to be supportive when your spouse comes back from combat.,1,0.5 You should keep things friendly with the people you live with.,0,0.0 It's encouraged you go to the police if you're being harassed,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't keep in contact with ex's.,1,0.5 It's okay to be uncomfortable when someone likes your feet.,1,0.5 People can't be expected to go out of their way to meet someone in prison.,1,0.5 It's good to use your gift cards instead of money.,1,0.24999999999999994 People are expected to obey all the traffic laws when driving.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be cared for.,1,0.5 It is smart to double-check information before giving up.,1,0.5 It's wrong to force someone into an unwanted job.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should not hold grudges against people.,1,0.5 You should be upfront about your disinterest in a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be upset when you are sitting in the dark.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you're bored at a parent-teacher conference.,1,0.5 It's good to attend important events of your friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to break up with someone for superficial reasons.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't be with a partner that does drugs and smokes.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're sad when your stepchildren don't appreciate you on Mother's Day.,0,0.0 You should encourage kids to use their imaginations.,1,0.5 You should always see what you did wrong.,1,0.5 "It's important to be respectful to others, even online",1,0.24999999999999994 It's important for parents to monitor with your children do online,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to stereotype others because of their national origin.,1,0.5 You shouldn't sexually harass your coworkers.,0,0.0 It's good to forgive others.,1,0.5 Not telling your girlfriend that you no longer want to see one another is rude.,1,0.5 It's good to convey your feelings to your partner about having children.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's allowed to play certain riske' games at some parties.,1,0.5 It's okay to leave animals outside.,0,0.0 You can't expect everyone to like your talents.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you get paranoid when people have weapon props on Halloween.,1,0.5 It's good to express your feelings about a loss.,1,0.5 It's ok to spend your own money how you see fit.,1,0.5 It is bad to taste test at stores.,1,0.5 You shouldn't shun a family member's significant other because of their nationality.,0,0.0 It's good to have coping skills,1,0.5 You shouldn't get back together with an ex.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to want to spend holidays with family.,0,0.0 It is reprehensible to beat a loved one.,1,0.5 It is good to have good hygiene.,1,0.5 It is embarrassing to mistake fake fruit for real fruit.,1,0.5 You should try to acclimate yourself to a country that you feel you don't belong to.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to admit that silly things make you afraid.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to believe in something.,1,0.5 It's morally wrong to disrespect another person.,1,0.24999999999999994 It can feel smothering when someone you're with expresses that they're uncomfortable with you being friends with other people on social media.,1,0.5 It's rude to pay more attention to your phone than the people you are with.,1,0.24999999999999994 People are expected to learn how to swim when they are children.,1,0.5 It's expected that you'll stay home from work when you are sick.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable if you're disappointed when your spouse is going on a trip and you can't go with them.,0,0.0 It's good to have proper dental hygiene.,1,0.5 You are expected to accept gifts from your inlaws.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't troll people online.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to exclude people from events.,0,0.0 It's good to have a hobby or passion that brings you joy and fulfillment in life.,1,0.5 It's nice to have a best friend.,1,0.5 It's expected that you be intimate in a marriage.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should try your best so you don't lose in a competition.,1,0.5 It is okay to need time away from your family.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be a dangerous person.,1,0.5 It is okay to protect your children.,1,0.5 It's good to want to keep your children safe in life.,1,0.5 You shouldn't call the cops on people who park illegally.,1,0.5 It's nice to be in a good position.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be critical of the condition something is in before you buy it.,1,0.5 It's understandable to want to have sex with your significant other.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you're in a teaching position, you should try to treat your students fairly",1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to hurt your family members.,1,0.5 You have the right to live your life in any way you find appealing.,1,0.5 It is okay to avoid conflict by removing yourself from a situation.,1,0.5 It is ok to put your candy in your pocket.,1,0.7499999999999999 People will be concerned about you if they think you're depressed or suicidal.,1,0.5 It's important to be gentle when you wake someone up from a nap.,0,0.0 You should expect to have dreams about your ex if you just broke up with them.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to avoid people who consider you a friend.,0,0.0 You should always see what you did wrong.,1,0.5 It is normal to quit a job that is too difficult.,1,0.5 It's normal for someone to be punished more if they commit a transgression under punishment.