--- license: apache-2.0 language: - ru tags: - benchmark task_ids: - acceptability-classification pretty_name: RuBLiMP size_categories: - 10K Word Formation - **Addition of Extra Morphemes: Uninterpretable Suffix Combinations** (`add_new_suffix`) \ Adding a new suffix to the noun or adjective to create a non-existing word - **Addition of Extra Morphemes: Verb Prefixes** (`add_verb_prefix`) \ Adding a prefix to a verb to create a violation of prefix stacking rules. - **Morpheme Permutation: Verb Prefixes** (`change_verb_prefixes_order`) \ Changing the order of the verb's prefixes to create a violation of prefix stacking rules.
Word Inflection - **Replacement of Inflectional Affixes: Noun Declensions (Simple)** (`change_declension_ending`) \ Changing the inflectional suffixes of a noun to the suffixes of another declension - **Replacement of Inflectional Affixes: Declensions of Nouns With Agreeing Dependents** (`change_declension_ending_has_dep`) \ Changing the inflectional suffixes of a noun to the suffixes of another declension in the presence of an agreeing noun modifier - **Inflectional Affixes: Verbal Conjugation Swap** (`change_verb_conjugation`) \ Replacing the verb’s inflection with inflection of the opposite conjugation
### Syntax
Government - **Prepositional Government** (`adp_government_case`) \ Changing the case of a noun, governed by a preposition - **Verbal Government: Direct Object** (`verb_acc_object`) \ Changing the case of a direct verb object - **Verbal Government: Genitive Object** (`verb_gen_object`) \ Changing the case of an indirect verb object in Genitive case - **Verbal Government: Object in Instrumental Case** (`verb_ins_object`) \ Changing the case of an indirect verb object in Instrumental case - **Verbal Government: Nominalizations** (`nominalization_cas`) \ Changing the case of a dependent of a nominalization
Subject-Predicate Agreement - **Subject-Predicate Agreement (Number)** (`noun_subj_predicate_agreement_number`) \ Changing the number of the predicate to be distinct from its subject's (or, sometimes, changing number of the subject to be distinct from its predicate's) - **Genitive Subject-Predicate Agreement (Number)** (`genitive_subj_predicate_agreement_number`) \ Changing the number of the predicate to plural, when subject is genitive and the agreement must be the default singular neuter - **Clausal Subject-Predicate Agreement (Number)** (`clause_subj_predicate_agreement_number`) \ Changing the number of the predicate to plural, when subject is a clause and the agreement must be the default singular neuter - **Subject-Predicate Agreement in Presence of an Attractor (Number)** (`subj_predicate_agreement_number_attractor`) \ Changing the number of the verb to that, which is different from the subject, but the same as subject's dependent, or the attractor - **Subject-Predicate Agreement (Gender)** (`noun_subj_predicate_agreement_gender`) \ Changing the gender of the predicate to be distinct from its subject's (or, sometimes, changing number of the subject to be distinct from its predicate's) - **Genitive Subject-Predicate Agreement (Gender)** (`genitive_subj_predicate_agreement_gender`) Changing the gender of the predicate to feminine or masculine, when subject is genitive and the agreement must be the default singular neuter - **Clausal Subject-Predicate Agreement (Gender)** (`clause_subj_predicate_agreement_gender`) \ Changing the gender of the predicate to feminine or masculine, when subject is a clause and the agreement must be the default singular neuter - **Subject-Predicate Agreement in Presence of an Attractor (Gender)** (`subj_predicate_agreement_gender_attractor`) \ Changing the gender of the verb to that, which is different from the subject, but the same as subject's dependent, or the attractor - **Subject-Predicate Agreement (Person)** (`noun_subj_predicate_agreement_person`) \ Changing the person of the predicate to be distinct from its subject's - **Genitive Subject-Predicate Agreement (Person)** (`genitive_subj_predicate_agreement_person`) \ Changing the person of the predicate to first or second person, when subject is genitive and the agreement must be the default third person singular - **Clausal Subject-Predicate Agreement (Person)** (`clause_subj_predicate_agreement_person`) \ Changing the person of the predicate to first or second person, when subject is a clause and the agreement must be the default third person singular
Anaphor Agreement - **Anaphor Agreement (Number)** (`anaphor_agreement_number`) \ Changing the number of the relative pronoun or of its head noun - **Anaphor Agreement (Gender)** (`anaphor_agreement_gender`) \ Changing the gender of the relative pronoun
Noun Phrase Agreement - **Noun Phrase Agreement (Number)** (`np_agreement_number`) \ Changing the number of an agreeing adjective - **Noun Phrase Agreement (Gender)** (`np_agreement_gender`) \ Changing the gender of an agreeing adjective - **Noun Phrase Agreement (Case)** (`np_agreement_case`) \ Changing the case of an agreeing adjective
Floating Quantifier Agreement - **Floating Quantifier Agreement (Number)** (`floating_quantifier_agreement_number`) \ Changing the number of the quantifier or of the controller - **Floating Quantifier Agreement (Gender)** (`floating_quantifier_agreement_gender`) \ Changing the gender of the quantifier or of the controller - **Floating Quantifier Agreement (Case)** (`floating_quantifier_agreement_case`) \ Changing the case of the quantifier or of the controller
Reflexives - **External Possessor** (`external_possessor`) \ Change a noun phrase or a pronoun to a reflexive pronoun sebya ‘self’ in a *u*-phrase inside the existential *be*-possessive construction.