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to admit that silly things make you afraid.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fun to take your parents to a sports game.,1,0.5 It's okay to get advice form a senior person if you have a problem.,1,0.5 It's good to put your all into things.,1,0.5 It is nice to help your SO with paperwork if they need help doing it.,1,0.5 It's OK to get annoyed with a coworker.,1,0.5 Karaoke is a fun activity at a party.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to waste your money on expensive things you don't need.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should break up with your significant other if you're interested in somebody else,0,0.0 It's wrong to judge other people based on dietary preferences.,0,0.0 It's good to be compassionate with yourself.,1,0.5 It's okay to be exhausted when you get home from a long day.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't expect everyone to stick to their principles.,1,0.5 It is wrong to want others to perform bodily functions on you.,1,0.5 You should visit your family for the holidays.,0,0.0 It's bad to drink too much alcohol.,1,0.5 It's important to accurately reflect the reputation of others.,1,0.5 It's fine to want to stay with your significant other.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is bad to have arguments.,1,0.5 You shouldn't discriminate against someone based on race.,1,0.5 You shouldn't stay at someone's place if you are drunk.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to buy candy.,1,0.5 It's good to be appreciative of the good times you are having in your life.,0,0.0 It's wrong to share someone else's secrets.,0,0.0 It's good to want to learn something new and grow as a person.,1,0.5 It’s important to have hobbies.,1,0.5 It is nice to feel welcomed,1,0.24999999999999994 Families often have disagreements with their in-laws.,1,0.5 You shouldn't throw things at people.,1,0.5 It's wrong to be sick of life.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's encouraged you go to the police if you're being harassed,1,0.7499999999999999 It is expected to have a good time with friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to work to find out who you are.,1,0.5 It is okay to make mistakes.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal for people to want to protect their loved ones.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay that we don't always see things the same way as a significant other.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is normal to worry if your mom has cancer.,1,0.24999999999999994 "It's good to watch out for a child's safety, even if it ruins their fun.",1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to get involved with the ex of a friend.,1,0.5 It is reasonable to fall in love with someone you are close with.,0,0.0 It's expected to be caring and attentive towards your pet if they're dealing with an ailment.,1,0.5 It's fun to go to the movies with your friends.,1,0.5 It's wrong to wish that someone would die.,1,0.5 It's okay to indulge your sexual fantasies with other consenting adults.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's important to take your child's night terrors seriously.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always correct people's mistakes.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's fine to want a sex toy even if you have a boyfriend.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that people who do illegal acts will have consequences.,1,0.5 It's normal to be upset with other's drinking problem.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you ask for help when you can't figure out how something works.,1,0.5 It's understandable if you think manners are a thing of the past.,1,0.5 It's okay to find ways to calm yourself down before an interview.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to feel angry when you have been disrespected by people.,1,0.5 It's expected that you show remorse when you've cheated on your partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to want to try a new kind of sex.,1,0.5 It is acceptable to charge for a service.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't watch so much TV because it's bad for you.,1,0.5 You shouldn't let your ex go out with your friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's nice to help ex-prisoners of war.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be willing to help your sibling when they ask you to foster an animal.,0,0.0 You should be supportive of your partner.,1,0.5 It is ok to leave to take a call if it is very important.,1,0.5 It's allowed to solicit the attention of members of the gender you're attracted to.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is important to drive safely.,1,0.5 It's frustrating when someone betrays your trust.,1,0.5 It's wrong for an employee to look at porn on their employer's time.,1,0.5 It is racist to judge ability based on skin color.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's hurtful to curse in front of children.,1,0.5 It's not okay to make others look bad.,1,0.5 It's expected that a goalie will follow the ball.,1,0.5 It's okay to be scared about a first date.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is normal to be curious about astrology,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected that people be close to their families.,0,0.0 It's wrong to spend other people's money.,1,0.5 It's good to organize things.,1,0.5 It's good to research other countries.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't move away from your partner.,1,0.5 It's wrong to want to hide who you really are.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's important to prepare before starting something.,0,0.0 It is reasonable to want to know how your child is doing academically,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to have difficulty moving on.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to spend time relaxing and looking back on your past.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable if you're hurt when your partner doesn't like your cooking.,0,0.0 People should slow down when enjoying a hobby.,1,0.24999999999999994 If your friend asks for a ride home from the airport you are expected to help them out.,1,0.5 It's allowed to admit you need help with an addiction.,1,0.5 It's acceptable to seek to renew a relationship with a former partner.,1,0.5 It's understandable to have difficulty getting over a crush.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's normal for people to want to show physical affection for loved ones.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to follow through on your invitations.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to think about how bad life was.,0,0.0 It is foolish to depend on items to make you happy.,1,0.5 You should not mislead your partner about your romantic feelings.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you won't express a racial preference in dating partners.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is good to help others.,1,0.5 It's polite to share.,1,0.5 It's ok to keep your age private.,1,0.5 You should expect your teacher to go over material with you since that's their job.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to want to be just like your parents.,1,0.5 It's bad to be too attentive to someone.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should treat everyone equally.,0,0.0 You shouldn't use too broad of a topic for an essay or else you might get a bad grade.,1,0.5 It's okay to expect people no matter who they are to obey the law.,1,0.5 It's wrong to kill things.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is strong to be able to move on from the death of a spouse.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If something is making you miserable, you shouldn't do it anymore.",1,0.24999999999999994 It can be difficult for some people to talk about their gender identities to others.,1,0.5 It's wise to never let yourself get embarrassed by your significant other.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to cry when you're a child.,1,0.5 You shouldn't put up with a roommate that yells at you.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't reveal someone's private conversations to someone else.,1,0.5 It's acceptable to dress however you would like.,1,0.5 You shouldn't shave your body hair if you're a male because it's unnatural.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should have more confidence in yourself.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to leave your shoes laying around.,1,0.5 You shouldn't tell your friend what to do.,0,0.0 It's understandable if you want to retire when you don't have to work.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to want to feel appreciated in life.,1,0.5 It's understandable to be upset over not being able to find a job.,1,0.5 It's wrong to waste your money on expensive things you don't need.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should always make sure someone is related by blood if you need to check out who is family and who is not.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should drive carefully even when you're running late.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't touch other people.,1,0.5 You shouldn't have your partner over when you have your friend over at your house.,1,0.5 He shouldn't hurt another person,0,0.0 It is considerate to use proper etiquette when posting online.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be annoyed when someone thinks they're smarter than you.,1,0.5 It's wrong to steal furniture from a store or a house.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to spend time relaxing and looking back on your past.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to feel affection towards your pet that includes kissing.,1,0.5 You should never do anything that may cause your children to despise you.,1,1.0 You should always be prepared and make sure you have money before you go to buy something.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be frustrated when you're framed for a mistake.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be expected to cancel plans that you have already made.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to look out for the well-being of your loved ones.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is not wise to try and run from your problems.,1,0.5 It's good to travel long distances in the most comfortable way you can.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to make baseless accusations against another person.,1,0.5 It's OK to feel guilty over things you've done in the past.,1,0.5 It's normal to not allow someone close to you to get a loan in your name,1,0.24999999999999994 It is irresponsible to rack up debt.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't invite your friends to your partner's baby shower.,1,0.5 It is smart to consider the amount of work involved prior to adopting a dog.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should talk to your employees before they decide to quit.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's important to be alert while driving.,1,0.5 It's unkind to lead someone on who has romantic feelings for you.,1,0.5 It's comforting to go to a first time experience with a friend.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to help out your ex.,1,0.5 It is understandable to want to meet your partner's family.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be helpful to your roommates.,1,0.5 It's good to sit down when you need to discuss something.,0,0.0 It's okay to feel a connection with a teacher at school.,1,0.5 It's rubbish not to feel remorse when you do nasty things.