Negation - **Negative Concord** (`negative_concord`) \ Shifting the negative particle *ne* from a negated verb to another word in the sentence to violate negative concord rules. - **Replacement of a Negative Pronoun with an Indefinite One** (`negative_pronoun_to_indefinite`) \ Replacing an negative pronoun in the construction without a negated verb to an indefinite pronoun - **Replacement of an Indefinite Pronoun with a Negative One** (`indefinite_pronoun_to_negative`) \ Replacing an indefinite pronoun in the construction with a negated verb to a negative pronoun
### Semantics
Argument Structure - **Transitivity** (`transitive_verb`) \ Replacing a transitive verb with an intransitive one - **Animate Subject of a Transitive Verb** (`transitive_verb_subject`) \ Swapping the subject and the direct object of a transitive verb or replacing the subject with a random inanimate word - **Animate Subject of a Passive Verb** (`transitive_verb_passive`) \ Swapping the subject and the direct object of a transitive verb in a passive construction or replacing the subject with a random inanimate word - **Animate Direct Object of a Transitive Verb** (`transitive_verb_object`) \ Replacing the direct object with a random inanimate word - **Animate Indirect Object of a Transitive Verb** (`transitive_verb_iobject`) \ Swapping the subject and the indirect object of a transitive verb or replacing the indirect subject of a transitive verb with a random inanimate word
Aspect - **Incompatibility of the Perfective with the Semantics of Duration** (`change_duration_aspect`) \ Replacing an imperfective verb with a perfective one in contexts with semantics of duration - **Impossibility of the Perfective in Repetitive Situations** (`change_repetition_aspect`) \ Replacing an imperfective verb with a perfective one in contexts with semantics of repetition - **Impossibility of the Perfective Under Negated Strong Deontic Verbs** (`deontic_imperative_aspect`) \ Replacing an imperfective verb with a perfective one in contexts with a negated deontic verb
Tense - **Tense** (`single_verb_tense`) \ Changing verb tense in the presence of a temporal adverbial - **Tense (coordination)** (`conj_verb_tense`) \ Changing the tense of a conjoined verb in the presence of a temporal adverbial - **Tense Markers** (`tense_marker`) \ Changing a temporal adverbial in a sentence with a tense-marked verb
## Additional Information ### Dataset Curators [Ekaterina Taktasheva](https://github.com/evtaktasheva) ([@evtaktasheva](https://huggingface.co/evtaktasheva)), [Maxim Bazhukov](https://github.com/bamaxi) ([@bamaxi](https://huggingface.co/bamaxi)), [Kirill Koncha](https://github.com/kirillkoncha) ([@midwestcyr](https://huggingface.co/midwestcyr)), [Ekaterina Artemova](https://github.com/artemovae) ([@KatyaA](https://huggingface.co/KatyaA)), [Vladislav Mikhailov](https://github.com/vmkhlv) ([@vmkhlv](https://huggingface.co/vmkhlv)) ### Licensing Information Apache 2.0 ### Citation Information ``` @misc{taktasheva2024rublimprussianbenchmarklinguistic, title={RuBLiMP: Russian Benchmark of Linguistic Minimal Pairs}, author={Ekaterina Taktasheva and Maxim Bazhukov and Kirill Koncha and Alena Fenogenova and Ekaterina Artemova and Vladislav Mikhailov}, year={2024}, eprint={2406.19232}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.CL}, url={https://arxiv.org/abs/2406.19232}, } ```