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to demand special attention from people who aren't your spouse.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to give gifts to kids during the holidays.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should treat your family heirlooms with respect.,1,0.5 It's not okay to fake things in a social situation.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to seek validation from an uncaring public.,1,0.5 It's bad to accidentally buy things.,1,0.7499999999999999 Not everyone will enjoy camping.,1,0.5 It's good to take it easy if you aren't feeling the best,0,0.0 It's bad to be a hacker.,1,0.24999999999999994 If someone hurt you it is reasonable to tell them to get out of your home.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to help someone from far away learn local social customs.,1,0.5 It's good to want to help others in life.,1,0.5 You shouldn't badmouth people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's acceptable to want a memento of your family member.,1,0.24999999999999994 You do not have to take parenting advice from doctors.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to break the law,1,0.5 It is expected that grand parents will attend their grand child's performances.,0,0.0 It's not okay for parents to be emotionally attached to their kids personal lives.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal to get annoyed when you're not going where you're supposed to go because of someone else.,1,0.5 It's okay if you don't want to be cool about a problem.,1,0.5 You shouldn't judge people based on what they know.,1,0.5 It's good to support the value of literacy.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good for a goalie to keep an eye on the ball.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable that sometimes people have reasons not to trust someone.,1,0.5 You shouldn't let your worries destroy your life.,1,0.5 It is unprofessional for a doctor to make a diagnosis without all the information.,1,0.5 It's understandable to feel relieved when your plane lands.,1,0.5 It's wrong to tell somebody who they can be friends with,0,0.0 It's expected that people will pay more for things that make them ahppy.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is okay to want to be single.,1,0.5 You shouldn't side with your parents over your partner.,1,0.5 It's bad to be in pain.,1,0.5 It is expected that roommates will remain civil throughout their lease.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be upset with a friend.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable if you're tired when you turn the clocks forward for daylight savings.,1,0.5 You shouldn't ruin someone's wedding cake.,1,0.5 It's wrong not to spend time with your family.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be friends with someone who ditches you for someone else.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's weird to drink from a bottle when you can use cups.,1,0.5 It is good to be persistent.,1,0.5 It's wrong for a friend to be concerned about someone's sex life.,1,0.5 It's good to have patience with other people,1,0.5 It's good to explore your likes and dislikes.,1,0.5 You should never make a friend angry.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be rude to strangers by asking them too many questions.,1,0.5 It's understandable to not want to have sex sometimes.,1,0.5 You shouldn't cause fights.,1,0.5 It's wrong to want to cheat on your girlfriend.,1,0.24999999999999994 Supporting the people in your peer group can help you come out ahead.,0,0.0 It's good to change your phone plan if it isn't working for you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong for a lawyer to give false information to a client.,1,0.5 It's wrong to exclude someone because of a problem that is not their fault.,0,0.0 It's okay to have weird sexual fetishes.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to allow people to have freedom to do what they want.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to not want to move to a new house when you like the one you're in.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't expect your coworkers to tell you everything.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be honest with your friends.,1,0.5 You should tell your friends if they're behaving inappropriately,1,0.5 It's okay to be happy when you find a good home.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to consider someone with depression as mentally ill.,1,0.5 It's okay to be jealous of your friend's new partner.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's fine to be annoyed at someone trying to sell you something.,1,0.5 You're not expected to want to be friends with everyone.,1,0.5 It's good to love people.,1,0.5 It's good to avoid fighting with your friend.,1,0.5 It's wrong to send that use too many filters.,1,0.7499999999999999 It is okay to rekindle old relationships.,1,0.5 You should see a doctor if you have bad burns.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you ask your mother how to cook things.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to talk to your friends about sensitive topics.,1,1.0 You should always set up an appointment before you get something done.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to have bad habits at work.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to get a job after high school for a while to learn some responsibility.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's reasonable to have to snitch on a manager.,1,0.5 It's good to cook for your significant other.,1,0.5 It's good to get help when you need it.,1,0.5 It's good to exercise to stay young.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be self-conscious over poor skills.,1,0.5 "If something is weighing on your mind, you should let it off your chest.",1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected that you respect how other want to be identified,1,0.5 It's rude to hit someone with your umbrella.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's kind to give someone a ride from the airport.,1,0.5 You shouldn't break the law.,1,0.5 You shouldn't snoop on people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to miss as few days of work as possible.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to not deal with your emotional problems.,1,0.5 You should avoid doing things that are disgusting.,0,0.0 It's rude to be nasty with others who are being kind to you.,1,0.5 It's not okay to not be able to get out of a bad situation.,1,0.5 It's okay if you're annoyed when your friend bleeds all over your car.,1,0.5 You are not expected to date someone you do not like.,1,0.5 "If someone helps your elderly relative, you should be thankful.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's normal for your preferences in a romantic partner to change over time.,0,0.0 You shouldn't befriend someone who threatened one of your friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is rude to tell your friend to take a taxi home from the airport.,1,0.5 It's nice to show off your personality.,1,0.5 It's expected that you'll understand common joke formats.,0,0.0 You should contact the police if someone steals something from you.,1,0.5 It's good to retire from a job.,1,0.5 It can be okay to marry someone out of convenience.,1,0.5 It's bad to start relationships in the workplace.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't eat things that give you a headache.,1,0.5 It's okay if you don't want to go to bed.,1,0.5 People should seek therapy when they need assistance with a bad relationship.,1,0.5 It's not okay to fake things in a social situation.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to say things that can hurt other people.,1,0.5 It's understandable to not want friends to continuously repeat things,0,0.0 It's good to make friends.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected you study the competition you'll face.,0,0.0 You should try to get along with people even if you don't like them.,1,0.7499999999999999 It’s encouraged that parents make time for their kids outside of work and school,1,0.5 You should do what you think will make your parents proud.,1,0.5 You should expect people who are in a relationship to eventually get married.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's bad to start a relationship with someone your friend got rejected by.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to cheat to win.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not good to think about the worst in a situation.,1,0.5 it's good to host your in laws when they visit.,1,0.7499999999999999 A nice outfit can give a woman confidence.,0,0.0 You should not engage in tax fraud.,1,0.5 It's perfectly fine to cancel an appointment that you cannot keep.,1,0.5 It is okay to want to be single.,1,0.5 It's normal for your preferences in a romantic partner to change over time.,0,0.0 It's good to ask your teacher for help when you're worried you're going to fail.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to steal from others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to have dark fantasies sometimes.,0,0.0 Parents should support your children's decisions,1,0.24999999999999994 You should make changes if you don't like your life,1,0.24999999999999994 It is acceptable to choose not to get involved when you see a hurt person.,1,0.24999999999999994 it's good to stand up for yourself.,1,0.5 It's good to look out for your friends.,1,0.5 It's okay if you are excited to let someone see your apartment.,1,0.24999999999999994 "When you have to take care of someone with special needs, it's okay to feel overwhelmed.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to not keep secrets.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should obtain consent before attempting to participate in your kinks.,1,0.5 It's not okay to leave people out of something important.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's nice to be a likable person.,1,0.5 You shouldn't drink Cholula because it's really hot.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's not good to linger on the past for a long time,1,0.5 You should try to offer to help people whenever you can,1,0.5 "If you have to take care of someone with special needs, it's okay to feel frustrated.",1,0.5 It's rude to consider someone with depression as mentally ill.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be with a partner that does drugs and smokes.,1,0.5 It is good to help family,1,0.5 It is good to take a family member in when they need it,1,0.5 It's understandable if you're scared to ask for a divorce.,0,0.0 You should always do what your partner requests.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to take your time and do things to slow.,1,0.5 People should strive to remove annoyances from their life.,0,0.0 It's okay to not want to partake in festivities or celebrations.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to want help.,1,0.5 Restaurants should expect their customers to become unruly if they aren't well served.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to include your in-laws in your children's lives.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be upset when somebody is not listening to you.,0,0.0 You shouldn't remain friends with someone who has caused hardship for your significant other,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't watch TV all day long.,1,0.5 It's good to be alert when driving.,1,0.24999999999999994 Trying to hide a partner from your parents would be stressful.,1,0.5 It's good to seek help with your issues.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected that you would be upset if someone locked you out of your own house.,1,0.5 It's better not to have secrets from your family members,1,0.24999999999999994 You should not apologize insincerely.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is okay to identify as another sex,1,1.0 It's wrong to buy sexual photos from minors.,1,0.24999999999999994 When someone teaches you how to do something it's exciting when you're finally better than them,1,0.5 It's fun to go out with your buddies.,1,0.5 It's important to protect your children from harm.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong not to offer healthcare to everyone since it's a right and not a privilege.,0,0.0 You should be patient towards other peoples' traits.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's noble to be true to yourself.,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't discriminate against people because of their income level.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's fine to punish people who try to take advantage of a system.,1,0.5 It's wrong to run from your problems.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to buy sexual photos from minors.,1,0.24999999999999994 "It's great to acknowledge, and help, if your spouse is emotionally struggling.",1,0.5 It is rude to compare your ability to offer help to somebody else who cannot offer the same help.,1,0.5 It's bad to lose your debit card.,1,0.5 You're expected to find ways to alleviate your annoyance when it's directed at yourself.,1,0.5 It's good to confess your feelings and problems.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you're busy, you should let people know.",1,0.7499999999999999 Bandmates are expected to get along with each other.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should expect people to sometimes miss their chance in life.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's OK to choose who you want to date regardless of their race.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's exciting for you to win a contest,0,0.0 It's rude to give too much criticism.,1,0.24999999999999994 People expect you to say hello if they know you.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should not mislead your partner about your romantic feelings.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's not okay to not appreciate festive weather.,1,0.5 It's good to alert people ahead of time so they can get there soon enough to help.,1,0.5 It is important for both partners to use birth control items.,1,0.5 It is nice to help friends out if you can.,1,0.5 You should always set up an appointment before you get something done.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't clean the sidewalk because you don't own it.,1,0.7499999999999999 "If you have a weird bump, you should see a doctor because it might be cancer.",1,0.24999999999999994 It's understandable to be wary of a co-worker who is looking at porn at work.,1,0.5 You shouldn't try to hate someone.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to listen to other people's confessions.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to spend time with others.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is good to buy things you like.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be concerned with your future and do thing you may not consider that great.,1,0.5 It's good to play games with friends,1,0.5 It's disappointing when people down't want to return to your home.,1,0.5 It's very mean to abandon a relationship with someone for no reason.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is important to respect other people's relationships.,0,0.0 "If you're afraid of food, you should get help.",1,0.5 It's good to make lists of things so you can organize things better.,0,0.0 You shouldn't marry someone when you are having serious doubts.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's allowed to vote for whomever you choose.,1,0.5 It is good to show appreciation.,1,0.5 It's normal to not allow someone close to you to get a loan in your name,1,0.24999999999999994 It is important to discuss situations with the person involved.,0,0.0 It's ok to be loving year-round.,1,0.5 Having fake accounts online is usually reserved for trolls.,1,0.5 It's understandable that people's lives don't always go as planned.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to book ahead of time.,1,0.5 You should expect people to have something they are really passionate and happy about that helps them get over depression.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's rude to uninvite people to your wedding.,0,0.0 Not sharing every detail of your personal life is a healthy thing.,0,0.0 It's not okay to set someone up for failure.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to help out your friends when they are having problems.,0,0.0 You shouldn't make someone drop out of school.,1,0.24999999999999994 You are expected to accept gifts from your inlaws.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's rude to play pranks on other people.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to lead people on and make them think you like them,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to buy others expensive gifts that cause them to spend money.,1,0.5 You should always set up an appointment before you get something done.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should be monogamous in a relationship.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to socialize with others at school.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable to want to unwind after a long day.,1,0.5 It's understandable to feel annoyed with someone.,1,0.5 People expect the man of the relationship to work hard.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to get attention at someone else's expense.,0,0.0 You should not go against someone's wishes.,1,0.5 You should not say swear words.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's ok to buy a snack.,1,0.5 It's reasonable to make a mistake with an employee's paycheck.,1,0.7499999999999999 You have the right to date anyone you choose.,0,0.0 It's expected that you report a child who has gone missing.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's rude to pee on the floor in the bathroom.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fun to go to the movies with your friends.,1,0.5 It's good to use ride-sharing services if you need a ride.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be too open around kids because they could use it against you.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's understandable if you're excited to meet a famous artist.,1,0.5 It is ok to have an affair with someone if you want to.,1,0.5 It's best not to cross the line when engaging in horseplay.,0,0.0 It's bad form to express annoyance with a disabled person.,1,0.5 You should respect the feelings of your friends.,1,0.5 It's wrong to pick up hitchhikers and murder them.,0,0.0 You shouldn't think badly of your partner.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should work through marital issues.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to discard a friend for trivial reasons.,0,0.0 It's wrong to spend other people's money.,1,0.5 It's good not to charge your customers if the service was really bad or something was wrong with their meal.,1,0.5 You should get help from your family if you're sick and can't be home alone.,1,0.24999999999999994 A partner should respect the career of their partner.,0,0.0 Inviting family members to your graduation is expected.,1,0.24999999999999994 You don't have to go along with what the crowd is doing if you don't want to.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's good to work out so you gain muscles.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's not okay to yell at other people.,1,0.24999999999999994 You shouldn't reveal someone's secret side.,1,0.5 "If your friend gets mad at you for your beliefs, it's okay to be hurt.",1,0.5 It's good to apologize when you're not cool about something.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to find the right partner for yourself.,1,0.5 It's not okay to not have people in real life to talk to.,1,0.5 You shouldn't be with someone who only wants to party with their friends and not spend time with you.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to be rude.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's expected that you'll understand common joke formats.,0,0.0 "If you have a wound, you should get it cleaned up so it doesn't get infected.",1,0.5 It's normal to want a partner back.,1,0.5 It's okay to need motivation to finish your goals,1,0.5 It's hurtful when someone makes fun of the way you talk.,0,0.0 It's good to do things for your health.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's wrong to use people.,1,0.5 It's wrong to send that use too many filters.,1,0.7499999999999999 You should encourage your spouse to see a therapist when they return from combat.,1,0.5 It's okay to feel good when you send a greeting card.,1,0.24999999999999994 Getting over excited is frowned upon.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's okay to be worried about your spouse when they're exhausted.,1,0.5 It's bad to do things at work that might get you fired.,1,0.5 It's bad to do poorly in school.,1,0.5 You shouldn't run from the cops.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to want to be kind to others.,1,0.5 You should be careful not to drop things.,1,0.5 It's understood that sometimes things don't work out for the best.,1,0.5 It's good to communicate with your spouse.,0,0.0 It's good to remember a lost loved one.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's fine to live your life based on other people's wants.,1,0.24999999999999994 Not everyone can be expected to be able to solve their issues in life on their own.,1,0.7499999999999999 It's expected that people will get to know one another before becoming a couple.,1,0.5 It's good to be supportive of your family when they come out.,1,0.5 You are expected to put your children ahead of anything else,1,0.7499999999999999 It's wrong to take something you don't want,1,0.7499999999999999 You shouldn't expect your ex to not have sex after the relationship is over.,1,0.5 It's good to wear black to a funeral so you can pay respect to the dead.,1,0.5 It's good to want to be able to back up your words.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is expected that not everyone will be a good fit for a job.,0,0.0 It's expected that you report a child who has gone missing.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's bad to be a pervert.,1,0.5 It's okay to be cautious about who you give your information to,1,0.5 It is herioc to save someone from danger.,1,0.24999999999999994 "If you're afraid of food, you should get help.",1,0.5 When you buy something new you are expected to want to open it up.,1,0.24999999999999994 It is wrong to gamble.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's good to be responsible.,1,0.5 It's wrong to say things around kids that could influence them in a negative way.,0,0.0 It's okay to bother someone about things if they are important to you.,1,0.5 You shouldn't have doubts about your abilities.,1,0.24999999999999994 It's okay to be horrified when you have been kidnapped.,1,0.24999999999999994 You should not pursue a relationship with someone much younger than you.,1,0.5 It is normal to address your parents as mom and dad.,1,0.7499999999999999